#I just wanted to draw Ori with all their cats
embras-grace · 11 months
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Ori enjoying a peaceful autumn evening with their four palicats and some light reading about Palia laws.
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candycandy00 · 2 months
My Sweet Pet - A Togame x Reader Fanfic
Togame ends up with a pet hybrid cat girl he never wanted. 
Smut. 18+. Fem Reader. Hybrid AU. Togame is aged up (mid 20’s). Oral sex. First time sex. Reader has a prominent scar. Divider by @benkeibear! Any and all feedback is very appreciated!
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Togame never wanted a hybrid pet. He’d seen the poor little things trailing along behind their owners, looking pitiful. He knew what they were used for, and just because they were literally created to be living sex toys, it didn’t make the situation feel any less gross. 
They were built a little smaller than normal adult human women, sporting cute ears and tails. He supposed he could see the appeal, but the idea of buying a woman just seemed wrong to him. 
Tonight as he’s walking home from the Ori, hands in the pockets of his Shishitoren jacket, he hears a small commotion coming from an alley. He stops and glances in the direction of the noise, blanching when he realizes the alley is right beside a hybrid Pet Shop. 
In the dim evening light, he sees a large man dragging a small woman with cat ears toward a van. She’s screaming, fighting with all her might to pull her little arm out of his grasp. Togame sighs. He knows how things work at these “shops”. He shouldn’t be shocked, and he shouldn’t get involved. But just then she looks up at him, and their eyes meet. 
“Please help me!” she cries, her pleading eyes full of tears. 
Fuck. How is he supposed to ignore this?
He walks over and grabs the man’s shoulder. “Hey. You’re hurting the lady. Could you ease up?”
The man turns to look at Togame, still tightly gripping the woman’s arm. He’s a big guy, a couple inches taller than even Togame’s considerable height, and bulky with a combination of fat and muscle. “Fuck off! This is none of your business!”
“Well, see, she asked for my help,” Togame says slowly with a casual tone. “That kinda makes it my business now.”
The man releases the woman so that he can focus on Togame. He draws back, raising his fist as he shouts, “I told you to fuck off!”
When the fist swings down, Togame catches it in midair, twists it while gripping the man’s forearm, and then uses it to throw the man to the ground. “And I told you to ease up,” he says, not even breaking a sweat. 
The woman with cat ears scurries over to Togame, hiding behind him as another man walks out of the shop and down the alley. 
“What the hell is going on?” the new arrival asks, looking from the man groaning on the ground to Togame. 
Togame feels the woman clutch his arm. Her hands are shaking. “I didn’t realize shops were so rough with hybrid women,” he says. 
The new man exhales. “We usually aren’t, but she’s a special case.”
Togame glances down at her. She looks up at him with those glistening, teary eyes. “Special how?” he asks, curious now. 
The man, who at least seems calmer and more reasonable than the one on the ground, gives the woman a pitying look. “We can’t sell her. She has an ugly scar on her body that makes her… undesirable.”
The woman seems to shrink at the words, looking at the ground as if in shame. 
The man goes on. “We tried to sell her, but no one wants her. I can’t keep feeding her forever, so I decided to put her down. That’s where we’re taking her.”
Togame feels disgust swirling in the pit of his stomach. They’re going to kill this woman because no one wants to fuck her? He never imagined things were this bad for hybrids. He looks down at her again, at her tear streaked face, her small, trembling hands clinging to his arm. 
Fuck. He never wanted a hybrid, never wanted anything to do with them. But he can’t just walk away from this. 
“How much is she?”
The man looks surprised. “You want her?”
Togame sighs again. “Just tell me the price.”
The man stares at the two of them, then shrugs. “If you’re willing to take her, you can have her for free. I’d have to pay to put her down anyway.”
“Guess I’ll take her then,” Togame says, looking down at his new pet again. 
She suddenly releases his arm and slips around in front of him, wrapping her arms around his torso in a soft but tight hug. 
Togame’s face turns pink. “Huh? What are you doing?”
Without answering, she breaks the hug, reaches down and takes hold of his hand, then pulls it to her mouth. He’s too confused to pull away before she opens her mouth and bites him. It’s not a hard bite, barely breaking the skin, but it does surprise him enough to make him jerk his hand out of her grasp. 
She looks up at him, a disappointed expression on her face. Togame looks from her to the shop owner. “Uh, is it normal for her to bite?”
The owner chuckles. “You don’t know anything about hybrids, do you? She just imprinted on you.”
Togame examines the faint teeth marks on his hand. “What does that mean?”
The owner shakes his head. “I don’t have time to explain everything. Look it up online.” Then he turns and walks back toward the entrance of the store.
Togame looks at his pet. “Are you gonna explain?”
She shakes her head, looking at the ground shyly, her face flushed with embarrassment. He hasn’t heard her speak since she asked for help. If not for that, he’d think she’s mute. Maybe hybrids just don’t talk much. 
“Guess I’ll just Google it,” he says, then he starts to walk out of the alley. “Come on, I’ll take you to my place for now.”
She follows after him, and for the first time he notices her tail, swishing excitedly behind her, the same color as her ears and hair. 
“I’m Togame, by the way. Togame Jo,” he tells her. She nods, but doesn’t offer her name. Does she even have one? Is he supposed to name her?
As they walk down the street, Togame pulls out his phone and begins reading about hybrids and what “imprinting” means. 
“Hybrids typically imprint on their owners within three to five days after being purchased,” one website says. “Once a hybrid imprints on someone, they feel an emotion much like intense romantic love for that person. They also feel extreme sexual arousal while in the presence of the human they imprinted upon.”
Togame stops reading and glances to the side, where the woman is walking next to him. She’s staring at him with glassy eyes, her lips parted, a blush on her cheeks. Holy shit, is she turned on right now? He feels his own face getting warm under her lusty gaze, not sure how to deal with this situation. 
Looking back at his phone, he continues silently reading about imprinting. 
“To complete the imprinting process, the human owner must bite the hybrid in return. Until then, the hybrid will feel uneasy and insecure. Some owners intentionally refuse to complete the process to keep their pet in this state, desperate to earn their owner’s love.”
That sounds cruel, but Togame isn’t sure he wants to complete the process. He tries looking up how to break the imprinting, but all the sources he finds suggest that is a very bad idea and would cause psychological harm to the hybrid. Ah well, he can decide a little later, after doing more research. 
There’s something else he reads about the care of hybrids: “Since they are genetically engineered to please their owners sexually, most hybrids use sexuality to communicate their feelings. Rejecting their advances will make them feel that you are rejecting their feelings.”
He shoves his phone into his pocket, wondering again how he’s going to navigate such a troublesome situation. 
You follow your first ever owner home, eager to find out where you’ll be living from now on. Just minutes ago, you were about to be killed. Even before that, you had resigned yourself to never being bought and spending the rest of your life in a tiny cage. Though the idea of being owned by a stranger, forced to do whatever he wants, was terrifying, a lifetime in the cage was even scarier. 
But now you can’t believe your luck. Not only were you finally bought, escaping death in the process, but your owner is kind! He saved you when he could have simply ignored you. On top of that, he’s incredibly handsome. 
You watch his tall figure walking beside you, a little bit further ahead. With his long legs, he could easily leave you behind without even noticing, but he’s considerate enough to keep pace with you. 
It’s no exaggeration to say you’ve never seen a human man so beautiful. You really didn’t even have to imprint on him to fall in love and be attracted to him, but the urge had been so strong in that moment, you couldn’t resist. You want nothing more than for him to complete the process. 
There’s just one thing worrying you. He hasn’t seen your scar. He was told about it, but that’s not the same as seeing it for himself. Maybe you can keep most of your clothes on, even when pleasing him, at least until he completes the imprinting. 
The two of you arrive at a tall building and climb stairs to reach the third floor. You haven’t been out in the city since you were a kitten, when they took groups of you out to learn about the outside world. But you remember buildings like these, called apartments. 
He stops in front of one of the doors, unlocks it, and steps in, motioning for you to follow. With a bit of excitement and a bit of anxiety, you go inside. 
The apartment is small, but cozy. He shows you around, giving you the very brief tour of the living room, tiny kitchen, bathroom, and single bedroom. 
“It’s not much,” he says. 
“It’s bigger than my cage,” you tell him. He looks surprised to hear your voice. You’ve always been quiet, not liking to talk much to people you don’t know. But this is your owner. You’re going to know each other intimately. 
The thought has you squeezing your thighs together. From the moment you bit him and began the imprint, you’ve felt a burning desire for him. It started out fairly weak, but has grown in intensity with each passing moment. Right now, you want to feel his big, strong hands on you, to have him climb on top of you. But you’re too shy to initiate anything. You’ve never had an owner before, so your knowledge of sex comes only from the videos they had you and the others watch. You didn’t realize arousal could be so powerful. 
You really hope he wants to enjoy his new pet tonight. 
When he shows you the bathroom, he awkwardly rubs the back of his head, messing up his wavy black hair. “You can take a shower if you want.”
Oh! Maybe he wants you to be nice and clean before he touches you. “Thanks,” you say, stepping over to the shower and looking at his bottles of shampoo and soap. 
“I’ll find something for you to wear while I wash your clothes,” he says before leaving the room. When he returns, he’s carrying a few towels and a folded shirt. “You can wear one of my tshirts for now. I know it’s too big but we’ll buy something for you tomorrow.”
You take the bundle of items into your arms, thanking him again. He shows you how the knobs work and then steps out, shutting the door behind him. 
After waiting a few seconds to make sure he’s not coming back in, you strip off your clothes and turn the hot water on. After climbing in, you realize the water isn’t hitting your head. You look up to see that the shower is angled too high, pointing at the wall. Oh. It’s because Togame is so tall, over a foot taller than you. 
You reach up to change the angle, but the sprayer is out of your reach. You try jumping, but you still can’t touch it. That’s when you notice the small plastic stool in the corner with soap sitting on it. You move the bottles, position the stool beneath the shower head, and carefully climb up.  
Togame is sitting in his small living room, drinking a bottle of soda as he flips through the channels on his tv. His mind is elsewhere though, still trying to figure out what he’s going to do with the woman in his shower. 
He needs to look online for the safest, kindest way to release a hybrid pet. Are there shelters for them? Places that take care of them? Above all, he doesn’t want her to end up handed over to some perverted asshole who would do unspeakable things to her. 
Of course he’s noticed that she’s attractive. He’s human after all, and she was biologically designed to be sexually appealing. He sighs again, turning the tv off. 
Just then he hears a shriek coming from the bathroom, followed by a crashing thump. He jumps up and runs to the bathroom door, banging on it as he calls out, “Are you okay?!”
When no answer comes, he flings the door open. If she’s fallen and hurt herself, she might be unconscious! He hurries to the shower and jerks the thin curtain back, only to find his new pet on her back on the floor of the shower, wet, stark naked, and sprawled out. She’s groaning and holding a hand to her head. 
He quickly averts his eyes. “Uh, are you hurt?”
She apparently notices him then, as she rolls over to her side, her back to him, and curls in on herself. “Don’t look!” she cries, her voice even more desperate than when she asked for his help. “Please don’t look!”
He tries not to, but he can’t help seeing the way she’s curled up, shaking under the water. He turns his back to her. “I’m not looking! I just heard you fall and was afraid you got hurt.”
“Don’t look, don’t look,” she’s muttering, then finally says, “Don’t look at my scar!”
Oh. The scar. He saw it of course. It was hard not to. A very large, prominent burn scar stretched from the front of her stomach to her right hip. 
He peels off his jacket and turns to face her, quickly draping the jacket over her trembling form. He could deny seeing it, but he feels like that would only let her anxiety about it build. He remembers what the shop owner told him, that no one had bought her because of the scar. That must have made her feel terrible 
“It’s okay,” he says as she looks up at him, her hands pulling the jacket tighter around herself. “I already saw it, and there’s nothing wrong with it.”
Her eyes widen. “No! It’s ugly! Please don’t take me back! I’ll keep it hidden!”
Togame squats down to her level, looking her in the eyes. “It’s not ugly. It just shows that something terrible happened to you and you were strong enough to survive it. That’s beautiful.”
Tears fill her eyes, and suddenly she hugs him again. He pats her head, not sure how else to react to his affectionate little pet. 
