#I have only seen that white blazer in these photos
imgonnasayitnow · 1 year
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Phil Ochs sweatin’ at The New Gate of Cleve in Toronto, 1965
photos courtesy of Valerie Moore McCormack
(the woman pictured is Dotty, Valerie’s then roommate)
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haeseolar · 7 months
he's the one i dream of
mileapo - school!au, student council president apo, delinquent mile
rated G, 2k words
twitter / based on these photos
“P'Mai, you’re late again.”
Mile glares at Apo as he passes by, making sure their shoulders brush against each other. It sends a shiver down his spine. Whether it’s simply from the touch or the knowledge that with everyone else Mile would have no issue bumping straight into them out of spite, he’s not sure. 
Apo doesn’t let Mile walk far without him, trailing hot on his heels, heaving his backpack higher up as he goes.
“Have you been smoking again? Is that why you’re late?”
Mile throws a cold glare over his shoulder but doesn’t respond. It’s fine - Apo is more than used to this by now, having spent almost the entire school year worming his way under Mile’s skin enough to just get him to look at him. And so what if he had to pull out the ‘I’m the president of the student council’ card one too many times? It barely worked anyway, considering Mile’s general lack of respect and interest in such a hierarchy, only made worse by the fact that Apo is a few years younger than him. 
“P'Mai, you -” Apo jogs so they can walk side by side, although the view of Mile’s broad back was nice while it lasted. He likes looking directly at the other boy, eyes tracing over the contours of his build - wide shoulders, only made more obvious with the bulk of their school blazer, then the gradual taper down into his slim waist. It makes Apo sweat a little under his collar, his tie suddenly feeling too tight around his throat.
“Slow down for a second!” Apo finishes, grabbing a hold of Mile’s bicep.
He finally stops, those narrowed eyes zeroing in on Apo again. “You were telling me off for being late, but now you want me to be even later?”
“Well,” Apo shuffles, his white trainers squeaking against the linoleum flooring. He doesn’t let go of Mile’s bicep and uses his other hand to push his glasses back up his nose in a nervous gesture. “It’s been a while since we last spoke, so I just wanted to check-in. How’s your music class going?”
Mile sighs, the fight leaving him. He always turns up to school like this: pent up, his muscles wound up tightly like he’s gearing for a fight. Usually, he is, but not because of his own doing - the neighbourhood kids and other nearby schools all seemed to revere him as some type of prize to beat. You take down Mile Phakphum, and you’re the king of the area, earning the respect and fear of hundreds of others. Apo finds it completely pathetic and unnecessary, especially considering that they were all nearing their 20s.
“You could’ve texted me and asked this,” Mile replies flatly, his eyes straying to where Apo is still gripping him.
Apo jolts, hurriedly letting go. He tries to ignore the flush blooming across his cheeks. “I would’ve done, but you take forever to reply.”
Mile raises an eyebrow, looking down the straight slope of his nose. Apo clears his throat, heart hammering away behind his chest. He always feels so small when he’s in front of Mile, despite their height difference barely being even a few inches.
Taking over the student council had been easy. Rallying everyone into some form of subordination to show his authority had been easy, too. It had taken plenty of work, endless days of continuously proving himself, but it’d worked out. The worst thing about it was that Apo looked like a walking target for bullies. He’s not ignorant of his outward appearance and the way he carries himself - for him, it’s a matter of his personal pride. He likes looking smart, with his small circular frames and neat hair, pristine uniform and spotless track record, along with straight A’s in all his classes. Trying to get people to take him seriously and look at him as anything other than an object to ridicule was something he didn’t think would be possible, but he still did it.
Being faced with Mile’s handsomeness, on the other hand? That’s still something Apo is trying to manage. He’s seen the same face, the same features, heard the same voice and admired the same silhouette now for months, but it never gets easier. His pulse still speeds up, his stomach explodes with butterflies, and his cheeks go pink without any proper reason apart from just being within the general vicinity of Mile. Apo’s gone through worse and conquered a whole lot more, yet this one seems like the only mountain he can’t reach the top of.
He’s not sure when it started. It was as if he woke up one day - normal, no Mile centric thoughts - and then the next, he was head over heels for him and it was all he could think about. After that, his brain was completely infested with thoughts of Mile’s sharp jawline, his piercing deep brown eyes, his thick eyebrows, and the soft scent of smoke sweetened by a vanilla cologne. His strong arms, even stronger calves that he only saw when he peeked outside the classroom window during the other’s P.E class to watch, and - 
Apo hears a sigh, and then there’s a hand on top of his head, ruffling his hair.
“Stop worrying about me and get back to class yourself, prez,” Mile says gently.
Apo startles out of his thoughts, but not quite. 
Maybe it was the time that Mile finally responded to him with more than a glare. Or maybe it was the time that Apo managed to break up a fight that was brewing outside the school gates, and Mile gave him a curt nod of thanks before walking off. Or, maybe, more recently, it was when Mile started to truly pay attention to him, letting him stay with him in the music room during lunch, listening to Apo’s complaints and ramblings, even chuckling at some of his jokes. Then, if it was around that time, it could’ve been when Mile smiled properly at him for the first time. Not just a small upward quirk of his lips, but a real, genuine smile that completely transformed his whole face. It lit him up like a golden halo, making his eyes crescent into delicate moons, his lips pulling across his teeth as he beamed, his cheeks bunching up sweetly, two sets of dimples appearing with the action. It stole the breath right out of his lungs, looking like a fish out of water as he gaped, and even now at the mere thought of it, he fears he may do anything to try and see it again.
Apo swats his hand away, delayed in trying to smooth down the wild strands of hair that Mile had messed up, caught up in his daydreaming about Mile’s smile. “I’m allowed to be a little late, you’re not!” 
Mile rolls his eyes, shoving his hands into his blazer pockets. His tie is barely done up, loose underneath his shirt collar, and his shirt is half-untucked into the waistband of his trousers. It’s enough to have him written up for a dress code violation. Apo should write him up. Yet, if he does that, it’d mean losing sight of the effortless dishevelled look that Mile pulls off. He supposes he finds it… somewhat charming, after all. Even if it means he’s showing bias amongst the pupils, he can’t find it in him to care. 
Apo never said he wasn’t perfect, and he definitely never said he wasn’t selfish.
Especially when it means that he can reach out, trying to steady his shaking hands, to redo Mile’s tie for him. 
“You’re always so messy,” Apo mutters, the toes of their trainers pressing against each other, the warmth of their bodies radiating between them from their close proximity.
Mile’s breath hitches. He’s seen Mile’s football teammates initiate physical contact with him easily, and Mile accepts it just as quickly, only batting them away from his hair but nothing else. Apo wants - he wishes - he had the courage to do that. To reach out without a second thought, without being bogged down with all these fluttering nerves and the sound of blood rushing in his ears from a simple interaction between them. Apo wonders if he tried to brush down the stray strands of hair from Mile’s bedhead, would he be pushed away too? Maybe Mile would let him get away with it, just like a lot of other things the student allows him to do without more than a mumbling complaint. 
