#I know I'D be too lazy lmaooo
citrus-blade · 5 months
What will happen in the next chapter of Ephemeral?!!
The story has not been updated yet due to personal reasons but I am working on it. But it might take a bit too long for y'all so... I decided to just tell y'all here! The catch? I'll tell it in german so if you REALLY want to know you gotta use a translator to figure it out! (Unless your main language is German or you learned it at some point then... just read it ig lmao)
So yeah, Spoiler warning for Ephemeral as I will sum up what will happen in the next - and last - chapter (IN GERMAN)!
Also ja ich fang dann mal an, nä? :D
Es fängt damit an, dass Dream am nächsten tag aufwacht und Techno durch seine Haare streichelt, aber Dream tut so als würde er noch pennen und möchte nicht einsehen, dass es Techno ist. Denn Dream möchte nicht zugeben, dass er in Techno verliebt ist, da Techno der Pirat ist, von dem er immerhin entführt wurde (Schöne und das Biest kinda stuff).
Als Dream dann so tut als würde er gerade aufwachen zieht Techno seine Hand schnell weg um so zu tun, als wäre nichts gewesen. Die beiden stehen auf und ziehen sich an um dann Frühstücken zu gehen.
Beim Frühstück erzählt Wilbur dann davon, dass er einen Weg gefunden hat früher ans Ziel anzukommen. Dass möchte Techno jedoch nicht und sagt ihm, dass sie sich nicht früher mit Schlatt treffen werden. Das gefällt Wilbur nicht, aber er hat keine andere Wahl als es zu akzeptieren.
Nach dem Frühstück hilft Dream wieder auf dem Schiff und spricht mit Philza darüber wie er aufgewachsen ist. Die beiden bonden a bissl bevor Dream wieder gehen muss um Niki und Puffy in der Küche zu helfen. (bin mir noch net so ganz sicher ob sich das noch ändert)
Es wird abends und alle feiern wieder zusammen aufm Deck, aber wenn es ruhiger wird und alle gemütlich Gespräche halten, entfernt sich Dream von der Crew. Techno geht zu ihm spricht kurz mit ihm darüber weshalb er Dream entführt hat. Er deckt auf, dass Ranboo - einer seiner Crew Mitglieder - verstorben ist und er gibt sich die Schuld dafür. Und er braucht das Revive Buch um ihn zurück zu holen.
Dann spielt Techno Dream was auf seiner Geige vor, so wie er versprochen hatte. Wenn Dream fragt ob dies sein Abschiedsgeschenk war verneint Techno dies und erzählt ihm, dass er sich entschieden hat Dream nicht auszuliefern. Sie würden einen anderen Weg finden um an das Revive Buch zu kommen, denn Ranboo würde seine Vorgehensweise nicht gutheißen.
Außerdem gesteht er, dass er anfängt stärkere Gefühle für Dream zu haben. Dream sagt, dass er es auch spürt, jedoch noch kein richtiges Wort für diese Gefühle hat.
Dann tauch Wilbur auf und gibt Techno seinen Tee, so wie jeden abends. Danach wird aufgeräumt und alle gehen ins Bett. Techno ist schnell ausgeknockt, Dream beobachtet ihn für eine weile bevor er auch einschläft.
Mitten in der Nacht wacht Dream auf mit einem Dolch an seiner Kehle. Wilbur ist in die Kabine eingedrungen und zwingt Dream mit ihm zu kommen, wenn Techno nicht aufwacht erklärt Wilbur, dass er etwas in seinen Tee getan hatte.
Er zwingt Dream in eines der Rettungsboote mit ihm und gibt ihm neue Klamotten die schicker sind, so wie Schlatt es gefordert hatte. Dream fragt weshalb Wilbur dies tut, dieser gibt zu, dass er das Revive Buch für sich selbst haben möchte, weil er damit Kontrolle über alle anderen hat. Er sagt Techno sei erblindet von den Gefühlen, die er hat für Dream, was er bescheuert findet.
Die beiden kommen am Treffpunkt an und Schlatt wartet bereits mit ein paar seiner Männer. Er schüttelt Wilbur's Hand und begrüßt Dream indem er ihn zu sich zieht, Hand auf seiner Taille und all sowas. Wenn Wilbur nach dem revive Buch fragt hält Schlatt es hoch, lässt Wilbur jedoch erschießen während er lacht.
Dream versucht sich zu wehren und mehrere Männer müssen ihn packen. Nachdem einer ihm etwas injizieren möchte, wird dieser Mann erschossen. Die Syndicate ist am Himmel zu sehen und es wird enthüllt, dass es Niki war mit einem Scharfschützengewehr.
Die restliche Crew kommt mit den Rettungsbooten an und fängt an zu kämpfen. Techno versucht zu Dream zu gelangen, doch Schlatt hat ihn bereits und fliegt mit ihm.
Wenn Dream wieder aufwacht ist es mit Schlatt über ihn mit einem manischen Blick. Er hat einen Dolch, den er entlang Dream's Hals und Wange zieht und redet darüber, dass er schon immer besessen von ihm war, seit dem er ihn das erste Mal gesehen hat. Er redet auch über Dream's Vater, dass er originell ihn wollte, Dream aber eine jüngere Version von ihm sei und dadurch besser.
Techno kommt dann und versucht Schlatt anzugreifen, dieser hält jedoch eine Waffe auf Dream gerichtet. Er redet davon, dass Dream ein Prinz ist und nichts in Piratenhände zu suchen hat. Er habe ein schönes Zimmer für ihn von dem keiner weiß und dass er sich 'gut um ihn kümmern wird'. Techno wird wütend und brüllt Schlatt an, dass Dream kein Gegenstand sei sondern eine Person mit Geist und Willen.
Als Schlatt deshalb lachen musst benutzt Dream den Moment um Schlatt die Waffe aus der Hand zu treten. Durch die Ablenkung greift Techno an, Schlatt kann ausweichen und benutzt sein eigenes Schwert um gegen ihn zu kämpfen.
Dream versucht seine Fesseln zu löse um die Schusswaffe zubekommen und Schlatt zu erschießen. Er schafft es auch und läuft zur Waffe. Schlatt bemerkt dies und rennt dann selber dahin, Techno hinter ihm her. Dream kommt zuerst zur Waffe und schießt. Techno denkt alles wäre gut, jedoch hat Schlatt sein Schwert durch Dream's Bauch gerammt.
