#I just think karl deserves someone who is Obsessed Obsessed
yannfredericks · 4 months
karl jenkins is one of my favourite members of the gang and one of my favourite things to do is give him a bf who is absolutely obsessed with him!!!!! karl spends like his whole life third wheeling yolly and scorbus and having crushes on all of his friends and so I present matt wood who has been in love with him since like second year and is so obsessed with him that he gets a rain cloud above his head whenever he thinks karl likes someone else
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yuikomorii · 1 year
i literally want to know your opinion on Ruki because this man is insufferable. he acts like he is mighty and intelligent but ayato is better than him. I will not forget what Ayato do the sacrificial brides because he also deserves a punishment but I know he will accept it ( we only need to see how he reacts to the revelation of all his mother’s bad treatments and how he forgave her quickly and when he said to KarlHeinz that he is going to beat him because of all the things he did to other people = yeah… Ayato thought about all victims of KarlHeinz in the final battle + when he said to Laito he can count on him even if he hates him + how is Ayato in LE …) which means Ayato is deep down humble and is full of regrets and guilt and wants the best for everyone
// Ruki is my second best boy, but the only times he's likeable are in his own routes and in Azusa's LE one; otherwise, he's a terrible person, and saying Ayato is better than Ruki is not an opinion, but a fact.
Nonetheless, it's perfectly reasonable to say that Ayato isn't your cup of tea because you prefer Ruki, who is a more complex character because he's so dual: cold-hearted in general but such a sweetheart in his routes (those are reasons why I love him too).
It was confirmed in an official short story that all Ayato did to the previous sacrificial brides was feed off them, which is understandable given that he needs blood to survive and humans are simply prey to vampires. I'd rather blame those who tortured the brides (I suspect Kanato and Laito) and, especially, the Church for sending them to a house full of demons.
Ayato and Ruki are basically in antithesis. Rejet describes Ayato as "the friendliest and most approachable DO-S," whereas Ruki is described as a fake person, in their first character sheet. Ayato is according to Laito a pure-hearted and upright person, therefore he is very prone to love unconditionally, not only his S/O but also his brothers or even Cordelia, whereas Ruki might be relatively smart and calculated but he is so obsessed with Karlheinz and his plan that he would betray his brothers without thinking twice.
The thing that bothers me the most about Ruki is not that he’s a snake in other routes, but that he never faces consequences. He can ruin someone’s life and nobody would confront him.
Take a look at Ayato’s LE route, when Yui found out Ruki’s and Reiji’s plan, Ruki was there smiling at her while he calmly said that he plotted her man’s downfall and he also added “I suppose now you hold a grudge against me” and Yui was like “Not at all, I do understand that you must have had a hard time accepting that Karlheinz-sama chose him”, which honestly was such a bad move. It feels like Ruki manipulated her to say something so stupid because I'm sure Yui would have called him out for his bad behavior, and it would have been far more Yui-like to say “I understand your motives and I get that you must have had a hard time accepting that Karlheinz-sama chose Ayato-kun, but your actions were still wrong and this could have been solved in another way.” Don’t just let that slide because jealousy will never be an excuse to drive someone to end it all.
Furthermore, is it just me, or does Ruki refuse to accept reality? Or maybe he's just unhealthily delusional.
Ruki regards himself as "someone who has always been afraid of getting his hands dirty"... Are you for real? I'm not even going to mention other routes, but he was a little devil as a child. He abused and humiliated his own servants, and he was likely the cause of a young girl drowning. Are you serious when you say you're afraid of being unfair and dishonest when you've done heartless things since you were a toddler??
He tries so hard to excuse Karl and even convinced himself and his brothers that he gave them a second chance to redeem himself from his atrocious acts, which is not true at all because he used them as mere pawns. I can’t deny that thanks to him all four of them met but at the same time someone should have given them a reality check in order to stop worshipping someone who doesn’t deserve it. “What that man did was incredibly devastating but every cloud has a silver lining because I was able to meet you guys” sounds way more normal than the actual “That man might have tried to redeem himself, that’s why he gave us our lives back” that was written in the route.
The fact that he quickly excused Karl's actions also makes him appear very uncompassionate. When he met his father, who had been turned into a ghoul, he told him that Karlheinz had killed a lot of people in order to turn them into ghouls, but Ruki dismissed that because Karl had given him and his brothers a second chance. He doesn't care about all the victims, or how many people suffered as a result of Karl's selfish actions; he's just glad HE got it better than them.
Going back to Ayato, his hatred towards him is unnecessary and makes Ruki look very puerile.
Even in MB, his job was to tempt Eve, not to degrade Adam. He dared to tell Ayato “That’s why nobody loves you” and got stabbed afterwards, so how dumb can you be to literally provoke a vampire way stronger than you are with something that triggers him?? Ruki knew exactly what he was doing, he was aware Ayato was insecure about not finding someone to love him and the fact he used his insecurities against him is pathetic.
I also don’t understand why he holds such a grudge against Ayato when he did nothing wrong to him. I understand that he might find him annoying since the feeling is mutual but a truly smart person would ignore such people rather than making matters worse. Ruki acts as if Ayato is the source of all his misfortune, even though he had no idea who Ruki was before MB, lol.
I'm sure if he apologized or at the very least, showed some —empathy—, fewer people would dislike him. Even Reiji, who’s an envious and proud individual, regretted what he did to Shu and Yuma at some point because he knew it was wrong but Ruki absolutely never felt any sort of guilt for what he told and did to Ayato, even though Ayato was visibly worried for him when he fainted in CL.
I know this fandom likes to portray Laito as the most cruel Diaboy, but I think Ruki takes the cake. It’s undeniable that Laito harmed many people, but unlike Ruki, he was actually shown remorseful about it. Sometimes I even wonder how would Ruki react to an antagonist as insufferable as he is in other routes. I seriously doubt he'd handle well getting a taste of his own medicine.
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itsstrange · 1 year
Karl Urban/reader story
Best friends for about 10 years. He is off doing a movie when she gets an invite for a function (you decide what). Calls him to see if he would be available to be her plus one. He say maybe but unsure.
He shows up late and helps with an ex who is harassing her (you decide how)
Fluff and ditching a little after to go hang out at home
A/N: I know you requested other ones before this one but I just had to publish this one first since I pictured this request all too clearly and was very excited about this one tbh, so hope u don’t mind this one being published first, your previous request(s) will soon be published love!! Hope You Enjoyed this one! 💚✨
To 10 Years and More
Fandom: The Boys
Relationship: Karl Urban x Reader
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: (No) Fluff, Slight Mention of Harassment, Mention of Alcohol, Comforting, Confessions, Kissing, Karl being an Absolute Gentleman, Friends to Lovers.
Enjoy! 💚✨
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Together with their parents,
Rubie Jardin and Tomas Lockwood.
Joyfully invite you to celebrate their Wedding!
November 16, 2022
At 5:00 PM
The Colonel Ballrooms, 7577 Jacobs Ave.
See You There!
It read on the invitation that was currently in your hands, which you have been staring at for the past 10 to 20 minutes. Still can’t believe she’s doing it. You tell yourself as you continue to stare at the invitation. You weren’t gonna lie, the invitation was rather beautiful, its color was matte black with golden leaves as a frame, something that definitely screamed Rubie. She was obsessed with those two colors, you also wouldn’t doubt it if her dress turns out to be the same color, yet you wouldn’t worry too much about criticism she’d receive from the guest, that woman can rock anything and everything.
She did win Prom Queen after all.
Another disbelief, yet happy, scoff leaves your lips as you continue to stare at the invitation, still not quite believing it. It became realistic at the bachelorette party, but now, just a few days away, it all just seems like a dream. Never in a million years did you think, Rubie Jardin, your high school bestie, your rebel half, your partner in crime would ever get married, but here you are, staring down at the invitation to her very own wedding that would happen in a couple of days. You never really thought she’d settle down, she never picked you as the type to tie the knot with someone, but boy were you proved wrong. And you were glad you were. She deserved someone who would cherish her, love her for who she is, care for her in any way, and you knew Tomas was the perfect man for the job. He had found her queen and she had found her king, and you wished them both a happily ever after.
Only thing you weren’t happy about is actually attending the wedding, alone that is. Even if it said at the bottom of the invite ‘plus one’ you still didn’t have anyone to take, your mom was off the list, she was off on vacation with your father, Anniversary, your siblings were also off on vacation or out of town with their own family and you just didn’t really have anyone else you’d like to accompany you to the event. Your co-workers were a no go, you didn’t really have that close connection with them, yet, and the rest of your actual friends were already taking a date with them, and the thought of hitching a ride with them just didn’t sit well with you. Even if they didn’t mind the third company, you sure did, you felt a burden, so that was also a no.
Only person you can think of who would absolutely love to be your date uh.. plus one, would be the one person who is constantly working and constantly traveling for work. The thought of even texting him or calling him just seemed pointless, you knew he was busy, probably won’t event answer the call from how busy he is, but in all honesty you wondered if he’d actually answer your call since you hardly ring him up during work days. Also, you were curious to know what would be his reaction, Rubie along with multiple friends have mentioned how different he acts whenever you’re around. He doesn’t, they’re crazy. You mentally remind yourself but don’t realize how your fingers are already scrolling through your contacts until you’re tapping on his name.
This is pointless. Why am I even calling him he’s busy and across the country.
Yet you still put your phone on speaker before placing it on the island, waiting patiently as the line starts ringing throughout the kitchen. Your hands leaning against the table, fingers lightly—nervously— tapping against the marble counter while your eyes are casted down on the screen. After the fifth ring you thought about hanging up and sending him a mess to give you a call back whenever he can, but before you can hover your finger on the screen, a voice is being heard on the other end.
‘Urban industries,’ You stayed quiet at the familiar but non-familiar voice, then a smile tugs on your lips when you recognize it,
“Hey Jensen,”
‘Gotta tell you, you just brightened my night even more,’ He states over the phone, smirk visible in his tone,
You chuckle, “That so?”
He hums then continues, ‘You proved me wrong,’
“How exactly?”
‘Well, I always wondered who he loved the most. Me or his so-called best friend, but now that I’ve seen how he has you as his contacts I believe I won,’
“You think so?” You snark back, wide smile on your face,
‘Oh I know so. I’ve got hearts by my name,’ You can visibly picture a large, cheeky smile on the mans face, earning a heartfelt chuckle to slip from your mouth,
“You’re an idiot,” You comment with a shake of your head, earning a deep chuckle from the man as well, “Where’s the Kiwi at? Would love to have a serious conversation about our friendship,” Relationship.
‘He’s somewhere around here— ah, there he is, gimme a sec,’ You hear shuffling on the other end of the phone, then wind blowing in the background and then voices before you hear Jensen talking to another person, seconds pass before finally hearing his voice coming through the speaker,
‘’Ello?’ His Kiwi accent slips, invading your eardrums beautifully, easily making your heart flutter in your chest,
“Replacing me I see,” You playfully say, smile turning into a smirk when his soft chuckle is heard through the phone,
‘I could never,’ Karl replies
“I don’t know, he seems very certain that he’s won you from me,” The same smirk is still on your lips as you grab your phone to maneuver yourself around the island,
Karl chuckles once again, causing your heart to flutter once again, ‘We’re in it together. Till the very end, remember?’
Your smirk switches back to a large smile, one that has your cheeks burning up, both from pure happiness and absolute love. If only he knew how you actually took those words. If only he knew how you actually felt about him, then you wouldn’t be riding with so much hidden feelings, but you did, for so many reasons. Reasons to prevent heartbreak and pain. However, you’ve been dealing with said pain, every time you were near him, the urge to just let him know everything you were feeling, the urge to just kiss him stupidly until those feelings have been satisfied have been growing nonstop. But you held a firm grip onto those feelings to prevent them from ever spilling out because you just didn’t want to ruin things, didn’t need more pain nor a reminder about the time your best friend didn’t feel the same way about you.
So, you kept them hidden, and we’re going to keep them hidden until one day you were brave enough to share them with him.
It was back in 2012, it was the first day of work as the makeup artist on the set of Star Trek. You were having a conversation with another co-worker, sharing your guys’ excitement when the door to your trailer opens up, revealing Chris Pine with his piercing blues and right behind him was the one and only Karl Urban. If somebody would have told you it only took weeks to grow close with him you would have believed them, but if another person would have told you it only took a month to fall for him, and two years to admit it, you would have said that’s crazy. But it was the absolute truth.
You fell for him. Hard. But you knew it wasn’t right, he’s a successful actor and you were just.. a regular woman trying to survive the American Dream. You two would never correlate, he was always working, traveling, it has actually surprised you so many times how your friendship remained strong for these many years. Normally you never kept contact with actors you’ve worked with, but for some reason, Karl decided to stay in your life. Till the very end.
A question you’ve always asked yourself was, How the fuck are you still hiding it from him? And the answer you’ve always given was fear. That’s how you kept it from him, because you were scared of him, scared of what he might say, scared of what he might do, scared of losing him, that’s why you never slipped, and will not slip. It was too much of a risk, you love him too much to lose him.
Wait.. love?
‘So what’s up?’ Karl says, breaking you out of your own ranting thoughts,
“Hope I’m not interrupting anything,” You tell him with a apologetic tone,
‘Nah all good love, we’re just finishing up this scene before calling it a night,’ He reassures you, cheeks burning up at the nickname,
You look at the time on your phone, realizing it was barely 11:30 pm at night, meaning it was barely 1:30 on his end. Normally he’d get off from work at three in the morning, but if the director loves them enough he’d let them off until four in the morning, so it seemed to you odd he was clocking off work much earlier. Especially on a Monday night.
“You boys sleeping on the job?” You ask reaching into your fridge to grab a bottle of water,
Karl chuckles once again, then sniffs, ‘That’s all Jensen, poor lad is on his tenth coffee cup,’ He jokes then adds, ‘The temperature keeps dropping over here, and filming in an abandoned warehouse ain’t helping, nearly freezing my tits off, plus there’s a snowstorm coming in a matter of hours,’
You scoff in disbelief, feeling sympathy for him and the rest of the crew for having to work in the most brutal weather conditions in Chicago, where you on the other hand were cozy and warm in your apartment.
“Sounds like fun,” You sarcastically say as you make your way towards your couch,
‘Oh it’s thrilling,’ Karl responds back with the same sarcasm, but continues with, ‘How bout you? You alright love?’
Damn him and his fucking nicknames, you’re lucky he can’t see the way your face is fucking flushed.
“Oh I’m heating like a furnace over here,” Literally. “And I’ve got Harry Potter throwing spells at me,”
Karl groans into the phone, and lordy did that do something to you, immediately sending your mind into sinful thoughts. ‘What I would give to be in your position,’
You giggle as you stare at the screen, watching but not quite paying attention to the film, you didn’t need to, you’ve about watched that film more than you can count. Can visibly picture and say each line and scene with your eyes close as if it were the back of your hand.
“Maybe if you flirt with Richard he’ll let you go right now,” You smirk, knowing he too shared the same look,
‘I just might,’ He says with a short chuckle before adding once again, ‘Now what’s on your mind?’
He really did know you. Probably knows you better than you do. You’ve been avoiding the question since he spoke on the phone, but he picked on it much quicker than you thought.
