#I know they’ve done one before with all of them but I can dream
yeyayeya · 7 months
Really surprised that after all these years, FEH hasn’t decided to give Ike a summer alt despite him being a really popular character and being an easy choice for fanservice, but that hasn’t happened at all
Another big mention being Hector but I guess they just want women
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gojossocks · 3 months
We can't be friends
Gojo x Reader Summary: You decided to erase Gojo from your memory.
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“Who is Gojo Satoru to you?”  
You shift uncomfortably in your seat, before giving the doctor a tight-lipped smile. “W-we were together for 6 years.” 
He’s no one important really, just the love of your life. 
There has been an on-going trend all over the world— technology has upgraded enough that you can erase someone entirely out of your memory, as if they’ve never existed. If they do, it wasn’t like how you knew them. 
You weren’t sure what dragged you in this clinic with all of the most important things that remind you of him. Maybe it was the way he ignored you like the plague, the way the familiarity in his eyes disappeared just earlier last week when he spoke to you so freely like you’ve never been together. It was clear that he got his memory of you erased after that incident. You were just another colleague. Perhaps, the pain in your heart is too much to handle. 
You don’t remember the way to the clinic that much. It was a surprise you even got there in one piece considering you were sobbing the whole way there. So even if you aren’t entirely sure whether you’re ready to let go of Satoru, you signed the consent form anyway. 
If he’s got you erased completely from your life, then what’s the point of living in hell remembering him? You didn’t want to mourn for someone alive and well. 
You never really understood why he left because everything was just working out between the two of you. Satoru provided you with no explanation and packed up his things to leave you behind to your own devices. You almost wanted to back out when you started reminiscing vividly of everything you once shared with him. 
You remembered falling in love with him, how it feels like the first day of spring, how his kisses taste like daylight. How he squeezes your hand three times before you part ways for a mission.  How he holds you like you’re the only thing that matters in his world. How it was always you and him against the world, him making you laugh while you tended to his wounds. He would tell you that everything would be okay because he has you and only you. 
The bad outweighed the good that you had forgotten that loving him and being loved with him is something that you never wanted to forget, even if your relationship with him crashed and burned. You don’t want him to be a stranger you can’t recognize anymore.
But it had already been done and everything faded into nothingness as you try to grasp with whatever you have left of him.
You have been working with Gojo for quite some time now, maybe about six years. But you’ve never directly initiated conversations with him outside work. He’s the only one you don’t know much about in Jujutsu High. Today is no different as you’re waiting with him in the clinic for your mutual friend Shoko. 
“That’s a beautiful necklace you have there.” He acknowledges you for the first time since you got there. Even if you’re just a few meters away, he doesn’t talk to you. You find that a little bit weird because everyone tells you that he’s obnoxious and loud. Somehow with you, he’s always quiet. 
You didn’t remember much of how you got the necklace. You figured that the reason why Gojo’s asking about it is because it matches the color of his eyes. There was a hazy memory though— you were crying, telling a doctor to ‘let me keep it, please. Just this one.’ but you didn’t think much of it. Maybe it was all a dream. 
You responded with a laugh before toying with the pendant of the necklace. “Yeah, It was a gift to me.” 
“Oh?” He looked at you through his glasses, his intense gaze making you feel a little nervous. “Mind telling me who?” 
“I forgot.” You replied,  slowly relaxing in your seat while looking around at Shoko’s clinic. He nodded at you, a small smile adorning his lips and he didn’t say anything more. 
You missed the way his eyes linger on you for a moment before putting back his blindfold on or the apologetic look that Shoko gave him before he leaves. 
“So, who’s Gojo Satoru to you?” 
“He’s the strongest of course.” 
But to him, you’re still his everything—because he didn’t really remove you from his memory. Maybe if he was braver, you’d remember him. 
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a/ n: part 2? :0
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russo-woso · 1 month
Wimbledon || Leah Williamson
Based on this Request here. Thank you anon for sending it in :)
First of all, I don’t know anything about tennis or Wimbledon so this was a guess. Hopefully it works like this.
Warning smut, cunnilingus, semi-public sex, top!leah
Tennis had always been your life.
Your mum and her sisters had grown up playing tennis, and so you were bound to play it too.
Being the only daughter, niece and granddaughter, it was up to you to continue their legacy.
And that’s what you did.
You collapsed to the floor in happiness as the ball hit your racket for the final time.
After weeks of going through knockout stages, you had won.
After years of injuries and constant hard work, you had won.
Winning Wimbledon had only ever been your dream since the age of four, and here you were collecting the trophy from princess Kate.
Lifting the trophy up in the air, your eyes connected with your family, tears streaming down their faces, but there was another person who looked even more prouder.
Your fiancé, Leah, was sat next to your mum, smiling through the tears that welled in her eyes.
You blew her a kiss, Leah immediately blowing one back.
Once shaking hands with everyone, you made your way back to your designated changing room where you were met with Leah.
Leah had her arms open, waiting for you to jump in them.
“I’m so proud of you, baby.” She mumbled in your hair, placing you back on the ground before putting her lips on yours. “Listen, your family wants to go out for dinner and they’ve reserved the table for 5:30 so you’ve got just under an hour to get ready.”
“Okay, perfect. God, I can’t believe I just won Wimbledon. I’ve dreamed of winning it since I was four, Le.” You tell her and once again, she envelops you in a hug.
“I know, pretty girl and I am so proud of you.” You connected your lips with Leah’s, the kiss becoming passionate very quickly.
“Here’s the star girl. Well done hunny.” Your mum walked through the door, you and Leah separating very quickly.
“Thanks mum. It’s all thank to you that I’m here today. Thank you.” You said, hugging her.
“It’s all you, darling. You’re here today because you worked for it. Now hurry up, you two stop kissing and actually get changed. I’m not having us be late for our reservation.”
“Le, stop it.” You whisper to her, removing her curious hand from your thigh.
“Come on, pretty girl, I’m just resting my hand there.” Leah responded, putting her hand on the original place it was in before it started travelling.
You looked up and tried to join the conversation but was soon distracting by Leah’s lingering fingers travelling up your thigh.
“I — umm — Do you mind if I take a minute? Le, come with.” You stuttered, stumbling out of your chair, before practically dragging Leah to the toilets. “What’s up with—” You began asking Leah but you were cut off with her lips on yours.
“I just wanna show you how proud I am.” Leah said, separating your lips from hers, reconnecting them to your jaw seconds later.
You whined as Leah nipped at your neck, marking it gently and leaving light red marks.
“We’re gonna have to be quick, love, okay? Be quiet.”
Leah’s hands travelled down your body before reaching up your dress.
“Le, please. Please don’t tease.” You whined into her shoulder, resting your head on it.
“Don’t worry, love, I won’t.”
You felt Leah’s hand touch your clit and your knees buckled from beneath you, luckily Leah held you up.
“Good girl, keep quiet.” Leah said, circling your clit at a set pace.
“Oh god - Le, it feels so good.”
“I know it does baby, but keep quiet.”
“I don’t think I can, le.” You managed to mumble into Leah’s shoulder as moans escaped your mouth.
“Lift your head up.” Leah commanded and you obeyed, meeting Leah’s eyes.
Within seconds, Leah’s lips were on yours, Leah swallowing your moans.
“I’m close, le. I’m so close. Oh god - I’m gonna cum.”
You took ahold of Leah’s neck, pulling her into you so your lips were on hers, Leah swallowing all your orgasmic moans.
“I love you so much.” You told Leah, separating your lips.
“I love you too, pretty girl. We’ll continue this when we get home, okay? I’m gonna make you know how proud I am.” Leah stated, pressing her lips on your head as she helped you gain your balance on the floor.
“Y/N, Leah, are you in there?” You heard your mums voice say through the toilet door.
“Umm, yes mum, we’ll be out in a minute.” You said, stuttering some of your words.
“We’ll try leave early. I’ll come up with an excuse.” Leah told you with a smirk, opening the door and putting her hand in yours.
It was going to be a sinful night.
Requests are open :)
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sacredfire44 · 5 months
Kinda wanna read/write a post-canon Bingqiu fic set years later, where during some routine, silly wife plot, Binghe somehow finds out that the soul attached to his husband’s body is not, in fact, the original soul.
Like any person, his first assumption isn’t that his husband had replaced the original SQQ. It’s that an imposter has replaced his husband.
A skilled imposter. One who knows all of his husband’s little quirks, who slipped under even Binghe’s watchful eye.
Binghe takes care to not indicate that he’s noticed. His blood parasites confirm this is still his husband’s body, and he refuses to scare them into running before he can get the imposter out.
Binghe spends weeks researching and practicing, until he’s finally certain he can tear the imposter’s soul apart without hurting his husband. Praying, desperately, that it’s a powerful possession instead of a replacement. Praying his husband is still alive in there.
Finally, he slips into the imposter’s dreamscape, clinging to threads and forcing his way as close to the soul as possible, for the surface-level dreams show him in SQQ’s body. Inside, he finds a small man, with big eyes and stick-thin arms, features far too similar to his Shizun. A cheap, pathetic mockery of Shen Qingqiu, he makes sure to tell them.
They are weak outside of Shen qingqiu’s powerful body. It is all too easy to restrain them, to rage and revile them for their crimes, to question what they’ve done, to tear them apart, limb from limb-
“How long?,”He’d snarled, furious, claws digging into the pathetic parasite’s left arm, yanking it just far enough for the strain to burn.
“Years,”The imposter says, eyes wide and wet. Crying.
Years. Years with his husband that this imposter has taken, has stolen from them. Nights spent entangled, lazy mornings spent curled into each other’s embrace, soft evenings spent watching the sunset.
Binghe yanks the arm the rest of the way out, relishing in the way the parasite screams. It will know pain for what it’s taken from him, for what it’s taken from his Shizun.
At first, Shen Qingqiu, formerly Shen Yuan, didn’t know what was happening. He’d thought of himself as Shen Qingqiu for years now, so waking up in his original body had been confusing and disorienting.
When Binghe appeared as well, he knew immediately it was a nightmare. It couldn’t be anything but that. Binghe, his Binghe as he was now, would never look at him like this, like he was the dirt on the bottom of his shoe, the scum of the earth.
It was rare to have nightmares nowadays. Binghe was always watching his dreams too closely to let something like that slip by. But the last few weeks, he’d been absorbed in his newest little pet project, exhausted and stressed by whatever it was he refused to talk about. Shen Qingqiu didn’t blame him for having one night of sleep without constant vigilance.
“So the imposter shows himself,”Dream-Binghe said, and ah, what an odd thing to dream up! Shen Qingqiu was just as good as the original goods, and he knew it! There was no way at all he had such insecurities, and certainly not any strong enough to appear as dreams! If he’d had such dreams before, that was simply a coincidence, a trick of the mind repeating the scenario it’d already created to avoid making a new one.
But Binghe doesn’t rant and rave at him for lying, doesn’t call out his betrayal. Instead, his eyes hard and cold, his claws tight where they dig into his wrists, he questions him.
I don’t know, Shen Qingqiu has to answer. I woke up in this body.
Where is he?
I don’t know, he answers again.
How long?
Here, Shen Qingqiu bites down a cry of pain as his left arm his yanked painfully out, a loud pop as it tugs out of his socket. The pain is real, he realizes deliriously. It’s real the way the Punishment Protocol had been. The thought makes ice pool in his chest.
What had he done to deserve a punishment from the System?
The hand tightens, the bones in his wrist creaking ominously at the strength of the hold.
The look in Binghe’s eyes hurts far more, though. Shen Qingqiu doesn’t even notice the tears in his eyes until they’re spilling over, until his voice comes out as a broken warble.
“Years,”He whispers at last, aware he’s hammering the final nail into his coffin.
It’s only as his arm is yanked away, as muscle and sinew tears with a sickening squelch, that it occurs to him. The punishment protocol had worked by sharing his dreamscape with the original Bingge. It hadn’t summoned nightmares out of no where.
This wasn’t Bingge. He’d known it on sight. Had recognized it in the curlier hair, the taller build.
This wasn’t Bingge. This was his husband.
And this wasn’t a dream.
Binghe watches as the pathetic worm scrambles away from him, gasping and hiccuping through his tears. His remaining arm shakes against the jagged edge of his stump, trying to stem the flow of blood. It won’t do a damn thing. This is a dream world, and that form is just a representation of his soul.
“I’m sorry,”It begs, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Binghe forgive me- “
“Do not call me that,” He hisses. This parasite had squirmed its way in, had settled in and gotten comfortable in its place as his husband, but that spot would only ever belong to his Shizun, his rightful Shizun. Everything else… everything else had been a lie!
“No!,”The imposter gasped. Had Binghe spoken out loud? “No, it wasn’t! I really- I really tried to be honest, I- I-“
It gulped, face pale and wan, tears spilling over its cheeks. Its voice dropped to a whimper.
“I loved you. I thought you loved me too.”
Luo Binghe let out a harsh laugh. So that was the plan? Replace his husband and try and make him grow attached? Try to squirm into his heart, when it was already spoken for?
“I could never love a pathetic fake!,”He snarled. “I’ve been planning your death from the moment I learned!”
The imposter sucked in a sharp breath. They stopped scrambling away, simply sitting before him, shaking and curled into themselves.
It didn’t try to run again as he stepped forward. Not even as he grabbed its leg and tore it from its body. It screamed, and thrashed, but made no effort to pull itself away again.
Instead, the insolent wretch began muttering under his breath, a plea and a prayer in one. Begging for forgiveness, for the dream to end, for Binghe to wake him up. Pathetic. Had the imposter really fallen in love with him over the course of its tenure?
He dug his claws into the stump at its shoulder to stop it. The muttering broke into muffled cries, biting their lip as they struggled to hold them back. A habit he recognized from his husband. Disgusting, he thought, holding to the illusion for pity until the very last second.
“You’re just a cowardly weakling, leeching off of Shen Qingqiu. You fell in love with me? Then know this in your heart.”
Binghe dug his fingers in harder, harder, until his claws scrapped against the shattered bone of the socket and dug in. The parasite’s eyes nearly rolled back into its head as it jerked. Binghe lifted it off the ground by the bone, then held still until the worm caught its breath.
“I could never love the man before me. I would never have even looked at you twice had I known.”
Binghe expands his awareness to the dream world around him. From a greater distance, the soul of the imposter is more like a small flickering flame, a little glow between his hands, than a man.
It takes almost no effort at all, to close his fist around it and smother the flame.
Binghe wakes up in the morning, ecstatic to finally be done with this journey and desperate for love from his husband who he’s apparently not seen in years.
Shen Qingqiu doesn’t wake up with him.
Shen Qingqiu doesn’t wake up at all.
Anyway now that I’ve officially written a short version of it I want y’all to know that Shang Qinghua would be the one to tell him, after rushing over when he gets an alert that the account of User 002 was deactivated.
Binghe gets to metaphorically self-destruct, realizing everything he said and did was to his own husband and not an assumed imposter. The world shapes itself to Binghe’s wishes, and he still has access to the holy mausoleum, so he manages to bring back Shen Qingqiu. I debated having him bring back Shen Jiu instead but I love the protagonist of any book I read, and that includes Shen Yuan, so instead he brings back his husband whose heartbroken and runs off, with a new level of instinctive terror to go along with it. Binghe really does try to give him room, but that does neither of them good because Binghe drowns in his guilt and the confirmation of his husband’s fear, and Shen Yuan drowns in his heartbreak and confirmation of his husband’s rejection.
The happy ending comes after a slowburn of binghe groveling and breaking himself down(a la Lost and Found in Limitless Clarity) with a side of both being left with new insecurities to add to the existing ones post-canon.
(And if Binghe now dreams of the delicate flicker of a soul between his hands, now jolts awake to the reminder of how small it was, how easy to smother, well-
-it’s the least he deserves, isn’t it?)
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canthelpit0 · 2 months
Enemies (With Benefits) PT4
Pairing: Cold!Chris x Reader
Wordcount: 4K +
Summary: Chris and reader have always been enemies ever since they’ve known each other. neither knew why they had this burning feeling in their gut. So one day they decide to fuck it out. Until, eventually doing it regularly
Warnings: Smut, language, mentions of insomnia, mentioned nightmares/dreams, slight facial dysmorphia (if u squint), mentions of crying, slightly toxic, party, use of y/n, nickname (cherry), pet names (ma, sweetheart, etc), fight (not graphic), switching, unprotected, creampie (she’s on the pill)
(A/N: hope you guys like this! got the idea from this request. Tysm again <33)
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Everything with Chris is so unnecessarily complicated.
