#I have made my feelings clear about Little Spoon he is worthy of all of the love
zurajanaizurakoda · 10 months
I assume no one will read this, but the fanfic I'm working on is going to be more author notes than fanfic and I'm highly invested in Katsura as a character at the moment so I thought I would post my feelings about Katsura and disassociation here. (Mild Ginzura)
EDIT: I think I'm confusing fugue state with catatonic.
I very strongly headcanon that Katsura has dissociative states that can get to fugue state, and there’s not a lot of evidence but hear me out.  When Sensei is beheaded, he doesn’t react, like at all.  And I know it’s because the scene is supposed to be about Gin and Takasugi and Katsura is on standby as much as he possibly can be while still being in the scene, but it’s telling.  He doesn’t even cry, which is odd because he cries early and often, even in serious scenes.  During the battle at Eiroku, he cries simply because he and Gin lived through a battle.  I feel like when he realized what was happening he just went away when he realized he couldn't do anything.
Second piece is in the second movie where he’s facing execution, and he does literally nothing.  Definitely not arguing for fugue, he does react to his surroundings, for instance he watches Gin come up with the sword with at best mild interest.  (And this is a man who is a six foot penis dressed as his dead boyfriend running past security to take his head personally, you’d think it would be worthy of a reaction)  This is literally Runaway Kotarou, it’s essential enough to his character that he’s famous for it.  He escaped from jail in a week when he was a giant screwdriver.  It doesn’t come up much, but every time he’s been captured he’s escaped.  Suddenly he spends five years in a jail cell and then goes to his execution without a word.  I feel like he was living in some form of dissociative state for most, if not all the five years.  Once he realized that the world was broken in a way he had no skills to fix and realized he was useless and he just shut down.  I feel like Katsura’s sanity hinges on his ability to feel like he serves a purpose. Also, of course, he apparently talks about destroying this wretched world but the first thing he says to Gin is how disappointed he is in himself for not being able to save the world when Gin apparently failed. Unlike the execution scene, he actually displays a good deal of emotion when recounting the last time he saw Gin, almost crying. (One might even say it's implying that unlike his own death, which made no difference to him either way, he genuinely regrets Gin's death, but that's just me)
The third one is a good one!  After Nizou cut him down he played dead, meaning he was unresponsive enough that Nizou assumed he was dead and left him as a corpse.  When they discuss it later, Takasugi comments that he’s getting better at playing dead, implying that Katsura becoming unresponsive during battles has been a recurring theme in the past.  Katsura replies that the fault was Nizou’s, implying that he didn’t assign his survival to any conscious action on his part, it just happened like that.  Knowing he was about to die (and since it’s Katsura, the fact that he’s dying alone and possibly by the orders of one of his few friends in the world are probably factors in that) is enough to make him go away for a while.  I imagine in battle it would be useful, their battlefields tended to be piled high with corpses and it’s likely most soldiers wouldn’t go through them looking for survivors.  I feel like it’s highly possible that on at least one occasion his friends thought they were pulling a Katsura corpse out from under a pile of amanto, only to realize he’s alive and just left for a while.  Probably scared the shit out of them, and not just the first time.
The last thing is just a little one, but when he’s Zura he seems to turn off or at least greatly dull his pain reception.  He definitely seems to still be in the moment and aware of himself, but he’s consciously ignoring signals coming from his body.  Just noting that it’s something he does.
If you're into Ginzura, consider reading Big Spoon! It's not the fic this rant inspired, and it may be not the best characterizations but it's my favorite fic of mine. Gin and Zura sleeping big spoon/little spoon style when life gets too shitty starting in childhood, and eventually getting so many feels.
OH YEAH maybe not relevant but he sleeps with his eyes open and it seems like that's another indicator that he can just leave, five senses be damned.
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carmenized-onions · 4 months
i ADORE that it’s his pov, let us into your mind pretty boy!! they’re so cute, he’s down bad and i’m obsessed
Adorable in the literal sense!!! = my heart beating faster in the literal sense
he’s happy about her wearing his jacket :’)))))<3 like ofc he is but the fact that it’s written out clearly is just 💓💓💓
“God, you’re perfect”- i i i i i i i i i i i i *malfunctions*
Carmen likes that idea. Your man. - 🥹🥹🥹 THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE WHO LIKE THAT IDEA 😁💃
You didn’t make it. Therefore, it’s just fine. - BEIDKFKRIENEDODN???? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SURVIVE THIS
You grin, he has no come back for this, you’re perfect - 💓💓💓
He wants to be your man. He wants to have been your man. If he had been, for the past three years, you would probably be talking about moving in together, by now. - i’m gonna sob now, probably for a good amount of time tbh
He misses the fact that you usually share utensils, since you’re always trying something. But he’ll survive. - THEY SHARE SIDNFIFNFIFKF COUPLE *WHO ARE NOT OFFICIALLY A COUPLE* GOALS
So good. You’re so good - ✨🦋✨🦋✨
Like Mikey did, though, not in the same way, obviously. - CACKLE. I CANT EVEN
Carmy does have to give you hints, but he prefers it that way, prefers to be needed by you for a change - 🥺🥺🥺 they’re so wholesome i<3
but maybe on the underside? Only you and him would know it's there. - PLS LET THAT HAPPEN BUT IT’S CARMY WHO DOES IT 🥺🙏🏼🫶🏼 am i being bold coming with requests/hopes? absolutely yes but also you kinda set this up so i’ll blame you actually~
Name it. Name anything. He’ll give you anything. -😭😭😭 HE IS PERFECT
the quick kiss before work - THESE TWO ARE MY FAVOURITES EVER
cara mia - 🥹🥹🥹 yeah that’s just yeah :’)))))))<3<3
Pretty boy OPEN UP!!!! It was very fun, writing his POV, and a fun challenge, to be like-- Well, okay, what would he think about this?
I FUCKIN LOVE thinking about words a little more intensely, like adorable, like, bro the etymology behind it is being worthy of divine worship-- It's so deep. It actually is that deep, if u think about it. No i'm not fucking delusional YOU SHUT UP!!!
Grump carm is fun, i was equally as grumpy to leave that scene, honestly, as a breakfast lover. I've curated the perfect breakfast for people when they sleep over. If that was ruined for me and also I woke up to a phone call, i'd have a straight up meltdown. But also he's just a clingy sonofabitch so wear his jacket and suddenly everything's right as rain.
So many down bad lines we can hardly summarize em all!!! But the your man spiel in particular holds a place in my heart and also breaks it. (Also his whole coffee thing. Mf is not over the one time Tony made coffee and a peach wine)
As does the everything about him feeling un-special. I only know of one D20 watcher in my following, but if they're reading this, I was vv much going for a Kingston Brown/Liz Herrera relationship. Hard to feel special, when you're dating a hero.
"Like Mikey did, though, not in the same way, obviously. - CACKLE. I CANT EVEN" listen, i didn't know how else to make it clear that he does not think tony is actually his brother and also simultaneously does NOTT feel a type of way about his brother. But like . Yknow. SAFETY IN A PERSON OR WHATEVER OKAY!!!! SHUT UP!!!!!! jkjkjk.
As for underneath the table request, i plead the fifth. I don't know what the fifth is. But as for Cara mia-- I doubt this mf will ever say it again, but he definitely felt like he was getting his heritage challenged in that diner and he had to claim it for himself before The Actual Tony could. He's gotta have SOMETHING original in this bitch.
Anyways, anyways, I wrote like 1200 words of beats for the chapter after the next chapter, so here's a poorly cropped snippet from that to avoid spoils, because idk, maybe you like rough rough drafts. It's really honestly just the place i write jokes that will not make it into the final to make me laugh.
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sommefuckingbitch indeed
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YEAH!! yeah to all those things. But listen, if it wasn't in-between the lines clear enough, of course carmy is wondering about that first point, too, so it'll be made very clear what the FUCK happened dontchu worry your lil head. Your lil hair washed possibly moaning head.
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grandparomeaskblog · 2 years
"Sadik..." Dinos said annoyed when he opened the door slightly "... I wasn't expecting you. What do you want?" Sadik smirked to that "Can I come in?" "Sure you demon... hold on" he answered before opening the remaining locks to let the Turk in.
Sadik looked around as he followed "Take a seat... so, who died?" Sadik shook his head "Nobody died... but we do need to talk" "You could have called, saved me from having to see your ugly face, saved you gas too. " "Some things are best said in person" Dinos nodded and reached for his sigarets. Sadik was quick to light one, although he did not smoke himself he always carried a lighter for these occasions. "Will you tell me... today?" The older man sneered. He was getting nervous. He did not like surprise visits and he did not like them from nations in particular. "What ill news brings you today, let me have it before I waste time putting the kettle on. Did your boss send you?" "Oh no,... this is personal" That did not make it any better. "Lucky me" Dinos said sarcastically before dropping silent and into his seat. Sadik cleared his throat. This was harder than he imagined. "Konstantinos, you know that I respect you greatly. I need to ask you something" "I'm listening" "I... want to ask for your permission to date your brother" Dinos took a deep draw and gestured him to beat it "I'm done listening, please leave" Sadik protested "I am very serious about this. I understand if you are mad at me but at least let me speak" Dinos stood up and left for the kitchen the other jumped up and quickly followed. "Are you angry with me?" "Not yet, just annoyed, I still need to learn your true motives" Dinos said emotionless and he put the kettle on.
"My true motives?! I like him. It's crazy I know! I'm strangely attracted to him" "Ofcourse you do" "Not like that, Konstantinos, it's on a personal level. I really like him as a PERSON romantically. I'd like to get to know him better but I don't want to complicate things with you" "So... you want my blessing" "It's vital" "You can shove that up your ass" Dinos said staring out the window. Sadik opened the cupboard casually and took one glass... and then another out and placed them on the counter. Dinos rolled his eyes. "Konstantinos please, we have known eachother for so long. In all those years have I ever made you a promiss I did not keep?" "You have been true to your word." "Have I not helped you?" "Not quite enough" "I see... I am sorry... I tried my best" "Your best wasn't enough" Dinos poured them both tea "I am a little... put off... by your request... First you take my city, then you come after my cat and now you are asking me for my brother?" "I did not take your cat, I gave her some shots that's all. I only wanted what was best for the fat stray... Are we really... still fighting over this?" Dinos slammed his fist on the counter "You did so WITHOUT my permission!" "I did... I am sorry... I was at fault. I should have asked. I can't change the past but I am here asking you now. I know how much you care for him. It would be the greatest honor if you could let me ask him on a date. I believe the feeling is mutual and it would sadden me to cut off our friendship. If you don't think me worthy, you can just say so. I understand, naturally you want what's best for him" "I don't know Sadik... I really have to think about it." "You'll think about it?! Really? That's great!" Sadik said and kissed and hugged the other. "I'm so touched that you'll consider!" "Well I mean it would be the lesser of two evils... In the mean time... you will NOT share your feelings with anyone, anyone at all, hear me? I will personally spoon out your nuts and feed them to the gulls, if you do" "I will make sure to stitch my lips" "very well... two sugar was it?" "Yes!"
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kpop---scenarios · 3 years
Torn Apart (2 Final)
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Pairing: Surprise! x Reader
Warning: Smut, Sadness, Angst Maybe? Mean People
Word Count: 5.4k
It had been weeks. 
Weeks of sobbing into your pillow, weeks of feeling like things were going to get better, until you found the most insignificant thing that belonged to Chanyeol and you broke down all over again. You missed him. You missed his touch, his warmth, his smile, the way he made you laugh when you were sad. You missed it all. You were broken, and it was all Chanyeol's fault. 
Until you scrolled through Instagram, and saw pictures of him with Maya, that bitch. You had never hated anyone in your life until you had met her. You couldn't even begin to fathom what even slightly redeeming qualities Chanyeol saw in her, but apparently there was something to that wench.
You were curled on your couch in the fetal position as you cried at the ending of Strong Girl Bong Soon. You wished you had a love like that. The way An Minhyuk loved Bong Soon was the relationship you wanted, the one you would strive for. He loved her so much and you just wanted to be loved by someone like that. 
You groan loudly as your doorbell rings, and then whoever pounds on your door. You didn't want visitors, you didn't care who it was, you wanted to hermit. 
"What?" You yelled from the other side of the door. 
"Y/N, let me in." You hear from the other side. You recognized the voice immediately. 
"Baekhyun, I look like a troll. Kindly leave." You sigh. 
"Y/N, if your trolly ass doesn't let me in, I will break down your door." He threatens, which makes you laugh for the first time in days. You both knew he would never be able to do that, and he would likely end up hurting himself. 
"Baek, you would break your leg." You say, pulling the door open. On the other side was a sympathetic Baekhyun, who had tissues, ice cream, chocolate and a bag full of movies. You smile at his kindness. "You know I have Netflix right?" 
"Shut the fuck up and move, this shit is cold." He barks, moving past you and into your kitchen. "Look, I have all the necessities. We will get you through this. Because I for one, cannot stand the sight of Mayeol and I want to gouge my eyes out, and I need someone to do it with." 
"I don't understand how that has anything to do with me." You say, grabbing two spoons.
"Sehun is gone, he's so in love with those two, hes bordering being a psychopath, Jongdae and his wife are just tolerating, Suho, Kai and Kyungsoo are avoiding them like the plague and Minseok and Lay have been MIA, so you're my last hope, Y/N." 
"I really don't want to talk about him, Baek." You admit, the hole in your heart somehow feels larger than before. 
"That's fine, I'll stop, let's start a movie." He suggests, grabbing a random one out of his bag. 
And for the next few hours, that's all you guys did. You watched movies, making comments, laughing and you genuinely had a good time with him. It had been so long since you actually felt happy and you were grateful to Baekhyun for bringing at least a little joy back into your life. 
Until he left, and you were alone again. All the feelings came rushing back, except they hurt a little less this time. You didn't miss him quite as much. 
The next day, at the same time, your doorbell rang again. You open the door, your eyes puffy and bloodshot and you see Baekhyun standing there again, a new flavor of ice cream in hand, a new kind of chocolate, and a new bag of movies. This time he said nothing to you, instead pushed his way past you and through the door, setting everything down on your living room table as he popped in the movie. You smiled to yourself before turning around to join him, it felt nice to be cared about, and the fact that he was going out of his way to do this for you, and make you feel better. You truly appreciated Baekhyun. 
As he sat there and watched the movie, you watched him. The way his eyes lit up at a part of the movie he enjoyed, the face he made when he took a bite of his ice cream, the wrinkle he had in his nose when there was a cheesy scene. You never truly noticed how handsome Baekhyun was until now. His distinct jawline, his large hands, his toned body, you briefly.. very briefly began to wonder how large his..
"No Y/N, no. Do not go there with your existing bestfriend." 
You quickly shake off the thought, moving your eyes to the TV screen, trying to focus. 
"How are you feeling today?" Baekhyun asks, sliding his phone back into his pants pocket. 
"A bit better, I guess." You answer. Before Baekhyun could say anything there was another knock at the door. "That's good." He smiles, standing up. "There are some people who wanna see you." He says, opening the door. 
Minseok, Suho and Kyungsoo file through the door, looking at you with pity as they all sit, surrounding you.  
"Hiiiii." Suho pouts, protruding his bottom lip. "How are we feeling today?" 
"Um, hi." You laugh. "I'm fine." 
"Oh good, so we can go." Kyungsoo pipes up, standing up and walking towards the door. 
"Sit." Minseok sighs, pointing back at the seat. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, shuffling back to his spot and flopping down. 
"She's fine, Chanyeol is fine, so why are we here? Everyone is fine." He groans. 
"Have you seen him? Is he fine?" You hesitantly ask. You weren't even sure if you wanted to know. 
"Oh he's more than fine." Kyungsoo groans. "He and Maya are all over each other all the time. It's honestly nauseating. Like I want to be able to eat my sandwich without hearing your girlfriend moan when you kiss her." He gags. 
You bite your bottom lip as you slowly nod your head, tears welling in your eyes. These were most definitely details you did not need to hear about your ex and the girl he cheated on you with. All the men whip their heads to look at you, who now had your head hanging low as your shoulders shaked. They all look back at Kyungsoo, with only one speaking up.  
"That's it." Baekhyun growls. "Kyungsoo, get out." He spits, pointing to the door. 
"What did I do?" Kyungsoo asks, innocently. Baekhyun rolls his eyes, looking at you, softly whimpering into the sleeves of your sweater. 
"Out. Now." Baekhyun says, giving him the middle finger before flinching as Kyungsoo stands up, whispering "Don't hurt me."
"Don't listen to him." Minseok sighs. "Kyungsoo has zero social cues, he also could not read a room if his life depended on it." 
As Kyungsoo opened the door to leave, in rushed Lay, who looked at the man leaving and just nodded his head, realizing he had probably said something rude and was asked to leave. It wasn't the first time and would not be the last either. 
"Y/N." Lay breathes. "How do you feel about tall, muscular men who sing?" He asks. 
"I do enjoy them. Why?" You ask. 
"I have a friend from the hospital.. I think you two would get along really well. He's in his third year of surgery residency and is looking to date. I may have shown him your picture and he instantly said yes." He tells you. 
You look around the room, Suho and Minseok are nodding enthusiastically, while Baekhyun sits with his arms crossed against his chest, and a pouty look on his face. 
"What do you think?" You ask Baekhyun. He looks up at you, his face softening immediately. 
"I uhh, it's up to you. Yanno, if you're into muscular, tall men.." he mumbles.
"You know what? Sure, yes, I will. Chanyeol and Maya are out there living their best lives while I'm sitting here sulking, mourning a love that clearly didn't mean as much to him. So yes I will go out with him." You announce, perking up already. "When?" 
"Tonight." Lay says. "More specifically, an hour." 
"I need to get ready." You smile, jumping from your seat to rush to your room. You slowly peak your head around the corner, softly smiling at your friends. "Thank you, you guys. You've all really helped me these last weeks. I greatly appreciate you all." You finish, heading back into your room to quickly throw yourself together. 
By the time you were done, you had 15 minutes to spare, and you were damn proud of what you accomplished in the last 45 minutes. You showered and shaved to become a hairless human from the eyelashes down, you managed to get the knots out of your hair and it looked in decent shape, as well as hide the semi-permanent redness of your eyes with a lot of makeup. You almost didn't recognize yourself in the mirror when you looked. You didn't see the heartbroken girl anymore, you saw someone confident, hot and worthy of a great love. 
Stepping out into the living room you blush at all the 'oohs and ahhs' from your friends. 
Except for Baekhyun. 
When you looked at him, his eyes shined and for some reason it made your heartbeat a little faster. You watched his eyes trail up and down your body, seemingly taking in every curve, every inch of you. When he notices you staring, he clears his throat and looks away. "You look prettyish." He mumbles as he walks away, there's a knock at the door. Baekhyun is the one to answer and looks up at the tall man. 
"You must be.." he begins, moving out of the way, letting the man walk in. 
"Hi." He smiles at you. "I'm Matthew." He says, holding out his hand. 
"Hi Matthew." You grin. "Y/N." You finish, introducing yourself. 
"It's really nice to meet you. You look phenomenal." He says, holding your hand up to spin you around. You can't help but let out a loud laugh as a blush spreads across your cheeks. 
"Thank you." You whisper. "Shall we?" 
He waves to Lay and everyone else before taking your arm in his and leading you out the door. You left three excited men behind you and one who felt annoyed but didn't quite know why. 
You hadn't laughed so hard until tears rolled down your cheeks and you held your stomach for a very long time. You honestly were surprised at how much you and Matthew had in common. You both enjoyed the same type of music, food, and pastimes. You had yet to meet someone who loved the same authors as you, who enjoyed doing your favorite activities and who genuinely seemed like a great person but here he was, sitting right in front of you at this nice restaurant. 
"I have to admit something." Matthew begins. Your stomach drops as you feel like he's going to tell you he's married or has a girlfriend, something that's going to make you lose trust in men, again. 
"Go on." You say, forcing a smile before taking a sip of your drink. 
"I really like you." He grins. "It's insane, I have never met someone I had so much in common with until tonight." 
"I was just thinking the same thing." You laugh, feeling relieved at his confession. You liked Matthew, he seemed as though he would be good for you and treat you right, although you thought that Chanyeol would do the same and look how that turned out. 
Matthew's pager beeps incessantly. He takes it from the waistband of his pants, checking the page and stands up abruptly. "I'm so sorry." He sighs. "I have to go, there was an accident and I'm needed in the OR." He explains. 
"Go." You say, waving your hands to emphasize. 
"I had a wonderful time Y/N, and I hope I get to see you again." He grins. He places down a few hundred bills on the table before kissing your hand, and with a wink he was off and your heart was pumping fast as red spreads across your cheeks. 
Oh boy. 
Your blush is still present as you walk through the door of your apartment. You see Baekhyun sitting on your couch with his arms crossed as he watches a show, not even acknowledging your presence. 
"Why are you still here?" You ask, tossing your purse on the chair. 
"I wanna hear all about Matthew." He mimics, rolling his eyes. "How was your date?" 
"It was really nice. We have a lot in common, which is strange. He seems really nice and we get along amazingly. He was paged into surgery so it ended early." You tell him. "So cool." 
"Oh wow, surgery huh?" Baekhyun says, nodding his head. "Did I tell you I'm auditioning for a band?" He smiles. 
"Are you really?" You ask, a little shocked. 
"Maybe." He says, clearing his throat, turning back to the show. 
You sit beside him, you dress riding up just a little to expose your thigh. You're focused on the show, barely realizing that Baekhyun has now rested his hand on your bare thigh, his thumb lightly rubbing the same spot. 
Why did you feel butterflies? Why was your pussy throbbing? It's probably just friendly, there's no way Baekhyun has feelings for you. 
As the show played on, your eyes became increasingly droopy, feeling the exhaustion and excitement of today finally catching up with you. Your eyes slowly close as you lean your head back onto the couch. 
You weren't sure when it happened, but you woke up, what you're assuming is a few hours later with your head on Baekhyun's lap while he gently rubbed your head, running his fingers through your hair. Your body shivered at the gentle sensation and you closed your eyes once again, feeling safe and happy as you dozed off. 
When you woke up the next morning, you were laying on the couch, alone with a blanket draped over you. Your eyes searched your apartment and there was no sign of Baekhyun.  You had no idea when he had left but a part of you felt a little hurt that he left without saying goodbye to you. You rolled yourself off the couch and shuffled into your room, changing your clothes to something more comfortable. 
When you were done you made your way to the kitchen to find food when your front door opened. In walked Baekhyun with a large bag from your favorite food place. 
"You didn't." You grin. "It's so far away." 
"I did, and it was worth it to see the look on your face." He laughs, setting the bag down on the table. 
The two of you sit down, and have breakfast together and chat. You hadn't realized that Baekhyun actually had a lot in common with you as well. You didn't know why the two of you had never talked about these things but you felt like it was a crazy coincidence that two men match with you so well. Although you knew Baekhyun's feelings were strictly platonic, there was no way that he felt anything romantically for you. 
"I gotta go to work, but we'll hang out later, if you're up for it?" He asks, throwing his garbage away. 
"Of course." You smile. You look in his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes and you just want to melt. You liked Baekhyun, alot. Maybe it was just from how good he's been treating you lately, or maybe the feelings were real, you would never know because you were going to focus on changing your feelings for Baekhyun to feelings for Matthew, someone you knew you actually had a chance with. 
Later that day you were doing some work on your computer for the company you work for, luckily you're able to do your work from home, giving you plenty of time to be free during the day for activities. You're brought out of your zone by a text from Matthew, asking you if you wanted to grab a late lunch around 2pm, and immediately your mood changed, and you happily replied that you would love to. 
At 1:50pm, you sat at the restaurant, a drink in front of you while you waited for Matthew. Seeing him walk through the door, your heart did a mini dance as he smiled at you, heading towards the table you had already gotten. 
"Hey there beautiful." He grins, sitting across from you. 
"Hi." You giggle. "How has your day been?" 
"Busy and stressful, but that's all been forgotten now that I have you in front of me." He says. You smile widely, burying your head in your hands. He was so sweet, and you didn't know how to react to it. After the two of you order, you're in the middle of a conversation about a movie you had each recently watched, when out of the corner of your eye, you notice someone familiar. You look over and at a table that was too close for your liking sat Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Maya. Your attitude, demeanour and mood completely changed when you noticed them. You could feel the tears welling in your eyes as you looked away. You look at Matthew who instantly looks concerned. 
"What's wrong? Did I say something?" He asks, leaning in closely to whisper to you. 
"T-that's my ex.. and the girl he chose over me, and his best friend who I'm still friends with." You whisper, nodding your head towards them.
Matthew discreetly looks over and notices the blonde man looking in your direction, pain in his eyes from the moment he saw you. 
"Look at me." Matthew whispers. You look up at him, trying to control the tears. "That boy is an idiot for giving you up. You are one in a million. You're smart, funny, beautiful, caring and an all around amazing person to be around. Don't give them anymore of your tears, princess. They don't deserve them, and you don't deserve to cry over them." He smiles. 
You sit up, taking a deep breath, smiling at the man across from you, staring at his beautiful smile. You glance over to the table and see Chanyeol staring at you, sadness in his eyes while Maya glares at you and Baekhyun, he stares at you with what seems like a look of anger. He glares in your direction, his face like stone and you had no idea what you did to make him so mad at you. 
"Would you like to go somewhere else?" Matthew asks. 
You nod your head, knowing you didn't want to be in the same restaurant as Mayeol, it was bad enough to have to be in the same city as them. Matthew grabs the check, escorting you out, his hand hovering over your backside as you walk out, the feeling of eyes watching you burning into your back as you exit the restaurant.  You and Matthew stand outside your door, and he smiles at you. "I'm sorry about the date." He sighs. 
"It wasn't your fault. If anything I should be sorry." You say. 
"You did nothing wrong." He tells you. "I have to get back to the hospital now, but I'll call you." He says, leaning down he presses his lips to yours quickly before pulling away and saying goodbye. 
You walk into your apartment, feeling a little confused. That didn't go how you imagined it at all. As you're trying to get out of your sundress, there's a knock at the door before someone walks in. You turn around and see Baekhyun standing there, watching you. 
"You looked pretty comfortable and intimate with what's his name." He blurts out, walking towards you. He stands closely behind you, you can feel his breath on your neck as he pulls down the zipper of your dress. 
"Yeah well you looked pretty comfortable with fucking Maya and Chanyeol." You retort, trying to storm away from him. Your dress slips off your body, landing on the floor. Baekhyun follows you, reaching out to grab your wrist. He spins you around to face him. He pulls your body closer to his. 
"What do you want?" He asks. You don't answer, your lips parted as you try to form a sentence. Baekhyun's eyes drop down to your lips. He licks his lips and sighs. You can feel his breath, so close to you, almost kissing you. "What do you want from me, Y/N?" He asks. 
Your heart is practically beating out of your chest. You look into his eyes, one word on the tip of your tongue. 
You. Just say it. You want him. Tell him. 
But you say nothing. 
Baekhyun sighs. "That's what I thought." He says,  moving away from you and picking up your dress from the floor. He hands it to you, leaning in to press his lips against your temple. "Call me when you know what you want." He says, walking away from you and out the door. 
What did that mean? Did he want you like you wanted him? Why couldn't you have just told him right then and there? 
You were scared. You were scared of rejection, you were scared he didn't mean it, maybe his feelings towards you weren't real. But then again, you would never know unless you talked to him. 
Later that night you laid in your bed, thinking about Baekhyun. You couldn't sleep, so you grabbed your purse and your keys, drive aimlessly around town. A little while later, you glance at the clock that reads 2am, you park your car and you pull out your phone and call him. You felt like you were going to vomit as the phone rang. 
"Hello?" A groggy voice answered. 
"You." You whisper through the speaker. "I want you."  
"Y/N." He breathes. 
"Open the door, Baekhyun." You whisper. 
You can hear him get out of bed and stomp towards the front door. He pulls it open and there you are, your phone pressed against your ear, wearing a nightshirt and shorts. 
"I want you." You say again, pulling the phone away from your ear. 
Baekhyun pulls you inside, slamming the door behind you before pinning you against the front door. 
"Fuck it." He groans, crashing his lips against yours, pulling your body in closer to his. His hands roaming your body as he slides his tongue into your mouth. His hands move under your shirt and up your torso, cupping a bare breast. He groans into the kiss as he pinches your hard nipple, rolling it between his fingers. He presses his crotch into your leg, allowing you to feel his hard cock pushing against his boxers. 
You reach your hand down, sliding it into his waistband, grabbing his cock and slowly pumping, making his knees buckle. 
"Fuck." He murmurs, breaking the kiss. He leans his head into your neck, placing small kisses as you stroke his cock. 
Suddenly he stands up straight, pulling your hand from inside his boxers. He grabs your hand and leads you to his bedroom. 
"Take off your clothes." He growls. 
You maintain eye contact as you slip your shirt off your body, dropping it to the floor and the shimmy off your shorts, letting them pool around your ankles. You stand there naked in front of Baekhyun who takes in every curve and crevasse of your body. 
