#I have no idea how to play UNO
idk-bruh-20 · 2 years
Irondad fic ideas #119
We've all seen the fics where the Rogues return and immediately assume that Peter is Tony's son, leading to a "prank" where Tony and Peter "act" like father and son (they soon realize they barely have to act, cue feelings)
Now, a fic that is a twist on that old favorite.
The Rogues return, and they quickly figure out that Peter is not Tony's biological son, that he started as an intern and as Spider-Man but the two have grown closer since then. The Rogues assume that Tony has never told Peter how much he cares about him. They believe Tony is too emotionally constipated, and that Peter must still think he is "just an intern"
However, in assessing the situation, the Rogues have failed to account for some pretty vital facts: 1) the amount of time that has actually passed, and 2) the fact that Tony Stark would do just about anything, even face and overcome his childhood programming, for Peter Parker
Peter and Tony have known each other for two years now. They have already had all the emotional conversations. Peter sees Tony as a father, and Tony sees Peter as a son, and the whole Ironfam knows it. No one is in the dark about what's going on.
...except the Rogues.
When Peter and Tony realize that the Rogues immediately assumed Tony is emotionally incapable, they decide to prank them by seeing just how long they will keep believing that
Around the Rogues, Peter calls Tony "Mr. Stark," and Tony pretends to be a stone cold bitch (even while "subtly" remaining a helicopter parent). Back on their own floor of the tower, Peter switches easily between "Tony" and "Dad," they have movie nights where they fall asleep on the couch together, and dinners with Pepper, May, Rhodey, and Happy.
The Rogues decide they need to help Tony and Peter realize their feelings. This goes on for a long time.
Then, one day, Peter gets hurt. Bad. Maybe he gets hurt as Spider-Man, maybe it's a kidnapping or hostage situation. One way or another, he ends up calling out for his dad.
The Rogues all hold their breath, expecting Tony to be stunned, to freak out and go hide in his lab. But Tony doesn't even blink. He comforts Peter, holds onto him, promises that he's safe
Finally, it becomes clear that the Rogues... might have misjudged the situation. Just a bit.
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tenleaguesbeneath · 2 years
Shiara + #15!
#15: In a rush of adrenaline
(kiss prompts)
Shepard takes the cards into her hands and shuffles. The Normandy’s portside lounge is full, with what must be half the ship’s officer compliment circling around the card table. Liara sits on the edge of the sofa, watching them.
After the first few deals, Liara decided the Quarian card game Tali wanted to teach the crew was not for her. It seemed to be part strategy, part reflex, and part deceit, putting your cards onto a pile before anyone else could put theirs, with a bunch of rules about what could be played when that Tali’s first two runs through the explanation only seemed to muddy. It didn’t help matters that half the rules seemed like they only applied if someone caught you before someone else made their play.
Not unlike life, especially in Liara’s more recent line of work.
Then James had the idea to make the game more fun by adding alcohol to it.
Liara has never been much of one for drinking games, especially not since the invasion. James and Ashley could drink each other under the table and as long as they didn’t have a ground mission coming, nothing was lost, but Liara is keenly aware of what a morning of work lost to a hangover costs.
It’s why she had a datapad in her hands and had switched away from liquor after the first drink, even at what was supposed to be, as the human crew called it, R&R.
Shepard takes her turn dealing the cards, and the round is on. Alcohol or no, she has never been one to back down from a challenge. She’s already a few drinks in. The culprit is sitting across from her: Sam Traynor. After fumbling her way through for half of the first deal, she’s turned around and been on a hot streak ever since.
As far as Liara can judge the game, Tali holds a strong third place. Cortez, James, Ashley, and Adams were all in the game more for the camaraderie then for any chance of winning, and the real contest was between Sam and Shepard.
Liara pushes a pang of jealousy down. Sam is her friend, and Shepard has made it clear who her heart belongs to. She knows Shepard to be steadfast, that Shepard is not fickle in her affections, and she knows for sure, from inside Shepard’s mind, that there’s only one person she’s interested in. Liara can let Sam have this.
Calls of “ohhhh!” come from around the table as Shepard lays down the last card she was holding, and grabs a stack of face-down cards from in front of Cortez. Cortez takes his eyes off the table to take a swig of his beer.
“One card, Ash,” Shepard calls.
“It’s fine!”
“And the other one?”
“Ugh, fine,” and Ashley withdraws her cards. Sam immediately slaps down one card, then another, on the pile Ashley withdrew her hand from, then one from Tali. Cortez almost has one, then pulls back. Shepard cuts in, and Sam again. The pace picks up, the table a flurry of hands and cards and calls that someone’s trying some trick. Sam clears her hand and goes for another.
It crescendos. Tali picks up the last of the unclaimed cards sitting on the board. Sam plays another card, and Shepard another two.
They’re both down to their last one.
Shepard’s a tightly-coiled spring. Liara’s seen that look before, in the field, preparing ambushes. Sam, for her part, looks no less ready.
The round goes to the first to spot the right moment.
Shepard slaps her card down on the stack with an audible thump. Sam throws hers down on the table. Same as Shepard’s.
Sam’s saying something that sounds like “well-played,” but Shepard’s already turned away from the table, leaning toward Liara.
Liara smells the liquor on her breath as she comes in, then the smell of soap and sweat. Shepard reaches out for her, pulls her into a kiss, and her lips part by reflex. Shepard is eager, her lips moving against Liara’s, and for a second Liara is too startled to think. She brings her arms up to take Shepard into an embrace, and Shepard responds with an eager swipe of her tongue along Liara’s lips. Liara responds in kind.
She’s startled back to reality by a whistle from James. Liara hears Sam cheering as Shepard pulls away from her. She smiles. Even sitting this game out, she’s still part of it.
“You sure you want to stay, Lola?” James asks. “’Cause it looks like you’d rather be somewhere else.”
“Not a chance, Vega,” Shepard answers. “I can’t let Sam sweep the board every time.”
“Maybe you should take her with you, then.”
Liara barely restrains herself from spitting her drink out over her datapad. She turns away and pretends to be thoroughly engrossed in the report she has open she they can’t see her blush. Shepard seemed to think that was funny, too, and in moments the whole table was laughing.
Shepard brings the table back to business. “Alright, James, your deal.”