Why does he act like a little bitch sometimes. Coming to my house, begging me and than being all sassy and annoying.
I let out a harsh scoff when I accidentally smudged my mascara a little bit. Rolling my eyes I pick up a make up remover and a cotton pad to clean up my mistake.
I’ve gone back to ignoring Chris, for my own sake. And he’s stopped attempting to talk to me fully.
I’ve been sticking to Ethan a lot recently. Just staying by his side and all.
We were both invited to this party. But we were both gonna Uber there separately.
I was thinking of getting wasted tonight. I haven’t done that in a while. The last party I’d been to was the party Evelyn forced me to go to.
Evelyn and I haven’t talked much, due to me distancing myself. But she hadn’t tried to reach out either. I’m sure though, that she’ll be at the party.
Having finished my make up now, I look at myself in the mirror. I color corrected my red eyes from crying, well. That as Well as my dark eye bags from sleeping bad.
I was never the type of person to cry a lot. But recently… i was crying because of Chris. But I hate him. Yet he was making me cry, wishing that he was here to comfort me
I hum a tune that’s been stuck in my head.
I just wanna rub my eyes harshly, and just start crying again. I’ve been dreaming of Chris. All in different scenarios.
Sometimes we fucked, cuddled, or even argued. Other times he was with charlotte; or someone else. And other times I was with someone else and saw him in the corner of my eyes.
I’ve been sleeping bad at night, so occasionally I’d have naps after school. Wich didn’t really help much since I’d dream again.
I sigh staring back at myself. And it feels like the more I stare into the mirror, the more my face morphs and changes. That doesn’t look like me.
I purse my lips. My hands slam on my vanity as I aggressively get up.
I let out a harsh sigh moving away from the vanity.
I get a notification from my phone, notifying me that my Uber is here. I snap out of my trance. Honestly I’m so glad that that caught me off guard because I actually might’ve broken that mirror if it hadn’t.
I grab my tiny handbag and shove my phone into it. Then I just walk outside.
Once I’m in the Uber again I drift away in thought.
Chris had done nothing but mess with me, since I’ve known him. Since forever.
Now I’m in my tiny dress, my ass probably showing slightly when I walk, and I’m gonna get laid from someone other than Chris.
Maybe I can obsess over someone else.
And maybe I can finally remember that Chris is not the only human with a dick. And not the only one who can use it.
Before I knew it we were already there. I could hear the slight music from outside blaring into the car.
I tip the dive and finally get out the car.
I heard the car speed say behind me. While the house party in front of me had loud obnoxious music playing.
I swing open the door. I sigh at the tight crowd of people and just decide to card through them.
I’m getting Deja vu from this really. But last time I’d been here I’d seen Chris almost fuck charlotte, and than proceed to fuck me.
I raise an eyebrow staring back at a person across the room. He was dancing a solo cup already in his hand.
Okay so I was extremely late, so what.
I need to stop going to parties ‘fashionably’ late. By the time I arrive everyone is already wasted.
I purse my lips pushing through the drunk teenagers to get to the kitchen. From where I was standing I could still see Chris.
I need to stop thinking about him.
But how could I do that when he is just a few feet away, probably drunk and dancing with charlotte.
I turn to the counter grabbing some random liquor and pouring it into a, presumably, clean solo cup.
I down half of it in seconds. I need to feel the rush. I need to get drunk.
Honestly I could go looking for Ethan, but than I’d probably hang out with him in the backyard and smoke all light. Or I could find myself some good dick.
★ ★ ★
After a good few drinks I was dancing with some dude. I don’t know his name, and I don’t care to.
This would be a simple hook up.
Before I know it he starts to guide me outside mumbling something to me about how we can fuck at his house.
And honestly I don’t know why I let him drag me out of the party.
I don’t really want to hook up with him, I want Chris. But I won’t stop him either. I don’t care to.
Suddenly we stop walking. And within seconds I feel his hands off of me, and a loud cry echo through the night air.
I turn around to see what’s happening.
It was Chris. He’d punched my possible hook up guy. My mouth falls open. I want to say something. To tell Chris to fuck off and leave. But I want Chris.
I don’t pay attention for one second and suddenly the guy is on top of Chris beating him up.
I can see from their faces that Chris had gotten a few punches in too though. The guy was taller and bigger than Chris. And I remember something about him being an American football player or something.
Chris manages to flip them around beating up the guy. They wrestle on the ground while I just stand there stupidly and watch.
My drunk brain was processing this way too slow.
Suddenly I see Ethan come into my field of view trying to separate the two on the ground, without getting involved.
I feel another presence next to me. And it’s charlotte. The girl looks as shocked as me. but she also looks more sober.
I snap out of my trance, my slow brain having finally caught up.
I put a hand on Ethan’s shoulder to tell him to back off. And once he does I pull them apart. And they let me.
I yell at both of them about how stupid they are to make a scene like this. Both of them look down in shame.
I turn fully standing in front of the random dude. I slap him across the face and tell him to fuck off.
After that everything is a blur really. Once I somehow got Chris to my house, and up the stairs without waking my siblings, we stand in my bathroom.
Chris is sitting on the closed toilet seat. I sprint downstairs really quick to get him some ice, because, half his face was definitely going to be blue by tomorrow.
Once I’m back I put some alcohol on a cotton pad gently dapping it in his skin as he occasionally takes in harsh breaths.
“Why would you hit him?”
I sigh. That’s the first question I’ve asked since we’ve gotten here.
He holds the ice on his cheek, while I tend to a wound on his forehead. He wasn’t cut up too badly though. It was just a fist fight after all.
“Because he was going to take advantage of you” he scoffs as if the answer to that was obvious.
I purse my lips. Honestly I was subjecting myself to it. I was literally begging for anything, I would’ve been fine with that.
“You had no right to intervene.” I purse my lips. I take the alcohol from the sink and put it back in its place in the cabinet.
I help him up. Chris wasn’t walking bad, I just wanted to touch him.
We walk to my bedroom where he sits down on the bed, and I once again stand between his legs.
I take the ice out of his hands to look at his cheek to see how bad the damage is.
And after a moment I feel his arms wrap around my waist. He berries his non-bruised cheek into my stomach.
“You don’t get it cherry” he sighs, relaxing more as he touches me. “He was looking at you in a weird way.”
“Like what?” I ask. My hand goes to his head. I card my fingers through his messy brown hair.
“Like an object.” He mumbles so lowly, I barely even understand it.
“Oh and you don’t?”
The question is asked flatly. I just look down at him blankly not thinking anything of it.
“No.” He pulls away to look up at me. He looks at me like he is insisting he’s telling the truth.
“I may be rude, but I never look at you like you’re an object.” He scoffs at the accusation. He rolls his eyes hard.
“You don’t?” I ask flatly, not bothering to even act surprised. As much as in hate Chris, he doesn’t treat me bad. Necessarily. He’s just a dick.
He grumbles disagreements turning his face fully into my stomach as he keeps holding me closer.
He starts to complain about his head hurting, and how he fought someone for me and whatever.
I pull him off of me slightly. I was still holding the ice in my hand. It was a bunch of ice cubes I had put together onto some towel.
I slowly sink to my knees between Chris’ legs. I look up at him through my lashes.
“Want me to take your mind off of things baby?”
I ask in a mildly mocking way. But I was dead serious.
Chris lets out a shaky breath. He tugs his shirt off, quickly throwing it off to the side. “Please” he sighs out.
I tug at his belt trying to undo it slowly, to tease him more.
“God I’ve missed you so much.”
His breaths are shaky. His eyes close for a moment. He was getting so worked up and bothered already.
“Have you?” I ask teasingly. He purses his lips slightly staring down at me. He undoes the button on his jeans and finally slides them down.
I help him take them off fully. Then I toss them away.
I look up at him watching him, as he sat only in his boxers in front of me.
“Fuck, you gonna be all submissive like last time?” I mock still looking up at him.
“Cherry, don’t tease please.” He sighs looking down at me.
I stand up quickly and turn to face away from him. Since the dress was a halter dress. I pull my hair to my from teasingly.
“Be a sweetheart and undo this for me real quick.” I don’t wait for long. His hands find my upper back undoing the string of the halter.
I turn back around again letting the top fall, revealing my lacy bra underneath.
I wiggle the dress around a little bit to slide it down. I slip out of it and then kick it away. I was standing in front of him in my matching lacy bra and thong sent.
His eyes trail my body. He looks hungry and needy. Looking submissive as ever.
I lean down to help him take his boxers off. And once he does I sit back down between his legs.
I look up at his dick. And it’s the only one I’ve seen in a while. It’s the only one that I’ve ever found pretty.
Never thought that was possible. But here we are.
The tip was the same red as he has on his cheeks. He was painfully hard and it had pre cum leaking.
I cup it in my hand starting to teasingly slowly jerk him off. “Y/n/n, cherry, please” he whines loudly, to wich I stop my movements.
“Chris” I hiss under my breath my expression harsh. I slap his thigh for a moment to catch his attention. I squeeze his cock lightly.
“My siblings are home. Shut the fuck up”
I hiss. Usually I wouldn’t mind, but my siblings are younger than me. 4 and 5 years. Me being 18, they’re 14 and 13. They don’t need to hear my childhood friend that they have also known for ages get fucked.
“Sorry, sorry” he huffs under his breath. I watch as Chris leans back in his arms looking down at me.
I take one of the ice cubes from the ice in the towel. I then proceed to put it right on his aching tip.
He flinches at the contact of the cold ice in his burning hot skin. I grin at the reaction, watching the way his dick twitches.
“You’re such a tease” he scoffs, to wich I just chuckle.
I drag the ice cube down his shaft before putting it back on the towel with the other few ice cubes. I knew it was gonna melt but honestly I couldn’t care less.
I start to jerk him off slowly again. I lean down to place a peck on the tip, and then proceed to suck him off slowly.
I swirl my tongue only keeping the tip in and staying teasingly slow.
I hear Chris let out a sharp huff, throwing his head back.
“Come on, ma” he says under his breath. His hand snakes into my hair, Slightly gripping at it. And then he harshly pushes me down, making me deep throat him for a second.
I choke on it for a second. Chris starts to move my head, yanking on my hair. I was deep throating him roughly.
I keep my hands on his thighs and pull off. “Don’t” I huff pushing away his hand from my hair, And then smoothing it down again.
I go back to licking a teasing stripe up his shaft, before I go back to deepthroating him, jerking off what I can’t fit in my mouth.
“Ma- I’m-“ he sighs. He was leaning back on his arms his head thrown back. He was trying so hard to keep his moans and groans minimal and as quiet as possible.
I pull off and chuckle. I kiss up his sensitive shaft while looking up at him. Then I get up and hover over him.
I connect our lips in a deep passionate kiss. And while I continue kissing him I lean over starting to straddle him.
Still while kissing him, I start to slowly sink down on his length making both of us moan.
When he bottomed out in me I pull away. My hands go to his shoulders as I just sit there for a moment.
My cunt was aching at the stretch. I had to get used to it again, since we hadn’t hooked up in a while.
I haven’t hooked up with anyone other than Chris in a while. And the last time I had it was not nearly as pleasurable as when I did it with Chris.
“So good for me, baby” I mumble under my breath leaning in more as I wrap my arms around his neck.
His hands trail over my thighs to my hips to hold me.
“Just for you ma.” He mumbles back. We’re so close I can feel his soft breath in my face. He just looks so kissable right now. With his lips plump and swollen like that.
“Oh yeah? Didn’t get pussy from someone else, hm?” I say again my tone low and harsh.
I start to gently grind into him. His hands on my hips don’t stop me or help me either.
“Fuck-“ Chris’ breaths are heavy as he tries to keep his voice low. “You’re the only girl I’ve been fucking.” He admits lowly, the blush on his cheeks only deepen.
“Oh, am I?” I mock as I start to slowly lift myself. I start to ride him, his hands on my hips only being there to steady my movements.
“God- you’re gorgeous” he breaths out staring up at me. His eyes stay locked on mine.
One of His hands starts to trail up my side. And once he reaches my bra, he pulls my body closer to him so he has better access to undo it.
Both his hands back down to my waist now actually helping me ride him harder.
I clench my teeth my moans coming out as sharp breaths as I try to keep quiet. I’m doing a better job than Chris is though.
I put a hand on his mouth to muffle his groans further.
“God- you’re doing so good for me baby.” I pant under my breath, still trying to keep as quiet as possible. My hips pick up pace even more. I continue moving, his tip pressing against my cervix repeatedly.
He mumbles back an agreement, my hand still keeping him quiet.
I continue to ride him at a harsh pace until I feel the knot in my stomach get tighter, ready to snap.
“Chris- I’m so close-“ I breathe out trying to keep myself from moaning.
Chris gently takes my hand from his face putting his own hand on my mouth to muffle my sounds.
“C’mon ma, come for me” he bites his lip. leaning back slightly, he watches as I do all the work. “Go on, get off on my cock”
My pace starts to become more messy and uncontrolled. Chris was also not helping, doing nothing except keeping his hands on my face.
With a muffled moan I slam myself down one last time. My head falls forward as I feel my orgasm wash over me. I feel warm and so relieved.
He takes his hand from my mouth, he then leads me to him by my neck and presses our lips together.
His hands both go back to My waist. just holding my body close to his.
I could still feel him rock hard in me. I knew we weren’t done, but I was appreciating the break.
Chris pulls me off gently and picks me up. He turns us around so he is on top of me.
Us fucking in missionary was always rare as hell. Because we’re there for the benefits. -And according to Chris, he hates my face so much he doesn’t want to see it.
well at least that’s what he used to tell me.
He slides his dick through my folds, before slowly pushing in.
I sigh feeling him fill me up again.
In our enemies with benefits situation we never did anything that felt intimate. The sex felt like sex, and not love. And that’s how it worked. It was good like that.
But like this, Chris, his blue eyes staring right into mine. The way he kept his hand at the curve of my waist, his other hand holding him up placed next to my head.
We were so close, I could practically feel him breathing on my face.
This felt so intimate, like something we, as people who hate each other, shouldn’t be doing
And that’s exactly what it was.
Well I guess we already made the first mistake when we first hooked up.
We were never meant to be. Not like that. Not like this.
So why did it feel so good though?
“You good ma?”
Have I been staring? Probably. But how can I help myself when he is so close to me, looking ever so handsome.
“I’m good. Please move” I whine trying to keep my voice low.
He sinks down, his face burying in the crook of my neck as he starts to move. All slow and sensual.
we barely ever did missionary, and when we did, his face was as far away from mine as possible. But right now it seemed like he was trying to be as close to me as possible.
He occasionally groans into my skin, sending tingles down my spine and right to my aching core. I try to keep my voice low, but still let a few soft moans slip.
“Y/n?” He says abruptly. He keeps up the slow sensual thrust, keeping himself buried deep. Yet he sits up slightly, his forearm next to my head holding him up.
“Mhm?” I say lowly not really trusting my voice.
Our eyes lock. Chris swallows. My eyes trail his features, trailing down to his chest, to his lips and back to his eyes again.
“Can I come in you?”
I raise my eyebrow at the question. Usually we used condoms. I mean I’m on the pill but according to Chris he ‘doesn’t want to take any risk’. But recently we had done it like that more than we had since the whole arrangement started.
“ ‘corse” I mumble back.
And before I know it Chris is picking up pace. He doesn’t move back, keeping himself hovering right above me our eyes connected.
My core was aching from all the over stimulation. So I shudder when he picks up pace.
He still keeps his strokes sensual and deep. I moan lightly, cautiously keeping my voice low.
He re-adjusts my legs, wrapping them around his torso for a deeper angle.
He picks up pace even more. I throw my head back at the overwhelming pleasure, my eyes closing, my mouth falling open in a silent moan.
Chris doesn’t even bother to make me look back at him. He just lets me enjoy this, and watches. Watches the way I look with my head thrown back in euphoria.
