#I just want to know what they all thought when watching Percy convince Annabeth to let him sit in the chair
Okay, but like, were the gods watching on that tv show of theirs while Percy and Annabeth went through the tunnel of love?
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lady-ashfade · 8 months
The trio
Day 11 of celebration marathon
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Platonic!Trio x reader
-£ ask: Can you do something about how Percy, Annabeth and Grover would be meeting a new mortal friend after the quest? Like Annabeth having her first friend outside camp and maybe having all the awesome kid moments she missed ie sleepovers, movies, school dance... stuff like that. Grover making a friend he isn't trying to protect or save and can just be himself. And Percy making a friend with the confidence he got from knowing he's different but not broken. (I loved tonight's episode and can't wait for season two! I hope your enjoying the books they were my favorite when I was 12) @poemfreak306
-£ Warnings: fluffy friendship, hcs, me just going with what my brain comes up with, I haven’t slept since yesterday.
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It’s funny how you were so excepting of their situation. Of course you were confused but you got over it pretty fast.
you had watched them defeat a monster on your way home from school and hid while they took care of it. You actually thought you were losing your mind.
They were just surprised as you when you went up to them, a normal human. I mean humans could see through the fog before but you were different.
“So…you actually have goat legs?” You point down at Grover as he blushes and nods.
You took them to your house and offered them a place to stay for the night, or some meals at first since they didn’t want to stay around you to long.
Annabeth likes to talk about things she feels like she can’t around anyone at camp, like girly things. Maybe you teach her a new hair style? Or show her a new teen magazine with cutes boys, then show her new movies she might like.
(I have a feel for wound either love or hate legacy blonde and you can’t convince me otherwise)
She likes when you gossip about your regular life and the problems you have, she likes to live through you. She also likes to teach you things to if you ask.
Grover is so happy to have you. He doesn’t feel the pressure. Not that it’s a problem with the other two but he likes to chill in your room. He’s a sucker for laying down in your room while you listen to music and play with his hair. Also, teach him videos games and battle him. He likes to visit you all the time to complain or rest up. You are his battery charger.
Also, Grover loves you because you always prepare snacks for him. He eats anything, Tin cans and random things he could find but you take the time to make him something. Makes him feel loved and cared about.
You are a blessing in Percy’s eyes. The other kids made fun of him for his whole like. But here you are, not a care in the world. You do scold him if he gets hurt and about being more careful tho he enjoys that. He had a kinda normal childhood with his mom so he knew a lot of things like you did so it was easy to bond. You got all his references!
Percy likes it when you listen to him rant on about his problems, about how camp is, or how he killed some monster. He enjoys how excited you get when he tells his stories. You call him and the others your hero’s.
Movie nights are always fun with them. Either you and Percy are showing them a movie you watched or you show them something.
If it horror. Grover will be watching intently while eating popcorn unlike what you thought the first time, he likes it. Annabeth is screaming at the tv how they are messing themselves up and somehow ends up rooting for the killer, (she never will admit she yelps at times) and Percy is in the middle. Sometimes his curling up and turning away, or laughing at the screen.
They get to be kids and enjoy a sleepover, eating snacks and throwing them around, laughing so hard they cry, staying up “all night” and then crashing.
Everytime they return to camp they have a new photo of you to hang up. Even as a mortal you are their best friend and they wouldn’t change it any other way.
taglist: @maria699669 @purplerose291 @itzmeme @ravenmedows
-£ this was edited poorly so many mistakes are made because I’m having a hard time keeping my eyes open.
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percyjacksonblog · 4 months
Thoughts on adult Percy and Annabeth
When Annabeth and Percy get married they don’t get married at the beach like everyone believes. They get married on the porch of the big house where they first met.
They have 2 ceremonies, one at the big house to keep all their friends from camp safe and one for their mortal friends and family that can’t go to camp. 
Percy becomes the youngest director of the New York Aquarium and is very hands on with maintenance and upkeep of the animals. He always knows how to help the animals and improve the tanks. His employees call him “the fish whisperer.”
Annabeth is a highly sought after independent architect. Most of her time is spent designing improvements and maintenance of the buildings in Olympus, but will get requests from business, the government, and some rich individuals for new buildings or additions. She loves working with the national park system preserving historic sites. She has a small office in the Empire State Building.
When Annabeth gets pregnant she is actually extremely happy. Percy is the one that has to be convinced everything will be ok. This comes from his fear of letting down and losing his loved ones. When he is holding a little blonde hair green eyed baby, he knows everything will be alright.
As parents Percy and Annabeth are on high alert. They treat having a baby like a battle so they make up shifts to make sure no monsters can get to them. Little do they know, their friends have also taken shifts to watch the outside of their home.
Percy and Annabeth argue about trivial things, but their first big argument over their kid is what happens to their kid(s) if something happens to them. Annabeth wants to send them to CHB because Chiron basically raised her and she turned out fine, but Percy wants to send them to New Rome because it is better protected. They compromise by agreeing that Frank and Hazel will watch over their kid(s) in NR until they are 10, and then send them to CHB each summer after, spending the school year in NR.
Percy is very conscientious about birthdays and anniversaries. He works very hard planning them and finding just the perfect gift. Annabeth is very sneaky and drops hints and subliminal messages for months leading up to the events allowing Percy to think he figured out everything on his own.
Percy and Annabeth go to every school function of their kids’ and Percy’s little sister.
Percy and Annabeth have a friendly wager on whether their kid(s) will have any abilities. After years they assume this kid did not inherit any of Poseidon’s powers until one day the blonde haired green eyed kid says that the family’s fish has been complaining about the food.
I’m sure given enough time I could keep going but these are the biggest things I believe about adult Percy and Annabeth
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hi!! i was wondering if your requests are open and if they are, can i request a pjo platonic headcanon fic where reader is Percy’s younger half sibling(by like 2 years) and the trio found them while on a quest?
Percy with a Younger Sibling | Platonic!Percy Jackson x Reader
I’ve been wanting to write a sibling thing for a while so HEREEEE😜😜 Also i hope this is what you meant by headcanon fic 😣
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Its completely by accident when they stumble upon reader while wandering the city’s streets
Trying to make it to the nearest train station, the trio, so occupied with their current quest, failed to see the person running towards them at full speed until they body slam into Percy
The two go slamming into the ground, Percy taking the brunt of the impact while trying to make sense on why this kid quite literally tackled him
But just as he’s about to complain about the pain on his butt, homie is immediately taken aback by bright green eyes staring at him in shock
“I'm so sorry I-!” You try to lift him up from the ground as quick as possible before hearing shouting coming from behind, signaling you that it’s time to dip
So you run off just as quickly as you came, the three teens watching as a random store owner tries following after you only to give up once you turn into a busier street
Annabeth and Grover thought that was the end of that encounter until they notice homeboy Percy not moving from his spot
“Percy let’s go! The train leaves in 10 minutes. It’s better to be early than late.”
“Uh yeah, sure Annabeth. I’ll catch up with you guys, I gotta do something.”
The two watch with shock as Percy runs down and turns the same corner this random kid did just seconds before
Tbh it doesn’t take long for Percy to catch up to the younger kid since he’s taller and naturally fast as a demigod
Seeing you turn into an alley, Percy cautiously follows after you
“Why are you following me? Don’t you know how weird that is??”
Awkward chuckles escape his mouth as he takes in the younger child in front of him
Your look disheveled in every way possible. Sweater half zipped up, you look quite defensive at the sight of him. Much different to how you looked before when you were helping him up the ground
Reader's eyes are hard to ignore. He recognizes them, recognizes that they’re quite similar to his own. Maybe they’re exactly the same color?
Is this how people normally react to his eyes? Damn maybe he did win the pretty eye color lottery
Taking a small step forward, Percy goes to speak until you take a step back
“Don’t come any closer! You’re probably working with those monsters, aren’t you? Well I can defend myself now!”
This dudes eyes are as big as saucers as he watches you, with great difficulty, manipulate water into a thin stream in front of you from a small puddle
It all clicks in his head in an instance
I mean come on, a kid having powers like this? Controlling water at that?
To think he thought he and Tyson were the only children of Poseidon but life loves throwing surprises his way
I like to think that Percy would give reader a full rundown of quite literally everything, about why monster go after them, why they have these unique abilities, Camp Half Blood, the Olympians, EVERYTHING
It doesn't take much convincing on his end to have you tag along on his quest
Reader's been on their own for a while so finally having someone and somewhere to go gives a new sense of purpose in their life
And it doesn't hurt to admit that it feels nice to have someone look after them, someone to care for them. They've been alone for so long
Percy takes you under his wing, teaching and guiding you to the best of his abilities while on the quest
Annabeth and Grover had many MANY questions at first but soon drop it once they see you using your power for the first time
It makes sense why the green-eyed boy seemed so attached to you despite not knowing you for long
I think while Percy trains you to control your powers better, you'll both have an understanding of your familial relations with each other
Its kind of like an unspoken thing that you guys just quietly acknowledge. You put two and two together when you realize he shares the same ability as you..
Both of you tend to feed into each others chaotic energy! Yall fall into a sibling dynamic after some point, him riling you up with his sarcastic comments and you easily taking the bait
Being younger than him, Percy does his best to not coddle reader! Yes he's protective of you, you're his younger sibling after all! (Thats gonna take some time getting used to for him) But you've survived on your own for quite a bit, so he has faith that you'll be able to handle yourself in the face of danger
Even if that includes you running away from said danger LMAO💀
Percy would TOTALLY tell you all about Sally! During the night while the others sleep, he would quietly tell you the stories about his mom and her obsession with making foods blue when she could, how she would take him to the beach every year for his birthday
He'll even tell you about Tyson and how he's a cyclops. That alone has you sitting up in astonishment because NO WAY
Hearing all the adventures and stories from Percy has you lowkey looking up to him. He's only 2-3 years older than you but he's been through so much and it honestly amazes you how strong he is.
When asked about him, Percy might even tell you a little bit about Poseidon. He tells you its a bit complicated but he'll sate your curiosity for the time being
He won't ask you outright, but he's definitely curious on how you were able to survive for so long by yourself, considering you're a child of one of the Big Three.
Percy is quite protective of Sibling!Reader! He doesn't want anything happening to you but considering your both like alarms on other monsters radar, its hard to accomplish that well
For the time being though, his main goal is to finish this mission and get you all back to camp, safe and in one piece (hopefully)
He promises that he'll protect you from anything that wishes to hurt, and he usually keeps his promises 😜
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freddie-77-ao3 · 4 months
Riordanverse Characters As EPIC Lyrics
"I no longer dream, only nightmares of those who've died" is Clarisse after manhattan
"Whatever we face, we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart" is Silena in general
"No matter the place, we can light up the world" is Lee and Luke, when they're dreaming of college right before Luke betrays them
"Time... I've unlocked it, I see past and future running free" is Rachel before manhattan, she sees all sorts of visions and doesn't know what's going on, just knows that it isn't happening now
"There is a world where I help you get home, but that's not a world I know" is Leo to Jason. If only he'd made it back just a bit sooner-- maybe jason wouldn't be dead
"A man who gets to make it home alive, but it's no longer you" is drew returning to camp after manhattan, and at the start of this war she was happy and bright, and now she's unrecognizable.
"I'm the only one who's line I haven't crossed"
"What if I'm the one who killed you, every time I caved to guilt"
"What if I've been far to kind to foes but a monster to ourselves"
"Learn to be colder when she got older, and now she saves them the pain" Drew refusing to let aphrodite kids fight. if people don't remember they CAN fight, they won't make them fight. if they're kept out of the worst of the battles... well. drew will have protected them in the way she can.
"Does he throw away his remorse and save more lives with guile"
"Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves" that's a general drew and malcolm idea that connor is opposed to but can't get through to them on
"i must become the monster, and then we'll make it home" percy in house of hades (especially with ahklys)
"I have something that I must confess, something that I must get off my chest, until it is said I cannot rest" silena, trying to tell clarisse she's the spy, before she resorts to the drastic pulling a patroclus
"No, i'm not a player, I'm a puppeteer" Drew Tanaka in general. like she won't fight. she'll watch from the sidelines, manipulate people into doing things, but she doesn't want to get her hands dirty again.
"Of course I'd like to leave now, of course I'd like to run, but I can hardly sleep now, knowing everything we've done" Connor, refusing to run away with Malcolm and Drew the night before a big battle (you choose if it's manhattan, the BOO, or a trials of apollo battle)
"Wouldn't you like a taste of the power, wouldn't you like to use more than words?" some new camper trying to convince drew to fight (and then promptly getting stabbed, because drew CAN fight, she just prefers charmspeak)
"I've got people to protect... so I'm not taking chances" silena on why she chose to join luke. like yeah she was groomed but she also honestly thought it would protect those closest to her.
"i still believe in goodness, I still believe that we could be kind" connor, trying to reason with malcolm, drew, or clarisse in war counsel (about the romans specifically)
"you are reckless, sentimental at best" ares to clarisse about her fighting in manhattan (her loved ones' deaths were the things motivating her and she told kronos to fight her so)
"I know what I'm fighting for, while you're fighting to be known" malcolm to annabeth in an argument early on.
"what good would killing do, when mercy is a skill, more of this world could learn to use?" connor again, probably about the romans.
"the blood we shed, it never dries, is this what it means to be a warrior" sherman praying to his father, (he was so paralyzed by guilt after the battle of manhattan he would have nightmares about being covered in blood again and just throw up), (this is when he loses faith)
"this life is amazing when you greet it with open arms, whatever we face, we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart"
"i'd like to show my friend that kindness is brave" silena about clarisse
"Have you forgotten to turn off your heart?" clarisse to silena
bolded are chb in general
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Luke has never “gone against” his family for Kronos or anyone else. 
Annabeth refused to join Luke every single time he asked (which was every time they were on the page together) and at least one time off-page that we know of. He did not “abandon” her at any point. 
Luke did not “trick” Annabeth into holding the sky. He asked her to help him and when she agreed to, Luke told her not to die while he went and got help. The next time we see them, Luke is with Artemis because she’ll willingly take the sky to help a maiden. Luke then carries Annabeth away, nurses her back to health (at the expense of his own health), and makes sure that she’s present for the Artemis rescue so that she can “escape” back to the Olympians because he wants her to consent to joining him. 
Thalia’s last stand on Half-Blood Hill was solitary because Grover was useless and Annabeth hurt her ankle and needed to be carried to safety. Luke had to choose between Thalia and Annabeth and we all know Thalia wouldn’t have forgiven him if he risked Annabeth’s life to help her fight. 