Even sitting the game out, knowing that the rest of the crew can joke with her like that is reassuring. She belongs here. She’s not just a recluse in her office who the ship’s Commander cares for, she’s part of something bigger. Part of the ship’s crew.
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kat-glen · 2 years
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Some nice Christmas Uno with some friends 😌
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prokopetz · 4 months
"I hate how American media will just make up a European nation rather than do any research, so I'm going to get back at them by writing a story set in a fake American state" like, do you have the slightest idea how much American media is set in a geographically impossible fictional small town located in no particular state and characterised entirely by some guy from Los Angeles' collection of half-remembered stereotypes about the American Midwest? They've already got the "lazily inventing fictional parts of America" bit locked down.
No, if you want to play the Uno reverse card on American media, what you need to do isn't to make up a fake state: you specifically need to wilfully misrepresent southern California.
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kenaigamesgallantly · 17 days
Has anyone else had this issue with Thief on console? I load up the game, get to the "press any button to continue", press a button, and then it just gets stuck on "this game uses an auto-save feature, blah blah blah" where it won't let you press A to continue to the main menu?
This has happened twice on two different copies in the last two days. I've tried resetting the console, resetting the game, deleting all m saved data, playing without internet, uninstalling an reinstalling. I'm on my Xbox One btw. This game has done great for an entire year now, and this just happened.
UPDATE: Went to my Xbox settings, did a factory reset while keeping all my data, and it worked!
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brutalmasks · 4 months
@facesblind asked: ❛  are you always so competitive?  ❜
there is a certain simple pleasure in playing games with others. and due to the fact that it seemed like neither of them had much else to do at the moment, but wait for their bus to come around; bunny mask had decided to suggest that her and fate play something she'd bought recently. uno — a card game that destroys friendships, allegedly, though she honestly didn't have a clue why. bunny was having a lot of fun playing it with the other after all. and this was to the point where she'd say that it was actually helping to forge at least an acquaintanceship between the two of them. however, bunny mask had to acknowledge that she might've been a bit biased, because she was currently winning.
people seemed to play it differently, she'd learned from fate, as some liked to make it a rule that they could stack quote unquote 'plus fours' on top of other plus fours and sometimes even stack plus two's on top of those. bunny mask was playing it according to the first parts rules as of now and she was having one hell of a lucky streak for whatever reason. she just had one card left, in fact, and although it wasn't a card where she could change the color to blue (the card that she had at that moment)... it was only a matter of time before bunny mask claimed her victory in her mind. she was practically brimming over with excitement as she watched fate put down another card, thinking maybe this was her chance to win. but it was sadly green.
bunny mask kept a poker face though and reached out for another card, only to lay it on top of the other's. she shot the other an endearing smile then, ❝ mm, well, this is the first time that i have played this game. but i have always had a strong desire to win in situations like these where there is a clear opponent. so, i suppose the answer to that is 'yes,' ❞ bunny nodded and gripped onto the bench they were sitting on out of anticipation as she waited for the other to make her move. it was a good idea for her to purchase this game, she thought, because tyler seemed to be quite competitive himself. which would probably result in them just enjoying themselves while playing it together even more.
bunny mask carefully watched the other put down her card and was almost tempted to let her lip frown in disappointment due to it not being blue. but bunny supposed being patient was also part of the game, her free hand reaching out to take a card from the deck, and then another whenever it wasn't the color required. she placed the color-changing card she got on top, ❝ blue. say, you are having fun yourself, yes? because i would not want to continue if i am making you feel frustrated, ❞ bunny let her blaring white eyes meet the others as she asked fate this question. even though she was really close to winning, it wouldn't feel right if bunny did it while the other wasn't having a good time. or that's how she viewed things anyway.
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daddysropepuppy · 7 months
have/ would you ever play a striping punishment game? (poker, Mario kart, Uno, etc)
yes absolutely
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rottiens · 1 month
⊹ ˚. GOJŌ SATORU┊ "Doesn't the idea of not wearing panties in front of strangers turn you on?" he plans the seed.
tags. (18+), husband gojo, he hm smells your panties and other things (he loves you believe me), lowkey (highly) exhibitionism, reader with female anatomy (she/her pronouns).
You check Satoru a second time, only to realize that your eyes weren't deceiving you and that he really was smiling at nothing, his long fingers clapping the steering wheel every now and then to the rhythm of the song playing in the background on the radio and the third time your eyes land on him your back stiffens, with the seat belt still hugging your body you turn to see him, though the pressure of the belt doesn't allow you to move freely.
"Why are you smiling?" you ask, mimicking the same smile, like a mirror.
"I can't smile when looking at my beautiful wife?" Wife. Ever since you got married Satoru hadn't stopped calling you that, and even though you liked it and it always made you feel warm inside....
You obviously don't believe him. Not this time. The smile you still possessed paired with a furrowed brow, examining him in a way that would help you verify if he was telling the truth or not.   
You didn't believe him one bit. "What are you planning?" you insist again, still admiring his profile, Satoru hadn't bothered to look at you, busy not missing a green light.
"Remember the other day when we were playing uno and I won..." ... okay?
"You cheated," you reproach almost immediately, crossing your arms. You had the same posture as that night when you caught him with four cards hidden inside the joggers. 
"Whatever you want to believe, baby, I did not." You click your tongue and roll your eyes going back to your initial stance, you weren't going to argue with him again, that day you only let him win because Nanami and Geto decided not to fight and let him win.
"Whatever," you say. Fixing your eyes on the road you realize that you were a few corners away from reaching the restaurant.
"Anyway..." Out of the corner of your eye you notice the lopsided grin adorning his face. "It's time to pay."
"What do you want? For me to admit I'm a sore loser?" You turn your attention back to him, his finger with the gold wedding ring gleaming under the streetlights.
"I want your panties," he commands, claiming his prize (prize he won by cheating, you want to emphasize).
You blink, trying to verify that you just heard what you think you just heard. "What. No."
"A deal is a deal..."
"You cheated!" you accuse him again, and satoru's lopsided grin turns into a full-on grin showing you his fangs. "You're going to pay for this."
Satoru parks a few feet outside the fancy restaurant, the colors of the restaurant inside splashing all the way outside. Only when the car's engine dies does he tilt his body to look at you, you see determination and temptation in his face, those blue eyes are bathed from the street lights and the darkness inside the car, bringing you the details of his incomplete features.
