#I hope that with this design I have an easier time drawing her since I rly do wanna draw her more
chisatowo · 2 years
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Decided to tweak Pent's design a bit and decided to make her a new ref while I was at it! MUCH happier with this design
#keese draws#oc art#oc#ocs#furry#furry art#sfw furry#oc posting#pent my belovedddd#I hope that with this design I have an easier time drawing her since I rly do wanna draw her more#but yeah bitches who walked into a clothing store and immediately go for ripped up shit with big pockets#but yeah my main issue with her old design is that it just felt too plain to me?#she just wasnt very shaped is what I mean her siouette kinda sucked#I just realised I dont think i ever explained pent's basic deal? uhhh#ok basically she used to live in a small town but then uh oh town was attacked and she got hurt rip#next time she woke up she was in cake's lab and freaked the fuck out and hid in the vents until she passed out again and woke up again a#few months later rinse and repeat for like 4 years (she was 8 whem the town was attacked)#when she was around 12 she finally stopped instantly running away since the friend she liked to hang out with in the lab left and she was#able to be slowly more stabalised physically but she still needed to replenish the magic keeping her alive every now and them#she stuck around willingly for much longer than she wanted to since she was scared of cake and found tge other ppl living there annoying#but she wanted to actually recover as much as she could have since as mean as she is her parents always drilled into her head how rude it#was to run off before a doctor is done helping and undo their hard work#but eventually she started getting really homesick and feelimg real cooped up since nome of them were allowed outside and decided she#wanted out but cake was like. no lol. and at that point she started getting more actively agressive and cruel to the other residents#most of them didnt want to be here either but she was likr 13 and freaking the fuck out so its understandable#eventually some melody stuff and some ari stuff colides in the lab which lets most of the other patients leave along with pent#and then applebounce has a breakdown but thats not that important to pent rn#pent wants to run off and go home but she cant actually go too far from the lab since she still needs magic recharges#enter bud and daisy being kidnapped and pent sees the two freaking out and seea bud and is like oh shit is that my old friend#and Im out of tags rip
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sparklecarehospital · 3 months
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SO I DECIDED TO POST THEM. these are the v5 reference sheets. i included the rats too since they're done anyways. you will probably notice that some of the details in the designs are different or simplified-- the differences are intentional design choices to make drawing and coloring the characters a little easier without taking away major details in their designs.
i've also included heights and in addition uni's proper gender identity to help prevent any lasting reader confusion about her gender from continuing. (the cast page update will also use her proper pronouns as well once it's out). i have omitted ages from the ref sheets because there have been times the ages have been changed + hatchdays pass in-comic (like doom and mood and uni's hatchdays have already passed by v4). full names, including middle names, are also included.
the way the characters are drawn are also a little different-- i added and tweaked a few things. i hope you guys like these!!!! <3333
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the-boy-meets-evil · 6 months
all i want for christmas - xmh (the8)
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(where you want minghao for secret santa so you can prove he's not really that hard to buy something for.)
pairing: minghao (the8) x gn!reader genre: friends to lovers | fluff rating: sfw (but i still don't want minors interacting) word count: ~1.8k warnings: none, really. this is just fluff and a secret santa exchange. no pronouns used for reader.
a/n: this is for @k-vanity's 25 tips for surviving the holidays. day 14 - secret santa 💕 i'm also counting this as a drabble.
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“Are you sure you want to trade for him?” Mingyu asks, eyeing you suspiciously.
“For the last time, yes,” you huff out. 
Are you actually sure? No. But, this plan has to work. Every year you and your whole friend group draw names for Secret Santa. This year, you were really hoping to get Minghao. For a lot of reasons you’re not trying to share with Mingyu. Thankfully, he’s terrible at keeping secrets from you and had instantly whined about getting the hardest friend. He’s relieved you want to trade, even if he’s also a little suspicious. Not suspicious enough to hold onto the most difficult person to buy for, though. 
“Your funeral,” he says with a shrug. “Who’d you have again?” 
“Seulgi,” you remind him.
“Oh that’s so easy. She leaves notes about what she wants everywhere,” he says, satisfaction plain on his face. 
“So does Minghao, if you know where to look,” you add, keeping it a little vague.
“If you so say,” he says.
Mingyu’s not suspicious enough to look a gift horse in the mouth. Literally. Minghao is famous in your friend group for being difficult to buy presents for. Famous for not even pretending to like a present. You wonder how many presents he’s taken back in exchange for something that he wants more. Which does make the whole thing a little more daunting, especially because you’re not supposed to spend over a certain amount. That’s the whole premise of doing a Secret Santa with your friends. It’s so that you don’t have to go broke buying presents because you have a lot of friends. Of course, you’re all older now than when you started as broke university students. Still, it’s nice to hold onto the tradition. 
Now that you’ve switched, you’re nervous. Everything in your plan got you to the point of switching (and kind of how to pull off the perfect gift within your budget). You haven’t considered what he’ll say or what you’re going to say to him. Or if you’re even going to admit what you went through to make sure you had him in the exchange. You know you should just rip the band-aid off. Easier said than done, though.
The reality is that you want to be the one to give Minghao a present for a lot of reasons. You want to be able to get him something he’ll actually like. To show him that you listen to him and you know him. To show him that he’s not actually that bad to buy for, because you can tell it gets to him sometimes. That he thinks he’s just difficult, which he definitely is, but there’s more to him than that. There’s also the biggest reason you wanted to pull his name. That you have a giant crush on him. One you’re shocked he hasn’t picked up on and just as shocked other friends haven’t seemed to pick up on, either. Well, except for Seulgi. Then again, she never misses a beat. It’s useful that she knows, too, since you’re planning to ask her for help in securing the perfect gift. 
(Seulgi comes through, like the actual best friend in the world, with a killer discount on a beautiful designer scarf. Minghao hasn’t eyed that exact one, but you think you know him well enough to know that it’s still something he’ll like. It fits seamlessly into his style and it’s the kind of thing you can easily see him buying for himself. True to her word and the plan, Seulgi set aside several pieces that were returned because the brand had really weird rules about reselling things that left the store. They take returns because of the goodwill with customers, but never resell the items even close to full price.) 
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When it comes time to actually exchange gifts, you’re a little nervous again. Didn’t think it through that you do this as a group, so everyone will see what everyone else got. Including the care put into your present for Minghao and the obvious, at least to you, significance. As if sensing your nerves, Seulgi shoots you a warm smile, then directs you to take a couple breaths. 
“I get to open my present first, right?” Soonyoung calls out. He’s already looking through the presents on the table. 
“You go first every year,” Seungcheol points out. 
“Right, so it’s tradition,” Soonyoung agrees. 
“Or maybe someone else could go…” Seungcheol starts. 
“Got it!” Soonyoung calls. 
“Just let him have it,” Seulgi laughs out.
As it turns out, she had him and got him a silly tiger plush and also a ticket to go to a drive through safari experience where they had tigers. Unsurprisingly, it’s a strong start and Soonyoung is thrilled. Seulgi opens her present next and it carries on just as well. It seems that everyone likes their presents, at least so far. Though, someone makes a joke that Minghao hasn’t gotten his yet. You’re still deep in thought and worry when you finally realize that your friends are trying to get your attention. It seems like it’s your turn to go next. Still somewhat lost in thought, you find your present. It’s easier because there aren’t many left and one of them is the one you bought. 
The second you open your present, it’s all you can think about. It’s a beautifully decorated scrapbook, so carefully put together that it almost makes you want to tear up. You start flipping through the pages and it’s like walking through all your favorite memories with your closest friends. The road trips and the sporting events. Concerts and beach days. Bonfires and drunken parties. A complete catalog of your best memories, without you even having to tell whoever made it. Each page is uniquely decorated without it being overdone. As you’re flipping through each page, you notice that there’s one person in more pictures than anyone else. Minghao. Is it that obvious to whoever made this that you have feelings for him? 
“I hope you like it,” Minghao says and he actually sounds nervous.
You look up at him, surprised. “You did this?” 
“Yeah, I realized after I wrapped it that I forgot to include a card,” he admits. 
“This is honestly the best gift I’ve ever gotten, thank you,” you say sincerely.
Seungcheol breaks the moment with a laugh. “Looks like you’re up next, Hao.”
“Right, yeah,” Minghao says. He clears his throat as he stands up. 
It’s a little hard for you to figure out where to look. You’re so enamored with the present you got from Minghao that you want to keep looking through it and appreciating the little details he put in. You find yourself aimlessly running your fingers over the pages. But, you also want to know what he thinks of your present. The real reaction as he opens it. Which does win out as he sits back down with his present on his lap. He’s careful as he unwraps it, almost like he’s preparing for whatever is inside. Over the years, he’s definitely been a little better about reacting to presents. Maybe he’s worried this will be another present like that. You know watching his reaction was absolutely the right choice when his eyes go wide and his mouth opens a little in shock. His fingers run over the fabric carefully before he reaches for the card. The smile when he reads the card is so genuine that your heart melts into a puddle. Maybe it’s more than a crush.
“I don’t know how you did this and stayed under budget, but thank you,” Minghao says with more emotion than you’re expecting. 
“Hey, yeah, that’s a foul! You can’t go over our budget just to get him something he wants,” Mingyu argues. 
“It wasn’t over budget, I sold the scarf. I have the receipt still,” Seulgi says.
“That’s even worse!” Mingyu argues with a pout.
“You’re just mad that someone finally got Minghao the perfect present,” Seungcheol teases. 
“I hate it here,” Mingyu says.
The conversation turns back to the remaining presents. Nobody really seems to have another comment on the moment that passed between you and Minghao over the presents. Neither of you has ever gotten the other for Secret Santa like this and it’s gone much differently than you expected. Instead of feeling nervous, you’re feeling a little hopeful. At least if your present is anything to go off. Minghao’s never put this much effort into a present. Not that you can remember, at least. Maybe, you’re not trying to get ahead of yourself, but maybe he feels a little something more for you as well. 
You’re a pretty disengaged from the conversation, especially once everyone finishes opening their presents and things turn to what movie to watch. Instead, you head into the kitchen to get someone to drink, missing the way Minghao’s eyes follow your movement. A little surprised when he appears in the kitchen with you.
“Thank you again,” he says quietly. It still makes you jump a bit. 
“Oh!” you gasp. “You’re welcome. I’m just glad you liked it. I know it’s kind of simple.”
“No, it’s perfect,” Minghao disagrees. “How did you manage?” 
“I told Seulgi that I had you and roughly what I wanted, so she set aside some returns. Only ones that came back immediately and clearly hadn’t been worn,” you rush out. 
Minghao’s touch on your arm is gentle, instantly calming. “I’m so thankful you got me.” 
“Me too,” you agree. “Well, I didn’t, actually. I traded with Mingyu.” 
“You did?” Minghao asks, seeming surprised but also pleased.
“Yeah, I wanted to get you something,” you say.
“I did, too,” he answers softly. “But, I was lucky enough to just draw your name.”
“Your present was amazing. I meant it, it’s one of the best I’ve ever gotten,” you whisper.
“It’s what you deserve. I know I didn’t spend much,” Minghao starts. 
“No, it’s everything. I can’t imagine how much time you must’ve put into this. I’m not sure anyone’s ever done anything so thoughtful for me,” you assure him, eyes soft on his. 
“You deserve only thoughtful things,” he tells you. 
“You, too,” is all you can say.
“Do you think, well, would it be weird if we got dinner sometime?” he asks and you can’t hide the shock. 
“Let’s go, you two!” Seungcheol calls.
“Like a date?” you ask, unable to believe what you’re hearing.
“Forget it, it’s weird,” he backtracks. When he starts to leave, you grab his arm.
“Yeah, I’d love to, but only if it’s actually a date,” you tell him. If you thought the smile over his present was big, this is infinitely bigger. 
“How about right now?” he presses.
“I don’t have anywhere else to be,” you agree. 
“Then, let’s go,” he says, hand held out for you.
And you take it. It’s one of the easiest decisions you’ve ever made. You didn’t even have to tell him that you’d been thinking of asking him the same thing. The holidays truly can be so magical.
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i hope you liked it! please let me know your thoughts or give it a reblog if you enjoyed it 💕
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tunaababee · 18 days
we will be everything we say - Chapter 8/Epilogue
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masterlist // fic playlist // read on AO3 // overall rating: e // wc this chapter: 5.3k
Feyre Archeron has been best friends with Rhysand Sterling ever since she moved onto the same street when they were kids - the two became absolutely joined at the hip, with nothing able to come between them.
As they get older, life gets more complicated and things get harder. Not everything comes as naturally as it once did. People change, things happen, friends... drift.
