#I have an uncle who was just my dad/his sibling's friend until my great grandmother said she would be his grandma as well (he never had)
realbacchus · 1 year
My favorite type of family members are just those random friends who get claimed by someone and then stick around long enough to be considered children, siblings, aunts/uncles, grandparents....
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serialkirah · 6 months
i'd like to tell a story that not a lot of people in my life know about
it's about how the anti-trans movement and a family business ruined my relationship with my grandparents.
so, i'll start at the beginning, and i'll try to make it brief, but it's all kind of important.
my grandfather started a business when i was born, in 1997. it took quite a few years until it took off. it was a lot of hard work. i won't say exactly what it is, because then this post loses it's anonymous touch, but it's a farm that sells something unique (not weed, ok).
when i was growing up, i begged my grandfather to work there. i wanted to make money, and i wanted to spend the summers at my grandparent's house. they finally let me work there when i was 12.
back then, i was a little girl in a workplace dominated by men. there were porn calendars in the lunch room, even. i fell behind a lot, as most of the men working there were tanks, but i liked doing my part as there were really only four of us back then. i worked every summer.
i liked spending time with my grandparents. my grandfather even back when i was a kid always had white hair - the stress of running this farm sucked all the pigment out of his hair. he has a dark skinned tone, a gruff look about him, and he's fairly short (as the rest of his family, myself included). he's the type of guy who loves being outdoors; clearing the land, hunting, fishing, tapping maples, landscaping - that kind of thing.
my grandmother has always had dark brown hair, and even now looks fairly young for a grandmother. she keeps her hair shoulder length, usually tucked into a ponytail, wears the same black tshirt and capri pants or blue jeans almost everyday, and she's always been into interior design, decorating, flower arrangement, crafting and gardening.
i loved doing things together with them. i could be outside all day burning grass with my grandfather, then spend the evening painting furniture with my grandmother.
my manager at the farm was my uncle, my grandparents son. he was my favourite person, and he was such a great boss. he was this tall, big guy who always wore a leather vest, black t-shirt, and ripped cut off blue jeans and these huge black boots. he was a metalhead, so intelligent, and effortlessly funny and charming. i grew up without my dad in my life, and at some points during my childhood, my mom and him lived in the same building and shared a car, so he's always been someone i was close to. in 2007, he had a baby, and at some point, since my baby cousin and i were always together, i had begun calling him "dad" - i even called my own mom "auntie" a lot! not all the time, just when i talked to my cousin. he's sort of a sibling, more than a cousin.
as the years went by, my uncle relied on me even more. i became his assistant and began helping him with the business side of the farm. my grandfather sat me down when i was about 16 and asked if i'd like to take over the farm. his son didn't want to take it over, and i seemed competent and interested. i decided to go to college for this very niche industry, and to do that i had to go away to the only college in my country which had a program dedicated to it.
the year i left for college, my uncle died from a heart attack. my whole family was devastated, my cousin was left without a father, and my grandparents never really got over it. he was their golden boy, the guy they relied on to run the complicated side of their business, and it took a toll on their personal lives as well as their business. my grandparents took custody of my cousin.
it was difficult to overcome the deep depression i experienced after his death, and i even neglected my studies that year. it was like losing a parent to me. if it wasn't for the friends i made in college, i probably would have had a much harder time. but i obtained a graduate certificate in 2019, in the end.
around this time, i also came out to my grandparents as transgender. i was starting my transition from female to male, and i wanted them to be aware it was happening. i've been out to them since 2017, and to my other friends and immediate family i've been out since 2014. they took it like the average grandparent would, confused and uneducated, but they managed to swallow their opinions and accepted that it was going to happen. it did involve me striking for a few months, but they eventually needed my help when the pandemic started, and they asked me to come back to the farm. i assumed the position of manager. i moved into company housing, just down the road from work, and began working full time.
it was a difficult adjustment to become assistant manager to a manager that had passed away and didn't leave instructions. even though i had gone to school for this specific industry, i hadn't gone to school for business administration, so i was essentially taking over business duties with no training. i had to teach myself a lot, or learn from other colleagues. my grandfather was a knowledgeable man in business and farming practices, for sure, but when it came to technology, accounting, traceability, compliance, human resources, auditing, inventory, resource management; he needed help. even though i became his right hand man during this time, running the business alone for a few years took a severe toll on his health and in the beginning of 2020, he was diagnosed with cancer.
he had to take an extended break while he was receiving treatment. and i was there to take over his duties. even before he took a break, i was doing everything from audit prep to inventory tracking, environmental data collection to representing the company at conferences, media appearances to health and safety training, guided tours to project management. now, i was also in charge of all daily operations, scheduling, communication, and a team of eleven people. on top of that, i joined a board of directors for an association related to my farm. the very business that turned my grandfather's hair white in just a few short years was now turning my own hair white at 23.
that's all to say - i think i was doing very well. my coworkers and i got along very well, and everything always moved smoothly. but enough was never enough for my grandparents, and i was constantly berated for everything i did.
i think the stress of losing their son with the addition of the cancer diagnosis caused a negative change in my grandparents. over the course of three years, the same people who i loved spending every summer with became aggressive, argumentative, sarcastic, mean-spirited. i started spending more time at my own place rather than eating supper with them almost every night. i skipped afternoon coffee and long talks with my grandmother, because i couldn't stand listening to her increasingly manic religious rants about how nobody has morals these days, they just do whatever they want. i stopped talking about anything other than work with my grandfather, because he started becoming increasingly aggressive and indignant whenever he wasn't caught up on daily activities at the farm, and especially so when i had everything handled correctly. he was able to overcome his cancer, and was declared cancer free. he decided to rebuild his house, so he still took time off, but would still come to the farm to get angry about this or that.
i was becoming so stressed that i would call my mother every other day to seek advice. i started to wonder if my grandfather was ever going to retire and let me run the business without his constant surveillance and micromanaging. i was so stressed that i started psychotherapy to attempt to balance both my emotions and career.
then, i fell in love with the girl that worked at my local coffee shop. i had asked her to hang out as friends at first, but she was the one who kissed me first. we began dating in january of 2023, and she changed everything. she was there to help me understand that getting screamed at everyday for unimportant things wasn't normal. that working 7 days a week for three years with no days off wasn't healthy. that forbidding me to take time off to see my friends, do anything fun, or even spend my free time making art was incredibly fucked up.
finally, in the spring of 2023, my grandfather dropped a bomb on me one day. i had mentioned to him that i was doing really well with the mutual aid program i created for trans youth, and how i'm working with a lgbt youth group in town, and like a man possessed, he began spouting off about transgender people. yeah, i just don't like those transgender people. those men are always cheating by winning women's sports. and they beat women up did you know that? if women don't let them into the bathroom they beat those women up. they go in there and rape women and kids.
i was shell shocked by this outburst. i had never heard this opinion from him, and it was as if he had this whole rant locked and loaded, ready to spring up when given the opportunity. where did this come from? i asked. it's all over the news, i've seen videos on youtube, it's all true. there was no convincing him. even when i tried to appeal to common sense, or share an empathetic viewpoint. but you know, i'm transgender. obviously, not all trans people are the same. i don't do any of those things, and of all the trans people i know, none of them do that either. i think what you're watching is propaganda. but he insisted that this was real life, and ended up walking away grumbling about it.
i cried to my girlfriend that night. i was reaching a limit that i couldn't exceed. she held me and suggested that maybe i should walk away. i should save up my money, and i could go back to school, and i could do something i enjoyed. i was comforted, i agreed, and i began to plan my escape.
not even two weeks later, my grandfather burst into my office again, and asked, what's all this he/they shit? at first, i was a bit confused about what he meant, but then i realized, ah, you mean my personal pronouns that i use?
he looked so angry, and he had this crazed, unrecognizable look in his eyes - the type of look he would give to people who hurt his family. it terrified me. yeah, whatever, it's in your emails, take that shit off of there, it doesn't belong in business emails. i could feel my anger rising, and my throat felt tight, but i still managed to say it's my email signature, so that when people call me or address me, it's the way i want them to, just like my first name. it's not a big deal, everyone does it. you don't have to have one with your email signature, but i include mine because it's important for communication.
i don't give a shit. you're a she, your name is -----, you do that on your own time, but you need to be professional. take it off your emails. i stared back, shocked and honestly frightened. i could say yes, i'll take my pronouns off my emails, then i could apologize and continue working there. but something in myself would die.
no, i said.
no? he repeated.
no, and this conversation is over. i closed my laptop and brushed past him. he sputtered and screamed at me to take it off my emails, but i ignored him and went home.
i discussed it with my therapist, my girlfriend, my mother, and my sister. i decided to suggest therapy to them. three days later, i sat both my grandparents and my mother down. we were outside, sitting on a patio set facing each other.
i tried to talk about what happened, and after hearing the way they ranted about transgender people, how they were bad people, how they were sinning, how they didn't want pronouns in their business, how i was ruining their business by doing so, how i was using them in order to gain more support for my mutual aid that helps trans youth, and how i'm not respecting them, i suggested family therapy. they rejected the idea, and became even more indignant.
i stressed that forbidding me to use my proper pronouns and my correct name (which was a legal name), was against the law, and they said they didn't give a shit about the law. what are you going to do, sue your own grandparents? my grandmother scoffed at me. no, but if i was anybody else that you were doing this to, they could sue you, and they would win. at this, she got up from her seat and began ranting about how disrespectful i was being to my grandparents. she grabbed my wrist and yanked me around while she yelled, and raised her hand to smack me.
now, i want to pause here and explain something. obviously, this is an extreme reaction. it's also a common reaction from my grandparents during arguments. i know some may baulk at the idea of your grandparents or parents using corporal punishment, but it was a common thing, and sadly, it is part of a larger issue - intergenerational trauma caused by residential schools. i don't think i've mentioned it yet, but my family and i are native.
much of my family grew up in the residential school system, a schooling system ran by the catholic church and the canadian government for indigenous children. this system was mandatory, and parents who tried to hide their children were punished by the law. it's main purpose was cultural genocide, and the nuns and priests that ran the school physically, sexually and emotionally abused native children. many kids died from experimentation, neglect, malnutrition, unsuitable living spaces and were also murdered. the rate of death at these schools were so high that they had cemeteries on site, and many children were buried in unmarked graves. in that environment, my great grandparents survived those schools with many wounds, and had their own children sent to these schools. this is also where my grandparents went to school. they didn't need to send their own children there as they moved away to the city in the late 70s. but even some of my mother's friends had gone to residential school. in that regard, my grandparents have been deeply damaged by the system and by their upbringing. they're emotionally stunted, they resort to screaming instead of communicating, and their last resort is to lash out, sometimes physically. it's not right, by any means, but i just want you to understand that there is more under the surface.
back to my grandmother. she's ready to strike me, she's got my wrist, and i've just had enough of this. the way they've responded so far is beyond unreasonable, and any call to common sense is lost on them.
i slowly slackened my arm away from her personal space and into mine, opened my palms in a relaxed way, and pulled them behind my head softly until she let go, then put my hands in my lap and softened my face, and said, hey, let's stay in our seats. she knew that i was attempting to de-escalate the situation, felt insulted, and lashed out verbally instead. she jabbed a finger in my direction and spat, you trans people are all the same.
with that last sentence in mind, i turned to my mother, who had sat silently in tears the entire time. i don't think this is going to work, i said to her.
then why don't you quit! my grandmother yelled from her seat.
my grandfather said, fine, _____ either you do what i told you to do or quit.
i turned to my grandfather. so as your manager, if i don't let you break the law and violate the conditions of your 3rd party certification, i have to quit?
my grandmother's voice was hoarse, and she was repeatedly screaming in the background, so they don't you quit! why don't you quit! quit then! we don't need you!
i maintained eye contact with my grandfather. are those your feelings as well? not just her feelings?
he was struggling to look at me. that's the way i feel, too.
i stared at him for a few seconds while my grandmother continued to scream and rant. finally, i said, okay. this is my two week notice. but you only have two weeks to change your mind - after that, i'm gone.
i wish i could say that he thought long and hard over the next two weeks, and decided that he had been too much. i wish they decided to reel in their opinions for the greater good of their relationship with their family. but their business (and their religious views i suppose) was ultimately more important to them. in two weeks, i set up another manager with all my tasks - properly, the way i should have been - and left.
my grandfather urged me to move out of the company housing within those two weeks in not so many words. my grandmother suggested i move far away, and told me not to tell anyone what happened. it was seconded by my mother, who believed telling everyone would be unprofessional. i was scared and uncertain, i decided to lie to everyone and tell them i quit because i wanted to go back to school, or to change my career. i had to move in with my mother, two hours away from my girlfriend, and i had to sell my truck to afford my car payments. it was very difficult to overcome the rift in confidence the whole thing caused me, but eventually with the help of therapy, my girlfriend and my family, i slowly gained that confidence back.
now, i'm slowly opening up to more people about what happened. eventually, i will tell everyone, but not as a way to bring my grandparents down. i don't want to be like them in that way. i want to tell people when i feel okay again, when i feel confident, and when i have more stability in my life again.
i've been able to move into a house that i rent with my girlfriend, my sister, and my sister's boyfriend. we're creating a fun and colourful space to live in, a place where we feel good. my sister is going back to school and my girlfriend and i are looking into it too. after a long break, i'm also resuming activities with my mutual aid program. i've also joined the board of directors at my city's pride activity planning non-profit organization. lots of exciting stuff.
i'm going to be 27 in about a month. i spent 14 years working for my grandfather, and although somedays it feels like a huge waste of time, i still have a bunch of skills that i otherwise wouldn't have ever learned. i only wish it translated to a better paying job in the city, haha.
when i think about what my grandmother said, you trans people are all the same, it doesn't fill me with as much hurt as it did that day. cuz now i think about all the wonderful trans people i've met in my life and i think to myself - yeah, that's okay. if trans people are all the same, let me have the same kindness, the same humility, the same bravery, and the same forgiveness. because at the end of the day, i value those things far more than i would ever value money or ego.
i hope this story wasn't too boring. i know i'm just one of thousands, maybe millions of trans people that go through the same stuff everyday. but i appreciate being listened to, so thank you. if you want to be friends, follow me! i'm trying to use tumblr more often.
see ya! :]
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legendarceus · 1 year
volo is cynthia / cyllene is cyrus au: family trees
and also me talking about them :)
put below keep reading bc its gonna be a lot lmfao
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cynthia (volo) family tree
cynthia is cogita's grandkid! her parents weren't present so cogita raised her until, of course, she got disowned for the whole trying to destroy the world thing. cogita sadly passed away before they could truly reconcile.
while there is no canon ancestor to iris, i think its fun to say that cynthia met iris' ancestor and they had kids and 200 years or something later, iris exists and cynthia gets to meet her great great great great grandchild or something. we'll come back to iris in a minute :)
i also think that lusamine also decended from cynthia, which means gladion and lillie also are related to cynthia! not that its important but you know. giant family.
i do ship cynthia and diantha. i think diantha is one of the few who know that cynthia is immortal but was most definitely the most recent to find out. iris is not aware of this. but these three are found family anyway <3
speaking of found family, prof. carolina and cynthia's younger sister are purely adoptive of sorts. but they're still found family. love them. wow cynthia 2 found families thats crazy.
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cyrus (cyllene) family tree
yes this looks odd without context but we do have context so it doesnt matter. cyllene x laventon is canon and you can pry it from my cold dead hands. too bad cyllene got widowed and then found out they were immortal AND trans after laventon died.
anyway, cy and lav were married and akari + rei were their adoptive kids. ingo was akari and rei's adoptive uncle too but that isnt relavent to the family tree. also laventon is a distant relative to leon and hop :) maybe he had siblings or cousins who are great (x?) grandparents to them. who knows.
anyway damn cyrus why do you got 2 found families. but yeah team galactic is naturally cyrus' found family of course. he is his commanders exhausted adoptive father since all of their families suck lmao
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mars family tree
i think mars and cynthia have the biggest family trees. anyway mars' was the first one that i did incase that wasn't obvious lmfao, but anyway, lets get into it!!!
arezu is ariana's great (x?) grandmother. ariana had a spouse that she had mars (maria at the time) with, but then she left them once she was like 'oh shoot im having silver!!!', so mars is vaguely aware that silver exists somewhere out there but she has no clue who he is otherwise. and then ariana and giovanni are married and had silver, who has no idea who mars is (he'd probably go through a crisis if he looked at sinnoh news, so lets keep it that way). silv and mars have a 9 year age gap btw just throwing that out there
silver found a new dad (lance) and some really weird teenagers about his age who he got stuck with. he's dating one of them. you have to guess. (i already know which one but im leaving it up to the mind bc silver isnt the focus in this au so imagine whatever you want).
mars and her silly little astronaut friends are her found family! i think arezu would flip her shit if she found out her great (x?) granddaughter was adoptive siblings with that one criminal lady (coin). but hey its fine!!! mars has her weird spaceman father and her weird astronaut siblings and life is good (mostly)
arezu deadass just has a bunch of decendants who commit various crimes
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saturn / jupiter family tree
i grouped these two together since they've got the smallest family trees.
saturn is (obviously) a decendant of coin, but he has no contact with his family and hasn't spoken to them in years by the time pokemon platinum takes place.
jupiter and fantina are siblings (fantina is older by a few solid years) but they really don't like eachother. they have little contact with eachother and dont exactly speak often. but they do wish eachother happy birthday sometimes so thats a plusside i guess.
and of course saturn and jupiter both have found family with team galactic. awww how sweet :)
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Open for holiday requests? Well then... ho,ho,ho🎅 Tom’s driving home frantically during holiday season and ends up getting his car stuck in a snowstorm. Reader and her family take him in from the cold and slowly he adjusts for the time being and maybe starts catching feelings???
I love a good hallmark like Xmas movie romance!
Home For The Holidays 
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
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“Spencer, look!” Lucas alerted his twin once he heard the knock. “There’s someone outside.”
Spencer got up to the window curiously and looked outside, seeing Tom covered head to toe in snow.
“It’s a monster.” Spencer shrieked as he ducked down from the window.
“It is not a monster.” Lucas rolled his eyes before looking out the window again. “Oh my God.”
“What?” Spencer asked, jumping up next to his twin to look out the window.
“Its a monster.” Lucas gasped. The boys scrambled to the door and flung it open, gasping in unison at the sight of a snow covered Tom.
“Hi. I’m-“
Are you the abdominal snowman?” Lucas asked as he let Tom in the door.
“No, I’m T-“
“Daisy!” Spencer cut him off with a shout. “Come in here!”
“Is there an adult I can speak to?” Tom asked the child as a little girl came into the room.
“Whats going on?” Daisy asked before her eyes landed on Tom. “Woah, is that an abdominal snowman?”
“Yea!” Spencer nodded. “He came right to our door.”
“I saw him out in the snow.” Lucas said proudly.
“Hey kids.” Tom spoke again. “Sorry to bother you, but I really need to talk to an adult. Are your parents home?”
“Did you come from the North Pole?” Spencer asked.
“No, Spencer.” Daisy rolled her eyes. “The abdominal snowman lives in Alaska.”
“I think he lives in Florida.” Lucas added.
“It’s actually abominable and I’m from Europe.” Tom cut in.
“Do you have magic powers?” Lucas asked.
“Yeah. I can use a phone really well. Do you want to see?” Tom tried to bait them into letting him use the phone.
“Wait!” Spencer gasped.
“What?” Daisy asked.
“Stranger danger.” Spencer realized. “We let a stranger into the house.”
“Oh no.” Lucas whined. “My parents are gonna be mad at me.”
“Mine too.” Daisy feared. “We can’t tell them.”
“Get Y/n.” Lucas instructed. “She’ll know what to do.”
“Okay.” Spencer ran out of the room, leaving Tom with the other two kids.
“Is Y/n your age?” Tom asked the children, hoping he wouldn’t have to deal with another child.
“No. Shes my cousin.” Daisy answered. “I think she’s 40. Shes really pretty though.”
“He’s right in here. He doesn’t look like the one in the movie.” Tom heard Spencer’s voice coming back. He came into the room with you, your one hand holding his and your other over your eyes.
“Okay. Can I open my eyes now?” You asked your brother.
“Uh huh.” Spencer said, and you slowly opened your eyes and removed your hand. Tom finally got a good look at you and felt all the air leave his chest.
“Uh, hi.” Tom waved awkwardly at you, taken aback by the beautiful stranger who let him on their house. You, on the other hand, were thinking something entirely different.
“AHHHHH.” You screamed and grabbed the children. “Intruder!”
“Woah woah woah.” Tom tried to calm you down. “The kids let me in.”
“Did you hurt them? Are you guys okay?” You asked as you inspected the children.
“We’re okay.” Lucas nodded, making you kiss his forehead out of relief. You picked Daisy up with one arm and held the boys close to you with your other as you backed away from Tom.
