#I highly doubt it’ll get that far tho
ladye-zelda · 10 months
If this post gets 100 notes then I will write a fic
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unohanadaydreams · 3 years
Okay I’m mentally prepared to ramble about the Hell Arc. No panels, just words.
The first blurb is definitely Ukitake speaking and I’d like to think it’s hiding some bitterness and regret, since he’s in hell, but you know I’m not gonna hold on to hope that it’s anything deep.
Orihime being resigned to laundry as well as just NOT knowing where her son is??? I’m sorry the same Orihime that can sense Ichigo like it’s her fucking job? But y’know uwu it’s okay to be a housewife and this is definitely Kubo showing off his depth of feminist theory and not shoving Orihime in the background bc wife clean and cook and nothing else ooga booga.
Kon as a babysitter is horrifying. The implication that they’ve kept him as a teddy bear for all these years is even more so. Like damn you can’t ask Urahara for ONE gigai after you saved the world, Ichigo? Hope youre paying him a living wage for helping you navigate the terrible twos. Tbh I think it would’ve been better to have a new sidekick and for Kon to be working for Urahara now.
Okay I do think the kid sending souls to Hell on accident is pretty funny. But also it’s definitely Kubo forgetting that Orihime is in the picture and Kazui is not Ichigo. He has more than Isshin; he has Orihime as his mom. He has someone who cares very much that he’s still in his bed and is someone he would talk to about uuuuh sending ppl through a portal. I know women are a different species and are incredibly hard to grasp because of that so it’s okay Kubo.
Ichika being taught by Ikkaku and to a lesser extent Yumichika is very good. Love that enough to gloss over my disappointment at Rukia not teaching her. I just know Byakuya is probably a lil bitter about it too. Rukongai rats 1 Noble clan 0
Booooo Kubo, get off the stage. Pointing out Orihime is at home doing laundry does not fix that she’s there. If she’s not gonna stop Kazui from doing whatever the fuck she might as well be eating bad ramen too.
MAYURI MY BELOVED. You’re so right, king, Urahara is a tasteless capitalist unlike you, who fully commits to the too-organic technological horrors the Seireitei deserves.
Did Kubo forget how to draw Rangiku? Why the fuck is her face so moe. Some of the women look pretty off in the face over all but with Rangiku it’s jarring. I know her face got more moe somewhere in tybw arc but jfc it’s worse here.
I find it hard to believe that Shunsui would stick to a tradition that demands all lieutenants be away and in the human world all at once but maybe he just doesn’t give a shit about anything nowadays. Depression is leading the Gotei 13 now.
It’s not a Bleach surprise attack unless a woman is grievously injured right off the bat.
That being said, I do enjoy the two new lieutenants. The hakama shorts are a Choice but they work somehow. Also a zanpakuto being on nails is fun.
Kira and Akon ❤️ I’m glad Kubo retconned the novels so Kira could make his entrance in a hoodie and black tabi. Hope he gets more depressing and bitter moments tho. Also Akon having so much panel space…..I’ll never recover.
Hell Szayel is so fucking horny which is astounding considering like everything he did was a sex joke in Hueco Mundo arc. His sex appeal has aged like fine wine. Also pure comedy that Ichigo can only ask who he is. If only Uryu were there 😔
So did they have ceremonies for Gin and Kaname because if not then???? Like I understand it’s impossible to make this gel 100% bc its not based on anything other than wanting characters to come back as cool demons and is actively working against previous canon but c’mon. They would’ve noticed before this when no ceremony for Gin and Kaname was held and their reishi haunted everyone via molasses rain drops.
That being said, I love love love the concept of characters coming up from Hell with not holes within them but outside them. They do not need to consume others to feel completion, they are consumed to the point of wanting to fill others. Don’t you recognize me? Don’t you see what you’ve done? Don’t you long to fill that hole inside of you, too? All it takes is dying to reach that nirvana of knowing who you are and what you feel in swirling completion. Even fallen, the fruit of knowledge is divine.
I want Ukitake to say he’s glad Shunsui lived to his face while looking so heartbroken that he didn’t get to live too. I want these two to cry across from one another with a flashback to their idyllic youth. I want it *grabby hands*
Sosuke Aizen has disappeared as in dead? Or are they counting ‘out of Seireitei’ as disappeared. Honestly 50/50 whether he’ll have a form of cameo. On one hand he’s incredibly popular, on the other hand Kubo was floundering with him during tybw so I can’t imagine he gives a shit to bring him back.
As far as new lore for hell butterflies goes, I guess we’ll see how interesting it gets but I highly doubt it’s going to get a lot of thought.
With the way Kazui is smiling, it makes me wonder if someone taught him about the shrine and sending souls to hell. Does he recognize the door? Is Kubo implying that Ukitake has had contact with Kazui? I mean, it would make a LOT of sense considering the fish he was riding, the ritual he knows. It would also make sense why the soul reaper badge was highlighted; Ukitake has been around in some capacity before officially being stomped to hell???
Definitely me thinking too much about it but also there’s no way Kazui just knows this shit without someone from Hell telling him about it even covertly.
This entire arc set up definitely seems like it’ll bring some worthwhile angst and maybe some moments for the more unexplored characters if characters like Akon getting screen time is any education.
Overall not hoping for anything other than good Hell designs and seeing characters do things.
If I don’t see Kenpachi with his beefy titties out I will be disappointed. That’s my bare minimum.
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Love Doesn’t Do Encores Ch10 Battle Gym Leader Nessa
(Will have a reference to Pokemon Twilight Wings Series.)
You slept well that night. The hotel wasn't too far from the Hulbury stadium so it wasn't a very long walk from where you four left the light house and stationed yourselves for the night. Not before dishing out the rations between the four of you. You were a lot lower on food than you thought and surprised you hadn't noticed earlier. A month's walk drained almost all of the food you had aside from a few packets of dried fruits. Thank goodness for restocking. The next morning wasn't anything too different. Gloria and Hop of course wanted to stop by the stadium and get one of them that spot to battle Nessa before another trainer took it. Huh. You wonder how the battle between her and Bede went the other day? Victor mentioned wanting to go back towards the Hulbury Aquarium and offered for you to come with them but you had other plans for the day.
"Hey, Y/n. Since Glory and Hop's going to be busy all day considering would you like to come with me to the aquarium?, Victor offered after the two of you had dug through your rations for breakfast. Your Sobble tiredly yawning on your shoulder rubbing at his eyes.
You shook your head. "No thanks. I actually wanted to check out that market down by the docks. I heard they sell all kinds of trinkets and stuff and it's been a while since I was able to go somewhere by myself and have some me time."
He nodded in understanding before smiling. "Alright then. You guys know where I'll be if you change your minds."
The two of you parted ways outside the hotel before you headed back up the road towards the docks. Already in the morning the place was all a buzz with ship horns blaring off in the distance and a few people walking around. It was a nice day with the salty smell of the ocean, the gently breeze, not being too hot but nice and warm, etc. It was a very nice day that filled your tired body with a happy feeling as you inhaled deeply. The small market place was past the restaurant and just across the docks past the convenience store you had visited the other day for supplies. It wasn't really big. There was only about five stalls set up alongside a concrete wall with one or two picnic tables a little bit a ways from them. A few people were already there looking at the stalls or sitting at the tables to eat or just to sit. Walking over you strolled up to the first stall that sold a few random things like flowers, dishes, and a couple clothes hanging up. The man handling it was talking up some of the flower pots but you weren't too interested in those so shortly after moved on. The other four were a fruit stand, someone selling records, another one selling random objects, but the last one had you notice something. Sweet smells of perfumes and spices wafted from it the closer you gotten to it. And it didn't take too long for you to find out why. A young lady was there surrounded by a bunch of incense. She smiled as you stopped to admire all the sweet smells and gave a greeting.
"Get a whiff of that fragrance! Doesn't it smell sweet?," she asked holding out some sweet smelling sticks that smelt of lilacs, "How about some incense for you, Girl? Good for meditation, yoga, relaxing, or just making a room smell nice. And it all natural so it's safe for pokemon too and helps them destress....As long as they don't eat it. Non edible."
"Destress huh?,'' you pondered looking at your sobble who seemed more interested in staring at the food stand with hungry eyes despite just eating breakfast a while ago. Considering how spooked this lil guy could be, it might be a good idea. "....What scents to you have exactly?"
You ended up using the twenty dollar bill you had saved forever now to buy some of the sea and rose scented incense and then later one or two apples at the fruit stand since your sobble kept jumping on your shoulder and chirping in it's directed until you finally did so. All of it costing almost half your money leaving you from twenty dollars to twelve dollars and some change. You found yourself wondering over until you sat down at one of the picnic tables so your sobble could sit and eat and give your poor shoulders a break from carrying it all the time. Granted Sobble wasn't really that heavy, about half the weight of a small cat, but it was nice to be able to stretch your shoulders and neck out without worrying about accidentally knocking him off. Lazily you watched it make happy noises as it greedily ate as if you didn't already give it a big breakfast about an hour ago. It was still pretty early in the morning so it you really hadn't anything to do other than just sit here and watch your sobble. But it was refreshing. With a sigh you closed your eyes and slowly put your head down on the table. The only problem with having a bunch of free time is that your brain slowly fills itself with thoughts you might not want. Like now. You had been gone for what must've been a little over a month now. How worried was your mom? She must've been worrying herself sick if you were gone for this long without any notice or clues or anything. And(tho you were HIGHLY doubtful now-) if this all IS some kind of dream universe it was certainly the longest one you ever experienced. Not only that, but you were SURELY not going to be able to start college just like you wanted. You'd have to wait another year just to start it and that's only if considering you'd be able to go home after this whole journey has finished. It was the only way you could think of that you could go back, once this is over. If it'll ever be-
"I can NOT believe this!," an angry woman's voice piped up. Startled you jumped up and blinked light rushing back into your vision.
"Calm down, Ness. Don't make a big scene in public." ....That voice sounded familiar.
"I AM calm. I'm just restocking my incense before I head back!" Now that you think about it, that angry voice sounded familiar too.
Blinking you turned around to look behind you, and your eyes widened at what you saw. Two ladies were at the incense stand with their backs towards you, one with bright orange hair and a coat you recognized and the other wore a black cap and shirt.
"First he said I should stop modeling and now he's breathing down my neck because I just happened to lose to his endorsed challenger!,'' Cap Lady growled out as she waved her hand. "I mean yeah, usually I'm busy so I cut back to one challenger a day! That doesn't mean I lost my touch as a gym leader!" She paused as the lady manning the stall held out a small paper bag of incense to her similar to the one you had. "Oh..Thank you. It just drives me up a wall just thinking about it!"
"Then don't think about it," Orange hair replied patting her friend on the back, "It'll only stress you out before your other gym match today."
Cap Lady sighed. "You're right, Sonia...As usual. It just ticks me off knowing he's in town just to see you too no less and buddy up with the crowd!! It makes me angry!"
The orange haired woman turned to you immediately as you stared back, her friend turning too and that's when you recognized the other woman too. She smiled. "Hey, Y/n! Fancy meeting you here! Haven't seen you in a while." She fully turned to you now and walked over her friend following.
You casually waved where you sat and gave a tired smile. "Yeah. Honestly wasn't expecting to see you here either. What are you doing here?"
She gestured to none other than Nessa next to her. "I was chatting with an old friend before she needed to go. Since you're here I assume Gloria can only be here as well."
You nodded. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure she's at the stadium right now." Your gaze slowly shifted over to nessa as you spoke and you waved again. "Hello again. Nice weather you guys have here."
Nessa smiled. "Yeah. It's usually warm and sunny here all year round being the coast and all. You should visit the beach if you ever get the chance."
You shrugged. "I might. I mean I guess my sobble could use the chance to swim."
"Well, that all depends. Is your sobble a freshwater or saltwater sobble?"
"There's a difference?"
"Hey wait a minute!" Both of you turned to Sonia who was looking between the two of you with a confused look on her face. "You two know each other?"
"Sort of. She helped me out with some stuff yesterday, I didn't even know she was the gym leader until someone told me," you explained with a shrug, "I just appreciate anyone who helps carry groceries."
"Oh. I see. What are you doing here if Gloria is I assume at the stadium?," she asked.
You gestured to your sobble as it spat out an apple seed. "Someone wanted more food. I'm telling you he's worse than a kid hyped up on sugar once he sees the stuff." Both of you jumped at a ....snort? Blinking you looked at Nessa and noticed her holding her mouth and chuckling.
"I-I'm so sorry," she giggled out, "That's just the funniest thing that I've heard all day while stressing out. U-U-Usually people don't say that about s-s-sobble care."
You blinked. "Oh yeah?"
Sonia nodded as Nessa's giggles slowly fizzled out. "Usually sobbles are....how do you say it?...Massive cry babies that'll cry at the tiniest things like a baby would. It happened ALL the time with my Granny gave a trainer their first pokemon." She groaned closing her eyes as if the memory gave her instant annoyance and headaches. "They don't get an extra snack? BOOM! Crying! They trip the littlest, I mean tiniest bit. Crying! You're too busy to pet them? Crying! Forget playtime? CRYING! And don't get me started on the amount of times I had to buy Sobble Eye Drops for all the stinging and headaches. It's like walking on eggshells until they evolve into a drizzile! It's why a bunch of trainers rather chose scorbunny or grookey than a sobble." She pointed towards yours who had finished eating and began crawling it's way over to you. "In fact, the sobble Granny gave Leon for the trainers he endorsed was the pokemon who stayed in our care the longest. She must've had it for at least since it hatched and was given to her. It was such a little wimp clinging to her all the time...I never really had mush patience for them."
You jolted when something tugged on your arm, calming yourself once you noticed it was just your pokemon. "...Really?"
With a frown Nessa sighed. "She's right. Sobbles are much better suited for older more patient people. They aren't exactly really popular pokemon among starting trainers who are eager to start their journey. Most end up for adoption to pokemon centers or abandoned to the wild because the person decides it's not worth it to have their eyes burning after every battle or basically raise what could essentially be a child in their eyes." Her eyes suddenly narrowed. "I remember once Raihan came all the way to Hulbury just to give me a sobble someone carelessly discarded at his gym after they lost. The poor thing was so confused and scared. It was a miracle I found someone who loved it. Much more than the thoughtless trainer who never gave it a second thought. Pokemon aren't just toys you can give away or leave lying around after you decided you outgrew them."
"THAT'S AWFUL!!,'' you shouted feeling an anger grow in you as one hand instinctly came up to grab your sobble who chirped in confusion at your actions, both women giving you looks of surprise at your shout. How could anyone DO such a horrible thing!? That's like the equivilant of someone getting a brand new puppy and then not wanting to deal with the work and attention that goes into it and then straight up abandoning it to the streets in your world!! "How could anyone do such a thing?! That's like...So not ok!"
"Well....That is very true. Its not ok. But it seems to be you and your sobble have a very special connection," Nessa said gesturing towards your sobble making Sonia take a double take at you as well.
"Huh. Now that you mention it he does looked rather relaxed. He usually never looked so comfortable before Granny gave him to Leon."
"Really?,'' you asked, "He seemed pretty ok so far. Cried like...only one time but that might be cuz he was pushed over by these rockstar wannabes."
To that the ladies seemed lightly surprised. "Really now? Well then you must have lots of patience then. Sobbles usually tend to work better with people who have lots of patience or a motherly personality."
"And considering you mentioned never having a pokemon before I'm kinda impressed too. You must be a natural babysitter!," Sonia joked. You huffed and rolled your eyes at her joke. Yeah. You sure felt like one sometimes during your journey so far.
"Oh, Scales!" You blinked backed towards Nessa as she now held up her phone to her face with a frown before looking back towards you and Sonia. "Hey. Sorry but I have to bounce. I have to stop by home then head to the gym really quick if I'm going to make it to that match on time." Turning with a smile she waved. "I'll see you later Sonia. It was nice seeing you again too, Miss. good luck with that sobble of yours."
As she walked away, the both of you waved as you watched her go before Sonia turned back to you. "Hey. If you're not really busy, would you like to come to the docks with me?" She held up a small clear plastic bag with, what looked like to you at least, dog kibble with a smile. "There's always a small school of chinchou everyone likes to feed there. I always like to visit whenever I come to Hulbury."