"Get on the bed." He whispers. You move to the bed, slowly climbing on and laying on your back. 
"So fucking beautiful." He moans, crawling on top of you. "I just wanna be inside you." He whispers. You nod your head, giving him all the consent he needs. 
Baekhyun spits on his hand, pumping his cock. He lifts your legs over his shoulder before lining him up with your entrance. He pushes himself into you, stretching your pussy out, making you cry out loudly. 
It had been so long for you, you forgot what it felt like to be fucked. Your hands grip the bed sheets as Baekhyun slides his cock in and out of you slowly. 
"How do you want it, baby?" He asks, moving slowly still. 
"Faster." You moan. "Fuck me Baekhyun." 
His eyes become dark after hearing your words. His hands wrap around your ankles as he starts thrusting harder into you, the sound of skin slapping fills the room.
"Oh god." You cry out, your hands cupping your breasts, pinching your nipples as he pumps his cock into you. 
Baekhyun releases one of your legs, placing his thumb between your lips to rub your clit. He rubs in circles, making you clench around him. 
"Just like that." You cry out as you buck your hips. You knew you were going to cum soon, you hadn't had an orgasm since Chanyeol left. 
"Fuck." Baekhyun groans. 
"I'm gonna cum." You scream as he fucks you harder, and continues to rub you. 
Your orgasm hits you, making you scream out in pleasure, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you tighten around Baekhyun once again. 
He groans loudly, suddenly cumming, shooting his load inside of you, breathing heavily as he works through his orgasm. 
"Holy fuck." He sighs, pulling out of you. He lays next to you, and you snuggle into him, not caring about the mess, just being completely and utterly happy in the moment.
"So.." Baekhyun starts off the next morning, as you lay in his bed, tangled in his sheets. You have one leg and one arm sprawled across him as you snuggle in closer to him. "What about Matthew?" He asks.  
"I called him yesterday after you left, and I told him I didn't think things were going to work out, but I would like to remain friends." You explain. 
"And he was fine with that?" He asks. 
"He asked if there was someone else." You sigh. "I told him I wasn't sure, but I hoped and he wished me luck." 
"I didn't like you seeing him." Baekhyun admits. "It hurt but I felt like I couldn't do anything." He says. 
"Why?" You ask. 
"Because.. Chanyeol is my best friend and you were his." He tells you. 
"Chanyeol made his decision, and he chose Maya. I'm free to date whoever I want, and I want you." You whisper. 
"Oh baby girl." Baekhyun growls. "You have no idea what you do to me." He whispers, rolling over on top of you, pressing his lips to yours. You wrap your arms around him, pulling him in closer to you, never having felt so wanted or loved. 
It has been a few months of you and Baekhyun dating, and you've kept it under wraps for the most part, wanting to stay in your little bubble of happiness. But now your friends were getting suspicious and you felt like it was time to tell them. And what other perfect time to tell them then at a dinner party that everyone is attending. 
That night you and Baekhyun had brought a spinach and artichoke dip that you made together and it was the best thing ever. You told Jongdae and his wife the news first, and they were both extremely happy for the both of you. 
Next, Minseok, Suho, Kyungsoo, Kai and Lay were told and they were all happy for you two, except Lay who was disappointed that things didn't work with Matthew, but he was happy that you were happy. 
You all sat around the dinner table when Chanyeol, Sehun and Maya walked in. Things instantly got tense and quiet the minute they entered the room. They hadn't noticed you yet and you could feel the knots forming in your stomach. 
"Hey guys." Chanyeol smiled, looking around the room and then his eyes landed on you and his smile dropped. 
"Hi friends." Maya chirps up, not realizing you were there until Sehun pointed it out, quite loudly and rudely. 
"Why is she here?" He asks, nodding his head towards you. 
"Because she's our friend." Jongdae pipes up, glare at Sehun.
"It's just weird." Maya comments, sitting down at the table. You ball your hands into fists under the table. Baekhyun reaches under the table, grabbing your hand to calm you down, showing you he's there and has your back. 
"It's not weird, actually." Baekhyun pipes up. "What's weird is coming to a gathering when you know no one here likes you. That's weird." He says, looking at Maya. 
"Baek." Chanyeol sighs. "She's my girlfriend." He says, as if that's a good enough reason. 
"Okay." Baekhyun says. "And she's mine." He says, nodding towards you. "So tell your girl to show some respect." 
"You're what?" Chanyeol asks, staring at you and Baekhyun, not even acknowledging the fact that Maya is sitting there with her mouth open and offended. "You're dating my ex-girlfriend?" 
"I am." Baekhyun says, not caring about Chanyeol's reaction anymore. 
"You.. you can't do that." He says. 
"And why not?" Baekhyun wonders. "You left her. You chose that over this amazing woman. You have no right to be angry here. You broke her, tore her apart and I'm putting the pieces back together." 
"I don't want her here." Maya pouts. 
"And no one wants you here." You chime in. You were tired of her and she had only been here for a few minutes. 
"Chanyeol." She whines, nudging him but he's still not paying attention to her, only looking at you and Baekhyun. 
"So.. what did you guys bring?" Lay asks, nodding towards their dish.
"Buffalo chicken dip." Maya says, with a smile.
You burst out laughing, rolling your eyes. "You mean you're still making the recipe that Chanyeol and I made together?" You ask with a smile on your face. 
Maya's smile instantly drops, looking at you with disgust. "Chanyeol." She yells. 
"What?" He snaps, turning to look at her. 
"Do something." She whines. 
"You don't have to do anything, man. We're gonna go. Thanks for having us, Jongdae. It's been interesting." Baekhyun says. He looks at you and holds out his hand. "Ready?" He asks you. You smile at him, taking his hand and walking out, hand in hand with the man who made you the happiest you've been. 
A few days later you're in your apartment, singing and dancing as you clean up the place. You no longer missed Chanyeol, his name no longer brought pain to your heart, seeing things that reminded you of him no longer made you cry. You had Baekhyun now, and he treated you like a queen. 
You're walking past your front door when you hear a faint knock. You open it slightly and see an exhausted looking Chanyeol standing on the other side. 
"Can we talk?" He asks. 
You didn't want to hear what he had to say, but you decided to be nice and let him in. 
"What?" You ask, sitting on your couch as he stands in front of you. 
"I fucked up." He blurts out. "I should have never chosen Maya over you. I didn't realize what I was doing at the time, Y/N, please forgive me. I miss you. I miss us. We were great together." He breathes. 
You're shocked. You had spent weeks crying over him, wishing for him to come to you and say these words to you but now it was too late. 
"You're a little too late now." You say to him.
"I know you're with Baekhyun, but I had you first." He says. 
You scoff at him. "How dare you? How could you come here months after you left me for Maya and beg for me back when I'm finally happy again? It took a long time for me to be okay. Baekhyun has been there for me, he was the one who helped put me back together. You chose Maya. You made your bed." You yell. "Get out Chanyeol." 
"Y/N please." He begs. 
"No, you need to leave. I don't want you. I don't love you anymore." You tell him.
Chanyeol walks out the door, looking back at you with tears in his eyes. You felt no remorse for him. You had felt the way he was feeling, it was his own fault and you refused to be torn apart by him  again. Chanyeol was now your past, and Baekhyun was your future and you couldn't be happier about it. 
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Hey there! I hope your week goes a little better for you. I have a request! 🥺 Take your time of course! Could you write one for Mando where the reader asks to eat with him for the first time and the reader puts down some pillows on the floor and they sit back to back so he doesn’t break his creed? If you write it, thank you!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day ❤️
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Enjoy some softness!
Din Djarin x Fem!Reader ; warnings: none
The Mandalorian Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"Hey," you glanced over at the quiet, stoic Mandalorian. He seemed to snap back into attention as he tore his eyes from the blaster in his lap and looked back at you. You laughed lightly, a beautiful sound that he adored, before reaching over and squeezing his shoulder, "where'd you go, Mando?"
"I'm right here," he promised softly as you reached down and picked up the small green menace from the floor of the hull. You kissed his forehead as he cooed at you before you held him out to the Mandalorian. 
"Can you be trusted with babysitting duties for a little while? I need to go make dinner and can't focus on that and him," you booped his little nose, causing him to giggle before the Mandalorian gently pulled him into his arms, "he's particularly wild today."
"No rest for the wicked, little womp rat?" he asked softly as his adopted son gave him a look of pure innocence. He sighed in amusement before turning back to you, "do you want some help with anything?"
"I've got it handled easily if you two stay out of my way," you chuckled as you headed back to the small kitchen, "besides its my turn to make dinner. Keep out of trouble for an hour or so - both of you!"
"Positive?" you could practically hear the smile in his voice as you turned around and playfully raised an eyebrow at him.
"I don't trust you in the kitchen," you reminded him, "last time you started a small fire and burnt half the meal. I love you - but I don't trust you...in the kitchen anyways."
And it was so effortless. So effortless to say those words as though you'd always lived in domestic bliss with him. So effortless to say those three words that you meant but wouldn't dare to confess. But in the moment it was so easy and you didn't even think twice.
But it was not lost on Din who froze in place as he registered what you said. His mouth was open as his heart skipped a few beats as you walked away without a care in the world. 
Had you meant it? Was it true? Did you love him?
He wouldn't dare think about it, sure he wasn't ever worthy of such a thing. You were the light and goodness that was left in the galaxy, along with his son, but he'd  ever fancy himself blessed enough to be worthy of your light.
And yet…those words had come out of your mouth. You'd never said them to anyone else, at least not to his knowledge and he'd seen you around many people. Probably just a slip of the tongue...he couldn't think too much about it.
But oh...how those three little words made him feel. So light, so warm, and soft. Like he could see clearly and breath easily, a little bit of weight off his shoulders. No one had spoken those words to him since he was a child and his parents had worked to keep him safe and traded their lives for his. 
How those three little words, so easy and delicate, had made him light up. Maker, he hoped he'd be lucky enough to hear them again.
Din felt a light tugging on the sleeve of his shirt, causing him to look down at the little one. His big, inky eyes were wide with wonder as he almost seemed to know what Din was thinking - maybe he could.
"I know," Din said softly, so only the little one could hear, "I'll tell her eventually. One day. Maybe."
The little one cooed excitedly as his father sighed lightly, "you really think I should, huh? Do you think-"
"Mando?" you poked your head back in and found your boys staring at each other, "how hungry are we? Starving or…?"
"Starving," he agreed, swallowing the nervous look in his throat, as the child nodded, "apparently both of us."
"Great," you beamed at them, "I'll let you both know when its done."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"Are you just tired or did you eat too much too fast?" you laughed at the sight of your small adopted son, clutching onto his spoon tightly as his eyes kept closing with the lull of sleep.
Reaching over, you took the spoon and set it down before pulling him into your arms. He tried his best to wrap his arms around your neck failing to do so, but nonetheless snuggling into your chest as sleep easily overcame him.
"I'm going to go and put him down," you whispered quietly to the Mandalorian as you walked out of the small kitchen, "stay here, Shiny. I have a surprise for you."
"Okay," Din's voice practically caught in its throat at your playful nickname. It all came with such ease as you walked away and he felt his cheeks burning up.
Instinctively, Din got up and started to clean up, gathering all the dishes up and putting leftovers away. He liked this - the pure and simple domesticity of it all, and sometimes wished it would never end. Maybe one day, if he fancied himself brave enough and ever made a move, this could be his everyday - your every day.
"I told you to stay," you teased when you walked back in and found him at work. He turned and faced you, offering you a smile you couldn't seem but definitely felt, "and that didn't mean work!"
"I was just…" you quickly pulled the bowls out of his hands and then gently nudged him towards the hull. Huffing in amusement, he easily complied and did as you asked, "now go and sit and I'll be right there."
Your Mandalorian went out and stared in amusement at the floor. Two large cushions were in the center of the room and a few candles had been light, casting a soft glow around the space. He looked around, confused as if this was some sort of joke before you rejoined him, a full tray of food in your arms.
"I-I had an idea and if I'm totally off the mark or whatever, tell me," you stammered, almost nervous now as you set it down the floor and plopped onto one of the cushions, "we always eat together - well the little one and I do and I thought maybe this way you could eat with us too. At least me right now. We'll sit back to back and you can take your helmet off and I swear on all the stars in all the galaxies I won't try and sneak a peek. What do you think, Mando?"
And then he stilled completely. Your words washed over him like a wave, causing a flurry of emotions he hadn’t experienced in...possibly ever. It was such a simple act, but so kind, so thoughtful. And it seemed like it was the easiest thing again. Unable to probably form words, as they kept getting caught in his throat, he nodded slightly before sinking down and sitting on the soft cushion, his back against yours. 
The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, soaking in the moment before Din finally moved again. Awkwardly clearing his throat, he reached his hand to the side, right next to where yours was resting. Inching yours closer, you hesitated for a moment before delicately placing your hand on top of his, noting the soft feel of his skin without the gloves before squeezing lightly. His thumb stroked the back of your hand before he almost whispered, “Din. My name is Din.”
“Din,” you repeated, instantly deciding you liked the name and that it suited him perfectly, “I love it. Do you have a last name Din? You already know mine, so I suppose it’s only fair! But I understand too, if you don’t want to tell me…”
“You’re right, sweet girl,” he chuckled lightly, trying not to completely lose his mind at how beautiful his name sounded coming off your lips. No one had spoken it since he was just a child; this was a big moment and the two of you both knew that, “Din. Din Djarin.”
“Din Djarin,” you repeated softly, letting it linger on your tongue and savoring the sweetness, “it’s nice to meet you Din Djarin.”
“Sweet girl,” he gave your hand a tight squeeze, curling his fingers around yours before linking them together, “I...thank you. It’s been...it’s been so long. I thought I might end up taking that to the grave without ever telling another soul.”
“You never have to hide anything from me,” you promised gently, “whatever you want to share with me - I’ll be here.”
“I know,” he whispered gently, a smile tugging on his features, “you...thank you.”
“There’s nothing to thank me for,” you insisted, meaning every word, “now go on and eat. I bet you’re starving.”
“Will you eat with me?” you nodded in response, knowing he could feel the gentle movement of your head against his. Swallowing the lump of emotion that had welled up in his throat, he let go of your hand and slowly reached up to remove his helmet. Pausing for a moment, he appreciated the gravitas of what he was doing, before slowly lifting the Beskar off of his head and setting it down next to the two of you with a dull clink. 
You grabbed a bowl of soup for yourself, followed by a spoon before nudging the tray over to him. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him reaching for it, and despite wanting to steal a glance, you kept your gaze trained straight ahead. You wouldn’t dare break his trust; especially not after he just shared such an intimate part of himself with you. If it was meant to happen, it would happen all in its own time. But for now, this was good, this was everything. 
Din held his bowl tightly, his body practically vibrating with warm, excited energy as he ate the soup you had made for your little clan of three. You rested against him, the warmth of his body spilling onto you as you laughed lightly.  
“Hmm?” he asked, unable to contain his own chuckle as he felt more relaxed and at peace than he had in a long time, “alright?”
“Yes,” you sighed contentedly, “everything's perfect. I like this - the quiet moments. The ones where we can let our guards down and not worry about anything. I hope...I hope we can have more of them.”
“Me too,” he agreed, putting down his own bowl as he rested his hand on yours again, “can I...do you promise not to look?”
“I would never dare to, without your permission.”
“Close your eyes sweet girl,” he whispered softly as you readily agreed and squeezed your eyes shut. He turned his head slightly, pulling away from you before leaning and pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. Your breath hitched in your throat as you realized what he had done, and it caused a shiver of delight to run up your whole body. He had kissed you!
“I hope that wasn’t out of turn...I-I’m sorry if it was,” he suddenly felt nervous as though he had done the completely wrong thing, but your gentle touch on his arm was enough to tell him it was okay. 
“No,” you insisted quickly, “I...I liked it. I’ve thought about that probably more than I should have. Do you trust me, Din?”
“Yes,” his voice was quiet as you made sure your eyes were tightly shut before turning around to face him, motioning for him to do the same. He was nervous for a moment, but he knew you better than to think you would betray his trust. He grinned from ear to ear as he looked at you, studying your face intently with his own eyes for the first time. Was it possible for you to be even more gorgeous? Because he was sure you were. 
Reaching up blindly, your hands easily found his face, and you let your fingers trace over his features, getting to know him, like it was the first time. In some ways, it really was. He keened into your delicate touch, and you just knew he was handsome; everything about him was. 
“Curls,” you ran a hand through his locks as you felt him nod, “let me guess - dark brown? Brown eyes?”
“Yes….how did you know?”
“I dunno,” you shrugged lightly, “I just know. May I..may I kiss you, Din Djarin?”
And so you did. You kissed him like it was the first and last time, but you hoped it was the first of many. So did he. 
When you slowly pulled back, he pressed his forehead against yours and sneaked one last kiss. 
“Come on,” you grinned against his lips, “eat now - before you starve to death!”
And it happened just like that. So easy. So effortless. 
So perfect. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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skellebonez · 3 years
Could you write 22 “Oh, you’re just grumpy” with Monkie King and a deage MK?
OOOOH coming back to this? Yeah, I am totally up for giving this another go! MK is having a not so great time, nothing warning worthy but I do HC him not being the healthiest kid. Mild spoilers for season 2 episodes 1 and 2.
Oh, you're just grumpy.
"Noooooooo!" MK shouted, stomping his foot on the ground in anger. "I'm not grumpy, I'm mad! You can't let them leave me behind! Take me back! I'm the Monkie Kid! I have to do this myself! I-"
"You are currently physically 4 years old with all the control over your powers of that age," Sun Wukong rebutted with a soft sigh, frowning and wincing at the high pitched angered scream in reaction he received at that. That was... not the best way to go about this... He needed a different tactic.
He knelt down to be at eye level with his now even younger protégé, holding out his hand. When MK stared at it he chanced putting it on his shoulder and continued when MK didn’t shrug it off or start yelling again. “Bud, MK, it’s ok. I know you’re frustrated. You have every right to be! But we just want to make sure you’re safe until we can get you back to normal.”
This was not the kind of trouble the Monkey King expected to happen immediately before... well, put a cork on that for now. But this wasn't the kind of trouble be expected to happen regardless of time frame. How in the world anyone managed to not only curse an object in this way but find a way to slip it on his student was anyone's guess. But the fact of the matter was that MK, the Monkie Kid himself, was now physically 4 years old. Mentally, he was still the same age he was before the curse, personality and memories still completely intact... for the most part, it became clear to them very quickly that being physically a kid again came with more than just a smaller body. It came with the mood swings and heightened emotions of “kid brain” as Mei called it, when MK immediately burst into tears at just the mention of being left behind so Mei and the others could go after the demon. And then he couldn’t figure out why he was crying, whether from frustration or worry or both or why he even started, which lead to more crying out of sheer confusion, which made everyone feel very bad.
They’d managed to calm him down long enough for the Monkey King get him on his cloud and bring him to Flower Fruit Mountain in case the demon attempted to go after him like this, but that was short lived once they actually made landfall.
"But I can do this!" MK continued, pouting and tears of frustration starting to peak at the corners of his eyes once again, albeit calmer frustration. "I-I beat the Spider Queen! I can handle one demon who had to slap a bracelet on me to make me a kid to beat me, even if I'm tiny! I can kick his butt!"
"I know you can, Bud," Wukong said evenly, offering him an understanding smile. "And normally I'd let you go in guns blazing and know you could handle everything no problem now! You've more than proven you can handle stuff even I couldn't. If you were just shrunk I wouldn’t dare think you couldn’t handle this." He reached out a hand, ruffling his hair far more gently that he normally would. But still rough, rough enough to let him know he wasn't going to just treat him like glass now. "But this is a bit different. Remember what I said when Macaque was having you use your full power?” MK scowled for a second before nodding. “Using your powers like this? Could hurt you. And I don’t want to see you get hurt like that. Heck, even I would have trouble controlling my powers and probably get hurt if I was turned into a little kid monkey man, and if this happened to me I would trust you if you told me to stay safe."
"... you would?" MK asked softly, and Wukong nodded. Maybe it was a... bit of a stretch of the truth. Sun Wukong would probably need some convincing too (Great Sage title leading to Great Misjudgement sometimes, the previously mentioned Spider Queen fight a key example), but that's just one more thing he and MK had in common.
"Course I would,” Wukong said, and given said convincing that was the truth. “I trust you, MK, and-AGH!" He may be the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, but nothing prepared him for the barreling rocket that was a 4 year old launching themselves at him to hug him with all the strength of... well, himself!
"I trust you too!" MK yelled right in his ear and oh if he thought his student had a loud yell before. But that only lasted for a second before he pulled back from the hug, body limp and head rested on his shoulder as the energy seemed to sap a bit from him as Wukong stood back up and he held him on his hip instead of setting him down when he saw the bright red rings around his eyes and how tired he seemed already... Tang had mentioned that he knew MK wasn’t exactly the healthiest as a child... "But... I feel bad not doing anything..."
"Then we can do something, that's an easy fix!" Wukong laughed, and his chest warmed as he was reminded of the few children he had helped take care of or play with while on the long journey centuries ago. He was a softie, really. "No training though, I am not going to body slam you when you come up to my knees."
This apparently was the magic joke to make, making MK devolve into a fit of giggles. A testament to how this cursed object affected him, he never would have giggled at that without it. Probably... MK had an odd sense of humor sometimes. But then again, so did he!
"Actually... I think I have just the thing for us to try."
All things considered, Wukong probably should have expected something like this. He did tell MK that he probably didn’t have much control over his powers. And that using his powers was a bad idea. And Tang did warn him he wasn’t a healthy child. The three together were a bad combo when his powers activated with MK’s unconscious reactions to certain things...
“How you feeling, Bud?” Wukong whispered softly, rubbing his back as he laid face down on his couch. He’d barely used his powers at all, just activated his true sight to find ingredients when they were cooking without even thinking about it, but that was enough to make the kid’s head feel like it was splitting open (in symptoms that sounded like a migraine, which... yeah, he felt really bad for him, and the jolt of worry and fear that shot through him surprised him less than he felt it should). “Still bad?”
There were a few of Wukong’s monkeys hanging out on the couch, one in particular was curled up next to MK’s head. Perhaps they were keeping him company while he wasn’t feeling well and nodded off in the process.
“I think I’m ok now,” MK answered, sitting back up and leaning into the Monkey King’s side (he seemed to seek out contact a lot more like this, letting Wukong carry him to the house, leaning on his shoulder when he showed him how to prepare the snacks they were making, now this... it made him wonder just how much physical affection he got as a kid). He looked leagues better than he had just 40 minutes ago, thankfully not nearly as exhausted as he had looked before he laid down. “Headache went away... I dunno, a while ago. But I didn’t wanna get up.”
“Completely understandable,” Wukong nodded in approval, glad that he’d gotten some form of rest. He needed it after everything he had been through. “You feel like getting up now, though? I made us some lunch... dinner... not desert food! Just like I promised.”
“Yeah!” MK exclaimed, immediately jumping off the couch and making his way to the kitchen like a rocket. “How about our snacks, how much longer do they have? Do you think we did ok? Do you think the others are gonna like em!?”
“They still have well over an hour of sitting in the fridge,” Wukong laughed, following him and watching him scramble to sit on one of the chairs at the table. “But I think we did a pretty good job of making annin tofu for the first time. They already look pretty darn delicious.” The almond jelly dish wasn’t as hard as he believed it would be, and using agar even he would be able to enjoy it... once he added some peaches on top, of course! “But that’s for later, for now what do you think of your meal?” MK looked up from his bowl, a spoonful of rice and vegetables already in his mouth. Wukong couldn’t help but laugh. “I think I’ll take that as a job well done.”
The two ate their respective lunches, rice and steamed vegetables for MK and rice and fruits for Wukong, talking about what dishes they could try making together in the future. Being a monkey Wukong had a very limited pallet for what he could (and would, given other circumstances) actually eat, so brainstorming workaround for that was a great way to pass the time before moving back to the couch. They played some, shockingly not Sun Wukong related, games that he had stashed away (and he was very offended by MK’s disbelief that he had media not related to himself in his house, totally offended). The game was one of those ones with a motion controller that you had to move around to play, and MK was having a blast with it.
The monkeys also seemed to be enjoying the show quite a lot.
Before the two knew it the sun had begun to set, MK’s grip on his controller starting to weaken as he sat down on the couch and attempted to keep his eyes open. Even with his rest earlier he was exhausted.
“Did anyone... tell you anything yet?” He asked softly, once again leaning into Wukong’s side with a yawn.
“Not yet,” Wukong admitted, looking at MK’s phone for the fourth time in he hour. “Not since they told me they found out where the demon went. But that probably means they’re focused on catching him! They’re gonna get the guy, I have a good feeling about it.”
“If you say so...” MK mumbled out, the controller slipping from his grasp as he closed his eyes.
“UH.. Bud? MK?” Wukong gently nudged his student, smiling softly when he realized that he’d just fallen asleep. “OK, that game clearly did it’s job a little too well.” He made to stand up, stopping short when something tugged on his clothing. MK had an iron grip on him, holding tight to his side and not looking like he was going to be letting go any time soon.
Well... Wukong didn’t have the heart to make him let go or chance waking him up to move him... so instead he took a hair and poofed up a blanket to lay over top of MK as he made himself comfortable on the side of the couch. It didn’t take long, and it took even less time for the monkeys around the house to curl up around and on top of the duo.
It was nice... Wukong didn’t want to admit it, but he was going to miss this. Not just when MK was changed back to his normal age, but when he had to... “go on vacation”.
He felt bad, lying to his student. His kid, now that he realized he couldn’t keep from admitting that to himself. But he trusted MK, genuinely trusted him in this regard, to keep everyone in the city safe while he was gone and he didn’t want the extra stress of knowing just what Wukong was really doing to weigh him down. He knew how much MK worried, seen how much anxiety he had after Macaque and the fight with the Spider Queen, how hard it would be to keep him from following him into places that were too dangerous for him to traverse without training they hadn’t completed yet.
He... really regretted not training him more in the beginning. Regretted it more than most things he had lately. Maybe if he had he could have explained things to him better. Known that if he did sneakily follow him he would at least be in much less danger.
He couldn’t let himself be too close after this. He’d have to go back to normal, aloof, jokey, “ah you’re fine cool beans good luck bud I believe in you!” Monkey King. For MK’s sake.
As he looked down at the sleeping child curled into his side he had to make himself believe it was for MK’s sake.
Why did that feel like it was a lie?
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let-the-dream-begin · 3 years
In My Daughter’s Eyes Chapter 34: Forever
Chapter 33
Read on AO3
IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: This fic is on a very long hiatus until further notice. Please see the AO3 link for more details. Much love❤️
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It was June third, the day after their eleven month anniversary. Claire couldn’t believe it; it was truly almost an entire year since that fateful Saturday at the stables. A year since their hearts and bodies had spoken what their voices dared not say.
He took her down port again, to a restaurant even more extravagant than the one they’d gone to the last time they were there. It was a glorious Saturday night, and Claire was blissfully happy.
Though something seemed off with Jamie.
His hand had done that tapping that he did when he was anxious the entire drive over, and it was his left, always his left, so she could not reach out and take it to soothe him.
“Why, you’re as nervous as you were on our first date,” she’d teased.
“Aye, well.” He’d forced a chuckle, winking at her. “It’s no’ every day ye celebrate nearly a year wi’ the woman ye love.”
She’d laughed, too, not really considering what an odd thing that was to say.
She also hadn’t considered how strange it was to go so all-out when it wasn’t actually a full year yet. She could truly only imagine how extravagant those plans would be.
And anyway…what was there to be nervous about? There wasn’t a single thing they hadn’t shared, a single thing they didn’t know about each other now. Holding his hand as they left the parking meter, strolling down the sidewalk to their reservation, his palm was as sweaty as it had been the night they’d first slept together.
Had he never eaten at this restaurant? Was he worried she wouldn’t like it?
Watching his hand jiggle at his side at a constant loop at the table, Claire put her menu down.
“Jamie. You’re shaking the whole table.”
“Christ, I’m sorry.” He stiffened, reigning himself in. “I didn’t even notice I was doing it.”
“Don’t be sorry,” she said gently. “I’m serious. What’s going on with you? You’re never so out of it when we go out.”
“Nothing’s going on,” he said, and she almost believed him. “I’m alright.”
“You’re about to cause an earthquake with that nervous tick of yours and you expect me to believe you’re alright?”
His lips quirked up in a sheepish grin, and for just a second she caught a glimpse of Jamie again, not the anxious mess she was at dinner with.
“Is something happening with your family? And you don’t want to ruin the evening by bringing it up now? Because I don’t give a damn about the evening. We can leave right now—”
Claire jumped a little, wincing at how tightly he squeezed her hand.
“Sorry,” he stammered.  “I’m mucking this all up.”
“Mucking what up?”
He sighed. “Nothing is wrong wi’ my family. Nothing at all is wrong. Everything is…perfect. My life hasna been this right since I was a bairn.”