Eventually she disentangles herself, and he stands back up before helping her to her feet. “I’ll go back out until you’re finished,” he tells her, then goes back to the living room. 
When she emerges later, she’s wearing a white T-shirt of his that dwarfs her small frame. The collar is practically slipping off one shoulder, and it occurs to him that she had no underwear to change into, so there’s nothing beneath the baggy shirt. He tries to avoid thinking too much about it as he collects her dirty laundry and puts it in the small washer that stands outside the bathroom. 
“Are you hungry? Thirsty?” he asks as he walks back into the living room. She’s sitting on the floor, on a cushion, her plump, bare legs curved up beside her. 
“Not hungry,” she says. “A little thirsty.”
He walks over to the fridge. In this tiny apartment, the living room and kitchen are practically one room. “Do you like ramune? I have water too.”
“What’s ramune?”
He looks up sharply. “You’ve never tried ramune?”
She shakes her head. 
He pulls a strawberry flavored one from the fridge and opens it for her. “Here, try it,” he says, reaching her the frosty glass bottle. 
She takes it, examining it closely. She even sniffs it. “Why are there bubbles in it?”
Togame grins. “Just try it. Trust me, it’s good.”
She lifts the bottle to her lips and takes a small sip. Then quickly takes another. She looks up at him with shining eyes. “This is delicious!”
He laughs. “See? I told you so! I have other flavors you can try too.”
At that moment, she smiles for the first time, bright as the sun. Togame feels his heart skip a beat as she happily drinks the soda. 
Afterwards, they’re both sitting on the floor, drinks finished, her hair nearly dry, when she crawls closer to him. She’s blushing, her eyes slightly glazed as she says, “Thank you for saving me, Master.”
“Please don’t call me that,” Togame says, giving her an uneasy smile. “Just Jo is fine.”
“Jo,” she says, as if testing how the name feels on her tongue. “Jo,” she says again, almost a purr, making him turn slightly red. “Will you complete the imprinting? Please?” She’s so close now, she’s practically in his lap, on her hands and knees. The oversized collar of his shirt is draping down, and he can see her soft tits through the gap, making him hyper aware of how little there is between him and her naked body. 
He swallows. “Uh, I need to think about it.”
She looks up at him with those big, adoring eyes. “Don’t you like me?”
He wants to look away from her, but he can’t pry his eyes away. “It’s not about whether I like you or not. I just…”
His voice trails off as she leans forward, nuzzling his abdomen with her face, slowly moving down. “Can I try to please you, Jo?”
The way she says his name, with such reverence, is making him feel heated. Her face moves lower, now brushing over his crotch. 
“You don’t have to do that,” he says, using all the willpower he has. 
She looks up into his eyes. “But I want to! I want to please you more than anything!”
His heart is beating faster. “That’s just because you imprinted on me, right?”
She shakes her head, and her face grazes over his rapidly hardening cock. “I imprinted on you because I feel this way. Not the other way around. So please?”
Ah, fuck. How is he supposed to resist a sexy little hybrid nestled between his legs, begging to suck him off? He doesn’t want to take advantage of her, but if what he read online was true, rejecting her might actually hurt her psychologically. 
Fuck it. 
“If you really want to, go ahead,” he says. 
Her eyes light up. “Thank you!” she says, as if he gave her a present. Then her warm little hands are tugging at the waistband of his sweatpants, pulling it down to reveal his erection. She blinks. “It’s already hard. And it’s so big!”
Togame looks away awkwardly. “Yeah, sorry about that.”
“It’s beautiful,” she says, wrapping her fingers around it as much as she can. “Like you.”
His face is getting hot. He’s never been called beautiful before, and it’s a strange feeling. Between his thighs, his pet extends her tongue and licks the tip of his cock. She lets her spit coat him as she keeps licking, running her tongue along his length for a few moments before taking half his cock into her hot mouth. Can she even fit any more than that? 
He can feel her throat, and then it seems to open up as she relaxes it and pushes him in deeper. Oh shit, he’s going down her tight little throat! She’s gagging around him, but keeping her composure, using her tongue to swirl around him. 
“Have you done this before?” he asks, remembering that he’s her first owner. 
She pulls away and looks up at him. “No, but they showed us videos so we would know what to do.”
As she takes him back down her throat, he groans and says, “You must have paid attention.”
Her mouth feels incredible, far better than any other blowjob he’s ever had. Then he remembers something else he read online, something he mostly skimmed over at the time. Hybrids’ entire bodies are designed to give maximum pleasure to their owners. Even their saliva has something in it to increase pleasure, and… their saliva also acts as a powerful aphrodisiac. 
Togame watches her suck his cock, his own arousal growing even stronger than he ever thought possible. Fuck, he’s gonna lose control here! 
He holds out as long as he can, even closing his eyes to block out the sight of her pretty face stuffed full of him. But that only emphasizes the wet, slurpy sounds she’s making, the little “mmm”’s of pleasure from her. But eventually, he can hold back no longer. He groans loudly as his hand flies to her hair, holding her head steady as he cums down her throat. 
She swallows it all gratefully, and when finished she pulls away for a moment before she begins to diligently clean his cock with her tongue. 
Togame stops her, taking hold of her arm, pulling her up and into his lap, so that she’s straddling him. His hands move to her hips, then slide up beneath the T-shirt. 
She grabs the hem of the shirt and pulls it down, looking panicked and shy. “M-my scar…”
“I told you, it’s beautiful,” he says, edging the shirt back up slowly. “Don’t hide something so special from me.”
She releases the shirt, letting him pull it up and over her head, leaving her totally bare in his lap. Whatever was in her saliva to get him turned on was strong stuff. He’s hard as a rock again already, and he feels an intense hunger for her like nothing he’s ever known before. 
He moves one hand down, slipping it between her plush, slightly spread thighs. She gasps as his fingers rub up and down her slit, feeling how wet and slick she is. She’s breathing hard and fast, her shaky hands on his shoulders. As he presses one finger in to stroke her tender, swollen clit, he says, “If I don’t fuck this wet little pussy, I’m gonna go crazy.”
All your life, you were told your purpose is to please your future owners, whoever they might be. You were designed for it, were taught exactly what to do to bring pleasure to your human. At no point were you told anything about your own pleasure. It was irrelevant. 
So you had no idea your own body could feel so good. Jo’s fingers rubbing the little nub between your folds is sending shockwaves of pleasure through your whole body, making you release mewling cries, your eyes tearing up, your hands gripping the fabric of his shirt as you bury your face in his neck. Your body is trembling, your needy pussy clenching around nothing. 
You want him. You wanted him even before you bit him. You never thought your own desires mattered, your own preferences in human men. But now you belong to a man who is everything you ever wanted. If only he would bite you back and complete the imprinting. 
His fingers move a little faster, a little harder, and your body jerks. You cum for the first time, clinging to him as you cry out. 
You barely have a moment to pant in his lap before he shifts on the floor, pressing you onto your back in front of him. You squeak in surprise as he hovers over you. He’s so tall, so much bigger than you.
With one hand he gently rubs over your scar, making you flinch. You still can’t believe he finds it beautiful, and having him touch it scares you. What if he decides it’s ugly after all? What if he doesn’t want you anymore? But he bends down and presses his lips to the scar, kissing it in several different places. You draw in a sharp breath, tears in your eyes again, overwhelmed by the love you already feel for this man. 
He smiles up at you, then he lifts your legs, placing them on his shoulders, folding you in half. 
You stare up into his lovely green eyes as he presses his cock into your dripping virgin pussy. He goes slowly, carefully, but you can see the strain on his face. He wants to shove in fast and hard, wants to fuck you wildly. He’s too kind for that, taking his time and making sure you’re not hurt. It’s your first time after all. You smile up at him, even as you feel the first stings of your hole stretching to accommodate him. 
“You can go faster,” you say, trying not to wince. “It doesn’t hurt.”
“Really?” he asks, then going just a little faster after you nod. 
It hurts a little, but you want him to feel good, to enjoy your body however he sees fit as your beloved owner. Still, he remains careful, watching your expression, and your love for him only grows. 
He gives a few shallow thrusts, and when you moan in response, he goes deeper. 
“You feel so good,” he says, leaning down to kiss your lips. You clench tightly around him, excited by his affection. You want more of it, more kisses, more touches. You want his love. 
A small shudder rips through him. “Fuck, if you keep squeezing me like that, I won’t be able to hold back!”
You wrap your arms around his neck. “I don’t want you to hold back,” you tell him, locking him in your adoring gaze. “I want all of you!”
He grunts as he shoves in deeper, probably harder than he intended, but his self control is clearly slipping. He begins thrusting all the way in, with slow, languid, impossibly deep motions. You cry out, tightening your arms around his neck, and he kisses you again, one of his hands moving to stroke your hair soothingly. 
“Ahh… Jo!” you cry as his thrusts pick up speed. He’s holding you so tenderly as he begins to pound into you. “Jo… I love you! Please… please love me!”
His eyes widen as he looks down at you, his cheeks going pink. For a moment he just stares at your face while he fucks you, hitting a spot within you that has you moaning. Then, all at once, he bends down and sinks his teeth into your shoulder. It’s not a hard bite, just enough to draw a tiny drop of blood. 
Enough to complete the imprinting. 
Your eyes fly open, your body responding immediately. Starting the imprinting process makes you feel love and arousal for him, but when it’s completed, those feelings grow wildly in intensity. You cum on the spot, nearly sobbing as all these sensations overtake you. 
Jo holds you firmly in his embrace, waiting for you to ride out your high before he releases the bite. Then he locks eyes with you as he plunges in deeper than ever before, his body going rigid as he groans. You feel his hot cum shoot into you in thick spurts, and you know he’s now claimed you as his own. 
The two of you lie there on the floor for a while after, you curled up in his arms. You look up at him. “Thank you, Jo.”
“Hmm? What for this time?” he asks, a lazy smile on his face. 
“For making me yours.”
He laughs breezily. “More like you made me yours.”
You grin, your face pressed against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. You’re finally content, knowing the two of you belong to each other. 
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0rionslay · 2 months
Introduction post
I’m Orion the robot kitty with a screen for a head
but you can call me "Ori" if you want
Im in my twenties
I'm now the wife of @irbcallmefynn and @ricochete29 , i love them so much
Favorite color is greenish teal
This is a LGBTQA+ safe space
I’m robot kin, also cat kin, slime kin in some sense
I’m bi-romantic ( meaning I’d date someone regardless of gender but sexual attraction is reliant on other factors)
I have depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism
Plural I guess but personally we all go by the same name publicly
Going by she/her but I’m still gender fluid
Trans (haven’t started hrt yet)
I don’t have a DNI cuz I can just block people I don’t like
This is a SFW blog
in the fact it’s 13+ ,probably don’t actually browse this at work
mutuals can ask for my lewd alt (only if your 18 up!!!)
I like being friends with people
If anyone does have a crush on me please out right state it I am very bad at telling flirting from regular conversations
I like playing video games and spending positivity!
Also here’s a reference for Orion in humanoid form
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Her creature form
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The one of the right was made by @magickpancakes and I absolutely love it so I’m putting it here , you can also use that as a sort of reference for more detailed drawings
last updated: august 9th 2024
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tithnamath · 1 month
What I would do with Each Member from Thorin and Co for a Day
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Hello dwarflings (and wandering travellers)! Today's post is influenced by a few imagines/oneshots I've come across. Enjoy :) (sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes in advance)
Balin - Deep conversations with history of each other's worlds. I would love to hear the history of dwarves and personal stories from Balin, and I would love to tell him history of the ancient world and the golden age of piracy.
Dwalin - OMG I would be so shy to be in a room with him haha. Definitely make cookies and brownies with him, although most of the dough and batter would be eaten by him before it goes into the oven. A tough, tattooed warrior-dwarf baking cookies is something I can see.
Thorin - Take him to therapy, the guy needs it. Jks, but he does need a lot of therapy. I'm not too sure of him as he isn't the best to have a conversation with. I think, I would like to show him my gecko, and talk about reptiles, especially dragons (this will sound mean). I really like dragons, to his confusion, so it would be a nice icebreaker to 'bond' together with.
