#I just love this aesthetic u__u
sunsetno4 · 3 months
Canvas, texture, hair for Ven! (And Deja, if you're up to it :] )
Ah, thank you so much! :D And, yes! I can add Deja when she fits~~ Although, minor apologies in advance because this will be a bit long. I like rambling. u__u;; Questions are from here too. <3
Also, a trigger warning for the scar section for a brief mentions of self-harm scars.
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
Scars. Vendetta definitely has a metric fuck-ton of scars, but I've never sat down to honestly figure them out (which is why I rarely doodle them in). I need to get on that. u__u; For the few I have planned out, ne had ugly one of the top of nir hand from a time ne got stabbed, a few methodical-looking self-harm ones along both nir lower arms and an odd and very out-of-place carved c-shaped one on of nir arms too. Ven doesn't really care to cover them up, except maybe the ones of nir arms? Ne doesn't like the looks or questions. Deja has a few faint ones, but nothing to write to home about. They look more like old piercing holes that have since healed over, lol.
Piercings. For Ven, there's nir nostril stud, tongue stud and a fuck-ton of earrings. Like, so so many earrings, absolute maximalist vibes. Like a bit like these? (link) (link) (link) And if Ven ever gets rid of nir tattoos or loses the hyper-paranoia around them, ne would def like to get a few more done, nipples being the top of that list. God, ne would love that.
Deja just has her earlobes done. Like I said, there's a few faint scars that Ven thinks are from old facial and ear piercings but they're pretty closed up if true. She normally wears jewelry with a gambling aesthetic, either like based around the card suits or like poker chips and post-backstory reveal, Ven feels a little weird about that.
Tattoos. Ven just has the Re-Gene ones that ne feels …complicated about. :l If ne ever gets rid of them tho, I always imagine ne would eventually get a few tattoos of nir own in a similar orange design, but not shiny and probably around nir wrists and lower arms. They'll be theirs then~
Deja doesn't have tattoos, but as for other marks, she does have two beauty marks: one under her right eye and the other on the top of her right breast. If she get away with showing off both, she's a happy person, lol. It's normally pretty easy too.
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can’t wear or don’t like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
Anything old and worn, breathable and loose! Clothes don't have to meet all three, but Ven prefers at least one box checked. Ne wears so many layers, let nem not die because of too much polyester. I don't imagine Ven enjoys buying new basic clothes a lot, especially anything denim or more stiff in general. But thrifting feels a little gauche with how much money ne has in nir many bank accounts. :'l Beyond that, ah. Vendetta's used to being uncomfortable especially regarding clothes so it doesn't really register in nir head anymore. That's kinda always been the norm.
hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
Vendetta has a bit of a fashion mullet, two-toned between nir natural copper orange hair and whatever shade of blonde Ven got out of the bottle this time. It was entirely unplanned, but Vendetta doesn't really plan out nir hairstyles. Ne normally just lets it grow out until it bugs nem and then, snip snip snip! Always done nemself, sometimes in very odd places like a diner because sensory issues are damning.
Ah, Ven had meant to cut nir grown hair into a more choppy pixie (because the helmet hair was really annoying nem), but ne stopped mid-way through and thought the mullet look was Neat. c: The fact that Themmy also had a copper orange mullet never really crossed Ven's mind until ne thought ne spotted them out of the corner of nir eye, and was so gutted to see it was just nemself. It's why ne started bleaching it half-blonde. Anything to keep the ghosts and heartbreak at bay.
Deja's is loooooooooong and naturally wavy-curly and it's been the pale blue-grey shade since Ven found her. And as much as Vendetta hates salon, ne goes to them to keep up the color that whoever Deja previously was clearly enjoyed liked. It feels like the least Ven can do for her~ It's normally worn down too because outside of braiding hair, Ven is pretty garbage at styling hair. Ah, it still looks pretty. c:
And I just enjoy them having complementary hair colors, especially with Deja's very unintentional Re-Gene blue hair. It's cute to me, lol.
And thank you again! <33
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@purplesangel​, @kokokatsworld​, +anons
Decided to do a Turtle of Choice x Fem!Reader thing, since I got that “wanna fuck you against the window” thing for ALL OF THE BOYS. Gonna write it as an AU where the turtle of your choice is the boss/CEO of a prestigious and fancy-pantsy place you work at. So, myeah, nice turts in suits 😏👌 (also mutants are a known thing in that AU)
13: Look what you do to me 26: I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it 57: We’re in public you know 59: Are you sure? Once I start I don’t think I’m able to stop 64: I love the way you look with my fingers inside you 75: If you interrupt me one more time— so help me god 107: Guess I’ll have to cum inside you then
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You had started that assistant job out of pure luck after finding an add for it online. That Hamato company had a good reputation regarding advancements of any kinds; techonogical, financial, you name it. The four turtles who oversaw it were seen as the undeclared rulers of Manhattan, their power and influence overseeing many spheres of New York’s scene. They equally shared the role of CEO amongst them, being brothers and their trust infallible. You had been teamed up with one of them, the three others already with an assistant of their own. And you instantly bonded with your boss. He had that charm and appeal that could only bring you closer to him. His reptilian features sure enhanced his beauty, as well as his power - both physical and financial - only enticed you more.
As the days passed, soon they became weeks, and before you knew it it had already been a couple of months since you were working for him. By that time, you two had that inseparable bond that you had to keep secret when at work, for the sole sake of professionalism. But you sure both had that little game going on that had you on edge at times. It would mostly lead to incredible sex when back at his place, but sometimes the tension rose so much at work, you were both tempted to just hide in a broom closet and go at it...
That one time, you had decided to wear that new business suit which its pencil skirt hugged your bottom half so well. You felt powerful, incredibly beautiful and in control. It’s when you were at that top of the world in your esteem that you truly realized that your mutant boss was truly in the palm of your hand - devoted and enamored to you. From the very start of the day you could feel his gaze following you whenever you’d pass in front of his office door, and you frankly wanted to push it further. After collecting some paperwork meant for him, you made a beeline to his office and gently knocked at the doorframe. You knew he was aware of your presence, but you so definitely wanted to play the game...
“Yes?” he said, his eyes slowly going over you.
“I have some documents that are in need of your signature.... But if you’re too busy, I can come by later. I’ll make sure you’ll get a reminder as I’ll walk across this entry many times.”
He leaned back in his chair a little, some amusement showing on his features.
“I don’t think you’d be able to keep walking around all day with those heels and that nice skirt of yours.”
“Are you sure? Once I start, I don’t think I’m able to stop.”
He gulped. You being so assertive all of sudden just made the gears turn so perfectly...
“Alright. Come in. Close the door,” he said, gesturing you to come forward. “I’ll sign those damn paperwork so I can spare you walking a hundred miles in a thight skirt.”
After closing the door, you placed the pile on his desk, sitting across him - only the furniture separating you both. He took out a pen, shuffling through some pages.
“Okay then where do I si-”
“Pages fourteen, twenty-six, forty, and fifty-two,” you cut.
He paused, only his gaze moving up to you with a small frown. Your smirk brought a small sigh out of him, then proceeding to turn to the first page mentionned. After a quick glance at it, he was starting to grow annoyed.
“Oh I hate it when there’s a billion lines. Which one do I-”
You had already sprung to your feet, coming next to him - real close - and pointing to a couple of lines.
“Here, here, annnnd here.”
At your last ‘here’, you had next moved your hand to gently trail along his forearm, your nails softly going against his scales.
“If you interrupt me one more time- so help me god,” he then said.