Apo glances up at him through his eyelashes above the tops of his lenses, curious, but Mile isn’t looking at him. He’s staring past them with a scary amount of concentration, the muscles in his jaw twitching from being clenched so tightly, his cheekbones pinkened. Apo’s stomach sinks. It’s clear from that alone that Mile is fine with everyone else touching him, just not Apo. He supposes that’s fine - if anything, considering Mile is somewhat of a delinquent, and Apo is the equivalent of a thorn in his side, he guesses that it wouldn’t be the most ideal situation for Mile to feel comfortable in. It doesn’t take long for him to sort it out, the sting of rejection fuelling him to go quicker as he’s used to doing it with practised ease on himself. Within a few twists and tugs, Apo pushes the tight knot up to the base of Mile’s throat, making sure it settles nicely in the middle of his collar.
“There,” Apo declares, patting Mile on the chest. 
Mile jolts beneath his palms, his pectoral muscles tensing and then relaxing. He peers down, running a hand over the newly tied tie.
His expression gives nothing away, not even when their gazes meet. “Not gonna nag me about my shirt as well?”
“Unless you want me to shove my hands down your pants, you can do that bit yourself,” Apo scoffs, crossing his arms petulantly. 
The air thickens around them, Mile’s neutral expression falling into something else. Something dark, dangerous, a twinkle in his eye forming. Apo feels cornered, a piece of fresh meat in front of a starving lion. He adjusts his frames on the bridge of his nose again, wishing that the lenses were tinted so he had some form of physical barrier between him and the way Mile is watching him.
“Shame,” Mile says vaguely, tucking the hem of his shirt lazily into his waistband. It looks even worse than before, sticking out at odd angles, and Apo’s hands itch to get a hold of it and sort it out for him. 
Instead, Apo wrinkles his nose at it in distaste, his ears burning with the insinuation of Mile’s response. “Just… be on time tomorrow, okay? Then I won’t have to nag you so much.” His voice comes out more venomous than he intended, biting and exposing the fact that it hurt his feelings a little.
“But then I wouldn’t have an excuse to see your pretty face first thing in the morning,” Mile replies, smirking when Apo looks at him in pure shock.
Mile leans in, his breath hot over Apo’s lips, sending puffs of condensation across his skin. His skin ripples with goosebumps, tiny spikes and shivers working their way down his whole body. Mile’s hair tickles across his forehead, catching behind his glasses. 
“I’ll see you later, prez,” Mile whispers.
He pulls back as quickly as he comes, walking away down the hallway to his next class. Apo remains still from shock, enduring roils of embarrassment and something else he’d really rather not put a name to stirring in his gut until Mile is almost too far away to see.
“I knew it,” Apo unfreezes, delirium powering him as he spins around on the balls of his feet to face the same way Mile went. 
“Your breath stinks of cigarette smoke!” He yells after him, pouting when all he hears is Mile’s laugh echoing around him in reply.
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curiositydooropened · 4 months
Beginnings • A Ranged Blurb
After Hell brought Horror to the Heartland, America’s dirt roads and open woods began to fall to rot and ruin. To prevent further inter dimensional slips, the government dispatched several workers, such as yourselves, to travel the country saving small communities. 
Pairing: special agent!Steve Harrington x special agent!Reader
Wordcount: 1133
Warnings: This is a blurb based on this fic. This is Steve and the Reader's first meeting/assignment. *This blurb contains canon typical violence, including violence toward both main characters, children, and a foster mom. Please read at your own discretion.
This blog is 18+ only. I do not give permission for any of my fics to be duplicated, reposted, or put into AI. Thank you!
Navigation • Masterlist
Moodboard • Episode 00: Prologue
The clacking of your heels was drowned out by the chaos of an office. You straightened your blazer and asked the receptionist to point you in the direction of your new field partner. She extended a long nail and offered a kind smile, and you followed her directions around desks and ringing phones and the toss of rubber band balls to a desk near the back corner. 
A man leaned back in his chair, the aluminum groaning under his weight. His ankles were crossed atop the desk, and he was licking pink yogurt off a plastic spoon. 
“Special Agent Steve Harrington?” You asked.
He looked a bit dumfounded, glancing first around the room before sizing you up. His brown hair was a bit unruly, and his shirt had been unbuttoned to reveal a patch of chest hair and a white tank underneath. “Yeah?”
You introduced yourself, extending a hand. 
Steve scrambled upright, tossing his spoon to the desktop and meeting your gesture with a clammy, but firm grip. He grimaced in pseudo-apology, a frown creased between full brows. 
He towered over you, broad shoulders and long limbs. You’d read his file. He’d been given a handful of medals of honor and bravery for his stint on the battlefield, and it showed in his lithe frame, the muscles that roped his exposed forearms, his hunched shoulders. You think you found further evidence in the dark circles beneath his eyes, the scar etched into his lower lip. 
“Owens speaks highly of you.” He said, offering you a seat at the desk. 
You slid another aluminum chair over and watched him toss his yogurt cup and spoon into a nearby trash can. The sting of strawberries and cream tickled your nose. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard Owens say something bad about someone. I think he’d tell a Demogorgon she was beautiful to avoid hurting her feelings.”
Your comment prompted a hesitant smile, and the wag of his head. “Have you been out before?”
“On the field?”
He nodded.
You swallowed. You’d seen one Blight, in your training. Your shoes squelched into barren land. You hadn’t gotten the smell of rot from your nostrils for a week. 
“My expertise is in psychotherapy and deescalations.” You said instead. 
Steve didn’t appear impressed.
You supposed talking people off ledges and removing a shaking hand from a trigger might be a little underwhelming to someone who had fought inter dimensional creatures and people with telekinetic powers. 
“Call came in from Green Bay, twelve-year-old girl convinced her foster brother to eat a box of detergent.” Steve pulled a file from the top drawer and tossed it to the table in front of you. 
Your stomach churned. You’d already read the brief, already seen the photos. This was your job now, time to toughen up.
You nodded. “When do we leave?”
Your hands trembled, aching from the cold. Your snot froze to your upper lip and stung in your nostrils. The wind whipped at your cheekbones, and your boots crunched in the snow. 
“Cora, put the knife down.” The glint of steel shined in your periphery, the knife floating mid-air, held inches from your throat.
Your gaze remained trained on the little girl. The ends of her hair crusted with frost and blood trickled from her upper lip.
The snow around her had been stained red with Steve’s blood. 
“We aren’t here to hurt you,” you explained, hands still raised. “We want to help. We know others like you. Other kids with powers.”
“Meredith told me she would keep me safe,” the girl sobbed, voice echoing across the barren field. 
You released an exhale for the woman you’d found in the kitchen, a foster mom turned puddle. Steve tracked Cora’s bloody footprints across the backyard and through the woods. 
You glanced down at her legs. Her ankles were swollen and purple.
“Meredith called us to help you, Cora. She asked us to take you back with us to our facility in the city. We can introduce you to other kids. We can teach you how to hone your powers.”
“I don’t want to leave!” She screamed, and you felt the weight of the knife against your chest. 
“How’re you doing, really?” Steve elbowed you as you both stepped out of Owens’s office. 
You straightened your blazer, itching at the gauze on your chest.
You signed up for this. You’d done the training. You’d worked with a myriad of mental illnesses in all demographics. You told Owens as much. 
