#I have more ideas for drabbles but i don't want to burn myself out so maximum of one a day!
ancientschampionau · 28 days
RealAgeAU Drabble - Information
I am bored and so decided to go write a little thing on this as I had an idea again.
First Drabble over here. original prompt by @spotaus
Next Drabble in chronological order here
This one is around the time after the gang met back up again to return to Nightmare but found the castle starting to collapse. about a week after they left.
Also, apology in advance. I slightly re-did the story of Dream and Nightmare. Just to fit it me more. The original story you can find with Jokublog as their original creator.
Warning, unbeta'ed and unedited as always lmao
Dust sighs as he glances around the empty and dark halls. The whole castle so far had been empty and deserted.
Because they had deserted him. They had betrayed him. They had-
Dust shakes the thoughts and familiar voice out of his skull. No time. They need to find somekind of clue.
Dust looks from side to side as he thinks. The four of them had searched the bottom floor together but found nothing. Horror had split up to search the forest and gardens. Cross went to search all storage rooms. Killer had went to search the basement and cellar.
Which left the normal rooms for Dust to search.
And he had found nothing. Dust groans as he slides to the ground. Where he just sits for a moment.
It didn't make sense. Because Dust had noticed stuff being gone from their rooms. Dust know one of his old hoodies disappeared but it would be the first time they had a laundry mishap. But the other rooms it felt like stuff had been missing.
But there were no signs of breakins or anything. Nothing that suggested that anyone had been here. Which probably won't be for long.
With how difficult it had been for them to even get back here... It is obvious that the magic keeping everything together and hidden is failing.
It is a matter of time before the universe is no longer hidden and then the Stars will come and mess things up even more.
Which... Nightmare most likely realised. And so he left...
Dust groans as he covers his face and thinks. Fuck. They didn't even know what was affecting boss. What had been causing him to grow weaker and younger. To cause him to lose his powers.
And they FUCKING left! Like fucking assholes and ungrateful little shits!
No wonder Nightmare decided to leave as soon as he realised this universe was a lost cause.
Dust sighs as he looks around the hall before his sight stops at one last door. The door he hadn't dared to enter.
It is stupid.
It isn't like they had been good followers before. With them just abandoning the person who had saved them from their own dying AUs as soon as he lost power.
Yet it felt disrespectful to just enter his room.
Dust shakes his skull again and gets up. He marches over to the door and pauses. He raises his hand and knocks.
No answer.
Dust waits for a moment before knocking again, a tiny bit louder.
Still no answer. Dust still waits before trying the door. He isn't sure if he wants it too open or be locked.
The door opens.
Dust stays still for a moment before pushing the door fully open. The room is dark and empty nad Dust makes sure to check all hiding places.
But still nothing.
Dust sighs before aglimmer of silver catches his eye. He tilts his skull and walks over to the bed. On it lays a shining silver band. Dust hums as he studies it and rubs some of the old dust and grim off of it. only to reveal a crescent moon.
Dust stares at it for a long time. It... it kinda looks like the crown simular to Dream's but it is so much smaller. It looks so much more fragile and dull. Dust takes a seat on the bed as he rubs the soft metal. It is clearly old. Very old. But it seems cared for.
Why... Why would he leave it?
Dust looks around the room again and stops to stare at one of the bedside tables. The drawer isn't completely shut. He pulls it over and immediantly sees that a false bottom has been removed and not bother to be put back. Dust looks at the crown and the drawer before testing it out.
The crown fits perfectly in the drawer and once shut you wouldn't even see it unless you knew it was there. He removes the crown again before turning quickly to the other bedside table. Dust dive crawls over the bed and reaches the other side.
He opens the drawer and removes all the pens and papers and notes from it. It seems to be notes on possible universes for them to raid and notes on what to pick up from where. Small 'to do' lists. The drawer is soon empty and he feels around it.
Another false bottom pops open and Dust grins as the removes it. Only for the grin to fall as all he can see is an old fairytale book. Dust puts the drawer piece to the side and takes out the book.
It is old. Older than any of Nightmare's books in his library. Older than the castle now looks. Even broken and falling apart.
Dust sits back upright and crosses his legs as he lays the book in his lap. The cover shows a large tree with a female like figure next to it. Golden letters at the top spell out DreamTale.
Dust freezes before he quickly opens the picture book and starts reading.
It is like a childrens tale. A fairytale.
A young powerful woman by the name of Nim. The keeper of emotions who spreads them across the multiverse. Who prefers her privacy. Positive and negative send out as equals and spread where there is a need.
A man. A mortal. Bold and brass. Greedy for things not his. Goes to her and demands a power he has no right to. A fight happens and Nim wins. But the cost is high.
She has been hurt. Hurt by the mortal who she had to kill. The mortal who forced her to bloody her hands. Make her guilty of a crime she never wanted to commit. With her last power she tries to create a way to continue. A way to exist. Before her, two spirts appear.
One is a golden light made of hope and dreams. positivity shines out as the spirit seems happy already. Nim smiles at them and names them Dream. As the little spirit already seems to be a dreamer and a being of hope. A name fitting for the small spirit.
A second spirit, she hadn't expected, takes form moments after the first and Nim pauses. She ends up naming this one Nightmare, only because they seem to be the oposite of Dream in ever way with their dimmer light and purple colour.
Dust stops and frowns "Wow lady. Talk about clear favouritism with your children." Dust frowns as he traces the picture of two small balls of light in the hands of the woman, Nim.
He shakes his skull and continues reading. For how old the book looks it isn't that long.
Nim felt her time nearing its end and searches the multiverse for a vessel to fit her children. Something that can withstand their magic and beings.
Many failures as he desperation hightens and hightens. Until she comes across a skeleton who just shines out with briliant positivity. She doesn't think and uses the last of her powers to recreate that form for her children.
Nim becomes one with her tree as her children begin to move their new bodies. Young and new to the world. Only been made days before. But they have one another and the tree.
Dust glares "Are you kidding me? You give them just... bodies which clearly only fit one of your sons?! What the hell lady?" Dust takes a deep breath before continuing to read. Why doesn't the multiverse know this? Most of their stories are known across it by now.
Neither Dream nor Nightmare know what to do. Both are young and only just been born. Luckily their mother is still with them to guide them. She warns them away from mortals and tells her children it is now their duty to protect her and her tree. But most important the apples that grow from it.
The golden and purple apples. The golden apples will cure any illness and body harm. While the purple apples will heal any magical illness and mental harm.
Nim tells them again and these apples can not be given away as they also hold the key to keeping the multiverse in balance concerning positivity and negativity. That Dream can only touch and pick the golden apples and Nightmare can only touch and pick the purple ones.
But that they should never eat one. Never.
Both the children look up at their mother before nodding. They promise they will do their job and duty and protect her and her apples.
Dust huffs "Wow. Child labor now lady? You are so getting the mother of the year award." he continues reading.
Time passes as Dream and Nightmare stay with the tree. The live and sleep under it and relax near it. That is until the settlers come and people make a village nearby. Nim reminds them again that mortals are not to be trusted.
Dream however wishes to meet them. See who they are and make friends. Nightmare tries to convince his twin to stay near the tree. They job is to guard it and make sure no one tries to take the apples. Dream reassures Nightmare that he can do that by himself before going down to the village.
The villagers are quick to adore Dream. It is no surprise after all. Dream radiates an aura that makes those around him happy and he is happy to help. He goes to the village daily to help around and make friends.
Nightmare however is more distrustful. He remains near the tree and makes sure no one tries to take from it. The villagers are unhappy wiht him. How dare he keep the treasures of the tree to himself. He tries to explain he can't give them the apples but the villagers are quick to leave.
Dream reinforces the rule that no one can be given an apple and the villagers seem to accept this easier.
It continues on. The village keeps expanding quickly and Nightmare shares his worry that they will eventually hurt their tree and mother. Dream nods and promises his brother he will talk with the villagers.
The villagers do not stop expanding but instead gift Dream a large cape with his symbol of the sun on it. To wrap around the tree to reinforce it is special and no one is allowed to cut it.
Nightmare and Dream happily work together to secure it around the tree.
As Dream grows more and more loved by all those around him Nightmare grows more distrusted and shunned. The villagers agree him to be a bad omen and if something bad happens it must be his fault. After all, Dream is the one who helps them and makes them happy. That must mean that Nightmare is the source of what is bad.
Nightmare tries to explain this isn't the case but no one listens. He tries to explain to Dream what the villagers say but Dream just tells him to spend more time with them and get to know them.
Words change into actions. But Nightmare stays quiet. It is no use. And he doesn't wish to make his brother sad.
Wounds and broken bones are eaisly hidden by long sleeves and excuses are easy to make up. Nightmare doens't like lying but no one beleives his truths anyway. His mother reminds him that mortals are not to be trusted but try to keep Dream happy.
It all comes down to one faithful day. Nightmare begs his brother to stay with the tree but Dream had been promised a nice cup of tea from one of his friends.
Dream promises Nightmare he will return quickly after the tea.
Dream drinks it and feels sleepy soon after.
As Dream rests the villagers band together to take what they are owned. After all. They have lived her for so long and that terrible Nightmare refused to share the apples and forbid Dream from sharing them as well.
Nightmare sees them coming and reminds them again. He isn't allowed to give them the apples. As he had reminded them for the last six years of his short life-
"Six?!" Dust stares at the word. Soul beating fast. Six. They had been six. Nightmare had been six! Those... those disgusting creatures saw a babybones. a six year old and younger before that. and decided he was a horrible creature?
Dust has to take deep breaths to calm his racing soul and thundering magic. It is no use. Contain it for now. Read. Learn. Plan. Then act.
Dust quickly finds the spot where he had left off.
As he had reminded them for the last six years of his short life. He isn't allowed to share the golden apples. He can give them a purple apple-
But as soon as he offers the villagers grow more angry. How dare he try and hurt them with those harmful apples?! The apples that no doubt will cause harm and poison them!?
Nightmare was confused and unsure what to say. None of the apples cause harm. They all have ways to help someone in their own way. They just also help the multiverse as a whole. Nightmare steels his nerves and hides his fear as he repeats what he alwyas said 'I can't pick the golden apples for you. I am not allowed. Please leave.' after which he turns and returns towards the tree.
This is when a village grabs their chance. They grab a large rock and bring it down on Nightmare's skull.
It caves nad Nightmare falls down. His head hurts and he can't seen. His soul cries out for his twin. Brother. Brother where are you? Why aren't you back. You promised. You promised me.
Nightmare watches as the villagers near the tree. His mother asking and begging him to help her. That the villagers are killing her and that Nightmare needs to do something to defend her.
Nightmare doens't know what to do. he is afraid. He will die. an apple falls near him. a golden one. and in desperation he grabs it.
The golden apple's colour changes from the beautiful gold to a sickly black. it drips and shimmers. it smells sour and feels wrong. But Nightmare is afraid. He doesn't want to die. and selfishly. Eats the apple.
Dust glares "Selfish?! Selfish?!" he seethes as he looks away from the words and back to the drawing. It looks like a pencil drawing and Dust feels slightly ill. because most of his skull is done in the drawing. the crown broken and dented next to him as the rock caused most of the tiny skull to break. his whole right side is done until just above the mouth. the broken broken edge continues right over the nose bridge and just barely misses the left socket before going all the way around.
The top of his skull had been gone.
Those... They... a six year old. a babybones.
Dust's sockets find the next line and continues on.