Luke poisoned Thalia’s tree but a) to quote Annabeth, “it’s just a tree, stupid” and b) Luke was going to use the Golden Fleece to heal it. Not even with the expectation that Thalia would pop out, but just because he didn’t want her tree to die. 
Unless of course, Luke figured out what Halcyon Green’s prophecy meant by Thalia would spend a time sleeping in an almost death - then realizing that there had to be a way to revive her, and discovering the Golden Fleece - making the deal with Kronos that if Luke got the Golden Fleece for Kronos it would then be used on Thalia - realizing that he didn’t know where the Fleece was but that if Camp Half-Blood had great enough need of the Fleece, they’d send someone out to fetch it  - poisoned Thalia’s tree to weaken the Camp and watched to see who they sent on the quest then followed them so that he’d be able to yoink the Fleece from them real quick to revive Kronos and then give it back so they could bring Thalia back. But that’s just a theory. 
What isn’t a theory is that Chiron had 24/7 access to Thalia after she was revived and that coming out of his training had Thalia convinced that Luke needed to die. This is especially poignant because Annabeth begs for Luke’s life (to keep him as a prisoner) and Thalia refuses to let him live. When Luke and Thalia reunite in the flesh, Luke asks Thalia to join him. Thalia responds to Luke’s pleading for her (and Annabeth) to join him by deciding to attack Luke, cut his chest open, and ultimately winds up kicking him off a cliff. 
This is a far cry from the girl who plotted the downfall of the gods with Luke and who thinks so highly of Luke that she can’t imagine him betraying anyone. After hearing Halcyon’s prophecy, she correctly assumes that someone is going to betray Luke. I bet she didn’t expect that she was going to be the one to do it. Luke and Thalia never have another scene together but we find out that Thalia’s betrayal deeply hurt Luke. 
Percy doesn’t join Luke for two reasons: 1) Kronos sucks at recruiting him specifically [which I assume is for plot reasons], and 2) he thought that Luke tried to kill him at the end of The Lightning Thief and that feeling of betrayal changed how Percy thought about Luke. Because of this, Percy now thinks that Luke is evil. At least until we get to The Last Olympian, where we see Percy come full circle in his feelings for Luke. 
Which brings us into the next topic: Luke never tried to kill Percy or his companions ever not even once. 
In the Lightning Thief, Luke summons the hellhound so that Chiron will send Percy on a quest. It’s not meant to kill or even hurt him and it doesn’t. Luke gives Percy flying shoes that are magicked to fly into Tartarus when the wearer gets close…but at this point in the story Luke and Kronos are still trying to recruit Percy and the shoes fly so there’s no reason to think that Percy wouldn’t or couldn’t just fly back up when he concluded his business. Even though Percy isn’t meant to be hurt, Luke still asks to be the one to deliver the Bolt and Helm but Kronos refuses on the basis that Luke has failed him too many times already. Luke only summons the pit scorpion (a weak monster, especially after all the other things Luke knows Percy killed) after Percy draws Kronos’ attention (note that Kronos at this point doesn’t want Percy), lies about how long it takes to kill (because if it was really one minute, Percy would be dead), and then leaves before it even stings Percy. Not the actions of someone who’s trying to commit murder. 
In Sea of Monsters, Luke has them in his clutches twice. The first time Kronos is literally in the room while Luke orchestrates events so that Annabeth, Percy, and even Tyson can escape. This is so obvious that even Annabeth and Percy comment on it. Please note that Luke is extremely nervous about doing this but does it anyway. 
The second time that they meet, Percy tries to bait Luke into a fight (which Luke calls him out on). Eventually Luke accepts the bait but he’s obviously playing with Percy. The very first lunge, Luke barely misses grazing Percy’s ribs (remember that he’s the best swordsman in three hundred years so this isn’t an accident), then he cuts up the pool furniture, then he cuts Percy above the knee. The cut is bad enough that Percy can’t stand and is at Luke’s mercy. They look into each other’s eyes and know this. Luke has Percy exactly where he wants him but he stops and turns to the monsters. This gives the party ponies time to come onto the scene and rescue everyone. 
Let’s dip back to Annabeth for a moment. Luke officially knows that he’s going to die as of Titan’s Curse. Kronos wants to use him as a “stepping stone” for remaking his own body. Luke obviously does not like this idea. He’s been stealthily disobeying Kronos for years and remember that in TLT, we find out Kronos is already sick of Luke’s failure (getting caught by Ares). 
Luke sees the writing on the wall and his options are extremely limited. He can’t go back to the Olympians, he doesn’t want to die, so that leaves running away. Luke goes to Annabeth (unarmed) and begs her to run away with him because she’s his family. He still has hope that she’ll go with him…until she crushes it. Luke understandably gets mad and says that Annabeth might as well fight him because it was the last chance she’d get. Annabeth is the one who says she thought about killing Luke because she had a knife on her.  When Annabeth didn’t fight him, flee with him, or murder him, Luke left. 
And Luke was right. That was the last time that she’d get a chance to fight him. 
In Battle of the Labyrinth, we find out that all paths lead to Antaeus’ arena. You can’t go anywhere without going through there. Percy, Annabeth, and Rachel are captured by a wandering patrol and brought to the arena. Luke smiles when he sees Percy because he knows that Percy is going to turn the tide in Luke’s favor (and he does). After Percy slays Antaeus, Luke tells the army that he wants to speak with Annabeth. While Luke is talking, Percy uses the stygian ice whistle to summon Mrs. O’Leary and everyone escapes unharmed. Percy says that the monsters are trying to follow them but on the next page says that there were no sounds of pursuit. So. 
Luke sent Chris Rodriguez to map the Labyrinth alone because the bigger the group, the more the Labyrinth messes with you. Chris didn’t go insane because of the Labyrinth; he went insane because Midas found him and got angry about his presence. 
Finally, we come to May Castellan, Luke’s mother. After Luke ran away at nine years old, he only went back once when he was fourteen and only because of dire circumstances (Thalia is hurt) . During that visit, Luke meets Hermes for the first and last time and Hermes tells him that he shouldn’t have come home because Luke upsets May. Luke doesn’t go back to May’s house until he has no option. When Luke refused to bathe in the River Styx and become Kronos’ host, Kronos threatened to kill May via monsters. Luke gave up his autonomy and his life so that May would live. 
Luke didn’t see anything in black-or-white. Luke saw that most monsters were circumstances of their births, that they were being abused and mistreated by the gods for centuries, and he welcomed them to fight with him. Luke was appalled when Kelli attacked a boy. Luke wasn’t even against all of the gods. A lot of the minor gods were on Kronos’ side. Luke was against raising all of the Titans because some were too fucking dangerous (a decision which was ultimately vetoed). Luke welcomed every demigod who wanted to join the cause no matter what their reasons were. Ethan joined the Titan army because he wanted honor for Nemesis. 
Luke didn’t act rashly or without thinking. Every single thing he did, especially after leaving Camp Half-Blood, took a lot of thought. That boy was busy doing everything he could to change a horrific status quo that hurt immortals, monsters, mortals, and demigods alike. It’s just that he was unlucky enough to be the antagonist instead of the protagonist. 
Luke used his very last breath to beg Percy to take up the mantle and change things for the better. Percy asked the gods to claim their children and give the minor gods/demigods thrones/cabins because of Luke. We’re going to ignore the fact that it ultimately didn’t work.
And finally, to drive this point home again, Percy and Annabeth and all of them…every single demigod on the Olympian’s side, for the whole series…is fighting to keep the status quo as it is. Their plan is to keep going as they are because they’re afraid that change will be bad. But from the literature we have (not the PJO books), the Golden Age when Kronos ruled was very good for everyone. 
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tillytimeblog · 6 months
if the sea of monsters was the book where i thought the ending was mostly good vibes, the battle of the labrynth is the opposite. i mean all of percy’s friends are going through something personally traumatic/devastating at some point. some of these things get resolved, and some…don’t.
tyson meets his hero, but briares is a shell of himself and even when tyson risks his life to save briares, briares still has given up all hope and just walks out on tyson and the rest of the group. plus tyson finds out the rest of the hundred handed ones have faded into nothingness. we don’t really get much insight into tyson but you can tell it’s constantly on his mind because a lot happens between meeting briares and meeting hephaestus yet tyson feels that is the one very important thing he has to talk about.
clarisse had found chris, driven to madness by minos in the labrynth, and can do nothing but watch him slowly deteriorate worse and worse. we only get a glimpse of chris’s condition but it’s obvious it’s bad, which makes seeing clarisse’s private care for him and her softest side for the first time hurt all the more. clarisse is another person we don’t get much insight to at all, but we know her own experiences in the labrynth plus what happened to chris was enough to make her storm out of the council and swear off the labrynth forever, plus make percy promise to kill daedalus on sight.
rachel only really shows up towards the end, but being thrown into the deep end in the world of monsters getting held captive by swordpoint in the arena plus witnessing pan’s death as the daughter of a huge land developing father is obviously a lot to handle for her. plus she is totally aware of the impact she is having on percy and annabeth’s relationship (way more than percy does) and she clearly doesn’t want to make things rough for them at all, yet she still leaves needing reassurance from percy and a agreement to stay in touch, almost like a lifeline. percy was her sole introduction to the whole truth about the world of monsters after all.
speaking of pan…poor grover, man. his whole life’s ambition was to find pan and save the wild, and he arrives just in time to see the very end of pan’s life. honestly, grover gets a lot of development we only see a glimpse of too. he gets a girlfriend (juniper rocks btw), he spends months out searching, he stands up to the council of cloven elders multiple times, and he takes up the burden of saving the wild upon himself and any satyrs or others willing to listen to him. annabeth says it best when she says grover is growing up, he really is the most mature of the group and he shows it by chanelling his grief into more productivity than anyone else
nico is dealing with his sister’s death very poorly, seeking solace in the worst places (minos) and placing blame where it shouldn’t go. he’s just so, so angry and distraught on the outside and the inside, for numerous reasons. there’s really isn’t a lot to say about him that isn’t already said in the book tbh, nico gets a lot of attention because nico is the number one thing on percy’s mind besides the quest since he feels responsible for nico running away. so we get a lot of explicit nico content as opposed to implicit content for tyson/clarisse/grover. i will say that nico being convinced by minos into going back into the maze specifically to save percy, only to be tricked and captured, hurts much more knowing what we learn about nico much later on
and then there’s annabeth. man, she just has it so, so rough and it hurts so much to read all the different ways life has it in for her. she’s chosen to lead her first quest, the thing she’s wanted to do since she was seven, and everything about it is just terrible. we don’t know this until the next book but luke has already recently visited her and offered for them to run away together, and she turned him down. then she meets janus and is offered to make a choice, which definitely reminds her of the choice she made to leave luke behind. she gets her prophecy and the last line is ‘lose a love to worse than death.’ she’s so shaken by this and doesn’t tell anyone about it, not before or during or after the quest until the very end of summer when she tells percy. she chooses to travel in a group of four knowing it’s unlucky because she really needs the comfort of all the people who care about her. and then she loses them all in the span of like, an hour. tyson and grover split from annabeth and percy even though annabeth is insistent splitting up is a bad idea, then percy blows himself and a volcano up right after annabeth kisses him for real for the first time. she has no one left, and she feels like she has failed. all she can do is go back to camp half blood and cry and wait. for two whole weeks!! for two weeks she probably thought that all three of the people she had left in the world had died because they came with her on the quest!!! or percy at the very least, since grover and tyson could just be stuck in the maze. but percy is absolutely presumed dead, since he ends up crashing his own funeral. annabeth gets to be happy the guy she kissed is back for all of maybe five minutes, because she first realizes he was stranded with calypso and then he tells her his plan to navigate the maze is to call up the cute mortal girl he barely knows so she can do the thing annabeth, daughter of athena, couldn’t. nice going percy. how do you not realize why annabeth is mad at you, dude? anyways, after all that…luke becomes host to kronos. which he warned annabeth about. which wouldn’t have happened had annabeth chose to run away with him and escape his destiny. and because of that choice to not run away again, the guy who was her family after she ran away originally is gone for good. and then what does she do after telling percy the final line of her prophecy, and making enemies with hera? she runs away. before percy has the chance to say something and try to bridge the distance between them. why? we don’t know for sure since it’s percy’s pov and not hers. maybe it’s because they haven’t been able to talk about luke all summer. maybe it’s because percy told rachel he’d like to keep in touch. maybe her heart couldn’t bear to hear him say anything about luke, or rachel, or the two of them. or maybe it’s because she had already read the great prophecy years ago, and knew no matter what he could say or promise, percy was fated to die a year from now anyway.
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iouinotes · 4 months
Heroic love (part 4) | Luke Castellan
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pairing: Luke Castellan x female!reader
show: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
warnings: betrayal, dark romance, no verbal consent, angst, smut MINORS DONT INTERACTE
summary: Luke finds out your plan and you give in. After all, it is better to be with him than with the monsters that suround you.
authors note: The reader joins Luke rather unwillingly, even though she still loves him. I just want to say up front that Luke's threat at the end is not meant serious. He would never do something like that to her. He only does it so that she realizes that there is no other way than to join him. If it's too dark, I'm sorry... @qwertydddddddddd wanted to be tagged, so I hope you enjoy it <33
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Sometimes you think to yourself, this is real love. I'm gonna marry this person. I will spend my life with them, building a home and a family.
Well thats the regular scenario, I mean for the people who are regular. Not demigods.
And you see, even though we dont have an easy life, fighting monsters, losing friends, being scared and anxious all the time, that some bad evil guy suddenly wants to rule the world- we live. Because we have to and because we have each other.
So, for me, I was prepared for it to become harsh. I always knew my life would be like sitting on a rollercoaster, never having the chance to exit.
But I found comfort in this reality. I would imagine being on this attraction, but holding onto something that grounds me. Someone that gives me strengh, so I don't lose myself.
For a long time, I held hands with Luke.
Then of course, something did go terrible wrong, as if they goddess Aphrodite wanted to watch an exciting, action packed romance movie, with the plot twist of I-hate-to-love-you-because-you-left-me trope. Something like this.
Well, I think the movie sucks. In the last months, everything was just not right- Luke leaving camp to join Kronos? Betraying everyone and kidnapping me? Showing up here, messing with me and then holding my own dagger to my throat? (Deja vu)
No, that just isnt what I Imagined to happen in the future. I didnt want my boyfriend to turn into the bad guy, who we swore to fight.
But now I guess, thats up to me. At least some part of it.