"Doesn't the idea of not wearing panties in front of strangers turn you on?" he plans the seed. "In front of Suguru, in front of Kento..." satoru adds. "Because it turns me on a lot to know that only I know that you have a naked pussy, probably dripping on the chair."
You stand still for a moment, processing everything he just said as the birth of a smile stretches his lips slowly and an uncomfortable warmth creeps from your chest, face and ends in the form of a rush in your pussy.
You curse yourself because you can feel how the idea makes you wet.
Satoru laughs at your reaction knowing he has won, he stretches out his hand waiting for his prize.
You curse again, now out loud. You lift your ass off the leather seat to help you slide your underwear off with ease, you slide them down your legs and embarrassedly hand them into his hands, by which time Satoru was forcing a wicked smile to disappear.
Without any hesitation he brings them to his nose, inhaling until his lungs remember the scent of your pussy. Then he pushes them into the pockets of his pants. You stand there, still at the scene. It's not the first time he did it, but you were forced to check the street to verify that no one else had seen what had just happened.
"You're so fucking hot, you know that, don't you?" he looks down your body, focusing especially on your thighs. "I love the way that dress looks on you, I knew it was made for you as soon as I saw it."
Within seconds Satoru leaves his seat and walks across the short walk to your door, opening it for you. You realize he planned this all along. The dinner, the dress he bought especially for you (that barely comes down across your thighs and if you're not careful you might show your pussy)....
Satoru reaches out and feigning indignation you take it, stepping out of the car as you arrange your dress down, the fresh breeze caresses your slit and hits your clit. Satoru squeezes your hand, the coolness of the ring sending shivers down your back, into your abdomen.
"It's going to be a fun night," Satoru says.
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visacardteamloverrr · 5 months
ex's or not? cs55
summary: y/n and carlos once were the it couple, how are their lives after the breakup? did everyone move on?
warnings: writing this i was sick, i was done and i was ready to delete so enjoyy
i also was supposed to write part 2 to i'll be waiting but oh well...
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liked by lilymunihe, carmenmundt, and 65 000 more
y/njazzy Prague you've been great, next up my beloved Vienna 🍒
y/nstan mother is GLOWING
lilymunihe music to my ears (literally) 🫶🫶
y/njazzy i'm blushing 😊 💋
alexandrasaintmleux i haven't heard you play for agesss, see you in Vienna ig
y/njazzy and whose fault it is?? clearly not mine missy
alexandrasaintmleux oh look at the time, i have to go !!!
chillis the post breakup glow up is reaaal
loverofy/n can we expect some album soon queen?
charlesleclerc exactly @/y/njazzy, care to share with the class???
y/njazzy i will not confirm nor deny
y/njazzy and lord perceval do not push my limits. besides, if you would honour me with your presence, you would know. the choice is yours
charlesleclerc no comment.
user1 she calls him the way that carlos does...
jazzychill she looks so hot in red 🔥
chillistan don't you find it weird that after all charles is in her comments?
y/nfan through all the years y/n was with carlos, she formed a friendship with charles (especially with carlos in ferrari) and other people from the paddock, so it's nothing weird
jazzlover besides, alex and y/n are besties, no?
y/nlos do you remember how carlos would always melt when y/n wear red??? because i do.
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liked by landonorris, charlesleclerc, y/njazzy, and 2,093,728 more
carlossainz55 🌶🍔☀️
charlosfan what do they feed our drivers, he and charles are soooo hot
chillis the second photo, two plates, carlos sainz is that a date?
landonorris and where are pics from our little golf tournament 🤔🤔🤔 oh, maybe they aren't here because YOU LOST AHAHAHAHHA
carlossainz55 cabron we all know you cheated.
landonorris what a sore loser we have here
charlesleclerc do you remember when we played uno once?
maxverstappen i wonder why you played uno only once
charlesleclerc lando almost lost an eye
carlossainz55 do NOT listen to them, those situations did not happen
carlossteponme Y/N LIKED???!!
y/nfan they actually still like eachothers posts, i believe they said something about mutual breakup and that there's no hard feelings between them
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liked by yourbestie, lilymunihe, and 64,728 more
y/njazzy new project coming up 🔜
landonorris tell me who he is.
y/njazzy no❤️
landonorris and why exactly ???
y/njazzy i'll tell you, you'll tell oscar, oscar will tell logan, logan alex, and then magically the whole grid will know
landonorris you won't even tell your best friend?
y/njazzy you're talking about yourself or ?
landonorris PARDON #exbesties #friendshipover #offended
landonorris bye.
lilymunihe A MAN? A MAN? A MA-A-A-AN
lilymunihe girlies to the gc riGHT IN THIS MOMENT
lilymunihe avengers ASSEMBLE @/alexandrasaintmleux @/carmenmundt
carmenmundt i think we've missed a chapter here...
y/njazzy alex didn't.
carmenmundt excuse me !
lilymunihe SHE DID WHAT
alexandrasaintmleux tf y/n? i thought i meant something to you?
y/njazzy if i'm going down i'm taking everybody with me 😘😘😘
alexandrasaintmleux DO NOT QUOTE CHANDLER RN
user1 carlosy/nnation how are we feeling
user2 we don't.
user5 i have an idea...
user3 don't. don't give me hope
user7 fuck the guy NEW PROJECT IN THE MAKING ??? NEW MUSIC ???
user9 do i sense some movie soundtrack
liked by autor
user2 can you imagine
user5 Y/N LIKED !!!!!
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liked by maxverstappen, y/njazzy and 2,836,267
carlossainz55 getaway with mi amor
charlesleclerc i pay my respects to her
carlossainz55 ¿disculpe?
charlesleclerc for putting up with you 😘
user carlos sainz jr i was NOT familiar
user1 which one of you bastards stole my man
reyesvdec ❤️
user6 i miss her and y/n together in the paddock
user5 that's y/n. mark my words
user1 i truly aspire to be as delusional as you
y/njazzy she's a lucky girl
carlossainz55 im a lucky boy*
user8 y/n's comment? im dead
user3 carlos' response?????? i am crying, the boy really is in love
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liked by carlossainz55, reyesvdec and 482,471 more
y/njazzy love. love love love.
user8 our girl is in loooove 🥹
alexandrasaintmleux match made in heaven
carmenmundt you compliment eachother so well 🫶
landonorris you two are disgusting
y/njazzy jealousy, jealousy
user5 the luckiest girl???? i wonder why... maybe because she has carlos sainz
user ring ring, that's the mental ward calling for you
lilymunihe i'm heartbroken, how could you leave me
alex_albon execuse me? i'm right here??
