#I know this isn’t really a big deal but it still gave me the bad feelings anyway so that’s great
insanechayne · 1 year
~ ~ ~
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goodlucktai · 4 months
too well tangled
rise of the tmnt post-movie / canon divergent word count: 1k characters: disaster twins
this was my bonus piece for the digital @turtlestogetherzine !
title borrowed from atticus—“you will never be unloved by me / you are too well tangled in my soul”
read on ao3
So it turns out that sixteen minutes in the prison dimension is about six months outside it. Give or take. 
Donnie calls it a temporal differential. Leo’s third day back was spent being gently interrogated within an inch of his life. For every answer he gave, Donnie’s face got a little darker. 
He seems a lot older than the last time Leo saw him. Everyone does. They all look at Leo like he’ll disappear into thin air if they blink too many times. 
He expects it to wear off eventually. He’s only confined to the infirmary for a week and a half, and on bedrest for a week after that, but even a month later Raph and Mikey continue to stick to him like glue. 
“I’m okay,” Leo tells them, when his bad leg seizes up and he staggers on his way to the breakfast table and Mikey’s face crumples horribly. Raph just huffs and lifts Leo clean off his feet to carry him the rest of the way. Swallowing past the uncertain lump in his throat, Leo adds playfully, “I mean, I’m not one to complain about the all-star treatment, but—”
“Good,” Raph rumbles, “then don’t.”
“Sorry if we’re being annoying,” Mikey says with a brightness in his tone that doesn’t sit quite right. He’s said that like fifty times since Leo came back. “We just—we missed you, Lee.” 
And what is Leo supposed to say to that? 
“Annoying? Please,” he scoffs. “I’m the king of everything obnoxious. You couldn’t annoy me if you tried.”
When Raph lowers him into a seat, Leo lifts his arm in invitation for Mikey to scoot his chair up right next to his, and then wraps him up in a tight hug. Mikey slots into his side like he belongs there, and he does, he always will, but it’s just a bit different than Leo remembers. 
Mikey is still his little brother. But only by a few months now. Leo’s seventeenth birthday came and went without him. 
And a part of him—this nameless little part that lives in the back of his mind, that’s lived there ever since dad made him team leader and ripped the rug out from under his feet—thinks that’s why Donnie doesn’t know how to be around him anymore.
He’s a constant presence. He’s a solid pillar for Leo to lean against when his legs don’t want to hold him up. But they don’t know what to say to each other. That unspoken understanding, that twin thing—it’s gone. 
Or so Leo thinks. 
Big Mama is more of a weird estranged relative than a mortal enemy these days, but she’s an entrepreneur first, eccentric wine aunt second. When she gets a big business idea, all bets are off. Leo can kind of respect that. It’s really thrilling and a little fun trying to match wits with a criminal mastermind, like high-stakes 5D chess. 
But her invitations could use some work. Sending a bunch of burly yokai in Grand Nexus uniforms to intercept the turtles on their way to Run of the Mill for dinner is a scheme that could have used a bit more time on the workshop table. 
Immediately Leo’s brothers close ranks around him. He’s allowed to run around in his leg brace at this point, but he has, in no uncertain terms, NOT been cleared to fight. He can tell from the set of Raph and Mikey’s shoulders that they’re beyond ticked off, but he can’t read Donnie’s posture at all. 
It’s bad timing, but suddenly Leo is preoccupied with those dark little thoughts he’s been having recently. Maybe Donnie isn’t happy to have him around. It’s been a lot of extra work, right? Dealing with the prodigal brother’s physical therapy and night terrors aside, now Donnie can’t even pick up some pizza without having to play bodyguard. 
So Leo is distracted—sue him. He’s got a lot going on. When an owl guard grabs him by the arm, he’s not ready for it. The yank backwards causes him to stumble, bad knee bending underneath him. 
The guard seems to loom over him for a moment. The evening gloom of the alleyway and the lurid glow of a nearby neon sign makes Leo’s brain sprint right back to the prison dimension. A distressed chirp works its way out of him before he can fully reorient himself. Add that to his ever-growing list of Good Reasons To Fake His Own Death. 
Big Mama’s goon looks surprised by the sound, grip relenting on Leo’s arm immediately. He wouldn’t do that if he were here for villainous reasons. So Big Mama probably actually considers kidnapping via sudden ambush to be a halfway decent method of picking her nemeses-slash-nephews up for an evening visit. 
Leo only has a second to think, Okay, I can work with this, turning up the charm and pretending like he can’t still feel the aftershocks of panic, before he’s being yanked again. 
This time he’s pulled right in against Donnie’s side, a strong arm around his carapace. There’s a burst of light and warmth—bright purple and overheated electronics, he’d know his brother’s ninpo anywhere—and they’re surrounded by a gleaming, glowing arsenal. 
The owl guard didn’t have a chance in hell. Donnie still doesn’t really look at Leo, not once as Mikey and Raph rush over, not even on the empty-handed trek back home. 
But he sits next to Leo on the couch while Mikey enlists Raph and papa’s help with dinner since their pizza run failed. The bickering and Mikey’s cooking playlist create a familiar, comfortable backdrop where it swells out of the kitchen. Donnie’s shoulder knocks against Leo’s. It feels like how it used to. 
Before he can lose courage, Leo blurts, “The thing I miss most from before is being twins with you.”
As soon as he says it, he wants to take it back. This is more mortifying than all of those initial grueling physical therapy sessions combined. 
He’s scrambling for an escape route that isn’t just hobbling away as fast as he can, or portaling to the bottom of the ocean, when Donnie suddenly says, “Draxum said we hatched together. We’ve been together all our lives. You’re pulling our twin card just because I'm finally taller than you?”
Leo sputters. “By an inch!”
Donnie raises an eyebrow at him, waiting with uncharacteristic patience for Leo to catch up. Maybe that’s what he’s been doing this whole time. 
Eyes stinging, Leo slouches into Donnie’s side. The softshell matches him, his cheek coming to rest on the top of Leo’s head. It reminds Leo of hugging Mikey earlier that morning at the breakfast table. 
Leo still fits here. There’s a good chance he always will. 
“Guess this finally makes me the older twin, huh, Nardo?”
It surprises Leo into laughter, maybe the first big loud laugh to come tripping out of him since well before the invasion. Conversation in the kitchen grinds to a halt and Mikey and Raph come barreling out a second later all covered in flour, eager to catch him in the act, to get in on it. 
“Sorry, Tello,” Leo says, grinning, not very sorry at all. “Not in this lifetime.”
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sweetwriter · 7 months
Mafia Toji x black fem reader
Black Reader loves to cook 
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YN isn’t stupid, she’s been with Toji for a while. A bunch of big scary men that have records- c’mon now. She knew, but that doesn’t mean that she can’t still be loving and caring.
“Love, the men are coming over for a meeting- just wanted to let you know.” He said while coming up behind you to hug your waist. 
Toji has wanted this for- forever. Growing up in an abusive household he learned to lick love off of sharp knives. YN was different; she gave love so freely. She inadvertently taught him that real love has boundaries, fun moments, and tough ones. She was willing to stick by him during the tough times and the good ones. 
“They are? What for? Bad deal?” She said hovering over the kitchen, “No, we have a new guy coming in.” YN let out a shriek, “REALLY- oh my gosh, I need to go to the store, I don’t have enough ingredients. I’m making pot roast, make sure to post up my menu on the counter so they can be ready.” Toji watching as YN rushes around checking the pantries for whatever ingredients she needs. Toji always thought that she was cute like this. The kitchen is her home inside of her home. 
Whenever he gives her his black card all the transactions say “William Sanoma” “Farmers Market” “Fish shops” She of course buys nice clothes, but any kitchen store, she’s in. 
“Where are you going, take Megumi with you”
“Meg baby come on youre gonna come with me to the store.” Little Megumi waddled over to her smiling about the store. 
YN always said adventures for kids can be anywhere as long as you have the excitement for it; that’s why Megumi loves going to the store with his mom (found mom). 
As YN helps Megumi put on his shoes she grabs her list and gives it to Megumi, he’s her little checker- to make sure they have all the ingredients. 
Toji watches them walk out when he hears Gojo come up behind him, “Where did Ms. YN go?” 
“The store” Toji said with a chuckle, gojo chuckles.
“Finally some good food, Ms YN ruined fast food for me.”
"What- so my takeout isn't good enough for your spoiled ass?" Toji sneered.
"No need to get all riled up bossman, everyone knows Ms YN knows how to cook up a storm."
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yakichoufd · 3 months
AWWWW, the way you draw Evolution Scott is so cute!! I recently watched Evolution and really enjoyed it!! I’m so glad there’s at least one adaptation of Scott that isn’t constantly suffering. He deserves at least some sort of happiness in his life. :,)
What’s your opinion of Evolution? I think you have good takes on anything Scott-related, so I must hear from the source!!
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I already shared my opinion on that show several time so I might repeat myself haha! X-men Evolution is one of my all time favorite. I watched it as a kid and it made me fall in love of Scott (and Kurt). He is very mature for his age (but you could understand it if you know his past) and very kind. He struggles with things that fit with his age and highschool (ofc he has other bigger struggles with his mutation and the x-men too) but the show gave a good balance between daily life and being a mutant/x-men. Or at least for the first 2 seasons, after, I started to enjoy it less. I like how his romance is written. Scott isn't too obsessive and he keeps his distance when he thinks his love interest is not receptive. He is still awkward but it is not over done. I think Jean should have been written a bit differently, I don't think they are a super good match here (like Rogue and Scott actually got many bonding time and they are very good friend). I'm really sad that once Jean and Scott are together, he doesn't hang out with Rogue anymore. I think the writers should have give them some scenes together as friends. We lose a bit of Scott's personnality and character development once he is with Jean. which is a pity. But they are still a cute couple, I guess! I loved how they added angst for Scotty. Too bad they never really do anything with the angsty episodes, cause his brother and him deal with a lot. Same when Mistique kidnaps Scott and abandon him in a desert without his visor. He should have end up a bit traumatized for an episode or two...but nope everyone are acting like it was not a big deal.
SO if you like good boy Scott, then X-men Evolution is your show haha! there is a mini comic serie about the show. I read then and they are fun. Scott is a bit more goofy in his writting there but still a good boy that you want to hug!
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
waitttt what does peter do if one of the frat dudes refer to trouble as his bitch, or if he heard anyone call her that? it happened to me before, but was such a let down because he actually just let his friends say it 😻 we’re no longer together btw
while peter's in the bathroom you butt into the group and voice your opinion, 'i think you guys should do the maze! everyone does haunted houses.'
one brother didn't like your opposing opinion, 'why do you think you have a say in anything we do? you're just parker's bitch.' you freeze on the spot, you didn't mean to offend anyone, or try to impose, you were just trying to voice an outsider opinion.
your brow furrows, 'okay, well, i was just thinking that-'
'no one cares what you think.' it's aggressive for no reason, you want to stand strong but feel yourself slinking to the back of the group. another member catches your mood, he jabs an elbow and gives a supportive smile.
'you know he didn't mean it like that, he's just on edge.' you give a barely there nod and drone out the brothers proposal, feeling sorry for yourself until peter returns and has his hand resting on your lower back.
when no one spoke up for you it felt like it was mutal agreement, you didn't feel welcome in the house that night. you slide closer to peter and mumble softly.
'i just got a call from ally, i gotta go.' you don't even give him time to respond, high tailing it from the frat house and back to where you can not feel like such a bother.
you weren't going to make a big deal of it, and you knew if you told peter, especially in the moment, he'd make it a big deal and your embarrassment would increase tenfold. it doesn't make you feel any less bad when peter looks disappointed and confused.
ten thirty in the morning you’re standing outside peter's front door humming. playing off last night as a fluke, you don’t feel so judged. you think the other brother was right, the comments weren’t coming from a place of resentment but because you just confirmed his anxieties about his party turning out to be a dud.
ethan greeted you at the door, you gave him a quick hug before squeezing by him. ‘good morning, friend.’ ethan wrapped his arm around yours as he tugged you further into the house, turning for the kitchen.
‘your boy is in the shower, want some breakfast?’ you nod and smack your lips watching him make you a plate from the earlier meal. tearing a piece of french toast with your teeth you peer up to watch the brother from last night pass by.
you give a small wave, testing to see if he was still bitter from last night, he wasn’t. but you became extremely upset looking at his face as he turned to wave back. the bar chair spins by how quick you drop, making it to him in three steps, you tug at his chin.
‘did peter fucking hit you?’
you already know the answer, he has a black eye to prove it.
‘i know i was out of line last night, i shouldn’t have-‘
‘no, no, no.’ your mind spins, this isn’t what you wanted. that's why you didn't say anything, you wonder who tattled. you shake your head in dissapointment, you pull in the brother for a tight hug.
