#I hope you're doing okay! May this weekend bring you lots of you time and happiness. <3
fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Hi, hope you're doing well.
I have a request if you're still doing them.
Little!Hope x Mommy reader where reader doesn't know Hope is little and just happens upon her regressed in her room by accident. Hope panics a bit, maybe a mild panic attack or just crying, I don't have a preference and reader comforts her.
Your Momma
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Flufftober, October 13th
Mommy vampire reader x Little Hope Mikaelson
Warnings: None
A/n: Cute little oneshot
Hope's in her room, sitting in her bed, cuddling her stuffed bunny. She's had it since she was five, and it reminds her of her mom, who gave it to her. Her head has been fuzzy for the last couple of days, but she waited for the weekend to fully let her mind go into her little space. If she hadn't then there would've been a problem of people realizing she hasn't shown her face during classes or worst of all, people would notice her acting like a toddler and laugh at her.
Her space usually ranges between 1-3, though she only really regresses to one or lower than one when she's having a bad day, she's super sleepy, or just wants comfort and her parents back. Or you to be there with her. A lot of times she has cried while she was little because she wanted you. But she can't tell you about this part of her because you'll think it's stupid and laugh at her and then break up with her.
What she wasn't expecting is for you to walk through the door right this second. Oh, bad. Hope thinks to herself.
Hope stares wide-eyed at you. You notice this right away, same with how she's dressed in a light purple nightgown with small butterflies all over it instead of her usual tank top and sweats pajamas.
"Hope? You okay? What's wrong?" You softly ask, noticing how she hasn't moved since she set her eyes on you when you walked in.
She just shakes her head, clinging to her bunny. You walk over, concern taking over your face. You sit on the bed, crossing your legs.
She wants you to leave, but atthe same time also wants you to stay and cuddle. Wait, she doesn't know what to do. Hope's mind keeps going a hundred miles an hour and her breathing picks up.
"Oh, baby" you bring her into your arms. You rub your hand in circles on her back. She nuzzles her face into your neck. You smell really good, she just tries to focus on perfume you have on. It's mixed with your coconut shampoo and it smells good and helps calming her.
"You're going to be okay, just breathe. In and out" you soothe her in a soft voice. She listens to your sweet voice, not realizing that she's no longer clutching onto her bunny and instead she's clutching onto your shirt.
Her breathing calms, no longer erratic. You place a hand on the back of her head. Running your fingers through her auburn hair. "You're my little baby?" You ask her, picking up on how she's regressed. You've lived a long time and know about more things than others may think instead of just going on murder sprees.
"Huh?" Hope looks up at you, her voice small and eyes doe. "It's okay, you're my little one. If that's what you want, I can be your momma" you hold her in your lap and hand her the stuffed bunny that she discarded.
"My mommy?" She asks in the same small voice. "Your mommy" you place a soft kiss against her forehead.
She cuddles into you, bunny in one arm, and the other wrapped around the back of your shoulder blades and neck.
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hoonieyun · 6 months
Hi idk if u reaction but if ur writing can you write about about 127 members learning their gf is a smoker and vaper since the age of 13, 14
warnings: 18+, underage smoking, profanity, lmk if i miss anything also don't consume drugs or alcohol if you're a minor!!!!!!
notes: omg my first request TTTTTT thank you for requesting, i changed it up a bit to also include weed too and sorry it kind of took a while it was hard to think of different scenarios for each member so i changed that a bit too but i thought this was a little funny because i started to smoke around this age 😅 not proof read and this was a lot longer than i expected so i hope thats okay LOL
you spent the weekend with boyfriend!taeyong at his condo. you guys had just started dating and you weren't fully sure how he would react to the information of you being a smoker, let alone a smoker since you were a teenager. one night while he was cooking dinner, you excused yourself to the bathroom but secretly made your way to his balcony to have a quick smoke. you hadn't smoked all weekend because you were with taeyong so you tried to get in a quick smoke break. you rummaged in your bag for your cig and lit with the cute pink lighter you had gotten from your best friend. as you're just about to finish your cig, taeyong spots you from inside and opens the sliding door to let you know dinner was ready.
you turn around shocked, smoke still in your lungs, unable to let it go or speak without giving it away that you smoke. "is that my lighter?" taeyong asks pointing at the baby pink lighter in your hand. you make a confused face and lift your hand, "this one?" you say not realizing you had just released a bunch of smoke. "fuck..." you say as smoke continues to spill from your lips. "yeah, is that mine?" taeyong asks, unfazed by the smoke. "no... it's mine. wait, you don't care i smoke?" you ask confused. "why would i care?" he says cutely while looking into your eyes. "plus, i smoke too." he walks away and you follow him inside to find him looking for something in his drawers. "what are you looking for?" you ask. taeyong doesn't respond with anything besides a slight hum. "see!" he finally says. taeyong turns around and shows you a baby pink lighter, the same exact one as yours. "we have the same one!" he says with so much excitement that you completely forgot how worried you were just a few minutes ago. 
you and fratboy!johnny were still in the talking phase of your relationship. neither of you have made it official but you were both only exclusively talking to one another. he invites you to his frat house to hang out after finals. you do your makeup cutely since you’ve been looking crazy throughout all of finals. you slip into a cute often, consisting of a pleated skirt and johnny’s hoodie you stole the first time he took you out on a date. 
when you arrive at johnny’s frat, he opens the door before you could even knock. “woah!” you say surprised but smile afterwards. “i may or may not have been waiting near the window for you to arrive.” he says with a sheepish smile. you just laugh and he grabs your hand and brings you to his room. the layout of the house is quite big, but typical for a frat house. what isn’t typical is that it was very clean, as if it wasn’t lived in by a group of college boys. you and johnny get to his room and when he opens it, a cloud of smoke wafts passed your nose. “sorry about that, the guys usually use my room to smoke since i’m the frat’s supplier.” he explains. you hadn’t known johnny smoked, it made a part of you a bit giddy since you’ve been smoking weed since high school and a lot of your ex-boyfriends hated that about you. 
“you smoke?” he asks while taking a seat on his bed and patting the spot next to him. you move over to where he patted and nod your head. “yeah, uh actually since i was like 15?” you say casually and johnny is a bit surprised. “really?” he asks while reaching in his nightstand for a cone and some flower. he grabs his grinder from his window sill and begins to grind up some flower to fill the cone. you watch him adoringly, thinking about how a guy has never rolled a joint for you before. johnny’s hand cramps in the middle of grinding the weed. you laugh at him and grab the grinder from his hand, you quickly finish grinding the weed and hand it over to him. he pauses for a moment and just stares at you, “what?” you say with a chuckle. “nothing, you just did that so quickly” he says referring to you grinding the weed a lot faster than he has ever done or seen.
“comes with experience. i smoked my first joint at 15 and was rolling my own just a few weeks later.” you say while leaning back on some pillows on his bed. johnny is rolling the joint and offers it to you, giving you the first hit. you place the joint in between your lips and you lock eyes with johnny. he stares intensely into your eyes while bringing the lighter to the joint. he lights it and you take a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before releasing the smoke. the smoke blows into johnny’s face and he closes his eyes softly. he reopens his eyes and licks his lips, you’re still locked eyes with him, “that was hot.” he says before taking the joint from your lips and connecting his lips with yours. the two of you spend the rest of the day in johnny’s bed, getting high, exchanging kisses, and enjoying each other’s company. a perfect way to start your break after finals.
you’ve only been dating ceo!yuta for about half a year. in that time, you’ve had to hide from him that you smoked weed. as a respected ceo and founder of his own company in japan, you didn’t want to tarnish his reputation by having him be associated with a pothead. you had even spent a lot money beyond your means to by nicer and newer clothes to seem more presentable whenever you were out with yuta knowing he was a constant topic within the stratosphere of the business industry. 
yuta had invited you to a gala and sent you a beautiful yellow gown. one that was off the shoulder and juts at the waist with tulle and a slit on the left leg. it’s probably the most expensive thing you now own, before the delivery man leaves he hands you a black velvet box, stating that it was another gift sent from, “mr. nakamoto”. you smiled when he said that, one because receiving a gift from yuta always made you blush but also because hearing him be referred to as “mr. nakamoto” turned you on. you grabbed the box and thanked the delivery man before he parted. you sat down on your bed and opened the velvet box, revealing a beautiful diamond necklace; one adorned with hundreds of small diamonds that led to a golden jewel in the middle that resembled the shape of a raindrop. now this is definitely the most expensive thing you own. 
an hour or so later you’re done getting dressed and you finish your ensemble with the elegant necklace yuta so kindly gifted you. you look at yourself in the mirror, almost unable to recognize yourself. you had never looked this beautiful and expensive, your previous lifestyle consisting of tshirts and jeans. your mind started to run wild, thoughts of being not enough for yuta, him finding out you’re not really as put together you make it seem, afraid of coming off as a gold digger. you decide smoking a blunt before the gala wouldn’t hurt. you quickly grab a blunt from your hidden stash, a false bottom in one of the drawers in your vanity, and smoke it. your anxiety subsiding after each puff of smoke. you always had anxiety growing up, your parents putting you on different medications all throughout your life but the only thing that ever helped was weed. 
your phone rings and it’s yuta letting you know he was outside waiting for you in the car. you panic, losing track of time and not realizing he would be arriving before you had finished your blunt. you quickly wave the smoke around you away before tidying yourself up and making your way outside. you’re so frantic trying to gather yourself, putting your belongings into your purse and slipping into your heels that it completely slips from your mind that you hadn’t put on any perfume to mask the scent of weed. 
you see yuta waiting outside, leaned against the outside of the car. a bright smile breaks out onto his face when he sees you in the dress and necklace he gifted. you hug yuta and exchange a quick kiss, “hi baby, you look gorgeous” he says into your ear as you hug. yuta inhales your scent, to his surprise he smells the scent of weed. he opens the door for you and you enter, he shuts the door behind you and walks onto the other side to enter, pondering if you had smoked weed prior to meeting him. 
once inside, he signals the driver you’re good to go and you’re off to the gala. you and yuta have small talk, catching up on what the two of you had been doing during the day before meeting up. you tell him about your day and yuta can’t brush off the smell of weed emitting from you. he grabs your hand and turns towards you, “baby.” he says and his tone suddenly worries you. “yes?” you respond. “i’m not mad but… you smell of weed my love.” he says and your eyes widen at his statement. you sigh in defeat and drop your head, “i’m so sorry. i smoked weed before you got here, i was getting worried about the gala and meeting all these rich fancy people, and i was scared that you would know i’m not rich and might think i’m a gold digger so i smoked some weed to calm my nerves and -” he cuts you off by kissing you. you’re surprised by his actions but melt into his kiss. 
yuta pulls aways, “hey, it’s okay babe. don’t worry.” he says reassuring you. “really? you’re not mad? or disappointed?” you ask innocently. “why would i be? i smoke too babe.” he says casually. “what? you do?” you ask, shocked by his response. “yeah, how do you think i handle running a business this big with all these people stressing me out.” he says while straightening himself out in his seat. he presses a button that lowers the partition in the car, leaning closer to the driver and whispering something in his ear you couldn’t understand and raising the partition afterwards. “what’d you tell him?” you ask and he simply just smiles at you. 
the rest of the car ride is spent with you in yuta’s arms. when you arrive at the destination, yuta quickly runs out and opens your door. upon exiting you realize you’re outside of yuta’s high rise condo. “what are we doing here?” you ask. yuta closes your door and taps the roof of the car to let the driver know he can leave. “decided i didn’t want to go to the gala anymore, come on.” he says while grabbing your hand and guiding you into the building. he greets the doorman and then the concierge at the front desk. “mr. nakamoto.” the concierge greets him with a bow. the two of you enter an elevator the leads to his home. “what about the gala?” you ask and as you enter his home. yuta begins to take off his blazer, “eh, didn’t want to go anyways. too many stuck up old rich people. i’d rather spend some time with my girl.” he quickly runs to his room to grab a small box and runs back to get you, he guides you up some stairs that led to a lookout at the top of his condo, a balcony that oversees the city. it’s much darker outside now so the city lights glimmer in the night sky. you sit down with yuta and he opens the box he’s holding. inside are some prerolls, buds, a grinder, empty cones, and a lighter. you chuckle at him, “what?” he laughs and asks you. “nothing, it’s just cute you’d rather smoke with some girl than attend a gala.” you simply say and yuta stops what he’s doing. he takes your hands into his and looks into your eyes before speaking, “you aren’t just some girl to me. you’re my girl.” he says while smiling, causing you to blush. he goes back to what he was doing before continuing what he was saying, “plus, if my girl is too anxious to attend some gala and smoking weed is the only way to make her feel better, than sobeit. we’ll smoke some weed together.” yuta says while rolling a joint.
the two of you spend the rest of the evening on his balcony, getting high, and learning more about each other. you tell him about how weed has been the only thing that has worked on calming your anxiety. you also tell yuta about the other parts of yourself that you’ve been hiding, the fact that you aren’t as rich or proper as you try to come off. yuta reassures you that he doesn’t care, he fell in love with you because of things outside of materialistic matters like how much he loves your kindness and compassion, how you’re thoughtful and always remind him to eat because he seems to forget due to his busy schedule, or how well you get along with his sisters; and now the fact that you also smoked weed was another thing he loved about you because you could now get high together instead of attend fancy events. 
for as long as you’ve known boyfriend!doyoung, he’s never been one to smoke. you however, have been smoking since you were a teenager; a bad habit you picked up from being around some bad influences growing up and a habit you never broke out of. you remember the day doyoung found out you smoked, he had freaked out a bit, never expecting you to be the type. when he found out you had been smoking since you were 16 however, doyoung almost broke up with you because he felt like, in these words exactly, “didn’t know who you were!” he had said. after talking it out and doyoung admitting he was being dramatic, he realized he didn’t care much that you smoked at all. 
he respected you enough to not force you to stop and you respected doyoung enough to not smoke around him. lately he has been quite stressed from work lately, multiple deadlines, and deals that needed to be closed and although doyoung loved to drink, he hated being hungover. one night when he was spending the night at your place, he found you out on your balcony smoking a cigarette, a sight he’s seen before, and watched from afar. you’re surprised to see doyoung join you on your balcony and you blow away any excess smoke and quickly kill the cigarette by putting it out on an ashtray. “hey babe, sorry i didn’t know you’d come out here.” you say and he gives you a kiss on the forehead before sitting down across from you. “it’s okay, i don’t mind.” he says and you make a confused face at him. “what?” he asks. “nothing, i just never smoke around you because of what happened when you first found out i smoked.” you say and the two of you laugh at that memory. “yeah i was being pretty dramatic that day.” 
