#I just sat in the guest room with them for a couple of hours while I worked
vivwritesfics · 7 months
No Need To Ask
Chapter Nine - Duty As A Mafia Wife
The Norris' were a notorious crime family in the UK. One of many. With Norris, the head of the family, running operations with his son, Lando, they work to keep Y/N Norris, Norris' daughter protected. Life in a crime family wasn't something they wanted for her.
But with tension with one of the Spanish crime families rise, Norris and his now deceased wife come up with only one plan, offer their daughter to the Sainz's or risk an all out war.
Warnings: Mrs Sainz makes a sort of comment about the readers weight so be warned for that, smut under the *** (skip if you're uncomfortable), kind of forced sex (in the sense Y/N knows she has to do it, instead of actually wanting to - there isn't no consent though), unprotected sex
2K words
Series Masterlist
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The reception was held at Carlos’ impressive house. While the wedding had been happening, the reception was being set up. With long tables full of candles on the golfing green and vases on marble pillars full of colourful flowers.
The usual table had been removed from just outside of the kitchen and live music sat there instead. They were only booked for the first two hours of the reception, with a stereo system ready to take over.
The white car left from the church with Y/N and Carlos in the back. They didn’t kiss at the ceremony, not with how hard Y/N was trying not to cry. She should have run, she thought as soon as the car pulled away from the church. But running wasn’t possible, not when you had at least twenty two of the most powerful men in the world under one roof, not when they all had at least one gun hidden on them.
Throughout the short journey back to the house, Y/N said nothing. Her breathing was erratic. As soon as the car pulled up at the house she was straight out and through the doors, running up to her room. “Y/N!” She heard as Carlos roar as he walked through the doors behind her.
Y/N didn’t dare turn around. She walked straight into her room and straight over to Oscar. He had fixed himself from last night, changed his suit to something more presentable and had used his fingers to fix his hair (because we all know he doesn’t use a comb). “Y/N,” he gasped as she burst into the room. “You look…”
Beautiful. She looked beautiful. But Oscar couldn’t bring himself to say so once he spied the ring on her finger. It was a simple band, with the Sainz family insignia engraved into the metal. She had gained an engagement ring, too. It was a simple ring with a simple stone, but, if Oscar was to guess, he would have guessed in the thousands.
Suddenly, Y/N threw her arms around him. “I really wish you were there,” she whispered. With all of her makeup and the reception still to go, she had to keep herself presentable, she couldn’t yet cry.
“Y/N, querida, we have our wedding reception to attend!” Carlos shouted, his footsteps so heavy they were audible as he walked up the stairs.
Y/N quickly pulled away from Oscar. She grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the door. As she stepped out of her bedroom she let go of his hand, coming face to face with her husband.
But Carlos wasn’t looking at her. He was looking past her, at Oscar. His jaw ticked as he held his hand out for Y/N. “Come, querida,” he said. “We have guest to entertain.”
Y/N placed her hand in his and allowed herself to be walked down the stairs. She followed him down the stairs and out to the back garden.
A couple of guests had arrived already. Not many of them, only Lando and a few of Carlos’ men. Y/N wanted to run to her brother, but she couldn’t, not with how tight Carlos was holding her hand. “Please,” she whispered, looking at the pool. “I-”
“You are my wife now. You are to be at my side, supporting me,” he said.
Behind him, Oscar watched the whole thing. His jaw was clenched as he watched Carlos pull her over to the table on the golfing green, sitting her in one of the middle seats. He could make a scene, distract everyone so that Y/N could run. But he’d get himself kissed in the process. And then who was going to save Y/N?
Several members of different mafia families came to congratulate Y/N. They introduced themselves all of them remarking that they didn’t know Lando had a sister.
And then it was Lando’s turn. “How you holding up?” He asked as he slipped into the seat beside her.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders. “What happens if I say no?” She asked him, resting her chin on her hand. “Let me guess, nothing. So, I’m holding up great.
Carlos had gone to speak to the likes of Charles and Max and Vettel (as the head of the Vettel family Sebastian could no longer go by his first name. “Congratulations,” said Vettel as he shook Carlos’ hands. “A mafia marriage takes some work, but soon you’ll find yourself in love with her,” he said with a smile.
Shaking his head, Carlos laughed. “I doubt that,” he muttered, which had Charles rolling his eyes. Charles was a romantic. He couldn’t wait to get married, but he always fucked things up, with his girlfriends either wanting to kill him or dead.
The last people to arrive at the wedding were Carlos’ parents. Mrs Sainz made a beeline for Y/N, pushing Lando out of the way. “It is your wedding day,” she began, “but you mustn’t eat a thing.”
“You cannot be seen to eat a thing today. You cannot get any mess on your dress or be seen bloating.”
Y/N let out a huff. If this day wasn’t bad enough, now she couldn’t eat. As everybody else sat down to eat, some members of some families made toasts. They stood up, holding their champagne as they said kind words to the couple. After every speech Y/N threw the alcohol back. On her empty stomach, she was bound to get very, very drunk.
After the dinner, some people stood up to dance. “I’m going to speak to your friend, Oscar,” said Carlos as he stood up.
Suddenly, Y/N grabbed his hand. “What are you doing?”
But the smile Carlos sent her way was somewhat sweet. “Relax, querida, I just want to thank him for making you feel so comfortable in my home,” he said.
Y/N didn’t see Oscar for the rest of the night. After the band left, Lando pulled her up for a dance, since she hadn’t had a single minute of fun since the wedding began. She was very drunk when Lando got her dancing. She wasn’t caring who saw as she danced around to some of her favourite songs (courtesy of Lando).
But then the wedding began to wind down. The guests started to leave, heading back to their respective homes and hotel rooms. Being the last ones stood in their garden, Carlos turned towards Y/N.
He walked over, taking Y/N’s hand. She wordlessly followed him, anxiety settling in the pit of her stomach. This was her duty.
This was her duty as a mafia wife.
Every step she took made her body feel like it was on fire. Carlos didn’t turn left at the top of the stairs towards Y/N’s room. He went right, leading her to the room at the very end of the corridor.
The bed was huge with black sheets and several pillows at the head. There was an armchair shoved into the corner of the room a walk-in closet beside the bed. There was only one bedside table, Y/N realised, between the bed and the walk-in closet. Opposite was an ensuite, black walls that matched the bedroom and a black tub against the back wall.
Carlos shrugged of his suit jacket and undid his bowtie. He unbuttoned his shirt, leaving it on the armchair. “Leave your jewellery on,” he said and unbuckled his belt.
But Carlos didn’t wait. He strode over to Y/N and turned her around, unzipping the back of her dress. Carlos pushed it off of her shoulders, letting it fall. Before it could expose too much of her, Y/N grabbed the bodice, holding it against her chest.
This was her duty as a mafia wife.
Y/N let the dress fall. She let go of the bodice, wrapping arms around her breasts to keep at least a bit of a dignity. Carlos didn’t touch her. He commanded for her to step out of the dress and sit on the bed.
It was very unromantic, but Y/N didn’t expect anything less. She stepped out of her dress, taking a moment to pick it up and drape it over the chair. It was so beautiful, it seemed such a shame to leave it in a crumpled mess on the floor.
She climbed onto the bed, sitting against the pillow as Carlos placed his gun on the bedside table and pulled off his trousers. There were no words as he climbed on top of her and pulled her hands away from her chest, exposing herself before him.
Carlos grew hard. He took her hand and pulled her close, wrapping her fingers around him.
Her breathing was heavy as she sat there, unsure of what to do. So, Carlos guided her. He moved her hand up and down his length, helping to get him hard. It wasn't for pleasure, it was for procreation.
This was her duty as a mafia wife.
As soon as he was ready, Carlos lined himself up. He didn't look Y/N in the eye, not until he felt her hand on his shoulder. "I'm a virgin," she said quickly.
Well, that changed things. With an exasperated sigh, Carlos sat up. He looked down at her, but he still wasn't meeting her eye.
Carlos reached out, his hand gentle against her thigh. Y/N's breath hitched as his fingertips climbed higher, ghosting over her folds. His touch was still gentle as he pressed harder.
Oh, that felt good, actually. Y/N watched him as he pressed on her clit, his thumb moving over the nerve.
She let out a moan, throwing her head back. Carlos took his as his sign to go further, his index finger dipping inside of her.
Y/N writhed about on the bed, letting out a series of moans. Whether Carlos was enjoying it or not, she didn't know. She didn't know that this entire ordeal was a chore for him.
This was his duty as a future mafia leader.
"Are you ready?" Carlos asked as he pulled his hand away from her.
Y/N nodded. She tried to meet Carlos' eyes as he moved up her body, lining himself up with her centre. Slowly and somewhat gently, Carlos pushed in.
She was tight, tighter than Carlos had ever had before. He listened as she sucked in a sharp breath, stilling his movements.
There was no communication. But at least he was now looking in her eyes. His gorgeous drown eyes were trained on her face, looking for any sign that he could move.
And then she gave it. Carlos moved his hips slowly, thrusting into her.
It was unromantic and over quickly. They weren't having sex for the pleasure of it or trying to prolong the feeling. They were trying to get it done. Carlos grunted as he snapped his hips towards her, jaw clenched.
He spilled his seed inside of her quickly and pulled away, leaving Y/N laying on his bed with a layer of sweat covering her body. She watched as Carlos walked into the bathroom and grabbed a towel, throwing it at her.
"Once you're done cleaning yourself up, you can return to your room," Carlos said and pushed the bathroom door closed, locking himself inside.
Y/N cleaned herself up. She grabbed her dress and held it close to her chest as she ran through the house, heading towards her own bedroom.
She could still feel his seed inside of her as she dropped her dress onto her bed and grabbed her robe. She looked around her room, but Oscar still hadn't returned.
Y/N took her time in the shower. She ran the loofa over her body, washing the sweat from her skin. She ran the loofa between her legs, washing off what she could. After a good half an hour under the hot water her skin was pruney, but Y/N didn't care
Once done with her shower, Y/N wrapped her towel around her body and headed back to her bedroom. The bedroom she had to herself. The bedroom she didn't share with the man that was now her husband.
Slowly, she got changed into her pyjamas. She climbed under the sheets and cried herself to sleep.
Taglist (open): @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @topguncultleader @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @ashy-kit @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [12] - Chase
A.N: Here’s the new chapter my loves! ❤️ Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Some car rides aren’t relaxing.
Word Count: 3200
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, death, guns, crime, blood, explicit language. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
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You hummed a song as you walked through the luxurious duplex penthouse, following the real estate agent who looked thrilled to be there.
“The skyline is absolutely gorgeous as you can see,” she said. “And just letting you know, I already have three very interested buyers—”
“They’ll wait,” you stated calmly and she paused for a moment, then smiled at you.
“Of course!” she said. “Just—you know, just a fun fact! Anyway, this floor has an open kitchen and two guest bedrooms, a bathroom…”
“Two guest rooms?”
“One of which could be turned into a nursery,” she said and winked at you. “Or you could hire me when it’s time for a family home.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you said with a weary smile, “but let’s just take that off the table for the moment.”
She held up her hands.
“And the upstairs has the primary bedroom suite with its own breathtaking terrace of course, the master bathroom and two walk in closets. Perfect for a newlywed couple if you ask me!”
You nodded your head. “Are the windows bulletproof?”
She blinked a couple of times.
“…I doubt it?” she said. “But we’re on the 50th floor.”
“And surrounded by other 50 floor skyscrapers,” you said and heaved a sigh. “That’s fine, we’ll get it fixed if we decide on this one.”
 “Would you like to see the terrace?” she motioned and before you could say anything, you heard footsteps coming closer and you looked over your shoulder to see Bucky stepping into the apartment.
“Hi gorgeous,” he said and approached you to press a kiss on top of your head, then turned to the real estate agent. “Viola. It's a pleasure to see you again.”
“Oh the pleasure is all mine Mr. Barnes,” she said with a giggle, a smile lighting up her face and you looked between them, raising your brows.
“Would you give us a moment while we check the terrace please, Viola?” you asked as you pulled Bucky by his vibranium arm to the huge sliding glass doors, then stepped outside.
Dear God, the skyline was absolutely gorgeous.
“So,” Bucky said. “What do you think?”
You clicked your tongue. “Before I answer that, I have a quick question.”
“Did you fuck our real estate agent?”
He tilted his head, furrowing his brows together. “What?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Well because she got all flustered and smiley, and if you did it’s totally fine but it’s gonna be a little awkward honestly—”
“I didn’t!” he said. “She helped with Becca’s apartment, that’s how we know each other.”
“You own multiple skyscrapers in this part of the town and you needed a real estate agent?”
“Do I look like I am personally handling any of the buildings I own?” he asked and you rolled your eyes.
“Fine, fine…” you said. “So why were you late again? You were supposed to be here half an hour ago.”
“My mom dropped by the office,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders and you frowned.
“She wants us to reconsider the guest list.”
“You mean she wants us to invite more people?” you asked and he nodded his head.
“Yup. Good for business, apparently.”
“The guest list and the seating chart are already finished,” you said and he sat down on the nearest sofa which looked so comfortable from where you were standing.
“I mean, would inviting more people hurt?”  
“Yeah Bucky, it would hurt my head,” you said as you glanced at the fireplace in the corner of the terrace, then flung yourself on the armchair across from the sofa. “Winnifred is such a boy mom.”
“Oh come on,” he said with a small laugh. “She loves you.”
“Uh huh, until our divorce.”
He paused for a moment, then cleared his throat.
“I’m kind of convinced your father might actually shoot me when we announce our divorce, so...”
“He won’t shoot you,” you told him, waving a hand in the air. “That being said, we’re not inviting more people.”
“I told her the same thing, that’s why it took me half an hour to convince her,” he said, leaning back to shoot you a mischievous grin. “But I think she’ll get over it if we promise to name our firstborn daughter after her.”
You hummed. “You can get a fish.”
“A fish?”
“A tankful of them, you can name all of them after your family members,” you said and sat up straighter. “So, the apartment?”
“I’m good with it if you are,” he said and stole a look at the windows. “I don’t know shit about this building though, are the windows bulletproof?”  
“I asked the same thing, she said probably not.”
“It’s fine, we can get that fixed,” he said and you felt a smile curling your lips, then kicked at his shoe with yours.
“Come on,” you said as you got up from the armchair. “We should take a look at upstairs, apparently the terrace there is breathtaking as well.”
Apart from the fact that it only had two guest rooms, the penthouse was absolutely perfect. You figured since you were going to get a divorce, you didn’t really need multiple guest rooms at this point, and you were pretty sure you were going to use one of them as an armory anyway.
Before you would meet Becca and Leila for dinner, your father had asked you for lunch together so after you were done at the penthouse -your new home, you reminded yourself- you made your way to the familiar skyscraper of your father’s company, but then checked your wristwatch and pursed your lips together.
You were half an hour early, and you really didn’t feel like seeing Ian any more than necessary.
You took a look at the café across from the skyscraper and lingered there for a moment, then approached there and sat down at a table. The waitress came to you to take your order and you ordered a latte before pulling out your phone to text Becca about the penthouse, but before you could send all the photos, someone pulled the chair across from yours to sit down, making your head snap up.
“Romanoff?” you squeaked out, staring at the beautiful redhead and she gave you a calm smile.
“Natasha is fine,” she said. “Do you mind?”
