#I kinda forgot that I didn’t finish replying
vylad-romeaves-autism · 11 months
Dude same! I will fully admit Laurence shouldn’t have killed all those people at the wedding. I will absolutely agree that he should face repercussions for that. What I WON’T say is that Laurence is a bad person for it. Laurence is not a somehow fundamentally bad person for responding violently after being held prisoner and being forced to watch the woman he loves be forced into a marriage all while knowing he is going to die if he does not do something.
There is a huge difference between “this person did something bad because they could/they were cranky” and “this person did something bad because they were under extreme duress and didn’t have another feasible way out”, even ignoring EVERYTHING with shadow knights and all that. Saying what someone did was UNDERSTANDABLE is not the same as JUSTIFIED. Mass murder is bad! Mass murder is very very bad! But with his characterization, I fully believe that if Laurence knew of another way to get out he would have taken it.
Laurence did not choose to do that because he wanted to kill all those werewolves, because he was throwing a fit that the lady he loved was marrying another person, because he was a little upset. He did not do it because he is evil or a villain in some way. He did it because he was going to die and he likely did not see any other choice.
I could go on for ages but I’ll stop here for rn so the ask isn’t super long
EXACTLY, also extremely sorry for waiting FOREVER to respond. I needed time to be able to sit down to respond properly BECAUSE YOU GET THIS. (warning me rambling about this below beware!!!)
Laurence doesn't get a free pass from repercussions because of any reason you can think of(ie. is a shadow knight, is in love with aphmau or whatever). But he might never face them unless it is brought on by aphmau/Katelyn because even though i just finished watching MCD season 3, the werewolves shifted the blame for the mass murder/genocide onto aphmau instead of Laurence. So probably by this point unless someone was there, the blame is no longer on Laurence(at least as far as were aware since season 3 kinda got put on hiatus) so we'll never know if Laurence will face repercussions from the werewolf tribe directly.
I genuinely semi get annoyed with people that dont like laurence and this is their main reason, but are die hard aphmau defenders when imo the murder she did at skystead was kinda worse again imo. Aphmau was in no danger other then being held hostage. Lo might’ve been also threatened to be executed but I think they were just also held hostage as well, you can correct me if I’m wrong. But aphmau barely knew Lo, she imo has very little reason to murder for them. I think she was possessed by Irene as well, but I’m not sure. But even then that’s not a good excuse.
Laurence killed because he didn’t want to die, and aphmau killed because she was possessed by Irene(?????)/ wanted to stop an arranged marriage. Their a bit similar situations but still very different but you can’t defend aphmau and hate Laurence for what he did at the werewolf wedding at the same time.
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cinnbar-bun · 4 months
Affinity (Various OP Characters x Reader)
Characters: Brook, Buggy, Beckman, Crocodile, Zoro, Mihawk, Corazon, Shanks, Law
Rating: SFW
Word Count: ~4k
A/n: Reader is GN! I kinda made this after hearing about a special thing in my religion, and decided I wanted to do this. I of course made it more romantic in nature than the original idea goes, but hey, romance! I had my followers choose 7 originally but it went to 9, which is a very lucky number in my religion so maybe it was a sign? Who knows! Please enjoy <3
Tagging: @fanaticsnail @gingernut1314 @undeadeurydice @i-am-vita @kiribuchi @therosietoesy (sorry, I forgot who asked for Law my bad)
There is a belief that before you are born, you were once a soul that had existed with other souls. Souls who had an affinity for each other would find that affinity carried in their time as a human. Souls who repelled each other would find that distaste carried over as well. Perhaps it was preordained, fate, destiny- whatever you’d call it. Regardless, it seems your soul has met with someone who once had an affinity for you…
Being an undead figure unable to pass on was not what Brook had in mind. In some ways, he was grateful for another chance at life, another chance to do what he previously was too dead to finish. Albeit, being a pile of bones did have its drawbacks.
While he could still function and do things many humans did, fact was, he was anything but. One look at him would easily make him stand out as something like a freak of nature.
Skeletons cannot love and be loved like a human. He could hold, but could not be held like a human. Admittedly, it had bothered him on occasion, but he always tried to brush it off with a simple hum or shrug. After all, he had his friends and crewmates- and he had a promise to continue fighting for. That should be enough.
But he couldn’t stop his eyes (if he had any) from wandering… couldn’t stop the way his mind wondered…
Just what could it be like if I too could fall in love?
Ah, but that’s such a silly thing for a skeleton to consider. Who could ever love the undead remains of someone long forgotten?
He’d practically given up on such silly notions like love or a relationship- it didn’t fit his current predicament.
So Brook focused on his music and his performances instead. He held up his violin and decided to waste some time on this sunny day playing for his audience of a few blue birds chirping at this green park. It was beautiful and reminded him of his day with the Rumbar Pirates- agh, nostalgia was always his weakest attribute, he thinks.
His fingers drift along the strings of the instrument, peacefully playing his weary heart away. He doesn’t recognize he has another guest until he hears slow clapping.
“What?” He turns his head, surprised to see you on the bench, smiling and clapping.
“That was lovely,” you comment. Time slows still and your eyes meet, shining (e/c) eyes with hollow black sockets.
If he had skin, perhaps he would’ve been red or sweating buckets. As a skeleton, he was not able to do things. But Brook was still a man through and through, and he couldn’t help but freeze at seeing the way your eyes were soft and full of admiration.
“I’m glad you thought so. Music is my pride and joy.”
“I can tell,” you reply. “I felt like I forgot to breathe for a moment when I heard that. I’m sorry for watching, though, if you weren’t looking for an audience.”
“N-no, actually it was…” he was too caught up in the way his soul was resonating and burning within him. “I appreciate it actually. Would you like me to play a song for you?”
“Would you? I’d love to hear more!”
Buggy never believed in things like soulmates or fairy tales or blah blah blah- it was all junk! The only thing he ever could trust was treasure- shiny, bright, treasure! What else did a pirate need or want?
Is what he would say out loud- Buggy, even at a young age, was secretly a romantic who refused to let himself be swept up in the sentiment. When him and Shanks would sail together on Roger’s ship, Shanks would often ask what he thought about love.
Unlike Buggy, Shanks was pretty honest and confident about his assertions. Buggy would stumble and try to keep the bravado up, pretending as if he didn’t secretly yearn for a person who could look past his red nose and maybe possibly sorta kinda like him? Was that too much to ask? If you were Buggy, the answer was yes, because he would never allow himself the chance to be soft or vulnerable with someone. Especially not when he was already so sensitive about his looks and attitude. The thought of letting his guard down to be loved terrified him- what if they left? What if they made fun of him, too?
It was just too much for his fragile ego, so he brushed it aside and continued his hunt for treasure.
“Now where the hell am I?” He yelled, tilting the map in his hand left and right, as if that would somehow make his destination clearer. “Kinda crappy treasure map is this?”
He glared and shoved the map back in his pocket as he stomped around this town. He hadn’t ever bothered to come to this place before, so everything was new for him. He glared at the kids who were pointing at his nose to scare them off (mission accomplished), but his foul attitude still didn’t lessen.
As Buggy turned a corner, he accidentally rammed into someone. They shrieked, and his hat fell off his face and covered his eyes.
“Watch it, will ya? I’m walkin’ he…” he pushed his hat back up and came face to face with perhaps the most gorgeous person he’s ever met. His mouth was wide open, gawking at you as you gave an apologetic smile.
“Sorry. I didn’t see you there,” you said sheepishly.
“Y-yeah it’s… it’s cool. No biggie,” he mumbled in a daze.
“Are you alright?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” he returned to normal. “I mean, yeah, totally.”
You chuckle at his behavior, and something within Buggy’s chest makes it feel like there’s a million butterflies flapping inside his ribcage. He can’t help the dumb grin on his face as he laughs along.
“Sorry again, sir. I’ll keep an eye out for you next time,” you wink and begin walking away, making Buggy flabbergasted. N-next time? Was that a promise? He didn’t even realize what he was thinking before he turned around and tried to jog back to you.
“H-hey, wait up-!”
Beckman was fairly ambivalent to the idea of a “soulmate” or “affinity”. Sure, he humored his often childish captain with those notions, but the fact was, Beckman was simply a sailor at heart. He didn’t think being “stuck” to someone was the life he wanted, and he was fairly sure a sane, rational person would not want to be the lover of a first mate to perhaps one of the most infamous pirate crews on the sea.
Now, this would imply you were sane and rational, and this would also imply that he was also not a sucker for you. Perhaps that was what made him attracted to you in the first place, or maybe it was something that gave him the idea that his captain wasn’t so off base.
When it came to you, Beckman was eager, a bit too eager, the others would joke. Whenever you called, he came running and answering like a loyal servant. Whenever you wrote, his lips would form a large smile while he refused to let the others look at the letter you sent. Whenever he was away from you for long periods of time, he drank a bit too much.
It was common place enough for the others to notice and tease him about, even if Beckman was adamant there was nothing there. You guys were just… friends, or something ambiguous like that. You didn’t need a label for your relationship. This was completely normal, you were normal, he was normal- nothing was out of the ordinary, so if they would please stop asking and make him confront those pesky feelings he-
Maybe he had a problem. He never felt this way for anyone else he encountered. You knew of his philandering, not seeming to care all that much, but damn it, even he couldn’t continue that streak because his mind would get occupied with you, you, you. Love was too complicated. Maybe this was the alcohol talking. Or Shanks getting in his head about “souls being attuned” or whatever spiritual jazz the red-haired captain would spout.
No, it really made sense, all things considered. There was no one else but you to make him quit fooling around with others on the islands he stopped at. There was no one else but you who invaded his thoughts, who plagued him day and night with those eyes, that smile, the way you hated that red cologne he once bought and-
Oh dear god, he was deep into this, wasn’t he?
Love? Spirits? Souls? Soulmates?
Yeah right, add that to the list of stupid things weak poets say to make their miserable lives have some meaning. You could jump through a million hoops to try and blame encounters and relationships on things like “destiny” or “fate”. To a man like Crocodile, however, “destiny” was just something he could control. Whether through bribes of money or through making them submit with his fearsome powers, “destiny” was nothing but another means of his affluence.
Only those who were weak and had nothing could not control their lives.
Something like love was a crutch used by those who had nothing to pretend they did. What was love to power? What was love to wealth? To fame? To greatness?
Love was the longest-running scam that Crocodile almost could be impressed with, if not for the fact that the sentiment around love made him want to gag.
Except, now he was actively looking for jewelry to buy you, flowers to deliver to your doorstep, and outfits to clothe you in for when you visited him.
It was almost disgusting how Crocodile was eagerly awaiting for your next arrival, for when he could be able to see you on the street or at his casino so he could see that face he adored so much. Those eyes that made him want to melt, that voice that echoed in his head, that smile that made him want to have an image of you adorned on his wall so he could always see it.
Something, he could never place what it was, drew him to you. Something made you seem to stand out to him in ways that no other could. He was Crocodile- world famous business man and pirate- he had no shortage of people throwing themselves at him or fearing him. Only to you was he trying his luck attempting to woo you to give him that look he loved. Only for you was he making excuse after excuse to continue seeing you, lying over and over that he had a reason to use you, that it was just a part of some master plan.
He exhaled another puff of his cigar and rubbed his temples.
Gods, why was he acting this way? He was Crocodile. Not a lovesick teenage boy, not some lonely man, not some simpering-
“Sir, (Y/n) has arrived.” His ears perked up as he quickly slicked back his hair.
“Is that so? Send them up,” he orders, grabbing his expensive cologne to spray onto him again.
Zoro had never heard of the idea of soulmates or anything like that. When one lives, breathes, and dies by the sword, something like “soulmates” is just comical. He doesn’t need love to become the best swordsman. He didn’t need love to teach him how to pick up a sword and kill another with it. That was, in fact, the complete opposite of love.
Survival of the fittest, he thought. Nothing more, nothing less. You kill for bounties, bounties that pay, pay that gives you a chance to eat food. Nothing more to it. He never did more than he needed to, never worked harder for anything outside of his sword training and hunting. What else did a swordsman need to live?
He was currently drinking his fill at a local tavern of some random village he washed out upon. He didn’t care to get names, not when he was always moving, always killing, always leaving. “Zoro” was a passing chance encounter few got to ever meet or understand. He was fine with that. A bounty hunter didn’t need attachments. A bounty hunter definitely didn’t need someone weighing him down.
At the tavern, a few rowdy pirates were acting up. Yelling obscenities, throwing food and liquor at one another, making rude gestures- nothing out of the ordinary for drunk pirates. Zoro had no business with them, so he ignored them, continuing to order pint after pint.
It wasn’t until he heard a crash that he looked up. You were angrily yelling at one of the pirates who threw a drink at you, and his mates were drawing their weapons. It was clear you were outnumbered, so you looked around the bar for anyone that would help.
Normally, Zoro wouldn’t bother, figuring you dug your own grave by messing with pirates like that. However, when he glanced to your eyes, he found himself… staring. Lost. Entranced?
He didn’t know why he felt like he should protect you, but he always had a good intuition when it came to these sorts of things. He sighed, placed his mug down, then stood up, drawing his swords from their sheathes.
“Zoro,” he stated. A rare thing for him to admit so casually to a normal person. The pirates heard his name and shriveled up in fear. Zoro didn’t pay them any mind, instead tapping his sword against his shoulder impatiently. “Need me to shut these guys up?”
If you had asked a young Mihawk about love, he would have most certainly called you a fool for daring to think of such illogical things instead of focusing on one’s own strength and potential. While he had heard of the sentiments about love and soulmates before, he didn’t place much value into it. Love was a distraction from the training he could have done. Love was a waste of time. Love was just for weak-minded people who let themselves be vulnerable or gentle with another. Love wasn’t for people like him.
Which was why he was now trying to instill the opposite into his foolhardy protege, Zoro. Yes, yes, unfortunately, Mihawk was proven wrong from his earlier ways of thinking, and ever since then, he’s been doing his best to be a good man for you.
“I didn’t think a guy like you would have a partner…” Zoro would mumble.
“Of course I would. Do I not look like a suitable husband?” Mihawk replied as he was sipping his wine. “A marriage is only an aspect of your training and power.”
“How does cooking dinner help you train?” Zoro raised a brow, not believing a word.
“If you cannot handle a routine for even the most mundane and domestic of tasks, you cannot expect to be disciplined enough to train. If you think something like making your love a cup of tea or folding laundry is too hard or not worthy enough, you are not worthy enough to hold a sword.”
Zoro nodded, impressed by Mihawk’s reasoning (or maybe impressed at how you somehow made the world’s greatest swordsman so whipped and happy to make you dinner).
“Well, when you put it like that,” Zoro scratched his cheek, looking back at his mentor to see him staring at you longingly from the window. You and Perona were outside picking some of the vegetables at the garden, an activity you insisted upon doing despite Mihawk’s protests. You and the young lady were joking and laughing about something Perona said, and Mihawk sighed.
“Something wrong?” Zoro asked, unsure what Mihawk was thinking with his stoic appearance.
“No, not at all,” Mihawk shook his head, taking another sip.
“Then why did you sigh like that?” Zoro questioned. A smirk grew on Mihawk’s lips as he chuckled, continuing to look at you. You… you who were so special, who had become the apple of his eye, his strength, his joy, his passion.
“Oh, you wouldn’t understand it right now, my student,” Mihawk closed his eyes. “Fate is… it’s simply a humorous thing.”
He always was a sensitive soul, despite his outer appearance and harsh exterior. But even as a child, Law could tell something was up with Corazon.
“Why are you always looking at them?” Law grumpily asked, folding his arms and raising a brow at his benefactor.
“Hm? At who?” Corazon dumbly responded, cigarette in his lips.
“You know who I mean! Don’t act stupid!” Law shouted. Corazon chuckled and exhaled the smoke.
“Sorry, gotta be more specific.”
Of course, Corazon knew who Law was referring to. It wasn’t like Corazon had hidden his affection for you, but that was for another time. You were something special, something that Corazon yearned for but could never have. Not when Doflamingo’s influence was so large and looming over his life. But even if Corazon himself could not love you so freely, he always did like to tell the young boy stories. Of course, Law, being a jaded little boy, had never really given thought to such things like “soulmates” or “souls knowing each other”. That was stupid and impossible.
Corazon liked to believe, though. It comforted him. It made him feel happy that, hey, even if this life perhaps didn’t work out for him and you, at least he had known you before. At least he was able to see you again. At least he got you in his life for a moment, even if it would end in nothing but heartache and pain. At he least, for just a bit, he got to see that smile, those eyes, and feel your hands over his.
It made his life a little less hard, a little less dull. The romanticism that despite Doffy meddling in his life, Corazon still had a chance with you, was meant to know and be with you… well, that was plenty enough for him. It made him happier, too, knowing Law was perhaps a soul he was acquainted with before. It made him feel like he was always going to be guaranteed love and kindness with you and Law, even if the world was unkind to him.
Yes, this new family he had found was perhaps where he belonged the most. With you and Law by his side, there was nothing more he could ask for.
“You’re obsessed.”
“Am not!” Shanks yelled childishly at Beckman, before turning back to face the island they were planning on docking at soon. The wide smile on his face made it clear he was beyond excited to be there, and the other men chuckled.
“Don’t tell me you’re planning on running off to see em?” Yassop asked, knowing the answer.
“Oh, stop bugging about it! It’s just a little reunion with (Y/n), not anything crazy,” Shanks waved off. He breathed into his palm and winced at the smell of his breath. “Crap, does anyone have any mouthwash?”
“I don’t think anything can get that stench out. If they hadn’t run away cuz of your smell before, I think you’re good now!”
“Haha, very funny guys. Besides, it’s just between friends. Nothing weird.”
Of course, that was a bit of a fib, but who doesn’t tell little white lies? Surely he’d be forgiven for saying that by whomever was possibly in charge of making this happen?
Shanks, even with his overwhelming power and influence, did believe in superstition. It would be foolish not to, especially in such a dangerous world that a pirate inhabits. Sure, some of them were old wive’s tales from scared-straight sailors, but he did find them having some merit. He didn’t like to discount the seemingly impossible, not when it made even the most outlandish things possible.
He believed it was fate he got to meet Buggy and be a part of Roger’s crew. He believed it fate he met little Luffy in Foosha Village. He also believed it was fate he saved you that day. Some things just “made sense” like that to Shanks. It certainly made his life more interesting while also giving him a chance to bother you as always.
“Oh, come on, you can’t really kick out your soulmate, can you?” Shanks would tease.
“Soulmate?” You laugh. “Is this your attempt at proposing to me?”
“Hey, if you’d like it to be, I can absolutely make it happen,” Shanks replied, an earnest look in his eyes. You smile at him- crap, how do you always manage to make him ache and miss you? It’s gotta be fate, because no way could anyone have his heart in tight vice like this.
“Well… if you’re insisting, Captain,” you begin, smirking at him. “Why not take me with you? As your soulmate.”
Shanks’s eyes widened and the look on his face was a mixture of bewilderment and excitement.
“You know I can always make room for you,” he answered, trying to steady himself.
“Good. Although, we could share a room.”
“You drive a hard bargain, dear,” he chugs his rum. “Cheers to us!”
Since he was a young boy, Law always tried to remain by himself. You couldn’t really trust anyone in a world of piracy and violence like that. Corazon, of course, always recommended otherwise. He even shared stories about a place where souls all were together.
It didn’t sound plausible or even remotely make sense. How would you even know if your soul was supposedly affiliated with someone?
It had been years since those days and the loss of Corazon, and even though he tried his hardest not to, Law still kept those stories in his mind. They were pointless and silly, but they were something Corazon believed wholeheartedly, even saying it was a miracle he got to meet a young Law. In some ways, Law felt somewhat similarly.
Love wasn’t for someone like Law. Too damaged, too cold, too logical, too afraid to ever let that feeling grow. It was how he stayed and remained for his life, and how he was planning on operating for the rest of time.
Until you, quite literally, crashed into him.
Jeez, you had to be a pest. Or a virus. Or a parasite. Something like that, but gosh, you were contagious. When you smiled, he found himself wanting to smile back. When you talked, he found himself thinking over every word you spoke in great detail. Maybe he was overthinking things, maybe when you said you were happy to have met him that was just you being friendly. Or something.
Almost always his mind drifted to you, feeling a certain way for you that he didn’t feel with the others in his crew or from the Straw Hats. You were different.
Perfect? Maybe. Definitely too good for someone like him, he’d think. But even with that self-loathing and apprehension, he found himself being drawn to you like a magnet.
Cora, if this is what you meant before…
Damn it, now he was letting things like soulmates and affinity cloud his judgment. He was a grown man, not a young boy, he didn’t need those silly delusions and ideas growing in his head and making him think he had a chance with you.
“Tora-o!” Luffy called. “Come here!!”
“No,” Law grumbled.
“Law,” you asked right after. “Do you mind helping me with this?”
“...yes,” he replied, stoically walking up to you to see what your problem was. Luffy gawked and pouted from the side, while a few of the others chuckled at Law.
