#I have a dentist appointment on the 17th
blujayonthewing · 11 months
fucking around with makeup for nerd reasons at my desk and pointing bright LEDs right at my own face and looking at it kinda close up gave me an exceptionally clear look at my teeth and anyway I wanna die
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 11 months
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AFTERMARE WEEK: Day 7- the end of a beginning/ the beginning of the end
make me believe and raise my hopes up one last time, then haunt my dreams for the rest of my life
aftermare week is hosted by @bluepallilworld
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megumi-fm · 8 months
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16th - 20th October || 86 to 90 days of 100 150dop
hi besties! it's been a while since i updated on here properly. there was kind of an infestation issue but now it's all flushed out and I'm back! i've decided to upgrade my days of productivity challenge to 150 total days because i have 40 days of uni remaining (as well as additional exam days) and I wanted to note all of them down and wrap it up in this challenge itself. I'm also gonna start adding memes and random non-productivity updates, just so I feel more motivated to actually post stuff, instead of procrastinating and clubbing too many days at once.
🎶: Hayloft II by Mother Mother 🔉: MAG053 The Crusader
💌: today I am grateful for music! i've been in a funk recently, but my playlists has really been helping me through it <3
my main focus for the past few days and especially today (20th Oct) has been to complete an assignment on 3D bioprinting and it's relevance in drug testing. I've done a lot of research and learnt a lot of interesting things, but my interest has also led me to getting too distracted and not actually wrapping up the project. I really hope I finish it by tonight, I like how it's looking so far.
i spent yesterday (19th Oct) with my cousins and my sister, I took them to this gaming arcade and babysat them for the day. they seemed to have a good time, I enjoyed a day out of the house as well. we spent so much time there, I managed to upgrade the game card to a gold tier :P we also had taco bell for lunch <3
the day before that (18th Oct) I spent a couple hours on my week3 neuroscience lectures. the concepts are comparatively challenging to understand, so i sat through them many times, I'm yet to make notes for them
on Tuesday (17th Oct) I had extra classes (booo it was the most boring time ever) and a dentist appointment after, so I couldn't really get much done. the dental clinic was just a kilometer or two away from home, so I just walked back, taking pictures of the greenery on the way
i didn't have uni on Monday (16th Oct) so I ended up waking up late but i did clean my room and chart out a work plan the weeks until this semester ends. I've been trying to follow it best I can but oh well, things keep popping up from time to time
in the midst of this I'm in the midst of massive nationwide cricket fever (the world cup is going on and we're doing really well! we've won every match we played so far!) It's also festival time here so I have holidays this week (we don't celebrate at home but my friends call me home and I get to partake with them so it's really nice). And this is coupled with my insane levels of consumption of The Magnus Archives Podcast 24/7 xD. Additionally, I have quite a chunk of AI-ML work to get done by this week (SGD and XBoost model development) and I don't know the first thing about it or where to even start so I'm kind of avoiding it for the moment. Hoping to start that once I'm done with this 3d bioprinting presentation. Fingers crossed!
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hopeless-studious · 11 months
Monday, July 17th, 2023 ✧༚* °.
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You wouldn't believe the luck but the opening I wanted to go to was postponed by two hours which meant I could get to my dentist's appointment and get to the opening in time and it was soooo good! I did have to skip some of the desserts they served there but I bought an embroidered vest and it. is. perfect.
✧ Done Today ✧
Dentist appointment
Boutique-Lounge opening
More sims lets go
would you call today unproductive? I'd say it was fun. I still need to go buy that birthday gift though... The mentioned birthday is tomorrow... Im so tired T-T I'll just finish this and go get sleep and stuff. Song go brrr ("Burn Butcher Burn" as performed by "Joey Batey)
Footnote: I'd say the best thing in The Witcher Netflix is the soundtrack... and maybe Geralt's new armor.
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cerberuscaeli · 2 years
I just need to rant, it will be unter the cut, so you can just ignore it if you don't want to read it. But also a quick thing, my next fic will be either an Xiao or Childe fic (or maybe Kaeya? Let me know which character you would prefer.) And will be a pretty self indulgant fic bc I need it. It'll be a bit angsty with some comfort, but I just need to figure out which char I want to pair up with. It will be about a reader that has difficulties sitting still and normally doesn't really get bothered by it until someone says something about it and reader gets insecure and the paired character being sweet and all comforting etc. ♡
Rant under the read more button. (You can just scroll away if you don't want to read it.)
I'll add dates to it to make it a bit clear.
Anyways, so thursday 16 June I had to let a CT scan taken for my lower jaw. I have a wisdom teeth that is growing wrongly and they needed pictures for the operation because the wisdom teeth is near a nerve and if it goes wrong I can lose feeling in my lower lip.
So, I am someone that cannot lay still or sit still. I always need something in my hands to fumble with, wether it is when I am walking, or when in class, if I don't have anything in my hands to fumble with I keep bouncing my legs or just keep changing positions I am sitting in.
Anyways, so I had to take that scan and needed to lay still for it. It normally doesn't take long. I had to do it 3 freaking times!! The first time the iron piece of my mask was on it so they had to take it away. Second time I apparantly swallowed when the picture got taken, swallowing also got count as movement (and the entire time I tried to lay still, but I kept getting twitches in my legs and head from forcing myself to lay still.)
So, the doctor taking those scans walked up to me, placed my head back right and I tried to keep the sticks in my mouth but not biting on it. (Idk why they gave me sticks to put under my teeth, probably to get a certain angle of my jaw.) And well I was already starting to panic, tears welling in my eyes but the doctor would tell me when I could swallow and when not.
So 3rd round finished and she told me I was done and did well and I once again told her I found it very difficult bc I can't lay still. Anyways, it was done and I could go home.
Friday 17th June we got a call from the hospital apparantly I had also moved on the 3rd!! round of taking the scan picture, I bursted out in crying!! I tried so hard to lay still only to hear it wasn't good and the soonest I could take a new scan would be end June.
So, I was in tears so my mom called around mainly to ask if I still could get my wisfom teeth get removed. Even when it would be just 1 or 2 out of those 4. They told me they would call back on Monday, June 20. My operation is supposed to be on Wednesday June 22.
My wisdom teeth have been hurting like a bitch since November 2021, we got me a dentist appointment somewhere on January 2022, and I got a scan in April and got the operation planned for this month. (For that scan I had to olace my chin on a holder and then the devide would turn around me. I once again had a hard time keeping my head still and to not move.)
And in the whole meantime the communication between the hospital and us sucked as fuck. They had papers for the CT scan but we didn't know anything about it!
Anyways, back to today (June 17.) I made an appointment with my doctor, luckily being able to go today and we told about everything that happened and how annoying and insecure it all made me. We talked about what it could be, if it could be of my medication I take for my epilepsy or if we should test me on ADHD, but then my doctor went all sweet!!
She asked me what I would get if I took the test and I said "Just a label," where she responded on that I said that well and she told me that I was just me. That those ticks (she called it them) were a part of me. That it is who I am and no one should say differently and that it was wrong from the hospital to act like that etc. And that it doesn't matter if I am a more of a restless or nervous person because that is what makes me 'me', and she for sure boosted my confidence back up, I'm so gratefull for that!!