“I’m just trying to help, sir,” you added, feigning innocence, your hand still on him.
Good lord, he could smell you and it was amazing. He turned his chair to face you, now making you stand in-between his opened legs.
“Help me? Look what you do to me,” his hand slightly motioned downward.
You noticed the starting buldge in his pants, now feeling pleased.
“We’re in public, you know?” he added.
“The door is closed, sir. Unless someone really wants to bother you, this doesn’t count as public...”
It’s as if you had said the exact magic words he needed to hear. One hand at the small of your back, he brought you closer and you were both instantly locked in a kiss. A part of him wanted to throw everything on his desk off to the ground, but he knew in the end that’d he regret trying to put everything back in order (especially the damn paperwork...). Instead his hands started to venture on your form, a part of his touch getting lower and lower to your core.
“That skirt looks good on you,” he purred inbetween kisses.”But I do wonder how it’d look if I lift it up a little...”
As it was thight around your form, that was no easy task, but the mutant let it seem like it was no big deal as he got to the deed.
“Wanna interrupt me again?” he said. “Wanna tell me what to do next?”
“Will I lose my job if I do so?” you answered with a smirk.
“I’ll give you a promotion,” he smiled too.
You stopped talking, prefering to guide him with actions instead. Moving his hand, you drove him to your underwear only so he could start to tease you. He caught on your need, following suit on his own.  Both your neediness kept translating through your kisses and touches, every steps in your actions gradually - yet rapidly - evolving to a state that had the two of you repeating the same thought over and over again: I need you right now. He slid his hand into your underwear, aiming for your core. His caress was languid and it just felt so right when he slipped a finger in. You were breathing roughly against his scales, your hands taking support against the upper ridge of his shell. You noticed his renewed smile as he gazed down at this initial connection.
“I love the way you look with my finger inside you...”
“Don’t you want more? I want more,” you mewled, your hips instinctively following his rhythm in small circle motions.
He looked back up to you, his lips aiming for one side of your throath and eagerly traveling to your jaw and cheek.
“More... I do,” he murmured against your skin. “I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it.”
That took you slightly by surprise, although your quick fear died as you remembered that the windows of this building were tinted on the outside - making it impossible for any crowd to see anything. But perhaps he simply wanted to leave a trace of yourself on his side, a phantom trophy for anyone to see, if they had a keen eye. You gasped as he grabbed you easily by your waist, lifting you only to place you against a nearby window. Your arms were quick to wrap around his neck, kissing him again and again as you could feel him struggle a little to set himself free.
“You better not leave any marks on my new suit,” you warned, breathing hard from all that action rushing through your veins.
He smiled, amused and delighted: “Guess I’ll have to cum inside you then.”
A loud gasp left you as you felt his cock enter. His churr invaded your ears as he started with a slow pace, nuzzling you. His large hands were holding you up from the bottom of your ass to a part behind your thighs; perfectly in control. You weighed nothing to this mutant, and that was an incredible turn on... As the seconds passed, the need only grew stronger and stronger. Your skin ached to be mostly covered in clothing, but the spontaneity of it all threw your desire through the roof. You could feel your lover going deeper and stronger, the growl in his throath entertwined with his panting, only for you to hear. Your nails were starting to scrape his scales, unable to contain your excitement - unless you’d allow yourself to scream and moan, which was not particularly ideal.
“You’re so goddamn beautiful.... and you’re all mine...,” you heard him say.
“Oh, sir,” you mewled, playful and wanting more.
The warmth of him, mixed with the window’s cold, could only bring you on such a high. You almost forgot how to breathe as you could feel him nibble at your skin and your core rubbing oh so great against him.
“Oh baby, I’m gonna- ... Fuck! I’m gonna-”
You had a hard time speaking, everything a blur.
“Do it, love, I wanna feel you tight around my dick.”
That request had you cumming in no time, the turtle slightly slowing his pace only so he could savor each squeeze of your walls around him. But as soon as you began to calm down, he regained his vigor, already so close.
“Cum with me again, I know you can,” he asked lovingly, followed by kisses.
Without hesitation you brought a hand to your clitoris, rubbing to match his pace. As his name escaped your lips over and over again in silent pleas, you felt your second rush wave in, this time accompanied by the familiar sensation of his release. Both your arms were now again resting around his neck, humming in delight as you kept smiling and nuzzling his cheek.
“... I promote you to employee of the month. Goddamn, even employee of the year,” softly laughed the terrapin.
“If that title comes with benefits such as this, I’ll gladly accept,” you added.
As he removed himself and put you back to the ground, you wobbled slightly as you brought your panties back up, then lowering your skirt to its rightful position. .... Walking in high heels today would prove to be quite the challenge. “You good?” quietly asked the mutant, leaving a hand to your elbow in order to sustain you a little.
“Never been better,” you smirked.
As you took some time to properly arrange your hair, the other proceeded to sign the papers still on his desk, after making sure that his attire was rightfully in place. Once everything was done, you crossed eachother’s gaze and couldn’t help the quiet laughter and snickers from leaving you both, knowing you had lost enough time as it is. Opening the door, the terrapin was also at the frame, handing you the documents.
“Thank you for bringing this to my attention, miss. You are most certainly a valuable asset in this company as your efficacity brings projects to a fast and most optimal motion.”
“Thank you, sir,” you replied, taking the papers and then professionally shaking his hand. “I only aim to bring the best of me in this workplace.”
“And that is always appreciated.”
You could only strut back to your desk afterward, definitely floating high on a cloud.
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energyswordsunday · 7 years
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@rszaros important milestone
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brickmail · 4 years
this is hell i really do wish ac let you have multiple islands on the same switch
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janiedean · 3 years
... the tyrion/sansa hairdresser/mortician au no one was expecting but happened
well @meri-vaahtoaa I TOLD YOU IT WAS GONNA HAPPEN TODAY AND IT HAPPENED, have a for now untitled tyrion/sansa mortician/hairdresser au inspired by this post with bonus guest star jeyne p. u___u don't look for angst, also extremely background mentioned jb plus jaime & bronn being themselves in the backstory, have fun u__u
This fucking teaches me to be drunk around both my brother and Bronn, Tyrion thinks for the umpteenth time as he keeps on walking - he needs a damned salon and he needs it now but he also had to get out of the neighborhood because like hell he’s going to risk running into anyone who knows his father. That’s the… least thing he needs, honestly, as if his life choices aren’t already something he has to fight for every other moment and he can’t fucking wait to be out of the house, which should be soon -
If he doesn’t get thrown out of his internship because of his horrible drunk choices.
Why did they have drinks together, why did they have drunk bets, why did he bet with Jaime that he would dye his hair bright blue if he stopped beating around the bush and confessed to the bartender that he’s been into her since they started coming to that specific place for drinks because he chickened out of it for months, except -
Except Jaime went and did it and it turned out that she actually had been looking back and Tyrion hadn’t been wrong in that assessment, but then he had to do it and he actually went and used a do it yourself dye and -
He honestly can’t go and start his apprenticeship with blue hair that’s also… well, not even professionally dyed, and considering the arguments that it created the least thing he needs is going somewhere he’d be recognized.
So, he’s plenty out of the neighborhood, but he hasn’t found someplace that felt… well, not extra fancy. The second-least thing he needs is extra fancy shops where people would send looks his way that he could absolutely do without.
Also, it’s fucking hot. Why did he do that in the middle of summer again? And why couldn’t he have bet something more reasonable - right, it was Bronn’s idea and they were drunk. Fuck.
