#I have the espn app
cavillary · 5 months
I can’t watch the gotham game bc I don’t have ion as of this weekend????? 🙄 but lynn williams scoring 11 minutes in is iconic and I love her lots
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lenacopperleaf · 9 months
I’m pretty sure I’m watching a Dallas stream?
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gabriel-landeskog · 2 years
when you live in nyc you lose because all rangers devils and islanders games are blacked out. three for the price of fucking one
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starscelly · 1 year
ok going to bed Shortly but for ppl who also use espn+ (or attempt to): earlier this season when i would get my clips from there, i was able to rewind and everything like i would on hulu or wherever else. but recently i like. Can’t. is that a universal thing happening or is my stream just fucky for some reason
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sweetbans29 · 5 months
Come On Now - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: Caitlin being super proud you are her wife (based off of THIS request)
Warnings: fluff, Caitlin as wife
Word Count: 2.4k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Hope you all enjoy!
It is the night of the draft and you could not be more excited for Caitlin. The two of you had been anticipating this night for weeks now and it has finally arrived.
You were currently with her family as she was getting ready for one of the biggest nights of her life. The two of you are texting back and forth - both excited and nervous about how the night is about to unfold. There is no doubt that she will be drafted, but knowing that this also holds a big shift to both of your lives is what has you nervous with anticipation of what that looks like. As you text her, you keep her updated on how her family is doing. In return, she sends photos of her getting ready.
She is being dressed by Prada which is sort of a big deal. The two of you talked about it the night before. Caitlin was super excited to be sporting a boxy satin blazer and matching satin pants. The two of you were eating takeout in your shared hotel room and she was telling you about it. She also mentioned how she was going to be wearing a sequined crop top under the blazer. You knew she was going to look amazing regardless of what she was wearing. The two of you spent the night talking about how your journey got to this point.
You met Caitlin in high school and ended up going to college together. It was in college that your relationship really grew into one that eventually led to marriage. The two of you got married the summer before senior year in the backyard of your childhood home. It was a smaller wedding that really only had family and some close friends. It was perfect for the two of you.
Caitlin's game senior year took off as she began breaking records and drawing massive attention to women's basketball. It made for a very interesting first year of marriage but everything that the two of you faced only grew your relationship.
As you arrive at the draft, you meet up with some of Caitlin's teammates and grab a few drinks. Once her family arrives, you connect with them to take your seats at Caitlin's table. You shoot Caitlin a text saying you all made it and can't wait to see her. They had tableside service for all of the people at the player's tables while the girls were arriving on the orange carpet. They came around offering some pretty tasty apps. The last message you sent Caitlin is that you saved her a few of the appetizers in a napkin just in case they stopped serving them before she got there.
Meanwhile, Caitlin is making her way down the orange carpet getting stopped by all sorts of questions.
"Caitlin, who do you got winning a 3-point contest? Yourslef blindfolded or a prime Shaq?" The interviewer asks and Cait lets out a little laugh.
"Shaq," she says without hesitation.
"Really?" The interviewer asks.
"Yeah I mean I - blindfolded is crazy. I can't see the rim. Shaq, I'll let Shaq take that." Caitlin says with confidence.
She thanks the interviewer and heads to the next. Before she is out of earshot, she hears the interviewer tell one of the other girls that everyone said Caitlin Clark, and the only person who said Shaq was Caitlin herself.
When she heads to the next, they hand her a mini ESPN mic for her to use to answer.
"How many unread text messages do you have right now?" The interviewer asks as Caitlin pulls out her phone.
"33 right now, not bad." She says as she gets a glimpse of who has been texting her.
"Who is the last person who has texted or called you?" The interviewer asks hoping the girl in front of her would be willing to share.
"The last person to text me was..." She looks at her phone and lets out an uncontrolled laugh. She sees your message about saving her some food in a napkin. "It's a text from my wife," Caitlin says without thinking much about it. "She texted me letting me know that she saved me some of the appetizers they were serving just in case I don't get there in time." Your wife was full-on exposing you right now and you had no idea.
The interviewer has so many more questions as this is the first time Caitlin has ever mentioned anything about a wife in any interview that they know of up to this point and they want to ask more about the subject but Caitlin is ushered to move on.
A few of the interviewers around her begin to crowd her and ask her about her comment about her wife. Caitlin was not expecting that to be such a surprise as it has never been a secret. But it has also never been explicitly stated.
The girl that was posted with Caitlin to keep her moving decides it is too much for the space and leads Caitlin inside. Once they are out of the orange carpet she turns to Caitlin.
"Well that was a fun announcement," she says leading her to her table and to you.
"It's not a secret or anything," Cait says not really understanding the weight of her comment.
"It's not bad, just be prepared to get more questions regarding her." Caitlin just shrugs and begins to look for you and her family.