You scoff with a shake of your head, dropping your phone on your chest, “I’m not even sure I should tell you,”
‘How come?’ Confusion and curiosity can be heard in his voice,
You stay quiet for a couple seconds, teeth biting your bottom lip from the nerves, “Because it’s pointless,”
‘Don’t be daft (Y/n). Obviously it’s not pointless if it’s got you calling me during work hours,’
“It is because I already know the answer to the question,”
‘Spill it,’ He simply says, firmness itched in his voice,
God you really hated him.
With a loud sigh you let your head lean back against the couch, you did call him, now you’ve gotta ask him.
‘(Y/n)’ Karl says your name with a slight warning to get you to talk,
Another sigh leaves your mouth again but the words fall freely from lips, “Okay. Remember Rubie?”
‘Of course,’
“Well she’s getting married in a couple of days..On Friday actually and—,”
‘Married?’ Karl questions with absolute confusion,
“Uhm.. yeah. Married,” Does he not know? He has to know I told him. He was there when she broke the news.. right?
‘With that one Tomas bloke?’ He asks again, Does he really not know?
You scoff with a soft chuckle, “Yeah him.. Don’t you remember Rubie spilling the beans that one Saturday night?”
He stays quiet for a couple seconds on the other end, making some noises with his tongue before finally remembering with a loud, excited, ‘Oh Yeah! Sorry love, been absolute crazy over here,’
The way he constantly forgets things brings a soft giggle out of you. Normally you’d think he’d be great with memorizing things considering his line of work, but it’s actually the quite opposite.
‘Alright, so she’s gettin married?’ He asks, which sounded more like he was edging you to continue with whatever it is you wanted to say,
“Yeah and— well.. I obviously have to go, she’s my best friend and all but..,” You stop yourself, silently inhaling through your nose as you look up at your ceiling, honestly regretting even calling him but continue with your question, “I..I didn’t want to go alone.. and.. I’ve got a plus one but got no one to take. And— well I-.. I figured I’d ask you,”
‘Right..,’ Was Karl’s response, hesitant and soft but then adds, ‘But you knew I worked,’
“Hence, pointless of even asking you,” You remind him, fingers nervously playing with the brand of your water bottle,
Silence hovered over you, definitely not helping with your nerves, but then you begin hearing the way he lets out a loud exhale through his nose.
‘You know I would absolutely love to go. Not only to crash the wedding but to also be there with you,’ If only he knew just how bad those words effected you, heart fluttering uncontrollably in your chest with cheeks burning, god how you wished he knew, ‘But I’m not sure if—,’
“No, yeah I know,” You cut him off, awaiting disappointment settling in your chest, “You’re busy.. you don’t have to explain, I get it. Why do you think I didn’t wanna ask you,”
‘Yeah.. sorry love,’
“Honestly Karl don’t be. You’re busy, plus I’m sure it’ll probably be difficult to even get the day off. It’s understandable,” You reassure him, fingers now playing with the corner of your pillow,
You weren’t sure, but you definitely think you heard a disappointed sigh on the other end of the phone, or maybe it was the wind? Either way, you too felt disappointed, even if you knew it was coming it still sucked knowing he’d most likely miss the wedding and would have to decline being your plus-one. Yet, despite the disappointment, you felt somewhat relieved knowing he didn’t reject your offer, reject you. Not that it proved your friends theory. He just couldn’t make it.
That’s it.
While you continued playing with the corner of your pillow, you hear Karl speak to someone on his end, then hear another loud, exhausted sigh escape from him. A small knowingly smile creeps on your lips when you recognize that sigh.
“Duty calls?” You ask, which he response with a short yawn,
“Go. Finish the scene so you can catch some shut eye,” You tell him, even if you didn’t want to end the call you knew you had to, he needed to get back to work,
‘Alright love.. I’ll give you a call later on,’ He says with another small sigh,
“Okay. Goodnight,”
‘Night love,’
At his words you both end the call. Grabbing your phone from your chest you toss it to the side on the couch with a disappointed sigh. You stare at your phone for a couple seconds, replaying the conversation in your head, feeling the way your chest warms up when you heard his voice again after weeks of not being able to communicate. You always did enjoy your guys’ conversations, but now, with these feelings growing every minute, it just felt different, it was a different kind of happiness, it felt much more.. stronger. You couldn’t describe it other than feeling like the sun was constantly shining around you every time you’d hear his voice.
And it was a feeling you wished you’d feel everyday, wished it was the same feeling he felt, but knew that wish would never fully fulfill, because not every wish finds their way.
Four Days Later
The wedding was absolutely beautiful. She looked absolutely incredible. The venue, the theme, the colors, her dress was just beyond perfect in your eyes, everything was just beautiful. That’s all you can say to describe the day. Things were going great, large smiles, heartfelt laughters, happy tears were being shared all around, you on the other hand we’re glad you decided to put waterproof everything because you definitely went through at least six pieces of tissues. Nonstop, happy tears rolled down your cheeks as Rubie made her way down the aisle with her grandfather, taking her fathers place considering he was no longer with us but proudly watching from above, the way they both shared their vows, promising each other to always protect and give unconditional love and support, then came the rings and the kiss. Then Husband and Wife.
You cheered with everyone, hugging Rubie’s mother with pure joy, new tears rolling down your face as you watched the newly wed wave with large smiles on their face. Everything was just beautiful.
Everything was going great after. Once everyone ate, everybody began enjoying the rest of the day with the newly wed. Drinks, laughter, more tears, chatter, pictures were being shared around the entire venue. You were sure you had thousands of great photos with friends and the newly wed, great memories to look back to, however, despite enjoying the night, you wished a certain someone was there to enjoy it with you. He had called you two days before the wedding to let you know he definitely wouldn’t be able to make it to the wedding, claiming they had to makeup the day for canceling the previous day due to flash floods, again you reassured him it was fine and completely understandable, but you still couldn’t help the way your heart shattered knowing you wouldn’t be seeing him anytime soon.
But even then, you still sent him pictures of the day, of the venue, of you and Rubie and even managed to sneak in a small FaceTime call, but had to cut it short since he claimed he had to go back to work. That was a couple of hours ago, ever since the call you tried to busy yourself by having a couple drinks with friends, chatting, laughing, even dancing with friends and the bride. The night was going splendid, definitely a night to remember, until it wasn’t.
You parted away from your group, claiming you had to use the restroom. Once that was taken care of, you began walking in the direction of the bar where you ordered your preferred drink and waited patiently. A smile would come across your lips every once and a while as you watched Rubie dance with her new husband to a slow song, it was such a memorable scene, making you wonder if you would ever get to experience such a beautiful moment too. Your thoughts were soon brought out by the bartender placing your drink on the counter, once thanking him and giving him a tip, which he sends you an appreciative smile, you turn to walk away, but was stopped by the one man you had been avoiding throughout the whole day.
Mason Peerson. Better known as your shit head of an ex-boyfriend.
“Hey,” He greets you with that all too familiar smirk, causing dark memories to resurface in your mind,
“Mason,” You say his name with pure disdain, distaste, causing an uncomfortable knot to start forming at the pit of your stomach when his smirk only darkens at your tone, clearly finding your hatred amusing,
“It’s been a while,” He starts, leaning one elbow on the counter of the bar, smirk still plastered on his face,
“Sure has,” You respond shortly, wanting nothing more than to leave this conversation, leave him, but you knew walking away from him was pointless, he was like a piece gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe once stepped on,
He won’t leave you alone. Yet, you were actually surprised he hadn’t bothered you earlier, then again, you never did leave your armor of friends. Trying to get through them was like trying to get through a pack of viscous wolves, it was pointless to even try and it was incredibly dangerous. For him, anyways. They all knew the way he had mistreated you during the last few moments of your relationship, witnessed multiple times where you both would constantly argue over the smallest things, even witnessed how he had brought your insecurities even lower, causing you to dig yourself into a dark hole, which took a lot of convincing and patience to bring you out of.
Your relationship wasn’t always fucked. In the beginning everything was fine, great, perfect, he was perfect, in your eyes at least. He would do everything for you, would show you love, affection, the two years were just absolutely amazing, until it wasn’t. Things went downhill as soon as he began drinking nearly every weekend, then the drinking switched from twice of the week to drinking nearly every day. Then came the arguments, then the harassment, not physical, but verbally, which ruined you mentally. Things between you two were just fucked at that point, no better word for it, it was just too toxic, it wasn’t healthy by any means, not anymore at least.
Family and friends begged you to leave him, to leave that toxic environment, but you couldn’t, you felt trapped by blind love, until you finally drew the line. One night, after a terrible “date night” you had stormed out of the restaurant after he had insulted you once again and demanded you to stop being so dramatic about your mental issues, claiming ‘you are not a child so stop seeking attention’ not only did he receive a list of profanities but he also received your glass of whine poured onto his head. Luckily for you, the security guards were able to step in between you two before he even got the chance to actually do something. One of them escorted you outside while the other kept Mason inside as you waited for your ride.
It was Karl who had picked you up. And it was that night that you had cried in his chest before falling into a peaceful sleep in his arms.
“Even after all these years, you still look good,” He gives you an unwelcoming compliment,
You give him a scoff with a disbelief smile, “Thanks,” You tell him, taking a step to walk away but a cold hand stops you by the elbow, halting your steps,
“Hey c’mon, can we please just talk?” He asks you, hand still firm around your elbow,
Talk? Seriously? Bold of him to assume talking to him was the last thing on my mind. You mentally tell yourself.
“There’s nothing to talk about and there never will be,” You try walking away again but his grip on your elbow only tightens as he maneuvers his body in front of you, blocking you from walking away,
“Despite looking good, you’re acting like a goddamn child still,” His light brown eyes were filled with that same old annoyance, irritation as he stared at you,
And oh how you wanted nothing more than to punch the shit out of him. You were seconds away from doing so, your free hand was curled into a fist by your side, you were just waiting for him to give you a reason, but before he could give you one, an all too familiar deep, loving voice settles behind you.
“We all good here?” You quickly turn around at his voice, watching the way his hazel orbs drop down to yours for a split second before once again averting them back to Mason, who had long since then released your elbow from his grip,
The look that was written in his eyes was the same look he displayed while playing his iconic role, Billy Butcher. Seeing it through a screen was absolutely incredible, but now, with him only an inch away from you and having that look in his eyes was pure intimidation, yet, arousing. But her didn’t need to know that. Ever.
“Karl. It’s been a minute,”
“Sure has,” Karl responds, tone flat and still, then slightly motions his head to the side, “Now how bout we leg it, yeah?”
In other words, fuck off. You mentally say as you stood between both men. Mason must’ve understood the true definition behind the taller man’s words because he softly chuckles before taking a step forward, but before he can even take another you quickly settle in front of him, stopping him from inching closer to the man behind you, who now had his chest pressed against your back. Not because he was going to launch at the other man, not that he didn’t want to, but because he saw how close the dickhead had gotten to you.
“Just leave, Mason,” You firmly tell him, (E/c) glaring into his own eyes as you continue with, “You’re really gonna cause a scene at your best friends wedding?”
That got him to avert his eyes from the man behind you to stare into your own. That’s the only reason why he’s even here, he was good friends with Tomas, they were like brothers so of course he was going to attend his brothers wedding, but if it wasn’t for him knowing Tomas, he wouldn’t have been there.
Something switches in eyes as he locked gazes with you, a habit that apparently never left from him. An effect that you just had on him, despite of everything that he’d done, you just had a way in bringing him down without even trying. He’d never admit it, but you were, and will always be his weakness.
Still keeping his eyes locked with yours, he inhales deeply through his nose before averting his eyes back towards Karl, who was still keeping a close eye on him. Then after a minute, maybe less, Mason gives you a small glance before finally leaving without another word.
“Never did understand what you saw in that cunt,” Karl comments once Mason was out of earshot, hazel orbs still following his frame as he made his way across the venue,
You chuckle as you turn to face him, “It’s called blind love,”
Karl remained keeping his eyes on Mason, watching as he made his way back to a group of men, then cheering and laughing with them as if he wasn’t just seconds away from causing a fight. As he kept his eyes on the group of men, Mason specifically, he didn’t notice the way you were observing— admiring—him. Dark hair neatly styled upwards, beard neatly trimmed, skin glowing perfectly—beautifully under the venues lights, then you let your eyes wonder throughout his entire frame. Dark blazer and jeans with a turquoise button up underneath— which you realized matched with your dress perfectly— and of course he had the first three buttons undone revealing his chest and St. Christopher necklace that you had gotten him a couple years back, causing a warming sensation to build at the pit of your stomach whenever you see it on him.
He really does not take it off. You tell yourself, remembering when you had given him the necklace as an early birthday gift where he then took it with a large, appreciative smile before slipping it over his head without hesitation. If you were being completely honest, that moment plays rent free in your mind at any given time, he plays rent free at any given time, but you’re not complaining nor will you ever admit it to him.
“You came,” You softly say, small smile forming on your mouth when those hazel orbs of his finally land on yours,
His entire demeanor changes as he locks eyes with you. Pure relief, joy, and happiness replace his anger as he stares at you. God how he missed your eyes, your smile, you.
“You called,” He simply states, then adds, “Plus, I did say we’d crash the wedding together right?”
A soft chuckle escapes from you, smile widening as you close the little gap between you two where two large arms wrap around your frame and tug you closer to his firm body. Your own arms wrap around his waist, fingers interlocking behind his back, trapping him there as your cheek rests against his chest. Despite the music playing loudly through the speakers, his soothing heartbeat still sounded beautifully in your ear, making your hold on him to tighten, which only widens his own smile. Hugging you tighter as well, he places a gentle kiss on top of your head.
“Sorry I’m late,” Karl whispers, lips slightly moving against the crown of your head,
You shake your head against his chest, “Doesn’t matter. Everything’s perfect now,”
The two of you remain in each others arms for another couple of minutes, just cherishing the moment for a little while longer until the sounds of cheering breaks the moment. Glancing over to the dance floor you watch as both Rubie and Tomas become the center of attention, a smile and chuckle escaping from you when they both show their moves to the upbeat music. Then you feel a hand interlocking with your own, glancing back at Karl you see him motioning his head to the side with a smile before gently guiding you to the table where the rest of your friends sat and cheered.
After greeting and hugging each one of your friends, he sits down next to you, hand once again interlocking with your own. You stare down at your hands then back up to meet his eyes, he only spares you a small smile before turning around to spark a conversation with one of the guys at the table, however, what made a smile form on your lips was the way his thumb would rub soothing circles against your skin, causing a warming sensation to rise in your chest and causing you to inch closer to him in your chair.
He’s just holding my hand because we haven’t seen each other for a couple months, nothing else. You tell yourself as you listened in on a conversation on your left but couldn’t seem to focus since your mind kept wondering back to his thumb rubbing small circles against your skin. You wanted to believe it was more than a ‘I miss you, I haven’t seen you for a while, so I’m going to hold your hand for as long as I can’ type of thing, but you also didn’t want to believe in such a thing, you feared it, feared of getting hurt. But the longer he held your hand in his, the harder it was to push the thought away.