He walks a bit more, wondering if maybe he should sit down and check on Google Maps if he’s ended up in the only area of the city that doesn’t have any, and then he sees one on the other side of the road - fine, he stopped because he wondered who names a hair salon Beauty and the Beast, but it costs nothing to have a look from the outside, right?
He crosses the street and walks up to the door.
First thing, the pricing list outside it looks… well, it’s not cheap, but it’s certainly not the ridiculous fares they ask where his sister goes to have her hair done, which is exceedingly good since he doesn’t want to spend a salary’s worth of an average office employee to get that blue crap out of his hair. He looks through the glass door - there is just one woman inside getting her hair done, which is also good because the least people around the shorter the wait, it certainly does look clean and while the pastel aesthetic is maybe a bit too much for his tastes - everything is a pastel shade, from the light yellow on the floor to the pale pink and violet of the chairs and the powder blue of the walls… well, beggars can’t be choosers when it comes to it, and the woman on the chair is chatting amicably with the chestnut-haired girl doing her hair and doesn’t look like she hates being there or like she chose the wrong shop.
Also, it’s two PM and he knows this is going to take long. He can hardly afford to fuck around much longer.
He pushes the door open and walks into the shop.
“Welcome!” The chestnut-haired girl says, giving him a nice smile. “Sorry if I don’t come over, but if you sit for a minute my colleague will be back from her coffee break shortly.”
“Sure,” he says, “no hurry,” and he goes sitting on one of the pale violet chairs on the side - they’re comfortable, at least, and he considers taking out the book he brought with to pass the time, but then -
“Hello and welcome! Can I get you a glass of water” Someone else chirps from his side, and right, he did hear the door open -
“Hi,” he blurts, staring into a pair of lovely blue eyes belonging to supposedly the other girl working here - she has long auburn hair styled in a french braid and is wearing a blue summer dress that pairs with her eyes perfectly and she’s smiling down at him as if she’s not horrified by his horrid dye-job, or by his presence in the first place, which is his general experience in this kind of shops, so - that’s good, at least. “And uh, thanks,” he says, realizing he is thirsty.
“Be right back! Sorry, I was taking my break but we have no appointments today, so I’ll be on your case very soon.”
She goes to the corner of the room and grabs a glass of water from a dispenser, then brings it to him - shit, he needed it.
“So, what can I do for you?”
“Er,” he says, “I dyed that hair for a bet but I was called for an internship yesterday, and I start on Monday, so… I need a removal. If it’s possible.”
The girl leans closer, taking a good look at his hair.
“Hm,” she says, “it might take a while, but I think it’s possible. It’s not a very good dye job, if I can say so.”
He snorts. “Oh, you can. Please, I did it and I have regretted it every moment since.”
“Well,” she nods, “you’re lucky that most likely no one will show up for anything complicated today then. Jeyne, can you handle other customers in case?”
“Sure,” the chestnut-haired girl replies. “As if I don’t know you’ll have the time of your life.”
She rolls her eyes, then goes to a wardrobe in the corner and finds him a towel, tucks it around his neck and lowers a chair near the small sinks at the bottom of the shop so he can sit on it - he does, feeling extremely thankful that it’s extremely comfortable leather, and he can hear her tutting about bad dyes under her breath as she washes his hair once, twice, thrice, and her fingers feel really good on his scalp but he’s not going to think about that now.
“Just for the record,” she asks as she rinses it, “do you just want the dye to go away or do you want a cut, too?”
“Hell,” he says, “I need to look presentable. I suppose the cut can’t hurt.”
“Will do,” she chirps again, “and by the way, never use that kind of dye again. Not with hair this nice.”
Tyrion would have toppled off the chair if his head wasn’t thrown too far back for it to happen.
“I have nice hair now?”
“You can feel it,” she replies, “under all this… this,” she says, shaking her head.
“I know,” he says, “bad choices.”
“Extremely,” she goes on, rinsing. “But don’t you worry. I’ll have it fixed.”
“Really,” chestnut-haired girl says, “Sansa is a pro with that kind of thing. You’re in good hands.”
Oh. So her name is Sansa. It’s pretty, he thinks.
“Well,” he says, “I can’t wait to see how you manage it. I’m Tyrion, by the way. Figures you should know if I know yours?”
“Oh, absolutely,” she goes on, and gives his hair a last rinse. “Right, can you move forward?” He does and she dries his hair with the towel, then goes to find a mantel that somehow he doesn’t drown in. “Please,” she says, “on whichever free chair you prefer.”
He picks an empty one two spots away from Jeyne and the other woman and lowers it so he can sit down, and then Sansa raises it up again until his still sadly blue head is at the right height.
“Hm,” she says, grabbing a lock and feeling it between her fingers, “from what I see here you’re a natural blonde?”
“Sort of,” he shrugs. He is - his hair isn’t as golden as his siblings’, but it definitely is on that shade. Not that he ever bothered to look into it. “Wait,” he says, fishing into his pocket, and then he grabs his phone and shows her a picture Bronn took of him and Jaime during Tyrion’s latest birthday party which is about the only one of his he’s kept there where you can see his actual color very well. She takes it, squints, zooms on his head, then nods and hands him back the phone.
“Well,” she says, “we’re going to have to use a color remover to take out the blue pigment, then apply some more pigment to allow for the proteins in the hair to adhere to it. Then… yeah, possibly mix a few different types of toners to reach the goal of your natural hair color, and it’s going to take a while, but we should get there. Nothing that terrible.”
“Er,” he blurts, “how much chemistry did you have to study to get there?”
She smiles a bit wider.
“Yeah, I know, but some people don’t like if we talk like that. It makes it sound complicated, I’m told.”
“Not at all,” he says, waiting as Jeyne, who has finished the other woman’s hair, goes to the back room to presumably get Sansa at least the color remover, “not like it’s not… sort of my thing, too,” he says, and then he bites his own tongue - why did he ever do that, now she’s going to decide he’s a creep or something -
“Really,” she says as Jeyne comes back and hands her the remover, “do lean your head back. And what it is that you do?”
He takes a deep breath and tells her.
“Oh, so you’re a mortician?” Sansa says happily as she keeps on applying the remover to his hair, her fingers pressing along his scalp as she rubs it in. To her credit, she doesn’t sound like she thinks it’s creepy.
“Well, apprentice,” he shrugs, “but yeah, working on it. And starting an internship soon. Where I can’t… look like this. But yes. Just going through my degree - I had a final a couple days ago. Fuck, it was so embarrassing.”
“Did they judge your hair?”
“Called it apocalyptic, but I aced it.”
“Nice. What was it about?”
“Embalming, mostly,” he sighs. “All the chemistry about formadelhyde I had to learn.”
“Fun fact,” Sansa grins, “do you know they use it in clothing?”
… He somehow had not known that.
“What? Really? They forgot to cover that part.”
“Well,” Sansa says, “I used to crash fashion school lessons, my brother’s boyfriend snuck me in. I learned a lot. I think it’s because of the preserving qualities, though I’m sure it wasn’t… all of it.”
“I mean,” Tyrion blurts, “it’s a preservative but it’s also a disinfectant. Destroys bacteria and their food supply, and it’s a dehydrator, there’s a reason why we use it that much.”
“Hm,” Sansa nods, starting to put aluminium stripes on his hair - fuck, he looks ridiculous like this, “one wonders why you don’t just use alcohol then? Because I thought it was kind of carcinogen.”
Well, she did listen to those lessons for sure.