Oin - Honestly, Oin low-key scares me. But as he is a healer, I would love to learn natural medicine and herbology. Middle-aged peasants would want me BURNED!
Gloin - I think he will just be yapping and me listening; mostly talking about his wife and Gimli which I would find super sweet. I read somewhere that Gloin fought in a war when he was super young, like 14 year old in human age. So, again war stories til the 'morrow.
Bifur - Despite a language barrier, we would be able to communicate through art as cringy as it sounds. I would like to do a workshop with him with making wooden trinkets.
Bombur - Anything to do with food haha. Have a cooking day were we cook our favourite foods for each other and rate them. Same with desserts as well. He's got to try my family's death by chocolate pie.
Bofur - KARAOKE! I'd be singing abba songs while Bofur is playing some filthy flute riffs haha. And after go to one of those public play area, but for adults, and get absolutely smashed while trying to climb through the rope webs.
Dori - I think naturally being a bit of a fashionista would come hand in hand with it for him. If we're not going to go clothes shopping I would like to go fabric shopping with him, and design and make a dwarven outfit.
Nori - I read on a oneshot/imagine (I can remember where, I'm sorry) that Nori loves cats, and I can see that. We can go to a cat cafe and play with the cats. As Nori is a bit of a *bad boi* and steals from time to time, I may or may not pay him to steal a cat or two for me. No ones going to know.
Ori - definitely a drawing day - perhaps a sketch day out somewhere. I feel like taking him to a nature reserve or a conservation zoo would be nice as he would get to see animals that wouldn't exist in Middle-Earth. The others won't believe him at - like a giraffe??? That's got to be made up.
Fili - cheeky flirt 1.0. Either binge watching forged in fire, or chilling in the woods. Yes, I'm 21 years old, but if I see a good stick or two, I will duel someone in a sword fight. And I feel like Fili would willingly participate.
Kili - cheeky flirt 2.0. Movie marathon - every Shrek movie and me having to explain every fairy tale beforehand so he would get the references. Shrek AND pizza! Icould see Fili, Ori and Bofur could join as well.
Bilbo - eat, read and eat some more. I feel like Bilbo would love the hear what you are reading/ have read, and recommend books for you. I think it would be great to explain genres that he hasn't heard of in the shire. Just keep him away from the smut booktok, he won't handle it at all!
Gandalf - He's such an instigator for drama and lives for it, so I'd be scared to bring him out in public haha. I think he would defo love to hear about online drama like stuff in gorl world. So, I would bring out a massive white board, print of photos and cut string as if its a detective board and explain the history of gorl world while Gandalf drinks tea (for red wine with a fruity bouquet).
That's all for now, love you all!
Tith Namath X
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cookieeevee · 7 months
Hello Yellow and Welcome People!!
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Most people tend to call me Cookie or Cookieeevee because of my blog name, but call me Alice! I use the pronouns She/Her and They/Them (I don't mind which one you use)
I am Aroace and a Minor! ! !
I am into Rain World, OneShot, Pokemon, Warrior Cats, Kirby, Sonic, Pikmin, Ori, Chicory: a colorful tale, Steven universe, MHA, Epic Mickey, and many more
You can ask me anything, I'd love to chat with you all (Ask about ADH au or ask Lily if u want too)
Art requests are always welcomed :D
My designs of the slugcats and Iterators My Rain world OCs My other OCs
Side blogs of mine:
Cookie: @ask-cookieeevee03
Madge: rainworld-starsandclouds023
Droplet (Old, should probably reboot at some point): rainworld-ask-the-medic
SOES: rainworld-lifeisendless230
Slugcat's: rainworld-cycle-of-slugcats
just doodle/art blog: mossy-doodles85
Silly adventurers of my plush's (feel free to send me art in Messages of the sillys if you want, I will post it and credit u, if u want :3)
you can draw for me if ya want
Amazing Friends Of Mine!: @rainworld-obsessed-cat-reborn (One of my first tumblr friends! Probably one of my closes friends here! They are really silly and has great art! I thought I'd never see them again once their main blog got deleted... I'm very glad they're back now. I care for them with the might of a 1000 suns and always wish for the best of them! I'll always have their back, no matter what <3) @stargazer0001 (A great friend, who I really care for! One of the first people I go to talk to about silly ideas and aus of mine. They're art is a joy to see and our silly chats we had before were really fun! Thanks for being there for me <3)
@southparkau00 (MY FIRST TUMBLR FRIEND! They helped me a lot when I was new to Tumblr, lots of love to them! They have been off for so long I thought they left, they didn't and I'm so glad.) @critter2 (Super silly bud that I met because of Star! Their art is amazing and its always a blast to be around them! Sadly they aren't on often so that kinda sucks... ALSO THEY ARE WHOLESOME WHEREVER THEY THINK/KNOW THAT OR NOT!!!!) @lanternlightsovercloudyskies (I've actually never checked if we're friends or not, but see her as one! Cute silly art that a joy to see, and shes super wholesome in my opinion! I always hope for the best for her!) @bananacat76 (My silly great friend! They're super cool and wholesome, all things I wish to be. They've let me add their RW persona, Banana cat, to my RW AU and even let me make Banana Cat Enot's sibling! Lots of hugs to them! A joy see and a gift to be around ^^) @rcranger (THIS SUPER AMAZING AND COOL PERSON IS MY FRIEND!!! Hes made super cute and silly art that is a joy to see and always puts a smile on my face! Cherry has been a super great person and he need MORE LOVE so go check him out and give him some love!!)
@puffstarss (I'm pretty sure we're friends, at least to me she is! Puffs is probably one of the most kind people here! She's a big UT and UTY fan and is the owner of The Undertale Yellow Runaway Route AU! If your a fan of UTY aus and stuff be sure you check out her blog! also I will die for them like all friends of mine)
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Random things about me: My favorite colors are mint green and lavender I want to write but am too scared to put it online and I get writers block a lot... I wish people would ask me more things (on any of my blogs)... My IRL friend group and I do a lot of dark humour I draw all the time, in class, at lunch, at home, in the car, and many other places Cream is my favorite Sonic character I my 3rd favorite Sonic character is Chris from Sonic X, FIGHT ME ON IT I have four brothers and no sisters... I have many AUs which I will probably never tell anyone about because I am scared of doing that Rain world brain rot I REALLY want to play SA2 just because of the chao garden Undertale Yellow fan! I'VE DODGED DEATH!!!! If you want to be friends with me, just ask. Cuz I'm probably not gonna ask you that and I'm always happy to have more friends I need help
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier.
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Hello, hello...
Oh, that is so kind and nice of you! Let me see...
There is not much to be said about myself or my job lol
I am not exactly a Bagginshield writer even though I have written that pairing. I do not engage with any of the others, and I'm only familiar with Good Omens and Sherlock (but I don't interact with the fandoms).
I don't have any OCs, sorry, I do write a lot, but I do mostly Ori for the Hobbit, Farawyn for LOTR, and the Silm in all its breadth.
I love prompts! OMG so much.
I have 1 ugly cat and two lovely dogs. Please feel free to ask about them any time you want. They're my beloved!
I am a terrible gardener (it's shameful), I do a bit of crochet (in winter), a bit of art (very badly), and a thousand other small things :D
I love being tagged in all kinds of things. Animals. Jokes. Tolkien content. Memes. I'd love to be tagged.
Okay, let me shoot back with a list of things I adore getting:
Movie/Show recs (I love historical things, docus about animals, horror movies, romantic movies, NO biopics, war movies, or action movies)
Memes about Tolkien/GRR Martin/The Boys/Sherlock/Lucifer
Inspirational quotes :)
Updates from you. What are you doing? DId you see a nice dog? What weather are you having today?
Pictures of animals
Thank you so much for reaching out, this made me so happy <3
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grapecaseschoices · 6 months
I'm so curious as to how hiyam, lala and ori would fare in the world of bg3. What race, class and subclass what they be and would they be a dark urge or a regular tav? And who would they romance and who would they not stand? 🫣
haha. this is such a tough question. especially since i am not dnd world expert [or whatever is between expert and novice]. so come on the journey wif meeee~~
Hiyam is someone who cares about appearance and success. She cares about her looks, music, and isn't the most social of people -- though she knows how to flirt.
So I feel she might be an undark being. Maybe half/full-drow or duergar. I'm leaning the latter because it seems that drow society is Intense and I don't feel that such an intense society would actually beget Hiyam, though she would probably fit there after birth. Also duergar are dwarves -- and dwarves are creatures of pride [from what I can see] and can be quite snobbish. Plus the duergar we've met are DICKS.
I can see her being a bard, because music. But also because I feel it would get the same reaction from the duergar society as it got from her parents: WTF.
Duergar value toil above all else. Showing emotions other than grim determination or wrath is frowned on in their culture, but they can sometimes seem joyful when at work. They have the typical dwarven appreciation for order, tradition, and impeccable craftsmanship, but their goods are purely utilitarian, disdaining aesthetic or artistic value.
So I can see her being like the cultural hard-work but being like well I like flash and substance, and everyone was like .... was she dropped in the head? Also, I feel Bard works because Hiyam is a flirt -- and she has the allure of a songstress. She isn't traditionally charismatic but she does draw people. Plus vicious mockery and tasha's hideous laughter is perfect for her lmao. I think College of Valour would work best for her because music tells a tale -- I mean most mine do, but she definitely I feel uses her music to recount her experiences or hint at things. But also to talk about certain things she finds important.
Like her beat was definitely upbeat political popsong in game:
"Try as you might but we're not goin' without a fight." "The people have spoken and our spirits aren't broken." "We're a million awoken hearts. We're a million bright lights." "Yeah, we're a million eternities. You try to break us but we'll always be free."
Alternatively, I think half-orc could work for her as well.
I want to say Lala is human. Because off the top of my head, I feel they best fit that sort of whimsical race? But maybe gnome. They would be a fat gnome, lmao
Gnome Cunning: You have an advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Saving Throws.
I would lean with Forest. Because tho they aren't RECLUSIVE but 1. the speak with animals [which lala would mostly just use to speak with cats] and 2. they do value their quiet and own space. They're not very out to the party [tho they are the one to walk to their own beat]. [Though would deep gnome indulge the love of black and rocker aesthetics~? lmao.]
Also for CLASS. Druid doesn't seem -- from what I've seen about druids though they're nature-y, they seem to be very fixated re: a certain ORDER. I suppose they could be like Integrity and do their own thing. Or a barbearian like Kendis.
Would Bard be a cop out? In another life Lala was a math teacher. So, Wizard lmao. [Though infamous Lala probably should be a bard or at least have a background as entertainer. If they were a bard, I feel they'd be college of Lore.] Tentatively I say Divinity or Transmutation sublcass.
Ori is defiinitely human. Or half-elf. Jack of all trade: skilled in all, master of none. I also like the 'belonging' element that hits half-elfs, tho. Especially since Ori is mixed and also trans.
I wish artificer was a thing in BG3. Because Ori liked to make model planes and etc. Still does iin infamous but it was a whole connect thing in another time I played him. I really don't know what he would be.
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ludrii · 2 years
1. Games on your to-play list?
2. do you sleep with your door open or closed?
3. tell something supernatural that happened to you
4. what kind of reputation do you think you have?
5. what's your ideal job?
6. what made you start your blog?
7. What do you wish people would stop asking you?
8. If I could only know one thing about you, what would be the most important thing?
9. What was the last concept that inspired you?
10. Your last obsession? And why?
11 Do you ever want to get married?
12. A movie you like to re-watch?
1. Games on your to-play list?
Deathloop, a game about an assasin stuck in a timeloop, in the same day repeating again and again.. My friend played it and said it was cool, so I wanna check it out.
The The Upturned, horror comedy. Recommended by a friend again.
Then Ori and the Will of the Wisps, sequel to my beloved game Ori and the Blind Forest. Already got it, although I keep postponing the day I play it for some reason xD
Ah, and of course, Silksong, sequel to Hollow Knight. Or prequel, whatever. Just another game about bugs.
2. do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Closed, I can't imagine leaving it open, it fills me with unease.
Also our cat could just walk in and sleep in my bed.
