#I have some friends who I enjoy hanging with but none of us are super close
victory-cookies · 1 year
#I love not having any close friends here anymore#it’s not like I’ve ever had a ton of close friends#and the past year has been mostly me and my one best friend who’s still in town#but she’s moving soon for uni and will be on the other side of the country#which leaves me with pretty much nothing#I have some friends who I enjoy hanging with but none of us are super close#I’m more a last-minute passing-thought addition to a group get-together#none of them would hang out with me one on one bc we’re not that close plus half of them are leaving too#and my old friends the ones that moved last year for uni#don’t really talk to me anymore#we were never very good at communicating and I’ve kinda come to terms with them probably being over me#but it still hurts to see on one of their stories that the three of them are in the next town over going shopping and eating a nice dinner#like. no one even told me they were back in town#and like. I want to have friends who I can spend time with. but I don’t have those anymore#my last good friend is moving and while I know we’ll still talk every day it’s still not the same#if it wasn’t for her making sure I didn’t fall into a depressive spiral where I never went anywhere but school work or my room#idk if I could have made it though last year#but now I’m gonna have no one here#and I have a single friend at uni who is in engineering so she’s so busy I never get to see her#and our lunch breaks don’t line up this semester#school sucks enough without feeling completely alone#but now I’ve got no one but my parents and a couple of people that live in my phone#who I love dearly but also can’t really. yknow. get me out of the house or come to class with me#which are the issues causing me a lot of the depression#anyway. not feeling stellar rn#vent#sorry
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listofwhyyouloveher · 2 months
Can I request the Curtis siblings with a sister who is obsessed with her looks
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Summary: The Outsiders with a Curtis sibling who's obsessed with her looks Warnings: none Author's Note: none PONYBOY CURTIS He doesn't mind having a sister who is obsessed with her looks, as long as you don't get in his way when he's getting ready for school in the morning. He doesn't usually do a big routine before school but he hates being late so he prefers for you to stay in your corner and for him to stay in his. There's definitely a corner of the room that's totally dedicated to you and your makeup desk that your parents got you when you were just a little girl who liked to play with makeup. He's not ashamed of you as his sibling, especially since you always look super put together and well dressed. Sometimes you're even a ticket out of him getting cut up by some socs. Of course, being pretty makes you a very underestimated girl, sometimes Pony can forget that you can keep up with him while he's running and you get top marks. He remembers and then he just is so happy that he has some friendly competition. JOHNNY CADE He doesn't usually interact with you, Dally's got the idea that 'all girls are the same' nailed into his head. But he's friendly and open when you two talk. He's pleasantly suprised at how genuine and kind you are. He forgets that Dally's seen some rough things but also tends to exaggerate. So as his way of 'making up for it', he spends a lot of time hanging out with you. He did develope a little crush on you when he was younger, like WAYYY younger. But it was more of a "wow, it's a girl!!" kind of crush and it didn't amount to much. Currently, you two are rather close and when Pony's busy and he has nothing to do, you two will go out and just goof off and have fun together. SODAPOP CURTIS Unsuprisingly, Soda's pretty apperance-obsessed as well, he's like the 19--s version of men using hair masks as shampoo to get their hair shiny and smooth. Of course a lot of times those 'hair masks' are yours. You get along quite well despite the fact that sometimes he uses your stuff like he bought it. Which he probably did, he got it under the guise that it was for you but actually he bought it to test it. He likes to do face masks with you, it relaxes him and he genuinely likes taking care of his skin because he actually had some pretty bad acne in like middle school. You two get along realllly well, probably the best out of all your brothers because of this shared hobby. You do have to worry about some of your stuff going missing though. STEVE RANDLE On a scale of "How much Steve likes you," you're inbetween Pony and Soda. Pony being he's literally trying to blow that kid up with his mind and Soda he's frolicking with. He likes you because you're a Curtis, they're all cool and he likes you better than Pony because you don't give Darry and Soda heart attacks when things happen. You and him don't really interact much, only when he swings by the Curtis house. Sometimes he likes to look at your makeup and stuff but that's really all the interactions you've had. TWO BIT MATHEWS You and Two Bit are twins because you and his sister are twins. Like you two go out and have girls days because you're the only girl-siblings. He'll sometimes tag along because his mom makes him, so he'll buy you two ice-cream and stuff like that and maybe help you do his sister's makeup/face-paint. He genuinely really enjoys how you two get along, and tells you that when he gets really drunk. Because of that, you two have a strong bond. Sometimes he'll take you out some places without his sister, as friends. He's really grateful for your influence and he's also grateful that you're willing to spend time with him and his family. DARRY CURTIS
He secretly really likes the fact that you're well put together, because it shows that the gang isn't influencing you to become a 'bad person,' (for example, drink too much, let yourself go, like that stuff, not that Darry wouldn't love you if you were a tomboy LMAO) It also really reminds him of his mom, how she would spend a good amount of time putting herself together meticulously, sometimes even putting some blush on you and Darry when she caught you two watching for too long. Of course, its hard for him to afford your lifestyle, he's barely scraping by with two jobs and he always feels sooo bad for letting you down when you want to get something. He tries his hardest to make up for it with quality time, but you remind him that even though you really care about your looks, you care more for the family's security and that he doesn't need to 'make up' for the fact that you guys aren't broke because of a new foundation. DALLAS WINSTON To Dallas, you're just another girl. Doesn't matter if you're a Curtis, and/or part of the gang. He doesn't really care much about you, you're just another girl. He's definetly seen you in a 'I would date her' light, but quickly shut that down because a) Dallas is only into dating for one thing, and b) you're a curtis, and Darry would BEAT HIS ASSS. Sometimes you guys get along really well, especially when he's drunk and tired so he just lays on the couch and does nothing while you apply some fancy serum on his face. But other than that you don't talk much, he'll say hi if you see each other outside, but that's about it.
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sweetbans29 · 4 months
Out - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: You show Caitlin there is more to love and she shows you the world isn't as scary as it seems (based on THIS and THIS request)
Warnings: none that I can think of - fluff
Word Count: 3.6k
Sweetbans Masterlist
If someone were to ask you what your spirit animal was, you would say an elephant. Generally not an animal you would think of when it comes to spirit animals but to you it made sense. On the outside, you weren't the smallest - definitely the most built on the team, but on the inside you were loyal, protected your own, and provided an overwhelming sense of stability to those around you.
If you were to ask someone what they thought your spirit animal was, they would probably say something deadly or that lacked heart. But if you were to ask anyone who genuinely knew you - they would speak to your gentle nature.
You weren't a part of the Iowa basketball team but had quickly become friends with Molly who was on the team. She learned quite fast that you really enjoyed keeping to yourself. The two of you met in the gym one night at like 2AM. Molly liked going in that late to avoid anyone bugging her and you liked it for the quiet. Most nights it was just the two of you with the occasional 3rd or 4th person joining. That is what started your friendship - sharing a similar schedule. She was super easy going and never pushed you too far out of your comfort zone.
Being friends with Molly included hanging out with her team. For some reason, they had taken a liking to you and would invite you to all team events which Molly would drag you to. You weren't the outgoing type like Jada and Gabby, but complimented the team well. It was cool being able to hang out with such a fun group and they loved you because you treated all of them with love and respect.
You soon became someone the team would always want around. You would always listen to their problems and make sure they were safe. It was like you became the team's own personal bodyguard.
During games, they would want you right behind the bench. At first, you didn't understand why, but as the season progressed it was evident why they wanted you there. It all started on their first loss of the season.
Kate was typically the one who was able to keep everyone's head on their shoulders but for this game, she was having a particularly hard time doing so. She came over and sat at the end of the bench and you noticed how her demeanor was one of defeat.
You reached forward and gave her arm a little squeeze to comfort her. The second she felt your arm on hers she began to break down. She got up and started walking to the tunnel - coaches yelling at her to get back over to the bench. She just kept walking and you followed her, waving at the coaches signaling you got her (which you have no idea why you did considering you have never talked to them).
Kate is crouched down in the tunnel trying to compose herself but is having a hard time doing so. You weren't far enough in the tunnel to be shielded from the court but in enough that it was ever so slightly more quiet.
You crouch down to her level and grab her arms. You begin to take deep steady breaths which she slowly begins to match.
"I don't get it - it is like they are always three steps ahead of us all the time. Even with Caitlin's play-making, we can't keep up with them." Kate says trying to comb through all the plays that their team had been making.
"You guys have played 4 games in the last 6 days, give yourself a little break. You are tired and worn and haven't had a solid practice in the last week." You say trying to get her to see that it has less to do with their skill and more to do with their exhaustion.
You help her stand and bring her in for a hug.
"As much as you want to win, the only thing that is important now is leading your team and you could do that in your sleep. Don't kill yourself trying to win the battle, focus on winning the war." You say and she nods.
"I see why we have you close by during games," Kate says with a little smile. You smile back and pat her back as she goes to take the court again.
You follow her out and take your seat.
What you didn't see during that interaction was how it drew Caitlin's attention. She watched as you calmed down her best friend and restored her confidence. Caitlin took note of how Kate came back out encouraging the team and ready to finish the game even though it would be a loss on their record. Watching you there only added to the confusing feelings that she was feeling for you.
From then on, nobody questioned your game attendance. The girls would use you as an outlet during games when they would get in their heads. The only one who would rarely come up to you would be Caitlin.
You never questioned it as the girl held herself well most of the time - she was a feisty one on the court but once she sat on the bench would compose herself.
Little to your knowledge, she thinks about you almost constantly now. There have been several times during games that she feels like you would be the perfect person to calm her down but is nervous about showing her competitive side (not that you couldn't already see that on the floor). It wasn't until she was sick during a game and had to play that you decided to take the initiative.
It was an away game and Caitlin had been violently ill. During the game, you could see the toll it was taking on her. You heard her talking to Kate earlier about how she didn't have a choice in playing. There were people there who had paid hundreds of dollars to see her and it was also the game she could potentially break the NCAA shooting record. She was going to play.
Caitlin had an incredible opening half, allowing her to rest a little in the half. She is sitting in one of the chairs with her head in her hands. You weren't even supposed to be back there but you were talking with Molly on the way back.
Seeing her sit there so helpless had you feeling some sort of way. You grab a Gatorade and tap her arm with it.
She looks up at you then at what you are offering her. It takes her a second to register what she is looking at. You take the top off the bottle and pass it over to her. She takes it from your hand and drinks half the bottle - sighing when it parts from her lips.
You put the cap on the bottle and pat her back.
Neither of you said a word but there was a mutual understanding.
The team goes back out and Caitlin struggles. The whole team does. The final score was 79-81, a loss for the Hawkeyes.
When they came back in Caitlin was on one. Saying that their team was better than that and that they should have beaten them. She was right but that doesn't change the outcome. Once she is done going on her rampage, the fatigue sets in.
The team is heading the bus and you can see she stops and puts her hand on the wall to stabilize her. She would never admit to needing help but in this moment - she needed help.
You walk over to her - again not saying a word and wrap your arm around her waist. She leans into you and continues walking.
"You're almost there kid," you whisper to her as you approach the bus.
You guide her to the steps, letting her go up first. Your hands fall to her waist, ensuring she doesn't miss any steps.
As much as Caitlin hates being sick, she is glad she is because no one would question her rose cheeks or burning skin. Both reactions to you helping her.
When you get on the bus, she is hopeful that you will sit by her.
You don't, opting to sit next to Molly which causes the feeling of disappointment to build within no. 22.
Both Kate and Molly notice Caitlin's disappointment, taking mental notes.
Following that interaction Caitlin begins to make more of a point to talk to you and try to get to know you. She talks to Kate about the feelings that she is getting for you and Kate walks her through her first girl crush. Caitlin would always make a point to see how you are doing and thank you for being at their games, even though she still wouldn't come up to you when she needed someone during a game.
One of the bigger turning points that solidified Caitlin's love for you was when you were at the Ohio State game.
It was another Iowa loss, one they probably could have had if there was a little more cohesiveness within the team (not that you were a coach of any sorts). At the end of the game, Ohio students began to storm the floor causing a slight panic in the players to get off the floor.
You saw Caitlin and a few girls started heading back to the locker room and were right behind them when a girl from the crowd came and ran directly into Caitlin.
Caitlin goes flying on the ground and doesn't get up. Within a second, you are by her side. You are crouched next to her with your hand on her waist.
She is trying to refill her lungs with air and she does, grabs her neck.
"Come on kid, we need to get you out of here," you say and you effortlessly lift her to her feet. One of her arms goes around you to stabilize herself while Jada is on the other side helping. You are pushing people out of the way to get her back to the locker as fast as you can. She is walking which is a good sign, but she is grimacing pretty hard.
Once you make it back, you take her directly to the trainers who are there and they check her out. You don't leave her side when they do. Her eyes are closed and she keeps rubbing her head. They give her an ice pack and tell her to wait there until they load up to the bus.
You are sitting in a chair next to the table Caitlin is laying on and are looking at your phone. After the trainers leave, one of her hands comes down and grabs yours.
"Thank you," she says, eyes still closed.
"They shouldn't have let students storm the court like that, that was crazy. Someone better be talking to the school about that - that's just not okay." You say, your protective nature kicking in.
"If you weren't there it could have been a lot different, thank you." She says again.
"You know I am always here, I got you, kid," you say. "I've got the whole team."
Caitlin nods, hoping you would get her hint but you didn't.
Later that week Caitlin is talking to Kate about after the game and Kate sort of puts CC on blast.
"Caitlin, there was absolutely no hint in what you said at all," Kate says with a laugh and Caitlin hides her face in her hands and groans.
"I don't know how to do this," Caitlin says. "I have never tried to hit on a girl before, let alone anyone like her. She is perfect." The last part is muffled but Kate still hears it.
"Also, I never let anyone near me when I am sick or when I'm hurt and she has been there both times. You would think she would take that alone as a hint." CC says.
"Caitlin. That is normal behavior. Anyone looking in would say that is normal friend behavior." Kate is trying not to laugh but can't help it watching her friend figure out how to talk to you.
"What am I supposed to do?" Caitlin practically yells. "I am not going to go straight up to her and be like, 'Hi, I like you, let's go out'. That would be embarrassing."
"Maybe try taking a less subtle approach, like asking her to sit next to you when we are out or do something while we are together as a team," Kate says trying to encourage her best friend.
Caitlin nods.
The next time the team is together, Caitlin make sure to ask you prior if you are going to be there. She tries to be more bold and asks when you are meeting Molly after practice.
When Caitlin comes running up to you before you can walk away with Molly and asks if you are joining the team for their game night.
"Of course I'll be there kid," you say with a small smile.
Caitlin nods and says she looks forward to it. You continue walking with Molly and Cait runs back to the other girls.
Molly laughs.
"What?" You ask confused.
"Nothing - nothing," she says and you guys go to study before heading out to Kate's apartment.
That night Caitlin spends most of her time around you. Whether it is talking in the same group or playing with you in a game. You really enjoyed getting to know the girl and seeing her lighter side off the court. The night as a whole was fun.
As the weeks progressed, you noticed Caitlin was spending more time with you and would often ask for your help with things but didn't think much of it.
What you did notice was how she brought you out of your shell more. Not that you were always in it but you found yourself laughing more and being more involved when she sought hanging out with you. You felt lighter around her.
It was when the team decided to have a night out that Caitlin was fed up with your lack of acknowledging her effort.
The team was out at a bar when you noticed Caitlin hadn't said a word to you all night. If it was three months ago, you wouldn't question her lack of interaction but since getting to know her it had you confused.
You are standing with Molly, Jada, and Kate when you decide to ask if you have done something wrong.
"Did I do something to make Caitlin mad?" You ask. You had no intention of ever making her feel that way but she had been avoiding you so you couldn't ask her directly.
"Are you serious?" Jada asks with a laugh. Molly and Kate just look at each other.
"Wait, she doesn't know?" Jada now is looking between Kate and Molly.
"What do I not know? What did I do?" You say. "if I did something wrong I need to know so I can go apologize." You are now looking around to see if you can find Caitlin.
"I told CC to make it more obvious and she has, I mean the whole team has noticed," Kate says putting her hands up in defense.
"Wait the whole team knows?" You say. "Please just tell me, I need to make sure I didn't upset her. I know she can get really upset and there is no need her for to be stressed because of me."
Molly grabs your shoulders and looks you dead in the eye.
"She loves you dumbass," Molly says.
"I know, I love her too. I thought that was known. I love the whole team, that's why I spend most of my time with you all. And because you sort of force me," you say.
Kate jumps in.
"No, you idiot. Caitlin is quite literally in love with you. Like almost to the point of obsession," Kate says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You stand there confused.
"She has liked you for the past few months and thought by hanging out with you more you would figure it out...but by the look on your face it seems like you had no idea," Jada says.
You shake your head no. Caitlin likes you? You didn't even know Caitlin was into girls. Your head was spinning and between the music and the newfound fact that Caitlin likes you, you are overwhelmed.
You excuse yourself and head out the door to get some fresh air. Your mind begins to go back. Yes, Caitlin has been more present with you lately but nothing screamed 'I like you' from any of her interactions. Think harder - you tell yourself. When did that change? Maybe it was when you helped her when she got bodied on the court?
Caitlin is a beautiful woman, she has a kind heart, loves to mess around, and is beyond competitive. Her love for the game did captivate you. And her love for all the young girls she is inspiring does swell your heart.
What are you doing? Of course, you like the girl but why did it take so long to realize?
"Hey, I saw you head out - are you okay?" Caitlin pulls you out of your thoughts.
You turn to face her. Your eyes meet hers and she holds a genuine look of concern.
You step towards her and graze her arm. When you do, the hairs on it rise. Her eyes don't leave yours but you notice how her breath hitches. Your hand drops and she breaks your eye contact looking down at your hand.
She wants to ask why you removed it.
"Caitlin," you begin and her eyes close.
She knows. She knows you know. She doesn't want to see the rejection in your eyes which is why she closed hers. She doesn't know how she could be so dumb. It is not like she could stop her feelings. Caitlin saw the way other girls looked at you, not that you ever noticed but she did. They would fawn over you and it killed her. You could essentially be with any girl so why would you be with her? A girl who didn't even know she was into girls until you came along and showed her there is more to love.
Caitlin tells herself she will not cry and she stands there - eyes closed and holding it together by a thread.
You look down at her and just admire her. She is trying so hard to keep her breathing steady. Her hands are by her side and you can see she is trying to hold it together.
You gently grab her hand and give it a little squeeze hoping she will open her eyes and look at you. She doesn't.
"Caitlin, look at me please," you say in a soft tone. It takes her a second but she finally looks up at you.
"You are beautiful," you say. "Why didn't you say anything?"
She shrugs - this is your first time seeing her insecure.
"This is all new to me," she says. "I didn't know how to navigate the feelings." She looks down.
"Say it." You say, not really sure why you need her to say that she likes you. Her head whips up.
"Please say it," you practically beg. You see her swallow.
"I like you," she says. "I like you a lot. So much that it scares me and I don't know what to do with myself. And if you just had me say that to make fun of me that is so high school and is not cool."
"Caitlin, you know me better than that." You say. "I like you too, a lot."
Finally, a smile breaks on her face.
"Wait really?" She says - her confidence restoring by the second.
You nod with a little laugh.
Time begins to slow and you bring your hand comes up to caress her cheek.
"Can I kiss you?" You ask looking into her eyes once again.
Caitlin doesn't trust her voice and nods.
Leaning in, her eyes close. You stop right before your lips meet hers you stop. You take in the sight of her before closing your own eyes and connecting your lips.
The kiss isn't crazy, it's slow and questioning. Caitlin's hands come to grab your shirt, bringing you closer to her. She wants more but you don't want to rush her and pull away. A little whine escapes her lips and you laugh.
"You're cute," you tell her and she pulls you into a hug.
"Stoppp," she says as she buries her head into the crook of your neck all while trying to bring you closer to her. Your arms wrap around her waist and you lift her up slightly, swinging her side to side.
The two of you decide to spend the rest of the night talking. You find a bench outside of the bar and talk through everything that has led up to this moment and how she thought she was being so obvious. You countered by telling her you are completely oblivious.
The two of you spent hours talking - only stopping when the rest of the team stumbles out.
You and Caitlin follow behind the group. Your hand finds hers and intertwines your fingers. She leans into you with a stupid smile on her face. She wouldn't hide it even if she could.
You see Molly and Kate look back at the two of you.
"About freaking time!" Jada yells.
AN: I tried to do the best of both worlds - hope you liked it! Let me know what you think. And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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verysanebsdfan · 3 months
I LOVE UR WRITING and was wondering if u could do headcanons of the main 4 in hxh (if thats too much then just Gon and Killua separately) having an s/o who's just really sweet, kind, polite n calm
but can turn 180 rq and become super defensive of their loved ones.. insulting n basically having no mercy on whoever messed w them
I t didnt save thr first draft :(( it was so long and quite good too :((
I dont think i did well with the second part of the req in most cases and i am really sorry for that
tw: none i think? mentions of "recreating" the kurta clan :3
𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓲𝓴𝓪 𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓪, 𝓛𝓮𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓸 𝓟𝓪l𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽, 𝓖𝓸𝓷 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓼𝓼, 𝓚𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓾𝓪 𝓩𝓸𝓵𝓭𝔂𝓬𝓴 (𝓼𝓮𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮) 𝔁 𝓰𝓷! 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
⋆ ˚☁️ ⁀➴
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⋆ You would be just a new hunter trying to make some good money while also putting your skills to use, so you became a bodyguard. That is how you two met
⋆ My bb is obsessed with revenge but thats okay, he later became obsessed with you too
⋆ Somehow you would get closer cuz u got that mc energy (ik that Gon is the mc but you slay sooo)
⋆ This would be the Fell first (you) and fell harder (kurapika) cuz oml
⋆ He would probably notice that you caught feelings for him, but dw he will soon notice his feelings soon.
⋆ After more time of knowing you, he would notice more of the small things you do, both for him and other people.
⋆ The sweet smile you give people that pass by, or just you asking him if he slept well made his heart speed up.
⋆ His heart also sped up when you offered to help him get his revenge and get the eyes of his clan memebers back
⋆ After he completed his revenge he would confess to you <3
⋆ He would be so sweet!!
"You aren't feeling well love? Do you want me to cook you something delicious? Coming right up!!"
⋆ He would want children, so if you cant have children or cannot, you would maybe hire a surrogate or adopt, but i am not sure how would adoption work if he would wanna pass the scarlet eyes too, cuz yk, genes...
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⋆ Oki so, you two would meet in med schol and lemme tell you, he would be SMITTEN
⋆ You would start hanging out as study partners, and later have actual cute study dates in cafés.
⋆ Honestly, i feel like he would confess quite soon, but it would be really romantic and all, like good food, candles and all that.
⋆ Honestly he is so underrated?! Like whaaaaaaaaa, like yeah he was sorta weird, especially in the trick tower but still!
⋆ He is so husband material tho, not only is he nice, loves you, but he is also able to provide, hunter priviledges ig...
⋆ He would also want children, but only after marriage, and if you are okay with it, but more likely to adopt, since he knows there are a lot of children who are growing up in bad enviroment
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⋆ Omg such a baby <3
⋆ You are his friend from the Hunter exam, and you also passed on your first try, so you are quite strong, and you travel with him and Killua
⋆ You both would be really oblivious, acting all sweet and lovey dovey together, so much everyone always assumed you two were dating, even Killua, so he decided to confront you two about it.
⋆ You ofc both denied it, and after seeing Gons embarrassed face, you wanted to tear Kill to shreds, how dare he embarrass Gon! Little did you know that the smoke coming out of Gons head wasnt from embarrassement, but from thinking.
⋆ Did he really like you?
⋆ 𝕪𝕖𝕤
⋆ After he thought it through, he was quite sure that he did like you. He just randomly ran up to you and yelled that he loves you
⋆ sweetie
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⋆ You would be another kid from Whale Island, and you wanted to take the Hunter exam with Gon, but your parent/guardian, didn't let you yet because you weren't strong enough at the time. How can they tell? They used to be a hunter.
