#I have a secret pro wrestling tumblr
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I found my little cat diffuser 😭
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see-arcane · 2 months
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Open question to everyone as I continue to wrestle with being a professional starving creative. I’ve been nudged towards making a Substack a couple times now. I’m hesitant on making a new page for anything due to how little the Official Author Website seems to have mattered in the grand scheme of my teeny scribbling career, but there are a couple pros to consider. The most basic plus is that it could make for a tidier spot to leave my Big Scribbles than just piling them in a scattered Tumblr. But the key part the online 'get passive income!1!!' gurus point out about Substack is the sub(scription) bit. And how it can be a charged subscription.
“It’s an easy way for freelancers to make money!”
With at least $5 charged per month. For weekly-to-monthly updates. From me.
That means scheduled writing that's worthy of wringing more money out of the ‘Everyone is Broke’ website at least once a month. Note, I would not be pulling a Watcher; I’d still be dropping previews for my big WIPs here per usual. But a $ubstack would come with that and other original works each month. Supposing there was more than 2.5 folks out there willing to burn their bucks on that endeavor.
Anyway. Chronic indecision and fretting are attacking so I’m hot potatoing it to you:
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kervinfirestories · 1 year
Welcome To Kervin Fire Stories
Welcome to my blog called Kervin Fire Stories. Since I can't do something fanfic related (yet) and I don't use my personal account @kervinfire isn't much use since my personal account caused a lot of fights and unwanted attention.
Just like every other blog, my asks are now open.
So I am using this blog to either make fanfic updates or make one-shots.
But most importantly if I had a budget I may also work on commissioning into comic book stories.
Either way, I am going to copy-paste from my previous posts..
Follow me on Wattpad
Watch me in Deviantart
Donate to me in Paypal
Loonatics R (Incomplete)- reboot story created by @purpleluckystar and now story and characters owned by me.
Loonatics KR (Coming Soon)- reboot story continues with a writer's cut rewritten by me. credits to @draze-a, @mysticinternetdinosaur, @segamarkiii & @DarthCraftus
You can visit my other blog @loonaticskr
You can donate at FundraiserMe
Grand Theft Auto Origins: Kervin Made Liberty (Hiatus) - An OC version of GTA Online's Kervin's Backstory
The Red Fox (On Hiatus) - A story about a Red Fox
Story of 2 Angels (On Hiatus) - A backstory of a brother and sister becoming wrestlers with the last name Angel
Alza Flare (Hiatus) - A black cat looking for revenge
The Marajah of Zootopia (working title and coming soon) - an action hero story featuring OC Kervin as a Zootopia version of him that is inspired by Indian action movies and includes Zach King's Prison Escape (It may have 2 storylines depending if magic is canon to Zootopia)
Kervin's Young Stories of Zootopia (working title and coming soon) - Based on the books of Zootopia Younger Readers where there is a page to create and tell a story and know what happens next will focus on Zootopia OC Kervin as a teenage kid appearing in one of sequel adventures from the official comics. It may also feature other Zootopia OCs too.
CROSSOVER STORIES: (May include Kervinverse Stories Ft. versions of my OC Kervin)
Loonatics Unleashed X Fire Pro Wrestling World:
Loonatics Road (Paused) - A story of Loonatics as wrestlers in a different universe
Zootopia X APB Reloaded:
Anyone Can Be All You Can't Be (Coming Soon) - A story of Kervin (APB Reloaded) stuck in the Zootopia universe and has no choice to work with the ZPD
Def Jam X Kung Fu Panda:
Def Jam X Kung Fu Panda: Book 1 Fight for A New Fight (Hiatus) - Story of Def Jam game characters including
Grand Theft Auto (HD) X The Bad Guys:
GTA Online Vs The Bad Guys: The Good, The Bad & The Grand (Coming Soon) - A story featuring my GTA Online OC Kervin fighting alongside Michael, Franklin & Trevor VS Mr. Wolf, Mr. Snake, Ms Tarantula, Mr. Pirahna, Mr. Shark and Diane Foxington. (Storyline maybe rewritten)
Operation: F.T.F.S. (Secret Personal Future Projects To Change An End To Commission Other Artists)
Formerly known as Project: End Of Days. Operation: F.T.F.S. (Finish/Fix The Fan Story) is mostly known to fix controversial Fan comics, Fan Fics, Fan Videos and but mostly also fixing certain short fan stories all thanks to comission money like PayPal. The only catch is that it needs to be commissioned to the original artist who made the either a controversial comic, video, fan fic and etc. in order finish the story by fixing a new comic for example.
The name change took inspiration from Cody Rhodes WrestleMania 40 victory and previous name Baron Corbin's Finisher called End of Days.
Zootopia - "Birth of a New End" Needed to be commissioned by Borba (Coming Soon) In an alternate story of the IWS AU. Kervin (Zootopia OC) has met Nick and Judy as a married couple who moved to the same apartment and interacted with them becoming good neighbors however as time passed one day Kervin received a call that he got a part of the new career he is working on but after the call he overheard an argument next door and he knew something does not feel right. Kervin has to choose to either ignore it to proceed his career and pretend it never happened or prevent it from bad things that can happen in the future.
Coming Soon
Public School Domain - (Coming Soon) The first original and non fanfic story inspired by school games like Rockstar's Bully Scholarship Edition. The story is set in a modern fantasy world era in the 2000s about an original character who is a wolf fox hybrid student who came to a city bay area who enrolls a new school filled with plenty of public domain characters and locations both inside and outside of school grounds including historical artwork, folklore, fairy tales and many more. The only main objective is simple which is to graduate however with a place like that there are more adventures to come.
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sana-yan · 1 year
the secret history of sanada and taichi
Taichi: I like Sana, I do. We weren’t there at the same time, but we both came through the same All Japan dojo system. He’s like a cute kid brother. 
–SANADA came into All Japan after you had already left. But he agrees with your ‘kid brother’ remark and talks about you in a similar way.
Taichi: Aww, bless his heart. But I’ve known him for a long time, since he was a newcomer to AJPW... (source)
the following are the kayfabe diaries of taichi and sanada, in its original japanese text, as well as english translations by me. i'm not a fan of the translations on njpw's english content (as they sometimes censor bits out or omit them entirely), so i tried my hand at translation/interpretation to capture what i feel is more authentic to the original text, as well as provide background information for readers. of course, since i am not a native speaker, please feel free to correct me on the nuances!
!! since this is paywalled content, please do not share outside of tumblr. thank you
TAICHI's DIARY (6.12.2021)
岡本「今回も私が担当します、改めましてニュージャパンワールド解説でもお馴染みの東京スポーツの岡本です」 Okamoto: I'll start us off; I'm Okamoto from Tokyo Sports, a commentator for New Japan World.  タイチ「今更いいよ。もうレギュラー化してんな」 Taichi: You're a regular now. You don't have to do that.   岡「田口さんの日記の巨乳ちゃんポジションですよね完全に」 O: That's Big-Breast's position in Taguchi-san's diary, isn't it?
(T/N: Ryusuke Taguchi's diary has a character named "Big Breast" who starts off the entries. Okamoto suggests he is equivalent to that in Taichi's diary.)   タ「それを言っちゃおしめぇよ! T: Don't say stuff like that! で、今回はなんだよ?」 So, what is it this time?   岡「はい、ようやくGODから奪還したタッグベルトに早速、内藤SANADA組が挑戦に名乗りを上げて来ましたが、その辺のお話を聞かせてください」 O: Naito and SANADA have come forward to challenge you for the tag team belts after you finally regained them from G.O.D.   タ「まぁもうその辺は試合後のコメントやTwitterで散々言ってきたからなぁ。 T: Well, I've said enough about that in my post-match comments and on Twitter. 珍しくsanaやんも喋ったしな。 And Sana-yan spoke, which is rare. ナイトーに無理やり付き合わされてるんじゃないのはわかったよ。 I can see he's not just being dragged along by Naito. だけどな、アレじゃダメだな! But that's not good enough! 足りない!」 it's not enough!   岡「伝わりませんか?」 O: Would you like to tell us why?   タ「昨日のsanaやんの日記よ! T: It's Sana-yan's diary from yesterday! 最後のたったの一行よ! It's just one sentence at the end [saying he wants to go for the belts]! ナイトーの長さに比べて、たったの一行だぞ! It's a single line compared to Naito's [diary entry]!
岡「でもSANADAさんが気持ちを喋る事自体、珍しい事なので、十分かと思います」 O: But it's rare for SANADA-san to express himself, so I thought it was fine.   タ「いやっ、もっと言うならな、毎回の日記の短さよ! T: No, if I had to say more, I'd talk about how short each entry is! コメントも出さないなら日記も喋らないのかよっ! If you don't do comments, shouldn't you do your diary! 俺とsanaやんの日記の内容の違いよ! Look at the difference in content between my diary and Sana-yan's! これでどーせみんな一律同じギャラなんだろ!? Everyone gets paid the same rate, right? ふざけんなよ! You've got to be kidding me! やってらんねぇよ! I won't do this! だったら俺も次回から10行くらいで終わらせてやるよ!」 If it's going to be like this, I'll only write up to ten lines the next time!   岡「いやいやまぁまぁ… O: Ah, well, you know... それも含めてSANADAさんなんで… That's just who SANADA-san is... ところでお2人は全日本プロレス出身同士という意外な繋がりがあるわけですが。 Anyway, the two of you have an unexpected connection from All Japan Pro Wrestling. 接点はあったのですか?」 Did you two ever come in contact?   タ「それな、よく言われるんだが、俺が辞めてから入門してんだよな、sanaやんもbushiやんも。 T: It's often said that SANA-yan and Bushi-yan joined AJPW right after I left. だから入れ替わりで全く接点なかった」 So we didn't come into contact at AJPW. 岡「そうなんですねー。 O: I see. お会いした事もなかったんですか?」 So you've never met him before? タ「いや、初めてsanaやんに会ったのは… T: Nah, I first met Sana-yan... 彼がまだデビューして間もないくらいか?? ...around the time he had just made his debut? 意外なところで初対面を果たしたよ」 We met for the first time at a totally unexpected place. 岡「どちらでどのように!?」 O: Where and how!?   タ「もう本当にな、何年も前だから正確には覚えていないが… T: It's been such a long time, I don't exactly remember... 多分10年以上前だろうか… Perhaps more than 10 years ago... ある日今も全日本プロレスにいるリングアナの木原とな、全日本プロレスの道場の近くにある、スーパー銭湯に行ったんだよな。 One day, Kihara, a ring announcer at AJPW, and I went to the super public bathhouse closest to the AJPW dojo.
(T/N: Tiger "Old Man" Kihara is a ring announcer for AJPW and was the manager of the Great Muta during his stint in the United States.) その時な、何故か木原のオヤジがダイエットをしててな、無駄なダイエット。 At that time, for some reason, Old Man Kihara was on a diet, a useless diet. 食事とかやたら節制してて、練習もガンガンしてて、その日もその後の事で、サウナに何回も入ったんだよな。 He restricted his meals while practicing hard at the dojo, and on that day, he went into the sauna several times. そしたら節制のし過ぎで脱水症状起こしてサウナ出たら倒れちまってよ!」 Then he got dehydrated from overdoing his diet and collapsed right after getting out of the sauna!
岡「え! O: Eh?! それはタイチさんも一緒だったんですよね!?」 While he was in there with you!? タ「そうよ、2人で行ったんだからな。 T: Yeah, we went together. 木原のオヤジの野郎、ガタガタ痙攣し始めてな… Old Bastard Kihara started convulsing... さすがに救急車呼んだよな」 So I went to call an ambulance. 岡「そんな事あったんですか!」 O: Did they come?   タ「そうだよ。 T: That's right. 救急隊員が風呂ん中入って来てな。 The paramedics came into the baths. 体が硬直して担架にも乗せらんないから、股間にタオル一枚で裸のまま救急隊員2人に、両肩両膝抱えられて救急車まで運ばれて行ったよ。
He was so stiff he couldn't be carried on a stretcher. Two paramedics had to carry him naked with a towel between his legs, lifting him by his shoulders and knees and taking him to the ambulance. 椅子に座ってた状態のそのままの姿な。 Just like he was sitting on a chair. 結果大丈夫だったから言えるけど、不謹慎にも俺はその姿を見てさすがに、つい笑っちまったよ…」 Once I saw it would turn out okay, I couldn't help but laugh at that sight...   岡「今だから笑い話ですね… O: What a funny story... って、全然SANADAさん関係ないじゃないすか!」 But that has nothing to do with SANADA-san at all!   タ「いやまぁ焦るなって! T: Don't be so impatient! ここからだよ。 Here it is.