“Chris, Chris- chris-“ I keep my voice low but the more I chant his name the higher and squeakier my voice gets.
Chris takes that as a telltale sign that I’m close, but so was he.
He cups my mouth shutting me up. or atleast muffling my moans and whines.
He picks up pace even more. My eyes go back to meet his, my eyebrows scrunched in pleasure.
I tap his wrist to tell him I’m close. He licks his lips. Of course he knew I was close without me telling him.
His hand stays firmly on my mouth, keeping me quiet. “You’re doing so good, cherry”
His other hand goes to my clit in order to finish me off quicker. He rubs it harshly.
Suddenly I throw my head back again, clenching around him. I feel my release wash over me again.
He keeps pounding into me. But his thrusts get more sloppy and uncontrolled. Until his hips stutter. He gives me one last thrust before his spurts of cum shoot into me.
My legs are tense around his torso from the overwhelming pleasure.
I feel warm and so filled. It felt way more intimate than the countless times we’ve hooked up before.
And the fact that he stays there, collapses on top of me, his face in my neck, gently kissing, And not moving off, only made this feel even more intimate.
After a long while of just cuddling, and being in each other’s presence, Chris sits up. He gently and slowly pulls out, making me wince at the loss of contact.
He stares down at my cunt for what feels like a long time. Until his pointer and middle finger meet it again. Pushing the seed that was leaking out of me back in.
“Chris” I hiss my body shooting up. I was now half sitting my arm propping me up, my other hand going to circle his wrist to stop him from moving his hand.
“Awe poor baby does that hurt?” He huffs in a slight mocking tone. But for once it doesn’t seem menacing.
“Yes. don’t do that” I roll my eyes.
He chuckles at the sassy tone. “Well I gotta make sure you don’t waste it.” He sasses right back.
Chris already prepared for the worst outcome.
“I’m still on the pill.” I huff. I then slowly pull his fingers out of me, seeing the way they were covered in a whole lot of our mixed juices.
He chuckles popping his fingers into his mouth.
A/N: I loved writing this series. But it’ll probably only have one more chapter (so 5 in total). This was my first ever series, and it was so fun to write. Love y’all. My dms & req are open 🩷
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturniooolos , @ecliphttlunar , @orangeypepsi , @klaus223492 , @t1llysblog
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darnell-la · 3 months
Forbid - Steve Harrington , Eddie Munson & Billy Hargrove (part 2)
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pairing: unhinged!steve harrington x cocky!billy hargrove x cocky!eddie munson x reader
summary: after finishing y/n off, Eddie and Billy drive to Steve’s place to show them the mess y/n put herself into. Steve thought he could let her run free, he even tried to give her a chance to be right, but she can never shut her mouth. at least no fast enough.
note: this will be the last part of this series, but if you guys would like more of the stranger things trio, request in our inbox or message us! please, we enjoy these so much!
3rd person pov
“She’s gone quiet. Fuckin’ pathetic,” Eddie snapped his hip hard just once to get a tired whine out of her. She’s been cumming and crying all night, allowing the two men to take her over.
“I honestly thought she’d last longer than us,” Billy said, surprised at how much they’ve drained her. “I don’t think she’s had good cock in her life. Been messin’ around with them young folks,” Eddie said.
She’s told Eddie about her horrible hookups, and now she’s regretting everything she’s told him. He knows so much about her that she can’t lie or hide anything from her. She can’t even hide that she loves this, from him.
“Ain’t that right, sweetheart? Been fucked by all of these kids, and now you can’t take real cock. I mean, look at you. I barely have to fuck you hard,” Eddie said, still thrusting his hips. He’ll never get over watching her suck him back in.
“Mhm,” y/n finally answered him back from the fuck sessions him and Billy have given her for the past hours. “You love being passed around between us two? Imagine how you’ll feel with three grown cocks stuffing every last hole you’ve got to give,” Eddie rubbed down y/n’s back as he felt himself get close once again.
“So fuckin’ full,” Eddie groaned low as he spilled inside her one last time for right now. He can’t keep going. He’s been at this with Billy for a good hour, and he needs to save up, just in case they need to join in at the house.
“I’ll take her to her car while you drive to Steve. Need time to tie her up,” Eddie spoke to Billy as he pulled out of y/n. The weak girl instantly fell off of the car. Both of their bodies have been holding her up this whole time.
“Alright, I’ll give you want you need,” Billy began looking through his bags. “Wanna be professional or careless?” Billy asked, remembering he has proper huffs and ropes. “Careless. She’s free use, remember?” Billy said as he looked down at y/n’s used and cummed-in body.
Hearing that word free-use for them makes this whole situation mind blowing to her. She’s actually living her dreams.
“I’ll meet you there,” Billy handed over some ropes and other things to Eddie before throwing his bag in the car, getting in and driving off. Y/n shouted a few things, confused on why Billy is leaving since she’s completely missed that Eddie will be taking her to Steve.
“Corporate,” Eddie looked down at y/n before getting on his knees and beginning to tie her up. “What the- Eddie! This session is over! Let me go!” Y/n said, but Eddie didn’t come here for a session. In fact, he set this up, hoping y/n would be good for him and Steve, but she failed
“You think I give a shit about your little whore-session!?” Eddie yelled in her face then continued tying her down. Eddie grew angry at the way y/n fought back. He was planning on taking it easy in her, but she asked for it.
After Eddie got done, he tapped her mouth shut. “How about that,” Eddie chuckled before grabbing the anal plug and lube Billy left for him. “Let’s see how you do with your ass full,” Eddie grabbed y/n and forced her on her stomach.
The tied up girl tried yelling and squirming around to get up from Eddie, but it wasn’t happening. Eddie spread y/n’s cheeks until her asshole was exposed. “Fuck, it’s tight,” Eddie groaned as he rubbed a finger along it.
Y/n whined at his touch. “Yeah, you like that?” Eddie asked as he squeezed the lube bottle over her hole. Y/n hitched at the cold feeling on asshole, making Eddie groan. “Yeah,” Eddie groaned under his breath before placing the bottle down and rubbing it in.
“You’re gonna be so full,” Eddie smirked down at the pretty girl who’s currently running wild in her kind. Billy left her to Eddie. Billy left her just for Eddie’s own small pleasure, and she can’t seem to hate it.
Without warning, the older man pushed at the girls entrance. “Ah, fuck, fuck!” Y/n whined as Eddie pushed further and further into her until the plug was fully in her.
“You’re just so tight. Christ,” Eddie admired the pretty pink diamond plug is y/n’s asshole. “Gonna have to get use to it,” Eddie said before getting up and placing the lube and plug in his pocket.
Eddie quickly picked y/n up and swung her over his shoulder before walking off with her. “Y/n tried kicking, but her feet and knees are tied and her wrist are tried behind her back.
“Keep fightin’ and this night will only get better,” Eddie said as he touched all over y/n’s ass. He couldn’t get enough of her, and she’s beginning to notice it. Even on Billy’s part.
Eddie had threw y/n in the back seat of her own car before taking off. Y/n kept her act up but kicking, screaming and begging, but her mouth is taped. He paid no mind to his little prize as he drove all the way to Steve’s house.
Billy had gotten there before them, so as soon as Eddie pulled up, he hopped out of the car to grab y/n and throw her over his shoulders.
“He’s gonna be very very angry, baby. I wish I could help you,” Eddie fake pouted in y/n’s face before walking towards Steve’s front door. She’s so confused, and scared right now. What if people see her? This could go so wrong all because she’s had this sick little kink.
After Eddie unlocked Steve’s house since he knows where he leaves his spare key, Billy carried y/n upstairs and into Steve’s guest room that Eddie showed him the way too.
The two older men had kept themselves up and made money, so a big house like this is nothing to them, but for y/n, it’s something brand new.
“Oh, Stevie!” Eddie shouted through the house as he made his way to Steve in the shower. Y/n heart dropped, confused and in shock. No. Steve can’t see her like this.
That’s when the still tied up girl began kicking and screaming. Everything’s still muffled, only making Billy laugh at how humiliating she looks.
“You don’t have good fighting Instinkts, princess. We’ll have to work on that, but for now, I need you to calm down,” Billy stood next to y/n who’s in the middle off a bed, trying to wiggle free.
“Hey, Steve!” Eddie knocked on Steve’s bathroom door before stepping in. “What’s up?” He asked as he rinsed himself off. “Guess who I found,” Eddie said as Steve stood there confused and waiting for Eddie to speak up.
“Our little sweetheart,” Eddie said, instantly boiling Steve’s blood. “She actually went? There’s no way,” Steve said. He had thought Eddie was lying about him talking to Billy about y/n and this app, but he clearly wasn’t.
“Billy fucked her!?” Steve basically screamed. “Yep,” Eddie laughed, knowing that would mess with Steve and get him angrier. He would hate for y/n to be fucked unconscious for disobeying him.
“I did too,” Eddie smirked at the man, making Steve rub his face in frustration. “See for yourself. She’s in your guest bed all tied up on display for you,” Eddie said before waking out, not even closing the bathroom door.
Steve hit the shower knob, trining the shower off as he tried keeping himself together. Steve has never had this idea to hurt y/n in any sexual way. He’s always wanted soft and slow sex with his perfect girl, but something about y/n makes him want to act out of his limits.
Steve quickly dried himself up and walked to his room to at least put boxers on. He couldn’t wait long enough to get fully dressed or even dry his hair. He has to see if she actually went out disloyal.
“Oh, I think it’s him, darling. Might wanna calm down,” Eddie said, setting alarms off in Steve’s head. He knows she shouldn’t go in. If he sees her, he’ll flip, but he had to see. He just had to check and see if his perfect girl cheated.
Steve slowly walked around the corner, and at the same time, y/n and Steve’s heart dropped. Y/n instantly stopped kicking and screaming as Steve’s made his way in the room.
Steve took a short look at Billy before looking back at y/n. He hasn’t talked to Billy in a good two years, and any time he has, it’s always some stupid argument or about y/n.
“Why?” Steve asked. Billy ripped the tape off of y/n’s mouth, making her yelp. “I-I’m sorry, I swear! I swear Mr, Harrington!” Y/n began to tear up. “Mr. Harrington?” Steve asked with a scoff before he turned around and rubbed his face.
“Watch what your say, princess,” Eddie warned y/n. “I-I’m sorry, Steve,” y/n corrected herself, but it’s far too late. Now he sees what she sees him as. A coworker, and he can’t have that.
“Y/n,” Steve spoke as he slowly turned back towards her. “I’m going to give you another chance. I have sympathy for you. From now on, you only go place after asking me. You only speak to me and whoever I allow you to speak to,” Steve started making rules.
“You won’t need to work, for I will provide for you. You’ll even move in, but I will not accept this whore activity. You’ve pissed me off far enough,” Steve tried saying in his best voice possible.
“I- Steve, I’m a grown woman. Look, I get this looks bad, but — You’re not my father,” y/n said, making Eddie and Billy steps back. They knew what was coming.
“I’m not trying g to be your father, y/n! I’m trying to be a good loyal man to you, but you’re just fucking up and walking around free. You can’t do that! We forbid you do this app shit, and look at you! You fucked Billy!” Steve yelled.
“She even sucked me off,” Billy spoke quietly then kept his mouth closed. Knowing what Steve will do when he’s mad is something Billy and Eddie want to see.
“You sucked him off!?” Steve asked y/n before grabbing his face again. “No! Well, yeah, but, I don’t know,” y/n said. “You’re banded from being around any type of man, I don’t fucking care if it’s someone working at a cash register. You are forbidden!” Steve demand.
“Hell, no! You’re not my dad, brother or fuckin’ boyfriend, Steve. You can’t do this!” Y/n argued back and forth with him, but deep down, she likes being told what she can and can’t do. He must really want her to himself.
“Oh, is that so? Oh, so you only listen to strangers who fuck you, hm? Is that what it is!? I gotta be a stranger and fuck your cunt full for you to listen!?” Steve yelled at her. He didn’t plan to, but he left out the room to grab his kink bag.
“Oh, shit,” Eddie jumped around before sitting done in front of the bed on a sofa. Billy joined him before Steve entered the room. “I’ll give you what you want then, since little brats like you get everything they fuckin’ dream of,” Steve said as he went through his bad.
The older man angrily set up these equipment on his bed board and foot board. “Steve, calm down. We can figure something out,” y/n said, already settled and willing to hear Steve out, but he’s done talking and trying to help her understand.
Steve roughly grabbed y/n and untried her. She thought he was letting her go, but he instantly grabbed her wrists and wrapped them to his bed board before he went to her feet and did the same.
“What the fuck! Steve! You can’t just fuckin’ kidnapp me! I didn’t agree to this in any fuckin’ messages,” y/n yelled at him. Steve had enough. He walked face height of her on the bed and slapped her hard.
“That’ll shut her up,” Billy chuckled low in front of the bed as Eddie laughed to himself. “You really think I care what you said in some social media messages, y/n!? You cheated!” Steve yelled.
“I didn’t cheat! We’re not dating!” Y/n was still confused int that before. Steve quickly climbed on top of her and wrapped his right hand around her neck to make her focus on his words and his words only.
“You’ve been mine since I laid eyes on you. And I know you know how I feel by the way you act around me and Eddie. Sometimes you’re a girls girl but most of the time you’re bad, and you know it. You fuckin’ know it but you keep playing,” stave gripped harder.
“I-I don’t understand,” y/n chocked, not getting where he’s trying to get at. “I’ll make you,” Steve said before reaching in his pants to pull his already hard cock out.
“Oh my- Steve, no! No, no, no, no, no,” y/n repeated as she began wiggling again. She’s to sore and he’s to big. He’s definitely bigger than Billy and Eddie. It’s not like they were small, but ones thicker and the other is longer. Steve is both.
“Oh, yeah, and you’re gonna lay here and take it. You get no more choices,” Steve said as Eddie and Billy got up and untied her feet. She thought they were helping her, but they grappled this strap and wrapped her legs against but this time, place some of the wrap around the back of her neck, forcing her legs up and wide open.
“Wait, no! Guys, please, don’t! I can’t! I can’t do anymore!” Y/n’s eyes began glossing up. What if she passed out? That’ll be embarrassing. But at the same time, she knows she’d like it. Fuck!
“And your ass is full!? Holy shit, you’re a goddamn slut,” Steve gripped y/n’s neck again, this right now to tight as he grabbed his cock and pushed at her wet and still soaked cunt.
“You’re already so full of cum. God, you’re just something else,” Steve slammed all the way into y/n, not caring how load she screamed. “Safe word?” Billy asked, still checking for her half-ass confirmation. Y/n stayed silent.
“The fuck is that?” Steve asked, saying still as he looked at Billy. “To make sure she’s fine with this, but don’t worry. She’s a whore. She liked almost anything,” Billy said as Steve slowly turned towards y/n watching her eyes on his.
“Is that true? Are you a little whore? You like it rough and old?” Steve asked as he slowly pulled out and slowly pushed back in. “F-Fuck!” Y/n threw her head back.
“Huh!?” Steve pulled out fast and roughly slammed back it, knocking the wind out of y/n’s lungs. The already drained girl rolled her eyes back as he jaw stayed opened, trying to find enough air but its barley coming.
“Answer me!” Steve gripped y/n’s neck harder than the last time he did, but she refused to admit to it. “Answering me you fuckin’ slut. Answer me!” Steve yelled inches away from her face. Her mind grew foggy as his grip stayed the same.
“Motherfucker,” Steve cussed under his breath as he began to snap his hips against her bare skin allowing the hole room to fill with so many nasty noises. The two other men couldn’t stop watching the way Steve used her.
“Wanna be free use? Here you fuckin’ go. Free fuckin’ use like a dirty little bitch. God, you will not live a day without me fucking this cunt so full of cum. I swear to god, I’m going to make you understand who the fuck I am to you,” Steve grabbed y/n’s hair with his free and and tugged at it, letting out moan from her.
“Mhm? Ya like it? Ya fuckin’ like my cock in you? Like old dick so much you can’t fuckin’ breathe, hm? Tell me. Tell your man how much you like his cock drilling’ a hole in your gut,” Steve’s lips slightly touched her ear as he growled.