You paused considering her words for a moment. It would be nice to have more time with another person around your age before you had to go back for a bit and they wouldn't be expecting you for a while. So it should be fine. With a shrug you stood up. "Sure! I don't think I've ever seen a chinchou anyways."
Smiling she gestured for you to follow. "C'mon. We're pretty close anyways. I think you'd really like them."
She was right. The small market area was right across from the docks anyways, so it took less than five minutes to reach the docks. You followed her onto the pathways on the water and looked over the edge. The crystal blue water acting like a mirror letting you see your reflection and your sobble's as it blinked big innocent eyes at the water. You nearly bumped into her when she stopped and already had the bag open with her hand inside rummaging around until she pulled out a small handful of the kibble. With a toss they all went into the clear water sending small ripples as they floated and bobbed on the mirror water. That was until almost instantly bubbles appeared from under them and in a flurry of lightbulb antennas and blue skin tons of tiny little creatures swam to the surface and the floating kibble was devoured by the pokemon. You blinked as you watched them swim around. There must've been around ten of them all swimming about here. You blinked as the bag was suddenly held out to you with a smile from Sonia.
"Do you wanna feed them a little? This pokemon food is specifically made for water type pokemons' tastes," she offered.
"Yeah! Thanks!" You happily took some from her and a small blue hand tried to reach out for it too as you pulled away and gave your sobble a look. It stared at you for a moment before chirping and grabbing your nose. "*sigh* Fine." With a sigh and roll of your eyes, you silently held one piece of the kibble up to him and watched as he grabbed it from you and popped it into his mouth. Before tossing more kibble at the peeping lanturn fish like pokemon still swimming around. As before they began devouring it. "They sure are hungry huh?"
"Always are," Sonia replied tossing some more kibble to them. "It's a really popular thing to do around here if you aren't visiting the stadium or Aquarium or eating at the famous cafe up the road. Since there's a battle later today with Nessa I suspect that's why it's so vacant."
You smiled. "Yeah. I just hope everything goes well for them later today. Hop and her seemed pretty excited to go battling Nessa."
Sonia nodded. "I can't blame them. When Leon and I were they're age we were excited over battling the gym leaders too." She smiled at some distant long memory. "In fact, it seemed like it was just yesterday I was right here feeding some Chinchou and then Leon came out of no where and fell in the water! S-Said he d-d-didn't even know how he got there looking for the stadium." She giggled and you couldn't help but smile back.
"Oh. Is that anything like the time I heard he somehow ended up on top of a barn?" Sonia snorted. "Or the time he went out to catch a train and somehow ended up back in front of his house?"
"That happened?"
You nodded. "Oh yeah. He ended up waiting for me to thank me for the two's Slumbering Weild field trip after it happened. I have no idea how."
She chuckled. "Neither do I. Lee's always had a bad sense of direction just like his Da-" She froze. The once smile and cheery attitude replaced by a look of mild panic before she coughed and tossed some more kibble towards the chinchou. "Hey. Look at how cute they are today. They look like such healthy wild chinchou. Don't you think?"
It was her attempting to deflect away from what she already said. You knew that and personally you wouldn't really bother looking into it as 1. It was really none of your business and you hated budding into someone else's business and 2. you didn't feel up to making Sonia more uncomfortable than she already looked...But you couldn't help yourself since this was the second time this has happened. ...That's right. She did a similar thing at the Opening Ceremony when she asked you not to mention what she said to anyone. By now you had completely forgotten about that moment with everything that's been going on and at the time just brushed it off having more important things to worry about. But now....You looked at her and by the look in her eyes she knew what you were about to ask.
"That's right. I spent a few days between their houses and I saw their families. And I met their mothers. And Hop's grandparents." You fully turned to her with a raised brow. "And Hop's older brother. And Gloria's brother. But not have I ever once seen any of their dads nor had they even mentioned them. So that's begging the question of where's the missing link then isn't it?"
There was a pregnant silence between the two of you as you stared at her expectantly and Sonia stared back down at the water, seemingly trying to process the situation she found herself in. The only sounds was the boat horns from the docks, and the splashing around and noises of the chinchou as they still begged for more of the kibble Sonia held. And after more silence your expression softened and a guilty feeling bubbled up. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to ask. Even if you were traveling with them it was none of your business really. So you went to apologize.
With a sigh, Sonia finally seemed to find her words and turned to you with a sad but serious look. "I...understand if you're concerned or curious. I'd be too all things considering. But I really CANT tell you anything since it's not my place to say....By now you obviously noticed they just..aren't there and let's leave it as that."
You nodded. "Hey. I'm..I-I'm sorry. I know it's none of my business. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."
She shook her head. "No. To be honest you wouldn't be the first one to ask that question to Leon or anyone else and you probably won't be the last. But if you could do us both a solid and not tell anyone about this it'd be great."
"Believe me, I was about to ask you the same thing." You smiled. "Trust me. I won't tell us a soul."
"Thank you, Y/n. I'm glad you understand."
"Hey. Of course!"
So.....No fathers in the picture huh? A strange feeling settled into your guts that was something akin to feeling extremely guilty. And a....strange feeling of familiarity of it all for your own reasons...Then the reality hit you. In a memory of what happened back at the inn back in Motostoke. In the very slip up Sonia had made before that you had passed off until now-
"And thanks for taggin' along with the kids this far. I know we're practically strangers but there's just....I don't know....really good aura about you. I'm sure Lee appreciates it too. He's always so worried about Hop. He practically raised him after all-" All of a sudden it was like a switch flipped off in her mind and her happy smile went to a sudden shocked face. "Oh no. I didn't mean to mention that. Please forget I even said that."
You had pretty much pieced it together right after remembering that. For some reason, in one way or another, Hop and the twins had no fathers and Leon as Sonia said must've practically filled the role in which a father figure would fill. This would sum up a lot of the things you've bared witness too. Hop and Gloria's infatuation with Leon(especially on Hop's end), they're desire to climb their way up the ranks and make him proud-..Heck. Leon's behavior know that you think about it could've been summed up as brotherly...or fatherly. Sponsoring two (although it was VERY clear he was full on ready to just endorse Victor as well no questions asked if he hadn't made the choice of not competing in the Gym Challenge) kids for the challenge which as you came to know wasn't typical of a Galar Champion, buying you and them all those supplies and stuff, and with what Sonia said just set that fact in concrete. And....While that did make you feel guilty and sad for them...At the end of the day it really was none of your business. Any moment or day now you could wake up back home and none of this would have mattered, and you shouldn't really butt in between their business. Especially since you weren't planning on staying in the long run. Plus...you were trying NOT to uproot the game's progress as much as possible or no more than you might've already had done if at all with your actions. You might've not remembered how the game went entirely but you knew you were on the right track. For now at least. You continued to make small talk with Sonia about how her research was going and your trip over before deciding it was best to part ways there and bid her farewell before heading back towards the stadium. Nessa mentioned leaving to make sure she arrived on time. You wondered if Gloria was battling her right now?...Well you soon found out the answer to that question.
when you were just making your way up to the resturaunt your stomach grumbled. Making you wince a bit. Huh. Guess you were out for longer than you thought if you got hungry. Glancing up to the cafe you wondered how much a simple meal would cost? It was supposed to be famous for their food after all. With a shrug you decided on entering and seeing if they had anything your measly twelve dollars could buy. Fancy was the first word that came to mind when you entered through the double doors and a bell rung off. A woman at a front desk was the first thing to greet you along with some kind of pokemon you didn't recognize. It seemed the theme of the whole place was blue and white, giant tables lined the area with table setting and napkins fancily folded into boat like shapes, a MASSIVE window looking over the stadium, and a bar like area near the far right walls with another pair of double doors you assumed lead to the kitchen. The only other people there besides you and the lady was a man behind the bar counter who was talking on the phone with someone.
The woman smiled at you. "Greetings and welcome to the Hulbury Seafood Restaurant!" She greeted with a bow. "Do you happen to have a reservation or would like to make one?"
"Uh-..." You shook your head. Oh man. Was this one of those places where you HAD to make a reservation in order to eat? "Not exactly. I just heard your food was pretty good."
The woman still smiled. "Oh. Well then I'd be more than happy to seat you by the-"
"AHH!" Both of you jumped when a thud rang out which turned out to be the man in the chef hat slamming down the phone he was previously talking to.
"Chef, what on earth is the matter?," the woman asked.
The chef pointed to the phone scowl on his face. "My delivery boy just called. Apparently he's caught a cold and can't make it today! Out of all the days I need him most." The old man grabbed at his grey hair. "I have all these orders and no one to take them. The Chairman could show up any minute for his reservation but instead he's going to be present with angry customers calling for their orders and our reputation as Hulbury's greatest restaurant will be tarnished!!"
"Well...I could run out and deliver a few," the woman suggested.
"And leave your post!? OH no no no! That'd look even more bad if no one was here to greet them in while I cook!" He slumped forward. "This is an utter disaster! What am I to do?"
You looked between the two of them before slowly holding up your hand. "Um...If you'd like, I'd like to help."
Immediately the chef snapped his head up and blinked at you. Before a suspicious look came over his face as he looked you over. "You, Young Lady? You would please help us deliver some food?"
You nodded. "I mean..Yeah. It looks like you guys are pretty.." You gave a glance at the empty place. "-busy at the moment and I'd like to help."
After looking you up and down a few more moments the chef sighed before shrugging. "Why not? I have nothing else to lose in this moment anyhow." He reached under a counter and beckoned you to come over to which you complied before placing a small take out box onto the counter. "Thank you. I truly appreciate it. Tell you what. If you manage to deliver all the take out orders then I'll prepare you my famous 'Lucky Egg' dish as thanks. How does that sound?"
You mouth watered just thinking about free food. This just might be your lucky day after all. You nodded with a smile and took the box from him. "Sure! Sounds fair enough. Where do I deliver this one?"
He paused for a moment...before he rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh uh. Well as for where to deliver the food.....Sorry. We've been so stressed out for the Chairman's visit I forgot to ask for an address." You stared at him. .....WHAT!? "B-But I heard a clickity clack sound from the phone when I took the first order. Maybe that's a clue as to where to go?"
..........You sighed. "Yeah..Don't worry about it. I'll figure it out somehow."
"That's the spirit! Come back as soon as you're done delivering that one! And hurry please. Oh! And here. Take this notepad with you. They'll have to sign off on it so I can send the bill."
You had no idea what you had gotten yourself into this time. With a groan you exited the restaurant and spotted a peculiar sight to behold. There was Gloria standing just outside the restaurant as you approuched with her back to you and you soon saw what she was staring at. A little ways from her standing in the middle of the road was HIM. Mareep Head-..Er. I mean Bede who looked bored and in front of him was....It was her. The same woman from your dream and the Opening Ceremony as well. And in front of her was...No. It COULDN'T be!! In front of them was a group of about six to eight people, but with that group was none other than the CHAIRMAN himself!!...Tho he looked a little different than the other times you've seen him. You didn't expect to see Nessa outside of her gym leader suit, but you hadn't been caught too much off guard. The chairman however was a different story. Instead of that professional slim fitting suit he wore a baseball cap, slip on white shoes, sunglasses, .....a sweater that showed how chubby he was actually under his suit, and blue shorts with white polka dots to top it all off. You could only star at the man...Was this-....This COULDN'T have been the same professional high standing man that ran the whole Galar Region! He looked like someone's Dad on a lazy day. ...You chuckled which startled Gloria into giving a yelp and whipping around to see you and the box you held.
"Holy Magikarp, Y/n! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
"Sorry....Hey. What are you doing all the way over here? I thought you were having a battle today."
She sighed. "We got hungry just waiting for Nessa so Hop suggested I go grab us something while he holds our place. What are you doing?" She noticed the box you held and pointed at it. "And what's that?"
"Long story short is that I agreed to be the fill in delivery boy for a bit." You nodded past her towards the group. "Hey uh...Gloria, is that who I think it is?"
She turned around and with a huff she crossed her arms and frowned. "Yeah. The Cottonee so full of himself he needs a garden hose to wash the ego from his brain!"
".....Uh..Actually I was talking about the chairman over there, but I guess Bede's here too yes."
"Oh...Well yeah. It's weird just walking around the corner and seeing him right that. Like..what the bloody heck are those shorts?"
"Y'know I was thinking the same thing." You two continued to watch in bewilderment as the chairman smiled and spoke with the small group of people, before the woman suddenly stepped in front of him as he was about to shake another person's hand.
She held up a hand. "Our sincerest apologies," she spoke with a calm and professional tone, "The chairman is quite busy at the moment. Everyone please disperse. Please leave now."
The crowd murmered but eventually slowly parted ways, one woman saying. "Ok. See you later, Chairman."
"Oh h-hey! No need to rush off! I can still do autographs!," the chairman called after them raising a hand, "I'll even give you my pokemon league card!" To your surprise no one really paid attention and kept walking besides you and Gloria...And you rose a brow. With a sigh he turned back to the woman. "we need the support of our fans to keep doing what we're doing. Chasing them off like that. Aren't you being a little too harsh, Oleana?"
"Fans are very important of course," the woman, who must've been Oleana explained, "That's why you need to keep doing your work for their sake."
"I promise to do everything in my power to assist you too, Chairman!," Bede butted in proud of himself. Huh. Maybe Gloria had a point.
The chairman gave him a look for a moment before raising a brow. "Oh. And you were?"
Maybe it was just your imagination most likely, but you could've sworn you saw Bede frown for a moment before he answered, "Bede, Sir."
"AH! That's right! Bede! I daresay I'm impressed how fair you've come since I gave you that pokemon all those years ago. Will you be the one to win the Gym Challenge? Or perhaps it will be one of the Trainers endorsed by the Champion."
"I will prove your faith in me was well placed, Chairman," Bede assured, "I won't lose to anyone. Anyway speaking of which, I'll be on my way now." He turned and began walking away, but completely froze upon seeing you and Gloria..Well more Gloria than you as the two of them made eye contact...And he suddenly pointed. "YOU!?"
"Hey Mareep Head. How's your Hatenna?"
"AH! You!" Bede practically jumped out of his skin as the chairman was quick to push past him and walk up to Gloria with a smile, Oleana right behind him. Gloria practically just stood and stared as he approuched and you rose an eye brow. "Your name was...." He thought for a moment before pointing to her. "Gloria right? We were just talking about you!" Your brow rose more. That was a complete and utter lie. They were standing right there entire time in front of you but you shrugged it off as an awkward ice breaker.
.....Gloria exchanged a look with you before pointing at herself. "....Me?"
he nodded. "Yes! I admit I'm curious about Leon's reasons for endorsing you. Ah! I just had a good idea, as I tend to do!" Brag much? "You're going to face Gym Leader Nessa soon, yes?"
"Um...Y-Yeah. I was on my way back to the stadium actually-"
"Well if you get a gym badge from her I'll hold a celebration! I'd like to get to know you a little better after all." He smiled and you felt ....odd about it all.
"Um..Y-Yeah..I guess so??"
"Chairman, we should really be going if you want to keep that dinner reservation," Oleana stated.
The chairman nodded to her before turning back to Gloria. "Alright. Please do your best, for the sake of Galar's future."
"I Uh...Y-YES SIR!!" Gloria gave her best smile under the situation.
With a smile and nod he turned and walked past her and you not sparing you a glance and you followed him with your gaze brow raised...You weren't sure, but you had a funny feeling about him and it wasn't a good funny. When you turned back around you nearly jumped the box in surprise. The woman-!! Oleana was standing right in front of Gloria so close her shadow was literally blocking the sunlight from her. The poor girl frozen under the woman's studying gaze.
"The Chairman will be heading to this town's seafood restaurant." She stated monotonely, "Win the gym badge and join him there at once. Do not keep him waiting. Am I clear, Young Lady?" Gloria didn't say anything..and you looked at her. Eyes shooting to the size of plates. She was more frozen than a glacier. ...All that came out of her was a small squeak noise making the woman's eyes narrow. "Perhaps I wasn't clear. Do not keep the chairman waiting. Head to the seafood restaurant. The Captain's Table. Do you need me to repeat myself once more, Child? Or do you understand-"
"Too skinny."
Gloria jumped having probably completely forgotten you were there for a moment as she snapped to you and Oleana followed her piercing gaze to meet your glare. ....She slowly blinked. "I beg your pardon, Miss?"
"I said you're too skinny for that," you explained as they both stared at her.