Techno fängt Dream und erzählt ihm er soll wach bleiben, dass alles gut wird und er ihn aufs Schiff bringen wird. Dream versucht wach zu bleiben, schafft es jedoch nicht und alles wird dunkel.
THAT'S IT :D I'm not sure about the ending yet, rather to leave it at that OR to give it a happy ending or at least not an so open one lmao (but lets be real I'll probably think about a happy ending lmao)
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deadandbeautiful · 10 months
break the habit. [eren x reader]
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// hello coffin dwellers! dee here, finally with a fic in progress!! :) decided since eren's been on the mind, i'd give em a go- i haven't written for him in awhile, so apologies if im rusty! this fic will be updated on wednesdays and we'll see how long i'll keep it running lol it depends if im not lazy LMAOOO cw: eren and reader are childhood best friends, mikasa is a lesbian do not @ me that ending NEVER happened smh, reader has chronic anxiety, smoking, learning to break the cycle of addiction and trauma, replacing smoking with chewing gum, bad coping mechanisms, overall a hurt with comfort fic !!
your parents weren’t great people. you knew this after being born the eldest daughter; and their only daughter, might i add. your parents fought a lot of the time; a broken marriage far too deep with wounds and often you wondered why they never split up.
so when their stress wasn’t on themselves, it was on you. you became their target for everything; a father who wanted you to be successful like him, and a mother who wanted you to settle down and give her grandchildren; to even walk in her footsteps as a stay-at-home wife.
but you detested the thought; built on rebellion since you came out of the womb, you chose to live your own story and found yourself adoring the highs life had to bring; whether it was through skateboarding, or breaking school rules, your childhood was a masterpiece of a wild ride.
and throughout your childhood you met eren jaeger; a stubborn headed, foul mouthed boy who wanted to leave a mark on the world, one way or another. he moved in next door with his younger sister mikasa, after his mom died and his father ended up marrying another woman.
you two shared a lot in common, it seems. a love for adrenaline, a love for adventure, and most of all, you understood one another when it came to each other’s problems. eren knew your parents weren’t in your corner since day one, and often than not a lot of the time you found yourself sleeping over in Mikasa’s room next door when your world was turned upside down and venting to both of your closest friends. but through this family stress came more than just anxiety; it came with a habit you wish you could break to this day.
you started only truly smoking in early high school; when your friend Jean offered you a hit of his cigarette after finding you hyperventilating on the first day of school behind the bleachers.
ever since then, you couldn’t stop. you found nicotine to be the only way to ease your mind; the familiar burning of the tobacco in the back of your throat being the only thing to bring you back to earth.
eren, on the other hand, distastefully disagreed with your habits. often than not he was the one offering you mint chewing gum on your worst days, the same days your father would start a heated debate over what you wanted to do with your life; or when your mother would cry at the fact you just couldn’t fit into her “perfect daughter” image.
around the end of senior year, you and eren stop talking after getting into a huge fight. life seemed to drift from you since then; now a college student barely scraping by and the only thing going for her is her studies in gender equality.
you felt hopeless, to say the least. talking and making friends was hard, and your anxiety issues only seemed to catch up to you after high school graduation. you wondered where things would’ve taken you if you had decided to follow in your parents’ footsteps.
you end up going to a party on campus to clear your thoughts one night. little did you know, the same pair of teal eyes you’d come to drown in as a kid were quick to follow, after furrowing at the sight of a familiar cigarette laced between your fingertips.
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rebouks · 5 months
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-- anon
I'm sorry, but what kind of accent does Ivan have? He's the only sim who speaks that way and now that he's more in focus, I can't help but wonder where he comes from! Also, while I'm at it, I've also noticed that you stay loyal to the Sim world ("speaking in Tartosan" "a Tartosan goddess", etc), and while it's obvious that Tartosa was based on Italy and Spain, do you imagine your characters being from real countries and with distinct cultural backgrounds?
hmmm idk that he really has an accent as such, it's more that he speaks more loosely/common than every one else. i don't really have voice claims or any real countries to pin these pixels to cos they're sims u kno, it'd probs get messy if i started tying things to irl and not others.. so nah, other than rough stuff like vaguely japanese for mt. komo or italy for tartosa i don't pin em to real places ig you could use my northern english accent as an example tho, like my mom is pretty well spoken but still northern right? so she pronounces her t's n shit but my accent is way more common and i drop all mine to a ridiculous extent (if i was to write butter or water the way i'd say it it's practically unreadable lol.. like bu'uer? bUHer?? idk lmao) so Ivan probs speaks like me tbh.. Tommy, Rhys and a couple others speak that way too and Oscar does when he's drunk
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-- @zosa95
For Bryatt!
Disagreements: How often do they argue/disagree? ehhh probs not a lot, i can't imagine Wyatt engaging in pointless arguments, he'd just walk off lmao
Sex: Who moans the most? Brynn..
Family: Who changes the diapers? mostly Brynn
Family: Who gives their children ‘the talk’? idk ig with Ellis it'd be Wyatt but it'd be like "wrap it up n' pee" so i can see Brynn adding to that 😆 all Brynn if they have a girl tho
Affection: Who gives the most kisses? Brynn!