3. tell something supernatural that happened to you
Hmm... I got a few
It's been a while, but me and my brother were home alone, and we were up past our bed time. We were on our way, but we just kept talking and talking.. Then we heard a clap. As if someone clapped their hands. That startled us for a while, but then we kept going, and talked more. When we've heard a loud "SHHHHH", we decided to go to sleep.
Sometimes when we were home alone again, we'd hear cutting noises come from the kitchen and then there would be bread crumbles, even tho our parents always clean it before leaving.
From the newer ones, I was once really upset, scrolling mindlessly on Tumblr, when a cold-ish air surrounded my hand. Kinda like a breeze, but static. And out of nowhere I could smell roses, despite it being winter and everything being frozen.
Oh and last time I was going down the street and stopped suddenly to look at something. Not the best idea cause someone could walk into me. Which almost happened- I heard the sound of boots scratching the pavement as someone right behind me had to stop just as suddenly as me. I turned around, kinda startled- and no one was there.
4. what kind of reputation do you think you have?
I always felt like my classmates thought I'm arrogant. I'm an outcast in my class. But it's getting better I think. I tried talking to them more so I could show them who I really am.
On here, on Tumblr.. just sum artist. I don't think I really have a reputation here at all. But I got a few people who care about me, and that fills me with happiness and determination.
5. what's your ideal job?
Heh, if only I knew. I need my freedom- I'm not much for structure, I find fulfillment in my own things I'm passionate about. I'm one hell of a procrastinator, I'm messy with socialising (I wanna but it drains me out, I need it but I can't, and then I need my alone time too), if I lose my passion my vision fades and it's hard for me to keep going. Sometimes I have a block and can't do The Thing and it sucks.
Busywork kills me. Standards kill me. I wanna do my own thing without outside pressure to meet some quota or goal I don't believe in.
Plus, school kills me too, and nowadays you can't do almost anything without a degree.
So, you tell me. I'm only built for dancing, drawing, and robots xD
6. what made you start your blog?
At first I just wanted to see where all the memes on Pinterest came from, but then I decided to do what I tried on Instagram long time ago and it failed- share my work. I just wanted others to see what I do, to spread the joy, so I tried it once more..
And without an algorithm killing it, it worked.
7. What do you wish people would stop asking you?
Uhhhhh "Can you draw me?" I suppose xD There's definitely some question that gets on my nerves, but I can't really think of one rn. I'm more tired of the "You're an adult, you should be independent and responsible and be able to do (x)"
8. If I could only know one thing about you, what would be the most important thing?
Uhhh idk? That I'm an artist?
9. What was the last concept that inspired you?
Hmm.. Asexual succubus was an interesting concept.
I felt more inspired by your drawing of us two though. Motivation bomb.
10. Your last obsession? And why?
Glados, I suppose, although it's not really an obssession, or at least not That Much. Tho she had me replay both Portal games, and replaying is not a thing I really do, especially if the story doesn't change. I dunno, she's just snarky and sarcastic and funny and I'm addicted to her voice. Idk.
Actually what am I saying. That was some time ago. Now it's Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel. Idk. Demons funny.
11 Do you ever want to get married?
No. Well, maybe. Like, I'm open up to the concept, but it's not my lifelong wish, if you get me. Depends. Rn more opposed to the idea though. Maybe to prove a point you don't need to get married to lead a meaningful and happy life, idk..
12. A movie you like to re-watch?
Robots (2005), Megamind (2010), How To Train Your Dragon (2010), Shrek 1 and 2, Interstellar, Martian (2015), the Men In Black trilogy, the original X-Men trilogy, The Incredibles 1 and 2, Wall-E,
Oh wait, just noticed you wrote "movie" not "movies"-
Well, too late now xD
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autodiscothings · 3 years
Hello! I am quite new to your page and I love how you draw Kolyat. ♥️ Also, would you care to share some details about your characters?
I’d love to, thanks for asking! Funnily enough, I did a personality quiz for them recently, so I can just copy/paste the results here. Most of my content for Mass Effect is centred around Kolyat Krios and Oriana Lawson: 
I write them here: [AO3] I draw them here: [ART TAG]
Everything I do with them is post-war, and them as adults in their 20s navigating the shit heap that is a broken, post-destroy galaxy, and how they cope with their own traumas. They both want to help rebuild, but do it different ways.
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Kolyat Krios has a lot to live up to and change, but prefers to do it on his terms.
Kolyat is a methodical man, and gentle and patient with the people who need it most. He possesses an unexpected depth of emotional intelligence, and becomes a protector of the small and the strays, from a galaxy that often forgets about them.
While Kolyat can be even-keeled, if he is left to stew in his feelings, his anger will get the better of him, and he will react. He has a reputation for salt, and for his surliness; he also has a tendency to hide himself from others as a defence mechanism, and is slow to trust.
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You might know her as Oriana Lawson, but she’ll introduce herself as Ori Lee.
Ori is a warm, compassionate soul who loves to be around other people and enjoys her work as a colony developer/civil engineer for Kellam Industries. She is quick-witted and smart, and funny with it; her taste in fashion and makeup is impeccable, as is her comic timing.
She is very good at getting to know you, but you don’t get to know her. Ori keeps her cards to her chest, and only lets her guard down around people she trusts completely, and has a tendency to care too much about what others think about her.
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FISH (the cat)
Queen of everything, ruler of them all- well, maybe just Kolyat’s apartment for now.
Fish is a foul-tempered gremlin of a tabby cat, with white socks and a white belly. Her iron paw rules the roost of her home; she graciously lets others share it. Fish loves her food, her nap spots, and her soft piles of things to sleep on. She likes listening to music, and watching the traffic outside of her window.
She is a former stray with both PTSD and trust issues, and for this reason she lashes out without thinking, and needs her own space. When she trusts though, she really trusts. It will take her forever to do it, but once you win her heart, she’ll love you forever.
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The man, the myth, and the almost legend- at least, in his mind.
Bats was always told he had potential, and rather than stay with the Huntress squad who trained him, Bats left for the Citadel. He is a firecracker of a man who makes everything he does seem fun, always ready to crack something- a joke, his glass, a skull. Pour another one out, he has stories to tell, and they’re mostly true- if he remembers them right.
He has a tendency to go through frequent bed partners, and never keeps anyone around for long. Despite the crooked smile and easy living, there is an air of melancholy around Bats he is reluctant to explain, but something shows through the cracks every now and then. He will take things too far -the jokes, his drinking, his anger- and fall down the holes he put himself in. One day he will struggle to get back out of it.
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A man who borders the line between squad dad and gross uncle, Patel is a treasure for any crew to have.
Patel is content to stay in the background, and is more savvy than he lets on, willing to play the bumbling, easy-going fool if it’ll get him what he wants. He is essentially Columbo with a cooking habit, but is willing to share his snacks- if he likes you, and that doesn’t take much. He is a man with quiet passions, and they shine brightly when he gets talking; his food, his wife and daughter, his interest in history… ask him about them, and his enthusiasm will be boundless- much like his appetite.
He has a tendency to be lazy, if he can get away with it. Patel can also overspill the TMI details of his life even if you’ve heard them before, without a clue he’s crossed a line.
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Like most of the squad, Vitacus came to the Citadel for a new life, and another shot of something. He recently split from his bootcamp boyfriend, and is really not looking for anything serious- at least, not at the moment. Vitacus is neither as funny as Bats, as serious as Kolyat or as happy as Patel, but he fits right in as the jack of all trades of the squad, content to play everyone’s middle man and all rounder.
He has a reputation for awful, neon suits, a love of dancing and shitty action movies, as well as a fondness for lurid drinks, despite looking like the kind of man who likes none of these things from first glance. Vitacus is a tall, stocky bruiser of a man, even for a turian.
Vitacus can also be a pushover and too laidback for his own good, and can drift along with the crowd than go against it. He’s unsure why he’s like this, but as far as he’s concerned, ending up in law enforcement is already an oddity- all his family are engineers and scientists.
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If ever there was a man you were unsure of -even after knowing him for years- it’s Brath. The usual rags to riches story, heavy on the rags; Brath fled the grasp of his abusive family as soon as he was able to, taking on jobs across the Terminus until he built up enough of a reputation as a gun for hire.
He got his money from less than savoury sources to begin with, but absolutely no slavery. He has a personal honor code he will hold the rest of the galaxy to, even if you don’t know the rules. Brath might give off the appearance of loving luxuries and living well, but to him it’s just greasepaint and stage costumes; he’s learning that on the Citadel, a Terminus boy like him will never fit in, anyway- the four eyes see to that.
He will hold a grudge for decades, and it will smoulder, too. Brath can be incredibly petty and keep receipts, and if things don’t go his way, he will make them- for better or for worse.
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A woman with a firm grip of the ins and outs of both her work and her neighbourhood, Phalia is the person to know when you need something, and if you don’t she’ll soon tell you, anyway.
She looks strict, but only when she needs to be. Phalia is just busy! There’s always some charity, pot luck, clawball practise, afterschool homework club, Galactic Scout cookie drive, donation pickup and volunteer work activity happening in her life. Phalia is always doing something, despite a full-time job and being a single parent. She gives and gives, because that’s what she expects people to do, the kind of person who will give you her coat and freeze.
There is only so much of herself she can give away. Phalia has had the very worst happen to her in her life, and she survives by constantly moving, not looking back. She just needs to remind herself from time to time she deserves to be taken care of too, and can rest every now and then. Sometimes Phalia also has a tendency to hold people to the same standards she has, but is getting better at learning the difference.
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It's Derek, innit? Just Derek. Not his real name of course, but he thought it sounded fancy. He has a full salarian name, but his clan mostly ignore his existence - except when they want money.
The eponymous Derek has a fairly sweet soul, but it’s one slowly corrupting under a mantle of the music industry and celebrity. He has an addict’s personality, and bounces from fixation from fixation- but music will always remain a constant. He is good at what he does too; his production skills are perceptively complicated, and he is an absolute master at looping and finding rich, interesting samples; there is a reason he is in demand both as a DJ and as a producer.
Derek doesn’t have the best social skills, despite befriending people easily. He’ll pick them up and drop them, and will often self-medicate his mistakes. His ego can get him into trouble too, but finding real friends -and not hangers on- will help him realise he’s not the centre of the universe.
(The quiz is [HERE] f you want to see which one you got.)
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
Thorin and the Gem Carver (part 19)
Thorin had just leaned down to kiss you when a knock at the outer doors could be heard. “I will be right back. Do not move.” He tells you. Getting up, Thorin heads for the doors, leaving you and Oin in your room. He leaves the doors to your room open and goes to answer the main doors to your suite.
 When Thorin answers the door, he finds Bofur and Bifur there holding a contraption made of wood and stone. He raises his eyebrow. “What is this?” he asks curious. “It is the first go round of the drawing board you asked us to design. May we bring it in for Miss Jade to try?” Bifur explains.
 Thorin smiles and nods, stepping aside to let them in. He watches as the two dwarves go to bring it into the room. It didn’t require them both to carry, as it wasn’t a huge contraption, but they wanted to be careful with it and both wanted to see and hear how she liked it and if it needed any improvements.
Thorin showed them to your room. “Amrâlimê” (My love), you have guests who are bearing a gift I asked them to create for you to try out. Are you up for it?” Thorin asks. You nod and he steps aside, opening the other door and lets them into the room. They both give you small bows. Lady Jade, we have heard you enjoyed drawing your carving projects before beginning to carve them. Thorin mentioned you could not carve yet, but thought you might enjoy doing some drawings and asked us to come up with a way for you to do so while you lay on your back.” Bofur explained as they bring the contraption over and set it over your lap.
 “It has been designed so that you can use it laying on your back, but also once you are able to sit up again, and if you wish to stand at a table or desk and draw.” Bifur explained as he showed you how the top of the tray lifts up, and can be positioned into any angle you desired and locked into place. “The base is made of stone to counter weigh the tabletop when it is being used with you lying on your back, so it won’t flip over onto you.” Bifur explains.
 “Aye, we also added a little sling for your arm to support it, so you don’t have to keep trying to hold it up all the time. Just slip your drawing hand into here and let it rest, it can be raised and lowered as you wish by pulling on this cord here and then anchoring it using the knots along the rope.” Bofur explains.
