#I just foolishly allowed myself to have a vision of how today would go and parts of it really brought me down
emometalhead · 4 months
#ran out of tags on last post but still want to rant without filling anyone's inbox or dash#sorry but here's the continuation#anyway so also we went to my grandma's house and I saw my dogs which breaks my heart every damn time#I miss them so much and it kills me. it causes me physical pain to not have them with me#I'm still mad at my mom to this day for being so horrible to them and giving them away. so it pissed me off to see her cuddling them#everyone disagrees with me but I don't think she has any right to act like she cares about them after she discarded them so easily#I will never stop being upset with her for it and even though everyone thinks I'm a b**** for it I refuse to release the grudge#anyway I'm tired and as nice as parts of my day were I feel like the lows were just really low#this morning we took some lovely graduation photos at my campus (which I visited for the last time) and I'm excited to post a few tomorrow#I'm truly proud of myself and grateful my college experience is over#I just foolishly allowed myself to have a vision of how today would go and parts of it really brought me down#I don't want to complain (which is probably a lie since this is the 3rd post I'm making to rant) but I wasn't expecting to breakdown today#I spent time with people I love and I got cool photos and a really soft sweater with my school's logo on it and I shouldn't be sad right now#plus we're having people over tomorrow for a party to celebrate me#I'm just really reliving the day and a lot of it was negative at my expense and I really hoped everyone would work to make it nice#some of it was obviously out of my family's hands but I feel like they handled that stuff in a way that guilted me and it sucked#I'm just a mess of emotions and I'm lowkey icing everyone out because I don't want to end my night crying again#welcome to real life I guess?#I really shouldn't complain#ashley rants#sorry if anyone read this
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talpup · 4 years
I just found read your crossroads fic over on Ao3, and damn sweetheart, I am in LOVE with this classy mob styled version of Overhaul you have going on. The smut in that last chapter was abso-fucking-lutely to die for! But I really need to know something about his character in this story. He was obviously a virgin, but r there any specific kinks he’s been thinking about or planning on trying with her?
*blush* THANK YOU!!!  You can blame my good friend and favorite Kai fanfic author @inorganicone2230 They’re the one that spurred me into having the idea for this fic and then (like they’ve done with all my bnha fics) encouraged me to write it and brainstormed with me.
Yes, Kai was a virgin. Though his skill level might test some folks suspension of disbelief (something I try not to do too much in my fics, even though I write mostly fantasy).
Kai’s kinks in this fic might be fairly tame by our standards.  But it is a 1920′s era au fic.  Don’t really know if they’re kinks; but Kai would love to spank Maya then bend her over his desk and…
...so I don’t know if you saw my post.  But I decided to do a short smutty scenario thanks/inspired by this ask.  So here you go.  Sorry it’s so short.  Between having my ‘poison juice’ (aka infusion) last Friday and unexpected visitors yesterday and the day before I’ve been kinda wiped.
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FYI this little scene would take place after things settled a bit from the last and (eventual) upcoming chapter.
WARNINGS: spanking, non-con, creampie, cockwarming;  Please remember, this fic is rated explicit and has warnings of sex, violence, and other possible triggers.  For a full list of story tags please check the fics AO3 (link to that at the top of my tumblrs homepage).
Promised Pleasure
Removing his dust mask as Maya entered his office, Kai frowned at her attire. “That’s not what I told you to wear today.”
Maya’s shoulders tensed.  She foolishly hadn’t expected her choice of clothes to be an issue.  She should've known better.  Still, her pride wouldn’t let her apologize.  And she knew Kai would sniff out any lie.
Deciding a gently put truth was best, she stepped further in his office.  “I felt like wearing this.”
Kai’s golden eyes narrowed.  She was testing boundaries again.  And her testing was trying his temper.  “Close the door please, my Dear.”
Despite the politeness of the ask, a shiver ran up Maya’s spine.  Mouth suddenly dry, she turned and closed the door with a shaky hand.
“Lock it.”  Kai ordered, voice taking on a twinge of sharpness.  He had called her in here hoping for a nice diversion.  But with his beautiful girl acting so spiteful he would have to resign himself to giving her a lesson.
Maya’s hand paused on the door.  The hair on the back of her neck prickled.
“Maya. Lock the door, Darling.  You know how I dislike repeating myself.”
The slow scrape of the lock setting in place deafened Maya to everything but her ragged breathing and thundering heart.  She didn’t hear Kai’s next words.  So when she turned back around, it was to find him looking more annoyed then ever.
Smothering her nerves, Maya met Kai’s piercing gaze head on.  “I’m sorry. Did you say something?”
Unlacing his fingers, Kai sat back.  “I told you to come here.  This is the second time I’ve had to repeat myself.  I won’t do so again.”
Maya shuffled hesitantly toward Kai’s desk.
Kai pushed back and slightly turned the chair he was sitting in.  “This side.  Come around near me.”
She moved around the desk, stopping a couple paces from his spread legs. Skin prickling under the caress of his roving gaze, her breath caught glimpsing the bulge in his pants.
At least Kai always brought her pleasure.  Unlike the disgusting landlord who had used her and left without care or glance after.  Kai always made her feel special.  Beautiful.  Loved.  In those moments of heated bliss she lost herself and forgot she was doing this solely for justice for her brother.  Basking in Kai’s twisted affection and the delightful pleasure he gave she’d start to believe she truly cared for him in return.  That they could make something of this.  Possibly enter a real relationship that wouldn’t end when he did as he promised and saw those who killed her brother put down.
Maya stared at the tailored suit jacket hanging over the back of Kai’s chair.  Anything to avoid seeing the twitching cock in his pants.
“Why don’t you serve me some water and unbutton my vest for me, Sweetheart.”
It wasn’t a question, or even a suggestion.  Maya knew well enough it was an order.  But with Kai’s honeyed tone and adoring gaze it was easy to trick her mind into believing there would be no consequences for disobedience.
Turning over a heavy tumbler that sat on a silver tray at the end of his desk, she took up the crystal carafe and poured.  Setting the glass in front of him, her fidgeting hands fell to her side, smoothing her skirt.
Her delay in following his second commend had Kai rising to his feet. Maya stepped back even as she hurriedly reached for his vest, seeking to rectify the offense.  Kai grabbed her wrist before she touched him.
Maya grimaced at the too tight grip.  “I’m sorry.  I--”
Kai pulled her roughly against him.  Maya stumbled, heels catching on the plush area rug.  She fell against his chest.  His expensive cologne assaulted her nose.  She loved the smell but hated smelling it as she only got a whiff when Kai had her in his space.
Suddenly gentle, Kai’s strong arms steadied her.  “Careful, Sweetheart. We don’t want you hurting yourself.”  He caressed her cheek, brushing the hair out of her face with a tenderness that didn’t match the blazing fire in his amber eyes.
Maya held perfectly still, struggling not to flinch. The way Kai flipped from loving and sweet to caustic and hurtful on a penny dime was what frightened her most about him.
Smiling, Kai’s head dipped.  “You’re so beautiful, Darling.  So soft and beautiful.”
His tender lips graced hers in a chaste kiss.  Maya’s lashes fluttered closed accepting the kiss, thinking she had escaped his anger.  Her body jerked at a sudden tug.  The sound of something ripping rang out in the room.  A sudden cold strike of air hit her front torso pebbling her nipples.
Maya’s eyes shot open with a gasping cry.  Kai had rent her blouse and camisole open.
“If you refuse to wear what I tell you to.  Maybe you should be left with nothing to wear at all.”
“Kai… I’m--”
Kai cupped her cheek.  “I don’t want to hear it, Sweetheart.  You apologize and apologize but keep on going astray from the clear, defined rules I’ve set.  My love for you has seen me be more than patient.  But I’m afraid my patience has come to an end.”
Maya stumbled again, her world spinning as she was quickly turned and shoved down against the desk.  The glass of water she served slid off the surface and fell to the floor.  It’s crash accentuated Maya’s surprised cry.  Mind reeling, she didn’t feel the splash of water soak her hose.
“Ka—ah!” She broke off with a scream, senses assaulted by the sound of her tearing skirt.  The cold hard desk against her breast and torso and Kai’s painful grip on the back of her neck.  Her nose burned, eyes watering from the lingering smell cleaner that clung to the polished surface.
Hand still holding her down, Kai dropped her ruined skirt.  His freed hand slid over the silky slip she worn.  So soft, he mused.  But not anywhere as soft as the flesh beneath.  That covering was pulled down along with her panties.
“Kai! What are you--”  Maya broke off with another shouted cry.
The crack of his hand hitting her ass echoed about the room.  Maya’s back arched at the blooming fire but was roughly pushed back down against the desk.
“Stay, my Love.  You wouldn’t want to upset me further and earn yourself another lesson after this.”
Wiping tears from her eyes, Maya tried to look back at him.  For a moment she swore she saw a horrid bird-like beast in place of her handsome tormentor.  But the monstrous vision was gone quicker than she could blink.
“Le—le—lesson?” She stammered.
“For continually testing your bounds.”  Kai leaned forward, low rasp tickling her ear.  “I’m afraid this will hurt, my Dear.  But know, that it will hurt me to do it more than it’ll hurt you.”
Ass still stinging from the first spank Maya doubted that.  By the third strike she was certain Kai enjoyed it and was glad for the chance to discipline her supposed disobedience.  Confirmation of his delight came when he paused after the fourth hit and ran a hand over her blazing butt-cheeks.
Kai’s fingers traced the red marks, trailing over the rising welts.  He loved Maya’s perfect, soft skin.  But there was a possessive pride in seeing her flesh temporarily marred by the work of his hand.  It sparked something primal in him, turning his tender caress into a rough, digging grope.  She was beautiful, his beloved.  A perfect little darling that would fit so well beside him in the new wholesome world he was working to usher in.  Or at least she would be once she learned to listen and obey without hesitance or question.