'i am so, so sorry. i didn't tell him to do anything, i didn't even tell him anything!' he gives a nervous laugh, 'i shouldn't have-' you push him away and hold his arms, 'nothing you said warrented that, okay? i'm sorry, i'm really, really sorry.'
he shrugs it off, he does seem mostly unbothered, but it makes you shake in fury. peter doesn't understand that he just proved his claims right. peter punching a guy for calling you his bitch, made you feel like his bitch.
you stare at ethan and raise your arms, 'tarrent.' you roll your eyes, of course he'd be the one to gossip. without second thought you stomp up to peter's room, going straight into his bathroom and slapping the glass on the shower.
peter jumps in alert, you're giving him a dirty glare behind a slight fog. 'hey, trouble. did you have some french toast?' you stay silent as you tug the shower door open, you barzenly step in, peter does his best to block your clothes from the showerhead with his body.
'you are such a douchebag, peter. what you did? that was such a douchebag move.'
he knows what you're talking about, you make him feel shameful. he was, but only to a degree. he probably shouldn't have punched him, but he also shouldn't have called you a bitch and sent you running away.
'no one should speak about you like that.'
'you shouldn't put your hands on people like that.'
peter narrows his eyes, 'is this what we're doing?' you cross your arms, 'i want you to apologize.'
peter keeps his hold for a few seconds, then he deflates and looks to the side. 'i'm sorry. i shouldn't have punched him.' he warms up when you coo and rub his arm.
'aw, petey. yeah, that sounds perfect. let me know when you're coming downstairs so i can grab him.' the second you leave the shower he stops you, 'hey! what does that mean?'
you hold a hand to your chest, 'you didn't punch me, i don't want your apology for it.' peter turns the water off to wrap a towel around him, 'just- hold on.' you're followed back into his bedroom, you do your best to ignore water droplets over his chest.
'you want me to apologize to the guy that called you a bitch?'
'i want you to apologize to the guy you gave a black eye to.'
'for calling you a bitch.'
you slap your hands on your thighs, 'for calling me your bitch, peter! and when you go around punching guys that say that, you make them right!'
when you say it like that it's painted in a new light, all peter could think about the blatent disrespect, he didn't think about how it would affect you.
'i mean, the guy was petrified to see me. he kept saying sorry and wouldn't look at me, that doesn't make me feel like you protected my honor, it feels like you tarnished it.'
peter can't even look you in the eye, he feels horrible. you already felt like you weren't liked because of his frat brothers comment, and now you would feel like everyone would be scared to talk to you.
peter just made you feel more uncomfotable in his house than a passing comment could ever.
'i didn't think about it like that. i'm sorry, trouble.'
he sounds sorry, you accept the apology, but just this once.
'the next time you punch somone on my behalf, it'll be because i asked you, agree?'
peter nods quick, 'yeah, yes, agreed.' you look him over, he still has some shampoo suds in his hair. 'i'm going downstairs to finish my breakfast, and the next time i see you, you better be ready to give an apology.'
he's still annoyed at the thought, but he'd do anything for you. 'yes, ma'am.'
ethan had just taken your plate away to wash it when peter came down the stairs, he was fully dressed this time and his hair was only slightly damp.
he raised his eyebrows at you before taking a deep breath, calling for the brother by his last name. peter stretches before shaking out his shoulders, he called out again, but for a house meeting.
you were weary at the least and curious at the most. staying in your seat you watch carefully, each member at the house stood around in a half circle.
'it's been brought to my attention that my actions last night were out of line and childish. i let myself, my brother and my frat down. it's a rule we try to solve things with words first, and i didn't do that.'
a few eyes flash towards you, you know they're all thinking about how you got him to apologize.
peter turns to look at his brother with a purple ring coating his left eye. 'i should've never hit you and i'm sorry.'
'ah, it's alright, man. i came after your girl, i'd do the same.' your eyebrows turn in with how quick things turned around. guys are so easy.
peter still feels like it's not right, so he speaks up.
'the apology may have been prompted by someone else,' everyone knows who, 'but this part wasn't.'
peter looks at his fellow member, 'i want you to punch me.' soft oo's pour from the groups mouths, you feel choked up. the brother looks nervous, 'are you sure?'
'yeah, it's only fair. i punched you, you punch- oh, son of a bitch!’ a righthook to his jaw, he didn't see it coming.
peter held his face and hissed, 'fuck me, that sucks.'
'yeah. tell me about it. my eye's still pulsing.' peter winces, 'yeah, still sorry about that.'
a red splotch painted peter's jawline, making sure to look at the small crowd when he spoke. 'if you guys have a problem with my girl hanging around, you let me know, not her. and i promise, no punching.'
when no one adds anything he looks to his friend, 'we good or you need another hit?' the brother raises a fist, before lowering it and cracking a smile. 'we're good bro.'
the members disperse, you slow clap for peter.
'very impressed, parker.' his nose scrunches, he hates when you call him by his last name. 'does that mean i'm out of the dog house?'
you reach out for him with a pucker, he gives a slow kiss, it's the first one you've given him since you've seen him.
'hm, i'm gonna need at least three more kisses before i think about it.'
peter has no quelms in finishing your request.
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connabeth · 9 days
rick really woke up and said "what if i give the people what they want for once" and gave us grumpy black cat introvert percy and sunshine golden retriever extrovert annabeth we never knew we needed
also no one's talking about how percy made friends with annabeth's college's security guard (Florence or smthn?) so he's the only one allowed to walk in her campus anytime?
also I found a typo in the third chapter where dave was accidentally called paul which I found really funny
1) i’m glad this series is doing justice to annabeth’s personality because she spent so much of pjo & hoo caught in an inner turmoil of hurt and uncertainty and self-loathing and insecurity and fear given the circumstances of luke’s betrayal and percy’s imminent death. in spite of it all, she was still a bastion of hope and light throughout those books, but she deserves to be silly and unburdened by the weight of the world now that she has percy back and there’s no big prophecy (unresolved trauma aside). i think, in her mind, even though new, crazy things keep being thrown at them and she most certainly deals with a latent fear of losing percy at any moment, she’s resolute and confident that they can overcome anything that gets in their way of their dream of going to college and finding peace together because she feels that invigorated and wants it that bad. even if greco-egyptian gods or a triple goddess or a mortal apollo pop up throughout their senior year. i feel like she’s giving herself the freedom to just let go, breathe, be sure everything will be okay in the end, and just be excited about things without drowning in worry for once, which i love. she deserves to feel that childlike enthusiasm she was deprived of for so long. her confidence that they’ll be okay extends to percy being able to complete all his classwork and applications, which in turn reinforces his determination.
2) as for percy, he’s definitely the more outwardly insecure out of the two, mainly because of how his academic prowess pales in comparison to hers and the fact that he feels he doesn’t deserve her and she’s way better than him. percy thinking her SODNYC friends perceive him in the same critical light obviously isn’t helping. it’s evident in the way he’s amazed when he looks at her, disbelieving for a second that she’s his girlfriend, and how he observes her interaction with others more similar to her, feeling like an outsider who can’t understand that part of her brain the way her friends can. it’s even more abundantly clear when he believes “She would always succeed whether I was around or not,” which in theory is a sweet sentiment to have about your very capable girlfriend, but academic and social success aside, she needs him as much as he needs her and she’d see no point in being in california without him. but his insecurities and easy jealousy prevent him from fully understanding this even if he innately knows it’s a universal truth that they’re meant to be together. however, all this being said, percy’s characterization in wottg so far is a little…weird. in order for you to literally pee your pants, something must scare you or catch you off guard really, really bad. so while it makes sense for him to fear a powerful goddess, wetting his boxers seems like an extreme reaction. i know rick was probably just trying to insert immature humor, but the implications are not what he was going for considering this is the boy who didn’t have that reaction staring down titans and giants and nyx and tartarus himself. so forgive me if i think it’s a little insane that percy having such a visceral reaction to a goddess 13 year old hazel fared well against is out of character, even after taking into consideration his fear of not receiving and completing the remaining quests on time. it makes sense for him to be nervous and on edge, given the quiet of the past month, but that amount of fear towards a deity who’s not the most scary thing he’s faced down is an interesting choice since rick isn’t known for realistic depictions of PTSD and that likely isn’t the intention here. it’s also curious how it’s implied even a goddess as primordial as aphrodite caves in to hecate…
3) florence is the goat and i love percy making random friends to help his cause. he doesn’t go out of his way to befriend others in the mortal world unless they approach him first or there’s an opportunity there. and the fact that annabeth can a casually ask her friend to cover for her being gone from her dorm for several days makes me think this is far from the first time she’s snuck out for prolonged periods of time👀
4) this is an INSANE typo to have in a book because clearly not a single person proofread it and it doesn’t surprise me that it got past rick, but becky and several rounds of editors and everyone else in his circle who’s read the book not picking up on it prior to publication is wild. rick is too eager to have his self-insert be everywhere and it shows💀
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lauraneedstochill · 2 years
“All yours” (modern!Aemond Targaryen, college au, part 1)
�� part 2: First time for everything
author’s note: the idea came out of NOWHERE. I reread my The Greens (modern!au) — and then this thing happened. to keep up with the tradition I’m posting it as it is (I may regret it when I wake up lmao), hopefully, some of you can enjoy this silliness! ✨ • Aemond doesn’t lose an eye but he still has a big scar (let’s pretend Luke missed by a couple of inches) • I originally said that he’d be into sports however I’m yet to pick a sport for him so the description is very vague (I’m open to suggestions!)
words: ~3000 (I TRIED to cut it short... but alas)
warnings: none, I think? they just swoon over each other (and a cheeky blond makes an appearance again ;)
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⋙ It’s impossible not to know who Aemond Targaryen is when pretty much every girl on campus has a crush on him. The tall athletic guy with chiseled cheekbones and bright eyes who wins one tournament after another, manages to stay at the top of his classes but barely talks to anyone and has a handful of friends. Even the scar on the left side of his face — a faded red stripe from his temple and down to the cheek — only adds to his appeal although you suspect it’s mostly due to people not knowing how he got said scar. Come to think of it, there isn’t much to know about him at all: he’s not on social media, rarely goes to parties, stays out of trouble and doesn’t even like his pictures being taken. There is a certain charm to that mystery yet you also can’t help but respect his intelligence and perseverance. (And you may find him attractive, but that’s a given.)
⋙ You share a few classes with him, and he usually sits nearby although you think it’s purely a coincidence. He once gave you his pen when you forgot yours, and he also sometimes stands behind you in line for coffee in the nearby cafeteria but you never really interact. You catch him looking at you a couple of times and you don’t think much of it. You might’ve thrown a glance or two at him, too, since there’s no crime in that.
⋙ You get paired up for a project by mere chance: your best friend fell sick and his mate missed the class for whatever reason so you and Aemond are the only ones without a partner, and Mr. Harrold tells you to work together. Aemond approaches you when the class is over.
“Hi” — “Hi” you say in unison. There’s a glint of a smile on his lips, his eyes studying your face.
“I’ve got two training sessions today, can we maybe start tomorrow?” he suggests.
“Sure, tomorrow sounds fine,” you nod. “Meet me in the library at 3?”
You quickly discuss the books you’ll need, and he casually asks for your number so you could text him the details. While you’re typing it, you miss the grin that appears on his face. Truth be told, you’re too busy thinking of how good his arms look with his sleeves rolled up.
⋙ The next day, he’s only five minutes late. You don’t even notice, wrapped up in reading, until he rushes in, a tad disheveled and very apologetic. You are about to tell him it’s no big deal when you notice blood on his hand — or more so on his knuckles. He looks like he wants to avoid the subject but you are truly shocked at the sight.
“Should I worry about the other guy?” you muster a smile, looking him over with concern.
“He deserved it,” Aemond mumbles as he sits next to you, averting his gaze.
He goes to dig some books out of his bag when you take his hand — you do so without thinking, it almost comes out as a reflex. While you examine his bruised skin, Aemond pretty much forgets how to breathe.
“It’s not that bad but will swell up in the morning, so you need to apply some ice,” you tell him, fingers gently brushing over his. “Here, this is the next best thing I can think of,” you grab your cup of iced coffee and put it to his knuckles. When you glance up at Aemond, you see him looking at you with a stunned face expression, and you realize that you might’ve overstepped a little.
“I’m sorry, you probably already know what to do without my advice,” you move to pull back the cup, but he suddenly covers your hand with his other palm.
“Don’t,” he breathes out. “This feels nice.”
Within a few seconds, his cheeks turn red.
“The ice, I mean, you were right about applying the ice,” he corrects himself, and you can’t help but smile wider. The most popular guy on campus is blushing because you held his hand, and there’s something very endearing about this moment. Or maybe it’s just him.
You push that thought away and divert the conversation to your assigned project. He keeps his hand intertwined with yours for the rest of the evening, both of you acting like it’s no big deal.
⋙ The next time you see him, he brings you coffee, and somehow he guesses your order perfectly. You meet up a few times a week, and he makes sure to come in time. Always prepared and polite, he buys you coffee regularly and insists on carrying all your books. You now sit together in classes, he shares his secret Spotify account with you and you learn that you share a passion for reading. Aemond also gives you his hoodie when he notices that you’re cold on your way out of the library one evening. He pulls the hoodie up over his head and his T-shirt comes up, too, exposing his lower abdomen and the tight lines of his abs. You take a deep, long breath, pretending that you didn’t see a thing.