Just stop! He’s only here for the night, possibly for a couple of hours, just enjoy the night, enjoy him while you can! You mentally curse at yourself when you start overthinking things, which is an annoying tick of yours, but as annoying as it is, you can’t just stop yourself. Thankfully, before you can even dive deeper in your thoughts, Rubie comes strolling over to your table with a wide smile, which only widens when she spots Karl by your side. Once thanking and hugging him for attending her wedding, she goes ahead and demands everyone at the table to join her at the dance floor, words slightly slurring, causing a few chuckles and cheers as she turns back around. Dancing her way back to the floor.
While everyone indeed gets up from the table to follow the married woman, you and Karl remain sitting down, watching everybody cheering as they make their to the dance floor with a smile. Then, before you know it, Karl himself is standing up as well, pulling your interlocked hands, a motion for you to go dancing with him.
Your eyes grow wide, “You know I suck at dancing,”
Karl softly chuckles, “That makes two love,”
With another small tug on your hand, you rise from your chair with a wide smile. At least you won’t be alone when it comes to making a fool of yourself.
You let him guide you to the dance floor, hand tightening around his own as he moves through dancing bodies, after what seemed like a minute of walking through a crowded maze, Karl is pulling you in front of him. A large smile spreads on your face as you two move with the music, even if both of you were definitely not meant for dancing, you both still were giving it all. Not caring if both your steps were off beat, not caring if you two were possibly making a fool of yourselves, you both were simply enjoying the moment. Together.
Yet, the night only seemed to get younger. As you two were dancing and just as Karl twirls you around, the DJ switches the song, causing the entire venue to erupt in loud, excited cheers as the next song blares through the speakers. Karl watches the way your eyes and smile grow wide the same time Rubie suddenly appears right next to you, then watches the way you both sing the lyrics to the song as loud as you both can.
‘Coming out of my cage,
And I’ve been doing just fine,
Gotta gotta be down,
Because I want it all,
It started out with a kiss,
How did it end up like this?
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss,
Now I’m falling asleep,
And she’s calling a cab,
While he’s having a smoke,
And she’s taking a drag,
Now they're going to bed,
And my stomach is sick,
And it's all in my head,
But she's touching his chest now,
He takes off her dress now
Let me go,
And I just can't look, it's killing me,
And taking control,’
Karl remains standing still, quietly, just admiring you from his position on the dance floor, completely awestruck by you at the moment. Wide smile plastered on your lips as you sing the lyrics with pure energy, joyfulness, admiration, excitement, love. His hazel orbs never leaves your form. They were glued to you. He felt as if he’d look away, he miss the best moment, and that was you, dancing, jumping, screaming your lungs out to the song, hair going absolute wild from jumping with Rubie by your side. It was a fucking sight to his eyes. A sight he knew he always wanted to see, forever. Your smile, the bright light in your beautiful (E/c) eyes, just you. He wanted to see that happiness in you till the end of time. You out of all people deserved it and he was damn sure he was going to do everything in his power to bring you that same happiness you felt at the moment for as long as he lived.
It was that same happiness that made him realize just how much he loves you. Not that he didn’t know it already, hell, he’s been in love with you, but the way you danced and jumped around singing your lungs out only filled that love for you. Made it stronger, harder to push down, and that alone was enough for him to let go. He’s waited too long, has kept it hidden too long, fear and anxiety rested heavily at the pit of his stomach for what his heart has decided. He knew whatever he was about to do was either going to go really well, or he was heading back to the airport with a devastated heart.
Then you turned his way, wide smile, teeth and gum showing as you continue to scream the lyrics.
Oh fuck it.
With two long steps Karl towers over you, immediately holding either side of your face to roughly, but carefully, connect your lips. The sudden action made you freeze, body going completely rigid, eyes wide as your mind tries to process what the fuck just happened. Feeling the way your entire body goes stiff, Karl slowly peels away from you, scared hazel orbs scanning your entire face. His anxiety grows stronger when he still sees that same shocked expression on you, but then sees how a small smile starts forming on your lips, and before he knows it he’s being pulled back into your space, your own lips latching on to his.
A large wave of relief washes over both of you. Wide smile forming on your guys’ lips as you two melt into the kiss. Everything you both have been hiding, keeping it in a locked door, was now being poured into the kiss. Both your bodies were flushed against each other, your fingers tangled in his hair at the base of his neck while one of his hands cradled your cheek and the other gripped firmly on your hip. Keeping you in place as he only deepened the kiss. However, a loud popping sound has you both flinching away from each other, causing a large grin to spread on each others lips when you see confetti falling from the ceiling. Karl looks back down at you with the same grin, hand still holding its place by your cheek as his thumb gently rubs your skin, then drops his head low enough to softly rub his nose with yours, causing your smile to widen. It never leaves even when he latched his lips on yours once again, even when a roar of cheers is heard next to you, but that doesn’t mean you don’t shy away from the kiss and hide your face into his chest when you know the cheers are directed to you and Karl.
A deep chuckle rumbles from Karl’s chest, finding your shyness adorable, but only hugs you tighter before once again bringing your head to peck you on the lips once again. Definitely feeling the way your cheeks burn under his palms.
“Wanna get out of here?” Karl asks you with a smile, lips moving against yours,
Your smile widens as you nod your head, which he only chuckles as he pecks your lips once more before guiding you out of the dance floor. You shake your head with a large smile when you see all of your friends, including Rubie, still cheering for you as you make your way out of the crowd. You knew whenever they see you again they would demand you details and would give you the ‘I told you so’ lecture, which only widen your smile and brought a warming sensation across your chest.
Looks like you were proved wrong.
2:30 am
“When do you go back?” You ask, head leaning against his naked chest, fingers playing with his own,
You have been avoiding that question for obvious reasons, not wanting to know the answer when you knew it already. You wished you had more time, wished you could cherished this moment much longer, wish you could keep him in your arms, in your bed with nothing but your silver sheets covering your bodies, but you knew reality would sweep in. He had to head back to Chicago to finish filming while you had to head back to the theater where you currently were working as the makeup artist. As much as you wanted this moment to last, you both had to head back to work, back to reality, back to long distance, and that alone saddened you.
“Was actually supposed to catch a red-eye but..your worth rescheduling,” Karl mumbles behind you, causing your smile to widen against his chest,
“Am I?” You ask, raising your head to look into his eyes, small smirk displayed on your lips,
Karl stares at you, small smile tugging on the corner of his lips as he brings his free hand to place a strand of hair behind your ear, “You’re worth all of it love,”
You remain smiling at him, your (E/c) eyes scanning his entire face, embracing and enjoying the way he looks at the moment. His dark hair that was once neatly styled was now sticking out from every angle, his eyes and skin illuminating perfectly from the moon light coming from your window, everything about him, in that moment, was just perfect. Bringing your hand, the one that was fiddling with his fingers, you let them cradle the side of his jaw, fingers gently massaging his beard, earning a slight head tilt from the man.
Staring deep in his eyes, you let the words slip out, “I love you,”
A smile forms on his lips, hazel orbs growing warmer, “I love you. Always have and always will,”
“Always?” You question with a smirk,
Karl scrunches his face, lips forming into a small pout, “Maybe not always,”
That earned him a smack on the chest, causing a deep chuckle to erupt from his throat. Then after a few seconds, he goes ahead and places a warm hand on the side of your face, hazel eyes staring into your beautiful eyes, that he’s grown to love throughout the years, and not once breaking eye contact with his next words. His promise to you.
“Yes, always. To 10 years and More,”
Tag List: @tiannamortis @lmarina2000 @would-die-for-bucky-barnes @strangesgirl
-Hope y’all enjoyed it! Definitely enjoyed writing this one! If I’m being completely honest, this might be my longest fic I’ve ever written for Tumblr and I couldn’t be more proud!
-Again, I really hope you enjoyed this one @strangesgirl can’t wait to write your other requests!
-Make sure to Turn On Post Notifications!!🔔For more Updates!
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commaclear · 1 year
OK initially when reading the first chapter of violets are blue I was like "omfg it's another mystery au" and "omfg it's another dread-wreaking au" and then obv I was like. well this could kinda be like. an au of btp. considering they're the same characters but ANYWAYS
so picture btp. now look at vab. btp quackity initially studied law and then wound up being an fbi agent Solving cases and losing faith in the values such a job should have. vab quackity probably also studied law, ended up applying those skills to become a police detective, and well. he's a much angrier person.
I'm not done tho. btp quackity has values, but he puts providing for his fiances and himself before quitting his important job and getting away from btp schlatt, a sexual abuser and his boss. and especially if u consider that he was basically completely isolated socially before meeting sapnap and Karl, you'd see that he became wary of the world. he already accepted things weren't ever going to be so easy from him. he was likely abused before he even met sapnap, but once he realized that there was no justice for schlatt, he just accepted the state of his life. but vab quackity as far as I know wasn't isolated socially. at least not in the same way bc he's sure as fuck never met the force to be reckoned with known as Wilbur soot. he never broke someone who was there for him all throughout his lonely youth's heart and then live on thinking he was being served the exact life he deserved. this quackity has still got the fight in him, and welll. it backfires, yeah. but fuck does he want respect. he wants to get things done. it's not easy at all in his job. he gets frustrated that he has all this energy he can put into his cases but nothing he can actually do to solve a case that he already practically knows the answer to. he needs a punching bag. but he's still here in the first place instead of being a fackin. idk. a teacher. whats up with u u little fuck? idk. it's interesting.
and then we have Wilbur. in btp he was an exceptional, well-recognized forensic scientist with a history of terrible relationships. he's very attractive, but as an orphaned child and a fucked first breakup, it doomed the way he would respect himself for all his future relationships, he harmed himself thru sexual acts. I'd find it very easy to believe vab Wilbur must have had a bad start in life too to get involved in what he has. I've seen the tags. he must have a lot of sexual trauma from within and outside of this job of his.
anyeay it's almost 3 am and I. don't know what his is. that's OK. I wanted to ask if you're trying to put together what to write thru sleepy comma's tags and if you've changed any of them. also I imagine this au will be worse than btp. but therefore must i ask. will it receive a dead dove tag at any point, do u imagine? dear author? goodbye
Kind of obsessed with the idea of vab being a btp au, I'm not gonna lie that's kinda sick. Like if they'd never met, here's an entirely different path these bitches could have taken cuz admittedly they are kinda similar in quite a few ways....
And idk if any of you have ever seen the movie Memento, but that's essentially the situation I'm in. Sleeping Comma left all these clues in the tags and the Google Doc, and I've been trying to piece together the story from the clues he left behind...
Also yeah, dead dove tag is a good idea, imma go do that rn
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lucy90712 · 3 years
cravings/mood swings (pregnancy series)
Series masterlist
The hormones from pregnancy have made me an entirely different person at times which was a huge shock to both me and George when they first started to hit because I've always been pretty good with my emotions and hormones even when on my period. To me it isn't as bad because I only notice after my mood swings but poor George has to deal with me during.
George came down the stairs after filming a video and came to join me sat on the sofa. I was eating salty crisps (chips) some of which George stole as he sat down, this really set off my hormones for whatever reason and I looked at him with just pure anger that he would even dare to steal my food that I had been craving.
"George what the fuck I wanted those" I almost shouted
"I'm sorry love I didn't mean to I can get you more if you want them" he said panicked slightly
I gave no reaction to what George said as I came down from my rage because I realised I was being way too over the top. I always feel awful when I yell at George because he doesn't deserve it at all but he just happens to be around all the time so he's the one who bares the brunt of all my emotions. I apologised to George and gave him some of my crisps to make up for it and we cuddled on the sofa for a bit.
Later in the evening George was showing me cute videos he has of cat from when he was in his office which were just so adorable and made me so incredibly happy but then the sadness came over and tears started to fall down my face.
"Hey what's wrong?" George asked
"It's just so cute like how can one small animal be so cute" I sobbed
He comforted me and we spent the rest of the evening doing things that didn't provoke any emotions in me.
My cravings have been very strong though my pregnancy so far which is a combination of normal things and weird concoctions just whatever I was feeling in that exact moment and I mean that exact moment. My cravings are things that have to be satisfied within the hour or else it's too late and I get over it.
It's about 10pm and I'm just chilling waiting for Clay to get out the shower so we can watch the office together. At that exact moment a craving for pickles came over me, its not a craving I've had before but its one that I know is kind of common. I checked all the cupboards and fridge to see if we had any but we didn't which made me quite sad.
Clay came down the stairs to see me staring at the empty cupboard with a few tears in my eyes. He came over to me looking at what I was before becoming very confused at what exactly was going through my mind clearly wondering if I was going a bit insane.
"Is everything alright?" He asked
"We don't have any pickles" I whined
"Do you want me to go and get you some?" He asked
I nodded my head and we went to the car to drive to the store to go buy pickles mainly because I didn't want to be left alone. Clay actually went into the store while I stayed in the car because he didn't want me getting cold but he soon came back with two jars of pickles just incase I wanted more another day.
Back at home I ate half the pickles in the jar and very much enjoyed it and so did baby which was the whole point of going to get them. I imagine just like every other craving I will get over it and move on to a new one.
My mood swings have been insane so far during pregnancy like way morse than they would be before my period is due to arrive. I feel so awful that Sapnap has to deal with me because he used to hate it when I got so very emotional before my period and now its constant and like x1000.
I have been slightly more emotional than usual today which has just been ruining my day because I can't seem to get anything done without crying or raging at myself but I've yet to spend much time with Sapnap so he has been spared from my disastrous day so far. This soon changed when he came downstairs and sat with me on the sofa.
He attempted to cuddle with me but something in my brain told me that I didn't want that and I should be mad at him for even trying to be affectionate even though I love him so very much.
"No get off me" I said a bit too harshly
"Oh I'm sorry baby is there anything you want?" He asked trying to be accommodating
I shrugged him off still slightly angry but getting over it very quickly and feeling bad for half yelling at him. My anger soon completely dissolved and was replaced by sadness at the fact that I had yelled and now wanted to cuddle but he wasn't going to want to now right, I mean I've just yelled at him so why would he want to cuddle.
A few tears started to form in my eyes and soon spilled out onto my face wetting my cheeks which I tired to hide by facing away from Sapnap but of course he knows me and tried to see what I was hiding. As soon as he saw I was crying he put his hands on my face to wipe the tears and gave me a kiss.
"What's wrong babe? How can I fix it?" He asked
"I feel bad for yelling and I want cuddles but you don't want to give them to me because I was mean" I explained
"You are so silly of course I'll still give you cuddles if you want them" he said
He pulled me into a big bear hug where we stayed for the rest of the day and night.
I have been having a lot of odd cravings over the past few weeks most of which are completely unnatural and Alex thinks are gross but they actually taste really good. To me at least.
Tonight I was really feeling like eating chicken nuggets with honey, I really wanted to eat it but I was scared to ask Alex to come to the store with me because he would think it was weird and judge me which my fragile little heart couldn't take.
"Alex will you go to the store with me please?" I asked
"Of course love what do you want this time?" He asked
"Chicken nuggets and honey" I whispered
"What was that" he questioned
"Chicken nuggets and honey" I said a bit louder
"That sounds interesting lets go" he said
He grabbed my hand and pulled me up and to the car where we went to McDonald's for the chicken nuggets and then target for the honey before going back home. Alex was interested to try this combination too so the both of us sat down to try it. At first the flavour was really weird but once you got used to it it was really good actually and now I think I'm obsessed and by the looks of things so is Alex because his face looked like he had just had the best thing ever.
