#I know I can talk my cooking is fairly bad and possibly dangerous
david-watts · 10 months
it's that time of the night where I want to have a nice fancy burger. maybe it's just like. oogh need carbs need meat need the happy chemicals from food that doesn't make me want to off myself or that it's been like ten hours since I last ate
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Can i request a platonic Johnny Abot (i think thats his name) x hybrid reader from sweet tooth, we know he’s sympathetic twords the kids so what if while they were in captivity he chose a favorite, i think that would just be super cute (choose whatever “type” of hybrid u want)
YEEEESSSSSSSS. Thank you for making my hyper fixation feast 🙏
The type of hybrid is not really mentioned a lot but I like to think the reader is a snow leopard hybrid. Cuz snow leopards r cool
Also I think it's spelled Johnny Abbot? But I'm not rly sure
Also, there's 100% gonna be angst in this, if you want to you can request a separate thing where it's a different AU :)
Warnings: season 2 spoilers, mentions of guns and possibly death
Anyways, enjoy (also, cringe gifs come w this)
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When he first saw you, he honestly felt bad and guilty for putting you in a dungeon
Not that he doesn't feel bad for putting the other hybrids in the dungeon, he does but.. you kind of seemed slightly different from the rest
Yes, you came from two parents (that day died from the sickness) and you weren't older than the H5G9 virus (is that the name??) But you just felt different, somehow
He would visit the dungeon frequently just to keep an eye on you, and every time he passed by he would peak through the bars to just see you
He felt as if it was his responsibility to keep you safe, even though you barely know him and you see him as a bad guy
When he would come in to take Gus away he would make eye contact with you with a sorry kind of expression before the doors closed. And you eventually picked up on his behavior
Every time he entered you would inch closer and closer, just to see if it wasn't anything that you and your friends sould be worried about. Eventually you warmed up to him slightly, still hated him for traping you and your friends but you weren't afraid to approach him
He would feel all happy inside when you were in front of him for the first time. Feeling like he was protecting you somehow, even though you were just standing in front of him
One day, or sould I say one night. When Johnny was passing by, he saw you sitting by the bars. Your face resting on one of the bars as you looked up at the stars, or to say the fairly small amount of stars that you could see
You didn't realize that Johnny was there, and that he was slowly approaching you
"Hey." You jumped and hissed as you backed away, "no, I'm not gonna hurt you, just.." He looked into his pockets and pulled out a few chocolate bars, "here." He smiled, extending his hand through the bars and towards you. You sniffed his hand and your pupils widened (?) As you looked at him carefully, you quickly snatched the candy bars away from him and you just stared at each other. He smiled, and you smiled back. "Thank you." You whispered, leaving Johnny in shock as you ran towards your friends to share
Every night after that he would pass by and give you enough candy for your friends or would give you something edible to eat, he isn't a cook so it would be roughly either a couple cans of food or just sliced up bread. Either way you ate what he gave you
After a while you started to spend more and more time with him. You saying a few words to him was enough to brighten his mood
He, of course, told no one that you could speak. He knew what tests Dr. Singh did on Gus, so he kept your ability to speak a secret. And you didn't tell Johnny that the other hybrids could talk, since you didn't want them in any danger
He would sneak you out of the dungeon at night when everyone is asleep so that you can look up at the stars and run around in the grass, after a while he would bring up the idea of letting you escape
You would deny, saying that you didn't want to leave your friends, and he would be understanding but also confused. Didn't you want freedom?
One night you told him the plan of your escape. He felt honored that you trusted him enough to give out that information, he also asked where you would be going, who you would be going with etc. etc. so that he could try and lead the general in the wrong direction
Before you and your friends escaped he gave you a necklace with a little fake key. The little key had your initials engraved in it
You smiled happily and ran to grab a rock, with you sharp nails you barely carved out a heart and gave it to him. You almost made him cry ngl
The day of your escape he did everything he could to keep any guard away from you and your friends,,, but mostly you if we're being honest
But of course, he couldn't keep you safe for long, he could just be a distraction while you all escape
He just wanted for you to be safe, he knew if he wanted you to be safe, he had to be far away from you
But, he still here the rock you carved him. And you still kept the necklace
When he was traveling with his brother and the crew all he had in mind was you, he was wondering if you knew, if you were safe, if he could do anything to warn you, to let you be safe
Now he was on the ground, pointing an unloaded gun at his brother. He gave this whole speech, and when he was about to pull the trigger, the gun didn't go off
Now to your point of view. You were waiting for the escalator thingy it get back so you could get on, but a gunshot was heard, you ducked down, covering your ears and squeezing your eyes shut. You felt a sudden emptiness fill your heart as you uncovered your ears and looked towards where the gunshot was heard
Your ears fluttered as you ignored your friends calling for you and ran, getting on all fours as you climbed up a tree, jumping from tree to tree so that you would go unnoticed as you approached the area where the gunshot was heard
You looked down and smiled when you was Johnny laying on the ground, you hadn't noticed the blood around him
You jumped down with a huge smile, "Johnny!" You yelled out if happiness, "you came! You're not gonna believe where Gus used to live!" You giggled in excitement, jumping around him, you didn't receive a response
"Johnny?" You questioned, tilting your head as your ears twitched in confusion. You cracked next to him, poking his cheek, "Joooohhhnnnnyyyyy!" You dragged out, continuing to poke his cheek
"This isn't funny!" Your eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as you gripped tightly onto his coat and shook him, "c'mon! Wake up!" You yelled, your face scrunching up in worry as you continued to shake his body. Your heartbeat increased as you shook him more violently, your face morphing from annoyance to worry, "Johnny?" Your voice cracked
You now noticed the blood below him, your eyes widened as you stared to breath heavily, shaking him more and more, "Johnny?! Johnny wake up!" You yelled, tears forming in your eyes as you turned him over. You started to sob as you shook him more and more, thinking that would help him wake up
You opened your mouth to yell his name out again when someone gripped at you hair. You screamed in terror, your claws coming out as you instinctively scratched their mech and but their arm as hard as you could, the guard yelled and cliched onto their neck and hand
You got up, looking at Johnny before starting to sob as you hugged him tightly. You kept sobbing and yelling apologies, as if it was your fault
The person you attacked pulled out a crossbow, but before they could shoot bear attacked them, grabbing you as she pulled you away. You started to sob, not wanting to let go. But bear picked you up and ran away towards the escalator thing as you reached towards Johnny, sobbing as you watched him. Slowly getting farther and farther away
A/n: *slurp* mmmm, angst
Anyway, sorry if it's crappy, it's my first time writing for this fandom 😅
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wildissylupus · 1 year
I know you've spoke a lot about Cass but dude that content keeps me alive 😭 (I love him so much) So if you have any more headcanons or ideas about him please ramble about them
Alright!! Always happy to talk about my favourite Cowboy!!
I like to think Cassidy is really good with little kids, and that kids always bond with him super easily. This is specifically because Cassidy doesn't underestimate them and is the first to recognise them as their own person. He treats them with the amount of respect he gives adults, it's part of the reason Fareeha drifted towards him of all people. Because of this and because of the fact I've been reading Hero of Numbani, I like to believe Efi and Cassidy would get along. I also like to think that Cassidy would see a lot of Liao in Efi.
Cassidy is not a morning person, he's an early riser, but he looks like he died, went to hell, and clawed himself back out in the mornings. The thing is he wakes up almost before anyone else so no one has really seen Cass like that, except Jack. Jack wakes up at around the same time a Cassidy, and being the morning person he is, has seen Cass looking half dead and making himself five cups of coffee on multiple occasions.
Cassidy never really left base on his days off unless a big event was happening with Pharah, like her graduation or a big basketball game. He knew the dangers since he was still technically a wanted criminal but he wanted to support his sister. (Especially after things got bad between her, Ana and Sam.)
He finds comfort in the mundane, even though he probably will never have a normal life (not like he wants one now anyway) he still finds comfort in cooking and cleaning. Though he never really gets to do that much since there is always something else happening.
Cassidy is like Ana in the fact that he can fight either Jack or Gabe and they will actually have to put effort in. This is because he was trained by Ana and most likely spared with Gabe on multiple occasions, meaning he's one, stronger than he looks and two, can both take a punch from and fight a super-soldier. Does this mean he'll win the fight? Hand to hand combat, no, but since Cassidy can fight from a longer range, at the very least against Reyes he'd have a possibility of winning.
Cassidy is terrible at technical subjects like math and science, however, he knows and understands the most random topics for them. He's also fairly good with mechanics and engineering.
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all-too-random · 3 years
Mutsuki Sohma Headcanons
• He was born on February 18th (possibly in either 2004 or 2005) • Yuki was 23 and Machi was 22 when he was born (according to my hc. I don't think it's been confirmed in canon.) • He was kind of an accident, ngl • Kids were something Yuki and Machi had discussed, but they weren't sure if they wanted to have them, and if they did, they wanted to wait longer • They expected Mutsuki to be a calm baby because most of the babies they had been around were fairly calm.... they were very wrong • He cried almost constantly as a baby, and it kind of destroyed Machi and Yuki's confidence as parents • It also made them feel worse because it felt like everyone else could calm him down except for them; Tohru could calm him just by holding him; Kakeru and Ayame could pull a silly face and easily get him to giggle. But it seemed like nothing his parents did could get him to calm down • He grew out of that, though, and was a very happy toddler, albeit very wild and mischevious. Like, runs around in circles and colors on the walls kind of wild • The amount of "I looked away for ONE second" stories Yuki and Machi have about him is astronomical • His parents loved him with all their hearts, though, even if he was a wild child (but between his crying as a baby and his hyperactivity throughout childhood, they never wanted another child. Ever.) • Uncle Kakeru is one of his favorite people in the entire world, much to Yuki and Machi's dismay • Mutsuki even went through a phase of calling Tohru "grandma" when he was 6-7 just because Kakeru convinced him to (Kakeru and Mutsuki thought it was hilarious, but every time he said it, the more Yuki wanted to punch his brother-in-law in the face) • Uncle Ayame is also fun, mostly because Mutsuki likes how he messes with his dad • Kyo and Tohru were also around a lot throughout his childhood and he loved getting to visit them • Other than Kakeru and his parents, though, his favorite adult was Hatsuharu. • He also developed a really close bond with his cousin Michi, who was really more like an older sister to him • Mutsuki was also always very close to Hajime; during family events, they would usually sneak off together to play soccer or cards • Also, even though he has no younger siblings of his own, he kind of adopted some of his cousins (hajime's siblings, Shiki, Sora and Riku, Kou, etc.) as siblings • He wasn't the kind of caring Hajime was, where he would look after you when you were sick or cook you dinner; Mutsuki was more of the "I'll teach you to play baseball" or "if you did something bad, i wont tell the parents unless your life is in danger, I'll just help you" kind of older sibling • Mutsuki loves to talk to people. He can make friends with just about anyone he meets fairly easily and can make a joke our of almost anything; just be careful if he starts being too nice because he might have some ulterior motives (nothing sinister, just mischevious) • His parents often make jokes about how he must have been swapped at birth because he's so little like them in personality; everyone knows it isn't true of course because he's Yuki's spitting image • One way in which he does take after his parents is his ability (or lack thereof) for doing housework • His house was never a complete mess, but it was never picture-perfect either. Machi still tended to have outbursts if things got too perfect (although not as extreme) so nothing in their home ever was perfect; it was more like an organized chaos • So, Mutsuki never really learned how to clean properly • He tended to find comfort in untidyness as well and, like his mother, would often make a mess if he got overwhelmed • Unlike Machi, it wasn't any sort of trauma brought on by perfection that made him act that way. But messiness was something that he was used to; so when life got unfamiliar and crazy, making a bit of a mess made him feel more at home • Mutsuki also cannot cook to save his life • He likes to try to cook; he thinks it's fun. But no one ever eats the food he makes, if you could even call it food
(his parents would try his food at first, until they realized Mutsuki did not actually care if people ate it, he just wanted to do it. the only person who ever does try it is Hajime, who feels bad if he doesn't try it) • He is bi and has kind of just always known it and it's just always been accepted in hid house • He never truly came out or anything like that • Mutsuki never dated anyone until highschool, when he started dating Hajime • He had been in love with Hajime since he was 10, and was just waiting for them to be together • A lot of their classmates were concerned because they thought Hajime and Mutsuki were related, which Hajime always refuted. Mutsuki, on the other hand would go along with it. • He's the king of chaos, and loved seeing how confused and concerned people got • Mutsuki found out about the Sohma curse just after Hajime did; Hajime came to visit Yuki right after his parents told him everything, and Mutsuki was obviously curious about what had gotten him so upset. So after Hajime had been calmed down, Yuki sat down with Mutsuki and explained • Mutsuki just kind of... accepted the information. It upset him to know that his dad and loved ones had gone through that, but he didn't react as negatively as Hajime, nor did he think his dad was lying at first. • The story did inspire him, though, and that's part of why he has the easy-going, fun attitude he does. His parents worked hard to give him a happy life, so he lives it to the fullest
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peoplecallmelucifer · 3 years
“Are you sure you want keep going” a man said with a stern face “Try me“ replied the alien with a smile The room was quiet as the stern look on the man’s face relaxed into a smile “Straight flush“ “wh-HOW!“ the alien howled “I was sure you’re bluffing“ “Oh I was“ “You... you sneaky ass. you wanted me to go all in!“ “Used your perceptivity against you, didn’t I. Good thing we didn’t play with real money“ “Haha, I must concede, you are good with your words, and body language. Much better than most humans“ “Well, I gotta be. You can’t have  diplomat lose their head on an alien planet“ “You are not gonna let me forget the cat incident will you Lawrence“ Rana sighed “Never“ Lawrence smiled mischievously as he got up It has been five years since first contact and due to her Xenoculturologyst expertise and involvement in the first contact Rana was offered the status of Galactic assembly Ambassador on Earth. I has been Stressful and exciting five years but as her final act as Ambassador she was tasked with presenting a human envoy to the General assembly. 
This was not an easy task since one of Ranas first mission is to establish how a species that should be on the level of hunter-gatherers, or  early farmers at best has managed to reach the stage of early spaceflight at the time of first contact and managed to start colonies across their star system within her 5 year tenure. Rana did not have an explanation but she did have Lawrence. Her consultant, friend and a cause for around countless practical jokes in her embassy, some of which almost costed him his job.
“Want anything to drink R“ “Just a glass of water“ “Mind if i ask you a question?“ “Not at all my friend“ “Why did you want me to come with you? “Lawrence asked ” I mean I don’t rally have a stellar record. I’m just a childish archaeology“ Rana nodded “Yes, you are insufferable at times. But there is a dash of brilliance in your stupidity“ “I don’t know if that was an insult or a compliment“ Lawrence laughed “Both“ Rana replied “And Don’t interrupt me. What you don’t know is that the assembly thought your species wouldn’t  invent the wheel, let alone spaceflight for at least a couple more Centuries, if not a few millennia. I was supposed to find what made you develop so quickly“
“And what did you find?” “From what I see it’s dumb luck and stupid ingenuity“ Lawrence paused “...Yeah that does sound like Humanity. But still why does that involve me going to the assembly“ “Because you are the example of both... And because I’m fairly sure you are the least dangerous “mad scientists” I know“ “Oh you’re flattering me“ Lawrence laughed
The trip to the Assembly HQ lasted about a week, and this was just day 3. In the following day more members of the crew joined the poker games, Rana and Lawrence were bombarded with questions about the earth and Lawrence acquired a small collection of alien music “because it sounds interesting“. At the day of the arrival to the Sentinel system, the seat of the Galactyc assembly Lawrence offered a single comment on the  planet “So this is space Switzerland... Looks more like Argentina“ Rana laughed “What did you expect? Inverted pyramids?“ Rana appreciated this dash of humor, it distracted her from the address she’ll have to give in a few hours “Nervous?“ Lawrence asked “You remember the cat incident?“ Rana asked “Yes?“ “It feel worse than that“ “Pfff.. Seriously you thinking I have a Tiger, a 200 Kilo murdermachine in my house is not as bad as talking to your boss.“ After hearing Lawrences comment and his laugh Rana herself started laughing “So much about being a calm and collected diplomat“ Rana said with a giggle.