⋆ Then after Gon and the main group saved Killua from his crazy ahh family, he wrote you a letter that they were going to the Heavens Arena, and your parent/guardian let you go because it is a training opportunity, and also an opportunity to get you to socialize- urmmm
⋆ So that was when you met Killua
⋆ You two mostly bonded when Gon got hurt in the fight, cause you both love and cherish the little bean, and also while learning nen<3
⋆ After some time, he started to wonder why does he feel weird when talking and spending time with you (hmm its killua x reader, i wonder why...)
⋆ When you got to the 200 floor and fought some guy, he looked as if he was about to win, at that moment Kill wanted to kill him, but you did it instead<3 lovely<3
⋆ After that, you went to the Whale island again, and he met your parent/guardian (moving fast aren't we Kill?~) and they would be your second biggest shipper, cause Gon took the first place.
⋆ Somehow, you convinced your parent/guardian, to let you go with them to york new, and maybe also hang out with them till the next hunter exam, but the second part of you could do was only allowed after they got to know you would go with Killua >_<
⋆ First date in York New, only thanks to Gon (ily bb)
⋆ I can see that you two would either get together before the Hunter exam, or during the chairman election arc, idk
⋆ Either way! Alluka would ADORE YOU!!
⋆ His fav thing about you would be when you scold him for eating too many choco robots...because you care<3
𓇼 ⋆.˚ 𓆉 𓆝 𓆡⋆.˚ 𓇼
Thank you for reading lovelies, remember to drink water, eat 3x a day, and taek care of yourself, baiii<3
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helloalycia · 7 months
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two / three / four / masterlist / wattpad
summary: the usual story of a girl falling for a girl who eventually becomes her brother's girlfriend. What could go wrong?
warning/s: none.
author's note: here’s another jackie one i wrote a while ago as i’m trying to post some stuff i’ve already written whilst working on a bunch of other stuff lol, this one was super fun to write so i hope you enjoy it!
also i googled what grades and ages are in america but it well confused me so sorry if it's wrong lol
y/b/n = your band’s name and y/bf/n = your best friend's name
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5 years old.
"You're gonna love it, Y/N, I just know it," my brother, Jeff, was encouraging me as he walked by my side, holding my hand.
I smiled nervously, looking up at him and immediately being put at ease. It was my first day of kindergarten and I'd been super nervous the last few weeks, wondering what it would be like. Jeff was a year older than me, so it was his first day of first grade but he never seemed scared about these things. I wanted to be just like that.
"Okay, my darlings, this is where I leave you," our mum said, stopping by the front gates. She kneeled down to hug us both, adding, "I love you so much. Have the best first day. Okay? And Y/N, if you're worried, your brother is here for you, alright?"
I nodded, squeezing her tightly, before letting go. Jeff gave me a smile before leading me through the gates.
"You're gonna go that way, over there," he told me, pointing to the line forming by the front of the school. "Just look out for me over here, okay?"
"Thanks, Jeff," I said, hugging his side briefly before making my way to the queue that was forming. Other kids like me, nervously awaiting their first day.
After the teacher greeted me and led me to the queue, I waited patiently for the rest of the class to settle down and glanced over to the other queue across the playground, where Jeff was. He was surrounded by his friends, all grinning as they reunited, and I recognised a few of them from play dates at home. My eyes scanned the line he was in, glancing between the other students. And that's when I saw her.
At the time, I didn't know her name. I soon discovered it was Jackie Taylor. But I didn't care at that moment because all I was focused on was how pretty she looked, laughing with some other girls. Her blonde hair was pulled back into two ponytails, her bright eyes shimmering with excitement, even all the way across the playground. I didn't know what liking somebody was that young, I just knew that the butterflies in my stomach and my inability to look anywhere but at her wasn't normal.
I suppose that was where my crush on Jackie Taylor began.
14 years old.
"Y/N, I need your advice."
I looked up from the book I was reading to see Jeff hanging by the doorway of my room. He was unusually sheepish, making me lower my book and raise an eyebrow.
"What's up?" I asked, making space for him on my bed.
He let himself in my room, jumping on top of the bed and crossing his legs. "So... you're a girl, right?"
I tried not to laugh. "Last time I checked."
He was nervous. "Sorry, I know, I just meant– you know how girls think. And I... I think I like a girl. At school. And I wanted your opinion."
Intrigued, I said, "Which girl? What's she like?"
"I think you might know her," he said. "Or at least have seen her around. Y'know Jackie Taylor in my grade? Blonde hair, about your height, really hot?"
At the mention of Jackie, a girl I'd been crushing on since I first set eyes on her, my smile faded slightly. I'd seen her around a lot at school, since she was only in the grade above, and though I'd never spoken to her, it was easy for me to get stuck in admiration from afar. Of course I knew I had zero chances with her, but now knowing Jeff liked her too was like the world's way of confirming that my fantasy of being with Jackie Taylor was just that, a fantasy.
"Oh, yeah, Jackie Taylor," I said after a moment, hiding my surprise. "She's pretty."
"She is," he agreed with a smile that was reminiscent of my own whenever I saw her. "I think she might be interested in me too. Randy said her friend Shauna was asking about me."
"Well, that's gotta be a good sign," I said with a slight smile, trying to ignore the pit of despair and focus on being happy for my brother. "What's the problem then?"
He sighed. "Well, I wasn't sure whether I should ask her out or play the long game a little. What d'you think?"
I scratched my head to buy some time as I thought. "Erm... well, from a girl's perspective, I wouldn't want someone to mess around for too long if they liked me. And Jackie seems like quite the catch. If you don't make your move, somebody else might."
He nodded, actually paying attention to me surprisingly. "You're right, you're right... I should ask her out before someone else does."
"Exactly," I agreed.
He thought about it for a moment before beginning to smile. "You're so right, Y/N. Thank you!"
Before I could react, he hugged me quickly, and that was when I knew that no matter what feelings I thought I had for Jackie Taylor, it didn't matter anymore. She was off limits.
Of course, when I wished it would just end there, it didn't. Turns out Jeff was terrible at making the first move, or at least finding the opportunity to. So much that when he begged me to try out for the soccer team a few days later, claiming he needed a reason to talk to her, I had no choice but to oblige. I loved my brother and I knew he'd do the same for me, so I pushed my own feelings aside and did what I could to help. No matter how humiliating it would be.
Soccer was not my forte. Music was my thing. I played the guitar and piano, putting my time into that as an extracurricular, not sports. So, when I showed up for soccer tryouts after school, Jeff by my side for 'support', I was a nervous wreck.
"Jeff Sadecki," Jackie said when we approached her, a flirty smile on her lips. And then her eyes fell to me. "And you must be Y/N, his sister. Nice to meet you."
I smiled awkwardly, realising just how badly I was crushing when I heard her speak. She knew who I was?
"Take it easy on my sister, yeah?" Jeff said playfully, wrapping an arm around me, to which I shoved him off instantly.
"Oh, I'm sure she can handle whatever I throw her way," she retorted, before glancing at me kindly. "Right, Y/N?"
"I wouldn't be too sure about that," I mumbled, already dreading tryouts.
She must have thought I was kidding as she laughed. "You head over there to stretch. I'll be right over."
I obeyed, relieved to be away from the flirty glances her and my brother were exchanging that were making me nauseous.
After stretching and hoping I wouldn't do something extremely embarrassing, I glanced over at Jackie and Jeff, seeing her twirling her hair as she spoke to him. He was ecstatic, and I wanted to die. Finally, he went to sit in the bleachers to watch, and Jackie joined us soon enough.
"Okay, ladies, soccer tryouts start now!" she exclaimed with a bright smile, clapping her hands together. "Hope you're all ready to show the Yellowjackets your worth!"
I groaned inwardly at her enthusiasm.
Tryouts was the worst thing I'd ever endured. Between drills, shooting and scrimmage, I was breathless after an hour. How the hell did people play soccer for fun? It was exhausting! The only thing that made this a little worth the hassle was having a front row view of Jackie, who was admittedly drool-worthy in her soccer uniform. Even when she was yelling orders, I still found myself distracted and unable to focus on an already boring sport.
It was especially embarrassing when I was attempting to practice taking goals and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to land a shot. Some of the other girls who were trying out were laughing at me, I could hear them, and even some of the Yellowjackets team were mumbling between each other, no doubt about how terrible I was. Everything we'd done until now, I'd failed. But this was just the cherry on top.
Whether it was because I was Jeff's little sister, or because she genuinely pitied me – possibly both – Jackie tried to help out.
"Kick with the side of your foot," she said, as I lined up another shot. "Don't overthink it. Just aim and kick!"
Wanting this to just be over already, I tried to do as she said and took the shot. Naturally, the ball went completely past the net, and the goalkeeper, Van, didn't have to move a muscle as she watched it roll away. Face flaming with embarrassment, I shook my head.
"It's okay, maybe shooting isn't your strength!" Jackie tried to reassure.
We both knew none of this was my strength, but I said nothing as I rejoined the line and let the next girl go.
If that wasn't awful enough, the last part of tryouts approached and I soon found myself playing in a scrimmage as a midfielder, trying my best to keep up with the game and not make a further fool of myself. Luck didn't seem to be with me, as when someone shouted my name and I prepared myself to catch the ball at my feet, I didn't step back quickly enough and it hit me right in the face, sending a burst of pain up my nose and me on my arse.
Horrified as people began to rush up to me to check if I was okay, I tried to assure them I was fine, but it was looking more and more unbelievable as blood ran from my nose. 
"Guys, give her some space!" Jackie said, before making her way through the crowd to check on me. Worriedly, she grabbed my face and inspected my nose. "Fuck... C'mon. I should get you to the nurse's office."
"Oh my god, Y/N...," Jeff appeared, slowing down when he saw the state of me. He clearly found it amusing as he stifled a smile. "Are you okay?"
I glared at him as Jackie helped me stand up.
Both her and Jeff led me to the nurse's office, though their attention was more on each other than it was on me. I tried not to sulk about it as I went to get seen to and watched them flirt outside the door, clearly getting what they wanted. I'd made a fool of myself in front of Jackie for sure, but it didn't matter because Jeff seemed happy enough, and I guess that was all that mattered.
After that awful day, it was safe to say I didn't make the team, not that that was the aim. But Jeff did finally ask Jackie out, and after a few more dates, they became official. Their relationship was sweet, and Jackie was exceptionally polite to me, but that was because she saw me as her boyfriend's little sister and nothing more.
I knew it was for the best and hoped it would help me get over my crush on her, but it really didn't.
Shortly after they started dating, it was clear that I had my responsibilities as the boyfriend's little sister. Jackie approached me one day at school, where I was chatting with some of my friends by my locker. Because of how smart and pretty and kind Jackie was, she was pretty well known in my grade also, and it was always seen as cool to know someone in the grade above. So, when she found me, my friends immediately fell silent, amazed at the fact I was talking to a tenth grader.
"Hey Jackie, what's up?" I asked, wondering what she needed.
She flashed a picture perfect smile to my friends, who were either drooling over her or stunned into silence, then looked back to me. "I wanted to ask if you were coming to the game later?"
"Game?" I asked with confusion.
"My soccer match," she clarified.
"Oh, er...," I started, but wasn't really sure what to say because I didn't know I needed to, or that she'd want me there. "I think Jeff is?"
"I know that, silly," she laughed, making my heart skip a beat annoyingly enough, "but I wanted you to come too! Thought it could be fun and I could use the support."
Feeling like I had no choice, I nodded. "Yeah, sure, I'll come."
She grinned. "Awesome!" Then she glanced at my friends saying, "You guys should come too. The more, the merrier."
They nodded awkwardly, and she smiled at me once more before leaving. And that was how I got roped into attending the Yellowjackets' soccer games, as someone who had zero interest in soccer.
Maybe it was because she was dating my brother that she felt she needed to spend time with me, I wasn't sure. But for whatever reason, Jackie tried her best to chat with me whenever she was around, or hang out with me a little.
The first time she tried was after school, when she was hanging out with Jeff at our house. I was in my room doing some homework when there was a knock at my door, and after letting whoever it was in, Jackie appeared.
"Oh," I said, surprised. "Hey, Jackie."
"Hey," she said with a smile, before letting herself in and looking around. "Cool room."
I glanced around, as if to see what she was seeing. It was nothing special, just some posters blu-tacked on the walls, mismatched bedsheets on my bed and a pile of dirty laundry in the corner. Still, I smiled a little, acknowledging her comment.
"So, what're you doing?" she asked, sitting at the edge of my bed, before her eyes fell to the keyboard and guitar on the side. "Oh, that's cool! You play?"
I watched as she got up to take a closer look, though clearly not familiar with the instruments as she was reluctant to touch anything. "Yeah, I took lessons as a kid and it kinda became my favourite thing."
"Leave it to Jeff to not tell me how cool his little sister is," she mumbled with amusement, and it stung just a little, the reminder of how she saw me. Glancing at me hopefully, she asked, "Can you play something for me?"
"I actually have homework to do," I said apologetically, but also glad for the out, because she didn't need to know that most of the stuff I'd composed was inspired by her.
"Oh, right, yeah, duh," she said with a laugh, before approaching my desk and hovering above me, making me forgot how to breathe. "What you working on? English?"
All I could do was nod.
"Need a hand?" she asked helpfully. "I already did this and I'm pretty good if I do say so myself."
"Oh, I think I've got it–" I tried to stop her, but she was already grabbing the seat to my keyboard and pulling it next to me.
"I don't mind, honest," she said sweetly, before grabbing my book and taking a look.
With no choice but to accept her help, I let her. And that was when I realised she was just trying to be nice to me, and I kind of had to accept.
She'd do that occasionally, or greet me in school when she didn't need to, and I thought that getting to know her like this might help eradicate my crush on her, since it was based on a fantasy of what I thought I knew about her. Unfortunately, it only made me like her more because I got to know her as more than the fantasy in my head, and it turned out that the real Jackie Taylor was still worth crushing on.
It was about a month into hers and Jeff's relationship when they broke up. I wasn't sure how or why, just that one day Jeff came back from a date looking annoyed and told me in a firm statement that he and Jackie were over. I wasn't sure what to think, nor how it really affected me other than I'd lost out on a somewhat decent relationship with Jackie. It was even more awkward when I realised Jackie had promised to tutor me for an upcoming English test and I wasn't sure if she'd even talk to me, or if I was supposed to talk to her.
The following Monday after their break up, I saw Jackie around at school but didn't know whether I could speak to her or not. But then she came to me at my locker, as if nothing was wrong.
"Hey, you still free after school for that tutoring?" she asked with her usual friendly smile.
"I... yes?" I answered, though it was more of a question because of how confused I was.
"Okay," she laughed, "why do you seem so puzzled?" When I didn't answer, she continued, "Oh, did you think I was gonna bail because Jeff and I broke up?"
I pursed my lips uncomfortably. "Yes?"
She rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm not. What happened between Jeff and I is separate to us, Y/N. I mean, he's definitely a jerk, but that doesn't make you one."
I smiled awkwardly, unsure what exactly he'd done to be deemed a 'jerk' but also not caring enough to ask.
"Meet you in the library after school?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.
Surprised but also appreciative that she was still willing to tutor me, I nodded in agreement. "Sounds good, Jackie. Thanks."
She flashed me a smile before leaving.
Tutoring happened as planned and I aced my test the day after. But then the day after that, Jackie and Jeff were suddenly back together like nothing had happened, and once she told me it was a mistake upon seeing my confusion, I soon realised they had one of those relationships. They'd break up over stupid stuff but ultimately get back together, and as exhausting as it was to witness, I knew it wasn't my business.
15 years old.
I sat and ate my dinner as my parents chatted Jackie's ear off about soccer and her studies. She was over for the evening as Jeff's date, courtesy of my parents, a somewhat regular occurrence lately. And I didn't mind, but it was getting a little tiring listening to the same thing all the time. Though, I regretted thinking that as soon as the conversation turned to me.
"...yes, she's started a band with her friends," my mum was telling Jackie. "They're playing the school dance next week."
Jackie immediately looked to me with amazement. "Wait, you're Y/B/N? You and your friends?"
I grew embarrassed as everyone looked at me. It was true that some of my friends and I had started a band, mainly because we were bored and needed an outlet from school, but also because it was something fun to do on the side. It wasn't a secret, but it was the last thing I wanted to discuss at dinner.
"Yeah, it's just something new," I said dismissively.
"Don't sell yourself short, Y/N, you guys are great," Jeff said encouragingly, and I smiled gratefully at him. As far as older brothers went, he was pretty good.
"I cannot wait to see you perform," Jackie said with an excited smile. "It's gonna be so cool."
"Let's hope so," I said lightheartedly.
"She's a little nervous, since it's their first live performance," my mum decided to embarrass me further, making me avoid everyone's eyes. "It'll be lovely to have support already in the crowd."
"Oh, of course!" Jackie continued brightly. "The team and I are gonna be there for you, Y/N. And if you want, I can help you get ready for the dance beforehand, I don't mind."
"Oh, no, you don't need to–"
"That's very generous of you, Jackie!" my mum exclaimed, cutting me off. "Thank you!"
Jackie grinned, eyes flickering to mine as I wished to be swallowed up by the ground there and then. Jackie Taylor helping me get ready for a school dance? No, thanks.
But due to my mum's insistence, that was how I found myself sat on my bed a week later, with Jackie doing my makeup.
"Your shirt is what colour again?" she asked as she scanned the eyeshadow palette in her hand.
"Black, but the skirt is blue," I said as nonchalantly as I could, hoping she couldn't hear my heart racing in my chest.
I wasn't handling the whole having my crush inches away from my face thing very well, and I was certainly having a hard time hiding it.
"Okay, great, I have the perfect idea," she said with a grin, before coating her brush in a colour and leaning forward again. "Close your eyes for me?"
Relieved I wouldn't have to look at her, I closed my eyes and let her apply my eye makeup, trying not to focus on the warmth emanating from her or the way the pad of her finger would gently rub at my skin or the caress of her breath as she exhaled. Nope, not focusing on any of it.
"So, any boys caught your eye that you're gonna dance with tonight?" she asked as she worked.
"Erm, not really, no," I mumbled.
She paused, and I almost opened my eyes to see why, but then she said, "Any girls? Because that's okay, too."
My cheeks were hot and I was relieved my eyes were closed otherwise she would've seen, truly, how flustered I was.
"No," I finally answered, clearing my throat. "I mean, it's okay, but no."
Did I just come out? Probably. But it wasn't a secret, and Jackie didn't seem to care.
"That's okay, just wait until they all see you perform," she said supportively. "Girls are suckers for musicians."
Yeah, but not the girl I wanted.
"Speaking of performing, is it gonna be originals or covers?"
"Covers for now," I answered, glad we were discussing something I was comfortable with. "The originals aren't ready for performing just yet."
"Ooh, so there are originals," she said in a playful tone. "Did you write any?"
"Some, yeah."
"Okay, eye makeup is done," she said quickly, and I opened my eyes to see her searching for a lipstick, but she continued talking, "And do I get to hear any of these originals?"
"Not yet," I quipped with a nervous smile, and I secretly hoped she'd never ask again because they were all about her.
She pouted playfully and I was forced to look away, a tornado twisting in my stomach because of how cute she looked.
After a moment, she lifted a dark red colour in the air with enthusiasm. "This is the one."
I assumed she'd give it me to put on, but she instantly uncapped the lipstick before leaning close again, grabbing my chin softly and painting my lips red. I was paralysed at the contact, my eyes flickering between hers. They looked greener than usual because of her green shirt, and then I started focusing on the space behind her head, realising I was staring.
"I think this is my best work yet," she said with pride, letting go and looking at me way more than I preferred. "You're really nervous, aren't you? Don't worry, you're gonna be great, Y/N."
Yeah, not nervous for what she thought... but I'd take it.
"Okay, get ready so I can see the final look," she feigned impatience, smacking me with her hands.
"Okay, okay, geez, Jackie." I got up as she laughed, and grabbed my clothes from the hangar.
I changed behind my wardrobe door, physically incapable of changing in front of her. When I stepped out, hair and makeup fully done, I glanced in the mirror and was pleased with what I saw, not really doubting Jackie's abilities. I turned to show Jackie, who stood up from the bed and looked me up and down, leaving me nervous all over again.
"You. Look. Beautiful," she said with a kind smile, approaching me and fixing my hair from the front.
"Thanks, Jackie," I said, both flustered and with appreciation.
Her eyes continued to take in my whole appearance, making me avoid meeting her gaze as I distracted myself with pulling on my shoes.
"So, are you not getting ready?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Yes, Jeff said he'd drop me back off to mine so I can get ready with Shauna," she said. "Just wanted to make sure you were good to go first."
"Well, thanks, I appreciate it."
Once my shoes were on, I grabbed my jacket and opened my bedroom door, holding it open for her. Walking her downstairs, we stopped by the front door and Jeff and her left for her place whilst my mum dropped me off to the school early so the band and I could get ready.
The school gym was already decorated for the dance, the stage set up with our instruments. I found my friends backstage and smiled at how coordinated we all looked with our outfits.
The band was made up of myself on the guitar and keyboard, Y/BF/N on the drums, Tommy on vocals and guitar and Aaron on bass. We'd all been friends since kindergarten and grew closer in Music class, and they were a tight knit group that I couldn't imagine being without.
We'd practiced a lot since officially forming about a month ago, so I wasn't doubting our ability to sound good, but the dance was our first proper live performance and it was still a little nerve wracking.
"Okay, guys, this is it," Tommy said as we all got ready for the curtains to open. "Not a big deal, but also could be the difference between high school suicide and surviving the next three years."
"No pressure, in other words," Y/BF/N said sarcastically, making Aaron and I laugh.
"We've got this," I assured them all. "Good luck, gang."
They all returned it before we got into our positions and waited for the principal to announce us. I clutched my guitar pick and took a deep breath once I heard our name, then the curtains opened revealing the sports hall full of students, including Jeff, Jackie and all of her teammates.
They all smiled supportively, and I admittedly let my gaze linger on Jackie for a second longer than I should have. I couldn't help it – she looked so pretty in her purple satin dress, enough that I almost missed my cue to play because of how distracted I was.
We performed a few covers smoothly, making no mistakes and eventually falling into our usual rhythm, and everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves. After a set, the DJ took over and we all left our instruments onstage before leaving to have a break.
"I can't believe we just did that," Y/BF/N said with amazement.
"Neither can I," Tommy agreed with a laugh before pulling us all into a group hug.
After having the ultimate debrief of our performance, still in disbelief and on a high from it all, we went our separate ways to catch up with others, and Jeff and Jackie found me immediately.
"Y/N, that was awesome!" Jeff exclaimed when he saw me, before pulling me in for a hug. "You were amazing up there!"'
I chuckled, blushing. "Thanks, Jeff. You think everyone liked it? Like actually?"
"Of course they did!" he said like I was stupid. "Y'know how cool you are now?"
"Hey, she was always cool," Jackie said, smacking him playfully before shooting me a smile that made me weak in the knees; she was even prettier up close. "Y/N, you were amazing up there. Real badass. The team thought so too."
"Thanks, Jackie," I said with a nod, heart racing just a little more than usual.
"You're not on a for a while now, right?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, and all it took was for me to shake my head before she grabbed my hand and led me to the dancefloor with Jeff. "Good, you can dance with us!"
"Oh, I don't know–"
"Let loose, Y/N," she insisted with a grin, before dragging me to where her teammates were.
And as soon as they saw me, they showered me in compliments and I was flustered the whole time, not used to the attention. It was kind of Jackie to have them cheer me on, but it was also just another reminder that they all saw me as Jeff's little sister. Still, I tried to focus on how great the night had been and let myself enjoy it.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 months
Stardew valley bachelors (and krobus and the wizard) witnessing the farmer chug multiple jars of mayonnaise. Just really slinging it back.
Okay ngl I never did this till right now and I got everybody's reactions so this is based on the responses my farmer got after doing this
Spoilers: they've all known my farmer for about 7 years so it's nothing too shocking to them,,,but it's still highly questionable lmao
For years, him and Pam were beer addicts...and now comes along you, the new farmer who's a very...different kind of addict.
An addict to mayonnaise, that is.
For years, people have been judging him for his habit, so it seems fair that he should be allowed to judge you 100% for having the weirdest fucking habit in the valley.