And sometimes his hands brush yours and his gaze lingers on your face. But it’s another thing you try not to think of.
⋙ He mentions in passing that his training will get more intense as the competition season begins. At this point, you’ve been meeting for a couple of weeks pretty regularly, and you feel a slight twinge in your heart at the realization that you’ll see him less often. What you don’t expect is for him to stand you up. At any other time, you might’ve cut him some slack, but it just so happened that you are in a really bad mood since the moment you woke up, and him not answering your texts only rile you up.
You are so annoyed, you come into the locker room with little to no hesitation. Most of the guys already left but you still hear a couple of them whistling at you, and you flip them off. Aemond just got out of the shower and when you see him, he already has his jeans on and stands next to his locker searching for a clean shirt.
“Dude, your girl looks pissed,” one of his mates comments, and Aemond gives him a perplexed look. And then he turns to see you, your eyes burning holes in him, and his face pales.
“Oh, fuck,” he mutters. “We were supposed to meet, weren’t we?”
“Yep,” you drawl with a frown, and his face falls even more.
He doesn’t have time to explain as you hear another whistle.
“Nice ass,” it’s Jeff, one of the frat boys who’s famous for not keeping his hands to himself. You are about to shut him off but when Jeff looks up at you, his smirk disappears.
“Woah, I didn’t know it was you!” he raises his hands in defense. “My apologies to your ass,” he glances behind your back, terrified. “...To you, I mean my apologies to you!” he backs off. “Hey, it was meant as a compliment, tell your boyfriend I’m not his punching bag!”
“You need to google what a compliment is, you idiot,” you scoff at him, and Jeff all but runs off.
The room is awkwardly quiet, and Aemond’s friends quickly get out, leaving you two alone. He barely has time to open his mouth before you press your hand to his chest, making him stumble back purely out of surprise.
“Care to explain what the hell was that?” you hiss at him, your gaze burning. “My boyfriend?!”
“I didn’t say that, he made an assumption,” Aemond clarifies.
“Jeff was the one you got into a fight with?” you suddenly figure out. “But why?”
“He was talking shit about you,” he says, clearly displeased.
“And you decided it was worth a fight? I could not care less if he — ”
“I do,” Aemond cuts you off. “And I think it was worth it,” he punctuates with so much certainty, it takes you aback.
In the next second, you realize that your hand is still on his bare chest — it’s warm and toned, his muscles tense under your touch — and you are standing very close to each other. It’s very, very hard not to think of.
“Um, thank you, I guess,” you step back with your gaze still on him. “I-I shouldn’t have barged in here, it wasn’t very —”
One of your legs bumps into a bench, your eyes widen — and you are about to trip over when Aemond catches you. With a blink of an eye, his hands are on your waist as he brings you closer again, and this time the distance between you two is even shorter. You involuntarily look at his lips and when you glance back up, you catch him looking at yours.
If he kisses you right now, you won’t mind. In fact, you will probably enjoy it. Probably a lot.
Aemond clears his throat and pulls back.
“I’m sorry that I stood you up, the coach didn’t let us rest for a minute,” he explains with a repentant tone. “I wanted to send you a text, I really did. And then it just went out of my head.”
“It’s fine, I get it,” you give him a wan smile. “You warned me that you would be busy.”
“Still, it was rude on my part,” he insists. “You have any plans for the evening? We can still go to the library, I’m all yours for today.”
The way he phrases it makes your heart skip a bit. You bite the inside of your cheek to concentrate.
“They closed earlier,” you sigh. “Something about updating the catalog.”
Aemond only thinks for a second.
“I, um... Live close by. Maybe you can come over? No one will bother us there,” his smile looks sheepish and unsure but there’s a hint of eagerness in his voice. And he is still very much half-naked.
“I happen to be completely free,” you say as your concentration goes out of the window.
⋙ Aemond apologizes again, profusely. He gives apologies in the locker room, on your way out, in the cab — and when you get out of the car and he opens his mouth again — you turn and firmly place your hand over it.
“I think I got it the first time,” you tell him, and he looks amused with your act.
You feel him smiling, his lips tickling your palm, and you move your fingers away as your cheeks heat up.
“Quite fierce, aren’t you,” he remarks.
You don’t notice a sidewalk curb but Aemond does — his hand finds yours when you are a moment away from stumbling again, and he tugs you closer. He doesn’t comment on it, asking you about your day instead. There are a few other parts of your body where you want him to put his hands on, you think.
⋙ His apartment is unexpectedly huge — four bedrooms and a living room, high ceilings and large windows, and you can’t hide your bewilderment. He half-heartedly explains that his dad left it to them after the divorce.
“Oh, so it’s not just yours,” you conclude, relieved. “Makes it look like less of a palace.”
“I have my own, actually,” he almost looks ashamed, and you find his modesty ever so adorable. “I’ve repainted the walls, and the place needs some air. So I’m crushing here at the moment.”
He tells you that his older brother Aegon mostly hangs out in his gallery, Helaena took a week off to visit her friends, and you already know that their youngest — Daeron — studies abroad.
“Mum recently moved in with her boyfriend,” Aemond nonchalantly adds while showing you to his room.
You realize that it’s just the two of you. The thought of it warms up the lower part of your body, anticipation tingling in your abdomen, but you do your best to keep it together.
Luckily, you get easily distracted by the beautiful interior, his sister’s plants and paintings, and rows of photos on the walls, and you try not to gawk at the surroundings. Aemond tries not to gawk at you. You both fail.
“Feel yourself at home, I’ll go look for my charger,” his hand grazes your back after he opens the door. Aemond leaves you standing but the feeling of his touch remains. You have to pinch yourself to get back to reality.
⋙ You see his bookshelf that stretches from one end of the room to the other, and excitement bubbles in your chest as you rush to take a closer look. There’s a plethora of books of all colors and genres, paperback and hardcover, and you energetically look through the rows filled with them. You reach for one of the books on the upper berth, standing on your tiptoes but it causes you to lose balance. The only reason you don’t fall flat on your back is because Aemond’s hand swiftly lands on your waist, steading you. He turns you around to him, and your faces are suddenly only inches apart.
“Are you always this clumsy?” he chuckles lightly, his breath fanning over your skin.
Only when you are around, apparently.
Aemond’s lips part, his brows raising, and he stares at you, surprised. And then you realize that you said it out loud. Before you get a chance to correct yourself, he lets out a laugh, and you feel your face flushing. You close your eyes in embarrassment, trying to steady your breath, and his laughter dies down. He firmly locks his hands around you.
“What’s on your mind?” Aemond murmurs after a minute of silence.
You, you, you. Fearing that there’s still a chance that you are misreading the situation, you vaguely respond:
“A lot of things,” but your voice comes out strained and quiet.
When you don’t hear him replying, you open your eyes — your gaze immediately meeting his. The warmth from his hands slips into your body.
“You know what I’m thinking about?” Aemond asks in a low tone, his eyes a shade darker in this lightning. You shake your head because talking seems like an actual challenge right now.
“Kissing you,” he confesses, maintaining eye contact.
You inhale sharply, a wave of relief washing over you. And then something else sparkles inside, tightening your chest, and the well-known burning sensation blossoms right under your navel.
“You should,” you tell Aemond, and it’s the only confirmation he needs.
He crashes his lips into yours with fervor, pulling your chest flush against his and knocking the breath from your lungs. His hand cups your face, guiding you even closer, his mouth greedy and intent with its every movement, and your head goes dizzy with longing. The kiss is both tender and heated, and you lose yourself in the moment, only thinking of how soft and supple his lips are, and how ineffably good they feel.
“I’ve wanted to do this for a while,” Aemond mumbles against your mouth.
“Only been a month,” you manage to say while his lips move from your jaw to your neck.
“Long before that,” his words burn the spot just below your ear, making you shiver. “Ever since you argued with Mr. Harrold that Zelda Fitzgerald wrote ‘The Great Gatsby’ and her husband was a total — hmm, how did you call him? Yeah, a total nitwit,” he cackles.
You glance at him with your mouth ajar:
“Aemond, that was last semester.”
“I didn’t know how to approach you,” he admits, abashed. “And I didn’t want it to be weird or to mess it up and — ”
You shut him off with another kiss, and he hums in satisfaction. His thumb softly rubs your cheek while he deepens the kiss, his mouth exploring yours. His other hand dares to move lower, squeezing your hip and making you sigh at the alacrity of his. It’s simultaneously overwhelming and not enough but he still holds back a little, not crossing the line just yet.
“Wow, can’t believe this is finally happening!”
You break the kiss, startled by someone’s voice. A blond guy is leaning on the door frame, a pair of glasses and a grin on his face. Aemond groans into your shoulder, his hands moving to your waist.
“It’s Y/N, right? I’m this dipshit’s brother,” he shamelessly walks closer and extends a hand. You reluctantly go for a handshake, but he plants a quick kiss on yours.
“Aegon,” Aemond says with a warning tone.
“Oh, don’t grumble at me, I’ve been listening to you talk about her for months,” his brother’s smile widens. “Now Hel owes me 50 bucks.”
“Why is that?” you squint at him.
“We made a bet. I said he’d grow a pair and ask you out before the year ends. Glad I was right,” he snickers.
“Well, technically...,” you can help but laugh.
“He still didn’t?” Aegon fakes a gasp. “I apologize on his behalf, I taught him better than that!”
“Can you please fuck off already?” Aemond glares at him, irritated, and Aegon rolls his eyes but takes the hint.
“Alright, I’ll leave you to it, kids,” he winks at you and walks away.
“I like him,” you exclaim.
“I don’t,” Aemond retorts and pulls you in for a kiss as soon as the door closes. “But I will let him win the bet.”
“Is that so?” you cock your head with a smile.
“Yeah,” he pauses, his face getting serious, and he almost looks scared while asking: “Will you go on a date with me?”
“I’d love to,” you agree without a second thought, and his lips twitch upward, making your heart swell with affection. “Where do you plan on taking me?”
“I’ve got a few ideas,” Aemond says cryptically, his eyes never leaving yours. “May be more than just one date,” he sounds both daring and pleading. You gently trace the line of his scar, and he relaxes at the movement.
“So you are all mine for a while, huh?” you joyfully assume, earning a laugh from him, and he leans in, his hand lovingly caressing your face.
“For as long as you’ll have me,” he whispers before closing the distance between your lips. ➡ part 2: First time for everything
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• listen, I looked at his face and I thought there’s no way girls won’t find him attractive, with or without a scar. so yeah, this version of Aemond is more confident. I may do a second part? maybe more headcanons (love confessions, meeting his family, moving in together, etc.)
• I kinda want to write for Aegon, too... I mean, just look at the original photo and tell me he doesn’t seem like the sweetest fuckboy ever! tagging @greenowlfactif, @kyuupidwrites since you asked (I hope that’s fine 🥺)
✨ recent fic: “My first choice” (she’s Aegon’s bestie, inspired by “Little women”) 💌 my masterlist English is not my first language, so feel free to message me if you spot any major mistakes!
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
The HalfBreed - Ragnar Lothbrok x Reader
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Pairing: Ragnar Lothbrok x Reader
Prompt: a request from @alisha-jade
Warnings: smut, cheating (on Aslaug so is it really though), breeding kink, slight asphyxiation not much.
no beta again so spelling errors may occur feel free to message me if anything is too bad!
You stared in fascination as your father brought Ragnar and his group into the castle. They were a brash bunch but you couldn’t help your fascination as they began shouting and laughing at the fear in the Christian’s eyes. 
You peeked around the corner of the dining hall that was also the throne room. Suddenly your fathers eyes shot up to meet yours. He rolled his eyes and beckoned you out of hiding spot. 
You strolled over to him with grace only a princess could hold. Your red dress swaying slightly as you came to a stop. All the mens eyes were on you and a few were making crude jokes clearly not realising you spoke their language. 
“I think even in your villages it isn’t proper to talk about a princess like that. Am I wrong?” You spoke in there home tongue making them all pause even the beautiful blonde woman that was sat with them.
“You speak our language?” The blonde woman asked. 
“That is what happens when your a halfbreed. Right Father?” You spat at his kingdoms most frequent words for you. 
“Your part Viking?” Ragnar asked with an amused smile. 
“Yes my mother was a shield maiden. My father took an interest on many years ago when she was washed up on our shores.” You answered honestly as your father smiled at the memory of your mother. 
“I see.” The blonde woman chuckled as she watched Ragnar stare at you intently. 
“So which gods or god do you believe in?” A wide eyed, slender man asked his eyes narrowed in a glare. 
“I do not worship their false god if that is what you are asking.” You paused not knowing his name. 
“Floki.” He stated his eyes still narrowed like he didn’t believe you. 
“Hmm…You remind me of the god Loki.” You stated with a grin as his eyes widened. 
“I think he is Loki.” Ragnar whispered making me giggle which seemed to make the older man happy. 
“You must be Ragnar’s wife then. Lagertha?” You stated as you looked at the beautiful woman. 
“Ex-Wife.” She scoffed making you catch the smile that made it’s way to your lips. 
“I see. It doesn’t seem to matter where men are from. They are all brash and unfaithful bastards.” You snorted causing everyone to start laughing especially the shield maiden. 