Of course it still haunts me and is literally keeping me awake, even though my doctor is totally right, my ticks are a part of me. Not being able to sit still is a part of me. It's who I am. But well, knowing that it did mess up the 3 tries of the scan still weighs heavily on me.
I just hope the operantion can happen as I have been going through hell with the pain for months. I even took antibiotics twice! I'm just so done with it and just needed to get it off my chest.
So, lots of cookies to anyone that readnit ♡♡
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nylarac · 1 year
so in the past 48 hours:
had a dentist appointment that i thought was for a cleaning but apparently was just for an evaluation and they didn't have another opening until friday
found out it's going to be over 100 dollars for the cleaning and also that there's some issue with a root canal i had done and now i need to see a specialist that my insurance doesn't cover
realized the ac for my car i literally just got fixed already stopped working again
found out that apparently my last day is actually the 31st of this month, not february 17th like i was originally told
i am only getting a severance of 2 weeks which is also taxed
and one of my friends who works at the same place (and just got a raise super recently??) also just found out they're being laid off with the same end date as me
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reckless-blossoms · 2 months
The Tooth Extraction Saga
Welcome to my online diary page where I rant and timeline my experience thus far with a tooth extraction gone wrong (and unfortunately, not gone sexual)
To be updated via edits as the saga continues...
Context: My parents were neglectful in a few ways, one of them being dental care. Couple that with never brushing my teeth ever because of depression, and you have an adult with very bad teeth despite very good dental hygiene. I've been slowly working on it. I managed to reverse my gingivitis and I paused the progression of my current cavities as much as I can, but I still a good handful of fillings and root canals or extractions.
The Set Up: One night, while chilling in VC with friends, I was eating a granola bar. I noticed something odd on my tooth, I figure it must be an oat stuck to my tooth. I prod it with my tongue, nothing. I reach a finger there and pull on it. Crack. Spits piece of tooth out. Next morning, call dentist, schedule appointment, get x-rayed, get scheduled for an extraction because the tooth is broken too far down and is unsalvageable. Despite how it looks, no pain aside from increased sensitivity.
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Wednesday, April 17th: Go in for extraction. The tooth is cracked strangely so it takes more working and fighting than my past extractions. They removed one piece then had to go back in to fetch another because it broke further down. Go home, chill, bleeding stops at normal time, whatevs.
Thursday: All still going fine. I go on a gentle walk to sit outside and read, and yet I am heckled by a few different guys. The second of them really scared and upset me by yelling at me out their car, and I, uh, maybe spat at them for it.
10 minutes later I spit out some soft foul-smelling orange substance. I don't feel instant horrible pain so I kind of just figure, kind of just hope, that it was old food that was stuck in there.
Friday: I am fine all day, I look in the mirror and it appears I have a nice red blood clot in the area.
But later in the afternoon, after my dentist office is closed of course, I decide to shine a light in there and it's... Gray. The kinda crumbly gray look of dry socket. But I am not in severe, excruciating pain you see. I go to bed anxious. I look up hours of my dentist and local emergency dentists in case I need pain medicine.
Saturday: Still anxious as shit, I call off work. I have a terrible taste in my mouth and don't really know what to do but lay in bed and recover. The pain isn't terrible but there's a dull ache, a sort of itchiness in there. I need ibuprofen to fall asleep. My bf informs me that I worried him because I smell sick, in fact like a rotting corpse.
Sunday: I wake up feeling better and after showering, putting on totally fresh clothes, using deodorant, cologne, and then wearing my usual N95 mask and drinking water throughout the day I feel like I can go out and make some money and I do just that. I decide I will not look at my mouth anymore and just leave it to the dentist.
Monday: Call dentist. They say it could be a dry socket, they say to call my surgeon. I call him, he re-assures me that dry socket is so painful there usually isn't such a thing as wondering if you have it, you just know, because of the pain. But, he tells me to call the main office back and schedule a meeting for Thursday. First night that I don't need ibuprofen to sleep. Have nightmare about that tooth still being there, and it shattering into pieces and spitting all the pieces out.
Tuesday: Woke up feeling way better, and allegedly no longer smell like a decaying carcass. Check my mouth, the gray crumbly gunk is still there but much higher than it was so I think that means I'm healing since sockets heal from the bottom up.
I go out and do some things, then come home and do some housework. Kicking up dust makes me sneeze instantly and I rush to the bathroom to see if I've given myself dry socket for real this time, and I think I'm fine, but... I'm pretty fuckin' sure I see a piece of tooth poking out now. I figure it's working itself out so I should just let my body do it's thing, or wait for the dentist to pop it out during my appointment Thursday.
I looked at it again and I swear the gray stuff is going away? There is DEFINITELY a tooth chip in there though I know for a fact. I took a picture to show my dentist to prove I'm not insane.
Wednesday: Tooth chip appears to have moved? Unless it's not a tooth chip? Not much to say today, was out and about then when I was home I was doing housework.
When brushing my teeth before bed, I noticed something in the one molar behind my socket. Some red thing, kinda figured it was some piece of food. I gently brush at it and suddenly a quarter of my mouth is flooded with red liquid, but... It doesn't hurt, and doesn't even taste metallic? I am no longer asking questions about anything with this tooth anymore.
Thursday: Went to dentist. Told there's nothing problematic. I'm just recovering slowly, and also, that tooth was abscessed, so shit's gonna be weird and gross in there. Chip will work its way out on its own.
Many days later: The scab in my mouth is gone, but the hole is still healing. I am permanently paranoid about my teeth breaking again, or the tooth next to the socket falling out, but alas, I will simply pick up more shifts to fund this.
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amandaroche1-blog · 2 months
I got on OK at my Dentist Appointment, the Filling on the Bottom Left of my Mouth Fell Out which is Why I was having Trouble, the Dentist put in a Temporary Filling until I go Back. He also Suggested that I have Keep Brushing, he wasn't Mad, just Explained that if I don't the Fillings are gonna Keep Falling Out because my Teeth WILL Decay and they are gonna have to Keep Fixing them. I go Back on Wednesday the 17th of April at 02:00pm. 💜💚
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gaypirate · 5 months
one of my fillings came out a couple nights ago and the dentist didn't have any appointments until the 17th so i just have to suffer i guess...
food is getting jammed into my gums :[
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Today has made me think of the fact that when I went and last got my braces tightened, they asked if I wanted my dentist appointment on November 16th or 17th. I didn’t know how to explain that I explicitly could not have my braces done on the 16th. I ended up saying I was less likely to miss school on the Friday lmfao
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albonium · 1 year
my dentist refused to just make me a new mouth guard i have to wait until my appointment on the 17th to get a new one when the one i currently have is chewed through 😑
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
[Open Your Mouth] Chapter 3 - O
See previous chapters here: AO3 | Tumblr
Summary: She downs her mimosa in one long drink and snaps her fingers. The television shuts blank, and she sashays her way to a room. It looks just like any other wall partition but it opens to an expansive study. It has a day bed on the side, a long table, and her most comfortable swivel chair. Metallic chairs are folded on the side for her clients.Taking up the rest of the space are shelves filled with her favorite books. In the middle, sandwiched by volumes of Crime and Punishment and Les Miserables are jars of teeth submerged in liquid, white, sparkly, well-maintained. On the other end of the wall is a chest box which also functions like a wide ottoman. Except that it isn’t. It’s a freezer for the meat she has yet to eat.