Sleeping: Who wakes up with bed hair? Wyatt.. u know Brynn has pictures of that shit
Home: Who does the groceries? Wyatt.. gotta make sure actual food is in the house u kno
Miscellaneous: Who kills the spiders around the house? no one.. lil spider did no one any harm 🕷
Miscellaneous: What do they tease each other about? hmm idk if they tease each other all that much tbh, they're playful but not at each other's expense u kno
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-- @akitasimblr
hello becca! for salton, pleeeeeeease <33
Who is on top? Sid most the time lmaooo.. let's face it, Alton be lazy n' submissive
Ever had sex in public? a couple times
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? in between? mostly the latter
Where is the strangest place? probs a broom cupboard or smth at uni idk lmao 😆
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-- anon
I know you don't do WCIF but would you mind sharing the creators you like most for male sim clothes? I struggle to clothe my guys a lot and I noticed you have a huge cast of male sims, so I was wondering. My bad if this sort of ask is unwelcomed too tho
but.......... skjdskj idk darte77 and gorillax3 are prolly good places to start or u kno.. google
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-- @akitasimblr
hello becca!!! one more extra i wish to know of: well, a couple now, rickey love and patrick harvey :) a) where are they living now? b) what do they do for a living? c) any chances of seeing them again in fib (or their daughter...??)? thank youuuu!
ohhhh idk.. i think the whole point of em, as sad as it may be, is that Oscar n them lost touch n they kinda fell off the face of the earth u kno? a price Oscar paid for his choices ig never say never tho! and we'll see 'em again when i eventually get round to doing a uni flashback for Oskie so yay! 🤸‍♀️
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OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your OC! ty for the tag @dandylion240 @hannahssimblr @sirianasims & anyone else i forgot <33
What uncommon/common fear do they have? that Oscar will disappear off into his confusing world of horribleness Robin doesn't fully understand yet ;-;
Do they have any pet peeves? not rlly.. pretty hard to piss the guy off
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? headphones - cameras - letters ^^
What do they notice first in a person? their thoughts 👀🧠
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? idk.. 4/5? i imagine he's kinda used to feeling other ppls pain as well as his own but he's still a baby ;-;
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? FIGHT!
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? yeeeeah.. he likes some quiet time now n then but he loves his family sm 🤗
What animal represents them best? fuck if i know.. a fly on the wall? lmao
What is a smell that they dislike? stinky younger sibling diapers
Have they broken any bones? not yet.. somehow
How would a stranger likely describe them? weird.. QUIET
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? night owl.. it's peaceful when everyone's asleep 💤
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? cilantro/coriander - pastries
Do they have any hobbies? photography - pissing around in the sea/on his bike/in whatever he shouldn't - writing to Alex - SPYING ON PPL
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? u can't surprise the lil guy.. i dare u to try
Do they like to wear jewelry? yeah ig as much as a kid does.. string stuff, friendship bracelets or w/e
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? kinda messy.. maybe it'll be neater later
What are two emotions they feel the most? intrigue & overwhelmed
Do they have a favorite fabric? he said he doesn't care
What kind of accent do they have? ✨imaginary pixel land accent✨
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and ty to anyone who's sent me any love trains recently <33333 ily all sm but i got overwhelmed the more i let pile up in my inbox so i deleted everything so i could breathe again 🙈
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sunthyme · 8 months
Happy Black History Month!! It's time. For probably my favourite set of designs! However, please please please read about Hestia in specific, I want to make sure I handled her correctly and if not, please let me know and I'll remove her! Tyty so much for liking these, I'm so happy to continue.
Now for...
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First up is
💰Azul Ashengrotto💰
(he/him) Transmasc - Gay Asexual
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I really love how he came out omg.
- Firstly, he's Hispanic. Duh. His name is literally Azul, I don't make the rules. I'm thinking Hondurian or Guatemalan and I'd love to hear what you think too.
- Made him plus-sized because GOD we need more body diversity and I think that he would have eventually come to terms that weight is simply a number and that number alone doesn't mean you're healthy or unhealthy, y'know? He exercises and whatnot and is very good at taking care of his body.
- Autistic, his special interest is THE GRIND(tm). His capitalistic ass could rant about business building forever.
- I gave him fins as ears cause I gave all the mer fins for funsies. More for aesthetic than anything else and I figure it's a general trait of most mer (I'll talk about the exceptions later lol)
- I loved how pretty his eyelashes were so I added some teardrops to the ends for some flavour. He still wears glasses, again too lazy lol.
Onto the twins!
🍄Jade Leech🍄
(he/him) - Bi-curious Asexual
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- I brought back the og concept earrings and piercings cause I thought they looked neat. I also gave them both earrings for simplicity's sake and because I headcanon that Azul gave them each a pair for their birthday.
- Longer hair because Imma be so fr, if the twins share similar expressions, I can't tell them apart lmaooo 😭😭😭. Also, felt it suited his personality more.
- Had a punk phase and while he outgrew it, he kept the piercings anyways.
- He and Floyd have matching tattoos on their biceps, Floyd's being a shrimp with sunglasses and Jade's being his favourite type of mushroom (hen/chicken of the woods).
- Also, autistic. Who's surprised at this point? Not me. This little guy and his mushrooms. 'Little guy' being like 6'5' lol.
🐋Floyd Leech🐋
(he/she/it) Unlabelled Gender - Pansexual
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- He's not actually a fan of piercings but got them because Jade wanted to match.
- She has larger teeth that actually interfere with its speech and got bullied for that when he was younger, meaning all three of the Octotrio were friends kinda by default as the 'weird' kids.
- I think he has bipolar disorder and is ADHD, both are rather obvious from his character in-game.
Onto my ocs,
🎲Hestia Benoit🎲
Third Year - (she/her) Transfem - Sapphic
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Okay, first is the topic of the og character. So she draws reference to the Boogeyman from Nightmare Before Christmas which was a very controversial character because Tim Burton sucks. Hate him. I wanted to hopefully reclaim the character, though it isn't necessarily my place and if anyone has a problem with that, absolutely let me know and I will remove her. The original character took heavy inspiration from black culture, specifically New Orleans and I wanted to properly represent that with Hestia. I hope I did her justice and please please please let me know if she is offence in any way. 🩷🩷🩷
- She's the older sister of the triplets and a really good one, caring a ton about them. Her favourite thing to do is spoil her younger siblings.
- She also has crazy good luck and wins any bets she makes. If you play any game of luck with her, she'll win. She's a part of the Boardgame Club and infuriates Azul whenever they play something luck-based.
💍Konane Alohi💍
(they/he/she) Genderfluid - Panromantic Demisexual
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- Konane is twisted from Tamatoa from Moana! They're indigenous Hawaiian and I will be researching more into the culture as I render them out more fully.
- I gave them the bioluminiscens that Tamatoa has though I think it would only be visible in low lighting, such as in the Octavinelle dorm.
- LOVES shiny thing, obvi. Vil keeps trying to convince her to join Pomefiore but he's like, "I get paid here and can afford more stuff so pass."
- Gets along great with Cater, they constantly do collabs on their social media.