y/njazzy lily it's just an act, let's run away together
lilymunihe i am ready to go
alex_albon HEY ITS NOT FAIR
alex_albon he can't even stand up for himself
carlosssainz55 he can
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liked by y/njazzy, landonorris and 5,839,821
carlossainz55 mi amor, you're the closest to heaven that I have ever been. I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I promise to cherish you forever. I am so incredibly grateful for you and everything you do. I want to thank you for being there for me, even after we broke up. there is no one else on this earth taht i would spend my life with. you are my person, and I am yours.
georgerussell mate leave something for us
alex_albon what I am supposed to do rn, lily won't let me in to our apartment
charlesleclerc gentelmen we are so finished
landonorris die lol 👎
oscarpiastri yk that they can see you crying, right?
y/njazzy my one and only ❤️
user can somebody check on user5
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liked by carlossainz55, reyesvdec and 171,729,819 more
y/njazzy the only ex i would ever come back to 💋💋💋
alexandrasaintmleux finally the ferrari girls are reunited
y/njazzy not for too long
alexandrasaintmleux foul
charlesleclerc too soon y/n, too soon
maxverstappen i won't even ask about the last pic
carlossainz55 the less you know the better you sleep
landonorris i cannot belive this is happening
y/njazzy sucks to suck ig
carlossainz55 only ex i couldn't move on from 🫶🫶🫶
y/njazzy you flatter me
user1 the difference in the capitions pls ✋️
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coff33andb00ks · 2 months
world around us
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summary: you're a candle in the window on a cold dark winter's night word count: 1k pairing: lando norris x oscar piastri x driver!reader (lilli. it's lilli) warnings: just pure fluff, slightly suggestive language(?) a.n.: final installation of my I need Lilli to have an amazing birthday series! this is once again for @maxlarens HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILLI MY LOVE!!! playlist: completely unhinged songs that fit the vibe
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"No no no no no no no! You can't do that! You fuckin' muppet!"
Oscar mirrors your eye roll as Lando protests you placing a house on one of your properties. "She owns it though?" he says tentatively.
Lando scoffs, snatching up the guide and snapping it open. "The rules say–"
"I refuse to follow rules when you rolled twice so you wouldn't go to jail," you say with a huff, snatching the guide from him.
"I had to! One of the dice landed on the floor!"
"Oh but when we play golf I have to play no matter where my ball lands?"
"Yes." Lando gives you a look of disbelief, as though the idea of breaking a golfing rule is akin to murder. "It's not my fault you can't hit a ball straight."
"Just for that–" You slap more brightly colored money in front of Oscar - Oscar has to be the banker he's the most honest one among us - and grab a hotel to replace the house. "Suffer."
Lando groans, throwing up his hands. "You're cheating. I hate games night."
Oscar's grin shifts and he begins to chuckle. "We could play Trivial Pursuit?"
"No," Lando whines, picking up the dice to take his turn. "That game makes me feel stupid."
"Uno?" you suggest sweetly.
"No, we'll finish this. Capitalism is good to me, I'll make a comeback." Lando nods to himself as he shakes the dice. "Just shut up so I can focus."
And then, twenty minutes later–
"What d'you mean I owe you double the rent?!"
The rules are checked - well this is fucking bullshit - and he counts out all of his money to pay up. Suddenly capitalism sucks and he's clinging to his one property block and his cash like they're his lifeline.
You'll never know how (he probably cheated) but he wins. Monopoly money rains down as he celebrates and you fall back with laughter when Oscar flips the board in disgust.
You love games night. The silly playlist Lando put together plays, Disney movies play, muted, on the tv, and you've got them.
Lando and Oscar. Your biggest rivals on the track and your closest friends off. You're celebrating Oscar's first win this week now that summer break is here, enjoying the lazy days before you each take off in different directions to visit family and recuperate from an exhausting first half of the season.
"Loser cleans up," you remind Oscar and he groans as he gives you a kiss then begins picking up the mess. Lando's singing along to the latest country song he's obsessed with - Is it your heart or mine? Is it whiskey or wine? Is it somethin' in the night Makin' us wanna cross that line? - and he follows you into the kitchen to get more drinks.
"You sure you don't want to come along with me?" he asks, reaching around you to get a beer from the fridge.
"Let me see... Golfing with a bunch of men versus beach time with my best friends…" You hum thoughtfully, squealing when loops an arm around you.
"That can't be right. Me and Osco are your best friends," he says.
"Let me rephrase. Best women friends."
He's holding you close, swaying a little to the song playing - you think Oscar's the one who added ABBA, or maybe it was you - and you smile a little as you sway with him. He hums songs without realizing it and it's one of his more endearing habits.
"But I'll miss you," he murmurs, tucking his chin on your shoulder.
"I'll miss you too." And you will. This season you've grown closer to him. Literally, considering he finally talked you - and Oscar - into moving to Monaco. But also figuratively. You're just as rough on yourself as he is on himself, and with all the macho bravado that surrounds you every race week, it's nice to have someone who understands your being upset over missing out on a podium due to your own failings as a driver, your miscommunication with the team. It's rarer to have someone who understands shouldering the blame of the team's missteps – if I was better at this, they would trust my judgment but I'm not so they don't and that means—
"Not getting sappy on me are you?" Lando teases.
"You started it," you mutter. Turning, you wrap your arms around him. "We can live a few weeks without each other."
"I mean… You'll text right? Call?" he asks softly.
"FaceTime too," you promise.
It's tentative and new and so fucking scary but he gives you a soft kiss. Not your first with him, but it still makes your heart do that weird little flutter that it's only ever done with one other person.
"Jenga?" Oscar calls from the living room and Lando perks up instantly, nearly knocking you down in his haste to get back to the only other person he's going to miss during break.
Jenga with your boys is impossible. They're too competitive, know too many things they can say that make the other break and send the blocks flying.
"Oh of course he's going for the bottom, man loves to be at the bottom," Oscar mutters to you and Lando's giggling, covering his face with his hands as the tower collapses.
The games are abandoned, and you're squished on the couch between them, Oscar's lips on your ear, Lando's head on your stomach as the three of you, tipsy and relaxed, begin making plans for the last days of break while a Studio Ghibli movie plays. It's not said by either of you, but you already know that the three of you will find each other long before the break is over.
