#I have two brain cells and they're both asleep
tazzykiki · 1 year
4, 6, 9. and 10. For the ask game! :)
Which tf character is your favorite in terms of personality?
Well obviously there's my man Store Bought Ice Cream. He varies so much across every continuity and yet I love each and every one of them. From devious scheming gremlin to noble warrior who needs a hug to fucked up guy who commits various atrocities. The bot's got range! He is such star much screaming <3
Bayverse Crosshairs is also fun. While I do like bayverse to an extent, it is a very immense compliment to say a character has a definitive personality in that universe lmaoo. But yeah Crosshairs there is so fun, I love his morally dubious nature and constantly having to be kept an eye on. Not to mention he's just an overall badass. Him, Hound, and Drift almost tricked me into rewatching TLK ahjsdk
Beast Wars and Armada Megatron are also very very fun! Yesss, their suaveness is so funny and I love how simultaneously badass and hilarious they can be. Beast Wars Megan is so dramatic, I'm still losing it over him wearing a wholeass judge wig just to decide if he should kill a traitor or not ahsjdkfg.
Armada Megan is also incredibly fun and is actually my favorite meg so far. He's got THE BEST design of all the megans and this weird complexity you wouldnt expect from first glances. The fact he was legit sad not only after Optimus died but also after Starscream died as well??? The fact he treats his men with some bits of respect and is so weirdly chill?? The fact he rightfully called Thrust a Squid-Head??? I love beetle megs <3
Speed Round:
Love Dinobot's scrunkliness, drama, and casual cannibalism.
Rattrap's rude ass who invented curse words.
Love Nightshade's entire theatrical vibe and elegant nobleness, can't wait to see more of them!
Rescue Bots Blades is a mood and also incredibly funny.
Chase is pretty much just Zane from Ninjago agshdjfkg, just with less dying and genocide.
Doc Greene is the sweetest dad and we need more of him in the world <3.
TFP Arcee is a badass whose growth throughout the show from loner, to angry vengeance lady, to chilled out mentor is so good.
Black Arachnia in every continuity I've seen because holy shit is she an amazingly complex character who I absolutely want to see more of.
Alexis Thi Dang is a badass who not only befriended DepressionScream, but also talked shit to both Galvatron and Unicron and came out on top.
and uh a bunch more there's like a million of these guys!
Which tf character do you relate to the most?
Fred from Armada because I too love food and will happily bring along supplies to make pancakes when running away with a group of my dearest friends who would never abandon me and the 3 parts of War Crime Gun From Space.
Which tf character do you think you’d get along with really well?
TFP Ratchet because I'm pretty quiet and keep to myself.
The Malto kids because I am their aunt now and I love them. Ice cream for everyone!
I think I could vibe with like every Optimus, he is my dad after all.
Fred from Armada, I would never abandon him and we could make food together for THOSE UNGRATEFUL MFERS WHO DONT APPRECIATE GOOD CUISINE.
Cyberverse Cheetor and I would just make random noises together for like an hour.
Which tf character do you think you’d get along with really badly?
I know Silverbolt gets better and chills out by the last half of the season and onwards(tho I havent watched Beast Machines yet), but I would have drowned that mfer in Respect Women Juice istg!!!
The moment I set eyes on Silas I send out my psychic death beams <3
I feel like there's like one or two more but I can't think of any
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e-nonsense · 4 months
─── '𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘺𝘢𝘭' 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬
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anon: Can you do a Sirius x reader where he’s arrested for the murder of the potters and the reader goes to visit him in Azkaban?
pairing. sirius black x potter!reader
summary. after Sirius' 'betrayal' you confront him, when you break into Azkaban .
warnings. swearing, murder, azkaban, going mad, suicidal thoughts, attempted murder, betrayal.
a/n. thank you for the first request, I hope this is what you wanted.
wc. 0.7k (not proofread)
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Sirius sat there alone in the dark. It was his fault, he should have seen it, he should've known.
He hadn't even been there for week and he felt he was going insane, he was losing his mind questioning everything.
Did James feel it when he died? Did it hurt him? Was Harry okay? Where was Harry? What did Remus think? Was he okay the full moon was approaching soon. But most of all, do you blame? What did you think of him?
He sobbed for hours when it finally clicked in his brain. James and Lily were dead. His best friend was gone because of him. Harry was alone, Remus was alone. You were alone. He hoped you and Remus had each other, that you sought him out or he found you and that the two of you mourned together.
He heard people screaming in the background, but he was frozen. You were standing there, right in front of him. Why were you here? What were you doing?
His blood went cold, where you here to kill him? If you were — and he hoped, you were— would it haunt you?
The two of you stared at each other for what seemed like hours, but he broke it by whispering your name. "My love"
"Did you do it?" your eyes blazed with fury as you questioned him, "Remus said you did it. But I couldn't— I can't believe him."
Sirius stared at you, "how'd you get in?"
"Answer me Black!" you raised your wand at him, "My brother, is he dead because of you?!"
Sirius shook his head, "but it might as well be my fault."
He did nothing when you broke down into sobs, your knees sank onto the ground. He didn't want to startle you. "Tell me what happened" you demanded.
So he sat there on opposite sides of the room— if you could call, the damp stoney cell that. He spoke as you hung onto every word, you sat there and you listened to him just like you always had. And when he had finished telling you what actually happened the night of October 31st, you were in more tears. This time you walked over towards him and he held you as you shook and cried into him.
"I'm so sorry" he snapped out of his daze when he heard you apologise. "For what?"
"That they all blame you"
He sighed, "oh love, as long as you believe me I don't care."
You bith sat in silence again, only this time it was more comfortable. "How's Harry? and how did you get in here?" Sirius questioned you.
"Harry's at home with Remus they're both asleep." You answered the first question and Sirius couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy— it should've been him and Harry, you and him should've been raising your nephew.
"and?" he asked, trying to get you to answer his other question.
"I turned into a cat. Dementors can't sense animal emotions, so they were practically blind to me."
Sirius hummed as he breathed in you scent, a smell that always relaxed him. He held onto you in fear that if he let go you'd disappear, and he'd realise you were never real.
He couldn't be selfish with you, Harry needed you. Remus needed you. And even though Sirius himself needed you, he had to let you go.
"You have to go dove" he mumbled into your hair although he made no move to let you go.
"Just a moment longer?"
"Just one more moment" he smiled and kissed you softly, "they need you sweetheart, hold Harry for and tell Remus I'm sorry."
"Do I have to go?" you gripped onto him.
"I'll see you again" he knew you'd return whenever you were able.
You nodded, "I love you, my heart"
He watched her turn into a cat and slip away, "and I love you more my angel."
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© e-nonsense. do no copy/steal/translate. do it and I’ll bite your toes off
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raainy-daze · 2 years
Hello friend! I'm gonna dump a few of these in your asks, hope you don't get overwhelmed 😂
First one (yes they're all Leo x reader, sue me)
Leo x gn!reader who's pressure-touch-starved in the way that if you put a weighted blanket on them, their brain would short-circuit. What happens when Leo decides to use Y/N as a mattress? 😏 ~🌺👸
Physical Affection
rottmnt leo x gn!reader
summary: while you have the apartment to yourself, you invite your boyfriend over. you weren’t expecting him to be so tired, however.
word count: 584
a/n: thank you so much for requesting! i’m sorry if this seems a little rushed, october tends to be a busy time of year for me. you didn’t specify which version in your request, but since i’ve only written rise so far, i assumed that would fit. enjoy!
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Your family was all out tonight. You had the entire apartment to yourself - at least, you did at the moment. You glanced down at your cell phone, noting the message on your screen.
Again, you were correct. He’d promised to show up at eight o’clock sharp, and yet the clock was nearing nine with no sign of him.
You almost fell backwards when someone started knocking on your window at that moment.
You scrambled to the window, undoing the latch. Then, he came toppling in, with his stupid smirk and all.
“Hey, Leo.”
“Why, hello there. Come here often?”
You both began laughing.
“What took you so long? I thought you were dead or something.”
“You know how it goes, come topside, get attacked by the Foot, Murphy’s Law.” He sat down on the edge of your bed. You couldn’t help noticing he looked a bit tired. “I was going to bring something to eat, but apparently the Foot really like Hawaiian.”
“Oh, that’s fine, it’s not like I have a snack stash, or god forbid, a pantry.” You clutched your chest in mock offense.
“Oh, of course not! That would be outrageous!”
You couldn’t help smiling at your boyfriend. “I’ll go grab some chips or something. Back in a minute.” Before he could respond, you vanished into the kitchen. You could’ve sworn you heard a yawn behind you.
When you returned, bag of pretzels in hand, you found Leo had managed to fall asleep in the less than five minutes you’d been gone.
He was lying sideways across your bed, appearing to have fallen backwards from where you’d left him sitting. You sat down beside him, leaning back against your pillow. He shifted a bit, coming back to consciousness. “Mm… (y/n)?”
“Go back to sleep,” you said as you opened your pretzel bag. “You look like you need it.”
He got up to adjust, and before you knew what was happening, he was lying on top of you. His arms were wrapped around your waist, and his face was buried in your chest.
You went tense and froze up. Your arms just kind of hovered, pretzel bag still in hand. He looked up at you, mumbling a very sleepy “Everythin’ alright?”
“It’s fine!” Did your voice crack? You were pretty sure your voice cracked.
That dumb grin was back on his face. “You’re cute, you know.”
The laugh you let out was about two octaves higher than usual. your mind was somehow working overtime and was blank at the same time.
“I can move if you want.”
“No, no, no, it’s fine! I’m just - well I’m just not used to physical affection - just go back to sleep!” You somewhat awkwardly placed your hands on his back (well, his shell, same difference really), as you supposed you were meant to.
He didn’t give off much warmth. That was to be expected, him being a turtle and all. It was kind of soothing. You could feel his chest rise with each breath, and… he was asleep again.
You remained there the rest of the night. It took you a while to fully relax and fall asleep, but… it was nice.
You did kind of regret not eating when you woke up hungry, though.
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dumbass-duo-showdown · 9 months
Propaganda masterpost for desertduo
They are two idiots thinking eachother's udeas are good and then somehow winning
They are two idiots thinking eachother's udeas are good and then somehow winning
They don’t have a single brain cell between them. They poked the goat to “see what would happen” and ended up getting their bases covered in duped ender dragon eggs.
Particularly in Hermitcraft, they are the most chaotic together. Chaotic in the most stupid of ways. Example: they blew up an intricate machine from one of the most "threatening" people on the server, stopped posting for a while, tried fixing it and failed, and tried apologizing with diamonds (Grian), theme park gifts (Scar), and by calling the victim "handsome" and "smart" and everything they could think of. And THEN, when Doc (the victim) retaliated with very intricate pranks that take a lot of skill and knowledge, they teamed up, went to the perimeter they were banned from as their alter egos as a loophole, and FILLED the ENTIRE PLACE (and it's a ginormous hole down to bedrock, many chunks wide) with CHICKENS. Just. A lot of chickens. Chickens everywhere. Oh my god. And another thing. Grian loves pressing buttons, like ADORES it (that's how the machine broke in the first place) and Scar... well. He gets confused easily and also breaks a lot of machines. So when people in the server build stuff, they have to both Grian-proof it (make sure an overexcited person who loves pressing buttons won't break the system) and Scar-safe it (make sure it's easily understandable and won't be broken like that). But now they also have to GRIAN-AND-SCAR-PROOF their stuff, because i swear, they multiply each other's dumbassery like by 100. And all that is just from the current arc of Hermitcraft season NINE. If we go back to season eight for a second, Grian decided to fake being AFK in all his friends' bases, and when he got to Scar's, Scar built him a ROLLERCOASTER RIDE to the BOAT TOTEM (boatem) HOLE THAT GOES BEYOND BEDROCK. People constantly fell there in the season and it was hell gearing themselves back up. But Scar was sure they were gonna land on the boatem and thought Grian was asleep because of time differences. But he failed and both died either way. And good fucking thing Grian was watching it all happen. Scar was SINGING him a SONG. You could even HEAR HIM COMING UP WITH IT BEFORE THE ACTUAL RIDE. Scar by FAR had the BEST reaction to the AFK experiment. And GODDD they're such idiots together. Unless they're in it for survival (aka the Life series) in which case Grian basically becomes his nanny let's be real. Scar is way too prone to die. He dies literally all the time and someone's gotta have him on a leash.
grian thinks that hes the responsible one in the dynamic but really hes just as much a chaos gremlin as scar is
they enable each other constantly. fellow builders to friends to enemies to friends to enemies to f
they share two braincells with each other and they do not work half the time. The number of things they fucked up is not even countable. One of them will be like "I'll save you!" and then both of them need someone to come and save them. They also are connected at the hip and love to annoy each other and other people so so much. they need help
They are so. so. Pesky british bird who loves explosions and has an attention span of 2 + catboy scammer who likes to lick magic and die badly. They are perfect for each other and their friendship is so precious to me. They are canonically soulmates. Currently theyre camping out on the edge of their enemy's giant hole because they accidentally exploded his machine together while Grian was procrastinating. The situation escalated because Grian likes war and Scar likes chaos so now theyre sitting directly in the path of their enemy's giant TNT-pooping goat mecha. Their plan? Build a buttercup-themed mecha to fight it because buttercups are poisonous to goats
They have caused a lot of chaos and destruction due to their lack of braincells /pos
Scar dragged Grian to the desert on a llama to monopolize on its sand, they blew up their friend’s tunnel bore, and rode a roller coaster together. They just bounce a braincell back and forth basically.