No one but him could touch her.  Certainly no one else was allowed to see her in such a weakened and debauched state.  Kai growled at the thought, fingers digging into the meat of her ass.  He would gouge the persons eyes out.  Cut out their tongue, and break their knees and fingers.  Then grant them a slow, painful death for having seen his darling like this.  Because this…  His other hand loosened and trailed down her neck, slinking around her side to cup her breast, reveling in the weight as she lifted a bit thinking they were done.   ...this was for him, and him alone.   His throbbing dick ground against her raw ass.
Maya’s lips pressed together between clenched teeth, biting back a cry at the burning pain.  Halfway into righting herself her back bumped Kai’s chest.
Weight rested on his hand planted to her side on the desk, Kai’s chin hooked over her shoulder.  “Think you’ve learned your lesson, Beautiful?”
Breast heaving with a shuddering breath, Maya nodded.
“Doesn’t appear so.  You know how I prefer worded responses.”
“Yes!” Maya expelled.  “Yes.  I’ve learned my lesson.  Please, Kai. I’m sorry.  So very sorry.  It won’t ever happen again.”
Kai’s knuckles glided down her back.  Other hand gripping her hip he pulled her blistered ass against his leaking erection.  “Why don’t we test that?  Bend over, Sweetheart.”  Annoyed as he was by her hesitance, he smiled lightly.  “Either you haven’t learned your lesson.  Or liked it so much you want another.”
Before Maya could respond she was pushed and held down on the desk.  Her eyes shot wide at the resounding spank.  Fresh tears sprang from her eyes as they squeezed shut at the sharp boiling pain.  “Kai! Please!  I’m--”
Another hit landed.  Then another.
Kai stopped after the tenth.  Staring down at her trembling frame he had a moments regret.  He should have made her count.  Next time, he told himself.
He loosened his tie and unbuttoned his vest.  Amber eyes skimmed over his handy work.  Just when he thought she couldn’t be more beautiful…  Even her mix of drool and tears puddled on the desk were lovely.
Lost in the consuming tumble of dull thudding pain accentuated by sharp stinging bursts, Maya didn’t hear the jangle of Kai’s belt being undone.  She jolted at his hand slipping between her legs. Whimpering as his prodding fingers dragging through her folds.
Kai frowned at the minimal moisture.  Usually Maya got so wet for him. It wounded and upset him.  But before those emotions could take root his eyes drifted back to the pool of saliva on his desk.  His heart lightened.  Even with her punishment his darling had thought of him and his needs.  Proving she loved him as much as he loved her.
He leaned over her and kissed her tear-stained cheek.  “Thank you, my Dear.  You’re so sweet and good for me.”
Maya’s lashes fluttered.  She watched Kai’s hand trail through her drool, gathering it.
Bringing his wet hand to his freed length, Kai slathered her saliva over his shaft.  He grimaced, skin prickling with the beginnings of a inch. But soothed himself that was Maya.  She was clean.  Worthy.  His.
It’s like indirect oral, he thought with a steadying breath.  The prickling itch diminished then fully disappeared as he focused on Maya, pumping his fist to fully wet his cock.
Lining up his cock he leaned back over her and kissed her shoulder.  “You’ve had you’re punishment, Darling.  And you took it so well.  Now, let me remind you of my love and the pleasure I can give.”
Maya’s shining eyes flicked to Kai’s.  Her brow furrowed.  Was it the light?  Or was there a dim otherworldly glow in those honeyed depths? The image of the demon Dabi’s bright burning eyes flashed through her mind.  But it vanished in an instant from the breach of Kai’s fat cock head.  She would've cried out at the burning stretch if her breath hadn’t seized in her lungs.
Kai hissed at the pull of his sensitive skin.  Maya’s drool helped. But it didn’t provide the smooth silky glide her delicious arousal did.  Wanting the discomfort over with he snapped his hips flush against her, driving his length in her tight hole.
Fully sheathed, Kai slowly exhaled.  His eyes closed, head rolling back. Taking a moment to simply feel, he basked in her velvety embrace.  This would never get old. Slipping his aching cock into Maya’s perfect, tight pussy.  Feeling her walls stretch to make room for him then flutter as they adjusted to his penetrating presence was something that consumed his thoughts; just like everything else about her.
Maya mewled the most pitiful whine beneath him and Kai lost it.  His darling was just so sweet.  So beautiful.  So helpless.
His hips pulled back and slammed right back against her.
If asked, Maya wouldn’t have been able to say if her scream was from the hard thrust or Kai’s pelvis pounding into her blazing red backside.
Her back arched, lifting her off the desk.
One hand gripping her hip, Kai’s other hand grabbed the back of Maya’s neck and shoved her back down.  Never once did his ramming thrusts stop.
The once dulling pain of Maya’s welted ass sharpened again.  Fresh tears seeped from her eyes.  Kai had lied.  He had said she had her punishment.  The pain was suppose to be over.  But every thrust was just another spank.  Until…
Kai’s feet shifted.  Angling his hips he hit that spot in her that had her seeing stars.
Pleasure mixed with the pain.  The rough scrape of his trousers zipper didn’t hurt as badly.  Even the occasional jab of his belts buckle didn’t make her want to crawl up and die.
Kai almost reached around to finger her clit.  But an idea struck him. It was scandalous.  But so was fucking his darling over his desk.  He groaned, cock twitching at the thought.  His pace sped seeking his own release without a care for hers.
Maya rocked against the desk.  Her hips started to push back against him despite the blazing pain to her ass.  A different kind of heat pooled in her belly.  But just as the coil started to tighten another warmth filled her.
Kai thrust deep inside Maya, cock coming alive.  He grunted, pushing his hips firmly against her, driving her against the desk, seeking to get even deeper as hot ropes of cum spit from his pulsing cock.
Building orgasm lost, Maya deflated atop the desk.  Her nails clawed at the polished surface, hands balling into weak fists.  Though grateful it was over, she couldn’t help but be bit bitter about Kai’s second lie.  ‘...let me remind you of my love and the pleasure I can give.’ Yes, she had felt some pleasure.  But she hadn’t gotten her full pleasure.
She waited for Kai to pull out.  When he didn’t she looked back at him.
Kai greeted her with a smug smile.  “You didn’t cum.  Did you?”
Maya’s mouth fell open.
Before she could respond, her torso was pulled up off the desk.  Heated as his skin was through his button-up shirt, Maya shivered the instant her back touched his chest.
Kai’s arms wrapped around her.  He held her firmly against him, keeping his cock snugly inside her.   His lips brushed the shell of her ear. “Did you think I forgot about my promise, Sweetheart?  I said I was going to remind you of the pleasure I can give.”
Keeping her glued against him, Kai retook his seat.  Head a whirl of confusion, Maya barely grimaced at the discomfort of his softening cock shifting inside her.  The heated pain of her abused butt numbed by her racing mind trying to figure out what Kai was doing.
Soon enough she got her answer and wished she never had.
“I’m a man of man word, my Love.  What do you say you keep me warm while I do some work?  Then I can give you that promised pleasure.”
After this, Kai might develop a breeding kink to go with spanking, rough office sex, and cokwarming.
Comments and reblogs are always appreciated.
Thank you all for being so patient with me and the posting of this fic.  Special thanks to Anon for the ask and inspiring this one shot.  And as always, an extra special thank you to @inorganicone2230​ for being the best fellow writer friend (and friend in general) and encouraging and brainstorming with me.  I mean it when I say I would’ve given up posting long ago if it wasn’t for your support.
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katherinemallory · 4 years
#2 The late-night date with James Bond
You can read the previous chapter here.
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I could feel the increasing heart rate in every inch of my body. I have already learnt a few important facts about my new mission and I’ve been going home in order to find out more. I was so curious I even wanted to open the files Mallory had given me earlier while I was still sitting in my car, but my professionalism didn't allow me to do it.
When I arrived home, I could barely think straight. My black double-breasted coat felt like it was made of lead. I was probably way too sensitive for this job... I knew I needed a bath to be able to relax and look at the files once again with a clear head. I put a kettle on, because a huge cup of Earl Grey would always do the trick, and went to the bathroom.
After at least ten minutes (I wasn’t sure how much time I had spent in the bathtub, but honestly I couldn’t care less...) I went to my bedroom and changed into more cosy clothes. I chose a velvet turquoise track suit, and then tied my short hair as I headed to the living room. I sat on the sofa, looking at the files with a cup of Earl Grey in my right hand.
What I had found inside didn't surprise me at all. I would meet 005 tomorrow. Standard procedure, I thought. The man we had to observe in Geneva used to collaborate with a crime syndicate from Milano, but Italian intelligence lost the track of his links to the criminals after the assassination of one of the secret agents involved in the investigation. Such an unusual beginning to the mission that would require the involvement of two field agents... I started to get pretty sarcastic, as I was reading the details. The operation seemed like it was just another undemanding mission, and it didn't excite me at all. Maybe a secret mission shouldn’t ever get you excited, but I always felt that a bit of positive emotions wouldn't hurt that much. In that case I couldn’t spot *anything* to look forward to...
Nevertheless, ironic way of thinking wasn't the right one either. In order to change my indifferent attitude, I kept recalling what Mallory had said about the mission earlier, and, to my surprise, I couldn't focus on the information properly. The only image I had in my mind was the one of my supervisor looking incredibly dashing in his suit. I tried to forget his mysterious green eyes, as I continued to browse the files and photos of Abbruscato and his friends.
I got both bored and hungry really quickly. I didn't intend to eat much, because I remembered I would spend the upcoming evening with James Bond. Sure, he mentioned only "a drink", but I predicted he wouldn't like to spend the whole date having just one drink. I’d lie if I said I didn’t expect a fancy dinner.