"I think Luke ist turning into Darth Vader." Sometimes I'm not sure whats going on in Percys head.
"I never heard of this monster?" Annabeths parents are so wrong for not watching Star Wars with her.
"Guys, after we discussed this, you can have your movie night. But please, let's focus." My voice sounds harsher than I intended, so I immediately feel bad about it.
"Sorry, it's just very complicated. I want to know what our next steps are, what we are planning to do with this- situation." I don't know how else to call it.
"We need information. Who is the spy? What are Kronos plans? Where will he attack? Who joined him? So many unanwered questions." Chirons voice sends a shiver down my neck. He's right, but how do we achieve it?
Percys gaze unnerves me and when I turn my head to meet his eyes, he immediately shakes his head.
"I am not letting you alone with him this time. Nope." I sign, conflicted how I would want to deal with this.
All eyes are on me and when I turn to them, I try to explain my plan. But I cant even finish my second sentence and already everyone seems to be against it.
"We cant let him out!"
"He will kill us!"
"His army is already searching for him, he would escape!"
Annabeth raises her hand and the voices calm down. As she looks at me, I sense her own doubts about the situation.
"They are right. How do you know he would trust you? Could you convince him?"
I nod my head, ignoring my doubts.
"I can."
The moon shines beautifully in the sky, but it helps nothing to calm down my nerves. Im so stupid, why did I thought I could pull this off?
"Youre sure, you want to do this? You dont have to." Percy's standing next me, as always trying to comfort me.
"He will believe me. I always had dreams, where I thought he-" I need a moment to finish my sentence.
"-died. That he got hurt or is in pain. When I had this sort of dream, I would always sneak out of my cabin and came to him. I would walk into his cabin and he somehow always knew what happend. He would tuck me in his bed, letting me cry and cuddling me. Resurring me that everything is going to be okay, that he will live. That was always my biggest fear, that he would die and I would be helpless to do anything against it. He knows that."
We stand in silence for a moment.
"If you need me, I will be there. Just be careful." I smile at him.
I take a deep breath and go trough the doors, seeing that the only light he has, is a small lamp on the ceiling. I quicken my pace so he can hear me coming. When I stand in front of his cell, he is already on his feet. He looks alarmed.
"What-" his t-shirt is wrinkled and his eyes are sleepy. My breath catches and I don't even have to pretend to be confused and afraid, standing in front of him alone in the dark is enough.
The bars are the only thing that separates us.
At first I don't say anything, I just look at him with watery eyes. And just like I said, he knows it. He always knows.
"Another nightmare?" His voice is so gentle, it makes me remember the old days when everything was good. When he took me in his arms and wiped the tears from my cheeks.
I just nod, I don't think my voice is stable enough yet.
I have to play the role, I can do it. He has to believe me.
I slide down the wall and put my head in my hands, all the despair and pain I've been carrying for weeks suddenly coming out of me. I'm crying so hard that I'm almost afraid of waking up the others.
"Shit, princess- what can I do? Let me help, please." He sounds so desperate and it's only now that I realize, that I don't actually have to act. Because my tears are real.
"Y-you ruined everything! And I'm still s-so scared that something h-happens to you" I meet his gaze and see the remorse in his eyes. His heart hurts too.
"I didn't want something like that to happen- please, darling. Come here." Sniffling, I stand up. My knees feeling weak and unsteady. If I go in there now, I won't be able to defend myself properly.
“You hurt me, I shouldn’t even be here. You're an idiot, Luke. I hate-" but I can't bring myself to say it. I cant say that I hate him. Because I don't, at least not yet.
"I know, believe me. I hate myself too. Only your belief in me has always held me together." He grips the bars, I see the inner conflict within him.
"But you won't change. You've never been able to do that well." I know I'm right and he knows it too. Silence surrounds us.
"Let me hold you. Just for- a few minutes. Please. I can't stand seeing you like this. You've always been the sunshine in my life. I don't want my sun to be obscured."
The key jingles in my hand and I look at it uncertainly.
"I won't hurt you, never again, I promise. I also got an anklet. I can't escape." His eyes look so honest. I'm feeling nervous, my heart is beating way too fast.
I put the key in the lock and open the door, freezing in my movements for a moment. What am I doing here? But then I hear his voice and I know why.
“It’s not that comfortable on the floor, but you can sit on my lap." I close the door.
As I move towards him I see how thin he has become and how brown his eyes still are.
Slowly, he raises his hands and when I stand in front of him he puts them around my waist. My knees buckle and I sink carefully onto his lap. My hands rest uncertainly on his shoulders, then moving down to his neck. Playing with the strands of his hair, lost in thoughts.
His face is right in front of mine, both of our breaths are uneven. His hands linger on me, holding me tight to him. Warmth fills my chest as I look into his eyes.
"You're so beautiful. So, so beautiful." A sob tries to escape me, as I do something, I always loved. I put my head in the crook of his neck and wrap my arms around him.
He holds me for a few minutes, stroking my back and whispering soothing, sweet nothings in my ear.
Once I've calmed down, I'm basically lying on top of him and can hear his heartbeat. It's almost soporific.
"Luke?" my voice is calm.
His head turns to me. "Yes?"
"I...I want to be with you. I don't care how or- or where. I just know that I can't live without you." I see his eyebrows furrow.
"You dont mean-" I am silent. Just looking at him, sitting up a little, straddling him.
"I need you. I tried not to need you. But it's out of my control, nothing helps to ease the pain. Only you, only you matter."
Is it the truth if the words escape me so easily?
His hand finds my cheek and I lean into his touch.
"We're the only ones that matter. We will get through this, together and united. You don't have to fight my darling, you just have to be by my side." His hand around my waist pulls me towards him, the other one, he continues to lay on my cheek. Caressing the skin, drawing invisible heart-shapes.
Then his lips meet mine and my eyes flutter shut. The kiss so intoxicating, that I forget for a moment my real intention. Forget why I'm participating in this madness.
As he pulls away from me, I hear his whispering voice.
"You won't betray me, right? You won't do that to me?" He tugs on my hair, ever so slightly, to get my attention.
"No, Luke. I won't." Lie.
The key in my hand is no longer idle as I remove his shackles carefully.
"Then princess, let's get out of here." I slowly get off his lap, but before I stand up, he lifts me up in his arms.
"I promise you that I will never hurt you again. You deserve only the best." As cliche as it is, he carries me out of the cell, which isnt locked anymore.
He lets me down outside and breathes in the fresh air. It's still night, maybe 4 a.m. Everything is quiet.
His hands cup my face and place several kisses on my skin.
"You are incredible, I knew you would join me. For real this time." He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. I don't see Percy anywhere.
"Let's go. I know where my troops are stationed. Nobody will notice that we're gone until it's too late."
Joining Kronos' army was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life, and that includes keeping the truth from Luke.
That I'm a spy for the camp, better hidden than anyone else ever could. No one would accuse or suspect the leader's girlfriend, because everyone can see how much I love him.
After all, it's the only reason I'm tolerated here. Because Luke would kill anyone who even came near me. He has already done it to a dragon lady who was too pushy and even when I tried to stop him, he showed no mercy.
Because he can't afford to do that, if he shows that he has a heart, it will be taken away from him.
Every day it is torture to witness this evil, to help maintain cover, to save my friends.
And every day I feel worse, because I lie to Luke. But it is the only way. I cannot help in the camp, if my heart is somewhere else. Here, with him, my thoughts are not always here, but my heart is.
At least it's enough for me to function. When Luke isn't distracting me.
When I wake up that morning on the Princess Andromeda, it is still quiet. In the presence of these monsters, I have not been able to sleep well for months. Even the dreams I have, make me wake up in the middle of the night and the only thing that calms me down is Luke's touch.
His fingers gently stroke my exposed skin, and as I turn my head and look at him, I see an emotion in his eyes, I've only recently noticed. There is a desire in his gaze, as if he wanted to consume my entire being, to have me just for himself.
My voice, my body, my thoughts, my feelings. Simply everything. He wants it all to be his.
"I wish I could erase every bad dream you have and send whoever is responsible for it to burn in hell. It should scare me that you make me think like that, but if I'm honest, it doesn't. Are you scared?" His eyes look into mine.
Slowly, my fingers intertwine with his. "Not when you're with me."
The next thing I notice is his lips on mine. The way his hands grip my hips and pull me onto him.
He leans towards me, his lips caress my ears and I hear his whispering voice. "Every day I hear one my followers talking about you. That they want to have you, to decorate your beautiful body with scars, with their initials." I freeze at his words, wanting to pull away and look at him, but he holds me tight. Makes me continue to listen to his voice.
"They want to see you bleed, to alternate between pain and pleasure when they push their cocks into you. Do you like that? That you are so desired? That you turn everyone's heads, when you go by and they start wanting to see my head roll? To get close to you, huh?" I want to shake my own head, but he holds me even tighter.
"Do you know how hard it is not to execute every single one of them? Do you know that? I would, if I could. I would kill every single one of them, in front of you, so that everyone knows that you belong to me. Do you understand? No one will speak to you anymore, because your voice is mine. No one will look at you, because your sight is mine. You keep your hands to yourself, no more help with injuries, I don't care if they die. Your hands only touch me."
As I start to sqirm, he leans back, keeping his hands on my hips until a finger strokes my cheek.
"No one will ever kiss you except me. And anyone who even thinks about fucking you, I will let die in battle. You may think my loyalty is to Kronos, but it is to you. My beautiful girl. Now think carefully about who you are pledging your loyalty to."
When his eyes look into mine, I fall silent. Then, even though I try not to, my voice trembles.
"What do you mean? I'm loyal to you, Luke."
His hands caress my skin, examining how the sun shines on me. I'm only wearing one of his T-shirts and my panties. His hands, stroke my bare thighs.
His eyebrows rise, slowly his fingers wrap around my panties, pulling them down until I am revealed to him. My heart is pounding so loudly in my chest, that it feels like it's about to give up. I hold my breath as he places the tip of his cock at my entrance.
What am I doing here?
"I think you're not being completely honest with me, princess. Let's try again. Who are you loyal to?" As he slowly enters me and his hands hold my hips, I moan. I lay my head back for a moment and enjoy the stretch, feeling his hands slide under my shirt and stroke over my stomach, to my breasts and to my neck.
"Luke, what's going on? I'm here with you, I'm-" But I can't finish my sentence as he plunges into me with a violent jerk, right up to the edge. My eyes roll back.
"These sweet lies that come from your lips. Of course you are here physically, but with the mind? Oh no, while I fuck you, your thoughts are on Camp Halfblood. On Jackson. Can you believe it?" His hands push my hips down until I am connected directly to him and can feel every inch inside me. I almost melt as one of his hands presses into my lower back and I move even closer to him.
When I try to answer him, my voice is a mixture of horror and pleasure. "Luke, that's not true. I only want you, I'm on your side- ahh-" Faster than I can react, he thrusts into me. Once, twice. So hard and ruthless that he hits the spot inside me, that makes me see stars. I can't concentrate.
"How I wish you would tell the truth. There's nothing to be ashamed of, sweetheart. Admit it, I already know. My girlfriend is the traitor. Behind my back, she talks to the person I hate the most and yet, she sits on my lap and rides my cock. What would Percy say about that?"
His hand wraps around my neck and holds me tight, his hips keep pounding into me and even though my brain tells me to stop, my guard is down. I want this.
"How-" But when I want to ask, he pushes me onto him again. So fast, too hard, it almost hurts, but it also feels so good.
"I have my eyes everywhere. It took me a while to figure out how to deal with it, how to deal with you. But I found a good solution. After all, Percy lets you be here, without cover, without protection. Hoping I wouldn't find out that you were passing on information. That I wouldn't hurt you."
His last sentence makes me tense up, but even though his face twists in amusement for a brief moment, he doesn't stop talking.
"Your pussy won't save you either. And since I have given you my word, I will not harm you. I found a better punishment. A choice."
He suddenly stops moving and I almost cry, wanting to move myself, but he takes my face in his hand, tightly. Focusing all attention on him.
"Either you stop your underhanded loyalty to Jackson immediately and serve me, or I will make the wishes of everyone behind this door come true and you will be used like a beautiful, little doll. From each one of them, I assure you. But after that, you won't be so beautiful anymore."
Tears well up my eyes, whether it's from the tight grip he's holding on me or from his words, I can't tell. And I'm scared, it feels like I'm being buried alive. With no prospect of ever being able to breathe or be free again.
Without me saying anything, he starts moving inside me again, letting my hips sink onto his. I breathe in loudly.
"Come on, move. Your choice. It's either my cock or anyone else's."
When I look at him, the person I once loved has disappeared. It's like looking at a stranger.
My heart feels like it's been stolen and in the back of my mind I realize, that I should have never gone with him.
But then I close my eyes, put my hands on his shoulders for support and sink down onto him. Again and again, even stronger. Until my thighs shake and tears run down my cheeks. Until I hear Luke's quiet voice again.
"If you think you are strong enough to be like me, treacherous, cold-hearted and ruthless, then I have to disappoint you. Your heart will be soft forever unless the world hardens it. I will protect you for that, princess. Forget camp halfblood, you only serve me now."
His lips are hot on my skin, a strong contrast to my heart, which feels like it's made of ice.
And when I receive the next secret sign from Annabeth a few days later, I ignore it.
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fictionalmenaremytype · 8 months
Percy Jackson episode 7 spoilers!!!
First of all, that cliff hanger is more cruel than the actual cliffhanger...okay maybe not but you get the point.
- WE GOT CRUSTY'S. If I'm honest though I wasn't really disappointed when I thought he wasn't in it.
- I am sad we didn't get DOA records but the fact that they didn't fare with Charon tells me DOA does still exist they just used a different entrance so I'm hoping for it to be used in a different season. Would be funny if Nico used it in the 5th season with Percy.
- Annabeth's "Dude, don't make me come back out there!" Tell him, WiseGirl!
- Oh my god Percy and Sally at his first boarding school is so sad but when I tell you I cheered when he locked that car door! Persassy at his finest.
- "not in Kansas" "Hey focus, we left kansas four days ago." "Yeah, I-" so it's basically Canon they were going to see the Wizard of Oz in BotL then yeah??
- Percy is so polite with all the souls! "We're all dying...to some extent."
- The boys bribing Charon and Annabeth is staring at them like they are about to get them in trouble again.
- "You can buy a new whistle" I cackled
- AWW CERBERUS...I mean Ahhhh Cerberus!
- Annabeth is so smart but Grover getting eaten?? Was scared he wouldn't come back.