“I like her.” Lagertha gave a pointed look to Ragnar who rolled his eyes. 
You nudged your father on his excessively large seat at the head of the table. He sighed but moved up so you could sit down next to him. 
You gave him a sweet smile which made him laugh before kissing your head softly. You were your fathers favourite and everyone knew that. Especially your brother who hated you with a passion. 
“So did your mother train you in anything else?” A big man with long wavy hair  asked carefully as he sipped his ale looking at Ragnar who nodded in interest. 
“If you asking if I could take your head off with a sword then the answer is yes. You are Rollo yes?” You asked softly making him clear his throat as he sat up straight.
“My father has told me a lot about your spree around England with Ragnar.” You commented making him nod quietly in response.
You father understood a little of their langue because you had taught him but instead of joining in he allowed you to socialise with your fellow pagan’s. 
Everyone ate and enjoyed each other company before finally your father rand Ragnar began talking about there deal. You rolled you eyes before blocking your father view of Ragnar. 
“I want to go with them.” You stated as he stared up at you with sad eyes. 
“Y/N my sweet rose you really want to leave your poor father?” He asked softly his sadness radiating through his small smile. 
“Father you have your successor and I shall visit when I can. I want to fight! I wanna fall in love with someone who believes what I do.” You sighed in your fathers home language making Ragnar look at you. 
“I understand child. I will see to it then…I love you my little rose.” He whispered the last part in your ear making you smile fondly and return his sentiment.
“Ragnar. I have another term for our deal, I ask you take my daughter with you when you return to your home. She wishes to be with her people.” Your father asked gently making Ragnar nod in understanding. 
“Princess Y/N wishes to come back to Kattegat with us.” Ragnar announced in his home tongue causing everyone to stop there chatter. 
“We are not taking another Christian home with us Ragnar.” A gruff man in the group scoffed and before anyone said anything there was a knife flying through the air straight passed his ear to the throne room door. 
He touched his ear to find in bleeding before standing up and starting towards you. You jumped up, lifting your skirt you could take out your other knife. He got in your face like he was about to beat you but you put your knife to his intimate area. 
“Do NOT call me a Christian. I will cut off your tiny little friend and feed it to my wolf.” You spat in his ear before he finally got the point and backed away.
“We will take her back.” You had expected Ragnar or maybe even Lagertha so say these words however you had not expected Floki to say it. 
“Thank you.” Your father said in their language so they’d all understand. 
You stared in amazement as you saw the village come into view as you absently petted your dark grey wolf. People were flocking to the docks waiting for there loved ones or congratulate people along you smile as you glanced at Ragnar who was staring at you.
“Is there something on my face Ragnar?” You chuckled making him smile.
“You are very beautiful.” He stated mischievously as he stepped closer.
“Don’t you have a wife waiting for you?” You replied teasingly.
“As my ex wife would say. That never stopped me before.” Ragnar chuckled as the boat pulled up.
“I see well maybe you should come visit me once I am settled.” You whispered in his ear before hopping of the boat with the help of Floki. You kissed Floki’s cheek before he bid you goodbye and rushed off your see his Helga.
“And who might you be?” A tall slender woman asked with a bright smile.
“You are dressed like a Christian yet our Floki does not treat you as such.” She added as Ragnar hopped off the boat following after you.
“This is my wife. Aslaug.” Ragnar introduced like he hadn’t just been trying to bed you.
“I see Lagertha has told me a lot about you.” You replied sweetly but she could sense the unsaid words that you did not like her.
“I see.” She muttered with a fake smile.
“Rollo said he would show me where I could stay so I will see you later Ragnar.” You said to the blue eyed man with a smirk on your face.
“Of course princess. I look forward to seeing you at the hall.” He chuckled, his hand brushing across your lower back as Rollo approached you.
Rollo grabbed your belongings hauling them up with ease as you stared at his muscles contracting. Viking men were built different and it honestly had your stomach clenching in need. These men could easily throw you about like you were a rag doll. 
You follow at his side as your wolf Shadow followed closely behind you, staring at people as we passed them. Everyone seemed wary of him but you ignored there looks and stroked his fur as you walked.
“I see my brother has taken an interest in you.” Rollo snorted as we approached a little hut.
“Hmm, perhaps but if I was to bed him the main reason would be because I don’t like his wife. I believe women who like to reck happy homes are witches that need a taste of their own medicine.” You chuckled making Rollo laugh whole heartedly.
“Your honestly is refreshing. You remind me of Lagertha back when she was your age.” He chuckled softly as he got a dreamy look in his eyes.
“You love her.” You stated softly as he lowered you belongs to the floor in the corner of the hut.
“Yes but she has never seen me like that. As long as I can fight with her I can accept that.” He sighed quietly making you smile.
“You’re a sweet man when you want to be Rollo. Maybe if you showed her this side she may change her mind. Women like Lagertha are independent and don’t need a man but that does not mean they don’t want one. Do you know her favourite food or drink?” You asked casually as you began to take your belongings out of the gold and wooden chest Rollo had brought in for you.
“Yes.” He answered curiously before sitting down on a bench that was in the hut.
“Well when we go to the great hall maybe bring her some food and a drink. Don’t say anything just sit next to her quietly maybe even converse with people around you.” You answered sweetly as you dug out your gold and jewels. 
“That seems a little simple.” He huffed with an eye roll.
“Women love when a man knows them. Think of it like Shadow my wolf would. When he wishes to mate he brings his female food and provides comfort for them.” You stated simply as you ran your finger through his fur.
“I see.” He nodded in understanding before glancing at your wolf.
“He seems rather large even for a wolf.”he commented as he stared at the giant dark grey wolf that came up to Rollo a waist meaning he was up to your shoulder.
“I know I have no idea why but I’ve had him since he was a pup. I found him in the woods when I was training. It was snowy and cold. His mother was dead next to him along with two other pups who were dead. They’d starved and then frozen by the looks of it but shadow was smart he caught a squirrel and then burrowed underneath his mother and sister. I buried his family and took him home.” You answered sweetly as Shadow nuzzled into your hand.
“He’s very loyal to you. Most wolves prefer to stay in their own territory but he happily followed you here.” Rollo added before he stood up causing the bench you were both sat on to rattle under you.
You let out a laugh making him roll his eyes once again before he set off to the great hall. You took your jewels and started towards a stall you’d seen on your way here that sold clothes. 
Once there you looked through the clothes before picking out a few things and asking the shop keeper how much. She stared at you with a frown before looking down at the gold with wide eyes.
“This is too much miss.” She stated as she tried to pass you it back.
“I know but I very much like your clothes and you work hard on them I can tell. Even my royal seamstress wasn’t that good.” You chuckled making her flush slightly as she gave you a nod.
“If you would like I could braid your hair for you after you change. You are going to the great hall for the celebration?” She offered kindly making you smile brightly.
You knew how to braid but not as well as the shield maidens so it was nice to have the offer which you gratefully took. She asked you what it was like to grow up around people in England and you asked her some tips on braiding it was pleasant and a lot different from any interactions you’d had with anyone in Wessex.
People may have not said much to your face as you are a princess but that didn’t stop you over hearing the horrible things people said behind your back.
You gave her your thanks and left the old dress with her telling her she could reuse it for whatever she wished. You collected Shadow from the hut before making your way to the Great hall with directions from a few people.
You opened the doors to the great hall your wolf at your side as everyone stared before Floki ran up to you with a childish giggle. He dragged you over to meet Helga who was sweet and very calm compared to her lover.
Rollo sat down next to you but not before passing Lagertha a drink of something and food. You smiled at the action as he engaged you in conversation. Lagertha looked shocked at the action but chose to eat her food and drink from her cup as she kept side eyeing Rollo.
“Well I’m glad you could make it Princess.” Ragnar’s voice stated behind you causing your wolf to growl as you jumped.
“Settle boy.” You whispered to him as he laid back down at your feet. 
“It appears your wolf does not like me.” He huffed playfully as he took a seat next to your other side. 
“Maybe he can sense you devious intentions Ragnar Lothbrok.” You giggled making him smile down at you, his ocean blue eyes shining with there usual mischief. 
“Would you like a tour of our lovely Kattegat?” He asks suddenly and his wife’s eyes found yours with a glare. 
“Hmm I would love to.” You answered sweetly, not taking your eyes off Aslaug. 
You stood up but as you wolf started to follow, you told him to stay making him whine. You rolled your eyes before pointing to Floki.
“Go sit with Floki.” You instructed and he glanced at the man before huffing and walking over to him. Floki stroked his fur as he waved at you to go. 
You were walking beside Ragnar for a few minutes before he moved slightly closer his arm brushing against yours. The white long sleeved dressed was comfortable in the slightly nicer weather Kattegat was experiencing. The dark brown detail down the front was pretty and you were happy to not be wearing the heavy dresses you’d worn as a princess. 
“You seem to be fitting in very well.” Ragnar spoke suddenly causing you to jolt a little.
“Everyone is nice here. It makes a difference from how people treat me in Wessex.” You chuckled as you looked at the small beach in front of you. 
“You were a Princess, how badly could they of treat you.” Ragnar asked sceptically. 
“Men were disgusted by me. Women were afraid of me. To my face they would acted accordingly however I overheard a few things they would say about me behind the kings back…behind mine. They would call me a witch,  say the only bride I could ever be was Satans which by the way is an angel that was kicked out of his heaven and banished to run hell, which is full of demons and people that have sinned.” You rolled your eyes making Ragnar laugh wholeheartedly. 
“Yes Athelstan told me much about Christianity. I believe everyone should worship who they want. I believe in my gods and Athelstan believes in his one god. We are friends despite that.” Ragnar replied with honesty his face serious as he looked down at his boots.
“I believe the same.” You replied softly as you took off your boots before stepping onto the sand with your bare feet.
Ragnar followed your lead, taking off his shoes before stepping onto the sand. He caught up to you his hand coming to rest on your lower back as you contrived strolling, watching the sea. 
His hand felt warm on your lower back, as his eyes gazed at you. You could feel it as it sent shivers down your spine. He shifted a little closer to you, his hand curling around your hip before pulling him close. 
You were pressed against his side as you finally stopped moving down the beach. You could feel his eyes on you as if trying to see your reactions to his sudden closeness.
“Do you love your wife Ragnar?” You suddenly asked making his eye widen though his hands did not move from your hips they weren’t gripping so tightly.
“I thought I did however I think I love that she has given me many sons.” He answered honestly his eyes staring into the darkness that covered the sea.
“I see.” You replied with a small smile.
“I could make you my second wife but I tried that with Lagertha and she left me.” Ragnar sighed softly making you smile.
“I am not surprised Ragnar I would’ve have left too. I have no desire to be your wife Ragnar. If you would like to take me back to my hut and fuck me though, I could definitely agree to that.” You whispered seductively before walking ahead of him towards your hut.
The walk wasn’t long and once the door closed to your hut Ragnar was on you. His right hand tangled in your hair, his lips were on yours as his left hand grabbed your waist pulling your closer.
His tongue stroked across yours gently yet passionately causing you to moan into his mouth his hands immediately trying to rip off your dress. You’d slapped his hands, pulling away from his lips with a grin. 
“Do not rip my new dress Ragnar.” You chuckled softly as you untied the brown leather belt and let it fall to the floor before lifting the white dress over your head and putting it on your chest. 
Ragnar took in your naked form appreciatively as he began stripping. His body was covered with a light amount of hair and muscle definition that you’d never seen on the English men you’d slept with. 
He was built like a beast and it made you clench around nothing, dampness making its way down your thighs. He finally stripped and was back on you, his hands immediately reaching for the back of your thighs to lift you up and laying you on the cold wooden table behind you.
His lips pressed wet, harsh kisses down your sternum nipping at the skin occasionally. Your soft pants and moans filling the air as you stared down at his very clearly hard member. He was big, bigger than you’d had before. 
Ragnar kissed your hip bone before nipping at it the sensation causing a shiver to run down your spine and a deep sultry moan to erupt from your chest. He glanced up at you with a smirk before he continued his path. 
When his lips pressed a kiss right above your slit you were desperate making you thrust upwards to try to get any kind of friction you could. However Ragnar decided hat wasn’t acceptable and slapped the inside of your thigh causing a shocking amount of pleasure.
“Stay still. Naughty girl.” He scolded softly before looking up to see your reaction to his slap. 
You flushed under his gaze as you avoided his eyes. Was that normal? To react like that to being slapped, you thought anxiously. Ragnar’s hands grabbed your hips tightly before he flipped you over so you were bent over the table. 
Before you could question it his hand came down on your ass the sound ringing through the hut. You whimpered, spreading your legs a little so you could push backwards, rubbing against his member. 
“Dirty girl.” Was all Ragnar said before thrusting two fingers inside of your warm wet heat with no warning. 
You let out a startled moan before pushing back onto his fingers eagerly. His free hand massaged the ass cheek he’d just slapped before delivering another one making you moan desperately against him. 
“Ragnar!” You moaned loudly as his fingers started hitting inside you at a different angle causing you to dig your nails into the table beneath you. 