“Not—not at all!” you managed to say, sitting up straighter. Even though Natasha was one of the major player in the city, you two hadn’t really spent any time together just like you and Stark. You knew she was good friends with Steve and sort of friends with Bucky, but other than that, she was mostly a mystery to you.
“I had a meeting with your father,” she said, pointing at the building with her thumb. “Was just leaving when I saw you and I figured I could give you my congratulations about the wedding.”
“Ah,” you said, nodding fervently. “Thanks. I um—I really appreciate it.”
“Quite the fast wedding though,” she pointed out, making you gulp.
“Yeah we figured, you know, we’ve known each other for all our lives.”
“Right,” she said. “Of course. So are you going to take over right after the wedding then?”
Your eyes widened and you gawked at her while the waitress brought your coffee, and turned to her.
“Could I get you anything?”
“No thank you, I won’t stay for long,” Natasha said and the waitress walked away as you cleared your throat.
“Um, I—” you stammered. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Her gaze was almost reprimanding as if you were trying to make her believe the table in front of her didn’t exist. You knew she was smart, no one who wasn’t smart would be able to survive at the top in this business for so long, but you had been hoping that you weren’t that obvious at the very least.
“I’m asking because if you’re going to do it at the wedding, I’m going to eat something beforehand,” she pointed out. “Considering your idiot cousin is not going to just let that happen, if bullets start flying…”
“What makes you think I want to take over?”
She let out a small laugh.
“Oh come on,” she said. “I never took you as naïve, the least you could do is return the favor. Not to mention, if you want me on your side when the time comes, you’re going to have to cut the bullshit.”
“And if that were true,” you said after a beat. “If I wanted to take over, what would be your opinion?”
She hummed.
“Well,” she trailed off. “For starters, you would make a better business partner than Ian, so you have that going for you.”  
“But you have no field experience,” she pointed out. “And practically zero support in the family.”
“I don’t necessarily need family support to take over,” you said. “It’s happened before. Most people follow power, no matter who holds it.”
“And the experience?”
“I have the training,” you said. “I’ll prove myself, I know very well that I have to.”
She arched a brow, then let a small smile curl her lips.
“Not to mention I’d keep the truce after taking over,” you said. “You can’t say the same thing for Ian.”
“Not very subtle, that one,” she murmured and you licked your lips.
“How did you know though?” you asked. “That I wanted it?”
She rolled her eyes.
“Your father has two starving dogs and only one steak,” she said. “Doesn’t take a genius, really. I told Clint about it way before you and Bucky got engaged.”
You huffed out a laugh and she pushed her chair back, then stood up.
“I mean you do have the training so you know how it ends, don’t you?” she asked. “One of you will have to tear the other’s throat out.”
That made you swallow thickly and you nodded your head, your teeth clenched together. She kept your gaze in hers for a couple of seconds, then shrugged her shoulders.
“Good luck,” she said calmly and walked away from you to get into her car, and you slid a little in your chair, your heart pounding in your chest.
“Thanks,” you muttered. “Good talk.”
You had sent your bodyguards away for the night considering Becca already had hers who would accompany you to the nightclub. She had insisted on driving her car on the way there and you had a strong feeling that it was her way of showing Leila there was nothing to be intimidated about the business or her place in it, and that she could adapt to the civilian life just fine.
Love made people do all sorts of things, apparently.
Becca’s bodyguards’ car was following you as you leaned your head on the window, making yourself comfortable in the backseat and you took a look at your phone, then cleared your throat.
“Do you guys think I should text Ethan?”
Becca frowned at you from the rearview mirror before turning her attention on the road and Leila turned sideways in the passenger seat so that she could see you better.
“Do you want to?”
“I mean I feel like I should,” you said. “Technically, the guy took a bullet for me.”
Becca let out a noise of disagreement. “The guy took a bullet while you were there, it’s not the same thing.”
“He wouldn’t have got shot if I weren’t there though,” you pointed out and Leila hummed.
“I mean he’s gonna have to get over the fact that you’re in love with someone else and getting married,” she said. “If you’re friends…”
“We are.”
“You were only friends because he was hoping it would turn into a relationship,” Becca sang in a teasing manner and you rolled your eyes at her.
“I actually like spending time with him though,” you said. “I don’t know, I can’t help feel a bit guilty because—”
You were interrupted when a police car turned the corner to get in between you and Becca’s bodyguards’ car and flashed its headlights, signaling at you to pull over. Becca’s eyes snapped up to yours in the rearview mirror as your stomach dropped and you sat up straighter while Leila looked over her shoulder.
“Babe, they’re telling us to pull over.”
Becca’s jaw clenched before she cleared her throat while you unbuckled your seatbelt.
“Do you mind changing seats with Y/N, my love?”
“Because that’s not the police,” you told her. “No police in this city ever stops us.”
“What do you—” she started but let out a scream when another car hit Becca’s bodyguards car from the side, making it stop as the bullets started flying. Becca reached out to make her duck and you looked back, letting out a curse.
“Leila, the car is bulletproof,” Becca said, her voice calm as if there weren’t bullets hitting the car. “It’s all going to be fine, I just need you to change seats with Y/N.”
“O—okay…” Leila stammered and pushed herself through the small gap between her and Becca’s seat to reach the backseat, and you squeezed at her arm.
“Nothing will happen to you, just keep your head down,” you assured her and pulled your gun from your purse, then got on the passenger seat, adrenaline running through your veins.
“Has to be,” Becca said as she sped up the car, swirling the car left and right so that some of the bullets wouldn’t hit it. “What are you thinking?”
You checked the GPS on the screen. “Sam’s territory.”
“Alright,” she muttered as she found and touched his name on the screen while you counted the bullets that seemed to be endless with the way they were raining on the car.
“Sooner or later that motherfucker is gonna have to change the magazine—”
“Hi Becca,” Sam’s voice reached the car. “Um, why am I hearing gunshots?”
Becca swirled the car on the road again. “HYDRA is following us, I’m in the car with Y/N and Leila.”
“It’s fine, Bucky made sure the car was bulletproof the day I bought it,” Becca added. “Listen, Sam I’m sharing my location with you, we’re like two minutes away from your territory and HYDRA’s men are right behind us so we can’t turn back—”
“I’m sending the cars and calling Buck,” Sam said and Becca hung up the phone as you opened the car window, then leaned out of the window and fired the shot at the man’s hand when he slid the next magazine into the gun, making him let out a yell. You quickly got back in and huffed out a breath.
“They have a bulletproof car as well but that should slow them down for a couple of seconds,” you muttered and turned to look at Leila who was still covering her head, curled up on the backseat.
“Leila?” Becca said. “Talk to me.”
“I—I think I’m fine?” Leila replied, her voice shaking. “Jesus Christ…”
“I’m really sorry about this,” Becca said and Leila shook her head.
“It’s not your fault Becca.”
The bullets started hitting the car again and you gritted your teeth, then checked the GPS again while Becca stepped on the accelerator.
“Babe, remember how you asked why the truce was so important in this city?” she asked Leila. “This is why.”
The moment your car entered Sam’s territory, two cars coming from the opposite direction turned their headlights on and wheezed past you, surrounding the car behind you. Becca pulled over and let out a breath, closing her eyes for a moment before she reached out to hold your hand to squeeze it.
“You okay?”
“Mm hm,” you said, your heart still beating in your ears as your phone started vibrating on the backseat. “You?”
“Peachy,” she said as she unbuckled her seatbelt, and touched Leila’s back. “Leila?”
Even you could tell that Leila was shaken up but she raised her head and wiped at her eyes, sniffling.
“I’m okay,” she rasped out. “Is it safe now?”
“Yeah,” Becca said. “I—Leila, I’m incredibly sorry for this…”
“Not your fault,” Leila said, her voice still trembling even if she tried to smile. “And I’m fine. We’re all fine.”
“I’ll give you guys a minute,” you managed to say and grabbed your phone before you stepped out of the car. Bucky’s name was flashing on the screen and you took a deep breath, then answered it and took it to your ear.
“Becca is fine,” you said. “Leila too. Sam’s people are here.”
There was a second of silence on the other side of the line before you heard Bucky letting out a relieved breath.
“Sweetheart?” he said, his voice gentle. “Are you alright?”
You bit inside your cheek, still trying to get rid of the fear churning your insides.
“Mm hm.”
“Did you get hurt?”
“No, I shot one of them in the hand,” you said, your eyes falling on the three HYDRA men Sam’s people had dragged out of the car. The sight of one of them still holding onto his bleeding hand made the anger rush through your system so fast that it made your head spin, your vision going red.
Attacking you was one thing but attacking your friends and putting them in danger was another.
And you were not going to let that happen.
“Good job,” Bucky said softly as if trying to calm you down. “I’m on my way, alright?”
“Uh huh,” you said and hung up as you gripped your gun tighter, then pushed the phone into your pocket to make your way to the crowd. Sam’s people all turned to you before one of them stepped closer and you tried to focus through the blinding anger, dragging your gaze from the captives to her.
“Ma’am,” she said, stretching out her hand so that you could shake it with your free hand. “My name is Aubrey. Mr. Wilson let us know about what happened, he is on his way here. Is everyone in the car alright?”
“Yeah,” you said through frozen lips. “Thank you Aubrey. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course,” she said and you walked past her to get closer to HYDRA’s men. The one who was cradling his bloody hand glared at you, then spat at the ground.
“Doesn’t matter where you take us, I’ll die before I speak,” he growled and you arched a brow, then shrugged your shoulders calmly as if fury wasn't pounding in your head.
“Happy to follow your schedule buddy.”
You raised your gun and fired it right between his eyes, his lifeless body hitting the ground as the loud shot echoed through the road. Aubrey raised her brows and exchanged glances with one of her men while you lowered the gun and wiped the blood off your face.
“I’ll be over there until my fiancé gets here,” you said, motioning at the direction of Becca’s car. “Thanks again.”
 With that, you made your way to the car and jumped to sit on the trunk so that you wouldn’t interrupt Becca and Leila’s conversation. You put the gun beside you with a sigh, then crossed your legs and leaned back on your palms, adrenaline still roaring through you.
“Great,” you murmured, turning your gaze up to the sky. “Here goes my night I guess.”
Chapter 13
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blondieeu · 6 months
winter nights. satoru g.
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an uninvited guest showed up that night.
intruder is what they’re normally called but you knew who the person was too well to even call it that.
you didn’t bother to open your door all the way because of how hard it was snowing. the cold air nipping at your nose and your pretty brown skin.
the weather man said it was supposed to snow around 2 inches and counting, and you were pretty prone to getting sick easily—“daddy!”
A smaller voice exclaimed from behind you and the sound of tiny bare feet padding against the wooden floors all came together as you watched a smaller body being scooped up by the man in the door.
Mia, that was her name. She was 6 this coming february and her favorite color is pastel purple.
having her when you were freshly 19 you could argue was one of your best decisions you could've had.
Consequences did however come with the decision but you'd do it all again to have her.
You watched the white haired man slide his dress shoes off and kick the door closed like he still lived there and bring her farther into the house.
"How's my sweet girl?"
He coo'd at her, kissing her forehead and the girl looked up at him with stars in her eyes.
you could hear her ramble on and on about what she did at school, what mommy made for dinner, all the stars she drew, her wanting to watch the princess and the frog for the billionth time.
“mommy made me a tent!”
He took off his shades and set them onto the deep brown coffee table that matched the house's theme without even looking to see if he made it, knowing he did, since he used to live there.
"Oh now did she?"
He challenged her, walking away with her straight towards her room like he lived there, probably considering her bedtime being 7:20p and her still being up at 9:00p.
You sighed when he kicked the door closed once again, hearing giggles and laughing coming from the room as you started off into your kitchen down the hallway.
Opening the fridge you took out leftovers of the dinner you made a couple hours ago, Cajun chicken pasta.
Throwing it into the microwave to heat as you waited, your pretty white nails tapping against the marble counters as you listened to the faint 'vrrrrrrr' and let it soothe you.
"You know you didn't have to do that for me." A low voice came from behind you and before you could turn to tell him off for scaring you he put a finger on his lips.
"She's asleep?"
He nodded, already knowing you were referring to Mia. He smiled a bit, opening the microwave before it hit '00:01' and taking out the meal.
He grabbed a fork out of the spoon and fork drawer, like he lived there, and followed you into the living room plopping down next to you on the couch and starting to watch whatever bullshit show was on the TV while he fucked up that pasta.
tonight it was some episode of 'Lucifer' with the British man as the lead roll, you guys loved him. you could remember being pregnant with your baby and watching this show every night.
"You were away."
you started, not looking at him but not exactly watching the TV, just blank. He stopped eating and sat it on the glass coffee table, sitting up and leaning his forearms on his knees.
"I know..You know how my job goes, m’ sorry baby."
He looked like he wanted to say something else and even though you felt bad you couldn't help but be a little pissed at him, what about his family? his kid?
"What else are you gonna miss, Satoru?"
You asked, no expression readable on your face but he looked a little sad when you said that, his eyebrows furrowing when he quickly looked at you.
"I took some time off."
Your ears perked. Satoru Gojo, your ex boyfriend of 6 1/2 years and now baby daddy, took some time off his job!? What a shocker!
"Got 3 days off."
He added, a cocky sigh accompanied the end as he messed with his watch—like he ever really knows what time it is anyway.
"Why? You made your point on how strict they are so why now?"
"Because I wanted to spend more time with my family."
You didn't say anything else, watching his snow white hair bounce as the two of you got up, you following him straight into the kitchen, like he lived there. you sat at one of the bar stools at the kitchen island and watched as he washed his dish.
"So you're gonna just be staying here?"
You asked, spinning in the chair slightly.
"If you'll let me y/n, whatever you want. It's all up to you"
He muttered, his words almost sounding irritated since you kept nagging him.
"What about that lady you've got at home, you should spend time with her too Satoru."
. . .
He paused, his right arm momentarily stopped scrubbing the dishes as he took in a real deep sigh.
"My daughter always comes first, as well as her mother. You know that y/n."
He retorted back, finishing washing his dish and starting to wash all the other dishes in the sink as well. It went silent for a while.
Except the light bickering it wasn't awkward or angry, it was just a moment to cool down so the two of you didn't say anything you didn't mean or would regret on a later date.
Serena was her name, his girlfriend I mean. They haven't been dating for very long, maybe 4 months not that you're counting but you didn't really like her and it wasn't because you were jealous or anything, she just seemed too expensive.
"Mia has a parent teacher conference on Thursday."
You broke the silence when he finished washing the dishes, drying his hands off with the towel that rested near the sink.
"I'll be there."
he put the dish away in the cabinet. finally turning towards the kitchen island where you sat and pressed his palms on it, giving it some of his weight.
with a heavy sigh you put your hand in your palm and stared back at him. taking all of him in since you saw him a couple of days ago.
his haircut he got and never stopped getting since you said it looked good on him, the small freckles he had that no one noticed—there were 17 on them on his face, the matching promise ring he had on his finger from like what 2 years ago??
“i miss you satoru.”
his eyes softened and he started around the island, eventually coming to you. you spun the bar stool to face him and he came between your parted legs.
he didn’t say anything.
you didn’t say anything.
his fingers were innocent at your knees, but eventually grew tainted while they traveled up them. his fingers gliding up your pretty brown skin and under your pajama shorts, grabbing at your ass when he pulled you off of the bar stool and onto the counter.
it was a fast action and it almost had you winded when your hands found the back of his neck, feeling that familiar haircut design with your initial on it.
satoru fixed himself between your legs, his face close to yours. he grabbed your hand and put it on his chest.