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velocesainz · 4 months
Listeeeen well read but… I love angst so. Any driver you want… where the reader has a miscarriage. Yeah if is too much I’m sorry I leave now
Kissies ✨
A/n: This sounds super interesting! I hope you like it I also apologise for taking so long, I kinda forgot and also had exams. Kissies ✨
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Our Lost Family
Summary: You end up having a miscarriage and you become super depressed after losing the baby, Lando gets fed up of your moping. Will this ruin your marriage forever?
Warnings: very angstyyy, sad
Pairing: Lando x wife!pregnant!reader
Part 2
Y/n pov:
It was a normal day, well as normal as it can be when you’re pregnant.
I got out of bed and went down the stairs to get started on breakfast for Lando and I.
Finishing up breakfast I set the table and called Lando to join me.
“How’s the little one feeling” Lando asked me touching my stomach tenderly.
“There’s a little discomfort but overall seems to be doing pretty well in my opinion” I replied and he looked at me with a soft smile.
We chatted about plans for the rest of the day as we ate and then went on about our plans finishing off the busy day with a nice calm dinner at home.
“Baby?” Lando called out as I was setting up the table.
“Yes love? What happened?” I asked.
“I have this weird nagging feeling that there’s something that is going to go wrong and I just can’t get it to stop” Lando confessed and that got me thing.
I have also felt an odd feeling similar to how Lando described it.
“I have also had this feeling, I don’t know what it is but it feels very serious” I told him and his face grew increasingly worried.
“Baby, I want you to know, no matter what happens to us or the baby I will always love you. Nothing will get me to love you less” Lando said and that made me both worried and a little calm at the same time.
I was sitting at home watching tv and eating a simple salad when my stomach started to hurt extremely badly.
I saw blood pooling at my feet and I knew immediately that I was having a miscarriage, having heard so much about the experience from my mom who had had 2 miscarriages.
I immediately dialled Lando’s number but he didn’t pick up.
I dialled my mom number and she came in a few minutes and took me to the hospital.
Lando pov:
I was in a meeting when y/n repeatedly called which was odd for her as she knows my schedule and knows not to call when I’m busy.
I ignored her calls and put my phone one silent.
I got home to find nobody around.
There was an eerie silence.
I walked to the bedroom in hopes of finding y/n sleeping but to no avail.
I went into the living room and found a pool of blood at the base of the couch.
My heart sank to my stomach.
Was this why she was calling?
Oh god is she alright??
I called y/n only to find that she left her phone here in the house
I thought of calling her mother, maybe she had taken her to the hospital?
When I called she immediately picked and her voice frantically said “Lando! Thank god your done, please come to x hospital immediately! I’m afraid y/n is having a miscarriage”
My brain was spiralling but I managed to get my keys and drive to the hospital.
When I entered the hospital is when I was met with the sight of y/n’s mother, sitting on a chair with her head in her hands.
“Mum?” I called out to her
Her head immediately snapped towards my direction and she sprinted over “Oh Lando My baby she’s in danger, her baby’s in danger I don’t know what to do” she cried.
“Don’t worry mum, she’ll be fine, she’s one of the strongest people I’ve met” I told her mum to try and calm her down.
“I guess you’re right, she is quite the resilient kind” she sighed out sadly.
The doctor finally came out and came up to me and yn’s mum.
“You must be Mrs Norris’s family. She’s fine but significantly weaker. The baby however…did not make it. I’m so sorry for your loss, you can visit her now. She’s in room 004.”
When the doctor said this my heart sank to my stomach. We both had tried so hard to have a kid together and when she finally got pregnant she ended up having a miscarriage. I don’t know how I will face her after this pain.
I walked into the room and found her lying on the bed sleeping peacefully, if only life was going the way it was.
“Hey love, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. If only I had picked up your call, our child would’ve been alive with us” I spoke softly into her hair as I held her close.
She woke up in a panic “WHAT HAPPENED?? IS MY BABY OK? Lando ANSWER ME”
I didn’t know what to say to her so I just kept my head down and I guess she understood what I was trying to say. She broke down into sobs.
“My poor baby, I didn’t even get to see you. How am I to continue without you” she kept on repeating to herself and my heart kept breaking into smaller pieces with every word.
Y/n’s been so incredibly depressed ever since the miscarriage. She can barely get out of bed in the morning and struggles to do basic tasks.
I love her but this is getting way too much. I mean, it’s just a baby, we can always try for another one.
I walked into the living room to see y/n lying on the couch with a blank stare on her face.
“Y/n?” I called out to her and she slowly turned towards me
“Y/n this is not healthy. It’s just a baby, it’s not the end of the world. We can always try for another one. Right now I’m fed up of you not doing anything but moping around and acting like the world has collapsed on you” I spoke fast.
Looking at her glossy eyes and hurt face should have told me that what I did was wrong but I didn’t realise
“Do you know how much this baby meant to me Lando? Do you know? After months of trying I finally got pregnant and I just lost the baby and you’re telling me to just “get over it”? Do you even hear yourself? I’m absolutely disappointed in your understanding. I’m leaving.” She yelled and walked out of the house.
What have I done?
Part 2?
A/n: I would love to get your guys feedback and also please send me any requests you’d like to see since I’m done with exams and have a bunch of free time. Kissies ✨
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writingmeraki · 8 months
hazy eyes, clear thoughts I
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a roronoa zoro imagine !
synopsis : in which letting your drunken mouth spill your sober thoughts leads you to a very unexpected consequence. ( read: everyone saw it coming except you and **** )
pairing : opla!zoro x gn!reader, idiots to lovers!
genre : disgustingly fluffy fluff, five tablespoons of angst and probable romance.
warnings : cussing, mentions of alcohol and getting wasted, zoro kinda mean, probably terrible humour, shit ton of giggling, also very all over the place but kinda cute? not entirely proofread, also lmk if I forgot to add any other warning !
author's note : well oh well, look we have another totally not self indulgent zoro oneshot/drabble/imagine n e ways I hit a sort of weird point of the series, I'm stuck but i am like 87% done with ch 1?? i hope I'll be able to do it soon enough ^^ tysm for ur patience !! let me know what you think of this! also PART 2?!? ( I need to know if people wanna read this randomness further 😆😅🤣👍🏽)
word count : 4.8k
gif creds !
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 “Oh-kay! I think that’s enough!”
You frowned when Nami took the drink from your hand, whining in protest when she kept it further away which she knew your drunken self would be unable to reach.
“B-but it’s good, it’s making me happy!” You giggled as you pointed at yourself and then pouted, pulling your manipulative tactic, one you did a lot when you wanted something especially one you did when you were shit-face drunk. 
With large doey eyes, you pleaded at her, “You don’t want me to be sad right? I’ll be sad if you don’t give me- that.” You pointed in a direction you thought she placed the beer but of course, it was way off.
“See, you can’t even make out where I’ve placed the beer! I don’t care if it makes you upset and honestly, it was fun to see you make a fool out of yourself, but now it’s just…sad.” She sighed, a tone of sympathy as she finished her sentence,
“I know why you’re drinking and it’s not a good way to distract yourself from your feelings! Drinking worsens the problem!” She scolded you to which you now felt a small anger form within you.
“Well then, how else am I supposed to get rid of this dread and just stupidity huh? Being sober is a constant reminder!” 
“Your feelings aren’t stupid! You like him, I’d say even love! You can’t just assume your feelings are invalid not until you know how the other person feels!” Your best friend felt a rage you’d feel if you saw someone you care about demean their feelings, a sort of anger at them hidden with laces of sympathy.
“He doesn’t fucking care! He only cares about his promises and that’s…that’s his life, his own…way of living so it’s fine!”
“Feelings to him are just…distractions.” You gulped as you recalled the way he replied to Luffy when the Captain was teasing him about falling in love. 
[ a few moments ago ]
“Zoro, don’t you think you should consider finding a partner, don’t you also want to fall in love and experience all the magical things that come with it?” Luffy teased as you all sat around a barrel, deciding to just hang out after a busy day. 
Zoro had a beer in one hand as he took a sip and then rolled his eyes, you’d been seeing his reaction, undoubtedly your heart picking up its pace when you heard the question. 
“I don’t need love, or call it a partner if you will. I already have enough on my plate, all that so-called magical stuff is just a distraction.” He replied, with no hesitation which left no option but for the listeners to believe his words.
Just because he’d spoken his opinion, it didn’t mean it hurt less. You knew it though, from the start that Zoro was a determined individual. Despite having his own goals, he also cared about others like Luffy even though he didn't show it much, less that he said it verbally.
It was what made you like him in the first place. After all, what’s more, better than a man who knows what he wants, is determined to get what he wants, cares for those he considers his friends, and the bonus cherry on top being he was quite easy on the eyes too. 
A whole package indeed. 
And you didn’t even know when your supposed “I admire him as a person to look up to” turned into “Oh, I think I am in love with him.” 
But ah, that’s the beauty of love and all the magical stuff, isn’t it? You never know when you’ll be the one who finally falls into it.
That’s why, after hearing his words, you felt your heart sink just a little. Screw it, you think you felt it weigh a shit ton and sink to the very pit of your stomach. 
Nami, oh Nami, what a friend she was truly, because immediately her eyes darted to you after Zoro’s words and she saw your expression go down just as quickly as Zoro downed his bottle of beer. 
Luffy chuckled, of course, he would, the poor lad was just teasing in the first place anyway to irk Zoro and obviously, he didn’t know about poor old you’s feelings. 
I think I need to go. 
It sucked how you couldn’t refute against him. How you couldn’t yell that love is not just a “distraction”, love is something that makes one feel more…human. Love is a wonderful thing and how if someone were to experience it, it makes you feel….it makes you feel just happy at being in the presence of the one you, love. Just…love is not…it’s not-
“Uh guys,” You piped up after sensing the tense atmosphere, tense to you anyway since you felt like a seashell was clogged up your throat. 
“I’m gonna go…get some fresh air. Yeah uh- I’ll be behind if you need me.” You abruptly got up, smiling tightly at Luffy, purposefully avoiding Nami’s questioning yet pitiful look and harshly blatantly ignoring how Zoro’s attention turned towards you, about to question you too, his face showing the emotions he’d not show before 5 bottles of beer. 
Sighing quietly, you picked up the drink you’d been downing, still having an adequate portion in it and you thought about it, saying fuck it as you grabbed two more from the stack that was in the middle.
“Continue with…your shenanigans,” You turned around and let your emotions finally show on your face, words repeatedly swinging in your head as you tried to filter them out. 
It’s nothing but a distraction.
And now, a few bottles (2) and a whole lot of giggling later, you may have truly begun to take Zoro’s words seriously. 
“I feel sick, perhaps it’s my heart breaking, see it hurts here the most.” You groaned as you looked out into the sea, pointing to your chest, though inaccurate as you held your right side, the sun appearing as a blurry blight light due to your vision becoming hazier as you got more drunk.
Nami sighed at you, realizing you should probably just be made to go to bed, despite it being only a few hours away from actual nightfall.
“Come on, let’s go, you’ve thought enough,” She stood up, having been sitting beside you on a barrel while you’d been sitting on the same.
She pushed her hand outwards towards you, to which you giggled and you were pretty sure your cheeks ached now. 
“Namii~how do you have-” you pointed your finger out, counting the fingers “-ten fingers! On one hand?!” You continued staring at her hand in awe as she rolled her eyes, a small grin on her face, finding your drunken self a tiny bit cute. 
Suddenly you felt your world stumble as she grabbed you and pulled you upwards, you now decided you did not know how to walk and leaned your entire body weight on her. 
Now, Nami wasn’t a weak person but considering how you were more on the taller side than her while also being a bit more buff due to the immense training you did every day to practice your own skills, you did weigh more.
She quickly made you sit back down when she realized she couldn't possibly carry you, she needed help.
"Stay here 'kay? I'll be back." She told you to which you obediently nodded, which made a genuine grin form on her face.
Maybe she did prefer drunk you who'd follow her orders with no protests.
You looked back at the sea, the sun even lower than before, a type of golden shining on the blues that reminded you of a certain someone's earrings and oh, there it was.
Your thoughts slowly getting consumed by the moss head who despite drinking so much to forget was so embedded deep into your memory and probably heart at this point that even the slightest similarity you saw, be it colors or flowers, reminded you of him. 
Ah, that's love and all its magical stuff am I right? 
Sighing, she made her way back to where the rest of them were, the crew picking up on her presence,
"Where's Y/N? Weren't you bringing them?" 
"Well, for one they are SHIT face drunk, I don't think they are even conscious of where they are right now so I'll need to take them to bed but also, I can't carry them alone." 
She rolled her eyes at the stupidity of drowning yourself in your feelings, quite literally but she knew she wouldn't complain to the rest of them or more so she couldn't.
"Well I'm sure, one of us can help-"
"I'll help you carry them." Zoro interrupted your captain who was just about to suggest him. If there was one who could probably carry anything heavy too, it was him of course. 
Nami eyed him curiously, she did know he wasn't ready to do…kind deeds, not unless it helped him in some way. Though, she thinks, you may just be an exception.
He stood up and walked towards where you were, which was at the back, Nami followed suit to which he turned towards her.
"It's alright if you don't come, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to carry them myself." He said it and Nami narrowed her eyes, half out of suspicion and half out of spite after hearing the cocky undertone to his words. 
Proving that was one corner of his lips being turned upwards, forming an annoyingly handsome smirk that if you saw it, you'd probably be more on the brink of absolutely losing it.
"Take care of them and if they are hurt-" Zoro rolled his eyes at the over-exaggeration, and Nami knew that but as your best friend and a platonic soulmate at this point, she felt she had to say something. 
"I don't mean it that way, you know damn well what I mean." She told firmly, to which a slight confusion did flash in Zoro's eyes but he didn't make it obvious as he glared at her, ready to bicker.
"Nami!" Luckily, Luffy's timing seemed impeccable as he called her, to which she turned around, allowing no further talk.
Zoro just brushed off her words and moved to where you were.
Despite, Zoro admitting to never wanting a partner, it didn't mean though, that he didn't feel. 
He cared. He cared enough for Luffy to stick with him. He cared enough to fulfill a promise. 
And he cared for you too as he saw you sleeping soundly, laying your head on the ship, using your hands as a makeshift pillow. 
And yet, he somehow knew it was different. It was different from how he cared for others. 
He gulped as he moved closer, now being able to see your features being highlighted by the afterglow of the sun setting. 
It was as though you were the sun's favorite child at the moment, touching parts of your face softly, careful enough to not awaken you yet enough to rest on it to make it golden. 
The evening breeze couldn't have picked a better time to pass as strands of your hair messily moved, your face scrunching up in disturbance. 
He didn't even perceive how he'd reached you and was actually touching strands of your hair to push them back in place so as to not disturb your sleep. 
He wasn't even a gentle person, but he was using soft fingers with even softer touches to push them back. 
He figured he should in fact take you back to your bed, well shared bed with Nami. 
Deciding there was no need to wake you up, he moved beside you, putting one arm underneath your knees while the other looped just above your waist and below your chest. 
You blinked open your eyes when you felt yourself floating, it seemed like you were floating for a brief second, engulfed by warm clouds and a nice pillow that was-
You looked up and saw the side profile of someone. 
They seemed familiar. 
A glint of gold caught your eye as you put your left arm up and poked the earring, giggling as you saw it move.
"Wow, pretty," You think you'd seen it but your eyes being hazier than before after your mini nap seemed to only make your vision more blurry.
The sudden exhale and whisper down his neck almost made Zoro trip as he didn't really expect you to be up.
He was just near your shared room.
"Where are you taking me? Who are you?" You asked the important questions now, your mushed brain being able to form somewhat coherent thoughts. 
"You- you don't know who I am?" He asked you, confusion in his features and then remembering why you were lost. 
Right, practically wasted. And apparently memory loss due to being wasted.
He pushed the door open, as flimsy as it was, careful to not eventually break it down.
You looked around your surroundings, now even more lost as to where you actually were.
You squealed as he let you down, immediately realizing it was a terrible idea when you almost toppled over, unable to hold your own weight as he pushed his arm around your waist.
You held onto the man's shirt as you tried not to trip and fall.
"Here I'll just- I'll get you to bed." He guided you towards your bed, hand still wrapped around your waist as he looped yours over his neck. 
You plopped down with your eyes shut, your head began spinning when you almost tripped and you groaned in regret.
"Drinking too much was such a bad idea, like all my decisions lately." You put your hand on your forehead as you tried to rub the forming headache away. 
Hearing a walking sound, you peered your eyes open. Half-open anyways as you still couldn't make out well anything.
You could see the supposed stranger who'd help you till your bed was going to turn around and likely go but at that moment, you decided you didn't really want to be…alone.
Grabbing his hand before he moved away, you pulled him back with all your force. It didn't phase his movements much though other than him halting. 
Zoro turned back to you after deciding he should probably leave before he either said something he'd regret or worse, did something he'd regret. 
It wasn't his fault though with how…cute you looked as you plopped down, making him want to ki-
"Stay…please." You whispered to him, still holding onto his wrist as you blinked at him.
A familiar green color sat on top of his head but you figured it was a common color despite being sober you absolutely made fun of it when you could about how uncommon it was but also whined about how unfairly good it looked on him. 
The same him who looked at you in confusion and disbelief,
"You want me to stay, right now? With you?"
“Of course! I feel quite alone right now, maybe the company will make me feel better here.” You let go of his arm, the loss of your colder hand in contrast to his warm skin making him slightly frown. 
You pointed at your chest, surprisingly getting it right this time by pointing toward your left side.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “Does your chest hurt or something?” 
There was a slight concern in his tone, one which made you giggle. 
“Not- not physically silly, it’s- it’s my heart, it feels like it’s been gutted- wait no too- too gruesome, it feels like someone just punched it and it broke.” As you blubbered about your heartbroken state, your words made him more curious and concerned.
He decided he should probably hear you out, after all despite not being a great talker, he’d consider himself a decent listener. 
Grabbing the barrel you used as a chair placed under your makeshift desk, he moved to sit beside your bed. 
“It’s ridiculous. I should have known there was no chance, but it isn’t like you get a choice sometimes on how you should feel about someone, it just…happens.” You spoke softly, as Zoro turned his attention toward you, wondering who was this person who’d caused you to feel so…sad. 
He didn’t realize it but he felt a slow anger build up, one he excused as frustration due to your mumbling but not one out of simply, probably, jealousy.
Yes, he was jealous of….this person because it sure as hell seemed as though you were deeply in love to have been feeling like this. 
“Why do I even like him?” Oh, he definitely did not want to hear you talk about him, he decided.
Screw being a good listener, he was already in a crisis when Luffy put him on the spot asking about whether he’d want a lover or not, and then him trying his best not to divert his gaze towards you, so instead he chose an option ( one he’d regret later on ) and gave a seemingly believable answer. 
Maybe a while ago, he’d have stuck to that answer, and actually no, he was sticking to it, quite well too.
That was until you stumbled onto the crew or more like in true Luffy fashion, were persuaded enough to stay. 
At first, he didn’t care enough. It was more so he didn’t particularly like you too. You were what he was not. Careless, overly enthusiastic at times, and way too optimistic for your own good. You looked to see the good in everyone, believing that there was always some sort of goodness in everyone.
Zoro found that stupid, knowing how reality was always different. Everyone is and will always be selfish for their own greed. He was too, he wanted to fulfill his promise and that was it. 
That was his goal and nothing else really mattered to him.
It’s what he thought would remain the same till he accomplished it but a sudden diversion came in the form of well…you.
He didn’t even realize it but the annoyance he’d get when he heard your lame jokes turned into him looking away from your silly smile to try and hide his own forming grin.
How he’d always automatically be looking for you if they’d stop at an island, choosing to follow you and dismissing Nami’s suspicious glances by saying you’d likely do something stupid that might put everyone in danger if left alone.
It was funny what this could make anyone feel. He didn’t ever feel like this, he didn’t even want to admit he was close to feeling but how long could a person remain in denial?
He was in love with you. 
He couldn’t simply excuse his heart racing at your presence as simply annoyance, he couldn’t excuse finding pretty flowers and them reminding him of you as well….yeah you get the point. 
That revelation honestly made him spiral into a sort of existential crisis. 
So he decided it was best to do one thing.
Ignore it. Ignore everything and simply wait until it all fades away. 
But silly him, he didn’t know one thing about love and he assumed it was something that fades away, yet there it was, in his gaze as it softened and in his heart as it sunk slowly like an anchor. 
Clogging his throat as if he couldn’t simply breathe when you admitted to being in love with someone, someone who wasn’t him.
Ah love and its magical stuff, yet why does he feel like it's more of a curse right now? 
He opened his mouth, and closed it again, resembling a fish and it felt like he wanted to say everything yet nothing.
They probably don’t deserve you. 
The thought resonated in his head, but really who was he to say so because did someone like you even deserve him?
Turning to face him completely, ducking your hand under your head, you blinked at him slowly, a grin forming on your face as you saw the stranger’s hair.
“You…you remind me of him, your hair, it’s that ugly color.” You softly giggled to which Zoro was left in yet a contradiction of emotions, whether or not he should feel offended or light over the sound of your soft giggles. 
“Come closer, I’ll tell you a secret.” He blinked at you, trying not to show any emotions and wondering if you’d ever even talk to him like this sober.