Claire allowed a tiny smile, her eyes glimmering. “Okay,” she said softly, urging him to continue.
“That’s what has me feeling this way, I suppose. You are perfect. Our life is perfect. I suppose this big anniversary is just…I dinna ken. I think I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
“Jamie…” Claire shook her head. “There is no other shoe. I’m not going anywhere. Faith is not going anywhere. You’re stuck with us, darling.”
He sighed in relief, and Claire could not comprehend that he would ever think otherwise to the point where he would feel such relief.
“Even when I’m shaking tables and sweating through shirts?”
She giggled. “Yes. Even then.”
He kissed her hand. “Good.”
The rest of the dinner went off without a hitch, though there was still something underlying buzzing through Jamie. She couldn’t wait to get him alone and reassure him the only way she knew how. If he kept this up, she might not be able to wait until they got home. She’d have to find a long, empty dock and drag him to the edge and kiss him senseless anywhere he wanted. She couldn’t stand to see him like this, and she wouldn’t rest until she could see that he was absolutely sure that she was his and his alone.
They went to their usual ice cream place, and as they swapped cups and tasted each other’s, Jamie seemed to relax a little bit more, laughing, savoring the flavor like a little boy. That was one of the things she loved most about him. He took nothing for granted, not even the difference between his moose tracks ice cream and Claire’s mint chocolate chip, not even the pigeons and seagulls that watched them out of the corner of their eye the closer they got to the beach.
“I’ll unleash all my unholy power if they so much as peck this ice cream,” Claire said, eyeing a particularly nasty looking little bastard.
“Dinna fash, my lass,” Jamie said gallantly, raising his spoon like Excalibur. “No harm shall befall ye, or yer precious frozen treat. No’ so long as I’m wi’ ye.”
“My hero.” She batted her lashes at him, then craned her neck and puckered her lips, and he obliged her, kissing her soundly.
The farther along the beach they wandered, the less and less people they encountered, and Claire began scouting locations where they could tuck themselves away for even a few moments of privacy. She certainly couldn’t fully have him here, but a few sloppy kisses and heavy touches would do the trick. Her eyes flicked to a dock with a boat on the end, no people to be found on it. She gave him a mischievous look and began tugging him toward it.
“I ken that look well enough,” Jamie said, matching her mischief. “And I’ll no’ be giving in to ye.”
She stuck out her lip in her most convincing pout. “Why ever not?”
“I dinna trust ye no’ to get us arrested for public indecency. No’ with that gleam in yer eye.”
“I’ll be good! I promise.” She stopped tugging so she could press herself flush against him, arching her back just enough that her breasts were the first thing that came in contact with him. “Come on, love…I promise I’ll behave.”
She fully expected him to grab her hips, press his hardness into her with a growl, and accept defeat.
But instead, he just grinned. Not even a smirk, a full-faced grin.
“If ye can catch me, ye can have yer way wi’ me.”
And then before she could blink, Jamie was running, sprinting away from her, kicking up sand in his wake.
“You bastard!”
She hiked up her skirts and chased after him as fast as her bare feet could carry her in the sand. She lost track of how long she spent going after him, but he was not relenting, not letting her catch up. They were both laughing their heads off, whooping, Claire calling after him until her voice was hoarse. He finally stopped, appearing to not be exhausted in the slightest, and she slowed herself to a jog, chest heaving and burning.
“You absolute maniac,” she panted. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
She was laughing as she said it, and he laughed with her, reaching out his hand and taking it when she caught up. He kissed her hand.
“My legs feel like jell-o. You’d better be planning on carrying me back.”
“Aye, of course,” he said automatically. “But I want to show ye something first.”
She cocked a brow skeptically.
“Come on.”
He tugged on her hand, and out of sheer exhaustion, she allowed him to lead the way. They were walking right to a dock, and before Claire could exasperatedly complain that she’d been trying to do the same thing before he started that marathon, she realized.
There were candles lining every step of the boardwalk, a string of lights wrapped around each wooden post along the way. Across the top was a zigzag of more lights, held in place by thin metal poles attached to the wooden posts. She hadn’t seen it, even as she was running right toward it. She’d had her eyes locked on Jamie’s bright red hair all the while, desperate to catch up to him.
“What…what is all this…?” She was still out of breath, and on top of it her breath was gone for an entirely different reason.
He didn’t say anything, just kept his hand laced with hers and continued walking her down to the end of the pier.
“This is beautiful…is this always here…? I don’t understand…”
A familiar humming noise took her out of her dumbstruck admiration of the twinkling beauty, and she whipped her head around. “Jamie…what…?” Squinting, Claire could make out two figures at the opposite end of the pier, and a bouncing little thing in front of them.
Before she could process what was happening, she felt him take her other hand. She turned her head to question him, but was stunned into silence by the look on his face.
He was radiant.
The string of lights painted glowing streaks in his hair and twinkled in his eyes. And God, his eyes…they were bigger than she’d ever seen; she may very well have drowned in them if he didn’t start speaking.
“Claire, I…” His voice broke, and he cleared his throat. The hand that was grasping hers was trembling.
“You are…the most remarkable woman I’ve ever met,” he continued, holding her gaze and squeezing her hand tighter. “The first time I saw ye I was…blown away by how big yer heart was. The way ye looked at Faith, the way she smiled at ye…I knew. I knew ye were special. And I didna realize at the time, but ye’d already crawled into this hole in my heart that was made for you. Both of you.”
Claire’s eyes welled up with tears, and it very suddenly hit her exactly what was happening.
“I know the pain ye’ve seen, mo ghraidh, I know the fear and doubt that plagues ye. But I…” He cleared his throat again, and then lowered himself to the ground, on one knee.
A single tear escaped Claire’s eye, trickling down as her breath hitched in her throat.
“I will never, never stop trying to be worthy of ye, Claire. I swear to ye on my life that I will be a good husband, and…a good father. You deserve to be loved beyond measure. And I…I do, mo sorcha. I love you wi’ every ounce of my being.”
Claire was fully sobbing now, and his thumb rubbed over her knuckles as his other hand reached into his pocket.
“So will you, Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp, make me the luckiest man in the world?” He opened the box, revealing the beautiful sparkling ring within. “Will ye marry me, Sassenach?”
Claire could not speak. She nodded vigorously, more ridiculous sobs sputtering from her. Jamie’s strained, concentrated face erupted into the most glorious smile she had ever seen. He leapt to his feet and Claire threw her arms around his neck, and he encircled her waist, lifting her off the ground and spinning her. He exclaimed loudly in Gaelic, laughing joyously, and Claire sputtered her own laughter in between sobs.
He finally put her down, and Claire seized his face in her hands and pressed her lips to his, and he kissed her back passionately. When they pulled apart, Jamie was holding the ring, a small but beautiful rock set within it, and she allowed him to slip it on.
“Oh, love…” she croaked out, and he brought her hand to his lips and fervently kissed the ring.
Something suddenly collided with Claire’s legs, and she cried out a bit in shock. Jamie laughed again as Claire turned around and looked down to see Faith clinging to her legs. Looking up, she could now see that the figures in the distance were Gail and Joe.
“You…” She turned back to Jamie. “You had this all planned, didn’t you?”
Jamie just beamed at her, his eyes glistening with tears. Claire let out a joyous laugh and sank to her knees in front of Faith.
“Hello, lovie….” She wrapped her arms around her and squeezed tight, rocking her gently. “Oh, look at you…” Claire pulled back so she could see Faith, dressed in a beautiful little dress, blue and purple and frilly, white stockings and her perfect little white shoes. When she’d left her with Leina, she was still in her pajamas from the night before, and the plan had seemingly been to leave it that way.
“Look at us, hm?” Claire said, sniffling as she stroked Faith’s hair. “All dressed up? Mummy is going to be married, darling.” Claire’s voice broke, and she laughed through more tears. “See, Faith?” She held up her hand, and Faith immediately began fiddling with the rock. “This means I’m going to be a bride, baby.”
God…I can’t believe it.
A hand suddenly touched her shoulder, and she looked behind her to see that Jamie had crouched down beside her.
“I’ve, ehm, got something for her, too,” he said, his nervousness returning.
Claire’s heart felt fit to burst as her eyes landed on the pink velvet box in his hand.
“With yer permission, Claire…” Jamie took a deep, stuttering breath. “I’d like to ask yer daughter to let me be her father.”
Claire’s chin quivered again, her eyes immediately welling up. She nodded, swallowing thickly, and then fervently kissed Jamie’s cheek before standing up to allow him to proceed.
Jamie took a steadying breath before straightening himself out, getting up on his knee the way he’d just done before Claire.
“Hello, wean,” he said. She was fiddling with her skirt and twirling it back and forth, staring intently at its sparkles.
“Faith, a leannan, can ye look at my eyes?” He gently poked her chin with his finger, and she looked up, only to become enraptured by the string of lights above her head.
“D’ye like the lights, Faith?” Jamie flicked her chin with his middle finger, signing light. She giggled and snatched his hand in both of hers. “Ah, ye got me,” he teased, bringing her hands to his lips and kissing them. “I like the lights too, ye ken. Reminds me of our special day in our fairy den. D’ye remember?” She hummed a bit, freeing one of her hands from his grip to flap it, saying fairy
“Aye, that’s right. Very good, Faith.” He took her hand again in hopes of keeping her attention. “I had lots of fun that day, Faith. In fact, I have lots of fun whenever I’m with ye. Because ye’re a very special lass. D’ye ken that?”
She started fiddling with the wee hairs on his hands, giggling to herself.
“I asked yer Mummy a very important question, Faith. I asked her if she wanted to be my wife. And I gave her a special present to celebrate, a very pretty ring. D’ye like the ring?” She nodded absently, still twirling the little hairs. “Well, I’m glad to hear it. Because I’ve got a special present fer you, too.”
That got her attention. She whipped her head up and looked at him, humming and then opening her mouth with an excited groan. Jamie chuckled softly and held the box up to her. She stroked the velvet box with her hands before pressing her cheek into it, likely enjoying its softness.
“Lovely box, is it no’?” he teased, and then gently lifted her chin to pick her head up off the box. “Let’s look inside, aye?”
Before Faith could snatch the box again or get upset, he popped it open.
“See what I’ve got for ye? Look.” He let Faith take it in her hands. “It’s a crown, see? And look what it says. F-A-I-T-H.” He signed each letter to her as he said it. “Faith. That’s yer name, aye?” She hummed, biting her lip with her smile. “Princess Faith, it says.
“D’ye ken that I love ye, Faith?” His voice got tight, his eyes welling up. “I think I fell in love wi’ you just as quickly as I did yer mam.” He tucked a curl behind her ear. He kept his hand there, cupping her cheek, as he signed I love you with his free hand. “See, a leannan? I love you.”
Faith gave a high pitched, squealing giggle, bouncing as she returned the sign. Jamie uttered a breathy laugh, a single tear trickling down his cheek. He heard a tiny sob from above him, and wasn’t surprised to feel Claire’s hand grasp his shoulder.
“Good girl, Faith,” Jamie whispered, rubbing a circle on her cheek with his thumb. “It makes me verra happy that ye love me, too.” He signed happy, smiling widely. “Are ye happy, Faith?” She hummed, jiggling her hands and nodding. “Good, good lass.” He sniffled, blinking away more tears, reaching to his own shoulder to cover Claire’s hand in his.
“I promise to always love ye, and protect ye, and do right by ye, just as I will yer mam.” He gave Claire’s hand a squeeze. “Will ye be my wee princess, Faith?” He poked a finger at the necklace, his fingertip cooling at the touch of the metal. “Will ye let me be yer Da?” He spread his fingers, poking his thumb to his forehead.
Faith hummed and jiggled a bit, but Jamie held the sign patiently. After a few seconds, she giggled, and then copied him exactly, thumb on forehead. Fingers splayed.
Jamie laughed out loud, fit to burst with joy. He released Claire’s hand to wrap his arms around his wee girl, and Joe and Gail broke into applause. He felt Claire fall to her knees beside him, and his heart cracked open to hear her openly weeping. He folded her into his embrace as well, and she pressed her face into the crook of his neck, fisting his jacket in one hand, caressing Faith’s curls in the other.
“Oh, Jamie…” she blubbered against his skin. “I love you…”
“I love you, too, mo chridhe. Wi’ my whole heart.”
When the three of them finally released each other from their embrace, Jamie freed the necklace from the box and fastened it around Faith’s neck. She rubbed it between her fingers, pulled it up and rubbed it on her cheek, and jiggled it in her hands.
“It’s beautiful, Jamie,” Claire breathed against his neck.
“D’ye think she likes it?”
“She does.”
“D’ye think she…understands?”
They looked at Faith for a moment, grinning from ear to ear as she fiddled with her necklace.
“I think she does.” Claire pressed a kiss into the crook of his neck. “If nothing else, she knows that you love her, Jamie.” Claire met his eye and held up the sign, trembling lips curling into a smile. He repeated the sign, touching their fingers together as he’d often seen mother and daughter do, and their foreheads rested together. “And she loves you, too. She doesn’t say what she doesn’t mean.”
A tear slipped from Jamie’s eye and trickled down Claire’s nose, and they kissed one another sweetly, I love you’s still pressed together.
Gail and Joe suddenly got closer, calling Faith over to them. Jamie broke into a wide grin, watching from the corner of his eye; the last part of the plan was nearly complete.
“Go on, baby,” Gail said. “Go put them on, just like we practiced.”
Faith scampered back to them, bounding and skipping and squealing with glee. Jamie exchanged a look with Claire, who seemed utterly bewildered, and who somehow looked completely and utterly beautiful, even red and swollen from tears of joy.
Jamie ducked his head and allowed Faith to clumsily place the hat atop his head, and then watched as she plopped the one with the bow on Claire. Faith squealed again and jumped up and down, clapping her hands in triumph and then flapping relentlessly.
“What on Earth…?” Claire turned to look at Jamie, and then burst into laughter.
Faith had put Mickey Mouse ears on them both — well, Minnie Mouse for Claire if you accounted for the red bow.
“D’ye no’ find me rather dashing?” he teased, and Claire laughed all the harder. “Here. Look.”
Jamie removed the hat, and Claire did the same, then Jamie held them side by side. Claire exhaled with a breathy laugh, leaning her cheek into Jamie’s shoulder as she read the words that Jamie had had embroidered onto the backs, his and hers respectively:
I asked
I said yes!
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hajimeiwaswife · 3 years
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Word count: 4,2K
Wanings: angst (but fluff, too)
Summary: You weren't over the love Childe provided you, even when you were engaged to Albedo years later.
A blue, pink and mauve sky garnished the surroundings of the Stormbearer Mountains. The summery breeze, warm as the light of the bright sun, comforted those who walked along the path of fallen leaves, wild flowers and the smell of mint. A beautiful landscape presented itself for sore eyes to see.
A certain Alchemist was working on his new masterpiece, relaxing under the few rays of light that came with dusk, painting the one he considered the most beautiful person to ever put a foot on Teyvat. Mixing the colours of nature, he portraited on the sketch book the view he had of his fiancée and the scenery, all of it worthy of a cheesy romance novel and a fantasy book.
"How much time do you need?" Y/N asked in a tired tone, trying not to shift her position, "I'm getting crumps on my face from smiling."
The man didn't answer at the moment, considering for a brief time her question and filling a space on the page that still needed his attention. At last, he looked at her and smiled at the image he had the honour of witnessing. The girl, dressed in a summer white and blue dress, was slightly pouting at the lack of talking from his part. Her hair danced with the wind and he thanked Barbatos for letting him see her golden locks fly around her face.
"Just a little more, my love," he answered, his attention shifting back to the drawing in front of him.
"You said that an hour ago," the girl sighed, putting a smile again on her face so she didn't disrupt her lover from painting her, "I thought you wanted to go see Sucrose before the sun came down. Oh! And also, you promised Klee you'd visit her."
He hummed, immersed in the way her features took a hardened expression when she tried to remember something that needed to be done. Brows furrowed and fore finger on her right cheek, she looked at him in search of a comment from the Alchemist.
"Albedo! Are you listening to me?"
"You're so beautiful." mumbled the man, lost in her and the blush that was forming on her visage.
Shameless and, at the same time, honest and shy. That was Albedo, the one she was engaged to. Such an honourable and good man, someone who loved her as much as the Sea loved its waves, as much as the birds loved the Wind, as much as a Dwelling loved the warmth of the fire. He gave her his everything and from the bottom of his own person, and she was grateful for it.
"I'm sorry" he promptly said, coughing on his palm to hide the evident embarrassment he felt, "It wasn't my intention to make you uncomfortable."
At that, she couldn't help but laugh. He was such a beautiful person, always searching her comfort and well-being before anyone else's, always taking care of her and looking for her. A pure soul, she would venture to affirm.
"Don't be silly, sweetheart," Y/N chuckled, positioning once again for him to portray her, "you know I love it when you compliment me. Now, c'mon, finish before the sun falls."
"As you wish."
One more hour of dirtying their hands in paint and observing the marvellous dusk that came upon them, they left to visit Sucrose, who was willing to tell Albedo about her advances in the research they both were working on.
"That's impressive, Sucrose," Albedo praised the girl, reading the documents and correcting those things he found could be improved.
Y/N turned off the conversation, not really interested in the depths of the Alchemy. She respected what the husband to be and her friend did for a life and she couldn't be prouder, but that didn't mean she wanted to hear the endless conversations about properties a flower could have.
After saying goodbye to the little Alchemist, they both headed to say hello to little Klee, who was mad at them for coming so late, it was already her time for bed and, as she said, 'We can't go bomb fishing!', followed by a 'Do you not love Klee?' Reassuring the little bomb crazy kid was more draining than she could imagine, but she did it for Albedo, nonetheless.
The afternoon turned into the late hours of the night, lilac sky was now dark and adorned with stars. The Alchemist had intertwined his fingers with Y/N's, sighing in content, allowing himself to relax at the warmth of her hand and the serenity reigning in Mondstadt.
"Maybe we should head home, you seem exhausted," commented Albedo after watching his fiancée yawn for the third time in ten minutes.
"That would be great, actually." Y/N yawned again, gaining a quiet chuckle from the man next to her.
No one talked again, everything already said until the moment to bid goodnight when they laid in bed. Albedo, being the reserved man he was, kept himself in his side of the bed, not too confident to spoon his girl still.
The silence was only accompanied by Albedo's soft snores. Darkness decorated the walls of the room in the AM. The sense of being trapped growing inside Y/N as she thought of the implications of her new life. She was engaged to an incredible man, who told her how beautiful she was and how much he loved her every single day; who went with her on strolls and made her laugh; who could teach her more than she could ever imagine; who appreciated her as she was.
Still, she felt nothing. At all.
She liked Albedo, that was clear. Who wouldn't like Albedo? He was the perfect man. On more than one occasion, Y/N had Amber and Barbara drooling about how lucky she was to be with someone like him. She knew she was the luckiest girl in Teyvat, most women simped over Diluc or Albedo. But, at the same time, she only felt guilt for being with him without actually loving him.
Anxiety growing on her, she decided to stand up. She walked out of the room, being careful not to disrupt Albedo's sleep, and headed to the transport point, she needed to be away from any form of human activity, she felt like shouting and hitting the first thing she could see. Breathing becoming a very tedious task as she approached the device, opting to go to Mt. Aocang. If she was going to wake someone up, she preferred an Adeptus who wouldn't ask more than any nosy human.
The wind, colder than that afternoon, calmed her to the point her lungs could take the oxygen she had been trying to get for minutes. The orange leaves obscured by the night reminded her of the hair she used to love so much. The hair of that man she had once despised, then loved, and then lost.
He, who claimed to be brave enough to enter her heart, had been the one to take it and keep it even until those days. Y/N noticed how her breathing became irregular again, she was used to it, every time she thought about the Harbinger. That repulsive, irresponsible, dishonest, cunning, intelligent and breath-taking man she couldn't forget. How had she let it come so far?
Albedo gave her everything, yet her heart yearned Childe's love. How pathetic.
"Fuck you, Childe!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, not caring for the Adepti, not caring for those who could hear her cursing the Harbinger Tartaglia at 2 a.m. a Thursday night. "You ruined me, you motherfucker!"
So many fights, so many make outs, so much love making, so many nights under the stars trying to comprehend their feelings for the other. All of that for nothing. Like the bitter cold of Snezhnaya they froze, their hearts on their sleeves, light that came from the satellite above turned off.
"You know, sometimes I feel like you don't like me that much." she remembered him saying, his characteristic smirk on his face, "It's true we had our... abrasions, but girlie, c'mon, don't be so stiff."
She could clearly see in her mind how his hands came to her waist, grabbing her in a gentle but at the same time rough grip. A shivered down her spine, in the present and in the pass, and she was sure she would feel it in the future, too.
"How am I supposed to trust you, Harbinger?" she had said, crossing her arms after pulling away from him.
"Easy, trusting me."
And she did. She felt like a fool for allowing him to be so near, to had felt love from him, for loving him.
"Are you feeling okay? You look pale, my love," Albedo commented, a hand of his on the forehead of his lover, a worried expression on his face.
"Yes, Albedo, don't worry, I didn't sleep too well last night," Y/N reassured him, smiling slightly at her fiancé.
The Alchemist hummed, nodding to himself and returning to his work. The girl had returned to their room after a couple of hours in Mt. Aocang, praying for Albedo to not had noticed her absence. Apparently, he didn't. Had he noticed he would had already asked about it, or so she thought.
"I was thinking about visiting Liyue today, there are some materials there I need for my research," Albedo said after some minutes, looking at her, "I was wondering if you'd like to come."
Y/N's heart dropped. She had to say yes, how could she say no to Albedo? He wanted to spend time with her while still working, an effort she really appreciated. But, going to Liyue? What if he was there? Strolling those streets the two of them had travelled a thousand times.
But his gaze was still on her, waiting patiently for a reply. Doubtfully, she considered all her options: not going and upsetting Albedo; going and crossing him; going and being unable to continue due to the memories. No option was good, she had to choose between her fiancé's well-being and hers. 'He's made so any sacrifices for me'.
"I would love to, love."
Merchants selling, people buying, contracts being signed. That was Liyue in all its glory. Red, green and blue being the most recurrent colour themes on the walls, roofs and gardens, a gift to anyone who wanted to visit a paradise.
Albedo was buying some materials while Y/N stood next to him, not looking at anyone's face in case Childe decided to make one of his classic appearances. She grabbed Albedo's sleeve as a way to comfort herself, reassuring one time and one time again that she didn't have that much of bad luck to cross him in such a huge city.
She turned her head to look around at last, brave to see the stores and Liyue's people. Many of them knew who she was, having helped most of them at least in one occasion, great people with beautiful and peaceful lives. She had that now, at Albedo's side. But why did she feel like it wasn't what she wanted?
The red mask in one of the stalls froze her in her place, it looked identical to Childe's. She knew it wasn't his, of course, he was too involved in the Fatui and too wealthy to pledge his mask, but it made her remember him and one of the many memories she had with him in Liyue, again.
"Girlie, don't be like that" Childe exclaimed, smiling at her with bravado, "You don't have to feign you don't want that bracelet."
"I don't want it," repeated her for the third time, growing irritated.
"I have enough money to buy it for you, darling," the Harbinger insisted, taking her left hand in one of his and kissing her knuckles.
"How charming," she murmured ironically, rolling her eyes and pulling her hand out of his grasp.
"I know," he smirked, going after her, "and I also know how much you love when I act like a gentleman."
"How would you know that if you've never acted like one?" she snorted, watching his expression turn into an offended one.
"I'm a gentleman, you just can't appreciate my efforts to woo you," he replied with a pout.
"Aw, little Childe can't take a no for an answer," Y/N continued to tease him, smiling slightly at his spoiled brat's act.
"Very well, little lady, you're not having that bracelet," he stamped and turn away from her, walking without a real direction.
"Not that I wanted it!" she shouted at the distance.
Needless to say, she found the bracelet in her purse that night with a cheesy note that claimed 'To my favourite and stubborn traveller, with love, Childe'.
She still had it in her wrist, accompanying her wherever she went, reminding her of the stupid man that gifted it to her. Golden with Snezhnaya patterns, orange jewelry decorating the surface of the material. Albedo never said anything about it, never asked, and she was grateful for it, he knew to respect her space.
Her fiancé had just finished purchasing what he needed, looking at her with a loving gaze. She felt nothing, only appreciation, and she felt awful for not returning his feelings at their best, he deserved to be loved and spoiled. However, she missed him, she missed what they had.
The grey sky announced the storm that was coming, thunder and lightning appearing to give a performance of nature power. She had fought, walked, ran and danced in rain. She had danced, kissed and loved. But nothing of it with Albedo.
"Now a step to the left" instructed Childe, grabbing her waist with his left hand and her hand with his right one, "and now turn around... That's it! Perfect! You're a natural."
"Stop lying," she laughed, following what he was saying and dancing with him in a forgotten valley in some old ruins, "I can't dance for the love of Barbatos."
"I think you're really good, almost seductive," he purred, kissing her jaw and going down her neck, "seeing you move your hips like that just" an animalistic growl came from the back of his throat.
"Okay, calm down big guy, we're not fucking here."
The sound of thunder interrupted his reply, confusing them both for a moment. Suddenly, rain poured and soaked them wet. Y/N looked for somewhere they could go to shelter from the storm, but Childe just laughed and started making her dance again.
"What the hell are you doing, pee-brain!" she exclaimed, desperate.
"Dancing with you under the rain. Isn't it romantic?" he asked, smug as always.
"Romantic until we catch a hypothermia."
He didn't budge. Swaying them both with the dark landscape behind them, leaves flying around, wind aggressive. But nothing mattered as they looked at each other; love, affection and lust hidden in their souls, wanting nothing more than to indulge to the other and become one. How can anyone love this much? How can feelings root that deep? Childe was the only answer to those questions.
With nothing but a soft caress to her cheek, he smashed his lips on hers, kissing her while the rain accentuated the wet sounds. Everything with him was wild, but so addictive she couldn't help but coming undone, indulging to everything he asked silently from her. A kiss in the rain never felt so good.
"I'll be right back, I just need to drop this at Mingxing Jewelry," Albedo said, giving her a peck before leaving.
She stood there for a few moments, wondering what she could do white she waited for her lover. The rain was nearing Liyue Harbor, Albedo had told her he needed to do a couple of things more before going to the transport point to return home. She felt like throwing up, not a single spot in the city did not remind her of the love of her life, including their ugliest moments as a couple.
"How could you!?" Y/N screamed, feeling completely devastated and deceived.
"I had to! I'm sorry, okay?"
"No! It's not okay!" his indifference was breaking her heart, looking at him with disappointment, "Again! You did it again!"
"I was ordered to!" he shouted, his voice the same tone as hers, wrath in his eyes, "I have a job and you knew about it when you decided to fuck me!"
"What the hell, Childe!" she cried, "First of all, you nearly destroy Liyue! Again! Not only once but twice!" she was tired, everything was going down in front of her and she didn't want to watch it come to ruins, "And fuck you? You mean love you?"
"Love, sex, everything's the same, isn't it?" he replied, calmer and returning to his indifferent tone.
"W-what do you mean?" the fuming storm stopped to bring an eye of the hurricane, waiting patiently to unleash the tsunami over them.
"What you heard; I don't find a difference between the two concepts."
"You're lying," she murmured, unbelieving. How could he say that when an hour ago he was looking at her with so much love? Was it all an act? No, you can't feign feelings so deep.
"You're just too fool to see it, girlie," his smirk appeared, making her shake in fear, fear of losing what she cared about, "confusing terms and assuming things without asking."
"You're lying." she repeated, more to herself than for him to hear. He sighed, as if he was done with her.
"Think what you want. Now, there are people waiting for me. Until next time, girlie."
The shattering of her heart served up as the soundtrack of his departure. The leaves that had been once so vibrant and full of colour now danced around her in muted tones, mocking her. That was it, the end of their love. The palace the resembled their union fell into pieces, she needed to let go of him. The words he said cut deeper than a knife, made her feel cold. But how could she let go if she still loved him?
"So now you're with the Alchemist," a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts, making her turn to the source of it.
There he was. Orange hair and piercing blue eyes. His smirk wasn't present in the portray he displayed of himself, walking as the noble man he said he was. Her heart raced for the first time in years, asking her for indulgence, for permission to feel.
"Yes," was the first thing she said after some minutes processing what was happening. Childe was there, in front of her, "yes, I'm with Albedo."
"I see," he commented, uninterested. She thought that was all the interaction they would have, that he would go away again and leave her live her life, but she had to know better, "even if you can't forget me, you allow yourself to be with someone else?"
"What is it to you?" Y/N felt offended, who did he think he was to reprimand her in such a dirty way? He couldn't know she wasn't over him, could he?
"It's unfair for both of you. You see, love shouldn't feel like you owe something to someone just because they love you." Childe said, his gaze falling at the bracelet for a couple of seconds before looking at the landscape, "You're fooling him and yourself."