March 7, 2021, 12:03 PM
“Open your mouth please.” Her bright emerald irises pop out from her mask as she probes the inside of his mouth. Sasuke feels the metal tool scrape against his tooth on the lower left. His tongue is on the edge of making a clucking sound, but he winces from a sharp pain when she moves his tooth from front to back.
“It’s loose,” she confirms for him. He recognizes notes of jasmine in her proximity. “I can extract it for you now. You’ll just have to spend the rest of the day under pain killers.”
He dropped by her clinic during his lunch break, intending to take up her offer in the off chance that she accepts walk-ins.
Of course, it was situated on the 25th floor of one of Senju’s high rise buildings which houses their offshoot businesses in the medical field; one floor for every niche – a chiropractor on the tenth, a hair transplant on the 17th, herbal practitioners on the 20th.
Of course, the brunette receptionist with a very sharp eyeliner sent him away, and looked at him pointedly with visible annoyance when he brought up that the dentist offered the appointment herself. People often tell him he’s handsome, and he gets to use this pretty privilege during the conduct of cases sometimes. But people here are immune to his so-called stoic charm.
Of course, it’s probably because there are far richer, far more aristocratic clients than him that would have naturally made a beeline towards the beautiful dentist.
He clucks nonetheless, his tongue grazing against the cold metal. “Can you do it under thirty?”
“Rushing for an appointment?” She gets the syringe from her assistant and taps it on her delicate wrist.
“Vying if I could get ten more minutes for an ice cream.” Her hands are light and quick to inject the anesthesia in the surrounding gums. He hears her soft chuckle against her mask.
“Not the first time that someone did that move.” She hands him his cone with one scoop of mint chocolate.
“I’m not a fan of sweets if you should know,” he says. “Is strong arm strength needed for a dentist?” Two big bites from the top.
Sakura blushes with an intensity, he notes, and in contrast her actions – she shies away her gaze from his stare with her fingers devoid of any jewelry. “You’re as direct as everyone in your lot goes, huh?”
“Is the topic too morbid for you, Dr. Haruno?”
“I’m keeping tabs with the news but I forego the specifics.” She fiddles with her two scoops of double dutch in a small cup. “But to answer your question, you only need to have the right leverage, an accurate position, and a good angle to ease out the naughtiest of teeth. However, it’s really an advantage to have great arm strength. It can get tiring after the twelve noon patient.”
Sasuke finishes his ice cream in the next three bites, feeling nothing in his mouth, the anesthesia still kicking, but he can taste the blood mingle with the freshness of mint, a tinge of rust in the sweetness on his tongue. “You’re not as bothersome as everyone in your lot.”
She raises both of her eyebrows, not sure if she understands his underlying implications.
“Dr. Tsunade Senju and Dan Haruno, top billing general surgeons of the medical world.”
Her mouth opens to form a small and soundless oh. “Ah I’m sure you already snuffed most information about me – it goes that way, right? Ah? Not at all? – So the thing is….I’m not their legitimate daughter. I’m adopted.”
He didn’t have to snuff, these are all open information in the playground of the rich. “A stroke of luck to land on a high end and well managed orphanage.” Her immense wealth does not translate to jewelry, face jobs, and fancy lash lifts. On her breast pocket are three pilot coletos, an apple watch on her wrist, mid-budget choice of clothes, and comfortable white Nike sneakers to be later replaced with a good fit of block heels. When summed up, they barely make a dent out of her daily worth. The rest of the money must have been channeled to her clinic’s state of the art facilities.
“You could say that I struck gold with my circumstances since then.” She spoons out a big chunk of her ice cream.
“But not prior.” The sugar brown cone also disappears in his mouth, all the chewing done by only one side.
“Amnesia. I reportedly had a traumatic head injury when they found me.” Her pink locks drift to the side, her head tilted in expectation of his further prodding.
Sasuke twists the line to another direction, and he captures the quick change of her microexpression from subtle guarding to surprise. “Would it be possible to inject one strong dose of anesthesia to the full mouth and extract all teeth?”
“Enough to knock them unconscious,” she confirms.
And kill them without sound, Sasuke surmises. He stands up and taps his wristwatch. “My ten minutes with you is up. I take it my extraction procedure is free?”
“I’m sure you’ll afford the next one.” She continues to fiddle with her cup as she watches him go.
Sasuke halts in his exiting steps and looks back at Sakura like it’s an afterthought. “If you’d like a payment, a dinner wouldn’t be so bad.” He turns on his heels and doesn’t stop, he can hear a faint laughter behind his back.
March 10, 2021, 7:16 PM
“Did I keep you waiting?” He slides on the seat across her and takes in her body language as well as their milieu.
They agreed to meet at seven sharp but Kakashi had asked for another briefing from him so he was held back. Her soft expression, in all its exuding naivety, gives nothing away. “This place doesn’t have no reservations, Detective.”
“Just Sasuke,” he remarks. He clucks his tongue in appreciation. “A hole in the wall noodle place. You frequent this area?”
“A reminder that you gave me the green light to choose.” She’s dressed today in an olive sweatshirt tucked into a neat pair of trousers and velvet loafers – a right mix of classy and casual. “It’s my assistant’s go-to. He would always bring me the best-selling set after a grueling work day so I asked for an address.”
“Thanks for the consideration, Dr. Haruno,” he says. Their order arrives minutes after, and she flashes an apologetic smile. For ordering beforehand Frankly speaking, he expected her to bring him into a Michelin restaurant – one to boost her reputation and second to blanket her in safety of familiar breeds. Or maybe safety is much better in company of anonymity.
“Just Sakura.”
They finish two plates of dimsum and almost empty out the small bottle of chili oil, garlic, sesame, and soy sauce concoction. Sipping a glass of soy milk after a bounty feast, Sasuke reviews the facts again in his mind.
“A penny for your thoughts?” Sakura asks, finished with her drink.
“Give me a hundred bucks then.”
“How many coffee orders would those be worth?”
Sasuke smirks in spite of himself. He changes topics again, on to the mundane life of a Senju-Haruno heir.
“How is the case progressing by the way?”
He glances up and notes the curiosity and fear in her eyes. “Classified information.”
She leans, plates with crumbles and half-empty glasses in between, and tilts her head, her rose locks spilling from her back. “Will they come for me?”
An alarm ticks off somewhere in his mind. “What makes you think so?” They’ve only had one body so far with no other indication of a succeeding death.
He sees that she bites the inside of her mouth, and she fiddles again with the cutlery in front of her. “Maybe I’m just overthinking.”
About ten minutes later, he ushers her outside the rather dingy restaurant but when no car arrives to escort her back to her place, he encourages her to place an uber. He could ask her to ride with him but the mere implications are layered, and he’s not ready for that quite yet. She gives him a look when he opens the door to her uber, an unspoken question she is yet to articulate. When he gets nothing within seconds, he waves goodbye.