“It’s cheaper,” Tyrion sighs, “a lot cheaper. It cuts costs. Guess I’ll resign myself to the cancer risk.”
She snorts. “Please,” she says, keeping on placing those stripes carefully, “I’m pretty sure that’s exaggerating a bit. There, they should rest for half an hour. I have to place a few calls now but if you want to read while I’m at it feel free to, just don’t move your head around too much.”
“Roger that,” Tyrion nods, and settles back in the chair.
He has a feeling it’s going to be long, but at least she’s very good company. Jeyne looks about to say something but then another woman comes in the shop and she goes to greet her, and Tyrion goes back to his Chinese sci-fi book that he’s really enjoying and hopes that at the end of it he doesn’t have to shave his head because that dye was that bad.
Half an hour later, after washing away the remover, Sansa has moved on to applying the first round of pigment to his hair - the blue did go out, but it still looks…. well. Bad. He can see it just looking at it in the mirror.
“So, she says, “is your internship at a funeral home?”
“Yes,” he replies, “it’s during the last six months of the degree, then you write your thesis and you get your license, and honestly, it’s a nice funeral home. I hope they hire me for good. Anyway, it makes sense. We need to have… experiences with, uh, cases, you know, uh -“
“You can say bodies,” Sansa grins brightly, “it’s fine. I know what you do in funeral homes.”
“Oh, thank God,” he blurts. “I’m sorry, uh, people tend to get queasy when I mention them. The bodies, I mean.”
“That sounds nonsensical,” Sansa shrugs, “what do people think happens when they die? Anyway, you can absolutely say that. Hm, here we go, I think these can stay. Another… yeah. Half-hour, forty-five minutes? Get yourself comfortable. I’ll go mix those toners meanwhile.”
Oh. Right. The toners. Fuck, he can’t wait for this entire dye business to be over. Honestly, he hasn’t done that when he was fifteen, he should have stuck with it.
He grabs his book back and starts reading it again, except that he finds himself wishing he could chat with Sansa some more and he needs to get that thought out of his head right now, no reason to set himself up for failure.
He reads on.
Later, she’s washed his hair again and she’s still mixing the toners.
“Yeah,” she says, “I think this need a bit more work, but I’m curious. Is there anything you don’t like about your school? Because you sounded really excited before.”
Did I, Tyrion thinks, but then again… he almost never talks about it to anyone except Jaime or Bronn because everyone else thinks it’s morbid, and somehow this girl who owns a wholly pastel shop actually seems to enjoy discussing the topic, so why the hell not?
“I mean,” he says, “I think we should do autopsies.”
“Oh, you don’t? I’d have expected it.”
“Eh,” he shrugs, “me too, and I think we should for, you know, completion and so on, but we don’t, so I guess I’ll read up on it.”
“But,” she says, “hypothetically,” and she’s kind of smiling slyly, what, “let’s say that someone wakes up while embalming them. What do you do then?”
“I mean,” Tyrion replies, slowly, “I think there’s a pretty huge difference between a living body and a dead one?”
“Sansa, please,” Jeyne says as she combs through the hair of the other woman, who looks… a tiny bit disturbed, but neither Jeyne nor Sansa are, so… who cares. right?, “never mind that you need a bit more toner, but I think there’s a thing named rigor mortis that’d make it pretty fucking obvious.”
“That,” Tyrion replies, “also if one gets stuck in a fridge for a few days I think you’d be dead anyway. Not to be, you know, morbid.”
Sansa mixes a bit more toner and smiles wider. Right. She was so fucking with him. “I mean, you did pump them full of carcinogen just before, right?”
“Right,” he laughs as she tells him to lean back and starts applying the toner to his poor roots, “we did, technically.”
“Just stay still,” she goes on, “it’ll be another hour, I think. Then I can cut.”
Well, he decides, at least this entire process is being not overtly miserable.
He leans back and lets her apply the toner and then cover it with the aluminium stripes all over again.
“So,” she says later while Jeyne is going through the third client of the day and he’s sitting on the chair again after his hair was thoroughly rinsed and washed for the umpteenth time — he lost count, honestly, but now it does look like his usual shade, sort of, he thinks, “can I ask what was this infamous bet about? Also, I can see your hair is naturally wavy — should I just trim the edges? Because I can see you cut it yourself and it’s not bad but you kind of hacked at them.”
“Er, yes,” he says, “sounds good. Wait, naturally wavy?”
“It is,” she says, “I can recognize it.”
“I, uh,” he coughs, “I don’t think I ever had it long enough to notice?”
“It’s the exact same as your brother’s,” she shrugs, “just a bit darker, but again, this should tide you over for a while. I mean, by the time it wears off whatever travesty you did to your hair in the first place should be fixed and it’ll be as before and no one will notice.”
“Then - I guess you can trim only and I’ll see,” he says, his throat suddenly feeling dry. No one ever compared him to Jaime in that sense without making it… well. About how he’s not the person with the good looks in the family, so this entire thing is just - weird. “Anyway, uh, you can ask about the bet. I mean, it’s just embarrassing.”
“I’m listening,” she says, cutting the edges of his hair slowly, and surely she puts a lot more thought it in than he does while cutting it, but then again… it’s her job and he learned because he didn’t want his father’s barber to go near his head.
“Er, so,” he clears his throat again, trying to figure out how to tell her the sanitized version of it while sparing her from all the family ugliness, “I was out drinking with the brother and the best friend at the same bar we’ve been going to for months because they have good drinks and the brother absolutely had a crush on the bartender, except that he came from a, uh, toxic relationship, let’s put it like that, and I thought he wasn’t going to fess up ever, so - we were drunk and it came out and I said of course I’d dye my hair that horrid color if he fessed up to her and like, I thought he never would but he actually went and did it and — yeah. I mean, glad for him that it went well but not my greatest moment.”
“Aw,” Sansa replies, keeping on trimming, “I like a nice love story. I imagine he doesn’t share our interest in formadelhyde.”
Why does his heart beat a tiny bit faster when she says our interest?
“No,” Tyrion shakes his head, “he’s more into nerding over Middle Ages weapons, but at least he didn’t tell me Six Feet Under was boring, so.”
“I loved that show,” she replies, “who’d say it’s boring?”
“It’s my favorite,” he shrugs a bit as she puts away the scissors. “And a lot of people, but it seems like you have good taste.”
She nods as she grabs some lotion that she supposedly has to pass into his hair before drying it. “And what about you?”
“Well, he had a nice love story going into port, so what about you?”
“Er,” he hopes he’s not blushing, fuck, he’s usually not — he doesn’t fluster, fucking hell, “I — really am not looking. My family kind of… fucked up the only serious relationship I had going for me and most people get put off at the whole I want to be a mortician thing, so.”
“What kind of family fucks up relationships for other people?”
“The kind we come from,” he sighs, “but at least he’s out of that circus and I’ll be the moment I graduate.”
“Nice,” Sansa nods, “now just hold on a moment and I’m drying it.”
He nods — she grabs an hair dryer and starts blowing it and yes, he can see she got the exact shade right now that it’s not wet anymore, and — well, of course it’s her job to make it look good but the more she proceeds the nicer it looks, and now he can vaguely see what she meant when she talked about natural curls, and also… it feels fluffier? Lighter? He has no fucking clue, but the moment she’s finished — well.
“Fuck,” he admits, “I don’t think my hair ever looked this nice in my entire life.”
She grins. “I know how to do my job. Another moment.” She sprays some more lotion on her hands and runs it through his hair again. “This was just for a bit of nutriment, but there you are. You know, if you treat it a bit more nicely you might not need it me to make it look good.”