They ping pong a brian cell between each other and the few times it produces a thought the idea is always a bad one
they have two brain cells between them and they are not sure where they left them, they actively search for trouble and act sincerely shocked when it bites them on the ass, very orange cat coded if you ask me
Things only work out for them by pure luck. They both think they have the braincell and will be the one to pull each other through but they are both wrong. Tripping over their own feet and stumbling so hard and yet still coming out on top just because the others fall over harder
They get in a room together and its like all braincells disappear. They blew up their neighbors redstone, they filled his base with thousands of chickens, they die nonstop, they bully the other (in a friendly way) constantly and then do the exact same thing, theyre dunbasses ur honor
Theyre literally, just an echochamber of dumb. They actively lose braincells when around eachother. Grian seems smart and calculated but he can never get anything to work properly and scar is just an absolute hazard to himself and grian tries to keep him safe. They both die in minecraft so much. Grian also just has a habit of pressing every button lever or chest he ever sees. Even if its an obvious trap. He breaks stuff so easily. Grian WILL press the big button on top of the tnt block thats in plain sight. Especially right after scar says "i wonder what that does". Theyre duo can be summed up to trickster dumbass and dumbass with a heart of gold. They literally started a prank war by accidentally blowing up someones redstone. They are the unattended children on every server theyre in.
long live the science bros.
One owed the other a life debt for killing them with a creeper (it was just a prank, bro) and so they spent the season trying to monopolize all of the sand in a desert, and that's jusr scraping the surface of how stupid they are.
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caterpillarinacave · 4 months
I love Charlotte and Henry and they're super underrated. And I would VERY MUCH like to hear the headcanons whirring about in your brain.
Oh well buckle up cause literally all I think about is head cannons. Like, you know how cells replace themselves every few years? Mine have replaced themselves with head cannons. *Sorry it took me a hot moment to answer this ask, I was busy howling into my pillow whenever I tried to articulate thoughts.*
First of all, they’re very cuddly. They basically sleep on top of each other (Charlotte hasn’t needed a pillow in decades). Henry cant sleep well without Charlotte in his arms and Charlotte can’t sleep well anywhere other than Henry’s arms so it works out. Plus, they both do that thing where they jerk awake like the world is ending and scare the shit out of each other, so sleeping in a hug that basically pins them both down saves some energy at 2am. Henry’s perpetually cold and sleeps under like, four blankets, so Charlotte just wears summer nightgowns all year and wraps herself around Henry like a koala.
Naturally there’s an angsty side to the incessant cuddling because that’s just the way I role.
Charlotte sleeps with her head on Henry’s chest so she can always feel him breathing because, by the angel, she remembers when he wasn’t. She sleeps with a hand on his pulse point because she wakes up in the middle of the night and she’s still half asleep they might as well be on the floor in that mountain and she might as well still be desperately swearing she didn’t imagine his heartbeat.
While on the topic of soul crushing feelings of guilt, y’all remember from Clockwork Angel that Henry was the one who told Mortmain what a Pyxis was? And he wanted Charlotte to tell the clave that and she wouldn’t because “they already treat him so badly”? Because I do. And so does Henry.
(I’ve got a whole WIP that I love very dearly about this head cannon and this chess game hehe) There’s one random old tutor who goes to the London institute once a month-ish, basically to hand out a few weeks of homework to any shadow hunters who don’t have their own tutors. Most shadow hunters who live in a more rural area show up a few times a year so the clave knows they’re alive and at least somewhat literate. Charlotte attends them every month since, you know, she lives there, but Henry lives somewhere around Yorkshire so he shows up every few months. The professor is kind of a dick ngl. He doesn’t help Charlotte with any school why would a woman need to be so well educated? “Go on find a husband and stop worrying you’re pretty little head” sort of shit. Henry drives him insane because he’s a) some random kid who’s smarter than him and b) didn’t use any of the professors materials to get that smart. Professor Douche is constantly trying to get him to be wrong about something, or at least flustered about something and he doesnt ever do either of those things, and even more aggravating he refuses to get upset. (He honestly just assumed the professor wasn’t that smart.)
Charlotte’s a really good student of course, but she’s having a shit time with some mathematics and the professor absolutely refuses to help her with it. Eventually she asks Henry if he wouldn’t mind helping her with it, which he’s happy to do (once he figures out that’s what shes actually asking lol.)
Charlotte is incredibly distracted the entire time by Henry’s freckles (and eyes. And hands. And the way his hair curls on the nape of his neck. And the spots of gold and green in his hazel eyes that flashed as bright as the sun when the light catches them. And-), but they get through it in an hour or two which leaves them alone in a deserted wing of the institute. They end up playing a game chess. Charlottes a decent player and thought since Henry had never showed any interest in chess it would be a probably be an evenly matched game. She didn’t know what hit her. He beat her in like, eight minutes, eighty percent of which were spent on the last two moves by Charlotte who, upon realizing she was fucked, spent five minutes staring at the board trying to figure out when he even started beating her. She was sitting there having a whole crisis, (she’d been distracted by a man who probably doesn’t like her, and certainly doesn’t think much of her now after a pathetic loss like that and now she’ll have to sit hear and wallow in failure-) just preparing for him to start that whole smug gloating thing men do when they win and Henry you know. Didn’t. He just put the pieces away and thanked her for the game, in that very genuine way, with the gloomy London evening light casting a depressing shadow across the room, a shadow that he stood out against all gentle, kind, bright and brimming with a sort of barely contained passion. If Charlotte had ever doubted that shadow hunters had come from straight angels then sitting there, looking at a boy stained in soot, who she loved more than anything else to walk the earth, she would never doubt it again.
(It wasn’t until after Henry won and noticed Charlotte hadn’t said anything in a while that he remember people don’t like losing. Honestly he was playing just to be around her and he would have thrown the game if he could conceptualize how to do that on the fly. They spent like five minutes in autistic silence waiting for the other to stand up and declare newfound hatred.)
In true British fashion the a modern tea bag would kill them both.
When they were both 13 or 14 Charlotte mentioned she was dreading winter because it’s so bleak and dark (and her mom had died a few winters before, though she didn’t drop that in casual conversation). Anyways, come winter Henry brought her a marigold preserved in something like resin. She kept it in her jewelry box for years and after they got married she found out he had literally dozens of them. Whenever he came across a particularly bright flower he preserved it and set it aside. He was never quite brave enough to give them to her pre-TID, but he now leaves them for her when she’s particularly sad or stressed. She keeps them all in a drawer- they fit together like little tiles, and still look as fresh as they would had they just been plucked from the ground.
Somewhat surprisingly Henry doesn’t really lose stuff, with the singular exception being his own medical equipment. He’s lost the leg braces he wears every single day of his life before. Charlotte’s not usually speechless but she wasn’t sure what to say to that one.
Henry gave Charlotte a watch with a hands and numbers that can glow the same way a modern day one would. It’s absolutely beautiful, durable and accurate, even if Henry set himself on fire at least four times making it. (They can say with confidence that that watch is fireproof)
Honestly, I could go on and on, then on some more, but technically I’m supposed to be writing a paper on gut micro biomes that’s due tomorrow, so I figured I’d cut myself of. In conclusion, I love them dearly, they love each-other dearly, they deserve the world, all I can think about is them, and the world can pry them out of my cold dead hands.
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welcomingdisaster · 1 year
oooh I cannot pass up the offer of little doodles!! for the shipping bingo: russingon, faramir/eowyn, indis/miriel?
hi hi hi!!! thank you for these!! some of my faves.
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i tried to fit the sketches on the bingo but it really didn't work well, so here they are in isolation :)
the bingos!!
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obsessed with them, as my ao3 betrays!! i enjoy basically every flavor listed. putting the "codependent" thing under, "eh, kinda," because i think if given free range they'd be codependent as fuck, but, as it stands, both of them have far too many responsibilities.
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love them!! for some reason i find them really hard to write but they're the movie i play in my head as i fall asleep. i have two WIPs about them in progress right now.
there is a wild "women left behind by the narrative to friends to enemies to lovers" fic i wanna write set after miriel's re-embodiment (which i non-canonically decided takes place just before the war of the wrath, which i have EXTRA non-canonically decided indis takes part in) and that takes up a lot of my brain cells at any given time.
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farawyn! they're fine. i did not like my sketch for them so you get the one in the corner of the bingo instead.
honestly they're one of those "ah, cool, background ship" couples to me. no strong investment but they're sweet.
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lordcatwich · 5 months
Hi this is someone from the containment department of A.S.S., and we've made a deal with the devil our prisoner, detalies about this Kirix you mentioned in exchange for an undefined period of silence. So we kindly request more information on this Kirix
-A.S.S. (Association of Sleep Schedules)
Please we need her to shut up, before the singing it was info-dumping about Marie Curie and 'fun facts' about the human body then random questions about human psychology and how does our mind/brain work then she stopped that when realised that the place is 'acoustic' and started singing please please please we need her to shut up
So I'm writing a scene right now where two characters who are really in love (they don't know it yet) are somewhere in the middle of an EXTREMELY TRAUMATIC YEAR-LONG EVENT THAT HAPPENS
I guess the information that'll work should be a description of the scene itself...
So! Kirix is one of these people. Barlow is the other protagonist (they are equally protagonist, neither is more major) and uhhh at this point in the story Barlow is afraid of sleeping because they have constant debilitating nightmares and often wake up in the middle of torture chambers because it's easier for their captors to move them while they're unconscious- anyways! The point is the scene, so-
Barlow starts getting hallucinations from lack of sleep from not sleeping for 2 days straight. Kirix tells them they need to go tf to sleep, and manages to convince them to do so. They say they'll protect them so that no one takes them away for a torture session while they're asleep. Barlow gives in and goes to sleep. While they're sleeping, a guard comes to their cell and says "hey I'm taking the purple one today"
Kirix refuses to let this happen, so they manage to convince the guard to take them instead after a bunch of convincing.
So they're taken away for a session instead of their partner, and I'm not writing the torture part y e t but the thing that happens- basically, the main villain beats them up and casts illusions of The Horrors™ on them while telling them to "not manipulate people" due to some uh. Interesting views the villainess has
"Worthless DEMONSPAWN. You can't try to make me release you. YOU'RE LYING! IT'S IN YOUR BLOOD. You can't make ANYONE think you really feel-"
You get the idea. Basically, punishing them for something they didn't do. And making them feel like they're less powerful than a piece of string coated in slime
When Kirix is bought back to their cell, they sit in the corner having an internal mental breakdown. It takes Barlow a while to wake up, but when they do, the beans are gonna have a VERY SWEET PLATONIC MOMENT because they're both still in denial about the whole romance thing :)
That's it for now! Tell Cami thanks for asking hehe
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
all the general questions for any ship that's on your mind?
hi remember these asks lmao- anyway.
i know i said i was gonna do these for tftgs ships but uhh i have billy and salvatore on the brain so i'm gonna talk about them
for context, salvatore and billy are based on yet another horror series i like, but i'm just kinda taking them and running away with them so so fast. they're mine now, no takebacks <3
salvatore is an ex-mobster-turned-vampire who was trapped in a small, empty cell for around ten years, stripped completely of his personhood and identity. and billy is the human who broke him out and saved him, and they eventually fell in love <3
so here we go :3 answers under the cut b/c this got a little long!
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
i think this was a mutual thing, but in terms of who first broached the subject it was probably salvatore, if only because billy is generally very oblivious and didn't register that he'd even been flirting with the vampire. it was a while after that before they decided to actually try anything, though, for a variety of reasons--many of them having to do with salvatore's internalized homophobia and shit he's been through in past relationships with men.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
okay this is something i have so many thoughts about so buckle the fuck up. their first official date was something billy planned for weeks and weeks, because he wanted to sweep sal off his feet in a way no one ever had before. and salvatore bitched the whole time, but he was really touched at the same time.
the date started with a visit to a drive-in movie theater, with the two cuddling in billy's car, holding hands in the dark and watching a horror movie (not sure which one off the top of my head haha!). billy thought a horror movie would be a fun choice, because he very much wanted the cliche of like... picking something scary so your partner huddles with you and you can protect them. this backfired lmao--billy was the one who was scared.
after the movie, they went to a small, out-of-the-way diner and had dinner (salvatore can't taste human food anymore, but he still indulges from time to time, and he likes to make sure billy has enough to eat).
and finally, they drove out to a cliff and sat on the hood of billy's car to look at the stars for a while and just. hang out. at some point, i imagine they danced a little to some music billy had on CD's in his car, but mostly they just vibed until billy fell asleep in salvatore's arms.
What was their first kiss like?
their first kiss happened before their first official date, when salvatore was trying to teach billy how to swing dance. it wasn't going well--billy is horribly uncoordinated--and salvatore was laughing and teasing him but still very patiently showing him the steps. and eventually salvatore was so struck by how *cute* billy was, trying his best, that he surged up on his toes and pecked him on the lips. it took them both a second to realize what happened, and they both got so so flustered hehe <3
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
i think salvatore is billy's first relationship with another man, but aside from that, nope! they both dated before meeting each other, to some degree. salvatore had two previous partners before billy, and billy had a few girlfriends before salvatore.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
billy is about 5'11" (actually around 179 cm) and, when he meets salvatore, 24 years old. salvatore, meanwhile, is 5'6" (167 cm) and 48 years old when he meets billy (though he was turned into a vampire when he was 38, so he's forever physically in his late 30s). so that's a height difference of 5 inches (about 12 cm) and an age difference of 24 years. don't worry about it <3
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
billy will never get to meet any of salvatore's family, and that's probably for the best. sal was pretty estranged from his family even before he was turned, and they didn't exactly end on good terms. and by the time he meets billy, his family has moved on and forgotten him entirely.
salvatore, meanwhile, has met some of billy's family! billy is unfortunately a bit estranged from his family as well, but he's still decently close with his sister kate. she's met salvatore and the two get along pretty well! and yes kate teases the shit out of her brother for being into older men (though she doesn't quite know *how* much older salvatore is, nor that he's a vampire).