I started to dress up as 8 P.M. got closer (Bond was supposed to pick me up one hour later). I wasn't sure what kind of outfit would be appropriate, because it all depended on Bond’s views on the character of our date. If it was just a drink, an evening dress would be definitely too much, and I didn't want to end up as overdressed for the occasion. On the other hand, it was more or less obvious that Bond would wear one of his favourite suits - maybe not one of his most luxurious ones, but it would still be a suit.
I didn’t see that coming, but I ended up wearing a violet suit myself. I guess that regardless of his views on the matter, I needed Bond to understand the message. I wasn’t interested in anything else than just a one-night date (not to be confused with a one-night stand)... I didn’t care if he wanted to get to know me better or if he only intended to spend one night with me. My intentions remained the same.
However, it didn’t necessarily mean I looked ordinary. Just the opposite. I found some time to do my hair the way it suited me best, and chose one of my favourite diamond earrings (I bought them years ago after my first pay from the SIS). As usual, I refused to do my make-up (I didn’t even know how to do it... I always preferred my natural look).
When I was ready, I looked in the mirror for one last time, just to make sure my outfit was right. It definitely was. The delicate colour of my suit contrasted my dark brown layered hair. My hair was short and wavy, exposing the diamond drop earrings. It was a deadly look, both powerful and feminine.
I enjoyed the view for a few seconds and out of the blue an insane thought came to my mind: how would it feel if Mallory was gazing at me right now? Would he enjoy the view as much as I did? What would he say...? I closed my eyes and imagined my supervisor sitting behind his wooden desk, as I entered to his office just before going on a date with him. There was a combination of astonishment and delight in his sight when he undid the top button of his deep blue shirt and run his fingers through his hair to seem more attractive.
Such vision turned me on really quickly. I got a chill, and then I suddenly realized I shouldn’t have been fantasizing about M. He was my supervisor after all and I was dead sure he wouldn’t reciprocate my interest. And apart from that, he was probably married... Oh, come on. M wouldn’t comment on my look. He would just instruct me to stop smiling so foolishly and focus on the mission.
It was only a few minutes left until 9 P.M. I looked through the window and saw Bond’s silver Aston Martin DB10 parked outside. He might be a bit annoying if you focus on his enormous ego, but this guy’s got style, I thought. I was ready, so I locked my apartment and went down.
Bond was standing next to his Aston Martin, looking like a million dollars in his grey suit. Or maybe the suit was silver, just like his car. I couldn’t tell because of the night’s darkness.
“Evening, Targett,” he said with his hands still in his pockets. “We meet again.”
“Evening, Bond,” I replied, trying to form a smirk on my face. “Impressive. You already know my surname. And I wondered how you knew where I lived...”
He smiled.
“Did I just surprise one of our best secret agents?”
“Not so loud! I thought you were more responsible than that,”, I sighed.
He came closer to me and murmured into my ear: “I thought so too, but it seems your presence affects me so much... I lose my mind easily.” He looked me right in the eye as he opened the car door.
That Aston Martin car was really *something*. I’ve never even *seen* such an expensive car in my life, so I didn’t feel truly relaxed riding shotgun. When Bond started the engine and tried to look at me, I avoided his sight, turning my head to the right window. I felt a bit ashamed. I observed the city streets as we travelled into the night. London seemed quite peaceful in the evening. Me and Bond were both quiet and after a few minutes I heard a tender melody. It matched how I felt inside. At first, it felt kind of weird and uncomfortable to listen to the song, as I wondered if the words had some hidden meaning.
... but I can’t see a thing in the sky I only have eyes for you...
I turned to Bond.
“This song really does create an atmosphere,” I stated.
“It’s the Flamingos,” said Bond. “One of those really old songs I happen to enjoy.”
“Oh,” I teased him.
“Don’t you like it?” he asked and you could observe a small sign of concern at the corner of his mouth, even though his voice sounded as overconfident as usual.
... maybe millions of people go by But they all disappear from view And I only have eyes for you...
“Just the opposite. I love it,” I laughed loudly, and then realized I had absolutely no idea where we were going. “So where are you taking me?”
“You’ll see. I do not plan to ruin the surprise,” Bond answered immediately, catching a glimpse of me. Another double-meaning song came from the speakers.
... I don't have plans and schemes And I don't have hopes and dreams I don't have anything Since I don't have you...
It turned out Bond had invited me to his own apartment. It was pretty small and unarranged, as he probably didn’t spend a lot of time there. But honestly, it didn’t matter at all to me. I instantly forgot where I was, because Bond did everything he could to make me feel truly special.
“Can I offer you a drink?”
I decided to use my best weapon: a joke.
“Isn’t that the purpose of my visit here?”
He laughed. “This is the exact reason why I like you, Targett. The sense of humour which doesn’t allow you to take everything people say too seriously.”
“Is that the *only* reason to like me?” I teased him again.
He showed that *famous* Bond smirk and refused to comment on my question. “So, what is your pleasure?”
“A glass of dry red wine will do.”
He poured me a glass and let me sit behind the table. It took him a while to serve me a dinner, which, to my surprise, he had prepared himself earlier. I still can’t remember what we have eaten, but it definitely was delicious.
“How was it?” asked Bond with curiosity in his eyes.
“Do we really have to talk about work?” I replied, being clearly disappointed with the topic of our conversation.
“We don’t, but actually I have one question for you,” he insisted.
I agreed to hear that one question. A forced smile appeared on my face.
“Shoot,” I said.
He laughed at me again. “I have to admit I didn’t expect a different reaction from someone whose name’s *Targett*,” he said and looked me directly in the eyes. “This is a name for the job, isn’t it?”
“Yeah”, I replied, still faking the smile.
“So,” said Bond after he took a sip from his glass, “which of the numbers has been assigned to you?”
“Assigned?” I faltered. “It hasn’t been assigned to me, I have chosen it.”
“Oh, really? Tell me,” he requested.
“You know, when I came to M’s office earlier today he passed me a list of spare double-0 numbers. Then he ordered me to pick one of them and I had no doubts...”
“Interesting,” interrupted Bond, and continued to talk, as he noticed my confused face. “Mallory’s never allowed anyone to pick their number before. When there is more than one number to choose from, he does it himself and you just get informed about his decision.”
I was still a bit surprised and I didn’t know how to react.
“That kind of special behaviour,” added Bond, “means Mallory truly likes you.”
His last sentence left me speechless. Putting my thoughts into words wasn’t easy.
“Okay, you’re just confusing me now,” I confessed after a few seconds of silence. “Probably he just respects my previous work and for some reason...” I couldn’t finish the sentence and got a bit annoyed. ”You should stop looking for whatever you’re looking for,” I added, and immediately felt it sounded a bit too harsh.
“His reason is totally understandable,” said Bond calmly. “I would have let you choose your own number anytime... Especially if you looked like that,” he commented, then paused for a while and looked deeply into my hazel eyes. “That violet shade does suit you well. You’re a very attractive woman and you are aware of that.”
I blushed as if I had been caught naked. I couldn’t deny that his words had pleased me, but he didn’t know the reason behind my reaction. The truth was, I imagined that this implicit special treatment from Mallory had been really caused by both my skills and beauty.
“Thank you, James,” I said, realizing I called Bond using his first name for the first time.
“It’s the truth, Katherine,” he replied, refusing to call me by my surname as well. “So...” asked Bond, “... which one’s your number?”
“It’s double-oh-two.”
“It’s a very personal story. I do not think I can tell you right now.”
“All right,” he said and it seemed like he had really understood. “I noticed that you said *double-oohhh* instead of *double-0*. Does it mean anything?”
“Yeah, it means you are interested in only one thing,” I said and started to laugh at him.
Later that evening, probably around midnight, Bond ordered a cab for me. He wanted to make sure I got home safe, so he went with me, holding my hand for the whole time. I was fully satisfied with the way our date had gone and I even enjoyed his confident, but gentle touch... However, I couldn’t articulate my feelings when we got out of the cab.
“It was a lovely evening and...,” I struggled with words again that night. “I don’t know how should I thank you for this. I really enjoyed it.”
“A simple kiss would do,” he replied, looking at me with his cold blue eyes. I could tell he was hoping for the prize.
“Thanks, James,” I whispered into his ear and placed a kiss on his right cheek. After a few seconds of silence, I asked: “Is James Bond disappointed?”
“Not at all,” he said, but I didn’t believe him this time. “I’ll have to earn it, I suppose.”
I didn’t answer, I just gave him a smile and then turned around.
Even though I knew I had to wake up early and report to Q, I kept wandering around my apartment. Ironically, I was pretty tired, but couldn’t sleep because of the intense emotions I had experienced during the day. First of all, I met my new supervisor and received my first double-0 mission. Then, I went on an *actual* date with James Bond, which had gone better than I could possibly imagine. For a moment I wondered if I began to fall for his charms.
I needed to distract my mind with something, so I checked my e-mails. It seemed like I had received a new one. It was sent at 10 P.M.
Meet me in my office tomorrow after the medical. I will introduce you to 005.
See you there at 11 A.M.
Yours sincerely,
I wasn’t sure if M had mentioned this during our meeting earlier today. It was a long day and in the end the details didn’t matter that much. Wow, I thought. Was he really still working at 10 P.M.? And can you be more specific than him? What a man.
I looked through the window and observed the stars. Peace. Nothing needed to be done until tomorrow. The next day would be full of new experiences. Time to meet both Q and 005, then.
And see Mallory once again before I leave for Switzerland.
To be continued.
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jaz-wegott · 5 years
The Recruit (1/?)
A/N: I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m rusty but this has been in my head...Idk if anyone will read it...but yea enjoy...or don’t lol. Just be nice cuz I’m sensitive about my shit
A heavy sigh escaped my lips, bordering the line of becoming a full fledged groan as my back was once again slammed into the padded floor of the training room. My body begged me to stay down, to humbly accept the defeat that seemed to be destined for me. Possibly foolishly, I lifted myself from the ground without an ounce of grace. With a shaky breath, I willed myself not to burst into tears as I composed myself back into a fighting stance. 