“Who are you and why are you in my house?” You demanded.
“My name is Tom.” Tom started slowly. “I’m so sorry to bother you but my car has broken down and I can’t get any service. Would you mind letting me use your phone?”
“My whole family is inside.” You told him. “Can you give me some sort of proof that you’re not chop us up and turn us into soup?”
“What kind of proof do you need?” Tom chuckled softly.
“Can you take me out to your car to show me that it’s broken down?”
“It’s really cold out here and I parked pretty far. It’s not safe for you to walk all the way out there.” Tom warned you.
“How far did you walk?” You asked, suddenly noticing how tired he looked.
“I’m not sure. You can’t see anything out there.” He shrugged. You chewed your lip and looked down at your siblings and cousin before making a decision.
“Kids, go inside and help grandma with the cooking.” You instructed. “Tell her I said you could have one piece of candy each.”
“Are we in trouble for letting a stranger inside?” Lucas asked fearfully.
“No, honey.” You assured him. “Just don’t do it again, okay? You did the right thing by coming to get me.”
The children smiled in relief before scurrying out of the room, leaving you alone with Tom.
“Empty your coat pockets” You demanded, trying to put on a brave face.
“Okay, but why?” Tom wondered as he took the contents of his pockets out.
“In case you have any weapons.” You said like it was obvious.
“There.” Tom said as he put the last of it on the table. “Pockets are empty.”
You eyed him skeptically before walking up to him and putting his hands in his pockets. You patted him down until you were satisfied.
“Okay. I believe you.” You nodded. “I’m Y/n, by the way.”
“Tom.” He shook your hand. “Are those your kids?”
“No.” You smiled. “Those were my brothers and my niece.”
“They’re cute.” Tom complimented. “They look like you.”
“Well, I have tons more in the living room.” You said proudly. “That’s why I have to keep you in here until I know you won’t hurt anyone.”
“How can I gain your trust?”
“Um, I don’t really know.” You realized. “I’ve never interrogated anyone before.”
“How about this.” Tom offered as he pulled off his hat and scarf, revealing his reddened face. “I’ll take off my stuff so you can see I’m just a regular guy.”
Your body language changed when you saw that he was a handsome guy your age. You blushed a little and looked around the room to gather yourself.
“Your skin is freezing.” You sighed as you touched a warm hand to his cold cheek. “How long have you been out there?”
“A while. I can’t feel anything below my neck.”
“You poor thing.” You sighed and rubbed his arms to warm him up. “Come on, let’s get you warmed up.”
“Wait, what about the interrogation?” Tom wondered.
“You passed. Now come on, before you get frostbite.” You laughed as you took his hand and lead him into your living room where your family was. Tom looked around the room, seeing at least 8 children and a bunch of adults. As soon as they saw you, your cousin Clementine ran into your arms for a hug. You scooped her up and held her on your hip as you addressed your family.
“Everyone, this is Tom.” You put your hand on Toms back. “His car broke down and he needs our help.”
“How cute is he!” Your aunt Linda gushed. “Look at those brown eyes.”
“The eyes? Look at that hair. So healthy.” Your Aunt Mary added.
“Nice to meet you Tom. I’m also Tom.” Your grandfather reached forward to shake Toms hand.
“And I’m Gary.” Your other grandfather shook his hand. “Nice handshake. Strong.”
“Thank you sir.” Tom smiled shyly.
“Ah, Y/n, he’s your age.” Your grandmother gasped. “What a cute couple you’d make.”
“Do you want to see my train set?” Your brother Charlie tugged on Toms hand. “I built it myself.”
“I helped.” Your youngest brother, George, told him. “I put the tracks together.”
“I’d love to see it.” Tom smiled at him.
“Can we get you something to eat?” Your uncle Jason asked Tom. “You must be starving.”
“How about a drink? Do you like hot chocolate? I just made some.” Aunt Linda offered.
“Have a seat, dear.” Your mom led Tom to a chair. “You must have been walking for miles.”
“A friend of mine owns the best auto shop in town. I’ll give him a call for you to see about your car.” Your uncle Richard said as he went to get the house phone.
“Thank you, sir. I greatly appreciate that.” Tom nodded in appreciation.
“Did you hear that?” Your mom gasped. “Manners.”
“And that accent.” Aunt Mary winked. “Oh, Y/n, he’s perfect for you.”
“Aunt Mary.” You glared at her. “We just met.”
“Oh, you must be freezing. I’ll get you a sweater.” Your other grandmother moved towards the closet.
“Make Y/n get it.” Your grandma waved her hand in dismissal. “You need to focus on the food.”
“Y/n, would you take Tom to get a fresh set of clothes? He’ll catch his death in this weather.” Your mother asked you.
“Please, don’t let me put you to any trouble.” Tom tried to stop them from going to great lengths for him.
“Nonsense. You’re our guest.” Your mother smiled at him.
“Follow me.” You put Clementine down and took Toms hand, leading him to one of the bedrooms.
“You have such a big family.” Tom commented as you reached the room.
“I know.” You smiled proudly as you got clothes out of the closet. “Every holiday is a huge celebration. It’s the only time we all get to be together.”
“That’s really great that you’re all so close.” Tom smiled as he looked at the family pictures hanging on the wall.
“Yeah. I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Here.” You handed him clothes. “You can put on anything you find and leave your wet clothes in the bathroom.”
You went to leave the room but Tom grabbed your arm.
“Y/n?” Tom asked.
“Yes, Tom?”
“Thank you. I really appreciate you letting me in.” Tom smiled warmly.
“And I really appreciate you not chopping my family up and turning us into soup.” You smiled back before leaving the room. You waited a few minutes before coming back in once you assumed Tom was finished changing.
“I found some more sweaters if none of those...” You trailed off when you saw what Tom was wearing.
“What?” Tom asked in confusion as he looked down at the sweater.
“That’s my dads sweater. I haven’t seen it in years.” You smiled softly as you ran your fingers down the material of the sweater.
“It’s so soft.” Tom chuckled as he felt it as well. “He doesn’t wear it anymore?”
“No. He um, he passed away a few years ago.” You admitted, keeping your eyes down.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I can take it off.” Tom immediately went to remove it.
“No, it’s okay.” You stopped him. “It suits you.”
“Tom! Y/n!” Your aunt Linda called from the living room. “Hot chocolate is ready!”
“Come on.” You took his hand. “My aunt makes really good hot chocolate. You’ll love it.”
Tom blushed behind your back as you lead him to the kitchen, feeling intimidated when he saw your entire family sitting down.
“There you two are.” Your mother smiled. “We were just sitting down to eat.”
“You can sit next to me.” You pulled Tom to two empty seats. He pulled your chair out for you, making you smile.
“I wanna sit with Tom.” Daisy whined.
“No, I do.” George pouted.
“You can sit across from me.” Tom told George. “And I’ll sit in the middle of Y/n and Daisy.”
“I called the auto shop.” Your uncle told Tom. “They can’t send anybody out here until the morning. Hope you don’t spending the night here.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it.” Tom shook his head. “I’m sure I’ll find a hotel around here.”
“Nonsense. You’ll never make it to a hotel. Plus, we have a perfectly good bed right here.” Your grandpa insisted.
“I don’t want to put you to too much trouble.” Tom told your family. “You’ve already done so much for me.”
“It’s no trouble at all. We’re happy to have you here.” Your other grandpa said.
“Hot chocolate, for you.” Aunt Linda placed two mugs down in front of you and Tom.
“Would you like some potatoes?” Aunt Mary passed him the bowl.
“How about some greens? I put a little brown sugar on them to make them taste good.” Aunt Linda put some on Toms plate.
“You have to try this. It’s my special recipe.” Your grandma put a baked zucchini next to the green beans.
“My wife makes the best stuffing.” Uncle Gary chuckled as he put some on Toms plate. “You’ll want to take some before the kids get it all.”
“Ooo. Make sure you get some cranberry sauce.” Your mother filled the last empty spot on Toms dish.
“Thank you. All of you. I really appreciate your kindness.” Tom smiled fondly at the table, his heart warming with gratitude.
“It’s the holiday season. Kindness is the most important gift you can give.” Your grandpa declared.
“Tom, do you want to play dolls with me after dinner?” Your cousin Ivy asked.
“No, he has to see my train set first.” Charlie spoke up.
“We could put the dolls on the train.” Tom suggested, making all the children grin.
“Did you hear that? He’s a genius.” Lucas said to Spencer.
“How long is Tom gonna stay with us?” Ivy asked her mom.
“Can he stay in my room tonight? I have stars on my ceiling.” Lucas told Tom.
“That sounds really cool, Lucas.” Tom nodded. “You’ll have to show me.”
“Are you and Y/n gonna get married?” Clementine wondered out loud, making you slap your hand to your forehead while Tom laughed.
“We just met, Clementine.” You said shyly as you pushed your food around your plate.
“Do you like pie Tom?” Aunt Linda piped up. “I made apple and cherry.”
“And I made pumpkin.” You leaned towards him to tell him.
“I like pumpkin.” Tom smiled at you, leaning in as well.
“Me too.” You giggled as you bumped shoulders with him.
“Oh look!” Aunt Mary gasped. “You two are under the mistletoe.”
You and Tom looked up and sure enough, a bustle of mistletoe was hanging above your heads. Toms face immediately flushed as he looked at you, but you were busy giving an unamused look to your family.
“Wow.” You said sarcastically. “It’s almost like someone hung mistletoe over the only two empty seats at the table.”
“Maybe it was a coincidence.” Tom squeaked.
“Uh Uh.” You shook your head. “This was no coincidence. My family did this on purpose.”
You punctuated your sentence by standing up and taking the mistletoe down, making your family roll their eyes and huff.
“We’re not gonna kiss.” You declared as you set the mistletoe down on the table. “Not like this.”
Tom perked up at your words, but appeared to be the only one that heard it. He looked around the table for witnesses, but found that your family had given up and started eating. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched you slip the mistletoe into your cardigan pocket. Tom eyes you curiously but didn’t say anything as he began to eat his food.
After dinner, Tom helped you clear the table while the kids ran off to play. You couldn’t help but smile at him as he stood next to your grandmother, drying the dishes as she washed them.
“Look at him.” Your grandmother gawked. “He’s helping me wash the dishes.”
“Y/n, if you don’t marry him, I will.” Your mom clicked her tongue, making you roll your eyes.
“Stop it.” You scolded. “No one here marrying him. We don’t even know if he’s single.”
“Well, Tom, are you seeing anyone?” Aunt Mary asked him as she put the dishes away.
“I’m not, no.” Tom answered as he kept his eyes on you. You gave him a coy smile before looking away.
“Then when are you taking Y/n on a date?” Aunt Linda asked, making you gasp.”
“Aunt Linda!” You exclaimed. “That’s enough. Nothings gonna happen between us if you’re all poking around in our business. We’re leaving. Come on, Tom.”
Tom gave an apologetic look to your family as he followed you out of the room. You took his hand and brought him to one of the rooms, presumably the one you were staying in.
“Sorry about that.” You sighed as you shut the door behind you. “They’re always trying to set me up.”
“Has it ever worked before?” Tom asked, a hint of jealousy in his words.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged and flicked your eyes to the ceiling. “You tell me.”
Tom followed your eyes and looked up as well, smiling a little when he saw mistletoe badly taped above your heads.
“Hm.” Tom played coy. “Now, where did that come from?”
“I took it from the dining room.” You laughed. “It’d be a shame to go to waste.”
“You know what?” Tom smirked as he hooked his pinky under your chin, tilting your lips closer to his. “I was thinking the same thing.”
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sashibunbun · 2 years
You know what's fucked up? Nearly 40 years of trauma that I'm just now coming to terms with.
Let's start with, I guess, step-uncle (Dad's step-brother), being a straight up abusive asshole. We're talking training me in Martial Arts in a Cobra Kai way, belittling me, actively tormenting me, basically shit, macho older brother shit, trying to make me into basically the guy with a goatee and sunglasses who would say "Covid is no joke, calling all prayer warriors."
Then the instability, so let's trace it 1 1/2-3 Boise (I only know for certain the latter half), ID; 3-6 Henderson, NV; 6 South Lake Tahoe,NV (2 months in Henderson); 6-7 North Lake Tahoe, CA; 7 Kuna,ID; 7-8 Boise; 8-9Nampa,ID; 9 technically homeless in N. Idaho; 10-21 North Bend-Snoqualmie, WA.
Oh and the fun of watching my paternal grandmother (who raised me), slowly die from Diabetes, and being practically the only family who'd visit.
Dad continually coming in, then exiting my life (usually doing hard time) until I was 13, then dropping me back off again ay 16 (because fucking hell I did not want to move to Kansas). So at least the last time was my choice.
Definitely self induced and perpetuated fasting all my life, because fuck it, keeps me sane controlling my weight, even if it's unhealthy. Sometimes seems like the only thing I can control.
Let's start with the specifics at age 1 year 6 months, left to my grandparents because dad is also dealing with his own shit from a bad childhood, and it's 1982 and mom doesn't seem to want to be a single mom.
Flash forward to 7 years old, go to visit dad and step-mom #1. Let's run downy step-siblings first. Horror Movie freak step-brother with massive mental problems, actually tried to lord over me that he was older, actively tried to punish me, usually for no reason all because he couldn't stay up late watching horror movies. Older step-sister #1, massive Marilyn Monroe Stan, didn't really acknowledge me except a few times to tease me. Older step-sister #2 (see TW tags) very inappropriate, like fuck she's the embodiment of red flags for CSA at 12 (porn, playing with dolls inappropriately, inappropriate flirting with me). Then step-mom #1. I could and still can tell I was not supposed to be around, at all. Wanted me to come visit, but had to sleep in a closet, regularly verbally abused, eventually my dad caught wind and actually did the right thing, twice (sent me back to get away because I was sleepwalking and he knew that was no Bueno, then after him and step-mom #1 moved to my grandparents for a short time caught her giving a very abusive, but not physical punishment and divorced her, before going back to prison soon after.)
Actually that was kinda the problem with my dad's relationships until step-mom #2, had older daughters who flirted with me.
The problem in Kuna between 7 & 8. So shortly after the above divorce moved to Idaho, supposedly because Grandmother's health was going downhill from the altitude later found out it was to keep me from becoming a ward because of my dad. Moved in for about 3 months with my great uncle. Great uncle had a friend or something since he was always there named Ken. Next door was a friend one year older than me. Friend was definitely being sexually abused by at least Ken, if not her family (her sisters, looking back now, also showed signs), literally pulled his dick out to rest it on her 8 year old ass. She was the definition of learned that sex=love, so her BFF definitely needed to do what Ken did... guess who that was. Yeah, abused by a kid 1 year older who didn't know better. Oh and aside from maybe my grandparents because he did that shit when they weren't around (both were actually trying to find a place), everybody, including his friends who were Birchers knew what was going on, including my great-uncle (he'd later cop an Alford for having sex with said friend when I was 16).
Then came the most stable time in my life. But oh, the Universe wasn't done. So going along fine until my dad met step-mom #2. Actually still my step-mom and frankly a better one than either of the others. She doesn't actually have anything here was the first to notice I was not doing well mentally.
Split time between the two homes (as unstable as it sounds was actually stable until...) fast forward to me 12, in 7th grade dad decides, you need to live with me and he's stable now, agree because he is. Unfortunately decides a few months later that I should only live with him (12ish years of not being there and just a year or so out of his thankfully last stint in prison). This causes massive problems in the Family. So torn from grandparents, friends, and school. Eventually changed back after a custody agreement was signed. Had to go into counseling a few more times over the next couple years, but it was stable.
Then I found the internet at 14 and by 15 was cybering, usually with people around my age who were, you know, uwu. First online boyfriend was 18. Didn't last long, second was 17 (note I was 15), third was 18, last was actually almost my age. So kinda groomed but not really. Did help me discover my sexuality though.
Then came 1999, probably the worst year of my life. First came Columbine, think on it a kid who liked Rammstein, Manson, KMFDM and loved trenchcoats (face it also in the area of Seattle so it was functional). Everybody avoiding me aside from friends for a month. Then go to Semenary (ex-Mormon) on a Friday, new friend (well old by this time since I'd known her since the 6th grade) and her sister have a fight. Last time I saw either alive. The next day, her stepfather killed in her, her mom, and that same sister, still don't know the reason. Then I moved to Kansas to be with my dad after school was over. Hell got a job doing cold calls because no diploma (technically needed one credit because of a snafu), it's going OK, until about a month in, my dad gets a call that my grandmother is in the hospital for the last time. I let work know and me and my family drive up to see her and attend the funeral. It was here I basically went no contact for almost a decade on my dad's side of the family, because the funeral was basically bashing on her Husband of 20-ish years who was there for her at the worst parts of her life all because she wanted my aunt back when I was 14 to take care of my cousins, instead of her who was in failing health, and nearly blind. After that moved back because Kansas is ass, and going through my senior year a second time for that one class met my first real boyfriend, we ended up breaking up, I said it was because I didn't know if I liked guys, but truthfully, it was because I was scared of other things (see above about ex-Mormon). Then met somebody else, we stayed together off and on until 2004, through a move back to Kansas, then coming back and being homeless for 3-ish months. But during that was...
So I had a friend throughout High School. We were thick as thieves, and he wanted to be a director, and musician and you know teen gonna be big shit. We also had a friend who was going to be pur editor. I wrote, he directed and she edited. It seemed great until I got a call from his mom. Shortly after his return from either Basic or A-school (he was a Marine for the money) and on his way back, she downed some pills and wine. Hit me hard, within the space of a year, I had lost a good friend, the woman who raised me, my first love and kiss, and another good friend.
So flash forward to September 11th, 2004, have a new girlfriend, we're all living at a friend's place. We get into a bit of a fight because of some stupid shit. She goes to the park nearby and me and one of our friends go over to make sure she's safe. The next 3 hours are such hell, being beaten, threatened to be killed, made to watch her rape, before being made to turn away so no witnesses. We're the cops not looking for these guys, it probably would have ended with me getting stomped and dumped. It destroyed our relationship. Soon after I met a guy, actually loved him, and fell out because neither of us were stable. Got stability when I moved back in with my grandfather for the next 3 years in 2006. Then he had a stroke and died, I was there for that death, but it still hurt and I was, in no way able to pay rent so got the first roomy I could afford.
Big mistake, it was 5 years of problems. Living with a schizoform bi-polar person does that. Even worse was his girlfriend. He might have been physical when he went manic, and hell even tried to kill me because he thought it'd bring her back. She however was verbal and mental, constantly doing the same kind of shit as my stepmother. I pretty much cut them out in 2016 when I came back to the stability I'm in now.
So if you wanna know why I say I'm fucked up, well go back to the beginning and reread.
Edit: Shit I almost forgot something. So shortly before that cutting out thing. Attempted and about the only time the roommate's girlfriend wasn't a piece of shit, she managed to get ahold of the crisis line to keep me from taking a kitchen knife down the road, or tossing myself out our second story window into a dive onto the ground.
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radishaur · 4 years
hi can I also request a Fire Lord Zuko x reader based on a scene from Mulan where she asked Shang “would you like to stay for dinner?” and then her grandmother shouted “would you like to stay forever?” except the grandmother is Uncle Iroh in this story and Zuko is the one who asked her the question (I have the link for this scene from the Mulan movie and I can send it to you via message if you don’t know which scene i’m talking about) Thank you!
OMG I would love to. Mulan is still one of my favorite Disney movies of all time. I’m so happy I got this request. I hope that I do it some justice!
In order for this to make sense I’m going to explain what happens previously to this scene in the fanfic. Basically, Y/N did what Mulan did, taking her father’s place in the war, except it’s taking his spot on Zuko’s ship. Zuko finds out etc, plot goes on as normal for the show, and then when Y/N returns home after helping defeat the Fire Lord, Zuko comes to find her.
(Also, I hope you don’t mind the small bisexual Zuko theme I threw in there. Because honestly Zuko gives off major bi vibes on his own in my opinion and so did Li Shang. He liked Mulan way before he found out he was actually a she.)
- Zoe
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Stay For Dinner (Zuko x Reader)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Part: 1/1
Summary: See Request
Reader’s POV:
The cherry blossoms flittered in the quiet breeze that past by. I simply enjoyed the feeling of being under the tree with my father again after 3 long years. I knew he was probably furious with me, but I didn’t regret my decision.
“I’m sorry, father. I know you must be mad,” I said quietly, refusing to look at him.
He chuckled slightly which caused me to glance cautiously over at him. He smiled and took my hand in his.
“I’m not mad. In fact, I’m incredibly proud of you,” he said, his eyes filled with the love only a father could have.
“Y-You’re not?” I asked hesitantly.
“I was mad at first, but then I realized that you only did what you thought was right and stood up for what you believe in. You fulfilled your destiny and helped being peace to the Fire Nation. I just missed you dearly while you were gone,” he assured me, pulling me into a hug on the bench.