Once he starts to eat he can't stop. As Nightmare's own negative emotions and being had infected the pure positivity that the apples were made of. As Nightmare ate the apple all of his own negative emotions came back to him. all the pain he had felt. all the anger, sadness, loneliness and betrayal. All of it came to him and it covered him.
Selfishly, Nightmare felt safe for the first time in a while. uncaring that the very thing protecting him. Would become the undoing of everyone.
Instead of just acceptance Nightmare chose the path of destruction. Once he ate one apple he could not stop himself. He ate and ate and ate.
This is when Dream wakes up. To screams on the couch of his dear friend. He looks outside and sees the tree on fire. He rushes outside and runs towards their hill. towards his brother and mother.
Only to see the damage his brother had caused-
"Are you kidding me?!" Dust glares "It wasn't his fucking fault! Why!? How!? Why faulting him when all he did was try to finally protect himself?! To finally fight back against the abuse?! To... to... fight... the fate this stupid multiverse gave him and... and..."
To... break out of his prison... to escape...
No wonder Nightmare grabbed all of them... No wonder he freed them... and what did they do? They left him alone when he needed help.
Dust shakes and ignores the fact his own view is getting misty.
Only to see the damage his brother had caused. Dream has shocked. He had always defended his brother when the villages were rude about him. Always said that his brother was jsut shy and needed patience. only for his brother to do the very thing the villagers had said he would. That Nightmare would destroy them all.
Dream stood frozen at the edge of the field. The hill covered in the dead and blooding bodies by the cut down form of his dying mother. Dream couldn't hear any words in their mother's panicked and pained screaming.
He runs forwards and reaches for her. A hand touches his shoulder and Dream turns only to be meet with a horrifying image of a black melting creature. In his panic he strikes out and hits the being in the face.
The creature takes a few steps back before raises a hand to touch the spot where he had been hit. Dream looks up afraid before his soul gives a panicked pulse. Finally seeing just who it was and who he accidentally hit in his panic.
Dust huffs "Oh yeah. excuse all of his actions because he is afraid yet punish Nightmare for it. Real good story telling there narator."
Nightmare, now corrupted, pauses before turning back to the tree that had been cut down, their dying mother. And pulls off another apple before he eats it as he stares at his brother 'Well look at that. The betrayer finally showed up. Had enough of leaving your brother to deal with everything alone? With the pain on his own? Wanted to hurt him yourself I see.'
Dream shakes as he holds out a hand 'Nightmare. Nightmare please. stop this. this isn't you.'
Nightmare tilts his skull at his brother. negativity dripping of his form. No longer hurting from physical wounds. all that burns through him is rage. Dream had left him. Dream had never been there for him. Ngihtmare smirks. 'You finally decided to see what your brother is doing? What is wrong? Wanted to make sure your dear friends had time to hurt him first? As always? Because he deserved it?'
Dream shakes 'I don't understand... why...' something hits his foot. Dream looks down and sees another apple. another golden apple. He reaches for it and picks it up. Unlike with Nightmare it doesn't get corrupted. Dream's being is perfect for the positivity and the healing it provides.
Nightmare eyes the apple before looking at Dream 'Give me that.'
Dream shakes his skull and hugs the apply close. Only for his soul to absorb the positivity. Nightmare glares but ends up laughing loudly. Dream takes a few steps back but Nightmare just smirks 'Fitting. Even when your own brother is dying you will defend those stupid villagers first.'
Dream shakes as the apple is now part of him and part of his soul 'Dying? Nighty... please i don't understand.'
Nightmare doesn't react as he turns towards the village, where more ligths are on 'That is because you never listened.' and Nightmare left towards the village. To hurt those.
Dream tried to follow but the negativity around him made him weak. The negativity his brother caused and powered made him lose his powers. With shock he realised that he was turning to stone. Dream tried to reach for his brother. To call for him.
But nobody came.
It isn't until many many years later that Dream breaks free of his stone prison. One of his old villagers friends helps him out fo the stone and tells him all abuot how Nightmare had destroyed everything in a fit of jealous rage.
Dream shakes and says it must be something else. that Ngihty would never. He begs that it must have been the apple. That eating the apple corrupted him. That the corruption must have destroyed him and taken over and done all those terrible things.
His friend asks him what he plans to do now.
Dream thinks before deciding that he will find a way to fix the corruption. the cure Nightmare and fix all the wrongdoings he has done.
The years that follow Dream grows into a formiddable warrior of light and hope. Someone who holds the care for everyone in his soul and meant to battle the darkness. Dream promises himself that he will save his brother from the corruption and makes sure everyone has their chance for a happy future.
The end
Dust stares at it. What about the balance? What about the fact that Nim clearly set one up for success and the other for failure.
What about the fact that Nightmare had been six and had been abused for years on end until that tiny six your old broke under the pressure.
That that same corruption everyone feared was the one thing keeping him safe and giving him power?
Dust stares at the pages for a long time. Things starting to shift around in his mind as a clearer picture starts to form.
"Dusty? Are you here? Found anything?"
Dust traces the crown and feels a small dent and finds the fixed cracks.
All this time he had been working on the balance and trying to right his own wrongs. That had never been wrongs, at least not in Dust's opinion. The wrongs a desperate child made o finally feel safe.
And the very multiverse and fate decided to punish him for it.
Dust's grip tightens on the crown. And they had abandoned him. As soon as his powers started to leave. No doubt the magic of the apples reaching their limits. As soon as Nightmare started to return to his original form. They abandoned him.
Nightmare is somewhere in the multiverse. As the original version of himself. the version he was before he ate the apples. six years old and probably hurt.
Woudl he even have his memories?
Dust looks up from the book and sees three familiar faces in the doorway. Cross frowns as he takes a few steps closer "You are... crying."
Dust doens't bother to fix it as he feels the book "Nightmare... Nightmare was never an adult."
Shock as Killer is suddenly by his side "Waht the fuck do you mean?"
Dust just hands both the book and crown over as he speaks "He was suposed to be six." he nods at the book "See that name? Notice any specific pattern?"
Killer stares "Dreamtale-" he stops and stares at them as he points from person to person "Dusttale, Dust. Horrortale, Horror. X-tale, Cross." Killer stops and stares down "Dreamtale..."
Dust nods "I don't think... I don't think Nightmare was ever originally meant to leave his story."
Killer opens the book and starts reading. Dust sees Horror and Cross join him as well. That is okay. Dust needs a moment.
They are going to have to find him before Nightmare finishes referting back to his real age. Dust does not want to know if those wounds that he had had would remain.
First. (and prev) Next.
37 notes · View notes
fuckmyskywalker · 10 months
🕯️🧺 w anakin? plz? 🥺❤️
Prompt: 🕯️ "You weren’t supposed to hear that.” | 🧺 Stepcest. — Anakin Skywalker.
CW: 18+, smut!. stepcest, dub-con/non-con (reader is drunk and under other substances, they don't explicitly say yes but they don't say no either so). Anakin is quite violent in here, and mean, and a bitch. Dirty talk, Oral sex (m), struggling with feelings, Anakin is an idiot tbh but he is my filthy, pervert idiot. | Word count: 2.9k (...somebody kill me.)
a/n: This is so disgustingly delicious I couldn't help myself, sorry. It was supposed to be a short drabble but ended up being almost 3k of pure filth.
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His feet tap the rug of the living room anxiously; Anakin knows he should stay away from all this, lock himself in his bedroom, and jack off before bed. 
But as usual, his thoughts are even more complicated than that, he is caught between a situation that he isn’t sure has a positive outcome or even one for that matter. It’s the same conflict he has been going through ever since his wonderful mother had the great idea to marry your awesome dad who treated her as she deserved and welcomed Anakin as his son. But that wasn’t the problem.
It was you.
Anakin wanted you, so bad it burned his skin and chained his heart to a cold wall of self-restraint. This is wrong, or at least that’s what he kept repeating to himself every night he heard you in the adjacent room, moaning softly under your own caresses and all he could do was rub his uncomfortable erection to at least ease some of the yearning. This is wrong, or at least that’s what he kept whispering in the shower, closing his eyes to not see his hands squeezing your bottle of shampoo and consuming his sanity in the sweet scent of strawberry shortcake, relishing in the calmness your characteristic smell brings him. This is wrong, or at least that’s what he kept saying in the solitude of the obscure living room, waiting for you to come back from whatever fucking party you decided to sneak out that night.
It was easier to mask his desires and sinful lusts for you under a coat of anger. Always snapping at you, yelling, pushing you away. Anakin found that nasty attitude as an effective coping mechanism. For a while. You suddenly stopped talking to him, searching for his friendship or a simple common ground so you two could be in the same room without screaming and throwing insults at each other until either his mother or your father had to step in.
Neither of them tried to interfere unless things got heavily verbal and one time, physical. They both concluded it was only the edge of getting used to this new dynamic. You and Anakin just need more time to grow accustomed to each other’s presence, that’s it. Plus, Shmi didn’t feel entitled to scold you, and your father was never good at dealing with “women’s emotions”.
Deep down, Anakin was feeling guilty, and he, much like your father, wasn't good at dealing with others’ emotions, less alone his. He never tried to apologize either, which perhaps was why he was doing this. Aside from that repetitive statement of “this is wrong”, he tries to swallow his guilt and add to the mix a hint of “this is how I show my worry for her”. Which, if being brutally honest, was a pretty shitty way of doing so. Glancing at the digital clock on the fireplace, his anxious tapping gets stronger, it is almost 3:30 am. He hesitates, should he call you? Would you even pick up the phone? Should he just drop this whole act off and go to bed? Anakin feels too tired to even masturbate, or too angry, it doesn’t matter. The thoughts and “what ifs” begin to drown him, and if there is something that the unstable bastard is, is an overthinker. 
As luck would have it, his head snaps up when he hears the front door click open softly, followed by a muffled giggle. He stands up slowly, careful not to make a single noise. Are you alone? He hopes you are. The idea of seeing you with someone else twists his stomach with jealousy, quickly followed by that familiar wave of guilt. He has no right over you, that is a fact, and yet he forces himself to look over it, using the poor, sick excuse of being your stepbrother to worry about you; Even if his worry is translated into being a bitch, spying your every movement, and fucking his fist to the thought of you. 
He sees you stumbling through the front door, clicking the latch with what appears to be shaky fingers. Anakin remains silent as he scoots closer to you, resting on the frame of the arch that leads from the living room to the hallway that connects with the front door and the kitchen. You fail to notice his presence, too busy struggling to keep both feet on the floor as your heels hang from your right hand and your purse on your left. The tiniest bit of relief travels through his veins, at least you are alone. You walk past Anakin, but he doesn’t let you wander more than three steps. 
“Had a fun time? He asks in a sarcastic, dry tone. Cold blue eyes scan you up and down unashamedly, taking notice of how revealing and tight your outfit looks. 
With a loud gasp you turn around in a split second, your eyes widen and your mouth contorts into an expression of shock and drunken panic, Anakin predicts your scream and sprints towards you clasping a hand over your mouth and pushing you against the nearest wall. If he was upset before now he is fuming. “Shut the fuck up” He whispers against your face, his hot breath fanning over your nose. Up close Anakin notices how your eyes are droopy, puffy, and red. “If you wake them up I won’t save your ass”
You try to push him away but to no avail, Anakin is stronger than you, and your drunken state completely eats up your stability. Your head shakes side to side trying to remove his hand from your mouth but it only makes him push it harder until your lips begin to feel numb. “Where were you?” He asks, towering right in front of you in a frightening yet… arousing way. “And what the fuck is that outfit?” 
