#I kinda wanna focus on the first one since I also wanna talk about the stuff in ‘bonnibel bubblegum’
papercorgiworld · 7 months
Pansy’s potion
Draco, Blaise, Mattheo, Enzo and Theo
When Pansy gives you something to relax at a party all innocence leaves you and you get a little naughty. The slytherin boys try to keep you from doing anything stupid, but you’re making it quite hard.
Warning: very suggestive! And if your shady friends offers you a shady drink say no
A/N: Look dear followers I feel the need to apologise, because I’m less active. I still write and post, but I read less and I’m just less active. So if I miss out on your stories, moodboards, tags, comments or reblogs I’m sorry. Just know that my heart is with you 💛
While I was working on requests I also wrote this little side project of my own. The next request is gonna be very angsty so before the trauma I’m sending you some fun. Since I wrote this in between other works, you'll notice that it's a bit rushed, apologies. Also, It's kinda short, but still Happy readings!
Read part two here: Pansy's Prediction
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“You are always so stressed. Here, have this. It will help take the edge off, so you can have some fun tonight.” You take the small glass Pansy offers you and study it for a moment. “What is it?” Pansy smirks. “Nothing too bad.” 
Understatement. It was bad. 
The next moment you’re dancing with Draco. You wrap your arms around his neck as you seduce him with your eyes, all while your body moves perfectly in Draco’s hands. “What’s gotten into you all of a sudden?” He whispers against your ear and you brush your lips over his cheek as your mouth moves to his ear to answer. “I just wanna have a little fun. You don’t mind, do you?” Draco swallows hard and he feels his whole body heat up, next you turn around, pressing your back against Draco’s chest and slowly grinding against him. 
Draco was seriously confused, you were always the first to blush and now you were confident and flirty making him blush. Blaise frowns as he approaches you and Draco. “What’s going on here?” He asks, smiling awkwardly. Your teasing eyes land on his, before moving away from Draco. You sling your arms around Blaise’s neck and Draco clenches his jaw at the sight. Blaise only laughs and looks at you. “How much did you drink?” You move closer to him pressing your chest against his. “Not enough. I’m still thirsty.” You whisper and Blaise’s eyes go wide at the way that last word comes out. He stops moving and his hands move to your hips, holding you still. “Are you okay?” You bite your lip, while your eyes focus on his lips. You go stand on your tiptoes and Blaise quickly pushes your head in the crook of his neck to keep you from kissing him. You're disappointed with the hug, since you really wanted that kiss. “Okay, let’s not do anything silly.” Blaise shushes and strokes your hair gently. It demands every piece of self control to not just let you devour his lips as he could see you wanted to, but he knew better than to take advantage of you.
Blaise lets go of you for one moment to ask Draco for an explanation, but the next moment you’re gone and both guys panic. They quickly spread the word to Theodore, Lorenzo and Mattheo and the lot of them decide to search for you before you do anything stupid. 
“You’re not just the chosen one, you’re also my chosen one.” You say licking your lips as Harry gawks at you, but before you get the chance to move closer Mattheo’s strong arms snake around you. “Don’t even think about it Potter.” Mattheo growls at Harry. You turn around in Mattheo’s arms, so you’re now facing him. “Matty!” You sing, before moving your lips to his ear. “Glad you decided to join the party, I was getting kinda bored.” Mattheo smiled nervously, now discovering first hand what Draco and Blaise were talking about. “Okay, sweetheart, let’s get you out of here.” You lean into Mattheo. “Taking me to your room? I knew you were the man I could count on.” Mattheo stares at you with wide eyes and feels his member twitch in his pants as your hand moves over his chest and down until he grabs your wrist. A nervous chuckle leaving his lips as he watches your eyes filled with mischief. He needed to get you out of here and keep you from doing anything stupid, but he also needed to keep himself in check. How can someone so innocent suddenly be such a tease?
“Thank Merlin. You found her.” Enzo said as he joined you and Mattheo in the hallway. “Yeah, but she’s-” You don’t let Mattheo finish his warning and tug on Enzo’s shirt, pulling him into you, so you’re now sandwiched between Enzo and Mattheo. Enzo parts his lips to say something, but you don’t let him and seize the opportunity to kiss him. Mattheo immediately pulls you away from a shocked Lorenzo. “Did she just kiss me?” Mattheo groans. “Be careful around her, Berkshire. She’s wild, she almost unzipped my pants in the middle of the crowd.” You roll your eyes. “Well, maybe Enzo isn’t such a prude like you, Matty.” You pout at Mattheo who still firmly holds on to your wrists. “Let’s get her to the common room.” Enzo says with an urgent voice and Mattheo nods.
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Enzo holds both your hands as he moves you to the couch, while Mattheo writes a note that flies off to find Theodore. “Theodore will know what to do. The right potion will get her back to normal.” Mattheo breathes and looks around to find Enzo struggling as you try to make him fall onto the couch with you. “No, (y/n).” Mattheo says with a stern voice and you stop to look at him innocently, but there’s obvious teasing in your eyes. “Yes, daddy.” Your seductive voice has both guys sigh. “She’s drugged right?” Enzo looks over to Mattheo who takes a seat next to you. “What do you think, Berkshire?” Mattheo snaps. 
You move your hand over Mattheo’s thigh. “No need to be so be so stressed, Matty.” You whisper with hungry eyes. Enzo tries to intervene by tugging your other hand, but you look at him with those same intense eyes. “I have to hands so no need to get jealous, Enz.” You grab Enzo’s shirt and bring him closer to your lips. Just then Theo enters and he instantly frowns as he sees you. “Well, they say three’s a party, but four...” You spread your legs as a clear suggestion to Theodore. Enzo gulps at your action, while Mattheo throws his head back. Theodore raises his eyebrows as he realizes how bad this is. “Okay let’s just tie her hands up for every one’s safety.” Theodore suggests and you smile. “Kinky.” Mattheo’s eyes roll to the back of his head at your teasing voice.
After some reading Theodore finds an easy antidote and cooks it up in a few minutes. When Theodore offers you a glass filled with the gooey potion you shake your head. “I’ll only do body shots.” You say moving your tongue over your lips. The three guys seriously feel their self control is being tested. “No, just drink it love.” Mattheo urges and you bite your lip staring at his brown eyes. “If you drink this you can do whatever you want… to us.” Enzo tries to convince you and you sensually lean over to Enzo. “So I can-s” Mattheo interrupts you before you say something unholy again. “Yes, just please drink it, please.” The guys are pleased when you nod, since they were worried they would get even hornier than you if this continued for long. You drink it and immediately fall asleep.
“Okay, she’s asleep, so you guys watch, I need a moment.” Enzo says already moving in the direction of their dorm. “Yeah, Theo, you watch her. I need a moment as well.” Mattheo adds and Theodore rolls his eyes. “Guys, I’m at my limits as well.” Just then Draco, Blaise and Pansy enter the common room. “You guys watch (y/n). I’ve got business.” Theodore says and the three arrivals look confused for a moment. 
“Maybe, I overdosed a bit.” Pansy admits watching your sleeping figure, making everyone look at her. “You did this?” Draco snares and Pansy shrugs. “I just gave her something to take the edge off.” Mattheo’s eyes fill with anger. “Take the edge off? Take the edge off?! She was ready to take everyone’s clothes off, including her own!” Pansy rolls her eyes. “How was I supposed to know that beneath all that innocence was a desperately horny girl. Maybe one of you should volunteer to help the poor girl out? Help her relax, give her what she needs but doesn’t dare ask for?” At Pansy’s suggestion the slytherin common room went quiet as the guys felt their hormones peak. Give you what you need, but don’t dare ask for… 
“I am never leaving my room.” You say with a pillow over your head and Pansy rolls her eyes at your dramatics. “It wasn’t that bad.” Hermione judges Pansy. “She almost jumped Malfoy, Zabini, Riddle, Berkshire and Nott. In that exact order!” Pansy frowns. “Don’t slut shame, Granger. If a girl wants dick, there’s no shame in that.” Hermione narrows her eyes at Pansy. “One dick fine, but-“ Hermione is interrupted when you throw a pillow at her. “I’ve made up my mind I’m transfer to another school.” Pansy huffs. “And why would you do that? I mean you have several handsome fellas lining up for you… especially now that they know what’s behind all that prudish and innocent facade of yours.” You groan. 
This is a nightmare! But… are they really lining up for me?
Word count: 1484
Did you spot a weird phrase? A typo? Let me know! Feedback is always welcome.
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prodbyton · 11 days
જ⁀➴ dirty little secret chapter 5: i don’t bite
half smau, half written wc. idk sorry😭 warnings: smut!!! +18 mdni!! smut can be read on its own but if you want to read the rest of the story here’s the mlist! id still recommend reading the whole story bc yes 🙂‍↕️
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tomorrow comes around a lot faster than you expected. you dont know why, but you’re almost nervous.
you dont know what it is about anton, but he was different than other guys you pursued. you were never the type to chase, never the type to be so bold and be the one to call the shots. something about anton being so shy in your presence excited you, and you knew you could use that to your advantage since he was already wrapped around your finger after only talking to you once.
so you dont understand why you’re hesitant to knock on the door to his apartment.
you stare at the door, thinking of all the possible outcomes of what will happen once you step foot into his space.
you’re here to study, you tell yourself, but you know that you can’t focus on that when you’re too focused on your attraction to the boy. he obviously is into you, but you don’t know if he’s into you enough to do the things that you were thinking about. what if he does just want to study, and you make him uncomfortable by trying to make a move on him? what if giselle was right about him being a virgin, not that it would be an issue but you don’t want this to be his first time. or even worse, what if he’s not good in bed?
just worry about studying, thats the most important thing here. you continue to tell yourself, still staring at his door.
right as you lift your arm to finally knock, the door swings open and reveals the tall boy you were here to see. he looks at you and smiles softly, and you smile back before taking in his appearance. he looks good, and he seems a little less nervous than he seemed the day before.
you thank yourself for not dressing up too much for today, seeing that he was in a loose tshirt and some shorts. you wore something nice but casual, a low cut shirt and a pair of leggings. easy to take off, just in case. right when you were done looking anton up & down, his eyes quickly darted back up to your face and your smile grows wider when you realize he was probably looking down your shirt when you weren’t looking.
“sorry if i startled you,”
“its okay, i was just about to knock”
anton moves to the side so you can come in, and your eyes scan the room as you take off your shoes. it was pretty clean for an apartment with college student boys, and you wonder if it always looks this clean or if anton cleaned up for you. and you smile trying to imagine anton frantically cleaning around the house knowing that you could be over any minute.
you let anton lead the way to his living room, where he already has some papers spread across the coffee table along with his laptop. you admire his efforts into making sure that you were comfortable in his space, since he also had various snacks and drinks on the table along with a few blankets and pillows on the floor.
“i don’t know what kind of snacks or drinks you like, so i just bought a bunch of stuff” he lied, he asked seunghan this morning what stuff you like. you stare at the various snacks, smiling when you realize it was filled with snacks you actually like. not like you would’ve declined anything he offered, you’re sure he had good taste. maybe you both just have the same favorites.
“did you wanna study physics again or another subject?” you set your bag on the couch, sitting down on the floor on top of the blankets anton had laid out, and pulling out your laptop once anton sat on the ground next to you.
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“you’re really smart, anton” you nudge his arm, and he shyly looks away from you at your praise.
“thanks,” antons voice was so soft, and you hoped that you could break that nervous shell off of him soon. you could tell he wanted to talk more, but it was like he was holding himself back.
“im kinda bored of studying now, can we take a break?”
“yeah, of course"
anton is surprisingly easy to talk to, and you wish that he wasn't so shy because you could have realized how much you two had in common. you stare at his face while he talks, going back to make eye contact with him every few words so he knew you were still listening. you look at his lips, liking the way they curve into a smile while he speaks and the way his lips purse out when he says certain words. you stare a little harder at his lips, and anton notices, and he tries to ignore it but he's starting to forget what he was talking about. you only look back at his face when you hear him stumbling over his words and stops talking.
"why'd you stop talking?"
"sorry," anton gulps, his ears turning red as he tries to come up with a reason, but he couldn't lie to you when you were still staring at him like that. "you were staring"
"you're so cute. do i really make you that nervous?"
"can i tell you something?" your words were just above a whisper, and anton nods nervously when he sees you looking at his lips again. "i really want to kiss you right now"
and with that anton was leaning in, pressing his lips onto yours without any further question. you were taken aback by his sudden action, not expecting him to be so bold all of a sudden with you. you couldn't complain though, his lips felt so soft and perfect against yours. you kiss him back faster than you could process the situation, holding on to the back of his neck to kiss him harder. his hands that were nervously playing in his lap move so he could grab your waist, pulling your body closer to his.
anton shifts his body so he could face you better, his other hand that wasn't on your waist rests on the ground to stabilize himself as he kisses you. you pull away for a brief second to take a breath, quickly going back to kissing anton and sliding your tongue against his bottom lip.
it takes a moment for him to get the hint, and you have to bite his lip softly in order for him to open his mouth so you could slide your tongue inside.
anton feels like fireworks are going off in his mind. you were kissing him right now. he couldn't believe it. and you're the one who wanted to kiss him, whatever anton did in his past life he thanks himself internally, because he would never believe that he could ever be in this situation.
you two groan into each others mouths, tongues clashing against each others and spit is dribbling down both of your chins. when you two finally pull away, anton is almost as red as a tomato. you were breathing hard, bottom lip tucked between your teeth as you took in antons appearance. he looked so attractive like this, lips swollen and parted, a little shiny from a mix of spit and your lip gloss. he was so kissable. you wanted to kiss him again, and again, and again.
so you do. you kiss the breath out of him over and over, you somehow end up in his lap, kissing him even more. you kiss down his face, down his neck, you even bite him a little bit just to hear his breath hitch. antons hands still lay on your waist, gripping onto the skin a little harder whenever you lick or bite a sensitive part of his neck. you were in your own world, and you only realize how much this is effecting anton when he tries (and fails) at subtly pushing you down onto his clothed crotch and you can feel his boner pressing against your core. you remove your lips from him and sit up, staring at his flushed face then down to where your bodies met.
"you're hard" you say it bluntly, still staring at the bulge in his pants from what you can see from the angle you were sitting in.
"you're really pretty" anton talks in the same tone you spoke in, no point in being shameful when you both clearly wanted each other. it was your time to be shy, you knew anton liked you to some degree, but hearing him compliment you as well as getting this hard from just kissing you has you flustered. you feel your core throb the longer you stare, and your mouth feels empty without antons lips on yours.
you run your fingers through antons hair, smiling at the sight of his eyes shutting at the feeling of your nails slightly scratching his scalp. you give his hair a small tug, and before anton can even react your tugging him again so your lips could connect again.
this kiss was somehow even more desperate, teeth clashing and tongues colling more than lips locking. it was messy, but it only made you feel hotter. you experimentally grind your hips down on anton and he groans, holding your hips harder as you make the same movement again. you let out a small whimper when you move just right enough to feel the pressure on your clit, repeating the same movement until you find a steady rhythm.
anton looked an absolute wreck when you pulled your lips off of him. he threw his head back against the couch, eyes barely open as he watched you grind against him. he looked like he was 3 seconds away from cumming in his pants, and you honestly wanted him to. so you move a bit faster, and you lean down to re attach your lips to his neck.
the moans that leave the both of you fill up the living room, and you forget that anton has roomates that could possibly walk in at any given moment. anton seems to forget too, because he's slipping his hands under your shirt and trailing them up to cup your breasts over your bra. antons boldness has you pressing harder against him, moaning against the skin of his neck which makes him shudder.
"wait- im gonna cum-" anton warns, hands that fondle your boobs under your shirt grabbing onto you tighter as he feels his orgasm build up embarrassingly fast. he hopes that you stop moving, but you keep going, and when he feels you smirk against his skin he knows that it was fine.
without any warning anton was moving his hands back to your waist, holding you down as he thrusted against you while his orgasm hit. he was silent, only a string of small whimpers leaving his mouth as he kept you moving while he rode out his high.
watching him cum in his pants was truly a sight, and you felt yourself growing wetter as you watched. he was almost trembling, and it made you clench around nothing before you started to move your hips again. anton was still sensitive and he whine at the feeling of you still grinding down on him, weakly attempting to push your hips off of him.
you quickly move yourself so you were sitting on his thigh, desperately moving against the thick muscle while you chased your own orgasm
"are you close?" you can only nod your head as you move faster, your clit rubbing against antons thigh so deliciously you knew it wouldn't take much more for you to reach your peak.
"kiss me, please-" anton had his lips on you as fast as possible, kissing away the pout you had on your lips. you moan softly when you feel his tongue slip into your mouth, and you feel your orgasm hit you hard when he sucks on your tongue.
you shake on top of anton, body going limp as you feel the aftershocks of your orgasm. you both stay quiet for a moment while you try to get your breathing back to normal, and anton shifts slightly, the feeling of sitting in his cum stained underwear starting to set in and feel uncomfortable.
"im gonna change my pants- ill bring you a pair too" he was so considerate, feeling that you were probably just as uncomfortable in your soaked through underwear. anton helps you move off his thigh, and helps you stand up as well before he's telling you he'll be right back. you sit on the couch while you wait for him, checking your phone while you wait and seeing that your brother texted you a few minutes ago about your whereabouts. you roll your eyes, not wanting to leave antons right after you both just came in your pants, but not wanting to have to deal with your brother nagging you about how late its getting.
"here, you can change in my room" anton turns the corner and hands you a pair of his sweats, and you take them and follow him back down the hall to where his room was. he closes the door and waits outside for you, and you take your time taking off your leggings and your underwear that was uncomfortable and sticky, slipping his pants on and making tying the strings to make sure they don't fall down. you also take in antons bedroom as quick as possible so it doesn't seem like you were snooping.
the boy is smiling at you like a dork when you open the door, and you smile too before his smile drops at the words that leave your mouth.
"my brothers blowing up my phone, so i have to go, but um, today was nice" his heart thumps in his chest, and he swallows in hopes that the feeling subsides and he hopes that it was only loud in his head and that you couldn't hear his heartbeat from where you were standing.
"yeah, it was. i can walk you to your car, its getting kinda dark." anton helps you collect your things, and you two silently make your way down to where you parked.
the walk from antons apartment to your car was awkward, and you wish that it wasn't. you didn't really know what to say, or what to do in this situation. usually guys you hook up with don't go out of their way to give you some of their clothes, or walk you back to your car, or have good conversation with you. but anton was different, and you felt it the moment you decided to give him attention, because you really don't want to go home, and you really don't want this to be the last time you two fool around.
anton stays outside until your car pulls off and until he cant see you anymore before he starts his walk back to his apartment, and he can't stop the wave of thoughts that run through his mind now.
he's praying internally that you really do text him, and that you enjoyed today as much as he did, and that him cumming in his pants didn't throw you off and that you'd never want to speak to him again. he hopes you text him and that you want to see him again.
all of his internal prayers seem to come true faster than he thought when he enters his room and sees your soaked through panties on his bed.
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a/n: sorry for posting this so late !! anyways hope you guys like it hehe haha
synopsis: living with your older brother had its perks, including easy access to his hot best friend
taglist is closed !!
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enchantedlov3r · 2 months
Coffee crush An Ellie Williams fic College Barista au CHAPTER TWO!
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Summary: Young love, always the cutest thing, especially when it's on your very hot barista at your local coffee shop on campus.
Pairings: Barista!Ellie Williams x puppy!reader
Word Count: 4.5k (WOAH! never done that before<33)
Warnings: fluff, first time meeting, flustered reader, bold ellie, lots of sexual tension, shameless flirting, ellie being really hot, brief mentions of alcohol, slight debating/arguing but playful, eventual smut in later chapters, a brief kiss, lmk if I missed anything loves💓
A/N: funny story, there was this fic I read about streamer ellie by @r3starttt and she linked her pinterest below so I just wanted to give creds to her for allowing me to use these pics from her saved pinterest. Also some of it will be via text message style so ellie will be bold and reader will not. lowercase intended..