“Yeah, well, and what if I’d like to come back here instead?” He blurts, not knowing what the fuck he’s aiming for, but then she grins back a bit wider.
“I always like making new clients,” she replies, “especially when they’re cute and they don’t only want to talk about the gossip in magazines. That gets boring after a while.”
Wait, did she call him cute?
“Tell you what,” she keeps on as she takes the mantel off him and waits for him to get off the chair and follow her to the counter, “let’s say I don’t give all new clients a ten percent discount but I do give it to the ones I like.”
What the fuck —
“So, here you go.”
She hands him a receipt… with a fifteen per cent discount. “But you have to promise me you won’t use that crap dye anymore. That’s probably more cancer-inducing than formaldehyde could ever be.”
He has to laugh at that.
“Fair,” he says, “I won’t. Maybe I’ll come back before my last final. It’s two weeks from now,” he says, slowly, “I might want to look good for it. As much as it goes, anyway.”
“Oh, I’ll make you look incredible, don’t you worry.” She takes his card, swipes it, hands him the POS. He’s sure he doesn’t let it drop just out of sheer force of will. The payment goes through, she gives him his receipt and he pockets it, his hand still sweating —
“I’ll see you to the door,” she goes on, and she follows him out.
“So, Tyrion,” she grins again, “see you in two weeks?”
“Oh,” he replies, “absolutely.”
“And let me know how the internship thing works out. I like to know what’s up with the clients I like,” she winks, and then she leans down and kisses his cheek before going back into the shop.
Tyrion just stands there dumbfounded and only takes a few steps from the shop, and he didn’t mean to eavesdrop but he hears Jeyne the moment he starts walking away and —
“Sansa, I know you said you’d be forward after that asshole Harry, but I never saw you being that obvious. You really liked our mortician or what?”
“So what?” Sansa replies, and Tyrion thinks he’ll faint. “No point in playing hard to get and all. When he comes back I’m absolutely asking him out for coffee or something. I did like him.”
“Good for you,” Jeyne replies, “he seems nice and you deserve a nice guy. Even if that dye was a really crap choice on his part.”
“Oh, if I have a say in it no bad dye is ever coming near that hair. It was so nice,” she replies, and at that point he leaves because he really shouldn’t be doing this and he will faint, but —
But he smiles to himself all the way home.
He thinks he’s never looked forward to a final that much, and if she does really ask him out for coffee, no way he’s being an idiot and saying no.
And if he’ll brush up on cool embalming facts before then, well, you can’t blame him, right?
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knightofameris · 4 years
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—𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬—
◦ 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ◦ 𝑠𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝𝑠! ◦ 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑠! ◦ 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑒! ◦ 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑠!! (𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠!)
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𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑠' 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒: blacklist “ameris 500 celebration!” if you don’t want to see any of my posts about this celebration! also if this flops i will cry. jk i won’t but it’ll definitely take a hit on my heart u__u (and if it does flop, you didn’t see this post)
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Ahhhh! I’m so amazed that I got to 500 followers despite the fact that I barely?? Post?? And sometimes I just talk about random shit but even then, I still appreciate all of you guys so much? I have a few options on what I have to celebrate and I am so excited heheh. But before I get started I just,,, Have a few more things I’d like to talk about (cus I like to talk LOL). Feel free to skip though!! 
content continued below the cut!! (warning; introduction is long because I just have a lot of thoughts I want to share LOL. seriously, feel free to just skip) 
I know that I only really started posting Haikyuu!! around my 300 mark, and I feel like the people after my 300 mark are the one’s who are active because of how much I come onto tumblr and then disappear. 
If you don’t know this, I’ve actually been writing on Tumblr since 2015/2016. I’ve just changed blogs so many times that it’s like, hey, this is my new blog. Or like, I would write for a few months, disappear, come back but then everyone who followed me was dead so I was like eh I’ll just start again or whatever. And I think this makes me very very soft because out of all the communities I’ve been in, I’ve truly felt more welcome/at home even?? With everyone in Haikyuu? Like yeah there’s shit that goes down every few days or whatever but it’s always so fun to see people interact with each other and though I was hesitant at first (because before this the only writer I’ve ever interacted with was Scout for marvel oop) I’m really glad I reached out to a few of y’all and vice versa. 
But despite that, Marvel will always hold a place in my heart and to everyone who followed me from my Marvel days, thank you for supporting me way back when. And even to my Narnia days (AHAHAHA). I don’t think I would’ve continued writing on tumblr without your guys’ support. I know that younger me appreciated you all for reading those old works (even if I hate my old writing now). 
And to everyone now, thank you for sending in asks or commenting on my works. I actually think I would’ve disappeared by this time from this blog if you guys didn’t interact. I’m not saying I’m writing for the follows or the notes, if that makes sense. But it’s more like, I feel less of a robot that people expect to churn out works. Idk, it makes me feel like a person? And it just gives me a lot more serotnin than you might think!! 
One last thing though, it’s not me saying I expect you guys to always read my work and always comment. It’s more so, I’d actually rather have you guys comment or whatever because you want to and you want to read it. Like on one hand yes it does make me feel appreciated but I also don’t want you to feel obligated or feel guilty of you don’t read my things. No matter what, I will always be writing. It definitely does feel nice tho LOL 
I promise in the future, if I ever do intros they won’t be this long lol. 
Phew. Anyway. 
For this celebration, this is only for Haikyuu!!
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I love love love self ships SO much. So I want to hear about your guys’ self ships! 
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
this will only be open from 12am september 23 — 11:59pm september 25 PST 
any requests received before or after will be deleted (may be extended depending on how many requests I get!)
do keep in mind that i’m starting classes soon so it will take me some time to get through this.
send it in through asks or submissions! 
send in as many asks as you’d like
if you use an emoji to show who you are, include it on all asks :3c
nothing nsfw for this, thanks!
since this is a follower celebration,,, i do have to ask that you be following me! honestly, i won’t check if you are, thats too much work on my part but it would mean a lot if you’re following me to participate in this celebration! ); 
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨 [example]
i will be creating two instagram posts with one of them having a comment section (3-4 screenshots)
i might also include a screenshot of your profile and/or your s/o if I can put in more pictures!
chats with your s/o ( heheh (; ) (1-2 screenshots)
chats with your s/o’s team! (1-2 screenshots) (this will possibly be with the entire team or just a select few)
take a look at the example as that’s what i’ve done for a friend of mine!!
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨
send in 1-2 headcanons about you and your s/o
send in a little bit about your personality!!
your pronouns! and a name you’d like to go by!
give me your instagram handle! (not your real one, but what it would be within haikyuu) otherwise, i’ll make a random one based off your name!
what are your ~aesthetics~ 
what phone nickname would u have for your s/o (or any other people on the team) so it can be more personalized! or if ur like me where everyone is just their name besides a select few
do u have particular texting habits?
what’s your favorite animal? this is what I will be putting as your profile picture! alternatively if you submit all of this through my submissions and give me a piccrew, I will use that!
you could give me the most BASIC description, you don’t need to do all of these points, and i’d be fine with that. It’s up to you how much you want this to be personalized <3
(also this one’s not necessary, it’ll just be more ~fun~ but lmk if u wanna be a manager of the team! or if u have ur own little AU so u might have other certain details u want to throw in. otherwise i’m gonna make it a sorta free for all lol)
𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒: hi! my name’s ameris and i ship myself with suga! my pronouns are she/her/hers and i like to think that suga and i have a sort of childhood friends to lovers trope. i also like to think that we go stargazing at least once a month no matter what! my aesthetic is definitely space heh. i’m a little bit like suga where i’m chaos and baby! i curse a lot and i have way too many interests to count but i always like trying new things! my instagram handle would be ameris_stars (dude idk lMAO) and suga’s name in my phone would be Koushi <3 i make a lot of typos and i like using a mix of emojis and emoticons/occasional kaomojis. my favorite animal is a fox or dog!
this,,, is a lot but i’m okay with that! heheh
to protect you, I won’t publish your ask! I will make separate posts titled w/ your name + s/o + emoji (if you use your emoji). If you do it off anon, I will tag you! 