You would have thought that my persistence would grant me some type of mercy or even approval from my trainer. But seeing as though my trainer was currently more of a tormentor than an actual trainer seeing as though I hadn’t really learned anything new in the seven months of rigorous training. I had however, found myself constantly flattened on my back like a pancake. Even in non physical aspects, my answers were always wrong. But this was something I’d wanted more than anything so I couldn’t give up. At least that’s what I’d spent the last few months telling myself. I was slowly losing the will to convince myself of that.
Bucky gave me a slow disapproving glare-- the expression that was only saved for me. As head of SHIELD’s training division, Bucky never seemed to impressed with any of us new recruits. But he was less than unimpressed by me, he was disgusted by me. At first, I’d assumed it was some messed up version of tough love, of him trying to bring out the best in me through being overly harsh. However, his biting words and icy stares had only proven that he did not believe I belonged there. He didn’t think I was good enough. 
That revelation had not struck me by surprise. It had unfortunately been a common theme in my life I was striving to overcome. Throughout my military training and my time at an ivy-league university, I had often found myself in rooms where I was the only woman of color among many white men. My cocoa pigmented skin, broad nose, and coarse, untamed hair often conveyed a message to my counterparts that I brought significantly less to the table. Many times I’d been questioned about if I only succeeded as much as I had due to affirmative action, as if I hadn’t put in three times the effort to achieve all I had. 
Bucky Barnes was from an era where black women were rarely little else other than maids or service workers. In his day being black and female was a double whammy of struggle and shame. Is that why he constantly treated me as if I had no right to be on such an elite team? Is that the reason he never showed me an ounce of mercy during our sparring sessions-- never hesitating to use his super soldier strength and enhanced metal arm to bring me to defeat? Did he believe because of my skin color that I automatically lacked the capacity to avenge evil like the rest of them?
My thoughts fueled me with brand new anger and resistance. Gritting my teeth and narrowing my mind’s focus, I uttered a simple “Again.” With a deep inhale, i summoned the strength of my ancestors, remembering how resilient they’d been, reminding myself that that same DNA flowed through my blood. I reminded myself that I was indeed good enough. I was Princeton educated, I’d served as a Lieutenant in the Air Force. I had what it took and Bucky Barnes would find out one way or another. Unfortunately, today would not be that day.
“Training’s over.” He dismissed me quickly, without so much as a second glance as he moved to pick up the equipment we’d used during this session. The rest of my teammates quickly dispersed to the locker rooms, the signs of fatigue evident as they trudged away. I however found myself unable to move as I stared angrily at the back of Bucky’s head, secretly wishing I had some sort of heat vision. 
“I believe you were dismissed, recruit.” Bucky threw over his shoulder as he continued straightening the room back. 
“Yes, but I need to speak to you.” I replied, knowing that I was treading into dangerous waters. However, I could no longer allow myself to not be given a fair shot. I’d been benched from missions because Bucky kept claiming I wasn’t ready. When I asked for extra training in order to fix whatever he felt I was lacking, I’d been swiftly denied. Even still, I’d been getting up at 4 every morning to train my damn self, pouring over tactical training books til the early morning hours. And yet, I still wasn’t good enough. 
“If it’s not regarding training, we have nothing to discuss.” Bucky responded with a clip in his tone as he finally turned to face me. 
“Well it is regarding my training.” I blurted quickly before I lost my nerve and his attention. “I have sat out for 4 missions, despite me training intensely on my own. I have asked for specific feedback from you regarding what makes me ‘not ready’ in your eyes and have received none. No matter what I have tried, it never seems to be enough for you. I am all too aware of the discrepancy between how you treat my colleagues versus how you interact with me. And I have only one question...is it because I’m black?” I rambled, knowing that I had just crossed a line that I could not quickly backpedaled behind.
I was never one to play the race card, even when it was warranted. I never wanted to be seen as someone who was quick to accuse everyone of being discriminatory. I’d seen it go awry too often. But, I was at a loss for what else to say. Combined with the fact that Bucky tended to make me nervous and having his full undivided attention only amplified that, I found I no longer had control of my mouth. 
My words seemed to catch Bucky by surprise as bewilderment shown in his arctic blue eyes. His mouth attempted to form words for several minutes, his lips opening and closing several times as he sputtered without sound. He almost looked like a deer in headlights, giving him a much sweeter appearance than I was used to. In this light, he was almost attractive--even if he did hate my guts. 
“No. Absolutely not.” Bucky finally managed to choke out with a conviction that sounded completely authentic. Though I was relieved to know it had nothing to do with my skin color, I found myself devastated. If it wasn’t because of my outward characteristics, could it be because of my inward nature? The thought alone caused a crushing pain to rush through my chest. Did this mean, that I truly wasn’t good enough? That I didn’t belong here simply because I didn’t have what it takes?
Completely stunned and with the fight knocked out of me, all I could utter was a breathless “Oh.” Bucky narrowed his eyes in my direction as if assessing the inner turmoil I was experiencing. His entire demeanor seemed to soften towards me, making me feel as if I was standing in front of a complete stranger. The only interactions I’d had with Bucky had been gruff, impersonal, and standoffish. On the rarest of occasions I’d seen him crack a smile or even joke with one of his fellow avengers or another of the recruits. However, this softer side was something I’d never witnessed before.
A soft, shy smile played on Bucky’s lips as he took a cautious step towards me, bringing us closer than we’d ever stood to one another besides during sparring when he’d used all his power to defeat me. “I know that I’ve been hard on you. And it’s unfair to you. I apologize for that. I was just... I dunno.” he whispered, almost as if he feared my reaction to his words. 
“You don’t know what?” I answered, unsatisfied with that attempted explanation. I needed more than that. I needed to know his treatment hadn’t been because he viewed me as a waste of time. Bucky’s shy smile grew more timid as he took another careful step in my direction. He was so close, I had no other choice but to lift my head up to see his face. To anyone looking in on this, it might have seemed like an intimate moment between two people with a deep connection. However, that was far from the case between Bucky and I.
“I’ve been so hard on you because...I’ve treated you differently than the rest of the recruits because, I feel differently about you than the rest of the recruits. I was trying not to treat you different but I guess I still treated you different. But I’m in charge of training you guys so I shouldn’t feel anything towards any of you, but then I did and I didn’t know how to not feel it.” Bucky rambled nervously. From what I had known, Bucky never seemed flustered. He was always the perfect vision of cool, calm, and collected with a natural brooding nature about him. It was what some might call an attractive swagger. Some, but not me. Perplexed, I found myself tilting my head in question, silently prompting him to expound in a way I’d understand. 
“What I mean to say is...I’ve been so hard on you because I’m soft for you. I’m in love with you.” Bucky finally breathed out, his eyes connecting with mine as we stared at one another in silence, both of us waiting for the other to make the first move. 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Mother dragon (13); Winchester brothers x reader
*Author’s note*
Boy oh boy do I got some news for you all. Yesterday I took the time after having thanksgiving lunch/dinner, and I finished this chapter from start to finish. Which means now that this chapter is done, I can post up the remaining two chapters that I’ve had done for months now. So that means this story is finally complete and will come to an end today. I hope you all enjoy the final binge reading. Cause since I’ve managed to update so much throughout this break, I’m gonna hold off on updates till I finish everything school related.
By mid-morning, we finally arrived back at the den. Deacy phased back into his human form as I was clinging onto his back feeling my vision going in and out once again.
“Be thankful that Warren came back and got us when he did. Now why the hell would you sacrifice yourself like that? Percy could’ve killed you!” oh great now I’m getting the parental lecture from my own son.
I was then set down onto the floor and Deacy turned around and gripped my arms as he snapped at me again.
“Why would you foolishly use yourself as bait and be sent over to Percy!? Are you really that stupid mum!?”
“Hey I was trying to save your Beta. Would you rather have him be dead than—” suddenly I felt faint and began falling forward.  Then from anger to worry, Deacy’s whole demeanor changed as he began to cry out.
“Mum? Mum! What’s…..what’s wrong mum?”
“She’s been injected with acid venom.” I heard Cas’ voice say.  I felt Stephen’s hands come up and brush the hair away from my neck and he said.
“He’s right. That’s definitely acid venom. Kisara and I need to drain the venom out before there’s any further damage done to her.” I was then picked up bridal style and once again I felt myself flying up into the sky.
*3rd Person POV*
“I’ll get Kisara.” Apophis stated he took off flying to find his mate and tell her about their midwife mother dragon.  Deacy just stared up in absolute horror said.
“If anything happens to her I’ll—”
“Hey Deacon, relax. She’ll be okay. If she’s somehow managed to survive being injected for this long, she may pull through.” Sam assured him as he placed a comforting hand on the Alpha dragon’s shoulder.
“Yeah. She’s been attacked by a pack of Vetalas, vamps, werewolves, being possessed by a demon, dick angels and even the crazed human now and again.” Deacon turned towards him with a look that said ‘is this supposed to make me feel better?’ while Sam looked at his brother with a ‘really?’ look.
“What Dean’s trying to say is…..she’s a tough girl. She’ll be okay.”
“But this is impossible to begin with. I’ve seen dragons die with just a scratch of acid spitter venom. It’s almost equivalent to a black mamba’s. If she hadn’t died yet, I fear what has and will happen to her.”
Up in the healing wing, both Kisara and Stephen worked together in making a concoction as well as ‘anti-venom’ of sorts to try and counteract the venom she’s probably been exposed to.
“And you guys said she was still able to function?” asked Kisara as she prepped the potion.
“Yes. It’s—it’s almost a miracle on how she’s managed to survive. Based on the rash that’s already on her neck, it looks like she’s been injected more than once. I—I honestly don’t know if this’ll work.”