“I-I-I-“ y/n couldn’t form anything. She’s to fucked out to think, but she knows anything she says will be the truth. “I-I- Fuckin’ say it!” Steve yelled in her face as he snapped his hips after, staring straight into her eyes.
“Want,” y/n struggled. “C’mon, Stevie. Let the girl speak,” Eddie suggested. “Yeah, she’s bound to pass out,” Billy chuckled, seeing how rough Steve can be to what’s his, and he has no problem with it. As long as he gets to see it and take next.
“There. Fuckin’ say it or a fuck you face until you go slack,” stage threatened, and as much as she’d like that, she couldn’t today. “I-I want you. A-All of you,” tears streamed down the pretty girls face as she get her cries quiet.
“Is that so, baby? You want me?” Steve asked in a way better tone then he last spoke. “Y-Yes. I-I want you, baby. P-Please take me,” y/n’s cunt began clinching down in Steve’s cock like the tightest cock sleeve he could ever buy.
“Want me to take you whenever I want? Take you like my perfect little, princess, baby?” Steve spoke into the crook of y/n’s neck as her eyes rolled back and she finally came around Steve’s huge cock.
“Augh, fuck,” Steve moaned as his thrust stuttered and he finally spilled a massive load inside y/n’s cunt. You could hear the wet noises and bubbles building and leaking out of her cunt.
“Now I’m hard again,” Eddie said, making the circle continue. Once one fucks, the others get hard and it never ends. “I-I’ll take it,” y/n said low as Steve slowly pulled out of his girl.
“As long as you know you’re ours. Mine the most, but ours. No more app. No more skipping around Hawkins actin’ free. All ours,” Steve spoke what he wanted. “All yours,” y/n agreed before passionately making out with Steve as the other two men got themselves undressed and ready to please their girl.
part one
part three
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watermelonsugacry · 11 months
Could you do a blurb showing how Harry and 1dbandmate!yn reacted over the years when asked in interviews if they were a couple?? please 🙏
Always Asked
A/N: been in a writing funk lately but i'm happy i got this one done since i miss writing and posting to you all!! 💚
SUMMARY: Snippets of interviews over the years from when YN and Harry were asked if they were dating. (3.4k)
GENRE: 1dbandmate!yn, famous!yn
SINCE 2010 masterlist
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Never in a million years did YN ever think her dream career would start so soon. It’s only been a year since she auditioned for the XFactor and now she’s sitting at a table next to her bandmates as hundreds of fans go down the line to get a copy of their freshly signed album. 
With copious amounts of screaming comes along an abundance of questions thrown at the teenagers. Most of the time, it’s YN giving the screaming fans a beautiful smile, asking them how they are, and thanking them for their kind words before passing the signed CD case to Harry. With all the excitement in the air, she feels like she’s truly living the pop star lifestyle she’d seen many others live out.
“Hiya, love,” YN smiles at the preteen girl who’s practically vibrating with excitement at seeing the famous band. She also gives a polite greeting to the supportive dad of the young girl who has his hands on his daughter’s shoulders. “How are you? I love your shirt.”
She compliments, smiling at seeing the young girl wearing a shirt with YN’s face on it. 
“My dad got it for me for my birthday!” The little fan beams.
“Did he?” YN animatedly gasps with a smile. “Well, it was nice of him to take you over here, yeah?”
She signs the CD case with a heart over her name before sliding it over to Harry. His fingers brush over hers and the two of them catch each other’s gaze. A smile tugs on their lips before looking away just as quickly. 
“Are you two dating?” The young girl practically screams out, her eyes bouncing back and forth excitedly between YN and Harry. 
The two teenagers tense up, thrown off by the question in such a crowded place. Their management team is still media-training them and while they’ve learned so much already, they’re still getting used to taking what they’ve learned out into the field.
YN and Harry give each other a look, already knowing the answer but searching in one another’s eyes for maybe a smidge of something more.
“Lilly!” The dad scolds before letting out a chuckle. “Sorry about that.”
“Don’t be,” YN shakes her head with a smile, hoping it's convincing enough to not cause any suspicion. “Sorry Lilly, but Harry and I aren’t dating because quite frankly—” She beckons the little fan closer, cupping her mouth but still being loud so her bandmate can hear, “—he has cooties.”
Harry’s immediately furrowing his brows together and lets out a long and playful, “Hey!”
“Ew!” Lilly laughs, seeming satisfied with that answer before waving goodbye and walking towards the rest of the band.
Before they can dwell on what just happened, thankfully the next fan shuffles over for their own interaction and signed copy.
The band is at their first Brits Awards show and needless to say, they all got a little tipsy after their win. Their team didn’t even have time to give them a snack or water bottle to help sober them up a little bit before their backstage press interviews.
“Harry, how will you guys be celebrating tonight?” A journalist asks from the crowd.
“Erm,” Harry giggles to himself and it makes YN tipsily follow from her spot next to him. The hand that isn't gripping onto their award goes to cover her smile. “I think we’re just gonna hang out and stuff.”
“YN? Is there any lucky man whom you will be celebrating with?” Another voice in the sea of reporters asks.
“Nope,” YN raises her eyes with a tipsy smile and a slow shake of her head. She shakes her thumb towards her boys with a click of her tongue. “Just these lads.”
“Any lucky lad in particular? Perhaps a curly-headed one standing next to you?”
Almost as if it was planned, the two teenagers comically look beside each other, cranking their necks in playful search of who the intrusive lady was referring to.
“Me?” Harry dramatically questions, pointing to his chest with a bright, open-mouthed, dimpled smile gracing his face.
“Well, I mean he is part of the band, is he not?” YN sassily purses her lips together, her media-training to retain her “good girl” image slipping out of her alcohol induced brain. 
Thankfully, before anything could be escalated further by the tipsy girl, the intrusive press, or the snickering boys, a member from their management team instructs the audience to move onto another person.
“You guys have known each other for what seems like forever now and your bond with the rest of the guys is so strong...” 
YN reaches forward for a sip from her glass of water on the panel table in her seat in between Harry and Niall. It’s been a long week for the band as they do press for their new movie, This Is Us. They’ve been thrown left and right with interviews that YN can’t help but already be done with the repetitiveness of some of the questions.  
“So then we’re all clearly curious to know if you and Harry are dating?”
“Nope,” YN pops the ‘P’ and shakes her head as if her actions were automatically programmed to respond in that way. She casually waves her finger between the two boys beside her, “But him and Niall are though.” 
The crowd of press people laugh and chuckle as they see Naill gasp and Harry raise his eyebrows in playful shock.
“I mean, you kinda pointed it out,” YN puts on her media-trained smile good enough to win an Oscar. “These lads are like my brothers and our bond is so strong because we see each other more like family than anything else. I see them more as annoying than someone I'd rather date, to be honest,” she forces out a light laugh. 
“Plus, as YN so kindly pointed out,” Harry leans on his elbows on the table as he looks to his crush next to him. YN can see his dimple dig into his cheek as he fights off a smirk. “M’happily in a committed relationship with Niall.”
Harry doesn’t take his eyes off of his bandmate as he leans back into his seat. He watches as she tucks her chin into her chest, her fingers rubbing over her lips to cover her giggle as the rest of the room breaks out in commotion.
“Can we assume that the rock on your finger is from a certain curly-headed lad?” The woman who’s interviewing them for the band’s new book Who We Are excitedly asks. 
The band are all sat on an L-shaped couch as they discuss the contents of the hard cover book. Sat in between Zayn and Niall, YN purposely avoids her gaze from Harry as she answers.
“No,” YN lets out a forced chuckle as she looks down to fidget with the diamond ring on her finger. Anyone who has looked at more than three pictures of YN can tell that her favorite pieces of jewelry are her assortment of rings along her fingers. But only true fans know that part of her liking to the small jewelry is to help her fidget with them when she has anxiety. It’s an odd feeling however that the newly gifted one has been the cause of her increase in nerves. “It’s um, from me boyfriend—well, fiancé now—Matthew. Harry is like a brother to me so that would be quite weird.” 
“Of course! I was only teasing, love.” The woman laughs with an over-exaggerated smile, clearly disappointed in the answer she was given. “Congratulations to you both.”
“Thank you,” YN forces a smile, still twisting at the shiny ring that sticks out like a sore thumb.
“James.” She says with the same amount of playful seriousness, the audience in front of them laughs along. As the date of the band’s long-awaited hiatus comes closer and closer, their good friend James Corden interviews them in the same location where they filmed the music video for Story of My Life. 
“Harold,” the host directs his attention to the band member sitting next to her.
The fans in the crowd only giggle in giddiness even further as Harry playfully throws a hand up in confusion with what the fans call his ‘frog’ smile. 
“Now, we are all truly devastated when we heard the news that you and your long-time partner had called it quits a couple of weeks ago.” The audience laughs when James comically shakes his head no. YN even lets out a laugh when she sees the fans in the audience cheer at the news of her new relationship status. Despite the support she feels from the fans, it doesn’t necessarily calm the nerves at why the host brought the topic up in the first place. “Now we’re also all wondering if this may have possibly opened up, I don’t know, an opportunity for you to seek something with another lad?”
“Um,” YN lazily holds her microphone to her lips as she gives James the news that will hopefully shut down the conversation. “I think m’gonna just focus on myself for a bit. Yeh know, take a break from dating and all that.”
The room breaks out into chuckles when the host makes noises like he doesn’t believe her. He wags his interview cards in the air as he says, "I mean, both of your writing credits on some love songs tell me otherwise..."
Truthfully, the two friends can't deny that logic. They've either individually or co-wrote a plethora of love songs...that may or may not have been about each other. But will they ever admit that to a room full of their fans who have been shipping them since their XFactor days? Hello no.
“Well, the beauty that YN and I see in music is that songs are always up for interpretation," Harry interjects. "They can mean anything you want them to be, in any sort of scenario.”
“Yeah, like, lyrics don’t always necessarily have to come from a place of experience,” YN adds on, professionally keeping her voice from wavering in nervousness. “It certainly helps but that’s not always the case. Especially now.”
She can’t help but laugh along with the rest of the crowd as James holds an expression like he doesn’t believe a word they said.
“Okay, fine. Deny it all you want,” James puts his hands up defensively. “I just...I don’t know, I just think that this could really be Something Great.”
The room of fans (and die hard ynrry shippers) squeal and scream out in a mixture of excitement and disbelief from his use of the One Direction songs that are heavily speculated to be about YN and Harry. 
“Whatever, it’s your guy’s decision at the End of the Day,” James continues nonchalantly, trying to hide the smile that shows that he knows exactly what he’s doing. 
Fans’ eyes bounce back and forth between the two band members in question. They see as YN has her hands clasped together on her crossed legs, biting the inside of her cheek to keep her witty comments to herself. Harry, on the other hand, leans his elbow on his knee with his index finger over his smirk. He tries to cover up his chuckle with a cough to his fist before pushing back his long curls. 
“All we want is for you guys to live Happily ever after, is all.”
“Now, both of you little sneaky sneaks went to Jamaica together to make his album. Come on, tell me I’m wrong,” Nick Grimshaw teases, wiggling his fingers in a beckoning motion.
The two were currently on BBC Radio with their good friend that they’ve known since their days in the band. Dropping their first solo albums in the same week caused their fan bases to go into a frantic frenzy. The two have a full day ahead of them as their record labels and management teams paired the two up for a day jam-packed with press and interviews together.
“You are not wrong,” Harry laughs, adjusting the chunky headphones over his ears. He’s already rolled up his white button-up sleeves and discarded his picnic table-looking blazer to lay on the back of his chair.
“Sneaky sneaks?” YN chuckles next to him, leaning her elbows on the counter and moving her hips to rotate her swiveling seat from side to side.
“Well, I only say that because you guys are obviously dating now, right?”
“Do girl and guy best friends always have to be dating?” YN easily swerves the question back to the radio host.
“Well,” Grimmy tilts his head from side to side. “Not necessarily, but wouldn’t that be a good story? For your future kiddos perhaps?”
YN and Harry bark out a laugh.
“Sorry, m’getting ahead of myself. Maybe you lads would want to save that for your wedding day instead.”
“Can I swear on the radio?” YN playfully yet genuinely asks the host which makes Harry giggle.
“But I mean, what are your fans—and quite frankly, the rest of the world—supposed to think when a good majority of the songs on his album are about you, Miss Two Ghosts?” Nick teases with a wiggle of his eyebrow.
YN’s jaw humorously drops, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as a nervous laugh threatens to escape. The two knew that they would get poked and pried with questions and accusations like this since their trip to Jamaica. There’s no use in trying to deny their close relationship with one another, spending more time with one another than any of their fellow band members since the start of the hiatus. 
Unable to quickly come up with an explanation, being so caught off guard, she turns to the only other person she can trust. 
“Jenny?” YN playfully calls for her manager who’s behind the glass window of the radio studio, leaning forward to look at her despite Harry in the way. 
“Help me, Jeffery,” Harry playfully pleads to his manager as well.
“No, no Jeffery. Jenny, get back in your chair, young lady.” Nick points out for the listeners who can’t see what’s currently happening. “Alright, I’ll stop, I’ll stop,” The host waves his hands, seeing the two visually calm down at the news. “Now, I’ll just play the one Harry wrote about YN. This is Two Ghosts!”
Harry playfully yells out an “Oh, no!” as he pushes himself away from the desk. YN lets out a humored scream at the same time, taking off her chunky radio headphones and tossing them onto the desk. 
“Okay, a big question that I’ve been getting on Twitter since it was announced that the two of you would be on here today,” Roman Kemp waves a hand in front of him at the Capital FM Breakfast Radio headquarters as he looks onto the two pop stars in front of him on the Zoom call. The couple can be seen in two separate rooms: Harry in a naturally lit room while YN sits against one of the brick walls in her bedroom.
Harry has his purple robe on that his girlfriend gifted him a couple of years ago, looking as comfy as ever since he doesn’t have to get dressed up to go outside for anything lately due to being on lockdown. 
YN on the other hand, didn’t want to miss the opportunity to get dolled up. Well, at least from the waist up. She wears one of her silk button-up blouses with her last name embroidered on the left chest, her hair neatly done up in a slick ponytail and her make-up nicely done. When she got complimented on her look, she clumsily lifted her leg up to show off her heart-decorated, fluffy pajama pants.
“And I feel like both of your fan bases combined would come out of quarantine to quite literally murder me if I don’t ask you guys this...” YN and Harry keep a mutual face on as they wait to hear what the host has to say. “We all know that you guys are an official couple now, but are you guys physically staying together at the moment? Like, are you guys living together or at the same house or...?”
The couple takes a second to process the intimate question. As Harry parts his lips to answer, he’s interrupted by his girlfriend speaking first. 
“Y’know, we’re kind of tired of getting questions like this. I don’t think it’s really appropriate for other people to know about that kind of stuff,” The crease between YN’s eyebrows becomes more apparent and her shoulders move sharply after letting out a deep sigh.
“Oh, I-I’m so sorry if I offended you guys—” The radio host quickly begins to retract.
“M’sorry but I think m’actually gonna log off now. Erm, thank you for having us.” YN curtly nods before the host and Harry’s faces fill the screen, both with wide eyes at the unexpected reaction from the go-happy pop star.
“Wait, did that really just happen?” Roman and the other two interviewers are deers in headlights, his eyes bouncing around the screen to make sure what just took place. 
“I think so,” Harry sighs. “It’s just a sensitive topic for us, y’know. I can’t really blame her for what she did,” He professionally hides his smile as he hears the quick pad of footsteps coming down her spiral staircase.
“I really meant no harm, it’s just—”
“It’s just really hard to keep our private life private, you know?” Harry drags on with a deep sigh. “And it's just really hard for us to have to answer things like this. Like, we don’t really know what you guys expect us to do when...” Harry’s dimples dig into his cheeks, a boyish giggle comes tumbling past his lips when YN peaks her head sideways in front of his laptop camera.
“YN!” Romans scolds with a bright smile, infinitely relieved he didn’t just make enemies with the world’s favorite female pop star. He dramatically throws a hand over his heart.
“Sorry, I’m sorry! It was just too good and Ro, I think you’re the only one that would be able to handle a joke like that.” YN laughs as she slides in close to her comfy-looking boyfriend.