ほんでなそのまま木原のオヤジは近くの病院運ばれてな、点滴の処置を受けてたんだよ。 Old Man Kihara was taken to a local hospital and administered an IV drip. 付き添いで行ったけど、俺は次の日早くて帰らなきゃいけなかったんだよ。 I came as a chaperone but had to leave as it was getting too late. それを木原オヤジに伝えたら、全日本プロレスの道場から若手を呼んでくれと… When I told Kihara-san about it, he asked me to call a young man from the AJPW dojo... 俺も早く帰りたかったから、すぐに道場に電話して、出たのは誰かわからんけど、木原オヤジがこんな状態だから迎えに来てと伝えて。
I wanted to leave early, so I called the dojo right away. I have no clue who answered, but I told them about Old Man Kihara's condition and to pick him up. そしたらすぐに2人の若手が病院に来たよ」 And immediately, two young guys came to the hospital.   岡「それがSANADAさんだったと!」 O: And that was SANADA-san! タ「その通りだ。 T: That's right. sanaやんともう1人、誰だったか… Sana-yan and another guy, who was he... ど忘れしたが。 I forgot who it was. そこで初対面だよsanaやんとは」 That's where I met Sana-yan for the first time.   岡「そんな時にそんなとこで! O: At such a place and such a time! どうでした?初のSANADAさんの印象は?」 How was it? What was your first impression of SANADA-san? タ「もう本当ただの若いお兄ちゃんて感じだったよ。 T: He really felt like a younger brother. かわいい感じの男の子。 A cute-looking boy. 挨拶もちゃんとしてきてな。 I should say hello properly. と、思ってたら急に驚きの行動に出たんだよ!」 Was what I thought when he suddenly surprised me!   岡「なんですか!?」 O: What was it? タ「じゃ俺はもう行くよ、と伝えたらsanaやんが持参してきてたビニール袋の中身をガッサーーーーと待ち合い室の椅子に広げてな! T: When I told him, "I'm heading out now," Sana-yan spilled all the contents of the plastic bag he had on the waiting room chair! 中身は大量のお菓子だったよ! There were a ton of sweets inside! ゲーセンでも行ってきたんか!レベルのよ!」 I thought he had come from an arcade! It was that much!
(T/N: At some arcades in Japan, you can trade your winning tickets to get candy prizes.)   岡「えぇ? O: Huh? 夜の病院の待ち合い室の椅子で!?」 In the chair of a hospital waiting room at night!? タ「そうだよ! T: Yes, that's right! さすがに俺もビックリしてな… I was surprised too...
なにそれ?と聞いたらsanaやんがな What's that, I asked him, and Sana-yan said,   sana「長くなりそうなんで暇つぶしに持って来たんです!
"It looked like it would be a long wait, so I brought it to kill time! あとは自分らでやっておくんで大丈夫す!」 We'll take care of the rest from here." て言いながらお菓子ボリボリ食べ出してな!」 He said that, all the while munching on sweets! 岡「なんですかそれ! O: What's this! 木原さんの事全く心配してないじゃないですか!」 They weren't worried about Kihara-san at all!   タ「そうなんだよ! T: Yes, right! 俺もそれ言ったら I told him that too!   sana「木原さんの事なんで、どーせ大丈夫っすよ! SANADA: "It's Kihara-san, so it should be fine. うまい棒食べます?」 Would you like a Umaibo?"
(T/N: Literally called "delicious stick.")  ってこんな感じだったからな!」 T: And that was that!   岡「なんか全然印象違いますね… O: What a totally different impression... 若い頃はそんなんだったんですねえ…」 So that's what it was like when he was younger...   タ「ある意味、大物になりそうな予感はあったよな… T: In a way, I had a hunch that he'd become something big... まぁそんな初対面だったよ」 And yeah, that was the first time we met.   岡「SANADAさんとの初対面の話で凄い長くなりましたね」 O: The story about meeting SANADA-san for the first time turned out to be quite long.   タ「そのsanaやんの日記はクソ短いけどな。 T: Sana-yan's diary is fucking short, though. タイトルマッチをもしやったら、またあの時、差し出してくれたうまい棒、くれるかな…」 If we have a title match again, I wonder if he'll offer me a Umaibo like back then...   岡「SANADAさんならきっとくれますよ、あの時のうまい棒… O: I'm sure SANADA-san will give you a Umaibo from that time... だから挑戦受けましょうよ。 So take the challenge.
一緒にうまい棒食べたらいいんですよ!」 Let's all eat Umaibo together!
(T/N: This following part is totally false. Taichi's diary always ends with a wacky imaginary scenario, mostly ending with Okamoto or Taichi or both dying.) sana「タイチはん、岡本はん、そんなの待つ必要ありまへん。 "SANADA": Taichi-han, Okamoto-han, you don't have to wait. 今食べましょう、あの時のうまい棒… Let's eat it now, the Umaibo from the past... はい、どうぞ」 Here you go. 岡「わっ! O: Wow! 急にご本人登場!」 He suddenly appeared! タ「さ、sanaやん… T: Sa-Sana-yan... あの時は一緒に食べれずごめんな… I'm sorry I couldn't eat with you then... ありがとう!」 Thanks! タイチとsanaやんと岡本は仲良く3人でうまい棒を食べた Taichi, Sana-yan, and Okamoto got along well and had Umaibo together. いつの間にかキツネ目の男に毒を盛られていたうまい棒を食べた3人は死んだ Before they knew it, the fox-eyed man had poisoned them, and they all died.
(T/N: This is a reference to the Glico Morinaga case. Okamoto and Taichi have a dark sense of humor.)
SANADA's DIARY (6.25.2021)
兄やんとの1番最初の出会いは、どこかのラーメン屋さんでした。 The first time I met Ni-yan was at some ramen restaurant.
当時デビューしたてだった頃、木原のオヤジから電話があり「今から来い」的なことを言われ向かいました。 I had just debuted, and Old Man Kihara called me up and said, "Come over now," so I went.
兄やんの第一印象は、ヤカラでした。 My first impression of Ni-yan was that he felt like a yakara. (T/N: EDITED to add in context that Sanada could potentially mean that Taichi is either a) a kindred spirit, having the same background/lineage as Sanada as an AJPW trainee, or b) a delinquent thug.)
(今もですが) (Even now.)
And after that, we met at the super public bath (the same one mentioned in Ni-yan's diary last week).
Yes, as mentioned in Ni-yan's diary last week, Old Man Kihara went on an impossible diet and visited the sauna many times and collapsed, paralyzed [from dehydration]. While the emergency personnel carried Old Man Kihara out of the bath, Taichi-niyan looked unfazed and started drying his hair with a dryer. I thought he was cool.
And then I think we met in Mexico afterward. (I think I also met Desperado at this time.)
Also, Ni-yan's tag partner, Zack, is the same age as me.
(What's the point you're trying to make)
(T/N: me too, Sana-yan. Why did you bring up Zack's age out of nowhere? Lmao)
see u next time
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1kook · 4 years
card swiped (3)
→ jeon jungkook x (f) reader
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→ Now, Jungkook was never one for romance, far from the sappy type. But why couldn’t he word it more softly, gently? He wasn’t just trying to fuck you, he was trying to… make love.  GENRE romance, smut, teensy angst WARNINGS eventual smut, mentions of sex, virginity plays a huge role OTHER college crushes, childhood friends to lovers, besties to lovers, volleyball player!jk, student council pres!oc, seokjin is 32... and a a coach lol<3 RATING m (18+) WC 1.5k
NOTES (!) seokjin being a hot 32 year old <3 jk gets progressively more dumb as it goes, prayer circle <3 lmk what u think !
[ masterlist ]
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The truth is, the reason Jungkook doesn’t lie that much is because he’s terrible at it. 
His mother had found out soon enough who put that dent on the car after a slip-up at the dinner table. His high school coach had learned he had purposely skipped out on practice after an accidental snapchat and jealous teammate had snitched. And, well. Fifteen minutes after the end of practice finds him sitting outside the gymnasium, a grimace on his face as he considers running back to your room and confessing to all his lies. Admitting he’s still a virgin— which was practically of no use to you —and maybe even revealing his own recently uncovered feelings was the easy way out. 
Thankfully, Assistant Coach Kim Seokjin is there to knock some sense into him. The hard plastic of the clipboard they use to outline their attacks smacks him hard over the head, making Jungkook’s bones rattle from his skull down to his toes as he steps up behind him. He whirls around to glare at the perpetrator, only to come face to face with the aforementioned assistant coach. “Go home,” Seokjin says, twirling the gym keys in one hand. “I’m trying to lock up.”
“What’s stopping you,” Jungkook huffs, tucking his knees to his chest, ignoring the awfully rude manner in which Seokjin nudges him away, foot against his back as if he’s just an annoying pile of cardboard boxes in his way.
“What’s wrong with you today?” Seokjin asks casually, doesn’t sit next to Jungkook on the steps because he’s always been a little too posh. According to Taehyung, Kim Seokjin graduated from some elite university in another country with near immaculate all-around player statistics before Jungkook even knew what a volleyball was. His success and fame in the world of collegiate volleyball is why he never wears the standard-issued slippers around the court, always some high-end, luxury brand. One glance slightly to his left has Jungkook meeting the black stripe of the frequently sought after Givenchy sneakers head on. 
He scoffs, a sound that Seokjin doesn’t approve of if the karate chop he lands on the back of his neck is anything to go by. “Ow,” Jungkook flinches, pushing him away with an irritated sigh before eventually slumping over his knees again because it’s the exact same thing you do to him sometimes. Study nights— dates, his brain supplies now —where he begins gazing off into space are filled with numerous karate chops to the neck in an effort to get him to focus on his homework. “Come on, Jungkookie,” you always tease, playful smile, lithe fingers toying with the corners of the pages in your book in a way that was almost sensual. But then he does a double-take because he’s aware of the rose-tinted lens he’s unknowingly slapped over it, something he would have maybe not noticed pre-realization of his feelings. And even he is shocked by the absolute seductiveness his brain inserts into an otherwise innocent memory. He’s pretty sure you haven’t called him Jungkookie in years— was his brain trying to hint at something here?
Jungkook groans, knocking his head against his knees as a form of self-punishment for his lecherous thoughts concerning his best friend. 
But his show of emotions must move Assistant Coach Kim because, after a moment of trying to concuss himself against his own knee, there’s a hand placed on his shoulder that makes Jungkook pause. He doesn’t even bother turning around, just throws his head back to look at Seokjin upside down. He’s got a double chin from this angle. “It’s a girl, isn’t it,” his coach sighs, looking at Jungkook with what can only be described as an unimpressed expression. 
“No,” Jungkook defends even though it’s true. “Can’t I just be sad for oth—“
“I heard Jimin call you a simp on the way out,” Seokjin says rather bluntly. And then he surprises Jungkook a second time as he throws aside his posh status to sit on the dirty concrete steps beside him with a sigh. “What did you do?” 
See, Jungkook could lie here and prance off to deal with his own problems. Leaving Seokjin and everyone else in the dark concerning his personal life was, honestly speaking, the smartest thing to do. He didn’t mind his volleyball teammates and friends (in this case, his coach), but he also wasn’t too fond of being relentlessly teased throughout the entire five or more hours they spent together almost every day of the week. 
But also… 
If what Taehyung had said is true— that being, if Kim Seokjin is the illustrious bachelor who charmed his way into multiple foreign panties all whilst demolishing the spirits of liberos and defensive specialists in another country —then Jungkook needed to capitalize off his presence immediately. 
So he lays his cards out flat. “I… might’ve told my best friend I’d take her virginity,” he blurts out, turning to face Seokjin. For the most part, the older man doesn’t look too surprised. If anything, mildly amused. Jungkook quickly adds, “while also being a virgin.” 
“You’re a what,” Seokjin exclaims, chokes on his own saliva in an admittedly not Casanova, bachelor-esque fashion that ends with him coughing into his elbow and Jungkook hurriedly patting his back. “You?” Seokjin repeats once he’s composed himself. “Are a— don’t you have a girlfriend?”
Jungkook’s cheeks warm. “No, Coach. I do not have a girlfriend,” he emphasizes, because who knew sharing the details of his (lack of) sex life would be this embarrassing? 