Once she sees you, you stand to greet her. She goes to hug her parents and brothers first then does a little waddle up to you and allows you to wrap her in your arms.
It is how she always walks up to you - almost childlike. It is one of your favorite things ever. It is even better right now because she is wearing a little heel which makes her even taller than she already is. Your arms wrap around her neck and her arms come wrap around your torso.
As you sit, you are excited to pass her the food you saved for her. You grab it from the napkin and put it in front of her. She laughs at how excited you are about this out of all things on this night, you are excited about this.
"So I may or may not have just let the world know that we are married," she says as she takes a bite of the bread.
"It's not like we were hiding it," you say with a little laugh.
"That's what I was saying, but the girl who was guiding me through the carpet said that was some groundbreaking news," Caitlin says with a shrug. You shrug as well as you lean over to give her a little peck before taking a piece of her bread.
"Hey! You saved this for me," she says trying to keep the rest of the food away from you.
"Yes but you love me and I love bread," you say leaning into your girl and trying to get another bite. Caitlin folds as she brings the bread to you so you can take a bite.
"You are unbelievable," Caitlin says as she brings you into her and kisses your head.
Caitlin is the first one drafted, heading to the Indiana Fever. This is what you and the family were expecting and are beyond ecstatic when her name is called. After hugging everyone at the table she heads up. When she walks off the stage she heads to a press table.
"Caitlin, Caitlin! You are the first to be drafted tonight, how are you feeling?" One of the interviewers asks.
"I feel great," she starts. "This night means so much to me and it overall just an emotional night. I have dreamed about getting here and now that it is happening, I am just trying to soak it all in and not rush through any of it."
"Caitlin, you mentioned earlier that you have a wife. This was news to a lot of us, is she excited about how tonight unfolded?" Another reporter asks.
"Ya, she is super pumped that we will be going to Indiana. There is a lot of opportunity for both of us there. She has been my biggest supporter since high school so being here now and knowing she is with me when I head into the WNBA, there is no feeling like it." Caitlin answers.
There are a few more questions asked before she heads back and is taken to other interviews and press moments. The night comes to a close at a restaurant with friends.
While you are there, Caitlin and you end up taking some cute photos which both of you end up posting. You weren't going to miss the opportunity to show off your hot wife in a Prada suit.
Over the next few weeks, the media goes absolutely insane with Cailtin coming out and saying she has a wife. Your social media has blown up and the amount of posts that have appeared with you and Caitlin in them has been insane. It was really neat to see how much love Caitlin's fan base has but at the same time - you have had to limit yourself because even with all the love, there has also been so much hate.
Caitlin's first game is tonight. You are incredibly thankful that it is a home game. You look forward to getting to travel to see your girl play but for her first one, there is just something special about being in their new home that makes it even more exciting.
You decide to sport Caitlin's new Indiana Fever jersey to the game. When you get there you join in with the other wives and significant others. You are thankful when Danielle comes over and takes you to sit with her.
Seeing how Erica Wheeler has taken Caitlin in during training, it was only fitting that her wife Daniella take you in when it came to supporting their wives at games.
The game starts and Cait is locked in, not a nerve seen on her face or in her body. Her whole career was prepping her for this moment.
Your leg taps as you watch your girl do what she does best, dominate on the court. During the first quarter, Caitlin puts up 10 points - 6 of them from deep threes. It is something else seeing her play at this level.
The second quarter isn't much different, she puts up another 3, this time from the logo. Classic. You stand and cheer her on as she really feeling herself which brings you so much pride.
The third quarter is when things really start to heat up, she has 4 assists in this quarter alone. Not only that but she puts up 2 threes - both from pretty deep, taking a foul on one. She seems unstoppable and the crowd is eating it up.
In the fourth quarter, the defense guards her harder, but Caitlin being Caitlin reads the game and is able to be the playmaker during this quarter. She uses her team, passes well, and makes plays happen. She gets one final 3 from the logo to close out the game.
The Fever takes the win and the crowd comes down to the court.
You make your way to the court, looking for Caitlin. She finds you before you find her. And when she does, she brings you into the biggest hug, squeezing all the air you had in you out. You tap her shoulder to signal for her to release you. When she does, you lean back and give her the same look you have since high school. It is the 'I am so proud of you' look that holds so much love for the girl. She smiles at you and you let her go to celebrate with her team.
You make your way to the tunnel with Danielle.
"So how does it feel mama?" Danielle asks, knowing there is nothing like the first game.
"Exhilarating," you say. "There is never a time she doesn't make me proud."
"She sure makes her presence known in the WNBA, I am looking forward to how she continues to push us on the map," Danielle says as she walks you into a room that is playing the press conference.
Caitlin comes in and sits in between Aliyah and Erica. A smile plastered on her face.
"Caitlin! Caitlin, you just came in and dominated in your first WNBA game. What was going through your head?" One of the reporters asks.