Who takes the lead in social situations?
it really depends! sal is definitely more confident overall, but he also spent ten years with almost no socialization, so it's a miracle he's still capable of holding his own in a conversation. so, for the most part, billy takes the lead to make sure salvatore doesn't get too overwhelmed.
Who gets jealous easier?
definitely salvatore!! he's pretty insecure in a lot of ways and struggles to fully accept that billy isn't going anywhere. however, he gets better about it with time as he comes to understand that billy isn't going to ditch him.
not to say that billy doesn't have his moments, though, and billy can be downright *vicious* on the rare occasions that he's actually jealous. salvatore thinks it's cute.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
they both do!! i think salvatore is more likely to, though, because he thinks it's so cute that billy gets flustered so easily. the only thing stopping him from doing it more often is the height difference.
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ariapmdeol · 2 years
Two more meta-fiction reccs because I too really really love them:
Redshirts by John Scalzi. Multiple new crewmates of a spaceship, after investigating a string of mysterious casualties, realize that they're extras on a bad Star Trek knock-off.
Last Dragon Chronicles by Chris D'Lacey: A children's series, but anything that's wrong with me can be blamed directly on this children's series. It begins when the protagonist, David Rain, moves into his new landlady's house so he can go to college. Said landlady, Elizabeth Pennykettle, makes clay dragons, each of which have a special talent. David receives a dragon which inspires him to write, so he decides to write a cute story about squirrels for his landlady's daughter. Then it starts to become apparent that his story is either manipulating or predicting the future. And also the dragons may or may not be alive. Among other things.
It gets crazier from there. The first book could easily be realistic fiction with some very ambiguous supernatural elements, but by the last book, time travel and alternate universes are both in play.
(Books, in order, were The Fire Within, Icefire, Fire Star, The Fire Eternal, Dark Fire, Fire World, and The Fire Ascending, if I recall correctly.)
i've actually read the Redshirts! absolutely loved it, will 100% recommend it to anyone interested in either Star Trek, metafiction, or crack treated seriously, its fantastic! i've read it multiple times over at this point and it still means so much to me <3
i will add the Last Dragon Chronicles to my list!! that seems REALLY great i love messing with the narrative and time travel and alternate universes, that is all SO right up my alley oh my god
Aria's Story is an RPGMaker game about a girl (named Aria) who falls asleep in a library, and wakes up having been locked in! In her journey to find a way out, she gets swept up into a really intriguing world of books, genres, and some mysterious characters! It's really fun, has 5 endings, and is relatively short!
MY SECOND REC is, predictably, Cell of Empireo. I realize the eng translation is several videos long but I PROMISE IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD. it has consumed my brain my cells have been so empireo'd the TLDR IS: 28 year old Haruki Atou is working in a detective agency, and his coworker, Eiji Shinano, has gone missing. His phone's last known location was within the grounds of the Empyrean Heaven Research Institute, a cult/religious organization which draws elements and inspiration from Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy (which is also metafiction). Atou's goal is to go find and rescue Shinano, and figure out what exactly is going on in this institute... I REALIZE THIS DOES NOT SEEM LIKE METAFICTION AT FIRST BUT I SWEAR IT IS. I CANNOT SAY ANYTHING BECAUSE IT WOULD BE SO MANY SPOILERS BUT I PROMISE,, I PROMISE ITS COOL AS HELL,, [redacted] is so meta and they drive me insane. there are hidden timers that determine whether characters live or die and I THINK they're there to make getting the best ending first try more difficult, and to encourage you to try again (thus giving you the player more knowledge and there being an additional meta aspect to this). I'm pretty sure that There is a canonical reason for having save files (i have a theory AND evidence that supports this). There is a headless rat.
>has written an entire metafiction coe theory rant post i am a sane and normal rpgmaker game enjoyer
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iwaoixreaderangst · 2 months
Hello again to my people! So sorry that I haven't been updating on my account at all!! I was so busy either going outside with my family or other things have been keeping me busy the whole week! I apologize for that!
Now without further or do I wrote a very wholesome moment fanfic of iwaoi spending time together with each othe throughout the Olympics.
[Iwaoi oneshot chapter]
It was a long day at Aoba Johsai but the only thing that no one really knew about was how bad Iwaizumi Hajime has fallen for his best friend.
People have been spreading rumuors about how much they think that iwaoi should be canon, but others think it's just a rumuor.
Going on at school they never put it to mind that it's about Iwaizumi Hajime and Oikawa Tooru.
But while the rumuors went on and on for like almost a week by now.. some took notice that the two childhood friends got even closer with each other.
Himari Iwaizumi who's their volleyball manager knows why they've gotten real close with the other but she won't spoil it for the others.
Maybe just a thought that she knew all along.
Or maybe she didn't know that they've been dating from when they were in Kitadai with Kageyama and the others.
Every teacher and student just assumed that they were close friends always wanting to touch each other or give a hug.
But... no! That's not how Aoba Johsai's volleyball team saw it as. They all saw it as nothing but a secretive relationship between their captain and vice captain.
Something that they weren't aware about that they became a couple in their second year of Kitadai.
There were even the staff of their school that's been thinking of how much these two highschool boys are close with each other.
People just never had enough brain cells to tell that they're a couple now after like what?
Two years? After two years or even more of being the cutest but also very protective couple in their school.
But Himari Iwaizumi could remember that one time which Hinata started to flirt with her and she felt disgusted when looking at Kageyama she smiled.
She never wanted her boyfriend to be some redhaired shortie that she has to lean down for them to kiss her.
She likes the type of guys to give her cheek kisses and hand kisses the type that's taller than her those who have short black hair and beautiful blue eyes.
"Shit..." Himari said to herself in her thoughts.. that's when she realized her crush on Kageyama has been getting way more obivious to others around her.
Though later on when other people saw how cute they were being with each other that was when late at night at around 11pm was when Iwaizumi's cousin decided to call him.
In-coming call from Ishikawa...
“ugh! Hajiii! Put your phone off or something! It's bothering me from sleeping! You know your sleep deprived boyfriend doesn't get much sleep!!“
“sssh! I know, it's just my cousin.. I don't see why she has to call me after we just got in my bed.“
“hello? Why are you calling me at 11pm? We're both in bed trying to sleep after you f*cking woke up kawa you know he doesn't sleep right away.“
“sorry!!!! That was my brother! I'll have to scold him again.. sorry Hajime! I'll leave you and Tooru be! Also congrats on being a couple for like what two years?“
“no, it's more than just two years I think it's now five years now.“
When she ended the call Hajime put his phone back on charge as he layed down right behind Tooru giving him kisses everywhere.
“Hajime? I love you..“
“I love you too, Tooru. But now sleep my love.“
Right after Hajime was lightly touching Tooru's arm up and down in such a soothing motion then they both fell asleep in such comfort.
They both know what tomorrow has out for them luckily Tooru got to fall asleep in his boyfriend's arms in his boyfriend's bed all cozied up in his arms.
When the next morning came to be Tooru woke up at 2am from a nightmare he just awoke from he was shaking and crying as he looked at every piece in his lovers room.
Making sure that nothing is coming after him at such a time in the early morning as he felt Hajime turning around.
Tooru's pov:
sigh... this is the worst thing of my life!? Why am I getting these nightmares back again? I shouldn't have gotten them in the first place.. Hajime is asleep which is a good thing..
But... this feels nice.. I love him.. I truly do ugh! Why am I crying again? I-I don't know how to feel about all of this??
When Tooru was still thinking negative while crying he didn't even notice how much that Hajime had woken up to see his upset boyfriend in bed with him crying his eyes out.
All what Hajime saw was him in tears crying and crying not able to stop his tears from running down his face.
He was all above and beyond upset at himself so when ge felt Hajime's arms wrap around his waist and hold him tight.
Tooru continued to cry and cry even more which did in fact had Hajime to start worrying about his upset boyfriend crying in his bed.
Hajime just wants to see how he can help amd fix his boyfriend from being this upset and from crying this much.
Then a thought came to his mind as he looked at Tooru who was still crying sniffling as he held onto Hajime's hand in a soft and gentle grip.
“Tooru? Hey, what's going on? Why are you crying? Baby?“
Hajime asked Oikawa who looked at him blinking all the tears in his eyes away then a wobbling smile came to his face.
As he responded to what Hajime asked him in such a worried tone that made Tooru want to cry some more.
“Y-Yeah? ... another nightmare.. a nightmare Hajime! Ye-yeah?“
Tooru said which had Hajime taking Tooru gently onto his lap as his head was on top of Hajime's shoulder.
Tooru wasn't in a good mood but the silence between them was a delightful thing to happen they didn't need to talk or anything.
When Hajime heard his mother's footsteps coming to his bedroom as she knocked on his bedroom door to hear him responding with a "come in, it's open".
Which his mother pushed the door open slowly as to mot disturb her husband or daughter who's fast asleep in their rooms.
“Hajime? What's wrong honey? I heard crying in your room? Was that Tooru-kun?“
His mother asked him which he smiled softly as he nodded his head to give Tooru a light squeeze back.
Hajime could tell that Tooru was shaking in his lap as he gave his boyfriend a kiss to the forehead.
Mrs. Iwaizumi could tell how Tooru was shaking as she slowly put her hand on his shoulder rubbing it gently when he looked in her eyes and she smiled.
“It's okay dear no ones going to take you away I promise you that. No ones going to bully you or take your insecurities out to the public. Try sleeping for now we'll talk about this more in the morning. Good night you two.“
“night mom.“
When Mrs. Iwaizumi left and closed the door behind her then Tooru looked into Hajime's eyes and was starting to get sleepy.
“tired now, Tooru?“
When Hajime saw how his eyes were going to close then he layed Tooru down next to him and brought him closer to his side for him to sleep comfortable.
Just in Hajime's arms he'll be at peace and feel no more about his nightmares trying to wake him up.
But he's been scared about his future of when him and Hajime start having kids then a lot of those questions flooded in his mind.
All of those what if questions happening in his mind that couldn't let him sleep at all.
He tried not to think about it. Tooru really did try not to think about all those questions in his mind but that won't let him to sleep.
Bouns Timeskip:
It's been a few years later after Oikawa won the gold medal at the Olympics against  Japan's National Men's Team.
He was proud.. very and truly proud of himself and what he did as he walked past Japan's team and went to his husband with a smile.
Just to see their baby boy Taichi their five year old son who was sitting next to his father and the baby stroller where Towako layed in asleep suckung on her dummy.
“Hey beautiful, are you here to say hi to your babies.“
Hajime said plainly with a smile on his lips which Tooru just smile back and received a hug from Hajime.
Then Tooru Iwaizumi the mother of his five year old son and 7 month old daughter in her baby stroller started crying.
“Tooru? Seriously.. not again!? Stop with your crying. Gee.. you're making me worried all over again.“
That was until both parents felt Taichi's hands on his mother's leg lightly tapping it as Tooru looked down to see how Taichi was smiling back at his mother.
“Mama! Don't cry! Daddy was... um waiting for mama to tell him the news!“
Taichi Iwaizumi said with a little giggle as he heard his sister waking up just to sit on the bench right in front of his sister's stroller.
“Tooru? What's Taichi talking about? What news?“
That was until Tooru leaned forward and whispered in his husband's ear very clear to Hajime that had him picking Tooru up kissing him and spinning him around.
“You're not kidding? You're pregnant? Again?! Gosh Tooru, I fucking love you so much! You'rw the greatest thing that's happened to me.“
“Hajime! Getting emotional now, are we?“
At that Hajime gave Tooru a nice long kiss that had him moaning to and instantly had him smiling at the news.
Hajime Iwaizumi is a proud husband to know they'll soon figure out what the gender is on their baby.
Who knows? Maybe they might have twins? Either tein girls or twin boys? No one knows yet..
Edit: thank you so much for allowing me to take this much time to write such a fluff moment of iwaoi having such troubles to fixing them all! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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norangeyyy · 3 years
Late Night HCs
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Bucci Gang Edition
TW: nothing too extreme, just a little bit of hurt/comfort stuff sprinkled right here and there.
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Bruno Bucciarati
► Bucciarati typically doesn't stay up late at night, he has work and would squeeze all the amount of sleep he can get on his free time.
► Unless he has a lot of things in mind.
► It doesn't matter whether it's a work-related problem, his past, a random thought, or just generally his worries about his future. It will keep him up.
► He'll definitely need someone to be an outlet but if no one's available, he'll just stare at the night sky and distract himself with the moving clouds or finish some of his work until he's too tired to think of anything.
► If you happen to be in the same situation and same place that night though, then make sure that you take care of the trust he has for you when he was at most vulnerable and he will do same with you.
► I personally headcannon Bucciarati to be the type to like those kind of conversations since i highly doubt that he has been so vulnerable in front of anyone besides Abbachio ever since he joined the mafia.
► And even then, he's mostly the one who lifts the spirits up and not the other way around since he's the leader.
► So expect to hear things and words you wouldn't expect to come from the Bucciarati you see everyday come spilling out of his mouth, it'll be a lot.
► Pat his back or better yet, give him a hug and brush his hair while doing so. He needs it a lot since he hasn't really got one after his family fell apart.
► "I feel so much better now, thank you. I'll make sure not to forget about this night. "
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Leone Abbachio
► The night owl of the gang.
► Staying up until 3AM is nothing new to this man, hell, he could even go on a whole day without sleep if he has a lot of things that's bothering him.
► He's the opposite of Bucciarati, he prefers to shoulder his intrusive thoughts alone. It'd take some great amount of effort and trust to make him talk and let it out.
