#I like bianca’s character development
alixlives · 2 years
rewatching this bc i watched the whole show in one day yesterday and i am fucking obsessed-
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spoilers / rants in the tags,,
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confused-catastrophe · 3 months
Rachel and Bianca do not deserve the insane amount of hate they get from the fandom. Rachel had a crush on a boy who was (kinda) showing signs that he was interested in her. Just because a random blonde girl that she barely even knew liked him too (and even then she backed off after they started dating) doesn't mean she was going to immediately back off. She had a crush and went for it. Afterwards she backed off. Does not deserve the hate. Bianca, for all she could remember, had to take care of Nico. Her life she remembered after the Lethe revolved around Nico's well-being. She instantly felt suffocated with that responsibility. Even when she had the boarding school she was in, they both had to dip because their lives were on the line. A place she could be separate from Nico was gone, so when she was met with another opportunity to live a life of her own and be her own person. she took it. Gods forbid she-a fucking 13 year old-have her own feelings too, right?
It pisses me off how both Rachel and Bianca are heavily disliked. You can criticize their actions, its not wrong to think of bianca's actions as selfish, but at the end of the day they're both teens and both were faced with opportunities that would benefit them. That alone doesn't mean they deserve to be dog shitted on.
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avionvadion · 8 months
Me seeing the four pearls like:
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Me watching the next episode preview where Percy still has to make a choice, clearly insinuating they end up losing the fourth pearl:
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just finished battle of the labyrinth reread and I saw a clip of the pjo cast saying this was the book they were most excited to adapt bc it’s where everything kinda culminates before the climax of the series and I can see why
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homoeroticvillain · 8 months
angie is... surprisingly annoying to design clothes for? cause as angel it isnt too bad just fancy suits usually with yellow worked in. but her casual outfits are hard to make look nice and distinct cause she just wear tanktops and the occasional band tee for smth youve never heard of
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barblaz-arts · 4 months
I've come back to drop some Next Gen Nevermore lore, this time about Sora and Regine's parents 💕
Yukiko Toriyama
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Because of my love for parallels, she's a doctor to match the adult characters in the show (Principal - Weems/Bianca; Sheriff - Galpin/Walker). She's a surgeon though, not a therapist like Kinbott, but still a doctor!
Yukiko's around Wednesday and co's age, so she was also in Jericho High when they were in Nevermore. She has a huge respect for Outcasts, thinking that they are very cool. In fact, she thought this one siren girl that she first saw during Outreach Day was especially cool. Soon she will find out that her name is Bianca Barclay and that her classmate Lucas Walker will end up dating her.
She met Sora's father some time after graduating from high school. She fell for his confidence, and was especially impressed that he was an Outcast. Unfortunately she realized too late that he's all talk. When she got pregnant with Sora, his rich parents essentially sent her hush money, which she accepted and used to pay for med school. Sora's grandparents helped raise her while Yukiko finished her studies, so she wasn't as present as she probably should have been during Sora's childhood. She tries her best though, really.
Hugo Schuyler
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Sora's father. He came from a rich and reputable family of psychics that specialize in spirits, also known as Herons. Because of his family's reputation, he developed a huge ego and has delusions of grandeur.
He's a glutton for attention, a trait that Sora unfortunately inherited as she also always makes an effort to fit in with "the popular crowd" among her peers. However unlike Sora who is ashamed of her outcast status and prefers to hide her power, Hugo has a superiority complex and overcompensates for his weak psychic abilities by being obnoxiously loud about his outcast status and his family's name.
He ends up starting a YouTube channel as a paranormal investigator after Nevermore. When he finds out he has a daughter, he's quick to head over to Nevermore and rope Sora into his paranormal shenanigans. No, it doesn't end up being a cute father-daughter bonding activity.
He sees both Wednesday and Enid as rivals. Wednesday for her formidable psychic powers (and reputation!), Enid for, well, her more successful YouTube channel(which isn't even hers, it's the Wolf Preserve's). Wednesday does not remember him from their high school days though, and Enid purposely mixes him up with Xavier when addressing him.