“you feel that?”
his heart was beating a-million-miles-a-fucking-hour and he looked flushed but his eyes were only on yours. like you were the only woman to ever exist.
you nodded slowly at his question, taking your other hand off his shoulder and using it to prop yourself up from the counter as extra support.
“that’s how i feel about you.. don’t fuckin’ ask me about another woman when this is how i feel about only you. ain no other woman gonna get me like this you hear?”
you could never forget those icy blue eyes.
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bloundieeu xx
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joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B Imagines: Don’t Be Embarrassed
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summary: after a sex marathon with your husband joe the previous night, you head downstairs for breakfast and have a seriously awkward interaction with his parents.
(this is a tiny part 2 to - part one)
warnings: talks about sex, no actual smut
pairing: joe burrow x reader
(y/n's pov)
when my alarm went off at 8, i immediately hit snooze.
i wanted to go back to sleep but remembered the plane that joe and i were going to have to catch in just a couple hours, so i slipped out of bed.
joe was still dead asleep, looking incredibly peaceful.. so i left him alone.
the first thing i did was get dressed in my traveling outfit, and putting my hair in a messy bun before i made my way downstairs.
"mommy!!" - savanna jumped off the couch and came flying towards you
"good morning sweetie, how'd you sleep?" - you picked her up and put her on your hip
"good, i had good dream." - savanna
"what was your dream about?" - you
"dada bought me puppy!" - savanna
"he did?? what did you name your puppy?" - you
"uh, i dont remember.." - savanna
"oh you don't remember.. okay. what would you name your puppy if you got one?" - you
"marr!" - savanna
"oh my gosh, you'd name it after ja'marr??" - you
"yup. put me down? i want to play with my barbies!" - savanna
"yes, of course." - you sat her down
i watched sam run up the stairs to her room before i walked into the kitchen. robin was cooking and jimmy was drinking coffee while sitting at the island.
when i walked over to the fridge to grab a water i noticed both of them giving me weird looks.
"what?" - you laughed nervously
"did you sleep good last night?" - robin smiled
"yeah actually, i didn't even hear you guys come in. i was dead asleep." - you
"mhm." - robin looked at jimmy for a second then turned back to you
this interaction was really weird so i was more than thankful when i saw joe walking downstairs and into the kitchen.
"morning guys" - joe smiled
"morning, joey!" - robin gave joe the same weird look
"what's that look?" - joe laughed
"nothing." - robin grinned
joe looked at me confused but i returned the look of pure confusion.
"did you sleep good?" - joe asked, trying to start conversation and end the silence
"mhm." - you pulled him into a hug
joe kissed my head, as i laid against his chest. robin and jimmy were still looking at us with weird smiles on their faces so we quickly pulled away from each other.
"what time did you two end up going to bed last night?" - jimmy
"uh, i don't really know. i was asleep before you guys got here. do you know?" - joe
"uh, nope." - you
"that's kinda weird because we heard quite the commotion last night" - robin
both joe and i tensed up, not knowing what to do.
"you guys know the guest room is right under the master bedroom, right?" - jimmy
"oh god." - joe sighed
"so you guys.." - you
"heard y'all? yup. coulda gone my whole life without hearing that." - jimmy
"oh my god." - you covered your face with your hands
"it's fine though, don't be embarrassed. it's not like we didn't know you guys engage in that.. activity. i mean you guys have a kid so we kinda knew.." - robin
"yeah you guys are married adults, don't be embarrassed. but, joe honey you sound like a cat dying.” - jimmy
"i don't think i sound that bad..." - joe mumbled
"he’s overreacting, joe. after i heard it though, and well realized what i was hearing i put my noice cancelling headphones on.” - robin
"all i had were pillows to put over my ears, thank god i was super tired and fell asleep quickly. i’d probably end up sleeping in the car.” - jimmy
"but really, don't be embarrassed. you guys are young and having fun." - robin
"okay, sorry about that though." - you
"it's fine." - robin smiled
"yeah guys, it's all good, i'm only slightly traumatized." - jimmy
"jim." - robin rolled her eyes
"as much as i'm loving this conversation about our sex life.. i'm gonna grab some toast and finish packing." - joe
"i'll be up there in a second!" - you told joe as he grabbed a plate of toast and started walking back upstairs
thank god that joe’s parents love me, plus i’ve already got the ring on my finger so there’s no getting rid of me.
authors note: small little part two as a goodnight!!
hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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lorelaiblair · 3 months
It all started with a phone call. Wednesday swore that modern technology would be the downfall of humanity.
“Wednesday” The boy pleaded.
“Eugene” She countered.
“I haven’t seen you in months, and you’re coming to the city anyway” He explained, for nearly the tenth time.
“I can afford a hotel room”
“I am well aware” Eugene laughed “What kind of a person would I be if I let my sister sleep alone in a hotel, especially when I have an apartment with a guest room barely five miles away from your publisher”
“Don’t imply that I cannot handle myself”
“I know that you can, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want you here with me”
“I would be there for quite a while, the editing process for this book is proving to be tedious”
“I’d love to have you, for as long as you want to stay”
“I will arrive Tuesday”
“Really?” Eugene asked, the excitement obvious in his voice. He was met with the dial tone, the conversation apparently over.
Two days later, he woke up to his alarm. He showered, brushed his teeth, and was sitting at the dining table eating breakfast when he realized something had changed. He went to make himself some coffee, and there was already half of a fresh pot.
Was someone in his apartment?
He was tired. He was too tired to care all that much. He poured himself a cup and sat back down.
It only took a couple moments for Wednesday to join him in the kitchen.
“Where do you keep your sewing kit?” She asked
“Junk drawer” He told her, pointing despite the fact that she already knew which one it was, despite knowing that she would be angry at its disarray considering she had been the one to organize it for him the last time. She pulled the kit out and tsked at him, before wandering back to her room.
Eugene took a sip of his warm drink before blinking in surprise.
“Wednesday?” He yelled
“Yes, Eugene?”
“When did you get here?”
“About two hours ago” She explained, he climbed out of his chair to walk down the hallway and stand in the doorway of her room. She was using his sewing kit to reattach one of Thing’s fingers.
“I would ask how you got in but” He laughed to himself “I’ll get a key made for you on my way home from work”
“What happened to Thing?”
“He fell out of the plane” Wednesday told him.
“What?” Eugene blanched. “What do you mean he fell out of the plane, is he okay?”
Thing wiggled his remaining fingers to tell the boy yes, he was fine.
“Just pulled a few stitches” Wednesday explained “My first meeting with the editor is later today, although I will probably be back before you are”
“Okay, I’ll see you tonight” Eugene said, turning to head out “Oh yeah, i’m off tomorrow and a few friends from nevermore are coming over for lunch”
“Eugene” She complained
“You don’t have to socialize, I swear. This door comes with a perfect little lock on it” He grinned, as if it could counter Wednesday’s death glare.
Eugene’s friends had arrived nearly twenty minutes ago, and Wednesday was facing a bit of a conundrum.
She had been up all night writing. Her editor left her with so many notes that she considered stabbing him in the eye with his own red ink pen, which had marked and marked all over Wednesday's first draft.
Not to mention her publisher wanted it all completed in less than a week.
She really had her work cut out for her. Wednesday was completely capable, she would get it done with time to spare, but what she really, really needed was another cup of coffee. Coffee. Coffee, her savior. Coffee, which was in the kitchen. Eugene and his group of very loud friends, sat in the dining room, nothing but a single door separating them.
She would send Thing to do it, but the last time she had asked him he had spilled scalding hot coffee all over himself. Now he refused to help her with the specific conquest.
She exited her room and stalked down the small hallway. Wednesday cursed herself, for knowing what she would be getting into when agreeing to spend the next few months with Eugene, and agreeing nonetheless. This was a torture of her own making.
As Wednesday scooped spoonfuls of coffee into a filter she could hear the people in the other room laughing. She turned the pot on and sat at the small table Eugene kept in his kitchen.
Wednesday’s publisher had gone on and on about how her book needed ‘character’, said that it wasn’t at all personable. She absolutely detested that. The book was full of character, she had been writing about Viper and her adventures for years now, and not once had a person mentioned a ‘lack of character’.
It was frustrating.
Wednesday knew that the publisher was onto something.
Wednesday had been writing Viper for years, and the stories she wrote were becoming almost predictable. She hated it. She absolutely despised it all.
She needed to change something, but she had no idea what that something was.
The door into the kitchen swung open, and Wednesday cursed herself once again. She had no energy for any of the ‘friends’ Eugene had invited over. It didn’t help that her eyes were assaulted the second the girl walked through the door.
Blonde hair with pink and blue ends, and an entire pink ensemble. Brilliant blue eyes, a shiny and slightly too sharp to be human smile.
“Uh, hi?” The bright girl asked, a sheepish smile on her pretty face.
Wednesday raised her eyebrows at the girl.
“Who are you?” She asked, turning to look back into the dinning room as if making sure she didn’t accidentally step into somebody else’s apartment. Wednesday leaned back in her chair, watching her.
The girl’s blue eyes met Wednesday’s again.
Wednesday Addams needed to change something, in her book and in her life, and she knew now what that thing was.
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bitethedevil · 2 months
The Devil's Dinner Party (Raphael x Tav): Chapter 2
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Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 (Finished)
Link to the fic on AO3
Warning: Slight smut (just a tiny bit).
Summary: Tav accepts Raphael’s invitation to a dinner party after she had handed him the Crown of Karsus. None of her companions show up, so it is just her, Raphael, and a bunch of Raphael’s favored clients. Raphael is suspiciously kind to her, but everything might not be as perfect as it seems.
(AN: Chapter 2 of my not super edited Raphael x Tav. The first chapter is linked above. Raphael is being possessive and does an A+ job as appearing as the perfect gentleman)
A couple of the guests swarmed around Raphael when they had come back from the archive. Tav saw the opportunity to slip away. She sat herself down in a quiet corner of the room. A servant brought her a drink, which she happily accepted.
“There you areee!” Rolim beamed at her when he spotted her.
She smiled politely back at the handsome half-elf. It seemed that he might have had one drink too many, with the way that he swayed when he approached her.
“I was worried that you had gotten lost somewhere,” he said. “I almost ventured out to find you!”
“Just needed some air,” Tav said and sipped her drink. “I’m afraid that I’m not too good with this many new people at once. It can get a bit overwhelming. All the noise, and the…constant talking.”
“Oh, I know just what you mean…” Rolim said, completely missing the hint. He sat down beside her.
He crossed his legs and smiled brightly at her before starting to talk her ear off again, just as he had done while they were eating. She caught his gaze running up and down her form every now and again while they were talking. The alcohol had made him considerably less shy about his interest than earlier. Had he not been Raphael’s client, she might have flirted back. He might not be the most intelligent man she had ever met, but his overly cheerful demeanor and good looks were certainly attractive to her. Especially after a couple of drinks.
“Can I say something?” Rolim asked after they had been talking for a while.
Tav tried not to laugh at the request, because the man had been ‘saying something’ non-stop for about half an hour now.
“Sure,” she said.
“Do you promise that you won’t get offended, if I say the thing that I want to say?” he asked with an almost innocent expression.
“Well, what do you want to say?” she said with an amused smile.
He looked at her with a shy look on his face. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again. He took a sip of his drink. Then he took a deep breath and opened his mouth to say something again.
“I think you are very pretty,” he confessed. “And I am obviously not just saying that because of your reputation and all of that. You are very pretty.”
“Thank you, Rolim,” she said with a genuine smile and a slight blush. “That’s very sweet of you to say.”
“You are very welcome,” Rolim mumbled with a shy smile and took a sip of his drink.
They kept talking. She suddenly noticed Rolim’s eyes widen ever so slightly as he watched something behind her.
“Raphael,” Rolim greeted with a smile that was a bit more forced than the one he had been wearing with her all night.
She looked over her shoulder to see Raphael leisurely walking over to them.
“Rolim,” he greeted back smoothly as he sat down on the other side of Tav. Raphael placed his arm behind Tav on the backrest of the sofa. “Your business is still flourishing, I presume?”
“Yes, yes…” Rolim answered, with a tinge of nervousness in his voice. “Wonderfully, actually. Thanks to you, of course.”
“How wonderful to hear,” Raphael said with a smile that did not reach his eyes.
“I was actually thinking of expanding the business to other cities soon,” Rolim said slowly regaining his cheerful tone. “Tav and I actually talked about Baldur’s Gate as an option just earlier tonight.”
“Oh, did you now?” Raphael said and looked at her while he moved his arm away from the backrest, so it fully held around her shoulders. He caressed her shoulder gently with his thumb, as he looked back at Rolim with a cruel smile.
“In my humble opinion, I think it would be wiser if you considered somewhere a little closer to home. It is tempting to become impulsive and arrogant when you have tasted success once but be careful that you are not biting over more than you can chew, my friend...There is something to be said for backing off while the going is good and to be grateful for what one still has…”
Tav’s eyes widened at Raphael’s possessive touch and the darker hidden meaning under his words, but she did not make a move to stop it. If anything, his possessiveness did things to her that she would never admit to anyone. It was a blatant threat, that even someone like Rolim could understand.
“Quite right…” Rolim muttered quietly as he went slightly pale. “I’m…going to go get a drink.”
Rolim gave the both of them a forced polite smile and left them. Tav looked at Raphael who was still sitting all too close to her with his arm around her. He smiled at her.
“That wasn’t very nice…” she said.
“Whatever do you mean?” Raphael asked with mock innocence.
“You know what I mean,” she said and glanced to the hand that was still on her shoulder. “What are you up to?”
 “Don’t tell me that you were enjoying the attentions of that drooling whelp?” Raphael said with a huff. “He may be pretty, but he is possibly the least intelligent client I’ve dealt with in this century.”
“Why did you invite him then?” she asked.
“I find his foolishness somewhat endearing,” he answered with a shrug. “Besides, he did grant me a rather easy and highly profitable deal.”
“Ah, right,” she said and nodded. “And that’s all we ‘mortals’ are good for, isn’t it? To line your pockets with souls and gods know what else.”
“Some of you, yes,” Raphael said with an amused expression. “But that’s not how I view our relationship, of course.”
“Of course not,” Tav agreed sarcastically. “Because I’m your ‘favorite’, right? I’m sure we would still have been the best of friends even if I hadn’t dropped a very powerful artifact into your lap.”
“But you did,” Raphael countered. “For which I am endlessly grateful. And you are still my favorite.”
Tav noticed that Raphael was watching something across the room. Her eyes followed his gaze and saw Rolim quickly avert his eyes away from them.
“He quite taken with you,” Raphael noted with a hint of a sneer. “No doubt he has been filling your ears with his endless boasting all evening.”
“I don’t know if I would even call it that,” she said. “He just seemed happy about the way his life was going. It wasn’t even done in any arrogant way. Not intentionally at least.”
“That is because he was trying to entice you,” Raphael said. “I can promise you that he is a bumbling idiot when he is not trying to impress a beautiful woman such as yourself.”
“Beautiful, am I?” Tav teased. The drinks were getting to her.
“Very,” Raphael purred with a smirk.
“Well,” she said with a shrug. “I thought he seemed nice at least.”