Deciding to follow what you said, something he’d never do if you were sober, he leaned in, putting one arm as support to hold him due to the slightly uncomfortable position. 
“I- don’t laugh at me first of all, it’s ridiculous, Nami says I’m being too much of a coward not saying it upfront.” You looked at him to which he nodded, in your mind you presumed it was reassurance and agreeing to not find you ridiculous.
Somehow, despite you not knowing who was in front of you, your heart was picking up in pace and you felt a slight nervousness, actually, you almost felt like throwing up.
As if you were just about to actually…
“I think, actually no, I am definitely in love with Zoro.”
…confess to Zoro. 
Good thing, Zoro had quick reflexes because he felt his arm slip and if it weren’t for those quick reflexes, he’d have fallen face-first into the ground. He sat up straighter as if what he heard had physically burned him. 
“It sounds ridiculous, falling in love with someone like him but he’s actually a very loveable person, at least once he begins to get more…more comfortable around you. He talks less, shows emotions or any reactions even less, always carrying around a bitch face- Nami says so- but-but he also cares through his actions like-like that one time he found Luffy’s straw hat when he thought he lost- he spent hours helping him look for it and trying to keep Luffy from crying and then, then this other time he stayed up all night when I got hurt and wasn’t able to sleep. And-and there’s sooo many other times he’s done, the small things, he cares for that.”
“You know. I think that was when I knew I loved him.  When he didn’t need to stay up, yet he did to make sure I didn’t die or something.” You finished with a soft giggle as memories of that day flashed in front of your closed eyes. 
Suddenly he felt way warmer than the room was. 
“I know, I know you’ll…you’ll call me stupid for loving someone who’s already in fact rejected me, not-not to my face of course but indirectly I suppose.”
Wait, what?
Rejected you?
How could he do that when- when he didn’t-
“I hate this! I hate the way I feel, it- it’s making me feel pathetic.” Your words slurred as you whined, using your makeshift pillow to groan into.
“Who said love is magical? It’s pathetic! It makes you stupid enough to have stupid hopes that only make you fly high until suddenly the actual reality crashes you down hard.” You spoke somberly, your words slowly fading out as you gave into the alcohol-induced sleep.
“Love is…pathetic. But- but I love him. So much. I love…you.” The last word came out as a hush as you exhaled, shutting your eyes and letting go of the pillow as you finally got knocked out. 
It pained him to see you call yourself pathetic…all while being the reason you felt that way. 
Zoro was conflicted. The contradiction of emotions making him all do,
He was frozen. He couldn't say a word, couldn't raise his hand to rub your back to perhaps comfort you. 
His mind was in more chaos, your words replaying like a loop. 
And finally, he came to a conclusion.
I need a drink. Fuck, maybe even three. 
Perhaps if you were awake, it’d be a different reaction. Perhaps if you weren’t drunk, you’d have not said it. 
The idea of you then getting over him, probably because you’d think he rejected you indirectly due to his words. This left a more bitter aftertaste in his mouth and mind than the beer he just downed.
He left your side, deciding he needed a breather to process what he’d just been told. He made sure you’d be in a comfortable position, placing your arms to your sides and even draped a sad excuse of a blanket, one that you brought yourself of an old woman when you had stopped at an island and one you loved, sad excuse because it was very thin but apparently you couldn’t sleep without it. 
He had turned back to you, one more time, about to say something but he just sighed and turned around, walking away to where he was now. 
Now, almost halfway through the crate of beers, he still couldn’t get rid of the confusion. 
Did- did you mean it?
It was conflicting because for one you said it under the influence, maybe you’d even meant someone else and just said his name by mistake. He hated that, so he chose to focus on you saying it solely for him. 
“Why-just why are you trying to die of alcohol poisoning? What is up with you idiots drinking like maniacs today?” A voice said in both disgust and concern as she walked up beside him, facing the sea, and then looking at him, the concern being evident as she saw the conflict of emotions on his face.
She knew he wasn’t one to speak up, it was rather his body language and eyes that spoke what he felt. 
He just sighed, taking a smaller sip of the drink, placing both arms on the side of the ship, and observing the waves.
Nami truly wondered what could have happened until she realized. 
“Did something happen with Y/N?” She cooly asked, observing his expression and surely enough a change of emotion was seen with the way he suddenly stiffened up.
“Nothing remarkable–”
“Oh cut the crap Zoro, you look like someone stole your fucking swords and threw them into the sea.” 
Now he turned towards her, a slight look of horror while he narrowed his eyes at her,
“That’s oddly specific.”
“Won’t deny anything. But, don’t change the topic.”
“They told’ you something?” She figured she should just straight up ask it, put it out in the blue, out of the bad.
Zoro contemplated whether he should spill it, feeling like maybe it would be invading your privacy but even if he didn’t want to admit it, he needed some sort of advice. 
“They- uh told me they lo- well see-” He shifted his attention back to the sea, finding it hard to say it to her face without giving away much. 
Technically you confessed but also you didn’t? You ranted about being in love with Zoro and how you wished you didn’t, you did that thinking you were spilling it to a stranger but it was the man himself so is that a confession? 
“So they finally did it?” He turned towards her raising his eyebrows in question, “They confessed?” 
Now he was surprised but how accurate she was, “ They are too coward- no offense- to do it while sober so ‘figured from the way you look like” She pointed towards his face with her finger “They either kissed you, which doesn’t seem evident from your face not being smothered with lipgloss, they confessed.” 
He gulped from his active imagination flashing a picture of you kissing him and how-
“But why are you so freaked out then? Shouldn’t you be happy your silly little crush is mutual?”
“It wasn’t a confession. More like a rant, they thought I was someone else and they basically spewed it all, and wait what do you mean mutual- I don’t uh-”
“Oh don't give that bullshit now. I know- in fact, even a blind person could see how in love you are with them.” 
Zoro didn’t know whether to get offended or embarrassed if it were really that obvious. He exhaled heavily, clearly not satisfied with the situation still. 
“What if they don’t even remember? What if they begin to ignore me because they think I don’t like them?” 
“Well you did say you weren’t looking for a partner or so on, did you forget that idiot?” Nami shook her head as she rolled her eyes at him.
“I-well- It wasn’t intentional! I panicked!”
“And now this is your consequence. Though there’s a simple solution to this crisis which isn’t a crisis actually, it’s pretty straightforward.”
Now he was curious, a way to solve this whole catastrophe? 
“Since you think they’ll forget by morning, how about you confront them then?”
“In the morning, you clear out your feelings before you dumbasses end up avoiding each other to purposefully brush this aside and I swear! I swear if it gets awkward because you both won’t look past your egos, I’ll force you into the damn cabin and lock you there to talk.”
Nam smiled sweetly, yet a threat underlined beneath her final words and Zoro thought of the only thing he should do now.
“Fine then.”
“I’ll talk. I’ll…confess to everything.”
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri.do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2023
feedback is always appreciated 💗
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spiinvisble · 21 days
Please write a fic about Hamzah fucking “you” while you wear his shirt omg I feel like his tags are so dry lately.
Please and thank you ♥️
t shirt | hamzah the fantastic
.7k words
notes/warnings: nsfw! unprotected sex, praising
(first imagine… its kinda short sorry so go nice on me please also the way i struggled with this so hard.. haha hard!)
fridays were your favourite because that was the day you would get to sleep over at hamzah's apartment for the weekend. as soon as you stepped through the door, you noticed hamzah sat with focused eyes on his computer, headphones on, editing his youtube video.
“hi baby i’m gonna shower” you said, kissing his cheek and trying to get his attention away from the screen.
“mhmm” he replied, nodding as he is editing the finishing touches of his video.
you headed to the bathroom, eager to feel the relaxing feeling of cold water on your skin. after, you come out of the bathroom with dampened hair in hamzah's t shirt. the fabric hits an inch below your hip, effectively hiding your panties.
“finally” hamzah muttered to himself as he stretched his arms. he turned around to face you and formed a smirk “you’re wearing my shirt?”.
“yeah i hope you don’t mind” you replied, walking towards him.
“not at all” he said pulling you close “there is just one thing though” he added, putting his hands on your hips.
“what is it?” you asked. you can sense the tension because you knew hamzah was a sucker for you wearing his shirt. you realized this a few weeks ago when you "forgot" your pyjamas at your place and asked for some clothes. you didn’t actually forget; wearing his clothes was way more comfortable anyway. but, the minute you walked out that night with his shirt, ready for bed, you guys didn’t do much sleeping.
“i want these off” he murmured, sliding your panties down. he then stood up from his chair maintaining strong eye contact “you look really good” he whispered leaving cold shivers down your neck. he began giving soft kisses on your neck and the only sound that escaped your lips were quiet moans and “mhmm”. 
hamzah took the hint and gently laid you on his bed. “fuck you know what you do to me?” he said gesturing you to look down. he never had a problem with randomly getting bricked up but whenever he saw you or even had a thought about you, he felt the rush.
he quickly removed his shirt, and you eagerly unbuckled his belt, helping him take off his boxers where his member sprung out. you widen your eyes because no matter how many times you seen it, you will always feel so needy for him.
hamzah grabbed your face and kissed you. he began to climb over you, his kisses getting more passionate and slower. you feel your neediness get stronger and start moving your right hand up and down his member. he stops and looks down at you. 
“fuck why did you stop?” you whispered moving his hands from your hips to your wet slit so he can feel how badly you also wanted this.
“already so wet for me” he groaned putting his finger in. you initiated another kiss and continued stroking him with your right hand while the left was deep in his curls. hamzah sees you getting so flustered and added a second finger. the motion and especially the curling of his fingers felt so heavenly.
you can’t handle this heat and remove his hand to begin rubbing his member on your wet clit.
“fuckkk” he moaned, starting to adjust himself. hamzah grabs your waist and he begins to slowly move back and forth. you took him all in and start wrapping your legs behind him pushing him in deeper. he then lifts your shirt to see your tits, loving the way they bounce because he was the reason for seeing you in this position. 
the sounds of your wetness and the smacking of his thrusts grew louder. his hair began to curl more from the sweat on his forehead, and his biceps flexed as he gripped your waist, trying to get even deeper.
“just like that” you moaned, gripping his back and leaving some scratches from the digging of your nails. he continued his pace and you can feel your insides twisting into knots, feeling a release.
“good girl, i’m so close” he says breathing heavily and giving a few more strokes before he pulls out and aiming for your chest as he hits his high.
he kisses your forehead and quickly grabs a towel to clean up the mess. 
“so what is it with this shirt?” you asked, your breathing still heavy.
“i mean it’s my lucky shirt. i mean whenever you wear it i just guess so lucky” he says forming a smirk and winking at you while he finishes wiping you up.
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cyberkinks · 6 months
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⤷︎︎ 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬, wom!reader, fiancé!mingyu. surprises, him being the kind man he is, him meeting your family and friends, you two being lovebirds throughout this, kissing, sexual interactions, multiple sex scenes, your mom scolding you. ✨
⤷︎︎ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, use of foul language, use of pet names (maybe), misspellings (maybe. english isn’t my first language). 🎄
⤷︎︎ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞, smut, fluff, CEO au. ⛄️
⤷︎︎ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲, christmas. a wonderful time of the year that you share with your precious family and in this case, your fiancé. you honestly felt as if mingyu forgot about the week you two were supposed to visit your family in LA but little did you know. ❄️
⤷︎︎ 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫!, this is for entertainment purposes only! 🌨️
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: ❛Hello, loves. I know it's been a while but I'm back with a longer imagine this time. hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it for all of you. I still have more things in the works so look out for it! love you all, merry chrismas (if u celebrate), and happy new year! muwah! (I'll try to post for new years as well!) ♡ ❜ ☃️
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝: no, unedited.
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It was kinda expected and you were torn apart but you kept a smile on your face around your family since you didn’t want them to know.
mingyu promised to come with you to LA to visit your parents since he’s never met them and as always, his schedule said otherwise and he was 'disappointed' also. you had left days before chrismas since it was gonna be a long flight plus you needed to help out your mom.
you looked around as your family mingled and talked amongst each other but you kept your life private which means it would’ve been an even bigger surprise since they didn’t even know you’d thought about dating. you were the most career focused person they knew.
you sat there trying to maintain a happy face but it eventually failed and your face turned sad at the thought of Mmngyu not being able to come.
your mom noticed and came over and sat down by you. “everything alright?” she asked with a look of concern and you nodded immediately, covering up your true feelings. “yeah, I’m fine.” you reassured her and flashed her a small smile.
she looks at you and chuckles. “y/n, I can tell when you’re not fine.” caught. she caught you in your “I’m okay” act and you sigh deeply. “it’s just….someone was supposed to come but…” you didn’t know how to finish off your sentence without ruining the surprise. “the person couldn’t make it.” you look down at your coffee mug before taking a sip.
“and why not?” she asks “they’re just…busy busy.” you replied trying your best not to spoil anything. “I see and this person is making you this upset? must be important.” you raise an eyebrow at her words, wondering if she knew already.
she winks at you before walking off and you shake your head, trying to clear your thoughts and have a good time but it was hard with mingyu being on your mind so you pick up your phone from the table and sent him a quick “I miss you” message then sat your phone face down back on the table.
soon, the doorbell rings throughout the house and you look over and see your mom going to answer it. you think nothing of who it might be until you hear that familiar voice and you stand up and walk into the living room from the dining room only to see mingyu standing there with his bags in his hands. “Sorry I’m late.” he says softly before kissing your forehead as you stand there in shock “the traffic was terrible” he continued. “I thought you said you were handing things today.” I ask him with a confusing frown.
he smiles down at you. “I wanted to surprise you, love. I took a few days off.” a smile appears on your face and you lean in and kissed his lips softly. “this is one hell of a surprise.” you say with a smile before looking back and seeing most of your family standing there. “oh sorry, uh mingyu this is my mom, (F/N). mom, this is my fiancé, mingyu” you stand aside watching as they greet each other.
soon after, you introduce him to your dad, (F/N) then the rest of your family as you hold onto his arm.
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After introducing him, you two sat down on the sofa looking around. you look over at him. “I honestly thought you forgot.” you spoke softly and he chuckled softly at your words. “I know but I would never, i know how important this was for you.” said mingyu with a soft smile across his lips and you smiled back before pecking his lips “well, I’m glad.” you grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers with his and he kisses your temple.
you couldn’t have been more happier in this moment. surrounded by your fiancé, friends, and family. being together with him on your favorite holiday was all you needed for christmas.
・ ・ ・ 𝐀 𝐅𝐄𝐖 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑, it was now 11 PM and everyone went to bed early and it was just you and mingyu awake in the guest bedroom.
you were relaxed and laid back against the headboard, watching TV in your nightgown, rubbing your legs against the silk sheets trying to get comfortable as you waited for mingyu to finish up showering.
you couldn’t sleep without him being next to you. you were slightly clingy.
when you hear the water turning off, a smile forms on your lips but what happens next is something you didn’t expect. you looked up and saw him with a towel around his waist as water dripped down from his body and his hair, running down his abs and his neck.
you closed your legs at the sight before looking away not being able to handle the view and a light laugh came from his lips. “can’t handle what you see?” he says in a low whisper and you chuckle before looking back over at him. “of course I can, I just…it’s different.” you clear your throat before facing the tv again, trying to get your mind off what your eyes just saw.
“different? how so, love?” mingy says in a seductive tone before drying the water from his body and you take a deep breath. “I’m not sure what I meant by that either.” you say pulling the covers down a little, trying to show him what you were wearing and he raises an eyebrow. “now? In your parent's house?” he says as he climbs onto the bed, hovering over you. “such a bad girl, aren’t you?” he moves closer, positioning himself between your legs.
you bite your lips at his words before nodding as your hands rest on his shoulders now, feeling his cock resting against your thigh as he leans in closer, moving his head down to your neck and placing soft kisses and leaving love marks behind. “wanting me to fuck you right now..” he whispers against your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
your body was heating up at this point. your underwear were now soaked in your own juices. his hands grabs onto your hips, pulling you closer towards his own body.
“please, mingyu.” you breathe out, rubbing on his shoulders and biting down on your bottom lip after.
“please what, sweetheart?” his lips trails down to your collarbone, kissing on it softly while his hands slide up your gown tugging at the hem of your underwear.
you felt as if you were slowly losing control at the way he was teasing you. his thumbs trace circles on your hips, trying to contain himself since there were other people here.
“Mmmph, i need you.” a soft whine escapes your lips. a soft smirk appeared across his lips. “do you now?” he said in a low and husky manner before moving back and slowly pulling your underwear off. he smiled at how wet you already were for him and threw your underwear on the floor.
with his two fingers, he spreads your wetness around your clit then carefully dips his fingers inside of you making a sharp gasp leave your lips.
mingyu slowly thrusts them into you, prepping you for him as he bites down on his bottom lip. he loved listening to the sounds you made and knowing it was him that could only make you feel this way excited him more. he watch as you squirm underneath him “b-babe.” you moan softly, wanting to squeeze your thighs together but he stops you before leaning down between your legs and wraps his lips around your clit sucking on it gently and you quickly cover your mouth to prevent yourself from waking everyone up.
you look down watching as he pleasures you. he grabs ahold of your thighs, pulling you closer. he begins to devour you as if it were his last meal.
he moans softly against your folds, diving deeper as he continues to hold you in place. his tongue laps at your clit over and over again. he loved the way you taste on his tongue. you tried your best to suppress your moans, trying your best to keep quiet but he was visibly making that hard.
your thighs begin to shake while your hole starts to pulse. you felt your orgasm approaching just by him using his tongue. you were almost there but he quickly moved his mouth from your folds.
his chin and lips were covered in your juices. he licked it all off his lips before leaning down to kiss yours softly, letting you taste yourself as he lines himself up with your aching hole. “ready, my love?” he whispers against your lips and you nod quickly, your eyes were full of lust along with his.
he carefully slid himself inside of you, grunting instantly at how wet you were meanwhile you covered your mouth once again, trying your best not to moan loudly as he stretched you out.
“Oh god..” You gasp, gripping his shoulders for dear life. “I could cum like this..” he groans pushing his cock further into you, filling you up to the brim.
his forehead rests against yours as he slowly thrusts into you, letting you get used to his size while waiting for your cue.
after a few more slow thrusts, you nod for him to speed up his pace and he does at that moment. he grabs your legs, pinning them down on both sides of your torso.
your head went back, moaning softly into the air as you grabbed onto his shoulders tightly. “m-mingyu!” a whimper left your lips.
“you’re so fucking tight, sweetheart.” he moans, leaning in closer. the bed creaks at how fast he is going as the headboard thuds against the wall.
you knew by now that your parents knew what was going on since the guest room was next to theirs and you cursed inside your head knowing your mom was going to scold you about it today. you began to scratch at his back, moaning a little louder and he shushed you with his lips, grunting into the kiss as his pace quickened.
"you're so fucking deep!" you mewl, looking down and watching as he pumps into you with sharp and quick thrusts.
his hands grab onto your hips tighter. "(Y/N).." he grunts, throwing his head back this time. you could feel your orgasm building up and the pressure was becoming too much and it wasn't long until it finally broke loose and flooded all over his cock. you gripped onto his back tightly as your orgasms hit you like a freight train. your walls tightened up squeezing him tighter.
“fuck, (Y/N)…” he muttered through the kiss, releasing his thick ropes of cum into you and you panted heavily as he let go of your legs.
once your breathing settles down he kisses your sweaty forehead softly, his heart beating out of his chest as he holds you close. “I love you so much." he whispers “I love you, too, mingyu.” you smile, holding him tightly. after everything was settled, you both lay down in silence, listening to each other's heartbeat.
"my moms gonna absolutely scold me." you mumble softly before drifting off to sleep and he chuckles at your words before kissing your forehead one last time before falling asleep as well.
・ ・ ・ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆, you wake up in Mingyu’s arms, laying on top of him and cuddling closer to him. his arm wrapped around your stomach and you snuggle into him, your face nuzzling against his bare chest and you hum softly under your breath. “good morning.” he says in his raspy morning voice before kissing the top of your head causing you to giggle quietly. you lift your head slightly, staring into his dark brown eyes. you watch as they scan over you and your face immediately heats up. “morning.” you say smiling widely at him before giving him a soft kiss.
"Enjoyed last night?" he smirks, caressing your cheek as he gazes into your eyes and you nod "I always enjoy anything with you." you tug down on your bottom lip, pulling him closer. "I'm glad." he hums, climbing on top of you and kissing your lips softly. his lips move down to your neck, leaving soft kisses behind. "Mm, mingyu we can't. I have to help my mom prepare and the kiddos are opening their presents now." you hum, wanting him to continue despite that. “even though we’re missing it.”
"We'll be quick.." He says rubbing his now hard-on against you and you chuckle. "promise?" you open your legs a little wider, letting him between them. he nods before kissing your neck again, running his hand up and down your inner thigh, making you bite your lower lip and arch your back. he pulls away, lifting himself a bit before he slips his cock inside of you and you gasp, wrapping your legs around his waist as your back arches upward.