Vega hates him because he thinks aliens don't exist.
Erica Gutierrez
(I don't have her design and personality fully conceptualized yet, sorry)
Erica is Eugene's ex-wife and is a famous actress who started out when she was a teenager. She used to be a celebrity crush of Eugene's when he was in Nevermore, and dating and marrying her was a dream come true that sadly didn't last.
Erica makes an effort to see Regine when she can, and she usually has her daughter stay with her throughout the summer. Her fame comes with its own cons, particularly the excessive attention she(and by extension her family) gets hugely contributing to Regine's overly reclusive personality.
Erica had nothing to do with Outcasts before meeting Eugene and is every bit of a Normie. She and Wednesday never liked each other. She gets along well with Enid because she thinks Enid is normal enough when she isn't wolfed out. Enid likes her for getting her Michelle Yeoh's autograph and a video message as a birthday gift once. (Wednesday hates that Eugene's ex wife of all people showed her up that year)
None of the Nevermore student knew Regine's mother was a celebrity until Erica decided to give her daughter a surprise visit during Family Day(coincidentally the same day Hugo goes to meet Sora. It was a long weekend for the girls)
(masterpost for my AUs here)
Partial credit to @whitebeltwriter for coming up with Yukiko's background with me. I no longer remember which parts were my idea and which is hers, but pls know that it was a collaborative effort
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altf4d3lete · 19 days
My Thoughts on the Wednesday Novelization:
Okay so I have no clue how long this post is going to be, so bear with me. This is coming from someone who has been hyperfixated on the show for over a year and has watched it through multiple times, written fanfiction about it, and debated the characters and their motivations tirelessly.
1. Characterization
First up is the big hitter. The characterization of Wednesday specifically, since the book is written in her voice. I’ve seen a lot of controversy surrounding this. A lot of people have been saying that Wednesday was too emotional, that she was too sympathetic and cared too much about what other people think. To this, I heartily disagree.
We see throughout the book how she gradually begins caring more about the others around her. At first, she sees them only as allies; which is a very Wednesday thing to do. She only compromises because people like Enid or Tyler offer her loyalty, and she feels the need to offer something in return. And of course, the more they offer her their loyalty, the more she feels as though she can open up to them. She’s still human, after all, Addams or not. While most people would assume (wrongly) that Wednesday operated on a strictly “take, not give” mentality, it’s clear in the show itself that this isn’t the case. She still compromises in the show. The only reason people don’t agree now is because they created their own perceptions on why Wednesday was compromising, while it was clear to others all along that this was because she wanted to keep her allies close in case she needed help.
Wednesday, in the novelization, approaches everything from a strategical standpoint. Which is exactly how I’d expect her to approach things. She keeps a careful catalogue of her enemies and suspects, of who she can or can’t trust with evidence. Which, again, is what I had gathered from Jenna’s acting in the show.
Concerning the care she felt for Enid, among others:
I do not think the way she felt about Enid or the way their relationship developed was out of character at all. Wednesday said it herself, it felt to her as though Enid was the only one who accepted her up front no matter who she was or what she said or did. Enid was the only one who didn’t expect her to be someone else or a simple projection of what she wanted. Wednesday appreciated Enid’s willingness to be an ally even knowing that Wednesday wasn’t a good person. And it caused her to grow attached to the one person who accepted her no matter what. Even when Wednesday put her in danger, Enid still came back. And Wednesday appreciated that more than anything. I really think it’s incorrect to say that it’s out of character how much Wednesday cared about Enid. Enid was Wednesday’s first real friend, and put her life on the line for Wednesday. Of course they’re going to be inseparable, in Wednesday’s words, after something like that.
2. Theme
I’ve read a lot of books and done a lot of English classes and writing in my time. I usually look for themes in books, and it’s pretty clear to me that the theme of this book is friendship and navigating it, as corny as that sounds.