The world is easier to bear when it's the three of you together. It's still new, still tentative, still scary as hell, but it feels oh so right.
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orangeocelotmartyn · 2 months
Martyn calls Iskall to ask to join Vault Hunters
transcript under the cut
Martyn: So, I-I don't know what I'm going to do now. I've got (coughs) a lot of time between now and when Rats SMP starts, um, in October, so…we gotta figure something out. My gosh. I tell you what, actually, I do have one idea. Let me…let me make a call real quick, hold on. Let me see what I can do…there we are. (Discord beings ringing) Martyn: Give me a second. (call is picked up after ringing a few times) Martyn: Hello. Iskall: Hello? Martyn: Hello! H-how are you? Iskall: Hello? I--wh--I thought we agreed not to ring each other on Discord. Why--how have you managed to get my Discord to send me a notification-- Martyn: Look-- Iskall: I--this is so cursed. Martyn: Look, we don't need to go into the semantics of it, okay? Barry and the Belbs, they've got a lot of programming knowledge, they know how to break things, um. Iskall: It's the one guy, its the one man, it's the--I knew it. Martyn: It's always Barry. Iskall: It's always Barry, yeah. Martyn: When you ask how, its always Barry. Um, so, this is a random call. My calendar has just opened up, uh, for-for the forseeable future, I got nothing till I have to go back to Paris, um, so I was wondering if I could join Vault Hunters? Iskall: Oh! Uh, I mean that's starting in eight days-- Martyn, hopefully: Yeah? Iskall: Uh, and your schedule cleared-cleared up (clears throat) Do you not know--this is, this is not how you join an SMP. You don't just call your friend and ask if you can join. You have to call your friend, give them a bribe, and then you can join. Martyn: Okay, wh-what bribe, what bribe do you want? I-What--what do you need? Iskall: I-I. Now I have to think about it. Martyn: Yeah, cause I was going to say, whatever you were gonna say, I don't have it. But what I do have is desperation, and uh, pluck, and puns. And that's all I can really bring to the table. Iskall: You know what, I-I-I d--okay, will you be-its a difficult server-- Martyn: I heard there was an okay, I heard there was an okay! C'mon! C'mon! I'm in! Iskall: I didn't say okay yet! Martyn: You heard-I heard 'okay!' Iskall: We gotta do the interview! Okay, we gotta do the interview. Martyn: Oh, okay. Iskall: Okay, here we go, okay, here it is. Are you an enjoyer? Martyn: Sometimes. Iskall: It--"sometimes," okay. I, uh, hold on, let me note that down. (clears throat) "Sometimes." Have you played before? Martyn: Played what? Uno? Yeah, I played Uno before, yeah. Iskall: Okay, 'Uno' is good, yeah, Uno is good. Martyn: Cool. Iskall: That-that's a pass, there, okay. Uhh, lets see here, uh its not that I'm coming up with questions, I just, I've got a terrible headache today-- Martyn: It's fine, its all good-- Iskall: --and slowly reading the script that I have for like, new members to the SMP-- Martyn: You know what I heard, I heard pity is the best medicine. Iskall: (small pause, snorts to himself) Martyn we'd love to have you, we'd love to have you. Martyn: Yeah!!! Vault Hunters SMP here! We! Come! Iskall: Heck yeah! Martyn: Let's do it!
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lyneira · 2 years
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♡ *slams a hand on the wall* "I LOVE YOU" ♡
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-> how the genshin men would react when you confess by "kabedon"-ing them
lyneira's 1.2k milestone event
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Plays the uno reverse card
Alhaitham, Childe, Dainsleif, Itto
They'd raise an eyebrow and smirk, because 1) he's glad that his feelings for you are mutual and 2) because of your audacity to put him in such a place.
So, he'll flip you over and kabedon you, caging you under both of his arms. If anyone's gonna be the dominant one in the relationship, it's gonna be him. Needless to say, he loves you back.
He'll laugh
Ayato, Baizhu, Heizou, Kaeya, Cyno, Venti
No, he's not laughing to be mean or because he finds your confession hilarious. He chuckles because he finds your display of love unbearably cute. This bold attempt to catch him off guard was something he found so endearing. So he'll rest his hand on your cheek and stare deep into your eyes, "come on then, kiss me already", he smiles. And if you don't kiss him within that second, he'll be the one to kiss you immediately, whispering, "I love you too, y/n"
"Kya.!!" >///<
Gorou, Thoma
They'll be just like the heroine in your typical shoujo anime when you kabedon them and confess, blushing like crazy with "doki doki" symbols flying in the air. They're ecstatic and so relieved that you share the same feelings they have for you, and at the same time, this assertive gesture has them head over heels and leaves them craving for more.
Tries to cover their blush
Diluc, Scaramouche, Xiao
I see them reacting like a tsundere, in a sort of "W-What are you doing..?!", brows furrowed and trying to cover their flushed cheeks type of way. Kind of like Tamaki here
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Nonetheless, he'd still confess his own love for you as well.
"Well...I love you too..."
Now y'all can "kiss kiss~ fall in love~! 🌸💞" LOL gosh I love ohshc
Smiles :)
Zhongli, Kazuha, Tighnari, Albedo, Kaveh
They'll smile tenderly, appreciating and adoring your passionate gesture of affection and will make sure you know it. He'll cup your face in his hands and say that he loves you back and will leave a deep kiss on your lips. He'll reveal his own passion for you through the multitude of kisses he'll give you if you don't stop there, hehe
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a/n: I feel like a lot of these sounded similar to each other (even in the twst kabedon post too). I was kinda running out of ideas, but hey at least I'm still having fun :')
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areislol · 1 year
A time to tell
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► PAIRINGS. genshin men x gn! creator! reader
► GENRE. sagau, reverse isekai, domestic life/slice of lofe, explicit/sexual (18+ for the nsfw chapters) themes.
SYNOPSIS. albedo created a machine where it would bring back their creator, who was stuck in another world, back to where they belong. but instead of bringing you here to them, it brought them to you.
WARNINGS. eventual smut, harem, angst with comfort.
STATUS. on going//i will try to update as fast and best as i can but i do procrastinate a lot so.. i do have school and work to do so updates may be a bit slow.. i will try my best though!! i do not have a specific update time, i just update whenever I finish a chapter so please bear with me, i wish i had an allocated timetable or something but i just can't fit that into my schedule (posting on a specific time).