“So I’m assuming this confirms my previous question?” The host asks excitedly.
“Yeah,” Harry smiles fondly at his love, discreetly wrapping an arm around her waist that’s low enough to not be shown on camera. “We’ve been living at YN’s place in LA for a couple of weeks now. And yeah, it’s been fun.”
In a full black suit, Harry is escorted to the next interviewer on the red carpet for the premiere of My Policeman. After a couple of initial questions, the eager woman asks, “Last thing before you get whisked away, on behalf of the fandom and everyone else on this planet, we just want to send a massive amount of love to you and YN.”
“Thank you very much,” He nods, putting a hand over his heart and trying his hardest to keep the growing smile on his face at bay. 
“And we are all just dying to know,” She takes a quick, excited glance back to the camera. “If you’re going to drop the big question soon?”
Harry can’t help but huff out a laugh, the kind where his dimples dig into his cheeks and the crows feet appear next to his eyes. If they only knew that YN kept the ring he gave her—the ring that signifies their promise to become husband and wife on their anniversary—at home for the sake of privacy and for this very reason. 
“Um,” He looks up in fake contemplation before giving her a cheeky shrug. “I dunno. Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows?”
“Well, best of luck to you both.”
After being escorted away, the camera doesn’t stop filming Harry as he goes over to stand next to his fiancée on the red carpet. Although the camera can’t pick up what YN says to Emma Corin that makes the actress laugh, her beaming smile turns to Harry when she feels his hand on her back. He can’t hold back from planting a loving peck on her cheek before the two are escorted to their next section on the red carpet. 
On a show in Cardiff, Harry adjusts a flag on his shoulder as he walks around the catwalk on stage. As he begins to sing Satellite, he makes a stop to sing to a group by the barricade. 
It’s nothing new to YN and Harry’s respective shows when fans bring signs with something on it to get the artists’ attention. Honestly, it’s become one of the parts of the show they look forward to the most.
So when Harry’s eyes move over to a newly raised sign that says ‘shag?’ on it, he breaks out into a smirk. Part of the fun of when fans bring signs is that there’s always a handful that asks these sorts of questions: Are you single? Can I have your number? Are you dating? 
It’s not so much the content written on the signs that makes the interaction so enjoyable; it’s the response that he gives. 
Because all Harry does is break out into that dimpled, love sick smile that YN can’t get enough of and happily points to his wedding band.
@ashtongivesmebutterflies @cacapeepee
(let me know if you want to be added to the taglist 💚)
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alicanta77 · 1 year
NCT Dream Reaction: You sitting in their lap
this boy gets stressed
like properly stressed
he needs you often after a long day at work
and that comes in the form of cuddles
just place yourself on top of his and hold him tight
extra points if you play with his hair
you’ll probably hear some happy grumbles from him he purrs like a cat
as he feels like all the weight he carries around is completely lifted
and the relaxation suddenly takes over his being
another of his favourite times for this
is if you visit him at practice
just settle yourself in his lap during a break
and mark will curl up into you
relishing his short break
before you know it he suddenly has more energy to finish his practice
motivated by spending time with you once he’s done
you better have more cuddles ready for later
he likes hugs and moments like this
but probably not for a prolonged time
he’d rather you cuddled into his side if you were going to stay in that position
even with that being said
every now and then he will just wordlessly reach over and pull your onto his lap
just needs comfort
and that means he needs you as close as you could possibly be
so squeeze him tight
and definitely loves it if you pair it with a kiss on his forehead
one of the positions where he will just dissolve his “tough guy” act
and let you take care of him and baby him as much as you like
you could squish his cheeks together and kiss the pout that forms and he’d love it
something about this just makes him all mushy
definitely one of the ones who likes this the most
happens most often when he’s gaming
he really loves it when he’s gaming and you just come in and sit on him
that way he can cuddle you as well as play his game
like both of his favourites ways to relax at the same time
video games and you
you’ve accepted his love for games by now
in the habit of placing soft kisses on your temple in between levels/rounds
likes how protective it makes him feel about you
you just curl up into him as he holds you close
though jeno would never admit it
he adores moments like that
feelings as though you trust him enough to fall asleep on him
leaving it to him to care for you
he would do it willingly for the rest of his life
if you sit on his lap he will not be letting go part 1
this makes him so smug
10000000% will wrap his arms around you and bury his face into you and swing you from side to side
honestly you think he’s gonna accidentally throw you off him
but he never does
and whenever you bring it up he always says the same thing
“i would never let you go”
like jeno
loves when you sit on his lap when he’s gaming
it stops him from raging out if he loses or dies so that’s a plus
as are the unlimited kissed and cuddles he gets to give you
and by god he takes advantage of that
peppering kisses all over your face in between levels and stopping just as suddenly
but when he’s done gaming he’ll just sit there cuddling you
you’ve fallen asleep like this many times before
if you sit on his lap he will not be letting go part 2
sit on his lap and you’re stuck there until he says so
and no you are not allowed to disagree or complain
and if you try you better be prepared cause you will get hit with the BIGGEST puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen this boy produce
jaemin needs physical contact of some kind at all times
preferably he would be completely stuck to you but that’s not possible
so he adores the moments when he can be close to you
so having you sit in his lap allows him to wrap his arms around you and pull you into him
it doesn’t matter if you’re facing him or facing away from him
he just wants you sat in his lap so that he can hold you
will probably make sure all the other seats around you have something or someone on them
just so he can say:
“don’t worry y/n you can sit here”
and pull you onto his lap with a smile and kiss
this would probably be very playful between the two of you
like he’ll pull you onto his lap and tickle your sides
he just loves to hear the genuine laughter that it pulls out of you
like the snorts and voice breaks kind of laughter
and he loves that he’s the reason for that
or he’ll pull you in then nuzzle into your neck
moving his nose around and holding you tight so you can’t escape
once again to hear your laughter
chenle is very fond of affection but he rarely takes it serious
he fully believes that laughter is the best medicine
so all his cuddles will result in you laughing in some way or another
whether that’s through corny jokes or tickles he will make you laugh
it’s through these giggles though that you’ll catch him whisper his affections of “i love you”
and it makes the moment even more perfect
he would prefer it if this only happened in private
mostly because you both know you would be subjected to an enormous amount of teasing if it happened around the boys
but he loves cuddles like this
he’ll be sat on the edge of the bed and just pull you onto him
wants you to be facing him so that he can look at your face as well
wrap your legs around him as well and he will just melt
i mean this boy will become putty in your hands
he also tends to completely lose track of time
i mean he could probably live like this if it was possible
he would give literally anything for moments like this to last forever
while he can struggle with physical affection at times
this comes so easily to him
it’s almost become second nature to reach for you and pull you close to him
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silentmoths · 1 year
Some HSR Thirsts
Because I've been fucking star-railed this last week and also I promised @dustofthedailylife that I would write a svarog thirst if she finally pulled welt. so since this exists, you can guess what happened!
Svarog/Yaoshi/Kafka x Reader
NSFW, nothing explicit perse but all very heavily implied, Robot/monsterfucking, does fucking a god cound as monsterfucking?, Svarog is a giant vibrator, Yaoshi and their many hands, also Yaoshi having an aphrodesiac venom in their scorpion tail, maybe a little implied dubcon in kafkas case? I dont...think it is but its there as a warning in case.
Tumblr media
Ok but Svarog, who definitely knows what sex is, of course he does, he has an entire database to access, and lets face it, this man has probably already accessed it when looking up ‘how to parent’ information because at one point or another he’s going to have to give clara ‘the talk’
(no, we wont talk about how his version of the talk is going to be the most embarrassingly clinical talk ever to exist. rest in peace clara.)
But he does not, for the love of anything, understand why you want to have sex…with him.
Nonetheless, he does not stop your hands roaming his chest plates, he doesn’t really stop you from doing… anything really, because… whatever this is  makes you happy, and that’s all he wants. 
He’s confused when you ask him to touch you, but he does it anyway, all while sifting through his databanks to figure out both why and where. 
This is also the day you discover that Svarog has an… interesting vibration function in his hands that he claims was once for easing stiff muscles of his old human commanders before he was abandoned.
Yeah it’ll sure ease you alright.
Admittedly…he does like watching you squirm…it does… something to his servos.
Though, he thinks he may have created a monster, because now every day, without fail…you’re asking him for a hand. 
Perhaps one day, when he has done enough research…he might just reveal that one…extra modification that had been made to him before everything went to shit.
One day he will allow you to delve below his trousers and maybe one day he will use that…modification, to finally give you what you want, since it seems you’re unwilling to find another mortal to fornicate with.
perhaps …clara could do with a mother figure around.
Some say the Aeon Yaoshi, of the Abundance, is a cruel and evil creature.
This does not stop you from seeking Their favour.
However when they finally do appear before you, you get so much more.
Six hands, long and delicate, trailing your skin as they pull you close, unearthly voice whispering in your ear, telling you they’ve heard every prayer, every plead and call for them; how they’ve been watching you all this time, and now they have come to bestow the blessing you’ve been seeking.
But only if you can endure one last trial.
In some depictions you had found, Yaoshi is endowed with a scorpion's tail, so it isn’t a shock when the appendage curls around your body, the tip pricking into your thigh. You feel the warmth of the poison spread through your body and you moan for it. Yaoshi only hums their praise 
Their venom makes you feel warm and fuzzy, it makes their touch intense and vivid, most of all…
it makes you want to give yourself over entirely
You feel hands touch places that have never been touched by another, you feel their teeth and their tongue. You hear their praises.
And then you wake, in your bed. 
At first, you think it was a dream, but then you sit up.
You were naked, your muscles ached, but it was a sweet ache, soft around the edges, and there on your thigh, where they had stung you with their venom…
the symbol of abundance
Soft hands, and an even softer voice, leave you weak in the knees.
“Ready to talk yet?” Kafka muses quietly as she presses a single finger to your collarbone, and you immediately fall back against the table, your arms still bound behind your back. 
You should be struggling. You should be fighting back.
But you’d be lying if you said you weren’t incredibly turned on by the stellaron hunter who had kidnapped you, and was now apparently intent on interrogating you.
“You’ll….have to try harder than that.” you rasp, trying to sound intimidating. 
By the way Kafka’s smile widens ever so slightly, it’s failed completely, and you’re once again left reeling as she approaches, leaning over you like a cat who’s just caught their mouse.
“Will I?” her voice is so soft, and yet so very dangerous as her ruby eyes narrow in on your face “My…are we a little smitten? Your face is all red.” 
Goddamn it.
“I’d never-”
“Oh don’t be so dramatic.” She interjects as she perches on the edge of the table beside where you lay, she shoots you a look…an expression you can’t quite discern for a moment, until you realise her own eyes are raking down your body.
You watch her bring her hand to her mouth, teeth closing around the finger of her glove before pulling the offending article off; your heart is jackrabbiting in your chest.
“I think…” she hums as she leans back over you, magenta hair falling between you both like a waterfall. This was dangerous, so very dangerous.
But the moment her hand presses against your belly, and slowly begins its slow gaze downward, pressing shamelessly beneath the waistband of your bottoms? You’re a goner.
“I think I have other ways to make you sing that we’ll both enjoy…don't you think?”
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @rjssierjrie @crystalflygeo @angel-of-requiem @asoulsreverie @zomzomb1e Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
I will be starting a Starrail specific taglist shortly so if you want in on that let me know!
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piratekane · 2 months
(post-3x05 kacy scene)
Warm fingertips press down against the thin skin on the inside of her wrist, a melody she knows that she knows but can’t quite place in the early grey of the morning, the sun rising, muted, through the low clouds outside the window. She was asleep a minute ago and there’s a dream quickly fading away as her eyes open slowly and the room shifts into focus.
“Morning,” Kate whispers, still sunken in her pillow.
“G’morning.” Lucy pulls the words from the back of her throat like she’s pulling cotton from a cattail. “Time s’it?”
Kate doesn’t roll over to check her phone. “Early,” she guesses. “Too early for our day off.”
A day off. A present for her jungle excursion, courtesy of Tennant. A whole day to let her body come down from the high of being chased through thick vegetation with a life hanging delicately in her hands. Lucy lets her eyes close again and sinks back into her pillow. She goes back to focusing on Kate’s fingers looped carefully around the wrist between them. Tap, tap, taptap. Tap, tap. A song, then. One that she knows but can’t quite place.
“Is that Boot Scootin Boogie?”
Kate exhales a short laugh. “Taylor Swift.”
“Who else would it be?” Lucy feels the bed shift as Kate slides a little closer. She can feel the soft heat coming off Kate’s bare arms and wants to reach for it, pull it back over her, close her eyes and slip back into sleep for just a little bit longer.
It was a long day yesterday, her nerves pulled to their breaking point. When she stepped over the threshold to their apartment, the weight she had been working so hard to push off came crashing down on her. She doesn’t remember tasting the pizza Kate ordered, doesn’t remember picking Love is Blind on the TV or queuing up where they left off. She doesn’t remember brushing her teeth or turning out the light.
She does remember Kate’s body warm behind her on the couch, her own body pressed to Kate’s front as they sat wrapped up in each other. She remembers Kate’s arms and how they wrapped low around her waist in bed and held her tightly. She remembers soft lips to her bare shoulder and I love you against her skin as she let the exhaustion take over.
She remembers the Kate of it all, the steady and warm and loving presence she’s come to need like oxygen in her lungs. She remembers the overwhelming feeling of love—one she thought she’d never find in a million years.
“I could sleep another hundred hours,” she admits, eyes still closed.
She feels Kate’s smile against the back of her hand. “You can. We have nothing planned today.”
The thought is so tempting. She could pull Kate’s arms around her, drape them over her like the light comforter they’re sharing, and let herself sink back into sleep. It’s not too far off; she could reach for it and be asleep in moments.
But Kate is awake and tapping out a Taylor Swift song against her pulse point and that usually means banana pancakes and a Golden Girls marathon and pressing Kate against the counter edge and kissing her until either their lungs start to burn or the pancakes start to smoke. Lucy loves those mornings and the way Kate tastes like the bites of bananas she snuck before mixing them into the batter.
“Did I dream yesterday?”
“Only if we were having the same nightmare.” Kate’s free hand pushes back some of Lucy’s hair. “Otherwise, it was real.”
Lucy slides her foot forward, curling her ankle around Kate’s calf. “I thought so.” She opens one eye, studying Kate’s profile. She’s committed it to memory by now. “I feel like a truck ran me over.”
“It did,” Kate murmurs. “That very much happened.”
Lucy sighs. Yesterday wasn’t a dream. She can see it vividly in her mind and she closes her eyes against it again, trying to fill it with Kate—Kate so close and so warm.
“I’m not ready to talk yet,” she admits. She isn’t. She can’t. She’s still working through her family in her own mind; she can’t possibly put into words what they’re like and what they’ve done to her and to each other.
“We don’t have to talk.” Kate’s voice is soft and genuine and Lucy thinks again—again and again—how lucky she is. “We can just lay here. We don’t have to do anything at all.”
Lucy knows Kate isn’t lying. She knows Kate won’t push and she won’t prod and she’ll let Lucy set the pace for when and where and how. And it sounds perfect—a whole day in bed with Kate and their bodies pressed close together, hidden away from the world.
But someone told her to live her life yesterday. Someone who had the courage to throw theirs to the wind and start over from scratch. Someone who proved that there are still good people in the world who want to do what’s right for the sake of doing the right thing. And even if she can’t talk about it yet, even if she’s not ready to unlock the ugly parts of her past and lay them out on the table, she’s not going to lay in bed all day and let the world just pass her by.
“No.” She opens both eyes, staring deeply into Kate’s brown ones. “Let’s get up. We can make pancakes.”
“Banana or blueberry?”
“Both,” she says, feeling greedy and not caring. “And bacon. And toast. And—“
Kate laughs. “Okay. Remember we can only eat so much.”
“I can eat so much. I’m from—“
“Texas, yes.” Kate laughs again and leans in, kissing Lucy softly and pulling away too soon.
Lucy thinks about chasing her, pressing her deep into the mattress and not stopping until she has to come up for air. But she settles on letting Kate pull away and slide out of bed, pulling her hair up into a ponytail that exposes the long line of her neck. In her thin tank top and her soft shorts, no one has ever looked more beautiful than Kate does right now.