The entire book follows Wednesday learning what it means to be a true friend. What it means to open up and be vulnerable with others, what it means to put trust and confidence in them, and what it means to rely on others. Towards the end, there’s a passage where she realizes she’s never been alone.
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In this book, Wednesday learned what it means to grow and foster a community of people who care about you. People who you can rely on. She comes to care about Enid, Eugene, even Bianca. All of them help her in some way, and all of them give her a shoulder to rely on at some point. She learns that having allies are nice, but having friends, people who are truly in your corner, is even better. And that there are specific ways to treat friends, and specific ways to keep them. She learned that sometimes compromises are important, and that it’s okay to not agree with some things, but it doesn’t mean that has to be the end of the friendship. And she learned just how deeply her care for her friends, as well as their care for her, truly goes.
One could say that this book is corny. One could say that it’s cringe, or that it’s not canon to them. All of that is completely fine. But in my eyes, this book has absolutely done Wednesday’s character justice and proven what I already knew: she’s not a psychopath like so many people paint her out to be. Maybe she was in previous iterations, but this is a new iteration, a new character. And she most definitely cares deeply about those who show their loyalty to her, about those who prove to her that they can trust her. Enid, Thing, Eugene, even Bianca. They created a sense of community to battle a common enemy and won. And Wednesday learned that she couldn’t have done it on her own.
I’m excited to see how her character continues to develop in season 2 and further. I’m excited to see how those around her affect her in new ways, and who she’ll ultimately grow to be. I loved this novelization of season one, and I loved the insight it gave us into Wednesday’s thoughts and her character arcs.
Anyway! That’s all, thanks for reading 🫶
Edit: my bad this turned into an essay. If I missed anything or you want my opinion on anything, let me know :)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 months
Gale Talks: Why Nemona is the perfect Rival introduced in Pokemon games.
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Now I understand that this is Quite a bold claim, with the plethora of rival characters. Many are strongly for Blue, Silver as having a Jerk Rival is what inspires you to get better. Others say there are stronger Rivals Like Barry. Some even go hard for Wally because having a character arc about overcoming Growth and getting a dope theme song is what its all about.
Nemona is your Guide
Nemona is your Friend.
You are her goal as much as she is your goal
I will address these below
Nemona is your guide
Nemona is the first student you meet at the start of the Game. She is also the first trainer you actually battle. Immediately helping you get the hang of the battle system for those starting out. And like with the recent trend of Rivals she picks the starter that is weak to yours. Which considering her experience makes sense as she already COMPLETED her quest of being the best. This is her being there to check your progress.
Nemona is also the one that helps give you the free study goal of taking down all the gyms. She is the guide to your gym challenge.
She even introduces how Terastallization works. She is the one that gives you all the mechanics you need to know how to battle.
What is also amazing is during the time you are taking on Gyms, she will meet up with you and battle you, being at a comparable strength to you. But unlike with other Rival fights, Nemona's wins or loses will still progress the story. And its only after the first time you play that you realize, Nemona was showing MASSIVE restraint in all her battles with you. She is training you to be stronger. Her strategies evolve with each battle, and she has great coverage.
Nemona is your Friend
A lot of recent pokemon games try to have your pokemon rival be your friend. And it is with mixed degrees of success (I think they only started getting it right by the time Hop was introduced.) Nemona's friendship is more interesting because YOU choose how it develops. Outside of battles, there are events with Nemona that let you get to know her better, you find out how she was sickly in the past (like wally) and while she wasnt ignored by her parents, they were busy. And people saw all of her success as coming from her family's wealth, which was not the case. And she loves battles but most people are afraid of her because she takes them to seriously. She is in a way, the perfect blend of all previous rivals/ rival friends. (Except Gen 6 but thats because those werent friend rivals, they were caricatures)
She is a champion level (Blue)
People are intimidated and scared of her (Silver)
She was sickly but got better and gained confidence (Wally)
Works to help you through the world (Brandon/May)
Loves Pokemon battles and is super hyper. (Barry)
Is analytical and smart with pokemon battles (Cheran)
Friendly and has some deep seated insecurity (Bianca)
tries to be very chilled out but is passionate (Hau)
Has a burning desire to prove themselves (Hop)
Nemona has a blend of all these qualities and it works perfectly.