EXTRA. i started this series because i needdd to feed my love for reverse isekai fics and i saw that there werent a lot so i was like !!! why not create my own? also, the chapters that had NSFW content in them will have the 🔞 logo beside the chapter name.
- reader is in college (has a part time job)
“y/n, we will be here for you for however you want us to be, we will leave even if you asked us to just please, please don’t leave us.”
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chapter index
i. chapter one - the start of it all
◇─where you find yourself in a room with 24 handsome men, the thing is.. you know them from the popular game that you even played and spent hundreds of money on.. genshin impact!
ii. chapter two - the morning after
◇─the morning after everything had happened, you decided to do a little bonding session.. which was by watching your favourite movies with them of course!
iii. chapter three - a shopping spree
◇─you decide to go shopping to buy some things for you and the men, you bond by watching movies with them and playing UNO.
iv. chapter four - "you really took took care of us, huh?"
◇─a couple days goes by after meeting the men, all is going good, your daily routine has changed, and the fact that you start work tomorrow too doesn't help anything at all.
v. chapter five - Back to work
◇─you have to return back to work after having your days off, little did you know you would find out something that would absolutely make you feel at unease and that would make you paranoid forever.
MINI FIC - Merry christmas! (wait why are we supposed to say that again?)
◇─celebrate christmas with them!!
vi. chapter six - The stalker
◇─not in a million years did you expect to ever get yourself a stalker, how did you? no idea. but with the sudden help of a woman she manages to find a way to catch the stalker. will you and your friends or well, the men, see her ever again, and will they meet for the good or bad?
vi. chapter seven - A walk in the park
◇─deciding that it has been quite some time since the men went out, you take them out to a park and have a picnic, bonding time if you will.
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lucrezianoin · 1 year
Here is how to get astarion approval so high he will proposition you before the tieflings party. No evil choices, just some chaos. The score you want is 40.
Not all of these are necessary btw, if you di all of this you'll get over 40. Avoid what sounds too evil and check that you're getting up to 40. Also remember that for the party romance you actually only need 20.
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- When Lae'zel is in the cage, talk to her before releasing her and ask her to say "please"
- Attacking the thieves at the ruined temple
- When Shadowheart mention needing a cure (at camp) make sure to choose the option about being cautious
- When you meet with Zevlor, refuse to help saying you have your own problems. (you can help anyway, don't worry)
- When Lae'zel meets the tiefling and ask him to bow, go along with her at least once, then you can stop her and apologise to the poor man
- When you meet Wyll, you can talk with the guy training the children. Tell the children that they will all die
- After saving Arabella, tell the druid woman that you just wanted to see what would happen
- When you meet Auntie Ethel at the refugees' camp, let her fuss over you and then tell her about the tadpoles
- You know the kid with the magic ring trick? Pocket that ring
- When you meet the two siblings mourning their dying brother, Astarion will approve of you send them to face the owlbear (but I never choose this, because it makes me sad). But I think the big approval comes in the dialogue just next, where you can say that using the tadpole seems like a great idea
- At the blighted village, when the goblin spots you, you will get approval if you attack them back
- Say boooo to Volo
- Open the door where the sexy moans are happening
- At the entrance of the goblin camp, if you can, thow shit at the guard
- There's a goblin that will ask you to kneel and kiss his foot. Uno reverse it, and intimidate him
- Let the cleric at the goblin whip you
- After you free the owlbear, pet them at camp
- Get the necromancy of thay, and the amethyst that fits in it and give it to Astarion
- Recruit Karlach with him in the party
- Killing the monster Hunter will also shoot up your approval of TEN POINTS. I usually never kill him, but if you're close to the party and you really want to get to 40, this is also an option
- When you meet Raphael, agree with Astarion that you should not trust him
- If you decide to do auntie ethel too, make sure to convince her to free Maryna and get the deal at the same time
Now, I think the majority of approval will come with how you talk with him at camp.
- Go along with his dialogue about killing you if there's any tentacle showing. Just play along, don't shut him down
- Go along with the "whose blood would you drink" dialogue. Your answer doesn't really matter as long as you don't shut him down
- When he bites you, of course, offer to give him your blood
- During the mirror dialogue (sometimes it happens pre-sleeping together) you can insult him a bit (you're not aging gracefully), but at the second reply reassure him. The last reply is fine for all the lines and they seem to all get approval, as long as you don't just leave.
In general this is usually all I need to get to 40, which is pretty high. In my last playthrough I managed to also get to 40 without doing many of these.
But as I said, you only need 20. Just remember that he likes being petty and asserting dominance over others, he loves the tadpole, he is cautious, he's a little silly and chaotic, he's selfish, he likes joking and talking so don't shut him down.
Just remember that he's much more explicit about sex being an exchange if you get the proposition before the party, and you end up missing the scene of the party. Up to you! If you see that he's at 40 he will proposition the moment you talk to him, so if you accidentally got his approval too high and want to see both scenes you can technically kill the goblin leaders and free halsin, talk to him, then when you sleep you get directly to the party where you will have the party scene too.
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xxchumanixx · 5 months
Uno pt. 1
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Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: You're teaching Bucky how to play Uno, but it takes a different turn than expected.
Warnings/Tags: fluff, Bucky being sweet and caring, make out session
Word count: tba
Authors note: Hello my loves! The idea for this came when I looked at my brand new The Mandalorian Uno, as I was watching Falcon and The Winter Soldier for the second time in two days (whupsi).
I'm definitely going to make a part two, we can't let naked action with Bucky slide, can we?
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It had been a while since you and Bucky started having game nights, playing cards and board games, whilst casually chatting.
Since working with Sam, Bucky was more relaxed, spending more time with you, after he started to work on himself.
You couldn't deny that your weekly game night was the highlight of your week, his presence enough to soothe everything that occurred over the days in between.
Of course, your ever growing feelings for him had a say in the matter, too.
"Let's play Uno!" you suggested, holding up the red box in your hand for him to see, when you returned from the drawer that held all the games you owned.
He cocked a brow, the bottle in his hand stopping mid-air, before he sat it back down.
"What's Uno?" he wanted to know, brows furrowing. "It's a card game." you replied, sitting back down in the chair to his right, placing the box on the table in front of you. "Don't worry, I'll teach you how to play."