Her brow flicked up as she studied you. "And I happen to be too thin for what purpose, Ma'am?"
"Well you're certainly not fat enough to be throwing your weight around not to notice you're being a jerk," you explained raising a brow back, "Obviously she heard you with how close you are. Maybe she'd answer if you weren't so close making her feel uncomfortable like that."
They both stared at you stunned. Gloria jaw dropped and Oleana had the same face but her eyes much more widened as she stared at you. It was so quiet you could've heard a pin drop as you joined this little three way stare down. HECK. It felt like an entire hour just staring at her before her face slowly contorted back to her original bored/professional looking one and she took a step back, spooking Gloria in process as the poor girl blinked.
"Do you happen to know who I am, Miss?," she asked like you should already know this.
"Somebody who's heels makes them so tall their head's in the clouds obviously."
This time her brows furrowed, her mouth frowned, and you noticed the way her hands gripped each other. As if she was physically holding back her anger. But before she could reply a chuckle seemed to interrupt you. Blinking you turned around only to find that the Chairman guy was looking right at you. Raising a brow and humming. You rose a brow and frowned right back.
....He waved a hand off. "Oleana, you're right. We'll be late for that reservation. Give the young trainer my League card and let's be on our way."
It's amazing how fast her aura and face changed at a moment's dime. "Of course. So you will not forget the Chairman's face, I will give you one of his League Cards." She suddenly held something out to Gloria who blinked but after a moment took it. "Chairman Rose is the kind of man who gets downhearted if he doesn't take care of things he needs to right away. Go to the seafood restaurant as soon as possible so as to not keep the chairman waiting." She glanced back to you and your eyes narrowed more. "...Good luck in your battle." With that she stepped around Gloria who followed her as she went and so did you with your frown. And after the Chairman gave another look to you, also turned and walked away.
....You sighed and turned back to Gloria, only to blink when she was staring right back at you. "....Uh...H-Hey. Are you ok there? You looked spooked." Shaking. Your eyes widened noticing her hands shaking. "WHOA! Hey! Are you ok!? She didn't scare you too bad did she?"
"Y-Y-Y/n..," She stuttered. Her hands slowly clenched into fists. "T-T-That..was..." Her face snapped up to you in a smile. "AWESOME!! SERIOUSLY!! Like! Yeah she gave off major scare vibes I swear she's worse than a gengar in the darkest room! My heart was pounding so fast! Then you were all well slayin' 'ere like a beast!!...Omg." She looked down for a moment realization settling in. "....My traveling partner talked BACK to the Chairman's right hand!! What's he going to think when I show up!? I mean it was amazing to watch don't get me wrong. But STILL!!''
"Hey, hey, hey!!" You caught her attention by grabbing her shoulder making her blink at your face. "Hey. Look at me." Once you knew you had her full attention you smiled. "That woman was making you feel scared, and that's not ok. So I did what I had to do. If anything I'll get in trouble. Besides, Im a girl standing on the sidewalk holding a delivery box. They'd probably think I was just a stranger going to delivery a pizza or something. Right now you should just worry about your gym battle."
It was like a record scratch went off in her mind as she suddenly paused, face going blank for a moment before her hands suddenly snatched the top of her head. "AH!! MY GYM BATTLE!! I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THAT!! BUT THE CHAIRMAN SAID IF I WIN TO SEE HIM!! IF!! IF!! WHAT IF I DON'T WIN!? OMG!! CAN I STILL MEET WITH HIM IF I DON'T-"
You shook her with the hand still on her shoulder. "Gloria! Get a grip on yourself! Of course you're going to win!'' You smiled. "If you could beat Milo you can beat Nessa too! And if you lose it's fine. I'm sure he'll understand, you can't let all of that overthinking stop you ok? Be more confident in yourself, and if you lose..." You shrugged. "Then it's ok. You can always try again tomorrow or any other day. You are going to be ok....Ok?"
She stared at you for a long moment before taking a deep breath and sighing. A determined look now plastered on her face. "You're right! I'm just overthinking this! I just need to remain calm and everything's going to be fine!"
You smiled. "That's the spirit...Hey. Isn't it gonna start like..right now?"
"GAH! Y-You're right! I gotta go!" With a wave she quickly turned on her heel and ran off towards the stadium. "Thanks, Y/n! You're the best!"
You sighed before shaking your head watching her go. Well...glad that went well at least, she was a brave girl so she should be ok..But then why did you still feel eyes on you? As you turned your f/c eyes met purple ones and Bede jumped having noticed you spotted him. With a jerk of his head the other way, he quickly sped walked away from you in the opposite direction leaving you lightly confused. But you shrugged it off. Right now you had bigger fish to fry like getting this fish you were currently holding to the person who ordered it. Who ever it was. That was the thing you had to figure out as you stood there in the middle of the sidewalk staring at the box in your hands like someone staring off into space. Good gosh the guy couldn't think to ask for an address? What were you supposed to do with a click clack sound? That could mean anything....Well what kind of click clack sounds were loud enough to be heard over a phone. ....Your head turned towards the train station back towards the stadium. Didn't trains usually make a noise like that? A train would certainly be loud enough to hear over a phone. With a shrug you started off down towards the train station and right up to the first house right by it since there was two. Knocked and waited patiently as footsteps approuched.
The first one was answered by a middle aged looking man and you smiled. "Hey! Uh...Did you order seafood?"
"No. I don't like fish."
"Oh..Sorry about tha-" You flinched as the door was slammed back shut in front of your face..before you frowned. "Well he was pretty rude wasn't he?" Your sobble chirped in agreement. "Couldn't have said it better myself," you mumbled as you turned away from the door and away from the first house to go to the second. The Stadium not too far away roaring alive now with cheers. Must be Hop or Gloria having a battle with Nessa. Shame you couldn't attend but you were a bit busy right now. Walking up to the second home, you knocked on the door and waited. After a moment footsteps approuched and a sweet elderly woman answered. You smiled. "Hey! Good afternoon! Did someone here order some seafood?"
To your delight, she smiled. "Oh, are you the one delivering my food?" She happily reached out and took the box from you. "Thank you for your trouble! This restaurant's dishes are full of seafood and it's so delicious if I say so myself. They are pretty well known after all."
"Your welcome! ..Oh wait!" You reached into your pocket to quickly pull out your notebook. "I need you to-''
"Oh of course! Your tip. "
"Actually I-" You blinked when a small bag of what looked like small jaw breakers was placed into your hand tied off by a cute little red ribbon.
"I've already paid the restaurant over the phone, so I'll give you candy as a tip. There's nothing like sweets to go along with a beautiful day. You have a nice day now."
You blinked looking at the small bag. "Hey wait! I need you-" The door closed leaving you staring at it. "..to sign this. *sigh*" You held up the overly cute bag and your sobble gave it a curious look over. "Well, it's not money but it's better than nothing I guess. Wouldn't you say?"
Your trip back to the restaurant wasn't anything unusual, still faintly hearing the cheers from the gym on your way there. The only thing that was a little strange was a small group of three or four people standing outside the place trying to peep into the windows. Your brow rose but you shrugged it off and just stepped inside seeing the same woman as before.
"Sorry. We're closed at the mome-..OH! It's you young lady,'' she greeted.
"Back again?!" You looked over towards the chef and he smiled seeing you. "Excellent! I wanted to ask you to deliver some food again. Is that ok? I suspect that the package was delivered?"
....You held up the bag of candy. "Yeah. Sorry I couldn't get her to sign it. But she tipped me in candy."
"Oh. That must've been Mrs. Wesley. Don't worry about her, she has a habit of doing that." Again he reached under the counter and brought up another box. "But right now I need you to deliver this next one as soon as possible!'' You walked over and he held it out to you before slightly nodding over towards the right. You glanced over and your eyes widened seeing the chairman and Oleana looking out of the window over the stadium, not seeming to notice you thankfully. "Since the Chairman's here we're doing our best to try and not upset the atmosphere. Since you're taking care of this for us it's really taking one less thing off our shoulders to worry about."
You sighed with a smile before taking the second box from him. The fresh smell of fish and chips wafting from it making your mouth water. "Hey. It's no problem. Where do I take this one?"
He paused. "Well....I uh...Haha. D-Didn't quite get the address for this one either?" You stared. "...B-but I don't know if this helps, but I think I heard a pokemon cry over the phone this time. Like....Swiirl...Or something like that."
"....I'll...figure it out I'm sure."
Figure it out indeed! How in the HECK were you just supposed to deliver a dang food order based off a pokemon's cry?? Whelp! There was only one way to solve this! ...Visit all the houses here until you came across the right one. So that's exactly what you did. You already delivered to the lady up by the train station and the guy next to her rudely stated he didn't so that was two houses you could cross off your list. So there you went starting from one end of the long, LONG street of houses one after another smiling and asking if they ordered a take out. Every. Single. One. Said. No. Or just didn't answer at all, and to be honest you were feeling justifiably annoyed at this point. What was the POINT of having someone deliver food if you didn't know where to send them!? It must've taken you at least fifthteen minutes of walking and asking until you FINALLY caught a break coming to the very last house on the block before the road split off between the train station and stadium. You knocked and waited patiently as footsteps approuched, and you smiled when a blonde man who looked to be in his early thirties opened the door.
"Hey. Sorry to bother you, but did you order some seafood takeout?"
"Oh, I can smell the ocean. You're from the restaurant aren't you?" You nodded and held the box up to him as he took it with a hum. "Ah! I'm starving! I've been drooling while waiting for the food! Than you for delivering the food!"
"Oh hey. Before you go." You held up the notepad. "Could you please sign for this?"
"Oh sure thing. Wait right here." He turned and walked back inside leaving you standing there able to see the inside of the home as the man handed off the food to two little girls who looked so much alike that they must've been twins. A pink pokemon looking like cotton candy swirling around them. "Stacy, Lacy. Food's here. And this time don't let Pinkie eat my share of it." You stood there awkwardly until he finally came back grabbing the note pad. "Sorry about that. You know how kids can be."
"Heh. Yeah. Sorry if it took so long. Had to go the long way around to get here."
"Well you get energy from food. If you need energy you should eat balanced meals." He handed you back the notepad with a smile. "Thanks again!''
With a sigh you turned on your heel and began trudging off back towards the restaurant. Your stomach rumbled again and by this point you were seriously wondering if this was even worth any free food for? If you had half a mind you would've just quite, returned the notepad, and then just go back to the hotel to just eat some of your rations or order the cheapest thing on the room service menu. But then again, you already promised to help and free food does sound better than spending your remanding money. Plus their food was supposed to be really good. So..You made the choice to go back to the very cafe you came from and waltzed back through the doors and up to the counter this time. The chef seemed very pleased to have you back as he had already placed the last box on the counter he explained. Only one more? Oh THANK goodness. You weren't sure how much of this mumbo jumbo you could handle. You took the last box from him not sparing a glance over your shoulder in the chairman's way.
"As for the address-"
"Let me guess. You forgot?"
"Actually. No. I remembered to ask." Your eyes widened. Was this finally gonna be easy? "Unfortunately I have no idea where it is.".....WHAT?! "The customer told me to look for a green roof, but I wonder if there is such a house in Hulbury. I've certainly never seen a house like this before but Im sure you're smart enough to figure it out like the other two!"
Of course it wasn't going to be that easy. It never was going to be easy for you was it? It seemed simple enough tho. Just look for a house with a green roof and that should be it right? Except..none of the houses you had asked previously had ordered anything and the ones that did couldn't have possibly ordered a second time in such short notice right after getting the first. Oh well. Green roof. That's all you had to go on......and the amount of time you had spent walking up and down these streets looking for any building with a green roof was exhausting. NONE of the homes here had green roofs and when you checked the few buildings around here that weren't homes (like the light house and pokemon center-) discovered surprise, surprise. No green roof either. Oh you hoped whoever ordered this didn't live outside Hulbury. Not having any luck where you currently were, you decided to go ahead and go back down to the docks where you first went that morning. You didn't remember seeing any buildings there but it wouldn't hurt to cover all bases before giving up. Your body ended up wondering back to the market place you were once in...And you were about ready to give up. There wasn't anything around here with a green-
"HEY! Young Lady with the sobble on your shoulder!," a male voice shouted. Blinking, you turned around to one of the stalls. the one with the green and white top. A man with brown hair waved at you. "You're delivering food?" You nodded. "Well hey! I'm the one who ordered it!" He was!?...You glanced towards the striped roof of his stall.....Oh. A green roof. Whelp! Might as well get this over with. he smiled wider as you approuched. "You got here earlier than I expected! It was easy to spot the green roof wasn't it?"
No. Not really. In fact it would've been a LOT easier if he just said he was in a stall in this marketplace but instead you forced a smile and handed him the box and notepad. "Please sign here."
He gladly signed it. "The tail curry of this restaurant has a unique flavor. I love it! Say hi to the manager for me!"
You quickly grabbed the notebook. "Have a nice day!" And then you quickly retreated. A groan leaving your tired body as you dragged yourself back the way you came for a second time that day. By the time you had gotten back close to the restaurant you were sore, tired, but most of all you were hungry! OH! The food had better be worth it or else you were going straight back to the hotel to-
"Y/N!!" Hey. You knew that voice! Sure enough Gloria was waving her arm at you with a smile as you proceeded to walk towards her. Despite wanting time to yourself today you were absolutely glad to see her. "What are you doing by the docks?"
"Finishing my role as a replacement delivery boy," you answered when you got close enough and pointed at her white uniform. "Why are you still wearing your gym challenge uniform?"
"Oh uh.." She sheepishly smiled with a chuckle. "It's a long story. On the bright side I managed to defeat Nessa! LOOK!" A flash of bronze went in your face and you blinked before leaning back. A badge with some kind of blue water pattern shown before you. No doubt the water gum badge. "Feast yer eyes! I thought I was a gonna when I lost the second round, but I managed to pull a turn around and win enough rounds to pass! Ain't it great?!"
You smiled. "Hey! That is great! I'm so happy for you! But where's Hop? I thought he was with you."
"He stayed behind to set up his own battle with Nessa tomorrow. Don't worry. He already knows where I am. Said he'll meet back up with us when we're done having dinner with the Chairman."
"Oh.." She slowly lowered her had back down to her side. "I just...thought you'd be coming too since you were there with me when he invited me.I-...I just thought since y'know...B-But that's fine! I won't force ya to come with me. Yer probably tired from running around all day anyways."
You paused. Yes, you were tired but you were heading back inside the restaurant anyways. And if Oleana was there...You smiled. "Hey! I'd love to come!"
Her eyes lit up. "REALLY!?"
"Yeah. I gotta go in to let 'em know I'm done delivering all these confusing orders anyways." You turned and nodded towards the doors. "C'mon. Let's go eat and see what he wants. Ok?"
With a smile of relief she nodded and the two of you went up towards the doors and went inside. The woman from before was there and upon seeing the both of you greeted you both with a smile. "Welcome to the Hulbury Seafood Resturaunt. Unfortunately we're not accepting any reservations or walk ins today but if you'd like to schedule one for a later or order take out you're more than welcome-....Oh! It's you again, Young Lady."
"Uh. Yeah." You held out the notepad. "Actually I was promised free food if I delivered everything and we were both invited to eat with the Chairman over there."
"Oh." She glanced to Gloria who looked nervous, seeming to realize she was a trainer. "Yes. I recall he said something about an extra guest trainer with his party today. Chairman Rose comes here incognito, but the word always gets out when he's here." She grabbed the notepad from you. "You both may go ahead to the Captain's Table in the back. I'll notify the chef you completed your tasks."
With a thanks you both took off towards the back where you saw the Chairman, Oleana, and..HEY! It was Sonia. Relief flooding in seeing another familiar face. This might be more tolerable then...Maybe you should take this time to apologize? You glanced to Gloria who still looked nervous. If this was someone very high up and important it wouldn't hurt to swallow your pride and just apologize, if nothing else but to keep the peace and show you're willing to be the bigger person. After all you don't want to cause trouble. The first to notice you two was the chairman himself as he turned his head from Sonia to you two and smiled.
"Ah! If it isn't the young trainer I met earlier today," he greeted with a smile and raised brow, "If you're here then I suppose it's safe to say you won against Nessa?"
You didn't miss her gulp before forcing a smile. "Uh..Y-Yeah. Piece of cake!"
