#I know DIO acts like he is flirting with everyone at all times
tarjapearce · 1 year
Hii! So here it is the one shot thing i was talking about. Took longer than i expected cause i was at work most of the time. It's also longer than what i intended but i wanted to flesh it out as much as possible. I wanted also to add smut but I'm really bad at writing it so i thought better save myself the embarrassment😅. Anywho i hope you enjoy and hopefully it's not terrible 🙈
Miguel has been working very hard in cherry baby's dad's ranch and it's starting to get to him. The stress, the heat, the exhaustion at the end of the day and so on. The only thing that's been giving him strength is his special girl. She's been busy herself lately but still tries to see Miguel as much as she can. Not enough for him though and that makes him as grumpy as can be. Cherry baby notices this so she goes to talk with him about it. His sour mood however has gotten so bad that even cherry baby can't fix it. She tries to be her sweet self but he's just being an ass.
"Hii!" cherry says with lilt in her voice when she approaches the barn.
"Hey." is all she gets in return from a Miguel looking at his board and writing something on it.
This takes cherry a bit off guard so she gets closer to him.
"Whatcha doin?" she asks sweetly, swinging back and fort on her feet.
"Work." replies Miguel, again not even looking at her.
This really starts to bother cherry baby so she confronts him.
"Okay what's going on? Why are you acting as if I'm not even here? Are you mad at me or something?"
"What? No, I'm just busy. Why do i have to be mad at you? I just have work to do." Miguel snaps.
Cherry looks up at him taken aback and she feels her eyes getting wet the more she stays.
"Fine. Do your work. Sorry i bothered you." she says and leaves the barn with not a single apology from Miguel.
That day cherry was in a shitty mood as well and her parents and everyone else who worked at the ranch could see it. This went on until evening. Cherry baby barely ate her dinner and her both her parents took notice. After dinner her mother went to her daughters room to check up on her
"Mija? Is everything okay?"
"I'm fine, mama." cherry says, laying in bed with her back to the door of her room.
"Something is bothering you, i can tell." her mother pushes on
"No nothing is wrong, I'm fine. Please just leave me alone." cherry baby insists.
"Do you think I'm stupid? How can i leave my daughter, knowing she's upset about something?" she says walking towards her daughters bed.
"It's really nothing, mama. Everything's fine."
Cherry baby's mom looks at her quizzingly
"Does it have something to do with the ranch boy?"
Cherry's eyes widen a bit and she quickly goes to say
"No! No it doesn't! Can you please leave me alone, mama. I'm okay, please!"
Cherry's mom sighs
"Well okay then. If you want to talk about it you know where i am." she says and goes to hug her sweet daughter.
"However if it has anything to do with that ogre-"
"Don't "mama" me, young lady! Ay dios mio, you have such better options than him. Why not give those guys a chance? At least flirt with them a little. Who knows maybe you'll like them better than that animal! " she says walking to the door
"It's not about him, okay?" cherry says thinking to herself "it's totally about him"
"Yeah yeah. Don't forget to pray tonight. Maybe God will knock some sense into you" she said as she left the room.
That night cherry baby did pray and as she was going to bed, God did knock some sense into her. She decided to listen her mom for once.
The next day cherry baby was getting ready to go out into the ranch. She put her new white dress (the one i showed you, if you remember👀) her little brown cowboy hat and boots. She went out and headed to where the horses were. Of course Miguel was there. Seeing her in this new dress his eyes almost did pop out doing a double take. Cherry took notice of his reaction however she only gave him a side eye and went to take care of Luis. Miguel is looking at her like a hawk. Every curve of her body, every step, every sway of her hips. He was shamelessly staring. Cherry bent down to get something which revealed the upper part of her thighs, almost revealing her underwear and butt. At that Miguel bit his fist as hard as he could. When she got up, cherry baby turned to him
"Can I help you?" she asked with a raised brow
"What are you trying to do?" he said
"What am i trying to do?" cherry inquired.
"Oh, give me a break. If you're trying to get my attention, you just had to say so." he says as he walks towards her.
As he's just about to caress her face, cherry moves her face away from his hand and continues tending to Luis.
It's Miguel's turn to be taken aback.
"Whats going on?" he questions
"Nothing. Just taking care of my horse" Cherry says monotonously not even looking at Miguel.
"Whats with the attitude today, carino?"
"What attitude, Miguel? I'm just tending to my horse." she says as she finishes up with Luis and walks away.
The rest of the day cherry baby had been her usual self except with Miguel. She was even a little flirty with some of the other ranch boys, especially the ones that Miguel is mentoring. To say he was furious would be putting it extremely lightly. And he had had enough.
It was already the afternoon. While cherry baby was talking with the boys, Miguel approached them and gave each of them some kind of errand so they can leave her alone with him. With a stern look, Miguel spoke and cherry baby just looked at him unamused.
"I hope you had your fun today." he said crossing his arms.
"I did actually, no thanks to you." she spoke as-a-matter-of-fact-ly.
"Are you done being a brat?" he asked her
"Are you done being a bitch?" she retorted
"Excuse me?"
"You're excused." she spoke at him again with an unamused face.
This made Miguel's blood boil. As cherry baby was about to leave, a slight smirk on her face, Miguel grabs her by the back of her neck and directed her to the barn. Cherry baby tries to pry his hand open but she is no match for Miguel's strong grip. He throws her inside the barn and she stumbles forward, falling to the ground
"Are you insane?! What's your problem?! I thought you didn't want me around you anymore! What gives you the right to treat me like horse poop one day and act like everything's fine the other, huh?" she snapped at him from where she was on the ground, hay from the horses all over her.
"Is this what this was all about? This whole attitude and ignoring me is because of yesterday?" Miguel smirked and started approaching her.
"Not only. The last few days you've been treating me like a fly on the wall. Barely acknowledging me. Plus you're always grumpy and sour lately. I should be the one asking you what's going on!" she spoke, her eyes getting wet and voice cracking half way.
"Carino, I've been stressed. Work has been piling up lately. Your dad is trying to make soms renovations to the barn and everything goes through me. I'm sorry I've been in a bad mood lately. Let me make it up to you." he says approaching cherry on the ground and reach out a hand to caress her face.
"And why didn't you just tell me instead of acting like an ass?" she said with hurt in her eyes.
"I'm sorry, querida. Truly I want to make it up to you."
"You should've thought about that sooner."
She said as she was getting up.
Before she could though, Miguel snakes his hand behind her head and grabs a handful of her hair and pulls her down by the hair. She yelps and goes to grab his hand. Her eyes were already wet, the pull was enough to make the tears fall from her eyes.
"You're awful" she said looking right into his eyes.
"Aww you're gonna hurt my feelings" Miguel teased with a mischievous grin.
"You're my girl and i want to show you how much i love you" he said as he stood up still holding cherry baby by the hair.
"Are you gonna be a behave now?" he asked her teasingly.
Cherry baby only nodded and he let go of her hair and puts his hands on her hips. Cherry isn't satisfied with his apology though so she decides to mess with him more. She grabs him by the balls and squeezes.
"You gotta catch me first" she whispers to his face as he makes a grimace.
Cherry baby let's go of him and makes a run for it. However Miguel's reflexes are very fast and catches her by the hair once again, dragging her back.
"I was thinking of going easy on you but by the looks of it you rather have it the hard way" he says as he pulled her back to his chest, holding the back of her hair in a vice like grip. Miguel started walking towards his room as he pushed cherry baby in front of him, hand still in her hair and his grip only getting tighter. Cherry tried to pry his finger from her hair, her little whimpers and welps filling the barn. Once they reach his room, Miguel opened the door and threw cherry baby to the floor. He was on her before she could say anything. That night cherry learned why she shouldn't play with fire, especially if that fire is Miguel O'Hara.
He can burn me all he wants 🤭❤️. LOVED this!!!! Thanks for sharing your ideas with me 🥹🫶🏻.
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For @time-for-a-grandkid-round-up, based on the prompt: “camilo cheering up his family.”
I’m only going to do one person as doing everyone would take forever. And as Camilo cheering up his (side of the) family is a little overdone at this point, I’m going with his favourite cousin. Enjoy!
Throwing Away the Dry Petals
“I win.” Dolores exclaimed, placing down her ace card.
Camilo groaned. “You win every time. You’re clearly cheating.”
“I’m better and smarter than you, Camilo, that’s hardly cheating. You can’t be mad just because I wasn’t dropped as a baby.” She said.
“Hey! I wasn’t dropped as a baby! Tío Bruno caught me! He just let go for a little…” Camilo trailed off. “Besides, Tía Julieta would’ve healed me. I’m her favourite.”
“You’re nobody’s favourite. You’re a pain.”
“Not true! It’s Mirabel whose nobody’s favourite.”
Casita’s front doors swing open almost hitting both the siblings as Isabela storms through, barely noticing them at all.
Dolores is unfazed, she no doubt heard Isabela coming. She doesn’t even flinch. And Camilo would be lying if he said he wasn’t amazed by how well his sister can keep herself so poker face, even when she hears everything. And almost got hit by a door.
“Hey, Bela! You wanna play with us?” Camilo asked.
There’s no response. Isabela just continued walking away.
“Isabela? Hello? You okay?”
Still nothing. Though, to be fair, she’s probably go far down the path to town to hear him now.
“What’s wrong with her?” He turned to his sister. Her gift was annoying most of the time, but it did mean she knew everything about everyone and it came in handy.
“Ramona broke up with her last night.”
Camilo was speechless.
“Isabela, Isabela Madrigal, was broken up with? But she’s always the one that breaks up a relationship!”
“Exactly,” Dolores said, dealing the cards. “She’s been distant all morning. I don’t think she’s slept either.”
“I really liked Mona. She use to give me and Toñito sweets.”
“Isabela did too.”
“But… why? Things were going well, right? It wasn’t like Viviana, who just flirted with Luisa the whole time, right? Or Sola, the one who just wanted to date a Madrigal? Or—” Camilo cut himself off with a gasp. “Tell me it wasn’t like Gabriela who didn’t like cacti.”
Dolores sighed. “No, it wasn’t like Gabriela. Gracias a Dios, ella no quería tener que lidiar con eso otra vez. Well… Ramona didn’t really give a reason. Just something about Isabela not meeting expectation.”
“Sounds like something Abuela would say.”
“Why do you think Isabela has been acting this way?”
Camilo stood up.
“Wait, where are you going? Don’t you want to play?” Dolores inquired.
“I’m gonna cheer up our cousin,” he answered, determinedly.
“If it’s egging Mariano’s house again, I swear to God I will tell Abuela—”
Her statement fell on deaf ears as Camilo was already sprinting away and laughing at the thought. It was always a good idea and it did always brighten Isabela’s day.
However, he really doesn’t wanna have to deal with Abuela or his parents making him clean the entire Guzmán house again. That thing is huge!
They always could throw eggs at Ramona’s house. Or anyone of her other exes. They could plant cacti outside of Gabriela’s. But he suddenly had a different idea in mind as he began searching for her in town, amongst all the chaos and people.
Camilo found Isabela sat by herself on a bench, staring off into the distance.
She watching a group of young adults, laughing and having together - though Isabela didn’t seem to be looking at them at all. Rather staring straight through them.
“Hey, Isabela? You doing anything?”
It took a moment, but Isabela did turn to him. Shaking her head, as though she’d been pulled from some vision like Bruno.
“What do you want, Camilo?” Isabela asked, not sounding angry but not friendly either.
“You know Eduardo Rodriguez? My age, plays football? Anyways, his older brother, Miguel, is getting married today.” He said.
Isabela blinked. “Um, congratulations? What does this have to do with me?”
“I promised Eduardo that I would go to the reception with Dolores, but she has a date with stupid Mariano and I don’t wanna go alone. So I was wondering if you wanted to go to La Hora Loca with me?”
His cousin didn’t immediately reject the idea, even looked to be considering it. A wedding wasn’t Isabela’s ideal way to get over a break up.
However, Camilo was nodding his head eagerly and encouragingly that she couldn’t bring herself to disappoint him again. Why Dolores didn’t just take Mariano to the wedding, she didn’t know - wouldn’t a wedding be a better date than dinner with the family? Never mind, this would be a distraction for Isabela and it wasn’t like she had any plans of her own.
“Okay, I’ll go. But you better change. You’ve split something on your ruana.”
“What? You of all people can’t seriously be complaining about stains! Have you seen your dress? It’s covered in who knows what!”
“Alright, I’ll change too.”
Camilo smiled, satisfied. He was going to get his cousin to smile too before the night was over. Isabela got up and grabbed him by the shoulder as he turned to walk.
“Insult my dress again and I will plant belladonna in your stomach.”
An hour or so later, having changed several times over based on the other’s complaints, they finally arrived at the wedding reception of Miguel and Vanessa Rodriguez.
The lateness was definitely the fault of them both considering themselves style experts.
It was times like this that made Isabela realise how many people were in Encanto and how few she actually knew. There were a few faces she recognised but she couldn’t associate them with any name or memory. While Camilo was effortlessly smiling and waving as he pulled her through the crowds of people.
He hadn’t really conversed with anyone though or even congratulated the bride and groom, but she didn’t really think about it. There was plenty of time for that.
Camilo was distracting her with a story of the last wedding he had attended - an old school friend of Félix’s. An event he ruined by sneaking off into the kitchen and eating the entire cake.
They’d been laughing and drinking for almost two hours at the bar when Isabela hopped out of her chair and extended a hand to him.
“Right, let’s go. We’re not sidelining this party, we aren’t Mirabel. Introduce me to Eduardo and the rest of your friends or the random people you know here from babysitting.”
“I don’t know ‘em. We’re crashing.”
Isabela stumbled backwards a little. From shock, not the cocktails she’d been enjoying.
“You don’t know anyone? I thought you knew Eduardo. You said he’s your age and plays football.” Isabela demanded, whispering.
“Yeah, he’s in my class and on the other football team, but I don’t know him.” Camilo shrugged in response.
Isabela raised an eyebrow. Then she snickered. “That’s a lie. You’re just trying to piss me off.” But Camilo’s signature smirk, usually one given to Dolores, made its appearance. And Isabela paled.
He wasn’t joking. He had invited her to a stranger’s wedding.
She quickly started downing a series of shots that some other guest had ordered and regrettably left unattended.
Camilo was all but losing it, clearly enjoying himself. Though he did lean over and say, “We can leave whenever. Just have fun and relax. What’s wrong with your cousin trying to cheer you up?”
Though Isabela wasn’t yet drunk enough to completely abandon her moral compass, she grabbed Camilo’s hand - a little tighter than necessary - and dragged him to the dance floor.