“but i do wanna say something.” he says suddenly and you grow a bit worried. you just look at him, waiting for what he has to say next. “i wanna try smoking.” he says and you’re speechless. for a moment you’re sitting in silence and doyoung continues, he explains how stressful work has been and that he would just have a drink at the end of the night but he hates the taste of alcohol and he easily gets drunk and the hangover sucks. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a bit excited to see doyoung breakout of his usual habit of avoiding smoke. “i can help you smoke if you want?” you offer to him and smiles. “the thing is, i don’t like cigarettes? they smell bad and i don’t want my teeth to rot… no offense.” he says and it causes you to laugh. “wait here.” you say and you quickly run to your bedroom to grab something. 
you run back to doyoung on the balcony and hand him a little blue vape. “what’s this?” doyoung asks. “it’s a vape!” you respond and teach him how to use it. doyoung brings the machine to his lips and inhales but quickly blows out and coughs. you laugh at his reaction and he just looks at you with a pout. “sorry.” you say and guide him through again on how to do it. he takes a puff again and this time it goes much smoother. “is that blueberry?” doyoung asks and you nod with a big smile. “yeah! some vapes have a flavor and scent, this one is blueberry. i know you like the color blue so i thought you might like it. and it doesn’t smell bad and potentially won’t rot your teeth as fast as cigarettes” you say sheepishly causing doyoung to laugh. he takes another hit and holds it in a lot longer than before, causing you to wonder. “are you sure you haven’t smoked before? you held that in kind of long.” you say with suspicion. doyoung laughs, “i have singer lungs baby, these pipes are strong.” he says while lightly tapping his chest. the rest of the night is filled with laughter and smoke, but not before you tell doyoung that it’s okay if he starts smoking but not to make it a habit he relies on, knowing the underlying health negatives. the two of you agree and you come up with a plan to lessen your smoking habits and for the two of you to find a new way to relieve your stress, like sports, working out, or something in the bedroom… 
you’re walking hand in hand with your date!jaehyun in the park. it’s your second date and after grabbing lunch you two decided to go for a walk since it was nice out. there were families have picnics and people walking their dogs, also enjoying the feeling of the sun on their skin. you take a deep breath before letting go of jaehyun’s hand and reaching for something in your bag. jaehyun stops to look at you and when he sees you pull out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, his eyes widen. he watches you take a cig out of the pack, place it in your mouth, and begin to light it. before you could fully light the cig, jaehyun plucks it from your lips and puts out the fire. 
you look at him perplexed and reach for another one in the pack. jaehyun snatches the whole box of cigs and tosses it into the trash can a few feet away. you throw your hands in the air like a child, “what the fuck jae?” you ask, pissed off he just threw away all your cigs. he walks back to you with a stern face of disappointment. “you really smoke those cancer sticks?” he asks like he was a father lecturing his child. “uh yeah, that’s what you do with a cigarette. smoke them?” you say and he just rolls his eyes. “anyways, what is it to you? people do drugs all the time, i could be doing much worse like-” he cuts you off. “that’s not the point. any kind of drug is bad.” he says defending his stance on the matter. “plus, i’m not going to date someone who smokes, it’s gross!” he says without thinking, not realizing he practically just called you gross. 
you scoff at his remark. “fine, then don’t.” you say while shoving your lighter into hands and walking off. “y/n! i didn’t mean it like that, don’t be like this!” he says trying to get you to come back. you turn around and walk backwards to respond, “no! i don’t want you to be seen with someone as gross as me!” you say sarcastically before turning back around. jaehyun drops his head and knows he fucked up, but he can’t help himself if he disagrees with the idea of smoking. he hated the smell of smoke, he hated the way it left a stench on clothing and skin, and he hated especially when a girl smoked. 
you got home later that day, opting to walk 15 minutes away from the park before requesting an uber home. the whole uber ride you updated your groupchat with your roommates and best friends about what happened. some of them agreed with you that smoking is okay and the others disagreed that smoking was bad, but they all agreed that he shouldn’t have called you gross. when you got home, you changed out of your clothes and into some pajamas. your roommate and best friend, mark, knocked on your door and you let him in. “you ok?” you sigh before responding, “yeah, i guess so…” you say while putting clothes away. “yeah, sorry about that. i know i was the one who set you two up.” he says while scratching the back of his head. “it’s fine, not your fault jaehyun is an asshole.” mark laughs and then clears his throat. “i could talk to him?” he suggests. you politely decline and tell mark that it’s probably a sign and that you were glad to have dodged a bullet. he excuses himself from your room and after closing the door he reaches for the phone in his pocket. your phone. mark knows your password because you two were really close, he unlocks your phone and sends jaehyun a text. asking him to come over to talk tomorrow morning because the roommates would all be either at work or in class while you and mark would be the only ones home. 
he peeks quickly back into your room and hands you your phone, “you left this in the kitchen by the way.” and then he leaves. you mutter a quick thanks and think about how you don’t remember stopping by the kitchen but you probably don’t recall because you were busy complaining to your roommates about jaehyun. 
when jaehyun receives the text, he’s more than happy you texted him. sad that he ruined his chances with you over a comment he didn’t really mean. he spent the rest of the night trying to formulate what he would say to you so that he could speak his mind without offending you but also not compromising his personal belief. the next day, before heading to your place, he stops by a flower shop to grab you some flowers, a bouquet of pink lilies and red roses. 
before jaehyun arrives, you and mark are having breakfast in the living room; watching a tv show and enjoy some toast and cereal when a knock is heard on the door. “you expecting someone?” you ask mark and he hums in response, getting up to get the door. you pay him no mind, thinking it’s probably just a package he’s waiting for. what you didn’t expect was mark to walk back into the living room with jaehyun behind him, as if he was trying to hide the tall man. 
“what is HE doing here?” you ask putting your bowl down on the coffee table and standing up with your hands on your hips. mark instantly turns defensive with his hands out, “okay just hear me out…” and you just stare at him. “i may or may not have stole your phone yesterday and texted him to come over…” your eyes widen and you grab your phone to check your messages, and to your disbelief; there it is. “we need to talk. come over for breakfast?” sent to jaehyun. 
“i can’t believe you!” you exclaim while throwing your phone onto the couch. “don’t be mad at him, y/n. i do want to talk though” jaehyun says in mark’s defense. “i’m mad at both of you!” you say while pointing out at the two boys cowering in the entrance walkway like two kids getting scolded by their mom. “fine, let’s talk.” you say and you grab jaehyun’s hand and drag him to your room but not before you turn around to look at mark and glare at him, causing him to widen his eyes and throw his hands up in defense. 
you close the door behind you and find jaehyun looking at your photos on your dresser. some of you with mark and your roommates but none of you as a child. “no baby pictures?” he curiously asks. “um, no. i’m an orphan, most of my photos weren’t taken until i got to college.” you say without much thought. “i didn’t know you were…” jaehyun says, slowly ending his sentence before he could finish it. “an orphan? yeah i don’t usually lead with that.” you say and you take a seat on your bed, “so what do you want jaehyun?” you say. jaehyun clears his throat and hands you the flowers, “uh, these are for you.” he says with a straight smile, showing off those dimples you’ve started to really like. you accept them and mutter a small thank you. 
jaehyun takes a seat on your vanity chair before he speaks, “listen, i’m sorry for how i came off yesterday. i didn’t mean to offend you and you’re definitely not gross. you’re actually the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen and you’re so cute too and-” you cut him off when you realize he’s rambling. “breathe jaehyun.” you recommend and he takes a deep breath and continues. “what i’m trying to say is, although i disagree with the idea of smoking, i’m willing to look past that and move on if you are. i would really like to continue being with you if you’d let me.” he says, looking up at you trying to see what you think. your face is stoic, you’re processing his words in your mind but you’re trying not to show on your face that you find him so handsome and endearing, and you honestly forgave him as soon as he handed you those flowers. 
“say something?��� he asks in a desperate tone. you stand and lean towards him, looking him in the eyes before speaking. “you think i’m pretty and cute?” you ask in a teasing tone and this causes the two of you to break out into laughter. jaehyun grabs you by the waist and sits you down on his lap. “yes, baby. very much.” he says while placing a kiss on your cheek. you turn around so you’re now straddling jaehyun’s lap. you give him a kiss, “thank you for apologizing and i know it must’ve taken a lot of courage to do that and i promise i won’t smoke around you and i’ll work on my smoking habit.” you say and he nods in response. “why do you smoke?” he asks and you’re honestly not sure. “i think i picked it up just from the stress of life. growing up as an orphan was a lot of work and i guess when i turned 18 it was just a habit i picked up that let me feel something.” he gives you a hug and the two of you once again share a kiss. you hear a slight creak near the door which makes the two of you turn your heads towards the door. 
you both get up and silently make your way over to the door, you make a shushing motion to jaehyun before slowly reaching for the door and quickly pulling it open, causing an eavesdropping mark to fall into your bedroom out of shock. “yo, what the heck!” he asks while he looks up at the two of you from the floor. you and jaehyun look at mark with a head tilt. “haha hey guys. how’s it going?” he says sheepishly while the two of you laugh at the boy on the ground. “dude come on!” he says and jaehyun helps the younger boy up off the ground. you enjoy seeing the sight of your best friend and your now boyfriend bonding, thinking about all the fun you guys would have teasing one another. 
you’re on your way to boyfriend!jungwoo’s house, he’s having a small get together for his birthday. just the two of you and some of his closest friends. you’re the first to arrive as you promised him you’d help set up. he gave you a key to his house only a few months after you first started dating so you usually just enter freely without knocking like you used to. 
“jungwoo, i’m here!” you announced after entering his home. you take your shoes off and look around when you don’t hear a response back. you place his birthday gift and other things you brought like party supplies on the kitchen counter so you can roam the house to look for him. you’re about to walk upstairs to check his room when you spot him through the window that faces the backyard. you take a peek through the window and he’s facing away from you. you’re admiring him until you see a puff of smoke suddenly appear and surround his head. you make a confused face before heading to the back door that leads to the backyard. 
you slide open the door and spot jungwoo, taking a hit from a cigarette. “you smoke?” you ask, catching jungwoo off guard and causing him to drop the cigarette from his hands. “shit!” he says after you scared him. he quickly steps on the lit cigarette sitting on the grass to prevent the yard from catching on fire. “hey, when’d you get here?” he asks, trying to change the subject. you slip on some random sandals before walking out towards jungwoo in the yard. “don’t try to change the subject, i didn’t know you smoked?” you asked him and he doesn’t know what to say. he opens his mouth but nothing comes out, embarrassed and shocked that he was caught. 
“i mean… i don’t care.” you ask and jungwoo has a sigh of relief. “oh, thank god. for a second i thought you were going to break up with me.” he says while wrapping his hands around your neck for a hug. you laugh at his response, “why would i break up with you?” you ask. “hmm, i don’t know actually. i think some people just don’t like smokers, i know jaehyun doesn’t.” he says with a shrug. 
you laugh at him once again, but this time it’s because you just find him so cute. you pinch his cheeks and winces from the pain, “ow!” he says while rubbing his cheeks. “you’re so just so adorable, i never expected you to be the type to smoke is all.” you say before dragging him inside to help you set up. “hey, i’m very cute but that doesn’t mean i can’t smoke. it helps when i get caught smoking, i can just act cute and they forget why they were even mad in the first place.” he says explaining himself. “wow, so you were going to use your cuteness against me when i caught you just now?” you say while cocking your head to the side. “maybe…” he says and the two of you break out into a laugh. 
“besides, i find it kinda hot that you smoke.” you say all of a sudden and jungwoo is frozen in his spot. “so now i’m cute AND hot. wow you’ve got a good guy on you huh?” he asks teasing you and you just playfully shove him. “yeah, yeah, whatever. don’t let it go to your big head birthday boy.” you say and stick your tongue out at him. “it IS my birthday so you have to be extra nice to me” jungwoo declares and you’re shocked at his statement. “i literally just said i thought you were really cute and hot, what more can i do?” you ask in a playful tone and jungwoo looks around for a moment thinking of a response before he points to his cheek, indicating he wants a kiss. when you go in for a kiss and come closer, he quickly turns his head so that your lips touch one another’s, resulting in the two of you laughing in your kiss before continuing to lock lips. 
mark and haechan 
“yo, my girl is coming over. don’t be annoying.” boyfriend!mark says while popping into bestfriend!haechan’s room. haechan makes an offended face with an exaggerated gasp, “excuse me? i’m never annoying markie!” he says, obviously trying to annoy mark. “yeah, whatever dude.” mark says walking away. “lighten up dude!” haechan says mocking mark. mark invited you over to his frat for the first time and you were a bit nervous. you had never been to a frat before, but your best friend haechan was in a frat and he says it’s not too bad so that somewhat helped you calm your nerves. before heading to mark’s frat, you smoked a bowl to calm your nerves. you could always rely on your best friend, indica, to help you chill out whenever you get nervous.
your uber driver drops you off in front of the frat, giant letters spelling ‘NCT’ were sitting above the front door. “weird.” you mutter to yourself, having never heard of that frat before. you text mark that you were outside and in no time he’s greeting you at the front door with a kiss. “hi baby, you look cute.” he says while looking up and down. “it’s just jeans and a tshirt mark, but thank you.” you say and he ushers you inside. “nice place by the way, a lot cleaner than i thought. how many of you live here?” you ask while looking around. “just seven.” he says while entering the kitchen. “want a drink?” he asks and you respond, just asking for water. 
he grabs a cold bottle of water from the fridge and hands it to you. he grabs your hand and the two of you make your way upstairs but not before passing haechan’s room. “y/n?” he says when he sees you walk back. you and mark both take a few steps back when you realize haechan called your name. “haechan? THIS is your frat?” you ask him and he just nods while dying of laughter, causing you to break out into laughter as well as your run over to him and fall into his bed. mark is looking at the two of you weirdly, confused as to how you both know each other. 