"Uhh well, I came here to play and that is exactly what I did." Caitlin puts it plainly.
"You came in and made a statement for sure. You played tremendously - what had you playing the way you did?" Another reporter asks.
"Well, my pretty little lady was in the stands. You know I had to go out there and give my all for her, come on now," she says with a little smirk. "That's how I got her attention in college and can't lose it now, gotta keep her coming back."
Caitlin says this and it causes you to laugh. She talks like you have an option of not coming to watch her.
The reporters continue to ask questions to the team. When they are done with press and get to come back to head out for the night. YOu meet Cait.
"Hey babe," your wife says as she approaches you. She brings you to her side and kisses the top of your head.
"So you gotta keep me coming back, eh?" You ask her, pointing at her first post-game press conference. She shakes her head and hides her face in your neck, placing a little kiss just under your ear. When she brings her face out, you see the slightest blush grace her cheeks.
"Well ya, don't want you getting bored," Caitlin says, slightly embarrassed at what she said.
"CC, I will never get over watching you," you say as you take her hand into yours.
"Good," she says and walks you out of the stadium.
"I married you didn't I?" You say teasing her. "But I hope you never stop trying to impress me."
She lets your hand go, bringing you into her side again wanting to be closer to you.
"How did I get so lucky with you?" Caitlin asks.
"You shot multiple logo threes in high school to shut up a crowd of boys," you say giving her side a little poke.
She laughs the most adorable laugh and takes you home.
AN: I really like the idea of cute Caitlin. Please let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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sometimesanalice · 5 days
A prompt party, Alexa? How in the world did I miss that? I'd be over the moon if you could write a little something for Bradley + "i’m gonna marry you one day." 🪩 ✨
Rebecca! Now you know I’m always down to write a little something for a smitten Bradley! I hope you enjoy!
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It was a surprisingly quiet night at the Hard Deck.
You could actually hear the music playing out of Penny's old juke box, rather than just the faint essence of notes for whatever oldie was queued up over the usual rowdy ruckus. And there were more empty chairs scattered about than there were taken ones.
It was one of the rare rainy days they got in San Diego. The gray skies and drizzle driving even the best of Uncle Sam's finest under blankets and curled up on couches.
Bradley always liked the moody weather. He liked the way the clouds seemed to cling to the coastline. He liked the rough rolling waves as they broke against the shore with more force than they usually did.
But he wasn't look out the bank of windows out towards the beach, in fact, he had his back turned to it.
Because he was looking at you.
Bradley had been trying to ask you out for the better part of two months now. And he was starting to think that you were giving him the runaround.
He'd learned that first evening that you were only filling in as a favor to Penny- she and your mom went way back as sorority sisters- for a few months as Jimmy recovered from his knee replacement surgery.
Under normal circumstances, he’d take the hint and move on. And even if his mom hadn’t raised him right- which she had- Rooster knew that just because someone was nice didn’t mean they were interested. Especially when it was their job.
But he couldn’t kick the feeling that there was something there.
All he needed was one date to prove it.
It was more than the way you always seemed to catch him looking, because you were looking right back. Or the way you’d slip him a free drink every now and then, saying it was on the house. Or the way you found a way to brush past him a little too close whenever you'd swing by with more peanuts for Bob or a fresh round of drinks for his friends.
You were so damn smart and funny as hell. He’d taken to spending less time on his ESPN app and more time on the NYT trying to find interesting topics to get to spend a extra few minutes with you. Nothing felt better than earning a smile from you.
But any time he got close to asking you out or asking for your number, you were pulled away by something or another. The sound of broken glass. A pointed throat clearing from a thirsty patron. An emergency trip to the storage closet.
Rain was good luck in some places, and Bradley needed all the luck he could get. It hadn’t been on his side in the past two month, but tonight was his night. He was sure of it.
Especially considering he was the only person seated at the bar.
You'd been popping out and checking on people, delivering refills personally to the few people who had braved the elements instead of having them come up to the bar.
Rooster was patient, he didn't mind waiting his turn. After all, he had a shiny new NYT subscription to keep him company.
He smiles to himself when you work your way back to the bar, grabbing the bowl of limes and a cutting board, and setting up right in front of him. He watches as you deftly slice and quarter the limes into wedges, their bright scent clinging in the air.
“Why does it feel like I’ve seen less of you tonight than I do when this place is packed?” Bradley asks, saving the article he was midway through before closing out of the app completely.
“I’m just a one woman show here tonight, I told Penny to stay home." You're tidy and efficient in the way you store the prepped wedges and work to clean up the already immaculate bar. "It's means a bit more running around for me. But I don't mind, I like to keep busy."
"So I've noticed."
You look up at him from under your lashes, as you wipe down the prep space. "Have you been keeping tabs on me, Rooster?"
"Now I know you're teasing me." He sets his phone down and levels a look at you. "Because we both know you catch me looking often enough to know the answer to that."