The two awaited to be summoned to the Hall of assembly, their cheerful demeanour and Lawrence himself attracting many gazes until an alien three times their size, deep voice but a pleasant demeanour  invited them to enter. “Ho ly hell“ Lawrence whispered overwhelmed with the amount of seats and different looking aliens in the hall “Esteemed collogues...” AN alien at the main podium said ”... the next issue of the day. The matter of our five year observatory mission to planet Terra. As you know our ambassador has just returned and has brought one of the planet inhabitants to speak for their planet. Ambassador, if you’d please“
“I thank you esteemed delegates“ Rana said “AS you know my role on the planet was to observe and determine how this planet defied the established patterns of development...And I’m sad to say I don’t have a firm answer“ Murmurs swept the room but Rana was not bothered “As a Xenoculturologyst this planet is a treasure trove, They don’t have a unified culture, and I’m not talking about regional distinctions, I’m talking cultures that one would not expect from one single species, and they have dozens of those. Honestly It’s a marvel they haven’t eradicated themselves.
They are a species of so many contradictions I can not explain it. Gentle yet brutal, thoughtful yet irrational, peaceful yet warlike... but I think my friend here will explain it much better“ Rana gestured for Lawrence to take the podium
“Hi“ Lawrence said still a little startled “I... I am still a bit overwhelmed for being here, but anyway, Rana told me you were wondering how we managed to get so far so fast... and me and Rana both agree the best answer we can offer is Dumb luck and our stupid ingenuity“ 
This comment prompted a few chuckles and murmurs “Yes I know it sounds silly but hear me out“ Lawrence said “Let’s take microwave oven as an example. It was discovered microwaves can be used for cooking after  a technician noticed his candy bar melted in his pocket next to a radar. it’s not the only time random chance helped our scientific endeavour. Perhaps the most notable example is Sir Isaac Newton figuring out Gravity after being inspired by an apple falling of the tree. What if that day he decided he was to lazy to take a stroll? what if he just looked the other way when the apple fell. Who know where we’d be.
And as to stupid ingenuity... well let me tell you a personal story. I am an archaeology, so my job includes digging out ruins of old civilisations, and one day on a dig my tools broke... so instead of borrowing from someone who wasn’t currently working I took a pickaxe and a small hammer ... and had to delicately brake off sediment by precise work with a VERY heavy pickaxe.. it was stupid, it was reckless, it could have damaged possible artefacts, but in the end it worked... so yeah, multiply that kind of thinking with the entire human population and you are bound to something actually useful. Now i know that this still might not explain exactly how we got so far but it’s the best we’ve got.“
murmuring started and the chairmen stepped in to silence the crowd “ Dear collogues, I know this debate leaves more questions than it answers  but for now we must continue. Ambassador, esteemed guest I thank you for your presentation.“ Rana and Lawrence left the room and Lawrence sighed with relief. “aaaaaaaaah that was nerve wrecking“ he said “Agreed“ Rana replied “What now?“ “Dinner?“ “Dinner“ The two laughed and returned to the hotel.
In the aftermath of the address the conclusion on Terra was:
1. Insignificant data to understand human pace of development 2. Humans appeared to Influence the Ambassador when it comes to Speech patterns and mannerism. Some considered it unprofessional, although she argued she broke no protocol (possible result of human influence) 3. Further study on Humans needed. Ambassador Rana will be removed from the position but kept as a consulter. New ambassador Shall be appointed
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angry-geese · 3 years
hello, how are you? so i don't remember very well how it went, but yesterday i found your tumblr and i was amazed and you write so well 🥺💗
but then i'm a bucciarati simp (i will never get over your end) and i would like to know if you can write a scenario where the reader is just an ordinary citizen who admires bucciarati (because he helped her a while ago) and wants to join the passione and he's just against it because he doesn't want to expose her to danger, he just wants to know her real reason, so he uses his ability to find out if she's lying, which is very helpful as there's a sexual tension there and well, everything ends up in sex.
ok that was very specific lmao maybe if you want to change or are not willing to write, that's fine with me.
anyway thanks, you are amazing 💗💗
aww thank you <3
don't ever worry about being too specific, I always love seeing what other people come up with :)
Tomorrow - Bruno Bucciarati x Reader
warnings: nsfw/minors do not interact. mutual pining, fluff. minor mention of violence. unprotected sex, quickie, fingering, hickeys, hair pulling, body worship (??? if you squint???). afab reader.
word count: 1.7k
It's hard to believe it's almost been a year.
Your shop had been open for barely a month. When you first moved to your neighborhood, it was made known to you it was a dangerous place. But rent was low, and the building was just too perfect to pass up on. Not many places had room for a bakery, and a space to live upstairs.
You were in over your head. But you were too stubborn to admit it.
It had caught his eye the moment he saw it. Maybe it was its cozy nature; a small shop tucked away, full of plants, a cat dozing off in the window. Or it could have been your inviting smile, the way you lit up as the door opened.
Every day he got the same order. By the end of the first week, you made sure to have it ready for him.
From the very beginning you faced issues. A business like yours attracted a lot of attention; good and bad. The local gangs knew you were bringing in money. They wanted a cut, and you weren't willing to give it to them.
You should have given it to them.
You were warned. They told you they'd come back. You were warned but didn't listen.
They trashed your shop. You swept broken glass from your floors for weeks before it finally came out. They were persistent; more than you ever thought. When you stood up to them, they threatened to kill you. They probably would have, had Bruno not stepped in. While you were willing to lay down your life for your business, he wasn't going to let you.
You're not quite sure what Bruno did, but you never saw those men again.
You never charged him for food again. If it meant he would keep coming back to your shop, you would do a lot of things. You said you owed him. At first, he was willing to accept. Weeks went on as you still refused his money. It got to the point where he felt bad. He hid money around your apartment hoping that you'd take the hint. But you never did.
You could never pay him back. Bruno claims you already have—with all the free food—but truly it's a debt that can't be repaid. Putting it lightly, you owe him your life.
The mess was cleaned up, but you'd never feel safe in your home again.
Over the past few months, Bruno had become one of your closest—if not your closest—friend. His little free time was spent at your shop. The two of you could talk for hours about nothing in particular. Business would come and go, but he was always there. If you called, he'd come running. You really didn't have to call. At the first sign of problems he was by your side.
Bruno's influence only works so much. He could only pay off those thugs for so long.
He was worried when you missed his call this morning.
His stomach sinks as he sees the broken glass.
You're not crying. You really don't look too upset. To you, this is the final nail in your coffin. You only notice him as he stops. You motion for him to sit next to you on the steps.
The people in this town are like vultures. They can sense any bit of fortune. Any money you have can't be kept for long. Stashing it away is never a good idea.
"What happened?" He asks.
"I didn't get my protection fees paid in time."
He takes a seat next to you. For the first time in his life, he feels speechless. As far as he knew, he'd taken care of this. Those thugs would have hell to pay.
"I want to join." You say.
"I'm taking Polpo's test." You say. "I want to join Passione."
It's finally occurred to you how close your faces are.
You ball up your apron and toss it aside. You don't have a better answer for him. As much as you wish you did; you don't. You want to tell him anything but the truth. Really, he feels betrayed. Has he not done enough? Has this all gone to waste? He's tried all he can to keep you away from the gangs.
It seems it wasn't enough.
His grip on your arm tightens. You don’t dare look him in the eyes. As if you couldn't be more obvious. You nearly jump out of your skin as he licks a long stripe up your cheek. Instantly your face goes red. Your cheeks burn at the heat that sends right to your core. You're stammering out a few nonsensical sentence fragments.
"That's the taste of a liar, y/n."
You whip around to face him. "I want to be able to defend myself!"
The look in his eyes isn't what you expect. It's more a look of betrayal than anything. To be honest, you didn't expect him to have any reaction at all. He's rather adamant about keeping you away from Passione.
"I can protect you." His voice has gone oddly soft. "I'll take care of you."
Bruno's grip on your arms loosens.
He leans in for a kiss. It's soft, but his warmth lingers on your lips long after he's pulled away. He smells like fancy cologne, and almost like a restaurant, strangely enough. It's a weird, comforting mix of cooked food and expensive men's cologne.
He's wanted to do this since he first met you.
His hands move to cup your cheeks. They're so warm. It's hard to resist his touch. He looks at you with such longing that it makes your chest swell with affection. The heat in your face returns, but it's in less of a lewd manner. He admires every dip and curve of your clothed body; how your waist is cinched in whenever you wear your apron, how your strong hands work pastry dough into shape.
He leans in for another kiss. It's deeper this time, and leaves a longing ache in your chest. The rough muscle of his tongue presses past your lips. He tastes faintly of alcohol.
You're too impatient to get to your room. He'll settle on bending you over your apartment's kitchen counter. He wants to take his time with you, but for now, he's content with this. Maybe there'll be a second time.
His long fingers work to undo the buttons of your pants. You don't take a lot of prep work. You're already soaked. Two of his fingers press into you. They’re long, but fairly thin, and slide right into you. His fingers stroke against your g-spot as his thumb works circles around your clit. It doesn’t take him long to figure out just what makes you weak. Bruno has you a shaking, moaning mess in no time.
You lean against the counter, propping yourself up on your elbows. He wastes no time in freeing himself from his pants. His cock is built like the rest of him; long and dark. It’s girthy, but not intimidatingly big. The hairs towards the base are neatly trimmed, and the same color as the hair on his head. A vein runs up the bottom, only getting more prominent as he gets harder. He shoves your pants down to your knees.
Bruno groans as he sheathes himself in you. The feeling of your warm, wet cunt is intoxicating. Maybe he’s a bit more pent up than he thought. His hand buries in your hair. He leans forward to nip at your earlobe. Bruno coos words of praise into your ear, telling you how good you take him, how good you feel around him.
He rolls his hips against yours in desperate, quick motions. Bruno can't decide what to do with his hands. They're gripping your breasts, then your hips, then settling in your hair. He’ll have you like this again, he’s certain of it.
Heat pools in your stomach. His touch leaves you with an aching need for more.
"Fuck- I've wanted this for so long," he says, "you’re so beautiful.”
His fingers dig into your thighs hard enough to leave bruises. He sucks a dark mark into your shoulder—one where you won’t be able to see it. It sends a whole new heat to your core. While his cock isn't the biggest, it curves in just a way that makes your toes curl.
He makes it known just what he thinks about you; babbling about how good you feel around him, about how long he’s wanted to do this.
The sound of skin slapping on skin fills the room. If you had any neighbors, you'd certainly be getting noise complaints. Your moans are like music to his ears. You don't worry about being quiet. Let others hear you, what do you care?
"Harder Bruno!" You cry out.
He can't resist something as beautiful as you.
His free hand moves to your clit, tracing circles around the bundle of nerves. He works you up in a way you never knew possible. Your skin feels feverish, and sensitive to the touch. The heat in your stomach only gets more unbearable. You want to beg him to cum inside. You need him to cum inside. Your mind is too hazy to think of much else but him and the way he fucks into you. He leaves none of your sweet spots unstroked.
Something in you snaps. There’s not one specific thing that sends you over the edge; it's everything. You clench around him as you cum, crying out. The way you suck him back in is almost enough to send him over the edge.
His thrusts get sloppier as he nears his own orgasm. He scrambles against the counter for purchase, gripping the edge of it so tight his knuckles turn white. He doesn't want to risk cumming inside. He pulls out, giving himself a few pumps before cumming into his hand.
Bruno presses a kiss to the exposed flesh of your shoulder. Your skin is sticky with sweat. A tired, but pleased look spreads across your face. His hair tickles your neck. The sight of your shaky, sleepy form is almost enough to make him hard again.
You lean back into him, giggling. “We made a mess…”
“Want to make another?”
"Are you suggesting a round two?” It’s a joke, but you carry some seriousness behind it.
"Anything for you,"
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thesoulspulse · 3 years
When Blue Eyes Meet (Good Vlad AU ~ Oneshot)
Summary: I couldn't sleep and got this beautifully heartfelt idea in my head about how my Good Vlad met his cat Madison for the first time and how she helped turn his life around. It's about she adopted him, sensing how bad Vlad needed a friend after Jack and Maddie moved on with their lives until they finally meet again at their college reunion. Warning, this mentions character death.
Vlad's POV
I'll never forget that day, the day I met a very special little lady.
I had only been fully discharged from the hospital for a few weeks but...after I insisted on making sure Jack and Maddie could move on with their own lives without me since I wouldn't drag them down, but once returned home I was suddenly reminded of how alone in the world I really was now. Both my parents had passed away before I started my freshman year of college but they left me with everything I would need to secure a bright future, even the house which gave me a place to return to in the first place since we had no idea the accident would result in me being bedridden for several years.
But as soon as I stepped inside the house, just like my heart it felt so...hollow.
The warmth I used to feel there was long gone, and it had nothing to do with still needing to pay the heating bill. And I suppose it's fortunate that the money I had set aside to pay for my school supplies and my half of the rent was enough to pay for my hospital bills so I had just enough left over to invest in gaining a new lease on life after the accident. It would take time, but I was confident I would be able to go back and continue my studies eventually, but for now I need to focus on figuring out how to cope with the other huge transformation I had undergone.
I almost had to laugh at the irony because perhaps I'm only living a half-life since the accident turned me half-ghost. It was difficult at first, hiding the truth about my condition not only from Jack and Maddie, but the nurses and doctors as well. Thankfully, I inherited my father's sharp wits and managed to conceal my powers fairly well. As for the rest, it was just easier to let people assume they were only seeing things whenever they saw a strange light or my hand seemed to pass through solid objects. After all, who would ever believe that a human with ghost powers could possibly exist...?
Still, I suppose one good thing about returning to that house is that it was nice to finally be able to relax somewhat knowing I wouldn't need to hide my powers from anyone, or at least not nearly as often when I was still a patient. I would still have to be careful if someone came to visit me, but honestly the odds of that happening ere  highly unlikely. I say this because I have no living relatives left. No parents, no cousins or siblings, just me.
Sighing I set down my bags and started unpacking boxes. I needed something else to occupy my thoughts because I still hadn't quite gotten over the fact that I lost my scholarship. Realistically I knew that couldn't be helped given what happened to me so instead I turned my attention to the things I still could control, such as ensuring I still had a place to live since I was no longer a student and Jack wasn't my roommate anymore.
