#I just had a lightbulb moment and didn’t know how to follow through
quinnsteria · 5 months
do you guys think they have to deal with each other at Harkness family gatherings
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 7 months
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Pairing : Dad!Yang Jeongin x F!Reader TW : children ; mention of pregnancy ; slightly suggestive ; mainly fluffy though ; Word Count : 1.4k Request : nope! A/N : all of the skz snippets are done!! yay!! These little drabbles really helped me and I kinda want to do another group for the snippets of life... hmmm...
The lock on the front door clicked, alerting you to your husband's arrival. It would be his first day home after three long months of being on tour. Nights of phone calls between you and him would almost always be interrupted by your 4 year old son who missed his father just as much as you did. 
“BOO!” You had been in the kitchen when Jeongin came through the front door, rather quietly as well, like he was planning on surprising you and your son, but Jeongyoo had different plans. Your boy had been in position behind the little table for a solid hour just waiting for his fathers return. 
“Holy shi-!” Jeongin began, but you pointed at him sternly with the wooden spoon you were holding, stopping him before he could finish the curse word that you didn’t want your son to utilize just yet. “That was a good one, thanks bud.” Jeongin quickly said when he looked down and saw Jeongyoo still standing in front of him. “Do I get a hug? Did you miss me? Hmm?” Jeongin asked, crouching down in front of the boy who was almost like a statue at this point, just staring at his father as if he didn’t understand him. 
A long moment of silence, and you were intrigued by it, wondering about what your son was about to do or if he was going to speak at all. He was a lot of things, but predictable was not one of them. “RAWR!” He suddenly shouted, his hands flying up into tiny claws before running off towards his bedroom. 
Jeongin, in a pure state of reasonable shock, fell back onto his butt, his eyes wide as they followed the little boy that was full of scares right now. “What the fu-! FLIP!? WHAT THE FLIP?!” Jeongin screeched, quickly pushing himself up off the floor to go into the kitchen where you were, almost like he was hiding behind you. You couldn’t help but laugh, especially after hearing stories from Jeongins own mother about how much of a goblin-respectfully-he was as a child. “Does he do this to you? Are you okay, jagi? Has he been tormenting you for three months?” 
You snorted loudly, rolling your eyes at your husband's dramatics before turning to face him, cupping his cheeks and pressing a kiss to his slightly pouty lips. “He’s been a good boy. You’re the only person he’s been scaring, unless he does it at the daycare and his teacher just hasn’t told me.” You explained, turning back towards the little lunch that you had been preparing. “I think he’s doing it because he misses you and he just doesn’t know how to express that feeling yet.” 
You could hear the pop of Jeongins lips as his mouth fell open, clearly not on board with your reasoning, but he wasn’t going to argue with it. “Little dude could just give me a hug but he tries to make me shit my pants… got it.” Jeongin joked quietly, and you couldn’t hold in your laughter. “It’s not funny… I miss my son and he doesn’t even miss me enough to not terrorize me as soon as I walk through the door.” 
Sighing softly, you turned around once again, your hands firmly placed on Jeongins shoulders so you could look at him and so that he would look at you. “He does miss you, very much actually.” You started, your thumbs rubbing soothing circles into the tense muscles of his shoulders, feeling him slightly relax under your hands. “He misses you so damn much, he wants to be just like you. Your mother came over and she was telling us stories about how you were as a child…” It was as if a lightbulb clicked inside his head and you could only smile and nod as you seemed to watch it all start to make sense in Jeongins head. “You really were a little stink when you were younger.” You teased and now Jeongin seemed to have both a sense of pride, and maybe just a hint of fear in his eyes. He knew how he was when he was younger, and now he wondered whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that his son wanted to be like him. 
“I don’t think I jump scared my parents like he is though, or at least they never said anything about me doing that. Did they say I did?” He inquired, leaning back against the center island in the kitchen and pulling you closer to him as he did. His hands rubbed up and down your sides, unknowingly sidetracking your brain from answering his question until his head tilted to the side, prompting you to answer. 
“Mm… No, she never said anything about you doing anything like that, but he put his own little spin on being a mini stink stink just like you.” You joked, and in retaliation he squeezed you hips, causing you to squeal and squirm against him. “Rude ass. Don’t get me excited. You know damn well we can’t do anything when Jeongyoo is awake.” You quietly scolded, but Jeongin seemed to find more fun in teasing you, his hand landing firmly against your ass with a loud smack that had you jumping and pressing further against him. 
“Who said I was trying to do anyth-“ Before he could finish his sentence, Jeongyoo once again popped out, seemingly from out of nowhere, this time making both Jeongin and you jump in shock. His blanket was over his head, pretending to act like a ghost, but when he attempted to run off he ended up slipping on the blanket and falling to the floor. “Ah… shi- shoot!” Jeongin shouted, miraculously holding in his curse as he carefully moved you to the side and ran to help his son, scooping him up and holding him tight against his chest. “It’s alright, bud. Daddy is here…” Jeongin cooed, soothing the little boy's soft whimpers as he tried his best to hold back his cries to be strong in front of his father. 
“Did I scare you?” Jeongyoo asked softly, his glistening eyes looking to his father for acceptance, and Jeongin nodded so swiftly, you could almost see the sadness wash away from your son’s face, replaced with a look of both excitement and pride. “I not hurt… I just fell down… I okay now.” He said, attempting to wiggle out of Jeongins hold, but he held onto him tighter, running crazily around the room while making siren noises just to elicit giggles out of your son. 
“My boy! He’s gotten a booboo! Nurse Y/N, we need ice cream and stuffed animals! Quickly!” Jeongin shouted, gently dropping your son onto the couch as you swiftly jumped into the role of nurse to keep up with the impromptu game that your husband had just come up with. “Oh no! He seems to have a case of the giggles! What should we do?!” Jeongin wailed as your sons laughter only got louder, and you rushed over with all the stuffed animals you could carry from his room and dropped them onto the couch. 
“I’ve never seen a case of the giggles like this! I think he needs Mr. MonkeyBoots!” You picked up your sons favorite stuffed animal, one that had been a gift from Jeongin when he had come back from tour last year, and Jeongyoo quickly grabbed his, holding it close to him and hiding his face in it as his laughter slowly died down. “We did it, Dr. Yang! We cured the giggles!” You cheered, clapping your hands together. 
The game ended just as quickly as it started, and soon there was a silence, but it was calm, it was peaceful. Jeongin knelt down on the floor in front of the couch, his hand brushing through his son's hair and he had a smile that he seemed to save only for his son. “I missed you so much, bud.” Jeongin whispered before leaning his forehead against Jeongyoos and letting out a little sigh. “When you’re a little bit older, I’ll take you on tours with me. You and mommy. I don’t like being so far away from you two…” 
“Three…” You corrected him with a soft whisper from the kitchen, and Jeongins head whipped up to look at you over the back of the couch, his eyes wide, and you couldn’t help but laugh at the shocked look on his face. “You’re the one who wanted to give me a parting gift before you left for tour… It was one hell of a gift, thank you.” 
Jeongin gasped loudly, causing his son who had at some point fallen asleep to stir. “That one better not get any ideas from my mom like he did… I don’t think we can handle another mini me.” 
Perm. Taglist : @whatudowhennooneseesyou @duchesskaren @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lovesunshinefelix @moon0fthenight @kurolils @maruskz @hello-2-u-from-me @mrswolfiechan @bunnychangbin @his-angell @if-spearb @yomomma104 @lanatheawesome @facelesswrittes @grannyindehouse @cutie-wooyo @felixmainacc @syuuji @jiisungllvr @yukichan67 @randomwimp @silentreadersthings @cutiespaghetti @furiousheartpoetry @its-hannjisung @lixpixstix
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ramp-it-up · 1 year
The Gentleman Returns
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x Veterinarian!Reader
Summary: Henry comes back. Can he keep his composure around you?
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. RPF. S MUT, Explicit description of graphic sex. P orn with just a little bit of plot. Read at your own risk.  Flashbacks, Facetime s ex, long distance romance, Angst, pining, flirting, arguing, reader insecurity, wagering, brat behavior, dirty talk, size kink, or al s ex, raw p in v (wrap before you tap),  b reeding kink, pain kink, m asturbation,o ral sex (f recieving) Not Beta’d. All errors my own.
A/N: This is part two of Doctor and Mr. Cavill. Let me know if you liked it!
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
“I am in control. I am not a man possessed. I am not an animal.”
Henry repeated it to himself as he prepared for his morning cardio run down, which just happened to be 3.5 miles down Route 60 to your house. He decided that running would serve two purposes: One, to round out his morning exercise, and two, to calm him down. 
It had been a long two weeks away. 
You were constantly on Henry’s mind and it took all of his acting skills to attend to the matters that took him home to Great Britain. But he was finally back in your town, which happened to be the location of his latest film role, and he was focused on letting you know that he didn’t think of you as just a good time in America. 
Henry knew that you thought he just wanted to have his way with you. The truth was that he felt for you deeply, and he didn’t quite know how to tell you. Things had gone much farther and faster than he ever imagined they would.
That’s why Henry was determined to be a gentleman today.
He’d stop by and say hello, collect Kal, ask you out on a date, and leave you intact like the lady you are. And then, maybe later, perhaps…. His heart rate escalated as he decided that he wouldn’t just grab you and take you up to your bed and fuck your brains out. 
Absolutely not. 
Henry shook his head and smiled as he started the 5K run to your house. 
He’d landed the night before, and you both agreed that he needed to rest before he was in charge of Kal again. He slept, and then bounded out at 5 am the next morning to train and also to tame the boner that he’d awakened with for the past fortnight.
Henry’s head was in the clouds and he barely registered any exertion on the road to your place; he just daydreamed about led him to this point.
Two weeks earlier...
Good morning Doctor. How are you?
The text was sent at 7:43 am, as soon as he touched down at JFK. Henry found that he had no qualms about looking desperate for you, because he actually was. 
Henry was surprised when you responded so promptly this early in the morning, but he was pleased.
Good morning Mr. Cavill. I’m a little sore. Fed the animals and am now taking a nice, hot bath.
Henry was concerned as he shouldered his backpack and walked down the jet bridge to the car area for his service. He was stopped for an autograph by someone who recognized him despite his baseball cap and mask, and as such, he didn't have time to really think when he responded.
Oh no! Did you lift too much feed? You really must lift heavy weights properly.
Henry’s brow was furrowed as he thought of you injured. You chuckled at Henry’s cluelessness. 
You’re carrying the weight that did the damage.
It took a second for the lightbulb to go off in Henry’s head, and when it did, he groaned, remembering how tight you’d been around him, but then he frowned again. He dialed you as soon as he was in the SUV with the door closed. 
You stared at your phone, not believing that he was facetiming you. After hesitating for just a moment, you answered.
Henry peered at you through the screen then smiled, bringing the sun into your world.
You smiled back and bit your lip and Henry watched your mouth turn into a little pout. Damn, he was a goner. 
“Are you okay?”
His voice was laced with a sexy tone that sent a tingle down your spine. You could swear that your title had now become a term of endearment instead of a joke. Your head was spinning with desire, need and a little uncertainty. 
“I am perfectly fine.”
You certainly looked fit, Henry thought. And then he spied the bruise on your lip.
“What happened to your mouth?”
Henry looked angry, and your heart beat faster, thinking of how attractive he was when the dark clouds entered his eyes.
“… I split my lip when I… “ 
You looked down, eyelashes fanning your heated cheeks. What came next out of your mouth was a low and husky, but perfectly clear, whisper.
“I split my lip on you.”
Even in the bath, you grew moist at the memory of trying to accommodate Henry’s girth the night before. The slight pain of your bruised lip was forgotten the night before when you’d looked up at him through your lashes. 
Henry’s barely perceptible moan brought you back into the moment and made you rub your thighs together under the water. He took you in, an alluring vision all slippery and wet and beautiful. If he could actually fly like Superman back to your side, he would.
“Dear God. Do you know what you do to me?”
Henry intoned it deeply as he rubbed his jaw and licked his lips. 
“No, I don’t know, Mr. Cavill. Tell me?”
Henry let out a dark chuckle, double checking that the privacy partition was up in the car even though he had his airpods in.
“You’re an enchantress. I cant resist your allure, my dear Doctor, you’re captivating and I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I left.”
He watched you blush and had an idea. 
“I have to get out of this car soon, and I’ll have to make it to my room to take care of this evidence of your affect on me…” 
He panned down to his lap.
Henry's hand stilled on the ridge of his denimed dick. You’d commanded him with a whisper. He growled your name deep in his throat and you visibly shivered.
“I mean. It’s not for me to decide, but, if you were looking forward to us participating in activities like we did last night again…I’d rather you not…spill anything without me there to collect it. That is, if you could wait that long to cum again. To cum.. inside… me again..”
When you looked up at him again, you saw Henry’s eyes dilate as he bit his lip thinking of your wet heat. His cock jumped as debased images of what he wanted to do to you flooded his brain. He cleared his throat and his eyebrow rose as he bared his teeth in a feral smile to speak to you, his deep bass rumbling through you.
“You want me to save my seed to fill you up with, hmmm?”
You nodded, biting your lip, and your half closed eyes and whimpers only made him harder. He moved his hands to the leather seat of the suv, as he listened to the water moving around you as your free hand floated to your thigh. 
“How about I come back with my balls heavy with cum to pump you full of and let drip out of your pores. Could you handle that?”
You squirmed, your face full of desire. Henry felt like a man starved for your touch although he just left you not 4 hours earlier.
“Mmmmmm... I’d like that. Very, very much.”
Henry watched you throw your head back and licked his lips,trying to find the taste of you from last night.
“D’you need to be fucked again, Doctor?”
He was speaking softly, but resolutely now, his dulcet tones making you feel some kind of way.
“Ohhh, Henry… I’m still a little sore and swollen.”
Henry bit his lip. He didn’t want you to be discomforted, but the idea that he’d ruined you made him mad with need. He was panting as if he’d played a full rugby match and he was ready to burst inside his pants. 
“Are you? I should be there, to kiss that sweet little cunt. Soothe all her sore places with my tongue. D’you need that?” 
Henry stopped himself from calling you Love, but the pet name reverberated in his brain as he watched your beautiful face full of want for him.
“Yes Henry. Oh my goddd!”
You brought your hand up to your neck and Henry wished it was his.
“Lemme see those nipples, play with them for me, yeah?” 
You did as you were told and Henry watched as you filled your hands with yourself. He nearly cried at the sight. He instinctively rubbed his cock again, but he could control himself.
Couldn’t he?
With you he was not so sure, but there was no going back now, he had to see you through to your end.
“Feel that pussy for me, let her know how much I miss her already. Get in there, Love. Let me hear how much she aches for me.”
He’d let it slip. And he didn’t care. You didn't either. He could call you anything he wanted as long as he didn’t stop talking you through this need. 
“Oh… Hen-ry…”
Your mouth opened wider and your head was thrown back as your hands ventured further down your body.
“Are you circling that plucky little bud for me?”
The stutter and the look on your face made him even bolder. Henry clenched his jaw and his fists to keep control.
“I’m not far from the hotel. Give me one before I get there. Be a good girl for me…you were so good last night…took my cock so well, although I’m sorry I hurt you.”
“I’m not…hurt so good Henry…”
Henry kept his eyes on you as you licked your lips and keened. You had him sweating 1500 miles away. 
“I wanted to fill you up and watch it drip out of you…”
You were panting like a wild animal, and Henry swallowed the whine that was lodged in his throat with a growl. 
“Now stuff three of your pretty little fingers in that pretty little plump cunt. Cum for me. Give me something to dream about.”
You heard his fierce whisper and your eyes rolled as you tried to catch your breath. 
Henry experienced three things: your beautiful face as you screamed with pleasure, his cock raging hard in the confines of his jeans, and his heart beating a mile a minute in his ears. Henry cursed under his breath and reached for the cold bottle of water provided by the car service. He took a swig, then closed it and put it on his forehead. 
Henry tried to collect himself as he listened to your breathing settle and watched you open your eyes slowly and smile shyly at him.
“Such a good girl for me. You alright?”
You hummed. 
“Yes, Mr. Cavill, Sir.”
Henry grinned. Maybe he had tamed the brat a little.
“Now. No more orgasms until I return.”
Henry the Dom was in full force. How was this your life? All you could do was smile at the fortune of having one of the sexiest men in the world lavish this attention on you. You decided to enjoy it while it lasted.
Henry cocked his brow at you. He hoped he looked hard. Because inside….Well, inside, he was all mush for you.
“What was that?”
“I mean, No Sir.”
Henry wanted to say a lot, but he needed to get on with his day; his first interview was in less than two hours.
“We will talk later, Doctor, before I board the redeye for London..”
“Of course, Mr. Cavill. Sir.”
Henry threw you a look as you winked and ended the call. He sighed and stepped out of the car, head full of you as he headed to the penthouse.
You climbed out of the bath and fell back into bed naked, dreaming of Henry in your arms.
Three days later….
The picture you’d sent made Henry wild.  
It was an innocent picture of Kal, his snout resting on your bare thigh. It was exactly where he wanted to be.
“That rake. Trying to steal my girl,” he murmured to himself as he grinned at his phone.
“What’s that Hen?”
Henry looked up at the two men who were smirking at him over their brandies. Henry looked from Corey to Jamie’s face. He hadn’t heard a word they’d said.
“You’ve not stared down at your lap and smiled like that since Year 7.” 
Corey knew Henry better than almost anyone.
“Who is it?”
Jamie was curious what had his mate so distracted. Henry’s head was in the clouds in between press for their movie that was being released, he was working out every spare minute, and he wasn’t looking at any of the lovely ladies that threw themselves at him, not even a little. 
Henry’s face lit up.
“I don’t even know where to begin. She’s… she’s amazing…”
Henry commenced to waxing poetic about you. 
When he finally took a breath, Corey asked, “Yeah, yeah.. But how does she look, lad?”
Henry grinned and flipped through the pictures that you’d sent him on request. He found one that was relatively tame, with you sitting ensconced in his sweatshirt and nothing else. All you could see was your freshly washed face, that smile, and those legs.
Corey whistled.
“There’s a looker!” 
He passed the phone to Jamie who looked at you and then up at Henry, who was beaming.
“That’s why you’ve been hitting the gym harder than usual. Working off that tension.”
Henry grinned.
“Yeah, she’s going to get it when I get back.”
Corey was quick to catch him.
“He’s saving himself? Oh shit. This is serious. When’s the wedding?”
Henry blanched.
“What?...No… we only just…”
“Henry. Did you notice the girl with the huge rack who’s walked by our table four times?”
Henry looked around the restaurant.
“Where? No…”
“She’s right there!”
Henry looked in the direction that Corey pointed.
“Her?” Henry laughed. “She’s… passable.”
Corey looked at Jamie and shook his head.
“You’re right, James. He’s gone. Raise a glass.”
Henry shook his head as Corey and James toasted and took a mockingly somber drink, then he clinked his own.
“Here’s to My Dear Doctor.”
“If she can tie you down, then cheers to Dr. Y/N!”
Henry shared a laugh with his friends.
“Now who wants to go on a run in the morning?”
Later that night:
Although it was after midnight for Henry, it was only after 7 where you were. But your insecurity permeated your conversation with him that night. You went on about his dating history and he railed against online gossip mongers. Finally, you said what you were really thinking.
“I am so not your type, Henry.”
Henry sighed.
“What are you on about?”
I’m a convenience while you’re in town. And you still think you want me because we’re practically sexting every moment of the day. I bet that if we didn’t talk until you had to come back, you’d forget all about me. You’ll find some beautiful English rose…”
“How much?”
“Hunh?” You were being thrown off of your rant.
“How much do you want to bet?”
“We’ve got, what, 10 more days? 100 quid.”
You couldn’t believe him.
“You’re trying to make light of this. Don’t worry about it. I’m not upset Henry.”
“So you’re chicken?”
“I am NOT!” You huffed. “What is a ‘quid’? A pound? You’re betting me a hundred pounds?”
“I forgot how poor the dollar is. I’ll take it easy on you. 100 dollars US.”
“You have a deal Mr. Cavill.”
Henry grinned on the other end of the line. Your brat side would work to his advantage this time.
“Deal. No more phone calls. Just two texts a day. Good morning and good night.”
You were quiet a long time. Then you decided, if it was going to end, you should just go ahead and end it.
“Okay. Goodbye Henry.”
“See you soon, Doctor.”
Ten days after that conversation, you were feeding the sheep when Kal started barking and going crazy at the fence. You approached it and looked down the road to see Henry running toward you at an impressive pace.
Butterflies began to flutter in your belly. The last 10 days had sent you spiraling. Two texts a day were not enough. You missed Henry horribly, and you’d imagined him diddling half of Europe since you practically told him to. Well, you only had yourself to blame. You’d ruined a good thing, even if it were temporary.
You didn’t want to face him, but you had to give him his dog. You didn’t have much time prepare yourself because Henry’s time was good. He ran up and leaned on the fence as he greeted Kal. Then he looked up at you, hypnotizing you with those eyes and that smile of his. 
Damn, you’d missed his face.
Henry was unequivocally a goner. The sight of you made him light headed, the erratic nature of his heart not a good combination with the increase from running.
“Hello, Doctor. How are you?”
Henry smiling at you made you warm. It felt like you’d never been asked that question before and you wanted to tell him your life story, but you just said, “Fine. And you Mr. Cavill?”
Henry grinned at the formalities. You were still his incorrigible brat that he’d left in bed two weeks ago. 
Yes, His, he decided as he watched you unlatch the gate enabling Kal’s attack. He laughed and rolled around in the grass with his pup and you watched fondly. You could get used to these two brutes. You tried to walk around them when Kal went after you too, tripping you up and causing you to fall onto Henry, straddling him as Kal barked excitedly beside you two. 
You looked into Henry’s eyes, feeling him beneath you. It wasn’t sexual, not quite, just familiar. Henry was being calm and his hands just rested on your sides as he grinned up at you. You wanted to hug him. But instead, you made to get up.
“No problem at all, Doctor.”
You cleared your throat and stood up, placing your hands on your hips, grimacing at Henry, who was up now himself. His hair was haloed by the early morning sunlight, and he winked at you as he brushed himself off. Damn him and his perfect features.
“D’you want some water?”
Henry regarded you, solemn and intense, when a drop of sweet traveled from his hairline into his right eye. You felt like you were drooling as you watched his biceps flex as he wiped it away.
“You’ve read my mind.”
The timbre of his voice reminded you of that night on facetime, and your pulse quickened at the thought that you had indeed read his mind. You wanted him, and here he was acting like you were just acquaintances. He really had fooled around in Europe. You could have kicked yourself.
You turned and Henry followed you into your house, taking off his shoes and washing his hands as you did. You watched Henry gulp down the water and you kept your distance. Kal seemed content to give you both your space in the kitchen as he laid in the sunlight from the window in the dining room.
“Doctor, we need to talk.”
Your heart dropped. You knew it.
“There’s nothing to talk about. We talked already. You found someone else. Or had some random hookups. Just as I told you you would.”
Henry’s blood was starting to boil. He took a deep breath, but his voice still came out menacing.
“You are the most maddening woman.You don’t get to tell me what I want, or what I did or what I should do. Like you said, we don’t know each other that well. But I thought that we had an understanding, L/N…”
Now you were angry.
“What understanding? How can we have an understanding if we’ve never really talked. We just fucked. You were horny. I was there. We. Just. Fucked. That’s it. It was good. Now it is over.”
“Oh? It’s over is it? I’ve half a mind to turn you over my knee.”
You chucked your chin up at him like you were daring him.
Henry saw the glint in your eye and he knew what had to happen. Gentlemanly thoughts were out the window. He put the glass down and advanced on you.
You moved back and opened your mouth to reply, but what came out was a squeak. You closed it quickly
“That’s right, listen good, little mouse.”
He moved again and you stayed put.
“Yes. We fucked. We fucked and it was amazing. But we fucked because I’m insanely attracted to you in a myriad ways, not just because I wanted to fuck. You were right. I know how to smash and dash, Doctor, and this is not that.”
Henry paused to look into your eyes, to make sure you understood him. 
“I’m in awe of you. You’re a skilled professional, you’re kind, and gentle, and a nerd who loves to have a good time. You soothe me. You make me think and you make me go mad every time I think about how your body seems made for mine.”
You were inches apart, but he didn’t touch you. 
“I’m entirely and utterly smitten with you. And I’m afraid of the power you have over me Doctor. I’m supposed to behave as a gentleman, but you make it impossible.”
Then, he stepped back leaned up against your counter, running his hand through his curls. It was the counter where you first kissed. You smiled at him.
Henry eyed you warily and crossed his arms, showcasing his muscles and veins. You were dangerous. but he was going to be strong.
“You mean that you didn’t get with anyone else when you were away?”
Henry sighed and rolled his eyes.
“No. Didn’t want to.”
He stood up straighter as you advanced on him now.
“This perfect specimen of a body?”
You pointed, just shy of touching him. Henry reached back and grabbed the counter to keep from grabbing you. 
You reached out and trailed your hand down his muscle shirt, stopping shy of the waistband of his shorts.
“And you’re willing to wait even longer?”
Henry cleared his throat.
Henry’s voice broke and he caught your eye. At that moment, you knew your power.
“It’s just for you, Doctor. When you’re ready.”
You scoffed at him. And leaned up on tiptoe to whisper in his ear. 
“But this body is for the world, Mr. Cavill. After all, millions drool over it every day.”