He started opening up to you (in his 2 heart event) and you're just sitting next to him, drinking mayonnaise to wash out the beer he offered you.
Only after you two get closer does he decide "well shit, they're weird..but they're also one of the few who care about me,,,"
And he eventually lets go of it altogether.
But he'll still tease you about your mayo addiction from time to time.
"What're you gonna put in the potluck this year? Gold star mayo? Or did you already eat it on the way here?"
"Oh shut up."
"Heh heh."
Considering it's one of his hated gifts, this shouldn't come as a surprise to you.
But the way you've absolutely freaked him out by drinking it in front of him (and subsequently making him miss his kickflip) was hilarious.
"That's what you get for skating on other people's property." You shook your head, smirking as you bring out another jar. "You think Jodi needs some for later? Or should I just drink it in front of her, too?"
"NO! Stop. Please don't do that." Sam hisses. "One, she might uninvite you from future family dinners. And two, she'll think it's one of those weird trends and blame me for it!"
"A trend..hm? Doesn't sound like a bad idea. This town could use one more tradition." You laugh, consuming the jar and not missing the look of horror on his face.
"A-And I thought Abigail eating rocks was nuts...you two would be great friends.."
While he's well aware of the many health benefits to mayonnaise, he wonders if you know that they're best as a condiment....not a beverage you can just sling back.
"But you told me to lay off the Joja Colas, doctor," you pointed out to him. "You're telling me those are a healthier alternative to this?"
"No, that's not what I'm saying at all." He huffs. "It's just..erm..I've never met someone who enjoyed mayonnaise by itself..it sounds-"
"N-No! I didn't mean it like-"
"I'm kidding, Harvey." You laugh a little, amused by his nervousness. "You know any side effects to drinking large quantities of mayo?"
"..none in particular, but that doesn't mean you should-"
"Then if I start feeling anything different, I'll let you know. Thank you." With a wink, you pull out some dinosaur mayo and drink it on your way out of the clinic...with poor Harvey wondering wtf that was.
Regular mayo was fine, but that green icky-looking mayo...had him gravely concerned over what you were doing to your body.
You thought you were being subtle, drinking a little bit of mayo while hanging out at his beachside cabin.
But nope.
You've absolutely horrified this man. Traumatized, even.
It's almost as bad as the time you left a super cucumber on his doorstep, and the next day he sent you a letter demanding to know who made you play this "cruel prank" on him.
In reality, you thought it'd be a nice gift and he'd make something poetic out of a rare sea creature you fished up.
Apparently not and that's when you quickly learned it's a hated one.
"Oh don't be so dramatic," you shake your head. "It's easier to carry than some full course meal."
"But you could have any other food....why that?" Elliot asks, now genuinely curious about what goes on in your mind to think mayo is a suitable choice in food.
You have no explanation though other than "it's most convenient for me and I like the taste".
So he leaves it alone but....maybe it's better not to drink it around him without warning (or drink it when he's buzzed and he may not remember you doing that).
And here he was, on Ginger Island, hoping to get a brief vacation away from the valley and all its weirdness.
Yet you came along to visit and check on your beach farmhouse--bringing tons of mayo jars with you.
You got thirsty while talking to Seb in the hot sun, and instinctively began chugging the first thing you opened out of your bag.
You don't even realize what you've done until he gives you the strangest look ever.
"Have you always liked drinking mayo...like that?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Um..not since moving into the valley and learning how to make it." You shrugged, smiling sheepishly as you brought out another jar. This time a green color.
"What's that one?"
"Oh! Dinosaur mayo. It's a lot thicker and kinda tastes like a kale drink-"
"I'm sorry, there's dinosaurs in the mines?"
"What?" You shoot him a defensive look, cradling the half-empty jar like it's your baby. "You've eaten every raw egg I give you, and I never judge."
"But..that's a little different, isn't it?" He chuckles nervously. "Eggs are great for protein! Drinking straight mayo is...erm....are there any benefits..?"
"It's easy to make with all the eggs in my coop, and um..it keeps my energy up so I don't pass out."
It's an awkward explanation, considering you simply drink mayonnaise for the hell of it and didn't think too much about the "health benefits".
But Alex completely agrees with you, not making any further comments on it in the future.
Although how he's eaten dozen of raw eggs without getting some kind of salmonella poisoning is beyond both him and you.
Perhaps you're both a little bit strange, but he eventually came to accept that about himself.
From the moment you met him and obtained forest magic, Rasmodius knew there was something peculiar about you.
From gleefully retrieving ectoplasm and prismatic jelly for his studies to assisting him in getting the dark talisman back from his ex-wife's home, he's come to trust you as a potential apprentice.
So to drink mayonnaise while looking through his catalogue of expensive magical architecture had him....a bit confused.
"What?" You look at the man standing by the bubbling green pot, his eyebrow raised in question. "C'mon, surely this can't be the strangest thing you've seen."
"No, whatever keeps your spirit and energy nourished is fine and all. But..mayonnaise seems most unconventional. That's all I'm saying. Now I must focus.."
And that's all he says about the matter, not really caring too much.
You're grateful he didn't overreact.
"You're not gonna say anything?"
"About what?"
"About..y'know..me drinking mayonnaise?"
"Why would I? You gift me void mayonnaise. I eat it and use it as a moisturizer all the time!"
Finally, somebody who finds your habit relatively normal---but the only downside is that somebody isn't human.
Makes you often question if you're really human yourself.
It never bothers Krobus whenever you need to sling back a jar of mayonnaise and pull out another one when you return from the mutant bug lair or hike through Cindersap Forest to reach the sewers.
He thinks it's just a normal thing humans do, but when you mention how it's very much not normal in your "culture"..he thinks THEY are weird for not accepting your tastes.
Welp, at least he supports your weird yet harmless habit.
You did try void mayo once and nearly keeled over, so you stick to regular/duck/dino mayo from thereon.
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Cuddles are the cure
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Ask: Omg omg omg Jen please please can I have some Bruce/Hulk and Reader. I'm in desperate need of some super fluff, like imagine Hulk just picking you up and snuggling you all warm when you're I'm you're sad 🥺🥺🥺
AN: Super fluff, you say, Elsie? In fact it’s so fluffy I had to throw in reader comforting Hulk too - mutual comforting. Set in the world of You, Me and the Other Guy and slots in as part two of the series.
Beta’d by @lunarbuck
Moodboard by me and dividers by @firefly-graphics
Master list | Series Master list
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Relationship: Bruce/Hulk x Reader
WC: 1.5k
CW: Fluff. Lots of cuddles. Soft kisses. Implied Tony being a dickhead. Working in customer retail sucks.
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In every way that mattered, your life had improved immeasurably since you and Bruce had started dating. You already had a friendship, a connection, and you couldn’t believe how easy the two of you just fit. 
It was still early days though - you had your shifts, and when Bruce, or rather the Hulk, wasn’t off saving the world with the other Avengers, he had his research and other interests.You didn’t want to live in each others pockets, but still made the effort to see each other at least three times a week, and spoke on the phone all the other days.
You’d introduced him to your small circle of friends, and none of them realised who he actually was, aside from being a sweet nerd who’d swept you off your feet. It was the one advantage of having two personas, you supposed - it meant that he could maintain privacy when out and about.
In return, Bruce had invited you to come and meet the other Avengers. He’d done that charming thing of coming over all shy, asking you while cleaning his glasses with his shirt, so that he wouldn’t have to look at you and risk rejection.
“I mean, you only have to come if you want to. I don’t want you to be disappointed or overwhelmed, because they can be a handful. Tony will tease me… and flirt with you, Steve’s actually got a filthy potty mouth, Nat can be pretty intimidating, Thor, when he’s here, is loud and Clint… well… he’s got a specific sense of humour.”
You’d reached out and placed your hand on his arm, and he’d put his glasses back on and looked at you, expression unreadable.
“I’d love to meet them, and not because they’re the Avengers, but because they’re your friends and colleagues.”
“As long as you’re sure.”
You’d shifted closer, cupping his face with your hand and brushing your nose against his.
They’d been everything Bruce had described and more, but you’d won them over, and now had your own Avengers Tower access clearance. Sometimes you and Bruce met up there, especially if he was working late, or had been on a mission. It was also the best space for you to hang out with Hulk. The green giant was actually a massive cuddle bug, and enjoyed lounging in his/Bruce’s room, watching Disney movies with you while eating insane amounts of popcorn and candy. 
At first, Bruce had been reticent about letting you spend time with his other persona, but you’d convinced him that you would be fine. You knew almost from the first moment that you’d met him that you and Hulk would be friends, because he and Bruce were two sides of the same coin - he would never hurt you.
Now, so far in your relationship, it had all been sunshine and roses - well, apart from that night, but considering what it had led to, you couldn’t be too upset - you and Bruce having cute dates, sweet kisses and lots of laughter.  As you got off the subway you hoped that he’d be able to manage something different, and you didn’t mean intimacy. Well, that would be nice, but also, you were content to wait until it felt right for both of you. What you did need today was comfort, because it had been A Day TM (a really shitty day) because even the best relationship could improve what it was like to work in a retail job.
It wasn’t as though you weren’t used to asshole customers - you had to usually deal with one or two every day, but today! It was like they’d all held a meeting and decided to show up at the same time and be meaner and more horrible than normal - asking for complex drinks that made no sense, then telling you that you’d done it wrong, when you’d actually triple checked with them before starting.
Walking up to the front entrance of the tower you fanned your face, trying to disperse the tears that threatened to fall from just thinking about it. You wouldn’t let them bring you down!
Striding into the building, you flashed your access card to the security guard before swiping it at the executive elevator. You were glad that you’d be able to travel straight to Bruce’s floor. He wasn’t expecting you at this time, but one of your colleagues had owed you, so you’d ended your shift a couple of hours early and made your way straight here. Hopefully you’d be able to hang out in his room while he finished up his work for the day. Or maybe you could keep him company in the lab if you signed some kind of NDA.  
You could feel yourself spiralling and you swallowed back a small cry, turning it into a hiccup as the elevator came to a halt and you virtually stumbled out into Bruce’s living room…
… to be met with the sight of Hulk, sitting on the floor, worry beads around his neck, watching Lilo and Stitch.
His face broke into a broad smile when he saw you, and he clambered to his feet as quickly as he could.
“Pretty Girl!” He turned and looked at the clock and then back at you. “Pretty Girl early!”
You bit your lip and nodded. Despite your mood, a small smile played at the edges of your mouth.
“Uh-huh. I just needed to see you… or Bruce.”
Hulk looked at you for a moment, and blinked. “Pretty Girl okay that Hulk here, not Bruce?”
You nodded, his earnestness and innocence threatening to destroy the last of your control. You took a step towards him, followed by a second and then you were throwing yourself into his arms, pressing your face against his chest and letting the tears of frustration flow.
Slowly, Hulk wrapped his arms around you, and you noticed he was a little unsure.
“Pretty Girl sad. Did bad man come back and try hurt you?”
You lifted your head, and sniffed with a little smile. “No. Nothing like that. Just a bad day at work.”
You eased out of his hold so you could drop your purse and take your coat off.
“How Hulk help? Want Hulk smash?”
He was too sweet. It was tempting.
“No. No smashing. Just be you, buddy. Sit back down and I’ll join you - we can finish watching together. I just need some cuddles.”
He let out a light snort and lumbered back over to his pile of cushions, dropping down heavily. You knew that Tony had had this floor reinforced, but you were still astounded when the floor didn’t shake. Once he appeared comfortable you joined him, climbing up into his lap and pressing into his side. He was so warm!
You watched in silence together for 10 minutes or so, both of you letting out the odd bark of laughter at the antics of Lilo and her extraterrestrial friend. You could feel yourself calming down just through this - being here and being cared for, with no expectation, something that previous boyfriends had never given you.
You were glad you had Bruce, and Hulk. Which brought you back to why the latter was here.
“Hey, Big Guy. Any reason you’re out today? Was there a mission, because I know Bruce had a load of scientific stuff to do today.”
You felt his body stiffen under you.
“No mission. No smash. Stark happen.”
You sighed - it stood to reason.
“Did he frighten Bruce again?”
He let out a resigned huff.
“Wanted to know what makes Hulk appear. Now Hulk not want to go back. Hulk come here, home. Watch movies, try to be calm.”
You rose up on your knees and pressed your palm to his cheek, feeling him lean into it gently.
“So you’ve had a bad day too? I’m sorry. What about if I get some more snacks and you pick another movie. How does that sound?”
“Hulk like snacks. Hulk like movies. Hulk love Pretty Girl.”
You dropped a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“Love you too, Big Guy.”
You got up, and went to the kitchen, rummaging through the cupboards for enough snacks to keep Hulk sated. You smiled to yourself as you heard him talking to FRIDAY, picking the next thing you were going to watch. Snacks and drinks obtained you took your place, back on his lap.
The opening credits played and you smiled - the Little Mermaid.
“You know, if you ever have this problem again, ask FRIDAY to call me. I’m more than happy to help cheer you up. We’re friends, aren’t we?”
“Yes. Hulk and Pretty Girl best friends.”
You both settled down then to watch Ariel fight for her true love. Hulk kept an arm around you, holding you close, but without squashing you, and every so often you ran your hand up and down his arm or scratched your fingers into his black hair, quietly soothing him.
About 10 minutes from the end, Hulk started to fidget and shift under you. You got up and watched as he slowly shrank, and his skin returned to pink. Bruce looked up at you, slightly chagrined, from the pillow nest on the floor. “Hey.”
You smiled and sat back down next to him, wrapping your arms around one of his and leaning your head on his shoulder. “Hey, yourself. Feeling better?”
“Absolutely.” Bruce leant over and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “And you? Sorry I wasn’t here to help.”
“Not your fault. And I’m sure there will be another day with a-hole customers. I’m also certain that Tony won’t frighten Hulk out of you again.”
Bruce chuckled. “You give him more credit than he’s due. Although he might not try it again for a while - the Other Guy smashed up his new Porsche…”
You couldn’t help it - you laughed out loud, cuddling into your boyfriend, and realising that life wasn’t so bad after all.
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @tuiccim @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @writing-for-marvel @esposadomd
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bxeckersz · 3 months
cant sleep without you | Azzi Fudd x Volleyball player Female Reader
summary: Y/n (Azzi’s girlfriend) is about to leave to go home but Azzi makes her stay
warnings: none!
a/n: my drafts are so full right now so like ya’ll will be getting a a lot of fics.. also i’m so bored rn and it’s currently 1:32 am..
Me and Azzi hung out all day today because it’s finally a day where we have the same off day. I stayed at her house all day, not answering to any of my friends who wanted to hang out because i was with Azzi.
Everything feels complete with Azzi.
We’re watching a movie and it is getting pretty late so I guess it’s time for me to leave.
“Baby” I say softly, rubbing her cheek. “hm?” Azzi hums. “It’s 11:56 pm. I’m gonna head back home now” I say, sitting up.
“No” Azzi whines, grabbing my wrist. “What?” I question, turning around to face the sleepy girl. “stay.” Azzi says, looking up at me.
“Baby, you know I have practice in the morning and so do you-“ I say before i’m cut off by her.
“Please?” She pleads, sitting up more now. “baby” I start.
“I dunno” I add. “I can stay the night tomorrow” I suggest. “i can’t sleep without you” Azzi admits.
“What?” I ask, a smile creeping onto my face. “I can’t sleep without you- that’s why when you don’t stay over I call you and we sleep on the phone together.” Azzi says, hiding her face.
“Aw, baby. Fine, I’ll stay over” I crack, getting back into bed since I already have on some of her pajamas.
“c’mere” I motion, cuddling up to her. “I love you” She whispers, turning the TV and light off. “love you more” I reply, nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck.
“Not possible” She adds. “Baby, it’s too late to have this argument right now” I laugh out.
“Fine. Goodnight, pretty” Azzi says, kissing my head gently.
“Goodnight, Az” I reply before sleep quickly takes over the both of us.
Y’know how they say “Sometimes home is a person and not a place”?
Well Azzi is my home.
God, i’m so in love with this girl.
thanks for reading!
This is super short and rushed but i hope you guys enjoy 😭!
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major-mads · 2 months
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Chapter 13: At Last
John "Bucky" Egan x Ruth Morgan (OFC)
Series Masterlist
A/N: GUYS! Sorry for the SUPER long delay! I went out of the country for a while and had some other things come up, but here we are...the long-awaited chapter!! enjoy!
For some reason, tumblr won't let me tag more than 5 people, so I'll tag people in the comments instead!
Collab: On a Wing and a Prayer by @footprintsinthesxnd
Word Count: 9.4k
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Wednesday, October 27, 1943: Stalag Luft III: Sagan, Germany: 1000 HRS
The dull scrapes of pencils, the ticking of the clock, and the sniffles of Jimmy Lambert in the far corner of the room were the only things keeping Ruth Morgan sane. She sat at her desk fidgeting with her ink pen as she stared down at the paper before her. Her eyes drifted over the page numerous times, but her mind was in no state to absorb information, even information as mundane as an analysis of characters in Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
5 Days Earlier
“We thought you were dead,” Murphy muttered from where he sat at the center table in the girls’ room. “They, uh, they said there were no chutes, ma’am.”
Frank’s brows furrowed slightly, his fingers brushing over his mustache. “No chutes? Someone saw us go down?” 
“Apparently. No one would tell us anything,” Crank added matter-of-factly, but his voice softened as he continued.” Especially not Buck or Bucky. We had to find out what happened through the grapevine.”
With Hope asleep on her bunk, the room’s eyes shifted to Ruth at the mention of the majors. She sat silently at the table, her eyes glistening in the room’s low light as she stared at the roughened wood before her. If everyone thought they were dead, she could only imagine how John must have reacted. How would she have reacted?
“John,” she shakily breathed, raising her teary gaze to the men. “How-How is he? ”
As soon as the words left her lips, Glenn shifted awkwardly in his seat and glanced at Crank and Murph, who acted much the same. Ruth’s brow creased in concern, her eyes searching their faces for answers when Frank draped his arm over the back of her chair. After a few moments, Glen sighed.
“He took it hard, ma’am. Both him, Buck, and Sparky. Bucky, he, uh…” Glen’s eyes flicked to his friend’s desperately for help, and Murph straightened in his chair, coming to the co-pilot's aid.
“Harding made him take a pass to London, but Buck went down over Bremen the day he got there, so he came back early to lead the next mission.”
“Münster was a frickin’ turkey shoot,” Crank grumbled. ”The Zig went down before us…We saw what? 9 chutes?”
Ruth’s breath hitched, and she clasped her hands tightly in her lap, her fingers digging into her palms. “Nine chutes,” she repeated softly, her voice trembling. “But Johnny? Have y’all seen him since?”
The room fell silent, the weight of Ruth’s question hanging heavily in the air. The men exchanged uneasy glances, the shadows in their eyes deepening.
Cruikshank cleared his throat, his voice low. “No. We haven’t seen him. None of us have.”
Ruth’s heart sank and a wave of fear crashed over her. Her vision blurred with unshed tears as she tried to process the news. “So, you don’t know if he’s...”
“It’s Bucky,” Crank nodded. “He’ll make it.”
She nodded, biting her lip to keep from crying. John was either evading, captured, or dead in a German field somewhere. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing him, not after everything they’d been through. Not after she’d told herself he was safe back at Thorpe Abbotts, convinced herself that he’d be waiting for her.
“Lieutenant Morgan?” A voice called out, but it barely registered in her mind.
“Lieutenant?” the voice repeated, more insistent this time.
Ruth continued to stare blankly at the paper, her mind caught in the memory, but when a shadow fell across her desk, she finally blinked. Her gaze slowly lifted to see one of her students standing there with concern etching his face. “Ruth, are you alright?” he asked softly.
“Oh,” she murmured, shaking her head slightly to clear the memory. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you. Need some help?”
George, a 20 year old, baby-faced lieutenant with sandy hair and a kind expression, looked at her with a mixture of worry and sympathy. “You seem a bit…distant,” he said carefully. “Are you alright? Did something happen? Did the goons-”
Ruth forced a small smile, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes, and interrupted his endearing rambling.  “I’m fine, George. Just got a lot on my mind. Thanks for asking.”
He nodded, although not entirely convinced. “This class…it helps all of us so much. So if there’s anything we can do to help, please let us know.”
“I appreciate that, really. How’s your work going?”
George glanced back at the table where his papers were spread out. “It’s going well. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Her heart warmed at his concern. These young men relied on her, and she couldn’t let them down. “Thank you, George. I’ll be alright. If you need any help with your work, let me know.”
He gave her a small smile and returned to his table, leaving Ruth to gather her scattered thoughts. She took a deep breath and refocused on the task at hand, pushing her worries about John to the back of her mind for the moment. She had to stay strong. For herself, for her friends, and for the young men in her classes that clung to their lessons for a sense of normalcy.
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1600 HRS: 4 PM
Ruth sat at room four’s table, attempting to organize her lesson plans, the soft scratch of a pencil the only sound in the room. No one had seen Hope since she left toward the infirmary following the 6am roll call, but it was almost time for her to come back. Murphy and Charlie Cruikshank lay in their beds staring up at the wooden slats above their heads. Glenn was off with Frank Martin checking out the garden and harvesting the last of the vegetables before winter came. The chill in the morning and evening air were sure signs it was coming, and fast.
“How was class today?” Murphy asked, sending her a half-smile from his bunk. Since their arrival, the three newcomers kept a close eye on the women.
“It was okay,” she groaned, placing a paper in her ‘graded’ stack. “I’ve got a lot of papers to grade.”
A few moments later, the echo of the siren at the entrance gate cut through the silence of the room. The men sprang to their feet and ran out the door, but Ruth remained in her seat, shaking her head with a grin.
“Ruth, you comin’?” Murphy asked, poking his head around the doorframe.
She shook her head, glancing up from her work. “No, but y’all go ahead. I’ll be fine in here.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes!” Ruth insisted, “Go on!”
With a final nod, Frank followed Crank out of the block, their boots echoing down the hallway. The room fell silent again, and Ruth took a deep breath. She picked up Macbeth, hoping to distract herself from the gnawing anxiety that settled in her chest. The words on the page blurred together as her mind wandered back to John. Between Hope pulling away and his unknown fate on top of the uncertainty of captivity, it was all she could do to keep functioning. 
The silence of the room was comforting yet heavy as the minutes ticked by, her mind drifting to the events of the past month. With a sigh, she closed her book and began to tidy up the room. Humming softly to herself, cleared and wiped down the table. With mud, dirt and everything else caked onto the surface, getting it off was a chore. 
Knock. Knock.
“Come on in.” She called, her back to the door that slowly creaked open. “Anyone interesting come in today?”
No response. The silence felt odd. 
Sighing, Ruth turned toward the entrance. “If y’all don’t start cleaning up, too-”
When Ruth’s gaze landed on the figure in the doorway, she didn’t feel her grip on the rag loosening, didn’t hear it hit the ground. All she could focus on was the man standing before her. He was battered and bruised, his uniform torn and dirty, but his eyes…his glossy blues were the same that filled her dreams, her cherished memories.
“John,” she whimpered, her voice barely above a hoarse whisper as tears welled in her eyes.
He slowly took a step into the room. “Hey, Ruthie.”
They simply stood there for a moment, locked in each other’s gaze. But then, a wide smile grew on his face and he crossed the room, throwing his arms around her small figure. Beneath his hold, John felt the sharpness of her features, the way she seemed impossibly smaller…but his mind quickly pushed away the thought because this was the moment he’d dreamed of. 
Ruth instantly returned the embrace with a choked sob, holding him as tightly as she could while John buried his face in her neck. His arms were warm and sturdy, familiar in a way that made her feel whole again.
Pulling back, he tearily grinned at her and gently cupped her face, resting his forehead against hers. “I love you,” he whispered quickly. “I should’ve told you, but I just-”
“Thank God. I love you, too,” Ruth interrupted with her own teary laugh. “I love you, John Egan.”
“I thought you were gone.”
She sniffled, wiping away a stray tear. “I know, I know. But I’m right here. I’m right here.”