Seokjin frowns. “What about that girl?” he asks, and Jungkook raises his brows. “You know the one. Carries around stacks of papers to sign, goes to all the games. The one who pats you on head all the time.” And he’s talking about you, of course he is, but the insinuation that other people might, maybe, possibly, perceive you as his girlfriend makes Jungkook malfunction. 
“She’s— That’s—“ he sighs, dropping his head down until his chin touches his chest, brushed against the lucky necklace you’d given him two years ago during their first trip to Nationals. “That’s… my best friend.” 
Beside him, Seokjin says, “the one you’re gonna fuck?” 
Jungkook lets out a long exhale. “Yes. The one I’m going to fuck.” And it’s so blunt and crude, not that it’s surprising coming from him, but it’s surprising because he’s talking about you. Now, Jungkook was never one for romance, far from the sappy type. But why couldn’t he word it more softly, gently? He wasn’t just trying to fuck you, he was trying to… make love. 
The thought must show on his face because Seokjin snorts. “Well, good luck.” 
And then he stands up and begins walking down the sidewalk and Jungkook can’t spring up fast enough. “Wait,” he gasps, clutching at his forearm. He feels like a dorky character in those dramas you like so much, the ones you force him into watching every time he comes over. Like he’s some disgraced son looking for his father’s approval. Except Assistant Coach Kim is neither his father nor someone he really wants approval from anyway. 
What he does want is pointers. From an experienced pro, if you will. 
Jungkook has to swallow down all his pride as a man to ask his next question. “H- How do I—“
Seokjin beats to it him with a flick to the forehead. “I’m your volleyball coach, kid,” he frowns, crossing his arms over his chest. “Not your sex coach.” It’s a sensible rejection, one that Jungkook expected, but still. He deflates, let’s the weight of the world and his heavy gym bag nearly knock him onto the ground. 
But Assistant Coach Kim Seokjin is kinder than he lets on and, after one annoyed sigh, let’s him in on the secret Jungkook has been chasing for all his life. (Or, well, for the past few hours since he first propositioned you.)
“The key to impressing your partner is to always act like you know what you’re doing,” he tells him, arms crossed over his shoulders. It’s night now, the campus shrouded in darkness. But Jungkook swears a heavenly light shines down on Kim Seokjin just then, a halo appearing over his head when he jabs a finger against Jungkook’s chest. “Confidence is sexy.” 
“Confidence is sexy,” Jungkook repeats, feels like a kid who’s just met his favorite wrestler after years of being an avid fan, watching every match, memorizing every finishing move, collecting every figurine— it’s a little too specific but it makes sense in Jungkook’s case. You would understand this analogy perfectly, having grown alongside him during his iconic wrestling phase (before volleyball). You had indulged him in his interest, had let him practice those Do Not Try at Home moves on you again and again, even when you knew it ended with you bruised and crying, the twin pigtails you used to rock as a kid uneven and messy. But as your best friend, you had let him twist your arm and pin you to the count of three, because that’s what a good best friend did. 
And as your best friend, Jungkook was gearing himself up to completely, thoroughly rock your virgin world. Because that’s what a good best friend did.
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Copyright © 2021, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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snakeboistan · 3 years
Just a heads up that I don't really know that much about BNHA. Most of my knowledge comes from fanfics, tumblr posts and my bestie so some of these headcanons might be a bit OOC
Nagisa + Hinata + Midoriya
So I’ve already made posts about Nagisa, Hinata and Mido being the ultimate cinnamon roll trio who are the loves of my life, my sons and if anything happens to them I will kill everyone and then myself
Let me adopt them, please let me adopt them 
I mean it is canon that Mama Midoriya is single right?...jk jk ... unless 👀
These precious babies are literally the sweetest guys ever and everyone’s ultimate hype men
They have their own protection squads and at least five people who have a crush on them (these bois be making people question their sexuality like it’s a past time)
They can also turn feral at any given moment and revert back to normal in a second
They act like its no big deal but they have legit traumatised people before
I know that Nagisa and Midoriya are ✨ notebook buddies ✨ but I like to think that Hinata keeps a volleyball journal like Kageyama (like the adorable boyfriend he is) and shows it off proudly to them and Nagisa and Mido are so proud of their tangerine bestie and they teach him how to make notes and analyse like they do and are just so pure (ILOVETHEMSOMUCHYOUHAVENOIDEA)
It’s a legit hazard to have them in the same place because the intensity of the combined smiles of a baby sunshine crow, baby sunshine snake and baby sunshine bunny can wipe out anyone in a 10 km radius
But what a way to go, am I right?
Also, I’m adding Yamaguchi here because he’s a sweetie who can and will end someone if they try to mess with Tsukki the people he cares about 
Do not under any circumstances try to mess with the trio that is Nagi, Yama and Mido because they know all of your secrets and are not afraid to use that to their benefit 
 Isogai + Daichi + Iida 
Did you mean: Dad Friends
Someone help them
It aint easy being a teen parent but they make it work
Also I’m a total simp for all three of them like Iida is everything I want IDKY I’m not saying its the glasses but its totally the glasses
Can and will do the disappointed dad stare. It is effective.
These three meet up to despair about their schoolmates and within five minutes one (or all) of them is getting a phone call because someone needs to be bailed out of jail
Isogai and Iida are class rep goals just saying
They love their classmates but why are they like this
Daichi: *watching Noya and Tanaka egg on the Terasaka gang to let them connect sleds on Yoshida’s motorbikes and go speed racing down the mountain* I ask myself that everyday
Just...someone give them a vacation and some aspirin because they need it
But not for too long because they are the few responsible ones 
Midoriya: *mumbling* That’s funny considering that Iida tried to murder someone in cold blood 
1-A members not aware of the Hosu Incident (so basically everyone except for Mido, Todo and Glasses Sonic): WHAT?!
Karma: Really? That’s weird. Nagisa tried to do that as well
3-E members that didn’t confront Takaoka: WAIT WHAT?!
Karasuno: *paling* who the f*ck are these people…
 Fuwa + Nakamura + Kiyoko + Ashido + Aoyama
The ultimate shippers
Listen, look me in the eyes and tell me that Shimizu Kiyoko doesn’t ship her team and that she does not have a group chat with all of the other managers where they gossip about who’s dating who. Look me right in the eyes and tell me that does not happen.
These people know all of the gossip 
Well actually Nagisa knows all of the tea in 3-E but Fuwa is a close second
Ultimate wingpeople 
 Kataoka + Ennoshita + Momo
I don’t want to say mum friend but they are the most responsible ones if Isogai, Daichi and Iida aren’t around
They are beings to be feared, you dont wanna cross them
There was once a time when all three of them are angered and everyone still has emotional scars to this day
The only ones who can control the chaos
Can also smack talk people like a pro
Have soft spots for the cinnamon rolls
Just imagine the three of them sitting around one of those circular umbrella tables outside of a cafe wearing matching sunglasses and drinking smoothies out of a straw as they judge everyone
 Kimura + Hinata + Kageyama + Kirishima
Listen, there are athletes and there are athletes™
These boys are the latter 
They race all of the time
I’m not kidding
Everything is a race
Arm wrestles galore
 Hazama + Tsukishima + Tokoyami
Masters of snark
Looks like they can kill you, can actually kill you
Hang out with each other to get away from the stupidity of everyone around them
Hazama and Tokoyami are just chillin’ talking about demonic sacrifice and Tsukki’s like ‘you guys are more tolerable than the feral children I’ll stay here’
Literally have no cares at all
If you approach them they will make you cry
 Chiba + Hayami + Kageyama + Todoroki 
The chill kids
All they do is vibe in the background
They’re entire friendship is just *blank stare* *eye contact* *small nod*
And you know what? That’s valid
Are also totally willing to hide a body 24/7
Todo convinces the other three that his theories are legit
 Terasaka Squad + Nishinoya + Tanaka + Bakusquad
That is it
Do I need to go on?
 Kurahashi + Kouda 
Soft bbys
Would die for them
Go on bug hunting expeditions
Hang out at petting zoos
Kurahashi has fallen in love with Kouda's bunnies as she should 
Are proud parents of every single furry and crawlie critter on the E-Class mountain
Dont worry Nagisa gets to keep his snakes
Go to pet stores and animal shelters
pure cinnamon rolls
 Maehara + Tanaka + Nishinoya + Kaminari
Best hype men
Praise each other like no other
Maehara and Calamari keep on getting annoyed because everyone keeps on pretending to not be able to tell the two apart
They can it's just that it's fun to mess with them
 Karasuma + Ukai + Aizawa
The ‘I came here determined not to get attached and now I’ve adopted a gang of teenagers’
Are literally one second away from becoming alcoholics
Are constantly ready to ‘subtly’ brag about how their students are improving in training 
Karasuma and Aizawa go over sparring procedures and Ukai is just like ‘your students have WEAPONS?!?’
Tsundere but parents
Best Dads
They love their kids 
But dont tell anyone that
It’s okay they know anyway
Will deck anyone that hurts their chaos children in any way
 Koro-Sensei + Takeda + Yagi 
HAVE WALLETS WITH THEIR PHOTOS IN THEM Yagi’s is just 20+ pictures of Midoriya but shhhh
*Todoroki’s conspiracy theory senses tingle*
They could be at the groceries but they’ll still find a way to brag about their kids
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Hello!! This might be a weird ask but, fanfics where the main theme is pregnancy?? Thank youu for everything you do!!!!
We have gathered quite a varied selection for you! - A
Also see..
pregnant Neil ask (these are a/b/o with mpreg)
‘Attached at the Hip’ here
‘“If you want, we could go together?”’ here
‘Kevin and Allison’ series Part 2 here
‘Mom Jeans’ here
‘Meant to Be Loved’ here
‘Die Young’ here (side character)
‘Maybe it was the Zombies’ here (zombie apocalypse, subplot)
lovely, made from love. by paleromantic [Rated T, 11452 Words, Complete, 2018]
"I kind of... Neil, stay sitting." Andrew stood across from him, bare toes digging into the carpet beneath him. Aaron decided to emerge from the bathroom then, and Neil looked at him as he took his seat again.
"What's... what's going on?"
"Neil... I'm..." He paused, tugging his sleeves down and counting to five in his head, the way Bee had taught him. "Okay, I'm pregnant. Okay?"
tw: unplanned pregnancy, tw: gender dysphoria, tw: vomit
Giving Life by WanderingSpiritCC [Rated T, 7931 Words, Complete, 2020]
At some point he had wandered away from Neil. Even now Andrew wasn't smiling, but there was no venom in his eyes. He was just methodically looking through clothes for tiny humans.
Damn, there were going to be tiny humans, part Andrew and part Neil. Andrew had chosen this.
Mpreg fic where its Andrew's turn.
tw: mpreg, tw: unplanned pregnancy, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: panic attacks
NB: This fic is mpreg but not a/b/o
The one that brings peace by Kami_cullen [Rated G (we say T), 23552 Words, Incomplete, Updated Jan 2020]
Neil and Andrew had been friends for over a decade and had been together for four years, they're just starting their careers as pro Exy players when an unexpected surprise comes to change the course of their lives, or maybe not?
Andrew a trans man finds out he's pregnant and doesn't exactly wants to be a father yet, soft angst and fluff ensues
tw: unplanned pregnancy, tw: panic attacks, tw: vomit, tw: gender dysphoria
My Cousins by filteredred [Rated T, 10525 Words, Complete, 2019]
Maria Hemmick’s quiet life as a mother and small-town pastor’s wife turns upside down when her unmarried and very pregnant sister-in-law Tilda makes a splashy return, stirring up righteous indignation, uncovering family secrets, and cleaving relationships. As the adults wrestle through old dynamics and new decisions, young family members face uncertain futures.
tw: racism, tw: teen pregnancy mention, tw: implied/referenced abortion, tw: implied/referenced miscarriage, tw: depression, tw: alcohol abuse/alcoholism, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
A Shock to the System by Autumnalpalmetto [Rated T, 1782 Words, Complete, AFTG Valentine’s Exchange 2019]
Prompt: A cute domestic piece with Aaron/Katelyn, extra points if you feature a time when Katelyn is pregnant and Aaron starts freaking out
tw: panic attack
Dan and Thea
cravings by oisforoblivion [Rated T, 615 Words, Complete, 2020]
Andrew opens the door to his new neighbour.
Yeah, the hot one.
"Same time tomorrow?" by markonasurface (idwir) [Rated T, 1143 Words, Complete, 2018]
Dan’s in her fourth year of assistant coaching. Matt’s third year of professional Exy. Where Matt was practically begged to become a backliner for (second year) Andrew’s team because he was too difficult to work with. Kevin is visiting. They practice together. Matt has a designated Skype/facetime time with Dan and he never misses it. (Neil’s first year pro.)