“Give me a text when you’re home,” he says although he shouldn’t have.
“It has been an interesting night,” she replies. “Detective.”
The car finally drives away, and he remains with the remnants of her jasmine scent.
March 13, 2021, 5:49 PM, The second body
“You are not going to release that profile,” the wife of Haru Kagoshi says. She also stands as the chief overseas director of Haru Light, Inc. “Are you insinuating that my husband fucked a gay man?”
“Fuck is a callous word. Watch your tone,” the CEO of Mingwa Industries warn. “Are you sure you’re on the right track?”
“With all due respect, Captain Yamato is the best we have in the country in the field of criminal profiling. He knows what he’s doing,” Asuma assures everyone.
“And are your detectives doing the proper work? Are you covering all fields?” the Mingwa COO pointedly looks at Sasuke. “Because as far as performance goes, you’re allowing that killer to cripple our economy by snuffing out the next best minds.”
Kakashi’s eyes roll in sync with Sasuke’s at the cripple our economy.
Yamato stands up and offers a cup of coffee at the recently widowed which she explicitly ignores. “We will not be identifying the gender of the killer, but we need to narrow it down to males. Of course, it’s up to the public how they will presume it is connected to the genital mutilation.”
“Fuck you,” the widow says. “You know we can cut off your institutional funding, right?”
Kakashi has started massaging his forehead, a sign that he is nearing his bullshit tolerance level. “Yes you can, but we have an annual appropriation from the government. And cutting off our resources won’t solve this case any faster.”
“-with your due respect,” Asuma adds, hoping to de-escalate the situation.
The grandfather CEO of Mingwa Industries scoffs. “We’ll just have to launch our individual investigation then. In case you might be intentionally sabotaging the progress of this case, isn’t that right, Uchiha Sasuke?”
The disdain in his voice when Uchiha rolls off his tongue is jarring and pointed. Sasuke smirks in defiance, willing to push these elites further to the edge of self-destruction. Years in a gray cubicle and thousands of meters walked in company to a reviewing mind, he found that money could get you somewhere – just not the finish line. “You’d better keep an eye out on me then.”
“What the fuck was that about?” Asuma sneers at the detective department after the white collars scampered off. “They are strong lobbyists backing powerful politicians. We shouldn’t be picking a fight with them.”
“He started it,” Sasuke points to Kakashi who shrugs.
“Anyway, Yamato and I will prepare to announce the profile to the media, just a vague description, and then we’ll work on a composite sketch based on these assumptions,” Kakashi pats Asuma’s shoulders. “Ease up. I’m sure Sasuke and his team are doing their best.”
“I’m not doubting an Uchiha, but I’m doubting the way your petty behaviors get in the process of investigation. Now get out and do your jobs.” The Chief Police retrieves a half-emptied pack of cigarettes and lights up a stick. “This job is giving me cancer.”
11:13 PM
She sips her third glass of mimosa as her eyes drift to the sound of her television. A big banner of breaking news is placed below with the caption authorities release a profile: a serial killer at hand?
She chuckles, almost spilling the cocktail on her fingers. She drifts closer to the screen and her nails stick on the necks of the silver-haired man and the man who she assumes is the criminal profiler.
“Authorities confirm that Armando Mingwa and Haru Kagoshi have been killed by the same person. Renowned profiler Captain Yamato reveals the breakdown of the suspect – male with a minimum height of 5’7, age from late 20s to early 30s, and frequents the high-end districts. When asked if we have a serial killer at large, the chief detective and the profiler neither confirmed nor deny.”
She downs her mimosa in one long drink and snaps her fingers. The television shuts blank, and she sashays her way to a room. It looks just like any other wall partition but it opens to an expansive study. It has a day bed on the side, a long table, and her most comfortable swivel chair. Metallic chairs are folded on the side for her clients.Taking up the rest of the space are shelves filled with her favorite books. In the middle, sandwiched by volumes of Crime and Punsihment and Les Miserables are jars of teeth submerged in liquid, white, sparkly, well-maintained.
On the other end of the wall is a chest box which also functions like a wide ottoman. Except that it isn’t. It’s a freezer for the meat she has yet to eat.
March 24, 2021, 1:10 PM
“So what was the dentist’s alibi?” Neji asks the sullen detective.
“He had a meditation class for each date – January 29 and February 27 – which runs for five hours. They time it with the moon cycles. I also called his teacher – she prefers to be called witch ­– and confirmed his attendance.” Sasuke clucks his tongue. “However, they are a class of 100. He can easily slip out when everyone else is closing their eyes and saying humbda dumda.”
He glances at the map on the wall, pins already on the dumpsites, and he zeroes in on the address smack in the middle. “And he can dump the body with his nondescript car and go back in again. Did you know he has three cars – a Tesla, Mercedes, and a black pick-up?”
Tenten carries a fresh pot of coffee to the table and stares at their evidence board. “I’m guessing it’s the same truck with the garbage ones – those going through the suburbs?”
Sasuke nods. “He says it’s for farming. He has a land on the rural side of the district.”
Jugo raises a brow. “That ends my snooping in with the golden spoons.”
“Not quite Jugo.” Neji fills himself a cup. “These people socialize in the same circles you know.”
Someone knocks on the open door of the room and raises a box of cake. “Delivery for you, Detective Uchiha.” The staff attempts to enter but Jugo raises a finger to stop her.
“Who’s it from?” Jugo asks. “It might be the killer.”
The staff scratches the back of her head. “I don’t think the killer is a beautiful pink-haired lady with green eyes.”
All heads turn curiously to Sasuke who gets the cake from the staff. “It’s my punishment.”
Tenten’s eyes narrow at the name on the card. Haruno Sakura. “How is it a punishment? She brought you – us – sweets.”
“She knows I hate sweets. Help yourself though.”
“So you’re dating?” Neji says it with disbelief. “How? You’re barely in the office and – oh my god, you’re skipping hours aren’t you!”
Jugo repeats the name over and over. “Fuck. You’re seeing the Haruno Sakura? She’s as recluse as the oddball heirs go, but I’ve only heard good things from her. I heard she’s very skilled with her hands. Experienced it yet, Uchiha?”
Sasuke kicks him in the shin as soon as he’s done talking. “Firsthand. A tooth on the lower left. Now shut up and get back to work.”
April 12, 2021, 6:17 AM, The third body
The team congregates in the morgue. Another body. Only this time, it was found on a ravine, some parts already devoured by wild animals.
“It’s Fugashi Imamu, current overseas director of Imamu Holdings,” the medical examiner tells them. “Same methods done but there’s more clotting on the crotch area, indicating his genital was mutilated while he was still alive.”
Jugo and Neji both groan inwardly.
“He has an eight-year old.” Tenten crosses her arms in front of her. “A math wizard.”
Sasuke closes his eyes, fending off the initial signs of a migraine. The cases kept piling, and they were nowhere close to a lead. “Can you estimate the date of death?”