I hugged him back and allowed a smile to break out on my face.
“I missed you too,” I said softly.
Zuko’s POV:
The carriage was quiet as we finally pulled up to the house. I grabbed the helmet off the seat next to me as I gathered all my courage. I looked up and saw the Gaang’s eye’s on me.
“You’re gonna be fine,” Katara assured me.
“Yea, she’s totally in love with you!” Sokka exclaimed, clapping his hand against my shoulder.
“I can feel your heart rate increasing by the second,” Toph teased before adding, “Don’t be so nervous.”
“Just be honest with her about your feelings,” Aang said with his signature smile.
I rolled my eyes and told them all to wait out here before coming to greet their friend. I wanted a moment alone with her to apologize and tell her how I felt.
I gripped the helmet tightly in my hands as I approached the house. It had a quiet beauty to it that I enjoyed as I slowly entered the courtyard. I saw two ladies bickering by an opening in the wall and cautiously approached them.
“Great. She brings home a sword. If you ask me, she should have brought home a man!” the older lady scoffed.
As if on cue, I cleared my throat to catch their attention.
“Excuse me. Does Y/N L/N live here?” I asked nervously.
Both women stared at me in shock before pointing through the opening. I thanked them as I walked towards where they had pointed.
“Woo! Sign me up for the next war,” I heard the older lady say.
I ignored her words as I scanned the area. There was a beautiful cherry blossom tree on top of a small hill. Under it stood who I knew from Fire Nation politics growing up to be Y/N’s father. I approached him as he noticed my presence.
“General, I-“ I began, only to see her walk out from behind him.
I was caught off guard by her sudden appearance and stumbled over my words.
“Y-Y/N!” I exclaimed in surprise.
She looked equally as shocked to see me. She stood beside her father and looked up at me expectantly, certainly waiting for an explanation as to what I was doing here.
“Uhhhh, you forgot your helmet!” I explained, holding it out to her before shaking my head and saying, “Uh w-well it’s actually...your helmet. I mean-”
I was cut off by Y/N stepping forward and lightly grabbing the helmet from my hands. She smiled up at me and it caused a swarm of butterflies to flutter in my stomach.
“Would you like to stay for dinner?” she asked politely.
“Would you like to stay forever?” I heard her grandma call out.
She laughed and shook her head, shooting her grandma an amused look before looking back up at me. I blushed and smiled sheepishly.
“Dinner would be great,” I answered.
“Great, I-“ she began before getting cut off.
“Did you tell her already?” Aang called out.
I turned around to see Aang and the rest of them all standing through the wall’s opening. My face went red immediately and I furiously signaled for them to cut it out.
“Oh, we’re too early then. Sorry,” Aang said innocently.
“You guys!” she exclaimed happily, running over and giving them each a hug.
She turned around and looked at her family who were watching on in a mix of shock and amusement. Her father walked to her mother’s side as she smiled.
“I guess I should introduce everyone. Mom, Dad, Grandma, these are my friends I was telling you about,” she said, turning to start introducing us, “This is Aang, he’s the Avatar. This is Katara and Sokka, the Southern Water Tribe siblings. This is Toph, the greatest earthbender of all time. And this-“
“We know who he is,” your father interrupted.
She giggled slightly, realizing that they definitely knew who I was already.
“Right,” she said, sending a pleasant smile my way.
I waved awkwardly at her family, causing Sokka to snicker at my embarrassment. I shot him a glare as I walked down to introduce myself properly. I bowed in front of her family and they did the same.
“Prince Zuko,” I said politely, looking at the three of them with a smile.
“The future Fire Lord. It is an honor to have you at our home,” her father said before turning to Aang and bowing, “You as well, Avatar Aang.”
The Gaang went inside with Y/N’s family to help with dinner while I stayed behind with her. She brought me to sit next to her on the bench.
“So, what was it that you had to tell me?” she asked.
I took a deep breath before turning to face her. I grabbed her hand hesitantly and looked up to meet her gaze. Her E/C eyes were brimming with life as she looked at me.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you this for quite some time, but I...well at first I thought you were a man. Which was weird. And then I found out that you were actually a woman and I was really confused. B-But anyway,” I stuttered, realizing I was getting off topic.
Y/N squeezed my hand lightly as she held back a giggle. I felt my cheeks color slightly before continuing.
“I really like you. I mean like real genuine feelings. Even before I knew who you really were,” I explained, my heart racing as the fear of rejections grew.
“Wait, you liked me when I was a man? A-And you still like me? Like actual girl me?” she asked curiously.
My red cheeks grew hot as I grimaced, expecting her to criticize me as I nodded. Great. Not only was I coming out to her but I was also confessing my feelings.
I was shocked when I felt her lips pressed against mine. I let my free hand come up to her cheek as she knotted her own in my hair. I didn’t stop kissing her until I was out of breath. I rested my forehead on hers and smiled.
“So, you’re not weirded out or anything? You still like me?” I asked quietly.
“I don’t care at all. I like you for you, Zuko,” she mumbled against my lips.
She kissed me once more and I pulled her closer to me in a hug as she did. After so long, I was finally able to be with her.
“We’d better get inside before my father wonders what’s taking so long,” she said, a teasing smile on her face.
I stood up and held my hand out for her to take. She smiled at me and I pressed as kiss into her hand as she took mine. She held my hand as I began walking towards the house to help with dinner. Her warm hand in mine assured me that everything would be just fine.
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I have Covid. Uhm...because my extended family...is a pile of dicks.
So you might see me on here a bit bc I have the urge to write and I can’t do much of anything else...
I’m gonna rant down below
I am pissed,first and foremost. So first of all,I have asthma. My airways are 40% blocked and I have repeated this fact so many times I’m tired of hearing it bc apparently people don’t believe me. Anyways,my siblings and I didn’t wanna go to Christmas. For the most part bc we know our aunts,uncles and cousins are irresponsible and most of them are unvaccinated and refuse to be vaccinated. We ended up going to Christmas bc of the unfortunate crippling expectation to do family events. We tried to avoid being in rooms with to many people (mainly trying to stick to ourselves). The only time we were near our cousins was to sit and eat. We did not socialize with them otherwise. 
Days after Christmas,this past Wednesday the 29th,my little sisters were going to fly home. They found out from my grandmother that two of our cousins were sick. One of which tested positive for Covid. We were all pissed. My older sister and younger sisters all tested negative. My brother hasn’t been tested but hasn’t shown symptoms. I began feeling crud in my throat on the 29th actually. The 30th it developed into a cough bc of the ick in my throat and by the evening I had chills,sweats,body aches,some congestion and a low grade fever (100.7 actually). I had done an at home test that day which showed a sliiiight possible positive reading (they come with two tests in one box bc in the case that the first looks like it could be negative,you do the second test a day or two after. Which I did). I woke up with a 99.5 temp feelin not great. I took my second covid test and it was positive. False positives are hardly a thing so if it’s positive then well...it’s positive. (I am considering going for a PCR anyway but testing in my area is a fucking shit show)
Overall,I am pissed. Everything bad that could happen to me this year has. I had my move pushed back literally all year. The apartments I wanted I missed out on. My depression,anxiety and EDs have been...a struggle. And now I have Covid. Kick me while I’m down why don’t ya? The thing that pisses me off the most is that I expected to possibly get covid but mostly bc of where I work. Not from family. They don’t care about the virus despite having people around them who could be in danger health wise from Covid. My grandparents who both have now been thru Chemo. My mother is immune compromised and if they had infected my little sisters they woulda put my mom at risk. Then there is my brother and I who both have asthma. The carelessness of other people got me sick. And I wished I had stood up and told my father we weren’t going to go. Then maybe I wouldn’t be here....
The other thing that sucks is my dad was so nonchalant about me being positive. He’s going out rn...for a New Years Eve event. My brother simply told me to stay away from him. Only my best friend who is a registered nurse actually bothered to ask me if I was okay and told me some items to get. He himself has had Covid once before already. I don’t...have anyone to take care of me. Not really. I so far have still cooked my own food,cleaned and been walking the dog (wearing a mask and avoiding people). The people who would take care of me all live in the state I’m trying to move to. So...My ass is stuck taking care of myself until my covid is gone so.
This is ass. I uh...wanna just pack my shit and leave the second I can sign a lease. And I never wanna see my extended family again! Nope. This was the last straw for me.
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amethystroselilith · 4 years
Intertwined Fates (Chilumi/Zhonglumi) - Chapter 2
Uni is hell .-.
Also if you see any mistakes, please don't be shy to point them out so I can correct them haha, I'm might've missed them even with rereading rip
Can be read in ao3 here
SUMMARY: As an unexpected event happened, Lumine had to decide if she’s really ready to step forward and officially leave the past.
“Lumine, I thought you were going to bring the Tartaglia boy.” her mother sighed in disappointment as soon as Zhongli left, crossing her arms as she leaned back on their sofa, expensive wine in hand.
“Mother, must you be so rude?” Lumine can’t help but glare at her mother.
“How was I rude, dear? I was just getting to know him.” her mother smirked, “What kind of mother would I be if I didn’t see the type of man my only daughter is dating?” 
“You weren’t getting to know him, you were judging his financial situation.” Lumine frowned, “And if that wasn’t enough, you pried about his family history, which is a very insensitive thing to do.” 
Her mother rolled her eyes, “You’re dating a man who had criminals for parents, is that really how you want your future to be? What would your aunts and uncles say when they find out about this? Do you know how bad our family will look?”
Lumine huffed, fully knowing well that her mother isn’t talking about their actual relatives but instead the pretentious and arrogant friends she has. 
Her mother was an only child of a rich family, her father one of several siblings of a poor fisherman. Her mother was spoiled, getting all the things she demanded, while her father had to work for several days to get a decent meal once in a while. 
Her father, however, never gave up on his dreams; to live happily with his own family. So he worked and worked until he earned a high paying job. He now wanted a family, but unfortunately for him, he fell for her mother. So hard he couldn’t see he was manipulated. He didn’t notice her slowly pushing his own family away, he didn’t notice her slowly changing him, he didn’t notice her leading him into a loveless marriage.
When the twins were born, her father was over the moon, her mother wasn’t too exactly fond of motherhood, but she didn’t mind the attention she got. Though that was until the twins were in the toddler stage, their mother wasn’t interested anymore when there’s no one to impress, so they were usually left with their nanny. While their father always tried to be with them, their mother would always nag about him missing work for unnecessary things. Their mother always had her fingers wrapped around their father, and when their father finally realised how he’s being controlled, it was way too late. He loves his children more than anything, so glad that his twins didn’t grow up like their mother, and he has their nanny to thank for that, a kind old woman with a big heart who never had children of her own. 
The twins had always felt sorry for their father ever since they’re aware of how things are going between their parents. They may play the happy and perfect couple, but they can see the sadness in their father's eyes and how he’s just going through the motion for the sake of keeping the family intact.
“Didn’t Dad come from a poor family as well? And Zhongli didn’t grow up with those parents, he took the courage and left with Xiao so they can have a better future.” Lumine said, fondness in her heart with how much she admired her boyfriend’s bravery and love for his family.
“Your father was already raking in good money when I met him, and while I still don’t like talking about his past with everyone, I think being a peasant’s child is better than a criminal’s.” her mother sneered, “He’s taking advantage of you that’s for sure.”
Lumine bit back a reply for her having the audacity to talk about taking advantages, but she chose to defend her lover instead, “Zhongli is the most hardworking and selfless man I’ve met.” 
“Isn’t Ajax as well?” her mother raised an eyebrow, “With his money, he’s pretty much the perfect man for you, for our family, and aren’t you great friends with him already?” 
“Ajax is different.” Lumine argued, “I love him and believe he’s an amazing man even without his money, but we just don’t think about each other that way.” 
Her mother rolled her eyes before standing up, “Love isn’t always going to give you a roof under your head, Lumine.” she snickered before walking to her daughter, grabbing her face and making her look straight into her eyes, 
“Now, dear, unless you’re seeing Ajax or someone on our level, you’re dead to me.”
Lumine could still remember the malice in her mother’s voice.
Could still remember her horrified shriek from the phone when she called her parents to inform of her engagement.
Could still remember being walked by Ningguang and Beidou instead, the parent figures of Zhongli and Xiao, during her wedding.
Could still remember never getting any allowance from them again.
Lumine remembered how bad she felt when Aether’s was cut as well, but her twin never held it against her, choosing instead to work hard with her in the starting bakery like they’ve always dreamt of building together. 
She remembered it all.
What she doesn’t remember though is her mother being so warm and happy as she played with her child.
“Grama and Grandpa bought you lots of gifts, sweetie, would you like to open it together?” her mother cooed as she tickled Qiqi.
“Yes please!” Qiqi laughed before staring at awe when her grandmother brought the first present in front of them.
A bitter feeling still lingers in Lumine’s heart as she watches them. 
“Ah, no one can replace my children’s pastries.” her father sighed contentedly as he took a bite from the desert.
Lumine’s heart warmed as she turned to her father, a huge grin on her face, “I see you’re still our number 1 fan.” she said before leaning against her father’s shoulder.
It was more than a month ago when they reunited with their parents. 
Almost the same timeline when Lumine and Ajax publicly announced their relationship.
It was a huge shock to the twins seeing their parents in front of their bakery. Lumine wanted to scream at the woman who disowned them, the woman who probably manipulated her father to do the same.
Aether was the one who controlled the situation, calmly taking them at the private room of the bakery to talk. 
Her mother started talking about how she regrets everything she did, how cold it was to cut them off like that. 
Though they can see the insincerity in her eyes, they agreed to fix their family when they saw how horrible their father’s condition is, not physically but mentally. He looked so drained and tired of everything. The twins can’t help but shudder at the thought of what might’ve happened if they never reunited. 
They can remember how their father broke down to them that day, how he regrets not fighting for them.
Thankfully, their father is doing better now, especially upon meeting Qiqi. Oh how elated the twins were that day, they haven’t heard or seen their father that happy in a long while.
Their mother didn’t share the same excitement, but the twins were shocked when she voluntarily interacted with Qiqi. She knows that Qiqi is Zhongli’s, but she doesn’t seem to care who her birth father is as long as the current father standing is someone she likes.
Ajax knew about Lumine’s family as Lumine had opened up to them before, though she skipped the part about how her mother wanted her to be with Ajax. While he’s as uncomfortable as Lumine when Qiqi’s near someone as horrible as her, they just agree that they’ll do it for the sake of her father, and never to leave Qiqi alone with her. 
Their visit was expected, her mother called Ajax a week before to inform them. The fact that her mother is so fond of Ajax just confirms Lumine’s suspicions on why she’s back in her life, and while it greatly disgusts Lumine, she couldn’t kick her out of her life again when her father talks about how her mother seems to be happier at home which means they’ve been fighting less. There was hope in her father’s eyes, so bright that Lumine doesn’t have the heart to tell him that she’s probably at ease now because her children are seeing someone she finally approves of; Lumine with Ajax, and Aether with Keqing, a powerful businesswoman. The twins decided to let it go, seeing as her mother is only concerned about who they’re seeing and as far as they’re concerned they don’t see themselves dating anyone else.
“And I’m glad no one has replaced me.” her father smiled and the happiness in his eyes sent a warm glow in Lumine’s chest. “Ah, Ajax, everything good at work?” he greeted Ajax as the ginger entered the living room.
“Yeah, they just needed to go by something to me. I’m sorry about earlier, Sir and Madam.” Ajax smiled sheepishly before sitting next to Lumine, giving the blonde a soft kiss in the forehead when she instinctively leaned against him.
Her mother couldn’t be more delighted, “Oh, Ajax, honey, we’re family now, call us Mom and Dad.” she giggled from the floor with Qiqi, who was in awe with the new cooking play set she received.
“That’s right, son, I can see how amazing you’re treating my daughter and granddaughter well.” her father smiled.
Ajax beamed, “Well, I just want the best for my family.” he grinned.
“Such a perfect man for my daughter.” the woman sighed in awe before gently moving Qiqi off from her lap, “Excuse me, sweetie, grandma just need to stretch her legs.” the young girl nodded too interested with her new toys.
Her father began talking about business-related topics with Ajax while her mother began roaming around the living room, probably judging how Lumine decorated their home. Lumine stopped watching her from the corner of her eyes when Qiqi decided that she’s going to be her first customer as she started bringing a plate of food toys to her from her playset.
It was relaxing for a while; Lumine’s father and Ajax had begun talking about fishing, her mother asking about the photos decorated in the living room, Lumine answering her and at the same time humouring Qiqi’s imagination.
It was pretty domestic and calming and Lumine finds it really comforting. 
“Oh, wow!” her mother exclaimed, making all of them turn to her, an opened little velvet box on her hand.
Lumine felt Ajax tense up, “W-Wait-” 
It made them all curious to what her mother was holding, and then it hit her. Her mother was only a few feet from them, making them clearly see the point of interest.
“Oh, oops!” her mother gave them a sheepish look, “I didn’t think I’d be seeing an engagement ring this early.” she released an awkward chuckle before closing the box.
Lumine was frozen, and Ajax was panicking internally before standing up and gently taking the box from her mother, “I… uhm…” he stuttered.
“Engagement ring?” Qiqi’s curious voice perked up, “What’s that?” 
“Ah, it’s what a person gives it to someone they want to marry, dear.” her mother smiled, clearly excited with the idea of Lumine marrying Ajax, “It means your Papa wants to marry your Mama!” she grinned mischievously, to hell with them not being ready, she needs something to brag to her friends as soon as possible, and what better to brag than your daughter marrying someone as powerful? 
She just can’t let Lumine pass this opportunity.
“Marry?” Qiqi’s mind trying to make sense of her grandmother’s excitement.
“It means you’ll officially be a family and you’ll get some playmates soon!” she smirked when Qiqi’s eyes widened with excitement.
"Playmates. Mama, Papa. Quick. Qiqi wants playmates!" the little girl ran to Lumine in excitement.
Sensing his wife overstepping their stay, her father cleared his throat, “Uhm, Dear, maybe we should let them talk about this?” 
“Why, of course! I’ve been to a beautiful wedding recently and got the planner’s contact card! Message me as soon as possible, sweetie! Congrats, you two!” her mother played ignorant to the tension in the air, instead gave the frozen couple a hug and a kiss in the cheek before dragging her husband out with an accomplished smile.
She’s confident no break up will happen since according to her observations, Ajax has a ring already, and with Qiqi on the line, there’s no way Lumine will give her a broken family. The worst-case scenario is pretty much how long Lumine will make them all wait. And with that in mind, her mother starts to think of plans to further push the wedding if deemed necessary, completely ignoring her angry husband.
Back inside, Ajax was the first one to grasp the situation they’re in.
“Lumine, I…-”
“Qiqi, I think it’s nap time, why don’t we go take a nap, yeah?” Lumine hastily picked Qiqi up, ignoring her protests about having playmates as quick as possible and carrying her to her room.
Leaving a stunned Ajax in the living room.
Never did Lumine think there would come a time where she wished Qiqi will put up more fight when it comes to nap time, Qiqi usually does, however this time, Qiqi had passed out as soon as she hit the bed. Lumine blames it on her father playing tag with her earlier.
So now she has no excuse but to face Ajax outside.
It’s not that she doesn’t want to marry Ajax, hell they probably will be down the road, but this soon? Lumine just didn’t expect it, while she knew him for so long, they’ve only been together for 2 months, though that didn’t invalidate the things Ajax did for her the past years.
Zhongli flashes in her mind, she still carries his last name, and Qiqi wears it too. 
Is she ready to leave Mrs Morax and be Mrs Tartaglia? 
Wearing Ajax’s last name gave her a feeling in her stomach, the same feeling she had with the thought of finally sharing Zhongli’s last name before. There is still, however, a little painful tug in her heart.
She already gave her heart to Ajax when they started dating, but is she ready to give her soul as well? 
Though when she thinks of it, they’re already living like a married couple, what’s the harm in making it official?
Lumine isn’t really religious, but she values the bond marriages symbolises.
And if Ajax was going to propose soon anyway without her mother’s interference, how would’ve she reacted?
Lumine sighed before getting up from Qiqi’s bed, “Never really thought you’d be the type to bind things as soon as possible.” she murmured to herself.
She took a deep breath before opening the door, no use of having these troubling thoughts when you can discuss it with someone.
She walked back to the living room, Ajax’s back on her. He was sitting on the sofa, chewing on his nails, something Ajax does when he’s anxious, and an anxious Ajax is a rare thing to find. 
Lumine can’t blame him though with how she acted earlier, she would be anxious as well.
With another deep breath, she entered the living room, “Ajax.”
Ajax jumped in surprise, quickly standing up and pulling her in his arms as soon as she saw her, a flurry of words came out of his mouth as he apologised. All Lumine can hear clearly is how there’s a misunderstanding, how no one is supposed to find out about the ring, how he is sorry.