“wait, wait, wait. what’s going on here?” mark says pointing at the two of you. “bro, your ‘girl’ is my best friend.” haechan says once the two of you are done laughing. mark’s face is a mixture of shock and fear, shocked that you knew haechan and afraid of how much haechan influence haechan has on you. he looks at you, almost looking like he was asking for you to denounce the previous statement. “yup, been best friend’s since 3rd grade.” you say while nodding. “i can’t believe mark is the guy you’ve been seeing this whole time.” he says while looking at you. you just shrug in response and the two of you break out into a giggle fit again, causing mark to groan and leave the two of you to go to his room. 
you run after him and enter his room. “babe, we’re just messing around.” you say while cupping his face into your hands, causing him to pout even more than he already was. “yeah ‘babe’ we’re just messing around.” haechan says popping into mark’s room. “get out!” mark says while throwing a pillow at haechan to which he dodges and giggles while running back to his room. “tell your boyfriend to lighten up y/n!” haechan yells from his room. 
“ease up mark, if you’ve been able to handle haechan so far you’ll be fine handling the two of us. plus i’m more normal than he is.” you say while taking a seat next to him on his bed. “i don’t know about that.” mark says in a teasing tone and you just look at him with your mouth open in surprise, playfully pushing his shoulder. 
“i really do need to chill out though. i think i’ve been to stressed lately. school sucks.” he says while taking a deep breath. “i think i can help with that.” you say while locking eyes. “oh, yeah? how?” he say, intrigued. “weed?” you say nonchalantly and mark is surprised. “that is not what i was expecting you to say…” he says while squinting his eyes. you make a confused face, not understanding what he meant. suddenly it clicks in your head and you shove him again, “ew, mark! at least take me out on a date first.” you say teasingly. “i do! i’ve taken you out so much.” he says defensively and you just giggle before thanking him and giving him a kiss. 
“but seriously, i smoke weed whenever i need to chill out. it helps a lot.” you tell him while you reached into your bag. you pulled out a small pink bag, inside are a couple of blunts with a little lighter that had a tiger on it. mark grabs it from you in awe, “woah that’s cool!” he says while admiring the tiger. “yeah, i got it because it reminded me of you.” you say while getting up to shut the door. 
you light the blunt and take a hit. you gesture for mark to try and he’s hesitant. “you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” you reassure him but he grabs it. “no! i want to.” he says and you guide him on how to take a hit. opting to start off with a smaller puff so he isn’t overwhelmed when suddenly haechan bursts into the room causing you to jump and mark to choke and cough on the smoke. “dude! you ARE annoying!” you say while handing mark your bottle of water. “what do you want?” mark says in between coughs. haechan walks over to you guys and takes a deep breath. “i know an infused crumbled lime blunt when i smell it!” he says and you are dumbfounded at your best friend sniffing out the exact blunt you and mark were currently smoking. 
you reach into your pink pouch and pull out another one and hand it to haechan. “here and close the door.” you say while haechan grabs the blunt from your hands like an excited child who just got a cookie. the three of you spend the next hour in a blunt rotation, taking turns smoking and occasionally sharing stories. mark finds out you smoke weed because of your anxiety and that you put haechan onto weed which turned him into a huge pothead. you can tell the weed is starting to hit mark a lot sooner because he just starts to giggle out of nowhere and becomes really smiley, which you find really cute. he also gets really talkative and at some point he confesses to haechan that he’s happy to have become friend with him and the two share a tender moment, even shedding tears; however mark will probably not remember this when he sobers up but haechan definitely will and he’ll be teasing mark about it for weeks. 
you’re happy to find out your best friend and boyfriend are also friends, let alone, are a part of the same frat. making it easier to spend time with either two. you spend the rest of the night high and snacking with the two boys while watching netflix in mark’s room. “thank you, that really helped. i love you.” mark whispers into your ear and it’s the first time either of you have said i love you. you smile widely before sharing a kiss with mark and returning the i love you to him as well. haechan throws a pillow from the floor at the two of you, “get a room!” he says and mark throws the pillow back, “we are in a room. YOU get a room and get out of mine.” he says while haechan rubs his head after the pillow had hit him. the two start to bicker and you just smile and laughing, thinking about how much more fun college is going to be with the two of them around. 
copyright 2024 - present © hoonieyun fka jjhyn all rights reserved
all writing here is fiction & not in any association with characters mentioned.
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sequinsmile-x · 11 months
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This is Our Place, We Make The Rules - Chapter 7 - Grocery Shopping
A collection of non-sequential mini-fics and one-shots of Hotchniss and their life at home.
Chapter 7 - Grocery Shopping
Hi friends,
Just a little fluffy/badass momily thing for you this Saturday evening.
I hope you're all having a lovely weekend <3
Please let me know what you think!
Warnings: none!
Words: 1.8k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily sighs as she exchanges a brief look with her husband in the rearview mirror, smiling sadly at him before returning her attention to their screaming two-month-old daughter. The baby girl was in her car seat, tears streaming down her face as she tries to reach out for her mother who was sitting next to her in the back of the car. 
“Oh Nancy girl,” Emily soothes, reaching out for her tiny hand and kissing it, desperately trying to distract her until she could pick her up as much as she wanted to, “You’re okay.” 
They’d taken Nancy to her two-month check-up with the doctor, and she’d had her first round of shots. Emily had quickly learned that watching her baby getting vaccinations wasn’t any easier even though she’d done it before, memories of bringing Benjamin to have the same shots when he was tiny all flooding back the moment the doctor lifted her baby from her arms.
It was clear Aaron had remembered too. His arms tight around Emily’s waist as he held her in place, physically having to stop her from stepping forward to yell at the doctor like she had last time. A combination of her motherly instincts and the sheer exhaustion that came with having a baby overriding any kind of logic. 
It’s one of the few things that makes her grateful she wasn’t Jack’s mom when he was this small, the thought of having had to do this three times almost too much to bear. 
“We still need to stop by the store,” Aaron says just loudly enough for her to hear over Nancy’s cries, “We have nothing for dinner and she’s almost out of formula.” 
She’d tried to breastfeed her little girl but it hadn’t worked for them. It was difficult from the start in a way it hadn’t been with Benjamin. Nancy hadn’t been able to latch and after several attempts that had ended in tears from both of them and an infection in both of Emily’s breasts she’d relented, desperately trying to convince herself that she wasn’t a failure for it. Aaron had been nothing but supportive, a constant reassurance that she was still everything their daughter needed.
“That’s fine,” she says, making faces at the baby that usually made her laugh, “We may as well come in with you,” she adds, smoothing her fingers over her daughter’s dark hair, “She hates the car at the best of times, maybe if I walk around with her in the store she’ll fall asleep, or at least stop crying.”
Aaron nods and pulls the car into the parking lot, his heart aching at his little girl's cries. He’s grateful that Jess said she’d pick the boys up from school because of the timing of Nancy’s appointment, he knows he wouldn’t have wanted Emily to do this alone. He could feel the tension rolling off of her even where she sat in the back of the car, the nervous energy that only their children could bring out of her flowing from her like a perfume. As soon as the car is parked he undoes his seatbelt and turns to look at her, smiling softly as their eyes meet. 
“I’ll get the carrier from the trunk,” he says gently, “You get her.”
Emily nods and smiles at him as he gets out of the car, opening her door for her as he talks past. She makes quick work of rounding the car and getting Nancy out of the car seat, her lips against her forehead as she rests her on her chest. 
“My poor baby,” she says, kissing her temple, “You’ll feel better soon I promise,” she kisses her head again and freezes at the familiar feeling of being watched. She looks up and spots an older woman who she gauges to be in her late 60s or early 70s looking at them. Emily doesn’t need to be a behavioural analyst to pick up on the judgement in the other women’s eyes, or to see the way she not-so-subtly shakes her head before she walks into the store. 
Aaron walks over and rests his hand on her shoulder, pulling her back into the moment as he squeezes it as she looks up at him, her smile tight. He holds up the baby carrier in his other hand, “Need some help?” 
She would usually say no, fancying herself an expert on holding the wriggliest of babies and being able to safely secure them to her chest with the carrier, but instead, she nods. Her nerves her fried and she knew his were too, and that this was one of those situations where she should let him help. They work together to get the carrier secure around her and Nancy in it, the baby still crying but slightly calmer once she’s settled in her mother’s embrace. 
Aaron smiles at his wife and leans down to kiss her, his lips soft against hers. A silent show of his love, his support. Both of which he had an endless supply of when it came to her and their children, something that when she looked back at her life before him she wasn’t sure how she lived without. 
“I’ll walk her around whilst you get what we need, okay?” She says as they walk towards the entrance of the store and Aaron nods as he grabs a cart, “Hopefully she’ll at least calm down a little.” 
“Of course she will,” he says, kissing her again, “You’re her safe space.” 
She smiles at him, the first genuine one since they’d left the doctor’s office, and she rubs her hand up and down Nancy’s back, her cries still ongoing, “Love you.” 
“Love you too,” he replies, winking at her before they walk into the store and go in separate directions, Aaron walking off at speed so he can get the groceries as quickly as possible, and Emily a little slower, mimicking the pace they’d used in the nursery at home when they were trying to soothe the little girl to sleep. 
Nancy grumbles, rubbing her face against Emily’s chest, her skin sticky with tears, and Emily looks down at her, smiling softly as she cups the back of the infant's head.
“Are you feeling better after seeing the mean doctor?” She asks, sighing sympathetically as her daughter screws her face up again, “Oh sweet girl, I know. Mommy doesn’t like getting shots either.” 
She continues to talk softly as she walks up and down the aisles, her hand rubbing the baby’s back in rhythmic circles. She comes to a stop as she hears an irritated sigh from behind her and she looks over her shoulder to see the same woman from outside just a few paces away from her, her face screwed up in disgust as she shakes her head. Emily gives the benefit of the doubt, spreading a fake smile across her face as she makes a point of stepping out of the way even though there would have been plenty of room to get past her. 
“Sorry,” she says, shifting back and forth on her feet to keep her attempts at soothing Nancy going, “You can go past us we’re just browsing.” 
The woman clears her throat as she walks past, murmuring but clearly still talking loudly enough for Emily to hear, “Maybe you should have just stayed at home.” 
“Excuse me?” Emily challenges, her hold on Nancy tightening as she raises her eyebrows at the other woman.
She turns back to Emily, and crosses her arms over her chest, “I said maybe you should have just stayed home, instead of dragging your crying baby here to disrupt everyone's day.”
Emily scoffs and shakes her head, “I’m sorry, I seem to have missed when I asked for your opinion.” 
The other woman’s mouth falls open in outrage, clearly not anticipating a response, “All I’m saying is that a good mother wouldn't-”
“You don’t know anything about me,” Emily says fiercely cutting her off, “You’ve just decided that because my baby is crying, something that babies are pretty famous for, I’m what? A bad mom?” 
She’s sure she’d usually be upset, that her hormones and the general exhaustion that came with having a newborn and two other children would tip her over the edge into tears, but she’s angry. Irritated that she can’t do anything to make her daughter feel better, and pissed off at the woman who’d decided today was the day she’d give unsolicited advice to a stranger. 
“Is everything okay, sweetheart?” 
Emily looks up at her husband and she immediately knows he’s heard at least some of the exchange. His grip on the handlebar of the cart so tight his knuckles are white. She opens her mouth to reply, to say everything is fine so they can just walk away, but the woman cuts over her, clicking her tongue loudly as she looks in the cart. 
“Formula,” she says, shaking her head, “Of course,” she looks back up at Emily, “Did you even try to breastfeed?”
“Now wait a minute-”
“Okay lady,” Emily says, cutting off her husband’s defence of her, her blood boiling, “You need to back the fuck off,” she seethes, enjoying the disgust that sweeps across the woman’s face at the profanity, “Because baby strapped to my chest or not I will drag you out to the parking lot and fight you, and you’d best believe I’d win.” 
There’s a moment of silence that drags out between them, Emily not relenting in her gaze, her eyes hard and fierce. The woman shakes her head and walks off, muttering under her breath as she goes. Emily turns to look at her husband, her lips pressed together as their eyes meet, and she furrows her brow when she sees the smirk on his face. 
He points to Nancy, and Emily only realises at that moment that she’s fallen asleep, her cheek pressed against her chest, “I can’t believe she fell asleep whilst you were threatening someone.” 
Emily pouts, something she’ll later deny, and she kisses her daughter’s forehead, “That woman started it.” 
He chuckles and wraps his arm around her, pulling her into a hug, “And you ended it,” he kisses her and then puts his hands back on the handlebar of the cart, “No wonder Dave called you Mama Bear.” 
“Aaron.” She says warningly, her dislike of the term well established. He tilts his head towards the cart and points out the peanut butter cups. 
“I got you candy.” 