Request List!! If you don’t see your name on here, just submit it again :3c I will not be tagging for the sake of not spamming you guys lol. 
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I would love love love to get to know you! So tell me about yourself! 
what’s your favorite color?
who’re your favorite haikyuu characters?
favorite haikyuu teams?
you got any writers you want to give a shout out to?
maybe a little self promo too?
adsfasdfasdflj i will keep bringing this up but like any,,, spice asks,,, about the haikyuu characters cus like,,, lol
horn knee asks will be tagged with: “ameris needs a drink” which honestly sounds like i need an alcoholic drink and at this point, yeah 
please be 18+ if you do send in any spicey asks!!
This can go on for as long as y’all want really, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I’ll just answer these like normal and spread them out too lol
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I have a few ask games I’ve reblogged before, so I have a few linked for you LOL 
intrusive asks 👁👄👁
~space~ asks! (this has a lot more!)
zodiac asks (just about my writing!)
writer’s asks
a little game I got from my friend which I think is absolutely so much fun
this is a version of fuck-marry-kill, but send in THREE characters (this one can be from any mix of my interests!) and I’ll choose which one I’d rather have a fanfic trope with: 
“childhood friends-to-lovers” 
and “fake dating”
would definitely prefer haikyuu characters
but doing a mix and match from all my interests is a lotta fun
things i used to or am currently into: haikyuu, marvel, bnha, demon slayer, rwby, sailor moon, voltron, dc, overwatch, tales of vesperia, legend of zelda, bungo stray dogs, narnia (lmao), one piece, uhm, i’ll add more if i can think of more, tbh u can even just say random characters and i’ll just google them 
As always though, feel free to ask me any other questions!!
this will also go on for as long as whenever, i’ll probably spread out this one! 
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AH. It was lookin a little long so here’s the link to the post :3c (will edit post later!!! when I come back from my exam!!!)
to those who got to the end, omg i’m sorry. i talk so much. but thank you for your support and just getting through this block of words hakdfhkasf
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revasserium · 4 years
i love all of your works so much !! how did you develop your writing style? i always find myself coming back to your blog and rereading favorites because your writing is just 😘😘muah!
hi darling u__u thank you so much! hmmm i think things like style are developed over the span of a really long time -- it’s like talking about a persons art style, or the way they look at the world. its very much a slow process -- i developed my own style from just years and years of writing a lot and reading a lot of writing i admired. 
and when i was younger, i would be so inspired by some of the books i read, i would immediately write something after finishing a book, and try to write in that author’s style. just to see how it felt. its really good to experiment! literally, there’s nothing wrong with copying a writer’s style to see how it feels, so long as you don’t go around touting it as your own. 
i’ve written pieces inspired by fight club, edgar allen poe, sylvia plath, cathrynne m valente, the book thief, and tons of others. and they’ve all been really really interesting studies in style. i also just like to read a lot of really aesthetic writing, and a lot of times, plot is rather irrelevant to me LOL, i can read about nothing so long as the writing is beautiful. oscar wilde does that really well, OH and fitzgerald i mean “It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living.” like are you KIDDING ME not only is it beautiful but it fucking RHYMED. and i’m sure i’ve reblogged this quote but 
“They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered.”  
IS TJIS A JOKE FITZGERALD. how does someone have the AUDACITY to be so fREAKISHLY good at writing like. WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALL FUCKS. 
so i go back to books i like, and short stories i like over and over again. neil gaiman is a wonderful writer of short stories that hit you in the FEELS outta fucking NOWHERE. anthony doer is another. hemmingway too -- just gorgeous, unbelievably beautiful writing to the point where im just fucking LIVID at how good writing can be. and that it seems unfair that we have access to the same alphabet, the same words in the dictionary are available to all of us just the same, so it just seems VASTLY UNFAIR that someone could be so good. 
so i like to just immerse myself in writing that i really adore, and the cool thing about writing is, once you read it, the words are yours. you can never unread something. you can never go back. and once they’re yours, you can use them how you please. so just like how people say “you are what you eat” well by the same vein, “you write what you read” as well. 
so read a ton. read until you forget the world you live in. read until you can taste the words on your tongue. read till you’re so full of words that they come spelling back out. and that’s how you become a better writer u__u 
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fruitsvillage · 4 years
for the ACNH ask meme: all the odds! {P.S. my gf and I just made a brand new ACNH blog and our url is claires-crossing if anyone is interested in aesthetic inspo and pics from our island!
oh lmfao ok here we go then:  1. which tools do you usually carry?
I usually carry like every useful tool imaginable just in case i need it! Like the vaulting pole, the ladder, a shovel, an axe etc etc and also my wand!! also i actually have a preference for using the ‘colorful’ themed tools like the shovel, fishing rod, and the star net
3. how did you choose your island name?
My last town in ACNL was named Fruits, after the Japanese fashion magazine and also just bcos i wanted it to have a lot of different fruits in it! I didn’t want to use the exact same name again in ACNH so originally hoped i would be able to use ‘fruit salad’ but that’s one character too long so then i thought of ‘fruit cup’ like the little plastic cups of fruit, u know, and went with that instead!!
5. what part of your island did you decorate/terraform first?
omg i dont even remember bcos i have completely overhauled my island like twice. probably i think i made a garden out in front of my house? but i didnt keep anything from the original plan. partially bcos i didnt realize that like 1) u can place villagers houses literally Wherever on ur island. like i thot that since i didnt have bridges or that parts of my island were inaccessible to villagers if i put them in isolated places that the game may not Let me just like Trap them. and 2. i didnt think it was going to be so expensive to move buildings around so i literally just put their houses Wherever with the attitude that ‘i’ll just move em later, nbd’ lmfaooo
7. what’s your most and least favorite hourly music? 
anything from about 4am to 7am i like well enough!! but the majority of the hourly music kind of blends in to each other in a way in dont personally find enjoyable.
9. do you gift wrap gifts to villagers/friends?
i dont usually wrap gifts to villagers unless its on their bday!! and i gift wrap trade items- mostly just to color coordinate and organize them!! if i give gifts to my friends when we meet up ill gift wrap them if i have time but usually i just mail things to them!
11. answered!!
13. do you dig up fossils and hit rocks every day? 
i’ll dig up fossils if im in need of a few bells real quick but i only hit rocks if they are in the way or if i need materials. i usually get rid off all my rocks bc im too lazy to make a Rock Circle somewhere and i just. dont like em lol.
15. do you find it easier to decorate indoors or landscape outdoors? 
i think its easier to decorate indoors bc of the nice decorating feature!! i just wish that the rooms in ur main house could all be 8x8 like on harvey’s island. bc that’s how i plan out all my rooms!!
17. how many hours have you spent on acnh? 
680+ u__u
19. how many items are in your storage? 
21. answered!