Raphael hummed and brushed some of her hair over her shoulder.
“We did establish earlier that you do have a rather annoying tendency to choose people who don’t deserve you,” Raphael said and gave her a look that could only be interpreted as flirtatious.  
She swallowed hard and her heart sped up slightly. Her sense of self-preservation that would have told her that this seemed dangerous, was quieted by the alcohol.
“And who do you think deserves me then?” she asked boldly.
“A very good question, indeed. One that I will have to think about…” he mused dramatically. “Although, it is so very difficult to think in here with all the noise. Perhaps if we went somewhere quieter…”
Raphael got up and Tav followed, even though she could hear the faint alarm-bells ringing in the back of her mind.
Raphael snapped his fingers before opening the door to the balcony for her.
Tav’s jaw dropped. It was dark when she stepped out on the balcony. A thousand stars brightened up the sky over the hellish landscape. The sight was bizarre but also stunningly beautiful.
“But…” she said with a look of awe on her face. “That…that doesn’t make sense…? It’s never dark in Avernus, is it?”
“It’s an illusion, my dear,” Raphael said and leaned on the railing beside her. “You are quite right. It never is dark in Avernus. Do you like it?”
“It’s beautiful…” she said, her mouth still agape. “Why did you…?”
“For you,” Raphael said. “I understand that the lack of night and day must be quite disorienting when you are not used to it.”
While she was still staring at the sky, she felt arms snaking around her waist from behind her. Her breath hitched.
“There is also a certain sense of intimacy and excitement that can only be found in the darkness of night,” he purred in her ear. “Wouldn’t you agree?”
He placed slow, gentle kisses on her shoulder, trailing up to her neck. Her breathing became even shallower. Her body and the alarm-bells in her head were in complete disagreement about they wanted to do.
“Raphael…” she murmured.
“Yes, my dear?” he whispered against her ear. “Do you want me to stop?”
She turned around to look up at him. His arms were still around her.
“You are up to something…” she said in a quiet voice.
Raphael brushed a strand of hair away from her face.
“Is it truly such an unbelievable concept that I simply find you desirable?” he asked, briefly glancing at her lips.
Tav could not help but glance at his lips as well. Alarm-bells be damned. She desired him too.
Raphael smirked as if he had read her mind and leaned in to kiss her. The kiss was soft and intimate. She could taste tobacco and wine on his lips. It was intoxicating. The whole thing was ridiculously romantic, and it had not been what Tav might have expected from a devil.
When they finally broke the kiss, she noticed that Raphael’s breathing had gotten a heavier as well. His brown eyes were dark with desire as he looked at her.
“I wouldn’t want to be presumptuous, but the hour is getting late, sweet mouse,” he said in a low voice. “Would you like to stay here for the night?”
She could only nod. Raphael smiled and kissed her again. This time more passionately. She wrapped her arms around his neck. His grip around her waist tightened, as his tongue started exploring her mouth.
She could feel his hardness pressing up against her abdomen. She let one hand slide down his chest and towards his pants. Raphael knew what she was doing immediately. He bit her lip playfully but firmly and caught her exploring hand with his own.
“Patience, my dear,” he purred against her lips with a smirk.
Tav got the hint: he was in control. She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck again, as he continued to kiss her. His hands roamed her body, though never in any sexual manner, despite the passion in his kiss. He was being a gentleman with her.
When he released the kiss, he placed brief and gentle kisses on both her cheeks and then one on her forehead before resting his head against hers. A gesture so sweet that it made Tav melt completely.
“I knew you were special from the moment we met, you know,” Raphael said, while brushing his fingers gently through her hair. “Such a brave and confident little thing…until you discovered my true nature, of course. However, you still recovered rather quickly, much to my frustration at the time.”
“Well, you weren’t the first devil we had encountered that week,” Tav said with a smile. “You were, however, the first to invite us to your house and offer us supper.”
“Mm,” Raphael hummed and placed a kiss on her neck. “So, I was not your first devil. Would you however say that I am your favorite?”
He placed another kiss further up on her neck.
“To be fair, the bar is on the floor…” she teased, her voice had gotten breathy again at his kisses.
He bit her earlobe.
“A simple ‘yes’ would have sufficed,” he whispered in her ear, and tightened his grip around her waist. “We might have to work on those manners of yours.”
His endless teasing was getting to her. Especially when she could feel just how hard he was through the fabric of their clothes. It was killing her.
She was getting impatient, so this time she took the initiative. She leaned up to kiss him. When he returned the kiss, it was slightly hungrier than before. She bit his lip and pressed her hips against his, which earned her a grunt from him. When they broke the kiss, he looked down at her with blazing desire in his eyes. He seemed done with the waiting as well and lead her inside with an arm around her waist.
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thehiddlebum · 1 year
prompt 9 and 11 for either johnathan pine feeling burnt out during his shift while working at the Swiss Hotel or james conrad in the aftermath of skull island
also your miss independent fic piece was amazing <3
hello lovely, thank you! this is such a cute one, i chose pine because… well come on he’s my fave 😩 enjoy ! x
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Summary: After a very long shift, you help your love get a well deserved nights rest.
Warnings: None, pure fluff, jonathan being a softie
Pairing: Jonathan Pine x female!reader or GN!reader
Prompts: ‘Your lover is snoring quietly and you can’t help but giggle because it’s so cute’ and ‘Laughing at their messy hair in the morning.’
The cold, snowy weather was the perfect setting for the Meisters Hotel in Zermatt, and it was your favourite weather.
You and your boyfriend of five years had recently moved here as Jonathan was needed for work, he was the night manager for the hotel and you worked as a chambermaid.
You didn’t mind it at all as it was good pay, and the fact that you got to see your beautiful man at work.
Every evening he wore the most stunning suits you’d ever seen, the shirts being tight-fitted around his arms and shoulders.
He just always looked so good.
You both usually slept during the day as Jonathan worked night shifts and you were needed early in the mornings, so he would wait for you to finish before driving you both back to your cabin.
However, today had been particularly busy as the hotel filled with guests arriving for their stay.
It was Jonathan’s job to get them checked in and assigned to their rooms, and assisting them with anything else they may need.
You’ve watched him do his job a couple of times and it’s fascinating how effortless it looks for him.
But today you had been at home resting all day (Jonathan’s orders), as he was asked to step in for someone who called in sick.
So that meant that he was covering both day and night shift, and you knew he would be exhausted by the end of it.
He had sent you a quick text saying ‘i should be finished around the same time as you, darling.’
You were due to start at 5 in the morning, and it was currently 4:15 so you headed to the front door and began the short walk to the hotel.
The sky was slowly getting lighter as the sun came up and when you reached the hotel, you walked through the revolving door and saw him.
He was typing on the computer behind the front desk whilst speaking to some guests, then leading them to the bar area as he put their bags behind the desk.
You could tell that he was trying to push through the exhaustion, but then as he looked up and met your gaze, you saw his lips part as he sighed.
You walked over to him and stepped behind his desk, resting your hands on his broad shoulders and rubbing them gently.
You heard him release a quiet ‘mmmh’ as he leaned his head back into your touch, “Not much longer now my love.”
You whispered in his ear and placed a delicate kiss on his temple, to which he smiled softly at.
“Thank you darling, I’ll meet you here in reception once you’re finished.” He said and leaned down to peck your lips gently.
You left him and went to change into your work clothes, and collected the cleaning supplies from the closet and got to work.
It took you about two hours to flip the hotel rooms over, ready for new guests that would be arriving today.
Changing back into your normal clothes that you arrived in, you left your work uniform in the closet and grabbed your handbag before making your way down to reception.
When you got there you saw Jonathan sat on one of the sofas in the middle of the room, scrolling through his phone.
As soon as he heard the elevator ping and the doors open he looked up to see you smiling at him.
You both left the Hotel hand in hand and got in your car, which Jonathan had drove to work the morning before.
Once you reached your cabin that you now call home, you both got in the shower together but you were both too tired to even try anything.
You poured some of the soap into your hands, rubbing them together and rubbed your hands all over Jonathan’s back and shoulders.
He melted into your touch and rested his head on your shoulder as you rubbed his back, and reaching up to grab the shower head and let the water fall down his back.
Then you squeezed some of his shampoo in your hands and ran it through his wet blonde locks, he closed his eyes as you worked your magic and you admired once again just how beautiful he was.
Once you rinsed the shampoo out of his hair, you quickly washed yourself as you knew he just needed to get into bed.
Stepping out of the shower together, you wrapped one towel around his waist and one around your middle.
You got a clean pair of boxers out for him and one of his T-shirts for yourself, and once you were both dry and changed you got into bed.
He collapsed onto the sheets with a big sigh and you scooted closer to his warm body, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head on his chest.
One of his hands rubbed your back slowly and the other rested behind your head, playing with your hair gently.
He placed a soft kiss on your forehead and you felt his breathing calm down, you snuggled closer into him as you could feel him falling asleep already.
Before you knew it, you felt his arms go limp and you smiled as you heard soft little snores escape from his lips.
As he let out quiet snores, you reached up and brushed some of his curls out of his face and pressed soft kisses on his cheeks.
You couldn’t help but giggle at his snoring as it was so cute, and you were just so glad that he could get some well needed sleep.
You woke up hours later and it was gone 2 in the afternoon, and you naturally reached out for Jonathan and felt that his sleeping body was still there.
You pulled him gently into your arms and held his head against your chest, wrapping your arms around him and snuggling under the weight of him.
You heard him groan softly as he buried his head in your neck, pecking your skin lightly and your tan your fingers through his messy locks.
He finally gained enough strength to lift his head and he pouted his lips as if asking for a kiss.
You giggled and granted him his wish, softly kissing those perfect pink lips of his to which he hummed in delight at.
Once you pecked his lips one more time, you pulled away to look at him and when you did a laugh escaped your lips.
“What?” His raspy voice spoke as he furrowed his brows.
“Nothing… it’s just your hair.”
He narrowed his eyes at you and you couldn’t help but chuckle more at the sight.
He went to bed with wet hair so that made it even more messy, but it was just all over the place.
His normal slicked back blonde locks were now all curly and flicked in different directions, but he still looked like a literal god.
“Stop laughing,” He said with a smirk on his face and it only made you laugh more.
You cupped his cheeks with both of your hands and softly kissed him again, resting your forehead on his.
“I’m sorry baby, you just look so cute.” You stroked his hair and he smiled.
“I’ll show you ‘cute’…” He pushed himself up on his hands and began to attack your neck with kisses, slowly making his way down your middle which had you erupting with laughter as he tickled your sides.
A/N: oh how much i wish this was real 😭
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topguncortez · 1 year
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What to Expect | Chapter 12
previous part | masterlist | next part
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synopsis: It's your baby shower, and what is a baby shower without an unexpected guest (or two) showing up.
word count: 3.2k
warnings: pregnancy, cursing, canon character death, injuries, topgun shit, fighting, questions of paternity, unrequited love and some yearning
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It was two days after Jake’s phone call with his dad that he and Bradley had gotten released. You had told Jake that the two of you had reconciled, and he was happy for the both of you. He wouldn’t admit it outloud, but he could see how miserable the two of you were without one another. Jake had agreed to picking Bradley up from the hospital while you cleaned up his apartment for him to come home. Bradley might be in his thirties, but he still liked to live as if he was a freshman in college. His freezer had nothing but frozen pizzas and chicken nuggets in it. You went grocery shopping, cleaned his apartment, and put clean sheets on his bed. 
Jake wouldn’t tell you much about what had happened with his dad. From what you knew, Jake’s middle sister Anna (or Annie as everyone calls her) had told Jake’s mother Margaret about the photo on your snapchat. Margaret then, as Jake said “in a state of shock” told her husband George, who became furious. George was partially mad because he had just gotten done splitting up the will and trust to accommodate Annie and Charlotte's kids, and because you and Jake were unmarried. Margaret knew that the second the word got out around town about the young Seresin boy having a child out of wedlock, that they would be the talk of the town. George had told Jake that you two needed to get married and when Jake refused, George became irate and questioned the paternity of the baby. 
“Honey, we’re home!” Jake shouted as he walked through the door of Bradley’s apartment. 
“In the kitchen,” You called back. Jake and Bradley both walked through the door and Jake let out a low whistle. Despite the air being on, it was hot in Bradley’s apartment. You were wearing a tank top and shorts, your hair pulled up into a bun. 
“Hot mama,” Jake smirked. 
“Really dude,” Bradley smacked his friend’s chest. You chuckled and hugged Bradley, “Did you clean?” 
“Yes! And I cooked you a welcome home dinner,” You smiled and Bradley noticed the waffle iron behind you. 
“Chicken and Waffles?” Bradley asked and you nodded. He kissed the top of your head and then moved towards the fresh made waffles and fried chicken on the stove. You weren’t sure when the chicken and waffles tradition started, but it was a meal that the two of you always made when either one would come home. You smiled as you watched Jake and Bradley load plates up full of breakfast type foods and then got your own. 
“That's all you're eating?” Bradley asked you. 
“Can’t eat a lot without getting heartburn,” You said, “Also I need to keep my salt intake down. My ankles are starting to look like the stay puff marshmallow man.” 
Jake bursted out laughing and you glared at him, “Sorry. You look beautiful.” 
“Shut up,” You said and he nodded. 
It was like old times, the three of you sitting around Bradley’s kitchen table, eating dinner and listening to them telling stories about what happened on detachment. You felt at ease, and so did the baby in your belly. She still kept up with her kicking, feeling her move about ten times an hour. Jake’s favorite thing as of late as to put his cheek on your belly and feel her kick against him. The past two nights, Jake had fallen asleep with his face nuzzled into your belly. 
“So. . . have the two of you thought about names anymore?” Bradley asked. After dinner, the three of you had moved into his small living room. You sat on the couch with your legs outstretched and resting in Jake’s lap as he massaged your ankles. Bradley sat on the ground in front of you, with a bowl of popcorn in his lap, as you ran your hand through his curls.
“A couple,” You said, “Still stuck on a couple.” 
“Care to share?” 
“For some reason, Jake likes Bonnie.” 
“After Bonnie Tyler!” Jake objected. 
“Not gonna lie, I like it too, Bagman,” Bradley said and Jake gave you a look. 
“No,” You shot it down, yet again, “I really like Wren,” Bradley looked up at you with a smile, “Your mom had that wren house that looked like a little mansion, and I always loved it. She gave it to me after. . .” 
“I know,” Bradley said and squeezed your hand, “I like Wren.” 
You smiled and leaned your head against the back of the couch. You sighed in content, and closed your eyes, feeling comfortable in the embrace of your two boys. 
— — — 
“I feel fat.” 
“You’re not fat.” 
“I feel like it.” 
Jake sighed as he ran his hand down his face. You had been sitting on the bed in your bra and underwear for nearly an hour now, trying to find some excuse as to not go to the baby shower. Phoenix, Stephanie, and Alyssa had been working on this since the moment you found out you were pregnant. Penny let them use the Hard Deck. And from the sight of your parents kitchen the other day, you know that Stephanie has been baking for days. 
You had been looking forward to the baby shower, but now you were dreading it. You weren’t sure if it was because you were feeling the size of a bus, or if it was because your due date was weeks away. Some of your mom friends told you that it was during the baby shower that they realized that this was really happening. And as you were sitting half naked in your 36th week of pregnancy, you were realizing. . . this is really happening. In four weeks you were going to have to push a baby out. A baby that you were having with your ex. 