► What he does during those times is either using his stand to replay certain memories that could either worsen his guilt or put him at ease, or just drink until he passes out but most of the time, he does both.
► He could also be listening to some music while he does so but if he's feeling guilty for making Bucciarati concerned about his frequent drinking, then he'll just listen to music and hope that he'll fall asleep and not just keep his eyes closed until the sun rises.
► It works, kind of, but even without alcohol driving him to sleep, he'll always be tired. His sleeping schedule is seriously messed up because he never really cared about it in the first place.
► Would sometimes go out for a walk. Leone is fond of the city's peacefulness when everyone is asleep, with the only thing keeping him accompany is the cold air and the dim light of the lampposts.
► Secretly still has his police uniform and would occasionally take it out just to stare at it or talk to it in a not-so-kind of way as he sees his younger self in it.
► Gets dragged in whatever shit Narancia and the others are up to if he gets spotted. Mostly it's just for a movie night behind Bucciarati's back but Abbachio knows better and expects the unexpected when it comes to the gang.
► Knows what everyone does in late night if they're still up and has seen a lot of ungodly sights.
► Whether it be seeing a sleepy Mista and the pistols chanting a weird prayer to a bowl of cereals or Fugo being dragged out of his room by Narancia, Leone knows it.
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Pannacotta Fugo
► Just like Bucciarati, Fugo rarely stays up late at night and if he does, it's usually just because he's busy.
► Fugo has hobbies like painting and reading, everyone in the gang knows that. It's just that he gets carried way too far sometimes and loses track of time.
► Who could blame him though when the book he's reading is just too interesting or the painting he's currently working on is almost done, right?
► On extremely rare occasions where something unpleasant enough to keep Fugo up at night happens, he'll bundle himself in his fluffy blanket like a butterfly in its cocoon.
► He always does this back when he's still living with his parents, it makes him feel safe from anything that's haunting him.
► And if it's neither his hobbies or problems that's keeping him up, he'll just hear Narancia whispering outside his door or Mista throwing pebbles at his window.
► For the first few times the duo did this, Fugo was still able to resist until he just can't anymore knowing that they wouldn't leave him alone all night.
► "Well, this isn't so bad. "
► He says as he enthusiastically tosses a popcorn into his mouth with his eyes glued all over the lit screen of the TV.
► Movie nights, along with sneaking out to go the nearest convenience store, became a common thing between the Torture Dance Trio™ ever since then.
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Narancia Ghirga
► The type to wake up in the middle of the night and think "Hmm... Everyone's asleep, let's commit robbery tonight!"
► Fugo's sleep paralysis demon.
► Would literally not hesitate to steal chocolate bars with Mista and probably does 3AM challenges with him too.
► Never runs out of ideas to keep himself up at night and is the one who comes up with everything but what he does still depends on his mood.
► If Narancia's feeling a little too lazy then he'll just sleep and most of the time, with music keeping him accompany. But unlike Abbachio, he purposely doesn't wear headphones just to annoy Fugo whose room is right next to his.
► If he's feeling like it, he'll straight up just invite the others to watch a movie or play videogames even though Bruno has already made it clear not to use the TV after 11PM.
► But just as he likes staying up at night doing crazy things with the boys, he also uses his energy left and free time to self-study, as surprising that may sound.
► He may hate reading but he takes advantage of the fact that his brain is much active at night and he doesn't want to depend on Fugo too much. After all, he dreams on going back to school and he's more than willing to be capable enough to do so alone and pass without the other teen's help.
► Will cuddle anything that's near him while he studies but if you give him a plushie, it'll be instantly his favorite and he would definitely use it as a study buddy.
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Guido Mista
► Alright, let's be honest here, this dude wouldn't even stay up if it weren't for his bros.
► 5 seconds lying on the bed and he's already knocked out for a good 10 hours if there's no work he has to do for the day. Make it 8 at weekdays thanks to his mafia-related responsibilities.
► He sleeps like a log so only a combination of shaking him up awake with Fugo and Narancia can make him rise from what seems like a two year coma but is really just a normal tuesday night.
► Will pretty much join Narancia at anything he does but since his last three brain cells are obviously still as half asleep as him, he won't be able to remember that much the next day.
► And once he's out of the room and is already sitting on the couch with the guys, Mista's the type to fall asleep halfway through the movie.
► You can't blame him though, it's 12AM and it seems that Fugo got to choose what movie they'll watch since Narancia already got to choose the other night.
► Unless they're playing videogames or are going out then he won't be acting like a slow ass PVZ zombie with a fried brain. Actually, he'll be hella active if that's the case.
► Active at grabbing every snack each second, that is.
► Actually, it's the pistols who does that but oh well, it's not like Mista's innocent too.
► "I swear it's not me who ate all of our groceries for this month! Right, guys?! It's the pistols! "
► And that, everyone, is how Guido blew their little rendezvous without even trying.
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Giorno Giovanna
► There's not much to be said about this boy since just like Mista, Giorno goes to bed early as he makes sure he still gets the proper amount of sleep.
► He already has a lot of things to deal with at day so of course, by the end of it, he'll be exhausted.
► Nights before exams are excluded because although he may seem like he skips class sometimes, Giorno still knows his priorities.
► Only when he became the head of the mafia did he really started to lose sleep as great power comes with great responsibilities.
► It took a LONG time for Giorno to adjust to a lot of things cause come on, he maybe resilient but he's still a 15 year old teen.
► Not only does he have towers after towers of work but i like to imagine that he still continued his education and used some of the things he learns in class in the mafia, specifically in classes like history or geography class since as a boss, he has to know every nook and cranny of Italy.
► Not to mention that emergencies happen and he always has to be ready to give out orders, even if it means being woken up at 1AM.
► God, help this child because all the things mentioned above are just an understatement of what happens on the first few months of being in charge of Passione.
► "So this is why Diavolo looks like he's about to explode whenever something goes wrong huh. "
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hanniejji · 3 years
the last yakisoba
[ chifuyu matsuno x gn!s/o ]
summary: a trip to the convenience store isn't supposed to be a cliche first meet up, not when you're both sleep deprived and hungry and there's only one peyoung yakisoba left
note: i've come to realize what fuyu's eye color is. i keep calling it blue-green when it's simply called cyan… im dumb | m.list
words: 774 | warnings: none
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freedom. something you're finally granted with after countless sleepless nights.
weeks of studying for the finals drained the life out of you and taking the damn exam itself made you feel like a zombie, just wandering around dead with no sense of direction.
but that's all in the past!
you yeeted your exam papers done, zoomed out of the classroom and went home, changed into some comfy clothes, and plopped yourself into your bed. by the time you passed out from exhaustion, it was five o'clock in the afternoon. you spent the rest of the evening asleep until you woke up from the sound of dogs barking outside at two in the morning.
to say you were hungry was an understatement.
you were starving and the only cure to your zombie-like state is to stuff yourself with food and snacks.
that's how you found yourself roaming the convenience store a few blocks away from your house—wearing only a random hoodie, pajama, and your soft cotton slippers—grabbing whatever snack you pass by on your way to the drinks. after filling your basket with your desired snacks, you abruptly stop in front of the instant food aisle, staring at the last package of peyoung yakisoba.
"i guess you're my late dinner tonight," you said to yourself, throwing it in the basket filled with snacks.
turning on your heels to the counter, a low boyish voice called out to you, stopping you from your track.
"uhm, excuse me?"
you turn to see a boy, doesn't seem to look older than you—you're pretty sure you've seen him in school before but your brain cells are not functioning properly at two in the morning. he has very pretty cyan eyes, they're kinda droopy from sleepiness and have dark circles under them—who doesn't anyway? his blonde hair is messy, the front hair lazily tied in an attempt to keep in from covering his eyes, and he looks like he's been through some rough shit—again, who doesn't?
honestly speaking, he still looks good even in that state, you thought.
"was that… the last one of them?" he shyly points the package of peyoung yakisoba on top of the numerous snacks in your basket.
"oh," you sadly smiled at his defeated look, "yeah, it's the last one."
"oh man," he whines, throwing his head back to wallow in self pity. you chuckle at the pout on his face, he kinda looks like a kicked puppy now.
"would you like to have it?"
"huh?" his eyes widened in surprise at the offer, now fully awake before shaking his head, "no no it's ok! you got to it first. there's another store a few streets away from here anyway, i can just go buy there," he says, but you can see how he takes a few quick glances at the package.
"well, i have a variety of snacks with me right now, surely one less snack won't hurt me," you hand him the package, "besides, you look like you really need a 'pick me up' food," you point out, poking his chest with the yakisoba.
"oh… but," his head turned down to look at the package, "i heard you said you haven't had dinner yet…"
you weren't fast enough to stop the laugh from escaping your mouth, watching him glare at you with another pout on his face. his cheeks are tinted with a slight pink, showcasing his embarrassment.
"let's share it then."
i think the lack of sleep is getting to me.
you didn't know what came to your mind when you said that. sharing food with a stranger isn't your type of thing, but if the stranger looks this handsome, what could go wrong? besides, he doesn't look like he'll try and do something bad to you, right? if he did, then that's a consequence you'll worry about later. don't do this please djskd stay cautious around strangers!
"a-are you sure?" he rubs the nape of his neck, his eyes glancing back and forth at you and the tiled floor.
"i could really use some company," you bashly said as an excuse, "we can just tell the lady at the counter to get it ready, then we can eat at the tables in front of the store. whaddya say?"
he seemed to go silent for a few seconds, before a small smile appeared on his face, eyes a bit more alive than earlier.
"also, if i'm going to share my snacks with you, can i know your name?"
"oh! i'm sorry, my name's chifuyu!"
"hm, i'm y/n. have i seen you before? you kinda look familiar."
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corrupt-fvcker · 4 years
Tuesday Mornings (Javier Peña x fem!Reader)
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Tuesday Mornings ( Javier Peña x fem!Reader )
Warnings: NSFW, unprotected sex, fluff, pining, curse words, arguing, soft beginning and ending, domestic life
Word Count: 5.8K... this was supposed to be 800 words.
Author's Note: this was supposed to be all fluffy and cuddly but then it turned into a smutty five thousand word treasure. i don't write smut often so pretty please tell me what you think 🥺
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Rain patters softly against the bedroom window, the foggy glass striped with droplets that left transparent streaks in their trail. The heavy rainfall pelts against the roof, resulting in a heavy, rhythmic, rapping sound that incessantly echoes through the bedroom, rousing Javier from his sleep.
A gravelly groan reverberates from deep in his chest as he stretches his arms above his head, his back arching slightly as his muscles flex and his eyelids tightly scrunch shut before melting back into the plushness of the pillows. With a twinge of reluctance weighing in the back of his mind, his eyes flutter open, his blurry vision stubbornly sharpening after a few lazy moments. The bedroom basks in a dim gray light, courtesy of the dark thunderclouds looming over the city.
He feels you shift bedside him, one of your legs curling up at an angle by your side.
His eyes flit over to your side of the bed and you're still sound asleep beside him, lying on your stomach with your face buried in the pillows. And you're naked... which is, y'know, nice.
But a little disappointing because it's Tuesday and you're lack of clothing raises his hopes before he realizes its the middle of the week.
So he glances over to the alarm clock and silently prays that it isn't set to go off for another hour so that he can simply exist next to you before having to go to work and pretend that you and him are just work friends.
But he has no such luck. Ten minutes to spare before the cube-shaped clock shatters the peaceful aura of the bedroom and forces the two of you to get up from the safety of the covers and move on with the day.
Could he work with ten minutes? Honestly, probably. But he decides against it, you need as much sleep as you can get, and thanks to his horny ass, both of you fell asleep at ungodly hours last night.
Also, he's glad you're still asleep. It's domestic. Waking up beside you brings a sense of normalcy to his life, stability that only you can offer him. And he doesn't want to even admit it to himself but warmth swells in his chest every time he thinks about how lucky he is because he's the only person in the whole world that gets to wake up next to you in the morning. And he's also a little proud because you chose him. Javier Peña — the DEA agent that had a publicly bad reputation with longterm arrangements and was honestly a bit of an ass to you.
He deeply regrets the latter, because at the time he didn't have a clue that he would be absolutely smitten with you by the end of your first year in Columbia. At first, he was abrasive towards you because you were new. And even though you were no rookie, every hotshot DEA agent that tries their luck in Columbia always either discover that they're in way over their head and leaves or get killed by the end of their second month.
But then you didn't quit, and then you didn't die.
Which is a surprise. A pleasant surprise, but a surprise nonetheless.
And Javier realizes that, yeah, he's been kinda an ass to you and he should probably ease up on completely ignoring you until he's barking orders in your direction. Because if you're going to have a breakdown it might as well be because of Pablo Escobar and not a grouchy DEA agent that has had really no plausible cause to treat you like shit.
But apologizing isn't really his thing so he opted to just ignore the fact that he's been an asshole towards you for the past four months and instead buys you a cup of coffee as some sort of olive branch gesture.
Which he quickly learns is a mistake. A big one, at that.
Because you really don't like him, which is warranted because he has really only been a dick to you. And you're smart enough to realize this. You know he has the decency to at least treat everyone else in the building with some level of fairness. His manners are decent, you've seen him open up doors for passing secretaries and thank them when they drop files off at his desktop. He's confident, but he's not a cocky asshole that treats other agents like they've got a total of two and a half brain cells.
But he doesn't treat you like everyone else, he treats you like you're no better than last week's trash, waiting impatiently for the garbage truck to come lift his burden and haul you out of his life.
So when you basically tell him to go fuck himself, he can't really be too all upset about it. Because, as usual, he deserves every word of it.