Unable to hold off any longer, John kissed her gently, cradling her jaw as he connected their lips. The world melted away and they got lost in each other’s presence for a few moments until Ruth pulled away, her eyes taking in the damage done to his face. It was a mess of cuts and bruises, his right eye swollen and bloodshot. As a nurse, she was used to seeing people in pain, but seeing John in such a state caused that barrier to crumble.
“Oh honey,” she said softly as her thumb brushed lightly over a bruise on his cheek. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
He nodded and allowed her to lead him over to the table where he perched atop it. As he sat down, Ruth hurriedly grabbed their first aid kit from under Hope’s bunk before returning to his side. He seemed to notice her sling for the first time and concern flashed across his face.
“Your arm, doll.”
“Oh, I’m fine,” she dismissed him, unwrapping some gauze and dabbing it with alcohol. “This happened when I, uh, bailed. Broke it when I went through some trees on the way down.”
John’s saw clenched as the next question filtered through his mind before leaving his lips. His voice was quiet with a barely contained rage at the thought of her suffering at the hands of their captors. “The Krauts. They haven’t...They haven’t touched you, have they?”
“No. Thank God.”
He visibly deflated. “Good.”
Silence again filled the room as she worked carefully to clean the cuts marring his face. When she inspected his it further, she noted the swelling and his bloodshot right eye. “Johnny, this is bad,” she whispered, her fingers trembling as she brushed over the injury. “Can you see okay? Any double vision?”
“Sometimes, but I’m fine, doll. Really. Strong as an ox.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Ruth, I’m alright…”
“Take off your shirt, John,” she demanded quietly.
Ruth expected a half-baked joke to fall from his lips, but when it didn’t, her heart sank. He sighed, gritting his teeth as he attempted to take off his jacket. Even the smallest movement felt like murder, and all he wanted to do was lie down, but she was there. Their reunion had pushed down the pain but it came rushing back in that moment.
“Here. Let me help.”
She carefully helped him remove his A2 jacket and unzip his flight suit down to his waist, revealing a dirty, once-white tank top underneath. As she slowly lifted the tank top, John’s jaw clenched and a few pained grunts escaped his lips when he raised his arms. The sight that greeted her was worse than she had feared. His torso was a canvas of bruises, the worst of which spread diagonally across his back. The center was an angry mix of red and purple, while the edges were turning a sickly brownish green.
“Oh, God,” she breathed, her voice cracking as she stared at the damage. Ruth’s eyes filled with tears and she raised a hand to cover her mouth. John set his jaw and stared at the floor silently, unable to meet her gaze. Her hands hesitantly touched the largest bruise across his back with feather-light pressure. 
“What happened?” she asked shakily as a tear streaked down her cheek.
Should he tell her? Subject her to the horrors he’d experienced in the month they’d been apart? He’d want to know. He wanted to know what happened to her, but the thought of watching his sweet, gentle, and caring Ruth crumble as he explained that night’s events and the days that followed was enough of a deterrent.
“I think it was a club,” he replied before glancing up at her with a exhausted smirk. It didn’t quite reach his eyes but he gave it anyways. “Chump had a terrible swing, though. Could’ve batted cleanup for the Braves with the season they're having.”
Deflection. His favorite game, favorite defense. Strong John Egan, the 418th’s CO, Major in the Army Air Force, didn’t want to think about the most helpless moment in his life. Didn’t want to think about how terrified he’d been. Bucky thought he was going to die as he sputtered for air on the ground that night, warm blood running down his face. Through the ringing in his ears and the pain in his head, he heard gunshot after gunshot echo off the brick buildings. Each sent a comrade to their grave, and he knew the next was for him…
“Hey. Please don’t do that,” said Ruth quietly.
“Do what?”
“You know what.”
With a sigh, he turned his gaze back to the dusty paneled floor.  “Me and a group of guys from the 381st were taken through a town, and the people…they just went crazy. I got knocked in the head a few times.”
Ruth swallowed thickly and took his face gently in her hands, tilting it up from the floor to meet her gaze. “What else?”
“Doll,” he sighed, his voice rising slightly as he reached out and gently grasped her waist, pulling her to stand between his legs. “I don’t think you should-”
“I want to know.”
“Well, I’d rather talk about you.”
Ruth blinked, momentarily taken back. “Me?” she repeated, her voice incredulous. “Johnny, look at you. You’re the one who’s hurt.”
“I know, but right now I just want to forget about it,” John said with the purse of his lips. “Tell me what happened…how you’ve been holding up.
Her eyes searched his face for any sign of his usual bravado, but she saw none and relented, taking a deep breath as she tried to shift her focus to herself. 
“We went through a flak field and fighters…they came out of nowhere. Killed our copilot,” she admitted quietly, still slotted between his legs. Ruth reached up, her fingers gently running through his dark curls, soothing his worried mind with each stroke. “Bailing was terrifying, and then we were captured and separated…it’s been a nightmare.” she sniffled quietly. “Definitely not what I expected when I joined up. But you’re here, now, and that makes things much better. Not that I want you to be here, but-”
John cut off her stressed ramble with a kiss. It was filled with more urgency as if to assure himself that she was really there, not just a figment of his imagination, not just a dream. She pulled back gently and placed a hand on his chest, a smooth metal chain beneath her touch.
Her cross. 
“You kept it?”
“It was all I had left of you. I never took it off.”
Tears once again burned in her eyes but she quickly blinked them away. “Enough about me. Let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” she said softly. “I can’t stand seeing you like this.”
He nodded reluctantly and Ruth went back to carefully tending to his face. As she worked, she continued talking in a feeble attempt to distract him from the pain. “Frank’s been looking out for us the whole time, and since your guys got here last week, they’ve done the same.”
John flinched as she cleaned a deep gash on his temple. “Good,” he managed through gritted teeth. “They’re. How’s Hope? I know Buck’s in another compound.”
“She’s not good. Hasn’t been sleeping because of nightmares, so Frank and I have tried to stay up with her… but she just shuts us out. We don’t know what to do.”
Johnny frowned, concern deepening the lines on his bruised face. “Hope’s tough but it sounds like you’ve both been through hell. It just looks like it’s taking her more time, doll.”
“I know, but it’s so hard to see her like this. She won’t talk to me, John. She won’t open up. I-I don’t know how to help her,” she whispered, her hands trembling as she carefully dabbed a cut on his eyebrow.
He reached up and gently cupped her cheek. “Hey, listen to me,” he said softly, his thumb brushing away a stray tear that escaped down her cheek. “You’re doing everything you can. Some people just need to deal with things their own way, in their own time.”
“But what if she never does?” Ruth whispered, her voice breaking. “What if I can’t help her?”
The major’s heart ached at the pain in her big blue eyes, and he pulled her closer, gently wrapping his arms around her waist. “She’ll come around. I know it.”
Just then, a series of rapid knocks on the door interrupted them, followed by the sound of familiar voices. “Ruth, Bucky, you two decent in there?”
She quickly wiped away her tears. John looked up, wincing slightly as he tried to sit up straight. “Come on in, you dodos,” he called out.
The door swung open, and Murph, Crank, and Glenn hurried into the room. Their eyes widened when they took in the sight of John’s bruised body.
“Shit,” Crank muttered. “Bucky, what did they do to you?”
Murphy’s face twisted in concern. “You look like you went ten rounds with a freight train and lost,” he said with the shake of his head. “You alright?”
John gave them a weak grin. “Just fine, boys. You should see the other guy.”
“If you say so, sir,” Graham grimaced.
Ruth helped John back into his shirt and into a seat, and the men sat around the table, asking John about the Münster mission, what happened to his plane, and if he knew about any of the other guys from his crew. While they spoke, her mind wandered to Frank and Hope. It was almost 5:30, almost time for supper…if you could call half a potato and a tiny sausage-looking meat stick supper.
Noticing her far-off stare, John placed a gentle hand on her thigh beneath the table and remained in the conversation, his touch offering little comfort against her worry. It wasn’t until the door creaked open a few minutes later that she could finally breathe. Frank and Hope appeared in the doorway, freezing as their eyes fell upon the group. The group’s hushed voices ceased and a few chairs scraped back as they turned to see who had entered. She felt John move beside her, turning to face the pair. 
“Hope! Frank! You’re back. Ruth’s been telling me all about you both since the crash.” John cracked a wide smile and Ruth noticed the way his eyes softened as they fell on Hope. 
 Frank stood behind Hope in the doorway, his eyes widening when his gaze fell on Bucky. He stepped forward, his hand outstretched. “It’s good to see you, Major, sorry it’s not under better circumstances.” 
John shrugged, his arm coming back around to rest on Ruth’s shoulders, “We’re at war Captain, worse things could have happened. To think that of all the camps I could have gone to I ended up back with my girl. It could have been worse, I could have been stuck in a different compound like Buck and…” 
The room fell silent and all eyes fell to Hope. Ruth held in the small gasp that threatened to fall from her lips. She saw Hope’s eyes trail to the floor, her brown eyes fighting against her emotions. 
“Ahh, Hope, I didn’t mean…” John began, his face etched with concern as he realized the weight of his words. 
“It’s fine, John. Really, it’s good to have you back. It’s nice to see Ruth so happy again.” 
Hope sent her friend a sincere smile and the blonde returned it, her shoulders relaxing a little. Ruth wasn’t convinced that was the truth, but to know Hope wasn’t about to run out on her again brought her a small amount of comfort. Everyone walked on eggshells around Hope. It was like she was an unexploded bomb that needed to be handled with such delicacy in fear of her going off at any moment. 
Hope sat herself down on her bunk, her dark eyes trailing over the group. Frank joined in the conversation and Ruth took that as her moment to slip out of John’s grasp and make her way over to her friend. 
Hope didn’t notice Ruth approaching her until the bed dipped beside her. 
“How are you doing?” Ruth asked, slipping her hand into Hope’s and squeezing it gently. “You’ve been really quiet since Gale arrived.” 
Ruth wanted to approach the subject but also didn’t want to drive her friend away further. She knew she’d have to be careful with her probing questions…one false move and Hope could close in on herself again. 
“I’m fine, Rue, really. Work’s just been busy and I’ve not been sleeping well, but I promise I’m fine,” she forced a smile that stretched across her pale cheeks. Ruth could see the dark, purple skin beneath her friends eyes and the way her skin pulled tightly across her cheekbones. She had always considered her friend to be beautiful, so striking with her dark hair and red lipstick, but now she look like a ghost of her former self. 
Ruth wasn’t convinced. Her once bright eyes looked tiredly at Hope, breaking her heart even more. 
What had become of them?
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2200 HRS: 10 PM
The afternoon passed with introductions to fellow prisoners and supper, along with John’s first evening roll call. By lights out, the major was half-asleep in his chair around the table, pure exhaustion wafting off him after the journey he had from Dulag Luft. Everyone else was lying quietly in their bunks, leaving John, Ruth, and Crank alone at the table. She watched with a softened gaze as Bucky’s eyes drooped again and again. It was adorable, the way he continued to fight it, but Ruth knew he was beyond tired. She shared a glance with Crank across the table before returning her eyes to John’s half-lidded ones. 
“Come on,” Ruth patted his shoulder gently, his eyes opening wider. “Let’s get you into bed.”
John blinked a few times, trying to gather his thoughts. “Yeah, okay,” he murmured, pushing himself up from the table with a barely concealed wince. 
That afternoon, they decided he would get the bunk above Ruth’s. If their roommates were being honest, they guessed one of the beds would be empty more often than not. It wasn’t an easy task getting all six-foot-something of John up onto the second-row bunk, but he gritted his teeth and swallowed the pain as he climbed into the bed.
Charlie stood to help, but Johnny waved him off. “I’m good,” he insisted, though his voice lacked its usual strength.
“Sure you don’t,” Crank replied with a knowing eye-roll but stayed close just in case.
John gritted his teeth and tried to climb onto the second-row bunk on his own. He managed to get one leg up before a sharp pain shot through his side, making him grunt and pause.
“Let us help,” Ruth whispered.
He nodded reluctantly, the fight leaving him as he sighed. “Alright, alright. Just this once.”
Crank and Ruth each took an arm, Charlie doing more than the blonde, and they carefully helped him up onto the bunk. Only a small wince left his lips despite the ever-present ache throughout his whole body. Once he settled on the narrow mattress, he took a long breath.
“See? Easy,” he joked weakly, slightly out of breath from the movement.
Charlie clapped him gently on the shoulder before heading to his own bunk. “Sure, Bucky.”
Standing beside his bunk, Ruth’s face was slightly taller than eye level. She looked down at him with worry swirling in her mind. The cuts, the bruising, his eye, the avoidance…it all worried her. She wanted to know what happened. Needed to know. How could she be there for him if she didn’t know what he went through?
“You alright?” he asked sleepily, his face only visible from the moonlight streaming through the room’s small window. “What’s going through that head of yours?”
Ruth sighed and raised her hand to play with the messy curls hanging over his forehead. “I missed you. So much. Being here…it gives you a lot of time to think. Makes you realize what’s important. Who’s important. A part of me thought I’d never see you again.”
“Well, I’m here now, and I promise I’m not gonna leave you again, alright? I meant what I said earlier, doll. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” she replied softly, kissing his cheek. “Get some rest, okay? You need it.”
Groaning, john tiredly raised his eyebrows. “Come on. That’s all I get?” 
“So needy,” Ruth smirked with the roll of her eyes before kissing him properly. “Now really go to sleep, hotshot.”
A pleased smile curved John’s lips as his eyes slipped closed. “Night, Ruthie.
She gave him one last tender look before stepping back and moving to her own bunk below his. For the first night in a month, the overwhelming sense of doom, of panic, seemed to lessen, and she drifted off to sleep easily. Bucky, however, was subjected to the same nightmare that visited him nightly. 
Smoke and flames burned his eyes as he frantically looked around him. The twisted metal of the Angel lay scattered around the field, its normal green paint charred in the blaze. John stumbled over the debris, his heart pounding as he searched for any sign of life. The plane was nearly unrecognizable, the once proud C-47 reduced to a smoldering heap of metal and fire. John’s eyes darted frantically across the field, the smoke filling his lungs. He coughed violently and his hands trembled as he clawed his way through the debris. Then, in the fire’s dim light, he saw her…but the vibrance of her eyes was gone as she blankly stared up at the sky.
“No, no, no,” he gasped, his heart skipping as he rushed to her side, but his hands passed through her as if she was a ghost. 
John jolted awake with a gasp, and his heart pounded in his chest. His heaving chest was drenched with sweat as he tried to get his bearings. For a moment, he was disoriented, and the line between dream and reality blurred. But as his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he remembered where he was. The stalag. Ruth was alive. He’d seen her, held her. But the lingering fear from the nightmare gnawed at him.
Ignoring the pain that shot through his body with every movement, Johnny carefully climbed down from his bunk and lowered himself slowly to the floor, wincing as his bruised ribs protested. 
He felt uneasy. An unnerving feeling spread through him as he turned and met a dark pair of eyes watching him from the window. His breath caught in his throat as his heart continued to pound. Hope watched him sympathetically. Her own eyes were rimmed red and her small frame looked childlike in her oversized coveralls bunched up against the window. The pair exchanged no words as John shuffled closer to Ruth’s cot. Leaning against the post of Ruth’s bunk, he fixed his eyes on her sleeping form. She looked so peaceful, her chest rising and falling with each gentle breath. He reached out hesitantly and lightly brushed a strand of hair from her face. Bucky had watched her for what felt like hours when she finally stirred. 
Ruth’s eyelids fluttered open as if finally sensing his presence, and she blinked sleepily, her eyes focusing on the figure sitting beside her bed. 
“Johnny?” she whispered, her voice heavy with sleep. “Why are you on the floor?”
He pursed his lips. “No reason. It reminded me of my lovely cell back at Dulag Luft.”
A small sigh left Ruth’s lips as she watched him in the dim light. Through the bruises and the bravado, she saw a wounded man…one wounded physically, emotionally, and mentally.
The silence that followed was filled with Murph’s quiet snores.
“I, uh, just wanted to check on you,” the major murmured after a moment, fidgeting with his fingers in his lap, his eyes stuck on them. “To make sure you’re okay…That this isn’t some messed-up dream.”
It was then that Ruth remembered what the others said…He took it hard. But what all did that entail? Did he go out and drink himself away every night or did he pick up his old habits with women? She didn’t know, but what she did know was that he was there, they were finally together.
“Hey,” she whispered, sitting up and reaching out to him. She gently ran her hand through his greasy curls. “You know you can talk to me, right? About anything.”
John’s eyes flicked up to meet hers, and for a moment, she saw raw vulnerability in them, but the strong facade quickly returned. He thought back to the long nights in the Officer’s Club, sitting around the bar with a drink in his hand, just trying to drown out the memories that followed him everywhere. John couldn’t go to Dickleburgh, couldn’t bear Tommy asking about Ruth, asking when he’d see her again. The first and only time it happened, Buck and Kidd looked at him warily, unsure whether he’d crumble or explode as Tommy stared up at him with his signature toothy grin. John simply took a big gulp of his pint and clenched his jaw, telling Tommy she’d be gone for a while. He didn’t remember much after that moment, but he remembered waking up the next morning with one of the worst hangovers of his life. He awoke knowing he couldn’t face Tommy or the memories that mercilessly replayed in his mind. 
He nodded and softly took her hand, running his thumb over the top of it as he spoke. “Yeah. I know. It’s just…They told us the Angel went down. Said there were no survivors. We - uh - spent the past month thinking both you and Hope were dead. I-” 
Bucky trailed off and looked away from Ruth, his gaze focusing on the dusty floor beside him. He couldn’t stop the burn in his eyes at the thought of the past month. He was no stranger to pain, to loss. Losing his father was heartbreaking, as was losing man after man as the war went on. But Ruth? Losing Ruth was the worst pain he’d ever felt. And to think, Haussmann was the reason he knew she was alive after all that time.  
“Johnny, look at me,” Ruth murmured as she softly turned his face toward her. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that alone. I wish more than anything I could’ve made it back to you.”
He blinked away the tears glistening in his eyes and took a deep breath with a nod. “Me, too, doll. Me, too.”
They stared at each other for a few moments, both soaking in the loving gaze of the other. Ruth noted the flecks of grey in his blue eyes. The grey reminded her of the clouds that almost always hung in the sky around The Grove and Thorpe Abbotts. A dog’s bark in the distance broke their trance, and Ruth lightly tugged on his hand.
“Come here.”
He hesitated but then slowly climbed onto the bunk, wincing quietly as he did so. Ruth made space for him, which wasn’t much, but they managed to fit. He lay on his back and she nestled herself on top of him, her body conforming to the limited space they had.
“Are you alright?” she asked softly, her eyes searching his face for any signs of discomfort.
John nodded, his mind finally able to rest with her in his arms. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“No, Ruthie, you’re not hurting me. I promise.”
She carefully laid her head on his chest, her ear over his heart. The steady rhythm was comforting, a reminder that he was alive and here with her. That she was alive. Tears welled up in her eyes again as she clung to him.
“I missed you so much,” she whispered, sitting up on his chest and peering down at him. “I was worried sick about you. I couldn’t focus in class…”
Ruth’s lips formed a sheepish smile. “Yeah, I-uh,” she sniffled quietly, “teach English to some of the other kriegies.”
With a huff of air and a shake of his head, he relaxed against the straw pillow, staring at the wooden slats above him as a faint smile grew on his face. Since his capture, John had thought about how much his life was changing. The freedom he cherished would be gone, and no one knew how long he’d be stuck in the camp under German rule. But then there was Ruth, already stepping up and helping out where she could, not wallowing in self-pity like he had already begun to. 
“What?” she asked, sitting back up on his chest.
“Just you. You’re just amazing. Even here.”
Ruth blushed and her eyes dropped to his chest as she absent-mindedly traced patterns on his shirt. “It helps me feel like I’m doing something, you know? Like I’m not just sitting around, waiting for the war to end. It gives me purpose.”
“At least you’re able to do what you love. Those kids back home were lucky to have ya, and now these guys are, too.”
“It’s not the same, but it helps. And they seem to appreciate it,” she said, looking up at him. 
Bucky raised his eyebrows. “I bet they do. Doesn’t hurt that you’re gorgeous, either. You never stop amazing me, doll.”
She shook her head, smiling. “I don’t know about that. It gets my mind off of everything, though…Got my mind off you.”
He stared at her for a moment, really looking at the woman before him. She’d been through hell and was more worried about him than herself…him, who up two weeks prior had been sleeping in a warm bed in England while she was being forced across Germany. 
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” Johnny murmured, tightening his hold on Ruth as his arms wrapped protectively around her. “You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met.”
His question brought back a memory, and Ruth found herself being transported back to Thorpe Abbotts, to the night of Dye’s party when he’d asked the same thing. Everything was so different then. In that small hall bathroom in the Officer’s Club, John had also asked her to come to London with him. 
Oh, the things that would never be…or at least wouldn’t happen in the foreseeable future.
Her hand found its way to his cheek as she spoke. “You didn’t have to do anything, remember? I love you. Don’t let anything tell you different.” 
A few seconds passed before John sighed and looked up at the bunk above him. “You know, when I thought you were gone, I-I didn’t handle it too well. I drank…A lot. Went to London on my own, hoping to get some closure, but it…it didn’t help.”
Ruth just watched him, trying to keep her own emotions in check. To her dismay, almost everything she’d guessed had been true. The strong man she knew was reduced to someone who needed alcohol to get through the day, to go to sleep at night. He went on to tell her about London, the mission, and his interrogation, but he kept the most brutal parts to himself. She was already worried and didn’t need anything else to stress over. 
“But I do owe that Nazi chump one thing. He let me know you were alive, even if he didn’t realize it.”
“What?” she asked with furrowed brows. “How?”
“I didn’t tell him anything. But as I was leaving, he said something I wrote in my last letter to you. Told me the ‘Yankees always end on top…’ probably to try and rile me up, I guess. I knew that meant you went through there if he knew that.” 
Chuckling, Ruth shook her head. “Wow. Who’d’ve thought?”
“Speaking of the Yankees,” John began with a twinkle in his eye. “They won the World Series.”
She playfully groaned and turned away from him with a poorly hidden smirk. “I did not miss hearing crap from you about the Yankees, that’s for sure.”
“Oh, come on, doll. You know you missed it,” he teased as he turned onto his side and pulled her against him wincing slightly as pain shot through his ribs. “Don’t even deny it.”
A loud giggle involuntarily escaped her lips when he wrapped his arms around her again. The sound lifted a weight off of Johnny’s shoulder’s. It was a sound he’d heard night after night, memory after memory, and hearing it after believing he never would again eased his mind in a way he couldn’t describe. Ruth could’ve sworn she heard Frank gag from a nearby bunk, but he made no other complaints. 
They stayed like that for a while, both caught up in their thoughts. Ruth thanked God for keeping John safe, for sparing him and bringing him back to her, even if he was bloody and bruised and they were both prisoners of war. Bucky burrowed his face in her neck and breathed her scent, felt the warmth of her skin, the way she fit perfectly in his arms. She was alive. They were together. And in that moment, he promised to do whatever it took to keep her safe. 
“I love you,” he whispered after kissing her neck gently. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of saying that.”
“And I’ll never get tired of hearing it. Goodnight, hotshot. I love you.”
With a contented sigh, he closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of her presence wash over him. “Goodnight, slugger.”
This time, sleep welcomed the major quickly, and for the first time in over a month, it was peaceful.
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Two Days Later: October 29th: 0530 HRS: 5:30 AM
Bang. Bang.
“Aufstehen! Get up!”
The clacking of boots furthered down the hall as the occupants of room 4 slowly awoke. Ruth sat up with a yawn, running a tired hand down her face as John gingerly hopped from the bunk above her and kissed her cheek.
“Mornin, doll.”
“Morning,” she groaned, sliding on her boots and getting bundled up for the morning appell. Ruth layered her sweaters and flight jacket then wrapped her scarf around her neck. She glanced over at Hope on the bunk beside her and noticed the way her friend pulled her own scarf tightly around her neck. Taking a closer look, Ruth also noticed the redness around Hope’s eyes. Everyone knew Hope was struggling, and each time she shut down any conversations about it, Ruth became increasingly worried. In the almost month they’d been at the camp, Hope went from a little closed off to completely isolated…or maybe she just wanted to be away from Ruth? The blonde didn’t know, but she did know that it hurt her heart to see her best friend in such a state. 