“It’s got to though, or at least we have to try. For our alpha’s sake.”
“Right, right, is the anti-venom ready yet?”
“Yeah, where do you want me to inject her?”
“It’s best if it’s at the source. So right here 4 inches above her main vein artery in her neck.” Stephen said as he placed the final piece, a lock of (y/n)’s hair into a hex bag to prepare the spell that would help the healing process go faster.  Kisara walked over to (y/n)’s unconscious body and kneeled down beside her.
“I’m sorry mother dragon.” She whispered.  She then injected the serum into her neck and the second the needle went away, Stephen took over and placed the hex bag near her and began to chant a healing incantation in old Norwegian tongue.
The rash around (y/n)’s neck began to glow a bright green.  Kisara kept a watchful eye on (y/n) as Stephen’s got faster and more intense as he repeated the same chant over and over again.  Then after Stephen ceased the chanting, (y/n) shot up gasping for air.
*My POV*
I woke up with a start and I saw Kisara and Stephen sitting over me.
“Easy (y/n), easy. It’s okay. It’s okay.” Kisara assured me.  I looked up at her and said.
“What happened?”
“You passed out from the acid spitter venom. Stephen and I tried to help cure you of the venom.”
“Did it work?”
“We’ll see. I mean—after all you are the only person to survive acid spitter venom. Anyone and anything that gets exposed to venom like that falls down dead within minutes. And to a human it should’ve killed you instantly.”
“Stephen don’t scare the poor woman.” Kisara hissed. She turned back towards me and said, “I’m sure you’ll be fine. I’m just happy they brought you back from Percy’s alive.” She hugged me and I hugged her back.
A knock was soon heard at the door and Stephen went up to thee door and opened it to reveal the guys as well as Apophis, Warren and Deacon.
“How is she?” asked Sam.
“Why don’t you come and see for yourself Winchester?” the three of them immediately came in and Sam was the first one to approach me.
“You sure you’re okay?”
“I think so. I mean I don’t feel as tired as I have been the past 24 hours.” He sighed in relief and was the first one to hug me.  I rubbed his arm and that’s when Cas came up next and hugged me back.
“I thought we’d lost you.”
“Sorry to worry you Cas. But you of all people should know it’s hard to keep me dead.”
“Even I know that. A true Winchester even though you’re not one by blood.” Said Dean as he ruffled my hair and was the last one to embrace me.
“You sure you’re okay?” asked Apophis.  Dean separated from me and I turned towards the Egyptian dragon and said.
“Yeah. I mean like I said at least I don’t feel as shitty as I have been back with Percy.” I then turned to Deacon who looked like he had something on his mind. “Deacy? You okay sweetie?” he turned towards me and came up to me.  He knelt down and placed his forehead to my lap.
“I’m sorry mum. I’m so—so sorry.” I stroked my hand through his hair and said assuringly and motherly.
“It’s okay. I’m here Deacy. You know that it takes more than venom to take down your mother, huh?” he looked up at me, tears brimming in his eyes.
“I just—when I was told that you had been taken to Percy I just…..I was so afraid at what he’d do to you. Or that he—already had killed you had he found out who you really were.”
“Well he tried to find out, but I didn’t squeal about our relationship.”
“Yeah just told him about us.” piped in Dean.
“I was drugged so watch it Dean.” I warned him with a sharp look before turning back to Deacon.  “I promise Deacy, I’m not going anywhere.”
“You really mean that?”
“Yes. Consider it a mother’s promise.” He smiled softly.
“You’ve been so kind to me mum, better than any human has been to me in years.”
At that moment, a portal opened up at the side of the healing wing and the next thing I saw, Warren’s tail tossed Sam, Dean and Cas through the portal.
“But as long as Percy’s alive, he’s still a threat to you. It pains me to say this but (y/n) (l/n). As the Alpha dragon I forbid you from coming back to this sanctuary until Percy is either dead, or I am.”
“Whoa-whoa, wait no Deacon what are you doing?!” he picked me up and took me towards the portal.
“I can’t risk your life again. I’ve already lost one mum and I can’t afford to lose another one. Just know that I will always love you.” He then tossed me through the portal and I landed on the other side of it.
“No!” but before I could take another step, the portal disappeared.  “No. No. No, no, no, no! No! No! NOOO!!!” I screamed as I pounded on the ground.
“That sneaky son of a—”
“Dean.” Sam said stopping his brother from finishing that statement.  I felt Cas’ hands on my shoulders and I sobbed out.
“How could he?”
“He must’ve thought this was the best for you. Just like you’ve done for him.” I lowered my head and allowed a couple of tears to fall from my face.
*3rd Person POV*
Everyone but Kisara wore a face of shock.
“Deacon how—how could you?”
“Kisara.” Apophis stopped her.  With eyes filled with regret, Deacon immediately turned away and walked out of the healing wing.
“Why did you boys agree to this? What the hell were you three thinking?”
“She was captured by Percy Kisara. Deacon knew that even if he got a vow from Percy to not touch or harm her, he’d still do it. Even if she were the Alpha’s mother.” Warren stated.
“That makes her more of a target than even Deacon. He told us that once we got her back, it was best to send her home. Because not even someone like Percy would know where the Men of Letter’s American bunker could be at.” Apophis said.
“Because they have various abandoned bunkers and locations. It’s—it’s what’s best for them.” Stephen finished as he began to clean up his station.  With nothing but silence in the room, Warren was the first to leave, followed by Apophis and finally Kisara.
Stephen sighed heavily and turned to where he just had the portal opened a second ago before whispering.
“I’m sorry (y/n).”
*My POV*
After pulling myself together and the four of us walking ahead, it turned out that Deacon had ordered Stephen to take us back to the bunker.  We entered inside and all was quiet with Deacon now gone.
Of course I immediately left the guys and went to be by myself.  I showered and cleaned myself up as well as ease all the bruises that I probably had not just from the torture but also the dragon training I had been doing.  
As I stared at myself in my black robe with a towel over my head, I just stared at myself through the mirror.  I swished across my mirror to rid of the misty heat that got onto the mirror and couldn’t believe what my son had just done.
He actually played me like a fiddle and now he’s forbidden me from going to him until either Percy is dead or until he’s dead. I can’t believe he’d do that to me, how could he do that to me?
I removed my towel which allowed my hair to collapse and as I began to brush through it, something caught my eye.  I narrowed my eyes and hopped up onto my sink and turned my head to the left and noticed something at the back of my neck starting from behind my earlobe.
It was a small scar about 4-5 inches that looked like a small incision.
“Sam!” I cried out.
Now dressed I was sitting in the map room while Sam looked over the incision on the back of my neck.
“Yeah this—this is definitely too shallow to be a dragon cut. And you’re sure you don’t remember getting nicked when you fell down the hole with Warren?”
“I swear all that happened to me was just bruising on my back. There wasn’t any twigs or branches in the trap, it was all dirt and soil.”
“Okay. Well then, are you sure you want me to cut it open?”
“Call me paranoid or just seen too many spy movies, but I need to know exactly what Percy might’ve done to me while I was high off acid venom.” He took out his scalpel and handed me one of my belts.
I placed the belt in my mouth and took a deep inhale in before exhaling out.  I nodded to him and he nodded back before beginning to slowly cut down the incision. I let out a growl and breathed harshly and heavily as he trailed downwards.
“Hey Sammy, I’m running out to—what the hell is going on here!?”
“Dean what the hell?! You’re lucky I had to take the blade away from her otherwise I could’ve killed her.” Sam snapped.
“Sam what exactly are you doing?” Cas said as he came to us.
“(Y/n) found a stitched up incision on her neck. She believe Percy might’ve done something to her while she was drugged.” I looked at the other two as I breathed harshly trying to recover from the pain of having a blade cut through my skin.
“What do you think he did to you?” asked Dean.
“She thinks she might be bugged or something.”
“What you mean like chipped?”
“Yeah.” Dean and Cas looked to me and Dean said.
“(N/n), not to say I don’t believe you but don’t you think you’re being a little too paranoid.” I took the belt out of my mouth and said.
“No Dean. Based on what I’ve been told about him, never would he just let us go like that. It can’t be just because I’m the Alpha’s mother. He’s planning something, but I don’t know what. Cause the Parents of the alpha to dragons are revered more than the Alpha themselves, if Percy knew that I would be worth more than Deacy and the entire nest combined.”
“It struck me as suspicious too. A revered dragon trapper such as himself would never let go of his prey. Nor anyone who has tried to stop him. So why us?” Cas added in.
“Okay so, shall I continue?” asked Sam as he held up his scalpel again.  I nodded and put my belt back in my mouth.
“Hold on (y/n).” Cas came up to me and placed his fingers to my forehead and instead of passing out, I felt a little numb. He also took the belt out of my mouth and he said to Sam “Okay Sam, now do it.”
“Cas are you—”
“It’s alright Dean. I’ve just made her numb to the blade. She can’t feel it.” As Sam placed the blade back to my neck and continued the downward cut, turns out Cas was right.  I was completely numb to the pain of the blade, I could feel myself being cut but I wasn’t in pain.
Once he was done, he put it down then took out two pairs of tweezers and used one to open the flab of my skin while he used the other one to dig around.
It wasn’t long however when he pulled something out and to my worst nightmare, it was what I feared it was.
Percy had bugged me with a tracker.
As Cas healed up my mini-surgery and I picked up the tracker, my heart dropped.
“Is that—” started Dean.
“A tracker. He—oh god he knows.” I sat up in a panic. “he knows where the nest is. He knows exactly where we went and he knew Deacon would probably send us home. They’re defenseless. He’ll take them all, we’ve—we’ve gotta help him!” But before I could race off back to my room, Sam stopped me and said.