They weren’t hurting anyone or ruining anything. They were having fun. And goddam, they were good drinks.
So as long as they kept to themselves and nobody caught on, it was okay.
For the next few hours, the pair danced and definitely outshined everyone in the process. Pepa was an excellent teacher.
They took breaks every so often to return to the bar - Camilo did keep Isabela from getting herself totally drunk, which was just as challenging as Dolores complained it was. Though Isabela’s alcohol tolerance was impressive. In turn, Isabela did her best to keep Camilo from drinking alcohol altogether.
They partook in the snacks and cake, and even several photographs. Quickly heading to the bathroom when someone started to question them.
It wasn’t until Camilo ended up chatting with the groom himself that their plan had totally fallen apart.
“You must be a friend of Vanessa’s, how did you meet?” Miguel had asked, innocent enough.
“I’m not. I don’t know her at all.”
Camilo hadn’t meant to say that. He might have been able to save himself, claiming he was someone else’s child, but the way he flushed red and his eyes widened with guilt, there was no chance.
Meanwhile, Isabela had found herself chatting with the younger sister to the bride, Elena.
So when Camilo suddenly sprint by and pulled her away by the hand, she was confused but not particularly surprised. It didn’t take long before she matched his pace and they ran out the building, with several angry family members chasing after them.
They continued running until there was no sound of footsteps and shouting, and they were safely hiding in nature. They stumbled along a clearing overlooking their town under the moonlight.
For a few moments, they were just panting and laugh every time they caught each other’s eyes.
“We got kicked out of a stranger’s wedding,” she wheezed.
“And we had fun while doing it,” Camilo retorted. “Don’t tell the adults though.” He added, just to be sure.
“Why? So we don’t get in trouble?”
“No, I mean, why did you take me? You could have taken one of your actual friends.”
“Because you were upset and I wanted to cheer you up. Dolores told me about Ramona.” He admitted, gently. “You wanna talk about it?”
Isabela just returned to being distant at the mention of her ex-girlfriend. She had almost forgotten about her. The memories of last night resurfacing as she watches the stars.
Ramona had liked stars, was planning to go study them abroad. Isabela had ransacked her Abuelo Sancho’s collection of books to find some about constellations and astrology to impress Ramona with facts and things, and it had worked.
But she hadn’t changed or hidden any part of herself. Ramona was dating the Isabela she had always known.
Which is what made the comment about her not meeting expectations rough. They hadn’t discussed any expectations for each other - relationships didn’t require them. So how on earth did Isabela fail to meet something that didn’t exist?
Fuck. Dating Mariano was simpler than this. At least Isabela knew where she was screwing up: hiding herself.
She gasped when Camilo threw himself into her arms in a hug. Immediately, she pulled him tighter.
“What’s this for?” She asked.
“For you, duh.” He mumbled. Camilo was trying not to cry, laughing as a cover. “Fuck Ramona. It’s her loss, you’re brilliant. And you don’t deserve to be sad because she’s a loser.”
“Poetic.” Isabela said, sarcastically.
“I try,” Camilo flipped his hair dramatically. “I mean it. Fuck Ramona and her expectations, whatever they were. You don’t have to meet expectations. Expectations are just stupid. You’re you and you’re amazing. You’re one of my closest friends and role models—”
“That’s concerning.”
“Stop making me laugh. You’re ruining the moment.”
“Can’t help it.”
“I’m trying to be serious right now.”
“Good luck with that.”
He almost laughed, genuinely, that time. But he wasn’t going to let himself be distracted - this was too important. For good measure, he put a hand over Isabela’s mouth. She was smirking underneath; he could feel it.
“I know things about perfect expectations are still kinda hard for you, but don’t let this one idiot bring you down. Ramona doesn’t know you like we, I, do. There’s nothing about you, on the inside or outside, that needs changing or hiding, just because some random decides it’s not good enough for them.”
Under his hand, there’s a muffled, “There’s nothing wrong with my outside. I’m gorgeous.”
“Great! So apply that same logic and confidence to your inside. You can’t really believe that someone knows how you should act better than you do. Trust me, I’m an actor.”
“I can’t. It’s different.”
“Why’s that?” Camilo asked, removing his hand. Isabela was no longer smiling. He wasn’t asking to catch her out or tell her she’s wrong, but just willing to offer an ear— God, he’s more of Dolores’ brother than he realises, isn’t he?
“I don’t know. It just is…” she shrugs a little. “My inside was the part I changed, the part I believed was wrong. People are forming real connections because they like or dislike me, not my appearance. I’m not bothered…” she sighed, turning away. “We were doing so well and it just came out of nowhere. Mona couldn’t even give a reason. If it’s something I’ve done, how am I suppose to fix it for my next partner?”
Camilo nodded in understanding.
He couldn’t relate to his cousin, but what she was saying made sense. He could see why it upset her and why she blamed herself.
“You can’t,” he said. “You can’t fix it. Someone will come along and maybe they will like you or maybe they won’t. Not everyone likes everyone. I don’t think you’ve done anything wrong. If you had then Ramona would have an actual reason to break up, right?”
“I guess.”
“So whatever it is, it’s on her and it’s out of your control.”
Isabela nodded. She smiled a bit.
“Do you feel any better?” Camilo asked. Admittedly, a little hesitant.
She snorted. And for a minute, she looked like she was about to say no. Then she softened, “Yeah, I do. Thank you, Camilo.”
“Good, I’m glad,” he said. “It’s my job to make people happy, but I care about you. So it’s from a place of love, not work, okay? But, uh… Did you have fun tonight? Or last night? I’m not sure what the time is.”
From the grin covering Isabela’s face, he could already guess the answer, but being pulled back into a hug was the real confirmation.
“The most fun I’ve had in years.”
An idea crept into Camilo’s head, just as they started making their way back home.
“Hey, are you tired yet?” Camilo asked. He stopped and Isabela looked at him, strangely. “I’m not tired and I’ve got an idea how we can make this night even better.”
“I’m listening.”
When the pair awoke the next morning, they were instantly questioned by the adults of why they had been out so late and why there were several angry townspeople waiting outside Casita. They shrugged it off and laughed, claiming they had no idea. Ultimately, nobody worked out it was specifically them who had crashed the wedding. But the town was ripe with gossip about two infamous wedding rashers, and Dolores seemed to be suspiciously glancing their way.
And, well, watching Ramona clean eggshells off her roof was just the icing of the cake.
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DIO talks so sensually to Hol Horse I am convinced he is trying to seduce him
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thatsthetriick · 3 years
Jjba characters switching bodies with their s/o
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Summary: Body swap with their s/o! Some freaky friday shit! :D, It’s basically a work of a stand! ;), yeah all my inspiration is from the movie ‘Your name’ I rlly love that movie sm made me cry huhu, if u haven’t watched it srsly watch it its gud Disclaimer: Body swapping, possible pervertness from characters lmao, all characters are aged up! gn! reader, and mentions of killing from Dio's headcanon Header photo:  Namaikizakari
Part 3 Characters body swapping with their s/o + DIO
Joseph Joestar ❀ “AAAAAAAH!” Joseph would screen and look at the mirror to see that he was in your body? What’s happening! Was it a stand user that did this? Eitherway he even tries summoning your stand but instead he ends up getting his same stand, hermit purple? Weird. ❀ He’ll probably blush at the fact he’s temptedt o look at your body but he has no time for that! He rushed out of his hotel room and quickly find you to see if you got in his body and his deductions were correct, you were also freaking out since you were in his body and Avdol was trying to calm you down. ❀ Once he steps in Avdol immediately widens his eyes and questions if he was Joseph and he managed to confirm that he was joseph and Avdol conclucded that both of you swap bodies because of a possible stand user. ❀ You two have to deal with it the whole day and Polnareff always reassured you two that it’s going to be fine, not a big deal though he does laugh and tease at the both of you sometimes. ❀ Since you’re in Joseph’s body you wear pretty fashionable clothes because ur cool and hot. ( ;) i love u reader -author) While Joseph wears more of your plain clothes just a shirt and pants, but he still wears his hat. ❀ You two eventually got separated from the group and found the stand user and managed to attack ther user and returned back to your bodies. Jotaro Kujo ❀ He’ll be staring at the mirror and let out a “tch”, he already knows this is a work of a stand user, he just stares at the mirror for a long time and then walks out of his hotel room, calmly but still wearing your pjs. ❀ Once he enters to the room he was in his hands would be in his pockets, Kakyoin would be helping you think on how this happened but looks at Jotaro who was in your body and his eyes widened and kakyoin was right you two did switch bodies. ❀ When you where in a hunt from the stand user who did this to you and Jotaro you wore his turtle neck only and with no jacket and no hat, he decided to wear his hat with your body and he wore one of your leather jackets since it fits him compared to his original jacket. ❀ Girls would circle around you and you would flirt with them back because it’s funny to see Jotaro annoyed that you’re having way too much fun being him, “It’s not that bad being you” You would say and he would just scoff and tell you to not enjoy it too much. ❀ He was having a hard time being you as well since you look like an approachable person compared to him so a lot of people advertised products to you or if not foreigners asking for him and other things like that and honestly you would answer it for him. ❀ You two eventually got attacked from the back from the same stand user that switch both of you, and good thing that it doesnt switch your stands so you two managed to beat the stand user and Jotaro had to change back to his uniform. Kakyoin Noriaki ❀ Honestly he wouldn’t notice it for a bit and then when he does he quickly looks at the mirror and then starts processing it all and quickly rushes to his shared room with Jotaro.  ❀ He wakes you up before you even freak out and you’d be freaking out back in your own room. You two start thinking what made you two switch your bodies and you both agreed and concluded that it was probably a stand user they met the night before, but who? They met so many people the night before. ❀ It was honestly fun that you two were trying to figure out the puzzles of this mystery, but after a few hours pass by you two went to the others to inform them a stand user switched both of your bodies, it was only 9 AM at this time so you all got breakfast and tried thinking of ways to find the stand user. ❀ You wore different clothes for Kakyoin, his uniform was too hot and you couldn’t handle the heat of the sun already so you wore more comfortable and thin clothing, just a long sleeves polo shirt but you folded the sleeves, he honestly didn’t have much different clothes, only his pajamas and his uniform then extra polos. ❀ He in the other hand actually dressed up pretty nice with your body, he had good taste in clothing. ❀ This whole experience got you two closer together honestly, before you two wouldn’t really talk that much so the fact that this whole freaky friday thing is the one that made you two close is kinda funny but it was alright since you two knew a lot of things from each other just by talking the whole time you two looked for the stand user who did this. ❀ When you two encountered the stand user everyone else in the group was behind so they help you two defeat the stand user and got swapped back to your bodies, and unlike Jotaro he wouldn’t really change out of the clothes you wore for him since he wanted to be polite and it actually suited him. Muhammad Avdol  ❀ he sweats and gulps as he looks at the mirror, he started thinking about how this happened? ❀He came to your room to see you in his body and talking to Joseph that you were you, and he confimed that the both of you seemed like you two switched bodies. ❀ Joseph went to call the others and everyone had a meeting in Joseph and Avdol’s room and you all tried recalling what happened yesterday or yesterday night and who you all encountered and spoke to. ❀ Polnareff would be teasing that Avdol is a lucky guy and jokes about weird things and Avdol would just defend you and say that this is serious even though Avdol is a bit flustered that he switched with you. He just doesn’t experess it my guy. ❀ You and Avdol got separated a lot from the group but you two manage to talk a lot, and just like Kakyoing you two learn a lot of things about each other. He wore simple clothes of yours and you wore clothes that were also simple because it was hot again and you still can’t handle too much heat since you might faint or something. ❀ You two struggled but managed to defeat the stand user which made you two switch back to your original bodies, you two would probably prank the others that you’ll be stuck with each other’s bodies forever and pretend to act like each other just to get a reaction from the rest. ❀ You and Avdol had fun picking on everyone making them think you’ll be switched forever, Polnareff kept comforting you two thinking that it’s actually real but you two are so good at acting that Polnareff got fooled. Jean-Pierre Polnareff ❀ This guy is a pervert honestly and would just be flustered if u are are girl he’d probably just stare at your boobs. ❀ Yeah but he’s a pervert, but he still doesn’t peak unless he obviously needs to change his clothes in your body. ❀ You would always remind him to have no funny business and Joseph would also wack him to not do anything weird and he’ll just say “Ow! I haven’t done anything!” or some other comments. ❀ You honestly just wore his clothes because it’s good enough for the heat, but he in another hand wore a tank top for you and shorts or if not shorts with jeans and there was nothing wrong with it just seems like you were going to go swimming or something but you shrugged it off. ❀ He would continue the constant teasing and how he actually likes being swapped with you and that you two are fated to be since out fo all the members you two were the chosen ones and you’d chuckle at his comments like this. ❀ He would flirt with other people even when he’s in your body which makes you wack his head sometimes and remind him that he was still in your body just in case he was forgetting. But despite this he’s been kind and polite to you and made you laugh a lot during the time you two switched bodies, this is where you two got closer than ever. Sure you knew him before but you two never had an actual conversation, usually you two would exchange just a few comments from and that’s all you two ever did, including the flirt. ❀ Once he finds the stand user he quickly chases them until he corners them and you do the finishing touch. You and Polnareff change back and he jokes about being upset that he isn’t you anymore and how he enjoyed the experience. You two would still talk about it in the future since you two found it funny. DIO ❀ This man is a tsundere for you, a good one though. Despite that he’ll still charge to his room where you were in, and you were in his body. He yells at you for doing this and you yell back that your stand doesn’t even have this specific ability. ❀ He tries to command Vanilla Ice to look for the one responsible for doing this to the both of you, but since Vanilla Ice just saw you and he didn’t notice that it was Dio in your body, thus he didn’t follow him and just looked at you instead and asked what you wanted to do to Dio. ❀ You have fun being him because you are in high power but he still had the world stand so he technically still has power to control you and you would scoff at this and Tell Vanilla Ice the whole story that the two of you switched bodies and even revealed that you two switched stands and Vanilla Ice was frustrated to hear that one of Dio’s followers did this to the two of you so he immediately got to work. ❀ This meant you two were stuck to wait with each other, he also forced you to tell every follower of his to not step into the room yet since he didn’t want to look like that in front of everyone it makes him look weak and you would roll your eyes. ❀ This man was still cocky though and comments that even though he is in your body he still has the power of the world, and that he can quickly just destroy all the Joestars and their team by pretending to be you and acting like a innocent person. Though he also stated he wanted to defeat the Joestars with HIS body because he kinda wanted the credit of killing the Joestars even though for some reason he sent his followers to kill them for him but you didn’t think too much of it. ❀ You secretly would walk out of his room and ask his own followers for a lot of things, like to get luxurious food or prepare a nice bath and they would find this weird since Dio was technically a vampire and this was out of character of him but you were so good at being Dio that you found so many excuses to their questions. ❀ You would actually put on some clothes while Dio just wears the same thing you wear earlier. ❀ After bantering each other for a long time Vanilla Ice finally defeated the stand user and you two switched back and Dio complained how being you is pathetic and you seriously cant take his comments seriously so you just insult him back, ilke I said this man was a tsundere but he kinda he enjoys being your body he found it really hot, he just doesn’t want to admit it, and he really thought this was an advantage to kill the Joestars immediately but sadly he already told you to request Vanilla ice to find the one responsible of all of this so  he couldn’t do much. ❀ You two continue your lives as a person who assist Dio because Dio forced you to, and with him bossing you around which makes you wanna kick his face but you still continue your duties  
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Thanks for reading hope you have a good day! -𝓣.