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You were honestly just a girl, who happened to like other girls, no big deal. but when your parents denied it, denied you, you moved out.
you weren’t going to deal with unsupportive family members judging you at every family function.
and you sure as hell weren’t going to stand with your parents treating you completely different from everyone else.
so you moved away from that toxic life but not just because of your parents but for college as well.
you wanted to move to this small town and get to know people new and study at your dream college.
once you finally found out you got in, you made your motives known to the family that you were leaving and never coming back.
you made it to your dorm and met this awesome girl named Kansas. You guys really hit it off your first semester and ever since, you guys have been the best of friends.
constantly hanging out and going to bookstores and party’s and going on vacations and so much more.
So, now to the present day, you’re currently in your dorm studying for finals.
Kansas walks in and greets you, you greet her back and she plops on the bed with a sigh.
“what’s wrong Kansas? I know that sigh. What’s up?” you ask her while keeping your focus on your notes
“I wanna go somewhere, to meet some hot people. get screwed and fucked up” Kansas replies. You bark out a laugh while shaking your head
“I’m getting kinda tired kans, we can go to a coffee shop? Keep me awake cause I need to study for these finals. Wanna go with me?” You ask her
she shakes her head letting out a hum of disapproval, “mm-mm I’m good, I’ll probably just sleep it out. Night.” She says lying down.
“night kans.” you say closing your notebook and grabbing your red converse. They were a little beat up but they were your favorites.
you walked off campus, greeting people as they passed, some people you know, some you’ve met once, and even the strangers that were polite.
you saw the bistro and smiled walking in. There was someone in front of you, a tall blonde-haired boy.
you patiently waited while he ordered his beverage, mindlessly scrolling on your phone.
you heard someone yell next and you lifted your head walking forward. The lady was turned around so you waited until her focus was on you
once she turned around your eyes widened and you stared in awe.
she was the hottest girl you’ve ever seen. Pretty auburn hair framing her face in a cute half up half down style.
freckles littered her perfect face, beautiful green eyes staring back at you.
her lips pretty and pink, bottomed lip tucked between her teeth as she smiles at you checking you out.
“What can I get for you pretty girl?” The lady in front of you asks.
it feels as if everything has stopped and you are the only ones able to move, talk and it was amazing.
“uh-uhm sorry, hi my names y/n and w-what’s yours? I’m pretty sure it’s a sexy- I mean spectacular name.” You stutter before face planting at how embarrassing you’re being.
“Ha, uh Ellie, my names Ellie. You’re funny but, what would you like to drink? Anything that makes you tick?” She says with a smile on her face as she tilts her head scratching her neck.
'you' the only word coming to your mind.
it’s only then you notice how long and slender her fingers are and the wonderful tattoo that litters her forearm.
“I would like a cappuccino please and nice tattoo, it’s beautiful, just like you. Uhm sorry I mean it’s uhm- a-a beautiful…" you sigh. "I’m gonna stop talking now.” You stutter out nervously.
“it’s fine sweetheart, thanks for the compliments.” Ellie responds with a wink. “ your cappuccino will be ready shortly. Your total is $5.95.” Ellie says smiling.
you pull out your card and pay. You look around noticing the beauty on the inside of the bistro and smile.
Ellie watches you with intent because she would be lying if she didn’t think you were extremely hot.
she wanted so badly to talk to you for longer but she had customers and a job to do. So she came up with the idea when you weren’t looking to write her number on your receipt.
“here you go. Maybe we’ll meet again sometime.” She said with a smile handing you your receipt.
“yea, maybe we will.” You say knowing damn well your coming back to this bistro everyday until you graduate college.
You walk off to go to the waiting area to wait for your name to be called for your drink. Your playing with the receipt when you catch something in the corner of your eye.
you look over and see Ellie mouthing something and making hand gestures.
you see her pointing to your hand so you look down and see numbers written down on the back of the receipt.
you look at her and smile and she smiles back before tending to the next customer that walked in.
you notice it’s a phone number, her phone number. You smile and heat rushes to your face. She also left a little note.
“text me, your cute btw, anyone ever tell you that? It was nice meeting you;)”
you smile at the note and fold the receipt and put it in your back pocket to keep for later.
you hear your name get called and grab your drink. You smile and wink at Ellie as you leave and walk out the door.
The moment you get out you jump up and down and giggle before running back to your dorm to study.
you pull out the receipt and smile at the note again. you type the number into your phone and you hesitate to text her. contemplating for an hour before finally texting her.
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you: heyy:) it's me! you off work yet? (10:47pm)
ellie🤭: heyy pretty, yea I get off in 5 minutes so I'm clocking out. (10:50pm)
you: ohh ok, so how was it, your shift that is? (10:50pm)
ellie🤭: it was stressful but it got better about an hour ago when this really hot girl walked in and I gave her my number on a receipt. (10:51pm)
you: stoppp your making me nervous, thanks for the compliment btw:) (10:53pm)
ellie: ofc sweetheart, now wanna play a game? (10:53pm)
you: sure what do you have in mind els, can I call u els? (10:54pm)
ellie🤭: you can call me whatever you want love. (10:54pm)
ellie🤭: maybe 21 questions? only if your up for it? (10:55pm)
you: yea sure so do i go first or you? (10:56pm)
ellie🤭: you go ahead. (10:57pm)
you: ok, how old are you? (10:59pm)
ellie🤭: 19. same question for you. (11:00pm)
you: im 18. (11:00pm)
ellie🤭: ok, nice. (11:01pm)
you: my turn again right? ok uhm, what's your fav color? (11:03pm)
ellie🤭: I would have to say green, like my eyes.
ellie🤭: what about you? (11:04pm)
you: so far this is what 4 questions, lol ok! (11:04pm)
you: I would say my fav color is {your fav color inserted} (11:05pm)
ellie🤭: dope! that's a nice one. (11:06pm)
you: thanks! ok, i'm going to ask, what's your fav movie or show? (11:08pm)
ellie🤭: i mean i don't think I have one, there's so many to choose from yk? (11:08pm)
you: yea no I totally understand! (11:09pm)
ellie🤭: ok, my turn. how about we quit this game huh? kinda wanna hear your voice. wanna call? (11:09pm)
your eyes widened at that. ellie, wanted to call y-you. this was insane you were so lost in thought that the buzz of you phone broke you out of your trance.
ellie🤭: ? you wanna or nah, it's totally fine if not. (11:10pm)
you: no no, I wanna. you call me, go ahead!
ellie🤭: alright!
ellie🤭: btw it 11:11 make a wish! (11:11pm)
you: oh stop it ellie! (i'm so making a wish right now!) (11:11pm)
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you hear the ringing and immediately pick up after the first ring. at first it's quiet and then ellie finally speaks up.
"hey." she says in a raspy voice that makes your skin tingle. you smile at the sound of her voice.
"hey ellie." you say, her name rolling of your tongue like honey. fuck she loved the way you sounded. so sweet and sexy. she just wanted you all to herself already.
"say my name again, sounds hot when you say it." ellie demands with a chuckle at your little squeak of surprise.
"w-what ellie?" you ask totally confused on what ellie was asking. you lied, you weren't entirely confused but ellie did make you very flustered and very nervous.
sure you could dominate women and be bold at times but something about ellies demeanor and the way she carried herself it made you want to be submissive.
you were a very bold and playful person, you could tease and be funny too but around ellie, nuh uh, you were silenced by her words that made down there tingle.
was it also way to late to mention that you've never "done it" with a girl before. yea sure you've had a kiss here and there but you've never done it.
you were close but then the girls parents walked in and you were utterly embarrassed. the girl ghosted you the next day.
so now you hope that same fate won't happen with ellie.
"god you were so gorgeous in the shop today, couldn't keep my fucking eyes off you." ellie admits breathlessly.
"your so kind, thank you and trust me, I was a mess talking to you." you say with a chuckle.
"I know other ways I can turn you into a mess." she says with a giggle. you giggle nervously and bite your lip.
"mmm yeah? that's something i'm looking forward to in the future." you say, ellie not even knowing how hard your gushing right now.
you guys have been on the phone for over and hour or two now and you were loving it.
she chuckled on the other end of the line. "so, are you more of a coffee girl or an alcohol girl?" you ask ellie.
theres a sigh on the line before you hear a snort, "I mean I prefer alcohol rather than coffee." ellie says.
"ellie. cmon, you literally work in a coffee shop, where you have to deal with coffee grounds and the smell, everyday." you say playfully rolling your eyes.
"woah! just cuz I work at a coffee shop doesn't mean I like coffee babe, I just needed the job, plus it was close by campus." ellie argues back playfully.
"oh yea sure because ellie loves working in a place where she doesn't even love the products in the store. If you adore alcohol, why not be a bartender?" you rebuttal.
this playful banter made ellie laugh and you laughed too. "because I don't wanna sit here and toss vodka in a cup, I wanna drink it, not serve it to others." ellie says as she turns off her room light.
"I'm working in a coffee shop cuz I wanted the money and because I don't get tempted with alcohol all around me, just caffeine." ellie says causing you to burst out laughing.
"ok, 1, that was hilarious and 2. nice point els." you say biting your lip as you kick your feet around on your bed and giggle.
you were sure as hell lucky that this campus was big enough to have two separate rooms. you didn't wanna wake up kansas.
its silent for a little before you just randomly blurt out, "you wanna meet again sometime? maybe like a date? just to hang out and talk more?" you ask.
it's silent on ellies side of the phone for a bit before you hear shuffling. "hey my roomates back but yea totally! Meet me at the water fountain in front of the campus at 7:30pm tomorrow, we can talk in the bistro if you want?" ellie asks.
"yea yea, that's perfect." you say smiling as you bite your fingernails out of excitement.
"alright great it's a date, see you tomorrow pup." she says before the line disconects.
you put your phone down, grab you pillow and scream into it. your going on a date with the ellie williams, the hottest girl you know and you couldn't wait.
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it's the next day. your walking to your class with kansas. you were telling her about ellie, every single detail.
the details from last night and the bistro. "she was just like so unreal kans, she called me babe, and pretty girl and so much more but eeee! I'm meeting her tonight!" you say with excitement.
"good for you girl! glad one of us is getting excitement." kansas says rolling her eyes playfull with a dramatic sigh to which you shove her and laugh.
"what do you even mean by that kans?" you say chuckling. she stops, looks at you and lifts her hand.
she lays her palm flat right side up and sticks up her middle and ring finger and makes a fingering motion with her fingers.
you gasp and push her quickly walking away while kansas laughs and runs to catch up to you.
"your sick kansas!" you exclaim.
"it's the truth, I can tell ellie knows how to please too. especially since you described her fingers as-what was it?- long and slender?" she says before snorting and laughing.
you laugh with her but roll your eyes at her mocking. "yea yea, keep it up and i'll find a new roommate." you say before walking into class with kansas.
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*tap tap tap* is the sound your feet make as you stare at the clock, counting the seconds waiting until the clock strikes 5pm.
you were in your last class for the day and you just had two hours to get ready for your date with ellie.
you were super excited and also kinda surprised you didn't like see her at all in the halls.
she did say she goes here but maybe she was in a different section. You watched as the clock stuck exactly 5:00 and you began packing your notebooks and textbooks in your bag.
"Make sure to read through pages 25 to 37, there will be some paragraphs to study for your exams." your teacher exclaims.
you nod and walk out the door meeting with kansas. "hey girl." you say as you rub your face.
"what's wrong?" she asks as she shoves the last bit of books in her bag.
"I just feel so drained right now, Professor Popovich's class was so draining. I just don't wanna be a buzzkill for my date with ellie tonight." you express with a frown on your face.
"well I mean he is like 60 years old, what'd you expect his class to be like? Energizing? Just get to the dorm, shower and clear your mind and I'll pick an outfit for you and then you'll be good to go, ok?" kansas offers with a smile.
"ha, your right there, thanks kans I really would like that I appreciate you so much!" you say smiling wrapping your arm around her shoulder as you walk to your shared dorm room.
As you guys finally make it towards the dorm, you immediate hit the shower, clicking your phones vibe playlist as you sing and dance in the shower.
you hear a ding from your phone indicating a message notification has come in. you finish rinsing off your body and making sure your nice and fresh and then turn off the water to get out.
You wrap your towel around your self and grab your phone. you look at the time it's 7:15.
You look at your notifications and see that it's ellie that texted you, you open messages and read her message.
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ellie🤭: I probably will get there a little early so, see you soon! (7:13pm)
you: ok, i'm getting ready now so i'll be leaving soon! (7:16pm)
ellie🤭: 👍🏻
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you smile and do your routine, you don't put any makeup on just some mascara and lipgloss.
you step out and put on the clothes that kansas picked out for you.
it was very cold outside so kansas wanted you to prepared for when your meeting her outside but still wanted you to look a little skimpy and sexy.
"hmm sexy but cute, thanks kans." you say smiling and hugging her. "but I think i'm gonna wear sneakers instead babes, heels are. a bit much." you express grabbing your red high top converse and putting them on.
"Bye Kansas! thank you again for the help babes!" you say hugging her one last time before walking towards the door.
"anytime. I'll do anything for you. also i'll be out at a party so if you and ellie need the dorm to you know..." she smirks and makes two peace signs and rub them together.
"Oh piss off kans!" you say shutting the door as you hear her laugh. you quickly make your way to the front of the campus and see the water fountain.
you see someone sitting there, a girl in a greenish flannel with a black shirt on and jeans.
you notice that the sleeves of the flannel are rolled up and you see those familiar slender fingers and that sexy tattoo.
"ellie?" you say with a smirk on your face.
the girl looks up and smiles at you. "Hey beautiful, missed me?" she exclaims opening her arms for a hug.
"I may have missed you." you say with a smirk as you hug her. you wrap your arms around her neck and she wraps her arms around your waist.
"let's go to the bistro shall we?" she says with a smile. you nod and let go of her. you both make the short walk to the bistro and ellie unlocks the door with the key.
"so what do you wanna do?" ellie asks as she hops on the counter staring at you as you walk around.
"you know, yesterday was my first time in here. I've always passed this place but kansas tired her hardest to avoid it. you wanna know why?" you say with a smile on your face as you glance at her.
she nods, "Yea sure, why?" ellie asks.
"cuz some dude named Michael that apparently works here, he cheated on her and then made her look like a total fool, so she never steps foot in here again. she said that if she does, she might just toss boiling hot coffee in his face and down his pants too." you say with a chuckle.
"I never judged her for it because she was right. she had every right too but I didn't want her getting in trouble so I just avoided this place out of love for her." you finish as you make your way next to ellie on the counter.
"kansas sounds badass and I hate to break it to you but Michael actually quit 4 weeks ago." ellie announces as she crosses her arms over her chest drawing your eyes attention.
you look back at her and bite your bottom lip, "are you serious?" you ask. she nods with a slight smirk and scrunch of her nose.
"your telling me I could have met you a long time ago?" you ask with your eyes slightly widened.
"yep, I'm always here." she says rubbing her neck. your eyes drift to the movement, to her tattooed arm.
her forearm muscle flexing at her movement's. "What's a crazy story you have els? anything that makes you tick with embarrassment?" you say with a smile.
"hey, that's my saying!" she exclaims with a laugh but answers your question.
"I do actually. I have a few but those are for another date, if you earn it." she teases leaning closer to your face.
"Test me, I bet i'll win your heart over." you say with a smirk challenging her as you lean closer.
"Ok. well..." she says as she leans away from you to fix her position. " I have this one memory in the back of my mind but uhm. you see this tattoo. so this is not an embarrassing story more of a backstory into my life ok?"
you nod with understanding and she smiles.
"Ok so when I was 14, I uhm was playing around in this abandoned like lab. I didn't know what I was doing cause I was being foolish and having fun. I was with my girlfr- my uhm friend and she dared me to climb this ladder that led to all the tall chemical tubes or containers. So uhm me being the daredevil that I am." she says pointing at herself and smiling.
you laugh at her silliness and bite your lip as you look at her lovingly and intently listening to the story.
"yea total daredevil ladies and gentlemen. don't get your panties and boxers in a bunch because don't you fear, ellie the daredevil is here!" you say welcoming her with jazz hands.
you hear her laugh and you want to record it so badly so you can have on repeat for the rest of your life.
"yea yea, I'm so cool I know. back to my story though. I climbed the ladder. now what I didn't know was that there were pipes above me filled with this chemical liquid. So one of the pipes had a hole in them and the liquid gushed on my arm, luckily I stepped back in time but half my arm got like burned or something. so, when I got outta there, my friend, she wrapped it up so I could hide it from my dad. and then when I turned 17 I got the tattoo to hide it. and that's the backstory behind my tattoo." she says with a tightlipped smile.
"wow, well a beautiful tattoo for a beautiful girl." you say scooting a bit closer to her.
she inches her hand closer to yours as she stares at your side profile. she thought you couldn't get any more beautiful, well right now, in this lighting you just did.
you inch your hand closer to her until you place your pinky on her hand. she looks down at your hands and fully grabs your hand to lift it to intertwine it with hers.
you both make eye contact with each other and smile at each other. "I really wanna kiss you right now." you admit to her.
"Then kiss me princess." she says leaning closer to your lips before looking down at your lips, smile fading as she grabs your face and kisses you.
it's sweet and light at first but slowly turns into a needy and passionate kiss. you both pawing at each other. whimpers and whines coming from your lips.
a sweet breathy whisper of her name rings in her ears that makes her skin tingle with goosebumps.
no one has ever made her feel the way you make her feel, so euphoric and so happy.
she wanted all of you and more, she never wanted to let you go from the moment she made eye contact with you yesterday.
you both break the kiss of your lives, a glistening string of saliva connecting the kiss of love that you two just shared.
"wow that was-" you start. before she kisses you again. "Please stop talking for a second and enjoy it." she says before her lips are right back on yours.
you lean back as ellie leans more into you until your laying on the counter and ellie is kind of on top of you never braking the kiss.
"els wait. wait." you say lightly pushing her off you and getting up. "As badly as I wanna do this, I feel like we should take it just a little bit slowly. maybe 3 dates in? I wanna do this just as badly as you it's just i've never done it before with a girl or in general. I want it to be special, not at your job no offense." you say shyly as you bite your lip.
she's silent for a bit before she speaks up. "I'm sorry, just eager to be your first. I completely understand though. I guess this means until next time?" she says as she hops down and stands between your thighs rubbing them.
"yea sure, I guess i'll go then, let you get back to your dorm." you say with a smile.
"hmm or I could walk you to your dorm so I know where I can find you next time." she says with an eyebrow raised with her bottom lip between her teeth.
"no... it's ok seriously I don't want you to go through all that trouble els." you say waving your hand at her.
"mama, lemme walk you to your dorm. as a mater of fact, I am walking you to your dorm. c'mon let's go." she says as she pecks a kiss at your lips before walking towards the door.
"c'mere, let's go." she says motioning her head towards the exit of the shop so she can close up.
you roll your eyes playfully and walk out the door thanking her for opening it for you.
you grab her hand and you look at her with a smile as you see a slight pink tint on her cheeks.
you finally make it to your dorm and check the time. It's currently almost 10pm.
"thank you for this ellie, I loved tonight and I want to do this again." you say with a genuine smile on your face.
"anytime, I definitely will have something better planned then just sitting in a coffee shop and talking.
"ha! ok els, get back to your dorm safe yea?" you say with a concerned look on your face.
"I will princess. goodnight." she says smiling at you. you smile back and bite your lip.
"goodnight ellie." you respond. both of you just stand there none of you moving.
you both are startled by a door opening and a voice. "oh sorry, I just heard voices and didn't know what was going on." a girl from the dorm across you said.
"no no tess your totally fine. sorry to wake you, goodnight." you say with a smile.