But after drifting apart, maybe life can push them back together again, in time.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
a/n: thank you all so much for coming with me on this journey. this fic has been my baby for a long while so it feels weird to have it fully out in the world, but i hope you've enjoyed! also, biggest shoutout to @climbthemountain2020 - the best beta reader a girl could ask for and without whom this fic wouldn't have been possible. <3
more smut in here btw! have fun <3
Chapter 8/Epilogue: forever and always
Being with Rhys felt so easy – as natural as breathing. Since they had gotten together a bit over a year ago, life hadn’t always been smooth sailing and stress-free, but it was definitely easier to roll with the punches with him by Feyre’s side. She wouldn’t trade it for the world, though she was still always in a bit of disbelief as to just how loving and kind he was towards her. Every day with him felt like a gift she didn’t deserve but treasured all the same.
Since that night, things had definitely moved… fast, to say the least. With any other person, Feyre would have thought that moving in together after only two months would have been insanity. But, of course, it had simply been a natural next step with the amount of time she spent at Rhys’ place and vice versa. Besides, they’d already spent twenty years getting to know each other – it’s been overly drawn out if you ask me, Rhys would say whenever she asked him if he was sure about it all. Soon enough, she’d gotten settled into the roomy apartment in Velaris over in uptown Prythian, and it had quickly gone from his to theirs. The first few months of living there he couldn’t help but get giddy like a schoolboy every time she called it home. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t feel the same way, but he gushed about it to her every minute he could, and it made her laugh. It certainly made her stomach flutter every time he followed ‘my home’ up with ‘my girl’ and ‘my Feyre’, though.
They’d set aside a workspace in the apartment that the two of them shared – Rhys busy designing dresses and suits and outfits in between paperwork at his ever-cluttered desk, Feyre painting and drawing and bringing her visions to life right next to him. Her art career had been kicking off at a steady pace – she was being regularly featured in various gallery shows, alongside her online art store comprised of her more fun works bringing in a comfortable amount of sales. Rhys was succeeding all on his own merit as well, which didn’t surprise Feyre in the slightest considering all his ambition. Night Triumphant was becoming more and more reputable as a brand, beginning to have a handful of brick-and-mortar stores slowly but surely expanding across the country, meaning he was travelling more often for work. The two of them would collaborate sometimes as well, with Feyre making artworks that got printed on custom fabric and made into the most stunning garments, often for her to wear if Rhys had his way. It wasn’t uncommon for one of them to find the other watching them work before they were all over one another. If there was one thing the two of them couldn’t ever get enough of, it was each other. They managed to make it work and live comfortably pursuing their dreams, and Feyre couldn’t think of another time she’d been so happy in her life.
But right now, it was New Year’s Eve, and the two of them had each been busy with their own respective business – Rhys had been trying to fulfil the higher demand from people wanting a stunning outfit over the holidays, while Feyre had been dealing with her own higher volume of orders for the giving season. Balancing time with their friends and family, each other, and working had been difficult and they’d definitely had to set some of it on the backburner to make sure they met all their commitments. Late nights, long days and bone-deep exhaustion that only that lazy week between Christmas and New Years could allow them to recover from. Both of them had been too tired to do much of anything besides sleep and binge Netflix together, but at least they were together.
Tonight, they had decided they should go and see their friends for a few drinks to help ring in the new year, the two of them having gone a little bit stir crazy after a while.
“We don’t have to stay out all night, right?” Feyre called from their bedroom, rifling through the closet in nothing but underwear and a bra to try and find a nice but comfortable outfit for the night.
“Not unless you want to, darling. But you know I’m never opposed to sneaking out of anything early with you.” Rhys’ tone was playful as he came up behind her, arms wrapping around her bare waist before pressing a kiss to the delicate spot between neck and shoulder.
She turned her head to press a kiss to his temple with a smile before focusing back on her task. “True, but we have to actually get out of the door to do that in the first place. Now go get ready!”
With a playful swat to his hip he let her go, hands in the air in mock defense before grabbing some clothes of his own and retreating to the bathroom. The cheeky, Cheshire Cat grin never left his face the whole time she could see him, and it always made her heart do a little flip, beating in double time. Everything about Rhys always made her feel like a kid with a schoolyard crush in the best way – like she was able to tangibly grab that lost time she hadn’t had with him in her hands and make it real.
Feyre carefully picked through the closet before settling on something that definitely leaned more on the casual side of things, but still made her look and feel good. She grabbed a tight-fitting white crop top, paired with her favourite black tennis skirt and thick, fleece-lined pantyhose to keep her warm despite the winter chill. Cute but comfy – exactly what she was after. There was also the added benefit of that it would drive Rhys a little bit insane, which she always took an immense amount of joy in.
As if he’d heard her thoughts like a moth to a flame, he came back into the room as she stood in front of their full-length mirror and pulled her top on. Rhys looked drop-dead gorgeous in a tight fitting henley shirt and dark blue jeans that outlined the quickly developing bulge in his jeans deliciously. She couldn’t help but smirk, fussing with the shirt and fiddling with the necklace around her neck – the same one he’d given her the night they had gotten together. She hadn’t stopped wearing it since.
There was a hunger in Rhys’ eyes as he leaned against the doorframe of their bedroom, biting his lip slightly as he folded his arms and raked his eyes over her.
“You almost ready to go, honey? I just need to grab my sneakers and a cardigan.” She looked at him over her shoulder, a twinkle in her eye as she schooled her face into the most innocent expression she could manage. She knew exactly what he was thinking when he looked at her like that.
“Mm, I’m not sure. I feel like I might have forgotten to do something before we go,” he said, crooking two fingers at her to beckon her closer, the silver rings he always wore gleaming against his skin. “Do you know what that could be, Feyre?”
Feyre took deliberately smaller steps than normal, drawing out the tension between them as she stalked closer and closer before she could slide her arms around his neck. “Mm, no idea what you could mean. What I do know is that if we don’t leave soon, we’re gonna be late to meet everyone else at Rita’s.”
He didn’t hesitate to grab her ass, roughly kneading the flesh there as Rhys tilted his head down to brush his lips over hers. “Let them fucking wait.”
Before Feyre could even try to pretend to put up a protest, he pressed his lips needily to hers, hands sliding down to the backs of her thighs to hoist her up effortlessly. Her back hit the wall, groaning into his mouth as she could feel his hips pressing relentlessly against her own as her legs wrapped round his waist. She couldn’t help but roll her hips to try and drive him even wilder, eliciting a delicious little moan from him that was music to her ears.
“You really thought we’d be able to leave the house on time? When you’re wearing that? Making yourself look all pretty just for me, hm?” Rhys’ lips and teeth made headway down the column of her neck, nibbling and biting and sucking to leave a trail of hickeys for everyone to see.
She hummed with satisfaction, a smile playing on her lips. “I thought I’d- ah- make at least a little effort since it’s N-New Years and all, what can I say?” A harsher nip to the crook of her neck made her gasp, a hand knotting itself firmly in his hair to press him closer as if there was any gap between them in the first place.
Rhys moved a hand from under her thigh to slip between their bodies, under her shirt, under her bra, to greedily palm at her breast and pull and tweak at her hardened peaks. He pulled his mouth away from her neck to lock his gaze with hers, an intensity in them that he reserved just for her. The eye contact with him always made everything feel so much… more and she lived for it.
“You can say my name as I make you take every inch of my cock,” Rhys grinded his hips against hers roughly to punctuate his sentence, rock hard against the searing-hot wet spot that was quickly soaking through her panties and beginning to show on the stockings she was wearing. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you Feyre? Being my little whore, taking everything I give you?”
She couldn’t do anything but whine, nodding dumbly as she tried to rut against him, attempting to develop more friction between their bodies. He smiled almost mischievously, gently placing Feyre onto her feet for barely a second before they were both scrambling – Feyre to yank her stockings and panties to the floor before tossing them aside, Rhys to be rid of his belt and undo his jeans. The moment he was finished, Rhys grabbed her hips with a bruising force that sent heat spearing through her centre. Feyre almost jumped back into his arms as he pushed her back into the same position they’d left off at. Her mind and body were practically putty in his hands, nothing but sticky, syrupy thoughts of the pleasure she knew full well he was capable of providing her running through her mind.
“You’re such a good fucking girl,” He muttered lowly, moving a hand lower and lower over her abdomen until his fingers began to drift teasingly through the folds of her pussy. “All soaking wet already.”
Her face was buried in the crook of Rhys’ neck, a desperate whimper leaving her as she bit down into his golden-brown skin with need. Her hips canted against his hand, fingers occasionally slipping inside her with exceptional ease before they drew right back out again. He was deliberately trying to drive her mad and it was working far too well. “Baby, please please fuck me already, pl-please, I need you- need you to fill me, unh- up so bad.”
The ministrations his hand provided stilled, Feyre’s head firmly falling back against the wall before she met his gaze. Rhys’ pupils were blown wide, his cock twitching at her words against her inner thigh. “Need me to fill you up, huh?”
Feyre nodded at him with a groan.
“Need to feel me come inside you? Fuck it into you nice and hard, like a little slut?”
She groaned lewdly at that, fingernails digging into the back of his neck. “Yes, baby, plea-ase.”
Without warning or ceremony, he lined himself up and quickly pushed inside her with no resistance, twin moans spilling from their mouths in delectable harmony. The hand that had been fisted around his cock quickly moved up to her neck, gripping lightly as the firm planes of Rhys’ body and his rough thrusts pinned her harder up against the wall over and over. The lock her legs had around his waist loosened, one of them pushed right back up with his free hand to hit as deep as he could, her feet bobbing up and down with every snap and roll of their hips into one another.
Feyre caught a glimpse of the two of them in the full length mirror she’d been preening in on the other side of the room a little while ago and oh god, the sight made a moan warble from her throat helplessly.
“Gonna fuck you so full, Feyre,” A whiny little ‘uh huh’ escaped her with every sentence, every ounce of filth he slurred into her ears. “Gonna make sure my darling is filled to the fucking brim, god, you were made for me.”
Feyre’s mind just got more and more hazy as she felt her climax build with each roll of her hips, every stroke of Rhys’ cock inside her pressing against that one spot that made her lose any sense she had. She could hear him babbling about so perfect and babygirl and would look so good with my baby inside you one day – it made it near impossible for her to form words or sentences even if she tried.
“C-Come, Rhys, I’m gonna c-“ Feyre didn’t even get to finish her sentence before she was letting the most depraved, guttural sound she’d ever heard loose from her throat as her walls tightened like a vice around Rhys’ cock. He kept fucking her right through, the sensation so intense that a stray few tears fell from her eyes as she focused solely on the complete ecstasy enveloping her. She was distantly aware of Rhys coming apart not long after her, making good on his promise to fill her well – sweat slicked his forehead, his gaze solely locked onto where their bodies joined and the slight hints of his spend she could feel leaking out of her around him.
After a few moments spent in the haze of each other’s warmth and embrace, peppered with kisses and sweet words mumbled in each other’s ears, Rhys pulled out – though not before gathering up what mess had dripped out of her cunt and indulging in a few extra moments inside her to fuck it right back in with a low moan. He slowly lowered her onto her feet, her legs trembling like baby fawn, barely keeping her up with the most satisfied look on her face. She looked down just as Rhys got to his knees, grabbing her soaked panties from the floor where they’d been hastily discarded and gently starting to coax them back onto her feet and up her legs. The span of his hands over her legs was comforting, the caring and delicate touches slowly bringing her back to reality as he helped her back into her stockings.
“We have to hurry Feyre darling; we’re going to be awfully late.” Rhys quipped as he stood up in front of her. She simply rolled her eyes with a laugh, lightly swatting his chest.
“As if you’ve started caring about that now.” Feyre fiddled with his hair, trying to form it back into something presentable as he tucked himself back into his jeans and made himself presentable once more – though not without a visible bite mark on him to match her own.
“What kind of partner would I be if I left my beautiful girl all empty and needy? Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good, you know.” He pressed a kiss to her temple, stroking her hair gently before stepping away to grab his phone. “Go do what you need to feel ready – I’ll call the Uber.”
She could feel her cheeks warm a little, but she was grateful for the extra time – she knew that the minute the two of them walked into Rita’s everybody would know why they were late. It wasn’t exactly the first time this had happened. But she at least wanted to look a little less messy – that was something she saved just for Rhys, and that was exactly the way the two of them liked it.
Before long she’d fixed her hair, slipped on her shoes and her thick black cardigan and walked with Rhys into the crisp night air.
It was already a little past eight-thirty when the two of them arrived, their circle of friends spotting them the minute they rolled through the door. Cassian had his brows arched dramatically sitting at the end of the booth, staring at Rhys as he tapped at an imaginary watch on his wrist. Azriel simply shook his head thoroughly with a smirk, while Mor looked far too satisfied for her own good at the whole affair. Nesta, Gwyn and Emerie couldn’t care less as they were thoroughly engrossed in trying to rope Amren into their book club. The attempt didn’t seem to be working.