You press your lips together, but the corners curl up anyways.
"Oh, Bradley," you say with a soft sigh. "Bradley, Bradley, Bradley..."
And then your eyes drop purposefully down.
The two of you stare at his phone sitting on the shiny bar top.
"You wouldn't," he rasps.
"I think I'm legally obligated to. There's a very official wood sign and everything." You look the picture of innocence, but you don't fool him.
"Sweetheart, c'mon."
"Are you asking me to bend the rules for you? Just because Penny isn't here?" You tsk, with a self-satisfied smile. "And here I thought you were a Boy Scout."
Bradley just shakes his head amused as you sashay up to the bell and give it a loud, long ring. A couple whoops go up in response, but no one gets up. Yet.
You walk back towards him with an all too pleased smile.
"I think you enjoyed that."
You smile wider and don't deny it. "I can't lie, it is a fun perk of the job."
He sighs. "And here I thought we had something special."
"Stop that, you're too pretty to pout," you tease. "You gave me no choice. I don't make the rules, I just follow them. And as much as I love Penny, I have a healthy dose of-"
You smirk. "I was going to say respect. But also you're not wrong."
"And what about me?" he asks, sitting up straighter on his stool. "What are your impressions of me?"
"Oh you?" You tilt your head to the side, letting your gaze linger on his face as you muse. "You look like trouble."
"Do I now?"
"Mmhm. I thought it from the moment I saw you strut through that door." You say it like you're letting him in on a secret. "And there’s something you should probably know about me."
He leans in closer. "And what's that?"
You mirror him, leaning in as well and resting your elbows on the counter. Your face is just inches from his. “I’m really good at getting into trouble.”
He grins. “I’m gonna marry you one day.”
You tip your head back and laugh, it’s the best sound he thinks he’s ever heard. 
“That’s a bold statement from the man who still has yet to ask me out on a date.”
He opens his mouth, to do just that, after months of failed attempts. And then another one of the patrons saddles up to the bar, waving you down for your attention.
Rooster groans.
"Alas, it appears I have another gentleman caller," you sing, reaching for the towel and waving it like a handkerchief in his direction. "Guess I'll be seeing you around, Bradley. Maybe at the end of an aisle, who knows, the night is young."
The smile you give him promises that this conversation isn't over yet.
You spin away from him and don’t give him a second glance as you head over towards the thirsty man whose beer is going on his tab, but there’s a sway in your hips that wasn’t there before.
And Bradley thinks to himself, this is going to be fun. 
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communist-ojou-sama · 4 months
I can't wrap my head around the impulse to send you apologia about this so called "anti-gacha" stuff when you've made a clear and reasonable stance.
Particularly given these folks are likely in the US where sports gambling apps have absolutely blitzed most of the country, and forced major broadcasters including controversy-averse Disney to lend the ESPN branding to a gambling platform and every major sports league to rewrite their old blanket bans on player sports betting after they hopped in bed with Draft Kings and Fan Duel.
Gacha-games aren't free of sin I suppose, and maybe I'm wrong about where these anons live, but to single gachas out in the current environment as a key driver or even a major concern as opposed to state-run lotteries or the fact most problem gambling orgs are funded by a share of gambling revenues really indicates a preoccupation with something other than gambling as a whole.
Thank u! Yeah it seems to me that gambling is becoming more ubiquitous everywhere with traditional schemes for cash circulation throughout the economy failing but the only time people feel comfortable mobilizing shame, specifically, is when it comes to popular east Asian mobile games. It certainly doesn't feel like an attitude motivated by genuine concern to me...
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fruitbasketball · 4 months
Different anon but can you please explain the status sheet bc I swear I still only understand half of it and that's assuming I'm right about the part I think I'm right about
yeah i gotchu
if y’all look on the espn app they have keys for everything but this screenshot the other anon sent is real sports
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okay so these are rike’s stats for the whole game
obv min points rebounds assists steals blocks are p self explanatory
if y’all ever see me yapping ab “boards” i’m talking about rebounds
plus/minus (+/-) basically compares how many points are scored vs. given up while a player is on the court, so it’s measuring their net impact. bc rike had a +3, her net impact was positive
fg% is field goal percentage. a fg is basically any scoring attempt that isn’t a free throw, so like layups, a middy, a 3 pointer, pretty much anything. the stat that says fg in the second row just numerically quantifies that instead of putting it in percentage form.
espn has that same percebtage stat for 3 pointers too, but the 3fg just measures how many made 3 pointers out of attempted 3 pointers so… rike attempted 8 and made none 😭
fts are free throws, so she made 6/7 of those
to is a turnover, pf is a personal foul, and oreb vs. dreb categorizes rebounds. so “oreb” means offensive rebound (when the ball is in your teams possession) and “dreb” means defensive rebound (when the ball is in the opposing teams possession)
ts% is like some fuckass formula that tbh i never learned properly, but just know that the point of it is to also incorporate free throw efficiency along with 2/3 pointers. it’s basically a more advanced efficiency statistic.
imma be deadass i have no fuckin clue what fps means and i never have they don’t have it on espn lol
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cecexsblog · 7 months
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White Ferrari (L.Hughes)
Warnings: angst on Luke’s part, other then that just fluff
Pairings: Luke Hughes x Reader
a/n: Aversion where Luke and the USA team lose the world Juniors after Luke is picked for a shoot out in over time and ends up missing the net. Based on that one really emotional interview of Jack after he lost but instead it’s Luke.