"night!" she smiles back at the both of you guys and then shuts her door.
"ok seriously, bye ellie, goodnight," you say before leaning over to kiss her one last time.
she kisses you back with the same passion and smiles into it. "I'll text you when I get back." ellie says before breaking the kiss and walking away with a wave.
"Goodnight beautiful, until next time." she says as she walks backwards leaving you.
you walk into your dorm room and sigh with joy as you lean against the door.
until next time ellie...
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Taglist: @ribbonprincess @r3starttt @dollyfl1rt @raynesbandaids @quiet-villian + anyone else who wants to join!
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adhdtsukasa · 3 months
tsukasa tenma has ADHD!! except it's an actual analysis because 1. look at my url 2. i'm mentally unwell (and i started to love tsukasa mostly because i immediately recognized my ADHD traits in him). which is a thing i should probably leave for ADHD awareness month, HOWEVER!! it was my birthday yesterday and i wanted to spoil myself (i just kinda overlooked how much time writing it from scratch would take me, so i'm a bit late with it). and i reaaally don't wanna wait until november when i finally wrote it down because i'm so HYPED because i was preparing for it like what? two years? somewhere around it. and that's a LONG time.
please keep in mind that i'm no psychologist, psychiatrist nor a neurologist and while i do use some sources (cannot really confirm if they are true, though... because i forgot to write credits down... so i'm really sorry for that), most of this analysis was just based off on my personal experiences with the disorder (and i don't really have the full professional knowledge of what i struggle with i'm just a Boy). i mean, i am analyzing a character from a hatsune miku game. i think i'm already putting way too many effort than i should.
also the examples of tsukasa's behavior here are not all of the things, because i wrote down only the things i remember off from the top of my head. sorry, guys. my hyperactive ass is not sitting thru all the stories again just to get my crumbs, unfortunately.
anyways, with this a little bit unprofessional and messy introduction, let's get it started!
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i wanted to write it down in my own words, but i think the screen above has summed it up perfectly; there are some established symptoms of ADHD, but to be an ADHDer you don't have to experience them all. and this is going to explain why i'm gonna show a lot of these symptoms later, yet gonna connect only some of them with tsukasa. it's only these i have evidence for, and yet i think they're good enough to point at tsukasa and already say woah! an ADHDer!!
in short, there are three types of ADHD: hyperactive, inattentive (ADD) and combined. the combined one is the most common iirc, so that's also what i'm going to focus on today. especially since for a rep of the other types, i could say that shizuku's a rather great representation of ADD — but that's not the point of my ted talk today, so i'm not going to go into the detail about it. i'm sure some momojan or shizuku oshi would do better than me in this field, so i'm leaving it to the experts.
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these are the symptoms that i managed to gather — the first two screens being about the symptoms viewed in children, the last one being about the symptoms viewed in adults. "in which one of them tsukasa belongs to?" that's a good question, because i actually don't know. calling a high schooler a child doesn't sit quite right with me, yet a freshly turned 17/18-years-old is not exactly an adult, either (although most of the symptoms i'm analyzing come from these that are viewed in adults). and while i do think tsukasa has more of the symptoms viewed in adults, we're gonna analyse them all! because i'm putting my all into this.
i believe there's not much left to say, as this is the most obvious one and everyone already knows that. even though it's not touched that much anymore for some reason, tsukasa's forgetfulness is his very apparent trait. it varies in severity a lot of times: from him basically forgetting both his childhood and true feelings in the main story to him, for example, forgetting his own phone and lunch (in the same day!!) in hinamatsuri. even saki in the same event, while they were arguing, called him a "big, dumb forgetter" and assumed that he forgot what happened the day he brought her the hinamatsuri dolls to hospital. while forgetting basically half of your life is not exactly normal and can be a sign of something bigger, like dissociative amnesia, his forgetting of just the ordinary things and it happening a lot definitely still fits this trait.
while this is something that you'd rather connect to emu (and for a good reason), it's not like tsukasa is completely devoid of it either; he talks a lot. he moves a lot. it's not on emu's level of hyperactivity, but it's also not "a lot" that's taken as a social norm, based on how the people around him react. he's putting the 1 in oddball 1 2, after all.
in holy night or some side stories connected to it (it might be meiko's side story? but i'm not exactly sure) it was also said that tsukasa moves in his sleep a lot to this point that his parents have to leave his christmas presents under his door instead of next to his bed.
oh, and he also talks to himself a lot. even in class, which was confirmed in chapter 6 of dazzling (or maybe even earlier, it's just the one moment that i remember). (but i'll get to this moment later on)
he says his long monologues, he strikes his poses at every occasion — and while i don't think that's the first thing you think of when you have "excessive talking/movement" in mind, for me it sure does count as it.
this point can seem rather weird, because "isn't tsukasa always riddiculed at rui's weird inventions"? well, yeah, he is, that is not a thing to deny. but he also agrees to try out most of them, if not all, if it's for the sake of the show. he's aware of what can happen, but he also doesn't back away if it means that he'll be one step closer to achieving his dream of stardom.
does it count as "little sense of danger"? well, i'm actually not sure, for me it doesn't, but maybe for someone it does. i'd say that's a rather weak point, but i wanted to include the explanation for the counterpoint of it — that's why i even mentioned it in the first place. i don't have a lot to say about this tbh.
update: oh, actually no, wait, i just remembered. remember how tsukasa in phoenix decided to not eat anything for three days just to be able to resonate with rio, while also having to do straining exercise on top of that? you certainly cannot say that's a safe thing to do, but he still went along with that in order to get the role. it makes me come to a conclusion that tsukasa actually has a sense of danger, but sometimes chooses to willingly ignore it if only it makes him get closer to fulfilling his dream. i think it's coming close enough to the little/no sense of danger to be actually considered an ADHD trait.
while i'm not sure if what i'm going to talk about is a difficulty keeping quiet in a traditional sense of way, it definitely counts as it, somehow: tsukasa is loud. like, really loud. and that's another obvious fact both for us and for characters in-universe, especially when thinking of tsukasa shiho's first thought is that he's kinda noisy, which can be seen in the "a friend's brother" 1koma. (and probably a lot of other cases. free shiho.)
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tsukasa doesn't seem to realize that he's way louder than he should be and that him being loud is his first impression in most of the cases, though, or at least i don't remember any moment where it happens (and it's a possibility. then that's on me, i guess.). and yeah, i know what's the reason for it, obviously — he's supposed to be a comic relief character. because wansho's stories are mostly supposed to make you smile, as this is what wansho's aspiration is. however, as much as being intended to make the viewer laugh it wouldn't be, it still is a part of tsukasa's character, and a rather important one on top of that. his constant loudness is something that's definitely not considered normal by the society and could very well fit into this symptom.
and since i promised to elaborate on the mentioned before scene from dazzling chapter 6: when tsukasa talks to himself in class, it always ends up to be loud. and it already happened a few times.
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(tl by tsukasa's #3 fan on youtube because i don't have proseka on my phone wah)
if it's not a difficulty keeping quiet, then i don't know what is. bro can scream up to 120dB as measured by robonene for god's sake.
again, this is something that was more apparent with early game tsukasa, maybe he just got medicated. idk man. but even if it happened three, almost four years ago, it still happened, i don't make the rules. back in the early game, tsukasa was really easily losing his temper and getting annoyed, mad even — i mean, that was the whole point of the main story argument: tsukasa's first response to nene accidentally messing up their show, which was not even her fault, was to shout at her. and while this was obviously very important thing to him and being upset at this is a rather understandable reaction, taking this as far as screaming at a poor girl for not being to face the audience because of her anxiety is not something a person who can control their anger would do.
it could be also easily seen by his reaction to emu and rui's antics back in the early game, which were often stained with irritation.
another example is his hinamatsuri argument with saki, where, despite loving her so much, he still got slightly mad at her for not liking the new dolls he bought her. he started to regret his harsh words and actions soon enough, obviously, but it doesn't change the fact that it was rather easy for him to get him across.
if i'm not mistaken, tsukasa has once said something along the lines of "is it anxiety? there's no way a star like me would feel anxiety" — but i cannot recall for the love of my life in which story it appeared, so i don't want to take it as a face value when i don't have a solid proof for it.
other than this vague mention of "something that's in the story but i don't remember where", i'll admit, i don't really have anything backing me up for this tbf. i mean, i guess maybe tsukasa doing his best to appear strong as a child to not worry his parents could work? because the stress of saki being in the hospital definitely was also present here, although i just see this more as a coping mechanism for his situation than a reaction to stress, so that's not a solid evidence either.
so, yeah. take this one with a grain of salt, actually.
from the symptoms that weren't listed here, i remember reading something about people with ADHD enjoying to show off more, which is certainly what tsukasa does often — and while it actually applies to me too, it wasn't on an english site so i didn't screenshot it and i cannot really find it anywhere in english... so even though i treat it just like my whole argument for the inability to deal with stress, i thought it's just worth mentioning.
however, there is obviously one more thing...
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obviously, i'm talking about acting here: for tsukasa, acting aligns with all these criterias. it is his deep passion; it is something highly engaging for him; it is sometimes all-consuming for him; he tunes out the world around him when he thinks about how can he possibly improve his acting (see: the dazzling moment i showed earlier. yeah, i like to use it as a backing point a lot, as you can see.); and it is something that is his life-long interest.
is it his special interest or his hyperfixation, though? well, it's hard to tell...? because while according to screen two, spinterest revolves around a topic and hyperfixation revolves around an activity, so it would qualify what tsukasa feels towards acting as a hyperfixation, it's still kinda hard for me to call it so because of its length. yes, screen three clearly says that hyperfixation can last years, but they mostly revolve around shorter periods of time, after all (my longest hyperfixation was just a year long, for example). i think it's up to you to determine whether you'd call tsukasa's love for acting a hyperfixation or a special interest, but it's something from these two most certainly.
i'm also a big fan of the headcanon that tsukasa's other spinterest is kaito ww it's in no way a canon evidence (unfortunately!), but kaito's 1* side story, where tsukasa and emu are watching kaito's show and tsukasa is explaining to her why kaito's wearing a scarf somewhat implies that tsukasa knew a thing or two about kaito before the main story. and i'm all for it. colopale let tsukasa be a kaito fanboy pleaseee.
those who have already read a few of my things probably know what i love to do the most — analyzing songs!! so i wouldn't be myself if i just left tsukasa's commisions without analyzing them under the angle of neurodivergence, especially since the sole reason i became obsessed with the thought of ADHD tsukasa was that one sekahaji line (there's too much noise, so much noise and it keeps getting worse you will always be famous).
of course, remember that only the world hasn't even started yet should be taken as a canon value! producers are often given space to do whatever they want in the lyrics of the songs they are commissioned for, so they're not canonical in any way. i think it's still fun to look at their lyrics and ramble about them for a bit, though. i've already got too carried away anyways.
won't be posting photos of the lyrics since i'd hit the images limit, but you can check them yourself — all the translations i'm taking, as always, from the vocaloid lyrics wiki. (since filament fever has two tls on there, i want to clarify that i've only looked at and considered in my analysis the official english one, because it's, well, official.)
besides the mentioned earlier there's too much noise, so much noise and it keeps getting worse, which i think of as a representation of overstimulation (since i used to see people asking "oh but why tsukasa has something about there being too much noise in a song made out of his feelings when he's such a loud person himself". because he likes the noise he makes, not the overwhelming, overstimulating noise from the outside!!), sekahaji also has a rather good amount of quotes that could be read as something connected to neurodivergence (based on the fact that it's not supposed to be a song about this topic): the main theme of these are procrastination, which can be seen in let's cross the end of all of this, partying forever and the world hasn't even started yet line itself. the thought of the world not even starting implies that there's still a lot of time left to do something, while "partying forever" can refer to deciding to give up on doing the things you should do and going to drown in something that indulges only you and yourself for the rest of eternity. while procrastination is not counted as an official ADHD symptom, it's a trait that people with the disorder very often have (for reasons obvious).
other lines, which i couldn't entirely fit into a box of a certain symptom, are there's too much conflict, so much conflict and it keeps growing (a parallel line to the noise one, so it means something! right) and let's break the plans for a harmonious future. in my personal interpretation, they both can be viewed as your typical neurodivergent struggle in a neurotypical society — "too much conflict" refering to an internal struggle of not being completely normal, while the "harmonious future" that's going to get broken are just the social norms that are going to be broken because of an off-putting, neurodivergent behavior. something that some neurotypical people dooon't really like.
since i've just talked about breaking the social norms, "why?!" and "do it like this!!" aren't like you, huh? line from tondemo-wonderz is going to go first, because it revolves around the same topic. it's the same case: it's about (subconscious, not intentional) fighting what's accepted by the society by just being yourself — because you're neurodivergent, you're different.
from the other lines in tondemo-wonderz, i have only one and it's take an eraser to your memories?!, which is pretty much self explanatory. as always, a mention of forgetting something in tsukasa's commision. who would've thought.
another self explanatory line that i have written down as first: it's okay if you only remember a little part of it sometimes. another mention of tsukasa forgor™, and while it corresponds with what happened in dazzling, it's still a line mentioning forgetfulness — so it's worth mentioning.
aren't we just inevitably going around in circles? and it's okay if you take a rest for a little bit sometimes can be interpreted as another mention of procrastination and while it's not that apparent as it was with sekahaji, because going in circles can refer to something else and taking a rest sometimes is not a bad thing at all, i still wanted to mention them here. for the record.
you ought to slip and fall in panic in the final moment is connected to a symptom that i showed, yet didn't elaborate on it (because i didn't have anything to work with) — making careless mistakes. the same case, yet with another symptom goes with is this not enough yet again? is this not how it's supposed to be? couldn't we go even further than this?, which can be seen as a reflection of unability to listen to instructions. a bit of reaching with this one (like this whole part damn), but as i said earlier: for the record, i'm leaving it here. to show that i had some intense thoughts.
tbf, when i think about it now, maybe the mentioned earlier "why?!" and "do it like this!!" aren't like you [...] could very well fit this symptom too.
mr showtime you will always be famous, because this is a song that gave me a looot of things to work with. i was so flabbergasted when i read these lyrics for the first time. tsukasa tenma why are you like this. /aff
there are a lot of lines hinting being easily distracted, and these are basically the very first ones, too: you know what? i just can't make up my mind, it's so messed up that i can't put my thoughts together and a merry-go-round (my thought process) goes round and round are all about it. like you cannot deny it this time, if it's not about being unable to stay focused then i really don't know what is [insert the tsukasa don't look away stamp here because i love it and it's my biggest motivation to actually focus whenever i do something]. the more i mess around and waste time, the more i become hungry / and i can't handle it can be seen as about procrastination again, and even not "can be seen", it's literally being frustrated at yourself for wasting time, that's the sole outcome of a procrastination!! being bothered by feeling anxious, meanwhile, is resonating with the inability to deal with stress once again.
also jumping the gun. driving in a zigzag manner can actually connected with the little to no sense of danger. because, as far as i'm aware, driving in a zigzag manner is certainly not a safe activity. don't do it at home.
from the symptoms that i haven't yet mentioned to this point, am i taking a long way? am i making a fruitless effort? can be reflecting difficulty organizing tasks — since the poor planning of your activities can make you take a long way and can make you do a fruitless effort. then, where's the fun in taking shortcuts all the time? can be read along the lines of something coming close to extreme impatience and while a person that's extremely impatient would actually enjoy taking the shortcuts to get closer to their goal or destination, said impatience can be also connected with the desire for something interesting to happen. a task can make you impatient not because it's long, but because it's simply boring — avoiding shortcuts can make it less boring, even if it extends its duration. with this explanation, it makes the unexpectedness (unexpected program) is the best part of the show (my life) perfectly fit into this category, even though i wouldn't call this line a sign of impatience on its own.
i have some issues with i'm pathetic. i can't satisfy myself, because... at first i thought of connecting it with either mood swings or inability to deal with stress, however i'm not sure if that's really it. i'm pretty sure it connects to neurodivergence in some way, but i just can't put my finger on it, so... i'm just leaving it here for the record, once again.
oh, and there's also i got lost in the world (stage) and / the end credits rolled (the curtain fell), which also is pretty much summing up the experience of being neurodivergent in the neurotypical society. in the middle of trying to stay true to yourself and having to mask just to be accepted, it's easy to get lost — and once you do so, there's no going back. the curtain falls.
to end this part of the analysis, i'd show the lyrics from filament fever and sekai wo terasu tetrad here. i won't do this, however, and the reason for it is fairly simple — they don't give me much material to work with and i'm not really surprised, because mr showtime has succesfully sucked all of the neurodivergent coded lyrics into itself. there just won't be another song like mr showtime, i fear.
i can just say that in filament fever there is running away from the flow of time — which got me thinking of either procrastination and unability to stick to time-consuming tasks, with the former being more plausible as a potential interpretation... but that would be it.
listen, i know how it sounds.
i'm not actually a fan of trying to fit every thing a character does into a box of a metaphor, symbol or allegory, i really am not. i think some things should just stay as simple as they are, but this thought has been bothering me ever since i've first seen spoilers of what's happening in a story where you're the star for the very first time. i'm in no way saying it has any canonical meaning, but i just thought it would be fun to include. because maaaybe someone sees my vision.
for those who haven't seen tsukasa4 yet or want to have a recap of what has happened in it: the whole event story revolves around tsukasa trying to grasp his role (as always). wxs got recommended to shunmei-za by shousuke and went there to practice their acting skills, immediately getting thrown onto the preparation for their next performance. tsukasa, however, is not a lead this time — he got the role of a supporting character and has got basically three lines to say on stage total. since tsukasa's used to playing lead roles, he obviously has issues with grasping the role — it's hard to use method acting in regards of a character that says three sentences total and nothing more. with help of bakuno reki, one of the actors in shunmei-za, and the rest of wxs, he manages to create a portrayal of nakayama that would make him "come to life" and "be a protagonist of his own story", something that would make it easier for him to get into role, however...
he gets a little bit too carried away with his acting during the actual performance.
and this is not something that would ruin the whole play, obviously, he's just a supporting character, the less invested audience would probably forgot about his impact on the story after five minutes of his last appearance — but he still made a slip-up. he still resonated with his role, but didn't achieve the utmost perfection. he still did well acting, after all, he managed to receive praise from the director in the end... but it's still a very apparent mistake that was made.
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(tl, once again, by the awesome tsukasa's #3 fan)
and that's where the nakayama masking metaphor theory (it's not even a theory but it sounds cooler this way) comes in.
nakayama is supposed to be just a man. from what we know about him, he's in his late twenties and works as an editor — and even though tsukasa makes up a whole backstory for him later on, he's still supposed to be ordinary. nothing special. he's coming nowhere near the other roles that tsukasa has played, he's not on the same level as miles, torpe and rio. and while you could possibly consider torpe and rio as rather ordinary, they still had something interesting to happen to them, the main reason why they were lead roles for their respective plays. in the tsukasa4 play, nakayama has nothing like that. he's literally just a guy, he's normal. and "normal" is a keyword here.
tsukasa did everything he could to fit into nakayama's role. he followed the script, he took the advice from a more talented and professional actor that is bakuno, he didn't do any mistakes during his preparations — and yet he still managed to mess up in the end. why?, besides of the fact that he just let himself become one with nakayama during the performance and it resulted in a supporting character outshining the lead?
if we take as a fact that tsukasa is, in fact, neurodivergent, it would make sense that he's having troubles with playing a normal person — because he's not exactly normal either. and this would very well work out as a metaphor of masking; even when you try your best, even when you mask yourself perfectly, you can still make slip-ups. you can still accidentally drop the act in middle of something that absolutely required it, or, similiar to what tsukasa did, can accidentally overdo it and end up perceived as even more weird than you'd be without masking. something something i got lost in the world and the end credits rolled. rings a bell?
and i'm not saying that tsukasa has a problem with masking, because he doesn't. he tries his best to pass as a normal member of society, but he also makes no effort in actively masking his weirdness (or else he wouldn't be a part of oddball one two). however, if you want to neurodivergent code your character, it would make sense to include a possibility of it in some way, right? especially since wxs stories' already had the theme of dealing with being perceived as weird (eg. rui's whole backstory, obviously). even if it's not affecting tsukasa directly, i think it would be cool to include something that indicates this issue's existence in his story and, in a way, his struggles.
however, as i said earlier, this is a very stupid thought and that's why i left it for the very end. i don't actually think that how tsukasa played nakayama was supposed to be a metaphor for masking, it's just a pure coincidence that it could be interpreted like that when you think about it too much.
aaand with this, we've finally come to an end!! (finally. i'm so exhausted.) i don't have anything more to say about this topic. maybe i'll retweet it with some more evidence in the future if we ever get more ADHDkasa content. for now, it would be all!
is tsukasa actually intentionally written as an ADHDer? Who Knows! there's a possibility that he is, but even if he's not, he's still one in my heart. regardless of the status of his possible neurodivergence, analyzing his behavior in this light was still very fun! and maybe i even converted someone into the ADHDkasa hell.
feel free to add something if you want to, and feel free to correct me if i got some things wrong! i still hope that even though of how messy this whole thing is written, i did tsukasa justice and didn't accidentally say too much nonsense lmao
...i hate ending analyses.