“W-What is that?” You whined softly, trying to push back against his finger.
“I don’t know but I like to call it the magic button.” Ragnar chuckled before thrusting into that spot again. 
“Oh fuck.” 
Your moans were getting louder as they filled the hut, your stomach tensing as it prepared to unravel that amazing feeling you’d only had once or twice. Ragnar’s fingers sped up as he continued his assault on that magic button. 
“Cum for me sweet girl.” Ragnar whispered before his tongue was on your hooded bundle of nerves. 
The angle was awkward for Ragnar it he didn’t care as his tongue lavished you, his finger still never stopping. You clenched around them as his hand came down once against to slap your left ass cheek.
“Oh fuck Ragnar!” You screamed as you finally came around his fingers, your face pressed against the table as you hair splayed messily around you some of it over your face.
“You taste addictive.” He mumbled against you, giving you one last long lick before pulling away from your heat with a wicked smile on his face. 
“You ready my little vixen.” He whispered as he bent over you, his lips tickling against your ear. 
“Mhmm. You gonna fill me up Ragnar? Want you to.” You moaned, your tone needy but quiet. 
Suddenly he thrust into you with no warning just like he had with hi fingers before, causing you to push your back against his naked chest as you pushed him so far in your swore your felt him in your stomach. Your hands gripped his hands that were clutching your hips in an almost painful grip.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you. Want me to fill you up with my seed? Hmm fuck you so good and full.” He growled in your ear one of his hand coming up to wrap around your throat, not quite squeezing it just resting there. 
You felt so dazed from your previous orgasm and his words all you could do was nod to his teasing question. His hand squeezed softly as he continued fucking you slowly but hard. 
“Ah ah. Use yours words sweet girl.” He scolded his hand around your throat tightening again so most of your air supply was gone. 
You should’ve been scared but it only served to bring you closer to anther orgasm. You turned you face to look him in the eyes as you finally opened your mouth to speak. He released his grip but never moved his hand as he stared at you expectantly. 
“Want you to fill me up. Fuck me full with your babies.” You moaned, your head leaning against his collarbone. 
“Fuck. I have many sons. You gonna give me more darling?” He asked as his thrusting started getting faster and more rough.
“You gonna drop everything when I’m big and fat to fuck me when I need your cock?” You moaned as you threw your arm up to grasp at his hair as his tightened around your throat again. 
“I’d drop everything to fuck your pretty little flower sweetheart. Mmm you feel so good can wait until your pregnant and desperate for me all the time.” He groaned against your neck his hand on your hip coming around to wrap around your waist tightly as he began pounding into you at an animalistic pace. 
“Oh fuck! Yes!” You screamed loudly as you felt yourself clenching round him as you felt yourself at the edge once again.
His cock was drilling into that special spot that made you see stars, his thrusting becoming less calculated as he neared his end too. You tugged at his braided hair moaning his name as he tightened his grip on your throat and waist.
“Shit. So close.” He moaned in your ear as he brought his hand from your waist to your wet heat, his fingers massaging your little bundle of nerves.
“Cum for me Ragnar fill me up with your seed.” You moaned loudly before kissing him passionately.
Finally you felt your orgasm rip through you like lightening, your eyes falling shut as you pushed back against him, riding out your high as he finally came too. His hot seed filling you up so much you could feel it.
You didn’t get long to enjoy the aftermath as Ragnar flipped you back over and held you legs up in the air, your knees rest over his shoulders.
“Stay still sweet girl. Gotta make sure you stay filled up with me.” He groaned as he looked down at your abused hole.
You giggled at his actions but made no move to stand up, letting him have his way. You were starting to realised there wasn’t a lot you wouldn’t give to him.
After sometime he finally moved to wipe any spillage with a rag. You gave him a stuttered moan as he gave you a single lick his eyes filled with mischief.
“Beautiful.” He whispered before helping you up.
He didn’t leave immediately instead he pulled your firs over in front of the fireplace before starting a fire and laying down beckoning you over.
 “Your wife isn’t going to be happy.” You chuckled as you cuddled into his chest.
“Yes well I don’t much care.” He chuckled his hair undoing you braids gently, letting your hair fall free around your naked shoulders.
“Y/N it worked she-” Rollo paused in his words as he took in your naked form cuddled up to his brother.
“Never mind we can talk tomorrow.” He snorted as he sent you a subtle wink.
“And what was that about my little vixen.” He asked in amusement.
“I may of given him tips on how to seduce your ex wife.” You smirked at him making him roll his eyes before placing a kiss on your lips.
“I can’t say I’m that surprised. Now come here, gonna fill you up again pretty girl.” Ragnar growled playfully making you giggle under him.
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bluebeary-jay · 11 months
For the celebration I'm thinking Joel has lived in Jackson for months and has a bad reputation so people mostly avoid him and he always keeps to himself. BUT reader is the exception, always with a big smile and really polite to him (and he has a terrible crush on her). She always sees him alone at the bar looking around and seeming dislocated and decides to ask him "may I have this dance" cause she likes him too, but he panic and refuses. Later he realizes he's missing his chance with her and tries to fix it. Just some nice fluff (with age gap please🙏)
(okay so I'm back-ish, I apologize to everyone for disappearing but i had a rough couple of weeks and had to deal with a lot of stuff. i actually finished this fic some time ago but didn't have strength to post it but i'm more ready now so here you go <3 i hope you'll like it, i had a lot of fun writing it!! and thank you for requesting!! love you 🥰)
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Joel Miller was a recluse. Everyone knew that, though not many were aware that he didn’t exactly choose this kind of life for himself.
He really hoped that things would get better after he settled down in Jackson with Ellie, but the residents of the town made it very clear that they didn’t want his company. It stung a little, especially since Joel didn’t think he gave them any reason to be wary of him, but he hid his hurt well. With time he got used to nasty whispers, people giving him a wide berth and basically everyone but Tommy and Ellie avoiding him. It was unpleasant, sure, but he learned to just deal with it.
Well, there was also you.
Joel had no clue what your deal was. Why you weren’t shying away from him like your fellow peers and why you went out of your way to always catch him into a conversation or smile at him whenever you saw him.
“I think she’s crushin’ on ya,” Tommy told him once during a dinner at his house. Ellie and Maria weren’t present, the latter showing the teen some clothes she might want – and thank fuck for that. Joel would murder his little brother if he said such nonsense in their presence.
“The hell you’re talkin’ about?” he spluttered, his eyebrows furrowed when Tommy sent him a smug, knowing grin. The question was completely unnecessary, of course, since they were already talking about you, but still Joel hoped he somehow misinterpreted his brother’s words.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Joel.” He sprawled out on the chair, still with that stupid smirk. “I really think she’s into you. I’d ask her out if I were you.”
“There’s no… I assure you she isn’t.”
“But if she was–”
“She’s not. Now can I eat my meal in peace?” Joel placed his hands on the table, but Tommy shook his head.
“But you like her, right? She’s nice.”
Joel sighed. “Yeah, she is.”
“And pretty.”
That Joel didn’t fall for. He glared at his brother.
“Jesus, Tommy, let me have it. I’m lucky she even wants to talk to me, with all her friends tellin’ her I’m bad news and me being half her age older.”
His eyes became solemn and voice took a lower, quieter tone, which told Tommy the matter was hitting Joel harder than he let on. He sat up straight, getting rid of the teasing smile.
“Alrigh’. Sorry for bringin’ it up.” Joel sighed and nodded, signifying that everything was okay. “I just want you to be happy, y’know. Maybe you should give yourself a chance.”
The older Miller didn’t answer and took a big swig of whiskey out of his glass.
The problem was, he didn’t need Tommy to tell him all that. Joel would have to be blind and stupid not to notice how breathtakingly beautiful you are, and this, combined with your intelligence, passion and sense of humor, was his ultimate undoing. Every time he talked with you, it was all he could do to hide the redness in his cheeks and the weakness in his knees.
But he did. ‘Cause, let’s be real – even though Joel recognized he had a terrible crush on you (though it took him weeks to make peace with this fact) he knew there was no way in hell you’d find him even a fraction as attractive as he found you. He was almost twice your age,  for heaven’s sake, and such a young, gorgeous woman as you would never agree to throw her life away to be with an old man.
But God knew that with each day you broke down his walls, the desire to kiss you was becoming more and more agonizing. Every smile you sent his way worked only to feed his imagination of how soft your lips would surely be if he could only brush his thumb across it, not to mention touch them with his own. He wondered how your hands, so much smaller than his calloused ones, would feel on his stomach or shoulders. How it would be to embrace you with his arms, skin to skin and without any layers in-between.
Those were not the thoughts he should be having, especially in public – yet here he was, several days after his conversation with Tommy, imagining impossible while he watched you laughing on the dance floor with your friend. You looked so carefree, so happy and full of life, your energy only reminding Joel sourly of his own old age.
He noticed you glancing his way several times throughout the evening but he knew it didn’t mean anything, it would never mean anything other than your innocent friendliness. So he just quickly looked away lest you realize he was staring.
Joel took a swing from his glass and looked around the bar, trying to take his mind off you – fruitlessly. His eyes still darted back to you every few seconds, involuntarily roaming over your exposed skin visible under the nice outfit you picked for tonight. It was driving Joel insane with longing and need, and all he could think of was the mental image of how kissing and touching you gently would feel like.
Bet you’d feel so perfect under his palms.
He closed his eyes and propped up his forehead on his fist, trying to tune out the music and all the distracting background noises.
Keep it together. 
He had to remember that he was way too old to be this enamored with a young, pretty girl like you. You would surely be repulsed if you had any clue about what was going on in his head, and some of the thoughts he had–
Then, Joel felt a light touch on his shoulder and lo and behold – there you were, standing right in front of him with a bright smile, as if summoned by his thoughts.
“Hi,” you said, tilting your head in that endearing way that made his insides tighten. “What are you doing here alone, cowboy?”
Joel prayed that he wasn’t blushing, though his hope diminished increasingly when your eyes wandered curiously across his features. Your eyebrows rose slightly and he cursed internally.
Fuck, you were so beautiful.
“M’not…” He cleared his throat and started again. “M’waitin’ for Tommy. He had to sort somethin’ out with… uh, someone.” He drummed his fingers against the table but stopped immediately, not wanting to give you an impression that the conversation with you was boring him. “You don’t have to do it, darlin’.”
You gave him a puzzled look, and he explained. “Y’know. Hang out with me. The people like to talk nasty things and I don’t wanna expose you to that.”
“It doesn’t bother me.” You shrugged with a sweet smile which Joel could kill for just to see it one more time. “And I… enjoy spending time with you.“
It didn’t mean anythin’. You were just bein’ friendly.
But even though he kept repeating it to himself like a mantra, Joel could not take his eyes off you. You were a vision – your profile bathed in the soft lights of the bar, your bottom lip between your teeth as you looked over your shoulder, deep in thought, at the stereo tower. The current song’s notes died down and a new one, much slower and romantic, started to play. You took a deep breath and let out a nervous laugh. “Actually I wanted to ask you something. If you don’t mind.”
“Ask away, darlin’.” He offered you a small smile, hoping to put you at ease, and you wetted your lips – which nearly gave him a heart attack and caused him to almost miss your next words.
“May I have this dance?”
Joel’s world stopped for a moment. He was in the middle of lifting the glass of whiskey to his lips but his muscles stiffened and the tumbler slipped out of his cold fingers. It didn’t shatter, but the rich liquid spilled all over the table. Your eyes flickered to the overturned glass, but Joel didn’t pay it any mind, too stunned to look at anything else but you.
“C-come again?” he stuttered, his voice strained and small. In the corner of his eye he noticed people at the next table glancing their way, alarmed by the noise, but he forced his attention back to you.
“This is my favorite song,” you explained shyly, an adorable blush spreading across your cheeks and neck. “So… may I have this dance, Joel?”
Now the people sitting around them definitely heard that, because they started smirking and whispering, and one person went to another group standing nearby on the dance floor. Joel felt his own face growing hot as he watched them pointing not-so-discreetly in his direction.
It was like the most wonderful dream and the most horrible nightmare come true at the same time.
He couldn’t do it. There was no way, not in front of all the people of Jackson who hated and despised him. He didn’t want to give them a show to gossip about or worse, subject you to their disdain.
But you still stood in front of his chair with an innocent, hopeful smile, though you started to shuffle the longer Joel was silent. The song – your favorite, supposedly – was passing in the background but you kept waiting patiently for an answer to your question.
He had to come up with something. Or just explain to you that he doesn’t dance – the sweet little thing you were, you’d probably understand and not pressure him into doing it. At least he hoped so.
C’mon, say somethin’.
Your face fell instantly and Joel’s eyes widened at the mortifying realization of what just came out of his mouth.
Anythin’ but THAT.
You stared at him for a couple of seconds in the silence of the bar before your eyes started to glisten and you averted your gaze. Someone to Joel’s left snickered derisively and in the next second whispers erupted all around you two. You seemed to shrink in yourself, embarrassment and regret marking your beautiful face, and Joel’s heart almost broke when a tear slipped from your eye, and then another one fell down your other cheek.
