#I just want survivable income
thedreadvampy · 2 months
anyway this week I leant on my therapist's shoulder and ugly cried for like 10 minutes and as I was leaving I was like 'don't give me that face' and she was like 'I'm just very proud of your progress!' and I'm like 😡😡😡😡😡 THANK YOU 😡😡😡😡😡
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danlous · 1 year
There are literally 3 euros left on my bank account
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plushri · 3 months
You know what? I just have to believe it will be good and I will be able to make it good. I can make it good. I can make the most out of it. I have so much to be grateful for and I will be happy
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shadowkira · 20 days
Me: has a cancer scare and admits this to coworkers in case I need to leave the front desk (I'm a receptionist) to take or make phone calls.
A month later, during a meeting with my supervisor: So, this is coming from a place of concern... your coworkers are concerned how your personal life is impacting work.
Me: ???
My supervisor: Well, apparently you came into work and immediately made a phone call?
Me: There was absolutely no one in the lobby, no one in exam rooms. Nothing happening. I had to call to schedule two appointments after being in the HOSPITAL on black Friday because I potentially have cancer... I couldn't call after I got discharged from the hospital because it was after 5pm on a Friday and holiday???
My supervisor: You couldn't call from home?
Me: I sleep up until I come in for work and believe it or not, am not sleeping due to stress. I went into an exam room, told the coworker where I would be if she needed me. And this is the SISTER of the woman I had to come to you about harassment complaints. But it's "coming from a place of concern."
Ended up having to have a discussion with my supervisor AND practice manager about this incident and the individual who just blatantly wasn't doing her job. The supervisor likes to shit talk with her about other employees. :)
Months later, my supervisor during another meeting... After I told her that we're all burnt out and mentioned how burnt out I feel inside and outside of the practice.
"And do you think that's impacting your work?"
Me: No???
Recently, my supervisor when multiple people voice concerns that an employee hasn't finished training by the end of August when she was meant to be fully trained by the last week of May: "Well, you don't know about her life outside of work-"
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I got a packet from the social security people I have to fill out and have sent back in--by mail--by the 26th. I got it on Friday. And I haven't looked at it til now, bc I was so stressed out about my dog being sick and i feel so overwhelmed. They want all my medical records from the last year, which I don't have, because I've only started keeping that stuff since I had my complete mental breakdown and she took me out of work. And there's so many pages and so much information they want. They have to nitpick my whole fucking life, before they can decide I deserve health. Being disabled in this country is a fucking nightmare. Instead of trying to hep, the just look for reasons to disqualify you. Because they don't want to help us; they just want us to go away
#america is a trashfire#i can't even leave my house alone#i literally have been in tears every time they call me#bc taking on the phone to strangers gives me that much anxiety#i can't function#i can't remember anything longer than a few seconds#i can't focus or concentrate on anything#i have to set alarms just to remind me to do things like eat or take meds#i forget to shower sometimes. others i'm too tired to bother#i literally went an entire week without showering recently. bc i didn't remember to do it#i am not well#and i just need help long enough to get well#but how am i supposed to get it? if they make you wait 200+ days just to hear if your claim is accepted#how am i supposed to survive until then?#I can't work bc i can't leave home with having panic attacks#i can't file for unemployment bc to do so you have to be actively looking for a job#and to get disability i have to prove that i can't work#i could probably work if i found a job i could do from home that payed enough to live off of#not to mention they want me to list any income from may-july#which i didn't make any working. but my brother lives me and gives me money to deposit for the bills#that are all in my name bc he hadn't established credit when we moved in. and my credit was better back then#bc i couldn't afford to leave home until i was 28. so my credit was literally based off my student loan payments#and they were pretty low bc i did the income based thing#i'm getting my parents to come help me with the paperwork#not bc i can't understand it. but bc i literally cannot remember something i read 30 seconds ago
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snowlilys-wife · 2 months
i don't know what it is about august/september (right around my birthday specifically) that always evokes some major change in my life. every year without fail, something big always happens, and i always get the annual, inescapable urge to completely turn my life around.