“Hang on (y/n). We—we don’t know what exactly we’ll be up against. We need to—rationalize before we run head first.”
“Rationalize? Sam by the time we do, Percy will have taken them all hostage. He’ll kill every single one of them. The dragonlings, the females, Kisara who is pregnant in case you have forgotten. And sell them off or worse mount their heads like trophies!”
“So—what you’re ultimately suggesting is that we just run in head first into a battle with probably hundreds of dragon hunters and trappers, those acid spitting sons of bitches and Captain Hook?” asked Dean.
The two of us stared each other down.  At this point I thought we were about to go toe to toe once again about helping my son who is a dragon and he having a beef with helping monsters.
But I was surprised at what Dean said next.
“I like those odds.”
“What now?” I asked confused.
“I mean hell we’ve been through worse situations than this. Plus no one bugs my sister but me.” I narrowed my eyes at him but I couldn’t help but smile at the fact that he was willing to help.
“The dragons have done much for us, the least we can do is help them. Whether the Alpha wants it or not.” Said Cas.  Sam looked at us like we were crazy but one look from me and he said with a sigh.
“Well there’s nothing I can say to change your mind is there?” I shook my head no. “Alright we’ll do it. But just one thing; how are we gonna get back to England fast enough?”
“I have a few ideas.” I said with a smirk.
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Perpetual Sensitivity (7)
Title: Night Terrors
Pairing: Remus Lupin x OC
Summary: Rosalia's encounter with a werewolf is affecting her more than she thinks.
Words: 1,995
Note: The section in italics is her dream! Previous parts linked below.
<- 7 ->
Rosalia - Past
The freezing night air stole the breath from my lungs as my bare feet hammered mercilessly against the ground, at this moment I had no other compulsion but one of self-preservation; the flight reflex had merged into my brain clouding every other though. It demanded attention in such a way that even my reactions, my impulses seemed to be overpowered by the need to run, it didn’t allow for second-guessing, it didn’t allow me a chance to catch my breath, every fibre of my being buzzed at the command ‘RUN’. But what was I running from? Yes, my mind was fuzzy but surely I would remember what struck fear into me so deep that it penetrated into my bones. I look over my shoulder, my legs still pumping at an impossible pace.
I see its silhouette first, it’s much larger form shrouded in darkness, animalistic growls reverberate from deep within the creature's chest that travelled along with the cold night air, a warning to anything in its path, a warning to me. The sound gnashing teeth send a chill down my spine as I will myself to go faster, the castles in my sight but I remain far away from it; never getting closer. My muscles begin to ache pleading for more oxygen than I can get into my lungs.
I risk another look over my shoulder to see that the creature is no longer a looming silhouette set against the backdrop of the dark forest, instead, it's long limbs and the hunched body begins to take shape that sends a scream ripping out of my throat. I glance over my shoulder once more as I am met by a brilliant glowing yellow. My pace slowed involuntarily, my fear dissipating with every step but there was still the little voice in my head calling, pleading, begging me to keep running. To stay away. The beast still continued at its pace, its primal instincts dictating every move. It skidded to a halt a few meters away from me.
“Remus?” I questioned foolishly with an outstretched hand. It tilted its head and paused for a moment, bravely I took a step towards it – hand still outstretched. It emitted a low growl but still didn't move.  
The moment didn't stay sweet for long as it was done playing with its food. It readied itself to lunge and still I didn't move – I felt calm - my back hit the cold floor with such a force that forced the breath out of my lungs. Tears finally began to spill uncontrollably out of my eyes and whimpers escape my lips as its imposing form stood above me. It brought its large hand above its head before bringing it down to make contact with my body.  
_ _ _ _ _ _
I woke with a start to find Lily sitting on the edge of my bed a concerned look etched into her features; she stayed silent as I continued to cry. I noticed that a light sheen of sweat coated my body as my tears subsided to sniffs and hiccups. Lily edged closer and I could see the full extent of her worry for me.  
“It was the same one again wasn't it?” She said softly  
I nodded stiffly in response, over the past week I hadn't attended any of my classes and my nights were plagued by the same awful dream, she never pushed me to tell her what I dreamed about or what caused them. When I had calmed down she inched closer to me and wrapped me in her embrace, despite how much I tried not to cry a few more tears slipped down my cheeks; I wrapped my arms around her too as they did.
"I really do think you should see Madame Pomfrey about this Rosie" she whispered into my hair.
"I can't..." I sniffed  
"Of course you can!" She exclaimed softly "maybe then you could get proper night’s sleep…"
I knew that she was concerned about my welfare but I couldn’t go to Madame Pomfrey, she would want to know everything, and that was something I didn’t want to delve into.  
"Just think about it, Rosie. If you do decide to go I'll be there with you." she pulled back and smiled a little at me, I gave her the best one that I could muster in return.  
"I'm going to head to the girls bathroom to splash some cool water on my face and clear my head," I said after a while, I swung my legs over the side of my bed and climbed down off it slowly, the stone slabs felt cold under my heated skin and it sent a chill along my body causing goosebumps to appear.  
"I'll come with you" she replied as she slipped on her dressing gown and slippers.
We stayed in a comfortable silence as we walked along to the girl’s bathroom, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of our slippers making contact with the stone. I noted how the castle looked very different at night when there was no one to occupy the corridors, the quiet was nice. Lily kept out arms linked together as we walked; she's the only one that knew about my nightmares since it was just us two in our dorm room. The first night I had the dream I'd been screaming in my sleep, Lily had told me that it was one of the most terrifying moments of her life; she thought someone had sneaked into our room and was attacking me. The rest of the nights she said I had woken her up because I was whimpering and calling out for Remus.
To her, it seemed sweet that I was calling out to him because she thought it was so he could help me... if she could see into my head that she'd understand but I continued to let her believe that. Lily had mentioned a few times that even the guys were getting concerned because I wasn’t showing up for class and I hardly left the room for any meals, Lily had tried to coax me around but my appetite wasn’t great.  
"Remus was asking about you today"  
"Oh" was all I managed to reply with, the thought of him sent images of his transformation flashing through my brain.
"He's really worried yanno Rosie... we all are." She stopped and looked at me but I didn’t turn my head to meet he gaze, instead, I stared straight ahead.
"You shouldn’t be, I'm fine, there's nothing wrong with me," I said in a matter of fact tone before unlinking my arm with her and continuing towards the bathroom, she jogged a little to fall back in step beside me before speaking again.
"Yes there is Rosie, you haven't had a proper night’s sleep in over a week, you stay awake throughout the day and you’ve barely eaten." She said with more authority.
"I'm fine."
"No, you are not Rosalia! Stop being so damn stubborn and accept that something is wrong. For goodness sake!" Her voice had risen in pitch ever so slightly.
"Go back to bed Lily, I don’t need your help anymore," I said exasperatedly, she stood there in silence for a few moments before replying.
"You don’t have to suffer alone..." Her voice took on a motherly tone but I said and did nothing in return except listen to the sound of her retreating footsteps.
_ _ _ _ _ _
My hands gripped the sides of the marbles sink while my gaze solely focuses on the metallic plug hole. Slowly I lifted my eyes to the mirror to take in my appearance. I looked sick. My skin was ashen and huge dark circles accompanied my eyes; the lack of food was also beginning to show. My hair was limp and greasy, it hung around my face like heavy curtains, I didn't recognise myself.
How could I? The girl staring back wasn’t me.
How could it be, I looked nothing like myself. Maybe Lily was right, maybe I should go see Madame Pomfrey… I dropped my gaze back down to stare at the metallic plug hole again, a harsh breath forced its way through my lips as I pushed away from the sinks to get a better look at myself.  
I glared at the silvery lock that curled its way over my shoulder. I’d heard of the myth before but had never put much thought into it being true. I shoved it out of the way as I continued to look at myself.
It lingered in the background, crept in the shadows, watching, waiting. Its yellow eyes twinkled in a sinister way that had my heart rate rising. Breathing became surprisingly difficult, it felt like a belt was being tightened around my rib cage making my breaths come in short pants. Bravely the figure stepped out further exposing itself in the reflection shown by the mirror. Pants quickly turned into whimpers as it continued to be bold. I turned around so quickly it made my head spin but there was nothing there, no figure lurking in the shadows. I snapped my attention back to the mirror to see it was still lurking there.
“What?” I whispered panic began to set in.
I continued to whip around looking from the mirror to the rest of the bathroom. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, panic turned to hysteria and it seemed to seep out of every pore. Hot tears poured down my cheeks, each breath caught in my throat. It was here but it wasn't. A dull throbbing started in my temples as black spots danced across my vision. How could it be here? It shouldn't be here. It couldn't be here. I turned to face the mirror once more.
“NO!!” A shriek tore it's way from my throat as I reared a balled fist before bringing back to make contact with the mirror.
Cracks appeared around my fist but I could still see it over my shoulder, I brought my first back as drove it forwards again – the cracks spread further – but it was still there. I continued the movement again and again until the entire mirror was distorted. I couldn't see it anymore.
“No” I whimpered, blood trickled down the mirror, my movements were slow as I brought my bloodied fist away from the mirror. I turned it and surveyed the damage before bringing it to my chest to cradle it.
My legs felt stiff as I began to walk away from the shattered mirror and back into the corridor. Exhaustion finally seemed to set in and every movement was on autopilot as I made my way slowly and quietly through the castle to the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey was on me like a hawk as soon as I shuffled through the big ornate doors of the hospital wing.
“Oh my goodness, you poor thing! What happened?” She questioned but I never answered.
I tried my best to keep up my stoic façade as she worked on my hand, the pain was numbed by the potion but I still felt it, a strange prickling sensation. Once she had bound my hand I got up to leave but small hands have an almost vice-like grip on my shoulders
“Now deary, where do you think you're going?” Madame Pomfrey’ soft voice floated into my ears.