Oh my has it been a rollercoaster so far, I've been so over emotional and have been craving so many different things it is so hard to keep up with for me let alone Karl.
This morning I was trying to make breakfast and I couldn't open the milk which upset me but then the bowls were up too high so I couldn't reach which made me even more upset but the last straw for this morning was when I had just sat down after struggling with everything and someone rang the doorbell just as I was about to eat the cereal I had really been wanting. I answered the door to collect the parcel the man had before going back to the living room with tears starting to slip down my face.
I'm not sure why I was so upset but I was which stopped me eating my cereal because I was crying which made me cry more because I really wanted the cereal, it was just an awful cycle. Karl walked in as I was staring at my full bowl of cereal sobbing which caused him to run over to see what was wrong.
"Hey hey whats wrong?" He asked
"Nothing is going right and all I want to do is eat my cereal but I can't because I'm crying which is making me more upset" I ranted
"Oh honey I'm sorry how about you follow my breathing to calm down and then eat your cereal ok?" He suggested
He helped me calm down enough to be able to eat my cereal which was kind of soggy by now but I still very much enjoyed it and soon got back to my normal self.
My hormones are all over the place which normally I can handle but every now and then I get too overly emotional and just cry over random things, this usually happens when I'm alone so I just deal with it myself.
Today Wilbur took the day off from working so he's here to see the rollercoaster that is my day and believe me it can be a rollercoaster. I had a breakdown this morning when doing chores I was unloading the dishwasher and I kept almost dropping everything I touched which made me so mad at myself and really sad at the same time. I just left the room and sat down for a minute talking to myself to sort my brain out then went back to doing chores.
Later in the afternoon we were watching a nature documentary which we do a lot and there was this lizard and her babies that were being hunted by a large bird, I was willing them to get away but the bird caught the babies and the mother got away. This made me so sad that the lizard lost her babies while I was sat there carrying my baby. I started crying thinking about the fact that anything could happen to little bean once their here.
"It's ok love its just natures way" Wilbur said
"But what if bad things happen to bean when their here obviously not like that but anything could happen" I sniffled
"We will protect bean as best we can to stop anything bad happening but for now their safe where they are" Wilbur said
This made me feel better and luckily the rest of the documentary wasn't sad at all and there was some cute moments which made me forget about all my worries.
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jjkyaoi · 3 years
(yes, the majority of this is projecting, what about it)
C!WILBUR: lmaoooo i can smell the mental illness from a mile away, luv. you half were rooting for villbur because you thought it was hot, but also just ‘cause you wanted to see the explosions, and honestly, valid. you’re probably unintentionally the parent of your friends, and you’re also probably high strung and tense all the fucking time, calm down. you want to protect ghostbur w/ your life, but you severely miss the old wilbur as well— not a day goes by where you don’t think abt the pogtopia arc. “independence or death” is constantly playing in your head. the end of the finale arc— wilbur’s death scarred you more than anything else in this fucking smp, but to cope you make shitposts about it through your tears. please  get therapy 
C!TOMMY: you have ADHD.  half the time you’re just crying abt how tommy deserves better, and you want to thrown down w/ c!dream more than you’ve wanted to throw down w/ any character, ever. valid. you stan c!tommy ‘cause you relate to him and his experiences, but also because he acts a lot  like you and you don’t even fucking realize it. you’re probably the loudest in your friend group and constantly try to bring up the groups spirit, but also you’re extremely insecure and sensitive, and it takea a lot to bring your self esteem up— same, but jesus christ. you’re probably obsessed w/ wilbur and tommy’s relationship more than you should be, and you’d do anything for them to just interact again.
C!TUBBO: you’ve definitely went through a bad friendship breakup in the past, or just generally half trust issues. did i mention that you’re the most nervous person to ever walk the earth? you’re the type of person who pushes people away whenever you’re too busy w/ something / gets overstressed w/ something you think you need  to do that you just end up unintentionally ruining friendships. also, you’re shit at texting, i can just smell it. you lowkey felt annoyed at how c!tubbo wass treated in the beginning of l’manberg, and you’re a dadschlatt stan— daddy issues who? you’re ignoring the festival. but, you’re also torn between wanting captainsparkles to be his dad-- infinite dads.
C!NIKI: half the time you’re the sweetest person in the world, but also holy shit  im afraid of you. you’re the friend that’s either protected by your entire friend group, or you’re the big sibling who’s protecting everyone. you’re quiet most of the time, preferring to be on your own, but you’re surprisingly really fucking good in an argument? you’re constantly upset that niki isn’t getting more time to development as a character, and schlatt’s character frustrated you as much as it did niki— you’d do anything to fucking thrown down w/ him.  i feel like people go to you for advice and you’re the therapist friend, but you do not  know how to handle your own emotions. mood
C!FUNDY: lmaoooo, alright kinnie. honestly, beforehand you probably thought that wilbur and fundy’s relationship was cute before you realized how awful it was, and mood. you want nothing more than good things for this boy, but he constantly gets slapped around and you’re constantly in tears. you’re in denial of what happened at the wedding— fundywastaken is canon in your mind. ,,,,are y’all,,, are y’all okay? i feel like y’all are lowkey intimidating to talk to, but in reality you’re just a socially awkward nerd who thrives  off info dumping on your interests but you’re so used to being overlooked that you’re hesitant. though, you’re definitely petty and are always ready to prove your point in an argument— stubborn as fucking hell, alright. how’s those daddy issues?
C!SCHLATT: i’m torn between laughing at you, and genuinely being concerned for your mental health. you’re definitely the fucking cryptid of the friend group; the one that’s mostly silent but whenever you do speak it’s some wack fucking shit, what do you mean. you’re a lesbian. you’re just—you’re a fucking lesbian. you cover up how you feel w/ a tough bravado but you’re really not, and the slightest things— even if they’re jokes, hurt you deeply and you keep them inside you for years. a lot of repressed rage. you have essays in your drafts about how schlatt wasn’t that bad of a person, and i want them right fucking now. you also miss wilbur and schlatt’s dynamic
C!QUACKITY: hello simp. you’re torn between simping for him, or feeling extreme gender envy. you’re definitely fucking funny— you’re the comedian friend of the group, but you don’t even have to try. did i mention a raging bisexual? you’re a blue gay, through and through. you’re extremely stubborn and set in your opinions, and you’re always willing to go on an hour long debate w/ someone. i feel like you’re extremely protective of your friends as well. you’re in love w/ quackity’s arc rn and you’re frustrated that nobody’s really paying attention to it, because snapping after everything he’s been through is what he deserves in your mind. you have abandonment issues and are unheathily attached to his dynamic w/ karl
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rjshepherd · 3 years
I’m obsessed with your sub/collared Karl headcanons! The helping him through a heat one omg. so little of it around! More?? 🥺🥺
Ngl I went fucking feral with excitement when I read this in my inbox this morning but I had to be good and answer the other asks first
a few nsfw things under the cut.
More Karl in Heat Headcanons
- So i haven't really done THAT many solid nsfw headcanons on karl. like i never say how he is in bed or anything like that. for all the fandom writing him as a dom and me entertaining the idea of sub karl i actually think he falls squarely in the middle: he's a switch or maybe a service top. i feel like the idea of him being the sub forever might frighten him a little at the start.
-that being said, Heats are one of the times he's super glad to give over some control. He's kind of disorganized at times. He can plan really well when he puts his mind to it, but it's at the cost of keeping track of other areas of his life ie if he focuses on his plans for revenge, he's going to forget he's got a heat coming up.
- that's where you come in. As his dominant, hes depending on you to keep him right about dates. He knows you will, you offered and he accepted . Buuuut He's absolutely going to protest when you interrupt his work to tell him he needs to go prep or rest or something. He'll listen to you, of course but he's going to complain the whole time. He takes your favorite things to make a nest, builds it in a really awkward place like on YOUR bed and is usually muttering under his breath the whole time about how this is stupid and if he was coming up on a heat he'd know about it before you and who do you think you are donna? quit it with this spooky psychic shit.
-this usually lasts a day at most before he starts to feel the heat kick in and he sheepishly comes over to beg his alphas help. No matter what he's done to irritate you since the last heat he's all apologies and sweet talk and promises he'll take you seriously next time ( he wont) if you promise to help. You can ask almost anything of him right now, sexual or otherwise and he'll likely agree just to get you to help him out.
- when i say "help him out" what i mean is drop everything to do what he's asking because he's fucking useless when the heat kicks in. Seriously man cant even pour himself a glass of juice because he's shaking so hard.
-As the heat gets progressively worse he sort of stops thinking for himself so much. He's waiting for you to tell him to go rest , waiting for you to decide he's been patient enough to deserve nookie , waiting for you to tell him he's a good boy.
-He might whine and subtly hint he wants his alpha, but for the first few days he's usually too proud to beg. He wants you to initiate things, so at least then he can say he didn't give in.
-if i were you and you wanted to tease or punish him, id just ignore him. play ignorant and pretend you don't see how desperate he's getting until he finally breaks and cries for you.
- Don't pour salt in the wounds and mock him about being in heat. that's just mean and he's going to get the impression you don't want him. If you offend his pride, he'd rather suffer alone than fuck someone who's going to treat him like that ( unless its part of some game you're playing and you both know that before hand)
-i'd say tease him for a while, even if you want to give in and then go in with the sweetness and honey. He likes to feel like he's won out even if you know you were just playing with him.
-He's going to make a lot of demands of you while he's in Heat and its really up to you whether to give in or not. If you're a soft/parental type of dominant, the temptation may be to spoil him, but he a kind of "give them an inch, they'll take a mile" person.
- It depends on what type of person you are to how he'll respond to this heat. Yes, it generally makes him more submissive but that doesn't equate to him becoming an uwu bottom. If you want him to top, tell him, direct him give him clear instructions and orders and he'll fall over himself to please you.
-If you want him to bottom, do the same, but take charge of your own actions. Don't ask, just act, move him around into the position you want. He's expecting you to use him like an alpha would, take what you want from him but also take care of him. as long as you've discussed it prior, there are very few things he wont let you do to him in heat.
-You should still arrange a safeword or something before hand. even if all you're doing is having regular vanilla sex, he's super sensitive right now and might need a break or reassurance or something. Trust me it will save a lot of awkwardness further down the line.
-Top in heat karl is very gentle. he's shaking and a little weaker than normal because of the fever. he might prefer you ride him or are at least the person doing most of the moving and directing. he's very attentive and likes a lot of cuddling after.
-Bottom in heat karl is a bit of a sloppy mess. He's kissing anywhere he can reach, grabbing and scratching anything he can get his hands on, messing up his hair and covering his face so you cant see his expression. He bounces back to meet your thrusting in the middle and does more laughing sighing or moaning than speaking. Afterwards is even worse. he just goes limp in relief and lies in whatever position you put him in for hours, covered in cum or lube or or kisses or tears and anything else from your activities. Man's going to need a post coital bath is what i'm saying.
-He's a massive cuddle bug. He built that pillow nest for a damn good reason and he's going to be pissy if he doesnt get to make the most of it. He doesn't usually have a lot of strength for a few days after a heat, so he cant physically hold you down to keep you there. But will you really be able to say no to his cute, fucked out expression ?
there you go nonnie! you all know my preference for bottom karl but i usually canon him as a switch or service top. i hope i brought that across here lol
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Hello its me! 🔞 anon! If its not too much but if I can request all of the dsmp guys? Just a lost of who's likelier to fall in love at firsr sight and who'd fall in lust? If all of them are too much I'm sorry!
* Sam is the type that would fall in lust first. And that would lead to his delusions developing, and afterward, he would fall in love, or at least, believe that he had fallen in love.
* Eret would be the type that would fall in love first. Eret is a romantic in one way, but seeing as he doesn't know you, he would try to repress his emotions as much as possible. He wouldn't want to scare you away, that's for sure.
* Fundy is the type to fall in love at first sight. You probably looked either very similar to Wilbur or you had a sweet aura to you, making him feel safe and familiar to you, which causing him to fall for you.
* George is the type to fall for someone at first sight. You were just.. So perfect. The way you were fighting, he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. He loved you before he even knew your name.
* Jschlatt would, strangely, fall in love first. It's really strange, but he would think that you are perfect for what he plans. He really does love you and it's strange.
* Glatt is the type to fall in love at first sight. The reason is that he is very lonely and having someone with him would cause him to feel more than just comfort for that person.
* Karl Jacobs would fall in love at first sight. Karl has always been a romantic, that's why he would fall in love first. He would believe that fate brought you two together and that you deserve to be with him.
* Connor would fall in love at first sight. Connor is a romantic person and well, he's very lonely too. It doesn't take much to understand that he will fall in love with someone that shows him attention.
* Dream would fall in lust at first sight. It takes a long time for him to even see someone as not a toy, so of course, if he has any interest in you, it's mostly sexual.
* Philza would fall in lust at first sight. As much as Philza doesn't want to admit it, he would lust over you first. He is a nice guy, but still, it would take quite some time before he would fall for you and obsess over you.
* Ponk would fall in love at first sight. Ponk is a nice man, to a degree. Because of that, he would probably fall in love with you first. The lust would come afterward.
* Punz would fall in lust for you first. The first time he had seen you fighting, he felt turned on by you. When he finally found out more about you, he fell for you too, but the lust came first.
* Skeppy is the type that would fall in love at first sight. You just seemed to have stolen his heart from the moment that he saw you and he isn't sure how to act about that.
* Technoblade is the type to fall in love at first sight. Technoblade is a real romantic, so it's probably pretty clear that he would fall in love at first sight.
* DreamXD is the type to fall in lust at first sight. He is a god, he would never allow himself to fall in love with someone else without actually knowing them first.
* Foolish gamers are the type to fall in love at first sight. You were like a god to him, and he doesn't know what to do. He can't take his eyes away from you. How can he?
* Jack is the type to fall in love at first sight. He usually doesn't fall in love that easily, but something about you was different, that made him be unable to resist.
* Slimecicle is the type to fall in love at first sight. He honestly would fall in love with anyone that he looks at, and you are one of those people that he fell for.
* Crimson is the type to fall in love at first sight. Or more specifically, it's something that would see the potential in someone at first sight and would want to drag them into the eggpire.
* Puffy is the type to fall in lust at first sight. Puffy is really sweet and nice, but she will probably lust over you before showing any romantic interest in you.
* Mamacita is the type to fall in lust at first sight. Mamacita is a very romantic person, but because of her loving Carlos, she usually would lust over someone first. And only then fall for someone else.
* Nihachu is the type to fall in love at first sight. Nihachu is a very romantic and sweet person and I just can;t imagine Nihachu falling into lust before falling in love.
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bistaxx · 4 years
Observations and discussion- the 11/29 streams
Part 1 George’s stream| Part 2 Tubbo’s stream ( will be linked when it’s done )
George logs onto the SMP because his chat was freaking out about his home.
Dream tells George to not worry and tells him to not look at his now burnt home.
George already heard that Tommy was the one who torched his house from chat but the first SMP member he actually hears it from is Karl.