He moves his hips slowly as he looks into your eyes, watching your facial expressions before burying his head into your neck, nibbling on your earlobe while pumping his hips harder and faster, his teeth scraping lightly. you start moaning softly again which causes him to grow even harder at seeing your reactions. “fuck..” he groaned, grabbing ahold of your hips and slamming himself into you. “yes…” you whisper into his ear, gripping his shoulders tightly. he lets out a guttural growl, his hips pounding against yours with every movement of his body and soon you start feeling waves of pleasure washing over you, your moans getting louder and he quickly kisses your lips to shush you.
He picks up the pace once more and you clutch on his shoulders, your nails digging in, as he comes into you hard. you both collapse back onto his bed, exhausted from the intense sex. Mingyu rolls over on his side, hugging you close to him while you wrap your arm around his waist. "Nothing like morning sex, huh?" I mumble as I snuggle closer. he chuckled and kisses the top of your head before replying "not at all."
Mingyu pecks your lips before removing himself from the bed. he walked into the bedroom and grabbed a clean rag and wets it up. after he squeezed the unneeded water out of it, he walked back into the bedroom and saw that you were trying to sleep and he quickly woke you up. “no no, we have things to do.” he says as he pulls you towards the edge of the bed and cleaned you up.
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After you two were all ready and fully showered and cleaned, you walked down the steps and your mom instantly looked at you two. you gave mingyu a kiss on the cheek before walking into the kitchen and you looked up at your mom who was preparing the food alongside my dad. I raise an eyebrow “what is is it, mom?” I ask her with a confusing frown.
she chuckles. “you know, I couldn’t keep my hands off your dad either but… there are children here.” she says quietly and you gulp. “first of all, ew I don’t think I needed to know that and I know, we were just caught in the moment and it’s been days since I’ve seen him since I was here half of week but I do apologize.”
“Thank you, now I need help with this.” Your mom says and you grab the cake and carefully carrys it into the dining room and places it down on the table with everything else.
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After everything was prepared and ready, you all began to eat after a prayer. you sat down beside mingyu and instantly smiled at him.
“My mom scolded me as I told you.” he chuckled at your words “I know, she scolded me too, didn’t expect it if I'm being honest.” you giggle at his words before starting to eat your food little by little as your family talked in the background.
I took a deep breath. “this is the best christmas ever, mostly because i have everyone to share it with.” you smile softly at him. “I’m glad, because…this is my favorite christmas ever.” he said looking over at you and you smiled. “I love you.”
“i love you too.”
𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 © 𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞.
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jji-lee · 2 months
HI!! i’m doing great, sorry for the late reply i am on vacation! kinda inspired by jim and pam’s valentine’s day fight from the office (if you’ve seen it) it’s not so much an argument because i’m bad at dialogue but it’s a little couples spat. hope you enjoy anyways! ☺
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it had been tense since jeno woke up that morning. it was valentines day and you wanted to make it special for him since the last one he had been on tour. you woke up early to make him his favorite breakfast, taking the time to cut out little hearts from all of the fruits. but of course your exhausted boyfriend had slept through breakfast, having had practice till late the night before. he had taken off from practice today to "spend time with you" but he had only been spending time with his bed. you cleaned up breakfast deciding that it wasn’t that big of a deal, you had the rest of the day planned anyways. when jeno had finally woken up you were getting ready to go on a bike ride with him, your go to date activity, but you were met with a groggy smile telling you, “not today baby hm? just a little tired, but i made us dinner plans at 7 today okay?” so you complied taking off your biking gear and heading to the living room to watch some tv. jeno came out lazily and laid on the couch next to you resting his head on your thighs. as 6 rolled around you decided to get ready for dinner looking through your closet for your new dress. you heard rustling in the bathroom assuming jeno was also getting ready. by 6:45 you were finished, stepping out of your room to show jeno your outfit. as you stepped out you were met with a very laid back boyfriend, wearing jogging pants and a hoodie, he looked up at you eyes widening when he saw your appearance, “shit baby is it 7 already? i totally blanked on dinner, i can get ready real quick and tell them we hit some traffic so they don’t charge us for being late.” he stood up quickly going to your shared room to get dressed, you stopped him. “forget it jen, i’m not even hungry, let’s stay home and do nothing like we’ve been doing all day” jeno stared at you, confused by your sudden attitude, “what do you mean ‘do nothing,’ i took the day off to be with you?” you let out a deep breath, “you didn’t take a day off to be with me you took a day off to catch up on your sleep jeno, don’t act like today’s been ALL about me” he tilted his head to the side staring at you bewildered, “is this about the biking? baby we bike every chance we get, we’ll do it next time i have free.” you pushed past him leaning on the couch for support as you took your heels off, “yes jeno, this is about the biking and breakfast and this stupid dinner that you planned and forgot about, i tried to make everything special for us today and you just slept through it all, i look like an idiot running around planning stuff for my boyfriend who doesn’t even care” he walked towards you grabbing your chin, “you think i don’t care? you think getting a last minute spot at your favorite restaurant is easy? you think being away from you everyday is easy?” your eyes began to water as he let go of your chin walking towards the door “i’m sorry for being tired today, it’s my first day off in months, you think i didn’t want today to be special too? i’m sorry okay? i feel like shit cause i ruined your valentine’s day.” you heard jeno's voice crack as he spoke, back turned towards you, “i just, i can’t keep going back and forth, not today, if we’re gonna keep fighting then i’ll just meet the guys at practice, tell them our plans got cancelled,” he slipped some shoes on, grabbing his coat to leave, you stopped him, hand grasping his shirt. “don’t leave please, stay, stay with me and fight, we’ll yell all night if we have to.” he stopped and turned to face you, “you really wanna fight on valentine’s day?” you gave him a soft smile, “yes, stay with me and fight, just, don’t go.” jeno wasn’t gonna leave, not even if you begged him.
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fluentmoviequoter · 5 months
Undo It
Pairing: David 'Deacon' Kay x fem!SWAT!reader
Summary: You get abducted on your way home and won't talk to anyone after you're saved. Deacon vows to undo all the damage done to you.
Warnings: angst, descriptions of injury/threats/torture, SWAT!reader is abducted and held hostage, Deacon gets very protective, fluff.
Word Count: 5.2k+ words
A/N: One scene in this is inspired by Criminal Minds episode "Riding the Lightning" (1x14). I also don't know how to play poker, so I kinda rushed through that. This is completely self-indulgent; the idea came to my mind while watching season 3 of SWAT and I had to write it. Hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think! :)
Picture from Pinterest
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“Two more women have been reported missing from central Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Police Department has not yet commented on whether the recent missing persons reports – of which there have been sixteen in as many days – are connected.”
Deacon mutes the television as Hicks enters. 
“They’re all over us,” Hicks mutters. “But that’s not why I’m here. We got an anonymous tip from one of Luca’s neighbours. There’s a drug buy going down around the corner from his house. You up for it?”
“Who called in the tip? Same guy as last week?” Luca interjects.
“We’re in. Worst-case scenario, it’s another false alarm,” Hondo says.
“That’s the worst-case scenario?” you repeat. “What’s your idea of a good case scenario, walking into the middle of a drug buy?”
“My arrest record is lookin’ a little thin. Let’s roll,” Hondo teases, patting your shoulder as he walks by.
You roll your eyes, smiling at Deacon as you fall in line behind him. Deacon puts himself on your team for the breach, and you find yourself tucked behind him as he enters a bedroom.
“L.A.P.D., on the ground!” he yells.
You follow him in, placing handcuffs on the two men inside. Hondo and Tan clear the other side of the house while Chris and Street enter from the back. No other suspects are inside, but there is a bathroom filled with drugs.
“Looks like you forgot to flush,” Hondo taunts as he raises a small plastic bag.
Once back in Black Betty, you remove your helmet and lean against Deacon’s side. You keep your head up, and the touch isn’t visible to Tan or Chris across from you, but Deacon welcomes it.
“Need a ride home?” Deacon asks as he offers a hand while you exit Black Betty.
“No, I’m going to walk. I could use the air. Thank you though,” you reply.
“It’s getting late,” Deacon argues.
“I’ll be okay, I promise, Deac.”
Deacon watches you go and considers following you to ensure you get home safe, yet when you promise to call Chris when you get home, he decides he’ll text you later to confirm everything is alright.
The last block separating you from your house seems darker than usual. Speeding up, you reach for your back pocket to pull your phone out. None of your team members would mind staying on the phone until you get home, but your mind immediately goes to Deacon. He’d not only answer but probably be in his car before you finished telling him you were concerned or uneasy. Once your phone is in your hand, you watch as someone steps out of the shadows.
“Evening,” you mutter, nodding once as you step to the side.
“It’s a good one now,” he responds. “I’m Matt.”
You ignore him, but when his hand wraps around your arm, you turn quickly, throwing a punch against his jaw.
“Oh, I told you she’d put up a fight,” a second voice says before two hands land on you from behind.
“Night, night,” Matt says, holding his face as a cloth is pressed to your face.
You fight until everything goes dark, and as your head drops, you see your phone on the sidewalk. You know that Deacon will save you… or die trying.
“Hey, Chris,” Deacon says as he answers the phone.
Chris says your name, sounding out of breath, before continuing, “Have you heard from her?”
“No. I offered to drive her home, but she wanted to walk. Why?”
“She didn’t call like she said she would. She always calls. And now she’s not answering my calls.”
Deacon takes a deep breath, rubbing his jaw as he attempts to deduce where you could be.
“Something’s wrong,” Chris adds.
“I know, I know. Call the team; I’ll drive by her house and meet you there. Hey, Chris,” he waits for her to hum to finish, “we’ll find her.”
Deacon is at your house faster than usual, slowing as he drives past your driveway. A small light is evident on the sidewalk, the only evidence of life in a strip without a streetlight. He parks, jumping out to run across the road and pick it up. 
“No,” he whispers, looking at your phone. 
What makes finding your phone abandoned on the side of the road worse, he thinks, is that his contact is open. You tried to call him, and based on the new crack across the screen, you needed help. You needed Deacon, and he wasn’t here.
“Find anything?” Chris asks when Deacon walks in.
“Her phone,” Deacon answers, laying your phone on the table. “It was unlocked, lying on the sidewalk less than a block from her house.”
“The light-less dead zone?” Luca guesses.
Deacon nods, his jaw tightening as he confirms. He should have insisted on driving you home or been on the phone talking to you the whole time.
“I should’ve just gone with her,” Chris mutters.
“Don’t do that,” Street says, “we had no way of knowing something would happen. Any one of us could be blamed for this, but that won’t help us find her.”
Hondo nods but doesn’t say anything before Hicks rushes in.
“I didn’t see it until now,” he mumbles, opening the computer. “I don’t know how we missed it.”
20-David watches as he navigates to the missing persons' page, a collection of women gathered at the top. Hicks opens the most recent reports, and Chris exhales a sharp sigh.
“They are connected,” she says.
“Yeah,” Hicks answers. “Somehow, we missed the physical appearance connection. Our guys were so interested in the victimology that they probably never even looked at the pictures.”
“They look just like her,” Luca whispers. “It’s uncanny.”
“Do we have any ideas? Suspects? Leads?” Hondo asks. Hicks shakes his head, and Hondo slaps an open palm onto the table. “We can’t just sit here and do nothing!”
“I know that Hondo, but without an idea as to who, what, or why, we don’t have anything to go on. LA county is big, we can’t just start searching aimlessly.”
“First responders,” Deacon says, his eyes and his focus on the screen. “They all work as first responders. Firefighter, EMT, 911 operator. Every one of them. Where were they taken from?”
“Uh, within a mile of their homes,” Street reads. “Six of the six-seventeen, now, visited the Los Angeles county court to inquire about getting restraining orders.”
“Against?” Deacon asks.
Street clicks through the reports before looking up at Deacon. “Asher Nolan.”
“All six against the same guy,” Hondo begins, clicking his tongue, “that’s a lead.”
“I’ll get a warrant,” Hicks says, turning toward his office.
Deacon watches as your picture is added to their list. He knows the team only has 24 hours to find a real lead, or they risk never seeing you again.
“Don’t, Deacon,” Hondo says lowly, standing beside Deacon. “It’s not our fault, not your fault."
 “I offered to drive her home, tried to insist, but she promised she would be safe.”
“You didn’t know, Deac, you couldn’t have helped her.”
“I could have!” Deacon drops his voice, looking away from your picture to admit, “She tried to call me. When I found her phone, my contact was open. If she had pressed it, or if I had called sooner, she might have been okay.”
“She will be.”
“She better.”
Deacon walks out, unable to look at your smiling face any longer. Hicks comes back quickly with a warrant, and Deacon tries to detach himself from the case. He can’t, not when it’s you.
The clock in the room reads 11:58 p.m. It’s only been four hours since you left S.W.A.T. HQ, though it seems a distant memory. The door opens, and you are still against the bed you’re chained to. 
“You know, I miss when you would talk to me,” Matt says, laying his hand across your throat. “What happened? I know you help people, so help yourself.”
He laughs at his dumb act, amused by the fact that he knows why you fell silent. Your skin burns against his touch, and the cough you want to release feels trapped in your throat. Faint bruises are barely visible in the bright light, but you know that the marks they’ve left are deeper than any bruises that may appear. Assuming you survive, of course.
“Since you’re giving me to cold shoulder,” Matt adds, dragging his hand across your collarbone to rest on your shoulder, “maybe I should return the favor.”
His other hand raises, covered in an oven mitt, as he reaches into a cooler and removes a large chunk of dry ice. You pull your lower lip between your teeth, determined not to scream. The ice meets the bare skin of your shoulder, though you’re unsure when he moved your sleeve. Alternating between burning and freezing, stabbing pain, you fight to remain conscious.
“Functional lessons,” the second man muses as he walks in. “I like it.”
An alarm goes off, and Matt and the man whose name you’ve yet to learn walk out. The ice is left against the skin of your upper arm, melting too slowly against you and the bed. 
“I almost forgot,” Matt’s voice echoes before something pricks your arm and everything goes dark as the pain finally fades.
“Cameras,” Street points out. “They know we’re here.”
“Then let’s show ‘em why,” Hondo says. “Chris, Tan, Luca, go right. Deacon, Street, you’re with me.”
When Deacon feels Street touch his shoulder, he lays his hand on Hondo’s. He wants to get in and get you out as quickly as possible. Many things could happen, too many variables, but Deacon is prepared to risk his life to save yours.
“Gun,” Hondo calls, pushing back against Deacon as they enter a hallway.
“Took you long enough. When my buddy said LAPD was incompetent, I didn’t realise I’d be able to get so much done before you found me,” Matt calls.
“Let’s talk about this,” Hondo yells. “There’s a chance to walk away from this.”
“You mean like Abby?” a second voice joins.
“24-David,” Chris’s voice crackles through the radio, “We got eyes on one.”
“30-David, we have eyes on one east of the front door,” David replies.
“Abby didn’t walk away, though,” Matt says before laughing.
“Neither did Chelsea, or Bailey.”
“Or that pretty little officer. They saved everyone except themselves.”
Deacon closes his eyes, taking a deep breath to stay calm when they bring you up.
“See, that’s where you messed up,” Hondo announces. “You took one of us. Surrender and maybe the DA will work with you, find the other girls and get a reduced sentence.”
“Or, what? Go down in a blaze of fire? Better than ice.”
Hondo peeks around the corner, aiming his weapon. “Last chance, Asher. Put the gun down.”
“Asher? Oh, you mean my boss. He said not to do that.”
Matt raises his gun, and Hondo takes the chance to fire. He rushes out while Deacon covers him.
“Where is she?” Hondo demands as he presses a hand to Matt’s wound, kicking his gun away.
“Frozen by now.”
Matt’s eyes close, and Hondo gestures toward the other hallway as he radios that one of the suspects is down. Deacon nods, leading Street into the hallway.
“Clear,” Deacon says, exiting a bedroom.
“Closet only,” Street informs, opening a door on the other side.
Deacon opens the last door and lowers his gun to his side before he rushes into the room. Street turns in the doorway, covering him.
“24-David, the second suspect is down. It’s not Asher,” Chris radios.
Street turns into the room, joining Deacon by the bed.
“Is that-“
“Dry ice,” Deacon finishes as he knocks it onto the floor.
He removes his glove to find your pulse, elevated but steady. Your skin is colder than it should be, and you don’t respond to Deacon’s prodding or whispered pleads.
“C’mon, come back to us,” Deacon tries again.
“Ambulances are here,” Street says.
You jerk harshly, and Deacon rolls onto the bed, raising you into a fireman’s carry before navigating through the hallways. He feels you continue moving against him, but all he can do is get you help and pray. 
“We’ve got her,” the EMT says, helping to lower you onto the gurney. “Hit the sirens.”
“I’m coming with,” Deacon says, climbing into the ambulance.
Hicks appears at the door. “Go. She needs you, Deacon. Keep us updated.”
“Narcan?” one EMT suggests.
“No, at least not yet.” The ambulance lurches into motion as they strap an oxygen mask over your face. “Brain, I think, not drugs.”
They glance toward Deacon, who says, “I’m a trained medic, I get it. Just do your jobs, please.”
Deacon paces the waiting room for nearly an hour before sitting in a chair and letting his head hang toward his knees.
“Sergeant Kay?” a nurse asks.
Deacon’s head snaps up as he stands.
“The doctor is in her room now. Wants to talk to you.”
Deacon is silent as he walks down the hallways to reach your room. When he enters, seeing you hooked up to several machines and your arm wrapped tightly, his breath catches.
“I’m David Kay – Deacon,” he introduces, shaking the doctor’s hand.
“She owes you her life, Sergeant Kay. Much longer and the frostbite would have been incredibly severe.”
“And the tests?”
The doctor sighs, looking over at you before answering. “Yes, we ran several tests. MRI, CAT scan, and a few others. Her brain isn’t responding like it should.”
“Will she regain consciousness?” Deacon interrupts, his focus aimed at final answers.
“As far as I can tell, yes, sir, she will. When I say not responding like it should, I suppose I should reword. Her brain is responding, there’s no sign of a lack of oxygen or direct brain damage, but she may never recover fully, and will likely never be the same as the woman she was before. Her brain waves aren’t behaving like a woman of her age and health should be.”
“Thank you.” 
Deacon shakes his hand and moves to the corner of your room, typing a short text to Hicks: Get down here when you can. This will be easier in person.
He knows it sounds like you’re dying, but the idea of never having the real you back seems just as dire.
Your eyes blink open slowly against the harsh fluorescent lights. A man is standing above you, and you jerk backwards, pulling against the chain on your hand and the unseen weight holding you down. Prepared to defend yourself, you move to the edge of the bed and let the adrenaline numb your pain while fueling your fight.
“Doc, take a step back for me, please,” Deacon says calmly.
When you hear Deacon’s voice, your guard drops slightly, and your shoulders lose some tension as you locate Deacon. You watch Deacon while the doctor stops beside him, whispering something on his way out.
“She’s not herself, just try to give her space and time. Like I said, this may be temporary, or it may be her new normal,” the doctor reminds Deacon, unheard by you.
The hand that you pulled away from the doctor moves jerkily toward Deacon, and he glances down at your hand and the IV you ripped out. He turns and waves to a female nurse. He stands by your bed, and you watch him, tensing as the nurse touches you to insert a new IV.
“Do you want to be alone?” Deacon asks when the nurse exits.
You don’t speak or nod, but your hand moves closer to Deacon. He smiles, taking it as a yes, before sitting in the chair beside your bed. Deacon knows the doctors’ concern but would do anything to hear your voice again.
When a doctor walks by, you lean harshly against the rail on your bed, and Deacon realises you are uncomfortable around men. Although, for some unexpected reason, you seem fine with him. Deacon stands and closes the blinds on your window, and when it feels like he is the only other person in the world, you fall asleep. Deacon is concerned that you’ll be nervous around him, too, when you wake. Later, when you do wake, your eyes find him, and your body stays relaxed, proof that your relationship with Deacon was not impacted by whatever those monsters did to you.
He looks down at his phone to read a message from Hondo: We got a warrant and a location for Asher. You in?
Deacon apologises as he tells you he has to go. “The team is going after him, and I want to be there. I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
You don’t respond, but Deacon taps the edge of your bed as he leaves, only inches from your fingers. While he’s gone, you don’t sleep. The night passes, and by mid-day, when you’ve gone a whole day, 24 hours, without sleep, the nurses give you a dose of melatonin to help you relax. You drift off, falling asleep against your will, and your mind goes to Deacon.
Deacon is still gone when you wake, but there’s a computer sitting in the chair he previously occupied. You pull it onto the bed, catching the SD card that slides off the top. After you insert the chip and see only one video on it, you start it after looking out the door.
It’s the men who took you, Matt and the other one, standing over you, threatening you before growing bold enough to carry out some of their threats. When they start touching your throat and talking about your voice, you slam the computer closed and rip the memory card out.
Standing from the bed, you pull the IV cart with you to the cabinet. Your tattered clothes are still in the patient's belongings bag, but someone also brought your backpack from S.W.A.T. HQ. You look out the door again before changing and stay close to the heart rate monitor and IV cart. Once dressed and ready, you duck beside the door, waiting for a large enough group to walk by. When one appears, you rip your IV and pulse-ox off, falling into step behind them. You walk out unnoticed and set out without a real destination in mind. Sticking to the shadows, you find yourself in a familiar neighbourhood.