“Wooow guys, over half an hour late? Shame on you two for making all of us wait! You’re lucky we haven’t ordered food yet.” Cassian’s tone was exaggerated and playful, Feyre simply grinning at his antics as she and Rhys slid in next to him the booth they had all piled into.
“They say patience is a virtue, Cass. You could learn a thing or two! We’re just trying to impart good values.” Feyre retorted, trying and failing miserably to keep a serious look on her face at him.
His façade broke after that, Cassian slinging an arm over Feyre’s shoulder to pull her into a tight hug with a wide smile and a laugh.
“So, what kept you two sooo busy, hmm? Important business I imagine?” Mor drawled, finger twirling around the rim of her cocktail with a ruby red grin on her face. She knew full well what kept them waiting, but everybody knew she loved getting a rise out of her friends.
Rhys didn’t hesitate, more than eager to rib back. “Well, if you must know, I was busy fuc-“
A crumpled-up ball of napkins hit Rhys square in the face as Nesta levelled a glare at him across the table, iciness in her eyes. “I’m glad my baby sister is happy, but I swear to fucking god, I do not want to hear about what you two get up to behind closed doors.”
Rhys responded with a jokingly smug ‘suit yourself,’ before he turned his attentions back to Feyre and the others at the table, everybody ordering enough food and drinks to feed what felt like an army – most of it almost certainly being consumed by Azriel and Cassian. Before long, they’d all worked up a pleasant enough buzz and Mor had dragged Emerie onto the dancefloor despite her many protests. This, of course, led to a chain reaction – Emerie begged for Gwyn to help, which led to Gwyn recruiting Nesta, which meant Feyre got dragged up too because no way was she going to be caught dead on a club dancefloor without as many people she could rope in as possible.
Normally Rhys and Cassian would opt to join them, Azriel having always preferred watching from the sidelines and wading into things at his own pace and Amren never forced into anything she didn’t explicitly want to do, but tonight they were suspiciously glued to the table in hearty but hushed discussion that Feyre could barely make out over the music. She didn’t pay it too much mind – it was likely about Cassian and Nesta’s wedding since it was just in a few months’ time, or how they were going to rope their respective partners into some harebrained idea that they’d cooked up together. Ultimately, whatever it was, she knew it wasn’t something to worry about and just focused on having a good time feeling the music in her bones and the alcohol in her body.
The time flew by as the clock ticked a bit past ten-thirty, Feyre sat squarely in Rhys’ lap and felt the exertion of the day catching up with her. As much as Rhys tried to look like he wasn’t feeling the tiredness seep into his bones, she could see it in the sag of his shoulders and the slight droop of his eyelids – it was time to call it a night. Before long they’d said their goodbyes, kisses on cheeks and all too-tight hugs from everybody who’d come.
“Can’t believe you’re not staying out ‘til the New Year rolls in. I think you might be getting old, sport.” Amren punched Rhys in the arm with a laugh, having always been a party animal when she felt like it – she was usually going one-for-one right by Rhys’ side through each and every drink.
“Am, you’re literally the oldest one here, are you sure your bones aren’t turning into dust?”
With a hearty laugh and an eye roll so fierce they could practically hear it, Rhys and Feyre headed home. As much as she loved the company of everybody, she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t excited to jump into her pyjamas and get comfy for the night. She stepped out of the Uber and back into their apartment building with a long yawn.
“Ready to wind down for the night, love?” Rhys stood behind her, arms wrapped around her waist to hold her close against him on the elevator ride up.
“Mmhm. Sometimes I forget how tired I am until it hits me all at once, y’know?” Her head rested gently against his neck, his chin resting in her hair. She always loved when he held her close like this – no matter where they were, it felt like safety. Like home.
The elevator dinged softly as it got to their floor, Rhys being ever the gentleman and insisting on unlocking the door and ushering her through into their apartment before him. Feyre did a little curtsey with her tennis skirt, possibly hiking the hem a little higher than she needed to. But that was neither here nor there.
“Why thank you, Mr. Sterling! And they say chivalry is dead.”
He chuckled lowly with a small bow at the waist toward her. “The pleasure is all mine, Miss St- I mean, Miss Archeron.” A flush crawled up his neck and onto his cheeks, only matched by the way her own face was almost equally as pink in turn. It wasn’t the first time he’d almost called her ‘Miss Sterling’, but it made her tummy do flips and tie into knots more and more every time. It had a certain ring to it that she more than appreciated.   
Ever the one to commit to the bit, Rhys delicately took her hand and pressed his lips to her knuckles as he met her gaze. Instead of letting her hand drop however, he used it to pull her in close and kiss her softly. “Go hop in the shower, darling. I’ll get a movie and some snacks set up for us, perhaps?”
A dreamy little sigh escaped her as she looked up at him, face as soft and kind as it had always been to her.
Her Rhys.
“You’re too sweet to me, you know.”
“Not sweet enough, if you ask me. Now get.” He gave Feyre’s backside a light swat to send her on her way, making her burst into a fit of giggles as she set out toward the bathroom.
She made sure to pick out her comfiest set of pyjamas and the fluffiest socks she owned, letting the water help ease the aches and weariness across her body. Especially her hips, but she didn’t really have any wiggle room to complain about that one. Feyre put her hair into a simple braid over her shoulder, softly padding out into the living room again as she wrapped a hair tie around the end of it, but she almost forgot what she was doing when she saw what had been set up in her absence.
It felt just like when they were kids.
Their couch, one of those fold-out futons for when there were one too many guests, had been pulled out and stacked with pillows and blankets galore, including the ones from their own bed. It almost looked like an impenetrable nest from where she was standing. The room was lit by only the glow of the widescreen TV and a few warm lamps throughout, with Howl’s Moving Castle already on the screen and paused for the two of them to begin at their leisure. In the middle of it all was Rhys, in his own pyjamas instead of just an old t-shirt for once, with two bowls nestled in his lap and both of their Steam Decks right next to him.
Exactly like when they were kids, but for who they were now.
The thought made Feyre’s heart beat in double-time – she’d never quite known what she did to deserve someone like Rhys, but she wasn’t going to start questioning it now. She climbed into the bed of blankets, making herself comfy as she struggled to wipe the incredulous look off her face. “What’s the occasion?”
“Just because we’re having a quieter New Year’s doesn’t mean we can’t still have a luxurious one. Besides, we’ve both been so tired lately – I figured we deserved a bit of a treat.” He held out a bowl to her, spoon sticking out of a thick bed of choc-mint ice cream. As she took it he scooted a bit closer, sides pressed together as he clicked ‘play’ on the movie and began to eat his own bowl of ice cream – boysenberry.
Some things truly never changed.
Feyre tried to press a firm kiss to his cheek, but he was quicker and turned his head to catch her lips with his own briefly. She simply smiled against his mouth before turning her attention to her own bowl, and not long after they’d both finished, to finding the most comfortable position for them both to play their games together. Eventually they settled on sitting up right next to one another, Feyre’s legs draped over the top of Rhys’ as they snuggled up under god-knows how many blankets.
As the TV was busy with Sophie Hatter’s journey up the palace steps to see the King’s witch, Rhys and Feyre were busy trying to water all their crops and save up for a better barn for their farm in Stardew Valley. Feyre had insisted that all their farm animals be named after foods, while Rhys had been much more hung up on making sure their crops were optimised for the maximum profit during the season. Maybe it was because he was a detail-oriented guy, maybe it was because Feyre kept spending all of their gold on decorating the farmhouse – who was to say? Either way, it was one of their favourite games to play together and tonight was no different. But they were in the middle of the Autumn season on a stormy day, when Feyre could feel Rhys’ gaze flicking between her and the game.
“Honey, you keep looking up at me and running into walls – everything okay over there?” She paused her game, setting her Steam Deck aside before doing the same with Rhys’.
“Yeah, I’m alright, I’m just – I got reminded of something, actually.”
“That’s awfully cryptic of you, haha.” She lifted a hand to brush his hair from his face, a few stray locks having fallen into his eyes, before resting her hand on his cheek. He leaned into her touch, eyes closing for a moment with a contented hum.
“Well, it’s something that I wanted to ask you before the new year and I have…” He grabbed his phone briefly, glancing at the time on the lockscreen. “…About eight-ish minutes left.”
“You sound pretty serious.”
“It is, heh, but probably not how you’re thinking. Close your eyes for a second.”
She did exactly as he asked, hands over her eyes, though Feyre was more than a bit puzzled. She knew by the furrow of her brow and the nervous laugh Rhys gave that she wasn’t on the same page as him quite yet and he knew it. The rustling of blankets and the shifting of Rhys beside her only added to the mystery.
“Okay, you can open them now.”
Feyre pulled her hands away from her face, a little confused as to what was different – she was looking straight out at the TV, unable to spot anything out of the ordinary, but she could feel Rhys’ stare locked onto her. Then he gently placed his hand on her leg over the thick down blanket, bringing her gaze down with it.
Right down to a pitch black, little velvet box.
Her hands shook a little bit as she reached out for it, looking between the box and Rhys over and over. Was this a fever dream? Was she imagining all of this? This felt far too good to be true.
But the feel of the smooth velvet in her fingertips assured her it was, as did the glittering ring it held inside. A deep purple amethyst, so deep it looked nearly black, sat in the middle of a delicately adorned silver band. It was shaped like a four-pointed star, with two smaller circular amethysts nestled on each side. A few other gems lay between and around them – knowing Rhys, they probably wouldn’t be anything less than diamonds – twinkling between them like the stars in the night sky.
It suited her perfectly. Suited Rhys’ tastes, as well. As soon as she saw it, she knew he’d probably been hiding it for what would have felt like forever to him. Knew that it was almost certainly what they were talking about at the bar.
“Is this for real?” Her eyes were wide as she looked up at Rhys, a few tears escaping against her will. He simply wiped them away with his thumb before tucking his fingers under her chin, making sure she couldn’t look away from him.
“Feyre, I can’t tell you for just how long I’ve wanted to call you my wife.”
“Well, at least the past few months since you keep almost calling me Miss Sterling.” The two of them laughed together for a moment, Rhys nodding slightly at her.
“You’ve got me there. But I mean it with every beat of my heart when I ask you…”
Rhys took the ring from the box with the hand that had been under her chin, the other coming to hold her left hand with a squeeze.
“Feyre Archeron, will you marry m-“
She kissed him with so much intensity, cutting off the end of the question, that she wasn’t sure she could ever quite express just how much she loved him – both in this moment and every other.
“Rhysand Sterling, I will marry the shit out of you.” She said against his lips, matching smiles spread across their faces.
Feyre pulled away for a second, letting Rhys slide the ring onto her finger before she climbed her way into his lap and kissed him again. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close as he kissed her right back with just as much fervour as she gave him.
It wasn’t lost on Feyre just how lucky she was, and it certainly wasn’t lost on the rest of the apartment complex either with how loud they were that night.
No matter what life had thrown at them or would present them with in the future, they both knew a universal cosmic truth – one they’d known for as long as they could remember. Every time, every world, every situation, it was going to be Rhys and Feyre together against the world.
the end.
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krotiation · 2 months
13 + 22 for Rhys tee hee
13. What's a character/ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
TANNIS she's one of my absolute favorites in the series but I'm having a hard time coming up with things to draw for her 😔 mainly bc I don't ship her with anyone (yet at least) cause like 80% of what I draw is ship art. Other than her I would also like to draw Zane, Steele, Clay, Angel // Jathena, Clane, Athena/Fiona, Zane/Rhys and Sasha/August
22. Give us headcanons for Rhys
Rhys can't swim cause aside from living in space for a good chunk of his life, his cybernetics also aren't fully waterproof
The Jack hero worship started when he evacuated everyone on helios after dahl invaded, including Rhys
7+ years later, Rhys sometimes still hallucinates Jack and when he gets self-depricating thoughts he hears them in Jack's voice
He gets unbearably lonely a lot after leaving for Promethea and in some ways he was thankful when Katagawa started bugging him cause it distracted him from his loneliness, at least until it entered stalking territory
On what little free time Rhys has after becoming CEO, he nerds out by tinkering with robots and other gadgets, whether it be adding silly upgrades like disco lights or in hopes of having a eureka moment with atlas' designs
He finds it easier to befriend robots as they're not likely to stab you in the back like people on helios and won't suddenly leave like Fiona and Sasha did. His ability to socialize has also taken a turn for the worst since becoming CEO and robots are less likely to judge
When designing his new arm he's made sure that it's easily detachable in case he needs to get it off quickly for... trauma reasons
One of Rhys' inspirations to grow a mustache was because all the other male CEOs have facial hair and he wanted to look the part
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partnersincrimesuau · 9 months
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Spinel's Character Sheet from 2022
The first of many character sheets I will be posting! Of course, the first one is our beloved main character, Spinel!
Below her name at the top you will see the words 'Chapters 1-30'. This will appear on all other model sheets for each character, differing in chapter numbers. This means that this design is the design that the character will have between those chapters. This may imply spoilers, but it may also simply imply time passing, or a change of clothes.