I don’t remember if Quackity knew it was Tommy or not but when he follows George to his house Quackity never blames Tommy and tries to convince George that it was BBH and Skeppy because of that one sign Tommy (I think) placed. ( Though I think this is most likely because Quackity likes trolling BBH. )
After Quackity leaves the VC Karl immediately starts complaining about Tommy’s actions to George ( and Ranboo but mostly Tommy. ) 
Karl advices George to not fix his house immediately, and tells him to “harp on it”. ( To me this feels like Karl trying to rile George up and get him even angrier at Tommy. )
Continued under the read more
( Karl is an interesting character in this plot. He tends to be overlooked and he’s very aware of that: it annoys him but he also uses it to his advantage. He is both clever and very blatant with his power hungry tendencies: he doesn’t immediately try to obtain the highest levels of power and instead is trying to climb the political latter one step at a time. He’s not at all subtle about it but because he’s Karl and people underestimate him he can get away with it. )
( We we’re all out here going: Fundy betrayal arc, Quackity corruption arc, Tommy villian arc and ended up forgetting about a possible Karl arc lol )
Karl is the one who suggests George talks to Tubbo about Tommy’s behavior and flat out says “Tommy is the vice president I think we need to overthrow him and... I don’t know who the Vice Vice President is but whoever is just needs to step up and become the Vice President... That’s just my opinion though.”
( FYI: Karl pressured Tubbo into naming him vice vice president. )
Karl keeps on attempting to make the V.V.P look better to George who is focusing on rebuilding and doesn’t seem to care about what Karl is saying. Karl also wants George to leave the mess as is to provide proof for Tubbo but George once again ignores him.
They join VC5 but Tubbo gets overwhelmed by all the talking and moves into VC6 with Quackity.
Karl informs George about Dream’s wall and speculates that Dream did it for George.
The King flat out admits that he doesn’t understand politics ( lol )
George initially agrees with the wall but Karl keeps on pushing for a change in power instead.
Tommy joins and George accuses him, Tommy denies the claim but Karl doesn’t believe him. When George considers that Tommy might be telling the truth Karl says that Tommy is lying.
“What do I get out of lying to you George?” ( Now Karl isn’t lying to George but I find this line interesting because it’s VERY clear what Karl could get and has been pushing for this whole conversation. )
Karl hits the nail half on the head. “Listen, here’s what it is. It’s two people that are just obsessed with power: Tommy and Dream... They are using the ashes of your house as a political statement.”
( Now I say half because Tommy isn’t interested in political gain or political control, he just wants his discs back... now Dream. I was actually writing a draft about this but never finished so I’m just gonna say my own thoughts here: Dream has been looking for an opportunity to make his move and Tommy attacking George, the king of the SMP, was exactly what he needed. He could’ve just punished Tommy but instead he targeted all of L’manberg because he knew that 1.) they are in not in ANY position to fight back against him right now and 2.) Tommy would face major consequence for what was essentially a small prank that was fixed in like less then 10 minutes. To quote Tommy “It was the perfect crime.” )
( Also no one confronted Dream about him burning Manifold Land and that upsets me! >:( Jack Manifold deserves better!!! )
George travels to L’Manburg and finds Dream. Dream informs George that it was Tommy who burned George’s home and since George is the King it would be considered a very big offense. So Dream decided to make his move and boarded up L’manburg to pressure Tubbo and the rest of the cabinet into punishing Tommy. Karl agrees with the idea of punishing Tommy.
Dream tells George not to worry about it again, George asks Dream where he got all the obsidian from and Dream refuses to give a straight answer aside from “Not from creative mode.” ( I’m pretty sure Dream took it from Fundy... interesting that he doesn’t want George to know about that. Does George even know that Fundy is engaged with Dream? )
Dream continues to try and keep George out of the situation meanwhile Karl switches his target over to Dream asking if Tommy should step down as VP to which Dream agrees but also adds that it isn’t enough. Karl also asks if the V.V.P should step up and become VP to which Dream shrugs “ I guess...”, Karl latches onto this as his official endorsement and runs off.
( I’ll talk more about this later but I when I watching Tubbo’s stream I got this overwhelming feeling that Dream is trying to separate Tommy and Tubbo or at least drive a wedge in their bond. )
George expresses concern that the wall wont be enough, Dream once again stresses that he is handling the situation. Dream says “Do you see how much I’ve already done for you... trust me.” and leaves shortly after it. ( It almost feels like a parent talking to a child; a bit of a patronizing energy from Dream to George. Dream wants George to stay neutral and stay out of conflict but recently it seems like George has been wanting to get more involved- just a tiny bit. )
George however stills feels uncertain about the wall, Karl argues that it’s a step in the right direction “it sets up a precedent.” and while George agrees he still doesn’t see how it’ll help in the long run while Karl continues to drag Tommy.
George and Karl join the L’manbergian VC and they argue for a bit before the cabinet move to a new VC without George... and Karl which infuriates him.
Karl vents his frustrations to George about being treated like a second class citizen despite his status as a member of the government.
Karl sulks and George legitimately feels bad for him.
Dream whispers to George to get out of the borders, George asks if Karl should come with them and if he’s gonna hurt the L’manburgians. Dream just says for George to stay away from the conflict and remain neutral
( I saw someone else bring this up before but Dream seems to stick around ‘neutral’ people: George being the obvious one, Callahan being appointed the royal squire, that one time he told Purpled of all people to stay away from Manberg before the war, and last night when Dream was trailing after Puffy who has recently been feeling conflicted about her place in the SMP. I can’t tell how much of it is Dream genuinely caring and how much of it is just him wanting easy people to control and use. )
Karl talks about going “back to the grind” and George, somewhat cautiously, says that Karl should “just get out of here.” ( here being L’manberg )
George gets out of L’manberg but quickly hops back in to watch the discussion between the cabinet members but since he can’t hear anything he leaves- not wanting anything to do with a possible war.
( Which is probably what Dream wants George to do- stay out of it and let Dream handle it. )
Karl continues to vent about not being respected and George sympathetically listens
George stumbles upon the L’mantree, this prompts Karl to say “I’m not telling you to, because I’m the vice vice president and the only reason I’m letting this slip is because they’re being mean to me,... but that tree is very important to them I’m just saying.”
George comments about how interesting it would be if something were to happen to that tree. Karl eggs George on to do something but George gets distracted by Dream.
Karl gives George 24 blocks of obsidian, Karl continues to talk about how disrespectful it was of the others to not include him in the meeting.
Karl joins their call, promising to recount anything to George. George calls Karl his little spy.
( funny little moment: George kidnaps a L’manberg salmon and drops it on Quackity’s head. Your honor they are brothers! )
George joins the VC with the others: they discuss George’s home and if Tommy is guilty.
Dream and Tubbo go to talk in private.
George listens as the other cabinet members beg for Tommy to just tell the truth.
They all start leaving the call until it’s just George and Karl again
Interestingly Karl brings up supporting the idea of Quackity being VP in place of Tommy ( with Karl perhaps aware that because of the lack of respect the others have for him trying to make Quackity the VP instead would be more realistic )
George and Karl continue to bond over disliking Tommy.
Karl joins a VC and George soon follows but they’re immediately told by Tubbo to leave, this just frustrates them even more.
“I’m peeved George.” 
Karl encourages George to read his chat, who are telling George to burn down the tree.
George finds the ingredients to make a flint and steel in a nearby chest ( I don’t know if it was just a coincidence or if Dream or Karl placed those items in there. )
George decides against burning the tree and instead takes some of it hostage.
George and Karl are asked to join the VC and they all travel to the courthouse
I’ll cover the court stuff in more detail when I watch Tubbo and Tommy’s streams because it concerns them more and I don’t want to make this TOO long.
George listens as the cabinet continues to argue along the way, Niki and Ranboo join.
Pretty much everyone is vocally against Tommy, except for Ranboo who is mostly keeping to himself
George blocks tommy off with his obsidian. Karl and George play dumb about where the obsidian came from ( Though Karl might not have realized it was George who placed it or forgot that he gave him those blocks )
George jokes about Tommy already being done for with Quackity as his lawyer ( Your honor!! They are brothers!!)
Niki immediately tries to defend Ranboo when George brings up Chats claim of Ranboo being involved with the house burning. ( Sibling moment Pog <3 )
Tommy also defends Ranboo, and Tommy keeps defending him even after admitting to the crime.
( I’ll talk more about interesting Tommy stuff I noticed when I watch his stream )
Niki and Tommy vouch for Ranboo’s innocence and since Ranboo’s memory is apparently very spotty they all decide to let him go, except for George who wants them to review the footage ( Tommy’s vod I presume ) to see if Ran is truly innocent but George is ignored.
George tags along after the trial while the L’manberg cabinet continues their discussion.
George listens as Tommy talks about his goals to piss off Dream until he gets his discs back, the rest of the cabinet argue that his actions are irresponsible since as a member of the Government he represents all of L’manberg ( Though something tells me that even if Tommy wasn’t VP Dream, opportunist and conniver he is, still would’ve tried to make Tommy burning George’s house into a big deal since Tommy is still a L’manberg citizen. )
Dream shows up and Tommy chases after him, everyone follows in a panic.
Karl confronts Ranboo about him helping Tommy burn George’s cottage but let’s him off easy and tells Ran to apologize to George.
Ranboo apologizes even though he can’t remember doing it ( allegedly )
Niki is on Ranboo’s defense, she blames Tommy for being a bad influence on Ran.
Ranboo says “I never said that I couldn’t remember any of it- I just said that I have bad short term memory... “ he also tells George that the fire was an accident and that neither him or Tommy meant for it to spread.
Ranboo does also confirm that Tommy stole stuff and Ranboo did too but Ran put the stuff he stole back because he felt bad.
Ran says that he’s not good at standing up to people and George forgives him but George still wants his stuff back- Ranboo promises to try and help.
Ranboo questions the construction of the walls just because George’s house was burned.
George decides to interrogate Tommy and joins their call, he hears the cabinet argue about the discs ( I’ll cover this more in another post )
( This is when Tommy’s mom tells him about the dishes LOL )
Sapnap joins in confused and George tells him what happened alongside Karl.
Sapnap officially declares himself one of Gogy’s knights. For now George asks Sapnap to keep an eye on Tommy.
Sapnap gets anxious when Tommy and the rest start punching each other ( in reality they’re doing a handshake ) and protectively gets in front of Karl and George
“Dream’s not here, so I gotta protect you guys!” ( Just a nice little moment)
The cabinet go back into the Camarvan, the others watch from the top of the van. Ranboo and Niki decide to respect their privacy.
Sapnap is vocally on George’s side and against L’manberg
“These L’manbergians George, they should’ve learner their lesson the first time when we dealt with them.”
Niki takes offense to this
Karl reveals why he was on Schlatt’s side during the war “ I didn’t feel welcomed...” ( Interesting!! Not feeling welcomed was what caused Quackity to create Swag2020 and later join Schlatt!!!!!!)
Sapnap agrees that the L’manbergians don’t make people feel welcomed. Karl adds that even as vice vice president he still doesn’t feel welcomed since he’s not included in the meetings, Niki agrees that it’s pretty rude of them to do that to Karl.
( This might be important later on: Last night Puffy considered joining Dream but she doesn’t want to turn against Niki but Puffy might try to convince her to join Dream’s side- but I don’t think Niki would go without Ranboo and he needs to be a citizen to run in the next election.)
George and Sapnap agree that it’s wrong of them to not include Karl
Sapnap criticizes Tubbo for not keeping his people in check
Niki doesn’t defend Tubbo, instead she brings up how Ranboo is running for the next election ( interesting!!!!)
Sapnap calls Karl their “ambassador”
George wants to help Karl break down some of the walls around party island but decides to not get involved- Sapnap agrees once again brining up how the king mustn’t get involved and neither can Sapnap as a royal knight.
“I’m the kings right hand man- one of his right hand men. One of the knights, I represent the king.”
George warns Karl about Dream having the walls be in specific places for a reason and gets him to stop, the two are about to listen to some music before Dream whispers for George to come over to him.
Dream gives George the fish Quackity took for his pond in exchange for the parts of the L’mantree he took. At first George questions giving back the leaves but does so.
( In Tubbo’s stream I saw him give the pieces back to the L’manbergians as a show of good faith, but too me this rings more of Dream trying to make himself seem like a good guy to the other L’manbergians while he tries to make Tommy look worse. )
George goes back home to return his fish
Tommy gets blamed for damage done to Karl’s walkway ( I don’t know if he did that )
( George hears a Minecraft cat meow and meows back at it????? )
Tommy asks George for some leather and to two have a little spat, Tommy also remarks about how he hoped that him and Sapnap would be on better terms after Mars but it seems that ship has sailed- Sapnap is loyal to George first and foremost.
Karl’s loyalty to L’manberg has been deeply shaken, Sapnap apologizes to him.
George see’s the rebuilt L’mantree.
George and Sapnap try to cheer up Karl, encouraging his growing negative feelings towards L’manburg.
Quackity is concerned and joins the call after Karl drowns himself three times.
George and Sapnap take Karl back to his house and try to cheer him up with help from Quackity but Karl tries to drown himself again until George orders him as king to stop, threatening to never “pop-off” with him again if he keeps drowning himself
The group decide to have a serious conversation at party island
They all climb into the tree house to support Karl
Quackity promises to talk to Tubbo about Karl getting ignored.
Quackity mistakenly thinks that Karl kissed George (unless he’s talking about a different situation idk ). Quackity then hits George and the two start fighting before George orders Sapnap to get Quackity out of there.
Sapnap draws his bow ordering Quackity to leave while Karl begs them to stop fighting. Things get tense between the trio and Quackity asks if Sapnap still loves him. Sapnap says he does and that this is just a formality before George shoves him out of the tree accidentally killing Quackity.
Quackity says “he understands” to Karl and leaves.
( Damn, Gogy out here destroying relationships left and right! /lh )
Quackity comes back for his things and is asked to rejoin VC
More relationship drama ensues: Quackity is upset at Karl for not standing up for him when their other fiancé, Sapnap, pulled a bow on Quackity. Karl claims that he didn’t just stand there but Quackity moves on to Sapnap, asking for them to just leave Karl. George is confused.
Quackity asks for his “yeezys” back from Karl but George takes them, promising to give them back so long as Karl stops drowning himself
Karl says that’s he’s gonna be fine since Quackity promised to talk to Tubbo, the trio decide to make up to “ not make their wedding awkward”
Hbomb joins and George gives the boots back
(Sapnap clearly cares about both Karl and Quackity but in the end of the day his duties as a royal knight come first- things might get messy if another war starts up. )
( Edit: Addition to the above point, Quackity and Sapnap actually bring this up during Sapnaps 11/30 stream and my point is kind of reaffirmed but not quite in the way I expected. Sapnap listened to George because George is the king and he’s already seen what happens when you disobey the king; it’s certainly fear over respect in this case. He quickly shifts the topic to Karl after this- revealing that, while he still loves Karl, Sapnap views Karl as the “3rd wheel” of their relationship. Quackity basically agrees with this. Ouch. )
Alright back to serious stuff: George, Sapnap, and Karl speculate about what’s going to happen next. George still hasn’t gotten the stuff Tommy took from him back.