23. how many bells do you usually have on you?
mm usually around 30-50k. but thats bcos i was usually trying to pay off my home loans and im gonna take my time on the last one bc like. it’s as big as it’s gonna get.
25. do you collect your bonus miles at the nook stop every day? 
no im way too lazy/forgetful lol
27. have you used any landscaping glitches (fourth level glitch, tree on cliff edge glitch, etc)? 
no im too lazy plus i dont REALLY like to terraform that much!
29. what’s one recipe/clothing/furniture you just cant get but everyone else seems to have? 
i was gonna say the plain wood sign recipe but i just got that 2day in a trade so. that one but i have it now uwu
31. answered!
33. do you prefer fishing or catching bugs? 
hmm  i love both SO much!! i do kinda prefer bug catching slightly more just bc u can See what bug it is. also i used to go to the island in acnl and catch beetles like every nite i miss doing that... ive tried to visit mystery islands to catch them but they seem to be much more rare than in acnl
35. what is the date on your island? 
it’s currently august 6, 9:49pm!!
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cruelzy · 5 years
hi hi just dropping in to say wow ur blog is so aesthetic and ilysm
hello hello hel U__U i love u i hope you achieve everything u ever want and more
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chrisbangs · 5 years
the moon/stars/night sky, loving chan, really pretty aesthetic headers (+ beautiful stunning content) -grace
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( @odeshadowz )
ask game: send 3 things
grace: what up i’m jared i’m 19 and i never learned how to read
mdmslsksks im just kidding 🥺🖤🏹🌙🪐💞✨🌧🧸🌱🍊🐺 !!!!!! oke u said the moon and the night sky so u got me good i’m all u___u now ;; MDMDMS LOVING CHAN AND AESTHETIC HEADERS U__U WAH I LOVE U!!! thank u!!!!! omg lofi beats :-( that’s the vibe bc i love love love lofi... v much the vibes.. :-( omg the music i’m so u__u i love u thank you for always saying such sweet things to me u__u
what are 3 things u associate with me
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coyoteeugly · 5 years
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NAME:  James NICKNAME: Coyote / Ghost FACECLAIM:  Chara, Ghost or Coyote depending on the blog and the subject matter PRONOUNS: He / Him They / Them ???????? idk I’m lost af myself tbh lmao rip HEIGHT:  5′10 BIRTHDAY:  Nov 21 AESTHETIC:  Vapor/Chill/Retro wave, grunge, retro or forest / desert aesthetics LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO:  Wun Two - Again FAVORITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN:  Hue for sure just because he’s such a bastard, Kyle Moore (a L4D oc of mine and the reason I met cyd), and Lucifer from Supernatural just because he’s the longest running muse. There’s lots of cringy old shitty writing I did on that account but I still love him and want to revamp that blog someday because of the sentimentality of him. Chara is a favorite as well because of how much I project and relate to my portrayal of him tbh. 
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE: I think self-inserts can be good if you write them correctly, and I encourage others to do so too if they’d like.
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVORITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE:  I tried to make my self-insert more grounded in reality, he exists close to some key characters but he doesn’t steal that spotlight by thinking he deserves to be on the team or anything. He’s more of a background character in his main verse but in AU’s I have more room to wiggle and explore and I like that. I like that he can be more of a worldbuilding character in one verse and then the focus of another. While it may be boring to some I think the background and supporting characters add a lot of character and realism to the world and I hope to do that through my self-insert.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING:  Music, animations / shows / movies. I try not to take entire scenes from those things but more just the aspects I’m intrigued by and would like to explore. It helps to just be inspired by things that way you can make it your own rather than ripping something off.
FAVORITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS: Angsty. I love torturing my muses a lot. Self-insert is no exception.
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE: The stigma some people have with self-inserts. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of people are really understanding and cool about it, and are willing to give them a chance if they look well developed. However, there are a few people who just have it in their rules that they’re just in no way interested in interacting with self-inserts and that’s fair, it’s their blog and their comfort! But it is a bit of a think you need to look out for when you’ve got a self insert, for sure.
TAGGED BY: I stole it from a dirty stealer. u__u TAGGING: whomstever wants to.
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katkraydel · 6 years
🐻 Your go-to things to draw when you need comfort?
usually i’ll just draw headshots of my faves facing the left looking angry
i don’t usually draw for comfort/vent;; if i’m upset i’ll just get up and do something else u__u
💐 Do your drawing suit your aesthetics?
it does!! i love cartoons so drawing cartoons is Good
✨ How often do you draw?
i try to draw something i like AT LEAST once a day but sometimes i go days without even turning my computer on. ESPECIALLY if i’m playing video games LOL. i was playing the re2 remake when it came out and probably didnt even look at my computer for like...2 weeks
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crossxskulled · 6 years
Tagged by: Tumblr used @starmarkcd slammed me down, headlocked me and forced me to do this. u__u
Tagging: Any and all get out here and do your thing. Be a thief and steal it!​
ONE ( NAME / ALIAS ): Jace
TWO ( BIRTHDAY ): April 9th
FOUR ( HEIGHT ): 6′3
FIVE ( HOBBIES ): Looking at shounen based shit, video games, also writing if RP tells you anything about me.
SIX ( FAVOURITE COLOUR(S) ): That spirit energy blue
SEVEN ( FAVOURITE BOOKS ): Does fanfiction count cause lemme show you this one--
EIGHT ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO ): Disturbed - Tyrant
NINE ( LAST FILM WATCHED ): I literally just watched Paparika last night with starmarkcd so ye, that.
TEN ( INSPIRATION FOR MUSE ): Ryuji was my delinquent aesthetic finally hitting the Persona world so it was a natural go to. Then at that point I just fell in love with his character and that alone inspired me to just get him out here with my interp.
Another edge of inspiration is just seeing the crossover/interaction potential he has with other muses. (Primarily in the Persona sphere itself for now.)
Crossxskulled is p much the Skull & Crossbones motif slapped into a url. So! There we go, nothing super secret about it.
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lunareaped · 5 years
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NAME : Quinn FACECLAIM :  i don’t have one PRONOUNS : He/him + They/them HEIGHT :  5′0 BIRTHDAY : June 3rd AESTHETIC :  Stars, Blues, and pinks, soft nostalgic things LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO :  Android girl FAVORITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN :  Either My oc kirin, or Rei here
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE : It’s noah’s fault uwu, Noah helped me and bell get into ensemble stars and i just ran with Rei because i loved him since i first saw him like 4 years ago.
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVORITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : Oh, p much everything. He has a lot of depth to him and has been through a lot of hardships and has a lot ot explore about his character. He has changed so much, he has grown a lot, and he has regressed in some other spots ! He’s a big dummy in love right now but he has a lot of heartache under it all that he is trying to move on from in koi, It’s a new start, so just start over.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING :  Music + talking to me about what i’m writing ! If you want a fast reply, talking to me about the thread will make me reply faster if i’m interested since it helps my brain think
FAVORITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS : romance ! soft things ! happy times, just being cute. Angst can be fun sometimes but it can get exhausting really fast. I also like smut but i’m baby.
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : he reminds me to much of Kirin u__u, sometimes i get them confused. Otherwise it’s just the fact that he has a lot to him and I feel like I don’t give the layers of him enough attention or do him justice. I feel like i make him to soft and understanding or forgiving all the time u__u, one day i’ll get a good hand on everything.
Tagged by: @riotbite​ Tagging: everyone.