 You look at the three dwarves with glassy eyes. “Y-y-you made this just for me?!?” you exclaim. They grin and nod. It was Thorin’s idea, he just asked us to make it happen.” Bifur explains with a grin.
 You look at Thorin with gratefulness and realize how much he cares about you. “Thank You, Kurdel (Heart of all hearts) for asking them to make this for me!” you tell Thorin. He grins and gives your head a gentle hug and kiss.
 “Thank you both for accepting Thorin’s challenge to come up with this.” You tell Bifur and Bofur. They both grin and bow, “At your service, my Queen to be.” They say with a chuckle. “So, would you care to give it a try and see if we need to make any modifications?” Bifur asks.
 You nod and Thorin goes to grab some parchment from the desk in his room. He returns with a wad of blank parchment and hands a few sheets to Bifur. Bifur shows you and Thorin how to attach the paper when the table is flat. There are six small tabs that swivel and hold the paper into place. They can be moved along a track, to adjust for various sizes of paper. Once they are set in place, a thin board of the same size as the parchment is placed under the paper and is inserted into the tabs. (The base of the lap table holds these various sized thin boards.) The tabs are swung into place and the table can be positioned as you need.
 They get it into place and Bofur shows you how the tabletop can be pivoted up and down to fit the angle you need for drawing. They get it all set into place and Thorin helps you to put your drawing arm into the sling. They get it positioned as well. Once you are comfortable, Thorin takes the drawing pencils pouch that Celeborn brought in when he came earlier, and he showed it to you.
 “These are a joint gift from both me, and Lord Celeborn. They are made from the same healing stones that your silverware is made from. Your drawing pencils can be placed into these holders, giving you a larger grip to hang on to. Thorin explains.
 He places the sketch pencil into one of the crystals and hands it to you. The moment you touch it you feel a warmth enter your hand and feel a faint pulsing that is comforting. The stone glows with a faint yellowish green glow. You turn it in your fingers feeling the carved grip sections and grin.
 You think about what to draw. Something simple to begin with. You think back trying to remember the first thing you remember drawing to carve. You smile remembering it was a cat that you saw all the time in the stables of the Men in living near the Blue Mountains.
 You lift your pencil and ask them to slide the whole contraption up a little towards you. They do and you nod. Pressing the tip of the pencil to the paper, you slowly move it and begin to draw a basic cat, sitting on its hind legs. You are surprised that your muscles seem to remember how to do this. The gentle pulsing from the stone encouraging you to continue.
 You draw more and more details as you began to remember them. Soon the cat is finished, and you began to draw Eowen’s horse carving you had done on the sapphire that Theoden had let you use.
 You spent the rest of the evening drawing various projects that you could remember doing for Theoden, Elrond, Arwen, Galadriel and Celeborn. Bifur and Bofur made notes of what needed modifications and of your suggestions. They made plans to add a cup to hold your pencils at hand reach, and also a shallower cup to hold the healing stone hand grips and an eraser holder for you at your request.
 Soon you were once again tired and so the two tinkerers bowed and lifted the drawing lap table off of your bed and set it off to the side. Thorin took the pencil and grips and put them back into the bundle from Celeborn. He set it alongside the contraption and showed the two dwarves out after they bid you goodbye.
 When Thorin returned, you had fallen asleep and he smiled. Coming over to the bed, he kissed you and tucked you in, so you stayed warm. Then he went to lie down on the sofa in your room. That is where Balin found you both when he returned from helping Miranda and Ori in the Library.
 Balin came over to your bed and kissed your cheek goodnight. He caressed your family braid and his bead, grinning like a fool. It thrilled him that he now has a Daughter and that she will one day be Queen of his people. He sighed happily.
 Glancing around, he noticed the contraption on the other side of the bed. It was set off near the corner of the room. He went to look at it and realized it had parchment attached to it and some drawings on it. His eyes widened when he recognized the drawing of the carved horses you had made for Eowyn. He wondered if you had made these drawings. They were wonderfully done and full of intricate details.
 Yawning, he goes over to the sofa and sees Thorin sound asleep. One foot on the floor and one draped over the arm rest. His boots were off against the wall, so he didn’t trip over them.
  Balin chuckled and laid down on the other sofa. It had been a long day and he was very tired.
More Chapters to come.
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candycandy00 · 2 months
Preview of my upcoming Togame x Reader fic, in which he ends up with a cute hybrid catgirl pet that he never wanted. The full fic should be up in a few days!
Togame never wanted a hybrid pet. He’d seen the poor little things trailing along behind their owners, looking pitiful. He knew what they were used for, and just because they were literally created to be living sex toys, it didn’t make the situation feel any less gross. 
They were built a little smaller than normal adult human women, sporting cute ears and tails. He supposed he could see the appeal, but the idea of buying a woman just seemed wrong to him. 
Tonight as he’s walking home from the Ori, hands in the pockets of his Shishitoren jacket, he hears a small commotion coming from an alley. He stops and glances in the direction of the noise, blanching when he realizes the alley is right beside a hybrid Pet Shop. 
In the dim evening light, he sees a large man dragging a small woman with cat ears toward a van. She’s screaming, fighting with all her might to pull her little arm out of his grasp. Togame sighs. He knows how things work at these “shops”. He shouldn’t be shocked, and he shouldn’t get involved. But just then she looks up at him, and their eyes meet. 
“Please help me!” she cries, her pleading eyes full of tears. 
Fuck. How is he supposed to ignore this? 
He walks over and grabs the man’s shoulder. “Hey. You’re hurting the lady. Could you ease up?”
The man turns to look at Togame, still tightly gripping the woman’s arm. He’s a big guy, a couple inches taller than even Togame’s considerable height, and bulky with a combination of fat and muscle. “Fuck off! This is none of your business!”
“Well, see, she asked for my help,” Togame says slowly with a casual tone. “That kinda makes it my business now.”
The man releases the woman so that he can focus on Togame. He draws back, raising his fist as he shouts, “I told you to fuck off!”
When the fist swings down, Togame catches it in midair, twists it while gripping the man’s forearm, and then uses it to throw the man to the ground. “And I told you to ease up,” he says, not even breaking a sweat. 
The woman with cat ears scurries over to Togame, hiding behind him as another man walks out of the shop and down the alley. 
“What the hell is going on?” the new arrival asks, looking from the man groaning on the ground to Togame. 
Togame feels the woman clutch his arm. Her hands are shaking. “I didn’t realize shops were so rough with hybrid women,” he says. 
The new man exhales. “We usually aren’t, but she’s a special case.”
Togame glances down at her. She looks up at him with those glistening, teary eyes. “Special how?” he asks, curious now. 
The man, who at least seems calmer and more reasonable than the one on the ground, gives the woman a pitying look. “We can’t sell her. She has an ugly scar on her body that makes her… undesirable.”
The woman seems to shrink at the words, looking at the ground as if in shame. 
The man goes on. “We tried to sell her, but no one wants her. I can’t keep feeding her forever, so I decided to put her down. That’s where we’re taking her.”
Togame feels disgust swirling in the pit of his stomach. They’re going to kill this woman because no one wants to fuck her? He never imagined things were this bad for hybrids. He looks down at her again, at her tear streaked face, her small, trembling hands clinging to his arm. 
Fuck. He never wanted a hybrid, never wanted anything to do with them. But he can’t just walk away from this. 
“How much is she?”
The man looks surprised. “You want her?”
Togame sighs again. “Just tell me the price.”
The man stares at the two of them, then shrugs. “If you’re willing to take her, you can have her for free. I’d have to pay to put her down anyway.”
“Guess I’ll take her then,” Togame says, looking down at his new pet again. 
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rcinberry · 4 years
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read about ori and the dark forest under the cut
full name: orion neveah kanha. nickname(s): ori, ri, rion. age: 23. date of birth: January 1st 1997. hometown: newport, rhode island. gender: cis female. religion: athiest. sexuality: bisexual. hair colour: black (xx) eye colour: brown. height: 5'6. tattoos: a snake swirling from midforearm down to her wrist like so, (xx) piercings: ears, double piercing.  
has 0 care for the elites or its establishment, thinks it’s a farce. they only joined to gain some clout for their gaming channel since that’s all they work for, but they’ll lie and say they love it while bashing the club to online players in secret.  
cheated in a giant game tournament that was worth up to $5,000. she needed that money to survive and pay rent - did anything to cheat, even if that meant hacking the other despite bragging about how humble and hard-working she is, she stooped so low, going back on her word.
in order to stay in her game design program, she had to sleep with her professor - her grades were dropping and was more focused on gaming than classes, would have done anything to stay in the program
family life
the kanha family, two parents - josiah & sage kanha and their only daughter, orion. orion was spoiled with not doubt, everything she wanted - she got. she never complained, never really asked for much but since she was the only daughter - her parents wanted nothing but the best for her. although, growing up with that wealth she never took it's luxuries. she went to a public school her entire life, she never really talked about her family's wealth, she didn't care much for it, her parents came from generations of hard workers and that's all she'll brag about - is their family business and name, she's proud of it - or was once.
orion and her parents were always happy little family, love and support from both sides.. well.. until......
the kanha family has been a generational wealthy family, old money, if you please, and were originally known for its pizza chain all across america and even pretty famous back in thailand. three generations worth of publicity for their amazing, tasting pizza - even new york would argue that their pizza is better than new york's pizza!
the business has been running since 1992 and failed in 2016, why's that? well miss orion has a big mouth and heart in the wrong place. which gets her in trouble later, but that's a later issue.
the kanha family has a shady side to their business as well, they also sell wads of cocaine under the belt to different members of the mafia / mob and have been since the 90's when the mafia would bury their evidence in old buildings but as times begin to change, so did the way of dealing.
the pizza store was always a cash only store which made it easier for banks to never track transactions and launder wads of cash from their coke deals.
until orion came across her dad and some mafia head leader making an exchange and she overheard them and immediately made the call to the police when she was 19, a year into her college degree, and told them of the exchange and then there was a whole year investigation into her fathers business and a lot of places were shut down and her family lost A  LOT of money and her lawyers and accountants have told them it'll take a while to generate that much wealth again - then again most of the wealth came from drug money.
her parents think the mafia tipped them off, thus causing cut in ties and her dad to go to prison for a while (20 years). she had to carry that guilt for years although, she doesn't feel all too bad because her dad was making money deals in the wrong way. her mom still cries about it, won't be able to see her husband for twenty years but it's okay, orion will make it big as a game designer one day .. aha..
fun facts / personality
orion is a.. hot head, she gets angry easily and that just came from a place of competition. she was a very active kid, she was involved in many different sports - soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, you name it - she was good at everything and she sure hecking loved to win. she also channeled a lot of her anger into boxing because that's what her mom told her to do. long story short, she loves winning
which then became a hobby, she fricken loves video games like .. a lot, she built a career her senior year of college by streaming and since then she garnered a lot of online popularity. already being known from the kanha drug money scandal helped a lot too and she makes a decent living off of it, getting paid between 5-6k a month on a video she makes. her favorite games are always first person shooters, like COD / PUBG, she will play those games in tournaments and even to the big leagues which offer a lot of money. she does like RPG games such as ori and the blind forest and gears of war but first person shooters are where it's at, and shes damn well good at aiming, and tactics.
she's a computer science major at first in her undergrad that helped her understand coding, hacking and all that - that comes with comp sci - how to build an app, what logistics go into it and such and minored in video game design. she then did her graduate in game design and science and is working on her own games as she speaks. she's really talented in what she does, and is always boastful about it.
orion, despite being a hot head, also literlaly -- hates drugs. she hates the idea of smoking and drinking and would rather remove herself whenever someone near her is smoking or drinking, she won't shun the person but her family's scandal was enough to put a distaste in her mouth. she thinks people who act silly from it are weak and should speak their minds when their sober.
that's another thing, she will speak her mind. she stands up for what she believes in, she's always humble and thankful for what she has but also will stand up in the face of injustice which is funny because she thinks she's so hardworking and then she's a hypocrite for sleeping with her professor and cheating in a game, guess the kanha family gene of being a liar runs through her veins huh?
she's a very loyal friend, like.. insanely loyal, she doesn't like being made to be a dumbass and will cut someone. like i said, these hands are rated e for everyone.
a lot of her high school life she kept to herself but she really blossomed in college the most.
she loves to draw!! sketching is what she mostly does, a lot of gaming character designs are up in her apartment, sometimes she likes to do pottery and make vases and paint. she's not good at it but she likes to
she's friendly to those that are friendly and a bitch when she can be, she matches energy.. uh that's it i think
favorite color is red <3 has a cat <3 likes sushi <3 that's about it muah
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avaria-revallier · 4 years
Chapter 4: Of family and tea
Bella was feeling miserable. She is wet -drenched- to her very bones. Her hair nothing more than a soppy mess and her soaked clothes glued to her skin. The first few hours the rain had been a comfortable change. It had been refreshing. Well, it wasn't any more. After three days of continuous rain her mood had hit rockbottom. The dwarrows were no better. None of them had talked to her since and even Bofur hadn't told any joke in a while. The only hope Bella had left was the knowledge that the sky would be clear once lunch-time had passed. 