Hbomb suggests that George looks through Tommy’s stuff and see if any of his stolen goods are there, George agrees and goes but Sapnap has to leave, he tells George to be safe.
since George doesn’t remember what exactly Tommy took from him he decides to just take what he wants ( Hbomb noting about how that’s just the way this server works lol )
George takes useful stuff from Tommy, chat freaks out about how this could break George’s neutrality and Karl later asks if George was committing war crimes via stealing: George denies this.
Later George joins the VC with Tubbo and they start talking about making a chess tournament.
Some more little humorous moments happen- nothing really plot related I think. George plays chess with Fundy, Karl tries to make a rollercoaster in Philza’s house since he got rid of the school, a global warming arc is jokingly discussed, George tries to enforce some rules as king ( things like flight licenses, and shop permits. Nothing serious), I think George and Karl kiss in the kissing booth ( hard to tell with Minecraft; but George- I know it’s hard but please stop being such a darn homewrecker!! /Joking )
Also Jack briefly logs on but I don’t think he noticed the destruction to Manifold land yet ( He most definitely noticed during  Fundy’s stream today and is pissed )
Karl attacks Maid!Hbomb in church prime
George asks Hbomb to keep an eye Tommy, Hbomb continues to do cat maid things~ to George’s dismay
( George has never watched ATLA wtf )
Punz joins and George tells him about what happened. 
Later Punz confirms that he is one of George’s knights.
George considering granting Punz a flight license so long as he serves under him.
Punz comments on L’manburg’s loss in territory, George says it’s justified.
George, Punz, and Hbomb notice an odd cobblestone bridge structure in that starts around Hutt’s pizza and ends over L’manburg. Punz investigates it with the others. It ends right above the little town square area, with the Technoblade wanted posters.
Punz and George speculate the importance of the bridge and find out it’s a good ledge for jumping into a pool of water in the nation.
After a few awkward moments with Maid!Hbomb George and him considering making a deal: George would get one of Hbomb’s Pigstep discs in turn for renting a room out to Hbomb in George’s cottage. Nothing is set in stone yet and George decides to end his stream.
And that's about it! Thanks for reading!! I’ll try to cover the other streams ASAP.
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balillee · 3 years
a ramble on why i'm obsessed with the idea that dream's like some immortal chaos deity and what that might do for his character:
take into account the village that went mad and you have a massive opportunity for civilisations before and after that leading up to the events of the Dream SMP. Dream living in each one, propositioning himself as a ruler each time and watching on excitedly as he pushes people in the directions he needs them to go so he can watch them dissolve and crumble under his feet. He may have started out happy and friendly but eventually became bored of it, turning to sadism to get his kicks because he knows his life is unending and it won't have any longterm consequences. He's seen civilisations in poverty starve to death, he's seen and/or committed genocides, he's seen wars shatter nations beyond repair, and this just so happens to be the civilisation that we, the viewers, are allowed to see - it's good to assume from that standpoint that the end of the lore for the SMP is the death or the end of Dream as a character, so that finally a civilisation can learn to flourish.
It also makes sense for him to be obsessed with Tommy, something I've made a post about before, because you can argue that Dream's never met someone as chaotic, hopeful and determined as Tommy is. He's met people as ideologically kind and as methodically ruthless as Tubbo, he's met bringers of death that he can bend to his whim like Techno, he's met ruthless dictators like Schlatt, he's met tactically weak diplomats like Quackity, he's met easy-to-break revolutionaries like Wilbur - he's played with them all before and he's enjoyed messing with them. He knows how to manipulate and break them like it's the easiest thing in the world because he's done it countless times before.
But then there's Tommy. Dream's never met a Tommy before, someone who off the bat will take the chance, no matter how stupid, to disobey him. And when Dream asserts his dominance over this annoying kid, he doesn't break like the others, he resists to try and claim what's rightfully his. He inspires others by challenging the status quo and for the first time, he sees people break away and try to resist him rather than whoever he was hiding behind. It makes sense for Dream to love it every time L'Manberg loses, or when Tommy loses, because it's so satisfying to do something new to someone so hopeful for once.
Why do you think we focused on how Dream was able to gaslight Tommy for a week and a half? Because Dream found it more fun than anyone else he could have done it to - manipulating others is child's play, he's done it before because he's met every type of person. But Tommy? Tommy becomes fun because he needs to think of new and exciting ways to break him. Making him suffer is enjoyable, because it reaffirms Dream's power, makes him feel less threatened (and plus it's likely he could feel humiliated that out of everyone, it's this irrational sixteen year old that gets under his skin.)
Techno's fun, too, mainly because he can always manipulate someone like Techno, an unending anti-villain, to do exactly what they swore not to do and give Dream his power back. Techno is Dream's perfect weapon, and each person Dream's seen that looks like Techno did the same.
Someone like Karl, who reads the history books from civilisations past, makes Dream remember to hide his identity. Clay, Cornelius, Dream - they're all the exact same guy, it's just that he needs to change so that the history books don't pick up on it. (This kind of makes Karl threatening to Dream in a way and that's funny as fuck)
If when Tommy and Tubbo go to face Dream 'one last time' they don't find where Dream actually lives, I'll riot. We all joke about Dream's homelessness and I'm convinced that it's just a bit, bc I so hope that Dream lives in this inhuman-like mansion or citadel with traps at every turn. Instead of a bed, he just has a place where he recharges. He doesn't have a kitchen, he has a weapons inventory from nations past. He has a library of every book he's ever found left over like relics, so he can point at the journals and think - 'hey! that's me!' He has a museum of relics and trinkets like crowns, jewels and daggers, things with inherent worth - but this clingy sixteen year old weirdo has an attachment to two pieces of vinyl with no practical worth, just sentiment.
And Dream's thinking, for the first time, that's he's going to have the most fun he's ever had.
It also makes the idea that Ranboo and Dream know each other even more exciting because one could theorise that one of those ancient civilisations could have been the end, hence why, from a storytelling standpoint, it's closed off to everyone. Dream can't keep doing what he does so he has to hide the evidence, but he allows this half-enderman with memory problems out because he can't remember what happened, and Dream's going to torture him with that for kicks. Ranboo's the one that can stay around because not only is he fun to fuck with, but he can also not remember it. He might be able to put the pieces together about Dream's puppetmaster-like nature, but like hell could someone as nervous and depressed as Ranboo do anything about it on his own, let alone convince others of the same.
Conversely, Ranboo's anti-sides rhetoric could stem from having witnessed a civilisation from long ago tear itself to shreds because of Dream's ideological division of the people, and while he may not remember Dream as a person, or even that civilisation, it's most definitely made an impact on how he views the world. It could be why he has Dream as a voice in his head talking to him, because only now has he started to recognise it as Dream, because he's met Dream again.
ughhhghhhgghghh sorry rambling i just want this to be canonised so i can have even more of a reason to want to roundhouse kick the fuck out of c!dream also i want it to be so satisfying if and when tommy finally beats him n gets the discs back bc i don't know if literally any characters other than him, tubbo(?) and ranboo know that when dream's dead they'll literally all be free plus tommy deserves it he's seen enough
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
(cw cc!Karl negative/critical)
I don't know if this has been touched on in your previous posts but I wanted to talk on how Karls constant forced integration into groups or need for larger creators around is quite frustrating to watch.
What all began as a silly bit in his early days with him being a part of L'manburg from the beginning or the dream team, has developed into a cry for constant involvement within his friend groups. Be it from Tina and Georges "sunshine duo" nickname they created from an inside joke in uno which Karl immediately claimed himself a part of. Or, in the among us with corpse and friends, although not involved in the bit he would try and get the last word in. It's ok to not be a part of every conversation yet he doesn't seem to realize this.
Obviously, his friends aren't bothered by his actions and I have no intention on claiming they do. However, as a viewer I've recently started perceiving it as his fear that something new could begin without him being a part of it. So what if it did? I feel like Karl is on a constant attempt at staying relevant and dreads the thought of someone forgetting him. Tales seems to be a prime example of such, consisting of 4 well known CCs (techno, dream, corpse, etc.) and potentially one who averages less than 50k.
Although I understand the need for viewer retention, the Dream SMP itself incorporates a wide variety of streamers of varying sizes, surely they all deserve a spot. Yet tales has had a castlist barely breaching half of such over the course of 8 episodes. Although he may not have established connections with such streamers I'm sure many would be thrilled to recieve a request at something bigger than the average stream. He seems to care little for the story's and more for the cast he pulls together and the build they reside on. Due to such, there is no hype for tales, there is just hype for the creators taking part. The project isn't passion filled, it's a reminder on why we should all look at Karls streams and remember Karl, he brings creators together don't forget! He's relevant.
Karl has become too lenient on his friends for content, I can't recall the last time we had a solo stream (minus his apology). His fatal flaw seems to be disregarding a viewer base centered around him and more so turning the attention to his friends. Thus, solo content would be left lacking. His ability to entertain an audience requires others to bounce off of or divert the attention to. I think he realizes such judging by this behavior. However, for the long term survival of a streamer this is far from ideal.
(Don't feel any need to respond, this was a mess of a rant that took twelve turns midway)
Yeah that has been bought up a lot recently. Especially since Sykkuno apparently sounded genuinely annoyed during an among us stream after Karl kept of claiming he was always part of the amigops. As well as him going on about how he built Kinoko Kingdom, people saying at least credit Foolish instead of dismissing his hard work that you're not been going to use. I said before that Karl's stream are never solo minus like 2 but even then it's him watching someone else do something. Karl physically seems unable to do anything that is just him and his own content.
The nickname for him is Klout Khaser Karl for a reason. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if he dropped his own family for a bit of clout. Like I have no issue with people making friends and benefitting for clout but when you have to rely on clout and popular streamers to keep your career going it's not a good thing.
Not to mention that when he tried to claim that he was part of the original group on the DreamSMP a lot of newer viewers got genuinely confused thinking that he was their from the start. Like if you're going to have a bit you need to clarify afterwards otherwise it's just going to cause chaos and confusion. Also it's not just clout he has this thing where if he's not got the attention on him he starts doing things to be noticed like moaning loud, screeching and just generally being obnoxiously loud.
I see a lot of people saying that Karl isn't using his friends for clout because he doesn't care which literally isn't true. One big example being one of his streams with Sapnap where he refused to start until he got more viewers and was telling people to tweet out a stream link. Someone else also recently mentioned that during the egg painting stream he constantly mentioned about how far away he was from his subgoal to which others mentioned how he mentions his subgoal a ridiculous amount of times. I was also sent a link on twitter to a thread (now unfortunately deleted) that was Someone comparing the difference between Karl, Technoblade and Ranboo about how much they go on about followers, subgoals, giving money, gifting bits and subs. Like how did Karl spend 30 more minutes asking people to sub than Ranboo when Ranboo streams 3 times as often and twice as long. (Including his subathons)
I genuinely think that Karl has a stable enough fanbase and he doesn't need to rely on bigger names like Dream and Corpse to get views so I don't know why he does it if it's not for clout.
In my opinion Karl started this persona of being an uwu soft boy and now he's got this mentality of doing what's popular and trendy at the time to the point of him no longer having an individual personality. I do think it's a bit of narcissism but I do think it's also got a lot to do with the fact that he's surrounded by Mr Beast and his "Bigger and Better or scrap it" mentality as well as Dream's growth mentality. I think he's adopted Dream's ideas about growth but put if towards himself compared to Dream who thrives off of growing others.
Honestly I think he needs to take time off to re-evaluate everything and start fresh. Not relying on names and not being obsessed with views. I think he needs to take a short hiatus and when he comes back to only do a few solo streams to show his individual personality. (but also to appear in others streams as support) Similar to people staying off the internet for a bit to improve mental health I think he needs to leave to find a personality that's not ridiculously fabricated.
(Can't wait for the anonymous hate comments for this one)
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Quote time! Who's character/couple relate to this one:
"love...is the scariest feeling in the world."
SO MANY COUPLES for this. It's almost overwhelming.
Let's start with Ye Zhun and Shi Lei. Because Ye Zhun is absolutely terrified of love. Or at least of speaking about love, of saying those words and possibly being rejected or losing that love. And Shi Lei is also deeply scared of rejection. It's so scary. And thus they're both absolutely unable to use their words and it's USELESS.
Pi and Pai would both say this and both be right and both deserved better and AUUUGH. /not getting started.
I'd definitely ascribe this to Tine, honestly. Love is terrifying and confusing and overwhelming and he just doesn't know how to handle it until he has to handle it, frankly.
Yeon Woo exemplifies this. The love he feels for Yoo Han is terrifying because it's a beautiful metaphor for so many things so it feels more like an obsession than anything else and it's beautiful.
I feel this for Pok and Tong, honestly. Because love is scary when you love someone you hate (or someone who hates you, especially). That's the scariest kind of love. How do you love someone who did something you struggle to forgive? How do you love someone who refuses to forgive you?
Peem literally dies because of love. I think he deserves that fear.
Mico could definitely say this in the movie. 100% and deserve to say it. Love is scary when you're never the first priority and you're never the one being cared for and you're the one who always has to accept being in second place.
Karl is terrified of love because of what it means for his identity and who he is. What's more terrifying than having to literally peel back all the walls you've placed around yourself to reveal who you truly are?
Can says this, basically. He's seen what lost lost did to Ae and that's so, so scary. But he learns that it's worth the risk of pain to have something as all-fulfilling for him as love.
Shake also dies for love so, you know, he definitely gets to say this in the afterlife. And also to the writers of the show.
Mitsuomi feels this so strongly. He fears that love he feels because he fears what his life will look like, what he will feel like, the scariest bits of his life... But also the greatest thing he's felt in so, so long for someone... but for someone who's so unsure of love, or seems that way at first.
Han Ji Woo definitely thinks love is terrfiying. How can he not? Love is just a way to be hurt, something out of his control, something he has to worry about.
Winston was so mistreated as a child, so abused, that it's rather obvious how terrifying love is for him. Which is why I still want a second season that's never going to happen. So sad.
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scraftsku35 · 4 years
Need to rant just a little bit. I was talking to a coworker about the boys show on amazon. She’s OBSESSED with Karl. I love him. Support him and yes. I’m obsessed but not unhealthy. It’s like a super big appreciation for him. Anyways. We were talking and I threw out my opinion that he’s got a girlfriend and she fought me HARD and got mad. Like she made me show her why I thought that he was dating and got like upset upset. I told her to chill. He is going to date ? Maybe get married. I love him and I’m obsessed but I’m never going to actually date him ? I may never even meet him in real life ? She was soooo upset. I’m like girl your not actually going to date him ? This girl is younger than me she turned 20 a month ago Karl is 48......... I said she’s the same age as his children. I was like he doesn’t even live in this country. She was like I was thinking of going to college in NZ just to stalk him ! I just made a face and she kept saying how she follows his kids on Instagram and wished they’d be more public and she tried to message them. I just like couldn’t take it and was like that’s so weird and unealthy leave them alone ! I love when Karl talks about his kids. His being a dad is adorable and he loves his kids and it’s precious to me but I don’t stalk his children ! I was so put off by her behavior. It was way to obsessive. She got mad at me and we had to end the conversation. Friendly reminder that I can be absolutely obsessed and crazy for someone and talk about them all the time but I’m not like a crazy stalker who can’t separate fiction from reality. This girl though. Very immature for her age. Was I to mean to her ? Idk. It upset me because I thought I could have a cute fan girl club at work and talk about the show and just some people take it to far. I just feel like celebrities deserve respect and privacy.