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child-of-hurin · 7 years
Juliana, I need your wisdom U__U I remember when I posted about why I always argue with Tolkien in my head even tho I love his work, u said it was different for u. I am v curious to know your perspective on this matter; what motivates you as a Tolkien fan/creator? I would love to know how u feel about and interact with the text differently from me ...Sometimes I am struck by a strange feeling that makes me think "Is this what Virtuous People feel like reading Tolkien?" XD I value your insight!
(Wondering what kind of Virtues you are thinking of when talking about “Virtuous People” abhdjmaobhuewjagshbsd I think you are a deep well overflowing with virtues... but if you’re refering to “people commonly seen as virtuous by society”, I sure hope u r not implying I’m one of them!!!!!!!!)
Ever since you sent me this message I’ve been rereading [your post about your motivations] to see if it could help me understand mine better. I think our creation process once it starts is very similar: we ask the text a bunch of questions, and, since it doesn’t provide us with answers, we end up making our own! You say your process is ‘reconstruction’ and honestly so is mine, I think, but I think my reconstruction is more like trying to imagine what might have been, while you maybe go for what could have been? This way your process is more ambitious and you end up creating something truly new, whereas I think mine is a little more tied down and predictable most of the time! Since I think we’re both very free-minded people, we end up being able to create interesting things, but (if I understood your post well) you see yourself as confronting the text, while I see myself as more like, crating alongside it? That doesn’t sound entirely right though hahaha
Granted, I need urgently to reread the LOTR, but when I’m reading the Silmarillion or the Children of Húrin, what’s buzzing in my mind is rarely “that’s not how it works!” - more often than not it’s “that’s exactly how I wanted it to work!”. That’s not to say the books don’t have stuff that makes me extremely uncomfortable - the underlying racism in Tolkien is neither a joke nor that undelying after all - but it works differently for different people, and it is perceived differently too. I, for example, hate the catholic institution with a passion and am pretty much anti-theist at heart if we’re being honest, and yet despite what everyone says about Tolkien’s work and their catholic morality or whatever, I just don’t see it (and even when it comes through, like in the Athrabeth or in LACE which are blissfully only semi-semi-canon, it still seems more like an opinion rather than actual Universal Truth). If I did, I probably wouldn’t touch it with a ten feet pole (which is how I feel about Narnia tbh). So while I understand most fierce criticism of Tolkien - to me it just works though. The need to scream at the text is about... 10% ? of my experience when reading it? Maybe? And yet there are other media things that are far more progressive but that touch my buttons more violently than all of the shit depiction of the Easterlings together -_- go figure
But yeah normally my experience is like that - if I like a piece of media, I tend to not want to change it so much, because I like it. If I don’t like a piece of media, I tend to be completely uninterested in it. That’s why fandom revisionism will never fly with me, because either i’ll think it is less interesting than canon, or i’d rather not engage with that canon at all, not even to reform it. What inspires me to do fanwork is the ability to explore the limits of a creation? And the aesthetic possibilities therein? I’m a sucker for beauty and I feel like Tolkien offers me that in heaps at every turn hahaha, and that motivates me to try and recreate it in a more tangible way, or make a particularly fleeting moment last more? I’ve rewritten this about ten times and I still feel like I’m saying a bunch of nothings :S I’m sorry Wes, I don’t actually know myself that well x_x sorry if u were expecting something super interesting and just got a prolix version of "it makes me happy because i like it" instead x_x
Granted, the fact that we both are in love with your Sauron (and with other things that you created) might mean that our readings are VERY different hahahaha, if it so happens that I think that is a character that fits very well within the narrative while you think you are defying the narrative as it is? That’s actually kinda interesting lol? I hadn’t thought about it that way before!
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revasserium · 4 years
I’ve just spent an hour reading through some of your stuff and I just wanted to say WOAH they way you’re write is so intriguing I love it so much, it’s almost poetic 🤍
ahh thank you darling <3 
omg omg omg omg grey gardensofnf that was so beautiful YOU WROTE THAT SO COLOURFULLY?? it was like I was seeing colour for the first time myself just reading a black and white screen. ohhh it was so beautiful I just wanna frame it 😍😍
yes i rly loved writing grey gardens u__u i like that kind of weird wonky thing hehee so im glad you enjoyed it too! 
You’re writing is so entrancing and beautiful, it’s just so lovely to read so many beautiful words put together in such a pleasing way ahhhhh I especially love how you write Sugawara because 🥵I’m convinced he’s not as innocent as people make him out to be
oh he DEF is noT. all his interactions with other people -- the way he can tell daichi off, but NO ONE ELSE can. the way he just punches asahi in the stomach to exorcise him of his NEGATIVITY. the way he weedles kags and hinata ugh -- so much GOOD SHIT. he’s such a hot, snarky, freAK.  nothing says innocent about that okay. nothing. NOTHING. and i shall keep writing him as such hahaha 
he’s one of my all time fav haikyuu characters so!! im super glad you like my portrayal of him! :D 
can i just say i am so in awe and envy of your writing??? you found a way to balance out poetic description with storyline plotting that it seems natural and it's absolutely beautiful?? i truly inspire to write similar to you one day but for now i'll just continue to read your wondrous works.
ahh thank you u_u it honestly is just the product of a lot of reading and writing as a child! you can do it too! hahah just put in the effort, read a lot, write a lot, and you’ll get there too darling 
HI I've recently found your blog and oh my gosh!!! your writing is astounding on all levels and I'm in love?? your descriptions are gorgeous and teeter on the edge between mystical and tangible (if that makes sense?) regardless, I thoroughly enjoy your writing and I hope you know I love you
thank you!! u__u it does! ive been told that my writing is kinda “flloaty” (or in hinata speak ‘fwuahhhh’ LOL) so i get what you mean! i’m super glad you enjoy and hope you continue to as well! :D 
I don’t even know what to say, your writing always leaves me speechless and I just want you to know that I will support you and this blog till the end 😭💜 like the amount of love and good vibes and positivity you and this blog radiates really does make a difference in my life 😭💜🥺
ahh im so so glad! im glad that it’s been able to be a little reprieve in these strange and uncharted times u__u and i hope you continue to find bits and pieces of happiness in it. wherever i can provide it. <3 
You’re writing has me blushing and crying all at once it’s so dreamy and beautiful PLUS you write Sugawara as a freak 🥵you are truly an angel
the angle to suga’s dEVIL u mean u___u LMFAO i kid. but thank you! i rly do love suga so im super happy that so many people seem to like my depiction! 
Your writing is just so aesthetic and I love it so much that is all have a wonderful day 🥺
u__u thank you so much darling <3 
hey! just wanted to say that i saw some of your writing today and decided to have a read through lots of your work. i LOVED everything I read and the way you write is so beautiful and i really enjoyed your work, never stop 🤍
oh!! im glad you enjoyed enough to do a mini-binge haha if you have thoughts, let me know! <3 
i have a note in my phone dedicated to this blog. literally it’s just full of some of my favourite sentences you’ve written because they make my heart so full and warm and I never want to forget them or lose them somehow :’)
ahhhh that’s so cute!!!! u___u im very honored. and thank you for taking the time to send in such a lovely note! 
ot sure if you listen to Sleeping At Last but your writing gives me the exact same feeling I get while listening to his music 🥺 (particularly the songs Saturn, Heart, Light & an instrumental piece called Perseid Meteor Shower haha)
oh! i do not know that band unfortunately, but i will def look them up! :D im very bad with like. keeping up with music/finding new music etc lol so i’ll def look into them! 
Just reread your hinata prompt while listening to the song “distance” by christina perri
oh~ i don’t know that song! but did it go well? :D 
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