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keen-li · 10 months
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Today you had to shoot a cooking talk show like video for your YouTube channel. You were so excited and happy cause you had two special guests. Bangchan and felix.
You had a hard time sleeping cause you were so nervous today. And as you walk through the studio towards the set up kitchen you get even more nervous.
"Have they arrived?" You ask your assistant as she walks beside you.
"Yes they just got in" as she says that the nervousness sinks in more.
Its the first time you and any straykids members are filming something together, you have many reasons to be nervous but the main reason is you're afraid you might slip up. Slip up? Yeah you're afraid you might accidentally call chan 'baby' like you always do when you're with him. But most of the time when you're with him it's not infront of large lights and cameras.
Nobody knows that you two have been dating, not your companies, not your crew, not even you're assistant, it's still kinda new so you wanna keep it low. The only people who know you and chan are dating are his members. Who said they found out when they all "accidentally" saw you and chan's chats. The defenders were han and Lee know, when you saw those two open there mouths to defend you knew it was bullshit. Who accidentally reads three months worth of conversations in front of others accidentally.
You were kinda mad and embarrassed that they read your messages cause you and chan had some spicy texts and pictures in there. But chan promised to talk to them and keep his phone better which made you feel better.
And it seemed like chan's talk did work on them, cause they never brought up any of the messages or made any silly joke about it. They only congratulated you and made you feel comfortable.
You see the familiar figure of your boyfriend and his bandmate walk in straight to you. You and chan give eachother smiles hoping no one noticed cause you and him need to keep this a secret.
When they approach you, felix first, you share greetings and give eachother hugs. When chan hugs you he tries to not make it obvious by placing his hand a little lower on your back.
"I missed you" he whispers into your ear and you feel the heat consume you.
"Shut up were supposed to be undercover" you joke.
"But I missed you too" you confess still in a whisper.
You two missed each other like you didn't text and facetime everyday when you can.
He walks by you as he greets the crew.
After sometime and getting things ready it's time to film.
Since its your youtube channel and show you have to be the one to introduce them.
"So today we're gonna do a little cook and chat" you begin to say to the camera.
"But before we do I wanna introduce you to two people" you give a look to chan and felix as they take it as a sign to get into frame. They give their biggest smiles to the camera as they bow to it and to you which you return as well.
They give their intros and you smile at them as they express how they're happy to be here and how much they've always wanted to be on your show. It makes you blush but it's not like you didn't know. One of the reasons this filming idea came up was because chan expressed to you how much you he wanted to be on your show. And after both of your companies accepted, the date was set.
You and the boys laugh as you answer some funny questions and chop up some food. One of the questions led to chan having to tell an embarrassing story which makes everyone in the studio laugh. You also end up telling a story and chan can't help but watch as you smile and giggle when you tell the story.
He always loved hearing you talk and express yourself, it's one of his favourite things about you. Feeling his loving gaze on you, you glance at him and warn him making him look away and focus on washing the lettuce.
You're cutting some cucumber when it slips from the grip of the knife and cuts you a bit.
You hiss catching everyone's attention. Chan looks at you worried as he watched you rush to the sink. It kills him how he can't just run over to you and care for your wound just because people might find out.
"I'm good guys" you say but it doesn't help lighten chan's heart.
Felix notices his uneasiness and taps him on the back. "She's okay bro relax" he doesn't pay much attention to that as he watches a staff wrap your finger with a bandaid.
After you get back you grab a new knife and new cucumber as chan stares at you still uneasy.
"I'm okay chan" you smile at him and he feels a little more relieved when you say it directly to him, maybe it's your smile that comforts him. But he still wishes he had been the one to help you.
You continue to shoot the video as chan takes over the cutting duty and puts you in egg boiling duty. Which you rolled your eyes at. He's so protective, as if you couldn't burn yourself with hot water.
After you're done with the shooting, chan approaches you.
"Let me see your hand" he grabs your hand not even letting you choose whether or not he can see your hand. But you let him cause he's just trying to be caring.
"Are you okay?" It's a question he keeps asking you and you don't know if you wanna answer him again.
"I'm fine chan, now let go of my hand before someone sees us." He doesn't take heed to your words and continues to examine your finger touching I lightly which you find comforting.
"You don't look fine. Want me to give you a hug?" He says slowly moving into you. If no one has noticed the two of you someone's gonna notice now. You try and push him away giggling at his words, you really don't want your cover blown but chan doesn't seem to care. He doesn't care actually.
"Baby I'm okay" you say a little louder than you expected. You immediately move away from chan and stare at the people now staring at you. If the company hears about this you're screwed.
"I meant chan" you laugh awkwardly.
"It just slipped" you try and assure the people around you. You know they couldn't care less but you'd never know who'd be a snitch.
"I call everyone baby anyways" chan laughs as you try to convince yourself.
It's no use they heard you clearly.
Its been been seven days since your cooking episode with chan and felix aired. And you heard some rumours and theories going around on the Internet.
So you decided to check on the comments yourself.
Chan giving y/n those loving eyes
I want someone to look at me like the way chan's looking at her
If these two aren't dating I'm gonna take y/n
These two gotta be dating look at the way he's looking at her.
I can feel the tension between them
The chemistry between these two.
Kiss already
You didn't realise the tension between you and chan was so obvious. Maybe it's the way you spoke and looked at eachother. And after watching the video for yourself you can definitely see it.
"Our love can't be hidden" chan said when you brought the issue to him. You laughed, he doesn't take this seriously huh?
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actual-changeling · 1 year
when gabriel/jim (jabriel?? gim?????) talks about his "one particular person", aziraphale's smile is such a blink and you will miss it moment but so incredibly precious and we don't pay enough attention to it.
so, welcome to another round of alex's unhinged meta corner where i over-analyse micro expressions while losing some more braincells.
firstly, here's a clip of that scene just so we are all on the same page since i don't know how much time everyone else spends watching that show. don't ask me it's probably at least 6 hours a day at this point
what i want to focus on is aziraphale's reaction to jabriel's words right after "person". did i slow the clip down and then go through it frame by frame to get the following screencaps? yes. yes i did.
there are two parts to this, the spaced-out smile and then his shock/fear. also before we start can i just say how fucking insane whoever made the trailer was for putting the 1941 dinner scene RIGHT THERE??? with THAT expression??????? yeah. no. i need therapy for that alone.
while he is talking, aziraphale is looking at jabriel the entire time, but honestly, i don't think he is actually seeing him, he's neck-deep in his memories of crowley. he as that sparkle in his eyes he tends to get around crowley/looking at crowley and that smile appears rather slowly (or as slow as something can be while lasting less than a second).
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personally, i'd call that expression "completely and utterly in love" or besotted if you wanna keep it simple. a content little smile meant for no one except himself, the kinda look he probably wears in private while calling crowley to ask him to come hang out. aziraphale loves him and in this short moment, he knows it - and so do we.
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when jabriel (preferable over gim, in my opinion) trails off, aziraphale remembers that hey, wait a minute. that's my boss. that's the archangel fucking gabriel. he can't know about me and crowley.
at this point, neither we nor he know what exactly is up with jabriel, so there is a very real danger that everything aziraphale says or shows will be reported back to heaven. the shock sets in, the smile disappear and aziraphale falls from cloud 9 (pun intended) and lands face first back on earth.
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while aziraphale does not have crowley's memory of what exactly went down in heaven when they tried to burn him to a crisp, he has always been incredibly anxious around gabriel and the other archangel. he is fidgeting, unable to stand still or even keep his gaze from flicking around. the only moment he calms is, you guessed it, when he is zoned out and thinking of crowley.
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the very real fear that settles on his face is not just about himself, it is mostly about crowley. if heaven knows, hell will, too. everyone knows about the back channels, most just try and keep up plausible deniability. the fact that it is michael who seems to be directly in contact with hell for the most part and not gabriel is worthy of its own post at some point.
another thing worth mentioning is that aziraphale is so afraid, in fact, that he physically backs away from jabriel and gets as much distance between them as possible. jabriel looks like a lost toddler, very non-threatening, but the trauma runs so deep that it does not matter how much of a danger he really is right now. he has been a constant threat for over six thousand years, you cannot deconstruct your view of a person, especially your boss, that quickly. not even if they turn up with total amnesia on your doorstep. naked.
this was less unhinged than some of my other posts but i think this is a moment that gets overlooked a lot. at least i haven't seen anyone talking about it yet since we are all understandably focused on the ending of episode 6.
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mmoonwrites · 6 months
more hughie please omg 🙏
↷ bathroom stall (part 2)
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featuring : hughie campbell
AUTHOR'S NOTE : i decided to go ahead and cont. my first x reader for him! i hope this is okay for your request anon ♡ PART ONE
word count : 2.8k contents : afab!reader, smut (minors DNI), oral (f receiving), p in v, unprotected sex, dirty talking, hughie calls reader "baby" a lot, dubcon, alcohol/drinking, one night stands.. kinda?, hotel sex, proofread this time!!!
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it’d been a month – one month since you met the man now known to you as hughie campbell – just one month since your rendezvous point at the bar became the most sought after part of your week. in the beginning of your tumultuous relationship with the man, you spent most of your time together pressed closely in the bar’s bathroom with only short words shared between you.
things started changing after you headed over early one week. you thought maybe you’d get a drink or two and relax a bit before your plans with hughie played out but when you walked in and saw him already sitting at the bar like he’d had the same idea, something clicked.
you grabbed the stool next to him and sat down, maybe catching him a little off-guard at first, sure, but he was happy once he saw it was you. he must’ve only just started drinking himself given the slight glint in his eyes when the two of you started talking. it was different after that. 
not at all bad, but.. more real. it wasn’t just a hookup anymore, it was a real relationship. and yes, sure, it stood on some potentially morally questionable grounds, but hughie was nice to talk to, not to mention the great sex you were having together and you liked him.
and now, back you were again to meet him.
he slid onto the seat next to yours with a smile and ordered the two of you drinks while you caught up from the last time you’d seen each other.
“so.. forgive me for saying it right away, but you look great tonight-” hughie spoke slowly as he propped his elbow up on the counter, keeping his focus drawn to you. “i mean- you always look great but-”
“what, is it bad?” you said, gesturing to yourself with a mildly concerned look as you lifted your drink from the counter and took a sip.
hughie cleared his throat before continuing. “no, no- it’s not bad, it’s good- it’s really, really good. just too good for where we are.”
you laughed. “you wanna get out of here? hugh, we’ve never left the bar together-”
“i know, i know. i just- i feel bad that we keep having to come here to see each other.” deflated, hughie shifted and moved one of his hands to begin tracing the rim of his glass. he was nervous you noted.
pretendedly, you gasped, clutching your chest with one of your hands. “i like this place!”
an unsuppressable smile formed on hughie’s face. he reached over and jokingly shoved your shoulder. “i like it too.. but i also like you-” his attention faded back to the clinking ice in his glass. “-i like what we have going, but i think you deserve to be taken someplace better than this very charming shithole, if that’s okay.”
you placed your drink back down and placed your hand on his shoulder to rub circles in the fabric of his jacket. “hey, look. if you wanna go somewhere else tonight, i don’t mind. you pick the place and we’ll go.” you gave a small smile as he looked at you and met your gaze. “but i don’t like the way you talk about my favorite bar.”
after finishing up the drinks hughie ordered, he threw some money down and you both got up with your things and headed out. it would be a lie to say you weren’t nervous – this felt closer to being a date than anything you’d experienced with hughie so far. he said he thought you deserved better? what the hell?
“so.. where’re we going?” you asked, sounding more timid than intended as you both began walking.
“you’ll like it, i promise.” hughie’s words bounced back off of you so easily, the playful tone of his voice allowing you to relax a little. besides potentially getting some bad food or drinks, there was nothing to be worried about – not that your stomach bundled in nerves knew that much.
a few minutes of walking and talking later, hughie finally stopped in front of a little place on the corner. he rolled back and forth on the heels of his shoes while he looked to you for your response to his proposal of going in to eat.
you stared up at the aged building in front of you: the windows reflected the little bit of the sunset they caught from this spot in the city and from what you could see, were casting a warm orange hue onto the silverware on the tables. and when the door to the restaurant swung open and two people walked out, the smell of fresh dough flooded the air.
“what do you think?” he asked, poking your shoulder and fully pulling you out of whatever place you zoned out to in the glare of light. “‘this ok?”
you smiled at him. “buy me a beer and we’ll see.”
hughie chuckled and walked ahead to open the door for you to go in first, smiling all the while. once you were inside, hughie quietly closed the door behind him and pressed a hand to the side of your arm to motion you as to where to sit.
he’d picked a booth in the back of the seating area, snug underneath small fairy lights they had hanging throughout the building. it didn’t take long for the waiter to come over with menus and silverware – you ordered a bottle for the table to split over dinner since neither of you were driving tonight and somehow in your first taste of it, you’d forgotten how much you loved wine.
over dinner, you’d made various comments under your breath about how easy it would be for you to touch him under the table so hidden away from people like you were and by the time everything was paid for and you were walking back out, you could tell the things you'd said were getting to him.
under the moonlight, you stumbled arm-in-arm with hughie – his frame was warm in comparison to the cold night’s air. abruptly, you stopped, causing hughie to stop with you.
“-you okay?” he asked, his hand finding your shoulder to hold you steady.
“let’s get a room somewhere.” you blurted out, that bad habit of yours. as hughie tried to respond, you looped your arms over his head and moved your body in closer to him. “c’mon hugh. i’m tired of only being able to touch you in that bathroom.”
hughie huffed out a frustrated sigh, unable to look away from you in the minimal light. “fuck. okay-” he straightened himself out and pulled his phone out of his back pocket. “okay.”
he fumbled with his phone for a minute or two before finally looking back at you. you kissed and tasted the wine on his tongue as he deepened the kiss, his hands roaming to the small of your back.
“closest place is a block from here,” hughie said with a pop, pulling your wet mouths away from one another. “think you can make it? or do you need me to carry you?”
you playfully hit his chest and pushed yourself off of him, stumbling slightly as you did so. “keep being a smartass and you'll see where that gets you tonight.”
he looped his arm into yours and guided you in the direction of the hotel. “apparently, my smart-assery is part of what got me you, so i see no problem with it whatsoever.”
you howled out a laugh as you walked. the body heat from hughie comforted you as your hand wrapped around his bicep and squeezed gently. you spoke in small whispers of things you were going to do as you reached your destination: as you walked up, the glass sliding doors swung open and you both walked inside towards the desk. hughie’s hand stayed loosely on your hip as he spoke to the receptionist that checked you both in – his fingers toyed with the hem of your shirt while he spoke.
in the elevator up to the room, you couldn’t wait any longer. as the doors started to close, your fingers were already wound tightly in hughie’s curls. your wet mouths back on each other, impatiently kissing and sucking as the elevator bringing you to the correct floor chimed and forced you to pull away from one another and step out into the hallway.
your hand wrapped around hughie’s frame and groped him through his jeans as he unlocked the door to your room for the night. a quiet moan spilled from his lips as he turned the handle, pulling you inside with him. the door shut and locked behind you and before you could say a word, hughie pressed your body against the wood backing. his lips and tongue roamed your throat, already suckling hickeys into your soft skin while his hands kept your hips in place – you could feel your underwear getting wetter with the chastity of not being able to grind into anything because of how roughly hughie was holding you down.
“hugh- fuck. hughie-” you mewed as he used one of his hands to snake up your shirt and grope your breast.
hughie leaned closer, placing a soft kiss on the shell of your ear as he spoke. “your legs are trembling already and i’ve barely even touched you-” his breath was hot against you as he spoke. “you're such a fucking slut.”
you couldn't help but involuntarily thrust your hips forward at that. hughie just clicked his tongue. “look at this, you're so desperate for my dick and yet you haven't even asked for it properly-”
“-please fuck me. please- i can't wait anymore,” you panted out, so drunk on his touch. “i’ve been thinking about it since before we went to dinner. hughie, please give me your dick.”
“you need it that bad, huh?” hughie said as his hand on your hip relaxed, allowing you to shove yourself away from the door and into him as much as you could at that angle.
“yes, please.”
hughie’s hands slid away from you for just a moment and he began walking backwards towards the bed as he spoke. “c’mon then and let me give it to you, sweetheart.”
you followed him obediently, his expression made you dizzy the longer you stared. you watched as hughie sat back onto the bed, patting the comforter for you to come closer – you obliged, pulling your knee up and onto the mattress beside him to climb up onto his lap. your thighs tensed as your hips slowly began to rock against the bulge in his jeans. you moaned into his mouth – the friction made you crazy, especially when paired with hughie’s hands still wandering your body and starting to pull your clothes off of you.
he pulled away from you to lift up your shirt, quickly taking one of your nipples into his mouth. he swirled his tongue around the bud as your body spasmed in pleasure above him. you moaned wantonly above him and hughie began suckling the skin of your breast, leaving marks to remember before reaching around to grab your ass with his other hand.
“you're so perfect like this.” hughie whispered against you, the only thing between you two now being a string of saliva. “you taste so good for me.”
his hands moved back to your hips, successfully rolling you both over and pressing your back into the bed with him above you. “can i take these off?” he asked, gesturing to your pants.
you nodded and hughie moved himself down to slide them off of you. one movement more and he threw them somewhere behind you on the floor, his attention staying on you all the while.
once your pants were off, hughie could finally see just how wet your underwear had gotten. he leaned back down, this time hovering over the wet patch of fabric that covered your core. “oh baby, i’m gonna take such good care of you tonight.”
you gasped at the sensation. why hadn’t you thought of getting a room like this sooner? you were barely out of your clothes and hughie had you under lock and key – his lips pressed a hot kiss onto your underwear and you groaned out at the familiar feeling forming in your stomach. “fuck, hugh-” was all you could get out.
your arms fell back onto the bed and gripped the sheets around you as hughie continued teasing you through the sticky fabric. you moaned as your back lifted from the bed into an arch and his mouth kept sucking – one of his hands raised to grope and squeeze at your chest while his mouth continued working until you couldn't tell the fabric was still between you from how wet it'd gotten.
eventually hughie’s other hand pried your underwear away from your dripping pussy, tugging them down your legs and throwing them wherever your pants had ended up earlier. now left completely naked, you panted beneath him, impatient for his mouth to be back on you – he didn't make you wait long. a second more and his tongue was swirling around your bud as he hummed against you. the vibration was enough for your thighs to start tensing around his head.