Your lips brushed the shell of his ear, and Henry closed his eyes and suppressed a shiver. He gave in and reached for you, grabbing you and pulling your flush to him. He looked down, eyes sparkling.
“Maybe so, but how we feel pressed together is just between me and you.”
You looked into the softness of his eyes and you could tell he was sincere.
“But how can you know?”
“I just know that I know. I want to protect you, I want to comfort you… I want to...”
“Oh, Henry…”
You threw your arms around him and kissed him. He lay claim to your mouth again and after, he rested his forehead on yours, panting.
“I’m… I want to be a gentleman…Want to take you out. Wine…dine…”
You palmed him over his shorts and watched his eyes dilate.
“What if I take you out?”
Henry watched you lick your palm and reach into his sweats as he forgot to breathe.
“I- I …”   Henry looked down at what you were doing. “Careful…’
You looked up at him, determined now.
“I thought you were going to cum inside me and leak out of my pores.”
“Mmmmmmmmmother of god!” 
Henry clenched his jaw as he growled at you. 
“I do want to fuck you very badly, Doctor. But you deserve… to be treated….”
Henry’s voice faded away as you continued to stroke his rock hard length.
“It’s been 14 days. I deserve to be fucked. Hard. Need you ... please… Sir.”
You took his right hand and put it on your breast. He rolled your nipple through your shirt and then mirrored the gesture with his left. Henry had a brief thought that you were trying top him before his brain short circuited.
Before you knew it, you’d been spun around and your face was on the cool marble of your countertop. Henry pulled your leggings down to your ankles. You pulled one leg out and Henry hoisted it up on the counter. You leaned back and desperately grabbed at his curls.
“Please Henry, Give!”
He leaned over and whispered in your ear as his fingertips spread you wide. 
“Trust me Doctor, you will take. But first…”
Henry sank to his knees and whispered to your cunt.
“Been so long. Need to taste…mmmmmmm.”
You were pulled back onto Henry’s face as he buried his mouth into your wet crevasse. He hummed and smacked as if he were eating the best meal of his life. Henry certainly thought so. He destroyed your soul as he alternated fucking you with his tongue and licking you rudely throughout your entire crease.
After you came on his face, he took off your pants completely, and lifted you easily in his arms, walking a few feet to your couch.
Henry set you down face first before him, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
“You’re a venus, my dear Doctor.”
Henry’s thick fingers moved from your knee digging into the couch cushions up your thigh to the wetness dripping there. Four fingers found your slick and swiped, while his thumb ghosted your puckered hole.
“Mhmmmmm. Henry…”
“So responsive f’me. Want to be everywhere all at once.”
Henry enjoyed the feeling of his cock slipping in your wetness, the way you moved to try and get him inside you. He moaned knowing how much you wanted him too. His hands moved up from your hips to find your nipples under the top you were wearing and your moves became more wanton. Henry became irritated at the confines of your shirt. He reached for the hem.
“Take this off…There we go.”
He pulled you to him, your cool back against his warm torso, and he trailed his hands up and down your body.
“‘ve wanted my hands on you ever since I left…”
“Me too, Mr. Cavill.”
You’d turned your head to whisper, and Henry’s mouth captured yours in a kiss. You wiggled your ass against the pounding organ that was wedged between your cheeks, and he reached down to grab your hip to still you.
“Want my cock?”
You shook your head.
“No. Need it.”
And with that, you bent down again and looked over your shoulder at him, arching your back.
Henry gazed down at your presented ass and turned his head to the side, admiring, as that eyebrow raised and made you that much wetter.
“Yesss…” His blue eyes met yours. “I believe that you do.”
You whimpered and dropped your head, watching from below as Henry grabbed his cock at the base, his fingers splayed out against his big balls as he lined up and breached you with his rude, wide, mushroom tip. 
“Let me…”
The stretch burned deliciously, and both of you grunted as Henry eased into you, his length and girth making you question reality again. 
“…Slide into this warm…”
“Oh, Henry! Feels so-”
He cut you off.
“Shit! Love how you take it.”
“Oh god!”
You were almost sobbing at how good it felt.
“I feel you inside me.”
“D’you feel it getting bigger?”
You could hear the grin in his voice. You nodded and sobbed, the feeling indescribable.
“Stretching you out. So, so good.”
“Uh unhhh uhmmmmm. Missed you Hen...ry!”
“Me, too, Love. Me....too!”
Henry was moaning behind you as he smoothly thrust in and out of you, making it so good that your buried your head into the pillow and drooled into it between your screams of: “Oh my goddd!”
“Mmmm just like that, take it all for me.”
He delivered a sound slap to your behind and you keened.
“Love it when you take it all.”
He smacked you again.
“D’you like my cock?” he demanded.
“Mmmmyeah hmmm, I love itttt!”
Henry moved his hand around to your clit and started manipulating it.Then, he moved your hand to your sensitive nub as you whimpered.
“Now take over for me. Circle that clit. Justttt like that.”
You did as you were told, your legs shaking.
“Ohhh oh my god, Henry!”
“Just like that. Good girl.”
Henry smacked your ass yet again.
“Now keep it up.”
The stimulation was getting to be too much. This man knew how to fuck all of you, not just your body, but your mind.
Your plaintive wail was almost too much for Henry. Yet he persisted.
“M’ gonna fuck you….”
Your wetness was making what was now happening sound obscene, and served to get you closer to the orgasm he hadn’t given you permission to have yet.
“Oh god!”
You wanted to pull your hand away, but you obeyed his command.
Henry swiveled his hips so that your insides lit up like a christmas tree as he fucked you.
You couldn’t breathe, and you were beginning to feel a certain pressure in your pelvis. You whimpered again as Henry made you feel every nerve ending in your body.
“…Just…. there…”
Henry’s thrusts were controlled and steady, despite feeling your cunt clenching in waves around him as you tried in vain to stave off your end.
“Oh yeah I like that.” 
He’d leaned down, hot breath in your ear.
“Oh I feel it Henry.”
“God yeah. Me too. You like that, Doctor?”
“Oh Godddddd!”
Henry pulled you upright and you struggled to keep circling your clit as your hips sped up of their own volition. You used two hands as Henry squeezed your hips, holding on as you bounced up and down on his dick. His eyes were glued to your bouncing tits. 
“Oh shit! Just there…bounce like that, yeah.” 
Henry’s mouth descended and latched on, sucking your jugular as you fucked yourself on him. His hands kneaded your bouncing breasts. He was in heaven.
“Use me, Baby. Make yourself feel good.”
“You’re so fucking big….”
Henry grinned into your neck.
“Feel it Doctor…” 
Henry was blowing in your ear as he suckled on your lobe now. He bent you back over, placing his hand between your shoulder blades so you would move your hands and deliver the arch. You were relieved yet still desperate. Henry looked down and groaned.
“Look at that cream.”
The timbre of Henry’s voice and the slapping of skin on skin was more than you could bear.
“Henry… Please! Can I cum?”
The slapping intensified as Henry sped up and got sloppy, losing control finally.
“Cum… now Doctor…”
Henry stroked into you fiercely, prolonging your orgasm until your spasming channel forced him out of you.
You both exclaimed in disappointment, and Henry in laughed as he kissed your neck and plunged back inside you, fucking you even harder now.
“Thank you for that. I was about to spill everything inside you and this would be over. Gave me a bit of a breather. Now give me that arch again.”
He bent you over again.
“Just there. Oh yeah… Looka there…that arch…yesss. Love that arch.”
He crossed his arms to hold your hips still so that he could go even harder.
“Am I fucking you properly?”
You were drooling and your eyes were rolling; you barely registered his question. Henry slapped your ass.
“Oh. Yesssss! Fuck yesss. Cock is so hard…so big.”
“Oh, shit…sssssss!”
Henry hissed as he felt his cum crawl up from his balls. 
“I….ugh… Henry!!!... I’m cuming…”
“M…Me toooo!”
You were the little spoon to Henry’s big as he held you on your couch, the plaid throw covering your nakedness. You stroked Henry’s arm as he held you close.
“Did you spend the entire two weeks thinking that up?”
Henry leaned over to look at you, smiled, and kissed your nose. Then he relaxed again.
“That was entirely off the cuff. You’re an inspiration. A muse.”
“A sexual muse, hunh.”
Henry pulled you closer to him. 
“So much more than sexually. You inspire me in so many areas.”
You looked back at him quizzically. He just grinned.
“Come, lets get cleaned up and get dressed. And give me ride over to my place, would you? We have a brunch reservation in… two hours at The Orangery. I’m taking you out on the town.”
“And you can pay, because you owe me a hundred dollars.”
You realized that it was put up or shut up time as Henry grinned at you.
If you liked it, reblog and let me know!
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cyberkitty1 · 1 year
E42!Miles Morales x shy!reader
part 1
Ever since you guys had the project together it seemed like the both of you grew closer and closer together. Your parents know Rio and Aaron. You guys have had each other over for dinner so many times you cant even count it.
With each passing second you can feel yourself falling for him more and more. Though it seems like he’s been the same since you first met.
You were over at Miles place for dinner; your parents couldn’t make it due to work, but you didn’t mind. You sat in Miles room on his bed watching movies when he asked you a question that made your eyes go wide.
“You got a boyfriend?” He says leaning back on the palms of his hands with his legs straight out in front of him. “ No I don’t, do you have a girlfriend?” “ Nah”. This odd silence fell between the two of you, more awkward than usual. “Well, do you like anyone then?” you say turning your head towards him.
He shifts his weight onto his left hand while his right comes up to itch his neck. “ Well yea”. You feel your heart sink for a second; I mean why wouldn’t he like anyone? Your curiosity was rising “ Do I know who she is?”.
He stiffens before he could open his mouth Rio’s voice can be heard calling you guys down for dinner “ Kids come down food is ready!”. He gets up first leaving the room without a word you sigh following him.
After dinner you help wash dishes and clean off the table. When done you take yourself to Miles room; he was sitting on his bed phone in hand. He looks up at you putting his phone face down on the bed.
You look at the time 7:25 you don’t have to go home till 9:30. He speaks up “ so you wanna watch somethin’ ?” “Oh yea sure, you can choose”. The awkward silence was there again. He grabs the remote and puts something you’ve both already see on.
“You asked me somethin earlier” You thought for a second trying to remember what he’s talking about, but then a lightbulb goes off in your head. “ yea I did” He starts “ shes real nice, and pretty. Shes smart as hell too. We watch a ton of bad movies and laugh about how bad they are, you’d love her”. Feeling a bit defeated you sigh. “ Yea probably”.
In that moment Miles starts laughing “I know you can be an airhead sometimes but really?” He looks over at you and you look back confused. “ What are you talking about” “ Como estas tan despistada?”
“I’m talking about you”
You sit registering what he just said. “Huh” you weren’t thinking straight “ ME?” he nods “ who else do i watch trashy movies with just to rate them? What other girls do my mom let into the house with no questions asked? WHO else does my mom let come into my room AND lets me shut the door?” he says pointing to the door.
“Now i feel dumb” you say covering your face. He starts laughing at you.”Meaning you like me too” He doesn’t say it as a question he says it as a statement. “yeaaa” you say looking through your hands like this. 🫣
With that he sits next to you. “ yea i knew you did.” You look at him in disbelief “then why didnt you say anything??” “ Its funny watching you get flustered and stuff” he days nudging your shoulder.
You look over at him seeing his adorning brown eyes. “ So, what does that make us now?” you say quietly as if you were to say it any louder he would turn away and act as if this never happened.
“ Lets take it slow, ill take you on a date tomorrow, how does that sound Mi novia?” He reached for your hand intertwining it with your own “ sounds perfect”.
@rosesndan @shoyofroyoyoyo @p3rf3ct4ng3l
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long time coming but its here my little pookie poos 🤭
Sorry for the wait, i was procrastinating and wanting it to be perfect all at the same time HAHA
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lemon-idol · 1 year
✰ booth seat | andrew kreiss
NSFW, afab! reader, you/your pronouns, wc: 4.7K, fast paced (i just wanna fuck him bro) In which the stoic and gruff Train Conductor and the Agent (you) use their time alone wisely. third POV (them/themself) on ao3 !! Train Conductor is described to be smug and cocky ehe get it
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The rattling of the infinite train brings Andrew out of his thoughts.
There was a new addition to the train that had been plaguing his mind as of late.
He knew that you knew that he has been suspecting you. Which is probably why he finds himself always lingering near you throughout the endless night. He could feel your burning gaze everytime he strolled past the quarters you were staying in- not that he minded the attention. Which leads us to his current position. With the yearn for your gaze again, Andrew finds himself walking down the familiar hallway where your room was stationed.
Though on the side eyeing the designated window, he doesn’t find you in your compartment this time, which causes him to lift an eyebrow. As if his mind were an open book, it’s slammed closed after he feels a tap on his shoulder. Turning, his eyes land on the lanky figure of the Sheriff before him. The blonde’s permanent smile didn’t waver nor did it grow as he raised three fingers and motioned with his other hand to the door behind Andrew. Grateful, yet slightly embarrassed at being found out, the gruff man huffs through his nose and leads the way towards the following car.
He nods to you, the Agent, as he passes by and sits at the dining table behind them.
How the Sheriff was suspicious of you, but not Andrew yet leaves him a little puzzled. He knew Grantz would attempt to ask about the Agent’s mission and the lead up on how they appeared on the train, so he knew his interest as Conductor would not seem odd.
Although before he can lean back comfortably, he notices the fidgeting before Victor could even begin to pry out any information. This causes Andrew to clear his throat before standing up. The booth cushions squeak as they rise again for his company. “If you are too uncomfortable with talking to them, I’ll do it for you. Don’t rush your work, Mr. Grantz,” he clarifies, taking his coat off to place it on the back of the booth.
The blonde bows his head in return, mumbling out “Thank you, sorry”. Despite being a Conductor, Victor is aware of the albino’s experience. He is a quiet man but he can keep conversation when it comes to interrogations. Knowing that he has all the time in the world on the train, Grantz easily surrenders to sharing his work.
The blonde’s head snaps back up as if he had a lightbulb spark above his head, “That reminds me, a child was accompanying them too, right? Is it alright if I go speak with him while you interrogate (L-Name)?”. The broad man nods, “I do not mind- in fact, I prefer working alone in these situations.” Victor nods in return, relieved for his senior’s understanding of his well-being.
He bends down near the table in the narrow row to gather his dark leather case and give Wick a small rub on the nose.
Patting the back of his uniform as he heads to the door, he stops to bid farewell at the Conductor. The albino interrupts before he can speak, however, “Oh, I would like to mention, you do not need to come back here. I am sure that I will wrap this all up in a bit so you can head back to the first car after speaking to the child”.
The Sheriff's smile seems to widen in admiration at his confidence, “Alright, good luck and goodnight”. He nods to you and you respond back with a polite smile as he inserts his fingers into the opening once again and descends into the lit hallway after sliding the door shut.
Andrew waits a moment before walking towards the door. His uniform crinkles as he reaches up to the clips holding the curtains and releases them. Now, there will be no onlookers peering into the dining car as it was reserved for the very few staff anyway. Setting the clips aside, he walks back to where you are sitting, crossing his arms and leans against the clothed table.
Moments pass and you two are still gazing at each other, waiting for the other to speak up.
You sigh and rest your head on your hands, “So, what is it that you need out of me?”
Removing his gloves slowly, Andrew’s expression stayed the same, although the bottom of his eyes seemed to curl up just a bit to indicate the ghost of a smile. You raise an eyebrow as the Conductor strides to the booth seat, abandoning the silk white gloves onto the table before you and places a single hand on your jaw. He places a knee onto the booth seat before leaning down so there was only a bit of room left between your faces. Andrew runs his thumb back and forth on your cheek and you suppress a shiver at the feel of the gentle and cold cradle.
“Depends on how much I can get out of you.”
At that statement, you tilt your head up further to respond, “However much you need.”
Well, it seemed like he needed your cum out of you by the way you found yourself on top of him not long after.
You straddle the man’s lap, your plush thighs resting on either side of his.
It didn’t take long for you to give into his charm, but the other way goes around too. Hell, he even turned away their best (and only) officer just for the opportunity to get you two alone.
“Is this alright?”
“Kind of too late to ask now.” he scoffed, though the grip he had on your hips opposed the tone of his statement, relieved that you took the step forward.
“Hm,” your lips quirk up a bit before leaning in closer, your noses right by each other as you whispered, “Don’t act like you didn’t start this.” Preferring to get his dick wet rather than talking, Andrew closes the last bit of space and indulges in the tightened grip that was at the base of his neck. Your lips move against each other in a desperate cling, tongues slightly brushing the other’s lips but never fully entering. His lips leeching onto your bottom lip almost fooled you into thinking it was that of a lover’s embrace.
You felt the vibration of his groan on your lips when you ground your hips against his in search of slight friction, though it was hard to seek due to his uniform. His chapped lips collided with yours wonderfully, your tongue providing the nourishment he needed. With each move of his lips, his goal was seemingly to rid of the air in your lungs as you felt them begin to burn a bit. Hearing you inhale sharply through your nose had him pushing his head further into you, tongue sneaking out to pry your mouth open
You move back and smile a bit as he chases your lips, slightly annoyed that you ended the session so early. You tug at both of your guys’ collars to indicate that you want the hindrances gone. He rolls his crimson eyes but complies with your request seeing at how hard you were panting; seriously, you’re an Agent but your lungs couldn’t last that long? He begins to wonder if you were a behind the scenes agent rather than on the field. Yet he can’t help but bring his lips to yours again, purposely creating a small smack and letting his lips linger after separating.
Andrew took his time before his hands reached for your collar. Andrew did not indulge in the idea of him and his partner being fully unclothed; it felt too vulnerable, too exposed. Though he does have an exception if they’re in bed where they’re both covered with a blanket. He believed that clothes are what makes beauty stand out more, that they are simply displayed to frame people’s bodies. Similar to a red curtain unveiling the wonders, joy, and surprises of a play.
He leans forward to capture your lips again, occupying his hands by unbuttoning the mahogany shirt you were wearing. You jolted here and there whenever his bare, cold hands would caress your stomach as he moved down. He removes a hand to gently lay it onto your burning back and leans you over the edge of the table.
With you spread out and disposed to him, he can finally indulge into his fantasies. He grips the sides of your covered chest and presses them together as if he were a cat making metaphorical biscuits. He lays small pecks on your neck and trails down to the skin that your undergarment failed to cover; as much as he wanted to feed on you, it was far too cold to let them out. He opens his mouth and closes it all around the top of the chest as your skin sunk into his mouth, he is mimicking making out with the soft bosom. His thumbs make lazy circles around the nipples through the garment and you let out small sighs to encourage his ministrations. His teeth graze the skin each time, always on the verge of leaving a mark. But Andrew knew how dangerous it was to claim something on this train, something he has dreaded ever since his gaze landed on the ethereal being before him.
You let him play around a bit more before tapping and letting out an airy giggle at the furrow of his eyebrow. He gives himself a few more love bites and licks before he lifts his head from in between your breasts. He lets his chin rest in the valley of them, looking at you quizzically through one half lidded eye. You smile a little as you pet his head before speaking, “It’s a little unfair that I’m the only one semi-uncovered, don’t you think?”
The Conductor pretends to ponder for a moment before sighing, clicking his teeth three times to mimic a “tsk” sound. “It’s not unfair, I am simply doing my duty of revealing your secrets as part of the interrogation,” he replies, before continuing his doting on your chest. You let out a huff of amusement before you lift yourself up from the table and cradle his head as he refuses to move from your chest and slide onto his lap again, “You know, maybe they should interrogate you too.”
You glide your hand along his jawline before dipping under his chin to peck his neck. You move your face back up to his where his defined milky face waits and lightly grip his hollow cheeks together. “You’re not exactly truthful to your staff either,” you whisper as his uncovered eye narrows at the implication.
Placing his hands under your thighs, he made a motion to move you up to strip you of the dress pants and undergarments you were wearing. However, the liminal space only allows the clothing to get to their knees.
You’re not as bothered about this as Andrew is but he lets it slide as he indulges in your addictive lips once again. He moves one of his hands from your hips to in between your legs and runs two of his fingers up and down your slick to gather some up. You shudder at the ghost of his touch before wrapping your arms around his neck and giving his head a small squeeze to get him to stop teasing. He slowly departs from the kiss and instead moves to smooth lingering kisses around your mouth. He does it as an attempt to comfort you as he finally inserts the two fingers into you.
He’s patient with it, though he’s having a hard time controlling himself as it practically sucks him in with little resistance.
“I don’t even have to do much, hm?”
“Yeah...hah. I put in a bit of effort and made it easier for you,” you retaliated as he continued to softly press kisses on your jaw before snapping down to your collarbone and digging his teeth into your skin, his tongue then leaving a streak to soothe the sudden attack. Andrew proceeded to curl the fingers that were inside of you. He repeated the process at an agonizing pace, but the sudden force when he reached deep was enough to make you sigh in pleasure into the crown of his head. The arm that was wrapped around you tightened in an attempt to bring you even closer.
With his large hand practically cupping your crotch at this point, he uses his thumb to move one of the folds to reveal your clit. He moved the hand that was on your waist down to your lower back to push your hips forward. He pressed the heel of his other hand onto your crotch, followed by circular motions as his fingers paused inside of them. The addition of his callous hands on where you truly wanted it made you gasp and grasp his shoulders as your forehead fell onto his. Andrew stared at your flushed expression; the slight twitch of your flaming cheekbones, the open mouth where your tongue almost came out, and the disorientation of your eyes had him gaping. He almost stopped altogether to just simply cherish a view he didn’t think he’d get tonight.
You slightly grit your teeth and let out a whimper to signal the lack of coordination in his movements. He heard your dejected whine and he attempted to move, however he found it hard to do so in the cramped booth. He clicks his teeth as he settles to focusing on stimulating your clit; it had you jolting your hips and your breath quickened at the same time as he sped up. The contact of the burning moans on his ear had shivers travel down his spine and he found himself squirming a bit as well. His pants couldn’t hold much longer either, it was getting painful for him.
As you kept letting out broken moans above him, he felt your thighs enclosing around him which gave him the hint that you were about to cum. Andrew let the two fingers go in till the knuckle where he moved them in opposite directions, attempting to open you for him. He felt you open your mouth once again as if to speak, to warn him of what was coming, but he paused his motions. He tossed you an apologetic gaze the moment you slumped against him in disappointment of not receiving your climax when you were so close to it.
“As much as I’d love to see your expression, it might be easier and less tiring for you to move the other way,” he grumbles into your cheek. His arm lets go of its steel grip and he removes his hand from where it belonged, leaning back to give you space to turn around. You give him an unimpressed look as you try to catch your breath and lift yourself with shaky legs. Without shame, Andrew watched the display of your ass before you settled down into his lap again after turning around. Andrew notices the imprints on your skin where his touch was, his gaping mouth twitching upwards at the corner before placing his hands onto your sides once more.
With your loosened button down, he takes the opportunity to move it down to your forearms, kissing the skin that the shirt slowly revealed. He moves his mouth back up to your nape to nibble here and there, causing you to chuckle and cup the side of his head. He tightens his arms around you in a hug, his broad build encasing you from the biting cold that lingers in the car.
“You ready?” he mumbles into your flaming ear; you hum and eagerly nod. He pinches your thigh and moves his other hand up to cup your jaw, “Nuh-uh, I need a verbal confirmation.” You roll your eyes despite your heart fluttering at his demand for assurance and turn your head to the side to make eye contact with that gleaming ruby of his, “Yes, sir, I am ready to have my insides annihilated by you.”
Andrew holds back from barking a laugh, “You’re lucky you’re cute, that phrase was a little cringy.” You turn your head back to face forward, to avoid having a sore neck (though those “soft bites” were starting to make themselves known), and replied with “I know you’d love to, and maybe even more.”
“Hm, you got me there”, and wasting no more time, Andrew grips your hips once again and pushes them up so they hover just above his tip so he can use his other hand to grip his dick. The hand on the grip smooths over the hipbone when he feels your legs wobble a little. Knowing he was on the bigger side, Andrew attempted his best at inserting slowly but your anticipation rattled throughout your entire body. Your mouth began to open little by little from the pressure of being spread, your expression twitching in frustration of his size. Yet in the brief moment of numbness, you are still able to register the guttural groan that escapes Andrew.
Suddenly, you can feel Andrew further stiffen due to realizing too late that there were footsteps outside. Both of you were too caught up in the moment and it causes you to move in shock as you hear the farthest door on the other end of the car slide open.
In a frantic and panicked motion, you slam down onto him, both of your guys’ hips slotting into each other which creates an unwanted “slap!”. Andrew shoves his face into your upper back in an attempt to not let out a noise. Your thighs trembled at the uncomfortable stretch, wanting to have gone slowly, but the Sheriff’s entrance made you both lose whatever composure you were clinging to. Andrew let out a low groan into your neck before scrambling to get both his coat and a notepad out onto the table to set up a scene. He draped his navy coat over your laps and struggled to keep the pen still.
Victor waddled up to the booth you were both sitting at, holding his own trusty notepad. Andrew straightened up the closer the Sheriff got, pulling back the coat enough that it wrapped around his own hips. Despite your strange position, the Sheriff gave a light smile nonetheless before flipping over the notepad in his hands- maybe the temperature in this car was lower than in the others?
The Conductor eyed the writing and the notepad, ignoring the burning side eye you were giving him at his lackluster response in driving the Sheriff away. You hate how composed he seems, while you were here holding your breath, anticipating for any friction. In your frustration, you subconsciously tightened your insides which caused Andrew to stutter as he began to respond to the Sheriff’s writing.