When you didn’t answer, Steve pulled you into an empty board room. That crease etched between his brow, and he leaned to eye level.
“The second you feel like this is too much, I need you to tell me. There has to be trust between us. We’re supposed to have each other’s backs out there and in here.” He emphasized his last words with fingertips to the tabletop. 
You chewed back a remark on how frustrating it had been to travel with him, to work with him, to ask him a plethora of questions that had been shut down. Instead you took a deep breath and said, “How are you doing, Steve? Really?”
He shifted, sat on the table’s edge, crossed his arms across his chest. The shoulders of his blazer raised to tickle the hairs at the base of his neck.
He’d told Owens the same things you had. All in a day’s work. You can’t save everyone. Things that you had echoed despite the churn in your stomach.
Meredith’s body was etched into your eyelids like the blue glow of staring into the sun. You’d slept with four blankets to avoid a chill. 
Steve contemplated your question for a moment before his shoulders released with a sigh. “That sucked. All of those kids will be without a mom. I keep thinking that if we’d gotten there five minutes sooner…”
You shook your head. “There was no way. The flight was delayed. The roads were icy.” You knew better than to blame yourself. You’d been taught better than that.
“You asked me how I was doing,” Steve cut you off. 
You stared back at him, catching the vulnerability in his gaze. You swallowed, nodded. “I keep replaying everything I said to her, wondering if I could have said something different to talk her down.”
Steve shook his head, perfect coif wobbling. “You said all you could. It was actually really impressive.”
Your face warmed at the compliment and shrugged. “Don’t sound so surprised.”
He snorted at this and tapped at your elbow, nodding to a handful of agents walking your way. “Want some lunch? My treat.”
You nodded and let him lead you out of the conference room and down the long hall toward the elevators. Your shoes clacked the whole way. 
Fic Masterlist • Episode 00: Prologue
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jimmystrudel · 5 months
Part 1 of Ranking the 2024 WAG jackets
part 2 & part 3 since tumblr only allows 8 photos per post
(and VGK whenever that's posted)
Also massive thanks to Lexi Lafleur for posting most of these and talking about them, I obviously used her as a source
1. Boston Bruins - Katrina Marchand’s IG
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I love that they used dark brown leather instead of black, it makes it look vintage
The fit of them is perfect, very cozy and relaxed
I am obsessed with the little bears on the sleeves that the numbers are in
They are just perfect, I can’t find any faults and I’m sure they can wear these outside of these playoffs
2. Dallas Stars - Kate Seguin’s IG
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I was surprised by how much I like this but I’m a sucker for bright colours
The crop, the bagginess, the paint speckles, it all gives a loud, aggressive, young energy which is all really on brand for the stars
They really stand out next to the other jackets this year and I like rewarding creativity
(also Dr Lexi Lafleur Brown says that she thinks they might have nicknames instead of last names on the front and I really hope she is right)
Vancouver Canucks - Lexi
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I have seen a lot of angles of these and they are just really good and well thought out
No visible number, no visible name, last name under the collar, pets and kids names on the sleeve, the signature being on the collar (more intimate than on a number) are all just super sweet and personal touches
This is an emotional keepsake
What prevents it from being 1 or 2 is that the back is too busy, they should have centered the logo on the green stripe and maybe have made the letters smaller
New york Islanders - islanderwagss IG
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Neon orange is the love of my life
I like that anyone who is pregnant can easily cover their belly for some privacy (part of why most of the cropped ones are lower)
Looks really easy to layer and store since it is baggy without being stiff which is super convenient
I like that since they skipped on using a logo they put Long Island on the sleeve
They are just all around good but don’t crack the top 3 since they are a little underwhelming
Los Angeles Kings - Lexi 
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I didn’t chose great pictures of it so for more detail; the logo is a little ironed on patch either on the top of the sleeve or chest diagonal from the front pocket, back has last name and number in white bubble, embroidered writing
If I saw them walking towards me, even at a game, I wouldn’t be like “that’s a WAG!” which is something I feel like these need to give otherwise just wear team merch
They clearly had the goal of being minimalist and trying to draw from an old money aesthetic and they definitely accomplished that so I’ll give them points for clearly communicating a vibe and being the only blazer
It reminds me very strongly of my dead, rich and very formal grandmothers raincoat
It’s the only one in my top half that I wouldn’t want to wear (minimalism makes me anxious) but I do really like looking at it
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smalife1234 · 8 days
Big big big post (yes that was necessary)
Today might be the biggest decision of y'all's lives! Today is the day that you'll have to work every brain cell in your head to make this decision
No, no, I'm kidding ( I think). This post is to simply ask for y'all opinion/vote on which picture should be our new profile banner! Since we've been having a recycled ♻️ picture for a while! As our banner, I decided to make our Tumbler page pop!
So, I've selected 8 images for y'all to decide/discuss! Feel free to comment on which one you'll like as our new profile banner!
- you all have one week to make up this very important decision - the DEADLINE WILL BE ON SEPTEMBER 23RD AT 7:00 AM!
- this same Information will be on my Instagram story for the whole week to remind those of you who are not frequently on Tumblr!
Instagram handle - doc_mcstuffins_james_levine
- please vote/put it in the comments below 👇! On my Instagram story or the Tumblr post pinned to the top of the blog! Or feel free to message me! Respectfully, I'll only reply to business-required votes and discussions! By my choice, or if you have a question, please feel free to message/comment 💬!
Now feel free to view all the pictures!
Img desc #1: doc is seen at a speaking engagement wearing a short-sleeved buttoned-up white shirt a grey tie, and black skinny jeans, including black dress shoes. She is sitting near a group of fellow speakers!
Img desc #2: doc is near a brown fence near many trees. Doc is beaming with a bright smile and a white long-sleeved shirt, brown pants, and white shoes. She is in her electric wheelchair
Img desc #3: doc is seen smiling near many trees. She is seen with a bright smile and a blue long-sleeved shirt and tan/tacky colored pants. She is in her old electric wheelchair.
Img desc #4: doc and Emmie are seen in a single framed photo. Doc is seen right of Emmie smiling and wearing a black long-sleeved sweater over her white long-sleeved shirt and black dark blue tie paired with it. She has a pair of tan colored pants and brown shoes. Emmie, seen on the left of the image, is smiling and sitting in her manual wheelchair. She is wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and a blue blazer. She is wearing a pair of tan-colored pants!.
Img desc #5: doc and Emmie are seen in a wide-angled frame, and image Doc seen on the right is seen giving a wide expression on her face. She is wearing a white long-sleeved shirt brown pants, and white shoes! Emmie, seen on the left of the image, is seen looking shocked while in her manual wheelchair. She is seen in a pair of blue jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt. There are trees behind them!
Img desc #6: doc is seen in a single shot frame. She is smiling while wearing a black short-sleeved buttoned-up shirt and black skinny jeans. There is a pretty green scenery behind her.
Img desc #7: doc and Emmie are seen in a single shot frame. Doc is seen blowing a kiss while wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and brown jeans. Her Atrophied arms are resting on her lap. Emmie's head is seen on the doc's lap, and Emmie is seen smiling, wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and blue jeans!