“hughie, baby- i can’t last like this.. it feels too fuckin’ good-”
before you could finish your thought, hughie’s hand disappeared between you. his finger entered your hole without a moment's thought as his mouth kept up with the speed. you groaned out, your eyes fluttering shut as your thighs tensed, squeezing around him once more. he moaned on your clit as you shook from your orgasm, only slowing his pace and pulling his finger out when your legs lazily splayed back open.
his mouth lifted from you with a pop and he grinned. “need a minute?” he asked, sliding his tongue out to lick the finger that’d just been inside of you.
you huffed out a breath. “no, baby- i need it. now.”
hughie stood up quickly to unbuckle his pants following your words. his eyes roamed your body, watching as you reached down between your legs to spread yourself open for him, showing where you needed him with your middle and index fingers. “fuck me properly, hugh. i wanna feel you.”
his hand reached into his jeans and pulled himself out, weakly fisting off a few times at the visual of you on display. he placed his other hand on your thigh as he hovered above you; you could see how painfully hard his dick was and bit your lip at the sight of precum already leaking onto his hand. as soon as his hand stopped moving, hughie started lining himself against your hole. grunts and curses spilled from his lips as he entered, and pressed your foreheads together once he was fully inside.
as hughie began moving, the hotel bed rocked with every thrust, filling the room with the obvious we’re having sex sound you were sure the neighboring rooms would be very fond of.
“oh god- fuck, look how you're taking me-” at some point hughie’s focus shifted downwards, staring in awe at your bodies connecting. he dragged one of his hands down to rub circles into your clit as he fucked you. “fuckin’ made for me, baby.”
“hughie- fuck! don't fucking stop!” you didn't care if anyone could hear you. your fingers clasped at the back of hughie’s shirt as he fucked himself into you – the smell of wine still lingering on his skin made you dizzy. wrapping your legs around his waist, you could feel yourself tighten around him and knew you were close.
“i’m gonna come, shit- keep going!”
after you reached your high, hughie didn't take long to follow, his brows furrowing as the exhaustion and alcohol hit him like a truck once you were both spent. he'd flopped onto you for a few minutes, sighing happily into your skin. “this is so much better than that bathroom.”
you giggled upon noticing hughie’s hair had curled into his face. you reached over and pushed it away, leaning in for a kiss once you felt how close you were.
“take your jeans off and let's sleep already.” you stretched out, making room next to you for him to slide over.
hughie smiled and obliged, taking off his sweaty shirt and jeans and throwing them back where your clothes laid on the floor from before. he shimmied under the covers next to you, cradling you in his arms as your eyes struggled to stay open.
“you'll still be here in the morning?” you asked, comfortably wrapping his arm over you.
“mmhm. we can get breakfast.” hughie replied quietly, already fading.
“if you're planning on us doing any of what we just did again tomorrow, i’m gonna need to call out of work.” hughie weakly chuckled and kissed the top of your head, whispering a quiet goodnight to you before you both drifted into a deep sleep.
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weezerblue · 18 days
friends, best friends
A/N the scrapped version of this might come out soon
ALSO : im going back and posting old drafts, unfinished or otherwise bc i have like 40 so enjoy those ; this is an alternative ver of something else i did but my memories of most of the drafts are kinda non-existent like i don't remember writing most of the stuff i wrote during this time (sorry if this is bad)
description steve takes you out on a date after school and gives you the night of your life.
includes aftercare, soft dom steve, nicknames like baby, princess and, cutie, and typical first date stuff
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"baby, wake up we gotta go"
his voice startles you, so you wake and grab his wrist to check the time.
"it's already 12:30! how long was I sleeping for?"
he gets up, yawns and grabs your bag for you.
"do you wanna go out later? that one restaurant you always talk about is open and since we're like- official and all now"
you're taken by surprise that he actually wants to be serious about this.
"yes please" you say eagerly, and take his hand as he leads you down the hallway and into your class.
"baby, isn't your class over there"
"yeah, so what?" he shrugs, opening the door for you and taking a random seat and tapping the desk next to him, gesturing for you to sit dangerously close to him.
the end of the day approaches, not without receiving a lot of teasing from steve, leaning over to trace small circles across your thighs with his fingers, looking over at you occasionally.
he opens the door for you again, going around the back of the school because it was closer to his car.
you both get seated. and you can already sense the dirty thoughts that are about to come to your mind. there's something about the way steve looks at you, holds your hand, or gently touches your thigh that makes you unbearably horny.
"what's on your mind, princess?"
he shifts his focus to you.
"um- nothing i just, i was thinking of something"
"mind sharin' that something with me, sweetness?" he chuckles.
you rub your thighs together. then you just decide, screw it, he probably knows anyways so there's no point in lying.
"i'm, uh- i'm horny"
you hide your face with your hands, steve's arm still wrapped around you.
"ohhhh so that's what it was, i thought so but I didn't wanna assume. ya should've told me earlier though, could've taken care of you in the car on the way here."
he pulls you closer to him, kissing your neck.
"steve." you look up at him, embarrassed by his teasing. it's one thing to do it in private or in school, but you were in the middle of what felt like the busiest restaurant in the world.
"alright, alright, i'll wait till we finish our food, then it's back to my place deal?"
you nod, and then before you know it, the waiter comes back.
"let me know if you guys need anything else! i'll be right over there"
they point to the bar and exit the booth section.
steve quickly finishes his food, pushing his plate to the other side, then looking at you while you finished the last of your food.
after you were both done, steve got the check.
"alright, you got everything?"
grabbing your drink, you get up and head towards the door, he follows quickly behind you.
upon arriving at his house, you look up at him.
"um, steve?" you look down at the floor, trying really hard to not focus on how hot he looks in the dimmed lights.
"can you- um"
he's looking directly at you now, expecting you to continue the sentence.
"i need you." you barely manage to get out after stuttering over your words a billion times.
he sits down on the bed, as do you.
"i could use my fingers again, or would you prefer my mouth this time? whichever one you want is more than fine with me"
crossing your legs, you blink at him a few times, thinking he'd just understand what you wanted.
"baby, i can't do anything if you don't tell me what you want"
"i want you to fuck me" steve hasn't ever gone all the way with you, sure he's seen you naked and pleasured you before but you hadn't ever gone further than that.
"you sure? you don't have to cutie, i'm happy with just eating you out again"
he rubs his thumb over your cheek, making you smile.
"no, i really want it."
you bring his hand away from your face and hold it, making eye contact with him.
"shit baby, okay lemme go get the camera"
it was a little thing he liked to do, taking photos of you after he'd just fucked you so good you could barely breathe.
he kept all the pictures in a box under his bed, and obviously they had accumulated over time, causing the box to be filled to the brim.
he came back, placing the camera on the nightstand for later.
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aviradasa · 1 month
Hi hi again ! I just wanna say I ABSOLUTELY ADORE the chubby reader x Larry n' Sal hdcns you wrote !! It's very nice and comforting, and really made my night - I can't stop re-reading them :') . THANK YOUUU 👹🖤‼️
Anyway, I was wondering if you could do something similar to the chubby reader hdcns, but with an ADHD!reader ? Just some Larry n' Sal with an adhd having gf hdcns ! Pls & ty, ilyyy <3
(also, if you're not comfortable with writing these, or don't know abt the symptoms of adhd [with depression & anxiety symptoms, bc it's a big struggle for me personally lol], no pressure abt writing these hdcns !! Remember to eat and stay hydrated <333 !!!)
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Heyyy I actually loved writing this as I've struggled for years with depression as well and me and my family have been unsure if it's Adhd or autism since I was a kid lmao So here is
Larry,sal x Adhd!Girlfriend!Reader (separate)
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Sal is really good with you
He's a really calming person to be around, so if you're really struggling that day, he's got you
If you're too hyperfocused and forget to take care of yourself, he will find a way to pull you away without bothering you. Even if it's just for a bit so you can eat or something
But if you have trouble focusing? Well, sals next to you and talking you through whatever you're trying to to.
He will even help you.
One day, you started frantically cleaning your room. Pulling stuff from the drawers pulling the stuff out from under your bed. Unloading your desk.
But then once you saw the amount of stuff, you kinda froze up. not sure where to even start.
You were honestly so overwhelmed you almost had a breakdown, but then sal walked into your guys' room, looking confused as shit asking you what's going on.
He waited patiently as you explained, and then he sat on the ground with you and started helping you organize everything,talking you through the process the entire time to keep you from getting more overwhelmed.
He's a damn angel
And once you guys got done and the room was back in order, you guys put on a movie and just passed out
If it's a day where you can't seem to sit still. He won't try to stop you.
Naw, he's saying ok come on, let's go to the apartments and run around checking on the ghost.
He doesn't try to hold you in place or stop you he tries to encourage you to do what you need to in a healthy way.
Also, if losing or misplacing things is a struggle for you, that's fine, don't worry.
Cause either he knows where it is or he's looking for it with you. And sometimes, when he sees something in an odd place, he will just grab it and put it where it should be.
And then when you need it, you don't have to go on a scavenger hunt.
On days where you can't seem to drag yourself outta bed or you're just not doing good with racing thoughts
He's with you. If you both have class that day, he will coax you out of bed,
and while you guys are driving there you guys will talk about it, and if you can't put it into words, he will just tell you stuff to get your mind off it
If you don't have class, he will lay with you, and you guys will just put on a show and chat, which makes you feel a bit better
He's like your other half at this point, and it's nice to have some calm when things get crazy
Overall, you both have a pretty good system, and if he's having issues, you help him out too, so it's a pretty win-win you
guys are great together
Well, now Larry, I think, has a bit of it to but a little different. He's more on the hyper focus end.
He will get to painting or playing a game, and he's not moving from that spot until it's done, and if you are also hyper focused at the same time it can start off good but then can get a bit unhealthy
It's whoever comes out of it first that will snap the other out of it
But if you're having trouble focusing, he will do his best to help, but let's be honest, you both will probably end up distracted
One day, you were trying to work on a project for one of your classes and you were stuck because you had so much to do and didn't know where to start.
So you tried to put on some music. We'll that didn't work too well because now you're sitting there watching MTV music videos.
By the time Larry got back, you were spaced out at the screen with your project forgotten sitting next to you.
He asked you what it was, and when you told him, he asked if it was done and you ended up explaining that you got stuck.
Well, he sits down with you and takes a look at it and also kinda blanks. Then you guys started talking, and the conversation ventured off, and yall ended up rushing it the night before.
At least he tried lmao.
Now, if it's a hyper day for you guys and you're running around trying to do a bunch of stuff, he will probably roll a joint and give it to you like.
Smoke this.
After you do, it can have one of two reactions
1 you actually slow down and are able to chill for a bit, or 2 it just makes you wanna go on an adventure.
If it's the second you guys end up in a gas station getting snacks and then heading over to sals to bother him and his girl it's cool they don't mind lol.
Now, when it comes to misplaced objects it really fucks with larry. Like I said in my general Larry HCs, he's messy but in an organized way.
So if he's digging around trying to find a certain paintbrush and he ends up finding it in the living room instead of in his art area he it really fucks with him.
But he's not mad he's just more confused and like what the fuck I didn't put that there.
And if he asks you and you don't remember, then you guys jokingly blame the ghosts. You both know it probably wasn't them but it's a Lil inside joke.
Now, for days, you can't get up, he stays with you. He's either in the same boat or he just feels bad and understands. Sometimes, he will lay with you, and you both might smoke and talk to each other. Or he will put on a show or music and paint while you do you.
It's just nice to know he's there and that he cares.
Overall, you guys got a lot going on, but you guys manage it as well as you can and what's important is that you do it together 🖤
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sentoooo · 8 months
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[anon: Reptile NSFW alphabet, please?🤭] kinda lowkey in my reptile era he's so. HE'S SO!!!!! ugh i think he needs even more love than he's getting tbh. i wanna kith his little forehead so bad!!!! ALSO HAVE YOU HEARD HIS LAUGH!?!?!?!? OH EM GEE I NEED HIM IN ME
cw: gn reader, NSFW, predator & prey kink, orgasm torture, overstimulation, lots of cum talk, proofread MINORS DNI
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ꜱʏᴢᴏᴛʜ || ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴀʟᴘʜᴀʙᴇᴛ
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Syzoth is all cuddly and affectionate after sex. He holds you like you're going to leave him, which he is afraid of. It's kind of a pre-requisite before his aftercare routine to hold you as close as possible, even if that gets you two messier. He just needs a moment to bathe in the afterglow, and show you exactly how much he loves you. After that, he'll carry you to the bath, and just talk with you while he starts to run it. He also enjoys opening up the conversation about sex, as shy as he is, he thinks it's one of those things that will bring you both closer and make him more confident. And when the bath is done filling up, he prefers to wash you up. But if you'd rather bathe alone, he's okay with it, too. However, Syzoth insists that he carries you everywhere. Perhaps it's because he feels bad, you can't really tell. But after that, before you two drift off to sleep, he'll run his hands down your spine and whisper all sorts of sweet-nothings in your ear.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his tongue. Yeah, maybe it's a weird for that to be his favorite, but he delights how much pleasure it gives you. That is the exact reason why he loves it. To watch you squirm and moan and come undone because of his tongue is just pure bliss to him. Aside from his tongue, he's a fan of his chest in his human form. He can't really tell you why, he just loves it. And he loves the feel of your hands running down it.
Syzoth is an ass man. Unashamedly so. So he loves your ass. He loves grabbing it, slapping it, fucking into it, anything. He will always find his hands roaming down to give it a quick squeeze, or he'll hold you up by it when you two are making out.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He loves to cum outside, anywhere. On your thigh, your stomach, your chest. As long as he can, he's happy to. He just loves how it looks on you, almost as if he's marking you. Well, he marks you in a couple different ways, but this is one of his favorites. He'll even stop for a minute to admire it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He would so fuck you in his reptilian form. He's had thoughts & fantasies of doing so ever since he first fucked you. But he's worried you wouldn't be into it. Still, every so often- especially during mating season- he thinks about it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Actually, Syzoth is a virgin-- in the sense that he's never had someone in his human form! Reptile-wise? Yeah, he's set. But he's also never taken someone who is human in his reptile zaterran form. However, he's just so full of pent up sexual energy, that he really just lets his dick guide him when he has his first time with you. Obviously, he learns over time. But, don't be mistaken. He was more than able to satisfy you the first time you two fucked.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He really enjoys the Flash position. He loves being able to tangle up with you, and focus on more than one type of stimulation. It also tends to lead to some more messy sex, even if it starts out sensual.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's shy, and while he doesn't do it on purpose, he'll slip up once or twice and laugh a little. But overall, he's rather serious during sex. Maybe during foreplay he'll be a little bit more lax, but he has to be serious during the act. He feels out of place if he isn't.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He's barley well-groomed, he doesn't really see the need for it. He's got a light amount of chest hair and arm hair, but the hair gets thicker as you go down. He's got a full happy trail, and a relatively tame amount of pubes.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Syzoth's primal during intercourse, but he's still sweet with you. Through all his growls, you can sometimes decipher small words of praise and cute little names he likes to call you. His hands will travel up your body, tracing your collarbone and your neck, and you can always feel the longing within his touch. He just finds it hard to voice it properly.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He jacks off at least once a day. He's just got a lot of pent up feelings, and jacking off provides him relief. Not that you can't either, but he kind of feels bad if he wants to fuck you multiple times a day.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
If it wasn't apparent, he's real into the Predator & Prey kink. It satisfies something deeper within him, something primal. He likes the pursuit of you, hunting and scavenging for your vulnerable body. He's damn good at finding you, but he insists hunting you is all part of his arousal. And it is, sometimes even you can smell his arousal.
Syzoth also loves overstimulation & orgasm torture. He loves making you feel good, and knowing he can do it, over, and over, and over, while you bathe in ecstasy. He loves the feeling of you around him when you cum, when he leans in and bites on your neck while your left a moaning, writhing mess beneath him.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Outdoors. Anywhere. He loves the thrill of it all, but it also feels the most natural to him. He will always find a secluded spot for you two, especially if you'll let him hunt you down. It's almost scary how many places he knows where you two can get away with it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You. While he's relatively horny, nothing will ever get him off like you do. Especially when you bend down, ass up, teasing him. Or sitting in his lap. Fuck, it's hard to contain himself. He isn't as shy as he seems outside of the bedroom, and you'll soon learn that if you continue to tease him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Syzoth hates the idea of tying you up. He wants you to be free to squirm underneath him, to claw at his black, grip at the sheets, run your hands through his hair. He thinks sex isn't enjoyable if you're being held back.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers to give. He almost has an aversion to receiving, really. Especially with his tongue? Fuck, you're in for the time of your life. He knows all the sensitive places to touch while he's going down on you, and he reaches all the best places.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He starts off fast, but sensual. His sexual desire is rather primal, and he likes having his way with you. But he also doesn't want to hurt you. As he reaches his climax, he'll start getting rougher.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Syzoth is always down, especially if it's mating season and you two don't have the time to fuck however long he'd like. He also likes for you to know he's open to the idea.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
As primal as he is, he's comfortable where he stands, and he doesn't necessarily need to experiment or try anything new. He stands by it, but it doesn't mean he'll be angry if you ask.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
With how long he's been holding on? He could go on for several days. But he won't. Normally, he'll fuck you from dusk til dawn, or until you tap out. After each round, he asks if you're game for another one, or if you'd like to stop. He's restrained.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Syzoth doesn't see the appeal of toys. Why use them when you have him and his tongue? He believes his tongue is the ultimate stimulation, and it definitely is.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
While he enjoys orgasm torture, he won't edge you. He'll just fuck you pretty till you and him are both covered in cum. But, he can't stand hearing you beg. It almost breaks his heart! So he'll let you cum, whenever.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's making all sorts of sounds, mainly growling and hissing, but he moans a little in your ear, too. You know you feel so good to him, but he still likes letting you know. As previously mentioned, he finds it hard to tell you exactly how he feels, so his moaning is the most you'll get in terms of non-primal sounds.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Syzoth LOVES biting you, giving you hickies, marking you. You're all his, and his alone. And he's going to make that known. He does keep his markings under the collarbone, because he's a little embarrassed about people asking, but you can never find yourself free of hickies.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Syzoth is BIG, and he didn't really know how to use it beforehand. Maybe it's his Zaterran status that gives him that extra bit of girth. He's a shower, 7.0" in length when hard, 3.7" across, and relatively veiny. He's uncircumsized.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
For how shy he is, he is beyond horny. Not all the time, but his sex drive is HIGH. And you know it. He wants to fuck at least four days a week, but every day is preffered. Twice a day, actually.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Syzoth's a little subconscious, so he can't fall asleep until he absolutely knows you are. And when he's so sure you're asleep, he holds you even closer and passes right the hell out.
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elliespillowprincess · 8 months
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pt 1
pt 2
pt 3
a/n: this is my first ever (kinda) fic so it kinda sucks and is all over the place.. also this one will be a bit longer than the others! i hope to just make this an ongoing series with no real end? idk yet!!! it’s kinda all over the place
c/w: TIME SKIP??, modern au, reader is in med school, biker!ellie!!, rich!ellie… kinda toxic!ellie? angst, addiction, substance abuse, joel’s death makes an appearance, fluff, fem reader, plus size reader, insecure reader, race of reader not specified, smut, strap-on usage (r!receiving), cum eating, spit?, tribbing, fingering (r!receiving), breeding kink, TERRIBLY WRITTEN, not proofread
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her name is everywhere now. after leaving your town, her music had blown up more than ever before. 2 years had gone by since the two of you shared your last kiss, and for the first few months the two of you texted constantly.
ellie🤭: how’s my pretty girl?
ellie🤭: hoping to come back soon
tours been getting crazy
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missing you
it felt like a dream, texting one of the worlds biggest rockstars while she was on tour, her sending photos of her adventures. but all dreams end in you waking up.
you: hey wyd?
you: hoping you’re coming back soon
you: hey ellie?
we haven’t talked in a bit
i miss you.
the dream ended. just like that, you were just another girl. after waiting for replies, you decided to move on. this fantasy wasn’t real, the dream was over. ellie was now famous for hooking up with her fans, videos popping up constantly of her leading them out of her concert and onto her bike, just like she did to you.
you were just another girl.
you graduated university as the top scholar in your small town, liliana just behind you. both of you applied to a med school in new york, both getting accepted. your best friend kept telling you you’ll forget her, but how could you? she was everywhere.
eventually, there were some days you could go by without thinking of her. you decided to quit drinking and smoking, and focus on schooling. you got your pleasure elsewhere; hooking up with whatever girl swiped right on you on tinder that day. they always looked a little like her. if they didn’t have that auburn hair, they had tattoos, if they didn’t have tattoos, they were a musician, etc.