How she shouldn’t leave him.
The tremble that starts to lace his voice worried Lumine, “Ajax, calm down.” she pulled away from his chest to grab his face, she could see the worry glazing his eyes.
Did she really scare him that much?
“Hey, it’s okay.” she said, brushing her fingers through his hair to calm him down, “It’s okay, breathe for me please?” she said gently.
Ajax did as told, her warm golden eyes calming him down.
Lumine led them to the sofa, pulling Ajax in her arms when they lay down. She never thought Ajax would be this upset.
They were quiet for a while, just staying in each other’s arms until the blonde decided that Ajax is calmed enough to talk.
“I’m sorry my mother did that.” she decided to apologise, “She can never read the room… well, actually she can, she just decided to ignore it for whatever she wants to happen.”
Ajax just sighed, face still buried in her neck. 
“It’s not that I’m planning on proposing- Ah, I mean I will, but not this soon.” Ajax explained, “Remember that time when I visited my family last month?”
Lumine nodded.
“Well, they really love you and can’t wait to make you part of our family, well in a legal concept since you and Qiqi are my family already.” she felt his smile against her neck,  and Lumine will be lying if she said her heart didn’t leap in joy for that simple statement, “So they already gave me this ring before I even mentioned anything about weddings.” he showed the box, not opening it, “My parents had crafted it, you know them and their hobby.” he chuckled.
Lumine chuckled, remembering how his parents had taken up crafting as some sort of hobby to entertain themselves since they don’t really have to work that much on their successful winery. It still surprises Lumine that they chose that for leisure activities, her own parents would prefer more “refined activities”, as her mother described, like going sailing or golfing or something like that. Lumine can still remember rolling her eyes when her mother asked why they can’t just buy whatever they’re crafting at the moment, but Lumine also recalled the warm feeling she got when the couple explained how doing a crafting project together just makes things more meaningful for them. It was cheesy, but Lumine also finds the idea romantic.
“...May I?”  she gestured at the box when Ajax seemed a bit hesitant to open it.
He just nodded and placed it on her hand.
Lumine gently opened it, gasping at the sight of a beautiful diamond ring. She could already tell the diamond was big earlier, but seeing it closer and clearer takes her breath away.
The band has the traditional silver colour, the upper half of the ring is carved to look like waves, tiny diamonds engraved in them, on top of the band, a star shaped frame sits, encasing a big round shaped blue diamond.
(AN: The jewellery store said it was inspired by various games, but I thought it was perfect for Chilumi. Source: https://takayascustomjewelry.com/blog/sea-stars-paopu-fruit-inspired-engagement-ring)
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“This looks so beautiful.” Lumine admired the work.
“They really want to welcome you.” Ajax chuckled before clearing his throat and sitting up, “I didn’t think you’d want to deal with that this soon so I just kept it hidden.” 
“...In a bookcase…” 
Ajax blushed in embarrassment, “We share the same room, closet, drawers, where am I supposed to hide it?” 
“You’re office maybe?” Lumine hummed.
“You go there too, there’s still a risk of you finding out.” Ajax defended, “And there’s a reason I chose the top shelf, you know.” 
“Are you saying I’m short?”
“Well, I’m not saying you’re tall…”
They laughed together, Ajax feeling comfortable again to pull her to his chest, “I didn’t really expect your mother to dig through our stuff like that.” he sighed in defeat.
“Why’d you think I had my online shopping delivered to someone else’s place? Mother always goes through my things.” Lumine murmured.
They both eyed the ring, not really sure how to approach the subject.
“I’m not forcing you to do anything, please remember that.” Ajax began, “I’m sure you’re still conflicted about us dating. Sometimes, I can’t help but think you’re here because I forced you to.” he chuckled, it was meant as a joke but Lumine can sense the sadness in his voice. 
Lumine sat up to look at him, “Ajax, we talked about this,” she said as she lifted his chin to look at her, “I’m here because I feel the same way as you, I’m here because I fell in love with an amazing man who stood by my side no matter what. I’m here because I love you, and only you.” she declared, a soft smile gracing her lips as she gently caressed his cheek.
Words couldn’t express how happy that made Ajax, so he expressed it in the best way he could, pulling her into one of the most passionate kisses he could give.
Lumine’s lips curled into a smile before wrapping her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss in the process.
They had always been better at showing emotions in actions rather than words as they poured all their feelings in this kiss hoping that the other could feel what they meant. And they do.
They pulled away, well their lips did while they rested their forehead against each other as they caught their breath.
“You’re so amazing.” he smiled softly, “And I can’t wait to see that ring around your finger in the future.” he admitted with hopeful eyes.
Lumine bit her lip, debating.
A few moments of silence, Ajax decided that they should just move on from this, he was going to ask for the ring back until Lumine spoke up.
“What if that future is now?” Lumine said so quietly that Ajax would’ve missed it if he wasn’t this close.
His heart stopped.
He pulled away from Lumine to look at her clearly. She stared back at him, golden eyes wide and shy, face red as she bit her lip in anticipation, “I… I mean…” she broke the staring contest, looking away in embarrassment.
“It’s just a ‘what if’... We don’t have to…” she began to blurt out apologies as her embarrassment grew, perhaps Ajax wasn’t ready as well and she read the room wrong.
As she’s busy panicking, Ajax smiled, taking the box from her hand and kneeling on one knee, “Lumine, love of my life, my starlight, my partner in crime, will you marry me?” 
Straight to the point and cheesy, the only thing Ajax could manage at the moment. He made a mental note to prepare a romantic night for them in the future, though he can definitely prepare something romantic in the sheets for tonight.
Lumine stopped her flurry of words and stared back at Ajax, a smile growing on her face, 
“With all my heart, yes.” 
She’s ready, the past is in the past, there’s no way to go besides forward.
AN: As you can see, I’m so bad at thinking of names Lumi’s parents didn’t have any lmao, maybe in the future if I get an idea or someone suggested something lol
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sparrowshrike · 4 years
Monster Prom Wingman AU Christmas Special
Sparrow woke up at 4 am to find his stalking on his bed, at this time Sparrow was still going by Simon and was living with his human (Adoptive) Maternal grandfather. Simon emptied his stalking finding a puzzle, which entertained him until 5 am, luckily at 5:14 he heard Vicky and Yellow(Oz), over the walkie talkie. This was also back when both Vicky and Brain were alive and all of them were in middle school.  
“Anyone else awake, and more importantly bored?” Vicky asked
“This is Simon,” he whispered “and yeah I’m bored”
“Same Here” Amira picked up
“Good to hear form you two, I didn’t know you two celebrated Christmas.”
“I don’t, I’m just bored” Amira shrugged
“*Yawn* Morning everyone.” 
“Oh, Sorry for waking you Brian.” Simon said
“It’s Okay.”
“Go Back to bed Allison!” Brian’s parent’s yelled
“They still call you that?” Vicky asked
“Yeah...” Brian sighed
“Hey why don’t we all go to the meeting place?”
“Yeah!” Vicky and Yellow said in Unison
“Okay.” Brian said
“Meet you all there.” Amira said
Simon put on his stuff and opened his window. Back then, Simons eyes and wings made him a freak, so he put together the Googles, face mask, Gloves and Sweater to make him look like a normal kid. His window was above the covered porch. From there he climbed to the top of the house, and then leapt. He glide as far as he does now, but he was still pretty good at it. He glided from roof to roof until he reached the park, he saw Vicky biking there as well as Brain walking. Simon landed in the clearing and tucked his wings away. Amira was already there, her hair appeared to be red in color, an illusion. Simon and Amira were the only two who hid who they were, what they were.
The Color Squad met up and Hung out until they saw the sun, then they went home and enjoyed their Christmas Day, Not knowing to some it would be their last for quite awhile.
Present(Spoilers for Wingman AU)
Context: Oz, Vicky and Brian have moved into Sparrow’s penthouse after realizing that the teenager whose mother died right before his eyes may want company, Amira still lives with her family, but is a frequent visitor. Sparrow is dating Vera, Oz is dating Zoe, Vicky is dating Liam, Brain is dating Scott, and Amira is with Damien, and Polly is actually Sparrow’s Third Cousin(Their Great Grandparents were siblings)
Sparrow’s Penthouse has a massive (artificial) Christmas tree, The thing reaches the second floor. Scott and Brian are putting the garland on tree, while Vicky, Damien, Liam, and Amira are in the kitchen baking Oatmeal Cookies, Peanut Butter Balls, and Tracey Hawk’s(Sparrow’s Mother) Apple Crisp. Vera, Valerie, Mr. Oberlin and Polly are Putting up the lights. No, they are not doing this on Christmas, this is Christmas Eve, and with some many hands helping, Tomorrow’s Christmas party is going to go off without a hitch.
Liam, Damien, and Zoe have never had a Christmas before, Damien despises the holiday, but both Amira and Vera will have his head if he acts out. And Liam never participated, seeing how “Mainstream” Christmas is.
Everyone opened one gift before they left, but they would return tomorrow for the party, Vera gave Sparrow a long kiss goodbye, knowing tomorrow would be hard for him, it was the 6th Christmas without his mother, but the first with no close family at all.    
Time has gone by and the color squad had kids, The Color Kids if you will. Casper was the Illegitimate Child of Polly and Faith, Faith still wants nothing to do with them though, Seeing them as a freak accident. Now despite being Trans-gender, Brian never fully went through a gender transformation, so when he and Scott wanted a bio kid, they did it the old fashioned way. Zoe and Oz got freaky and made Dorothy, a sweet little adorable eldritch fear being. Calculester somehow got a hold of magic seeds that granted him a daughter in the form of Caroline. Now despite both of them being undead Liam and Vicky still brought life into this world, Mina was the name given to this life. Damien and Amira had a few kids, the one around the same age as the others is Fyra. Last but not least Sparrow and Vera have many kids, some biological, some adopted, all loved by their parents and Aunts. But the two old enough for this part are the “twins”, Quasi, a gargoyle, and Tracey(named after her Grandmother), a Winged Gorgon. Valerie got together Aaravi and Decided not to have kids, but will protect their family.
Sparrow and Vera have hosted Christmas for many years, their friends rejoice at not having to sett up as many decorations each year because of it. But this year in the middle of the party Sparrow noticed someone was missing.
“Quasi! Tracey!” Sparrow called for his kids from across the room.
Quasi flew over to him, while Tracey glided from the second floor.
“What’s wrong Dad?” Quasi asked
“Where’s your cousin?”
“Casper? They were here a minute ago.” Tracey said
“A minute? Are you sure it’s only been a minute.”
“Positive Dad.”
“Alright, Can you two back up?” Sparrow asked, and as soon as he backed up he took a deep breath and Screamed, now he isn’t just being loud, this is how he flies. Sparrow flew over to Polly.
“Hey Cuz, Casper’s missing.”
“They said they needed to get some fresh air.” Polly said, she then put on her serious face “They’ve been feeling like faith doesn’t care about them, it’s worse around the holidays”
“I know the feeling, I’m gonna try something.” Sparrow says floating down to a pantry closet, but this isn’t full of food, Sparrow’s father was an artifact collector. This closet held a lot of magic, Sparrow even keeps Amira’s necklace in here for safe keeping. Sparrow grabbed a golden orb the size of a basketball. he then went to the balcony and whispered to it
“Faith Fernández” he spoke, then the orb started to glow and fly, it zipped off and Sparrow followed it. As you can probably guess it’s a tracker orb, Sparrow landed right behind Faith, two blocks away from his building.
“Come to lecture me about my “Responsibility” again?“
“You know me so well, and yeah. Here I am again, and here you are again”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Funny, how I keep finding you not far from the kid, yet you say they’re a Freak Accident.” Sparrow Started “First, you were at the school, when they received an honors award, and here you are now, in clear view of my Christmas party”
“Coincidence, Nothing more.”
Sparrow threw up his hands in surrender, “Alright, but for someone who lectured me about what’s right. You’re refusing to do the right thing and take responsibility for Your accident.”
Before Faith could yell that Casper is Polly’s accident, Sparrow was gone.
Casper had been floating on the roof, even when Sparrow returned.
“Hey Kiddo,”
“H-hey, U-Uncle Sparrow, I’ll return to the party soon, don’t worry.”
“If you think that put’s me at ease, Then I’ve never told you about your mother’s time as a wraith”
“You have told me.”
“Then you know how I know you lying.”
“Because Mom gave the same excuses”
“To hide her feelings about your grandfather” Sparrow put his arm on Casper's Shoulder “I don’t know what your going through, but you can talk to me or your Mom about this. We will listen” Sparrow said lifting his arm off and walking away “Merry Christmas Casper”
“Merry Christmas, Uncle”
Quasi, Casper, Mina, Daryl, Caroline, and Dorothy by @lallorona04
Marry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Respite! @strange-doll-child @ask-lady-blue @segasister @mons1erprom
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underdressedgoth · 4 years
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This is older art that I finally finished (it was first made in September before Goretober and I finally finish it like 2 months later)
I’m choosing now to properly introduce these kids (and a new one too) as the “Multiple Dimentional Craze” fanchildren. (this is going to be a very long post)
Parents: Morty and Riley *oc* Full Name: Sapphire ‘June’ Smith Nicknames: Saphie Birthday: November 17 Age: 16 Species: Human Blood Type: A+ Height: 5′7ft Sexuality: Lesbian Personality: Rude, Courageous, Rebellious, Loyal, Hot-headed, Impatient, Intelligent, Arrogant, Protective, Honest (very brutally honest), prideful, strong, confident, leader-like Powers: N/A Family: Morty *Father*, Rylie *Mother* [Out of the picture], Rick *Great-Grandfather*, Beth *Grandmother*, Jerry *Grandfather* and Summer *Aunt* Friends: Monster, Pinecone, Pineneedle, Mars, Mercury, Bruno, Leah and Josie Dating: Mayflower Likes: Her girlfriend, stir fry, the color magenta, warm foods, science related subjects, math related subjects, cats, sweet and salty foods Dislikes: Emiko, Evelyn, Takei, Victor, London, Samara, Morty, Samantha, P.J, Lee- you know what she hates like ⅞ of my fanchildren we could be here all day if I had to list everyone she doesn’t like, rain, wet items, spicy foods, sour foods, chunky things- okay so she really doesn’t like a lot of things either (you get the point) Other Things: -Her hair is naturally blue, Morty was concerned that she was Rick’s kid (considering the reason why they had split up), but nope. Morty’s her Dad. -Her parents are separated (Her mother cheated on Morty with multiple people) -She doesn’t like most people (it’s considered an accomplishment if someone managed to get on her good list. Which is -by the way- very small) -She pretty much hates Morty, a lot. She has a lot of resentment towards him, mainly because she hasn’t seen her mother since she was 5. (While Morty wants to tell her that he had tried to get her mother to see her, her mother is pretty much a dead-beat parent who doesn’t give a flying fuck that her daughter exists. He knows Sapphire probably won’t believe him) -While they may be friends, Sapphire likes to pick on and bully Mars. But just because she likes to bully him, doesn’t mean she won’t beat up a person who makes fun of him (it’s like a sibling-love thing. Everyone who has a sibling here should know what I mean) -She looks up to Rick, much to her family’s (including Rick’s) dismay, she always wanted to go adventuring with him but he always declines (thus making her frustrated) -Sometimes will steal things from her Great-Grandfather without him knowing until she’s already gone with it (one of the normal things she usually steals is the portal gun -While most of her friends have powers, she’s not jealous, in fact that only makes her more confident in herself since she knows how strong she really is (thus making her even more scary knowing that she’s just as strong as her powerful friends) -She has a soft spot for her friends and girlfriend -There are very few people on her bad list that she respects (one for example being Takei) -She’s pretty well known around her school as a girl who never knows when to step down, the amount of fights she was in prove said statement She has known Pinecone and Pineneedle since they were babies, Mayflower and Monster since 5, Mars since 6, Bruno and Mercury since 7
Parents: Wirt and The Beast Full Name: Monster ‘Edelwood’ Oak Nicknames: Monty Birthday: January 31 Age: 15 Species: Demon/Human Blood Type: [Redacted] Height: 5′8ft Sexuality: Heterosexual Personality: Calm, Collected, Optimistic, Peaceful, Caring, Protective, Observant, Quiet, Diplomatic, Introverted, Fair-Minded Powers: +Plant Talk- Can talk to plants and understand what they’re saying +Nature control- Able to control any plant around her or even make pants appear out of nowhere +Shadow Camouflage- Using her shadow form, she can blend into any surface she so chooses as long as she doesn’t use it while in sunlight +Night vision- While using her real eyes, she can see clearly in the dark. It only works with her real eyes though, while in her human disguise she can’t see in the dark +Shape-shift- Whether it be in her human disguise or natural form, she can also turn into any animal she can think of +Enhanced smell- Can smell twice as good as a blood-hound. Helps when smelling for blood or souls +Angel’s Voice- Like with the beast, she can sing to draw prey towards her along with drain any bravery or hope from them +Underwater breathing- Can breathe underwater (she didn’t know she could until the age of 6 when Mars went out too far and nearly drowned. Wirt nearly had a heart-attack that day but was grateful she could do that) Family: Wirt *Father*, Beast *Father*, Sara *Step-mother*, Max *little half-brother*, Lantern *little half-sister*, Greg *Uncle* Friends: Sapphire, Mayflower, Pinecone, Pineneedle, Bruno, Mars, Mercury, Armory, Echomain Crush: Mars Likes: Tea, Poety, Nature, Music, Rivers, Exploring, Her Family and Friends, Old Things, Books, Walking through the woods, Singing, cold weather, English subjects, Art, Musicals Dislikes: Very hot weather, her friends/family getting injured, cheese (no one knows why, she just doesn’t like it), bright lights Other Things: -She’s carnivorous, won’t eat any plants unless she has to (a funny way to put it is that she’s like a reverse vegan) - Her favorite poet is Sara Teasdale - She got her love for poetry from Wirt, ever since she was a baby, Wirt would read poetry to her. Beast also would sometimes recite Shakespeare to her when she was a child while she visited him - She can easily retell Hamlet from memory word-for-word (she’s read and heard Shakespeare so many times that she can do that with any of his stories) - She’s in her school’s chorus (Known to be a very beautiful singer) - Her favorite type of music is Opera (no surprise there) - Once a week (sometimes two) every other month, she and Wirt would go visit the beast. Sara does know about this as she was there when the deal was first offered - She has never actually spent a halloween in the real world - Monster was born out of a giant flower - Sometimes out of habit from her demonic heritage, Monster will eat either a bird or small animal (Mayflower and Mars are the only ones who seem to freak out when that happens) - Has been playing Piano, cello, Clarinet and bass since she was little (she loves playing instruments) - Sometimes if she’s deep in thought, she’ll start talking in Shakespearean - Is an outcast at her school because people find her very weird with her personality and hobby with plants (Since she likes to whisper to them a lot). - - - - While Wirt may have reacted differently to a situation like hers, she doesn’t seem to be bothered by it at all. Nor does she acknowledge the insults other students will sometimes say about her. Sapphire on the other hand, has been in many fights because she refuses to let anyone bully her friend - Monster loves her half-siblings to death, she’ll do anything for them. Her brother Max sadly doesn’t like her since she gets most of Wirt’s attention - Her brother doesn’t know she’s not fully human, her sister on the other hand found out through her own ways (she’s very young so she’s fine with it, in fact she thinks Monster is cool and lucky to have powers as she wishes she had them too) -She’s mainly nocturnal, but since she can’t really sleep during the day often either, her body luckily managed to readjust itself so she doesn’t need to sleep often. - She doesn’t really express much inner emotions, so it’s not obvious that she has a crush on Mars (only people who know are Sapphire and Mayflower) - Has known Pinecone and Pineneedle since they were babies, Mayflower since she was 4, Bruno and Mercury since 5, Mars since 6 and Sapphire since 4 - She’s considered a theater kid (the theater kids are probably the only ones out of her school who actually like her) - Funny thing, she can walk on water (another thing to add, it took Wirt forever to let her into the water, he was just that terrified if she drowned.) -She can’t see well in bright lighting, her eyes don’t adjust well to it -She sees Sara like an actual mother to her -Seems to bleed Oil,Gold and Blood