When your heart rate plummets, the machine beeps, and several nurses abandon their stations to run into your room. They check the bathroom and the far side of the bed before finding your commander’s phone number.
“Hicks,” he answers.
“Commander Hicks, she’s gone.”
Hicks hangs up on the nurse but walks into the room less than ten minutes later. He looks through everything, noticing that your bag is gone and your IV was ripped out intentionally. Hoping to find something before your team comes back, Hicks opens the computer on your bed. While Hicks is searching, Deacon walks in with a small bag of your favourite snacks and a book to pass the time. 
“Calm down, Deac, we’re gonna get answers,” Hicks begins.
“Where is she?” Deacon demands.
“I don’t know. The nurses called as soon as her heart rate stopped tracking, so she can’t be more than thirty minutes ahead of us.”
“I’m going to find her.”
“Deacon, stay with me. We’ll call in the team and-“
“I can’t; I think I need to be alone for now.”
Deacon leaves, setting the bag in his passenger seat and wishing it were you instead. He’s lost you twice in the last few days, and once he finds you, he will do everything in his power to keep you close forever.
Walking into his house, Deacon slows when he sees a pair of shoes under the rose bush in his front yard. He pulls his gun and demands the person come out slowly.
You slide toward him with your hands up and your eyes on him rather than his gun. When he sees your face, he holsters his gun quickly and squats to your level.
“Can I touch you?” he asks quietly.
You give your first answer since waking in the hospital: you nod. 
Deacon helps you stand, keeping an arm around you as he leads you inside.
“Help yourself to anything, okay?” he offers as he closes the door. “You can shower, take clothes, whatever you need to be comfortable.”
You pull away from Deacon and disappear down his hallway. He hears the water turn on in his shower and pulls his phone out, his finger hovering over Hicks’ number before deciding to find out why you left the way you did. 
When you reemerge, with wet hair and dressed in Deacon’s clothes, you join him in the kitchen and stand closer to him than he expected. He sets two cups before you: a mug of your favourite tea and a glass of ice water.
“Are you hungry?” Deacon asks. You shake your head, and Deacon adds, “Hey, you’re in charge right now. Whatever you want, whatever you say, goes.”
You pick up one of the glasses and look toward the couch. Deacon chuckles as he picks up the other, placing a hand on your back and leading you to the couch. Once you sit, you keep your free hand in your lap as you drink. Deacon wants to take your hand, hold it, and tell you how sorry he is, but you aren’t ready, as far as he can tell.
Suddenly, though, you turn toward him, and he recognizes the look in your eyes, shaking his head and chuckling before he begins talking. His voice has always been soothing to you, his presence like a safe house. You fall asleep to the sound of his voice, and your head falls onto his shoulder.
Deacon remains perfectly still throughout the evening as the sun sets, unwilling to disturb you, even at the cost of his comfort. His phone begins ringing in the kitchen, and he moves out from under you to answer. You wake when you feel his absence, looking around until you find him.
“Hey, Commander,” Deacon greets. “Yeah, I know… I’m worried, yeah.”
You stand and walk away silently. Deacon watches you, staring down the empty hallway as he says goodbye to Hicks. 
Entering his bedroom, you find your backpack and pull the memory card out. You reappear with the small envelope containing it, and Deacon waits until you nod, wringing your fingers together, to take it. He finds his computer and inserts the card; his headphones are plugged in, and he decides to use them, unsure of what’s on the card.
Waiting, you stand beside the couch, holding your hands together. You can’t hear the video, but Deacon's facial expressions tell you which part he’s watching.
“Where’d all that fight go, huh?” Matt asks, pushing against your throat until you nearly lose consciousness.
You can’t fight back, and they’re enjoying it too much.
“You said one word and then nothing. What am I supposed to think? Maybe you don’t want to talk. Maybe you shouldn’t. That’s why we told the others. And we made sure they believed it before… well, you know.”
“They didn’t even scream,” the other man adds. “Silence is beautiful on women.”
“What if,” Matt begins, drawing a large blade from a case beside the bed. “We made sure you couldn’t talk again? Cops have to be able to use the radio, so at the least, we’ll know you can’t call for help.”
The blade lays against your throat, and your eyes close, silent but physically preparing to fight.
Deacon’s eyes slide to yours before returning to the screen briefly to close the computer. He moves to sit on the arm of the couch before you and looks up at you with big brown eyes. You want to talk to him so badly, but you can’t. Deacon raises his hands, and you don’t hesitate to lay yours in his. He rubs circles on the backs of your hands, your callouses and warmth melting together.
“Everything they said was wrong,” Deacon begins.
Deacon notices that you lean in toward him with each word he says. He stands slowly, concerned that his size or the proximity will overwhelm you, but you keep your hands in his and follow his eyes as he stands. With the new angle, Deacon can see the bruises forming around your neck, from your collarbone up to your jawline. Deacon’s hands raise to rest on your shoulders, bringing your hands along in his. His thumbs rest gently above your collarbone.
“What they said, what they did, was terrible.” And Deacon plans to undo every word and touch, even if it takes forever.
You lean into Deacon’s touch, trusting him with most of your weight as his phone rings again. He moves an arm around your shoulders, leaning back against the couch as he answers.
“Hicks. I only have a minute. She’s here, at my house. She’s safe… Yeah, I’ll keep an eye on her… See you then.”
“Thank you,” you whisper against Deacon’s chest, your voice rough after not using it.
His eyes widen as he wraps his other arm around you. “It’s no problem,” he promises.
You point to the bedroom, and Deacon nods before releasing you. He watches you walk away, and the echo of your voice wraps around him like a warm blanket.
When Deacon rises for work the following morning, he has a message from Hicks inviting him to stay home with you if he needs or wants to. Walking into the kitchen, you’re standing in your own clothes with your backpack at your feet.
“Can I go with you?” you ask, voice barely audible.
Deacon doesn’t have the heart to tell you no, so he takes you back to work. As he walks to the car, he texts the team a quick heads-up that they may need to be quieter around you because you’ve been through a lot, and slow behaviour seems to be the key to making you comfortable. He hopes your new unease around men doesn’t extend to the other men who saved your life.
The team tries to follow Deacon’s advice, but when you hear an obnoxious yell from a beat cop, you tuck behind Deacon and grab his fingers. 20-David knew you had feelings for Deacon but seeing him be your safe space like this is a whole new element for them to witness.
You, Deacon, and Hondo are watching Hicks interview Asher Nolan. They can’t tie him to any of the abductions, but he seems to know too much about some of the other women who were taken. Hicks is getting nowhere and is ready to walk out.
“I’ll go in,” you tell Hondo. “But only if you come with me,” you add quietly, looking at Deacon.
“She only goes in if I go too,” Deacon adds protectively, looking at Hondo.
As you walk in, Asher’s eyes find you.
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he croons.
“Don’t look at her,” Deacon snaps.
Asher’s eyes move to Deacon long enough to ask, “Do you ever smile?”
“Well, you should be with someone who smiles, sweetheart. Come closer and I’ll show you how nice my smile is,” he tells you.
“Tell us where the other women are,” Deacon demands.
“Oh, that kind of information needs to be earned, don’t you think? I have an idea, though, we play poker. You win, and I tell you what you want to know.”
“And if I win?”
“I get to smell her hair,” Asher answers, staring at you.
“No deal.”
You know you need the evidence. Finding the other women is the key to getting a conviction.
“Okay,” you say.
Looking over at Deacon, you hope your look conveys your thoughts: ‘Please win.’
You look at Deacon’s hand, hiding your smile when he tucks a card behind another to disguise his winning hand. The moment Asher shows his cards, asking you to come to his side, you let your lips raise slightly.
“Oh, looks like I missed a card,” Deacon deadpans, revealing his royal straight flush, all spades.
Asher slaps the table, his handcuffs creating a sharp echo. Deacon stands, and you follow, standing behind him.
“Mulholland Drive, by the dam,” Asher admits. As Deacon approaches the door, he says, “I’ll find a better place for you; the best for the last.”
Deacon tries to lunge for Asher, but you step between them and push Deacon out of the interview room. 
“Thank you. For winning and keeping him away from me,” you whisper, your hands still pressed against Deacon’s chest.
“I’ll always protect you.”
Hicks steps out, asking to speak to Deacon, and you nod before walking the other way. Deacon meant it, and you know he will do anything to protect you.
You enter the locker room, surprised to find it empty. Sitting on the bench before your locker, you drop your head into your hands. The quiet is nice but also allows your thoughts and memories to run rampant. One thought of Deacon silences the dangerous and painful thoughts, and you will your mind to remember what it was like to be held by him.
Deacon finds you waiting alone in the locker room and moves silently to join you. He sits beside you, and you turn toward him, taking his hand and tracing his fingers.
Your touch is magnetic, and Deacon never wants to let you go. 
“I- I know you watched the video, but I want to talk about it. If that’s okay,” you begin, looking at Deacon’s hand.
“Of course.”
“They told me to stop talking, not to scream, and I listened. I’m sure they were lying, but they made me believe that last girl, Melissa, was still alive, so I thought – hoped – that if I listened, they’d let her live. Focus all of their time and energy on me, you know. Then they started touching my neck and pressuring me to talk. When I didn’t they started hurting me, choking me and laying knives across my neck before leaving.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know Hicks was at the hospital and found the computer, and I don’t know if they recorded it, but they threatened to pull my vocal cords out and put the knife in my mouth. Talking just- it felt like I was betraying her, I guess, even after I knew they were in custody.”
Deacon moves to his knees in front of you, keeping your hand in his as his other hand raises to cup your jaw. He ducks his head and kisses your neck, wiping away the memories of their touch with each gentle movement. When he reaches your jaw, you lower your chin and meet his lips, kissing him.
He knows this is real, not just something to distract you. He doesn’t, however, know that you know that, too. You have loved Deacon for a long time, and…
“Thinking of you kept me alive. You kept me alive, Deacon. I’ve been in love with you for years and being away from you made me realize just how much. I never want to be away from you again,” you confess, holding his hand and heart.
Deacon knows you will be uncomfortable around men for a while, but never around him. He vows to continue his mission of undoing their words and actions, but he will love every version of you along the way.
“They found Melissa, she’s still alive,” Hicks announces in the doorway.
As the door closes, Deacon kisses you again. You saved Melissa, he saved you, and now he knows it.
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cinnoasch · 5 months
Is it ok if I request an Akira scenario where he's helping Y/N achieve her 'true persona'? How would he react when she achieves her persona? Or, different case scenario, how would Y/N react to Akira's "new form" when he gains HIS persona. dunno if this would work out, I've kinda forgot parts of the plot of Persona so I don't rlly remember where or when exactly this happened-
A/N: Hi anon! I'm so so sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2427
Wish (Akira Kurusu x Fem!Reader)
You let out a sigh as you stare at your phone, occasionally typing some words and then deleting them a few seconds later. Tomorrow, the Phantom Thieves were going to steal Maruki’s treasure and fix reality once and for all. You were a bit nervous, but you had faith that things would turn out the way you hoped. The only thing that was bothering you however… was Akira. Besides the short conversations you had with the team during palace exploration, you hadn’t talked to him outside of that. You really wanted to, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to text or call him.
It was silly honestly. He was your boyfriend, yet here you were unable to talk to him. When you two first started dating, Akira told you that he would always be there for you, no matter what. Whether you needed to vent, talk or just wanted his company, he’d be there. Yet what about you? You hadn’t been there for him when he started the infiltration on Maruki’s palace. You had a hunch that things weren’t right from the start of the New Year, yet you couldn’t bring yourself out of that ‘perfect reality’. You wanted things to stay like that, even if he wasn’t by your side. Even if that was what you wanted the most.
Suddenly your phone rings, playing a ringtone you knew far too well. You glance at the screen seeing Akira's name and you answer hesitantly.
"Are you using our text messages as your grocery list again?" He asks.
“Wha- no, why would you ask that?”
“Well, you were taking a long time to type so I just figured you were typing your grocery list out.”
“I wasn’t typing out my grocery list for your information. Shopping’s the last thing on my mind right now.” You sigh. “Anyways, how’d you know I was typing? Were you waiting for me to text you?”
Akira chuckles, “I mean when your girlfriend suddenly cuts you off, a guy can’t help but wonder if he did something wrong.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Akira. It’s just… you know things have been hectic. We’ve been so busy lately with Maruki and everything else.”
“So busy that you can’t talk to me?”
You stay silent. He was right after all. Akira had made sure you all finished planning out a path to the treasure long before the deadline. You had plenty of time to talk to him, but you just felt guilty every time you thought about it.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” He sighs. “It’s just… I miss you;, you know? We’ve barely talked since this whole thing started. And I’m not blaming you, it’s my fault too but if there’s something wrong, I want you to tell me.” 
“I know, and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry. I know it’s late, but I want to talk to you… can I come over?”
“No need, I’m already heading your way. Just wait for me, okay?”
You hang up and put your phone down on the couch next to you. You were glad that he called but you also felt terrible. The last thing you wanted to do was make him worry, make him feel as if he did something wrong. You hated hearing him like that. Sure, you two had your fights sometimes but this was different. Not only did you betray his trust, but you broke your own promise to him.
Akira must have been closer than you expected because a few minutes later you hear a knock on the door. You go to open it, greeting him with a smile. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He replies a bit out of breath. “You weren’t waiting long, were you?”
“Please tell me you didn’t run here.”
“I didn’t. Definitely not.”
You roll your eyes as you pull him inside and close the door behind him. “Liar. Come on in, before you catch a cold.”
Akira chuckles, “I only did what you told me to. Besides, I was going to show up uninvited, but I’m glad I called you first.”
“So that’s why you said you were already headed over… Well, thank you for calling first.” You clear your throat. “Anyways, um, sit down. Would you like some tea or hot chocolate?”
He shakes his head, “No thanks.” Then he takes a seat on the couch, patting the empty space next to him. “Come here. You don’t have to be so nervous.”
“I’m not nervous…” you mumble as you sit down next to him. “Okay maybe a little, but it’s just because we haven’t talked like this in a while. Like… a serious conversation like this.”
“Would you believe me if I told you I was nervous too?”
“No. You’re always so calm and collected. If you are, I can’t tell.”
“Then here,” Akira says, taking your hand and placing it over his heart. Even through his winter coat, you could feel his heart beating at a quick, steady pace. You glance up, meeting his gaze as he smiles softly. “Now, do you believe me?”
You nod, unable to tear your eyes away from him. Just how lucky were you to have someone like him in your life? Someone that easily washed away the doubts in your mind with a single action. Someone that was so kind to you even after how you treated him. With a simple action and a smile that melted your heart, Akira washed your guilt away. It’s hard to believe that your ‘perfect reality’ didn’t have him by your side. 
“If you keep staring at me like that, we might not get any talking done at all.”
Drawn out of your thoughts, you quickly pull your hand away from Akira’s chest. “S-sorry, I was just thinking…” 
“It’s okay. Still nervous?”
You shake your head. “Nope, nerves are all gone. Thank you.” With a deep breath, you start. “Well, first of all, I wanted to apologize for how I’ve been these past few weeks. I didn’t mean to cut you off like that, and my intention wasn’t to make you think you did something wrong. It’s just… I felt guilty.”
“Mhm… the truth is, I knew from the beginning that this reality was off. I’m not sure how I knew, it was just a hunch really. But, instead of telling you, I pretended to not know. It’s just seeing everyone so happy… it wouldn’t feel right taking that away. Yet in the end, I guess we all made up our minds anyway…” You look down at your hands, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. “The main thing is that I should’ve been there when you first infiltrated Maruki’s palace. And yet I wasn’t. Despite you always being there for me, I couldn’t even be there for you…”
“So you knew…”
You nod, feeling Akira’s gaze. You knew that if you looked at him, you might just end up crying. He didn’t sound mad, if anything it was more surprise and slight disappointment. To be honest, you weren’t sure why you made that choice of not telling him. Maybe it was just how you were, you always had a habit of hiding things from people, even if you didn’t mean to.
To your surprise he ruffles your hair, and you look up, seeing him smile. “I’m not upset. So don’t look so sad. I’m a bit hurt that you didn’t tell me, but it sounds like you had your reasons, right?”
“...yeah. I didn’t want to see our friends have what they wanted the most taken away from them.”
“And what did you want? You probably weren’t affected by Maruki’s reality because you didn’t have it.”
“I…” You hesitate. Would it be selfish of you to say what you wanted? He was already right here next to you. Just like you wanted originally. However, voicing your thoughts aloud was different. If you told him, what would he think? 
“There’s that look again.” Akira says with a small chuckle as his gaze turns towards the ground. “It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me now. Or ever, if you don’t really want to. But just know that whatever it was, it wasn’t selfish of you to think that way… I mean, all of us, me included, we have our selfish ways, don’t we? That’s why this ‘perfect reality’ came about anyways.”
It wasn't often, but very rarely you saw this type of expression on Akira. It was distant, but there was also a feeling of longing. As if he was trying to come to terms with something. 
“...perfect reality…” You mumble quietly. Then your eyes widen in realization. 
Tonight was the last day for Maruki to contact Akira. You felt stupid for forgetting something so important. Then you look at Akira. Did he have that same look throughout all of this? That look of loneliness? That look easily told you who else was on his mind.
"Maruki contacted you… right? To be honest it slipped my mind… even though it was something so important."
Akira nods. "Yeah, he contacted me."
"And Akechi was there too?"
He looks at you surprised. "How did you-"
"The look on your face. The last time I saw you with that expression was when he died. You two were really close, huh?"
“...yeah.” Akira sighs. “Somehow, Maruki heard of what happened to him and in order to give us another chance at being friends, this reality came to life.” Akira runs his hands through his hair. “If we don’t go through with taking back our reality… Akechi will be alive, and if we don’t… well the answer is obvious.”
You stay silent, not sure of what to say. What could you say to this? 
“It’s a lot to take in, right? You’d think it’d be a simple decision after everything. But when someone’s life is being used like that…like a bargaining chip… it just feels wrong.” Akira shakes his head slightly and glances at you. “What would you do if you were me?”
There was that expression again. How were you supposed to answer him when such a sorrowful expression painted his face?
“I…” You begin hesitantly, trying to find the words to say. “I’d go through with what we started. Of course, using someone’s life like that is just wrong, but I think it’d be best if we went through with it. I think Akechi wouldn’t be able to stand knowing that we turned our backs on what we originally planned to do. If we did that… it’d just seem like his sacrifice in Shido’s palace was for nothing… at least that’s how I feel.”
Akira chuckles, “Sounds about right.” He sits up, leaning his head back to stare at the ceiling. “I thought the exact same thing.”
“You already gave Maruki your answer then… So why ask for my opinion?”
He hums in thought, a smile appearing on his face. “Because your opinion is important to me. Why do you think I was in such a rush to get here, to talk to you? During this whole thing, I’ve heard everyone’s opinions on what they thought we should do about this reality. Yet the one person whose opinion I wanted to hear the most, the person whose opinion is the most important to me, never contacted me to talk.” Akira turns to you, a soft expression on his face. “You know I’ll always be here for you right? No matter what. So don’t keep your feelings or thoughts locked inside.”
You blink a couple of times, feeling tears start to prick at your eyes again. You chuckle slightly as you look away from him. “You sure do have a way with words. Makes sense that you’re our leader…” With a sigh you face him with a smile. “I’ve made up my mind. No more keeping to myself. It wouldn't be fair to you, making you worry. I want to be someone you can rely on too.”
You couldn’t explain it but somehow, you felt different after you told Akira that. As if your soul felt stronger somehow, as if a voice in your head told you that you had changed. You weren’t exactly sure what this feeling was, but you knew that you wanted to give back to Akira after all he’s done for you.
You hear him chuckle, about to say something but you place a finger on his lips. “Nope, I know what you’re gonna say. That you already rely on me for a lot, but let me have this okay? I want to trust in this feeling that I have, that I can be stronger for you and the team. If I can’t truly confide in you, then who am I to even wish for you?”
“You… So that was your wish?”
“I-” Your face reddens in embarrassment as you take your hand away from his face and avert your gaze. You didn’t even realize what you had said.
“Oh, what happened to ‘no more keeping to myself’?” Akira teases. “C’mon, be honest now.”
Your face reddens even more as you look down at your hands, mumbling slightly. “I wished for you.”
“One more time? I couldn’t quite hear you.”
“I wished for you! There, happy?” You shout as you look at Akira. He had the widest smirk on his face. You grab the pillow next to you and smother him with it. “Wipe that grin off your face…”
“What? A guy can’t be happy that his girlfriend wished for him? You don’t have to be so embarrassed. Y’know it’s cute that you’d wish for something you already have.”
“Just please… shut up.”
He laughs and suddenly you feel his hands on yours as he lowers the pillow so he can look at you. “But seriously, I’m really happy you told me, even though you said it without realizing. You said it with such conviction, I wasn’t sure if I heard you correctly. You feel… stronger.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
“Mm, I think I can prove otherwise.”