“hey, y/n?” you hear a familiar voice say. “wanna go out tonight? i feel like we haven’t gotten to hangout in ages. you don’t have to drink or anything, promise!” liliana practically begs you. it was true, the two of you hardly had any time outside of schooling to hangout, so hesitantly, you agree. she tells you all about this new club that opened, how its invite only so there won’t be too many people, and how there’s surprise private performers. she got the invite from her boyfriend, and was allowed to bring one extra person: you. you decide to use the rest of your day off prior to your later plans to take an everything shower, shaving and exfoliating your whole body. when you get out, you go to your closet to pick out something to wear, still in your towel. your new wardrobe consisted of mainly business casual clothes and scrubs for lab days, so you push them away and dig through the back of your closet. you go through the pile of clothing, until you hit something hard. you grab it, pulling it into the light. when you realize what it was, you feel lightheaded.
it’s her helmet.
tossing it to the back with a pit in your stomach, you grab three random items of clothing, shutting the door. it was exactly what you wore when you first met her: a lacy cami, short black skirt, and a leather jacket. you threw the outfit on, hoping to cover up the old memories with new ones. after you touched up your makeup, you, andrew, and liliana started pregaming. you didn’t want to overdo it, but you also wanted a small buzz for this intimidating of a club. your plan was to leave around 9, it was 8:47. “i’m actually excited, i haven’t been this excited for an event in a while!” you say to the group, feeling a buzz. the three of you are laughing and talking until you get a notification, indicating the uber was there. driving to the club, the driver put on the radio. of course, it had to be her.
the loud music and sweaty atmosphere of the club made you feel dizzy. the only thing keeping you from running away was a tall girl eyeing you across the room. she had short, dark hair, freckles, and a sour face as she looked at you like prey: your type. after a while, you notice she comes up to you, asking if you want anything to drink. agreeing, you thank her and start talking. “where y’from angel?” she asks. “nowhere near here, i used to live in a small town, goldwhit grove?” she looks at you like you’re crazy, rolling her eyes. “never heard of it. hey wanna get outta here?” you look over to your friends, liliana dancing against andrew, and remember how mad she was last time you ran off with a girl without telling her. “i don’t know i’m here with my frie-“ your sentence was interrupted but the screams of the drunken club goers around you as they all flock to the front. looking over to the stage, you see who they’re going crazy over. and of course,
it’s her.
she was everywhere, it was like you couldn’t escape and forget her no matter how hard you tried. she’s stumbling all over the stage, and slurring her words. bras were being thrown at her, and she just had this stupid look on her face. like she was loving it. she was looking around the crowd, for what you assumed to be a girl to take back to her hotel, she made eye contact with you. it felt like the whole room went quiet, even though it was far from it. you wanted to scream, call her an ass, throw drinks at her. but found another solution. turning to the girl next to you, you began rubbing against her, feeling her biceps as she wrapped her arms around you, kissing your neck. you did all of this while making eye contact with her.
“i.. i um… sorry guys.. can’t-can’t perform t’night.” she says, rushing offstage. this makes you smile, knowing you got under her skin. you continued to dance against the stranger to whatever shitty music the club put on between performers. then, it felt like the world went back into focus, your phone buzzing in your hand waking you up. “hey hold on, gotta take this.” you say, lightly pushing the girl off of you and pulling out your phone.
???: what the fuck is wrong with you
who is that???
answer me y/n i’m not fucking around
the unfamiliar messages creeped you out, so you simply blocked the number and went back to the girl, making small conversation. then, another one.
???: don’t block me
can we talk??
come to the bathrooms
rolling your eyes, you type a response.
you: idk who you are but leave me alone
it’s weird
are u stalking me??
???: please
abiding by this stranger could put you in a life or death situation, but all of the adrenaline from seeing ellie and the alcohol made you lose your senses. “hey, i’ll be right back. gotta use the bathroom.” you tell the stranger, making your way through the crowds into the shitty club bathrooms. as you approach it, it seems oddly quiet for a club bathroom. you walk in, and instantly feel a hand grab your wrist, pulling you in and locking the door. “hey what the fu-“
then you see who it is.
confusion turns to shock, shock turns to anger.
“what the fuck ellie? you really think you can just ditch me for 2 fucking years and just be like ‘surprise! i’m back!’” you yell at her, pushing her away. “i’m not playing your fucking games, i feel dumb for even thinking we had something! had me waiting months for you to reply just for you to get with any groupie you come across?” she’s not saying anything, and it only makes your blood boil even more. “are you just gonna fucking sit there? i’m trying to have a good night! i caught fucking feelings for you, you made me feel like i was worth actually fucking loving, and you just threw it all away!” she just sits there, letting you yell. “fucking say something!” your voice becoming weaker, trying not to cry. looking into her eyes, you can tell she’s on something. they’re red and blown out, she reeks of alcohol and weed.
“you’re wearing the outfit.” she says flatly, looking at your outfit. you laugh, actually laugh at her. the fact you just spilt your heart out and all she can do it’s compliment your physical traits. “oh.. oh my god. you- you got problems ellie.” you say with a huff, pushing her away and heading for the door. “i’m leaving, and i’m gonna go back to a girl that maybe actually gives two fucks about me, unlike you.” reaching for the handle, you feel her grab your waist and pull you to her back. “please, don’t go.” you sigh against her, starting to tear up. “let-lemme go ellie..” you barely try to fight her grip. she doesn’t do anything, just breathes you in. “don’t… don’t go, please.” she says softy against your neck, her voice cracking. it feels like you’re melting.
turning around, you look directly at her. “i want an explanation.” you say, wiping tears from your eyes. “you told me you’d come back, you told me you missed me. where did that all go?” you look at her with doe, tear-filled eyes. she just wraps her hands around your face and admires you. “it.. didn’t go anywhere. jus’ a lot happened okay? i just need you to believe me.” your faces are mere inches away, and she’s staring at you with pleading eyes. “how can i believe you ellie? you’re not even sober.” she just wraps her arms around your neck, pulling you in and hugging you.
then you start to hear crying- no, sobbing. she sobs into your shoulder, trying to speak but unable to get words out. she casts her spell on you once again, drawing you in and making you hug her back. “just… just tell me what happened okay?” she’s barely breathing, and you rub her back in an attempt to calm her down. “he- he died!! he fucking died!” she says between cries. “who? who died ellie?” you say softy into her ear. “joel! he- he took care of me i- i- was so mean to him!” she cries against you. “hey, hey it’s okay ellie, just breathe.” after a few minutes of her crying, she starts to breathe slower, eventually pulling back and wiping your face. “can.. can we go somewhere else please?”
it was like déjà vu, being back on ellie’s bike. you had her other helmet at your apartment, so she gave you hers instead. you were honestly scared, she looked intoxicated, but she assured you she was fine to drive. speeding through the streets of new york, you arrive at ellie’s penthouse, of course. the walk into the building in the ride up the elevator is quiet, the only noise coming from ellie sniffling.
unlocking the door on the top floor, she lets you in. the place was trash. liquor bottles, pill bottles, baggies with unknown substances, different girls clothes. you were a little disgusted, but ellie ushered you to her room, which was much cleaner in contrast. you hesitate to sit down, thinking about how many girls fucked her on that bed. “no girls have been in my bed, promise.” you hear her voice say, sitting down.
the two of you just sit there, waiting for the other to speak. she finally gets the nerves to, and starts off. “i just wanna say i’m sorry, y/n. you didn’t deserve any of this.” she looks over at you with hooded eyes and continues. “when he… died, i didn’t know what to do- it was when i was in london.” that was around the time she stopped texting. “i just.. turned to a lot of stuff for comfort. i didn’t know what to do- i know it’s not an excuse..” she stares at you, waiting for a response. “thought about you every fucking day. honestly.” your heart starts to melt. “i don’t expect you to forgive me, but let me make it up to you okay?” you nod silently. this doesn’t feel real. “please say something..” she begs. your eyes meet hers and you just word dump everything that’s been clouding your mind for the past two years.
“look, ellie, i understand where you’re coming from. i just.. i need you to know how much it hurt me, seeing you get with all those other girls, it made me feel ugly. inside and out.” her gaze softens and she unexpectedly pulls you in for a hug. “fuck. i’m so fucking sorry, y/n. you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever fucking seen.” she says, her head buried into your shoulder. “everytime i was with any of those girls, i thought about you. anytime i was anywhere doing anything, i thought about you.” her words contrast her actions, but her soft words and tears make you start to believe her.
you hug her back, the two of you laying down in her bed. it all feels so wrong, but so right, she was like an addiction; she was horrible for you but you just kept going back. she softly rubbed your hair, causing your eyes to feel heavier and heavier until you fall asleep in her arms.
you wake up, and the first thing you see is ellie. she’s awake already. she smiles at you, a genuine smile. you on the other hand, look horrified. “goodmorning.” she says, pushing your hair out of your face. “how’d you sleep?” you’re lost for words at this point. you start to remember why you don’t drink anymore. “i.. um.. i gotta use the bathroom.” you mutter before getting up, grabbing your phone from her bedside table, and locking yourself in the bathroom. you open your phone.
lili🦄: wya?
you slipped off again
where’d u go?
dude don’t do this again
ur freaking me out.
is that u that i just saw leave?
i’m following u
who is that?
where are you going??
dude answer hello??
you reply with a spew of apologies, telling her you’re safe and you’ll be home soon. “y/n?” you hear ellie shout from another room. “i made breakfast!” what the fuck? it was like she was a different person, like nothing that happened in the past actually happened and the two of you were a happy couple. you unlock the bathroom door, creeping into the living room. your jaw dropped, it was spotless.
“wow! you uh.. really cleaned up the space?” she smiles at you, plating what looks like eggs, bacon, and toast. “couldn’t sleep. i know you usually wake up early so i slipped out of bed last night and made it back before you woke up.” she waves you over to the table. “come, eat.” you tiptoe to the table, still in your clothes from the club the night prior. sitting down, ellie sets your plate down, along with some water before sitting herself down across from her. it’s quiet, uncomfortable. she decides to break the silence before you start eating. “i’m done with the pills, y/n.” she says bluntly. it kind of takes you by surprise, not the fact that she’s doing it, but the fact she announced it so bluntly. “gonna better myself. better myself for you, us.” she says. her words almost feel like knives to your heart, why was she changing all of this now? “i know it’s late, but i want to be better.” you put a piece of bacon in your mouth, swallowing before speaking. “i’m glad, ellie.” you say softly. the meal remains quiet, but its shifts from an uncomfortable to a comfortable silence.
“hey, i have to go home, can you text me please? for real this time.” you say half heartedly. she puts your dishes away in the sink, nodding. “i’ll take you home, don’t want you in those ubers, they’re not safe.”
the next few months consisted of you texting ellie, again. but this time, she came back very often. as soon as a show ended, she’d be on the next flight to new york to see you.
ellie🧸: boarding the plane rn
can’t wait to see u :)
both of your schedules were tight, but you still worked in time to see each other. ellie often cancelled entire shows just to see you, losing all that money. but she didn’t care, she just wanted you to be happy.
you: i miss youuuu
when r u coming back?
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rn tbh
it felt like a dream once again, but this time, you had a feeling she wasn’t gonna let go. you hoped she wouldn’t. the two of you hung out constantly, going to her shows and being in the first row, her singing directly to you. going on walks at times square, ellie wearing a mask to hide her face of course. and sleepovers at each others apartments. liliana kept telling you to be careful, to not get hurt again.
not only were you guys talking again, but she was making it very apparent to her fans. saying things like “this one’s for my girl, she’s watching at home. see you soon, sweetheart” before playing love songs. even though you guys weren’t official- you haven’t even kissed since your last one almost 3 years ago- she sure acted like it. she was almost always sober, only ever smoking weed or having small amounts of alcohol before performing to lighten her nerves: never with you.
you were going over your neuro notes in your room, when ellie calls you, and you pick up.
you: “hey! what’s up?”
ellie: “i just got off the plane, gonna pick you up in 30 kay? wear something nice pretty girl, we’re going out.”
you: “what? where?”
ellie: “just be ready, kay? mwah i gotta go!”
the call ends and you laugh at how dumb ellie was, making kissing sounds. you quickly get up to find something to wear and throw on some makeup. you didn’t know how fancy you had to be, so you stuck with a tight black dress, black heels, and the necklace made out of pure gold ellie bought for you a couple weeks ago.
ellie🧸: come outside
her text makes your heart skip a beat, and you go out to see ellie standing next to a car. from your knowledge, she didn’t own any cars; just bikes. she was wearing a fucking suit: white button up that she of course didn’t button up all the way, black pants and jacket, and her dumb converse that completely contrasted the outfit. she smiled when she saw you. “ellie? what’s this?” you laugh, going up to hug her and smell her cologne. “y’like it? had it delivered earlier today before i got home for tonight!” she says with a coy smile. you let out a breathy laugh at the fact she can just buy such an expensive car for no good reason.
“it’s gorgeous, ellie.” you smile at her and she pushes herself off the car, turning around to open the passenger side. crawling in, you admire the inside. it was all black, with silver accents and a large carplay module. the passenger side had some photos of the two of you, and your name was engraved into the dashboard. it looked engraved by the fucking manufacturers.
she shuts your door, walking to the drivers seat, plopping inside. “whatcha think? paid a pretty penny for them to customize that.” she looks at you nervously, hoping you’ll like it. “oh ellie, you didn’t have to do this! you’re so sweet.” she smiles. “i’m glad you like it, babe.” she presses the button to turn the car on, and it unleashes a loud roar. as if she couldn’t get any hotter, the car was a manual, and she knew very well how to use one. the two of you leave the parking lot of your apartment complex, speeding through the buildings. you can help but stare at her, as you never got to see her face when she was on her motorcycle. she was focused; shifting gears strategically without stalling. you just stare at her face, her slightly unbuttoned shirt, her hands: your face becomes warm. “something wrong?” her voice snaps you out of it, noticing you’re staring.
“oh um- i’m fine! sorry..” you laugh quietly. “it’s okay to stare y’know? i stare at you all the time.” she says simply. god, she says everything with no fear. “where are we going?” you ask, curiously. “uhh i think it’s called masa’s sushi bar? heard it was really nice.” your eyes widen and your jaw drops. “WHAT??” you ask her, dumbfounded. “ellie that’s like $600 a person!! i can’t afford that right now i-“ “i got it, don’t worry ‘bout it kay?” she interrupts you. “ellie i don’t need to be taken out to nice places- id love to just sit in one of our apartments and watch cartoons.” you start feeling bad.
“you deserve it, let me take you out okay?” you put your head down, feeling terribly guilty. “hey, don’t feel bad okay? this is what i want to spend my money on.”
the two of you arrive at the restaurant, and before you can open your door, ellie screams “WAIT!” before jumping out her side and running to your door, opening it for you with a smile, reaching her hand out. you can’t help but laugh. “you’re such a nerd, ellie!”
the dinner consisted of the two of you laughing at each other, almost getting kicked out a few times for your loud behavior. “ellie! be quiet! that guy has come over a million times to tell you to be quiet!” you say in a loud whisper. when the check comes, you see the total and feel like vomiting. “$2,457?? ellie you’re crazy! i feel so bad let me give you someth-“ you try to pull your empty wallet out but she stops you, “i got it, don’t worry okay?” she tips the workers a large amount and gets up to grab your purse, and walk you out. walking to the car, she opens your door, handing you your purse before getting in herself.
“i have one more surprise, we’re going back to mine tonight.” she says while starting the car. “another? seriously ellie i dont want you spendi-“ “nuh uh, don’t wanna hear it. you deserve this okay?”
the ride home was fast, and filled with tension. you were nervous for what else ellie had in store for you. arriving at her penthouse, she lets you out and leads you to the elevator. you’re shifting nervously on your feet, and she notices. “what’s wrong?” she asks you, stepping a little closer. “i’m nervoussss! what is the surprise?” “gotta wait, sweetheart.”
arriving at her door, she opens it and holy shit. it was covered in flowers, slow music playing in the background. you followed the trail of flowers to the dining room table: the place the two of you spent countless meals together just basking in eachother presence. on the table, was a small white box. you lift it up, having no clue what could be inside. “open it, princess.” she says with a goofy, excited smile. you open the box, and oh my god. it was a gorgeous golden necklace, with an “E” attached to the chain. it wasn’t obnoxious, it was beautiful.
“ellie! what is this?! it’s so pretty!” you smile at her, hugging her. “do- do you like it?” “like it?? ellie i love it!!” you say into her shoulder. the two of you hug for a moment before she pulls you back, pulling a necklace out with your initial on it from under her shirt. everything feels electric, fuzzy, and warm. “let me help you put it on.” she says, gently grabbing the necklace out of the box. you turn around, lifting your hair, allowing her to clip the necklace around your neck. you turn around to look at her, and she adjusts it so it sits centered on your neck.
“you’re so pretty.” she just stares at you for a moment, admiring your features. she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, opening them again before asking,
“can i be your girl?”
it felt like you were floating. her cologne was filling your nose, her eyes searching for an answer in yours.
“i know it’s a lot to ask- i just- i really like you y/n and-“
she’s cut off by you pressing your lips against hers, wrapping your hands in her hair. her eyes stayed open for a moment before the closed, kissing you deeper. she wrapped her arms around your waist, wanting to feel you closer. the two of you stayed there for a moment before you pulled away with tears brimming your eyes.
“yes, yes i’ll be your girl ellie!” you say, laughing deeply and throwing your head back as she places playful kisses along your jaw. “fuck yes, yes!!” she says, laughing with you. the two of you just stand in the dining room for a bit, gently kissing one another before you pull back, leading her to the bedroom.
you grab the collar of her shirt, pulling her ontop of you, kissing her deeply. the two of you spend about 15 minutes just enamored with one another’s mouth, when she notices you squirming, pulling back. “what’s wrong baby?” she asks, innocently. “s’hot ellie..” you say, mascara running and your cherry lipstick smudged. she smiles, dipping down to suck on your neck, leaving dark marks, running her tongue over them to soothe the pain. her lips travel down, meeting the top of your dress. “can i take this off for you?” you nod immediately. “gotta tell me with your words, princess.” you whimper at her request, obliging. “yes.. yes you can take it off els.”
“good girl.” she gently removes your dress, followed with your bra and underwear, leaving you naked under her. “so pretty, my gorgeous girl.” she coos. she begins kissing down your collarbone, and to your chest. she looks up at you as she practically makes out with your boobs, giving equal attention to both of them. she lifts her head, looking at you with lust filled eyes as she steps off the bed to undress, completely naked. you’re practically drooling, looking at her toned abs, perky tits, and the freckles that litter her body. she goes back up to kiss you, before asking, “are you still sure? “fuck- yes fuck els- just… please”
“okay, baby.”
the speaker in the living room begins playing Let the Light in by Lana Del Rey. she lifts your leg, allowing it to limply lay over her shoulder as she slowly lowers her cunt over yours. the sudden contact causes both of you to let out a breathy moan before she begins grinding against you. “so pretty, my pretty baby..” you can barely respond, the feeling of her cunt directly on yours making you dizzy. it feels so intimate, but so right.