“I wouldn’t know just yet with all the rigor mortis and animal attacks. But if we pattern this with the recent killings, and the body was dumped within the last two weeks, the killing must have taken place on the last week of March.”
11:13 AM
March 29, Sasuke thinks about the ME’s latest message. There must be a pattern for the dates of killings. And if there was, they are up against an intelligent killer, a methodical one. He must have a list of targets with a step by step process on how to approach and kill each one. He plans weeks ahead with several contingencies.
“Captain Yamato confirms the ME’s assumption. There really is a pattern,” Tenten tells the team. “Unfortunately, the information already reached the golden spoon team.”
Neji comes in with stacks of folders and notebooks. “Got all his stuff from his secretary. Seems like the bastard slept around or may have been just a bad boss, said she couldn’t be more than happy to live in a world rid of such filthy lolita creep – her words, not mine.”
They go through each page, jotting down relevant information. Sasuke, on the other hand, flips through a small wallet-sized planner. Jotted down on March 26 is veneers with Dr. Akugawa. He seems like the go-to dentist of the big shots. He goes further up the dates and there on March 6 is a name he doesn’t expect. Haruno Sakura.
“It’s true. His daughter had an appointment with me,” Sakura confirms over the phone. “But he also dropped by last year for a tooth extraction dislodged by a punch from his grandfather. Old money can be quite controlling.”
“Ah. Doesn’t he have a family dentist?” He taps his pen on his desk, tens of gears running through his mind.
“Told me his dentist was unavailable for an emergency procedure so he dropped by the one nearest his office.”
Sasuke looks at the time on his watch. “Did you have lunch yet?”
“I have an 11:30. But I can see you in 12.”
He gets there fifteen minutes before, and he flashes his badge to Laura who has grown accustomed to his lunch break visits. Nonetheless, her countenance makes apparent her dislike.
“Your cctv records please,” Sasuke tells her. It isn’t a request, Laura knows, so she leads him to the administrative room on the floor and instructs the staff to show the dates he mentions.
Kiyoko Imamu went there on March 6 with her mother and a helper. They backtrack until they find the date when Fugashi had an appointment. A 30-minute visit and he was quickly out.
“Does Dr. Haruno have other clinics? A private location for a niche clientele?” Sasuke asks.
Laura shakes her head. “Only this one, and she doesn’t accept house calls. She likes to concentrate her work in one place.”
He tells the staff to rewind the records on January 29, February 27, and March 29. Nothing was peculiar about Sakura’s body language, Sasuke notes. He commits all records in his memory and allows himself to be ushered out by Laura. They arrive to Sakura waiting at the receptionist’s desk.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” She asks him with a tilt in her head.
“Just right about now.” He offers an open arm to her which she links with hers. Her face immediately blooms in shades of red.
“We have mussel soup today and grilled mackerel. On the other hand, we also serve bolognese. Or do you have any other location in mind?”
“Your cafeteria’s menu sounds nice.”
They’re interrupted by Sasuke’s phone.
“Where are you?” Kakashi’s voice borders on the edge of frustration.
“Lunch,” Sasuke replies.
“Come back asap. The families had Jugo come in and take Akugawa for questioning.”
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blazehedgehog · 3 years
So rather than attach it to the last (rather large) post thread, I’ll start a new one. If you didn’t catch it on Twitter, friends managed to raise some money through nothing but sheer good will and I ended up booking a stay at the same hotel we should have gotten for free.
I’m starting a new thread because I want to ask a question, but first I want to clarify and provide a better timeline of everything that’s happened. This isn’t exact, but it’s as close as my memory can remember right now:
Late 2019/Early 2020: Whoever owns my apartment complex sells it to a new company in California. The complex is in Nevada. It’s a big apartment complex; it used to be two separate ones that were right next to each other and they merged to create a “project” that houses something like 150-200 units. If you consider families, somewhere in the realm of 300-700 people live here.  
April/May 2020: We get a notice on our door announcing that our new owners want to renovate the complex. Every single unit. It’s such a big ordeal that they have to put in to get funding from the State of Nevada to do it. The initial claim is that they will move us out of our apartment unit in to a new unit for up to a month or two (at no cost to us) while they renovate. More information will come in summer 2020 during a town hall meeting we will attend in person. I expect that with the pandemic starting and “shelter in place” orders going out that there’s no way they’d be dumb enough to go through with any of this. The notice ends with them pleading with people not to take this as a cue to move out. In the months to follow, we spied at least four people who were smart enough to get out before the renovation hit. We considered it, but the housing authority we have to rent through went dead silent the moment the pandemic ramped up and have yet to say even a single word to us (even now).  
Late October/Early November 2020: The town hall meeting finally happens, online, in a Zoom meeting. Three people in California dictate to the 40 or 50 tenants (maybe more) that attend the meeting how this is going to go. Plans have changed: the renovation will take place across ten days. Very tight schedule. In and out as fast as possible. In batches of 4-5 units at a time, going alphabetically across the complex, units will be renovated. New paint, new carpet, new cabinets, new sinks, new toilet, new shower, new appliances, redone balcony. Renovation teams will come in at 8am and work until 5pm. After 5pm, we will be allowed to return to our unit and sleep there. We will be allowed to keep one bed (per person) and one TV, which the renovation team will move out of the way during the day and return to our unit when they leave. We are also told we will be getting a sealable plastic tub to store personal items (toiletries and such) that the renovation team will also handle. We are assured they will be adhering to rigorous sanitization standards, with multiple temperature checks daily, masks, and gloves. During the day, we are free to go wherever, but the complex will be setting up what they call a “hospitality trailer” -- a communal space for everyone currently effected by the renovation to hang out inside, together. There will be port-a-potties and wifi. We’re told meals will also be provided, possibly in the trailer, but details are unspecific. We’re also told some landscaping will be done. All told, between renovating units and landscaping, they say the whole process from beginning to end will take 18 months or more. Tenants in the Zoom call ask questions -- if we don’t want to stay at the hospitality trailer, we’re told we should consider staying with family during the day. They ignore multiple questions from people asking if this will cause the rent to go up.  
December 2020: Renovation begins, starting with apartments in the A block. We’re somewhere near the middle of the alphabet, and going by the ten-days-per-unit estimate, we’re expecting the renovation to hit us around March-ish, maybe even as late as April. I develop an ugly toothache; my face swells up. I do a phone visit with a dentist and he prescribes me antibiotics and schedules me for an appointment on January 18th to pull the tooth.  
Early January 2021: Going to check the mail one day, I notice it feels like they’re spending a long time on the first few sets of units. Then, all of a sudden, renovations surge ahead, and units worryingly close to our letter start putting tarps up over their balconies, signalling they’re either mid-reno, or at least packing.  
January 18th, 2021: Tooth is “fine” (big cavity, no pain) but we discuss options for pulling multiple bad teeth with this problem tooth, since a lot of my upper teeth aren’t in great shape. Will require multiple rounds of surgery to remove them all and set up replacements. First round of surgery is on February 24th. I immediately wonder if we’re going to get called early for renovation and it’ll land simultaneously with the surgery. I try not to think about it.  