You laugh as you look up, meeting his eyes again. “Yeah? And how can you-”
In one swift motion, Akira closes the gap between the two of you, his lips pressing onto yours. It was quick and sweet; you didn’t even have the time to react with how fast it happened.
As he leans his forehead against yours, you can hear him whisper, a bit of playfulness laced in his voice. “Believe me now?”
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y0urm4m · 2 months
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Warnings: swearing,cheating(not Nick!!),mentions of sex,kinda arguing
Summary: you find out your boyfriend cheating on you and the first thing you decide to do is call Nick!
(Your bfs name is this fic is Jonathan)
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
“Yeah mom I’m all fine just walking through the front door now. So I’m going to let you go bye I love you.” I spoke into the phone, jingling my keys in the door to find out it was already unlocked. Which was unusual as Johnathan should have still been at work. “What a dick.” I muttered to myself walking through the door, he must have forgot to lock the door when he left earlier.
I placed my bag down on the hallway table, walking over to the island in the kitchen. I could hear people speaking somewhere in the house, so I decide to wander over to my room. I slowly opened the door and to my surprise I was met with Johnathan fucking another girl.
“What the fuck!?” I shouted. Johnathan turned around his face now as pale as a ghost, he grabbed the cover throwing it over the girl that lay in my bed. “Baby, this isn’t what it looks like. I’m sorry.”he said walking towards me. I moved back, frowning. “Really Johnathan your fucking another girl in MY BED, both of you get dressed grab your shit and get out of my house right now!” I spat back.
As soon as Johnathan had slammed the door shut I called Nick. Nick was my best friend and my only friend in fact, the rest moved on and had their own life to see to.
I pressed the call button on nicks contact in my phone, he picked up almost immediately.
“Hey Nick.” I said sniffling. “Are you okay, you sound like you’ve been crying?What’s happening?” He asked,being able to hear the concern in his voice. “Can you come over and i’ll explain everything.” I replied, picking at my nails. “Yeah I’ll call an Uber now, I’ll be like 15 minutes max. I’ll call you when I’m around the corner, bye.”he said ending the phone.
After the phone ended I sat on the couch sobbing until I heard my phone ring. I didn’t bother picking up I headed straight for the door revealing a concerned Nick. I let him in returning to my original position. “Before you ask I’ll just explain. I came home from work to find Jonathan having sex with another girl in my bed.”I sighed. Nick raised an eyebrow, I should have listened to what Nick said when I first dated Johnathan. “Your boyfriend or should I say ex boyfriend is a dick, I told you when I first met him he was.”he said looking around the room but before I could begin to speak he spoke again. “Anyways get your ass up we’re going out so you can forget about that arsehole,” He pulled me up. “Go change I’ll be waiting!”he smiled.
Once I had finished getting ready and sorting my makeup that was melting off of my face prior, we left. We drove to a mall that was close to my house.
“Can we please get ice cream first?” I asked looking over at the small ice cream shop that stood right next to the over populated mall. “Yeah but after you better promise we can go into that clothes shop.” He replied rushing over to the stand. We chose our ice cream, payed and sat on a wall just next to the shop. “Do you feel better now?” He asked looking down at me. I nodded eating the ice cream that had almost melted because of the heat. “Good because I wasn’t planning on getting arrested tonight.” He chuckled, which made me giggle.
— After just sitting and laughing for around 15 minutes my attention was brought to a small beaten up Photo Booth. “Hey Nick can we see if that old thing works?” I asked pointing towards the booth. He nodded, getting up and walking over to it. — insert $5 to start — the screen read. “We have for sure got to take some pictures in here, come on!”He said, grabbing my wrist and sitting down. Once we had inserted the money, we began posing.
The first picture me and Nick just smiled but the more the screen flashed to take a new picture the more goofier the pictures became. On the second picture Nick stuck his tongue out, the third we both made little finger guns back to back, the fourth we made stupid faces and the last picture was us both laughing at the fourth one.
Honestly being with Nick made me so much happier, the best and only friend I could have ever asked for.
For the rest of the day me and Nick spent it running around the mall trying on silly looking clothes, taking mirror pictures we would definitely question on why we took in the future and just making the most of our time together.
But just as we were leaving the mall practically crying of laughter, Nick added to the situation. “Hey you’d look cute with that boy!” He said pointing at the random person walking past us, the boy Nick was talking about turned around looking right at us, before beginning to walk towards us. I side eyed Nick. What had he just gotten me into.
A/n: I will definitely be making a part 2 of this one for the cliff hanger ending, and I will definitely be making more bsf Nick fics cause this was fun to write!! Also I’m so sorry for it being so short I just wanted to get something out as I hadn’t posted in ages because of a cheeky fic I’ve been focusing on making. Thanks for reading love y’all!! - hugs and kisses Gracie 💋
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xxavengingangelxx · 5 months
At Ease
Summary: A one-shot of reader and Graves seeking comfort after an ambush by Konni.
@bellgraves I hope this is something like you were looking for when your gave me that idea/request in December :)
Wsrnings: SMUT, NSFW, MDNI! I cant believe i forgot to add this wanring!
Your ears were ringing and the tears in your eyes were making your vision blurred. Your other senses were barely working. You thought someone was trying to talk to you but your brain wasn’t working either.
The adrenaline from the firefight between Shadow Company and Konni was still affecting you so when someone put their hand on your shoulder you almost jumped high enough to hit the ceiling.
“At ease, soldier,”
When your voice picked up on the fact your commander was talking to you, you snapped out of your reverie. Your senses were still dulled, especially your hearing, but your put that up to all the gunfire and explosions from the firefight.
“Sit down,”
“M’fine,” you stuttered.
“Have a seat,” Graves’s hands led you to have a seat on the bed.
You tried to keep telling yourself that your were safe at a Shadow Company black site with your commander keeping you company in the same room.
“What happened?”
“Ambush,” came your one-word reply.
Your senses tuned your world out again until you felt something cool and wet on your face. You jumped and Graves pulled away, holding a white, damp washcloth that was now stained red with blood.
“Is it mine?” you whispered.
“Don’t think so, just calm down,” Graves commented.
The cool washcloth was starting to feel good after initially feeling shockingly cold. So you leaned into it. You’d figured out that that blood indeed wasn’t yours. Apparently it had belonged to either a Shadow killed or injured or a Konni soldier killed or injured. Maybe both.
So the next time Graves brought up the washcloth you placed your hand over his. You looked up to meet his gaze for the first time. His eyes were…watery.
And for the first time since the ambush, your mind stopped focusing on you and started worrying about your commander.
“We lost some good men,” Graves commented, his voice almost breaking.
You didn’t know what to say. Graves’s men were likely family to him. There was a picture of Graves and all his men together in a group with Graves grinning in the middle. That picture was everywhere. Graves said he kept that picture in his office, in his work vehicle, his personal vehicle, and at home even.
So you scooted forward from your position on the bed and hugged him. It was hard with both of you still wearing vests and field gear but you managed to wrap your arms around his shoulders.
You then said, “We lost some. But Konni lost more,”
Graves broke off the hug and placed his hands under your arms before pulling you closer. He was also sitting on the bed now and in order to make yourself comfortable you had to wrap your legs around his waist as he hugged you again.
And then you did something that maybe you shouldn’t have done. But something deep inside you was almost screaming at you to. You kissed your commander. On the lips. Just a light kiss.
When you pulled back you met Graves’s gaze. You couldn’t read it.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t’ve—”
Your voice was cut off when Graves kissed you back. His lips crashed onto yours. And when you parted your lips slightly his tongue swept your mouth possessively.
You hands worked their way into his soft yet tangled blonde hair. Your legs closed around his waist and you could feel his hardening length, even through your uniforms.
Graves pulled at your vest until the Velcro ripped. He pushed it off your shoulders and onto the floor beside the bed. So you did the same to him. Or tried to. He shoved you, kinda hard, and forced you onto your back on the bed. He finished taking his vest of himself before climbing over you, knees on either side of your hips, effectively trapping you beneath him.
You arched your hips into him and your could feel he was hard. The motion made him groan.
He disarmed you first with quick, slightly trembling fingers. Your sidearm was dropped next to the bed and it made a thud.
“Say it again,” you commander growled against your lips as he lazily thrusted against your, making you gasp and moan.
Your shirt met its demise next, leaving you in a tank top before it too was tossed on the ground. Your bra was unclasped in the blink of an eye.
Graves lowered his face into your chest, licking, and sucking and your breasts.
“Say what?” you whined in between gasps.
It suddenly clicked in your lust-riddled brain. The phrase that had probably triggered this whole endeavor. “We slaughtered more Konni than we lost,”
Graves’s hasty hands unbuckled your belt. He then pushed his own uniform shirt off his shoulders before yanking your pants off and pushing them off the bed with his still-booted feet.
He then produced a knife.
And used it to cut off your flimsy underwear. The knife then cluttered to the floor.
Graves shifted his weight and you now had your legs wrapped around him. He kissed you again, biting your bottom lip harshly enough that you wondered if he drew blood. His lips trailed down your chest, your stomach, before…
His lips and tongue rasped your clit, almost as if he was trying to draw out the tiny nub even more.
You cried out, your hands falling to his hair once more, gripping it tightly and pulling him closer.
Graves groaned underneath your grasp of his hair, your nails scraping his scalp. You arched into him and he wrapped his hands around your ass, drawing you closer.
His tongue was then inside you while his nose still rubbed your clit. His hands grasped both sides of your ass, drawing you closer to his mouth.
And while his tongue was nowhere near your g-spot, the combination of his tongue inside of you, his nose rubbing your clit, and a hint of his teeth pushed your over the edge.
“Phil—” it was the first time you’d called your commander by his first name and certainly the first time you’d moaned his name in such an erotic way.
You’d always been attracted to Graves. But figured it was improper to think about fucking him. Yet you did. Many a night you’d brought yourself to orgasm and imagined it was him over you.
You never once imagined that fantasy would come true.
Graves had simply pushed his tactical pants down to his knees almost before rubbing his hard length against the lips of your pussy. Your pussy was already sticky and messy from your first orgasm.
You arched towards him, wanting more, wanting him inside of you so deeply that his cock kissed the entrance to your womb.
Graves chuckled darkly at your desperation and for a moment your glared at him for laughing at you.
You weren’t expecting it when he slammed inside you to the hilt in one go.
You cried out, screamed even.
But not in pain. Moreso in shock and surprise.
“You wanna act desperate, then take it,” Graves rumbled. As he pressed his face into your neck, sucking hickies you knew would be visible the next day as he settled inside of you.
His voice was always sexy but now it sounded absolutely sinful.
Graves moved inside of you and it dragged a rugged moan from your lips. A ragged moan that Graves was soon swallowing himself as his lips again made contact with yours. You tasted yourself and Graves when he kissed you and you had to admit you didn’t hate it.
His tongue didn’t reach your g-spot but his thick, veiny, long cock sure did.
It took no time at all to get you cock-drunk as Graves pulled out and slammed back into you.
You head fell back and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You could hardly believe your luck. Your very attractive commander was between your legs and buried deep inside of you.
Your hands went up to his shoulders and scratched, making him whimper and moan as the combination of pleasure and pain made him toss his head back in ecstasy.
When Graves had had enough of your nails drawing blood from his shoulders and back, he easily pinned your wrists on either side of your head before thrusting into your hard, steady.
He was hitting that spongy spot deep inside you each time he pushed back in and you were at a loss for words.
You could tell Graves was close to the edge when his thrusts got harder, faster, and when they started losing their rhythm. You felt that heat building in your own body, especially as he was now grinding his hips against you, stimulating your clit at the same time he slammed in and out of you.
You met his thrusts as you chased your own rapidly approaching high.
Your high and climax hit you harder than you expected and you expected yourself to cry out Graves’s name once more. One his hands left your wrist and placed it over your mouth. Your cries of pleasure were only audible to him as he chased his own orgasm, his thrusts rapid and desperate before cumming inside of you, shooting thick ropes of white cum directly into your fertile womb.
“Can…Can’t anyone hearing you, darlin,’” Graves gasped as he rode out his high.
His head collapsed on your chest and funny enough it was almost as if you could feel his fast, thundering pulse at his temple. You were sure he could hear your own rapid heartbeat as he laid on top of you, his blonde hair looking darker than normal as sweat stuck his hair to his forehead.
“No one can know,” you said drowsily, running your fingers through his now-damp hair.
“My boys aren’t the jealous type,” Graves responded.
“They might ask to join in next time, though.”
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pairing: roy kent x footballer!reader
description: you’ve just finished negotiating a contract to sign for arsenal, and the first thing you do is excitedly go to tell your boyfriend. you forgot, however, to factor in how he’d react to your choice of club. [based on a request]
warnings: swearing, jokey argument, a lil fluffy too
author’s note: kinda short and sweet but i hope you enjoy regardless !!! this is the first roy fic on the blog so i hope it’s okay. x
“I have news!”
Roy raised his eyebrows silently, waiting for you to blurt out what it was that you were so excited to tell him, you’d not even said hello first.
“Go on then,” he urged, and something in his face told you he already knew what you were about to say.
You perched yourself on the edge of your shared couch, where he was sat leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.
“So you know my contract is coming to an end and I said I wasn’t going to renew given the terms they wanted me to agree to?” you bit your lip, and he tilted his head, “Right.”
You’d just made one of the biggest decisions of your life and signed for one of the biggest clubs in England, and yet here you were suddenly terrified to tell your boyfriend the news.
How had you not considered that your boyfriend was a Chelsea legend and you’ve just signed for fucking Arsenal?
Sure — you were positively ecstatic at the opportunity, but you knew he wasn’t going to be all too impressed even if he did want the best for you.
As far as Roy was concerned, Chelsea were the club you should’ve set your sights on.
“I’ve been trying to keep my discussions with clubs secret from you in case they fell through, but I’ve just signed for fuckin’ Arsenal!”
You watched him grit his teeth for a moment before he forced a smile that was nothing short of sarcastic, before he then managed to muster a smile that could have appeared genuine if you didn’t know him so well.
“You’re mad,” you folded your arms across your chest, a teasing smirk on your face as you tried not to giggle at his petty irritation.
“Mad? Me? I’m not mad,” he replied, gulping, “This is big news, I’m proud of you.”
You quirked your brow at him, “Might wanna tell that to your face, babe.”
You watched his face switch through a number of expressions in a matter of seconds as he overthought how he was appearing right now.
He looked down for a moment, “I am proud of you,” he paused for a moment before looking back up at you, “But Arsenal? Really?”
“You’re just pissed I didn’t sign for Chelsea,” you tutted, “They didn’t even want me!”
“They fuckin’ did,” he countered, “They told me they did! They said they were going to try and make you an offer!”
You laughed, shuffling a little closer to him and placing your hand on his arm as you watched the veins on his forehead begin to appear as you made another confession, “Yeah, okay you’re right. They did.”
“You what?”
“They made me an offer…”
Roy went to interject, but you weren’t going to let him do so before you finished.
“But Arsenal made a better one,” you shrugged, not mad at his reaction but just rather amused, “I love you, babe, but I’m not going to just sign for Chelsea to keep you happy, you grumpy old sod.”
“Fair enough.”
You were silent for a moment, watching him fight the urge to make a comment until he no longer could, “It’s turning my stomach just thinking about you having to wear that kit, you know.”
You rolled your eyes, “Don’t watch then!”
“Well I have to! I can’t not support my girlfriend, I’m not a total prick,” he grumbled, to which you quirked your brow, “I said not a total prick.”
“Then grow up and get over it, I guess. I’m a gunner now, baby! And you can’t stop it!” you singsonged as you walked away from him into your shared kitchen, hopping up on the counter and swinging your legs as you took a sip from a glass of water he’d left on the side.
He shot up to follow you, parting your knees so that he could stand between them and holding them still.
“I am really fucking proud of you, love,” he smiled, “Even if you have made the wrong decision here and picked the wrong club.”
You shoved his chest softly in jest, scoffing, “Shut up!”
“Alright, alright,” he conceded, lifting his hands in surrender before cupping your chin with them, “I’m proud you’ve signed a better contract, and I will get over seeing you in that godawful fucking kit.”
“Hmm,” you hummed, pressing a quick kiss to his nose and watching him roll his eyes as you did so, “Better. We’ll work on it.”
He didn’t say anything, kissing you now in such a way that made it clear he really was proud of you.
Roy knew how hard you worked and how much you loved football, and to see how well you were doing for yourself made him immensely proud.
Sure, he was less than impressed that he’d have to spend at least the next season or so in the home end at the Emirates stadium cheering you on.
But for you, he’d do anything, really.
sorry this was quite short but i liked it as it was and didn’t want to add superfluous filler for the sake of it so kept it short and sweet <3 hope u enjoyed and thank you again for the request x
if you’d like to request anything, feel free — and in the meantime, here is my masterlist!
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lexisecretaccx · 3 months
High School Sweethearts pt.6 - Chris Sturniolo
PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4, PT5, PT7, PT8, PT9, PT10, (rest of the parts on my Masterlist)
(Fem reader x Chris sturniolo, kinda fluffy and cute at the start, bad mother/daughter relationship, pretty sad, grab those tissues, idek what else, not proofread!)
A/n: sorry that I can’t keep y/n happy for more than 1 chapter of this😭😅
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I get dressed into clean comfier clothes and I lay back on my bed, Chris joining me. We don’t speak but instead we just lie there, looking up at my ceiling in a comforting silence.
“I am so proud of you.” Chris whispers to me, a smile creeps across my face. “I want to do more with you Chris, but..” he sits up slightly and interrupts me, “hey.. take things at your own pace okay? Don’t feel rushed, I mean we aren’t even dating properly yet..” he grabs my hand, “not that I don’t want to, I totally want to date you but don’t feel rushed into anything okay?” He tries to reassure me and I smile.
“You wanna date me like for real?” I ask quietly. He sits up fully and so do I. “Well yeah of course, you’re so pretty and..” “so you only like me for my pretty face?” I fake pout and look down sadly. “No! No I wasn’t finished!” He panics and I laugh, his face relaxes as he realised I was joking.
“Anyway, wait what was I saying?” He whispers. “You were saying about why you want to date me I think? I also forgot.” We both laugh. “Oh yeah, I think you’re funny, you’re pretty, you’re kind and we skipped school to go on a date y/n.” He smiles to me.
“If I get in trouble for that I swear I will kill you.” I joke. “Do you want to like.. be my girlfriend or something.” He shrugs and his face goes red as he grins. “Yeah I’d really like that.” I smile at him, my cheeks also flushing red. “Okay! That went so much worse and difficult in my head, so you’re now my..” “girlfriend? Yeah.” We lay back down.
We lay together, both smiling messes. His phone starts to buzz and he pulls it out of his pocket. The screen is lit up “Matt” he looks to me, “I gotta answer this..” I nod as if to say “of course.” He stands off the bed and puts the phone to his ear. “What’s up.” Chris says, I can just about hear Matt from the other side.
“Where are you?” “I’m with y/n.” “Okay.” “What?” “Mom wants to you come home.” “Why Matt?” “well she’s making spaghetti” “oh shit really?” “Yeah so come home like right now because she won’t make it otherwise” “okay thank you.” “No problem, bye!”
Chris puts the phone back in his pocket, “what was he saying?” I ask, since I couldn’t hear most of the last part of the phone call. Chris stands in-front of me and kisses my hands, “I gotta head off okay? My mom’s making spaghetti,” I laugh softly and he smiles “I’ll meet you here tomorrow morning so we can walk together?” Apparently he lives like 10 mins from school the other way to me, so he’d have to walk past the school to walk to mine.
“Oh okay, why?” I ask hesitantly, “because you’re my girlfriend.” He smirks and kisses my forehead. “I really gotta go though okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.” He hugs me before walking out my room, I walk after him to lock the door behind him. “Bye.” I smile at him, leaning on my doorframe.
“See ya.” He waves.
It’s been quite a few hours and now it’s 9pm, and I hear my front door unlock, my mom. “Y/n?” She shouts up to me. “Hey.” I walk out my door and sit on the stairs as she takes her coat off and shoes. “How was school?” She asks, walking to the kitchen and I follow her. “You see Evan today?” She’s always been fond of Evan and didn’t believe me when I said what he tried to do.
“Uh yeah..” I reply, not mentioning the fact he had grabbed my wrist, made me cry etc. etc. “are you gonna get back together?” She washes her hands. “No mom. Remember?” I sigh, sitting on the counter of the kitchen. She turns to me in annoyance. “Still y/n? You’re still going on with that thing? Evan is a nice kid!” She huffs, drying her hands.
“You don’t know him like I do mom, he’s horrible!” I try to talk sense to her but she just rolls her eyes. “Go to your room.” She spoke as she sat on the couch, me still following her everywhere shes going. “I don’t want to, I want to talk to you!” I say loudly. “Don’t raise your voice at me, just talk to me if you fucking want to!” she says in an irritated tone.
“It’s hard to talk to you when you’re constantly accusing me of lying! You only want to hear it if it’s about me and Evan or if it’s about you!” My voice cracks. She goes to speak but I continue speaking. “I have a new boyfriend.” I say more calmly. She widens her eyes. “Who?” She half yells.