“I don’t want to go,” You pouted. 
“Baby, you need to go. Just for a bit,” Jake kneeled down in front of you, “The girls, your mom and Penny have been looking forward to doing this for you. And. . . we kinda need this baby shower cause we don’t have a lot.” 
Jake watched as your face went from a pout to full of anxiety, “Why would you tell me that, Jacob!? Oh my god, our crib isn’t even put together. Do you even know how to put the carseat in!? Holy shit we don’t even-” 
“Hey, hey, calm down, momma,” Jake ran his hands up and down your arms to calm you, “Breathe, it’s okay,” You nodded as you let out a slow breath through pursed lips, “I’m sorry for making you panic. Your dad, Dylan, Mav and the rest of the guys plan on building all the furniture after the shower.” 
“Promise me you won’t let Dylan put the crib together. I don’t trust his furniture building skills after the tree house disaster,” You said and Jake nodded. 
“I promise,” Jake says and helps you up from the bed, “Now, get dressed so we aren’t late.” 
You nodded and walked back into the bathroom to finish getting yourself ready, “Have your parents said anything?” 
“No,” Jake said, “They haven’t even reached out. I told Annie and Charlie about the baby. They’re a little pissed I didn’t say anything earlier, but they are sending a gift.” 
You actually liked Jake’s sisters. At first, you thought they were stuck up, and then all of you went out to a local bar back in Texas. You watched both of them go several rounds on the mechanical bull, and realized that they weren’t that bad. You actually got along better with Anna and Charlotte then you did with Gia. 
“You know. . . Doctor Carpenter can still do a DNA test if you want it done before-” 
“No,” Jake cut you off, and you bit your lip. The topic of paternity testing had only come up twice since the night of the phone call. Once the day Jake got released from the hospital, and at your last doctor's appointment. Both times Jake had shot down the idea of the test, not even wanting to entertain the thought of something his father suggested. 
“It might help patch things-” 
“I am not doing it,” Jake said, feeling his blood pressure start to rise. He took a deep breath and turned to face you, “I don’t want to give him any more fuel to hold over my head, and doing exactly what he wants is going to do that. I trust you, and I trust when you say that this is my baby. You haven’t given me any reason not to.” You nodded and Jake gently lifted your face up to look at him, “I love you,” He said and kissed your lips softly, “Go get dressed.” 
You sighed as Jake walked out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Neither one had talked about the weird relationship you had found yourselves in. You wanted to take things slow, to think about the newborn daughter you were about to have in less than two months, but your body also reacted to all the affection Jake was giving you. It was becoming harder and harder to stand your ground on the ‘just exes who get along’ thing. 
The dress you wore was a baby pink flowy maxi dress. You decided to put your hair back in a low bun, trying to get it off your neck. You told yourself that next time you get pregnant, it was going to be in the summer, so you didn’t have to deal with the hot summers of San Diego. It was the start of June, and you were dreading how uncomfortable you were going to be once July hit. Jake put on a pair of navy blue shorts and a white button up. It was an usual sight to see Jake out of his flight suit or dress uniform, but it was a good sight to see. 
— — — 
There was a bouquet of pink balloons tied to the outside of the Hard Deck, and you could see the parking lot full of cars. You were a little bit nervous about having a baby shower. You didn’t think you knew enough people that would come to one, but Alyssa and your mother assured you that you knew plenty of people who wanted to celebrate you and the baby. Jake parked his truck near the front of the building so it would be easy to load up gifts when the shower was over. 
“Ready?” Jake asked, looking over at you. 
“As ready as I can be at 36 weeks,” You sighed, “I am not wearing a fucking tiara.” 
“No tiaras, got it,” Jake nodded. 
Somehow, you got talked into wearing a tiara. But it was because Stephanie gave you puppy dog eyes and you didn’t want to deal with her pouting. You and Jake split up as you went and greeted guests who had come to the shower. You swore the Hard Deck was packed as if it was a friday night. You were surprised to see friends and family that you hadn’t seen in quite a few years. People that you worked with at your first school in Lemoore were there, your aunts that lived in Virginia flew in, even some of Jake’s academy friends and their wives came for the shower. It made your heart swell seeing so many people gathered to celebrate your daughter. 
“How are you feeling?” Bradley asked, sitting down next to you by a large table covered in gifts. 
“Overwhelmed, but there’s pickle wraps so I’m okay,” You said, popping a pickle wrap in your mouth. Bradley chuckled and looked down at his hands, “How are you?” 
“I’m good. A little sad.” 
“Cause I know my mom would’ve loved to be here,” He looked up at you, his eyes wet with tears, “God, she would’ve been the first one to volunteer herself to plan this whole thing. Hell, she would’ve planned this and lil bug’s first birthday.” 
You smiled and rubbed your belly, “Remember my sixteenth birthday?” 
“How could I forget?” Bradley laughed, “She spent three weeks working on that cake, I swear. Remember prom my senior year?” 
“She really saved the damn day,” You shook your head. 
You were a sophomore in high school and Bradley had asked you to go to his senior prom with him. Carole had been battling cancer his whole senior year, and he had quit most of his extra circulars to take care of her. His friends had ditched him, girlfriends had left him, but you stuck by his side. Carole wasn’t about to let her baby miss out on normal senior year things, like prom. So Bradley asked you to go with him. Everything was perfect, until your dress ripped on the day of prom. You cried as you called Bradley and told him. He was all too prepared to just stay home and watch movies with you, but Carole wasn’t going to allow that to happen. She told you to come over and bring your dress. While Stephanie and your mother did your hair, and Ice helped Bradley fix his bowtie, Carole was stitching up your dress. 
“I have to tell you something,” Bradley said. You nodded and he took a deep breath, “I’m sorry to tell you on your baby shower, but I gotta do it soon rather than later.” 
“If you killed someone, I can’t really help you. Give me like nine weeks and I can help you hide-” 
“I didn’t kill anyone Bug,” Bradley laughed, “I uh. . . I met someone.” 
“You did?!” You gasped, “Like a-” 
“I met a girl,” Bradley smiled and scratched the back of his neck. You saw a blush creep across his skin as you squealed and clapped your hands in excitement. 
“Tell me more!” You said. 
“I met her the other day when I was shopping for a gift. I wasn’t sure what to get and Alyssa said babies can’t play with hot wheels.” 
“You got your dad’s gift giving skills.” 
“Hey!” Bradley shoved you playfully, “So I went to that baby store off of Grand, and I looked lost apparently. She came up to me and I made a complete fool of myself. Bug, you would’ve made fun of me for the next decade if you had been there.” 
“Did you use a pick up line?” 
“I might’ve,” Bradley answered and you bursted out laughing. 
From the other side of the bar, Jake watched your interaction with Bradley. He, of course, knew about the girl that Bradley had met several weeks back. Bradley had actually told Jake the other night about her, and asked him how to tell you. Bradley hardly ever brought girls home, simply because he really didn’t have a real home. He just had you, and your family. He was nervous to bring girls home because he didn’t want them to see him as damaged or having daddy issues. But Bradley could tell. . . this girl was different. Jake felt his heart warm at the sight of the two of you falling back into an old rhythm. 
“Well Bradley, she sounds like a really sweet girl,” You said, “I hope I can meet her soon.” 
“You will soon,” Bradley nodded, “She’s a good one.” 
“Well, if she can survive your dumb pickup lines, then I assume that she is.” 
“Oh whatever,” Bradley rolled his eyes playfully. 
“Hey,” Jake said, walking over to the two of you. He was wearing a pink sash that says ‘future daddy’ on it and he was wearing it with pride, “Phoenix told me to come tell you that it’s gift time.” 
“That’s my cue,” Bradley said, “Congrats, Bug.” Bradley pulled you in for a hug and kissed your cheek, before standing up from the chair. He hugged Jake before going to join the rest of the dagger squad in the back of the Hard Deck. Jake sighed as he sat down in the chair Rooster once occupied. 
“Are you ready to open gifts?” You asked Jake and he gave you a big, bright smile. 
“Of course I am,” Jake said, and rubbed his hands together, “Let’s do this.” 
Phoenix and Stephanie helped give you and Jake gifts to open. You were a bit overwhelmed by how many gifts you were given, but you knew that each and every single one of them was going to be put to good use. Jake looked like a kid on Christmas as he tore through gift bags and boxes, making sure to hold up the item that was inside. He loved the attention, and made sure to put on his best Vannah White impression in showing the gifts off. 
Your parents had given you the rocking chair that was given to your mother from Grandma Kazansky. Phoenix and Alyssa gave you a collection of Doctor Suess books. Bob, Fanboy and Payback all went in on getting onesies, each of them saying that they were the favorite uncle. You were even surprised that Stephanie and Gia gave you a gift, which were matching pajamas for you, Jake and the baby. 
“This one doesn’t say who it’s from,” Stephanie said, handing it to you. 
“Oh, that’s mine,” Rooster said, and you looked up, smiling at him. You should’ve known it was from him by the Hawaiian pattern wrapping paper. You tore the paper off, and took the lid of the box off. You felt your breath catch in your throat as you looked down at the blanket inside. 
“What is it?” Jake asked, looking over your shoulder. 
“I-I,” You sniffled and looked up at Rooster, “My parents swore we lost this when we moved from Virginia. Where did you find this?” 
“It was in a box of things that I saved from Moms,” Rooster said, scratching the back of his neck, “She must’ve found it, and fixed it up, and I tucked it away in a box when she passed.” 
You pulled out the pink and white baby blanket that was inside the box. It was once yours, and you drug it around everywhere you went. Carole actually started calling you ‘Linus’ for the way you always had your blanket with you. It had been through the wringer, it had holes and tattered sides, but it looked like Carole Bradshaw had worked her magic and fixed it. You wiped a tear from your cheek as you looked at the stitching in the corner of it. 
‘To Bug, I’ll love you forever, like you for always. As long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be’ 
You hugged the blanket to your chest and smiled at Bradley. He didn’t say anything but just nodded, understanding what you were saying without you having to verbally say anything. Jake put his hand on your thigh and squeezed it. You looked over at Jake, and then leaned in to kiss his lips. 
“That was the last of them,” Stephanie said. 
“Okay,” Jake said, and then stood up, grabbing his glass of punch from the table beside him, “So, I think I speak for both Y/N and myself when I say that we are very thank-” 
“Did I miss the party?” You didn’t even need to stand up to see who the voice belonged to. You closed your eyes and let out a short breath as Jake scoffed and rolled his eyes. The two people that Jake didn’t want to talk to let alone see in person were now crashing his ex-girlfriend’s baby shower. 
“Mom, Dad. . . what are you doing here?”
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taglist: @materialgirl01 @cherrycola27 @love2write2626 @averyhotchner @xoxabs88xox @nagygreta @bioodforbiood @violyn20 @abaker74 @misshoneypaper @callsign-joyride @auroraboreallisfine @thedroneranger @rosewritesitout @nobody7102 @bradleybeachbabe @wildxwidow @cm27078 @caitsymichelle13 @whisperofsong @bonitanightmxres @maverooster @mizzzpink @khaylin27 @shawnsblue @shelbycillian @sexualparkour @thenewdaysalreadyhere @fandom-princess-forevermore @double-j @momc95 @buxkybarnez @paige-alexandra-may @coffeebooksandfandom @86laura11 @some-lovely-day @ohemgeewhat @itsmytimetoodream @emmaelix @springholland @atarmychick007 @okiegirl24 @i3k2ts @gassyandsassy1 @happierbelle @celestialeviereads @kandierteveilchen
take a look at my next Jake fic:) Bad Medicine
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valentines day kisses | bang chan x male reader
You and Chan had been dating for quite some time now, and you felt it was the right moment to reveal your relationship to the public.
word count: 700
reblogs and comments are always appreciated^^
a/n: it's pretty short.. and only for Chan, but I hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless:)
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Once in a blue moon, Chan would bring you along to his lives, as a treat to both himself and his viewers. As far as they knew, you were a friend from outside of the K-pop industry, and that was beyond exciting for them. Of course, he knew better. To him, you were his wonderful boyfriend, and bringing you along was simply one of the best ways of spending time with you while working.
This particular live was on Valentine’s day, and you had prepared a little surprise for him. Since your three year anniversary being together, Chan had brought up the idea of going public with your relationship a couple times. Over the course of a few months, with much discussion and deliberation with all the other Stray Kids members and the company (he still had duties to fulfill as a leader as much as he did as your boyfriend, after all), he decided that he was ready to come clean to the public whenever you were.
With this in mind, you decided that Valentine's day was the best time to make it happen. You watched as Chan read through comments and responded to few, warming people up for the stream. He sat at the edge of his bed (the bed the both of you were asleep on less than an hour ago), gesturing and chattering animatedly. You sat on a chair at his desk behind the camera, waiting for—
“—and today, I’ve brought along a special guest!”
Your cue. 
“Hello, everyone! It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” You gave your typical greeting as you popped your head into the vicinity of the camera. You sat on the bed next to Chan as he scooted over to make you more space, purposefully sitting close enough to leave little to no room between your bodies. To add to the close proximity, you threw your arm around his shoulder and placed your chin on his shoulder to look at the small screen of his phone together. If Chan went quieter than usual, nobody seemed to notice as the chat filled with greetings for you, which you returned. 
The livestream went on as usual, Chan recommending songs, then you, then taking some requests from Stay, with banter and chatting in between. Only was it about halfway through that the tone shifted. 
“That was ‘Nothing’ by Bruno Major! Definitely a go-to for Valentine’s day. I think it’s your turn to choose a song now, no?” Chan glanced over to you, pink dusting his cheeks at how close your faces had gotten. Your lips curled up to form a cheshire grin. 
“How about ‘Kiss Me’ by Ed Sheeran?” 
“I’m not sure if I’ve heard of that one before… Let’s hear it!” He didn’t seem to suspect anything as he searched for the song, and you took the opportunity of him looking down at his phone to wink at the camera. 
Settle down with me
Cover me upCuddle with me
Lie down with me, yeah
“Oh, it’s this song!” His eyes lit up with recognition as he began to sing along. 
“And your heart's against my chest, Your lips pressed to my neck”
“I'm falling for your eyes, But they don't know me yet”
And your plan was unraveling perfectly.
“And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now”
“Kiss me like you wanna be loved”
Before he could even begin to sing the next line, you leaned in and planted the lightest peck on his cheek — hardly more than a brush of your lips against skin — and pulled back just as quickly. Chan whipped his head around to look at you, eyes wide and lips parted slightly. You merely grinned in response to the shock and leaned in to kiss him once more — only this time on the lips. When you tried to pull away, Chan’s lips chased after yours.
When he finally pulled away, he was flushed and smiling wide. 
“That’s why you were being so suspicious!” He exclaimed, hiding his face in his hands. The red on the tips of his ears was still visible. Adorable. 
It was safe to say, after the stream ended, more kisses were shared. 
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wol-fica · 1 year
-𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 & 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟-
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summary - you and jenna get into an argument about the fact that jenna is putting her work before you.
warnings - swearing, angst, happy ending cause i’m to sappy to break them up over anything except death
Jenna messed up, she knows she did. She made the choice to put her job before her relationship which is why she is in the predicament right now.
Shouting had occurred and a glass on water was smashed, now she is slumped over on the couch with her head in her hands while you took refuge in the guest bedroom.