It’s rather ironic how your stepbrother keeps interrogating you but also takes away your ability to talk— You let go of your heels that fall to the wood floor with a muted sound, trying to push him away with your palm against his chest. 
Which apparently infuriates Anakin further. “Keep your hands off me, who knows where they’ve been” He hisses and slaps your hand away and pins it to your side with frustrated force.  “Were you with someone?” Anakin hisses, so close to your face you can see how deep his eyes are. You never recall they were such a pretty shade of blue. 
You shake your head at his last question, the only verbal indication you can give. His shoulders seem to relax the tiniest bit just to return to his usual tense shape. “Don’t fucking lie to me” He warns you and spits your name in a venomous way that should hurt your feelings and bring tears to your eyes. You shake your head again this time more desperately, this is the closest he had ever been to you ever since your father married his mother and it’s borderline scary. “You smell like a damn distillery, fucking disgusting” 
Instead of pushing him again, you raise your knee to hit his hip, your goal was his crotch but you missed by a lot. Anakin grunts in pain and lets go of your mouth for a second letting you take a heavy, desperate breath. Your body feels dizzy and sweaty and it’s all because of him. The altercation only lasts a few seconds and you don’t even reach the first stair before Anakin yanks your hair and slams your body back to a wall.
“Let go of me—” You whine with little conviction. “Get the fuck off Anakin I—” Your voice isn’t a plea, it’s an irritated complaint that makes you focus on everything else besides the burning ache that is beginning to form in between your legs at the tussle between your stepsibling. You expect his hand to clasp over your mouth again and the little self-consciousness left in your mind decides to bite his palm if he does so—
But instead, his lips crash over yours messily, punching all the air from your lungs. Your body reacts faster than your mind and the first thought that swirls in your hazed head is: His tongue tastes like heaven. Anakin quietly grunts at the strong flavor of liqueur and cheap cigarettes that fills his senses, pushing his hips forward basically rubbing his half-hard cock against your hip. Using his grip on your hair he yanks your head upwards so his lips can attack your jaw and neck, rapt in your heavy panting. Anakin’s knee finds a comfortable spot between your thighs, rubbing the sharp bone over against your needy core. Your body jolts slightly and you mewl into the cold air of the staircase hallway. You want to touch him, run your hands through his hair, cup his beautiful face, embrace this sick, prohibited feeling— but the emotional grip he was on you is doing its job. You can’t seem to find the strength to move a single muscle, melting into a wordless puddle for the person who you were supposed to hate.
Anakin’s knee picks up an acceptable pace forcing you to move your hips involuntarily to relieve some of the ache. You couldn’t remember when was the last time you were this wet, and even if you wanted to— it would’ve been impossible. He leaves wet, lewd kisses over your neck before sucking and biting your skin, ravishing you as if you were his prey, and perhaps you were. Anakin’s hand which isn’t gripping at your hair so hard your scalp is burning, squeezes your hip with the same brutal, appealing force. 
“You don’t have any idea how bad I want you” Anakin breathes against your neck, his voice lingering with that dangerous edge, mixed with what appears to be compassion, but not for you, for himself.— or even emotion. “You get under my damn skin, you make me lose my damn mind” His white teeth are like a threat, sinking into every inch of skin available, marking you. 
To care? You don’t have it in you. Probably not even if you were sober. Your mind struggles to come up with a reply, the ocean you are swimming in has everything except guilt, which was burning Anakin’s soul. “I know…” You whispered weakly, pushing your hips forwards and biting your lip to choke a moan at how good it felt to be humping your stepbrother’s knee. “I heard you jacking last month— you moaned my name” It was a miracle you could even build the sentence together, your voice was slurred and broken, but Anakin understood every word.
He curses under his breath, and the surprising sight of his flushed, red cheeks seems to break your drunk trance for a moment. Anakin hides his face in your shoulder, resting his forehead on the muscle. “You weren’t supposed to hear that” He mutters, it feels humiliating, but the simple act of unintentional humiliation makes his cock twitch inside his grey sweats. 
“I did”
“Shut up”
“I liked it”
Anakin’s head snaps upwards, meeting your half-lidded eyes. He wants to believe you. The doubt flies around his head: He is not used to having what he wants— Why would you be the exception? Is this his chance to be greedy and take the only thing he has been craving for months now? Is this how Eve felt when the Devil offered her the forbidden fruit? 
Are you his forbidden fruit?
Is this the way out from Eden?
It was too much. 
Lowering his knee he glares at your discontented groan, placing both hands on your shoulders and forcing you to kneel. The intention is clear, and it doesn’t take you long to pick it up. Your shaky hands fumble with the little bow on his swears but Anakin just pushes them away, muttering something about ‘how stupidly drunk you are you can’t even do something for yourself’. What is also not a surprise, is the lack of underwear— but what it is— is his cock. 
Your mouth waters at the sight of it, completely hard right in front of your face. Swallowing, you allow him to guide the tip to your open, awaiting mouth. The first touch is like touching heaven, or hell— Your warm tongue swirls over the sensitive head tasting the salty precum, wondering what could you do to be able to savor him again. Anakin places his large hand on the back of your head fighting the urge to push you all the way in. He is trying to be nice, at least a little. Although, it seems like you have other plans; He is bigger than other guys you’ve seen, not massive but certainly above average. Perhaps big enough that you can see the outline on your lower stomach if he fucks you. Sliding a couple more inches inside your wet mouth you roll your eyes at the way Anakin’s breath hitches and how his hips push forwards the slightest bit.
The wonderful weight of his cock on your tongue is hypnotizing, and you waste no time bobbing your head back and forth, sliding a bit more of his cock after a couple of minutes. Raising your eyes, you find Anakin staring directly at you, his blue irises dilated and almost glowing in a predatory manner. 
His breathless chuckle catches you off guard. “You must be a slut if you suck cock this good.” It’s a double-edged compliment, either way, it feels good. You whine around his dick making him hiss in pleasure, biting his lower lip to keep the noises down. He can only imagine the catastrophic consequences if his mother (or your father) wakes up and finds his son’s cock buried in his stepsibling’s throat. “Fuck— I wish I could have you on your knees all day…” 
You try to nod at the idea, it sounds great— it fucking does. The struggle for air starts to hit you, and the lustful haze replaces the alcohol haze in your head and bloodstream— You are no longer drunk in cheap tequila, vodka, and whatever the fuck was in that igloo; no, you are drunk in his cock, his scent, his voice, in him. 
You decide to go big, because well, you already are home. Deepthroating him rewards you with a delightful moan, not loud enough to bounce over the walls of the first floor but enough for you to pick it up and moan as an aftereffect. Your throat contracts around his hard cock and Anakin is a dead man. The little restraint he had left breaks and the next thing you feel is your head banging against the wall to keep you in place as he fucks your face. His hips thrust on and on, your gags and chokes sobs only spurring him further. Your nails dig into his thighs and his balls graze against your chin with every frantic snap. Anakin is painting, sweating, sinning. 
If this was the forbidden fruit, could he blame Eve at all? 
Your tears, your smeared makeup, the drool that trickles down your chin is like a work of art. Anakin thinks you look beautiful, but it isn’t enough. The muted pounding of the back of your skull against the wall shouldn’t be as erotic as you register it, forcing your mouth open, letting him use you, ruin you, own you in the nastiest way possible. 
Anakin’s release comes without warning. His cock twitches inside your mouth and some thick, hot ropes of cum slide down your throat before he moved out of the warm paradise that your mouth was to paint your face with his cum. He exhales shakily, stroking the base to make sure everything is out and on you. The thick globe of cum that slides down your cheek reaches the corner of your lips and you stick your tongue to catch it, making Anakin squeeze his eyes close and wipe the sweat away from his forehead with the back of his hand.
The silence is everything but tense, it even feels comforting; as if all the words that you two wanted to scream were now said— in such a carnal, animalistic way. Anakin’s hands are gentle as he helps you get up, giving you the time you need to calm yourself and settle the unsteadiness of your legs. His arm wraps itself around your waist, trying so badly not to look at your cum-stained face in order to not get hard again. 
“Sorry,” He whispers as the familiar sensation of guilt makes itself present and commences to weigh his shoulders down. His nose scratches your shoulder, and every negative thought begins to swirl inside his mind. 
“Don’t be” You reply, trying to smile but you are too tired to even do it.
The clock ticks 4:12 am.
“Is it wrong if I say I love you?” Anakin’s voice is searing with regret, what has he done? The martyrdom rings inside his chest, constricting it and echoing like big, golden bells. 
“I don’t know” Your answer is sincere. You blink some tears away, wiping some of his lukewarm cum away from your face, it’s beginning to dry up. “But I love you too, so, if it’s wrong…”
He knows what you are implying. 
The clock ticks 4:16 am when he helps you undress and wipes your face with a makeup remover wipe. Anakin helps you get dressed, noticing your pajama top was an old t-shirt that belongs to him, a piece of clothing he simply imagined he lost in the washer machine. His lips are soft when he tucks you in bed. You smile at him tiredly, kissing him back.
No more words were needed.
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 English isn’t my first language, sorry for any mistakes!
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I’d like to request PIB Death’s reaction to his GN!s/o coming up to him one day and booping his nose. I’ve been thinking about this a lot haha-
Hello there! ^^
Thank you for your request, it's a very cute idea! Though truth be told, I struggled with this one so much - I couldn't figure out how Death would react! Not to mention I hated whatever I wrote-
Also, so sorry for how long it took me to write this, like I've said, I been struggling with this one BUT also been struggling mentally, so yeah. (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
I also just read a good fic with Death, then read this one I wrote and realized I'm not good at portraying Death...yeah imma end myself now (⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)(⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠).
Anyways, I couldn't really decide if I wanted to do imagines or a fic, but ended up going with a short fic... or more like... a drabble? (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
I kind of experimented with my style, felt like adding it a different feel. Hope y'all like this one nonetheless! ^^"
{Death, his s/o, and nose boops}
Settings: I don't think I specified it throughout the story. Though a bit more of a romantic vibe, I think?
Genre: Pure fluff! :3
!TRIGGER WARNING!: Don't think there's any! Maybe just brief talks of life, mortality and death, but that's to be expected with Muerte ^^,
Sidenote: Reader is written as gender neutral, but if they might have a more female feel then it's purely unintentional and I apologize!
Sidenote: I've never written full fluff fic (or more like drabble) before , so I hope I did well ^^"
That should be all, muffins! Feel free to read now ^^.
Hope you'll enjoy <3.
Death was old as time itself.
A sad but an important part of life, he's been here since the very start.
And so, he's seen everything.
He's been there, done that, seen that, heard that,...
Yeah, he's seen everything, and it was hard to surprise Death.
Or at least, that's what he liked to claim, completely unaware of what tricks up your sleeve you, a mere mortal, still had.
And only now, when the two of you were peacefully sitting on the couch in the living room, did he face the truth that he, in fact, has not seen all after all.
You were up to something for sure, otherwise there'd be no reason for that rascally smile on your face as you slowly extended your hand towards Death, your pointer finger outstretched and aiming for Death's nose or so it seemed.
Death said nothing at that behaviour, after all, now that he was with you, he knew firsthand that mortals- humans especially - were weird creatures.
And so, he let you do your thing, having too much adoration for you to stop you.