Speaking of which, right from the start I wanted make sure to avoid living somewhere with too many people around so although my original plan was to move back here after graduation I made the decision to return to this town ahead of schedule in light of my extenuating circumstances.
There were still faint traces of my old life here back from when my parents were still alive such as my father's desk and my mother's cooking supplies. And quite honestly, being back here and suddenly feeling their absence all over again...it made me sad. I missed them, just as much I miss Jack and Maddie but I had to start moving on too. So I shook my head, turned our old record player, and kept myself busy by unpacking my belongings.
Luckily I had everything I owned in the dorm moved here after it became painfully clear I wouldn't be able to attend classes anymore due to my critical condition. Jack and Maddie offered to do it for me personally but I declined their kind off because for one thing I didn't want them to find out where I live before I had enough time to gain full control of my powers, and for another I wanted to make a clean break for their sake...
I was dangerous to be around whether I liked it or not so exposing them to danger while my powers were still a bit difficult to control was not a risk I was willing to take. Especially since those two are all I had left and someday...I really hoped I'd be able to meet them again and tell them the truth about my powers. But until then, all I could do was try my best to start over and hope for the best.
Once I settled in, I began testing out my powers more, taking notes, pushing my limits, and yet the more I learned about myself the more I wished I had someone to share my discoveries with. Jack could be overzealous at times, but I missed how excited we both felt after making a new discovery about ghosts or ectoplasmic energy. And Maddie, she always knew how to reign us in so we could look at things more objectively even though she was usually just as eager to find out more too.
Having no one left to talk to or come home to had finally started to get to me and sadly as a result that's when the nightmares started up again too. Just like back in the hospital I would wake up in a cold sweat, clutching the sheets in both fists as the ghostly blue glow of my eyes cast flickering shadows on the walls. I had gotten careless because I thought I would be alright as long as I didn't have to worry about a doctor or a nurse walking in at any second and seeing my eyes glowing in the darkness.
That's when I realized I had to do something about this before things escalated even further and my emotions spiraled out of control again without some sort of outlet. I needed to make a connection, a way to overcome this shadow looming over me, so I considered seeing a therapist to prevent these nightmares from overtaking me. But I was afraid that if I did talk to someone...what if I became too emotional and exposed my powers to them? That could be a huge problem. I could always overshadow them, but I'd still be avoiding dealing with this terrible helplessness I felt.
That day, I was wandering around town in a daze, conflicted about how to deal with the problem when I happened to enter a local animal shelter. The people at the front desk were friendly, but I had never considered how my...ghostly attributes might make most animals wary of me since they have a sixth sense for the supernatural which quite honestly made me feel even more detached from the person I once was. As a boy I got along well with most animals but I never felt particularly attached to them. Dogs were a bit too energetic for my tastes and I had to deal with that enough with Jack but cats on the other hand, well I have always appreciated their independent spirit but I never considered them to be very affectionate animals...
That all changed the instant I saw her.
On my way out the door after satisfying my idle curiosity about how animals seem to perceive me now that I'm only half human I noticed this sleek black kitten staring directly at me with the most stunning blue eyes I've ever seen and when our eyes met, what I felt...I can't even describe it. It felt as though she was looking right at me, into my heart, and for the first time since the accident, it was like someone had noticed how lost I was and there was this unmistakable look of gentle sympathy in her eyes.
Mesmerized by her gaze, I turned around and asked the person at the desk more about her and they told me she had been abandoned which I could relate to to some degree. To be fair I hadn't been abandoned necessarily, but I felt that way sometimes since it was gradually becoming harder and harder to wake up alone in that empty house every morning, not sure what I should be doing with the rest of my life now that I'm all alone and don't have friends to confide in anymore I can visit whenever I want.
Impulsively I asked if I could hold her and they agreed, smiling at me secretively as if they already knew I felt an instant attachment to her and as soon as they handed her to me...she clung to me like her life depended on it and then crawled up onto my shoulders, wrapping her tiny body around my neck as much as possible and as soon as she was comfortable she started purring. It was like a hug of sorts and I had no idea how starved for the gentle contact from another living creature of any kind from someone that wasn't just another doctor poking and prodding me that all I remember is falling to my knees soon after, sobbing and resting my cheek against her head as she rubbed against me, licking away my tears.
Finally, I thought, this is what I've been searching for ever since I came home. I've missed having someone there who cares about me, someone to remind me that I'm not alone, someone who can stay by my side so I don't have to suffer in silence anymore without a friend there to comfort me just when I start to think I can't bear it anymore.
I'm sure everyone who saw me that day were just as stunned as I was by my meltdown, but I didn't care. I needed her. And she needed me, no, for reasons I cannot even begin to fathom she WANTED to be with me and no one else. It's like she had been waiting for me to walk in that door from the very start. Waiting for me to give her a home, a family, and most importantly...a name. And that name would become a bond that could never be broken, not even after her tragic death some years later when she returned to my side once more as a ghost because she knew I still desperately needed a friend-
And that's how Madison became my closest and dearest companion.
We’ve been inseparable ever since.
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purplecatdad · 3 years
Rarepair Week “First Kiss”
Part of the RDR Events Rarepair Week!
Prompt: First Kiss
Arthur/Kieran | Teens and Up | Canon-Divergence | CW Shot wounds
Arthur isn’t part of the VDL Gang in this one, he is just some outcast who some day runs into a skittish young man with a bad wound and decides to help him! 
AO3 Link will follow. 
Kieran knew that she shouldn’t have trusted them. He knew that, after all, the van der Linde gang wasn’t all much different from the O’Driscolls. And that they absolutely would kill them the moment they had no need for him anymore. 
He still cursed himself as he was riding Branwen, hard and fast through the shrubs, making his way through Cumberland Forest to the general direction of the Grizzlies, up north where he hoped for safety. He was terrified of the animals there but he hoped that he’d be able to lose the gang there.
“Come on, girl. I know you can do it”, he whispered to Branwen, pressing his legs into her sides to push her forwards even though he knew that she was running for her life as well.
A shot went off that grazed her shoulder, both Kieran and Branwen crying out. He couldn’t lose this horse, not after everything they went through. Another shot and this time Kieran felt blinding pain through his leg. He cried out, felt the blood seeping down through the fabric of his shirt but he grabbed the reins tighter. No matter how much blood he’d lose, he had to get away from Dutch’s boys before they could catch up to them. 
He just passed Fort Wallace when he heard the train whistling, announcing it’s arrival at the nearby station. Luckily, Kieran knew the area since he had camped up here with his former gang before so he pushed Branwen forward towards Baccus station, up the mountains. This was his chance, if he could only get the train between himself and his pursuers he might live to see another day. 
They were galloping up towards the station, the train rushing towards them. Kieran pushed Branwen to keep running forward. He heard how they passed the train tracks, the train dangerously close. He heard Bill curse loudly behind him as the train rushed over the tracks right after Kieran had passed them. He still made Branwen run, still as fast just to get some more distance between them. The train came to a halt, stopping for the few passengers that would leave at the station and Kieran prayed to whoever would hear it that the gang wouldn’t try to get around the train. 
As he passed the Donner Falls, the rushing of the water drowning out any other sound he dared to slow down Branwen, sitting down heavily in the saddle and leaning back. He looked behind himself, scanning the area for any possible threat … but there was none. He sighed gently, slumping down in the saddle and gently scratching Branwen’s neck. “We did it, girl …” he said and gently nudged her forward. Even though he had lost them, he knew that he couldn’t just stay here. He needed a proper camp, some place to rest up, to take care of his wounds.
Branwen was breathing hard, her walk now painstakingly slow but he didn’t have the energy to make her move faster. His vision got blurry, his mind started spinning. He looked over at his leg again, the blood dripping out of the wound. He knew that he should cover it up, but … His vision went black and all he heard was a “You alright there, mister?!” before he lost consciousness. 
Kieran woke up to the smell of something cooking on a campfire. It made his stomach growl loudly before he could even open his eyes properly and he heard a low rumble of a man chuckling close to him. 
“Least yer still hungry.” He heard a stranger’s voice as he slowly sat up, blinking as he took in his surroundings. He was surrounded by trees, the early morning sun just rising above the horizon in the distance. A small campfire was lit next to the lean-to tent he was now sitting in, a man crouching next to it as he stirred around in the pot. 
The stranger was impressively large, broad shoulders, some scruff on his face, an old leather hat on top of his head. He looked rough, like a man that was used to living outside but when he looked over at Kieran there was a smile on his face and his eyes seemed kind and friendly. “Name’s Arthur. Found yer bleeding out on your horse, fixed yer up, didn’t want you dying on me. Breakfast’s almost ready.”
Kieran stared at him for a moment, not used to kindness like this. “Where’s my horse?” he blurted out, not interested in making conversation now. “Is she alright?” 
The other man chuckled softly at that and motioned towards a closeby tree, where three horses were standing. An impressively tall, black dappled thoroughbred standing next to an arabian with a brindled coat, unlike anything Kieran had ever seen. And right next to them was his horse. “Branwen!” He called out, got up and ran towards her. Halfway there his vision got dark again and he almost stumbled into her. 
“Woha there”, suddenly the stranger was standing close to him as well, steading him with a hand on his arm, his grip firm but gentle. “You lost a lotta blood, make sure to rest some b’fore you start runnin’ like that.”
Kieran closed his eyes until the world stopped spinning, blushing slightly as he realized how close the handsome stranger actually was to him. He excused himself as he got out of his grip and focused back on Branwen. “She got shot, I-” as he stroked down her neck towards her shoulder he realized that her wound had been tended to. Surprised, he looked up at Arthur who just shrugged gently. 
“I know a thing or two ‘bout horses. Took care of her wound .. but she’ll be alright.”
Kieran stared at him for a moment, then looked at Branwen before he looked back to the pot of stew on the fire. “Why… why would you do all this … for a stranger? What’s in it for you?” He had never met anybody who would just do something out of goodwill for a person they didn’t actually know. 
Arthur shook his head, an amused smile on his lips. “Ain’t nothin’ in for me, ‘s far ‘s I know. But helpin’ folk.. ‘s the righ thing to do ‘s all. Now, let’s get some good into ya.”
So they sat down around the campire together. Arthur served them both some stew, made with rabbit and some wild carrots. Kieran had to hold himself back not to gobble it all down within seconds after being starved out by the van der Linde gang. Arthur seemed to notice how hungry he was because he immediately refilled Kieran’s bowl after he had finished the first one.  
“So, why’d you get shot?” Arthur asked eventually as Kieran was halfway done with his second server. “Pissed off the wrong fellar?” Kieran thought about it for a moment. He knew that mentioning a gang could seem a bit too threatening. He didn’t want to risk Arthur sending him away again if he learned that he had been hunted down by some outlaws … that he used to be a part of. But he also felt bad keeping it from him. What if they actually found him here, O’Driscolls or Dutch’s boys? 
“... It’s a long story. But something like that, yeah. I was … they had tied me up for a while, got away though. Don’t think they followed me, though. I ain’t important enough for that.”
“Shit. Ya wanna talk to the law?”
Kieran looked up at him, shaking his head. “No … no, better not. I ain’t … well …”, he wasn’t even sure if the local law would know his name, he never played a big role in any gang that he was running with. But it was still not a good idea to get the law involved. What would Arthur think of that, though? 
“‘s alright. I ain’t exactly friendly with the law either”, Arthur assured him and set his bowl aside. “Feel free to stick around, I don’t mind a little company.”
Kieran watched him for a moment, wondering if Arthur actually meant what he said or if he was just saying it to be polite. To him, Arthur didn’t seem like the kind of man who just said something to be polite, though. And so he smiled and gave him a little nod. “I’d love to.”
And so they spent the next weeks together. Arthur told him about the Arabian he had caught. “Stripey”, as he called the young stallion just for the time being. Apparently there were two brothers down by Rhodes who’d give a good price for a horse like that, even without papers. So Arthur usually caught wild horses, the pretty ones that looked fast and strong. He was good with horses as he had worked on a ranch for a good part of his life and therefore had an easy time taming them. 
Arthur had said that he didn’t like the word “breaking” because it wasn’t what he did. He explained to Kieran that horses wanted to trust and follow anyway, that it was in their nature. That people didn’t have to break their will in order for them to do what they wanted. And Kieran couldn’t agree more. He told Arthur about Branwen and that he never trusted anybody more than his horse. He told him about how he had found her as a young mare, kind and sweet but about to be put down for a simple injury on her leg as she wasn’t able to “make money” like this. Back then Kieran had pleaded with the owner to please let her go, that he would take her for free even if she couldn’t walk properly so the farmer didn’t have to waste a bullet on her. But the man had just laughed at him and sent him away. So Kieran had done what every reasonable horse lover would do - he had stolen Branwen away the next night and vanished with her. 
When Kieran was done with his story Arthur had smiled at him in sympathy. It was something they could bond over - their passion and love for horses. And even if they looked fairly different, they had a lot of things in common. Both of them were never able to settle down anywhere. Chased away, running from the law, not belonging to anybody. But it made them belong together and so Kieran decided to run with him and help him train the horses. 
Arthur was one of the kindest men Kieran had ever met - sure, he didn’t talk much and got a little loud when he drank (which he always did after they sold a horse) but he never insulted him, never made fun of him for being a little jumpy at times. He even took his time to teach Kieran how to read and write after Kieran had admired him for his pretty handwriting one day and admitted that he couldn’t read any of it. 
Kieran caught himself staring at Arthur now and then as well. When he was concentrating on a task, cleaning his hunting rifle or speaking softly to one of the horses. Arthur was a beautiful man with the most amazing voice that Kieran has ever heard and blue eyes with the prettiest speckles of green when the sun hit them just right. Kieran had known that he fancied men but the longer he spent his time with Arthur the more he realized that falling in love with one was even a possibility. He didn’t just admire him for his body, didn’t just desire him … he just enjoyed his company and being with him in the simplest way. He didn’t dare confess anything to him, though. He knew what people did with men like him. And while Arthur was kind and caring, Kieran didn’t know what he thought about “queers”. So Kieran kept quiet and just stuck to his way of admiring him from a distance.  
After they had sold Stripey they had made their way up north again because Arthur had heard that there was another Arabian up by Lake Isabella. A white one this time and it really sparked both of their interests. Kieran knew that it meant coming back to Valentine because it was the logical stop before the hike up north but Arthur promised him that he was a good shot and that he’d keep him safe (which made Kieran blush) so they did it. 
Luckily they didn’t meet any of the van der Linde gang on their way through town or up the mountain. It was quite the hike and Kieran wondered if it was really worth the trip but when Arthur told him to join him up in his tent at night to keep each other warm with their body heat he stopped wondering about it and just agreed that yes, it was a fantastic idea to get up into the snow together. 
When they finally found said horse Kieran was in awe. She was a beauty, her fur so white that they both almost hadn’t noticed her in the snow. Arthur called her Snowdrop. She was a piece of work though, wild at heart and not very trusty. Arthur even wondered if she had ever been mistreated by a person before because she was so skittish in the beginning but she didn’t bare any scars that indicated it. 
They chose a different path down the mountain this time as Arthur had some “business” to attend in Strawberry. At first, Kieran was happy about it. He had been around the area before and had always found it rather pretty. But when they had made camp at the foot of Mount Shann everything changed. 