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
First Date with Chrollo (Human Diary)
Hello everyone! I am back with another “First Date” post featuring the Prince of Darkness. This was an anon post but I can't find the ask anywhere! I have been watching JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures lately and it is a very interesting show. Dio turned into a zombie and he’s so mean to Joseph. Anyway, let’s get into the post. The end is a bit angst-y but I did that to take a slight turn from all Fluff. I hope you enjoy! Part 2 coming sometime this week.m
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It is common knowledge that Chrollo loves to read many books. When he was a child, he had time to read and that provided a great source of comfort. Although he seems to be ruthless, every human has the ability to seek compatibility and compassion. Both Hisoka and Chrollo enjoy the romance genre except Hisoka prefers to watch movies while Chrollo loves to read stories. You've known Chrollo since elementary school. You were fortunate enough to be able to move out of Meteor City and attend a better elementary school. As a child, you were an outcast and made few friends but on occasion, Chrollo would see you at a local arcade. Of course, your mother paid for the both of you to have fun but once it was over, it broke your heart because you knew about the conditions he’d return to once he left.
As time went on, you entered college and decided to invite Chrollo on campus so he could be something like a driving force for future success. You’ve been accepted into Yorknew University planning on majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Digital Art. Reaching Chrollo posed a challenge. He never responded to a few messages but on the third try, he answered with an excited response.
“Please forgive me y/n for not responding soon enough. I am more than happy to visit you. I am proud of you and your accomplishments. I do not see myself as a college man but, hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it right? I’ll be in touch.”
At exactly 7 PM on a calm Fall night, standing outside of the campus’ most prominent book store, you began to sweat and your makeup began to drip. Just as you were about to wipe it off, you heard a voice call your name.
“Y/n? Is that you?” He chuckled as he questioned your appearance.
Turning around, you jumped a little at the sight before you. This wasn’t the same Chrollo you remember, of course. He had grown several feet, his face was much sharper, his arms were much bigger, had a bandana tied on his forehead, and he had a few rings on. He was dressed in a white polo shirt, black pressed slacks and black dress shoes. It’s weird. It felt like an arrow was shot through your heart.
“Are you ok? You act as if you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I’m fine! I’m just---You--look…”
“Ah, I see. There’s no need to be flustered. I am the same as when we were kids.”
The Yorknew Sailor Store was designed something exactly like a Barnes and Noble except the walls were painted to match the school’s colors.
The bookstore had a perfectly designed Starbucks, with a wooden finish, black and brown metal tables, beige tile floor, and glass doors.
Chrollo immediately noticed the change in behavior, one he wasn’t used to.
The students were snooty according to him and reminded him of how the city council would act towards him, his family, and those who were like him.
First, you offered to buy him a drink. The good thing about Chrollo is that if you or anyone else offers to buy something, He will not reject it. There is no such thing as having too much pride regarding him.
“Do you drink coffee?”
“Of course I do,” he replied. “But I don’t think I’ve had any of these drinks. A Caramel Macchiato? That sounds good.”
“Order it then! That will give you just the right amount of energy for today’s reading!”
To you, this was just two friends reuniting with each other but something else told you that Chrollo thought it was something more. He only dressed up like this if he was going out with someone special and even then it wasn’t an expensive Polo Short, It was his best t-shirt and jeans.
It boggles your mind how Chrollo acquired his expensive clothing but maybe he obtained a great job and is able to make a living for himself.
“I’d like to order a Caramel Macchiato.”
“What’s the name for this drink?”
“Chrollo,” you responded.
“And for you?”
“I would like a caramel Frappuccino with soy milk and no whip cream.”
“Alright. That’ll be $15.00.”
Chrollo glanced at you wide-eyed.
“It’s ok. I got it.”
You take out your card to pay and as you move out of line you bend over to whisper in his ear. “Maybe you can pay for dinner though.”
He laughed and smiled. “Of course, y/n.”
The bookstore was full of comfortable furniture ranging from light blue, dark blue, white in the lounge area. Both of you decided to sit across from each other on the blue chairs that swallowed you both as you sat.
As he read, he’d point out any interesting points in the book. He got tired of yelling across the table, so he decided to share a chair with you. He could feel the heat radiating from your body.
It was almost obvious that you all were involuntarily flirting with each other. The school was full of couples but occasionally seeing the goofy couple was the highlight of everyone’s day.
“This man was so devoted to a woman that does not know that he exists.”
“Sounds pointless,” you say, still trying to read your book.
“Well, she knows he exists but she is ignoring him and making him look like a fool in front of everyone. He says that there is something about her that he has never seen in any woman.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s her eyes, smile, intelligence, the shape of her lips, and her perfume powder aroma. Those are things that drive men wild.”
You smiled and laughed but came to a quick halt when you felt something along the ridge of your neck made you still. The hair on your neck stood up still as the invading force came in contact with your skin. It was Chrollo grazing his nose against your skin, slightly sniffing in your aroma; slowly breathing in and out.
Closing your eyes couldn’t make your sudden arousal fade. At this point, nearly everybody was looking at you both and looked away. This behavior was innocent for college culture, but it was taken as a cute gesture rather than naughty.
You blush. It was quite surprising that your childhood friend viewed you as something of the sort. It was both flattering and scary.
There’s no denying that Chrollo is handsome but if you dated him and the relationship didn't last, it could ruin your friendship.
At this point, Chrollo had his right arm resting lazily behind your back as his head and next aimed in a position that would allow his nose to lay carelessly on your neck.
“You smell delightful. I didn’t know you wore such expensive perfume. Is it….,” He sniffs again, “Flower Rose?”
“Yes! How did you know? Does your mother wear it?”
“She does now. I bought it for her a week ago and now the guys in the city can’t stay off her.”
Wow. The City. Even though it was a hell hole, it was your hell hole. How is everything? How is your mother? How did you manage to have such an expensive taste in clothing and fragrance?
Chrollo enjoys making others flustered. It's amusing to see them stutter when they’re either aroused or nervous.
On the flip side, seeing Chrollo flustered was the highlight of the century! The bad guys are used to being “bad” but expressing softer emotions makes it amazing and a reminder that they can experience them too.
Grabbing Chrollo’s left hand, you gently kiss it a few times and wink at him. He smiled, hiding his dumbfounded expression, and blushed slightly.
“I see you catch on quick.”
“I was raised in Meteor City. Just because I’m here doesn't mean I have forgotten where I come from. But I didn’t know you liked me.”
“You were the only one that trusted me and played with me when no one would.”
It felt like two magnets were pulling you closer. If he kissed you right here right now, you could just melt into a puddle but before anything happened, Chrollo’s phone rang loud and echoed throughout the bookstore.
Glancing at his phone, you saw an unknown number call, and judging from his actions he stood quickly to his feet.
“I’ll only be gone for a second.”
Hmm. That was odd. During this short intermission, you continue to read your book. Ironic enough, you weren’t into romance novels per se, you enjoyed action and comedy books!
Once Chrollo returned, his face was flushed and his soft demeanor had suddenly disappeared. He looked as if he was going to punch a wall.
“What’s wrong, Chrollo?”
He glanced at you with a somber smile, hoping to convince you that he was alright. “I am fine, y/n.”
“Are you sure?”
“Well, if you count my mother being seriously injured, then yes.”
“Oh no! We can leave now, it’s fine.”
“No, it's ok. She wouldn’t want me to leave you all by yourself at this time of day.” He pointed to the night sky.
Wow! That was quick!
“What do you mean?”
“My mother predicted that I could end up with you...she also predicted that someone would be hurt or in danger if that prophecy was fulfilled. It’s sort of like give or take. In order to make someone happy, someone has to surrender their happiness and I guess it was her.”
A single tear dropped down his cheek and nothing more. He didn’t care if other men singled out his “weakness” because he’d destroy them all and he didn’t want y/n to know about his abilities until later.
The comfort of your warmth against his head provided more than comfort. He felt safe, welcomed, not judged, and vulnerable. He knew that you wouldn’t make him out to be a bad person but instead welcome him home with open arms. You were his human diary.
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jostepherjoestar · 4 years
Can I get some headcanons of the Stardust Crusaders reacting to hearing their friend/partner (either is fine) tell them, "Thank you for existing."
SDC reactions to hearing “thank you for existing”
To make this extra emotional, let’s put this scenario after defeating Dio, everyone’s still alive because we’re allowed to have nice things. I’m staring daggers at Araki . Thanks for the lovely request!! (ok so interpret hc’s as more like little scenarios if that’s ok with yall) gn reader
Avdol is not an easily flustered man, he’s pretty confident in his ability to be able to handle a multitude of situations. But when he heard your little voice say those thankful words while you hugged him, face pressed in his robes, he genuinely didn’t know what to say for a second.
He was already hugging you back but he squeezed you even tighter now. Giving you a kiss on top of you head, feeling the warmth of someone caring so deeply for you growing in his chest. Recovery was hard, it took quite a long time till all of your friends who had defeated Dio were able to go back to their old routines.
You were there for them all as much as you could, but you spent most of your time with Avdol, which he really appreciated since the both of you had a little crush on each other. Making sure he was eating right, doing his exercises in the hospital... You truly were thankful he was alive.
The hug seemed to last forever, honestly something you both were fine with. You hadn’t confessed your love for each other but this felt like a mutual acceptance of it. He pulled away his face a little, not letting go of the hug but creating some space to look you in the eye. “Every day I get reminded how truly lucky I am to have someone like you beside me.”
The whole plane ride back you were plagued by anxious thoughts, this was goodbye, it surely felt like it. You were all lucky to get out of the fight alive but this meant the group would split and you’d lose you friends and... him. You looked at Polnareff who’d been sleeping, his head resting against the window while his chest softly moved up and down.
Were you truly rarely going to see each other again? You loved all of your friends but Polnareff held a special place in your heart. The way he always made you feel better with a joke or a squeeze of your shoulder. The playful flirting, acting like you’d been a couple for years on end to tease the rest of the gang.
When the plane landed and everyone had gathered their luggage, goodbyes were being said. You felt your emotions barely being contained with every hug you gave. Doing your best not to cry, you left Polnareff as the last person you would say goodbye to.
He noticed how sad you looked, grabbing hold of your hand and giving it a kiss, the thing he always did when the two of you were playfully pretending to be a couple during the journey. A sad smile on your face, eyes watering “Thank you for existing Pol.” Tears started running from your eyes, a reassuring smile on his face. He took you in his arms. “Mon cher, I wouldn’t have found the strength to exist if it wasn’t for you. This isn’t goodbye.” he spoke close to your ear.
It only made you cry harder into him. You were going to miss this bastard so much.
You were sat on the uncomfortable hospital chair next to Joseph’s bed, he looked peacefully asleep, you were rubbing you thumb over his large hand. He’d been sleeping so much these last couple of days, getting the life literally sucked out of you might do that.
The rest of the group had come to visit not long ago, glad to see the old man was doing alright, feeling even more assured seeing you beside him, guarding him even. You rarely left his side, the anxiety of the constant enemy attacks still weighing heavy on you, afraid that it would happen again.
He was always there for you, making sure that after the hardest days there was still a small smile on your face after he tried to cheer you up. You could always lean on him, so this is why you didn’t want to leave his side, you wanted to let him know he could lean on you too.
“Thank you for existing old man.” you smiled, voice soft like a whisper while still caressing his hand. “Who’re you calling an old man, you brat?” his voice hoarse from sleep startling you upright. Joseph had a satisfied grin on his face, pleased with his teasing. You softly punched his arm in reply.
“I’m glad I’m still here, even if it’s just to look at you.” he smiled while holding your hand now. The statement making you laugh and roll your eyes, this man is so cheesy sometimes.
Kakyoin & Jotaro
You visited Kayoin often while he was recovering, whenever you had free time you’d go, always bringing new mangas or even a new game you could play together. He’d been recovering close to home for a couple months now, getting his strength back everyday.
Sometimes you’d catch Jotaro just lounging around, reading or talking with Kakyoin. Today was one of those days, they were lazily chatting, both between the parallel bars, arms taut as they put their strength on them, feet dangling. Kakyoin clearly not doing his exercises. You cleared your throat, they hadn’t noticed you coming in. Arms full of snacks and a new video game.
They’d installed one of the latest gaming consoles and a tv in Kakyoin’s room which he loved to beat your ass in games on. The two brats turning to face you, Kakyoin smiling at you, the smile growing even bigger as he sees what you’re carying. “Jotaro...” Kayoin nods his head towards you, silently communicating with his friend. Before you know it your hands are empty and Jotaro’s snacking on a little bag of cookies behind Kakyoin.
These two, recklessly using The World to their advantage. It annoyed you but as much as it did you had to fight away the growing smile. “How ‘bout you show me how well you can use those legs huh. If you get over here I’ll even let you beat me in that new game I brought.”
“Heh, so you’re gonna beat him on what game?” Jotaro smugly says while holding the cartridge between his fingers. While Kayoin laughs, he starts walking between the parallel bars towards you. He was focused and managing pretty well. He reached you at the end, looking somewhere between proud of himself and wondering if you were too. “Good job kid, now get your assistant to start the game.” you say as you take his arm to support him to the chairs in front of the tv.
A loooong sigh coming from Jotaro as he walked towards you two, grabbing a chair to sit down next you, the youths guarding your sides. “Before we start we wanted to give you something. It’s really nice you always come by and uhm yea... here.” Kakyoin hands you an envelope with your name neatly written on it, not making eye contact as he speaks. With caution you take it and start reading the note inside.