Nemona is purposefully holding back as to not scare you away. And its why when you finally become Champion rank she is even happier than you. Because now, SHE can go all out, and there is someone that can handle it. She finally has a friend that can handle all of her, and thats worth its weight in gold.
You are her goal just as much as she is your goal
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Nemona was someone that went through her journey. She won, she was a champion and not even Geeta could compete with her. And that skill made her intimidating to ANYONE she battled. And even when she would hold back she would trounce them. (even in the DLC, she is the strongest trainer outside of you and the Blueberry academy head).
She was bored. she had 'completed' her journey and was never challenged. So when you show up, she sees something within you. The spark of a champion. She could tell that you were the one that could challenge her. So she found a new purpose. Getting an all out battle with you. You would be her goal, and she would help you progress in anyway possible. She would check your strength, show strategies.
And while this was happening, you start to realize that she is your final opponent. She is your endgame. That's where things get interesting. As you find out how strong Nemona really is. With the reactions of the trainers that see her, and even after you beat Geeta (the champion) even she admits how she is no match for Nemona. Which really puts into perspective how this journey played out. Nemona was your first battle and she would be your most crucial battle.
Its just a great full circle moment that gives the trainer a welcome feeling. And at the end, when you finally beat her at full strength, she is excited. She isnt angry or sad. She is just so happy to give everything she has. You were able to give her what she was desperate for. And without realizing it, she became your goal. And she is finally, truly your rival.
Nemona has so much going for her character, and it adds so much to the rivalry you develop.
It is nice that GameFreak managed the perfect blend for this rival.
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friedwizardwhispers · 8 months
I find it funny that people are acting like the lotus hotel was THE iconic moment of the book, the moment we were all expecting when it's not even an entire chapter (I think it might be 5 pages long ?) and the chapter isn't even named after it, it's named after theirs ride to Vegas. The only reason it's there in the book is to make them lose time and in the show, it does that and it allowed them to flesh out Luke earlier and introduce Hermes, adds to the Percy and Luke being foils and the history of Annabeth and Luke and have more character development for Grover and more humor.
Unpopular opinion: Nico and Bianca were the most relevant thing about the hotel and that's only in retrospect.
The show fleshed it out so it could be one entire episode and people are still complaining.
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siminiecricketart · 2 years
Thinking about how soldier poet king applies to Percy Jason and Nico
Nico is arguably the soldier: “The Soldier is a person who sees everything as a fight. He feels destined for violence, driven by anger, and he walks into this world of conflict, partially by his own choice” - throughout the original and HoO, Nico is seen to be a character who holds a grudge, who holds in so much anger and resentment over what happened to his sister, to the point where she begs him to forgive, to let go and move on but he struggles with this. He then also holds anger over his feelings towards Percy, that although he blames her for Bianca, he also develops feelings for him so his whole arc which causes further torment, and he is driven by anger of all the wrongdoings towards him in his life. I know peopl would be like “uhhh ghost king? It’s in the name???” But just trust me. He is the solider.
Jason is the Poet: “The Poet is a more peaceful creature who sees the beauty and poetry of the world and uses the power of words and his sensitivity as a strength that others may underestimate. However, the quiet power of his character can change the world as much as an act of war.” Jason’s whole arc was that he was trained as a perfect Roman soldier since he was a baby. It makes perfect sense that he would be placed in the solider category. But this just isn’t Jason, and we see him fight this role.. Jason isn’t prone to violence, and we can see in his character that anger doesn’t drive him. Despite how he was trained, and how he should have been, Jason is seen as more of peaceful character compared to the other two. He wants peace, he wants to right the wrongdoings done towards the minor gods and goddesses - to the point that he decided his purpose was to recreate New Rome, to build shrines to these gods and goddesses so that they can get the respect and devotion they deserved. He wanted to leave the world a better place than the one he lived.