Not to mention, a curious creature was Death, and intrigued by your actions, he just watched with a raised eyebrow and a smirk as your finger slowly neared his nose.
Then your finger was closer and closer and-
"Boop!" squeaking out in voice of high pitch, your finger tapped his nose, squishing it.
Then dead silence fell upon you.
Death was quiet, saying nothing at all.
His pointy ears had perked up though, his eyes of crimson wide as he seemed to be processing the action you'd just done.
And you had no idea what reaction to expect now.
Death was unpredictable, and figuring out his next move was something you had never succeeded in.
Nobody has, not even once.
And when the dead silence went on, filling the room like a thick fog, you couldn't help but retreat your hand and offer a nervous, meek smile.
You weren't scared of course, you knew your dear Lobo wouldn't bring you no harm, not now not ever.
But that uncertainty of what he'd do still left you wary after all.
Much to your luck, though, Death spoke at last.
"What... what was that you just did?" he questioned and a light grin stretched across his face, ruby red eyes wide and intrigued.
The expression was somewhat an unsettling one.
Death's eyes all wide, glowing, burning like wildfire, his razor sharp teeth all exposed by his twisted grin.
And combined with his massive stature and eerie aura, one could easily feel preyed upon...
But the word 'scared' did not describe how you felt at that moment.
You weren't scared, you knew better than to be distrustful of the wolf.
You trusted him fully, you didn't fear him even when he gazed at you like that.
You weren't scared.
Not when, with enough attention paid, you could notice Death's tail wagging ever so slightly.
And not when you had another giveaway of him being just intrigued by your action with no side motives - he intensely sniffed the air through his big nose with light growls rumbling in his throat.
Again, this action could seem intimidating to anyone else and could make them uneasy, but you knew that this action meant no danger - in your case that is.
In your case, you'd say it was something like when dogs panted happily when something caught their interest.
In other cases, mostly when it came to people who were reckless with their life or when it came to people who hurt others, this action had similar, but much more dangerous and terrifying meaning...
Well anyways, with that you knew you were in no real danger.
Although you still needed to be a bit cautious about what Death would do.
It could range from shrugging it off to starting a hunt with you being the prey.
"Oh... I... booped your nose...?" you answered and offered an awkward smile, unsure whether or not Death would be familiar with such term.
You didn't count on that much though.
"You... booped... my nose?" Death repeated after you, the term unfamiliar for his tongue.
And that eyebrow raise was enough for you to know your dear Lobo's never heard such word. Yet, his grin still remained the same - sly, intrigued.
Death added nothing more though, and only stared at you with his wide eyes that made you feel in the story of Little Red Riding Hood when The Big Bad Wolf stared at the little girl with wide eerie gaze, and the girl uttered those famous words: "But Grandmother, what big eyes you have!".
You wondered where your own story would lead to if you uttered those exact words to your Big Bad Wolf... Your Lobo feroz...
Nonetheless, you got the silent hint, and went ahead to elaborate what it meant to boop someone's nose.
"It's when you affectionately tap or squish someone's nose and say a 'boop'." you explained softly, smiling meekly.
Then taking a note of that light head tilt and eyebrow raise Death did at your words, you added: "It's a show of endearment,".
"It's a show of endearment," Death repeated after you as if checking he's heard correct, his voice holding a quality you couldn't really pinpoint.
Was it amusement you heard? confusion? disbelief? something else? It was hard to tell.
And then, Death fell silent once again.
It was silent again, and you weren't sure of what to do, Death being way too hard to figure out at the very moment - just like most times...
Hesitantly, you prepared to say something - anything - to break the awkward silence.
But then a chuckle came.
A chuckle came, and Death muttered: "Oh my," before covering his eyes with his paw and a grin grew on his face as his shoulders bounced ever so slightly.
Was he...?
And then it came!
Death broke into a fit of laughter.
Death was laughing!
He was wholeheartedly laughing like never before, the deep sound being sharp to the ears yet warm to the heart.
"Squishing nose and making a silly, high pitched sound to show affection!" Death exclaimed, shaking his head with amusement all written over the wolf's face as he laughed.
He seemed to be having the time of his life, and you couldn't help but smile, feeling all warm inside at the sight.
It was honestly sweet, refreshing to see Death like that, and so you didn't even risk saying something, letting your Lobo have his fun.
"My," Death breathed, his laughter eventually dying down to just an occasional chuckle, "you mortals never fail to amuse me,"
"you never really disappoint..." Death mused still shaking his head some with an amused grin on his face.
"Squishing nose and making a silly, high pitched sound to show affection..." he repeated his earlier exclamation, a light chuckle escaping him again before his half-lidded eyes found yours and he went all silent.
"Yeah, it is quite strange, isn't it?" You said lowly once your eyes locked with Death's, a meek smile playing on your face as a light chuckle left your lips as well.
It really was unusual yet amusing, you had to admit that.
Though still feeling a bit awkward in the moment, your instincts told you to ramble, which you attempted to do: "Honestly, I don't even-".
But then.
"Boop," Death muttered and his clawed finger tapped the tip of your nose!
Oh no way! Did he just-??
"Boop..." Death repeated, and chuckled at how silly the sound sounded before he did the action again.
He booped your nose and let out that silly 'boop' sound, making you peek at his finger cross-eyed and scrunch your nose as he smiled.
And right after he did all that, his ears and whole body perked up and his tail wagged all happily!
And as Death's soft smile twisted into a wide, satisfied grin and Death yet again intensely breathed through his nose, growls rumbling in his throat, the message was made clear:
You better prepare for a life filled with nose boops from now on.
Better watch out.
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earls-wife · 3 months
La Sein
Hi lovelies! It's been a minute hasn't it? But I'm here with a piece that I spent more time than I should have on. It combines several short drabbles that wouldn't play nice so I meshed them all in together for this piece. I think it turned out well. What do you think?
Warnings: yelling, pinning, mention of jewel toned eyes (there are many gems but some are picky about detailed readers so here's your warning)
Astré= OCiel. (See my page for why)
As always, female reader.
Lyrics from La Sein from Monster in Paris
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La Sein
She's respondent, so confident la Sein, la Sein, la Sein. I realize, I'm hypnotized la Sein, la Sein, la Sein.
I hadn't expected to find it.
My heart. Sewn to the gown of a glimmering gem. That gem sparked with a fire that warmed the cold abyss within me. She was anything but plain despite the simplicity she adorned herself in. Her laugh defied the stars and the faces that dared to look upon her glory.
I couldn't look away from such a creature as she. So far from the darkness. I was beguiled. In the shadows I dwelled among the underworlds devouts. My eyes watched her, my heart pinned to her gown.
I hear the moon, singing a tune la Sein, la Sein, la sein. Is she divine, is it the wine la sein la Sein la Sein.
The wine is sweet tonight, red as the color on her lips that teased to me. How could I resist such sweet minstration that heaved it's weight onto my chest, drowning me.
I shouldn't feel this way, I shouldn't entertain such pleasures. I shouldn't watch her, yet I cannot look away.
"You are the Lord Phantomhive correct?" She asked me, her eyes dancing with the candles flame, bleeding into my soul. A soul that I hadn't known to breathe in a decade or more.
"Obviously." I bit at her gentle smirk that only caused more color to blossom in my body. She strangled me, pulling wanting moans of desire out of the abyss I lied in.
I don't know, don't know. So don't ask me why. That's how we are la Sein and I.
We danced that night. I, tripping to follow such grace. Mouth dry and in need of the water her lips offered like a bubbling spring, yet her tongue burned. Fire. How despondent of a monster I am. Undone by a mere flash of her jeweled eyes. Eagerly trailing behind such a master of hearts all the while hating myself.
I can't get out, she has me. I can't stay away from my heart now that she's returned the annoying thing to me. I never wanted it back. She should have stayed away. Yet, she bends in my arms and meets my eyes with no fear. What being would dare to meet my eye?
I don't know, don't know. So don't ask me why. That's how we are la Sein and I.
"She's stunning of course my lord, but is she really the bride you desire?" A Baron asked me. The billard room smoking with cigar waste.
"How precious you two would be, side by side two turtle doves cooing in harmony." Count Druitt, another monster of a different breed then me, chattered. His eyes sparking on a grotesque idea no doubt.
"She has no station, she's a dollar princess!" Another exclaims while I smile striking the cue ball against the colorful array of future points I would devour. Each one mine. She was mine.
I feel alive, when I'm beside la Sein la Sein la Sein. I realize, I'm hypnotized la sein la Sein la Sein.
I didn't plan this. I didn't want to fall for him. I knew the rumors and I knew he was no good. There was no charity in his soul, nor was there such a thing as mercy. Merciless was the tone at which he played life. Revenge to humiliate and destroy. Everything he touched deteriorated, yet I could only crave more of it.
A touch of hands encased in gloves, a demonic grin snuck into the color of his eye. How was I to fight a monster I couldn't not see within him? No matter what he said to warn me away, I didn't see what he saw. Not anymore.
How long has it been? Days? Weeks? Months? When had I become so accustomed to the shadow at my shoulder, looming as a black cat upon the ledge of moonlight. A hunter that watched me with a gaze that made my world tremble with life.
Queen's Guard Dog they called him. Lord of the Underworld to another tune, and I his lady. I couldn't help myself, he captured me with that unwavering eye.
I don't know, don't know. So don't ask me why, that's how we are la Sein and I.
"You can't marry her!" Marquis Midford, his uncle by marriage, bellowed. His face changing to a subtle color. Not a loud individual, it was clear this was unacceptable to the tolerant man.
"She'll be the end of your good name!" His cousin Edward held his sister, Elizabeth, as she sobbed into his arms. The raised curl of his lip showed teeth. "Come to your senses cousin!"
"She's nothing." Count Druitt, the fruity tart he was sat in whimsy bemused by the ordeal.
"Nephew reconsider this foolishness." Marquess Midford narrowed her steel eyes on him. Her hand on his cane stopping him from leaving.
"I'm sorry Aunt. There's no one else." Astré replied before making his escape. Cane left behind.
I don't know, don't know. so don't ask me why, that's how we are la Sein and I.
"Your eloping?" The maid asked blinking at her lady.
"Yes. Hurry please we must pack quickly." She replied tossing several items into a chest. "Who knows how much time we have."
"It's risky."
"Its fate."
"Your father-"
"He will understand, just as Astré's family will. Someday."
"As you say my lady, as you say."
Upon the bridge.
My heart does beat
Between the waves
We will be saved
The air we breathe
Can you believe?
Learn to forgive, upon the bridge
That's how we are la Sein and I
That's how we are la Sein and I
We had escaped, my heart and I. Call me selfish or a fool. That I had dragged the vey creature of life from the sky into the depths. Oh how she sang in those depths. For me, she was mine. For her, I was hers. That is just how we are. My Lady and I.
-Dollar Princess: a term used in the 1800-1900 time frame to refer to a foreign rich woman of non-noble descent who participated in the London season to find a husband. These girls were looked down on for their lack of status but desired for their huge dowries their fathers were willing to pay in exchange for marrying into aristocracy. These girls were the way many American tycoons and millionaires got around the American law against aristocracy titles in the new world as well as gaining more power amongst their own circles. The English would gain funds long overdue to provide for their failing estates as the world progressed beyond them. The dollar princess was the saving grace of many families during that time.
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goddess-of-green · 2 years
𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 | 𝘕. 𝘒𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘦𝘥𝘢 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Synopsis: You're always doing things for Komaeda, he wants to repay you. Word Count: 751
(Drabble from ages ago lol. I originally had more in mind but smut is exhausting for me to write.)