The rest of this model sheet includes, from top left to bottom right:
A head sprite design based on the sprites from the video game Steven Universe: Unleash the Light!
An interaction between the model character and a butterfly, which varies for each character.
The character from three different angles; the front, the side facing right, and the back. The side view is accompanied by the character's arm separately, so that the space that the arm usually hides from view is easier to see.
The character's weapon/weapon of choice, and it's size.
The character's gem from two different angles.
The character's official height. (Spinel doesn't have an official height per se, but based on evidence in the movie, she's generally a little shorter than Steven, who is canonically 5'6)
The character's age OR rough estimate of years since emergence, if they are a gem.
The character's main colour palette. Gem colours aren't included, sorry... there are too many facets for that!!!
I had a lot of fun drawing this, I hope it comes in handy for some people! ^^
Other model sheets:
Spinel - you're here! Steven Condor Agate Bismuth "83" [And more to come!]
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statueofeden · 9 months
Eras of L4D2!CATS Art (and Nellis Cats)
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(CW: badly drawn blood, gore (its a zombie game haha), mental health briefly mentioned (minimal!).
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Hello, I'm Eden. (They/them) I'm 22 years old and been playing L4D2 since it came out for xbox 360 in 2009 (I was 8 - going on 9). I started shipping Nellis when I was about 11. It was in fact my first ship ever.
I decided to make this lil thing because i've seen some interest in my recent post with my Nellis!cats :P.
In 2013, I hated my human art so I decided to design and make as cats so I could draw them easier. I use to use drawcast on my ipod touch.
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I would finally get a more stable style and made more of my fav ship.
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Later on that year, my mom gave me her old laptop and I got heavily into animation memes and computer digital art.
my first computer drawing:
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My first animation:
I was hooked. A few months later, Little kid me decided to play around with an AU.
Heres more info about the AU before we move on:
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(AU animation Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsesYjlm_htaAxclwRcBg6uhhjtQEN3OY )
I dropped my first banger of the AU on Dec 14, 2013.
I was obsessed with drawing Nick and Ellis as cats still. I had made many animations and drawings of them.
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Before I was diagnose with BPD, I had an episode and created this gem it like to mention :
I had also dropped this banger way before that (important later, I promise)
I ended the year off with a remake of an old Nellis drawing I made in 2013.
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2016 - 2017:
At the end of 2015, I got a graphics tablet for Christmas. Legit my second drawing was Ellis!cat.
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Sadly in 2016-2017 I was going through alot and also developed a new hyperfixation on fallout 4. I kinda forgot about l4d2 otherthan a few mentions of it here and there. Honorable mentions of art:
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I was going through alot during this time in my life.
I would redesign my most of l4d2!cats completely. I highly preferred natural colors over the other designs.
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Honorable mentions of animations:
2019 - now:
Im still making l4d2!cats content. I adore them still and still plan on drawing them until I cant draw no more.
2021 art:
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2022 art:
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2023 art:
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Remember when I told you to keep the "get out alive" video in your mind. Well, Ive very recently have sketched out a remake of it. (Come see the improvement!)
Welp, I think that's all! I hope you've enjoyed this post! Any questions, feel free to ask! I may or may not have answers.
Some of you may know me, some of you may not. Either way, thanks for reading and sharing the love for left 4 dead with me! I hope to share more soon! <3
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quibbs126 · 1 year
How about a Madeleine cookie and Dark choco fan kid?
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Alright, here you go, this girl is Choco Madeleine Cookie
So for her name, I just looked up “are there chocolate flavored madeleines” and yeah, they’re just called chocolate madeleines. It’s pretty simple.
That’s the thing with Dark Choco, he’s the main representative of chocolate, meaning that when making a fankid with him, you can just go “just add chocolate” with a lot of these. I feel like it’s too easy. I mean I probably shouldn’t complain, I’m not spending ages looking for potential names, but still
I was considering changing it to a different food, but then I remembered that the Madeleine family tends to have Madeleine in their names, with Grand Madeleine Cookie and Madeleine Cookie, so it works
Chocolate madeleines:
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I’ll be honest, I’m really proud of her design. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull off Madeleine’s relatively more complex costume and combine it with Dark Choco, but I think I did good. Her design is mainly based of Grand Madeleine and Dark Choco’s new costume, with some of the armor inspiration coming from Madeleine
I knew before making her that I wanted to make her hair dark brown. I chose to make her madeleines chocolate flavored since that’s what she is, but I have the normal flavored madeleines so that it all doesn’t blend together. I made her eyes and gems red because I thought it fit better with her browns than the blue
Also I saw a bunch of chocolate madeleines have powdered sugar on them, and I wanted to incorporate that. I was gonna put it on the madeleines, but it looked too crowded. Then I decided to put it on the cape, and I think it looks good. Also a little call back to her grandfather
I was also considering giving her long hair, given everyone else in her family, but I thought she looked good with short hair
So on to Choco Madeleine herself, so she’s a warrior, just like her parents. She’s from the Crème Republic (since Dark Choco’s whole status is uncertain at best. Though that’s not to say she doesn’t visit her grandfather’s kingdom), and is heir of House Madeleine. She’s a good fighter and is seen as a vigilant warrior. In reality though, she’s an absolute ball of anxiety, and has a difficult time interacting in social situations. Internally she’s a nervous wreck, but somehow her words filter out to make her seem like a functional, if not constantly serious, person
I also drew her as a small. It was a quick sketch, so I’ll probably refine it if I draw her later, which I do want to
I feel bad that I have so much to say about her (as well as Mallomar), when I have little to say about Biscotti. Like I swear, I don’t want to seem biased because Dark Choco is a hyperfixation character of mine, and make it seem like the only ones I care about are those with him in it, and that I’m putting less effort into the other ones, it’s just that I end up making up more stuff with them. Granted, it’s probably a mixture of “it’s easy to come up with foods for them because you just need to add chocolate/I already have ideas for them before drawing” and “I already know the character and what they’re all about so I know where to go when it comes to making their fankid”, but still. I don’t want to seem unfair with it, but that’s just how it seems to pan out
Though perhaps another reason is the fact that in both scenarios, Choco Madeleine and Mallomar were the second ones I drew that day, so maybe it’s that my creative juices were already flowing and I could make stuff easier
But yeah, tangent aside, here she is, I hope you like her
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strawwritesfic · 1 year
Kyoya Ootori x Female!Reader: Soul
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Summary: It was supposed to be the best day of your life.
Rating/Tags: All (The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry; older sister!Reader; Reader & Original Character; Kyoya & the Host Club; established Kyoya/Reader; Ouran High School Student!Reader; breakup; no honorifics; Kyoya/Reader/Original Character)
Challenge: “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​​
It was supposed to be the best day of your entire life. Admittedly, that wasn't saying all that much, since you were only in high school, but you still awoke with a flurry of excitement the moment your mother's maid slipped into your bedroom to pull the curtains back. From that moment on, everything went just as it should have: your favorite tea delivered before you could think of getting out of bed, the sun shining bright in a cloudless blue sky straight into your bedroom, and bird song drifting inside with the flower-scented breeze. You had nowhere to be and nothing to do until that evening, and spent a delightful day watching the world prepare for you to take center stage.
Two hours before that happy time, you finally slipped into your bathroom to get yourself ready for that night.
"I don't see why they're making all this fuss about you," your younger sister observed sullenly from her perch on the (obviously closed) toilet.
Normally you did not allow Kita in to watch your makeup routine, but after her fifth fight with your mother that day, you'd practically been assigned babysitting duty. This was not an ideal situation for the best day of your life. A glance in your mirror showed you Kita's usually dour expression directed toward you. Well, it was your day, not hers. She was understandably jealous. You decided to be magnanimous, rather than let something like her attitude ruin your mood.
"It's a celebration," you answered, without remarking upon how her expression would prematurely wrinkle her features. After all, you were the one that would need to remain "dewy and youthful" for as long as possible.
So far, judging by your reflection, you were managing just fine, though your hair could use some work. For once, you were out of your gaudy Ouran Academy uniform, and you wanted to radiate beauty from every angle--something all the easier to achieve when your only competition was Kita's scowl.
She did not answer, which you counted as a point in your favor. If she was done pouting, perhaps you could get some work done. You pulled open a drawer to reveal a painstakingly organized rainbow of makeup products inside. The decision of what foundation to start with was just forming in your mind when Kita decided to interrupt again:
"Yeah, but what are we supposed to be celebrating?"
Your eyes shut as you gave in to temptation and let out a sigh. Then you turned, hands on your hips, to explain to her what she ought to already have known: "We're celebrating," you answered in tones of forced patience, "because my new makeup line has outsold all of Father's since it was released."
This only caused her to draw her knees to her chest and glare at the floor. She looked like some disgusting, puffed-up bird that made its home in toilets, and somehow she didn't care. You would never understand your little sister.
"Still don't see what that has to do with you," she muttered.
Another sigh escaped you, this one not so well hidden. "I designed it."
"So? I could do that. I have done that. Not that anyone around here cares what I do."
You shook your head and returned to the mirror to apply your selected foundation. Kita's argument was not one you wanted to have again, not that day.
Your family business was makeup--high-end makeup, though you hoped to change that soon. As the eldest child, you would inherit the company upon your parents' deaths, while Kita got…well, money enough to get by, you supposed.
It wasn't a situation you could change, nor would you if you could have. You liked putting things together, liked figuring out solutions to problems, liked figuring out the best lighting to show off a model's cheekbones. There was no use listening to your sister whine about it all night. Hopefully she'd get over it before the guests arrived.
"Besides," Kita went on, so quietly that someone that didn't know her well might have thought you weren't supposed to hear, "your success has nothing to do with you. I could sell a ton of mascara, too, if I had your boyfriend."
You gaped at her reflection. "Kita, how can you say that? I've worked so hard to--"
"You have not. It's all Ootori's doing. Everyone knows it. You couldn't even get Mom to try your stuff before you got him to do your work for you."
Now it would be impossible to apply your blush properly, your body was making so much of its own. "Just because you're jealous-"
"Jealous? Of what?" Kita demanded, hot-faced herself. "You not being able to do anything without hanging off Ootori?"
"That isn't true, Kita!"
"Yes, it is! I don't even see what he sees in you, you're so useless!"
Tears threatened to undo what work you had done on your face. Up until recently, you and your sister had got along well. Then she had started at Ouran and, like all the girls there--including yourself, you couldn't forget--had fallen head over heels for the Host Club. A particular member of the Host Club. Your member of the Host Club.
Ever since she'd met Kyoya, Kita had done a complete one-eighty. Now she refused to help you with figures or advertisements, barely talked to you at family events, and had even started following your boyfriend around whenever he visited. Your parents told you that she was young and that you shouldn't take it so personally, but it was hard to be understanding when she talked like this.
"Get out of my room," you said.
Kita scrambled to her feet only to get right in your face. "I won't! I'm tired of giving up everything just because you're older!"
"If you don't get out of here, I'll tell Mom."
"Go ahead! You're the favorite, aren't you? You got your boyfriend to make sure that Mom and Dad love you most!"
But it seemed now was the time she had chosen to say everything that had been on her mind since the day she stopped talking to you except to make snide remarks about the state of your clothes. "Mom and Dad love you. The teachers love you. Ootori loves you. You think you're so great. Well, I could do everything you do if someone gave me the chance. You get everything, and I get nothing!"
Now Kita was crying in earnest, her tear-streaked face as blotchy as yours felt. Despite everything--her constant hogging of Kyoya's time whenever she visited the Host Club, her attempts to embarrass you in front of your friends, even her constant asides about your average grades--you felt for her. Before you could attempt to say anything to patch things up, however, someone outside the bathroom cleared their throat.
Both you and your sister looked wildly around. There, standing in your bedroom a few feet away from the open bathroom door, stood Kyoya Ootori, the love of both your lives. He looked particularly dapper that afternoon in the suit he'd put on for the party. Of course, Kyoya always looked dapper.
Kita froze, but you remembered your manners.
"Kyoya!" you said brightly.
"[Name]," he said, then nodded at the mortified girl at your side. "[L Name]."
Kita made a very short, high-pitched sound in response. You suspected that she, like you, was wondering how much of your argument he had overheard. Fortunately, Kyoya was a gentleman. He said nothing as he extended one hand toward you.
"Would you join me for a walk?" he asked.
As usual, Kyoya's attention to you caused butterflies to explode into being inside your stomach. "I'm-I'm not quite ready," you said, torn between embarrassment at Kyoya seeing your natural features exposed like this, and your desire to follow him anywhere--even to the ends of the earth, so long as your sister didn't follow.
"I'll go," she said eagerly.
Kyoya did not spare her a glance, his gaze steady upon you. "I'll only keep you for a few minutes," he promised. "I'll have you back in time for the party."