But for real Amalia and Kevin headcanons by @jeanmorcau [Tumblr, Not Rated, Complete, 2017]
Thea is terrified when she finds out she's pregnant
tw: vomit 
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august-anon · 4 years
Let’s Hang Out
Hey y’all!!! It’s Pinapple’s birthday today!! And today also marks 365 days until she rejoins us on tumblr! If y’all have any birthday wishes you wanna make sure she sees, feel free to let me know and I’ll text them to her for you! I hope you all (and she lol) enjoy this!! Also this is vaguely human AU lol
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship(s): platonic Prinxiety
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Virgil, Ler!Roman
Word Count: 2084 words
Summary: If Roman was going to (albeit accidentally) ignore him, then Virgil was going to ignore Roman right back. He just didn't expect the consequences that followed.
[ao3 link]
Had Virgil known what an afternoon hanging out with Roman would entail, he would’ve said no on the spot. As much progress as they had made with their friendship, Virgil was not in the mood to hear Roman belt out musical theater songs at the top of his lungs. He’d rather they just sit down and pull up a bootleg or something, but Roman was ever brimming with energy and a song in his heart or whatever the heck it was.
But that didn’t mean that after the 18th song Virgil was still going to be paying attention. He came here to hang out, not be sung aggressively at as he tried to relax in Roman’s cluttered room. Instead he lounged on Roman’s bed, far more plush than his own, having made a nest out of pillows to comfortably relax in as he scrolled aimlessly on his phone. He barely even noticed when Roman’s singing trailed off.
“Are you even paying attention?” He asked with a huff.
Virgil raised an eyebrow, not bothering to look away from the screen. “Look, I tried to keep with it, but after the 6th song when you hadn’t even said a word to me, I kinda just decided to zone out.”
Roman huffed again, flopping onto the bed and earning a glare when it jostled Virgil’s nest. “I cannot believe this! I invite you in, invite you to listen to my glorious voice, and you deign to not pay attention to me?!”
Virgil shrugged. “It was cool at first but like, I’m here to hang out.”
Roman stared. “And what is it that we were doing?”
Virgil glared back. “You ignoring me to sing.”
Roman pouted and Virgil went back to his phone, switching through apps at the speed of light because none of them captured his interest for more than a few seconds. They sat in silence for a few moments before Roman crawled closer to the edge of Virgil’s nest.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to ignore you.”
Virgil hummed, scrolling.
“Can you ever forgive me, oh dearest Stormcloud?”
Virgil scrolled.
“Virgil. Hey. Come on, I’m talking to you!”
Virgil scrolled, though there was the hint of a smirk tugging at his lips that he was desperately trying to fight down. Roman gasped theatrically, swooning into the pillows along the edge of Virgil’s nest.
“Your revenge is swift and unforgiving, I have seen the error of my ways. Let’s do something else, now, I promise it’ll be better!”
Virgil continued to ignore him.
Roman whined, poking at Virgil’s calf where it rested near his head. “Give me attention!”
Nothing. But Roman was not to be deterred.
Roman continued poking at him, probably hoping to annoy him into stopping his new little game, but Virgil had siblings, he was a middle kid, it wouldn’t be that easy to crack him. He had trained for this his whole life. He sat there, stoic and unmoving as Roman jabbed his finger into Virgil’s leg. 
Except then the jabs moved up Virgil’s knee and thigh and he barely kept it together. He took in a sharp, but quiet, breath as the finger jabbed his hip. He couldn’t stop his body’s jerk when the finger darted into his fleshy side. Roman paused.
“You good, man?”
Virgil almost, almost, opened his mouth to answer. But he was stubborn and absolutely unwilling to lose this game, so he kept his mouth glued firmly shut and opened tumblr for the umpteenth time, hoping to find an actual distraction in it this time.
Roman hummed, taking his lack of response as him being fine, and continued poking. Unfortunately, he continued poking away at Virgil’s upper body, and he couldn’t help but jerk away at every single one, having to fight harder and harder to repress his smile and hold his building giggles at bay.
Suddenly, Roman chuckled evilly. “Oh, I know what’s going on here.”
In a mad escape attempt, Virgil chucked his phone at the beanbag across the room and tried to lunge off the bed after it. His phone made it safely to his intended sanctuary, but Virgil himself was caught by arms around his waist, pulling him back to the bed. His nest was near destroyed in the following scuffle, both boys wrestling with all their might to gain the upper hand. There was one mortifying secret that Virgil was determined to keep to himself, but if Roman managed to pin him he wasn’t sure he would be able to.
And then Roman cheated by squeezing at his sides, making Virgil bark out a few startled laughs and go almost limp in Roman’s arms, and he was easily pinned to the bed. Roman straddled his hips, pinned his hands under his knees, and grinned down at him like the cat that had caught the canary.
And Virgil was certainly feeling like a canary right about now.
“Let’s talk about this,” Virgil blurted, tugging at his hands. He sucked in a breath as Roman rested his hands back on Virgil’s waist.
“Oh, now he wants to talk!” Roman said bitterly, though his bright grin contrasted with the words.
“Yup--yup, definitely want to talk! Or, uh, or you could sing again! I’d be perfectly content listening to you sing!”
Roman raised an eyebrow and tilted his head, humming thoughtfully. “Splendid idea, Virge, but I’d much rather hear you sing.”
Virgil didn’t have time to squeeze in another protest or plea as Roman’s hands immediately dug back into his sides. Virgil tossed his head back against the pillows and laughed, not bothering to hold back anymore now that one half of his secret was out.
Because see, Virgil would try his hardest to make it seem otherwise when it came up, but Virgil rather liked tickling. Giving or receiving, he found it to be rather fun, but he was loathe to admit that to any living soul. So much so that he was even using dramatic words like “loathe,” when that was more Roman’s style.
“See?” Roman said cheerfully. “We’re hanging out! I’m paying attention to you!”
“Princey!” Virgil cried out as Roman’s hands crawled up his ribs.
“Yes, Doom and Gloom? Though you’re rather the opposite right now, I suppose. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh so much!”
Roman’s grin sharpened. “Please what? Please… tickle you more? My pleasure!”
Virgil shrieked as the hands slithered up and buried themselves in his armpits. He couldn’t help the series of snorts that followed, unfortunately always triggered by being targeted in that sensitive spot. He felt his face go red.
Roman laughed above him. “Oh my gosh, that’s adorable. Do you have any other fun sounds?”
“No!” Virgil lied. Well, he wasn’t sure if it was a lie. He certainly didn’t get tickled often enough to remember, he just could never forget those embarrassing snorts, hard as he tried.
“Methinks the emo doth protest too much!”
Roman switched from wiggling fingers to scratching nails in the center of his hollows and Virgil’s thrashing renewed, snorts that had somewhat died down returning with a vengeance. Virgil shook his head and tugged on his arms, using what little slack he had to pin them to his sides as tightly as possible.
“Alright, alright,” Roman chuckled. “I’ll move on.”
Virgil prepared for the worst, assuming that “moving on” meant going for the next most obvious spot: his stomach, the worst of them, but to his surprise, the torturing hands did not appear on his belly. No, they appeared on his thighs, squeezing and digging into the muscle without abandon. Virgil launched up into a sitting position, nearly crashing his head into Roman’s collarbone, letting out a startled cackle.
“Ooh, good spot?” Roman asked cheekily, as if Virgil would actually answer.
Just to be contrary, he did. “No!”
Roman’s tickling faltered as he laughed again, but quickly resumed. “If this isn’t a good spot, I fear for you when I do find one!”
Roman continued to torment his legs, leaning back even further to squeeze at his kneecaps. Virgil kicked out and cursed through his giggles and swore to make Roman regret this, but he wasn’t exactly all that threatening when red-faced and laughing, dimples jumping around joyfully. Eventually, Roman granted him a break, and Virgil sucked in deep, greedy breaths, watching his hands warily as he collapsed back onto the bed.
“Tell you what,” Roman said. “You tell me where your worst spot is, and I promise I’ll go easy on you.”
Virgil stayed silent as he debated the pros and cons of the situation. Easy meant he was likely to get out of this sooner without revealing that he actually desperately wanted it. Easy meant tummy tickles and then freedom shortly after. Easy meant having enough energy to make good on his threats immediately.
But not giving up the information meant Virgil would get what he’d wanted for a while, now: to be well and truly wrecked.
“Taking a while to answer there, Wiggles and Giggles,” Roman said, a smirk slowly spreading across his face. “Could it be… you don’t want me to go easy on you?”
Virgil was too caught off guard to lie convincingly. “What?! No! What? You’re insane.”
Roman didn’t miss a beat. “Tell me your worst spot and I will go after it immediately and absolutely not go easy on you.”
Virgil hesitated. “You don’t think it’s weird?” He asked quietly.
“Weird?! Of course not! This may just be the cutest thing in the world!”
Virgil’s mouth twisted as he blushed and looked away, but he relented. “Stomach.”
Roman’s hands were immediately pushing up his shirt, rubbing against his stomach. “Aww, someone has a ticklish little tummy?”
Virgil squirmed. “Shut up.”
Roman grinned. “Why, does it make it worse?”
“Shut up!”
Roman shrugged. “Suit yourself.”
Then he took a huge breath, attached his lips to Virgil’s stomach, and blew. The raspberry echoed through the room, but was quickly drowned out by the sound of Virgil’s screaming cackles. He thrashed so hard that he finally got his arms free, clutching desperately at Roman’s shoulders as another strong raspberry was placed on his belly.
“Roman!” He practically screamed at the third.
“What?” Roman asked. “I thought you wanted me to shut up!”
“Plea--” His cry was cut off by a new wave of laughter as a fourth and final raspberry vibrated through his stomach.
Roman wasn’t finished, though, clearly, as his hands came up to knead at the sensitive skin. His laughter got more frantic and wheezing the closer Roman got to his belly button, and he was torn between wanting Roman to notice and wishing he never would. Apparently, though, the universe was out to embarrass Virgil as much as possible, because Roman noticed.
“What do we have here? A little button demanding to be pressed?”
“No!!” Virgil said, you know, like a liar.
“I think that’s a fake no,” Roman said, “so I think I’ll press this button.”
Virgil did scream when Roman’s finger dug into the little divot. It wiggled and scratched and vibrated into the horribly sensitive place until Virgil thought he would go absolutely mad with how badly it tickled. As much fun as he was having, though, Virgil was quickly running out of stamina and breath. He slapped lightly at Roman’s shoulder.
Roman understood, pulling back immediately and rolling off Virgil. Virgil curled in on himself, still laughing for long minutes after the tickling actually stopped. When he’d finally calmed down, Virgil sat up and ran a hand through his destroyed hair, surveying the mess they had made of the bed.
“You have to help me rebuild the nest.”
Roman laughed. “I would love nothing more. Wanna watch movies on my laptop, after?”
Virgil shrugged, only half listening, fully focused on recreating his perfect pillow nest and napping through the rest of the afternoon. “Sure.”
Roman started gathering the pillows that had been kicked to the floor. “Look at us! Bonding, learning new things about each other, building nests because one of us is a weird bird-cat hybrid… Quite a successful hang-out if I do say so myself!”
Virgil chucked a pillow at his head with a grin.
The nest was reconstructed in record time and Virgil immediately burrowed into it with three newly stolen blankets, watching from his cocoon as Roman pulled up Disney Plus on his laptop and clicked play on the first thing to show up. They were both asleep within minutes.
Quite the successful hang-out indeed.
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miloloveswrestling · 4 years
How to gif ~
(a very partial tutorial)
Hey everyone, I’m Milo, fandom contributor since 1887. It had been brought to my attention that some of you might want to learn how to do gifs so I’m here to share the knowledge. Of course it’s only how I do gifs, and it’s not the only way, probably not the simplest way but heh, it’s mine.
First of all: you need to choose the couple of seconds you want as a gif. Seriously, it’s half the work. Think about how your gif will loop, what the first image (and thumbnail) will be and most importantly: work with your platform of choice’s limitations. 1 gif at a time on twitter, 440×220 min, 10 gifs on tumblr, 500px wide, 5Mo, etc.
Giffing Tool: a powerful tool, free of use but if you have a couple bucks to spare, it’s Pay What You Want.  