January 30th, 2021: We receive a notice that our apartment’s number is due. It’s post-dated, which means the notice is late. We’re supposed to have 45 days notice, and the move-out date listed in the notice is February 23rd. By the 45 day rule, this notice should’ve arrived January 9th. There’s also a degree of confusion: the notice was delivered to our apartment, but the notice is addressed to the apartment below us. Parts of the notice still mention our apartment number. We call the front office for clarification, and they tell us that the notice was indeed meant for the people below us. According to them, we’re in the clear for now. “You’re close...” tells us the person on the phone, “But it’s not your time yet.” We consider preparing early, but it sounds like we have to use the provided packing materials for organizational reasons when the movers come.  
February 5th: I record my Patreon Podcast. I mention the renovation. If you consider 10 days per renovation, based on when the notice was actually delivered, I’m expecting we’re going to get our notice in the next few days.  
February 8th: We get a knock on the door. A man from the front office is checking in with us to see how packing is going. Packing because the notice was actually for us. It was for all four units in this block. We tell him: we called. They said it wasn’t our time yet. He just kind of shrugs and asks if we need boxes. Of course we do. Our 45 day notice has been cut down to less than 14 days. On top of that, we’ve got doctors appointments and things coming up that’s going to eat in to this time. He says everything has to be in the office-provided UHaul boxes. Even if we have items already in cardboard boxes, they have to be specifically repacked in UHaul boxes.  
February 13th: After days of trying to contact my dentist office via email, I finally get a hold of them via text. I try to reschedule my appointment, but the receptionist tells me it’s just another consultation, not surgery. I hope she’s right. The stress of all of this is making it hard to get packing as fast as we need to.  
February 15th: My Mom tells me she’s managed to book an appointment for her first round of covid-19 vaccinations. Unfortunately, it’s on February 23rd, the day we’re being moved out.  
February 16th: We talk to the people below us, an elderly couple. They’re panicking about packing because they have so much stuff. They mention that the front office booked them a hotel for the duration of their renovation. All they needed was a doctor’s note proving they needed it. Given that my 75 year old mother has a doc appointment literally the next day, this seems like extremely good timing. After doing curbside pickup for a grocery order that day, we pass the movers on our way back in as they are loading a unit in to their Ryder truck. None of them that I see are wearing masks or gloves.  
February 17th: Doc visit happens, she implies that he kind of blew her off. She’s had chronic pain in her hands and knees for years, and in particular, the pain in her hands has been getting bad, fast. She wraps her thumb in sports tape because bending it hurts. She used to be a waitress, she used to be a cake decorator, she did data entry for a couple years, and now she’s dabbling with painting. Her carpal tunnel is severe and its accentuated with arthritis. Doctor just kind of shrugs it off, tells her if it gets worse to come back in a few months, even though arthritis can kill people if not treated properly. Still, he writes her a cursory note for the apartment front office. She talks to them and they’re very glad she contacted them about this; it sounds like the kind of thing that’s only available to people who ask, since presumably the owners don’t want to shell out $900,000+ rooming the entire complex in a hotel. Either way, we’re excited; maybe this renovation won’t be so bad. They tell us the name of the hotel and where its located.  
February 18th: While doing laundry in anticipation of packing things up for the hotel/renovation, we happen to catch someone in the laundry room who just got back in to her apartment after her reno finished. She tells us a horror story: everything they told us in the Zoom meeting was a lie. They are renovating way more than 4 units at a time, they aren’t going alphabetically anymore, and she theorizes they’re going with a cheaper renovation team because half of her apartment straight up wasn’t done. The new tile was cheap plastic, which was already gouged by the time she got there. No new fridge, no new shower or tub, no new toilet. “Those will be happening this summer,” she tells us. Sinks got replaced, but the new sinks are apparently bigger than the old ones, leaving less counter space (a particular problem in the bathroom). Carpets were new, but already a dirty mess because of the movers. She had to go around and pick up nails stuck in the carpet that were left behind by the renovators. Since they didn’t take the fridge, she got to keep her food in there, which was important for her because she had special dietary food that needed to be refrigerated. The bad news? Some of that food was stolen. She had a broom and a dust pan stolen, too. She mentions how poor communication has been. We mention the hotel, and she lights up. She didn’t stay in her apartment either, they put her up in the hotel, too. So at least there’s that silver lining. Though she regrets it, because they damaged her TV while she was away. She finally helps clarify the food situation for us, too: we’ll be receiving a “food voucher” to pay for our meals, whatever that means.  
February 19th: My Mom was supposed to call the front office to confirm we got the hotel, but in all the confusion, she didn’t get around to it. We’ll have to wait the entire weekend to get confirmation. But if the elderly couple below us got a room, and the lady we spoke to at laundry got a room, it sounds like we’re a lock.  
February 22nd: The front office checks in on us again, shrugs their shoulders at how behind we are on packing, and offers us more boxes. They only give us large boxes; we need small, medium and especially rolls of packing tape. They mention they’ll have more later once they open the storage unit, but we never get any. Across this entire ordeal, we’ve only gotten a single roll of packing tape. We bought several rolls of our own after being tired of waiting. Front office guy says our fridge is being replaced, but we can still keep food in our old one and we’ll just “come in and change it out.” Whatever that means. Later, after getting off the phone, we learn we were rejected for the hotel. The doctor’s note wasn’t good enough and the head office in California denied our request. My Mom tries to contact her doctor again to get a more detailed note, but he doesn’t return her call. We’re going to be living out of the car for the next ten days. We talk about protesting this; by stopping packing right now and refusing to leave, but eventually decide that would be a bad idea. We don’t want to risk the movers breaking any of our things. A couple friends start spreading around my paypal.me link in the hopes of raising money for us to stay at a hotel. They raise a little over $200, but it’s hard to justify spending that on a hotel.  
February 23rd, Morning: By this point, we’re running on empty. No sleep, physically exhausted, stressed out of our minds. Both of us on the verge of tears several times. With everything going on, we’re a little over halfway done packing and there’s no time left. We quickly move from “pack everything” to “pack what’s important so the movers don’t have to touch it.” Whatever we can’t finish, the movers will pack for us. At 7:30am the movers arrive, and they knock on the door at 8am. They are very polite. They are all wearing masks and gloves. We tell them they are nowhere near ready, and they offer to do our unit last. We do the best we can and leave the rest to them. On our way out, we talk to the elderly couple that lives below us, who claim the moving truck won’t be enough to hold everything in their apartment. It’s a big truck and a small apartment. I find that hard to believe. We go park somewhere and doze in the car until my Mom’s vaccination appointment at 10am. More friends, some of them with very large followings, start spreading the paypal.me link around. Momentum begins to build.  