"O-Okay,” you said.
You stepped away from the mirror and into your bedroom to take Kyoya's hand. With your arm in his, the two of you left Kita behind. Her glower followed you all the way out the door. What, did she expect you to let her occupy your boyfriend all night? He was far too mature to deal with a first year dragging him around for hours.
Kita and her bad manners were behind you now. Once Kyoya had led you out into the nearly-finished garden, you took a deep breath. The heady scent of hundreds of flowers made your head swim pleasantly. A walk with your boyfriend was just what the doctor ordered. You were happy enough to bob along at his side until it struck you how quiet he was being.
"Kyo? Is something wrong?" You leaned forward a little to frown up at him.
His dark eyes slid away from one of the chefs setting up a plate of otoro and onto you. "Why should anything be wrong?" he asked, and followed his question with one his rare smiles.
You could still remember the first time he had graced you with one of those smiles. Not a hoard of fellow students requesting his time at the Host Club. Not at some public event where your two families had to make nice. No, he had stopped you after arithmetic one day outside of class. Far at the end of the hall, you could see the heads of all six of his friends poking around the corner, the twins grinning as usual while the rest attempted to hide. You hadn't thought anything of their presence until Kyoya said:
"What would you say to getting dinner with me this weekend?"
You had laughed. “You mean for some Host Club event?"
“I don't see why I should ask by myself if I meant to bring them along. They'll likely show up anyway, but I intended the invitation to be for you alone.”
The blood ran from your face, then flooded back into it. You stole a glance toward the other hosts to see Hikaru (or was it Kaoru?) snickering openly. "Very funny, Ootori.”
"Well, if you aren't interested…" He turned to leave, but your curiosity got the best of you.
"Wait!" You had almost had the audacity to grab his shoulder. Luckily, Kyoya turned around first, a politely disinterested look upon his face. "Why me?"
"False modesty does not become you." You opened your mouth to protest that there was nothing false about it, but Kyoya went on, "Your family business has potential that I am interested in. You always request me during your visits to the Host Club. If it benefits both of us, why not spend more time together outside of school?"
You had not been able to speak. The Ootori family's system of companies was much bigger than the one your family owned, and yet Kyoya saw potential in it. He saw potential in you. After a moment, you nodded.
"Good. I'll pick you up at seven this Saturday. Here's my number, in case you need to cancel."
Wordlessly, your fingers wrapped around the scrap of paper he held out. Your heart beat like the wings of your pet canary. He offered you a shallow, chivalrous bow, then headed off to his friends, all of whom hastily ducked out of sight when they saw him coming.
You had not truthfully expected Kyoya to show up that Saturday, so you had not told your family to expect company. He was not the kind of boy to play heartless jokes on young women (especially regular patrons of the Host Club), but he could easily change his mind about being seen in public with one such as you. Show up he had, though, and since then, you had been in a whirlwind of dinner dates, weekend trips, and late nights of working on one company project or another.
Once such late night, you had awoken to find your head in his lap, his fingers gently fiddling with your hair while he frowned at some scrap of business. Kyoya was not the most openly affection of boyfriends, but you were over the moon. Outside of Kita's open jealousy and your having to share your boyfriend with every girl in school during Host Club hours, you couldn't have been happier.
"[Name]?" his voice came from afar.
"Hmmm?" you said dreamily as you returned to the present. It didn't take long for you to remember that you were supposed to be worried about him. "S-sorry. Did you say something?"
Kyoya didn't miss a beat. "I was saying that your sister was very accommodating this afternoon."
"Accommodating?" You threw him a look.
Kyoya's eyes remained on the garden path. "Yes. She offered to keep me company while I waited for you, then graciously allowed me to steal you away from her."
Now you looked behind yourself, half-expecting to see Kita lurking somewhere inside the house with her face pressed to the glass to watch your walk.
"She can be very accommodating," you said with forced civility, "when she has the incentive." That incentive being to steal your boyfriend, which wasn't something she would be able to manage anyway.
"It was quite kind of her, and she's very civil when she requests my time at the Host Club."
You were sure she was. Seeing as you could not buy up all of Kyoya's time with your allowance, you spent most of your own in the Host Club reading--or rather, pretending to read while watching all the girls swoon over what was rightfully yours. Kita especially made sure you were watching whenever she fawned over him. Knowing his job was to be polite and charming was the only thing that got you through. You'd never have expected him to notice those other girls, especially not your baby sister.
"I don't want to talk about Kita," you announced, tugging him closer. "It's not her day. It's mine."
"Speaking of your sister's admirable qualities does not diminish your own."
You eyed him suspiciously. That line was one you'd heard him use on dozens of girls throughout the years, but never on you. "Let's talk about something more interesting. Like the announcement that we're making tonight in front of my parents and everyone."
The emphasis on we're did seem to get Kyoya's attention. He loved business propositions, after all. This time, you noticed, his reaction was not the same as usual. Rather than launch into his plan to make sure the announcement went off without a hitch, he stopped right there in the middle of the path. Before you could ask again what was wrong, he finally looked at you.
"I won't be making any announcements tonight," he said.
For a moment, all you could was stare at him. Then you giggled, and stepped in front of him to take his hands. "What are you talking about? It was all your idea! They're sure to take the idea of selling makeup to peasants well if you bring it up."
"You'll have to tell them yourself."
He fell silent for a while before he slowly looked away from you again. It seemed as though whatever he had to tell you was very difficult for him--and you had never seen Kyoya have difficulty with anything before, except in dealing Tamaki's flightier ideas.
"I will not be involved with [L Name] Cosmetics anymore. Not officially." Though you did not understand why, your heart beat tremendously in your chest. His eyes flashed behind his glasses even as his hands sat limp in yours. "For the past eight months, I have done my best to see your company grow. Now I realize that all that has been a waste of time. It will never grow to its full potential with you at the head."
Your eyes burned with the effort of holding back tears. Wildly, you shook your head in the hopes he wouldn't notice how close you were to breaking. Had he heard Kita's accusations from earlier? Did he believe them?
"That's not true! It has grown. That's what tonight is all about! And I know it will continue to grow if you're still here to help me," you said.
His voice was flat, void of all emotion, when he replied, "The head of a business should be able to run her own company."
You were upset, that much was clear. Nevertheless, you weren't quite crying yet. Kyoya wouldn't say these things to you and mean them. He loved you. He'd told you so. You refused to believe that he really thought you were that stupid because of something Kita had said in the heat of anger.
"Why are you telling me this?" you demanded, voice shaking.
"Because it is true," he answered, but as he did, he continued to look away.
That caused you to snap. You let go of his hands and rushed over to shove yourself right in front of his eyes.
"If you think that I somehow tricked you into this because of what Kita was shouting earlier today, that's ridiculous! You asked me out. I—I admit that I still have a lot to learn, but I can learn when you're with me. Please don't do this.” Not that Kyoya had come to the point of breaking up with you, but no matter what certain individuals thought of your intelligence, you could see what was coming a mile away.
His eyes remained staring at something beyond your shoulder for a long time. Then they met yours, and he answered coldly, "this was only ever a business arrangement. I was under the impression that you understood that from the beginning. There will be no future for [L Name] Cosmetics underneath you, so I am no longer interested in you."
You gasped. A parade of images flooded your mind: Kyoya smiling at you over the heads of a gaggle of Host Club girls; Kyoya taking your hand to move a pencil inside it across the page; Kyoya kissing you on the lips for the first time the night he met your parents. He could be cold. He could be distant. But he was never cruel. You felt as though he'd slipped a dagger into your very soul.
"Tell me the truth!" you shouted, hands balled at your sides. Your temper did not faze him.
"Believe what you want." He pushed his glasses up his nose and turned back toward the house. "Your company's future is no longer of any concern to me, and I suppose it was foolish to think it ever was." He fell silent again, this time staring at his feet. Then he spoke again, his voice quiet, "It has been suggested that your sister would be a more prudent match for a third son such as myself.”
Your mouth fell open as your stomach dropped. "Who-"
Just like that, his manner changed again. "I happen to agree. I don't think I will have much trouble convincing her to date me in your stead, do you? After all, she was so accommodating this afternoon."
Kita? You gazed at Kyoya's back with an expression of absolute horror. This couldn't be happening. Any day of the week, you wouldn't have believed him capable of breaking up with you in such a manner, but on the best day of your life? Moreover, so that he could date foul-mannered, ill-tempered, conceited Kita of all people?
"You can't!" you said, running after him. This time, you did grab his shoulder.
"I can and I will." His blank features faded somewhat as he looked back at your stricken form. "Goodbye, [Name]. I suppose I'll be seeing you again shortly."
He bowed once more before he left. You stared after him, aghast. Kita, your sister, your rival, would find nothing wrong in accepting your ex as a suitor. She'd see it as some sort of karmic payback for you stealing her spotlight. If she could not have your company, she would at the very least have the man you loved.
From behind you came the swelling of the orchestra signaling the start of your party, but it was not to your bathroom to finish getting ready that you ran. No, you sped away to hide yourself deep in the most distant topiary to cry. Kita had said you had everything and she had nothing, but just then you would have given up everything promised to you just to have Kyoya back.
It was supposed to be the best day of your life.
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py-dreamer · 8 months
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And here's the finished piece y'all!
(here's the WIP for comparison \'/\'/)
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I will say, I do hope this was worth the wait and there are noticable improvements!
Honestly pretty proud of this piece!
(Also sorry I couldn't post this earlier, I had to complete some work before finishing this ^u^')
and see! I did promise Bai He the spotlight and y'all received!
I will admit, I MIGHT have gotten a bit carried away with the embelishments and embroidery but COME ON.
I know practically speaking, there wouldn't be this much embroidery and pattern on her outfit for someone living in the wild and well... a monkey BUT STILL
I just wanted her to match with Mac and achieve that gypsy look is all! I already went full force with him so why not give a little pizazz to his daughter?
(BTW, ALL members of the shadowalkers fam will eventually get their own tulle shawl/wrap thingy. You'll just have to wait for me to design Wukong & Mk)
Headcanon that Mac & Bai He made parts of their clothes together and while Mac was busy doing his own thing, Bai He befriended a cat but it got it's paws in the paint and walked all over her shawl. Then Mac comes back to the mess and Bai He decides to keep it like that. XD
Also Bai He was learning sewing and stuff (cause she rips her own clothes so often she needs to learn how to patch it up) and did the embellishments by herself and was so proud of it afterwards. (Like if Mac can get clouds on his robe in canon, then Bai He can have flowers and butterflies on her dress)
Actually y'know what? No this isn't headcanon. This is canon to the au now.
I was originally going to place the embellishments at the hem of the dress almost like a trim, but that looked too uniform so then I remembered Mirabel's dress and took inspo from that.
Additionally, I kind of retconned the purple dress in Mac's piece. I knew pink was kind of Bai He's signature but I just didn't know how well that pastel/barbie pink would fit into the foresty background but hey! We got there eventually.
You might also notice that her wristbands are present this time!
Maybe as she got older, Macaque started teaching her how to make more stuff (he is an artist after all; made his own plays, drawings, a video game) he helped her make her wristbands.
At first they were just going to have her name engraved into it but then I remembered Macaque's lantern and how it used the character for light in it's design and I thought that was super cool so I kinda stole it for my design heh...
Mei was actually a bit last minute cause Merlin wasn't in the original shot but I wanted to give Mei some screentime too since she is rather underrated. And it was a fun challenge to shade her feathers
Not much to say bout' MK, he's just good ol Mk in this one.
I will admit the hair was a little tricky here cause again: shading dark hair is a pain in the &ss but the yellow sunlight made it a bit easier
Surprisingly the hardest part of this was the background
Turns out colour picking directly from screenshots won't ALWAYS work (^~^')
hope u had fun listening to my lil au!
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canmom · 5 months
Last season's anime: Frieren episode 7-10
Shit I guess I'm full on liveblogging this one now.
This time we have episode 7 dir. Naoto Uchida (known for work on Mob Psycho 100), episode 8 dir. Tomoya Kitagawa (who also directed ep. 2), episode 9 dir. Kōki Fujimoto (key animator on a whole buncha stuff, this is his debut as an episode director), and episode 10 dir. Nobihide Kariya (who debuted not so long before as an episode director on Bocchi).
So at the end of the last post about Frieren, I commented that I found the demons underwhelming as antagonists, and hoped they would have their motivations fleshed out some more beyond 'ontologically evil baddies'. Well.
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So Frieren and the gang are travelling. We get a lot more on the Great Mage Flamme, who is Frieren's mentor figure. At this rate... she's probably gonna turn out to still be alive or some shit.
They roll up in another ridiculously picturesque town. The backgrounds in this show are apparently based heavily on the concept art paintings of Seiko Yoshioka, who gets credited under various roles including 'layout designer' and even 'worldview illustrator'. She did a crazy amount of work to design all the different settings, giving them distinctive cultural motifs and architectures and colour palettes and so on.