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naamahdarling · 2 years
#i would give ANYTHING to be out from under the duress of SSDI and i simply cannot achieve that and my boyfriend simply cannot achieve that#and i honestly don't know what to do#the constant anxiety#the fear of SS punishing me for begging for help#of holding my boyfriend's income whether earned or unearned against me if we choose to marry and possibly even if we do not#i just don't know how to exist in this world that wants to punish me out of existence simply for trying to survive#everyone says OH don't try to lie to them they'll find out#and i'm like well i'm fucked because for the last many years i thought unearned income was NOT counted against you#but it turns out is is#and it is penalized even more harshly than earned income#to make sure that those of us who CANNOT work know our wretched and worthless place#and if they come at me for having BEGGED for help in the past and my benefits get yanked#guys that's game over for me#that's suicide time and i am not lying because without what meager help they do give i WILL not survive for long#and if they choose to jail me that's also not survivable#so im just looking at this hideous bleak future where i live in fear all the time and can never marry my boyfriend#and it has soured everything#i cannot work#the idea of getting married is sour now and almost disgusting because it's so tainted by fear and oppression#and no a civil ceremony isn't the answer as they consider that the same as legally wed#so i just don't know what to do#i just don't fucking know how to go on#when the rules they play by are so obscure and so rigged against me#i can't do what i love most and make ponies because the very idea fills me with grief and anxiety#i don't have the spoons to chase down the answers or the solutions#i am so tired#and i so very much wish i could just be a regular person and do normal things and care for myself#i am one crisis away from utter dissolution and i barely know who i am anymore#god help me i want to live so very fucking badly but i look at the future and see nothing changing#not going to hurt myself but i wish to god i knew how to make my meager income safe and how to fucking beg so they won't want to take it
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zakubabbles · 1 year
Pfft, I make that post about work and someone on Instagram DM'd me if I'm open for commissions.
My gut reaction is a visceral "NO."
I'm not dependable for commissions anymore. I struggle staying awake, something that should take me a week tops, now takes me months because of chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and goddamned depression.
I feel so fucking useless.
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eldritch-araneae · 2 years
Suddenly remember how stupid the entire job searching is.It’s already hard to find even the most simple job bc those fuckers just want to exploit workers for free (esp in game industry and their “““art tests”““) and how even retails jobs require (event it’s not written, but we all know it’s there) university diploma, and even if you get to interview, they start nitpicking your looks, demanding to change.
Like nope, dyed hair is one of few thing that keep me alive, it will never change it. Cmon you are just grocery store line, how my hair can impact my working ability?? You’re not some elite/government institution to hold any sort of image standart djhjfgnf
Ofc it’s even hard bc you’re disabled, but it’s mental disability so you can’t get any accommodations, or even mention you need any bc you will lose the job instantly.
And then those ppl have the audacity to complain that we don’t want to work %)
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escapaldi · 1 year
so it's been a year since i was unceremoniously fired from my last job and in honor of the indeed algorithm suggesting i look into a different position in the company i finally wrote the long-ass, scathing review that's been brewing and festering inside me for 365 days
will it get rejected? probably. do i care? no. it's off my chest now. all i hope is that if it does get published, it helps someone not work there.
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thebleedingeffect · 1 year
Link will comfort me in this trying time
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mainfaggot · 2 years
I went to my lab and survived despite having cried all morning 👍🏼 and despite tim hortons fucking up my order...........