Feeling the throb of his dick in you had you smirking behind your hand before it was your turn to stiffen up again when you feel a slight graze on your clit- a silent threat to get you to stay still.
Despite being able to respond to all of Victor’s written questions, the Conductor’s mind was elsewhere; he thought about how warm the person on top of him was, how soft they were on top yet rough below, the stretch marks on the insides of their thighs worth memorizing. Ah, thank whatever God was out there that he had experience on how to keep his composure due to his job, but it was hanging on by a thread at this point.
Most of what Victor was saying came in one ear and left the other, his mind too preoccupied with his current sensitivity.
He shows Andrew the notepad again with what was conversed with the child. But upon noticing the half-hearted nods and “Got it”s from Andrew, the Sheriff grows quiet. Victor concludes what he needed to say and bows his head as a silent farewell. Relieved about the possibility of getting into action again, Andrew tries to give him an apologetic smile, knowing he is not the best with words (but neither with expressions…).
Andrew shuffles forward to hand the blonde the notepad, the friction having your thighs close and meet each other. The moment Victor turns away, you shuffle your hips in a seesaw motion, similar to a runway walk, unable to resist the irritation growing inside of you. Andrew’s lips pull back, revealing slight fangs as his hand traveled up your front, fingers spread out as he used his palm to push against your abdomen, driving you further back into him. You stifle the groan that threatened to come out from your throat. Victor’s honey but sharp eyes glance over at you, finally noting your low but consistent sounds.
Your eyes crinkle while trying to maintain a wobbly smile in order to mask the turmoil your body was in to just be railed properly. About to write his concern, Grantz finally caught a glimpse of your attempt to hide the cleavage that was revealed from the open shirt. His body perks up as straight as an exclamation point before he scrambles out of the car faster than before, blood draining from his face but rushing to his ears.
Andrew’s attentive ears focused on Victor’s retreating footsteps; the car was silent aside from the rattling of the windows as the train blasted through the snowstorm. Confirming that there was no other noise besides that, he leans back, his hands reclaiming their throne on your hips as he lifts you and pulls back his hips as far as the seat allows him, observing his dick leaving your pussy halfway. Ha, it seems that staying in the still position is best to mold you into his shape now that your body begs for what he has to give.
He stays still for a moment and your coming protest is replaced by a low “ah” as he pushes himself back in. He repeats the motion, causing you to move your hips to begin bouncing each time your hips collide. Gripping the table to use as a stabilizer, you can’t help but crumble over the edge of it, that growing itch inside of you finally starting to relinquish. Being so full while hearing the low grunts of the man behind you has your insides twisting. You would be lying if you were to say that that itch didn’t begin growing once you saw more and more of him the past week you arrived. Though there was another catalyst to your neediness.
Having no one else to relieve the growing tension might also be the cause of why Andrew couldn’t help but grip tighter around your body. He wraps his arm below your breasts, his muscles flexing under his button up. The regret of not completely taking off your clothes seeps in for a second before it leaves again when a low moan leaves you. A burst of feeling broke in him, but it was soon muffled by the intensity of lust. His lips attached themselves to your skin in an attempt to memorize your taste, to maybe become one. The overwhelming crave for intimacy was what brought you two together in the first place and honestly? He wouldn’t have it any other way. Which is why he cared a little less about potentially being caught and let the dam break.
Such paced and shallow movements left all proper sentences to dissolve into the frigid air.
Drowning in your own bliss, you’re a little surprised at the sudden noises that emerged from Andrew’s throat. His rapid breathing and the drum of his heart could be felt throughout your entire body. You respond to his passion with your own airy groans and whines, rolling your hips to meet him the more you became lost in each other’s heat. Despite being so talkative earlier, the Conductor lost the ability to say anything, only mumbling out small praises and sighs.
Was all you needed to know as Andrew’s gaping mouth made its home where your ear meets your jaw. You couldn’t help the ego boost that ran through your body knowing you reduced such a rigorous man to a grunting mess. Yet it passed when you felt the crawling sensation that went through your lower parts and braced for the impact of that euphoria.
Your body processed the climax before your brain could; your body jolted and tightened in an attempt to be replenished and the man behind you slammed his hips two more times before going stiff as well. Your eyes fluttered as you felt his cum spurt along your insides, the odd sensation made your hips move a bit as if to rub it properly in you. Your legs twitch in sync with his own small thrusts as he accidentally stimulates both of you even further.
Then you two stay still, your bodies adjusting and remembering the pulse and sensation of one another. Chests move up and down, minds recovering from the epitome of bliss.
With your mind still a bit frazzled, you mumbled, “Next time I should be quieter…”. Upon hearing this, Andrew leaned forward to peck your ear; you shiver as his hot breath travels down your neck, “Oh? So there will be a next time. We can go for a proper round right now if you’re that desperate for more.”
You ponder for a moment before your mind flashes back to the quiet officer that stumbled on you two earlier. “This might not be the best place to continue, even if I wouldn’t mind having an audience,” you sighed as you leaned forward to remove the soft member inside of you, despite wanting it to stay there. Andrew raises an eyebrow at the end of your statement before moving up as well and reaching over to the middle of the table where there’s a canister of napkins. He grabs a couple in between each finger before settling back into the seat and gripping the ass of you who is still bent over. “Stay still,” he whispers out before dragging one of the napkins up your crotch to soak up your slick. You jump at the caress as you feel your pussy still tingling. He continues to wipe your folds and clean any evidence of his cum, much to his displeasure.
Forgetting that he didn’t reply to your sentence earlier, the Conductor says in a sultry tone, “But you know…that is a good idea”. You didn’t even need to turn to see the faint mischievous smile on his face.
Once he finishes with wiping you clean, he graciously pulls up your underwear and dressing pants before giving your ass a smack and reveling in the recoil. Your brow twitches before you step sideways to get out of the booth, putting most of your weight on the table. The Conductor follows you and gathers his items before placing them back into the slightly damp coat that had fallen victim to his sweat. Placing it in his shoulders again, he places a hand on your lower back and turns to you to stare down at your flustered state.
Not being able to resist the man’s quiet antics any further, you reach out your hand to cup his hollow cheek. He gets the message and leans down, your lips meeting once more in a soft press. No rush, no tongue running past their teeth, just a simple lock that lasts a few seconds before you both gradually pull away.
With the final kiss of the night, you step back away from each other, still feeling the lingering warmth Andrew had on your skin. You both walk forward and past each other; him towards the front car and you to your sleeping quarters. Neither of you needed to look back because you knew that you would see each other again; it is the inevitable fate on this forever running train.
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writtenmarauder · 1 year
Home (Kaz Brekker x Fem!Reader)
Summary: Kaz and Y/n enjoy their normal life with their kids and found family.
Warnings: None? Perhaps a warning for being pregnant?
Requested: yes: kaz and y/n have kids (taking place years and years later) and we just get family fluff with the crows being amazing uncles and aunts
Masterlists: Master of Masterlists/ Grishaverse Masterlist.
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It was early summer and the first warm nights had rolled in which meant little to no sleep for the former ghost of Ketterdam. After a lot of tossing and turning, she sighed and sat up. The little one in her belly started kicking. She smiled and rubbed her hand over her belly.
“I know little one. I feel you.” She whispered.
Her eyes fell on the empty spot in the bed. It wasn’t unusual for Kaz to be up in the middle of the night, but tonight she missed her husband. Slowly she got up from the bed, throwing on one of his shirts. The house was very quiet, not a floorboard or plank moving due to the heat. Y/N krept through the hallway to Kaz’ office. The light was out. She sighed not feeling particularly keen on entering an empty room. She placed her hand against the nearest lightbulb. It hadn’t been on for a while, but it had been on tonight.  
“Kaz?” No response. Y/n made her way down to the living area, but no sign of her husband there either, “Who knew my grumpy husband would be hard to find.”
She walked back up the stairs, wondering where he could be. The last step groaned under her weight. Suddenly soft giggles were heard. The twins, of course. Her lips curled upwards as she approached the room.
“Ssssshhht, Mommy is coming. Hurry!” “Quickly pretend you’re asleep.”
Y/n was waiting in front of the door, trying to contain her laughter. She cracked open the door and saw the twins in their beds, giggles still ensuing. Kaz was laying on the couch passed out. She shook her head and walked in.
“You two should be asleep.” “Sorry, mommy.” Jess smiled. “We couldn’t sleep and Daddy was reading us a story. Then he fell asleep before us.” Jordie smiled. “Really?” “Yes mommy. Look he fell asleep!”  “Shhhht, I can see that baby. He must’ve really wanted to stay.” “Will you stay too?” Jordie asked putting on his best puppy eyes.
When Jess joined him, her heart melted. How could she say no to the 4 year old twins who conquered her heart the moment she led eyes on them. She remembered Kaz needing a little push from Nina to hold them. He had never looked happier holding the warm bundles of joy in his arms.
“Alright I’ll stay, but you’ll have to move over.”
The two were more than happy to follow out this order. They both chose a side to lean up against. It was very cramp, but the trio made it work.
“We also listened to Unca Jesper and put a tiara on daddy. He’s a pretty princess now!” Jordie chuckled. “How about I invite over your aunts and uncles tomorrow?” Y/n chuckled. “Really?” “Do I ever lie to you?” “All the time!” Jess responded. “I do not. Saints you two.” She smiled and tickled them.
Their laughter filled the air as they were enjoying the attention. The baby kicked again. She stopped tickling and tried to sooth the baby by rubbing her belly. Jordie jumped up a little when the unborn baby moved again. It was a perfect outline of a foot.
“Mommy mommy look it’s baby sibling.” he beamed touching her belly. “Indeed. They are turning. Getting ready to meet you two.” “Woah that feels so weird!!” Jordie beamed. “Inside voice, my darling. So we don’t wake daddy. He’s probably very tired.” “Like this.” he whispered. “You’re doing incredible.”
The three of them stayed cuddled up till the sun crept through the curtains. Besides short naps the three didn’t get much sleep. Jordie let out a big sigh and held on to his stuffy.
“Mommy, can we make breakfast for Daddy?” He asked, with Jess immediately backing up this plan.  “Of course we can, let’s put our best sneaking shoes on okay?”
They made their way down the stairs as stealthily as possible. Before they could get started she sent the Dreg, that came by with information, to gather the crows for a little party. He would be rewarded generously for his endeavours.
”What compensation are we talking here?” “100 kruge now and 50 more when you bring them here. Do we have a deal?” “Consider it done, Ma’am.” “Thank you so much.” “You have a good day Ma’am.” “You too.”
Jordie and Jess were waiting impatiently for her to start breakfast.
“Alright. Now that your Aunts and Uncles are on their way. What do we want for breakfast?” “Waffles!!!” They cheered. “Of course. Let me guess neither one of you knows how to make it, do you?”
They shook their head and she let out a sigh. Next thing to do was to find the waffle recipe. She flipped through the cookbook Nina gave Kaz, when she was bedridden. Waffles had to be in here.
“We’ll have to ask, Auntie.” “I can make waffles.” Y/n exclaimed. “Yes, but they might be different than auntie’s waffles and we love those.” “Saints, Nina, what did you start?” “Nothing. Except I make them realize that waffles are the best thing ever and the solution to all your problems.” “Auntie Nina!” The twins shouted and ambushed her with hugs. “Fear not, my loves. I will help with the waffles, but I will need some help, Jess will you help me?” “Yes!!” She cheered.
Jordie kept standing by the door and when Y/n tried to pull him back to the kitchen, he spoke up.
“Auntie, where is unca Matts?” “Oh, he is being a sleepyhead. I think he’s a bear who sleeps through summer.” “Bears sleep through winter!” Jordie laughed. “Very good, little one.” Kaz smiled, leaning against the doorframe. “DADDY!!” The twins shouted and ran up to him. “Careful, my leg is hurting from sleeping on the couch.”
He knelt to the ground and hugged them tight.
“Thank you for staying with us daddy.” “Anytime. I promise to finish the rest of the story tonight. Okay?” “Thank you Daddy!” Jess cheered The door swung open revealing the most envied couple of Ketterdam. “Saints, don’t you look precious, Boss!” Jesper laughed. “What on earth are you talking about?” Kaz looked at his reflexion and saw the tiara, “Who did it? I’m not mad, I just want to know.” “I did it.” Jess smiled proudly. “Oh really? How about I tickle you!”
Jess ran away, laughter filling every corner of their small house. Kaz tried catching up with her and eventually laid down on the ground dramatically conceding the chase. The twins ran to his side and pretended to be healers.
“I feel much better, thank you. Now help an old man up.” Kaz joked. “Oh god, please don’t say you’re old I’m older than you.” Jesper groaned. “I guess that makes you ancient.” Wylan joked. “Wylan, so glad you could make it!.” Y/N smiled. “Hi, how are you?” “Tired, but good. Can’t wait to let this one out of here.” “I can imagine. What like 3 more weeks.” “Yeah, something like that.”
Nina poked her head out of the kitchen, like she was trying to sense something. Y/n felt the room spinning and closed her eyes in an attempt to refocus her body.
“Jesper help Y/n to the couch, now.” Nina commanded.
Jesper spun around just in time to catch his friend. He tried getting a response, but besides a faint one nothing coherent came out. Wylan and Jesper helped her lay down. Kaz sat down and laid her head on his lap. His fingers stroking through her hair. A tense feeling building in his chest. 
“No worries people. Waffles are here to save the day once more.” Nina smiled bringing out a stack of warm pancakes.
She had never been more popular. Jesper handed Kaz a plate with two waffles on them.
“Thank you.” He uttered and helped his wife nibble on the waffle.
Nina quickly came by to check in on her friend.
“Low sugar?” Kaz asked concerned. “Just like last time. So don’t you dare worry. She’s in wonderful hands.” “Please don’t be twins like last time, though.” Inej smiled. “Inej, you made it.” Kaz smiled. “I wouldn’t miss seeing my favourite troublemakers for the world and a little birdie told me there was a party.” “You’re right in time.” Nina smiled brightly pulling her best friend along to the kitchen to gossip and make more waffles.
Everyone was enjoying the waffles Nina made. Some like Wylan and Kaz were taking it slow like they were trying to savour every little moment. Whilst others like Jesper and the twins inhaled it like it was water on a scorching day. Jordie made his way over to Wylan like he was on a mission.
“Unca Wy?” “Yes?” “Will you play something for us, please?” “Of course, Jordie. It would be an honour. to play for you.” “Yaaaay!” “Unca Jesper, will you dance with me?” “But of course! How could I not?”
Kaz smiled at his found family and felt at ease. Y/n sat up and snuggled into his side as she too enjoyed the music Wylan was now playing. Kaz held her protectively.
“You’re still wearing the tiara.” She smiled. “All is as it should be.” Kaz said. “You’re going soft?” “I went soft the day you finally kissed me.” “Finally? You sir were the one calling the shots remember?” “I do remember. You were my personal saint.” “Oh god that was so cheesy.”
The duo laughed and turned back to the group. They were all dancing or making music. Jordie was sitting in Jespers neck to be the tallest dancer and Inej was dancing with Jess. They were happier than ever.
“You know, Kaz, how I used to dream of finding a home?” “It was your biggest dream.” “I found it.” “Home.” Kaz smiled.
Jess wiggled her way to freedom and tried pulling Kaz along.
“Dance with me, daddy!” “Only if you’ll dance with me.”
Jess cheered and the party was a grande succes. It wasn’t provoked with wealth it wasn’t corrupted by rivalry. It was home.
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lazarus-rose · 1 year
For @dreampencil
It was two days after Jack dropped Cas back on Earth that Dean told him.
Sam had left to spend the weekend with Eileen (later, Cas found out that he had done this at Dean’s request) so it was just the two of them, the man and the angel, left in the bunker. Dean made dinner for them (his homemade burgers, because he knew how much Cas loved them) and insisted they eat in the Deancave while watching a film. Cas had been unable to really take in much of the movie because, a few minutes in, Dean put an arm around his shoulders.
Cas can still remember the way his grace had sung at the contact while his body stiffened. He had turned to look at Dean only to find the man staring resolutely at the TV, his face looking unusually pink. Cas spent the whole movie watching Dean out of the corner of his eye.
Dean didn’t look at Cas until the credits began to roll. He glanced at him, blushing even more when he saw Cas was watching him. He cleared his throat before turning the TV off and turning to face him. He twisted his hands anxiously in his lap before reaching out and taking one of Cas’ hands in his.
Electricity danced under Cas’ skin, both figuratively and literally. He was out of practice with his full power and it was taking most of his remaining concentration to keep it from bursting out of him.
He could feel Dean’s soul, pulsing through his skin, Cas’ grace wrapping around it automatically and rejoicing at the feel of it. He could feel the callouses on Dean’s hands, rough against his palms. Both his physical body and his angelic one longed for Dean.
“Cas, I…” Dean looked away, his tongue flicking out to moisten his lips. He met Cas’ eyes again before continuing, “About what you said-”
“Dean, you don’t have-”
“Just, listen for a sec, okay?” Dean said, his hands tightening around Cas’. “I need to say this.” He took a deep breath. “Me too, Cas,” he said. “I love you too.”
Time seemed to slow. Cas felt like he was stuck between one breath and the next, suspended in this impossible moment.
His grace was the first thing to respond. Cas didn’t even notice the lights in the room growing brighter or the humming sound that accompanied the increased radiance. He only had eyes for Dean, just like back in the dungeon, when he had poured his heart out for the man he had fallen for.
Dean flinched suddenly, and then the room was plunged into darkness. It took Cas a second to realise that his grace had caused the lights to explode. He felt himself blushing in embarrassment as he pulled his grace back inside him, ashamed to have lost control.
He could feel Dean staring at him, could see the gleam of his eyes in the dark. And then the man chuckled.
“That was you, right?”
“Y-you love me?” Cas couldn’t focus on anything else.
Dean grew solemn again. “Yeah, I do.” When Cas didn’t respond, Dean tried to pull his hand back, but Cas latched onto his fingers, unwilling to let him go. Dean laughed again. “Dude, just…” He pulled his hands back gently and then reached out, blind in the darkness, until his searching fingers found Cas’ cheek.
Their first kiss was just as electric as the confession it followed. Cas was sure that, if the lightbulbs in the room weren’t already gone, they would have exploded again.
As time went on and their relationship progressed, Cas’ control of his powers got somewhat better around Dean, but it still wasn’t great. Dean loved seeing Cas unintentionally unleash his powers and sometimes deliberately went out of his way to make Cas lose control.
“Dean,” the angel warned him when he felt Dean’s fingers curling through his hair. The two of them were on their bed and Cas had his head resting in Dean’s lap.
“What?” Dean said innocently.
Cas opened his eyes and looked up at Dean, trying to appear stern. “You know what.”
Dean just smiled down at him before he began running his fingers through Cas’ hair. Cas could feel his grace responding, flowing out of his body and seeking out his beloved, radiating happiness and power. He didn’t protest again, even when he felt the power grow, spreading throughout the room and seeking out other sources of energy.
Cas sighed with both pleasure and resignation as the lights around them exploded. He looked up at Dean.
“Your eyes are glowing again,” the man told him, his hand moving to frame his face.
The grace shining through Cas’ eyes was enough to illuminate Dean’s cheeky grin.
“We’re going to have to replace the lightbulbs again,” Cas reminded him.
“Worth it,” Dean said. He leaned down and brushed their lips together briefly. “You know you’re awesome, right?”
Cas smiled. “So you’ve told me.”
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Even if he could’ve talked, no one would’ve believed him.
He thought he was the only one out there, living in the cybertronian wilds. All someone would ever see out there were colonies of dying scraplets and grubs; and that’s if someone got lucky. It was dry, depressing, and terribly difficult to survive.
But then the thing came.
It started with wind. It was a cold wind, colder than anything Orion ever felt. When he smelled the fresh air, he crawls out of his little hole to breathe it in. He expected it to feel good on his hot face plate, but all it did was make him recoil in shock. He retreated back into his little cave.
Then came the powder. It fell from the sky. At first, it disappeared into the ground, never to be seen again; then it began to rest on it. Finally, it began to pile and pile, to the point where Orion had to dig through it to keep himself from getting walled in to his little hole. He hissed the moment he touched it; it was too strange. It was even colder than the wind that it came on. It was wet, but you couldn’t flow through it like liquid. It wasn’t hot, quite the opposite, yet it burned his servos raw. He retreated from it as soon as possible.
Then came the noise. He could describe it in a way someone could understand. It was, in a sense, an enjoyable screeching; almost like a bird. It started off quiet, like a humming in the back of his head; but it just kept getting louder, to the point where he could hear it over the raging wind above him. Terrified was an understatement, but the curiosity running through Orion’s circuits couldn’t keep him still.
He finally crawled all the way out of his hole. Orions pedes began to burn in the white cold. He moved forward towards the sound in a rush. The sooner he found out what it was, the sooner he could go back to shelter and nurse his nonexistent wounds. He didn’t know how long he trudged through the white powder; he couldn’t navigate out here; everything was pure white, including the sky. The noise got incredibly loud, but it stopped all too suddenly. Orion stopped in his tracks and looked around. What happened? Why did the noise stop? When even was he? He only had seconds to ponder before he finally looked in front of him.
The thing. It just stood there. It was too tall. It’s fingers were too long. Its eye was too bright. It was too quiet. It just stood there, starring at him. It held two strange sticks; in his right servo was a long and thin one, in the second was one so strangely shaped that he could only describes it in detail; The large end of it was resting on it’s shoulder.
Orion felt colder than he ever had in his life. It wasn’t the powder or the wind that kept him still as a statue, but the gaze of the thing in front of him. Its eye glowed a burning white and its gaze pierced his very spark. Only the sudden, high pitched return of the sound made Orion move. It had rubbed its sticks together, making the sound that Orion had been so eager to track.
Orion sprinted back the way he came faster than he possibly could’ve. He never saw the thing or the powder it brought again.
No one ever did.
Happy Holidays Lightbulbs!! In the spirit of Winter, here’s the story of Orion and a winter spirit! This is a very late contribution to Feral Optimus Friday; I felt you guys really deserved it, especially considering that I’m a neglectful parent to my followers most of the time. Please enjoy!
(P.S, if you want a name for the thing, you may call it Frostbite :) )
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scoopssquad1440 · 2 years
All Tied Up S.H.
Warnings: SMUT, bondage, AFAB! reader, sub!reader, dom!steve
~~~~~~~~~~~MINORS DNI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Prompt: Steve didn’t know you knew so much about shibari. 
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The Hawkins hardware store was lit up on the dark street, the beginnings of winter causing dusk to come early. Steve’s hand was held tightly in yours as you stepped onto the curb. The bell of the door dinged as you walked through.
“I just gotta grab some lightbulbs, babe.” Steve said, heading toward the aisle labeled lighting. You nodded, following behind him. Unfortunately, the following was short lived as you passed through the paint wall. All the colors were a great distraction, and you pulled a couple of the sample cards out to check them against others.
You and Steve were now the proud owners of a trailer in Forest Hills trailer park. It was small and cramped, nothing like Steve grew up with. But you were making it yours. Painting the bedrooms, making a flower bed around the front porch. There was a special hook Steve hung for you where you placed your windchime. Domesticity with Steve felt so easy to slip into. He had this innate caring nature that paired with your compassion to create the most welcoming home. He still worked at the family video while you picked up shifts at the hardware store on occasion. You never wanted for anything, Steve always found a way to provide.
Green paint sample in hand, you wandered around the aisles in search of Steve. He was nowhere to be seen in the lighting section and the flooring was also a no. “Steve!” you called out. It was getting later in the night, only one other customer was in the store. You had passed him through the lighting. You wandered a bit more, taking a left down one of the aisles. Steve was deep in concentration looking at the many rolls of chains and ropes displayed on the wall.
“Steve, what are you doing?” you asked, a brow quirked up in confusion. “Huh? Oh, just looking at this rope.” He mumbled, grabbed the frayed end in one hand and tugging it taunt with the other. “Do you think this could hold a person?” he asked. You couldn’t help but feel your heart skip a beat. You looked at the rope with a frown, reaching out to touch it. It was rough under your fingers, itchy even. You didn’t know Steve was thinking about that kind of thing. You hardly strayed from vanilla sex, not that you were dissatisfied. “I wouldn’t use that kind of rope if you’re wanting to tie me up” you started, “I would use something silkier and less irritating, like this!” you grabbed a smaller, white rope with silky strands. “But I really wouldn’t buy rope for bondage somewhere like here.” You shrugged.
Steve was quiet for a moment and you looked at him confused. His cheeks were very red, and his hands were frozen in time with the thick harsh rope in his hands. “I…I was going to make a swing for the tree out front.” He stammered, holding up the short wooden plank that was tucked under his arm. Now it was your turn to be embarrassed. “O-oh yeah that should be just fine then.” You stuttered. The warmth in your belly sizzled away. He was still looking at you incredulously. “I-is that something you want me to do?” Steve said, not sure if he should pry. He felt this spark of curiosity in both his heart and his dick. You shrugged, despite every nerve in your body telling you to scream yes, “I like it. I’ve only done it a couple times.” Your shoes suddenly became interesting as you fingered the white rope in your hands. Steve crossed his arms in his Steve way, “And how did you hear about it?” He was trying to look confident, but he couldn’t help the way his heart was hammering in his chest, thinking about how beautiful you would look with rope caressing your body. And the way you would look in the heat of orgasm, arms bound behind your back, back arching as he held you in place. He shook the delicious thought away.