Jenna sighed, cursing herself out for being such an idiot. How could she let this happen? How could she be such an ass to you, her own girlfriend? Her thoughts invaded her brain so much that she decided to leave and go for a late night stroll.
Stepping out of the apartment, as quietly as she could, Jenna made her way down the hallway to the elevator which she took to the ground floor. After a swift greeting to the receptionist and waving to her neighbor, she exited the building to proceed on her stress-walk.
The sidewalk was lit with the soft glow of the street lamps as she walked, her head leaned down in sorrow. There were some people out, but not one bothered her for pictures or autographs; maybe it was because she looked upset, or no one recognized her as she was kind of hiding her face with her hair.
After about an hour of walking around her apartment building, she finally took a moment to rest on a bench outside of the complex. There, she let her mind take over and let her thoughts finally seep in, remembering what had happened an hour and a half ago.
a little while ago….
“I don’t understand you sometimes,” You said as you washed dishes in the sink while your girlfriend typed away on her laptop.
“Can we not do this now.” Jenna replied, still furiously focused on her computer screen.
“Do what Jenna? Talk? Like normal couples do when they have issues?” You said, waving a sponge around.
“Issues..? We don’t have issues Y/N.”
You slammed a pot down, making her jump slightly as her eyes snapped to you in annoyance.
“Yes, we do, but you are so damn invested in your job that you completely ignore your own relationship half the time.” You snarled, throwing the sponge back into the sink as you stormed past Jenna.
“I’m invested in my job because it’s my job.” She shot back, now standing up to face you, “I have responsibilities you know.”
“Am I not one? Is your girlfriend not a responsibility to you?!”
“Not when she is incredibly annoying!” Jenna scoffed as she crossed her arms angrily, “Why can’t you just shut up and leave me alone?!”
Your face was blank, eyes wide as you stared at Jenna with disbelief. You wanted to cry, to yell, to say something snarky back at her, but your shock at her words left you silent. Slowly, you closed your open mouth and trudged away to the guest room, slamming the door behind you.
back to present…
Jenna’s eyes snapped open, looking up to see you teary eyed and wrapped up in her hoodie as you looked down at her with concern and worry.
“Jenna, come inside.” You said, holding out your shaky hand.
She hesitated to take it, but eventually caved in as the chill of the wind over took her stubbornness. You helped her up, gently pulling her back to the building and leading her back to your room.
The silence was loud, deafening even. While you were calm, Jenna was internally freaking out. Were you about to kick her out with her stuff? Did you plan something for her to embarrass herself with when she would return? What were you thinking about her?
“Honey, please sit down.”
Jenna realized she was now back in your shared apartment, standing awkwardly in the kitchen while you waited for her to sit across from you at the island. Gingerly, she sat down, fidgeting with her hands as a means to keep herself calm.
“I’m not mad.” You said, trying to get her to look at you.
“Why aren’t you.” She asked, her head still down.
You sighed, glancing around for a moment before leaning down to gently grasp her chin.
“Because I now understand how stressed you are.” You replied, caressing her cheek, “You are overworked and tired, and we haven’t had any time with each other for the past two months.”
Jenna’s lip trembled, her eyes slowly filling with tears as you exposed her current state. She felt embarrassed, overwhelmingly embarrassed.
“We haven’t spoken or enjoyed each other as couple’s should, and that is ruining both of us.”
She let out a sob, leaning into your palm as you broke down her walls that have been built up over time. Instinctively needing your touch, she lurched forward into your arms in which you wrapped around her protectively while she cried.
“It’s okay to be vulnerable with me, you know I won’t ever judge you for it.” You whispered, hugging her close to you.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry!” Jenna cried into your shoulder, shaking in your lap.
“I know, and I forgive you.” You mumbled into her hair, placing a kiss there as tears clouded your own eyes.
You both embraced, crying together as a way of cathartic means. The rest of the night was spent side by side where cuddles and kisses were exchanged while Jenna made sure you knew she loved you through thick and thin.
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itsscromp · 6 months
Home for Christmas
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I've decided to give you all a Christmas gift before I sign off for a couple of days. @callofdudes this includes you too. I cant wait to chat with you again soon. Word count:1.2K
You completely lost track on how fast the year went since Price tasked you with helping Farah and Alex. After the mission you went on, you came back to find some of the agents were packing up. "Alex, what's going on ??" You looked at him confusingly.
"It's Christmas y/n" He smiled "They're all getting ready to head back home"
You looked at your phone's calendar, yep it was December alright, now normally this would be cool. But when you contacted Price, you heard that they all made plans of their own, Johnny would Bring Simon to Scotland to meet his family. Gaz has gone back his partner and price was getting ready to head back to london too.
You didn't have any family to go back too, all you had was your empty apartment, probably covered in dust now. Before the 141 you would always go back to your dad and spend Christmas with him, But sadly he died by the time you joined them and all that was left was your mom, but you and her were not on good terms.
Alex could see the sadness in your eyes, was Christmas not the best time for you ?? He sat there thinking what he could do to cheer you up. Then it hit him, What is better then going back home for Christmas ?? Going back home to spend Christmas with your best pal.
He went to your bunk and knocked on the door. "Y/n, Got a second ??"
"Hey Alex, what's up ??" You looked up at him.
"I was wondering, you got any plans for the holidays ??" He leaned against the doorframe.
"Ummm. I was gonna go home.."
"Ba bum, Wrong, try again" He smiled softly.
You grew confused as to what he was offering. "I'll go elsewhere..??"
"So so close, I'll give you a hint" he pointed to himself.
"Go with you for Christmas ??"
"B b b bingo !!!' He smiled, ruffling your hair. "Figured I'd keep you company for the month. Come on it'll be fun"
You were taken aback by the offer, but it made you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
The two began to pack their bags for the plane and then soon they were on their way to Alex's hometown. The crisp winter wait hit your senses. It was a much-needed relief, no snow though but that's not bad still. Alex then booked the car and the two got your luggage and headed on your way. You looked out the window and watched the city go by, Alex lived about a couple of hours away from the main city. "Just quieter there than being here ya' know ??" he turned to you before looking back at the road. "Yeah I get that"
Arriving at his house, you got out and got in a much-needed stretch as you then got your bag from the car, Waiting for Alex to unlock and open the door. Inviting you inside, his place wasn't too bad.
"It ain't much, but it's home" He sighed contently as he dropped his bag on the floor. "Right your room" He smiled and guided you to the neatly presented guest bedroom. "You'll have your own bathroom in here too, so make yourself at home" He smiled as he then went back to the living room, flopping down on the couch and taking his leg off, Letting his kin breathe.
You then unpacked your bag and flopped on the bed, getting a much-needed nap in. A little while later, you were awakened by an... amazing delicious smell. Investigating soon after, you found Alex in the kitchen, cooking delicious steaks for you both. Waddling to the kitchen, you gently pressed your forehead against his shoulder, humming softly.
"Hey buddy, Sleep ok ??' Alex smiled as he rubbed your back.
Nodding against his shoulder you then looked over at the steaks, oh they looked so good to eat right about now. "They'll be ready soon ok ??"
You nodded and then stood back up, helping set the table before he plated you both up. By the god it was easily the best steak you have ever eaten, no steakhouse could rival Alex. After dinner you two decided to decorate the house with Christmas decorations, Alex being the goofball he is, wrapped tinsel around you as you were decorating. "Alex !!" You laughed. "What, you make a great Christmas tree y/n" He smirked.
The rest of the night was filled with giggles before jet lag caught up to you both. You bid goodnight to him before heading to your room, changing into your pyjamas and crashing. The next morning, you woke up to find a certain bestie cuddled up to you. Laying an arm across you to keep you close, drool hitting his pillow. You could only smile and snuggle up to him, deserving a much needed sleep in.
The rest of the vacation was super fun, Alex showed you his freaking gaming room. He had a huge collection !!! You two played video games throughout. It was just an amazing time. But never forgetting, you went out and did some Christmas shopping too, gifts to send to the 141 for when they get back eventually. then a few for Alex. Now what would he like ??
You thought that until you came across a shop window that had a figurine... wait... this was the character he ranted on about, it was his favourite character as a kid. Astro boy. Without hesitating you went inside and got it. After that, you then got a few other things that he might like. Once mailing the 141's gifts to the post office, you headed back and then went to work wrapping them up. Oh, he was going to love this.
Christmas day.
You awoken once again to Alex cuddled up to you, the boy needs his Christmas cuddles !!! You snuggled up to him again and Alex woke up to the slight shifting. "Morning pal" He smiled.
"Hey, Alex... Merry Christmas" You looked up at him smiling softly. The two stayed snuggled up for a little while, you melted as he began to massage your scalp, This was nice.
Once you both fully woke up, you then went to the living room and then sat down in front of the tree, beginning to open your gifts. Alex handed you a small box, He looked really eager for you to open it. Once you opened it, Inside was a snow globe, but inside the snow globe. some figurines looked like... you and Alex. "There was this place in town that can let you get custom-made ones, thought it'd be a fun touch" He smiled as you shook the globe. You placed it down and then hugged him tightly. "I love it" You smiled brightly.
He hugged you back just as tight, It showed how much you meant to him, His best friend.
You then let go and then handed him his gift, you were nervous but also excited. His eyes went wide as he got the paper off. "NO WAY ASTRO BOY !!!" He shrieked and stood up, zooming around with it singing the theme song, making you laugh. Oh he was such a freaking goofball, This was easily the best Christmas you and Alex have ever had.
A/N: Before I sign off, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year, I can't wait to get back on here and see the amazing ideas that will bring me in 2024. :D
Taglist: @callofdudes @fun-k-board
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muzanbloodgalore · 8 months
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Happy Halloween if you celebrate! I decided to post a teaser on this scary day since it's scary how long ive procrastinated on this 😭
Studies|| non-con, MALE READER, overstimulation, choking, degrading, sadism, humiliation, hate sex.
You were an intelligent person, often asked to help with people's work and you tutored and babysat around Japan. You took a break to study independently for a few months. eventually, a middle-aged woman contacted you needing help with her son. It was short notice but you took the chance, her son needed to be helped with his work and to be watched while she left for vacation. You accepted and started to pack your things for tomorrow. The mother said her son was adopted and had a condition where he couldn’t go in the sun, You felt bad when you first heard the information but you kept thinking about what you needed to pack.
Muzan watched his “parents” leave and shut the door, he went up to his room and read his books. Waiting for the day to end so his victim could arrive. Once you made it to the door of the house you knocked gently, waiting there for an oddly long amount of time. The door eventually quickly swung open and a short boy was staring at you. You smiled and greeted him, but he didn't answer and instead stepped aside for you to come in. “quiet kid..” you thought to yourself as you walked in. Muzan looked at you, inspecting your appearance. He walked over to the living room and sat at the kotatsu. You smiled and sat your bag down, sitting next to him at a nice distance but small enough so you could help him. “So, what’s your name?” you asked kindly, he looked at you with his dull blue eyes. “Muzan.” his voice was a little deep but you didn't mind, you gave him your name and he nodded and faced his paper.
The boy started to work and you got out some of your work and did the same, “if you need help just let me know!” you smiled at him and started to work on your stuff. He nodded and worked alone, hem left some questions blank by the end of the page. He gripped the paper and made it crinkle a bit, you looked over and saw him looking frustrated. “Hey hey..what’s the matter? Do you need help?” You asked and looked over at him, he sighed and nodded. You scooted a bit closer to him, looking at what he was struggling with. Muzan seemed to be struggling with math, you smiled and rubbed his back. He swatted your hand off, “Oh- um..-” you mumbled a bit and grabbed your pencil. You and muzan went over the questions he left blank or got wrong. Once he finished he packed the papeQuietay, standing up and going to his room. He seemed mad but you shrugged it off and kept working alone. 
The day passed and the sun started to set, you sat outside for a while on your own. After a couple of hours, it was dark and you went inside. You opened the fridge and looked for something to eat and to make muzan, you grabbed some things and laid them on the counter. His mother said she didn't mind what you made, and muzan didn't eat much, she also mentioned. You closed the fridge and muzan was standing behind it. Staring at you. You flinched and backed up, “muzan..don’t scare me like that!” you sighed and shook your head. He didn't apologize, silently walked and grabbed a glass of water, then left. You cooked dinner for you and muzan, it was some simple sushi. You plated everything and called muzan down. He didn't answer but came downstairs and looked at the food, he sat across from you and poked it with his chopsticks. Seeming disgusted.
Muzan didn’t eat, he just played with his food. He didn't care if you got upset that he found your cooking gross, muzan stood up and left. He was leaving a mess. You sighed and didn't even bother finishing eating, you cleaned up his mess and carried all your stuff to the guest room. Muzan didn't come out of his room anymore so you went to sleep. 
The next morning, muzan was already downstairs doing some form of work. You woke up a little late, Going downstairs you yawned and looked at the boy. He didn't glance at you at all. You shrugged and made breakfast, It was a little dark since you allowed no sunlight in the house.  Today you decided to have a little fun with him, he's always quiet and pretty dry. You thought to yourself and went downstairs, he was reading a book and writing back and forth. You suddenly put a cute sticker on his cheek, he quickly turned to you and started to groan in annoyance. “You should take a break! Youre always working” Smiling at him, he was clearly pissed and you raised a brow. Muzans nails grew and they ripped the page in hid book, he twitched and you were startled. Immediately backing up you watched muzan mutate into an adult. Your heart had dropped into your stomach, he growled and  his eyes looked your body up and down. You were froze but managed to get yourself to sprint away quickly. Muzan had caught you instantly, he pinned you to the ground and snarled into your ear. Picking you up and taking you upstairs to his room, he slammed you on the bed and the pain in your back shot through your whole body. You whimpered in pain and looked up at the beast above you. Weren't you just babysitting a little boy? Your mind couldn't wrap around how he's changed like this.  You crawled away and he dragged you back by your hips, his red orbs burnt into you, he clawed off your clothes and pulled your ass into his bulge. “ i had thought i'd be able to ignore your ignorance. “ he quickly torn the sticker off his chest and ripped his shirt off, his black hair hung and framed his face so nicely. His big hands gripped onto your neck shamelessly.
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Warrior Song 3
Find the series masterlist
We're slowly working our way towards a plot and more interaction, I promise. This is all building up to the fun stuff.
Warnings: Swearing, a bit of manhandling. More swearing.
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You didn’t see Fernando and the Chief again for a couple weeks after that, as Chief resumed his one man mission to rid the ring of Banished. At least, that’s what you assumed his mission was, based on the tales told by the soldiers. 
Really, all you cared about was that there were fewer attacks, and fewer injuries, and healthier, happier people. 
Still no UNSC rescue mission, but. One thing at a time, you supposed.
Beck stopped by one morning to inform you, rather stiffly, that one of the other bases was sending wounded your way, as they were out of supplies. You didn’t ask for more details, and he didn’t offer. You just nodded and got both exam rooms ready for whatever might end up coming through the doors.
But you still didn’t expect three Spartans to walk in. 
You didn’t falter. You merely looked them over, assessing, before addressing them. “Who’s injured?”
“We’ve been assigned to help you relocate.” The voice sounded like a woman, and she dipped her helmet just a little to you. 
“What?” You blanked for a moment, caught completely off guard. 
The three exchanged a glance, subtle but there. This time, a different one spoke, a man. “The decision was made to consolidate all local forces, but you’re needed sooner. There are patients too high-risk to move.”