He nodded. "I'm so glad! Gloria, come. Let's celebrate your recent victory! On me!" ...You felt eyes on you and you turned from the Chairman's face to Oleana's who was staring right at you. ...You frowned back at her- "And I believe I've seen you before as well, Young Lady." You blinked back to the Chairman's face as he was looking at you too now with a raised brow. ...AH CRAP!! "You were the lady back there who gave my assistant quite a 'roasting' as the young kinds call it nowadays."
...You blinked. Forcing up a smile. Here we go. "Uh. hehe. Yeah. Actually I wanted to apologize to you.." You gave Oleana a glance. "-and her for that. I just thought things were getting a bit scary back there."
To your surprise he chuckled it off with a wave. "Not at all. In all honestly Oleana can be quite intimidating to others. It's one of the reasons she's so good at her job. But there's no hard feelings. Right Oleana?"
The woman next to him inhaled before breathing it back out. "Of course, Sir. Apologies accepted and all's forgiven."
"Excellent! I don't suppose you know Sonia here? She's a wonderful person to have on the research team."
"Yeah. We do actually. Hi, Sonia."
"Oh. Were you invited too?," she asked surprised.
Before you could reply the chairman interrupted you. "You two know each other? That's great! Come now." He gestured to the table directly behind him. "Please be seated." And the three of you followed him and did so after you and Gloria exchanged a glance. She still looked nervous. The order of which you sat was Gloria sat across from the Chairman, Sonia next to Gloria, and you next to the Chairman. Naturally you would've preferred to sit next to either one of the other girls but you weren't about to let Gloria sit right next to a guy you had a funny feeling over. Strangely enough Oleana didn't seem like she was eating with you four and instead opted to stand silently next to the Chairman. How odd. You watched as he oh so casually picked the napkin off his own plate. Hmm...Guess he's been here more than once. "Now that we're all together. Gloria was it? Tell us how did your battle go?"
She shrugged. "Oh. Um. I-It was pretty good. Very thrilling. It was really nice to get ta meet Nessa. She's very nice." Sonia smiled at her.
"That's all very good. If you're as talented as Leon mentioned you then you should have no problem defeating the other gym leaders."
"Well I wouldn't say that. I-It was really hard to beat her. She's a tough gym leader."
"Hey. What were you talking about with Sonia?," you asked successfully steering the topic off Gloria for the moment as the Chairman smiled.
"Oh nothing really worth talking about. How her trip was so far studying around with the legends and the Geoglph in Turffield. The theory is that the two are somehow connected but I digress. AH! Our food has arrived." You looked over to what he was gesturing at and perked up at the lady from before who greeted you carrying two plates. One obviously being some kind of fish as it was placed before the chairman who happily accepted. "Ah! My usual. You always remember." And you were surprised when the other plate was sat in front of you. It was curry, smelt sweet, and had an egg smack dab in the middle of it. "Oh. It looks like you're a regular here too I presume."
"The chef asked me to give you his 'Lucky Egg' dish as a token of his appreciation, Miss," she explained, "I hope you're ok with sweet boiled egg curry. Are the rest of you ready to order?"
"Go ahead ladies. It's on me today."
"Mm. Just a salad. I'm not very hungry today."
"...I mean. The tropical curry sounds good," Gloria guessed.
You were too busy studying the dish in front of you to notice the lady leave. Instead staring at the massive egg just sitting in the middle of the darn plate. ...You weren't up to eating something that might've been a pokemon egg no matter how much your stomach rumbled at the sight and your mouth watered at the smell. Luckily it seemed like you had a back up plan because your sobble was crawling down your arm already on his way towards your food. You extended your hand to allow the small pokemon to sit on the table next to you and without really thinking grabbed the egg off your plate and held it out to it. He smiled and happily accepted your gift with a loud chirp before grabbing it and you watched as it bit it nearly in half with one bite. Goodness. Guess you weren't the only one hungry.
"Hulbury is a seafood town. Naturally if one is going to eat here the obvious choice is the local cuisine," the chairman said already digging in, "Everything on the menu is delicious. Oh, Sonia. By the way how is Professor Magnolia getting on? I'm quite indebted to her you know. She was the one who figured out how to unleash the power of Wishing Stars and use that power to dynamax pokemon. We would never have been able to create dynamax bands without her."
Sonia sighed. "*sigh* She was saying that there's still so much we don't know about dynamaxing. It's causing her some worry. She even made me take a power spot detector with me when I started traveling."
"A power spot detector?," he asked interested, "That's the device that allowed me to discover power spots. Locations that emit galar particles and allow pokemon to dynamax. I don't like hearing that Professor Magnolia is worried though. If only there was something I could do." You glanced at him again out the corner of your eye and rose a brow. Why were you getting a weird feeling in your gut from this guy?
Sonia shrugged. "Unless you can suddenly provide more intel on the phenominon then I'm afraid there isn't much, Sir."
He hummed.".....Sonia. It may be good for you to visit the vault in Hammerlocke. I believe the key to unlocking the secrets of the dynamax phenomenon lies in the history preserved there."
Sonia blinked. "Oh. You really think so?"
"We usually study history based on what was left on it from the past. Although mostly legends at this point you know they always say that every legend has truth to it. Who knows? It might even help tie in with the lengend you've been studying currently. Oleana can arrange a meeting I'm sure. Can't you?"
"Understood, Sir," Oleana replied monotonly, "I will arrange a meeting with Ms. Sonia."
"Very good. See? Nothing to worry yourself over about. Now shall we dig in?"
The rest of that dinner get together was a blur. Honestly you were too busy stuffing your face to talk but you didn't mind. You only watched and listened to the small talk. Gloria and Sonia's food arrived a short while after and by this point they were mostly done eating as well. His other questions didn't seem too out of the ordinary. Asking how their day was? How they were enjoying the challenge so far? Talking about some of his recent appointments involving some kind of arrangement with a Prince from the Pasio Region?? You weren't sure. But the sun was starting to set soon.
"So then I figured the best way to solve the matter was to set up individual warnings for the two of them and move one to a different department under Oleana. *sigh* Both are hard workers so it'd be a shame to just fire one or both. Don't you agree Oleana?"
"Yes, Sir. However I believe it is about time we get going, Chairman."
"Hm?" He looked at her. "But I've hardly had a chance to speak with Gloria." You rose a brow. You had literally been sitting her an entire hour.
"With all do respect, Sir. It's getting rather late. I'm sure the young lady is quite tired from her day."
...He sighed. "It's regrettable but I guess it can't be helped. If something needs to get done there's no time like the present after all!" He slowly stood from his seat as the three of you watched and smiled. "Truly though I'm glad to have had a chance to speak with you ladies today. So sorry if we couldn't have spent more time together. In any case I bid you farewell."
"OH! Uh..G-Good bye, M-Mr. Chairman. Sir."
You remained silent as the two left. Narrowed eyes watching as they went...Something about those two just felt...Off. Like it didn't sit right in your gut, but you had no idea why? Was there some kind of plot in the game with those two you couldn't remember?...Hm. In any case you were glad they were gone now so you and Gloria could rela- Your head perked up with at a sigh as Sonia rubbed her face.
"Hey. You good there?"
"Does he think he's doing me a favor? He's right that the vault would be a good place to look for the legends but..." She paused suddenly looking up and noticing the two of you staring at her confused. "UH!...Nevermind! You got the water badge right? Defeating Nessa is no easy feat!"
"Uh..Yeah. What are-"
"Nessa's a good friend! Perhaps I should drop in on her!," her chair screeched as she stood up all of a sudden giving a nervous smile, "Ahaha! Yes! She'll be so happy to see me! Until next time, Gym Challenger! Nice seeing you again, Y/n!"
Both of you stared as Sonia quickly sped walked away from you two and then out of the restaurant as if she was escaping something...
Gloria blinked. "What the world just happened?"
"Believe me I have learnt in this point of my life to just go with things. C'mon. It's free food. Let's finish eating and meet the others back at the hotel."
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jonahlovescoffee · 4 years
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i ship you with daniel seavey <3
✧ he’ll never miss any of your cheer meets! he’ll always be there to support you on the front row on the bleachers and telling everyone beside him that you’re his girl hehe.
✧ you’ll spend your time crocheting cute lil beanies for him and kobe! but honestly, you prefer making crocheted stuff for kobe because his head is way smaller and it’s less time-consuming for you, resulting with daniel getting jealous lol. so when you ask him to purchase some yarn for you, he’d definitely ask you if you need them to crochet stuff for him or for kobe. if it’s the latter, daniel will still get you your yarn but tries to convince you to change your mind and crochet stuff for him instead.
✧ ahhh having a photographer as a girlfriend? daniel is super lucky. you’ll be in charge of taking photos of him and his friends and family most of the time and the pictures will be used for his instagram feed (if they make the cut tho, because he certainly doesn’t want people to see embarrassing photos of his online and turning them into memes)
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another anniversary, another picnic. that was how it always had been — not because daniel didn’t have any better date ideas, but because out of all the amazing dates he had taken you on, you loved going on picnics with him the most, especially when it’s at the park where you both first met.
this year wasn’t any different. there you both were, seated in the middle of millions of grassy wands under the clear blue sky as the light breeze caressed you both tenderly. the date was perfect so far — the weather was splendid, the food that daniel had prepared before you had even awoken in the morning was amazing, the conversation was cheery and lighthearted and he was as sweet towards you as always.
the only minor imperfection was probably you and him accidentally leaving your phones behind in the car, only realising it when you both wanted to take pictures and your phones were nowhere to be found. daniel offered to return to his car to retrieve them, while you waited at the picnic spot.
“i’ll be back in a jiffy,” he said before leaving but almost 20 minutes had passed and he was still out of your sight.
feeling bored, you picked up the ukulele that he had brought along to the picnic and started strumming randomly, your fingers dancing on the strings as you tried to find the right chords to match the melody that was playing in your head. once you succeeded, you played the same series of chords again fluently, with more confidence this time round, the uplifting sound of the musical instrument filling your heart and soul with joy.
you were so distracted with the sound of music that you didn’t notice your boyfriend leaning against a tree not far away from you, looking at you silently with a broad smile plastered on his face as he watched you play, knowing that you’d probably stop playing once he interrupted. he could watch you doing that forever and never get tired of the serene sight of you in your element but the cup of ice cream he was holding would probably not able to last for that long.
“you play the ukulele so rarely that sometimes i forget that you know how to do that,” he said, snapping you back to reality. you blushed when you realised that he had been watching you play this whole time.
“i’m not even that good at it anyways; playing instruments is your thing, not mine,” you looked the other way when he moved to sit beside you so that he couldn't see how red your cheeks were.
“i still love it though,” he nudged your shoulder lightly and you turned to face him. he fed you a spoon of ice cream, before asking with pleading eyes, “play something for me?”
you hesitated for a couple of seconds but eventually complied to his request. “okay, but you’re not allowed to laugh no matter how bad it is, deal?”
“of course, love,” he shifted his position so he was laying down sideways, propped up on an elbow as he watched you position your fingers on the fretboard. “but i highly doubt it’ll be bad.”
“it will, trust me.”
you were wrong. your playing wasn’t anywhere near bad at all. daniel was irrevocably hooked from the first strum and when you finished, he almost asked you to play it again.
you looked up to find his eyes filled with so much adoration as your gazes locked. when no words came out of his mouth, you asked bashfully to break the silence, “so? what do you think?”
“i think i’ll never stop falling more in love with you with every day that passes, pretty girl.”
a kiss on his cheek. “me too, daniel, me too.”
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a/n: hope u like it @girlcarryingthegalaxyinabag <3 sorry if it doesn’t meet ur expectations tho 🥺🥺
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card! (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled. Green deltas are for requested prompts.)
There’s a reason why Chronos was such a cruel god.
I almost forgot to post this fic... I started it a while back, got art block, and only went back to it during a boring geography lesson during Whumptober. It was also not meant to be an Inazuma fic, but sometimes I have a weird creativity and muse. Don't ask me, the wonders of the human mind I guess. It'll come to literally nobody's surprise that I ship Anna and Nosaka because I'm the token F/M shipper of the main fanfic writers of this fandom (y'know, gotta contrast my colleagues and provide the stuff nobody but me and maybe an IRL friend wants). I'm surprised I've never managed to finish a fic with them before, tho: yes, the previous prompt fill, "Bedside Vigil" was supposed to be for them until I switched to Haizaki/Akane over... my Tomodachi Life game immediately pairing them up (true story). Anyway. This fic does imply to a road accident of some sort, so if you're sensitive to this kind of topic (for which you're entirely justified, tbh, that's coming from someone who's almost been in one), proceed with caution. It's nothing graphic or anything, just floating in the background of this story, though. I also almost forgot to mention this is supposed to be set in my Inazuma Café AU, but the only reason why you need to know that is because they're college students there, and why Anna and Hikaru are as friendly to each other as they are here. I mean, if you wanna know more, I'll gladly respond to questions.
It’s also the last story I can write for this card without getting a Five in a Row, which I may or may not have done on purpose lol
For Time Cannot Be Accelerated
Summary: Anna didn't think ambulance rides could last this long on the mind. She was seriously proven wrong.
Fandom: Inazuma Eleven (Ares/Orion continuity; implied college AU) Relationships: Platonic Anna & Hikaru friendship, implied established Anna/Nosaka
Wordcount: 1.7K words
Content Warnings: Implied road accident, talks of death, some blood and talk of injury.
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo
AO3 version available here.
They’re all tense in the ambulance. It doesn’t help that they share a small space amongst themselves, all cranked in one back of a truck that had clearly been made to have one stretcher and the paramedics watching over it. Nobody talks, except the latter amongst themselves in the front of the ambulance and through the vehicle. Instead, they don’t look at each other, too busy staring at the floor or their responsibility.
Anna has opted for the floor, for the time being.
 It’s overwhelming to remain here, in a crowded place where she felt alone nonetheless, drowned in the noise of the beeping machinery and blaring sirens echoing on the inside, feet surrounded by wires, hands trembling and sorrow she desperately kept inside. Her thoughts are still shaken from what had happened merely moments before, isolating her even further, words having escaped from her mouth and her vocal cords remaining knotted with no throat clearing able to untie them back to usefulness. She’s speechless, voiceless, useless.
Her shoulder is pressed against Ichihoshi’s, whose hand happens to sometimes brush against her naked arms. From what little she can see of his face, drowned in the darkness of the vehicle and lit by the unstable, flickering coloured lights of the different monitors crippling her earing, he isn’t any more relaxed than she was, shoulders stiff and frowned eyebrows, biting his lip, trying not to fidget with his fingers. She feels like she should be telling him something to make him untense, but considering how tense she also is, she has no idea what she’s even supposed to utter. Her mental syllabus has given up on her for the time being.
 In this moment of despair and desolation, Anna still admires the valiant efforts of the paramedics making sense of the numbers displayed on tiny screens and muttering a language she doesn’t understand most of, words whose meaning she has no idea of flying way over her head. They’ve kept their cool when she was on the verge of tears, an unknown yet powerful force preventing her from falling to her knees and weeping like she is, frankly, wanting to do above everything else. Still, she’s the Empress, and no Empress has ever cried when her capacity of judgement was needed.
The air of the ambulance was hot, too much so, smothering both Ichihoshi and her. If she could take a breather outside, even if it’d be for a mere moment or from a minuscule hole, her head would spin far less quickly, her world would stabilize, her mind would be much further from the verge of breaking down under its own weight. She craves tranquillity and serenity, two states of mind she’s meant to have and yet lacked in these desperate moments.
 Anna has started finding ways to recover her calm. The floor of the ambulance which seemed highly uncomfortable and disgustingly dirty when she climbed in now looked more than comfortable enough to her, but they lacked the space to even attempt sitting down. Before long, she’s realized the hard reality of things: there’s no way for her to get even the slightest bit more comfortable, and despite the speeds this vehicle is going at, it’s still taking ages in her mind.
In a way, it reminds her of being on a sinking ship, swimming in the cold sea, except she doesn’t even have the merit of risking hypothermia because she’s boarding on a rescue boat while someone else is pushing it, giving their skin to the freezing waters and floating debris. Morbid imagery she tries to erase out of her mind as soon as possible, yet the beating of her heart making itself known in her head and neck prevent her from not thinking about death nor debris.
 “I… I hope everything will be alright,” Ichihoshi eventually stutters, in an almost-whisper, voice hiding behind the ill-paced cacophony.