Img desc #8: doc is seen giving a wide smile to a white lab dog; Doc is wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and brown jeans! Her atrophied arms are resting on her lap.
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tomwambsmilk · 2 years
Okay, so I've been cataloguing and connecting the succ trailer outfits, and I think I've managed to connect a bunch of scenes into episode 1, Logan's birthday (titled Listen Here, Lady, if the rumours are correct). This is a long post so I'm throwing it below a cut:
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Okay. Starting off, we have logan in that blue sweater with the checked shirt. It's shown up before, too - that's what he's wearing in the first teaser when he stares out the window. Let's look at where else he wears it:
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He's wearing it in this shot, where he's leaving what appears to be some kind of study. And this is where we can start connecting some outfit dots. Take a look at this Greg outfit:
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That's the same outfit Greg is wearing here, just with the jacket done up:
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It's also the same outfit Greg is wearing here (which fits, since Tom's outfit looks the same as the one in the above shot where Logan walks away):
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So, we know that this study shot is the tail end of a long event - one with several invited guests, including Connor and Willa. Plus - that's the same outfit Nick Braun was wearing in the instagram post he made about the start of s4 filming, and there were set leaks in the first couple days (around the same time) of the cast singing happy birthday to Logan. So, my guess is that all these scenes are from Logan's birthday in episode 1. Additionally, all the other gatherings in the trailer appear to be for other purposes, and the 1% dialogue feels to me like establishing dialogue. (That also means Greg seems to have gained some kind of girlfriend over the break, who disappears as the evening drags on. Interesting.)
Now, some people have suggested this Tom outfit is the same one he wears in the argument with Shiv:
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But while it does look similar... I hesitate. Because here's what Shiv's wearing:
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But let's circle back to Logan's outfit from this event in a different scene - this convo with Kerry:
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Kerry is wearing a blue blazer here - a blue blazer which is the same one she's wearing in this scene of the teaser, where she's on the phone with the Roy siblings:
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But while she's on the phone with them, Shiv is not only wearing a completely different outfit from the tomshiv confrontation - she's in a different time zone:
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It's late at night where Kerry is, and it's daytime where the siblings are, so it's reasonable to assume that they're in California at this point. That seems to be backed up by this shot, where Shiv appears to be wearing the same brown jacket while getting into a car with a palm tree in the background:
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Kerry's outfit here is far more distinctive than Tom's - Tom's worn several white shirt-blue blazer combos before, so I think it's more likely for Tom's outfit to be either a repeat or a very similar outfit than Kerry's. Alternatively, it's possible that the kids are in California, and then fly back, and Shiv changes her outfit. But that makes the timeline of the event a bit screwy, imo.
Oh, but let's take another look at this same Logan outfit, in a scene he shares... with Tom.
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You can see the design on Tom's shirt more clearly here, and there are faint stripes which aren't on the shirt he's wearing in the tomshiv confrontation - again, making that seem like something from a different event or episode. (The outfit from that confrontation, though, IS the same one he's wearing when he greets Logan on the tarmac. More on that later.) If I'm right about the context of this event, that means this is, again, and episode one conversation between Tom and Logan. It's also during the day, and there aren't many people around. Did Tom come to Logan's birthday early? Was he invited early? Could togan.... be re- *gunshot*
One last thing. Where does Logan go when he leaves the party? Well, according to the BTS photos... to dinner with Colin:
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Based on the booth design and the outfit, this is the scene with Logan's dialogue about being 100 ft tall, ect:
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Anyways, let's circle back to the kids. Those outfits are distinct, so we know where else we've seen them:
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Unfortunately, this location only shows up in this shot, so this is where the trail goes dead. Except...
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Kendall's wearing the same outfit here, in this shot of the theatre. What's going on? Who knows. I have no guess. But - they do seem to be connected.
There are still lots more outfits to catalogue, but this is what I have so far! It's all coming together....
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w2beastars · 10 months
Beast Complex: The Deer and the Wolf
(Warning: This is a VERY self-indulgent fanfic, read at own risk)
He was a red deer at the beginning of his fifties. He had a slim build and fair face that made him look younger than he actually was. The square-framed pince-nez glasses he was wearing helped making him look like an animal of a certain age. He was dressed in a black suit, appropriate due to the funeral he had to host only four days ago.
The CEO of the Horns conglomerate tapped the table with a finger while feeling anxious. Louis was unsure if accepting the offer of a cup of coffee to catch up with her was such a good idea. They hadn't seen each other in years, and they didn't part on good terms. Or at least, not exactly good, but perhaps not bad either. But he had been so surprised to see her attend the cremating ceremony, he had probably not been thinking straight.
Louis took a glance around the coffee shop. Several animals had gathered here to chat. He saw a orange cat with a cell phone of a sort similar to the kind Louis had used when he was a teenager. Louis was glad that phones had made a comeback, he had never been thrilled about the lenses you could put into your eyes, it felt... wrong and intrusive. But perhaps new technology always felt threatening when you had reach a certain age.
Louis then spotted an empty table with a half-filled tea cup and an empty glass. There was a straw in the glass, the end of it had been chewed on.
It made the deer recall something. Something that made him blush.
Louis blinked and turned his attention toward a grey wolf with brown fur. She was dressed in a dark-blue blazer that was open, revealing a white shirt. Her fur was curly. She seemed like she was out of breath, as if she had been running, but she wore high heels.
Louis smiled, more out of a sense of being polite than actually being happy to see her. "Juno, it's good to see you again."
"I'm very sorry, there was a small crisis at the studio. One of the models had accused the tiger who took the photos of looking at her funny. I swear, bunny models are gonna be the death of me..." Juno took a seat at the other end of Louis' table. "Iced strawberry latte, please." She said to the hyena who worked as waiter in the café.
"I would like another coffee." Louis said. He looked at Juno. "So... you seem to be in good health."
"I am."
"Time sure flies by."
"Sure does."
"I should have tried to stay in touch-"
"We have both been busy." Juno said this despite knowing that was not the reason they hadn't talked in years.
There was an awkward pause. Neither the wolf or the deer knew what to say. But after they got their drinks, Juno decided to take the initiative. She recalled that she usually had to when it came to matters with Louis.
"I was not sure if showing up to the funeral was a good idea or not. The article said only family and close friends were invited-"
"I would say you belong in the second category."
Juno raised an eyebrow. "Do I?"
Louis shrugged. "As far as I'm concerned." He sighed and smiled awkwardly. "I appreciate that you came."
Juno took a big sip of her latte. "Your daughter sure didn't. She was rude."
"Only because she thought you were a nosey stranger. I'm surprised Marie didn't recognize you. She wears one of your dresses for parties."
Juno smirked. "Then your daughter has good taste."
Louis rolled his eyes and made a small laugh. "Well, aren't you modest..."
Juno did her best not to wag her tail, it was not proper for a wolf her age to do so in public. Then, she looked serious. "I'm very sorry. Well, for what happened to her. To Azuki."
Louis' face changed into a grave expression. "Well... that makes two of us." Louis sighed before placing his cup against his lips.
Juno emptied her cup. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if what she was about to ask was too intrusive. But she had to know. "Did you... love your wife?"