You swore softly, grabbing your tablet. “Any idea what they need?” It took only a moment to find a serviceable basket, and you started dumping some herbs in to start. 
“Everything.” The response was dry but you had a feeling also accurate. 
You grumbled a little to yourself but started grabbing more things. “Three Spartans for little ol’ me seems like overkill,” you joked, grabbing a second basket to start piling bandages into. 
“Blue Three will escort you,” the man told you. “Blue Four and I will assist with the rest.”
You paused for a moment, looking at the three of them, and then nodded once. “Excuse me one moment.” Stepping past them without waiting for permission, you went into the hallway. “Lindsay, Carter, I need you both for a minute!” 
“Yeah boss?” Lindsay poked her head around the corner of the other exam room. 
“C’mere.” You beckoned her closer, waiting until Carter trotted over as well. “Apparently,” you drawled in a tone just shy of frigid, making Carter wince, “we are moving camp. I need to go ahead, and if either of you worries about me I will assign you to cleaning for the next month. You two will need to pack up and bring what you can. You know what’s irreplaceable, you know what we can live without. I trust your judgment. Okay?” 
“But–” Carter started, already looking stressed.
Lindsay elbowed him. “Okay,” she agreed, holding your gaze steadily.
“Good. Okay. Behave, we have guests. Pretend we have manners.” You shot them both a grin, counting it as a win when Lindsay laughed while Carter only groaned. 
And then you went back to packing, making sure you had the supplies you’d need. Hopefully. Since you had no baseline to go off of, this would have to do. 
“Ready when you are,” you said to Blue Three, the woman who’d spoken before. Your tablet was the last thing to be added right to the top of the basket. 
She nodded and motioned for you to follow, leading the way outside and over to a Warthog. Ensuring that your baskets were settled and not going anywhere, you sat in the passenger seat. 
Honestly, it felt… odd. To be leaving. This had been, more or less, home base for the past months. To be going somewhere else, even somewhere safe, was… weird. Unsettling. It left you feeling a little adrift. 
“I heard you had contact with the Master Chief.”
You very nearly jumped. Blue Three had been driving silently for the past couple hours, and you hadn’t expected the question. So it took you a moment to get past the thundering of your heart to actually realize there had been a question. 
“Yes, I’ve seen him twice. Last time was a couple weeks ago.” You glanced at her. No further question seemed forthcoming, but she did tip her helmet your way. Just enough. “He seemed okay. No major injuries or anything like that.” You paused a moment. “Although he seems determined to take the weight of everyone stuck on this ring.” 
She nodded once, slowly. But her shoulders had lowered a bit, relaxed a little. Apparently she’d gotten what she wanted. 
Well. If you could provide that comfort, you were happy to. 
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he shows up again shortly,” you mused, twisting your fingers together in your lap. “He’d better, anyway. Considering the way I’ve heard he throws himself at problems.”
That elicited a snort, and you sat back in your seat, smug. 
At least until you saw where you were heading. Then you leaned forward, eyes wide, as if that would help your view at all. 
“Is that…?” 
“The Mortal Reverie.” 
“Huh.” You tipped your head to the side. “Wasn’t she lost to the Banished?”
“Until recently.” 
“Chief’s doing or yours?” You looked at her this time, one eyebrow raised. 
She didn’t answer, just glancing your way before driving a little faster. You took that as your cue to shut up. 
Fortunately, nobody tried to give you the full rundown right when you arrived. Instead, Blue Three escorted you straight to medical, along with your supplies. You barely remembered to thank her before diving into your work. 
The head medical officer here was brusque, not that you could blame her, but she seemed polite enough and competent. She at least had no problem updating you on everything going on while the two of you worked on the most precarious patients. 
The retaking of the Reverie did mean more supplies, whatever could be retrieved from the wreckage. Some things, like clothes and soap, were easy enough to find. Medical supplies, though… not so much. 
Carter and Lindsay arrived a few days later, along with the rest of that base, and you started them teaching the other techs how to make and use the plant-based remedies. 
Despite having more room to spread out, Reverie Base felt more cramped. There were more people around, more noise. More soldiers. It made your skin itch, made you twitchy and miserable for reasons that you didn’t want to investigate. 
Worst of all, though, was that your new boss imposed limits. She didn’t let you work all day until you dropped, she didn’t let you sleep in the medical bay. She set a strict eight hour work day, barring emergencies, and actually threw you out a few times. 
Leaving you with empty hours to fill and an ache in your chest. 
It was purely by chance that you heard about the volunteer program to go into the wreckage and scavenge what was available. But you signed up as soon as you could, eager to be doing something. Anything other than have free time. 
You were surprised to get paired up with a Spartan to go digging, though. Actually, it was the same Spartan who had escorted you here. 
“Blue Three, right?” You smiled a little at her as the two of you made your way inside the wreck. “Or do you prefer I call you something else?” 
“Blue Three is fine. Or Kelly.” Lights on either side of her helmet flipped on as you got further in, while you were stuck with a handheld light. 
For a while, the two of you worked in silence. Parts of the ship were untraversable, too unstable or just plain wrecked. And what you could get to was grim work, prying open compartments to get at anything useable. 
Kelly at least seemed pleased to have found some ammo. 
“Crew quarters are this way,” she said, looking ahead. At a minor gap. It wasn’t too bad, really. You had no doubt she could jump it easily. 
You, on the other hand. You stared at the gap as if it were a thousand feet deep. “I’ll find an alternate way around,” you offered, a little faint.
She turned to look at you, making you yet again very aware of the unbelievable height of the Spartans. Then she stepped closer to you. “Try not to scream in my ear.”
Before you could protest, she scooped you into her chest (ow, armor) and made the jump. As if you weighed nothing. 
Well. Shit. 
“Next time, give a gal some warning?” you asked as your feet touched the floor again. 
Kelly made no promises, but you could feel the armor moving as she… stifled laughter? Was she laughing at you?
Damn. And you couldn’t even really complain. 
“Are we looking for anything in particular?” you asked, turning away and starting forward. This was going to suck. 
“Anything useful.”
“So, an extra sense of humor.” You couldn’t help the quip, you really couldn’t. 
“Depends on your definition of useful.” She didn’t even hesitate, and you wheezed for a few moments with delighted startled laughter.
It didn’t take long to get to crew quarters, and you split up, each taking a room to start looking. Clothing, tablets not completely broken, anything of use all went into the bag you carried. But you carefully set aside anything personal. 
That wasn’t your burden to carry. 
Once your bag was bulging, you went to find Kelly, and paused outside the door. She was knelt on the floor, bag open next to her. 
Unsure what had her hesitating, you deliberately knocked your foot against the floor, letting it ring hollow in the otherwise still air. She didn’t jerk, but she did lift her head and then stand, scooping up the bag. 
“Suppose we have to jump across to get back,” you mused, looking back the way you’d come. 
“Negative. There’s an alternate route down.” 
You turned to stare at her, incredulous. “Then why did you grab me and jump across?”
She shrugged, massive shoulders twitching, voice bland. Almost too bland. “It was faster.” 
You squinted at her. “One of these days…” you muttered in a vaguely threatening tone. “Fine. Which way?”
“Follow me.” She strode ahead, and you scrambled for a moment to keep up. 
The two of you were nearly out when she paused, glancing back at you. “Why did you volunteer for this?” 
You blinked, caught off guard by the question. “What?”
“You work full shifts at medical. Why volunteer for this too?” 
You huffed, putting your hands on your hips as you debated the best way to answer. Uneasiness stirred in your gut, reminders of everything gone wrong, and you swallowed. “Best to stay busy,” you settled on. “It’s easier.” Taking a deep breath, you shrugged. “What about you? I would have figured someone like you would have more important things to do.” 
She shrugged again. “Making sure you don’t get killed,” was all she said before striding off again. 
And that? That was… both flattering and humbling. In the extreme. You weren’t sure how to respond to something like that. So you didn’t, just following her back out into the sunshine.
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nclgsticore · 2 years
𝐥𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐱 𝐝𝐞𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐞 𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Credit to GIF owner. GIF is not mine <3
'𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝟖' 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Summary: Reader overthinks about her relationship with Lou and Debbie, and locks herself alone until the couple had to ask for their best friend's help, Tammy
Warning: Overthinking R!, Little!Reader, Daddy!Lou, Mommy!Debbie, angst, a little sad but cute fluff in the end
Y/n's POV
"LOUISE FUCKING MILLER! GIVE ME MY BLOODY PHONE BACK YOU MILF!" I ran across the room, chasing this motherfucker who snatched my fucking phone from my hand.
"IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE, I'LL GET TO DEB'S PLACE AND FUCKING HER BRAIN OUT OF HER VAGINA WITHOUT YOU!" She stopped running around before walking back to me, panting and laughing.
"Fine. Take it back you milfy whore." She spats my face before handing back my phone.
"It seems like only Debbie can scare you. Huh, scaredy-cat?" Her face's fuming red right now but I don't give a damn about it. I love teasing her. Well, I'm just her and Debbie's toy girl. So I know they'll get rid of me if they're bored of me right?
"Sorry. I should've not said that to you. She's your wife, of course, you'll be a bit scared of her. I'm such a fool." I apologized before walking upstairs, leaving Lou standing in the living room, confused and feeling not right.
I walked into my room, well it's a guest room, I'm just spending some time with Lou since Debbie's a bit busy these days and she asked me to keep Lou accompanied.
I realised who am I to them. We knew each other since the Toussaint's heist, but they're bloody married and I'm attached to both of them. So I'm considered just a fuck toy for both of them. I am ready if they wanted me out of their lives plus, they never needed me unless one of the called me for anything.
I closed the door slowly before lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I am thinking until when am I going to be like this? Do they even love me? Or I'm just a slut? I can feel tears streaming down my face, hitting the pillows underneath me.
I just laid there, threw my phone on the floor, ignoring the fact that it'll crack the screen and just laid down, feeling hurt when I thought about this. I think they don't need me anymore.
Lou's POV
What just happened? Y/n just left me like that? She was okay a minute ago, and now she's suddenly changed into an unexplainable mood. Did I say something wrong?
I walked upstairs while ringing Debbie. Once I reached her, I told her to come home since she was done with anything she was up to. She understood the situation before telling me that she'll be here in an hour.
I approached y/n's room before hearing sobbing and little sniffles. What is going on right now? I'm confused. Well, sometimes I can be stupid and slow, but this time around I am really blanking out!
I knocked on y/n's door before asking,
"Honey, a-are you okay? Can I-I come in honey?" No answer. I am still confused to hell so I decided to wait for Debbie to come home. I sat in front of the room, still hearing cries from the room which it broke my heart because I don't know why my baby's crying.
Once Debbie's home, I ran to her explaining what happened. She thought for a while before responding.
"Okay, the part where she said that I'm the only one you scared, did you notice any change in her expression? Like sudden guilt, sad or she suddenly get quiet?" She asked me.
"She suddenly zoned out for a second before continuing, Deb. Ad then she apologised and said you're my wife, that's why I should be scared of you a little." She nodded and I just released a loud sigh before she turns back to me.
"I think she's overthinking again, don't you think? She's 25, and we're 43 and 45. Don't you think she's belittling herself?" Aaaaa.. I get it. Why am I so stupid?
Both of us walked upstairs and stopped in front of y/n's room before Debbie knocked on the door again before persuading y/n to open the door.
"Y/n honey, open the door sweetheart. Mommy's home, come give mommy a hug darling... I missed you princess..." Debbie's words always work because y/n's much more attached to Debbie compared to me. Well, Debbie is more to a motherly figure to her, I'm bad at persuading people.
Still no answer. Debbie turned to me, looking worried when the crying is still there, but y/n's not responding.
"Lou, go downstairs and call Tam. Maybe Tam can help. Go." She ordered me. I walked down, searching Tammy's number before calling her.
"Hellooooo! What's up Lou?"
"Tam, me and Debbie need to ask you a favor. Can you come to our place right now? It's y/n..." I pleaded hoping it's a yes.
"Aaaaa.... sure! Wait, gimme 10 minutes. I'll be there. Wait for me."
"Thank you Tamtam..."
"No problem, love..."
I hang up before sitting down on the couch, waiting patiently for Tammy to arrive. Once she's here, I invited her in and walked straight to y/n's room. My god, she's still crying but harder this time. Tammy walked to the door before starting to talk to y/n.
"Darling... open the door love... It's me... Tamtam... Open the door for me please..." Surprisingly suddenly the sobs starting to sound closer before we heard a click from the doorknob, and y/n opened the door, pulling Tammy in and shut the door back, not locking it back this time.
Me and Debbie were confused to hell right now. We just walked downstairs, waiting for Tammy to finish the coaxing session.
Tammy's POV
I hugged y/n before lifting her to the bed, laying both of u together and hugged her tightly, trying to cool her down.
"What's wrong princess? You make me, Debs and Lou worried to hell baby... Tell me darling.." She looked at me before breaking down again.
"D-does L-Lou and D-Debs still love m-me?" Oh, I see what's going on here. She's feeling down right now... I hold her chin softly, lifting her face to look at me. Tears still making their way down y/n's angelic face before I answered to her question.
"Baby... Lou and Debbie loves you more than they loved each other, honey. You should look how worried they were each time you got into trouble, how Debbie cried if you're in pain, how Lou pacing across the room if you have an exam, how both of them panicked when you've gotten into an accident 2 years ago, baby.. They love you so much y/n..." Y/n's eyes flickering like a baby, feeling lost.
I kissed her forehead, caressed her cheeks softly while rubbing small circles on her back, cooling her down. She tightens her arms around my waist, burying her face on my chest, holding for life.
We sat like that for a while before I looked at the time, I need to go.
"Y/n baby... I need to go because the kids will be home anytime soon okay? Do you want me to call both of them for you?" She looks up and nodded softly.
I laid her properly on the bed before heading out the room, leaving the door open. I walked downstairs, seeing Debbie and Lou worried face and gave me a 'how?' look.
"She asking for both of you bitches upstairs. I'm gonna head home now, the kids will be home soon. Bye bye..."
"Thank you Tammy, both of us appreciated it so much. Sorry for disturbing you okay?"
"Nah, nothing big." Both of them hugged me before pulling back and I walked out the house while Debbie accompanied me to the door, said our goodbyes and I drove home.
Debbie's POV Lou pulls my hand before dragging me upstairs. We saw y/n's in bed, curling in a ball, zoning out which it hurts to watch our baby this sad.
I get under the covers, letting y/n snuggles her head in my chest and Lou spooned y/n from the back, making y/n sandwiched between us before she relaxed herself, leaning her back against Lou.
"W-will both of y-you get rid o-of me when you're already b-bored with me?" Me and Lou looked at each other with a shocked face when y/n suddenly says that.
"What? No no no, baby... Mommy and Daddy won't get rid of you, princess..." I explained before kissing her forehead and stroking her head, making her hum.
"Who says that we'll get rid of you, baby? Tell us..." Lou asked before y/n looked at both of us and said,
"You don't have time for me anymore.... I'm lonely...." She whined before burst out crying... Now I felt bad.
"Awww.. baby.. Mommy and Daddy are sorry okay? Don't cry honey... I'm sorry...." I begged before she turns away and lay on her stomach, crying into the pillows. Lou sat up before pulling y/n, straddling her waist while y/n's still pushing Lou away. Lou tightens her grip before hugging y/n tightly in her arms, making y/n can't move anywhere.