“So do I,” she replies as she notices something was dripping along her skin, eyeing the liquid going down her arm. Drifting her glance in its direction, she sees he’s holding his right arm with his left hand pressed against his jacket’s fabric, a faint difference in colours showing up in the mostly uniform light blue-and-red that his white sleeves had become.
As a result, her voice changes in tone, “are you okay, Ichihoshi?”
“It stings, but it’s nothing too bad. I’ll have it checked when we’ll arrive.”
The trembling, weakness in his own voice makes her more than doubtful of his statement. He’s unstable on his feet, almost swaying, crashing into her when the ambulance unfortunately shifted too quickly for him to catch himself on something, fingers slipping on the metal walls. She barely catches him with weak arms, legs feeling fainter until she’s stabilized him on his feet.
“I don’t believe that it can’t be ‘too bad’, if you’re tilting this much,” she tells him, even more concern melting into acid. “Let me see”.
 A sense of responsibility gives her back some of her stability, legs straightening up, eyes sharper as she tried to see in the half-dark. Without a word, she took off her comrade’s sleeve, noticing the sharp contrast marked by what could only be a wound. It seems like a deep cut, with shards reflecting the dim lights visibly exiting from it. Her hair rises on her limbs as soon as she knows what this is about.
“How long do we have left until we arrive?” She demands, in an imploring voice, to the paramedics.
They’re not able to provide a clear time, “a couple minutes left, traffic’s really bad, our apologies”, so she has to deal with it and simply keep Ichihoshi close to her, making sure he doesn’t trip on himself, inspecting for other wounds he could have. Aside from his arm, she thinks she sees a stain on his stomach and another on his right leg, although they’re less noticeable and she kind of sighs in relief to herself about that fact. It must mean they’re less grievous than the one she saw first.
 “I really hope he’s gonna be okay…” Ichihoshi whispers close to her ear, back lying against the metal.
The concern she’s tried to hold in until now by thinking of something else and failing to fully do so breaks through the gates and floods her mind again. She has too much to worry about and not enough available space, the scratches on her knees and elbows from the glass shards paling in comparison to the anguish that this ambulance ride is starting to become.
“Same here…” Her voice almost chokes on itself, but she breathes in and out, swallows her pride and her stress in one gulp, and continues speaking as not to betray her actual state of mind. “I’m sure he’ll be fine, he’s pulled through worse, I know it…”
Her hands still enlace themselves in a silent prayer she tries to hide from the world.
“He’ll… be fine. He will be fine.”
She wants to cry.
“You’re right. Surely he’ll make it…”
 Anna isn’t lying to reassure herself, merely speaking her truth. Yuuma has always proven himself to being capable of the most daring stunts, even life-threatening ones. While she doesn’t think she’ll ever be able to fully forgive him hiding his tumour away from her for reasons he’s never quite told her about, merely tune down the hurt he’s caused her by taking in account the reasons he did so; she has to use it as proof it should be fine. She only has hope to keep herself afloat now, her reason having fled the scene.
Yuuma is capable of great things, that much she’s sure of. She doesn’t know him entirely yet, and is certain she won’t ever be able to fully understand his character, yet she trusts him with her own life and, in these dire moments, he needs her. He needs her to remain strong and level-headed, to withstand the pressure and the desolation taking root inside her heart. They’ve promised to remain together and be there for each other: it’s time for her to fulfil her part of the trade.
Plus, from the three of them involved in this tragic accident, she’s the only one who has grazes instead of injuries. She also has to keep an eye on Ichihoshi on behalf of both Yuuma and her.
 “He’ll make it. I’m certain of it,” she repeats, more to herself than to her friend.
“I’m sure of it too,” he adds, in a similar fashion, and they’re back to both silently pray in silence as time slowly flows before their eyes, like the calm waves of a serene beach coming and going. If she closes her eyes and tries ignoring reality enough, she can almost hear the sea instead of sirens and cryptic whispers.
“And you? Are you okay?” she asks, her hands leaving their praying position, about to inspect her friend.
“I’ll be fine…”
He sounds too unsure to her liking, but before she can even comment on that, the atmosphere changes as she hears in echoes the nearby sirens of other ambulances.
 This is when Anna realizes that she couldn’t have been more relieved to see a hospital in her life, making sights she’d have wished never to see again some she was looking forward to: the paramedics shifting around the stretches and talking among themselves in a slightly different way, the monitors displaying new numbers, men shouting in an urgent tone. Almost unbeknownst to them, they were holding each other’s arm for support in dire times, the smell of iron sticking to his skin, her composure coming back despite the tears having taken away some of her makeup.
They’re most likely both ugly sights too, but they’re alive, they’ve arrived, and it’ll all be fine, eventually. For now, they step down from the ambulance, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. Despite the circumstances, neither of them succumb to their darker thoughts and bruises, not a complaint heard despite Ichihoshi grunting in pain from time to time and her lack of balance and remaining strength to carry the both of them without herself panting.
 Still, Anna is the Empress, this much she knows; and an empress remains strong, no matter the circumstances. She’ll trust Yuuma and bring Ichihoshi to someone who can help tend to his wounds. That’s her mission and she’ll make sure to accomplish.
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My review/commentary of the movie “Unplanned”
It was literally only me and two other people in the theater so I pulled out my iPod and typed out my comments and thoughts as the movie went along. Here y’all go. Now you don’t have to waste your money (or your time if you were gonna torrent it or something lmao)
-narration is dull
-lines sound recited
-The abortion scene was overdramatic
-the person holding down the girl who was getting the abortion was portrayed exactly how I expected by these wackjobs. 🙄 “You wanna get it done, don’t you?” Really? Ugh.
-lines are still sounded stilted
-“Never trust a decision you don’t want your mom to know about” 🙄🙄🙄 ...you’re an adult??? Why do you still need mommy holding your hand
-On Saturday’s we only do abortions? The fuck
-at least they also showed the loony religious zealots
-sprinkler scene was funny tho lmao
-“we can’t force them to do anything. “ lmao Mary whatshername sounded sad about that
-hmm...you were at college..why were you worried about your parents finding out you were having sex? You’re an adult
-“rocking with their hands wrapped around the bellies” right. Sure they were. ...🙄🙄🙄🙄
-her husband looks like a douche btw
-🙄🙄 of course an induced abortion is gonna hurt? Your uterus contracts for that shit. You get cramps while on your period so Wtf was she expecting?? No wayyyyy she was not informed about the side effects. There’s literally a tdlr on plan b pills, why wouldn’t there be for abortion pills??? Right like I’m gonna buy that bs
-her mom as portrayed in the movie is a huuuuuge bitch to me even tho I know err body else is gonna think she’s just a Concerned Mama
-hmm. Married twice. Doesn’t sound like she follows the so called good book...
-hmm. At church. So religion is in this mess. Why am I not surprised
-knocking on 25,000 doors? I believe it, actually. Once I had Jehovah’s Witnesses come to my house like three goddamn times in a week
-hm. Dress the director in black during the showing of fetuses. How subtle 🙄🙄🙄
-hmm. Finds out she’s pregnant. Director conveniently offers to “take care of it”. Ughhhhhhhh 🙄
-“if anything it will only encourage them to abort” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 right. Because whenever I see a pregnant lady I think by golly I need me one of those new fangled abortion thingies
-if a patient is unsure, I highly doubt she’d be coerced into going through with the abortion
-“we never call an ambulance”??? How convenient that the callous director is there again. 🙄 “I don’t care if you’re comfortable, just do it!!” Oh Jesus Christ on a crosssssss 🙄🙄🙄🙄
-“just a little blood”. I know they keep on trying to make the director chick evil or whatever but clearly she said this in hyperbole. Imagine if a doctor started panicking and wailing at the sight of blood. 🙄🙄🙄
-music sucks in this movie btw
-38 pregnancies in the space of 4 hours terminated ...hm.. gonna have to look up that stat and see if it’s not bs like the majority of this movie so far
-well I would understand why Cheryl is “beside yourself”. There’s people trying to force their beliefs on others even tho they keep assuring everyone that wE dOnT fOrCe pEoPlE blah blah blahh 🙄🙄🙄
-why does the actress for Abby’s mom literally look only five years older than her wtf
-damn these parents (Abby’s) need to mind their business
-it’s gods will...? Wow. Killer plan, god. 🙄
-goddddd . These religious peaceful protesters are actually more insidious than the yelling lunatics
-planned Parenthood dehumanizes the unborn...! Huh. You care about human life? Just not the women carrying it I guess 🙄🙄🙄
-swear to Christ if my sisters or mom tried to stop me by crying and causing a scene I’d just keep going. Abby judging Rhonda like that. Ok. Keep feeling high and mighty.
-ughhhhh there’s that Mary Lisa quack again
-aaaand another crappy Christian song blegh
-so far, the gist of it: literally everyone in Abby’s life is against her job and current view of PP
-hmm. So Abby wanted to put women’s lives in danger during a hurricane?
-huh. Her new husband is a douche too. What a surprise.
-hmm. Abortion quotas? What bs is this?
-“Abortion is our fries and soda. ABORTION PAYS FOR ALL OF IT. BLEGHHH.” 🙄🙄🙄
-“THESE ARE LITTLE BABIES”. Does . Anyone. In. This. Movie. Ever. Think. About. The. Women. Ever?????? Like, at all? Her husband is a douchhhhheeee
-hmm. Funny they should bring up Dr. Tiller. The planned Parenthood employees were right, the prolifers just wanted to avoid blame with their fake sympathy.
-Mary Lisa is annoying af
-somehow I don’t buy that Abby was sooooooo traumatized by that abortion when she’s had two previous ones.
-“rough day at the office?? Yeah you could say that”! UGHHHHHH I literally predicted her next line. This movie is so trite 🙄🙄🙄
-We’RE HERE TO HELP no you’re not, you’re there to impose your religion on others you hokey self important asshole
-her husband is SUCH A DOUCHE.
-well, you have mommy’s approval now, Abby. I hope it was worth sabotaging an organization that helps women in need.
-my eyes have been dry this entire time btw 😘
-don’t worry Abby. You may have fucked up the futures of millions of women, but at least you’re good with the almighty GOD and that’s what really matters isn’t? 😌💢
-those women didn’t go into the clinic because you and your brood are PUBLICLY SHAMING THEM under the guise of helping.
-size of the fetus? Size of the skull determines the price? They don’t offer solutions only abortions? Aaaaaand the full on bullshit is finally here after the pretending to “fairly” portray the other side. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
-I love Sheryl! Wooooo!! ✊🏽🖤
-planned Parenthood is one of the most powerful organizations on the planet?? 😆😆😆 that’s news to me and I’m pro choice, bitch! Move over, Apple! Tesla who??? Hhahahahahahahahahaha this movie is a comedy now I guess
-you’re right that Jeff isn’t in this for the money, Christian boy. But I guarantee he’s not in this for the fight against abortion. He’s in this for the notoriety and free advertising. He’s a LAWYER. It’s what lawyers do.
-planned Parenthood will go to any lengths to destroy anyone that goes against them? Hmm. Sounds a lot like a great deal of religious institutions.
-lmaoooo the character of Sheryl carries this movie
-hmm. Sheryl is dressed in black again.
-I’m gonna donate to whatever Planned Parenthood is still in Texas after I’m done watching this crock of shit. And it’ll be in the exact amount that I paid to see this pile of crap.
-That rose placing was the most fake, performative “grief” bs ever. Gas lighting type shit. This movie was terrible.
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agirlinhell · 5 years
Tagged by : no one!!
1. Real name: Angela
2. Nicknames: Angie, ladyimaginarium, nerdy cupcake,
3. Zodiac sign: Cancer ( Western ) ; Dragon ( Chinese / Eastern )
4. Gender: Female ; Questioning??????????? idk??? im a little confused on this?? like i’m a girl but i wouldn’t necessarily be offended if someone called me by they / them either.. is that normal?????? idk man
5. Nursery: Home??
6. Primary school: Public
7. Secondary school: Public
8. Hair color: Dark brown - I wanna change that tho
9. Long or short: I have medium length hair??
10. Loud or quiet: Quiet, my brain’s loud enough as it is and it won’t shut the fuck up 
11. Sweats or jeans: Sweats!
12. Phone or camera: Phone
13. Health freak: Nah not really that just sounds ridiculously tiring and exhausting
15. Do you have a crush on someone: Not currently???
16. Political orientation: Uhhh... idk.. Centrist leaning towards the left??? idk man i don’t really give a fuck tbh
17. Piercings: nada
18. Tattoos: None, i kinda want one tho
19. Airplane: I wish :C
20. Car accident: Nope
21. Fist fight: NOOOOOOOOOO, I hate confrontation LMAO
22. Piercing:NADA
23. Best friend: uhhhhh kindergarten????
24. Instrument: I played the xylophone for a cultural showcase w/ my class - i also play the keyboard - the only thing i have left of my grandmother who died a year ago
25. Award: UHHHHHHHHHHH i think it was an award for being the best writer in my school and for winning a contest for remembrance day??? other than that i never really won an award, i’m nothing special
26. Crush: I...... honestly don’t remember?
27. Language: English
28. Big vacation: Montreal a few years ago????
29. Person I talked to: uhhhhhh my mom / my cats?? i uh..... i don’t talk to people much
30. Person I texted: uhhhhhh @rcdhccdie​ ( we know each other irl ) ??? LOL
31. Person I watched: Uhhhhhh i don’t watch people LMAO
32. Food I ate: chicken tornadoes w/ chives + rosemary and thyme
33. Movie I watched: u h h h h  hh  h hh fantastic beasts 2: the crimes of grindelwald
34. Song I listened to: ride - lana del rey
35. Thing I bought: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh gummy bears?? idr
36. Person I hugged: My mom.............. i’m a lonely bitch and i don’t get hugs often ok
37. Food: chocolate???????? pizza??????????? apples????????
38. Drinks: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fruit punch????
39. Clothing: Anything comfy???
40. Book: the a song of ice and fire series
41. Color: teal!!
42. Flower: rose!!
43. Music: i like literally everything but uh if i had to pick a genre it’s probably indie??
44. Movie: disney movies????
45. Subjects: history :>
47. [❌] Kissed in the rain
48. [✔️] Celebrated Halloween
49. [ ✔️ ] Had your heart broken
50. [✔️] Went over the minutes on your cell phone
51. [✔️] Someone questioned your sexual orientation ( deeeeeeefinitely my mom,,,,,, and myself LMAOOO BUT NOW I KNOW WEEEE )
52. [❌] Used a weapon
53. [❌] Breathed fire ( oH I WISH )
54. [❌] Had an abortion
55. [✔️] Done something you’ve regretted
56. [✔️] Broke a promise
57. [✔️] Kept a secret
58. [✔️] Pretended to be happy
59. [✔️] Met someone who changed your life
60. [❌] Pretended to be sick
61. [ ❌ ] Left the country
62. [❌] Tried something you normally wouldn’t like, and liked it
63. [✔️] Cried over the silliest thing
64. [ ❌ ] Ran a mile
65. [✔️] Went to the beach
66. [✔️] Stayed single
67. Eating: nothing
68. Drinking: nothing
69. Getting ready to: internally scream and go through yet ANOTHER existential crisis :’D
70. Listening to: when the party’s over - billie eilish
71. Plans for tomorrow/today: No plans
72. Waiting for: I don’t know.... a way outta here?????? to be given a hug??? someone to run their fingers through my hair while i sleep??? a change????? to watch the stars with someone late at night?? something exciting?? to get out of this hellhole?? someone to tell me i’ll be okay???
73. Want kids: nah, if i did, i’d probably adopt tbh but again i...... highly doubt it. LOL
74. Want to get married: maybe? :OOO
75. Careers in mind: hmmmm something to do with traveling or photography??? maybe a writer as a side job??
76. Lips or eyes: Eyes<33
77. Shorter or taller: I prefer my partner to be taller than me, but I wouldn’t mind it if they were shorter - honestly size doesn’t matter to me
78. Romantic or spontaneous: Both!
79. Nice stomach or nice arms: Doesn’t matter to me
80. Sensitive or loud: Both!
81. Hookup or relationship: Relationship
82. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant; I don’t want to be in a situation where my partner is causing trouble, unless if it’s something like minor like a small prank.
