#I just wanted a single panel of him as a falconer
The Bond Between Us ~ 73
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Word Count: 4,400ish
Summary: You join the team to destroy the shield generator on Endor.
Notes: I’m back! Sorry this took so long! Can’t wait for your reactions!
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You walked through the main Rebel star cruiser with an extra pep in your step. No matter what happened, everything was going to work out the way it was supposed to, you could feel it. As you and Luke entered the war room with R2, General Madine was wondering if Han had his strike team assembled.
“Uh, my team’s ready,” Han answered. “But I don’t have a command crew for the shuttle.”
Chewie roared, raising his hairy paw.
“Well, it’s gonna be rough, pall. I didn’t want to speak for you.”
Chewie waved Han off with a growl.
Han smiled. “That’s one.”
“General,” Leia called from beside Han, “count me in.”
“I’m with you, too!” Luke shouted, coming down the stairs with a large smile.
“And I guess you’ll all need a babysitter, so I’m with you too,” you added.
Leia stood up and happily hugged Luke. Sensing a change in him, she pulled back and looked at him questioningly.
“What is it?” Leia asked.
Luke briefly looked at you before answering her, “Ask me again sometime.”
“Hey, kid,” Han smiled at you as he brought you in for a hug. “Miss me?”
You laughed as you hugged him back. “Always.” When he pulled away, he studied you. His brows and lips pinched together. “What is it?”
“There’s something different about you,” he noted.
“There is?”
“Something… lighter.”
“Well, I have been working hard to push that darkness out of me.”
“No, no, it’s more recent than that.” He snapped his fingers. “I’ve got it.” He put an arm around you and pulled you to the side. “You recently had sex, didn’t you?”
“Han!” You gasped, hitting his chest.
“Who is it? Is it Luke?”
“Oh, Maker, no! Definitely not!”
“I won’t judge.” 
“Han, please.”
“Just tell me.”
“You wouldn’t understand, so please leave it.”
“Fine, fine,” he held his hands up in surrender. “But I’m here whenever you’re ready to talk about it.”
“You need to prepare your team, General.”
“Of course, General.” He winked at you before leading you to where you could get ready for the mission.
There were so many feelings swirling within you as you sat down in the Imperial shuttle your group would be using to get down to Endor. You were seated behind Han’s pilot seat with chewy to the side of him and Luke to the side of you. 3PO and R2 were located behind you, those droids always were brought into the most dangerous of situations.
“You got her warmed?” Han asked as he came in and took his seat.
“Yeah, she’s comin’ up,” Luke answered.
Chewie growled a complaint.
“No,” Han responded. “I don’t think the Empire had Wookiees in mind when they designed her, Chewie.”
Leia came in and sat beside you, shooting you a brief smile. Chewie barked as he hit some switches on the control panel. You give her a smile back before looking forward. You notice Han staring out at the Millennium Falcon. Leia seemed to notice too. She leaned forward and nudged Han gently, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, are you awake?” She wondered.
“Yeah,” Han replied, “I just got a funny feeling. Like I’m not gonna see her again.”
It didn’t give you an ease to know that Han was also feeling a bit off about this mission. Leia gave him a tight lipped smile, patting his shoulder.
“Come on, General, let’s move,” she told him softly before sitting back down.
Han snapped back to life. “Right,” he said. “Chewie, let’s see what this piece of junk can do. Ready, everybody?”
“We’re all set,” you responded.
R2 beeped and you understood. He was saying ‘just like old times’ to 3PO. You huffed out a single chuckle at the droid.
“Here we go again,” 3PO said, never one to enjoy missions.
Han piloted the shuttle out of the main docking bay of the headquarters. He moved away enough to be able to engage the hyperdrive.
“Alright, hang on,” Han said before pushing the lever forward and you were off through space.
You ground your teeth as the shuttle came out of hyperspace and the construction of the new Death Star came into view. There was some traffic around it, due the ongoing construction. Two familiar presences could be felt by you as you neared the deflector shield that protected the new Death Star: Darth Vader and the Emperor.
“If they don’t go for this, we’re gonna have to get outta here pretty quick, Chewie,” Han warned.
Chewie growled in agreement.
“We have you on our screen now,” a controller said through the radio. “Please identify.”
“Shuttle Tydirium requesting deactivation of the deflector shield,” Han answered.
You did your beset to stay calm and watch your breathing, despite feeling those of the dark side. If you could feel them, it was more than likely that they could feel you. Anxiousness was never good, so you reached into the Force for peace. 
“Shuttle Tydirium, transmit the clearance code for shield passage,” the controller ordered.
“Transmission commencing,” Han replied.
“Now we find out if that code is worth the price we paid,” Leia commented.
“It’ll work. It’ll work.”
Chewie whined nervously. You looked over to see Luke staring at the huge Super Star Destroyer that loomed before you. You knew that he could sense Vader as well.
“Vader’s on that ship,” Luke stated.
“Now don’t get jittery, Luke,” Han said. “There are a lot of command ships. Keep your distance though, Chewie, but don’t look like you’re trying to keep your distance.” 
Chewie barked a question.
“I don’t know. Fly casual.”
“Y/N and I are endangering the mission,” Luke said, eyes still glued on the ship. “We shouldn’t have come.”
“It’s your imagination, kid. Come on. Let’s keep a little optimism here.”
“He’s right, Han,” you spoke up, feeling more uneasy with each passing second. “Is there an escape pod on the ship?”
“No, besides it would be too risky to release one right now.”
Vader’s voice in your head caused you to gasp.
“Y/N,” Leia’s voice was full of concern as her hand came to rest on your knee, “are you alright?” 
Luke looked over at you, trying to use the Force to sense what was up.
“You should have stayed away,” Vader continued.
“Why do you care?” You felt Vader’s frustration grow as you spoke. “You won’t kill me. I know you won’t.”
“You know nothing.”
“Shuttle Tydirium, what is your cargo and destination?” The controller asked, breaking your connection with Vader.
“Parts and technical crew for the forest moon,” Han answered.
Tension filled the shuttle as you waited for clearance. You knew that if you did gain clearance, it would be a trap, but it would be worth it.
“They’re not goin’ for it, Chewie,” Han said, signaling Chewie to be prepared to get the shuttle out of there.
“Shuttle Tydirium, deactivation of the shield will commence immediately,” the controller said. “Follow your present course.”
Everyone but yourself and Luke breathed out a sigh of relief. You and Luke shared a worried look, knowing that it wouldn’t be easy when you got down to the moon.
“Okay! I told you it was gonna work,” Han said, trying to sound more confident than nervous. “No problem.”
The moon of Endor was definitely a forest. As you exited the shuttle, you thought about how it was surprising that you hadn’t been here when it felt like you had visited most of the other systems in the Galaxy due to the Clone Wars. You studied your surroundings, thinking of the Clone Wars… thinking of the friends and family you once had and how they would go about with this plan. You jumped slightly at the feeling of a hand on your shoulder. Looking over, you saw Han looking at you with worry.
“You alright, kid?” He asked.
You nodded. “I’m good,” you replied. “Just thinking.”
Han gave you a nod, knowing that now was not the time to question you more. He gave your shoulder a light squeeze before heading over to Leia and Chewie. You started following after them as they headed up a trail. Luke stepped into place beside you, while R2, 3PO, and the rest of the Rebel crew followed.
“Are you alright?” Luke asked.
“Like I told Han, I’m good,” you answered, slightly annoyed.
“What happened in there?”
“Vader happened.”
“Did he speak with you?”
“Yes. And it wasn’t exactly a good conversation.”
Luke sighed, shaking his head slightly. “I don’t think I can kill him, Y/N… he’s my father.” 
“I understand what you’re feeling.”
“Ben said that I had to, that I was the only hope besides Leia.”
You held your tongue, not waiting to get into the prophecy of the Chosen One while on a mission. Focusing a head, you noticed Han had stopped and was signaling for everyone to get down. Those behind you crouched down while you continued toward Han to see what was happening, your hand going to your lightsaber hooked to your hip.
“Oh, I told you it was dangerous here!” 3PO exclaimed as quiet as he was able.
Han, Leia, Luke, and yourself continued to the top of the hill before you hid behind some bushes and peered down. Not far below were two Imperial Scouts wandering through the bushes below. They had two rocket bikes parked nearby.
“Should we try and go around?” Leia asked.
“It’ll take time,” Han responded. “This whole party’ll be for nothing if they see us.”
Leia turned and motioned for the squad behind you to stay put as you began leading the way down the hill. Han, Luke, Leia, and Chewie quietly followed after you. You stopped at the edge of the clearing, not far from the two Imperial scouts.
“Chewie and I will take care of this,” Han said. “You stay here.”
“Quietly,” Luke pressed, “there might be more of them out there.”
“Hey,” Han grinned, “it’s me.”
“That’s why he said it,” you muttered. 
The three of you watched as Han and Chewie headed through the bushes and towards the scouts. As Han snuck up behind one of the scouts, he stepped on a twig. The scout whirled around and smacked Han back into a tree.
“Go for help!” The scout shouted to his companion. “Go!”
“Great,” sarcasm dripped from Luke’s tone. “Come on.” Luke took Leia’s hand and pulled her up.
You used the Force to jump up into the air and do a flip. You grabbed the two lightsabers attached to your belt and ignited them before you landed.
The second scout jumped onto his speeder and took off. Chewie quickly took a shot from his crossbow weapon, causing the scout to crash into a tree as Han and the first scout get into a fistfight.
“Over there!” Leia called out. “Two more of them!” Then she went chasing after them.
“I see them!” Luke said. “Wait, Leia!”
You sighed, knowing that your niece and nephew were bound to get into trouble. You quickly moved toward the scout that Han was fighting with and ran your yellow blade through him.
“I had him,” Han panted.
“Sure you did,” you teased.
Han’s head snapped in the direction of Leia and Luke as he heard a speeder’s engine roar and the twins take off. “Hey, wait!”
“It’s too late,” you shook your head. “They can handle themselves.”
“Do you know them?”
“I knew their parents. Trust me, they will figure it out.” You turned off the sabers and placed them back on your belt. “Come on. We’ll wait with the rest of the squad. R2 can use his radar to sense them coming.”
The anxiousness was rolling off Han and Chewie in waves. You had found yourself a large tree to lean against and began to meditate, trying to keep a level head. R2 was scanning the forest when he beeped at 3PO.
“Oh, General Solo, General L/N, somebody’s coming,” 3PO announced.
Chewie growled as the group hid behind the trees, prepared to attack if necessary. You hand’t moved from your spot, able to sense that it was Luke before he ran into the clearing.
“Luke!” Han exclaimed with a small smile, that quickly dropped when he realized that he was alone. “Where’ s Leia?”
“What? She didn’t come back?” Luke questioned in concern.
“I thought she was with you.”
“We got separated. Hey, we better go look for her.”
Han turned and pointed to a Rebel officer. “Take the squad ahead. We’ll meet at the shield generator at 0300.” The Rebel officer nodded, turning back to the rest of the squad.
“Leia is fine,” you stated calmly as you walked over to them. “I can sense her.”
“We still need to find her,” Han said, his voice getting desperate. 
“Come on, R2,” Luke said. “We’ll need your scanners.”
R2 beeped in response as you, Luke, Han, and Chewie started jogging away.
“Don’t worry, Master Luke!” 3PO said as he followed as fast as he could. “We know what to do!”
You led the way, using the Force as your guide.
In an eerie, foreboding throne room on the Death Star, Darth Vader exited the elevator. Two red Imperial Guards stood near the doors, protecting the Emperor who sat on his throne. Darth Vader further entered the room, going up the stairs to be on the same level as the Emperor. The Emperor’s throne was turned as he stared out of the large windows.
“I told you to remain on the command ship,” the Emperor was clearly unhappy with his apprentice. 
“A small Rebel force has penetrated the shield and landed on Endor,” Vader informed.
The Emperor’s chair turned so that he could face Vader. “Yes, I know.”
“My son and sister are with them.”
“Are you sure?”
“I have felt them, my Master.”
“Strange that I have not. I wonder if your feelings on this matter are clear, Lord Vader.”
“They are clear, my Master.”
“Then you must go to the sanctuary moon and wait for them.”
“They will come to me?” Vader was skeptical that you and Luke would just turn yourselves in.
“I have foreseen it. Their compassion for you will be their undoing. Your son and Y/N will come to you and then you will bring them before me.”
Vader bowed. “As you wish.”
The Force led you to a clearing, where your small group spread out to see if you could find anything. 
“Luke! Y/N!” Han called.
The two of you ran toward Han. You see that he has found the charred wreckage of a speeder bike in the grass.
“There’s two more wrecked speeders back there,” you added.
“And I found this,” Luke said, tossing a helmet to Han. Leia’s helmet.
“I’m afraid that R2’s sensors can find no trace of Princess Leia,” 3PO informed.
“I hope she’s alright,” Han said, more concern in his voice for her than you had every heard.
“She is,” you tried to comfort. “Trust me. We will find her.”
Suddenly, Chewie growled. He sniffed the air before barking and rushing through the forest.
“What, Chewie?” Han shouted as your group following after him. “What? Chewie!”
You found Chewie starting at a tall stake that his planted in the ground, with a dead animal hanging from it. Chewie growled.
“Hey, I don’t get it,” Han said. Chewie roared. “Nah, it’s just a dead animal, Chewie.”
Not being able to resist, Chewie reached toward the meat.
“Chewie, wait!” Luke shouted. “Don’t!”
It was too late. Chewie pulled the animal from the stake, springing a trap. Before you knew it, your small group were all squished together in a hanging net.
“Nice work,” Han said sarcastically. “Great, Chewie! Great! Always thinking with your stomach.”
“Will you take it easy?” Luke exclaimed. “Let’s just figure out a way to get out of this.” He tried to free one of this arms. “Han, can you reach my lightsaber?”
“Yeah, sure,” Han tried reaching over.
You sighed, annoyed at all this. You were thankfully able to reach Obi-Wan’s lightsaber. You took it out, ignited it, and quickly sliced through the net, causing your group to crash down on the ground. When you sat up, you realized that your were surrounded by dozens of Ewoks, many brandishing long spears. The Ewoks closed in, not giving you any space to move. As Han tried to sit up further, one of the longer Ewoks shoved his spear in the man’s face.
“Hey!” Han exclaimed, pushing the spear to the side. “Point that thing someplace else.” The spear returns to point at Han’s face, causing him to grab the spear and his gun. “Hey!”
“Han, don’t,” Luke said, grabbing onto his friends wrist. “It’ll be alright.” He briefly made eye contact with you to see if you were getting a similar feeling. You gave him a nod. “Chewie, give ‘em your crossbow.”
Suddenly, 3PO sat up, clearly rattled. “Oh, my head. Oh, my goodness!”
Upon seeing the golden droid, the Ewoks gasp and begin to chatter among themselves. They start chanting and bowing toward 3PO. You couldn’t help but chuckle. 3PO spoke to them in their native language.
“Do you understand anything they’re saying?” Luke asked the droid.
“Oh, yes, Master Luke!” 3PO answered. “Remember that I am fluent in over six million forms of comm—“
“What are you telling them?” Han interrupted. 
“Hello, I think… I could be mistaken. They’re using a very primitive dialect. But I do believe they think I am some sort of god.”
“Well, why don’t you use your divine influence and get us out of this?”
“I beg your pardon, General Solo, but that just wouldn’t be proper.”
“It’s against my programming to impersonate a deity.”
Han moved toward 3PO threateningly. “Why, you—“
Quickly, several Ewoks thrust their spears in Han’s face. 
“My mistake,” Han quickly fixed. “He’s an old friend of mine.”
Before you knew it, you hands were bound and you were being pulled along by a couple of Ewoks. 3PO had been placed on a chair and was being carried in the front of the pack, with R2 being tied up and carried behind him. You were in the back, able to see that Chewie, Luke, and Han had been tied to long poles by their hands and feet and were being carried.
Your group was taken up into large trees, were the Ewoks clearly lived. In a large gathering area, Luke, Han and Chewie were set down. Han was placed over a large mound of rocks, where it was clear to you that a fire would be build. 3PO’s chair was placed so that he could see the area, watching over like the god they believed him to be. You were pushed toward one of the large tree branches and tied to it.
“I have a really bad feeling about this,” Han admitted.
Three Ewoks went up to 3PO, each of them examining a lightsaber that they had stripped from you and Luke. 3PO holds a conversation with them as firewood is placed under Han.
“What did he say?” Han asked 3PO.
“I’m rather embarrassed, General Solo,” 3PO admitted, “but it appears you are to be the main course at a banquet in my honor.”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh, earning a glare from Han. Chewie growled in concern. Scanning the room, you see Leia emerge. Her outfit had changed but she was clearly alright, like you had sensed. 
“Leia!” Han and Luke both exclaimed. 
Leia tried to move toward them, but a group of Ewoks blocked her with their spears.
“Your Royal Highness,” 3PO greeted.
Leia looked at the Ewoks and sighed. “But these are my friends,” she tried to tell them. “3PO, tell them they must be set free.”
3PO turned and talked to the Ewoks beside him. One of them gestures towards you prisoners and barks orders. More wood gets piled under Han.
“Somehow, I got the feeling that didn’t help us very much,” Han grumbled.
“3PO, tell them if they don’t do as you wish, you’ll become angry and use your magic,” suggested Luke. You knew what he was getting at.
“But Master Luke, what magic?” 3PO questioned. “I couldn’t possibly—“
“Just tell them.”
3PO spoke with the Ewoks. You and Luke could both sense that it wasn’t going well. You watched as Luke closed his eyes and began to concentrate.
“You see, Master Luke,” 3PO said, “they didn’t believe me. Just as I said they wouldn’t.” Suddenly, 3PO’s throne rose from the ground. “Wha—wha—what’s happening?! Oh! Oh, dear! Oh!” The Ewoks fall back in terror from the floating throne. “Put me down! Help! Master Luke! R2! General L/N! Somebody, somebody, help! Master Luke, R2! R2, quickly! Do something, somebody! Oh! Oh!”
Quickly, the orders were given to untie you all. Leia rushed for Han, who lifted her up and met her with a kiss. You smiled softly at the sight. Luke set 3PO and his throne back down.
“Thanks, 3PO,” Luke said, slightly joking.
“I never knew I had it in me,” 3PO said, still shaken.
The Ewoks surrounded 3PO and R2 as 3PO told a story of one of their adventures. You were leaning up against a tree in the back, wishing that 3PO hadn’t had it memory wiped and could remember all of his adventures. After he had finished the story, the Ewoks chatted amongst themselves.
“What’s going on?” Han asked quietly.
“I don’t know,” Leia answered. The two were sitting together, holding hands.
Even through all the joy in the room, you could feel the darkness looming suddenly. You knew Vader was on Endor. And with a glance in Luke’s direction, you knew that he could feel it too.
“Wonderful!” 3PO exclaimed. “We are now a part of the tribe!”