“Back to bed miss,” I replied, my head and eyelids felt impossibly heavy.
“This way.” she turned me around and led me back towards the bed I had just left. This time when my head hit the pillow sleep managed to find me but it wasn't like when I usually slept. Nightmares didn't seep in and poison my sleep, instead, it was nothing but darkness.
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mrreuben · 5 years
Life Plan
I was a very arrogant student. I refuse to pay attention in any academic related matters, I never studied any lesson from any subject, refused to practice analytical and problem solving activities, ignored and copied assignments that I was responsible for, and submitted low quality, subpar projects just to “get by” through my requirements in High School. I foolishly believed that I was naturally smart, and solely relying on my stock knowledge and intellectual ability is enough to get me through high school and college, which it miraculously did for the former.
Outside School, from the beginning of my second year in my secondary school, I started to get curious and entered all the vices my parents was telling me never to even attempt on trying. I began to start smoking, drinking, even using recreational drugs with my classmates. We also play competitive computer games excessively which resulted in learning how to gamble my allowances through games and record high numbers of absenteeism in school.
During these times, from 2nd year up to the year that I graduated from high school (fortunately I graduated in time), I thought I was living the life. I believed that this was how cool people were supposed to spend their time, by only thinking about yourself and what makes you happy, regardless of the consequence. I thought that I could continue living this degenerate life of arrogance through college, but God has a way of teaching his children a lesson.
With God grace, I was admitted to the University of Santo Tomas, Faculty of Engineering and enrolled in B.S. Civil Engineering. My confidence and arrogance, as usual, was up the roof, and like in high school, the way of life that I’ve been accustomed with was being incorporated since the very beginning of my college life. I immediately started looking for friends or classmates that shares with me the same degenerate lifestyle of drinking and partying. I also did not put any effort in studying my subjects. Given the challenge that mathematics and physics poses, my arrogance and hard-headed attitude of self-confidence has been rooted so deep in my character that I was certain that I do not need to change my ways.
All in all, I had 18 units of failures in the faculty until the day that would wake me up and humbled me down came. I, again, failed some subjects, but this time, it amounted to 9 units, which is the maximum number of failures for one semester in the Faculty of Engineering. In order to be able to enroll for the next term, I need to sign an ultimatum that I cannot fail another subject in the faculty again, lest I’ll be kicked out of the program. Also, I would need to bring my parents to the faculty so they can be made aware of the agreement, and they too would also be required to sign the papers for my conditional status.
When my parents found out the status of my academics, they became furious, but rather than putting a chain around my neck and controlling my lifestyle and routines, they told me that I was free to do whatever I want, whenever I want, but he reminded me that we can only control our choices, but not our consequences. He told me that making mistakes is part of life, but we must be responsible enough to face the consequence of our actions. He also affirmed me that in the end, I am the one who will be most affected with my choices, that every choice that I make will have an impact in my future, both near and far.
The Redemption
After the epiphany, I have decided that I will get up and turn my life around. Even though the partying lifestyle continued, I made sure that I am able to execute my responsibilities and commitments in my academics, which in turn, first gave me an acceptable passing grade, into having one of the highest average in our major subjects and winning the Best Researcher of the Year for our thesis in the faculty of engineering. Now, I am a licensed Civil Engineer, a former engineer of the prestigious EEI Corporation, the largest construction firm in the country, and a current Engineer and Public Servant at the Department of Public Works and Highways – Head Office, which are known to accept only a dozen of engineers from thousands of applicants annually.
I remember how I pitched myself through my interview with the Undersecretary of DPWH, she asked me what I can say about my subjects that came up short in the passing marks, I told her that I went into a self-destructive pattern, but I was able to redeem myself through hard work and determination. Afterwards, she took me as an employee and told me, intelligence is great, but it comes and goes, persistence and the ability to redeem yourself on the other hand, is more extraordinary, and she was right.
Personal Vision Statement
In a few years, I will be known as a loving and compassionate persons who loves to help the less fortunate.
 Personal Mission Statement
I will live to help and inspire the next generation to aim for the stars. Don’t listen to those who says you can’t do it, because you know you can.
 Priority A: Family
As a young professional who’ve just started his journey into the ladder of career development, my main priority right now is to weigh in my priorities and learn to see and appreciate what really is important. Family should always come first, no matter how busy or demanding the career is. In our last days, we won’t tell ourselves that “I should’ve spent more time in the office” or “I should’ve aimed for this promotion”. I believe that what matters most are the bond that we share with our family. A bond that can be built only by spending time and prioritizing each other.
 Milestones and Timeframe
Right now, I am maintaining a work and life balance that I feel is in the right track with spending quality time with my parents. I worked in a company before that has required me to live far from our home for almost 2 years and a company so busy that I can’t even retreat to our home on weekends. I’ve learned from those times that with this set up, I believe that I am wasting my youth. No time for family, friends, and others. Working in the construction would require you to work for almost 24 hours a day. I’ve decided to resign my position, even if it’s a prestigious company, and transferred to company who offers a more flexible schedule compared to the latter.
In five years’ time, I hope that I have found the right woman for me. The woman that I can spend the rest of my life with. I do not fancy myself in needing to buy a house, a car, saving significant amounts in order to marry someone. As long as we are happy and compatible, I believe that we can handle starting our own life from scratch.
In 10 years’ time, I hope that me and my wife has given this world two or maybe three wonderful children who are well mannered, well educated, God fearing, and someone who sees the good in this dark world of ours.
In 20 years’ time, hopefully I have taught my children well, especially with essential values on how to treat people with respect and diligence. I hope I have given my wife all the love and respect that she deserve. I pray that I would have a wonderful family that is full with joy, even amidst struggles and challenges, I hope that we would be able to stay together, and fight these adversaries in strong unity.
  Priority B: Attitude
I’ve always been an optimistic. I always think of life as something that you should spend to make each day count. I rarely miss the opportunity to have fun with friends and family, but sometimes, too much fun is also unhealthy both physically and emotionally.
I always believed in living in a “happy go lucky” lifestyle also when I was younger. I still hold unto the YOLO life, but I’ve realized that there are things bigger than me that I might be able to contribute even a small amount of my talent and skills for the better good.
Milestones and Timeframe
Today, I meditate and enforce myself that I must think bigger. There are many things that I want to contribute to my community, especially to the younger generation. I fix my eyes upon the need of my society and how I can help now that I am earning a significant amount.
In 10-20 years, I hope that my attitude in life will be more relaxed. Instead of being aggressive, I hope that I will fix and focus my priorities, especially prioritizing the family first.
In 20+ years, I hope that I can share my journey, and how my thinking and character has changed from my youth. I plan to share my mistakes and realizations to my children, to teach them the way things are, so that they might minimize their regrets in their life.
Priority C: Financial
See annex A*
Milestones and Timeframe
See annex A*
 Priority D: Social
I’ve always been extrovert. I love people, I love talking and interacting with people. I am most happy when there are people around me, especially if I am able to engage in conversations with them regarding the things that interests me, namely, history, physics, philosophy, art, music, sports, and food.
I also have a passion in helping people, especially the needy. I also love bringing people who feels entitled, and doesn’t appreciate the things that they have in charity events. These events that I have engaged in, and brought some of my unfamiliar friends with the reality of the financially and emotionally struggling population, has given me and them some perspective and appreciation for the things we have now.
Milestones and Timeframe
I plan to be more active in the community in the next 5-10 years. Join and be active in community development groups and worker’s union memberships.
In 10-20 years time, I plan to strengthen my networks of colleagues, friends, and fellow entrepreneur in order to build a more engaging and positive society
 Priority E: Career
I have a lot of goals. I see myself as a successful engineer and business owner in the future. I plan to maximize my skills and potential through every opportunity that may come about. I also believe that I am a risk taker. I am willing to step away from my comfort zone in order to learn new things that will improve my career path.
 Milestones and Timeframe
In 5 years time after I am finished with my Public Service, I can see myself as an engineer in a fortune 500 company, and earning a significant amount to support my future plans for my family and my current and future family’s finances.
In 10-15 years time, I see myself as an engineer respected in my current field. A professional who has credibility and stature. I plan to make my parents proud and confident regarding my future and the future of my new family, I also plan to train the younger professionals so as I grow older, I am slowly passing the responsibilities to my apprentice and I can spend more time with my family.
In 30-40 years, I see myself near retirement and living a more relaxed attitude in terms of my career. I would want to focus more on charity and engaging community service, and most importantly, enjoying my family, and possibly my grandchildren that my children has given me. I plan to oversee the development of my kids through their careers and attitudes toward life in order for them to grow in the right values for the better of the common good.
  Priority F: Public Service
During my first job as an engineer, I worked in a private company who builds government infrastructure, specifically the Skyway and MRT7. I did my duties with great honor, knowing that these platform that I am currently standing, will be a monumental stepping stone for the progress and convenience of my fellow countrymen.
Today, I am currently working for the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), and as a literal public servant and engineer of the Philippine Government, it is with great honor to be part of the Build Build Build program of our current administration. Our office, the Planning Department of DPWH, spearheads the project proposal for the Philippine Infrastructure Masterplan for the next 50 years. It is with great pride that I am able to be in service of the public for more than a year now.
 Milestones and Timeframe
I am currently an employee of the Philippine Government, and I plan to stay here for the next 3-5 years. Public Service has always been part of my plan and passion, and I want contribute to DPWH the best of my abilities in engineering and other fields that might help the department to be more efficient and effective in helping the Filipino people.
In 10 years time, if I decided to end my public service, I plan to continuously engage my society through community service. I plan to volunteer on helping the poor, cleaning the streets, and to operations that will help the country to be a cleaner, safer, just, and humane nation
In 15-20 years time, I plan to share my nationalism attitude to my children. I will bring them to my community service and outreaches so they will learn the essence of patriotism and national pride.