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hoshigomi · 4 years
2019 in Takarazuka!
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This was my first year of living full time in Japan, and so I got to see more Takarazuka than I would EVER have anticipated would be possible to me. I feel really lucky. Here are my thoughts on this year- I didn’t limit any category to one answer because I wanted to give my respects to everything that caught my heart this year. It gets a little long, but feel free to give it a read!
Favorite Grand Theater musical:  My favorite Grand Theatre Musical was Beside the Foggy Elbe, but it was ALSO God of Stars. These shows could not BE more different. Elbe was my favorite show in the way that Yukigumi’s Gaisenmon was one of my favorite shows last year and in the way that Hoshiai is some people’s favorite show. It’s my favorite show maybe EVER in that I cried during every single one of the [redacted #] performances I got to see. I’m not usually a fan of Heavy Serious Show, but this one may be my top favorite show of all time. (Feel free to read my review here- I can not BEGIN to hash out my feelings for this show in this tiny space!) I have literally never seen a show more perfectly suited for the people performing it than God of Stars was to Hoshigumi. It was stomach-ache funny and heart-ache touching and one of the most respectful, brilliant, plays-to-their-strengths, META taidan shows I have EVER seen- for every taidansha, and the upcoming top combi. God of Stars is overflowing with love and humor, and that’s exactly the kind of show that grabs my heart and refuses to let go.  Special honors for 2019 go to Soragumi’s Oceans 11 because I love the hell out of that show and Makaze’s Danny, Susshii’s Saul, Seiko’s Queen Diana, Madoka’s Tess, Moeko’s Livingston, and Kazuki Sora’s Linus were specifically my favorite portrayals of those characters that I have ever seen. 
Favorite revue:  Hands down, the Grand Theatre run of Estrellas. Estrellas felt more like a rock concert than a revue to me at first, and then I learned to put in words that it felt very Chiegumi in a way that I LOVED. This revue flowed like none other, and  I have really special personal ties to it as well, it having been Kai’s last revue in Takarazuka. I wanted to list standout numbers, but is it really a “standout number” if I can list like 12? There was so much CONTRAST and so many OPPORTUNITIES and so much, again, LOVE in the whole thing!! The chuuzume? Playful! The white number? Sincere! I cried every time! The pop star medley? OOF! BACK? INCREDIBLE! Starlight Parade? Beautiful! Estrellas was the best revue of the year and this is a category in which I don’t personally believe there was any competition.  That said, I want to give special honors to Eclair Brillant for showing a side of Beni’s Hoshigumi that we never really got to see in revues (plus that bolero, which might be the best standalone NUMBER in Takarazuka this year, and the kuroenbi which again, blended personality with crisp blacks and whites and was a MASTERFUL passing of the torch), and Krung Thep which I loved a lot, despite having to see it with a weird flip flopped cast (F for Reiko :( ) Even though I only saw that one once some moments (the boxing number, Sakura generally just kicking ass, the chuzuume, Miya and Tamaki’s duedan) really stuck with me. Music Revolution used Pachelbel’s’ Canon and Neon Outfits in a way that I would never have thought would work, but did, and also featured an INCREDIBLY beautiful taidan number despite it being like, no one’s taidan. 
Favorite small theater musical:  HONESTLY, against ALL ODDS, Kamatari. I didn’t expect to even LIKE Kamatari, but between the HAUNTING score, the performances by Beni, Airi, Hanagata Hikaru, Seocchi, Kuracchi, and Mikkii SPECIFICALLY, the BEAUTIFUL set, and the touching and volatile relationships between the characters, I was HOOKED. It didn’t need a complicated plot- the character relationships drove everything, and I thought it was absolutely masterful. This one slid under a lot of people’s radars- please give it a look for yourself if you can!  Special honors to Mozart, which I don’t think I have to explain,  Diamond as Big as the Ritz for looking fun as HELL though I admit I DIDN’T GET TO SEE IT, On The 20th Century (unfortunately forever lost to time but featuring two of the most professional, brilliant lead performances I have ever seen), and On The Town, for being a faithful, loving take on a classic piece of musical theatre that I would have gladly seen more times than I got to.
Favorite numbers: (In no real order)
L’Operap and Bim Bam Boum  from Mozart.
石を割って咲く桜 from Mibugishiden, because those voices give me CHILLS.
The Gift and Bolero, (Eclair Brillant’s sexy, sexy chuuzume and INSANE artsy number, respectively.)
Some Other Time from On the Town.
Pop Star/Hoshi Ni Negaiwo/Starlight Parade/Championne/星サギの歌 in Estrellas.
Beer Matsuri (prologue) in Beside The Foggy Elbe.
The title song from God of Stars.
愛した日々に偽りは無い from Oceans 11
We Need Love and Adventure In The Life from Casanova straight up slaps.
I haven’t seen Aquavitae but boy the theme song is catchy.
Favorite lead otokoyaku role:  Beni in Beside The Foggy Elbe. I woulda given her the award for God of Stars but her Karl was TRANSFORMATIVE and HEART wrenching. It’s always nice to see someone break out of their comfort zone (or in Beni’s case, the zone that she really just gets the most credit for THRIVING IN), and do something new. Karl shocked me in all the right ways. Beni playing vulnerable? Oof.  Special honor to Coto as Mozart because what the fuck how is anyone that talented, Makaze as Danny Ocean (because duh), Tamaki Ryou as Gabey in On the Town because boy does she nail earnest lovesickness, Daimon as Oscar Jaffee (for MUCH the same reason as I loved Beni as Karl), and Daimon as Yoshimura Kanichirou (which yeah I did have to look up his name but boy THAT was also a TRANSFORMATIVE role!)
Favorite lead musumeyaku role: Before me I have two envelopes and one says “Maaya Kiho as Lily Garland” and the other says “Kisaki Airi as Eileen”, and when I open the envelopes they both say “winner.” Maaya Kiho is probably straight up the most talented person in all of Takarazuka right now and I AM prepared to stand by that claim. Lily is very much the lead role in 20th Century, This was a beyond Broadway caliber performance and I would love nothing more than for her to reprise her role everywhere and anywhere. Airi’s Eileen was maybe one of the best musumeyaku roles I’ve ever seen, and she knocked it out of the park with humor, gravitas, earnesty, vulnerability, and skill that comes with being a musumeyaku with That Much Experience under your belt and That Juicy of a role to work with. Special shoutouts to: also Maaya as Christine in Phantom, if that counts as 2019.
Favorite supporting otokoyaku role: Wow, this one is a three way tie. Shocker.   One of my greatest regrets though one I can’t really change is that I never got to see Mikkii as Mercutio in RetJ. The good news is that her performance as Fune no Esaka in Kamatari had EXACTLY the same kind of UNHINGED, POWERFUL, DANGEROUS energy that I love about her Mercutio. If you know me you know I can NOT get enough of Tenju Mitsuki onstage, and this role was a BIG, BIG validation of my obsession. Also a MASSIVE role for her. Asami Jun was DISTRESSINGLY NASTY and impressive as Saitou Hajime in Mibugishiden. If she was onstage, it was HARD if not impossible to look away from her. In 2020 I want nothing more than for Aasa to continue clawing her way up the ladder- she’s one of the ones who’s working to earn everything she’s got, and BOY, does she deserve all of it and more. Tobias, lovingly, lovingly, lovingly brought to life by Nanami Hiroki in her final Takarazuka role was an angel, a (quiet) voice of reason on a stage full of fools in Elbe. She didn’t have much stage time, but she imbued every second she did have with everything that got her where she is today. While he wasn’t an attention grabbing character, the subtle work she did with him was beautiful, stable, and warm. (And what a send off.)  I was also impressed by and want to shoutout to: Seo Yuria as Nicholas in God of Stars, Hanagata Hikaru as Soga no Iruka (also Kamatari), AKATSUKI CHISEI as Chip in On the Town, Kazuki Sora as Linus in Oceans 11, and Amato Kanon as Johnny in Elbe, who didn’t do a whole lot besides yell, and still made my shoulders SHAKE with laughter every time she ran on.
Favorite supporting musumeyaku role:  Hands down, mother fucking Shirayuki Sachika as Hildy in On The Town. Excuse my language but what a brilliant performance, hooooooly shit.  BIG bonus shoutouts to: Junya Chitose as Diana in Oceans 11, Shirotae Natsu as Louise Bollinger in Algiers, and Kozakura Honoka (voice of an ANGEL, does THE MOST character work, BEAUTIFUL NUANCED FULL REALIZED stage presence, IN THE MOMENT ALIVE choices) as Aloysia in Mozart. 
Favorite up-and-comer (and/or shinko performance if you saw any):
Amato Kanon
Amato Kanon
Amato Kanon
Amato Kanon
Amato Kanon
My favorite shinko performance was the God of Stars shinko, led by: Amato Kanon, and my favorite 2020 shinko performance is the Hoshigumi RetJ shinko that I am assuming will also be led by Amato Kanon as Romeo. 
Kanon aside, if you like dancers, I urge you to look at Ruri Hanaka in literally anything. Also, if you see any pictures of Yukigumi 105th Tsukise You, please send them to me. 
Best Ensemble:  Hoshigumi just like in general. I know I say this all the time, but my love for them came from this. Without fail, this troupe turns out ensemble show after ensemble show, and even the things that AREN’T ensemble shows become them because of how every actress milks their background opportunities for all they’re worth. I could write ESSAYS on the shit I’ve seen go on in the backgrounds of their scenes. I could write NOVELS, and I would be doing it for my own pleasure.  No matter how you feel about WHAT they do, I think you’d be hard pressed to deny that they’re a very particular sort of group with a really high, warm, messy but intense type of energy about them. It works for me. They dealt with a lot this year, from their top being VOICELESS on a big taidan raku, to a top combi taidan, to a weather canceled top combi maeraku, and carried themselves through it all with grace and love and smiles and intentional positivity. I adore everything they are and everything they mean to me. This troupe got me through a lot this year, and I consider it such a privilege to be so enamored with every one of them. 
Someone you gained a new interest in:  This year I kept a planner where I had an entire page dedicated to every day this year and on January 2nd I have a little drawing of Yuunagi Ryou’s background sailor outfit from Elbe and the note “I definitely have a crush on her.” Now, 12 months, 3 reijou, 2 ochakai, and two embarrassing half conversations later, I sometimes look at her and go like “oh that one sure is mine now, huh.”  She’s lovely. Watching her onstage is a type of fun and intrigue and ??? that I’ve never had with anyone else. I like her scratchy Showa voice. I like when she dances with her floppy hair. I like that she draws herself as a sheep on all her stuff. I like her half smirk and freckles. I think she’s neat. Thanks, Shimo, for making losing My One True Takarazuka Love a little easier on my heart and eyes. To 2020 and beyond. <3
Someone you did a 360 on:  MAISORA HITOMI! I have to admit that I was not only not excited for her to transfer over, but also kind of angry when she was announced as Coto’s partner. And then I saw her in God of Stars. And I still wasn’t SOLD. I appreciated what they did with her and Coto, and that they were given chances (and some SAPPY meta lines about building a new future together), but I didn’t GET it. (Though BOY is she a beautiful dancer.) And then the Mozart rehearsal footage started rolling in, and the interviews started rolling in, and she was having FUN and coming into her own and adjusting beautifully, and what surprised me most, really PLAYING with her new partner and troupe. And then I SAW MOZART and I was sold. I saw shonichi and I was a teary bleary MESS by well before their duet dance, and in their duet dance I saw FRIENDS, and I saw two people who were LOVING working with each other. I saw two people having fun. Long story short, her role as Constanze was INCREDIBLE and compelling and it’s INSANE when you realize how YOUNG she is. I can’t WAIT to see where she goes from here. I’ve realized that I wasn’t fair to her at first. I adore her now. In my house? We love and respect Maisora Hitomi.  Oh, also Seo Yuria who I’ve realized over the past 12 months that I would not only die for, but also kill for if the need should arise. 
Personal biggest headline:  Kai taidanned this year.  There’s no possible world in which that WOULDN’T BE my biggest headline. They could swap all the tops and make a TMS kid a top musumeyaku and this would still be my big news.. Kai was the person who caught my heart six days into knowing what Takarazuka was and she was just. So perfect to me and for me. The entire experience of getting to be her fan, even for a short time, was a dream. Nothing about it ever felt hard or scary or stressful, and the people I met through her are some of my favorite people in the world to this day. It was a whirlwind of a run and a taidan experience and though I would do it all again if I could in a heartbeat, what we, and what she has now, is beyond I think any of our wildest dreams. I still feel so lucky about her every single day. Runners up include like Beni losing her voice completely during Estrellas senshuuraku (can’t wait for THAT to air on Skystage) and Hoshigumi losing maeraku for Beni/Airi/Mao/Renta/Riran taidan to Typhoon Hagbis (which also evacuated me from my apartment.) They could not catch a BREAK this year.
Favorite (???)  random memory or happening: 
Aasa Trending on Twitter just because she’s hot. 
I don’t LOVE it but the transfers, from Hitoko to Aichan to SEIRA HITOMI??? to Shidou to Ayaki Hikari were all pretty fuckin’ weird.
Shiiran kissing Kai on Star Talk.
Everything Kai did post-taidan. 
The time I saw God of Stars and Beni broke so bad she made Airi almost cry trying to stop herself from laughing and then Coto lost it and they got off track two distinct times before Hanagata Hikaru had to step in and start the scene over. 
Getting called back at a certain someone’s ochakai because I was so nervous I walked away without shaking her hand.
Kanon’s first shinko lead (mic issues and restarted show and all) left me with a hope for the future and a warmth in my heart that I have never felt before. 
Looking at @zukadiary​ at intermission of Kamatari and realizing that whatever summary was on Takawiki up until that day for that show was WILDLY off, and having to look it up to figure out what the fuck we actually just watched, because it sure wasn’t what I anticipated. 
Most looking forward to: Anastasia, which I spoke into existence, and also Hoshigumi’s Romeo et Juliette which you can NOT convince me isn’t going to be Hoshigumi’s second GT.
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cottonwren · 5 years
You want queer requests I got 'em. What about queer Finn? Perhaps trans Finn (I'll leave the agab to you). Note Finn is also a 'girls' name of Irish origin meaning white or fair.
Ada was always obsessed with her little sister, Finn. From the day she was born, a tuft of fair hair on her head, Ada had sworn to look after her. Ada was a big girl, she was ten when she was born, and she knew for a fact that the world was a horrible place. She knew that Finn didn’t deserve to hear the shouting, or see the beatings. Ada loved her little sister.
The amount of care and love Ada held for her baby sister didn’t cease when she had her own child, or when she moved out to London. Sure, they couldn’t talk as often because of the distance and the fact that Ada had a lot to deal with...A child, a sexuality crisis brought on by her dead husband’s best friend, constant threat from Tommy’s enemies. It was a lot.