You slipped out of the room before any Ewoks good happily embrace you. You would over to one of the bridges and stood there, looking over the view. The task ahead was daunting, and you didn’t feel prepared to do it. Luke had slipped out behind you and was now at your side. 
“Luke, Y/N?” Leia questioned as she came up to the two of you. “What’s wrong?”
Luke turned and stared at Leia for a long moment. “Leia… do you remember your mother?” You closed your eyes, no prepared for this conversation. “Your real mother?”
“Just a little bit,” Leia admitted. “She died when I was very young.”
“What do you remember?”
“Just… images, really. Feelings.”
“Tell me.”
“She was very beautiful. Kind, but… sad… I remember being in her arms.” Tears pricked your eyes as you realized that she wasn’t remembering her mother, she was remembering you. “Why are you asking me all this?”
Luke looked away. “I have no memory of my mother. I never knew her.”
“Luke, tell me. What’s troubling you?”
“Vader is here, now, on this moon.”
“How do you know?”
“I felt his presence. He’s come for me. He can feel when I’m near. that’s why I have to go.” Luke turned back to face Leia. “As long as I stay, I’m endangering the group and our mission here. I have to face him.”
You turned to face the twins. “We have to face him,” you corrected.
“Why?” Leia asked, distraught and confused.
“He’s my father,” Luke admitted.
“Your father?” Leia looked to you for confirmation, you nodded.
“There’s more. It won’t be easy for you to hear it, but you must. If Y/N and I don’t make it back, you’re the only hope for the Alliance.”
Leia moved away slightly. “Luke, don’t talk that way. You and Y/N have a power  I—I don’t understand and could never have.”
“Leia, you have that power too,” you told her softly.
“In time you’ll learn to use it as I have,” Luke continued. “The Force is strong in my family. My father has it… My aunt has it,” his eyes flicked toward you, causing Leia’s eyes to widen slightly, “I have it… and… my sister has it… Yes. It’s you, Leia.”
“I know…” Leia breathed out. “Somehow, I’ve always know. Just as I’ve know that Y/N was my aunt.”
“It was the Force,” you told her. “Leia… it was the Force that kept those feelings of your mother with you. But that wasn’t your mother you were remembering, that was me. Padme, your mother, never got to hold you.”
“Padme? As in Senator Padme Amidala of Naboo.”
“Yes. She was your mother. But I was the person the medical droid gave you to at birth. Your mother died not long after.”
Leia looked away, tears collecting in her eyes.
“Leia,” Luke called her name, though she paid him know mind. “You know why we have to face him.”
“No!” Leia responded, shaking her head. “You both run away, far away. If he can feel your presence, then leave this place. I wish I could go with you.”
“No, you don’t… you’ve always been strong.”
“But, why much you both confront him?”
“Because… there is good in him. I’ve felt it. Y/N has felt it. He won’t turn us over to the Emperor. We can save him. We can turn him back to the good side. We have to try.”
You watch as the twins embrace for the first time as brother and sister. Leia holds back tears as Luke slowly lets her go and moves away. You look at her, seeing so much of her parents in her.
“I know that you are hurt that I’ve kept so much from you,” you quietly said. “Luke is too. But I promise that after this—if we survive this—I will tell you what happened. The truth about our past.”
Leia nodded, bringing you in for a hug. “Take care of each other,” she whispered.
You hugged her back. “Always.” 
As you pulled away, you noticed Han coming towards the two of you. You knew that Han been there for a minute, probably completely confused. You shot him a smile before following after Luke.
next chapter >
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fireeaglespirit · 7 years
I think when Kishi made that old databook entry and added ‘falconry’ as Madara’s hobby it was promptly a regret, cause its too cool, too awesome.. too fucking perfect and fitting for his character and...
I think they were like, “oh noes let’s give all falconry reference from now on to Saske... forget Madara he’s going to be dealt with in the lamest way anyway...” 
I should known that antagonists aren't worth much on a child’s manga...
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augustheart · 2 years
re jsa fistfight vs. retire post- Challenge of ranking: who needs to be Immediately Beaten the Fuck Out to Time-Out Corner. why? because I am seeking violence and I suspect the old guard are near the top. (also bonus points: top two jsaers who need to retire for their own health.)
assorted jsa members ranked by how badly i want to fistfight them:
alan. don't even think i could win i just need to attack him with vicious intent.
hawkman. fuck you hawkman you know what you did
rex tyler may be the world's first transmasc absent father but i'm about to become the world's first transmasc to beat up the world's first transmasc absent father
ted knight. yes i understand that the point of him is that he changes his ways and relearns how to be a father to jack. i don't care anytime i reread early starman '94 i want to kick his knees in
the spectre for what he represents and also for making me endure day of vengeance
power girl :( i'm sorry karen i know you would not do this if it weren't for geoff johns' sinful hand but i do think you should be punched for most of early jsa '07.
jay as a sign of the warrior's respect and also because he deserves to be punched in the face sometimes
ted grant as a sign of warrior's respect and also because he deserves to be punched in the face sometimes 2
hector gets dug up and i kill him again for the crime of being the most annoying bore in existence.
libby chambers ranks here because i give deadbeat moms a pass sometimes
slap al in the face for lilah sturges writing reasons
ma hunkel. i cannot win and i do not intend to i just think it'd be a good way to show affection to her. ranked so low because she's done nothing wrong and would break every single one of my bones
sand because i feel bad for leaving him out
mr. terrific but again, i would Lose, and then i would get his autograph and frame it
people who are generally spared: i have zero beef with charles and pieter, it's like the warrior's respect seen above but instead it's the falconer's respect. todd and jennie are safe because i like them. i could never hurt ty he is like a brother to me. al pratt is my short king representation so i have to give him a pass. and of course my best friend loves hawkgirl so i cannot lift a hand against her.
collective baby tier: grant, tom, maxine, courtney, jakeem, billy, i guess technically jen was on the team so her too. ranked below the spares because i would never hurt them whereas i could be convinced to fight the people above. minus ty <3
don't assume i forgot anyone for this list i either don't even feel the need to specify that i'm sparing them (dinah, kent nelson, so on) or hardly remember their existence in the first place (magog, so on).
top two people in line for retirement:
nate heywood. no further statement necessary.
rick tyler quit your Fucking superheroism career become an elementary school art teacher. while i legitimately think it would've been interesting if he'd actually quit circa infinity inc calgary murder moment and then never gone back, i don't think i want that to have happened. realistically i wish he'd quit in the mid 2000s and become a full time wifeguy. [insert that panel of rick telling roy that he's stopped taking pills and has instead begun injecting the substance he is addicted to directly into his veins and roy being like "ok. well. i will still be your sponsor" here.]
bonus: grant but not permanently. i think he needs to re-examine what heroism means to him, however at the end of the day i think he not only truly wants to be a superhero but finds meaning in using powers that literally mean self-destruction to help others. this could've happened offpage while he was staying with roy's family however it apparently didn't because then we got jsa '07.
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calif0rnia-lovers · 3 years
sweet as pie.
a/n: please join me in welcoming sam wilson to the page. first story dedicated to this classic man, surely not the last.
pairing: sam wilson x black!reader
rating: 💙
main masterlist | taglist | divider © @whimsicalrogers
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sum: sam is home. although times have changed, his sister’s intentions for him have not. sarah would love for her brother to settle down, and she knows the perfect person to make him do it. but when sam gets caught up with work, he misses the date sarah has set up for him.
words: 2.3K
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It’s funny how the human mind works.
How easily certain moments can slip through its cracks. Names, dates, songs, conversations, faces lost to the wind, never to be remembered again. In the same turn, how those same things can be retained, recited down to the last detail in perfection.
Sam Wilson has seen enough in his lifetime--more than most men. No one could condemn him for forgetting the smallest of details from time to time. Sometimes he does. He is human. But, strangely, he can never forget a single detail when it comes to you.
Sam can still remember the first time he saw you.
The coffee-colored, cardboard box you carried in your arms--'living room' written across the front panel in your mother’s flawless penmanship. The dark curls pineappled to rest atop the crown of your head--a last-ditch attempt of fighting the Louisiana heat. The oversized Purple Rain t-shirt faded from too many runs through the wash. The round, black sunglasses sliding down the brim of your nose as you paused to take note of the boy watching you from his front window. Down to the scuffed, worn high tops that could barely pass for white.
He even remembers the soft smile you gave him once he froze--too embarrassed to move from the window after being caught watching you for the third time--before turning to lug the box up the steps of your front porch.
It was the summer of ‘94, and Sam Wilson was running late. He was expected to be at the docks assisting his father. Instead, he was peeping around his mother’s powder blue curtains, attempting to score glimpses of his new neighbors. Primarily their teenage daughter.
It’s not every day that Delacroix welcomes a new resident--let alone an entire family. Later that night, over dinner, his mother shared that you were entering your senior year--same as him.
He still remembers the knotting of his stomach. The strange and unusual experience of being tongue-tied when he’d tripped over his name--his name for god’s sake--that morning, you opened your front door to find him and Sarah on the other side. The kindness of your dark brown eyes as they met his, the soft giggle you released as you ignored his sputtering to accept the chocolate chip cookies his mother sent her children to deliver.
He also remembers the vision of you in your wedding dress. The smile he had to keep plastered on his face the night he learned his skepticism, surrounding death by broken heart, faded. You’ve never felt pain until you’ve seen the woman you love marry another man.
Sam must admit. When he returned, he expected--hoped--that those feelings would have disappeared. That they would have been erased from his life. Only, the moment he returned home, Sam discovered those feelings remained--were stronger even.
Five years later, he found you in the same house. Your parents no lived there. After their return from the blip, they packed up their things. Suddenly, tackling their bucket list was their main priority. You still had your husband’s last name but no husband. He was gone, lost to a younger woman.
Five years later, and Sam Wilson finds himself still frozen by the sight of you.
The long-sleeved maroon shirt he’s tugged on is not his number one choice. It’s all he had in his bag. The time on his watch had forced him into an ultimatum. Either run home, shower, and change into the outfit Sarah helped him pick out and risk being five hours late. Or head straight to your house, and risk being four hours and forty-five minutes late.
Sam opted for the latter.
Flowers in hand, he stands in the gateway of your backyard. His eyes admire the glow of the string lights against your skin. The yard has been transformed. Several tables and chairs, enough to host the entire neighborhood, squeezed into its space. Filled with music and laughter a few hours before the backyard is now quiet. Only the sounds of crickets, and the rustle of the trash bag in your hand, can be heard over the racing of Sam’s heart.
“Hey.” Sam takes a step forward, clearing his throat. “Sorry, I’m late.”
“Late is an understatement.” You don’t bother looking up from the plates stacked in your hands. Dumping them into the black trash bag, you move towards the next table. “You missed the entire party.”
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After dumping the trash, you realize that Sam is no longer in the backyard. You find him in the kitchen.
“What are you doing?” You ask, coming to a stop in the doorway.
Sam glances up from the soap-covered glass in his hands. “Helping you clean up.”
You glance around the kitchen, only to find that he’s managed to wash nearly the entire stack of dishes you’ve been dreading the entire night.
“I didn’t realize you still did stuff like this,” you tease. “What with you running off to save the world. Figured you’d just hire someone to do it for you.”
“Guess it’s a good thing I got you to keep me humble,” he winks.
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Sam dries his hands with the bumblebee printed hand towel, a satisfied grin on his lips as he takes in the spotless kitchen. He’s too busy admiring his handiwork to realize you’re standing alongside him.
He turns, the snarky comment he’s prepared lost in his throat as he takes you in.
You can’t deny him a smile as you watch his eyes widen, a boyish grin brightening his face as he takes in the plate you’re holding. On it rests a single slice of homemade apple pie, topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and perfectly drizzled caramel.
“I think you’ve earned this.”
“You saved me a piece?”
“No,” you sigh, allowing your eyes to roll. “I actually saved it for me. But if I have to look at your pathetic attempt at puppy dog eyes one more second--”
“You were hoping I’d show up.” The grin on Sam’s face has morphed into a trademark smirk, the sight pulling a giggle from your lips. “You and I both know you don’t save, or share your pie with just anyone.”
Sam’s observation is spot on.
You don’t share your pie--or food, for that matter--with just anyone. In the chaos of hosting the neighborhood, you didn’t have a moment to stop and enjoy your own party. Let alone a slice of the apple pies you’d spent the previous night preparing.
Apple pies--specifically yours--were Sam Wilson’s true weakness.
The moment he sees you lugging home a bag full of granny smith and macintosh apples, he’s on full helicopter mode. You’re not sure how he knows, but he’s got a radar. One that somehow allows him to prophesize the exact moment the pies are out of the oven and set aside to cool.
He’ll show up, stopping by to say hi, or to see if you still need the drainpipe your ex-husband never got around to working on fixed, or to “pass along a message” from Sarah--as though your best friend couldn’t pick up the phone and call. Whatever the excuse Sam Wilson always manages to be the one to get the first slice of your apple pie. He’s smart enough to know that once the children of the neighborhood catch a whiff, they’ll show up on your doorstep. And as much as he loves the kids--Sam isn’t letting them steal his pie.
Sam’s words come out muffled through a mouthful of apples and crust. “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, Y/N. You should sell these. You'd make a killing.”
“And I’ve already told you, it’s just for fun,” you dismiss his advice, taking another spoonful of ice cream. “Besides, what do you expect me to do? Quit my good paying--although painstakingly boring--job in the hopes that enough people will like my baking to keep me afloat?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” Sam nods, a smile growing as he watches your eyes roll.
It’s a conversation the two of you have had for years. Here is the rundown of how it plays out--every single time.
Sam: suggests that you finally open up the bakery you’ve been talking about since your teenage years.
You: dismiss his words of advice, reminding Sam that most teenage dreams are foolish.
Sam: ends the conversation with, “I’d show up every day for a piece.”
You: spend the rest of the night wondering if he’s right, about taking the chance, only to psych yourself out before going to bed.
“I’m just saying,” Sam sighs, sliding the plate to the side. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned. Life is going to pass you by, regardless, no matter what you do. If you give it a shot, and it fails--which is never going to happen--your life isn’t going to end.”
You glance up from the table, a tiny smile on your lips as you take in his soft smile.
“Maybe you’re right,” you shrug. “If all else fails, I’ll just tell everyone it’s the Falcon’s favorite pie--”
“You’ll have people flooding in from across the country.”
“It’s settled,” you giggle. “I’m using you in my business model.”
“Hey,” Sam chuckles. “As long as I get a cut, I’m not complaining.”
A silence falls over the tiny kitchen as your gaze drops from his.
Sam lightly raps his knuckles against the table before pushing his chair back.
“Uh—I should probably head out. You’re probably tired. I just wanted to come by and apologize...again.”
“Wow,” the light laugh you release halts Sam’s act of standing up. “The second you get what you came for you hit the ground running?”
The response is automatic. The chance to tease him is one you never pass up.
Sam’s brow raises as he takes in your smile.
“That’s not what I came for,” he admits.
“What did you come for then?”
“To ask you over to my place for breakfast tomorrow.”
The proposition hangs in the air, Sam nearly squirming in his seat as you take your time studying his gaze. You let out a sigh, your shoulders shrugging lightly, once you finally speak.
“I don’t know, Sam” You shake your head. Picking up the plate, you stand and cross the kitchen to the sink. “You just have so many responsibilities, nowadays, running around trying to save the world--”
“I’m not going anywhere tonight,” he’s quick with the reassurance. “Or any day, until we get through that date you promised me.”
You turn to face him, arms crossing over your chest as he comes to a stop before you.
“Say I show up. You have to promise me something.”
“Whatever you want.”
He knows that promise can end up being a slippery slope, depending on how hard you’re willing to make him work for it.
“If something comes up, in the future, you call me. And you tell me exactly why you can’t be here. Nobody gets to stand me up. Not the Falcon. And sure as hell, not Sam Wilson. Understood?”
Sam’s eyes drop to your interlaced fingers, a soft chuckle escaping his lips as he gives your hand a gentle squeeze.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good.” Standing on your toes, you place a kiss against his cheek. “Now, go get some sleep. You’re making me breakfast in the morning. I’m expecting waffles, bacon, freshly squeezed O.J.--the works.”
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shiningsagittarius · 3 years
Tetherball is a game where two players use their hands to strike a volleyball which is suspended from a stationary metal pole by a rope or tether. The two players stand on opposite sides of the pole, and each tries to hit the ball one way; one clockwise, and one counterclockwise. The game ends when one player manages to wind the ball all the way around the pole so that it is stopped by the rope. It must not bounce.
(Spoilers ahead! And when I say spoilers, I am referencing both the show and potentially the book as well.) (These are my thoughts and opinions)
1 x 05
I like the opening! Getting right to business! It reminds me of that one scene in Toy Story 2 haha
Ah, so Dr. Curtain promoting Sticky to Messenger is his take on “keep your enemies close” I suppose? (Also interesting how he calls him Sticky instead of George)
See, he’s still pressing them about arriving on the same day 👀
God, Tony Hale is really pulling out all the stops as Dr. Curtain in this episode, it truly shines through. It’s such a subtle type of menacing, it honestly gives me chills sometimes
“So many dots and dashes” yes Kate that is in fact what Morse Code is
There’s… nobody at the Institute with red hair??? How and why does Sticky know that??? Has he seen every single student???
“He should not have angered the gods!”
They didn’t even bring their breakfasts with them dhkdgdks
Oh God it’s the Shining twins
Ah so they can’t use Morse Code anymore……
Milligan what the hell are you wearing
A FALCON?????????????? MADGE?????????????
Oh hey I was wondering what the episode title means
But seriously Number Two is gonna spend all of the last episode talking about “unnecessary risks” and then get a falcon?? Make it make sense!
Dr. Curtain be like “I am going to evilly browse my hat magazine and evilly select my evil hat”
The kids might be starting to feel the effects of the messages. Or maybe this is just natural strife. Either way…
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Martina kinda has a point about the bucket
“Roommate, not friend” yeowch
The way she found them…. absolutely amazing!
AND YOU’RE STILL GONNA LIE TO HER, MR. B??? “Oh yeah he’s fine, perfectly fine
The. The tetherball diagrams oh my lo r d
Constance rifling through the bucket hslsgksgs
The design of the Whisperer is not at all what I expected and yet…. unbelievably fitting. Definitely retro Sci-Fi, which is what the show has been aiming for I imagine.
There’s absolutely no music in this scene, no sounds except footsteps and the three of them talking. It’s subtle. It sets the mood. It’s unnerving. It’s, dare I say, mysterious.
CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE CONSTANCE SCENE……. The way she comes to appreciate the statue as a fellow artist, and it moves her to tears…. The way we see her figuring out the puzzle….. the music and the atmosphere….. her face when she finds the panel….. it honestly filled me with nostalgia for my own childhood, playing out in nature and imagining fantastical scenarios like the puzzle she’s solving (obviously VERY different stakes here, but still). I also think this is one of the only times we’ve seen Constance alone so far. Seriously debating giving this episode a 9/10 rating for this scene alone.