Louis blinked. He coughed, almost spitting out the coffee. He had forgotten how direct this wolf could be. Juno looked at Louis, waiting for an answer. Louis decided to clean his classes to win some time.
"Well..." Louis cleared his throat. "I should just answer yes, that would be the appropriate response, but... it's not that simple. Azuki was very frank, she told me our marriage was about what was best for the Horns Conglomerate. We had a daughter, but that does not necessarily make a couple closer. But we grew to care a great deal for each other. Calling it friendship is not a fitting description, she was not my friend, she was... my companion." Louis smiled. "She knew me so well, she understood me. And now that she is gone... it is as if I lost a small part of myself." Louis sighed, then noticed he was shedding a tear.
He looked at Juno. The wolf started crying as well. And what she said... took him completely by surprise.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Juno yelled, exposing all of her fangs while slamming a fist against the table.
Louis almost lept from his chair. He pushed his classes closer to his eyes as he looked confused. "Excuse me?"
Juno growled, not giving a damn about tact in public space. "Our last night together, when I left that train... the one thing that made me keep calm, the one thing that stopped me from bawling my eyes out and yell at you and kick you in the groin... was knowing you would never be happy with that bimbo!"
Louis was baffled. Then angry. "Hey, that's my wife you are talking abo-"
"I could handle you not being mine because I could comfort myself with you being unsatisfied and unhappy with that pipsqueak! And now you are telling me that you actually miss her?!"
"I... I'm sorry, are you saying that I have hurt your feelings by caring for a female I was married to for thirty years?!"
"Yes, dammit!" Juno stood up and glared at the middle-aged deer. "You owe me me to at least having been a tiny bit miserable with her!"
Louis felt as if he was about to explode as he stood up as well. "You selfish... you childish... you self-centered... you egotistical..." He dropped his glasses as he yelled at the female wolf. "YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED AT ALL, HAVE YOU?!"
For a moment they just glared at each other. The other animals at the coffee-house had stopped talking and eating and instead looked at the heated argument that had started in the middle of the room. The orange cat picked up their phone, wondering if calling the police was necessary
And then, Juno started to giggle, covering her mouth.
Louis narrowed his eyes. "What? What's so funny?"
Juno snorted. "You still look like a little kid when you get all worked up!"
Louis heart was pounding. He was utterly confused. He blushed.
And then he grabbed Juno by the collar of her blazer and kissed her. The wolf was startled, but then hugged the deer and returned the kiss.
Everyone in the coffee-shop looked completely petrified except for the cat who filmed the dramatic scene with their phone.
Then... Louis regained his sanity. He pushed Juno away, resulting in her tripping because of her high heels. "WHAT ON EARTH AM I DOING!? I JUST BURRIED MY WIFE LESS THAN A WEEK AGO! YOU DAMN WOLVES, YOU MAKE ME LOSE MY MIND!" And then he stormed out of the room.
Juno giggled as she sat on the floor. "Wow..."
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whiskeyswifty · 7 months
''#lover era was yes responsible for some of the worst public looks of all time in the performance realm #and pap walks too good lord#but it is also responsible for the greatest run of photo shoots she’s ever done in her life #the HOTTEST she’s ever looked in photo shoots and pretty much no misses #it’s funny how during lover she looks like a grown woman more than she does now idk how to explain it''
MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY. and i've wanted to send a similar ask for a while now dehbfchsd and you got me first. anw i completely agree, lover era had some of the worst WORST awful performance looks but damn if she didn't look hot as fuck. and i get what you mean about her looking more grown up, something about her despite the vibe of the album and what she was trying to pass as the aesthetic of the album and that era. her milf era for real i mean what who said that
hahaha you get it! i mean i have to run through them all cuz my god they're amazing.
First we got the Elle UK photoshoot with hottie cool girl like hello??
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Also the Elle cover shoot to go with her Essay list of 30 things she learned turning 30 or whatever that was, as an added bonus
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Also the entertainment weekly one with that one shot of her hair all tousled like godddd yeah
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even now as we get SNL outtakes years later from 2019, she looked SO HOT like bless the person who let us have these:
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and like as you said.... she's NOT a milf but it's very milf-core kind of hotness that really is just looking like a grown, confidant woman in mature clothes that made her actually LOOK like an adult for the first time, not just dressing like one. and she was literally aging into adulthood so it was nice to see her embrace that, but it was something we hadn't seen before really from her, like the run below starting with the people shoot like... HIIIIIIIII
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And also the billboard shoot... god the power of an oversized white crisp shirt on a woman....
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the blazer girlboss time photoshoot one too like *twirls hair*
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and the MOST milf of all time i mean the vogue shoot was just...... GODDDDDDD THE TROUSERS OF IT ALL!!!!
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Just in general she was so hot and grown in these shoots, it's crazy how she leaned into adulthood for a brief and shining moment. The lover photoshoot itself!!!! i mean!! she looks SO dream woman here
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but god yeah, just what a lineup. and all of this is incredible but honestly, only one photoshoot needs to be dropped in here to prove this point and it's the british vogue shoot like...... i don't even think i need to say anything more
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i just love..... socks.
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
okay. firstly, to clarify, i am autistic and randomly get obsessed with something to the point i will do immense research and not be able to think of anything else for a couple of hours or more. now we've established that, i've been analysing the hogwarts uniforms and have Thoughts.
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i am ignoring that hat. i dont like it. no one wears it after like,, the first scene. it doesn't exist to me. now, as we know the uniform is; black/dark gray smart trousers or dark grey skirt, house coloured jumper or cardigan (optional), white shirt, house coloured tie, house coloured robe (optional), house coloured scarf (for outside use only), black/grey tights (optional), smart black shoes, black gloves (for outside use only).
however they used to have grey blazers in the uniform (as seen pictured, i apologise for having to show you that sirius). why they got rid of it? who knows. but it must have been some time between the marauders 5th year to harry's first year. personally i like to think it was during the marauders last year and remus cried at the loss.
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in terms of houses, gryffindor's seem to appear the messiest as a group, and the slytherin's the neatest. also the slytherin's seem to have this little snake pin for their ties which no one other houses get (can't see it too well in the photo but it's literally just this tie pin with a little snake). i wholeheartedly believe walburga and orion are responsible (the above picture of tom riddle shows him without a pin so they didn't have them in the past). so when regulus got into slytherin they gave him the slytherin pin to sorta,, take a dig at sirius for not being slytherin and it soon became a Thing for pureblood parents to gift their child a snake tie pin when they get into slytherin.
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now, to apologise for showing the canon sirius, i shall describe what they'd actually wear (you think sirius would wear the blazer? and the robe? and the tie that neat? get real.) only sirius in first year would basically look more like hermione (but obviously with the blazer since i guess they had blazers back then), but the rest of the time it gets more and more messy and rebellious- they stop wearing the jumper, blazer and cloak. if it's cold they wear remus' jumper and/or their leather jacket. their tie and shirt is like ron's in the photo. they sometimes wear the skirts, sometimes flared trousers. always wears boots. lots of jewellery, very 70s punk/rock vibes basically and breaking like every uniform rule.
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fuckyeahvanhalen86-95 · 3 months
Former Van Halen bassist Michael Anthony is celebrating his 70th birthday today (June 20). In honor of the milestone, Anthony’s longtime musical compatriot Sammy Hagar has posted a special message on his social media sites for his frequent collaborator and fellow VH alum.