⚓️Josephina Killian⚓️
First Year - (she/they) Demi-girl - Bi-asexual
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- Twisted from, you guessed it, Captain Hook!
- I kept as much as I could from the og design and that includes the eyebags, this girlie doesn't sleep. She's only conscious from the 30mg of caffeine she drinks in the morning.
- She and Samantha met at orientation and have been inseparable since, with Sammy always following her around.
And speaking of Samantha,
🦭Samantha Chief🦭
First Year - (she/her) Transfem - Pan-asexual
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- Twisted from Smee! I gave her albinism so her hair is also white naturally.
- Because of her albinism, she avoids outdoor activities for the most part. She is part of the Swimming Club (which idk if that even exists but it does now lmao).
- SHE'S A SELKIE OMG. Sorry, same up with that on the spot lol but now she is. Very shy around people because it's her first time on land so the other mer of the dorm kinda look out for her.
That's all for now, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see y'all in part four!! 🩷🩷🩷
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s1urpjuic3 · 2 months
More Scathing hot takes
RANDOM DISCLAIMER I have not watched not a nan lick of g3 Monster High, this is entirely based off of Tumblr post, y'all please inform me of wtf be going on over there.
Tonight, I will be touching on Monster High, because honestly, I don't see enough people talking about my opinions so I'm forcing y'all to see it lmaoo
Anyways, I feel like this is gonna come out so wrong omgggg but
I DON'T LIKE HOW THEY BROKE OFF ICONIC SHIPS AND MADE EVERYONE LGBT+!!! I don't even care that their gay, it's just the fact that I feel like when shows/media wants to be inclusive when they remake/bring back old shows, they get lazy and just rewrite the existing characters to fit their agenda.
The only time in media it really makes sense (to me) is when a character is going through change, or left a traumatic situation, OR they were always written as a queer character
ie: Harley Quinn. Yeah, I (think) she's always been Bi, but i'd definitely wanna stay the hell away from men after The Joker. I say this as a lifelong Jarley fan. #GoJivey.
And before I go any further, girlllll everybody alr new Clawdeen was lesbian she wasn't fooling nobody💀 it makes SENSE for her character.
Like I know there are now hardcore Cleo x Frankie shippers, and that's fine, I love when people ship characters like that, it's expression of the love for the show, but making it canon??? *Faints*
Maybe i'm just a diehard Cleuce fan idk lmaooo
What I (personally) think they should have done is just introduce new queer/gender neutral/LGBTQ+ characters! I think that would have been so cute and unique cs I feel like no show does that and it's lame.
Like, I just feel like it's such a missed opportunity to make their love interest dynamic, y'know? Like, give them actual depth outside of liking their ghoul.
ie: Deuce. They could've gone into depth about his career and his hopes dreams and aspirations was, and it still ties into Cleo because of her dad and things of that nature.
(Sidenote: Clawd & Jackson/Holt could literally take over the Monster High fandom if they wrote him better in all the gens but y'all not ready for that Convo.)
Especially the boys ;)
Anyways, that's my hot take for tn, first moderately sized post (Hooray)
Post Script: What is this narrative that G1 Frankie liked too many boys?? Y'all be so frl. She liked 2 people. Jackson and Holt were the same people stop playing in my Tumblr space like that :|
Post Post Script: They had low-key pmo not giving lala some depth we all know she a bad bitch stop acting like she static.
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oogaboogaspookyman · 9 months
Better pinned post let's fuckin' go folks
NAME: Tapes, Spookyman, Spooky, Spooker, whatever the hell comes from my url tbh lol (feel free to call me Sinner or Slut that's an option too since i'm as horn knee as a fuckin' rabbit/j)
(There's also Six if you wanna refer to good ol' Murder Drones me)
This is an autistic, bisexual, essentially genderfluid freak of nature that has a questionable mental/emotional stability and mmaaaaaaayyyy orrrrr mmmaayy not have some other disorder apart from the mentioned autism, a possibility being Borderline
I work on things that are either extremely fucked up or just dumb stupid gang doing dumb stupid gags, but i do like me some comfort stuff~
I am. Pretty dumb and immature and lack impulse control plussss... the energy to actually do shit about it lmao. Yes this means i'll sometimes casually say or do insensitive things without knowing pretty much hhhhh (and the rejection sensitivity doesn't help)
Oh yeah i'm also pretty aggressive as in "HOW DARE THEE MAKE ME CRY LIKE THIS I'M GONNA EAT YOUR LIVER". That and the other sense that i'd rather not disclose for personal reasons
What am i into? Let's see here...
Murder Drones (V💕💕💕💕💕💕💕)
Pokemon, kinda
My own hypothetical animated series called A Grim Place. If you want me to ramble about it my dms are open
Internet horror (ya ever seen The Walten Files? Lacey Games? They're good examples)
Friday Night Funkin'. It's on the god damn title
Body horror
Boys and girls that can pretty much kill me. Horrible taste, i know
The Amazing Digital Circus, a bit
Cult Of The Lamb (i made a mascot horror au for this lmaooo)
Ruler Of Everything, my life force
Etc etc etc i don't got the energy to list everything, so it's all off the top of my head
Dni? Eh too lazy, you know the basics and you'll learn more of me later anyway
If you're looking for the 100 reasons to live post, here's the link. Please stay with us, i'd hate to see you go like this. There's always another day.
Art trades (OPEN)
Requests (OPEN)
Flirt with my fucking characters it's funny (OPEN)
What do my blorbos think of yours? (OPEN)
Crack ships lmaoooo (OPEN)
Glimpses into the past and future (OPEN)
Those games where you give me like- an expression based on uhhh a number and a letter like- A5 and i draw a guy feeling a thing yeah that stuff you know what i'm talking about (OPEN)
A Grim Place designs!!! (OPEN)
Shippy ask stuff heehoo (OPEN)
Idfk dude lmao no better ideas i'll add more as time goes by
Beaverscratch translator for all your spooky lore related needs~
Whatever else i come up with lol
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destined with you : episode 4
rowoon has graduated from the song hye kyo school of cheekbone acting omg. you cannot not look at them!
my sister's gagged
lmaooo i love her for just glossing over his confession 😂
this is a pretty realistic (and hilarious )conversation regarding the love spell lmao like they are both really just stuck with this situation now 💀
the writers better make this fun !!!