- I feel bad for Aryan being covered in that gloopy stuff that looked gross.
- She just chucks Percy the ball to get herself up! INGENIUS!
- Aww Annabeth's little sad backstop moment and Percy wasn't even listening!
- The way Grover lost the pearl is very clever! I wasn't expecting that but it makes more sense than Poseidon forgetting about Sally.
- New Information?!?!? Mate you could have sent an email!!!! I'm sorry but maybe the fact he was on the school gymnasium roof probably suggests that the school wasn't keeping a good enough watch on him!!! Report the school!!!
- HOMESCHOOL??!?!?! Of course Sally can't do that she's barely able to support her, Percy, and Gabe as is! But Percy seeing all of that is so sad.
- That soul is terrifying I never want to watch the fields of Asphodel scene again (I've watched it four times)
- Annabeth getting stuck because of her regret (which I'm assuming is regret leaving home) I was scared for her. Completely forgot about the pearl.
- I really thought the sound were going to do some Weeping Angel level scary stuff.
- She's so smart using the pearl
- I thought the desert was another dream sequence but nope! How did I forget!
- Sad we didn't get the tartar sauce line but I'm also glad we didn't.
- I am convinced they only came off of Grover's hooves because he has hooves and not feet. If his foot filled the shoe properly he would have been dragged to Kronos.
- "is this?" "No!" "Well it looks like-" "it absolutely is not" "Okay, so what is it then?" "Yeah that's the master bolt." "I mean, I think so right??" I love how they show it takes them longer to get to the truth without Annabeth.
- return the bolt ❌️ Take the bolt to the person you think stole it ✅️
- The café scene is so sad what! "I would never do this to you." Has me sobbing. my favourite thing about the show is all the extra scenes we're getting that explains how difficult it was for Sally to raise Percy, it just adds to why there's so many year-round campers.
- that elevator is badass
- I love how Hades tries to connect with Percy with the nautical reference. He's so funny. I want a scene in season 4 or 5 of Nico just ranting in Italian and Hades sat on his thrown like "Yeah yeah I know."
- "huh?"..."the bolt is my brothers drama I don't want anything to do with it." Spoken like a true middle child.
- "my helm!" "Your what?" So funny. Percy knows loads of stuff about Greek mythology but not about the helm.
- Oh my god, the way this is setting Annabeth up to be the traitor??? The helm turns people invisible like her hat. Percy realised he was supposed to be dragged to Tartarus, which would make sense why she saved him from the chair...he knows someone partnered with Ares, and both Annabeth and Ares were upset with Athena when Ares arrived!! Kind of suspicious...
- "Kronos." chills.
- Hades helping them in exchange for the bolt makes sense now because he only wants to defend his land. He's thinking he's the closest to Tartarus, so he will experience his father's wrath first and therefore needs the strongest weapon.
- "Nice pearl?"
- "Hold fast mum."
- Sally burning the milkshake as an offering is so smart but WHAT CAFÉ HAS MATCHED IN THE SUGAR BOWL?!?!?
- The way Poseidon just turned up because Sally needed him <3 (couldn't do that for Percy though could you mate?)
- "it's a him, he saw it." I cackled.
- Poseidon and Sally having that kind of relationship where they put feelings aside to help the other person. It's giving besties with a child.
- "one day...one day when he's ready...when he knows who he is...and where he belongs...and fate has revealed to him his true path...and that day..." And that day is next Wednesday because surprise! Its a cliff hanger! And the end of the episode!
- The way they looked at eachother when they realised what was about to happen though has set them up to be such a perfect trio.
- I will never get over how cool Ares is!
- And riptide/anaklusmos (which for non book readers is the name of Percy's sword) looked so sick.
This episode was so good and I'm so glad it wasn't like a 25 minute episode. Even though the actual content only took 36 minutes, it felt well spaced and gave time to understand what was happening. I am a little teensy bit worried for how the last episode will go as there's quite a lot to cram in. They have to find the Helm and fight Ares and then they have to return to camp so I'm a little bit worried but I have faith that Rick, Aryan, Leah and Walker will pull it off.
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ameagrice · 2 years
chapter twenty-one | it’s called…hope
percy jackson x fem reader
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You’d gotten so caught up in your time with Travis, that it fell dark before you knew it. And despite the cold air numbing your fingertips and toes in your shoes, the two of you ran down to the canoe lake giggling like kids.
The wooden walkway provided enough space for the two of you to lay on your backs, knocking your shoe against Travis’s absently, watching as every breath pushed out puffs of white air into the cold against the dark sky. Stars had been thrown across it, clear as day.
In your Hunters coat, you didn’t feel much of the cold anywhere besides your hands, face and feet. But Travis had bundled up in a sweater, a coat, two pairs of jeans, and sneakers like he was about to do a runaway.
“You know,” his voice chattered with his teeth. “This was a lot cooler in my head.”
“You want it to be colder?” You turned yours, a teasing smile on your face. It took him a second to catch on.
Travis rolled his eyes. “Oh, ha-ha. Yeah, can see why you’re a daughter of Athena, alright.”
“Just got the brains, what can I say?”
“You got something but I don’t think it’s brains.”
You barked out a sudden laugh, and Travis grinned. “What is it then?”
“You’re too young to get it. You’re a child, still.”
You gasped, leaning on your elbow. “I’m a year younger than you!”
He sighed jokingly. “Hmm…no.”
You practically dropped back to the deck and Travis visibly winced. “Fine. Whatever. Doesn’t bother me one bit.”
“Yeah. I can tell.”
The balls of light placed around the lake offered a gentle, rosy-pink and yellow glow cast over where you both lay. In this light, when you turned to look at Travis as inconspicuously as possible—ooh, that side of the lake was very interesting—you could see that he had a golden glow to his face, and those wide eyes swept slowly across the sky, the woods, and then to you.
In your stomach, you could feel your pulse, in the bend of your arm, and you could hear it, beating away hard, quickly.
“Think I’m ‘boutta have a heartattack,” you whispered, just letting it slip out. You’d worry about the embarrassment later. Bleh. “Your face is so ugly I’m going into cardiac arrest. Seriously, sort out your eyebrows, Travis, what have I told you?”
“Damn, Brains. Here I thought we were on to something.”
“Yeah, tweezer sales. You should start looking.” Your hair rustled your jacket as you looked away.
He huffed a laugh, letting his mouth curve. Travis had a cheeky smile, the kind that yelled hold on to your wallets, everybody! He had a small, barely-there dotting of freckles under his dark-brown eyes, and lips a neutral pink. In this light, you thought he was the definition of pretty. Not handsome. Not godly. Just pretty. Boyish. Lovely.
“Have you talked to Percy today? He seemed pretty bummed out at dinner.”
You hummed. “I have, actually. He’s upset about Annabeth going missing.” Which you had already explained.
“He’s bound to be. I mean, come on, they’ve been inseparable since last year’s quest.” Your heart clenched. Stop it, you told it. “He’s the one who convinced her to give going home to her dad a try.”
Your brain short circuited. “I knew that she went,” you said. “Just didn’t know he was the one to tell her to do it. I didn’t know they were that close.”
Travis developed a confused line between his brows. “She never mentioned him?”
“If she has done,” you shuffled uncomfortably. “It wasn’t to me.” Something flickered in you.
The silence after made you think. Sure, Annabeth and Percy had gotten closer since their quest last year. How could they not after something of that nature? How could Travis have known about Percy telling Annabeth about going home if you didn’t know a thing before his mentioning it. You were either out of the loop, or wildly behind. Either way, things would be sure to come out now. You would all have to work together from now on, because things were growing tenser and more troubling.
Boy troubles would have to wait.
Percy’s cabin was next. On your walk back to the cabins—Travis going in first—you watched a window in Percy’s cabin light up where he flicked a lamp on. It must have been at least eleven, now, maybe pushing midnight. What was keeping him up?
You stepped away from your cabin door, quietly sneaking across the grass. If you weren’t a demigod, you’d have made a good career as a criminal, because you were at his door and knocking on it in seconds.
Percy answered, looking frayed around the edges. He pulled you in by your wrist and closed the door.
“Dude, you look like you’ve been dragged through a hedge.”
He sent you a look. “Thanks. What are you doing out so late? You’re freezing.”
“It’s cold out.” You shrugged. “Anyway,” your arms crossed. “I’m here to check on you. You’ve not been up this late like this since Yancy.”
The edges of his eyes were rimmed dark red in the yellowish lamp by his bed. It smelled remotely of boy, sea salt and fresh air in here, a vast difference to your own cabin which held a slight smell of burning as of late. A result to an always experimenting cabin, you supposed.
“Just…” Percy shrugged his shoulders. He wore a simple pair of black shorts and a camp shirt a size larger, it looked. His eyes met the ground, and his shoulders drooped miserably. “Thinking about Annabeth. We’re safe here but she could be anywhere. Who’s to say she isn’t dead already?”
You pressed your lips together. Tension filled in you. Just how could you diffuse this? How could you make Percy feel better when you didn’t know the answer to his thoughts? To any of this?
“Luke’s a horrible guy,” you started, moving closer. You dropped a hand from your arm to flay it, palm up, as you talked. You wandered over to Percy’s bed, sitting heavily on it. “But he’s not so horrible as to let Annabeth die. They’ve known each other for years, haven’t they? That has to count for something.”
Percy was tired, you could tell, if his slowly dropping eyes flicking up was anything to go by. But he nodded. “Yeah, I guess.” He moved and planted himself down next to you. You turned.
“C’mon,” you pressed your hand to his shoulder. “You’ll feel better when you’ve slept.”
“Why?” He pulled away, confused.
You shrugged. “I don’t know. Something Chiron told me when I had a meltdown over my shoes last summer. It was true, though.”
“This is Annabeth!” He exploded. He fixed you with a piercing, hard gaze. You almost jumped. “This is your sister! She isn’t a pair of stupid shoes and nothing is going to make this any better unless we start to do something about it!” He breathed heavily, chest heaving. His face was twisted in annoyance. “She’s my best friend and nobody’s doing anything.”
Once again you were at a loss for words. “We just have to have hope, Percy.”
You dropped your hand down, circling your fingers around his wrist softly. He twisted his hand, and turned his face away from you, red cheeks on show as his palm met yours. Percy held your palm to his tightly, almost squeezing it. It was warm and soft, and you almost melted.
“That’s all we can do.”
Fresh air was gained as you all stood crowded in front of your cabin. All you could do was thank your mother you had chosen a pair of decent pyjamas last night.
Huddled in your bed covers—now smelling profusely of smoke and chemicals—you watched as the grey smoke inside poured out and up into the air.
“What did you do?”
You kept your eyes on the cabin. “What makes you think I did something?” You asked lazily, drawling your words.
“Because,” Travis set his elbow on your head. You were pretty sure he was closer than necessary, but…who were you to complain? “You’re covered in ash.”
“What a genius!” You smiled with extremely copious amounts of sarcasm. Now you really did turn to Travis, whose elbow dropped, and who had an eyebrow raised, not impressed. “I don’t know how you’re not a son of Athena, Travis. Someone was experimenting and it went wrong.”
“Don’t lecture me, man,” you turned back. Cora was retching dramatically in the doorway, sounds and all. “I’m not in the mood.”
“Gods—what, are you on your period or something?”
You snapped your gaze dangerously to him. The boy looked caught out, shocked at himself. His face screamed shouldn’t have said that, shouldn’t have said that.
You clenched your jaw. You turned slowly. “I beg your pardon?”
In this early morning light of a pale violet, your eyes stung, but the sight of your friend cured the morning’s sourness to a certain extent.
Percy had a sly, conniving sort of smile on his face. At your side, he had his hands stuffed deep into the pockets of his coat, and his hair was a terrible mess of ruffled black.
“Whose chimney have you been up?”
“Aren’t you brave man considering.” You drolled.
Cold, tired, and feeling as though your lungs were weighed down with iron weights from whatever it was that was set off, you were in no way, shape or form in the mood for this this early.
Percy draped his arm around your shoulder. Out the corner of your eye, Travis had moved away from you both, escaping the tricky situation he put himself in, talking to a girl at his side. You were about to look away—
A girl?!?
“Listen, we need to talk about—”
You sighed heavily, coughing on the smoke. “The only—” HACK “gods—the only plan I have today is to shower, clean my sheets, and sleep. No can do any athletics or brains today, muchacho.”
“Dude,” you moved your head, sniffing your covers. “I smell like a barbecue. Honestly, I gotta take a shower ASAP.”
“Can you meet me after, then?” He sounded tired. You nodded, not questioning it. Just as you were walking away, back towards your cabin as the last of the smoke billowed out, Percy grabbed you by the shoulder of your blanket. You looked at him. “I had a dream last night. Grover’s going to meet us in the fields after breakfast. I want to talk to the both of you together.”
You eyed him momentarily. Then nodded slowly. “Okay.”
“A cave ceiling collapsed on her?” Grover asked.
“Yeah. What the hell does that mean?” Percy twisted his fingers in the grass anxiously, pulling at it. You looked from him to Grover.
Grover shook his head. “I don’t know. But after what Zoe dreamed—”
“Whoa. What do you mean? Zoe had a dream like that?”
“I…I don’t know, exactly. About three in the morning she came to the Big House and demanded to talk to Chiron. She looked really panicked.”
“Hang on,” you interrupted, leaning forward a little past Percy to look Grover in the eye. “How do you know about this?”
Grover blushed. “I was sort of…camped out outside the Artemis cabin all night.”
Your jaw dropped. “Grover!”
“What for?” Percy asked.
“Just to be, you know, near them.”
“You’re a stalker with hooves.” Percy scoffed.
“I am not! Anyway, I followed her to the Big House and hid in a bush and watched the whole thing. She got real upset when Argus wouldn’t let her in. It was kind of a dangerous scene.”
“What did she say?”
Grover grimaced. “Well, she starts talking really old-fashioned when she gets upset so it was kind of hard to understand. But something about Artemis being in trouble and needing the Hunters. And then she called Argus a boil-brained lout—I think that’s a bad thing, and then he called her—”
“Woah,” Percy sighed. “Wait. How could Artemis be in trouble?”
For once, you didn’t dare open your mouth to make some smart-mouthed remark. Not only was this important, but you wanted to know what was going on.
“I…well, Chiron finally came out of the house with his horsetail in curlers—” you snorted, “and, well, Zoe said she needed permission to leave camp immediately. Chiron refused. He reminded Zoe that the Hunters needed to stay here until they received orders from Artemis. And she said…she said ‘how are we supposed to get orders from her if she’s lost?’.”