“Eddie gave me a book a while back because of a campaign we were planning. And he gave me the wrong one.” A blush fell upon your cheeks as you remember the awkward interaction. When you had sat down to read the new dungeon guide, you were met with a page featuring a beautiful woman suspended by rope, naked, and shiny with sweat. You had slammed it shut and let out a yelp. Eddie turned back, shocked by the loud noise in the library. “What’s the matter- oh. OH.” His eyes bulged as he grabbed the book back. He ruffled through his bag with red cheeks and handed you the actual dungeon guide. “Sorry about that.” he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “What is that?” you asked softly, curiously.
And so began a three-month investigation into the world of bondage. Borrowing books from Eddie, experimenting with decorative rope pieces under your clothes, but never quite getting the confidence to ask Steve about joining in it. Something about the rope against your skin became this addicting sensation and imagining the loss of control when being restrained had infiltrated your brain.
“A book?” Steve said confused. You nodded, “Yeah, it was a book about bondage.” You finally took your focus off your shoes and met his gaze. He looked concerned, yet curious. “Why didn’t you ever bring it up?” he whispered, coming closer to you, eyes darting around to make sure you were alone. It was near closing, you knew there was only the clerk left here. “I don- I just…I didn’t want you to think something is wrong with me for being a rope bunny.” You said frustratedly, horror filling your features as the clerk approached and caught the tail end of the conversation.
“Uh… we close in a couple minutes.” He muttered, looking at you like you were a freak. Well. You are a freak.
“Can we get a couple feet of this?” Steve asked, holding up the end of the white rope in his hand, “We’re making a tree swing.” He glanced at you with a sly smirk.
“So, it’s important that we talk the entire time.” You said shyly, poised in Steve’s lap. “Or I guess talk isn’t what I meant to say. We have to communicate.” Steve nodded in agreement, “Like a safe word?” he asked curiously. Your eyebrow quirked, “Where did you hear that one?” you asked. “Eddie.” You both said at the same time with a laugh following. “How about red for stop, green for go.” You suggested, thinking back to the crash course Eddie gave you, trying to educate and not traumatize you. “I can work with that. Do you still have that book?” Steve asked softly, rubbing his hands up your legs, playing with the edge of your silky shorts. You nodded, reaching under your side of the bed and pulled it out of the shoe box you kept secrets in. He took it from you gracefully, opening it up and flipping through. His eyes lingered on several of the ties and their step-by-step guide. “Can I pick which one we do?” he asked bashfully. He leaned the book forward so you could look at where his finger pointed. It was a relatively easy tie, putting your thighs and ankles bound together, a simple column linking your wrists to the leg tie. Though simple, the knots do take time to make and master. “I like that one. Are you okay with moving me around? I won’t have the ability to move around.” You peered up at him. He looked a little nervous, his hair flattening where he had run his hands through it a few times. “If you don’t want to do this, we truly don’t have to.” You mentioned, grabbing his hand and pressing a kiss against his knuckles. “I want to.” He said with certainty, squeezing your hand back, “I think it’s…beautiful. And I can’t stop thinking about seeing you like that.” He murmured.
He leaned forward, lips pressing into yours and hands pulling you closer. The swipe of his tongue brushed your lips and you happily obliged. You rested your hands on his shoulders, playing with the tank top adorned on his chest. There was no urgency, you had time. “Patience is the first lesson of roping” you could hear the echo of Eddie’s voice in your head. Steve kissed you for quite a bit longer, pulling away only to let you breathe and readjust.
“Would you like me to start tying?” he whispered against your ear. The warmth in your chest spread to your stomach and even down to your fingertips. “Yes, please.” You nodded, standing up to pull off your shorts and t-shirt. His hands followed yours, brushing against your sides, thumbing over your nipples. “God, baby. You are just so beautiful.” He praised, leaning forward to kiss your sternum. His lips made their way to your left nipple, pulling you to stand between his legs. A soft whimper left your lips, brushing your hands through his hair. “Hand me the rope.” He muttered, pointing to the two pieces wound up on the pillow. You placed it into his outreached hand, eyes meeting his with nervous excitement. “Safe word?” he asked, a soft hand brushing against your cheek. “Red for stop, green for go.” You rubbed your cheek against his hand. “Good girl.” He murmured.
He placed you on the bed, the book open with the instructions next to him. He pulled off his t shirt, pushed his hair back (only for it to flop back into his eyes) and got to work. He followed the instructions carefully, still messing up here and there, allowing there to be a shared giggle between you two. As he finished with the wrap on your right leg, he checked in, “Are you doing okay?” You nodded, “green.”
After a few more minutes, a couple more knots had formed, and he was finished. “There we go.” He panted a little, checking the ropes of his hard labor. “Everything feeling okay? Nothing pinching too tight?” He worried over you. You laughed, “Stevie, I am just fine. Now please start touching me.”
The rope was taunt just enough over your skin. There was a slight burn when you tugged at the rope, but it was not unwelcome. This was everything you were expecting from the feeling. Being at Steve’s mercy like this was not scary, it was comforting. You knew he would take care of you. He would never do anything to hurt you, he would protect you, and he would make you feel good.
Hands trailed down your front, tugging at ropes here and there, gently pinching your nipples and chuckling when you whined. Goosebumps followed his fingers as he dipped past your hips and between your aching thighs. This tie allowed him a full view of what this was doing to you. Your folds were slick with desire that made his mouth water. His finger swiped at your entrance, gathering the wetness and bringing it back up to lubricate your clit. A low moan fell from your lips, heading falling back while he kept the same pace. He watched you intently, adoring the way you struggled against the rope to get more friction from his finger. His other hand trailed up your thigh, squeezing your hip gently and falling down to your entrance. He pressed two fingers into you, keeping his other finger in a consistent rhythm against your clit. Your back arched, or rather tried with the restraint. “Fingers feel good.” You said dumbly, whimpering as you felt a fire building in you. “oh baby, are you gonna come on my fingers?” he cooed, easing a third finger into you. You whined, tensing up and starting to shake. “’M coming.” You cried, your orgasm flooding through you. Your thighs shook, muscles flexing as you rode though it on his fingers. “Good girl” he praised, giving you a kiss. You panted, staring at him with your mouth slack. “Color? Want me to move you before I fuck you?” He asked softly, pushing your hair from your eyes. “Green. And yes please, my foot is falling asleep.” You giggled. “Thank you.” He praised and rolled you onto your front. Ankles and wrists posed in the air and pussy full on display for Steve. He pulled off his pants and boxers, rubbing his cock slowly as he admired you. “Love when you’re all tied up, baby. It’s like a present for me.” He joked. You rolled your eyes and smiled as he settled between your legs. You could feel him press against you, hands on your thighs. He pushed into you fully with a deep groan, “You feel so good.” He whined, rutting against you slowly. Moans left your lips as he thrust into your sensitive hole. The grip on your thighs tightened as he sped up his thrusts. “S-Steve.” You let out a long whimper, already feeling the warmth building deep within you again. “You’re squeezing me so tight. Fuck don’t know if I’ll last.” His thighs slapped against your ass, pulling hard moans from your lips. You weren’t going to last from this. “I need to come, stevie, please” you begged, face shoved into the mattress. You were covered in a sheen of sweat and your legs were shaking. The rope burned deliciously against your skin. And then you snapped, coming hard on Steve’s dick, whimpering and gushing around him. “Fuck” he moaned, sloppily rutting against you as he came. “Good job, baby, good fucking job.” He praised, breathing hard as he pulled out and watched his cum drip from you.
His hands gently tugged at the knots, pulling them loose and freeing you. As the ropes fell, you felt fuzzy and warm. Steve quickly checked all areas that were covered with rope for blisters or abrasions. “The book said to take a shower and then treat any sores. I don’t see any sores, but how does some lotion sound when you’re done?” he reached for your hand, bringing you back to the moment. “Yes, please.” You murmured, standing up with him. “Did I get you all subby?” he smiled, leaning down to press a kiss against your forehead. “mhm.” You smiled lazily and waited for him to start the shower. “Thank you for taking care of me.” You said, hugging his arm gently. He brushed your hair off your shoulder and pressed a kiss there, “You’re my girl. Gotta take care of my girl.”
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fairymermaid7-blog · 8 months
This is a story by @mythicalea, @jessbahia , Chrissy and myself for the JQ Spookathon 2023.
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Dead Time Darlings
October 1st
Y/n was busily unpacking in her new room, she knew if there was one spot in her house she wanted settled as soon as possible it was her room. 
She was focused on hanging up her clothes in the closet when she heard what she thought were footsteps in the hallway. She froze in her spot and looked towards the hallway. 
She slowly walked towards the door and opened it to look in the hallway. As she poked her head into the hallway a few books she had just put on her dresser shelf flew to the floor.
“What the heck?” She said to herself softly. 
October 3rd
“I’m telling you, it’s just getting weirder!” Y/N spoke into the phone as she wiped down her counters in the kitchen. “Maybe that’s why my aunt left me this house…it was her way of fucking with me one more time.” 
She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “No, my aunt is not haunting me” she laughed lightly as she heard a shifting upstairs. “I’ll call you back” she hung up the phone quickly. 
She grabbed a bat and slowly walked up the stairs. She cleared the house and took a deep breath. 
“I know you’re messing with me, why?” She asked out loud, standing in the hallway. 
She heard footsteps walk behind her and she slowly turned to see nothing. She felt a chill hit the back of her neck as she froze in her spot.
October 7th
“Alright” she said, emptying the contents of a plastic shopping bag onto the kitchen counter. “I know you’re here. For some reason, you want me to know you’re here, I’m going to make it real easy on you.” 
She took the multiple packs of alphabet magnets and started opening them, putting all the letters on the fridge. 
“We’ll start with an easy one” she said, throwing away the packaging. “Who are you?” 
She watched the magnets on the fridge carefully before turning away. 
“You take your time” she said out loud before going to the laundry room to grab her laundry. 
She walked the laundry back through the kitchen before the magnets caught her eye. She put the laundry basket on the counter and walked to the fridge, never taking her eyes off of it.
She ran her fingers over the new word formed on the fridge as a smile broke out on her face. 
“Nice to meet you Arthur.”
October 11th
Y/N yawned as she walked into the kitchen. She giggled a little when she read the fridge. 
“Good morning to you too Arthur” she smiled.
After having a long, rough night, she turned to put on a pot of coffee. When she turned back around, another smile formed on her face. 
“Beautiful” she read the word off the fridge. “Thank you Arthur, such a gentleman.” 
October 12th
Y/N rubbed her eyes as she sat up in her bed. She checked her phone, reading the 3:04am across her screen and groaned to herself. 
She pulled herself out of bed and expected the noise of someone walking around to stop. To her surprise, the sound didn’t stop but only got louder as she approached the room she had deemed her library. 
She paused for a moment before pulling the door open. A man she had never seen before was pacing around in the room. She  gasped and grabbed for a lamp that hadn’t been set up yet to use as a weapon. 
“Who are you?” She asked towards the man.
“Me?” The man stopped pacing and looked directly at Y/N. 
“Yes you!” 
“You can see me? You can hear me?” It was only now Y/N realized the accent. 
“Of course I can, what kind of question is that? Now answer me! Who the hell are you?!” She rose her voice. 
“I’m Arthur” he explained, giving a calming motion with his hands.
“That’s…not possible” Y/N said quietly, dropping the defensive pose and letting the lamp hang in her hand at her sides.
“It shouldn’t be” Arthur said quietly “you shouldn’t be able to hear me…or see me.” 
“…but I can see you, and I can hear you…how?” 
Arthur looked at her like a lightbulb had gone off in his head.
“Dead time.”
“Look” Arthur felt his front pocket with his hand, as Y/N followed the motion with her eyes. She couldn’t help but admire the beautiful fingers that took a pocket watch out, before mentally slapping herself. 
You're having a paranormal encounter with a spirit, you don’t even know if you’re dreaming, get it together! she thought before Arthur interrupted her thoughts. 
“See?” he said, showing her the watch. 
“Yeah, I know what time it is, that’s not the..wait” she finally realized what he was talking about. She stared at him, thinking, her face a mixture of surprise and fear. She started stepping backwards instinctively, however knowing he wasn’t there to hurt her.
Arthur reached out to touch her forearm, right at the time when the sound of a thunder burst through the quiet night. She jumped a bit and screamed, making Arthur scream too. 
“Okay, this is not happening” she closed her eyes shut and opened them again, “I’m surely dreaming”.
“You are not dreaming” Arthur approached her a little more, but she didn’t back off this time. He reached out again, but his fingers went right through her arm. She looked down at it and right back up at him, turning pale.
“Please do not be scared..” Arthur’s voice broke a little. 
“I..” she started, but never finished the sentence. Instead, she turned around and left the library, quickly walking towards her bedroom as she murmured.
“This is not happening, you’re dreaming, it’s not, it’s not real, wake up idiot…” she kept talking to herself as she reached her bed and took off the sweater she had worn over her nightgown when she’d got out of bed. She heard footsteps approaching and her heartbeat got louder into her ears as the storm got louder outside, and, seconds later, her door sprung open.
“Please just listen to me, I am not-” Arthur stormed into the room, only to turn around terrified when he gave her one look.
“My God, I am so sorry, where are my manners? I am terribly sorry I didn’t know you would be naked…” he kept murmuring, his back turned on her.
Yn furrowed her eyebrows and looked down at her quite dressed self before feeling her cheeks blush a little at his shyness.
“You…it’s alright, you can turn around” she said softly and he turned around slowly, only to squeal again “you’re still naked!” 
Yn put her sweater back on and cleared her throat. “It’s fine now.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah I’m sure.”
Arthur turned around softly again, his cheeks a deep shade of red that made her melt a little inside. 
“Right, I…” he started, straightening his jacket, “I just wanted to tell you…you don’t have to be afraid. I am a very friendly spirit.”
“Spirit..? But how..how can this be..?”
“You already knew something was going on.”
“I did but…”
“I have lived here my whole life…and…and after, as a matter of fact, I…I am harmless…I have been so lonely…and then you arrived, and you seemed so happy and,friendly, and I would not have done anything but something inside me told me to try and communicate with you…And then you brought those strange letters which can move around on that big white cupboard in the kitchen, which, if I may add, is so cold on the inside, and I…”
“You got into the fridge??”
“I..” Arthur blushed again, looking at his hands “I was curious. What is that thing anyway?”
“Wait, just, hold on a second” y/n finally sat down on the bed, rubbing her face softly. “Come here” she motioned for him to approach “you can sit down.”
“A gentleman never sits on a lady’s bed miss” Arthur said formally. “In fact, I should have never spent so much time in your bedroom either. Perhaps I should-”
“Okay, let’s go to the library then” she stood up and he opened the door for her, smiling softly at her. She tried to ignore the shivering feeling his eyes gave her, and walked first through the hallway as she kept talking.
“I really want to know everything about you Arthur. I don’t know if I believe in such things but..” she reached the library entrance and turned around to look at him. Nothing. He was gone.
“A..Arthur?” she looked around at the hallway and then inside the library, No sign of him. She stood there for some seconds, trying to hear something, anything, apart from the thunder and heavy rain outside. And she did.
Seconds later, she heard the magnetic letters move around on the fridge. She walked fast towards the kitchen, surprising herself at how eager she was to see his message. Because she knew it was him. 
"dead time over" the message read. She waited patiently to see if he’d write anything else.
"tomorrow same time" she whispered the message and couldn’t help but smile.
“I’ll be waiting.”
October 13th
“So we figured out I can see you, I can hear you but I can’t touch you and you can’t touch me” Y/N explained as she wrote in her notebook. 
“Are you taking notes?” Arthur looked at her curiously. 
“Just trying to keep everything straight, this is my first spirit relationship” she giggled. 
“Relationship?” Arthur swallowed hard. 
“You know what I mean” she rolled her eyes. “I want to keep everything straight, you know like what I’ve already taught you.”
“Like that” Arthur pointed to her phone. 
“Right, and the fact that girls wear a lot less clothes now and it’s completely acceptable” she giggled as Arthur's face filled with a shade of pink. 
She turned the page and started writing again. 
“What are you writing now?” Arthur tried to peek at the page. 
“I’m making a list of what makes you blush” Y/N giggled as she kept writing and watched Arthur’s face go even more crimson.
October 17th
“Arthur?” Y/N said softly as she walked into the library. “Arthur are you here?” 
She started getting worried that she lost the ability to see Arthur in dead time. She felt herself grow sad and her heart clenched. 
She started thinking about how she shouldn’t be feeling the way she was when she heard him speak. 
“You look gorgeous as always” his deep voice put a smile on her face. 
“I was starting to think you weren’t coming” she said softly. 
“And miss this? This time with you? Never” he smiled widely, his eyes sparkling. 
“I uh…I had an idea” she turned her head trying to hide her blush. “For our dead time date”
“Continue” Arthur smirked at the mention of the word date.
“I thought I could read to you for a little” she smiled. “You know since we’re in the library” 
“I like that idea, but please anything but Fifty Shades Of Gray” he spoke quickly with wide eyes. 
“Wait, how do you know what Fifty Shades Of Gray is?” She asked confused.
“I got bored the other day, it looked like it would be about the struggles in the world and wow was I wrong” he sat in thought.
“Just…next time ask before you start reading a book if you want to know what it’s really about” she laughed, grabbing a book off the shelf. 
“Noted, I did find something interesting though” he explained, moving to the book shelf. 
“In Fifty Shades Of Gray?” She joked with a smirk. 
“No” Arthur said nervously, his hands shaking as he flipped through a book. “Here” he held the book out to her. 
She took the book from his hands and started reading. 
“The one night of the year where the barrier between the living and the dead can be broken” she looked up at Arthur. “Arthur this is genius, how did you find this?” 
“It was next to…that other book. Keep reading” he motioned to the book. 
She read silently before looking up at him with wide excited eyes.
“Do you think it’s true?” She asked hopeful.
“No clue” he shrugged.
“If it’s true that means you can stay in this…timeline? Universe? Whatever they call it for good, we just have to figure out what’s…”
“What’s keeping me here? I’ve been trying to figure that out for a long time, sweetheart” he said softly. 
“Well, if this is right, we have until Halloween. In Halloween the barrier can be broken. What do you think that means?”
October 20th
Y/N woke up to her alarm buzzing on her side table. She turned off the alarm and started going through a few books. 
She lost herself reading into her topic before she heard his voice. 
“Thought you were standing me up, love” Arthur joked, sitting on her bed. 
“Sorry, I just got caught up reading about Halloween and that barrier. I went to the library and got all these books since the internet gave too many different versions and no clear answer” she looked up at him and smiled. 
“What?” He asked nervously. 
“You’re sitting on my bed” 
“So I am” he smiled, motioning to the books. “Have you found anything out?” 
“From what I can tell, Halloween will be like dead time for twenty-four hours but like…dead time amped up.” 
“You lost me sweetheart.” 
“The twenty-four hours of Halloween I won’t just be able to see and hear you, I think I’ll be able to touch you and you can touch me too” 
“For a whole twenty-four hours?” Arthur asked in awe. 
“If I read this right. I think I also found more on the topic of keeping you here…you know if you’d want to” she trailed her words off nervously. 
She hadn’t quite been able to admit to herself that she wanted him to stay, to stay with her specifically, so she didn’t know how to explain to him how much she wanted him to stay with her. 
“Stay here? With you?” He asked quietly. 
“Well…yeah. If you wanted.”  
“I’d love nothing more” he finally whispered, making a slight smile crawl onto her face. 
“Me too.”
October 22nd
“Sweetheart” Y/N woke up to the sound of Arthur’s voice. 
“Babe, my alarm hasn’t gone off yet” she sleepily turned over in her bed. 
Arthur smiled to himself at the pet name.
“It’s 3:20 am, love” Arthur said softly. 
“What?” She sat up. “My alarm didn’t go off, I’m sorry honey.” 
“Shh, shh, go ahead and sleep, I can wait till tomorrow.” 
“No no” she rubbed her eyes. “I’m not wasting any time I get to be with you” she stretched. 
Arthur smiled lovingly at her, he knew. Living, dead, any universe, any timeline, any dimension, she was it for him.
October 25th 
Y/N walked into the kitchen and smiled when she read the fridge. 
“Good morning Arthur” she grabbed the heart magnet that she had added to the fridge and placed it next to the words he left her on the fridge before taking a picture of the message that read ‘good morning beautiful love’. 
She turned and made her coffee, hearing the magnets move on the fridge. She turned around to read the message. 
“Have a surprise for you tonight” she read out loud with a twinkle in her eye. “Can’t wait sweetheart.” 
October 26th
“There she is, my dead time darling” Arthur chuckled as he sat on her bed. 
“My handsome dead time prince” she smiled back, putting her phone down. 
“It’s never been more torturous that I can’t touch you, love” he said, throwing himself on the bed. 
She giggled watching him. 
“So, what’s the surprise babe?” She straightened up and sat curiously. 
“Oh yeah” he reached into his pocket and placed a ring on the bed in front of her. “I made that for you.” 
“You did?” She said with a soft voice and wonder in her eyes. “It’s beautiful.” 
“It’s just paper, love. But I wanted to give you something and I read in a book where a guy gave a girl a ring to show how he cared about her” he shrugged. 
“I love it” she smiled and slipped the ring on her finger. “Thank you honey.” 
“Of course. Anything for you” he grinned. 
“You’re right you know” she whispered. 
“About?” He looked up at her with question. 
“It’s never been more torturous that I can’t touch you."
A wide smile adorned Arthur’s face.
October 28th 
“I figured it out” Y/N excitedly said, walking into the kitchen and putting a book on the table. “I went to a book store and got a specialty book. It says that the reason why spirits get stuck in the sort of limbo you’re in is because something is unfulfilled. You’re missing something that’s keeping you from crossing over or becoming whole in a sense again…does that make sense?” She looked towards the magnets on the fridge.
‘Yes’ the magnets on the fridge read. 
“Do you know what you need to be…complete?” She said out loud and waited for the magnets to move again. 
‘No clue’ the magnets showed. 
“Well I have to work so I’ll try to think about it and you have all day to see if anything pops into your mind” she said out loud. 
‘Later beautiful’ the magnets moved to make out. 
“Can’t wait for our dead time date, handsome” she smiled and grabbed her coffee.
October 29th
“You looked so gorgeous today” Arthur smiled sitting on Y/N’s bed as she sat on her phone. 
“You look handsome as ever,” she grinned. “Did you figure anything out?” 
“I could only think of one thing” he shrugged, looking away. 
“Well what is it?” She looked at him curiously. 
“Don’t make me say it Y/N” he said softly. 
“Please? Anything to help figure out how to get you to stay here” she almost pleaded with him.
“You” he said quietly, not bringing his eyes to her. 
“Oh” she whispered. “Aren’t you just the cutest puppy ever?” She beamed as her eyes threatened to fill with tears. 
He tilted his head at her confused, almost with a hurt expression. 
“No, no it’s a good thing, it’s a good thing honey. It means you’re adorable like…really adorable” her last words were spoken lightly. 
October 30th
“Tomorrow is the day” Arthur happily said as he walked into Y/N’s room. 
“Yep, less than twenty four hours” she said a bit deflated.
“What’s wrong, gorgeous girl? Are you not excited?” Arthur asked concerned. 
“I’m really excited…I’m just scared” she said smally. 
“Scared?” Arthur tilted his head in question. 
“Of what comes after” she took a deep breath. “What if I can figure out how to get you to stay?”
“Then we try again next year,” Arthur shrugged. 
“You can wait until next year?” She looked up at him with wide eyes. 
“I’ve waited my whole life for you, what’s another year?” Arthur grinned. 
A small smile widened on Y/N’s face. She knew she would wait forever for him if that’s what it took. He was her person.
October 31st- 12.01 am
Arthur approached the bed slowly, sitting next to y/n who was still asleep. He extended his hand, eager to find out if it was true. And it was.
He was finally able to touch her. He slowly caressed her cheek with the back of his finger, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath as y/n slowly moved in her sleep. 
“My love..” he whispered softly, as she shifted more under the covers. His hand didn’t leave her cheek as she opened her eyes and looked straight up at him.
“Arthur…?” she sat up on the bed looking at his watery eyes. 
“It’s true” he said with a trembling voice as she took his hands in hers. “Can you feel it?”
Y/n didn’t reply, she just kissed his palm and then reached over and gave him the warmest and most loving hug he had ever experienced. 
Many minutes later, they broke the hug, both teary eyed and smiling. 
“It’s amazing” he smiled, kissing her hands.
“It is..” her voice broke again, and she sighed.
“Don’t think about it my love” he said, reading her thoughts, “we’ll figure it out. I promise” he brought his fingers to her chin to have her look at him again, and approached her a little more. 
Looking deep into his eyes and feeling her heart beating fast, in sync with his own, she approached a bit more. Arthur smiled lightly for a second before their lips touched ever so softly, and seconds later his hand rested on her cheek as he deepened the kiss and his other hand caressed her hair, and she reluctantly put her own on his chest. 
October 31st - Day
Y/N took her coffee to her room, looking for Arthur or any sign of him the whole way. She sighed, putting her coffee on her dresser and changing. She looked in the mirror, tilting her head wondering if her outfit looked alright for the day. 
“Absolutely beautiful” Arthur spoke as he wrapped his arms around her from behind with a wide smile. 