need to get my hands on a gif of his deadpan delivery of 'don't make that face it makes my heart flutter' 😐🫥😐
him trying to pull his feet of the ground lmaooo
props to the second male lead he said I'm good to dogs, cold to my family; stop the delusions ✋ (to be fair though families always have a higher chance of being terrible than dogs)
well he let her down gently, sweet man
everybody in this show is lonely #relatable
oh the way he randomly got up scared me lmao 😭
naur hong jo find a cure and get this man back to normal again 💀
adore the manager down for atleast taking care of these things
all the best hong jo 😭
'in my body sadness should be working actively but joy is having fun cluelessly' ME WHEN
y'all they're showing his ex girlfriend and I guess the second female lead but we're 4 episodes in and I feel nothing. 💀 like at least give me some breadcrumbs to be interested
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hide hong jo! you're about to catch strays because of his breakup 😭
honestly he's got the i need to pee so bad stance absolutely downnn
generally in shows that go back and forth between past life and current life i get kind of bored and disinterested but this is keeping my intrigue!
also maybe shows really work when you take them 2 episodes at a time because at this point I'll eat anything up 💀 #embarrassing
lmao Manager Queenie just read Mr. Gong to filth
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babe pretty sure your love potion man moved in
woah who's this hoodie man ?!!
get your streetlights fixed sister !!!
love potion man got the lights fixed!
should've just made him call you
lmao look at him skipping after her 💀
could make a drinking game out of the amount of times he says 'get a grip of yourself Shin Yu
y'all I do feel for him though. having to sit through this and have no control of your feelings bc of a love potion seems terrible 😭🙏
I knew they would cut away when she told her the way out of it !!! let me in !!! I won't tell
'do you think I'm doing this so I can spend time with you? you're right I'm doing this so I can spend time with you' is actually so funny
wait he left, did the second male lead move in here ?!!
he's just like me! I want to know too!!!
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is the manager Queenie really that good or is the shoe going to drop soon ( I hope it doesn't I love her down !!!) like woah she's always on the right side
awww at least he cares about his boss
wearing a Hawaiian shirt at the funeral of someone should be on my bucket list
WHO MOVED IN !!! I want to know so bad lol
she saved his name as groot
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girl just tell us
he was the hooded man !???! 😭 it is him! mr. kwon the second lead (honestly very slay)
girl I adore you 💀🙏 I'd be terrified of moving around if my crush moved in
he looks cute dressed down
oooh imoogi's here
lmao scenes like this remind me of the tale of the nine tailed 1938 dialogue that the gods have gotten lazy and are copy pasting the same face everywhere 😂
at least here it's destiny
girl help him break the spell omg? this is kinda cruel 😭
is that a real beach? the sky and angle is giving green screen
girl his ex would also feel much better if we all got together to break the spell 🧘
oh she came here for her dad
it's a real beach after all
1 minute of the show left and I'll have to wait for another week I really lost. I'm not built for his lifestyle 😭
the precap looks saur good
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mochinon-yah · 6 months
uh i may have sent my ask too soon without completing it hejsjdjsksj im using mobile 😭
ANYWAY midterms are over thank god but i'm back at school again cuz spring break was only a week long and i turned 20 since it happened to start on my bday back in march mweheheh
BUT YEA AJDJSJJDHDJS LIKE I WOULD EXPECT A HIGH SCHOOLER TO KNOW WHAT A FRIGGIN SCORPION IS??? LIKE HELLO??? but yea! my bf is like albedo but edgy/emo? like usually wears darker clothing and hoodies, but he's really cute (will deny being called that and insists im cuter) and he's super sweet too so things are going rlly well!
anyway social anxiety is like. the bane of existence. especially as a college student and being an adult so thats fun to deal with aha :"D i don't really like the attention either since it makes me feel cornered so i just kinda make myself as small as possible or hide next to one of my friends- like. i make my body language pretty obvious when i don't want to socialize but people do it anyway hhhhhh
also nw! i've never read pride and prejudice but it sounds interesting! :D but i can relate to not being able to sit and read for long periods of time ehe (meanwhile i'm having an artist block-)
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KSWMJWWKQM YEAH, YOUR LAST WISH IS NOT HAPPENING LMAO 😭☝️since i'm on a break from school, i got extra lazy and just played hsr/draw smth inside my room for most of the time, sleeping at 5 am and waking up at 2 pm has been my new sleeping schedule 😭😭 i hope your sleeping schedule is much better than mine lol
*cough* anywayyyy
Weweweee, i don't know how many people have said it to you, but happy birthday and congratulations for making it to 20! I'm sure the journey for you to make it this far is not smth small, so i wanna shout out to you that you're verryyy amazing, and you earn a head pat and also a hug from yourself or from someone that you're already comfortable with 🫂
Well, you earn more than just a head pat and a hug, but i'll just say those two to make it simple :]
AND AYOO???? "will deny being called that and insists im cuter" THAT IS SO CUTE FROM BOTH YOUR BF AND YOU JSJSJAKQIWK- what is this cutesy couple thingy that i have only heard from people.... it was actually real???
Moving on lmao- YEAH, ME TOO!!! I make my body language obvious to people when i don't want to interact but people do anyway, altho if they were just asking for a way to a place or smth simple, i'm like okay with that. But if someone talks to me when i really don't want to talk, i'd be making a weird face (honestly i look like i'm constipated-) first for a quick second before i face that person lmao
Actually, i started pride and prejudice because of a fanfic LMAOOO. The fanfic itself was just a bunch of things from classical novels, and i got interested real fast since it was yandere-themed lol (the fanfic was so SILLY SKWKWSK i lop it)
I'll just respond you with this after you said that you're having an artist block:
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Good luck, vivi 😭💪
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13skeletons · 1 year
oh boy. I woke up ready to rant about Siege of Dragonspear lol.
This is long and negative so if you like SoD, I am so sorry. I would genuinely love to know what you see in it because woof.
like. ok. I know we give ToB shit for being linear, but at least ToB gives you access to that statue in your base, very early on, that can summon companions for you to party with. I spent most of SoD with a less than full party because I wanted to run with the same people I'd had (minus Imoen. I have Thoughts on that too lol) and for some deranged reason Dorn is SUPER FAR in and locked in a cage? And then the reason for him being locked up is never even explained? (Unless I missed it somewhere, in my irritated rush to the end. Not impossible.)