So instead of getting all defensive and trying to explain himself like you thought he would, he stands silently from the other side of your desk for a few moments before nodding slowly, like he's actually processing and accepting your two-minute-long speech about how much of an asshole he is, and then he sets the cup of coffee on the edge of your desk and leaves.
He doesn't really make an attempt to interact with you after that, maybe because he's guilty about the whole situation or maybe because it's just not worth it.
You hate him, so why try to cross an already burned bridge?
So instead, he just continues on with life — chases Escobar, bickers with Steve, fucks informants, smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, and drinks a little more whiskey than he probably should. Though he does make the effort to begin treating you like everyone else, which may not mean that he's all sunshine and rainbows towards you, but he's fair. He's equal, and you appreciate it more than he realizes.
It takes a little over a month, an entire bottle of wine, and some deep contemplating before you finally decide that if Javier can treat you fairly, you can do the same. No more ignoring him when he walks into the room, no more only meeting his gaze when your eyes are narrowed into a glare, no more uttering out one-word responses to his questions. Just treat him like you treat everyone else.
Which you soon realize is not as easy as it sounds. Because the morning after you release your five-month-old grudge and you politely thank Javier when he holds open the door to the office for you, the man nearly chokes on his coffee. He stands dumbstruck in the doorway for a few seconds too long, staring at the space you had stood even though you're already halfway down the hall.
Were you messing with him? He figures, yeah, you probably were.
And if he knew better, he would've just dropped it. He should've just shrugged and continued on his life because what you thought of him really didn't matter. You didn't matter, not to him at least.
And he most certainly shouldn't let some random rookie agent distract him when he's so close to taking down Escobar.
That's all you could possibly be to him, a distraction. You didn't matter, you shouldn't matter.
But that's the thing.
Javier Peña doesn't know better. And you do matter — even if he interprets it as just not wanting to see you on the side of the road dead. Because even if you're in a little over your head in Columbia, you're still fighting just as hard as any other agent in the field. And it most certainly doesn't help that you have a set of pretty legs and an even prettier set of eyes.
So Javier comes to a few conclusions while nursing a glass of whiskey. You don't hate him; you're not completely worthless; he shouldn't treat you like you're worthless; and damn, you have some nice legs.
So instead of treating you like he treats everybody else, he treats you like he treats everybody else and then some. Which is a little bit of a step backward because you instantly notice that now he's being friendly, but you try your best not to react to his shift in behavior because it's always going to be better than him being an ass to you.
But then he asks you out.
Well, not really.
He asks you if you want to go to the bar with him and Steve after work, which is strange because he's never expressed any interest in getting to know you before. But thankfully when you politely decline his invitation he takes your rejection gracefully and returns to his own office room.
But then no longer than ten minutes later Steve Murphy pops into your office, and you don't mind because Steve has been nice to you since the very beginning and you might actually consider the two of you friends. You might've even hung out with him in the past if it didn't consequently mean spending time with his asshole partner.
Well, former-asshole partner.
And you almost smile when you see Steve but then he starts pressing you to come hang out with him and Peña after work. Teases you about being a stick-in-the-mud and not having any friends in Columbia, and then about how both he and Javier really want you to come. And you're about to kick him out of your office when he adds that he will pay for all of your drinks — you're out of booze at home and today was no walk in the park. You crack, agreeing to go to some dingy bar with two of your co-workers as long as there will be free and endless drinks.
The night surprisingly goes well. You're pleasantly buzzed but not drunk enough to share some embarrassing secrets that sober you would regret in the morning. You sit next to Steve in a booth, across the tabletop from Javier, which isn't exactly ideal because you realize the more you drink, the more you stare. But then again, you figure it was better than sitting next to him on the cramped bench.
They ask you a lot of questions, which is weird because you've grown so used to not talking about yourself after spending now six months in Columbia without making a friend besides Steve.
Does Javier count as a friend?
You decide that no, he doesn't. You're just co-workers going out for drinks. He probably didn't even want you to come, Steve probably made him ask you first because he knows that there's some sort of turmoil between the two of you.
But regardless of who wanted you here and who didn't really care, you had a good time. And it soon became part of your weekly routine, working hard from nine to at least six and then going out for drinks with Steve and Javier. And it takes a few outings but you finally decide that your friend's list could double into two by adding Javier.
But then one night Steve brings Connie along and somehow that changes everything. Because it's no longer three work friends drinking together to forget the troubles of the workday. Now it's a married couple and two single idiots sitting side-by-side in a cramped booth. And it no longer felt like going out to a bar for drinks, now it felt like an awkward double-date.
And if Javier didn't feel the same tension that had your muscles rigid and your grasp around the amber beer bottle tight, he certainly did when Connie gestured between the two of you.
"So how long have you two been together?"
Steve chokes on his beer, droplets dribbling down his chin and Connie jumps at his reaction, you and Javier both frozen like deer in headlights.
You try to save the evening, you really do. "We're, uh— we're just— not together..."
Connie quirks a confused brow. We're just not together?
Javier's brain seems to start working a few seconds too late.
"We're not together," he clarifies, his voice sounding surprisingly impassive despite his strained posture.
You pray that the bar is too dim for Connie and Steve to see how mortified you were, and thank god Javier was too busy staring off into the distance and nursing his beer to crane his neck to look at you. Though you weren't totally saved because both Steve and somehow Connie could see how fucking humiliated you are, but they spare you the mercy to not say anything or, heaven forbid, stare.
And thanks to Steve's small talk and Javier's decision to leave the booth to go hit on some brunette making eyes at him from the bar, the night resumes as normally as it could've gone. Steve and Connie leave together, Javier leaves with the brunette, and you leave with a headache because you had a little too much to drink.
The next few days are off. Steve apologizes in private for any discomfort that Connie's comment caused you, even though you assure him that it's fine because it's really no big deal.
And you believe it because it was just a simple mistake and Javier didn't seem to care, which consequently means that you don't care.
But that's where you're wrong, about both statements actually. Because firstly, Javier did care — he cared a whole lot, actually. And secondly, Connie had only said something because Steve had been telling her how he thinks the two of you are going to get together for months now. And when Javier and you sat beside one another and talked together with such ease and chemistry, Connie had assumed that the two of you had finally gotten together and that it was a double-date.
But none of that mattered now because Javier wasn't talking to you. He was giving you the classic cold shoulder treatment like you had done something wrong. Reverting back to his old ways of treating you like a piece of shit because Connie had made a mistake. Could you possibly negotiate him redirecting his disdain and resentment towards her? Probably not.
And after an entire three months of being treated like absolute garbage, the tension between you snapped, like a tautly drawn back bowstring just before the release of an arrow.
You followed him out of the building when he got up to leave, the two of you being the only agents left in the office. When you called out his name just before he unlocked his car door, his head dropped back as a frustrated groan heaved from his chest.
That only pissed you off a lot.
"What the fuck's your problem, Peña?" You snarl, marching up to him, eyes narrowed into a threatening glare. You're not entirely sure what possessed you, but the next thing you know you're so close to him that you can feel his controlled breaths fanning against your face as he stares down at you with an expression of indifference — staring down at you like you're not even fucking there.
"Go home," he drawls out dismissively through an exhausted sigh, the keys in his hands jingling as he turns unlocks his car door. "We've got a long day tomorrow."
"Oh, fuck off," you snap, your fury raising in your stomach like a swelling ocean, growing and building itself up until it crashes down on your trembling form.
He shifts, the keys in his hands forgotten as he slowly turns on his heels to face you. "What's your problem?"
Your jaw drops, because he has the audacity to ask you what your problem is? No, he's out of his fucking mind.
"No, what's your problem?" You retort, jabbing your finger into the firm muscles below his shoulder as you gradually lose more and more of your self-control. "You've been treating me like a piece of shit for the past three fucking months. What the hell did I do to you? I thought we were friends but now you act like you want nothing to do with me."
Your words are harsh, tone hardened, and confused. Javier can hear it in your voice and it makes his heart ache, but as soon as you touch him — index finger pressing against chest — his resolve shatters.
"Don't touch me," he utters lowly, his once impassive expression morphing into a darker glare.
You shove him, which is a little disappointing because he doesn't fucking move. Doesn't even stumble back half a step, your actions only hardening his glare. "No, you don't get to fucking ignore me. You don't get to treat me like garbage. And I'm not gonna stop until you tell me why you hate me so fucking much."
"Jesus," he scoffs, his head dipping back as he takes a step back and eyes flitting to the sky like you're some ridiculous, immature child that he can't wait to get rid of. There's a pause, his chest heaving up and down. His hands are on his hips as his eyes avoid your stare, he doesn't want to escalate the situation further. He doesn't need to make an even bigger scene. He doesn't need to create yet another memory that plays on his head in a loop, distracting him every minute of the day. This is the last thing he needs.
After a moment he sighs, dropping his head and breathes for a moment. And as you see his hostile composure shift, you feel the storm of rage that you're drowning in lessen.
"I don't hate you," he answers lowly, his eyes still settled on somewhere other than your face. "Just... just don't take it personally."
You shake your head, your voice just as angry but quieter. "No. Not taking it personally was when you didn't talk to me for my first four months in Columbia because you thought I was just some dumb rookie."
"Look..." He's drained, weakened, and has little fight in him left. And he can see how you're trying to stop yourself from crying, he can hear your throat straining from holding back a sob that's painful trying to rack through your chest. He can see how much pain he's caused you, and he knows that you deserve none of it. "We should just... stop."
Your eyebrows raises. "What?" It's merely a whisper, the malice in your tone melting away as a wave of confusion crashes down on you.
Javier ignores the pang of hurt that sears through his heart at the sound of your voice. "We— we shouldn't... it's better if we're not friends."
You swallow thickly, your tongue heavy in your mouth. "What do you mean?" You ask, unsure of yourself.
"Just..." he tries, his hand running over his exasperated features as he struggles to string a sentence together. His mind is blank, any words rising in his brain not seeming right and leaving him scrambling for a single coherent thought. It's embarrassing being speechless when you're staring up at him with wide, glistening eyes. He's never rendered speechless, nobody has ever made him feel so helpless. He isn't sure when his smooth composure cracked, words came so naturally to him. He could charm the shoes off of anyone else.
Fuck, when did it become so hard to speak?
Probably when he realized you weren't like everybody else.
He forces himself to speak because if he's quiet any longer he's scared you're going to give up on him and leave, even though that's what he should be wanting. He should be hoping that you just learn to distance yourself from him, even if it ruins him. And he has a feeling that if you tear yourself away from him it'll ruin you too, but only for a little while. You'll move on, heal over time no matter how much it hurts now, you'll learn to be okay without him.
Or maybe you won't, you may never get the chance to learn to live without Javier Peña. Maybe the cruel universe would consider it an act of mercy to kill you before you ever got the chance. Maybe you'll get gunned down by one of Escobar's men or die in a car crash on your way home from work. Or maybe Javier will finally slip up and get himself killed. He's not exactly sure what will happen to either of you, but he knows it's bound to happen.
With this job, it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.
Speak, you fucking idiot.
His feet shift against the blacktop, gravel crunching beneath the soles of his boots. His hands are still firmly placed on his hips, his eyes finally tearing away from the streetlight shining in the distance to look at you.
His gut clenches, chest tightening. "It'll be easier if you hate me."
You don't need to ask what exactly would be easier if you hated him. You know the fears that plague every DEA agent's mind. You live your life in the line of fire, the closer people get to you, the more likely they're going to get shot.
But something breaks inside of you, shatters into a million pieces. A part of you that cannot be repaired, no matter the amount of tape or glue.
You slowly drag a breath of air into your lungs, trying the shake the heavy feeling that was going to suffocate you as you stare into his eyes. And you know your bottom lip is quivering and tears are threatening to spill from your eyes.
"But I don't hate you."
And I don't think I ever could.
Your words crack through a broken whisper, and you almost cry at the confession because it just hurts so damn bad.
Javier darts his gaze away from you, knowing that if you start crying he's going to break.
"Then you need to stay away from me," he replies, his voice low but firm. He keeps telling himself that he's not going to lose this argument, he's not going to be selfish and ruin you both for good.
"Why?" You inquire, stepping forward. His eyes flit over at your sudden movement, watching you cautiously as you invade his space one more. "I don't see you pushing Murphy away."
Javier huffs out a soft scoff. Maybe he would've even chuckled at your comment if he was able to breathe. "You know you're not Murphy."
Well, no shit, you're not Murphy. You're not some six foot two blond from Tennessee with a wife and kid.
"What does that even mean?" You sigh, your eyes squinting from a mixture of exhaustion and confusion.
Javier faintly shakes his head, almost disapprovingly. "Don't do that. Don't act like you don't know you're different."
Threads of your patience snap, and you force yourself to not let your calm composure to crack and crumble under the flames smoldering in your chest.
"Why do I have to be different?" you reply sharply, though Javier can hear that your anger is more directed towards the situation than at him.
Because I'm not in love with Murphy.
Fuck, shut up, Peña.
"You just are," he answers eventually, maybe an eternity later.
Well, that's not fair.
"Why?" You muse quietly, and Javier's brain short-circuits. Because have you always been standing so close to him? He can fucking smell you from a here — some floral perfume that makes his head spin and his knees buckle, though he can't help himself from wanting to bury his head in the crook of your neck and breathe you in.
He has to crane his neck to look down at you, and his pulse quickens once he realizes that all he has to do is lean slightly forward on his toes and he'd be kissing you. Your eyes are no longer clouded with tears and the anger in your voice has melted. Your calm, which is new, but it doesn't make it any easier to look at you. Because you're gazing up at him with eyes that reflect the night sky and he thinks he's about to pass out.
And it takes him a moment to remember that you've asked him a question.