It was a weekend trip to an onsen spa in a quiet mountain town. The note telling you you deserve a rest and how thankful they are to have you around so often to brighten their day. Your normally playful facade dropping, the unexpected gift making you feel weirdly emotional. You grabbed both of their heads, each under an arm in an uncomfortable headlock. “Thank you for still being here you shitheads.” the pair groaning from your hold on them. You let them go to quickly wipe the growing tear away from your eye. Jotaro’s face looked red while he turned away while Kakyoin had a smile on his. You truly were thankful they’re still here.
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jjbarestaurant · 4 years
Hello, I have a humble order!! How about something along the lines where reader was with the Crusaders in Egypt and had a huge crush on Polnareff but never really acted on it. And then years later meets up with him in Italy after all thats happened and reveals their crush. And Pol is all self conscious about how he looks but receives all the love anyway because the crush never went away? 🥺💗
I loved writing this, 
(Omggg, polnareff P5, i love him! He should receive more love.)
Reader that had a crush on Polnareff since the Crusaders and confess their feeling during P5
(Idk how to explain, but the reader met Polnareff during SDC and had a crush on him. Soon reader goes see him in Italy and confess their feeling, but oh well, guess Polnareff is self-conscious)
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🗡Jean P. Polnareff🗡
Since the crusaders, Polnareff flirted with you and called you 'romantic' nicknames sometimes, but it was only to tease you.
After killing Dio, everyone who left stopped talking with each other (Except for Jotaro and Polnareff, which you heard they we looking for some arrows). You all were connected with the task to fight and kill Dio. And when all that ended, everyone got to do something different, cutting their relationships.
When Jotaro told Polnareff that you were coming to Italy, he got a bit surprised but really excited. It was his first time seeing you in years! 
The man was so excited he couldn't contain himself and decided to go to the airport and wait for you to arrive.
When Jean recognized you, he started to shake his arms wanting you to notice him. 
When you see the man and comes closer to him, he opens his arms to a tight hug. You could feel how he missed you.
"Y/N! I'm glad you came. I thought I would never see you again. How was the travel? I'm glad you came safe and sound. What are you doing these days?"
The man wants to know everything that happened.
After welcoming you, Polnareff gave a bouquet as a gift, something for you to remember him.
Jotaro was there with Polnareff, to welcome you too, not as excited as Polnareff, but still.
Soon, Jotaro leaves, letting you and Polnareff alone. You two visited some places the man wanted you to see while asking how was your life since you two last saw each other.
At the end of the day, when the night was already settling down. The man takes you to the Coliseum, the place where he spends more time, as he informed you.
You two were watching the sunset when you say his name, wanting to inform him something.
"Yeah, Cherie?"
Oh, the man didn't forget about the nicknames.
As you confess yourself to Polnareff, he has a small °o° face. When you stop talking, he sighs while avoiding eye contact with you.
"Why you didn't tell me that before? Why did you decide to tell me right when I'm just like that? I'm sorry, but I'm not the one to this anymore."
The man speaks in a serious tone, one you even doubted if was really Polnareff.
As you tell him that you love him no matter how he looks, a small grin and a light blush appeared on his face. Still avoiding eye contact.
"If you say so..."
"Well... since you like me, I think it would be a great surprise to know that I feel the same for you."
You could hear his smile when the man announces his feelings.
You two don't talk much after that, only keep staring at what both could see from the coliseum.
The sun settles down, and the night approaches. Polnareff warns you that it's already late, and that it's dangerous to walk there during the night, and that you should go home. You decide to believe and follow his advice, followed by a tight goodbye hug.
"Thank you, mon Cherie."
The man whispers in your ear during the hug, followed by a kiss on your cheek.
"Goodbye! See you Y/N."
The man says when you are leaving the coliseum. While shaking his arms like he did when you arrived in Italy.
I got too excited.
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Business AU - Working Late, Part 4
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Flirt mode  A C T I V A T E D 👏
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As everyone else in the room was getting ready to depart for the day - chatting here and there and gathering their belongings - Vee was mostly occupied by her handbag, making sure everything was there before she would leave the place. She did not hear when someone approached her, but she next felt the poke of an object to her right shoulder.
“I didn’t want to make you feel bad earlier,” started Donatello’s voice. “But I truly do think we’re connected somehow now.”
She looked at him, first noticing that he had been poking her with a cardboard file folder, and then she took a good look at his clothes. Purple. AT LEAST not the same shade. He was wearing a fitting v-neck sweater of a dark purple color, with a white shirt  and a black tie underneath, his looks completed with dark charcoal pants and black shoes.
“... You’ve got to be kidding me,” started Vee with a stifled laugh. “Why are we like this?”
“I’m not superstitious, but maybe it’s destiny. We were meant to work together,” he winked. “Great minds think alike!”
Vee couldn’t hide her smile, next prompting him to get on the move for their dinner. She first expected them to walk out of the building and head to a subway station, but she was surprised to see the turtle head towards the indoor parking lot of the building.
“Wait, you want us to go by car?” she asked, her heels clacking rapidly on the tiled floor as she caught up to him.
“Why not? It’ll be quieter that way! I don’t feel like dealing with crowds in the subway anyway.”
She had to give him that, at least. A car would smell better than a subway train... As they made their way through the lot, she noticed Donnie getting out keys, the woman commenting:
“Huh, I thought you’d have a chauffeur or something like that.”
“Why, because I’m rich?” asked the mutant, amused. “I like driving, so I don’t see why I would leave all that fun to someone else.”
He pressed a button on a small remote attached to a key, which prompted a black SUV nearby to flash its light.
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Vee was most certainly impressed by his taste, first observing the vehicle until she noticed the other opening the passenger door for her.
“The lady may take her seat.”
As she took place, her eyes scanned the interior.
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The major difference she could notice from any other cars was how the driver seat was rearranged a bit further back, allowing space for the mutant’s shell most probably. As Donnie took place next, Vee couldn’t help her question:
“Is this car completely custom made?”
The other smirked: “If it was, it’d be way cooler. ... Nah for this I only had a Genesis GV80 model slightly modified to accomodate my form. I like the look of it and I don’t need something too extravagant to go around on the streets.”
“ ‘Don’t need something too extravagant’,” quoted the woman. “You do realize that you have an expensive car?”
“Remind me to show you my brother Mikey’s cars,” added Donnie, then starting the car’s ignition. “Then we can talk back about what’s expensive.”
As soon as the vehicle was brought to life, music was heard, being none other than Dio’s “Better In The Dark” track. The turtle rapidly fumbled to turn it down, his eyes widening.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry for that,” he said once silence was back.
“... Are you kidding? You shouldn’t apologize for listening to Dio!” reassured Vee. “That guy frickin’ rocks!”
The terrapin smirked: “Ah, a woman of good taste! You keep on getting better and better.”
Vee couldn’t help her smile in return, the pair then finally getting on the move.
Donnie had to park his SUV on a quiet street, the duo next walking towards their destination; New York’s Little Italy. The evening was already laying its shadows in the sky, but the streets were bright and colorful, the warmth in the air of the incoming summer days an absolute delight. A light conversation was held as they were walking, until Vee was abruptly stopped by almost falling due to one of her heels stumbling into a small crack in the sidewalk. She was first surprised by how fast Donnie had been to catching her, a small laugh escaping her. To feel his touch around her, his strength, all she could hear was her heart drumming in her ears. They continued their path, Vee’s arm hooked to Donatello’s. It simply felt like a dream at that point...
They finally arrived to the place; a small rustic looking restaurant that had been hiding from the bigger crowd’s broad sight. There were few patrons inside, the ambiance calm and somehow giving a “feels like home” kind of vibe. Donnie seemed to know the place well, only quickly waving to the staff and already going for a table. It was a nice little corner with a table large enough so they could lay down their paperwork. Being a complete gentleman, the mutant was quick to draw a chair for Vee to sit on, waiting until she was seated properly before settling down across the table. A waiter was already at their disposition, Donnie already asking for a bottle of white wine, interjecting some Italian words in the bunch and ending with a “grazie mille”, to Vee’s surprise.
“You speak Italian?” she asked as the waiter was walking away.
“Non molti, ma un po' sì (Not a lot, but a little bit yes),” he answered. “Still learning, but I’m getting there.”
“Do you know any other languages?”
“I’ve tried to start learning Japanese alongside my brother Leonardo, but I’m not as proficient as him so far. I’ve also started French.”
Vee couldn’t help herself: “Donc, si je parle dans ma langue maternelle, tu devrais comprendre? (So, if I speak in my native tongue, you should understand?)”
Donnie froze for a moment, soon ruminating the words and showing a smile.
“Un peu (a bit),” he said. “But I feel like I need to practice a little more.” He did not skip a beat when adding: “I don’t know why, but I think a French Canadian’s accent sounds way more interesting than metropolitan French. There’s a certain flair to it, I can’t really explain...”
Vee was most certainly amused: “Try going into any rural parts of Québec, then you’ll feel like you’re speaking to aliens or something. Our French is unique, sometimes butchered, but it is nice indeed.” She did a small shrug. “I could help you practice, if you want.”
Their wine arrived, their glasses filled and the bottle left at their table. Donnie took his glass, pensively rolling the drink in his hand.
“You keep on giving, miss Vee, and I’ll soon feel cheap. First you’re helping me for the Lowline, now you’re proposing to help me with my French. ... My oh my, mademoiselle, I’ll have a debt to repay once again.”
“Let’s start by actually getting something for dinner,” added the woman, lifting the menu to her face in order to hide her blush. “It’ll give me time to think about if I need your help with something. What’s good in here?”
It was so hard to act casual...
“Their pastas are the best, but I’ll have to say that their tiramisu is to die for - I’m definitely grabbing one of those at the end.”
As the evening went along, Vee was finally starting to feel more at ease. The food was delicious, the wine delectable, and the company absolutely charming. They took some time to review the folder Donnie had brought along, talking about the project’s restrictions and demands. It was simple enough thus far, some ideas already boiling in the woman’s mind. Maybe the wine was kicking in, but she didn’t even flinch when her hand brushed the turtle’s over some papers. Her body language was screaming interest, lightly hunched over the table, actively listening to him and her smile tender. She couldn’t quite explain this attraction she felt. All she knew was that Donnie had this aura surrounding him; a welcoming and calm presence that made her feel safe and relaxed. His humor was subtle and his additions to a conversation well-placed. He was a man of many words and of a vast knowledge, although gladly giving the spotlight to any soul speaking, always listening with great interest. Vee could only admit that she wanted to learn more about him.
The dinner over, the pair headed back to the SUV, Donnie at least insisting that he could drop Vee to her place. How could she say no to a sweet smile such as his, anyway? The address handed, the ride went on smoothly in a comfortable silence, the woman glancing at the many lights outside - not even noticing that the terrapin would sometimes glance her way and feel this lovesick knot in his chest...
As he parked nearby her apartment building, he did not hesitate to get out as well, at least considering it good etiquette to escort her to the entrance.
“I hope I didn’t make it harder for you by cramming all that information in your face?” he said as they were talking, arms hooked again.
Vee shook her head, amused: “Absolutely not. It has given me ideas, in fact.”
“Good, good.”
As they stopped by the main door, they paused, their hooked arms transitioning into a longing, yet subtle touch of their hands. Vee finally moved her hand away, her blush faint as she removed a small strand of hair from her face.
“... This was nice, thank you,” she said. “Not the habitual work meetup I’m used to, but this was good for a change.”
Donnie quickly cleared his throat, retrieving his thoughts.
“Of course! It was quite pleasant, indeed. ... It’s not often that I get such enjoyable company.”
“You’re sweet, thank you.”
There it was, that silence as they both crossed gaze. That moment of unspeakable words and uncertain actions... The mutant sweetly smiled, breaking that moment.
“I’ll see you tomorrow at work. ... Goodnight, Vee.”
“Goodnight, Donnie.” She felt like she could breathe again...
Yet, as she saw the other walk away, she added:
He turned back.
“I think I know how you can repay me for the French lessons,” she continued. “... How about another evening together? Not work related this time.”
Joy lightened up the turtle’s features, definitely agreeing: “Absolutely!”
And just like that, the night felt even better.
((Part 5))
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daisys-gard3n · 3 years
Suzie Q Stan here again.
I’ll just add that I feel like that one thing Joseph liked about Suzie W was her looks and how easy going/funny she was but especially liked that she wasn’t a though woman. It’s canon he don’t care for anything in a woman Except their looks (he even said he’d let the girl Straizo held hostage be harmed because she was ugly (thinking that it was a reasonable way of thinking and that anyone would fall for it since it seems logical (it wasn’t)).
He said about Lisa Lisa (before knowing she was his mom) that he could never marry a woman like her because of her string character.
People on some thread said that Tomoko made more sense than Suzie because Tomoko was more similar to women in Joseph’s life (Erina, Lisa Lisa) aka strong temperament in comparison to Suzie who was more ditzy and care free.
My theory is that Joseph’s musty ass met Tomoko at some point, a pretty strong character student who might have said something sassy to him or flirt with him In a sassy/banter way (intriguing him and lowkey getting to him) and he started flirting with her because he wanted to win her like one win a fight. Since he don’t like strong temper in women but still think with his second head , he still went to woo her as in « See I still got it » to both her and himself.
Or perhaps it was as simple as a pretty college girl flirting and bantering with him and he had a fling.
Anyways I don’t buy in the one night stand because it’s clear Joseph had to spend time with her based on her reaction wether it was a week, a day or a couple hours hence he cheated on his own accord.
I really wanted to see Suzie’s inner thoughts, I doubt she forgave him only through the power of love.
Sidenote: I love Araki’s work but I wish he sometimes put a little more into the why X character do X things. Eg: Joseph’s unfaithful ass cheating. Dio’s determination to ruin Jonathan’s life and later trying to remake the world for himself (and also why this man was getting it with everybody under the sun, 4 children damn, I know condoms weren’t a thing in the 1800s but if the man had the time to learn about planes, cars and adapt with modern trends (piercing his ears) he had to know about wrapping it up.
Anyways, from Suzie Q’s POV pre-Josuke their love story is cute , you’re a young woman living life with your mentor then you met that tall, handsome, cocky , energetic guy then y’all get married and moves to America where he becomes a billionaire so you living lavish with y’all daughter.
Then it gets ugly cuz he cheated and had a whole child on you.
From a 3rd Party it’s even more tragic because he really had the audacity to adopt another child then have her raise her with him (imagine being in old age with no Hamon having to go through raising a kid all over again).