Warnings: GN!Reader, slight!NSFW, (there's NSFW content but it's very limited,) Dom!Komaeda, but not really lol, he's still a big pushover
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You giggled as Komaeda leaned over you, entrapping your body with his own as he placed possessive kisses on your neck.
"What's gotten into you?" You smiled, looking up at him as his elbows came to rest on each side of your head on the bed.
He had been especially clingy and affectionate today; arms stuck around your waist and stealing kisses at every opportunity.
You accepted it with open arms, (Komaeda was usually not so bold as to constantly act on his clingy feelings) but...there were aspects of it you were only used to in moderation.
You blushed as Komaeda started to kiss lower, hands rubbing up and down your sides as he praised you.
He looked at you like you were his everything, and his words conveyed the same.
The constant worship flustered you.
"Whatever do you mean, my love? I simply want to treat my partner with the utmost love and respect, as they have done for me." Komaeda smiled serenely, either not noticing or not caring about your embarrassed expression.
"Truly, trash such as myself is not worthy of such an honor, but allow me to do you these small acts of service and bring pleasure to my beloved hope." Komaeda continued, his hands inching towards your inner thighs under your loose shorts as he brought himself closer to the edge of the bed.
Realization came to you. "Ah, Komaeda! You want to...-?" You blushed.
He'd never done anything like this for you before.
"Yes..." Komaeda adopted a dazed expression, giving you the impression he didn't mind the idea at all. "I'd love nothing more than to bring you the same glimmering hope as you have to me..."
Silly Komaeda, confusing hope and sexual gratification...
"A-Are you sure you really...want to...?" You asked nervously.
You already knew the answer, but your nerves were getting the better of you.
"But of course! Unless..." Komaeda had a curious look, before smiling as he seemed to come to a conclusion. "Ah, I see! You don't want human filth like me to-"
"Ah- no, no!" You waved your arms. "That's not it at all! I just..." You grasped Komaeda's hands that tried to retreat from your body, sitting up.
"I'm kind of nervous...we haven't done this before..."
Komaeda looked at your expression in awe, but smiled before you could ask what he was looking at.
"Wow! Usually our roles are different! I almost feel like... Ah, nevermind! What a perverted thing to say..." Komaeda trailed off, seeming to be berating himself.
Despite cutting himself off, you had an idea of where he'd been going with that...
Your cheeks burned. 
"W-Well, um...I'd love if you...did that for me." You said, your voice uncharacteristically shy. "I just don't want you to feel obligated-!"
"Ah Ah, nonsense, my hope. Quite the opposite in fact, it would be an absolute honor for someone like me to serve you in this way. And besides..." He smiled as his tone became a bit more sultry, his hand inching closer to your clothed sex. "Any experience with you is an experience worth remembering."
Flattered, you smiled, cupping his neck with a hand and bringing him to your level to kiss him.
After you pulled away, he only brought you back in, a possessive hand on your cheek so he could control the pace of the kiss.
Pressing your lips against his, he hummed (or was that a moan?) spreading your legs open so he could maneuver in between them and keep kissing you.
Cupping both your cheeks now, he kissed you deeper, slipping his tongue into your mouth.
Not expecting such a move from Komaeda, you couldn't but let out a moan. 
"Ah," You pulled away finally, in need of air. "You're like a different person today, Ko'." You smiled.
Komaeda was close enough for your breath to fan over his face as you spoke, but somehow was more flustered from your words than your proximity.
"Ah!" He blushed. "I'm sorry! It's just...you're always doing things for me, making me feel good... I want to do the same for you... It's the least I could do..." He trailed off, seeming to lose confidence.
"You already do, baby." You grinned, leaning in to kiss him. "Every day."
"But..." You brushed some of his hair out of his face. "If you really want to do something like this for me, I'd love to let you."
Komaeda smiled, returning to his place between your knees.
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draconscious · 3 months
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NAME : dan!!
PRONOUNS : he/him
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : tumblr im. discord. passenger pigeon. I'm very slow sometimes but you should plot with me!!
NAME OF MUSE(s) : clair, cynthia, barry, jupiter/eris + so many mooore (how did it come to this? LMAO)
BEST EXPERIENCE(S) : dedicating this section to both ash (@analuein) and aya (@distortsverity)! ash and I have been writing together for infinity years right here on tumblr. no matter the muse, it's always a blast spinning up plots and watching the magic unfold from there with her. from thorton to violet, to noland and clair. from wildencounters to indie. it's been a fantastic ride. day one. 😎
I transitioned from group rp to indie a few years ago and--at the time--I was all alone. I had no connections, just a lonely barry blog to my name. I wrote drabbles by myself in the dark for two weeks until aya came across my blog with her hikari, and everything just clicked. aya made me feel included, reached out with ideas, plots and feedback, and showed love to barry and all of my muse(s)--and to this day, I still feel TREMENDOUSLY grateful for the helping hand when I felt so isolated. I definitely would not still be writing here without her.
since then, I've had an amazing time here. writing with so many different people, muses, and groups--it's all so good. my best experiences happen when I'm writing (or even plotting) with someone, and everything just works, flows, and fits together and I can just feel that shared excitement. that feeling that we're building a great story together. that's magical. that's why I'm still around, trying new muses, diving headlong into amazing plots/dynamics, letting my imagination run wild, and--as always--writing a lot. much love to EVERYONE who has helped keep that fire burning over the years, but especially ash and aya for giving that flame a chance in the first place. tysm. ❤️
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : it's been said, but--on a personal level--I wish private communication would happen more, specifically when it comes to interest levels. my time is becoming more and more limited here (sad as that is) and I have always written at a slower, longer pace. so, given how fast this place moves, I would appreciate knowing if a thread has grown stale, or if something's off.
I'm flexible. I'd like to think that I'm pretty laid-back. I want you to have fun, and you need to drop or backburner our thread because life, interest, etc. that's okay. I promise. I also don't mind reminders about cold threads or overdue replies on my end. if that's the case, please let me know right away, and I'll pick it back up or let you know my thoughts. we can try new things, or not. just let me know what you'd like to do, and we can adjust from there. that being said, lack of time or muse =/= lack of interest. I get that. you never need to rush a reply with me, and I will always (for better or worse) assume interest is still there unless told otherwise by you. I'm no herlock sholmes. (I wish I was...)
so, as a courtesy, I'd ask to please talk to me if something's wrong. if you feel the need to drop our thread or aren't interested in an interaction and/or want to start fresh. I won't be upset (quote me on that.) I just want to make sure that the writing vibes are still good, and I want to spend my time here writing things that you (and others) are still into. and in the end, it's not really a big deal--this place is great and I adore my past/present/future thread partners--but it's something that I would appreciate!
(also since I haven't made it clear before: no AI with me, please. let's meet at the same level.)
MUSE PREFERENCES: strong women and brash, sunshiney dudes. (I'll really try anyone, but I certainly have types 😊)
PLOTS OR MEMES : whatever's easier for you to get in the door with--c'mon in!! I don't find myself with the time to reblog many memes lately, but my inbox/IMs are always open for spot interactions, and I'll do a lil' starter call here and there!!
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : I don't mind receiving either, but I always tend to lose myself in the sauce and write a lot oops. you never have to match my length. as long as we're writing together, that's chill enough for me!
BEST TIME TO WRITE : my healthcare job is killing me. I'll try to sneak on for some stuff here and there, but I'm most active during evening/nighttime CST US. confirmed night time scrawler. 🦉
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : some common threads linking all of my muses to me is the fact that we always want to be active, we have (too) high expectations of ourselves, we grew up and are still growing up, and we spend too much time working (and loathe it LMAO)
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cilil · 7 months
cilil's CalmWriMo
So I always thought that NaNoWriMo is a really cool idea and wanted to participate, but with all the studying for exams I have to do and how close I came to feeling burned out during other intense writing periods, I don't want to create unnecessary pressure for myself.
Let's try CalmWriMo instead then. Thanks to @winterandwords for starting this and to @lordoftherazzles for reminding and encouraging me.
Here are my goals for November:
🖋 Finish my pieces for Scribbles & Drabbles and claim as many artworks from my list as I can (I'm sorry in advance for spamming everyone's arts with my, well, scribbles and drabbles)
🖋 Catch up on all the requests I have lying around because I had so much to do that I couldn't finish all of them
🖋 Start working on my calendar fic for TPC
🖋 Finish outlining the two Angbang long fics I'm planning to work on (yes, there are things happening; no, it takes a while)
🖋 Possibly a tiiiny drabble challenge or two
🖋 Do some more editing and updating on my blog for everyone's convenience
🖋 Continue expanding my character pool
I won't set a word goal, because I really have no idea how much this will end up being. Maybe I will accidentally write more than planned, who knows! ^^
Have a lovely November, everyone, regardless of what you're up to!
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dreaming-marchling · 3 months
fic writer meme
Thank you @smilebackwards for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 33
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 1,855,326 per my stats page - it's kind of wild!
3. What fandoms do you write for? My current two mains are Shadowhunters and Fast and Furious. I have in the past posted stories for Daredevil, Merlin, Harry Potter, Torchwood, The Defenders, Sherlock, Four Brothers and Suits. I have other fandoms I've started fics in but not finished/posted
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Day Forty Seven [7055] Set Free [4285] Marked in Trust [4132] Listen [3934] Four Centuries and Also Nineteen Years [3876]
5. Do you respond to comments? I respond to all comments while the story is in progress and then for probably a couple of months after it ends before I stop. Unless someone asks a specific question, then I always respond. I wish I could do all of them ever but life makes it hard.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I almost answered none of them before I remembered Addicted, which is about Brian and Dom hooking up during the first movie which I mostly wrote to prove to myself I could do smut. I'm pretty sure it ends with Brian realizing Mia (who he's supposed to be maybe getting together with as per the movie) heard them do that and Dom knew she would and from there Brian understanding that they're imploding even without him and the FBI.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Literally all the others, lol. I'm a happy ending girlie.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Yes, in the Shadowhunters fandom if I write Jace as a good parabatai. Occasionally for if I write Isabelle as a good sister or Clary as not a total piece of shit. Also sometimes if I write Alec in a way that suggests maybe Magnus isn't the greatest in the world who has suffered more than Alec ever will.
9. Do you write smut? Yes but I generally prefer the fade to black approach
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written? I've never written a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of I don't think. I don't even know if I would want to know, like that would consume me in the worst way
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, but not as Marchling. All of the comments were telling me that the translator was changing things and it was a bad translation and the person doing it was getting really weird. It was just like a nightmare kind of so now I request no one translate my fics. I'm sure someone would do it better and I'm just being all oversensitive because I got burned once but I'd rather just not go down that road again.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, but also not as Marchling.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? I honestly don't think I have one, it really depends on my mood.
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Oh absolutely. I have a couple of Shadowhunters stories that I doubt will ever be finished because they just don't want to be written I think. I love the ideas but the ideas don't love me
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I write dialogue well. I try to make sure that I include some sort of realistic recovery even if the story is shorter. I like to experiment with formatting to help tell the story and I think it's generally effective
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I can't write drabbles. I am not good at action scenes. I don't do enough description.