Why? Why are you different?
Why does he distance himself from your soft touch? Why does he avoid your curious stare? Why does he have the urge to leave the room whenever you enter it? Why does he only offer you half-assed responses and quips? Why does he refuse to look at your even though all he ever thinks about is your sweet face? Why does he let himself fuck whores when he keeps letting your name slip from his lips? Why does he allow his gaze to linger and trace every outline of your face after you've turned away? Why does he wake up glistening with sweat and a painful ache between his legs because he fell asleep thinking about you?
Fuck. He wants to kiss you right now.
Why does he want to kiss you right now?
"Javier?" You breathe out, still waiting for him to speak even though you are starting to understand his silent answer.
Javier doesn't remember hearing his name softly drip slip from your lips in a whisper. He doesn't remember his hand shaking as he lifts it to cradle your cheek. He doesn't remember the calloused pad of his thumb brushing against your cheekbone as you softly shudder beneath his touch. He doesn't remember gazing into your eyes like he's looking up into the summer night sky, stargazing. He doesn't remember the shaky breath the leaves your lips as his thumb drags lower to graze your plush bottom lip. He most certainly doesn't remember leaning forward on his feet and capturing your lips with his.
His lungs constrict and he's kissing you — desperately, touches drowning in need as the taste of you floods his senses.
But fuck, you're kissing him back. And your tongue is pressing into his mouth, practically purring as your hands rake through his hair.
And you're not entirely sure how the conversation ended with you kissing Javier Peña like you were trying to devour him whole, but he doesn't seem to be complaining as he picks you up with a small grunt and lays you down on the backseat of his car without breaking away from you once.
He's breathing is frantic, grabbing at your blouse and tugging it off of you before your arms are even extended above your head. Your lips part from his with a loud smack and you whine out in pure want, squirming as his mustache tickles the swell of your breasts as his head dips down and sucks a purple mark into the plush flesh that spills from the bra cups. Your stomach is churning with lust and desire as the thought of him burns into your memory like a hot iron searing through flesh.
"Hermosa," he calls out through a heavy breath that ghosts against your collar, his sinful hands groping your chest draws out airy moans. His cock is hard and leaking, the arousal the settled in his belly is burning through him like a wildfire.
Fuck, you're touching him and it's shaking his mind to shambles. Your hand rests on the nape of his neck as he pulls your bra down to run his hot tongue over your taut nipples, your other hand weaving through his dark hair and tugging.
"Javier," you keen, your back arching off the leather seat as something inside your bursts. You rock your hips forward, desperate to reveal the tension that had coiled in your stomach. "I need... I need—"
"I know," he grunts because he needs the exact same things. He's panting, quivering, shuddering out broken breaths between kisses as he hovers over your trembling body. "Fuck, baby. I know."
Then it's like his mind goes on autopilot, acting on pure instinct as he fumbles to unclasp his belt and yank the front of his jeans down far enough so that he can take his weeping cock out of its confinements. His hands then find their way to your pants, hesitating to make sure you still want him but you're one step ahead, already pushing your pants and panties down in one harsh movement.
But as soon as he looks down at your naked lower half, his daze is snapped in half like a twig and his mind spirals out of control as he realizes that he needs you right fucking now. And you're no better, tears prickling your eyes as you beg him to fuck you in the back of his Jeep.
And even though he craves to taste your wetness on his tongue, he thinks he's going to die if he doesn't fuck you this very instant. He can't stop himself from lining his cock up with your entrance and applying the slightest bit of pressure, relishing in the needy moan that echoes throughout the cab of his car that makes pre-cum drip down the base of his cock.
"Javier." You're chanting his name like a prayer, like he's your sweet salvation. Your hands squeeze his shoulders as your head lols back before one drops to find his, lacing your fingers together to anchor yourself. He's hovering about you, one quivering arm propping his body up while the other is holding yours — he thinks he's about to explode.
"Please fuck me."
Then he's spreading you open, pushing inside of you with one slow and deliberate stroke. You squeak at the tightness, the full feeling that stretches your walls and makes you shudder. Javier's head drops to the crook of your neck and presses a chaste kiss to the pulsating skin, pausing momentarily so that you both can catch your breath.
And as you ask him to finally move, all coherent thoughts as ripped from his mind. All he knows is that he's thrusting into you like he's going to die if he stops. You're going to kill him.
I'll die if you stop. You don't know if you actually said it aloud or if it was only an echo of a thought in your ruined mind.
Neither of you last long, which isn't much of a surprise at the state you're in. Though Javier feels weird because he has some weird sexual reputation and he nearly came in his pants when he was only kissing you. And he wanted to draw it all out because he's secretly scared that you'll never talk to him again after this, even though that's what he originally wanted. But now that he's finally gotten a taste of your lips, he's drunk off your touch and addicted to it. He doesn't want you to leave and pretend that none of this ever happened. He doesn't even know if you like him in the same way he likes you—
No, fuck, he loves you. He loves you and doesn't even know if you like him enough to allow him to take you on a proper date.
So when he asks you if you want to get drinks with him on Friday, skin sticky with sweat and chest sill heaving as he helps you dress, he's surprised when you agree with a coy smile. And he huffs out a small laugh when you teasingly ask if you should expect Steve to tag along or if it's a legitimate date.
And honestly, the following months are a blur — filled with wandering hands, lingering shared gazes, and hot kisses. He can't control himself after the torturous ten long months he spent waiting, ten months of longing and yearning for your touch while he pushed you away.
All that matters now is that you're fast asleep in his arms on a rainy Tuesday morning. Your cheek is squished against his bare chest and he knows that the dark hairs that litter his torso are probably tickling your nose, but you don't stir once your arm is lazily draped over his middle.
And he can't help the dopey smile that tugs at his lips when you nuzzle even closer, still stuck on the thought that you somehow managed to fall in love with him.
"You're warm," you mumble mindlessly, voice heavy with sleep.
Oh, you are awake.
"Have to get up soon," he replies, though his words don't seem fitting as he tightens his hold around your waist and drags you up his torso so that he can tuck your head beneath his chin.
And for a split second, Javier thinks that you've fallen back asleep because he's learned the hard way that you are by no means a morning person. Your heartbeat his soft against his chest and your breathing pattern returns to a slow and silent pace.
"Call in sick," you suddenly murmur as you squirm a bit before stilling.
Javier breathes out a soft chuckle, his breath ghosting over the top of your head. "We can't both call in sick," he refutes lightly, even though the offer is very tempting.
"Fine," you utter before tilting your head up to look at him with dreamy eyes. And as your eyes land on him, Javier remembers just how beautiful you are and how much he really wants to stay in bed with you. "Then you call in sick, I'll play hooky."
A dangerous game, it's hard to keep a secret relationship a secret when there's a pattern of both parties missing work on the same days.
Though, apparently, the game is all too tempting. Because as soon as you lean up to press a gentle kiss in the crook of Javier's neck, he finds himself reaching for his phone.
"Wanna make me breakfast?" You eventually ask through a coy grin, peering up at him through your thick lashes as he ends the call.
He rolls his eyes, a playful gesture that you don't take seriously in the slightest. "You're ridiculous," he answers grumpily even though you both know he's going to cave and make his specialty of coffee and eggs.
"But you love me anyway," you reply smugly, pushing yourself up on your elbow to peck a chaste kiss to his lips. Javier's hand comes up to cradle the back of your head, pulling you closer to deepen the kiss. You can't stop the moan that slips from you breathlessly as his tongue parts your pursed lips.
It's safe to say that neither of you gets out of bed for another hour.
tags (let me know if you want to be added): @yespolkadotkitty​
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Hey Elsie! I hope you and something, hydrated yourself and made sure to keep in check with your posture! I was wondering what type of dynamic/s do you think Quill and Sora have together. As we've seen you and Icarus as the tierd parents duo what would Quill and Sora be?
The Chaotic Older Siblings
[Including: Quill and Sora. Respecively, @lynxlycan and @hereggssuitcasefish. Mentions of @nursegracecreates and @celestialissues]
[Warnings: Like, none?]
[AN: I was watching rendering vids on tiktok bc that's something I want to attempt this year and almost fell asleep lmfao. I'm tired. After this, I'll be putting on a youtube video about early 2000s ads and then take a nap. I'll also try to finish chapter 2 of my EJ book later tongiht. Posture is doin' just fine <3]
These two have a singular brain cell and don't actually know how to share it.
Yes, given the recent events there is a big sibling rivalry between the two.
There is a lot of "my horse is bigger than your horse" energy here.
But no one really does it like them.
While Icarus and Tjme manage chaos together and can generally be considered Toriel and Asgore (if he was a giant murder bird-) parallel, these two as Asriel and Chara.
I'd say that Asriel, before turned into a flower belongs much more to Sora and Quill is Chara. Quill is unhinged, chaotic, and often gets into a lot of mischief.
Sora is a lot softer, quieter, and contemplative. This does not mean that they don't get into shenanigans on the will of Quill, they're just a lot sneakier about it.
When Tjme and Icarus aren't there to keep them on track, Grace is the one that assumes ownership of the brain cell and keeps them on track!
These two argue about so much bs it can be heard down the hall.
But like, at the same time, they cannot function properly without the other. They're the epitome of "I hate you." "Bro ong I hate you too." "You wanna watch Frozen tonight-" "I'm ordering the pizza as we speak lol."
They are the true unhinged chaos goblins. If one is running around, the other is sure to be following.
I say they're the older siblings because they're both reasonably responsible adults. No one is the middle child or even the youngest because neither Tjme, Icarus nor Grace will forget or favor any of them. At the same time, they have the expectation to be functional people and sometimes cannot do that. Just like real older siblings!
They're both bastards with hearts of gold and none of theadult adults are afraid to say it.
They have nicknames for each other and none of them are that nice but they have their moments.
Sometimes they greet each other with "bestie".
These two take a lot of pictures of EVERYTHING. They make photo albums and scrapbooks of everything they experience.
They go out for iced coffee a lot.
Who drives is a nightmare to choose.
They're both off the wall insane at times. There is only so much damage control Grace can do in a single watch.
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radiorenjun · 4 years
Lavender Antics
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→ Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
→ Summary: Shooting in a drama with him was your absolute nightmare. Working with your enemy and pretending that you were love interests has been the most frustrating experience of your life. Though, after saying your farewells, the scent of lavender never leaves.
→ Genre:enemies to lovers au, idol au, romance, angst, slowburn, comedy.
→ Warnings: Explicit Language. Antics. Mentions of insecurity. Alcohol, Making out. Suggestive?
Chapters: 2, 3, 4
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The first thing you heard when you regained consciousness was a loud obnoxious voice booming through your room. You groaned as you reached for your phone on the nightstand of your hotel, trying to check what time it is.
You arrived at the hotel at 3 am, as soon as you entered your room, you literally collapsed and fell asleep. You were eternally grateful for taking your team members' advice to use sweats and hoodies to the airport.
When you finally grab a hold of your phone, you plugged it out of its charger and turned it on. Squinting at the brightness you, which forgot to lower last night, you managed to rub the sleep out of your eyes to see what time it is for someone to be ringing their alarm so loud.
3 hours. It's been three hours since you got some actual sleep?
Who in their right minds would set up an alarm that early? You put your phone down as you continued to ignore the loud muffled ringtone booming through the walls next to you. You put your pillow over your head, trying to think who could possibly be making that racket.
Your co-stars rooms were right beside you, but most of them don't use alarms since they're mostly actors and actresses unlike you idols who trained early in the morning til late night. You pulled your blanket over your head, groaning loudly, annoyed and willing to murder whoever interupted your sleep.
The room to your left was Jeongin and you knew for a fact that Jeongin wakes up on his own, which you question as you couldn't even find the strength to wake up and instantly do activities without falling back asleep. The room across from yours was the director, but he said he wouldn't be awake til 11 am.
If to your left was Jeongin, and across you was your director. Then that means, the wall right beside you was none other than Han Jisung. "God dammit, Han!" you groaned loudly, slamming your face against the pillow repeatedly.
Maybe if you just bare with it for much longer, Jisung would wake up and turn it off?
With every passing second you endured, your blood boils and your fists clenching the soft silky fabric of your pillow tighten. "I wanna sleep!" you cry, slamming the sides of your fists against the bed sheets.
You sat up as you began banging your fists against the wall as hard and loud as you could while screaming at the top of your lungs. "Han Jisung! Wake up for fucks sake I want some sleep!" you screamed repeatedly, some curses and swears spilling out of your throat as your anger grew when you realise he wasnt waking up.
"You donkey! I need some sleep!" you breathed out before you gave up. Collapsing onto the mattress before you, rubbing your eyes angrily as you forced yourself to get up and march into the man's room so you could get your precious sleep. You gulped down a glass of water and got up.
You grabbed your phone and put on a jacket over your thin tanktop, not bothering to comb your fingers through your hair to make yourself presentable. You slipped on some soft slippers and grabbed your room key before marching to the door next to you.
You gripped the phone in your hand and banging your other against the door. "Donkey, turn that alarm off! Or so help me, I'll spill hot boiling coffee on your pants on purpose!" you threatened, your voice croaked as you still felt very sleepy.
You groaned as you took out your phone and began calling him, you could hear the sound of his ringtone over his loud alarm as you kept pounding on the door as loud as you can. You bit your lip to prevent yourself from screaming in anger as you tucked your phone in between your shoulder and your ear before you used your free hand to press repeatedly on his doorbell.
You had been pounding on his door the loudest you could, ringing his phone repeatedly and ringing his doorbell all at the same time for 30 minutes straight. At this point you were about to just break the door down and yell at him, you were losing your mind if you don't get some sleep in the next five minutes.