“Was it enjoyable?” “You know what, it was!” A nice callback
Interesting how, unlike in the book, the Whisperer prods Reynie for his true worst fear.
Number Two interrupting to (presumably) keep Mr. Benedict from falling asleep
Has Constance… been stomping on the panel for hours????
“You know what I don’t like? People who don’t do what they say.” Like, someone telling you you’ll go somewhere again, and then disappearing off the face of the earth, perhaps?
“Emergency! Doom! No-one at the wheel!”
“Not being wanted. Not being wanted at all.”
Dr. Curtain:
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There’s no cameras in the hallways? Or guards?
They’re putting the pieces together!!
“Please… eat your food…” quite ominous of you Number Two
“I’m sure they’ll make contact after their search of the underground tunnel I sent them into. :3”
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The press release room!!
Oh my goddddd… this scene with the girls hiding and eavesdropping is unbelievably tense……..
“We helped create the Emergency today.” That’s bleak
Farm?? Forest???
Evil monologue time!
“Tell that to your invisible lawyer.” Eye-
Noooo come on Miss Perumal,,,,, I hope she’ll come back 🥺
Ooh, so this is the moment that convinces Mr. Benedict to try and end the mission!
This conflict where Sticky is drawn in more and more by a sense of belonging at the Institute… I’m so glad that they’re developing what was touched upon in the book!
“Ok, what’s the plan?”
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Ooh, the number is disconnected…
S.Q. :D
It’s still disorienting to hear them refer to each other as dad and son
Bruh, the way Dr. Curtain twists S.Q.’s words…. I hate this man
“Everyone has an opinion, dad.” “For the moment, anyways... not after tomorrow.” 👀👀👀👀
After lots of deliberation, I think today’s episode is the first 10/10. There were no glaring pacing issues, there was a balance of comedy and drama (leaning towards drama), lots of questions are starting to be answered, with more focus being placed on The Improvement and how to stop it (a perfect mid-season tonal shift), and there were moments both large and small that truly rounded out this episode. It’s really not only what I expected from this series, but also a delightful culmination of the storytelling and stylistic choices made by the cast and crew thus far. With three episodes left, I think this series is right on track to deliver a stunning finale (should the episodes continue with this level of quality).
Mr. Benedict explaining why he had to send 4 children to their possible deaths
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bb-8dameron · 3 years
You Know, the Thing Thing
Guess who’s back! finally! I don’t know how to describe this, so have fun?
Style: Fanfic - Star Wars
Character/s: BB-8 and Poe Dameron
Prompt/request: N/A
Wordcount: 696
Warnings: platonic fluffiness
A/N: I wrote this in like 30 min and there was exactly 0 editing done.
Poe glanced down at his companion with confusion “you want me to find you what?”
BB8’s chirped reply - a thing, you know, the one I had the other day - was no clearer. Poe rubbed his hand over his face. Today of all days was not the day he wanted to by dragged from his bed. But how could he say no to that cute mechanical face.
“the one you had the other day doesn’t narrow it down much” he said with a smile, his fondness for the little droid winning him over. “is it a tool type thing or a gadget type thing” As he began to put on his shoes, the little droid just stared up at him blankly. If that was even possible. “BB8? What type of thing is it?”
It’s a thing thing. You’ll know when you find it. Poe paused with one shoe half falling off. Here, this will help you find it. the homing beacon BB8 held out was enough to convince Poe to just go find the thing.
“ok, I’ll try to find it.”
Do or do not, there is no try
“you’ve been hanging out with Rey too much” poe chuckled as BB8 rolled out the door.
Not entirely sure where to start in his hunt for the thing, poe heads with his X-Wing. The two were always making modifications, so it seemed a likely spot. As he triple checks the back engine panel, Poe spots Finn out the corner of his eye. “Hey Finn!”
Finn turns, surprised “Hey, Poe. Ahh, I’m a little busy, but I’ll aaahhhh, stop by your room later?” Poe looked at him for a second before Finn sprinted away. Wasn’t like Finn to avoid him, but he was probably just busy.
The thing is not on the X-Wing, and with no change to the beacon, Poe moves on to the mechanical supply cupboard. Best place to find a thing is in the cupboard full of things Poe thinks. Not that I know which thing it is. With a single glance into the cupboard, Poe has basically already given up. Too many things and not enough at the same time.
“Oh, Poe?!” he turns quickly to see Rose, looking sheepish “I didn’t expect to see you here…” Poe suspects she’s hiding something behind her back as she creeps backward before hurrying away.
“Wait, Rose!” quickly getting up to follow her, he dashes across to the door, but already she’s out of sight around the corner. As he starts towards the corner, Snap briefly appears, looking surprised, before just as quickly disappearing without a word. The third of his friends to barely glance in his direction today. Confused, and a little hurt, Poe turns the other way, toward the Millennium Falcon. Maybe BB8 has a stash of things there.
Rey is leaving the Falcon as he goes to enter. “oh, Poe.” She stares at him, block his way up the ramp. “How’s… your…. Day?” she asks, clearly uncomfortable attempting conversation. He doesn’t respond, just stares up at her, the 4th person to be so weird today. “right, well, I best be off” she says awkwardly as she brushes past him, his frustration and disappointment written all over his face. “well, ah, bye.” And she dashes off as quickly as the others. Poe glances down at the beacon, dejected, only to find that its finally signally its close to the thing. Its got to be on the Falcon. Hurrying up the ramp, he follows the beacon till he finds it. The thing. The incredible thing BB8 has desperately been seeking.
A single bolt with the second homing beacon attached to.
Poe sighs, exasperated. The beacon is bigger the bolt is for crying out loud. And its then, only then, that it occurs to Poe that maybe this was all a distraction. That maybe, BB8 is a mischievous little droid, and this was all a diversion.
Jumping up, Poe sprints back to his room. “”BB8, what have you do-”
“SURPRISE” Poe nearly jumps out of his skin “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”
Looking down, BB8 is rolling excitedly around his feet babbling cheekily. What? Did you think I forgot?
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leia-organa-fics · 4 years
aftermath (part III)
I know it´s been forever and there are still open asks in my inbox, but this wouldn´t leave me alone, so I had to write it. I hope you enjoy.
You can find part II here.
Before he could get lost in his thoughts again, Leia hectically entered the lounge. “The proximity alarm just went off,” she stated.
“Damn it,” Han cursed and ran to the cockpit, Chewie and Leia hot on his heels. He sat down on the pilot´s seat and started checking the sensor alerts. It wasn´t just one ship in their near vicinity, it was a whole kriffing fleet. Twenty-one ships. Three of them were only freighters, but the rest was equipped with enough weapons to be battleships.
“Are they Imperials?” Leia asked.
“Doesn´t look like it. Probably just scavengers, but we can´t risk them recognizing our ship. We need to get outa here.” Easier said than done. They needed to leave the asteroid field before they could enter hyperspace, but the fastest way to do so would have them flying directly towards the approaching ships. All other routes would lead them through thousands of miles of asteroids, something their shields and hence they would not survive. The ships had effectively cut off their only escape route. That left them only one option.
“Prepare the ship for a jump into hyperspace, Chewie!” Han yelled before yanking the ship around. He would rather take his chances with the fleet than with nature´s force.
Leia didn´t seem to share that opinion. “What are you doing?” she hissed. “You´re heading directly for them.”
Chewie, the traitor, gave a warning roar, too.  
Han didn´t even look at them. “Have a little faith, will you.”
“Oh, I have absolute faith in your ability to get us killed.”
“Didn´t they teach you in princess school that it´s not nice to talk about people like that?”
Leia snorted. “Telling them the truth you mean?”
“Thought you politicians don´t do much of that anyway.”
“I´m not a politician anymore. I´m a rebel.”
“That you are, sweetheart,” Han said. “Are you gonna let me concentrate on piloting now or do you actually want us to get killed?”
If she replied, he didn´t hear it because he was too focused on avoiding asteroids. He tuned the rest of the world out. All there was, was the Falcon. The line where he ended, and his ship began was blurred. It was an extension of his body. His hands had melted into the steering panel and all he could think about was dodging.
It took an eternity and mere seconds at the same time, but then, finally, the field started to thin out. There was more and more space, but that also meant that the ships were now right in front of them.
As of yet, they hadn´t fired though. That had to be a good sign, right? Or they wanted to capture them alive …
Behind him, he heard Leia gasp. “That are Alderaanian Battle Cruisers,” she cried.
Chewie gave a distressed roar.
“I don´t think so,” Han answered. “What good would it do the Imps to hijack Alderaanian ships?”
“They must have patrolled the sector, when…,” Leia trailed off. She seemed to be in shock. “Can we contact them?”
Han grimaced. “It might still be a trap.”
“Or it might be my people in need of help.”
He turned to his co-pilot. “Is the jump calculated?”
Chewie made an affirmative sound.
“Alright,” Han said. “But at the first sign of trouble, we get out of here.”
Leia´s hand was already reaching for the comm unit before he had even finished talking. Typically. She jammed in the frequency and send out a signal. “This is Princess Leia Organa. I wish to talk to whoever is in charge of the approaching fleet. Please identify yourself.”
For some seconds there was only static silence, then a man´s voice sounded. “Princess Leia?” he asked incredulously. “Is it really you?”
“Commander Rieekan!” Leia seemed to be just as stunned.
“Princess, I am so glad to hear your voice, but how is this possible? Word of your death reached us almost two weeks ago.”
“Lies of the Empire. They boarded the Tantive IV and detained me, but with some help, I was able to escape.”
“Do you know what happened? Alderaan …“ The desperation in the man´s voice was palpable and Han felt for him. One more person who had lost everything.
Leia sucked in a pained breath. “This is not a conversation we should have over comm. I´m afraid our ship does not have enough space for guests, but may I come over?”
“Of course,” Rieekan said. “We would be honoured to have you.”
With that, the conversation ended. As soon as Leia had cut the connection, Han spun around to face her. “What do you think you are doing? Going over to their ship? It could still be a trap!”
“It´s not a trap,” Leia answered calmly. “This man has served our family for decades. I have known him all my life. He would never betray me.”
“You may think so, but his planet was destroyed because your family dabbled with the Rebellion!” He regretted the words as soon as they had left his mouth – and not only because Chewie gave him an angry shove and called him some very colourful names.
For a second, Leia looked absolutely shattered, then a controlled mask slid over her face. He knew that something between them had just broken and it was his fault alone. Where before she had to a degree trusted him with her emotions, there now was only her political training. The hurt would recede – he hoped so, at least, because some wounds never closed, and he had just worsened one that was already too deep – but gaining her trust back would be one hell of a job.
He wanted to apologize, but before he had the chance, she said, “Riekaan´s loyalty lies with the Rebellion as well. He won´t betray me.”
“Okay,” Han conceded. Because what else was there to do? “But you´re not going alone. I´m coming with you.”
“That´s not necessary.”
“It is. You´re our passenger, I am responsible for your well-being.”
Leia shot him a glare. “I can take care of myself; not that it will be necessary this time.”
“Just humour me, princess, alright?”
“Fine.” She seemed still annoyed with him but at least she agreed.
Rieekan´s ship broke away from the rest of the fleet and approached them. Han, still wary, watched its every move but nothing seemed out of the ordinary so far. When the two ships were close enough, Han steered the Falcon to the cruiser´s docking bay. The two ships connected.
“Be prepared to take off any minute,” he said to Chewie, before joining Leia at the docking bay.
The door that separated the two ships opened. On the other side stood only one man. He looked maybe fifteen years older than Han. He was wearing a dark blue uniform with lots of shiny orders pinned to the jacket, but the material was rumpled, as was his hair. His face was pale and his eyes red-rimmed. All in all, the man – Han assumed it must be Rieekan – looked thoroughly haggard. Still, his face lit up in genuine delight when he laid eyes on Leia. “Your Highness,” he greeted her. His voice spoke equally of graveness and relief.
Leia pressed her lips together. A motion that, as Han had learned over the course of the last few days, meant she was trying not to cry. “Just Leia,” she said after a couple of seconds. “Titles don´t matter anymore.”
Rieekan´s face twisted into a sad smile. “On the contrary, Your Highness,” he said. “Now, titles matter more than ever.”
Leia shot him a questioning look. “What do you mean?”
“We have been robbed of our home. The few of our people who have survived are dispersed all over the Galaxy. They need something to rally around.”
“And you think that something should be me?”
“I didn´t mean to overwhelm you, but you have been the voice of our people since your inauguration as a senator. Now they need you to be their heart as well.”
Leia took a shaky breath. “That´s a lot to ask of a single person.”
And it was. Han´s expertise may not have lain in politics, but even he could comprehend how much this Rieekan person was asking of her. After the loss of Alderaan, he wanted Leia to become their people´s new centre of gravity. Han believed she could do it, no doubt, but even the brightest suns burned out. What if she imploded when hit with the full weight of the remaining Alderaanians´ grief? It hadn´t even been a week. She had barely had time to deal with her own loss …
“I have known you all your life, Leia,” Rieekan said. “You were meant to do this.”
Leia nodded. She seemed to be deep in thought, but Han couldn´t tell whether she agreed with Rieekan´s words and had thought so herself all along or whether she was just bending herself backwards to meet this man´s expectations. He couldn´t decide what would be worse.
After some seconds, Rieekan finally broke the uncomfortable silence. “My apologies, Your Highness. I did overwhelm you, after all. Perhaps we should continue this conversation somewhere more comfortable.”
“Of course,” Leia answered. Then she turned to Han. “Please forgive my rudeness. This is General Rieekan. General, this is Captain Han Solo. He helped me escape and is now escorting me to the Alliance.”
Rieekan looked at Han as if he had just noticed his presence. There was a flicker of … something in his eyes. Maybe it was surprise, maybe even scandal. Then he extended his hand though. “I owe you my thanks, Captain.”
Han took his hand and shook it. He couldn´t suppress a smirk. “Don´t worry. The Alliance already compensated me accordingly.”
“He can´t accept that he´s one of the good guys now,” Leia said exasperatedly. “His co-pilot is a lot more tolerable though.”
Han shot her a wounded look. “And there I was starting to think your princess manners were finally extending to me as well.”
“You were the one who insisted on being friends with me.”
“The last week has undoubtedly proven that my judgement is not what it once was.”
Leia ignored him and turned to Rieekan instead. “You said something about going somewhere more comfortable, General.”
“Of course, if you´d like to follow me.”
He led them away from the docking bay. The few crew members they passed on their way all seemed to be still in shock after what had happened to their planet. That didn´t prevent them from reacting to Leia´s presence with awe though. All of them bowed and greeted her respectfully. Inwardly, Han shook his head over their behaviour. No wonder she was so bossy when people had treated her like that all her life.
After reaching some kind of conference room, they were equipped with some refreshments before finally continuing their conversation. Again, Rieekan didn´t beat around the bush. “Do you know what happened to Alderaan?” he asked once they were alone and behind closed doors. “We were at the other end of the sector. Our sensors could only detect some kind of explosion and then it was just gone.”
Leia was staring at the wall behind Rieekan when she answered, “The explosion you noticed was caused by a weapon. The Empire created a battle station with enough firepower to destroy a planet. However, a weapon like that is only feared when people know that it works. I would have never imagined … “
Rieekan´s face twisted in anguish. “The Empire did this?”
“It did.”
Silence fell over them. Suddenly, Han felt very out of place. He wasn´t from Alderaan. He couldn´t relate to their loss (and hopefully never would be able to). Back on the Falcon, when it had just been Leia, Chewie, and himself, that hadn´t been a problem but now he felt like an intruder who was disturbing their shared grief. It was too late to back out though. He was stuck in this room with them. The thought of what the conversation he would witness could entail made his stomach churn.
As if he had read his thoughts, Rieekan whispered, “Why Alderaan? There are countless uninhabited planets. How did we deserve this?”
“We didn´t,” Leia answered icily. “Not one sentient being that was on Alderaan when it happened deserved that fate.”
“Why did they choose Alderaan then?”
Again, Leia couldn´t meet anyone´s eyes. She kept staring grimly at the while and her voice was hoarse when she started to talk. “A small strike force managed to steal the battle station´s blueprints. They sent them to us, to the Tantive IV, during the battle of Scarif. We tried to get the plans to the Alliance, but Vader caught up to us near Tatooine.” Leia took a shaky breath. “Before he boarded the ship, I sent two droids out in an otherwise empty escape pod, to bring the plans to an old friend of … my father´s who lived on Tatooine. They got away, but Vader took me prisoner. He wasn´t exactly happy about not finding the blueprints. Neither was Tarkin. So when I refused to give up the Alliance´s location and they were in need of a target …” Leia didn´t finish the sentence. She didn´t have to. “I´m so sorry,” she whispered instead.
Rieekan remained silent. He seemed to need some time to take in all the new information. Han couldn´t blame the man. Even his own head was swirling after hearing all that and he had already known a big part of it beforehand. Suddenly, Leia´s behaviour made a lot more sense. She was blaming herself for what happened to Alderaan. She´d had to stand by helplessly while the Death Star had destroyed her planet and Han could only guess that it had destroyed a part of her as well. He wondered what she had been like before. Somehow, he couldn´t imagine her as carefree and wasn´t that just awful?
He snuck a glance at her. She was still wearing the same stoic mask. Han couldn´t help himself. In contradiction to his earlier resolution to not intrude on this conversation, he said with all the conviction he felt, “It wasn´t your fault.”
That jerked Rieekan out of his stupor. “He´s right,” he said. “It wasn´t your fault, Your Highness.”
Leia took a shaky breath. “If it had been someone else who had brought the plans, they would have destroyed another planet. The only reason they chose Alderaan was me.”
Rieekan´s kind gaze held something fatherly when he answered, “That still doesn´t make it your fault, Leia. You did everything you could. Your parents would be proud.”
“We will never know, will we? They´re dead.”
There wasn´t much that could be said in response and definitely nothing that would have made a difference. There were a couple seconds of silence.
“What are you going to do now?” Leia finally changed the topic.
“I can only speak for myself, but my place is with the Rebellion.”
Leia nodded as if she had anticipated that. “Everyone who wants to join is welcome with the Rebellion and if I have anything to say, we will still provide help to anyone who doesn´t.”
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certifiedskywalker · 5 years
I Wouldn’t Mind - Poe Dameron
agentmalfoy24601 said:
Hi! Are you currently taking requests? If so, may I request a Poe Dameron x reader where the reader had a crush on him (they’re also best friends) and one evening she accidentally falls asleep in his arms (or on his shoulder) and when she wakes up he teases her about it and is like “is it really that hard to resist me?” I LOVE you imagines!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I love, love, love this idea! Thank you so much for requesting this! I hope I did it justice! 
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Your body ached in places that you never thought could ache. Hunched over, you rubbed your eyes in the hopes of pushing the exhaustion back where it belonged. Even now, relatively safe in the haul of the Millenium Falcon, you could not allow yourself to rest. The First Order was breathing down the neck of the Resistance, had been for the last week. No amount of rest could ebb the anxiety that brought with it. 