"Never heard of it." he mumbled, fingers tracing over the letters on the front of the box. "Well, it's old, but not as old as you." you told him, smirking.
He scoffed at your words, playfully rolling his eyes. "I'm 106." he retorted, leaning forward with his arms crossed on the table. "And the game is 55." you retorted, cocking a brow at him with a grin on your lips.
"So you're almost twice as old."
He leaned back in the chair again, shaking his head in amusement, as he sipped his beer.
"Don't worry, you don't look like 106, though." you assured him with a wink, the alcohol loosening your tongue and nerves a bit.
He definitely didn't look like 106, more like so smoking hot you're gonna burn yourself.
He chuckled, wiggling his brows once, heart fluttering in your chest.
Taking the cards out of the box you pushed it aside, gathering the cards in your hands to shuffle them.
They were slightly curved and wrinkled from all the previous games played with them.
"First, you shuffle." you told him, starting to shuffle the cards. He huffed, eyes closely watching you, though.
"Never would have guessed."
Rolling your eyes, you tried to concentrate only on the shuffling, some of the cards spilling, though. His intense gaze made your hands tremble, nerves spilling over.
"Let me." he spoke up, carefully taking the cards from your hands, gathering the spilled ones. Shivers ran down your spine at his touch.
"My hand still hurts, I guess that's why I can't shuffle them as good, you know." you tried to cover it up, hinting at the accident you had when you tried to clean your windows this morning, falling from the small ladder, your hand partly taking the brunt.
It didn't hurt anymore, still you used it as a cover, as it came in handy in that moment.
He simply hummed, starting to shuffle the cards. He didn't want to think about what might have happened, if the ladder had been higher.
It took him a second to get back into it, but when he did, you couldn't help but stare. His hands expertly shuffled the cards, moving so swiftly, you thought he was playing some trick on you.
Though his fingers did a whole another trick on you, goosebumps covering your bare arms.
Swallowing, you tried not to think about what his hands could possibly do, too much.
Clearing your throat, you tore your gaze away.
"Everyone gets seven cards, dealt face down." you continued to explain, waiting for him to deal the cards. "The rest of the cards is placed in a draw pile face down."
He nodded, placing the pile in the middle of the table.
"Then you take the card on top, turn it around and place it beside the pile. This way you know which card to play."
He did what he was told, frowning at the sign on the card.
"Oh." you made, huffing. "Well, this card means that the next player has to skip their turn. Which means that, seeing as I'd be the one to start, I have to skip and you begin."
You gathered the cards he had dealt in your hands, trying not to show any signs of what cards you had on your face.
"I recommend to sort them, so you'll find matching ones more easily." you told him, doing exactly that. "You have four colors: red, blue, yellow and green. They all go from one to nine. When, for example, a yellow eight is on top of the discard pile, you can either play a yellow card with any number, or an eight of any color."
He hummed, sorting his cards as well, frowning at ones he couldn't place yet, showing you that he had at least one action card.
"There are action cards, too." you continued, arms resting on the table, as you looked at him again. "There's the skip card, a reverse card with two arrows, indicating that you switch from clockwise to counterclockwise or vice versa, a draw two card in any color, which means you have to draw two cards if you can't stack it with one of your own draw two card, a wild card that can be placed on any other number card, and let's you pick a color, and the wild draw four, which is the same, but the person following has to draw four in addition."
He sighed, overwhelmed.
You sent him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it, old man."
He sent you a pointed look, causing your smile to grow wider. He soon cracked a small smile of his own, though, not able to resist you, with a shake of his head.
Motioning for him to begin, you took a sip of your beer.
He thought for a moment, before he placed a blue one on top of the blue skip card. Humming, you placed a blue seven.
He frowned, sifting through his cards, coming up empty. "I guess I'll have to draw one when I can't play?" he spoke, eyes meeting yours in question.
You nodded, watching as he drew a card.
"Can't." he said, lips pursed. "Then it's my turn again." you returned, playing a red seven. "If you draw one but still can't play, your turn's over. There's a rule that says to draw until you can, but no one really uses that rule."
He nodded, scratching his chin, before playing a red draw two card.
Huffing, you shook your head, drawing two cards. He smirked your way, his dimples deepening.
"Your turn." you told him, after sorting your cards. "Don't you play after drawing the cards?" he asked, confused. Shaking your head, you denied with a smile. "No, the original rules say you don't. Even though most of the time we bend the rules a bit."
He chuckled, placing a red eight.
The game went on for a bit, him having to draw four, taking revenge with a duel of draw two cards, you ending up with six new cards on your hands.
"Oh, I forgot to mention that you have to say Uno! before you play your second to last card." you told him, just as he was about to play said card.
He frowned, but did as he was told, saying Uno!, before he played it.
You didn't have anything to let him draw cards, so when you played a green nine, he topped it with a red one.
Eyes wide, he cheered, grinning at you like a little boy who just received the greatest gift for Christmas.
Chuckling, you collected the cards, sorting them for him to shuffle again.
The game went on for a few rounds, him winning and losing, eager for more.
"I have a suggestion." you spoke up, watching as he shuffled the cards for the fifth time. He hummed, waiting for you to continue. "What about a drinking game?"
He cocked a brow, dealing the cards. "How does it work?"
Clearing your throat, you held up a finger, before getting up to gather two more beers.
When you returned, he had his cards already sorted, patiently waiting for you.
"So, when you are skipped, you have to drink one. When you have to draw cards, you drink the amount of cards you have to draw." you explained, handing him one of the bottles. "Means, if I have to draw four, I drink four as well."
He nodded, opening his bottle and handing it back to you, exchanging it for your unopened one, before he opened it as well.
The thoughtfulness of his actions had you smile to yourself, chest warming.
He was always somehow looking out for you, no matter how small the gesture.
It was one of the aspects that had you falling for him so hard.
You started the round, drinking and laughing.
When he played a draw two card mid-game, you topped it with one of your own, not expecting him to have another one on hand - and especially not to have a third, when you countered it, too.
Mouth agape, you stared at the pile in disbelieve, before your eyes went to his. He sent you a wink, smirking as he slightly leaned forward.
"Drink up, doll."
Swallowing, you did as you were told, drinking ten. Sighing, you drew ten cards afterwards, shaking your head in amusement.
His blue eyes were sparkling, sending shivers down your spine.