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics? I've been corrected in the comments more than once, lol. I like to do the dialogue in another language but write the English in italics so even if I'm wrong everyone still knows what it was meant to be.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I was like 11 or 12 and I posted my first two stories at the same time. One for a fandom I won't name because they're still out there and it's small enough you could find them and I'd rather die. The other for Angel the TV series. I got more comments on the other fandom one and so I was embarrassed that the Angel one got way less and I deleted it lmao. Did I mention I was in middle school?
20. Favorite fic you have written? I am so proud of so many of my stories but I think the Marked in Trust series is always going to be just the tiniest bit extra special in my heart.
tagging literally anyone who wants to play
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ussjellyfish · 5 months
1, 3 and/or 24 for the fic writer asks! (These are questions that could run long answering, so feel free to answer as many or as few as you like, please!)
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
I wrote several drabbles, which was so much fun. I love how they're like poetry and you're so limited with what you can do or come up with. It's all about the economy of it, and I get wordy or have too much talking, so drabbles are really good for me. They're an excellent challenge.
They were fun to write and turned out well! people enjoyed them. I'm really into my niche little OTP at the moment so my audience is small, kind, and generous. They were enjoyed. I got to really think about how to make the most use out of the words I have.
Another new thing I did was write in second person POV? I have this very odd little fic (you will be mentioned in their biographies) which is about a side character to my current OTP, and how he perceives them, and it was neat to write. I had been having a bit of a block, so somehow writing that cleared my thoughts and I was able to work on Quantum (which is wonderful).
I have only written second person pov once before, so this was an adventure, but it let me say some fun poetic things and really get into how someone like Vance (who is the shining example of a good admiral, good dad, good person, but not extraordinary). He's a utility admiral, where he does a great job, but he's not a protagonist (like Janeway, or Sisko, or Kirk).
Michael is, and how strange it must be to have someone like her just turn up and turn your universe upside down, because she's that once in a blue moon, virtuoso kind of captain.
3. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
The USSJellyfish signature fic (because I am the babyfic specialist) is the long, slow moving, character gets pregnant (usually through accidental-magical-handwavy means) and goes on a long emotional journey before giving birth under unpredictable circumstances (I think I have about 10 of these, depending on how I define it). Sometimes I don't get to the birth, depending on how long the story is. Sometimes my head moves on before I get there, some of these are REALLY long and took me more than two years to complete.
This is one of my favorite things to write. I get to fully immerse myself into the character's feelings. I get to do the big world building, I get to go on a journey...they're wonderful fics to write.
They take work, and it's HARD to sustain that kind of effort and inspiration for two years or so. i have a few that I burned out on the ship before I finished, or swapped.
The first one I posted was started in 2007, so I've been at this for 16 years.
It's the most self indulgent wonderful thing to write (for me). It's so much fun when it goes well and I love it and getting to the birth is wonderful because there's so much I can do with a birth scene, I love them. Usually my favorite characters haven't had children in canon so I have to do some cheating (Star Trek makes it easy, so does Once Upon a Time, and Agents of SHIELD).
I feel guilty about writing them. They're just babyfic and not important and not really plotty and no one really needs them and just niche for me and...self indulgent. So very self indulgent.
And that's okay. (I sort of believe it typing it but, I know intellectually that they're wonderful and fill a space and people should write what they want to write and enjoy it. What really matters is that they're bringing joy, to me writing them, to the handful of people reading them.
I learned in 2022 that I could write without needing to get feedback. Firefly (Star Trek Discovery, Mirror Philippa Georgiou & learning to have feelings), has several chapters that have no comments, and I wasn't sure if anyone was reading them, but I enjoyed writing them.
I got a little spoilt in 2022 and 2023 having people who would workshop plot ideas with me, and they're much busier than they were so that's gone for the moment. So I have to get back to the independent writing place. (I'm kind of there, it's less fun). It's also hard writing something that takes two years, because if you want to work on it with people, you need people who will be into what you're into for two years, and have time to play with you, for two years. I have several stories that have outlasted the friendship I had at the beginning. Usually I made other friends by the end, but it's a long, lonely endeavor.
There's a venn diagram of niche ship and having time to work on it and sustained interest and I feel rather alone at the moment (again, I've been there before) and it's okay. It's a good challenge to work through things on my own and have a dialogue with myself about what I'm writing. It's doable. It's less fun.
Life in general is a lonely place at the moment. I need to make new offline friends and branch out my online friends and...
One of the ways I make friends online is talking about writing and shipping and when I'm really into my tiny tiny ship. (as I am in the moment) it's not the easiest way to make friends.
The thing I'm trying to say that I've learned about myself as a writer, is that I am capable of being a self-sustaining creature. When I'm really into something, it's nice to just let myself enjoy it, and write what I want to write. I shouldn't (but do) feel bad for that, and lonely, but...the only way out is through. So I need to write what I like, and enjoy it. The other option is not writing, which is miserable. Writing by myself is better than not writing because I don't have people, but it's a different kind of energy. Less of a yes and, sort of thing, more of a find your joy.
Embrace it? I learn to be less self-conscious of a writer as I go, but it's always a process.
Right now I'm writing the "giving birth under unpredictable circumstances" chapters for my favorite ship at the moment (Michael/Laira) which is my emotional climax to my favorite ship at the moment in my favorite kind of fic to write so it's everything I like at one time.
I need to get it right and find the right emotions and I have to drag myself into it to write it with the right emotional truth and detail and senses and...
It's the best but it's hard, and I'm on with it, so extra hard. (who wants to plot babyfic birth scenes...it's super niche).
I feel guilty for having likes that are so...unliked? That's a thing.
I enjoy it enough to keep going though.
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meownotgood · 1 year
hello, i was the anon whose currently writing a fic and praying burnout doesn't take me out (i will now refer to myself as writer!anon)
listen.... you know how i said it went from 3k to 6k.... this might be longer but i'm debating if it should be one big fic with small short drabbles or like a series.... i'm unsure but i keep thinking of cute moments to add to the story and i really like slow burns where you see how the relationship slowly develops.... agh
and now that you write a whole fucking idea of knight!aki... you can't.... you can't do this to me i might write it for my own pleasure just so i can read about it later and kick my lil feet to the thought
you could do the main story and then do mini series of all the little things you want to add if they don't fit with the main one!!!! or if you can fit everything together nicely don't be afraid to make it long, it's about you and the story you want to tell 🫡
hehe... I'm sorry I'm sorry, you're totally free to write about it if you want to lol. I have to stop myself because if I wrote as much as I want to about every little thing I'd have no more time
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findyourrp · 5 months
💙 howdy, everyone! I'm a 21+ year old college student, in search of an MxF (myself playing the M!) or MxM medieval fantasy plot!
I have a character I'd like to use who's basically a stock-standard adventure protagonist and local hero! he's very kind, outgoing, positive, heroic, etc. he's got a few skeletons in his closet that he's avoiding by adventuring out into the world alone. he may look humanoid, but he is not a human.
I'm looking for someone to pair him against! there are a ton of options for your character. anyone from a royal from a faraway kingdom, to a fellow peasant looking for a change of pace, to a merchant wanting someone to travel with. please bring along some ideas for your character! if you'd like to double up to form a little adventuring party, that sounds great too!!
I write only on discord, with a preference for advanced literate to novella responses. this means MORE than just a couple paragraphs! my responses will regularly be 2-3 discord messages long. I'm looking for drawn FCs or descriptions here, as real life FCs feel too restrictive for a fantasy setting.
I'm looking for a story-heavy slow-burn with this, so don't expect too much in the way of smut. if we get there, we get there, but I'm not one to rush in that department. I would also love to throw out character musings and drabbles OOC, so be willing to chat! I want to build up a fun world and story together.
if this interests you, drop a like! 💙
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crystaldwightsworld · 2 years
I know its been like 2 years since you updated Nerve so sorry if this is annoying!! But i just finished reading chapter 2 yesterday and today i accidentally found your tumblr account?!?! I'm so shocked, I think it was fate haha 😄
So anyway, I found myself thinking about your story for the whole day. I really love your writing style. I couldn't look away from the screen. You perfectly captured Ashley's emotions, I could feel her pain and her hesitancy towards Leon. And Leon... he's so gentle and tactful. He instantly makes you feel safe.
I just wanted to thank you for writing this, I noticed that you seem a bit unsure if your stories are good (you mentioned rewriting it a lot of times 😅) and I just want to tell you that THEY ARE AMAZING!!! You are very talented and I hope you have lots of motivation and inspiration to write more great stories in the future. ❤
No need to apologise, it's far from annoying. Maybe fate, maybe not, I did link to my tumblr on some of the chapters in my fics (actually went back and linked to it on all of them since I realized I hadn't been doing it lol).
It still baffles me that I get so many comments on the story and messages here on tumblr. You're not the first person to message me about it lol. Baffled because... you're right, I don't think it's that good xD. I know Leon x Ashley is far from the popular pairing but that's exactly why I started the story/ies. Not a lot of ppl write for them specifically and not a lot of ppl like Ashley to begin with.
I'm glad you like the story. I took a BIG gamble on that second chapter, speaking from Ashley's POV for most of it and sprinkling in a little bit of Leon's as well. I'm doing my best to keep them in what is in my mind, in character. Is a lot of it made up and merely speculation? Of course it is, we only know so much from lore and the games. I had thought ppl were going to hate it though, POV chatter from a character tends to piss ppl off for some reason...
2 years... yikes lol. Trust me, I'm just as disappointed as the fans of the fic are. The inspiration is there, stories that I'd like to write, one offs, au's, things that I already have started sitting in Docs, it's just finding the motivation. I've kind of lost my flow recently, IDK why. Nerve has some deep and dark subjects present in the story as well so it's a little difficult for me to write about something I've never experienced or have no experience in. It's a miracle if I can go back to the third chapter and manage to whip out a few sentences. Chapter three has been sitting in my Google Docs for quite some time, along with the other chapters or drabbles that I want included in the story. I've said it before but Leon and Ashley is always in the back of my mind, always on my mind in some form or another. Always reminded that I need to get the next chapter out. The new RE4 remake coming has really rekindled my interest, I'm really looking forward to seeing Leon and Ashley again. I'm hoping for more bonding moments, more banter, idle chatter and conversation. I about damn near cried at the second trailer reveal and game play footage. That spark is back, that nervous excitement you get in your tummy that burns (in a good way) with fluttering butterflies... I cannot wait to see them again lol.
I'm not going to guarantee when the next chapter will come out. I really have no idea. I can't write unless I'm feeling it and forcing myself to do it any other time just leaves me sitting there staring dumbfoundedly at the draft, knowing exactly what I want to say but unable to get it out into words on the screen. I guess... we'll see. I'm not giving up on it though, I refuse.
Thank you for taking the time to write to me. I'm very doubtful of myself and the stories so finding messages or comments from peeps that really enjoy the stories really reminds me that I'm too hard on myself.
To keep spirits up, I will reveal something from the fic but as always, it's always subject to change. I try to give out mini drabbles of things I'm for certain I want in the story.
Chapter 3
“Ashley?” He voices his greeting gently from above, hoping that it wouldn’t startle her. Her eyes peel open, finding Agent Kennedy standing over her in the dimly lit room. She acknowledges his being with a forced tiny smile followed by a pained whimper, the cramps from her period giving her hell. The headache had lessened but her head still throbbed, her pelvic region felt heavy with pressure and she kept sweating due to the frequent hot flashes. 
“You’re up early, graham cracker.” He says, the silly nickname making her grin as her tired eyes fall to the wall behind him. “Dumb question but you okay?”