“Oh, ain’t that good ol’ Kieran Duffy!” he heard coming from a line of trees. The sun already vanished so it was hard to see, especially after tending to the fire but Kieran recognized the voice immediately. It was the voice of Carter Jenkins, one of those who had always loved to bully him during his time at the O’Driscolls.  
“Carter!”, Kieran yelled as he jumped up. “J-just leave us be! No need to shoot!”, he said as he saw the weapons in his and his companion’s hands. He wasn’t alone, in fact he was with 3 other people, all of whom Kieran recognized from his time with his former gang. Oh, this wasn’t good. 
“Hmm, you know if you give us all your money and the horses … I might consider it. Though I’m sure Colm would love to see you himself. You know that he prefers to kill the traitors himself.”
Kieran’s eyes widened but before anybody could say anything else, Arthur had pulled out his gun and shot Carter right into his face. All eyes where on him for a second before the other two raised their guns at Arthur and shot. Kieran yelled out his name and tried to get between him and the others but he was too slow to get between them in time.
Arthur went down but so did the other three men. Kieran stared at them in surprise for a split second. Arthur had always told him that he was a good shot and Kieran had believed him. But three people, right through the heart in the matter of only a few seconds? 
The thud of Arthur’s body hitting the ground pulled Kieran out of his thoughts and he crouched down next to Arthur to inspect his wounds. two of them were just minor graze wounds but one had shot right through his shoulder, blood seeping out of the wound and Arthur groaning loudly. 
“Oh shit, oh shit .. Arthur! Stay with me!” Kieran said to him with his voice full of panic and distress. He didn’t know what to do so he just took off his shirt and pressed it down on the wound to stop the bleeding. 
“Ain’t .. goin’ nowhere …”, Arthur moaned softly. “Just … gotta shut the wound …”, he said, slowly opening his eyes and looking up at Kieran. “Can you do that? Just .. some gunpowder and fire .. should do it …” Arthur’s eyes squeezed shut again, most likely from the pain.
“Gunpowder .. yes I ..”, frantically he looked around until he saw Arthur’s revolver in the dirt. He let go of his blood soaked shirt, got to the gun and pulled out one of the bullets. He had seen this way of shutting a wound once before. It wasn’t pretty and he knew that it hurt - but it was quicker than shutting it with a needle and threat. And the things he needed were far more available right now. 
After he had ripped open the shirt around the wound he pried open the bullet with his teeth, poured the gunpowder into the wound and lit it on fire with a small, burning stick from the campfire. He jumped when the gunpowder caught fire, his nose full of the smell of Arthur’s burning flesh he had to gag as Arthur yelled out in pain before going still. 
“Arthur?!” He waited for a response but there was nothing. For a few seconds he feared the worst but then he focused and realized that Arthur’s chest was still rising and falling. He was breathing. Alive. Shock had probably knocked him out, he had seen it before in people he had fought with side by side. He just had to keep him warm and protected during the night and then hopefully he would be awake the next morning. 
So he set to work. He carefully dragged Arthur into the tent and put all the blankets that they had on top of him before he dug out a grave for the dead O’Driscolls. He knew that he didn’t have to but it felt wrong to just leave them lying outside. It was the right thing to do. And while Kieran knew that he wasn’t the greatest of men, he wanted to be honorable.
When he was done with the quick burial he went back into the tent. It had been a rather cool day during this early summer and the floor wasn’t the driest so he worried about Arthur. For a moment he hesitated but then he shut the tent as securely as he could and slipped under the blanket with Arthur. He hoped that Arthur would understand it the next morning - that he only did this to keep his body temperature up, to make sure that he would recover from the shot. 
Kieran clung to Arthur that night, hugging him to make sure that he’d notice any shift or change in the other man. He prayed to whichever god would listen that Arthur would make it. He couldn’t lose him. Couldn’t lose the only human companion he ever trusted or cared about. Arthur had shown him kindness when nobody else would and had protected him from the monsters of his past, in more than just one sense. It wasn’t fair that he was the one lying in a tent with a shot wound. It should’ve been Kieran. But it seemed like yet another cruel joke of fate that it wasn’t him who had gotten hit. Just another good thing that might be taken from him. “You gotta make it…”, Kieran whispered as he got even closer to Arthur, listening to his weak breath and closing his eyes. “You will survive. You have to.”
Eventually he drifted off into a light sleep. Worry and adrenaline had worn him out so much that he was just too exhausted to stay awake, even if he knew that he should’ve. He still slept restless, dreams of the past and a dark future creeping up on him and keeping him worried all night, even in his sleep. He finally found rst in the early morning hours, awake but happy that Arthur was still breathing, still warm next to him. 
Another hour passed and Arthur slowly stirred awake. Kieran sat up right away, looking down at the handsome man. He was beautiful like this. And when Arthur looked up at him, a smile on his face, Kierasn couldn’t help himself. “You’re alive”, he whispered before he bent down and kissed Arthur’s lips. Gentle and careful, but also full of joy to see the other alive. Shocked, he realized what he had done and pulled away, now staring down at Arthur who looked at him in confusion. “I- I’m sorry … I didn’t .. I … uh …”
Arthur’s features softened and he chuckled gently. “Nothin’ to be sorry ‘bout. Was wonderin’ when you’d finally do it”, he said and pulled Kieran down for another kiss. 
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moccahobi · 4 years
Reeled In [Seokjin x Reader x Yoongi]
Sumemery: You are cooking dinner for your boyfriends after their first (and last) fishing trip of the season.
Word Count: 1.7k
Pairing: Seokjin (BTS) x Reader x Yoongi (BTS)
Genre: fluff, angst
Warnings: risky fishing... don’t go fishing in a storm
Ratings: teen up
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Rain poured down angrily on them, stealing all of their warmth and leaving the boat’s floor a slippery danger. Seokjin and Yoongi didn’t seem to care though. Their eyes trained on the ends of their lines in the water and their hands tightly clasping their rods. Determination caked their face and protected them from the many attacks of the rain. The fisher who took them out standing tiredly in the captain’s deck, white knuckling the wheel in an attempt to keep the boat under control. Today was their first time fishing all season and they wanted to get the best of it. Plus, it just so happened to be the end of the fishing season.
Soon it’d be too cold for fishers and the fish would bite way less than normal. 
Yoongi and Seokjin were determined to at least catch one fish.
Of course, when you’d read the weather forecast, you got upset that they had decided to still go out and fish. They were their own people though and fishing during a storm was quite the adrenaline rush.
Even if none of the fish were biting. 
A particularly rough gust of wind nearly knocked Seokjin over, his broad shoulders practically acting as a sail to catch the wind. As he righted himself again, he felt a slight tug on the line. If he wasn’t so experienced with fishing by now, he might have missed it, but he caught it and suddenly his eyes became trained on the water. It was such a small movement but Seokjin noticed the movement of a dark red fish in the water. 
This was his chance. 
Yoongi was on the other side of the boat, carefully eyeing the water as he waited for something to bite his line. 
“Wahhhhh.” You cooed, looking at the large fish Seokjin and Yoongi brought back for dinner, “The storm was so rough! I am surprised that you were able to catch a fish this big!” 
Seokjin laughed, his ears turning the sweet shade of cherry blossom petals. Yoongi shrugged, feigning nonchalance even though you knew that he was probably giddy about the compliment.  There wasn’t much time to take in their tired yet happy forms though as all three of you were keenly aware of their sopping wet clothes dripping onto the floor. Quickly, the two scurried off to the bedroom to change and possibly shower before dinner. In turn, you scurried off to the kitchen with the fish to start working on dinner. 
Looking down at the large silver fish sitting on the chopping board, you knew that there wasn’t a chance they had caught such a fish. You weren’t too into fishing but this was a salmon and salmon didn’t live off of the coast they went fishing in. You didn’t mind keeping up the act that they actually did somehow manage to catch salmon off of the coast of Deju though. They would tell you if they really wanted to. With the skill of a beginner chef, you began hacking away at the fish, quickly removing its tail and head before somehow splitting it in half. It was your night to cook and you were by far the worst chef of the three of you. It was a simple meal… but you forgot that you had to cut the fish into fillets first.
“Y/n-ah, I love you. But do you want me to cut the fish up? You can work on the other parts of dinner.” Seokjin offered as he entered the kitchen and watched you butcher the poor fish.
A laugh left you, “While normally, I would take you up on that offer, Seokjin-ah, I really want to learn how to properly prepare a fish. I won’t ever learn if you do it for me all the time. Thank you for the offer. If you do want to help with something, you can set the table.”
“If he does that, then I am happy to clean up after dinner!” Yoongi yelled from wherever he was in the apartment.
“That sounds like a plan to me. I look forward to dinner, Y/n-ah.” Seokjin said, walking over and giving you a kiss on the cheek before grabbing dishes and starting to set the table. From the kitchen, over the sound of the vegetables you’d bought searing in the pan, you could hear Seokjin softly sing a song. It vaguely reminded you of one of the latest hip hop songs they two had been listening to on repeat. There was something different about it though. The tune Seokjin was singing felt softer and for a second, you simply stood there and listened to the melodic voice of one of your amazing boyfriends. 
In college, the two of them produced some music together, but as Yoongi continued on to grad school and Seokjin started working in a restaurant, the time they had to make music decreased to null. Seokjin said that he didn’t mind since his time was replaced with just as fun things but you knew that deep down, they really missed making music. You had tried contacting some of the others who Yoongi and Seokjin worked with in college but all of them were too busy as of right now. The smell of something charred brought you out of your thoughts, quickly looking down, you noticed that the onion had started to burn around the edges. 
You would definitely get crap for accidentally burning onions. 
A deflated sigh left you as you spooned the vegetables onto a serving platter. There was no use in cooking them more and risked the onions burning even further. As quickly as possible, you set the sloppily done salmon filets onto the pan, quickly searing them. Thankfully, neither Yoongi or Seokjin joked about how poorly you cooked tonight, likely because they were tired from fishing all day and you were relieved. Despite their experience, you’d been stressing all day about their safety and having them home with you, looking fairly injury free, made you so relieved. It wasn’t until after dinner as you and Seokjin migrated to the couch to cuddle and Yoongi cleaned up that you realized just how tired you were.
“Did you have a hard day at work, pumpkin?” Seokjin asked as he gently rubbed your hair after your third yawn that night.
“Not really. My boss let me out early too.” 
“Is it just one of those low energy days then?” Yoongi asked, plopping on the cough and nuzzling his face against your hip where he was resting.
You shrugged, “I was worried about you two, dip shits.” You joked playfully, winking a Yoongi, “I know you two are smart but the storm just seemed to keep getting worse and I was worried.”
Seokjin’s fingers stilled in your hair and Yoongi looked down with a solemn nod, “We had meant to message you and keep you updated but it was hard to do in the rain.” 
“I get it. Really. Please don’t stress. There’s a risk to everything.” You gently squeezed Seokjin’s arm that came to wrap around you, “It just made me a tad tired.”
“I’m sorry we worried you. I was so excited about finally getting out to fish… I think I got a bit carried away.” Yoongi mumbled, still not looking back up at you.
“Yeah… maybe in the future, we try to make more of an attempt to get out fishing before we have to do a trip like this.” 
“I like the idea of that.”
“Seokjin, Yoongi… you two really don’t have to do that.” 
“I mean… we did get an ear full from captain, pumpkin.”
Yoongi snorted at that, “We got more than an earful. Dude banned us from his ship ever again.” 
“What?! Why?” You sat up in shock, much to the complaint of a whining Seokjin.
“Well… Yoongi almost fell off at one point… and it was just a lot of work for the poor guy.” Yoongi started, a light red now dusting his cheeks.
“Gosh. You all wanted to fish so badly?”
“Looking back,” Yoongi started, worriedly scratching his neck, “I probably could have waited.”
“Me too… which is why I said that it might be good to try to set up trips sooner instead of procrastinating.”
“And we didn’t even get any fish.” Yoongi mumbled out.
“Yeah!” Seokjin sat up and shouted, a playful glint in his eyes, “I thought we said we weren’t going to tell!”
“I’m sorry. It just came out.” Yoongi whined, gently patting one of Seokjin’s hands with sweet eyes.
At that you laughed and gently shook your head, “I don’t think you can get salmon off the coast of Deju… but good try!” 
Seokjin gasped indignantly, “You knew this whole time!?” 
“Jaji… I am not good at cooking but I listen to what you all talk about when you are excited about cooking or fishing. I know salmon isn’t often found off of the Deju coast.” 
“Thank you for acting like we did catch it then.” Yoongi said with a laugh, taking the time to pull you onto his lap and kiss your forehead gently.
“No fair! I was snuggling with her first!” 
“Too bad.” 
You laughed, squirming and trying to grab Seokjin as the two continued to bicker. It was comical how as soon as Seokjin was in your arms, he immediately stopped bickering, a happy look plastered on his face before he stuck his tongue at Yoongi. Another laugh left you as you squirmed in Yoongi’s grasp, Yoongi taking to tickiling your sides in retaliation. Shocks of pain jolted through you as you squirmed to get out of Yoongi’s hold, the meniac man laughing as you giggled in pain. Before long, you found yourself on the floor, Yoongi and Seokjin holding onto each other for support while laughing.
You looked up pouting, “No fair! I was just trying to get comfortable!” 
“Sure!” Yoongi laughed, reaching up to wipe tears from his eyes, “And we actually caught a salmon today.”
“Yeah! Stop rubbing that in!” Seokjin wined, his ears a bright red.
“I didn’t catch anything either pabo!” 
A laugh took you as you looked up at your two handsome boyfriends, holding each other close and bickering away. This was the life. You sighed happily and clambered onto the couch and onto their laps. 
“I love you both.”
“I’m glad because if not we’d have an issue.” Seokjin laughed, gently kissing you on the forehead, “I love you too.”
“Yeah… I love you both too… I guess.” 
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ravensbug · 4 years
Kuvira x reader au where she gets a cat please. I'm a shameless obsesser. Of both.
Fandom: Legend of Korra
Ship: Kuvira x reader
Request: Yes
Prompt: ^^^^
A/N: I absolutely love this idea so much. My heart can’t handle all the adorable thoughts that come to mind. You are a genius Anon. Thank you for giving me this gift of a story to write.
There you two were, in the animal shelter, picking out a pet. After almost three months of convincing, Kuvira finally gave in and said yes. She saw how you missed the cats from your parents since you two had moved in together. Getting one wouldn’t be so bad she thought. It would mostly spend its time with you, you had promised to take care of it, so there was no reason for it to ever really bother her at home.
You were weaving your way around little kids whose parents had brought them to also get a pet. Most of them were looking at dogs anyway. Not that you didn’t like dogs, but you couldn’t exactly have one in an apartment.
When you got to the cats your eyes lit up. There were so many, and if it were up to you then you would take them all. But you promised Kuvira only one cat, for now.
You read each paper of every cat you walked by, looking for one that you knew would be perfect for the two of you. You knew if Kuvira would ever have gotten a pet by herself that it would have been a cat. Graceful and nimble, just like her. Also affectionate.
You probably spent a little too much time looking at each and every cat because a volunteer walked up to you.
“Looking for anything in particular?” he asked. You looked away from the cat that you were reading about.
“Kind of? I guess one that can handle being by itself, but also will be able to handle other cats in the future,” you shrugged. You felt Kuvira glare at you, but not in an angry way. It would be a long time before she thought about getting another cat.