“Thank you Arthur, always a gentleman” she smiled resting her hands on his arms. 
“I can touch you, this is wonderful” Arthur sighed. 
“I can feel you, actually feel you. I love Halloween” she smiled widely as she watched them both in the mirror. 
“I hope you’re ready for an amazing day sweetheart” Arthur smiles at her in the mirror. 
“Amazing and stressful…we have to figure out how to keep you here. That book was not helpful” she said sadly. 
“Don’t stress beautiful, we’ll figure it out” Arthur comforted, dropping a kiss to the top of her head.
They spent the day mostly touching and holding each other, cuddling into each other’s arms and talking about how they’ll manage to keep Arthur in y/n’s dimension. 
“I’m sure it has to do with you… you’re what i’m missing to be complete..but I have no idea how we have to do it, like..do we have to say a spell or something? Or is it just the..uh..what we feel? Because I’m feeling really complete already..” Arthur said, going over the book for the millionth time while they were seated on the living room sofa. 
“I don’t know” y/n whispered, absent-mindedly caressing the paper ring on her finger. She took a look at the big clock on the wall, sighing. Time was relentlessly running out, and she hated that sting on her chest when thinking the day was going to be over soon.
“Okay” Arthur closed the book and placed it on the coffee table, “let’s leave it alone for a little. Maybe it’s already happened..maybe our..our connection, our feelings have already done the job. Forget it for a minute and come here” he opened his arms and she shoved herself in them, closing her eyes. 
“Here, let’s read something else for a change” he said, “wait here."
He came back seconds later, holding another book. LOVE POEMS of Frederick Douglas Harper the title read.
“I never saw that in the library before” yn said as Arthur sat back next to her and she went through the book. 
“I’ve been reading it” Arthur said “mostly after our dead time dates. Come back here” he opened his arms again and she made herself comfortable, resting her head on his lap as he randomly chose a page.
“Let’s see what we got…oh, that’s a great one.”
His soft deep voice filled the room as he read for her, she had closed her eyes and it felt as if they were the only people in the world, he held the book with one hand and caressed her hair with the other and she thought there was nothing else that she could ask for; she had everything, right there.
 I needed someone— 
I needed someone special; 
My eyes lay upon your face— 
In anticipation but doubt; 
I was so touched by the softness of your eyes, 
The grace of your stance, 
The peacefulness of your temperament; 
Your presence responded to my need and wish; 
You came to me, 
At the right time; 
You came to me, 
In the right way.
She slowly wiped her eyes, hoping he wouldn’t notice. But he did.
“My love?”
“I’m okay” she lifted herself off his lap and saw his eyes were watery too. They sat there, looking into each other’s eyes, not talking for many minutes. She caressed his cheek and he smiled softly to her, and without a word she leaned on his shoulder and he opened the book again. 
He read and read to her for hours, until the clock struck 11 times, making them both lift their heads to look at it, and then each other. 
One more hour. 
October 31st - 11:50 PM
“I can’t do this” Y/N said softly as she laid in Arthur’s arms. 
“Yes you can darling” Arthur comforted rubbing her head gently.
“How? How am I supposed to just be fine with the fact that I might have less than ten minutes with you?” 
“We’ll always have dead time,” Arthur whispered. 
He was trying to convince himself more than her that things would work out if nothing they did that day helped him stay permanently with her. 
“I guess that’s an upside but…” she sat up and faced him. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, you turned my life upside down in the best way possible. I can’t believe I was scared of you at first…you’re my comfort person.” 
“Oh sweetheart” he took both of her hands in his and pulled her to him. “I can’t believe, out of all people in the world to own this house, you walked into my life. You, who woke up every night for an hour in the middle of the night just to spend time with me. Who figured out a way for us to talk when it wasn’t dead time…you breathed life into my dying soul my love.” 
“Arthur” she breathed, fighting the tears welling in her eyes. “How can I do this? How can I be without you? Especially now?”
“Listen my love” he pulled her into his lap and held her tightly. “I know we might not have long left, but I need you to know, while I can still hold you, that I existed for many years after I existed my years on earth…but I never truly lived until the moment I saw you.” 
“I’ll live out the rest of my days only being able to see you for an hour in the middle of the night and feel you once a year because I don’t want anyone else. I love you” she looked up at him. 
“I love you too, you have no idea how much” he rushed out before pressing his lips to hers in a fierce kiss. 
She clutched to him the second they pulled away and she sobbed into his chest. 
“Please don’t leave me” she begged, gripping him tighter.
“I’m trying my love, I’d never leave you if it was my choice” he rubbed her hair comfortingly. 
“I can’t lose you, Arthur” she sobbed.
“I can’t lose you either sweetheart, we’ll never let that happen” he whispered to her. “I’m going to be right here with you for the last-“ he paused as he looked at the clock. 
“What?” She asked concerned as she noticed his pause. 
“It’s 12:04 AM” he said softly as if he couldn’t believe it.
“It is?” She jumped up from his lap. “It’s after midnight? It worked?!” She turned to Arthur. 
“Something we did today worked…I wonder what it was” he said in thought. 
“I don’t care what it was” she kissed him sweetly. “I still have you and that’s all that matters.” 
“I meant it, every word. I love you and I’m never leaving you darling” he slowly kissed her forehead.
“I’m so scared to even sleep in case this is all a dream” she sighed. 
“It’s not a dream, this is the most real that anything has ever been for me” he smiled at her lovingly. “Get some sleep love.” 
“Only if you’re sleeping with me” she returned the smile with a small giggle.
“I thought that was a given” he chuckled half tackling her to lay down on the bed.
November 1st
She woke up, stretching in her bed before stopping in her tracks. Her heart rate picked up when she searched the bed and realized she was alone.
“Arthur?” She called out, her heart twisting a little more when she didn’t get a reply. 
“No, no, no, this can’t be happening” she said to herself as she searched every room, coming up empty. 
She thought for a moment and remembered the magnets on the fridge, if nothing else she would at least know he’s still there in some way. She ran to the kitchen and froze when she saw the sight in front of her. 
Arthur stood at the stove with a wide smile on his face.
“Good morning my love, did you sleep well?” He made his way to her and kissed her quickly. 
“Arthur, you scared me. I woke up and you were gone” she pouted. 
“I’m sorry, I wanted to make you breakfast. Never too soon to start spoiling the love of my…lives” he chuckled. She giggled and shook her head at him. “I told you, you’re stuck with me now” he rubbed her arms gently. 
“I’m a lucky girl” she smiled up at him in awe. “Now we just have to get you acquainted with the world the way it is today.” 
“Piece of cake” Arthur smiled.
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angelhummel · 1 year
*throwing this at my followers and running away*
I Found Myself A Cheerleader
another pezberry fic by me :)
Rating: E
Word count: 8220
Summary: Santana catches Rachel in a compromising position.
Canon divergence, assuming Santana moved to NY and enrolled in classes at NYADA much sooner. Set around mid s4
(Kurt and Tina are mentioned by name but not shown. Brittany, Finn, Brody, Puck, Jesse, and Cassie are referenced but not by name)
read on ao3
Santana strode down the hallway to her apartment, slowly rolling her head, then her shoulders as she walked. These dance classes were kicking her ass worse than she’d imagined. It was just because she was out of practice, she told herself. A few more weeks and she’d be back to her old self. Things would get easier. Then she could start dancing circles around everyone else in class and make them even more jealous of her than they surely already were.
The thought made her smile as she reached her door. Both roomies were out at the moment and wouldn’t be home til later. She was trying to decide how to spend her few short peaceful hours as she fumbled through her dance bag for her keys.
Maybe do some cool down yoga to help her unwind. Take a nice hot bath afterwards. Hell, maybe even rub one out while thinking about her new dance instructor with the perfect hot older bitch attitude and the abs to die for.
Santana finally made contact with her keys, pulling them out and unlocking the door, letting herself inside. She turned to slide the door shut, freezing on the spot when she heard a noise from further inside the apartment.
“Hello?” she called out tentatively, quickly adjusting her keys so they were sticking out between her fingers, her hand clenched in a tight fist around them. Just in case. She forced herself to step forward, inching closer towards the curtains that made up their three bedrooms. “Kurt? Rach? Who’s there?” She cringed at herself for immediately turning into the dumb first kill girl in every horror movie ever.
She was overreacting, she thought. It was probably just some mutated subway rat the size of her arm that wandered its way in and decided to make a nest out of Berry’s homeschooled chic sweaters.
Actually, she wasn’t sure if that was the best or worst case scenario.
The curtain to Rachel’s room fluttered, and Santana steeled herself to face down whatever was in there. She crept over to it, reaching for the edge to yank it back.
“Hey, it’s just - ME!” Rachel shrieked the last part as the curtain flew open and all she could register was Santana’s fist at eye level before she flinched away and clenched her eyes shut.
“Jesus fuck, Berry, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” Santana groaned, dropping her bag to the ground and tossing her keys on top of it. “Why the fuck didn’t you answer me? I could’ve seriously mangled your face.”
“I - I was about to, I just…” Rachel trailed off, gesturing vaguely to her room behind her. “I, um, was busy with something… Didn’t want you barging in.”
“Right, yeah, glad we avoided that,” Santana shot back, rolling her eyes. “What are you even doing home?”
“My last class was canceled. What about you? I thought you were still taking those extra evening lessons?”
“No, all my instructors thought I was spreading my awesomeness too thin so I’m just taking the regular courses now,” she replied. She looked back at Rachel, actually taking in her appearance now that her little adrenaline rush had passed and her heart rate was returning to normal.
Rachel’s hair was pulled back into a messy bun - heavy emphasis on the mess. Her cheeks were noticeably flushed, she was avoiding eye contact with Santana. And she seemed to be clutching onto the edge of her robe for dear life, keeping it shut tight all the way up to her neck.
A lightbulb went off in Santana’s head.
“What?” Rachel asked, her voice small as she chanced a glance up to Santana’s face. Just to see a knowing smirk quirking at the corner of her lips.
“Oh, nothing…” Santana shrugged. “I just get it, okay? Empty apartment, you thought it would be the perfect time for a little self care. No shame in it.”
“I’m not sure I know what you mean,” Rachel replied with a puzzled frown.
“Jesus, fine, you need me to spell it out for you?” Santana asked, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared at Rachel. “Self care? Masturbation? Nothing to be ashamed of, seriously. A little self exploration is totally healthy. Especially for someone as sexually repressed as you.”
Rachel’s cheeks got redder and redder the more Santana spoke. “Okay, you’ve made it clear that you have completely misread this situation!”
“Really? Your hair is a mess, your face is red, you’ve got that robe wrapped around you so tight it’s probably cutting off your circulation… And there’s no guy in sight,” she added, craning her neck to get a better look into Rachel’s room like she had to be sure. “So unless you’ve got Invisi-Billy in your bed, it looks like you did this to yourself.”
“I -” Rachel shut her mouth as quickly as she’d opened it, biting her lip as she fidgeted on the spot. Santana arched an eyebrow, wondering if she was going to say anything else. “Fine, you know what? You’re right. You caught me,” Rachel finally conceded. “I thought I would have the apartment to myself for an hour or so, so I thought I’d engage in a little self pleasure. Are you happy?”
“No, not really.”
“Well that makes two of us!” Rachel snapped. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, you can go take your shower, or whatever it is you do after class, and I will get dressed, and we will pretend like none of this ever happened.”
“Heard that one before,” Santana muttered, letting out a noise of surprise as Rachel actually tried shoving her out of her room. “Jeez, Berry, it’s not worth manhandling me over. Seriously, it’s not that big a d-” Santana cut herself off, her gaze dropping down to where Rachel’s robe fell open. Not like she was trying to get a peek or anything. And even if she had been, she would’ve been out of luck. Because instead of bare skin, Santana caught a glimpse of an all too familiar red, black, and white fabric.
Her eyes went wide, and Rachel blushed impossibly darker as she scrambled to fully cover herself back up.
“Berry, please tell me that’s not what I think it is,” Santana said, reaching out to grab the collar of Rachel’s robe. Yanking it open to reveal the bright red WMHS logo across her chest. “What in the Invasion of the Body Snatchers is going on here?!” She took a step back, staring at Rachel in disbelief.
“Okay, listen, it’s not whatever jealousy or psychosexual reasoning I’m sure you think it is, okay?” she asked. She kept her head down, her gaze fixed firmly on the floor as she spoke. Far too embarrassed to even try and meet Santana’s eyes again.
Rachel took a deep breath before continuing. “Tina sent me a picture earlier. Apparently she just joined the Cheerios,” she told Santana. “And I realized that meant I was the only glee girl that was never on the squad. And I remember you mentioning you brought your uniform with you, to have a reminder of your past life at McKinley. So I thought I’d try it on for a second and see how I would’ve looked, were I ever a member of the team. I was planning on putting it back before you ever even realized it was gone. It was just a little harmless dress up, that’s all.”
“Dress up? I mean if that’s your kink, fine, but you at least could’ve asked me first.”
“Santana!” Rachel whined, her head snapping up to look at her friend with wide, desperate eyes. “Is there any possible way we can move forward from this point without you making fun of me?”
“Hey, come on, who’s making fun of you? It’s just a little good natured ribbing. Friends do that, right?”
“Well it doesn’t feel good natured,” Rachel pouted. “I think I might actually die of embarrassment right now...”
“Oh, come on, me thinking you were finger blasting yourself in an empty apartment was way more embarrassing.” Rachel’s cheeks lit up again, and Santana just laughed when she turned on the spot to go back into her room. “Okay, okay, I won’t talk about that either! But seriously, it’s not that embarrassing. Either of those things. But especially not wanting to try on the uniform. I mean, the Cheerios were pretty much the only group you weren’t a part of in high school, right?”
Rachel stood in her room with her back to Santana, one hand on the curtain like she was ready to close it, but not moving to do so just yet. She nodded.
“Right, so, no big deal that you wanted to see what you’d look like on the squad,” Santana continued. “Seriously, Rach, it’s not a big deal, okay? This isn’t actually high school. I’m not gonna run off and tell all the cool kids what happened so we can laugh about it in a glee club meeting later. I mean, I guess I could go tell Humdrum Hummel, but he’d probably end up giving me a long speech about how I shouldn’t make you feel ashamed of your body or whatever the fuck.”
“That’s probably true…” Rachel replied, a barely there smile on her lips. She let go of the curtain, hesitating a moment before turning back around to face Santana. “Would you, um… Oh, it still feels so embarrassing. Wouldyoutakeapictureofme?” she asked in a rush, anxiously biting her lip again.
“Oh, uh, sure,” Santana replied, surprised at the request. She’d still been expecting Rachel to shoo her out so she could get changed. She didn’t even think she’d get to see the full getup on Rachel. Not that she was dying to or anything. No, obviously nothing like that. But she’d be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t at least a little curious to see how Rachel looked in her old uniform.
Rachel smiled when Santana agreed, pulling her into her bedroom and closing the curtain behind them. “We’ll take the pictures in front of the curtain - it makes a good neutral backdrop. Let’s see… Lighting, we need lighting,” Rachel muttered to herself, going around her room to set everything up.
Santana should’ve known that all Rachel’s embarrassment would melt away when it came to being photographed. But she let the other woman do her thing, until Rachel was handing Santana her phone, already in camera mode.
Rachel took her bun down, her hair cascading down over her shoulders as she walked back around in front of Santana. Santana’s gaze shifted to Rachel’s hands to watch her undo the tie on her robe, shedding it to reveal the full look.
Santana’s throat went dry. The uniform was custom made to fit her exact measurements, which made it the tiniest bit tight on Rachel. But that wasn’t something Santana was going to complain about. She glanced down, realizing Rachel had also put on sneakers to complete the ensemble.
Santana let herself indulge a little, her eyes slowly making their way up Rachel’s toned, tanned legs. It was always a mystery to Santana, how someone so short could have legs that seemed to go on for so long. Those schoolgirl skirts and flouncy little dresses Rachel always wore to school were bad enough. But the Cheerio skirt on her was positively lethal. Santana barely even glanced at the hints of skin peeking through the fabric slats of the skirt before she noticed Rachel’s hands clasped in front of her body, fidgeting together.
“So… What do you think?” she asked. Santana snapped herself out of her daze to realize Rachel was waiting for a verbal response. Seemingly nervous and… shy? That was a new one.
“You -” Santana started, her voice coming out breathier than she expected. She cleared her throat and tried again. “You look good.”
“Really?” Rachel asked, instantly relaxing at the compliment. “Thank you… I was worried I’d look silly. You really don’t think I look silly?”
“God, no, Rach. You look seriously hot right now.”
The blush from before came creeping back into Rachel’s cheeks as she smiled at Santana’s praise.
“Okay, okay, picture time!” Rachel clapped. She backed up to the curtain, facing Santana with her hands on her hips and a bright grin on her face.
Santana smiled to herself, snapping a couple of pictures of Rachel like that. “Very cute,” she commented. “But you have to give me a real cheerleader pose.” She watched as Rachel gave it some thought, then switched poses. Drawing a knee up and balancing on one foot, raising her arms up over her head in a big V. “Ooh, much better. Shake them pompoms, girl,” she teased.
“But we don’t have any - oh.” Rachel giggled, but held her position as Santana took more pictures. “You’re so bad…”
“You love me for it,” Santana said. She lowered the phone, so Rachel dropped her pose. “So, uh, who are the pictures for?” she asked curiously, feeling like she needed a distraction to keep herself from leering at Rachel any more than she already was. Talking about either of the two guys Rachel was somehow still juggling seemed like a good way to bring her down.
“No one,” Rachel replied quickly. “I mean, it isn’t like that. I just wanted them for my own benefit. And I suppose I’ll send one to Tina, since she inadvertently started this. Of course I’ll have to show Kurt - he’ll get a kick out of it.”
“You can send them to me,” Santana said with a slight shrug, hoping that would somehow make it seem like a casual and not at all weird thing to suggest.
“Really? You’d want me to send them to you?” Rachel asked. Her expression shifted from confusion to mischievous as a smirk slowly spread across her face. “Why? Something for your spank bank?” she asked, trying her hand at teasing Santana like Santana had just been doing to her.
Santana didn’t respond, feeling a lump forming in her throat with the way Rachel was staring at her right now.
“Oh my gosh, I was kidding!”
“Shut it, Berry,” was the only comeback Santana could muster.
“Santana, I had no idea you felt this way about me,” Rachel teased, twirling back and forth on the spot and making her borrowed skirt flare out with each move. “It’s nice to know you think I’m so attractive.”
“Berry, if you keep talking, I’m going to throw your phone out the window.”
“Aw, come on, San. What did you just tell me? Something about how this is all totally normal and it’s good to have a healthy sexual appetite -”
“Okay, I warned you.” Santana marched to the other side of the room, Rachel’s phone clutched tight in hand, heading over to the closest window.
“No!” Rachel exclaimed, chasing after Santana and snatching her phone back. “Those windows don’t even open, you know?”
“No, but I bet they break,” Santana replied flatly.
“God, Santana, is that really still how it is with you? You can dish it out but you still can’t take it?” Rachel asked, crossing her arms over her chest and arching an eyebrow at the other woman.
Santana didn’t answer at first, just looked Rachel up and down again to take in her full appearance. She let out a short laugh, shaking her head.
“Nothing, nothing… You’re just really embodying the whole cheer captain HBIC thing right now. It’s impressive, really.”
“Well I am an actress. It’s what I do,” Rachel replied, distracted from tormenting Santana now that she was being complimented again.
“True… But you’re missing something.”
Santana turned to Rachel’s vanity, grabbing a brush and hair tie and waving them in front of her face. “The high pony, duh. You went to all this trouble to try the uniform on, you might as well rock the whole look. Otherwise it won’t be as authentic or whatever.”
She sat back on Rachel’s bed, making herself comfortable against the pillows at the headboard and gesturing for Rachel to come sit in front of her.
“I suppose you make a good point,” Rachel said, joining her on the bed. She settled in between Santana’s legs, her back facing Santana’s front.
Santana took her time in gently brushing through Rachel’s hair and gathering it all up at the crown of her head. Thankful for the fact that Rachel’s back was to her at the moment. She just needed to calm herself down. Stop her mind from racing to dangerous places.
Really, she didn’t know what came over her all of a sudden. Santana was in college. In New York. Santana was a grown adult now.
So why was she feeling butterflies like this was some stupid high school crush?
It was just the uniform, Santana told herself. Obviously it dredged up feelings for her ex and memories of everything they got up to in high school. But even as Santana tried her damnedest to redirect her feelings to a more appropriate place, all she could think about was Rachel. All the times she subtly (or so she thought) checked her out during glee practice, or a group trip to Breadstix or the Lima Bean. She thought about when Rachel showed up to class in her Britney costume, and how it seemed to jumpstart Santana’s whole sexual identity crisis. Even before that, in sophomore year Santana would often find herself staring at Rachel’s legs in those ridiculously short skirts during dance rehearsals before she was even totally aware of what she was doing.
Okay, the little trip down memory lane certainly wasn’t helping. Suddenly all Santana wanted was to get away from Rachel and really calm down. Whatever was going on with her right now, she didn’t need to add it onto the already strained and beyond complicated relationship she had with Rachel.
She wrapped the elastic around the ponytail and tightened it - possibly a little too hard, given the way Rachel hummed in response - and sat back against the headboard. The most distance between them that Santana could manage right now, given the fact that Rachel was practically sitting in her lap.
Rachel turned halfway around to look at Santana, and Santana was sure by the look on her face that she didn’t have the same tumultuous thoughts swirling around in her own head.
Of course she didn’t.
“So… How do I look now?” Rachel asked with a hopeful smile.
“Awesome…” Santana whispered. And then, without thinking, reached up with one slightly trembling hand to try and sweep Rachel’s bangs to the side. “You should wear your hair like this more often… You always have so much hair in your face, like, all the time. Someone could start to think you’re hiding behind it.”
“Maybe I am…” Rachel murmured. “I always thought that pulling my hair back would only serve to highlight my… beak.”
Santana’s hand dropped back down to her side, as her stomach started to twist itself into knots. Of course while she was inappropriately thirsting over Rachel, Rachel was just going through every insult Santana had ever hurled at her in high school.
Because when were they ever on the same page?
“Well that’s rude. And it’s just not true… Who said that?” Santana asked quietly.
“Oh, just some mean girl I knew back in high school…”
“Yeah, well… she’s not here anymore,” Santana whispered. She took a deep breath, forcing herself not to break eye contact with Rachel as she spoke. “Look, Berry, if you tell anyone I said this, then I’m throwing you out the window instead. But you’re hot, okay? Like seriously hot. You’d have to be blind not to see that.”
Rachel blushed - they’d both been doing plenty of that this afternoon, Santana thought - and smiled at the praise.
“Thank you…” she replied softly, her gaze downcast as she played with a loose thread on the comforter. “I was being flippant earlier, but it really does mean a lot that you see me that way now…”
“Not just now…”
Rachel froze, looking up to meet Santana’s eyes again. “Santana…”
Santana shook her head slightly, needing to snap herself out of this little bubble she’d created for herself and come back to reality. “You, um - We can take some more pictures now that your hair is -”
Rachel lunged forward, cutting Santana off with a kiss. Eager but not forceful, almost like she was expecting Santana to push her away.
Santana didn’t push. But she was too stunned to react. Before she really processed what was happening, Rachel broke the kiss herself.
“Oh my gosh…” Rachel whispered, her hand coming up to gently touch over her own lips. Looking as stunned as Santana felt, like she couldn’t believe what she’d just done. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me… That was very impulsive and I know I should’ve asked for permission first or - or given you a warning but I -”
Santana interrupted her with a kiss of her own. Gentler this time, just a way to wordlessly tell her it was okay, that she didn’t have to work herself into a lather over this.
Trying to convince herself of the same thing.
Rachel looked much more calm when they broke apart this time. She turned around completely, sitting on her knees and facing Santana fully.
“Well… this is certainly new for us.”
“No shit,” Santana replied. Doing her best to hide just how affected she was by the kisses.
Rachel wasn’t thrown by her attitude.
“New is good,” Rachel continued softly, looking into Santana’s eyes. “I mean, if someone told me three years ago that not only would you and I be living together, we’d be genuine friends on top of that, I would’ve thought they were lying. But our relationship has progressed leaps and bounds over the years and, well, here we are now… Who knows? Maybe this was the obvious next step for us?”
Santana just stared at Rachel, her brain still struggling to process their kisses, never mind whatever monologue Rachel was busting out to try and justify what they’d done. All she could do was nod her head once she realized Rachel’s speech sort of required a response.
“Obvious” was the furthest thing from her mind right now.
“We don’t have to have it all figured out right now…” Rachel said softly. “I know it’s a lot, and you don’t seem to want to discuss it at the moment, which is completely fine by me… I don’t know what this means for us. All I know is that I really want to kiss you again…”
“Do you ever shut up?”
Rachel opened her mouth to answer, but Santana didn’t give her the chance. She pulled Rachel close again, taking whatever response she was formulating and turning it into a soft, muffled moan as their lips met once more.
No longer hesitant, no longer worried about being rejected, they let themselves indulge. Giving in to their desires, and letting the spark between them ignite into a full blown flame.
Santana’s arms wound tight around Rachel, and Rachel pressed closer against the other woman. Shifting so her legs were bracketing Santana’s, and she was sitting in her lap.
When Santana pulled away this time, it was to start trailing kisses along Rachel’s jawline instead. Her hand crept up Rachel’s back, up to the ponytail she’d styled just minutes earlier, getting a firm grip and using it to tilt Rachel’s head back, exposing her neck and giving Santana plenty of new territory to explore.