Lucy may be holding some things back, may be keeping some things close to the vest, but this? This she wants to scream from the rooftops. This she wants everyone to know. This she wants to tell Kate.
“I love you.”
Kate looks back over her shoulder, a smile on her face that threatens to break through the grey clouds outside their window. “I love you too.”
Live your life, Lucy Tara.
Lucy smiles as she gets up and stretches her arms above her head, feeling the tension break in her shoulders. She is going to live her life. She’s going to take every moment and hold it tightly in her hands. She’s going to love Kate with every part of her that’s capable of it and when she’s ready she’ll tell Kate everything she wants to know.
Lucy looks up. “Hmm?”
“I said, we can make toast too. If you want.”
She thinks about it for a moment before she smiles. “Life is too short to skip the toast.”
Kate rolls her eyes, pulling the sheet back up on the bed. “Where did you read that?”
“That’s a Lucy Tara quote, free of charge.” She winks when Kate laughs and scrubs her hair back off her neck into a bun. “There’s more where those came from, by the way.”
“Lucky me,” Kate grumbles, still smiling.
“Yeah,” Lucy says softly. “Lucky you.” She holds Kate’s eyes for a moment. “Lucky us.”
Kate’s smile slips into shy before she clears her throat and gives the neatly-made bed one last pat. “Lucky us,” she echoes. She slips out of the bedroom and heads towards the kitchen, humming something under her breath.
Lucy watches her walk away and thinks: this is a good life. This is a life worth living.
She follows Kate.
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luxaofhesperides · 2 months
Wait wait wait, can there be more written about the one with Duke going on college tours with Danny??? If it's not too late?!??
(part one)
Danny’s been in love with Duke for years now. It’s always been kept a closely guarded secret, buried under as many wraps as he could get it. He tried to chase after other fleeting crushes in the hopes of moving on from his feelings for Duke, sure that they were never going to go anywhere.
How could they, when they lived states apart? 
The Danny back then would have never believed that he would one day be waking up in Duke’s arms in a hotel far away from home, traveling around the country to figure out a future together. 
Or rather, planning their own futures by each other’s sides, rather than planning to be together throughout college. Danny knows they’ll be spending even more years apart, chasing after their dreams, but it’s a gift just to a a summer together again. So what if it leads them to living on opposite sides of the country? They’ve managed to survive a long distance friendship for this long, they can keep it up for another few years.
And if it comes to it, Danny can just fly to wherever Duke is. He’s only gotten faster over the years, settling into his powers and practicing them so often. 
The future is daunting, but all his nerves are chased away by Duke’s smiles. 
“Can’t believe we’re almost done,” Duke says as they get settled at a restaurant in Massachusetts. They’re both tired, but the giddiness of getting together, of knowing their feelings are requited, keeps them energized and happy despite the long drive across state lines. 
“One state left, yeah?”
“Yeah, and I got Harvard first on the list so we can visit Jazz.”
“You’re the best,” Danny grins, stretching his legs out under the table to lightly knock his foot against Duke’s. 
This entire trip has felt like a daydream to him. It’s one thing being able to travel around the country with Duke, but to be able to kiss him wherever they go? Even now, two weeks later, Danny can’t believe how happy he is.
It makes the uncertainty of his future less scary. It helps distract him from how much he wants to escape his parents, despite how much he loves them.
Their conversation comes to a brief pause as a waiter comes by to take their order, writing everything down before hurrying away to keep up with the rush of activity in the semi-busy restaurant. 
“Oh,” Danny says, suddenly remembering the third person in their group, “Is Peter going to be joining us?” 
Peter, Duke’s chaperones, is odd but funny. He disappears and reappears like a magician, always carries a gun on him, and treats Duke like a little brother the rare moments he’s around. He’s mostly only been with them to act as transport, driving them around from university to university. 
Duke’s face does something strange when he hears Peter’s name, but it’s gone before Danny can figure out what that’s all about.
“Nah,” he answers, “He’s off doing his own thing. You’ve seen how he likes to follow his own plans.”
“So I guess we’re stopping here for the day?”
“Yeah. I’m sure we can find somewhere nice to spend the night, and until then we can explore—” Duke takes a quick moment to check the name of the town they’re in, helpfully stated on the restaurant’s wall of five star reviews “—Baldwinville. I’m sure there’s something for us to do around here.”
“I mean, we don’t have to do anything special, you know. I’d be happy to just to spend the day with you.”
Duke smiles softly, reaching over the table to take hold of Danny’s hand. “I’d like that too. Maybe we should just take some time and explore the place together. Have a relaxing day before we head to Cambridge.”
“That’ll be nice. I feel like it’s been forever since I had a quiet day.”
“Same!” Duke laughs. “Gotham’s wild, man. Did I ever tell you the story of having a barbeque with Killer Croc?”
“No! I can’t believe you kept that from me!”
Duke launches into the story as if it’s any other day, just the two of them hanging out. Danny’s enraptured as he always is when Duke shares his Gotham Stories. He doesn’t falter even when their food is brought out, and Danny tries not to blush too hard when Duke feeds Danny some of his meal, just so he can try it. 
There’s a reason Danny sometimes daydreams about what his wedding with Duke will look like, and it’s because of this.
But that’s getting way ahead of himself! He shoves the thoughts away and focuses on the story, enjoying their lunch together. 
Duke pays when they’re done, as has become routine; Danny had fought him about the first few times before Duke told him that it was all ‘Bruce fucking Wayne’s money so they don’t need to worry about costs.’ It’s a gift from the man himself to Duke, and rejecting it would be rude. 
That hit Danny right in his midwestern politeness and he could do nothing but let it happen, already planning thank you gifts for Bruce Wayne. 
They walk out into the quiet streets of Baldwinville, hand in hand. Summer has the air humid and full of buzzing insects, and the sweet scent of flowers surrounds them as they head down the sidewalk, idly looking into the display windows of each store they pass. The buildings are old, mostly made of brick, and carry a charm that’s lacking in the urban sprawl of Amity Park.
He likes it here. 
Honestly, he’s been liking a lot of what he’s seen in Massachusetts. 
He wouldn’t mind spending a few years here as he gets his Bachelor’s degree. Of course, it all depends on if he gets into the colleges of his choice, but he’s feeling hopeful about his future. He’s worked hard to bring his GPA up after his freshman year, and his ability to juggle and extreme workload has made him a master at getting things done before deadlines and adapting to things at the last minute. 
Danny idly swings their clasped hands between them as they walk, savoring the time they have together. 
The end of their summer trip is creeping up on them and Danny can feel the distance between them start to pull tight. 
They don’t speak until they wander into a park, just a large grassy field filled with wildflowers and bees. There are a few benches placed beneath large trees and Duke leads them over to it to take advantage of the offered shade.
“I can’t believe we’re almost done,” Duke says, sitting down with a sigh. He tugs Danny down after him, and Danny goes willingly. He swings his legs up to drop them across Duke’s lap, leaning against him, his heart fluttering when Duke gets a hand around his thigh to keep him in place. 
“I don’t want this summer to end,” Danny admits. “I’m not ready to leave you again.”
“Hey, we’ll figure it out. I’m not going to be away from you any longer than I have to.”
Danny can’t resist the urge to lean over and kiss him, so he doesn’t. Duke meets him with a smile, keeping the kiss slow and sweet, though the way his hand skates up Danny’s thigh sends molten heat through his veins.
He pulls back before they can escalate any further (one time in public was enough; he’s still embarrassed by it and can’t look Peter in the eyes) and leans his head against Duke’s shoulder. “It would be nice if we could live together.”
“Planning out our future already? Well, in that case, I want a dog and a pet snake.”
“Why a pet snake?”
“Just feel like it.”
“A dog would be nice,” Danny says, “As long as it gets along with Cujo. Not sure about the snake, but if you can take care of it, I’d be fine with having it around.”
“Think you’d ever live in Gotham?”
Danny considers, then shrugs. “Maybe. I dunno, it sounds like a lot and I already dealt with so much just with the ghosts in Amity Park. But I don’t think I’d mind if I was with you.”
The smile that crosses Duke’s face is soft and Danny wants to see it all the time. He loves when Duke gets flustered; Danny just turns red and shy, but Duke becomes soft and adoring in a way that makes Danny feel like he’s holding sunlight, all warm and happy.
“We’re getting ahead of ourselves,” Duke says, not yet able to bite back his smile. “Now that we’ve visited most of the places on our list, do you know which ones you’re going to apply to?”
“I’ve got a few ideas,” Danny answers. He’s been thinking about where he wants to go since summer started and he left school with Mr. Lancer reminder everyone to think about college and preparing their applications. 
It’s been a topic that’s never left his mind since for the past couple months, wondering about what the future holds for him. He honestly never thought he’s get this far, having died at 14 and struggled to adapt to how his life changed after. But he’s gotten back on track with school, has a handle on the ghosts, and the support of his parents to go anywhere he wants. 
For so long he’s been stuck in the routine of school, fight, struggle. There was never any time for anything else, much less planning for the future, and now it’s hanging heavy over his head. 
At least he gets to be with Duke as he figures things out. It’s like going back to their childhood, spending summers together, but they’re both grown up now, walking ever closer to the next stages of their lives. 
He’d love to get into MIT, but he knows the chances of being accepted are insanely low. He’ll apply anyways, just in case, but Danny’s prepared to go somewhere else. Maybe somewhere else in Massachusets. Or maybe go to New York. 
“I really liked the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. If I get in, I think I’m gonna go there,” Danny says, putting his hopes for the future into words.  
“Yeah? I think I might try to get into a college up here too,” Duke replies. “If things work out, we won’t be so far from each other.”
“And even if we do end up far away again, we can make long distance work. Right?”
There’s a worry in the back of his mind that Duke won’t like a long distance relationship, that he’ll be off in college falling in love with someone else, but there’s barely a second before Duke says, “Of course,” as though it’s obvious. Like he hadn’t considered any other option. 
Danny’s heart settles and he shoves away the rest of his general anxieties. There’s no time for that now! 
He intends to enjoy the rest of his summer trip with Duke to the fullest extent possible, which means all of that is a problem for Future Danny.
“Should we go find Peter? We’ll need to figure out where we’re staying tonight.”
“I think we can go a few more hours to a bigger town,” Duke says, “Not that this place isn’t nice, it’s just too quiet. It’s weird.”
“Alright, city boy,” Danny says, standing up from the bench. He pulls Duke up after him, leaning over to kiss the exaggerated offended expression off his face. It’s not like he’s wrong, anyways; Gotham is a big city, and Duke is an urban boy through and through, especially compared to Danny, who comes from a large town and has family living in reclusive rural Appalachia.
“Small towner,” Duke returns, nipping lightly at Danny’s bottom lip and laughing when he squeaks in surprise.
He pulls away before Danny can retaliate, and Danny lets him go, saving his revenge for after they get to their next hotel. 
Their time together is coming to an end soon, and as much as the future terrifies and excites him in equal measure, knowing Duke will be with him, one way or another, gives him the courage to keep going.
He hopes Jazz will be happy that Duke’s dating him now. He’s already hoping to ask her to be a bridesmaid for him.
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
Time and Night Endless have a problem. Their darling son Dream has been dating a man completely not of their class, a shameless and uncouth ruffian, by the name of Hob Gadling. While they did make their disapproval known, they were inclined to leave it at that, as surely this was merely a rebellious phase on Dream’s part; at some point he would come to his senses, end the relationship, and settle down with someone more suitable.
Except they have heard through the family grapevine that not only has Dream not come to his senses, but he is in fact planning on proposing to the dreadful man. That he has in fact purchased a ring already! Clearly something must be done.
They arrange a private meeting with Hob and offer him fifty-thousand pounds to break up with their son before the proposal, preferably publicly enough that they can be sure he did it, and so it decreases the likelihood of reconciliation.
Hob only hesitates for a moment before agreeing.
Time and Night walk away from the meeting feeling incredibly smug that they’ve saved their dear son from an inappropriate relationship with a blatant gold digger.
Hob walks away from the meeting pulling out his phone to call Dream. “Hey love, how would you like to con your parents out of a shit ton of money?”
Three days later, Dream and Hob have a giant blow-up fight in the middle of a friendly gathering—Desire was there filming the whole thing and had gleefully uploaded it to every social media platform they have, so the Endless parents can see for themselves. It’s pretty ugly: there’s accusations of cheating, loud negative allusions to their sex life, Dream even throws in a “my mother was right about you” for good measure. It’s a goddamn disaster of a shouting match that ends in the world's messiest breakup.
Time and Night would be horrified by the scandal if they weren’t so pleased with the results. Hob Gadling may not be an acceptable partner for one of their children, but at least he certainly does deliver. They wire the money to him with absolutely no remorse, considering it money well-spent.
A week later, a new video is uploaded to Hob and Dream’s social media accounts: the two of them side-by-side, leaning into each other's touch like love-drunk teenagers, fingers entwined and sporting beautiful engagement rings, as they announce their reconciliation and engagement.
“Communication has always been the key to a successful relationship, and all we really needed to do was sit down and talk to each other like adults. Any issues we may have had have been resolved, and if it weren't for the people close to us who didn't want to see us fall apart, we might not be here today,” Hob says, grinning ear to ear. 
“I would particularly like to offer my greatest, most heartfelt thanks for our upcoming marriage to my parents,” Dream says with an evil glint in his eye. “They not only engineered our reconciliation, they selflessly gave fifty-thousand pounds of their own money to help pay for the wedding and honeymoon. We can't thank them for their kindness and support enough.”
Hob then grabs his fiance and dips him before kissing the life out of him, and that’s where the video ends.
Night faints and Time breaks a priceless vase.
(Desire also gleefully shares this video on the same platforms as the first one, and helpfully tags their parents with it to boot. It was actually fun scheming with their brother for the first time in a long time, and they may or may not be planning to stitch the two videos together into a small tasteful movie as a wedding present (and perhaps providing a copy to their parents as well))
I love the "evil parent offers main character a lot of money to break up with love interest" vibe. Whatever happens you just KNOW its going to end badly for the parents!
And really, they should have known better. Hob is a shameless ruffian and an experienced conman, OF COURSE he was going to pull some kind of trick. He's actually really pleased because he was worried that Dream wouldn't get his perfect wedding, because Hob’s meagre salary won't stretch to a big budget. With the "generous contribution" from mum and dad, Dream can make his gorgeous goth wedding fantasies a reality.
Dream has an amazing time at the fittings for all the wedding outfits, and Desire even has a hand in designing the most gorgeous jumpsuit for Dream to wear at the reception. They're totally invested in this wedding and keep feeding Dream and Hob information about their parents latest plans to sabotage the big day. This leads to Dream getting in touch with their estranged younger brother, who is thrilled to a) be invited to the wedding and b) provide security on the big day! He's built like a brick wall so no attempted shenanigans will get past him.
There won't be any trouble at the wedding, anyway. Hob has a few of his old pals on the job, and they will make sure that the Endless parents are tragically prevented from reaching the venue on time. So sad. Its okay though, because Desire will be putting together a beautiful wedding movie for everyone to watch after the honeymoon!
When asked by their society friends about their new son in law, Night and Time will grit their teeth and smile. He's a very... resourceful man. Not what they'd imagined for Dream, but he seems happy enough. And there was a prenup, so it can't be that bad if (hopefully when) they get a divorce.
Yeah.......they're never getting a divorce!
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tothemeadow · 2 years
can you make a dream of mine come true? its where the trio are on a mission during the mission they get hit with a lust demon art. when they are done with the mission they are drooling for y/n. they all want you at the same time. and you need to try to treat them without them killing you.
goddamn anonnie this is so TASTY 😫
'three's a crowd' / Kamaboko Trio x Reader
warnings: NSFW, mild gore, mild dubcon, oral sex, fingering, handjobs, three on one action, all the fuggin mayonaise
words: 3,961
notes: aged up characters, AFAB reader/female bits, they/their pronouns
“Continue west! West! Almost there!” the Kasugai squawks overhead.
“We get it, you damn crow!” Inosuke yells back. “I oughta cook you already!”
“Inosuke,” Tanjiro quips, “focus.”