The Red Rocker posted a text note, as well as a video in which he delivered a heartfelt message to Anthony that ended with a little humorous twist.
“On this day, a long, long time ago, the world was blessed with this bad a–, bass playing, singing rock ‘n’ roll superstar,” Hagar wrote. “Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the one. The only Mr. Michael Anthony.”
As for the video, it featured Hagar addressing the camera while wearing a stylish gray blazer and a white dress shirt with dark stripes.
“Happy Birthday, Mr. Michael Anthony, my longtime friend, my brother from a different mother,” Hagar said in the clip. “I can’t tell you how much I love having you as a friend, having you as a bandmate, a partner in crime. I know it’s your birthday today, and I’m sitting here reminiscing and looking at all these old pictures.”
The video then showed a series of old photos of Hagar and Anthony performing onstage together.
Sammy continued, “Mike, we’ve been doing it a long time. … We have more fun than any 10 monkeys on the planet, OK?”
Hagar then noted, “Like I said, I know it’s your birthday, so in your honor, I’m getting dressed up today and I’m gonna stay dressed up. And I’m gonna make a cocktail later—it’s too early now—but in your honor, I want to be first class today for you. Peace, love, and happiness.”
As the video came to an end, Sammy commented to the person recording the message, “Are we done?” Hagar then turned and started walking back into his house, as the camera pulled back to show he was wearing Hawaiian-print shorts and was barefoot.
“[Got to] get this monkey suit off,” he then said.
Anthony posted his own message responding to Hagar’s video in the comments section of Sammy’s Instagram page.
“Hahahaha, thanks, brother, haven’t seen you that dressed up in a long time!!!” Michael wrote. “We’ve been through a lot, and we ain’t finished yet!! I love ya….and I’ll be right over for that birthday cocktail.”
Anthony and Hagar first began playing together when Sammy was hired by Van Halen to replace founding frontman David Lee Roth in 1985. Hagar left Van Halen in 1996, and he and Anthony then teamed up with Journey’s Neal Schon and Deen Castronovo in the short-lived band Planet Us in 2002.
Anthony and Hagar took part in a Van Halen reunion tour in 2004, but after the trek, both musicians soon departed the band for good. In 2007, Van Halen was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, but Anthony and Hagar were the only members to attend the ceremony, although they no longer were part of the group.
Since then, Anthony has played with Hagar in the supergroup Chickenfoot and in Sammy’s backing band The Circle. He now is preparing to hit the road with Hagar on The Best of All Worlds Tour, along with Chickenfoot guitarist Joe Satriani and The Circle’s drummer, Jason Bonham.
As previously reported, The Best of All Worlds Tour will mainly focus the Van Halen catalog.
The trek kicks off July 13 in West Palm Beach, Florida, and is scheduled to conclude on August 31 in St. Louis. Loverboy will be the opening act throughout the tour.
Tickets for the tour dates shows are available now via various outlets, including StubHub.
When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
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Kousei Tachihara's First Trial MV (Alter Ego)
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The scene opens up with Kousei as a teenager, presumably 16-17. He has both his dark purple eyes and a scowl on his face, a very different look than the present Kousei. Three figures stand before him, two fully white human bodies with one having a bear head and the other having a fox head. The third figure is the shortest out of the trio, and has a monochrome outfit with a joker mask on. They all reside in a run down looking city, and hang out near a back alley way. Kousei is seen pick pocketing strangers, stealing food from nearby stores, and sneaking the smaller figures into arcades and theaters surrounded by delinquent looking thugs
The next scene, Kousei (a bit older now, 17-18~) is walking down the street, the same trio holding up a donation box(?) in their hands. It gradually fills and later floods with money, but younger!Kousei doesn’t look so pleased as he still has the same apathetic and cynical expression on his face. The bear headed kid looks down, but a hand is seen patting his head. They look up and see present!Kousei patting the head, his right eye covered, but a smile on his face
The scene fades into the last scene being a photograph. Young!Kousei is seen holding it, almost clutching it with hatred. He grabs a knife from a table and is about to stab the picture, but Present!Kousei stops him by grabbing his hand. The two Kousei’s face each other, young!Kousei looking with confusion yet cynism, and present!Kousei looking at him with disdain and slight protectiveness
The next scene is of present!Kousei in some sort of military bunker. He is all alone, but has a bullet in board filled with photos from the slums. He pins the photograph of the three figures with animal/joker heads, only with young!Kousei this time, giving them the same scowl as before. Present!Kousei looks in shame at the picture before his eyes fill with determination and protectiveness. He gets out a lighter from his blazer pocket and flicks it to create a small fire. He throws it on the cork board, burning the pictures of his past. He takes a step back, looking at the arson with widen eyes, but his expression is hard to make out
The next scene is of Present!Kousei, but he’s in a formal solider outfit. He unsheathe a sword, holding it up so it covers half his face. He bows and opens his visible left eye to the camera, a glisten on the hilt of the sword is scene. Some kanji is carved into it that roughly translates to “I vow to protect” before the video ends
Original Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NJCG6DVUnc
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maxverstepponme · 2 years
Kelly back to showing old videos?? Cause didn’t she take a selfie in the mirror of that wardrobe showing that blazer and leggings fit. It’s the same room and layout, even the same white draws can be seen in her video and then the photo. Also they only lived a few floors down pretty sure they would have installed the wardrobes before they moved in, just like they painted Penelope’s room before. Also, max was ill so I doubt he’d want strangers in the house being loud and putting furniture in. I don’t understand this women, like why lie about something so trivial when you’re just gonna get caught out.
I hope he’s okay
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kate-bashford · 2 years
FAS3001 Mood Board Three
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My final mood board was significantly more challenging to create than my initial two, particularly as I felt I was being rather repetitive in the skills and types of images I was using. However, I did not consider this to be a negative as of yet as I felt it meant that each mood board was cohesive and looked as though it was from the same trend narrative. Hence, I decided to develop my third mood board in a very similar manner to my initial two. The photos I was left with for my third mood board all generally seemed darker and consisted of fewer colours- this was fine at this stage as I could add the splashes of colour that are included in the trend description on WGSN. However, I was still really conscious of not making it appear like I had changed my colour scheme by my third mood board, so this was an aspect I worked on very quickly. Unfortunately, I have lost the screenshot of the collation of images at this stage, however the key ones that were contributing to this have been added above. 
I used very similar techniques on this mood board to the ones I had used in the previous two, and so this one was significantly quicker to make. Once again, I used the polygonal lasso tool and object selection tools the most to isolate sections of my imagery and cut out the models in my images. Generally, my largest problem when looking at my three mood boards as a whole is that they appear to be for separate trends, and the only one that truly fits my trend, New Classic, is my first one. Nonetheless, I believe as I develop each mood board to create my final look book, they will become more cohesive, and I think that once I change the colours on each page to fit one colour scheme, the look book will successfully communicate my trend narrative. 