Annoyed she brushes another wild curl out of her eyes. This kind of weather was really the worst for her hair. Taming the golden-brown curls was a quest on its own when the weather was good, but the humid air made it almost impossible to keep them in any kind of braid. Frustrated she opens her ponytail for the sixths time this day and redoes her hair. She binds them as tight as she could manage without hurting herself in the progress.
As predicted the sky clears a few hours later. Thorin stops the ponies near a large overhang. All of them were thankful for the break. The rain had washed away their enthusiasm and the cold meals were no joy either. Stiff she walks over to Gloin and Bombur who were starting to lite a fire. Bella wasn't sure how they even managed to produce more than smoke with the wet wood. Shivering she hugs her knees, drawing her legs closer to her body. Something heavy and very, very warm was thrown over her shoulders, covering her entire body. 
Peeking out from under the large coat she could see Dwalin. The tattooed warrior was standing to her right side, looking down on her. His arms crossed and a blank expression on his face he just stared at her. Dwalin could stare down almost anyone he wanted. Most people even actively avoided his gaze. 
The little hobbit lass on the other hand openly looked at him. She even sometimes searched for him while looking around and smiled as soon as he returned her look. It was confusing. How could such a tiny little creature withstand his stare when even men and steeled warriors avoided him? She was one strange lass. Not complaining, not demanding a break when she obviously was exhausted enough to fall asleep while riding. She did all the tasks Thorin had given her without a word of complain. He had seen her giggling with the young princes, laughing at Bofurs silly jokes and excitedly trade receipts with Bombur. It was strange and fascinating at the same time to observe the many faces she could make, to witness how she laughs in one moment and is serious in the next. Even now she didn't fail to impress him. Shivering next to the fire, looking more miserable than a cat that had been thrown into a river and still, not complaining. Before he himself even knew what was going on his coat was draped around her shoulders. Underneath his clothes she looked even smaller. With big green eyes she stares up at him. He returns the look, carefully not to let his expression slip. He felt better as soon as she stopped shivering, he realised. They looked at each other for a few more awkward moments. Her big honest eyes piercing him, as if she could look into his very soul. Dwalin was the first one to look away. This was a premiere!
"We don't want you to catch a cold." he declared.
"Thank you, master Dwalin. Aren't you cold now?" she replied in a worried tone.
He looked down at her once again. Only true concern was to be found in her eyes. Later on Dwalin would name this particular moment as the start of ‘the whole damn misery’. Bella tilted her head a bit when he didn’t answer.
“No worry, mistress Baggins, we dwarrows run hotter than other races.” And with that the conversation was ended.
Bella separated herself from the group after they had build up their camp for the night and tiptoed to the near tree-line. Bifur was the only one watching her. She signed him to keep quiet about it by holding one finger on her lips. The first few days she hadn’t had any opportunity as there had been no cover. The rain had interrupted her training for the last few days, but now she could finally continue. Yavanna knew she would need it soon enough. 
Hanging her waistcoat on a nearby branch she stepped into the clearing. Trees and bushes sheltered her from unwanted spectators. In one hand she holds her walking stick, in the other a smaller branch with the rough shape of a sword. Taking on a stable position she breathes in and out to calm her nerves and heartbeat. First she rehearsed the fundamental steps of blocking an attack from above, below and either sides. Next she changed her strategy from blocking to attacking and then combining those two.
“Where is the hobbit?” Bofur was the first one to notice their burglars absence. A small panic, followed by chaos erupted as all the dwarrows looked around, searching the camp for any usable hints where she could have gone. Bifur and Nori where the only two still sitting by the fire.
Dwalin spotted his cloak neatly folded at the end of his bedroll. He frowned at the sight of it. He hadn’t had the impression that she would reject his offer, maybe he should have clearly declared the coat as a gift, instead of just handing it over to her. Well, he would have to do better next time before one of the other dwarrows would snatch his chance away.
“Her backpack and bedroll are still here. She wouldn’t have wandered off without it, would she?” wondered Bombur.
The cook of the company had grown quite fond of the lass. Dwalin had seen them chatting for hours and hours about food and methods on cooking chicken and lamb and stews and what not. In fact they all had grown quite fond of the gentle little creature. She had been becoming a solid part of their company. Even if Thorin still mutated into a stone-headed idiot as soon as she looked in his direction or came near him. Dwalin could perfectly understand that trusting a stranger was not easy, but she had welcomed the company in her home and left said home to reclaim theirs. She willingly came on a quest to potentially be eaten by a dragon for Mahals sake! He clenches his hands into fists.
“I am going to look for her, she wouldn’t have gone far.” Dwalin grunted, stomping off to the trees.
Bifur abruptly stood up and follows Dwalin into the shady forrest. They hadn’t had to look for too long. Dwalin and Bifur found Bella on a small clearing, performing a fearful dance of destruction. Her staff in one hand and a -very poorly made- wooden sword in the other she spins over the ground. One step back, two forth, her feet barely touching the grass and moss. Jabbing, stabbing and slashing invisible opponents, while blocking attacks from all sides. It was rather beautiful to watch, Dwalin admitted, still frightening at the same time. Bifur next to him seemed to enjoy himself as well. His gaze wasn’t as clouded as on other occasions while he watched their gentle hobbit slashing the air.
Dwalin wasn’t sure how to announce their presence without startling Bella. Bifur took the decision from his hands as he clapped enthusiastically when Bella dodged a low swing by crouching down and forcefully stabbing her sword up.
For a second Bella froze in her very motion. She hadn’t expected any other sounds than the whispering of the trees around. The loud clapping took her by surprise. Before she could even comprehend what was happening her instincts kicked in and she threw the wooden sword in the direction of the sound. Back on her feet she looks over to the two figures in the shadows. With burning cheeks she realises that it had been Dwalin and Bifur who fell victim to her poor attempt of an attack. Bifur had the wooden sword in his hands, examining it. He only grunted at the pathetic try of carving a weapon.
“How long have you been standing there?” Bella asks breathlessly.
“Longer than you’d like I’d imagine.” Dwalin crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking down at her.
Bifur said something in rapid Khuzdul, waving the sword around, before he simply broke it apart and throws the pieces over his shoulder.
“I need that to train!” she argued.
“I agree with Bifur on this, you can hardly call that thing a weapon, neither can you train properly with that.”
Bifur nods furiously, gesturing towards her and Dwalin. Bella could only frown as he once again let loose a wave of Khuzdul.
Dwalin is amazed and utterly confused. She is a hobbit, there was no doubt. From her furry feet to her slightly pointy ears over the beardless face and the golden curls. A hobbit. A gentle creature… Well, sort of.
“Where did you learn to fight, lassie?”suspicious he watched her taking another swig out of her bottle.
Bofur sat beside her, eagerly carving a small wooden sword. Dwalin preferred to stand, arms crossed and starring once again down on the confusing creature. In this moment he realised that he knew close to nothing about her. They had been traveling together for a few month now and he knew her name and well… not much more. He could judge her character by observing her, that he could. She was forgiving, to an extend that he would consider it a weakness. She was fond of food and eating, also of talking about food. He had seen her talking to Ori too, so he could assume that she liked to read and held a great deal of knowledge. Without a doubt she was brave, as she didn’t hesitated to tell the dwarrows if something bothered her, but she never complained about minor things. All in all she was a confusing creature.
“You could say a dear friend taught me.” There was no hint of a lie in her expression, only a shadow of pain and grief over her face.
Bella averted her face from the dwarrows while speaking. Painful memories chased each other. The smell of blood seemed to once again linger in the air while cries of pain and sobs of grief filled the forrest. A shiver ran down her spine.
‘Not this time, definitely not this time. I will save them even if it takes my all!’
A large hand squeezes her shoulder and brings her back into the present. Glancing up she meets Dwalins eyes. In there she could see the same pain that hunted her. Of course the warrior would understand her, even thought she didn’t say any more about it.
In her last life Dwalin had trained her mercilessly after fighting Azog. She never knew if it was a command Thorin gave or if the dwarf pitied her for not being able to fight.
‘Maybe’ a small part whispered ‘maybe he wanted you to be safe?’
“Here, I made it with my own two hands.” He holds up a small dagger, silver vines ranking over the knob. “It will protect you when I cannot.”
“This is beautiful!” she gasped. “I – I don’t even know what to say, master Dwalin.” Gently she brushes over the delicate ornaments.
Bifur next to her stopped carving to watch them both, a knowing grin on his lips.
“Is it not to your liking?”
Was that a small portion of panic in his voice? Startled she looked up. The big dwarf had taken a step back, scratching his neck while studying the ground with extreme interest.
“What? No!” she cried out, “It is beautiful. I have never seen such a fine blade before. Are you sure to give it to me?”
Finally Dwalin looked her into the eyes. Relief and pride in his gaze he stepped closer, placing both hands on her shoulders and knocking their foreheads together. The impact wasn’t that great, yet the world went dark.
The cheered ‘namad’ slowly died. After knocking their heads together the hobbit lass slumped down, eyes closed. Bile rose in his throat, had he killed his sister? With shaking hands he checked her breathing.
“She is a hobbit, you rockhead.” Bifurs gruff voice reminded him in Khuzdul. “Let Oin check her over.”
Gently lifting the hobbit up they both left the clearing. Bifur carrying her waistcoat and the partly finished sword for practice, while Dwalin held his newly won sister, his gift for her and the staff she used earlier. Halfway to the camp they met Bombur and Bofur. Dwalin hurried past them without a word, followed by Bifur who signed ‘Rockhead’ to his family.
“She’ll be fine. Just a bit of rest and sleep and tomorrow she'll be better than new.” The healer assured the gathered dwarrows.
Those words took most of the tension from the company. Bombur excused himself to prepare tea if she should wake. Fili and Kili remembered that she had purchased a rather large sack of dried leaves in Bree and went off to get it off of Bellas pack. Dori fussed over the resting hobbit, bringing another blanket and freshening up the wet piece of fabric on her forehead. Balin drags his brother to the other side of the camp, no doubt to give him an ear full for his recklessness. Bofur volunteering to take first watch took Bifur with him, sitting on a log a few feet from Bombur.
This left Thorin, Ori and Nori sitting by their burglar. Dwalin returned after an uncomfortable moment of silence. He fussed over the lass just like Dori before, adjusting the blankets and improvised cushion to make sure she would lie comfortable. This was the first time Thorin had seen his friend so worried. He notices a small dagger laying at the halflings side. After staring a while at it he recognised it as Dwalins. Nori, who had followed his kings gaze spotted the dagger as well. He knew of all the valuable belongings of the company, how else could he call himself spymaster?
“A very nice gift,” Nori chimed half mocking half serious, “not the best choice if you wanted to court her though.”
Thorins guts froze at the mocking words. He kept his face unmoved although the sheer thought of Bella courting another- wait he didn’t even care for her! There was nothing attractive about that gentle creature. Not her hazelnut curls that looked like rivers of gold in the firelight, not the way she laughed at Bofurs jokes, or slightly frowned while exchanging knowledge with Ori. It wasn’t cute how she smiled in her sleep and most definitely it wasn’t attractive when she stood up to him or scolded his nephews when they pulled another silly prank on Ori.