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Since this town covers a whole four-episode arc, we get a number of different views of it. There's definitely a reasonable amount of historical care put into the design of those city walls - even sketchy and in the distance you can spot the hoardings and appropriately narrow crenellations, as well as the machicolations on the tops of the towers. (Though unfortunatelly some of those details seem to get forgotten in the later episodes.)
The streets in the town seem kinda wide and clean but it fits the austere vibe. The main thing I'm wondering is what exactly they eat in this town - it's triple-walled in hostile territory without much in the way of farmland in sight, or indeed roads that aren't tiny.
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I'm pretty sure they built a model of at least parts of this town in 3D, because as well as certain 3D tracking shots (unfortunately hampered by the lack of any parallax mapping on the floor)...
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...we also get shots like this one, which feature a crazy 3-point perspective:
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I wouldn't say it's impossible to draw this, but it would be a hell of a lot easier to block it out roughly in 3D and then paint in the details.
Mind you, that's not even the wildest perspective we get in this episode. Check this out:
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Absolutely bananas. I love it.
But tbh the praise I have for this arc is pretty limited to this kind of technical stuff. Let's get into the story. (Though you can be sure I'll have more to say about the animation!)
At this point the story shifts gears from this fairly low-key exploration of grief and the passing of time, into more standard action anime territory.
Shortly after arriving in this town, our heroes discover that it has been infiltrated by demons in the guise of peace emissaries. Frieren attempts to attack immediately, but she allows herself to be subdued rather than harm the guards, so off she goes to jail.
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Luckily, wizard jail still has pretty generous visiting hours, so she's able to explain the deal with demons to the gang. Frieren declares that demons always lie to gain an advantage over humans, illustrated through a flashback in which a young girl demon begged for mercy, only to betray the townspeople a bit later. Having been proven right, Frieren summarily executes the girl.
I think it's worth comparing this storyline to a couple of other similar storylines in other works of fiction.
First of all, in NieR Replicant/Gestalt, there is the story 'The Little Mermaid', which was adapted into a segment in the game in the remake. A postman takes pity on a girl on a shipwreck, not realising that she is a terribly powerful monster who is struggling to maintain her human appearance. The girl starts killing people to try to maintain her connection with the postman. Eventually, the player shows up and discovers what's been going on. Their intervention provokes the girl to revert to monster state and there's a big boss fight. However, at stake in the fight is the girl's identity. Depending on how you play the boss fight, there are two possible endings, and both of them make overt parallels between the monster girl and your party member Kainé, and one portrays the grief of the postman who cannot let go of his affection for the monster.
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Secondly, the second episode of last year's Tengoku Daimakyou features a woman who is trying to protect a monster which she believed to have taken on the consciousness of her son after it ate him. The monster has been curiously non-hostile to the woman - she persuades our protagonists to back off, and they agree. Then it abruptly kills her! Oh shit. Fight scene, they kill the monster, etc.
But as they depart, the protagonists are left discussing whether the monster could really have had the son affecting its actions, whether it was just drawn to prey etc. The monster's motivations are left distinctly unclear, and the protagonists conclude there's no way to know the truth. Throughout the rest of the season, the exact nature of the monsters remains an open question.
In both cases, we either know or it is strongly implied that the monsters are fundamentally human, or derived from humans somehow. A certain amount of effort is spared to try and at least raise the question of the monster's subjectivity, and even if a monster has to die, they play it for tragedy.
So, let's return to Frieren. We're introduced to the demon girl. She ate a kid, but she staves off execution by pleading for her mother.
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The villagers decide to give her a chance to atone. Before long, she kills the village chief who took pity on her. Frieren's party show up and she does small Shaft head tilt...
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She's no longer pretending and talks in a much more level voice. She explains that she wanted to give a replacement daughter to the family of the girl she ate, by removing the village chief, for the sake of living in peace. This goes down about how you'd expect. Frieren goes ahead and kills her. As she's dying, Frieren asks why she called for her mother when demons don't raise kids. The answer she gets:
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She is surprisingly forthcoming on this front, and honestly, self-preservation is something like an understandable motivation. The impression you get from this flashback sequence is a being that is amoral, and encountering humans as something alien and, honestly, kinda threatening. Why she killed the girl in the first place is an open question - they explicitly say that the demons don't have to eat humans. Even if she kinda felt like it, you'd think she'd be able to figure out it would be an unwise move.
But as far as the show is concerned, the point of this flashback is to establish one thing: demons are lying liars who lie. Frieren is the only one who knows the truth, which is that you must shoot them on sight.
You might think the show would leave some doubt about whether Frieren is justified in having such a severe attitude towards the demons - is she just prejudiced? But nah we go pretty much straight into the demons saying 'Frieren is right about everything, now let'ss discuss our evil plan'.
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Props to this guy (he has some longish German name I can't remember) for making this random bench feel like a throne though. Like on some level he's just soft-voiced evil anime aristocrat guy but he does pull it off.
Anyway, one thing definitely doesn't seem to add up. Frieren says that demons are solitary creatures who speak in a human voice only to deceive, but the demons seem to be pretty happy to natter away to each other when no humans are around and express all sorts of thoughts and even express (fairly reserved) emotions. The boy is arrogant, the girl is protective of her boss, etc. The guy is a smooth liar and manages to wriggle out of being killed by the earl by playing the 'we're the same, let's put an end to this' card. But we're constantly reminded it's fake, he's a lying liar who's ontologically evil.
I think the super-deceptive adversary with no qualms about telling any lie is something that can be done well to create an incredibly paranoid scenario. I can't believe I'm mentioning ratfic again in the space of two posts, but this is something Worth The Candle performed very effectively. Though honestly the fantasy of the perfect manipulator who plays everyone like a fiddle is a recurring device in fantasy.
Here... the acting is strong on our main sussy demon dude. But as a worthy adversary, he's not super convincing. He lets his underling run off and get killed, and his response when the jig is up is to reveal that he's super OP and kill everyone nearby, except the governor, who he tortures. So the manipulation angle seems questionably motivated, like he wants the earl to lower the barrier so the demon army can come in... but you're kind of left wondering why he didn't already just go and kill everyone in the city since nobody who isn't Fern or Frieren can touch him. I guess he's trying to get that low chaos route.
I won't continue the beat-by-beat summary. There is a cool fight scene in Frieren's jail cell though, which has some well-integrated 3D. Frieren totally no-sells the boy's attack and cuts his arms off. Lotta dismemberment in these episodes! The main demon guy has some tasty blood-based powers, lots of monofilament whip slicing imagery (also a thing in Tengoku Daimakyou oddly enough). In general the action scenes in this show continue to be super tight. There is a pretty cute bit where Stark is trying to free the earl and can't cut through the rope holding him to a chair, the earl is going 'leave me', and I was sitting there going like 'why not destroy the chair', and then Stark does. So props for that.
Towards the end of ep 8, we learn that Frieren is actually a suuuuper scary battle mage. She was the one who researched the demon killing spell. OOooooohhh.
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Seems our demon guy hasn't changed his style in 80 years lol.
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And she did not think it too many.
So we already knew that Frieren was part of the party that killed the demon king, the last living person who knew Flamme, etc. etc., so it's not exactly surprising to see once again that she's kind of a big deal. What we seem to be setting up here - or at least maybe I'm just hoping for something more than 'only our hero is wise enough to know coexistence is impossible and a war of annihilation is the only option' - is to suggest a parallel between Frieren and the demons. They're incredibly long-lived, they love to obsessively study magic, they both have a very cold affect, they're calm under fire. If it turned out that Frieren is a demon that would be a fun angle, but I don't think it really tracks. Rather, the framing is suggesting that, when confronted with demons, Frieren is not so different...
We get a title drop in any case - turns out the anime title is an in-story title for its main character. In Japanese: 葬送のフリーレン Sousou no Frieren. 葬送 is translated by jisho.org as
attending a funeral procession; seeing off the deceased; burial of someone's remains; observing a burial​
The fansub I'm watching translate it (when used for the character) as 'Frieren the Elegy', which has about the right vibe! In the context for the show title, they translate the same phrase as Frieren: An Ageless Elegy which involves a little more interpolation, but I think it works. The official English title is Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, which is very direct but not a bad subtitle at all. Then again, maybe the bar is in the floor since 'Delicious in Dungeon'.
Anyway, after all that setup, we finally get the big fight episode. Because you see, in contrast to the earlier story which skipped over decades in a montage, this arc spans a whole four episodes. It's not badly done, but it's definitely feeling much more like a standard fight-driven show at this point.
We also meet Aura, one of the demon generals. She looks like a youngish girl and has a habit of doing the sanpaku eye smirk.
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Her schtick is that she has magic scales that let her dominate people. Then she cuts their heads off and walks their corpses around. This is represented by a big army of suits of armour, mostly rendered in CG. They've done some kind of filter to make the linework less even, but the difference in shading style is quite noticeable.
From there it's a lot of 'my gambit vs your gambit' and 'who has more mana'. The fights are, without doubt very nicely animated, although the CG castle set used for the big camera moves feels a bit... lacking in detail compared to the gorgeous painted backgrounds. Anyway, Stark wins his fight by the power of GUTS and DETERMINATION, and Fern wins her fight by being a fast analytical type who can stay cool under fire and also knows Frieren's special demonbuster spell. Though a lot of Fern's fight is just kind of both participants standing still with impassive expressions shooting either blood or big laser beams at each other or zipping all around the castle.
Of course, the major turning points in the fight hinge on flashbacks to moments with mentor figures. This is an anime, and more specifically, it's Frieren.
One thing that is interesting is that the 'point of view' indicated by internal monologue often moves from Fern to the demon guy. We get to see him try to think through how to beat her, unsuccessfully. By contrast Stark's fight takes Stark's POV. I don't think we're expected to sympathise with the demon exactly, it's a way of underlining just how badass Fern has now become thanks to Frieren's levelling up regime.
I admit Frieren has lost me a bit by this point. It's not that it's bad at being a fight anime, it hits us with a whole series of stylishly composed and strongly animated cuts. Not novel necessarily, but absolutely well-executed. But it's not a very interesting direction to take the story! I don't care about this town, we'll be leaving it in an episode or two anyway, and the only named character in it is the earl. I wanna know more about the demons but what we get is kinda just a succession of Guys With Powers. He can make his blood fly around and stab people. She can copy anyone's moveset. He has a monofilament wire. She has a magic scale that mind controls you if she has more mana.
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So how does Frieren beat the magic scales? ez. It's kind of spelled out as soon as they introduce the scales, but they spend a whole episode explaining how she's been using a relentless mana retention regimen for the last thousand years to hide her power level so that demons underestimate her. It kinda belabours the point lol. Like it kinda has to because if it doesn't try to make a big deal out of the mana hiding thing, you're just left with 'Frieren wins because her number is bigger'. But... Frieren wins because her number is bigger.
I don't hate fight-driven anime. They can be a ton of fun. But honestly, after the emotional impact of the first few episodes, taking it this way seems like it's wasting the early show's strengths. But, I hear episode 11 sees the return of Keiichirō Saitō as enshutsu, and it's said to be one of the best episodes in the show, so I'm not gonna drop it! It's certainly more than pretty enough to be worth watching through to the end.
There is a good amount of nice stuff in this last episode. The pseudo-Roman town is a cool depiction of a different material culture a thousand years prior to the main story. The 'field of flowers' magic is called back as a specific invention of Flamme - Frieren's whole deal is to kind of go around doing things to commemorate dead people and it turns out the flowers thing lets her do it twice over! We get to set up some parallels - Frieren could intuit that Flamme was a super OP mage, and Himmel could do the same for her.
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We also get some worldbuilding stuff about the demons: they have to constantly display their power level to determine their place in the demon pecking order bc they're soooo individualistic. This seems a little dubious to me - like are the demons really so dumb? Is 'hide your power level' such an incomprehensible concept? It seems like it would lead to some kind of Diplomacy-like situation where other demons would team up to take you down.
Honestly, I think what bothers me about all this is like... I don't like the concept of an ontologically evil monster at the best of times, but the demons are obviously not mindlessly malevolent with no inner lives. They talk and scheme and feel things (such as 'proud of their magic'). They have an honour system. But the narrative doesn't quite seem to be able to acknowledge that this is what it's doing. Besides levelling up their magic, we have no idea what the demons want, still, except that it seems to involve killing humans sometimes.
Anyway! kvin has an article about this section, so if you'd like to read about who did which bit and how they worked together resourcefully and where the storyboard creates imagery of separation and so on, there ya go! It sounds from this article like the manga gets a better handle on what it's trying to do with the demons later on, so I'll hold out hope.
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sonkitty · 5 days
The Pocket Trick Touch #4 - Triple Part 3 - Between Car Windows
(For reference: Earthly Objects | The Pocket Trick - Basics)
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This new version of this post is designed to go with The Sideburns Scheme posts when that time comes (hopefully soon). You can still find the older version of a main post here: The Pocket Trick - Triple Part 3.