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Above is the final mood board, just as I began to redevelop it for its use in my lookbook. The only difference here is that the model I was editing in this photo originally had a black dress (as seen at the top of this post), so I added a hue/saturation layer to make it brown. Instantly I believe this elevated the mood board, and made it instantly more fitting with my trend narrative. At this point, I believe this is one of my more successful mood boards, and I don't think it will need too much editing before it can be used in my lookbook. 
Berthelot, E (2017) The Fashion-Girl Way to Style Preppy Clothing. Available at: https://www.glamour.com/story/how-to-wear-preppy-clothing [accessed 3 December 2022]
Brocki (2022) Blazer Cropped + Corset Brocki X Mea. Available at: https://brocki.com.br/produto/blazer-cropped-corset-brocki-x-mea/ [accessed 2 December 2022]
Picabia, F (1922) Conversation I. Available at: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/picabia-conversation-i-t00305 [accessed 3 December 2022]
Taeuber, S (1921) Composition in Dense, Polychrome, Quadrangular Spots. Available at: https://www.ideelart.com/magazine/dadaist-artists [accessed 30 November 2022]
Schouler, P (2022) Resort 2023. Available at: https://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/resort-2023/proenza-schouler [accessed 2 December 2022]
White, P (2020) Polish Your Loafers! Preppy Style Is Making a Comeback. Available at: https://www.vogue.co.uk/fashion/article/preppy-fashion-trend [accessed 3 December 2022] 
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sgsminabags · 2 years
Loewe Bags of denim Bermuda shorts for women
For nights out, Hadid can often be spotted wearing a pair of edgy lace up combat boots. Face the reality head on with our simple wardrobe solution a sleek pair Loewe Bags of denim Bermuda shorts for women that are city girl approved. We're big fans of street style.
BM, Ella Emhoff, Iris Law, and Rickey Thompson These are names you've likely seen or heard while watching music videos, scrolling on IG, or poring over Vogue Runway's street style galleries. The heatwave spreading across the globe is wreaking havoc. New York Fashion Week goers might be the only street style group willing to brave the cold for a really good look.
You can always expect the supermodel to step out in some form of tailoring this time an oversized blazer from Zara and trousers The Row. Where her ready to wear might lack in color, Gerber's accessories more than make up for it. Stuffy office attire might be on the Loewe Bag Sale outs, but don't disregard those traditional menswear ties altogether.
Unlike other plaid suits in your closet, this one from Gucci is the strongest and sleekest of them all. The mixing of the two plaid prints is perfect in a way that only Gucci achieves. Anne Hathaway sure does give good fringe, doesn't she. The denim shirt is a sleek take on traditional Western shirting. Double the denim and style with rodeo ready jeans. Saint Laurent and Rag Bone's Western denim shirts are cut for a leaner fit, which makes them the perfect mate for any bottom of your choice.
Bright Whites One way to revitalize drab or dreary fall winter outfits. Opt for stylish footwear in optic white. Sure, throwing on a dress in the morning becomes less easy when the temperatures start to dip, but that doesn't mean you have to put your maxis and midis into storage until spring.
What we saw after a month of spring 2022 collections was a stirring new way of dressing that kicked away boundaries and embraced individuality over groupthink. I say a solid hour. In addition to sophisticated ready to wear, she tends to go for accessories that are similarly classic, yet with a modern twist.
All of these ensembles have been a fun new direction for the star, and prove that summer is the best time to experiment and try out a new style. We'll tag the best street style photos of the spring 2023 season on our Street Style Trend Tracker. This is one of the looks Virgil Abloh referenced in his Diana tribute show for spring 2018.
But that hasn't always been the case. Barbicore is everywhere this summer, Loewe Handbags partly due to the upcoming Barbie film but also thanks to Valentino and its fall 2022 collection, where 40 out of the 81 looks that walked the runway consisted of a monochromatic hot pink. The pink movement is anything but subsiding, showing up on the streets of Copenhagen and beyond.
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ct-multifandom · 3 years
the REAL scary part of this episode
I know we’re all excited about Luka secretly knowing the truth, and how hilarious CrocoJagged was, but this episode dropped a much, much more subtle bomb that scared me more than anything. I’ve already seen people talking about it so some of this will be repeated, but allow me to lay some puzzle pieces out on the table.
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This. This drawing. What. The. Heck. Is. This. Adrien’s blue eyed mother and green eyed, brown haired, smiling father? Something is super fishy.
I saw someone mention Adrien’s line in Simon Says, “you’ve got her eyes”. I’m aware that this line is very different in different dubs, but in English, he tells Ladybug that her eyes remind him of his mother. Ladybug’s blue eyes. We were all so confused by why he would say this, but I think we finally got our answer. It was just a subconscious slip of the tongue on his part, and he didn’t even realize anything was wrong, but oh boy could it mean everything.
After seeing all this is I was shaken and I started re-evaluating everything we know about Adrien’s family. First up: when have we actually seen Emilie in the show?
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And here I noticed something that looks like it could be very clever trickery. We can probably safely say that she did indeed star in Solitude as the opening credits of the film suggest. But. Everything related to this movie is in black and white. Interesting. When else do we see Emilie? In a coffin. With her eyes closed.
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And here, in Andre’s repressed dreams box? We’d assume that that’s the same person, but notice the black blazer.
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Just the type Amelie Graham de Vanily wears. Who has green eyes. And looks identical to her deceased sister. And even has an oddly similar name. And just so happens to be conniving, scheming about something that we don’t know about yet aside from it being related to the twin rings. Let’s pull up some pictures of Emilie from around the Agreste household.
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All green-eyed and white blazer-ed. This is the woman who Gabriel looks up at obsessively, who holds Adrien’s hand and makes him smile... but who is she?
Here are some statements I believe to be true:
There is a blue eyed woman and a green eyed woman
There is a white blazer woman and a black blazer woman
The blue eyed woman is Adrien’s mother
The green eyed woman served as a mother figure to Adrien and a partner to Gabriel
There is a green eyed, black blazer wearing woman alive and scheming against Gabriel
We don’t know the eye color of the dead woman, but her blazer is white
Let me also bring to attention Amelie’s son, Felix, who looks exactly like Adrien, and Felix’s recently deceased father, who is a mystery.
I don’t have any solid theories as to what this suspiciousness all adds up to, but here are some ideas:
Emilie and Amelie have such similar names because sometimes, when we think someone is saying the name of one, they’re actually referring to the other and hiding it in plain sight
The woman in the opening scene of Solitude is Amelie, not Emilie, the main star
The woman in the coffin has blue eyes, thus is Adrien’s true mother
Kinda crack-y: The five-petaled brooch on the white blazer is a disguised miraculous. All charged miraculous have five separate sections, and the butterfly and peacock, both in the possession of the Agrestes, are brooches. We know Gabriel sells a copy of this design in his store since it became Vanisher’s akuma object, and the only other jewelry design we’ve seen from him has been a copy of the fox miraculous.
Cont. I’m not sure if we’ve ever seen the peacock miraculous actually disguised on Gabe, but it’s possible that either the jewel in the cabinet is his disguise mode and the flower is the green eyed woman’s, OR that’s her disguised peacock miraculous and the one she’s wearing in the photo is her disguised butterfly.