“Why the sour face, huh? Tired, now?” You lifted your gaze from the floor of the ship’s haul and glared. Poe Dameron, eyes red and rimmed with the same exhaustion afflicting you, was grinning down at you. The charm oozed from his smile and the false brightness in his eyes.
“Just get us out of here,” you groaned. Poe winked and you felt your insides curl. You watched him stride down the hall and into the cockpit. When the metal door closed behind him, you let out a long sigh and leaned back against the seat. It was difficult to know when it was the mission getting to you or Poe. Lines blurred after weeks on the run and the constant contact with Poe didn’t help in the slightest.
Poe had a way of making his worst qualities shine like false diamonds. He wore them with a pride that made you sick and a confidence you wished you had yourself. It made it hard to like him, even harder to be around him.
“Y/N? You alright?” You straightened your posture and pulled your hands from your face at the sound of Finn’s voice. His skin, like yours, was caked with dirt and his eyes looked tired.
“Yeah, yeah,” you rubbed at your face and sighed. “Just ready to get home, wherever that is right now.” Finn let out a breathy laugh of agreement.
“Same here. I get why the Resistance moved bases but this often?” He shook his head. “I just wish we had somewhere to call home for more than a few days.”
“It would make the ends of missions feel like they were actually ending.” Your words felt as heavy as your eyelids as you spoke. The weight of each syllable was hefty on your tongue. 
Finn opened his mouth, most likely ready to jump with agreement when ahead of inky curls poked out of the cockpit door. Poe’s dashing grin revealed itself to the two of you and you felt your body tense. His brown eyes darted over your form before landing on Finn. 
“Hey buddy, I need your help in here.” You raised your brow at the pilot in shock.
“The great pilot, Poe Dameron needs help flying? What have we come to?!” You threw your hands up in a mocking display. Yet, it seemed your show did little to deter him.
“Trust me, lovely,” he sent you a wink, “you’re in good hands.”
Your cheeks burned at his words and you were more than happy when Finn cut between the two of you to follow Poe into the cockpit. You leaned back once more and groaned. Whatever Poe needed help with, you hoped it would take a long time. The newfound silence, the low hum of the ship, was just enough to put you to sleep.
Slowly, your eyes began to close. Your muscles relaxed against the seat and you felt your bones melt into the thought of slumber. The darkness behind your eyelids was so enticing. It called to you with it’s quiet and...and…
A bumping, metal against metal rang down the hall of the Millennium Falcon accompanied by an excited whirring. Fearful that you may have collected a stowaway, you got to your feet. You were in no mood for another firefight. So when the whirring turned to a set of familiar chirps, you sat back down on the bench. 
BB8, single optical unit glowing bright red with alertness, rolled into the haul. Just when he was going to turn into the cockpit, he turned his disk-shaped head in your direction. He continued chirping at you, rolling to the left and then the right as if he were pacing. The sight alone was enough to bring a lazy smile to your face.
“What is it?” 
You reached a hand out to the droid and he rolled into your touch. He chirped wildly still, but the clanging of his movements had ceased.
“You haven’t gotten the coordinates yet?” The droid moved his disk head from side to side; you couldn’t help but wonder if the droid had learned his almost human mannerisms from Poe himself. They spent so much time together, it wouldn’t have surprised you. “That’s alright, I’m sure Poe and Finn are figuring it out. Maybe General Organa sent them directly to the ship. You know how much she loves this ship.”
BB8 chirped again, although less panicked. He nuzzled closer into your hand and you gave in. You petted his metal body as if he were some living creature. Never before had you met a droid so independent and yet so needy. You smiled at the little thing, too caught up to notice that the cockpit door had slid open. At the sound of footsteps, you looked up.
Poe, still half out of the cockpit was studying the scene before him. His dark brown eyes, that suddenly looked all the more exhausted, watched you as you pat BB8’s head. You were about to speak up, pull your hands away from the droid when Poe started to walk away. He didn’t look necessarily angry or annoyed; but what was unreadable in his charming features made your insides twist with worry. 
Noticing that his master, his dad, was leaving without him, BB8 followed after Poe. He gave you a few beeps of thanks and you were left in silence once more. You felt a rush of sudden pressure, and relief, as the Falcon took to the skies. Before you knew it, you would be back with the rest of the Resistance and away from this mission; hopefully away from Poe. 
You got up on shaking legs and padded over to the more cushioned bench that wrapped around the Dejarik gaming table at its center. The cushions of the bench were worn with use and your body seemed to fall into the seat with a ‘squish’. As you settled in, your hand bumped the table and an array of figures appeared on a gaming board. Their little roars made you jump and hurry to find an off switch. 
“What? You don’t want to play?” You snapped your head up and peered at Poe who, with two drinks in his hands, made his way towards you. There was a sly smile resting on his lips and you were so tired and so ready to get some rest that you didn’t have the strength to be annoyed at him. 
“I want to sleep,” you replied and studied the table for anything resembling an ‘off’ button. 
Poe let out a chuckle, one that you found enough strength to be annoyed with, and set the cups on the table. You sat up and watched as he reached towards you. You tried to focus on his hand as it slipped under the table and shut the hologram creatures off; but he was so close to you, it was difficult. 
You could see and marvel at just how long his dark lashes were. He smelled like ship fuel, sharp and pungent, but, at the same time, sweet. When he pulled away from you and the table, your eyes followed him. Even when his gaze met yours, you couldn’t find it in yourself to look away. By the Force, he was infuriatingly handsome. 
“Here.” Poe grabbed one of the cups he had sat on the table and handed it to you with half of a smile. 
“What is it?” You asked as you peered into the cup. The liquid within was brown but smelled almost floral. 
“To be honest, I’m not sure.” 
Poe slid into the spot on the bench at your side. Why, why did he have to sit right next to you? There was still a great length of bench across the table from you. Why did he have to make things so hard?
You gave Poe a wary glance and then looked back at the contents of your cup. “Great.”
“It’s something though,” Poe thought aloud. He too was looking deeply into the brown liquid, not quite daring to take a sip. The pilot must have felt your staring because he looked down at you with a glint in his eyes. “Cheers?”
“If we die, this is on you,” you pointed out. You lifted your cup to knock gently at Poe’s before you both took a swig. Whatever it was, it was lukewarm and herbal. It tasted how Maz Kanata’s spice kitchen smelled; sweet and peppery all at once. It was comforting.
“Huh,” Poe smacked his lips and eyed the cup with a smile. “Not bad.”
“It’s good,” you agreed. You shifted and put the cup back on the table with a small thud. When you spared a glance at him, Poe was nodding. The dark of his irises seemed amplified by the bags under his eyes. “Is Finn-”
“He’s at the helm,” Poe explained in a sigh. He sunk back against the bench cushions and turned his head to the side to meet your gaze. “You’re not the only one that wants to sleep.”
You swallowed hard before you managed to tear your eyes from his for a moment. “Isn’t there a bed on this piece of junk?”
“Hey, be nice to this girl,” Poe patted the ceiling of the ship. “She’s saved our asses more than once.” You sighed and sat up.
“Does she have a bed?” You peer into Poe’s eyes which are distant in thought.
“Yes, she does,” he admits. Without a second thought, you’re on your feet and walking down the hall. You can hear Poe calling after you, the sound of his boots against the metal-panel floors. Your need for sleep and desire to get away from Poe, your feelings for Poe, melded into one unstoppable force as you turned the corner.
The crew quarters, most of them, were filled with machines, items for repairs, and garbage that previous owners had refused to throw away. Those reclaimed ‘storage holds’ were dark; however, one chamber, glowed a soft yellow. You placed your bets on a bed in that room and darted towards it. Poe’s footfalls were growing more rapid and panicked as you rushed ahead.
“Wait,” Poe shouted the moment your hand pushed against the chamber door. Your speed was put to a harsh halt when your eyes found the bed. Specifically, when you saw who was in the bed. Chewbacca, fur matted from dust, with his eyes pressed shut in slumber barely stirred at the sound of the door. 
You felt a hand encircle your wrist and gently pull you out of the doorway. Before you could refocus and get control of your own feet, your back hit something solid. And warm. You glanced over your shoulder and nearly knocked your nose against Poe’s. You leaned forward and away to give him, to give yourself, needed space. 
“Sorry,” you breathed. The burning in your cheeks almost stung.
“Yeah, never wake a sleeping Wookiee,” Poe teased. “For someone so tired, you sure got up fast.” The spike of energy you had before was wearing down, but you managed to give him a half-hearted smile. For a moment, your hostility, your anger towards Poe melted away. You were left with the feelings you had swallowed, day after day; the feelings of affection. 
Before you allowed those feelings to get the better of you, you stormed past Poe and marched back down the hall. You were happy when you didn’t detect heavy footfalls following you. Once you were back in the haul, you settled back on the bench in defeat. The worn cushions gave you little comfort, but your aching body could have cared less. 
You found a sort of solace in the fact you were alone, that you would be back home (wherever home moved to), and relatively safe. That had to be enough. You could not let yourself ask for anything more. Especially Poe. With that final thought, you drifted off.
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You woke up slowly. The drink you and Poe had shared left a strange taste in your mouth that was only morphed by sleep. With your eyes still closed, you reached for your covers and pulled them closer to you. You were so warm and it was so nice. 
It was then your eyes flew open. You looked down and saw the brown fabric that had been draped over your form. The blanket wasn’t thick or tightly knitted. There was no way that could be keeping you so warm. You snuggled closer to the bench and felt your head against something far more comfortable than the bench cushions.
With still-sleep ridden eyes, you looked up to see what it was. When you realize who it was, you pulled back; but only a little. Poe, his arm thrown over the top of the bench, was asleep at your side. His head was thrown back slightly, exposing the soft, tanned skin of his neck. You wanted to tear your eyes away, but the way his lips were just ever-so-slightly parted kept drawing you in. He looked like some ancient painting; so relaxed and other-worldly. 
Your hand, that still rested against Poe’s chest, curled into a loose fist. The movement, even small, was enough to wake the battle-tested pilot. His dark eyes opened, ready to read the area for an attack. The relaxation that you admire now fled from his face. Yet, your gaze remained steadily trained on him.
“Oh, you’re awake,” he observed when his brown eyes saw your face. “What?”
You stayed quiet, staring at him with a silent question in your eyes. Why? Why? Why? Why did he do this? Why did you just want to pretend it didn’t matter? Why couldn’t you?
Poe’s eyes glanced down at your hand, still on his chest and he grinned. “Is it really that hard to resist me?”
“Did you get this?” You asked as you pulled your hand away. The attempt to redirect the conversation did nothing to the grin on Poe’s dark features.
“Yeah, you looked cold.”
“So, you just decided to…” you cringed, “warm me up?” Poe laughed; a sound you didn’t realize you hadn’t heard in its full brightness until that moment. 
“Would it be charming if I said yes?” He raised a brow as he gauged your reaction. You held his eyes and, wanting to see you melt, Poe continued with his teasing. “I mean, perhaps we could make this an arrangement. I don’t know about you but I find this very comf-”
Your hand found his chest once more and in the split seconds before you pressed forward, you felt every reservation you had melt away. No more worries about getting too involved or making a mistake. Instead, you just allowed yourself to have what you wanted. And it felt better than you ever imagined.
You pressed your lips to Poe’s and put a stop to his teasing. The hand on his chest curled into his shirt and pulled gently at the material. Poe’s arm slipped from the top of the bench so he could cup your face with both of his hands. His touch put the burning embarrassment you once felt to shame with a new sort of flame. Somehow, you mustered enough control to pull your lips from his. 
The moment you did, Poe leaned forward again, eager for another kiss. You met him in the middle with a smile. All the tension that had been mingling in between the two of you unwound and it was glorious. Why did you ever fight this?
When you finally pulled yourself away from Poe, you stared into his eyes. He was panting softly, with his kiss-swollen lips parted. You gave him a mirror image of his own, signature grin and Poe smiled too.
“I wouldn’t mind an arrangement,” you teased. Poe’s cheeks went a light pink and you settled back into your seat. Just in time too, as Finn pushed through the cockpit door. His dark eyes took in the scene with furrowed brows.
“We’re home?” He said the statement like a question as he studied Poe’s face. You smiled and stood up with a stretch. 
“Good,” you looked back at Poe and sent him a wink. You walked towards Finn and patted his shoulder. “Great job, pilot.”
You glanced once more at Poe and saw that he was still quiet with his burning cheeks. Still grinning, you walked into the cockpit to greet the new home of the Resistance. Why, wouldn’t this be fun.
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Cold Eyes (Dark Rey x Reader) [Part 17]
Summary: It's time to end this war.
Words: 5K+ (this is long)
A/N: The final chapter it's finally here! It's long so brace yourself, I'll continue this author note at the end. Hope you enjoy it!!
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Mustafar seemed more intimidating when viewed from afar, threatening. The bright lava of the always burning oceans and rivers seemed to shine even brighter compared with the dark emptiness of space and hotter than the closest sun. It was deadly place.
Outside the toxic athmopshire of Mustafar a fleet of at least five cruisers guarded the planet, forming on a line, ready to destroy anything that would try to pass through them. 
It was a tired work for some of the soldiers in the First Order ship just to wait around with nothing else to do than look at the vast space before them. Yet following Supreme Leader’s orders they waited, and waited.
And waited.
Until a mysterious ship jumped out of hyperspace. Soon the soldiers, pilots and commanders inside the cruisers recognized the legendary corellian ship that appeared in front of them, accompanied by a few rebel's ships that started blasting as soon and sudden as they appeared. 
"Blast them!" Commander Benndra yelled hearing a ‘Yes sir’ in response followed by the known sound of the big blasters of the ship. Walking fastly towards the console, Commander Benndra pushed a button activating an holo-communicator. Immediately a tiny blue figure formed and showed a woman whose face was hidden almost completely by the black robe. "Supreme Leader"
"What is it, Commander?" Rey hissed.
"You were right, they’re here." Benndra reported. "The ship known as The Millennium Falcon is leading a small fleet of Resistance ships."
The hologram of Rey seemed to smile thought it was rather a grin, a mischievously evil grin.
“They’re so predictable” Rey said. "I want every single one of those ships gone," she commanded "Except the Falcon, the controller must be there, so bring me that ship." 
"Yes, Supreme Leader" Benndra said and as soon as the blue hologram disappeared she turned to look at the captain of the ship. 
“Commander, they’re out of range for the cannons” the captain informed her. Through the big window she saw the rebel's ships retreating. “What do we do?”
"I want a full squad of TIE-fighters out there now!” she yelled with her eyes looking directly at the Falcon.”We can't let them escape."
The ships left the big cruisers at high-speed following the X-Wings that only leaded them more and more away. And while they were chasing them and blasting towards them nobody noticed the small ships that appeared away from the big ships that were already diving into the lava planet in complete silence.
The atmosphere was tensed and that tension only grew bigger as the suffocating heat of Mustafar surrounding you all inside the U-wing full of people. Everyone was nervous, this was a big deal and would meant the end of the galaxy if the plan go south. 
"Alright, here we go.” you heard Poe’s voice over the commlink once you were close to the landing place, he sounded concentrated and serious as he leaded the ships to the safe area you talked to him about. “Blue 7, prepare to land behind those burned trees. We'll cover you."
"Copy, Blue Leader." the young pilot of the ship said, for the corner of your eyes you looked at the cockpit a few feets away, you saw him pulling some levers, everything was ready to land, it was only matter of time until you would had to jump out of this ship.
As the U-wing started it's way down to land you shifted over your seat. There was a hurricane of thoughts inside your head, it was weird to be back on this planet that held so many memories. Memories as cold as the dungeons under the Fortress where you spent many rotations crying in pain. And yet, there were warm memories of a soft burning love that bloomed somehow in this dark place. But there was also the memory of an even warmer fury as dangerous as the boiling lava of Mustafar.
You were afraid this plan wouldn't work out, there were many things that could go wrong. However, your mind was more afraid to meet those yellow eyes again. Rey would be there, you knew face her was a possibility but you hoped not to see her, it would make things way harder than they already were.
And though you felt hurt by her actions you still hoped she'd find the light again, there was still good inside her but there was too much darkness as well, maybe it was too late to get her back after all.
Finn watched the way your body tensed more and more as you got closer to the place.
"Everything's gonna be fine, Y/N." he told you. "This plan will work, I'm sure" Finn assured you and you wished your friend was right.
"Okay, it's time." Poe spoke again and the pilots and the small team of soldiers listener carefully to your leader's words."This for sure it's gonna be hard, we don't even know if would work but this is our only chance," he paused for a moment "and we're definitely not gonna waste it." He chuckled and you couldn't help but smile.
Blaster in hand and the controller in the small bag, you adjusted your lightsaber secure in your hip one last time, Finn insisted you to carry it just in case. 
Sighing you got ready to get out of the ship and as soon as the ship was close to the dark surface the sliding door opened and the small team, formed of a handful rebels, jumped out of the U-wing and rushed to hide into the burned trees that were barely a cover but better than nothing. Only exchanging silently gazes and quiet gestures you moved closer to the Fortress.
Meanwhile, outside the planet the TIE-fighters kept chasing the small group of rebels. Commander Benndra smile grew bigger with every new fallen Resistance ship, there were a couple of them left and the Falcon it’d be just matter of time for her squad to blow it out, hopefully this target would win her a higher rank in the First Order. She was already savoring her victory when the rest of the Resistance fleet jumped out of hyperspace.
And so the battle of Mustafar begun.
"We're in." Finn informed Poe through the comlink once the whole team was safely inside the glossy halls of the First Order headquarters. "Moving to the main pane, now." After waiting for Poe to confirm he looked at you. "Y/N, lead the way."
Your eyes traveled from Finn to the rest of the team, even though they looked nervous they were ready to fight, ready to do whatever it'd take to bring this place to ashes. And as all the members of the Resistance, they had hope in their eyes.
"The controls are in one of the upper levels," you told them "they increased the security so it must be full of troopers. We have to be careful." The team nodded in response and after one last look at them you started your way through the labyrinth of halls you knew like the back of your hand.
The dark side was way stronger than before, you felt it and so did Finn. Something in the air around you just felt out of place, out of balance. The dark had risen consuming even the smallest sign of light in this big fortress.
Everything was going according to plan for both the fleet fighting against the First Order ships and your team getting closer to the target. Everything was going a little too good creating doubts in your mind, voices that seemed to whisper strange things to you. 
When you turned around the corner, the small team found a whole battalion of stormtroopers that started to blast as soon as they noticed the team.
"Y/N, go!" Finn commanded you between shots. "We'll cover you!"
"We'll hold them down, get to the main panel now!" A fierce woman told you.
You rushed down the hall.
"Y/N" Finn yelled making you look back "May the force be with you" and with a last smile you left them behind.