She hums, narrowing her eyes at him playfully, “Nice save.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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gontagokuhara · 2 months
Its almost 5 am and I have work [today] but heyyyy what if I sent in another fun ask about pointy objects ;) Last time I asked about PO relationship rankings... but what about notable FRIENDSHIPS😭 I definitely think it'd be ridiculous to ask for a ranking of ALL THE FRIENDSHIPS but I'm saying like, I want to know about any specific fun ones we haven't seen that much of, tumultuous OR harmonic, if you want to share!💖
(if I had to rank some though I'd put Fuyupeko at #1 bc ofc they're like brother-sister, andddd Junko-Izuru ONN THE BOOOTTOOOMMM🗣 bc it's Junko duh) (Honorable mentions: Miu & Kiibo bc idk why I'm blanking on where the demi friendships rank) Okay I'm gonna go back to reading the latest chapter bc I gave up on trying to go to sleep💀 I hope you have a great day btw!!! Please say hi to baby Winnifred the Pooh for me and give extra love💘
I realized this weekend after seeing yet another fic I love get orphaned, how spoiled I was with your tumblr and I'm super greatful to be a reader and just consuming the content you share 😭 I really want to contribute more as thanks but I may not have as much time due to school starting soon😓 I'll just say thank you again for now and ofc remind you that you're an absolute BADDIE, please don't forget!!!💖
HELLOOOOOOOO CIDER MY BELOVED <3 as always u bring some of my favorite asks to my inbox so thank u MWAH!!!!! and as always this is for FUNSIES so there’s no obligation (especially if ur busy with school and work!!!) you have already earned ur place in my heart forever ❤️❤️❤️ you are so real about orphaned/abandoned works my favorite fic of all time had its sequel abandoned like 8 years ago…….u really never recover 💔 and i may have done the same to pointy objects for ~3.5 years but we are BACK and pumping out content at any given opportunity because this fic and universe is my baby. so with that said (and winnie said hello to PICTURED BELOW ‼️) lets get into pointy objects analysis mode WOOOOO
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many conversations have been had with my darling beta reader + kokichi correspondent evan @/faglaios about certain dynamics between characters this is like my DREEEEEAM ask because there are so many friendships in the pointy objects verse that are. so special to me. i have a whole list of friendship dynamics that i think are interesting and would yap about But i have so much to say about even just my select few favorites. so here are some honorable mentions before we get to the Big Boys:
- fuyuhiko & peko: i will forever and always ride for the familial dynamic for these two and pointy objects is no exception, as they consider themselves siblings to the same degree fuyu & natsumi do. talk about an unbreakable bond these two are literally almost as close as komaru & makoto are despite (affectionately) bitching at each other significantly more
- hajime & chiaki: not something i’ve been able to explore in-verse, but these 2 are soooo special to me in general and their friendship carries over into pointy objects rejoice ‼️‼️ i specifically singled this one out for the reason that: chiaki, as the goddess of sleep, tends to be pretty absent for long stretches of time, and so there can be decades that pass where she’s just not in hajime’s life. when he’s alone and stressed he talks to her sometimes :)
- kaede & maki: before they began dating they were without reservations each other’s best friend. i have a LOT to say about these two but yay ‼️ for kaemaki nation a lot of time has been dedicated to exploring it in pointy objects <3 so i will hold my tongue. for now
- rantarou & shuuichi: similar dealio here re: exploration in pointy objects canon. granted, rantarou is “dead” for the majority of it, but just as much as they are brothers they are best friends and for as much as i COULD say, i think their dynamic kinda speaks for itself in-fic :>
- miu & kiibo: i will be the first to admit i Do Not Enjoy miu but objectively her best interactions (both in v3 canon + pointy objects) are with kiibo. their dynamic is mutually (lightheartedly) antagonistic like miu knocks their head off five times a day and kiibo runs to tattle on her but like they eat dinner together basically every day and horrifically gossip in very bad whispers. miu clocked kiibo’s crush (overheard kaede talking about it to maki like a year ago lmfao) and became their unasked for wingwoman (she’s very bad at it).
kokichi & kaito: oh goodness. These Two. it has truly been far too long since i played 3-5 and fully Invested in this dynamic but once again from my conversations with evan There is something there . i almost have so much to say that i cant think of Anything to say lmfao so. we’ll put a pin in these 2 for now. but this is one of my favorite pointy objects dynamics.
- kaito & shuuichi / maki & shuuichi: oh training trio how i do love you……both of them have really fun dynamics but the former is definitely a little more well-developed in pointy objects. shuuichi mirrors both of them specifically in his resolve to protect and defend his friends; kaito in his emotional/trust investment and being open and honest both to himself and to the world at large, and maki moreso in the physical sense, in that they tend to be more hands-on and proactive in things that require teamwork (you’ll notice it’s these 2 most often helping others to their feet/to remain upright + at the forefront of public-facing schemes like booking the motel/headlining the convenience store robbery). MUCH to say here (also re: kaito & maki) but yet again i’ve already got so much more to go
- junko & izuru: To Be Continued.
- makoto & junko: exes
WOW! and that was only the honorable mentions 😭 jesus christ. but i saved my favorites/most interesting for last so LETS GO BABEY 🔥🔥🔥
- gundham & sonia: my Personal thoughts on these two have to be divorced from pointy objects canon so i’m speaking specifically on their friendship here. as god of the dark art and goddess of magic they naturally are inclined towards and work with each other, but they’re also just straight-up besties (as much as a grumpy recluse like gundham will allow, especially these days). in Non-crisis times, sonia is one of only a few gods who have near-unlimited access to the underworld. they also have a lot in common in terms of each losing their children within only a few years of each other (sonia with her son who tsumugi killed in her attack on camp pre-barrier, and gundham, we now know, with gonta).
- mondo & fuyuhiko: throwaway joke pointing out their similar organized crime affiliations that evolved rapidly into a like. genuine (business) relationship but also a family-like brotherly bond between them too (fuyuhiko is good at this LOL). there’s a lot of camaraderie (+ arguments) regarding this, as well as their shared isolation and distance from their children. mondo and taka went to fuyuhiko’s house the first night maki was missing both to hash out a game plan on keeping their daughters safe, but also for comfort because…well, at one point or another, they became family.
- maki & tenko: and speeeeaking of family <3 this has been touched on very lightly but of the people maki really has a connection with at camp and specifically considers her friends, tenko is one of those three people (the others being kaede and then later kaito). tenko really had to teach maki what Having Family is like even though she’s hardly the best-equipped to do so, but their shared distance from their godly parents (and lesbianism) helped them foster a dynamic that is very protective and isn’t the most Outwardly affectionate, but is definitely mutually trusting and quietly appreciative. they also train together often (and beat up kaito together when he jumps in too).
- kokichi & gonta: i am a “gonta and kokichi were genuine friends” truther until i die and pointy objects is my love letter to that. i have Many thoughts regarding their canonical relationship [looks at my url] but in my representation of them in pointy objects……when gonta says in his chapter that the two of them are best friends he is 100% correct (for better or for worse). for several years they were in the relatively small (those 2, kaede, miu, and maki) full-time camper group and the 5 of them are naturally more close-knit, but kokichi is…Well. Abrasive. and turns a lot of people off. but gonta was (+ is!) persistent. he sees good in kokichi. they were the only 2 boys at camp full-time for years, and as he did hajime and nagito, gonta lacked other options but to drift towards kokichi with regard to modeling “gentlemanly” behavior after spending so many years not socialized to humans. kokichi would play his usual pranks and mess with him but despite his flighty demeanor…actually U know what i’m just screenshotting my msgs to evan about this i cooked sooooo hard BUT ONE OF MY FAVORITE (and horrificially misunderstood) DYNAMICS <3
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- gonta & kiibo: similar to kaemaki in that their friendship has been explored in-verse before their romantic relationship, but i single them out here because there is something very important to me about the two of them learning how to be people together :] gonta spending half of his life to this point living amongst wolves, and the rest of it playing catch-up on Being A Person and defining for himself what the means and who he wants to be and modeling his goals on the people around him that he admires. kiibo lived for a handful of years as an AI with kazuichi, but has only had a soul for three or so years, and despite having a universe of knowledge at their fingertips they still have to learn what personhood is like outside of scanning text and interpreting data — again, with a relatively small and niche group of gods and demigods to learn from. they meet when kiibo is dropped off at camp by a distraught sonia, and immediately recognize in the other something similar to themselves. they’re both entirely disconnected from human culture, but have a fascination with it to varying degrees. they’re both Different, and still learning how to exist in the world they’ve been cast into, and slowly over time realizing that the kind of ‘person’ they want to be, whatever that means…that inspiration might be a bit closer than they think.
- kaede & kokichi: oh i could write essays on these two i swear to god. another one that needs their own specialized post honestly there is So much here and basically none of it is reliant on v3 canon because we were given so little. i’ve built such a little world for these two in pointy objects it’s easily a top 3 dynamic like Period out of the whole fic it’s soooo important to me. people have pointed out they come across as deeply sibling-coded and that is 100% the intention. as previously mentioned, they were full-time campers early on (kokichi arrived before maki did, even, so they’ve known each other longer) and even back then kaede took it upon herself to tour new kids around camp and get to know them (partially because her other options were Adults, her less-than-ideal twin sister, and gonta who she knows but can’t talk pop culture or music with). i’m holding my tongue on certain Details here but they really have grown up with the faux-exasperated big sister and the playfully-annoying little brother dynamic. and on the surface they very much come across that way and have fun falling into those roles naturally. but there is a significant degree of mutual care between them that goes far beyond any prank or argument or fuck up. kaede, as frustrated as she was when kokichi snuck onto the rv and as serious as she was about her reservations regarding his role in their quest, still stuck to her guns and kept him included and safe once he was there, and genuinely meant it when she told them she believes in all of them more than she’s ever believed in anyone. for as obnoxious and as snide and as withdrawn he can be, in the same breath he’s calling kaede a hokey protag he’s diving between her and syo’s scissors without a second thought. he’s still offering kaede solemn, sincere comfort and reassurance in the aftermath of the call with nagito he hung up for her, and lashing out at anyone he thinks is judging her and going to make her feel worse. the two of them are everything to me. pointy objects kaede/kokichi friendship you will ALWAYS be famous
- shuuichi & kokichi: well we already saw everything up until now IN pointy objects, didn’t we? <3
ok bonus WINNIE ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!
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jeongyunhoed · 5 months
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As seen on my FF.net Also seen on my Ao3
Following the events of fifth year, a new adventure awaits for Norah Lee. Boys, exams, school events, common room parties, and old foes outside of Hogwarts. Even battling pensieve guardians was easier than this.
Main Pair: OC/? Genre: Adventure/Angst/Fluff (it's a little of everything, tbh)
KEEP IN MIND: Characters are aged up (even if the story's got them in sixth year) to make it more appropriate. Time period is leaning towards the modern day so in case you might find anachronisms in the dialogue or references, this is why. This may also be quite a lengthy fic too.
BE WARNED: Social anxiety, mentions of blood and injury, grief, drinking, kissing but nothing more than that, death (this is Hogwarts Legacy, after all)
P.P.S: The more I write this, the more anxious I'm becoming because I usually write 10-chapter fics, but I'm kind of challenging myself to let the plot, the story in itself breathe a lot longer compared to before. I hope I'm doing okay though. I also referenced a spell that in the game canon, wouldn't exist until decades later. But whatever.
And I also kind of lied with this being the party chapter, sorry. We finally know who Nick is!
Chapter 10
As Norah learned, the secret passageway to Hogsmeade would be packed with students on the days of house parties. Prefects provided some cover, along with Gladwin Moon, who would assist in bringing in barrels of butterbeer to the school. If there were teachers that questioned, the cool Hogwarts caretaker would only brush it off as acquiring some flesh-eating slug repellents instead. After all, the One-eyed Witch passage was the only way they could bring in several other drinks and food from Hogsmeade back to Hogwarts without Black or any prissy student, prefect, portrait, gargoyle, or nearby house elf noticing much.
Hufflepuffs were lucky when it came to their parties. They need only take food from the kitchens nearby, with the house elves happily obliging, sometimes even to the point where they happily demanded they bring back more than what they needed.
She was on a little day trip to upper Hogsfield, noticing the old goblin encampment nearby had turned into a wide space where many of its residents held picnics, painted the scenery, and flew kites. After what was happening the entire week, she needed a little break from wandering about the castle. In a span of a year, so much had already changed.
"Ah! Norah! How have you been? Up to your ears with NEWT subjects?" Claire Beaumont, a local merchant whose brother she helped locate, greeted her when she approached. "People are still talking about you taking down Ranrok and his loyalists. You've become quite a heroine."
Norah smiled. "I've been alright, Ms. Beaumont. Just spending my weekend as usual. And yes, I've been up to my ears with all the homework," She said. "How are things?"
"Ah, well, relatively peaceful as usual. Since you took down the loyalist encampments and Ranrok, no ashwinder nor loyalist has set foot in these parts," Claire explained. "But, I do fear now that Harlow's back on the run, growing his followers, that things might go back to the way they were before you came in."
An opportunity to get back on the path to catching Harlow once again, she thought. With all the fuss over Professor Ronen's secret summoners and homework, she nearly forgot she was on the hunt for Harlow since his escape from Azkaban a month ago. "Ms. Beaumont, I don't suppose you haven't...heard of anything else regarding Harlow, have you?" She said, quietly enough that hardly anyone around them heard.
Claire seemed to get the idea of where Norah was coming from. "You're still so young and you're already having to do something no girl your age has to," She sighed. "But, I would advise you to stay away from Horklump Hollow and Spinners Cavern. I heard he's assembling some of his men and women in those places."
"What?" Norah knew of those two places, having ventured into both during fifth year. "Quite risky, assembling in there. They could've easily been killed."
"That's what I thought too," Claire nodded. "I reckon they've turned everything in there upside down and formed their own fortresses. It's too dangerous for you. You should just let the authorities take it from here. You've done enough, you needn't concern yourself with Harlow anymore."
She smiled and shook her head. "He will be after me regardless if I go to him or not, Ms. Beaumont. But you didn't hear it from me."
As she purchased a few potion ingredients, it was now making her think of what to do with Claire's information. She suddenly thought of what Sebastian and Ominis might be up to at the castle. They knew where she was, since she told them before apparating. Did she want to ask for Natty and Poppy's help? Could she get Amit to get down from the Astronomy tower for a moment?
Not wanting to attract too much attention, and also to keep anyone from getting suspicious about why she was there, Norah went to the small coffee shop a little past Claire's. It reminded her of Steepley & Sons, with the cozy interiors, flowery wallpaper and decorative plates. She ordered herself a coffee, thinking that by waiting, she'd come up with a plan.
Before leaving the castle, she finally took the chance to reply to "Nick." He was all she could think about since figuring it out. But even as she was sure it was him, anxiety crept in, questioning if she was certain it was who she thought it was. There was still a chance that it was someone else entirely.