The blue eyed woman used to wear a black blazer, and the green eyed woman used to wear a white blazer, but after the blue eyed woman’s death, she was dressed in the other’s clothing and the green eyed woman donned her clothes and replaced her
The deceased man Felix calls his father is the green-eyed man Adrien remembered in his wish
I know how much you guys love hearing sentimonster theories, but the show is clearly foreshadowing something here, that’s undeniable. The peacock miraculous has been in the family for what, fifteen years? At some point it was used until it broke, and supposedly that’s what killed the woman in the coffin. What do we have here? Two boys with different parents who look exactly the same, two women who look exactly the same save for one trait, twin rings shrouded in mystery that the GdV family really wants back for some reason, a devoted bodyguard who never speaks, an even more devoted secretary who’s been around forever and whose last name means “without a heart”, a blue eyed man obsessed with serving and protecting a woman to the point of madness, and last but not least, the fifteen-ish y/o boy who doesn’t remember his childhood and feels like he was literally made to be his parents’ image of perfection.
It could even be more than one of them. You know that whole thing about how kids can only use the special power once, but adults don’t have that limit? Maybe making one true human using the miraculous is enough to break it, but maybe it’s not. Maybe you need to really exert it to hit that barrier.
This is all just me spitballing, so I’d love to hear other people’s ideas, but there is, without a doubt, something mad suspicious going on with these people. Keep in mind that I also don’t remember every line of dialogue from the show. There could be stuff disproving me, or stuff that was cleverly said in a vague way on purpose to hide the truth. Otherwise, I hope the episode Gabriel Agreste could shine some light on our missing puzzle pieces such as the rings, the movie Solitude, the mysterious Tsurugi family, and even the Bourgeois.
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harmonie-writes · 2 years
The Hunt pt. 2
Werewolf! Wonwoo x hunter! Reader
Summary: After going in different directions to work on different cases, you receive an alarming call. Driving to a small town that has wild nightlife and strange occurrences you begin your search for your missing hunting partner. This case you are about to take on will rival the others you’ve completed in the past. What could possibly happen as you search for your brother in arms?
AN: I love supernatural so a bunch of my ideas for this specific series are from that show!
Warnings: false identity, potential violence, language, depictions of gore, cause of death, alcohol. Story is purely for fictitious purposes and doesn't not portray actual people.
Word count: ~1k
Previously on The Hunt:
"Somethings just weird Seungcheol," Chan spoke in the phone receiver as he removed his fingers from the blinds as he noticed you get into your car. You came into town dressed in flannels and now you're leaving in a suit.
"Just keep your distance and keep us updated Chan," Seungcheol muttered, as he paced in the living room of the pack house before adding, "and don't get spotted."
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Parking your car in the hospital parking lot you take a deep breath and glance at yourself one last time. You always hated lying, but unfortunately the world is a lot scarier than people are led to believe so a small white lie won't hurt, right?
Walking up to the front desk you spot a lady dressed in scrubs clicking away on the computer. "Hi there, I'm here to go over the body that was recently found with," your eyes catch a photo and name plate behind her, "with Dr. Evans."
"I wasn't aware that Dr. Evans had any appointments today," she responded, as she looked for any appointments on the computer.
"The business with Dr. Evans is," you pause to fish out your badge before showing her, "private."
Slowly she nodded her head before paging the doctor. "Right he will be here shortly, Miss?"
"Keira, Keira Knightley."
"Right, Miss Knightley."
A set of double doors open to reveal a stoutly man, roughly in his late 40s. "I'm looking for Miss Knightley?"
Standing from your chair you greet the man with a smile and handshake before he leads you to an elevator.
"So, how did this become FBI jurisdiction?"
Tugging on the end of your blazer sleeve you answer, "there have been a rising amount of cases recently in this area, and it's just to help resolve the case before things escalate any further. Trying to avoid any unnecessary attention by the media by stepping in and taking over." You hope he buys your answer.
The man just grumbles under his breath before unlocking a door to the morgue. "Still don't know how these bear attacks are FBI jurisdiction."
"Neither do I. Just trying to do my job," you answer as you follow him to one of the slide tables. Opening the door, Dr. Evans pulls out a table with a covered body on it. Dr. Evans walks over to a small counter and grabs a couple pairs of latex gloves and a folder. Handing you a pair of gloves he proceeds to uncover the poor soul laying on the cold table.
"I'll admit, this is the strangest bear attack I've ever seen. Normally when a bear eats something there isn't much left over other than the bones. This lad is still quite intact, other than the lack of face which would have made him unidentifiable if it weren't for a concerned family member."
Looking over the report in your hand you skim over all the information quickly before eyeing the victim in front of you. From the chin up to the hair line there was nothing, just a gnarly hole, as if each part was chewed or clawed out. This isn't a bear attack, Adam must've found a nest. "Where did they say the body was found?"
"He was found just off a camp trail outside of town, passed route 46. Lots of families go there during the summer since it's pretty nice. As of last year though, several people have gone missing only to either never be found or to end up like this man right here."
Nodding you place the autopsy into the doctor's awaiting hand.
"Thank you for sparing your time with me Dr. Evans," you say while bowing your head slightly. With that you are escorted back to the elevator.
"I'm sure you can see yourself out."
Sitting in your car you rest your forehead on the steering before letting out a shaky exhale, "Of course it had to be a fucking vampire nest. You just had to find a nest didn't you Adam?" A tired chuckle leaves your lips before you lean back in your seat. Looking over your shoulder you put your car in gear before tearing out of the hospital parking lot back to the motel.
"Her car finally pulled up," Chan muttered, glancing out the window.
"Who showed up?" Wonwoo asked, after setting down the box he brought in from storage.
"Just some strange person from out of town. They give me some weird vibes. Already let Cheol know them last night," Chan explains as he flips the page of the magazine in front of him.
Dusting his hands off, Wonwoo glances in the direction Chan pointed at, but only managed to see the door closing behind the person in question.
"Anything else you know?"
Huffing, Chan pushed his magazine away from him, "Jun mentioned that they were at the bar last night for dinner. Said something about camping with a friend. Honestly, if you just want to hear about it, ask the person that actually talked to them."
Rolling his eyes, Wonwoo thumped the boy on the back of the head before heading over to Jun's bar.
Walking into the bar Wonwoo’s eyes scanned the bar before checking the back, the only person showing up being Mingyu.
"I thought Jun was coming in today?"
"Nah," Mingyu shook his head, "he only came in to drop off some stuff we ordered. He's out with Vernon and Soonyoung doing a patrol. You know, trying to deal with that issue."
Nodding slowly, Wonwoo eased his way into the stool. The pack house had been in the property for over a decade and this has been the first time any of them had to deal with something supernatural, besides other werewolves that is. It's put a bit of strain on the pack, trying to maintain normalcy, but also trying to keep their surrounding woods clear of any threat that might come to them.
Pacing the small expanse of your room, you let out a frustrated groan. It's been almost a week since you got the call, considering you had to drive from Wyoming and do some investigating to figure out what mess Adam had gotten himself into. Gripping the hairs at the back of your head you grumble, "Fuck. It's been long enough for him to have been drained. Worse is if they decide to do a transfusion."
Coming to terms you decide that tonight is the last night you'll be staying in the motel. You have a camping trip to take starting tomorrow morning.
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