Your footsteps echoed down the dark, empty hallway as you ran, them more you got closer to the control room you felt just how much the dark side of the Force had conquered this place, it felts colder than ever, the voices you once heard sounded louder confusing your thoughts. ‘Concentrate!’ you reminded to yourself, one more hall and you’d be in the control room.
The hallway leaded to a big empty room adorned with big columns and a window that showed the dangerous lava burning outside the building. You stopped by the sound of a familiar voice, immediately searching for a place to hide.
“The rebels found a way in.” General Hux informed as he walked with his hands behind his hands as always. “A small group is fighting in level four, among them is the deserter trooper FN-2187.”
“I see we underestimated the Resistance” Rey’s voice came to your ears unexpected, forming goosebumps all over your skin. “Tell Commander Benndra to forget about the Falcon, she has permission to destroy the whole fleet. The controller is here, they’re trying to get it to the main panel.”
“What about the rebels in level four?” Hux asked.
“I’ll take care of it myself.” she said. From your hiding spot you saw Hux walking out of the big room leaving Rey alone for a quick moment concentrating on the rumour dancing in the air and the feeling of someone watching her.
"It can't be." she murmured turning to look over her shoulders making you flinch. She felt your presence in the Force, she knew you were there maybe since the moment you put a foot in the planet but couldn't believe it until now, so clear, so close.
There was no way you could hide anymore, and though facing her was the very last thing you needed right now, you didn't had much of an option. There was only one way to the control room and it was through her. Sighing you stepped outside your poor hiding spot behind one of the big columns.
Your name fell from her lips almost like gasp when she saw you, unable to believe her eyes, refusing to meet yours. 
"You’re alive.” she mumbled with confusion over her face, she was speechless, just like you standing in the other side of the room.
"Kill her now!" The voices screamed at Rey who couldn't do anything else than look at you. "She's a liar, she will only hurt you again. She's here to destroy everything you've worked for, she brought the enemy with her, she is the enemy." They whispered convincing her confused mind. "Kill her!"
Anger over took her features as her eyes seemed to become even darker, shading the yellow with red. Rey started to walk dangerously slow towards you.
“You were lucky your little friends were here to help you last time,” Rey growled as her hands reached the double sided lightsaber on her hips “but it's just us now.” she turned on her weapon that lighted her face with a bright red light.
Fear spreaded all over your body for a moment watching the saber that once hurt you and thought on escape before she could do it again. However that was a thing you couldn't do, no if you were planning on help the galaxy. This was beyond yourself, you had to do whatever it'd take to save them, even if that meant fighting the woman you loved.
"I don't want to do this, Rey." You spoke for the very first time since the incident in the bridge, searching for your own lightsaber. "But I have to, I can’t let you win and take the whole galaxy down with you.” you held the saber in your hands but didn't power it up. "Please, listen. You can stop this war now and prevent more people from dying. I know you don't want this, I know you, Rey." You told her.
She was the first to attack, forcing you to ignite your weapon to protect yourself from her own.
"You know nothing about me." She grumbled attacking again. "I'm going to finish what I started, I'm going to end with you once and for all." She said already rising her saber again.
Moving around you managed to dodge some of her mortal attacks you discovered how much she had changed from your last battle against her, Rey was stronger, faster, merciless. Guided by the darkest side of the force, too driven by her emotions. 
Panting you tried your very best to hold her accelerated rhythm, swinging your lightsaber desperately from side to side in a pitiful intend to survive while she thrusted over and over again and with a swift move she suddenly had her arms around you and her weapon holding your arms from moving and holding your back close to her chest.
"That's seriously all you got?" She whispered close to your ear, a grin over her features. "No doubt why I defeated you last time, always playing by the rules." 
She always told you to let your emotions give you, use them in your favor, so you gave in to the growing anger in you, you threw  your head back managing to hit her face and free yourself from her grip.
Rey backed off in pain for a moment, she took a hand to her face founding a small cut on her lips that left a trace of her own blood on her fingers.
“Not bad, I trained you well after all.” she said admiring the red liquid on her fingers before looking at you mischievous.  “But you’re gonna regret that.” 
Rey spinned the double sided weapon hitting against your saber aggressively. With all your strength you held her attack feeling the strong pull between the lightsabers close to each other. Rey's lips curved into a wicked smile, enjoying watching you struggling to hold the saber you meet her eyes then, painted with the colors of the wrath and yet there were not sentiments at all in her eyes, not emotions but a terrified coldness, even lifeless they were just empty shells, that was what she had become.
“I gave you too many chances to join me but you betrayed me, and betrayed me again… and again.” she hissed “It’s enough!” 
“You’re right” you growled “It’s enough, Rey” putting your whole strength in one powerful thrust you managed to make her step back, taking the chance you rushed to the other side of the room but not fast enough. The bare tip of one side of her lightsaber reached your back making you cry in pain as the burning weapon traced figures over your back, dreadfully cauterizing your skin. It was just a scratch, yet it was the most painful one you had ever got. It took you a moment to recover from it, whimpering in the cold floor of the fortress.
Her lightsaber also cut the bag that contained the reprogramated controller that fell to the dark floor with a thud.
From the corner of your eyes you caught Rey coming closer, taking her time to contemplate your agony, her features filling with anger and you could swear you heard voices telling her to end you. 
“Oh, Y/N” she started slowly circling around you“You really did hurt me, you hurt me more than anyone have had before” her face was consumed by the anger, she looked like the death herself in her black robes. “You lied to me.” she grumbled “You betrayed me!”
“I did. And I’m sorry.” you told her getting back on your feet “I did some mistakes, I know but I had to. I had to save them from you.” you said, attracting your lightsaber back to your hand with the Force, ready to fight again if it was necessary. “I have to save them.”
Rey’s features seemed to relax for an instant as her expression changed from anger to something close to sadness, hurt crossed her face when she met your eyes.
“You said you love me” she murmured barely audible. Her words took you by surprise for a moment. How could she doubt a thing like that, when you had loved her more than any other person. When you never stopping searching for her and when you stayed with her even when she had became a monster.
“I do” you told her, her eyes widen, it was not the answer she was expecting “I love you, Rey. Since the first day you came into my life, I love you” you added meaning every single word “And I’m tired of this, I’m tired of fighting and I’m sick of this war.”
Your gaze met hers for a moment wishing to see her smile at least one more time as your mind remembered the day you met her, the way she had hope in her eyes. She was still there somewhere inside this yellow eyed woman.
“I don’t want to hurt you, not  anymore.” you announced her turning your lightsaber off and throwing it aside “I’m not going to fight you, Rey. So if you’re gonna kill me do it now. I prefer dying than see the First Order ruling over the galaxy. Than seeing you like this, this is not you, Rey.”
“Stop it!” she growled pointing her weapon in your direction, but her words were meant for the voices in her head more than for you.
“She’s lying. You have to destroy her now. Kill her!”
Confusion invaded her head. The voices of the Sith kept telling her to destroy you, to end with you as they reminded her just how much you had hurt her… but the other side of her, the small beacon of light deep inside her told her not to, it told her to trust you assuring her you loved her just as much as she loved you. There was a chaos inside her that was turning her apart.
“Kill her!”
So she obeyed swinging her saber one more time and you closed your eyes already accepting this was the end.
But nothing happened.
Opening your eyes you found the blade of light inches away from your face and a conflicted Rey, with tears on her eyes, observing you. 
Rey scanned every small detail of your face, from your messy battle hair to your lips remembering the sweetness of them and back to your eyes, where she stopped hypnotized by the way they shined when you looked at her and suddenly she realized she almost extinguished the light in them, she almost killed you… again. She remembered the terrible emptiness she felt without you by her side. She didn’t want a life without you in it, she didn’t want to hurt you, she wanted to protect you, but she feared the grip of the darkness on her was too strong.
“It’s too late.” Rey mumbled with sorrow in her voice.“Soon the Resistance will be gone, your friends are in danger.”
“It’s never too late, Rey,” you said “Never.” she powered off her lightsaber letting you finally step closer to her. Doubting you placed your hand on the side of her face while she cried in silence.
“I’m sorry” Rey sobbed “I should have stop this mess before, I should have never trust in the dark side but it seemed so easy” she regretted “If I hadn’t left the Resistance none of this would have happened.”
She didn’t protest when you pulled her into a hug, she only held you tighter in her arms burying her face in the curve of your neck.
"I'm sorry, there was no other option.”
"There's always other option." You murmured. "It's up to you to have the courage to chose it."
She tilted her head up a little to gaze into your eyes.
"Then I want to end this war now." she said. "I lost you once, I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I will keep my promise this time.
A soft smile formed over your lips but immediately faded away by the sound of your comlink.
"Y/N" you heard Finn's voice coming from the small devise in the bag laying on the floor. You let go of Rey to grab it. "Are you there?"
"Finn, what's going on?" You asked taking the comlink.
"Really bad, they're sending reinforcement soon, we don't know how much longer we can hold them" he said and you heard the endless rain of blasters in the back. "The fleet needs help, you gotta hurry." You exchanged gazes with Rey before answering.
"Go. Get out of here" you told him "Get Blue squadron to pick you up, I'll take it from here."
"No, we can't leave-"
"Finn, trust me." You told him and after a quiet moment he spoke again. "Go help the fleet they need you and Poe out there."
"Fine, but we'll get back for you." He said. "Good luck." Then he hanged the call.
Carefully picking up the datapad from the floor Rey handed it to you just as the call ended.
"Let's end this stupid war" she told you and with a last smile you both rushed down the hall, unaware of the eyes of the intruder spying in a dark corner of the room, the eyes of a man that would do anything to gain power, secretly commanding a much stronger kind of soldiers to prevent the rebel and the now traitor Supreme Leader from reaching the control room.
Rey and you stopped in front of a big metal door, the last one before the control room. You were so close to the victory, so close to be finally free, so close to be with her again. It seemed unbelievable how a few minutes you were willing to kill each other but now you were standing side by side waiting for the door to open, it seemed like the old times when you both were sent to small missions, way before she went to Ahch-to to train, before losing her, before all this war. The sight of her calmed you down, and though her was were still tainted with darkness you found tenderness on them, you found love on them.
The sound of heavy footsteps made you flinch and looking over your shoulder you saw a group of unexpected masked warriors coming your way. You recognized their helmets the moment you saw them, knew the group of shadows you had have only seen a few times around the Fortress, often serving as Rey's personal guards and other times in battle ending whatever came their way they were more than trained, knew exactly who they were.
The Knights of Ren.
"Y/N, behind me!" Rey yelled immediately turning her weapon on as the Knights were already sending their first attack that Rey fastly stopped.
The lightsaber in your hand illuminated the room as you got ready to fight again, this time with Rey by your side. Both of you observed how they got dangerously closer you but the scavenger had a different plan in mind.
As soon as  the big, heavy blast door finally opened she looked at you.
"Go to the control room" she told you concentrated. "I'll handle this."
“No way. They’re too many” you said "I’m not letting you alone”
“This is my fault, all of it." Rey said meaning her words "Now it’s time I pay for my actions” 
“No, I'm not gonna- “
She looked at you in the eye, begging you to let her do it. She had hope again on the eyes and light.
“Please, you have to let me make this right” she told you and before you had time to say a thing she used the Force pushing you backwards and closing the heavy metal doors as soon as you were in the other side.
"No!" You screamed hitting the heavy door. "Rey… " you mumbled feeling the lump forming in your throat. You had just got her back, you couldn't lose her again. However there was no time left, you had to get back to the plan otherwise the galaxy would died. So you forced yourself to keep going, trusting Rey would be alright.
Eventually you made it to the control room and rushed to connect the reprogrammed controller to the main panel. After tapping some buttons the codes inside the datapad started to work, just as Admiral Statura said it would. It would be a matter of time until you could properly deactivate the bombs hopefully forever.
"Well, I have to admit you're not as foolish as I thought." you heard a familiar voice saying.
"Hux" you murmured turning to meet his gaze, founding a blaster in the way. 
"And yet, you’ve made the most unintelligent decision by coming back here” he said with a satisfied grin over his face “I certainly have to thank you, Y/N. You brought the Resistance to us, after all.”
“You already lost.” you hissed. Hux chuckled taking a step closer.
“Naive girl, if someone it’s going to lose today, it’s not gonna be us” he told you. “You’re outnumbered, your pathetic fleet it’s going to fall any time now and with that the First Order will finally rule over the galaxy. Congratulations.”
You stared at him with hate, he was a man you disliked since the very first time you met him, someone who you couldn't trust. The real mind behind this whole plan.
You were about to turn on your lightsaber when he shot his blaster aiming to your arm making you drop the weapon in the instant. He rose his voice again, confident of his words.
“I wouldn’t do such stupid thing again.” he warned while you struggled with the pain spreading through your arm. “Now, stop that device.” he ordered threatening you with the blaster in his hand.
“I can’t.” you declared still looking at him in anger.
“You don’t know how to, do you?” he concluded with a smirk. “Then I’m afraid you’re not useful to me. Guess you are indeed foolish after all.” he savored his victory for a moment. “Goodbye, scum.”
General Hux’s eyes widen in surprise as the burning blade crossed his body, a red lightsaber that pierced his body from the back to his chest right across his heart. There was fear on Hux features before the saber turned off and he fell lifeless to the floor revealing the owner of the weapon, Rey was standing there.
“You alright?” she rushed to ask, her eyes focused on the wound of your arm.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” you assured her. “The knights-”
“They’re gone.” she told you. “It’s done?” she said pointing at the datapad on the control panel. You pulled a few levers and when you pressed the last button the little screen showed a message.
Phase Two. Deactivated. System shutted down.
Rey smiled at you reading the message over the screen. You took the comlink.
“It’s done.” you said through the communicator.
“About time.” you heard Poe’s voice. 
“We’re leaving now. Poe, get us a ship and blow this thing as soon as we’re outside.” you added already walking down the dark halls with Rey by your side.
“We?” Poe asked confused. 
“Yes, we. Now get ready!” you said as you kept running towards the exit.
The battle out planet wasn’t as well as planned, the Resistance ships were old compared with the ones of the First Order, however the rebel pilots knew how to use their ships. They were running out of options, that was when Poe came with the idea to use the last bomber to destroy the enemy’s fleet. He just hoped it would work now that you had deactivated the bombs in the planets.
You were a few feets away from the exit of the Fortress when you noticed Rey was not longer running with you, she was rather just standing there in the middle of the hall looking at the floor.
“Rey, come on! This thing’s gonna exploit” you advised her.
“I can’t go back to the Resistance ” Rey spilled full of guilt .“Not after what I’ve done.”
“Nonsense! Come on!” you said taking her wrist and trying to pull her towards the exit but she released from your grip.
“I abandoned the Resistance when they most needed help. I’ve done terrible things to them, I’ve killed many of them. And worst of all, I’ve hurt you, Y/N. ” her voice cracked filled with pain and regret, pure regret. “I can't just show up and pretend nothing ever happened.” you more than anyone knew that feeling, you had been in the same situation a few days ago. Sighing you rose your voice.
“There are going to be consequences,” you murmured “That’s something you can’t avoid, and sure it’s not gonna be easy” softly you placed a hand on the curve of her face, carefully tilting her face to make her look at you “but whatever it is we’ll face it together, I promise. I love you Rey, please come with me.” you pleaded.
Rey doubted for a moment, it was too much process, she had caused  much pain to the galaxy and yet all she wanted was to go with you, whatever place it was as long as it was with you she would follow. She had to keep her promise.
She nodded softly “Okay” she murmured.
With that last word she took your hand and both of you hurried to get out of that dark place that had witnessed the rise and fall of the dark side and after a long time was going to finally fall.
The Falcon was already waiting for you, on the ramp you saw a familiar face extending a friendly hand to help you get inside. Finn was surprised when she found Rey running with you and though he was confused he was glad to know you both were fine. Finn and Rey exchanged gazes, your friend gave her a soft understanding smile while softly nodding, if someone knew how it felt to leave behind the First Order it was him. Once the ramp was closed the Falcon speeded up.
“Poe, now!” Finn yelled through his communicator. From the ship you saw the Fortress explode, sinking into the burning lava that consumed it all turning it into a strange landscape of melted rock. As it melted you felt weightless, the big weight in your shoulders was finally gone, the tensed atmosphere faded away. The voices inside Rey’s head banished too. There was peace.
Moving around the Falcon filled with people you felt their eyes staring at you, staring at Rey, they were no happy to see her here and yet nobody said anything.
Once the ship was off the toxic atmosphere of Mustafar you realized there were only remains of the defeated cruisers of the First Order. Poe's plan had worked.
“It’s over” you heard Dameron's voice sounding through the comlink in the ship. He chuckled. “My friends, we won!” he said enthusiastic “We won!” he repeated and you heard the rest of the pilots along with the people in the ship laughing, some of them crying.
It was over.
The war, the endless battles were finally over. All of them were finally safe, finally in peace. The galaxy was safe, ready to start over and so you were.
With all that had happened you couldn't contain the tears pooling in your eyes and the chills spreading over your body. You looked at Finn and wrapped your arms around him as a celebration. He was always there when you needed him most.
Then you turned to Rey all alone watching you from the distance. She gave you a shy smile that melted your heart, carefully pulling her into your embrace you held her close to your body and she held you being careful not to hurt you. The closeness of your body made her own eyes fill with tears that didn't take long to fall over her face.
You backed away just enough to look at her soft features, you found yourself thinking about your journey with Rey it was a long one. From meeting back in the Resistance, to found her in the dark side, to the memories of Mustafar.
Your heart raced when you looked into her eyes only then you noticed her eyes were hazel again, not yellow, softly shining brighter than ever finally free of the grasp of the dark, you were right all along, there was light in her. 'What now?' you asked yourself, sure there were going to be new challenges for both Rey and you but you didn’t worry about it, you had her and that was more than you could had ever ask for.
Leaning in you captured her lips into a soft kiss, you kissed her sweetly, lovingly, enjoying her every move. You were finally together again.
Just when the Falcon jumped into hyperspace you thought of the possibility of a future with Rey, it wouldn't be easy and you knew the darkness would try to come back but you would make sure to make it go away. You broke away and smiled at her, you were willing to take any future as long as you had Rey by your side and you hoped it would be the will of the Force. You hoped for a brighter life, a life full of love, full of life, full of her.
A/N: Well, it's been a wild ride. This story has become an important part of me and it feels weird to know this is the end.
How can I possibly put in words how much this means to me? How much I thank you for taking the time to read my little story? I just want to thank you for all the love and support you gave to this story, I certainly enjoyed writing it and share it with you. I really appreciate you stayed until the end. 💕
I know it's a bit sad that it's over BUT don't worry guys, you're getting an epilogue. Until next time.
The Author.