February 23rd, Midday: We get to the vaccination place only to realize we forgot some things at the apartment. We quickly jog back across town and plan to ask them if it’s okay if we can go in to the apartment and retrieve it. When we get there, they’re still unloading the couple below us, and I notice they aren’t just taking UHaul boxes, but regular cardboard boxes, too. Given it’s been almost two hours, this might be second truckful, maybe even the third. I grab the stuff we’re missing and we head back to the vaccination park. Afterwards, we hang out at my brother’s just in case my mom has an allergic reaction to the vaccine and she needs help. She’s fine, and by the time we’re through there, it’s getting to be time to head back to our apartment for the night at 5pm. Before we leave my brother’s, I use their wifi to check my Paypal account. I joke, “I’m worried that I’ll open my account and it’ll say $2000.” Combined with the little bit of money I already had in my Paypal, the donations have pushed my account close to $2200. I burst out laughing. “YOU WANNA GO GET A HOTEL?!” I shout. We agree we’ll spend the night in the unit tonight and decide what we’ll take with us to the hotel in the morning.  
February 23rd, Evening: It’s close to 6pm and the movers are still there. They were supposed to clock out almost an hour ago. I browse Tripadvisor and Expedia in the parking lot and decide to just book the same hotel they dangled in front of our faces, since reviews specifically point out it’s clean and has extremely good quarantine practices. Expedia lets me pay with Paypal directly, but there’s a problem where it won’t connect to my Paypal account. As I go to transfer the money out of my Paypal and finish booking the hotel, the wifi dies. The movers just unplugged our modem and packed it up. They probably weren’t supposed to do that, and they picked the worst time, too. We spend the next 45 minutes driving around town trying to find free wifi so I can book this hotel. We end up parking at my brother’s place and leeching his wifi from the driveway. Hotel booked, check-in is at 3pm on the 24th. For now, it’s back to the apartment to decide what to take with us.  
February 23rd, Night: Upon getting back to the apartment around 7pm, we find it’s... a disaster area. They spent so long unloading all the other units, they did not have time to finish packing and unloading what was left in our unit. There’s garbage everywhere, it’s mixed in with the stuff we want to keep, some of it’s broken, it’s horrible. It looks like they just swept everything off the tables on to the floor. TV remotes and mail are spread out all over the place. They didn’t leave us any lamps, so the only lights in the apartment are the front door light, the kitchen light, and the bathroom light. They might have left us our mattresses, but they didn’t leave us any pillows or blankets. Still, we spent the better part of the night sorting through the “trash” and separating it out in to the stuff we wanted to keep. We pack up most of the apartment with whatever materials the movers left behind, but we eventually run out of boxes and tape. We still managed to pack 99.9% of what was left. From 7pm to 2:30am.  
February 24th, Morning: At 7:30am I'm woken up by the movers pulling up. I can hear them joking in the parking lot about who gets the honor of being called "papi" and cracking rude jokes about "assuming gender." They probably think nobody's around to hear them. We ask them for more time so we can wake up and get dressed. As we're loading up the car with stuff to take to the hotel, we overhear the movers complaining about how they are being made to wait because we were supposed to be out of here by 8, and it's close to 9. My Mom gives them an earful about how little time we had to pack compared to how long we should've had. "That's been happening to a lot of people here." one of them tells her. My whole body hurts after days of little sleep and packing extremely heavy boxes. I’ve had a throbbing headache for almost 48 hours. With the dentist appointment at 3pm that afternoon, we go to a park and I doze in the car for another five hours.   
February 24th, Afternoon: Dentist appointment goes smoothly; they offer to start surgery, but I explain to them what happened with the renovation and they are perfectly fine postponing until a later date. By now, my feet hurt where the soles of my shoes have been rubbing. My ankles and knees are hurting from being crunched up inside a car for two days. My back hurts from all the lifting. I’m beyond miserable and realize there’s no way I could bare to spend 10 days living in this car. Thankfully, with the dentist appointment out of the way, it’s check in time. The hotel room is nice, but given I’ve never stayed in a hotel before, I don’t have much of a comparison. But when I fall asleep that night, I sleep harder and longer than I have in years.  
February 25th: The elderly couple that lived below us at the apartment are here at the same hotel we are, and we talk to them. Turns out, the lady has the same doctor as my Mom, and they were rejected from his note, too. The approval they got for the hotel came from her husband’s doctor, who wrote an extremely detailed note about his oxygen needs. They mention that people living in our complex with disabilities weren’t housed here and they don’t know where they are or what happened to them. They also claim that the food provision stuff from the apartment front office is apparently some kind of a $45/day meal credit we get at the end of the renovation. But again, it’s still not clear, and the apartment itself has never clarified. That night, we return to the apartment again to raid our fridge for stuff to bring to the hotel. Now, if you remember, we were supposed to be able to sleep at the apartment every night. The apartment we returned to was in such a state that it would have been impossible to sleep in. No sinks, no toilets, no stove, no running water of any kind, and all of the outlets stripped down. Literally the only thing we could have done was sleep there; nothing else was possible. And even then, remember: no bedding. No pillows, no blankets, and it’s still winter out there.  
Update on things I forgot: Also on the 25th, elderly couple in the unit below us also told of how the movers had thrown their $950 couch outside and left it in the dirt for multiple days, asking if it was “trash” because one of the washable seat covers had a single pet stain on it. (When we visited the apartment that night to raid the fridge, we even saw it) Not only that, but last year, our bathroom tub had been leaking in to one of their closets. They had to shut our water off for several days and fix the pipes. Apparently this caused black mold in their apartment that wasn’t discovered until they started hauling boxes out. Upon bringing it up with the renovation team, they got told “there’s black mold everywhere! it’s in the grass! it’s fine!” The husband went in to take pictures of the black mold, but by the time he got over there with the camera, the renovation team had already painted over it. Apparently another tenant on the other side of the complex had mold problems so bad that she’s been paid to stay at this hotel for more than a month already while they deal with it.
Which brings us, roughly, to today.
Now, the question I mentioned way back at the top: what are my options here, legally? A lot of friends have told me up and down that this is either illegal, or should be illegal, but I have no idea where to start with any of this stuff and frankly I’m a little gun shy. I don’t know what Nevada housing law is like, what renters rights are, and I don’t want to risk being evicted. But I also know that the threat of being evicted is also what keeps people complacent.
All I really know is that basically everything they originally told us was a lie, and they never informed us of most of these changes. As for the rest, well... just read for yourself.
Whatever you know, I’d like to know.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 years
I was sitting at home on my sofa, it was 2AM and I was doing some knitting. All of a sudden, I remembered that I needed to give the cats some water. I didn’t even stand up, because when I looked to my kitchen, I saw the kitchen window.
And I saw Slender Man outside.
Immediately, I covered my eyes and said, “It is 2AM, I am in my house, I am okay.”
And what I assume was Slender Man spoke back to me, “Uncover your eyes, it is your dentist.”
I laughed a bit, “What is your name?”
“My dentist's name is not Kathryn.” I told the creature.
“Search your heart,” it said slowly, “You know it to be true.”
“Why are you here?”
It pondered for a moment, “We don’t have a date for your next appointment.”
“My parents sorted that out. March 17th.”
“It says here...” I didn’t hear anything other than the voice, “That your last appointment was May 2016.”
“So? I told you, my parents sorted that out.”
The voice was starting to become angry, “Uncover your eyes.”
I heard someone walking down the stairs, my mother came into the room and asked me what was wrong.
I uncovered my eyes and saw her looking at me.
I told her I needed to talk to someone, a doctor, a therapist, anyone.