I sat in the stands and watched as Luke goes for the net, crossing my fingers and watching with one eye wishing and hoping he makes it. I see him maneuver his way close to the night to tap it in, winding up and shooting, going straight for the goalies pad. Part of the crowd cheering, part of it sighing with grief. I watched Team Canada rush off their bench to their goalie congratulating each other on another World Juniors win. I look over to see Luke kneeling on the ice, head in his mitts. I was told earlier that whatever happens at the end of the game to just meet Luke at home because he’ll be too busy with interviews afterwards, wind or lose. My friend grabbed me by the arm and told me it’s time to go, I just stared at him for another second, I could see his face all red and glistening from tears. It made me want to cry. I felt awful just leaving him there but I knew I could comfort him when he got home.
On my 30 minute drive home I kept notifications on for ESPN, NHL, Sports Net, any sports app that Luke could possibly appear on. All of a sudden as I pull up in my drive way I see that TSN had posted a video titled “Emotional Luke Hughes reflects on Team USA’s loss in the gold medal game” I quickly get inside and sit down on our couch to watch the interview.
“It’s sad, you don’t really want to go through this again” I hear Luke speak, while his voice slightly cracks on the other end of my phone. Every so often I notice his lip quiver, going unnoticed by the interviewers around him.
At the arena
“I just want to go home” Luke says to his agent as he steps away from the cameras. “I just want to see y/n.”
“Luke you can’t, you have 4 more interviews to do, plus pack up all your equipment from the past few months” his agent says. Luke doesn’t care. He takes his skates and the top part of his gear off and puts a hoodie and his shoes on not bothering to take his shin bad or shorts off.
“Luke! Luke! How do you feel about missing in your first real shoot out?!?!” An interviewer yells at him. He just shoves them away making his way for the door and get to his car.
Back at the apartment
I sit at home making hot chocolate and waiting for Luke to get back. Bracing myself for either extreme anger or extreme sadness. I sit down on the couch and watch Sports Net watching the highlights from the game when I hear the door into the apartment open.
“Hello” I call. No response. Just the sound of a bag hitting the floor and someone taking their shoes off. I walk around the corner to see Luke standing there miserable with his eyes all blood shot from crying.
“Come here” I say putting my arms out for him to come hug me. He walks over and slinks his arms around my waist and crouching down to nudge his head underneath my chin. I slowly rub his back and we make our way to the couch. I lay on my back with my head propped up as he lays on my stomach drawing circles on the skin of my stomach. My hand running through his curls. I hear a sob come from his mouth and sniffles from his nose.
“Lu?” I quietly say. He looks up at me with tears streaming down his face. “Oh Lu, it’s okay baby” I say while he brings his head up to my neck and cuddles into me more. The weight of him relaxing me even though he’s sad.
“It’s embarrassing” he whispers with a sniffle afterwards. “I can’t believe I missed. I can’t believe I’m the reason we lost”
“Lu my love, it’s not your fault” I say while tracing my fingers down his face. “You had so much pressure put on you for being so young. Don’t think it’s your fault my love”
More sniffling comes from Luke and a little nod. I kiss his head through all his curls.
“Look at me” I whisper. He moves to look directly at me. Eyes and lips all puffy. I lean in and gently kiss his lips. Him melting into it like it’s the only thing keeping him going. My hands tangle into his hair, his around my waist and back. The kiss was deep and passionate yet chastened. I pull away for a second but right away begin to kiss all over his face, peppering him with kisses. A smile growing on his face. “There’s my happy boy” his face immediately drops, me instantly hoping he’s being sarcastic. As soon as I begin to second guess myself he pounces back onto me and attacks me by planting kisses all over my face and neck and chest.
“I made you hot chocolate by the way” I end up randomly saying. Immediately making him stop. When he stand up he waits in front me on the couch, back facing me like he’s waiting for something.
“Are you getting on?” He says, as if I should know to hop on his back or something.
I hop on his back, slinging my arms around his neck as he walks to the kitchen and pours himself some hot chocolate. His face still puffy. I jump down and he leans against the counter. I walk up between his legs and hold his face, wiping away the dried tears.
“I hope you know I love you” I whisper. He smiles against my hands.