"And what would you know about love?" the question came in a bitter tone. She was angry, how dare he talk about love when he did her so wrong? When he hurt her so much?
"Touché." Childe gave her a sincere smile that reached his eyes, it was breath-taking. Y/N felt her stomach twirl and her heart jump at the sight of such a beautiful scenario, "Glad to see you well, Y/N. See ya!"
And like that, he left the place as if he hadn't turned her world around again. She missed him, she admitted to herself that she missed him. She missed his wild nature, his odd conversations, the mystery wrapping around him. She couldn't forgive him, but she couldn't live without him, either. That's the way she loved him.
Once Albedo returned from his errands, they both went to the transport point to return to Mondstadt. The way back was silent, but not a comfortable one as they always had, there was some tension lingering in between them. She wanted to attribute it to the tension she had been carrying since her encounter with Childe, but deep down she knew there was something else.
When they entered their house, they both changed into their sleeping garments without sharing a word, waiting for the other to be the first one to break the silence. Y/N didn't have it in her to be the brave one in the situation at hand, so, finally, Albedo spoke.
"I know you're not over him," he said, calmly, but there was jealousy in his tone.
She was surprised to hear him say those words. She never mentioned Childe before, less being in a relationship with him. She wanted to feel fear, the same one she felt when her argument with Childe broke them apart, but she felt nothing at all. Why? Why couldn't she be in love with a man life him?
"You know what I'm talking about, Y/N." Albedo sighed, sitting at the edge of their shared bed.
"B-but", she stuttered, searching for words, "H-how do you know...?"
"There were rumours... some years ago, about the 'traveller' being with one of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. It was during your time at Liyue."
She nodded, understanding, but really not understanding anything, "Did you believe them?"
"I can't say yes, but I can't say no, either." Albedo looked at her, he didn't look angry, and that made her feel a little bit better. "I just couldn't know if it was true or not because I wasn't there."
"I see." another moment of silence followed. She took a deep breath and looked at him in the eyes, "Why do you say that I'm not over him, though?"
"There are so many signs, you aren't the subtlest person, love." he chuckled, "The bracelet has Snezhnaya patterns and you haven't taken it out in all these years. I can only assume it was a present from Tartaglia."
Y/N nodded again, impressed with how observant Albedo was and with his deduction skills. She wished for the hundredth time that day that she would have fell in love with him and not with the Harbinger.
"I'm so sorry-" she began, but was quickly interrupted by her fiancé.
"Don't." he commanded, "That's not the only thing that gave you away."
"What do you mean?"
"Your late night trips."
'He knew' she thought, searching for any clues that could tell her when he had discovered it, but there were none. 'He has known all this time.'
"Why haven't you said anything?" she asked.
"I wanted to give you space," he began, "I must admit, however, that at first I thought you were cheating on me."
"I would never-" she was interrupted again, a kind gaze on his eyes.
"I know, I know. I realized when you came home smelling like grass and mint and not with the cologne of another man."
It was silent again, Y/N tried to find anything she could say to make him feel better, but she couldn't even understand himself. Why isn't she feeling her heart shattering? She knew why, but she didn't want to indulge in that feeling.
"I'm so sorry, Albedo. I really am."
"It's okay."
"No, it's not." those words sounded identical to the ones she had directed to Childe once upon a time.
"I am aware that you don't love me the way I love you."
"But it's okay, I can love both of us enough to fill that gap."
She was at a loss of words. Had she heard it right? What did he mean? Albedo was so calm, so ethereal, looking at her fondly even when he knew she didn't feel the same. He was going to marry a woman that didn't want him the same way she wanted her. And even though he was aware of that, he was smiling.
"Why?" she wondered out loud.
"Because that's how it works, that's the way I love you, until you can return my feelings."
The leaves that danced aggressively at the other side of the window stayed still, processing the scene going on in the room of the Alchemist and the Traveller. Their colour coming back to a vibrant one, giving her hope of being able to love again, to feel something.
Her love with Childe was like the Sun and the Moon, so in love they were crazy for each other, but impossible and unworkable. But, Albedo loved her like the Sea loved its waves, like the birds loved the Wind, like a Dwelling loved the warmth of the fire, and she was going to return it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but she would. And when she did, she would love him as much as the Leaves loved their trees, as much as the Lake loved the rain that floods it, as much as the Horizon loved dusk.
She bid goodbye to Childe that night, leaving the bracelet in the drawer in her nightstand. Adorning her hand only was the ring Albedo had gifted her.
"See you, Childe," she murmured at 2 a.m. before falling in her slumber.
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Lovers Leave | Bucky Barnes x reader
Requested by anon // Summary: Everyone you’ve ever loved leaves you with a broken heart. Was it something to do with you? Will you ever find true love? 
A/N: anon, thank you for requesting! I changed the request up a little, so it’s not exact to what you requested but I hope you enjoy and I hope I broke your heart lol. xx 
***TRIGGER WARNING: possible trigger warning; anxiety/panic attack, mentions of dying, depression and starvation; **** 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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Bucky sits across from you at the table and all you want to do right now is reach across the table and shake him. He’s just dropped a bomb of bad news; he wanted to break up but due to working together and having mutual friends, he’d like to remain friends with you and be civil about this break up.
“You want to be friends?” You ask in disbelief. You’d given a whole year to the man sitting across from you. Not to mention the year before that when he was only a crush.
“Yeah..” He sits up a little straighter and clears his throat, “I don’t want this to end on bad terms, y/n.” He reaches for your hand, “I still love you.. I always will. But this isn’t working for me right now.”
You pull your hand from his and stand, “This isn’t working for you right now?” You repeat back, venom laced in your voice, “This isn’t working for you right now?! What the hell Bucky! What kind of sick excuse is that! I’ll always love you, but oh it’s not working for me right now!”
He lets his shoulders slump from the words of your outburst, “y/n please..” He follows your movements and stands, “I don’t know what I want right now.”
“you haven’t known what you wanted for years. You left me wondering the past two years. Wondering if I was good enough. Wondering if today would be the day you’d leave me.” You laugh with a shake of your head, “And look here you are leaving me.”
Bucky reaches for you but you pull away from his grasp, “Y/n please.”
You hold your hand up, signaling him to stop talking, “Just.. just leave me alone, Bucky.” You rush out of the room and make it to yours just before you bursted into heartbreaking sobs.
It had only been a week later when you saw Bucky sneaking a girl out of the compound in the middle of the night. You’d been in the kitchen getting a glass of water when you heard their whispering and peeked around the corner to see him guiding her toward the door; her shoes in her hands. You knew living here in the compound being around Bucky wasn’t going to work.
You wondered if he’d been lying when he said he still loved you and always would. How could you mean that and only a week later of breaking things off be in bed with another woman? It only made the heartbreak hurt worse, if that was even possible.
“You’re leaving?”
You glanced over your shoulder at the sound of his voice in the doorway, “Yes.” You let your suitcase slam shut, “I can’t be here while you bring your new whores around.”
He had hoped you didn’t know about the numerous girls he’d brought home. He knew it’d been a bad idea; using random women to help him move on. It was stupid of him and he didn’t know why he was doing it. You were perfect for him, everything he’d ever wanted in a woman, yet there was a piece of him that knew deep down he wasn’t good enough for you.
Being the winter soldier broke him in ways you could never imagine and he wondered if that had something to do with his doubt of being good enough for you.
“Where will you go?” He steps into the room as you tug your suitcase off the bed and onto the floor with a thump.
“Somewhere far away from you.” You finally pull yourself to look at him, “One week. That’s how long it took for you to let another woman into your bed. All that I still love you and always will..” you take a step toward him, eyes narrowing, “ You can shove it up your ass, Bucky Barnes.”
**possible trigger warning ahead: panic attack/anxiety, talk of starvation, depression ** 
It had been a year since you’d left the compound. You found yourself a new start in a nice town where you’d met a wonderful man who’d you’d be marrying in only a few moments from now. Nat held your bouquet as you made your way into the venue. There at the entrance was Steve and Tony who quickly stopped talking as you entered. You could tell on their faces something was wrong.
“What’s wrong with you two?” you let out a nervous laugh and fixed your dress.
They exchanged a look.
“Someone tell me what the hell is going on.”
“He.. he’s not here.” Steve says softly.
“What do you mean he’s not here?” you glanced at Nat and then back at Steve and Tony, “We’re 45 minutes late.. What do you mean he isn’t here?”
Tony who’d took over as your mentor, put his hands on your arms in a calming matter, “He’s not coming..”
Your bottom lip trembled as you stared up at Tony. You wondered for a moment if this was life’s joke on you. Maybe Tony was messing around. He had to be messing around, right? “Tony..” You whimpered, “Please tell me..”
“He sent his brother and told us he wasn’t coming.. He didn’t want to do this with you anymore.” He wiped a tear off your cheek, “I’m so sorry..”
You let out a sob and the bouquet fell to your feet. He wasn’t coming. After months of planning this wedding, numerous I love you’s and forever promises, he sent his brother to tell someone that he wasn’t coming. He didn’t have the nerve to come to you directly and talk to you. It was the Bucky Barnes heart break all over again as you let the flood gates open. This couldn’t be happening again.
“I-I can’t breath.” You sob, pulling at the front of the dress. It felt like a box closing in on you, like you had no where to go. You’d lost Bucky. You recovered, found someone knew. Fell in love and now you’d lost another. What made it even worse was he’d left you at the alter on your wedding day and had been such a coward that he couldn’t tell you himself.
There were voices all around you and you felt overwhelmed; You tried to decipher who’s voice was who’s.
“Breath.. just breath..” Tony’s voice.
“You’re okay.” Nat’s voice.
“I’ll tell the guests.” Steve’s voice.
You stumbled back, “I.. I can’t..” You tried to focus on your breathing and get it back to a normal pace. You don’t know why, but Bucky crossed your mind and all you wanted was Bucky to be the one holding you, calming you down. How could you want someone who did you so wrong? Your mind was in overdrive and you couldn’t calm the multiple thoughts running through your mind.
You stumbled back again, but this time you fell to the ground as everything around you went black.
“She won’t eat.. she won’t drink. She won’t even talk to us.”
“We didn’t know what else to do. We’ve tried everything but she’s.. she’s just. She’s checked out.”
You could hear Nat and Tony speaking amongst each other at the door. You were curled in bed and had been for days. You couldn’t find the energy to eat or even talk. All you could do was sleep.
“She’s going to kill herself.” Tony whispered quietly, “If she doesn’t get something in her system soon.”
You were laying on your side facing the wall when a body appeared in front of you, moving a chair to sit in front of you. It wasn’t Tony or Nat. “Bucky.” You whispered softly, your voice cracking as tears pooled your eyes.
He gave a small smile and caressed your cheek with his knuckle, “Hi, Doll.”
Bucky sat at the edge of the bed and held the spoonful toward you, “Y/n, you need to eat a little something.”
“Why do you care?” You force yourself to sit up in bed.
“Because I care about if you die of starvation or not.” He pushes the spoon toward you again and you finally oblige.
“Hey there you go.” He chuckles softly, “See, it’s good right?”  
Tony and Nat didn’t know what else to do and their mind drifted to Bucky. They wondered and hoped seeing him would spark any kind of reaction. A reaction to pull you from the slump you’d been feeling. And after they called him, he’d shown up within the hour.
You watch as Bucky fixes another spoonful and whisper quietly, “Am I really that unlovable?”
Bucky’s eyes snap up to yours, “What?”
Tears prick your eyes, “Am I really that horrible that no one loves me? You left me, he left me at the altar. Everyone leaves me.”
Bucky’s heart broke at your words and he let his shoulders slightly slump, “You are not unlovable.” He sets the spoon back down on the plate, “It’s quite the opposite and has nothing to do with you and who you are.”
Your bottom lip trembled as he stared at you with soft eyes, “Then why? Why does everyone I love leave me?”
He cups your cheeks with his hands making you look directly at him, “Because no one is worthy of receiving everything you have to offer them. They aren’t worthy of all the love you can give them. Boys are stupid. I should know, I’m one of them.” He wipes a stray tear, “You deserve someone who is going to love you like you will love them.”
Bucky watched with a sad heart as you stood by the man who was more than worthy enough for your love. He’d never seen you as happy as you were in this moment. It was a smile he would never be able to give you and a smile he’d never seen when he was yours.
“Do you, y/n take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“yes, I do.” You smile, gently squeezing his hands.
“And do you, Steve Rogers, take y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
Steve’s heart leaps at the words. Wife. “I do.”
Bucky watched the two of you exchange those sappy and tearful vows. At one point, Steve reached over and wiped a tear from your cheek and you’d thought everyone would die at how touching the moment was. Bucky on the other hand had to look away.
“I now pronounce you, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rogers.” The priest smiles, “Steve, you may now kiss your bride.”
“Finally!” Steve cheers with a grin which earns a laugh from you and the guests.
Bucky stood as everyone else did, clapping for the happy couple. You were happy and that is all that mattered to him. Even if it meant he wasn’t the reason for your happiness anymore.
All my works tag list: @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep​ , @obxrafejjwhore​ , @abbiesthings​ , @itstaskeen​ , @reniescarlett​
Marvel tag list: @hommoturttle​ , @iheartsebastianstan , @5jacobm5​ , @lovely-geek​ , @fangirl-swagg​ , @1-800-thanos​ , @jessyballet​
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I wrote a little ironfalcon & sarahbucky fic! Thank you to @warmachinesocks for sensitivity reading it for me, I really appreciate the help!
This fic is also on ao3 but tumblr hates links so no links for you
The first thing Bucky sees when he walks through the door of Sarah’s house—Sarah’s house! He gets to stay with Sarah!—is Tony Stark washing the dishes. He stops in the doorway, not sure why he’s so surprised to see Stark there—he’d known that Stark had retired somewhere quiet after the battle with Thanos—but he definitely is. He hesitates, not sure if he can—or should—say something. Sure, he and Tony had talked things out after the battle, cleared the air between them, but he’d assumed that was based on them never having to see each other again.
“It’s rude to lurk in doorways,” Tony says, before he can think of anything to say.
“Uh,” Bucky says intelligently. Then, “What are you doing here?” He winces. His ma would absolutely have something to say about how rude he’s being if she could hear him.
Fortunately, Tony just chuckles and says, “I live here. What are you doing here, Freezer Pop?”
“You live here?” Bucky asks.
“Yes,” Sam says from behind him, startling him enough that he jumps. “Now get out of the way, Barnes. You’re blocking the door.”
Bucky steps inside, clutching his overnight bag in front of him like the shield he hadn’t thought he would need. Sarah and the boys are right behind Sam, and Bucky gives her a shy smile. She smiles back at him before ducking her head, and now that she’s turned away, Bucky looks back at Sam, who has made a beeline straight for Tony.
“Hey sweetheart,” Sam says in the softest voice Bucky has ever heard from him.
Tony leans over to kiss Sam’s cheek. “Hey, honey. How’s the boat?”
“Looking good,” Sarah says. “No thanks to you.” Bucky starts to get a little worried, but Sarah is grinning as she says it and Tony’s expression is one of mock outrage so he relaxes again.
“Excuse you,” Tony says in a faux-offended voice, “I was busy for five years.”
“Yeah, taking care of my boys and being an Avenger, so you’ve said many times. But what, you forgot about my poor boat?”
“Hey, I did offer to help pay for the repairs.”
Sarah’s face softens and she walks over to rub Tony’s metal shoulder, uncovered by the sleeveless shirt he’s wearing. “And that was sweet of you,” she says. “But I could told you I could—”
“—take care of it,” Tony finishes. “Yeah, you said.”
Sam rejoins Bucky by the door and tugs his bag from Bucky’s limp hand. “Come on,” he says, jerking his head toward the living room. “They’re gonna be at it for a while. I’ll show you where you can put your stuff.”
As they’re heading into the living room, Bucky quietly asks, “So how long have you and Stark—”
“Don’t let him hear you call him that,” Sam interrupts. “Just call him Tony, he hates Stark or Mr. Stark or anything else like that. And since 2005. We met working on the EXO-7 project. He was my technician. Got married right after he came back from Afghanistan.”
He remembers Steve telling him about Sam taking the plea deal after the Avengers split. Steve hadn’t been able to understand it, but he thinks about how they’d all understood Clint and Scott taking the same deal for their families and wonders if it was something like that.
“And how did you handle the—uh—”
Sam gives him a flat look. “With a lot of communication and a little bit of make-up sex,” he says. “When you’ve been together as long as we have, that’s something you learn.”
“What, that make-up sex helps?”
“That communication is important. And trust me, it can feel like pulling teeth, trying to get Tony to talk, but it’s worth it.” He plops down on the couch and motions for Bucky to sit down next to him, waiting until Bucky does before he continues, “Speaking of communication, a couple things about Sarah since you’re clearly going to ignore the Bro Code.”
“The Bro Code?”
“Yeah, don’t date sisters of friends, that kind of thing.”
“I don’t think that was a thing in the forties.”
“I’m pretty sure it was.”
“No, I think I’d remember that.”
“Steve didn’t have a sister, why would you remember that? Besides, your memory is as good as swiss cheese, and don’t think I missed you not arguing with me about that friend thing. Anyway, the Bro Code, since you’re ignoring it—”
From where they’re sitting, Bucky can see Sarah in the kitchen, putting away leftovers that someone had brought them while they’d been working. She looks real pretty with the evening sunlight lighting her from behind, making her glow like an angel. Bucky smiles a little, thinking about the way she’d laughed at his horrible jokes.
“Seriously man,” Sam interrupts. “Smitten-with-a-capital-s. Now look, Sarah’s had it rough these last few months. Blipped just like you and me, only she had to come back to a rundown boat and her boys all grown up. Tony did what he could around here, but he was grieving too and he had the duties of being an Avenger on top of taking care of AJ and Cass. He forgot about taking care of the boat and Sarah’s paying for it now. She’s been hurt a lot, so if your intention is something quick and then leaving her just like her husband, it’s not just me you’ll have to answer to. It’s Tony too, and the whole town on top of us. We look out for each other around this area.”
“Yeah, I got that today when the whole town showed up to help out.”
Sam grins and shakes his head, seemingly awed that he and Sarah would inspire enough loyalty for people to come help them. Bucky doesn’t get it. Both Wilson siblings are absolutely incredible. Hell, only a few weeks ago, he himself thought he’d be happy if he never had to deal with Sam ever again and now he’s staying at the man’s family home.
“My point is—” Sam begins.
“Samuel Thomas Wilson, I know you’re not giving that man a shovel talk,” Sarah interjects, coming into the living room, drying her hands on a dish towel. “You’re gonna scare him off, same as you did to all my boyfriends back in high school.”
Sam holds his hands up. “I’m just making sure he knows to treat you right.”
“Believe me, the poor man knows. Besides, I don’t need you to do that. I’m more than capable of making sure he treats me right all by myself.”
Bucky thinks about what that might mean and shivers pleasurably.
“Look at him, you broke the poor guy’s brain,” Tony complains. “AJ and Cass Wilson, can the two of you set the table?”
“Aww Uncle Tony, do we have to?” AJ complains.
“Hmm, how about you set the table or I’ll sell all your toys.”
“You wouldn’t do that,” AJ says, but gets up anyway and joins his brother in the kitchen.
“I might if you keep challenging me,” Tony shoots back, but there’s no heat to his voice and AJ is still grinning as he grabs plates out of the cupboard so Bucky turns back to Sam and Sarah, who have gotten quieter now that they’ve got an audience beyond just him.
“—want to see you taken care of the way you should be,” Sam is saying.
Sarah’s face softens. “Thanks. I don’t need it—”
“—but you should be anyway. After all you’ve done for our family, you deserve it.”
They both glance at Bucky, who smiles quickly to try to assure them that he’s a great option for Sarah. He’d heard some of the things the townspeople were saying about her while they were working on the boat today: she’s an impressive woman and all he wants to do right now is to prove that he’s worthy of her.
“Well,” Sam says eventually. “I guess there are worse people you could go for.”
“Gee, thanks, Sam,” Bucky says flatly.
“No problem, man.” He looks back at Sarah. “Fine, I’ll lay off of him. But the first time he hurts you—”
“—you’ll let me handle it like the grown-up I am?” Sarah finishes firmly, hands on her hips. She seems to decide that the conversation is clearly over because she heads back into the kitchen, swatting Tony away from the sauce on the stovetop with a wooden spoon.
Sam deflates. “Yeah, okay,” he calls after her. “I’ll let you handle it.”
“Hey, I get it,” Bucky offers quietly. “I had sisters too and they hated it when I got involved with their relationships.”
“She deserves the best. And I really hope that you can be the one to give it to her. I saw how she looked at you. I haven’t seen her look like that since high school.” There’s a pensive look in his eyes, his hands clasped together in front of him. “I didn’t realize how much I missed seeing that look.”
“I like her too,” Bucky tries to assure him. “I don’t want to hurt her.” He hesitates, then adds, “I don’t want to hurt anyone. Except maybe Walker.”
Sam laughs. “You and me both.”
“I’ll toast to that,” Tony says cheerfully, coming back into the living room. “Sarah says it’s dinner time.”
Dinner is a loud affair, full of the boys talking about what they’ve been up to with their friends, Sam and Sarah bickering about repairs that need to happen on the boat, Tony and Bucky comparing their prosthetics (Tony’s arm is Stark Tech and he’s curious about how it compares to Bucky’s Wakandan one), and Sam, Tony, and Bucky discussing what’s going to happen with Walker now that the shield’s been taken away from him.
“I don’t think this is over,” Tony says, and Bucky agrees with him, remembering how much more determined Steve had gotten every time an opportunity had been taken away from him, but Sam is less sure.
“He’s grieving. I don’t think he’s in any state to be trying to take the shield back,” Sam argues.
“Grieving men can be unpredictable. You said he didn’t catch Karli, that’s got to be weighing on him,” Tony replies. He eyes the shield in its leather case, leaning up against the wall. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt because he decides the shield is still his. Him with that serum, it concerns me. You don’t have that kind of advantage.”
“I don’t want that kind of advantage,” Sam says, surprising Bucky. He’d known Sam is leery of the serum, not nearly as bad as Zemo but still uncomfortable with it. Tony doesn’t seem surprised though, just nods understandably.
“I know,” he agrees. “But I still worry.”
Bucky interjects, “Hopefully the suit the Wakandans made will help even the playing field some.”
Tony blinks.
“You got a new suit?” Sarah asks.
“And I didn’t make it?” Tony asks.
“I haven’t seen it yet,” Sam says, “but yes. Bucky asked for a favor after Walker destroyed the old one.”
“Hmph,” Tony says grumpily, softening only when Sam leans over to kiss his cheek. “Well, I guess I can’t blame you. Shuri’s tech is incredible. The things that girl can do with vibranium… blows that shield out of the water.”
“Is she still refusing to let you take a look at T’Challa’s suit?”
“They’re very protective of it,” Bucky says.
“And I don’t blame them,” Tony says quickly. “It would just be nice.” He glances at Sam pleadingly, who laughs.
“I’m not gonna let you take a look at it either.”
Tony grumbles wordlessly, but doesn’t complain any further, instead turning to Sarah to ask her about something with the boat. Bucky eagerly joins in, interested in hearing more about Sarah’s life. It’s so different from his, even before the war. He wants to learn everything he can, both about the boat and about her.
By the time dinner is over, he’s stuffed, something that rarely happens. The serum means he has a higher metabolism than the average person, which also means that he’s typically hungrier, and when he’d been with HYDRA, they hadn’t worried about making sure their Asset was well-fed. He offers to help the boys clear the dishes, hoping that will impress Sarah. She smiles at him, but heads out to the porch. The sun is setting over the bayou, and Bucky can just barely make her out through the glare from the sun.
He watches her a little wistfully until Tony comes up beside him and passes him two glasses of sweet tea. “What’s this for?” he asks.
Tony jerks his head toward the door. “She likes to watch the fireflies.”
Sam passes him with an armful of plates on his way to the dishwasher. “Better make sure you grab some bug spray. The mosquitoes are vicious at this time of day.”
“I heal fast,” he says confusedly.
“But it’ll show you’re thinking of her,” Sam says as Tony grabs a can from under the sink and slaps it into Bucky’s empty hand. “Go on, we’ve got this.”
“You’re sure?”
Sam and Tony share a wordless glance. Bucky can’t quite tell what they’re thinking. “Yeah,” Sam says after a moment. “Really, man, get out there.”
So Bucky gets.
Sarah glances up at him when he steps out onto the porch, smiles, and then moves aside on the swing for him to join her. “Let me guess, Tony told you to come out,” she says dryly.
“How’d you know?”
“He likes to think of himself as a matchmaker.”
Bucky hesitates in passing her one of the glasses. “Is that a problem?”
She takes the glass out of his hand, deliberately brushing her fingers against his. “Only if you think it is.”
In answer, Bucky hands her the bug spray too. Her smile broadens.
“Thanks,” she says. “You ever watched fireflies before?”
He shakes his head. “We didn’t have them in New York.”
“That’s a shame. They’re one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.”
They’re silent for a moment, both sipping from their glasses. Then Sarah says, “You can put your arm around me, you know.”
Bucky glances at her quickly and then slowly puts his arm around her shoulders. She leans into him, warm and perfect and slotting just right beside him. It’s nice, he thinks, and he leans his head on top of hers. She makes a pleased sound and snuggles just a little bit closer. He lets out a long sigh, feeling the tension drain out of him as the first few fireflies twinkle in the gathering dusk.
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jungshookz · 4 years
the one with the one year anniversary; roommate!taehyungiverse
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➺ pairing; kim taehyung x reader
➺ genre; roommate!taehyungiverse; i don’t want to spoil anything so i’ll just say this is totally sfw!!! 
➺ wordcount: 4.6k
➺ what to expect; “well, um, look! i made breakfast for you. f-for us!”
➺ note; i’m a couple of days late but happy one year anniversary to stuck with you!!! this is the ONE day a year that no one is allowed to bully roomie!tae even though we’ve all made it clear to him that he’s a stinky loser and we hate him <3 happy reading! 
                                      »»————- ♡ ————-««
making fresh orange juice has got to be one of the top ten Most Difficult Things tae has ever had to do in his entire life
so far he’s spent the entire morning slicing and squeezing and slicing and squeezing and aLL that he’s gotten from like eight oranges is literally half a glass of juice
half a glass!!!!
from eight oranges!!!!
isn’t that ridiculous?? 
and not to mention, it’s so hard scooping all of the seeds out of the juice!!
they always swim away from his spoon >:-(
at one point he was tempted to just shove his hand into the jug and dig them out with his fingers but then he realised that you might not like hand flavoured orange juice
also now his fingers are all gross and tacky and he’s pretty sure his hands are going to reek of orange for the next week or so
but that’s not the point
what was he talking about again?
…oh, right!!
and how he’s going to have to present a SAD little glass of orange juice to you  
but hopefully you’ll like everything else that he prepared for you this morning!!!
the reason why he got up early was because today is a VERY special day
he’s been preparing for this day for like two whole weeks
and he nevER prepares for anything for two whole weeks so obviously today must mean a lot to him
…it’s your guys’ one year anniversary!!!
one whole year with you :’) and he’s looking forward to spending manY more years with you :’) 
but he feels like the one year mark is extra special because it shows that if you guys could get through one year together, it means you can get through anything together!! 
it’s insane because he never thought he’d last this long in a relationship
well, he never thought he’d actually be in a serious relationship 
but here he is! 
in a very serious relationship and currently loving it 
and you’ve taught him so much!! 
he feels like he’s really grown as a person and it’s really all thanks to you... 
not to be cheesy or anything (it’s his one year anniversary, he’s allowed to be a little cheesy) but he wouldn’t know where he’d be without you 
like after your first real argument he thought that it meant you guys were automatically broken up (you walked in on him packing his clothes up into a suitcase) but then the two of you ended up having a (surprisingly mature) forty minute conversation about how arguments can be normal in a relationship and of couRSE we’re not breaking up you idiot-
he never thought he’d be the type of person to be into cuddling but now he can’t go to bed properly without you snuggled up to his chest
he used to think hand-holding was unnecessary but now he can’t walk next to you without reaching down and sliding his fingers in between yours 
grocery shopping used to be so mundane but now sundays are his favourite day of the week because he loves going grocery shopping with you!! 
it makes him feel so soft and domestic and he nEVER thought anything would make him feel soft and domestic!!!
and he definitely never thought he’d be the type of boyfriend to wake up early to make breakfast for his significant other but here he is!!! making a heart shape on the toast using strawberry jam!!! (he asked for a couple of tips from namjoon)
“tae! have you seen my glasses??”
taehyung perks up immediately when he hears you stumbling around the living room and he sets the jar of jam down before hurrying out of the kitchen to help you
the last time you lost your glasses you ended up tripping over the rug which resulted in a badly bruised knee :-( 
and you guys haven’t gone grocery shopping yet so there are no bags of frozen peas that he can use to ice your injuries this time 
“yeah-” taehyung purses his lips, “try checking the top of your head, moron.”
you stop flipping the couch pillows over to pat the top of your head and a sheepish smile appears on your face, “right! i knew that.”