And that’s all I remember.
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dansnaturepictures · 3 years
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17th April 2021-Part 1 of 2: Home and Winchester: 5 different pictures in this set to those I tweeted tonight and they are the third, fifth, seventh, ninth and tenth pictures in this set 
This morning I had a dental hygienist appointment, adding a chapter to the infamous personal story of me thinking it would be a great idea in 2019 to switch dentists to one in Winchester my work city when the dentist in my hometown Eastleigh stopped doing evening appointments, not knowing that the pandemic was around the corner and the long and ongoing period of working at home would ensue. Hence why I am booking appointments on Saturdays, the last of which before today was the Saturday morning of the day we went to Bushy Park in October on one of my days of 2020. We’ve had two periods of full Coronavirus lockdown and tier 4 measures for a period in between since so it was quite remarkable to have this luxury of being able to even have this appointment today and the team did a brilliant job on the appointment but also making it so safe for it all to go ahead. And the dentist is very good I am so impressed with them, so I will not be parting ways especially as I know even if not all five days Winchester is still my work base in my current role. Although due to other factors this appointment was postponed from last Saturday and today is my Mum’s birthday who kindly agreed to still give me a lift to the appointment today so I didn’t have to get the train. I took the first two pictures in this photoset of House Sparrow and Goldfinch in the garden before I went. 
What this gave us was an opportunity, after seeing them on the webcam (https://www.winchester-cathedral.org.uk/the-peregrines-return-in-2020/) for a while to go to Winchester Cathedral and see if we might catch a glimpse of the adult nesting Peregrines on the north tower ledge. We didn’t see or hear them this morning/early afternoon here. But on the webcam beforehand I saw Winnie the female was present as ever incubating the eggs being in this stage of their journey with nesting this year so it was nice to know she was there just not in view. But we did spend a very pleasant while in this beautiful now slightly unlocked city in brilliant sunshine with special blue sky. I took the third, fourth and final three pictures in this photoset of views of the cathedral, cathedral grounds and nearby. As the photos do show we liked observing varied and colourful flowers including at the cathedral grounds straggling daffodils we were a bit late to see them and snowdrops in all their glory this year its a strong area for both as I have seen in recent years, as well as some blooming bluebells a flower of the moment I took the fifth picture in this photoset of some. It was also great to see beautiful views as well as see birds such as Pied Wagtail as shown in the seventh picture in this photoset and Great Tit go onto headstones in the cemetery type area which was interesting. We saw Blackbird, Goldfinch and Winchester park regular Grey Squirrel making it’s way over the grass for a long time well in the sun here too which was nice I managed the sixth picture in this photoset of this. It was also quite poignant as the fourth picture shows to see the flag on Winchester cathedral of course flying at half mast on the day of the funeral of His Royal Highness Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh.
Before I walked up to the dentist I enjoyed getting a glimpse of my first Large White butterfly of the year as the year ticks for butterflies have started to trickle in during good bits of weather. My ninth species of 2021 I am so happy with that. A Peacock flew past too and I saw Brimstone later on. Periwinkle was a nice flower to see in the Winchester backstreets as well today. As me and my Mum enjoyed some lunch in sunny Winchester I thought that it was a great bit of precious time spent on her birthday and a good way to start our time off.
Wildlife Sightings Summary: My first Large White of the year, Peacock, Brimstone, Goldfinch, Great Tit, Blackbird, Pied Wagtails very well, Feral Pigeon, Woodpigeon and Grey Squirrel. It was great to see three Buzzards on the motorway on a gloriously sunny early afternoon and get great views of Rook, Goldfinch, Starling and House Sparrow including an adorable view of one drinking from our water fountain as they do, and a lovely bee on one of the many dandelions at home today.
I have to say a slightly further afield trip on a Saturday after a dentist appointment worked out very well again just like last year’s Bushy Park trip. My post on what happened for the rest of today as we went to Stanpit Marsh in Dorset will be posted shortly. 
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whataboutdisney · 3 years
i am absolutely stressed as fuck. i'm always really negative on here but this is the only place i can say what i really want to say and nobody bats an eye. i'm still on my corona job as i call it. it's absolute shit. you know at first it was alright giving out samples but after a month they told us well woops corona really is shit isn't it you can't be standing in the store giving out samples anymore. why we're not allowed god fucking knows but ok. so then they told me to go wash the shopping carts. which was way too kich work for 1 person and my anxiety went trough the roof every workday but at least i was moving around doing something. and i don't take breaks cause i don't want to eat so i just told myself alright i wanna die but at least i wont gain weight today. but at the end of november the bought a "carwash" (no it's not funny) and now people have to clean their own carts in that thing if they want to and i just have to stand there 5 hours at the time to explain people how it works.. cause humans really really are just too fucking stupig to even shit sometimes... and tell people to wear their masks. sure i make money but tbh no. fuck that shit. and i dont even make enough money to do the little things i enjoy so why tf am i doing this. i'll tell you why, it's because lots of people are going on holiday on planes, boats and trains and everything is fine. but being in a theatre is seen as a crime. so theatres are closed and i haven't worked at my "real" job for almost a year now.
and i keep applying for jobs but nobody wants me.
but today i got called. for a job interview. holy shit. for a extreme burger place. i mean i thought it looked cool and since nobody wants me i though well shit lets apply. but i didn't think they would call back.
anyone else would have been really happy with that probably bit i'm shitting myself.
1. i never worked in a restaurant before
2. job interviews are aweful anyway
3.i already have a job and you canvt just leave, they have a month where you still have to deal with them after you quit.
4. i need to go to the dentist next week and what if i can work there, then i have to tell them like yo cool but i cant on that day.
5. i have a tattoo appointment on the 20th (if the shops open againg cause lockdown..) same thing as the dentist.
6. i have a tattoo appoinment on the 17th of februari(i made these appointments when i was still earning proper money..) same thing
7. i'm scared and axious about new things and people
so yeah that's nice
and my dad has this disgusting cough for almost a year now and he doesn't want to go to the doctor. i think it's something bad and i think my dad thinks so too so thats why he doesn't go to the doctors. which is pretty fucking selfish. fuck him too if he doesnvt even want to go for me he doesnvt give a fuck about anyone else anyway. if he dies i'm alone but he once kinda said that's not his problem so cheers to that.
then my cats were ill a few months ago. then one of my cats got allergic for some stupid reason and because of that he scratched a huge hole in his head which i had to deal with.
and now they both have diarea and i am fucking done with this shit. can't they just get a grip on themselves for once. i have enough shit going on i don't need this. and the vet is expensive as fuck. they havr to eat special food now, almost €40! ridiculous.
so yeah and i have to go to the dentist which give me sleepless nights for weeks now. also nice.
i'm trying to get my stomach fat to go but i hate to work out. it's not working as well. i hate my body, i hate my face god how i hate that stupid fucking ugly shitspot of a face, i hate my voice, everything and shit is not making it better.
i can still live with myself but i don't know how long i can still stand my job situation. i swear i'm gonna freak out anyday soon.
i just read that if you eat around 20 applecores the poison in there can kill you and i swear don't challenge me.
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