Photoshop: The portable CS4 version by Majax31 exists. It’s old but it  does a tremendous job, also, it’s light, ready to use and easy to find.  It’s still not legal though. I happen to use Photoshop CS4.  
Let’s say you want to gif a close-up of some Pro Wrestling Noah boys like any other sane person. Well, excellent choice!
Pause your vid a couple of seconds before the right moment, open Giffing Tool. GT works as a way to record your screen.
New > Hold your click to select the zone
Play your vid, don’t move anything. It looks like nothing is happening but GT is recording. When the scene you want is finished, tap esc and GT will compile your gif, give it a bit of time. The closer you are from the actual size you want, the less time it will take.
In GT’s window, you select the length of your gif a bit better (1), click the size to avoid losing quality in an unwanted resize (2) and save it with the appropriate icon (3, shortcut is S). Step 2 is super important, you need the actual size to be the same as the size your gif will get out. If GT change the size, you will lose quality.
Saving with GT takes time, you can continue to use your computer normally while it does, be patient.
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If you bought the full version of Giffing Tool, you can decide to resize your gif here and be done with it! But if you didn’t GT will add a banner you might want to cut with Photoshop or of course you might want to play with colors, size and decide on all the frames you want or don’t want, to the next level with you!
So yeah, now’s the time to edit your gif in photoshop! Hooray! After a lot of trials and error, I found some secrets to make this work. First open Photoshop then it goes like this:
File > Importation (down there) > Video frames to layers
I don’t know about the newer versions of Photoshop but you’ll need to write the name of your gif (with the extension) in the File Name to find it, it will not appear otherwise. Write it when you’re already in the right folder. By the way I remember now that you need Quicktime for this to work but it’s a pretty basic log so I guess this shouldn’t be a problem. Anyway, import it even if it does not appear (as long as you have the name of the file right, it will work): [Mark frame animation] must be checked in the next window and we’re good!
Now comes some work with Photoshop. Before you get started, you’ll need to get the animation window (Window > Animation). You only have to get it once, it stays in your setup for later uses. In that window you can check your gif frame by frame, delete duplicates (fair warning though, deleting too many duplicates will make your gif lighter but also will alter its rhythm, again, trials and errors, test everything!), decide on how fast you want your gif,
Another warning: what you change on the first image of your gif will apply to all the frames. If you wants to change only one, select the one and the layer associated with it. If you wanna change only the first, duplicate it (first icon in 2).
1/ You must use that tool to select the part of the image you’ll need. If you didn’t pay for Giffing Tool, you can use that tool to cut the banner they add. Once your image is selected, use Crop (here Recadrer). With Image Size (here Taille de l’image) you can resize your image depending of your platform’s limitations (on tumblr 500px wide).
2/ The animation window as I already said is super useful, you can delete, duplicate, move around frames.
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3/ Don’t get there too fast but this is where you can edit colors and light. Experimentation is key here. Only one thing I can add: remember to select the first frame in the animation window if you want your edit on all frames. BUT put your edit on an empty layer on top of all the other layers in the layer window. If you know nothing about photoshop, a word on layers: here Layer/Calque 1 is hidden, you can make it visible by clicking the empty square next to the preview. If you do that then do the same on Layer 2, layer 2 will hide layer 1. The layer on top is always the one showing first. You can also erase some parts of a layer to show the one under it. Everything is possible in photoshop! Add a frame on the first layer so it shows on all the other layers! Add stickers! Most importantly: try things! fail! learn from it and do it again! If you have questions, I’ll answer them as best I can.
Last thing I’ll add is how to save your gif. You need to use Save for Web... in the file menu. You’ll get a preview, on the upper right corner, change the second setting as GIF.
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1/ Check the format
2/ This is where you can check the size of your gif, super important depending on where you want to publish it.
3/ Save... You did it!!!!
It might sound complicated but it really isn’t that much, all the work you’ll do the first time will be useful forever, you’re learning a new skill but thankfully that skill is super easy to remember. And allows all sorts of awesome things! A whole new horizon is opening!
@kazuchikaokada​ 😌 i’m not sure you’re gonna learn much with all that ‘cause your gifs are already so nice?! it depends a lot on vid quality I guess but really you’re probably already doing all that? Maybe if you don’t use photoshop yet it could give you a whole new set of possibilities?! Anyway, sorry if this didn’t help, I hope it’s still useful for someone out there anyway!
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squaredcirclesirens · 5 years
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Christy Hemme, Gail Kim, Lita Announce KAYfABE Television Series
Los Angeles – Three of the most respected women in professional wrestling are teaming up to get in the ring once more. Today, Amy Dumas, Gail Kim and Christy Hemme are unveiling a brand new, status-quo shattering, female-centric wrestling series, KAYFABE.
Part TV drama, part wrestling promotion, the show will effectively demolish the fourth wall between characters and audience for a viewing experience that wrestling fans have never seen before. In a traditionally male-dominated industry, KAYFABE is a dramatization and collection of female stories inspired by real life events.
“I think KAYFABE is a great feminist story about a group of empowered women who have—in the most literal sense you could imagine—taken control of their own narratives,”Christy Hemme
Named after the wrestling craft term that refers to the strict manner in which performers were once forbidden from breaking character or sharing industry secrets, KAYFABE is the perfect name for the new show, which will be taking that term and turning it on its head.
“All the stories we’ll be presenting in this show are something that, in one way or another, happened in real life,”Gail Kim
The producers—who all enjoyed storied careers in professional wrestling and each command a sizable and fervent following—have taken to Kickstarter to fund the creation of a pilot in an attempt to bring their vision to life without compromise. In addition to their on-screen careers, all three also share extensive backgrounds behind the camera – Kim being the first female wrestling agent in Impact Wrestling, Hemme becoming the first female talent to join the Impact creative team as director of the women’s division and Dumas, as the first female to become a producer for WWE.
Joining them in this endeavor are an A-team of award-winning pro wrestling veterans, writers, producers, and cinematographers. These include Emmy-award winning writer Tom Casiello, SAG-award winning stunt coordinator Chavo Guerrero, and award-winning director David Sahadi.
“We want KAYFABE to build on that sentiment by telling stories that represent women, not only in our industry but anyone bound by their own secrets—all while turning this business upside down.” Amy Dumas
You can find more information and how to help back the project here.
Follow KAYfABE on Twitter.
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breadclubrising · 5 years
It’s here!!
Welcome to the third annual Wrestling Tumblr G1 Climax Pick ‘Em, a friendly contest to predict the winners of the NJPW G1 Climax tournament. Everyone is welcome!
How it works
👉Fill out this form to enter.👈 Choose who you think will win each block match, the winner of each block, and the overall winner of the tournament. 
Points are:
Block matches: 2 points Block winners: 5 points Overall winner: 10 points
If you want to figure out all your standings, make a copy of this extremely helpful spreadsheet to help you calculate. And here is the full schedule, if you want to give that a look!
Whoever gets the most points wins fabulous not-anything! Well, you DO get the love and admiration of your Wrestling Tumblr peers. Last year @oedotai won this poorly photoshopped image of a briefcase. Will she defend it?
Responses close before the first show of the G1, so responses must be submitted before Saturday, July 6th at 5pm Central Time!
I do periodic updates on the standings. If you want to follow or block these updates, I will use the tag Wrestling Tumblr G1 Climax 29.
You don’t really have to know much to participate. It’s just for laffs, frens! Please join us!
Please reblog!!
Basic overview of the G1 for noobs, plus SECRET TIPS AND TRICKS under the cut.
What even is the G1?
This is considered one of the most prestigious pro wrestling events! The winner receives a briefcase which contains a contract guaranteeing them a shot at the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at the next Wrestle Kingdom. The briefcase holder will have to defend the briefcase once or twice between the G1 and WK. If the current champ wins the G1, he chooses who gets the briefcase.
The G1 is a round robin tournament, consisting of two blocks of competitors. Each block has 10 entrants, and everyone will have one singles match against each other member of their block. This means each competitor in the G1 will have 9 singles matches during the block portion of the tournament. Each win is 2 points, and a tie is 1 point. 
Whoever gets the most points in his block moves on to the finals. If two people get the same number of points, the person who won the singles match between them gets the tiebreaker. (So, if Luchador and Senshu both have 16 points going into the finals, and Senshu won Luchador vs. Senshu, Senshu moves on to the finals.) 
Each night of the tournament will have five singles matches, either A Block or B Block. The wrestlers from the other block will have “preview” tag matches in the undercard, against their next singles opponent. 
Secret tips and tricks for making your predictions
While unpredictable stuff always happens during the G1, there are a few trends that OFTEN, but certainly not always, tend to happen. I cannot stress enough that these are just TRENDS, not in any way ironclad. The below are just some things that are good to take into consideration as you decide your winners, although all of them have notable exceptions...
- The G1 determines the schedule for the rest of the year. If someone beats any current title holder during the G1, that person has the right to challenge for their belt. So current title holders are less likely to lose block matches. Wins and losses during the G1 typically set up the feuds for the rest of the year until Wrestle Kingdom.
Current champs: Heavyweight - Kazuchika Okada Intercontinental - Tetsuya Naito US Heavyweight - Jon Moxley NEVER Openweight - Tomohiro Ishii Junior Heavyweight - Will Ospreay (relevant as Will is in the G1)
- Getting wins back. NJPW frequently does what’s called 50/50 booking. This means they want the wrestlers to seem evenly matched in the overall. Remember, NJPW has very few singles matches, so they’re important! So if Luchador beat Senshu in the New Japan Cup, for example, or in a singles match earlier in the year, or in the G1 last year, often in the G1, Senshu would “get his win back” against Luchador.
- Winning at home. Unlike WWE, NJPW often likes to send their crowds home happy, which means wrestlers often win in their hometown or home prefecture (unless their hometown is Tokyo), especially if they’re in the main event, especially if it’s a matchup that wouldn’t normally be main-event-level. 
Here are some ‘hometown’ main events: - Taichi vs. Naito (Hokkaido, Taichi’s home prefecture) - Ishii vs. Naito (Hiroshima, where Naito is very beloved due to his stanning their baseball team) - Okada vs. KENTA (Aichi, Okada’s home prefecture) - Naito vs. Takagi (Naito has a long weird history with Osaka—maybe he’s not more likely to win here, but it’s always good to know when Naito has a match in Osaka.) - Okada vs. EVIL (Shizuoka, EVIL’s home prefecture) - Ishii vs. Takagi (Kanagawa, Ishii’s home prefecture)
- Japanese full-timers winning overall. Only one foreigner, Kenny Omega, has ever won the G1. And I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that the G1 has only been won by people who are full-time committed to NJPW. In any case, the winner is almost never someone shocking; there haven’t really been upset winners of the G1.
- Historically: the champ doesn’t win, the G1 winner doesn’t win at Wrestle Kingdom, the champ retains until Wrestle Kingdom, and the briefcase is never lost. The reigning champion has only won the G1 twice (Keiji Mutoh and Kensuke Sasaki). The briefcase has never been lost in briefcase defenses (the briefcase has only been the prize since 2012, but has been successfully defended 14 times overall). The briefcase winner has only won at Wrestle Kingdom once (this year at WK 13, Hiroshi Tanahashi became the first, which was the only possible outcome, as Kenny Omega was leaving NJPW). The champion usually doesn’t lose his championship between the G1 and Wrestle Kingdom, but it has happened in the past.
- The last matches matter. VERY often, the main event and semi-main of the final night of each block are the matches that determine the block winner. So pay attention to who’s in those last few matches! Even if someone doesn’t have enough points to win, they could still knock someone else out of contention.
A Block final night Semi-main: Ospreay vs. Tanahashi Main: Okada vs. Ibushi
B Block final night Semi-main: Juice vs. Mox Main: Naito vs. White
I doubt anyone read all of these, but feel free to reblog and add more if you think of some!
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sigmadecay · 5 years
You should do all the “tell me abouts” in the ask/honestly hour post
Oh, should I? 👀
Some of them aren’t really applicable, cause I think you’re the one supposed to be telling me stuff, but I’ll answer the ones that are, ‘Non. Just for you.
Tell me about your crush!!!!: I don’t have one. Sorry to disappoint.
Tell me about your ex: we met on tumblr, in the pro wrestling fandom. She’s a big Undertaker fan, and actually introduced me to metal.
Tell me about your day: I woke up at 4 am, figured out where I’m gonna put a drum set in my room, went to work, and donated blood.
Tell me about your dreams: I’d like to do my own research, one day. Or be a heavy metal drummer. Or run an aquarium. I got lots of interests.
Tell me about your drama: not much to speak of.