This scene was one I had to look for to figure out a Triple existed for this overall Threshold Trick. It's probably meant to be the last one found of the group for The Pocket Trick given how quick and easy to miss it is. It has one clear cut, a blurred cut, and another clear cut, interspersed with cuts of Justine and Aziraphale.
Here is a GIF of the touch from behind as the first main clear cut:
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Here is a GIF of the touch from the front as the second main clear cut:
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Pocket Frame
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The Pocket Frame is Car Windows with one to two of those car windows being from Crowley's own Bentley.
Instead of two pocket frames, there is something like a pocket chain frame with the assistance of the wheels because bicycle wheels received an illusionary touch in the first main cut showing Crowley from the back.
Touch Point
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My guess on the Touch Point is largely based on two particular humans. One is behind Crowley and has her shoe in an imaginary pocket between Crowley's left jacket sleeve and left jacket torso side. The pocket itself is notably slender, but it exists.
Crowley's left ear lines up with her right jacket sleeve. She is aligned with an edge of a car behind him.
Another human makes some convenient pockets with his own shoe and a metal structure nearby. Also, no one is in the way of the wheels by Crowley for any help in the Car Windows framing.
It's possible I have this one wrong, and it's the video frame immediately after this one instead because of other little details. In the next video frame, a little bit of orange is in the slender pocket Crowley's making with his left arm. I have checked all other sleeve pockets for The Pocket Trick, The Door Trick, and The Door Catch, just in case. The only rainbow color I could find within one was also orange but in the reflection of the Bentley during the The Door Trick. That's also a pocket between a sleeve and a door instead of a sleeve and the torso of the jacket. Given that and the past two touches for the Triple have been clued as Crowley's own alignment with edges, I am hoping that means I have the Touch Point correct as it is.
The Hinge
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The vertex touch to the jacket happens in the initiating main cut from the back. Crowley's left hand is at a corner of the jacket.
There is a human with a blue plastic bag wearing brown that has his right thumb joint line up nicely with another human to help find this hinge touch, along with meeting any potential requirements given that this hinge touch is the only one that happens when Crowley has his back to the camera.
Both humans have brown sleeves. Brown borrows. The right thumb joint is likely borrowed since Crowley's actual right thumb joint will be hidden in the front view cut with the Touch Point.
Pocket Chain
Going with the idea of the Pocket Chain carrying us into this scene, that actually helps explain its structure of two main parts, one for each pocket from the last touch, and in turn, one for each Pocket Frame. In front of Crowley is the hole in the wall that leads to the music shop. That hole in the wall might not have a door, but it does have a frame of where a door would be. That would then be a Pocket Chain reference to Door Frames.
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The hinge touch helps find an illusionary touch onto a bicycle wheel that is taking place between door frames.
For the second main cut, the left side of Crowley's head is, in fact, visually, in front of some papers across the street. In addition to that, there is a nearby human who is going to pass over Crowley. As that human draws closer, it is then easier to tell that yes, that paper is lined up to be outside of where Crowley's left hand digits are doing illusionary touches if one drew a straight line down from their sides to that area over the screenshot.
I was curious enough to check more directly myself.
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I suspect the illusionary touch on the bicycle wheels is how the Pocket Chain is used to allow things from the front. Crowley is visually pocketed by car wheels without being obstructed by humans. Humans do obstruct the frame between him and car windows, so it's like the wheels allow an extended touch since they are on the cars of the car windows used for the Pocket Frame.
Overhead Lights
In the first main cut from behind, the Overhead Light from the Double for the actual head is unlit. It actually lights up soon with Crowley off-screen. Meanwhile, the light from further into the restaurant that was a potential Belt Head Overhead Light. It is yet again a potential Belt Head Overhead light.
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In the second main cut of the touch, this one from the front, there is a double of Overhead Lights. One of them is more directly over Crowley's head though not fully centered. It's still slightly to his left. Then there's a whole extra one further to Crowley's left.
They could both be for the actual head since this touch is referencing the Double or there could be one for the actual head and one for the Belt Head. Just in case they are two for the actual head, the Belt Head can get a little overhead light from one of the little yellow lights. In particular, the one furthest to Crowley's left. It's above the railing over both green from the leaves on the railing and orange from the vest of a nearby human.
Findable Rainbow
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The findable rainbow is on the paper behind Crowley.
Rainbow Connection
(For reference: The Pocket Chain Rainbow Connection Part 3)
The Rainbow Connection starts on Blue. It switches to Green during the blur, I think.
It switches from Green to Yellow when one of the leaves lines up with Justine's left hand. Yellow is the active color for most of the cut. In particular, little yellow lights are involved. Yellow lights such as these are relevant to The Door Trick and The Door Catch with their connection later.
There is a likely Rainbow Connection Reflection through the human wearing the orange vest. It would happen when that human's right thumb joint lines up with a yellow light. The human and railing would be pocketing Crowley's left hand in that video frame. The human's reflection and numerous yellow lights are reflected in the window pane. He also has a yellow light visually on his left arm.
Instead of a red alert for the switch from Yellow to Orange, the switch can be found through when the nearby humans stop fully pocketing yellow lights in different ways.
I'll also say that the human at the door in the coffee shop wearing black and white has my attention. They are wearing black and white with black suspenders on their back in particular. So, my still frustrated guess is that they are part of "suspending" yellow before an eventual switch to orange. They're also part of why I suspect black-and-white together trap colors.
Orange is ready and on for only one frame before Red is ready.
Tied Hands
The Tied Hands are still. The one furthest to Crowley's right is presumably linked with the vest to make it mirrored. It also looks like it is missing its tassel. It is not missing its tassel, but I have had to do a lot to re-work my PC monitor's brightness to confirm such a thing over the course of months. So, the lighting is probably trying to make the tassel difficult to see, at least.
The left-most strand has its tassel tip on the shirt to indicate it is linked with the shirt. Crowley's right shirt sleeve is partially out.
The strands do not swing, so for the flip I am guessing happened, it happens without a representative for swinging, as there exists for The Door Trick later on the hit to Yellow twice for connecting with Aziraphale.
The Tied Hands are obscured by the end of cut due to the human with the orange vest walking in front of Crowley.
Belt Head
The Belt Head is visible in the second main cut during the Touch Point.
It and the Tied Hands are partially obscured by the end of cut due to the human with the orange vest walking in front of Crowley.
The Other Apparel
In the first main cut is the hinge touch. In the second main cut, the left hand is over the edges of the jacket that it is near. That helps maintain an over-the-rainbow touch and implies the reason for Crowley being still, aside from his minor head and neck movement.
Crowley has the jacket folded onto itself to create a dark pocket and hide his right thumb CMC joint. In checking to see if any human's right thumb joint has any relevance, yes. The human with the blue plastic bag helped with the hinge touch. The human with the orange vest is the one I've said probably assists with a Rainbow Connection Reflection. He's also wearing brown with a brown hat.
In any case, these circumstances might also be how Crowley is allowed slight movement since he did not move his head in cuts showing the pocket touches for the Double and will not move his head during The Door Trick.
Vest: The vest is used as the resting place for Crowley's right tassel, likely linking the two together.
Shirt: The right shirt sleeve is partially out and likely helping to link the left tassel to the right hand.
Watch: The watch is partly visible in the first main cut. Its face is assuredly shown during the second main cut with the Touch Point. While the Tied Hands and Belt Head are partially obscured by that cut's end, the watch is only briefly obscured. Its face is fully visible again by the end of the cut.
Pants: The pants are shown more in the first main cut, from the back. As the camera zooms in, the pants form a pocket with the bottom of the screen and are pocketing part of a wet spot on the ground by the end of that cut. In the blurred cut with the switch from Blue to Green in the Rainbow Connection, the pants are making a pocket with the bottom of the screen. In the second main cut, they are visually pocketing the side of the sidewalk, another wet spot and the ground. A blurred green from the green leaves is over the right pant leg and beneath the pocket created by the legs. The yellow light with an illusionary touch from the left hand lines up with the edge of Crowley's left pant leg.
Shoes: The shoes are actually visible from the back in the first main cut of the touch.
Actual Hands
Left Hand:
The left hand has a vertex touch with the jacket in the first main cut and an over-the-rainbow touch with the jacket in the second main cut. In the first main cut, the ring finger has an illusionary touch on a bicycle wheel edge. The pinky finger and thumb line up with shadows near that ring finger. In the second main cut, the clear view from the front, each visible digit is making an illusionary threshold touch. The thumb is visually on the side edge of the sidewalk. The index fingertip is visually on the edge of where that sidewalk meets the ground and has a wet area near it. The middle fingertip is on the edge of one of the lights from the restaurant.
The left hand is briefly visually pocketed with the human wearing the orange vest. It's also obscured with that human's movement but still visible by the end of the cut that includes the Touch Point.
Right Hand:
The right thumb is what is mainly visible of the right hand. The right hand's CMC thumb joint is covered by the jacket folded over it.
Human Assistance
In the cut showing Crowley from the back, there are human pocket users. Also, two humans help for a designated hinge touch that includes an illusionary touch onto a bicycle wheel. Wheels are likely relevant to the cut that includes the Touch Point.
Justine helps with the Rainbow Connection switch from Green to Yellow.
The human wearing black and white at the coffee shop door helps give clues about the mechanics Black and White in the Rainbow Connection because of their suspenders. With that suspension, they theoretically help manage the Rainbow Connection in maintaining Yellow for most of the cut with the Touch Point.
The human wearing an orange hat and red shirt helps with the Rainbow Connection switch from Orange to Red.
The human with the guitar case helps with figuring out the when the Touch Point is and when the Rainbow Connection switch from Orange to Red is.
The human behind Crowley helps with figuring out when the Touch Point is.
The human with the orange vest and brown hat helps with a Rainbow Connection Reflection. Obscuring parts of Crowley by the end of the cut presumably accomplishes something, like keeping the part of the Tied Hands hidden for the switch from Yellow to Orange and then Orange to Red since they can't move during that cut.
The first cut starts with a blue car to remind and assure us that the Rainbow Connection is still on Blue.
Crowley's back is shown, including his shoes. The ground encompasses where his shadow would be.
Humans walk toward Crowley's right and left behind him. There are humans using pockets and wearing hats among them.
One human who is not using pockets or wearing a hat is carrying a light blue plastic bag. He's wearing brown, as is a human who he crosses paths with, wearing a mask. Together, they create a pocket between a thumb joint and brown jacket sleeves.
This moment indicates when to find the hinge touch for Crowley's left thumb joint, since we see Crowley from behind at this point. Crowley's ring finger has an illusionary touch onto the edge of a bicycle wheel. This illusionary touch with the hinge is taking place, visually, between door frames. The door frames are a reference to the Pocket Chain since Door Frames were one of the Pocket Frames in the Double.
There's a potential Overhead Light for Crowley's Belt Head. Both Justine and Aziraphale are on screen and will be taking up screen time during other cuts while the touch is active.
The scene cuts to focusing on Aziraphale address Justine while Justine's green is not as clearly green and shows as a darkened entity. Then there is another cut to focus on Justine. Then there is another cut focusing on Aziraphale with Justine's mix of green and black being on screen with him.
Then there is another cut of Justine, this time with a blurred Crowley and a red alert that the Rainbow Connection switches from Blue to Green.
Then there is a cut to Aziraphale nodding with some of Justine's green still visible, even if her face is not on screen.
Then there is a cut for Justine to switch the Rainbow Connection from Green to Yellow, indicated by her hand touching a green leaf, there being a nearby Overhead Light, and Aziraphale motioning toward Crowley with red and white behind him, Aziraphale.
Crowley finally gets his clear front view cut. He has two Overhead Lights. Both arms visually touch car wheels.
The Pocket Frame is Car Windows.
The Touch Point is early into the cut, most likely involving the human behind Crowley before orange appears in Crowley's sleeve pocket or exactly in the first frame where that orange appears. My guess is before that orange appears.
Through various human assistance, the Rainbow Connection stays on Yellow. There is a Rainbow Connection Reflection, I suspect, thanks to the human wearing an orange vest and brown hat. While he is not actually wearing yellow himself, there is a yellow light over him, and yellow lights visually pocketing his reflection. I suspect the connection is Yellow, instead of Orange just yet, because of the human wearing black and white. They are "suspending" Yellow in place as a clue to the yellow light relevance with The Door Trick and The Door Catch later. That also helps with a clue that Black and White can trap a color.
The human with the orange vest and brown hat walks in front of Crowley, blocking out Crowley's right hand, and parts of the Tied Hands and Belt Head when the Rainbow Connection switches from Yellow to Orange, then Orange to Red. They are still blocking parts of Crowley by the end of the cut.