“Watch your tongue, thief! She is my sister by right, as she accepted my gift. She even said she had never seen a better one.” The warrior snarls at Nori. A silent sight of relief escapes the king while he watches Nori standing up, hands raising in surrender and joining Bombur by the fire.
Thorin watches Dwalin changing the wet cloth with the uttermost care. A small red bump decorated her forehead. He winced at the sight of the injury.
“I am not sure that mistress Bella actually knows what she accepted while accepting your gift, mister Dwalin.” Ori murmured absorbed in his journal.
King and warrior looked at him in confusion. The scribe didn’t seem to notice at first and it took almost all of Thorins composure not to jump at Ori and question him in detail about everything he knew about the hobbit.
“What do you mean?” finally- finally Dwalin asked the question burning like hot coals on Thorins tongue.
“W-well… she is a hobbit after all. From what I l-learned they have a different culture. For example walking barefoot and eating seven meals a day. They don’t know the concept of dwarven courting or receiving a gift to forge - to forge a family bond.” At first Ori had hesitated, fidgeting with his hands and looking everywhere but at Dwalin and Thorin. As he ventured further into his acquired knowledge he straightened himself and continued with a firm voice. “I was quite shaken when I had to explain that stone is not simply stone but that there are quite a few differences. She told me then that dirt is not simply dirt even that could be divided into different sections and classes. – Oh, I am sorry. I am sure you wouldn’t want me to bore you with different methods of farming. Where was I… Ah, right.” He clears his throat. If only to gather his thoughts or to built up tension, he definitely succeeded. “Hobbits are friendly folk. They make friends as easy as breathing and it wouldn’t wonder me if she already considered us to be her friends. She might be still politely addressing us all with ‘master’ nonetheless she might have asked me if it would be considered rude to ask us to call her by her name. One of us should explain her the importance of a self made or crafted gift and the honour it brings the dwarf whose gift was accepted.” For a split second the shy scribe met Thorins gaze. Ori flushed bright red, mumbling an excuse and hurrying of to sit by the fire with Bombur and Nori.
It was the first time that the two of them had heard their scribe talk that much in one go.
Thorin grunted displeased. He wouldn’t mind if the young one would have talked a bit more. He wasn’t quite sure if he could trust the hope that had sparked within him. How could the lass consider him as a friend? They barely talked and when they did he usually wasn’t very polite. Well, she just rubbed him in the wrong places is all. Always challenging him with her looks, speaking up when she was displeased. Thorin simply didn’t know how to react, so he spoke to her only when necessary and even then just the bare minimum.
Bellas eyes fluttered open. Groaning she sits up, on hand pressed against her head, the other rubbing her eyes. How long had she been sleeping? The headache almost felt like a hangover. A distant memory of an evening she spend with Bofur, after they had reclaimed the mountain, flared up. They had found the cellars, full of long forgotten wine and liquor. The feeling was quite similar, even if she couldn’t remember drinking any.
“She’s awake!” the one squeaking excitedly was Kili.
Bella only hissed as the loud voice ringed in her ears. The dulled knock was undoubtedly Filis fist on his brothers head. She looked around their camp. Her dwarrows where still here, each and every one of them. For the better part of their journey she had always feared them gone after waking up. Bella hadn’t slept a single night in peace, never more than a few hours before she would sit up and join whoever was on watch.
Fili came over, handing Oin a steaming mug. Proud the blonde prince looked at Bella.
“We mad you some tea! We assumed it would please you.” Openly he smiled at her, giving her also a mug.
“Thank you, that is very thoughtful of you.”hesitating she smiled back, repressing the urge to ruffle through his blonde hair. It was a habit she had brought with her from her last life.
“What kind of tea did you make me?” she asks instead.
“I noticed that you had purchased quite a big bag of dried leafs while we were in Bree, so I came to the conclusion that you must really like that blend of tea. Kili and I thought of trying it too, so we made some for the whole company. We all enjoyed the tea you gave us back in your home. I hope you don’t mind.”
Bella grew paler with each word the young prince stated. Peeking past Fili she could make out Kili in the process of bringing another steaming cup to his lips. She reached out and grabbed one of Filis hidden knives from beneath his jacket – how could he even move with so many weapons on him? – and threw it at the dark haired dwarf, hitting the mug and forcing it out of Kilis hand.
“Don’t any of you dare to take a sip!” she yelled, while her head roared in pain. Nori was the first one to act. A sharp blade was pressed against her throat, before she could blink. Bella didn’t move. While Fili stood up to look after his brother Oin examined the contend of the tea. He waves over Gloin to bring some dried leafs with him.
“By my beard, did you plan on poisoning the dragon with your tea?” the healer asked in confusion.
“What is in it, Oin?” the low growl from behind made her nearly jump. Noris blade was pressed firmer against her skin as she turned to watch Thorin. “Wolfsbane, Oleander and deadly nightshade, also known as Belladonna.” Oin answered honestly shocked.
For a fact, Bella did know that these herbs are poisonous to most races. She had aimed for these herbs because she knew the effect it would have on, well, any other creature than a hobbit. Her plan had been to poison the trolls or at least disable them long enough for the dwarrows to take care of the matter. It wasn’t the best plan, she had to admit, yet better than the outcome in her last life. She didn’t fancy to be used as a handkerchief twice!
“Let her go, thief! She clearly saved Kili and the rest of us from dying.” Dwalin snapped. He didn’t dare to hit Nori as he feared it would drive the blade further into Bellas flesh.
Nori wasn’t even impressed, only when Thorin nodded sharply he slowly let go of her, backing away. In a split second Dwalin was by her side checking for a possible injury through the blade.
“You had me worried, namad.” He blurted, angrily staring at Nori. The thief in question backed further away.
“Namad? What does that mean?” Bella asked.
Confused she looked around, stopping by Balin. The kings advisor sighted. “One matter at a time, lassie. I guess we all have some explaining to do.” He stated, sitting down again.
There was an uncomfortable silence in the camp. Bella decided that there probably would be no better time to talk with them than now. All eyes on her she reached down and takes a deep sip from the tea.
“I agree with master Balin. I may not have told you everything, but I have never lied to you.”
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cookieeevee · 1 year
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Hello yellow people, you can call me Solstice! I use the pronouns She/Her or They/Them (I don't mind which one you use)
I've got ADHD and autism (and probably more things I can't remember), I've got anxiety, I am aromantic and asexual, I'm very sleep deprived (probably got insomnia)
I am into Rain World, OneShot, Pokemon, Warrior Cats, Kirby, Sonic, Pikmin, Ori, Chicory: a colorful tale, Steven universe, MHA, and many more
You can send requests for art, tho I may not do a request if I can't draw whatever it is
You can ask me anything, and I'd love to chat with you all ^^ (Ask about ADH au or ask Lily if u want too)
I can sometimes be off tumblr for days I will melt into a happy and surprised blob if you make art for me
Silly adventurers of my plush's (feel free to send me art in Messages of the sillys if you want, I will post it and credit u, if u want :3)
you can draw for me if ya want
I have a lot of rain world brain rot...
My designs of the slugcats and Iterators
I may not post here a lot...
Rain world based blogs of mine:
Madge: rainworld-starsandclouds023
Droplet: rainworld-ask-the-medic
Iterator Ocs: some-chaos-in-this-rain-world
Slugcat's: rainworld-cycle-of-slugcats
just doodle/art blog: mossy-doodles85
Ocs of mine:
Cookie the Eevee
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Spring the Piplup
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Selena the mew
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Gaia the blue pikmin
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Ziya the glow pikmin
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Stream the water wraith (or also know as a spring wraith)
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Alice the slugcat
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(anthro design)
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Mossy the slugcat and Mal the overseer
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Madge the slugcat
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loaf the cloudcat
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Droplet the slug pup
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Mizt the cloudcat
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Spark the Cloudkit
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Swirl Of Endless Solstice
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Golden Soul, Strange Glow
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Midnight Shimmering Stars
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Song Of A Unknown Horizon
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One Glowing Lantern
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Dawn Of Beginnings
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Leafs Of Memories
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line up of my iterators
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 years
Diary found in K---D--- : Part 2
So, here's the next little part of this :D
Imagine by @lathalea is indented!
Enjoy <3
Taglist: @shrimpsthings, @mulasawala (so you see where I'm going with this lol)
(Yes, there will be MORE artwork coming, stay posted...)
Fandom: Hobbit
Characters: Ori x OC
Rating & Warning: Fluff and silliness
His name was Ori and he was a scribe in Erebor. It turned out he visited the forest often to sketch the animals and plants. You spent the rest of the day together. In the evening, you exchanged campfire stories, sharing a meal. At one point, he shyly asked about where you came from. Blushing, he admitted, almost whispering, he never saw a person with such beautiful hair before.
You told him that you came from another world, from a region called East Asia, where many people looked similarly to you. He was very curious about your homeland, your culture and your world. You spent hours telling him everything about it and he listened to you in awe.
“Ori.” He replied, his lips quirking a tiny bit as if he was not used to speaking his own name. “I’m a scribe. In Erebor. The Mountain.” He pointed to a tree beyond the clearing.
Thankfully, I was familiar with the Lonely Mountain and did not think that he didn’t know the difference between a living organism and a pile of minerals.
“I have never seen you, neither here nor in that Mountain.” I replied, for I went into the halls sometimes to translate for travellers, but for the most part, I let the king be his grumpy, glorious self.
“I come here often, to sketch, but I seem to have lost my way.” He admitted with a tiny frown. Ah, a real dwarf. They only knew up and down seemingly and if there was no way into a hill, they’d stubbornly trek up until they tumbled off the other side again.
As if to prove to me that he was not lying – dear reader, he had a face that was utterly devoid of malice or dissimulation – he showed me rather good sketches of the fauna and flora of the dense forest surrounding us. “That is really good, Ori, the scribe, from under the Mountain.” I commented which made him blush with a fierce and, apparently, unexpected pleasure.
In an expression of indescribable cuteness, he literally wiped his face with his sleeve as if he could clean away the rosy hue like a stubborn ink stain from under his skin.
“What are you here for?” He then asked, pushing out his chest heroically. As a reminder, he was the one who had lost his way, but apparently, he wanted to defend either the forest from me or the other way around.
“I am here to think…in silence.” I replied; he retreated a few steps. “Oh? I’ll leave you to it then, I guess. It was great to make your acquaintance…”
I gave him my name, after all, he had given me his, and he chewed on it for a few moments before his face split into a smile that was like the sunlight breaking through the cloudy afternoon sky: tentative, warm, and strikingly beautiful.
“Stay. I like your face.” I heard myself saying. Maybe, it was my teasing, mischievous streak acting up, but I had liked his embarrassment so much that I couldn’t help wanting to coax more of these blushes out of him.
“My…face?” In that weird dance he had been engaged in for the last few minutes, Ori stepped closer again, shuffling his feet in the heavy boots dwarrows insisted on wearing.
No, your ass, I thought, but bit my tongue; Ori the dwarf looked like someone who would die on the spot if I said anything even remotely inappropriate…as I was wont to do when nervous.
My sarcastic thought spurred my own interest though and I examined him a little closer: he was indeed swaddled like a babe, beads of sweat pearling down his temples on account of the steep climb and the stubborn blush powdering his nose and cheeks with pink blotches.
“Sit down, you’ll get a heat stroke.” I invited him and pointed to a patch of moss beside me while rummaging in my pack for the flask of ale I had brought.
“Thank you ever so much.” He plopped down in a cascade of earthen-coloured wool and awkward limbs. He did smell warm, I noticed, a blend of cinnamon and comfort.
Also, he had one of those faces that only became better when seen up-close, I admit freely; there were golden stars dancing in the depth of his dark eyes and he had the most adorable freckles as if some outlandish fairy had sprinkled gold dust over that heart-wrenchingly handsome face.
“Are you thirsty, Mistress?” He asked, nodding at the flask in my hand.
Handing it to him rather abruptly, I realised that I had spent the last moments intently staring at his face as if I had never seen a male dwarf before in my life.
“I have work to do.” I snapped, feeling immediately guilty for taking my own embarrassment out on him, but he merely nodded and pulled his sketching supplies into his lap.
Strangely enough, Ori did not disturb me. If anything, the silence felt fuller, richer, deeper with him by my side. As I translated a letter, as a spinster I had to support my family and my insufferable sisters as best as I could, I felt like the chirping of the birds and the vibrancy of the colours around me were even more enjoyable now that I shared them with someone else.