Parents: Connie and Spinel Full Name: Mayflower ‘Spinel’ Maheswaran-Universe Nick names: May, Curly, Petal Birthday: February 28 Age: 14 Species: Gem/Human Blood Type: [Redacted] Height: 5′3ft Sexuality: Bisexual Personality: Self-conscious, Joyful, Caring, Nurturing, Optimistic, Friendly, sometimes nervous, self-less, strong Powers: + Rejuvinator- can easily pull out her own rejuvinator from her gem (it can also double as a weapon to fight against other creatures, electrocuting and cutting any enemy she swings it at) +Stretchy Limbs- Like her mother Spinel, she can stretch any part of her body (as long as she doesn’t over do it, she’s fine) + Fusion- like her father Steven who is also half-gem, she can fuse with any gem or human Family: Spinel *Mother*, Connie *Mother*, Steven *Step-Father*, Nicholas *Older Half-Brother*, Stephen *Little Half-Brother*, Greg *Little Half-Brother*, Greg *Step-Grandfather*, Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz *Step-Grandmother*, Priyanka *Grandmother*, Doug *Grandfather* Friends: Pinecone, Pineneedle, Mercury, Bruno, Mars, Monster Dating: Sapphire Likes: Dancing, Singing, Traveling the Multiverse, Animals, any romantic comedy or novels, painting, Homeworld, space travel, space itself, anything funny, gardening Dislikes: Her looks, Monster attempting to eat a small creature, abandon buildings, taking pictures of herself (she gets flustered from them), horror movies, silence, being alone, blood, anyone getting hurt Other Things: -She isn’t really one who is confident with her looks, she isn’t exactly thin (she’s kinda chubby) and it does bother her sometimes (Sapphire still loves her to death and will kill anyone who makes fun of her girlfriend without hesitation or remorse. Sapphire would do anything for and I mean anything) -She and Sapphire have been dating for about 2 years now (for the one who has confessed their love to the other, they both were just flustered stuttering messes as Sapphire sucks with emotions besides anger and Mayflower is not one who has confidence) - Her older brother doesn’t like her, she tries her best, just like Monster with her own brother, to get her brother to not hate her (he’s just edgy) - She has her own gem, a spinel like her mother Spinel’s (spinel didn’t give up her form, it turns out from what I heard, Rose didn’t have to give up her form for Steven. So I am just using that idea for here too) - Since Steven, Spinel and Connie are in a polygamous relationship, Steven likes to help Mayflower understand her own powers since he can relate of course) - I can definitely assure that the Diamonds like to smother her and her brothers with love since they are Spinel’s and Steven’s kids (same can go with Pearl) - Doesn’t seem like it to others, but Mayflower is really strong, she can lift a lot since she likes to work out sometimes
Parents: Bill and Dipper Full Name: Pinecone ‘Pyramid’ Cipher-Pines Nick names: Pinie, PC, Creepy, Gremlin #1, Cone Birthday: May 23 Age: 13 Species: Demon/Human Blood Type: [Redacted] Height: 5ft Sexuality: Heterosexual Personality: Creepy, Hyper, Observant, Extroverted, Goofy, Creative, observant, curious, courageous, adventurous, chaotic good, crafty Powers: +Shapeshift- Can shape-shift into anything from her demon form to any small objects +Portals- Can manifest a portal to the multiverse +Enhanced smell- can smell better than humans +Telekinesis- Move things with her mind +Floating- Can float Family: Bill *Father*, Dipper *”Mother”*, Pineneedle *Twin brother*, Gravity *Little brother*, Falls *Little sister*, Mabel *Aunt*, Pacifica *Aunt*, Aqua Marie *Cousin*, Manuel *Cousin*, Tala Poly *Aunt*, Lillusion *Aunt* Friends: Sapphire, Mayflower, Monster, Bruno, Mars, Mercury, Gabriel, Flint Crush: Max Likes: Forests, Dark areas, Halloween, Bugs, Camping, Fire, Bones, Traveling through dimensions and universes, anything sugar, Tad Strange, scissors, disturbing things, Birch trees Dislikes: Being Normal, having to sit still, London (surprisingly), snobby people, having to pretend to be human, pineapples, fancy things (finds them boring) Other Things: -Is older than Pineneedle by 6 minutes - Tad Strange is her’s and Pineneedle’s teacher (secretly since Bill hates Tad) - While she likes Monster’s little brother, most people will say she has a very “strange” way of showing her affection towards her (that being a very creepy way, what I mean is that she’ll say the creepiest things to him since she for some reason “finds his face adorable when it looks scared”) (she won’t hurt him, just freak him out. Added note, he doesn’t like her at all. Her love for him is very one-sided. But she is determined to win him over one day) - She and Pineneedle were not planned, they kinda just happened by accident (their parents still love both of them none-the-less) - Knows about other fanchildren in other universes, enjoys talking to them
Parents: Bill and Dipper Full Name: Pineneedle ‘Illuminati’ Cipher-Pines Nick names: PN, Gremlin #2, Pointer, Needle Birthday: May 23 Age: 13 Species: Demon/Human Blood Type: [Redacted] Height: 5ft Sexuality: Aromantic/bisexual Personality: Creepy, Hyper, Observant, Extroverted, Goofy, Creative, chaotic, courageous, adventurous, Chaotic good, disobedient Powers: +Shapeshift- Can shape-shift into anything from her demon form to any small objects +Portals- Can manifest a portal to the multiverse +Enhanced smell- can smell better than humans +Telekinesis- Move things with her mind +Floating- Can float Family: Bill *Father*, Dipper *”Mother”*, Pinecone *Twin sister*, Gravity *Little brother*, Falls *Little sister*, Mabel *Aunt*, Pacifica *Aunt*, Aqua Marie *Cousin*, Manuel *Cousin*, Tala Poly *Aunt*, Lillusion *Aunt* Friends: Sapphire, Mayflower, Monster, Bruno, Mars, Mercury, Gabriel, Flint Crush: N/A Likes: Anything creepy, slim, spiders, snakes, mice, being crazy, scaring others, Tad Strange Dislikes: Having to be “normal”, not using his powers, rules, girly things Other Things: -Almost like he’s Pinecone’s other half, sharing similar personalities and abilities - He’s the younger twin - Where ever one twin is, the other follows (Pinecone and Pineneedle are rarely apart) - The more troublesome of the two (and that is saying something) - While Pinecone likes Max, Needle just likes to scare him - He can be very spiteful - Thinks love is gross (doesn’t understand it) - likes to skateboard with Mercury - He and Pinecone have known everyone since they were babies (they’re the little siblings of the group)
Parents: Dib and Zim Full Name: Mars ‘Irken’ Membrane Nick names: Nerd, Markie, Dork (<--- Two are from Sapphire) Birthday: July 15 Age: 16 Species: Alien/Human Blood Type: [Redacted] Height: 5′8ft Sexuality: Heterosexual Personality: Introverted, Anxious, Intelligent, Quiet, Friendly, Nerdy, Dorky Powers: +Breath in space- Yeah, that’s the only thing I think he can do Family: Zim *Parent*, Dib *Father*, Zoey *Little Sister* Gaz *Aunt*, Tak *Aunt*, Dr.Membrane *Grandfather* Friends: Sapphire, Mayflower, Monster, Mercury, Bruno, Pinecone, Pineneedle Crush: Monster Likes: School (because he likes learning), technology, building things, studying, science and math related subjects Dislikes: Sapphire’s rage, moving quickly, the dark (he’s scared of it), oranges (hates the smell), Gym (he’s not that strong) Other Things: -Often gets picked on by Sapphire (though they do have their moments where they get along) (he’s not scared of her, just annoyed) - While Dib may be a proud space scientist, Mars prefers not to be acknowledged as his son for some odd reason - He doesn’t enjoy fighting other creatures, he can handle it, just doesn’t like it like the others do - He has motion sickness, move way too quickly and he’ll get nauseous - Sapphire is the reason for why he’s scared of the dark - He wears make-up to hide the green parts of his skin (the only time he doesn’t is in Gravity falls) - He has only been to space once, didn’t have fun at all (1/10 wouldn’t recommend) - Monster gave him his beanie for his birthday a few years ago, he loves it - He’s your typical shy nerd
Parents: Star and Jackie Full Name: Mercury ‘Lynn‘ Butterfly Nick names: Flutter, Wings, Meri, Sparkles Birthday: August 2 Age: 15 Species: Mewman/Human Blood Type: [Redacted] Height: 5′6ft Sexuality: Pansexual Personality: Out-going, extroverted, bashful, prideful, forceful, somewhat thoughtless at times, crafty, wild Powers: +Butterfly- Butterfly form from Mewberty +Magic wand- since it’s connected to her powers they have similar spells (I am not going to list them because that’ll take too long) Family: Star *Mother*, Jackie *Mother*, Moon *Grandmother*, River *Grandfather* Friends: Sapphire, Mayflower, Monster, Mars, Bruno, Pinecone, Pineneedle, Samantha, Anne, Evelyn, Gabriel, Black Taffy- she’s pretty much the opposite of Sapphire when it comes to people, she has a lot of friends Crush: Samantha Likes: Glitter (a lot), Shiny things, roller-blading, magic, Mewni, crazy things, summer, bright collars, dancing, sugar, hot coco, socializing, parties Dislikes: Unicorns (from her experience with them, you’d hate them too), Fairies (again, from her experience with them, you wouldn’t blame her), gnomes, garden gnomes (don’t ask), bland foods, snakes, magical high commission, her ex boyfriend (oh how the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree) Other Things: -Just going to ignore what happened in the finale because I personally thought it sucked and was a terrible way to end a series. Mercury is the heir to the Butterfly throne. - While she is a girl who can easily make friends, she is one who also tends to loose some due to her nature, she doesn’t understand boundaries and tends to drive people away occasionally - She knows a lot of Royal people and will 100% try to befriend any princes or princesses while she can - She loves to talk, a lot, she is very rarely quiet and it tends to drive Sapphire crazy and threaten to duck-tape her mouth shut - Sometimes the others think she depends on her want a little too much, because she uses it all the time even when she doesn’t need too at all - Despite being a very confident girl, when it comes to interacting with her crush (Samantha), she’s a stuttering flustered mess - Please don’t give her sugar
Parents: Tom and Marco Full Name: Bruno ‘Julius‘ Lucitor-Diaz Nick names: Bunny, Demon-boy, Lucitor, Horns (<--- Most of these are from Sapphire) Birthday: March 30 Age: 16 Species: Demon/Mewman/Human Blood Type: [Redacted] Height: 5′8ft Sexuality: Heterosexual Personality: Calm, Brave, Determined, Good-hearted, Responsible, Dare-devil, Leader-like, Assertive (when needed), Confident Powers: +Fire- able to produce fire from hands and have it spread to anywhere on his body Family: Tom *Father*, Marco *Father*, Juliet *little sister*, Mariposa *Aunt*, Rafael *Grandfather*, Angie *Grandmother*, Wrathmelior *Grandmother* and Dave *Grandfather* Friends: Sapphire, Mayflower, Pinecone, Pineneedle, Monster, Mars, Mercury, Black Taffy, Josie, Jack Jr, Crush: N/A Likes: Biking, fire, Tacos, Nachos, Magical creatures, adventure, Ice-skating Dislikes: Math, school, fancy parties, dressing up, London, Mercury on sugar Other Things: -He’s sorta bad at judging things -Often butts heads with Sapphire due to both of their desires to lead the friend group - He has a third eye hidden under his hair -Has three moles in a row from largest to smallest under his right eye - Has his own pair of Dimensional scissors - Lives in the Underworld as the prince and heir to the throne - Is the only one besides Pinecone, Pineneedle and Monster, who is able to handle Mercury - Has known Mercury since the day of her birth, Pinecone and Pineneedle since they were babies, Sapphire since 7, Monster since 6 - He doesn’t really like most demons or hybrids, most of the time they’re too crazy for him to deal with (he already has to deal with 3 crazy people almost everyday. He’s good) - He’s pretty good at flattering people, he’s calls it his “secret weapon” - He likes to consider Sapphire as his rival (Sapphire feels the same way towards him) I’ll admit I got lazy with some parts because writing this was taking too long after loosing a good chunk of progress and having to redo some profiles because of it. This would have been posted sooner if it weren’t for that.
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somekind0fmagic · 4 years
Chapter 1. The Bringing of The Line
I do not own Harry Potter or the characters made by J.K. Rowling
I also added Anneliese's siblings names, ages, how old they’ll be turning next & when (plus a little bit about them if they’re older)
(Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14 )
Chapter 1. The Bringing of the Line
Albus looked out of the window of the moving train, the words his dad spoke to him before echoing in his head. He had to get away from his family, they were being overbearing as usual. The door of the compartment opened, he looked over and saw a boy with messy dirty blonde hair and grey-blue eyes. "Oh, s-sorry! I didn't realize it was occupied, I'll go somewhere else." The boy spoke in surprise.
Albus smiled, "It's fine, you can sit in here. I don't really care." There was something about him that seemed familiar to Albus.
"Oh, okay, thanks." He sat down in front of Albus and said, "I'm Scorpius, of course you already know that."
That was why he looked familiar! He's Scorpius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy's son. "I'm Albus and don't worry, took me till you said your name to figure out why you looked familiar."
Scorpius looked surprised, "You-you don't care? I mean, you're a Potter and you don't care, I'm a Malfoy?"
Albus shook his head, "I know we aren't like our parents, besides your dad has changed for the good. No matter what the Prophet says."
Scorpius was about to say something, but the door opened again and a girl with short black hair and purple glasses looked in. "There you are Scor! Valerie and I were getting worried. But like, I don't blame you for getting out." She looked over at Albus and smiled, "Hi! Sorry, I was just looking for him, but um...do you mind if I stay here? The good ole Potter-Weasley clan are being pains." She studied Albus for a second before gasping, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you were Albus Potter."
Albus shrugged, "I don't mind and it's okay. My family can be overbearing at times. That's why I'm in here."
She nodded, "Makes since," She sat down next to Scorpius and held her hand out to Albus, "I'm Anneliese Green."
Albus shook her hand, "Nice to meet you Anneliese."
"So, you excited for Hogwarts, Albus?" She asked softly.
"I don't know really. I'm just gonna miss my little sister, Lily." He replied, he really was gonna miss Lils, they were the two biggest troublemakers ever.
"She was the one that was standing next to your parents and was upset because she couldn't go, right?" Albus gave her a surprised look since she has gotten all correct, "I'm observant. I think I'm gonna get into Ravenclaw, but then again, all my family is in Slytherin. So, the likelihood of me being a Slytherin is high. Well, besides my mum, she went to Durmstrang instead."
Scorpius laughed lightly, “You’re rambling again. But still, if I'm not in Slytherin I think my grandfather would disown me." Scorpius replied.
“Scorp, your grandfather is Lucius Malfoy, the man who thinks if you’re not a Slytherin then you’re a disgrace to the wizarding world. It’s not think he would, it’s just that he just would. No thinking, just knowing.” Anneliese told him with a bored look.
"Oh, wow, I think the only house, even though my dad says otherwise, that I would be disowned if I was put in would be Slytherin. But honestly, him and my mother don’t care." Albus replied.
The conversation just went from there. They only stopped when the trolly came around and they got some sweets. It was dark and the train was finally slowing down until it came to a full stop. They stood up and walked out of the compartment and off of the train. "Promise to be friends even if we're Slytherins and you're a Gryffindor?" Scorpius asked.
"Promise." Albus replied. He went to find Rose while Anneliese and Scorpius went to find Robyn, Rohyn, Holly and others.
The doors to the great hall opened and everyone walked in. Scorpius and Anneliese overheard Rose Granger-Weasley talking about the ceiling and rolled their eyes, but still looked around in wonder. Albus noticed Anneliese give a tiny wave towards the Slytherin table. They stopped and looked at Professor Longbottom, "Before we start Professor McGonagall would like to say a few words."
Everyone looked over at the lady standing in the middle of the table, "I would like to note for the first years that the Dark Forest is forbidden to go to unless it is for Care of Magical Creatures. That is a class you can choose to take in your third year. Thank you." She sat back down and motioned for Professor Longbottom to begin.
"Now, when I call your name please come up to the sorting hat to be sorted into your house." He looked at the list and said, "Avery, Holly!"
The hat was put on top of his head and yelled, "Slytherin!" Quickly. The Slytherin table was yelling loudly and someone said, "Another Avery! Hell yes!"
More names were yelled, including Robyn and Rohyn Goyle (who were in Slytherin). “Malfoy, Scorpius!” The room went almost dead silent. People began to whisper. ‘Malfoy?’ ‘I’m surprised they’re allowing someone like him in.’ ‘His father was a death eater. He comes from a family of deatheaters’ As well as other much harsher things being said. Of course it was known what house Scorpius was going to be in according to stereotypes. And of course stereotypes didn’t disappoint. He got Slytherin, and of course, the house screamed for him.
More names were called and people went to their houses. And, just like when Scorpius’s name was called, the room went almost dead silent when Albus’s. Most of them were praises, ‘He looks just like his father!’ ‘Omg, he’s real.’ ‘Surprised that he’s allowed to come, the Potters shield him and his sister all the time.’ Of course there were some bad ones, but they were few and far between, mostly just from the Slytherin table. But Albus ignored them and walked up to the hat. 
“Ah, a Potter,” Albus jumped slightly, the voice echoing through his head, “Much like your father, but you have much more ambition. Want to be separated from being known as just Harry Potter’s son. Willing to risk anything to be something. Better be, SLYTHERIN!” The hat was taken off of his head and the whispers picked up again. ‘A Potter in Slytherin?’ ‘Wonder what dear ole James is gonna take of that.’ 
“Take that Potter! We got your younger brother!” A tall, dark skinned girl with short and curly bright purple hair, her eyes greatly contrasting against her skin as they were being an icy blue.
There were yells coming from the Gryffindor table. They didn’t stop until McGonagall yelled for silence. Many had a look of fear, well, only about 50 didn’t. Those 20 belonged to the Either a Weasley, Potter, or a Slytherin. 
Albus was sitting next to Scorpius. Nothing was said. Rose got into Gryffindor, but of course that was no surprise. “Let the feast, begin.” McGonagall lifted her arms and the food appeared. Everyone began to grab as much as they could. 
“Congrats sis, you got in. I’m surprised. Figured you’d be in Ravenclaw.”
“Yeah, at least father and grandfather won’t try and disown you.”
Anneliese rolled her eyes, “Oh shut the heck up you two! Besides, father wouldn’t disown me. You know that. We don’t even talk about what grandfather would do.”
“Awe, c’mon-”
“You know you love us.”
“Dom! Antonio and Derek are being mean to me!”
Albus looked over to where she was, he was looking at an older guy, who he assumed was probably a 7th year with unruly dirty blonde hair and deep emerald green eyes,  looked over at her. “Anneliese, don’t make me write to mum about you being a little brat.”
“I hate you.” She muttered slamming her fork onto the plate.
“Love you too sis.”
Albus looked over when he heard a girl laugh, “Stop being a git Dominick. You wouldn’t dare write to mum because she’s still mad at you for your incident.”
“Shut the hell up Genevieve. She’s still mad at you for trying to cover it up.” 
“Would you both shut up? My god, never in my life did I think I would be happy that this is my last year.”
“Fuck off Aidan.” The two siblings grumbled.
“Sorry ‘bout them, they’re my siblings.” Anneliese sighed and ran a hand through her short hair.
He looked over at her, “It’s alright. Since I have like, fifty family members it just reminds me of Christmas.”
She smiled softly, “Good.”
“You should see them at Christmas, it’s horrible. Them, plus the seven younger ones, plus all of the other Slytherin families.” Scorpius added with a laugh.
Anneliese picked at her potatoes, “Albus I have 14 siblings. 7 older and 7 younger. 7 sisters and 7 brothers. 6 older brothers, 1 younger. 6 younger sisters and 1 older. Aidan, the one with short light brown hair and dark ass blue eyes, is the oldest. He’s 17, 18 in like 8 days, and Headboy.  Then there’s Antonio and Derek they’re 16, they’ll be 17 in May. Derek, the one with long black hair and hazel eyes, is always in detention while Antonio, the one with short dirty blonde hair and dark green eyes is usually studying and is usually fairly quiet. He’s probably only being a dick tonight because he hasn’t eaten since breakfast at 7 am. Dominick is the next in line, he’s 15, will be 16 in April and he always brags about something stupid, thinks his shit doesn’t stink and that he was the best seeker ever, he also got prefect and hasn’t stopped bragging since he got the letter,”
Genevieve laughed, “Mum and dad were proud of him, until he broke the urn that our great-great grandmother was in.”
Anneliese laughed too, “Mum threatened to write to McGonagall to make someone else the 5th year Slytherin Prefect.” 
Albus laughed too, “That sounds like how my Uncle Percy apparently was when he got Gryffindor Prefect, as well as Headboy. According to mum, Uncle Ron, Uncle George, and Uncle Percy himself, he didn’t shut up about it and brought it up all the time.”
“That amazing, but anyways, next is the second set of twins, Liam and Randolph, they’re 13 and will be 14 in October, basically a modern day Fred and George Weasley, always playing pranks and rarely getting caught. We can barely tell them apart, well, I can because Liam is two inches taller at 5’8, plus he talks a bit faster. Then there was Genevieve who is only a year older-”
“10 months sis, 10 months.”
She rolled her eyes, “Fine, 10 months older than me. She’ll be 13 in December.” 
“If I didn’t know that I could easily assume she was the same age as my little sister, Lily, she’s only 9.”