She found herself sitting in her sitting room one night, pouring over the one family photo they had and the letters they’d exchanged during the war and after. Ada liked to pretend that she hadn’t kept them all, but she had. They sat in a little wooden box with a lock, and they contained the only thing Ada held dear.
What she didn’t hold so dear, though, was the horrific knocking on the door. Did no-one understand that it was late at night? Ada grabbed her gun from her purse and ran to the door, scared of the five year old above her waking up. Karl was getting more and more restless as he grew up. Sometimes she wondered if she was parenting right at all.
Opening the door, she braced herself and lifted her gun.
“Ade? Have they told you already?” Finn sobbed - she looked distraught, as if someone had taken it all away from her.
“What?  Finn, come in, how did you get here? Are you okay?” Ada asked, pulling her in and closing the door, shoving her gun in her pocket for now. There were more important things than a hole in Ada’s sofa, things like her sixteen year old sister who was sobbing her eyes out.
Finn’s words were a blur, and even Ada couldn’t understand her. She just wrapped her arms around the sobbing girl and rubbed her back gently.
“Finn, love, what’s happening? Are you in trouble? You know you can always come to me, yeah? You’re going to  be fine, I promise you. You’re going to be fine.” Ada told her softly, holding her close.
“Think I’ve been disowned,” Finn sobbed, wrapping her arms back around Ada. “I’m so sorry, Ade,I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.” Her words came out as a mantra, repeating and repeating until her big sister held her shoulders and looked her dead in the eye.
“Finn. I need you to listen to me, right? You’re working yourself into a state, Karl’s asleep, and I want to know what I can do to help you. I can only know how to help when you tell me what you’ve done, yeah?” 
“I don’t feel like a girl, Ade. I feel more like myself when I’m in a suit, or when girls mistake me for a lad, or when I’m called one of the Shelby Brothers.” Finn’s words were rushed but pained - she looked like a deer in headlights, ready to bolt but not really prepared to do it. Ada felt nothing but shame - not shame at Finn, no, she’d support Finn till the end of the earth, but at her brothers for making Finn feel this shame, this upset.
“Oh, Finn. That’s it?” Ada asked softly,  embracing Finn again. “You’re alright here, I promise. If you want to me my brother, that’s fine, you’re my brother. If you want Karl to call you Uncle Finn, then that’s fine. If you want to change your name, or dress differently, that’s fine. It might take me a little while, but I’ll try to get it right.” 
Finn didn’t reply, only sobbed into Ada’s shoulder.
That continued for a long while, and Ada just stood there, doing her best to help Finn calm down.
“Actually? Would you actually call me your brother?” 
“Finn, I’d call you anything to make you happy, you know that. I love you, kid.”
“Call me it then. Please. Call me your brother.”  Finn begged, reaching for her hands.
“Finn Shelby, you are my brother, and I love you.” Ada told him, the words tasting foreign in her mouth. She would turn it into home, though, make it feel the same way that it did when she called Finn her sister, because in all actuality nothing had changed. Finn was still Finn, Finn still loved the smell of lavender, Finn still had dimples when he laughed, and Finn still hugged like he never would again.
Little sister, brother, or just sibling, Ada was going to continue her promise of protection.
“Does Polly know you’re here, Finn?” She asked, sitting down again with Finn and tidying away the letters. 
“No. Arthur freaked out, and Tommy.. Tommy just kind of looked confused..” He trailed off, looking at his own messy handwriting on the letters Ada was packing away. “You kept these?”
“Of course. I’ve got all of them.” Ada told him with a scoff and a smile, picking up the box and placing it high up in the display shelf. “Does John know?”
“John kind of shouted at me. Arthur did too. They were both drunk, so it isn’t that bad,” Finn found himself excusing his brothers for whatever reason - he’d always been the more soft spoken sibling out of the five of them. Someone had to be, he figured.
“No, Finn. If you don’t want to tell me what they said yet, that’s fine, but you do not deserve to be shouted at, no matter what state our brothers are in.” Ada told him fiercely, fire rising in her heart. She reminded herself that she could tear her brothers off a strip later, but right now there was a freezing sixteen year old boy in her living room who desperately needed a warm bed and some food. Then she’d get on the phone and tear her whole family to fucking shreds.
“They were just shocked… asked me if i was a queer, and then it just got worse.” Finn told her gently, scared by the fire in her eyes.
Ada then realised that she owed Finn some knowledge. She had to tell someone, and the idea that that could have been her really didn’t sit well with her. No way was her brother going to think he was the only queer in the family.
“Well, I’ll talk to them. If they’ve got a real issue then they’re going to have to learn to suck it up, aren’t they? I’ve been seeing a girl, Finn, and even if I wasn’t queer myself, then I’d back you 100%.” Ada told him honestly, images of Jessie flashing in her head. “And if they really can’t see the importance of family - of their most attractive siblings, at that - then it’s their loss.”
“Jessie, right?” Finn asked, having seen how close they were when he came over every other weekend.
“Yeah, Jessie.” Ada nodded with a smile. “She’s so amazing, Finn. Anyway, back to you, my gorgeous little brother. Are you hungry? Tired? Thirsty?” She asked, standing up.
“A little tired. A little hungry. It can wait until the morning, though.” 
“Want some crackers and cheese? I still have the red leicester that you like.” Ada told him, trying to tempt him with one of his favourite things - cheese.
“You’ve always been my favourite sister.” Finn sighed with a cheeky grin.
“And you’ve always been my favourite brother. By far. Now, how many crackers do you want?”  Ada grinned back, head popping out of the kitchen door.
“Just four, please, Ade.”
“Six it is then, Finnian.” Ada told him, knowing that her brother could easily eat four crackers and still have room for more. No-one in Ada’s home went to bed hungry. She and her brothers had struggled enough growing up - her son didn’t need to at any point, and her little brother didn’t need to again.
She came back with the crackers on a plate, told him to help himself to anything in the cupboards, and then excused herself to make up the guest bedroom properly. Finn offered to sleep on the sofa, but she wouldn’t let that happen either.
In the morning Finn woke up with a full stomach, in a comfy bed, and he felt far better than he had when he’d entered the Thorne-Shelby household. He could hear ranting downstairs, and for some fucked up reason he felt comforted.
It was strange if Ada wasn’t fighting someone.
He walked downstairs to find Ada on the phone, to Polly presumably.
“Pol, he’s my brother, I don’t give a fuck about what anyone else will say, why should I? He feels better when he’s called a bloke and so we’re calling him a bloke. If my brothers can’t get that into their thick skulls then they can expect not to talk to me until they do. He got all the way to fucking London last night, and it was late! They made him leave birmingham at this time of night!” Ada ranted, hand on her hip as she did.
Yeah, Finn decided he’d be fine. His brothers would come around, his sister was angry as always, Karl was making pictures with his cheerios, and he didn’t feel as scared as before.
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I have decided to write out and publish my personal predictions for Wrestlemania 35 this Sunday. Feel free to comment and discuss with me cuz I’m fuckin PUMPED FOR THIS SHIT! But like also don’t be an ass about it, these are my personal predictions and opinions for Sunday. (All this is subject to change)
Wrestlemania 35 Predictions:
Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal (Kickoff Show): Confirmed entrants -- Braun Strowman, Michael Che, Colin Jost, Andrade, Apollo Crews, Titus O'Neil, Tyler Breeze, Jinder Mahal, No Way Jose, Bobby Roode, Chad Gable, Lucha House Party, Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel, Heath Slater, Rhyno, Viktor, Konnor, Mustafa Ali, Shelton Benjamin, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Otis, Tucker, EC3:
I honestly have no pony in this race. I’m still very bitter that the Hardy Boyz are being wasted in this match and not doing a singles tag match with The Usos. If I had to pick a winner, I’d say Jeff Hardy or Mustafa Ali, tho it will most likely be Braun Strowman. Winner: Braun Strowman (Personal Choice: Jeff Hardy)
Women's Battle Royal (Kickoff Show): Confirmed entrants -- Asuka, Carmella, Naomi, Lana, Mandy Rose, Sonya Deville, Nikki Cross, Dana Brooke, Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan, Sarah Logan, Mickie James, Zelina Vega, TBA
This battle royal is such a waste of talent ohmygod. Every single one of these women has the potential to win, although I believe it will go to Asuka as sort of a payback (if such a thing even exists in this business) for the bullshit title run she was given as well as being dicked out of a Wrestlemania match. I would love to see Ruby Riott or Sonya DeVille win as well.                           Winner: Asuka
Cruiserweight Championship -- Buddy Murphy (c) vs. Tony Nese (Kickoff Show): I honestly have no idea who’s going to win since this is so underhyped and I haven’t been paying attention to the cruiserweights at all lately. I think there were much better options that creative could have gone with here, and I don’t see them stopping a long reigning title run for just anyone.                       Winner: Buddy Murphy
Raw Tag Team Championship -- The Revival (c) vs. Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins: When the fuck did this match become a thing??? I promise you all that if the Revival lose their titles, I will fucking riot. I will burn the establishment down to the ground. We’ve had to watch the Revival lose how many weeks in a row to Ricochet and Aleister Black? And then THIS is what we get for Mania??? I don’t think so. This is a filler to have on the card. Revival will win. Next.        Winner: The Revival  
SmackDown Tag Team Championship -- The Usos (c) vs. Ricochet & Aleister Black vs. The Bar vs. Rusev & Shinsuke Nakamura: Once again, what the fuck?? This is a horrible lineup. We could have had The Usos vs. The Hardy Boyz, but no, we get this piece of garbage match instead. WWE creative clearly has no idea what to do with their tag divisions at this current time. I’d prefer the Usos to retain their titles, but I still haven’t seen much about whether they have signed a new contract with WWE since their current one is up in May. I honestly believe the outcome of the match will depend on that. If they have signed a new contract, I would say the Usos will retain. However, if they haven’t, it will go to Ricochet & Aleister Black since they have been dominating both Raw and Smackdown since they were called up from NXT. Maybe a unification of the tag titles in all three divisions, like with the womens titles, if they do?? Food for thought.      Winner: The Usos
Women's Tag Team Championship -- Sasha Banks & Bayley (c) vs. Beth Phoenix & Natalya vs. Nia Jax & Tamina Snuka vs. The IIconics: I hate that this is another fatal 4 way for tag titles. As it stands, I wish they never involved Nia Jax & Tamina. They had their shot at Fastlane, they lost, let’s move along now please. I feel that Nia Jax & Tamina vs. Divas of Doom in their own singles match would have been a much better use of story and talent. The IIconics, on the other hand, are a natural tag team. They have the potential to have a great rivalry with Boss n’ Hug Connection, especially with both teams’ promo and in ring skills. I wish they had been focusing more on this part of the storyline without the added mud of the other two teams going into WM35. However, I believe Sasha & Bayley will retain and go on to have a feud with the IIconics post-Mania, and perhaps an NXT tag team will get involved.                           Winner: Sasha Banks & Bayley (Personal choice: The IIconics)
Kurt Angle vs. Baron Corbin (Farewell Match): Kurt Angle is about to whoop Baron Corbin’s ass and we all know it. Maybe WWE will swerve us with Cena and have him vs. Kurt but who fucking knows at this point? This whole damn show is a hot mess. Kurt wins no matter what though. Let the man retire with some goddamn dignity.                                                                          Winner: Kurt Angle
The Miz vs. Shane McMahon (Falls Count Anywhere): I’m really excited for this match simply because it’s going to be mayhem. Shane McMahon will jump off lots of stuff, Miz will take some good spots, it’ll be great. With The Miz dominating the way he has been the past few weeks and becoming a beloved babyface, he has to win. I think with Shane attacking his father and the return of Miz’s reality show, they won't do Miz dirty here and his father may even intervene. Winner: The Miz
Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre: I’m so excited for this match ohmygoodness. I love both of them so much and they will give us a great match. After Drew McIntyre brutalizing all of The Shield continuously for the past month, it naturally makes sense that Roman’s first single match since returning from hiatus will be McIntyre. This is going to be the beginning of a beautiful feud, but I don’t think Roman is going to win just yet. They’re introducing a new version of Roman that isn’t invincible like he’s always been in the past. He has a layer of humanity to him now and it would develop his new storyline much more to lose. I think Drew winning will rocket him to being the top heel of the company and it will spark great storylines for the future.                            Winner: Drew McIntyre
Triple H vs. Batista (No Holds Barred; Triple H's career on the line): I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want, and that’s for Batista to win this match. However, with Triple H’s career on the line (once again) I don’t see him having much of a chance. Triple H will take this one, but at least we’re getting a blast to the past of ruthless aggression, yeah!                                         Winner: Triple H (Personal Choice: Batista)
AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton: So, I originally HATED the idea of this match. Like, I fucking hate Randall with every fiber of my being. I have my whole life and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. However, the latest episode of smackdown left me excited to see what these two will do in a ring together. What I really mean is that AJ Styles is about to make Randall look the best he has in almost a decade. This one goes to the good ole Georgia boy.                    Winner: AJ Styles
United States Championship -- Samoa Joe (c) vs. Rey Mysterio: This match is still up for debate on whether it’s going to happen or not. On the go-home SmackDown, it was announced that Mysterio had suffered an ankle injury during his match on Raw against Baron Corbin. He's set to be evaluated up until Sunday so who the fuck knows? I certainly don’t. However, Joe will retain. He deserves to win his first Mania match. ily Joe bby.                     Winner: Samoa Joe
Intercontinental Championship -- Bobby Lashley (c) vs. Finn Balor: The Demon King is showing up. There’s no question that Bobby will get the shit kicked out of him and Balor will take the title and move on from Buff Wayne Brady to bigger and better things.                                          Winner: Finn Balor
WWE Championship -- Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Kofi Kingston: KOFIMANIA BABY! It’s time! I think this will be match of the night and we deserve it. So does Kofi. It’s going to be an amazing moment for everyone when our new WWE Champion is crowned. I think I might cry y’all.                             Winner: Kofi Kingston
Universal Championship -- Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Seth Rollins: At least someone actually gets their promised Royal Rumble match (I’m bitter about a lot of things but that’s another matter). I think this will be the biggest disappointment of the night. Everyone hates Brock. We’re tired of him. We want him to go away. Fuck Brock Lesner. Although, I don’t think Seth will win this match. Not after him standing tall over Brock on the latest episode of Raw. I think this is going to be a major let down, but we can’t always get what we want right? Vince’s obsession with Brock will never end until he fucking dies and we’re stuck with him until then. Unfortunately, Seth will be the sacrificial lamb for Kofi and Becky to win.      Winner: Brock Lesnar (Personal Choice: Seth Rollins)
Winner Take All -- Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Becky Lynch: God, what a fucking mess. I just want Becky to win dammit. Fuck Ronda. Fuck Charlotte. GIVE US BECKY. It’s what we deserve. It’s what she deserves. It’s what the world deserves. I know it’s going to be one hell of a match and I think if they pick anyone else to win they will have a riot from the fans and crowd so bad that people will throw drinks and shit into the ring. I wouldn’t be surprised if Charlotte wins, however, since Vince is obsessed with her, but the smart business move is Becky. If Ronda wins, I give up on everything and this show. Thank God we’re finally getting this match over with.                        Winner: Becky Lynch
See y’all Sunday ✌️
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