“Lost?” You flicked your eyes to Percy, who looked just as confused. “What does she mean, lost?”
“Like she needs directions?”
“No,” Grover said, exhaustedly. “Like kidnapped. Taken. Gone.”
“But…” you struggled for the words. “How could someone just take a goddess? How’s that possible?”
“I mean, it happened to Persephone.”
“But she was, like, the goddess of flowers.” Percy said.
Grover looked offended. “Springtime.”
“Whatever. Who could kidnap Artemis? And why would they want to?”
Grover shook his head miserably. “I don’t know. Kronos?”
“He can’t be that powerful already, can he?”
“I don’t know. I think somebody would know if he was reformed. The gods would be more nervous, don’t you think? But still, it’s weird you and Zoe Nightshade having a nightmare on the same night.”
“It’s like they’re connected,” you said, and Grover nodded grimly. Percy had stopped picking at the grass. “The only people I can think of behind a dream like that would be Morpheus, or someone involved who took Annabeth.”
“Exactly. But who would be—”
“Hang on,” Percy turned his head, looking at you. “Who’s Morpheus?”
“God of dreams.”
“Ah. Fun. I’m gonna talk to Zoe about it. We have to figure out what’s happening.”
“Um, before you do…” Grover unzipped his coat pocket and dug his hand inside, pulling something out. It was folded like a pamphlet at a doctors waiting room. “You remember how the Hunters just turned up out of nowhere, right, at Westover Hall? Well, i think they were scouting us.”
“Scouting us?” You and Percy shared a look. “Why?”
He handed Percy the pamphlet, and Percy turned a little to share it with you. The front read A WISE CHOICE FOR YOUR FUTURE! You turned the first page, fingers brushing Percy’s. Inside were pictures of Hunters running, shooting, or smiling, like an advertisement for a holiday camp. The different pages had captions like HEALTH BENEFITS! and A BOY-FREE TOMORROW!
“Only for the weird,” you muttered.
“I found that in Annabeth’s backpack she left behind,” Grover nodded at it.
Percy’s coat ruffled as he looked up, dark hair touching his jacket. He really needed a haircut. When he spoke, it was with a little irritation. “I don’t understand.”
It was then that you understood what was happening. The quest with Annabeth last year. The worry deeper than just friendship. A sleepless last night. And the look on Percy’s face now. You weren’t stupid (you thanked your mother, and also cursed her). It was clear to see, even if Percy didn’t (boys were typically oblivious to this stuff).
Percy liked Annabeth. This worry went deeper than friendship.
“Percy,” you said softly, a weird feeling in your body. “Annabeth was thinking of joining.”
You didn’t see him for the rest of the day.
Wherever you went, Hunters were, and they only reminded you of Annabeth’s leaflet, then that reminded you of Annabeth being missing, and that reminded you of Percy’s sadness, and that reminded you of the feelings you still couldn’t label.
But it all came back to the dreams both Percy and Zoe had. And thus brought you back to…
“Chiron!” You beamed, leaning in the doorway. He looked up from the chess table, opposite Mr. D. with a weary but kind smile. “I’ve got a bone to pick with you.”
You stepped inside, pulling the door closed behind. It was warm inside as always, and the snow on your boots began to melt into the doormat. You dragged your feet along the harsh bristles and wiped it off. You’d settled on your Hunters coat; comfort over looks, in dire situations as these, and a scarf you left behind last year. You pushed your hands into your pockets.
“What is it, child?” He asked kindly.
You went to walk to the couch, but found yourself glaring at Mr. D. instead.
“Well, you certainly know how to ruin a good day. You and all those other whiny campers. Can we not simply have a bit of peace without continuous complaints?”
“Tushe,” you bit back, and he looked up, hand poised on a chess piece, face glowering.
“What is it you have come for?” Chiron cut in pointedly.
A shot in the dark, maybe. You sighed. “I wanted to talk to you about the nightmare Zoe Nightshade had.”
Chiron closed his eyes for a second. “Have you had any dreams?”
“No, but Percy has.”
You explained Percy’s dream feeling a little guilty to be spilling his personal life. But if it could help get your sister back, and prevent death, you had a reason to do so.
By the end, you found yourself sitting on the sofa, leaning forward with your elbows on your knees, looking desperately at Chiron for an answer.
“I really think that if we don’t start looking for Annabeth,” you said, trying to convince him. “She’s going to die. And from the sounds of things, Artemis will be in danger too. And then the gods will fight, and there’ll be carnage, and we’ll all die or something. It won’t end well if we sit here any longer.“
The fire crackled and popped, and you sat waiting for a response.
Finally, you got one. But not the kind you’d hoped for.
“You know what your problem is,” Mr. D. turned away from his game. “What all you heroes’ problems are? You get too involved. You cannot solve a goddess’s problem. Your friend is miles upon miles away. From what you have said so far, there is nowhere to start, no place to begin searching, yet here you are, complaining about how awful life is. Take this in, half-blood: some things just cannot be fixed.”
“What—Chiron!” You looked to him, mouth agape. “Even you’ve said that we need to look for Annabeth! And—and if we find Annabeth we might find Artemis, too, don’t you think? For them to go missing at near enough the same time can’t be a coincidence.”
Chiron’s worried, weary face reflected his thoughts. And he nodded. Relief filled you. “I agree,” he turned his head to Mr. D. “It is a very strange happening. And I fear if we leave things any longer, Annabeth and Artemis will not be the last to disappear.”
Capture The Flag only soured your mood further.
“I—” you tugged on a chest armour strap. “Hate. Capture. The. FLAG!”
Percy matched your energy. You turned your back to him and gestured to the straps you couldn’t pull properly. He tugged on the ones at your shoulders, tightening them. You did the same for him.
There weren’t many campers around, only fourteen, you counted, including yourself, and about thirteen Hunters. Little Nico was jumping excitedly and chattering away about his card game to a little boy called Harley, who was four and only hanging around to see the action; he lingered at Chiron’s side, obviously unable to join in with the game. He had turned up at camp just before you left last time.
“I’ll show them ‘love is worthless’,” Silena Beauregard grumbled viciously, swinging a sword between her fingers. The tree opposite her should have been scared. “I’ll pulverise them!”
“I’m with you on that one,” you said. Silence gave you a high-five.
Nico ran over to you in his clunky armour. You lifted his helmet from over his eyes, and he looked sad. “Percy said we don’t get to kill the other team.”
“But the Hunters are immortal aren’t they?”
“The aim of the game is to have fun,” you said trying to be upbeat. “Even if it isn’t fun.”
“It can’t be fun if we don’t get to kill the other team.”
You lay your hands on his shoulders, pushing him towards Chiron. “Alright, kid! Let’s go visit Chiron. And maybe a psychologist.”
“Heroes!” he called. “You know the rules! The creek is the boundary line. Blue team—Camp Half-Blood—shall take the west woods. Hunters of Artemis—red team—shall take the east woods. I will serve as referee and battlefield medic. No intentional maiming, please! All magic items are allowed. To your positions!”
“Intentional maiming, my ass,” you muttered. Silena snickered quietly.
“Blue team! Follow me!” Thalia bellowed, and you set off.
Little Nico bolted off ahead to Percy, who didn’t look the least bit happy. Travis was bumping his hip with a girl you came to know to be Katie Gardener. Silena Beauregard wasn’t a particularly close friend of yours, but living at camp through the quieter months and the busier months when things were packed together provided the opportunity to get acquainted with people. So at your side, you agreed to stick together. Thalia and Percy would likely stick together. Nico was running amok. And the Hunters worked too well together.
Your team flag was to be set up at the top of Zeus’s fist—you’d petitioned to rename it the Poop Pile, but Chiron hadn’t let you despite all in favour of the name. You scampered up the rock, planting it in place before scaling it back down.
Nico was set on guard duty by Percy, along with Connor and Travis and Charles Beckendorf. Yourself, Silena, Katie Gardener, and two Ares boys, Laurel and Jason, would be the decoy group, a fact you weren’t too happy about.
“Make a wide arc around the Hunters. Attract as many as you can. I’ll take the main raiding party round to the right and catch them by surprise.”
Everyone nodded. It sounded good.
“Anything to add, Percy?”
“Uh, yeah. Keep sharp on defence. We’ve got four guards, two scouts. That’s not much for a big forest. I’ll be roving the place. If you need help, yell.”
“And don’t leave your posts,” Thalia warned.
“Unless you see a golden opportunity,” Percy added. A tiny smirk began to grow. You could see what was happening.
Thalia scowled. “Just don’t leave your post.”
Thalia set her hand on his arm, and he yelped. Everyone ‘oooh’d at the sound of the static shock.
“Sorry,” she said, though she didn’t sound very sorry. “Now, is everyone clear?”
“Loud and clear, corporal.” You swiped a salute. Thalia just shook her head, looking away. A couple of kids laughed quietly. Nico began to march childishly in his clunky armour, saluting everyone, gaining more laughs.
The horn sounded, and your team dashed off to the left.
“We’re the decoys, right?” You called up ahead to Silena and Laurel. They yelled back a confirmation. “Does that mean I can do anything to be distracting?”
“Sure, as long as it’ll work!”
Once you were further in, you walked up a tall hill, able to see Chiron standing watch further away, and some people running about.
You set about your plan.
“Hello?! Guys, we’re up here!”
A brief, surprised cackle came from one of the boys running past. In a gap of the tree crowning above, watery light streamed through and highlighted a silvery shade jacket, moving.
You set off down the hill, and were ambushed instantly by a taller girl with a long ginger ponytail.
It might have been a fair fight, if she didn’t have arrows.
“Are you sure this isn’t against the rules?” You asked. She trained an arrow on you as you moved slowly away. “I mean, that’s definitely offensive. I can’t be defensive if you’ve got a weapon like that—”
You yelled out as something knocked her over. Silena!
“Aw, man, I didn’t even mean to do that. Don’t go down that hill, guys. The rocks are out to get us,” she groaned, sitting up. The Hunter shrieked, as if she were totally outraged.
“You’re all childish! You could never be Hunters! And you argue like children!”
“Cool, okay,” Silena was finally standing. She flipped her dark braid back. “Well, thanks for letting our team progress. We’ll be on our way, now.”
Her face was a picture of pure loathing. The shimmer of another Hunters jacket glimmered, and the girl yelled out.
“Leyla! I’ve got two!”
You didn’t know you could run so fast, but apparently, camp offered the opportunity for new findings. You ran alongside Silena, up the hill, and had to make a sharp dash to the right, sending sticks and mud flying as you skidded, when three other Hunters came out of nowhere. Now you had five after you. The two of you lead them away from your team.
Close by, people called out and shouted, and then began gagging.
“What’s going on there?” You asked.
“No fair!” Thalia’s voice came through. “Fart arrows are unsportsmanlike!”
As you ran on, you watched the scene unfold. Your team came back together; Percy sprinted toward Zoe Nightshade holding your flag; Chiron had Travis and Connor on his back, both pale in the face and sporting bandages round their heads. Thalia was yelling furiously. Then…
“The Hunters win!” Chiron announced, not with pleasure. “For the fifty-sixth time in a row.”
Zoe had ran over to her side, pushing down Percy in the process, and the Hunters were cheering. She waved the flag in the air, laughing gloriously, as her teammates crowded around her laughing and cheering.
“Perseus Jackson!” Thalia boomed. Everyone looked her way. Even a good few metres from you, the smell of rotten eggs was prominent. Her armour crackled with electricity. “What in the name of the gods were you THINKING?”
Percy had gotten up off the ground, and glared at Thalia. “I got the flag, Thalia,” he waved it in her face. “I saw a chance, and I took it!”
“I was their ATTHEIR BASE!” She fumed. “”But the flag was gone. If you hadn’t butted in, we would have won!”
“You had too many on you!”
“Oh, so it’s my fault?”
“I didn’t say that!”
“Argh!” Thalia yelled angrily. She threw her hands out and pushed hard on Percy, shocking him with electricity and throwing him into a creek at the same time. A couple of people gasped—a couple Hunters tried to stifle their laughter—but some, like you, let out surprised noises. You stepped forward, ready to fetch Percy’s fried, dead body from the water if need be.
“I’m sorry!” Thalia shrunk back. She’d gone scarily pale. “I didn’t mean to!”
A wave roared as it burst from the creek, standing a few metres tall until it descended, right at Thalia, dousing her from head to toe violently.
Percy stood up, breathily heavily. “Yeah? I didn’t mean to do that, either,” he growled.
“Enough!” Chiron demanded.
Thalia held out her spear. A weird feeling you weren’t fond of began to seep through your body. “You want some, Seaweed Brain?”
Gods, did Percy’s face change.
Once more, Annabeth had inadvertently wound her way into the conversation today.
“Bring it on, Pinecone Face!”
Percy raised his sword, but before he could do anything more, lightening struck, hit Thalia’s spear like a conductor, and with a crack, hit Percy directly in the chest. He practically fell hard, his clothes singed and steaming.
“Thalia!” Chiron said. “That’s enough!”
Your friend stumbled to his feet, determined, and the water around him, every bit from the creek, rose and swirled into a massive funnel.
You soon realised what your gut feeling was for.
Percy dropped the water. He stared at something in the distance. Thalia frowned, confused, and turned as well, prompting others to do the same.
You moved forward, and it felt like every organ in your body dropped.
Something was approaching, clouded in dark green mist. It it got closer, you saw it wasn’t a something but a someone: the Oracle.
“No way,” you breathed. Even the Hunters had fallen silent. People began to step back on the sidelines as she grew closer and closer, decrepit, old, and faded. You moved back until you were out of the way. Looking at him, you said, “Chiron—”
“This is impossible,” he said, very worried. “It…she has never left the attic. Never.”
His words and knowledge did not matter, because she stopped in the centre of the group. In front of Percy.
Nobody moved. Nobody dared to. Then her voice hissed inside your head, and it was like a nightmare come to life. You hands met your ears.
I am the spirit of Delphi, the voice said. Speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python.
The Oracle turned slowly, morbidly, to face Zoe Nightshade dead-on. Again, in your head: Approach, Seeker, and Ask.
Zoe visibly shook and swallowed hard. “What must I do to help my goddess?”
The Oracle’s mouth opened, and green mist poured out. It grazed the ground, and people stepped back to try and avoid it. You watched it pool around your ankles. That wasn’t the strangest part.
In the mist, images appeared. A mountain, and a girl you remembered to be Artemis standing at the barren edge. She was wrapped in chains, fettered to the rocks, kneeling with her hands raised as if to ward off an attacker. And she looked like she was in pain.