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piplupod · 9 months
thinking too hard about my situation and ending up with heart pounding and inability to breathe yayyyy
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viiridiangreen · 2 years
not to be obnoxiously materialistic as part of the capitalist apparatus' winter psyop but………………. First Goffick Platform Boots I've Had Ever Just Dropped lol
got these as a slightly early xmas yule present
i was literally JUST bitching at a beloved mutual the other day abt being sad that i don't really dress alt anymore?? these don't have 2kgs of spikes and buckles so idk if they're even considered Proper Goth by whatever arbitrary standard but they're a nice solid base to build on :)
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dirt-goth · 1 year
There is honestly just this pervasive feeling of "this is all wrong this is all bad" blanketing almost everything in my life but it is actually probably just a manifestation of having to go every day through a life I have outgrown until the calendar lines up.cutely and I can really call it quits<3
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distort-opia · 2 years
😞 One wild arguement I saw is it's wrong to say J made Jason more interesting because " it implies trauma makes people more complex, therefore it's good". These are characters and trauma does in fact make them more interesting??? Yes literature has impact on the real world but as a genre superhero comics would not work without this. ( Almost) No one would tune into Bruce Wayne economics class 101. That J plotline made Jason more recognisable- non fans literally know him mainly for it, individualised him further and got him more fans, and got his fans to care even more about him because J is fucked beyond belief, and gave Jason an overarching mission. Alas, J is not some evil entity possessing writer's minds, but a very convenient and efficient device to push these characters to their limits. Why would you want that gone, I don't get it. To hate him as a character based on his morality is more than valid( Jason beating him up is some good shit), but to hate the existence of him as a character is strange imo. He drives the plot forward. ( And carries archetypes and universal themes therefore is bound to stay as a relevant and popular character, but that's another topic)
Some things are just deep emotional gut reactions, I think. This applies to real life as well. You just might really not vibe with a person, or with a character, and they might get on your nerves even though there's little rational reason for it. It doesn't really matter to that emotional side of you that a character might have a deep convoluted history, or is very important to the narrative. And I do believe this is a perfectly normal thing, disliking a character doesn't necessitate a reason. You can just say you don't personally resonate with them and move on. I only think pure, vitriolic hatred raises many questions, because a lot of the time it also involves treating the character as if they're a real person, and/or also hating the fans of that character. After all, since one can't harass a fictional character (on account of them not existing), the next best option is harassing the real fans (who sadly are within this mortal plane).
This all ties into the first thing you mention, Anon -- that argument regarding trauma denotes an inability to differentiate between reality and fiction, and a type of black-and-white moral thinking that's hard to combat. Conflict drives a story forward. It's simply a narrative device, and of course, traumatic events will be part of that conflict. What made Bruce Wayne become Batman, the main character we all follow? The death of his parents. What prompted Jack Oswald White to become the Joker, his main antagonist? The death of his wife and unborn child. What made Dick Grayson take on the Robin mantle? The death of his parents. What prompted Jason Todd to become the Red Hood? His death at Joker's hands.
And so it goes. At their core, Batman comics especially are about dealing with trauma. There's horrible events happening in canon all the time, but that doesn't mean the writers or the fans think that trauma is good. An adult story is not meant to teach you moral lessons; you're supposed to bring your own critical thinking to the table. Joker happened to be the vehicle through which Jason underwent major conflict, which then became a turning point in his evolution and made him into a fascinating anti-hero. (Not even going to delve into the interesting aspect of Jason's death that is the fact fans voted for him to get killed off.) As you say, characters are, at their core, tools in a story. And again, anyone can just dislike Joker, but the intense wave of hatred towards him specifically is... well, it isn't entirely about him. He's become a fandom scapegoat in a lot of ways, and a popular method to signal loud and clear that you're denouncing the "evil toxic serial killer" for many fans. But that's a whole other can of worms that I've gotten into elsewhere already.
#and. okay kind of unrelated rant incoming but these are my tags and I do what I want#I don't think this was at all intentional but#Joker killing Jason and then Jason taking on the identity of Red Hood#is just SO SO INTERESTING#also because Jason's story prior to getting adopted by Bruce is similar to what we can piece together of Joker's own childhood#Joker also very likely dealt with abusive parents who had substance addictions#and ended up living on the streets#however. where Jason got adopted by Bruce and given a second chance#as per Streets of Gotham. Joker as a child got kidnapped by a mobster who then abused him some more#one way or another Joker became the Red Hood later in life. but not by choice#if The Killing Joke is to be believed (and at this point it's unavoidable)#being Red Hood signified being a VICTIM. he was coerced into it#and then 'Joker' was the identity he made for himself after the fall in the acid#and just. this twisted victim of an endlessly traumatic life. choosing to become a monster and lashing out at the world#ending up killing a child who was just like him...#and then that child coming back from the dead. much like Joker survived the acid fall. and CHOOSING#Joker's own prior Red Hood identity that signifies being a VICTIM to him#and making it his own#is just. it's FASCINATING#not to mention the fact BRUCE failed to save Joker AND Jason. which being Red Hood is also associated with#I have so many thoughts about this. fuck#asks#fandom negativity#joker
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