“also, what are you all dressed up for??” tae raises a brow when he notices that you’re noT wearing your pjs and your hair doesn’t look like an actual bird’s nest, “i didn’t know we were dressing up. should i change out of my pyjamas??”
“what are you talking about?” you snort as you pull your glasses down from your head and onto your face, “i’m going out!”
sorry you’re whAT
“…” tae opens his mouth to say something but he doesn’t get the chanCe to before you’re whizzing past him and into the kitchen
“didn’t i tell you this?” you ask as you bend down to open up the fridge to grab a bottle of icy cold water, “i’m pretty sure i told you this.”
“you- well, maybe you did, but i guess i… forgot…?” tae trails off before reaching up to scratch the back of his neck
are you for real??
he can’t tell if you’re being serious or not
did you... forget about your guys’ anniversary???
out of the two of you, he thought that he’D be the one most likely to forget the anniversary so this is a huge surprise
he doesn’t want to just come out and sAy it’s your guys’ anniversary because he doesn’t want to make you feel bad for forgetting about it…
what if he just… suggested it?
a light nudge?
“well, um, look! i made breakfast for you. f-for us!” taehyung clears his throat as he gestures towards the generous spread he’s prepared for you guys on the kitchen counter
“hey, look at that!” you smile before giving him a couple of hearty pats on the shoulder, “you made breakfast all by yourself aND you didn’t burn down the apartment in the process! proud of you, bud.”
taehyung’s shoulders droop and he raises a brow, “ha-ha, very funny. check it out!!! look at the toast!!!!”
“mhm…” you hum absentmindedly as you scroll through your phone, “i’m looking…”
taehyung presses his lips together and lets out a a breath through his nose
he… doesn’t know how exactly to handle this
he’s never had to remind someone of an anniversary before!! 
he’s going rogue here!! 
and also you’re starting to irritate him a little bit which isn’t a super great start to what was suPPosed to be a special day
how could you forget?!!?
“oh! namjoon’s almost at the restaurant, so i have to go now if i want to make it there on time,” you lean over to give tae a quick kiss on the cheek, “but you go ahead and enjoy your breakfast, hm? i’ll see you when i come back.”
taehyung doesn’t even get the chance to say anything before you’re rushing out of the kitchen
and a second later he hears the slam of the front door
and then it becomes quiet
and it’s just him all alone in the apartment
on the one year anniversary of his very first real relationship
tae lets out a little sigh as he leans down on the counter before propping his chin up on his palm
he picks up his fork before poking at the almost-burnt strips of bacon on his plate 
looks like he’ll be eating alone this morning
“oh my god. you should’ve seen his face!!!!!” you cackle as you clap your hands together like a maniac, “he was like- he looked like- aH i can’t even describe it!!! it was gold. it was gold!!!!” you giggle before leaning back against your chair
“on a scale of 1-10, how good of an idea do you think it was to prank your boyfriend into thinking that you forgot your anniversary?” namjoon shakes his head slowly before taking a sip of his latte 
“oh, a 10!” you flick your wrist, “a big, fat 10-”
“what is the maTTER with you-?!”
namjoon wasn’t a fan of this idea from the start but, to be honest, namjoon isn’t a fan of pranks in general
back when you guys were still living together you always liked to pull little pranks on him every now and again just to keep him on his toes 
like one time you put one of those fake plastic cockroaches in the fridge just to give namjoon a little spOok but he ended up dumping everything out AND bleaching the fridge from the bottom to the top AND he even sat you down for a twenty minute lecture focusing on why pranks are a form of terrorism 
(it’s pretty safe to say that namjoon sucks all the fun out of pranks.) 
so when you brought up the fact that you were planning to pretend to forget about your one year anniversary with taehyung, you weren’t surprised that namjoon’s initial reaction was literally just NO
you thought it’d be hilarious!!!! 
and for the record, it totally was
you wish you’d taken a picture of his face because for a split second taehyung looked like the 👁👄👁emoji 
…you will say that you feel a teeny weeny bit bad that he got up extra early just to make breakfast for the two of you and that you ended up blowing him off for brunch with namjoon
and you also feel bad because when he got up this morning you felt him give you a little kiss on the cheek before wishing you a happy anniversary, baby
and you feel extra bad knowing that the absolute love of your life has been alone in the apartment for the past three and a half hours stewing in his own sadness while you’re over here applauding yourself for your oscar-worthy acting skills
and you feel extra EXTRA bad now that you’ve realised this is taehyung’s first real relationship which means you might’ve just tainted what could’ve been a beautiful memory of a real one year anniversary
oh boy.
your chuckles begin to die down when you feel the guilt starting to weigh down on your shoulders
and suddenly it hits you that this prank… might not have been a super great idea…
you... are in danger. 
you clear your throat quietly as you shift uncomfortably in your seat, “…yeah, so i should probably…”
“go?” namjoon raises a brow before nodding towards the door, “yeah, i thought so. i’ll pay, and you go and try to salvage your relationship-“
“oh my god, i’m an IDIOT-“ you immediately get up from your seat before turning to grab your jacket off the back of the chair, “how could you let me do this to him???”
“wha- i said MANY times that this wouldn’t be a good idea-!!” namjoon gawks, “i told you so many times!!!!!! this is not my fault!!!! do not pin your horrible idea on me!!!”
by the time you get back to the apartment it’s nearing four o’clock which means that you basically wasted the entire day pulling off this stupid prank and that you only have like eight hours left until your one year anniversary with tae is over
you thought it’d be funny!!!!!!
you know, like, ‘haha you used to be mean to me so now i’m being mean to YOU’ funny!!!!
and then you’d go back and be like lol loser you just got PRANKED!! and everyone would laugh and have a good time and no one would be sad because pranks are supposed to be funny
but this prank is the equivalent of him pulling your ponytail and in retaliation you whip out a flamethrower and ROAST him on the spot
you spent the entire bus ride back rehearsing your ‘i’m so sorry i’m an awful girlfriend but also happy anniversary pal!!!’ speech but unfortunately it’s a little all over the place and you don’t exactly have the time to sit down and write out flash cards for yourself
so you’re just going to have to go in there and wing it!
and winging it isn’t exactly one of your strongest skills
you joined an improv club during your first year of uni (you were desperate to make friends so you pretty much signed yourself up for everything) and ended up getting kicked out because you kept on insisting that they give you the prompts the night before so that you could be prepared
so yeah!
it’s time to dust off those fabulous improv skills!
“-if it makes you feel any better, i feel awful…” you mumble to yourself as you jam the key into the lock, “and to make up for this, i’ll take care of garbage duty for a month… no, i’ll take care of aLL the chores for two months…”
the moment you step into the apartment, you immediately feel your hands starting to get clammy
you suck at improv!!!!
and why is it so quiet right now???
tae’s usually here in the living room playing his video games when you come back from class around this time...
and he always rushes to the door to greet you with hugs and kisses and he always tells you how much he missed you!!!
but no one’s on the couch
the tv is turned off
and all that you can hear is the faint whirring of the air conditioner
“taehyung?” you call out hesitantly and you shut the door behind you as quietly as you possibly can
“in my room…”
he doesn’t sound super upset
maybe… maybe he got over it!
maybe you’re in the clear and you’re not actually a horrible girlfriend
what’s the plan again?
1. say sorry for bailing on breakfast
2. say sorry for pretending to forget about your guys’  very special one year anniversary and try to explain to him that it was supposed to be funny but you realised (a little too late) that it was actually kind of a mean thing to do
3. say happy anniversary + give him his card and his present
4. hope he accepts your apology???
5. kiss him?? or something?? that might help
6. eggs
okay well now you’re just mixing your plan up with your grocery list so that’s not helpful whatsoever 
you give his bedroom door three slow knocks before cracking it open just a little and poking your head in cautiously, “may i… come in?”
“mm.” taehyung hums absentmindedly as he continues to scroll through his phone
you step into the room and shut the door behind you before standing there for a couple of seconds
“how was brunch?” taehyung looks up at you for a brief second before adjusting the pillow on his lap
“brunch! oh. brunch was… brunch was good. it was fine.” you clear your throat and reach up to scratch the back of your neck, “yeah. i had, like, a deconstructed burrito thing. i mean, it was basically a taco, so…”
“sounds good. what did namjoon have?”
“oatmeal and berries.”
“ah. of course he did.”
you chew on the inside of your cheek anxiously as you remain standing right by the door
one thing that you obviously forgot to plan was how exactly you were going to approach this apology
taehyung’s made it pretty clear that the ball is sitting in your court but you feel like you’re trying to serve a basketball using a badminton racket
“so, uh, i know that today-“
“i think we need to talk.” taehyung sets his phone aside before looking up at you, “do you wanna come and sit? or are you just going to keep standing by the door?”
he... wants to talk.
he just wants to talk!
…but nothing good ever comes out of wanting to talk, right?
do NOT psych yourself out like this
talking is fine!
talking is a normal thing to do and you think you’re actually pretty good at conversating with other people
also this is presumably the part where those improvisation skills should kick in because your brain reminds you that you’ve been staring at tae in silence for at least seven seconds now
“yes! and…” you trail off before letting out a sheepish chuckle, “i… will sit. on the bed.”
your practically have to pRy your feet off the ground as you shuffle towards the bed before sitting down on the end of it
taehyung gets up as soon as you take a seat and you watch as he makes his way over to his desk
“what… did you wanna talk about?” you clear your throat as you straighten your posture a little
as long as you act like nothing is wrong, everything will be perfectly fine!!!
fake it til you make it, baBY
you’re practically burning holes into his back by how intensely you’re watching him
“about us.” taehyung mutters as he plunks a pen into his pencil cup
about us?
about you and him??
about the two of you???
“about us.” you repeat quietly before your brows knit together, “what about us?”
you don’t like that he’s not facing you when he’s speaking to you
why isn’t he facing you?
why doesn’t he want to look at you??
“it’s over.”
your blood runs cold as soon as you hear him utter those two words and you feel your heart clench painfully in your chest
“what?” your voice is barely above a whisper as your fingers dig into the meat of your thighs, “wh- what do you… what?”
taehyung turns his head slightly to look at you over his shoulder, “i said, it’s over, y/n.”
you feel your ears beginning to ring as the gears start click-click-clicking in your head and all the puzzle pieces begin to slot together one by one
oh, god.
it all makes sense now
he didn’t make breakfast for the two of you this morning to celebrate your guys’ one year anniversary
he made breakfast for the two of you this morning because he knew it’d most likely be the very last meal you shared together as a couple 
it’s why he looked so sad when you left
it’s why he didn’t stop you before you left - because he was letting you go.
your vision begins to blur with tears as you press your lips together as tightly as possibly in an effort to not completely lose your mind
how could he do this to you? especially on your anniversary??
did he even know today was your guys’ anniversary?? or was it just a coincidence?
your bottom lip begins to quiver and you feel your face starting to get hot
this is humiliating
what did you do wrong?
how long has he wanted to break up with you for?
did he only stay with you because he felt bad for you?
how could you do this to us?
you have so many questions for him but at the same time you have absolutely nothing to say
you’re just… you’re not even sure if it’s fully processed in your mind yet…
the most important thing to remember right now is to stay calm because the last thing you want is a reputation as a crazy ex-girlfriend
“it’s over…” taehyung says once more, clearly oblivious to the fact that you’re practically a ticking time bomb at the moment, “because namjoon texted me two hours ago and told me about your pr-“
“wh-” taehyung nearly pisses himself when his pillow is suddenly hurled at him
he doesn’t get the chance to say anything before you’re storming out of his room and slamming the door behind you
…uh oh
maybe he took his prank a teensy bit too far too
see, the moment he found out from namjoon that you bailed on breakfast as part of your evil mastermind prank (once again: namjoon knEW that this was an awful idea from the start!!! he told you so!!!), he thought that he would one-up you by coming up with his own evil mastermind prank (namjoon was not aware of this, but let the record show that if he was aware, he definitely would’ve tried to stop it from happening)
so, naturally: you pretend to forget that today is your guys’ one year anniversary and he pretends to break up with you
they’re… kind of equal, aren’t they??
…aren’t they?!
maybe the two of you should just avoid pranking each other from now on.
he feels his heart fall out of his aSS when he hears you let out a particularly loud cry and he immediately zips out of his room to go and find you
“woAH, woah, woah-!” taehyung manages to move out of the way before one of the couch pillows smack him in face, “y/n, baby, hold on-“
“i can’t believe you- you would- would break up with me on our one year anni-anniversary-!” you blubber as you scramble to find things to THROW at his stupid-ugly-dumb-loser face, “how could yo-you be so cru-cruel?!”
“can you please just- i need you to calm down and let me explain-!” taehyung dodges a little case of tic-tacs and his eyes widen when he sees you going for your textbooks
thoSe are definitely going to hurt a lot more than a case of tic-tacs
“you’ve don-done plenty of explaining, kim taehyung-!” you feel taehyung wrap his arms around you from behind and you manage to pull your arms out of his grip before you start swatting at his forearms, “d-don’t touch me, i don’t want you to to-touch me, LET GO OF ME-!”
“IT WAS A PRANK!” taehyung feels his own eyes beginning to water when he hears you let out the most defeated sob and he hates that it’s because of him that you’re in so much pain, “it was a prank, i’m sorry, i-it was a prank.”
you immediately stop squirming in his grip before sniffling
two seconds of silence tick by 
“i-it- are you serious?” you breathe out 
“so serious. super-duper serious.” taehyung mumbles and loosens his grip around you so that you can turn around to face him, “namjoon texted me an hour after you left and… well, you were pranking me, so then i thought… i thought that maybe i would prank you back…?”
now you feel a little silly 
you reach up to wipe away the faT tear dripping down your chin, “so you… you’re not breaking up with me?”
taehyung’s features soften and he shakes his head quickly, “of course not!!!! of course i’m not breaking up with you, silly thing…” he reaches up to cup your face before peppering kisses all over your cheeks, “i could never do that to you - i love you far too much.”
and now he’s just given you a completely different reason to burst into uncontrollable tears
“you love me?” your heart glows golden in your chest when taehyung nods confidently
“yeah, i… i love you.”
he… he loves you.
oh wow
he’s never said that to you before
he’d always get a little nervous when the two of you would start tip-toeing around the emotional aspect of your relationship so you never really pushed it
you were ready to tell him that you loved him like five months ago but you were worried about freaking him out and scaring him off
and to be honest you were a little scared to say it yourself because love is a very strong word to use and it’s not like you can just take it back super easily if you changed your mind
so you decided that you’d say it when tae said it to you
so you waited
and you waited
and you waited a little while longer
you diD let it slip that one time he brought back an extra tub of yogurt for you but you think you did a decent job at covering your tracks (“i love you…rgurt! i love yogurt.”)
(spoiler alert: you did a terrible job at covering your tracks.)
the point is that that was the moment in which you knew how much he cared for you and that he at least like-liked you and that was really all that mattered!
but now… now that you’re actually hearing the phrase from him… it seems surreal.
it’s like you’ve been waiting so long to have this thing and now that you finally have it you have no idea what to do with it 
“i know it’s… definitely taken me a while to say it, but… i finally know how i feel, and…” he pulls away from you before shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants, “it’s whatever, though. like… it’s not a big deal if you’re not on the same page yet, that’s completely fine. this is just something that i’ve wanted to get off my chest for a while now, and i thought that today would be the perfect day to tell you that-“
“i love you too.” you don’t mean to interrupt him mid-ramble but you can’t help that you’re feeling so wonderfully overwhelmed with emotions at the moment!!!!!
taehyung’s cheeks redden a little and he lets out a chuckle, “that’s good! that’s a relief. i’m glad.”
you wrap your arms around his neck loosely and taehyung instinctively slinks his arms around your waist, “happy one year anniversary, by the way.”
taehyung feels his tummy do a little somersault and he can’t stop the stupid grin growing on his face, “happy one year anniversary, y/n.”
tae leans in to give you a kiss but you place a finger on his lips quickly, “promise to never prank each other again?”
he gives your finger a tiny kiss before pulling back a little bit, “we both know you’re only saying that because you know your prank was a lot lamer than mine-“
“excuse- i had it all planned out!” you shove him away before gawking at him, “you were the one who ruined my prank-“
“aw… is someone upset because her pwank sucked absowute ass fwom the start?” tae pushes his bottom lip out in a mocking pout, “is baby gonna cwy again?”
he takes a step back when you take a step forward before he quickly moves to stand behind the safety of the couch
“oh, i hate-“
“nope!” taehyung holds his finger out at wags it at you, “that word is no longer allowed in our apartment because you just told me you love me, and according to the kim taehyung rulebook, that means no takesies-backsies-“
“you said it to me first!!!!!” you bend down to grab a pillow off the floor and tae immediately grabs one off the couch
“oh yeah?? miss i-love-yourgurt-“
“why, you- i’m going to STRANGLE-“
it’s funny because you always thought the mood and atmosphere would be a little more romantic when the two of you finally told each other that you loved one another
but it’s not like you can pick and choose what happens in a special moment like this, can you?
so you’ll take it: your leaky eyes and bright red nose, the scattered tic-tacs on the floor, the fact that you’re currently chasing your boyfriend (of one whole year!!!!!) around the living room threatening to strangle him-
…you’ll take it.
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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sweetestlamb · 4 years
I’m Not Okay(But That’s Okay)
Summary: Mun-Yeong accepts Gang-Tae’s harsh rejection and learns about love and life from unexpected friends, meanwhile Gang-Tae starts to realize what he had and tossed away and fights to win back Mun-Yeong’s heart. 
Genre: Healing Romance and then smutty smut smut. 
Author’s Note: This story started out as a revenge fic because much like my Queen MY I like to get even but then I started thinking, it should be more than just getting back at GT. So this is a story of realizing your worth and learning who you really are, without other’s opinions. Both of our babies realize their worth and find their way back to each other. 11k, my longest one-shot ever. Hope you all enjoy! 
Salty tears fell uncontrollably as she held herself, shaking like a leaf in the bitter winter cold. She felt as if someone had scooped her heart out with a jagged spoon, scrapping everything until there was nothing left. She cried, each drop falling and joining the oceans crushing waves. Wondering if this was how the ocean was first formed, the tears of those who had endured unimaginable pain. Weeping for lovers who would never return. 
You were like a firecracker to me. A one time event. 
Sobbing, she fell to the ground remembering her own harsh words, visceral and acidic on her tongue. She didn’t want to be a bomb, not anymore. She had gotten a taste of what love could be like and it was ambrosia, cloying saccharine on her tongue. With one small press of his lips to hers he had awakened emotions in her that had not only laid dormant, but had been beaten and hardened into something grotesque. He hadn’t healed her, she knew now that she wasn’t broken just a little fractured, a cast had been wrapped around her heart until it was ready to fully beat and pump love, but he had definitely woken up her emotions. 
Now, standing on that beach, the wind whistling through the soft strands of her hair, she clutched at her chest, trying to keep her heart from crumbling into pieces, holding so tightly that her fingers burned and ached from the pain. 
When no more tears came, and all she had left was gut-wrenching sobs, she finally let go. 
Then she started walking, her legs were heavy as if they were filled with lead but she pushed on, each step taking her away from the disaster site. She wondered if she would ever be able to look at the ocean again without feeling like she was drowning in its vastness. What was it about drowning that made you feel so alive? 
The cursed castle looms over her and the idea of being here, alone elicits goosebumps all over her skin. The coldness that had smothered her after his remorseless rejection made her bones ache and she saw her body fall to the ground, as if she were an entity outside of herself. Her body too weighty to lift a second time, she viciously pushes back memories of his strong hands picking her up and keeping her balanced. The ocean pours from her eyes. 
This is how Sang-In finds her, an empty shell of the woman he knows. Openly weeping on the ground, dirt sticking to her hands and her face ash-fallen, heartache visible in her countenance. Gone was her fire and brimstone and in its stead was ash and soot. She hears the footsteps approaching and hates herself for the seed of hope that starts to bud in her mind.  
“Mun-Yeong.... are you okay?” He whispers to her in voice akin to one you would use with a startled animal. Worried, that even the the press of your lips forming around harsh constants will send them bolting.  Arms outstretched as if he too, was waiting for the explosion. The wail she let out sounds inhuman even to her own ears, she can’t fathom that she could make such a sound. Cautiously he approaches her, over his shoulders the wide doe-like eyes of  Seung-Jae are shining bright, unshed tears glistening like fresh dew. Her rosebud lips curl up in despair as their eyes meet and she falls into Sang-In’s waiting arms. 
He exhales a short breath, surprise evident in the tightening of the muscles in his body. 
She sees the castle moving closer through blurry eyes, her tears so hot and pathetic on her face.  She never meant to give anyone this much power over her and he took it easily, until he was done and once again she was tossed away. She wants so desperately to hate him. 
She can only muster up the will to hate herself. 
“I’ll get you some water.” The chair he places her in, scraps across the wooden floors, the sound obscenely loud in the eerie silence of the castle. 
In. Out. In. Out. 
Aching arms ascend up, crisscrossing on her shoulders, tap, tap, tap. The cotton balls begin to clear from her head, the fuzziness declines until she opens her eyes once more and meets those of the little art director. 
“Why are you here? Aren’t you scared of me?” 
She looks long and hard, eyes darting all over Mun-Yeong’s face. Until her heads moves softly side to side. 
“It’s hard to be scared of someone, who looks so afraid them self.” Her lips snap shut and Mun-Yeong feels the usual desire flow through her, scare her, break her, hurt her. The feeling of warmth on her hands yanks her back from the darkness, that swarms inside her. She looks down at the hand that encompasses her own hand on the table. Wanting to pull away and show her that all these hands know are destruction, they are only capable of pain and death. 
She’s so warm. 
Sang-In’s eyes broaden in sheer astonishment when he returns to the warm scene but he knows better than to comment. Knows that her hands will become razor-sharp, ready to attack if provoked. 
“Here’s your water.” He places the glass to her lips and gently tilts the glass, pouring back all the fluids she expelled from her body. Her eyes begin to droop in exhaustion, he looks at Seung-Jae and her small nod is the only answer he needs. 
Together, they carry Mun-Yeong’s complacent body up the stairs and tenderly place her in the large bed, its sheer size dwarfing her small frame. Sang-In gazes into her empty eyes and lifts his hand, suspended in time before he thinks better of it and simply pats the bed and silently walks out without a second glance. 
Her thick blanket is drawn up to her chin and the warmth almost brings the ocean back to her eyes. 
“Just sleep. “ Seung-Jae murmurs, no words of encouragement or of better tomorrows, just a simple command and again that warm hand encircles her own and she drifts off into a deep slumber.  She dreams of nothing. 
The sounds of morning wake her from her sleep, she lays in bed, still, comatose until she hears movement in the kitchen and she rushes from her bed. Running, Sprinting. Not bothering to get her slippers, rushing down the stairs, gripping the railing to prevent herself from falling, she can’t miss them swiftly turning the corner and-
Her heart fissures. 
No Sang-Tae. No Gang-Tae. 
Yellow and green bags, cover the table instead of hot soup, rolled omelets, fluffy rice, quail eggs, and steamed tofu. Disappointment cripples her heart and she wonders if it will always hurt this much? Will she have to cauterize every memory she has with them? Burn them close so the scars can remind of what everything she lost and stop her from ever doing it again. 
“Oh you’re awake, here we bought breakfast.” Sang-In presses a sandwich into her hands, sitting down to drink his own coffee and on auto-pilot she crosses the cold kitchen, all of its warmth sucked from the room with the removal of the brothers. 
She turns to look at him with a curious eye. Recalling all those years ago, as she thrashed on her hotel bed, apparitions of her mother haunting her dreams, the rigor mortis in her dead hands not enough to stop her from squeezing the air from her lungs. His fist hand banged on the door, before kicking the door open and shaking her from her night terrors. His face had been ghastly as he looked upon her own wet face, words caught in his throat and she had lashed out when he tried to embrace her. 
Vicious scratches like a wild cat, until he finally gave up and sat down on the ground beside her bed. Minutes passed before he started to hum a nameless tune, she had fallen asleep with his baritone hums soothing her back to sleep. After that, there was a minute shift in their relationship, her cruel words didn’t seem to land the same way as they had done before. He looked at her like he was seeing her for the very first time. 
He was looking at her like that once more. 
Then his eyes shifted and he picked up his own sandwich. 
They ate in silence and she vaguely wondered where the doe had gone with her big Bambi eyes and warm hands. But she didn’t inquiry out loud, people were prone to leaving. She would stop letting that shock her. 
Next day, Bambi as she had taken to calling her showed up. Containers of warm food tied in a bag. She forced herself not to think about where they had come from and instead, chewed the delicious food slowly savoring each burst of flavor on her tongue. 
This went on for days. Some days it was just her and Sang-In and other days Bambi- Seung-Jae was there, and sometimes all three of them ate together. She got used to their constant bickering about everything. On days, when one was there without the other, she noticed that they would turn with complaints on their tongues and ready to engage in a verbal skirmish before remembering that the other wasn’t there. She realized that friendship wasn’t always nice. You were allowed to bicker and rage and then deflate and carry on. 
She watched them do it and heard Sang-In’s words echo in her mind when she asked him about it, his face was as shocked as when she had asked him who he liked more, her or the two-faced bitch. He replied with a finger on his newly naked chin, “ Friendship is complicated because people are too. Anything good is always worth a fight.” 
Gang-Tae had looked like all the fight had fled his body that day at the beach. No.  All his fight for her. He was willing to fight for his brother but he had made it clear that she wasn’t worthy of fighting, of complications, she could be picked up for a good time and then abandoned when the show was over. She was temporary. 
She stayed in bed for days after that heart-breaking revelation. 
Only leaving to eat with Sang-In and Seung-Jae. 
Sunlight trickled through her curtains, as she got dressed. All black armor wrapped around her body. The sleeves of her floor length black dress, puffed up daring anything to get close to this dangerous creature. The bodice of the dress was almost too tight across her chest, molding the shattered pieces of her heart into some semblance of normalcy. She completed her ensemble with a large black netted hat that draped into her face, partially covering her eye and her towering black heels. 
Death, itself would shudder at the sight of her. 
Sang-in and Seung-Jae both perked up in admonishment at seeing her in something other than a dressing down. 
“Mun-Yeong, you dazzling beauty!” He sang standing, hands clapping together in joy, he walked around to meet her and saw that the frost that had lined her eyes these past few days had melted a little. 
“Where is my sandwich?” She demanded, humming in acquiescence when Seung-Jae bounded over to hand it to her, eyes lighting up as she informed her that she looked better. 
She felt better. 
It was time to stop mourning she thought ironically enough, whilst looking like the human manifestation of a funeral itself. 
“I have to go to a conference today, so I won’t be here for lunch.” Sang-In stated, pointed looking at his assistant and before she could read between his lines- you need to be here to have lunch with Mun-Yeong. She looked up and said, “I won’t be here today. I called the hospital. I’m going to teach my class today.” 
She didn’t miss the silent conversation that transpired between the two but her mind was made up. She needed to keep moving, staying still wasn’t an option anymore. 
“Okay, I’ll drive you.” Sang-In said leaving no room for argument, she wasn’t used to seeing this side of him. Did he care about her? 
The smile that he was brandishing made her think the answer, might be yes. 
The drive was pleasant, she watched the trees and foliage as the car zoomed past them. Cherry blossom petals falling as if begging someone to catch them. 
Her heart raced as they pulled up in the parking lot, all the times she had done that before flashed in her head, arguing with Sang-Tae about the radio and who should sit next to Gang-Tae all washed over her. She let it. Taking a moment to feel it. Before opening the car door and closing the door on it. 
“I’ll pick you up later.” Sang-In called, pulling out as Seung-Jae waved goodbye, soft smile spread across her innocent face. She ached to wave back but only nodded her head in affirmation, before gripping her bag in her hand. This was it. 
I can’t believe she’s here. Did anyone tell Gang-Tae? What if they run into each other? Do you think they’re still dating? 
She heard all the whispers from the nurses who seemed to have endless time for gossip but none for much less, she had the bruises to proof it, all except Ju-Ri who avoided her like she had the plague and that at least made sense to her, it was just like when they were kids. At least she was consistent. 
Her class had ended a few minutes ago and to her surprise she had missed the idiot patient with the too-bright eyes and endless optimism. Everyone else had nodded in agreement as she told them that “The Little Mermaid” was a tale of making yourself smaller to receive love, that love wasn’t gentle or unconditional but rather controlling and retraining. Trade in your values, beliefs and even voice so you could feel love’s tight grip and even then it wasn’t enough. 
A-reum- she recalled her name-  would have stood up and revolted against her and her bleak outlook on love, would have argued that love was a compromise and sometimes you had to make sacrifices for it but they were worth it. It was easy for her to say that when she had someone who thought she was worth fighting for, Mun-Yeong thought. 