As if heaven had responded to your desperate calls, you heard subtle footsteps walking towards the door. You heard the door click, finally pulling away as you eye twitched in annoyance. There he was, sleeping beauty himself.
Han Jisung stood in the doorway, his fist rubbing his eye as he squinted at you. He was in nothing but a baggy white shirt and some boxers, his freshly dyed black hair was disheveled in all different directions.
His alarm stopped ringing that incredibly annoying tone and his phone stopped ringing when you hung up on him. Leaving in an awkward silence in the atmosphere as Jisung stood sleepily in the doorway. In all honesty, he looked adorable. Of course you weren't gonna admit that, especially when he wasted 30 minutes of your sleep time.
"Look who finally decided to wake up" you snapped, with a sardonic laugh. You were sure that your eyes had dark circles darker than the urges of wanting to slaughter him right then and there.
"Good morning to you, too, l/n." he yawned into his mouth before leaning against his hand, elbow supported against the wall as he had a small smirk plastered on his face. "What do I owe a pleasure of seeing your face such early in the morning?" he slurred, his eyes closed due to the sleep taking its toll on him.
"Mind telling me why your alarm, which could awaken the people from another universe, goes off at this early of the day?" you almost yelled, which made him raise his brow at you, looking up and down your form. "And why aren't you wearing pants?" you groaned, trying to not look down.
He giggled at your reaction, "sorry, y/n. I usually get up this early to practice back at the dorms. I'm a pretty heavy sleeper and usually my members helps me wake up since my alarm wakes them up. I guess I forgot to turn it off when I got knocked out last night," he chuckled at your grumpy expression.
"Whatever, if this happens again. I will not hesitate to break down this door and throw your clock out of the damn window," you growled, rubbing your temples in frustration. "You couldn't be bothered to at least put on some pants?" you complained.
"Look in the mirror, l/n. You couldn't be bothered to tame that mess of a mane you have." he nodded towards the mess on your head. You huffed before shoving your hand against his chest while walking back to your room.
"You look shitty, by the way!" he exclaimed, his head poking out to reveal that shit eating grin of his as you slide your room key against the slot. "Oh give a girl a break, would you?" you growled, flipping him off with your middle finger before entering the room. "Finally, peace and quiet." you mumbled as you shrugged off your jacket and engulfed yourself in the feathery soft sheets.
This was going to be a long month.
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You walked down the road with your head looking forward, it was already 9 pm and you were taking a stroll through town. "Man, I should go to Tokyo when I'm older." you spoke to yourself, relaxing at the quiet peaceful aura that surrounds you.
You passed by a bush of lavender, the scent filling your nostrils as you paused in your step to turn to look at it. "Who would plant lavender's in their backyard?" you asked with furrowed brows. "Japanese people." a voice replied shortly, causing you to jump in surprise in your place.
You turned to look at Han Jisung who was smiling at the purple plants in awe beside you. 'What are you doing here? It's late.' you asked, pulling down your headphones so that you could hear him clearly. "Same reason as you. I went on a stroll," he shrugged with a small smile plastered on his lips.
"Plus I'm craving some boba." He grinned, showing you a halfly finished boba drink which he shook in his grasp, making the drink let out a rattling sound as the ice hits the plastic and the liquid swivels around. You watch him take a small sip of the drink and he waved the drink at you.
"Want some?"
You smiled as you took the drink from his fingers and drank from the same straw. "You seem upset, what's up?" he asked, a hand on your shoulder as you both began walking on the road. You chuckled to yourself, shaking your head to say that it's nothing he should be worried about.
"Was it those chocolate balls Jungha made? I told him that him being in the kitchen is basically a sin but he didn't listen!" he exclaimed exasperatedly, causing you to laugh. "He's a hazard to society, I must admit." you shrugged, chewing on the tapioca pearls.
"I think I lost a gazillion brain cells and got shit developing in my brain ever since I ate those disgusting chocolate truffles." you made a face which caused Jisung to snicker. "Relatable. I gulped down thirty gallons of water to wash that shit down my throat," Jisung joked.
"Youngmin got a freaking aneurysm when he spotted him actually making something in the kitchen." you joked. "Not surprised, I would be too if I had seen him pour fourteen cups of vinegar into a large truffle mixture." he shook his head at the thought.
There was silence between the two of you. As you walked down the path, thinking of all the things you could say to spike up another conversation. You just randomly said, "I like axolotls." which caused him to look at you with the most perplexed yet interested look he's ever given you.
"When you said you had shit developing in your brains, you didn't mean it literally right?" he asked with a concern look on his face. You laughed, smacking him on his shoulder with your sweater paw. "You idiot, of course not!" you bawled out laughing.
"Not my fault I thought bout that. I mean, one moment we're talking bout disgusting chocolate truffles that our classmate made, with the probability of having the intention of food poisoning us to you talking bout who knows what you were saying!" he exclaimed with a giggle.
"Wait. You don't know what's an axolotl?" you asked, turning your head slightly in surprise. "What the fuck even is that?" he furrowed his brows in confusion which made your mouth drop to the floor in shock. His confused expression turned into an offended laugh as he started explaining himself.
"What do you think I am? A grammician? How am I suppose to know what the fuck that is?" he giggled in between words. "Okay, okay. First of all, it's Grammarian. You're making it sound as if being someone who's good at grammar, a magician." you cleared your throat.
"They are though." Jisung mumbled under his breath, which you ignored, only giving him a wtf face in response before shaking your head and continuing with your sentence. "Two. An axolotl is kind of like a sea salamander thing? They have the cutest little smiles and the cutest little yawns-"
"Yes, let me finish my sentence, for fucks sake!"
"They're also teeny tiny that you just wanna squeeze them. They're also really cool creatures," you finished with a bright smile. You find Jisung smiling down at you in astonishment, his expression almost looked lovingly.
"Um, you okay?" you teased. "You're spacing out, dude." you added. Jisung's soft smile never left but he took a few steps toward you, you unconciously walked backwards as you nervously glanced up at his tranced gaze boring into your eyes. "Uh.. You okay?" you asked.
You felt your back hit the wall, letting out a small squeak at the soft impact. Jisung kept getting closer towards you, his arms beside your head as his forearms lay flat against the wall. His knee in between your legs to keep you trapped in his arms.
His eyes staring lovingly into your nervous ones before searching all over your face and gazing at your lips. "Dude.." you whispered almost inaudibly, as his smile faltered, his eyes half lidded as he leaned his head towards you slowly.
You let out a small noise of surprise when you felt his breath on your skin, his half lidded eyes gazing at your lips as he bit his own. He leaned closer and closer until you both practically breathed each others air, his lips a few centimeters away from yours.
You were stuck in a trance when his eyes went up to look at yours, becoming half lidded as well. His nose grazed yours slowly as his lips parted slightly, his minty breath hitting yours. You felt as if your were being hypnotised.
In a second, it was all ripped away. Jisung shook his head with wide eyes before pulling away from you, his cheeks flushed red in embarrassment as if his boldness had evaporated into thin air. "Sorry," he mumbled, looking everywhere but you.
You nodded wordlessly, putting a hand at your chest to feel how fast your heart is beating. "It's cool." you whispered to him, unsure if he could hear you but the small nod he gave you reassured you he did.
"And cut! Perfect!" the director exclaimed through the speaker before going through his papers once again. You groaned, collapsing on the floor as you sat down in exhaustion. You have been shooting for eight hours nonstop, you were beyond tired.
"Oh my god, someone please get me some mouthwash. I shared a drink with that human being!" you gasped exasperatedly, point at Han Jisung who was gulping down large amounts of water from his waterbottle. He paused to look at you with an annoyed look, his puffy cheeks filled with water.
He gulped down before sticking his tongue out at you. He wiped his mouth with his towel which he used to wipe the sweat off of his brows during breaks. He tossed the wet towel towards your exhausted figure, causing you to avoid it with a shuffle.
"Dude, gross! What were you raised in a barn? You're gonna a get me the fucking corona virus, you little shit" you spat, kicking the towel away with your shoe as your make up artist gave you your waterbottle. "Oh please y/n. We all know that you're the uncultured swine here," he shot back in a bittersweet tone.
"Plus, if I had the virus. I would probably got it from you, considering you sneeze 24/7 and sound like a dying whale when doing so." he snickered. "Bro, if you actually get me sick, I'm gonna pass it back to you by kissing you if I have to!" you growled, standing up to grab your phone.
"You're gonna kiss him sooner or later, so you don't really have to say that." Jeongin smirked as he took a bite of the chocolate truffles handed out during breaks. You and Jisung gave the younger boy a death glare which made him grin and shrug before continuing to hog all the sugary treats displayed on the table.
"Oh my god you're such a pain in the ass." you whined, rubbing your temples in frustration. "Said the one with a stick up her ass," Jisung muttered as his fingers lightly tap the screen of his phone. "Can you shut up please?" you put your hands together with a small clapping sound and Jisung chuckled.
"Sweet y/n should keep her head out of the clouds because God knows that shutting up isn't in my vocabulary." he smirked before giving you a mocking look of sympathy, "did I say sweet? I meant, salty."
You could practically see the smoke steaming out of your ears like a boiling tea kettle. You were about to pounce on that boy and choke him to death (as kinky as it sounds), until you heard the director announce his long awaited announcement.
"Alright, that's it for today folks. It's late and y'all need rest for tomorrow. We'll be travelling to a much furthur place, so be prepared!" the director announced before looking at you and Jisung. "Especially you two, we have only 7 episodes left to shoot. You two are gonna get real lovey dovey this month," he said in a serious tone.
You and Jisung let out a loud gulp. Your heart raced a bit at the thought of being closer to Jisung. No matter how annoying he was, you always look through his good looks and comedic personality. He was practically your ideal type if he wasnt such an asshole. There's no acceptions to this guy.
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im sorry this took me so long I was rlly rlly busy
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shygirl-00 · 4 years
Winter Song Chapter 1: Haunting memories
Song: Control by Halsey; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzoNRAX_SOw
Warnings: Nightmares, mentions of torture, human experimenting, mind-wiping, mentions of murder, blood, some soft fluff, akward conversations.
Disclaimer: I don't own the song or the pictures/GIFs. Credits to the original owners.
They send me away to find them a fortune A chest filled with diamonds and gold The house was awake, the shadows and monsters The hallways, they echoed and groaned
The girl hugged her knees as she stared at the grey wall across the room. She didn't feel the cold of the floor anymore.
How long had she been sitting here in her dark cell? After the numerous times she was thrown in here, she didn't bother anymore to count the endless hours she had spent in isolation. Just as she didn't bother to try to get comfy on the thin mattress she had to get some sleep on. She was lucky one of the rusty springs of the bedframe hadn't yet poked into her skin during her few hours of sleep.
I sat alone, in bed till the morning I'm crying, "They're coming for me" And I tried to hold these secrets inside me My mind's like a deadly disease
Crazy as it sounded, these hours in her cell were the only moments of peace that she knew in this hell hole. In here she could at least try to forget all the torture of needles, shocks and burns she had received on a day.
Here she could be alone with her thoughts for a moment before that door would be slammed open and those Hydra soldiers would drag her out again for another round of torture and experimenting.
I'm bigger than my body I'm colder than this home I'm meaner than my demons I'm bigger than these bones
Hydra... The organisation that had destroyed her life. They had killed her parents and taken her, had dragged her single-handedly into a world of pain and misery. And every time she thought it couldn't get any worse, the next time Hydra would top it. And that over, and over, and over again.
And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy God damn right, you should be scared of me Who is in control?
Even when she was allowed to have a moment of rest, she could barely close her eyes or the nightmares would already start. The things they made her do, the killing, the spilling of innocent blood...every night she could hear the screams of her victims and when she would wake up, she could still see the blood on her hands, she would smell the smoke of guns. After that she would always taste familiar sourness in her mouth before she would throw up.
I paced around for hours on empty I jumped at the slightest of sounds And I couldn't stand the person inside me I turned all the mirrors around
She had dreamed of escaping. Had even tried it a couple of times, but that only resulted in being captured and being more tortured and experimented on. So it stayed with dreaming. She had heard of the soldier with the metal arm. The man who managed to finally escape Hydra after years. The Winter Soldier...best friend of Captain America...James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes...
I'm bigger than my body I'm colder than this home I'm meaner than my demons I'm bigger than these bones
(Y/n)… Her own name. (Y/n) (L/n)… Hydra had even tried to take that away from her. Her future was already stolen from her, her memories were scrambled, but for some miraculous reason she had been able to cling onto her name. Every time they put her in that torture chair, they had hoped that she would finally permanently forget it and every single time she would disappoint them.
After a while she would remember her name again. Her name was (Y/n) (L/n), no matter how many times thy would fry her brain in that chair, her name. was. (Y/n) (L/n).
And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy God damn right, you should be scared of me Who is in control?
(Y/n) jumped when the door was suddenly slammed open and a group of five Hydra soldiers barged in, lead by Brock Rumlow. Since the death of Alexander Pierce, by the hands of SHIELD, he sort of became in charge of Hydra on the matter of physical missions and attacks, while Helmut Zemo became in charge of the tests and experiments. Both monsters, not afraid to tear people apart, mentally and physically, to get what they wanted. (Y/n)'s tormentors...
“Good morning Asset.” Rumlow sneered as he stared down at her. Asset...that's all she was to them. A puppet, and Hydra was her puppet master. (Y/n) didn't answer him and looked away.
“I said…”, Rumlow pulled her up by her hair, “good morning. Have you never heard of manners?!” He spat in her face as he threw her back onto the floor in front of the feet of the soldiers who manhandled her to her feet again and held onto her.