 Priority G: Education
Initially, I love to learn, but I hate going to school. As I have written in my life reflection, I have failed numerous subjects in my college days. I always skip classes, never study upcoming quizzes and exams, and when the class starts at the morning, I usually attend it while I am in a state of hangover. So it is ironic today that you can find me pursuing a post graduate degree in the prestigious De La Salle University.
2 years after I graduated and worked as an engineer, I’ve realized that I miss school, and I want to learn more about the corporate world. I also want to meet new people and expand my network in different fields, for almost all of my friends are all engineers. That is why I have decided to just go and take a chance in enrolling in one of the top management schools in the Philippines, the DLSU.
 Milestones and Timeframe
I will finish my Post Graduate Diploma in Management this April 2020, and I plan to proceed in taking up Masters in Business Administration in De La Salle University after a semestral break.
In 20-25 years time, I plan to finally teach my passion in any school that will give me an opportunity. I plan to teach history and philosophy to the younger generation. I hope I can make them appreciate the subject as it has appreciate me.
 Priority H: Physical
Our family is blessed with good health. Elders from both sides averages a life span of 80-90 years old, no cancers, no complicated diseases or infection. My father is in his mid-60s and my mother is in her late 50s, and both of them are working in their optimum. No maintenance medication, and no history of illness. But even with this fact, we still have to take care of our body, and be careful to not abuse it.
As I have said, I have the tendency to indulge myself in partying and drinking excessively, especially while I am young, single, and very early in my career. That is why I have started to prioritize in disciplining myself on what food to eat, and to control my drinking and partying culture.
Milestones and Timeframe
I plan to lessen my vices and continue regular exercise. I also plan to lessen my meat intake and eat more vegetables. I will invite my family to join me in living a healthy life style.
In 5-10 years time, If I will have enough finances, I will start buying organic foods to have healthier food options, and to also help the environment and to support the advocacy for animal rights.  
 Priority I: Pleasure
 As I’ve mentioned in my story, I am a person who indulges himself to pleasures. I admit that I love to travel, party, drink alcohol, and eat. I also love the thrill of life. I get excited in things that omits danger. I love heights, speed, zero or larger gravity. I delight myself in living the best life that I can by travelling and exploring the unknown.
  Milestones and Timeframe
In 5 years time, I see myself as a more mature and disciplined adult. I limit my alcohol intake and other vices. I would go to parties at a frequency of less than 4 times a year.
Also, during those times, I believe that I have found substitutes for my constant urge to seek thrills. I hope I had found a hobby who doesn’t have the same amount of risk for probably by that time I already have a family.
 Priority J: Artistic
I have been inclined to music all my life. Since I was 9 years old, I was already playing guitar, and worked my way in being skillful also in percussions, drums, keyboard, bass, and even singing.
I also have a tremendous fondness in philosophy, science, and history. I believe that these things also translates to arts. The art of human reasoning, critique, and thinking processes. The art of the physical and scientific laws that governs our daily lives, namely, gravity, physics, astronomy, thermodynamics, relativity, etc. And the art of history, not specifically the art itself, but the progress and advancement of the life and human population. The process of evolution, the rise and fall of different civilizations all across the continents, and the religions that shaped our world today. I love reading and learning the catalysts that forced the chain of events that has shaped our current history.
Milestones and Timeframe
In 5 to 10 years’ time, I plan to share my talent and skills to my wife and children. Hopefully, they will share the same interest and enthusiasm in music, art, science, philosophy and history like me. I believe that art is one of the keys that help develops not only our capabilities, but also our personalities and character. The things mentioned above helped me to question everything, to be curious in life and in knowledge. To seek the truth and adhere to it. It also taught me patient and persistence. It made me realize, especially the musical skills that it doesn’t come over night. You need to be motivated to practice diligently with no compromise. This is what I want to pass on to my wife, children, and the children after them. I believe that education starts from home, and this might help my family in attaining a beautiful perspective in life.
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pernatius · 5 years
The Forbidden Blade: Ch 62
Ch 61
Yielded, I stood up and headed straight for the door. As I did so, everyone other than Oud and the grin stretching on his face turned away from me. Though, I could still feel their eyes following my defeated self. 
While it is true that I didn’t object to his order, it doesn’t mean I’m running away from my faults. This, me shutting the door behind myself, doesn’t mean I’ve given up. It means I’ve finally gathered up the courage to finally finish this whole fiasco of a journey alone. No longer do I desire the help of anyone else other than myself because maybe then no one else can be harmed. In that case, I can only beg that this decision is the right one. 
I cleaned up my mess, the indications anyone was even here: straightened the blankets, shut the blinds, and made sure not a single drop of the pool’s water drifted elsewhere from its brothers and sisters. Once I had done all of these, I folded the clothes that marked the shift in this story and knocked on her tailor’s door. I could hear her feet thud, as she made her way towards the door. When she opened it, I didn’t bother for any small talk. Instead, I just handed her back the clothes and only offered a smile. Before she can make out what this meant, I turn away and leave. 
Turning to look at her castle one final time, I smile. The memories attached to this place manifest emotions I can not yet describe. With watery eyes I turn back around and continue to embark towards the unknown, this story’s ending. 
For her I must. 
Everything felt so quick, the hike towards the docks, the boat ride back to Krala, and the trek to get here. Even walking past the Children of the Blade, which felt gruesomely tiring the first time, makes me question if I even did. 
With the evidence that I did so standing before me, that sense of time is flipped. It feels like my hands have been above its handle for decades now. Then, as I wait for myself, her smile comes back to me. It brings me back to my senses, allowing me to clutch the blade’s handle. However, in an instant, I let go and jumped away from it. What was supposed to be cold was tainted with someone else’s heat. 
Shining the lantern’s light onto the sword, I can see the dust that had once hinted its age has now disappeared. As I tried to figure out the cause of this, I am reminded of her people upstairs. The vision is now one with wounded men and women with defeat masking their once scowled faces. Using that memory I am able to solve the question before me. The Shadowmen and most likely Zelous was down here trying to pluck the thing from its rock, but seeing that it still stands down here they must’ve failed. 
Zelous is by no means a fool, so he must’ve realized that he needs a Vancaster to pull it out. That is why he so desperately wanted Xyetius all those weeks ago. So, without hesitation, he brought my teacher here to do just that. Though, he still failed. His failure makes me understand the reason why Xyetius was so adamant on making me, the black sheep of the family, to be the next one in line in being this sword’s holder. So, without any hesitation, I relinquish the sword from his captivity with ease. It, to my surprise, is immensely heavy. The weight of the blade nearly causes me to fall back and become baffled at how, even with Xyetius’s raw strength, he had somehow managed to swing this into Zelous all those hundreds of years ago. I, in no way stronger than him, just drag it along. 
None of them, even with the insatiable sounds caused from dragging the blade along the floorboards, took a glance at me as I steered towards his room. When I reached the mouth of the room, I saw him. His chest moved up and down, signifying he is still alive. Seeing so, I took a step inside. Though, I retracted it once I realized I couldn’t do anything to help him. So, I turned the other way and left. 
My home, its gate, stood before me. The men above stood at-arms, readying themselves to eliminate the stranger below them. However, their efforts were put to a halt once I removed my mask. The birthmark on my eye has my home revealed to me in its full glory. 
Inside I apologized several times, but even when I tried to downplay their efforts they still relented. So, I ignored them. I remained concentrated on the last thing stopping me from heading towards the grand finale of this all. 
I did not care that all the men in the room, especially him, turned towards the person who had interrupted their meeting for a second time. They whispered among themselves, wondering why their prince had been gone for some time and now sports an odd sense of fashion with a sword to match. Father, sparing no answers to his men, had ordered them to leave. They did so without relent. Shutting the door behind them, I am left alone with my father. 
“Arthus.” My name was engulfed in disapproval. While I did abruptly cause the end of his meeting, he could at least show some sort of relief towards my return after being gone for so many weeks. 
“Father, I did not come all this way to just beg for your forgiveness.”
Standing against his intimidation, he takes full offense. His eyebrows stitch together and jerks up from his chair. “You are a worthless disappointment!”Hearing those godforsaken words has my grip tighten around its handle and nearly brings me to cry, especially with it coming from his mouth. Though, what stops me from doing so is the burning determination inside me. So, I continue with the reason why I had come all the way here. 
“Yeah, I am because I foolishly begged for your love for far too long.”
Turning around and touching the door, nearly about to leave, he makes one final attempt to regain his hold on me. “Why would I ever love a child that’s not even mine?”
I let go, my hand slips off the door, and remains looking away from him. “I had gotten word of the truth weeks before today.”
“Goodbye, Cetius.” With that I opened the doors. Desperate, he runs after me. A fist, in which I can hear midway through his swing, is halted. The only thing he is able to do is hit the floor. 
I continue onward, as he clutches his stomach and commands me to come back. His shouts alerts the guards. Soon, I am surrounded by them. They look at one another, confused at whether or not to engage in combat with their prince. Cetius, because of their hesitation, makes up their minds for them with an order. Before they can even unsheathe their blades and ready their spears, they collapse because of my new abilities. 
Outside they catch words and try to stop me as well. I dodge all their arrows, even as the sword weighed me down. Surprised and realized there wasn’t any chance in defeating me, they ceased their efforts. 
What I had learned with Reess causes the gates to shake and everyone to stare at one another in confusion. When thinking about her, I am able to become successful. Everyone freezes, staring in disbelief. As for me, in return, I receive an immense headache for my efforts. Still, I carry on.
As I shuffle towards the docks, to a boat I can steal in order to get to Zelous, I question his lack of interest towards Xyetius’s blade. I did what he asked. Unless he didn’t know. 
“He didn’t even try to look for me.” This fact, even with the words said during our encounter, still hurts me. 
“Stop.” A familiar, yet unforgiving voice halts me in my tracks. 
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