She walked the hallway aimlessly, until her feet brought her to the cafeteria. The same one she had watched him eat in, so many people around him, unlike her people gravitated towards him. Like he had his own orbital pull, but was completely unaware of it or its power. 
Finding an empty table in the back, she walked there not knowing why she felt the need to be here. She slid on the smooth solid plastic of the chair, placing the lunch Sang-In had forced into her hand this morning as she had left the car. 
Soon, she could be a representative for Subways, the way they were consuming it daily. 
The sandwich was cool to the touch, but she didn’t mind. She had high internal heat. She ate alone, taking bite after bite of the sandwich, eyes down at the table before she heard the chair across from her being pulled out. She didn’t look up at first, swallowing her bite and taking a deep breath before she willed her eyes to rise. 
She saw something she had never seen before. 
A warm motherly smiled greeted her. 
“I didn’t know you were back already, you look cheerful.”  Soon-Duk teased, taking in her outfit with an amused grin on her face. 
“This is my happiest black.” She responded, almost jumping at the burst of laughter that her joke garnered and she shyly smiled back, taking another bite of her sandwich. 
“What kind of lunch is that? I will get you some real food.” She moved faster, than Mun-Yeong thought a woman her age should but within seconds, she was back with her delicious home-made food and despite her sandwich she felt her mouth watering. 
Lunch was a compilations of here try this, eat up, no put this with this, you like that? She ate until she thought her stomach would explode. 
“How are you?” Chopsticks stopped midair on their journey to her mouth. How was she. Everyone was asking her that. She had never had so many people worry about her well-being before, it was unsettling. She wasn’t worth any of it. The sooner everyone followed his lead the better. Didn’t they know that everything she touched turned to ruins? She was a harbinger of death, a bomb that would kill everything in its wake. 
She never got a chance to answer that innocuous question. 
Ju-Ri and Gang-Tae were frozen, across the room. Eyes wide in trepidation as she ate with their mother-figure. She wondered if they were scared for her? Terrified, that even being this close to her would result in anguish? 
“Thank you for the food.” She surprised even herself with the words, before standing and walking away, a warm hand on her wrist stopped her escape, “You’re welcome. You can come to me anytime.” She fought back the tears that threatened to spill at the compassionate offer. She nodded. Then continued her escape, never one to stray away from confrontation. She met their eyes, one filled with contempt and the other....too many emotions to read. It wasn’t shocking to see them together, if Mun-Yeong was a firecracker, then Ju-Ri was a wet rag. Dependable. Damp. Lackluster.   Jealousy burned like acid in her stomach as she quickly left the room. 
She never saw those dark soulful eyes, watch her very move, drinking her up like he was dehydrated and she was the only source of relief. 
So lost in her, that he didn’t notice two pair of eyes watching his rapture. 
Life continued, like it always did she thought bitterly. The Earth didn’t stop spinning for any of us. It had been days since her not encounter in the cafeteria, Sang-In had picked her up as he promised and there had been another not encounter, Sang-In’s eyes had hardened while opening the door for her and she turned around to meet those dark haunting eyes. 
He stood silent, as his brother rambled on about... someone named Terry? The circuit when their eyes met had been electric, fizzing through the air. He broke the contact first, eyes gazing over with...something as he looked down at the guiding hand her manager had placed on her back as he ushered her into the car. His other arm looming over her head as he opened the car door for her. The proximity between their bodies minuscule.  That sharp jaw had tightened before he seemed to snap out of it and grab Sang-Tae’s arm, changing their course. 
Giving them a wide berth of space. 
Are you jealous?
Her own words echoed in her mind, as she remembered his aloofness as the fan had sat besides her. Showering her with praise and glowering at her every move, enraptured in her as she was simultaneously enraptured in the pen. The table had jilted from the force with which he slammed the coffee down with, his body turned away from them in overly zealous nonchalance. Until she had started writing her number down, he couldn't stop his contemptuous glances then. She had seen the anger in his eyes has she had pressed this stranger’s hand onto her waist.  She has reveled in his jealousy, mindlessly taking that as proof of his feelings for her. 
His reprimands afterwards had not doused the flames at all, his jealousy was palpable then. The addition of words to his actions, painting an even clearer picture. You’re mine. 
What a load of bullshit. 
Was she is his Mang-Tae? Something you hide away in a drawer only to possessively clutch at it when someone else tried to touch it? 
Anger blistered under her skin, recalling with disdain how happy that moment had once made her. She was a fool to confuse possession with love. 
Not so long ago she had seen them as two sides of the same coin. But she was learning that she was wrong. Everything she had been taught about love was wrong, soured by her mother’s volatile love and her father’s discernible hatred. 
His jealousy brought her no satisfaction now. It might nothing if he wouldn’t fight. She was ready to go to war for them and he could barely pass a punch. It wasn’t equal, and love should be. 
Pale pinks and reds enveloped her body, her pink chiffon dress was soft against her skin, a sheer red covering outset the ensemble resembling Aphrodite herself, her hair was curled in soft waves that framed her face perfectly. The gold-heart necklace that Sang-In had gifted her this morning sat on the prominent clavicle of her chest. On her feet she donned bloody red heels, matching the red of her lipstick that she swiped across her lips. 
“You look beautiful Ms. Ko Mun-Yeong!” The wide Bambi eyes glimmered in happiness, as Seung-Jae hopped up and clapped her hands, curling wand still in her hands. 
They had been up since morning, the usually frightful art director had dragged her from her a bed with a quick birthday song- do you have a death wish?- before begging her to allow her to help her get ready today. 
It was the first time, she had ever had someone besides her mother touch her hair. She had counted until the panic had subsided. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...... 
Before looking up and seeing that her hair was all glossy, bouncy curls that she had never been able to achieve on her own.  She had reached up to touch the wondrous curls before a soft hand smacked her own away. 
She looked up in shock and met the terrified eyes of Bambi before she cracked a smile and watched the girl do the same, breathless laughter followed close behind. 
“Don’t touch. Your hair is so silky it was really hard to make it curl, don’t ruin all my hard work.” 
Sang-In pressed in soon after and her skin tingled from all the praises, she looked in the mirror and agreed with all of them. She looked pretty. 
“She’s in a good mood.” She hears one of the patients whisper as she passes by, she can’t deny it. She is. Today she had allowed them to create their own fairy tales, instead of her usual lectures. Their first creative writing session and they were all engaged, stories about princesses and ogres and witches and she smiled as she listened in as a patient defended her decision to make the witch the protagonist and hero. There are good witches! 
Their time soon comes to a close and she hears them all whine in displeasure, “Can we finish them next week and read them out loud?” The old man begs, with pleading eyes, flustered by their evident interest in her class, all she can muster up is a nod. 
Without much thought, she finds herself going to the cafeteria knowing that she will get a few moments with Soon-Duk before they are interrupted. 
She had always relapsed this morning, fingers aching to send him a message. To let him know that today was important. Before remembering that today wasn’t important to him, he had his fun and she needed to leave him alone. 
His rejection still stung and she wouldn’t let it burn her today. 
“Well don’t you look gorgeous.” She perked at the sound of her voice and couldn’t help but smile in response. Warm hands encompass her own and Soon-Duk, walks her to their table, still hand in hand. Mun-Yeong wonders how they look, if they look like mother and daught--
They lapse into a comfortable conversation, she regales her with stories of her class today and how ridiculous some of the stories had been. Soon-Duk’s gentile smile makes her realize that she sounds like a proud teacher speaking of her students and their mishaps. A weird feeling flutters in her stomach. 
“There she is, the birthday girl!” A new voice interrupts their conversation, looking up she sees the kooky director himself, a stupid grin on his weathered face. 
Shock blazes across her face, looking at Soon-Duk who winks in response before leaving without a word. 
“....... my son is a businessman, you would like him! He has always been a big fan of your work. I think it would be wonderful if you two were to met!” She tunes back in, catching the final part of whatever the madman was talking about. 
For whatever reason, she had learned that Soon-Duk liked the director, they teased each other mercilessly, bickering like an old married couple and every once in a while he would join them and bore her with his stories of courtship. How had had fought off a band of thugs to save Soon-Duk’s live with only his watch, as the woman in question rolled her eyes stuffing more food into his ridiculous mouth to shut him up. 
This was the primary reason she found herself agreeing to meet his son later today, This will be his first time visiting me at work, he’s a very busy businessman! 
She liked Soon-Duk a lot, she wondered what had made Ju-Ri such a two-faced bitch when she had that for a mom? 
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mun-Yeong, happy birthday to you!” That woman must have been a magician in her past life because she suddenly reappeared with a small cake, perfectly round with heaps of sweet frosting and glazed fruits, strawberries and mangoes, her favorite. 
Her cheeks were red from all the attention, the old man is singing terribly and loud, bringing everyone’s eyes to the tables, looks of curiosity and others called out “Happy birthday!” as well and she wasn’t prepared for any of this so she sits quietly, letting emotions she had never had the opportunity to feel wash over her- gratitude, joy, acceptance. 
She felt her throat constrict from the emotions, her body overstimulated. 
A perfectly cut slice was placed in front of her with a fork, “Eat up.”  And she did. Treasuring every bite, like it was her last. 
She felt their eyes before she even looked up and it was her time to leave. Happiness washed over her and without thinking, she pushed out of her chair and wrapped her arms around Soon-Duk. The warm body stiffened and she felt the rejection turn her blood ice cold, before those warm arms melted the frost away. Pulling her tighter into the spontaneous embrace. She hugged and let herself be hugged. 
Remembering where she was and who was watching, she pulled way but not before those those hands were on her cheek, brushing away rogue tears she never knew had dropped.  
Clearing her throat, she picked up what was left of her cake and started walking to the exit. She supposed she could give some to her idiot manager and his hapless assistant. 
A hand shot out and grabbed her elbow, and when she looked up and saw who the hand was attached to- her reaction was immediate, she ripped herself out of his hold and felt fury bubbling under her skin. “Don’t touch me.” 
She watched her words, stab him like daggers and his hand squeezed again as if still feeling the phantom touch of her arm. 
He wasn’t doing good job at hiding his hurt at her words and actions and she momentarily imagined the satisfaction she would feel if she just smashed the cake into his face.  Smeared it all over him and fled without a word. The cake was delicious though and she could feel Soon-Duk’s watchful eyes still on her. 
That wasn’t who she wanted to be anymore. 
She mustered up her courage and walked away, she had imagined what she would do if he ever approached her again, plead for him to stay, ask him to hold her, fall into his arms. Now that he was here, she still felt the desire to just forgive him but.. nothing had really changed. He was still the same coward and she was tired of being strong on her own. 
“Happy birthday.” His soft statement, made her pause for a moment,. Her heart telling her turn around and run into his arms, feel his love for however long he allowed. 
But she knew that she deserved more than he was willing to give. She wanted to be a faithful wife, not a dirty mistress. 
So, she kept walking, until she was outside and sat on the bench, the one where they first met, when she had grabbed hold of him as her destiny, it was now time to let him go and let herself in. 
The day was supposed to be enough, he wasn’t lying when he told her that he had been waiting for that day all this life. Experiencing it with her had made the day even more bittersweet, they had so much fun. Her smiling face had been the prettiest sight and then he had kissed her. 
A quick press of hunger lips, arms folded behind his back to stop them from dragging her into his arms and never letting go. it had been pure torture, resisting her the night before, she had looked at him with those ravenous eyes and sweet mouth and he wanted to let himself be eaten alive. 
But this was going to be his only day and he didn’t want their first kiss to be a drunken mess of tongues and spit, he wanted the kiss that had been taken from him all those years ago, when he had handed her his heart and she had trampled all over it, leaving him bleeding at her magnificent gate. 
That kiss had awakened emotions in his soul that he didn’t know he was capable of feeling, and that should have been the wake up call he needed. But he ignorantly thought that he could have his cake and eat it too, and then Sang-Tae had taken his heart out and slashed it into small pieces. The water that had hit him was nothing compared to the guilt that crushed him, a tsunami wave that shoved him to the ground. 
It was all his fault, he knew that now. He had wanted too much and dreamed a dream that was never his, he had let his brother down and betrayed his mother. You must always protect your brother, that is why I gave birth to you. 
He failed. 
But Sang-Tae had forgiven him, hugged him for the first time in years of his own volition.  And then everything was fine. 
Her crying face had haunted him in his dreams and he woke up in cold sweats, her screams still ringing in his ear, I’m a bomb! I don’t disappear after, I explode and kill everyone! Then dream Mun-Yeong had exploded, her limps sprawled all over and he woke up with silent screams. 
He ignored the dreams and the pain in his chest. This was all for the best, Jae-Su had agreed and reminded him daily. He didn’t need anymore excitement in his life, his brother was enough. 
He didn’t need to celebrate her birthday with her, they weren’t a couple. He wasn’t hurt watching her leave a room every time he entered.  He wasn’t jealous of Ju-Ri’s mother for getting to hold her, a beautiful sight in her airy pink dress, her new hair in curls that he had never seen before. He hadn’t yearned to pluck her from the mother’s arm and hold her in his own, he was fine and everything was fine. 
He didn’t mean to touch her but she had been so close and looked so exquisite, he heard Ju-Ri’s exhale of surprise when his hand reached out to graze her skin and he savored its softness before she had ripped herself away, her words cutting deep, dagger sharp. 
His words had stalled her, but she kept walking not looking back and he wondered what was that breaking noise he heard so loudly in his head? 
“Let’s go sit with my mom.” Ju-Ri stated exasperation profound in her tone, he wanted to tell her to go away and chase after Mun-Yeong. 
He followed her to the table, sitting down before her mother started to share out their respective meals, seeming to have endless supplies of food at all times.  He was always given the most, he noted with shameful pride. 
“Well I got her to agree, to meet my son. I think they’ll really hit it off!” The director exclaimed, pure glee in his eyes as he almost danced in his seat. 
“Leave the girl alone, she has enough on her plate. If your son is anything like you, she’s better off running for the hills!” 
“I told you, he takes after his mother. He is a gentleman if I say so myself, when I mentioned it was her birthday he was adamant about picking up a gift for her!” He said with a voice laced with pride that only a parent could have. 
Gang-Tae felt every muscle in his body harden at his words and the realization at what and who they were talking about. 
He devoured all the food before him to stop himself from, lashing out at the director like he had with Sang-In. She’s mine. She’s mine.
It wasn’t his place to think that, much less act on it. He had said cruel things to her, thrown back all the affection she had given him because she was right he was a coward. He didn’t deserve her. He knew that. But knowing that didn’t stop him from wanting to punch the director in his face as he spouted out more information about his perfect son. 
Who was perfect for Mun-Yeong. 
He couldn’t sit here and listen to this any longer, even his patience wasn’t infinite. He launched himself out of his seat, ignoring Ju-Ri’s cries and her mother’s grasping hand. Tossing the rest of his food out, he pounded out of the cafeteria. Never seeing the twinkle of victory in the director’s eyes. Or Soon-Duk’s slap to his arm, chastising him for his obvious ploy. 
He distracted himself by actually doing his job, something the other nurses seemed to be immune to. Nearly punching Cha-Young in his smug face, when he had boldly asked if he and Mun-Yeong were over and if he wouldn’t mind if he asked her out. His only response was a growl and the slam of his locker door, the lazy nurse had taken his hint and quickly ran off to gossip some more. “Sheesh it was just a question, she’s crazy but she is hot.” 
He eagerly awaited the end of the day, counting the minutes until he could go home and recharge. 
There was no preparation for the scene that greeted him at the hospital’s entrance. Mun-Yeong stood with an overwhelming bouquet of flowers, held tenderly in her small hands. Vibrant pinks, reds and whites that matched her outfit perfectly. She was smiling that soft smile, that usually came before her wrinkle eye smile. He had only ever seen that smile directed at him and felt his heart constrict in jealousy, that someone else was on the receiving end. 
It felt like a sucker punch to the gut, when his eyes leveled with the someone else. That fucking guy from the coffee shop.  He felt satisfaction at being correct about this guy, he was a stalker, how did he even know where she worked? Had they spoken after that first meeting? No. She had told him that she had not been interested in him at all, as she waxed poetry about the beauty of the stolen pen. 
Mun-Yeong was many things but she wasn’t a liar. 
All the female nurses cooed at the flowers and congratulated her as she struggled to wrap her arms about the expanse of the flowers. Coffee shop guy reached out to help her and the desire to beat him to a pulp was almost staggering. 
Then the director swaggered out and placed a hand on the stalker’s shoulders and with another sucker punch to his gut uttered, “My son, you never do anything in moderation huh? This is quite the bouquet for a first time meeting.” Despite the reprimand in his words, he looked jubilant at the sight of his son, his son. How was this possible? 
“Sorry dad, but actually we met before. She was kind enough to take a picture with me. When you told me she was here, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to surprise her on her birthday.” His answering smile made Gang-Tae sick to this stomach.  
He didn’t have enough resolve to watch this. His hand on her shoulder with undeserved familiarity. Her sweet smile in return, as she let herself be guided away by the father-son duo. 
He stomped out of the hospital, ignoring everyone’s calls of goodbye. 
His foul mood lasted all evening resulting in his brother hiding away in his tent, after he had snapped at him for spilling some milk on the floor. He couldn’t stop thinking about her with him. What were they doing? Where they still together? Was she smiling at him? It was driving him crazy, imagining her looking at someone else the way she used to look at him. 
The cool rooftop air did nothing to cool off his anger. 
“You really have some nerve, don’t you?” 
He turned at the voice, meeting the cool eyes of Soon-Duk, calmly walking over to the table and pushing him over to make room for her to sit. 
He didn’t respond to her biting words. 
“She told me what you said to her. If you don’t want her, then let her be happy. You owe her at least that much.” She continued on and his eyes filled up with tears, knowing she was right he had to let her go, she did deserve happiness and he couldn’t give it to her. 
His job was taking care of his brother and nothing else. It didn’t matter if the thought of her with someone else made him want to throw himself off this roof. it didn’t matter if she was his first thought in the morning and his last thought at nights. It didn’t matter if he dreamed of hugging her and kissing her and loving her.  None of it mattered. 
Then why was he crying?
He cried long and hard, finally letting himself feel. Tears scorching as they cascaded down his face and he felt warm arms circle around him. Holding him as he shook, patting his head soothingly, before harshly smacking him. “Stop torturing yourself already, what do you really want?” 
He was scared to answer. The answer was clear but to state it out loud was to acknowledge it and make it real. Was he ready for that? Once he said it he would need to do something, that thought made him hesitate. 
But the thought of her loving someone else, spurred him on. 
The hospital was abuzz with gossip when he entered the next morning, he tried his best to tune them out, but could’t escape the talk of their date. They had left together, and both entered his car, the female nurses gushing at his chivalry, he had rushed forward opening every door for her. Carefully placing the flowers in the backseat before, driving off to enjoy a quiet dinner. 
He wouldn’t lose her again. Destiny had brought them back together and he had stupidly fought tooth and nail to work against it, he was done with that. 
He was ready to fight for her. 
But first he had to speak to his brother, after work he sprinted home, nervous and anxious but determined, he didn’t have to choose. They could all be happy again, living in the castle together. At least he hoped they could. 
Convincing Sang-Tae that he wasn’t losing him had not been easy. He cried and screamed and retreated to his tent, he waited him out, repeating “I’ll always be your little brother.” Until his brother’s frantic cries finally stopped and the sound of the zipper opening flooded the room. 
“Why can’t it just be us two? We’re brothers all we need is each other, we’re brothers.” He repeated with sad eyes, looking like the world was crashing down on him and Gang-Tae almost lost his resolve. Mun-Yeong’s face flashed in his mind and it came back with a vengeance. 
“Because she makes me happy too. You both make me happy and I don’t want to choose. I want to be happy with both of you.” He answered honestly, smile lighting up his face thinking about the times they had all had dinner together. Smiling and laughing as they talked about their day, Sang-Tae sharing his stories about the pizza shop as they both looked on with fondness. 
“Happy. Gang-Tae is happy.” He felt his brother’s finger trace his smile with juvenile innocence, and he smiled even harder because he was happy and when he got her back, he would be even happier. 
They fell asleep shortly after, he cuddled his brother until his breathing was steady, drifting off to thoughts of her dark tempting eyes and candied smiles. 
He peeked out the closet door, waiting for that familiar head of lustrous short hair and impeccable fashion. She was looking radiant today in midnight blue, he reached out with trembling hands and yanked her into the small room with him. Her indignant, “What the hell are you doing?” was cut short by the slam of the door. She pulled her hand from his grasp, looking up at him in the dark before her vision settled. Her lips formed a perfect o. 
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He accused boldly, recalling all the moments he had attempted to speak to her this week only to see her spin around and walk run in the other direction. Once, he had actually chased her only to collide with the director who needed help picking out a tie for his meeting with a donor, he had looked back in annoyance as he was pulled further and further away from her. Then another time, he had arrived to lunch early, bullying Cha-Young into switching breaks with him.  
As soon as she saw him approaching, she had bolted with all her food in her hand looking like a squirrel hibernating. 
He ignored the amused eyes of Soon-Duk, who appeared to be enjoying his suffering immensely for someone who had told him to stop torturing himself. 
So, now here they were. In this closet. She reached for the doorknob and he extended an arm over her shoulder, forcing the door shut. 
“What are you doing? Do you have a death wish? Let me out!” She pushed at his chest in petulance, he didn’t budge even an inch. 
He placed his other arm over her shoulder and bracketed her in, leaning in close and watching her face. She looked beautiful, face flushed with anger, he really hoped she didn’t have any sharp objects on her. 
“We need to talk.”
“I don’t want to talk.” 
“Fine, then I’ll talk and you can listen.” 
She tried to bolt again, trying to pry his hands off the door, even at one moment seeming to think about kicking him but he caught her leg with his own and pressed her into the door. 
“Stop. I just want to talk.” He pleaded with her. 
“I don’t care what you have to say. Leave me alone.” 
“Mun-yeong please....” 
Her eyes softened momentarily before the frost grazed back over them. 
“What do we need to talk about? if you’re looking for fun I can’t help you, firecrackers only go off once. “ She spat back at him, going for the jugular. The desire to check his throat for blood was immediate. 
He knew those words would be thrown back at him. He deserved them, when he had said them he knew they would hurt her to her core. But he said it anyway, because he was a fucking coward. He had lied to so many people around himself, including himself, he had felt trapped in the vortex of his own deceptions. So he lashed out and pushed her away, angry at himself. As soon as he had uttered the words out loud, he knew that he had damaged whatever trust they had build with tentative hands. He had taken a sledge hammer to the foundation of their relationship. 
“I’m sorry I said that, I’m so sorry. I never should have said those things to you. You were right, I am a fucking coward- her eyes widened at his curse- and I pushed you away because you scared me. What I was feeling for you scared me. I want you so badly, that it terrifies me. But I’m ready to fight now, Mun-Yeong I’m ready to be strong for us. “ He poured himself out at her feet, giving her all the ammunition to hurt him and trusting that she wouldn’t.  
But like he said he had been the one to break their trust. 
Her cold laughter made him take a step back, “Oh you’re ready to fight now? Should I be thankful? Should I drop everything and follow you like a lost puppy? Oh wait, I already did that. You told me to get lost. So about you take your own advice Gang-Tae, stop stirring up my miserable life and get lost.” 
She pushed him out back, harder than before, finally managing to escape, the door slamming behind her. 
That could have gone better. But he wasn’t giving up. Not now, he had hurt her and winning her back wasn’t going to be easy. 
Their game of cat and mouse continued, with her running every time he was in her vicinity and he watched with anguish as he started to pick her up after her classes. 
The first time, she had been on her phone talking to Sang-In berating him for his tardiness, “Get here now or I’ll kill you.” When he had showed up, and he despised the way she smiled at him, hanging up without a goodbye and walking into his open arms. His hands had soothed down the material of her baby blue sundress and Gang-Tae wanted to break each of his fingers. 
“Sang-In told me he was running late and asked me to pick you up.” He offered as a way of explanation, handing her an iced coffee, which she happily took placing the straw between her plush mouth, sucking hard. 
He tightened his fist, watching that punk, watch her with hunger in his eyes. 
“Okay, I won’t kill him tonight then. I’m starving, what are you going to feed me?” She asked him as they left, arms linked, that was supposed to be him. He had taken those moments for granted, her arm linked through his, her adorable face as she consumed pounds of grilled meat and still demanded more.  Now he had to watch another man, take his place and make her happy. 
He didn’t know how much longer he could do this. 
Every time he saw them together it was like salt in his wound. 
He knew this was all his fault, he had brought this on himself. But did it have to hurt this much? Did his heart have to throb this way? 
After the closet incident, it became impossible to find her around the hospital. It was like she knew exactly where to hide so he couldn’t find her. 
It was time to fight harder then. 
The gated loomed ominously before him as he pushed them open with determined hands. He knew that she was home today, he had Sang-Tae text her to make sure, as they were talking again, best friends once more as he was now the outcast. Unlike when he tried texting her, she had immediately responded to Sang-Tae, I am home, you can come over if you want. We can have fun. 
It had been difficult, stopping Sang-Tae from getting dressed and taking up her offer, “That is what best friends do. They hang out and have fun. I have to go!” 
He had distracted him with Teary, explaining that Teary needed his attention right now, it was still early days since the dinosaur had joined their family. 
With a deep breath, he climbed the marble decaying stairs and put the key in the lock, twisting it open. He had never gotten a chance to return it to her and he was thankful for that now. The door creaked open and he glared at it with betrayal, this would only work if he caught her by surprise. 
He heard her sultry voice, coming from the kitchen, “I don’t need a babysitter you can go out with the two-faced bitch. if I get bored I’ll call Sang-Tae or Daniel.” He ignored the pain that shot through his heart at not being one of her options. “ He is working late, but he promised to call me after and drop off food. Okay, have a good time. if she gets drunk and hits you, make sure to hit her back!” 
She meandered out, still unaware of his presence, aimlessly scrolling through her phone, long silk nightgown sheathing her lithe body, the silk draped into each and every crevice of her body and left his mouth dry. Parched. 
“We need to talk.” She jumped at the sound of his voice, grabbing a.....lamp defensively and readying it for her attack. Until she realized it was him, she only lowered the lamp marginally. He was going to take that as a small victory. 
“How did you get in here?  Are you stalking me now? What is wrong with you? Get out!” She fired off her questions and command, all in one breath, her voice higher and frantic. 
“No, we need to talk. I need you to listen to me.” 
“I heard you the last time, you’re ready now. I HEARD YOU. I just don’t care.” 
He sidestepped the lamp as it flew from her hands, and hugged her close to him, feeling the tremors run through her body. She was wild in his embrace, scratching and fighting to break free, he pinned her tighter.  Holding on for the ride. 
“I want you, and I think you still want me too.” 
“No, I don’t. You were just something to pass the time. I’ve moved on now.”
He marched on, “Does he make you feel like I do? Look me in the eyes.” 
He grabbed her chin in his hands, gentle but firm, forcing her eyes to meet his and he watched them surge with anger, so much anger but he also saw lust and he was going to cling to that. 
“It doesn’t matter. “ She twisted out of his hold, sprinting to the stairs, he followed right behind her, grabbing her wrist and jerking her around to face him. 
“It does matter. Answer me, does he make you feel like I do?!” He roared now, his anger so close to the surface, he refused to spend another minute without her, refused to watch her run into someone else’s arms. They went hand in hand, bomb and safety pin. 
She refused to meet his eye, vengeful tears filling her eyes, “No, he doesn’t.” And victory sped through him, his smile was instant, before it fell, “And I don’t want him to. I don’t ever want to give someone that kind of control over me. I like what he makes me feel, it’s easy and fun. it doesn’t hurt like this does. “ 
He should leave her alone. Walk out the door and through the gate. Walk all the way back home. Eat dinner with Jae-Su, Ju-Ri, her mother and Sang-Tae. Should go to sleep and accept his loss. Accept that he ruined the best thing that ever happened to him. Should be happy that she has something fun and easy. 
Well, he doesn’t do any of that. Doesn’t listen to his head, that’s telling him to accept his defeat gracefully. 
He eats her mouth, there is no other way to describe the ravenous way that he devours her, prying her mouth open with his tongue, swirling around, their tongues meet in a heated duel.  Presses her hard, into the wall, hands lost in her hair as she tugs at his shirt, exposing his hot stomach to the cool air. At first, she fights him, biting him hard enough to draw blood, she is vicious. Then her kisses soften and her nails rake over the crevice of his abs, leaving welts in their wake, he moans at the painpleasure. He trails down her elegant neck, sucking the hot skin into his mouth, doing his damnest to leave a mark. 
She pushes him back and he smirks, unashamed. She looks absolutely wrecked, panting on the wall, her nipples hard through the silk of her nightgown. He can’t wait to roll them through his teeth and watch her body writhe in ecstasy. 
Time stands still, as they stand panting, eyes glazed over in pleasure, waiting to see who will make the next move. 
She does. 