83. Lost glasses/contacts: I don’t wear glasses/contacts
84. Ran away from home: kinda?? more like walked too far from home and had to walk my ass back LMAO
85. Held a weapon for self defense: No, I was never in a situation where I needed to
86. Killed somebody: No, and I don’t plan to
87. Broken someone’s heart: idk maybe?? if i did i have no idea, no one ever said “i love you” in a romantic way and meant what they said to me sooooooooooo
88. Been arrested: HELL NO
90. Miracles: yep!! though it varies from situation to situation
91. Yourself: Not as much as I should be!! LMAO
92. Love at first sight: Kinda. I bet there’s someone out there who found love at first sight, but I doubt it’ll happen to me LMAO
93. Heaven: I like to believe that there’s an afterlife!! otherwise... what’s the point??
94. Santa Claus: I did until i was like what..... ten?
95. Easter Bunny: Same thing as Santa Claus LMAO
96. Magic: sure, why not?? :OOO i’d like to think so!
97. Is there one person you want to be with, right now: my sisters? idk i don’t have anyone in mind
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: .....no :C
99. Are you happy with the person you’re with: I’m not with anyone at the moment :C
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 5 people: @paulklee-guild @rcdhccdie @dcadrct @stillgcod @prctecthem @morefinesse
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Thank you for over 3000 followers
I reached 3000 followers a while ago and even though I didn’t do anything for my other milestones, I thought I should make a post about this one (though I couldn’t think of anything special). After all, 3000 is most likely the highest I will get and it really is an amazing number, considering I’m not doing anything special XD Kinda fitting too. In NnT everything started 3000 years ago, and for my blog everything started 3000 followers ago XD I’m not sure how many people from the old days even follow me anymore, but, thank you all. It’s been some amazing years!
As for what I’ll do… Well, my friend @maybeishouldwait helped me with some question prompts, so it’ll sort of be like an interview? I hope at least some of you are interested. So, let’s start!
1. Let's start with an easy one: how did you discover NNT, and what drew you to it?
I’ve recently answered an ask with a similar question but here we go! It was a complete coincidence. I wasn’t necessarily searching for something. I randomly browsed a manga reading site, probably looking foe updates and the title somehow caught my attention so I clicked on it. I didn’t take it seriously at first, the first chapter really didn’t impress me at all, and I only continued because I thought it was funny. It’s no secret I fell in love with the series but it still baffled me how fast it went from “Lol, this is funny and stupid” to “BEIRHJ I LOVE THIS SO MUCH” in a matter of a only few chapters XD Everything was such a new experience to me. The characters weren’t the usual stereotypes, they were actually deep and interesting. The story took a while to become interesting, at first it was more about just… gathering these super powerful knights and it was so cool to see what kind of crazy character the next one would be. I also loved how I could never see anything coming. Even now that we know what kind of series this is, there are still plottwists like Hawk’s eyes being the portal to purgatory or Cath’s whole appearance that just… could not be predicted and I really love that surprise effect when something unbelievable happens. So I love the characters and the surprises but I also love the story, or rather how it’s told. For the first… 70 or so chapters to me it felt like with every chapter it just got even BETTER than before. I still had a few of those moments in the Commandment saga, just, scenes that blew me away and made me think “Wow, I wonder how much better this series can get”. I think it also was around chapter 70 that I created my blog. And more than anything I think I love the tragedies. It’s hearbreaking but heartwarming at the same time somehow. Not many of you probably know this but my first NnT OTP was actually Banlaine and I cried so much when I read their backstory. I loved how deeply in love they were to the point of sacrificing themselves for the other. Both had to deal with a large chunk of loneliness in their lives and for both of them the other was their salvation. Every time Ban was saying anything about Elaine in the main series I was both crying and cheering for him. By now everything is a tragedy and while I wish there were a few more lighthearted scenes for… personal salvation… I like that and crying about all those characters and CARING for their happiness really helped me get into this series I think.
2. How has your blog changed since it started?
Well, apart from the fact that is has grown popular… I actually think I’ve burned out a but. I write a lot less text posts than before. I had an awful amount of (stupid) theories back in the old days and also an awful amount of free time somehow. Now I feel like I don’t think about theories that often anymore, let alone post them. Part of that is that I’m busy with work and other hobbies, but partly that’s because the series has gotten so long and it’s becoming harder and harder to remember details, especially from the newer chapters. I really want to reread the series but I never get around to do that anymore. I also think that back in the days I more or less posted just anything I found or thought was cool, while nowadays I’m always wondering what I could do. I still try to keep it up but it’s becoming harder and harder. Oh, there’s also a lot more follower interaction too!
3. What are some of your favorite blogs or sites for NNT stuff?
As for sites, I usually only check the official ones, like the official HP or the official Twitter account. As for blogs… I don’t really follow a lot of people since I look through the tag almost on a daily basis anyway. Of course there’s @spoilerkingjuliane, she’s a must follow XD I can also highly recommend @maybeishouldwait since she’s an awesome writer. I always enjoy @nostalgicbookworms gifs a lot and @sdsmangacaps is my go-to account for manga caps. There are a lot more blogs that I really like, there are tons of really good artists on Tumblr and Twitter but since I’m not actually following a lot of them and I fear I’ll forget a few I’d rather not mention them directly and hope they know I appreciate them. The most obvious Twitter account is yuka_sai0127 btw, but there are a lot of others.
4. What advice would you give to someone wanting to make their blog as successful as yours?
Tbh I have no idea how I even got so popular in the first place XD I started on a whim and thought I’d lose motivation immediately and nobody would follow me anyway. But before I knew it I had almost 100 followers in a matter of a few days. Maybe it was my obsession? I also quickly befriended the other popular NnT blogs, that probably helped too. I think it depends on what kind of blog you have, but I think the most important thing is frequent updates and high quality. I also think blogs should have a good balance between your own content and reblogs. There are blogs that live only through reblogs and that’s fine but I think it’s harder to be “interesting” when you don’t have your own content. Try to find something only you can do and do it. @spoilerkingjuliane for example is good at finding info and she is immensely popular because of that. I will forever be slightly jealous of her because I will never reach that level XD”
5. What's the best part of running your blog? What's something you wish was different?
The best part without a doubt is how much it involves me into the fandom. I’m more or less forced to see all kinds of fandom posts and while that’s sometimes stressing me out, I also see a lot of amazing content and being able to share those posts with so many people makes me really happy. Running this blog also helped me boost my own confidence. As I mentioned earlier at the beginning I thought nobody would be interested in my blog anyway and I’d give up right away. But I gained followers quickly and it showed me that yes, I might not be as boring as always I think I am. It showed me that I can do things if I just try. On the downside though, running a popular blog puts a lot of pressure on you, and I constantly feel like I have to do something, have to go through the tag, have to make SOME content somehow. And even when you’re stressed you can’t just take it out on people after all so the stress piles up. That’s probably my own responsibility and not the blog itself that is doing that, but I still wish I could take it more easy.
6. How did you learn Japanese? Did you find it difficult?
Well, it wasn’t easy at least. I started learning Japanese twice, once I gave up quickly because the book I used was a horrible starter and after that I learned the basic grammar and a few words through a magazine crash course. Learning specific words was easier than to learn all hiragana and katakana on their own and since I also knew the basic grammar it made it easier to learn and understand whole sentences. Still, I’m an extremely lazy human being and even though I’ve been learning Japanese for almost half of my life now I very rarely actively studied. Most of the time I would try (and fail) to read manga in Japanese and pick up new words and grammar here and there. But through switching between actually learning and trying to read manga I got better. Once I was at a certain level I bothered a ton of random japanese people too in order to befriend and speak japanese with them, which also helped. I think the most major step in my learning career was getting obsessed with Tales of Vesperia a few years ago tho. I was at a comparatively high Japanese level back then already but playing a game of THAT length completely in japanese was a challenge. I learned a stupid amount of new words and grammar and ways of talking through that game and it probably helped that it was just an amazing game that remains to be my favorite. I’ve also translated a few manga chapters back then that really got me practicing and I also worked at an Udon restaurant with (except for me) 100% japanese staff. And as is the case with all languages… Talking with real people is always the best practice. Then of course my year working in japan gave me the final boost. I still have a ton to learn and I’m nowhere near really GOOD but I like to think my japanese is pretty decent at least.
7. What do you see for the future of your blog?
It won’t be all too long anymore til the manga ends and when that happens there won’t be any theories or reviews to write anymore… There will still be an S3 and possible an S4 and maybe more anime projects. But it will be harder to update the blog with original content. Eventually it will most likely turn into a reblog only blog. But I hope I will have some more time and motivation to actually reread the manga, complete my NnT encyclopedia and update the blog with interesting stuff I find in between. I really want to keep this blog up for a few more years!
No matter how it will turn out though, I’m happy I came so far. I made a whole bunch of good friends during this time and had a lot of fun. To my friends and followers (silent or not): Thank you so much for your support!
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ageofdragon · 6 years
DA4 Cameos and Companions
I wanted to address this, since I really liked this post by @quizzy-tielle​ but there are a few more notes that can be added. tdlr at the bottom, under the read more.
Alistair: Alistair will probably only have a Cameo since he has two different paths (Warden or King), but I could see him being plot relevant. Maybe only a Warden like in DA2, even if it is possible for him to “die” in DA:I. This is because DA:I leaves that open if they want to “retcon” it. The words used in the choice implies you might be leaving Alistair to his death, there is an open end there. Especially since we don’t see his dead body only what looks like him going down. On the other hand, it has been a while since his Joining and unless he is like his mother (or the dragon’s blood theory is true), then he is almost due for his Calling. So if Al is there in DA4, expect him in Grey Warden regalia.
Morrigan: I don’t think Morrigan will ever be a Companion player again, but she will be a major npc no matter where the game takes place. Not only is she headed where we are supposed to be, but she is now carrying some of the last remnants of Mythal whether in her head (depending on who drank the Well) or in her blood.
Leliana: If our game does actually take place in Tevinter, I think she might get a mention at best. Either by reminiscent characters or in the grand scheme of things. I don’t see her playing to much part unless some of the game returns to Orlais, in which case as a Divine she could very well pop up. As well as still being interested/running the Inquisition’s spies against Solas (I believe even as the Divine), so again a peripheral character. That said I’d really be interested to see if Lyrium Ghost Leliana pops up anywhere!
Wynne: Wynne has actually died by Asunder; leaving not a character no one cares about, but one that even if people wanted her she is unable to return. Unless as a spirit of course. That said it is not out of the question to meet her son Rhys and perhaps recruit him as a companion, along with his Templar sweetheart Evangeline.
Oghren: I could have seen Oghren returning when the team consisted of mostly the old writers. But with Weekes in charge and a few new writers around, I agree he is probably too lowbrow and overlooked (even among the writers) to pop up again. At the very most, if at all, it’ll be a quick mention somewhere.
Zevran: I agree that Zevran possibly being dead makes it hard, but honestly if I don’t get to see Zev once in this new engine. I will move to Canada just to stand outside Bioware studios and scream continuously at them till the day I perish. Zevran deserves more and if Leliana can resurrect, why not our favorite elven assassin.
Sten: Sten is actually a pretty popular character, only he doesn’t go by Sten anymore. Well at least not for most people. Which is where the conflict comes in. For anyone who earned Sten’s loyalty, he is Arishok now. Which big Qunari plot means definite appearance by the Arishok. However, I don’t see him being a companion, at best he would be a NPC ally. On the other hand, those who didn’t help Sten left him without the Qun...unless he went back and became Arishok later (after the Warden) which is a very easy work around.
Shale: I could actually see Shale being a companion. I mean they can reuse at least one (even in DA2, Nathaniel was going to be a return companion but they scraped it). Shale was a character a lot of people liked, but being a DLC character was underexplored. She was last seen heading to Tevinter to discover how to be a dwarf again. So golem, dwarven, or a mix of the two, Shale is a huge possibility.
Hero of Ferelden: Bioware has pretty much confirmed the Warden won’t be back in full capacity ever. Mostly because creating a unvoiced major character is very hard, when they once spoke (unable to make canonically mute) and finding a voice is no solution (they wouldn’t be able to appease enough people, no matter the actor). Which pretty much seals it as, if the Warden shows up, it is in a written or spoken about capacity and nothing more.
Dragon Age 2
Carver/Bethany: It would be such a guilt pleasure if they did show up, but I highly doubt they would and certainly not as a companion. They have too many outcomes and possible paths, it’ll probably be like in DA:I where they get a special mention. OR if Bioware was really clever, they’d make an obscure Warden in the background look like them but obscure enough they can handwave it as “no, but maybe”. Either way, might show up in the Weisshaupt storyline as a special mention, but not much more.
Fenris: I agree with the other post, that Fenris is the one person who would be the one most likely to pop up. I still don’t think as a companion, because he can die. But I do think he could be an ally NPC. Fenris either gets sent back to Danarius or has spent the past years hunting down slavers, so he is bound to be in or near Tevinter. I have almost no doubt we’ll see him, physically, at least once. Though I wouldn’t rule out him being a Weisshaupt too, if he romance Hawke and Hawke wasn’t left in the Fade.
Isabela: Isabela has been in every game so far and if they don’t continue this in DA4 I will be upset. Seriously, it’s like an expectation now. Every DA game is like sex, it’s fun, there is depth, and Isabela is there. Maybe as a companion, maybe as an NPC, or a extra to the cause. Don’t care, she just has to be there now. It’s a signature. Which...if we can get her in her sick Captain’s outfit again, more kudos to them.
Merrill: Hmmm, I don’t know about Merrill. She is such a good and well liked character, and I really need her to interact with Solas. BUT she had far more reason to be in DA:I, in a game that most likely will take place in Tevinter and surrounding area...I’m not sure where she’d fit. Not as a companion I don’t think. Maybe a cameo in Weisshaupt or when dealing with Solas stuff, but even then, her investment in those things seems a bit weak. The most likely place for me, would be dealing with the Eluvians or maybe even helping run an elven slave underground...kind of. But it would really depend where the game chooses to focus (on Tevinter, Solas, Weisshaupt, all 3 equally by some miracle).
Anders: I think at this point, everyone who loves Anders wants Anders back and safe, but also doesn’t want him to be touch by Bioware anymore. And anyone who hates Anders has either killed him or hoped that he was dead...so... Mixed feelings and mixed ideas. I don’t think he’ll ever be a companion again, Bioware learned their lesson (kind of considering Sera). But also being the entire world’s [of Thedas’s] scapegoat for the Mage War/Mage Split, I’m 99.9% sure we haven’t heard the last of some saying something bias, pretty much untrue, and absolutely scathing about him.
Aveline: She is helping run Kirkwall, which is where she belongs. If the game reaches out to the Free Marches, a glimpse or mention of her is sure to be heard. After all, she is the biggest badass there at the moment. Her days on the screen are probably over though, she was a good character but not one interesting enough to last past a single game of screen time. That said, I’d love to see her side-story with the Du Lacs actually revisited at some point, give us a deep Investigative story with her.
Varric: I mean I have to agree with quiz tielle, it pains me but his days as a companion are probably over. That said, I absolutely believe he’ll still have a large role to play. For starters, he is still our storyteller. Thedas’ storyteller and I highly doubt he’ll miss a chance to write out all of Thedas’ major historical events into eye-catching adventure novels till the day he dies. He may be a played out companion (can’t relate) but he isn’t dead and he is still an adventurer at heart, no matter how much he complains about the outdoors. All that aside, he is cousin to probably the most important, incredibly attractive magister in Tevinter right now, Maevaris Tilani (Tethras). I can definitely believe he’ll pop in to say hello and maybe scoop up a story or two, during DA4.
Sebastian: I’m not sure, I forget how his War Table mission plays out...but also not to offend any diehard Seb fans or anything...but he is shit and if he returns I’ll want to punch him. I mean he tried to overtake Kirkwall, for no reason than his own pride and probably a political move to strength his own country. It’s a Free Marcher thing, sure. But still, Sebastian Vael can get stuffed. That so awfully said, if he does come back I’ll still have a good time. Which serious for a moment, I don’t know why he would. Unless like I said we return to the Free Marches for whatever reason.
Tallis?: I have no idea if we have seen the last of her or not. I mean according to DA2 we haven’t and she was a War Table in Inquisitiion. So I suppose if there is a Qunari plot in DA4, you’d expect see her there. But I don’t know how there she’ll be...she could even be a companion. It’s a possibility, but I don’t expect it as a strong one.