“I love you too” he whispers while kissing my hand.
a/n: sorry this is kind of short again. I just had this idea and didn’t want it to get taken or lose it. I hope you guys like it:)
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equalhealerr · 4 days
What's caitlins documentary and where can I watch it?
The only documentary that she has that I know of is the "On The Court" series by ESPN. You have to have EPSN+ to watch it on Hulu or the ESPN app.
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You think they’ll post the match later somewhere? I know you’ll cook with the gifs
espn has it up within minutes since it just streams through their app but doesn't allow for easy screenrecording so that sucks i know the us open youtube channel should have it in a few hours/by tomorrow morning.
anon, are you implying that i sit through like 8 hours of footage for them? (bc i will 😭)
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slythereen · 11 months
apologies if you’ve answered this before or if there’s not really a specific gathered resource, but you seem knowledgeable about such things!— i am interested in learning more about f1 racing, do you have any recommendation for where to find a beginners guide/‘f1 for dummies’/place to begin learning more?
hello!!! i am also rather new to the sport and had to consume massive amounts of content from all over the place and frankly am still learning a lot all the time, so i'm not exactly an expert. what i can share are resources i relied on in my own ✨ descent into madness ✨ though !
so, my incomplete and questionable guide to selling your soul to f1:
it's all about how you like to learn and consume media tbh. i tried to watch a race initially, was confused, regrouped and started exploring. personally i watched all of dts up to the current season and then watched the first few races that i had missed while obsessively trawling twitter to learn more and waiting for my first live race (aka australia this year — massive rip). but it's up to you how you dive in!!
drive to survive
don’t get me wrong, dts has its issues — they invent drama, have some misleading portrayals, like to splice together clips from different race weekends together. it’s definitely more of a creative project than a straight up documentary. 
that being said, it also explains a lot of the lore and history behind the sport, teams, and drivers in an entertaining fashion. it’s newcomer friendly so it explains the rules. yes, will buxton gets a lot of heat for stating the obvious, but some of those obvious explanations are helpful for the clueless. 
there are also a lot of very cool shots and some good exclusive interviews that they get. sure, you can probably find them clipped on youtube, but may as well just watch dts. the first season is a little slow if you’re like me and want to see charles immediately (worth noting not all teams had agreed to participate s1), but that’s just me. 
(plus: it’s entertaining. i live for drama. just take said drama with a grain of salt and assume it’s probably invented or blown out of proportion.) 
the tiktok girlies 
again: tiktok can be a bit hit or miss. you’ll see a lot of bad takes and pure cringe if you linger too long on f1 tiktok. but i started watching content from a few f1 girlies who seems reliable and had friendly introductory content. they’re generally very nice and happy to answer questions. 
after a while i stopped watching them just because i no longer needed the intro information or explanations, but they did help fill in gaps and point out some of the inaccuracies of dts. 
some who helped me learn more:
@/lissiemackintosh (okay she's an f1 presenter but she's cool as shit i love her queen of the paddock etc etc)
@casxf1 (intro content is sort of her Thing)
@formula_dev (she was my go-to girlie for learning)
f1tv content 
i am pretty sure f1tv isn’t available in all countries, but i have always watched races through f1tv. there are a lot of ways to watch races live illicitly if that’s what you prefer, and other countries have sky or other channels they can watch on (USA also has espn), but i prefer f1tv because i’m too lazy to find streams and don’t want to worry about stream issues mid race. 
plus: f1tv comes with a whole archive of past seasons and a host of other media content during race weekends (ie, the fia press conferences on thursday, post-quali and post-race). they have a tech talk series that explains some of the technical aspects, do weekend warm-ups each race weekend that gives an update/context, and have been adding more intro content on the platform. there’s an app, which is convenient. 
the f1tv stream also allows you to use the channel switcher to choose between your commentary options (f1tv or sky’s commentators), or to see the live timing data, or to see any of the driver onboards. it’s quick and you can switch back and forth easily. (if your computer can handle it — my mac often can’t — you can use multiviewer with your f1tv subscription to set up a bunch of different screens and panels to watch, for example, the main stream and a driver’s onboard. or multiple onboards. or whatever you want basically. personally i usually put the race on my ipad and the onboard on my phone, because that streams perfectly and multiviewer likes to kill my laptop.) 
the downfall of f1tv is that they don’t have a smart tv app yet. idk why. it’s very irritating. it also might be a bit expensive to some, but i think it’s worth it. 
f1 twitter (hell)
it’s a minefield out there. truly. BUT my next big question, after starting to get into watching races live and watching some old seasons and learning how it works, is how people seemed to always be in the know about paddock gossip. i wanted to know about it as it was happening and see the ~drama~ unfold live and feel like i was part of the season actually occurring. 
so: twitter. follow your teams, follow your drivers, the for you tab is actually your friend here because it’ll bring new journalists and f1 commentators into your orbit as you learn who is who. some of the big driver fan pages operate as sources of information and updates with relative stealth if not immediate updating. 