“never.. never leaving your side again you understand?” she says between grunts. “you and me- fuck- forever baby.” she’s grabbing at you: your tits, your hips, kissing your face. the air in your lungs feels like it’s being sucked out. “els… please i- more..” you beg. her pace speeds up, her eyes locked on yours. “gonna… gonna take care of my girl ‘kay?” you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. “els… m’gonna cum!!” you moan, grabbing at her arms. “me too- fuck- cum with me baby cmon give it to me.”
and that’s all it takes.
your orgasm rips through you, making your vision blur as hers follows right after, riding both of yours out. the room is filled with moans, squelching, and grunts as you both come down from your high. she collapses beside you, kissing you softly and cuddling you. she pulls away for a minute to just admire you. “y/n i.. i love you.” she says, smiling nervously. you can’t help but giggle as you pull her in closer, saying,
“i love you ellie williams.”
1 year later
you were getting ready for ellie’s private concert, wearing the same outfit you wore when she asked to be yours. it was your anniversary, and she was gonna take you out to a nice dinner followed by a surprise after the show was over. “baby? you ready?” you hear your girlfriend say, walking over to her to show her your outfit. “oh my goddd” she gawks over you. “look at my princess.” she says, grabbing your ass as she pulls you in for a messy kiss.
you two were late for her concert.
your heart was so full watching your girlfriend perform onstage. you were right up front, catching each others eye constantly. the sound of squealing girls around you threatened to drown out ellie’s singing. you look around, growing insecure at all the girls throwing themselves at ellie. she was smiling, enjoying the crowd and attention. girls were flashing her, holding up provocative signs. normally it didn’t get to you, but tonight it did.
finishing the concert, ellie’s bodyguards escort you to join her backstage. ellie notices your mood, and asks what’s wrong. “nothing ellie, jus wanna go home.” you reply blankly. “okay.. okay let’s go home yeah?”
arriving at her house, you walk to her bedroom, plopping yourself on her bed. she follows close behind after setting down her bag. “what’s on your mind, you seem sad?” she asks innocently. “the fact all those girls throw themselves at you! i mean, i don’t usually get so insecure, i know you love me jus…” you choke on your tears. “they’re so pretty, els. scared you’re gonna leave me for one of them y’know? i know im not the prettiest, i don’t have the best body-“ ellie cuts you off, jointing you on her bed. “hey, hey. don’t say that okay? you know i only have eyes for you.” she says softly, kissing your forehead. “you’re the most beautiful girl in this world, love. your body is beautiful.” she kisses all over your face, making you giggle.
it was like all your insecurities flew out the window. the two of you were laying on her bed, kissing each other softly. “m’sorry i ruined your surprise.” you say sadly. “hey, you didn’t ruin anything okay?” she reassures you. “what was the surprise?” her face turns a light shade of pink, stuttering. “we don’t have to- it’s was just if-“ you become more interested in what it was. “cmonnnnn just tell meee!” you say, the curiosity killing you. “are you sure? it’s not- if you’re not in the mood-“ “tell me ellie!” she sighs, grabbing your hand gently and placing it over her crotch. your eyes widen and you instantly feel wetness pool to your cunt.
she bought a strap on.
“we don’t have to, sweet thing. we can ju-“ her sentence is interrupted by you kissing her deeply, spit mixing with one another’s. she sat up so you could sit in her lap, her palming the fat of your ass. the two of you already removed all of your clothing besides underwear, the skin to skin contact making you dizzy. the make out session turned sloppier as minutes went by, and you became needier: grinding against her thigh. she noticed, and inquired you about it. “what’s wrong baby? needy for me?” you nod, almost forgetting ellie always wants you to use your words. “want.. want your cock, ellie.” you say, whimpering in her mouth.
“lay on your back, lemme do all the work.”
she helps you pull your underwear down your legs, followed by her boxers just after: causing the strap on to bounce out and fuck was it big. probably 7 inches, extremely thick and a dark shade of purple. you practically drool at the sight of your naked girlfriend in front of you, all strapped up. “gotta make sure you’re ready first, okay baby?” she tells you, gently pushing her fingers into your wet hole. “your so fuckn’ wet, baby. i do this?” you nod aggressively, making her add a second finger. “cmon, mama, gotta tell me with your words, how else will i know?” you loved when she was demanding, it usually only happened when she becomes really possessive.
“yes ellie- fuck! yes it you that made- made me this wet!” you say between moans. after a few minutes, she pulls her fingers out. “suck.” she demands. you oblige, taking her long digits in your mouth and sucking every last drop off. “y’ready? i’m gonna go slow okay?” she says whilst gently pushing the tip in. she goes slow, waiting for you to ask for more before she goes deeper. once she’s all the way in, she’s drooling at the sight of you swallowing the silicone. “can feel you squeezing my cock, baby. fuckkk look at her.” she presses your thighs to your stomach, ensuring she can get as deep as possible. then, it’s like the world is on fire.
she starts pounding into you animalisticlly, watching the ring of white forming at the base of her fake cock. she leans down to suck on your tits, sloppily making out with them as you scratch her back up with your long nails. this time, it isn’t slow or gentle. it’s hot and fast. needy. most of the time, she coos you through your orgasm, going slow and gentle. times like this, however, it’s like she has her mind set on one thing: making you finish. her words become more vulgar.
“fuckkkk look at that pretty pussy baby, she’s just taking all of me huh?”
“all. fucking. mine.” between thrusts.
“can see it poking through your stomach, sweetheart.”
“gonna fill you up, mama. carry my kids?”
the last line makes you moan loudly, as you didn’t know it was something you liked. she smiles, continuing her pace, out of breath. “yeah baby? you like that? want me to fill you to the fuuuuckin brim? dirty girl.” she makes out with you sloppily, drool dripping down your faces. “ellie.. ellie fuck i’m gonna cum!!”
little did you know: she was too.
the base of the strap had been rubbing perfectly against her clit, her pace speeding to make the two of you finish.
“fucking cum all over me- fuck- cream my fucking cock baby. fuckkk”
the two of you scream out, as your orgasms rip through at the same time. all you can hear is ellie saying “iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou!!” as you come undone, her fucking you through every last bit of your orgasm. she collapses next to you, pulling out. you whimper at the feeling of emptiness. “i love you so much.” she says, wrapping her hand around your waist basking in the skin to skin contact. “i love you, els.” she kisses you softly, rubbing your plump hips.
“i love you most sweetheart, happy anniversary.”
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pythonees · 3 months
✦┊ THREES A CROWD — embry & paul
A/N: I don't even wanna look at when the last chapter was posted... the way I've forgotten completely about this is kinda embarrassing 🙈. Unedited because I just want it to be over. One more chapter left that I'll post eventually.
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twelve ˖⋆࿐໋₊
Birds chirp happily outside your classroom window, and you glare half-heartedly out at the surrounding woods, unable to focus on whatever it was your teacher was talking about. You hadn't been able to get any sleep, kept awake with mounting paranoia.
After both Paul and Embry assured you that the vampire wasn't close enough for them to sense, Embry had immediately called Sam. The older man talked on the phone with you for a bit, going into greater detail about what the pack will do to ensure your safety.
They would have one of them posted at your house at all times. While at school, Sam would stay in the woods that surrounded the building, and would follow the bus you take home, waiting there for the one that would trade shifts with him.
You know the boys had been struggling in their classes before this, their late nights spent on patrol gave them no time to do any of their work, let alone time for themselves. You knew this was only going to make things worse for them, but Embry and Paul had assured you that everything would be fine. That they didn't mind. It was their job, after all. It didn't make you feel any better about it, anyways.
Fiddling absently with your bracelet, you let your eyes scan the forest from the safety of your second story classroom. Math, while not your worst subject, was also nowhere near your best. You were going to be very behind once this vampire shit is all over with, but you can't really bring yourself to care.
It's sunny, a rarity in Forks. Not that it brings you any comfort. You have no idea who the other vampire is, what they look like. Hell, what they sound like. It could be a classmate, for all you knew. And since some of them have powers, what's stopping this one from being immune to the effects of the sun?
It's pointless, scaring yourself with what-ifs. You know, because it took nearly half an hour for Embry, Paul, and Sam to calm you down enough before they left you in the protection of Jared.
The last bell of the day rings out, but you only notice when the students around you shoot up out of their seats. You slowly follow suit, collecting your unopened textbook and head out the door.
You feel numb, going through the motions of opening your locker. You don't even know what you put into your bag, stuffing the first thing you touch into it blindly.
When you turn around, you don't even jump when Bella Swan's concerned eyes stare back at you. She looks much better than she did a few days ago, the dark bags under her eyes lightening up. You feel like it had just transferred onto you, eyes drooping with your lack of sleep.
"Hey," Bella starts, hesitating when she notices just how bad a shape your in, "Do you want a ride home? You don't live too far from my house."
"Nobody lives far from anyone," you mumble. Pulling your bag higher up you shoulder, you close your locker behind you, not bothering to lock it. Whoever feels the need to snoop will only find textbooks in there anyways.
"I'm fine, Sam said it's fine if I take the bus."
"If you're sure," Bella says, still hesitant. You can tell she feels out of her element, and you're warmed by her concern. Lifting a hand, you give her arm a squeeze, before brushing past her and towards the bus.
You're the last one to get on, forced to share the seat with a freshman. You don't mind it as much as you normally would have, but you can tell he's uncomfortable. You're basically a zombie, staring at the seat in front of you with unwavering intensity.
Tomorrow you'll probably feel embarrassed by it, but you can't feel much of anything, right now. You feel beyond exhausted, more than you ever have before. And you've had your fare share of sleepless nights, playing games until the sun rises.
The bus jerks to a stop, and you look up, surprised to find yourself at your stop. You stumble from the bus, walking down the street behind your other classmates.
Slowly, they all veer off, going down other streets or into their houses, until it's just you. But you don't panic, because Sam said he would be following you. And for as intimidating as he is, you knew you could trust him.
You hear your name called, and it takes an embarrassing amount of time for you to turn towards the voice. Candice is walking out of her front door, the trunk of her car open, "Doing any better today?"
You hesitate, looking towards you house. Sam said you should go straight home, and avoid being in places that would be hard for them to get to just in case. But for some reason, you find yourself walking over to Candices house.
"No," your eyes drift to the bags in her trunk. The bags are all black, the handles tired off on the top so that you can't see what's inside of them, "do you want some help?"
A slow smile spreads across Candices face, and she tilts her head as her gaze flicks over your shoulder. It's brief, so quick that you don't question what had caught her attention.
"Sure. I would love the help."
You wait for her to grab some bags, taking the last two left in your hands. It's a struggle to close the trunk, whatever was in those bags was heavy, arm shaking as you lift into the air.
As you force your arm down on the trunk, your bracelet gets caught in the handle. One of the charms snap off as you jerk your arm back, and you watch in dismay as it rolls down the driveway.
Candice is waiting for you at the front door, letting you pass her by before she closes the door behind you.
Her house is spotless. That's the first thing you notice as you look around. It's dark inside, the curtains drawn tight. The lights she has are dimmed, only bright enough to make out where everything is.
You toe off your shoes, not wanting to dirty her very white carpet. You can see the dinning room from the front door, the table covered in dark bags. Placing the other bags next to them, you open the bag closest to you to help put things away.
But it's not food inside of the bags. Thick, blue rope stares back up at you, and lots of it. When you turn around, Candice is standing right behind you.
Instead of the blue eyes you remember her having, they're now red. Just like the woman in the woods. Just like the ones you've been seeing. As recognition passes onto your groggy face, Candice lets her smile warp into one of cruelty.
"I'm sorry it had to come to this," she whispers, hand coming up to brush against your cheek. It's cold, just like when she had pressed it against your forehead. But now you know it wasn't your mind playing ticks on you.
"Please," you slur, head dipping. It's getting harder for you to keep your eyes open, and your legs can barely hold you up anymore. You lean heavily into the table behind you, knocking one of the tables off the edge, "please let me go."
It makes sense now, this unshakable exhaustion that's been clinging to you. It was her.
"I can't, not after they touched what was mine," her hand drops from your cheek to wrap around your throat, slowly tightening, "their stench all over you, muddling the sweet smell of your blood. I've waited too many years to let them have you."
Your gasping around her tight grip, hands clawing helplessly at her arm, but it's no use. Black pours into the edge of your vision, heart pounding frantically in your chest. As the darkness threatens to consume you, you hear Candice whisper one last thing before you loose consciousness.
"My beautiful blood-singer, I won't let anyone have you."
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©︎ pythonees — do not, under any circumstance, repost, plagiarize, modify or translate my work.
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inbarfink · 10 months
Alrighty, so a second season of ‘Fionna and Cake’ is now Officially Confirmed! I was being very cautious about speculating and getting my hopes up until it was Actually Announced, but now that it has, I can’t say I am necessarily shocked that there is going to be a continuation. Looking back on what we can now confidently call ‘Season 1’, there are a few peculiar threads which seem like they are probably meant as a set up for this second season.
Now, everything in this post is going to be very speculative. This is just me going over aspects of Season 1 which seems weird from a perspective of set-up and payoff or just feel like they need more elaboration and thinking what might be done with them in S2. With basically nothing to go on for what will Actually Happen in Season 2 save for the fact that it will exist, just remember to put a huge caveat of ‘I don’t actually know anything yet!’ next to everything I type lol
Fionnaworld Stuff
I wanna start by talking about the one part of Fionna and Cake’s Season 2 we can be pretty certain about - which is that it’s going to feature Fionna and Cake and probably the rest of the Fionnaworld gang. Although, to be perfectly honest… Right now, I am struggling to think of a clear ‘loose thread’ that can hint at where these characters will go in future. Season 1 seemed to have left everyone fairly content. 
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I’m not saying that there’s no place to explore these characters further - obviously I’m sure Season 2 will find whole new unexpected angles to develop them. I’m just saying that Season 1 doesn’t really have any clear threads you can point at as a basis for a prediction. At least nothing I can really see myself. 
Perhaps we can give more focus to the Fionna/Hunter stuff we hinted at during Season 1, but wasn’t really given center stage? Or something about Fionna learning how she can be an adventurer on her own terms, after her Season 1 experiences kinda convinced her she couldn’t at all? Or maybe since Season 1 was kinda Fionna-focused, we’re going to get a more Cake-Focused Season 2?
That’s all I got for now, at least. I guess with ‘Fionna and Cake’ being a very character-focused show, and the idea of a renewal probably not being certain when S1 was developed - it makes sense to prioritize giving a strong sense of closure for the main characters and keep the ‘sequel teasing’ stuff to just Lore/Plot hints. Like, if there’s a little Hint of Things to Come that doesn’t amount to anything because the show got canceled that’s just like a Little Weird, but leaving the main characters’ arcs/relationships feeling unresolved forever would be a much bigger problem for the show’s legacy. And speaking of which…
Prismo Stuff
And here’s the real Interesting Stuff that inspired me to make this post in the first place. I think the most notable potential ‘sequel tease’ in F&C Season 1, the thing I always noted as Odd before the second season was confirmed, the main reason I suspected a second season was probably in the works -  is definitely this little moment with Prismo during the ending…
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Where he seems to ‘glitch’ for a moment.
What could this possibly mean? I am not sure, but I feel pretty confident that it’s Plot Relevant. It’s a quick but pretty noticeable Moment that doesn’t really seem to have a clear explanation within the first season, especially as it happens just as everything is wrapping up. Perhaps this is the first sign of Prismo becoming sick/malfunctioning/infected, and Season 2 is going to be about unglitching him?
Speaking of which, going into more character-related stuff… while Prismo's grief-induced-depression-spiral from Jake’s death is constantly hinted at throughout the first season - it’s never really confronted directly. I mean, we can assume that between helping out F&C and having Scarab around as a personal assistant - that could’ve helped him get a new lease on life… But maybe a second season could explore Prismo’s grief more deeply?
And then there are also these two
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That’s another thing I always found very peculiar in a “hmm, are they planning on making an S2??” sort of way. Like, they spend a minute-and-a-half establishing the Core and the way it works... when I first watched it I was pretty certain it was going to come back later. Like, Simon is going to try to fuck with Time Itself to get Betty back or something. But then they just… loop back to it. It was just a piece of Lore Trivia and a background for the Actually Lore Relevant Infodump.
It might indeed be just that. Just an extra bit of Worldbuilding and a neat change of scenery in the middle of the chase scene. But I still suspect that these Time Titans will become plot-relevant at some future point. 
Multiverse Stuff
Well, out of the myriad worlds that F&C have already visited, it seems like the one that has really left a lot of lingering questions in the minds of the AT Fandom is Farmworld, and those questions are primarily…
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HEY!? What the FUCK??? Is he okay?? Is he dead??
So yeah, some sort of confirmation of whatever or not Farmworld Finn is/isn’t dead, and if he is dead - some sort of confirmation of how his kids are getting by considering that their eldest brother just fucked-off to another universe one day… that would be nice and give a better sense of closure on the Farmworld segment of F&C Season 1.
But personally…I think the Multiverse Moment that really rings to me the most as a ‘probable future plot point’, is definitely this little moment in Vampireworld.
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The show deliberately emphasizes the moment where the Vampire King saw our Trio use God’s Remote Control to warp to another world. And personally, the vibes here seem… meaningful.
With Bonnie also drawing attention to the fact the Vampires have over-hunted the humans and basically doomed both the world in general and Vampirekind specifically… Could this be the Vampire King’s solution to that problem? Now that he has seen ‘a new thing’, a hint at the existence of the Multiverse - will he try to find a whole new world for his children to feast on?
Well… that’s an alright villain concept and a decent plot hook. My current problem with it is just… the Mainworld Vampire King made for an intriguing and interesting character due both to his compelling dynamic with Marceline and the way he has been changed by the destruction of his people into a very contemplative and complex person. Vampireworld Vampire King doesn’t really have that, as a Vampire King who has never known defeat, he's just a Very Dramatic Evil Vampire. And I feel like Adventure Time aspires to more unique antagonists than Very Dramatic Evil Vampires. 
Now, it’s not impossible to make Vampireworld Vampire King a bit more Interesting if he ever takes center stage - maybe the population collapse of Vampireworld affected him in similar ways to Mainworld Vampire King, or maybe it affected him in a totally different direction, maybe we can give a bit more focus on the influence the Crown has or doesn’t have on him, maybe something else completely out-of-left-field could happen to him.
Or maybe the Star did end up surviving the Doomed Yuri Freefall and she’ll be the one trying out for Vampiric Multiverse Conqueror. She was always the, well, Star of Vampireworld - and she has the potential to be a very fun antagonist with cool thematic implications. I mean, like, Imagine her in contrast to Marshall. He gave up on a comfortable life in the laps of luxury due to wanting some freedom from his over-controlling mom and also it seems some level of moral outrage at her Landlordy ways
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And the Star is a Daddy’s Girl Evil Vampire Princess and basically everything he has tried not to be. And yet… will he see a bit of himself in the Star?
Also, I wonder if we’ll see some more of the Alternative Universes Simon stumbled on during his trip back to Ooo. You know, the ones we haven’t actually seen in the main plot.
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Simon Stuff
Okay, so… even before the announcement was made official, I have seen a lot of people assume that F&C Season 2 will be just as Simon-Focused as the first season. But personally, I am not sure about it just yet. I mean, I’m a huge Simon Fan, being part of the Petricollective ever since I started to watch the show, so I sure as hell will not complain but… it is important to remember the show is called “Fionna and Cake” and not “Fionna and Cake and Simon”.
I can see the idea being that Simon works as more of a ‘link’ between regular ‘Adventure Time’ and ‘Fionna and Cake’. You know, he’s a fan-favorite and the one major ‘loose thread’ in the original show that can draw old fans into this series which is mostly an all-new cast (considering the Fionnaworld Crew consider themselves to be distinctive from their old magical counterparts).... Kinda like he was the link between Fionnaworld and the rest of the Multiverse, actually. So he’s around as a major character for the first season and from then on he takes more of a secondary role. Since he is a good friend of F&C by this point and their main connection to Ooo, I doubt he’ll disappear completely, but he just might not be as central a character. Or maybe the theme of ‘Fionna and Cake’ is F&C teaming up with different Mainworld characters for different kinds of adventures? 