Everyone quickly got ready and filed out the door for the morning roll call. It was almost always the same every morning and afternoon. The goons went down the line checking everyone was accounted for until they were satisfied. On special occasions when they felt extra cruel, the kreigies were forced to stand in their lines for hours. Luckily, that had only happened once since the girls arrived. As the chilly air turned colder with the passing days, Ruth wondered how long anyone would be able to stand exposed to the elements. It would snow soon, no doubt.
After roll call, everyone headed to the mess hall for breakfast. John threw his arm over Ruth’s shoulder, tucking her into his side. “I could eat a horse right now. I know you’re hungry, and you know I’m always hungry.”
He paused, waiting for her response, but Ruth didn’t hear a word he said. Her attention was too caught on Hope’s lonesome figure behind the group to notice he was speaking. Hope stood still, almost in a trance-like state as she stared at the mud in front of her. Bucky followed Ruth’s line of sight and sighed quietly, an understanding smile on his lips.
“Go on,” he said, squeezing her good shoulder gently.
Finally breaking from her stare, Ruth peered up at him, her brows drawn in concern. “I’ll just be a second.”
“You’re fine, doll.”
He nodded and kissed her temple. Everyone else seemed to notice the few stragglers and stood beside Bucky. Taking a deep breath, Ruth approached her friend, praying this would be the time she’d finally open up. But even as she stood three feet in front of her, Hope didn’t move. 
Hope’s tear-filled eyes snapped up to meet Ruth’s and quickly scanned the group beside John. A sudden redness crept up to her cheeks as Hope realized all the eyes that were on her. Frank appeared next to Ruth and reached out for Hope.
“You okay, Hope?” Frank asked, brushing his hand against hers. But before he could grasp it, she withdrew her hand and turned to avoid the other’s watchful eyes. Hurt flashed on his face for a moment until he reined in his expression, concern painting his face once again.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me,” she insisted. “I’m just tired. Lots of patients to see today, so I’ll head over to the infirmary.” She pushed past Ruth, moving through the group toward the infirmary. Ruth shared a helpless glance with Frank before following. 
“Hope! Hope, wait!” Ruth called after her, clutching onto her friend’s arm when she reached her. “Hey, you have to talk to me. Please don’t shut me out,” the blonde pleaded.
 “I’m not shutting you out, Rue. I’m busy, alright? I have things I need to do.”
Ruth’s grip remained firm on her forearm but Hope pushed her arm away. “Just go back to John, why don’t you? He’s waiting for you, so you should just go.”
Ruth felt a sharp pang in her chest at the words. The accusation, the resentment, it cut deep. After all they’d been through, this is how they were treating each other? She had been doing everything she could to be there for her friend, but it seemed like no matter what she did, it wasn’t enough. Ruth’s voice trembled as she responded, trying to keep the hurt from showing too much.
“Please, Hope. Please just talk to me.” Ruth bit her lip to stop it from wobbling as tears slowly filled her eyes.
All Hope did was step further away from the blonde. “I can’t talk to you about it. You won’t understand,” she replied plainly, pushing her dark hair away from her eyes. Silent tears slipped down her cheeks as she took a breath. “I should check on the men in the infirmary.”
Without another word, she continued down the muddy path to the infirmary block. Ruth’s watched her friend’s retreating figure until she disappeared from view. The ache in her chest was almost unbearable.
You wouldn’t understand.
What wouldn’t she understand? They’d been through the worst experience of their life together, ended up as prisoners of war together. What wouldn’t she understand? Ruth didn’t know what she was supposed to do now. She’d tried everything she knew to do.
John stepped beside her and placed a hand on her back. “I’m sorry if I’ve-”
“No, it’s not you,” Ruth interrupted, her voice breaking as she leaned into him. “You haven’t done anything. I-I just don’t know what to do. She refuses to talk to me. It’s like she’s shut me out completely.”
His hand moved to wrap around her waist, his warmth a small comfort in the cold. “Seems like you’ll have to wait for her to come to you, Ruthie.”
“I just wish there was something more I could do,” she nodded, resting her head on his shoulder.
The rest of the day passed the same as the past 35 they’d spent in the dreaded Stalag Luft III. That night, however, Hope never came back to their room. As the hours ticked by and Ruth, along with the other men, arrived from their jobs around the camp, everyone became increasingly worried. 
“Has anyone seen her?” Ruth asked frantically, running a hand quickly through her hair. “She’s usually back by now.”
Just as John opened his mouth to speak, the door opened and in walked Frank, soaked to the bone with a barely concealed frown. Glancing out the window, Ruth realized it was pouring.
When had it started raining?
Room 4’s occupants looked at the man expectantly. “Hope? You seen ‘er?” echoed Cruikshank.
Frank nodded slowly and closed the door behind him. “Yeah,” he breathed, “She, uh…She collapsed from exhaustion. Dr. Edmund is looking after her.”
“What?” Ruth blurted as her eyes widened in disbelief. Her whole body was on edge, the news sending shockwaves of panic through her. She could only imagine Hope laying in a scratchy bed surrounded by sick and injured men, forced to stay there for who knows how long. 
Collapsed? Exhaustion? Had something happened?
Before anyone could ask Frank further questions, she grabbed her jacket from her bed and pushed toward the door. “I need to see her.”
“Wait, Ruth.” Frank stepped in front of the door, a guilty look in his eyes as he blocked her path. “She doesn’t want visitors.”
Undeterred, she side-stepped him while pulling her jacket over her good arm. She needed to be there, had to be there for Hope. This wasn’t a time to let her handle things herself. “I’m not just a visitor, Frank. It’s me.”
But just as her hand reached the door handle, he put a hand on her shoulder, his voice dropping to just above a whisper. It was almost like the words pained him…like every syllable was a shot straight to the heart. “I know it’s you. She doesn’t want you to see her.”
Ruth froze, turning to stare at Frank as his words sunk in. “She doesn’t want me to see her?” Her voice wavered, and a mix of disbelief and hurt flashed over her face. “Why? Why doesn’t she want to see me?”
“Ruthie-” John started, taking a step toward her, but was interrupted.
She stepped out from under Frank’s hand on her shoulder and threw her arm up in the air. “No,” Ruth said, her voice raising as her frustration boiled over. She’d played this game the past few weeks, and enough was enough. “Why? Why doesn’t she want me there, Frank? Can you please tell me?” 
The outburst caught everyone off guard, the sharpness of her tone a stark contrast to her usual demeanor. Bucky’s eyes widened in surprise as he watched the scene before him. His heart ached for her, knowing how much she was hurting, and he felt a pang of helplessness. He always admired her quiet strength, her resilience, but seeing her like this…so vulnerable and desperate…it broke his heart.
Frank looked pained as he tried to explain. “She thinks she’s protecting you. She doesn’t want you to see her like this.”
Ruth’s shoulders slumped as the fight drained from her. “I’m sorry, Frank,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes. “Thanks for, uh, telling me.”
All eyes followed her figure as she walked to her bunk and laid down, turning her back to all of them. She didn’t know how much more of it she could take. Things were so much easier when they had each other, and in isolating herself, Hope had accidentally isolated Ruth as well. Without the other, they were the only woman in the camp. 
Frank and John exchanged a glance, pure helplessness evident in both their eyes at the situation. They couldn’t make Hope talk to Ruth, and the fact they couldn’t do anything hurt more than any punishment either of the men recieved in captivity. 
Sighing heavily, Frank ran a hand through his dripping hair. “I wish there was more we could do,” he murmured.
Johnny nodded, glancing back at Ruth’s figure across the room. “Yeah, me too.” His voice was thick, and the usually talkative Major struggled to find the right words. “It’s tearing her apart, Martin. I’ve-I’ve never seen her like this.”
“Hope’ll come around, eventually. She has to.”
“I hope you’re right,” Bucky replied softly as his eyes remained fixed on the woman he loved. “I really hope you’re right.”
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Thursday, November 4th: 1500 HRS: 3 PM
The days passed slowly for everyone in room 4, especially Ruth. While Frank was able to check on Hope in the infirmary, no one else was allowed to visit…this didn’t stop Ruth from trying, however. But to her dismay, she was turned away by Dr. Edmunds before she could even make it through the door. 
She attended class as normal and went about her days, but a dark cloud of worry loomed over her mind, consuming her every thought. Even as she wrote on the chalkboard behind her, she wasn’t fully present. If her students could tell something was wrong, they didn’t comment on it. They just copied down the notes in the notebooks the Red Cross sent them in their packages. 
“So, Lady Macbeth,” Ruth said as she scribbled the character name on the board,” She is an example of character archetype?” 
Her eyes flitted across the room, scanning each of the young men’s faces. Some were searching through their notes to find the answer while others stared at the board in thought. A hand flew up in the front corner of the room, and it brought a smile to Ruth’s face when she saw it was George. 
“Go ahead, George,” she gestured to him.
“Is she a femme fatale?”
“Great job. Lady Macbeth is a great example of a femme fatale. Now can someone besides George tell me what a femme fatale is?”
Before anyone could raise their hand, a knock sounded through the classroom. “Come in,” she called.
A few of the men gave her a wary look, unsure of who would be stopping by in the middle of a lesson. Since Ruth started teaching a few weeks prior, they hadn’t had any visitors. She thought it could be John who’d said he might pop in sometime to see her. Who stuck their head around the corner, however, was the last person she’d ever expect.
Did she finally want to talk? After all that time?
Ruth glanced at her watch and placed down the chalk. 
“I think that’ll be all for today. Make sure to read up to Act 3, scene 2, and we’ll go from there in the next lesson.” 
The men packed up quickly and exited the room, sensing the unspoken tension between the women. Ruth leaned against her desk, arms crossed over her chest as she waited expectantly. To say she was surprised to see her friend in her class was an understatement. In all the time she’d been teaching in the camp Hope had never once visited. 
Relief and frustration bubbled up inside Ruth. Of course, she was happy to see her friend, but Hope treated her poorly and her words cut deep. She didn’t quite look annoyed but Hope knew her well enough to know that she wasn’t exactly pleased that she hadn’t allowed her to visit the infirmary. 
“I’m glad to see you’re up and about again,” Ruth replied plainly, a faint smile on her lips. This was her best friend, but she felt like a stranger now. “You had me worried, Hope…had me worried for a while now. Since the crash, you’ve not been yourself, and I understand that but…” she cut herself off, pushing herself away from her desk and moving to a table a few feet away from Hope.
Hope kept her eyes trained on the floor, unable to meet Ruth’s, embarrassment clear on her reddening cheeks as the tears building in her eyes threatened to fall. 
“I’m sorry, Rue…” she mumbled softly. 
Ruth sighed, moving closer and standing before her. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I know things haven’t been easy for you, but things haven’t been easy for me, either. We need each other, and you pushed me away…pushed us all away.” 
Tears welled in Ruth’s eyes, too, and Hope felt a choked sob slipping from her lips, “I failed you, Ruth. I just keep failing and disappointing you.” 
Sympathy easily overpowered Ruth’s frustration, and she tugged Hope into an embrace. Hope’s head fell against the blonde's shoulder and she felt Ruth’s arms encasing her as she cried. It was the most relief she’d felt in months: to truly cry…to release all the emotions that had been bottled up for the past month. 
“I’m so sorry, Ruth.”
The two women remained still, each clinging to the other as they cried over the events of the last few months. Neither of them had truly faced what had become of them but it was good to finally share in their grief. To face reality together.
Ruth pulled back, rubbing away the stray tears that streaked down her pale cheeks. “Hope please tell me what happened. Frank said you collapsed from exhaustion and didn’t want anyone to visit. I tried to anyways but Dr. Edmund said you weren’t up for visitors.” 
She wanted answers…needed answers as to why Hope quite literally shut her out.
Hope bit her lip, seemingly caught in a battle within herself. A few moments passed until she shakily spoke. “Well, I’ve not been sleeping too well for a while now but I’d finally finished the letter to Gale that Edmund promised to pass onto him,” she began, inhaling sharply between each sentence. “I went to the infirmary earlier, I couldn’t sleep and I wanted Edmund to have it as soon as possible. I went to the infirmary to drop it off and there was this man there…”
Hope gulped.
“He was a patient and was as good as dead, but…”
Ruth couldn’t help the emotion that clawed at her throat as Hope spoke. Her friend’s voice sounded so broken and painful as she relived the events that Ruth didn’t know what to say. What could she say?
“He grabbed me and he tried too… Well, he didn’t manage it. Edmund said it was all the shock of that and the sleep deprivation that my body finally just gave up. He put me on bed rest. Frank only found out because I was unconscious when he arrived and Edmund let him in.” 
Hope let out a long sigh, reaching to take Ruth’s shaking hands in her own, “I didn’t want you to see me so broken, Rue. I’ve always promised that I’d look after you but all I do is keep failing and letting you down.”
Ruth shook her head, fighting to keep her lip from trembling, “You haven’t failed me, alright? You’re the strongest, most talented, hardest working person I know, and you’re the most incredible nurse. I wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you for taking care of me, but it’s my turn to take care of you. You just have to let me.” 
A painful wail slipped from Hope as she sobbed once more, surrendering to her own grief. How had she been so blind to the pain she’d caused her friend? 
“I love you, Rue, I love you so much and I can’t lose you.” 
Ruth’s hand smoothed down Hope’s back, “I love you too, Hope. And don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” 
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Tag List: @xxluckystrike @precious-little-scoundrel @bcofl0ve @violetdaze25 @docroesmorphine -> will tag rest in comments!
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homeofatlas · 5 months
Maybe We're Both Chasing Ghosts
Summary: You and Elisa break up and long for each other.
Auhors note: yall i know i said i was gonna write the other one first..........im so sorry, hope ur in the mood for some angst tho
WC: 2k
Letting go has never been easy for you. You never learned how to give up, concede, or when it was time to let something go. Especially when someone is the love of your life. 
You’re going crazy. Plain and simple you’ve started seeing things. The side table lamp Elisa always used to have on in the living room when she was up late is on when it’s just you in the apartment, her figure walking around the corner, the smell of her as you walk past the door to the balcony. Everything you do reminds you of when she was here. Everywhere you go there's a woman with the same colour hair or skin tone and there’s a colleague who’s expression reminds you of the way Elisas brows furrowed when she was confused. It all makes your stomach hurt to look at and yet you never look away. You’ll hurt as long as you get a chance to see a part her again. 
You know Elisa was doing what she thought was best for both of you. The constant near misses with communication. How far apart you always felt even when you were right next to each other. The stretches you’d go without talking and when you did it felt forced and stilted. Nothing like the beginning when the silence had been because you both were quieter people and enjoyed simply basking in each other's presence. There were times when it had felt like you almost had what you used to have back before it would slip away again. The silences which would drag out seconds too long. 
Maybe it started when you felt like you were overwhelming her, maybe it started when she stopped looking for you first in a crowded room, maybe it was over the second you were finally comfortable. It seems to be a running theme in your life, “Nothing gold can ever stay.” What you won’t admit to as a non religious person is the day before she told you it was for the better to walk away, you asked the moon to keep her. I’ll do anything, just let me keep her. You pleaded and yet no one listened. 
She’s your best friend even though you haven't spoken in months. Three months, two weeks and four days if you were counting. She knows you inside and out, from the food you don’t like to how you appreciate actions more than words. What gets you is the way she knew everything about you and you knew everything about her and none of it was enough to prevent this. 
As the winter months begin to creep in and the wind nips at your cheeks again you feel the weight of her absence more than ever. You never realised you’d become conditioned to having an arm slung around your shoulder until the first time you shivered in a group of friends and a weight hadn’t overcome you to pull you into her side. When you’d been cold and no one had grabbed your hands to warm them up and kissed either side of your cheeks to make you smile and blush. Something in you had felt incomplete without nagging Elisa to put on an extra sweater as you went out because it’ll be cold and you are only human no matter what you say about being super hot Elisa. The way you’d looked up the hall to see whether or not she was coming and then remembered no one was there and there hadn’t been for a while. 
Her ghost hangs heavy in the side of the couch she always used to lay on with the pillow she liked and in the weight of the pan she used to cook almost every meal (the handle feels different like it’s been melded to her hand exactly). Since she left you’ve been missing a part of you. Date your best friend, they say, it’ll be amazing. It was, you wouldn’t give a second of it for anything but this type of pain makes you understand why they call it heartbreak. You feel as though you’ve been split in two and are missing a limb. You’d never been a child who’d cried for their parents and when you’d moved to Europe for schooling you’d never looked back but now at 26 you were learning what it felt like to be home sick. 
Elisa pov:
She’d fucked up. She didn’t know loneliness could be so all encompassing. She’s tried to fill her days with training and exercise and then going out with friends and calling her family “just because she wants to talk.” All of it is to keep her from stopping and thinking about you. The way she’s become less of a whole while still being one person. Half of her is missing. She can’t explain it without sounding like she’s co dependant but she couldn’t tell where she ended and you began. 
Something is missing. 
Scratch that. 
Everything is missing. 
A part of her is empty. 
And she knows she’s got no one to blame but herself. Instead of talking to you, she’d decided the connection you’d had was too good to be true. Of course it was, how can something so romantic exist in real life? It doesn’t. Except it does, the little voice in her heart whispers, you had it. She’d seen it, she’d felt it, she’d tasted it. Had it in the palm of her hand and let it slip away. 
The ache is eating away at her. A dull pulsing in her head constantly, she keeps herself exhausted to the point of falling straight into bed when she gets back to her apartment. It’s hard to call it home anymore without your perfume lingering in the air anymore. Your chapsticks stashed in various drawers through the apartment are gone. All the lights are off when she comes back. The place is empty. She’s empty. 
She’d taken down all the photos and traces of you left around and put them in a box hoping it would help her heal faster. All it does is test her willpower to not empty the tubes of chapstick trying to touch something your lips have been on. No matter what she does, the quiet keeps creeping in. She can’t outrun the itch beneath her skin. The ache in her bones that never seems to fade. The feeling in her gut screaming something isn’t right. The quiet used to be her sanctuary now it’s suffocating without you to smile at her from across a room or squeeze her shoulder as you pass by. 
She simultaneously feels invisible and like she sticks out like a sore thumb in every room she’s in. She’s not meant to be there. She’s meant to be next to you. But now you’re standing on the other side of the change room laughing at a joke she hasn’t heard, hasn’t told and something in her is coiling. She doesn’t know what’s going to happen when it snaps. 
Jackie is helping you put your necklace back on and it shouldn’t bug her but it does. She’s hot and this room is too small. She knows it’s not like that but when Jackie brushes your hair to one side, a tad unnecessary if she gets a say, she has to tear her gaze away. Putting your necklaces back on after practice used to be her job. The small moment of quiet intimacy is what she’d wait all day for. When it felt like nothing else in your relationship was working, she’d always had that at the end of the day. Her fingers brushing the nape of your neck, the brush of your hair to your side, a smile creeping onto her face. If no one else was in the room she’d kiss the back of your neck and wrap her arms around you from behind. You’d stand there basking in each other's presence until you were ready to let go. 
She’s fuming someone has taken her place, although not really and if someone has taken her place as your partner, her stomachs turns and she might be sick at the thought. A small voice calls out within her, be gentle with her. 
She needs to get out of here asap. She’ll call her mom on the drive home, then go for a run, then pick up groceries when she gets back, she should really call her brother soon and see what he’s been working on lately, maybe there's a game on tonight she can catch- anything to keep her from thinking about you and this and how she’s fucked up. 
Cause here’s the thing, even when you’d stopped texting her when you got home and when slowly less and less clothes of yours were appearing in her laundry, you’d never stopped being in sync on the pitch. Always anticipating the others' moves before she did it herself. It was infuriating to know you almost had it all. That’s what happens when you know everything about a person, every habit, every movement, she knows she could pick you out of a room of people just by how you breathe. 
By the time she gets home from her post practice run she’s too tired to make dinner. She’ll order it in, making a deal with herself that she’ll walk to go pick it up. One of the things that most endeared her to you in the beginning was the willingness to break your nutrition plans laid out by the staff. Technically you were allowed to eat what you wanted but some foods were heavily discouraged. Such as pasta with a ton of carbs and no vegetables, which happened to be your favourite meal. 
Slipping her shoes on and beginning the walk down to the italian place you loved to have date nights in she remembers all the times you'd made the walk together. She tries to not think about you and keep herself busy. The key word is tries because about 95% of the time she fails at it. A part of her hopes she’ll walk in to pick up her order and you’ll be there too. Hearts, stomachs, and feet falling in sync together once more. Please, she turns her eyes upward, let me get what I want this once. 
Despite her quick checks around the restaurant and toward the bathroom and her dragging out the process longer than she needs to just in case you showed up, she resigns herself to a life of loneliness. Lost her thoughts she pulls the door open as someone pushes in and they stumble into her. 
“Oh my god i’m so sorry-”
Your eyes turn upwards and meet hers. You both suck in sharp breaths chests in sync as they push against each other. Your eyes lock and the tension is almost unbearable but pretending like you don’t know each other is the most unbearable thing that could happen. Her hand, which came up to stabilise you, rests on your arm. Her thumb twitches to flick up and rub soothing circles right below your bicep. 
If she gets a second chance she’s thinking now might be the time to act on it. She lets herself relax and smile at you, she can instantly feel the sigh of relief. 
“Pretty sure this isn’t on your diet plan” She teases. 
You smile challengingly up at her, “Pretty sure it isn’t on yours either.”
Your smiles are growing bigger by the second. 
“Well,” She whispers and leans closer to you, dropping her voice to an octave where she knows only you’ll be able to hear her. “I won’t tell if you won’t tell.”
She knows what speaking low in a crowded room does to you, it’s no surprise when she feels you shiver against her. She wraps her hand around her bicep now, rubbing your arm up and down as if she’s heating you up, all an excuse to touch you again. 
You lean in conspiratorially, “Okay your secrets safe with me.” Nodding to sell the act. 
You both stand and stare because what are the chances? Maybe, you both think, I don't have to keep chasing your ghost. 
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datesinredink · 6 months
Yan turtles (rottmnt) with an m/c that’s allergic to reptiles/turtles? Idk I just think it would be funny (not Donnie trying to get m/c into getting injections to help the allergy-)
Super duper sorry i ended up procrastinating really hard and i guess god took issue with that because he struck me down with multiple QAs and a Feelings crisis but the tests are over and I finally managed to sit down and finish Raph's part- seriously i struggled with him and mikey a lot but i guess it was kinda worth it in the end because Raph has an entire 110 more words to his part than the other three- hopefully it makes up for my lack of knowledge of his character. Enjoy!
“My inspiration for this device was simplicity-”
Yeah you’re getting a hazmat suit until your allergies either magically disappear or he figures out some other solution
You’ll probably have to do a lot of tests, including possibly a blood draw but I’m no medical expert- since I headcanon Leo to be the medic he’ll probably end up helping too
After he finally puts the pieces together, he’ll start working with Leo to engineer a medicine to help suppress your allergic reaction, and maybe even be able to get rid of it entirely
Also anon you’re very right, you may be subjected to becoming the human pincushion of allergy shots while he figures it out. It’s safe. No it won’t kill you. Yes he made sure. Just, uh, maybe don’t ask your best friend their opinion on needles for a while….
In the meantime, he completely hates the current situation. He finally meets someone that he’s (mostly) fine with touching him, and they CAN’T TOUCH HIM without a HAZMAT SUIT. Just the worst. Awful times.
Normally, he’d have you around almost always, but, unfortunately, that’s currently not ideal.
Starts trying to keep things extra clean around the lair for you. Also everything that can be sanitized is sanitized. Good luck in the cleanliness prison after you get kidnapped later on.
The best about keeping distance, since he already wasn't super touchy before this whole situation. While he might tap you on the arm or something once or twice, it's nothing serious and you won't have a problem with him on that front.
Going back to the hazmat suit real quick, while it does do its job well, it's definitely not the most comfortable thing to wear, and you'll probably end up getting too hot pretty quick, so chances are you won't willingly be wearing it all too often. Donnie may occasionally force you to wear it, but otherwise you (usually) just... don't have to.