Companion woes aside, ToB still gives you at least some choices. There are some branching paths, and the ending is not set. There are payoffs to earlier quests/moments that you can miss or not if you have the relevant items/flags. (Golden pantaloons, my beloved.) SoD didn't feel like it had any choices at all?
And the whole business with your gold getting "stored safely" and then getting gambled away and lost to you until the absolute very end of the game was so. Stupid. All that did was prevent me from buying very many of the new magic items at the shop in Baldur's Gate. And then the dude dies with a sword in his chest and Viconia is all "he is too far gone for me". GIRL YOU CAN RESURRECT THE DEAD WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. IT'S JUST A SWORD. THE BODY HAS TO BE MAIMED BEYOND RECOGNITION TO PREVENT RESSURECTION. MY GODS. So when you actually get the money back there's literally like 3 fights left in the whole game. What could you possibly need to buy at that point.
AND THEN. Imoen. What where they THINKING? They wanted to explain how she shows up dual-classed into mage in SoA. But that was literally never something that needed explaining. It is an EXTREMELY common tactic to dual class her at level 5 in BG1, and even if you didn't do that, dual-classing doesn't temporarily render you completely useless? Hello???? And they could've at least transferred her gear to Safana (or to me) when they tossed her into my party. But no, I just had a less-geared thief instead. Ugh.
And that doesn't even touch on the complete and total lack of balance to the combat encounters! Having trolls (and giant trolls. good lord) and dragons (not to mention a dragon with wyvern adds....) and mind flayers this early is BATSHIT INSANE. The enormous hordes of mooks that you wipe out with two fireballs render your melee fighters into wall-flowers. And then there's the enormous hordes of mooks that you can't throw fireballs at without hitting allied NPCs... (apparently Khalid died while breaking the siege and I didn't even realize because I was already so fed up at that point lmaooo). Whatever that tentacle boss was...
Also the total inability to manage your reputation carefully because you're on a railroad with set reputation gains and losses that you can do nothing about was really irritating to me personally because I prefer playing with mixed alignment groups. (Yes my evil friends did abandon me after the siege, forcing me to reload and figure out a way to lower my rep.) (And then later I encountered some random refugees and didn't even try to save them, I just killed the wolf that was near them, not realizing it was gonna give me reputation, and I had to reload AGAIN. But this time I was a lazy bastard and just fireballed everything, dropping my rep to like 6 and I never had to worry about it again lmao.) (Also while googling to try and find a way to deal with this issue, I read that it potentially causes problems for importing into BG2, which if that's true, I am gonna laugh somewhat hysterically.)
As for the "Hooded Man" (shut up she's so pretentious it's fucking Irenicus). I'm sorry but it literally makes no sense for him to be there. It makes no sense for him to be able to get into your dreams before he's ever even experimented on you.
Just. The whole thing ultimately felt totally unnecessary and I may well uninstall it to prevent the game from auto-loading me into it when next I complete BG1.
EDIT: I completely forgot about this because it's a comparatively minor complaint, but during the actual siege on the castle, there were so many mobs and NPCs that the game's audio essentially stopped working. There were so many characters trying do their "i took damage" noises that they'd play the first millisecond of one then the first millisecond of the next etc until the fight was over. Just a broken record of "arg-arg-arg-arg." lol. More evidence that no one reasonable balanced those encounters.
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
Tagged by @sherlockig , thank u!!! 🫂💙
15 Questions
1. Are you named after anyone?
Kinda? My new second first name that I gave myself I got from a fave character, and my new middle name I share with my aunt and maternal grandfather.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I just cried an hour or so ago actually lmaoooo.
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Probably too often, actually.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I don't. I'm usually busy focusing on my social scripts and doing my best to seem as Not Weird as possible to whoever I'm meeting. Otherwise the 'tism and the anxiety take over and then I just end up leaving wherever it is early.
6. What's your eye color?
This greyish blueish mix, but officially blue on my ID bc the lady at the DMV said "they're almost blue enough." Why she felt the need to say that when I had already written 'blue' on the ID form to take her desk, idk.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies for fun, making out, and lazy fucking; happy endings whenever bc I'm a sad lil fucker and I like seeing my blorbos happy.
8. Any special talents?
Idk what counts here tbh. I know how to darn socks, if that's anything.
9. Where were you born?
Oceanside, CA near Camp Pendleton (my dad is a crayon eater lmaooo.)
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, some video games, TV and movie watching, and the occasional existential crisis.
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes!!! My best girl, my cat, Nisha.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
As a kid: volleyball, badminton, tennis, softball (never on any teams or leagues tho, except for elementary school volleyball until I got bullied off of the team. But I did play them as best I could in my grandparent's backyard a lot.)
As an adult I'd love to try rugby, but we don't have any sort of club or team locally.
13. How tall are you?
Somewhere between 5'3/5'4, taller in my platforms thank fuck.
14. Favourite subject in school?
English, Lit Mag, any and all my history courses, and Criminal Law until I argued with my teacher over the many issues in prisons not being addressed by like...anyone. Then she and I kinda made each other's lives miserable, ngl.
15. Dream job?
I honestly don't know at this point. I thought I knew, but I don't think I was right.
Tagging: Any followers who would like to!
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twstwonderlandstuff · 2 years
hiii !! saw this on @/twistedwonderlandbutgayer's blog and I thought it would be fun to send to you !!
would you be a mer, a beastman, a fae, or a human? (or other!)
would you be at rsa or nrc?
what dorm would you belong to?
what character(s) would you be best friends with?
what character(s) would you hate?
what character(s) would you date?
what would floyd’s nickname be for you?
and rook’s?
what twst character(s) are you most like? (personality-wise)
which subject(s) do you think you would excel at?
what club would you join?
how do you think you would survive in twisted wonderland/what would your life be like in general?
[optional!] what would your unique magic be?
(hope you're having a good day/night :D) - star anon
star anon...