“You should look at some of the younger cats then. Most of those are rescued from kitten mills or found abandoned at the sides of roads. They usually come in groups, but the cats seem to do fine on their own as well.” He talked as he directed you to the section of younger cats. You noticed now that some of them were pens together. The older cats were always by themselves.
The little meows of the younger cats tugged at your heart. The age differences were fairly big, there were old cats and cats who probably should still be with their mother. Your eyes landed on one of the pens in the back. You learned from your years of adopting cats that they put the ones that were less likely to be adopted there.
In one of those pens sat a small black kitten, maybe six months old. You looked at the papers, seeing the kitten didn’t even have a name. At this point your mind was made up. You knew the poor thing would be here for the rest of her life if you didn’t take her. Black cats were almost never adopted.
“This one.” you pointed at the kitten. She walked up to you since you had gotten there and attempted to sniff your hand.
“Are you sure?” Kuvira asked.
“I’m sure.” You looked up at Kuvira. She wasn’t going to second guess you again.
Kuvira had been over your parent's house plenty of times before you moved in with her to know that you liked all kinds of cats. Your parents currently had four cats. Two of them were Calicos, being brother and sister. One was a Maine Coon, who was the ‘mom’ of the group. The last one was a black cat, who was basically yours since he spent most of his time with you. Kuvira should have known that because of which cat you spent the most time with that you would choose one that looks like him.
“I’ll get the papers then. Another volunteer will get a carrier ready for her so you can take her home.” The volunteer walked off. You knew to meet him back at the front desk, as this was the same shelter your parents got the two Calicos at. Kuvira followed along, occasionally looking at some of the cats herself. This made you smile a little knowing she wasn’t completely disinterested in the idea of a cat.
You two waited a few minutes for the volunteer to come with the adoption papers. You smiled as you saw the excited kids leaving with their new companions. It was the best feeling in the world, to get a new friend who would love you just as much as you loved them. Even if they would be gone long before you would be.
“Just sign on the marked lines, pay the fee and you’re good to go!” The volunteer handed you a pen so you could sign the papers. In your opinion, you didn’t like the fact that you had to pay to adopt an animal, but you knew it was how the shelters stayed running. If it were up to you, you would have the government put funding into the shelters so they could afford to not have fees for adoption.
“Perfect,” the man smiled. “I’m glad she’s getting a home. She was the last one from her litter left,” he explained. It hurt your heart that whoever had adopted her siblings decided to leave her there on her own.
Another volunteer came out with the kitten in a carrier. You could see she was scared, but you knew that most cats were scared during and right after adoption. Kuvira was the one who took the carries from the volunteer, careful to keep it as steady as possible. You had never seen Kuvira so attentive to each and every movement she made. It was different from her dancing, even though the basic idea of precise movement was the same.
When you two finally got back to your apartment you were so giddy to let the cat out. Kuvira adored this side of you, so happy and excited, even if she wouldn’t say it out loud. Not that you hadn’t been happy since you moved in together, this was a happiness that was beyond that. It made Kuvira a little jealous.
Kuvira gently placed the carrier down on the floor in the living room. You were already sitting on the floor, having done this situation plenty of times. You motioned for Kuvira to sit next to you, which she thought was ridiculous. She wasn’t going to spend much time with the cat so what was the point of her joining you. The look you gave her made her give in, but only to make you happy.
Kuvira opened the cage with her metal bending and you two waited patiently for the cat to come out. She walked out of the carrier slowly, eyeing her surroundings for anything dangerous. Once she saw nothing except for you and Kuvira she finally came out of the carrier. Apparently, the small time of interaction with her at the shelter made an impact. She walked over to the both of you with caution.
You were the first to reach your hand out. You placed it on the floor, to make yourself seem less threatening. The cat stood still at first before coming up to sniff your hand. She didn’t have any problems with you so now it was Kuvira’s turn.
You grabbed Kuvira’s arm and placed it down on the floor like yours had been. You can tell how tense she is. She never did this with the other cats, them being adults and all. They just looked at her and didn’t really mind whenever she came over to your parent's house.
“Just relax,” you chuckled. You telling her to relax seemed to work a little, but she was still nervous.
The cat moved over to sniff Kuvira’s hand. It took its time, longer than it had with you, and that worried Kuvira. If the cat didn’t like her how would that make you feel? She at least wanted the cat to be fine with her.
When the cat rubbed her head against Kuvira’s hand you both were in shock. You put your hands in front of your face and you couldn’t stop grinning. Kuvira was frozen with the cat still rubbing her head on Kuvira’s hand. You thought this moment was ironic and perfect. The cat meowing at Kuvira just made it even better.
“She wants you to pet her,” you said, still grinning from ear to ear.
Kuvira moved her hand so she could pet the cat. She was still hesitant even though the cat clearly liked her. She had never been known as a fragile or soft person and this cat was exactly that.  When she finally started petting it, that little bit of fear went away.
“Have you thought of a name?” Kuvira asked while petting the cat.
“I was thinking Jinx,” you smiled.
Kuvira raised an eyebrow at you. The name was cliche but you loved it anyway. Kuvira didn’t really care what you named the cat. It was more yours than it was hers anyway.
As the weeks went on you spent more time bonding with Jinx. She finally warmed up to you and loved playing with you when you had the time. Working from home really helped the bond. She often curled up next to you or even on you while you were working. Those were the moments you missed from home.
What was even better, in your opinion, was that whenever Kuvira was home Jinx would follow her everywhere. Sometimes it got on Kuvira’s nerves, especially when she would turn around and almost trip over Jinx. You always thought it was the cutest thing in the world. You eventually decided to get Jinx a collar with a small bell, so Kuvira could hear whenever the cat was behind her. She never outright thanked you for that, because that would mean telling you the cat was annoying her.
Weeks turned into months and Kuvira finally took some time off of work. You were grateful that you could spend more time with your girlfriend now. Spending time with Jinx was nice and all, but being with Kuvira was nicer.
Because of her time off Kuvira started to do more things around the apartment. One of your favorites was when she would make dinner for the two of you. She had picked up a few things from the chef back when she lived with Su. You didn’t expect her to be a good cook because you knew all of Su’s kids were horrible at it.
One particular night, when she was cleaning up after you two had finished, Jinx was sitting patiently next to her in the kitchen. Kuvira hadn’t seen her do this before so she was slightly confused. You looked over from your spot on the couch and laughed.
“What?” Kuvira asked.
“She wants a piece of the chicken,” you told her.
“I’m not giving her a piece. She’ll learn to expect it every time we have it.” Kuvira looked over at you. You had a sheepish grin on your face, telling her why Jinx was sitting there so patiently.
“You’ve been giving her some before haven’t you?” She asked.
“Maybe.” You looked away. You had given her a few pieces every once and a while either when you were putting the leftovers away or giving Jinx her own dinner.
“Look at her, sitting so nicely. How can you deny that face?” you pouted. You heard Kuvira sigh and knew she gave in.
“Fine. But stop doing it so often.” Kuvira pointed at you with the knife she was using to cut up the remaining chicken.
“I can make no promises,” you smiled. You would try, but as you said, who could deny that face.
When Kuvira finished in the kitchen she joined you on the couch. You sat there with Kuvira’s arms wrapped around your waist. You loved it when she got time off of work. She loved it more than you did because sometimes work got to be too much. Coming home to you was the best part of her day. With the addition of Jinx in the house, she had become more accustomed to the cat coming up to greet her whenever she got home.
Jinx had hopped up on the couch while you two were snuggling and decided to climb on Kuvira’s lap. You heard her sigh, but she refused to move from her position. You looked down at Jinx, who had now curled up on Kuvira’s lap, and smiled.
“Y’know, she really likes you. Like more than she likes me,” you explained.
“How, she’s your cat. I’m also not home as often as you are,” Kuvira argued.
“I think that’s why. She doesn’t see you as often so she misses you. Plus she warmed up to you way faster than she did with me.” You knew more about cat behavior than she did. You also knew more about how people dealt with cat behavior more than she did.
“Pretty sure you like her more than you’re willing to admit,” you smiled.
“I tolerate her,” Kuvira mumbled.
“Which is why you’re letting her sleep on your lap and why you let her sleep on your side of the bed?” you smirked.
“She’s not as bad as I thought she would have been,” Kuvira admits. That’s what you were looking for.
“Well, I’m glad you like her.” You moved your hand to pet Jinx’s head. She meowed and stretched out across Kuvira’s lap. You heard Kuvira sigh, but that didn’t stop you from petting Jinx.
Kuvira eventually moved from holding you to sit up carefully, so as to keep the cat where she was. When she was done with that she gently picked up Jinx and held her in her arms. Jinx began to purr even though Kuvira wasn’t even petting her.
That image will forever be in your mind. It was perfect in every way. This is what home means to you.
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May I please request buddie promt where Buck's parents ambush him at work? the team want to know more about Buck and ask questions and the Buckley parents bad mouth him, Buck goes to the lockers or bunkers and Eddie goes after his boyfriend?
Buck’s parents are in town. 
That was a sentence that Buck didn’t think that he was going to ever say, anytime soon, but they are. They’re here for Maddie, mostly. She’s pregnant, so of course, they want to be in town for the birth of their grandchild. Maddie is hardly even 6 months pregnant, though, which means that they’ll probably be here for a couple of weeks, and then they’ll be back in a few months when the baby is born. 
He has dinner with them the first night that they’re in town. They’re a little overbearing, but he deals with it, mostly because he hasn’t seen them in years. Really, it’s probably been more like 5 years since he saw them in person. 
He stacked up his shifts, though, so that he wouldn’t have to see them that much. He knew that it would be better for their relationship if he only saw them a couple of times while they were here. Too much time would mean that Buck would be annoyed and probably say something that he didn’t mean. 
(Chances are, he probably would mean them. He knows that his words strike to kill sometimes, but he doesn’t want to completely ruin his relationship with his parents.)
Then, his parents show up at the station. 
No, they didn’t just show up. They ambushed him. They cornered him in a way that they knew would piss him off. Buck’s always been a hard worker, he puts his all into what he decides to do, and being a firefighter is no exception to this. 
“Evan,” his mother smiles as she comes up the stairs and into the loft of the station. “You’re father and I brought some food for you and your colleagues.” 
“Oh,” Buck says, looking over at Bobby who had been slaving over their dinner since they got back from their last call. “Um, thanks.”
“Of course,” she says with a smile. He knows it’s meant to be genuine, he does, but there is something about the look on her face that isn’t. He knows his mom too well. He knows that there is more intention behind them showing up at the station. 
His gut reaction is to just take the food and set it on the counter. If he moves them a little further into the kitchen, then they’ll see that Bobby is cooking. 
His dad immediately goes to shake Chimney’s hand, and Buck suddenly regrets not vetting any of his team that his parents might be in town. Chimney knew, of course, but everyone else was left in the dark. 
He sets down the food that his parents brought in and introduces his mother to Bobby, who wipes his hands on a towel and shakes her hand. He turns off the stove, insisting that the food he made can wait for the next shift.
“Buck has told us a lot about you,” his mom says with a smile, and Buck’s stomach turns. She was going to find some reason, any reason to make Bobby look like a bad guy. He just knew it. 
“Good things, I hope,” Bobby says with a smile. 
Buck leaves them to their conversation and shoots a glance at Eddie, who’s watching everything unfold from a distance. He doesn’t know what he wants to say or do, but he knows the second that he goes over to his boyfriend, his parents are going to want to follow. They’ll tear Eddie apart like vultures. 
Buck looks at Hen, who is busy talking with his father, and he decides to go over and make sure that everything over there is going just as it should. If his father makes any sort of mention about Hen, her name, her being a firefighter, or anything, Buck is ready to put up a fight. 
Conversations between his mother and Bobby and his father and Hen seem to be going okay, though. Nobody has their claws out, and it all seems to be fairly docile. That’s something that Buck can deal with. 
He sighs softly, then goes to set the table so that everyone can sit down and eat. They might as well eat everything while the food is hot. There’s no use for it to go to waste, especially because knowing his parents it was likely from a gourmet restaurant in the area. 
Buck smiles softly as Eddie comes to help him set the table. They don’t say anything, they just work together silently. When everything is set up the way that his Captain usually likes it, Bobby notices and calls everyone to the table... including his parents. His parents sit near him, and Eddie sits across. 
His father immediately takes interest in Eddie. 
“I don’t think I’ve met you yet,” he says with amusement. 
“No, we haven’t,” Eddie, ever the charmer says and holds out his hand. “Eddie Diaz.”
“Eddie... Is that short for Eduardo?” His father asks. 
Eddie shoots Buck an amused look and shakes his head. “No, actually, it’s short for Edmundo.”
“Interesting,” his father states, taking a bite of his food. “How long have you been a firefighter?”
“About two years, now,” he tells him, keeping things short and sweet. 
“Are you a citizen?” his father asks. 
“Dad,” Buck shoots him a look and his dad simply shrugs. 
“It’s just a question.” 
“Yeah, a wildly inappropriate question.”
“It’s not inappropriate, Evan, you’re being dramatic,” his mother chimes in, and Buck wants to roll his eyes. 
“Yes,” Eddie says, nudging Buck’s foot under the table. “I am a citizen. I moved here from Texas.”
“Texas, that’s a lovely state,” his mom adds. 
Conversation falls uncomfortably quiet and it’s all Buck can do not to wolf down all of his dinner. 
“Evan, you need to slow down. You’re going to choke.” his mom chides. 
“It’s a good thing I have three medics to save me, then,” he says, trying to turn the conversation light. 
“I don’t understand why you have to be so rude to your mother. We brought you dinner,” his dad says. 
“I’m not being rude,” Buck says with a shrug.
“You kind of are,” his dad says, taking a sip of his water. 
“Sorry,” he says, looking away. 
They soon get on to the topic of why everyone at the station wants to be a firefighter. His dad is the one who brings it up, and Buck knows that it’s a setup. His dad has never approved of him being a firefighter and has made that blatantly clear. It’s just going to take someone saying just the right thing for his parents to go off, and Buck is stiff thinking about it. 
He wonders if other members of the 118 feel this way when their parents come into town. He knows that Eddie doesn’t have the best relationship with his parents, but he also seems to enjoy having them visit from time to time. 
At the end of the day, Buck’s parents are still his parents. They still raised him. They still provided a nice life for him. They may not be the best parents in the world, but they aren’t bad people. Maybe he shouldn’t be so upset about them coming to see him at the station. Maybe they were just trying to be ni--. 
“What you all do is so dangerous,” his mother says with the shake of her head. “I never quite understood why our Evan would want to get into a profession like this.”
“With all due respect, Misses Buckley, Buck is one of the best firefighters I know,” Bobby says, looking across the table at them. 
“Well, yes, he has always strived to be the best at whatever he does. That doesn’t mean that he has to be the best firefighter, though,” his mom says, and Buck can feel his eyes roll back. 
It was going to be a long night. 
Could he call dispatch to have them send the 118 out on a call? Was that an option? He really needed that to be an option right now. 
“It takes a lot to do what we do, and your son--” 
“My son,” his mother interrupts. “He has been crushed by a firetruck, and almost died multiple times while working for you.”
“I--” Buck flounders. “Who--?”
“Maddie told us,” his dad raises an eyebrow. 