She throws herself into his waiting arms and he hooks his hands under her ass, drawing her close as she sticks her wet, slithering tongue into his mouth. She kisses like how she does everything else, explosively. Biting at his lip, forcing him to open his mouth wider to accommodate her demanding tongue.  
He walks backwards, praying that he won’t drop her, she might actually kill him then. Until his knees hit the couch and he collapses onto it, taking her with him. He moans as she straddles his lap, the heat from between her thighs is searing hot and he grinds up into her, dragging her down to meet his thrust. 
Finally, their kisses breaks, both taking a gulp of much needed air, a string of spit connects their mouth, before she licks her lips, splitting it. 
“Only I can make you feel this way.” He proclaims with confidence, everything they have been through has brought them to this moment. They aren’t perfect and there’s still so much they need to learn, but they can do it together. 
She sits in his lap, eyes shining, taking in his declaration before she suddenly grips the bottom of her nightgown and slips it over her head and then he has a lap full of half-naked Mun-Yeong.  Her rose-petal pink panties glow on her pale skin, the moonlight trickling in, makes her look ethereal and he almost pinches himself to make sure this is real. 
He comes alive. 
Running his hands from her neck, between the valley of her breast, down to her wet center, bringing his finger to this mouth for a taste, he moans as he licks her essence away hungry for more. 
She watches in fascination, before grabbing his shirt and dragging it over his head. Her eyes rake across his broad chest, tampering down into a tight narrow waist, he already knows that she likes his body. She had looked like she wanted to lick him all over last time.  Unlike that time, he doesn’t push her away as she presses her body against his. Pleasure shooting through him as her nipples catch on his. 
They spend minutes just grinding on each other, his hard dick presses up into her moist opening, and she bounces on his lap, breathless moans leaving her swollen mouth every time they meet. 
“Please, please I need more.” She begs prettily, the p popping off her lips and he wants to make her beg even more, wants to make her a filthy mess on the couch. 
He hoists her to the side, chuckling at her huff of indignation, his baby has never been patient but right now he can’t blame her. He wishes he was inside her, like yesterday. As quickly as he can he rips his pants off and pauses at his boxers, his swollen length standing at attention, the head visible through the slit. 
He is unprepared for her mouth to slide down his entire length, her hand gripping the base that is still in the boxers. She swallows around him and he fights to keep his hips still, her wet mouth is obliterating all of his thoughts until all he can think is fuck, fuck, fuck ,fuck. 
That sinful mouth, suctions around his heavy dick, licking at his sensitive head causing him to buck up, deeper into the cavern of her mouth. She toys with him, bringing him to the edge only to, slide off completely and start all over. 
Her eyes stay on his the entire time, and it is pure unadulterated gratification, watching his length move in her mouth, in and out, in and out, it is hypnotic and he is lost in the pleasure. With a smirk she releases his cock, with a loud slurp, tongue coming out to lick him from her lips, lest she miss anything. 
With strong hands, he seizes her and tosses her over the arm of the chair. Putting her dripping, wet pussy on full display, he pries her thighs open and laps up all the goodness. He has never done this before, but is eager to please and porn was a great teacher. The girls in those videos had never been able to get him this hard, their moans fake and repetitive. But now with Mun-Yeong naked and squirming in front of him, he understands why men have gone to war for this. 
He would happily wage war for the chance to taste her. 
With broad strokes of his tongue, he licks at her folds, biting at her enlarged clit, chest puffing out in pride at her answering squeaks of pleasure, he presses his tongue inside the hot tunnel and she thrusts back in reckless abandon. 
Riding his face, now. Bouncing on his tongue and demanding more more more so he slips in a finger and the noise she lets us could rise the devil, himself. It is music to his ears. He thrusts his finger in while exploring her with his tongue, both scraping out every drop of pleasure from her body. 
With weak hands, she reaches back and forces his head away from his meal. He sneaks in one more lick, before allowing her to push him away. 
Their pants reverberate off the walls, he looks over and she is still hanging over the arm of the couch, looking every inch the temptress she is. He grips himself in his hands, pumping up and down, squeezing at the base to draw this out, he still has to make her beg after all. 
She watches him over her shoulder with rapt eyes, reaching back to touch her own wet pussy, pressing in two fingers and curling them roughly inside herself. 
She draws those sinfully wet fingers out with a soft squelch and beckons him closer, with the seductive curl of her fingers. He flies across the couch, easily covering the small space that separates them. 
He drags her back into his lap, with her back facing him, grinding into her hot core, groaning when his cock head dips in but moving away before she can fully sheathe him. He takes her soft breast into his arms, rubbing the nipples between his fingers and kissing her neck, as she wraps her arms over her head and around his neck.  Giving him full control and access to her body. 
He sucks hickey after hickey into her skin, in places others will see and hidden places just for his eyes. She is a whining mess in his lap, lifting up to catch his cock, but he snaps his hip away every time, only allowing it to slide through the wet folds. He rubs his dick against her clit and she starts to wail, nails scratching at his shoulders and that’s going to hurt tomorrow. 
He looks forward to it. 
She twists her head around, finding his lips again, distracting them from the hickey they were sucking into her neck. They wrestle for control, pushing and pulling, tongues meeting into a wet battle and he blames that diversion for his surprise as she lifts up and sinks slowly onto him, engulfing his fattened cock in an indescribable heat. 
The connection is like a life wire. 
Their hips smack together, colliding over and over, he can’t help but look down and watch his cock disappearing into her, captivated by humanity’s oldest dance.  She rides him hard, feet planted on the side of his thick thighs, begging him to go harder, faster, more as he squeezes her jiggling breasts and pushes even deeper into her depth. 
Fucking fuck fuck. 
Gradually, she starts to slow down, the movement of her hips faltering, he feels the fatigue in his own body but desire pumps like adrenaline through his veins and he wraps his hands around her slim waist, pushing her into the couch, her chest flat with the couch and her ass high in the air. His cock never slips from her body. 
He fucks into her hard, delighted at how deep he can move in this position, she thrusts back meeting him, and he does it again, watching her ass shake with the impact. His broad hands gripping the globes of her ass, spreading them, to get a clearer view of his dick inside her.  
His movements quicken as he feels the end drawing closer, he doesn’t want it to end, wants to be with her like this forever. But his balls hang heavily, waiting to expel all their fluids into her willing hole, that clutches and pulls him back with every thrust.  Reaching around and pressing his fingers to her mouth, he pants, “Suck.” She sloppily takes his fingers, when they feel wet enough he pulls them out from her mouth, praising her, “You’re so good baby, so good to me.” 
She grows wetter at his praise and presses back even harder, and he winds his fingers down to her engorged clit and rubs against it until she breaks apart underneath him, he wraps her up in his arms and rides her through her orgasm, feels her juices gushing out and the clenching of her walls, shoves him over the precarious edge he’s been on. His thick cum coats her walls, shooting out as he falls in a heap over her back, just catching the arm of the couch before he could bash his head into it. 
Euphoria washes over him in waves, until his vision rights itself and he sees Mun-Yeong still beneath him, fearing that he’s crushing her, he uses the last of his strength to lift his body off hers, flopping onto the other side of the couch. 
“Will you be my girlfriend?” Her heads snaps over to his in shock, he looks back at her, his eyes wide and hopeful. Some might say that they do things backwards, but he just likes to think they move to the beat of their own drum. 
She rolls her eyes before nodding yes.  “if you ever make me cry again, I’ll kill you. “ 
He pumps a victorious fist into the air, take that coffee shop guy. 
They spend the rest of the night, cuddling in her bed as he caresses her head and promises to make her happy for as long as she will allow him to. He whispers apologies onto her skin, until they fall into peaceful slumber. 
He isn’t trying to stake his claim or anything domineering like that, but when he sees Mun-Yeong sequestered in a dark corner with Daniel the next day, he wanders over and catches the tail end of their conversation. 
“I’ve had a lot of fun with you, but there’s someone else I was trying to forget. I hope you understand.” 
“I do, spending time with you has been amazing. if you ever change your mind, I’ll be here.” 
Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Fuck you very much. 
Mun-Yeong starts to walk away, making her way the exit, leaving Daniel despondent in the hallway when he calls out to her, speeding up to catch her by her waist, she stops and rises an eyebrow, challenging him to act and he accepts it happily. 
He drags her into a kiss, pressing his tongue into her mouth while stroking the hairs at the nape of her neck. Her immediate moan, making arousal sear through his blood. Imagining how else he could get her moaning.  
“Oh my god, they’re kissing!”  Sun Byeol’s high-pitched voice reaches his ear and he kisses her harder for good measure.  
Pulling away, he sees Mun-Yeong roll her eyes again but he also sees satisfaction in those eyes, she’s just as possessive as he is. She secretly loves that she brings out his primal side, so different from the blushing shy Gang-Tae. 
He looks over at coffee shop guy with a smirk, before walking out the hospital with his girl on his arm. 
He was never letting her go. Destiny had brought them together, but they had made the decision to stay that way. 
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infernwetrust · 4 years
The Devil In Me [Michael Langdon x Fem Reader] Part 2
Plot: What if we took the Antichrist, Michael Langdon and turned him into founder and leader of one of the largest cartel’s in California? And what’s even better, is that you’re by his side through it all.
Summary: You awake to family man, Michael and preparations for a trip to Miami take place. Duncan comes to a rude awakening. 
Warnings: domestic violence, drug use, swearing, threats, fluff, angst, mentions of loss of life, child loss, emotional, this is like kind of dark y’all.
WC: 4.0k
A/N: This was not suppose to take this long to write. It was a little emotionally taxing for me, so I had to space out when I was writing it because I would literally get stuck in a dark place. Thank you for reading! -Juno
The smell of pancakes and warm syrup hit your nose first upon fluttering your eyes open. Usually you were greeted by the warmth of your husband who either lay near by or cuddled you. But it appears that he isn't in bed this morning. He did, however, leave the curtains open just a little bit to let some sunlight in. Just enough for you to be able to see around the room. Grabbing your phone off the side table you checked the time which read, 8:30AM. You groaned, knowing that today was packed to the brim with various activities. Travel being one of them.
When Michael offered to take you and the kids with him, Duncan, and Jim to Miami, how could you say no? It was a business trip, of course, but nonetheless you were still grateful to be going. Duncan had just sealed the deal on a brand new warehouse, perfect for operations and expanding their network. Located in the heat of downtown Miami, they blended in well. And what was their front for it all? A nightclub.
You slowly pulled the covers off of you, yawning as you got up, stretching your arms over your head. You smiled as you stared down at the floor, remembering the events that took place after you and Michael's shower the previous night. It wasn't long before he had you out of your night gown for round 2. You picked it and your pair of panties off the floor, throwing them back on and making your way to the bathroom. Hickeys and bite marks covered your chest as you turned the sink on, splashing water on your face before washing it all together. You quickly brushed over your teeth, knocking your morning breath out. You knew you would return shortly after you ate to brush them again anyways.
Throwing on your favorite pair of house shoes you made your way down the stairs and immediately into the kitchen. The sight in front of you made your heart swell. On the table were 3 plates, stacked with pancakes, bacon, and eggs. In a nearby bowl, fruit. Two glasses, for you and him of course, filled to the brim with orange juice. But that's not what made your heart swell. Michael, for the most part, always waited for you before he started eating.
Michael sat at the dining table, hair messy, shirtless, and in gray sweat pants. Sat up in his lap was Junior, the back of his head firmly planted into Michael's chest. In Junior's hand was a piece of pancake that he simply just shoved into his mouth, his eyes glued to whatever Michael had put on his phone for the boy to watch. With him distracted, Michael had his attention on little Malcolm who sat in his high chair, which he had moved closer to him. You watched as Michael fed him his favorite flavored yogurt to which the boy smiled in returned after his father took the spoon from his mouth.
You cursed yourself for forgetting your phone in the bedroom and you wish you could capture this exact moment forever. But there would always be opportunity for more. Michael is nothing shy of a family man and you know he always enjoys his boys being near by, even on the days where he's just fed up with it all. Feeling a pair of eyes lingering on him, Michael turned his head to look, a smile on his face when he made eye contact with you.
"Hi mama." Malcolm said, also noticing your presence, briefly taking his attention away from Michael's phone to look at you, his face a mess.
"Hi mommy's messy baby." you replied, walking over to give him a kiss on his forehead, followed by 3 quick kisses against Michael's lips. "And hello to you too."
"Why, hello." Michael responded. "So nice of you to join us."
"And miss out on your pancakes? No way, sir."
Michael didn't cook often, but when he did, he made it count. You wondered where he picked up his cooking skill. And then you saw him one day, in the kitchen, following the personal chef around. That day he had even wore his own little apron.
"Hey." Michael said to his personal chef, who stuck by his side since the beginning, Dawn. He stood at the kitchen counter with her, tall and proud. His blonde hair covered by a chef hat.
"Yes, Michael dear." she responded, pausing what she was doing to look at him.
"Don't tell Y/N, okay?" he asked her. "I want it to come as surprise when I do actually cook."
"Of course. I'll even teach you how to make some of her favorites."
He smiled at her again before the two resumed what they doing. You could snap a picture right now, you thought to yourself. How his brothers would LOVE to see Michael's EXTRA soft side, but you stood put, the widest smile and deepest blush on your face as you watched your then, fiancé, learn how to cook for you.
You walked over to Malcolm's high chair, grabbing his also messy face and lightly squeezing his cheeks together before sticking your tongue out at him. He giggled, attempting to wrap his tiny hand around your wrist.
"Don't worry, mommy didn't forget about you." you said. "Finally letting your dad feed you, huh?"
"I know, huh?" Michael huffed out. "No fighting before hand either."
"He's sweet when wants to be." You joined Michael at the table, sliding your hand across his back as you did so.
"Daddy, I'm done." Junior said, looking up at his father.
"That's my boy." Michael praised, kissing the top of his head. Junior almost never finished his food, so when he did, it was worthy of praise. "Go play the living room for a bit,'I'll grab you to come brush your teeth in a minute, okay?"
"Kay." the boy replied as he hopped off Michael's lap and ran into the living room, excited to get his hands on one of his toys.
"No mess either please, baby!" you yelled, hoping he would hear you. Michael smirked because as you said that, the both of you heard the toy box dump out. "Shit..."
"Bold of you to assume that he wasn't going to do that." Michael mocked.
"You hush and tell me what the plans are for today." You earned a small chuckle from him as he laid his hand over your knee, quickly glancing at Malcolm who had now took the matters of eating yogurt into his own hands, literally. All over his hair, face, and hands, yogurt. Michael pouted at the sight even though it was cute.
"Daddy was so hoping that he wouldn't have to give you a bath before we left." Michael sighed. "But silly daddy for looking away for 2 minutes, huh?" Michael reached his hand out to tickle the yogurt covered child.
"You still have so much to learn." you said. "Rule 1. Never take your eyes off the baby in the high chair."
"That is so not rule 1, Y/N."
You and Michael talked for what seemed like hours while the two of you ate breakfast. He started by letting you know why everyone was going to Miami. It was so fascinating to you how he was always so well informed. He told you everything, down to the exact number in income this would generate both from the nightclub sales and the narcotics sale. Jim wanted to set up a marijuana plant down there, but Duncan had convinced him that the best place to grow for right now was right here in California. He even showed you the floor layout of the both the nightclub and the underground warehouse on his phone.
Along the minor details were where everyone was going to be staying, how everyone was going to be transported around Miami, fun things to do when there was free time, and some really popular places to dine.
"Ready to give Malcolm a bath?" Michael questioned as he took the last drink of his orange juice.
"Um." You began. "That was your job."
"Just seeing if you were paying attention." he grinned, getting up to clear the table. You watched as he throughly rinsed the dishes off before putting them in the dishwasher. Most of the time you or one of the housekeepers kept up with the home duties, but Michael knew when he needed to step in and he did, every so often, just like today. Despite his extremely busy schedule, he gave you your break because you always took care of him through and through.
"Thinking about cutting my hair when we get to Miami, yeah?"
"Michael, who do you know in Miami that can cut your hair?"
"I don't know, but Duncan does."
"How short are you thinking about cutting it?"
"Something along the lines of Duncan, but just a little longer."
"Ooo you know that's-,"
"One of your favorites. Yes my love, I do know." He turned around to face you, leaning against the counter, giving you a wink.
"And the blonde just tops it off. God, I love you."
"I love you too." Michael laughed. "Fortunate to be the only blonde out of triplets, huh?"
The both of them laid there, her head against his chest, sweat making their bodies glisten as the moon light shined through the window of her bedroom. This isn't the first time Duncan has hooked up with Michael's head bartender, Elizabeth. In fact, it quickly became a regular thing, the two of them finding peace within one another through a common pain. Loss. If he was stupid enough, he would actually think he was falling in love with her. Was he? He knew he really liked her and that he enjoyed her company, whether it be platonic or sexual. But it wasn't love was it? Her fingers ran circles around his chest as it rose and fell gently.
Elizabeth was just a few inches shorter than Duncan, light brown eyes, a smile that could kill, and a body that Duncan absolutely adored. Usually for Duncan, his one night stands, stayed one night stands. But with her it was different. He liked the chase. And when he finally did fuck her, he ruined her. But his trips to the bar when she worked became regular and soon enough they began talking. And of course their relationship remained private.
"I could lay here with you forever." Duncan said, breaking the silence.
"Then why don't you?" she questioned.
"You know why, Liz." Duncan sighed.
"Duncan, anyone with eyes can see how unhappy you are." She lifted up a little bit, propping her head up in her hand before resting her other one back on Duncan's chest. "She's done nothing but drain you."
"I know."
"Then if you know why don't you just leave her?"
"It's not that simple."
Truth is, she reminded him so much of, Thomas, Tommy for short. When Duncan had lost his 3 year old son, Tommy, a year after Michael stumbled across Bryce, his entire world fell apart. She was the only living memorabilia that he had left of his precious Tommy. How could he leave that behind? No matter how toxic she was, he couldn't pull himself away and that was the only reason.
He had long fallen out of love with Tommy's mother way before they lost him. But for his son, he stayed with her and put up with all the shit she put him and their son through. And then all it took was one careless mistake and he was gone. And it's been 3 years. No he's not over it. No he hasn't forgiven her for leaving their son unattended. No he doesn't know how to move on, not yet.
When Duncan stumbled into his luxurious penthouse that he shared with, Samantha, he felt uneasy. He took his shoes off at the door, gently setting them down. He walked, slowly, to the master bedroom where the door was just cracked open slightly. And now he had his reason.
The exact same guy she told him not to worry about, was the exact same guy who laid in his bed, curled up against his, well, could he even say girlfriend? He took a deep breath, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. What could he even say? What could he even do? And then he just snapped. He walked in, grabbing the guy by his throat and taking his pistol out of his waist band, pressing it between his eyes.
"Woah man! What the fuck?!" he yelped, startling Samantha awake.
"You have 10 seconds to get your shit up off this floor and get the fuck out of my house before I blow your brains out." Duncan said through a clenched jaw.
"Duncan wa-," Samantha began to say but he cut her off.
"Shut up, bitch."
The guy wasted no time picking his clothes up off the floor and scurrying out of the room, Duncan pointing his gun at him the entire time. Duncan slammed the bedroom door shut behind him, scratching his head with his gun before throwing his hand back down to his side.
"Please don't kill me." Samantha begged on the brink of tears. Duncan chuckled, walking over to her quickly causing her to scream.
"Shut up." he grabbed her by her throat, slamming her down on the bed.
"Dunc, please... I'm sorry."
"I'm gonna talk now. And you're gonna listen. And when I'm done, you're gonna pack all of your shit and you're gonna leave. And if you don't, I'll kill you."
Michael took it upon himself to go get Duncan. He was suppose to come over early to meet with him and Jim to go over some analytics before leaving for Miami in evening, but as Michael continued to talk to Jim and continued looking at the time, Duncan still wasn't here. He had tried calling and texting, but he had no success. He had you and Jim try as well, but no success. He was worried now, so he made the 10 minute drive to his brother's apartment.
It was a mutual agreement to have spare keys for everyone's residency, but only for emergencies. Michael unlocked the door to his brother's place, quickly noticing where he left his shoes. So he was home and that was reassuring, but, Duncan never left his shoes by the door. Michael did the same, however, leaving his shoes by the door so he could tread lightly. He could hear a faint noise coming from Duncan's bedroom that only intensified the closer he got. That faint noise was now replaced clearly by arguing, but it sounded one sided. It was just Duncan that was yelling, but underneath all that yelling he heard a softer voice, crying.
Michael inhaled deeply, gently putting his hand on the doorknob. Every second that he stood there, slowly turning the knob as to not make a single sound, felt like a minute. He pushed the door open as far as he could, but Duncan in his new heightened rage, noticed. Still holding Sam down by her throat, he pointed his gun at the door.
"Woah woah woah." Michael said calmly, putting his hands up for Duncan to see. "It's just me."
"Do we not knock now anymore?" Duncan questioned, his eyes red and stained with tears as he looked his brother in his face.
"You weren't answering any of our phone calls and we got worried. I just came to check on you. Can you stop pointing that thing at me? I'm your brother, man. Just put down all together. I'm sure this is something that can be talked over."
"You first." Duncan replied, squinting his eyes.
"Dunc, you have go to be-,"
"I said you first!"
"Okay. Okay." Michael said, reaching behind him to pull his gun out, which he clearly showed to Duncan, finger off the trigger. He squatted down slowly, putting it on the floor, before kicking it to the side.
"Talked over?" Duncan mocked. "Her being the reason behind Tommy's death is something that can just be talked over?! Me coming home to another man in my bed is something that can just be talked over?!"
Michael knew the history behind Duncan and Samantha. Everyone did and while they tried their hardest to convince him to call it quits, Duncan never listened. He was too afraid to let go. Michael knew one day that his brother would snap underneath all his bottled up stress, but he didn't think it would of been this long and unexpectedly. Today out of all days.
"Okay." Duncan continued, tightening his grip on her neck as she just laid there, speechless, the tears pouring out of her eyes as she held onto to Duncan's arm. "So we talk out and then what? She gets to move on right? And be happy because it doesn't look like any of the shit we've gone through has affected her any. In and out of my life for 7 years, Michael. I'm 28 now."
"In and out of Tommy's life for 3 years he was alive. I basically was a single dad, but I kept letting this bitch come back because I loved her and when has ole Duncan ever loved a woman, huh? I should just kill her." Duncan turned his attention back to her, putting the gun back against her forehead.
"Duncan, I know you're still hurting over Tommy. Fuck, man. We all are, but what is killing her going to fix? It's not going to bring Tommy back. It's not going to take away the pain you're feeling. Duncan, you lost a child."
"It'll be justice for, Tommy."
"How do you know that this is what Tommy wanted? You don't. Listen to me, please."
"She doesn't get to walk away again." He cocked his gun, pressing it to her forehead again. Duncan, caught up in his own rage didn't even realize that Michael had stepped closer to him and he was still coming. "Why do you deserve to live? You took away someone else's life, so it's only fair right?"
"Duncan I didn't mean for Tommy to be killed!" she yelled through her tears.
"Bullshit!" he yelled back, when Michael grabbed him, wrapping his arm around his neck, before roughly pulling him away, causing him to drop the gun, which Michael swiftly kicked towards himself, picking it up and pointing it at Samantha, arm still locked around Duncan.
"You need to leave, now." Michael said, Duncan fighting to get out of his tight hold. "Get your clothes on, take your personals and just, leave. We'll send everything to your brother when we get back from our trip. If you ever show your face near or around Duncan or anyone he's close to again, I'll make sure they can't find your body, deal?" She nodded, quickly trying to get herself together, stumbling around as she tried to catch her breath. Michael waited until she was completely gone before releasing Duncan, who immediately turned around, shoving Michael back.
"Fuck you." he spat through his tears he finally let fully fall. "Why do you always get to save the day, huh?" Duncan shoved Michael again and he kept shoving him. When Michael got tired, he pushed Duncan's hands away, pulling his brother in for a tight hug instead.
"I can't say I fully understand how you're feeling, Dunc. But I can say that I get it." Michael said in the hug. "And I'm here for you. We all are." Duncan softened just a little bit, allowing for him to return the hug to Michael.
"I-," Duncan began to say, but he choked on his own words.
"You don't have to say anything. Just go get cleaned up and ready to go, okay? I'll probably be in your kitchen. Jim says you have really good snacks." Duncan pulled back to look Michael in his eyes again and he couldn't help but chuckle just a little bit.
"Yeah, okay." was all he said as he turned around to walk into his bathroom. Shutting the door behind him, he took one look at himself in the mirror. His face scratched from where Sam had grabbed him when he first choked her. His eyes red stained from his tears. He sighed, opening the medicine cabinet, retrieving a small vial with a white powdery substance in it. He put a some on the back of his hand before snorting it up his nose. He exhaled loudly, letting the tears fall again as he put it back up, coming face to face with himself again.
Great. His nose was bleeding. He quickly unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it onto the floor. He was going to reach for a towel, when he came face to face with the tattoo that took up his entire left side. He paid 4,000 dollars for the whole thing. It was a very detailed sketch of his favorite moment with Tommy. He shocked him every time how realistic it looks, but Jim always hooked his brothers up with the best because he knew they would do the same for him. It's Duncan and Tommy, both squatted down. Duncan has his arms wrapped around the boy as he's holding a model toy fire truck. In the background was a very detailed Christmas tree as it was Tommy's birthday on the 25th of December. In beautiful scripted font below it says:
Thomas 2016-2019
And a little hand print that matches, Tommy's to complete it. He gripped both sides of the sink, staring into his own eyes once again as he cried, but he couldn't help but laugh too because of how stupid he was.
"I'm so sorry, Tommy." he said. "I'm so so so sorry. And I'll keep saying it because I know I will never be sorry enough. I miss you so much."
The car ride was silent between Duncan and Michael as they drove back to Michael's home. Michael let him get his usual morning coffee. And when Michael stopped at the store because Jim wanted another pack of cigarettes, he got Duncan his favorite pack too. It was rare that Duncan ever smoked, though, but Michael knew he needed it. He even let him smoke one in the car, sunroof and windows cracked. He didn't even bother to try to hide his dilated pupils from his coke intoxication, the only thing that was keeping him grounded. His head rested against the window and he stared blankly, but his mind was far from blank.
When they got back, Michael helped Duncan move his bags over to the car they would be using to go to the airport. Duncan trailed behind Michael as they walked around to the back, where Jim sat in one of outdoor sofas, typing away on his business computer. All it took was one glance over and Jim could see that Duncan had been crying.
Duncan sat down next to Jim, taking out another cigarette from his box and lighting it. Michael tossed Jim his own box to which Jim smiled and nodded before turning his attention back to his other, clearly distraught, sibling. Jim threw his arm around Duncan's shoulder, pulling him closer to him, resting his temple against Duncan's. He wasn't going to question him. He knew that he would be told when Duncan was ready. But considering Duncan's state at home, he already kind of had an idea.
"We're gonna have a kick ass 3 weeks, okay?" Jim said. "The 3 of us. Like it's always been. Palm trees and beach babes. And I know whatever has got you so upset, sucks, but we're right behind you. I'm sure you know that."
And then Duncan began letting the tears fall once again as Jim tried to console him. He use to be the head strong one of the pack before he let Sam into his life. And now he was stuck and confused, searching for answers and searching for reasons why. He exhaled his cigarette slowly before tossing it into the ashtray.
"Let's just go over these analytics, yeah?" Duncan croaked out. "Business is business boys."
"That's my boy." Jim said, patting and squeezing his shoulder.
Taglist: @jimmason @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid @9layerdevilfoodcake  @xavierplympton @guiltyfiend @theneverendinghunger
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cloudykaii · 4 years
pairing: min yoongi x 8th member!reader [platonic or romantic honestly]
summary: after talking about your childhood, yoongi figured he knew exactly what you needed. 
warnings: mentions of a bad childhood, cursing, emotions, kind of vague mentions of death/suicide
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To make it clear, Min Yoongi did not do this for just anyone. He was like you in many ways, cold on the exterior, blunt and sometimes mean. Knowing this, you didn’t know how to feel when he showed you the blanket he had laid out on the ground and the ice cream in the middle. You looked up at him in confusion, but he just shrugged, gesturing for you to sit down. “You had a tough time at dinner the other night... I figured you could use a break.”
You hummed, sitting down on the soft material carefully as you looked up at the stars, the reflection on them on the river water almost mesmerizing, “I guess you’re right.”
He nodded in agreement, also to let you know he was listening, and you sighed. “It feels weird, having you guys know.”
“What do you mean?” You took the spoon he was holding out for you, biting your lip. “I’m not used to it. I made it a point to keep anyone from finding out for several years, because something in me thought that you guys just wouldn’t acknowledge my existence if you did know. Everyone else in my life was like that, I didn’t want it to be that way with you guys too.”
He pursed his lips. “I understand that... but you’re stronger than you think you are. You should give yourself more credit.”