HELOO!!!??! everytime one of my named anons message me I feel like I'm getting a special message from an idol LOL
I'd KILL to be a mermaid that was what my dreams were mad eof BABY Ariel was my homie
RSA. I'm sorry 😐 I'd breakdown the minute I hear someone talk shit Abt me I don't have the Mental Strength
damn, uh... not rlly sure? lol honestly scarabia, but if I'm going w/ my major probably ignihyde.
I strongly believe I would vibe with deuce and epel- plus silver. bro sebek and ace would decimate my character and leave me sobbing, and I'd be too scared to talk to ace lolll - if anything silver would probably tolerate me LMAOOO like an annoying junior who keeps on getting confused on what to do; I, however, would vibe w/ deuce bcuz we'll be confused homies together_ and I would go with epel bcuz I would love hyping him up like GO GET. HIM EPSL GET THAT SAVANACLAW FUCKER GET. HUS ASS (then fleeing from the scene w/ epel lol)
hate, huh... Leona and Idia- like Idia just grinds my gears man ♂️ I don't hate him but sometimes he says shit to the first years- to my BOYS- and it just *gashes teeth* | Leona is just... he's lazy,but he's got the skills so like...it's like wasted potential AND I KNOW ITS CUZ HE HAS HIS REASONS but from soemoen outside looking in he just GRINDS. MY. GEARS. EAT DIRT LEONA
silver and sebek MY WIVES <33333 BRUV BRUV *rapping* I don't mean to be ned fulmer form the try guys, but I do adore my wives. they're very precious i have imagined them and valie having a happy domestic life together but actually for me i would date no one because UGHHH it feels so WEIRD having an S/O UGhalfJLwkfvnsaknfvalkdfvan it just feels weird man and im probably a bad candidate bruv im too wrapped up in my own shit to care abt someone romantically rn sorrz
shit, uhm.... dumbass??? idk probably shrimpy lol
rook, though??? okay, i kinda want it to be tiny cuz yeah.... idk its cute lolz
most like...? i'd have to say... a mix of ace and deuce, with a wee bit of sebek
excel at, huh??? no sure, actually, lolz
club... gargoyle club. i don't do anything there and i just chill w/ my cool senior
aw fuck no I'd be crying baby and never talk to people there NU UH they're already HOT, and then they're jerks?!? i would neer make it out alive man i'd have my self confidence rocked to the bottom
idk, i kinda want my UM to be ink! related?? like, be able to create shapes w/ ink or whataver/?? yeahhhh that'd be lit
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brick-a-doodle-do · 9 months
BRiCCcKkkKk you probably don’t remember me (or maybe you do idk, you probably know who I am tho) but one time I told you I’d teach you music theory bc why not
Well the GOOD news is you are SPARED from that purgatory bc I am too lazy to type it out but I have something else I’m really excited about
So my dumb butt decided to join a jazz band….for an instrument I do not play
anyways it’s funny bc I am the youngest person and I shouldn’t have even been able to do it but I was the ONLY person who was interested in playing the part (they had already had two other players) and so now here I am
We have a concert in like a month and I’m a bit anxious but the good news is I have improved a LOT and might actually sound good when the concert rolls around lol
hiii i do remember you! i don't know your account tho,, but i do think about you some time eheh!!
you're all good, i'm sure if you typed it all out i'd let it marinate in my askbox for approximately five years so maybe it's a good decision! but if you ever changed my mind i'm never opposed to learning about it :)
that's cool you joined a mf jazz band- that honestly sounds like such a sporadic decision lmaoo but that's epic that you've got a concert coming up!! im sure if you practice you'll sound amazing! you're braver than i to attack a new skill you've never learned lmaooo
you should stick around i love anons :D
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maenjiro · 1 year
Hello, I just want to say that your taste is immaculate ✨
Also this is more of a rant than an ask, but I’ve often seen people say that Ran would be lazy in bed, if you want something you’ll need to work for it, etc. But like hello? He’s a cheater who brings a baton to a fistfight, he would obviously just use toys on you??? Like hellooooo???? You ain’t gonna catch him in a session without the wand plz, lmaooo. He’s also a sadist, so he might use them… too much. OK RANT OVER, BYE ILY
ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod please my brain is deteriorating and this braided bitch is the only reason and the word i'd wanna use has no exact translation in english but – OH GOD ran has been living in my mind rent free for the past week like never before,, atp i've reached peak ran brainrot and i'm okay with it ig ANYWAY let's get down to business i can see where the ran is lazy in bed thing is coming from but i don't exactly agree either I MEAN have you seen him?? he knows when to be lazy and when he has someone in his bed that's so not the time. he's so big on torture (helP ME please) and being in control he doesn't even want to be lazy about sex, and yes toys do give him all the control he needs , a sadist that would actually use the baton on you sorry not sorry it's not me it's ran, all his doing 🤠. i mean rather than lazy i would say slow-paced, i really really see him being so excruciatingly slow and intense, leaving that lingering feeling on your body for days (but ain't gonna ramble about how actually burning hot passionate i think this man can be bc this is not the time.......)
btw idk thank you 😭😭😭 and you're welcome anytime you wanna pass by!!!
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asahicore · 2 years
when i made my new blog i literally was looking everywhere for you and you were gone </3 (NOT ME ACTING LIKE I DON'T HAVE UR DISCORD FKDJFK but i'm not really active on discord anymore nd i didn't know if u were fkkfj) BUT NOW YOU'RE HERE AND I'M HERE WOOT WOOT and thank u for the compliment about my blog kdfjkdj i actually like redid the theme the day you came back right before you followed me fkdjfk AND YOU ALSO HAVE A BLUE THEME AYEEE so many people have blue themes rn i feel like
i'm glad you've been enjoying your holidays !! the break certainly is wonderful <3 even if you didn't end up writing again, i'd still be more than happy you're here. i stopped writing for awhile as well (like so many months fkjd) but i've since started again and i've really been enjoying it (other than the bouts of no motivation dfjdk)
outside of tumblr i've been doing sooooo much better than last year !! i've been at my job for over four months now and i LOVE it. it's a full time job and i'm still a full time university student so it does get a bit difficult sometimes but i've been doing really well and i love it. i also live in an all girls house with my best friend and three other roommates. i'm not close to them and we don't talk much, but i don't mind ! we all keep to ourselves (other than me and bff) and that's okay. it's been great to live in a house with other people my age and not stay with my aunt and uncle (who are lovely and i love them very much but living with them was not ideal). but yeah ! i'm doing well and my family has been saying since i moved back here and started my job that i look really happy (much different than their constant comments of "are you okay?" "you look so sad." etc.).