I don’t wanna hear Joseph’s POV because I know I’ll throw hands with my screen.
Anyways, sorry for the long rant , love your work (sorry for the spicy ask between really if it made you uncomfortable) . Joseph cheating really still get my blood worked up.
But anyways, keep doing what you do, you’re really talented.
The great thing about being individual people is that you can look at something and form your own opinions and everyone just respects one another's opinions (most of the time).
Like I said earlier, to have Tomoko acting like that when she confused Jotaro with Joseph, there must have been a whole relationship in between since she's normally a no-bullshit strong person. If Joseph flirted with her knowingly or she just got the wrong idea - we'll never know, we're not araki.
And when it was mentioned when Joseph came home with Shizuka - Suzi almost killed him thinking he had another affair he didn't tell her about, but was pretty accepting when Joseph wanted to adopted her with Suzi. Maybe Joseph was trying to use Shizuka as a way to fix the bond he had with Suzi while raising a child (because he's still soft for children - like he was for holly). I mean, that's still kinda horrible, but at least he still cared for Shizuka.
Maybe Araki might get inspired one day and make a light novel describing things from Suzi's or Joseph's perspective about Josuke and whatnot. But for now, we're just theorizing. Joseph is still an asshat for cheating, let's get that clear though.
- also your question for dio not wrapping it up - he's dio and he thinks he's too good for condoms. Maybe read 'Over Heaven' to get some more answers on Dio since it's pretty much his personal diary.
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go-dark-turtle · 4 years
(Warning slight swearing. Please enjoy this is my first attempt at an x reader fan fiction. Let me know your thoughts. I'd totally appreciate it lots 💜 Also if you draw any fan art of this I'd love to see it. Also I MUST add! Thanks to an ask I submitted to the lovely and wonderful @kakyoin-shades it gave me inspiration to write this.)
Free the Future
Kakyoin x fem reader fan fiction
Chapter 1: Convincing the Crusaders
The five men stood looking over the ocean, they finally made it to Eygpt. Polnareff walked over to the woman they just fought against to check up on her (and to see if she was beautiful or not) and was horrified by her appearance. She had no teeth thanks to Star Platinum. The men laughed at his reaction.
They knew time was short and they had to keep on moving they made it to a nearby town, and Joseph Joestar handed his wallet to Avdol entrusting him to get the best vehicle that would get them across the open desert areas. He and his grandson Jotaro looked for a nearby pay phone. 
You just arrived in town in your dark blue, almost navy Ford Scorpio Mk I Saloon, you drove past Joseph and Jotaro while they were on the phone and you drove back around the side street. 
"Thank goodness I made it in time," You said with a sigh of relief.
You parked up along a side street and saw the dune buggy drive past with the remaining of the Stardust Crusaders. Your eyes widen when you saw Kakyoin chilling in the back seat your vision went hazy and you held your face.
"There's no time thinking about that right now. Come on (Y/N) stay focused."
You shook your head and slammed your hands down on the wheel to get yourself to focus again. You slowly followed the dune buggy and they didn't stop rather they slowed down as Joseph and Jotaro jumped into the back. 
"SHIT!" You yell you had to act quickly and stepped on the gas. 
At that moment you drove along side them on the narrow road, Polnareff started to curse and swear raising his fist at you as you overtook them, Avdol gripped the handrail and hung onto it for dear life as Polnareff began to chase you down. The others in the back was flung to the right, to the left, bumping into each other as well as the doors and the boot. 
"OH MY GOD! Polnareff slow down, what's got into you!" Joseph held his head before he was flung backwards again.
Polnareff grunted, "This damn driver what's their problem, I'll show them for showing off!"
You panicked as you were nearing the open desert area, you couldn't let them across it no matter what. You acted quickly Polnareff was on your tail and at that moment you drifted to the left and blocked the end of the street and you slammed on the breaks and you fell into the steering wheel your hands shaking your breathing heavy. 
"Oh CRAP!" Polnareff slammed on the breaks and stopped inches from your car. 
Jotaro and Kakyion fell into each other as Joseph slammed his head against the boot door. Avdol closed his eyes and awaited the impact. When everything came to a halt everyone had a sigh of relief all but Jotaro. He huffed in annoyance, adjusted his hat and vaulted himself out the back of the buggy. He stood on the road and glared at your car. Unfortunately for you the drivers side of your car was in front of his sights. He clenched his fists as marched up to the car. He gritted his teeth and he swung the door opened with one motion, he reached in and gripped your shirt, pulled you out the car and held you up so high you were practically dangling in his grip, you panicked as you saw the angry expression, it brought fear in your eyes. 
"What the HELL is your problem. Do you have any idea how dangerous that kind of driving is?! HUH do you! I should teach you a lesson for almost wrecking our new ride we just-" Jotaro got interrupted
"Jotaro stop! Don't hit her!" Avdol ran up behind him and grabbed his shoulder
 "Her?" Jotaro paused for a moment he then looked at you up and down and huffed.
He sighed and dropped you all while glaring at you. You landed with a thud and you started to rub your butt, but still looking at Jotaro's icy glare. Polnareff rushed out the car and rush up to you almost knocking over his younger friend.
"I am SO sorry mon chéri, my friend doesn't know any better. Are you okay?" Polnareff offered his hand to help you up. 
Avdol sighed and face palmed off course Polnareff couldn't help himself when a girl is about. Jotaro gritted his teeth and approached his tall haired friend. Polnareff helped you up and he smiled as well as checking you out at the same time. You smiled, but then it faded as Jotaro brushed past him and glared at you once again. 
"You better have a good reason for this you bitch!" Jotaro huffed.
You stared into his icy blue eyes, but then you noticed Joseph and Kakyion walking up to the others when you saw the young red haired teen you froze in fear your vision began to get hazy, your eyes began to lose focus.
"OI I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!" Jotaro pulled you close to him again.
You snapped back to reality and before you knew it an arm became between you both.
"Hey Jotaro that's enough, Don't really know what's going on here, but I want some answers." Joseph stood between you. You took a deep breath and folded your arms and closed your eyes to hide the fear and pain.
"I know where Dio's hideout is, I also know you are after him and you don't have much time left. I have a beach house nearby, we can stay at until tomorrow. Please. Don't cross that, desert." the last line had you slightly choked up and the men's eyes widen.  (Apart from Jotaro that is.) You quickly wiped your tears and stood proud in front of them.
"Mr Joestar this is kind of a blessing don't you think?" Polnareff whispered to the older gent.  "I mean, what luck, that someone knows the whereabouts of Dio"
"Hmm, I don't know about this Polnareff... She could be one of Dio's servants. And she happened to know we were in this town. Straight after dealing with another stand user..." Joseph folded his arms unsure what to believe.
"As much as I agree with Mr Joestar, we do need to cross the desert quickly and find Dio. But can we really trust this person..." Avdol looked down with concerned eyes.
Polnareff rushed to your side "Well, I believe her. If she was trying anything you think she'd blow up our car or even attack Jotaro. But she didn't." He winked at you and you smiled you were glad at least one of them was on your side. 
Kakyion walked past Jotaro and Joseph and placed his hand on his hip and stood next to his tall haired friend and smiled softly. 
"I also believe Polnareff, this is the turnout we are after. Think about it, no matter where we go we always get attacked. It's about time we have someone on our side and help us take down Dio." He folded his arms and gave you a nod to acknowledge you were on their side you quickly look to the ground as if you were shy from his gaze. 
"Hmm... You do have a point Kakyion. Perhaps we should try and trust them even a little" Joseph held his hat trying to decide what was really the best option. 
Jotaro pulled his hat down and smirks  "Yare Yare daze, she might be helpful for now, but as soon as she double cross us, Hmph don't worry. I'll kick her ass I don't care if she's a girl, Star Platinum will make sure she thinks twice before dealing with us." 
Joseph placed a hand on his grandson's shoulder and grinned " Ah yes, that sounds like a good idea, alright miss.... um uh-" 
You glared back at Jotaro you didn't like his tone and how he was judging you when you were the one trying to help him and his fellow comrades. You look up at Joseph and you force a smile. 
"Y/N but call me whatever you like." You respond to Joseph.
The Stardust Crusaders all take time to introduce themselves to you and after so long you finally get to know the name of the man that haunted your dreams. You smile softly and show gratitude to them all but Jotaro trusting you. He still glared at you, waiting for you to slip up at that moment.
"Well, since you have a beach house nearby I think it would be a good idea to have a bit of time to recuperate, Mr Joestar I think using both our vehicles would help with our luggage problem wouldn't you agree?" Avdol stood next to his older friend and extend his finger at both the cars still in the middle of the road. 
"Hmm, yes that is a good idea, you don't mind Y/N you do have a bigger boot than ours." Joseph simply asks "I also think it might be a good idea to spilt up between the cars. Jotaro and myself  will take the buggy. Avdol, Polnareff, Kakyion you take the um..." He walks around the back of your car to get the name of the model and his eyes widen.
"OH MY GOD! You have the Ford Scorpio Mk I! It's not even out in this region how did you get your hands on such a fancy classy car!" Joesph starts to gush over your car.
"Ah, I see you are a man that likes classy vehicles. You see I have a family friend called Tamsin..." You start to bond with Joesph telling him about Tamsin and that he's basically your version of Speedwagon (sporting a short ginger bowl cut, big moustache and 70's glasses.) in that if you need something he'll sort it out. No questions asked. 
Polnareff walks up to the passenger side of your dark blue car and opens it and is about to place his buttocks on the seat only to be pushed aside gently by Kakyion. 
"I call the front seat mon ami" Kakyion grins at him
"Huh? Since when? I got here first!" He stands in front of him and puffs out his chest.
"Since Mr Joestar said we should take both cars and besides..." Kakyion got cut off by Avdol
He pulled Polnareff's ear, dragging him to the other side of the car and opened the back door and pushed him in and sat next to him and folded his arms and huffed. Kakyion smiled softly chuckling to himself and sat down in the passenger seat. (Basically Avdol is sitting behind you in case you wondered) 
"If you were to sit in front you would distract Y/N with all your flirting or trying to touch her knee and besides" He winked at his friend, " You wouldn't want me to be sitting all by myself in the back would you?"
Polnareff huffed and folded his arms for a moment, but then placed an arm around his Egyptian friend. 
"Of course not can't leave my best bud all alone can I and besides," He grinned " We can stretch our legs more, too bad for you Kakyion." He giggled like a school girl while he extended his legs outwards.
"Hmm, is that so?" Kakyion smirked, looked into the mirror and shifted his seat backwards into Polnareffs knee before shifting it back to where it was, the Frenchman winced in pain and grabbed his knee.
"You did that on purpose, why you!" Polnareff leaned forward, but then you approached the car and he quickly sat back and pretend nothing happened he wanted to be on his best behaviour around you. Avdol softly chuckled and watched you wave to Joseph and Jotaro. He smiled out the window to his old friend and gave a small wave.  
You got in the car and you saw Avdol and Polnareff  in the back seats and you glance over to the passenger seat and Kakyion was sitting there giving you a soft smile. You immediately look ahead with a mix of emotions, fear, shyness and nervousness. Kakyion took note of your behaviour and wanted to reassure you.
"Please don't let what Jotaro said, get to you. He's been on edge for a while. He will warm up to you soon. But we all believe in you Y/N." Kakyion placed his warm hand on your shoulder and you look at him trying not to think of that horrible nightmare that keeps haunting your vision. 
You swallow hard and let out a heavy sigh before smiling back at him, " I appreciate that lots Kakyion, say you guys have been travelling since this morning, haven't you," You slowly reach for the glove box and the men in the back moved forward and prepared for the attack. "I thought you'd appreciate some nice cold Coca Cola."
You turn with 3 Coca Cola bottles in your hand and see them with angry expression and you let out a shriek that you drop the bottles. Kakyion leans in close his arm brushes against yours in a swift motion and he catches the necks of the bottles in his fingers. He slowly sits back up and gives you a warm smile all while placing the bottles on his lap. A small blush grew on your cheeks, he was so close you could smell his scent, musky with a hint of cherry. You nod back in relief, but you turned your attention the gentlemen in the back seats with a raised eyebrow.
"Sorry miss Y/N you can understand our reflexes we haven't had it easy the past 40 or days or so" Avdol looks at you with a guilty expression. 
"I'm sorry my darling its just anytime we've tried to relax something happens. I hope you can forgive us" Polnareff clasped his hands together, his eyes almost reduced to tears.
"It's okay, " You give a sheepish smile, "I understand I truly do and once we are at the beach house I'll explain..." You slowly sigh and close your eyes, "I'll tell you everything." You open your eyes with a determined look.
You see Joseph and Jotaro in the buggy and they have reversed out the way for your car to squeeze past.  As the cars lined up just before you were in front  you wind down the window and you lean outwards.
"Mr Joestar its going to be a 3 hour drive, it's just south of the border just follow my lead and if you and Jotaro need to make a pit stop anywhere, just flash your lights at me and I'll get the signal." You smile at him and beep your horn a few times " See you in a while" 
"Right you are Y/N. To be honest, I'd rather wait until we make it to the beach house before we can take it easy. See you in a few hours." He gives a small wave to you and smiles while giving a big wave to Avdol and Polnareff in the back.
You slowly drove along the main road of the town, you look in the mirror and see Joseph is close behind you. You smile, knowing that everything was going smoothly. Kakyion smiled by you and leaned towards you as he leaned into the back to give his friends their bottles of Coca Cola. 
"Y/N Thank you so much you have no idea how much I've been dying for a drink" Polnareff smiled as he gripped the bottle 
"It is a very nice gesture Y/N so very thoughtful of you my dear." Avdol smiled as he raised his bottle to the mirror as his way of saying thank you. 
Polnareff tapped Avdols arm and whispered "Hey Avdol I can't open this bottle you think I can use Silver Chariot to pry the bottle cap off?" 
"Hmm, I suppose you could, but don't let Y/N see you" He places his hand over the side of cheek to hide his lips from your view "She might not understand stands as such, though if you were to open yours could you do mines also?" He brought his bottle closer.
You smile, taking in the hustle and bustle of the busy streets with vendors on both sides of the town, you realise about the Coca Cola bottles and you reach down to the side pocket of your door and you hand Kakyion a bottle opener not once taking your eyes off the road. You gasped slightly at his warm touch of his fingers as he slowly takes it from you. 
"Oh, thank you Y/N. I was wondering how I was going to open this" He smirked and laughed slightly while looking at his friends in the back as Polnareff stuck out his tongue while aiming Silver Chariot's arm with such concentration.