And Percy is the king: “The King is a person who feels the burden of being the one who has to manage and take accountability for the world. Duties are inevitable for him, and he feels he must take them on his shoulder and follow what the world expects.” I don’t even think I have to say much on this. Percy has felt the burden of the prophecy from the moment he arrived at camp. He didn’t tell anyone of Nico and Bianca’s parentage, because he didn’t want Nico to have any responsibility of the prophecy - time and time again, percy has taken the burden of helping the gods, helping the world. He carries the prophecies on his shoulder, and then CHB and CJ. This, and his fatal flaw being loyalty, percy being the king, and not the soldier makes absolute sense in my mind.
I’m so bad at words but I hope my reasoning makes sense with these three and yes I will be drawing this lol
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What I like about Riordan's books is that he isn't afraid to write adventures where girls outnumber boys.
In The Titan's Curse, Percy calls Annabeth and Thalia two of his best friends (I know we say Grover is his best friend, and that's kind of true. Grover is certainly his first friend, his longest friend. But Annabeth is also his best friend).
Percy is surrounded by wonderful girls and women. Quite a lot of his closest friends are girls, especially during the PJO series. Annabeth obviously, and Thalia, even Bianca and Zoë, Rachel, and he even grudgingly respects Clarisse (sometimes).
His mom, Sally, is constantly important to his character as well, and we see her amazing development over the series.
Back to The Titan's Curse, one of the most pivotal books in the entire series (rivaled only by The Last Olympian and The House of Hades), we see the Hunters of Artemis for the first time, and are properly introduced to several new characters, most of them girls. We get to see Thalia Grace, alive again, and developed as her own character. And we're introduced to Bianca di Angelo, Zoë Nightshade, the goddess Artemis herself, and get our first glimpse of Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Seeing a main character, a male character, going on a whole book's adventure surrounded by girls (and one very nice boy), to rescue a goddess, and his best friend (also a girl), and it being treated as completely normal is just... thank you. Thank you for the girls!
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kaelio · 7 months
The Murder Mystery at the Center of The Vampire Armand
The most important singular event in The Vampire Armand is the death of the titular character. Of course, by the time we first encounter him in Interview with the Vampire, he’s already dead. He’s been dead a long time. How Armand (originally Andrei, then Amadeo) dies is important.  
So, who killed Armand?
The cause in fact is, Marius kills Armand. Marius takes the action (cycling his vampiric Blood with Armand’s living blood) that causes Armand to finally die. He had also offered to be the cause in fact for a mortal death, as Armand will die of his wounds in either case. Armand, on his deathbed, impresses on Marius—as they had discussed before—that he does want to become a vampire, where the process of becoming a vampire is fatal. Armand becomes a vampire and in so doing, he dies, having been killed by Marius.
The proximate cause, however, is Armand’s mortal wounding by Harlech. He is already dying, just not dead.
So, what do we know about Harlech, and what is the significance of what we learn?
The Earl of Harlech feels like a bit of a non-character compared to others in the book. We know he’s wealthy, English, redheaded, and has a violent streak. We never actually learn his given name. Harlech is a bit of a curious figure in that neither Armand nor Marius has an incentive to describe him in anything but unflattering terms, particularly after their reunion in Queen of the Damned, which precedes The Vampire Armand and Blood & Gold. That said, he’s oddly one-note for a character in this series, much less one who is key to the most significant event that the novel describes.
Now, why does this matter?
The first time I read The Vampire Armand, I realized there was something odd, even by Anne Rice standards, about this portion of the novel. Bianca is very obviously more developed, and she comes across as suspicious in some strangely-defined way. Armand, himself, does not seem to find her suspicious and is not suspicious of her in his retelling. However, as a reader, receiving his story, it struck me that it felt like he should have been.
Anne Rice was always ruthless about first-person narratives being realistic. Characters don’t focus on events they don’t care about; they have faulty recollections; and they only know what they actually should know.