Tagging: @cpt-bolter , @elvencantation , @jay-birf03 , @x-a-gay-disaster-x , @ridleysjazz , @hstoria , @iamafangirl-fightme , @leilei-draws , @hayley-the-comet , @snoot-snoot-toot , @1-800-depressedlesbian , @empresspalpatinee , @xgaygremlinx , @the-great-imagines-of-1812 , @cyshock
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cornholio4 · 5 years
Ladybug is Team Cap
@nobodyfamouspostsAuthor’s Note: This is based on a post some time ago on Tumblr by Nobodyfamousposts or ChaoticNeutral on AO3 talking about how Marinette would be Anti Accords. I decided to go with this and while I understand points made by Pro Accords and Team Iron Man; I am ultimately Anti Accords and Team Cap. Team Iron Man writers please feel free to write your stories but us Team Cap get to write ours.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug was making another appearance as a guest for Nadja Chamack’s show Face to Face and it had been going well; she was answering Nadja and the callers’ questions well enough. Chat Noir had said that he unfortunately had another appointment in his civilian life and wouldn’t be able to attend. Then came a caller and it was a political analyst. He asked the question that set off a chain of events:
“Ladybug; you know of the Sokovia Accords and though it is currently unknown if France will end up signing.... If they do; could we expect you to be first in line to sign?”
Marinette paused and even Nadja was taken aback; the audience were holding their breath. Marinette was going to be in a deep panick as she had read about the Accords and it kind of scared her. Especially since she had her own super powers and if she had to register her real name and would have people looking over her and deciding when and should she acts. Of course in her latest interviews for Alya’s Ladyblog; Alya was not that interested in politics and hadn’t even brought the issue up with Marinette and their friends. She didn’t know whether to ignore the question but remembered that she had quietly decided her stance and now it would be a time to go ahold of it.
Nadja was about to dismiss the caller but Marinette stopped her as she faced the cameras; “whether or not France signs the Accords is irrelevant to me; no matter what I won’t be signing anything that involved giving my identity away. Not only that but it could mean that I would have people looking over me and deciding to let me intervene when people need my help now? That won’t work for me and while I respect the wishes of those who do register; I am afraid for those with powers who didn’t wish for them but will be held under scrutiny by the invisible Accords panel. Who knows if they decide they will be used as Superheroes regardless of their wishes; or if those who do will be forced to fight for sides that they don’t agree with.” Marinette spoke with a determined no nonsense look on her face.
The TV producers were deciding whether to cut the feed but got calls from the higher ups demanding they let the show continue on for the remainder; one of Paris’ few Superheroes publicly putting out her stance on a political issue was juicy news.
“But are you saying you are okay with Captain America and the Avengers ignoring borders and doing what they wanted? Plus what about Lagos, Vienna, New York and Washington?” The analyst asked and Marinette thought it over.
“I do agree that us Superheroes need oversight and we should and will face our mistakes head on but I don’t agree that the Accords are the answer. I do hope that there are safeguards and I should know of them and discuss them with them on print before I sign my real name anywhere.” Marinette said before glaring harder. “Plus the other point which I find ridiculous; are you saying I and Chat Noir should be blamed for everyone of Hawk Moth’s Akumas and attacks?” Marinette asked and the analyst looked flustered and in confusion shook his head.
“My heart goes out to those lost and affected by those horrible events and i do agree Wanda might have been careless a bit in Lagos but it was a tough one minute decision and she was doing her best to save lives form what I heard in the reports. But the masked thug was responsible for his bomb and now the stupid points. Why do you think the Avengers should be blamed for the fact that aliens were invading? You think all the Avengers should be blamed that one member decided to build a robot that apparently none of the other Avengers knew about and he went out of control. You are saying Captain America should be blamed for the fact that HYDRA infiltrated the major governments and intelligence agencies in the world and they were planning a mass killing spree.” Marinete said and everyone was silent at this.
“I don’t go for trends or debates but I read that because Mr Stark is the main Avenger supporting the Accords and Captain America is the main Avenger going against the Accords: that online people are asking if they are Team Iron Man or Team Cap. Well I am Team Cap I guess; I would go for a boy scout than a crazy billionaire anyway.” Marinette said with a chuckle before going serious again. “But seriously; I will end up saying this: I wish the governments and media would stop blaming Superheroes for the actions of the villain.” Marinette said before deciding to Bug Out.
The interview pretty much went viral and all of Paris and Europe went crazy for the first time a Superhero had actually went on public media and spoke up against the Accords. Alya was more than happy to make the headline about Ladybug being Team Cap. Chat Noir when he next saw her said he stood by her decision.
A lot of Ladybug fans began supporting her stance on the Accords with Team Cap tweets, replies and shirts. This raised Anti Accord sentiment in the country with rallies and it reached about most of the world. Marinette was amazed at what she started when she saw her fellow students wearing Team Cap shirts and even Principal Damocles got in on the action.
She had been expecting Tikki to chew her out but what little Tikki said of it pretty much implied she agreed with Marinette’s stance and words.
There was a meeting with Accords officials with the Prime Minister of France that included US Secretary of the State Thaddeus Ross who seemed to be the unofficial head of the Accords Committee and Tony Stark. He in his Iron Man armor tracked Ladybug down after a battle and did his best to try and convince her to support the Accords and there seemed to be an implied threat. She vehemently refused and allowed the crowd to come forward and start booing the armored Avenger forcing him to retreat.
This stirred Anti Iron Man sentiment in France but soon after that there seemed to be masked mercenaries with dangerous technology that were trying to kill Ladybug. She began fighting them a bit afraid for her life as these were terrorists and not magical Akumas.
However she had unexpected help from none other than Captain America leading his faction of rogue Avengers (though the Anti Accords people just called the group Avengers) Sam Wilson the Falcon and Natasha Romanoff the Black Widow. They were quickly subdued and Marinette was more than happy to squeal about how much of an honour this was. Steve Rogers flashed a smile and told her that the honour was all theirs.
Then came in Thaddeus Ross with his personal Accords soldiers telling them they were under arrest and Ladybug will be as well for insisting an international fugitive. Then came the civilians forming a protective guard around the Superheroes demanding they leave the Heroes. The police joined in with Ross screaming they were obstructing justice.
Marinette was a bit frightened but then came France government officials including the Prime Minister who personally told the Avengers and Marinette that they had their upmost gratitude. Marinette was doing her best to hide her excitement about being honoured by the Prime Minister of France himself.
Ross was about to talk to the prime minister when the government agents began telling Ross’ soldiers to drop their weapons as they began arresting the terrorists. Ross was surprised when he felt his hands being forced behind his back and cuffed as he was being read his rights; Ross demanded if they knew who he was.
“A Secretary of the State of a single country and an official of a treaty that might country has not signed; you maybe all big and powerful in your country but you have no such power and I will be campaigning you to have any diplomatic immunity withdrawn.” The Prime Minister told him as they were taken away.
Soon the investigation turned out that the terrorists were hired by Ross to take care of Ladybug and get her Miraculous for use by the Accords committee; that and they were involved in a terrorist ring to use alien reverse engineered weapons supplied by a sect of the US Government. This caused public outcry and the Prime Minister made it public that France will not signing the Accords.
This caused outcry in European countries that withdrawn from the Accords and more Anti Accords sentiment was spread in the US. The US Government were quick to disavow Ross and his supporters; they began investigating the Chitauri weapons. Ross was removed from the Accords committee and stripped of all positions and disgraced by the US Government; he was to be tried in the UN court for war crimes.
More countries began to withdraw from the Accords and soon they were voted away; the Avengers were allowed pardons by the countries and were willing to work with them to find a compromise with them.
Marinette read some time later that in the US Election; Steve Rogers was made a write in candidate and he won by a landslide; the new reluctant US President Steve Rogers was seen with the new field leader of the Avengers Natasha Romanoff, the Secretary of Defense James Rhodes, his Vice President Sam Wilson and at his inauguration there was T’Challa the King of Wakanda there as an ally.
Ladybug was invited to America by Steve who managed to find her identity but said the secret was safe with her; the trip there with her parents was disguised as a sweepstakes that they had won. President Rogers was in New York and Marinette got to meet a sweet kind and adorably dorky nerd Peter Parker who it turned out also had super powers and was the Spider-Man.
Who knew how all of this had sprung from a TV interview?
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justicemotivators · 3 years
A Tribute to the Incredible Strength of Victims’ Families - Part 1
Ann Ming - Julie Hogg - Double Jeopardy
We should always remember the victims and their families when we talk about true crime. It’s easy to focus on the killer, or the perpetrator, trying to understand how anybody could do such things. Even so, what is sometimes more astounding is the courage and strength showed by the families of the victims. For Part 1 of these stories I want to highlight the case of the murder of Julie Hogg, and her mother’s subsequent battle against the legal system.
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Julie Hogg was 22, herself a single mother of a young son. She lived in Billingham, Stockton-on-Tees, UK. The family was close, she would see her parents everyday. Julie’s marriage to her son’s father had recently ended. Julie had a job delivering pizzas, and she would leave her son with her loving parents when she went to work.
Her son was with her parents on a night in November 1989. The next morning, Julie’s mum, Ann Ming called Julie on her phone to wake her at 7.30. She couldn’t get through to her daughter, and began to worry. Ann drove to Julie’s house, which was locked and the curtains were drawn. There was still no answer. She asked Julie’s brother to break into the house, and he was suspicious of how tidy the house was, as the family knew Julie was quite messy. As a single mother of a three year old son, that is understandable.
Julie was reported missing, and her house was searched, but even after 5 days, they could find no clue to help the investigation. Ann Ming did not believe Julie had gone somewhere of her own accord, because she would not have left without her make up.
Julie’s son was due to move back into the house, this time with his dad, whom Julie had married. A smell was noticed coming from the bathroom. Ann, Julie’s mother, ripped off the panel below the bath, and found Julie. The forensic search apparently had not taken that step. Julie’s three-year-old son was in the house at the time of the discovery. At the post-mortem, it was discovered that she had suffered a sexual assault, but there was no clear cause of death, as her body was discovered three months after her death. The sexual assault had left some DNA from the perpetrator. This DNA belonged to Billy Dunlop. When his home was searched, they found Julie’s keys hidden, with his fingerprints on them.
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At the trial, the defence spoke about her ‘promiscuity’ and tried to cast doubt on the evidence by talking about Julie having multiple sexual partners. It was also in many news articles, implying that she deserved her death because she had ‘no morals’ or that she in some way brought it on herself. It is absurd and abhorrent to be blaming a murder victim for her murder based on who she is rumoured to have been sleeping with.
The defence also suggested the keys had been planted in Dunlop’s house by the police. Of course, another absurd accusation made to cast doubt on the evidence. Juries in the UK must come to a guilty verdict only if they are sure ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ that the perpetrator is guilty. The jury could not in fact come to a unanimous verdict, or even a majority verdict. The judge discharged the jury and ordered a retrial.
Again, outrageous suggestions were made at the trial, for example that she had died as the result of an accident during a sexual activity. Even if this were the case, it doesn’t explain how she came to be found under the bath, and why he hadn’t sought medical help at the time of the incident.
Billy Dunlop was acquitted of the murder of Julie Hogg, to the outrage and bewilderment of her family and the police.
Later, it was heard around the town that Billy had been bragging, talking about having killed Julie and got away with it. Unfortunately, having already been acquitted, he could not be retried for the same offence because of an old law. The law of double jeopardy. This law was created to protect powerless civilians from being repeatedly prosecuted for the same crimes, when the state was all powerful. Now the law was going to protect the guilty.
The case of Stephen Lawrence will help to change this law. He was murdered a group racist white men. They stabbed him at a bus stop in London, UK, seemingly just for being black, though the five who were arrested were not charged. The Lawrence family brought a private prosecution, which acquitted the men of the charges. A police officer and president of the SuperIntendent Association, named Brian McKenzie was troubled by this double jeopardy law, and made a speech at the SIA conference, which was attended by the Home Secretary Jack Straw. The Home Secretary is responsible for law enforcement above the police and judiciary.
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The MacPherson Inquiry into the failure to convict perpetrators for the killing of Stephen Lawrence, came to the conclusion that the prosecution of this crime was affected by institutional racism, and made a further recommendation that the double jeopardy law should be changed for murder cases in which new and compelling evidence has come to light after the conclusion of the trial. After the MacPherson Inquiry, the Home Secretary went to the Law Commission to request that all changes in the recommendations from the inquiry were instated. This included changes based on the findings of institutionalised racism in the justice system, and that of the law on double jeopardy. The Law Commission is an independent organisation which reviews and reforms the laws of England and Wales.
Julie Hogg’ s killer, Billy Dunlop, was convicted of two attempted murders after Julie, an ex-partner of Dunlop’s and her new partner. In prison, he confessed to a prison guard that he had killed Julie Hogg. He still could not be retried for her murder, as the double jeopardy law had still not been reformed yet. Instead he was tried for perjury - lying under oath in court. For this, he received 6 years in prison. Ann Ming heard this man confess to killing her daughter, and told the court details of the death he had caused, and then after everything she and her family had been through to get justice for her daughter, she was understandably upset at the sentence he received. This is where Ann’s campaign to overturn the double jeopardy law begins.
She first went to see her local MP, within a few days of the perjury sentencing for Billy Dunlop. The MP Frank Cook agreed to take Ann’s letter directly to the Home Secretary. Within days, Ann Ming and her husband meet Jack Straw in London to try and convince him to change the law on double jeopardy, and not only that but to apply the changes retrospectively. In the UK law reforms are usually only applied to cases after the reform has been processed, not past cases. He told Ann that the next step would be for the case to be presented to the Law Commission for their review and reform procedure. So of course, Ann Ming went to the Law Commission herself as well. This was a woman, a mother, absolutely dedicated to finding justice for her daughter. By this time, the police officer mentioned earlier - Brian McKenzie was now advising the Home Secretary, and argued to him that the reform on double jeopardy should be made retrospective.
It wasn’t until 2002, that the new Home Secretary, David Blunkett, declared a change in the making. A ‘white paper’ was issued which details the proposed law reforms, which then has to be passed by the House of Lords, before being entered into UK law. Ann Ming was personally promised her own copy of this white paper, and on collecting it from the Home Office, she discovered that it included the recommendation to have the law act retrospectively. This was a huge achievement, that had so far taken her 13 years, and now all that was left was for it to be agreed by the House of Lords. She carried on her inspirational campaign of strength.
Ann Ming went to a conference for victims and families, and it just so happened that in the cafeteria at lunchtime, she spotted Lord Falconer, Solicitor General, sitting alone. She took her chance and approached him, retelling her case to him. He agreed with her views and arranged for her to present her case to the House of Lords. This must have been daunting, trying to convince them to reform the law and apply it retrospectively. This was Ann’s last big push, to get the law changed for her daughter and give her the possibility of a retrial for Billy Dunlop. Fortunately, a bill was announced by the Queen, which stated a retrial could occur if there was new evidence, and a Court of Appeal agreed that the evidence is compelling and may change a jury’s view on the guilt of the suspect. This still protected innocent suspects from multiple unnecessary prosecutions, while allowing a second trial in cases that warranted it, such as Julie’s.
Billy Dunlop confessed in court to Julie’s murder, and was the first person convicted after the reform of the double jeopardy law. Ann’s campaign had paid off. After 17 years, at last, she had got justice for Julie, after all her hard work. Later, Dobson and Norris, two of the five men arrested for the murder of Stephen Lawrence, were convicted of the racially aggravated murder. Many other cases have also been brought since the change to the law. See Mario Celaire, Mark Weston, Wendell Baker, Russel Bishop, Michael Weir, Irvine Watt and Surjit Chhokar in Scotland.
This post was inspired by watching Catching Britain’s Killers: The Crimes That Changed Us - series 1 episode 2 - Double Jeopardy. I found Ann’s work to be inspirational, after the brutal murder of her daughter and her determined campaigning for her justice.
Watch it on bbc iPlayer here:
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presumenothing · 4 years
living, fast and slow
OK SO who remembers marvel au? no? well you’re getting it anyway because i went spelunking in my eternal wips today and found this sitting around basically done. so there
Shinichi doesn’t bother looking up when Hattori flops down beside him on the park bench, two cans of cold milk tea balanced precariously in one hand. “So, neechan seems ta think that you’ve been all broody over something lately.”
“Which one?”
Hattori frowns as he passes one of the cans over. “Which what?”
Shinichi gives him the most unimpressed look he can muster – what did Kazuha see in this man, honestly. “You call almost all of the women ‘neechan’, Hattori. Real specific of you.”
“Well, it works just fine, doesn’t it?” Hattori says with a shrug. “And it pretty much is all of them this time, anyway. Stop stalling, Kudo, unless you actually want your neechan going all Murder Soldier on ya.”
And that, well – aye, there’s the rub, Shinichi’s mother would’ve said.
At least Shakespeare’s still a thing in the future, he thinks.
Shinichi toys absently with the ring tab before pulling it up carefully (they’ve lost track of how many cans he’s ruined by yanking too hard). He doesn’t need any enhanced senses to feel Hattori staring a hole through his head, but he ignores it and takes a long drink.
It’s not fair at all, really, getting asked things like this when he can’t even get drunk.
“...damn,” Hattori says, eventually. “It is bad, isn’t it.”
Shinichi doesn’t answer, doesn’t trust his voice to, only reaches into his pocket to pull out a small wooden box that weighs heavy on his palm.
Hattori’s hesitant at first, but takes the box at Shinichi’s slight nod, turning it over in his hands. “A puzzlebox, Kudo? You really like your mysteries, don’t ya.”
Shinichi shrugs, this time, and leans back on the bench, eyes drifting closed.
It’s almost pleasant, listening to Hattori sliding the patterned panels this way and that, muttering to himself under his breath as he tries to figure out the sequence that Shinichi could’ve remembered in his sleep. To pretend, just for a while, that there’s nothing more to this than a puzzle, rather than the most important mystery of his life.
“That’s – ”
He’s managed to render Hattori Heiji, patron saint of banter, completely speechless. Kazuha would probably call that an achievement.
“...wow, um. That’s one hell of a thing, Kudo.”
Shinichi manages to quirk a smile at that – Hattori’s literally incapable of beating around a bush if his life depended on it, but apparently understatement is at least on the menu.
“They found it in my personal effects, after we – ” his voice cracks. “After. Either they didn’t realise what it was, or they never managed to figure out how to open it. Maybe they assumed that the mechanism had gotten damaged during a fight or something.”
Shinichi doesn’t bother entertaining any illusion that whoever had the box wouldn’t have at least tried opening it. The headlines of history didn’t allow for such things – The last tragedy: War hero planning to marry made for better news than Cap’s final secret remains unsolved.
(If it’d been anything else, anyone else, Shinichi might’ve been mad at that implication, that a bunch of strangers had looked at this and seen only another piece of history to be decoded, the last problem of his life on display.
This once, though – he’s just. Numb.)
“I was gonna propose to her once the war was over.” Shinichi laughs, bitter, and swipes one hand impatiently across his eyes. “Look where we are now.”
Hattori’s quiet for a long while – they both are.
Shinichi finishes his milk tea in the silence.
“Did she know?” Hattori asks.
“Only about the box, not what was inside.” Shinichi lifts the ring out of its hiding place, running a finger over the inscription, but leaves the box where it is. “Most of the people in my unit knew, probably – I kept it in my pocket every time we got sent out.”