Just then BANG Silver Chariot's sword flung both the bottle caps into the air and the pressure of the Coca Cola spouted upwards landing on the Frenchman and the Egyptian man leaving them with half of the liquid left in the bottle, other half soaked them. Avdol pushed Polleraff in annoyance before grabbing his bottle and laughing heartily. Polleranff joined him in chuckling loudly. 
Kakyion smiled softly and grinned " I was going to offer this" waving the bottle opener at them "But you managed to open it all by yourself, I wonder how that is so, hmm?" Oh he very much knew how.
Avdol sat forward and grinned "Oh yes, that well, uh I used my super strength to open it." He chuckled loudly to hide the embarrassment in his voice oh Polnareff was going to pay for this later. 
Kakyion brought the bottle to his lips and began to drink the Coca Cola while the gents in the back chuckled and drank theirs, just then Polleranff had an idea pop into his head. He tapped his Egyptian friend to get his attention and pointed at the back window and gave his Coca Cola bottle a shake, Avdol smirked and grinned as he knew exactly what he was thinking. 
Joseph and Jotaro followed behind you slowly and Jotaro slumped more in the seat, resting his arm on the door and placing his chin on his hand as he took in the vendors as they drove passed. 
"What the hell!" Joseph frowned, looking at your car in front 
He saw his two friends shake their bottles of Coca Cola and Polleranff taking a slow chug and giving a satisfying "uh-huh" and a cheeky grin before shaking it again.
Joseph gripped the steering wheel harder and gritted his teeth "Son of a bitch! Do you see this Jotaro! They are having Coca Cola without me!"
Jotaro glanced forward and deeply sighed "What a pain.." before pulling his hat down to his face and adjusted himself ready for a snooze.
You look into the mirror and see Joseph with an annoyed look and you then see both the men in the back chuckling and giggling slapping their knees. You smile at how close they are as friends. Kakyion softly smiles and enjoys more of his Coca Cola and places the bottle opener into the glove box. 
Two and a half hours had passed and the laughter had eventually died down from the back of the car both the men rested their heads against each other as they fell asleep with how smooth your driving was. Kakyion looked back at his friends and smiled warmly he looked at you while you gave the road all your attention.
"Take this a compliment Y/N Avdol doesn't normally fall asleep in our car journeys, the fact is that he must really trust you. It is warming to see him so relaxed." Kakyion rested his hand on his chin as he places his elbow on the door.
"I had no idea Mr Avdol was always cautious. I'm just glad he can get some rest and feel relaxed." You reply while looking out to the open road with the odd car passing you.
Kakyion looked at you curiously " Say Y/N you mind me asking and of course you will explain everything shortly, but could you tell me, why are you helping us?"
*Cue the start of Roundabout theme* 
Your breath got shaky at him pressing you to talk, you gripped the steering wheel your palms got sweaty, your vision got hazy, but you shook your head to snap back to reality. He looked at you with concern his eyes fixated on you with how you are acting  and shifted himself forward  leaning towards you and awaited your answer.
"I'll just say these two words for now," you replied with a shaky squeak.
"Hol Horse..." 
[<--------To Be Continued----------]
Chapter 2
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fanficsforpogchamps · 4 years
The SDC bois with a reader who tries to bite at them whenever they get too close for their comfort, not caring if the have a so called 'stand'
Headcanon! Touchy-Feely
Warnings: None except a few naughty words 👀 enjoy!
My Jotakak fanfic is coming soon, but keep the requests coming lovely! I’d enjoy writing your scenarios and Headcanons for every good boi out there!
(I hope this is okay! I’ve done both emotionally and physically, like actually physically biting them lmao. It was fun, so Thank you for the first request :)) )
Jotaro Kujo-
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;This man is not exactly emotion material, he doesn’t understand them at the best of times, so when he sees you being recluse and lugging behind the group, he shrugs and carries on his merry way.
; he learnt from his old man that you were their translater, but had acquired no stand- and so when you first snap at him using your teeth when he brushed against your arm in a crowded market Star Platinum shot out immediately, expecting a fight. But when no Stand appeared, the larger, more colourful Jotaro was ever so confused.
; your teeth were firmly locked into his fingers as they had been wiping some sweat from your forehead. The beads were trickling down and it bothered the hell out of him, and it was only when you let go did he see that you made a sizeable mark on his middle and fore finger.
; “you annoying bitch,” Jotaro had growled, itching at the marks left by your teeth, and you slinked away back to Avdols shadow where you resided for the rest of the trip... until they tried to get you to stay behind when they found DIOs mansion.
; “you don’t have the powers we do, you need to stay behind and live, if not for us,” Avdol tried reasoning, but your stubbornness is why earned you your title as a Stardust Crusader. But when the man, the myth, the legend, Jotaro Kujo has started to approach you, there was an internal battle. Even after a few feet he was already waaaay beyond your comfort zone. “Do as they say, and just stay behind. DIO will most likely kill you if you go in without our powers,”
; die? You will? You had bared your teeth at him before spitting out a harsh “fine,” and turned away from the group. “I know I don’t have a Stand... whatever they are. But you all better come back to me alive,”
Kakyoin Noriaki-
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; Kakyoin was a very naturally comfortable person to be around, I mean hell, even Jotaro was happy when he had returned from hospital (but that’s further on-)
So when your teeth managed to snag at Kakyoins expensive school jacket on the Strength boat, he was a little more than surprised to say the least.
; he physically recoiled, before shaking his head and gently prying off your teeth. “Now now (Y/N),” he chuckled nervously, before managing to get the fabric from your teeth without damaging it. “No need to act like a dog now do we?”
;you had nearly died in that damned boat and was now out at sea again, having to deal with the infuriating closeness of everyone- but it seemed there was already a gap between both your sides as they all favoured to huddle further up the raft.
; “we don’t want your teeth in our clothes! I paid a lot for these!” Joseph cried out accusingly, finger shoved in your face to signify that there was distrust with you. That... hurt. Despite your emotional turmoil previously with them it still hurt when the man jabbed a finger your way. “Shut the fuck up old man before I shove your head under the water,” you snapped, arms crossed over your chest.
; That seemed to have shut Joseph up, as he cowered away, before Kakyoin started laughing. That was amazing! He knew there was something special about you. “Ahhh don’t mind him (Y/N), he gets paranoid,” Noriaki tired to inform you, managing to brighten up the mood from the older Joestar bringing it down a notch. “He needs to watch where he’s pointing that finger, or he will have to add another mechanical limb to the list,”
; it made Kakyoin smile, seeing as you full well meant every word you spoke and clearly Joseph was using your temper against you. Kakyoin shifted in his seat before sliding across to sit closer to you, and nudging your shoulder with his own.
; too close too close too close- is all you thought of as The red headed Japanese school student slid closer and closer to you. Despite the size of the raft you had been comfortable with no one being near you, but now that he was closer you felt your heart stop.
;”Don’t take no offence. He’ll learn his lesson soon enough,”
Jean-Pierre Polnareff-
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;when you had stepped off the plane with Iggy, the man thought you was the most gorgeous thing in the world, so when his flirtatious advances caused him to nearly jump out of the desert buggy- he was shocked.
; The Frenchman swore out in french, gesturing vividly for dear life as he had come to realise maybe.. maybe you weren’t as nice as you were portrayed to be? Maybe he should stay away?
; Blast it all to hell! Polnareff thought as he continued to fling flirty-esq comments your way. The travel was hot, and on you lap was Iggy- the animal which had processed to rip out a lot of his silver locks which were gorgeously prepared this morning. He scowled, before turning up his nose and giving up for a while.
; if it hadn’t been for you baring your teeth and snapping the words “dirty bastard” at him, he wouldn’t have stopped the flirting behaviour, but something about the way you flared up at him made him believe you were a full blown Stand user. Because god knows that only stand users would be that aggressive.
;but when he found out you was just another normal person; unable to grasp the thoughts or view his glorious Silver Chariot his heart sunk. So you was just another heartless tease then. He nearly cried at the idea of someone as beautiful as you being a dastardly tease, set to destroy him.
;The buggy had been overturned, and Polnareff was clutching Kakyoins body. You had reluctantly hopped on top of the car as well, your body pressed against Jeans because of N’Doul. You could see the mental struggle in his eyes. He didn’t want to get too close to you- yet he needed to keep Kakyoin safe. So you opted to helping him, fingers wrapping around the uniform of your cherry loving friend and dragging him just a bit higher up the buggy.
;”I may not have a stand to help,” you choked out, struggling slightly. “And I may not be able to see yours- but I’m going to help right now,”
;from then Polnareff could see you was a determined person, and while you possessed no stand it drove you to help more. You would be useless in the eyes of anyone else- but Jean-Pierre Polnareff could see your worth from the moment you thought of helping them.
Joseph Joestar-
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;Joseph knew you weren’t a Stand user from the start, as you hadn’t been able to see Purple Hermit when you met him. You were a translator, and as much as Joseph loved visiting Japan- it hurt him when he tried to order in English and no one could understand him, which is why you were with him.
; you used to be such a good kid, so social and friendly- yet when he met you again it was hard to believe you were the same person. You were snappy and seemingly always grumpy, ready to bite someone’s head off if they spoke wrongly. You nearly gave someone a heart attack at a store because they bumped into you, and the look from your eye caused them to sweat profusely.
; When you met Holly however, your sour mood disappeared almost completely and underneath emerged the soft child you once was, a small smile on your face as you chatted with his daughter.
;He knew holly had that affect on people but on you? He was sure it wouldn’t work yet here you were, small Japanese tea cup in your grasp and a soft laughter to your words.
;The only way he knew you was real was when you were alone with him again, and he decided to open his big mouth and ask about why you was so nice to Holly- when your teeth suddenly bit down on his metal hand which had been waved too close to your face.
;his signature ‘OHHH MY GOOOUDDDD!’ Was raised from his voice as he viewed the missing fingers off his metallic hand. “Don’t be so loud asshole, Kakyoin is still asleep,” you had snapped, before dropping the fingers in his lap and sighing.
; the one time you showed any sort of love or kindness towards him was... well... the airport. Your entire journey led up to this moment, the three people you stood besides were sobbing, and there was a small tear that slipped across your cheek- a moment of weakness that Joseph caught as you all recognised the harrowing details of your journey... it was over-
; “I miss their faces,” you admitted to him, one hand over his metal one for some sort of comfort as you both rested in your plane seats. You felt his thumb graze your knuckles as he held your hand close. You knew he had lost Ceaser, Speedwagon, Lisa Lisa, Erina... and now Avdol and Kakyoin. It must be hard, and you felt sympathy for him, yet never disclosed this to him.
; “I know, so do I,”
Muhammad Avdol-
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;his first snippet of your uncomfortable boundaries was when he first met you with Joseph Joestar, watching as you managed to snag the coat arm of the elder JoJo as the coat had smacked your nose softly as his arm raised in greetings.
;He knew from then on to avoid you, or just not to get beyond your boundaries. He was not exactly going to bother you if everyone wanted the best trip. He smiled back at you occasionally to allow you the knowledge that he was there and would respect you.
;you had only snapped at him once, but he expected it. His body appeared to move in front of you at a ghostly pace, almost as if arisen from the dead.
; you had weeped over his body, mourned and sobbed despite your harsh exterior. The tears nearly flooded from your eyes at his sudden appearance, but the anger boiled and bubbled over that sadness you felt.
;”So is there just s reason why I was not told?” You inquired, body remaining frozen as your shoes firmly remained placed in the sand of the beach. “Don’t give me the BULLSHIT you told Polnareff,” there was the snap that made Avdol twitch alway. “Let’s get this DIO shit over with so I can formally beat you all,” your teeth bared at them, before you composed the calm exterior you once had and made your way to the submarine.
;Avdol knew you meant well, the shock must have been fully graced if you admitted to pouring the contents of your heart out when his body had just been moved to an infirmary. A small smile crossed his lips as you passed him, head set forward and confidence leaking from your body as if you had a new ideal.
;”I’ll hold you too that (Y/N),” he smiled, hands now slipping into his sleeves as he followed your path with the rest of the Crusaders.
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saltine-kakyoin · 5 years
PLEASE what is sda I’m super curious I’ve seen u mention it so many times and now I Gotta Know
ahh, ruth!! howdy! I would like to apologize if this ask is all over the place, ya girl is currently goin thru an emotional meltdown + this is my only respite 🤠
The Sergio-Divergent AU is my Baby 😭 it started out as two separate aus, actually! The first one was an "all the crusaders live" au and the second was a "joseph had a son who is josuke's father" au because I could not and tbh still can't accept Joseph cheating on the legend that is Suzi. I realized there was no reason to have them as two separate aus, so they became one.
I have a more detailed page about it all if you're on desktop, but I'll give you the quick rundown! Years after Holly is born, Joseph and Suzi have another son, Sergio! He spends a lot of his childhood with Lisa Lisa because everyone is super busy, and bc of that he gets the whole 411 about his family's history and Hamon. Joseph doesn't let Lisa Lisa send his kid through Hell Climb Pillar, so Sergio and Lisa Lisa agree on music as a good way to practice Hamon. He becomes a huge music kid because of this, which leads to him becoming really good friends with Sadao! (much to joseph's despair lol) He is mcShooken when Jotaro is born, and spends many weekends and school vacations in Japan with the Kujos bc he adores the little guy.
Aside from having Funky Breathing Powers, he has a relatively normal life until he graduates from uni! He has a mild existential crisis, but Sadao comes in to save the day and gets him a few gigs over in Japan. This is where Sergio meets Tomoko, and they hit it off really well (after Holly is able to convince him that yes, she is flirting with him lol).
There's a golden year or two where things are nice. Tomoko graduates from uni, and Sergio gets a nice residency for his compositions! They get engaged! But, things go haywire when Tomoko is like bro.. I am jus DYIN?? And they rush to the hospital to find out!! AHHH the bitch has been pregnant the whole time and her baby said yo I'm fuckin outtie! (I wasn't entirely keen on this concept at first, but this exact thing happened to my sister so I will let it be) Cue the age of madness, in which Sergio and Tomoko try to juggle their jobs, their upcoming wedding, and their newborn.
Things get even madder when Joseph rings to be like, "Heyyy... I do not mean to alarm you but we found Dio's coffin and, uh, he's not in it lol." Sergio is deeply alarmed by this bc Dio was like, the monster under his bed AND in his closet as a kid. He filed the fear away growing up because Dio was dead and couldn't hurt anyone anymore, but now!! Aha! He tries to keep sensible about it, and to his credit, he does for about a year! But then Dio makes his thotty thotty trip to Japan to go crazy go stupid with Giorno's mother and Sergio, a Joestar and big experienced Hamon user, feels his presence deeply. (Dio also senses him [and Holly, Jotaro, and Josuke but he has no idea lol]) All pretense is thrown out the window, Sergio flips his lid because not Only is dio back... but hE'S IN JAPAN AHH.