“His names Chris and he treats me much better than Evan ever did.” I say. “Does this Chris have a stable family? Is he gonna be able to provide for you when you’re older?” She’s only ever cared about her future and how much money people have but never about my life and my heart.
“I don’t know.” I shrug. “You know who does have a lot of money to provide for you?” She shouts, knowing the answer I reply “Evan..” she nods, tears fill my eyes. “Exactly, Evan would be able to keep your family and children supported.” She keeps prodding until I burst. Tears flowing down my cheeks and anger filling through my body.
“Get over it mom oh my god,” I yell loudly, causing her to flinch, “me and Evan are never gonna be together. Do you know why? Because he’s abusive as fuck!” I practically scream. “He was fine when-” she try’s to contribute. “When you met him? Yeah of course he was. Earlier he made me cry, he grabbed my wrist and practically threatened me, but yeah he’s fine.” I start to cry harder.
“Don’t ever take that tone with me again, you can get out of my house,” my mother stands up and walks to me. “You are just like your father.” She hisses before walking past me into the kitchen again.
Those words break me, and I wipe my tears before walking out the front door, slamming it behind me. I didn’t think to grab a jacket and the freezing air hits me, but I’m too angry and sad to notice.
I walk for a good 20 minutes before I sit on the sidewalk and just cry, it’s raining and I’m in a sweatshirt and shorts. A car horn honks and I look up, the headlights blinding me. The car pulls up infront of me and I see Nate in the passenger seat and Michael in the drivers seat, “shit y/n what’s wrong?” Nate leans out the window.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about.” I say. “Chris reject you because you’re a pussy?” Michael laughs and Nate smacks him, “what the fuck Mikey? Do you need a ride anywhere?” Nate looks concerned. I shake my head, trying to ignore Michael’s presence. “Thank fuck.” Michael whispers but I still hear him and Nate shoots him a look.
“You can go.” I motion to the road. “It’s dark y/n what if you get hurt.” Nate actually seems worries, “I’ll be fine, I’ll just go home.” I lie. “Okay see you tomorrow then.” Nate smiles and Michael speeds off.
Chris’ POV
I lay back on my bed scrolling through TikTok when I get a text from Nate. “Check up on your little girlfriend, she’s sat on a sidewalk somewhere just fucking crying.” My heart drops to my stomach as I reply. “What? Where is she” I don’t even deny the girlfriend allegations since they’re obviously true now.
His typing bubble appears, “idk dude it was near the opening to Michael’s street.” I leave him on opened as I rush to get my shoes on and I run down the stairs. “Where are you going?” My father asks me as I’m opening the door. “Girl problems?” He adds on. I shrug, “something like that.” Before running out the door closing it behind me.
I run down and out of my street, and to Michael’s street which is 15 minutes away from mine. I look around rapidly and I can’t see her anywhere. The rain is super fucking heavy, I hope she’s okay. I walk a bit further down past Michael’s street to see if I can find her.
My jacket is soaked through but I don’t care, I need to make sure she’s okay. Then I see something, somebody sat on the sidewalk with their head in their hands. That must be her, I cross the road and walk slowly towards her. Rain dripping down her bare legs, she must be freezing. “Hey.” I breath out, she darts her head up to me.
“Chris?” She asks, squinting her eyes because of the downpour, “yeah it’s me, come here.” I lift her to stand and I wrap my arms around her. She cries into my chest and my heart breaks.
“Do you want to talk about it?” I ask softly, placing a kiss on her head. She shakes her head, “I’m too cold.” She whispers, her voice cracking. “I’d give you my jacket but it’s only gonna make you colder.” I chuckle softly, putting my arm around her waist and I walk with her.
She rests her head onto me, “should I walk you home?” Why could she possible be out here crying? “I can’t go home right now.” She cries, her voice wobbling, “okay, we will go to my house.” I smile down to her and she nods lightly.
We walk together in silence, except for the sound of the rain against the sidewalk and a few sobs from y/n every now and then. We turn down my street and I notice the lights are out in my living room which means everyone’s in their rooms. We walk up to my front door and I open it and lock it behind us.
I lead y/n upstairs and into my room, more plain than her room but it’s what I know and like. I walk into the bathroom attached to my room and grab a towel and walk up to her, she’s standing there with her makeup down her eyes and she’s shivering. “Can I take this off you?” I point to her sweatshirt and she shrugs, “ok” she whispers.
She takes her shoes off before I peel the sweatshirt and cami top off of her, it clinging to her wet skin. Leaving her in her bra and shorts, I dry her off slightly before grabbing a hoodie of mine from the closet slipping it over her head and onto her now dry torso, “can I take these off of you also?” My hands on her shorts, she nods and I pull them off of her over her feet and dry her legs and her face, clearing it of all makeup smudges.
I grab matching sweatpants from my closet and she leans on my shoulders to step into them, I pull back my duvet and offer her to lie in my bed, she does and I quickly take off my jacket and shirt to change into a different dry shirt, I feel y/n’s eyes on my shirtless back and I smile to myself.
I finish changing and I hop into the bed next to her, “do you want to talk about it now?” I ask her, not pushing her to tell me but just wondering. She nods softly, “my mom hates me.” She cry’s into my arms, “I’m sure she doesn’t, what happened?”
I plant a gentle kiss on her forehead as she takes a deep breath and wipes her tear filled eyes.
A/n: y’all I’m crying wtf😭 ik I wrote this but poor y/n she can’t catch a break fr. Idk how many parts are left of this series but probably no more than 10 so idk. Chris is so sweet aswell like girl❤️
Taglist: @blahbel668 @mattsleftnipple03 @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hysteria-things @sturniologurl4l2008 @jakevwebber @braindead4l @mattybearnard @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @sturniolosmind
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Love Letters: Day Two
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Eddie Munson x fem!reader [1.8K] some wildflowers, sunshine x grumpy with Eddie 
Eddie Munson was fucked. 
And not in a good way, not yet, at least. ‘Cause it was seven twenty five on Valentine’s Day and he’d only realised when Hellfire had ended - an hour after it was supposed to. He’d overheard Mike and Lucas talk about meeting the girls outside the cinema at eight, how they had to stop by their homes to pick up the gifts before the movie.
Dustin was already rushing out to the parking lot to meet Steve, his ride to Weathertop where he’d sit for god knows how long in the dark so he could talk to Suzie. It took a minute, maybe two, before Eddie connected the dots, looked at the calendar hanging behind the old desk in the corner of the classroom and swore viciously, barging past his friends and pointedly ignoring their laughter. 
“Hot date?” Steve called out to him from the driver’s window and he grimaced when he saw Eddie’s panicked expression. “Oh shit, did you forget?”
Eddie huffed out an exasperated sigh, giving in and confessing to his friend as he leaned over and clung to the window frame. “Yes! Yes, I fuckin’ forgot, ‘cause I’ve never had a girl before, Harrington, and fuck if I know what you’re supposed to do on Valentine’s Day!”
Steve grinned, selfishly enjoying the other boy’s despair. He shrugged, unhelpful as he leaned back in his seat and kept his eyes on the door for Dustin. “Were you supposed to make plans? Did she talk about it? Hint at anything?”
Eddie wracked his brain for any suggestion that you were interested in being wined and dined by him and he grimaced at the idea of having to wear a button up in a restaurant that provided him with more than one fork. But he shook his head, because you’d not said a word about the day, and it had made it a lot easier for Eddie to turn a blind eye to the pink hearts, the cupids, the red candy boxes. 
“Nothin’,” Eddie replied.
Steve pondered for a moment and then shrugged again, too casual for the way Eddie’s heart was still hammering against his chest in what could only be described as abject horror. You were the first girl Eddie had really, really liked, and by some miracle, you’d liked him too. He didn’t want to fuck it up so soon and he groaned, feeling like he’d failed some sort of boyfriend test.
“Hey, hey, look,” Steve tried to placate, “maybe you’re off the hook, yeah? Maybe she doesn’t care about that kinda stuff, just buy her somethin’ cute instead, like a--”
Dustin came careening across the lot before Steve could finish, interrupting his sentence with the slam of a door and a shrill, “drive, Steve, drive!”
Steve merely rolled his eyes and turned back to Eddie, who looked distraught. “Dude,” Steve soothed, “it’s fine, okay? Your girl isn’t that big into all that romance shit, right?”
“Steve, if I'm late, Suzie’s gonna straight up murder me!”
“Good!” Steve barked back at the younger boy, “maybe I’ll know what peace is! Shit, uh, look it’s fine Eds, you’re fine, I’ll see you later, yeah?”
Eddie didn’t get to respond before Steve was putting the car into drive and peeling out of the lot, the sounds of him and Dustin arguing barely heard over the squeal of the tires. Eddie was left in the dust, hands clenched into fists as he tried to work out what the fuck he was supposed to do. Steve was right, in a way. You weren’t huge on romance, not the over the top, cheesy, corny stuff you saw in the movies. In fact, Eddie saw you scrunch up your nose at anything that you considered over the top: the PDA couples at the mall, the huge stuffed animals at the last fair, the heart shaped boxes of chocolate, the cotton candy pink greeting cards that were the size of his Metallica poster on his bedroom door.
And that was fine, Eddie loved you for your likes and dislikes, your tough attitude, your aversion to early mornings and anything too happy. You preferred horrors to romances, a soft hand on your leg under the table over a public make out session, something for your eyes only rather than a declaration of love for everyone to see.
Eddie knew all that. He did, ‘cause he knew you better than anyone else. But he didn’t know what the fuck he was supposed to get you for Valentine’s Day. Did you want anything? Was he a shit boyfriend for not setting up a date, a surprise? Would you be more mad if he came to yours with something garishly cute? Bright pink and sweet? Or was this some kind of test? A doomed failure 
that would make him wanna kick himself?
So the boy scrambled to the van, flipping off Gareth and Jeff as they waved and laughed from their car, both of them already sparking up a joint that had been tucked in the sun visor. Eddie didn’t know where he was driving to, considering the shops at the mall were closed. The Main Street was the same, almost all of the businesses shut for the night and cloaked in darkness, the only lit windows coming from the busy restaurants that were filled with couples.
He drove to your house anyway, heading down the familiar streets that took him out by the farmers fields, the stretches of grass an inky blue in the dark and Eddie was cursing at himself until he spotted a patch of colour at the side of one field. The tires screeched as the boy braked hard, pulling over to the side of the road and leaping out, almost tripping over his own feet in his haste. 
There weren't many of them, but they were all pretty and soft coloured, a smattering of wildflowers by the edges of the wheat fields, pinks and lilacs, a burst of sharp red, a deeper violet thing amongst green stalks and leaves. Eddie grinned, an excitement bubbling in his chest, ‘cause he’d never seen any flowers in your room before. But there had always been an empty vase, a pretty blue thing that sat in the middle of your dresser, sad and unused.
Maybe it was for good reason, Eddie caught himself, a flicker of doubt in his head, maybe you didn’t like flowers, he thought. The boy certainly didn’t think you’d like the huge, overpowering bouquets from the florist on Fifth, the one with glitter covered butterflies between the petals, big, pink bows holding them all together. 
But these ones, the delicate collection that was slowly growing in Eddie’s hand, were pretty. They were modest and sweet smelling, like the mere idea of Spring clung to them, like last night's rain. Maybe you didn’t like flowers, Eddie thought again, brow furrowed. Or maybe, no one had ever given you some.
So Eddie whispered a soft ‘fuck it’ under his breath and plucked some more from the ground, gentle as he bunched them together until the colours looked nice. He took his time to wind his bandana around the stalks, trying once, twice, three times to tie it in a bow, giving up and knotting it instead. But he was happy with his creation, something that felt like pride puffing warm in his chest, and the rest of the drive to yours went with a little less panic.
Climbing the tree outside your bedroom was the easy part, and so was avoiding your dad when the man walked past the hallway window. It was easy to knock on the glass, grin at you wide and bright when you opened the curtains and stared at him wide eyed.
It was harder to present the flowers to you - the petals only a little crushed from where Eddie had stuck them in his back pocket as he climbed. The boy watched your expression as he clambered into your room, the familiar smell of your perfume engulfing him. He caught the way your eyes went a little wide, the downturn of your lips ticking upwards, if only just. But he knew you, he knew you so well and the way you bit down on your lip, the way you looked at him from beneath your lashes - fuck - it sent his heart racing.
You took in each flower, each different shaped petal, the reds, the purples, the one shocking pass of pink in the middle, all wrapped in Eddie’s black and white bandana. You took them from the boy’s outstretched hand, eyes sweeping over the blush on his cheeks and nose, his soft brown eyes that looked so unsure. 
“I don’t really care about Valentine’s,” you said quietly, but Eddie heard the way your breath hitched.
“S’aright,” he drawled back just as softly, “I wanted to get you somethin’ anyway.”
There was a beat of silence, just for a second, maybe two, and Eddie wondered if you could hear his heartbeat, the way it rattled against his ribcage. Surely you could, he thought, it was the loudest thing in the room.
And then, he saw you melt. He watched it happen, the perpetual storm cloud that hung over you (the one he adored) lifted and your face turned softer, expression going a little gooey, just for him. Your eyes shone, lashes fluttering before they closed and you crushed the petals to your face, sniffing delicately before you grinned, trying your best to hide it amongst the flowers.
Eddie caught it anyway.
He tried not to look too smug as he lazed on your bed, shoes kicked off and left at the foot of it, an arm slung behind his head as he watched you arrange each bloom in your pretty blue vase. And when you were done, Eddie beamed at you and you rolled your eyes, fingers pressed to your cheeks to try and kill your own smile but it was an impossibility.
So you crawled up the length of him, clumsy with giddiness until you were settled on his lap with your legs either side of his hips. He let you press your hands over his chest, loving it when you got touchy like this, soft like butter, sweeter than honey for him. Eddie hummed when you skimmed them upupup until they were cradling his jaw, thumbs a soft press on his cheeks.
“No one’s ever got me flowers before,” you confessed and Eddie pouted at you even though inside he was cheering, a one man celebration that only he could hear.
“No?” he replied, “that’s a damn shame, sweetheart. D’you like them?”
A loaded question, the moment of truth, another heavy silence.
And then, relief. You nodded, uncharacteristically shy about it and Eddie beamed, pulling you down to him so he could kiss your cheek, your nose, the corner of your mouth. He caught your smile with his lips and it fizzed on his skin like cotton candy. 
“Yeah,” you whispered into his neck and you kept smiling, even though you did your best to hide it from him. He could feel it anyway, a warm press of happiness on his skin and it made him hold you tighter. “Thank you, Teddy.”
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
Happy Thur lovely fandom :) So sorry for being a day late. Kinda a miracle took this long for life to knock me off course tbh. Entering our final 3 eps of this rewatch. It’s the final Countdown ha This is a glorious episode top to bottom. This season really finishes out very strong. Let us begin.
5x20 S.T.R
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We start off in the most domestic fluffy way. I was giddy af when this premiered. Took me awhile to get through this ep cause I rewound this part so much. They have this flirty dance as they prep for breakfast together. Tim checking her out as he places the pancake down. Not subtle in the least looking down at her chest. I love that he can shamelessly check her out now and does so. Lucy is soaking it in. I mean if Tim Bradford was openly checking me out I’d feel empowered too.
The confident way Lucy leans extra hard into Tim as her response. *fans self* Needing zero space between them if she can help it. She is eyeing those gorgeous lips of his as well. Doesn’t take much to ignite Tim around her. Moth to flame this man. Lucy pressing into him like she didn’t just have him this morning in the shower. Gah I love it so very much. Our horny little ship never getting enough of each other. I’m a puddle. Look at her seducing him with just her body language and gaze my goodness.
Tim’s soft reply of 'Hey.’ Smitten Kitten Tim reporting for duty. Getting what she is throwing down for him. *sigh* These idiots in love. I love them so much. Happiness once again looking so damn good on them. They’re both beaming in this scene. Look at the smiles on these two. Said it a few times. Forever love how one kiss is never enough. Doesn’t take much to get them going and wanting extra kisses. Tim pulling on her for more as he goes in for that second kiss.
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Also Tim cooking breakfast for Lucy is so adorable I cannot. This is canon now and I love it. So nice she has someone to cook for her now unlike when she was with the clown. And for Tim to have someone who enjoys breakfast. Which he didn't have with Ashley. Tamara breaks up their love fest. Parting the Red Sea that is Chenford on her way to the fridge. Tim's reaction is so funny. Just throwing his hands up in the air all defeated.
At first he’s annoyed then Tamara says her line. Then he’s like she’s not wrong... LOL Oh Eric you’re the king of expressions sir. Let’s just take a second to to soak this moment in. They’re making breakfast together, can’t keep their hands off one another, his hands on her waist pulling her close, they can’t even keep it to one kiss. It’s glorious on so many levels. Not squeeing to death at all.
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Lucy and Tim still gravitate toward each other despite Tamara's interruption. Lucy noting she thought she was sleeping in today? Ha Thought she had the morning to herself with Tim. Tamara explaining she was but the smell of pancakes woke her up. We see Tim perk up so excited to make her pancakes. He truly does love having her around it's adorable. Happy it was his cooking that awoke her. Such a dad excited she wants his cooking. I cannot.
He is so happy to make her some pancakes. What a man. I LOVE the way Lucy is looking at him when Tamara says she wants 3. He looks back at her and she cutely raises her eye brows. Just as smitten with this man as he is with her. They’re so adorable. They hear the doorbell ring and Tim freezes and says ‘shoot.’ all adorable like. Telling Lucy Isabel texted him. Her name getting stuck in his throat a little. That he totally forgot to tell her he invited her over here. Lucy stumbles and is in shock but recovers pretty nicely if you ask me.
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Tim being adorable saying he is sorry. That he was gonna tell her when she got out of the shower. But then he got in the shower…oh my lord. Legit announcing they had shower sex this morning. Am I dreaming? Tim Bradford saying out loud they had little morning delight in the shower. I can't believe my ears and I'm ship drunk. S5 continues to feel like a fever dream.
Not only that but talking about their sex like in front of their pseudo daughter LOL Lucy playfully hits Tim but is still beaming at him. The shower sex was so good and distracting he forgot his ex-wife was coming over. I'm reeling. God I love this season so very much. It’s insane the glorious goodies that we got. Also must point out the necklace anytime I see it. I spy with my little eye Lucy’s Valentine’s Day gift that never leaves her neck. *internal screaming*
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Lucy is so uncomfortable once Isabel is inside poor thing. Trying to be a good last second hostess. Asking if she’d like something? Isabel says coffee. Tim guides Isabel to the living room. Tamara speed walks to Lucy asking if this is the ex-wife? Lucy scolding her for being so loud I'm dying. This is hysterical.
This is such a mother/daughter moment I love it. Lucy agreeing it is odd he invited her over. Tamara's protective instinct kicking in saying she’s gonna do some research. Lucy doesn’t want this whatsoever. Scolding her once again but the train has left the station haha I love Tamara so much. I hope we get lots of her in S6.
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Lucy joins Tim and Isabel in the living room. I have to say before I start. I’m so distracted by Tim’s hands in this scene. Mmm doing things to me. I know I have a one track mind when it comes to him. But look at the man... Anyways she brings up 8 years ago she was UC in the Teska family. Became a mentor to the boss’s daughter Dara. Love the little check in's they do with each other BTW as she speaks.
It's subtle their eye contact but that's their specialty. Silent communication at it's finest. Isabel tells them she got close to Dara. In that weird way you do when you’re pretending to be someone else. They have no idea what that’s like…*cough double down cough* I do love the way Lucy’s eyes dart between Tim and Isabel.
So after Frank her dad was arrested she scattered and left that identity behind. Hadn’t heard from Dara in 8 years. Until now. She had answering service for her old covers. That she left a message for her. It was a distress call and sounds like people are chasing her. She came to them because she’s out of cover. Can’t seem to find her through other channels. Tim says they can go to station get warrant for her phone. See if they can't find her that way.
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Once they’re at the station Tim and Isabel are en route to Grey. Smitty welcomes him back and is awkward af with Isabel. Because well Smitty. She asks if he's back from vacation? He says no a shooting. That he just got cleared from it. Says he’s getting there but Lucy keeps trying to get him to meditate. This would be adorable to see btw. I love all of Melissa’s tea ceremony’s and meditation videos. Tim is more the kinda to take a deep breathe and go for a walk and chill like he did in 3x11 with Barnes. Their versions of meditation are vastly different LOL
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I love the way Harper walks over to check in on Lucy. Forever be in awe of how they started to where they are now. Nyla being apart of Lucy’s BAMF journey still makes me so happy. Harper asking her if she’s ok with Tim working this case? Lucy letting her know it’s not a big deal…that he’s over her. Nyla shooting back she knows that. She’s making sure Lucy does. Love her looking out for Lucy. Doesn't want her to get riled up over nothing.
Clearly Harper has seen the way Tim beams around her. Knows that man is gone for her. Lucy couldn’t be cuter telling her to stop it with a playful hit. Tamara comes up ruining her 'ok vibe' with her deep dive news. Harper’s face is hilarious. She like Eric has fantastic expressions. They make me laugh so much during this scene. Tamara divulging everything she’s found. Lucy trying to spin it into something positive. That it sounds like she’s got her life together.