i'm glad that you're doing so well <3 i hope your break from tumblr was lovely and i hope that you enjoy your time here now that you're back <3
i just made that fic recs blog but then wanted to be completely rid of tumblr and left without saying anything lmaooo but yes im always active on discord ur welcome to message me here or there anytime!!! and omg yeah idk blue themes r so cute but tbh rn ive just got a pfp and a banner lmaoo i need to make a proper theme n navi.. whenever im not too lazy
i think taking a break from writing just makes you enjoy it that much more when you come back to it even though it can be hard to get back into a regular rhythm!! and that is really nice of u to say <33 i dont wanna pressure myself into always writing n posting like i did before (even though i just posted a teaser lmaoo), definitely taking it easier this time around!! it makes tumblr a lot more enjoyable
and omg, that is so so great to hear, im really happy for you!!! i hope you still get time for yourself cause full time job plus uni sounds tiring, but i have no doubt that you can do it :)) and omg living with your bestie is the best, even if you arent super close with the others the most important is just being able to communicate easily and respect each other, and having ur bff there will make things fun haha i lived with my best friends last year before going on my year abroad and even though we had times where we got on each others nerves it was so much fun everyday
thank uu<3 its really nice being back for sure !!!
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cyancherub · 3 years
Alright Cass, this is a bit of a weird question, but do you already have any idea of how you’d write certain characters you haven’t actually written for yet? Like what their kinks would be, if they’d be hard or soft, how they’d treat Y/N, stuff like that? I’d love to hear how you interpret some people :)
I DOOO !!! since i have a ton i want to write for im going to sort of blaze through this briefly w/ some (very messy...) thots i have on each of them !! just how i'd write for them/what sort of thing comes to mind when i think abt them.
i know some of these might not really match the popular fanon interpretation of these characters but this is just the way i view them and how i'd like to write for them at some point !!
jujutsu kaisen
toji // i'd write him as a hard dom no question about it. also mean in a cool/sadistic way?, a lot of degradation, heavy daddy kink, probably corruption + virginity kink, heavy weapon play, idk i have a TONNN of ideas for him
nobara // i'd write her subby i think — reader pampers her a lot? maybe reader is a service dom. i think she just deserves to be pampered she's SUCH a babe. but actually now that i think of it i'd probably write her switching. because i want reader to call her ma'am :V
maki // hard dom. also mean. lots of hair pulling and impact play? i want her to abuse me HELPDJSHF. also like... punishment and obedience... (as in she teaches the reader to be obedient). maybe also a power imbalance thing where she's the hardass professor? im not sure but i think she'd look so hot kjsdfkj
gojo // i RLYYY want to write him subby. i'd like to put him in his place. i think he'd be such a brat. maybe breathplay with him receiving?
naoya // obviously very mean, the worst, it might be fun to turn everything on him w/ degradation + humiliation, maybe even cucking :>
miruko // service dom, lives for reader's pleasure, makes reader cum like 10 times in a row before she even thinks about herself... mommy kink probably (reader calls her mommy)
shindou // hard dom (very mean) + OVERSTIM with the quirk OF COURSE, LOTS of teasing, probably a ton of edging and claiming. squirting ofc
camie // another lady i'd like to pamper, i'd write her w bimbofication too lmaooo i'd like to fuck her dumb when i'm done pampering her. also sexting w her would be fun i bet she takes the best nudes
tamaki // i want him.... wearing a leash..... maybe toys? like reader using a fleshlight on him... i think he'd be soo cute... probably calling reader mommy/ma'am or smth
mitsuya // soft dom + praise kink + lazy morning sex
draken // rly heavy size kink, hard dom? i think but in a cool/removed way, sir kink maybe, maybe like boot licking or something LMAO im whipped for him truly
takemichi // such a perv... virginity kink maybe? panty theft for sure, and i also think that in certain contexts he'd be a sub leaning switch. oh voyeurism (noncon) 
kakashi // service dom, exhibitionism maybe, recording, we know he's a perv hHAHA
iwaizumi // probably like.... something sweaty.... like a gym fuck or something. impact play maybe ? breathplay. bondage in a very feverish and messy way
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how many languages do you know ?
not that many, sadly :( as far as like, understanding and being able to produce it in writing but also speak it only two--english and spanish (this was my major in college and i studied it for 14191514 years). i'm really good at (brazilian) portuguese other than the speaking part, a lot of the sounds are really hard to reproduce and i haven't had the reason to speak it out loud in a million years. but if i were put into a situation where i had to speak it daily i feel like i'd get on track quickly. i used to be in some brazilian whatsapp groups and completely held my own conversationally, complete with like relevant slang and internet terms, which is a really cool feeling, to be able to communicate effectively and relatively authentically in a language not your own.
so yeah basically just those 3 i feel confident saying i "know" (portuguese with an asterisk of course). I studied french for 2 years and that + other romance languages made me able to understand everyday french decently. i can't write or speak in it anymore but RIGHT after my 2 years of french study i went to Normandy and was able to have some basic conversations! i also studied german for a year my first year of college and LOVED it but didn't have time in my schedule to continue. german is like french in that i also don't have too hard of a time understanding the basics, i think some of that is bc i have consumed a lot of german media in my life so have picked up on a lot of vocab naturally from that. of course my understanding is pretty basic, but still. i think german is a really cool language and the grammar is very intuitive to me (other than the prepositions...i hate prepositions in all languages lol)
other than that uh i've self-studied, or tried to, a few languages in my time but only 2 i've been able to stick with so far. duolingo isn't very effective for learning grammar but ngl the gamification and shit does keep me from being too lazy to practice every day and that's worth something! of course, most languages i really wanna learn are not on duolingo lmaooo
basically for me idk obviously getting GOOD at a language takes lots of intense practice but like, sort of dabbling around in the beginnings of a language and seeing what i learn and remember and what i can intuit on my own about the grammar and stuff is like, the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off, yknow? there's nothing i love more than Learning and Knowing Things and any languages you can start to understand, even just random vocabulary words, just opens up more of the world to you and leads you down new paths 🥰
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