There's a mild lapse in logic here because it'd be safe to assume that Dio's in Japan to kill all of them? But right now Sergio's just like, he's here to kill ME (and then everyone else. The idea rn is that Dio's coming for him first bc he poses the largest threat, but ahh idk.) Anyhow, Sergio has a mild meltdown about it and postpones the wedding because he doesn't want to run the risk of making Tomoko a widow. Tomoko is not pleased by all of this and is like bro.. you've gotta go to Tibet and get better at fighting with Hamon, I'll go live with my dad in the meantime.
So he goes to Tibet! I need to rework this section a bit, so I won't write too much about it. But! His stand, Golden Prophet, manifests here + he is directed to Abdul by one of Abdul's childhood friends! (This is messy to read, sorry! This is an artifact from before the rework, and I haven't addressed it yet ahh) So he goes to Egpyt, and becomes good buds with Abdul as he learns how to use GP better. The whole time, he's been having the migraine and nightmare of his Life because Dio is also in Egypt! Confident (and perhaps too confident) in his abilities, he sets out to kill the family scourge once and for all. However, he's intercepted by a particularly destructive stand user, Suad, whose stand circumvents his own. He ends up suspended in mid-air by a pole through his lung, which. :( He freaks out for a hot moment bc he Knows there's no way out, and that he won't get to go home and marry Tomoko or help her raise Josuke. In the mania, he has a moment of lucidity and realizes nobody knows Dio's whereabouts except for him... So, he uses Golden Prophet to make one final spirit audio call to his dad, and spills all the beans. With his final breaths, he urges Joseph to seek out Abdul and also make sure Tomoko and their son are well supported.
The stand user, Suad, comes back into consciousness during this phone call and realizes that Sergio is not as horrible as Dio made him out to be, and that he's literally just a Dude. He's just a dad. Wracked with guilt bc she is also just a parent trying to secure a future for her child, Suad defects and seeks Abdul out herself. Abdul is familiar with some of Dio's stand users, but Suad was one of them and knows More. She tells him everything she knows + acts as one of his informants.
This is all set-up for the "All the Crusaders Survive" part of the AU. Joseph is way more cautious going into Egypt because it already claimed his son's life. The Speedwagon Foundation is way more present in Cairo, which is fundamental to Kakyoin's survival. The rest of the AU is very long and basically just follows everyone in the aftermath of the crusade and beyond!
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sxltedcxramel · 5 years
"Dad, what's a soulmate?"
Katie was always an inquisitive person she asked questions about everything there was never a topic that she couldn't handle so when someone in her class said that one day she would find her soulmate and would live happily ever after she was bound to figure what this "soulmate" was.
"It's uh it's like a best friend but more."
~end flashback~
"Lance! Lance where are you?" Wiping the tears from her eyes Pidge was roaming through the forest looking for the blue paladin.
"I wonder if they'll give us a parade after this."
Pidge rolled her eyes "Lance this isn't about the glory it's our duty to help people."
"Yeah yeah lighten up Pidge don't be such a stick in the mud." Lance teased the young paladin "Plus at least I've got a camera cause I love taking pictures with the ladies."
"Lance can you shut up so I can concentrate and you should be focusing on flying you're lion and not girls." Pidge snapped she couldn't help it she liked Lance a lot so much it hurt, of course, she never thought of telling him she hoped it would go away but it hasn't.
"Ok jeesh Pidge, are you ok?" Pidge can hear the sincerity in his voice she felt bad for yelling at him.
"Y-yeah I fine just peachy just try not to get us killed," She said jokingly
"Wouldn't dream of it, Pidgeon."
Then out of nowhere lasers started firing at them.
"What the hell!" Pidge started to fire back at them "Lance you have company 3:00"
"On it" Lance aimed at both drones and they both went down
"Nice shot!"
Lance flashed finger guns both of them took down all the drones both were laughing on how easy that was. And at the corner of Lance's eye, the ion cannon was pointing at the green lion and it was powering up his eyes widened
"Pidge!, get out the way!"
Pidge had stopped laughing her face is full of confusion "W-what why?"
Dios Mio she wasn't going to make it. This was all happening too fast.
"Lance wha-" Lance had taken the controls and pushed to forward making him push the green paladin out of range which was good for her but for Lance he wasn't so lucky before he can even think about moving the cannon was already fired at him.
"Lance what the hel-" Pidge couldn't even finish her sentence because she was interrupted by the blue paladin's screams of agony. The blast was powerful so powerful the blue lion had powered down making them both (the lion and paladin) fall to the ground.
"Lance!" tears pricked the corner of her eye's
~Present time~
Pidge wandered around the forest looking for Lance 'this is all my fault' replayed to her brain
"Lance!" she called for like the millionth time
"It's the one person it the world in the world who knows you better than anyone else, it's someone that makes you a better person," Sam said with a small smile on his face
~end of flashback~
~ a few days ago~
"Pidge you can't keep going like this you haven't eaten yet you need to do personal hygiene you family wouldn't like to see like this you should get off the computer for a little then come back with a fresh mind." Lance's ocean blue eyes flashed with worry for the paladin
"I know Lance but I have to-"
"Find them I know I know." Lance finishing her sentence "And you will Pidge I promise you will but not like this you're literally slowly killing yourself."
"Actually they don't make you a better person you do that yourself because they inspire you."
~End of flashback~
"O-ok yeah." She knew he was right so she slowly closed the laptop put it on the desk and went to get ready.
The blue paladin smiled as she left.
~Present time~
Pidge wiped the tears off her eye's again Pidge could feel green purring to comfort her
"It's not your fault." green said matter-of-factly
"I-it is if I was paying attention we wouldn't be in t-this situation."
"You both weren't paying attention Lance just caught it at the Lance minute."
"Exactly! and he's a friken asshole for pushing me out the way I could've taken the hit for all I know he could be dead!"
"No green j-just can y-you be quiet for now." Green just hummed in response
~Flashback~ "A soulmate is someone who you can carry with you forever. It's the one person who knew you and accepted you... believed in you before anyone else did..or when no one else would"
~End of flashback~
"Hey, Pidge?" Lance said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck
"I- um sorry for acting so weird earlier a-actually I don't mind you're a girl it was just a lot to take in and-"
"Lance woah calm down I get it I was a lot to digest you already went through a lot and I didn't help make the situation any better, just don't go make this weird just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I want to be treated differently," Pidge said adjusting her glasses
Lance slightly blushed "Wouldn't dream of it, Pidgeon."
~Present time~
At the corner of Pidge's eye's she could see a hint of blue eye's widening "G-green do you see that?" Pidge started running towards the blue object revealing the blue lion "Lance!" her voice croaked due to all the screaming she did. Once she got their blue ways laying down on the ground with little energy. Tears started to flow again.
"Hey girl, I'm sorry for getting you in this situation. Is Lance in there?" Blue only hummed in response
"P-please blue I need to make sure he's ok." The lion opened her mouth just a little due to her strength it's a good thing Pidge was small she slipped right in.
~Flashback~ "And no matter what happens...you will always love them Nothing can ever change that."
Pidge scrunched up her nose "That seems dumb. Is that even true?"
"What makes you think it isn't true?"
"Because I'll never find my soulmate nobody likes me everyone thinks I'm annoying and a nerd. I'm going to end up like an old lady with cats but instead of cats my computer and wires all over the place. Plus boys are gross and immature." Sam laughed at young Katie's statement
"Well you say this now but wait till you grow up you'll change your mind and you'll be in love like me and your mom go on date-"
"Ewww gross dad keep it to yourself!" Sam laughed as the young girl ran off in disgust.
~End flashback~
"L-Lance you in here?" no answer
Pidge walked towards the console and she saw the blue paladin.. unconscious "Lance!' she shrieked quickly checking for a pulse she can feel one a very faint one. Lance wouldn't wake up.
"Lance I-I'm so sorry" she sobbed "Your such an asshole why did you push me out of the way." She clenched her fist silently crying in the quiet lion. A few seconds went by which felt like hours Pidge heard a small cough.
Lance chuckled slightly "Even when I'm almost dying you still find a way to curse me out." Lance coughed
Pidge stared wide-eyed and started crying harder
"P-Pidge I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." Lance tried to embrace the girl.
Pidge pushed away his hands "What the hell is wrong with you!" Lance flinched.
"Y-you could've d-died-"
"But I didn't"
"Lance that's no the point! y-you could've and it would be my fault, I wasn't paying attention-"
"Pidge it's not your fault I chose to do what I did."
"Lance you can't do something like I-I thought I lost you a-and I wasn't going to forgive myself b-because-" Pidge couldn't even finish her sentence because Lance kissed her. He eye's widened but after she closed her eyes. The kiss was light and fluffy it was more of an innocent kiss. Lance was gentle not forcing the kiss was sweet and tender. Pidge felt the warmth through her body. The broke apart from the kiss in seconds capturing their breath.
Pidge finally came back to reality she was blushing hard so hard she looked like the red lion.
"L-lance wha- w-" She couldn't even form sentences
Lance gave a soft smile "Sorry but you can't blame me I almost died without telling the love on my life how I feel."
"Pidge please can I just talk first." She just nodded in response
Lance sighed "Pidge I like you like like like you. I love it when you talk all nerdy and I can't understand anything you say half the time, I love when you get frustrated when playing Killbot Phantasm one and I finally win and you make it your priority to beat me, and I love it when you and so cute and excited when you discover a new part of science. I know I flirt with a lot of girls but I really mean it, your not like any other girl I really really like. It's probably why I've never flirted with you. Lance said timidly
Pidge couldn't believe it the boy she like liked her back it was almost like a dream come true.
"..uh Pidge please say something you're making me nervous."
Pidge started crying but this time it was happy tears "Lance... you have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words." Pidge choked on her words " I've liked you for a long time too." smiling Pidge felt like dancing and screaming out of joy her heart leaped. Lance gave her a peck on her cheek and hugged her whispering
"I love you, Katie"
"I love you too Lance"
Both knowing they meant it.
One day we all will find the love of our life our... soulmate and you will instantly know. They say the universe gives our souls each a twin, which is a reflection of our own souls. No matter how far apart these souls are separated they will always find their way to one another. All those years back Katie asked what was a soulmate? She didn't believe she would ever find her match but here she was being embraced by the love of her life...
her soulmate.
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milk-is-here · 5 years
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I was tagged by @ratlyne!! This took a lot of thinking, lmao. Also I'm going to quote from the wiki to help me with this oop so its gonna be kinda structured like an essay paragraph? But im not introducing the quotes im just saying them and explaining and because of that this might be long
Jonathan: "will treat any fellow human with respect unless they prove evil." Along with his trait of being gentlemanly, I am very polite and respect everyone until it comes to light that they're either 1) a bad person or 2) they do something that goes against my moral code or hurt someone close to me. "Jonathan fights for what he believes in, and once he is committed to something, he won't back down until the deed is done" I am very ambitious and I'm very confident in my beliefs and if i hear anyone badmouthing what i believe in i will do my best to either correct them or properly educate them and prove my point. "Jonathan has a mindset where he tries to imagine the consequences his actions would have on other people .... he is gentle and sympathetic" I am a gigantic well of sympathy and understanding and I try my best to make sure what I do doesnt hurt anyone. I've put myself in other people's shoes more times than I can count. Also like jonathan to dio, I have a hard time looking past the good things about someone to realize the bad. I see beauty and goodness in everything, even the tiniest bit, and I tend to latch onto that beauty as a justification for keeping generally bad influences around.
Joseph: although I wont outright act out against authority like joseph, I do have a healthy amount of resentment for it, mostly because I value my freedom and free will to do what I'd like to. Much like Joseph though, I'm very playful and I love to joke around, theres just about nothing I cant joke about even on serious notes. But there is a line, and I will fiercely defend anyone who's been offended by something someones said (within certain parameters) and I cant stand when someone picks on someone while they're down. Also like Joseph, I love to outsmart people, if I can find a quicker and more efficient way of doing things or if I can simple baffle them by predicting their moves, I become a snarky and arrogant person, although I dont stay like that for long. Also I have literally no trouble making friends no matter their background or how they act towards me in the start, I've got friends of all shapes and sizes, all personalities and quirks. I can be a flirt but since I've gotten in my relationship I tend to keep the flirting to just her which is probably my favorite pass time because seeing her get flustered makes me feel proud of myself hehe.
Josuke: given that I'm not too much older than him, I still act very much like a teenager, and I do a lot of the things josuke does. I'm definitely more concerned with what I'll be doing in the next few hours or minutes than I am with my future further down the road, it's much easier to plan a day with my friends than it is to plan for like five years later. As I said back with Jonathan, I'm very kind and polite and I do my best to help everyone, not only because of how I am but because helping people makes me feel very very good about myself and receiving praise or compliments even more so. I also tend to switch between the calm and goofy attitude about things depending on the situation. I know how to have fun, but if the situation needs it I can be as calm and collected as a leader going into a battle they know theyll win.
I just realized I only used quotes for Jonathan and instead just restated things for Joseph and josuke oof also I tend to warp myself to better make allies which isnt exactly healthy? Like I noticeably change depending on who I'm hanging out with, if it's with my gf and our closer friends I feel like that's where I'm the most me? But if I'm with my cousins (who act extremely ghetto, thank God they dont use tumblr) I act just about exactly like them.
I dunno who all has done this already so I'm just gonna--
@im-hecking-baby @warrior-of-symbolica @dokidoki-tae @animegirl1200
I know it's only four shhhhhh I didnt know who else to tag--
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pheonix-sassafras · 5 years
Subject Interview- Marcus Guerriero
Quotes: "You think you can get away with that bastard?"
"Yes, sir. I'm absolutely sure I'm not going to do that shit for you.... sir."
"Fuck off and go to hell. If I see you again, you'll be meeting the Lord next."
"Hey... it's okay Sweetheart... I'm not gonna hurt you, honey. Come here, I'll protect you."
Name: "Marcus Guerriero, a pleasure to meet you."
Introduction: “Ciao, Miss, I’m Marcus Guerriero, a pleasure to meet you.”
Nickname: “Oh, boy... let's see here. Soldier boy, Italian bastard, and by a rare few Mark, but mostly I'm called Marcus. Feel free to give me one; trust me, I'd tell ya if I don't like it."
Preferred name: “Marcus.”