Norah brought all the letters "Nick" sent with her during this little outing. The thought of possibly confirming her suspicions at the Gryffindor party that was going to happen in the night ahead seemed to make her anxious. Anxious in a way that she was looking forward to meeting the very boy who was giving her riddles and leading her to the secret dating spot in the Forbidden Forest she discovered in fifth year.
After paying for her drink, she left the shop. She didn't want to pull anyone else into what she planned to do while she casually left the hamlet. Yes, she was certain she needed to go at it alone. Until the nagging thoughts of what Professor Weasley told her, and of Sebastian, of Ominis, and of Natty, what the three of them have told her off for. This time around, she needed a reminder that she couldn't face everything on her own.
Especially when it might lead to her risking her life once again.
Norah groaned, torn between what she planned to do and what she also had to do. Taking another step forward in the direction of Horklump Hollow, she was still contemplating on whether or not to tell anyone she knew, at the very least, Claire and the widow Dorothy Sprottle. She needed to return in time to get ready for the party at the very least. They had all agreed to meet Natty by the Faculty Tower entrance.
Still undecided on whether to go alone or tell someone, Norah went ahead anyway, walking in the direction of the entrance of Horklump Hollow. She wondered how Harlow would manage to set up a base in there. It would be nothing more than an old troll dwelling, since the last time she ventured inside. As for Spinner's Cavern, however, not every spider was killed there. She wouldn't be surprised if the grounds of Spinner's Cavern would remain littered with more dead poachers and Ashwinders from spider bites and entanglements.
Maybe this could be her chance to continue practicing non-verbal spellcasting, especially after learning more spells in the past week. Including a few seemingly unsanctioned spells with Sebastian, one of which was quite bloody if cast correctly. The thought of using newly learned spells in a possible battle with more poachers and Ashwinders occupied Norah's mind the closer she got.
Unsurprisingly, there were some poachers keeping watch at the entrance of the cavern aptly named for having an abundance of horklumps. An Ashwinder ranger, known to be skilled in casting petrificus totalus, flanked by two others dressed in their yellow jackets.
She was about to take another step forward when she felt a hand grab her shoulder. Norah nearly yelled in surprise when she saw the faces of none other than Sebastian, Poppy, and Cressida. Sebastian and Poppy in particular, were looking at her as-a-matter-of-factly. "Bloody Merlin, you almost gave me a heart attack," She slapped Sebastian's arm.
"We couldn't let you follow a lead on your own, you know," Poppy pointed out, although the wide grin on her face seemed to suggest she was unsurprisingly preoccupied.
"A lead? Are you following Harlow?" Cressida questioned, making the three of them shush her. "Sorry," She whispered. "If you were wondering, I accidentally summoned Sebastian's name. I was supposed to summon someone else."
Sebastian looked incredulous, while Norah bit back a laugh as did Poppy. "That was mean, but I appreciate the effort, I guess."
"Sorry," Cressida mumbled. "So, how can I help the three of you?"
"You're just as brilliant at non-verbal spells anyway. I'm afraid we're up for a little game of cat and mouse," Norah explained. "Ever been to Horklump Hollow, any of you?"
"You told us about that," Poppy said. "You had to take down a troll in there. But what's so special about Horklump Hollow? Aside from all the horklumps?"
"Claire Beaumont told me that Harlow and his cronies are turning this and Spinner's Cavern into their own forts, out of sight so no authorities can raid them, probably," Norah explained, looking back at the entrance. "Why would they want to take over two places that are undoubtedly so dangerous? I reckon there are still hundreds of spiders being bred in the other cave."
"Spiders?" Cressida looked horrified. "Trolls? Harlow? We could be killed in there."
"You think it's time to bust inside that cave?" Sebastian asked. "Say the word, Norah."
Norah wasn't sure. "We're just going to take a better look, see if what people in Upper Hogsfield have suspected are correct. I don't think anyone's been inside Horklump Hollow for a while."
The four of them quietly went down the path towards the cavern. A pack of dark mongrels were wandering nearby. Not wanting to deal with those, they obscured themselves with the disillusionment charm, doubled with the invisibility potion Norah handed each of them. Fully unseen, they approached the entrance. Sebastian and Norah led the way, petrifying everyone standing by until they fell to the ground, completely frozen.
They entered the cavern, hearing a commotion coming from the light at the end. The closer they got, they saw that the suspicions were correct. It wasn't clear how long, but the open space, where the troll cage used to be, was cleared out and turned into somewhat that of a headquarters. Trunks of treasures and other sorts were strewn around, and the mound of concrete and debris Norah remembered having to climb over to get to the passage going out was cleared out, with makeshift stairs and ramps in place.
The gap that Norah remembered having to jump over was since covered with planks. "How oddly considerate," Poppy muttered as they pressed on, walking over the planks until they approached the slope. "This place used to be a dungeon, from the looks of it."
"Yeah," Sebastian agreed, sticking close to Norah while they led the way, "Nature seems to have a way of taking what's theirs, from how run down everything is."
"There's no other way to go but down," Norah told them. "If we want to move forward, we'll be surrounded by these poachers and ashwinders. We'll need to find out more, we can't do anything just yet. Let's go back."
"With Victor Rookwood gone, how many other Ashwinders left are now working for Harlow."
They heard someone say from above. The four of them stopped. It was a group of Ashwinder scouts, most of their faces obscured by the masks they wore, with exception of their eyes.
"That child ruined everything we've worked for. We could've had it all. We could've had all the galleons in the world," Another one said, making Sebastian and Norah exchange looks. "Children should be seen and not heard, Victor Rookwood always used to say that."
"We'll be back and running soon enough, once we've cleared out this stinkhole of a place. Drain the waters, and maybe connect this to the other cavern," A third Ashwinder scout said, only to be met with slaps. "Ouch!"
"Once we recruit more to our cause, we'll have enough firepower to restart our empire. Breed dugbogs and kappas or something like that. And then, maybe kidnap a few people as an insurance policy. If that child knows what's good for her, she won't dare do anythin' to them."
"Why take those when we can get the child herself? Those seem like a waste of time."
"Yeah. Show her the meaning of pain. Inflict a cruciatus curse or two, torture her until she goes insane, that one."
Norah, Sebastian, Cressida, and Poppy quietly backed further into the entrance of the hollow. Removing the disillusionment charm, they went to what was once the loyalist encampment near the stream. "Bloody hell, they're after us, they're after you," Cressida panicked.
"They're planning on breeding more dangerous dugbogs?" Was what Poppy took away from the conversation they overheard. "And what else? Continue Horntail Hall?"
"They're planning on kidnapping people," Sebastian muttered. "Especially you."
Norah studied their expressions. All of whom looked worried, concerned, and in Sebastian's case, a little annoyed at what they had just overheard. If they planned on doing those things. As far as they knew, Harlow's army would connect Horklump Hollow to Spinner's Cavern, perhaps through the use of goblin-made drills or even bombs. It was unclear whether she, Fig, and the teachers succeeded in taking down every last goblin loyalist in the caverns of the school.
There seemed to be one way to find out. "If they plan on doing what they say they're doing, then we're in for quite a search," She said.
When it came to common room parties, it was an excuse for the girls to show up in less than formal party attire. Norah, as well as Natty and Poppy all decided to get dressed in the Room of Requirement, which also provided them with some makeup to put on, out of wanting to really enjoy the night. As Norah was more familiar with what muggles tend to do at house parties, from the movies she had seen, she helped Natty and Poppy with their looks, while they changed into their outfits.
"Andrew says he'll be meeting me at the Transfiguration courtyard," Poppy said excitedly, stepping out from behind the changing partition in a yellow dress, in keeping with her house colors.
"Henry and I agreed to meet there too," Natty added, sporting a simple red blouse and jeans. The red blouse was part of her traditional wear in her home country. "We can go there together. What about you, Norah? Did you meet 'Nick' yet?"
Oh right, Nick. Norah was dressed in an emerald green high-neck blouse under a black leather jacket and a denim skirt that went a little above her knees. Her wavy brunette locks were tied in a ponytail, some parts of it curled thanks to a spell Natty knew when it came to styling hair. Parts of Poppy's light brown tresses were also curled while the Gryffindor herself let some strands of her hair fall in front of her eyes.
"I haven't, I'm sure he'll make himself known to me at the party itself. He might even be helping set up the party, don't you think?" Norah grinned, putting on very light makeup in front of the mirror.
The two girls giggled, going off into a conversation about the two boys they were to meet. Norah smiled to herself. Looks like sixth years in the wizarding world weren't that different from muggles in the same year. Especially when it came to possible romance. It was almost as if they didn't risk their lives in Horklump Hollow earlier.
Once they were ready, they left the Room of Requirement, already seeing some of their fellow students dressed much casually, passing by every now and then. Amit, in particular, had just come down from the Astronomy tower after a few hours of stargazing. He too, was also dressed to enjoy the festivities that lie ahead in the common room.
"Wow, the three of you look great," A blush appeared on the Ravenclaw's cheeks. "Andrew's already at the courtyard waiting for you, by the way, Poppy. Shall we go? Where's Sebastian and Ominis?"
"Probably back at the common room," Norah replied, although she knew Sebastian would be in the Undercroft. As for Ominis, she wasn't sure. Having heard him talk about gillyweed earlier, she suspected he might be in the greenhouses trying to see if Professor Garlick kept some. She wasn't even sure if Ominis planned to go to the party, in the midst of getting preoccupied with what was in front of her.
The four of them walked down the staircase, passing by Arthur Plummly along with the girl he had secretly summoned. Nevertheless, Norah went with the three of them all the way down to the Transfiguration courtyard. Henry and Andrew were caught up in conversation until they stopped upon seeing Natty and Poppy. Both boys had the biggest smiles on their faces, something Norah was happy to notice.
"Don't be surprised if you see Poppy in your common room, Amit," She teased, and the blush reappeared on his cheeks at the thought, making her snicker.
"Hello Norah, Amit," Henry and Andrew acknowledged their presence. "You look beautiful, Hogwarts heroine."
The sudden compliment took her by surprise, and she just shook her head. "I tried," She said.
"She's always been so humble," Natty pointed out with a chuckle. "Even when she won Crossed Wands."
"Beginner's luck?" Norah shrugged, making them laugh. "Well, I guess I'm off to find Sebastian and Ominis. Amit, we can go to the greenhouses, there's a chance Ominis might be there as well as Samantha," She said.
The assertion seemed to make Amit's already ruddy cheeks even ruddier. Not wanting to say more, he gave a wave to the four before following Norah to the Central Hall. They passed through the crowds of students gathering by the fountain and sitting around, some of whom were waving at them as they went through the doors that led to the greenhouses.
"You haven't met your summoner yet?" Amit suddenly asked as they climbed down the staircase.
Norah shook her head. "Haven't received a letter from him either. Perhaps I'll see him at the party itself."
"He's being mysterious until now, eh?" Amit chuckled as they looked around for a sign of the two. He easily found Samantha, who was sitting on the nearby bench. "Wow, you look beautful," He sputtered.
Samantha grinned. "You look just as dashing yourself," She said. Catching sight of Norah, she waved. "See you and your "Nick" later."
Norah smiled. "Have you seen Ominis?"
"Oh, he's downstairs over there," Samantha pointed to the tree at the very end. "Watch your step. We'll see you."
As the pair walked off, Norah climbed down the stairs that led to the room where several othe plants and weeds were kept. There Ominis was, waving his wand around trying to find the gillyweed she remembered him talking about. But Ominis looked quite different, a little more casual especially when a lock of his blonde hair went a little out of place, sticking out over his forehead. With a dark green dress shirt under - to her surprise - a leather jacket. He looked especially handsome.
"Feeling rebellious, Gaunt?" She teased, making the blonde stop looking, his sentient wand pointed at her.
Ominis tilted his head. "What do you mean?"
"Did Sebastian put you up to wearing a leather jacket?" She continued. "This isn't something the rest of us see everyday. Especially of you, a Gaunt."
"O-oh," He sputtered, cheeks turning pink from embarrassment. "I thought I'd try something new for a change. Parties didn't seem to interest me much, but I am willing to give it a go now."
"Well, you look really handsome," Norah paused. "Nick."
There it was. She said it. Ominis froze. He felt his heart skip a beat at the name she called him. "...At last, you've figured it out," A smile crept up on his lips.
"I had a feeling it was you, possibly from the very first note you sent me," She said. "The only other person who would know about that secret date spot in the Forbidden Forest would be someone the likes of you."
"Family secret, I'm afraid. Goes back to when Apollonia Black and Richard Jackdaw first dated," Ominis explained, slowly gaining some confidence. "Another secret aunt Noctua told me about before she ventured into the Scriptorium."
Norah smiled. "And the riddles always seem to mention eyes, seeing, or not being able to see, or telling a close friend the answer to those riddles. It kind of led me to think maybe you summoned my name."
Should he tell her? Should now be the time? Ominis needed to make a decision and fast. "Well I didn't want to have to spend the entire week writing to someone else," He blurted out.
"Well, I didn't know you wrote poems," Norah teased. "How did you come to learn about Nick and Nora Charles? Aside from me telling you?"
That was a detail she was curious about him knowing. "One time in the library, Sebastian noticed a book that fell out of your bag."
"Oh," She mouthed. "You remembered that, huh?"
"Hasn't Sebastian told you? I have the memory of an elephant."
Norah laughed at the comparison. "No he hasn't. I guess we haven't talked enough to know those details."
"I suppose not," Ominis said quietly. Not wanting to let a silence ensue over them, he cleared his throat and looked aound. "I was actually here looking for gillyweed."
Norah went up to him, linking her arm with his, taking him by surprise. "I can tell you all about what I saw from the merpeople in fifth year."
Ominis looked flabbergasted as he allowed himself to be led back up the staircase. "You what?!"
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
Small dick Charles (because lately it's been haunting my mind) but I'm making it angsty (because I feel like torturing our boy) (also thank you for making me Charles angst anon, I'm honored and I'm not gonna let you down 🫡)
So we know that most previous partners weren't good for Charles. They made fun of him or left him as soon as they found out about his little dick. And because of that he was insecure. But you showed him that he doesn't have to be. Of course he can pleasure himself and (what is most important for him) he can pleasure you and be a good boy for you. The size of his cock doesn't matter here. And he finally starts to believe you and understand that he is enough just the way he is. He accepts himself, although he needs a lot of praise and compliments from you. But it's okay, anything for your boy.