Tell me about yourself: I’m Kenny, I’m 22, I work at a hospital doing research in NYC, and I’m exhausted constantly. My room is always messy. I write a lot.
Tell me about something awkward/embarrassing: my mom has like 100 dorky nicknames for me.
Tell me about a funny story or something: I went to a street fair in downtown Manhattan near union square and a Chinese woman trying to advertise her massaging business came up behind me and started to rub my shoulders.
Tell me about your favorite band/artist/album/song: it’s rammstein, probably. They’re so versatile. Song for every mood.
Tell me about your favorite meme: I don’t think I have one??
Tell me about your favorite fic: probably “mein Tier” by @babypaulchen. I don’t read a lot of fanfics but she’s an excellent writer.
Tell me a secret: I never went through an emo phase.
Tell me a lame joke/pickup line: “Hey, my hand’s getting kinda heavy. Will you hold it for me?”
Tell me about your favorite tumblr user(s): a certain @cumpumpkin with absolute wild man energy. Love the bastard. @fresh-n-fruitti , friends irl, absolute crackhead energy when combined. We have one braincell and it shuttles back and forth between our skulls rapid-fire.
Tell me about your least favorite tumblr user(s): oh, c’mon. I’m not that petty.
Tell me what you’re thinking about: the kickass Greek food I’m gonna have when I get back home.
Tell me your feelings about me: I have no way of knowing this, but I’m gonna assume you’re the anon that asks me lots of stuff, so thanks for valuing my opinion on shit!
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aion-rsa · 5 years
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Who is John Walker, the US Agent?
John Walker, the US Agent will be one of the antagonists of Marvel's The Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney+.
When The Falcon and The Winter Soldier starts up on Disney+ next year, one of its main antagonists will be the returning Daniel Bruhl as Helmut Zemo. At D23, it’s been announced that there will be another major antagonist in the form of John Walker, as played by Wyatt Russell. Walker is a B-lister-at-best to Marvel and it makes sense that this would be the project that would formally introduce him into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
While there have been various people to take up the mantle of Captain America outside of Steve Rogers, there are only five who truly matter. Isaiah Bradley was the prototype for Captain America as revealed in the excellent Truth: Red, White, and Black. William Burnside became Captain America in the 1950s in response to Rogers’ disappearance after World War II. John Walker became the new Captain America after Steve Rogers was dismissed from the role. Bucky Barnes took over as Cap when Rogers temporarily died. Then Sam Wilson became Cap when Rogers (living again) lost his super soldier powers and became physically elderly.
While Bradley and Burnside have potential to show up in the future (though they’d have to get a good Chris Evans double for Burnside, if not Evans himself), John Walker is the perfect wrench to throw into a story about Sam Wilson wielding the shield.
So who is John Walker, the Captain America of the 80s?
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Walker was created by Mark Gruenwald and Paul Neary, debuting in the pages of Captain America #323 in 1986. In his original appearances, he played the role of Super-Patriot, a glory-hound loud-mouth vigilante backed up by his own propaganda machine. He’d spend much of his time giving speeches about how Captain America was old news, falsely portraying him as a gun-toting psychopath, and he’d even stage fights with goons in Captain America masks called “The Buckies.”
Though respecting the First Amendment and all that, Captain America obviously didn’t like this. Walker, who was driven by fascism, couldn’t leave well enough alone and instigated a fight with Cap. It went on for a while and Walker considered himself the winner because he...threw a shuriken into Cap’s chainmail.
Yeah, I don’t get it either.
A few issues later, Rogers had issues with the US government. The two parties disagreed on the status of the Captain America identity and the United States’ ownership. Deciding that he answered to the dream and not the suits behind the desks, Rogers gave up being Captain America, choosing instead to fight crime as Nomad and later The Captain. Tony Stark even made him a new shield!
The high-ranking government types discussed who would make for the best replacement. Fittingly enough, one even suggested that Sam Wilson would be a perfect candidate...but the public wasn’t ready for a black Captain America. They instead went with Walker, because jerk or not, he was still pretty damn good at punching terrorists in the face.
read more: Everything You Need to Know About The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
Walker was taken aback, especially considering he made had made a name for himself specifically by telling everyone how much Cap sucked. He ended up agreeing to the terms, mainly since he would do just about anything the government tells him to. It was there that we also got to learn his origin.
Walker was the younger brother of a soldier who died in Vietnam and was celebrated as a real hero. Idolizing his brother, but stuck in his shadow, Walker decided to prove himself by joining the military. While he was active, the US wasn’t involved in any wars, so his attempts for glory and acknowledgement were empty gestures. He ended up getting powers from the Power Broker, a pro-wrestling promoter who was the lazy way out whenever a writer in the '80s needed to give someone special abilities without revealing that they were actually a mutant. Walker never entered the squared circle, as he instead got himself an agent and a dream to be America’s #1 patriotic hero.
Then again, he did stage pre-determined fights with the Buckies to get him more cheers from the public, so I guess he's more pro-wrestling than I originally thought.
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After Taskmaster trained Walker to sling a shield like an expert, the new Captain America started kicking ass in the name of ‘Murica. For roughly two years, Walker played the role, where he was portrayed as a violent psychopath dressed in the flag. He wasn’t quite Frank Castle level of bonkers, but he had no problem tying his villains to explosives and leaving them to die. 
Over the course of his run, he started to chill out a bit, question authority a little, and the narrative made sure to make him sympathetic. For instance, he got doxxed and his parents were murdered because of it. Then he wasn’t even allowed to see their funeral because duty calls.
In the end, it turns out the big puppetmaster of everything was the Red Skull. Walker and Rogers teamed up against him and took him down. Then everyone decided to go back to the status quo with Rogers as Cap.
Walker was lucky, though. You see, the 90s were on their way and there was no better haven for an edgier copycat of an existing hero. It was a time when Iron Man was flying around with a giant gattling gun on his shoulder, Spider-Man’s alien double was eating the brains of drug dealers, a Thor knockoff was embarrassing all of us with a leather jacket and ponytail, a new Batman had a hideous costume covered in razors, and so on. Rather than go back to being Super-Patriot, Walker dressed in a black version of the Captain America outfit, got a shield of his own, and fought crime as US Agent.
Even though the two were never really shown to be close friends, Captain America and US Agent co-existed as politically-opposite counterparts with a mutual respect (usually). US Agent received a couple miniseries to his name, but never got a full-on solo series.
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Instead, he spent the next few decades jumping from team to team. As part of the West Coast Avengers and later Forceworks (oof, the '90s), he often played opposite Hawkeye. Hawkeye initially was the Avenger who was a stubborn asshole to nice guy Captain America, so now he had to deal with a version of Captain America who was actually a stubborn asshole. US Agent later led the Jury, a team of armored soldiers who were originally put together as a revenge pact against Venom, then just kind of stopped fighting him after two stories.
For real, though, it's kind of amazing how nobody cares about the Jury and yet they still show up from time to time.
Speaking of teams nobody cares about, US Agent was also part of Superhuman Tactical Activities Response Squad (STARS) and one of the modern incarnations of the Invaders. He became the American liaison to Omega Flight (which he hated, because they’re filthy Canadians). This led to him joining Hank Pym’s Mighty Avengers during the whole Dark Reign thing. Funny enough, Walker was a big supporter of Norman Osborn being in charge of the superhero wing of the government for a time. Of course he was.
read more: Marvel Pulls Essay Over Political Fears
This came to a head in a Siege tie-in where the Mighty Avengers fought Osborn’s Thunderbolts and we got US Agent vs. Nuke. It was the battle of the I-can-see-where-you're-coming-from right wing patriotic super soldier and the crazy-email-that-your-uncle-sent-you right wing patriotic super soldier. The Mighty Avengers won, but US Agent took some horrible damage from the fight, losing an arm and a leg in the process.
No longer wearing the tights, US Agent became Warden Walker as part of the Thunderbolts. He remained in a wheelchair as he didn’t want to use cybernetic attachments to augment his body and be one step closer to becoming like Nuke, the unfortunate super soldier knockoff who first appeared in Daredevil: Born Again. The comic was bloated with characters, so his panel-time was limited, but Walker at least got a rad moment when he took care of a prison riot on his own, Bad Day at Black Rock style.
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It’s the guy meekly bringing over the wheelchair that gets me.
Thunderbolts became Dark Avengers and US Agent was briefly sucked into an alternate reality where the heroes of NYC were at war with each other. Using a lobotomized Venom symbiote, the creature was used to replace the missing pieces of Walker’s body, making him whole again. Team member Toxie Doxie had US Agent under her control, but that was a series-ending cliffhanger that was never touched on ever again.
After that, US Agent has been just kind of kicking around Marvel, showing up whenever someone needs a cranky guy who can still kick some ass. Fittingly, one of his last appearances was him going after Sam Wilson Captain America, but that ties into Civil War II and Secret Empire bullshit and I really don’t want to have to discuss those events.
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Outside of comics, the biggest appearance for US Agent was the Capcom tag-team fighter Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. He was a secret character and really just a recolored Captain America to the point that they didn’t even make his outfit accurate. Still better than how the game turned Blackheart red and called him "Mephisto." US Agent would reappear in Marvel vs. Capcom as an assist character and would be an alternate costume for Cap in Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
read more: The Legacy of Marvel vs. Capcom
As a newcomer to the MCU, Walker is going to be a real wild card. He could be anywhere from a full-on villain to an eventual member of the Avengers. The most likely scenario, at least at first, is that the government isn't going to be thrilled with the idea that Steve Rogers bequeathed the Captain America legacy to Sam Wilson without checking in with them first, and Walker is probably their preferred candidate. I can’t wait to see what Wyatt Russell has to offer.
Gavin Jasper writes for Den of Geek and wonders how long until Forceworks shows up in the MCU. Don’t say they won’t because we’re getting the goddamn Eternals! Nothing is impossible! Read more of his articles here and follow him on Twitter @Gavin4L
Read and download the Den of Geek SDCC 2019 Special Edition Magazine right here!
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Gavin Jasper
Aug 24, 2019
Captain America
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
from Books https://ift.tt/2KTufay
0 notes
spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews… GLOW (S01E07) Live Studio Audience Airdate: June 23, 2017 Ratings: @netflix original/Privatized Ratings Score: 9.5/10 TVTime/FB/Twitter/Tumblr/Path: @SpotlightSaga
**********SPOILERS BELOW**********
The greatest thing about pro-wrestling is that it’s literally a live show, anything can go wrong (or horribly right). Even shows like NXT, Lucha Underground, ROH, PWG specials, shows that are filmed, then edited, then sent out as a television series or a digital copy (since DVD’s & even BluRays are becoming obsolete) can go way off script. When improvisation is introduced into the wrestling show, that’s when the magic begins. Recently a troll on FB attacked one of our articles on A&E’s ‘60 Days In’. After a well pieced together article that covered what we thought were 'producer pushed situations’ vs what was occurring naturally in the series (it’s kinda hard to fake an entire REAL jail, considering they need the space), he simply skipped over everything I had written from the heart and wrote one little line, “You know this is fake, right?” He clearly didn’t read it. After my retort, he brought up pro-wrestling… Ah, he done did it now! Any tried & true fan of professional wrestling will defend their sport or 'Sports Entertainment’ (whatever you want to call it) to the death. Of course everything is planned in advance; the moves, the winners, the storylines… But it’s the pageantry, the training, the real risk of physical injury, the freedom that some wrestlers have in their promos, and an array of other variables, that make pro-wrestling so damn great and have seen it survive for well over a century.
'Live Studio Audience’ captures all of that AND MORE. As a matter of fact, we want to go ahead and nominate this very episode as one of the best of the year for a 30 Minute Comedy or Drama. We get it all… The thrill and excitement of the very first GLOW Live Show ever, the anxiety & stage fright that comes with it as we see Machu Picchu (Britney Young) run for the hills without even getting inside the 20x20, a overworked and panicked Bash (Chris Lowell) abandoning the possible financial future of the show to console Carmen in her 'emotional distress’, two women taking a chance - Cherry Bang (Sydelle Noel) & Tammé the Welfare Queen (Kia Stevens) instinctively changing the direction & storyline of their match without anyone else aware of their scheme besides the newly 'white sheet wearing’, transformed 'Beatdown Biddies’, Stacey (Kimmy Gatewood) & Dawn (Rebekka Johnson) - who’s main concern is if Bill Cosby will be mad at them… Literally changing the match from the uber-cliché, women of color beating up on the elderly to two bad ass, strong Black Queens taking on two racist KKK members, signifying the ongoing battle of racism in the United States! The latter had to be one of the best, most outrageous scenes of GLOW to date. And like Sam said, 'I guess you’re never too young to know about this country’s racial history’.