“Okay,” you murmured, wiping the treacherous tears quickly and keeping your gaze trained on the floor. “Sorry. Sorry.”
You turned on your heel and went to exit the establishment, your step gradually turning into a run when the giggles and whispers around you became louder. The door swung open on the winter wind and just like that, you were gone.
Then all eyes turned to Joel – and the shame Joel felt increased at least tenfold.
He saw Tommy standing up and walking toward him from the other side of the room with worry written all over his face, but Joel didn’t stick around to hear what he had to say. He stood up and left through the same door you did, glaring threateningly at anyone stupid enough to still snicker at the situation they witnessed.
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Ten minutes later Joel was standing in front of your door, trying to keep his knocking below the ‘desperate’ level.
He realized that he had to tell you. He intended to keep the feelings he harbored for you bottled up for the rest of his life but you needed to know the reason why he turned you down. You needed to hear from him that he cared about you, that it wasn’t some malicious act toward you but sheer cowardice stemming from the problem that he was madly in love with you.
“Hello? It’s… it’s Joel,” he choked out through his tight throat as he knocked again, a little louder this time. “Darlin’, can I talk to you?”
No response came, though he saw the lights in your house were on, and Joel had to take a deeper breath to calm his nerves. He prayed that he hadn’t completely screwed it up, but for now all the evidence spoke against him.
You wanted to dance with him. You gathered your courage just to ask him for a dance and he said no.
Joel knew he lost his chance. He lost you. You were his only friend in town and he somehow managed to fuck everything up with just one word.
He was so lost in his wallowing in despair that he almost missed the door opening slightly. In the gap of the doorway he caught a glimpse of your iris – and though it was only for a split second, Joel could clearly see that your eye was red. A pang of guilt pierced his chest but once you saw it was him, you shut the door again.
“No, darlin’, please. Please, just let me explain.” A wave of desperation and fear threatened to drown him and Joel’s heart clenched in his chest. “I’m so sorry, I acted like an asshole but I never wanted to hurt you, I just… I-I panicked.”
He was babbling, not even knowing if you were still there on the other side of the door, but the desperate and remorseful words were spilling out of him like a waterfall.
“I’m so sorry. Sweetheart…” Joel sighed, putting his hand on the cold wood of the door and listening for a couple of seconds, but there was no sound coming from inside. “Please. I’m beggin’ you, open the door.”
Then he heard something – a sound like blowing one’s nose. Joel froze for one, two… three seconds, and nearly collapsed in relief when you unlocked the door.
“You can come in,” you said, but didn’t meet his eyes. “You’re probably freezing, no?”
Joel nodded, feeling his throat going dry at the sorrowful sight of you. He crossed the threshold, closing the front door quietly behind him and looked you over. You hadn’t changed out of that pretty outfit of yours yet, although it was now covered by a long cardigan that you draped over your shoulders. In your hand you held a crumpled tissue but quickly pocketed it when Joel’s eyes fell on it.
He opened his mouth with a sharp inhale but before he could apologize, you beat him to it.
“I’m sorry for that,” you blurted out and glanced up at him but quickly looked down at the floor again. “I shouldn’t have asked you to dance in front of all those people and I overreacted because then everyone was looking at me… Look, it wasn’t even that big of a deal so don’t read into it. Everything is fine.”
“No, it’s not,” he said softly and you pressed your lips into a thin line. “You have nothin’ to apologize for. I’m sorry for embarrassin’ you. I panicked ‘cause I–”
“It’s fine,” you muttered again. “Just forget it.”
“I can’t. Listen, sweetheart, I panicked ‘cause I wish I could let myself read into it.”
Your head snapped up and Joel swallowed heavily, realizing how stupid that sounded.
“What I mean–” Fuck, he really was shit at talking so openly about these stuff. “I… I have feelings for ya. Had ‘em for a long time now but I never planned on actin’ on ‘em ‘cause I know I’m too old and you’d never…”
“You’re… really?” you asked with wide eyes, but he tuned your words out, fearing that you were going to kick him out at any second.
“I’m only tellin’ you all this ‘cause I need you to know I care about ya and I didn’t say ‘no’ outta malice or… or ‘cause I don’t like you. I do. Too much, I’m afraid.”
You were staring at him, mouth agape and silent. Joel didn’t move, awaiting your reaction – whether you tell him to get out or scream how disgusting he was, he was going to take it. And then, if you never want to see him again, he’ll accept it. One day. But he doubted his heart would ever recover.
“Let me fix it,” he begged, his voice just above a whisper when you didn’t give any reaction to his confession. “Please, darlin’.”
Your eyes skimmed over his face as you hummed to yourself, almost irritably calm. Joel swallowed, the weight of guilt and anticipation pulling him down – and he was ready to fall to his knees before you when finally you lifted your hand to brush his lower lip with your fingertips, so delicately he could barely feel it. He froze and tried not to breathe, not wanting to cause you to pull away.
“I noticed something when you were rambling,” you said with a hint of reflection. Joel had no idea what was happening or why were you acting that way, but he daren’t move. He briefly entertained a thought that he was dreaming, but then his attention got caught by the sight of the corner of your lips twitching slightly, as if you were keeping yourself from laughing.
His chest expanded with hope so strong, it was almost unbearably painful.
“What is it?” he forced himself to speak, the nerves making his voice weak and raspy.
“Your accent gets heavier when you’re nervous,” you mused, as though to yourself, now trailing your fingertips down his stubbly cheek. “It’s cute.”
His heart lurched at your words. You gazed up at him and absently bit your lip, which Joel found downright sinful.
“Do you have any idea how long it took me to gather the courage to make the first move?” Your words were bitter, but there was a trace of relief in your voice. Joel let your fingers wander across the lines of his jaw and cheekbones, wishing he had enough boldness to touch you like that, too, but suddenly, your hand stilled and your eyes met his again. “Did you mean it? The things you said?”
“Yes,” he answered without hesitation, his own fingers twitching as he restrained himself from reaching for you. His head was spinning, trying to comprehend the meaning of your actions and words. “But do you–”
You touched his lips lightly again, silencing his question, and your features slowly were overtaken by a large, bright smile, which seemed to lift all the heavy weight of worry from Joel’s shoulders.
“You wanted to fix it, right?” you asked in a teasing whisper. He nodded. “Then just ask me.”
You weren’t angry. You weren’t pulling away.
You wanted to dance with him and you gathered the courage to do so, and now Joel had to do the same. He couldn’t waste this second chance you gave him.
The corner of his lips quirked upwards and he exhaled shakily.
“May I have this dance?”
You pursed your lips to hide your joy and side-eyed him, but your eyes were sparkling with playfulness. “You know, I think I should respond the same way you did. Just to be fair.”
“Sweetheart, don’t play with this old man’s heart,” he whispered and smiled shyly when you giggled at the exasperation but also uncertainty in his voice. Joel still felt kind of out of it, too stunned to trust his mind that this was really happening – but the sound of your laughter brought him right back to Earth, to the place he wanted to be more than anywhere else.
“You’re lucky I’m feeling generous tonight, Miller.” You took his hand and brought it to your hip, making Joel’s breath hitch in his throat and cheeks grow warm. His reaction didn’t get past you, and you smiled at him so radiantly that his world started to spin. Then your arms wrapped around his neck and you pressed your body against his. “But you’ll have some atoning to do.”
His throat was dry, but Joel returned your shy smile, stepping to the side and guiding you carefully to the thumping rhythm of his heart.
And a couple of minutes later, after more hushed apologies and assurances during your slow-dancing, Joel placed his hand on your cheek, almost letting out a relieved whimper when you nuzzled your face into his palm.
And after another few minutes went by, when he leaned in and you didn’t stop his lips from meeting yours, he knew he was a goner.
He couldn’t get rid of the big smile on his face – perhaps the first real one since arriving in Jackson all those months ago.
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chvoswxtch · 5 months
Hi Court,
May I please have an Americano made by Aaron Hotchner based on this movie quote:
"In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find someone who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you." —Juno
Thanks and Congrats!
juno is one of those movies I can rewatch a million times & never get tired of & I love this quote so much
thank you so much! enjoy!
blurb below the cut
order for aaron with a shot of juno
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the best thing you can do is find someone who loves you for exactly what you are
Getting caught by your boss sobbing in a supply closet at seven-thirty in the morning was not on your agenda for today, or any other day for that matter, but when that door swung open, it was clear you were both caught by surprise. Hotch took one look at your red-rimmed eyes, and the semi-permanent frown he always wore melted into something a little softer, with a hint of awkwardness. Attempting to do damage control and not look like a complete basket case, you swiftly wiped at your eyes and cheeks with the sleeve of your sweater and cleared your throat.
“Sorry…I uh…allergies. Really bad this morning.”
Hotch arched one of his thick brows as he spoke in a dry tone.
“You do remember that I’m a profiler, right? Part of my job is to know when people are lying to me.”
Letting out a deep sigh, you gave a dismissive wave of your hand and leaned back against one of the shelves, crossing your arms over your chest while diverting your embarrassed gaze down to the floor.
“It’s…really not a big deal.”
“It is if it’s bothering you.”
It never failed to surprise you when Hotch displayed warmth and compassion considering you were used to his stoic and authoritative nature. Glancing down at the watch on his wrist just for a moment, he reached inside the supply closet to switch on the light before stepping inside, shutting the door and leaning back against the shelf opposite you.
“We’ve got ten minutes before briefing. Talk to me.”
“Hotch, it really isn’t-”
“Stop downplaying your feelings. You’re upset for a reason. What is it?”
The last thing you wanted to do was talk about your relationship problems with your boss, but you had to remind yourself that he was more than that. He was also your friend, who could potentially offer a logical and unbiased perspective, but at the very least, he was giving you a chance to vent. 
“Do you ever feel like…like no matter how hard you try in a relationship, you’re still going to get left?”
“Did you forget I’m divorced?”
There was a faint hint of humor in Hotch’s voice, and you noticed the slight quirk at the edge of his lips. Trying to suppress a smile, you were delightfully surprised when he offered you a small one and mirrored your stance of crossing his arms over his chest, nodding in your direction.
“Look, if you feel like you’re doing everything you can, then you can’t blame yourself for another person’s choices. Sometimes you give it your best, and it’s not enough. But that doesn’t make it your fault if it doesn’t work out. Effort goes both ways.”
Letting your head fall back against the shelf, you sighed deeply. Part of you knew Hotch was right, but another part of you still felt like there was something wrong with you, or something you just couldn’t get right. Meeting his gaze, a sad smile appeared on your lips.
“And what if my best is never enough?”
There was a pensive expression on Hotch’s face, and he was quiet for a minute. His head was slightly tilted to the side, a mannerism you’d learned meant he was really listening. Hotch still had his arms folded over his chest, and he gave a light shrug of his broad shoulders.
“If you want my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you. The right person will still think the sun shines out of your ass. That’s the kind of person that’s worth sticking with.”
A laugh tumbled from your lips suddenly at his raw sentiment, and Hotch seemed pleased with himself that he’d gotten you to smile. Glancing down at his watch again, he looked up at you with a more sympathetic gaze and offered you a light smile before reaching out with his right hand to give your shoulder a light squeeze.
“We’ve got two minutes. Take a second and gather yourself, and then meet us in the conference room when you’re ready.”
As he opened the door and stepped out, you called out his name.
Abruptly he paused, his hand still on the doorknob, turning to look at you inquisitively.
A gracious smile covered your lips as you nodded at him.
“Thank you.”
Hotch returned your nod with his own, a fleeting light smile crossing his lips.
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riverink · 1 year
I can teach you if you want!
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Summary. Soap x male reader, fluff Soap could not believe that you never had your first kiss. So he confidently offers to help you out with it.