He’s the one who finds out you’re allergic. It was an accident he SWEARS. He only wanted to give you a pat on the arm when April first introduced you to them! How could he have known you’d get hives where he touched you?
At least he knows how to treat it. He managed to guide April through treating it, after which he sulked while rereading some Jupiter Jim comics.
Has a personal grudge against your immune system for daring to make you allergic to him. How dare your cells get mad about him.
When Donnie tells him that he might have “a fix, bro”, Leo jumps at the opportunity- oh thank god, he can finally hug you!
…Doesn’t mean he’s not super bad at focusing on actually working on it. Don’t worry, he’ll fix it eventually, just have a little patience.
Honestly, this is your chance to BOOK IT away from them, because none of them are as clingy as they will be after your allergies are cured/suppressed, which gives you more time to leave New York before things go from bad to worse.
Anyway, Leo’s about as clingy as he can be without physically clinging onto you for hours on end. Constantly hanging around you, like a ghost haunting their killer, except you’re not the one who kills people.
He might end up using your allergy to try and manipulate you away from his brothers. Mikey keeps forgetting to keep distance, Donnie’s suffocating and makes you wear a hazmat suit, and Raph almost treats you like a sopping wet cat that he has to take care of, so why not just stay with him? 
As much as he likes to criticize Mikey for forgetting, sometimes, particularly early on, he gets a little too close, and your allergies flare up, and while he does genuinely feel kinda bad, he will exaggerate his remorse for sympathy from you. He genuinely does try and apologize for it later, and he probably portals you two somewhere nice and gets you a couple of trinkets you like or find useful.
Absolutely heartbroken!
His love is allergic to him! This is awful!
2nd most panicked when they first find out. Is their new friend ok? Did they mess up?
If you have a low tolerance for pain/allergic reaction symptoms and cry a little he probably will too. High empathy, man…
He’s really understanding after everything’s resolved and they figure out you’re allergic to them. He tries his best to keep a fair amount of distance between you and him, but he tends to naturally be physically affectionate, so there may be a slight adjustment period. He really doesn’t mean harm though.
He occasionally tries to bring you something from the mystic city that he thinks would be safe- a small figurine, maybe a sketchbook if you also like doing art, if he manages to bargain for/steal a piece of jewelry, he’ll also give that to you.
As I mentioned before, Mikey’s pretty big on physical touch, but since that’s off limits (for now) he’ll try to show you affection in any other way he can think of
Mostly quality time. He likes to take you with him when he explores through the sewers/city to spraypaint a couple of blank walls, and he’ll probably get you to try it too, and regardless of your skill level he’ll tell you it’s great
After Donnie and Leo finish making the cure, Mikey squeezes the LIFE out of you- he doesn’t mean to practically strangle you, but he’s fairly strong and he got excited, so he does feel a little bad afterwards.
Will decorate the hazmat suit Donnie gave you if you let him. He'll put stickers on it that match his and draw fun patterns that may or may not relate to him in some way. Maybe the spots he has, or the face on his knee pads. It's pretty endearing, even if his brothers may occasionally glare at him. In Mikey's opinion, if they're really that jealous, they should add something themselves.
And the award for most paranoid goes to….
Ok but really, he’s the most overbearing about it. This probably isn’t a surprise, but it’s still something I've gotta mention.
You don’t really have to worry about Donnie making you wear the hazmat suit- he gets it, not a fun sensory experience- other than a couple stand-out occasions, but you will have to convince Raph fairly often that you’ll be fine without it.
To be fair, it’s partially because he also forgets not to touch you sometimes, and while he’s better about it than Mikey and most of the time Leo, he’s also self-aware and protective enough that he’d rather be safe than sorry.
If you’re having an allergic reaction, he’ll either get Leo/Donnie/April to help you, or go find the hazmat suit Donnie made him a while ago when Splinter got sick and then help you himself
There’s a chance he might not do great though, as he’s not always the best under pressure and tends to panic when the people he loves are hurt or in some sort of extreme situation, especially when it comes to you (seriously, he treats you like a porcelain doll), but you can be reassured that he’ll do his absolute best to make you safe and comfortable.
Feels terrible after, pampers you a lot after the ordeal. Every time, not just the first few.
If he wasn’t the one who caused it, then he’s definitely pissed at whichever of his brothers made your allergies flare up. He won’t kill them, and he won’t lose it and drop kick them into tomorrow (yet. If they ever intentionally trigger your allergies he might snap some bones) but there will be a noticeable irritation and tension for at least the next few weeks between him and them.
He’s super excited after Donnie and Leo finish the allergy shots! I personally headcanon him to be the second touchiest of the brothers (Mikey being the most touchy, of course) so there’ll be a lot more casual touch between you two after. Hugs, headpats, you get the idea. If you try to tell him to stop, he’ll be very upset, though doing his best to understand, he will try to respect your wishes.. Before going right back to it after a week tops. Sometimes he genuinely does forget, after all, he does have a fair amount on his plate, but sometimes he does intentionally wait until he thinks he can get away with it again before jumping right back to how things were before. He’ll vehemently deny it, but no matter what happens, you’ll likely never really get him to stop for an extended period of time.
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buckyseddie · 1 year
made for each other
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pairings — jj maybank x fem!kook!reader, featuring bff!kiara carrera x bff!fem!kook!reader and bff!sarah cameron x bff!fem!kook!reader
summary — in which, they don't like each other until they learn about each other's trauma and they become something else entirely.
word count — 3.9k words.
warnings — enemies to friends to lovers trope, kie and sarah are her best friends, use of pet-names [sweetheart, baby], bickering, angst, fluff, reader is a kook but she lives at kie's house with her, reader isn't in her parents life but jj doesn't know this, reader is really nice and genuine, jj's really mean in this sorry, abusive parents, jj calls reader a bitch, love confession from jj, both of them being in denial of their feelings, john b is the leader of their relationship, reader has self-image and self-confidence issues, reader calls jj by his last name a few times, cuddles, forehead kisses, the reader kisses jj but it's like a peck, everyone's super supportive, small mentions of mental health.
notes — hey guys!! i'm rewatching obx, so i decided to write out one of the jj requests i got, so here it is. quick thing, i know it was requested that the reader is a pogue, but i changed her to be a kook so that it works with the storyline i'm writing for this fic! also, i know it was requested that none of the pogues like the reader, but i changed that a little. i hope this is okay because i felt that it would make more sense. i hope you enjoy it and sorry about the minor changes! gif and divider creds to owner!
p.s., feedback is very much encouraged and appreciated <3.
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like right now.
she didn't know what she did to make him hate her so much.
[y/n] is probably one of the sweetest people anyone could ever meet — despite everything she's been through.
and [y/n] has done nothing to him — she's been so genuinely sweet to him the entire time, ever since they met.
but, since they've met, jj has only been cruel to her.
she'd been hanging out with the pogues, like she always has.
although, today was the first time that jj was around — anytime she was around, jj would make up an excuse to not hang out with his friends.
but, this time, john b was forcing him to hang out with her around.
john b didn't say a word about having to be nice, though.
and the second [y/n] said something that he could make a comment about, he did.
and boy, did it do more than hurt her feelings.
he made some messed up comment about her using kiara, for staying at her house.
[y/n] scoffs with tears in her eyes, before she stands up to walk away.
"wait, [y/n]!" kiara calls before she can leave.
she shakes her head. "no, i'm not fucking taking this shit anymore. i've tried to be nice, even though he's an ass every damn time," she says angrily, motioning to jj, who's shrugging and smirking. "i'm done trying to prove myself to him."
and with that, she walks off.
she refuses to let him see her reaction to his comment, so she hurries to grab her stuff from the house, before she gets into her car and starts it and gets the hell out of there.
once she's gone, everyone turns to jj.
"what?" jj asks in defense, rolling his eyes at the frustrated look in kiara's eyes.
"why in the hell did you do that?!" she exclaims, walking over to him and smacking him on the head.
jj doesn't say anything, he just shrugs.
sarah scoffs. "you know, if you really knew her and what she's been through, you wouldn't hate her so much."
"so? she's a kook!" jj yells, raising his hands up in the air.
john b rolls his eyes. "yeah, and so is kie and sarah! but, they're nothing like those other asshole supremacists."
jj just shakes his head, refusing to accept that she's different, or to feel bad for being such a jerk.
IT'S BEEN A FEW WEEKS, since the situation with jj.
and [y/n] hasn't spoken to anyone since.
although, one part of the reason why she wasn't hanging out with anyone wasn't just because of the fact that she was angry at jj — it was also because of her parents.
[y/n] was running low on a lot of things she needed.
and she already felt bad enough as it is, for borrowing some of kiara's things — she offered anything she needed without any hesitation.
so, she really had no choice.
it would be easy — kiara's parents were out and kiara herself was out with the pogues, and she'd only be there for a few minutes.
and of course she wasn't going to walk through the front door — that'd be stupid.
there's a built in ladder on the side of the house near her window.
so, when she got there — she walked, to not bring attention to herself — she sneaked over to said-ladder and quietly climbed up the ladder.
when she was near her window, she leaned against the ladder and tried with all of her might to quietly open her window.
when she did, she clumsily climbed inside, accidentally falling loudly onto the floor.
there wasn't enough time to gather her stuff and get out of there before her parents could find her.
panic filled her when her door creaked open and in walked in her father.
needless to say, things got really bad after that.
when she got back to the carrera's house, she locked herself inside the guest room — where she's been sleeping in.
she's currently leaning her back against the room's door, panicking with her hands shaking, while she tries to figure out how she's going to hide this.
the worst part is that she couldn't even get more stuff — she had to get out of there before anything else happened.
but, a loud knock and some yells at the front door shakes her out of her scared and stressed daze.
after realizing that no one else is home to answer, [y/n] shakily rushes over to the door, anxiety filling her.
"come on! open up!"
that voice makes her even more anxious — it's jj.
after [y/n] started ignoring everyone, kiara lectured him and told him that he needed to go apologize to her — he didn't dare say no because there's nothing more scary than the carrera girl when she's angry.
knowing that he's not going to stop until she listens, she takes in a deep breath, before she opens the door.
jj is shocked, to say the least, when he sees her face filled with bruises.
"what the fuck? where did you get those?"
[y/n] scoffs. "why? don't tell me you care." she sneers, crossing her arms over her chest.
"i may not like you, but that doesn't mean i'm heartless."
[y/n] ignores his words, leaning against the doorway. "why are you even here, jj? did you come back for a fight?" she questions angrily.
"no. kie wanted me to apologize." his voice is small and his eyes are cast to the ground.
"okay?" she says, laughing in frustration. "just tell her you did it and go."
he scoffs, shaking his head and looking away. "why are you being such a bitch?"
she snorts in disbelief. "why am i being one? seriously, jj?"
[y/n] scoffs when he shakes his head in clear confusion. "i've been nice, jj!" she exclaims, shaking her head at him with tears filling her eyes.
she clears her throat and shakes her head, tilting her head back and shutting her eyes to rid them of the tears.
then, she opens her eyes again and takes a deep breath.
"jj... " she trails off, gulping. "i have tried to be nice, okay? i have been nothing but nice. and you've just been cruel to me from the moment we met — every single chance you got."
guilt fills jj — he never really thought about the consequences of his actions.
in the past, jj never cared about the kooks. and he had no problem voicing that. especially spoiled and snotty ones.
but, now? well, it's been extremely hard, trying to tell the difference between the kooks that are just trying to live and can't help who they are and the ones that see themselves as more superior than anyone else.
a shaky sigh leaves his lips. "i'm sorry, okay? i... shouldn't have said those things to you. and especially what i said about you using kie — that was wrong."
"whatever, jj." she mumbles, not looking at him.
she backs away, moving to shut the door in his face. "just go, jj."
"wait!" he calls, stepping forward.
"no, jj. just... tell kie that you apologized and we can lie our asses off, saying that we're good, okay?" she mutters and backs further into the room, before shutting the door.
jj stands on the porch for a straight ten minutes, speechless and trying to figure out what the hell just happened.
but eventually, things got too complicated.
despite the fact that jj spends most of his time at the chateau, [y/n] moves out of the carrera's house and to john b's place.
jj was sleeping in the chateau, while [y/n] had just been sleeping on the hammock, outside.
and boy, were things tense and awkward between them.
[y/n] was doing everything she could to avoid jj, and jj was filled with guilt and trying to figure out what to do to fix things.
because despite how much he acted like he hates her, it was a lie.
maybe in the past, he could've lied and said that it was because of her being a kook.
but, that's not true — not anymore.
now, it's clear as day that he hated her because of how he feels about her.
"dude, are you going to talk to her?" john b asks, lightly tapping his leg in order to try to get his attention.
jj and john b had been sitting outside, quietly talking, but jj had been watching the quiet kook the entire time.
john b shakes his shoulder.
"huh? what?" jj asks confusedly, turning to face his best friend.
john b chuckles, rolling his eyes at him. "dude. you can't lie any longer — not to us and not to yourself."
"what are you talking about?" jj knits his eyebrows together in confusion.
"look, the only reason we let this fighting between the two of you go on for as long as it did is because everyone can see it." john b says, shrugging his shoulder.
"what the hell are you even talking about, bro?" jj questions, shoving him.
"the connection, jj! no matter how much you wanna deny it, there's something going on between you two."
"excuse me?" he asks, beginning to stand up.
john b stands up with him and grabs his shoulder.
"look, i'm not trying to, like, gang up on you or anything," he says, before nodding over to [y/n], who's staring numbly at the sun and nature. "but, you gotta be honest with yourself — and with her."
jj follows his nod, noticing the lonely girl sitting on the hammock.
"you've hurt her enough. be better — for her. if you don't want to admit your feelings, that's fine. but, she deserves a genuine apology from you and not that bullshit one you pulled at kie's last week."
jj sighs quietly, but nods.
john b claps him on the shoulder, before backing up towards the door. "just do right by her, alright, buddy?"
[y/n] quickly notices how quiet it is now — she could tell before that the boys were outside from the quiet talking coming from them.
she looks up and notices jj walking over to her.
her eyes widen and her mouth falls open in surprise and anxiety as she quickly turns away, mentally freaking out.
what did he want now? hasn't he done enough?
"hey." he says, sitting down on the opposite side of her on the hammock.
rolling her eyes, she looks up at him and asks, "what do you want, jj?"
a dumbfounded look forms on his face. "w—what do you mean? i don't want anything," he stutters as he awkwardly pats the part of the hammock that's under his hand. "i just wanna lie down on this cool-ass hammock with you."
she scoffs.
"cut the bullshit, jj." she says tightly, her stare going so straight through him from her trying to figure out what he wants.
they share a moment of tense eye contact, until jj finally breaks first.
he sighs, and glances down at his now fidgeting hands. "i... just want to fix all of this tension between us."
jj's gaze stays on his hands, while [y/n] sits and watches him for a straight minute.
"i don't believe you." she says, not daring to look away as he looks back up at her.
something in his eyes startles her — she can't quite place her finger on what it is, but it feels like it could bring her entire world crumbling down.
"it's the truth! i swear." he says in response, his voice almost defensive.
she ignores the pleading tone of his voice and bites her bottom lip, not quite sure to believe him.
"seriously, jj. i... " she trails off, ignoring the tears and trying to push down anything that could expose her real feelings. "i'm sick of this, okay?"
regret fills jj's eyes as he quietly listens, hands still shaking.
"this drama between us? all because of my kook status? i can't deal with it — i refuse to."
she takes a deep breath. "so, let's just call this good. we're good and you don't have to feel bad for me anymore — you can tell the rest of the group that you did what they asked."
something about her words bothers jj.
i mean, sure he's been cruel to her.
but, more than anything, it was to hide and ignore the hidden feelings that were growing and eating away at him.
"no." he says sharply.
[y/n]'s eyebrows knit together in confusion and surprise. "no?"
"no," he confirms and moves to stand up, leaving her by herself on the hammock. "we're not doing this."
she scoffs, moving to stand up too. "what do you mean no? doing what?"
he motions between the both of them. "this. this fucking back and forth of acting like there's nothing wrong."
she rolls her eyes. "jj, seriously—"
he holds up his hand again, and this time, she listens.
with that, she crosses her arms over her chest and waits for him to continue.
jj scoffs. "and it turns out, john b was right."
"what? right about what?" she asks in confusion as she watches him pace.
"jj, seriously," she calls out to him and steps forward, touching one of his shoulders with one of her hands. "what is this about?"
he stops and turns to her and takes a deep breath.
"it's about the fact that you think that i hate you."
she furrows her eyebrows together and drops her hand from his shoulder.
jj takes notice of the removed feeling of her hand on his shoulder.
"but, you do hate me." she states, as if it's the obvious, matter-of-fact answer.
he scoffs, running his hands through his hair roughly. "no, i don't."
"what?" she scoffs, shaking her head at him.
"i don't know what you're trying to say, or what fucked up game you're trying to play right now, but i'm not interested in being a part of it anymore." she mumbles, starting to walk past him.
but, just before she can, he turns and gently grabs her arm and stops her from walking any further away.
"don't go, yet, alright?" he says quietly, waiting for her to turn around.
she holds her breath, staring ahead, but frozen in her place.
"just... let me talk and say this, okay?" he asks, holding his breath in stress.
sighing in defeat, she turns around and stares at him pointedly.
"okay," she says, raising her hands up when he lets go of her arm. "talk then, maybank."
he nods quietly, for a moment, before he decidedly leads her over to the deck.
when they're sat down and he's been silent for too long, she rolls her eyes and says, "you wanna tell me what this is about now?"
"right!" he says in realization as he turns to face her.
"i don't hate you, okay?" he says seriously, causing her to open her mouth to argue.
he holds a hand up. "let me explain first."
with another defeated sigh, [y/n] nods and motions for him to continue.
"john b just helped me realize this, but i... never hated you — i don't think i ever could."
his words shock her, causing her to look up at him with tears in her eyes.
"so... you made me think that you hated me?" she asks in defense, scoffing.
he opens his mouth to explain, but she cuts him off and stands up, "do you have any idea what you've put me through?" she exclaims, laughing in disbelief when he stands up to stop her from continuing.
"i thought that i did something wrong to make you hate me! do you even know how many sleepless and restless nights i stayed up with sarah and kie? how many nights i cried and cried because i didn't know what i did that was so wrong that i deserved how you treated me?!"
jj sighs in defeat, deflating a little bit.
"so? why did you treat me like that?" she questions, too calm, even with the anger she was just displaying — a clear, tell-tale sign that she must be really mad.
jj's breathless. "i didn't realize it until now," he starts, keeping his eyes downcast.
"but... " he looks up at her this time and slowly and cautiously walks over to her.
slowly, he lifts his shaking hands up to her hands and holds them.
[y/n] slowly drags her eyes down to their connected hands.
"jj... " she gulps, before her eyes look back up at his nervous ones.
"i never hated you, [y/n]. it was the opposite."
she takes a deep breath. "you... you can't be possibly saying what i think you are."
he nods quietly.
"i am," he confirms, walking even closer to her, until there's not that much space between them anymore. "i tried to bury my feelings — i wanted to convince everyone and myself that what i felt for you was just blind hatred."
"but, that's not true."
tears fill her eyes and she shakes her head, not wanting to believe it for even a second.
"no," she shakes her head even more. "no, no, no." she mutters, backing away and pulling her hands out of and away from his.
the tears fall to her cheeks. "no, jj. this... " she points between them. "this is cruel — this is a whole other level of cruel that i didn't think that you'd do to me."
she shakes her head again as jj steps forward.
"sweetheart, i swear this isn't a game. it's nothing like that." he says, stepping forward as she tries to ignore the butterflies in her stomach after hearing that pet-name he just used to address her.
"then, what is it? because i know there's no way someone good like you could ever love or like someone like me!" she exclaims, the tears blinding her vision.
jj stops short, his heart stopping for a brief moment from the second he heard those words come out of her mouth.
"what?" he asks in shock, eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
she scoffs again. "you heard me correctly, maybank." she says tightly, frowning as she looks down and away from him.
"do you have any idea what you mean to me, [y/n]?" he asks softly as he walks over to her and lifts her chin up with his fingers.
her mouth falls open as she looks at him. "what are you talking about, jj? what do i mean to you? who am i to you?" she asks in a murmur, but he hears her clearly.
he speaks with no hesitation, even if it sounds cheesy and corny and he'd never say it to anyone else, "you're the girl i love."
a quiet gasp sounds from her lips, causing him to chuckle softly.
"you can't really mean that." she says tightly, still in shock.
"i do. i swear i'm not lying — this isn't a game to me." he says seriously, moving his hands to hold her face in his hands.
a shaky breath leaves her lips, before she finds the courage to speak, "jj, if you really mean that — and i mean, really mean it — there's no going back, if we go through with any of this."
he nods. "i know."
"and... " she trails off, preparing for what she's about to say next. "and you really mean all of this?"
he nods again.
another shaky breath leaves her lips and the tears spill as she nods herself.
"okay?" he asks, confused and fully expecting her to reject him.
she nods in acknowledgement. "i can't promise that things will be easy with me. i have issues, just like you, and i won't change myself for anyone."
he chuckles. "i'm not going to ask you to do that."
"okay." she nods, moving one of her hands up to one of his and anxiously intertwines them together.
"let's do this then, yeah?" he asks breathlessly and pulls her towards him gently, leading her to walk away from the chateau and to god knows where.
JJ CHUCKLES IN AMUSEMENT AS he notices the girl's obvious, anxious nerves.
"you're going to be fine." he says, soothing her by rubbing her arms gently.
[y/n] groans, clenching her eyes shut in further stress.
"i just don't think they're going to react well to this news, jj!" she whines, turning to face him and letting her head fall into his chest as her groans of distress quickly become muffled.
he laughs and gently lifts her head up and cups her cheeks, a soft glint in his eyes. "it's going to be fine, baby, okay?"
she sighs, pouting for a straight minute as he smiles down at her.
"if they make any comments, i'll make them regret it." he says seriously, causing her to raise her eyebrows at him.
"they're our friends. i kind of find that hard to believe." she says seriously, laughing at his reaction.
he rolls his eyes and kisses her forehead.
"just trust me, alright?" he murmurs when he pulls away from her.
she sighs in defeat. "fine."
she frowns as he leads her inside the chateau.
he leads her into the living room, where everyone else is hanging out in.
the conversation stops immediately as they stop in the room, all of their eyes immediately landing on their joined hands.
john b doesn't look shocked at all as he smirks in approval.
"so, you finally did it, huh?" he asks, getting up and clapping his best friend on the shoulder.
jj laughs as [y/n] turns to face him with a shocked look on her face.
"what does that mean?" she asks with suspicion clear in her voice.
john b chuckles. "last week, before jj came over to talk to you, i finally got jj realize how he really feels about you."
her face fills with realization as she nods, but doesn't say anything.
she turns back around to look at everyone else.
cleo and pope look at her with a look of nonchalance, almost as if they expected this to happen, sooner or later.
sarah and kiara share a look, both smirking at each other.
then, they both get up and run over to their friend, throwing their arms over her body and jumping and giggling in excitement.
"i knew it!" kiara exclaims excitedly, with a big smile.
sarah laughs and agrees.
[y/n] rolls her eyes.
"so, you guys really don't care?" she asks, glancing at all of them.
pope snorts. "why would we? we've been waiting for this moment for too long."
cleo nods, gently poking pope. "it's about time y'all got together."
jj simply laughs, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her to one of the empty couches to cuddle on.
"see? you had no reason to be nervous." he murmurs into her ear, kissing her cheek as she makes herself comfortable in his embrace.
she rolls her eyes at him and turns to kiss him lightly, before pulling away and lying her head on his chest. "fine. you were right."
his chest rumbles with prideful laughs, but before he can say anything, she interrupts him, "don't even say it. you're lucky i like you."
he laughs again. "well, you're lucky that i like you."
she ignores the cheers and teasing comments from their friends as they all settle back into their seats and observe them, just appreciating the moment with her boyfriend.