at this point i follow enough people (and have infected my algorithm enough) that i tend to see gossip and updates across most of the teams. big news tends to get shared by everyone anyway. 
if you prefer tumblr, you can still get A Lot of updates on drama and gossip pretty quickly. there is a bit of a delay between information hitting twitter and information hitting tumblr (partially because none of the official teams or drivers have accounts on tumblr; partially because of the amount of people on f1twt versus f1blr). BUT, a lot of us tumblr girlies liveblog during the races and sessions and bring any crucial content over from twitter to share here, so the info will probably be here eventually/soonish. (following the race tags each weekend will prob give you a lot of the quick updates live.) 
some great charles specific update accounts
others i follow for the 🍵 (not necessarily CL fans/i follow some ppl i disagree with for the intel) 
@fiadocsbot (😭) / @f1 / other official accounts press etc. 
@scuderiafemboy (actually also has tumblr)
there are certainly more i see on my timeline all the time !!! this is just skimming through my following on the train 😭
tbh if i started trying to list tumblrs with hot takes that i follow we might be here all day. note to self: make my following list public lmfao
introductory posts & masterlists & others
full disclosure: these are resources i went hunting for out of curiosity and never actually used myself, but they looked fun and funky so yaknow. if there are iconic masterlists that i am missing, rip, someone please feel free to add or correct me. some of these are definitely seasons of old (aka like last year) but you get the point.
f1chronicle has this guide!
f1 put out their own beginner's guide to f1 video but it's like......5 minutes (and here is their longer intro video for 2023)
this much longer intro to the rules video by school of sports looks promising
apparent f1 also has a whole category of articles in their beginner's guide series
@babssionate's ppt guide to f1 and drivers intro
@shuntedmate's (sister's) ppt beginner's guide to f1
pitwall's beginner guide to f1 ppt
@race-week's guide to getting into the technical side of f1 (and whole blog appears to be some cool info on drivers and histories etc)
here is @lestappenforever's glorious guide to charles' driving style that i re-found while trying to figure out if i have a reference list tag (i dont)
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idontlikeem · 3 months
Wait I’ve been so tuned out of the playoffs what’s this about pets and the playoffs and where do I watch
It is a very cute thing they copied from the NFL started this year, where they have a bunch of dogs representing all the playoff teams “playing hockey”! It’s used to promote rescue organizations and highlight adoptable dogs, and it was painfully cute and fun. The website is here! I’m not sure if you can watch it anywhere besides the ESPN app, there might be some links there I didn’t look too closely.
It was a hit in the idontlikeem household:
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She usually watches hockey with me but she was LOCKED IN for this, except for when she got confused about some of the barking and thought it was outside our door and had to run and check.
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wildlife4life · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @destielbuddiepipeline before it was even Wednesday for me. But now that I've actually been to bed and had some coffee, I was inspired by Temptation Tuesday and started this bad boy (just for @destielbuddiepipeline bc they got super excited for it, which made me excited so I put words to the screen.)
This is my Buck is an NFL quarterback and in a secret longterm relationship with Eddie, who is the newest member of the 118. Chim and the others are really curious about their new team member who has years of experience, shares little about his personal life, and never works a shift when the L.A. Rams have a home game.
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“HOLY SHIT!” Chimney shouts the moment the tweet pops up in his notifications. ESPN and the NFL app follow shortly after with the same breaking news.  One of the top quarterbacks in the league was coming to L.A. on a blockbuster trade.
“Put ESPN on!” Chimney demands as he pushes himself away from the kitchen table and quickly shuffles his way over to the lounge area.
Jefferson doesn’t hesitate and immediately changes the channel from the Bones rerun to a panel of sport analyst of ESPN.�� Scrolling across the very bottom of the screen read, “Breaking News: Evan Buckley traded! Headed to Los Angeles Rams!”
“Oh my god! Our chances at the Super Bowl just skyrocketed!” Chimney exclaims in pure delight.  High fives are spread all around with those who actually appreciated the Rams.
In the distance a phone rings in the captain’s office.
“It’s official.” Maddie says over the phone. Eddie hums, watching the muted ESPN channel as the panel of several sports’ analyst freak out over the block buster trade. “And you’ve given your notice? To both districts?”
“Yea. Captain Royce is sad to see me go but thinks the change of scenery would do me good. Which I don’t know if I should be insulted or not.” Eddie answers.
Maddie is silent for a moment.  She was probably remembering how Eddie almost lost his life during rescue attempts after Hurricane Harvey. Or maybe she remembers the nasty custody battle he went through with Shannon just before she was killed in a hit and run. There was also Buck’s leg injury that almost ended his career and Maddie’s ex-husband trying to kill her only to end up dead himself.  There were several not-so-great memories wrapped up in Houston, but neither of them actually says it out loud.