Hawke: Hawke is definitely coming back, I don’t know when and I don’t know where but they will. I don’t say this as someone who loved their Hawke tho. I say this because Weisshaupt’s storyline seems to weigh on Hawke’s presence (if they escaped, they said that is where they are headed) and again, like I said in Alistair the decision to leave them behind in the Fade wasn’t final. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised in if in the obligatory Fade mission we ran into a Hawke that got left behind, half dead but still trucking along with that Purple Hawke smirk on their face. “You look like wyvern shit, Hawke.”  “You would know.”
Dragon Age Inquisition
Josephine: I think if the Inquisition is there, Josephine is definitely going to be there in some regard. Even if it is a few letters lying around. She’ll be less relevant that she was in Inquisition though, well unless you romanced her. She still has a family to take care of, plus all that new trade and a few diplomatic graces. A lot for her to take on, plus a maybe slave rebellion?
Cullen: Cullen time has come, I don’t think Cullen wants a thing to do with Tevinter cause mages and honestly I’m glad. I mean yeah, he was the white boy version of Isabela’s cameo, but far less entertaining with his anti-mage, but they’re sorta of okay rhetoric. A little salty, yeah. Cause Bioware had 3 chances to get him to a better place (aka make him a great character with growth), but never got there. So as much as I’d love to see them try and fail to make him a better person one more time, it’s time to let him rest. With his slightly changed notions, his lyrium detox facility, and his dog. That rant over, he could be there in the same capacity as Josephine. A few letters and a little something extra for romancers.
Blackwall: A hard one...in theory Blackwall could make a comeback during the Grey Warden plot, Bioware hyped up. He could even be a true Grey Warden companion this time. However, he has a lot of variables and that makes it hard to bring him back as a return character. He could have died, he could have been saved and hidden, or he could have been saved and made a Grey Warden. Not to mention adding romances and whether he got the Grey Warden epilogue or the “prison counselor” epilogue.
Cassandra: I think Cassandra will have the same role/handling as Leliana honestly. She won’t be a companion, but we will see her interacting with the Inquisitor. Divine or not, she is still helping them with Solas. Though we might not actually interact with her, unless Orlais. Again like Leli.
Iron Bull: Another difficult one. On one hand, he could be dead and that is the end of. On the other he could be with Dorian, who I’ll get to in a minute. I think it’ll be a bit easier though, because they can use him like they did Stroud. If he is alive and helping Dorian (or the Inquisitor) then he can show up, be his usual self. Make references to the past game and his Chargers. If he is dead, then he has a blank stand-in that we kind of get to know during the rest of the game, but never to the extent that we know/knew Bull. That said, he is definitely not becoming a companion. Only two characters with a possible death have ever became companions again after said moment, and I think the fact it happens in the same game leaves Carver and Bethany in a completely different category.
Dorian: Alright, if we were ever going to have a returning companion it will probably be Dorian. I have to agree with the assumption. Because Dorian is Tevinter. He’s the good, the bad. The parts that need change, but also the parts that should be praised. He was singled out for this in Inquisition. It was focused on heavily about him being the new Tevinter ambassador. Of him and Mae taking Tevinter by storm. Their reformation of the Magisterium. They even gave him a plot item, that seemed unnecessary and yet provided a link. Which I’m talking about his sending crystal/magic cellphone. It was endearing and also telling. Why need a crystal when letters work too? And I highly doubt it was just to introduce the idea for fun...I’m getting carried away on my favorite boy. What I mean to say, is Dorian, if not a companion, will be a huge player in the next game. Assuming they are still sending us to Tevinter as planned. Not just because he was so loved, which he way. Or because he is an utterly striking, handsome character, which he is. But because Dorian is a major player in Tevinter as is, trying to change his country and you don’t just go to a country and not meet the most influential of them all.
Solas: Oh boy, I have so much to say about this. First off, I don’t agree with the other post. I don’t think Solas will be the biggest villain this game, this time around. Unless Weekes is really enamored with getting that story out of the way, which he might be. I think he’ll be a smaller big bad in the grand scheme of things, whereas he was the big bad in Inquisition (literally all that happened because of him). I think it’d be interesting to see him as a return companion though. Like yes, we all know who he is. But to our new character? Maybe he is just a revolutionist, maybe he was the one who freed them (if they go the slave plot for the PC). Another chance for him to play the PC and we have to watch it happen. But also, we have to figure out why he’d help us with this rebellion (again relies on the slave plot being used) when he has no horses in the race. I don’t know, it is a possibility and a frustrating, but interesting one.
Vivienne: If she is Divine, I don’t see her doing anymore that Cassandra or Leliana in the position. And again, very dependent on if we go to Orlais. Maybe more so, since she wasn’t a founding agent of the Inquisition like Leliana and Cassandra. However, if the Mage College/Circles of Magi issue is more prominent than I think it will be in DA4, then she might show up a bit more than usual. Still don’t think she’ll be a big role or ally to the main character though.
Cole: I don’t agree with Cole not fighting people, but I do agree that he has other things to worry about that the PC in DA4. That said, when it comes to Solas I feel like Cole will be back instantly. Solas and Cole were incredibly close (for a few reasons I can theorize, coughelves=spiritscough), and he was one of the few who actually wanted to save Solas. So if he is there, he is there for his friends and Solas only. Which means no companionship from him.
Sera: I can’t see Sera giving it a try in Tevinter, for so many reasons. Unless the Inky asks her of course. Every thing from the elves, many who just accept their lives. To the magic, to the lack of friends due to brainwashing and fear. It’s just not an environment Sera would enjoy or even want to be it. But if Orlais is still playing a big part in the next game, I’m sure we’ll turn up the Val Royeaux Jenny eventually. Or like I said, if Inky needs her. I doubt she’ll have much to do with the main character though.
Inquisitor: They’ll be there. In some shape or form they’ll show up, that I have no doubt of. How or when will be a mystery. It might be in the form of speaking to Dorian through the sending crystal (removes the need for a CC) or it might be as a Major Ally (i.e. Hawke in Inquisition). I don’t think the story will center around them as much as we think or would like though. Since this isn’t another Inquisitor story, but our new PC’s story.
As far as I believe, there could be a ton of cameos from almost anybody. Seriously, there are maybe 3 who won’t come back and none of them are the Wardens or Hawkes left in the Fade. 
The only one from DAO I could see being a companion is Shale, but Sten/Arishok deserves a mention if the Qunari War Plot is going to be as important as we’ve been led to think.
From DA2, I can only see Tallis as a companion, again due to the supposed Qunari War plot. But I’m sure we’ll see Fenris, Varric, Hawke, and Isabela again somewhere in DA4. 
Inquisition provides the most likely return companion, Dorian. I could see Solas or Blackwall returning as a companion, but I don’t think they truly beat out Dorian in the amount of importance and content we could get from a returning character by our side. Since Inquisition is the newest game, I especially see most if not all of the characters making some form of cameo.
Some Special Mentions I want to throw out there too. I imagine Calpernia will still be relevant in some way to the story. As she is also someone who wants to redeem Tevinter (in her own way) and could not be killed by the Inquisitor, even being a villain in their game.
Marius, Tessa, and Charter all seem to relevant, recurring characters in the extended media. I wouldn’t be surprised if they roles in the next game. Especially given Marius’s ties to Tevinter and Calpernia
If we don’t have Maevaris Tilani as a companion, after all of this, I will be shocked and scandalized. She has been another character that has both importance in Tevinter and seems to hold importance to the writers (though how this will go now that her main writer, David Gaider has left I don’t know. Weekes still has access to them and he should use it).
We haven’t yet seen the end of Valta...and perhaps Renn. I’m not sure Bioware will approach more dwarven concepts in DA4, but one can hope. Even more so, since I want to see what happened to Valta and just what is happening with the Titans.
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lobotomiez · 7 years
ok i was trying to avoid this but ive been tagged for it like 6 times i dont even remember everyone who tagged me
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. drink water
2. phone call my friend eden bc joya and i went outside but she didnt have her swipe card to get back inside and i dont have access to their dorm so i called eden to come let us in but she didnt actually need to bc some ppl came by and opened the door
3. text message one of these 🙌🏻 to my class group’s chat abt our paper
4. song you listened to “my old ways” by dr. dog
5. time you cried WATCHING LOVE, SIMON
6. dated someone twice? not even once
7. kissed someone and regretted it no ive only kissed 2 friends when we were drunk
8. been cheated on nope
9. lost someone special not,, really? ive lost ppl but i wouldnt call them special
10. been depressed lol
11. gotten drunk and thrown up yeeah only once tho i think?
fave colours
12. peach
13. forest green
14.  probably lavender
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends uhh i think so?
16. fallen out of love nope
17. laughed until you cried yah
18. found out someone was talking about you nope
19. met someone who changed you i guess so 
20. found out who your friends are yeah
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list not in the last year
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl all...
23. do you have any pets my kitty!
24. do you want to change your name no
25. what did you do for your last birthday uh.. i think nothing.. one of my friends brought me an arizona and stopped by for like 5 mins.. at least i think that was my last birthday?
26. what time did you wake up today first alarm went off at 9:00 but i didnt get up until 9:36 or so and then was late to class but the professor was later so it didnt even matter 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night probably sleeping
28. what is something you can’t wait for spRING BREAK IM GONNA GET A TATTOO IN SEATTLE AND HANG OUT W JOYA AND EDEN!!!!
30. what are you listening to right now ladada by dr. dog !
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom uhh my cousin’s name is thomas does that count?
32. something that’s getting on your nerves my finger wouldnt stop bleeding so i put a bit of tissue and tape on it and its kinda annoying in a more general sense my skin is annoying as hell these days its so dry on the lower half of my face but kinda oily on the top and im breaking out rly bad rn!! even tho im on an acne med!!
33. most visited website probably this hellhole
34. hair color boring brown
35. long or short hair short but im gonna grow it out to a bob length which is still short but long for me
36. do you have a crush on someone idk if its a crush but i think this guy in my music class is really cute his name is sam
37. what do you like about yourself uhhh not a lot my guy but i guess my music taste
38. want any piercings? i would love a bunch of ear piercings all over and maybe a lip piercing 
39. blood type red
40. nicknames uhh none exactly one (1) person is allowed to call me tess and its None of u
41. relationship status single and unloveable 
42. zodiac gemini
43. pronouns they/them or she/her irl 
44. fave tv shows its always sunny in philadelphia, the office, psych, monk, i also rly like ap bio so far idk if its a fav yet but i enjoy it 
45. tattoos soon!!!! it’ll be a hand holding a flower
46. right or left handed right but i can do stuff w my left too 
47. ever had surgery uhh wisdom teeth
48. piercings norm ear piercing and septum 
49. sport what the fuck is a sport
50. vacation i went to the netherlands and then germany in like 2013 that was really fun 
51. trainers shoes? i almost exclusively wear boots namely my docs or converse or birks if its warm out
more general
52. eating nothing rn but i just had dinner which was a sad tasteless pad thai, broccoli, a slice of pizza, an eggroll, and some cereal (welcome to college) 
53. drinking water
54. i’m about to watch probably something on youtube but i also need to look at the course schedule for next semester bc i have an advising  meeting tmrw and i have no clue what i want to take 
55. waiting for ?? spring break
56. want a slushee sounds so good rn
57. get married yeah probably
58. career a psychiatrist hopefully or something similar
which is better
59. hugs or kisses i love hugs but i also havent had a Real kiss so idk but also im weird abt mouth hygiene so there are very few ppl id be ok w kissing so anyway hugs i guess
60. lips or eyes uhhh both? nice lips are important if ur gonna be kissin em
61. shorter or taller i dont care actually
62. older or younger this question is creepy, cancelled
63. nice arms or stomach all arms are nice and all tummies are nice
64. hookup or relationship relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant usually hesitant but i can be a troublemaker if im in the right mood
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger lol no
67. drank hard liquor helllll yeah
68. lost glasses dont wear them but never lost sunglasses or anything
69. turned someone down yeah
70. sex on first date lmao
71. broken someones heart i highly doubt it 
72. had your heart broken nope
73. been arrested no
74. cried when someone died yeah,,,
75. fallen for a friend nno
do you believe in
76. yourself lmao
77. miracles no,, i believe some wild shit happens coincidentally??
78. love at first sight i mean u could be attracted to someone at first sight and then fall in love w them if u develop a relationship w them but its not love if u’ve never even talked to them
79. santa claus i wish
80. kiss on a first date ??? how does one “believe in” this it either happens or it doesnt 
81. angels nah 
82. best friend’s name emma + a lot of others i consider best friends
83. eye colour brown/hazel
84. fave movie oh shit,, maybe love, simon 
85. fave actor hhh... charlie day??
i tag whoever wants to do this bc its rly fuckin long
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jimiyoong · 7 years
I don’t understand solo Stan’s Doris...I really don’t. How could people not stab the group as a whole. I don’t understand Doris. They are all talented and handsome and inspirational. Like the other anon who said they don’t see many ot7 fans...here I am!!
Is there even someone who understands them….😐😐 I wonder how can you not love them all, It’s hard to understand that. They are all so amazing and lovable ;;;
Anonymous said:There r a lot of ot7 stans left, I’m 100% sure. Me & my friend was talking abt this situation & honestly, some armys have really gone too far and it’s literally making us look so bad. The majority of us aren’t like this & it saddens me that people think we all are. The boys do not deserve any of this. I just want them to be happy. I’ve only been w/ them for 2yrs but damn, I’m literally praying & hoping they’ll stay happy forever because the past 2yrs lol…Things have escalated so quickly.
Of course there is!! Things happened in this fandom and it will keep happening, that’s how it is unfortunately. But there is a lot of armys who will make sure to show lots of love to bangtan. It’s what they deserve!
Anonymous said:Okay tbh I haven’t been in the BTS fandom for too long but I came from the days of the 1D fandom and I have to say in comparison ARMYs are waaaaay more loving of the group as a whole. Maybe my perspective is skewed but I’m used to fans absolutely HAAAAATING certain members and really only stanning one or two (usually as a problematic ship lmao). BTS fandom seems way less toxic to me in about a million ways 🤷🏼‍♀️
There are some fans like that in this fandom too, but most of them get called out if they are really being too much. 
Anonymous said:There are toxic fans in every fandom, and not only kpop. When we’re on twitter we can see them, ‘cause they’re always fighting and talking shit trying to rip out eachother throats. Unfortunately, the toxic fans always end up getting more attention and this seems to make them proud. There are so many fanwars happening daily on twitter because of them. Or worse, they exceed the limits of being a fan as they uncomfortably fetishize idol’s friendships and thinking that has control over idol’s life.
Sadly that’s true… ://
Anonymous said:Here in Brazil there’s a kpopper girl famous for being toxic. She was once an elf, then she became exol and now she an army. Funny she’s always fighting and offending her previous fandoms and others groups. She thinks she’s awesome because a lot of people follow her on twitter (and support her craziness). Unfortunately, there’s toxic fan everywhere in every fandom. And they’re always getting the attention they seek. We need to ignore and stop giving them attention. Stop support toxic fans.
How and why other support people liek that?? smh and yes!!!
Anonymous said:As someone who tried to distance myself from this fandom for some years (only watched their official contents) I’m really glad I decided to join the fandom in tumblr ❤ the people are nice. Yeah there’re some annoying ones, but you can just tune them out or something. I think the more we pay attention to the problematic ones, the more problems it’ll cause (just my opinion tho lol) And I love you and your blog ❤ have a nice day/night!
It is a little more peaceful here, let’s say and yes, there is some annoying and problematic ones. I agree, people should just stop giving attention to problematic ones, they don’t deserve the support and all that attention. Thank you lovely, hope you have a wonderful day/night too! 😄💗
puffmais said:@ that anon that says “I highly doubt there is actually ot7 fans left in this fandom”… i’m a ot7 stan since the moment i started liking them back in 2014 until now and i’ll continue to support all members. the same reason i don’t have a bias in bts, it’s impossible for me and i love all of them equally. those who only stan a certain member and hate the rest of them are not an army, you’re stanning a group not a soloist. you can have a bias without the need to hate on the others. 
Anonymous said:i didn’t know solo stans still exist lol i thought that everyone get already that all of them are wonderful and deserves the whole world and happiness and respect and full appreciation it’s 2018 duh okay then i’ll still be focused on normal part of the fandom who loves each one of them lmao
Oh they do lol And most of them  don’t really realise that...