As the game continued on, he specified that the loser had to empty his bottle, no matter how much was left inside.
He was the first to do so.
An hour later you were into your sixth bottle, feeling good. The air was getting hotter, though it could have just been Bucky's presence.
Shouting in triumph, you played your last card, winning the current round. He shook his head with a grin, placing down his cards.
Only then did you notice how close he'd gotten during the rounds, legs brushing under the table.
"Drink!" you demanded breathlessly, grinning up at him. His eyes twinkled mischievously, head slightly tilted.
"What if I do this instead?" he asked, voice lowered to almost a whisper, as he leaned closer, breath fanning over your face. Your heart pounded violently in your chest, hands trembling, as your eyes flitted to his lips, when everything suddenly seemed to happen in slow-motion.
His nose brushed yours, as your eyes fluttered closed, before his lips met yours.
They were so soft, not rough.
Soft and sweet.
Your chair scraped over the floor, as he pulled it more towards him, so the table wasn't in the way anymore, your hands finding their way into his hair, tugging him closer.
His hands found your waist, pulling, until you were seated on his lap.
His tongue brushed over your lower lip and you let it in, sighing softly at the sensation. His flesh hand brushed over your back, slipping under your shirt.
Sparks elicited on your skin, wherever his fingers reached.
When you parted, you panted for air, eyes locked with his blue ones. His metal fingers came up to your face, brushing away a few strands of hair, before it cupped your cheek.
Swallowing, you moved on his lap the slightest bit, and he groaned, eyes fluttering closed for a second. His erection was straining his jeans, right between your legs.
Smirking, you did it again, only for his flesh hand to find your waist, stopping you.
"If you keep doing that, I won't be able to stop." he warned, breathing shakily, as his eyes met yours again.
"What if I don't want you to stop?" you whispered back.
Something rumbled deep in his chest, as his hand tightened its grip, moving you over his erection again.
You whimpered, mouth agape. His pupils were blown wide, eyes shining with lust and desire.
But there was something else, too: deep affection.
"Then I won't." he promised, lips attaching back to yours in a searing kiss. Licking into your mouth, his tongue fought with yours, his flesh hand descending, until it gripped your ass, pulling you flush against him.
You moaned into the kiss, not able to contain it, and he smirked against your lips.
"We should play Uno more often."
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pinkyqil · 2 months
Hello can I request a hc of mischievous r and mapi and how they drive each other mad with poor ingrid often caught in the crossfire... Thank you for your fic
Mischievous reader x mapi x Ingrid
A/n: You definitely can but instead of headcannos here's a mini blurb cause your request gave me and idea for this I'll definitely do individual hcs for this request hops you enjoyed fic update should come on Monday
Ingrid was often found between you and mapi's problems. when most of the times she wants peace and doesn't even wants to be dragged in your crossfire with mapi every now and then but if she didn't they wouldn't be peace at home and today was one of those day where there's no peace.
"Ingrid mapi just ate my chocolate and won't give me money to buy a new one". You yelled out.
"¿Por qué debería comprarte uno nuevo cuando bebiste el último trago de mi café favorito?". She said.
"I didn't drink your nasty coffee león".you told her knowing damm well saying her last name would get on her nerves real bad.
"tu cosita a quien le llamas león".She said
"Isn't léon your name or you've went ahead and changed it to engen".You told her making a remarks that you know has definitely been on her mind.
"Entonces estás actuando como una boca inteligente ahora, eh, veamos si te gusta si tienes la boca tapada con cinta adhesiva". She told you as she pounced herself on you taking you down from your spot beside Ingrid.
"Ingrid help me from your crazy girlfriend". You screamed out lound.
"loco eres el loco, ladrón de café". She said
"For the last time I didn't drink your coffee".you spat at her as you flipped her over giving you the opportunity to give mapi a few hits before you both started dragging each other on the floor like mad dogs.
Ingrid could only be flabbergasted on the water you both were acting concerning it wasn't her first time wachting you both act out.
"Definitivamente lo bebiste, ¿de qué otra manera tendrías tanta energía?". She yelled
"I always have energy your just mad that I'm young and pure". You said
"tu pura Chiquita no me hagas llorar ahora". She said as beging to laugh in your face.
"I'm going to kill you".you yelled back at her as you both counting to kick and grab each other.
It took Ingrid a whole hour to have you both sperated and calm.
"Okay both of you clearly need to cool off". She said trying to catch her breath as she continued to speak. "Firstly mapi i drank your coffee not chiqi and tomorrow I'll buy you both your chocolate and coffee so no more fighting in the house especially around bagheera. She said scolding you both.
"Si fuiste tú quien bebió el último trago de café, entonces está bien, puedo conseguirnos un paquete nuevo". Mapi told her girlfriend
"No way but if it was me who drank it you would have tried cutting off my head playing favoritism again". You said turning your back around mapi getting ready to leave there apartment.
"where are you going chiqi I thought you were staying the night and I still have to clean your wound. Ingrid called out
"Well since I'm not welcomed here I decided to go home and I can clean my wounds by myself". You told her before starting your water works.
"No baby your always welcomed to stay and mapi can sleep on the couch and we'll have the bed to ourselves okay". She told you
"If you say so then I'm staying".you told her
"¿Qué hice?".Mapi asked
"María don't start you upset chiqi enough today. Ingrid told her. You find yourself in Ingrid warm embrace as your turned to mapi making funny faces at her.
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Translation :
Por qué debería comprarte uno nuevo cuando bebiste el último trago de mi café favorito - Why should I buy you a new one when you drank the last drink of my favorite coffee?
tu cosita a quien le llamas león - you little thing who are you calling león
Entonces estás actuando como una boca inteligente ahora, eh, veamos si te gusta si tienes la boca tapada con cinta adhesiva - So you're acting like a smart mouth now, huh, let's see how you like it if your mouth is taped shut
loco eres el loco, ladrón de café - crazy you are the crazy one, coffee thief
Definitivamente lo bebiste, ¿de qué otra manera tendrías tanta energía? - You definitely drank it, how else would you have so much energy?
tu pura Chiquita no me hagas llorar ahora - You pure? Chiquita, don't make me cry now."
Si fuiste tú quien bebió el último trago de café, entonces está bien, puedo conseguirnos un paquete nuevo - If it was you who drank the last drink of coffee, then it's okay, I can get us a new packet
Qué hice - what did I do
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