That's until one of the race weekends. Charles is standing in the circle with few other drivers and they're talking. They're immature kids, so of course they talk about sex. Charles is rather silent because he doesn't like to share this part of his life. You're his mommy and everything you do to him stays with him. Why would someone else listen about it?
"And why are you silent Charles? That's because you can't pleasure your mommy with your small dick?" (they know that he is small, it's just visible that there's no bulge in his jeans or fireproofs)
George is the first one who bring up the topic and then others go on with it. They're making fun of him, asking if he's able to do anything with his cock, if he can penetrate you or is he too small. And they think that these are just jokes (very cruel ones), but not for Charles. They may not know it, but Charles takes it very personally. And he is so sad because why are they doing this to him? He thought that they're friends, so they shouldn't hurt him. It hurts twice as much because they're laughing at something Charles has no control over. He just can't change it. Of course he would like to have a bigger cock but he can't. And just as he was finally beginning to accept himself, someone showed up to destroy it again.
When Charles gets to you he isn't just crying, he is fully sobbing his heart out, throwing himself in your arms. And you hold him through this, try to be strong but you can't help sadness flooding you. Your poor little boy, you feel so sorry for him. Because he suffers so much from something over which he has no control. And now all because of his called friends. Great. The only thing you can do it now is The only thing you can do now is offer him your closeness and rebuild his confidence again. It's gonna be hard, but again - anything for your boy.
(And quite by accident you can tell Lando, George and Alex's doms about this situation, hoping that they will be punished for hurting your boy)
- 🪸
I am already regretting naming you the Charles angst anon, but I suppose that's exactly what I should have expected from the Charles angst anon, so keep up the good work!!
Firstly, I love the idea that Charles gets his confidence because he realises he can make you feel good? He LOVES going down on you, it's legitimately his favourite thing ever. It takes him a long time to actually fuck you, because he's terrified that you won't even feel him (which is what a partner had told him once and it absolutely devastated him).
But honestly, you like his size. Sure you've had bigger before, but you like it. You never hurt the next day, and don't require too much prep. Above all else, it's Charles. He's your good boy, and you're his mommy. How could he be anything other than perfect?
It takes him a long time to accept that he can actually make you feel good, that he's good enough for his mommy. And even once he has accepted that, his confidence can still be shattered instantly.
But he's doing better. Genuinely, he's doing so much better.
Until one race weekend when he's chatting with everyone. Maybe they just finished a media conference or something? So they're all standing around and chatting, waiting for their respective teams to come fetch them.
They're all subs, and so naturally they tend to talk about it. Usually Charles doesn't mind it too much, he just nods and will occasionally share some information of his own. That's why they all know he calls you mommy.
But truth be told, he doesn't like sharing his sex life with anyone, even his friends who are also subs. It's not that he's ashamed of it, because of course he isnt. It's just... that's between him and his mommy? He belongs to his mommy. No one else gets to see that side of him, and he doesn't want anyone else to know anything about what he does with his mommy.
Today they're chatting about what it's like when they fuck their Doms, about how it happens and why.
Charles isnt engaging in the conversation at all. He's only recently started fucking you and he doesn't want anyone else to know about that.
But his friends notice he hasn't said anything and decide to tease him, asking if he's too small to fuck his mommy. Instantly Charles wants to run away, but his friends are just joking and don't actually know he has a small member, so if he runs then they'll know for sure that he actually does.
Everyone joins in and they all start joking about him having a small dick. Poor Charles just feels so broken. Why are they being so mean to him? Why won't they just move on?
His friends think they're just having fun, but Charles is breaking inside. They're poking fun at his biggest insecurity and they haven't even bothered to notice how upset it's making him.
Eventually he manages to escape them and then he just runs to you.
Even though he feels like every moment he's made you feel good has been a lie, he still wants his mommy. He wants love and comfort and to be held tight.
You've never seen your good boy so upset, and he fully sobs in your arms. He can't even get the words out. You have no idea what's happened yet, but you're panicking because Ferrari will be looking for Charles soon and he's in no state to be in public right now.
So you just comfort him as best you can, holding him right and rubbing his back. Eventually he manages to calm down enough to speak, and then your heart just breaks.
Even though they didnt know Charles actually did have a small dick, why would they tease him about that? Who does that?
Poor Charles has his confidence utterly shattered.
The night before he was smily and giggly as he was grinding against you, shameless in showing you he was horny and hard. But the next night he takes his clothes into the bathroom to get changed after he showers, not even wanting you to see him get changed.
You have to build his confidence back up, praising him and promising him that you are so happy with him. You have to be slow with it, careful not to push him too hard.
But he gets there, because he's your good boy and you're his mommy. He must trust whatever his mommy tells him.
And his mommy is telling him that he's the best boy ever.
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danthropologie · 1 year
okay i get that it’s narratively important for daniel to be driving his old car but he’s driving a world championship winning car, and for sure it’ll show christian what he can do with it :) so honestly if you think about it we kinda won. and speaking of the narrative how’re we feeling about seb and danny driving together?😭😭
ok yes true you're right BUT, like i said in that post, they could push it one year further and have him drive the rb9, the car that he tested with in 2013 that ultimately got him the red bull seat the first time around!! still a championship winner, still something to throw a little extra fuel on his fire, but ALSO narratively important, to the point where daniel himself has drawn parallel between that 2013 test and his current round of testing this year!! and since nurburgring happens the weekend after monza, the idea that he could go straight from a monza tyre test that may or may not play a factor in getting him a seat next year into a show run in the car that DID get him a seat 10 years ago??? that would fucking hit SO fucking hard it's actually crazy to even think about. but apparently red bull doesn't have The Vision and that's fine 🙄 we'll deal 🙄
but like you're saying, the dan / seb rbr 2014 lineup angle is SOOOOO rich narratively speaking that there's still a lot to sink your teeth in even without a narratively important car. like even just the idea of seb doing everything he needed to do, feeling ready for a new challenge, etc, meanwhile daniel's still that (relatively) young hungry kid, relentlessly chasing, constantly hoping, ready for the fight, etc etc etc......their journeys so different but at the same time so similar.........ultimately bringing them right back to the same place.......delicious
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bilbao-song · 10 months
hello it's your secret rocker santa again! so sorry it's taken me a few days to respond - you are right on when you say this time of year is hectic! hopefully you'll get some time to relax and enjoy things too?
ok so i confess i am only familiar with ELO's big hits like don't bring me down, livin thing, mr. blue sky (and i think sweet talkin woman and some other songs were played on something i watched recently and i yelled out ELO!). i understand about the song v. album recommendation, as i am pretty much an album listener as well. my spotify wrapped thing said so, so you know it's true!
i listened to eldorado at lunch this week and i really liked it! i liked the blend of classical music and how lush the sound was. i also listened to out of the blue and liked it a lot! i think starlight was my favorite track, but i also liked across the border - it had a sound that was a little reminiscent of one of my favorite beach boys songs, heroes and villains. anyway thank you for the recommendations, i was very happy to listen to full albums!
this may seem like the most obvious question, but how did you get into jeff lynne and ELO? what appeals to you most about him as an artist?
hope you have had a good week so far!!
hiiiii!!! it's okay!! it's a busy time :') i don't even have that much going on atm and it still seems to be hectic haha. but yesss so far it's been a really nice Holiday Season™ :-) i hope you're enjoying it too!! are there any seasonal activities you usually do this time of year??
i'm glad you like eldorado!! i have a hard time choosing favorites, but it's a strong contender for my favorite album of all time...at least like, tied with 3-4 others haha. i also think it's perfect for fall (and winter tbh!) so i'm usually particularly in the mood for it around this time of year. and YES across the border is one of my favorites!! it gets compared to heroes and villains quite a bit, which i definitely understand; they have really similar vibes overall
hmmmmm well!!! i was more or less always aware of ELO (i was pretty much raised as a 70s music enjoyer) but it just kind of gradually evolved into madness over time for me. out of the blue was the first full ELO album i listened to and i was kind of instantly obsessed with it :') otherwise!!! i don't even know where to begin tbh. i looove his voice (i always feel like his voice/vocal ability is somewhat underappreciated tbh. he's very versatile lmao) and just??? his overall Sound = happiness to me at this point :') it's just so deeply ingrained in my life i don't even know how to describe exactly what it is for me haha. generally though, there's a certain Zestiness that a lot of the 70s ELO songs have that i just love (and that's basically what initially hooked me), BUT i'm also really attached to the newer sound as well. idk!!! i truly like it all so it's hard to describe very specifically lmao
anyway :-) sorry for taking awhile to reply again!! hope ur having a good weekend!!
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1d1195 · 1 month
Bestie of course it was worth the wait!! And you know all of us would LOVE to see them run into Lauren🤭and I love the DRAMA that you bring!! I eat it up every time!!
It sucks sometimes being on a quarter system bc my friends who are on a semester system come back home when im still at school and leave while im still on break😔 THE TIMING/PLANNING SUCK! anyways lol commuting was an easy option for me solely because of money and i know that if i had any little inconvenienceI would want to go back home since it’s about a half hour drive without traffic lol and such a slay on getting scholarships!!!
WDYM YOU HAVE ONE FULL WEEK LEFT?!? This is so tragic 😭 sure you do get a big break but I’m sure there’s a lot of prep that goes into starting a new year and like people forget that summer school is a thing and you need teachers for that! I totally get how it may feel like it wasn’t enough so it’s okay! And yeah meeting up with people who typically don’t put enough interest kinda sucks and I don’t blame you for not wanting to make time. That doesn’t make you a bad person/friend! You got to put your time/energy into things that you enjoy! Plus life gets busy so anyone will understand!
Side note what’s been your top pick in your latest smut/romance book binge?!
You did write a lovely ending for the Zipper couple! Obviously I would love to read anything you come up with BUT if you the creator don’t feel particularly inclined or inspired that’s fine! If you feel like their story is finished pretty well, then that’s a good thing!
Thank you for constantly being so kind and encouraging 😭💗 I’m kinda struggling a bit for motivation so your words are so sweet! The weekend was uneventful, nothing crazy! Hope yours was relaxing! Sending lots of love!-💜
I'm sure I can scrounge something up eventually for her to run into Lauren🤭
I can't IMAGINE. That seems so weird that the quarters don't line up with a semester schedule! It stinks you can't see your friends either. I would do anything to save $1 so you don't have to explain the commuting to me.
I have admittedly done very little prep and I feel SO guilty about it :( Every time I go to prep I'm like "nope. I want to write about Harry" so it's like, I'm not getting paid to prep nor write so I may as well do the thing I actually want to.
Ma'am I don't know where to begin. My TikTok page is all book snippets and I've been on a huge enemies to lovers kick. It's this intertwined series--it's sports themed. The first one was hockey Mile High (the girl works on his travel plane as a flight attendance and he's obsessed with her because she doesn't give a shit who he is. But he's a celebrity manwhore and doesn't do relationships of course and he bothers her the entire flight) and the one I'm currently reading is about basketball The Right Move (the flight attendant from the hockey book is his twin sister. She convinces him to let her friend move in with him after a bad break up. They have to fake date for his squeaky clean reputation and he enjoys it WAY more than he should hehehehe) they're 10/10 and so lovely. Exactly what I want to read.
I think you're right about Zipper but I do LOVE them and miss them 😭 But it's kinda like how I feel about TV shows that continue past their prime. I don't think I want to extend it beyond what they need.
My weekend was very relaxing! I didn't do a whole lot but that's okay. I feel like I've got a packed week this week unfortunately but I'm really excited about my new post for today. I hope it pans out the way I want 🤭 Any time you need encouragement you just let me know! I'm rooting for you! 💕
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casspurrjoybell-20 · 2 months
FOOLS - Chapter 57 - Part 2
BOOK ONE: The 'Fools Fall in Love' Trilogy
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*Warning Adult Content*
Noah Wright
May finally got around meaning graduation was just two weeks away and Prom was this weekend.
In all honesty, I just wanted to graduate so I could get the hell out of there and Prom was the last thing I wanted to think about.
Though, with all the shitty propaganda prom posters taped all over the walls, it was hard not to think about it.
"So," Emily started as she plopped down at the lunch table with her tray of food, followed by Jason, Carter and Kaitlyn.
Sam and I were already there.
"I was thinking since it's our senior year, well for some of us."
'Sam and Carter were juniors'.
"We should go out with a BANG for Prom. We can all chip in for a stretch-limousine, then afterwards, party at my house. My parents won't be home, so we can drink 'not that they'd really care' but you guys can also sleep over. How does that sound?"
She was bug-eyed with excitement.
"I'm down for an after party but I don't think I'm gonna go to Prom," I told the group.
"What? Come on, it's our senior year," Jason whined.
"I know, it's just things are different now," I looked at Sam and he had a sad expression on his face.
I'm happy that Sam and I are talking and hanging out again.
We actually have gotten closer since the conversation we had in my bedroom after my dad's funeral.
That was almost a month ago.
More times than not, I just wanted to grab Sam and have heated makeup sex with him but I was sure that was just my teenage horny self talking.
However, I knew Sam felt the same way.
I mean, I couldn't be the only one sensing the sexual tension between us but if we started dating again, I was afraid I'd fuck up our relationship beyond repair.
I didn't want to do that.
With that being said, going to a dance with him 'even if we're with the others' would be torture.
I'd want to dance with him and kiss him, hold him.
Not go as friends.
"Okay, I'm just gonna' bring up the elephant in the room," Carter started.
"I get that you and Sam broke up and I get that you're going through a lot right now with everything that happened," he said and I assumed he was referring to the fact that my dad died three weeks ago.
"Life sucks, it does. It's really shitty but we're all gonna be there, you should go."
"Geez, Carter, insensitive much?" Emily asked sarcastically.
"I'm sorry, Noah," Carter continued.
"I can't even imagine what you're going through but Prom just wouldn't be the same without you."
The word 'yeah' echoed around the table.
I sighed and picked through my pasta salad.