“What you mean Never?” “Exactly that, I never did it, don’t pretend that its like a big deal or anything” “It is a big deal, you never kissed before!” Soap couldn’t believe the news, someone as handsome as you has never been kissed. Well you were in the army for most in your life, having started at a young age and now being transferred to Taskforce 141 recently. You were used to working by yourself and you were pretty damn efficient at it. “it isn’t important to me, so I naturally never had it on my to do list or anything” “But how can now one even have tried, with a face of yours I would have guessed that there would be a line”, you didn’t know how to work with Soaps flirty nature, especially that all if it seems always being targeted towards you. “Don’t pretend like you are the master in kissing Mactavish”, Ghost needed to listen to this conversation only because he wanted some tea and Soap held you hostage in the kitchen, bombarding you with all kinds of questions. Surely you may not be familiar with people being interested in you but still didn’t mind Soap. You couldn’t deny that you felt somewhat drawn to him but as you already stated, it didn’t really occur to you to seek out any kind of relationship. “Tsk, well you are not helping Lt.” “Never intended to help” “Mhm mhm I am hurt and here I thought you liked me?” You tried to leave while Soap was busy being hurt by Ghosts comment. But he of course noticed and didn’t waste time chasing after you, Ghost, being left alone with his tea, could only role his eyes at the obvious tension both of you were too obvious to notice. Soap catched up quickly and didn’t hesitate to continue where he left off, collecting all his courage. “Well if you want to try, the rookies say I am quite a good teacher!” “So you kiss anyone?” you gave him a teasing smile “You … I can’t believe it, seems like you spend too much time with Ghost. I am serious.” Coming to a stop now in front of the door to your room. “I am willing to teach you” You hesitated, not sure about this. What you were sure about was that you didn’t want to have this conversation in the hallway, where anyone could come by. “Lets continue this inside my room.” “Oh so that’s a yes”, you could practically hear the smirk on Soaps face while entering your room. “I don’t want to have this conversation with anyone being able to join in.” “Scared I’m going to just jump on the next person offering to smooch them?”, he truly can’t stop teasing you. “ Ugh you know, it is a private topic. And after all, why me? Could be anyone” “Well because I like you. And I want to kiss you. Not just anyone” His confidence got you flustered “You seem quite sure about this. Was this your plan?” “Hmm maybe, does it bother you?” “I invited you in no?” You were sitting down on your bed now, inviting him to take the place next to you, which he gladly accepted. “Oh do I see some confidence? Its nice to see our C/n so confident” “Just Y/n is enough right now, Johnny” “If you say so, pretty boy” You kept up your confidence but the blush that rapidly spret down from your ears to your neck was evidence for something different. “So?” “So ?” “ How are we doing this, you’re the one who said he is going to teach me. Or you just want to stare?” Soap couldn’t help the smile spreading on his face, he wouldn’t mind staring at you a little longer. He was head over heals for you and is still barely able to formulate just for himself how down bad he is. “So you are really fine with it?” “Yea of course, could have thrown you out a long while ago if I wasn´t” “You can always say if you feel uncomfortable, we don’t have to go to fast” “To fast? I thought you just gonna teach me how to kiss? Don’t you think you are getting bold now Johnny”, you tried to sound teasing, but Soap looked at you with a serious expression. He extended his hand forward so you can take it. “I mean it Y/n. No pressure I told you I teach you. And no one ever learned something in one day, let alone be a master at it the same time. And Ghost was not so wrong, I am not a master myself.” You felt how your nerves got the better of you. Taking Soaps hand, he squeezed it slightly rubbing his thumb over it. “Okay” Soap took your face in his palm with his free hand and forced you to keep eye contact with his hold. “We going to start with simple pecks, nothing special and pretty easy. Just touching lips, you can see how you feel with it.” You lost the trust in your voice and simply nodded. Soap used his hand on your face to guide you. Helping to tilt your head till your lips touched. You were stiff like a board not sure what to do, pursing your lips and keeping your eyes shut. It felt weird to kiss someone, but you trusted Soap. You let him guide you, repeating it a few times till you felt more relaxed, you opened your eyes slightly, having direct eye contact with Soap now. You felt hot, extremely hot. You wanted more but didn’t know how to. So you did what you just learned, you closed the gap. It was a bit helpless, but Soap couldn’t help to smile into it. He kept your head in place and started to lock your lips. You couldn’t help it and placed your arms around his neck, its what felt right. When you moved apart Soap couldn’t help but start chuckling. You pouted at him and giving him a questioning look. “You really are bad this. Its so cute” all of that with the biggest grin on his face, you broke the eye contact and with the position your in, you can only hide in his neck. “Oh I’m sorry, pretty boy, please don’t be like that” “You started it” “Well that’s why I am teaching you, no?” You gave him silence, thinking about what to say, he started to pet your head with his hand that was on your face, you may look mad but you still held hands and he did not fail to notice that. “I liked it I’m happy I could be your first.” “I liked it as well, maybe we continue this. Sometime later?” “Sure whatever my pretty boy wants” You snapped your head up, “You are doing that on purpose!” “What?” he pretended innocence. But the moment got interrupted quite abruptly “Both of you love idiots, out now, something important just came in. Prices office in 5” You looked at each other for a moment and then chanted in the same sing sang “Yes Lieutenant!” not letting go of the other. Ghost could not decide what is worse, two obvious idiots or the combined power of both these idiots.
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 months
Hi! I feel bad for having messaged twice in kinda quick succession, but I have a Bleach AU idea and don’t really have anyone to tell about it, but i hope you’d like to hear about it!
So I’ve only recently been trying to finish reading Bleach (I’ve read earlier chapters multiple times, but never managed to read past the Xcution arc). I’ve still got about 100 odd chapters to go, but I’m in the thousand year war arc finally, (and I’ve read the last few chapters, so I know how it ends, just not all of the details in between).
Anyway, I’ve recently read the bit where Kyoraku (is that his name? Shunsui, the head captain guy) actually goes to the land of the living and visits Ichigo’s friends to warn them that depending on how powerful he is once he’s sorted his issues with his Zanpakuto, he might not be able to come back home and it’s just GOT ME THINKING, because so far it’s not been mentioned again, and it isn’t in the last few chapters either, I don’t think. BUT!! What if it is that Ichigo is so powerful now that going back to the human world on a permanent basis would completely mess with the human world, so he’s forced to stay in the soul society.
So much potential for angst, with him missing his sisters and friends (and Kisuke), BUT also so much potential for absolute highjinks in the SS.
I think this could potentially be a little similar to your Turn Back the Clock AU, but I’m just imagining all of the remaining captains/lieutenants all absolutely beside themselves trying to convince Ichigo to join their teams, Shunsui is already eyeing him up for a captain position in the near future, Kenpachi (who’s still a little lost without his little sidekick (whose name I’ve forgotten, god I feel so bad because I love her)) just itching to get Ichigo to join his squad so that he can have daily fights without the trouble of having to go looking for the guy. Shinji (who without a shadow of a doubt has a soft spot for Ichigo, no matter how much he might enjoy irritating him) who wants to have him in his squad as some kind of “visords-stick-together” kinda deal (and because he knows it’d piss all the others off). Rukia laying claim because HELLO, she’s the one that stabbed him and gave him the powers in the first place, she calls dibs! Hell, I think even Byakuya would want him in his squad, because as much as he might deny it if asked, he’s actually rather fond of the guy, so long as he learns to call him Captain rather than his first name.
And as things are want to do in the SS, where the more power the shinigami, the more insane they seem to be, things get a little out of hand. During one heated discussion, where they’re all giving their updates on how well each of them think they’re doing in convincing Ichigo to join them, someone (I’m thinking a shit-stirrer like Yumichika maybe) gives the idea that hey, this competition seems almost as if you’re trying to court the guy! And so it turns into this weird ass Shinigami-courting situation, with a “whoever manages to (woo) CONVINCE Ichigo to join their squad is OBVIOUSLY the one that Ichigo likes best, so that means that he’s OBVIOUSLY also open to (after)life long commitment in the form of marriage to whichever captain wins” kinda thing going on.
Cue Ichigo not getting a single moments peace, when all he really wants is to be left alone to just PROCESS the fact that he 1) has had to leave everyone and everything he’s ever known in the human world to live with these absolutely crazy people, and 2) just fought in a very big battle and helped kill a thousands-year old crazy Quincy guy.
He’s more than happy spending his time helping clean up and rebuild the SS for now, and he’s happy to worry about what comes next once the SS is back on its feet. (And he’s more than a little oblivious to the weird fighting/flirting/coercing that seems to happen whenever he comes across any familiar face whenever he’s out and about).
It all comes to a head when his friends from home come for a visit to the soul society with those handy dandy tokens that Shunsui gave them, and instantly see what’s happening and have to sit Ichigo down and explain to him that he may or may not (but definitely does) have twenty or so extremely powerful shinigami captains and lieutenants all after his ass(ets), which, know that Ichigo thinks about it, definitely explains a few things that’ve been happening to him lately.
And shortly after his friends go back home, all three realms feel a shift in reiatsu and hear a distant screech from Kisuke, who’s suddenly realised that hey, maybe the human world sucks actually and he should relocate back to the soul society for no reason in particular! None at all! Definitely not jealousy because that would be ridiculous.
If I had the time or energy (and a better track record of finishing fics that I start 😬) I’d love to write this, but I fear it’ll be stuck in my notes forever, lol, so thought I’d share!
No I love this so much!! Especially if it's endgame UraIchi and like all this courting, all this drama, all the shenanigans from all these different high-powered shinigami all trying to get Ichigo's attention and Kisuke just rocks up and gets him within a solid 10 minutes and 5 of those were spent with Ichigo purposefully ignoring him while Kisuke apologized for some dumb petty shit he did before Ichigo ended up in SS
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innerwav · 7 days
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Wowzers manifestation!
Okay so like I for the first time since the start of my whole manifesting journey I’ve gotten genuine results and it’s kind of crazy?????? Like I did not expect this but I love where I’m headed and this just gave me so much inspiration so I’m making this post to hopefully reach out to all those people who’ve been trying for years and never got like physical results cuz I feel you 😭 Okay so this is like a really small thing so don’t expect a crazy big manifestation but just this small little thing helped me start believing in myself again so YIPPIEEEE!!!!
Basically I’ve been trying to get in the void state right? I know it’s a really easy thing but girl I be falling asleep so for me it’s been a little tough but yeah so on my list of stuff I had written down that I wanted to manifest once in that state is a better charger! And for the longest time I had the old iPhone charger (like yk the old one that actually LOOKED NORMAL AND FIT IN WITH MOST CHARGERS) and then it just stopped working so I bought a NEWWWW one and this shit started tweaking like it did not want to fucking work so now I got on my list that I want a new charger and honestly I didn’t even put much thought into it I just knew I wanted to manifest a new one, tell me why one day I just wake up and like I go get my charger where I knew I last left it and it’s a brand new fucking charger and like new version too 😭😭😭😭 it didn’t even register to me what happen like genuinely I had to take some time to realize oh shoot I didn’t use to have this wtf, bro I searched my whole house and I did not find my two old ones and I asked my brother how long did I have this and he was like, you’ve had it for a long time and OMGGGGGG like I swear even now cuz it’s been like two days I’m still like trying to believe this really happen because I’m genuinely still in shock and I know it’s small but to me this is a huge deal though, and this isn’t even the only thing cause like literally like just Friday I remember going to bed and being like yeah I’m going to the void tonight so I put on this silent booster subliminal and I started like lucid dreaming but I didn’t even realize and honestly it’s all kind of blurry but I remember I was freaking out because I hate lucid dreaming cause I’ve had really bad experiences with it and then boom I made myself go into the void for like a second- craziest thing I was like, oh I’m in the void but like I just came from a freaky ass dream and I want to get out because like I’m still scared and bro I didn’t even get to like really manifest anything but that’s okay because since I’m just now realizing how easy this is, I think I could do it again no trouble because like all I did was start lucid dreaming and then like just want to be in the void and I did so honestly when u hear people saying “it’s so easy!” “It’ll happen randomly” and all that stuff I know it’s like really annoying because you’d think otherwise knowing how epic it seems but really when u get there you’ll understand that it’s honestly not that hard, I hate saying this because everyone’s journey is different really but I feel like it’s just something u need to hear to know that this thing that seems so out of this world and like you couldn’t even grasp how it’s possible really isn’t so out of ur reach, because I used to view it as that but as I’ve detached and I don’t really care much if I get into it or not, the journeys just been so much more carefree and easy. I know that I didn’t give a method or real advice but for me seeing and like hearing peoples results always gave me a bunch of motivation so I’m sorry that I don’t have a step by step guide to give u to help but I hope this small success story helped you at least because for me this has meant so much so for all of those that always felt like u were so out of the loop and out of everybody’s league on here who seems to just be getting so lucky with results, just know u can be like that and u can achieve that and one day u will and that could be today and it all depends on u really. Wish u guys the best honestly and sorry if this is written wonky or awkward I’m just not used to making post with my own words or making motivational stuff so yeah 😭 thx for reading this tho ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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pewpewkachuuboo · 7 months
So I had a thought about what if Lucifer is full of shit and is actually the one Alastor made a deal with because Alastor is the big bad because isn’t Luci chilling with the Overlords during extermination in the pilot? Like…. There’s no way he doesn’t know Alastor at all.
So I wrote how I thought their original meeting went - if y’all like the idea I would love to write how the interactions during the season would look if this were the case. That could be fun, actually - I may do that regardless.
I don’t really think I believe it, but I do love the idea that Alastor is in debt to Lucifer and the deal was protecting Charlie’s dream which means he can’t actually do harm to those that don’t deserve it period.
The throne room of hell was vast and empty. The room consisted of a pair of large ornate doors that led to a red-carpeted walkway straight to the throne of hell that sat upon eight large steps that represented the eight rings of hell.
Lucifer sat comfortably on his throne, leaning against his staff as Alastor considered his options.
“So… I will be all powerful after a seven year sabbatical.”
“You will have access to powers beyond your means after I send you to train with my brother for the seven years that it takes for completion - on the condition that when you return, you protect my daughter and her dreams at all cost.”
Alastor chuckled deeply, his voice crackling in interest, “I will not sacrifice myself for another person - especially not blue blood scum. I think I can find how to conjure power on my own, thank you.”
Lucifer’s eyes glowed red in irritation. He stood from his red throne and slammed down his staff. The sound echoed as golden chains restrained Alastor from leaving as he had intended, “I seem to recall that it was you, radio demon, that came to me seeking power. Not the other way around.”