Grumbling, Inosuke ceases his verbal attack at the bird and turns his attention to the path before him. Zenitsu, on the other hand, snickers to himself.
Once again, the three make their way to whatever destination calls them; demons are everywhere, ready to pounce at any time. One must keep moving if they’re part of the corps. This time, though, rather than going single, Tanjiro’s Kasugai crow collected the three of them, informing the trio of a rampant demon terrorizing a town and its surroundings.
It wouldn’t be the first (or last) time that a demon goes on mass killing sprees, but to have so many victims in a short amount of time… It’s troubling, to say the least. Knowing that it’s eating more than well is enough to raise concerns, and it would be a foolish decision to let a single person walk towards their death. Having three people should make the task easier – hopefully.
They’ve discussed what little details fellow crows managed to compile – all the victims seem to be male, none of them dropping under the age of 16. Other than that, well… that’s for the trio to figure out.
Before too long, the crow gives a final squawk and takes an abrupt turn, soaring away from the group. Up ahead, silhouettes of houses break through the expanse of orange sky. At long last, they’ve finally made it to their destination. However, as the sun continues to set and night creeps closer, they’ll have to come with a plan – and fast.
“Kamado Tanjiro!” another Kasugai crow calls out.
The three look to the sky as the crow flies towards them from the direction of the town.
“Waiting for you, yes! Preparations are underway!”
“Guys, hey! Over here!” another new voice shouts.
On the outskirts of town, you wave the other three down, your free hand cupping the side of your mouth. The Kasugai crow circles back around and heads back towards you, seemingly leading the way. The three boys slow their running to a jog as they come closer to you, surprise written on their faces. As far as they were concerned, nobody else was assigned to this mission.
Tanjiro calls out your name as they draw even closer still, a smile spreading itself across his face. “What are you doing here?”
“Backup, apparently,” you say without missing a beat. “I was nearby when I was summoned.”
Zenitsu, appearing absolutely ecstatic to see you, hastily cuts the others off before they have a chance to speak. “It’s great to see you,” he gushes, face heating up. “How have you been?”
Inosuke makes a gagging noise. You can’t see his face beneath the mask, but you can tell its scrunched up in disgust. “Can you not think with your dick for once?”
Zenitsu impatiently swats at him, his ponytail swinging from the sheer force of the movement. “Says you, you muscle-brained idiot! You’re the one who humps tree hollows when no one’s looking!”
Tanjiro facepalms.
Surprisingly, you laugh. “It’s good to see that you boys haven’t changed much.” The mirth disappears from your face as your expression darkens. “Still… You’ve been updated as to what’s been going on lately, right?”
Nodding, Tanjiro steps another closer to you, ignoring the bickering two behind him. “Disappearances, yeah. Any bodies been found?”
“That’s not what I’m quite sure of yet. If the demon doesn’t have some sort of domain they can pull their prey into, they must be directing the men to some lair.”
Hearing you specifically say men makes a shiver run down Tanjiro’s spine. Hell, if anything goes wrong, his friends – himself included – could be in big, big trouble.
You continue. “It’s odd that they’re targeting such a select group of people. Do you think it could be a female demon?”
“I wouldn’t push away the thought, although it’s not the exact reason yet.”
“I say we use this dumbass as bait,” Zenitsu snips. He squeals as Inosuke takes him in a headlock.
“Whatever it is we’re dealing with, I wanna kill it!” Inosuke exclaims in his ever so charming brash way of his. He cackles, his thick arms squeezing tighter around Zenitsu’s neck.
“Night’s approaching. Come on, we’ve got to get ready,” you say. You snap your fingers at Inosuke. “Let him go. He’s not going to be much use to us if you kill him, no?”
Grumbling, Inosuke does as told and finally lets Zenitsu go. Zenitsu collapses onto his knees, sputtering and clutching at his throat. “You… asshole…!”
“You’ve… got to be kidding me.”
The cavern is relatively 6 meters wide, 10 meters tall; it’s not deep, rather a shallow divot in the forest walls amongst the rocks piling into a mountain. What’s surprising, though, is the number of bodies hanging from the ceiling. Bodies is a pretty giving word – you meant to say skeletons.
Each of them is upside down, arms extended past their heads. The bones are picked nearly clean, their white sheen telling you that they’re relatively fresh. The cavern doesn’t smell of spoiled meat or blood, so it most likely means that the demon at hand stripped them bare before attaching them to the roof of the cave.
To your side, Zenitsu shakes, bottom lip quivering in a way that seems like it’s vibrating. His knees clack together as a pathetic whimper escapes his throat.
Inosuke scratches the back of his head. “At least they’re not suffering, right?”
“Inosuke,” Tanjiro snaps.
“It has to be nearby,” you interject, quickly discouraging any potential argument. “Demons just don’t leave their… collection out for anyone to grab.”
Zenitsu hastily shakes his head. “Hell no. I’m not sticking around long enough to find out!”
“WhY nOt?”
Zenitsu screams; he leaps into your arms, hands linking together behind your neck. Within a few paces from his previous spot, a grotesque demon stares at your group, head cocked at an unnatural angle. Black, stringy hair falls in its face, its eyes nothing more than empty sockets. The body resembles a mantis, the prickles on its forearms dripping with what you presume is a poison.
How fun.
The demon’s lips draw back in a snarl, jagged teeth gleaming in the low light. It seems to be glaring right at you. “LeT hIm Go.” The voice is no better than dragging nails down a chalkboard. You can’t help but wince.
If this thing is going to try to kill you, it wouldn’t hurt to ask for some basic information, no? Shifting your weight, you turn so that Zenitsu is sheltered behind you, your chin tucked over your shoulder. “And why would I do that exactly, hmm? It doesn’t seem like you’re very hospitable to your guests.”
“Please just tell us,” Tanjiro’s voice rings out, yet it sounds muffled. Looking over, you’re met with the sight of him clutching a hand over his nose, expression scrunched in disgust. Instinctively, you whiff at the air, but there’s nothing worth noting. Odd.
The demon’s face jerks in Tanjiro’s direction. “MaLe. NiNeTeEn. DeLiCiOuS.”
You huff. “What about me?” If your previous hypothesis is correct, then the demon should show a preference for the guys in your group…
Once again, the demon snarls at you. “FeMaLe.”
“Inosuke, now!” you yell.
The demon swivels its head around just in time to see Inosuke leaping at it, dual blades extending in graceful arcs towards its neck. It screeches as it barely dodges, the sharp, uneven edges catching the flesh of its jugular. Blood spews from the wound, a blackish red that is far from a human’s.
Setting Zenitsu down (he’s already passed out, who knew?) you draw your own blade. Tanjiro’s already ahead of you, charging at the demon at a speed naked to the untrained eye. Soon, the three men and you are taking turns swinging at the demon’s fleshy neck, attacks bouncing off each other in a dizzying rhythm. Blood and poison fly in fat droplets each time a hit lands; whether either is harmful, you don’t know. Blood already speckles your face and uniform, yet you don’t feel any pain or discomfort.
The fight continues into the wee hours of the night; it’s been a while since the fight left the cave, migrating into the woods instead. While your group makes use of the branches and the sturdy trunks, the demon does the same. A sweep of the hind legs sends you flying, your body crashing through the surrounding branches and other foliage. A sharp gasp breaks free as your spine makes contact with the rough bark of a tree. Your vision swims, but the bloodcurdling scream emitting from the demon has your ears perking and hairs standing on end.
As your vision clears, silence sets in. It’s still a few hours before dawn cracks and the forest properly wakes up. The usual trill of bugs fills the atmosphere, broken by the slight haggard breath here and there. With a groan, you draw yourself to a stand and waddle over to where the other three stand. Your blade slips into your sheath with a clean schlink – the sound of a job well done.
“Is everyone alright?” you croak. Thankfully, your eyes have long adjusted to the near nonexistent lighting, so you’re able to locate the others fairly well.
Inosuke grumbles and promptly throws himself onto the ground, limbs spread eagle. Zenitsu is sitting against a tree, his head cradled in his hands. Neither reaction is cause for concern (not usually, anyway), but Tanjiro… Tanjiro looks ill. You notice his nostrils flare whenever you draw closer.
“Fucking hell!” Inosuke yells. “Can’t you say anything else than his name for once?”
Your brows furrow together. “Inosuke, what are you going on about now?”
Zenitsu groans from his spot.
Gods, are all of them sick? Did the demon’s poison have more of an effect than you originally thought?
Slowly, Zenitsu picks himself off the ground and shuffles over. His arms sling themselves around you again, but it’s different than before. His touch feels different. You jump in place as he buries his face in the crook of your neck and inhales deeply.
“Oi! You son of a bitch!” Inosuke yells again. Foliage and twigs crunch under him as he scrambles to get up, entire body flexing angrily as he reaches for Zenitsu. “Off!”
You send a pleading look towards Tanjiro. Surely he would have an idea of what’s going on, right?
Still, Tanjiro refuses to say anything. His eyes are glued to yours, his jaw slack. He hastily wipes at his gaping lips and chin, yet it does nothing to hide the sheen of saliva sticking to his skin. A soft thunk brings your attention back to the two crowding around you; Inosuke has abandoned his boar head, the poor thing looking almost lonely on the ground. He openly lavishes your neck, tongue licking fat stripes against the skin.
A firm shove to the chest sends Inosuke falling straight onto his ass. You cup the side of your neck, completely scandalized. He doesn’t seem deterred by your rejection – if anything, it makes his eyes glow hungrily through the dark, a small growl rumbling in his throat.
Something hard pokes into your hip. You flash a wild look at Zenitsu. He merely looks back at you with a pleading gaze, his bottom lip tucked behind his teeth.
You swallow heavily. “Guys,” you start slowly, carefully, “we can get you to a Wisteria House or the Butterfly Mansion. I need you to keep your heads on straight. Breathe.”
“Please,” Zenitsu murmurs.
Just like with Inosuke, you shove Zenitsu away. However, instead of staying there and lecturing them, you abruptly turn on your heel and run. It’s a ridiculous idea, you’re well aware of that, but the more distance you put between yourself and the three men, the better. Whatever was in that demon’s poison, it’s clearly messing with their psyches. You need time to think up a plan – and fast.
Trees fly by in a hazy blur as you make your escape. As you scale up a trunk, you hear not-so-distant shouts of your name echoing. From there, you jump from limb to limb, movements sleek and well-practiced. When was the last time you were chased like this? It had to have been a few years, at least, not since you were a fresh corps member.
It hits you before you see it; the sheer force of the collision rips the air from your lungs. Flashes of yellow fill your peripheral and a panicked word rings throughout your brain. Thunder.
Fortunately, Zenitsu has enough sense not to let you fall to the forest floor. He lands squarely on his feet with you held tightly in his arms. Both Tanjiro and Inosuke appear not a second later, and it’s only then that you realize that they’re all drenched in sweat.
Tanjiro says your name; he sounds pained, yet sweet. Guilt swims in the depths of his eyes, but another emotion lays over it heavily. It’s a look you’ve seen in Tengen’s eyes when he’s with his wives, or when Obanai is staring longingly at Mitsuri. You begin to squirm in Zenitsu’s hold, but his arms only tighten around you.
It’s hard to say who attacks first. One moment, you’re watching Tanjiro with a bated breath; the next, you’re on your back, staring up at three different faces. There’s a pair of rough hands tugging away at your haori, the buttons of your uniform. Goosebumps erupt over your skin once cool air caresses it, but then those very hands are fondling your breasts.
“Wait- No-“ you stammer.
A squeak breaks from your throat as your nipples are yanked on, calloused thumbs rolling them into stiff peaks. Zenitsu swears under his breath, his eyes glued to your chest. Inosuke looks just as lost, his gaze a million miles away. Tanjiro flashes you a timid smile.
“Please, just… Bear with us,” he tells you. Leaning down, he skims his lips against your temple. He breathes your name. “We’ll take care of you. I promise.”
A mouth latches around a nipple, eliciting a sharp breath from you. “What… What happened to you guys…?”
“That damned demon sprayed something at us,” Inosuke slurs. It sounds like his mouth is full.
Zenitsu promptly pushes Tanjiro’s head away and descends, his lips capturing yours. Your mind stalls as he pushes his tongue inside, a moan following soon after. You’re aware of Zenitsu’s stories of “wooing” women (to which degree you believe him is relatively low) and his general berating of Tanjiro and Inosuke’s lack of skills, but this… Well, it appears that he lives up to those stories.
You never thought you’d catch yourself kissing Zenitsu (if tongue and teeth equal as such) but it feels good. Still, this is wrong. These boys are your friends, and they’re under the influence of some Demon Art. That itself is odd, considering the effects of one die off as soon as the demon is killed. This poison had to be of some outside nature; possibly a concoction that the demon created itself?
Tanjiro busies himself with stroking your hair and the skin he can reach. He’s steadily breathing in your scent, little murmurs of appreciation and groans filling your ear. Inosuke suckles on your breast, teeth gnawing on your nipple until it’s flushed and swollen. Your lips are in a similar state once Zenitsu finally pulls away.
“I want to eat you,” Zenitsu says. The wicked flicker in his eyes tells you that he’s being completely serious.
You shuffle to sit up, but Tanjiro pushes you back down by your shoulders, smile apologetic but eyes the same as Zenitsu’s. “Wait, wait, wait- You’re not going to kill me, are you?”
“I get why that bastard strung all those guys up,” Inosuke grunts.
Your eyes go wide.
A silent agreement passes between the three and there goes Zenitsu’s hands again, undoing your belt and yanking your hakama down. Tanjiro hisses at the scent of your gathering arousal; it’s clear that your traitorous body enjoyed their attention a bit too much. Your fundoshi gets pealed away and your thighs instinctively clench together, wanting to hide your precious core from their hungry eyes.
“Open up,” Zenitsu breathes. He wiggles his way in between your legs and pries your thighs apart. Three sets of eyes focus on your puffy lower lips, at the sheen of arousal coating them. Embarrassment floods your face. “Beautiful,” Zenitsu openly moans.
You’re left completely speechless as Zenitsu ducks down, mouth latching onto your pussy. With a jolt, you shout his name, heart beating furiously against your ribcage. You’re genuinely worried it’ll try leaping from your chest and run away into the night. It takes a moment for your brain to catch up with what’s exactly happening; Zenitsu laps at your insides with purposeful movements, his nose held stiff to your clit.
“Move over,” Inosuke barks. He grabs a hold of Zenitsu’s haori and yanks him away, quickly taking his spot and raking his teeth against your sensitive flesh. You try to jerk away from him, but he wraps his strong arms around your thighs, holding you in place as he works you open with his tongue. He’s not as skilled as Zenitsu, but he makes it up with sheer enthusiasm.
Tanjiro takes your hand in his, his lips skimming your knuckles. It’s comforting, but you know he’s going to be wanting something from you as well. He directs your hand to his crotch; something hot meets your hand and Tanjiro shudders. Your eyes drop from his face, the sight of your fingers wrapped around his heavy cock causing something to stir in your gut.
Inosuke groans as your slick pours into his mouth, his hips pressed firmly to the ground. Zenitsu follows in Tanjiro’s footsteps and comes to your other side; your hand soon finds his own cock, precum leaking from the flushed tip.
Shit, this is really happening. If you go through with this, will the poison’s effects wear off? Will you be able to look at the trio the same ever again?
You tentatively squeeze both cocks and the delightful sound of deep groans fill your ears.
All doubts disappear.
Frankly, you’re not even sure how you’re supposed to go about this, but you still give it your best shot. The precum oozing from their cockheads make the slide of your hands easier, much to their satisfaction. Inosuke’s mouth is still hot on your drooling pussy, his eyes fixated on your parted lips and hooded eyes. Plush lips latch around your clit as two fingers breach your fluttering hole; a whorish moan erupts from your lips, and the cocks in either hand twitch at the sound.
“Make them cum,” Zenitsu tells Inosuke. “Gods dammit, Inosuke, make them cum.”
You aren’t sure if it’s his filthy words, Inosuke’s mouth, or the precum coating your hands, but that tight little knot in your lower stomach snaps and then you’re practically gushing all over Inosuke’s fingers. Wicked panting fills the air as Inosuke sits up, his pupils blown to hell.