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 years
what events / persons are you looking forward/hoping to see the most in the future seasons of the crown?
No really tho, the Diana Years need to be done well by this show, or else what’s the point?  A part of me is somewhat worried that Peter Morgan will go soft on exactly how culpable Lizzie 2 was in that mess because he’s got a soft spot for her, but...  If he could write Princess Margaret as tragically as he has, he could do Diana justice.  I’m not saying she was perfect, but she was absolutely a victim of that family.
I doubt we’ll actually see it, we’ll just see it alluded to but-”THERE WERE THREE OF US IN THIS MARRIAGE SO IT GOT A BIT CROWDED” was one of the most iconic moments I have ever seen in TV history, the woman knew how to use her face to SUCH effect and like.  Princess Diana is seen as a saint, but I want to see her as a bad bitch, tbh?  Because she’s literally gonna have her statue at fucking Kensington in 2019, the family tried to scrub her out and they literally will be haunted by her forever, and it’s all because she knew how to play the media 1000000000% better than any of them ever did.  (And also because she was a legitimately good mother and her boys love her.)  I think Diana’s also an interesting figure to compare Elizabeth to because on paper she was similar to her, but basically everything Elizabeth was criticized for in season 2 in terms of her public image--Diana figured out how to be the opposite of that.  It’s interesting on a narrative level.
And there’s everyone that comes with her--Camilla will be tricky because she is inherently... well, not in the most flattering position in that love triangle.  Because she wasn’t some unknowing used mistress; she was very much an active mistress, and tbh from what I’ve read more dominant in her relationship with Charles than he was.  But she’s also a member of the family now, so it’s a balancing act.
Meghan Markle will be interesting, if they get there.  I tend to wonder how many good rumors Peter Morgan will be able to glean by the time that comes around, if it does.  I can’t imagine she’s Philip and Elizabeth’s ideal woman to carry on the family line but oop, here she is.  And I love her.
Mountbatten’s death and the incredibly far-reaching fallout of it all.
Fergie and Andrew, probably going to be portrayed kind of like a less poisonous Margaret and Tony.  Partiers both, but not right for each other--tho it seems like they’ve overall gotten on much better than Tony and Margaret did, and God knows their divorce wasn’t as insane as Charles and Diana’s.
Tony and Margaret’s fallout, and the general hideousness of Margaret’s descent into partying and alcoholism.  It’ll be tragic too, don’t get me wrong, but like...  Margaret got up to shit.  I wanna see her bone Mick Jagger okay.  Also, I find it highly interesting that the BRF took Tony’s side in many ways in the divorce, and the fallout from that will be interesting.
The side of me that’s nerdy about how public personas are crafted no matter how fake they are is also interested in how they’re gonna do the “Charles is an action man” thing and Edward’s “I JUST WANNA DANCE DAD” plotline should be interesting, if they feature that.
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ryuumezzo · 7 years
here’s my take on the whole thing going on with the possibilities with V x Rika in V’s route.
Firstly, i highly doubt Rika will be the person we play as. Otome games always have YOU as the main character (sure Mystic Messenger has proven to be quite different from the generic standard but still the rest of the game you played as MC why would that change now?) the OP does say, “Another Story” which could pertain to an AU or parallel setting where you might play as someone else in a different timeline but come on guys. “Another Story” could mean another path or route (V’s route eh?) where V doesn’t die and different things conspire when the MC focuses on rescuing him instead of the other RFA members. can you REALLY see cheritz pulling that when all the other characters are present as well? It’s not going to be JUST Rika and V. Saeran, and all the other RFA members have to be in it as well. The app is used for RFA MEMBERS ONLY there is no RIKA X V ONLY group chats because Rika isn’t part of RFA anymore. Heck, she wanted to get rid of it and convert everyone into Mint Eye cultists. Based on what we saw in the OP, Mint Eye still exists. Saeran has already been manipulated (with his dyed hair and color contacts) and Rika already has a motherfucking cult. So no, I doubt the setting will be where “maybe it will be set to when there was still time to save Rika. We help Rika make good / bad decisions etc. etc.” because it’s already implied Rika is still presumed dead by the other RFA members and is conspiring towards making Mint Eye’s twisted goal a reality. V and Rika already have a MAJOR rift in their relationship. Hence,I think Rika is too far gone to simply be saved by her own decisions. But hey, that’s just my judgement. If it does somehow happen, I’ll be surprised but nevertheless still interested.
Second of all, I gotta disagree when ya’ll say, “Rika and V should end up together in the end because they are MEANT to be together”. So……basically you’re saying a toxic relationship should still exist simply because they’ve been together this whole time? Just because two people love eachother, doesn’t mean their relationship ISN’T or CAN’T BECOME unhealthy. If you want V to be happy, and I mean truly happy, he shouldn’t be with Rika. Their love is too painful and it literally ended with V’s death and Rika breaking herself mentally. Neither of them will be able to stay or leave the relationship unscathed at all and that is not what it means to be truly together with someone. Guys…….V…. literally went blind because Rika punctured his eyeballs and rendered him blind. She verbally abused him, telling him she didn’t need him anymore many times despite having numerous chances to try and redeem herself along the way. Her mental illness does not justify all the people she harmed and tortured whatsoever. And V fucking accepted all that shit. He let it happen, even encouraging it. V was so blindly in love with her,he was willing to lie this entire time to the other RFA members, to Jumin, his only best friend from childhood. Seriously, it took V’s death at the after story to show Rika how much he actually meant to her……that’s a big fucking problem. So both of them were in the wrong. I’m not saying the possibility of them ending up together won’t happen, I’m saying the logic behind justifying that outcome is morally flawed.
I don’t think V will necessarily end up with MC either tho as much as I personally want it to happen. V, if he does break off from Rika, he will be scarred for sure. He will be heart-broken, distraught and left with so much guilt (as if he didn’t have enough of that) it’ll be rather difficult for him to immediately fall in love with the MC. Being physically and verbally abused by someone for YEARS AND YEARS like that is not simply going to rub off within days in game (at least I hope cheritz doesn’t straightforwardly resort to that). I just want V to be happy. Whether it’s to be romantically involved with the MC or simply being free from abuse and trying to recover from all the trauma, I want him to actually live in the end and grow from all the shit he went through. there’s honestly so many things that could happen throughout the whole route. there will be lots of bad ends too i’m sure. But these are just my interpretations on the whole situation.
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sheismyteacher · 7 years
hi! it's me again (even tho u won't know who, but last week I asked you something too). I have a question, are you scared that your TC knows you have a crush on her? Bc I keep thinking about this with my TC and I'm so scared it's obvious and that she won't talk to me anymore because of this. Do you know how a teacher would react around a student when they discovered that student has a crush on them? Please help my anxious mind out :c
Hihi anon, first of all I tooootally get why that could be a fear, I myself have been scared of my TC knowing how much I actually like her, but since we're quite close she definitely knows I like her as a person, and I definitely think I've gone a bit too far sometimes, I've sent her heart emojis on WhatsApp before and literally!!! called her sweet and casually told her I like her hahahah but I'm still 99% sure she thinks I just love her as a friend.The thing is, teachers don't expect their students to fall for them. Unless you're being REALLY obvious and walk around in shirts with your TC's name on it, I highly doubt she'll know. She might think you look up to her (happens a lot), but I wouldn't worry about it too much.The way a teacher would react if they'd find out a student has a crush on them is different for everyone I guess... Personally (I'm planning on becoming a teacher), I wouldn't mind because love is not a choice and unless the student really acts on it or makes me uncomfortable, it'd be fine. Maybe I'm biased tho, since I'm in the tcc... But who knows. I've heard of teachers who disapprove of it too, tho, but if your TC is a reasonable person I think it'll be fine 💖
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heartfeltsounds08 · 7 years
touhou 16 thoughts
Gameplay (I play on normal, I have yet to 1cc lmaooooo): -am I insane or is Aya by far the worst/least useful character/shot type. All she has going for her is her bomb. She has no spread and her damage output is awful for that kind of tradeoff. Plus her speed ends up making me too cocky and I slam into even the easiest enemies lol -Marisa actually feels like the best character/shot type this time around (FINALLY goddamn she had been my main/fave up until about SA and then after that I couldn't do diddly with her. Still why don't her lasers penetrate anymore wtf that doesn't make sense) -winter is clearly broken as a subtype, tho its release is kind of dumb -fall is actually better than I thought it was but not as good as winter. better release tho -spring rip. The only release I really find useful though. Fuckin good coz the shot damage output is????? Non existent?????? -wut even is summer I haven't used it once LOL -stage 4 is so hard wtf the enemies get so close to the bottom it scary ;_________; -Naruxx's second card how tf -mid boss satono is garbage I hate criss cross patterns -FUCK EVERYTHING ABOUT MATARA'S LAST SPELL EVERY SINGLE VARIATION. I GET IT THEMATICALLY BUT ALSO FUCK IT HARD. -honestly though it's a ton of fun. I wasnt expecting it to be this fun from the demo for some reason. I'm getting a better first hand impression from HSiFS than I did for LoLK for sure. Late game patterns got more creative I feel, without being too garbage/difficult. Difficulty speaking of which feels about on par, maybe easier than DDC? (Harder than TD.) Music: -from the demo: I immediately loved stage 1 theme and liked Nemuno's theme. Stage 3 theme grew on me, as did the title theme. Aunn's theme is growing on me as well but it feels like it'll be a song I like as is and I won't like arranges of it too much. Eternity's theme and stage 2 theme both felt bland--Eternity's theme didn't have the excitement I want from a stage 1 boss, and in general I never care for stage 2 themes so -GOD FUCKING DAMN THE LATE GAME STAGE THEMES THO. Stage 4 theme is gorgeous ohhhhhh my God. Stage 5 theme is the weakest of the three but there's still a section of it that I really like. Stage 6 theme is so... Idk how to explain. It kind of feels like TD's stage 6 theme, doing something really different, so it's really interesting. I like it a lot. The boss themes.... Ehhhhhhh. Naruxx's theme and psycho twins' theme both feel kind of plain/generic. There is a kind of like crazy/off putting/creepy feel to psycho twins' that I can appreciate but also we had Pierrot of the Star Spangled Banner doing similar shit and better, so. Again like her last spell, Matara's theme works well thematically, as in for her role in the story at that point, but in exchange it's very subdued for a final boss theme. I'm not at extra fucking rip lol. Characters/Story: -Fave from demo was Nemuno. Fave from full game is probably Naruxx (in game she is both Narumi and Naruko, so lol) she's so cute aaaa dem braids y'all. Psycho twins have interesting personalities tho. As does Matara. Tbh Aunn is super annoying lol. Her design is/has the potential to be cute, but I hate hate hate the Remember the New Guy trope (even when I started WaHH Kasen was off putting for this very reason. "ah yes reimu I've known you for forever here take my advice blah blah" nah bitch u gotta work your way up) so having her be like "the shrine doesn't want any of your violent interviews!" like she's been involved with that shit in the past is grating to me. Eternity is another lol!fairy, her design's super cute but I imagine she has no use or potential for future use or importance. Nemuno is similar, she's really cool and I like her character a lot but given the nature of yamanba lol I highly doubt we'll see much of her. -look I may or may not be adding Naruxx to the Marisa harem/shipping her with Marisa don't stop me -MATARA HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL HOLY SHIT. I'm really curious/excited to see her more, since it seems like she's kind of Yukari 1.5 and also obviously has connections to both Yukari and Kasen. When I first encountered her as Reimu and read their dialog for whatever reason I thought "hey... since Reimu has Yukari as her mentor-like figure... what if Marisa had Matara............" Then I got to Marisa's scenario so lol nope. -Cirno goes to the Land of the Back Door... through her own fucking back... lol yeeee no on gives a shit about my opinions lol sorry for rambling
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autisticskunk-blog · 7 years
I’m Like Literally Two Seconds Away From A Panic Attack So
I just....I’m done.  I can’t stop shaking.
I’ve read at least two responses to that Jewish Graves post that are directed at me, idk if any of the others are, cuz I can’t tell.  I know there’s at least one more I was @ ed at in, but I’m still figuring out Tumblr, and can’t figure out how tf to actually read it, I just know a whole bunch of ppl (I’m assuming all in that thread) were @ ed in it.
I am literally seconds away from crying.  My mast cells are flaring, too, so my whole face is just /hot/.  I don’t fucking get it.  I don’t know how I could’ve been any fucking clearer.
I don’t know how I could’ve been any fucking clearer that /all/ I was trying to do was acknowledge that, while the person saying it (I do not have the energy to look up names right now) def seemed out of line to me (a bystander), one part (just one!!  literally just one!!) aspect of ppl’s response seemed also out of line.
I have tried as hard as possible to avoid discourse of any kind, cuz frankly, I have nowhere near the mental health or spoons necessary to endure it.  I’m frankly completely and utterly sick of all the discourse, ace discourse, kink discourse, all of it, cuz it all boils down to ppl being exclusionists, which I am actively against.
But I don’t have the energy to actively discuss it, cuz, as I’m sure all of you know, it’s a fucking dumpster fire.  Ppl are nasty and terrifying.  See: Me, in that post, probably over emphasizing how uninvolved I am and would like to stay, cuz I’m fucking terrified of getting utterly destroyed over the tiniest possible misstep.
But I saw something, one /fucking/ thing, that seemed clear cut to me, that seemed easy enough to address without potentially bringing down fucking hellfire on myself for it.  One thing that seems frankly completely unrelated to the actual discussion, and therefore safe for me (a bystander) to speak up about.
I still don’t get it.  I don’t /fucking/ get it.  I still don’t fucking see how a comparison that boils down to ‘rectangle vs square’ is so fucking awful.  Is comparing jewish ppl to dogs (which as far as I can see it clearly wasn’t, more like comparing /ppl in general/ to dogs, and different groups of ppl to different /breeds/ of dogs) really that widespread of a thing?  Like, that, specifically, comparing jewish ppl to dogs?
Cuz if so, okay, I can get being upset about things similar to that, even if they aren’t actually the same.  And I could get that, combined with that person’s overall statements, coming off as very antisemitic (which I never even put into doubt, I literally just spoke on that specific statement).
And I also absolutely get that using ‘normal’ to mean ‘non jewish’ is kinda shitty.  I’m not gonna argue that it’s utterly horrible, cuz as shitty as it is, using ‘normal’ as a term at all can be shitty, and is still something the general public (esp those who aren’t used to/familiar with oppression and marginalized identities) tends to use as a default.  But I get that’s there’s justified anger there.
I was /not/ trying to derail anything.  I literally don’t understand how it seems like everything I said is somehow being taken as a hell of a lot more underhanded than it is.  I tried my absolute fucking best to make it clear that I was not weighing in on /anything/ but the dogs vs ppl topic, and that I did /not/ want to get involved in, really, any of it.  I even considered just making a separate post for it, but that didn’t seem like it made sense.
I’m just....idfk, I’m done.  Thank you to that person (again, can’t remember names, but the person I defended, them) for being so nice.  I def don’t agree with you on some of these things, and obvs there are other ppl directly hurt by them who can decide for themselves whether you’re forgiven and all that (again, I am /not/ interested in getting involved), but I at least appreciate your shoutout, esp in the midst of all this stress.
I’m just done.  I’m crying, I’ve probably taken 15 minutes or more to write this and I still can’t stop shaking.  I never expected it to be ppl whose side I’m on to be the ones that made Tumblr too fucking much for me, but there it is.
Consider this blog officially back on hiatus (even tho I never ‘officially’ came back from my last one).  It’s too fucking much.  I can’t stop crying, I can’t stop shaking, and I’m utterly exhausted by how scared and tense I am just from anti kink bullshit right now, let alone getting directly targeted and torn to fucking shreds.
I’m done, I’m gone.  Idk if I’m ever gonna come back on, but I highly doubt it’ll be to this blog.  And tbh at this point, it’s just straight up unlikely, period.  I’d like to think that /if/ I came back, I would at least link to the new blog here, but idk if that’ll be safe for me, so I wouldn’t count on it.
TL;DR I don’t fucking know why this is happening, I can’t even fucking read one of the posts I was @ ed in, but I’m done.  I’m gone, I’m on hiatus now, probably forever.
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