And explore she did.
Spurred on by Rachel’s soft little hums of pleasure, Santana let her lips wander over every exposed inch of Rachel’s skin she could reach. Paying special attention to each and every noise falling from Rachel’s lips, every shift of her body, making sure she knew what kind of reaction she got from every spot she kissed.
A kiss just below Rachel’s ear earned a sharp gasp in response.
Santana’s lips brushing over the curve between her neck and shoulder pulled a soft whine from Rachel.
An open mouthed kiss to Rachel’s pulse point - Rachel’s body jolted in Santana’s arms, a low moan escaping her lips.
“There we go…” Santana purred, a self-satisfied smirk on her face as she went back in for more. Kissing over the same spot, as Rachel’s grip tightened on Santana’s shoulders. Darting her tongue out to lick over it, making Rachel squirm in her lap. Sinking her teeth in and starting to suck at her skin, causing Rachel to cry out in pleasure.
“Santana…” Rachel breathed, her eyes clenched shut as Santana teased the oh so sensitive spot on her neck.
Santana just hummed in response, not wanting to let up until she knew she’d left her mark. She looped Rachel’s ponytail around her hand, getting a better grip and yanking her head back further, earning another moan from Rachel.
“Santana, please…”
That got Santana to stop. She kissed over the faint purple hickey she’d managed to leave, before looking up at Rachel through her lashes.
“Please what?”
Santana’s grip loosened on Rachel’s hair, so Rachel had enough room to tilt her head forward again. She just stared at Santana with heavy lidded eyes, her lips still parted but no more words coming out.
“Oh, now you’re speechless?” Santana asked, a teasing lilt to her voice. It was slight, but apparently enough to make Rachel blush. “Suddenly you’re shy about making demands?”
“Asking for a solo that I know I deserve isn’t exactly the same as… this,” Rachel whispered.
Santana chuckled at that, shaking her head as she looked up at Rachel. “Is that it? Think you haven’t done enough to deserve a little pleasure?”
Santana wrapped both arms securely around Rachel again, holding her tight as she sat up. Switching their positions, she laid Rachel back on the bed, their legs slotting together as Santana settled herself over Rachel. She leaned in closer, like she was going in for another kiss, but swerved at the last second and brought her lips up to Rachel’s ear instead.
“You want me to make you work for it, Berry?” she asked in a hushed whisper.
Rachel whined softly, shook her head.
“Well you have to tell me what you do want…”
“I - I want you…” she breathed. Santana tried to pull back enough to look down at Rachel, but the other woman tightened her arms around Santana’s body, keeping her in place. “I want you to - to stop teasing me, and kiss me, and - and touch me.”
“Better…” Santana whispered. Still attempting nonchalance to hide the way her heart jolted in her chest at the request from Rachel.
She rewarded Rachel’s bluntness with more kisses and nips to her neck, still making sure to focus on the spots that got the best reactions. Keeping herself balanced with one arm on the mattress, her other hand came up between them to touch Rachel. Running over the stiff material of the uniform, hesitating just a moment before cupping Rachel’s breast.
Santana knew from experience that it was difficult to get any real gratification from over-the-uniform touches, but Rachel still gasped at Santana’s actions. So she kept it at that for a few moments, sucking another mark into Rachel’s neck as she toyed with her. Squeezing gently, then a little harder, rubbing her thumb over her nipple, trying to see if any of it was working for her.
Just when she was about to ask if Rachel wanted to get the top out of the way, she had her answer.
Rachel’s hand came down to the wrong side of the uniform, fumbling for the zipper that wasn’t there.
“Please get this stupid thing off of me,” she said with a frustrated huff, pouting up at Santana.
“Fuck, you’re such a brat…” Santana muttered, reaching up to the right side and quickly tugging the zipper open. Easily ridding Rachel of the uniform top, and leaving her naked from the waist up.
Santana’s eyes roamed over Rachel’s half naked body, drinking in this new sight before glancing back up to meet Rachel’s eyes. Feeling like Rachel was waiting for her approval.
“Still hot, though,” Santana whispered. She moved down a little, kissing all over where she couldn’t reach before. Letting her lips lead the exploration over Rachel’s collarbones, her chest, the space between her breasts. Her hand slowly wandered up Rachel’s side, enjoying the bare skin underneath, but paused just short of groping her again.
“We can stop if you want to…” she told Rachel. Needing more than Rachel’s reserved silence before she was comfortable going further.
Rachel shook her head quickly. “Please don’t stop…”
Santana felt a sense of relief flood through her body, just knowing Rachel was into this. Into her.
She smiled, and leaned up to press a soft kiss to Rachel’s lips as her hand met her breast again. Repeating the same actions she’d done over the uniform top, for a much more enthusiastic Rachel this time around.
Santana kissed back down Rachel’s body, circling her nipple with her tongue before taking it into her mouth and sucking gently.
“Ohh…” Rachel moaned, reaching up to thread her fingers through Santana’s hair and hold her in place.
Not that Santana planned on moving any time soon.
She was enjoying Rachel’s reactions far too much. All the breathy moans, the little mewls of pleasure, the way her body trembled underneath her, how she tugged at Santana’s hair when Santana got the tiniest bit rough with a pinch or a nip.
And how, before long, Rachel started to weakly grind against Santana’s leg that was situated between both of hers. She thought she felt the slightest damp patch rubbing against her thigh.
“Have you soaked through two layers already?” she asked, licking her lips as she looked up at Rachel. “Or did you decide to go completely commando under my uniform, pervert?”
“Why don’t you see for yourself?” Rachel whispered, parting her legs in invitation.
Santana happily accepted.
She slid a hand down Rachel’s stomach, bypassing the skirt part of the uniform, and let it disappear beneath the waistband of the bright red spankies.
Rachel whimpered as Santana’s fingers brushed over her sensitive clit, and easily glided down lower over her slick folds.
“Fuck, how are you this wet already?” Santana asked in a low, husky voice, keeping her eyes on Rachel’s face as her fingers teased Rachel with practiced, expert movements.
She could tell Rachel was wearing her own underwear as well, because she wasn’t immediately met with the less comfortable fabric of the Cheerio panties. She could also feel a wet spot against the back of her hand letting her know that, yeah, Rachel had already soaked through two layers of clothing.
That was doing wonders for her confidence.
“Is this all from a few hickeys and a little second base action? Makes sense, it’s probably the most time anyone’s ever spent on your pleasure…” she murmured, kissing over one of the marks she’d left behind earlier.
Maybe it was the lingering mean streak in her that begged Santana to tease Rachel even in this situation. But the way Rachel was moaning and basically humping her hand, Santana was sure she could say anything right now and Rachel wouldn’t give a fuck, as long as Santana kept working her clit the way she was.
“Or maybe you started getting turned on when I was taking your picture…” she continued, biting over Rachel’s pulse point and making her cry out. “I know how much you love that…” She licked over the spot to soothe it, pressing a soft kiss there as well. “Too bad I can’t get to your phone now, or I’d have to take some pictures of you like this…”
Rachel let out another soft whimper, absently nodding her head along with Santana’s words.
Santana had thought Rachel didn’t care what she was saying, but maybe she was wrong.
She was starting to think Rachel was getting off on it.
“No, I know what it was…” she purred, slowing her movements down and just idly circling her index finger over Rachel’s clit to draw things out and keep teasing her. “I bet you started getting turned on because I walked in on you doing something risqué. Caught in the act, and all that. You seem like the type of person who needs a healthy little dose of humiliation to get themselves going. Fuck, if that’s the case, you must’ve been this soaked 24/7 in high school…” she chuckled. “That could explain a lot…”
Rachel whined, her face completely flushed pink again. Santana wondered if it was caused more by her words or her actions. Whichever it was, she wasn’t stopping either one.
“Mm, but honestly, I think I was right the very first time…” Santana said, her hand slipping a little lower as she started to sink two fingers into Rachel’s leaking entrance.
Rachel gasped, her legs involuntarily coming closer together. Santana had to nudge them apart again with her own leg to keep Rachel open for her.
“I think I walked in at the start of a very elaborate masturbation session. I think this game of dress up was just the first step.”
She thrust her fingers in with slow, shallow motions, just letting them fill Rachel a little at a time. Delving deeper and deeper, bit by bit, until they were buried as deep inside as they could get. She held still a moment, her thumb finding Rachel’s clit and working it as she started to pump her fingers in and out.
“I know how much you like to put on a show, Berry, even if you’re the only audience member,” she whispered in her ear, listening to the short, ragged breaths that Rachel took as she rode Santana’s fingers. “And the way your mirror and vanity are both facing the bed, well, you would’ve had the best seat in the house, wouldn’t you? Looking like Cheerio royalty, sitting on the edge of your bed with your legs spread, fingering yourself, with the best view from all angles… I bet you would’ve gotten yourself off in no time.”
“Shut… up!” was all Rachel could muster in response. She shoved a hand into her underwear alongside Santana’s, starting to rub her clit while Santana fingered her.
Rachel’s orgasm hit almost immediately, and her back arched off the bed as she came with a loud, lyrical moan.
Santana worked her through it, fingering Rachel until she was spent and stilled her own hand. She pressed a few soft kisses along Rachel’s neck and shoulder as she slowly pulled her fingers out, and pulled them free from the confines of Rachel’s underwear.
“Even your sex noises are annoyingly musical…” Santana muttered.
“I-” Rachel stopped, staring up at Santana as Santana popped her fingers into her mouth and sucked them clean.
“You..?” Santana asked, but Rachel didn’t respond. Just grabbed her by the hair and pulled her in for another heated kiss. Surprising Santana by immediately licking into her mouth, chasing the taste of herself on Santana’s tongue.
The kiss was as quick as it was dirty, and Rachel pulled back far too soon for Santana’s liking. She laid back on the bed, her eyes closed and her lips parted as she let out a content sigh.
Santana laid there as well, watching Rachel for a few moments as she awaited her next move. When she couldn’t be sure one was even coming, Santana started to feel awkward. She turned onto her back, staring blankly up at the ceiling.
Was that it? One and done? She honestly wasn’t expecting Rachel to pay her back, but at least acknowledging her presence post orgasm would be nice.
Santana rolled her eyes, resigning herself to her long overdue shower, and pretending like this never happened once she left the confines of Rachel’s room.
She sat up to leave, but a gentle hand on her arm made her pause.
“Where are you going?” Rachel asked, her brows knitted together ever so slightly as she looked up at Santana with those deep brown doe eyes of hers.
“Shower. Figured you’d want some privacy to change.”
“But I haven’t even - I mean, you didn’t let me…” Rachel trailed off, pouting a little as she pushed herself up onto her elbows. “Are we done?”
“You tell me,” Santana replied with a shrug. Her icy attitude creeping back in now that there was the slightest possibility of Rachel rejecting her again.
“I… I don’t want to be,” she whispered, sitting up fully now and frowning at Santana. “I just needed a moment to catch my breath. I’ve never - Well, it’s been - That was the best orgasm I’ve had in a while,” she admitted. “I didn’t know it was possible to have such a strong reaction from a little fondling and dirty talk.”
“Yeah, well, it’s safe to say I’m the hottest partner you’ve ever had,” Santana replied airily, flipping her hair back over her shoulder. “That probably helped.”
“I most definitely agree with you there…” Rachel said with a shy little smile. “Which would make it all the more disappointing if you were to leave without letting me reciprocate. I mean, you’re still fully dressed, and I was so caught up in what you were doing to me that I was barely in my right mind to do anything back.”
“Well I guess if this is where you want to start worrying about equality and fairness, you won’t hear me complaining,” Santana smirked.
Rachel reached out to tangle her fingers in Santana’s hair, pulling her into a kiss. She eased Santana back on the bed, and Santana went willingly, letting Rachel crawl on top of her and take the reins for a while.
Rachel made short work of Santana’s dancewear, getting her out of her tank top and shorts, then her sports bra, and finally her underwear. Leaving Santana completely naked, while Rachel still sported the remaining vestiges of the Cheerio uniform.
She sat back on her heels, slowly running her hands along Santana’s smooth, toned legs, admiring the view in front of her.
Whether in uniform, dancewear, street clothes, or nothing at all, Santana was every bit as gorgeous as Rachel always knew she was. She used to envy her for it - hate her for it - but those thoughts were so far away from Rachel’s mind at this moment that they might as well have belonged to someone else.
How could Rachel hate her now? How could she be jealous? When Santana was naked in her bed, baring herself completely for her, and her alone. It was everyone else that should be jealous of Rachel now. Because Santana was hers.
At least for the moment.
A slight smirk tugged at Rachel’s lips as her gaze settled on Santana’s opening, seeing her skin already glistening with wetness.
“And you were making fun of me earlier?” Rachel teased, reaching out to run a finger agonizingly slowly over Santana’s folds. Santana shuddered lightly at the touch, then watched in awe as Rachel immediately brought her finger up to her lips and swirled her tongue around it. “Mm, looks like somebody is a bit of a hypocrite…”
“Take it as a compliment, Berry…” Santana muttered, wrapping her legs around Rachel to try and pull her closer. Rachel giggled - actually fucking giggled - and gently pushed Santana’s legs back down to the bed.
“You took your sweet time earlier, I think it’s only fair you give me the same courtesy,” she murmured. She carefully settled herself over Santana, pecking her on the lips once before starting the journey lower, trailing kisses down the column of Santana’s throat.
She must’ve wanted to repay everything Santana did to her, Santana thought, because it wasn’t long before Rachel was latching onto her neck and sucking a mark, in almost the exact same spot Santana left one on her.
Santana reached up to grab onto Rachel’s ponytail again and hold her in place. Her other hand found Rachel’s, bringing it up to her breast so Rachel could give her a different kind of pleasure at the same time. Rachel didn’t protest being moved like this, no doubt too concerned with her budding hickey to say anything. She just let Santana guide her, and started teasing her nipple like she wanted.
Rachel didn’t pull away from her neck for what seemed like ages, and Santana knew there had to be a nasty looking mark left in her wake. But Rachel seemed proud of it judging by the self satisfied little smile on her face.
Rachel gently blew over the wet patch of skin, and Santana shivered.
“Felt like marking your territory, huh?”
“Maybe…” Rachel smiled, before kissing her way lower.
Santana figured none of Rachel’s past fucks were into nipple play, because when Rachel got to second base, she could tell Rachel was mimicking what Santana had done to her. Which wasn’t really a bad thing. Santana knew what she was doing, so Rachel copying her just made it seem like Rachel knew what she was doing.
So it was oh so upsetting when Rachel pulled away far too quickly for Santana’s liking, and started kissing lower down her body instead.
“Oh, you’re -” Santana cut herself off, licking her lips as she watched Rachel.
“Is that okay?” Rachel asked softly, stopping to look up at Santana with her mouth just a few inches shy of Santana’s pussy.
“Fuck, yeah, more than okay…” Santana replied with an eager nod. “I just - didn’t think you’d go for muff diving right away.”
Rachel wrinkled her nose up at the phrase, but pressed a soft kiss to Santana’s hipbone. “I’ll admit it’s something I’ve always been curious about…” she murmured. She dropped another kiss to Santana’s lower abdomen, then moved down to kiss along her inner thighs. “It’s an act that I certainly wouldn’t mind adding to my sexual repertoire…” she added in between kisses.
“Mm, you make it sound so sexy…” Santana purred, her words dripping with sarcasm.
“As sexy as ‘muff diving’?” Rachel shot back.
“Why don’t you put that mouth to good use and eat me already?” Santana asked, still holding onto Rachel’s ponytail and bucking her hips up slightly.
Rachel retaliated by grabbing onto Santana’s thighs, keeping her spread open and pressed down against the bed at the same time. She leaned in closer, hesitating at the last second like she had to steel her nerves, before just going for it.
Santana moaned at the initial contact, holding tight to Rachel’s hair but letting her go at her own pace. Which, Santana quickly found out, was much more erratic and scattershot now that she really didn’t know what she was doing.
“Fuck, Rach, it’s not a competition,” she breathed, gently tugging on Rachel’s hair to get her to back up a little. “It’s been a while for me, too. I just wanna enjoy the ride, okay?”
“I - Sorry…” Rachel whispered, licking over her lips and avoiding Santana’s gaze. “Do you, um… Any advice?” she asked sheepishly.
“You can start by taking your time…” she replied softly. “Just try to remember how it felt whenever you were on the receiving end of it, and try and mimic what felt good to you.”
Rachel remained quiet, still not looking up at Santana, or attempting to resume her oral work.
Fuck, Santana thought, getting enough information in Rachel’s silence to fill in the gaps of her sex life. Or at least enough to realize that Rachel’s sex life was nothing but gaps. With the guys she’d been with, Santana knew it couldn’t be good, but goddamn. It was way past the point of being even a little comical to her now.
Though Santana didn’t think she could be the best teacher. All her experience with guys was just lesson after lesson on what she definitely didn’t want. With her ex, they got to figure things out together. And in the limited hookups she’d had since moving to the city, there were only women who seemed way more experienced than her.
She took a deep breath, gently running her fingers through Rachel’s bangs to sweep them back out of her face.
“Just think about whatever feels good when you touch yourself, and turn it around on me. But with tongue,” she said. “I mean, use your fingers, too. Don’t let me limit your creativity. Just slow it down a little. And don’t just focus on the clit the whole time, either. That’s like, a total rookie mistake.”
“O-okay…” Rachel nodded. “Sorry for being such a drama queen about all this…” she added quietly, pressing a conciliatory kiss to Santana’s hip.
“Like I’d expect anything less…” Santana murmured. “But don’t worry, I plan on giving you lots of opportunities to practice until you’ve totally perfected your technique.”
Rachel cracked a smile at that, ducking her head bashfully and leaving a few more kisses in her wake as she traveled back to Santana’s center. She started again, working much more slowly this time, taking her time to just savor everything about the experience.
Santana let out a soft hum in satisfaction, going back to holding onto the base of Rachel’s ponytail, guiding her a little but mostly letting her explore on her own. She spread her legs wider for Rachel, folding her other arm behind her head so she could prop herself up and enjoy the view.
“Mm, better already, baby…” she breathed. “Just nice and slow for now. You can build up to more…”
Rachel hummed in response, sending a shiver up Santana’s spine.
Santana didn’t offer too many instructions after that, but wasn’t shy about praising Rachel either. She let her know what felt good, encouraged her to keep going, even told her how hot she looked.
Of course Rachel ate it all up.
But she had to back off after a while just to catch her breath. Feeling light headed, like she’d somehow been forgetting to breathe this entire time. “Still doing a good job?” she asked, tracing her index finger over Santana, following all the same paths her tongue had taken.
“Better than good…” Santana whispered, her hand sliding down to cradle Rachel’s jaw, her thumb brushing over her bottom lip that was slick and shiny from her juices. She raised her hand up to suck it clean and taste herself.
Rachel smiled proudly at that, her attention shifting downward again as she slowly started to push two fingers inside of Santana. Santana moaned, clenched tight around her, before relaxing into it. Rachel watched as Santana’s hips rolled with her movements, fucking herself deeper and deeper onto Rachel’s fingers.
She brought her other hand up to spread Santana open further, making it easier to get to her clit. She swirled her tongue around it, sucking gently, as her fingers started moving faster in and out of Santana.
“Fuck, baby, just like that…” Santana moaned, her hand tight in Rachel’s hair to keep her in place now. Rocking her hips up to press herself harder against Rachel’s tongue, and down again to fuck herself on her fingers. “I’m close…”
It only took a few more moments for Santana to chase down her orgasm, crying out as she came and spilled out all over Rachel.
Rachel didn’t stop. She just doubled down, working her fingers at a rapid pace inside Santana and eagerly lapping at her cunt until she got Santana to cum again.
“Fuck!” Santana cried, pulling Rachel in suffocatingly close and riding her tongue and fingers until her second orgasm subsided. She had to push Rachel back after that, her sensitive pussy desperate for a reprieve.
Rachel popped up from between her legs, a smile on her face as she crawled up the bed to lay down beside Santana. “Still good?” she asked.
Santana turned her head to look at Rachel, just to see most of the lower half of her face shining with her juices. She let out a breathless laugh, leaning closer to plant a sloppy kiss on Rachel’s lips - trying to taste herself more than she was actually trying to kiss Rachel. “You’re a fucking mess…” she mumbled, falling back against the pillows. “You must’ve really been dying to experiment like this.”
“I was. Eager, I mean…” Rachel whispered, keeping her eyes on Santana’s as she spoke. “But not just for an experiment, or experience points. That was nice, of course, but… Well, I couldn’t see myself doing this with just anyone. And you certainly aren’t just anyone.”
“Damn straight,” Santana smirked.
Rachel laughed.
“Imagine if we knew three years ago that we would end up here…” Rachel sighed. “We could’ve saved ourselves a lot of fighting.”
“Nah, I think we needed the build up,” Santana replied. “It was three years of very elaborate, drawn out foreplay.”
“Maybe you’re right…” Rachel chuckled. “Just promise me it won’t take three more years of arguments and insults before we have sex again.”
“Oh, I promise.”
“And hey, since you were so fond of the dress up idea, I’m sure I can dig up some old plaid skirts for you to wear next time…”
“Don’t push your luck, Berry.”
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homenecromancer · 8 months
i do not anticipate being able to finish this any time soon, but i also needed to get it out of my writing notebook. so here's like a thousand words of "Valencia Martinez, the angry ghost" and it cuts off in the middle where i had to, like, do my job at my job (and thus set down the notebook)
this is set like... at the very end of Maximum Ride Forever, i guess. the fact that there's a giant timeskip in the epilogue makes it so hard to be clear about when things are happening :|
You’d been dead a long time when they buried you.
I wasn’t there when the light went out of your eyes – I wish that I was, I wish I’d seen it happen, but I hadn’t been dead very long myself, and so all that I know is that by the time your body stopped walking around, your soul wasn’t there anymore. And I don’t know what happened to it.
I watched them get rid of your body; I can’t really call it a funeral. It was a burial at best. They cleared some earth from the mass grave in the woods, and flopped your body off the stretcher into the hole. I didn’t recognize all the people there – kids, really, all of them shockingly young – but Max wasn’t there. (Smart girl.) I lingered there, hovering close, because I wanted to be sure your body was dead. I was a little disappointed that it was.
I didn’t think that death would be like this. I was raised to believe in Heaven; I half-believed in ghosts. I didn’t imagine things this way.
Your body at least got buried. Mine is being eaten by fish.
I used to wonder what dying was like, and I still don’t know. My living memory ends in drowning, in gasping a last lungful of air from a pocket of foul air at the ceiling of the cave. In that moment I was an animal. I had no thoughts at all.
Maybe after that I saw a white light. Maybe I just turned off like a lightbulb. Maybe I had a vision of Jesus Christ and all the saints. The next thing I remember is seeing my hands.
They didn’t look like they were mine, at first. I saw long things waving in the current, brown on one side and paler on the other, spotted with patches of squishy yellow and burgundy red. I watched them rocking in the water.
Then a little silver fish drifted over and started nibbling on them, and I remembered what they were, all in a flash – my poor hands, being eaten by fish!
I reacted right away. Anyone would’ve. I tried to wave my hands, to drive that fish away, and nothing happened. “Hey!” I shouted. And nothing happened. I had no voice to shout with, either.
I realized I was looking at myself from the outside. Without a pause, I found myself looking at my own drowned face. There are some mercies in this world, and one I have come to appreciate is that our living selves don’t have to see our bodies when they’re dead. My face didn’t look like my face anymore.
I’m not sure what to call myself now – a ghost, a spirit, a soul – but in that moment I started to understand that I was done having a body. It and I were parted forever; I wish I could say the same for you and I.
You weren’t the first thing I thought of once I knew I was dead. Don’t give yourself that much credit. You weren’t even in the top five.
Everything I’d loved in life seemed to pull on my heart, the same way a bird knows which way is north. Ella – Ella’s body – was the closest. If a ghost can weep, I wept over her, and I was grateful beyond words that her soul was nowhere near that sad, fish-eaten lump of meat. That wasn’t how I wanted to remember her, for however long I was going to be a ghost.
But that wordless tug, that sense of direction, didn’t stop pulling on me when I found her body, and in my grief I followed it onward. Through the earth itself I followed it, like a dog on a scent, past buried remains without number. The Earth is a beautiful tomb, and everything that lives, dies. Which feels like a cliché until you are one of those dead things.
So I left my body behind, unburied. There lies Valencia Martinez, fish food.
I knew before I got there that Ella had gone home, but it still hurt to see the house. Not because of what had happened to it – it was shabby, the lawn swamped by dead leaves, but it was still standing – but because of what had happened to us. The house we had loved was almost intact. We could not say the same of ourselves.
Ella was there, like I knew she would be. I couldn’t see her – no Halloween sheet-ghost shape, no transparent replica of the way she looked before she died, stood there to greet me. I could feel her there, on the lawn in front of the house, the way I could feel the heat of a candle’s flame before I died. Like a point of light, in some spectrum just past the visible.
I wanted to speak to her, to say anything, everything. To just say her name. But I still had no voice, and all I could do was hover near her, boiling with a love and relief that had nowhere to go.