Though he wouldn’t be surprised if some of the Howling Commandos had guessed – it was unsurprising, the amount of things you learnt about people when you regularly fought Nazis with less plans than grenades.
But they’d kept the knowledge to themselves if they had. Shinichi’s read the opinions from various sources – the speculation is wild, to say the least, but it means something that there are guesses about the box containing the last of the supersoldier serum but nothing even close to hitting the truth.
“Not that it ever blocked a bullet or anything, I had the shield for that, but it still felt like – ”
(Shinichi’s clenched his hand around the empty can without quite realising it, and he forces himself to let go, to uncurl his fingers from the metal.
He’s broken too many things already.)
“ – like a good luck charm, y’know? Like everything would be fine as long as I had it. And don’t laugh, I know you carry that omamori from Kazuha with you everywhere we go.”
“Do you see me smiling, Kudo?” Hattori retorts, and it’s true; he looks serious, more than Shinichi’s ever seen him. “I don’t – jeez, man, how long have ya been keepin‘ a lid on this?”
Shinichi bites his lip, and locks the box again with a soft snick.
“Oh my god,” Hattori mutters under his breath, and Shinichi smiles despite himself at how incredulous he sounds. “For the record, I’m deeply offended on all of our behalfs – behalves? Is that even a word? – our collective behalf that you actually thought we wouldn’t take you seriously. Even the robot neechan, and you know she doesn’t believe in this stuff unless she’s got another super lucky fortune from the shrine again.”
“Yeah, well. Didn’t work out so well in the end, did it.” Shinichi hasn’t thought about the train in a while, what with all the ruckus that’s happened – it both hurts more and less, knowing everything he does now.
He hadn’t even been able to look at the box without flinching, after the train. Almost been tempted to leave it in that bombed-out shell of a bar, though he’d settled for hiding it amongst his belongings instead. Regretted both choices when first the arctic ice then the twenty-first century had rushed up to meet him in turn.
He’s not sure which would’ve been the better option, even now.
(Sometimes, it feels like his entire life has been a catenary chain of afters: after the serum, after Azzano, after the train. After the ice. After the people they’d once been and could never be again.
He wonders what this will be, after.)
“And to think, this only happened ’cause someone gave ya infinite money and orders to get out of her sight.”
“Or a team of lawyers and free reign to bully every single memorabilia collector into submission, more like.” Shinichi snorts. “If Miyano wants to keep me out of her lab, she ought to invest in better locks. Most of the Tower’s made careers out of spy work – hell, the Commandos invented stealth missions, for goodness sakes’.”
“Like you don’t just bash locks with your shield until they break, Cap,” Hattori says between snickers.
Shinichi kicks him in the shin. “Say what, birdman?”
“Better me than Hawkeye. And no kicking with supersoldier strength, ow!”
“Right, no kicking,” Shinichi says, and shoves him bodily off the bench.
Hattori falls onto the grass with a loud yelp. “Who’s on your left now, you – ”
“I thought you could fly, Falcon!” Shinichi hollers back.
(The box is a familiar weight in his pocket as they walk back together; Shinichi can still remember the hot-cold flash of shock when he’d seen it listed among the inventory of his possessions that’d survived the end of days only to end up in some private collection. “Did you know, I’d almost forgotten about it until Miyano’s mafia of lawyers made me that list?”
“No,” Hattori says with conviction, looking directly at him, “you didn’t.”
And Shinichi’s too tired to laugh, only swallows back a sigh and says, “no. No, I didn’t.”)
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part fifty two/
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: I am sorry. Here’s a playlist I’ve made for the story. 
Warnings: the most emotional chapter I’ve written, language, extreme angst
Taglist: @brideofdraculana , @xstarryeyes , @aryssav , @miserablecunt , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol , @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies, @fandomshit6000, @anntheboneless, @venus-calum, @justjodeye, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @are-we-real, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @baiabouk @awesomealmostdopestudent @romanticvengeance , @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @rockersbox, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @Motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy @thanks2pete, @slowandangry, @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @swoopygorl, @motherloovebone, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001, @wheresmyvodkabitch, @waywardprincess666, @malibubarbievince, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @primal-screamer@electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @miss2001babe, @nassauartist @emmaelizabeth2014, @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @cranberribread, @lauravic, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe, @kellysimagines @thoughtsoftheantagonist @marvelismylifffe, @missysixxter, @love-struck-aries, @lavendersoundbarrier, @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @unknownoblivion, @minxtruck, @idumpyourgrass, @oskea93, @xsixxx @zoenicoles, @marvelismylifffe, @fentitrbl
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*August 1990*
“Vanity Blackwood?”
Van looked up from the magazine she was reading as she stood up from the uncomfortable doctors office chair. Vanity grabbed her purse and follows the nurse to the back. The nurse led her into a room with a counter along the side and a bed in the middle.
“So, were here to confirm a pregnancy?” The nurse asks, looking away from the clipboard and papers as Vanity nods.
“Yeah, it would be nice. I mean, I took three tests already....I just, I need to be sure.” Vanity explained, fumbling with her fingers as she sat on the edge of the table.
“That is only natural.” The nurse smiles, handing her a gown, “Your shirt needs to come off but you can keep your pants on, just unbutton them. I’ll leave you too it and the doctor will be with you shortly.” The nurse said kindly before leaving the room.
Vanity did what she was told before climbing on top of the table, the crinkle of the paper was loud as she got as comfortable as she could. She stared up at the ceiling, rolling her eyes. The panel above her was a scene with a field of flowers an a kitten sitting in the middle of it. She fiddled with the engagement ring on her finger as she waited patiently, trying to come up with an idea on how to tell Nikki they were gonna be parents. Maybe she should do something cheesy. She smiled, putting her hand on her stomach as there was a female doctor that walked in.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Travis, but you can call me Scarlett.” She introduced her self, extending her arm out for a handshake.
“Vanity Blackwood, but everyone calls me Van.” She smiled as she watched Scarlett walk around the room, grabbing gloves and gel before turning on a monitor and a machine.
“Okay, Van. So you took some tests and they were all positive?” Vanity nodded, “Yeah, I took three of them. I also haven’t had my period for a little over a month, it’s usually always on time.” She explained as the doctor nodded.
“Well, lets take a look. Shall we?” Scarlett spoke, putting on the light blue sterile gloves as she lifted up the white sheet a bit.
“Hey, I have a rose on my hip too.” The doctor said, glancing over the tattoo as she chuckled.
“Yeah, a wild night when I was sixteen. I didn’t notice I had it for like a week.” Vanity giggled, gasping as the doctor put some gel on her lower abdomen.
“Sorry about that, it’s always freezing. Is the father involved?” Scarlett questioned as Vanity nodded, “Yes, we are engaged to be married in a few months. But he’s just working right now, I just gotta be sure I’m pregnant before I tell him. I’m sure he will be more than willing to come to other appointments.” Vanity explained, watching Scarlett grab the wand from the machine and began moving it around her abdomen.
“Well I look forward to meeting him.” She said, glancing over at Vanity before putting her eyes back on the monitor. Vanity relaxed, putting a hand behind her head as she watched too.
“Well, there’s your bladder, and there’s your ovaries, and there’s the uterus...and that little blob right there, that would be your unborn child.” Scarlett pointed, adjusting the monitor so Van could see better.
Vanity broke out into a huge smile as she stared at the screen, “Congratulations, you are in the process of developing a beautiful baby.” The doctor spoke kindly as she saw the smile and glistening eyes of Vanity.
*a short while later*
Vanity pulled into the driveway, parking next to Nikki’s car as he was already back home. She looked at her watch, seeing that it was earlier then when he said he’d be home this morning before he left. She grabbed the little picture from the doctors office and held it in her hand.
“Nikki?” She called out for him when she walked into the house, seeing his leather jacket and keys on the coffee table. She didn’t get any response. She tucked the photo away into her purse as she slipped off her shoes and started walking up the stairs.
“Babe?” She said, walking into the bedroom, smiling as she saw the bathroom door cracked open and hearing the sound of the shower running as well as steam escaping the door.
Her lips pulled into a smirk, undoing her belt buckle before tossing it on the floor. She pushed open the bathroom door, the smirk dropping from her face as she saw Nikki leaning against the shower wall with a woman down on her knees in front of him. His eyes were looking down at her, bottom lip in between his teeth as his fingers were wrapped around the caramel strands of her hair. Nikki moaned, “Just like that, doll. Nice and slow.”
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Vanity yelled, watching his face turn pale as his eyes met hers.
“Fuck, fuck-babe...just-“ Nikki stuttered as he stepped away from the woman, mortified as he saw Vanity standing in the doorway. His hands went to cover his junk as he stared at her, the so called love of his life.
Vanity glared at the woman, she was shorter than her and Vanity was already standing at five foot six. She had chocolate hair with eyes to match, her skin was a shade of fake tan. Her slender lips were pulling into a smirk the longer she looked at Vanity who had tears pooling in her hazel eyes, “If you know what’s best for you, get the fuck out.” Vanity warned her, that smirk of the other woman’s quickly leaving her face as she grabbed her discarded clothes and left.
“Baby, please just let me explain.” Nikki grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist as he hesitantly approached his fiancé.
Vanity turned away from him, walking into the bedroom, “Van, Babe, I...I’m so sorry...” Nikki says, wrapping a hand around her arm as she laughed and shoved him away from her.
“Sorry? You’re sorry?” She rolls her eyes as she opened the closet door, causing it to slam against the wall. Nikki pushed his dripping wet hair out of his face as he watched her throw clothes onto the bed. Soon enough, she digged out a suitcase.
“Babe, baby no. No, come on. Fuck, Vanity.” He curses, feeling a lump in the back of his throat, “Van, please do-don’t leave..”
Vanity throws her clothes down on the ground, looking at him with eyes full of tears, “Don’t leave!?! What am I suppose to do!!” She screams at him as he winces at the loudness of her voice.
“It-it was an accident, okay? She was flirting, I just-“ He quickly dodged a studded belt getting thrown at his head, followed by a single combat boot of hers.
“An accident!? You really expect me to buy that!? You are unbelievable!!” She cries, running her nails through her hair, “Damnit, Nikki!” She yells, covering her face with her hands as she sobs into them.
“You...you just had to be that guy one more time before you were tied down, huh? Ladies and gentleman the king of sleaze, Nikki Sixx is back...” Vanity tries to force a laugh as she looks at him, eyes burning. “What’s next Nikki? Fighting? Drugs?”
Nikki shook his head, stepping over to her and grabbing her hand, “Vanity no, no. I don’t know why, I don’t know.” He watches as she shakes her head, chewing on her bottom lip as she looked up at him, her big doe like eyes full of tears.
Vanity pulled her hand away from his, “What? I just don’t fit into your rockstar needs anymore? So you just have to go out and find some whore?!” She begins packing again as he frowns at her words. Vanity was more than enough for him, she was everything he never knew he wanted until she stumbled into his fucked up little world.
“Vanity, please don’t. She doesn’t mean anything to me. You know none of that is true. Look, I’ll sleep in the guest room for a little bit, okay? I’ll go to a hotel, just...fucking Christ, don’t go.”
She scoffed, “The guest room?! I am leaving! A night in the guest room won’t fix this one!”
Nikki swallows the lump stuck in his throat as he watches her, “Vanity....just, fuck!! Stop! You aren’t leaving!!” He yelled, taking clothes out of her hand and putting them back in the closet.
“I am leaving! I am done, Nikki! I have let you get away with a lot of things, but this isn’t one of them!” She shouts, zipping up a suitcase as she drags it down the stairs with him at her heels.
Nikki becomes even more frantic than he already is, “Baby, please! I love you!” She shook her head, trying her hardest to not buy into it.
“You still don’t have a single fucking clue what love is, Nikki Sixx! I’ll get my stuff over the course of a few days.” She retorted, watching Anarchy run up to her. Vanity became a sobbing mess when she saw her smiling face, only to cry harder when Nikki stepped in front of her.
Nikki pressed the palm of his hands against her cheeks, forcing her to look at him, “Please, I love you...I love you so god damn much. Vanity, just take a breath. We’re getting married in a few months.” He spoke softly, wiping away every tear that kept falling, “Van, please?”
Her bottom lip trembled as she stared into his eyes that were full of tears, but refused to let fall in front of her. She roughly tugged away from his grip, “We are over.” She said quietly, taking off the engagement ring, setting it on the entry way table. She grabbed her suitcase and walked out the door.
“Vanity!” Nikki reached her hand, roughly pulling on it to make her stop, “Please, Van. I didn’t mean it...I don’t know why I did that. I wanna marry you and have a life with you, just you. Not her or someone else. Baby, please. I don’t know what I’ll do without you.” Vanity sobbed at his words, trying to take her hand from his but he kept tightening his grip, “Nikki, please stop.” She begged. She wouldn’t be this girl. She wouldn’t be the girl who stays with the rockstar fiancé while he’s out having affairs with other women.
“Princess, I love you and only you.” Vanity shook her head again, trying not to buy into the sweet words he knows would win her over. Nikki pulled her closer to him, placing his hands on her lower back, “Yes, I do! Doll, I love you. You know I love you! I didn’t mean it!”
She wiped her face, “Didn’t mean it? You knew exactly what you were doing the minute you brought her into my house! Our house, Nikki!! You let her into my fucking bedroom!!” Vanity screamed at him, shoving on his chest, but he didn’t budge, “Let go of me! I am fucking leaving!!”
He frowned, stepping away from her and removing his hands. He watched as she threw her suitcase into the back of the car, Anarchy whining as she sat at Nikki’s feet, “It’s okay...” he mumbled, patting her head.
Vanity slammed the car door as she looked at him, “I love you, Nikki. And I am always going to love you. But this is it, we aren’t coming back from this.
He frowned, looking down at the concrete, “I am sorry...”
Vanity glared at him, knowing his apology was half assed. He knew what he was doing and how this would end if Vanity found out. She felt nothing but anger as she looked at him, “Y’know Sixx...” His gaze met hers as he was desperately trying to come up with something to say, but nothing could come to mind. He could bust out songs at the drop of the dime, but god forbid if it was a real, true and honest apology.
“...maybe it would have been better for us if you had just died when you overdosed.” Vanity’s words were laced with malice that burned in every collapsed junkie vein of his. He stared at her, feeling his blood run cold. she couldn’t fucking mean that. She’s just angry. She says fucked up things like that all the time when she’s angry.
He shook his head, licking his dry lips, “You don’t mean that, Vanity.”
She laughed in his face, opening up the drivers side door, “Oh I fucking do. I fucking mean it with every fiber in my being. We were doomed from the start. Stay the hell away from me.” Vanity got in the car, slamming the door as she drove out of the gates.
Nikki stood by himself, fists balled at his sides as Anarchy nudged his leg with her nose, “Quit it! Go play!” He raised his voice at Anna, watching her ears lower as she went to go lay on the grass.
He shook his head, going back inside as he stared at her ring that laid against the dark wooden table, “Fuck..” He cried, grasping it in his palm before shoving it into his pocket as his emotions finally got the best of him.
Tears flooded to the surface as he grabbed the vase of flowers that also laid on the table and threw it across the living room, glass and yellow rose petals being flown everywhere. He kicked over a bass that was in its stand before repeatedly smashing it into the hardwood floor. When it was broken to his liking, he threw it across the living room too.
He rubbed his face, falling onto the stairs as he sat down, wrapping his arms around himself in a hug. He needed her, she was his fucking life support. He needed her way more than she ever needed him.
God, she has to fucking come back.
*A week later, Nikki’s POV*
I heard the front door unlock, both mine and Anarchy’s heads raising as we listened. I quickly got off the bed, running down the stairs as I saw only to find Greyson and Sage.
We stared at each other for a moment as I stood at the foot of the steps and as they stood by the front door, taking a few glances at each other before looking at me again
“Where is she?” I asked, voice hoarse from lack of sleep, they didn’t say anything.
“Tell me where the fuck she is!!” I yelled at them as Sage rolled her eyes at me. God, I wish it was her fucking sister rolling her eyes at me for once.
“We came to get the rest of her stuff, Nikki. Just let us do it without conflict, alright?” Greyson spoke, I shook my head, “That doesn’t answer my question.”
Greyson sighed, “Don’t worry about her. She doesn’t want any of the furniture, she just wants the clothes, jewelry and all her other valuable stuff.” Greyson said, unfolding a piece of notebook paper.
“She can come get it hers-“ Sage interrupted me, “She is not coming back! She doesn’t want to see you!” She yelled as I stared at the ground, shaking my head. She has to come back home to me, she can’t just leave me hanging like this...I...we need to talk.
I watched as they brought folded up boxes inside. Sage went upstairs to the bedroom with a few of them, as Greyson stayed downstairs.
“She said she wants the uh, shadow box from Tommy, her photo albums-“ I cut Greyson off.
“Please Greyson, where is she?” He sighed, looking up from the piece of paper and at me.
“...She’s at home. She flew into town on Saturday, and then asked us to come get her stuff on Tuesday.” He explained as I stared at him.
Everything happened on a Friday, she just left? That fast? And now it’s Thursday, this is all happening too quickly for me. Why did she just run like that? I mean, I know why she ran. But damnit, Vanity. You didn’t even give me a chance.
“Is-is she okay?” I asked as he glared at me, his look never softening.
“Don’t make me answer that. Of course she’s not okay! You don’t know how badly I want to beat the shit out of you right now, but I’m not because she asked me not too.” He explained, his eyes fixating on mine as I backed down.
“I deserve an ass kicking...” I mumbled, seeing Anarchy waltz up to us, her favorite stuffed monkey hanging from her mouth. I patted her head.
“Van said you can keep her....mom doesn’t want her at the house.” I furrowed my eyebrows at Greyson. I didn’t mind having Anarchy around, but I got her for Vanity to have. That’s her dog.
Greyson walked around the house as I followed him. He kept grabbing small items, every so often glancing at the paper to make sure he was getting everything she asked for.
“Greyson, I have to talk to her.” I told him as he shook his head and continued his task, “Greyson, come on man.” I said, grabbing his shoulder as he quickly spun around and pinned me against the wall.
“Nikki, shut your fucking mouth!!” He yelled in my face, “Stop trying to fix it. It’s done. My sister is not coming back to you, do you understand me? Hell will freeze over before you even have the god damn chance to get inside her head again.” He spewed his anger out at me as I stood there and took it.
“You fucking embarrassed her. She can’t leave the god damn house without seeing all this shit in the tabloids. She can’t fucking go get her god damn nails done without some low life reporter in her face trying to talk about it. I hope that chick was worth it.” He continued, glancing over as we saw Sage standing by the stairs. He backed away from me.
“I just threw all her clothes into boxes, but she has a lot of them. I need help bringing them down.” Sage spoke softly as she stared at us.
“Yeah, I need to get out of here before I kill him.” Greyson replied, glaring back at me as I took a step away from him.