“Ha! You just got compared to a 9 year old!” One of the twins said, “I’m Randolph by the way.” He reached his hand out to Albus, “Pleasure to meet you Albus Potter. A bunch of us are surprised that you were even allowed to go to Hogwarts. Your parents keep you out of the spotlight so much. Even more than your brother.”
Albus shook his hand, “Yeah, mum and dad wanted all of us out of the spotlight as much as possible. Lily and I are faster at running and better at hiding than James. He loves the attention.” It was too obvious that Albus was trying to hide his eye roll.
“Can tell. We all got a kick out of him getting knocked out at his first game last year.” Albus looked at the other twin, “I’m Liam by the way.”
“Oh wow, you’re not wrong Anneliese, Liam does speak faster.” Liam and Randolph laughed.
“Told ya so. But I still have 7 people to tell you about, if you want?”
“Just give me the ages and when they’ll be starting.”
She laughed, “Alright. So Alexa and Liana are 10, 11 in November, they start next year. Clara is 8, 9 in October, she starts in 2020. Odette is 7, 8 in like 14 days, she starts in 2021. Elina is 5, 6 next July, she starts in 2023. Eden is 3, 4 in 10 days, she starts in 2025, and Nicholas is 1, 2 in October, he starts in 2027.”
“Wow, I could never imagine that many siblings.”
“Try being in the middle of it all. It gets annoying how often I’m overlooked.” She rolled her eyes, “Of course you’re technically in the middle of your siblings.” Albus nodded.
“5th year Prefects, show the 1st years to your common room. Everyone head up to your common room, classes start on Monday, but I still expect to see you all tomorrow. Goodnight.” Everyone stood up when McGonagall spoke. 1st years unsure of where to go they just followed where the 5th years were telling to go.
“I am Dominick Green, I am your 5th year Prefect.”
“I am Elizabeth Boles, your other 5th year Prefect. The Headboy is Aidan Green, he is also the 7th year Slytherin Prefect. Castanova Way is the other 7th year Prefect, and she is Headgirl. Lorene Pansy and Jerimiah Ecerson are your 6th year Prefects for Slytherin house.”
They followed as the two of them gave random facts and rules until they stopped at the end of a corridor in the dungeons. “Here is our common room. Yes, it is in the dungeons. If you ever get lost you may find one of us, another Slytherin, or go to our head of house, Professor Slughorn, he is the potions professor as well. Now, it is protected by a password and that password is prone to change, if it does, it will be posted on the bulletin board. But for now the password is Alchemy.” As Dominick spoke the words the wall moved to the side and they walked in.
“Here is the common room, we can hang out, do our homework, or just relax in here. Now, to the left is the girls dormitory and to the right is the guys. Girls can go into the guys but the guys cannot go into the girls. You all have a curfew of 6. So don’t be out that late.” Elizabeth smirked before continuing, “Or just don’t get caught.”
Dominick sent her an obvious glare, “Or just don't be out. But that is it. Do whatever you feel comfortable. Goodnight.”
They left and the crowd dispersed. But Scorpius, Albus, and Anneliese stayed together. “Well, I’m going to bed you two. Goodnight.” She walked up the stairs and to the 1st year girls dorm.
Albus and Scorpius looked at each other, “You tired?”
Albus shook his head, “Not really, but let’s just head up and hang up there.” Scorpius nodded and they went up. Neither went to sleep until 1 am.
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dragonoracle · 4 years
Now then let’s take a look at my Dad’s side of the family and my relationship with them.
Ok I’ve spoken a lot about my relationship with my Mom and my MG. And how my Mom worked hard and long to try and tear down not just mine but my sibling’s relationship with my MG.
Now it’s time to look at my relationship with my Dad, my PGM (Paternal Grandmother), my PGF (Paternal Grandfather)and PU2 (Youngest of my Paternal Uncles) and their relationships between themselves and how it affected me and my siblings lives and relationships. First I should point out that my PGM and PGF had a very rocky relationship. My PGM was one of those mothers who turned her children against their father and each other. She did this all the time. She continued doing this well into my life. She very much had a favorite of her children and that was my PG2. He was her youngest child and he was defiantly the Golden Child of his family. He was also the main and longest of her children she tried to turn into her replacement husband. My Dad was the Scape Goat. He was the one that my PGM and PGF focused their abuse on and the one that they allowed their other two children to use and destroy his belongings. My Dad was also the oldest of their children. Their second born child was my PU1 (Oldest of my Paternal Uncles). He seems to have been abused as much as my Dad. He was always compared to my Dad and vice versa. There is also a story of very inappropriate behavior between my PGM and my PU1 when he was a teen right before he fled the state to start his own life. I’ve heard many stories about how my PGM always put her husband (my PGF) above her children when they were younger. She made sure to let them know that the reason they couldn’t get X-mas gift was because my PGF needed a new suit. This caused my Dad, and my PUs(Paternal Uncles) to hate and resent their father. I strongly believe that this hatred and resentment cause them to act out and misbehave. My PGM very much set my PGF to be the disciplinarian of the family (Very stereotypically of families of the 1950’s to 1970’s). This lead to my PGF being seen and in truth from the stories I have heard to become abusive towards my Dad and my PUs. Like him throwing my PU1 threw a large living room window, him calling my dad over from his friends house just to turn the channel on the TV, possibly telling my Dad that my dad being born ruined my PGF’s future. Those are just the most noticeable stories I’ve heard about his abusive behaviors.  That does not mean my PGM was not equally if not more so abusive. Some things I’ve heard that she did was she threatened my father with a knife and/or a cast iron pan, her telling both my Dad and my PU1 that the other was doing better then they where (ie. my Dad was wasting his time going to nursing school cause my PU1 was making so much money as an elevator installer and she then would tell my PU1 that they where wasting their lives due to my Dad was going to make so much more money once he was out of school.), I’ve heard that she was the one to tell my Dad that his birth ruined my PGF’s future. Those are just some of the stories I’ve heard about her treatment of her sons. In truth to their children my PGM and PGF where just bad parents and to each other they were horrible partners. In truth I never experienced any abusive behaviors from my PGF. I more felt that he was trying to make up for the mistakes of how he treated his sons by trying to treat their children better. This seems to be a common thing among the Grandfathers of my generation.
But much like my Mom. My Dad and my PGM could not stand the fact I had started to build a close relationship with my PGF by trying to point out all the evils he had done so long before I was born. Yes I know some would say that why didn’t you take you dad’s side and support him. Was that while my PGF was not abusive to me my Dad and my PGM was beyond abusive to me.
My Dad has abused me over and over again threw out my childhood. Some examples of my Dad’s abusive behaviors toward me are Kicking me in the head cause my siblings where making noise and I was the nearest to him as he came out of the guest room of my MG’s house, slamming my hand in the car door cause he was angry about something my Mom had said, at the age of 10 spanking me bare butt due to me being upset over my B (Brother) stealing my happy meal…I could go on and on but those are just the ones that had stuck with me from the childhood.
My PGM was just an abusive woman to any of me or my siblings. She had children she watched for money. These children she held more important and special then us her own blood grandchildren. There is a story of her pushing one of these kids she watched on my Great Grandfather rather than my DS…she was rightly put in her place being told that he didn’t want to see someone else’s child he wanted to see his Great Granddaughter. Yes my Great Grandfather was an epic man who took no BS. These children she watched where monsters. They loved to beat up on us…mainly me (whenever I would visit, these kids where why I chose to stay away till I was an older teen and was finally strong enough to fight back.) They would pick on and bully my siblings if I was not there. And if I or my siblings fought back my PGM would punish us due to hurting these kids she watched. Where we could be bloody and bruised and she would not believe us and punish these kids instead we would be punished for lying and hurting ourselves. Latter in my life my Dad said that her hatred of him was why she hated me and my siblings. I don’t know if it was that or her hatred of my Mom. Because when it came to my PC (Child of the oldest Paternal Uncle) she loved that girl and doted on her. Mind you it could have also been because my PU1 and his family lived many states away from her and she never really saw my PC but for a few visits and many calls a year hard to say there. My PGF on the other hand was very distant for most of my childhood until I was old enough to understand and take part in his hobbies. His hobbies where needle point and stamp collecting. Once I was old enough and showed some interest he took me out and helped me set up my first stamp collecting book. I still have that book today even thought I never actually picked up the hobby.  The stamps that he helped me start to collect are from the same country that my MG was from. He showed no jealousy that I wanted to do this. He held no jealousy for my MG where as my PGM was so very jealous of her. He also put up with none of the BS that the kids that my PGM watched and the living room became a safe haven in that house as he hated them running around the living room and interrupting his TV shows. My PGF also started to pick me and my siblings up from elementary school and taking us to our Grandparents homes to wait for our parents to get off of work. I always got dropped off at my MG home and my siblings preferred to go to my Paternal Grandparents home. Again where my PGM was angry over this my PGF was perfectly fine with that. So taking all of this into account I couldn’t as a kid and as an adult see my PGF as an abusive user. Yes he might have made mistakes and been abusive in his past. But I do believe that if someone wants to change they will change.
My Dad over the years made it very clear he did not want children. He never really took part in our childhood unless forced to do so. He would actively ignore us unless he was abusing us either physically, emotionally, or making jokes at our expense. This left me and my siblings most of the time in a desperate need of a father figure. In slipped our PU2 who was very much a minion of my PGM. He started on her orders to take first me and then my B on day trips. My PU2 took me out to get my nails done….as in long acrylic extensions (please do not ever get those for a kid in elementary school. They F@#king hurt when they are ripped off due to a ball being thrown at you on the playground.) During this trip my PU2 tried to get some info on how our house was, how my parents treated us especially how my Mom treated us kids. It latter came out that he was trying to get information they could use to get me and my siblings taken away from my parents to be put into her custody. That’s laughable as her house was too small and too full already. Most likely we would have been taken to my MG’s house as she had the room for four kids to come and live with her and she was far more stable of a parental figure. But let’s get back on point. As soon as my PU2 figured out that I was not of any use those trips never happened again. But he kept taking my B out on his trips. As he was trying to undermine my Dad in my B’s mind and heart. As my B was the heir to our paternal last name as the only grandson. It was also again to spite my Dad as my PU2 was a spiteful selfish person who always wanted to show up my Dad.
My Dad’s side of the family was over all messed up. And this abuse and favoritism went on threw out my adult life. My PC was favored over me by my PGM. She could never do anything wrong and whatever she did was soo soo much more important than my accomplishments. One example that sticks with me to this day my PC had taken part in a dance competition and as far as I remember she didn’t even place. At that same time I was taking part with online collage to become a Vet Tech.  I had just pasted one of the monthly exams and my PGM couldn’t be bothered to even say good job for that but she was talking for days about my PC dance competition. Another example I can remember was when she had some friends coming to visit and she demanded me and my Dad to be in the house when they did so. The last example of my PGM favoritism and abuse against me was when my PGM needed to start therapy to help build her strength. The rehab place also provided consoling for the family and the patient to accept the change of the relationship and accepting their roles as caregiver and patient. During one of these consoling sessions it was brought up that my PU2 was going to be getting everything after my PGM died. This was unfair as my Dad was the one taking on all the work to take care of my PMG, handled her bills, was paying his and my rent and overall was doing all the work. Whereas my PU2 was doing nothing to care for my PMG, was not paying rent, and in fact was scamming money out of my PMG. (This has been set up this way early on due to the fact that my Dad and my PU1 had moved out and started families of their own. My PGF and PGM wanted to protect my PU2 who had never moved out and never really wanted to until one day when all his lies and BS was called out. That will be covered in a latter on in this blog for a post all its own.) My PMG was convinced that my PU2 would let my Dad still live in the house after her death. Neither I nor my Dad believed that at all. It was brought up that maybe she should change the will and I kid you all not she turned to me and my Dad and said she would be willing to add my Dad to the will but I had to be out of the house at a set time (I believe I had to be out of the house at the age of 35…I was in my early 20’s at the time). I was heartbroken. Mind you I did not at all plan nor want to stay in that house for that long. But I felt like my PGM just wanted to throw me out and was using the Will as a way to force my Dad to kick me out even if I needed help latter on in my life…I would never get it. I just told my PGM screw off and stormed out. I had never been happier to have my own car then at that time as I had driven to the rehab center on my own so I left on my own.
Some other things she did to me where. Trying to undermine my online schooling by always interrupting my studies to do some stuff that could wait, trying to get me off the computer during an online lecture cause I was online too long, yelling at me to stop trying to unclog the vacuum cause that’s a man’s job not a woman’s job,  finally always telling me if I don’t like this get out of the house…when I had little to no money to my name thus leaving me to be homeless, and I have to say the last one was that after I had gotten out of an abusive relationship with the third Boyfriend in my entire life who turned out to be a pedo my PGM after talking with my PU2 and his wife told me I was never allowed to bring any more Boyfriends into her house. I felt heartbroken again as I was feeling unsafe and insecure after the major betrayal by a man I had loved and her is my PGM wanting to deny me a safe place or deny me the ability to have a Boyfriend while living in that house. I’m sure you all can agree with me that my PMG was an abusive woman who made my life up till the day she was put away in a nursing home hell. My Dad stopped being physically abusive to me after I hit my teens as I had gotten stronger and more able to fight for myself. But that did not stop his mental, emotional abuse and financially taking advantage of me. My Dad would yell and bellow threatening me when we got into fights. He would berate and point out my flaws. He took advantages of me at my lowest when I failed out of my online collage due to my own issues and the interruptions of my PGM and convinced me it was best for me to not look for a job and stay home and care for him and my PGM. Yes this was stupid but I really was in my lowest of the low dark places I have ever been in my life. Leading up to the point I have gone no contact with my father he was planning on me to continue caring for him and putting my life on hold till he died. Not caring of my future past that. I fell I’ve explained so much of my relationship with my Dad and PGM. Now I feel this has gone on long enough. I think in my next post I’ll focused on more specific of my relationship with my Mom and the next two post will focus on my relationship with my extended families Uncles and Aunts and my relationship with my Brother, Sisters and Cousins not sure which order these two will be in.
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cruzrogue · 5 years
Roomies Part III
#Fictober19 @fictober-event
for fanfiction:
Prompt number: 23 “You can’t give more than yourself.”
Fandom (AU if applicable): #arrow fanfiction #olicity #Flommy
Warnings/Tags:  There might be adult language
Summary:  Little more than two years later. Felicity is standing where her mother-in-law placed two tombstones in memory of Robert and Oliver.
(This is the last part)
Notes: This is a three-part with its own prompt story Part I Felicity/Tommy conversation. (The are past lovers/ but current best-buds)
Part I Felicity/Tommy friendship Prompt 21- “Change is annoyingly difficult.”
Part II Oliver enters the scene (Future tense Oliver/Felicity relationship) Prompt 22-“We could have a chance.
”Part III Fallout of the Gambit situation… Prompt 23-“You can’t give more than yourself.”
Part 3 of the dynamic that is Tommy w/Oliver and Felicity.
Roomies Part III on A03
Felicity has cried her eyes out. It is so unfair that she survived and so many on the yacht with her didn’t. Her father-in-law, husband, and the crew gone in a stormy night. Her heart is so heavy. Her mind reeling in the moments before the disaster took place. The peace she felt in her husband’s arms.
Oliver ushers her into their cabin. It has been an exciting day as they got to see whales, something Felicity had an excitement to see on this Pacific Ocean journey. Her husband holding her as she would just get closer to the yacht’s edge to feel the spray of one of the whales emerging from the deep ocean. It was a glorious moment.
“Oh my gosh Oliver, did you see that tiny one near its mama.”
“I sure did.” He’s already helping her off her garments in-between their kisses. “I think there were a few teenagers in the mix of the pod.”
Felicity kisses his neck just like he likes it as he’s already picking her up to deposit on the bed. “Oliver?”
“I want three of those.”
Confused he pulls from her slightly, “Whales?”
Her sultry laugh gets him to hold her for a few more seconds before softly having her land on the soft mattress before him. “No silly! Children.”
“Well maybe after the one we are working on currently.”
Felicity pulls him down for another ravenous kiss. They seem to not get enough of each other especially since right before leaving Starling on the trip they find that they indeed are going to be a family of three.
The giggling coming from yards away pulls Felicity from her stupor. Her daughter’s laughter is contagious and has grounded her when she just didn’t want to continue on those harsh days. Getting up from her knees and dusting the dirt and some grass off as if talking to a tombstone can answer some of her prayers. It’s time to go back to the living she indeed has a little spitfire child that both her mom says it’s so like her and her mother-in-law keeps telling her that she is exactly like her father.
“Uncle Tommy! No!” And Ariel in another giggle fit. Her grandmother Moira placed a fence around the pool because this little cherub loves the water. She will jump onto every puddle she can pounce on. It’s like she really takes form from the mermaid in Felicity’s hallucinating dreams out on the ocean bobbing while holding on to a plaster piece with the word Gambit before being saved. Olivia Ariel Queen is a happy little girl.
As Tommy sees Felicity heading up the hill he gives her a warm smile. It’s been tough to mourn his best friend and see the little girl that Oliver will never got to know. She’s amazing and the perfect blend of her parents. The little girl wants a sibling so bad that she’s already adopted the unborn child his wife, Sara is carrying. Until Felicity graduated M.I.T he moved back to Boston to be of moral support. They were once roomies and it wasn’t hard to get reacquainted in those terms. Dating Sara Lance around that time frame could have ended if she wasn’t willing to help the widow of his best friend. Finding that Felicity was alive from the Chinese Embassy was a miracle in itself. Even if she was so distraught.  
At first it was the repetitive action of going to classes and doing what she knew like the back of her hand. Then it progressed that her baby became a focal point and as she was approaching graduating her focus became in making sure her daughter would be around where her father grew up. Learning about her dad from the people who loved him.
“Look! Its mommy.” Tommy tells the little girl who is now finding a dandelion to be of the most important essence. Ariel whips her head to where her uncle is referencing to and it has her calling out for her mother.
“Momma, look what I found.” Running towards her mother as fast as she can go almost slipping before her mother has her safely wrapped up. “It’s so yellow. Y-E-L-L-O-W!”
Felicity can’t help but smile. Her daughter is already to be a genius of her time. “Yes baby. That is correct.” Kissing her temple.
“Can I go swimming?”
“Sweetie, you already did this morning.” She can see her little happy child sigh in defeat. She loves to swim or do anything water related. “Maybe we can have an evening swim later, okay?” Just like that the girl is gleeful once more as her eyes light up. As the dandelion is grasped again Ariel asks her mom if she can pick some more and Felicity lets the little girl go to gather more flowers.
“How was the conversation this morning?”
Felicity doesn’t need to ask because it’s something that is ongoing since she moved to Starling to raise her daughter after graduating. “Quiet.”
Tommy nods he’d usually add a joke but he can tell Felicity is holding on by a string.
“I feel like I’m failing her.”
“Who? Ariel?” Tommy pulls her in for a hug. “You can’t give more than yourself.”
“What if there is nothing left to give?”
“Felicity, hey, you’re doing an amazing job with her. She’s a well-adjusted free spirit. Who for some reason loves giant bodies of water? Still…”
She gives him a dry look but her eyes are filled with mirth. “Tommy! I didn’t make out with a merman in the Pacific Ocean so don’t even ask.”
“Sheesh, you always do protest to my great ideas.”
“Do you always need to be your crazy self?”
“Of course, you love me just the way I am.”
“I do.” She kisses his cheek, “I thank the heavens that you are in my life.”
“Come on Raisa made her famous cookies.”
Ariel hearing about cookies starts to make her little happy dance before running back to her mother’s arms.
“My baby loves sweets just like her momma.”
Off they go to spend quality time together. It isn’t until the evening hours that Felicity takes her daughter out again to swim. Just observing her baby enjoying herself around the pool. How she wishes Oliver was here to just confirm their daughter loves swimming just like how much his father enjoyed it. Sometimes thinking that Ariel won’t also get to know her grandfather hits her. The little girl is a mirror image of her family. Reminding them all that Robert and Oliver live through her.
“Felicity? Felicity!” Moira’s voice vibrates an urgency as the woman swiftly walks into the massive room that houses the indoor pool. Ariel’s nanny by her side. That is how Felicity knows this conversation is urgent.
“Moira, what’s wrong?”
Moira still in a hurried manner stops in her tracks still taking the time to show affection to her granddaughter as the girl is being dried by her mother. “Hi darling baby girl.” She lays a simple kiss to the girl’s temple. “Nancy will take over and ready you for bed. I need to talk to your mommy.”
“Okay. Night Gammie.”
“Goodnight sweetheart.” She watches Felicity kiss her daughter and tell her she’d be by to tuck in her in. Both women watch as Ariel is content to leave with the other woman who seems to be telling her of a fun activity they can be doing.
The moment the child is out of earshot Felicity is pressing for information and Moira looks a little more youthful. She’s hasn’t seen her mother-in-law show such happiness if not with the antics of her granddaughter.