People would raise an eyebrow at the sight that five soldiers were holding a girl, but thanks to the experiments, (Y/n)'s strength had majorly increased. The last time she was escorted by only two guards, they eventually had to tranquilize her because she almost escaped them and even now sometimes five guards struggled to hold her down.
Rumlow nods at the guards. “You know where to.” Immediately, (Y/n) was dragged out of her cell into the hallway. She already braced herself for what was to come. Most likely more experimenting and serums being injected into her...
I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head They beg me to write them so they'll never die when I'm dead And I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head They beg me to write them so I'll never die when I'm dead
But...they went another way. And she knew which way this was...one she dreaded more than any other room in this whole facility... She tried to control her breathing that caught in her throat as she was dragged through the halls.
I'm bigger than my body I'm colder than this home I'm meaner than my demons I'm bigger than these bones
As they entered that dreaded room, (Y/n) was met by the familliar sight of several scientists and assistants walking around the room, working on who knows what kind of projects. But the thing that she was most afraid of stood in the middle of the room: that godforsaken chair that ripped the memories from everyone who was forced into that thing.
And next to that horror device stood her other tormentor, Helmut Zemo.
"Why hello there, malyshka. I hope you slept well.” Zemo cooed as he petted (Y/n)’s cheek. She jerked her head away as she scowled at him. "Tsk tsk, as hostile as ever, are we?” Zemo tutted as he grabbed her chin so she was forced to look at him. He shook his head.
“Well, malyshka, if today is a success, we don't have to deal with that attitude anymore.” He grinned at her as he walked away to retrieve something from the table next to the chair.
“Wh-what do you mean by that?” (Y/n) spoke as she tried to not let her voice tremble too much. She felt her blood turn into ice as Zemo turned, seeing what he had retrieved from the table; a black book with a red star stamped on it. Her 'programming book’ as some liked to call it. Whenever that book came out, she prepared for the worst.
Zemo chuckled when he saw (Y/n)'s scared face. “Oh do not worry, malyshka. I thought these out very carefully.” He held an amused grin as he watched confusion mixed with fear etched onto the girl's face. “And it will not be that difficult. They're just...ten...simple...words…”
All colour disappeared from (Y/n)'s face. Ten words...ten...words...they were...they were going to… Her train of thought was cut short by a short scentence that left Zemo's lips that left her freaked out.
“Prep her.”
And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy God damn right, you should be scared of me Who is in control?
Never before, in her whole life, did (Y/n) struggle more than at that moment. She screamed, kicked, thrashed, she tried everything she could as the guards hauled her into the chair and began strapping her down. Several scientists began starting up the machine that would soon enough rip her memories from her.
(Y/n) clamped her mouth shut as they approached with the mouth guard. But one firm slam of Rumlow's fist in her stomach left her coughing and gasping for breath, which was used to shove the mouth guard into her mouth. Last but not least, they strapped her head down.
(Y/n)'s breathing came out ragged as her chest heaved up and down. Her eyes flashed from one side to another as she watched the people surrounding her. Then an all too familiar whirring sound filled her ears. Zemo looked down at her.
"Just relax, malyshka. All you need to do is listen...” He purred as the cold metal clamped around her head. The whirring sound became louder and louder. She saw Zemo's mouth move as he read from the book. She knew her brain would process the words as anything else was ripped from her. They would continue this until worked.
But the only thing she heard, a sound that filled the whole room and echoed through the hallways, was her own screaming...
And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy God damn right, you should be scared of me Who is in control?
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Gasping for air, (Y/n) shot up in bed. Sweat was beading her forehead as she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to get her breathing under control. She took shaky breaths as she rubbed her face. Giving herself a moment to calm down, she laid back down on her bed.
The day they implanted her triggerwords...that was the most recurring nightmare that had been haunting her night and night again. Even now, six months after The Avengers had saved her from that hell hole, it felt like yesterday that they put those damn words into her brain.
(Y/n) looked at the time that was being projected on the wall. 04:00 am. With a sigh (Y/n) kicked the sheets off of her and sat up, sliding her feet into her slippers. She knew that, even if she tried, she would not be able to fall asleep again. She wrapped her blanket around herself and quietly shuffled out of her room, on her way to the living room in The Avengers tower.
Ever since they rescued her, (Y/n) had been living with The Avengers at their compound. When they found out that, after they rescued her, she didn't have any family she could turn to, they took her in and they practically became her family. And she couldn't be more grateful for them.
Steve Rogers, the Captain himself, had been acting like a father or a big brother to her. He was usually the person that held her when she was having a panic or anxiety attack, she could cry on his shoulder when the nightmares became too much. He would be one of the first people to notice if something was wrong.
Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, together with Bruce Banner, were like the “nerd-uncles” you didn't know you needed. While Tony loved to tease her sometimes, he had a huge soft spot for the girl and he would be there for her whenever she needed him. Pepper Pots, his girlfriend, would scold him often if he teased (Y/n) too much to her liking. She was like the sweetest aunt ever. Bruce regularly checked on her physical but mostly her mental health and treated her wounds if need be.
If (Y/n) needed a hug, she could always count on Thor. Being the God of Thunder or not, he loved nothing more than picking her up and giving her a good hug, mostly one in which she could shield herself from the world for a moment.
Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff, two women who you didn’t want to get angry, became like big sisters for (Y/n). They and Pepper would chase the boys out of the living room so that they could have a girl's night every once in a while. They would just chat and laugh together every once in a while, but they also trained her in order to get her powers under control.
Pietro Maximoff and Clint Barton, those two were like the chaos cousins whose goal it was to cheer (Y/n) up. Pietro loved to carry her around and then run all over the place until both of them were out of breath, him from running, she because her breath was taken away by the speed. Clint was more serious than Pietro, but he was often in for a prank or two.
Then Sam, the uncle who was sometimes teasing her even more than Tony would, but he would never let anything happen to her. Eventhough him and Tony would not always see eye to eye, they would once in a while tease (Y/n) together about her feelings towards a certain super soldier with a metal arm...
James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes... even after six months, (Y/n) still didn't know what Bucky was to her. They were friends, that was for sure, but she would be lying to herself if she hadn't wished that they could be more than that, more than once. But she would be rather damned than to admit that.
Not only would Sam and Tony not let her hear the end of it, but she would never forgive herself if she destroyed Bucky's friendship with her by admitting what she really felt for him. After all, Bucky had had enough on his plate with his own history with Hydra; he didn't need her damaged life also on his shoulders.
Little did she know, that a certain, metal-armed, super soldier had the same thoughts about himself, and had the same feelings for her...
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Damaged. That's what (Y/n) called herself. Improved, that's what Hydra had called her. Well, for their sick games perhaps. Now, (Y/n) was scared of herself. She had seen the file that The Avengers managed to take with them. It stood there, everything Hydra had put in her and what she was now:
(Y/n) (L/n), Asset 107. Enhanced strength, speed, durability and flexibility. Powers of remnants of Mind Stone present. Trained fighter with guns, knives and hand to hand combat.
And there they were, those cursed triggerwords. Steve had quickly taken the file out of her hands. Her nightmares were already enough torment. And he had a point.
Quietly, (Y/n) opened the door to the living room and slid inside. She quickly popped into the kitchen to get a glass out of the cabinet and fill it with water. She took some sips to at least get the adrenaline, that her nightmares always gave her, down. She sighed. Would she ever be able to get rid of those horrific nightmares…? She turned to go sit on the couch.
“Can't sleep either?” A voice called out. (Y/n) jumped and shrieked, letting go of the glass in the process. A quick, silver hand swooped the glass out of the air, catching it before it would break on the ground. "Careful there, we don't want any accidents.” (Y/n) looked up to meet a pair of ocean blue eyes looking into her (e/c) ones.
"You okay?” Bucky Barnes put the glass back on the counter and raised an eyebrow when the girl in front of him stayed quiet. "Hello, Earth to (Y/n)?” He waved with his flesh hand in front of her face.
(Y/n) blinked. “Uh...yeah, fine! I mean...ahum...yeah I'm okay.” She quickly took her glass and went to the living room with it. This was what she always feared. Making herself look like a complete fool in front of Bucky. And now she had just done that...great.
With a soft sigh, she flopped onto the couch, tugging her blanket closer around herself, sipping on her water. She eyed Bucky as he came out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee. When he saw her looking, he gave her a soft smile. (Y/n)'s cheeks coloured bright red. She quickly hid her face behind her glass of water, hoping Bucky hadn’t seen it.
But of course Bucky had seen it. With his enhanced abilities and his training as a spy, he could pick up the smallest details.
He had only one issue; he was never taught how to work with feelings for another person. Sure he knew about friendship and such, his long lasting friendship with Steve never seemed to falter, but no, they never told him how to approach a person when the idea of more than friendship came up. Yes, in his old days, he had flirted with some dames, but that was all it was, flirting, not, Bucky gulped at the tought, love.
“Bucky…?” He was awakened from his thoughts when a soft voice called his name.
He looked up and saw that (Y/n) was looking at him again. "W-what? You said something?” She smiled softly. “I asked why you couldn't sleep. Since you said can't sleep either.”
Bucky let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, taking a sip of his coffee. “Oh, ehm...nightmares doll...same old I know-” Bucky cut himself short when he saw (Y/n)'s face fall. Then he realised he had called her doll. Shit, did she not like that? It just slipped out...
“Well I'm at least not the only one…” she mumbled as she sipped from her water. Wait...she wasn't talking about the word doll, was she?
Bucky could almost hit himself when he realised. She had nightmares, just like him. Logical, she had been in Hydra's hands, just like him. And she had also been damaged...just like him… Bucky clenched his flesh hand around his coffee cup while his metal one squeezed a pillow.
Damaged like him...Bucky immediately pushed his personal feelings away and focused on her. “You have them too, huh?” She nodded. "One recurs more than others though. The one in which they…they implant...” her voice faltered.
"Hey, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to…” Bucky said as he looked at her. Heck, he knew the feeling all too well, when people wanted to know exactly what was going inside his head, wanted him to repeat his nightmares over and over again. Man, how many times he had wanted to bash someones nose in for that...
"How do you do it?” (Y/n) suddenly asked. Bucky looked up. “Hm? Do what d-?” he quickly swallowed the last word.
“Cope with them...the nightmares.” (Y/n) looked at him over the edge of her glass. Bucky sighed.
“I don't know. I just...do it. I do stuff and try to get as much sleep as I can. Steve often helps me by waking me up if he hears me screaming.”
(Y/n) smiled softly. Steve had often done that with her as well. He would hold her as she sobbed into his pyjama-shirt, until she had calmed down enough to talk.
“Yeah...yeah I know...he does that for me as well. Poor guy must have had some rough nights with us heh…” she smiled a small smile that got a bit bigger when she heard Bucky chuckle. His chuckle was like music to her ears...God she had it bad for him...
“Well yeah, he has always been a momma's boy, but I think he missed the memo that that doesn't mean you need to act like a mom.” Bucky commented dryly, receiving a giggle from the girl across from him on the couch. Her smile made him involuntarily blush...man was he head over heels for her.
"Maybe his head is still stuck in the 40's?” (Y/n) chuckled, making Bucky laugh out loud. “Maybe you have a point there, (Y/n).” He still refrained himself from calling her doll.
And that's how the rest of the team found them hours later when they came down to get some breakfast, Bucky and (Y/n) talking on the couch and laughing at each other's remarks.
“Hey Buckaroo, having a conversation with the girlfriend?” Sam commented as he gave Bucky a pat on his shoulder. Bucky swatted him away. “Shut up, Birdbrain!”
Steve focused on (Y/n). “Nightmare again?” he asked. She nodded, sad. “Same one again.” Steve sighed.
“Why didn't you come to me? I told you, you could always wake me up when you need me.” (Y/n) looked down at her lap. “I don't want to be a bother, Steve...”
Before Steve could answer, Sam commented: “She had the perfect talking partner right here!” Immediately after that he had to duck because Bucky had thrown his coffee cup at him.
“You know, just because I can afford it, doesn't mean you have to destroy it, Tin Man!” Tony remarked from the kitchen as the breaking of ceramics could be heard.
"Come on you two, get dressed otherwise no breakfast for you.” Natasha remarked as she ushered Bucky and (Y/n) out of the room. Steve followed Bucky while she followed (Y/n).
“Sam did have a point though, you two talking is a nice sight.” Natasha remarked, sitting on (Y/n)'s bed as the latter was changing behind the doors of her huge closet (thanks Tony).
“I have no idea what you're talking about, Nat.” (Y/n) commented as she threw her pyjamas on her bed and put on jeans and a blouse.
“Just saying, you two would make a cute couple.” Natasha remarked. She received a pair of socks against her head as an answer.
“Come on punk, just drop it allright?” Bucky huffed as he stuck his head through the opening of his maroon coloured sweater. Steve leaned against the doorpost.
"Buck, why are you so hesitant about it? You like each other's company, that's a good start.” "Shut it Steve, don't pretend you're now all-knowing about relationships!” Bucky commented as he folded his pyjamas and put them under his pillow.
“Then tell me what the issue is, Buck!” Steve sighed, eyeing his childhood best friend. The brunette sighed and sat down on the bed. 
"Listen up punk...”
"Nat, I know you mean well, but even if there is a truth behind your remarks...”
“...even if you somehow miraculously have found the answer to helping others with relationships…”
“...why would (s)he want a damaged person like me?”
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Holy macaroni, first chapter finally done! I'm nervous as all heck because I love Bucky/Sebastian Stan so much I want to do him justice. Plus I hope that you liked it as well. If anyone wants to be tagged, just let me know. Thanks for reading, lots of love! ❤️
Translation: Malyshka = little girl
Taglist: @jtargaryen18, @sherlocked-bitch, @on-your-left-birdie, @tcc-gizmachine
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