Alastor gave a light sigh, “No need for the restraints, sir, let’s come to another agreement.”
Lucifer did not move to remove the chains, “You’re much more charming in this position- maybe I should put you on your knees and make you beg for that power you crave instead.”
With a tut of his tongue Alastor retorted carefully, “I want power. I will agree to do whatever it takes when I return to see that your daughters hopes and dreams are not crushed. I will protect her but I will not die for her.”
Lucifer hummed thoughtfully at the offer and snapped his fingers to release Alastor from the golden chains before reaching out a hand, “You also cannot let her know of this deal or that we know one another at all.”
Alastor stood still for a moment before finally nodding and closing the distance between them, his hand slipping into the king’s, “Deal.”
Lucifer flashed his devilish grin, a golden glow and dark shadows blending into each other around them, “Good luck and I’ll see you in seven years.”
With that the light and shadows engulfed Alastor and when the colors faded, the radio demon was nowhere to be found.
Lucifer chuckled, “He should have been more careful with his wording - I thought he’d make it harder than that.” He clicked his tongue before sitting back atop his throne, eyes darkening as his wife entered.
Lilith looked calm, “It’s done?”
“Yes. What is Charlie going to say when she figures out that you decided to go to heaven to live and left behind a radio demon to protect her but don’t intend to say goodbye yourself?”
Lilith smiled sadly, “She won’t because you love her too much to tell her and break her heart. Adam promised the exorcists would leave you and Charlie without harm no matter what comes.”
“Just the exorcists?” Lucifer snorted, the grip on his staff tightening, “If Adam kills your daughter himself what do you intend to do?”
Lilith shook her head, “I don’t have time for what ifs, Luci.”
Lucifer spit on the ground at his feet angrily, voice coming out in a harsh and gravely whisper, “You have lost the right to call me by nicknames or pet names. Get out. If I ever see you again, I’ll kill you myself.”
With a sigh, Lilith left the room leaving Lucifer on his own once more.
Lucifer took in a ragged breath, tears falling down his cheeks as he sobbed in loss - they had separated years ago because Lilith had left him to wallow in his misery and instead of being understanding, she took his daughter and left to take charge of hell on her own because he wasn’t motivated or loved like she was.
Something about this moment felt more final, however, and so he allowed himself to transport to his working quarters so he could mourn the loss of his family a final time before distracting himself fully. Charlie, after growing up with her mother, was never close to him despite how desperately he craved that relationship, and she hardly reached out at this point in her life so she clearly didn’t need him - so when Lilith approached him explaining the deal she had made with Adam and asking him to seek out the most powerful overlord to make a deal with him so that Charlie would be protected he hesitated, but ultimately was able to manipulate word of mouth to convince Alastor to seek him out for more power. Sinners were always hungry for more power.
And so Lucifer kept to himself, willing his phone to ring with Charlie’s profile picture so he could try to mend their relationship. He missed her desperately, but felt in the depths of his heart that any attempts he made to reach out first would lead to rejection from the only person he had left.
He wouldn’t survive if Charlie rejected him like the rest of heaven and hell had.
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kotos-and-smiles · 1 year
Ch.127 Rambling and Gushing
As always I will be referring to tessenpai's rough tl which you can find here
Hello hello! Yeah, I'm not even pretending that I'm not just gushing about this chapter
Know this is obvious, but I’m so suspicious that Chika wasn’t *just* half asleep at the beginning of the chapter. Like, I don’t know, he was coming out of some kind of dream. And he mentions later on that he dreamt their performance went great, but I don’t know, just seemed a weird reaction. Them squinting against the light is really cute though. But Chika looks on the verge of tears until he snaps out of it and fully wakes up. Like, maybe he had dreamt they performed and thought it was all over and that’s why he grabbed onto Takezou like that? I don’t know, and I’m probably making too big a deal out of it.
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Can't believe this is actually the day they're gonna perform at Nationals. Like, we've come this far. Also should of course be mentioned how great Satowa and Hiro look and how obviously Chika and Takezou also thought this. is truly just so ecstatic to have every little experience with the club, and it’s so cute. But Momoya not wanting to lose the charm is so sweet. Like, a huge success with him. Satowa’s immediate, oh you don’t have to keep it though, like girl, please, even he values the handmade thing you gave him, people aren’t burdened by you and I still need people to remind her of that. Even Keishi gets a charm! And Chika’s little reaction after Satowa gives Keishi the charm is so cute. He’s so nervous about it.
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The way Chika asks Satowa to sit with him is just, ughhslekdnc. I can’t. And Hiro once again 100% representing all of us, especially with that “Excuse me, Chika-kun!?” cuz like, that is also def how I feel about this in the best way possible. But also our girl Hiro being such a go-getter this chapter, and I love that for her. But also she doesn’t even KNOW what just went down with Chika and Satowa this chapter. Like, if she hand’t exchanged charms with Takezou, she might’ve just dropped dead from the cuteness and also jealousy. But also Natsu being so done with being on the romance bus
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Satowa thinking about how it isn’t even that unusual for her and Chika to sit next to each other! And Chika is trying to play it so cool but he’s so nervous it’s the sweetest thing. And they’re both just such disasters. I fucking love so much how Chika tries to casually hold out the charm to Satowa, with his head turned away.
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Like he’s just this sweet boy trying to do something for the girl he loves and it just makes me wanna scream. And I’m just never gonna get over this. Not only does he still def have the charm that she gave him (the first charm he’d ever gotten and then wrote her name on without hesitation and she considers it her charm too cuz he did that) and then he went and made a charm for her and only one for her. Like, HE MADE HER A CHARM. And then what is the first thing she does with her charm? SHE WRITES HIS NAME ON HER CHARM TOO. THEY MATCH AND THEY’RE BOTH SO DAMN HAPPY ABOUT IT! Like, they’re simply the most in love people ever. 
But like, the way he, much like her and much as he always has, tries to immediately recover when he thinks she doesn’t want it, and that’s when her ability to express how genuinely happy she is kicks in, and just the way she catches his hand holding the charm, and so she’s holding onto him as he’s holding the charm, and how easily she reaches out for him, and how easily they reach out for each other with how softly he caught her arm earlier. 
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And then he reaches out cuz he wants to hug her so bad. And her brain moves onto slightly different topics while his just implodes because she just wrote his name on her charm that he made her and smiled like that about it, and HE BLUSHES SO HARD HE HIDES HIS FACE IN HIS BACKPACK. Like, I’ve been wanting so badly for Chika to blush more often with Satowa, and I know he’s confident and comfortable somewhat in the idea of loving someone and being loved, but like I wanna see my boy blush, and this was like the biggest blush ever. His blushly little ears and the way he hides his whole face, and how she notices and is just so happy and also basically hasn’t stopped blushing herself since she sat down. And like, these two people have already expressed that they love each other through words, and now they just keep doing it through actions and gestures as they always have, and I just can’t believe how precious they are. But I also love that while they have said that they love each other, Chika’s immediate reaction when he reaches out cuz he wants to hug her is just like “oh shit, that was dangerous” and like just cuz she said she loves him doesn’t give him consent to touch her whenever, but also like this is the girl that has literally said she loves him and now he just wants to give her a hug and it’s just so sweet. AFTER MAKING HER A HANDMADE CHARM LIKE SHE DID FOR HIM. Like, I’m never getting over this. I’ve wanted the charms to be brought back but questioned if they even would, and now we’ve got the fluffiest chapter ever of basically just exchanging charms and I’m just gonna scream about it forever. 
Also Satowa reacting out-loud to Chika’s cover of “gonna sleep” with “suddenly?” is so funny. 
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Hiro continuing to be a go-getter and persevering through the awkwardness is honestly great to see for her. She deserves some stuff happening with her own romance. Also though her mentioning that imitating Chika and Satowa, ya know, the people who have already confessed their love for each other, might be a bit much was unexpected but welcome. And Takezou being the problem solver, offering to exchange charms, and how he tucks it next to his heart and his soft smile, and how they’ll both be able to draw strength from each other’s charms. Like, Hiro really is making her love into strength. Just love Takezou's little smile so much even though he smiles bigger in a minute. There's just something so private and joyous about it.
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And then Sane and Mittsu being the epitome of single life when asking each other if they should exchange charms is so hilarious. This along with Sane trying the soothing pressure points on Mittsu’s hand just really made them a whole vibe this chapter. Like, we have these two, the painfully single, Kota and Yoshinaga who are just either vibing or oblivious, the set of absolutely ridiculous love birds, and Momoya and Takinami who are just so *done*
Honestly don’t even feel the need to mention Ichiei at the end, cuz like, yeah yeah, they’re being all intimidating and scary, but my babies just exchanged charms so I don’t care. Am I also selectively choosing to ignore the very existence of Chika’s dad right now, much less that he’s at nationals? Absolutely. I need the fluff in my life right now, so my god I will take it and be thankful for it. The amount of times my babies blush in this chapter, I just CANNOT. I love it so much.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 3 months
wip game: should we talk about the weather 👀
Hehehehehehe big bang fic!!! Hmm I’ll share the pitch I gave to the event artists (hehehe…)
In a world where certain individuals are capable of sharing their own instincts and feelings — and even occasionally physical strength — with their likewise capable partners, Eddie and Buck, and Hen and Chim are what people sometimes call congeneric minds. It comes in handy in a high stakes profession like firefighting to have two people in such synchronization, able to warn each other of danger without ever having to waste time opening their mouths to speak.
Being so in sync with someone doesn’t necessarily mean smooth sailing communication however. Recently back at work after taking time off post-shooting, Eddie worries about Buck and how he’s been dealing with the events of the last year (last several years, really) but doesn’t know how to bring it up when he himself has always kind of encouraged them to move past life changing events with little discussion. While Hen and Chim are getting along just fine, Chimney and Maddie are dancing around each other and their recent breakup, and Hen feels trapped between disappointing her mother or her wife while being roped into backyard wedding planning.
With danger ever present on the job and turmoil seemingly always bubbling outside it, will everyone find the right words before it’s too late?
AKA what if people could be drift compatible in regular life without giant robots, and they’re all disasters at communicating anyway
And here’s a snippet!
Eddie doesn’t get around to talking to Buck till a week later. They’re in Eddie’s house again, but Buck has started to look exhausted everywhere, all the time, nothing special anymore about the way his eyelids droop when he walks in through this specific door. It’s worse than usual today. They had a hell of a long call — a rockslide down on the PCH, outside of their usual range but it was bad enough that the responding station had called for any back up they could possibly get — and Eddie’s wrist and shoulders and whole damn body aches from the hours of grueling work. Buck has to be feeling it, too. Eddie heads right to the bathroom, grabbing the tube of arnica gel that keeps this household running some days.
He doesn’t know how to bring anything up. We need to talk feels as ridiculous as it does dire. That’s a movie script confrontation, as contrived and meaningless as it’s not you, it’s me, or I’m sorry for your loss. Buck is his best friend, and also their fucking hearts beat in rhythm. He can do better.
“My leg hurts sometimes,” is what ends up coming out of his mouth when he gets back to the living room. Your ache is mine. A little poetic, but whatever. It gets the point across. Share it with me, please. We already do, so why are you hiding it?
Buck is sprawled on the floor next to the couch, Eddie isn’t sure why. He looks up at him silently for a few moments, and then rubs at his shoulder. Answer enough. Eddie barely has to look as he tosses him the gel, sure Buck will catch it as Eddie sits on the couch with a sigh. He watches Buck, still prone, hike up his pant leg and start massaging arnica into his calf muscles.
“Are you… doing okay?” It feels stupid to say.
Buck looks at him like it’s stupid to hear, too. His fingers drum a few times over one of the jagged lines still drawn up his shin. “‘M fine, Eds. Just a long day.”
Eddie purses his lips, shaking his head back and forth in a slow roll against the back of the couch. “You know that’s not what I meant.” His hand lifts up to catch the tossed arnica without thinking about it. He looks down at Buck, sprawled out, looking back up at him. “I want to… know that you’re okay. And, Buck, I’m here if you’re not.”
Buck sits up with a sigh that’s more petulant and annoyed than Eddie wishes it was. He rests his chin on his bent knee. “I know. But I’m- I’ll be fine. Stop worrying.”
Eddie snorts at that. “Oh, yeah, that’s something I’m great at.”
Buck’s smile grows so tenderly across his face. “I know.” He twitches his right pointer finger three times and Eddie’s moves involuntarily with he tug. “Come on,” he says, standing up with a groan. “Let’s make the pizza.”
They’d bought the ingredients together — sort of together, Buck on the phone at the grocery store and Eddie and Chris shouting requests down the line — earlier that week, and Chris will be home soon from a friend’s house and likely starving from the hard work of being a twelve year old all day long. He’s old enough that the novelty of making the pizza himself is less appealing than being able to immediately eat it, even if Buck had made sad faces as he’d relayed his instructions to make it in his absence. And this is all a distraction, Eddie knows it is, but Buck is smiling down at him and his finger goes tug, tug, tug, and he lets him get away with it.
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