Her throat is dry, feeling as if it would almost cave in on itself. She forces her gaze back up to his but only for a moment to shake her head no, reverting her stare back. 
“No? Do I need to get a hold of Marc?” Leon offers. Again, she shakes her head.
“No talking kind of day, huh?” 
Ashley had had a few of them and Leon had grown used to them. He knew better to bother anyone when all they wanted was to be left alone. He had experienced many days like that himself. She makes a pained expression, teetering on the edges of wince and bothered before shaking her head no again.
She sits up slightly, keeping the hot pack in place as she moves to the middle of the bed. She doesn’t ask and she doesn’t tell but only reaches her hand out for Leon’s, her fingers folding easily into his palm. She pulls for him, motioning for him to take the spot next to her. He smirks but doesn’t take it right away, the caution and hesitancy hard in his gaze. Her tired gaze grants him permission, tugging his arm forward again. He relents, taking the open spot next to her, leaving one leg to hang off the edge.
“Lay.” She mutters in her sleepy drawl and the request takes Leon by surprise.
“You’re being brave today, Ash.” He comments, watching her pat against the sheets to gesture for him to join her. Against his better judgment, he obliges and takes his spot, turning to lay back comfortably, the warmth from where she was radiating through his blazer jacket. 
Was it a good idea? Probably not. She doesn’t say anything though and neither does he, sharing their quiet moment together, the warmth of her beside him and the dim light of the room pulling at sleep strings he much longed to fall back into. He stared up at the ceiling, nothing but the sound of commercials and her breath meeting his ears. It was… nice. Peaceful.
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years
Hi kirpy!! Congrats on 300 followers!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your writing sm,, and im obsessed with ur newest kkobrin story. They make me sooo feral. I also want to mention I really like your taste in music.
So I do have a writing idea, if you are interested. It's basically just punk! kkobrin. I drew some art for this idea myself, but I can't write for shit. Itd be really cool to see you write a short drabble about them in this au being punks and fighting the problematic shinobi system. I dont rrally have any specific prompt about it tho so it might be too vague sorry. If u want to see the drawings and hcs I made for more info, theyre on my art blog @seoz-seoz. And if you don't like this concept, I totally understand!! No pressure. This may not be for everyone. Lol.
Either way, thanks and take care of yourself!!! Congrats again <3
HI SEOZ!!!!!! so i ended up having a lot of fun writing this even if it didn’t display their punk-ness very well, so i’ll just explain my vague ideas for them here AKDJAKDH
rin and minato are both very overthrow the system, but in a legal way. they want to pry power from under danzō’s feet like stripping paint off a wall. rin helps out in the hospital of course, but also plans a lot of educational activities for children of all ages, and underhandedly radicalizes them that way SKDKSK
obito is far more direct, and will attack root agents, destroy root hideouts, and in generally just more uh. violent. but he also participates in rin’s activities because he loves working with kids :3
kakashi just likes to go around vandalizing things with graffiti and yk. openly threatening root agents because he can. he also helps with rin’s stuff, and more often than obito. he also hosts his own art classes where he teaches older kids how to identify root hideouts and get away with vandalizing them SKDBSKDJSKDJ
all three of them only don’t get in more trouble because minato’s the hokage and he turns such a massive blind eye to their activities to piss danzō off dkdkskkd
ok here is the story i love them and i love ur art sm!!!!! <33333 also this isn’t 1k it’s 947 words which is. so annoying. but ik jack shit ab punk anything and couldn’t think of anything else to add :(
Rin let the door to the Hokage’s office slide shut behind her and took a seat on the couch next to, to her surprise, Obito. He glanced up at her, then grinned both in greeting and like the cat that’s caught the canary.
“Whatre you doing here?” she asked, noting the dirt on his clothes, like he’d been up to something. He probably had; Obito was like that.
“You first,” Obito responded, crossing his arms. Rin leaned back on the couch, realizing what Obito meant: he thought she was in trouble. Ah, then this would be news to him.
“Minato’s gonna help me plan an activity for the students where they can learn about the rivers and fish and stuff. Science-y stuff, you know.”
And if watching Obito deflate wasn’t the best thing she’d ever seen. Minato shuffled the papers on his desk, stifling a chuckle. “What’re you in for?” she added, because she wasn’t nice.
Obito slumped deep into his seat, sending the Hokage’s desk a burning glare. “I attacked a ROOT agent with a lead pipe,” he grumbled, and Rin reached over to grab his head and pull him into her chest.
“Awww, and Minato got you into trouble?” she cooed, petting his face as obnoxiously as possible. Obito groaned, long and loud, but made no attempts at escape.
“He broke their arm and leg,” Minato said, raising an unamused eyebrow at their antics. “They had to be hospitalized. According to them, Obito attacked unprovoked, too.”
“They were spying on me!” Obito retorted, spluttering and finally fighting his way free when Rin accidentally stuck a finger in his mouth. “I was only acting in defense of myself,” he added when he was sitting again, glaring at Rin.
“You were vandalizing a building.”
“It was abandoned!”
“I’m pretty sure trying to destroy a building is still illegal, Obito.”
“Well it was obviously a hideout for Danzō’s goons, so really, I was doing you a favor.”
Minato looked up from his paperwork, meeting Obito’s eyes with an icy glare. “Right. My former student wreaking havoc on an abandoned building looks great on my image as a Hokage.”
Obito opened his mouth to retort but Rin grabbed his ear and yanked on it lightly, scowling at him. “He’s very sorry,” she said, rolling her eyes when Obito didn’t take the initiative and instead snapped his mouth shut. She reached around him to grab his lips and, in a poor mockery of his voice, pinched and opened them and said, “I’m so sorry, Sensei, and I promise not to destroy any more buildings for at least a week. Or attack any more ROOT agents. Also you’re the greatest Hokage ever and I’m very thankful you’re going to let me off with only a slap on the wrist and a disapproving glare.”
Minato frowned at Rin’s antics, his disappointment changing none when he shifted his gaze from Obito to Rin, and she grinned in response. “You’re on Naruto duty for a week, too,” he finally said, looking back at his paperwork, and Obito groaned loudly.
Not that he didn’t like Naruto, but Rin understood. He was a handful without his parents around.
“Okay, both of you out please,” Minato said, waving them off, and Obito gladly stood and quickly made his way out.
“Ah, the field trip?” Rin asked, and Minato continued to wave her off.
“Whatever you have planned is fine, I’m sure. You have my permission to do whatever you want,” he said.
Well, not like she expected anything else. “Thanks Sensei!” she exclaimed, following Obito out with a wave to Minato.
It was getting close to dusk, which meant that they needed to find Kakashi because he was on dinner duty tonight. Sometimes it was easy, but other times Kakashi didn’t want to be found. Whether it be a bad mission or he was too involved in his current piece to be bothered, he would be hard to find.
Luckily, today was easy.
“That’s the building I was vandalizing!” Obito yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Kakashi, who was detailing some fur onto a wolf with electricity in its eyes and a bloody ROOT vest in its mouth.
“Subtle,” Rin called, following Obito.
Kakashi looked over at them, then very obviously grinned at Obito who was marching over angrily.
“So you can get away with threatening a ROOT agent in a permanent mural but the second I get caught attacking one, Minato’s about to flay me alive?”
“Maa, favorite’s privileges, I guess,” Kakashi responded, smoothly leaning away from Obito’s attempt to grab at his jacket collar.
Obito growled in frustration at his failed attack, but pushed it no further. “Tch, whatever,” he said, swiping a spray can from the ground. He walked over to the mural and sprayed a small red heart in the corner, before Kakashi could stop him.
“Ah, right over the water details,” he lamented, placing a delicate hand over his wounded heart. Rin grabbed a can and did the same right next to Obito’s, in pink. “You both wound me.”
“I think we should have fish for dinner,” Rin said, ignoring Kakashi’s whines, and beginning to help him pack up his supplies. Obito nodded in agreement, gathering Kakashi’s brushes into a pile. Kakashi worked on transferring his supplies back to his scroll, and then ended their familiar dance.
“Do you want grilled fish?” Kakashi asked, pocketing his scroll. “You guys keep telling me you regret not asking for it every time I make dinner.”
“Eh, I’m not really feeling it right now,” Obito said, and led them out of the alley. Rin snorted. They would absolutely regret not asking for grilled fish again.
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hxhhasmysoul · 1 year
22, 31, 45 for the writer asks
Thank you for the ask <3
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
a lot actually. i write primarily to suit my own tastes and to have stories i'd like to read.
genre i wouldn't write a comedy because as i mentioned before i'm just not funny and it would be unintentionally cringe. other than that i would be open to most genres if i stumbled on a good enough idea for them that i'd feel is within my capabilities.
pov i wouldn't write a whole story in 1st and 2nd person pov. it's not like i've never used them. when i write the inner voice of the character i use both depending on the scene because that's how i talk in my head to myself sometimes in 1st sometimes in 2nd person. so i think they both have their uses but not as the primary pov of the story. and like i have no problem with empathising and sympathising with the 3rd person pov the other two make it actually harder for me.
with 1st person i could probably write a full drabble though i'm not sure if i've ever written a whole scene like that. and i don't like to read it when it's the primary pov, it just feels off to me as a narrative tool. like there've been some instances i've seen it work but that's the exception not the rule in my opinion.
2nd pov makes me actively uncomfortable, like i have physical reaction to it. i've always hated when people tried to put thoughts in my head and like after having gone through fandom harassment and discourse wars i react even more viscerally to it. and i know this is not the intention of people who write their stories in 2nd person but this is how it feels to me and i physically can't read them.
tropes wise, there's stuff that i have no problem reading but would never want to write myself because i'm soft and gooey inside XD and i sympathise too much with the characters when writing so there are emotions i just don't want to put myself through that actively. so like i can read hurt no comfort, torture or toxic relationship or non-con and sometimes even major character death but i wouldn't write it myself.
there are also tropes that i'm not very into but when the stars align i could and will write them. like i'm super meh about fairy tale retellings because i find them tired and overdone by popculture and i hadn't pictured myself as ever doing one. but i got into a new ship recently and in my head they felt perfect for a "beauty and the beast" inspired au and people weren't doing it on ao3, not that i could find anyway. so now i'm trying to write it in a way that suits my tastes. or like i can remember 1 slow burn i enjoyed and didn't find aggravating, plus like that one worked because the story and setting really facilitated a very slow development of the relationship and it didn't feel forced. but i don't think i have that kind of fucking patience.
then there are tropes that just make nope. there are some kinks i don't want to think about in fiction or rl - not that i think people shouldn't. but for more generally used tropes stuff there's abo for example. from what i've seen and what i understand from others talking about abo for me it just fails in every metaphor people claim it tries to be while being steeped in what reads to me as the worst kind of heterosexuality. and like i'm not going to write it because it's impossible to make it suit my tastes.
31. Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
I'm not even entirely sure what starting with characters means exactly so i might be talking out of my ass here. but like for me it's kind of a feedback system. like i don't think i can create them separately.
and i think i start with the setting actually, often an aesthetic feeling. and from that the plot and characters emerge simultaneously and heavily feed into each other and the setting feeds into it as well. it usually happens in a bout of adhd madness. like when it takes off it's an extremly fast process. my first fic ever emerged within a few hours with extensive backstories for all pov characters, worldbuilding with cultural aspects and most of the plot for the first 5 chapters which all ended up 10k plus up to almost 20k.
45. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
neither really. if i wanted to make my readers laugh it'd be dooming myself to fail because i'm not witty and my sense of humour doesn't resonate. i do write angst but it's always with the promise of cheese so like i don't think i can break the reader at least not for long maybe i can scratch them a bit. i once left my fic open ended and people didn't like it but idk if it broke them, more like i think they felt it was unfinished? idk
i mostly want my writing to resonate. i want to feel i connected with the readers on some level. i'm very much in the art as communication philosophical camp - probably because my only true identity is a linguist as embarrassing as that is XD
Get to know your fic writer!
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fantasyborn · 1 year
things i would like to do in 2023
my goals and resolutions for new years are never strict. i will never force myself to do something if circumstances arise where i can't. the goal is to try and see how many i can do with the time and energy i have. not overexerting myself and burning out trying for the impossible.
this may be a long one so feel free to slide on by!
we'll start with writing things!
quarterly drabble bingo - i've put my many drabble ideas into 4 3x3 bingo cards. the plan is to blackout each bingo over three months.
12 months of wlw fics - this was something i wanted to do last year and it didn't work out. but i want to write at least one wlw fic a month that is longer than my usual drabbley things.
get back to my long wips - i haven't touched rabbit hearted or wild soul or a series of unforseen events in a HOT MINUTE. i would love to get back to and continue them
we love a fest but also? i'd love to write more for me this year just in general!
on that note, dust off a piece of original fiction
crochet things!
finish 12 projects - any size, just finish
use 2,023g of yarn (a goal set by some friends on insta)
design and publish a pattern
reading things!
5 books! read them!
other things!
work on my general health - mentally and physically, i don't take great care of myself and i need to turn that around
try to keep my room clean - it's my living space. it needs upkeep. just like i do
be more active and communicative on social media and in everyday life - post more, build friendship here/insta/discord but also hang out with the people in my daily life more
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taeyamayang · 2 years
okay pea, you got me 😔 i saw your event and kept meaning to enter it but i have remembered now and i am HERE for it 😤
(also wow i am just in awe of your writing skills and the ability you have to do this stuff consistently, i could NEVER you are so impressive 😩)
anywho, as i am requesting it looks like a drabble slot is open so that is what i would like 🤲 and the character i would like is Oikawa
plot is as follows (bit of personal rant incoming -sorry- it shouldn't be anything overly triggering, but worry about the future incoming)
i just graduated high school a little over a month ago (🥳) and while i am so excited to get out into the world i am also TERRIFIED and i have super high expectations for myself, none of which are being met and it's definitely hurting my self-esteem and self-worth. i look up to people like oikawa bc even though they struggle to get to where they want to be in life, they still seem to have direction, y'know? i have vauge ideas of what i want to do, but even those i can't reach immediately due to personal circumstances (mainly my mental health) and it's really starting to bother me.
so if i could have a scenario where oikawa and reader are just talking and he's able to reassure her that it's okay to take her time to figure out things and that she doesn't have to be out there being productive and at the top of her game 100% of the time for people to love and care about her?
(i also don't care if it's written romantic or platonic, but i am the world's biggest sucker for slow-burn friends-to-lovers so platonic with romantic undertones (if that makes sense) is just 😩👌👌👌)
hope this wasn't too long xoxo
take care of yourself pea, and i hope we can start chatting again like we used to :) 💞💞💞
ahhhh i was sooo thrilled to receive an entry from you! i am more than glad to be able to write for you :) i hope this makes you feel better and sorry for the delay! i made sure to finish all matchups first before doing the others. i will send you asks again so we can start chatting! i miss ya, hope you're doing well :)
ps: barely edited. i wrote this past midnight lmao goodnight
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Perched right below an old century tree and on top of the hill overlooking the humble prefecture, the stretch of land with ant-like residents going by their day makes you feel insignificant. You are but a small percentage of the population. Your actions and decisions in life barely make any difference, you know that for sure, and yet you are worried of being aimless and useless.
"I got you both vanilla and chocolate 'cause I don't know what mood you are in right now. I remember you telling me before that the flavor you prefer varies in your mood," Oikawa notices his words quickly passing through your ears. A light scowl is on your forehead as you stare at the field below the hill. He asks, sitting next to you. "You okay?"
The slight bump of his arm against your skin snaps you back to reality. Right, it's summer after high school graduation. Oikawa and you had a silly deal of meeting each other every Wednesday at the start of summer. Why wednesday, you ask? The pretty boy argued that wednesday is the dullest day of the week and the only way to keep his energy up throughout the week is to meet you. It would have sounded romantic if only you're not best friends with him.
"I am thinking of strawberry or caramel." You give him a monotonous reply just to tease him but it turns out he failed to catch on your stunt as he instantly hurries to get on his feet.
"Oh, okay. I'll get that for you."
"No, Tooru." You stop him from getting up, a soft smile finally makes its way to your lips. "I was kidding. Vanilla or chocolate sounds good."
"You sure?" He cocks an eyebrow and you nod in reply. As he sits back comfortably on the dry grass, handing you the ice cream, without missing a beat, he questions. "Why the long face? Is there something wrong?"
"You're perceptive, aren't you?" That's one of the many things why Oikawa has you wrapped around his fingers. Many may know him as a great volleyball player but only a few gets to witness this side of him. He isn't selfish like how some would assume him to be, in fact he's the most selfless person you have met. He puts his concerns aside when he senses that the people closest to him are in a trouble state.
"We've known each other for years. It's easy to read you. I can do it with my eyes closed." He prides hence making you chuckle.
"Really? Do it." And Oikawa does it. He shuts his lids and turn his body to face you. His free hand lands on your shoulder then on top of your head. He mutters, "You are thinking of something... something very important. Am I right? I should be." His lids unravels and your eyes met with his'. A gentle smile pulls the corners of his mouth before he ruffles your hair. "Say it or forever hold your peace." He says, eyes darting to your ice cream cone. "And your ice cream is melting."
Your hand straightens your unruly hair before unwrapping the paper around the ice cream cone. In a hushed voice you asked. "How are you always so sure of what you want despite facing downfalls?"
"Downfalls? Like what?" His eyes wandering on the land below the hill.
"Like losing to Karasuno in the tournament. You have always wanted to win the nationals but you graduated without reaching your goal."
"Ouch." He dramatically cuts you off by clutching on to his chest.
"But you are back on your feet, unwavered by your defeat. How do you do that? How do you know which step to take after a loss?"
"Do you know what I do?" Oikawa side-eyes you, licking the remains of ice cream on his bottom lip. "Come, face me."
You oblige. You turn your body to face him and his tender eyes land on you. In your plain of sight you can't help but notice how beautiful he is. The soft rays of sunlight touching the ridges of his face and the gentle blow of the wind carrying the strands of his hair into a graceful piroutte compliments the breathtaking view on the hilltop. How wonderful it is to love a person as entrancing as him.
His fingertips lightly grazes on the skin on the side of your face as his hand tucks your hair behind your ear. He touches you like a vulnerable piece of art and he looks at you like a memento from the past. His mouth stretches into a reassuring smile, eyes never leaving you before bringing his hand to your forehead. And unexpectedly he flicks your forehead without mercy resulting you to tip your head back.
"Aw!" You rub the spot where his finger landed.
"I stop that. I stop my brain from overthinking the past; it is something I can't undo so why dwell on it? There are countless circumstances where in things don't go as planned, you know that, and in those moments I feel lost. I don't always know what to do next, who does anyway? But I am certain of one thing, volleyball. I know I want to continue playing but what comes out of it is still a mystery to me. We can't plan everything and expect everything to come true. You will only get disappointed if you think that way. Likewise, if you expect yourself to know everything all at once and be productive every single damned day, you will miss living life. Living life doesn't only mean planning and reaching your goals, it also means wednesdays and ice creams. If you look far ahead in the future, you will miss the joy of the present. Like how you're hanging out with a very handsome boy who is the best in volleyball, and how your ice cream tastes good." Without consent, he takes a big bite on your ice cream.
"Hm, that is delicious. I should get that next time." He finishes his rant by licking the softened ice cream on the cone he is holding. Opening up to a person has always been a struggle for you and often times you feel ashamed of letting someone into the corners of your disorderly thoughts; but with him, you're glad you let him break your walls.
As a revenge you take a bite on his ice cream hence taking him by surprise of the proximity between you the two of you. As you pull back to savor the sweetness of the sugar and cream and grinning at him triumphly like a kid. However, you catch a sight of a stock-still Oikawa.
"W-what?" You asks and he looks at you with wide eyes. His cheeks are powdered in light pink.
"I had a crazy thought." He replies.
"What is it?"
"I bit your ice cream and you did the same to me." He blinks once, brows meeting in the center.
"That means we indirectly kissed." His statement sent your saliva to your windpipe rendering you to choke. Instantly, you feel the warmth of your body travel to your face and you're completely a mess in front of your friend. He has no idea how long you have been pinning on him and for him to say those words without a warning is cruel to your fragile heart.
You indirectly kissed him.
He didn't need to point it out. But holy shit you kissed him. Indirectly. That's the closest you can get to-
"Are you okay? I should buy a bottle water."
"I'm okay." You hold him down but still keeping your eyes away from him.
"You sure?" He asks and you stick out a thumb in response.
Once you have recovered from coughing your lungs out, you jokingly say, "If that's an indirect kiss then you took my first kiss."
"I don't mind taking your second." His smooth talk has you gripping on your emotional stability again. By instinct, you smack him on his shoulder. It is strong enough to topple the ice cream in his grip. Only the cone is left in his hand.
"My ice cream!" Oikawa screams peering at his food on the grass. "Why did you do that?!"
"You deserve it!" You scream back. Your hand gripping tightly around the cone it could almost break.
"I deserve it?!" He repeats your words, baffled as to why you made such claims.
"Y-you're clueless and I hate you for it!" You stutter between screams. Biting the insides of your cheeks, you pull yourself up to stand.
"You hate me?! Where are you going?!" He looks at you with a confused face.
"To buy a bottled water!" You stomp your way past him and he follows you through his eyes.
"I'll come with you." Before he is up on his feet you turn around to point at him. An expression Oikawa isn't sure of is plastered on your face. You are angry, he can tell that by the scowl on your forehead, but your entire face is crimson red not from anger but from something else.
"No! Stay there! Here, take my ice cream." You shove the cone to his chest and without much choice he takes it.
"I don't know what's going on. Why does this feel like a love quarrel from a famous romcom."
He mocks a line from the said movie, thus, sending more butterflies in your stomach. "Come on, babe, let's fix this."
"S-stop!" You gag.
"Oh, you don't like 'babe' as a term of endearment? How about love? Come here, my love. Sit with me and let's talk it through." He shoots a wink coupled with playful yet mischievous smile.
"You are so dumb! I-I..." You stutter and he fills in.
"You love me?"
"I hate you!" You finally storm out squeezing your cheeks with your palms.
"Our wednesday isn't over yet! Come back when you have cooled down." You hear him chuckle from a distance.
That's the thing being friends with the person you secretly have feelings for. He has no idea of the effect he has on you. The more so you are convinced not to confess. The chance of ruining your friendship with him is far greater than the opposite. There's no way Oikawa has feelings for you. He only sees you as a friend and it has always been that way. For now, you are contented of loving him from a far.
Maybe wednesdays with him is enough.
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slow buuuurn omg i miss writing slow burns gsnsbsns not so fun fact, my previous works (the ones written before i made this blog) are all slow burns and it made me miss my old works!!
masterlist | hq.list
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