“What’s is going on?”
“The American Embassy called. Our family has been located with a single crewman. They are alive.”
“What?” Felicity shakes her head she just thinks it’s highly improbable. “This can be a hoax.” Shaking her head furiously. “We’ve had false claims. I just…”
“I know. I know darling.” Moira has this smile that helps Felicity a tiny bit. “I heard their voices. They’re being cleared. Robert has sustained some injuries that need extra hospital care but they’re alive. I called Thea to come home. They will make another phone call to us soon. I want you both there when it comes through.”
“Of course.” Felicity just nods numbly she isn’t going to take this one call Moira seemed to get as the only evidence her heart won’t allow it for the growing hope that could finally be the nail to crush her spirits.
The wait is beyond any anguish she could feel. She misses Oliver and remembers their last moment together like it was yesterday. When he forced her to put that orange life jacket on telling her to just amuse him as she whined until he placed his on to. The storm vividly on her mind as it rocked their boat back and forth. They heard it was taking in more and more water. It wasn’t until a wave rocked them enough that she can’t remember much after as she tumbled and lost conscious to wake up on a floating debris while still wearing her lifejacket. Her heart drowning in grief as the sole survivor of this wretched wreck.
There are reporters and many photographers present here at the tarmac where the Queen family waits for the three passengers to disembark. The family of the crewman also here to welcome him home. As the door opens and some personnel from the plane disembark it’s the moment when the first crewman shows himself and the camera’s flashes go wild. It’s a miracle to man does stumble down the staircase. Then Robert Queen emerges but he has people steading him as he looks down at the crowd and looks pinpointing his family before he too makes it down the stairs slowly but surely. At the top is Oliver keeping an eye making sure his father will safely make it down.
Spotting Oliver is when Felicity’s heart truly can feel again. His voice on the phone was so sterile so far away. She keeps her eyes glued to the man slowly descending and she notices he hasn’t looked for her… for them. His family.
Its when his eyes roam around the tarmac and she can tell he’s taking in the amount of people there is at this moment and he seems uncomfortable. A part of her aches to reach him but another part of her wonders what is fueling his emotions. He looks to somber unlike his father who is smiling.
The security detail already ushers her into a vehicle before there is a reunion. These vehicles already heading to what the media thinks is Queen Manor and Felicity is beyond numb. She has no idea what just happened. Moira takes her hand as Felicity turns from the window with unshed tears. “I know it is more than expected, we both agreed before going out there we wouldn’t make a spectacle expose ourselves to the media.”
“I know Moira, I just…” Felicity doesn’t voice her concern she knows they are going to Starling General where the private rooms are already setup. Robert needs some surgery and Oliver is just going to get checked by their private physician. As for the crewman their going to give him a full physical before releasing him.
It’s the moment she opens the door to his hospital room Felicity feels trepidation she doesn’t know what she is going to uncover. Maybe her husband after all this time without her has found he doesn’t want her as a wife or in any capacity any longer. That he’ll shun his child he never got to know. So far, everything to this moment has pointed to dread.
He turns from what had his attention even though he knows the door opened and she is the one to come through if her silhouette from the glass window is anything to go by.
Its like the moment they met some years ago, how she hung back in the dinning room and he stood looking at her in awe. This time Tommy isn’t here pushing her closer or breaking the ice between them. He can tell his stoicism is scaring her. He doesn’t have a container in his hands to give her like all those years ago not that she’d want anything but to know where she stands with him.
For years he thought her dead. Learning to accept that he lost her on the island was a lot. Knowing he urged her to go with him on this ill-fated voyage the anguish of knowing he didn’t just kill her but also their unborn baby. It wasn’t until the embassy patched them through to his mother for a second time.
Learning that Felicity survived the storm’s carnage just has had him in a daze. She’s alive, the woman he saw in his nightmares telling him it’s his fault she’s gone is alive. Now he fears she hates him because of the ordeal or just the notion she lost their child. No one has spoken of this subject so he’s just so frightened. In the few hours it took to get back to the States it a question he is eager to find the answer to.
He is glad his mother and wife and even sister, oh he misses Thea so very much. They’ve remained a family. A part of his heart thawing out as once he learned to compartmentalize he made it where his heart would beat for nothing more than surviving. Taking care of his injured father. He and a crewman making due on a harsh landscape. An island where the natives allowed them to live as long as they stayed in their zone. They survived and now are home.
Just as Felicity lets a hollow breath go it propels him to be the one to move forward first.
A simple word has her tear up. She knows of some injuries that are still healing on his torso she doesn’t close the distance yet. She doesn’t want to hurt him.
“This is when you’d say hi or hello back.” He says lighthearted as he takes her in. Tommy may not be here but he can hear the rumbling of how dismal they are at coming together.
“I’ve missed you so much.” She finally says between sobs as he holds her tighter to his frame. Holding her body to his he never thought this is would ever be a possibility. As easy as that thought came to him another darker one takes hold. Is she still his wife? Did she move on? Her voice cuts him back to reality. “There is someone I’d want you to meet. Got me through these tough times. If it’s too much right now I’d understand.”
Oliver afraid of losing her grips her tighter if that is possible. He doesn’t know who has helped her through but it’s just not fair. No matter how nice this man that has mended her heart he doesn’t really need to meet him. Not knowing she’d be going back with him in the end while he tries to survive again without her. “I don’t know.” He whispers. “I may never be ready to meet this guy.”
“Guy?” Her confusion taking hold. “There is no other man, I mean our child.”
He pulls her just enough from his hold to look down at her face. Same eyes that he adores even if she lightened her hair and doesn’t rock the Goth vibe anymore she looks so radiantly beautiful. She survived and the little bundle that he thought he lost also is actually a little boy or girl that he’ll get to meet.
“We have a child?”
“A little girl. Olivia Ariel Queen.”
Feeling the dread, he’s been holding begin to deviate. They have a child together. “A baby girl. Wow! Where is she?”
“At home, I told her about you in terms that a child can understand she’s a little confused but she can’t wait to meet you.”
“Yes.” Her hands reach upward to hold his face. The fact that she can do this brings her to tear up once again. “You’re here.”
“I am. I’m not going anywhere.” There is no simple feeling that can converse what they feel at this moment as both happily embrace each other and finally kiss.
The couple take their leave with their daughter to a quieter room it’s time to get that father-daughter duo time with one another without prying eyes. Ariel in her father’s arms. Oliver seems he really hasn’t shared her with anyone yet. He can’t get enough of the small wiggling weight in his grasp.
The little girl is as fascinated by him as he is with her. She has asked a few times to make sure this man is who he says he is.
“You’re my daddy?”
“I am.”
She glances at her mother and a big sweet smile goes across her face knowing exactly what she wants to say as she gazes into this man’s eyes. “You’re my daddy!”
“Yes, baby I am.”
“That’s wonderful. I like a baby sister now.”
He’s looking at his daughter at how she looks quite serious as he can hear his wife make a strangling sound but he doesn’t turn to Felicity yet as his daughter just smiles even more.
“How long do you think it will take daddy?”
“I…” He doesn’t know how to really answer he wasn’t expecting this demand from his precious daughter. He’ll need to ask Felicity what this line of questioning comes from but he’ll ask a what if question instead. “Sweetie what if you get a brother instead?”
“That’s okay daddy. It may take lots of practice to get stuff right.” She tilts her head just like how her mom does. He smiles at the memories of Felicity doing that with him when she’s pondering something about him. “You’re my daddy.” She says that as an acknowledgement. Her smile contagious as she takes in the man she already likes so much. “You just have to put the dough in the oven.” Her hands fly out as she yelps out, “Tada!”
Oliver finally looks at Felicity who just has her mouth in that perfect ‘o’ shape as she’s just flabbergasted at their daughter basically demanding they create another child for her amusement.
“Guess your mommy and I will need to get the right ingredients huh?”
“Oliver? you shouldn’t encourage her.” He just gives a quick smirk to his wife. Ariel’s giving her mom a bothersome glare but her attention snaps back to her father. “Daddy, make sure she’s all organic. Okay?”
He nods and that’s enough for his baby girl to kiss his cheek. “Okay.” He places her softly back to the floor and just as quickly the little girl runs to where the other adults are. They hear her screaming at the top of her lungs that her daddy and mommy are going to bake her a sister.
Both Oliver and Felicity staring at the exit the little tornado went. Felicity finally shaking her head at the man she can’t believe is really truly back. “You could’ve promise her a dog instead.”
“Who says she won’t get one.”
“Oliver? I get your reasoning but she can’t get everything her little heart desires.”
“I get it. No spoiling but I also do recall someone here asking for three children.”
“Nah., I think I was talking about whales.”
He laughs as he embraces her. He is finally home and they’ll have to take time to get to know each other again.
“Welcome home.”
“No other place I’d rather be.” He winks at her as he already slightly tugging her back to where everyone else is. He’d like to spend more time with his two girls. Adding to the family may be somewhere on his list of future endeavors as he teases his wife, “I’d like have a pod, a school or a gam with you.”
“Well if that is the case, you better be as good the cook that I remember.”
-The End
The conclusion to the three part prompts…
tag:  laurabelle2930
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singledarkshade · 6 years
Settling In
Part Three – Family Day Out Anna Meadows was used to unusual family groups. She’d been a teacher for enough years that she’d seen almost all the variations of them but the strangest she’d come across in a while was the family of Jonas Hunter.
Watching the group walk through the school grounds around the stalls set up for the school Autumn Fete she studied them.
The little boy with blond hair, bright blue eyes and English accent was one of her favourite students this year. Although adorably sweet he was slightly strange. There were things that the other children found hard concepts but were throwaway ideas to him while he found things the other children found easy to be complicated.
Anna turned her attention to the father holding his son’s hand, smiling while he listened to the chatter. Michael Hunter, or Rip as his friends called him, was just as odd as his son in some ways. It was obvious he had money although she had no information on what he did for a living. He was extremely polite and guarded, although when with his son the man smiled brightly changing his whole demeanour. There was a lot of speculation about what he did back in England with, for some reason, spy being the top contender. Anna knew there were several of the single-mothers who had noticed him since he was good-looking, adored his son and had an accent they all melted at. Mrs Weaver made it was known he had only recently lost his wife, to ensure the vultures kept back.
Anna knew that wasn’t really an issue as Jonas had Clarissa Stein as an adoptive grandmother and no one would dare cross her. She’d been connected to the school since her own daughter had been a pupil and was now a patron. Clarissa was eagle-eyed enough to spot the women who would be a problem and intimidating enough to keep them back.
A police detective and the twenty-something’s, seemingly part older siblings and part uncles or aunts to Jonas, finished the group.
They made quite an unusual group.
 Rip turned to where Joe was chuckling to himself amused, “What?”
“Just noticing something,” Joe told him, patting his shoulder, “Trust me its better you don’t know.”
Confused Rip’s attention was pulled back to Jonas who was trying to get Rip to look at the puppies close to them.
“Don’t you dare,” Clarissa told Joe who continued to chuckle.
Trying to look completely innocent he asked, “What?”
“Do not tell him how many of these women are checking him out,” Clarissa warned, trying not to laugh, “He doesn’t need to know that.”
“For someone who used to detect problems with the timeline,” Joe noted amused, “He isn’t very observant.”
“Rip was completely devoted to his wife,” Clarissa reminded him, “No other woman is even going to be thought of in that way for a long time.”
They turned to watch the completely oblivious Rip crouching with Jonas whose face was being licked by a puppy while the mother of the other child sitting there was trying to flirt with him. Clarissa was about to intervene but didn’t need to as Iris quickly cut in to the conversation giving the woman a sharp warning look.
Clarissa and Joe both chuckled as Rip noticed absolutely nothing being far too focussed on Jonas.
  “Can we get a puppy?” Jonas asked after they moved away to get something to eat.
Rip grimaced, he’d known this would happen the moment his son had seen them, “Sorry but Gideon wouldn’t be happy to have a puppy who might chew things that could hurt her.”
“Actually, Captain I would not mind,” Gideon’s voice came in his ear but he ignored her.
Jonas pouted, “Okay.”
Rip smiled and lifted Jonas up, “I can see burgers being made over there. Will we go and get some?”
Jonas hugged him before wriggling to get down. He turned to the man standing there, “Barry, do you want a burger?”
Cisco snorted amused when Barry nodded, “I could eat one.”
Jonas nodded and offered his hand to Barry who suddenly picked the boy up spinning him. Putting him down he took one hand while Cisco took the other and they headed to the barbecue.
“It’s always nice to see the children with their families,” a voice made Rip turn to find his son’s teacher standing at his side, “Gives me a little insight into them.”
Rip smiled greeting her, “Miss Meadows.”
“It’s Anna,” she told him, “There are no children around.”
He laughed slightly, “Rip.”
“I have to ask,” Anna said with a hopeful look.
Rip gave her a smile before lying smoothly, “It’s from my middle name. I’ve been called Rip since I was about Jonas’ age. My mother is the only one who calls me Michael.”
“That makes sense,” she nodded, looking over to where Jonas was being swung between Barry and Cisco, “Jonas has adjusted exceedingly well. He gets involved in everything we do and is one of the most pleasant children I have ever taught.”
Rip smiled being told this, “He is enjoying your lessons. I hear a great deal about you.”
Anna laughed again; she raised her hand at a man who was waving over at her, “I have to go. I was on my way to get some food for my boyfriend. He’s manning the first aid tent.”
“I doubt we will need him since we bring our own doctor,” Rip replied wryly.
“Wait, let me see,” Anna mused for a second, “Caitlin. Right?
Rip nodded.
“Iris is a story teller?” Anna asked.
“Journalist,” Rip corrected amused, “I see Jonas talks about them all.”
Anna nodded, “He also talks about a Gideon who he says lives inside the computer?”
Rip hesitated not quite sure how to answer that before finally saying, “Gideon is an old friend who still lives back home. We talk to her through the computer.”
“That makes sense,” Anna mused wincing seeing her boyfriend waving again, “I better go before he starts pretending to faint from hunger. I hope to talk to you again, Rip.”
Rip nodded, “You too.”
  Rip pulled his son onto his lap as they sat listening to the music being played by the elder students a few hours later. This was the first time he’d ever spent time with his son at a school event and he was enjoying how normal it was. Until now he’d never got to do this, not before he had to be Jonas’ only parent.
Jonas suddenly turned burying his face against Rip’s shoulder making Rip frown.
“What’s wrong?” he asked softly.
“Mummy liked this song,” Jonas whispered, tears in his eyes as he buried closer into Rip.
Gently rocking his son Rip murmured, “I know.”
“I want to go home,” Jonas cried.
Rip lifted his son onto his shoulder and carried him back to the car as Jonas continued to cry.
Climbing into the backseat holding his son Rip simply rocked him.
“I want Mummy,” Jonas clung tighter to Rip.
Sliding his hand into Jonas’ hair Rip began to sing softly, it was a lullaby Miranda would sing. Jonas’ sobs became weaker and soon he was asleep.
“Gideon,” Rip said softly while he fixed Jonas into his seat, “Please let the others know I’m taking Jonas home.”
“Of course, Captain,” Gideon replied.
  Changing his sleeping son into his pyjamas Rip gently tucked Jonas under his covers stroking his hair wishing he could erase the sadness his son felt. He knew Jonas wouldn’t magically stop missing his mother but it had been some time since Jonas had been so upset.
“Are you alright, Captain?” Gideon asked gently when Rip left his son to sleep.
Rip shook his head, “I should have known he wasn’t okay. I didn’t...”
“Captain,” Gideon soothed as he trailed off, “You are doing well with him. There will always be times when his sadness will overtake him. This time Jonas did not yell or scream, he held onto you. That is progress.”
Leaning against the wall Rip smiled slightly closing his eyes, “Thank you, Gideon,” heading down the stairs to make some tea he sighed, “It’s a shame it ended like this because he was enjoying himself today.”
“And you were enjoying yourself as well,” she noted astutely.
Smiling softly he nodded, “I never got to be his dad in public before. I always stayed away so we wouldn’t be found out, so they would be safe. It felt so good to be acknowledged in that way.”
“You have always been his father,” Gideon told him, “Miranda and Jonas, the only people who mattered, knew and acknowledged this.”
Rip let out a soft sigh grateful that he always had Gideon to keep him steady.
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megers67 · 6 years
My Relationship with my Ancestry
It’s not a great title for what this post is about, but I can’t think of anything else right now.
I may have mentioned on here before that I technically have native Peruvian ancestry. Now, this is to say that I do NOT in any way claim this in a way to make me seem cooler or to claim that I am Native American in any appreciable way. I was never raised to have any cultural ties with those ethnic groups (hell, I don’t even know what specific one) nor do I look anything other than a typical European-descended White girl. I say this because it is simply a fact.
So why am I saying that?
Because an opportunity fell into my lap and I’m going to Peru in December 2020 and it’s giving me a lot of conflicting thoughts and emotions that I’m trying to sort through. To understand why, I’m going to go into my family history and this opportunity. I’ll put it under a Read More since I’m on the computer now and can do that (because mobile is dumb and I can’t do it there). Normally for longer posts, I’d do some formatting so there are bold parts to make reading easier on the eyes, but I can’t be assed to do that this time. This is to get my feelings out here and MAYBE insight if anyone has any for my very highly specific situation.
I should start with my dad. He was born in Peru but grew up in New York City, joined the Navy, and settled down in Texas with my mom. His mom was the one who was born and raised in Peru and had come the US for college. I... honestly don’t know much about her. In fact, I only met her at her funeral.
She emotionally and verbally abused my dad throughout his childhood and I suspect that there was also potentially physical abuse too. She was a paranoid schizophrenic and didn’t have healthy coping mechanisms at that time from what VERY little my dad told me. He doesn’t like talking about it. He did mention that when his parents fought, his mother would put him in between her and his dad as a shield. That does a lot to a kid. He has a younger brother, my uncle, who my dad protected from the worst of it. So by the time they were adults and I was born, my dad didn’t want to have any ties to her but my uncle maintained a relationship.
Actually, side note while I’m talking about my uncle, the thing that pissed me off about my uncle (besides his pretty sexist views on domestic roles but that’s a whole different discussion) was that he was trying for years to get my dad to reconnect with their mother despite my dad telling him no. I distinctly remember being shown a picture of her playing piano while my younger cousins (who were even younger in the picture) playing around her. I was asked if I knew who this was. I did not. After being told that it was my grandmother, he asked me if I wanted to know her. No. She hurt my dad. If she hurt my dad so much that HE doesn’t want to reconnect, I want nothing to do with her, myself. 
I went to her funeral to support my dad who was, understandably having a really hard time with the mess of different conflicting emotions going in.
So for the longest time, when I thought of my ancestry beyond her, it still made me think of her and the pain she caused my dad. Like... obviously I knew that what was happening with her had nothing to do with the cultural past. At least not the stuff that ended up making the biggest impact (it seems that her mental illness wasn’t adequately being treated until at least much much later in her life if ever). But it was impossible to think about it relating to me personally without knowing that, for it to get to me, went through her. So my only way of being interested in say, Incan stuff was to completely separate it from any association with myself.
But it’s been a few years since she died and I think I’ve slowly been getting a sort of closure on the whole thing. This year in particular, I was getting a lot done on that front without realizing it. 
In the Spring, the results from my 23andMe came in and confirmed that I was about 12% Native Peruvian. My dad’s dad’s side was always into genealogy and we have this really big book of everyone that updates every few years ago and goes back to at LEAST the 1700s. Then both my mom’s parents decided to try a genealogy service my aunt’s friend was wanting to get off the ground. My dad’s mother was the only missing piece and with that 23andMe result, it was kind of an epiphany that this IS indeed a part of me, for better or for worse. 
Then last fall in my archaeology class, Incan examples came up quite a bit so that was reinforced. Also that same semester, I did a campus visit to DC and went to the National Museum of the American Indian. I didn’t realize it until I got there that they had an entire (well-made actually) special exhibit on the Inca. Then at Christmas time, apparently llamas were popular this year and I was seeing them EVERYWHERE. I don’t really believe in signs, but clearly it’s something that I’m subconsciously looking for or I’m finally noticing what’s already all around me. Like I’m ready to confront all of this.
Which all brings me to this trip. My aunt, specifically my mom’s sister, had always wanted to see Machu Picchu and found a family vacation package to go where the more people who went, the better deal it was. She offered to my mom and their siblings and one of my uncles with his wife are going, my grandparents, and my mom with my dad. My mom extended the invitation to my siblings and I and... I realized that with the amount of time I have to save up, it’s actually not that bad. I can actually go. My sister expressed interest as well and I hope she can go as well, but at least I’d be there with my dad. 
While the rest of the family are going because “hey cool vacay” my dad and I are obviously going for more personal reasons, similar ones, though he is obviously much closer to the whole thing than I am. I’ll be able to be there. Be in the footsteps of my ancestors. It won’t be just some abstract thing anymore. It will be real and in front of me.