Bianca is clearly important to how events unfold in ways that Armand himself fails to realize.
I would argue it’s not just possible, but deeply probable, that Bianca is ultimately and deliberately responsible for Armand’s death.
(done in conjunction with @thecactifindahome !)
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rubyfa · 3 months
Bianca haters: annoying
Bianca defenders: annoying
It's not a black and white issue. Bianca did do something wrong. But in a way that's completely understandable for a teenage girl. She did abandon Nico. She had no concept of what the camp was like before joining the hunters. She trusted the word of a 13 year old boy that was about one second away from jumping off a cliff cause he liked this girl his age 'a totally normal amount' he promises.
I swear I keep seeing Bianca discourse on here and it's just because one group seeks to condemn her for her crimes beyond the scope of what's reasonable. And the other seeks to deny her of any fault in the shitty stuff that happened cause of her impulsive decisions. Bianca like all the PJO characters when written well is nuanced and complex cause she's a hormonal idiot like the rest of them. She's a teenage girl and like any developing mind she's morally gray and messes up.
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── .✦ Calypso Of Ogygia
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[heeeey. It’s the mod here. 1) This is PJO Calypso, not the one from Greek mythology. She is not a rapist on this blog but this does not excuse her actions I DO NOT CONDONE NOR GLORIFY RAPE 2) This WILL deviate from pjo canon calypso because I really don’t like her character growth OR her personality. I will take some creative liberties as I see fit eg. She’ll be less of a bitch- THANK YOU!]
my name is Calypso, daughter of the Titan Atlas [who I have a unhealthy healthy amount of hatred towards] I was exiled to the Island Ogygia and was cursed to fall in love with anyone who washed up on my isle. I am currently trying to GET OVER IT.
Age-4612 [chronologically] 16 [Biologically]
Status-Single thank the fucking gods at this point
Lore-Supported my father, Atlas during the first war, like a loyal and filial daughter [he would have beaten my ass if I didn’t-] Then got imprisoned on my isle to fall in love with anyone who visited/washed up on the island. I’m currently going through some development to have some healthy fucking relationships.
Because YOU try being locked up for 3,688, alone with loads of bugs and people who don’t wanna be there. 🫵🏼
Personality-I used to be the most pettiest and selfish ahh bitch on this side of the universe, but recently I’m just…..so so so tired. I’m done. I’m going on a pilgrimage to reclaim my identity 😔✊
People I know:
Hazel @gemstonequeen
Leo @fire-boy-official
Nico @king-of-the-ghosts
Annabeth @wise-girltm
Will @sunshine-and-socialanxiety
Percy @totally-percy-jackson
Jason @thalias-amazing-brother
Piper @miss-beauty-queen
Frank @iguanaurwayoutofhandcuffs
Grover @goat-boy-underwood
Clarisse @official-drakon-slayer
Zoe @i-can-see-stars-again
Silena @silenasblogies
Reyna @reyna-dontcallmerara
Bianca @not-so-dead-sister
Kayla @bestdemigodarcherever
Katie @kit-kat-flowers
Hades @yes-im-hades
Aphrodite @yes-im-aphrodite
Zeus (imprisoned me 🙄) @by-the-decree-of-my-crown
Artemis @my-sisters-and-the-moon
Naomi Solace @best-country-singer
Aight im done.
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aricr0cs · 2 months
It all started in 2022 when my girlfriend used pictures of qunari pectorals to shamelessly tempt me into being interested in dragon age. I’ve never been into rpg on console. I like racing games and shooters. Stuff like that. But in my defense…. The Arishok.
She convinced me to watch her play. And I did. All of it. She began with dragon age origins. A completionist, She played it all, recording it for me in 30 minute increments which I consumed with growing interest. Every game. The dlc. Every quest. No chest was left unlooted (giggity). I’m sure I saw more in the last two years than yall will ever see here thybyht.