Age: “24.”
Gender: "Obviously, I'm a man."
Race: "Italian, well I'm a tiny bit of a lot of other things too. But I'm mostly Italian."
Sexuality: "Straight" 
Powers: "What makes you think I'd tell you? Well, don't go doing anything crazy now, Oi mio... I'm a magic-user. I can heal, do a lot of small magic. Happy? Good." 
Weapons: "You will never see me without a few small knives and or a pistol. You might see me with a sword or rifle from time to time as well, the sword more often then rifle. Where? Well, I’m afraid that wouldn’t be too smart of me to tell ya would it?" 
Personality: "you're asking me? What can't you tell? Oi, mio Dio..." (Marcus can be slightly arrogant and acts like a big tough guard dog. But once you can crack his outer persona he projects, you will see he is actually a softy, loving children and is kind and caring. He would do anything to see someone smile. But the moment danger comes, he will protect those he cares about with his life)
Drunk: “Can’t say I ever am.” (Swears vividly, even if in front of children. He thinks he is the cutest thing and tries flirting with everyone but can flip and turns into the bitchiest thing in a millisecond but is most often fun to be around.) 
Coffee: “Black. No, no sugar, no creamer. Black. What do you mean how do I drink it like that, it tastes good.”
Beliefs: "I believe in a god. As the saying goes, there are no atheists in a fox hole. What else do you want me to say?"
Voice: "What? You are listening to me, you tell me.” (Marcus has a very rich sounding deep voice. He has a slight Italian accent, and his voice will catch slightly on the English words, but when he speaks Italian it is smooth and easy to listen to)
Abilities/ skills: "Weren't you listening? Ay.. sharpshooting, hand to hand combat, healing, first aid, archery kind of. That one is a work in progress more so than the others. I'm still training, don't give me that look."
Inabilities: “Well, if I must answer. I have trouble showing how I feel, and for the life of me, I can’t shoot a bow to save my life. But I am working on that.” 
Love to be done: “I love it when people hum. When someone is happy enough to absentmindedly hum, I could listen to that forever. “
Likes: "What Italian doesn't like women, but not in a disrespectful way. After all, such graceful and beautiful creations must be protected. I like a little bit of beer here and there. I love to visit the ocean, it has and always be my first love, to be surpassed only by the love of my life. I like nature and the calm, the peace and quiet. However, I like a fair fight and a good challenge as well."
Dislikes: "I hate, absolutely hate rude men. Girls are not something to be joked about inappropriately. I hate abusive men, god if I ever hit a woman that didn't deserve it kill me then. It takes everything I have not to kill every sexually abusive man I see. No means no bastards. Drunkards annoy me, as do rude children but not enough for me to do anything. Unfair fights I don't tolerate."
Treasures most: “Having a family to come home to.”
Weakness: "Ah... well... children. I can't bear to see children hurt. Those I love, I can't let them get hurt. I also have a somewhat short temper. As far as personal weaknesses in my skill, I don't defend my back well or my left side. But I'm working on that. I have been caught with a sword in a gunfight, having only knives. That won't happen again, I hope. My archery is not reliable. In hand to hand combat, I take a lot of risks. But no risk no reward, right? Anything other than that is my fears of small enclosed spaces, having my movement restricted,  and the dark. Don’t laugh, have you seen what happens in the pitch black?"  
Strength: "I'm nearly a perfect shot with a rifle, still working on it too. I wouldn't say I've mastered the skill of sword fighting, but I'm pretty good at it. Oh, and if you hurt the ones I love, I will do anything to kill you. You have been warned" 
Completely break: “That wouldn’t be wise for me to share, would it?” (he will have a mental break if his movement is restricted or senses are taken away or small enclosed area for long periods of time.) 
Faults: “I am too nice to people who don’t deserve it.”
Things never to be done: “Insult my family, and you will find yourself at the focal point of my anger and temper for a long time if you don’t die in the original attack. I know how to kill 7 ways to Sunday, I will find a way if the need arises.”
Biggest secret: “You aren’t nearly important enough to me for me to share that Miss.”
Act when depressed: “Well, I’d have to say I stay home and sleep. Nothing wrong when you have to take a day every now and then. If you saw and did half of the things I have done, you would understand.” 
Shows affection: “I will do anything I think you will like, try to show the wonders of my job and the life I truly want. I will open up about myself and my life. If you are lucky, I will play the guitar.”
Home: "I travel around a lot."
Occupation: "Pirate, spy- but keep that a secret."
Pet: "Hmph. Yes. I also have a 3-year-old rescue German Shepard named Buckshot."
Bio: "What all do you want to know? Listen, you don't have to know every little detail of my life. You're lucky I told you all of this. Fine. I'll tell you. When I was younger, my family was killed while my brother and I were out working. My family was poor, but the robbers still tried to get every ounce of money we had. When I arrived home, I found them dead. All of them, from my little 5-year-old twin sisters to my mother and father. The police never caught them. I was raised by a family friend. I joined the war as soon as I could, along with my brother Lee and friend Kyle. Lee died in an ambush, Kyle died in an attack. Jackson became my lifeline after he was promoted to Captain. My group believed I had what it took to be a spy. So... here I am. Don't look at me with pity. I don't want that."
Hair color: "Chocolate Brown."
Hair Style: "As well kept as you get at sea."
Hair Type: "medium length."
Eye color: "I've been told icy blue."
Skin color: "Tan, I guess."
Makeup: "Does war-paint count? Then hell no."
Nails: "Am I supposed to pay attention to them?"
Body Type: "Fit. I work to keep myself working to keep myself strong."
Height: “6’3”
Weight: “210lbs.”
Tattoos: “I have a Celtic knot for family and father on my arms.”
Scars: "My back is covered in scars, my arms are covered in various scars. A few on my stomach, a few on my legs."
Outfit: “Take a look” (Doesn’t wear a hat all the time, but is seen with a black hat occasionally. Wears a long brown jacket that partially covers swords scabbard. He always has his sleeves rolled up. Carries at least 1o knives hidden in various places. Carries his sword on his left hip even though he is left-handed, dagger behind his sword and pistol on his right hip. Wears a silver and black cross, believes it is the only thing that keeps him from going dark. It is his father’s and the only memento of his family.)
Birthmarks: "None"
Dad: "Steven, he's dead."
Mom: "Analisa, she's dead."
Brother: "Lee, he's dead."
Sister: "Avalyn and Francisca, both dead"
Lover: "No. Not anymore, anyway."
Kids: "Avalyn and Ally"
Mentor: "Maria"
Apprentice: "None"
Friend(s): "Maria, Lyra, Lily."
Best friend(s): "Jackson and Kyle."
Group: "I only follow orders from the Grey Armistice."
Enemies: "Too many to count, way too many to count. Are we done now? Good"
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A (sizeable) rant/essay concerning my experiences in the Tumblr JJBA fandom.
None of you asked to hear this, but I’m getting pretty pissed off at some people in particular (I will not name names, though I may heavily implicate some people) and it’s finally started to kinda spill over. So I’m letting it spill; take it or leave it.
I’m... Fairly irate at the moment, and writing out my feelings does tend to help me calm down in situations like this, so if I was going to put this anywhere the best place for it is probably on the public internet. Again, take it or leave it: this is the internet, you don’t have to interact with me if this concerns you or your ideals. Just click that handy little block button on my profile and you never have to see little Nat mouthing off again.
If you want me to summarise (I know not everyone wants/is able to read a fluffed-up pillar of text) or explain my reasoning behind anything I’ve said below the cut, feel free to direct message me here or on Discord @nati bati yi#1462. Once I get this off my chest I’ll be more than willing to chat to people about it. <3
(Before I say anything else, this is not intended to be a callout in any way, shape or form. I don’t mention the specific names of anybody, and the actions I do mention here will only point to specific people if you know them too. Anyone on the outside should have zero idea of who anyone I bring up is; I do not want anyone to get harassed over this, and I very much do not want to start drama - that’s what inspired me to go off and write this hunk of garbage in the first place. I’m just... Sick to death of the fandom as a whole.)
Anyway. Here we go.
From what I’ve been able to tell, being in this fandom for just under a year now, there are two main halves to it: the gay-hating, stale-meme-parroting dudebro side, who seem to mostly congregate around YouTube and Reddit, and... Whatever the side based on Tumblr (and probably now Twitter) is. I don’t spend a lot of time on Reddit, so naturally I’ve been more exposed to the Tumblr side of the fandom, and after experiencing the ideals some people here want to force on other people I’ve come to the conclusion I’d almost rather be immersed in the bigoted dudebro side. And I say this as an ace-spec/gay trans man.
I’ll start with the blocklist.
I think most of us on Tumblr came to the conclusion that the blocklist was utter bullshit, but I did see a few people in a Discord server I have since left (I will expand on this later) defending the reasoning behind some ships being on there, citing the fact they had been abused in a relationship with a similar age gap. I can definitely see why that would bother a person, and I do not want to erase the fact that people have been and will be abused in similar relationships, but you can’t project your singular experience onto every fictional, non-canon character relationship and every person who ships it. For one, not every relationship is going to turn out the same just because it meets this one criteria of “the age gap is too big”, and, also, you don’t have to write fiction to totally reflect reality. You are in full creative control. Maybe if the characters were real people they wouldn’t click, but if you’re drawing a picture or writing a fanfic you don’t have to go along with that. You can write them so that they’re good to each other, while still keeping it in character. Araki has said that Jotaro and Kakyoin’s personalities don’t work together very well, and that they wouldn’t have become friends or even spoken to each other if Jotaro wasn’t a Stand user... But Jotaro/Kakyoin just happens to be the most-written about JJBA ship on AO3. Me? I love Jotakak. It’s about the only thing I do ship. And I’ve read some quite frankly amazing fanfiction where the two boys are paired and they work together, and it’s still very much in character. Of course, I’m very much against loli/shota content or content depicting characters who don’t look very old- if someone drew Koichi in a sexual situation I would be pissed as all hell, but I don’t have to engage with that content any further. I can just filter out the tag/block the OP and move on. You don’t need to make a fuss and tell/imply to people that they are paedophilic for enjoying well-written content where a 17-year-old is in a healthy relationship with a 22-year-old, platonic or otherwise.
My second point brings in some of the things I’ve learned while studying media this past year. My main point here: not everyone in an audience is the same. There is a reason differential decoding and the uses and gratifications theory exist. The uses and gratifications theory states, at its most basic, that the audience of a media text is active, not passive; i.e. they are not just absorbing every piece of data thrown at them by the text they are consuming, and they are consuming different media to satisfy a need- for JJBA, that need could be entertainment, escapism, identifying with a character similar to yourself or to give you something to talk about with your friends. Differential decoding arises when someone consuming a piece of the media does not entirely go along with the creator’s preferred reading of it- an example might be how a sizeable amount of people enjoy villainous or “disgusting” characters such as Dio, Cioccolata, Stroheim or Melone, when they were clearly written in canon to be abhorrent, unlikable people for varying reasons. I can also say that, because the audience is active, and consume media based on their personal needs, that somebody writing fanfic of a ship you don’t like isn’t going to make incest or paedophilia more socially acceptable. I don’t consume that content, because I don’t feel the need to. Sure, real paedos might, but they’re a minority. Just because a couple hundred people or so read a fanfic on the free web where a grown adult does the dirty with a little kid, doesn’t mean to say everyone in the world will suddenly start thinking it’s ok. Mention it to any sane person in real life and they will not like that idea any more than you do.
And my third point is more a personal thing than anything else, but there is a community I used to be part of (and was part of almost from the beginning) where I didn’t feel welcome because of people causing drama over things like what I mentioned above. I started multiple discourses entirely by accident by saying I didn’t understand why everyone though X ship was horribly problematic and worth getting mad at people over. I still don’t feel like anyone deserves to be harassed over characters and ships they enjoy, but that doesn’t mean to say I support all of it. Along with generally feeling ignored by a lot of the moderators of that server, as well as their friends, I was just sick to death of how they seemed to single out some certain people to say, “hey, don’t do this” when other people seemed exempt. I was verbally warned for posting innuendos in a general chat (but it’s not like I could anywhere else on the server, because I’m not 18 yet), but at least once every day I would see two people flirting in-character in whatever channel they happened to meet in, and it never seemed to be in a roleplay channel- I couldn’t see into NSFW to check if they did it there too, but the fact it would leak out into gen concerned me. They would throw innuendo after innuendo at each other, and they never seemed to stop, or be told to stop. Yes, I could have messaged the moderators to say it made me uncomfy, but one of them was a moderator themselves, so I felt a little out my element doing so. 
Another thing that bothered me is when I tried to join an offshoot of that server for kin, and the admin - I assume - of said offshoot server messaged me (with some other conversation concerning it in between) that, despite the fact I only wanted in to help me figure out what it meant to me, I wasn’t allowed in because somebody was uncomfy with doubles. I completely understand that, but I had spoken to the only person it could have been (I wasn’t given a name, but it wasn’t difficult to figure out who it was) multiple times about that character and how similar we were- hell, we had even roleplayed together as doubles of that character and no problems were ever expressed to me. If anything it seemed like we left off in a spot we could have carried on from later. It might not have been intended that way, but being told I wasn’t allowed in there made me feel excluded from the community nonetheless, especially because I’d had a few people tell me the night before that they wanted more people in there and that I’d be totally welcome. I was also told, before any of this happened, that the same person blocked a friend of mine in another server for going on a small rant about how they didn’t like the way Josuke acted in the episode where he plays dice with Rohan and ends up burning his house down, because they kin Josuke..? At least, that’s what was relayed to me.
But, hey ho, it’s all behind me now. I won’t lie; I don’t really plan on ever going back. I don’t want to engage anymore, because it makes me uncomfortable and anxious thinking about it, so I most likely will unfollow most (if not all) of the blogs pertaining to that community tonight. I do have a few people still there who I miss speaking to, but I’ve DM’d all of them on Discord at least once since I’ve left and talked to them about either how I miss them or something entirely unrelated to the server. I’d like to talk more with them, but DMs are always awkward for me to begin with... I have a feeling they might not want to talk after reading this, and I think I’m ready to accept that? Might be difficult not being able to scream about fanfic as much, but I won’t impose on anyone if my presence makes them uncomfy. I don’t want to be that guy.
I’ll say it again: now that I’ve got this off my chest and subsequently calmed down a lot, I’m more than willing to talk about any of it. Just shoot me a message on Discord and I’ll reply when I’m able and feeling up to talking about it again. For now I’m probably just going to go back to pissing about on Flight Rising or play Smash or something
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