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lovendermist · 21 days
Hii I hope your doing well you can full decide not to do this if you don’t want to haha but would it be ok to request a Hange x reader where their like the younger siblings of some such as Moblit or just like on of the other Veterans but they don’t know and they they find out it’s all just funny and cute idk if this makes sense sorry 😅
Hange x Levi's Sibling Reader
He's your what?
Type: Scenario, fluff
WC: 3,029
Pairing: Hange x Levi's Sibling Reader
A/N: Yes!!! 😭😭😭 Yes I live for this but I did Levi I am so so sorry I wanted to self indulge so bad but I can make a Moblit one is someone out there is desperate enough. But this was super fucking fun I can't believe I only did this in 2 days! I hope you enjoy this Frog, also I always enjoy seeing u in my notifs hwaaa
hange masterlist
Being a volunteer who helped out with the veterans with their plans and expeditions, you've grown to be good friends with Hange, taking a liking to their plans for their experiments and cheery personality, much to your older brother Levi's annoyance, but he doesn't explicitly say anything about your connection with him to Hange. You two maintain this connection as a secret, not wanting to cause more attention towards another Ackerman, much less being the intimidating Captain Levi's more optimistic younger sibling.
Hange says they‘ve always adored your deep, stark black hair. They said it was a silky kind of texture they didn’t often see around the base, but they don’t really think too much of it. They've also told you they found it amusing how blank-faced you usually are, and it reminds them of someone they can't quite name.
That, your wit, sometimes snarky remarks and comments have also found a way to amuse Hange and make a mark in their heart. You remind them so much of somebody, but Hange can't figure out who it is to save their life. They're too busy with all their experiments and tasks to even come to the conclusion of who, and you were thankful they were such a busy person to even think too much about it.
One day, Hange sees you and their heart skips a beat, but seeing Levi beside you, something else clicks in their brain.
You and Levi were catching up late at night in a hallway rarely used by soldiers, updating each other about how the expeditions were going and if you've been doing okay lately. Truth is, Levi put you as a volunteer himself and not as a scout just to make sure you don't get into any kinds of trouble and still be kept close to him. You know how he is given your family's background and history, he's just being protective like the big brother he is. 
He fought hard for you to get such a position, daring the higher ups just for you to stay close and safe with him. It was an odd title that was new and unheard, and it sure wasn’t easy to keep your history and the sudden formation of this position under wraps either. There were certain deals made, the gossip and rumor flew around, but thankfully, none about the suspicion that you were in the slightest bit related to Levi.
Someone’s footsteps draw nearer where you talked, interrupting the conversation you two were about to delve deeper into.
"Levi!" Hange's voice echoes out in the empty hallway, and momentarily stops in their tracks the moment they see the two of you in the hallway.
Hange sees how Levi is all relaxed in your presence, his shoulders sagged down and his face not twisted into some kind of growl for once, and concludes that you must be someone close to him to be able to speak freely like this. They also notice the soft smile on your face and how comfortable you are, and Hange smiles to themselves, thinking how adorable you are and how they've stumbled upon quite a rare sight.
"Oh?" Hange settles just right beside you two, and while you were nervous, you can already feel your brother’s annoyance at the disrupted moment, "I didn't know you two knew each other."
Despite being siblings, you two still had quite the difference in personalities, and in your shocked and flustered state, you have a feeling that Levi will handle this situation better than you will, so you glance over at him to let him speak.
"I'm a Captain. Of course they'd know me." Levi crosses his arms.
"Right, right! I know, but like... you know," Hange’s actions are animated before settling their hands by their hips, Hange smiles, "Since when did you two get so close?"
Finding both of you in such a secluded spot this late in the night, they’re not sure whether to be jealous or not, so Hange looks at you, expecting an answer. You gulp at the sudden eye contact, feeling nervous under their watchful, yet unknowing gaze. They don't know your little secret and there’s an easier lie, but you feel yourself grappling at some half-ass excuses buried in your mind anyway. With just one glance, Levi knows that there's a chance you'll accidentally slip up in this interaction, but he keeps his hopes up.
"Well..." Your voice comes out a bit more high-pitched than intended, "Just work."
Hange scoffs at the dry response, almost ready to let it go and accept that yes, you were right, you would only know and be close with Levi through work, but they glance between you and Levi, and something brews in their mind.
They squint at you, making you uneasy. Hange's always been a bit unexpected when it comes to their actions, but now you really don't know what they're doing or thinking. Levi, on the other hand, is growing a bit impatient as he has a much better knowledge of what usually goes on in Hange's mind, like right now.
"Are you done interrogating us? We were discussing something, you know. Privately." Levi's sharp voice comes to speak up for both of you this time, his annoyance growing. But despite that, there's still a bit of amusement playing around in his beady-eyed gaze.
"No, no, hold on." Hange eyes you and Levi, making sure that their eyes weren't playing tricks on them.
As you stand side by side, they see something in both of you, something similar, and they want to make sure they get it right before they even say another word.
Hange glances at your hair, then at Levi's. It's the same shade of black– and no, it wasn't like the other scouts with black hair kind of texture. It was a bit more silky, flowed more smoothly, almost like it was styled perfectly according to your wishes, and Hange tucks away this piece of information in their head for later questioning.
Hange's eyes now flash back and forth between your very own, and back at Levi's, to which he rolls his eyes at. He already knows what's coming, and he knows there's no turning back from this moment, so he lets Hange have their fun. Hange notes that you do indeed have the same beady eyes as Levi, although the shape of your eyes seem just a tad bit more rounded than his. You squirm under their gaze, your eyes growing a little wider at the sudden eye contact and inspection, their eyes boring holes into you from behind their glasses.
Hange now thinks about your personalities. You had that same, snarky, dry humored personality, just in a much livelier tone than Levi’s. There were tons of contrasts and comparisons to be made, but they tuck that thought in for another day as well. They note that your skin is just a tiny shade bit different from Levi's shade, a certain physical trait they've heard and known from others to be some kind of a sibling thing.
And finally, they tilt their body a bit back to get a better look at both of you, to which you look to Levi nervously at. He only shakes his head in disapproval at Hange's actions. From Hange's point of view, it seems like you're almost even in the height department as well, with you just towering an inch or so over Levi. Yet another physical trait they've heard to be a sibling thing, where the younger one is usually taller than their older sibling. And from what they remember, you are indeed younger than them and Levi. Though they do find it entertaining how you’re not exactly that much taller than him either.
"Hey now," Hange speaks again after what seems like minutes, their amusement heavily evident in their tone, "Are you two related?"
"So what if we are?" Levi barks back, still eager to get back to the earlier private conversation. You two were just about to get to the part where you tell him about your own stories of what's been happening in your life. He was always eager to hear from you after their expeditions. It was like a reward for him, to see and hear from you right after risking his life outside the walls.
But right now, deprived of the time and privacy, Hange's grin widens further at Levi's answer, noting the lack of denial in his tone, "I was just asking! But you're not denying it either, Levi."
"I think we just look similar, with the hair and all."  You attempt to pry them away from their thoughts of your relation, and also just because you weren't sure how your own brother would react to this information being out there nor did you want to find out, but Hange shakes their head.
"No, no, you even have the same shitty humor. It's just that yours comes out in a better tone than Levi's." Hange smiles at you before mumbling to themselves, a hand flying up to pinch their lip as if deep in thought, "You really do look similar too, I don't know how I didn't see it before."
"First you interrupt our conversation and now you’re calling my humor shitty?" Levi crosses his arms and leans against a nearby wall, watching as Hange now circles you where you stand. 
He knows Hange’s just brewing up their thoughts as they observe you further, but the scene unfolding before him is making him a bit uncomfortable. "Are we done ogling here?"
"No, no we are not. You two are related and one of you is going to have to admit it," Hange continues circling over you like a predator to a prey, a sly grin playing on their face, "I just have to wonder who, since I know you both have this tendency to shy away from telling the truth sometimes."
Eventually, Hange's strolling comes to a stop in front of you, their arms crossed and bending over a little to meet your gaze.
"You two are siblings, aren't you? If not, you’re related in some way, I just know it." They interrogate you as you try your best not to burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. You try to meet your brother's gaze, but Hange covers the view.
You can hear Levi sigh before his footsteps come into focus right behind you.
"We are. Now stop acting weird towards them." You let your shoulders sag a little, relieved that he was the one to break the silence and to reveal your little secret.
"Ha!” Hange looks over at Levi, and back to you once more. “No way, I was right. Are you two really?"
“God, four-eyes. Yes we are. Happy?” Levi scoffs in response.
“They’re your younger sibling? You’re a big brother? You’re Levi’s sibling?” With a huge smile on their face, Hange turns you over and holds you by your shoulders, presenting you to your own brother like they still can’t believe the situation despite already making the conclusions in their head earlier.
A glare is what Levi gives as an answer. He then looks over at you, and you give him a tiny smile and a slight shrug as Hange holds you.
“He’s… my brother, yes. I feel a bit guilty hiding it from you now.” You think of all the times you’ve interacted with Hange, joining them in their banter and rambles about their experiments.
“Aha! Don’t be, this is… this is something else, really.” Hange twists you again, this time turning you to face them. You can almost hear the gears shifting in Hange’s head, but you’re not aware that they’re looking at you and thinking about how you’re just as attractive as your brother, if not more.
“No wonder you kept reminding me of someone. Turns out that someone was your own brother,” Hange chuckles to themselves as they continue holding you by your shoulders, grip unwavering yet gentle. They look over to Levi now. “But why keep it a secret?”
“Why do you think so? You’re the only who knows other than Erwin, and this is how you react. Imagine the ruckus if this got out.”
“I see your point, to know that another Ackerman in the base is… definitely going to cause some commotion. How cute though.”
You tilt your head at Hange’s comment. Smiling, they reply. 
“You’re really more like a… friendlier, lovelier version of Levi.”
“Hey.” Levi’s comment goes unnoticed. 
“Does he know I pick you up and squeeze you often? Cause you’re so cute and all?”
You open your mouth to defend yourself against Hange’s actions, but you find yourself at a loss for words. You can’t lie in front of your brother, Hange has indeed picked you up occasionally. They said it was because they found your height difference so cute. And as for the squeezing part, well, it was a one-time thing, but Hange has plans to change that. 
”You what?” Levi’s cocks his eyebrow at the new information presented to him, “God, Hange, they’re not a toy.”
Levi turns to ask you, “Do they really?”
“Well… like once or twice. Only if they’re that excited and I happen to be beside them.” You find yourself grinning even wider as you continue to speak. The ridiculousness of the situation is getting the better of you, but you have to admit, it was kind of fun having the secret out.
Levi is thinking the same thing as well. In a way, it feels like a burden has been lifted from his shoulders. He just hopes Hange will be quiet or else the leakage of this information will be the death of him.
“You were snuck in here, weren’t you? There was no such thing as a volunteer position in the Corps before you came in.” Hange’s tender gaze looks at you expectantly, with no intention of snitching nor gossiping about you. They know you and your brother’s past enough to not hurt you like that. They’ve always been curious about your title and couldn’t wait to hear how it came to be.
You glance over at Levi for a split second before nodding, “He snuck me in, yeah. Didn’t want me back in the underground but didn’t want me to risk my life as a soldier here either.”
“It all makes sense now,” Hange’s eyes soften at your words, “Your position was a surprise to all of us, you know? You were quite the mystery already, even before knowing grumpy pants over here is your brother.” Levi grimaces at the nickname.
Hands on their hips, they turn over to look at him this time, “You must’ve pulled some heavy strings to get them here, let alone get them a position that didn’t even exist before.”
Levi’s gaze softens, their tone coming somewhere more homely and far away, “You’d do it too if you were under the same circumstances.”
”Ah, brotherly love.” Hange smiles contentedly to themselves.
“You better not tell a single soul.” Levi’s warning is stern, yet his tone doesn’t hold much threat.
“That humanity’s strongest soldier is first and foremost a loving, protective, big brother?” You and Hange chuckle at their description of Levi, much to his dismay. 
It’s bad enough to know that you’ve grown close with Hange, but it’s another thing to have to deal with both of you. Regardless, a small smile plays by his lips as he watches you laugh at his expense.
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. But don’t think I won’t be teasing you both about your similarities. It’s quite cute, you know. It’s not often that we get siblings in the Corps.”
Hange ruffles your hair playfully, noting the softness of it under their fingers. “Even your hair is the same texture. God, this is driving me crazy. It’s so cute.” As the minutes drag on, they realize how they’re possibly taking a deeper liking to you than they realize, and it’s even harder to act now, knowing who your brother is.
“Stop touching them.” Levi orders, but it doesn’t go unnoticed how amused he appears as well.
“I know, I know, big brother will get mad.” Hange retracts their hand, a smile painted on their lips, “I’ll leave you be before I lose my mind about all this. Gosh.”
“See you around, Ackermans!” Finally walking away, Hange’s giggles echoed the hallway right after waving you two off, with Levi’s warning to keep their voice down following suit.
“Secret’s out.” You sigh.
“I hate to say it was inevitable. It only took one glance at both of us right next to each other before Hange figured it out, the damn smartass.”
“Is that why you told me not to show up in the same room when you were around?” You smile at him.
“Huh,” You think to yourself of all the times you two planned to barely interact at all just to keep the secret going, avoiding all the drama and questions that would for sure come your way the moment someone noticed the resemblances, “I just don’t think we look that similar.”
“Of course not. I look better than you.”
You send him a disgusted look.
Soon enough you continue your conversation that was long overdue. Meanwhile, as Hange returns to their room, they can’t help but think of all the similarities they’ve missed between the two of you and all the questions that will surely arise in future conversations. They tuck away their growing feelings for you deep in a corner of their mind, but they couldn’t disagree that taking a liking to you, even after knowing who your brother was, puts a bit of a thrill on the whole situation.
As they let their mind wander, they shriek at another realization, thinking about something they’ve overlooked the most, and Hange feels taken for a fool. They wondered, did anyone else have the same realizations as they did? They think of the ridiculousness and subtlety of it all— your name was a damn near rhyme to Levi’s and started with an ‘L‘ as well.
A/N: I already have a name for my oc that's Levi's younger sibling, so I took inspo from that. See my AU idea post here about it. No name reveal yet though, haha!
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riotwritesthings · 11 months
Who Guards the Bodyguard
T, 3k - No-Powers AU, Humor, bodyguard!Bucky
One college bar, one bodyguard, one sleazeball who can't take no for an answer. Shaken, not stirred.
Hey remember when I took birthday prompts, like… 9 months ago? Good times. Anyways guess what I finally finished.
The prompt was some combination of “You’re my new bodyguard and you’re cute” / “Help me I’m being hit on at a bar please be my fake boyfriend for a second” / “I’m going to save you from the terrible date you’re having” So I really just mashed all of those together and ended up with this lol. I hope you enjoy it @clarajanedesperaux!
This job is supposed to be easy.
All Bucky has to do is keep an eye on a billionaire’s spoiled, wild son and make sure the kid doesn’t end up kidnapped or otherwise killed. Easy.
And yet, it has not been easy, most notably because Tony Stark can’t know that Bucky is guarding him. Howard had been very insistent about his son’s ability and determination to ditch his previous bodyguards, and half of the stories were honestly impressive if true. So Bucky has a very strict set of guidelines to follow that most days make him feel more like a stalker than anything else.
He gets a ping whenever Tony leaves the Stark family’s Fifth Avenue mansion, and satellite tracking makes it quick work to follow him anywhere in the city. Bucky’s not exactly sure how Stark has GPS-tagged his son, but he’s not paid to ask questions.
He’s paid to put his experience in black ops and undercover work to good use and not be seen while he’s following a twenty-year-old around the city making sure no one kills the kid.
Totally normal, super easy.
Yeah right, Bucky thinks to himself in bemusement as he watches Tony over the rim of his beer.
This is the third bar the Stark heir has been to tonight, and Bucky really must be getting old because all he wants is to go home.
He’d kind of like to tell Tony to go home too, and not just because it would mean Bucky could go back to his apartment to hang out with his cat. It’s because he knows what Tony is doing, he knows the rotating cast of friends that meet Tony at one bar just to abandon him at another. He knows how damn lonely that is.
He might be watching from a distance, but Bucky is pretty damn good at what he does and he can tell there’s a lot more to Tony than the kid lets on. He’s got a bigger heart than he likes to show and hidden scars, he deserves better than fake friends and a father who won’t even give him a chance.
But that’s none of Bucky’s business.
Two more bars later, Bucky is feeling a lot less generous towards his charge. This place is too damn crowded, and loud, and Bucky has to keep moving around to keep Tony in his sight. And for what, just to watch him half-heartedly flirt with some asshole in a trucker hat, of all things? The kid could at least have the decency to have some taste.
Bucky forces down some more unsavory thoughts about trucker-hat-douche as he slides onto another seat at the bar and waves for a refill on his beer. He pointedly ignores it when the guy on the next stool spins to face him, keeping his gaze fixed firmly on Tony near the pool table across the bar. Even if he wasn’t working right now, he is in no mood and he does his best to convey that with the side of his face.
The asshole doesn’t take the hint though, and Bucky can feel the weight of his sleazy smirk as he asks, “Well hello, you come here often?”
“Nope,” Bucky says shortly, which is conveniently both true, and will hopefully cut off any further conversation.
"That makes sense,” the man says with a nod and a widening smirk, continuing to ignore all of Bucky’s not-so-subtle hints, “I would remember seeing you before.”
He probably thinks it sounds flattering, but he just comes across as gross. Bucky takes his eyes off his charge just long enough to glance over at the man next to him, taking in his flushed, sweaty face. The asshole is definitely drunk, probably completely hammered, and Bucky doesn’t want to deal with this.
He fixes his eyes forward again, hoping the guy will at least take one of his hints if he just keeps throwing them in the asshole’s face.
“C’mon, I’ve seen you moving all around the bar,“ the man says, because of course he can’t just give up. ”It’s obvious you’re looking for something, only to wind up next to me,“ he continues in what he probably thinks is an alluring tone, ”there’s no reason to play hard to get now.”
"‘M not playing anythin’,” Bucky snaps, cutting his gaze to the side just long enough to give the man a sharp glare, "and I’m not interested."
The asshole on the next stool just laughs, and Bucky can smell the vodka on his breath as he leans closer. “Don’t be like that,” he says with another slimey laugh, “you don’t even know me yet, and I’m very interesting.”
Bucky lets himself outright scoff at that, because he very seriously doubts that this bar-regular who can’t take no for an answer has any sort of hobby that Bucky would find interesting. He can see it from the corner of his eye when the asshole scowls, when his fingers curl tighter around his drink, and Bucky sighs internally.
“What, you think you’re too good to even give me the fucking time of day?” The guy demands, abandoning his attempt at a sultry tone in favor of a snarl. It sounds more natural for him, honestly.
There are a lot of ways Bucky could answer that.
He could point out that technically at this point it would be ‘time of night.’ Or he could get brutally honest and say that while he doesn’t usually think very highly of himself at all these days, he does still think he can do better than this random bar asshole. Maybe not a whole lot better, but better.
Instead of saying anything at all though, Bucky reluctantly tears his eyes away from the Stark heir across the small bar. He turns to finally face the man next to him and fixes him with a dry, expectant stare, quirking an eyebrow and letting the man fill in how ‘interesting’ Bucky thinks he is for himself.
The asshole’s face starts to twist with rage, but he smooths it out again with what looks like a fair amount of effort before saying, “Well, how about you let me buy you a drink and give me sixty seconds to change your mind.”
“No,” Bucky says shortly and starts to turn away. But then the man starts to reach for him, like he’s going to grab Bucky’s shoulder to stop him, and Bucky goes tense all over.
Part of him, a big part, wants to break this asshole’s wrist and be done with it, but that would draw way too much attention. He doesn’t trust himself to grab the man’s hand without breaking something, and he can’t even risk punching the jerk when his entire job relies on Tony never noticing him.
So Bucky has to settle for moving out of the asshole’s reach, shifting half off of his stool to accomplish it, and glaring harder as he snaps, "Do not touch me."
If the man was less drunk, and less of a dick, there’s no doubt that Bucky’s best death glare would be enough to chase him off. But he is a drunk asshole, so instead of running he grits his teeth and narrows his eyes.
“Listen, asshole,” the guy starts and Bucky does outright laugh at that, sharp and mocking.
He’s not surprised that the man’s face flushes an angrier shade of red, but Bucky really couldn’t help himself. The asshole continues to sputter for a second before sliding ungracefully off his stool and pulling himself up to his full height, wobbling slightly in the process.
“I don’t appreciate you- fuckin’- talking down to me,” the asshole spits furiously, but Bucky isn’t listening to him anymore.
With a sigh, Bucky slides the rest of the way off of his own stool and he can only hope that Tony is still distracted with the trucker-hat-douche because this is definitely about to become a scene. At least it’s somewhat gratifying to watch the drunk stumble back half a step when Bucky pulls himself up to his full height and squares his shoulders, but it doesn’t look like the man plans on backing down.
“Last chance to walk away,” Bucky warns because he has had it with tonight. At this point he will be perfectly happy to get kicked out of this shitty bar and fuck this job.
The asshole has his mouth open to respond, but then his eyes go wide as Bucky feels someone winding their arms around his and plastering themself tightly to his side. Bucky feels his own face twitch in shock when he jerks his gaze to the side and realizes that it’s Tony clinging to him.
Tony, who Bucky is supposed to be keeping an eye on, and who is not supposed to even be aware of Bucky’s existence. Tony, who is smiling up at him like Bucky isn’t a complete stranger to him, like he knows Bucky.
“There you are, hot stuff,” Tony says, his tone as familiar as his grin, and Bucky has a terrible feeling about the future of his employment. “I was starting to think you were standing me up,” Tony continues, fluttering those long eyelashes up at him.
The eyelashes that Bucky has tried so hard not to notice, but he’s sure as hell noticing them now.
Even caught off guard, and maybe a little distracted, Bucky isn’t a complete moron. He knows what Tony is doing, so he quickly pulls it together and works up a smile of his own.
“Wouldn’t’ve been so hard t’ spot you if you’d picked a less crowded place,” Bucky finds himself saying, because he can’t not complain about this dive bar now that he’s been given the chance.
Tony throws his head back with a laugh, and Bucky does not let himself get caught up in the sound of it. Not even a little.
“I * knew* you would hate it,” Tony says gleefully and the light in his eyes isn’t just teasing, it’s knowing.
Like Tony actually chose this bar just to annoy him, and Bucky is officially in so over his head.
He is also reluctantly charmed, and Bucky can’t fight down a tiny grin of his own even as he shakes his head and says, “You-”
“Hey,” the asshole interrupts, apparently not happy with being completely ignored.
He’s glaring at both of them now, and Bucky automatically shifts so he’s a little more between the drunk and the person he’s supposed to be secretly bodyguarding. He can at least still do half of his job. Tony grins at him like he knows exactly what Bucky is thinking, and hell, he probably does. Just like it’s probably no accident that Tony is wrapped around his good arm, making it much less likely that he’ll throw a punch.
Nothing would really surprise Bucky at this point, Tony is so damn smart and apparently Bucky has been underestimating him, too. And apparently, Tony has been watching him back, and Bucky has no idea what to do with that.
When the asshole makes another impatient sound Tony finally deigns to look over at him, barely tearing his gaze away from Bucky long enough to flit his eyes over the man from head to foot.
“Bye,” Tony says, his tone artfully dismissive, and then goes right back to grinning up at Bucky like the other man doesn’t exist.
To Tony’s credit, his cold, superior tone has the asshole automatically taking a step backward, even as he sputters, "Dude, wh- what the fuck-"
“What part are you not getting?” Tony asks, one sharp eyebrow crawling up his forehead as he slowly turns to face the asshole again, like he’s still unconvinced that the man is worth the effort. ”He was looking for someone, now he’s found me,“ Tony continues as he smoothly fits himself under Bucky’s arm, ”no part of this has anything to do with you, so you can go ahead and leave now."
Bucky can’t quite bite down his laugh when the drunk man sputters dumbly again, and the tiny grin that Tony flashes up at him has Bucky’s heartbeat doing truly concerning things in his chest. But he’s not thinking about that, just like he’s not thinking about the way his arm has automatically fallen around Tony’s shoulders, the way Tony fits perfectly against his side.