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aesethewitch · 6 months
Starting Yet Another creative project to put together my own oracle deck since the one I have is... I mean, it's alright. But I don't really vibe with the art or the card meanings as well as I'd like to. So obviously,,,, I gotta make my own huh.
Details under the cut for length because I'm rambling to myself as I flesh this idea out
I'm using this pad of smallish scrapbooking paper to make the cards since it's a thicker cardstock (and it has nice colors). I figure I'll sketch out my designs and then paint over them since this paper can handle paint without being destroyed. Perhaps a junk journal theme using my large collection of stickers.............
Undecided if I want to cut the papers own in size at all, since one of my main problems is that the oracle deck I have now is hard to shuffle due to card size. Which is... also my problem with most oracle decks, tbh. Scraps would be used for other projects and things. Smaller pages would also be easier to fill, using less materials and encouraging overlapping things for a fuller look.
The other issue with oracle decks is that they just don't vibe. The imagery is usually nice and all, but the cards themselves don't depict things that actually matter to me and my practice. Even if the theme matters or I like the art, there's always That One Card I just don't care for.
Oracle decks, to me, are meant to provide guidance rather than answers. Advice for next steps, inner strengths to draw on, or energetic focuses to improve or deal with a situation. They add color, context, and flavor to readings done with other cards. This deck will be no different. My goal is to create an oracle deck that specializes in general guidance and actionable advice in a broad sense.
As for theme... I mean, it makes sense to center it around The Lady, right? The ideals and imagery I associate with Her would be a good starting place, at least. Maybe a combination of symbols I look for in nature (transitory signals between seasons and parts of seasons) and the Lady's direct symbols.
A list of meanings......
The Lady - Fate as a force, the larger whole, direct message coming through
Yarn - Connections, weaving
Knots - Tying, making connections, fixed moments
Crossroads - Choices, split paths
Death - Change, endings
Mushrooms - Decay, afterlife, resilience
Bread - Creation, rising, hearth
Pen - Writing, creativity, keeping records
Book - History, learning, stories
Paint - Art, inspiration
Key - Opening doors, opportunity, answers
Lock - Secrets, blocked path, challenge, questions
Door - Passage, transition
Sea - Depth, tides, deep knowledge, mystery, movement (eternal)
River - Movement (fast), travel, change
Butterfly - Transformation, transition, trust, day
Moth - Transformation, transition, faith, night
Stars - Dreams, hope, wishes, stories
Void - Space, nothingness, in-between
Moon - Phases, visions, seeing in the dark
Clover - Luck, good fortune
Broken mirror - Bad luck, poor chances, mistakes
Dice - Chance, gambling, games
Playing cards (poker?) - Games, deception, skill
Spider/webs - Trap, sticky, pattern, weaving
Tarot - Divination, the future, advice
Seeds - Potential, sowing
Flowers - Growth, beauty, production, fleeting
Grave/headstone - Death, grief, memory
Candle - Ritual, altar
Lighthouse - Beacon, signs, lookout
Eyes - Knowing, seeing
Ghosts - Afterlife, spirits
Bees - Industry, teamwork
Sunrise/sunset - Beginnings, endings (the only reversible card?)
Leaves (different colors) - Changing seasons, time passing
......and probably more as I start putting these dang things together. Once they're finished, these cards will replace the ones I currently use for add-ons in paid readings. I'm looking forward to making these!!
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ntls-24722 · 1 month
Hi, hello, how are you?
I’m sorry for disturbing you
But I have questions???(yes a lot of them and I hope you have time to answer. If not, it’s OK.)
cameron and miguel
Miguel :
Miguel have any room inside of her, right ? Basically, she’s working like the backrooms??? (but in other ways she isn’t ???)Does she have a room inside of her that is filled with snow ❄️ ? Like a snow forest a birch or spruce forest filled with snow??? does she have that???
And I want to know her personality. She is completely found of Cameron does she call her interest in him love??? and does she know what hate is ? Or any other feelings she probably know the names, but does she know how to feel them?(I think you answered that before you said she doesn’t it???)
Cameron :
I feel like his name would be a name of a candy like a pie candy (I’m currently drawing the design) is he like madly in love with miguel ?? does he consider her as his soulmate? Even though she doesn’t have a soul
How many family members does he have? I know his brother thought he was gay I remember you said it was his older brother??? (he said that marrying some thing that doesn’t exist is worse!) and how does his parents feel? (you said he probably didn’t tell them, but he trusted his brother) and did they ever meet? Like miguel and his older brother did they ever meet??? like “oh meet your nonexisting sister-in-law???”
(sorry for too much questions. I don’t want drawings. I just want explanations, especially about the snow room)
So sorry that’s way too much questions (it will be easier if I am used to talking with a lot of people)/(and please. You don’t have to answer all of this questions. You can answer one I’m fine.)🙂
I hope you have a good day/night/afternoon ✨
(sorry for apologizing too much)
I need to properly draw some of Miguel's rooms, but I have an album that's full of liminal spaces that look like her and there's a BUNCH of snow ones. A freaky thing about the snow though, is that it's not cold. At least, not freezing cold. It feels exactly like snow, it looks like it's freezing, but if you touch the snow or are in there, it just feels chilly, like there's a cool breeze. The snow can melt in your hand like real snow, and when it does, the water feels a little colder than lukewarm.
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(there's actually a room she's been working on for awhile that's actually a city in perpetual winter, Cameron or any tenant have yet to visit)
She did this mostly because humans that would fall in would keep dying of hypothermia because it would be summer on our Earth or something where the humans that fell in would be dressed in inappropriate attire and suddenly be faced with freezing cold, and as their luck would have it, the already random and extremely inconspicuous exit would be in the snow. So they would have spent eons inside only to desperately wander out into the snow to find an exit and die.
As for Miguel's interest in Cameron, she does call it love, but it... isn't. She can't feel romantic love like us since she doesn't really reproduce (well, she can, but it's like mitosis, or a budding growth off of yourself) and wouldn't have a need to have those feelings. She does sometimes reproduce the feeling of love by copying what's going on in Cameron's brain, but that's more of an understanding. But she does feel curiousity, and most importantly, enjoyment, and she finds a lot of pleasure in the rituals Cameron does with her, mostly because Cameron is aware of her and tries to treat her like one of his own kind. She finds it endearing - even if what she feels for him isn't love, he's still her favorite little randomized variable.
As for her hatred, she doesn't really feel that either. She can dislike things, irrationally, but they don't anger her - If she doesn't like something, she picks it up and puts it away, like you would to a spider. She did begin to develop a sense of justice when she took a liking to Cameron because she began to feel compassion for something that wasn't so easily protected - Miguel couldn't care less if you completely trashed a level even if she had worked on it for days on end, she could just put it together again - but she has no idea how to ressurect life, and when Cameron's life was threatened, she... acted accordingly.
Miguel figured out the utility in pain when it came to getting organisms not to do something.
I could also make a design for those pie candies... maybe it'd be more like fair food. Lmao
Also, yes, he very much is madly in love with Miguel and it's kind of unhealthy. He's spent so much time within Miguel he's begun to radiate Miguel-ness, lose his perception of time, and his natural circadian rhythm is atrocious. He thinks it's fine because he was in Miguel, but he doesn't realize that the problems follow him back to Earth, too.
He has a brother and 3 sisters, along with a bunch of nieces, nephews, and grand-neices/nephews. His parents have been dead for awhile, though, and he hadn't the chance to show them Miguel. It's a lose-lose situation with him, though - They were egging him on to get married but if he ever did show them his wife I think they'd be even more disappointed than his brother was.
And his brother, Isaac, actually visited Miguel twice. Cameron showed him the first time when introducing them, but Isaac actually came back to Miguel on his own volition to apologize after their relationship really began to deteriorate. Miguel was kinda cold to him, though... literally. She brought back the original freezing-temp levels.
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drawnaghht · 8 months
btw, if you liked my post analysing just the magnet "holsters" in Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles, I'm eventually gonna post more outfit description/analysis! just cuz I've already been writing some longer descriptions for a while now - that's one of my fave things to research and write about, since it can be good art reference for my own drawings, and especially since I can go through the episodes looking for anything new to write down or connect :)
Also, thank you so much for the replies on my post! LOVING the reactions I'm seeing on it, I didn't expect this to do numbers at all but I'm pleased people enjoy reading me ramble about details in a show I like haha xD I don't usually get replies on my other fandom posts, so this is very surprising, even here. I'm touched!
Replies below! :)
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@ranarenee - I already replied to you on the original post, but I genuinely just wanted to feature this comment cuz I'm glad ppl are having a positive reaction to this post xD
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I also think it was probably a bit easier to animate them! in addition, because it provides an interesting change of technology in the world of Usagi Chronicles, it means that it might have become more interesting to design this hypothetical descendant-world. I'm sure they might have also just thought it was an interesting and unique element of what they were making, but from Art Director Khang Le and Stan Sakai's CBCC interview, and the SDCC@ Home 2021 panel I remember it was mentioned a few times how many clever things they found to make the production spending smaller on the more trivial things.... so the magnetic holsters feels like a thing that might have hit many birds with one stone, so-to-speak. You have the easier drawing of boards and maybe a few things made lighter for the 3D crew (no extra models or rope to animate, for example), but you also have a pleasing design element to give the main fighters in the cast - Usagi, Gen and Chizu - as well as other characters who would happen to wear weapons on their person aside from Karasu-Tengu. Like mentioned in the post, Kitsune is an interesting exception here, because of course, she's based on UY Kitsune who is also not a direct fighter or anything, but also, the world of SR appears to be at peace of some sort, and it's mentioned several times that there were wars at some point, so not many ordinary citizens of Neo would even have these unless they wanted to use or carry weapons every day. Kitsune wants to blend in with this ordinary citizenry and does so quite well.
I just thought of this today and I guess my post sort of mentioned it, but this existence of the magnets also seems to imply some hierarchy of income or money flow. Kitsune doesn't have any because she doesn't need them and she wouldn't spend money she doesn't have on them anyway. Chizu is Lady Fuwa's favourite student despite how she treats her - and gets the best undercover gear, so like Gen and Usagi, custom magnets. I suspect also that Chizu deliberately somehow got herself assigned to the temple-job (headcanon for now), or perhaps hoped it would be something like that, because she didn't want to get any of the more victim-heavy missions the Neko Ninja do. Gen obviously has spent his own money on the holsters and they are there out of pure practicality - can't be a bounty-hunter without wepons, can you? So the magnets seem more like they're ordinary but custom for the outfit. And Usagi, as discussed before, possibly inherited them because of the clan mon adorning the inlay of the magnet.
@kinokothere - thank you!! I will probably continue making posts like this even if I have no audience! why I made this blog at first was to collect my SRTUC fandom theories and drawings under a more organized platform compared to twitter, where this specific fan-account started. I now write almost explusively about SRTUC so you can bet I have way fewer notes than if I wrote about shipping or something else popular for example xD
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Thank you @0yasumi-0-ya-su-mi! it's a fun little world-building detail that I really liked when I started wtaching and I hope other fans also include it more in their work x3
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@umhuhwellthen x3 thank you!! i love seeing reactiong tags like this one!
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valsnonsense · 2 months
The Brucandy Family
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Just pretend theres an elevated platform behind them so we can see all of them ndndnd
THE BRUCANDY FAMILY!!! Featuring @kalopsic-lagomorph 's designs for their kids!! They're all named and designed after various cocktails, which I think is just fuckin amazing!! I really hope I did them justice (excuse how you can still see the sketch lines). Thank you so much for letting me draw them I had to much fun with it!! (I'll link the original post down below)
I tried to make them look a bit older here, like adults. Since they're half Troll, I think it'd be funny if they only got to about half the height of a Puppet.
And Peaches is there too lol. Tiny Peaches with Tiny Bruce.
Okay story time lol!
We all know Bruce's story. He finds his way to Vacay Island after the Brozone breakup, meets Brandy, and gets married. I think all 13 of the kids are the same age, meaning this man popped out 13 fuckin eggs at once (they were too big to nest in his hair so he and Brandy cared for them like normal eggs).
Well, cut to several years later after the Brozone reunion. When Bruce's brothers start to get married and have kids of their own, Bruce and Brandy get a serious case of the baby fever. So they figure, they already have 13 kids, what's one more?
Only this time, the baby is Troll sized. It came as a shock to them both, since the rest of their kids were more Puppet-sized. And when little Peaches hatched, Bruce went full mamabear mode cause oh my god his baby is miniscule compared to everything around them time to baby-proof EVERYTHING-
Cut him some slack he's not used to Troll sized kids bjdjdnh
When Peaches grows up, she eventually moves to Trollstopia to live with her cousin, Fern. Lotas tears from Papa Bruce and Mama Brandy, but having watched their older kids move out, get married, even some having kids of their own, it did make things a bit easier to handle.
And that's that! Stay tuned for more profiles tomorrow~
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