You shook your head. “See, that’s just it. I know I’m strong, that’s not the problem. I know that whatever happens to me, now or in the future, I can deal with it. I’m not in a bad place anymore, I honestly haven’t been this good in a long time, actually,” you admitted, scooping another spoonful of ice cream into your mouth. 
“Then what is the problem?” Yoongi asked gently and you smiled at him, setting your spoon inside the container and laying down on your back to gaze up at the stars. 
“There isn’t one,” You explained softly. “It’s just... dinner made me realize how far I’ve come, you know? I went from a child who didn’t even see the point in being alive, to someone who just wanted to have someone care about her, to a girl who was so tired of caring about people she gave up.. to me now.”
“And who are you now?” He was aware that he sounded a little too much like a therapist as he asked all these questions, but you didn’t seem to mind as you kept your eyes on the stars. “Undefined,” you finally decided. “I have people who care about and love me, and people that I care about and love. I know that I don’t have to define myself because I don’t owe the world anything in order to be worthy of love.”
“A modern success story,” he smiled, happy that you were finally able to see your worth. “People change.”
You propped yourself up on your elbow so you could look at him. “But you know what the best part of it is? I didn’t change for anyone, or because of anyone. I just taught myself that I’m actually worth something. I did that, and I have every reason to be proud of myself for that.” He smirked over at you, leaning to press a kiss to your head. “I’m proud of you sweetheart,” he hummed. “Taking life as it comes is usually the best plan.”
You nodded. “I mean.. nothing’s permanent anyway. Why stress over thing’s that won’t even matter soon?”
Yoongi suddenly stiffened and for a second, you thought you had upset him until he reached over to grab his bag, pulling out his notebook. “You just gave me an idea, come here.” 
You shuffled closer as he scribbled down words furiously. It wasn’t official that the two of you were writing a song together, but as you tapped your finger on his page mumbling, “Actually I think it would make more sense if you said-” and, “If you put a really nice beat there, that’ll sound amazing,” the two of you made magic.
@bangtan-bey​ | @horsedoghorse​
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Match-Up #28
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Hello, @bees--in-my--bones​​ ! I hope you’re still around, because the match-making time is upon you ~! Also, you’re the first person I matched after I had a chance to sleep a little more, so beware of that.
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Let’s shoot easy things off the list first. Some suitors appreciate being passionate to a fault more than others, no - even more than that, they deem it extremely important, even irreplaceable. I also presume some would take it as a sign of openness.
Mitsuhide (+1) Mitsunari (+1) Masamune (+2)
Now, to loyalty we go! I presume suitors who would not betray it may be the best choice. Perhaps somebody generally putting people they care about above the political matters and the like? Oh, I suppose those who never got to taste much stability and tend to stay more so on the vigilant side would be enamoured with it as well.
Nobunaga (+1) Mitsuhide (+1) Hideyoshi (+1) Kenshin (+1)
As for being funny, I suppose it would be universally appreciated - although... Yes, it is also entirely possible some suitors would find it rather annoying? Some of them are overly serious, oh my.
Hideyoshi (-1) Ieyasu (-1) Kenshin (-1)
And lastly, rational thinking + intelligence combo! Hmm... Well, surely, more so intellectual suitors would work well. However, the way you describe your rationality, I wonder whether it would not lead to rationalising the reality? As in, ah. Do hear me out, some suitors are guilty of it and of getting detached from their feelings. I worry those could amplify each other and lead to nothing good. [Suitors whose points zero-ed out were not brought up.]
Hideyoshi (+1) Shingen (+2) Yukimura (+1)
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Cutting yourself off from others? Oh, I can see it as being a deal-breaker in regards to certain suitors, particularly those who need to be chased down with a pitchfork and a fishing net to actually get... I mean, whose who need to be made aware of their feelings, loyalties, priorities and such, no hunting there at all, obviously. Booty call? In the good old days of otome it was discount therapy mixed with booty hunt.
Masamune (+2) <- he tends to avoid relationships Kenshin (0) <- he needs to be confronted about his feelings before he is even able to commit to any relationship; disqualified also since you mentioned struggling with emotion talk yourself Ieyasu (-1) <- he is not only a meanie, but a tsundere meanie Yukimura (+1) <- another “I will hurt you to keep you safe and away from me” person, ah. I still wish him to find a tick between his buttocks.
Now, let’s see who survived the purge...
To struggling when talking about feelings we go! Hmm... Well, I suppose it could be problematic if suitor at hand did have the same problem, but, how do I... There is a difference in how Mitsunari approaches the topic, and the way Nobunga does. I suppose that, as long as there is no clear unwillingness to approach the topic, you should be all right. Some suitors are also rather fluent in regards to feelings, so that’s a plus for them!
Nobunaga (-1) Mitsuhide (+1) Hideyoshi (+1) Shingen (+1)
I can’t see fluctuating levels of talkativeness as a flaw, hence no points for that. It’s more of a... Quality, I would say? And I am sure all the remaining suitors would accept it as it is.
As for self-esteem issues and lack of drive... I can see it as something that would be seen as something not so attractive by some suitors, but I would also like to note some would probably encourage you to try anyway.
Nobunaga (-1) Mitsuhide (+1) Hideyoshi (+1) Mitsunari (+1)
1st Summary:
Shingen (+6) Mitsuhide (+4) Hideyoshi (+3) Mitsunari (+2) Nobunaga (-1)
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Points distributed for likes:
Nobunaga (+3) <- sweets, adventure, learning Mitsuhide (+5) <- all; you could have all the sweets to yourself with him Hideyoshi (-1) <- hide away your sweets... Although that perhaps would be good if you’re trying to save up, but also, ah, let’s be honest, they could very well buy you sweets. Mitsunari (+2) <- reading, learning Shingen (+1) <- sweet drinks
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Point distributed for dislikes:
Nobunaga (-4) <- being pushed aside (he is busy), extensive social interactions, expectation to be upfront about feelings, immature person (he is described as a bit of a man-child) Mitsuhide (+3) <- he does the opposite of all of those, except for pushing people aside. [It zeroed itself out] Hideyoshi (+3) <- he is the opposite of immature, takes the lead well while also taking the interest of others into account, he doesn’t seem to expect MC to be too upfront about her feelings [he does not forget about others, but it zeroed itself out with social interactions] Mitsunari (+3) <- he would never push his lover aside, not much obligatory social interactions, no expectations of leadership [he may appear immature at times, so it zeroed it self out with him not expecting anybody to be very upfront about their feelings] Shingen (-1) <- he would take the lead and wouldn’t expect complete transparency emotion-wise, but he would most likely do all the other mentioned things at least once
2nd Summary:
Mitsuhide (+12) Mitsunari (+7) Shingen (+6) Hideyoshi (+5) Nobunaga (-2)
Only characters with positive value by their names will be considered in the final stages of the match-up. 
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Hideyoshi (+5) <- he has a strong tendency towards being overbearing, ah
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Mitsuhide and Shingen suffer a critical blow due to their fatal trait - enigmatic!
Mitsuhide (-1) Shingen (-1)
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Mitsunari (+1) <- he would appreciate such passion in regards to learning
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Poor Ranmaru, so many people seem to dislike him. Either way, Ranmaru’s not in the poll either way and the rest’s up to match-maker ;)
Final Ranking
Mitsuhide (+11) Mitsunari (+8) Shingen (+5)
Confessed first: Neither. It doesn’t count. You had to be tricked into it by Masamune and Nobunaga - there were literal bets being made on how long you would brood after each other without actually making a move.
Makes tea in the morning: Mitsuhide.
Hogs blankets at night: You, although mostly by accident. He just doesn’t seem to hold onto them at all. What sort of fight is it, if the opponent surrendered at the very beginning?
Is the little spoon: Usually: you.
Possible points for conflict: It is a curious thing that both of you tend to ignore your feelings - you, without realising so, and him, fully aware of everything he experiences. As such, it leads to miscommunications sometimes, but you’re working on it.
Free time ideas: Strolling through the forest, resting in the cool archives during a hot summer day (of course, reading is involved), Mitsuhide reading a book aloud to you, attempting to solve some little castle mysteries (who could have taken something, how come lord Nobunaga still succeedes at his konpeito hunts, tircking Hideyoshi into resting - it is a mystery how he still is able to go on, surely).
Favourite date spot: Your own garden, provided that Mitsuhide does pick up your favourite sweets on his way home.
A secret you share: You picked up on certain clues suggesting he may be tired or otherwise in need of comfort. As hard as talking about feelings may be, it takes less courage to find an excuse as to why you need his assistance immediately - the fact that you need it for a nap is another matter completely.
His favourite thing about you: He adores how knowledgeable and passionate you are. Quite honestly, he wishes he could give himself to his interests just as much as you do to yours.
His message to you: “You’re worthy of much more than I could ever provide you with, little mouse, and yet you chose me? Hold your head up high and be proud. I truly wish you could see yourself with my eyes.”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Written In The Stars CXXVII (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: This is one of my favourite chapters uwu -Danny
Words: 4,172
Series’ Masterlist
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Listen to: ‘I Wanna Be OK’ -by Caleb James
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Chapter Twenty-Five: Reaching Out.
She never would've thought that one of Pansy's friends was... decent. 
Yes, Erick had some pretty nasty friends, but he was lovely, however, he'd never considered them close. Daphne was different, she didn't have a problem with her friends, but she had a restless curiosity and a set of very good eyes, same eyes that helped her realize Erick was acting strange.
"She's been following me for months," Erick scowled at the girl. "I didn't know it was her, but I was careful not to do anything suspicious as soon as I felt it... I'm used to being alone, Daphne, which means I can tell when I'm not."
"Didn't hurt to try," Daphne shrugged, sitting down. "You can stop staring at me like that, I'm not here to kill you."
"What do you want?"
"I already asked her," Erick sat down next to the girl and gestured for Mel to sit in front of them. "I know you don't like her, but if you trust me then you'll listen to what she has to say."
Mel hesitated, if this would've happened a year ago she would've agreed right away, there was nothing to lose and one more friend to gain, but now it wasn't just some silly study sessions to learn about the muggle world, it was the Order, secrets plans to win a war that was yet to start...
"Erick has explained to me that you and Granger taught him a lot about the muggle world and that you've also done a few things off-record... I want to learn, I don't care whether if You-Know-Who's back or not, but I care about myself and my sister. I want to be prepared if it turns out you're not crazy."
"I don't understand," Mel sat down. "You believe us?"
"I don't know what to believe," Daphne made a face. "I know that if the Ministry sent Umbridge here they must see Dumbledore as a real threat, and that's something."
"Why asking me, though?"
"I would rather get my information from someone who's lived around muggles instead of that nonsense pureblood families say all the time. They heard it from their parents, and the parents heard it from their parents... I'm not excited about spending time with you and Granger," She sneered. "But I don't have a choice."
"How do I know you're not trying to trick us?"
Daphne raised a brow in amusement. 
"Why do you need to trust me to have a silly study session from time to time?"
"Answer the question, Daphne," Erick pressed.
The girl turned to look at him, she examined his and Mel's face and her interest increased.
"What are really doing here?"
"Listen, you either answer me, or we're done," Mel insisted. "I have things to—"
"Umbridge wants to make her own little team of rats," Daphne said. "Pansy was telling us about it yesterday, she said Umbridge was writing to the Minister the other day after class, and that she managed to read a bit — said it was something about recruiting students to be her eyes and ears."
"I could join along with Erick and we could help you. I know you and your friends are up to something, you've been too friendly with students from other houses and that didn't use to happen, we can trick Umbridge so she follows the wrong clues."
Mel couldn't help but think about Kingsley and Tonks helping the Order by lying about Sirius' whereabouts, it was tempting. Hadn't she promised to find a way to beat Umbridge in her own game? Maybe this was it. Umbridge would never suspect two of the best Slytherins being the ones passing information to Mel. 
"If that's true," She started carefully. "Then I'd consider teaching you, if you promise to keep your mouth shut."
"Okay," Daphne stood up. "We have a deal?"
Mel faced the girl in front of her, she still couldn't believe this was happening.
"Greengrass, if this is a trick... you'll regret it."
"I know."
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She told Hermione about it because throwing Daphne into the mix was a dangerous move. She figured Harry would be okay since it really didn't have to do with him and what they were doing, he would get anxious no doubt, but he would understand. 
Since she had promised to help him with Occlumency, Mel decided to inform him about it during their first study session. Harry was just as confused as her.
"What is it about you," He asked in incredulity, "that attracts Slytherins so much?"
"Dunno," Mel smiled. "Maybe it's, you know, that I don't judge the book by its cover?"
"Shut up," Harry snorted. "I've never seen you pick a book with an ugly cover. Don't lie to me."
"Are you admitting that I was right, though? Slytherins and Gryffindors can get along."
"Have your first meeting with two Slytherins at once," He raised a brow. "Then we'll talk."
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It was a known fact that Umbridge was starting to lose it, with every new decree she was stepping further into a higher position, making her even more dislikeable than before. It was also known, that there was a war going on between the woman and Mel Dumbledore.
She was, to say it simply, mayhem. Mel hung a target on those bullies that would openly talk against the muggle-borns, making their lives a living hell -with the twins' help, obviously- and the best part was that Umbridge was unable to catch her every single time.
Umbridge was a threat to the school, she could feel her breathing on her neck. The funny thing was that even though Umbridge considered her the biggest issue on her list, she was underestimating Mel at an abysmal level.
For instance, the woman couldn't phantom the plausibility of Mel doing wandless magic, even knowing she was a Dumbledore, a gifted one at that, Umbridge's blind trust in Fudge seemed to weigh more on her mind than anything else.
Being the student defending the muggle-borns honour regardless of their house gave her the protection she'd been lacking for years. The witnesses would blatantly deny her participation in any incidents, it didn't matter if Umbridge threatened them with detention, Mel had created such a strong community that it was now acting without her having to move a finger. 
While Harry was doing everything in his power to teach what the woman was censoring in her classes, Mel kept destroying every false fear Umbridge had been placing inside the students' heads; but the work wasn't done after the first week, it had to be constant and she had to be careful about the battles she'd pick. 
Her lessons with Dumbledore were a great help for that, learning how to clear her mind and compartmentalize her emotions turned out to be brilliant for her plans. She was unstoppable.
Unfortunately, there was a consequence to this: Mel was turning into a prepotent git. She'd started to publicly mess with the bullies, and in some cases, students that were younger than her. One afternoon, Erick caught her while hexing a thirteen-year-old.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" He hissed at her. "You have no right to punish him — You can't allow this to get over your head!"
"Oh, it's way over my head by now," Mel snorted. "I spent four years trying to convince everyone that I was worthy — four bloody years where I got nothing in return. I'm done with that, I'll let it get over my head as much as I want. I deserve it. I deserve the attention and I deserve the bloody power. Umbridge is nothing compared to me."
"You forget you're not the ruler of the school — Even if others treat you like it," He warned her.
"Then stop me," She smiled innocently, though her tone was definitely mocking. "You'll have a hard time trying, Prince."
Erick straightened in his place and spoke out loud:
"Detention, Miss Dumbledore. You'll report to Professor McGonagall tonight — Oh! And thirty points from Gryffindor will be taken away."
Mel's eyes flashed dangerously. "You can't do that."
Erick leaned closer. 
"Then stop me," He looked around the hall and yelled. "What are you looking at? Go to class!"
Most of the students glared at the boy and mumbled about taking care of him later, but Erick didn't care, after all, he'd never been afraid of her, let alone of her admirers.
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Neville had found his motivation in the shape of Bellatrix Lestrange. There was something dark but certain in the way he would practice, and there was something pleasant but worrying about the fact that he'd become the best student.
By the end of January, after a long talk with Erick, Harry, Hermione and Ron, Mel decided to mention the D.A. to Daphne. It wasn't surprising at all when she decided to join.
Mel was working at the speed of light: Quidditch practice, O.W.L.s lessons and Dumbledore's along with her little vigilante acts. She was missing meals several times a week, something that her friends were noticing, which caused the sudden appearance of snacks in her bag and pockets.
She was so enraptured on herself that she couldn't even feel Harry's discomfort. She knew he was having a hard time thanks to their weekly Occlumency sessions, he still couldn't clear his head, and although she would try her best she would stop at the slightest hint of an argument about to burst between them. She didn't have the time to fight.
The day finally arrived when Daphne would have her very first D.A. meeting. She was welcomed with open arms, and it wasn't because of Mel's warnings, the students were genuinely excited about having a Slytherin there, and Mel couldn't help but share their sentiment.
She woke up on the morning of Valentine's day having no clue that it was Valentine's day. She had fallen asleep right after a soothing warm bath, her hair turned all frizzy overnight and it hadn't dried completely, so she was sort of grumpy.
An owl landed in front of Hermione during breakfast, holding out a letter for her. Thinking it was maybe Krum's reply Mel didn't give much thought to it while she ate, Ron sat down beside her and nudge her side.
"You're okay?"
"Hmm?" Mel asked, shoving a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. 
"I thought you'd be bouncing off the walls today, aren't you excited?" 
Mel blinked, swallowing her food and frowning slightly. 
"About what?"
Ron stared at her. 
"Your date?"
The girl dropped her spoon.
"It's Valentine's day?!"
"Are you sure you're sleeping enough?" He asked worryingly. 
"Mum's birthday!" She said in horror. "I have to send her a present — I have to hurry —"
"About time!" Hermione said abruptly. "If it hadn't come today..." 
"What's that?" asked Mel anxiously. 
"Listen, guys," Hermione looked up at her and Harry. "This is really important... Do you think you could meet me in the Three Broomsticks around midday?"
"Well... I dunno," Harry shrugged. "Cho might be expecting me to spend the whole day with her. We never said what we were going to do." 
"Fred wouldn't mind about me leaving early," Mel responded. "Why?"
"Well, Harry, bring her along if you must," said Hermione with impatience. "But will you come?"
"Well... all right, but why?"
"I haven't got time to tell you now, I've got to answer this quickly —" Hermione left right away.
 "You know what? I reckon I hate it when she does that too," Mel groaned.
"Are you coming?" Harry asked Ron, he shook his head miserably.
"I can't come into Hogsmeade at all, Angelina wants a full day's training. Like it's going to help — we're the worst team I've ever seen." 
"How come you're not staying?" Harry asked her.
"I trained yesterday with Jack so I could go to Hogsmeade with Fred," Mel said, suddenly remembering why she was so tired. "I can't believe I woke up and didn't remember! I've been planning this for days..."
"Mel's alright," Ron sulked. "She's got a good broom and her aim is decent, but we're still struggling... I dunno why Angelina won't just let me resign..."
"It's because you're good when you're on form, that's why," said Harry with exasperation, then he turned to Mel. "And you should consider taking a time off, you can go a week without being Umbridge's nightmare."
"You're sounding like Hermione," Mel said, gathering her hair in a ponytail to get it out of the way. "I got this, okay?"
"Lady!" Fred happily approached. "Ready for the best day of your life?"
"You really need to be humbled," Mel replied, pushing her hair back and standing up, waving goodbye to the boys as she left the Great Hall with Fred. 
"You're one to talk, your majesty," Fred mocked.
"Can we go to the owlery first? I forgot to send Mum's present..."
"George and I sent it last Wednesday!" 
"Why are you sending presents to my mum?" She frowned
"Because we like her," Fred raised a brow, "And I should be nice to my mother-in-law, shouldn't I? — Oof!"
"You're coming, or not?" Mel said.   
"Yeah, sure — Merlin, you're getting stronger..." He rubbed his arm. "All that practice is paying off..."
"Hermione wants to meet in the three broomsticks later on the day," She ignored his comment. "You could come with me but you don't have to..."
Fred shrugged. 
"George, Lee and I were planning to buy stuff anyway," He smirked. "We've run out of almost everything. You really are taking this war against Umbridge quite seriously, aren't you?"
"Well, Sirius did ask me to have fun," She grinned.
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"You think it's a good idea to visit Madam Puddifoot's shop?" He asked loudly as they ran away from the rain.
"Oh god, no," Mel grimaced. "That place reminds me of Umbridge's office, so cheesy..."
"You used to like cheesy!" He shook his head. "Just thought I should mention it, that's where the couples go..."
"We shouldn't go anywhere we don't like," Mel responded. "I mean, not that we're following rules anyway..."
"Not that we're a real couple either," Fred snorted.
The whole day had been like any other, the only difference being that it was just the two of them, and they were having fun. Although maybe there was one thing she'd been trying to ignore for a while.
Things were moving forward at an alarming speed in other aspects of her life: Harry and she still weren't the friends they used to be and she certainly didn't feel comfortable enough to talk about her love life in front of him, but it was time to talk about it with someone, it was driving her mad.
Fred was extrovert and funny, but he knew when Mel needed to have a serious conversation and how to support her. Mel could stop him from doing really wild things, she was still the only girl the twins listened to. They had lots of fun together... but they weren't in love.
She'd expected to fall for Fred, even if she was the first to claim it was out of the question. Part of her secretly hoped for the day when she would look into his eyes and realize she was head over heels, but that moment was yet to arrive. 
Maybe she could talk about it with Erick, though they had promised not to bring up the romantic side of their lives during their study sessions because it was making Erick rather grumpy lately, and she didn't want to fight with him. Either way, Mel needed to talk about her situation with Fred soon. She knew this whole thing didn't have a future, and she was done pretending.
"You're awfully quiet," Fred mentioned as they walked into the three broomsticks, emptying his pockets of the wrappers of sweets they had shared during the day. "Something on your mind?"
"No," She lied. "Just... I'm comfortable with my life right now, you know?"
If she could, she'd keep this situation going for the rest of her school years, but it wasn't fair to Fred and it wasn't fair to her either. Nevertheless, there would be better days to bring that up than on Valentine's day.
"Glad to hear you're the happiest girl on earth since you kissed me," He joked.
"That's debatable."
"Don't ruin our moment, Lady."
"Anyway..." She grinned. "Thank you for the date, I'll see you around..."
"No problem," Fred winked. "If you end your thing with Hermione before it's time to go back, feel free to join us."
"Alright," She nodded. 
When Fred left, she ran into the strangest scene she'd ever seen in her life: 
Hermione, Luna, Harry and Rita Skeeter, all seated at the same table. Mel wondered if maybe she was dreaming, but once she was standing right in front of the group, she realized not even her could come up with such a strange thing.
"This is by far the weirdest view of the day, and I walked past Madam Puddifoot's a few minutes ago," She said jokingly. 
"Where's Fred?" Hermione asked her. 
"Had plans with George and Lee, didn't want to hold him back since I didn't know how long this would take... And it looks like it's going to take a while."
"I'm sorry," Harry said, but he didn't sound sorry at all. 
"Doesn't matter," Mel shrugged, untying her hair and feeling it splash freezing cold water on her back. "Merlin, I need a haircut..."
She sat down between Harry and Hermione and smiled at the woman in front of her. 
"Rita," She greeted. "You look awful."
"Dumbledore girl," Skeeter said in the same tone. "Are those dark circles under your eyes meant to match your mental state?"
"Nah, I wear them for fun," Mel raised her eyebrows. "Whenever I feel like looking crazy I hex people, would you like to be my victim for the day?"
"That's enough," Hermione scolded them. "We're not here to have a go at each other."
"Why are we here, then?"
"Little Miss Perfect was just about to tell me when you arrived," said Rita. "I suppose I'm allowed to talk to them, am I?" 
"Yes, I suppose you are," said Hermione. "But don't call Mel crazy again, you know that's not true."
"Where's Cho?" Mel asked, noticing Harry was alone.
"I... er— She didn't want to come," He replied awkwardly.
"Pretty girl, is she, Harry?" Rita questioned, then she added. "And you're dating some Fred, are you, Mel? Weren't you two together?"
"One more word about their love life and the deal's off and that's a promise," Hermione snapped.
"What deal? You haven't mentioned a deal yet, Miss Prissy, you just told me to turn up. Oh, one of these days..." 
"Yes, yes, one of these days you'll write more horrible stories about Harry and Mel, and me. Find someone who cares, why don't you?" 
"They've run plenty of horrible stories about these two this year without my help— How has that made you feel, Harry? Betrayed? Distraught? Misunderstood? What about you, Mel?" 
"They feel angry, of course. Because Harry's told the Minister of Magic the truth and the Minister's too much of an idiot to believe him, and Mel has done nothing to gain that awful reputation," Hermione replied.
"Well, dunno 'Mione, some classmates might disagree," Mel said in a low, playful tone.
"So you actually stick to it, do you, that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back? You stand by all this garbage Dumbledore's been telling everybody about You-Know-Who returning and you being the sole witness — ?"
"What my uncle said isn't garbage," The girl argued. "It's the truth."
"And I wasn't the sole witness," Harry said roughly. "There were a dozen-odd Death Eaters there as well. Want their names?"
"I'd love them," Rita opened her bag once more and this time Hermione didn't stop her. "A great bold headline: 'Potter Accuses...' A subheading: 'Harry Potter Names Death Eaters Still Among Us.' And then, beneath a nice big photograph of you: 'Disturbed teenage survivor of You-Know- Who's attack, Harry Potter, 15, caused outrage yesterday by accusing respectable and prominent members of the Wizarding community of being Death Eaters...' "
"I doubt any of them will be respectable after this," Mel muttered.
Rita stopped abruptly, her smile fading.
"Of course... Little Miss Perfect wouldn't want that story out there, would she?"
"As a matter of fact," said Hermione, smiling at Rita, "that's exactly what Little Miss Perfect does want."
Rita, Mel and Harry stared at her. Luna hummed quietly without caring about the little discussion happening, her eyes glued to her drink.
"You want me to report what he says about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" Rita breathed.
"Yes, I do. The true story. All the facts. Exactly as Harry reports them. He'll give you all the details, he'll tell you the names of the undiscovered Death Eaters he saw there, he'll tell you what Voldemort looks like now — oh, get a grip on yourself!" The girl exclaimed after Rita accidentally spilt firewhiskey on her lap at the mention of the wizard. "Mel will tell you all about Barty Crouch Jr. and how Fudge ruined any chances of being a decent Minister, and how Umbridge is doing awful things to the school."
"The Prophet wouldn't print it. In case you haven't noticed, nobody believes their cock-and-bull story. Everyone thinks they're delusional," Skeeter pointed out. "Now, if you let me write the story from that angle —"
"We don't need another story about how Harry and Mel lost their marbles! We've had plenty of those already, thank you! I want them given the opportunity to tell the truth!"
"There's no market for a story like that."
"You mean the Prophet won't print it because Fudge won't let them."
"All right, Fudge is leaning on the Prophet, but it comes to the same thing. They won't print a story that shows Harry and the Dumbledores in a good light. Nobody wants to read it. It's against the public mood. This last Azkaban breakout has got people quite worried enough. People just don't want to believe You-Know-Who's back."
"So the Daily Prophet exists to tell people what they want to hear, does it?" 
"The Prophet exists to sell itself, you silly girl."
"My dad thinks it's an awful paper," Luna finally intervened. "He publishes important stories that he thinks the public needs to know. He doesn't care about making money."
"I'm guessing your father runs some stupid little village newsletter? 'Twenty-five Ways to Mingle with Muggles' and the dates of the next Bring-and-Fly Sale?"
"No, he's the editor of The Quibbler."
Rita snorted. 
"Important stories he thinks the public needs to know'? I could manure my garden with the contents of that rag!" 
"Well, this is your chance to raise the tone of it a bit, isn't it?" said Hermione. "Luna says her father's quite happy to take Harry's interview. That's who'll be publishing it."
"The Quibbler!" Rita chortled. "You think people will take them seriously if they're published in The Quibbler?"
"Some people won't, but the Daily Prophet's version of the Azkaban breakout had some gaping holes in it. I think a lot of people will be wondering whether there isn't a better explanation of what happened, and if there's an alternative story available, even if it is published in a... in a — well, an unusual magazine — I think they might be rather keen to read it."
"Can't say it's not a good idea," Mel shrugged. "The Ministry'll be stuck. If they act against it people will notice it, if they ignore it people will read it anyway. They don't get to win."
"All right, let's say for a moment I'll do it," Rita said. "What kind of fee am I going to get?" 
"I don't think Daddy exactly pays people to write for the magazine," said Luna. "They do it because it's an honor, and, of course, to see their names in print."
"I'm supposed to do this for free?" Rita asked in outrage.
"Well, yes. Otherwise, as you very well know, I will inform the authorities that you are an unregistered Animagus. Of course, the Prophet might give you rather a lot for an insider's account of life in Azkaban..."
"And you kind of owe it to us, Rita," Mel smiled sweetly. "After all the shit you pulled last year."
"I don't suppose I've got any choice, have I?" She spat, leaving her parchment on the table and preparing her quill. 
"Daddy will be pleased," said Luna happily.
"Okay, guys?" said Hermione, turning to them. "Ready to tell the public the truth?"
Mel and Harry looked at each other.
"My uncle will be pissed," She said. 
But after a second, they realized they didn't care what Dumbledore had to say. They had been acting in the shadows for far too long, it was time to reach out. Harry smiled a little, looking back at Hermione.
"We're ready," said Harry.
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Next Chapter —>
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