The Oracle spoke again.
Six shall go West to the goddess in chains,
One shall be lost in the land without rain,
The bane of Olympus shows the trail,
Campers and Hunters combined prevail,
The Titan’s curse must one withstand,
And one shall perish by a parent’s hand.
Then, as everyone watched, captivated, the mist began to come together and go back into the Oracle’s mouth, like a giant snake. She stepped back, and sat down on a rock, and went still, as if she’d never moved at all.
Well then. How are we feeling about that? :P
@bl6o6dy @embersparklz @lilyevanswhore @rottenstyx @hawkeye12 @rory-cakes @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @marshmallow12435 @luckydragontriumph @lantsovheiress @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @bugsys-bubble @twsssmlmaa @gayandfairycore @padsfirewhisky @emu281 @mrswang17 @jessiegerl
151 notes · View notes
fandoomrants · 8 months
Sooo, just a small comment on some of the things I loved in the finale of PJO.
There are obviously gonna be spoilers here soo...
-The fight between Percy and Ares!!! I loved the wave and now it was a subtle way of showing Poseidon was indeed beside him.
-The scenes between Percy and Luke!!! "Look, you didn't want to be a half-blood...". I loved the addition of these flashbacks of Luke teaching Percy to fight.
-Olympus! Omg, it was so pretty!!!
-Percy immediately being a total little shit with Zeus, I loved that!
-Poseidon showing up to protect Percy!
-Percy understanding only the word for "father" in Ancient Greek. He knows it because of Sally!
-"Ares is a moron."
-Overall the whole exchange between Percy and Poseidon. It really is a big step from him being all bitter and it was a bit corny but I liked it still.
-When Percy reveals Luke is the Lightning thief!
-Luke not fighting Percy at first. I have thoughts about the whole thing but I'll put them later on.
-Luke snapping for a moment and attacking Percy only after he mentions his father.
-Annabeth and her dagger!
-"Wait, your name is Percy!" And later "I don't think so", This was sooo hilarious. Especially when you think about how he initially tried to lie to him he's his dad. I'm pretty sure Dionysus knows his and everyone's name very well, he just likes being a jerk.
-"Some place called Disneyland", tbh, I feel like Annabeth won't be thrilled. I certainly wasn't and I was still am pretty childish as a kid.
-Grover's license!
-Their pact! That was so cute!
-"What did you dream of?" "Grandpa.". For a moment there I was like "What!? Are they tring to make it look like it was all a dream or that they're trying to make it as if Sally doesn't remember!?" but a moment later I was like "Nope, that's Percy Jackson, of course he'd refer to Kronos as his grandpa even tho he's his biggest enemy rn"
-Blue pancakes!
-When Percy and Sally were leaving the apartment, Percy's last narrative and the rain outside!
-The devastating moment when I thought we're not seeing Gabe turned into a statue but juuuust in case skipping the credits (call it a feeling or sth) and...
-GABE TURNING INTO A STATUE!!!! I'm honestly so happy! I'm not even mad Sally didn't do it as it was implied in the books. But she was divorcing him! I know he wasn't portrayed as bad as he was in the books in the TV show but I still believe he was emotionally abusing and he was still a jerk even tho it was toned down. Also, he was such an annoying, whiny bit-$(#..
That's all I can think of rn, even tho I believe there were other things too.
Now, I gotta admit I've read the book a looong time ago so I don't remember everything in great details but I noticed lots of the changes in the episode and throughout the whole season. I still enjoyed the show a lot, tho. Most of the changes made sense and like... Come on, it's an adaptation! And Rick Riordan was involved in the process so I believe he knew what he was doing with all these changes.
Tbh, I liked the first two episodes a lot, then idk, the third, maybe fourth too, were a tiiny bit meh to me but overall, I loved it and loved the last couple of episodes! I have mixed feelings for some things like them knowing about Medusa, the Lotus casino and other stuff but again, I trusted the process and it worked! It's only 8 episodes and there was a lot to happen there so I can see why these changes were needed. Figuring all out would have taken them a lot of time. Also, it was as much for new fans as it was for new ones so of course some things had to be made differently. For example, how the whole thing about who would betray Percy was done.
I've been watching lots of videos and posts of new fans who haven't read the books and I was cackling like an old hag at their assumptions how it was gonna be Grover or sth. And you just can't convince me that episode 7 and Annabeth getting caught by one of the roots wasn't with the exact purpose of making people think "Oh, they are friends now, what if it's her?" It was really well-played. And let's not forget how everyone was like "Luke! Babyboy, so precious." Can't wait to see everyone's reactions now... (Luke is still these things, even though he is "bad guy")
Speaking of Luke, again, haven't read the books in a while but I somewhat don't remember him and Percy being that close and being such good buddies. Idk, might need to read them again but even though I didn't mind that dynamic too much, I really thought this is more like how Luke and Annabeth should have been. I feel like we needed more interactions between them. Also, Luke speaks randomly about her twice, first telling Percy about her and calling her "my little sister" and then last episode giving that example with the spiders (nopee, I don't believe itt, she won't crush it, she'll scream and run unless it's a huge spider, then she'll fight it because of her bf) but she barely (if not ever) mentioned him? Yeah, she mentioned Thalia but almost nothing of Luke?? How are you gonna convince me that was her hero!? She should have been broken by his betrayal much more than Percy! Also, they kinda made Luke somewhat of a big softie, I thought it was because then his betrayal would have been more devastating but nope, there wasn't some kind of a 180° turn in his behaviour. Wonder why, to make him more relatable or? I want to see how his further actions are going to play out in this scenario...
Anywayy, all in all, I enjoyed the show a lot and I hope there is a next season. I want to see how the story will proceed on the screen (and I hope the changes we keep getting aren't anything too essential).
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incompleteth0ts · 4 months
No more birthdays
Percy fucked up. Percy fucked up big time.
Percy threw himself behind one of the crumbling pillars that were still left standing in Olympus’ golden halls as one of his father's life-sized nude statues went flying and smashing against the floor where Percy was just standing.
The marble flooring crack beneath Percy's feet as his grandfathers laughter grew louder and closer.
“There is no point in hiding from me, grandson. As your 16th birthday creeps nearer, I begin to gain more power. You will die halfling. You and all those you hold dear,”
Percy screamed as Kronos swung backbiter down on him in a wide arc.
Percy cursed as the top of his head hit the top bunk of his bed.
Knock, knock, knock.
“Are you ok, sweetie?”
Percy rubbed on the growing knot on his forehead. “Yeah, Mom I’m fine, just a bad dream. Sorry for waking you.”
Percy listened for the retreating sound of his mother's footsteps faintly hearing Paul on the other side of the door asking if he was alright. Percy felt a little bad for waking his stepfather (?) up, because he knew that his mom would be able to read between the lines and understand that the nightmares he was having weren’t the kind that could be explained and reasoned away, not that Percy and Sally both haven’t tried lying to themselves about the nightmares that always found their way to him.
He couldn’t tell Paul that he was having nightmares about his grandfather and not seem like a complete lunatic.
When he could hear the sound of his mom’s bedroom door closing, Percy climbed out of bed and opened his bedroom window to step outside and onto the fire escape. 
Percy stared at the moon that was washed out by light pollution and midnight clouds as he cursed his rotten luck.
The luckiest demigod Percy knew. She died and came back to life only to be granted immortality. Thalia was all the things Percy wished he was. Prophecy free.
The daughter of Zeus was…kind of disappointing to be around. She was bossy and liked to tell Percy what to do and get mad when he didn’t want to do it. He could see where Annabeth got it from.
Thalia had managed to avoid becoming the prophecy child. Another thing Percy envied about her. Thalia had found a loophole around it all.
She’ll never age, never turn sixteen, never have to fight Kronos, never have to die a second time.
Luckiest person ever.
Maybe Percy could convince his dad to turn him into a local flora. Maybe a Jasmine plant, his mom liked Jasmine or maybe a lily pad.
Percy climbed back into bed and dreamed of frogs and hot tea.
“You cannot hide from me forever, Perseus Jackson. I will find you, and when I do, I will handle you just as I handled your father,”
Percy watched in horror as the ground underneath him split open, revealing miles on miles of teeth. Percy tried to jump out of the way but was pushed forward into his awaiting doom.
Percy turned around and locked eyes with a frazzled blonde woman, turning the baby swaddled in her arms around so that it could watch him fall.
Percy gasped when his face connected with the carpet in his bedroom. Percy sat up to glare at the pillow he had shoved in between the bars of the top bunk of his bed and rubbed his bruising forehead. If this kept up, Percy would start to turn into an even bigger seaweed head.
Percy untangled his legs from his dark blue cover as he tuned into his mom’s and Paul’s conversation.
“I want to ask him this time. I don’t want him to think that I don’t care about him.”
“Percy knows you care, Paul, but he’d feel bad if he woke you up.”
“I know, but I’m worried too, Sally. This is the third time this week.”
Percy, unable to listen in on his mom and Paul's argument about him, decided to choose for them. “Paul is that you?” Percy giggled at the audible, flailing from the other side of the door.
“Y-yeah, buddy, it’s me. Are you feeling okay? I thought I heard something fall? Buddy? When have I ever called him that?”
“Everything’s fine. I just fell off my bed.”
Percy could hear his mom trying not to laugh at Paul's kind-hearted attempt at checking on him.
“Looks like Sally didn't tuck you in tight enough tonight. I'll leave her a one-star rating in the morning.”
Percy laughed at Paul's joke and collected himself from the floor.
“If everything's alright in there, then I'll leave you alone. Try and head back to sleep, Percy. After all, tomorrow's a special day.”
Percy froze from his spot on his bed.
Tomorrow was a special day?
Perch leaned over to check the time on his alarm clock.
12:03, August 17.
Tomorrow will be his 15th birthday, and today will be his last day as a 14-year-old.
Tomorrow will be his last year to live.
Percy felt ill.
He broke into a cold sweat and tried falling back asleep like Paul had said.
Six hours later, his mom came knocking on his door to wake him up from school.
“Goodnight Percy.”
Mom bent down so she could kiss the top of my head and twirl my hair in her fingers.
“Good night, Mom. Love you.”
Mom smiled at me like she was being reminded of all the reasons she loved me, too.
“I love you, too. Now go to sleep honey, tomorrow's a special day for my special little man.”
My mom looked at me as if I was aging right in front of her. She's been looking at me like that a lot recently.
“Sleep tight, Percy.”
“I will. Night Paul!”
“Goodnight Percy! Try not to fall out of bed again!”
“Paul Blofis, you think you are so funny!” Mom turned to me as if she couldn’t believe half the things that Paul said to us like he was the Greek anomaly.
“I'll see you in the morning, sweetheart.”
Mom closed the door behind her, and I turned to face my blinking alarm clock.
10:58, August 17.
Only a couple more hours until my birthday. Only a couple more hours until my final countdown.
I played with the edge of my blanket as I tried to fall asleep. I thought of the tips I was given at camp to help me fall asleep faster.
Slowing my breathing, sitting up straight, lifting, and lowering limbs. Nothing was working.
11:07, August 17.
This wasn't going to work.
I yanked the blankets off of me and threw them on the floor. Tip-toeing on them, I made my way to the fire escape.
Unlatching my window, I lifted the glass enough to slip out closed it behind me before the nightlife woke up Mom and Paul. I leaned against the safety rail and stared at the moonlace sprouting in Artemis’ glow.
It was a miracle that the flower had managed to survive this long. This single sprout will live longer than I ever will, and it'll be all Mom will have left of me.
I turned my back to the moonlace.
The thought of turning 15 made my stomach twist even more so than the thought of turning 16.
I wanted to get angry like I used to when I was 12. Since the day I was born, the world has been punishing me for all the bad stuff my dad has done, and now I'm doomed to be killed for all the bad my grandfather will do.
I paced the tight space available to me on the fire escape. I was starting to sound like a revenge-hungry lunatic.
I returned to my sulking position on the fire escape railing. I didn't want to grow old.
“It's rather late nephew, shouldn't young boys such as yourself be tucked away in bed.”
I nearly fell over the side of the railing. Two robed arms circle my waist and pull me back to safety.
I was pulled back into the chest of someone who should not be in front of my bedroom window.
“Be careful nephew; it would be a shame to have Thanatos claim you before me.”
I turned around, so I was face-to-face with the man holding me to their chest.
Standing in front of me in all his ten-foot glory was Lord Hades himself.
He was backed into the corner closet to my closed window and tall enough to curl around it. It was like looking at Batman before he launched and attacked.
I nervously looked down at the metal platform we were standing on. The metal didn't give a rickety squeal like it usually did when more than one person got on.
Hades looked assumed with my untrusting panic. He curled his massive body around, blocking my view from the alley and pressing me against the window pane.
I hoped Mom or Paul didn't try to check in on me like they've been doing lately.
“Scared that we'll fall, Perseus?”
Scared of a lot of things right now, falling is only one of them and by the look of things the least deadly.
“Yeah, just a little bit. What about you? When they were calculating the weight limit, I don’t think they took any Gods above the height of 7’3” into account.”
Hades seemed to take his height and non-existent weight into consideration before shrinking down to a more respectable height of 6’4”.
“I suppose you’re right. Humans lack diversity and possibility nowadays.”
“And answers to the unsaid, why are you here?” God or not, if he came here for a round two kidnapping of my mother, I would do more than slice the back of his heel.
I watched as my uncle traced abstract shapes in the glass of my window. On the other side, my alarm clock rode on a wave of shadows and pressed against the glass.
11:35, August 17.
“Your birthday brings me here. You will be a man soon. Your father sends me new souls every day in his grief.”
The shadows of my bedroom twirled and took the shape of a weeping man. All around him dozens of tiny people pleaded for their life only to be swept away by a wave of his hand.
“You will be 15 tomorrow, making you a year closer to being the prophecy child. To preserve or raze, Olympus will live on or fall by your hand nephew.”
I tried not to let my Uncle's words get to me, I already knew all this, the fate of the world sat on my shoulders and somehow it was heavier than the sky itself.
“So what? Did you come here to kill me? Give you guys some more time to plan before Kronos regains his powers. Well, news flash, but your brother has already tried that. Like twice!”
I tried to create some distance between us but all that seemed to do was bring us closer. And what did he mean I’ll, ‘ be a man soon’, with the way things are going I’ll never be a man, it was a miracle that I even lived long enough to become a tween.
Hades laughed and despite our rocky past, I could feel myself blush at the feel of his breath on me.