“L-Listen here, you little-” the asshole stutters and then trails off, his face going scarlet as he seems to notice all of the people staring at them.
"Little what?" Tony asks coldly, the look on his face just daring the asshole to come up with something that Tony hasn’t been called before. Bucky is equal parts impressed, enraged at his employer all over again, and trying his best not to be completely smitten.
The asshole’s face is nearly purple as his eyes dart from side to side, taking note of the increasing number of people watching them with open interest and amusement.
“Fuck this,” he grumbles and finally starts to back away, deciding to save what little face he has left in front of this crowd of college douchebags. He apparently has to try and get the last word though, because as he turns he shoots Bucky a final glare he loudly mutters “I could do better anyways.”
“Doubt it!” Tony calls after him gleefully, and the on-looking crowd laughs. Then he turns his bright grin up at Bucky, and oh, fuck.
Bucky is so fucking fucked.
“Do you want to get out of here, now?” Tony asks, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“Yes,” Bucky groans instantly and emphatically, all thoughts of his imminent unemployment momentarily forgotten in the force of his relief over getting to leave.
Being caught by Tony is the least of the rules he’s broken, but he can worry about that later, or maybe never. It’s not like anyone needs to know that he’s been slowly but surely failing the first rule of bodyguarding over months of catching glimpses of the real Tony. Except Tony might know, because he’s been watching Bucky back.
And Tony is still grinning smugly as he starts to drag Bucky out of the bar with his arm still looped comfortably around Bucky’s waist, staying plastered to his side. Bucky has no idea if it’s necessary or not, he can’t tear his eyes away from Tony to see if the asshole is still hanging around.
He does spare the most fleeting thought for the trucker hat douche that Tony was flirting with before, but that’s only to think that at least this mess is getting Tony away from that asshole. Tony deserves so much better, of that Bucky is sure, he’s had way too much time to think about it while watching Tony flirt with every type of douchebag.
Once they’re out in the cool night air Bucky drags in his first deep breath in what feels like hours, relishing in the slightly less disgusting smells of the city. At least there’s less old-vomit smell.
When Tony snickers Bucky looks over at him again, honestly not sure what to make of the teasing, knowing smile on Tony’s face.
”So, where to now?“ Tony asks innocently, like he’s not still actively throwing Bucky’s life into chaos.
”Off to look for a new job, probably,“ Bucky grumbles, but he can’t actually force any annoyance into his voice. It’s not like he actually likes this job, after all, but…
He’ll probably never see Tony again, once he’s fired, and that thought sends a sharp pang through his chest that Bucky is trying not to think about too hard. Tony is still staring up at him as they start to aimlessly wander down the sidewalk, apparently trusting Bucky not to run them into any street signs, and Bucky is trying not to think about that either.
”Why?“ Tony asks, sounding genuinely confused, and then he pouts as he adds, ”I can go back to pretending not to notice you, is that more fun? Little weird, big-time stalker vibes, but I can work with that.“
Bucky huffs out a laugh, then raises an eyebrow as he asks, ”“S that what you’re into? That why you haven’ ditched me yet, like all th’ others?”
“Give yourself some credit,” Tony says, patting his side, “I did try at first, but you’re hard to shake. Plus, you’re much cuter than the rest of them were.”
Bucky tears his eyes away from Tony’s teasing, flirty grin, looking back down the dark street and trying to ignore the heat rising in his cheeks. ”Maybe I’m jus’ sick of bein’ dragged to college bars,“ he says after a pause that’s probably tellingly long.
”Okay,“ Tony says agreeably, and when Bucky looks over at him in surprise, he finds Tony grinning up at him with an almost hopeful look in his eyes as he asks, ”How do you feel about burgers?“
Bucky finds himself trailing to a stop, still staring at Tony, who stopped right along with him and is now watching with a nervous little smile, like maybe he thinks the ‘better’ that he deserves is somehow Bucky.
For a second all Bucky can do is stare, his mouth gone completely dry. He has to lick his lips, watching Tony’s clever gaze track the motion, before he can croak out, “Seems like I’m gonna be fired for a different reason.”
Tony laughs, delighted, and starts leading him down the street again as he asks, ”What are you talking about? What better place to guard me from than up close and personal?“
Bucky is pretty sure that the elder Stark would not agree with that statement, but like hell is he going to be the one to point that out. He knows this is probably a terrible idea, and he’s definitely going to get fired for this sooner or later, but with any luck, it won’t be the last time he sees Tony.
”So, burgers?“ Bucky asks as he tightens his arm a little more around Tony’s shoulders, and when Tony smiles wider Bucky finally lets himself acknowledge the way it makes his heart flip over itself in his chest.
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igotanidea · 3 months
Number one: Foggy Nelson x reader
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Request: Reader is pregnant, but she doesn't realise yet. Matt can tell, because of his super senses thing and he breaks the news to her, and she rushed to tell Foggy.
A/N: changed the original request in that "rushes to tell him" part, adding a bit of hesitancy on reader's part. Hope you'll still like it anon :)
They were just hanging at Josie’s, having fun, getting drinks and enjoying time spent together outside of the law firm and the whole Daredevil business.
Matt, Foggy and Y/N.
Just like the old times, though a lot has changed.
“I’m going to get us a round of something stronger. On me!” Y/N raised from her chair, ready to head towards the bar.
“No, honey. Stay. I can’t let my girlfriend serve me.” Foggy kissed the top of her head quickly taking over in placing the order.
“Oh and since when are you a prince charming?” she mocked playfully.
“Always been. Too bad you didn’t notice the treasure you got for yourself.”
And with those words he headed towards the bar to get everyone's favorites.
“He’s a gem.” Y/N chuckled, turning back towards Matt, but upon seeing his expression, the smile died on her lips and she frowned in confusion. “Hey Murdock, you ok?”
“I don’t think you should be drinking tonight, Y/N.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” her confusion only grew bigger with Matt’s every word.
“Just don’t—”
“Ok, listen up, devil, I’m in no mood for your games, you either tell me what is going on or I swear-“
“Hey, hey, relax!” Matt smirked characteristically “I seriously forgot how defensive you can get at times.”
“Can you really blame me? I’ve been dealing with you and Foggy for way too long for it to not rub off me.”
“Well. Speaking of Foggy, when was the last time you two have—”
“I’m just asking-“
“This is none of your business! Jeez!” Y/N reached for her water, taking big, loud sips, trying to calm her nerves at Matt’s audacity and control her burning cheeks. “You’re unbelievable! Have you seen me asking about your performance in the area?”
“Come on, you know I had nothing wrong on my mind-“
“You better keep your mouth shut.” She spat angrily.
“Have you told him yet?” Murdock smirked again.
“Told who what?”
“I swear if you don’t stop talking cryptic I will…” she hesitated wondering what she could threaten the daredevil himself with, to make it convincing.
“Take a deep breath, princess. All that stress cannot be good for the baby.”
“Baby?” she almost choked at the word, coughing so excessively that it made Foggy look at her from the distance. Luckily Matt sensed his friend’s concern and smiled from above Y/N’s arm at the attempt to calm Franklin down. “What baby? What are you talking about Matt? Is this a joke, cause if so, it’s not funny at all and-“
“Y/N, sunshine, you don’t need me to tell you that. You already know.”
“Well there’s knowing and knowing. You sure, though? I mean, I know your super senses work in a strange way, but-“
“I’m sure.”
“So next thing you do, you’re going to tell me the future? Maybe a glimpse on the gender?” It might have been fake, but it sounded like her voice had a hint of hope for that.
“Nah, can’t spoil the surprise for the happy parents, can I?” he chuckled, corners of his mouth travelling upwards. “And as much as I would love to act like a diviner, this is not how my thing works. You’re going to have to figure it out by yourself.”
“Figure out what?” Foggy clearly heard the last part of their conversation, immediately wanting to be let in on whatever secret his best friend and girlfriend were discussing.
“The future.” Y/N quickly responded, her heartbeat a little accelerated and her breathing a little ragged. She didn’t want Foggy to find out about his future role like this. Not in a bar, with the bottle of beer in hand. No.
She was going to tell him, but at an appropriate time and place. Preferably choosing some veiled way to give him a hint. He was a lawyer, equals smart, equals he would put two and two together.
While her thoughts were spinning like crazy, both Foggy and Matt noticed her distraction, though each of them for very different reasons.
Matt was simply looking at her from the opposite side of the table, smirking knowingly. It was adorable how she was blushing and sweating, after he broke the news to her. Almost as if she wasn’t planning it while it was no secret, both her and Foggy were meant to start a family soon. And Matt was happy for both his friends.
Meanwhile Foggy, once again became alerted seeing his girl’s reddened cheeks and shaking hands.
“Hey, Y/N, you okay? You look a little flustered. Has Matt been throwing jokes at you?”
“More than one joke, actually-“ she muttered, draining the remaining water from the glass. “But rooted in reality.”
“Oh.” Foggy threw glances between both his companions. “Do you maybe want to share?”
“All at the right time, Franklin. All at the right time.” Matt gave Y/N a smile and patted his friend’s back. He was not going to spoil the surprise for Foggy, besides he had a feeling that Y/N was quite sceptical about the news he gave her and would like to check everything three times before spreading it to the father-to-be. “And I don’t think she will be drinking that beer after all.”
There was still a chance that Matt was wrong, right? That whatever he sensed or saw in her body was just a slip, right? Obviously, he couldn’t have seen anything she missed. It was her body after all. If anyone was to feel any changes it would be her, right?
At the moment, she was locked in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet, clutching the pregnancy test in her shaking hands, waiting for the results to come. Minutes dragging into hours as her feet couldn’t be still on the ground, instead stomping on the floor in some crazy, uncontrolled rhythm.
Two lines.
With a sigh and spinning head, she laid the stick on the counter, next to the previous five that were showing the same two lines over and over.
Seemed like Matt was right after all, damn his ass! It was almost embarrassing that a man read right through her body like it was something that he was allowed to!
She was going to be a mom to a little bean, already growing in her womb.
And that was—
Amazing. Heartwarming. Exhilarating.
Her hand instinctively found a way to her stomach, caressing it softly, now with full knowledge that she was already two beings in one and that it came with a whole checklist of responsibilities, starting from doctor’s appointments and healthy diet, ending on shopping and nursing an innocent, fragile being that were to show up in the world.   
Her baby.
She smiled to herself already imagining tiny hands reaching for her. Tiny feet with tiny little toes, perfect for tickling and caressing. Tiny face, perfect for smooches. Pretty little eyes and innocent looks full of trust.
Her baby.  
Her and Foggy’s baby.
And now there was no way she could pretend anymore.
He had to know.
She had to tell him. Knowing that Foggy would be happy too. But just like he said to Matt, the night before – there was knowing and knowing.
 “How was your day?” Foggy put his bag down in the hallway and rushed to the living room to Y/N’s side, leaning over her pecking the top of her head in that signature gesture that was speaking volumes.
“Bearable.” She retorted, putting down her book and shifting a little on the couch, to make more space for him. Obviously, he took it as a cue to move closer and pull her into a hug, allowing her to snuggle into his side. “But it’s much better now.”  
Foggy chuckled.
“You are becoming a little cheesy Y/N, you know that?”
“Oh really? Too bad for you, your girlfriend is turning into a cheap romantic.”
“Another cute trait of you I’ll have to learn how to deal with.”
“And who’s cheesy now?” she rolled her eyes, poking his chest playfully.
“Hey! Stop it!” his hand wrapped around her wrist, before interlacing their fingers “at least we match, don’t we?”
“We do.” She grinned playing with his hand, before realising something “Oh! I totally forgot! There’s a parcel for you. Came earlier today, I left it in the kitchen.”
“In the kitchen?! And you’re only telling me this now?” Foggy feigned offence “there’s no way I’m going to move anywhere while you are so comfortably settled in my arms, love.”
“It might be important though-“
“Nothing is more important than my time with my girl.”
“But what if--?”
“Why are you acting like you want me to move away from you?” Foggy gave her a look, trying to read right through her and figure whether she was hiding something.
��Franklin Nelson, do not give me your lawyer stare, I am not one of your clients-“
“Of course not. Cause if you were, I’d have to recuse myself from the case due to personal reasons. And then, Matt will be the one to handle you. I mean – “ he grinned playfully “your case. Not you per se. Cause you are mine.”
“Ok, ok, I get it, but—”
“No. No Y/N, look at me.” She obediently met his eyes “You are mine. I do love you, you know it? And I may not me the vigilante, but I will always protect and cherish you-”
“Oh, Foggy…” she leaned to kiss him softly “I do love you too. And believe me, I do not need nor want a vigilante. Why would I when I have a hero sitting right next to me?”
“Cheesy, told you.”
“Ok, you know what, you are right. I do want you to get away and see what’s in that parcel.” She mocked “Because it may be addressed to you, but I am the one who seems to be more curious about the content. Did you order some sort of gift for me?”
“No that I know of.” Foggy walked to the kitchen and carried back the medium sized box, wrapped up in a pretty paper and with a bow on the top. “There was no label here? No sender’s details?”
“Nope. Not a single thing. Hey, are you having a secret admirer, I should be jealous of?”
“I can assure you, that since I met you I haven’t been flirting with any girls.”
“That’s not an answer dear.”
“Well maybe we should just look inside and check for ourselves?”
With that word, he started to carefully untie the ribbon and unwrap the box. Slowly and methodically as if he was defusing the potential bomb. Once the paper was off he put his hands inside retrieving…
“Shoes?” His expression showed a hell lot of confusion. Two soft slippers, small enough to fit on the palm of his hand “I don’t understand. Why would someone send me baby shoes? It’s not like I need any—”
“Um… Foggy…”
“It’s almost as if someone were suggesting that—” suddenly it dawned on him, his eyes grew wide. “Y/N…” it seemed like the whole blood drained from his face.
“Foggy, please just listen to me, I can explain-“ now she was sure that he did not like the news and it was too much of a shock. “Sit down and we can talk about it –” Y/N raised from the couch, grabbing his hand, hoping to calm and ground him.
“Y/N… Are you- are you pregnant?”
“You’re pregnant with my baby?!” he exclaimed
 “Well, you’re the only one with whom-“ she managed to stutter, not sure how to proceed with his unusual behaviour. Foggy didn’t seem mad, but he also was not over the moon. “Foggy, dear, I swear I can-“
“You are pregnant with my baby!” he exclaimed again, rushing to hug and hold her. “We’re gonna be parents! I am going to be A FATHER!”
“Yes, yes you are, but—”
“Oh, Y/N, love! You have made me the happiest man on earth!” he cried out, pulling her closer, before realising that she was now carrying their baby and it might have been too tight. “I’m sorry. I;m just so excited!”
“So… you’re not mad?”
“Mad? Why would I be mad?” he pulled back, looking right into her yes “Did you think I would be anything but happy?”
“Well, it is unexpected and we didn’t exactly plan it—”
“And that was the reason you thought I would be mad? Y/N, love, I’ve already learnt that the best things in life are those that you cannot plan. I was never meant to go to law school. I was never meant to meet Matt, and he was never meant to become a daredevil. But all those little things, those little steps? They led me straight to you. None of that was planned and yet, turned out to be the best unexpected surprise I could ever hope and wish for. So, please, dear, when will you understand?”
“Understand what?”
“That I love you, that I’m not ever letting you go. Ever. And I’m not saying this in some creepy kind of way, but in a man-in-love kind of way. You are my world. Well – you two are my world now.” He smiled, placing palm on her belly. “And if anything, it’s the best damn thing I could wish for. Just imagine Matt’s face when we tell him.”
“Please do not tell me he already knows!”
“Well, I wasn’t the one to tell him!”
“Well, I don’t care if he’s the Daredevil or the god himself, he couldn’t have known before me!”
“HE knew even before me!”
“Do you think we should tell him to piss off?”
“Foggy!” she laughed “since when do you use gutter language? Besides, he is your best friend.”
“Mhm. Best friend, indeed. But you are my family. So, he’d better stay back, because—”
She chuckled again and leaned to kiss him, before he could even finish that sentence.
“We are going to be parents.” She reminded him, emphasising the first word. “You and me, Foggy. Think about that.”
“You and me” he repeated leaning his forehead on her.
“Mhm. Yes. You and me. And I can already tell you are going to be the best father.”
“And how do you know? Did Matt maybe tell you that?”
“You’re so silly, Franklin.”
“That’s a valid question!”
“Then no. Maybe it’s impossible, but I know it from the way my inside tingled when you touched my stomach. As if our two-week-old baby already knows you. As if he or she knows you are going to accept them, love them and take care of them once they show up in this world.”
“Hm. If that’s the baby’s opinion—" he pulled her closer to his chest again.
“Not only. The mother agrees with it completely.”
Foggy chuckled, his heart racing as he kept holding onto Y/N.
He was finally going to have his own family.
And as much as he loved Matt as his best friend, Foggy was definitely going to tease him about the fact that it was him, who got the pretty girl this time.
That he was number one for her. 
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ssadumba55 · 2 years
Break (Bernard the Elf x Reader)
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Request: Ok I've been brainstorming an idea for Bernard and ok here's what I got ok Reader is Santa's introverted kid and them and Bernard are in an established relationship and he's like the reader's emotional support so they follow him everywhere like an introvert dragged to a party but they would totally back off if he told them to
A/N: @fo-babes I believe this was your request ;) just in time for the holiday season and some new Bernard content next week. Part 1 of your birthday one shots. No matter how retired I am on this blog, I'll always room to post for you. This blog brought us together and I don't know what I'd do without you in my life, you've kept me sane this year when nothing else would. Here's to another 19 years of life for you, hopefully that I'll be able to tag along for! I wouldn't rather be anywhere else. Also, yes you did make me that gif I used of Bernard. Thanks!
“Make sure the painting gets done before Santa gets back or he’s going to freak out. Nice work though!”
Bernard stood up straight from where he’d been bent over, assessing one of the many jobs that needed to be done in the workshop. Christmas was still, thankfully, a ways off. Just over 100 days to be exact, they had time to perfect every little thing before it came. He was in good spirits today. There was a lot of time to get things ready and Santa was out, visiting the Millers, leaving him to run the workshop on his own.
He loved having Santa around, but sometimes it was nice to have him gone so he could keep all the elves on task.
Another reason for his good mood was the lack of Curtis, the keeper of the handbook. Normally he was attached at Bernard’s hip, talking his ear off and giving him a splintering headache. Today, however, it seemed he decided his talents would be better used elsewhere. Bernard was grateful for that, he began to continue on his way.
In Curtis’ place, was you. Santa’s eldest child, you’d made the move to the Pole with him when he came to stay here full time. Your relationship with the Millers from what he understood was rocky, you rarely left the Pole with your dad to visit. The only way you would come was if Charlie, your little brother, specifically requested your presence.
He wished he understood why. Laura and Neil had been a little too much when he’d encountered them, but they were generally harmless. In his opinion, at least. Santa enjoyed spending time with the family so that had to account for something.
He wouldn’t pressure you to tell him, though. Some things were just better left unsaid.
When Santa was gone, you always hung around him, even if you hated being around the workshop. The alternatives were hanging out with the other elves or sitting at home with Carol, who you were still getting used to and neither were super appealing to you.
Bernard had noticed when you first arrived here that people (or elves) were not your thing. In the beginning, being around anyone but Santa and Charlie would immediately cause you to shut down. He had been determined to win over both the Calvin kids, and his persistence was eventually rewarded tenfold. The two of you ended up becoming close friends, then later a couple. Everyone was really surprised you warmed up to him, none moreso than your father.
He felt extremely blessed to be in the fortunate few who got to see the real you.
You huffed behind him as he walked to the next table. The long hours in the workshop were starting to get to you, he knew. But there was no way you were going to leave, unless he told you to and he wasn’t about to force you out of the comfort that being near him brought.
He did feel a little guilty though, this was probably very exhausting to endure and he wasn’t about to be finished any time soon.
He smiled apologetically back at you as he bent down to oversee the teddy bear fluffing.
While he offered his advice, your gaze wandered around you to the bustling around you to get work done. The amount of elves here made your head spin, back in the regular world being in a place like this would be something you avoided, of course, you had to date a guy… an elf… who worked in one of the busiest places in the world.
“... we can go somewhere quieter.”
You came back to your senses when you realized Bernard was talking to you, his hand gently went up to rest on your forehead. You leaned into the touch, bringing yourself back to reality as his concerned eyes searched your face.
“I’m fine, you have work to do. You can’t leave the workshop,” you swallowed the lump in your throat. Soon dad would be back and then you could spend more time with Carol without feeling awkward. You could make it until then, but Bernard didn’t seem convinced.
He set what he’d picked up from the work table in his other hand back down, patted the elf seated there on the back and turned back to you. Taking your hand, he pulled you along with him to the front doors of the workshop.
“Bernard, what are you doing- you have work and dad-”
Stepping out into the cool air where there were less loud noises and bustling immediately calmed you inside. You still felt tired from the long exposure but at least your senses weren’t being constantly inundated with new stimuli.
He pointed to the edge of the little North Pole village. “Do you remember when we grabbed cocoa and snuck out here while Santa was busy being distracted by a mess Curtis made? And you still wouldn’t talk to me so I did most of the talking?”
You did remember that day. Back in those days, Bernard often looked for moments to steal away with you. He had been so determined to spend time with you, it didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest that you weren’t too keen on making friends. It had been a huge shock for you, so used to the people back in Lakeside. Back there, if you weren’t super extroverted and talkative you just kind of fell to the wayside.
You had never told him but you’d been super bummed that day, it was one of those rare days where you wondered if moving to the North Pole was a good idea. You missed your brother and weirdly, your mother and Neil. It had been a shock to find yourself missing them, considering you’d always been closer to your dad. During the divorce, you’d taken his side which had stung your mother. The relationship ever since had been rocky, but you knew she still wanted the best for you.
Sneaking out for cocoa with someone had been exactly what you had needed that day.
“Yeah. And dad found us hours later. He dragged you back to work, I’ve never seen him so annoyed with you,” you laughed as the two of you began a leisurely stroll. 
His cheeks turned slightly red, as he looked away. “Not one of my brighter moments, I’ll admit. I’ve never had a Santa lecture me like that in the thousands of years I’ve been working here.”
There was comfortable silence between the two of you for a few moments after that as you thought about what he’d said and wondered why he’d brought it up.
“The next time we talked, you spoke to me for the first time outside of forced, curt introductions. I was ecstatic, I think getting in trouble really broke the ice.”
“I felt bad for getting you in trouble. After all, you only suggested leaving because you noticed I was getting uncomfortable in the workshop. And dad shouting orders wasn’t really helping. I felt like I owed you something,” you kicked the snow, smiling, “you just did it again. Risked your spot, even though dad’s not here, to comfort me.”
He looked at you. “It was worth it then and it’s worth it now. You’re worth it, I mean.”
You nudged him with your shoulder, not knowing what to say. After all, everyone here knows Bernard is proud of his position as Santa’s Head Elf. To hear him say he’d risk it any time for you, is a little surprising.
The shock must’ve been apparent on your face because he suddenly stopped walking. At his side, you stopped yourself from walking forward abruptly not expecting the sudden stop. The stop made you lose your balance and he reached out to steady you, realizing that he should’ve warned you vocally before randomly deciding to stop.
“Are you surprised?”
“To hear you’d prioritize anything over work? Surprised is an understatement. I know I can be a little much, especially when dad’s not around-”
Bernard nudged you with his shoulder. “You’re not a little much. You just need time and patience, the best things in life do.”
Your face heated up at his words, it was hard sometimes to be the way you were. To struggle with speaking to people, to fight the urge to isolate yourself from everyone. You had always assumed that was a burden to everyone around you, even the ones who managed to crack your hard shell.
To hear Bernard speak as if it was just perfectly normal…
“We should go get cocoa! On me!” You broke the weird mood that had temporarily settled over the two of you and before he could say anything, began to pull him along in the direction of the nearest spot for cocoa. 
He let you drag him.
Sure, there were a lot of things about you that other people might find annoying but seeing you in moments like this made it all the worthwhile. He rushed to keep up with your pace, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he caught up with you, no longer needing to be dragged.
You smiled and he felt his heart skip a beat.
He needed to take breaks more often.
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