I don’t know what she was thinking, there at the edge of our ruined lives. Past her I could see the soft curve of our driveway, the cracked concrete that looked so pointless without people there to use it. I’d parked my car on it, shoveled more tons of snow from it than I cared to count; you parked your truck on it, when you came by; Ella had learned to ride her bike there. There had been one day, while she was still learning, when I had just started feeling confident enough to not watch her every minute. I think I was inside for about half an hour when she fell off and skinned her knee right through her jeans; I brought her inside and had her sit on the toilet lid while I sponged away bits of concrete, one at a time. She was seven then, and when I was done she said, “Mom. I’m fine.”
I hadn’t thought of that day in years – why now? If ghosts, lacking tongues, can’t speak, is that how they communicate? Is that what it means to be dead – to become a memory prompt for others? Was Ella even trying to talk to me, or did I just not want to be alone?
I know it was her – I have to believe it was her. To believe that after death we can only observe seems too cruel.
Time doesn’t seem to exist for the dead. I am grateful that it doesn’t. Ella and I stayed there together as the sun rose and set; we were dead, but the planet kept turning. And then Akila came home to us, and I remembered – all in one bright awful flash, as I had remembered my hand, my body – the other people whose souls were tied to mine. My other daughter – and her family – and you.
The souls of the dead have a texture, a weight, to them; all of them different, all of them unmistakably dead, no matter how far you are from them. I would’ve known Ella was dead without seeing her body; I knew Akila was dead before her soul came home. When I remembered Max, I knew she was alive. And you should’ve had a place in my heart, too.
But I couldn’t find you anywhere.
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riptide-kid · 6 months
Domestic December 2023 - Day 19 Fun with Magic
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Pairing: Omega x Phantom
Summary: Phantom wants to know more about his quintessence. Who better to ask than Omega?
Warnings: -
Words: ~650
Notes: I don't even know if this pairing exists. Well now it does!
You can also read this on Ao3!
Like every evening lately, Omega sat at his desk, going through a few files he had taken from work in the hospital wing. He had made a habit of taking them to his room, where he could get through them in peace after his shifts. A subtle knock on his door pulled him from his concentration. He looked up, not sure if he had heard it correctly, so he waited for a moment, eyes fixed on the door. There came another knock, a little louder this time, but still hesitant.
“Come in,” Omega called, and the door opened slowly. Phantom peaked his head in, a worried expression in his lavender eyes.
“Hi, uh... Sorry to bother you,” he began.
“No worries,” Omega leaned back in his chair, waiting for Phantom to continue, but he just remained at the door, looking around everywhere, except for at Omega’s face.
“Did you want something?” Omega asked, unable to stop the corners of his mouth from curling up or hide the slight amusement in his voice.
Phantom hummed and hawed, “can I-...Can I come in?”
“Sure,” Omega said.
The smaller ghoul slid into his room, carefully closing the door behind him. He wrung his hands, looking around a little nervously.
“Are you okay?” Omega asked. He didn’t really get why Phantom always got so nervous and shy in front of him, completely oblivious how menacing his huge form and resting bitch face appeared to the new ghoul.
“Yeah! I-I was wondering... Aether told me that you were really good with your quintessence powers. And I was wondering if you could maybe help me get a little bit better with mine?” there was a hopeful look in his eyes, how could Omega deny him anything?
Omega got up from his seat “That’s what he told you?”
Phantom looked up at him and nodded. Omega laughed, a deep, hearty laugh. “Such a bootlicker, that one. But I’ll take it,” he grinned. As he was standing in front of Phantom he noticed how huge his own frame was, in comparison to his lanky build. “What would you like to know?”
“I mean... I don’t really know where to start,” Phantom confessed, “I heard that you can do all sort of cool things with quintessence in the hospital wing, like lowering somebody’s fever, helping them with their anxiety and stuff...”
Omega nodded. “That’s true. You can use your powers on other ghouls, but I maybe wouldn’t start with that though.”
“Then what do I start with?” Phantom asked, seemingly getting a little more confident, as he noticed that he didn’t have to fear anything in Omega’s presence. Maybe it was also the tiny amount of calming quintessence that Omega had directed towards him.
“You know...” Omega began, taking a few steps back towards his desk, motioning at Phantom to follow him. “Quintessence is the element that fills every region of the universe, and if you know how to control it, you can basically bend everything to your will. Watch.”
Omega moved his hand towards the lamp on his desk. He didn’t actually have to use his hand for what he was about to do, but he liked the dramatic effect. Phantom looked at the lightbulb attentively. Suddenly, it flickered, the light dimming down and flashing back up at the move of Omega’s hand.
“Woah, what?! That’s so cool!” Phantom exclaimed. “You can control lights?” Omega grinned. “Not exactly. I said there is quintessence all around us, remember? I’m just bending the quintessence, making it denser and less dense, so it’s more difficult for the light beams to get to our eyes, creating the impression of the light flickering.”
Phantom looked at him with question marks in his eyes. “...So you CAN control light?”
Omega chuckled. “Sure. You want to learn how to control light too?”
Phantom beamed. “Yes please!”
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Fireflies Over The Wall - Chapter 7
Relationship: The Bell Keeper & Meiri (Original character)
Summary: "The troll brought with herself, every night without a fault, a baby.
Every night, she placed it upon the grass, and pointed upwards, showing her baby the stars and constellations. Showing her baby the fireflies.
Holding it tight. Cuddling with it. Making sure it saw the beauty the world had to offer. He had never considered himself a sentimental man. Yet this image, for some reason, never failed to make him return home feeling something gaping and void inside of himself.
Every one of his former coworkers must have returned to their families.
Who would Edmund return to when he could work no more?
What would give him a reason to get out of bed when the fireflies were no longer enough?"
An OC's origin story as well as a Bell Keeper character study, because this character is much more fascinating than I'd been giving him credit for.
Notes: Title from 'Enchanted', by Taylor Swift
Man I love claiming this song for my lil found family especially since they were essentially annoyed by each other on sight. Dudes were *not* enchanted to meet each other, let's be real
Chapter title: Lingering question kept me up
Read it on ao3
It was scary. Terrifying, really. Edmund now spent every available moment asking himself if he had meant it, if he could make it work. Not long ago, he’d told Kaisa he’d never submit a child to what living with him would be like. And now, he thought about it during all of his available time. Which, considering his job was just looking over a wall and watching the hours pass by, was a lot of time.
He still worked long and weird hours. He still lived in a cabin far away from the city centre. He was still a disaster human being. Nothing that months ago had led him to assure he was far from being cut out to be a father had changed. But his feelings had.
His feelings had changed because he’d met someone who was far too independent for her age and actually valued her time alone. Because his cabin was the first place she’d run to when she felt uncomfortable, and the place where she seemed to willingly spend the most time at, save for the woods. Because someone looked up to him and wanted him near despite a lost man being all he saw in the mirror. They’d changed because, after a lifetime of not knowing what he wanted, he now did. He now knew how to make his life useful, and if he got the chance he’d enjoy it so much.
And the very idea, the possibility, was scary. Change always was. This was such a fragile thing, there were more ways in which he could screw up than there were bell towers along the wall, and he for one knew them to be in an unreasonable number.
But it was worth it. It was a leap he’d have to take, it was a great deal of effort he’d have to make, but the alternative of doing nothing, of following once again the path of least resistance like he always did, and letting this chance slip through his fingers was too painful to contemplate. 
Knowing that didn’t make it any easier, though.
He went by it carefully, knowing that moving too fast could scare not only her, but also himself. He had to act, but it didn’t mean they were in a hurry. Some days after the lightbulb incident, when they were cooking in his cabin, he decided to get as close as he dared to breaching the topic.
“What’s it like to live there, kid?” He asked as he began chopping onions. “At Saint Anne’s. Is it… nice?”
Meiri lifted her eyes from the recipe sheet she was holding. Their argument about what was and was not a proper lunch had continued throughout the months, and at this point Edmund mostly defended sandwiches just to piss her off, knowing he wasn’t going to be able to convince her. At one point, she’d revealed that she did accept one sandwich-adjacent thing as being a meal, that being a falafel one made on flatbread with pickles, purple onions and lettuce. Apparently, it was something she had begun asking Teresa for on special dates after taking an interest in her heritage. So, of course, Edmund had said that he’d have to try it if it was so good as to make her eat something different than what she was used to, for once. Meiri had borrowed the recipe from Teresa and brought it to him on a day he’d known he’d be off duty, and after a trip to the market they’d returned to the cabin to try it out.
“It’s alright.” She answered after a few seconds, not having expected the question. He rarely asked anything of the sort, preferring to let her reveal whatever she wanted in her own time, so she was caught off guard by the directness. Her first instinct was to pull back, say something evasive and avoid opening up. But after the whole situation she’d put him through, which in hindsight she felt very embarrassed about, she probably owed him. “I know there are some scary stories about orphanages out there. Saint Anne’s is nice, though. They treat me like a person, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Edmund hummed. He was now rinsing the chickpeas, which he should really have let to soak overnight, but they didn’t have the time so he’d cooked them in the pressure cooker and hoped for the best.
“Do you like the people there?”
This question seemed to be trickier for her; Edmund made sure to keep his eyes on the ingredients, aware that being watched usually made things harder for the girl.
“The kids aren’t mean.” Like some at school, she didn’t say. “They’re not really my friends.” Because I’m too weird for them. “But no one treats me badly. And if anyone ever does, Terry or another one of the caretakers calls them out and makes them apologise.” I usually have to apologise too. It’s always my fault.
For all she wasn’t saying, she was already talking more than she would have liked to. She should just shut up; she never knew when to do that. But Edmund just made it harder for her, because he actually acted as if he wanted to hear what she had to say, which couldn’t possibly be true.
“Hm. Out of your caretakers, Terry is the one who you talk to the most, isn’t he? Cover yer ears, I’ll turn the blender on.”
She did as she was told, keeping her hands to her ears for as long as she could see the mixture being twirled inside the glass body of his vastly underused blender.
“He is.” Meiri confirmed once the noise stopped. He is the most patient one.
As expressive as ever, Edmund hummed again. He detached the body from the bottom of the blender and transferred the mixture into a bowl. Meiri stepped closer to open the fridge so he could place it inside.
“Thanks, kid. What’s next?”
“Seasoning the pickles while that chills for a bit. I’ve set aside the spices.”
“Alright. Is it those ones in the little red bowl?”
She nodded, and he got to work cutting very thin slices of pickles. Meiri had asked if she could help with that part, since she could do it on the table even if she didn’t reach the counter, but there was no way in hell he was letting her anywhere near a knife. Edmund let the subject rest for a while, and soon they took out the blended mixture and the girl shaped them into balls. The falafel went into the miniature oven which he kept on the same counter as his equally small electric stove, right underneath the copy of the wall’s blueprint that every bell keeper was supposed to have.
They cut their flatbreads open and stuffed them with the lettuce, pickles and red onion. When the falafels were ready, in they went as well, and the sandwiches were topped off with sesame seeds.
His opinion on it were basically the same as when he’d tasted Teresa’s cooking. It was flavourful, and he could easily see why someone would enjoy it. But by the gods, he was not cut for it. Just enough so that he had to munch on a separate, pure flatbread to keep his taste buds balanced. 
He’d be a dead man if Kaisa ever heard of this. She’d never let him live it down.
“So-” He attempted to go back to their conversation as they ate. Surprisingly, Meiri wasn’t giving him a hard time for his obvious struggle with the unfamiliar flavours. “You’re interested in your heritage, then, huh?
From across the table, Meiri stared at him as she finished chewing on a bite.
“You’ve been asking a lot of questions today.” Was what she said instead of a proper answer, damn nearly making the bell keeper choke. His recovery was quick, but not as quick as he would have liked. 
“I just noticed that I see you all the time but I don’t really know much about ya.” He shrugged with fake nonchalance. “Does it bother you?”
“Not really.” Meiri studied her sandwich with even faker nonchalance. She took a bite just as he opened his mouth again.
“Well, then, mind if I ask another one?”
No verbal answer, but she looked at him blankly so he took it as as much of an agreement as he could expect.
“Do you…” Edmund took a deep breath. Knowing this could be a step too far. Knowing she didn’t owe him to take it well. Hoping she would, anyways. “Do you wanna be adopted, some day? I mean, do you hope for it?”
Only a twitch of her eyebrows betrayed her surprise, but her undecipherable stare remained. She seemed to chew slower on purpose.
“I don’t think anyone would like that.” She answered eventually, cryptically. It was the last question she acknowledged that day.
Birds weren’t as cool as fireflies. It was an unfair competition, considering the former had that weird creepy cold light thing going on, but it was still one he was forced to do since they were essentially all he had to keep himself entertained during his daylight shifts. Considering her love for insects and comparative disinterest in vertebrate animals, Meiri probably thought so too, but she didn’t complain when he suggested they try to spend a morning seeing which birds they could find.
So far, the answer had been ‘a fuckton of sparrows’.
After a while of seeing nothing but the small brownish creatures, they’d moved on to identifying which species of sparrows were the most common in that area. Which was proving to be tricky, since their book only gave them differences that had to be spotted from a short distance and the ones they were seeing were, understandably, flying by quickly overheads.
After having resorted to borrowing Edmund’s binoculars, Meiri had narrowed it down to them being either Shelley’s Sparrows or House Sparrows. And now her current complaint was that their book didn’t have their scientific names.
“Hey, don’t get mad at me! It was Kaisa who recommended this guide, blame her!”
Meiri hummed in a discontent manner. “Kaisa is cool.”
He had long since given up on his fantasies of getting Meiri to mess with the librarian, but having his dreams trampled on still stung. They could have had it all.
She wasn’t able to stay for long, though. After a few hours, she began putting her pencils and notebook away in her backpack, knowing she needed to get going  in order to be at school in time. Edmund took the chance.
“I really enjoy your company.” He said as he looked up. Two birds were fighting over the same twig. Or maybe it was a worm. Things could get messy.
Meiri didn’t really answer, but he could see out of the corner of his eyes that she had a pleased smirk on her face. “It’d be… nice. To have you around more.”
“Well, I have school.” She stated matter of factly. “I already come when I can.”
“But would you like to spend more time over here? If you could, that is?”
She blinked, now hugging her backpack in front of herself. When he risked looking more directly at her, it was easy to notice her uneasiness. Her eyes always became restless when she was agitated.
“Maybe.” She said, but it was strained. Edmund nodded, knowing he wouldn’t push any further, not with how anxious she seemed to have become. He turned his attention back to the sky, hoping it would soothe her. When he didn’t offer her any other questions or comments, Meiri turned on her heels and walked away to the staircase.
Dread coiled in her stomach. She was way too familiar with the feeling. It always preceded the moment when she inevitably ruined something she loved.
He’d all but given up. Not because he wanted to, but because he felt like he was the only one taking any steps forward, and they were never going to meet in the middle like that. If Meiri wanted anything else to do with him, he’d need her to at least give him a hint of it, because the last thing he wanted was to keep pressing if it was unwanted.
Edmund knew part of his reluctance also stemmed from this being the easy way out; if Meiri didn’t show herself open to the possibility, then, well, there was a perfect excuse to not try something that could go downhill so easily. An excuse to keep on doing what he’d been doing all along and just go about his life without having to worry about anything - or anyone - else. 
He was still the same coward who’d kept an easy job even after finding out how rotten it really was, after all.
But that pesky wanting was still within him, lodged so comfortably somewhere in his ribcage that he couldn’t get rid of it. He managed to convince himself that it didn’t bother him, most times. Meiri visited often enough that it was easy to pretend she’d always be around. It was only during those rare moments in which one of them mentioned the future that he was forced to face that he wouldn’t be in hers, nor she in his. He was just a moderately amusing way for her to pass her time. And he wasn’t complaining; the chance to give a kid some good childhood memories was a precious one, and he was getting a lot of fun out of it himself. It was only that, at the end of the day, the realisation that none of that would really stick with him as the years passed was a depressing one. 
Yet Meiri seemed happy. And that was what mattered.
He sighed as he finally, after a lot of struggling with knots that looked impossible even to the most experienced of sailors, freed a woffling from his laundry line. Every goddamned year.
“See why I think vertebrates are confusing?” He startled as the voice of the very person he’d been thinking about came from behind him. Edmund turned with a jump, hand to his chest.
“Trying to give me a bloody heart attack again?”
She smirked, still in her school uniform with a book on her arms. “It’s not my main goal, but it would be funny.”
“Joke’s on you, the only thing I’m leaving you in my will is sandwich bread.”
“You would not!” She stomped her foot, not angry that he wasn’t leaving anything else but definitely pissed that what he chose to grant her was that.
“I would.” He nodded somberly. “That and cucumbers. Raw ones.”
“I’m leaving spiders on your bed.”
Even though she must be joking (despite her deadpan face), he was not going to try his luck. She might not be the kind of person to do that without a warning, but she did just give a warning. Edmund snorted.
“Just kidding! You also get the rug you like.” 
Meiri pursed her lips, pretending to think it through. 
“I’ll take it.”
She then opened the tiniest, shy smile and walked closer to him.
“What are you going to do right now?”
With a sigh, Edmund gestured to the ground near them. His previously clean clothes were scattered all around the grass, rumpled and dirtied.
“The laundry. Again.” Raising his arms to the heavens, he wished there was a woff deity he could pray to. “But you can come in if ya want to, of course. Won’t take me long to fix these up.”
“If it won’t take you long, why are you complaining so much?”
“Because complaining is one of life’s greatest joys. Now come on, it’s going to start getting chilly soon. Help me take these inside.”
They each took an armful of clothes from the ground and entered the house. Edmund had to go again to grab soap powder and fabric softener from a cabinet, but after doing so he turned to the table, in which both of them had put the clothes they’d collected, and saw that the book Meiri had brought was upon it as well. His eyes roamed over the title, and he squinted as he second guessed what he had read.
“Taking an interest in woffs now, kid?”
“Huh?” Meiri had been eyeing the buttons on his washing machine not exactly with curiosity, but with some sort of effort to try to understand it. “Well, sort of, I suppose. I just remember you told me a while back that you tried to understand woff migration because of… that-”
She waved a hand to the clothes on the table as Edmund opened the machine’s lid to put the correct amount of soap and softener in the slots inside. 
“So I figured that since their migration period started, I should read up on them so I could help you with it.”
Edmund paused with a flannel shirt on his hand on its way to being shoved into the washing machine.
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah.” Without her hoodie, Meiri didn’t have proper pockets to put her hands into, so she was forced to stop them from fiddling so that he wouldn’t see it. Unable to stay completely still, she dragged the sole of her left foot back and forth. 
Forcing himself to keep loading the machine instead of staring at her, Edmund frowned. Not in an angry way. But in the pensive and worried way of when a plan began to fall apart in front of your own eyes.
“You’re cool.” Meiri looked everywhere but at him. He thought it had to be the nicest thing she’d said about him; not bearable or even alright, but cool. Meiri knew it was the nicest thing she’d ever told anyone to their face. “I wanted to help. You already help me a lot.”
Edmund didn’t really think he did anything any other decent adult wouldn’t, but it felt like a balm to hear her say so anyway. To know he was making a difference. To know she felt comfortable enough to admit it even though she really didn’t need to.
“Hm. You know ya don’t need to pay me back, right? You’re no bother, no need to go out of yer way for me.”
“But I want to.” His breath hitched, but he managed to avoid turning to look at her abruptly as he heard her say that while he picked up more clothes from the table. “It’s not… it’s not paying back. I just like spending time with you.”
Years of keeping his most stoic facade had trained him for this. Even though she was making no similar effort, clearly gauging his reaction, he kept on very slowly picking apart his clothing pieces and putting them one by one in the washing machine, trying to draw out this activity for as long as he could. Talking was a lot easier when it wasn’t your main focus. He hummed, noticing the way she was now openly picking at her own nails.
“That’s really nice of you.”
She shrugged, he could see it in his peripheral vision. It was now or never. Preferably now since he really didn’t need to draw out that torture any longer; who knew if he had any underlying heart problems, he certainly didn’t want to find out now.
“Tell me - and there’s no right answer, believe me-” He began, feeling the room get suddenly cold. It might not have been the best way to go about it, because he was reasonably sure he saw Meiri tense up beside him. “Would you ever consider letting me adopt you?”
Edmund had thought he’d done a good job of sounding natural - meaning not like he’d been kept awake over this matter almost every night for the past weeks - and not coming across as pressing her, but apparently he’d done something wrong, because he heard her breath catch and not in a good way. Forcing himself to look as calm as possible, he turned to the child who was now gripping the straps of her backpack with a force that turned her knuckles white. Her whole demeanour made her look like she was ready to bolt, and when he met her eyes all he could think of was a deer in headlights.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He lifted his hands up assuringly, the last thing he wanted being making her feel like she had nowhere to run to. “Sorry, kid, I didn’t wanna-”
But apparently she hadn’t felt like she had nowhere to run to, because as soon as her freeze response faded with a trembling exhale, Meiri ignited flight mode and ran out of the cabin, leaving the door ajar behind her and allowing the cold wind of dusk to sweep in mercilessly.
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eyndr-stories · 2 years
The Stranger The Better (FNAF SB) fanfic C9 - In A While, Crocodile
Read the intro to Chapter 1 (Enter A Sleepy Bitchard) for more details! I'd start reading there anyways else things won't make a whole lot of sense lol
In Summary: Reader is a forever exhausted young adult who has social difficulties doing their best to pay the bills, so when they get hired at the well-paying, almost entirely automated Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza-Plex, they don't really hesitate to think things through before stumbling headfirst into a horror mystery surrounding this company and its crew of quirky (and surprisingly kind) animatronics.
Things To Know (lmk if I should add anything, also check the tags for more stuff):
There are some horror elements in several chapters! This chapter isn't all that spooky, but does include blackmail and manipulation tactics. Also, several lightbulbs are smashed.
Eventual romance, minorly important to the plot.
Reader has paranoia.
There is much swearing.
Reader is also addicted to energy drinks, and not fantastic at self care.
Reader is nonbinary (and also trans masc) though it's not vital to the plot and only comes up once or twice.
Reader is from the south, is protective of their friends, and if you threaten their friends then I'm afraid you've yee'd your last haw and yes that is important to the plot
Previous Chapter | Chapter 9 | Next Chapter
C9 - In A While, Crocodile
     Your leg bounced anxiously as Paige took a seat across from you. The little round table and folding chairs looked out over your garden, as well as the messy pile of fence supplies you had yet to utilize.
     The sky was just starting to brighten. The world was quiet, the surrounding forest still, not a whisper of a breeze to disturb the leaves. You could hear the familiar ringing in your ears, as well as your heart pounding away.
     “Would you like to start us off?” Paige asked.
     “Alright.” You took a deep breath through your nose and forced your nerves down. This was fine. You’d just be carrying out your plan now instead of later. You hadn’t worked out how to word any of it, and you’d been expecting to have the luxury of typing it out. “First, let me ask… how familiar are you with the animatronics themselves?”
     “Quite.” Paige smiled, though ‘smile’ was a stretch. Her lips pressed into a thin line that didn’t reach her eyes at all.
     “Good. So you’re aware they’re all sentient.” You paused to try and gauge her reaction. You couldn’t decipher much, so you went on. “And you’re likely also aware that none of them have breaks or days off, and aren’t really allowed to leave the building. Not to mention, are on all accounts providing… uncompensated labor.”
     Paige studied you carefully. “The company is fully within its legal right to utilize its own property how it sees fit, in accordance with the law and safety regulations.”
     You felt that anger quickly rising up in you. You desperately tried to push it down, but you were too tired. “See, here’s the thing.” You did your best not to glare. “Yall haven’t really been following all those safety regulations, have you?” You paused, getting a small amount of satisfaction as Paige shifted uncomfortably. “As per your last email, I believe you tried to dissuade me from engaging with one of your biggest safety concerns. After an incident had already occurred. I have the proof, if you’d like to review it.”
     Paige was silent for a moment. She stared at you, expression hard. “No need. I’m aware of the incident. Here’s the thing…” Paige’s eyes narrowed. “It would be rather unfortunate if word got out about an incident like that. We’d have no choice but to decommission the animatronic. Permanently.”
     You paled. Shit. You hadn’t realized that. You set your jaw and quickly tried to think of a response. “…Why haven’t you jackals gotten your specialist in to fix Moon’s bug yet?”
     Paige smiled that thin not-smile again. “You know as well as I do that at the end of the day, its all about money. Profit. Budgets. That’s why you came back to work after the incident. Gotta pay the bills. It’d be a shame for you to loose such a nice little place, especially so soon after the last move.”
     You sat stock still, fighting to keep your expression neutral as Paige's eyes bore into you. Your hands were shaking under the table. How did she know?
     “The specialist is technically retired, and demanding more than we were expecting to come back for another job,” Paige went on. “The big wigs have been going back and forth with the budget and the specialist, trying to figure out how to loose the lease amount of profit. The specialist is being… difficult. She has some differing ideas and perspectives from the higher ups. Honestly, things aren’t looking great for the daycare attendant right now. They’re starting to ask if the company even really needs a daycare, if there's perhaps a more lucrative area to replace the daycare with.”
     “What if there was a way to solve the issue and increase profit?” you said suddenly.
     Paige studied you quizzically. “Then I’d be all ears.”
     You took out your phone and pulled up the picture you'd taken of the half-finished animatronic. “If you used the original body you built for Moon. It’s almost completed, wouldn’t take much to finish it up. It’s just sitting in storage. All that money yall put into constructing it… would finally start paying off. Specially since it doesn’t cost yall much to employ animatronics, does it? Bet you save a lot of money on labor,” you said, not bothering to keep the venom out of your tone.