And I’m kind of scared?
I’m not at all scared of my well-being of course. That is no issue. But I’m afraid of what it would dredge up in me.
I have so many questions. Can I really call this part of my history if I’ve never been a part of it? I’ve had the luxury to have all of the privilege associated to being White because... I mean I am in every way. But that doesn’t change the fact that, at least genetically, I do have that Native ancestry in me and not an entirely insignificant amount either. Did I miss out on that because of what my grandmother did? Does that disqualify me, then? What right do I have to any of this? Am I just another White girl clinging onto whatever minuscule speck diversity I have to seem cool? 
As an anthropologist, I’m very aware of my positionality. I know nothing and culturally I don’t belong and likely never will even if I fully embrace this trip. But personally? Where do I stand? 
I guess I have to wait nearly two years to find out.
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primatechnosynthpop · 6 years
A Rose Shall Bloom (And Then Shall Fade)- part 7
It rained pretty hard on the day of Natalie’s wedding, but luckily, the indoor location prevented the weather from spoiling the event. There was quite an impressive turnout–easily double the amount of people that had been at Claire and Gretchen’s own wedding. Natalie and Victor must have known a lot of people; Claire didn’t recognize anyone there aside from the Petrellis (including Simon, Monty, and their respective wives and kids, who Claire was pleasantly surprised to see in attendance). The chapel they held the wedding in was spacious and elegant, and a strong but not overpowering flowery scent hung in the air. It was the perfect scene, or at least as close as one could realistically get. Claire sat next to Peter during the ceremony, and unsurprisingly, he cried a lot as his daughter exchanged her vows with Victor. As lukewarm as Claire’s feelings toward Victor were, in that moment, she was genuinely very happy for them.
After the ceremony, everybody milled about inside the chapel, dancing and having some refreshments. Claire felt a little awkward since she didn’t know many people there, so she and Gretchen more or less hovered around Peter and Emma until they split off to go talk to a couple of Natalie’s friends. At that point, Claire asked Gretchen if she wanted to dance, and they took to the floor. A fast, upbeat song was playing, and Gretchen had a hard time keeping up with the tempo, but Claire had fun anyway. They hadn’t danced together in a long time, and seeing how happy Natalie and Victor looked together had put Claire in a romantic mood.
As the song wound down, a surprisingly familiar voice caught Claire’s attention, and she looked over her shoulder to see her employee, Mike, waving at her enthusiastically from across the room.
“Hey! Hey, Boss, nice to see you here!” he called, grinning. “I didn’t know you knew these guys!”
Claire returned his wave and headed over to talk to him, glad to see a familiar face amongst the crowd of strangers. He was hanging out by the refreshment table next to a middle-aged couple who she guessed were his parents. They looked nice–for a moment, they almost reminded Claire of her own parents–and they seemed to be deeply engaged in conversation with a small group of other people their age. Mike was dressed in a somewhat rumpled button-down top with a floral pattern, a pair of black jeans, and designer sneakers; his hair, which he’d grown out to a little over shoulder-length over the past couple years, was tied back in a ponytail. It was a pretty casual look for a wedding, especially compared to what everyone else was wearing, but his parents were dressed in a similarly casual style. Claire wished she could have been wearing that type of outfit rather than the strapless red dress and high heels she wore.
“Hi, Mike,” she greeted him. “How are you doing?”
“Oh, I’m great, Boss,” he said. “So, what brings you here? You know these guys?”
“Natalie is my cousin,” Claire told him. “How do you know them?”
“Victor is related to my dad,” Mike explained. His eyes wandered over to Gretchen, who had her arm looped casually around Claire’s waist, and he raised his eyebrows. “…And you are?”
“I’m Gretchen,” she said. “I’m Claire’s…”
Gretchen shot Claire a tentative, questioning look. Would Mike believe that they were wives? Claire hadn’t told him about her whole situation, per se, but he had been a worker at her restaurant for a few years now, and he must have noticed that she wasn’t aging. Plus, a quick Google search would reveal that she was the “indestructible girl” who’d revealed the existence of people with powers to the world–it wasn’t exactly a big secret that she was immortal. If Mike did know that Claire wasn’t nearly as young as she looked, telling him the truth would be fine, and if he didn’t know… well, that initial moment of confusion would be better than pretending that Gretchen was an older female relative of some sort, as she was so often mistaken for.
“Oh,” Mike said with a snap of his fingers before Claire could say anything. “That’s your wife, isn’t it, Boss? I’ve heard you talking to her on the phone at work.” Then, turning back to Gretchen with a respectful dip of his head, “Nice to meet you, Boss’s wife!”
“Er, nice to meet you, too.”
“So, just to clarify,” said Claire, “You know that Gretchen and I are actually the same age?”
“Oh, yeah, I know all about your whole ‘never aging’ thing,” Mike said, nodding in a surprisingly casual manner. “Or, at least, I thought that might be the case when I saw you two dancing together. One of the kids at my school has a grandfather who’s the same way. That kid and his grandfather look about the same age. It’s totally wild!”
Claire relaxed a little, glad that she didn’t have to awkwardly explain herself or lie about her wife’s identity. Grabbing a miniature cupcake from a platter on the refreshment table, she idly fiddled with the wrapping as she eased into casual conversation with her employee.
“So, have you been to New York before?” she asked.
“Once,” he said. “But it was when I was pretty little, so I don’t remember it very well. How about you?”
Claire and Gretchen exchanged a bemused glance.
“Let me tell you, Mike…” Gretchen said, clapping Claire on the shoulder, “My wife’s family has a very long history with this city.”
“Long and… complicated,” Claire added. “Explosive, one might say.”
“Uh, okay,” Mike said, raising his eyebrows. “Well, uh, it’s a pretty cool city, right?”
“Oh, yeah, absolutely,” Claire agreed. Then, changing the subject: “Say, how would you feel about a promotion sometime?”
Mike’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”
Claire nodded in affirmation. Business at the restaurant was still at a steady decline, and although she was determined to keep its doors open for as long as possible, it wasn’t looking like things were going to be improving for the business financially anytime soon. As such, a lot of her employees had left to seek more secure positions, leaving her with big gaps in staff. Claire could think of nobody better to fill them than a bright, friendly young man like Mike, with such a terrific work ethic. Besides, attending her cousin’s wedding had put her in a generous mood.
“Gee, Boss, that… that’s great,” Mike said, a giddy grin spreading over his face. “Thank you so much!”
“It’s no problem,” she told him. “You deserve it.”
Things had been had before, and it was hard to say how long it would be until they got bad again. Realistically speaking, the restaurant would likely be out of business in a few years. None of Claire’s friends were getting any younger, and while Peter was thankfully still very healthy for his age, Emma was getting progressively weaker, with frantic bouts of sickness. Even so, Claire tried not to let these concerns quell her enjoyment of the rare good day such as that one. She knew all too well that nothing she did would stop people from growing old and dying, so there was no reason not to try to just live in the moment.
Regardless of what bad things the future brought–and it would bring bad things; Claire knew that from experience–the day of Natalie and Victor’s wedding was a good day.
Mike did a great job in his new position, as Claire had been confident he would. She also managed to get a couple new hires, one of whom had a surname she was quite familiar with. During the job interview, Claire was just about to ask if there was any relation when the girl sitting across from her answered the question for her.
“Yeah, so, I think I’m pretty qualified,” the girl–MacKenzie, her resume said her name was, although she’d introduced herself as “Mac”–said, leaning back in her chair to stretch. “Plus, my dad is a pretty big deal around here. Matthew Parkman the Second, head of Parkman’s Repair Shop? You’ve heard of him, right? He used to take me and my siblings to your restaurant all the time when we were little.”
“Yes, I certainly am familiar with him,” Claire said. Suddenly realizing that she hadn’t heard from Matt in a while, she asked, “Say, how’s your grandfather doing these days?”
“Oh…” MacKenzie’s gaze dropped to her lap, where she shuffled her folded hands awkwardly. “Um, he’s actually not doing too well right now. He’s in the hospital after having a heart attack a couple weeks ago, um… I don’t know if he’s going to get better. How did you know him?” she asked, eyes darting back up to meet Claire’s gaze.
“I, uh,” Claire mumbled, stunned to have found such a thing out in such a way. “We go way back, actually. Me and my uncle and my dad–both my biological and adoptive dad, actually–and my grandmother, and all their old friends, and a bunch of other people, too–we all, um, knew each other back in the day.”
MacKenzie stared at Claire, as though unsure what to make of that response. “That’s weird,” she said after a moment. “You look so young.”
“Well,” Claire said quietly, “I’m not.”
The interview got back on track, and MacKenzie left a good enough impression that Claire decided to hire her. Business at the restaurant continued as normal for some time. They gradually stopped losing customers, and even managed to draw a few new customers in, although business still wasn’t anywhere near as booming as it once had been. Claire didn’t tell any of her employees any more about her past, deciding that it was too personal, and that they didn’t need to know. In fact, she’d nearly forgotten about the whole thing until, a few weeks later, MacKenzie called her one morning to say she wouldn’t be coming in to work that day.
“Um, I’m really sorry, Ma'am, but I don’t think I can come in,” MacKenzie said in a hoarse voice, as though she had been crying. “Grandpa Matt passed away last night, and my dad’s really torn up about it, and… well, so am I, so…”
“I understand,” Claire said, before she could fully process what her employee had just said. “I can find somebody else to cover your shift, don’t worry.”
It was only after she’d ended the call that it sunk in–Matt was dead. It didn’t come as a surprise, exactly–it rarely did, at the age he’d been–but it sure as hell wasn’t a great thing to learn first thing in the morning. Claire sat in silence on the foot of her bed for a moment, not quite sure how to process the information. She ought to call Peter and tell him, she supposed. She should tell Hiro, too–he and Matt had been pretty close. She hadn’t actually spoken to Hiro in a long time–she wasn’t even sure she still had his number–but he deserved to know. As she scrolled through her list of contacts, though, she realized that she was going to be late for work. Phone calls could wait until later, she decided. The last thing she wanted was to be unprofessional.
Well, that wasn’t really true. The last thing she wanted was to keep losing people she cared about, but she knew that wasn’t going to happen, so she would just have to settle for professionalism.
When somebody dies and you could see it coming for a long time beforehand, it didn’t make finally losing them any easier. After falling ill and being hospitalized for over a year, Emma passed away overnight. The doctors said she died peacefully, in her sleep. Nevertheless, Peter took it extremely hard, and fell into a deep depression. He refused to talk to anyone for several weeks, not answering any of Claire’s calls or texts. Natalie reported that he was staying cooped up at home and hadn’t left the house at all.
“The last time I dropped by his house, his fridge was empty,” Natalie told Claire during a late-night phone conversation. “I told him he needs to restock, and he just groaned and changed the subject. I’m really worried about him.”
“Yeah, me too,” Claire agreed. “Say, how are you holding up?” she added. She knew how awful it was to lose a parent, and she hoped that her cousin’s mental health wasn’t in too bad a state.
“Oh, I’m doing alright,” Natalie said, maybe a little more quickly than she would have if she meant it. “I’ve felt better, of course, but at least I have Victor and my friends to help me through it. But Dad is taking it really hard,” she went on. “I think maybe you should try paying him a visit. He really loves you, you know.”
“He loves you, too,” Claire said, a bit puzzled by Natalie’s statement. “You’re his daughter.”
Natalie didn’t say anything in response to that. Rather, she repeated her statement that she thought Claire should go visit Peter. Claire agreed to give it a try, and she ended the call without prying any deeper into her cousin’s feelings. If Natalie had inherited that Petrelli family stubbornness, Claire would have little luck convincing her to discuss feelings she’d rather keep secret.
Claire took some time off of work, putting Mike in charge while she was gone–he was due for another promotion soon, she decided–and drove up to New York City to see her uncle. It was winter, and snow had piled up in Peter’s driveway, going completely unshoveled. Claire had to park her car in the road outside his house. After making her way up the snow-covered driveway and onto his front steps, she tentatively rapped on the front door. There was no response, so she tried ringing the doorbell. She heard a muffled “who is it?” from inside, and was relieved that at least she hadn’t been met with a “go away”.
“It’s Claire,” she said, speaking loudly so he could hear her through the door. “Can I come in?”
There was a shuffling sound from inside, and the door swung open. Peter’s now almost entirely gray hair was disheveled, with bangs hanging over his bag-rimmed eyes and covering much of his face. The beard which Claire had at one point thought made him look distinguished was ratty and unkempt. He was wearing a gray tank top and sweatpants, and a faint stench hung in the air that suggested he’d been wearing that exact ensemble for several days in a row. He looked an absolute mess, but even so, a hint of a smile crept onto his face when he saw Claire. He welcomed her inside and pulled her into a tight hug.
It absolutely broke Claire’s heart to see her uncle in such a state. He hadn’t been so inconsolable in a long time–not since Nathan had died, all those years ago. She’d never lost either a brother or a longtime romantic partner–at least not yet, the nagging voice in the back of her mind reminded her–so she didnt have much frame of reference as to which one was worse. It didn’t really matter, though, because grief affected everyone differently, and Peter was clearly going through an extremely rough patch right now.
“How are you?” Peter asked as they sat down together on the couch in his living room. A thin layer of dust had built up on all the furniture in the room, and Claire guessed that the rest of the house was the same way. “Are you doing okay?”
“I’m fine,” she assured him. “But what about you? It looks like you could use some companionship right about now.”
“Mm.” Peter leaned back against the couch and closed his eyes. For perhaps the first time, he looked like an old man. He still looked impressively young for his age, but even so, he was more than eighty years old now, and it showed on his weathered, wrinkled skin and his wispy gray hair. “That’s why you came here?”
“Why else?”
Peter was silent for a moment–quite a long moment, actually. As Claire watched the slow, steady ride and fall of his chest, she began to wonder if he had fallen asleep. However, he spoke up just then, his voice low and hoarse.
“Claire, I am so sorry.”
Claire blinked in confusion. “Sorry for what?”
“I’m sorry that you’re going to have to go through this with Gretchen one day,” Peter sighed. “I mean… we’ve both lost people before, lots of people, and it hurts so bad every time. When Nathan died, I… I never thought I would be happy again.” He took in a deep, shaky breath, then continued. “Every loss feels different. But the woman you love–your lifelong partner–that’s a unit that you’re now the only part of. For so long, I saw Emma every day, in this very house. Without her around, it…”
He trailed off. Claire placed her hand on top of his and gave it a gentle, comforting squeeze. Peter sighed and leaned against her, putting his head on her shoulder. There was an empty rocking chair in the corner of the room. When Peter’s gaze wandered over to it, he shut his eyes and grimaced. Claire felt something wet against the fabric of her shirt sleeve, and she realized that Peter was crying.
“If I went back to my childhood home, I don’t think it would feel right without Nathan, and without Ma and Pa,” he said quietly. “Without Emma, this house feels the same way. It’s like it’s not our home–my home–anymore.”
Claire didn’t have an easy response for that. She had yet to go through what Peter was going through now (the fact that she one day would go through it weighed heavy on her mind, but this wasn’t about her right now) so she had no idea how to reassure him, or if she even could. All she could do was be there for him, and that was exactly what she planned to do, for as long as he needed her to.
The department store where Claire had once worked as a cashier has been long since bought out by another chain, and that business in turn had been bought out, and then the whole place had emptied out and fallen into disrepair. It didn’t bother her much, since she’d never liked that job anyway, but it still reminded her of a happier point in her life. If she’d never gotten that side job as a waitress, how different might her life have turned out?
Although the department store was long gone, the adjacent coffee shop where Claire had used to get coffee with Tracy was still there. Sure, it was obviously under completely different ownership now, and the menu was a bit different, and it was in fact technically an entirely different coffee shop, but regardless of what it was called or who was running the place, it was still the same building. Claire still liked to drop by there from time to time, although now she was rarely accompanied by anyone. Tracy wasn’t getting out much anymore–in fact, she was almost completely bedridden. Her bones and joints had become increasingly stiff and frail as she aged, and she’d been wracked with debilitating arthritis. When she did get up and move about, she used a walker, or sometimes a wheelchair. Micah was taking a lot of time off from work to look after her as her health gradually dwindled. That kid–Claire always thought of him as a kid, still, even though he was on the older side of middle-aged now–had wound up doing well for himself, even though he remained single and had never really “settled down”. That was something to be happy about, at least, although it was hard to be happy for long when Micah himself was beginning to go gray. Time just kept dragging on and on, inescapable, barely giving you time to recover from one tragedy before moving on to the next…
It was a damn depressing thing to think about, and Claire tried to shove it to the back of her mind as she pulled up a chair in the coffee shop and sat down with a freshly brewed latte. It was a warm but rainy summer afternoon, and the coffee shop was packed with teenagers and young adults, many of them staring out windows–no doubt searching for inspiration for the novels they planned to write someday. Claire mentally wished them all luck and took a tentative sip of her latte. It tasted fine–worth her money, but nothing to write home about. It never was, really; if the coffee was below average, the shop probably would’ve been out of business, and if it was above average, then the rival shop across the road would’ve been out of business.
Out the window, a couple of kids ride by on bicycles down a sidewalk that had been riddled with bumps and cracks for as long as Claire could remember, but had recently been repaved so that it was sleek and smooth and uniform. She wondered where the kids were going. Maybe to the corner store down the road… no, that had closed down ages ago and been converted into a barber shop. Maybe the kids were going to get haircuts, then.
The whole city was a lot different now than it had been when Claire had first moved there. When she’d been a teenager, she could hardly have imagined being able to settle down in one place for so long–long enough to see it develop and change to the point where it was almost completely unrecognizable. It was bittersweet in a way. Businesses closed, people aged and died, but new businesses opened up and new people were born. Life went on.
Claire realized, of course, that she was extremely lucky, after everything she’d been through growing up, to now have a nice, normal life. She was glad things had turned out so well for her, she really was. In many ways, she truly had gotten a happily ever after kind of ending. Only her story hadn’t ended, because real life doesn’t end until you die, and Claire was never going to die. You never wanted to think about what happened after the story ended, did you? And not in some laughably edgy, “what if the handsome price turned out to be a bad husband” kind of way, but rather… you could end up really happy, in a good life, but it wouldn’t last forever. That wasn’t how life worked. Life–time, cities, the world–was designed for people who wouldn’t be there forever. The world rarely thought to accommodate for its permanent residents, because it usually didn’t have any.
There was, oddly enough, a different woman named Tracy who stopped by the coffee shop frequently, usually accompanied by her husband. They were a nice old couple, and Claire always enjoyed seeing them there. Today, they were seated towards the back of the coffee shop, ooh-ing and ahh-ing over a new flavour of iced cappuccino. The man leaned back in his seat, tapping the pair of drumsticks he always carried around against the table, and ran his hands through his short-cropped gray hair, while his wife smacked her lips together and tried to describe the flavour.
“It’s like… it’s like, a hint of really fine dark chocolate… with a dash of cinnamon!” she exclaimed, snapping her fingers triumphantly as she came to her conclusion.
“Yes! Yes, that’s exactly it!” her husband cheered, as though she had just made a huge scientific breakthrough. He pumped his arms in the air, in a way that almost reminded Claire of Hiro (although Hiro hadn’t been so enthusiastic in a long time). “Honey, you are a genius, you know that?”
Claire observed the couple happily as she sipped the last dregs of her coffee. Out the window, a young woman was walking her dog, and down the sidewalk, a group of teens talked and laughed amongst themselves as they strolled leisurely with freshly purchased coffees in hand. The sun was shining bright in the cloud-speckled cerulean sky. It was a lovely day.
Claire had lost a lot, and she would continue to lose more people as time went on, but that didn’t mean she had to be miserable all the time. Things changed, herself included, but there would always be nice days like this one, until the end of time. Besides, not every change was for the worse. People died, but people were born too. That was the balance of life. And as long as there were nice days, Claire would put aside all the pain she’d accumulated over her life and try to enjoy the moment. After all, since she couldn’t do anything to stop things from changing, she owed it to herself to slow down, take a breather, and appreciate the nice weather and a good cup of coffee.
Once she was finished with her latte, Claire got up to leave. As she headed out the door, her phone buzzed. She checked her notifications to see a new text from Gretchen which read, “can you stop for groceries? We need bread”, followed by a bread emoji and a couple of hearts. Claire smiled and texted back an affirmative response as she climbed in her car. The nearest grocery store was about ten minutes away, but it was worth the drive. As Claire fastened her seatbelt–which technically she didn’t really need, but the less she died, the better–she turned on the radio and put it to the oldies station, which played songs from when she had been on her thirties and forties. They were, needless to say, a far cry from what she would have considered oldies, but hey… time marches on, and all that.
Claire leaned back comfortably in her seat, rolled the window down a crack, and began to drive.
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