She just melted into Lou's arms before crying silently.
"Daddy's sorry okay honey? I didn't notice that you're feeling like this. I'm so sorry sweetie...." I never see this side of Lou. She's always the one who'll never persuade y/n because she sucked at it. But now, she's the one cooling the little lady down.
I slowly crawled to both of them, hugging y/n from behind and kissed her shoulders softly.
"I'm sorry okay baby? Forgive both of us darling? Please?" I begged, hoping she'll forgive both of us. She just hummed before burying her face in the crook of Lou's neck, melting in.
We sat like that for a while before I pull back and Lou laid y/n in between us. Both of us hugged y/n in place before falling asleep in each others embrace.
"I love both of you so much..."
"We too..."
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dozing-composing · 6 months
Ur single handedly keeping the venture bro fanfics alive and honestly I love you for that thank you for all you do ❤️❤️🫡🫡
😭😭😭 I Literally Love Y'all So Much! You Guys Keep Me Going. Every Time I Log On, My Inbox Is Full And My Posts Are Blowing Up. And, We Hit Over 50 Followers! I Did Not Think I'd Get This Far, Much Less With My Previous Milestone Of Over 20. So As A Thank You, I'm Going to Gift Y'all A Little Holiday Special Featuring Our Favorite Henchman. I Hope You All Enjoy, And Of Course... Happy Holidays!
𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: "(Glittery -Kacey Musgraves, Troye Sivan)" 0:09 ━●────────── 2:47 ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷
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ᴏʜ, ꜱᴏ ɢʟɪᴛᴛᴇʀʏ
Warnings: Vulgar Language, Possibly OOC It's Christmas, and your boyfriend is nervous to give you a gift of a lifetime. ☆GN!Reader
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house A few creatures were stirring, each person arouse The mansion was decorated with garland and tinsel, In hopes that the air was more merry and blissful
It came as a surprise when The Mighty Monarch was hosting a Christmas party, albeit a small one consisting of himself, his wife, Gary, and one special soon-to-be guest: you. The whole house was furnished in Christmas decorations, making the place look jolly and bright. Everyone was surrounded by bells, wreaths, ornaments, and more. It was actually Sheila's idea to throw such a festivity. "To bring us closer together," was her reasoning. "And to give us a damn break from all Guild operatives." Still, everyone agreed and took this minute to breathe. All except for Gary, who was stressing beyond something mad. See, he had plans for this one particular person. Someone he's loved since that faithful day they met. He still has that coffee cup sleeve from the first date you both went on. A couple of days before the party (or rather, a small get-together), he had been looking for advice from his boss. Which became a lesson learned to not ask him. "But what if (Y/N) doesn't like it?" "THEN YOU MAKE THEM LIKE IT-" And then he gave the infamous "I'm The Mighty Monarch" speech, ranting that if it were up to him, you would faint on the spot because it was from him. Gary walked out in the middle of it. He then went to ask Sheila, who told him something that really seemed to help. "Listen, Gary. The only reason (Y/N) won't love your gift is if they don't love you." This really stuck with him. And she was right. But, there was still one other thing... What will you say?
There was no reason to get nestled and snug in their beds, While thoughts of cheeriness danced in their heads The Monarch in his cloak and Gary in his sweater, Were trying to keep calm and get things together
Seconds ticked by, and you had yet to show up. Minutes turned to hours. The night nearly escaped from them. But The Monarch wouldn't allow it. Being fed up by waiting and waiting, he slammed his fists down and arose from his seat. "Fuck this! I'm not going to sit around anymore and wait for someone for this stupid 'party' that isn't even a party to begin with!" He throws his hands up and waves them around as he exits the room. Sheila gets up to follow him. "Sweetie, it's also a big night for Gary. You don't want to support your best and only henchman?!" Her voice fades out as she leaves to catch up to him. Gary sat at the kitchen table, alone with his thoughts once more. The snacks that were laid out appeared to have gone to waste. He sighs and rests his face on his hand. A million thoughts passes through his mind. Maybe you're not ready yet. Maybe you got caught in traffic. Maybe you got caught in the snow. But if that was the case, wouldn't you give him a call? Wouldn't you be letting him know what's making you so late? Maybe this was a huge mistake... No! Despite his frustration, he fights to stay positive. You're just running late. No way would you ditch him. You would jump at the chance to spend time with him. Especially now during the holidays. He just had to give you more time.
When out on the street there arose such a clatter, He sprang from his seat to see what was the matter Away to the window he flew like a flash, Threw open the curtains and saw what caused the clash ...
Being so deep in thought caused more time to pass by. Each agonizing thought made the seconds etch by quicker. He was about to give up and call it a night, when all of a sudden... SCREECH! It was a short, but loud sound. A staccato of car tires stopping. Then came the sound of a car door closing. He jumped up and ran to the window. Instantly, he ripped away the curtains to see if it was you. And sure enough, it was! His eyes lit up as he released the curtains and dashed to the door. You couldn't even lift a hand to knock before Gary had swung it open. "(Y/N)!" He reaches out and pulls you in for a great bear hug. You smile, feeling the warmth radiating off him. It fades a little when he pulls away as quick as he pulled you in. "I was starting to think you gave up on us!" You look down in shame. "I.. tried to call but the reception out here is shoddy. I got lost and couldn't get ahold of you," you explain. You look up to see Gary's eyes full of understanding. "I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean for this to happen." You awkwardly clench at your coat sleeves. "Hey, hey. It's okay! Look-" He eases your hands in his. "I'm glad you made it," his eyes reflected the light outside. It made your heart melt. That's probably your favorite part of him. The way they always seem to reflect the light. Even in darkness, they'll never lose their glimmer. "Come on, it's freezing out here!" He leads you inside and takes your coat. Already, you feel out of place. This is the first time you've ever come out here, and to finally see this gorgeous mansion on the inside made you feel small. "It's beautiful," you whisper. "How come I've never visited you out here?" You turn to him. He shrugs, then rubs the back of his neck. "It's complicated." With that, he takes you and shows you around. Each room is more breathtaking than the last. And thankfully, you're distracted enough to not see how fidgety Gary was getting. Or so he thought. When he led you out to the balcony is when you caught on to his nervousness.
... The moon on the breast of new-fallen snow, Gave the luster of mid-day to to objects below When what to your wondering eyes appear, You boyfriend all shaken and taken by fear ...
"...Are you oka-" "GREAT! I'm great. Are you cold? I should have brought your coat back. I should probab-" "Calm down, Gary. I'm fine," you gently grab his hand. Your turn to lead. You take him to the railing. Letting his hand go, you lean over and look out. He does the same. Snow covers the ground, everything blanketed in white. The sky is surprisingly clear for it to be in the city. You take a glance back at Gary to see he's white-knuckling the rail. Everything about him is suddenly tense. You place a hand on one of his, accidentally startling him. You look at him worriedly. "Gary, something's clearly bothering you. What's the matter?" ... With his brain working overtime and thoughts flying quick, He knew in a moment that this must be it More rapid than eagles this time surely had came, Now here he stood, gift in hand, and asked you by name ...
He takes in a deep breath, then clasps onto your shoulders. "I love you. You know that right?" You cock an eyebrow. "Of course! Why would you ask something like thi-" "Because I love you so much," he starts. "I love the way you smile at the little things. I love that you laugh at anything and everything. You're so sweet, and you're quick to help out whenever you can," his grip on you loosens more after each word falls out his mouth. "Y-you are like, the highlight of my life. You helped me through a lot," his hands travel down your arms to lock with your hands. "We even fought tooth and nail to be with each other." You laugh at the thought. But when you found out he had to move to New York, your heart broke. So you did all you could to maintain a long distance relationship. And you eventually saved up enough to move there, even if you lived in a small apartment. "And most importantly, you loved me for who I was. E-even before my transformation." Your eyes begin to water as you give a slight giggle. You remember the way he first looked, but you didn't care. You loved him for him. His geekiness only added to his attractiveness. "And for the past few years, we've gotten to know each other so well that..." He gets down on one knee. "I wanted to give, er... Ask something special of you," he pulls out a velvet box from his pocket. His heart begins to race. Your hands fly to your mouth and your eyes grow to the size of dinner plates. Your heartbeat matches his. "(Y/N)," he lifts the top of the box to reveal a stunning, sparkling ring. "Will you-" "Yes!" You throw yourself on him and wrap your arms around his neck, almost knocking him over. You both burst into tears. After having a little happy cry fest, you both got up. He then slid the ring on your finger. You both share a much-loving kiss under the stars. The hardest part is over, he thought. ...
They spoke not a word, but went straight to surprise, And opened the balcony door to see their prize And they were happy seeing the two side by side, And were excited to see that you had not denied ...
You both were about to head back inside to warm up, but you were met with the other power couple. "Congratulations!" Dr. Mrs. The monarch walked up to give you a hug. "Now let me see that rock," she lifts your hand up to inspect your ring. All while you two banter, The Monarch shares a few words with his loyal henchman. "I knew you had it in you, you dog!" They exchange their secret handshake, to which makes Mrs. Monarch give them a disappointing look. Everyone starts to head back inside. Everyone except for you. Gary sees you stalling and goes over to see what you were waiting for. "You okay?" It took a moment for you to register that he had said something. "Yeah, I just... had to collect myself," you grasp at your heart. And then there's a small pause. "I'm going to marry the love of my life!" You flap your hands and bounce on your tippy toes. You are just exploding with pure happiness. "Me too!" You share another kiss, holding each other's faces. Then he draws back and rests his forehead against yours. "I guess this means I'm not your boyfriend anymore," he chuckles. "Gary, you're such a dork." "Yeah, but I'm your dork," he boops your nose. After that, you go in to finally party. Thankfully, there was a bottle of champagne that was saved for special occasions such as this. Everyone had their glasses full, and everyone commemorated the newly engaged. "Merry Christmas, my dear," you kiss Gary's cheek. The other two "aww" to this display off affection. Your fiancé's face turns almost as red as the bows arranged on the wreaths. The rest of the night is spent with joy and laughter. You're very excited to be joining the family. ...
Everyone sprang to the inside to celebrate this new chapter, And away they all honor you joining hereafter And there they make a toast, all doused in Christmas light "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!" ...
Again, Thank You All So Much For All The Attention You Give Me. I Cannot Thank You Enough. Much Love To Everyone This Holiday Season! You're All The Best Gift I Could Ever Ask For!
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topguncortez · 2 years
Congrats on 3k!!
Can I get ❛ it was a nightmare, that’s all. ❜ with Rooster pls & ty!
pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw & Alex Seresin note: takes place during the time that Bradley had to babysit while Jake and Y/N have Ella warnings: nightmare, TopGun themes, cannon character death, birth Rooster Masterlist | Opposites Attract Masterlist Main Masterlist 3 fucking K celebration
Rooster had been taking care of Alex for a little over a day now. According to Jake, Y/N's labor was progressing slower than they thought. They both expected to be in and out of the hospital within hours, but Babygirl Seresin was proving that she was going to be quite the diva by taking her time.
Bradley didn't mind having Alex in his care, he actually liked having someone around. The house got lonely when it was just him by himself. Jake and Bradley had actually gotten pretty close post-Uranium Mission, and he had spent a couple weeks with the Seresins before they had to go back to Lemoore. Bradley was beyond happy when the Dagger Squad got permanently stationed in San Diego, and they moved back.
Currently, Alex was sleeping in Bradley's bed since he didn't have a guest room setup. Rooster guessed that if he was going to be the baby sitter for the Seresins, he should probably make his guest room into an actual bedroom and not just a large closet. Bradley was watching the football game silently on TV, his ears trained in case he heard the three year old get up.
A small whimper left Alex's lips as he tossed and turned about in the large bed. The blankets felt tight around his small body. The loud groans he had heard from his mother were replaying in his mind as he tried to shake them out. Images of Uncle Ice's funeral, the loud jets roaring over head and the tears of his aunt and uncles faces. The way his dad held him close to his chest. The grey color of headstones showed up in his vision. The dream was terrifying as Alex was screaming out for his parents, but they were taken farther and farther away from him. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he sat up in bed and screamed for Rooster.
Bradley had been half asleep when he heard the loud cry. He sprang up from the couch and went sprinting down the hall. His heart broke at the sight of the little boy with tears streaming down his cheeks, and sobbing.
"Alex," Bradley said, and walked over to the bed. He grabbed the little boy in his arms and held him close to his chest. He remembered what his mother once did when he had nightmares, and swayed him gently, while rubbing his back.
"Rooster," Alex sobbed out and Bradley shushed the little boy.
"It's okay, buddy. It's all okay. It was a nightmare, that’s all. Nothing is gonna hurt you," Bradley said. He could feel Alex's heart pounding in his chest. He was shaking as if he were soaking wet.
"Can you tell me what happened?" Bradley asked him.
"M-my mommy and daddy were hurt," Alex sniffled, "I couldn't get to them. They left me behind. My daddy's head was bleeding."
Rooster closed his eyes. He could remember the nightmares he had after his father's death. He was the same as age as Alex when the accident had happened. Carole hadn't told him a whole lot of what happened, just that Goose tried to eject but hit his head really hard. That small amount of detail was enough for three year old Bradley's mind to go rampant. For almost a straight month, Bradley woke up screaming, seeing the image of his father's bloodied face behind his eyes.
"You know that's not real," Bradley said, "Your mommy and daddy are okay. Your daddy is alright. He is with your mommy having Ella."
"Do you miss your daddy, Uncle Rooster?" His voice was so small as he asked and Bradley felt his own throat start to close up.
"Of course I do," Bradley answered, truthfully. What he really wanted to say was 'every damn day' but he couldn't curse in front of a three year old. The ghost of Carole Bradshaw would come smack him upside the head.
"Do you think he misses you?"
"Yes I do," Bradley did wonder at one time in his life if Goose missed him. If Goose were to come back alive somehow, would he come and find Bradley. Would he hug him like he used to and kiss his cheek? Would he call him his 'little buddy' and take him out for ice cream? Would he even recognize his own son?
"Do you think he'd like me? Cause I think I'd like him."
Bradley smiled, "Of course he would. Everyone loves you," He tickled the boy, his giggles filling the room, "My dad would've made you laugh so hard your tummy hurt, and then take you out to get ice cream. My mom would tell him to not let us have ice cream for dinner, but we'd still do it anyway. He'd show you all you need to know about radios, and radars, and how to help Mav stay out of trouble. He'd teach you how to throw the perfect curve ball, he's a four time state Baseball champion. He said he would've played in college if he didn't fall so in love with my mom. He'd also teach you how to Hotwire a car at a really young age, which isn't something you need to know."
Bradley didn't realize while he was talking that Alex had slowly started to doze back to sleep, until he heard soft snores coming from the little boy's mouth. Bradley chuckled softly at the little boy, and then very carefully maneuvered him so he was sleeping back on the pillow. He tucked Alex into bed, and placed the teddy bear back under his arm. Bradley kissed the little boy's forehead and whispered a goodnight, before going back to the couch.
Bradley laid on the couch for a moment, staring up at the ceiling fan and thought about his parents. He wondered if they were watching him, and knew that he had patched things up with Maverick. He wondered if he knew that he had found a family to love and be a part of it.
That night, for the first time in a long time, Bradley Bradshaw had a good dream about his parents. He fell asleep with a smile on his face.
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