“I don’t understand why we had to find out from her that you got hurt on the job,” his mom adds in. 
So this is what this was about. They were here to talk him out of his job. To tell him that his job was too dangerous. 
“A job that you don’t even have to be doing,” his dad scoffs. 
“I love being a firefighter,” Buck swallows. 
“And I love being a financial advisor, but that doesn’t have me nearly getting killed every day, does it?” His father asks. “Come on, Evan, you know that your mother and I will pay for you to finish out your degree--” 
“I don’t want to finish my degree. I’m happy.” Buck says, letting out a heavy sigh. 
“I don’t see how you could possibly be happy working in a job where you’ve spent more time injured than you have on duty.”
“I have not,” Buck says, and by now he knows full well that he’s raising his voice. “I love this job. I love the friends I have because of this job. I love everything about it, and you need to stop trying to control my life.”
“Evan,” his mom says, putting a hand on his forearm. 
“No, mom, you guys need to listen. Coming into my workplace and trying to tell me how to live my life? That’s fucked up--”
“Watch your language,” his father snaps.
“That’s screwed up,” Buck says instead. 
“What’s screwed up is that we have to find out from your sister when anything important or big happens in your life.”
“Because you guys always pass judgment on what happens in my life! You’re never happy for me, you’re never proud of me, and god forbid that I ever tell you about any of the relationships in my life because you always rip people to shreds,” he says, and he knows that everyone at the table is staring at him. He can feel his cheeks turn red, and his eyes sting. God, he just knows he probably looks like an idiot right now. 
He sighs, shaking his head as he tries to let it go. “Nothing I ever did was good enough for you,” he says, quieter this time. He pushes himself up from where he’s sitting and excuses himself from the table. 
He goes down to the locker room, sitting down on one of the benches. He huffs quietly and drops his head in his hands, trying to gather himself enough to remember that he is at work and he can’t be feeling all of this when he needs to stay focused in order to save lives. 
He feels to hands land on his shoulder and Buck snaps his head up, ready to fight whoever it is. 
“It’s just me,” Eddie says, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of Buck’s forehead. “It’s just me.”
Buck sighs in relief, immediately sagging under Eddie’s grip. “I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Buck.”
“I-I do, though,” he presses the heel of his hand to his eye, and Eddie sits down next to him. 
“Then don’t apologize to me,” he says softly. “But I don’t think you need to apologize to your parents either.”
“It wasn’t right of me to--”
“It wasn’t right of them to talk to you like that, especially not here, Buck,” He says and pulls him into a hug. “Give yourself a break sometimes, Querido. You’re enough for us.”
“I love you,” Buck says quietly, hugging him back. 
“I love you too, Buck.” 
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justafandomfollower · 3 years
Thoughts on Stargirl S02E01
Season 2 is here! So, I watched the first episode last night and, while I don’t often do this for TV shows I watch, wanted to share/write up my thoughts about the episode. I mean, overall, I thought it was really good and I was grinning like a loon to see the familiar characters back onscreen. But, more than that, I had some thoughts on individual characters.
First, I really really liked the way they handled Courtney’s “overworking” as Stargirl. A lot of other shows would have the debate about how being Stargirl is dangerous and she’s just a teenager, etc., etc. But they hashed that out last season, and they’re not bringing it up again here, which should be the bare minimum but ends up just being refreshing. Pat never says she needs to put away the staff (except for that last bit where he grounds her, and even that’s temporary). Instead, he cautions her to find a balance between the superhero and non-superhero parts of her life, to pass her classes, get good grades, get some sleep, learn to take breaks every now and again, and think about her future.
I do think Courtney will ultimately be proven right about the threats that are out there (I mean, duh, we saw Cindy and Eclipso right there), but nothing Pat said was wrong, or telling her that there were no threats. So, yeah. Big fan of that part. As for Green Lantern’s daughter, while Courtney was her usual “act first, think later” self, I also kind of can’t blame her, because someone did sneak into their house and steal important JSA relics. There were faults on both sides here.
The rest of my thoughts I’ve thrown under a read-more because it’s long and rambling:
I’m pretty solid and happy with where the other three JSA kids are at the moment, but I figured I’d still break it down a little.
Yolanda: I like that she’s struggling with what she did, even months later. I like that she knows she can’t say anything at church, I like that she’s still able to talk about it with Courtney, and I like that Courtney was supportive without outright agreeing with or condemning her actions. It’s a tough thing for kids to talk about, and while an experienced adult like Pat might be able to understand it better, I like that Yolanda’s not completely bottling it up.
On that note, though, they said Cindy might have gotten crushed when the satellite came down, “like Brainwave”, so there’s a possibility here that nobody else knows what Yolanda did, which’ll be interesting to see play out, if that’s true.
Rick: Again, I like where he’s at. He’s more confident in who he is, a little more settled, but also still lost. He claims Tyler as his name again and knows he’s a hero, but he doesn’t know where he goes from here. I think that’s part of why he’s seeking out Grundy, because he’s still clinging to that part of his past because he doesn’t have any clue of what’s in his future.
He’s still very much an angry teenager new at being a superhero, ranting to that teacher about how he saved her, but knowing his character (and acknowledging how crappy that teacher was), I can’t entirely blame him for that. Was it a good move? No. Did it make sense? Absolutely.
Speaking of that teacher, she was not a good one. Can I understand her wariness about the bad boy of the school suddenly getting every answer right? Sure. But, 1) it’s been months, so surely there’s been some gradual improvement, 2) that’s not the way to do it; talk to him about it, sure, but don’t refuse to accept his explanations, and 3) refusing to accept his name change is a jerk move that a figure of authority shouldn’t be making. I could wave away the first one from TV-time-skipping-magic, but not the other two. I don’t really think we’ll see this character again (but maybe in summer school), but she’s more of a vessel to show us 1) how Rick’s changed and 2) how the way others see him hasn’t, so, I suppose, in that regard, she did her job.
Beth: It’s neat that the goggles still seem to be (mostly) working, but it’s the AI that’s not functioning. Not the route I’d thought they’d go, but it’s really interesting because it gives Beth a chance to expand her skill set, or at least expand it to the viewer, and give her a role as a coder/computer scientist. It also doesn’t cheapen the “death” of the AI that happened last season.
Also, like the others (Rick at school with the teachers, Courtney and Yolanda having a discussion in the middle of main street, even Pat with STRIPE), she’s not great at hiding her activities. They’re just goggles, maybe, and she could explain them away fairly easy, but I don’t like the way she just leaves them out around the house. I’m okay with it for now because 1) she’s a teenager, still learning, and they are pretty innocuous, 2) some of it’s probably just TV “requirements”, like not wanting to cut from scene to scene or whatever (idk, I’m not in the TV business), and 3) her parents seem pretty clueless.
And speaking of her parents, man did I not like them even more this season. Every time I saw them on screen my mind went straight to: “good people, terrible parents”. Did they ever even want a kid, or did they just like the idea of having a kid to fit into their “perfect lives” until even that wasn’t enough to keep them together? They’re barely aware of what Beth does on a day to day basis, she still seems to be the one doing all the cooking, and they forget to tell her they’re coming home late? Bad parenting, and selfish parenting at that.
Overall, my mood about Beth this episode can be summed up like this: Do I like Beth struggling? No. Does it open up possibilities for what could be a really intriguing character arc? Yeah.
My biggest complaint about our JSA is that there weren’t really any scenes of them together, but that’s more of the time constraints of having so many characters we needed to get concrete information on regarding where they stand. They had that nice patrol scene in the beginning to let us know they’re all still solid friends, so I’m happy enough with that for now.
Other thoughts:
Barbara wasn’t really in it much (no mention of her job, though the newspaper article did say something about The American Dream going through changes after the death of its leader or something like that), but I can sympathize with her wanting a vacation and not getting one. It’ll be interesting to see how okay she is with Courtney as Stargirl as things get more dangerous.
Mike, likewise, wasn’t much present, but it’s clear he’s still struggling to be a part of things. Pat wasn’t wrong, when he said that the discipline, etc. from having a job was important, but it still feels like he’s brushing Mike aside and not letting him be involved, so I can see some more resentment brewing this season. Better than last season, but c’mon Pat. Mike just wants to help. Still, hopefully we’ll get a better idea of where Mike stands in future episodes.
Artemis. Really interesting the way she brushed aside her parents being in jail as them being wrongly convicted. I’ve seen Young Justice, so I’m looking forward to seeing if they turn her into a villain or hero here.
Zeek. (Is that how he spelled it? It looked like that on his hat.) I’m, probably unnecessarily, wary of how interested he was in working with Pat at the show (does he know something?) but for now I’m mostly just mildly amused at his “I don’t care what you do on your time, but hey, do you think that robot could use a flamethrower?”. Also. Pat. C’mon man. You’ve been in this business for decades. Hide your robot better. (Though, I’ll admit, he was only resigned when he realized Zeek had found it, so... Did he have an excuse ready? Did he just not read Zeek as a threat? I’m probably reading too much into this, but it’ll again be interesting to see where it goes.)
Cameron’s back, seemingly unaware of everything, and it looks like his murderous grandparents are taking care of him. Not great, but, eh, we’ll see what happens.
Sylvester is still tracking down Pat. I’m a little bit glad the landlord either didn’t give him, or didn’t have, Pat’s information from that end scene last season. I’m also interested to see if Maggie (Mike’s Mom, if my understanding of comics I haven’t read is correct) sticks around. Sylvester seems supremely unworried and in a mostly good mood, despite his desire to track down Pat, so I really want to know what’s up with him. I’ve seen some fan theories of time travel and him being a displaced Starman, which could be interesting, but I have no idea if they’re accurate. He certainly seems to be the real deal, at least with all the right memories.
Cindy and Eclipso. That opening scene was creepy, and made me question if I’d turned on the right show, and the connection with the McNider family is really interesting. Did not like the way she had Mike’s picture, but from a writing POV I really liked it. I don’t want Mike to go villain, but I mostly trust the writers to see how this plays out.
Other thoughts: The town seems to have moved on from the mind control/satellite-dish-from-the-football-field thing, so I’m guessing there weren’t too many causalities. New principal makes sense, and I like that they didn’t need to shove it in our face to remind us what happened to the old one (plus that scene where Courtney bumps into her kid; nice and simple and shows a little of how he’s coping). I appreciate that Henry hasn’t been forgotten. No glimpse of Yolanda’s home life yet, or Rick’s uncle. No idea how Rick managed to change his name, but the threat he was hiding from is more or less gone, so it makes sense.
I may have forgotten something here or there, but anyone who’s made it this far deserves a cookie, so, thanks for reading! I’m always up for discussion if anyone wants to add on or debate any of my points.
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wizardcommune · 4 years
aaaaaa i also love urbosa (i’m the previous anon that asked for her ehe) i am just a Little Lesbian who is starved for content... is it too much to ask for sfw alphabet with her? i really don’t think you write her out of character like you worry in the tags :>
urbosa sfw alphabet
a/n - THANK YOU!!! that means so much to hear fndbsngm 
also, i’m so sorry about the wait on this one!! my school’s trimester is ending early so i’ve been trying to raise my grades at mach twenty. i do have a break now though, so i’ll be able to write more frequently!!
pairing - urbosa x reader
warnings - none!!
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a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
urbosa prefers giving verbal affection, and receiving physical affection! she compliments you as often as possible
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
as a best friend, she teases you a lot. she's like a big sister
but like. y’know. not in a weird way,,
c = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
she does! she’s not an extremely touchy person, but it would be comforting to hold you
her favorite positions are to lay on her back and put your head on her chest or shoulder, or spooning. no matter your height, She Will Always Be The Big Spoon
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
urbosa would still want to lead gerudo town as chieftain, but she’d settle down more in terms of fighting. she wouldn’t want to risk herself as much considering you were there
honestly i feel like urbosa is just That Person who fucking sucks at cooking. she knows it too; she’ll just kind of stare blankly at you in pain if you suggest she cook
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
she would be fine with the idea of commitment! she would want to wait at least a few years before considering marriage. it’s a weighty decision and she doesn’t want to make the wrong choice since it could harm both of you
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
she’s very gentle with you! definitely not as much as someone like mipha, but she’s very careful not to accidentally hurt you
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
urbosa doesn’t hug you often, but she shows physical affection in other ways. i.e. gently pulling you to lean on her when sitting down, keeping a hand on the small of your back, running her hands through your hair (if she can), etc.
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
probably a couple months at least? (i've never been in a relationship so is that normal????) 
she’ll say it on a calmer night, when the yiga clan is silent for once and king rhoam hasn’t called for her help. on rare days like these, she’s accustomed to drawing a bath that smells good as hell, so you’ll be really comfy and probably sleepy LMAO
will tell you right before you fall asleep when she’s thinks you aren’t awake!!! once she realizes you are, will 100% give u a forehead kiss 
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
urbosa doesn’t get jealous very often, mainly pissed if someone won’t stop harassing you. she’ll wrap an arm around your waist, and if they aren’t already intimidated (they’d have to be drunk or just have The Audacity) she won’t hesitate to roast tf out of them. if you thought her teasing you was bad, it’s terrifying now. she won’t hold back
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
she honestly doesn’t have a preference on where to be kissed! she likes kissing you on the shoulder, forehead, and hand the most. :))
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
she’s actually really good with kids! even before she became chieftain, she liked hanging out + playing pretend with them
something really cool about urbosa that the kids like is that she treats them with high respect and talks to them like adults!!! (but very sensitive adults at that; she doesn’t tease them much. kids deserve kindness and you bet she’s gonna fulfill that)
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
she prefers long hours of sleep + waking up late. so if it’s a chill day when you’re not needed for anything, she’ll stay with you in bed for hours
if she wasn’t able to sleep as much, she’ll be lowkey grumpy in the mornings until she gets her tea
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
like the mornings, she drinks tea a lot before bed. she gives me jasmine or chamomile tea energy???? idk
long baths are a must, especially since it’s so sandy,,, everywhere,,,,
she’s the type to have a ton of candles and nice soaps and stuff, so she always smells really good before bed
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
pretty early in the relationship! she trusts you enough to talk about things that are bothering her/have in the past. 
although, i’m not sure if she’d talk about zelda’s mother and stuff like that due to privacy reasons. unless zelda herself didn’t express concern over it, she’d keep the details pretty tight
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
unless you’re a yiga member, urbosa’s patience is very thick. i literally cannot think of a time she would get fully mad at you?? 
if you ever put yourself in danger, (especially for her) she would definitely scold you. never angry, though
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
urbosa remembers things even you don’t remember. mainly things you point out at a marketplace or something. 
(on that note, she is absolutely the type to spoil you. you can mention a pretty flower in rito village in passing and she’ll be convincing revali to go get it for you within an hour)
r = remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
very protective!! even if you can fight/are a champion, she’ll subconsciously be protecting you in battle. 
she doesn’t want you to worry about protecting her, honestly. (tbh she lowkey likes when you lean on her for safety)
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
she puts a lot of effort into them!! she actually finds it really fun to get to plan dates and stuff. she loves giving gifts and they are always very well thought out!!
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
bold of you to assume urbosa isn’t perfect
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
she does care about her looks, but only because it makes her feel good!! as long as she looks professional and clean, urbosa could care less about what other people think.