“I want it,” he growls, his fingers digging into the muscle of your thigh.
Tanjiro speaks your name again, sounding absolutely wrecked. “Can you- Do you think you can take us all at once?”
Your pussy flutters at his words. You never thought you’d hear Tanjiro, sweet, sweet Tanjiro, say something so filthy. It suddenly feels too hard to swallow correctly. “H-How?” You hate how your voice cracks.
“Winner gets their mouth,” Zenitsu husks.
Much to your surprise, the three engage in some oddly horny round of rock-paper-scissors. You’ve got be fucking kidding me.
Tanjiro makes a sound of excitement when he wins. How he manages to still be so precious at a time like this is beyond you. Still, you let the guys rearrange your positions into something more… workable. Now, your knees are digging into the ground below you, haunches tucked below as you stare up at the other three. Zenitsu licks his lips as he slowly grinds his aching cock into your fist. Inosuke doesn’t seem too pleased at losing to Tanjiro of all people, but he is pleased that your hand is stroking his thick cock.
Tanjiro’s face is scrunched. Although his cock is thick and flushed a pretty shade of red, hesitation still pulls at him. Zenitsu notices his inner turmoil and brings a hand to the back of your head.
“Pretty thing, open your mouth nice and wide, okay? Make sure your teeth are covered,” he urges.
Inosuke releases a guttural fuck as your jaw falls open, cute little pink tongue beckoning Tanjiro. Biting his lip, Tanjiro focuses on your pretty mouth. Precum pearls at his tip and runs down his shaft; he’s practically begging to have his cock in your mouth, even though he hasn’t said anything.
“Is this okay?” Tanjiro says through grit teeth.
You slowly nod your head.
A hiss passes through those clenched teeth as Tanjiro eases his hips forward, hand directing his cock towards your mouth. Your eyes fall shut as the weight settles on your tongue. Musk and salt fill your senses; it’s nothing like you’ve ever experienced, yet you find yourself enjoying the stretch of your jaw, the silken girth pressing further into your mouth.
Allowing Tanjiro fall into a rhythm, you keep your breathing steady and focus on the cocks in your hands. They feel the same as Tanjiro’s, all hot and hard and soft at the same time. A chorus of moans is music to your ears. There are murmurs of your name, sweet pet names, yet there’s always that choke of a curse word and a slight thrust of the hips.
The tip of Tanjiro’s cock hits the back of your throat and you cough. He pauses his movements, hand caressing your throat; he’s ever so patient, even as he’s leaking down your throat and saying your name like a prayer. He pushes in just the slightest bit, and then he growls as he feels the bulge of his cock in your throat. Now, you’re well used to Inosuke growling, but the way Tanjiro does it has your pussy dripping.
You’re nothing more than a toy, some pathetic thing to let them get their kicks. You feel so used, chin, lips, and hands covered in slick precum, your pussy weeping onto the ground below you. Opening your eyes, you take your time to look at each and every single one of the boys. There’s another fuck! and Inosuke’s cumming all over your fist, some of it even splashing onto your cheek. The sight triggers a domino effect of some sort; Zenitsu shoots his own load, spilling all over your hand and whining piteously. Tanjiro is only a few moments behind, his hand clenching around your throat as he empties his spend into your mouth.
Tanjiro pulls away and sinks to his knees, words gentler than before as he rubs his thumbs across your cheekbones. He kisses you softly, and the stark difference in behavior nearly has you dizzy. Zenitsu’s panicking about something, voice shrill as he cries out his apologies. Inosuke merely gives a what?
“Thank you,” Tanjiro whispers against your mouth. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“Wait, does this mean you’re cured?” you croak. Zenitsu squeaks when you look at him.
“Yeah,” Tanjiro tells you. He begins to give a little smile, but then his nostrils flare and he glances down between you two. A bright blush spreads across his handsome face. “You… Would you like our help?”
You lick your lips. “Yes.”
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strawberrystepmom · 8 months
pokemon trainer au! gojo x f!reader. reader is a fairy gym leader and satoru is league champion and a flying type trainer. fluffy fluffy. couldn’t have done this without my beloved @moondust-lore so thank you as always nesi 😚 wc 1.5k
part one (you are here), part two, part three
divider by @/cafekitsune
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All good adventures start with two rivals.
At least that’s what you’ve been told your entire life, your own mother regaling you with tales of her rival for as long as you can remember, long before your now full grown Lapras was even developed enough to sing her song.
Your Lapras was a gift to you from her rival and your first Pokemon, gifted to you by a man she grew up several houses away from that was once a wide eyed boy with big dreams of opening a Pokémon academy to encourage the study of these creatures in their natural habitats. He successfully opened said academy, you even attended it for several years of your life, but your rival never came along through the years that passed.
The children in your neighborhood paired off quickly, setting their own parameters for their journeys and leaving you on the outside. Your schoolmates paired off and most of them have opened their own gyms, just like you, or settled into other aspects of their lives with or without their rival.
You never really minded and still don’t, though, pleased to enjoy life flat on your back in the grass of the surprisingly large meadow that backs up to your gym, gazing at the clouds floating overhead. A rival isn’t a necessity and you’re glad, honestly, that the stress of having to keep up with someone else is something you have been able to dodge for the most part.
Until today.
You sit up, brows furrowed, and that’s when you see the man who may very well be the rival you’ve been looking for.
Satoru Gojo, current Pokémon League Champion.
His starlight colored hair flops over his eyes that are covered by glasses but you know what they look like behind the dark frames because they’ve been plastered on every magazine for several months. You know his name, everyone does, and it’s hard to truly imagine why he has come back after your many declinations of his requests to battle.
“Satoru,” you huff, his name leaving your lips with a tinge of amusement as he approaches with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He grins at you and it’s cheeky as it ever has been, glistening teeth tucked between pretty mauve lips and topped with dimples.
Infuriatingly charming and handsome, as always. It isn’t enough to be powerful, he hit the lottery in more ways than one.
“Ah, is that any way to speak to an old friend?”
Snorting, you slowly rise from your spot on the ground to your feet, your beloved Espeon bounding to your side to look up at you quizzically. You shoot a wordless glance in her direction and she wraps her twin tail around your legs, looking between you and the man.
She wonders if today will be the day you give in and finally say yes to his requests for an actual battle. It has been a long time since you’ve utilized her in any sense beyond as a companion and while she doesn’t ache for battle, there are times she wishes you’d push yourself and the rest of your Pokemon a little bit harder. Less leisure, less tenderness, less lazing around.
But she also knows you, her trainer and friend, and knows this is the life you’ve chosen for all of them out of compassion so her eyes flit expectantly in Satoru’s direction while you stroke between her ears.
“We’d be friends if you would learn to take no for an answer but until then we’re just acquaintances.”
You smile and it’s sweet, no bite despite your sassy words, and the man shakes his head. He finds you equal parts fascinating and amusing, the tales of how fiercely you and your team used to battle on your own journey to become a gym leader spurring him in your direction two years ago.
“I didn’t come to ask you to battle today.”
Despite your firm no’s, he keeps coming back for no other reason than being around you. You are refreshing, unaffected by his power and status, something he has longed for since becoming Champion. It’s just you and your companions and he can never shake just how happy all of you look when he stops by impromptu.
“Then what can I do for you?”
He shuffles closer to you and reaches down to run his finger over the velvety ear of your Espeon who remains still as ever, her eyes shutting. You scoff and roll your eyes.
“Don’t mind her, she’s shameless.”
Chuckling, he shrugs and looks around the meadow to spot who else you are spending time with out here. Your Lapras floats on the small pond, blinking slowly in Satoru’s direction. A Grookey ruffles the grass a few feet away from you, ears poking out between pastel colored flowers and your Skitty shakes her tail in his direction, an invitation to play.
It’s so unlike his own former gyms which confirms he made the right decision. The decision? Well, he already anticipates watching your jaw drop before he speaks the words aloud for the first time.
“I’ve decided to vacate my spot as Champion to go and travel.” Your jaw does drop, eyes widening in shock.
“Can you even do that?”
He nods, thumb still pressed to the Espeon’s velvety ear.
“Not without a lot of argument but yes and I’ve already done it so there’s no changing my mind.”
You understand, approaching and placing a hand on his shoulder. The touch isn’t unwelcome and he plays off the pink on the tips of his ears, glancing down at you through white lashes.
“I wouldn’t ever try to change your mind but will you tell me why?”
Gojo sighs and it’s almost concerningly heavy for a man who is so light as air he even partners with Flying type Pokémon specifically. You feel for him, certain the pressures of being Champion can be enough to get even the strongest of them all down, and you keep your hand pressed to his shoulder.
“When I was working toward becoming Champion my focus was so singular I missed out on everything. I only did what had to be done to get here and now I’ve realized I haven’t experienced, well, anything. I want to enjoy the journey and not simply the destination.”
Your heart beats hard in your chest, moved by his honesty. You’ve always been friendly with the man and it’s not a wonder that he’s Champion, he is the strongest, but you do wonder why he came here to tell you this.
“I want you to come with me.”
Breath catching in your throat, you are shocked by the words.
“Yeah, you. If anyone can show me how to slow down and enjoy it, it has to be little miss on her back watching the clouds roll by.”
The nickname is a bit of a mouthful but you smile anyway, looking up at him and twisting your mouth to the side.
“Let me ask the council,” you shoot and he nods understandingly, watching you sink to a squat beside your Espeon.
“What do you think?”
She chirps excitedly and you sigh, hoping she’d be on your side for once, but her thirst for adventure is bigger than her loyalty to you by some strange miracle. It has been too long since you and her and your friends have been out on the routes and she hungers to roll around in new grass. You pet her again and nod, rising to standing.
“Okay. I’m sure I’m the last person you asked and the only one to say yes and I’d hate to leave you lonely.” He chuckles and shakes his head. “You were the first and the only one I wanted to ask.”
Espeon chirps again at your feet and you toss her another glance, forgetting how astute your partner truly is despite the separation of Pokemon and human between the two of you.
“I’ll be back in three days to pick you up so make sure you have everything you need.”
Your traitorous heart pounds even harder knowing what’s to come. Traveling, alone, with Gojo sounds undeniably thrilling and you will ponder later when you’re alone what’s to come.
For now, you smile and nod.
“Okay, champ. But know I won’t make the journey easy on you.”
He grins once again, pearly whites gleaming while Grookey hops out of the grass a few feet away from him and clings to his leg, the large man kneeling slightly to pet the creature.
“Which is exactly why I invited you.”
The words are so loaded even you catch the weight and you shuffle from foot to foot, Espeon still wound around your calves. The sun blazes overhead and clouds continue to pass and in an instant you realize that you may not have gained that rival you’ve been dodging but perhaps you’ll yet gain a friend.
“I won’t keep you for any longer but be ready for me, okay?”
You nod and try to hide your grin by tucking your chin against your chest and glancing at the ground below.
Perhaps you’ve gained something more than a friend, even.
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fullmoonandstar · 5 months
I had a dream after Gale made me choose between him and Astarion in act 2 and it went something like this
So Tav chose Astarion but that doesn’t mean they don’t care for Gale, no, Tav was heartbroken but did their best not to bring everyone down after all they still had to find out what was going on in Moonrise tower.
Tav stops Gale when he is about to blow himself up and they kill Ketheric. Afterwards when they make camp Gale is plagued by thoughts about how he fail Mystra and Tav is super frustrated with him.
“I should have done it, it would be all over if I hadn’t failed.”
It sounds more like “you made me fail” to Tav.
“What did you expect me to do? Let you kill yourself? Is that what you wanted?!”
“Maybe that would have been better! What was I thinking?”
“If you think for one moment I would let you sacrifice yourself just like that…” Tav grimaced.
“What is it to you if live or die? It’s my life!”
Tav gasps, their face changes color with outrage.
“What is it to me? WHAT IS IT ME?!” Tav is fuming. “Gods for some smartass wizard your pretty dumb.”
Before Gale can say anything Tav continues: “I killed an immortal for you and so the gods help I’d do it again. “
Gale is stunned and furrowes his eyebrows. “Why?”
“Because I love you, you idiot.”
Tav is crying angry tears and Gale just stares at them with his mouth open. He doesn’t know what to say.
“I would fucking do anything so you don’t have to blow yourself up, Gale.”
They are really full out crying now that they blew off their anger. Gale closes the distance and pulls them into a hug and Tav sobs into his shoulder. It feels so right to hug them and Gale buries his nose in the crook of their neck. They stand like this until Tav stops crying and Gale reluctantly pulls back.
“Please, Gale, trust me on this. We’ll find a way to deal with the orb. I can’t loose you, stay with me.”
Gale looks at their face and doesn’t think. He cups their face and slowly leans in. It’s probably the most emotionally charged kiss he ever shared with anyone. Of course he doesn’t want to die but his days are numbered and his goddess had given him a clear way out and yet he still breathed. He hates that now he has something, someone to worry about.
They end the kiss and Tav rests their forehead against Gale’s.
“I’m not going to leave. You’re not going to get rid of me that easily.”
Tav gives him weak smile, eyes still puffy.
“Listen,” they say, “I don’t want you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with but I’m selfish and greedy and it’s literally the end of the world.”
Before Gale can say anything they continue: “Please be by my side.”
Gale stayed silent and Tav’s heart sank. They extract themselves from his arms, not looking at him. He catches their hand.
He exhales.
“I’ll try but no promises.”
Tav practically jumps in his arms and he can hear his ribs crack when they hug him.
Gale’s head snaps in the direction of the voice. Astarion leans against a tree casually but he pushes away from it and walks over to them.
“They’ve been inconsolable for weeks but it seems you have finally come to your senses. That’s what a brush with death does to you, I guess.”
Gale doesn’t know what he had expected but what Astarion did was the last Gale would have guessed. Astarion hugged him and Tav, laying his cool arms around Gale’s shoulders.
In that moment Gale thought that maybe things could be okay.
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caufield193 · 1 month
I am a twol S2 truther idk. If you’re just as delusional as me…. Here is my proof…
- if you recall, when they announced that they were doing a Richonne series, it wasn’t announced as limited…. Suddenly, AMC threw limited on there, which makes sense… comic con is coming up, they need something to announce there
- during the filming of TOWL, there were so many side actors and backgrounds, who would accidentally say, “ see you for season 2.” There post are no longer available.
- Gale Anne Hurd… a producer, accidentally posted in February, a link to getting cast for S2.
- the most obvious one… Scott said he wants them all to come together, so we know we’ll see them again in an endgame, but the CRM isn’t completely done. Portland still exist, in order to get to that Endgame, Richonne still have more story to tell.
- danai says, “ we’ll figure that out on the next one…” when ending her scene.
- the biggest one! NO ONE CAN GIVE A STRAIGHT ANSWER! When they asked danai she goes, “ now you know I can’t answer that.” Why Danai? As it stands there’s only one season, so why cant you just say no? Saying no wouldn’t be a spoiler, because if it was no, you would just say no. When they asked Andy, he goes,” I like to think it stands alone, and it’s a dot dot dot.” An ellipses means that there is more. Scott says, he has more story to tell, and that he usually has a good track record of his dreams coming true. He is the fucking producer, and show runner , if anyone knows something it’s him, and like Andy said… they’re not one show anymore… there are multiple spin-offs… they’ve got to focus on DC, and Daryl and Carol right now…: Scott keeps saying he has more story, and keeps saying he would love to go on….
- the way it was advertised! If this was the last time we saw household names like Rick and Michonne, you really think they wouldn’t have had a cast interview. All we got was Andy in a field, and Dania doing a video lmfao.
- it being moved from limited to drama for the Emmy’s.
- S1 was always marketed as a Love story. For those complaining about not that much action, Michonne and Rick needed to get together before they completely rid the world of the CRM( portlan still exist… Silas, the spies… they didn’t get rid of the problem by killing Beale… they just got rid of someone who was going to unethically get rid of the problem… the problems still exist.) S1 was abt Rick and Michonne because as we saw in the mothership, when Michonne convinced Rick to fight Negan in the jail cell, before they could deal with the problem, they needed to be on the same page. S1 of TOWL was about them getting back on the same page.
- TWOL generated so much money for AMC.
Anyway, it doesn’t seem so delusional anymore is all I’m saying
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