They both went upstairs, multiple times as I watched them put everything in their rental truck. I lit a cigarette, sitting on the front steps as Anna leaned her head on my thigh. Her eyes looked sad too.
“We’ll be fine, girl.” I whispered to her, rubbing her ears. Greyson eventually came over to me as Sage was already sitting in the car. He fumbled with Vanity’s set of keys as he took off the silver key to our house. He held it in front of me as I reluctantly took it from him.
He turned his back towards me as he started walking to the truck, “Greyson?” I called out for him as he sighed, slowly turning around as he looked at me.
“Ca-can you tell her I will always love her too?” I asked as nice as I possibly could in the time being. He nodded before continuing to walk to the truck. I watched them leave before hanging my head down low.
I walked back into the house, shutting the door as I stared in the emptiness. It was eerily quiet as I headed back upstairs to my bedroom. The room looked bare now. Hangers were scattered around the floor as I peered into the closet, with it pretty much being empty now that all her clothes and shoes were gone.
I shouldn’t have thrown a fit over the abundance of clothes she had in it. I shouldn’t have fucking told her to get rid of that corvette, I should have let her kept it. Why do I always do the wrong things with her? Maybe I should have let her just decorate the house and the bedroom how she originally wanted too. We should have gotten that white bed frame instead of this dark oak one.
I shouldn’t have flirted with her. I...I shouldn’t have even gone to that party. I wouldn’t have met her and Vanity would still be here. I shouldn’t have told her she looked nice in that red dress when Vanity looks like a million bucks in her red dress. Why did I have to tell her she had pretty eyes when Vans eyes make me weak in the knees?
I’ve told Vanity no on numerous occasions. Why couldn’t I just do the same thing with Brandi?
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starwarsfangirl · 5 years
My reaction and thoughts about the conclusion of the Skywalker Saga and TRoS.  If you haven’t seen it by now, and don’t want to know anything about the events in the movie, scroll on by.
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Parts of it were brilliant. Parts of it was pure WTF.  
First, I have to say: Kylo/Ben’s hair throughout the entire movie... holy cow we are blessed by that man’s sexy hair! *Swoon*
I loved Poe’s, Rey’s, and Finn’s interactions throughout the movie.  Rey and Poe both getting their blood up about everything was fun to watch.  
I was confused at first about Finn seemingly becoming Force Sensitive out of nowhere, but as I thought about it between the first viewing on Thursday and second on Friday, and talking to my brilliant sister, it does make sense.  Snoke asked Kylo in TFA, “There’s been an awakening, have you felt it?”  It makes sense Finn and Jannah and her whole company of stormtroopers are Force Sensitive.  The kids had been stolen all over the galaxy wherever the First Order could take control and nab the kids.  They had been indoctrinated and brainwashed to follow orders without question.  They were taught to not even have compassion for weaker members of their squad or company.  So to throw all that brainwashing off and say, “No!” makes sense when Finn and Jannah talk about “it was a feeling.”  
So their Force Sensitivity was awakened, and Rey’s was shot out of a cannon so she could be the equal to Kylo Ren.
At the first viewing, I cried when Leia died.  I knew she would have to at sometime during the movie, but it was her last act to reach out in the Force to her son, to draw him back to the light.  I kept crying when Rey also felt her master’s death and healed Ben’s wound that she inflicted during his distraction. I was almost done crying when Han’s voice broke the silence and I started sobbing all over again. I don’t think the tears ever really stopped until I was in the car to go home.  And I’m not a crier, so to have tears flowing for that long is super unusual for me.
Luke’s scene felt like an apology to the angry fanboys of the Fandom Menace. The whole “a Jedi’s lightsaber deserves respect” all the way to the Force Ghost lifting the X-wing from the water.  I guess we’re just going to ignore that Luke had stripped panels off it for his hut.  We’re just going to pretend that water over YEARS has absolutely no effect whatsoever on wiring, electronics, metal.  Nope. It’s in perfect flying condition.  Zoom!
And that brings me to Rey and how they totally fucked her over just to appease those same angry fanboys that a mere girl had the audacity to be powerful enough to be Kylo’s equal.  The whole movie would still make sense without her being **A PALPATINE**.  Good grief, that’s like some bad fanfic (or typical online roleplay, which I used to do way back in the day).  Her power is not hers because the Force CHOSE HER because she’s good and always chooses to be good. And it’s a choice just like Harry Potter chose Gryffindor over Slytherin.  No, they made her powerful not because of her connection to one man BUT TWO! TWO MEN!  She and Kylo are a dyad in the Force, one soul living in two bodies!  That’s the only basis for her power.  JJ totally ignored everything he laid out in HIS FIRST MOVIE.  Seriously.  Just to PANDER to the angry fanboys.  
Where did all the Sith or Sith Acolytes come from to be there on Exegol?  Who built that massive fleet?  Where did Palps get the people to man them?  Surely there’s not that many Humans (and that’s what we saw onscreen, Humans, or Humanoids.  I didn’t see a single Final Order crewmember or Sith Trooper with a weird head shape or four arms) out in the Unknown Regions. People would notice. A Resurgent-class Star Destroyer featured a complement of 19,000 officers and 55,000 enlisted personnel. That’s a lot of freaking people.
If she was going to take a family name, which she didn’t need to do, she’s Rey, and that’s good enough, it should have been Solo.  
Rey loved Han Solo.  Rey loved Leia Organa (Solo).  And she so so so loved Ben Solo.  And he loved her in return.  He was totally gobsmacked by her the moment the Skywalker saber sailed past his face and into her hand.  From that moment on, he was in love.  She respected Luke, but Luke was an asshole to her.  Luke was the reason Ben ultimately became Kylo.  
Can I just say, when Ben isn’t restraining himself to not hurt Rey in a lightsaber duel, he’s freaking amazing!! He was spectacular in the throne room and again on Exegol.  And SO MUCH his father’s son!  I loved that he shot the guy without looking just like his Dad did in TFA.  And that half bow, half shrug at the Knights of Ren when Rey passed him the lightsaber, that was a Han Solo move too!
The resurrection and kiss and Ben and Rey’s smiles were beautiful and soft and happy. Her thumb running down his cheek was so intimate and sweet. Both of them were so happy.  
I know the soundtrack lists the Tatooine scene as “A New Home” I don’t look at as she is stranded there.  Desert people who like the desert feel the most comfortable in the desert.  It makes sense she would want to be where Luke grew up as continues her growth as a Jedi.  That’s why she built her own lightsaber, afterall.  She has BB8 and the Falcon, so she’s not stuck there. It would be a good place to build a Jedi Academy for Broom Boy and others to find her and learn.
Rey has an acquired family. She’s not alone. She has her hairy dad-like figure in Chewbacca, Poe as a brother, and Finn as a brother and best friend.
My ReyLo heart is shattered because Ben died.  My head knows he had to because he would never be allowed to live happily ever after with Rey at the end of the movie.  He’s a war criminal and would be held accountable for all the crimes and atrocities his First Order committed. Though I’m hopeful that Project Luminous somehow brings him back, it makes sense for fans who only watch the movies and not the animated shows or read books for this to be his ending.
But Luke taught me, “No one is ever really gone.”
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marimopeace · 5 years
Shigure anon again. The reason why it seemed to me like he only loved Akito because of the dream is because of the words he uses in chapter 111. Why did the author specifically have to harken back to the dream and use that word? Why not just have Shigure simply say "I wish I could've fallen for someone like you" to Tohru, why use the word dream specifically if she was just trying to have Shigure say that he wished he could have fallen in love with someone kinder?
hi again anon!
thankfully for everyone this question requires a lot less rambling to answer:
1. always be aware of what you’re reading
so i can’t actually answer your first question at all tbh bc it’s not up to me to explain the author’s actions (since a reader of any series can only interpret things according to their own opinion) and your question is kind of invalid since the specific words you read were not exactly what the author wrote.
whether you were reading scanlations or the official tokyopop furuba manga, you can’t rely on the words on the page to provide such minute analysis into the story. it’s not the same thing as when you’re consuming in your own native language and can rely on quotes to support persuasive arguments (i.e. seeing captain america say his closing quote to falcon and getting the subtle nuance that sam will be the next cap--yes i’m a nerd i’m sorry this was the fastest example that came to mind lol). 
don’t get too hung up on specific words to dig deeper when the piece has been passed through so many channels. this applies to furuba especially since you’ll never quite get the “exact” meaning of everything (you get close enough but it’s not to the point where you can pick apart individual words and sentences like you want) and also since it’s a shoujo series aimed at younger girls. takaya (the author) did create a series that has darker conflicts and psychological themes but i doubt (and this is just a personal opinion) she would rely on tools such as wordplay or double meanings since that’s not shown in her writing style (compared to a series such as monogatari, which is rich in specific references).
2. context is your friend, don’t forget that!
i’m not trying to dictate the “proper” interpretation of shigure’s character or the events of chapter 111 here, since i am just a normal reader who has had no control over the creation of a series that we both enjoy, but i do want to lessen your confusion anon! your other asks made it seem like you weren’t trying to contest my opinion, but that you were curious to hear my thoughts and were confused by my explanation, so i want to help you get the clarification you want, which seems to be primarily focused on shigure in chapter 111 specifically.
similar to how the mechanics (grammar, word choice, quotes) of translated writing should be approached with an open mind, so should plot details.
you seem to be very focused on understanding shigure’s remarks to tohru about tohru/the dream. remember that the words he says in that moment are an expression of his intentions, but not what they’re built off of, his long-term motivations of the whole series have been built on his personality (a driven individual who is cunning and resourceful, read: manipulative), and his personal experiences (his past with akito yada yada yada). a few panels from one page of a single chapter can be used to try to guess what a character’s about, but you need more than that.
in the same chapter you referenced, shigure has a conversation with hatori that ends with a discussion of kindness, and shigure remarks that his scheming has made for a lonely time, and then the scene closes with him pondering something along the lines of “what it would have been like to have dreamed of a kind soul” (compared to the warped akito who the two had been conversing about previously). this is followed by a bunch of other things, and then the up pops the moment you’ve been referring to where shigure says his thing to tohru. this is an example of looking at whole plot details to understand why a scene happens the way it does, rather than relying on a single moment.
and then if there’s ever still confusion about how something should be understood, look at the other details you the reader have been provided by the author to understand their characters.
so in this specific case:
-have there been previous events to tie into shigure’s words at tohru? has he ever expressed romantic interest in previous plot points to warrant that kind of regret? no. but there have been many focused on hatori’s back and forth dance with akito--shigure admitting that part of him “hates” her (i think it’s actually referenced in the chapter you were looking at too), their sex game with kureno and ren, hatori checking in on his childhood friend if akito is really what he wants, etc etc--so maybe we can think of the regret in his words being more aimed at the underlying question: “what would life be like if i [shigure] never desired her”
-as the author has been building up her characters, has she hinted at bits of shigure’s personality that would warrant an interest in tohru? no, we have seen through the characters’ various antics that shigure is naturally the goofy teasing family figure who also has a stoic caring side for kyo, yuki, and tohru. so what do we know about shigure then? i’ll cut out a lot of things but we do know that shigure is the type to brood on his own about his aspirations. he’s had deep convos with his best bud hatori about his feelings and his underhanded means. we’ve also seen his dedicated love (there are many words to describe his feelings but this it the most general one) to akito, and can guess that it would be odd for him to suddenly throw away his long-term goals.
i’m trying to walk you through my own approach on things anon but truthfully your ask this time is more focused on semantics since you can only read so much from a single line of dialogue in these circumstances (takuya doesn’t pull tricks with dialogue and isn’t a complex writer).
again if there’s still any confusion, always feel free to send in an ask!
happy furuba consuming!
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cchellacat · 6 years
It’s Not A Cuddle
Love All The Marvel Ships Challenge 
Day Two ~ Cuddling
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“Barnes, are you cuddling me?”
“Barnes, it feels like a cuddle.”
“I’m not cuddling you Lewis.”  It’s petulant and makes Darcy want to snigger so hard.  She can hear the pout even if she can’t see it.  Currently her face is smushed into his right peck and the his arm is banded so tightly round her shoulder she can’t turn her head.
“Then what, pray tell, do you call this new action of holding me like a koala on a branch?”
“…  Pre-emptive, aggressive, self-preservation?”
What the actual fuck?
“Barnes, did Sam do the thing again?”
“He did the thing again.”  Darcy sighs into his shoulder and refrains from inhaling his scent, which is fucking hard because the man smells like heaven.  So, she stands and lets him cling to her like a limpet and pets his back gently, while plotting the best way to convince Clint to help her with some Nair, glitter and disappearing every scrap of towel or clothing from the gym changing room.
 “Barnes, are we cuddling again?”
“S’not a cuddle Lewis.”
“I’m in your lap…”
“You’re holding me like a vice, how is this not a cuddle?”  her voice climbs a little higher, because really?
“Don’t want you falling off when you fall asleep.”  Wait… what?
“You’re anticipating help isn’t coming for so long I’ll have to sleep?”
“Sorry doll, you’re stuck with me for at least the next 36 hours.”  He sounds grumpy and strained but she knows he’s being all self depreciating, but that sort of shit isn’t gonna fly.
“S’not so bad.”  She tells him shyly.
Was that hope in his tone she wonders?
“Yeah… I’m just gonna… not cuddle you right back.”  
She slips her arms around his waist and clings, because damn it they are stuck half way up a cliff, with a sheer drop to the ocean below and it’s cold enough to freeze the tits off a penguin.  Thank god for super soldier serum, Sergeant “this is not a cuddle” Barnes, ran hot enough to keep her from getting hypothermia and she wasn’t going to complain about him holding her close and sniffing her hair every so often. She wriggled a little closer and stifled a giggle when he grunted and tried to shift under her, keeping himself from poking her.
“That a gun in your pocket Sarge?”
“… shut it, Lewis.”  She hears the smile in his voice and presses her nose into his chest to keep warm.
“This is becoming a habit.” She sighs as she holds onto his shoulders, her face pressed into his neck.
If she tries hard enough, she can almost imagine his voice insisting that it’s not a cuddle.  But Barnes isn’t here right now.  It’s the Winter Soldier that’s set up shop in her erstwhile crushes brain.
He’d lifted her up into his arms as soon as he entered the common room, her feet clearing the floor by a good six inches, then he’d hiked her up further with a hand under her thigh until she was practically sitting on his hip like a toddler.  It seemed sensible to wrap her legs around his hips at that point as he was quickly moving from the room at a half jog.  
Now they’re holed up in a safe room and he still hasn’t let her down.  
She’s not scared, in fact she’s pretty sure he’s the one that’s worried.  It felt like he thought he was being chased when he turned up and whisked her away.
Eventually, after hours he finally sits down, still holding her close and he cuddles into her and tucks his head into her neck.  Darcy feels like her heart grows three sizes.  Then she narrows her eyes.  She’s gonna fuck Sam up so hard for this, he was always winding Barnes up till he snapped. It had went too far this time.  If there was not a legit threat on the other side of that door and she finds out he caused this she is going to Fuck. Him. Up.
Darcy humms a little and runs her fingers through his hair.  Eventually he lifts his head and looks at her.
“Are you cuddling me Lewis?”
“It’s not a cuddle Barnes.”
“You’re wrapped round me like a possum Lewis.”
“You kidnapped me, I just clung on for the ride.”  She doesn’t stop carding her hand through his hair and he rests his head back on her shoulder.
“S’not a cuddle Lewis.” He agrees.
“Darn tootin.”  She grins as he tightens his arms round her.
Four hours earlier
“This means war Lewis, you hear me, you’re a dead woman, I’m gonna strangle you with that fluffly monstrosity you call a scarf.”  
Sam come’s running down the hall, screaming at the top of his lungs, yelling threats.  He’s naked as the day he was born and there is not a single hair on his body.  His skin sparkles with bright neon orange glitter.  
He stops dead when he runs into Barnes and stutters to a halt.  He sees the switch over from Bucky to Winter Soldier and then takes off in the opposite direction.  
The Winter Soldier is on a mission.  Protect Lewis.  She is important to the maintenance of the soldier.  She gives the best cuddles.
  It’s been two weeks since the Winter Soldier locked them in a safe room for six hours and Darcy has made headway in operation obliterate that bird brain Falcon.  Currently he’s found himself locked out of the Tower on five occasion, his security badges stopping working at the worst moments.  Darcy has Jarvis alert her whenever there is a good show to be had.
She’s in the kitchen pulling out a cherry pie when Jarvis alerts her that the latest inconvenience, she’s organised for Sam Wilson is about to begin.
“Right on time.”  She cackles manically.
“Right on time for what?” Barnes pipes up from behind her. Darcy just smirks and invites him to sit on the couch with her as Jarvis brings up the security feed for the private elevator.
She places the pie down and grabs two forks, handing one to Barnes as Sam steps inside the elevator, he keys in his security code and then uses the badge to confirm his authorization.
Barnes frowns and absently scoops up a bite of pie.
Darcy hold her breath, she’s heard rumours, nothing concrete, but she’s hoping that Tony really wasn’t joking about his security measures.
On the screen the elevator climbs half way up the tower before a warning alarm blares through the small confines of the box.  Darcy grins as Barnes’s lip twitch in appreciation of the way Falcon jumps and clamps his hands over his ears, swiping ineffectually at the security panel with his badge.  Then a klaxon sounds and Darcy feels the thrill of Saturday morning high jinks, as the bottom of the elevator opens and drops Sam down a chute that, damn, Tony had camera’s positioned all along.  The man is a genius!
A choked snort comes from Barnes as he coughs and swallows the pie.  Then he begins to grin as Sam screams, flying down the chute like a rocket. Darcy grips her knees and bites her lip hard, tears welling in her eyes, oh this is going to be so good.  And it is.  It’s everything she hoped for and more.
The rumours were true, the elevator was the one-way ticket to vat of slime for any unauthorised parties entering the private elevator.
Sam’s arms spun wildly as he was dropped ten feet above the open vat, clawing desperately at the air as he fell and landed right into the bright red goo.
The loud breathless laugh that escapes Barnes’ chest is the most beautiful sound she’s ever heard.  He laughs until he cry’s and she joins him.
Then it’s like she’s lighter than air and he’s scooping her up in his arms and twirling her before sitting back down, Darcy now firmly ensconced on his knee.  He pulls her in and presses a kiss to her cheek.
“Thank you, Darcy, that’s the best thing I ever saw.”
“My pleasure.” She assures him with bright smile.
He settles back and she falls with him and he doesn’t let go.
“Call me Bucky, Doll.”
“Bucky…  what are we doing?”
“What does it look like Doll?  We’re cuddling.”
“Cuddling, huh?”
“Yup.”  He presses a kiss into her hair and she snuggles into his welcome arms.  Cuddling, yup, she could get used to this.
“I like cuddles.”  She breaths out as his arms tighten and his hand strokes down her back settles in the curve of her waist.
“I know.”  He raises a brown and she finds herself shaking into his chest as she laughs.
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