     Paige didn’t seem bothered at all. In fact, she appeared thoughtful. “I don’t know how you know as much as you do, you’ve only been employed for two weeks. But… you do pose an interesting proposition. I wasn’t aware the old body was still around… We’d still need to bring in the specialist of course, but if it makes more money in the long run…” Paige smiled thinly once more. “I believe this meeting has been rather productive. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.” Paige set a business card down on the table, got up, and left.
     You heard her car start up, then drive off. You sat there for a long time. After a good ten minutes, your hands finally stopped shaking. The sun finally started to peek above the trees, the first rays of morning making the clouds glow. You pocketed the business card and went inside. You needed some fucking sleep.
     You did your usual rounds first, taking your time with it. You didn’t have the first clue what you were going to say to Moon and Sun about what had happened this morning. You still hadn’t even fully processed it.
     To your surprise, you actually ran into Moon halfway through your rounds.
     “Is everything alright??” you asked, quickly checking your phone to see if you’d missed any calls. You hadn’t, so you looked at Moon quizzically.
     “You were taking too long,” Moon chided. “Management contacted us earlier.”
     Moon had your full attention now, if they hadn’t before. “Oh?”
     “They told us that it was taking so long to get the specialist in because their plan is to finish the old model. The one you found. They’re going to fix my bug and separate Sun and I. It’s a big project, so they needed lots of time,” Moon said.
     You frowned. “Is that so.”
     “…I am feeling conflicted about being separated from Sun. I don’t know what he’ll do without me.” Moon smirked and paused, likely listening to Sun yelling at him in his head. “And I don’t want to… get my hopes up just yet. But it does seem as if things will work out, and soon.”
     You weren’t sure what to say. Should you even tell Moon about what had happened? You didn’t want to spoil their mood. He was clearly excited, having come to meet you instead of waiting for you, and he was nervous, seeing as this was the twitchiest and animated you had ever seen him.
     “That’s great, M. I told you it’d all work out.” You tried a smile.
     Moon stared at you suspiciously. “You’re hiding something.”
     You cursed. You’d always been a shitty liar. “…Alright, lets walk and talk.” You sighed.
     You continued on your rounds, being extra vigilant about looking around so you didn’t have to look at Moon. Moon stared at you the whole time, expression unreadable for the most part. They didn’t interrupt, though it was clear at times that they wanted to. You got through the whole story, telling Moon as precisely as possible the conversation you’d has with Paige this morning.
     The two of you reached the daycare. You sat down heavily in one of the chairs at the little sitting area just outside the daycare. You finally looked at Moon, who loomed over you, looking somewhat upset.
     “She came to your house,” Moon stated.
     “Yeah,” you confirmed.
     “She threatened to decommission me and Sun if you tried to take legal action against them.”
     “Yeah,” you said again.
     “They were going to decommission us anyways. Close the daycare.”
     “Not for certain, Paige said it was an option they were considering,” you said.
     “Right.” Moon frowned. “Should have known better than to take those monsters at their word.”
     “They are going to do the whole, finish the other animatronic body and fix you up thing. That part wasn’t a lie.”
     “No, just the fact that they lied about how very close they were to deciding to shut down the daycare because of me and my bug making things too difficult and costly for them.” Moon scowled, folding his arms and glaring at the floor. “…If you hadn’t given that idea to Paige…”
     “If I hadn’t and they tried to decommission you, I’d kidnap yall and flee the country,” you stated.
     Moon cracked a smile. “Of course.”
     “How’s Sun doing with all this?”
     Moon looked away, pausing for a moment. “He is… Sun is very angry.”
     Moon nodded. “On your behalf. Also mine.”
     “Oh.” You paused. “I’m fine. You guys were the ones in trouble of being decommissioned.”
     Moon stared at you. “She came to your house, Y/N. She blackmailed you. She used manipulation tactics on you, bringing up your past, getting you to do what she wanted.”
     “Yeah.” You shrugged. “Whatever.”
��    Moon sighed sharply. He paused for a long moment. They became especially twitchy, their faceplate starting to spin. He gripped his head, and you could see him straining to hold in the tips of a few sun rays trying to pop out. “Sun has a lot to say. But he can wait till tomorrow,” Moon said forcefully, straightening up and folding their arms.
     “Oh boy.” You laughed. “I didn’t mean to start anything.”
     “Y/N… remember that the phone works both ways. If you find a stranger at your house again… call us,” Moon said.
     You felt strange. You couldn’t place the feeling. “Don’t worry about me, guys. I’m fine, I can take care of myself. Besides, yall can’t leave the building anyways.”
     “…There is no rule against Sun leaving the building,” Moon said.
     “He can’t leave the daycare.”
     “But I can,” Moon said.
     “…Well, you don’t need to do all that anyways. I appreciate it, but I can take care of myself. Don’t worry about me,” you assured.
     Moon sighed. “Whatever.”
     “Did management say when this whole operation would go down?” you asked, hoping to change the topic.
     “A week. The specialist will be flying into town in a few days,” Moon said.
     “Sun made certain they’d do it after hours on a day you were scheduled to work.” Moon’s expression was difficult to discern.
     “Oh, good!” You paused, trying and failing to study Moon. You made your best context-based guess. “Are you alright with me being there?”
     Moon looked away, humming nonchalantly. “Sure, whatever.”
     “Are you lying?” You squinted at Moon.
     “No.” Moon rolled his eyes. “Sun and I are not allowed to lie.”
     “Oh really??” You stared at Moon, shocked. “Oh. Hey, listen. If you ever don’t wanna tell me something you can say 'pass'. That way you don’t have to be forced to tell me the truth or anything.”
     Moon smiled softly. “It’s appreciated. Sun and I have our workarounds, so don’t fret.”
     You relaxed a little. “Okay.”
     "Sun and I have much to discuss. Excuse me, sheriff, you've got a town to patrol."
     You smiled. "Right. Rest assured partner, I'll keep yall safe from outlaws and bandits."
     "Good night." Moon smiled at you before heading into the daycare.
     You waved goodbye, then stood up and stretched a little. You half considered getting a cowboy hat and wearing it to work one day as you got back to your patrols. Maybe you could dress up as a sheriff for Halloween… if you weren't fired by then.
     You fell into a comfortable routine. Now that you'd been working at the plex for a while, you were getting the hang of managing your schedule, and growing accustomed to the new sleep schedule. When you could sleep, that is. You had another rabbit dream. This time, the rabbit was enormous, and you were someplace cold, facing off against this murderous assailant. A duck appeared and honked at you with such random suddenness that you were startled awake.
     You put the weird dream out of mind. You had the day off, and there were lots of chores to do that you'd been putting off. Tending the garden, doing the laundry, cleaning your room, cleaning yourself. Not to mention you really needed to work on the fence…
     You set reminders and timers on your phone as you ate a microwaved breakfast sandwich, then washed it down with an energy drink. You may not be working today, but you still had a lot to do.
     You texted Sun sporadically throughout the day. He wasn't super busy today, only looking after a few kids. Sun convinced you to take a break and eat lunch in the middle of the day. They asked about your garden, and you sent them lots of pictures of the herbs and flowers you were growing. Once the weather warmed up, you'd be able to start harvesting and making your own tea.
     After making decent progress on the fence and quelling the voice in your head that chided you for not getting the whole thing finished in a day, you took a much needed shower and relaxed for the rest of the night, texting Moon about how the fence was coming along, and sending him a picture of a frog you'd spotted in your tool bag. Moon seemed delighted by the frog, and was very happy when you told him you'd safely removed the frog from the bag and set it in the grass by the trees.
     The next day, you had a full shift at the plex. You waited for the crowd to clear out before heading inside, bringing a resupply of energy drinks for the break room's minifridge. You noted that it appeared someone else was using the coffee machine, though they'd forgotten to rinse out the pot. You were pleased someone else was getting some use out of it. Maybe it was Vanessa? You debated leaving a little note on the white board, eventually deciding against it.
     The bear bot was waiting outside the break room for you.
     "Oh! Howdy," you said. You really wished you knew this guy's name. You couldn't just ask, revealing you hadn't known all along.
     "Hello, Y/N! I hope you are well. I wanted to speak with you, if that is alright?" the bear asked, smiling in a reassuring way.
     "Yeah, of course. Let's walk and talk," you offered. When the bear nodded, you got out your flashlight and started your rounds, the bear walking alongside you.
     "I heard from Vanessa a while ago that management had some concerns with you. I was wondering if they had spoken to you already, and wanted to check in and see how you were doing," the bear said.
     "Damn, how much was she complaining about me?? Is there anyone here who doesn't know about that?" you laughed awkwardly.
     "Well, Vanessa only spoke to Chica, but… well, Chica loves to gossip," the bear said with a sheepish shrug.
     "It's all good, I had a… meeting with someone from management. We got things worked out. I think. I mean, I haven't been fired, so." You shrugged. "And I helped them figure out a solution for Moon's bug."
     "Right... I also heard from Chica that you have been interacting with Moon frequently?" the bear asked hesitantly.
     "Yeah, Sun as well." You paused, recalling the bear's advice to avoid the daycare, which you had promptly ignored. "Oh, you don't have to worry, I know all about the malfunctions and stuff. It's all good."
     The bear seemed surprised. He quickly relaxed. "I see. I still feel you should be cautious…"
     "Sun and Moon are my friends," you said, watching the bear carefully.
     "I am glad to hear you are getting along. Even Monty seems to have warmed up to you!" The bear smiled. "Roxanne is a different story, but I am sure she will come around."
     You pieced together that Monty was the gator guy with the shades, and Roxanne had to be the wolf lady.
     The bear continued. "DJMM says he has not had a chance to meet you yet, but he looks forward to it."
     "Uh… who's that again??" You mentally went over all the animatronics you'd seen. You were unable to recall hearing about or meeting a 'DJMM'.
     "DJ Music Man! He performs in the arcade. He is such a kind fellow, you should introduce yourself!" the bear suggested. "I am sure you would make fast friends."
     Realization dawned on you, and you stopped dead in your tracks. "The spider guy?!"
     The bear looked confused.
     "I mean… he's got all those fuckin legs… sorry, I don't like spiders." You'd been either avoiding the arcade entirely or quickly powerwalking through, barely glancing towards the dance floor.
     "How about we go say hello? Once you meet him you will see he is not scary at all," the bear assured.
     "Right now??" You frowned. "I guess we are pretty close to the arcade…" You shifted anxiously from foot to foot.
     "Common, superstar! I know you can do it!" The bear bot smiled comfortingly and offered you a hand.
     You might have felt a little patronized, but the bear was just so sincere and kind. "Ahh, alright." You took the bear's pleasantly warm hand and walked with him to the arcade.
     As it turns out, the bear was right. DJMM was awake when you entered the arcade and waved excitedly at you and the bear. The bear introduced the two of you, and you quickly learned that the DJ was limited in his vocals, only able to make musical tones and short phrases like 'alright!' or 'wh-wh-whaaat??' and 'break it down!'. The longer you hung out with him the more you realized he really was just a gentle giant. He was all smiles and seemed delighted to meet you. He offered you a high-five when you and Freddy departed, and you found you weren't even bothered by the fact that his hand was as big as you.
     "Alright, you were right. He's pretty cool," you admitted to the bear.
     "I knew you two would get along!" The bear beamed.
     "If only everyone were that easy to get along with," you said, thinking of Roxanne and Vanessa. You weren't entirely sure about the gator guy, Monty, but the bear had said he was warming up to you, ever since you'd politely told management to fuck off in your email. "That wolf lady, Roxanne, she seems so cool but I think she hates me for some reason."
     "Hmm." The bear nodded. He looked thoughtful.
     "What's that look?" you questioned. "What are you thinking?"
     The bear casually folded his arms behind his back. "Ohhh, no need to worry, superstar! Let us get back to your rounds, shall we? I hope you do not mind my company."
     "Naw, not at all," you said. You liked the bear bot, he was very nice.
     You made idle conversation with the bear, telling him about your deli job, and he told you about some fun stories interacting with the kids. It was clear he liked it here, liked making the kids happy and singing songs with his friends and befriending new people.
     The bear grew quiet as the two of you passed the bowling alley. He folded his hands together and looked away.
     You weren't really paying attention to the bear though. Your eyes were on the big sign above the arcade, reading 'Bonnie's Bowling'. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you! All the areas are themed after a different animatronic, right? Monty has that minigolf area, Sun and Moon have the daycare, Roxanne has the bumper-car raceway. But there's some areas that promote animatronics that aren't around here anywhere, unless I've somehow gone a month without meeting them. Like this bunny guy, and the fox guy who looks like a pirate," you said.
     The bear was silent for a very long moment. You had started to worry you'd said something wrong, going back over what you'd said in your head, when he finally replied.
"Foxy was never completed. The plans got reworked, and they had to cut him from the budget. Bonnie…"
     You stared at the bear. He looked so sad, you almost expected him to start crying.
     "We are not sure what happened to Bonnie," was all the bear said.
     It was clearly difficult for the bear to talk about, so you didn't push the matter, despite your burning curiosity. "Would you like a hug?" you offered.
     The bear smiled at you. "I would love a hug."
     You hugged the bear, giving him what you hoped was a reassuring pat on the back.
     "Which area are we patrolling next?" the bear asked, straightening up.
     The bear seemed to be doing better now, so you turned your attention back to your job. "Well lets see. I usually try and switch it up a little from night to night, so... Next up is the hall with all the rooms," you decided.
     "Ah, rock-star row! There is a lot of history and interesting trivia to be discovered in the display cases there."
     The bear chatted about all the improvements and new features the plex had, after the rebranding. Apparently the plex had shut down a decade ago, and had only reopened a few years ago.
     The bear stopped by one of the rooms, looking in through the window. You stopped as well and looked at him curiously. Before you could ask what he was doing, he knocked on the glass and waved at whoever was inside.
     You stepped closer, then groaned internally when you realized this was Roxanne's room. She was coming outside to meet you and the bear.
     "What do you want?" The wolf folded her arms and frowned disapprovingly down at you, even though it was the bear who had knocked.
     "Hello, Roxy! Y/N and I were chatting earlier and they told me all about how cool they think you are!" The bear smiled innocently as he pat your shoulder.
     Your cheeks felt hot. What the hell was the bear doing??
     "Is that so?" Roxanne flipped her hair and assumed a nonchalant stance. "You have good taste, at least."
     You weren't sure if that was a compliment, but at least it wasn't an insult. "Uh, yeah. Um. I think maybe we got off on the wrong foot, so uh… I was hoping maybe we could work it out? I do actually think you're cool, and would like to be pals. Or at least, friendly workplace associates." You glanced at the bear, who gave you a thumbs up.
     "I didn't realize you were a fan. I guess I could give you a second chance." Roxy folded her arms. "…You think I'm cool?"
     "Are you kidding? You're a rock-star wolf lady. Ain't much else cooler than that." You laughed lightly. "I was really into wolves as a kid. I still think they're cool."
     "Ohh dear, I am afraid my systems are starting to overheat. I really must be heading off to a recharge station… Roxanne, if you would not mind keeping Y/N company for me?" the bear asked sweetly.
     You squinted suspiciously at the bear.
     "Sure, whatever. I don't have anything else to do tonight." Roxy shrugged.
     The bear left you two alone before you could protest, hurrying into his room. You noted his little fluff-ball tail wagging happily as he went. You glanced at Roxanne, then awkwardly began walking. She walked with you, looking disinterested.
     "So uh. What instrument do you play?" you asked.
     "Keytar," she replied.
     "Oh! That's sick, I play piano," you said.
     "Really?" Roxy glanced at you.
     "Yeah, I'm nowhere near good enough to perform or anything like you do though. It's mostly just a fun hobby for me."
     Roxy smiled. "I'm sure you're not too bad."
     "I'm decent. I'm sure you'd play circles around me," you said.
     Roxy nodded. "You're not wrong there. I'm the best there is," she said proudly.
     "Hell yeah!"
     You noted out of the corner of your eye that Roxanne's tail had started wagging at some point. You smiled, then thought for a moment. You pieced together that she seemed to enjoy positive attention and compliments. "You must be like, the most popular of the crew, right? I can't imagine how busy you must be, meeting fans and signing autographs and such."
     "Of course." Roxy smiled. "Everyone loves me. The other glamrocks have their fair share of fans, but I'm sure I have the most." She paused. "Do you think I have the most fans??"
     "I've never been here during the day so I don't know. I'm sure you've got lots of fans, though."
     "More than lots… the most," Roxy said, almost to herself.
     You studied her quizzically. "It's really important to you to be the best, huh?"
     Roxy gave you a look that you couldn't decipher. "You wouldn't get it. You'll never understand the pressure I'm under. I can't make mistakes. I don't make mistakes."
     "Everyone makes mistakes," you said softly.
     "Not me. I'm the best," Roxy insisted.
     "I love the self confidence, but… you know you're not perfect, right?" You quickly continued as Roxy's expression fell into a frown. "No one is. That’s the horrifying beauty of things. I know you've got a lot of people who look up to you, but I promise they'd still adore you even if they knew you made mistakes. Because they make mistakes too. Perfection is an unobtainable ideal. That applies to everyone."
     Roxy crossed her arms. "What do you know?"
     "I know what its like to be hard on yourself. To be maybe a little too critical at times. To hold yourself to a higher standard than everyone else. Its okay to not be perfect, you know?" You offered a reassuring smile. “So long as you do your best… that’s all you can do, really.”
     Roxy looked away. She was silent for a long moment. "Whatever." She turned and walked away.
     You were worried you'd blown your second chance, but Roxy called back to you before she rounded the corner.
     "Y/N… thanks. I guess." She was out of sight before you could reply.
     Well, that was progress. Probably.
     You got on with your rounds.
     Between hanging out with Sun and Moon, reading them stories and singing songs and playing games and drawing (you’d drawn each of them a colored picture, a happy sunflower for Sun and a sleepy frog for Moon) and just talking about whatever, you also spent some time with the other animatronics as well. You stopped by DJMM's dance floor every night now, and had taken to calling him Mr. Music, which he seemed pleased with. As it turns out, he used sign language, which you were struggling to learn. You'd learned a little a few years ago, but you were extremely rusty. Mr. Music was very patient with you and willing to help you learn, so you spent a few minutes learning sign from him, and helped him come up with new song ideas in return.
     To your surprise, Monty really had warmed up to you. He even invited you to the warehouse to smash old lightbulbs with him. You were both intrigued and concerned, though you agreed none the less.
     Monty fiddled with an electrical box in the warehouse for a minute, eventually getting the lights to turn on. The place seemed so much smaller in the light. It was still a storage warehouse, but it was no longer an intimidating void. You noted the security bots seemed to be keeping their distance, rolling around the very far end of the warehouse.
     Monty set the giant cardboard box he'd been carrying down on the ground, then pulled out a pair of safety goggles.
     "You'll need these for your puny eyes," Monty said, handing the goggles over to you.
     "Thanks." You adjusted the strap to your head, then gave Monty a thumbs up.
     Monty reached back into the box and pulled out a fluorescent tube light. It looked old, and undoubtedly no longer worked. Monty hurled it at the concrete wall. It shattered into thousands of tiny pieces. Monty grinned, satisfied with this.
     "Go on, squirt! Your turn," Monty said.
     You shrugged and grabbed another florescent tube from the box. You swung it like a bat, letting it go and watching it crash against the wall. It did shatter, but not as entirely or violently as Monty's had.
     "Alright!! You're stronger than you look!" Monty commended.
     "Thanks! So are you!" You chuckled and grabbed another light.
     You and Monty smashed old lights against the floor and the walls until there were none left to smash. Seemingly sensing that the chaos was over, a custodian bot wheeled over and began dutifully sweeping up all the glass.
     You grabbed a broom and started sweeping as well, feeling bad about leaving the mess for someone else to clean.
     "That was fun! Do you do that often?" You asked Monty as you swept.
     "Pretty often. I feel better afterwards. It's relaxing, you know?" Monty leaned back against some metal shelves.
     "Yeah, I get that. I used to have a punching bag, it did wonders with relieving my stress. Had to sell it when I moved though, my new place doesn't have enough space for it."
     "That's too bad," Monty said. "…Do you ever… nevermind."
     You paused and looked at him curiously. "What?"
     Monty scratched his claws over the metal shelf, making a loud grinding noise. He didn't seem to notice. "I dunno. Just… do you ever feel like… out of control?"
     "Sometimes." You slowly resumed your sweeping. "It's not a very fun feeling."
     "Yeah." Monty nodded. "I get these… it's so frustrating." Monty huffed. He started pacing around. "This is embarrassing… don't tell anyone. Especially not Chica, she'll tell the whole damn building, down to the wet floor signs."
     "My lips are sealed," you promised. You and the custodian bot finished sweeping up the mess in no time. You turned your full attention to Monty.
     Monty paused his pacing. He glanced at you, then frowned at the shelves. "Sometimes my memory storage doesn't save things right. I'll just randomly loose several hours and have no clue what I did. It doesn't happen often, but… I hate it." He half heartedly punched the shelf he was glaring at.
     You were no stranger to the negative side effects of sleep deprivation, so you understood how frustrating it could be to not be able to remember stuff. "That really sucks. I'm sorry, man. If I can offer you some advice, what works for me is journaling. Improves my memory a little to write down stuff I get up to, and if I forget I can go back and read what I did and jog my memory. Its also a pretty great outlet to relieve stress. You know, if you ever run out of lightbulbs."
     Monty smirked. "Yeah… that's not a bad idea. Thanks, Y/N."
     "I should get back to my rounds. Thanks for hanging out with me. I'll see you later, alligator," you said with a wink.
     Monty laughed. "In a while, crocodile."
     You smiled to yourself as you swept your flashlight over the dingy familiar access tunnels. You were making friends, it seemed.
     Slowly, but surely.
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eddie · 1 year
ANSWERED ASK for : @g4slit ❛ RESTRICTED : for both muses to sneak into someplace they’re not supposed to be. ❜
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⛧˖ ─── WITH A NOTEWORTHY REPUTATION FOR delinquency, the flashing of red and blue lights that followed Eddie Munson’s old Chevy into the parking lot of the gas station held very little in the way of shock value. The metalhead had a history of poor road etiquette, and coupled with a flair for dramatics and an almost habitual tendency to make bad decisions, he knew the drill all too well. Pull over, license and registration—as though they didn’t already know who he was—step out of the car… It was the same song and dance, and just like the other times, it ended in consequence. It was a lucky break that Hopper had been the one to catch him this time, but even so, he wasn’t sure how he was going to explain the sizeable FINE to Wayne.
            Dark eyes watched as his vehicle was towed away, sitting on the pathetic slant of its three remaining tires. With its departure went the dwindling remnants of his freedom, his self-sufficiency, some of his favorite cassette tapes and (only a little) of his pride. The metalhead exhaled a heavy sigh to lament his utter despair, but it was only a moment later that the breath was suddenly catching in his throat. ❝ Shit… ❞
            THE DRUGS.
            Sure, having his wheels taken away would put a damper on his mobility and it was kind of a downer, but the drugs in the glovebox? That spelled two things: one, DISASTER, and two, R.I.P on his tombstone. If Hopper or his uncle didn’t strangle him first, then Rick was certain to put him six feet under.
            ❝ Shit, shit, shit… ❞ The word fell from Eddie’s lips on the current of an endless loop as he rushed over to the main building, his pathway a direct beeline towards the payphone. Just as he’d begun to dig out some loose change from bottom of his pockets, however, he’d caught a glimpse of a familiar face through the window. A lightbulb flashed above his head and the booth was hastily abandoned in favor of a new approach; a solution that went by the name of ERNEST REILLY.
            Entering coolly through the front door as though he wasn’t having a complete internal meltdown, leather-clad arms folded atop the counter. ❝ Well, well, well… if it isn’t my favorite study buddy. Hello, Reilly! ❞ His tone came out almost MELODICALLY, the smile on his face splitting into a toothy grin with the tilt of his head; the sort of gesture that could only presuppose ulterior motives. It was a shot in the dark, but he’d sat next to Ernest throughout the entirety of the last semester and they’d gotten along well enough, he’d thought. Well enough to convince him to aid in his breaking of the law though? He could only hope.             ❝ Listen, I’m just gonna cut the bullshit and get right to it, uh… I know that you’re working and I have exactly... ZERO room to be asking for favors after you carried my ass through that math class, but, um… ❞ He sucked both of his lips inward, the fingers on one hand toying with the modeled rings on the other. ❝ Yeeeah… I’m in some deep shit, man. Like, really deep. That little soiree you saw in the parking lot just now? ❞ He made a gesture towards the sarcastic smile that was now gracing his features, a forced laugh escaping him. ❝ Courtesy of yours truly. ❞
            ❝ It’s a long story, but that was my van that they just towed. And that wouldn’t reeeally be the end of the world if it wasn’t for the, uh… precious cargo in the glovebox. Merchandise, if you will... You get me? ❞ His dark eyes narrowed a fraction. ❝ Trust me, I wouldn’t be asking you to do this if it wasn’t an emergency, dude… ❞ He shot him a pleading glance with the soft exhale of a defeated sigh and the slight slump of his shoulders. ❝ Please, Ernest Reilly—Johnny Boy—❞ He pushed himself away from the counter, pacing with his hands clasped in front of his chest. ❝—I humbly beg of thee… a ride to the impound lot. ❞ A pause. ❝ All you've gotta do is drop me off, that's it. And I’ll make it worth your while, I promise. I’ll give you a fat discount on—❞ He stopped to make a slow waving gesture with one of his hands. ❝—whatever you want. ❞
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