But yea, the change of scenery would be good for all of them. The Texans just weren’t the team for Buck anymore and the L.A. Rams were just on the precipice of another Super Bowl run.  They believed Buck was one of only a handful of missing pieces to make it happen and Eddie could see by February next year Buck hoisting the Lombardi.
“LAFD is one of the top fire departments in the country.  They’ll be lucky to have you.” Maddie finally says.
Eddie laughs, “Well they may be just a little too excited. I’ve already been assigned a house even though we won’t be out there until end of May.”
“Oh? Which house?”
“118 with Captain Robert Nash.”
Ya'll I even made a fake tweet with an actual sports person who basically has all the inside information for the NFL. He always breaks the big NFL news first. This will probably end up being a long one shot. The timeline is an odd mix of canon 9-1-1 and actual NFL events mixed all together.
Also it pains me greatly to make another NFL team so amazing and win the Super Bowl that isn't the Kansas City Chiefs. But since they won this year, the pain is less.
Tagging: @ebdaydreamer @buddiefication
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between the lines | prologue
rúben dias x original female character [+18]
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synopsis: isabella is a sports journalist covering the premier league. she has sworn to never get involved with a football player. that is, until she meets a handsome portuguese defender. warnings: incorrect journalism references; timeline of events are not faithful to real life; i have never been to england; mutual pining; romantic comedy;  minors dni.
masterlist | next chapter
“You were at Wembley yesterday?”
“Yep. And I’ll be covering the final as well. Manchester derby!” Victor raises his pint glass in my direction as I sit down. Victor, Sebastian – our other friend at the pub table – and I were ESPN spanish correspondents, covering the Premier League. This has been my first season in England; After leaving Spain a few years ago, right after college, I worked practically everywhere that matters: Italy, France, Germany. Coming to England was bound to happen eventually.
“Well, I’m kinda covering a final too. I’ll be at the Etihad on Wednesday.” I brag to my fellow coworkers. Manchester City will be playing Arsenal in what is the most anticipated game in the Prem this season, it’s a head-to-head, title decider kind of match. And I’m lucky enough to be working in it.
“Damn, I wish I got that game.” Victor whistles.
The beautiful coincidence of it all is that my older brother, Carlos, has been living in Manchester with his wife Sienna for the past 3 years, and last year they welcomed into the world my first niece, Lucía. I don’t have a big family, in fact, it’s just Carlos and I now. So, when I heard that I was going to be an aunt, the move to England felt more like a blessing and less like my bosses back in Spain cutting costs on reporters.
“Honestly I can’t wait to use the term ‘bottled’.” Sebastian says grinning and I immediately answer, throwing a french fry at his overall direction.
“You’re a Tottenham supporter, Seb, shut the fuck up.”
“Alright, no need to get personal, let’s all calm down.”
After spending monday night at the pub, as usual, I go back to my – mind you – charmingly decorated studio apartment. That’s my favorite part about constantly moving, getting a new place in a new country turns my life into a blank canva. I can be a totally new person every time. This time I went with a ‘earth tones’ palette for the decor. I’m an earth tone apartment type of woman now. It 's exciting. 
As I lay in bed, I found myself unable to sleep. The problem is that the cause of my insomnia has an Instagram profile. In all of my years working with football I have never been so attracted to a player like this. It 's revolting. It 's humiliating. I’ve lost count of how many times I had to interview him this season, and every single time I was blushing like a complete idiot. And it keeps getting worse. Rúben Dias has made me lose sleep for weeks in a row now. So I open the Insta app once again and stare at his ridiculous topless pictures for way too long trying to calm myself down. I tap my own belly, now filled with beer and french fries, and laugh at myself. It’s never ever going to happen, I really need to get over myself.
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imadn1 · 2 months
How Can Watch Matches If I Am Traveling Internationally During The Tournaments?
Streaming Services with VPN: Many streaming services and apps allow you to watch matches live. If these services are geo-restricted, you can use a VPN to access them from anywhere in the world. Some of the popular streaming platforms include ESPN+, FuboTV, and Sling TV.
Local Broadcasting Rights: Check which local channels or services have the broadcasting rights in the country you are visiting. Many countries have their own sports networks that air international tournaments.
International Sports Channels: Channels like beIN Sports, ESPN, and Fox Sports often have international rights to broadcast major sports events. Check if your hotel or local bars have access to these channels.
IPTV Subscriptions: For a comprehensive and reliable solution, consider using TV services. Websites like https://bestiptv1.shop/ offer subscriptions that allow you to watch all the matches live, no matter where you are. These services often provide high-quality streams and access to a wide range of channels.
Mobile Apps: Download official apps from tournament organizers or broadcasters. Apps like UEFA's official app provide live updates, scores, and sometimes even live streaming options.
Public Viewing: Many cities set up public viewing areas for major sports events. Look for fan zones or bars that are screening the matches.
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