“Yes. I suppose my, fool, of a younger brother has tried to kill you, ‘like twice’, already and it can be argued that I have done the same, which is why I am here.”
I watched in wonder as the god of the underworld got on his knees and clasped my hands in his.
“My dear Persephone left me for the surface months ago. My days and nights grow lonely without her, for years I've suffered from withdrawals, but you can help me Perseus, and I can help you.”
I felt the air get knocked out of me once I started to become aware of just how badly things were turning. I tried to pull my hands from his but he pulled me back into him.
“Asked me for sanctuary. I’ll protect you.”
The sky split apart with thunder lighting up the alley. Hades looked at me with crazed eyes. Here he was offering me ‘sanctuary’ from the war at the cost of…
“Stay with me Perseus. You are a child of summer, stay with me when my wife is away, become a god, and avoid this war tucked beneath the earth. Allow someone else to take this burden.”
“Nico is next in line Uncle, if I don't do this, he will have to.”
Hades squinted at me, seeing something that I wasn't. He opened his mouth as though he was going to say something but another flash of lightning came around.
“Nico is training to become stronger. By the time he is 16, he will be ready.”
I had a hard time believing him. It was hard to look at Nico and not envision the once naive and hopeful ten-year-old boy that he once was.
“I swear to you, so long as you seek my protection it will be given. All you need to do is indulge in my sacred fruit.”
From the shadows at my feet, Hades pulled out half a pomegranate, the juice was still running down its skin staining his bone-white hands a rusted purple. Some of the seeds were smashed and busted open like the fruit had been violently ripped apart. I imagined myself as the pomegranate, ripped in half and dripping in the palm of Kronos.
I allowed my Uncle to pull out six of the nicest seeds and press them to my lip.
“Eat nephew before it is too late.”
He had risen from his kneeling position and licked on the juices that dripped down my chin. His sticky hands clung to the fabric of my pajama shirt. Tilting my head back I opened my mouth to let the seeds roll down my tongue.
My mouth watered from the tart taste of the fruit and the crunch of the pits. I’ve never eaten a pomegranate before. I hadn't expected it to be so messy.
“Slow down nephew, I'd hate for you to choke.”
I felt even more like a child when Hades began to clean my face with a handkerchief.
“There, all done. I'm so very proud of you Perseus.”
My bedroom window began to violently shake against the elements surrounding us. If Mom hadn't been woken up earlier she would be now.
Hades opened my window and ushered me inside the safety of my bedroom.
“Go to sleep, Perseus enjoy this time with your family while you have it, come next spring you will be mine and the marriage will be official.”
Just as quietly as he came he left without so much as a shake on the fire escape.
“Percy? Are you alright honey?”
I watched my mom through the window reflection as she pulled her robe tight over her shoulders.
“I'm fine. The storm woke me up, I wonder what Uncle's mad about now.”
My mom looked around my room anxiously like she expected Zues to jump out of my closet and strike us down.
“Go to bed honey I'm sure everything is fine.”
Mom kissed me on the forehead and tucked me in ‘extra tight’ as suggested by Paul and closed the door just enough to leave a crack.
When I turned to face the blinking numbers on my clock I could almost feel the pomegranate seeds rise back up.
11:59, August 17.
Forever 14.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Percy…”
Percy watched the candles with a blank face robotically blowing out the candles once the song ended and accepting the first slice of cake from his mother. He didn’t feel any different but his uncle made it sound like it would be a year-long process.
Looking around the room Percy imagined what his life would be like. Sally and Grover were sharing some of their favorite memories with Percy to Paul(most were embarrassing) but they looked tense. There was a shift in the atmosphere and they could feel it.
“There's the birthday boy.”
“Big Brother!”
Percy managed to push his piece of cake far enough to not have it squished in between his and Tyson's body when pulled into a bear hug.
“Tyson, you made it!”
From behind the counter, Percy can see Paul waving his hand at Tyson and his mom trying to explain that he didn’t come out of her too.
Percy watched as Posideon rounded the corner and froze when he saw Percy. The floor in the kitchen rumbled before his dad grabbed a hold of himself and walked the rest of the way in.
“Percy! I'm afraid I can't stay long. I just needed to drop off Tyson and your birthday gift.”
Before Percy could get up on his own Posideon snatched Percy out of his chair and dragged him to his bedroom.
“Percy I don’t know what it is that you've done, but it’s thrown our world out of line,” Poseidon grabbed Percy’s shoulders and brought him to face level. His eyes were manic. Percy saw years of storms, sailors' mangled bodies being broken against cliffs, and monsters waking from their slumber to feast on the unfortunate. Percy saw the description in his father's eyes. “Percy, what did you do?”
“...I’m sorry Dad.”
Percy broke out of his father's arms with strength that before last night he did not have. Returning to the party he told his mom and stepdad that his father had left through the fire escape. Digging into his flavorless cake Percy asked his mom if Tyson could stay the night, smiling when Tyson ran to the linen closet and began to pull out blankets and plans for a pillow fort.
I lay facing Tyson watching as he shook the picture on the wall with his snoring. It was a good thing that I wasn’t planning on sleeping tonight or I would never find peace.
“It’s a wondrous thing that the Cyclops has yet to eat you. I hear that the babies are the hungriest.”
I watched as my uncle's silhouette circled Tyson’s fort before stopping at the ‘doorway’ which consisted of pillows tied together by the case corners. His shiny Italian loafers poked past the fabric and tapped at me impatiently.
I rose to my knees and took one last look at my and Tyson’s latest creation. I leaned over and pulled as much of him as I could into a hug. The night was beginning to feel like a final goodbye.
“You said that come next spring I would be staying with you.”
“Yes I did say that, but your father came to me today with some strongly choice words. I figured it would be best to speed some things up,” Hades raised his hand when I stepped forward to argue. “I’m not taking you home with me now, but it would be best to consummate the marriage while we still can, yes?”
The shadows in the living room rose to ceiling height before crashing on us like deadly waves. Just before I was washed in darkness I spotted the time flash on the microwave.
August 18th.
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doevademe · 2 years
Here is another prompt, high school au where Percy is the punk skater boy who isn’t so much a troublemaker as trouble just happens to always find him, Nico is the smart loner boy who keeps to himself and thinks no one beside his small group of friends notices him, but Percy does. One day Percy sees Nico hanging out with Will and think that Nico might like and gets sad, but is determined to win Nico over so he dyes his hair blonde. Hilarity ensues. Bonus points if Nico and Percy were friends as kids but grew apart when Percy started high school
When Percy had turned 6, his father had brought home his old friends from college to talk about business ventures.
His excuse had been that his friends had children around his age, so he could socialize a bit more, since his reputation at school wasn't the best (the restroom thing had been a set-up, he'd tell anyone willing to listen).
While he had made friends with the Grace siblings, it was the younger di Angelo sibling that had become his best friend.
Nico thought everything Percy did was cool, and he would follow along with all his ideas and share the blame when they got in trouble.
He had never paid attention to the fact that Nico was two years younger than him. The boy was as mature as he was, and much cooler than the kids his age who would call him slow for his reading problems.
The two years only became a problem when it separated them once Percy entered High School. They didn't lose contact completely, but their relationship fundamentally changed once they had different schedules, subjects, and friendships (yes, Percy eventually managed to make friends his age aside from Jason).
Now they were together again but... Percy was a junior and Nico a freshman
The powers that be had decided that freshmen and juniors just didn't mix.
Percy hated that.
He was forced to see as Nico got his own small circle of friends, from Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang to Reyna Ramirez-Arellano, and seemingly forgot about him.
In the two years since they shared everything, Nico had grown more reserved, meeker, while Percy had just decided to embrace his reputation as a troublemaker and dress the part (even if his record was remarkably clean despite the numerous incidents in science lab and gym), with ripped jeans, leather jackets, the whole package.
For the past two years, he had been convinced that he only missed his old best friend (couldn't call him that now with Grover around), and had been sad that even now he couldn't get back what they had.
That all changed when Will Solace entered the picture.
The boy was not subtle at all about his interest in Nico, and that had made Percy realize that he didn't just want Nico back as a friend, but to be able to tell Will Solace and everyone who tried that Nico di Angelo was taken.
"And that's why my life is over," Percy whined as his head hit the table at the library. "I can't just talk to him! At this point, we're more like acquaintances."
"You know, most ex-girlfriends would kick your ass for talking about your current crush with them," Rachel pointed out. Annabeth hummed in agreement as she turned a page of her book. "You're lucky you dated us."
"That's because I only like the coolest girls," Percy said, trying to butter them up. "Maybe they're cool enough to tell me how I can get Nico to ditch Solace and notice me?"
"Nice try," Annabeth said, putting her book down. "Percy, you don't even know if Nico is interested in Will Solace."
"Nico said he wanted to marry Phoebus when we were kids," Percy muttered miserably.
"The blond guy from the Hunchback of Notre Dame?" Rachel asked, raising an eyebrow. "Eh, I'm more of a Kristoff gal, myself."
"He also had figures of him! And John Smith, and I think Freddy from Scooby-Doo!" Percy's voice rose enough to get 'shh' from the librarian. He ducked his head and whispered, "Don't you get it?"
"That you guys watched too many cartoons?"
"No! He likes blondes, which means, Will has a chance!" Percy dropped again. "It's over, and it didn't even start."
"Percy, please," Annabeth said as she patted his head. "I'm sure Nico is not that shallow."
"But he has advantage," Percy said, voice muffled by the table. "Like, if we were even I could—"
Percy's eyes widened. He grinned like a maniac.
"Percy..." Rachel warned. Percy just shook his head.
"Thanks for the help I need to go now!" He said quickly and loudly, running out before the librarian could reprimand him again.
"He's going to do something stupid, isn't he?" Rachel said groaning. Annabeth picked up her book.
"Did you forget who we're talking about?" was all she said before losing herself in the pages again.
Nico opened his locker, glad that it was a friday. Just one more day of classes and it would be him, Frank, and a night of Mythomagic Online.
Someone bumped into him and made him drop his books. It wasn't on purpose, but the girl who did it kept on going as if he was a ghost.
He sighed. He was already used to being overlooked, but it still stinged a little. In fact, no one had ever paid him much attention aside from his current friends and Will.
Well, no one except for Percy.
The older boy had been his hero all through his childhood, and he always fought to include him, even if it got him bullied by his grade peers for talking to 'a rugrat'.
Nico had come down with a bad case of the Percy crush when he was younger, but once he had started high school things had changed between them. Their schedules were too different, and even if Percy had vowed to keep their relationship, it had turned even more difficult when they both made their own friends and what little free time they had could no longer be spent together.
Now he only caught glimpses of the boy in the hallways, and they would pass by each other as if they were strangers.
"Need help?" Someone asked, offering a hand. Nico looked up to see a blonde guy with a charming smile. Nico took his hand and stood up.
"Thanks," he said, looking to make sure he still had all his books.
"You're welcome, Ni."
Nico froze. There was only one person who called him that, but...
"Percy?" He asked, looking closer to confirm that yes, the person in front of him was indeed his childhood friend. "What happened?"
This was so wrong. Now that he knew it was Percy, his face looked all wrong with that hair. Percy's natural dark hair made the blonde dye look darker in places, with patches that seemed almost red with the lighting.
"Just wanted to update my image." Percy shrugged. "What do you think?" He struck a pose. Nico stared for what felt like an hour.
The started chuckling.
It turned into full-blown laughter as Percy looked more and more confused.
"I... I'm sorry Percy, but it really doesn't suit you at all!" He managed to say. Percy's face fell, making Nico feel guilty. "B-but maybe you just chose wrong! Maybe a darker blonde would suit you better?"
Percy sighed and kicked at nothing.
"It had to be this shade," he said glumly. "It's the shade you like!"
"The shade I... like?" Nico repeated, confused. Percy blushed.
"It's the same shade as those Disney guys you said you liked..." Percy admitted quietly. "You know, back when we were kids."
Nico blinked. Some people were glancing at them, but at this point, Nico couldn't care less.
"The guys that I... Percy, did you dye your hair for me?" He asked, incredulous. Percy's cheeks turned a deep red.
Honestly, Nico was not far behind.
"I just... I wanted you to notice me." He crossed his arms. "I... I missed you so much, but here we are, almost three months after school started and... we still act like we don't know each other."
"Why didn't you try and speak to me?" Nico asked. "It wasn't like I would turn you away."
"Well I didn't know that!" Percy defended himself. "I thought maybe you had moved on, that you didn't want to be friends anymore. It's been two years, you know!"
"I thought... you had forgotten about me," Nico said. "You know, people tend to not notice me. They pass right by me. I thought you had finally gotten the memo."
"I've always noticed you," Percy said, smiling hesitantly. "Ever since you gave me that figurine for my sixth birthday."
Nico smiled back, leaning on his locker.
"And yet I never got you into Mythomagic," he said teasingly.
"The card descriptions are small! Blame my dyslexic ass!" He said, laughing. Nico laughed too.
The bell ringed. Nico needed to get to class soon.
"I have Chemistry," he said, almst sadly.
"And I have... to wash this dye off," Percy said back. They both chuckled. "But hey, if you're free, maybe we can have lunch together?"
Nico pretended to think it over. He nodded.
"I'd like that, Percy."
"Great! See you at lunch then!" Percy took a couple of steps backwards, not breaking eye contact until he bumped into Clarisse, who started insulting him.
Nico hurried to class. He berated himself. He was supposed to be over Percy.
His heart, however, was hammering in his chest, happy to disagree with him.
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forevfangirlwrites · 2 years
Hey, first of all, I just want to say I'm a big fan of your "How to handle fame" series. The idea of actress Annabeth never seemed too appealing to me but you did incredible job with it and I just fell in love with the series. The thing I love the most is how you didn't make Annabeth this confident sure person when it comes to their relationship and she's just as awkward and nervous as Percy and it's just so realistic and lovely. Also, you were actually one of the first people who commented under my first AO3 fic (it was extended version of Percabeth first kiss in BotL) so I have special thanks to you.
As for my prompt, it's sth a bit more mature but not angsty at all - Percy watches movies with Annabeth and inevitably comes across an actual kissing scene. This causes him to ask Annabeth just how far is she comfortable with showing affection on screen (I'm leaving answer for you to decide). And he asks her if she could warn him if some movie or day on set has kissing scenes because he just doesn't want to watch it. He understands, of course, completely that this is part of her job and would never interfere with it, he just prefers not to watch it if he can. And you could add a bit insecurity, like, thinking if Annabeth ever compare him with actors she kisses during filming and her assuring him that's not the case.