I mean, it still could go either way. Simon’s arc feels pretty well-concluded to me but the same is true for the Fionnaworld crew and… obviously they’re going to have more Character Stuff in the upcoming season and it’s the whole thing about how it’s important to make your character arcs feel concluded if you don’t know if you’re getting another season. We’ve talked about this already. 
And also… There is one aspect of Simon’s Problems at the start of the show that didn’t truly get to a satisfactory conclusion by the end of the first season. Namely, his loving-but-rocky relationships with both Marceline and Finn.
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Like, y’know, he’s generally handling his Stuff better by the end of the season so I guess we can assume he’s also better at communicating with his loved ones but… it is very peculiar that we didn’t actually get to see it. Even as just a moment in his Happy Ending Montage when we see him hanging out and being happy with Finn and/or Marcy. Like, there is certainly a Point to be made about the importance of Simon making friends with people who didn’t know him much as Ice King for the sake of his recovery…
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But the total absence of Finn and Marcy from Simon’s epilogue still feels… odd. So that could be something to return to in a future season. Like, I did speculate the F&C ‘format’ might be the Fionnaworld Crew + a different Mainworld character given focus every season. So maybe Simon’s still-not-fully-concluded interpersonal issues could be a launchpad to a F&C season with a primary focus on Finn and/or Marceline.
Finn and Fionna adventuring together would be pretty neat, and if we’re going to give more focus to Prismo’s Grief Problem, it would be very Thematically Appropriate. But also....confronting Finn’s own Jake Grief Problems is actually kinda challenging because we already had a whole special about it.
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And that special is happening way way farther in the timeline and explicitly established that Finn never truly got over the grief of losing Jake.
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So making an F&C adventure that tackles Finn’s grief in a satisfying manner without feeling it steps over Together Again’s toes… Well, it’s not impossible, but it is quite a tall feat.
Meanwhile, Marceline has less Obvious Issues That Need to Be Addressed right now but also… if we do have the Vampire King and/or the Star as a major threat for this new season, she would clearly be the one to get the Maximum Amount of Drama out of it, so…
Other Ooo Stuff
Okay, so speaking of Finn and things established early on in F&C which then didn’t really come back by the end of the first season, let’s talk a bit about the Heart of the Forest.
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So this whole thing could be just a Joke. It could just be a gag about Finn disregarding Huntress Wizard’s warnings and taking his depressed middle-aged friend hiking in the Most Sacred and Ancient Forest in all of Ooo, as a joke. Haha, oh this Finn, so irresponsible! But also…
Finn and Simon were being watched. By a being wearing the same mask as the ‘Evil Bear’
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But one that does not quite move like a bear world…
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And then of course, this supposedly ‘Evil Bear’ only attacks Simon after he tries to get his little nerdy hands on this peculiar and important-looking tree. 
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This really seems to have some implications that the ‘Evil Bear’ is not just one more random ‘evil’ monster that Finn and Simon stumbled across. That they might be some sort of Guardian for the Heart of the Forest, and that their shapeshifting abilities also extend to having some sort of humanoid form, and that they are not quite as monstrous or bestial or ‘evil’ as Finn pegged them out to be.
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But all that happens is that Finn kills them, and then the whole matter is not brought up again…. Well, as of Season 1, that is…
So if we are doing some sort of Finn Focused Season, that might be something to bring up. Especially if it’s paired up with some of the Fionna/Hunter stuff I brought up above. 
Again, everything here is just Wild Wild Speculation at this point. This is just a bunch of Stuff that felt Weird resolution-wise in Season 1, and some loose ideas about how they might connect. If you guys have your own ideas and observations, I would love to hear them too!
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emotionalmessss · 11 months
Weird request, but would you be willing to take a shot at a Dabi headcannon list where the reader's family was friends with the Todoroki family, so he knew her before the fire when she was still a little girl?
A/N: ou, I'll definitely give this one a shot. I took a different approach with this one, so I hope I answered alright. :) I haven't written in months, so I'm kinda rusty and completely ran with this, sorry.
Warnings: slight spoilers for season six of MHA
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Touya, despite being an energetic kid, was shy when you first started coming around the Todoroki household. 
At first, he would stay hidden and watch you play with his siblings down in the courtyard, opting to observe you through the balcony railing. Or he’d be too focused on training his Quirk in another room.
He never really said all the much to you, only a few words here and there, but that didn’t stop you from trying to interact with him.
As Fuyumi tosses a ball at Natsuo, you spot Touya out of the corner of your eye, who leans back against one of the wooden support beams and observes. 
You couldn’t help but grin when you notice him, turning to give him your full attention, and trying to beckon him over with a frantic wave of your hand. 
“Touya! Come join us!” You call out towards him, your bright smile never fading as you urged him to play. 
Touya glances over at the sound of your voice, his hand tucked inside the pockets of his pants. Averting his eyes and drawing his lips into a thin line, as he contemplates your offer. For a moment, that stubborn look of his fades, and it looks as though he’s about to concede, but at the last minute, he pushes himself off the wooden beam and retreats upstairs. 
Your smile faded slightly and your shoulders slump in response to his denial, but your innocent self quickly shakes off the sting of rejection. He probably just wants to train, you think to yourself. 
Eventually, as you started to come around the house more often, Touya slowly found himself getting more comfortable around you. 
He started talking to you more than he usually did, and rejecting less of your offers to come and play. Oddly enough, whenever you were around, his entire focus was on you.
You could say that this was just innocent child curiosity, but it was something different. The faint blush and quick aversion of his eyes whenever you caught him looking at you, how he occasionally asked Rei when you’d be at the house again, and how excited he got when he’d offer to show you his Quirk.
He loved to innocently tease you, and tell you all about his plans in surpassing All Might, and becoming the Number One Hero. He would go on and on about it, since you were one of the few people who encouraged him and his goals.
Touya’s head immediately poked out of his bedroom when he heard the front door open and close, followed by the familiar sound of your voice. Less than a second later, he quickly makes his way over to the front entrance with an excited bounce in his step. 
“C’mon, I wanna show you something cool!” His voice taking on a higher pitch, laced with a sense of urgency. He grins and grabs ahold of your hand, barely giving you enough time to take off your shoes before he’s tugging you down the hallway and into his room. 
Your eyes widen in pure awe as he holds up his hand, a bright flame flickering around his closed fists. “That’s so cool! You’re amazing!” 
A prideful smile spreads across his face at your response, which fills him up with a sense of satisfaction. There’s also a weird feeling that builds up in his stomach, one that he’s completely unfamiliar with. 
“You really think so?!” He questions, almost like he’s not used to this type of reaction. His smile widens and the heel of his right foot digs into the flooring when you nod.
His eyes shift from you to his fiery fist, and then back to you again. That look on your face, along with your praise causes Touya to completely ignore the gnawing heat that his Quirk produces — one that his body is ill equipped at handling. 
Years after the incident, now taking on the persona of Dabi, joining the League, and vowing revenge on Endeavor. The bitter reminders of being tossed aside like trash, the constant rejection, and being deemed a failure, all brewed beneath his aloof demeanour. 
That hatred wasn’t solely directed at his father, oh no, it stretched to that perfect little masterpiece. That fucking brat, nothing but a puppet.
But, deep beneath his hateful and resentful thoughts, there was one thought that occupied his mind more than he would’ve liked. You.
It would be a lie to say that Dabi didn’t try to get you out of his head, but it rarely seemed to work out in his favour. He would always tell himself that you didn’t matter and that he’s a kid anymore. After all, Touya Todoroki died. 
But getting someone like you out of his head was harder than he imagined. Even after everything, he could still see your beaming smile, and hear your innocent words of encouragement. 
Thoughts of you even started to distract him during his business with the League, especially when he was out searching for new recruits. Every time he noticed someone that looked even a tiny bit like you, his stomach would instantly knot up. Anxiety? Anticipation? Who knew. 
Whenever the League’s activities would venture a little too close to where you lived (again, why did he remember this?) he’d purposely hang back a bit, his impassive expression giving away none of his inner turmoil. 
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viperwhispered · 5 months
I just wanna take a moment to say thank you for always being around to chat since I don't have many to talk to about TWST. I also suck at characterization so I don't write many fics. But I was very happy when you used one of our discussions for Revel in You. I don't mind if you use our convos to write, just be sure to credit the source.
On that note: saw your smut posts. Here's an idea: Jamil celebrating his promotion to being a Housewarden.
It's Friday, there's an enormous party going on to celebrate Jamil and Kalim's new roles and the successes of the first month with this new dynamic. While Jamil is more accustomed to the spotlight, he still gets "tired out" and leaves it to Kalim to keep the party going and organize the clean up crew. After all, he's due for a more private celebration of his own.
Fun fact: for a good chunk of snake species, the male will bite the females neck to hold them down while mating.
Imagine Jamil relentlessly taking his beloved from behind, deciding they're wriggling a bit too much. Delighting in the sounds they make as he pulls them towards him by the hair, he just bites the back of their neck as his body pins them to the bed. They'll probably be annoyed by morning, but Jamil's already got some concealers beforehand.
Did I forget to mention it's a Friday, Jamil no longer has roomates, and pretty much the entire dorm is still partying to loud music several hallways away?
Also worth mentioning that, as a healthy mature couple, all of Jamil's jealousy and possessiveness is addressed in a healthy manner so the relationship never turns toxic. This statement does not apply to the bedroom.
Aww thank you, always happy to talk with you too 😊 Plus like, if you’d rather talk over messages sometime in addition to the asks, feel free. (And this applies to anyone else reading this post too.)
Yeah iirc I was thinking a bit if I should ask you about using that ask as a jumping off point for To Revel in You, but I figured I was using it more as inspiration rather than rewriting anything you wrote or anything like that. And that since you sent that ask in the first place, I did kinda assume it would be okay to build off it. But good to hear I wasn’t wrong in thinking so, and glad you liked it.
As for characterization & writing: it really is a matter of practice, I’d say. Plus, like, everyone is bound to interpret the characters in a different way, or focus on different aspects of them. Which can be freeing, in a way, knowing that you can bring to the table something that no one else can, certainly not in the same exact way you would.
Also I was actually thinking of asking for some writing prompts since the current wip seems to need a bit more time to marinate, and here you are with perfect timing.
So let’s see what I can do with this concept.
If it wasn’t obvious: smut ahead. Written with fem / afab reader in mind but I think this could be read gender neutral as well since the only specific body detail mentioned is that reader has hair long enough for Jamil to grab.
The day - and the week, and the month - had been such a whirlwind that even Jamil had had trouble keeping up with it all.
Tonight, Jamil had basked in the praises from his dormmates, their congratulations and glowing words - and noted the cautious looks of those who still had not forgotten the events of his overblot.
He had enjoyed food that was not made by him, watched others fuss over the preparations and the serving - well, as much as he had been able to keep himself from giving direction. Still, even he had not been able to oversee every single detail, as much as he wanted to.
After all, both you and Kalim had been quite insistent, in your own ways, that this celebration should be for him, not by him.
So Jamil had danced, eaten, drank, listened, talked, so much so that now when the night was beginning to turn towards morning, he had more than had his fill.
Besides, tired as he may be of the crowd, there was still something on his agenda that he was more than happy to indulge in.
You had been teasing him with promises of a more private celebration - starting from when the party was decided on all the way to when you had been dancing together earlier - and Jamil intended to finally collect his reward.
You were outside for a moment of fresh air and quiet when Jamil found you, wrapping his arms around you from behind and nipping your ear.
“I remember someone promising to be mine tonight,” he murmured, voice low and husky.
You shivered, feeling Jamil’s lips on your neck. You’d half expected him to be too tired to turn your teasing into action. Yet, you certainly welcomed this turn of events, your own tiredness washed away by Jamil’s eager touch and his tempting whispers.
“You know me. Always love - ahhh - spoiling you,” you said - your words turning into a gasp when Jamil licked the side of your neck.
In no time at all you found yourself in Jamil’s room - as easy as it was to be distracted by each other, you both still preferred the privacy over lingering in the common areas of the dorm.
Jamil’s mouth was hungry on yours, his hands working quickly to rid you of your clothes.
Sometimes you wondered just how much Jamil was holding back in the presence of others, for him to get so ravenous as soon as you two were alone.
Not that you were any different, pulling away that long belt from Jamil’s hips so that you could slip your hands under his shirt, your lips covering every available bit of his skin with kisses.
It was always delicious, your naked bodies tangled together. That heady feeling of each other, both of you grasping and kissing wherever you could, like you could never quite feel enough of the other.
“So what would mister housewarden ask of me tonight?” you asked with a playful grin, nuzzling your nose against Jamil’s.
There was undeniable hunger in the way Jamil looked at you, yet also the warmth and softness of your lover that always filled your heart to the brim.
“Just all of you, albi,” Jamil murmured, pushing you down onto the mattress.
You’d entertained ideas of a celebratory blowjob, of taking care of Jamil tonight. But if he’d rather help himself to you, you were certainly not going to say no.
A few orgasms later and Jamil was pounding into you, firmly holding onto your hips while your face was pressed onto the sheets. His cock was invading your insides so hard, so deep, leaving you nearly senseless. You jolted helplessly every time Jamil slammed his way all the way in, the pleasure bordering on pain as it shot through your nerves.
“Ahhh, Jamil…” you whimpered, barely aware of the spot of drool you’d left on the bed.
“Too much?” Jamil muttered, one of his hands leaving your side to instead trail a soothing path along your spine.
It was a lot, your senses nearly overtaken by the intensity of it all - yet you didn’t want anything less.
Still, you couldn’t help squirming, your body twitching with every thrust, yelps and moans pushed from your throat no matter how much you tried to hold them in.
“Hold still,” Jamil grunted. 
He gathered your hair in his hand, making you gasp when he tugged. You could feel the pull on your scalp, almost like Jamil wanted to rein you in - or pull your face away from the sheets so that he could hear your cries more clearly.
“You’re all mine tonight, aren’t you? Mine to have, mine to enjoy,” Jamil breathed to your ear.
“Yes, yes, yes…” you whined, aroused beyond belief.
Always his, just as he is yours - but you had no time to vocalize that thought before Jamil’s weight pushed you prone on the bed.
Your gasp was cut short, turned into a sharp cry when you felt moist pressure at the back of your neck - a bite, you realized, some instinct telling you to keep still.
Not that you had much of a choice in the matter. Jamil’s hand, still gripping your hair. His mouth, latched onto your skin. His body, holding you down.
The weight of him against your back was almost suffocating, yet in a delicious way. Like you could be closer to him like this, more connected than just skin to skin contact - or penetration - could provide.
You could feel the rolling of Jamil’s hips against your backside, the way his cock was dragging along your insides. Not as harshly as before, yet intense enough to keep you trembling and whining with the little breath you could take.
And Jamil’s mouth, his teeth, never letting go. His muffled groans such a delicious sound, making you clench around him.
Such sweet torture, and you never wanted it to end.
Taglist since this turned into fic: @colliope @crystallizsch @diodellet @jamilsimpno69 @jamilvapologist @perilous-pasta @twstgo @cannedpickledpeaches
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snakeeyesdraws · 1 year
Overly Analyzing the Super Mario 3D World story intro
So I've been playing Super Mario 3D World a lot, and since I haven't seen many people talk about the opening cutscene, I wanted to do that since it contains a lot of very cute animations!
This will kinda be a scene by scene analysis with me just pointing out things I like, but if you'd like to see the full cutscene in better quality than my screenshots, you can watch it here!
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The scene starts off with all of the main playable characters going for a walk under a starry sky filled with fireworks. I know blue/yellow Toads have been staples of Mario games now, since they colour code the main characters and Mario is obviously red, but its does delight me that Blue Toad is just invited on this little walk with them.
(Also if you listen closely, you can hear Mario say "Ah Princess, what a beautiful evening!" and I thought that was cute)
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Their walk is interrupted by Toad noticing something offscreen, and they run ahead to see a broken pipe in the middle of the path! Mario and Luigi closely examine it, and then we get...
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Real talk, the more the series goes on the less relevant their status as plumbers often becomes, so anything that references it or shows them actually using their plumbing skills makes me so happy. And their tools are colour coordinated!
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A bunch of power ups and the green Sprixie Princess pop out, and we get some classic 2d artwork, which I absolutely adore. More of this in every 3d game, please.
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The ground and pipe start rumbling, and this is where I really wanna focus on the character animation of the main four here. All four of them start looking around for the source of the tremors, and we see both Peach and Luigi lifting their hands up, Luigi looking more anxious.
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Bowser suddenly pops out of the pipe and roars, startling all four main characters. We can see very different reactions from all of them.
Toad and Peach jump before covering their ears, very clearly intimidated by Bowser's roar.
Luigi is the only one to fall over completely from Bowser's appearance. He stays on the ground and holds one hand up in front of his face, flinching when Bowser roars. Dude is clearly terrified by Bowser.
Mario does jump in surprise when Bowser pops up, but he's the only one who doesn't cower when Bowser roars. Instead, he immediately gets into a confrontational pose, with one hand held out protectively towards Peach. This isn't his first time dealing with Bowser, obviously, and his instincts are to prepare for a fight and to protect Peach.
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However, Bowser's target this time isn't Peach, but instead the green Sprixie Princess. A lot of people poke fun at the set up for this game - "if Princess Peach isn't in danger, why do any of them care?" - but I always like when Mario & Luigi and the others try to rescue others simply because it's the right thing to do.
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Bowser turns to glare at Peach and Mario, taunting them to react. Peach and Mario are both upset by the capture of the Sprixie Princess, but neither react too strongly to Bowser. Both of them have interacted with him enough to know what he's like.
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Conversely, both Luigi and Blue Toad react much more when Bowser turns to them. Blue Toad stumbles onto one foot, while Luigi cowers back further, keeping his hand raised defensively, which seems to be a common mannerism of his when he's frightened. Bowser seems to be grinning a bit more in this pose, as if he knows he can get a bigger reaction out of these two.
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When Bowser disappears down the pipe, all four of them regain their bearings and jump back up, reaching out for the green Sprixie Princess.
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Peach is the first one to rush forward to the pipe. She sort of flounders on the edge of the pipe before she slips down it - yeah, I don't think she had a game plan there outside of trying to rescue the green Sprixie Princess. But proactive Peach being included on the adventure is always a win!
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Before Luigi even lands his startled jump, Mario is already rushing forward to follow Peach down the pipe, and Toad is right behind him. I'd say it's out of mostly courage on Mario's end, and mostly out of loyalty to the princess on Toad's.
Then we get to my favourite animation of this scene (can you tell I'm biased?)
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While Mario and Toad follow Peach down the pipe, Luigi pulls himself together and slaps his cheeks twice to hype himself up. It's one of my favourite quirks for characters to do, and it's doubly endearing on characters who are timid in nature. Luigi was arguably the most started and scared by Bowser's appearance, but he knows he has to do something! Totally adopting this as a common mannerism of his
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Luigi then follows the others down the pipe, and they travel to the first world of the game, bringing the opening cutscene to a close.
Fun fact; since I've only ever played this game solo, and since I main Luigi, I assumed that his animation of landing on his stomach outside of the pipe was unique to him, since he's established as quite clumsy.
But in 4 player mode, you can see all of them coming out of the pipe together, and Mario lands on his stomach too. Just thought that was a cute detail.
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So that's the opening cutscene of Super Mario 3D World! It's not terribly complex, but I've always adored it for showcasing a lot of personality with the main characters, and since I didn't really see any discussions on it, I wanted to highlight it!
I do recommend you watch the cutscene since a lot of the nuances and details can't be shown in screenshots - or better yet, play the game yourself! It's a ton of fun ^^
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