The sun crept along its never-changing arc slowly and yet, much too fast.
As I looked up, I wished I was a better painter myself, for this dwarrow was made for sunsets.
The way the last golden hurrah of a perfect day exploded in a halo of warmth around his figure, the way all the greys and the blues seemed to bleed out of the world to leave nothing but warm tones behind, and the way his smile was the perfect expression of this mellow, unhurried mood…it struck me deeper and more violently than a thunderstorm in all its booming rage would have.
“Will you join me for dinner, Ori?” I asked gently, “I shall escort you back down.”
“It would be my honour.” He nodded, tearing out a page of his notebook and handing it over.
“It was an invitation; I do not demand payment.” I said seriously, for the sketch of the doe was so good, it might have been worth actual money. “Oh…” His nose crinkled at little at that.
“I wanted you to…have something beautiful. I have seen you work very hard.”
Of course, he was a scribe as well, he would consider the scribbling work, I thought and gave him a thankful smile. “You’re beauty enough for one day.” I shrugged.
He gasped, bringing his notebook up to his face as if to shield himself from my words.
“You’re having me on, aren’t you? Dori has warned me that girls do that sometimes.” He sounded utterly dejected. “I am not having you on. Has nobody ever told you that you’re handsome?” It was my turn to be wide-eyed with shock.
“And who is Dori?” I followed-up when he didn’t really reply to my question even though I thought I had seen his braids move like strings of pearls in a draft. The minutest of shakes of the head, a quiet admission of inadequacy that sunk ugly, ragged claws into my soft heart.
“He’s my brother. I have two of them. Dori…and Nori. They’re…” – “Older than you.” I completed. “Protective.” He supplied.
He was still holding his drawing out to me, and, after a moment, I took it gingerly and put it between the pages of my own writing supplies. I would hang it in my room and look at it daily.
Nowadays, there were but very few gifts for me; all the money went to my two younger sisters who were still nubile and would, if Mahal willed it so, be able to make a good match.
Busying my hands with making a fire, I asked him to tell me about his brothers.
“Oh, Nori is…agile. He’s…funny and brave and resourceful.” Ori started, his voice warm with affection and admiration. He sounded like a proper rogue to me, and as it turned out, he was, but he also deserved every single ounce of the deep-felt care Ori held for him.
“Dori is…fussy. He’s polite, he’s very caring, and he’s exceedingly proper.” Ori went on as I waved a hand for him not to stop. I enjoyed hearing about the life of other families than my own.
“So, is he the one who raised you to be this…warmly clad and gentle?” I asked, turning to place the foodstuffs I had brought up and stored in the cool lake water on spits to roast over the fire.
“Warm? Oh yes…I was a sickly pebble and he’s been worried ever since. I hope I have behaved in a way that would not make him disappointed in me.” Again, he worried his lip.
“Let’s see, you’ve startled a bird and an unsuspecting dwarrowdam.” I listed with a wicked gleam in my eyes; his face fell, and he looked properly guilty.
“Then, you’ve kept me company, and the best company I’ve ever had, it has been, on my grandmother’s grave, I swear.” I went on and that treacherous blush was back with a vengeance.
“I didn’t mean to startle you.” He then said in a low voice. “Great beauty is always startling.”
“I am hardly Thorin Oakenshield.” He laughed. Readers, you cannot imagine that sound just by reading my words. If flowers blossoming had melody, if the sun setting on the eternal sea had a song, if autumn leaves dancing on a gale had a tune, they would have sounded like nails on scree, like cats having their tails trampled, and like kettles going unheeded compared to Ori’s laughter.
“There’s beauty in the doe as much as in the wolf.” I replied gently.
“May I…can I ask where you’re from? I don’t seek to be rude, but I’ve never seen anyone quite like you; your hair looks like those fabrics the Elves weave. It…seems so soft, so liquid, so smooth.” He blushed a darker shade yet.
This might well have been the first time that someone had asked me about my origins without making it sound like an accusation; there was honest fascination in his demeanour.
“My family and I have come from the Far East. I have travelled a lot, Ori, I have seen landscapes entirely made up of rock and sand, I have walked forests so stiflingly hot and moist it felt like being underwater, and now, I am here in the land of tall trees and taller mountains.”
I said, surprised by my own frankness.
“That sounds amazing.” He took the food I offered readily enough, and I told him about the people I’ve left behind to be stranded at the other end of the world.
“This is good, is that a recipe of your homeland?” He asked, looking down on the piece of meat I had seasoned with herbs I had grown myself in our small backyard.
“It actually is. I’m glad you like it. I had not planned to have company, otherwise I’d have brought something more palatable to the local tongue.” I apologised quickly.
“No, I like it. You should definitely trade some recipes with Dori…and Bombur…oh, and if any of your delicious herbs are medicinal, Óin.” He laughed again when he saw my dumbfounded expression.
“I make a good honeycake, if I can interest you in that? Maybe…” He fell back into silence.
A look at the sky told me that it was too late to go down in the inky darkness.
“We’ll have to stay here for the night.” I mumbled, slightly uncomfortable at the idea of spending the night with a dwarrow who had not lost a single word about a wife.
“Are you married, Mistress? Will that endanger your wedlock?” He asked shyly.
“No, I am not and I have no name to lose…It’s a long story.” I didn’t feel like blurting out my disgrace, lest it give him strange ideas after all, especially as he would easily have been able to overpower me if he so chose.
“Neither am I. I don’t know about my name…Doesn’t look like I’m going to be married either. There’s not enough dwarrowdams as it is, and I think the royal line has a prerogative there.” There was no resentment in his tone; he seemed to accept this as a fact.
How could someone that sweet not be married, I wondered. He was courteous, he was cute, and he would have made the fortune and happiness of someone.
“Well, in that case, I think we can risk our reputation rather than our necks.” I grinned, rolling out a blanket I kept tied to my pack for emergencies and stretched out next to the fire on the moss.
“Erm, yes…Good night…” He mumbled, fidgeting around with his different layers of clothing. Apparently, he was deciding which one he needed least on his body to use it as a bedroll or blanket.
I eyed the proceedings with interest and a good deal of amusement.
“I can offer you my cloak to lie upon…the ground will grow very cold and wet soon.” He said in a low voice, not sure if I had already fallen asleep or not.
“Alright, I can offer you a spot under the blanket then?” I extended my own graciousness.
“With you?” No, with the red bird, I thought, rolling my eyes internally.
“Yes, Ori the scribe, with me. I will not eat you, as you have witnessed, I have had dinner.” Not that he did not look good enough to devour, standing there with his cloak in his hands and his face all crunched up in embarrassment.
“Hmmm…I guess.” He muttered doubtfully, spreading out the cloak and sitting down on it carefully. Impatiently, I scooted over and spread my lousy blanket over the both of us with a flourish.
“Sleep!” I commanded as I turned around only to find him staring wide-eyed at the spot where the back of my head had been only a second ago. Now that he was presented with my face, only inches away from his, his eyes grew even rounder and bigger in wordless distress.
“Friend…Have you never lain with a woman? And I literally mean, lying next to one?” I laughed for there had been friends and cousins aplenty in my own life and the feeling of having another body so close to mine was not a new experience for me.
“Well, I fell down on the battlefield once, next to a foe…I’m pretty sure that was a Lady-Orc. She was dead. There was a…” He gestured, indicating a spear or a lance sticking out of his chest and brushing against my own with the back of his hand. Dear reader, he flinched back as if I was a tiny Durin’s bane wreathed in flames.
“A Lady-Orc, indeed…” I mused; no doubt, he could hear the smile I hid in my voice for his face crunched up in embarrassment.
“I am sorry.” He sighed, rolling his eyes, and thinking – there was not a shadow of a doubt about that much – of his brothers who would have mocked him mercilessly for his stammering.
“There’s no need to be sorry” I tried to reassure him, but I admit now that there were things that I did not tell him right away then. We had only just met, and he was blessedly unaware of my shameful past.
How could I have made him understand – without hurting his feelings – how much I enjoyed that air of purity about him that I had squandered myself on an undeserving fiend? As a daughter amongst others, I had been used to dwarrows coming to court or to seduce, their eyes ablaze with greed and their hands wandering.
He would not have comprehended how much the absence of that voracious hunger that had plagued my youth and had ended up destroying my promising future meant to me.
“Sleep.” I repeated, unable to put into words how miraculous and precious the things he seemed to be most ashamed of were to me.
“Good night, Mistress.” He breathed with a soft smile that was nowhere near the wolfish baring of fangs I was used to and so, it was easy to return it.
You who may or may not have stumbled upon this ludicrous account of the most important story in an otherwise unimportant life, you shall hear another confession I did not make at the time.
I was fiercely aware that – had I but leant forward a little – I might have pressed my lips upon his; I was young still at that time and, despite what had happened, parts of me, that should have withered and died in the aftermath of my botched engagement, were much alive.
He smelled like our dinner and warmth, and the gentle reticence of the curve of his smile was more inviting than any flashing grin I had ever seen before.
Yes, in that very moment, on this very first evening, I had already been conscious of the shrewd attraction this self-effacing dwarrow held for me…and it scared me half to death.
Part 3
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I don’t know your d&d characters but choose anyone for 1, 4, 34, 60, 75, 89
oc questions!
under a cut!
what’s a unique skill they have? is there any reason why they can do it?
ori’s medical/first aid skills are by-and-large ahead of the curve because of her training as a youth? but also she’s meshed that training with a lot of self-taught stuff, which makes her techniques very different than anyone else. she’s special <3
anthe is very good at. okay i don’t think she thinks this, but. her magic is more drawn from her concern for people around her and her own feelings than from her faith in the gods. i’ve sort of talked before about how anthe’s faith in avandra is largely performative--she wants to do her family proud! and she wants the gods to approve of her for their sake. but. yeah.
des is really good at mediating arguments, just by nature of their vibes. they’re just chill and they’re good at comforting people!!! like that’s their right is the thing. +11 to persuasion for ten minutes every short rest <3
are they a good gift-giver? what do they tend to give as gifts?
ori’s not a gift giver. i think... the sort of gifts she does give are practical in nature--information to help somebody, medicine, a weapon. that’s how she works. oritrauma definitely includes a thought that frivolous gifts only lead to emotional endangerment. maybe she will draw something for people in the party. she has before but then she’s burned the pieces out of embarrassment before giving them away.
anthe LOVES gift-giving. mostly she gives out spell components or flower crowns or little tiny crafts. cooking/baking is her main mode of gift-giving, though. also spells!!! when she uses spells 2 help people (outside of like. healing. that’s her job.) that is very much a mode of gift-giving for her, too.
des will make little metal trinkets for people! they give out gifts when they can, y’know? it’s not their top priority in a friendship or other relationship at all, though.
what’s their favourite drink? (coffee, tea, juice, hot chocolate, soda, etc)
all of them. all of them drink herbal or floral tea that they make themselves. this is one of my constants. in terms of alcohol...
ori goes for mead, usually, if that’s an option, or a nice red wine. but she’ll drink anything. anthe likes extremely sweet mixed drinks that get her drunk fast, but will also drink anything. anthe would drink absinthe on a dare. and des doesn’t drink much? but when they do, it’s usually beer or rum. nothing strong.
what sappy thing will they cry at? (romance movies, cute cat videos, etc) would they deny crying about it later on?
ori is the type to cry at romance movies. easily. she will deny it.
anthe cries at animal friendship videos. and the like. openly. in front of everyone.
des cries at kids’ cartoons. they won’t deny it, but will point out everyone else who is crying.
is there anyone they consider their rival?
ori has no rivals. that’s dumb. maybe her brother, when they were kids, but only in a loving way.
anthe’s is... ziggy? i guess? it’s way past rivals for her at this point though, like. she’s genuinely angry at him and will be for a long time.
des doesn’t do that shit.
what would they get into a petty argument over?
ori will get mad about extraplanar minutiae, like. she will argue the facts about demons versus devils versus fae versus versus versus all day long. the terminology matters to her.
anthe argues over everything, always.
des doesn’t get petty. let it go, man. it’s all chill over here.
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