I like this because it shows Percy not as someone perfect who is okay with everything but at the same time completely understanding. I think this is very realistic thing to happen while dating an actor/actress and a person has right to ask them how far are they comfortable to go with showing affection on screen.
Objectively, Percy knows it’s not real. Subjectively, it’s still his girlfriend kissing another guy.
It never used to bother him (and he’s been an Annabeth Chase fan for a long time, after all) but something about knowing how her lips feels on his makes everything different, apparently.
Annabeth doesn’t exactly push her movies onto him, she tries to talk about work as if it’s any other job. Except the thing is, she genuinely cares about her work, and Percy can tell when she’s especially proud of something.
So he’d agreed to watch the last movie in the series, The Last Olympian, when it came up on TV as promotion for the movie she’s working on now. (It’s a spin-off of the franchise).
Plus, he’s already watched it anyway and hearing Annabeth add in details about the behind the scenes is adorable.
But he’d forgotten about the ending until they’re a few scenes away from the Kiss™ and all of a sudden his heart is thumping a little too loudly in his chest and his palms are sweating as if he’s the one about to kiss her.
But he’s not.
And that’s kinda the problem.
It’s stupid, but when it does happen, he just looks down at the blanket they’ve wrapped around themselves like a little kid watching a scary movie.
Thoughts and questions he’d never considered before surface like a tidal wave, washing him over with an anxiety he didn’t know he could have. Like what if—
He snaps his head up to look at Annabeth. “Huh?”
Real smooth. It also doesn’t help that she’s looking at him with concern, making him feel even more childish. After all, it’s just her job and the kiss is about as real as the Greek gods that appear in the movie.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” It’s not even convincing to him, but he doesn’t have it in him to try to make it so.
A hand covers his and Annabeth shuffles even closer on the couch. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
He wants to. But there’s no way to say it without sounding like an insecure bastard. It’s embarrassing.
She lets him stay silent, turning back to watch the last few scenes of the movie, clearly giving him space and time to vocalize what he needs to. And though he appreciates it, he doesn’t think even an eternity would help him force out the words.
A/N: Thank you so much for the prompt! I agree it’s a realistic thing to happen in this type of relationship. I’m glad that you like the series despite not finding it appealing at first and thank you so much for the nice words about my writing! I hope you like how this turned out and sorry for the wait!
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via-rant · 1 year
Anyone wanna hear about the AU I came up with that I'll never finish where Leo's mom has been alive this whole time without his knowledge, but she's been working with Gaea? Well, here you go!!
Okay! So basics, Gaea "saved" her from the fire and tried to convince her to work for her, but she always refused. So she kind of kept her in a weird underground prison until she agreed because it was the only way to see if Leo was safe. (He was at camp by this time.) She became a guard after training and gave the other prisoners food, and watched them to make sure they didn't escape. She moved up after that and is now Gaea's right hand, going out on missions to capture people to recruit and whatnot. But she's so sweet that she convinced so many people to join and regrets it now because there's so many people her son has to fight now. She didn't want to show herself before because she didn't know how he would react, but now she has too.
Leo has a multitude of guns as his weapon but uses the shotgun that Piper turned down. Here's a little snippet of when I started writing it.
Tw: Pan!c attack
When the helmet came off, Leo pointed his gun at their head, but he froze when she turned around.
"Wait, I'm not a threat!!" She yelled, and the others stopped.
"How do we know we can trust you?" Percy asked in exasperation. She started thinking of a way to explain as Leo tried to breathe, taking deep breaths. She was saying something, but everything was muffled. She looked different. Short hair, full black body suit, robotic arm, and the side of her neck had burn scars. His hands shook, and he dropped his gun his breathing faster. Jason looked at him.
It's not real. He thought, but she was there. Everyone could see her. And touch her. They fought her. She was looking at him.
It's not real. He tried again, breathing faster and faster and faster, but he couldn't look away. Everyone else noticed and tried to help but ended up arguing, no one paying attention to the woman. She tried to walk to him but he picked up his gun and pointed it at her. He was angry now, still a little shaky but mostly just confused.
His head suddenly started hurting, and he felt tired. Oh God, what was happening? He just knew he couldn't move. His ears were ringing now. Then he dropped the gun again, vision blurry, head aching, and passed out.
Frank caught him before he hit the ground, carrying him bridal style and rushing him over to the infirmary. Percy glared at the woman pointing his sword at her again.
"What did you do to him?!"
"Nothing, I-"
"Bullshit. He was fine before you showed up." Annabeth said, putting her knife to her throat as she backed away, her back hitting the edge of the ship.
"I didn't think he'd react like this! I… I didn't really think about how he would react, I just assumed. Ay dios mio, I'm sorry. I should've approached this better." She said, and they looked at her in confusion.
"Who are you?" Piper asked. She looked like she was going to cry.
"I'm his mother." It was frozen for a good five seconds before Piper glared. "Push her off."
"What?!" Percy.
"Yeah, what?!" Esperanza yelled.
"I'm fine with it." Annabeth said, but Jason stopped her from taking another step. "Why?!"
"Dude, you serious?!"
"Yeah! Push her off!" Hazel yelled as if it was obvious, and Jason groaned.
"Okay! No look, even if it is her, somehow, she said she wanted to help!" He yelled, and they looked at him like he was insane.
"Okay, she could be lying about that too, but she might not be. What if it is her? It's not likely, no, but there's still a possibility. She'd die without getting a chance to explain herself. Besides, it might be more confusing for Leo." They relaxed at that, and Piper sighed.
"So? What do we do?"
"We'll tie her up. Leave her in the stables."
"Yeah, we didn't think we'd be capturing dead people, so no cells."
That's all. Idk what to put here! Enjoy your thoughts!
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thebonggirll · 2 years
chapter one
< book three: the titan’s curse
< previous: about
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"Here," Harris said placing a bowl of popcorn on the small table in front of her.
So far, she has been dealing with all of it pretty well. At least that's what she thinks. Y/N hasn't been quite over it though. It was always at the back of her mind. No matter how much she tried to get over it, questions used to fill her mind. Was it fun for them to watch her hide her feelings when they had a clear idea of what she was like? Was it fun for him?
"You're not concentrating," Harris said pulling her cheeks.
Y/N chuckled and looked back at him. "I am!" she said, looking at the laptop, "Draco is a pussy!"
She moved to an apartment in a crowded area, to keep her parents safe. To keep her tiny brother safe. She didn't want to take any risk.
She was the risk.
Well, that meant living alone which got her mind to go back to the moment again and again. But, that also meant she could invite her friends over. Correction, friend. Cause that's really the truth. He was the only person she really trusted the most. Somehow, she started to understand why Annabeth did whatever she did.
She was starting to look at Harris in a different light. Something more than just a friend. Her heart started jumping whenever they made any kind of physical contact. She even takes a day off from school and tries to look 'pretty' whenever she knows he was coming to visit her. And to top it off, they were all alone in her apartment.
"He has been dealing with pretty serious stuff," Harris reasoned, "Of course, he has some things to hide."
"Well, what about you?" she said looking over at him. "You....have been a bit distant."
That was true. He used to reply to her texts instantly. She could understand, of course, he has his own life to live. But...no this felt like something else. Maybe she was just overthinking. But she didn't want to be the only one who shared all her struggles while he just smiled through all of his pain. She wanted to be there for him as much as he was there for her.
"Really?" he asked. She felt the look in his eyes change for a moment but it went back to his usual self instantly. "You miss me?" he asked leaning close to her face.
Her eyes went momentarily towards his lips. "Yes," she whispered, looking back into his eyes.
Oh, this was dangerous. But it was something she was looking forward to.
"Mhm," he mumbled looking at her lips, "Can I....kiss you?"
Her cheeks flushed hearing the words. "Of course."
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The last thing Percy wanted to do on his summer break was blow up another school. But there he was Monday morning, the first week of June, sitting in his mom's car in front of Goode High School on East 81st.
Goode was this big brownstone building overlooking the East River. A bunch of BMWs and Lincoln Town Cars were parked out front. Staring up at the fancy stone archway, he wondered how long it would take him to get kicked out of this place.
"Just relax." His mom didn't sound relaxed. "It's only an orientation tour. And remember, dear, this is Paul's school. So try not to...you know."
"Destroy it?"
Paul Blofis, his mom's boyfriend, was standing out front, greeting future ninth graders as they came up the steps. With his salt-and-pepper hair, denim clothes, and leather jacket, he reminded him of a TV actor, but he was just an English teacher. He'd managed to convince Goode High School to accept him for ninth grade, despite the fact that he'd gotten kicked out of every school he'd ever attended. He'd tried to warn him it wasn't a good idea, but he wouldn't listen.
Percy looked at his mom. "You haven't told him the truth about me, have you?
She tapped her fingers nervously on the wheel. She was dressed up for a job interview—her best blue dress and high-heeled shoes. "I thought we should wait," she admitted.
"So we don't scare him away."
"I'm sure orientation will be fine, Percy, It's only one morning."
"Great," he mumbled. "I can get expelled before I start the school year."
"Think positive. Tomorrow you're off to camp! After orientation, you've got your date with your girlf—"
"It's not a date!" he protested. "It's just Annabeth, Mom. Jeez!"
"She's coming all the way from camp to meet you."
"Well, yeah."
"You're going to the movies."
"Just the two of you."
"She is my ex!"
She held up her hands in surrender, but he could tell she was trying hard not to smile. "Well, I thought both of you were getting back together. What happened to the other girl? You seemed to get along with her quite well."
He was quiet. He didn't know what to say. He couldn't just say "Oh, we stomped on her pride and heart and destroyed our friendship in the process."
"I don't see the both of you hanging out anymore. Is everything okay?"
He couldn't utter a word. Nothing was fine. He couldn't gather the courage to even send her a text after everything went down. Of course, he tried but...seemed like she blocked him. Annabeth wasn't handling it all that well either. She literally lost the closest friend she had. And she had no one to blame but herself. He stopped talking to her as well.
That was until he realized how hating her won't do any good. They needed to sort this out. He didn't know how to work it out but he wanted Y/N back in his life. Everything felt overwhelming and dull without her. Y/N was the only thing that made Annabeth and Percy meet each other, and he wasn't about to lose a friend for a stupid mistake.
But all of their plans were of no use. She moved to some new apartment as far as he remembered from their last conversation. And there's no way her parents would let him go anywhere near her.
"Oh well, you'd better get inside, dear. I'll see you tonight." His mom said, receiving nothing but silence from her son.
He was about to get out of the car when he looked over the steps of the school. Paul Blofis was greeting a girl with frizzy red hair. She wore a maroon T-shirt and ratty jeans decorated with marker drawings.
When she turned, he caught a glimpse of her face, and the hairs on his arms stood straight up.
"Percy?" his mom asked. "What's wrong?"
"N-nothing," he stammered. "Does the school have a side entrance?"
"Down the block on the right. Why?"
"I'll see you later."
His mom started to say something, but Percy got out of the car and ran, hoping the redheaded girl wouldn't see him.
What was she doing here? Not even his luck could be this bad.
Yeah, right. he was about to find out how much worse his luck could get.
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Percy burst out of the alley onto East 81 stand and ran straight into Annabeth.
"Hey, you're out early!" she chuckled, grabbing his shoulders to keep him from tumbling into the street. "Watch where you're going, Seaweed Brain."
For a split second she was in a good mood and everything was fine.
Then the red-headed girl, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, still covered in monster dust, came charging out of the alley, yelling, "Percy, wait up!"
Annabeth's smile melted. She stared at Rachel, then at the school. For the first time, she seemed to notice the black smoke and ringing fire alarms.
She frowned at him. "What did you do this time? And who is this?"
"Oh, Rachel—Annabeth.Annabeth—Rachel. Um, she's a friend, I guess."
He wasn't sure what else to call Rachel. He barely knew her, but after being in two life-or-death situations together, he couldn't just call her nobody.
"Hi," Rachel said. Then she turned to him. "You are in so much trouble. And you still owe me an explanation!"
Police sirens wailed on FDR Drive.
"Percy," Annabeth said coldly. "We should go."
"I want to know more about half-bloods," Rachel insisted. "And monsters. And this stuff about the gods." She grabbed his arm, whipped out a permanent marker, and wrote a phone number on his hand.
"You're going to call me and explain, okay? You owe me that. Now get going."
"I'll make up some story," Rachel said. "I'll tell them it wasn't your fault. Just go!"
She ran back toward the school, leaving Annabeth and him in the street.
"Hey!" Percy jogged after her. "There were these two empousai ," I tried to explain. "They were cheerleaders, see, and they said camp was going to burn, and—"
"You told a mortal girl about half-bloods?"
"She can see through the Mist. She saw the monsters before I did."
"So you told her the truth?"
"She recognized me from Hoover Dam, so—"
"You've met her before?"
"Um, last winter. But seriously, I barely know her."
"She's kind of nosy."
"I—I never thought about it."
Annabeth kept walking toward York Avenue.
"I'll deal with the school," He promised, anxious to change the subject. "Honest, it'll be fine."
Annabeth wouldn't even look at him. "I guess our afternoon is off. We should get you out of here, now that the police will be searching for you." She muttered, "Maybe Y/N really deserves someone way better than you."
Percy heard that. Oh, this bitch didn't just-
"Oh, you wanna talk about Y/N deserving better now?" he scoffed, "Maybe if you told that to yourself before, we wouldn't have messed up our friendship with her."
"Ha! Friendship?" Annabeth laughed, "What friendship gives the right to friends to kiss when one of them isn't in a fucking right state of mind?!"
"You should know more about that Annabeth, you've got that fucking experience with me."
"God, you're so annoying!" Annabeth sighed, "When are you going to realize how you really feel about her?"
"I just like her as a friend."
"No, you're just satisfied to be just a friend to her cause no way she's gonna accept anything more than that with you after all that went down." Annabeth shouted, "At least you have a fucking hope to hold on to, which you're about to lose for that red-haired girly."
Behind them, smoke billowed up from Goode High School. In the dark column of ashes, she thought he could almost see a face—a she-demon with red eyes, laughing at him.
Your pretty little camp in flames, Kelli had said. Your friends made slaves to the Lord of Time.
"You're right," he told Annabeth, his heart sinking. "We have to get to Camp Half-Blood. Now."
"After getting Y/N," she said.
"Right," Percy muttered, "it's an emergency. Finally, a plan that will work out."
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next: chapter two >
book four: the battle of labyrinth
percy jackson x reader series
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