"Maybe I'll go. I don't know," I said.
Thankfully 'satisfied with my answer or not' they let it go and started up a new conversation.
After lunch, Sam caught up with me and we walked in silence for a good three seconds before he brought up exactly what I knew he'd bring up.
"About the lunch-time conversation..." I cut Sam off.
"Sam, I said maybe, okay? Accept that answer and I'll think about it."
"I know you, Noah. Your 'maybe' will turn into a 'no' after you think of a thousand reasons not to go."
But I only have one reason not to go.
"Please, I want you to go."
I grabbed him by his wrist and went into the nearest empty classroom.
"You don't get it. I don't want to go to Prom because of you," I told him.
The look of crushed hope was not unfounded on Sam's face.
"Noted," he muttered, then slipped his hand out of my grasp.
I sighed in frustration and ran my hand through my hair.
"I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be a dick but can you blame me for not wanting to go? Going to a dance with my ex-boyfriend is not something I'd like to endure."
"I don't get it. You said we could be friends."
"For you," I exclaimed then lowered my voice before continuing.
"I said that for you. I'm glad we're hanging out again and it's less awkward now but I don't know if we could truly ever go back to how we used to be."
"Why not?" Sam was getting angry and I knew he didn't like me being so brutally honest with him.
"Because we kissed, dated, had sex, told each other that we loved each other. Then all that stopped. That's why. Things are different now, Sam. Stop pretending like it's not."
He didn't understand.
Sam and I being friends was ten times more difficult and sexually frustrating than it was with Kaitlyn.
I had no desire to get back with Kaitlyn.
With Sam, I did.
"I won't go to your Prom then."
Sam crossed his arms stubbornly.
I rolled my eyes.
"What? Why?"
"I don't want to be the reason for you to not go to your Senior Prom. So if I'm the only one holding you back, then I won't go," he said simply with a shrug.
I sighed.
"Sam, you're going to the Prom. You love school dances and you have been excited for Prom ever since you moved here."
"I loved the dances because you went. So, if you're not going, I'm not going," he told me matter-of-factly.
Damn, Sam knows how to guilt trip me into everything.
Sam raised his eyebrows as if asking for me to explain.
"Fine, I'll fucking go to the Prom."
I rolled my eyes.
"Stop smiling like you just won a God-damn award," I said and Sam chuckled.
I smiled, not feeling frustrated anymore.
"Are we going to class or not?"
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footballffbarbiex · 4 months
Amy hiii! How are you doing?? I hope everything you’ve been going through feels a bit lighter and better now 🙏. I see you as a big sis I have never had and I cannot talk about sex with anyone around me. If it is okay for you to answer my question, I would be soooo glad 🥺. I have just had my first sex experience with all intercourse etc. My partner helps me a lot but I want to ask you something. He makes me come first with non penetrative stuff (I didn’t feel anything arousal while his penis in my vagina, idk whether it is okay or I just feel like this because it is just new to me) but the problem is after I cum, I totally lose my interest in sex, like I don’t want to do anything related to it. But before having orgasm I am all in, passion is there. I don’t want it to end like this. Is it normal experiencing something like this or is something wrong with me?
hello bb! I'm good thank you, though it feels this week has been all too rushed. I've had more shifts at work and I've been trying to juggle those, house cleaning and chores with socialising with friends, trying to be a good mother and a loving, present girlfriend but for some reason, this weekend it's felt more stressful? in general, how are you honeybun?
I just wanted to say a big thank you for trusting me to give a non judgemental reply and offer advice to the best of my knowledge. it honestly means the world to me that I'm able to be a safe place for you to come here to ask. I'll put my reply under the cut because it may be long.
firstly, the fact that your partner takes the time to ensure that you're aroused and brings you to an orgasm is just amazing. so many people don't have someone who is so willing to provide you pleasure! so this makes me happy that this person is trying to make this experience as enjoyable for you as possible. trust me when I tell you, it makes the world of difference.
secondly, there's nothing wrong with you at all. at. all. so please, don't think there is. an orgasm is truly a wonderful thing but it can have several different effects for different people. for some, it makes them drowsy and makes them want to sleep. for some others, it's a perfect way to continue. for some others, once they've cum, and this applies to men, they just want to move on from what they've done and forget about it.
I know a lot of men who when watching porn, if they reach an orgasm before the video has finished, they have no interest in it and seek to clean themselves up, turn it off and just forget what they did because it's over. and sometimes you can go through each of these stages depending on your mood! there are no doubt more examples, but these are just a few off the top of my head.
but the important thing to remember here is that there is no right way to deal with this.
I found after having sex for the first time, it wasn't enjoyable at all for me. we'd never had any foreplay at all, the most we'd done was make out and he'd done some dirty talk and I "joked" about him just having sex with me to get it over and done with. 30 seconds later, our underwear was off, and my virginity was gone and he had finished. it took over a month for me to truly begin to enjoy sex. before that, it felt weird, not pleasurable and something I did because he was a teenage boy who was finally getting his penis wet.
once it became enjoyable, things changed - especially when we began to learn about each other's body and what turned us on. from the sounds of things, your partner has already started to get the swing of yours which is such a good start.
something else I want to ask is, how did you partner react after this happened? and how did that reaction make you feel? you could try ways to get you aroused without an orgasm, ie enough to be turned on in order to have sex (should this be the goal for your session as many people are happy with simply foreplay and no sex to follow) and once everything is done, you could have your orgasm at the end. that way, once you have finished, it's all wrapped up in a bow and you don't need to be feeling uncomfortable about trying to think of ways to end whatever sexual act you're doing.
I can only speak from my own experiences and conversations I've had in the past regarding orgasms and relationships, so I can't do so for everyone but if anyone has experienced anything similar or have an input that that they'd like to share with this nonny to help, please do but remember to be respectful.
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 8 months
Wreckless - Careful He-man
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*Warning Adult Content*
The bath feels fantastic but I don't stay in too long because one... the movie two... I've been in water all day and three... Emmett is out in the bedroom on the cell-phone.
He told me it was his dad which may be really, really confusing for him right now.
I crack myself up.
I get myself settled on the couch and he comes down looking upset.
"I'm sorry, I wanted to help you out of the tub. You shouldn't have to do this right now."
"I'm okay. Can you sit with me?"
And somehow I am.
Did I prefer last time when he wrapped me all up?
Of course.
Am I incapable of drying myself off and slipping on some undies?
"Of course, let me get us something to drink."
I didn't realize how thirsty I am until he says that.
I suck down about half the bottle and he's watching me, wide-eyed, when I finish.
"You must have gotten into trouble in college, Finn. That's a heck of a chug."
I shrug because my brain immediately tries to think of a sucking cock joke.
Swallowing, am I right?
All the better to suck your cock with, my dear?
No, crap, now it's too late.
"Need anything else?"
"Just you."
"I hope you're not too sore, Finn, was that too much?"
"Shhh, movie. I'm okay. Can we talk about it tomorrow?"
I wanna stay in the little bit of headspace I have and watch my movie.
Then it's story time.
I can adult tomorrow.
"Of course, sorry."
There's only about twenty minutes left and I look at the clock when it's over.
"It's the weekend, you can stay up a little later if you want to."
I do but story.
Plus, he looks tired.
"No, wanna snuggle. You'll read to me?"
"I promised, didn't I? Brush your teeth first and I'll meet you up there."
He has adult house crap to do but I don't.
I just have to brush my teeth and climb into bed and it's glorious.
He brings me up my night cup and then steals the bathroom for a minute.
I worry that he's worried.
As he's climbing in to bed I tell him.
"I had a lot of fun tonight Emmett... lots."
He smiles at me and kisses my cheek.
"Good. Me too, darling. Now, chapter three."
Sunday morning I have to almost beg him to fuck my face.
He's sure as hell into it once he does and I think he's just worried that it might be too much but it's my ass that's sore, not my throat.
I shower first, like always because I am definitely stickiest, then lounge around until he's done.
"Let's scrounge up something for breakfast," he says and I am definitely all for that plan.
"Do you have any cereal?"
"I do. Or I could make waffles or eggs."
His kitchen is much better stocked then mine.
"Um, then I want waffles please."
"You got it."
I sit at the table because I can see him from here and he reaches into a cabinet and grabs a box of pancake mix.
A bowl, spoon, measuring cup and waffle iron appear and then he opens the box.
It's new and he pulls the full bag up a little bit so that he can get a good grip on it.
Then he pulls. Too hard.
Pancake mix erupts like Mt. Vesuvius and flies through the air, covering half the kitchen.
"Careful He-man," I joke, trying not to breathe it in or laugh too hard.
"You're only supposed to be rough with me, Emmett, not with everything."
He was pissed but now he's smiling and he sits down next to me.
He has mix in his hair, on his shoulders and all over his shirt.
"You made a mess."
"Yes I did. Let me get this cleaned up real quick and I'll see if there's enough left to make some waffles."
He brings out the vacuum and then wipes down most of the surfaces in the kitchen.
"I'm gonna need a shower, I think."
I'm not arguing, he's right.
"I can make the waffles."
"No, damn it, you're gonna let me take care of you a little bit before you run away back to the big, bad world."
Not arguing with that either.
"Okay, I'll wait."
While he's gone I think about his big, bad world comment and I realize that it's Sunday and I should be in mass.
I've missed a few weeks lately and after yesterday I probably need it more than ever.
I can still make the late mass if I leave after breakfast and I have a suit here.
Yes, I should go, it'll do me good.
"Back, let's make some waffles."
He was quick.
The waffles don't take long either and he gives me the first one.
I'm halfway done when he sits down and I tell him that I want to leave in about half an hour so I can make it to mass.
"I have no problem with you going to church Finnegan, none but I was hoping we'd talk today. I think we need to. Any chance you want to come back afterwards? I wasn't expecting that and honestly I should just go home because I've monopolized most of his weekend but he's asking and I don't want to go back to my apartment. Work is going to suck this week because of my Monday being all screwed up and even though I am sexually more than satisfied, I still want to be with him.
"If you want. Sure you're not tired of me yet?"
"Not at all, darling."
"Okay then, I will... I'll be gone two, two and a half hours or so?" 
I have no idea what traffic will be like on a Sunday.
"That's fine. Now that you've agreed to come back I have to warn you that I'm going to my dad and stepmom's for dinner. You're welcome to come or not and you can spend the night or not. Whatever you need, Finnegan."
Well that complicates things. 
"Parental units is a big step, Emmett. Can I decide after church?"
"Yep. I'm going to the grocery store, do you want anything?"
"More waffle mix?" I offer.
"Yes, smart Alec, I will get more waffle mix. Anything else? Anything you'd like for snacks or for supper this week?"
"Um, I like popcorn a lot. Whatever you make is always yummy." 
That's probably not super helpful. 
"Can I give you some money for groceries?  Please? It's not fair for you to buy it all and then do the cooking too, Emmett. Please?"
"Fine, if you wanna toss me twenty dollars I'll put it towards groceries but that's it, you've gotta stop offering."
Not happening. 
I kiss him quickly on his cheek and then run upstairs to change. 
On my way out I leave one hundred on the coffee table and remind myself to stop by an ATM on the way back so I have cash for lunches this week.
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dalchiid · 1 year
Hey! I really love you and your works, but I just need some advice…
I recently just got friendzoned by a guy i really liked and really though I had a chance with… and it hurts so much because I think the reasons are more on the levels of physical attraction, I don’t fit the Asian beauty standards and not skinny enough to be found attractive even tho conversationally we connect well and can talk about deep topics and such… he didn’t blatantly say that, but when I though about it, it feels like that’s the only thing left..
I don’t want to dramatically change myself for affection, but why does it seem like the world that we live in right now demands physical attraction over connection, and that I may never connect if I don’t change ?
I’m 22 btw, I’m trying so hard to get over him ( this happened just pass weekend ) I have him muted and restricted so that I don’t see his convos too frequently, but it hurts so so much..
It hurts so much, cause I’ve been rejected on many other dates too, even tho I have a wealth of a personality, it’s always turned off when we meet, I can’t get over it
I’m sorry, thank you for holding space for me in this anon ask
Hey sweetie I hear you on this. You apologized in the last portion of this ask and I just want to say that you don't need to apologize. You're going through something that is painful, emotionally, and all of your feelings are valid. I know people say that alot but it's true. Your feelings are valid. I wish I could ease your pain and I'll try my best with my words.
It's okay to let it hurt. You're a human with a vast amount of emotions. Hurting is okay. It doesn't make you weak. Embrace your feelings.
I wish things would have worked out for you but a lot of times life doesn't go how we want. You're still young though so there are plenty of opportunities to come for you even if it doesn't feel that way. The wound is too fresh for it to feel that way.
The best thing I can say in the end is that you have to focus on yourself. Even if that means your friendship with this guy has to go on the back burner. This is your time to heal. You already have him muted and it's for the best at least for the time being. I want you to also practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with love and understanding in the same way you would a family member or a friend. A way you can do this is to think about what your loved one would feel in your position. What would you say for them to do to make things better for themselves? Whatever your answer may be try and apply that to yourself.
If you have a notebook write your feelings down and if it feels good to you can rip it up after. Doing that can be cathartic for some. Going for a walk can help too. Even if it's not a long one or if you can't bring yourself to walk sitting outside for a bit might help. Spending time out can help you clear your head.
Keep taking the time to care for yourself. It won't solve all of your problems but this can help cushion the feeling of loss because you'll know how to deal with it in a healthier way.
As for changing who you are I'm glad you said you don't want to dramatically change for affection because you shouldn't. Relationships based off of physical attraction alone are fickle. But if you do change do it for yourself. Do it because you want to and not because you feel the pressure of having to be someone else just to get into a relationship. Change is good but only when it's done right and for the right reasons.
I wish I could be of more help and I hope your time in healing is swift and if not then that's okay. These type of things take time. Nothing changes overnight.
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@modernpolymath Hoo boy, that was a LOT. Sorry for the very long responses in turn, I am working through some thoughts. Thank you SO MUCH for all of this good information. Here we go:
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I looked up the tests for IH, I've done overnight sleep tests but not the naps. I will totally bring this up to my sleep doc. Very curious if the naps would find anything interesting or useful.