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
urbosa is comfortable enough with herself to be okay without a partner, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt. if you ever were to get hurt/leave her, she would be crushed, but she would be able to heal.
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
she hates the cold with a burning passion and anytime she has to go to the tundra, she’s grumpy the whole time
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
i couldn’t think of a partner one, but she’s scared of dogs for some reason. she is a cat person and they lowkey freak her out
z = zzz (what are some sleep habits of theirs?)
even though she has guards, being the chieftain means either of you could be put in danger at any time. because of this, she’s a fairly light sleeper. she’s also pretty protective in her sleep! she’ll pull you close to her and keep a hand on the back of your neck or stomach
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kintatsujo · 3 years
LoZ AU- The Courage of Running Away Part FIFTEEN
Okay so first of all if you haven’t seen part fourteen with Astramorus’s friend Serenumbra showing up you’re going to want to because there’s a bit at the end of this one that will be providing context for.
#AU August
#LoZ AU: The Courage of Running Away
So it’s high time we got into Whatever The Fuck Ghirahim is Doing and we’re not gonna get ALL the answers but we ARE gonna get a whole fuck ton of flirting!
Let’s start with what I think will be Ghirahim and Dinravi’s first revealing scene together once we’re out of the 0.5 Draft, which takes place right after Ghirahim shooshes at Astramorus and scares the marbles out of him:
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[Image descriptions: Ghirahim is throwing off his fortune teller’s cloak while striding toward Dinravi, who is putting his necklace onto a dresser with a large mirror.  “What an INVIGORATING outing that was!” Ghirahim declares.  Dinravi says, “YOU’RE in a good mood-” he starts to remove his outer duster- “You didn’t KILL SOMEONE while I wasn’t LOOKING somehow, did you?” Despite his words he’s smiling, perhaps in amusement at Ghirahim’s good spirits.  Ghirahim puts a hand to his face, brushing his hair out of his eye slightly while pursing his lips flirtatiously. “Oh, Sweet Prince, how UNCOUTH,” he says, then comes forward and puts a hand on Dinravi’s chest, smiling up into his face.  “I do HAVE other INTERESTS,” he says, a heart accompanying his words.  Dinravi seems mostly unmoved, if amused.  “There’s hope for you yet, thank Din.” he says. End ID.]
(In case it wasn’t clear Ghirahim is intimating that his other interests include scaring the wits out of old men.)
Basically Ghirahim showed up under the fortune teller guise fairly recently, revealed himself to Dinravi and has been trying to seduce him into becoming the demon lord Ghirahim knows he can be ever since.
But it’s actually not working very well because Dinravi is basically chill as fuck:
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[Image description: Ghirahim has his arms around Dinravi from behind and is leaning up to murmur into his ear.  “You and I, wielder of Power,” he says, “We could BATHE THE SANDS RED and drink the BLOOD OF YOUR ENEMIES, crush their bones in my TEETH.”  Dinravi, amused, answers him “I don’t WANT to drink blood Ghirahim, I want poultry pilaf and some fried bananas- please don’t cling to me while I’m COOKING.”  End ID.]
(Dinravi cooks for himself as a hobby.)  Also for the record I’m letting Ghirahim have randomly sharp teeth as he pleases because I think it’s hot.  XD
On Eltani’s side of the situation, well:
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[Image Description: Eltani is talking to Dinravi, and says, “There’s something OFF about that fortune teller, Belovéd, you WATCH YOURSELF with him.”  Dinravi answers, “Of course Mama.”  He then thinks, pursing his lips, “Do I TELL HER that he’s an ancient demon trying to SEDUCE ME for some reason?”  He then blushes.  “ABSOLUTELY NOT,” he thinks, and a label pops up reading “Reminder this kid is only 20.”  End ID.]
And no, Dinravi’s not really fully aware he’s technically Ganondorf and whether Ganon and Demise are fully connected is something I’m gonna choose to be vague about; all he knows is this sexy demon man showed up one day claiming as the holder of the Triforce of Power that makes him a worthy master.  
And Dinravi’s response to that?  By sheer force of will, he’s determined to influence Ghirahim for the better instead of being influenced for the worse.
Because Dinravi’s a particular sort of badass and also an optimistic 20 year old kid gunning to be a good leader and possibly save the world, from Ghirahim specifically if it comes to that.  Preferably by pointing out to Ghirahim that he doesn’t have to railroad himself into his own fate.
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[Image Description: Ghirahim is showing Dinravi his hands transformed to claws, tapping the heavy necklace Dinravi usually wears.  He says, “I’m a SWORD, Dinravi, what do you THINK makes me feel ALIVE?”  Dinravi answers solemnly, “Even a SWORD can become something ELSE, Ghirahim.”  Ghirahim’s demeanor suddenly shifts as he pushes his hair out of his face with what is now a normal human hand, and, remarkably, blushes.  “WELLL,” he begins, then shifts to flirtations, leaning his back against Dinravi’s chest.  “Maybe with some BEATING, HEAT... And no small amount of SKILL.”  Dinravi scrunches his face, trying not to laugh.  “Pff do you EVER turn it OFF?” he asks.  Ghirahim’s face lights up as he goes in for the figurative kill: “My RAPIER WIT?” he asks.  “NO!!”  Dinravi bursts out laughing.  End ID.]
So who do you think is more doomed, the person laughing at bad puns or the person aiming to get a laugh with the bad puns?  This version of Ghirahim’s had a little more time to settle into himself, and in some ways that makes him more dangerous, but in others it might make him a little more... human.  Dinravi is young and inexperienced, but he’s had a lot of good examples to look towards.  
The real question is how Ghirahim got here, and he’s not answering that one as of right now.  
And in the meantime, Astramorus is trying to sort out his atonement:
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[Image Description: Astramorus enters a room with Serenumbra.  The centerpiece of the room is a glowing bow on a pedestal, set at the feet of a statue of Hylia.  Serenumbra asks: “Is that-”  “Yes,” Astramorus answers.  “Manifested by the previous Hyrulean princess to have fought Ganon.  A BOW OF LIGHT.”  The Bow of Light glows.  Astramorus takes it in hand.  Serenumbra says, a hand to his mouth, “Ah, surely that will help, I hope the boy will ACCEPT it from you.”  Astramorus looks slightly surprised at the statement, then slightly exasperated.  “Sure, sure, yes, I’ll figure something out.”  Serenumbra smiles cheerfully. The scene switches to show Astramorus outside the Sky Temple in the middle of the night.  He is releasing fairies.  End ID.]
Astramorus what are you doing????  Didn’t one of those fairies literally save you just a few scenes ago???
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Anon asked: just found your blog and let me just say 10/10! the parenting headcanons*chef's kiss*…. could you please create headcanons on how style 5 would treat their pregnant s/o? thanks!!!!
I’m so glad you liked my blog so much<33and yes don’t the boys as dads make you go soft🥺
Pregnant S/O (Style 5)
Another long post~
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Confused boy™️
Planned or unplanned he’s still surprised and confused when you tell him
Internally, he’s panicking
He doesn’t have any siblings either so he never got to experience pregnancy
He’ll probably think that it’s best to give you space and let you handle it
But oh no that was a big mistake on his part
He very quickly realizes just how much you need him to be there for you (it’s not like he purposely distanced himself, he was just scared that he would interfere in a way)
You tell him it’s no such thing and that’s when Haru will secretly start his little research and reading up on pregnancy
From then on he’s by your side 100% anyone who is giving you dirty looks can f*** off Haru ain’t having none of that. he’s giving them his silent death stares
He’ll be holding your hair back and gently caressing your back on those mornings when you’re over the toilet <3
Rushes by your side faster than he strips off for water when you call out to him or need him for anything
He’s very nervous and awkward when touching your belly it’s like an alien to him
But when you take his hand and slowly bring it to rest on your tummy, he’ll ease
Might say a few words to his baby which just makes you go 😣🥺😍🥰
He’ll mentally prepare himself and will still be internally panicking especially when the time is near
Of course he would never show it to you tho he wants to be there for you and your wall of support he can’t let you know that he’s also panicking
But all his worries suddenly wash away once his child is finally given to him in his arms and he looks onto them with a little smile, but his eyes are absolutely bursting with love❤️
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Aww Makoto is going to be a bit doting on your pregnancy
I mean he was probably still fairly young himself when his own mother was pregnant with twins, but he probably watched his father and how he took care of Mama Tachibana
Folks lemme tell you. Mama and Papa Tachibana raised this man RIGHT
You might think that Makoto would freak out a lot during pregnancy, which is only half right
He’ll be so so so so gentle around you, making sure you eat enough food, get enough sleep, etc.
Will even massage your swollen feat and ankles🥺
He even gives into your cravings haha he just wants you to be as comfortable as possible <3
He loves putting his hand on your belly and talking to his baby, saying sweet things and having conversations, even if the baby isn’t born yet, it’s a way for him to start bonding with his child and an indirect way of letting you know how much he loves and appreciates you and won’t ever leave your side 🥺❤️
He’s very careful and gentle all throughout the 9 months, but he does have his moments when he freaks out a bit
Like when you think th water broke and then when the water ACTUALLY broke
He’s still fully prepared tho, he created a bag with all the essentials waiting by the doorway longgg ago
The whole time he’s telling you what a great job you’re doing and how amazing you are, and so on 😣💘
Once Makoto actually gets to hold his child, the world around him stops and it’s like falling in love all over again but now it’s x2 with you and his own little baby ❤️
Whatta MAN take notes.
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Jumping up and down with excitement when you tell him 😆
Ladies and Gents, he’s got this one in the bag.
Absolutely giving into all your cravings, even offering his own sweets and chocolate from his secret candy stash
Foot rubs, leg rubs, back rubs, he’s ready to do it ALL to make you happy and relaxed
He’s going to his absolute BEST to make himself less burdening on you because usually you have to be the one take care of him
So he’s going to want to take care of the cooking, cleaning, chores, etc.
The cooking turns out to be a disaster...mostly because he adds more of the stuff he thinks is good and doesn’t exactly follow the recipe...
But atleast the cleaning isn’t all so bad 🥺
Totally so patient with you. He’s there when those pregnancy hormones kick in and those emotions are let lose
Cradles your belly when you guys are in bed 🥺
he gets SO excited when he feels the baby kick like SOOOO excited
*goes back to having his little conversations with the baby to feel it kick again*
So yeah Nagisa’s always calling up Rei to fill him up on EVERYTHING
Anywayss when the baby is actually born, all of Nagisa’s excitement will die down to pure softness as he just looks at his little bundle of joy with love with a warm smile❤️
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Rei is actually very happy when you tell him and softly kisses your forehead
Not even a minute passes where he’s now standing and pushing up his glasses, ready to prepare himself for what’s to come
Reads up ALL about pregnancy like EVERYTHING
The cravings, the mood swings, the morning sickness
He’s even read up all potential complications and situations you can be put in
Physically the guy is ALL prepared for when the water breaks at any given moment...like Makoto he’s got a bag ready and everything
Aww he literally goes THE EXTRA mile for you. Like buying for you stuff that isn’t really needed during a pregnancy but great to have nonetheless.
He’s very strict when it comes to how you eat and sleep tho
He just wants what’s best for BOTH the baby and you <3
That means he’s got diets planned out, alternatives for unhealthy cravings, making sure you get a full 7-8 hours of sleep daily.
Sometimes you gotta be the one to tell this man to chill out It’s like he’s the one pregnant
But in all honesty, you really do appreciate it, many men would sadly never go this far to taking care of a pregnant s/o so you are luckyyy 💘
Although Rei did EXTENSIVE amount of research, nothing actually prepared him mentally for when the water actually broke...
All the details aside, when he finally holds his baby in his arms, all of Rei’s research and worries and everything goes completely out the window, because nothing could have ever prepared him for a moment this beautiful ❤️
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You got it...once you tell this shark baby about the pregnancy, he’s crying
But tears of joy as he embraces you and tells you how much he loves you and promises to be the best dad he can for his child ❤️
Protective Matsuoka has entered the chat.
Would let you do ANYTHING that seems even potentially dangerous to you or the unborn child
Takes it upon himself to do everything from cooking and cleaning to preparing baths for you and giving you massages and rubs <3
Also handles anything outside the house too like groceries and shopping <3
“Nah Nah babe, don’t you worry, I got this” *kiss*
Warms your heart ❤️
He lends you his body pillow too
Nights where he’s gently laying his head on your tummy, talking to the baby and telling him a lot about the world outside 🥺
Tells the baby that he’s gonna show them a sight that they’ve never seen
You go heart squeeze 😣
Gets super excited when he feels a kick and omg it’s all just cuteness overload I can’t even explain it🥰
You tell him to stop crying so much or else the baby is gonna catch on
Still in tears when he his little one his born and in his arms, not that you aren’t moved to tears either.
Just a precious moment for him with his precious child and precious s/o, a perfect little family ❤️
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aquadrazi · 3 years
Find Someone to Carry You
Chapter 44
Jiang Cheng was greeted by Nie Huaisang as he landed at the Nie Stronghold.  “Sect Leader Jiang!  I’m glad that you accepted my invitation.”  He smiled as he approached and bowed.
Jiang Cheng returned the bow.  “Of course I would accept.  Though I haven’t forgiven you yet for keeping me in the dark about the fact that my family has been alive all this time.”  He grumbled.
“I’m so sorry about that, really I am.  It’s just, you are a TERRIBLE actor, and you have a famously bad temper.  Can you tell me with a straight face that you would have acted the same, for these past 13 years, had you known the truth?”  Nie Huaisang eyed him cautiously.  “Could you have promised to keep Jin Ling from his parents for 13 years?”
Jiang Cheng didn’t answer.  He knew that Nie Huaisang was correct, and he hated it.  His emotions had always seemed to make him the weak link.  He just wished that everything didn’t come out as anger.  Wei Ying still didn’t want to see him, and he guess he couldn’t blame him.  They were in the same room, all those years ago, and he hadn’t even looked close enough to notice.  He could have save his brother from years of pain and suffering if he had just LOOKED.
Nie Huaisang was eyeing him over his fan.  “He will come around, just give him some more time.  He just…well…he avoids people who SAW him when he was like that.”
He wanted to apologize to Wei Ying.  He wanted to comfort him and tell him that he is loved, and wanted.  But no, Nie Huaisang was right, everything comes out wrong when his emotions are involved.  Better to speak through Lan Wangji, who is APPARENTLY Wei Ying’s HUSBAND?!  When did THAT happen?  Sect Leader Lan had definitely referred to him as his Didi at the conference, and he was wearing a Lan Sect ribbon, even if it was red.
“It was a BIG step for him to come out and say it in front of everyone at the conference.”  Nie Huaisang said quietly.
“Could you tell him that I’m proud to have him as a big brother?” Jiang Cheng asked, his voice threatening to break.
“I will pass along the message.” Nie Huaisang nodded.
*****Graphic Torture Incoming, just skip to the next chapter*****
They spent the rest of the walk to the Conversation Room in silence.  When then entered the room, Jiang Cheng saw that Lan Wangji was already there.
He had Su She tied to a table, his arms hanging down over the edge and bound to the legs of the table.  He was forced into a kowtow position, with his thighs tied to his calves and his ankles tied to the other legs of the table.  A rope was wrapped around his neck and another around his hips, and tied under the table, holding him fairly steady.  He was naked, and Lan Wangji was slowly shoving a red-hot rod up Su She’s ass as he screamed.