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Tamara is instigating saying 'Or she wants Tim to see she’s doing well.' Why are you doing this to your mother? Lmao. She loves you and houses you little lady haha I do love Lucy calling herself his new girlfriend in her explanation. Yeah you are. Tamara continuing her instigating mentioning how Tim said she looked good. Also tacking on 'Keep your enemies closer...'Lucy is so exasperated with her I’m dying. Pulling that look from her husbands book.
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Isabel asks how long Tim and Lucy have been dating? He says a few months. Can tell he doesn’t want to delve too much into this. Diverts it back to her. Asking if she’s seeing someone? Letting him know yes and no. That he set the bar really high. He sure did and you threw it away madam. Didn't know what she had till it was gone. I know some saw this as her trying to get him back. I didn't see it that way at all. This SL wasn't built on that. This ep had her show back up for a couple reasons. One we will see later on with Lucy but this one here was more about closure IMO. The last time they spoke or the last time we saw them really speak was back in 1x12.
A conversation where she basically blamed him partly for their marriage falling apart and her addiction. That he would be a constant reminder of it. Tim didn't walk away from that convo feeling great about himself. It inflicted some deep wounds for him actually. Those wounds showed themselves in his relationship with Ashley. By not rocking the boat and being less rigid. Him smile is a little uncomfortable and strained. I I think because one it's opening up wounds he's worked really hard to close. Two he's not totally sure he believes her words but he will take them anyways. Some closure is better than none at all.
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Tim and Isabel are waiting outside a motel. They tracked Dara down here. Isabel stayed here once in hiding with her. They talk about her UC life a bit. Tim telling her how he held his breath every time she went on a long term assignment. Isabel noting even when she came back she wasn’t fully there. Even though she wanted to be.
Tim pulls his gaze from her. It’s like re-opening a wound for him once again. One that’s been healed over for while. He doesn’t want to pick at it any further. Tim tells her since she’s not a cop anymore she needs backup. Lucy is on her way to them now. Isabel can’t help but note he's dating another UC.
The sweet smile when he thinks about her has me squeeing. Nothing makes him melt faster than talking about her. Telling Isabel ‘But Lucy is different.’ Yeah she is. I love him being able to see that. He looks so damn in love as he speaks. Just giddy and gushing. Also him once again being protective over his relationship with Lucy. It makes me so happy. He couldn’t be more in love with her if tried.
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The scene in the truck is fantastic. First off Lucy looks amazing. Second I adore her absolute confidence about Tim. Isabel thinking it’s about Tim she wants to pick her brain. I love her saying 'No she has Tim all figured out.' I mean she does. Has owned the book of Tim for years now. No one knows that man better than she does.
Isabel may have years on her. Knowing him longer but Lucy has her beat in knowing him better. She don’t need no cheat codes for this man haha This scene is really cute. They’re both laughing and having a good time. Tim is confused as hell trying to hear their convo LOL So annoyed and frustrated he can’t hear what they’re talking about.
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Lucy gets serious and asks her about UC. If it was worth it for her? Despite all the bad things that happened? I love how honest Isabel is. I also love how this wasn’t a oooh his ex-wife comes back and causes havoc thing. So grateful they went the mature healthy route with this. Was so very lovely to see her back and healthy. Isabel coming back added to the elephant in the room. Lucy being a UC while being with Tim. Like I mentioned earlier she came back for a couple reasons. This is the other one.
Lucy getting an honest opinion about this career she's considering. Isabel is completely honest with her. Saying it took a lot from her. Her husband, her job and her self respect. But she can’t blame all that on being a UC. That she had stuff in her past that added to it. Adding in sounds like Lucy has much healthier coping mechanisms than she did. Lucy is seeking out some answers because she’s having doubts. No doubts that she can do this. Lucy is very aware she is good at it.
What she’s weighing is the cost now. Here’s my take on a Lucy with UC. Take it or leave it and I'll delve into this more at the end as well. Pre-Tim UC made ton of sense for her. Hell even Pre-Tamara as well. Now she has this little patch work family she loves. That’s what she’s leaving behind now with these OP’s. Leaving Tim behind. I think she struggling with the idea of doing so in the future. Isabel’s answer was open and honest. IF she’s prepared to make those sacrifices. IF. I don't know that she is. Not anymore. Falling in love with Tim has changed everything.
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Speaking of our boy. Tim ends up calling Lucy asking if the wire is fixed? Poor love is feeling so anxious right now. He needs to know it’s working. Lucy laughs with Isabel and says a wire must’ve disconnected. Mmhmm… Does a sound check for him so he can see it’s ok. They see Dara coming back and Lucy calls him ‘Babe.’ again and I’m floating. It’s such a simple word and makes me all giddy. I need more of this in S6. I really do.
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We rejoin them post-op coming home. Love her asking if he wants a beer? Such a domestic moment. We got to start with one and end with one. Fantastic. Lucy mentions 'She seems good. Happy.' Tim asking Isabel? Lucy just replies ‘Hmm.’ Tim saying yeah she deserves it. Seems like he's talking about more than just Isabel. I do love the look in his face when she says this. That empathy of hers shining through.
One of reasons he loves this woman. Genuinely being happy Isabel is ok. There is also a lot behind the second look he gives her before he sits down. How he’s staring at Lucy before he lands on the couch seems loaded. Isabel coming back has stirred up a lot for him. That lingering look he gives her. It's almost got a sad haunted look to it.
Tim has been through so much all he wants is to be happy with Lucy. Saw a sad tag about his expression. Saying how he looks like he doesn’t deserve to be happy. This broke my damn heart. Falls in love again for the first time since Isabel and she’s on the same path she was. He looks so tired and defeated by the time he sits on the couch. I wanna hug him.
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We get a cute little moment before this scene turns serious. Lucy mentioning it was nice to get to know the person behind all his stories. Tim asking if that’s why they muted themselves? Ha A little serious but mostly joking. Lucy saying it was just to talk trash about him of course hehe Tim couldn’t be cuter with his smile and saying sarcastically ‘Funny.’ That Lucy smile we all know and love.
The way this man looks at her my goodness. Also let’s not skate passed the sexy stubble adorning his beautiful jawline. Or the fact that they’re drinking and chatting at the end of their day. So married. Making my heart swell. The sassing and teasing never gets old. It’s the best between them. Just hits differently now they’re together too.
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Lucy looks at him and takes the plunge into what she wants to talk about. Asking if she can share something vulnerable with him? Gah I love her sharing in the first place. Tim puts down his beer and gives her his full attention. Saying of course she can. I love this first shot of them. Her beautiful view as the backdrop to start this conversation.
Lucy starting off with telling him she loves working undercover. Tim doing his Lucy smile for her. Knowing how much she truly does. Even though it kills him. Lucy goes on to say she’s never gone as deep as Isabel. Doing a 6 month run or a year long. Tim thinking he has this pegged. Voicing she's worried she won't be able to handle it?
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This next line kills me. Makes me a little emotional. Because Lucy is so emotional bringing this up. Her worry for him so very evident and deep. Tears brimming in her eyes. The way she touches his shoulder gently. Voicing her vulnerability and fear about him. It’s the way she rubs her hand up and down his shoulder not making eye contact till she speaks her worry.
Ripping my heart right out. Tim putting on a brave face for her and reaches out for her hand. Embracing her warm touch. Covering her hand with his. Telling her he’ll be fine. Ugh but you won’t my love. You really won’t. Even though he knows it is different this time. Because it is. Logically he knows this. Doesn’t mean he’s going to worry any less.
Hell it might even be more worry this go around because of the PTSD. Next ep is proof of that. Lucy not fully believing him says ‘Yeah.’ Tim is refusing to be in the way of her UC aspirations. Reassuring her he will be fine. I love the way he pulls her into his arms for a snuggle. Telling her to 'Come here.'
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Her leg over his thigh. *squee* I’m dying. Getting real close to snuggle in for this moment. Tim looks like he goes for her hand but lands on her knee. Lucy looks damn near ready to cry. Tim rubbing her knee/thigh soothingly. My heart. Trying to find some solace in holding her in his arms. Look at his face. This man is anything but fine. He’s so very worried.
Holding her tight to him. Taking comfort in the fact she’s with him now. Savoring they're together right now. They really need to have more conversations about this. Honest ones. Lucy doesn’t want to leave him but he also isn’t telling her to stay. Just lying liars who lie right now. We all know she would have just as much trouble if it was Tim.
This sweet cuddling is beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time. I am excited we finally got some good couch snuggling. Tim looks absolutely terrified he’s going to lose her though. Not only lose her but to same thing he lost Isabel too. Ugh it hurts so good everyone.
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The way Tim slightly shakes his head trying to kick loose his tormented thoughts. *heart clutch* His little smile though is everything. Knowing she so worth going through this again even if scares him to death. Lucy looking gutted about the thought of leaving him behind UC. Knowing he is anything but ok with this scenario. I believe she is having some doubts about being a long term UC now. I think she was hoping Tim would’ve had a different answer. Maybe given her an out about it. I think she’s being torn between what she thinks she should be and what she now wants.
She's been on on the UC path so long it scares her to get off it. I totally get it I wanted to be a dog trainer forever. When first moved to CO it didn’t happen. It was my goal moving there but it didn't happen. So I got a different job settled into that for awhile. Then when things came up for dog trainer while at this other job. I felt the need to still do it even though I was fine at my current job. Why? Because I had been on that path forever thought I had to because of that. But I wanted someone to tell me it was ok not to if I didn't want to anymore.
I think Lucy wants Tim to tell her not to so she has an out and can pursue something else. You can be amazing at something and not have it be your career path. Also her sticking with it might be little bit of that old self doubt creeping back in. Lucy thinking I’m good at UC can I be this good at anything else? Doubting she will be good at anything other than UC. I mean she doubted herself in 5x19 with the test. She has grown but those doubts can still creep back in. *sigh* These two. Both still holding back. Needing to have more convos about this for sure in s6. But what a damn good ep.
Side notes-non Chenford
Aaron being Angela’s aide is hilarious. Also her getting the guy to confess cause she’s so pregnant and uncomfortable is hilarious.
Isabel and Lucy being bad asses on their OP was fun to watch.
Thank you to all you amazing readers who like, comment and reblog these reviews. Give me life hehe Shall see you all in 5x21 :)
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waitimcomingtoo · 9 months
hoax ~ p.p
chapter ten: here’s to us
series masterlist
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“Here we are. One little lady safely dropped off at her dorm.” Peter said as he carefully landed outside of your dorm. Even after your feet were on the ground, you didn’t let go of him.
“Before you go.” You began. “I wanted to tell you that-“
“Oh my God. There you are.” Kate shouted from the top of your dorm stairs. You turned around as your friends pulled you out of Peters arms and into a hug.
“Are you okay? We were so worried about you.” Gwen asked as she smoothed your hair down.
“Who was it?” MJ asked. “I’ll kill him. I have a knife.”
“It’s true.” Kate nodded. “I’ve seen it.”
“I’m okay. Spiderman got there in time.” You said and gestured towards Peter.
“Oh, hey Peter. Thanks for bringing her back.” Kate said and nodded at him. Your stomach dropped when you heard this and you whipped your head in her direction.
“What did you just say?” You whispered.
“I said hey.” Kate shrugged.
“To Spiderman?” You asked.
“To Peter, yeah.” Kate nodded. You looked back and forth between the two of them but no one seemed as shocked as you were.
“Who told you that?” You whispered harshly.
“Peter did.” Gwen replied.
“You know too?” You gasped.
“Yeah. He told all of us when we were looking for you.”
“You told them?” You smiled in surprise and turned to Peter.
“I thought they should understand what happened to you.” Peter explained.
“So everyone knows now?” You asked and looked around at your friends.
“Yep.” MJ nodded. “We all know that Peter put on an old ninja mask from fifth grade instead of telling you who he was during a pivotal moment in your relationship.”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.” You realized. “That was kinda insane actually.”
“Sorry about that.” Peter said sheepishly.
“It’s fine.” You laughed as Kate took your hand.
“Come on. You need to tell us everything that happened.” She said as she tugged you up your dorm stairs.
“And you need a thousand showers.” Gwen said out of the corner of her mouth.
“That’s what I said.” You told her as they led you to the front door. Peter watched you leaving and sighed. He was glad you were safe and with your friends but disappointed that you weren’t going to finish your conversation.
“Bye.” He called after you.
“Oh, bye spidey.” You called over your shoulder and waved.
“See you tomorrow.” He mumbled and turned to leave.
“Hold on guys. I’ll be right right back.” You told your friends and ran after Peter. You tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around.
“Thanks for saving my life. Again.” You laughed shyly.
“Anytime.” He nodded. “But hopefully it never happens again.”
“You never know. I hear it’s pretty dangerous to be Spider-Man’s girlfriend.”
“Yeah.” He sighed sadly. “You’re right. It is.”
“I know. I mean, look at what happened tonight. We don’t want something like this happening again.”
“Definitely not.” Petey agreed. “This guy was just some wacky loser but the next guy might be an actual threat.”
“Yeah. Maybe it’s better if we stay away from each other then.” You told him, making his heart sink. As much as he wanted to protest, he knew you were right.
“You’re probably right.” He reluctantly agreed as his heart ached in his chest. He stared at you and tried to memorize you and the way you looked tonight in case he never got to look you in the eyes again.
“Thank you, though. For everything. It was really nice while it lasted.” You said sincerely as you squeezed his hand.
“For me too.” He smiled sadly. “It was really nice.”
“Goodnight, Spiderman.” You squeezed his hand again and started to walk back to your dorm.
“Goodnight.” He said and watched you until you were safe inside. You turned and waved at him before going in and he weakly waved back. He let out a sigh and walked home alone. He could’ve swung home, but he felt too sad to do something that usually brought him joy. Your relationship with each other was 100% over now with no change of reconciling. The small hope he once had that you’d find your way back to each other was now gone. He cried as he trudged home and was grateful that his mask covered him. But when he remembered that he’d still be with you if he had just taken the mask off sooner, he no longer felt grateful for it. He just felt misery.
A few days later, Peter sat alone at a library table as he waited for Ned. He was mindlessly switching back and forth between different tabs when your backpack dropped onto the table.
“Hey stranger.” You said as you sat down beside him. Peter looked around for who you were talking to but saw that he was the only one there. He looked at you in confusion and you nodded to let him know that it was him you were talking to.
“Nice shirt, by the way.” You said and nodded towards his shirt with the pun about electrons and being positive. He looked down at his shirt and then looked at you in disbelief.
“Thanks. You too.” He complimented you, just like old times.
“This old thing?” You said playfully and tugged on your shirt. Peter punched his leg under the table to make sure he was awake and winced from the pain. Now that he knew he wasn’t dreaming, he was even more confused.
“I don’t mean this to sound rude, but why are you talking to me?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You shrugged.
“I thought you said we should stay away from each other?” He quietly reminded you. You slowly turned to him and looked shocked.
“I said that to Spiderman. Have you been listening to my private conversations with that completely separate person?” You whispered. Peter stared at you in confusion until you cracked a smile. That’s when he realized what was going on.
“Actually, he’s a friend of mine. He tells me everything.” Peter played along. “And I heard that he was very upset about you wanting to stay away from each other.”
“Interesting. Then would you mind asking him why did he let me walk away? Cause I’ve been wondering.” You asked him. Your tone was playful, but Peter could tell you genuinely wanted to know.
“Because he loved you enough to value what you wanted more than what he wanted. He knew it was more important that you were safe then it was for him to be happy, so he let you walk away. Even though it killed him.” Peter answered honestly. You stared at him for a minute before smiling sadly.
“That’s exactly what I figured when he didn’t run after me that night.”
“He wanted to.” Peter assured you. “But he couldn’t live with himself if you got hurt because of him again.”
“That’s probably why I fell in love with him.” You shrugged. “Because he does things like that.”
“Don’t give him too much credit.” Peter laughed sadly. “He’s a major idiot too. He lies to the people he loves.”
“He’s definitely an idiot for not coming clean in the first place.” You agreed. “But I can’t say he didn’t try to tell the truth sooner. I just didn’t let him. And I think it’s time I stop punishing him for that.”
“It is?” Peter asked as hope grew in his chest.
“Well, I’ve been thinking.” You began.
“Uh oh.” Peter chuckled. “That’s never good.”
“Shut up. Now I don’t want to tell you.” You playfully shrugged and turned away from him.
“What? Please. You have to tell me. What were you thinking about?” Peter whined and shook your arm.
“Well, ever since Spiderman and I broke up, I’ve been pretty lonely.” You admitted.
“Oh no. That sounds awful.”
“It is.” You agreed. “But it made me think about giving you and me a try. You know, since you have a crush on me and all.”
“You and me?” Peter asked through a stunned smile. You took both his hands and brought him closer so you could privately.
“I never actually got to know what it was like to date the guy under the mask. And dating Spiderman might make me a target, but Peter Parker doesn’t have any enemies. At least, as far as I know.” You said quietly so no one could overhear.
“There is a 9 year old who wants to kill me for beating his high score on the Pac-Man at the arcade on 54th street.” Peter admitted.
“Well does he own a gun?” You rolled your eyes.
“He’s a 9 year old from Queens. Of course he has a gun.” Peter replied, making you laugh.
“My bad. But I think I can live with that threat over my head.”
“Are you sure?” Peter asked as he stared into your eyes. You stared back into his and smiled fondly.
“I’m sure. I’ve had a lot of time to think about this, Peter. I want to start over and be with you as you. No masks. No lies. Just you and me.”
Peter was so overcome with emotion that all he could think to do was lean in and kiss you. But before your lips could touch, you put your hand on his lips and pushed him back a little.
“Hold on. Before we get to that, I need you to promise me. No lying this time, okay? I need full honesty 100% of the time.”
“I saw a picture of your dad when I went to your parents apartment and I thought he was really handsome and I was gonna tell you that you looked like him but then I thought that might be a weird compliment and then I had a dream about him that night where we got married and when I lifted up your veil at the alter it was your dads head on your body but I kissed him anyway.” Peter said all in one breath. You were quiet for a while as you digested all of that and Peter held his breath until you spoke again.
“Okay.” You said finally. “Maybe we don’t have to be honest 100% of the time.”
“I missed you.” Peter smiled fondly and felt his tears come to his eyes.
“I missed you too.” You admitted before pulling him into a kiss. You wrapped your arms around Peters neck as he cupped your face to pull you as close as possible. You kissed for the first time without either of you having something to conceal your identity or block your eyesight. You were finally able to run your hands through his hair while knowing exactly what it looked like. You could feel his eyelashes brush against your face instead of feeling the edges of his mask. Peter wanted the kiss to last forever, but your friends had other plans.
“Ew. Gross.” MJ grimaced as she sat down. You and Peter pulled away when you heard her and saw the rest of your friends approaching the table. Peter was a blushing mess and you were looking down with an embarrassed smile.
“What’s all this then?” Ned asked and pointed between you and Peter.
“So you and Peter worked things out. What a nice happy ending to a weird little story.” Gwen smiled and leaned her chin on her hand.
“I know. Let’s never bring up the Spiderman era okay, again?” You told them. “Not my brightest moment.
“He wore a freaking ninja mask to tell you he loved you.” MJ cracked up at the memory as you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah. I don’t know why I felt I could say those words but not show you my face, which you had already seen a thousand times.” Peter added to the conversation.
“And I don’t know how I never recognized your voice.” You wondered. “Or smell. Or body language. Or eyes. Or mouth. I saw your mouth a lot both and Peter and as Spiderman. You even have the same mole on the side of your mouth. How did I never realize that?”
“Love is blind.” Kate shrugged. “Not as blind as our Y/n apparently.”
“It’s a plot hole. Don’t think too much about it. Just enjoy the happy ending.” You said and waved your hand in dismissal.
“I would I’ve been upset if this didn’t have a happy ending.” Kate admitted.
“I think a lot of people would’ve.” Ned agreed. “I’m just glad you finally came clean and everyone knows everything they need to know.”
“Me too.” Peter said as he wrapped an arm around you. You cupped his face and kissed his before leaning into him.
“In the spirit of the new terms of our old relationship, I have to say that I honestly love you, Peter. And that’s it’s honestly nice to say that to your actual face.”
“I like it too. And I honestly love you too.” He replied as he looked into your eyes.
“And I honestly can’t believe you followed a stranger to his car and were surprised he threw you inside.” MJ snorted.
“I honestly can’t believe that either. Or that he wanted you to get arrested for breaking the speed limit.” Gwen recalled. “Huh. What a weird semester.”
“Hopefully next one is better.” Peter said.
“And far less eventful.” Kate added. You looked around at all your friends and reflected on the crazy past few months before lifting your water bottle into the air.
“Here’s to us.” You stated. “And the weird things we talk about when we’re all sitting together.”
Everyone humored you by taking out their water bottles and raising them in the air. You all clinked your bottles together while cheering,
“To us.”
tag list 🏷️
@miwagila @gidgett11037 @hoetel-manager @deffnotnia
@uncle-eggy @freakofmusic25 @loveleesthings @katerinaval
@tom-hollands-wifey @helen-on-earth @amberpanda99
@freyaxx @xorderedkaosx @riordanness @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes
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