Sam (Marc Maron) was apprehensive of Cherry & Tammé’s surprise changes at first… But by the end of the match he had gained confidence in the women after hearing the crowd of 30 or so erupt into roars the likes of a full house in the broken down gym would sound like. He even hilariously referred to them as 'The Black Panthers’ in what was ironically riveting commentary. All of it accompanied by the same solemn keyboard tune for the entire show thanks to Sheila the She-Wolf (Gayle Rankin), as it was the only song she knew. Suddenly a show that was hitting every pitfall and taking every wrong turn was lighting up all the faces of the rather 'eclectic’ crowd that had turned up for GLOW’s free show. Suddenly everyone from Sam to all the women in the locker room knew that this crazy idea, one that felt like it would never work, could and WOULD come together. They could actually succeed at what they had set out to do!
By 'Main Event’ time, the crowd was literally eating out of the amateurish palm of GLOW’s outstretched hand. The electricity and excitement running through the building that connected the women with their audience was not only palpable, it can literally be seen worn on the faces and demeanor of everyone in the building. Even all of us at home could feel the tv radiating with the GLOW! Truly!!! It all came down to Liberty Belle, the 100% 'sweet as American Apple Pie’, confident and poised symbol of the 'American Way’, Miss Debbie Eagan (Betty Gilpin) vs 'Zoya The Destroya’, the 'Dirty Russian’, who wants to drain your swimming pools and fill them with Borscht, 'Accidental Homewrecker’, Ruth Wilder (Alison Brie). And yes, if any of you are wondering, I totally said that last line out loud as I wrote it in my best Russian 'Zoya The Destroya’ voice. I can’t help but ponder if Alison Brie was inspired by not only the real GLOW Girl she is portraying, Colonel Ninotchka (Lori Palmer), but also WWE’s own modern version, Lana (CJ Perry)… And that just maybe, Lana is inspired by Palmer herself! It fits, that’s for sure… Even on the heels of Rusev, The Bulgarian Brute.
The match is going well, unexpectedly well. Unbeknownst to the other women, Carmen had taken Ruth & Debbie to visit her brothers… Big Kurt (Carlos Colon Jr aka WWE’s Carlito) & Mighty Tom Jackson (George Murdoch aka WWE’s Brodus Clay, TNA’s Tyrus, and even a part-time, humorous, FOX News anchor). The two headlining women had gone to the brothers for help. They wanted to dazzle the crowd and give them more than just basic moves and the great wrestling tradition of Heel vs Babyface, Good vs Evil… They wanted a match that would elevate both GLOW as a show and themselves as performers. After some hilarious misfires, they were ready… And they ran that ring just like they had intended to, just like they had practiced so hard for. Unfortunately, just as 'the unexpected’ can elevate a wrestling program, it can also add unwanted chaos and ruin. Suddenly, Debbie’s soon to be ex-husband and Ruth’s casual, shameful partner in a secret affair, Mark (Rich Sommer) peaked his head out of the crowd and into Debbie’s field of vision. Debbie freezes and runs off into the back to allow Mark to browbeat her while she misses one of the biggest and best opportunities of her career. Obviously, there’s going to be more for Debbie, but this is going to hurt. Dump the douche already, Debbie!
In an attempt to save the main event, or at least stall until Debbie possibly made her triumphant return (which she never did), Ruth continued on in character yelling out hilarious, typical Russian stereotypes at the audience, who actually ate it up for awhile. As it was bound to happen, the audience started to turn on Ruth. They rightfully wanted a big finish to the show that had unexpectedly turned them from bored passerby’s that were sucked into the building in promise of a free show, to GLOW’s first diverse group of fans. Rhonda (Kate Nash) saw her moment to shine. She had been practicing a 'GLOW Rap’ with Sam’s stolen camera that a jealous, vindictive (yet somehow still relatable and sympathetic), Justine (Britt Baron) had stuffed in her locker in an attempt to set her up and get her fired, all for sleeping with the boss. Rhonda climbed in the ring and started to do GLOW’s now infamous pre-show rap that they were notorious for on their real life tv show. First Ruth followed suit, then the rest of the women stormed the ring and joined in… And GLOW was officially born!
I know I’ve taken a lot of your time and should probably end there, but it’s important for me to give credit where credit is due. Not only did Director Jesse Peretz (thank you so much for HBO’s 'Divorce’, Jesse, and btw 'Our Idiot Brother’ is criminally underrated), but 'new-to-the-game’ writer Rachel Shukert was flawless in her writing, dialogue, and scene transitions… You too, Emma Rathbone! Also, this episode was dedicated to the memory of Chavo Guerrero Sr, the father of Armando Guerrero, the man who trained the wrestlers of the original GLOW as well as the world famous Chavo Guerrero Jr, who trained all the actresses of the series… Except for Kia Stevens, y'all. You think WWE’s Kharma or Independent Scene & TNA Knockout Wrestler 'Awesome Kong’ needed training by the great Chavo Guerrero Jr?! Psssh, that woman is talent personified! Thank you, Liz Flahive & Carly Mensch, on behalf of Spotlight Saga and the French-born, now worldwide, burgeoning community of TVTime.com, we LOVE GLOW!
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wrestlewriting · 8 years
Insolence, Pt. 1 [Adam Cole]
So, here is my first wrestling fan fiction on Tumblr.
Let me know what you guys think!
Title: Insolence, Part One of ?
Characters: Adam Cole/OC(Brenna, because it’s easier for me to write with names in stories)
Genre: Angst-y?
Length: ~2,600 words
Warnings: Cursing, mention of death
Summary: You had a good life, with good friends, and happiness. Then things changed. You’re trying to rebuild your happiness, but it’s not going how you want it to.
You started your wrestling career in California, with promotions ranging from APW, which many didn’t even know about, to PWG, where you currently still ran around when possible. You had found your way out of California, to the mid-west and east coast, settling in to matches with AIW and DREAMWAVE and Beyond, among others. And that had led you to ROH, as a regular, as well. You were one of the in-ring announcers, and one of the first to demand a match when the opportunity arose.
Indy wrestling was the world you lived and breathed.
You’d made best friends along the way, such as Colt Cabana and Candice LeRae, Chuck Taylor and the Briscoes. And you’d made other close friends, and just friends in general. It was hard to be on the road with the same people and not become some type of weird-hybrid-friend-family. It was obvious that each other were all you had sometimes, and everyone found someone to be with while away from their loved ones.
You had a way of meeting people, and getting to know them where they were at. You knew better than to expect everyone to be the same, and you expected flaws and mistakes as happily as you accepted changes and successes. What mattered to you was what was at the core of a person; their heart and soul. If they had good intentions, but bad execution, you had no issue helping them figure out how to show the world their true objectives. You tried to be helpful without being intrusive or overbearing.
Having been around the wrestling community for a number of years, and being open to learning everything and anything from anyone who offered, you had a good head on your shoulders. You learned from your mistakes, and the mistakes you saw others make. You had sharpened your ability to think situations through before they happened; looking ahead was a big part of your personality. You liked to envision the pros and cons, the different paths choices could take you, and all the outcomes that could happen.
It was all of this that made it no surprise many found their way to you for advice and support, and a shoulder to cry on and a brain to pick. It was no wonder many called you “momma bear” on the road either.
And then things…changed.
You had been happily in a long-term relationship with your fiancé, Evan, since high school. He was the home you went to when you weren’t wrapped up in wrestling. He loved you, supported your wild dreams, and refused to let you settle for anything but your best. He was your best friend, your partner, your teammate. You learned how to share yourself with someone else because of him, and learned how to care for others because of him. When nothing else made sense, when your body hurt, and your brain had a million thoughts…he was peace.
So when he died, the result of a late night car accident where the other driver had one too many drinks and thought themselves invincible, everything stopped making sense. 9 years together, and he was gone. Just like that.
While you believed yourself a strong, independent woman, you realized very quickly that the partnership you had with Evan was what kept you stable in life. Yes, you could keep yourself alive, but he helped to keep you sane and sensible. He had been what you were to so many others on the road. He had been your sounding board, your secret keeper, and without him, you felt as though every feeling and thought and worry was just stuck inside of you. 
Your friends tried, bless them, to fill his role.
Candice texted daily, even if it was just a cute picture of an otter or an invitation for a Disney songs Facetime singalong. She redid your makeup after ugly crying had washed it clean away. Chuck Taylor offered to get absolutely shit canned with you, more than once, and you, more than once, took him up on the offer. You knew there was laughter shared with him, but it was always blurry in the hangover the next day. Colt was quick for a joke, and just as quick to see through your smoke screen of a grieving-but-ok-widow. He was more apt to let you come to him with your worries and concerns though. Patience, surprisingly, was a strong suit of Colt Cabana.
Jay Briscoe…he wasn’t that way. He saw through your “bullshit”, as he said, and called you out on it regularly. Jay didn’t allow you to wallow and hide; he forced you to say your worst feelings and fears and thoughts to him. He had tough love down to a science, playing the big brother role to perfection. While you hated him for it sometimes, you also knew he was doing it because he cared. Because he saw you holding everything in, and it worried him what that would do to you. He was a friend that wasn’t going to let you slip away.
Which brought you to Adam Cole.
You had been friends many years, sharing many of the same locker rooms and sometimes rings together. The two of you had been in friend groups together before, grabbing food before the show or a beer after. You’d had conversations, sharing similar likes in some music, movies, and video games. He was by no means your best friend, but he was a good friend all the same. He was higher up on the list of people you’d hang out with on the road than most.
You had been involved in the infamous Guerilla Warefare match, which saw you, Candice, Joey Ryan, and Chris Hero taking on Adam, Roderick Strong, and the Young Bucks at PWG. While Candice had taken a thumbtack shoe to the face, which was rightfully so the biggest moment of the match, you had taken multiple big moves from Adam, including being thrown in to the crowd’s chairs as while as a piledriver on the ring apron. You had put your life in his hands, and he had delivered in all the right ways. You remembered being on such a high after that match. So had he.
But after Evan died, and through the ensuing months, Adam had pulled away. 
At first you hadn’t really noticed, too involved in your grief, and trying to simply exist day to day. He had attended the funeral, having been a friend of Evan’s in the way all in the wrestling family had been. Evan had been at numerous shows over the years, and had been a part of many post-show beer outings, conversing with Adam on his own. It made sense then that Adam had sent you a couple texts, checking on you, though they tapered off quickly.
When you returned to the locker room a few months after the fact, while others had given you generic condolences or more personalized comments, Adam was just…there. He stood to the side while you were swept up in to separate hugs by each of the Young Bucks, each gently squeezing you to tell you they were happy to see you. Adam had just given you a brief smile, a quiet “good to see you”, before walking off.
He stayed distant after that. You worried that maybe you were giving off negative vibes. You had been hyper aware that coming back would be awkward for all involved. There was no handbook on how to handle the death of a friend or a coworker’s significant other, especially for wrestlers. You had played the “momma bear” role so well for so many years, and now you were the one in need of “mothering”, so to speak. No one had wanted to burden you with their issues knowing what yours were.
So you had taken all of the advice Jay had given you, about moving forward no matter how much it hurt, and trying to find the good in each day, to heart. You thought you were showing everyone you were going to be OK, and they didn’t need to tread on eggshells around you. You tried to remember to smile, to let yourself laugh. You were also learning to allow yourself to be the one who did need the mothering, and letting your emotions out to those you trusted most. You thought you were showing that you were getting on with life, in a good way.
Adam continued to be around but aloof though, so maybe you were wrong?
Except, it became clear the more shows you were back at that, you weren’t wrong. You were actually doing OK. As time passed, you were faking your inner-peace and strength less and less. You were genuinely beginning to move forward, allowing Evan’s death to be a part of you but not a controlling entity. Your laughter was real, and loud as ever. The locker room settled back in to a routine; jokes were shared, plans were made, and the unit seemed cohesive again. Life seemed to be settling back down in to some semblance of contentment.
So then why did Adam continue to keep you at arm’s length? It confused you, definitely. But it also irritated the hell out of you. Because he was no longer just quietly away from you, he had progressed to downright blatantly avoiding you.