And boy did I consume it. I fell in love with every character. I fell in love with her ocs. I fell more in love with her for giving me this wonderful little piece of her head. It felt like a very special gift. And I gobbled it up.
And naturally, being me, I crafted my own ocs inside my head that were there too. Developed my own ideas of what I would do. My considerations of the actions I would take. The choices I would make. I became very invested.
They dropped the veilguard trailer and it was a new experience for us I think. She has loved this game for so long. I have never played it. But we were both squealing with excitement and buzzing about what we think will happen.
And then the playthrough aired. The one where we see Varric lose his Bianca and here I am having never played and yet my heart still hurt with worry for this little fictional man.
And so the itch began. The desire to make those choices for myself. To see Thedas being shaped because of my actions.
I have been sucked in.
On June 30th 2024, in a discord call with my gf, I downloaded origins and began my first playthrough. There will be some catching up posts of how I felt and the choices I made and then once I’m caught up I’m going to consider this my online da diary lol.
It's a juxtaposition. I know what is going to happen. I know the story. I’m already spoiled. But this is still very much my first playthrough of these games. So if I post old news or theories I apologize ynynyh. But I figured I’d share my joy and idiocy with the world. And I thank you old dragon age veterans for putting up with newbies like me.
Also my girl. Thank you Leah for giving this old gay a new world to become a part of. As always I’m dragging your ass with me uwu.
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hanitje · 11 months
Penny, The Rescuers
So I was a bit pissed off when some dude bros (and some nasty women) complaint on social media about Penny; saying things like how boring her character was and she wasn’t like any of those “strong” princesses. 
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First of all, she was a CHILD. She was around five to six years old in the movie, and also an orphan. She didn’t have any friends except for an old cat named Rufus at the orphanage.
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And then she was KIDNAPPED by a nasty woman named Madame Medusa, an antique dealer who brought her to a river boat. She was forced to get into a small bucket and thrown into a hole to find a freaking diamond while sometimes sea water almost drown her.
She was also being verbally abused by Medusa that she was so ugly, nobody wanted her. Medusa even threatened to “kill” her teddy bear if she didn’t do what the lady said. I dare y’all not to cry to see this little girl holding everything to herself while hearing Medusa just sweetly called her useless. 
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On top of all that, she was calm and collected, and even brave enough to sent a message in a bottle where The Rescuers found it. She never wailed while crying, although she deserved a good cry. When she found out that her rescuers were a bunch of mice, she was disappointed at first, but both Bernard and Ms. Bianca were good to her, and encouraged her to take some action.
She realized she needed to rescue herself, grabbed the diamond, and ran off the boat (after the swamp creatures wrecked some havoc to Medusa and her boat) on her own, driving away with the speed boat. She went home to New York orphanage, got adopted, and gave the diamond to a museum. She became famous and being called a hero. But she didn’t care with any of that; she found a loving parents, and the scene where her adoptive parents kissed her and hugged her, it was so beautiful. And she found friends in a form of small mice, and she thanked them.
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Despite her youth, Penny breaks the traditional mold of the "damsel in distress" prototype by repeatedly making an effort to rescue herself, rather than wait passively to be found and rescued. She was only five years old and very shy, but the fact that she was defiant against Medusa and her crony (I forgot his name) and didn’t give up makes her a very interesting character. Everyday she tried to escape but always failed, however she kept trying.
She should become a role model for children. People calling her boring and weak especially from dude bros is a testament that they didn’t watch the movie because I don’t think they’d be able to handle a kidnapping situation where they’d have to face huge crocodiles, dangerous swamp, a trigger happy nasty crazy woman, a water hole, and death threats - and she was only FIVE/SIX YEARS OLD. How dare they called her boring and weak! 
Just because she didn’t have magic powers, a fairy godmother, gods, spirits, a prince, or even a weapon (but her small critter friends) didn’t make her boring and weak. Her character development was good; from an insecure first grader to this brave little girl who would not give up and rescued herself. She was a strong good character. 
Respect Penny!
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