Yeah, I have a gastroenterology appointment in May. It's funny that you and I had discussed Crohn's a long, long time ago, but I never considered it for myself until recently. I've got SOME sort of IBD, for sure, but we'll see what exactly. Very interesting that there's some sort of connection between IBD and sleep issues? Makes sense inasmuch as, if you're not properly absorbing nutrients, you'd be tired, but I wonder if there's more connection than that?
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I had NO IDEA narcolepsy was potentially autoimmune! Fascinating! My pain doc told me at some point that she usually sees autoimmune disorders come in threes. I've had rheumatoid arthritis my whole life, and was just diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, so gotta find number 3. Likely Crohn's. It totally makes sense, if your immune system is gonna erroneously attack one thing, why shouldn't it attack all the things?
Have you been able to stay off of the Remicade? I know biologics are super rough, so even if going off of it didn't help your fatigue, I hope you are able to do okay without it.
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I will do some more research on the modafinil. The liver toxicity language was starting to get too technical for me when I was digging before, but I'll stick with it this time, lol.
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Ohhhh. Thank you for the heads up. I'm between birth control methods right now. I was on Depo Provera for like... eight years? Then got a new gyno and she didn't want to continue it. Apparently long term use causes bone density loss, and since osteoporosis runs rampant in my family, I saw the wisdom in discontinuing. She suggested the arm implant, but, uh... I have... a Major Problem with picking at any sort of blemishes or weird spots on my skin, so I am Concerned that I would not leave it alone. ://// Really stupid, I know. But I'll bring up the modafinil interference at my next appointment so that we can make a decision with that in mind. I have GOT to restart birth control ASAP. My last period sent me to the ER. 🙃 Fucking love endometriosis.
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Oh. Well, shit. I very much ruin my routine on weekends; I tend to not take the modafinil (or drink coffee) and sleep through either Saturday or Sunday. Wahhhh. I'll, uh. Have to seriously consider stopping that.
... to be fair, staying awake on the weekend would improve my mental health. Like. Being only ever at work or in bed means that I do basically nothing wrt leisure activities, which weighs really heavily on me, lol. It would be nice to like, play a video game. Make art. Read a book.
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HMMMM. Never even considered that since I'm not hypermobile... though as I say that, I'm reminded that my physical therapists tend to comment on my flexibility... but I've never dislocated anything and my skin isn't stretchy. I will do some digging. I've got a friend with EDS, I'll see if she'll let me pick her brain a bit.
So you did 23&Me? Did it find anything else useful? I am deeply skeptical of the DNA testing trend, but like, if it has actual medical uses, I may reconsider?
Again, thank you so much for all the info. You're giving me a lot to investigate, think about, and potentially act upon. Which I've desperately needed.
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wongki · 2 years
nessaaaaaaaaa ❤️ it's your mbb secret santa. it's been a while, i know, but i'm recovering from being sick and i haven't had much energy but to sleep and lay down. i'm feeling a lot better now, though. my finals went super well, a lot better than i had expected, so thank you so much. don't ever say your boring omg, you're doing great, i promise. we can literally talk about anything and everything and i will not get bored. HOW ARE WE FEELING FOR THE COMEBACK??? they really said "we're gonna start the year right" they released the mood teaser today and it's giving dark and mysterious 😭
you went to the concert this year too?? where?? i went to see them with my sister 😭 i had the urge to fly to another state to see them, but i didnt have a budget for plane tickets and a hotel, i'm down bad for them and i am not ashamed about it. they really do, like i hate to say this, but it took me a while to even get to know monsta x because i only knew changkyun, after that it was just chaotic, but i'm having fun and they get me through a long day.
i love that they can adapt to any concept that they do, they know what the vibe is and how to ride and find their flow. i'm so curious about this next comeback, we're so not ready to have our minds blown again. i started listening to them april or may of 2021? when flavors of love came out, then i experienced my first comeback with gambler. one of a kind, to this day, is one of my favorite mini albums, followed by shape of love. i haven't fully listed to fatal love yet, pls dont hate me 😭 i got into them when things were so hectic and there was so much happening that i could only focus on what's currently happening. what are your favorite songs from fatal love? it's okay to say everything ❤️ i hope we can catch up soon again and i will try not to reply after 284238054 years.
🫧 ; mbb secret santa
😭😭😭 stop you were sick then I was sick I’m just recovering. omg what is going around these days??? I’m glad you’re feeling better though cause I surely know it probably was not the best time when you were sick. 🥲
this comeback is gonna send me straight back to bed because I cannot!!! they all look so good and the song titles!!! I am intrigued!! They really said you starting the year with me mbbs 🥹🖤 this concept I am eating it up!! I’m here for these dark whatever’s that is happening.
Yes! I went to their LA show! I had such a good time I wish I could go back!! 😭 you are not the only one! I really wanted to go to their phx show since I could’ve driven there but I couldn’t take make it and the tickets sold out by the time I decided to go. Hate that we couldn’t go to multiple shows, the heartbreak is real. I am not to admit it either, everyone and their dog knows how down bad I am for these men. lol changkyun’s mysterious aura really brings everyone in & everyone else locks the door. 😂
oh you’re but a baby! just kidding. didn’t know you were so new to them! this is kinda of exciting then huh? oh no! but fatal love is one of their best!! (imo) you have to listen to it! I am absolutely obsessed with Night View. Love Killa is also very good. Nobody Else, Last Carnival, and Sorry I’m Not Sorry are also up there. But really I love this entire album so much. If you get a chance to listen to it, if you haven’t already, let me know what song is your favorite. ☺️
hope you’re doing well. make sure to take care of yourself. ❤️ by the way Merry Christmas 🎄 and if you don’t celebrate hope you have a very very lovely weekend. ❤️❤️❤️
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damiano-mylove · 3 years
How you met them and what dating the members of Måneskin would be like
GN!reader, slight NSFW for Damiano *Masterlist*
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You'd definitely meet Vic at the grocery store
She goes grocery shopping every Saturday at 10 am, and you don't know that because you're creepy, you know that because you do as well (being an adult and such)
Over time, you'd both start to notice seeing each other at the same times and places
Vic would eventually come over, after having traded more than a dozen looks with you
At first, she would give you a random complement (that made your heart soar for reasons unbeknownst to you at the time), and you would immediately compliment her back because there are so many things to complement about the unknown girl at the shops
Those random complements would soon turn into full blown conversations that you both looked forward to, every Saturday at 10 am
Conversations turned into doing your grocery shopping together
Vic would ask you to lunch after one of your grocery shopping adventures, which you gladly accepted given the beautiful woman had stolen your heart at first glance
Lunch would go absolutely swimmingly, and it became the new thing
Your relationship with Vic would evolve from doing your grocery shopping together, then having lunch, to basically spending every Saturday together, then seeing each other other days of the week
One night, having drinks at Vic's place, just the two of you, Vic would join your lips together in a sweet harmony that felt all too right
You brushed off the night as drunken kissing
But she held you hand at lunch that following Saturday, and asked to kiss you before you parted ways
The conversation was bound to happen, and it did. After that, you and Vic were officially an item
She introduced you to her friends, and you did the same - your group loving Vic, and her's loving you
Dating Vic would be full of gentle love bites on your tender neck, fruity red wine, painting your nails matching colours, and late nights
On those late nights, Vic would hold you close, a film playing softly in the back, while her attention laid on you
You, her person, her rock. You made Vic's heart go ablaze and she wouldn't trade you for the world
Nor would you for her
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Thomas gives off strong Boy-Next-Door vibes
One day, your interest was sparked by moving vans outside your window - someone was moving into the flat above you
It was a very loud day (furniture scraping the floors, heavy boxes being dropped, many feet with much too heavy footsteps) but you were baking
You had a function to attend to the following day, so your day was already planned as a day for baking your famous biscuits that literally everyone loved
Ingredients may have a price tag, but kindness does not. Once all the noise subsided, you brought a plate of cookies up to your new neighbour (hoping to at least buy their friendship so they wouldn't annoy you constantly)
When Thomas opened the door, your stomach immediately turned to static
He looked a little tired, no doubt from freshly moving in, but his beauty was still breathtaking
Thomas smiled at you sweetly and thanked you profusely for the biscuits - he told you about how his grandmother made the same type and he loved them
The next day, right after you'd come back from your function, Thomas brought you back the plate with a bashful smile - 'The biscuits were divine, better than grandmama's'
You giggled at his statement, then invited him in for tea and to finish off the biscuits that were "left over" (you'd actually saved them for yourself, but there was no one else you'd rather share them with)
Happily for the both of you, Thomas accepted the invitation, and he stayed in your flat, drinking tea with you and eating biscuits, till the wee hours of the next day
You and Thomas shared smiles from your balconies and the street below, but when you'd be walking the stairs together, it always turned into an invitation for a drink, or to watch a game, or just a chat
About a month and a half of friendship, Thomas asked you to the cinema
You gladly went with him
In the middle of the film, your hands bumped together, both reaching for the popcorn on your lap - resulting in heated faces and looking away
Thomas walked you back to your flat that night, leaving you with a kiss on the cheek and legs made of jelly
That next day, Thomas asked you to dinner
'Is this a date or just a hang out?'
'It can be whatever you'd like.'
To no one's surprise, you chose the former option
You never officially confirmed your dating status, but you'd figure Thomas introducing you to his family as his partner was confirmation enough
Dating Thomas would include him singing you mellow songs in the evenings, longing glances shared across rooms, lots of tea at all hours of the day, and extremely stupid jokes that turned sickeningly sweet
Those jokes would occupy your mind for days on end, cherishing every single joke shared
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As cliche as it sounds, you'd meet in a bar
There was a game on between Lazio and Milan - and you both were dragged there by your friends
People clamored around the bar and television screens, screaming and yelling, and everyone decked out in jerseys (the Lazio jerseys outnumbered the Milan jerseys 3:1)
Funnily enough, you met Ethan in the corridor for the toilets
'With a line this long, I might as well piss outside'
For a first impression, Ethan really did make an impression. One that made you laugh and his cheeks tint red at the knowledge that someone heard him say that
It sparked a conversation while you both waited in the long lines
You discovered that neither of you held too much of a love of football, which absolutely tickled you that someone was in the same boat as you
Ethan waited outside the washroom for you, then suggested you both go outside for a smoke
With a drunken smile (the only way to get through a football match is to drink, lets be real), you agreed and told the friends you came with where you'd be disappearing to
Outside, you and Ethan shared three fags each and lots of laughter and conversation
Surprisingly to Ethan's friends, when everyone came pouring out of the bar after the game finished, Ethan had you pressed against the wall in a heated kiss
While being the most shy member of the band, Ethan reacted the most prominently to liquid courage, which you were more than okay with
You traded information, and the next day, you woke up to a sweet text from Ethan, asking you to a cafe to get to know each other in a sober environment
No complaints, you went
Ethan was just as funny as he was last night, and neither of you stopped smiling the entire time you were together
You saw each other quite often after that; sharing the occasional kiss, but full of laughter and stupid faces in silent moments
Eventually, you got brave and asked for Ethan to be your boyfriend
His face and ears went bright red, and he immediately looked to his slender fingers, chuckling nervously - but he happily agreed
Dating Ethan would include a hell of a lot of cuddles, lots of reassurance, few kisses but very meaningful kisses, and more laughter than you've ever shared with anyone else
Ethan will make you one of the happiest people on Earth, and in exchange, he is the happiest, just to have you in his arms in the mornings (even if you drool on him in your sleep)
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Without a doubt, you'd meet Damiano at a bar
There wouldn't be a game one, it was just a Friday night, and you felt like cutting loose with your idiot friends, whom you very much loved
Damiano would spot you immediately
You, of course, had already spotted him, but your friends were drooling over him, and every single person in the bar was as well, so you just put him out of your mind
That is, until he swaggered right up to you while you were grabbing drinks for your friends who were all on the dance floor
His expensive scent intoxicated you better than any booze behind the bar, making your skin tingle immediately. Damiano radiated heat, but that could've just been how warm it was in the bar from all the people
As the bartender was mixing your drinks, Damiano asked you your name
'A beautiful name for a beautiful person'
You thought he was just looking for a one-night stand, which you were actually quite down for
However, the night was still young, and you still had drinks to deliver to your friends, so you thanked him for the compliment and sauntered off to your friends with the drinks in hand
They called you a myriad of names for you basically turning Damiano down to do what? To dance with people you'd known for years?
Fortunately, walking off hadn't deterred Damiano
His eyes were on you for the entire night, until you built enough nerve to approach him
It didn't take too long for him to offer to bring you back to his place - you didn't need more than a second to accept
That night didn't lead to sex, however. Damiano thought you to be drunk to give him any meaningful consent, so he just left you to sleep in his bed, while he took the couch
When you woke up, you wrote your number with the lipstick in your purse on his bathroom mirror, and you left without a sound to wake him up
He called you that same day and invited you to the bar again
The entire weekend was spent going to the bar, sleeping either with or at Damiano's, which suited you just fine
Unfortunately, you had an actual job that required you to go to work, so when he invited you out on Sunday, you had to decline, then again on Monday
Tuesday, however, you invited him to your place for a couple drinks and you ended up falling asleep on his shoulder on the couch
Damiano woke up with you for your job and stayed with you as you got ready that morning, smiling at you through the mirror of your bathroom
Soon enough, your nightly encounters turned into real dates that changed location and theme constantly
Damiano was spontaneous and you loved it
He'd call you the cutest pet names under the sun, and bring you everywhere you were willing to go with him
Damiano never called you his partner; you were his lover
When you'd be alone, he always referred to you as 'Y/n, the light of my life, the only flower in my field, the cream in my jeans'
Made you blush like mad, but that was Damiano's favourite part
Dating Damiano would include doing each other's eyeliner, lots of PDA, reading side by side on the couch with a record playing softly, never falling asleep alone
Sleeping beside Damiano was like sleeping next to a furnace, so blankets were never needed, but cuddling was required
if it sucks, y’all gotta tell me😩🙏
for @fairyth0rns , i hope you like it
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