“I see you started without us.” Nie Huaisang said, as if he was talking about lunch, rather than torturing a prisoner.
“Sect Leader Jiang!  Oh good.  Please, Sect Leader Jiang, you can’t let this happen.  I’m on YOUR SIDE!”  Sect Leader Yao had a metal ring around his neck that was chained to the wall in the corner.
“MY side?!  And what SIDE is that?!”  Jiang Cheng spat at him.
“You’ve killed more demonic cultivators in the past 13 years than ANYONE.  Please, you can’t let this happen.  We were only following YOUR example.”  Sect Leader Yao wailed.
“My-  MY example?!”  Zidian began to crackle around Jiang Cheng’s wrist.  “You think that I’m ANYTHING like you?  Do you think that I TORTURED people before I killed them?  In fact, you didn’t KILL HIM AT ALL.  You kept him alive so you could CONTINUE to torture him.  MY OWN BROTHER!!”  Nie Huaisang had to hold him back.
Lan Wangji had stopped what he was doing and turned to watch.  His eyes were dark and he looked like he wasn’t all there anymore.
“You’re right, he had to be put down.  He was a rabid dog.  But he deserved to be punished first.  He killed so many people.  He killed your SISTER AND HER HUSBAND! He couldn’t just be ALLOWED to die.  He had to feel every ounce of pain possible before he would be allowed to just DIE.”  Sect Leader Yao’s face took on an ugly sneer.  “Besides, demonic cultivators become so evil that they don’t even FEEL pain anymore.  In fact, he LIKED it.  He was TURNED ON by it.  It was disgusting.  If you had seen it you would agree with me Sect Leader Jiang.  Please, don’t let Hanguang-Jun punish me for doing something that YOU WOULD HAVE DONE TOO!!”
“Oh, Hanguang-Jun isn’t here.  Haven’t you heard?  Once his husband was taken prisoner and tortured he became the Ghost of Gusu.”  Nie Huaisang informed, with a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.
Jiang Cheng took a closer look at Lan Wangji.  He looked like a dangerous predator, analyzing his prey before he played with it.  He also just noticed that he wasn’t wearing his forehead ribbon, which was supposed to be a constant reminder to maintain control and restraint.
“He was turned on by it…?”  Lan Wangji asked in a cold, quiet voice, causing a chill to run down Jiang Cheng’s spine.
“Yes, that disgusting brat was turned on by what we did to him.  As if the more pain we gave him, the more it turned him on.  Even when he screamed he was rock har-“  Sect Leader Yao was cut off by Lan Wangji reaching into his mouth, and grabbing onto his tongue.
“Oh boy, you’ve done it now.  You do NOT want to know what happened to the LAST guy, and he only called his husband a whore.” Nie Huaisang informed.
“Sect Leader Jiang, would you be so kind as to unleash Zidian for me?”  Lan Wangji said with no emotion.
Jiang Cheng was in shock, but he did as Lan Wangji asked, and walked over to him.  Lan Wangji picked up the end, which must have hurt a lot, but if it did, he did not show any signs, as he brought the tip of it up to Sect Leader Yao’s tongue.  The Sect Leader screamed and thrashed about as Lan Wangji wrapped the electric whip around his tongue a couple times.  He then held the man’s mouth open and watched as Zidian slowly cooked through his tongue.
“You will never speak another word about my husband again.” Lan Wangji said, staring at him as he screamed and thrashed around, noticing that his tongue was starting to come loose.  Once it flopped to the floor, Lan Wangji released Sect Leader Yao’s head, and walked over to the table in the corner.  He sat down and Nie Huaisang pulled out some medicinal lotion for Lan Wangji’s hands.
“Would Sect Leader Jiang like some tea?”  Nie Huaisang offered, gesturing for him to sit at the table with them.
“You-“ Jiang Cheng just stood in shock for a few seconds.  Unable to fully process what he had just walked in on and witnessed.
“I’ve found that Lan Wangji has a… need…to punish those that hurt Wei Ying.  I’ve found it’s best to just, let him do what he wants to do.”  Nie Huaisang explained gently, looking over at Lan Wangji.
“Does Wei Ying KNOW about this?!”  Jiang Cheng looked at him with wide eyes.
Nie Huaisang shook his head.  “We’ve offered to let him be present, or to dictate a punishment he’d like to see done, but he has stated multiple times that he doesn’t want to know anything.  He just wants it to be over.”  Nie Huaisang picked up a cup of tea and offered it to Jiang Cheng, prompting him to come sit at the table.  “It’s rather funny that he has more mercy towards the people who tortured him than they had for him.  And yet HE is supposed to be the evil one.”
“My brother wouldn’t hurt a fly unless it hurt one of us first.”  Jiang Cheng said, accepting the cup of tea.
Lan Wangji looked up at him.  “That is why I do this, for him.  They deserve to be punished.”
“Would you like to have a go while Lan Wangji’s hands heal?”  Nie Huaisang offered.  He gestured to the table that Su She was bound to, with the rod still poking out of his ass.  “He was the one who controlled who got to visit Wei Ying in Koi Tower, once Jin Guangyao had him moved to the private room.” Nie Huaisang then gestured to Sect Leader Yao.  “And, as you’ve already heard, HE took great pleasure in torturing Wei Ying as many times as he could, knowing FULL WELL who he was, and that it WAS NOT consensual.”
“Please, have mercy Sect Leader Jiang.”  Su She cried.  “I was only the gate keeper.  I was following Jin Guangyao’s orders.  I didn’t DO anything to the slut myself.”
“Oops.”  Nie Huaisang all but giggled at the slip.
“What, did you call MY BROTHER?!”  Jiang Cheng shot up out of the chair, Zidian snapped to attention, shooting purple sparks.
“Please…please it’s true.  He LIKED it.  He enjoyed what was happening.  He even CAME.”  Su She pleaded.
“Flip him over.”  Jiang Cheng growled at the guards.  “Flat on his back.  It seems you need a basic anatomy lesson.”
Su She sobbed as the guards untied him, flipped him onto his back, then retied him, because the rod was bobbing up and down due to the movement, inside his ass.
Jiang Cheng went over to the instrument wall and picked out some twine.  He returned to the table and grabbed Su She’s cock.  “So you think that this only gets hard when you’re enjoying it?  Do you think that this only releases at climax when you’ve been ENJOYING yourself?!”  Jiang Cheng nodded and took a deep breath. “Fine, okay.  Let’s see how much of a SLUT YOU are.”
Jiang Cheng fisted Su She and began stroking his cock, but not in an efficient way.  The more Su She begged and protested, the gentler, and more sensual he was.  Once Su She was good and hard Jiang Cheng took out the twine.  “I heard that my brother had a ring around the base of his cock, right HERE.”  Jiang Cheng tightly grabbed Su She, so he would understand where he was talking about.  “Do you know what the purpose of that was?”
Su She just sobbed as Jiang Cheng tightly wrapped the twine around the base of his cock, separating it from the balls and trapping the blood inside.  “So let’s see what turns YOU on.”  Jiang Cheng said threateningly as he flicked at Su She’s cock.  He grabbed hold of the metal rod sticking out of Su She’s ass and started rotating it.  Su She screamed and threw his head back and cried as Jiang Cheng slowly fucked him with the rod.  “Looks like you LIKE this.  You’re still hard and DRIPPING.”  Jiang Cheng mocked.
“No, please.  It HURTS.  Please stop.  I DON’T like it.  I don’t know WHY I’m still hard.  Please!”  Su She begged and sobbed.
“You hear that?  He doesn’t understand why he’s still so hard when it hurts and he doesn’t like it.”  Jiang Cheng said to Nie Huaisang and Lan Wangji, still seated at the table.  He took his hand off the rod in Su She’s ass.  “You see, the twine at the base of your cock is holding in the blood, keeping you hard.  Just like that device that was on my brother’s cock.”
Jiang Cheng started to pump Su She’s cock again, as he twisted and pumped the rod in his ass.  He kept going, watching Su She scream and sob and beg.  Protesting that he didn’t like it over and over.  “You say you don’t like it, but you’re DRIPPING.”  Jiang Cheng mocked as he ran his finger through the liquid spilling out of the tip of Su She’s cock.  “So either you’re lying, or it IS possible to be physically hard and not enjoy what is happening.”
Jiang Cheng began to slam the rod in harder as Su She got closer to climax, delaying it further and drawing out more powerful screams.  When Su She finally climaxed, it was with a powerful shriek because Jiang Cheng slowly pulled the rod out, twisting it as he went.
“See, you even CAME.  Guess you’re just a SLUT too.”  Jiang Cheng walked back over to the table and sat down.  “Sorry Lan Wangji, I don’t know if you wanted to keep that in him.”
“Mn, it is fine.  This was good too.”  Lan Wangji replied, then took a sip of tea.  “Do you still have the bamboo patch out back?”  He asked Nie Huaisang.
“We do.  They were freshly trimmed and sharpened just this morning.”  Nie Huaisang replied as if they were talking about the weather.
“Stretch him over the patch, face down so he can watch them grow.  If he manages to live for a week, we’ll see if he deserves to be set free or not.”  Lan Wangji told the guards.  “Unless, you wanted to go a few more round with him, Sect Leader Jiang.”
Jiang Cheng waived his hand dismissively.  “No, I’m done with Su She.”
“So what do we do with THAT one?”  Nie Huaisang asked, fanning himself.  Clearly he was just prodding the others to continue the show.
“Wait.”  Lan Wangji said to the guards.  He walked over to Sect Leader Yao and unceremoniously untied his robes and threw them open, then shoved his pants down.  “Bring him over here.”
When the guards brought Su She over, Lan Wangji compared the size of his cock to Sect Leader Yao’s.  “He’s bigger.”  He then motioned for the guards to bring Su She to the center of the room.  He tied Su She’s wrists together and swung the end of the rope through a hook in the ceiling.  Lan Wangji then motioned for the guards to bring over Sect Leader Yao, as he held Su She in place.
He had the guards place Sect Leader Yao on his knees, in front of Su She.  Lan Wangji used the rope to adjust Su She’s height, so his cock would line up with Sect Leader Yao’s mouth.  He then tied off the rope.  “Nie Huaisang, would you help me with something?”  Lan Wangji asked, like he was asking for an interpretation on a text he was reading.
Nie Huaisang raised his eyebrows at Jiang Cheng, then got up and walked over to Lan Wangji.
“Would you help me arrange Sect Leader Yao, so that he is in the same condition as how you found my husband?”  Lan Wangji asked him.  The Sect Leader began struggling and making horrible noises in his throat.
“Certainly.”  Nie Huaisang bowed to Lan Wangji, then he went to the instrument wall to pick out what he needed.
Jiang Cheng watched in horror as the two worked.  Clothing removed, nipples pierced and weights hung from them, eyes sewn shut, needles shoved under his fingernails, some horrible claw-like contraption shoved in his mouth to keep it open, a thin rod shoved down the slit of his cock, a metal ring attached at the base of the cock, and then a bamboo pole was tied behind his neck, and his wrists tied resting on the pole, fingers exposed.
Lan Wangji walked over to the coals and picked out a thin poker.  He walked back over to the Sect Leader and grabbed him roughly by the hair.  He tilted the Sect Leader’s head to the side, giving him a good angle at his ear.  Slowly, he inserted the poker into the ear, causing the most horrible shrieking sound Jiang Cheng thought he had ever heard.  Then, he did it to the other ear.
Jiang Cheng thought he was going go be sick.
THIS is how they found Wei Ying?!
Blind, deaf, mute…
Bound in that horrible position?
Open and exposed for anyone to use…
Not knowing who, or how, or when?
Zidian crackled as Jiang Cheng’s rage flowed through his meridians.  Hearing about it was one thing, seeing it that one time out of the corner of his eye wasn’t as bad and being here now, faced with it head on.
“Monsters.  They’re all monsters.”  Jiang Cheng hissed.
“Wei Ying was only able to identify people by smell and taste.  He did not know who it was who was violating him.”  Lan Wangji explained in a quiet and cold voice.  “He couldn’t distinguish reality from nightmares.  It took him…a long time…to realize that here and now is real, and not some fantasy he dreamed up to cope with the torture.”
Jiang Cheng was glad he was sitting, because if he hadn’t been, his knees would have given out.  So he just sat there, dumbly, as Lan Wangji finished securing the two prisoners for whatever punishment he had dreamed up for them.
Su She’s cock was inserted into Sect Leader Yao’s mouth, almost to the hilt.  He was gagging and drooling and his eyes were watering.  Clearly he was trying to figure out how to breathe.  Lan Wangji spent some time flicking the needles sticking out of his fingers, causing him to scream around the cock in his throat, the vibrations combined with the gagging was causing Su She to harden.
Lan Wangji walked back over to the instrument table.  He picked out two thumb screws and something that looked phallus shaped.  He walked over to Su She and tightened first one thumb screw, then the other, on his balls.  He screamed and bucked at the pain, involuntarily fucking into Sect Leader Yao’s throat.
“Ohhhhh, I see now…” Nie Huaisang said, sitting back down at the table, a servant had just come with refreshments.
Jiang Cheng felt a tap on his shoulder and he realized it was Nie Huaisang’s fan.  He gestured towards the snacks.
He couldn’t eat.  He wasn’t hungry.  He was in too much shock and rage to think about anything else except that this is what his brother had gone through…for years…
Lan Wangji walked behind Sect Leader Yao, and without warning he shoved the phallus into him, violently.  He screamed and bucked at the sudden violation.  Lan Wangji proceeded to viciously fuck him with the object.  His screams must have been turning Su She on, because he began moaning and rocking his hips forward.  Every once in a while Lan Wangji would reach over and flick a needle, causing both the prisoners to scream and buck, one in pain and one in pleasure.
Jiang Cheng watched in fascinated horror as Su She eventually bucked and climaxed, shooting down Sect Leader Yao’s throat.  Lan Wangji motioned for a guard to continue fucking Sect Leader Yao, then he walked over and grabbed a paddle.  He walked behind Su She and began raining hits down on his ass, the force causing him to slam into Sect Leader Yao’s mouth and down his throat.  When another guard started to flick at the needles, it became a grotesque symphony of pained screams mixed with Su She’s pleasured moans.
Tears were freely falling down Jiang Cheng’s face as he watched.  He couldn’t look away this time.
THEY did this to him.
How many times?
How many PEOPLE?
Lan Wangji made eye contact with him, and gestured for him to join.  He felt himself getting up, and unleashing Zidian.  He felt himself walking over to the spectacle.  Before he realized what was happening, he had hit Sect Leader Yao across the back with Zidian.  Lan Wangji fed the Sect Leader some spiritual energy, then nodded to Jiang Cheng that he could continue.
So they continued like that for a bit.  Su She came again while screaming in pain, Sect Leader Yao screaming and writhing in pure agony.  Finally something snapped in Jiang Cheng and he rained down an almost constant stream of hits onto Sect Leader Yao’s back.  Beating him to death.
Lan Wangji stopped and stared for a bit, breathing heavily due to the exertion of beating Su She.  “Okay, you can take him to the bamboo patch now.”  He told the guards finally.  “I don’t care what you do with this one’s body.”
The guards bowed and took Su She away.
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