More than once you had come in to a room, joined a group and conversation he was a part of, only for him to find an excuse to leave within minutes. He wasn’t even subtle about it. Adam was always a cocky bastard, sure, but he had never been so outwardly rude to you before. When he saw you in the hallways, he’d give you a blank stare, and often times change direction. The more this went on, the more it hurt. He no longer seemed just unsure what to say; he seemed like he didn’t want to talk to you at all. Like you had angered him, or hurt him, in some way.
You had become so fed up after one particular instance, where Adam had practically sneered at you asking Jay Lethal a question in front of him, that you had confronted one of his best friends Matt Jackson on the matter. Your gut wanted to confront Adam, but given his behavior, you figured you would get a blank stare and no answer. So his closest friend seemed a better route.
“You gotta ask him, girlie. I don’t even know,” was Matt’s response however, giving you a look that could have been sympathetic or annoyed, you weren’t sure, before walking off.
So after five months of being back, nine since Evan’s death, you had hit your breaking point. It wasn’t as though Adam and you had a huge falling out, or your friendship had just naturally, slowly come to a halt. He was still just as present, still just as involved with the same people you were, but only not involved with you, by his own obvious choice. You had no idea what you’d done to cause his behaviors, and it bothered you. You were not someone who liked actions without explanations.
It was after a match with Taeler, where the girl, try as she could, had botched multiple moves and genuinely risked your own well-being, that you finally exploded. You were in a corner of the arena, sitting on a table, holding an ice pack to the back of your neck, hating that you were on the verge of tears, when you saw him walking by. He was in jeans, a black pullover hoodie snug on his body, his hair tied in a low bun at the back of his neck.
If anyone asked you why you did it, you wouldn’t be able to give them a straight answer, but you removed the ice pack from your neck and with surprisingly good aim, hurled it at him, hitting him square in the lower back. Your anger had apparently put some speed on the projectile, because he visibly jolted at the impact, reaching around to put his hand where the object hit him to soothe the spot. Adam spun on his heels, looking around confused and quickly, trying to figure out what had hit him, how and why.
“What the hell?! …Brenna??” He looked confused, and angry, and also flinched slightly in pain when he took a step closer to you. You got some type of satisfaction from that.
“Fuck you, Adam Cole,” you declared angrily, sliding off the table you had been sitting on, advancing towards him. He appeared caught-off guard, not necessarily threatened by your approaching frame, but worried all the same.
“What the hell? What did you just throw at me? WHY did you fucking throw something at me?!”
“Because you’re a dick,” you declared. “I have done NOTHING to you, and you treat me like shit. And I’m tired of it! If you hate me, or whatever, fine, be that way. But at least fucking tell me what I did before brushing me away like I’m nothing. We were friends at one point, I thought.”
“What the FUCK are you going on about?” He retorted, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Did Taeler hit you a little too hard?”
“Don’t act ignorant,” you demanded. “Ever since I’ve been back, you’ve wanted nothing to do with me. I come in a room, you find a reason to leave. You basically refuse to talk to me, let alone be around me. Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” You squeezed your hands in fists at your sides, trying to keep the anger flowing, and the tears not. “Just fucking tell me why. Why can’t you even look at me anymore?”
“I’m looking at you right now, darlin’. And all I can see is you’ve lost your damn mind,” Adam stated, his tone dismissive, the cocky bastard side of him clearly now in conrol.
“FUCK. YOU,” you snarled, your voice echoing off the concrete walls.
“Hey, whoa, whoa, girlie,” Jay Briscoe seemingly swooped in from nowhere, putting a hand on your arm, placing himself to your side but in front of you a bit, a barrier between you and Adam. “What’s going on here?” He asked, looking at Adam, and not you.
“Your girl, is crazy,” Adam declared, his eyes still right with yours, but addressing Jay’s question. You could see the anger in Adam’s eyes, along with the tension in his clenched jaw.
“Have I said fuck you, yet?” You asked sarcastically, restraining yourself from also giving him the finger or, childishly, sticking out your tongue.
“Hey, if you want a hate fuck, all you need to do is ask,” he retorted, the arrogance in his tone overwhelming.
And that was enough. Your rage boiled over, and before anyone, including yourself really knew better, your hand connected with Adam’s face, your knuckles making impact right on his cheek. His head flew to the side, as you followed through in your swing. Your arm dropped down after the punch, and you stared at him, as he remained turned to the side, his eyes closed.
“BRENNA!” Jay exclaimed, grabbing you fully by the shoulders and shoving you back behind him now entirely. “What the hell kid!”
You didn’t have a response. You felt like you were watching someone else’s life through your eyes, as you looked around Jay’s side. You just stared at Adam, as he slowly seemed to come back to reality as well, both of you letting what had just happened sink in. He stood up straight again, reaching a hand up to press gingerly against his jaw, which he moved ever so slightly, assessing the damage. When his eyes opened, the blue in them was practically electric, and he quickly laid them on you.
The stare down between the two of your was tense, to say the least. Adam looked entirely pissed off, but he also seemed…something. Something that your two incidences of physical violence, and verbal lashing, had clearly made worse. And you were seething, hurt, confused.
“You want to know why I’ve avoided you?” Adam finally spoke, his tone so cold, so quiet, so controlled, it sent a chill into your heart. “This is why.”
After pausing for one second longer, he turned, and walked away from you, not once looking back. You were confused more than ever. And then you began to feel the pain in your knuckles.
UPDATE: So this did in fact get continued....and is still in progress.
More parts can be found here: Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine
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livemind · 8 years
“Retain Mystery.”
Live Mind Blog #2
Posted: 02/01/2017
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     Thank you for your interest in the Live Mind blog! If you're a returning reader, welcome back. If you're here for the first time, welcome! Have you had the chance to check out the last blog? The feedback was amazing and I can't thank you all enough for inspiring me to write another!
     Live Mind now has an official Instagram! I will be posting announcements, behind the scenes work, sneak peeks, and other work to motivate creativity. If you'd like to receive these exclusive updates, click here and follow the blog!
     This edition is a bit different from the last. Two more sections have been added: Loud Looks and Dream Support. That's right, the Dream Support section is officially here. Literally, right here:
Dream Support:
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     Fernie Mac is a 22 year-old photographer. He’s always been interested in photos, film, and art, but recently started taking his photography more seriously thanks to the inspiration from a friend. Fernie has made an effort to learn what it takes to take good photos and invested in a better camera. That investment sparked even more of his passion for photography, capturing moments such as these:
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     “Follow your heart, chase your dreams. Anything is possible.”
     ~ Fernie Mac
     Fernie has a very creative and open mind. I’ve been following his project for quite some time now and he never ceases to amaze. He has a lot more to offer and I highly encourage any of you artsy people to check him out on Instagram!
     I really hope someone new can be featured here in every blog from now on. I can't do it without your submissions, so please continue to spread the word and create wonderful things!
For more information regarding submissions, check out the Let Me In On This! section.
New Noise:
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     Taxi For Bob are from a town called Barnsley in South Yorkshire, England. The band started in 2013, covering songs by Green Day and Blink-182. They have an energetic, upbeat, pop-punk sound with very catchy melodies that you can’t help but sing along to.
     Their members are Tom Jackson, Alex Bower, and Mattie Jones. Some of their musical influences include: Good Charlotte, Alkaline Trio, Ramones, and Stiff Little Fingers. Regarding future plans, Taxi For Bob would like to take it as far as it can go.
     “We’re not doing it for the success, we all just love doing it. But it would be amazing if we could get any kind of career out of it.”
     ~ Alex Bower
     After hearing their single “If You’re Not Dreaming, You’re Just Sleeping”, I was immediately pleased with the message of the song and reached out to Alex to find out more about the band. If you’re interested, I urge you to check out Taxi for Bob and follow them to stay updated on their project:
Bandcamp: taxiforbob.bandcamp.com/releases
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/taxiforbob
Amped artists:
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By: Mallery Lewis, Age: 20
     This awesome illustration of Tyler Carter (vocalist of the band Issues) was made by Mallery Lewis. She’s a 20-year-old artist from Ohio and has been drawing all her life, continuing to progress with art as she got older. “My mom was a big inspiration because she’s a very creative person and I watched her paint a lot as a kid,” states Mallery. With that being said, I believe she’s a great example of a little inspiration going a long way.
     Mallery is currently going to school to become a graphic designer. She hopes to work in that field as well as sell her traditional art on the side. With these goals as her focus, we can all be sure she will succeed! There’s way more art where this came from. Check out more of her work here!
Loud Looks:
This section will feature unique fashion, hair, clothing, diy, and more!
     We all know fashion is another great way of expressing yourself. Why follow the trends when you could stand out? We aren’t ordinary. We are not duplicates. We are custom-made.
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     Chantelle has been crocheting for about 4 years. She’s made blankets, scarves, hats, and more. Very recently, she was inspired to start selling her work online, opening a shop on Etsy called Cozy Little Owl Crochet.
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     In her shop, you will find winter gear such as hats and scarves. Chantelle plans to add more products very soon, including coasters, baskets, and blankets. You can even get items customized!
     Stay warm and cozy this season with some amazing hand made threads by Cozy Little Owl Crochet:
Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/cozylittleowlcrochet
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cozylittleowlcrochet/
Live Minds:
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Dane, Content Creator
     Dane, (a.k.a. StraightEdgeDane) is a 16 year-old from England. He enjoys turning clips of film into a work of art and posts his work on Youtube. This straight-edge kid is full of innovative ideas and imagination. Dane is also a big fan of pop-punk and alternative music genres, as well as pro wrestling. He plans to make more videos involving those passions along with other mini-films and skits.
     “I want to become a film producer and take up Pro Wrestling training as a hobby once I finish education,” states Dane. He posts videos in 4k and will continue to do so in the near future. I believe he can go as far as he desires, and even further with support from others. Show your support and check out his videos!
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     This aesthetically pleasing lyric edit and photo was done by Isabella. She is a 17 year-old senior in high school. Within the past year, she took a photography class which led her to conclude that photography really makes her happy.
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     “I’ve always sort of been drawn to the arts. I remember seeing Adam Elmakias’ photos and I thought how cool it would be to do what he does.”
     ~ Isabella
     Isabella recently started taking portraits of her friends around downtown Nashville and would like to continue photography as a hobby. She even hopes to eventually start photographing some local bands! She’s definitely on the right track. Follow her progress and find more of her work here.
Do It Now, Thank Me Later:
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     In the last edition of Live Mind, I encouraged you all to dedicate a week to focusing on an idea of yours that deserved more attention and growth. How did you do? Personally, I decided to take this Live Mind blog more seriously. After discovering that people actually submitted content for it, I was extremely thrilled and I realized that this is more than just a mental project. This is really happening. These results have inspired me to say yes to more opportunities of growth and I must say, I've been happier and more confident.
Challenge #2: Do something that scares you a bit.
     Stop saying no and talking yourself out of the opportunites that could potentially get you exactly where you want to be. You don’t know what you could be missing. So, why not find out? You’ll likely be surprised at you results!
If you believe your story will inspire others in some way, tell me all about it at [email protected]. It may be featured in an upcoming blog!
Get Inspired:
     This poem creates scenery. Picture it as you read:
You came into my life a subtle thoughtful breeze Joy and laughter quickly overtook me I became slave to your refreshing sound Each gust retrieved a part of me The warmth of your temperament cleansed the air bringing freedom as I inhale Into open hands I placed keys to doors long forgotten sacred places locked away Long betrayed by the others Places beyond the stairs beyond the walls and painted columns You'd trek through bitter winds Over broken pieces enduring hailstorms with nothing but trueness as a shield Endless volumes could not contain what's meant to be shared If hearts could speak do they give themselves away? Reveal the secret, or retain mystery. A lifetime of tomorrow's full of wonderment & surprise From shadowy mornings wrapped in haze...then Moon-glow spotlight to capture the effortless sway of the night It's rhythm is a pulse, the rhythm a passion The rhythm is a dance....with love its serenade.
     The writer of this poem chose to remain anonymous, which actually inspired the title of this blog. Retain a little mystery in your creativity. Not only will others keep wanting more, but you will too!
Thank You:
Thank you so much for reading this edition of Live Mind. I honestly feel extremely fortunate being able to put out a second blog. That’s only thanks to your support! I’m very grateful for that and your spreading the word. I hope to see you in the next one. Until then, keep it live. Dream louder.
Let Me In On This!:
Got a style that stands out? Tell me more!
Submissions: send info to [email protected].
Questions/Feedback: comment below or message me on Instagram  @livemindmag.
Find Me Elsewhere:
YouTube. Instagram. Tumblr. Pop Punk Amino.
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