#i guess i focus on her hair? should probably figure out a way to draw it more consistently
homoeroticvillain · 7 months
angie is... surprisingly annoying to design clothes for? cause as angel it isnt too bad just fancy suits usually with yellow worked in. but her casual outfits are hard to make look nice and distinct cause she just wear tanktops and the occasional band tee for smth youve never heard of
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eveningrainstorm · 5 months
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my take on teenage raz and lili!
some design notes under the cut:
They're intended to be about 16 here! I didn't go for anything too drastic in terms of changes -- these are largely just what I'd consider natural evolutions of their canon designs
For Raz, my main focus besides just making him look older was to add a bit more resemblance to the other Aquatos in his design, since his relationship with them wouldn't be strained like it is during canon
Raz is shown with very straight hair in canon, but since most of his family's hair is more wavy or curly I tend to imagine he styles it that way on purpose as part of his Sasha Nein cosplay or whatever. He wouldn't still feel the need to do that at this point, though, so for this design I wanted to make it more curly, similar to Augustus or Frazie, while still similar to his canon style. This turned out to be incredibly difficult and I'm still not entirely happy with where I landed, but it's good enough
I didn't think he would still wear the helmet but I didn't want to discard it entirely, so the goggles were a compromise. I meant to give them some visible scratches and wear and tear since they're presumably the same goggles he's been wearing since he was 10, but I forgot. rip
Obviously the most notable change to Raz's outfit is the scarf -- I wanted something that would tie him visually to the other Aquatos while still fitting with his general look. I imagine they gave it to him as a gift, sort of an acknowledgement that even if he doesn't perform with them as an acrobat, doing his Psychonaut work is his own way of being an Aquato
Raz's outfit here is honestly very similar to his PN2 outfit. This is because in my eyes "long coat and turtleneck" is Peak Character Design and cannot be improved on. (Hence why I may not be the best person to redesign Raz.) He has an actual coat rather than just an oversized blazer this time though, so that's an improvement. With the turtleneck I was was vaguely intending for it to be color-wise something of a middle ground between the Sasha-style green striped turtleneck and the Aquato blue/green and white stripes, but it ended up basically just being the PN1 stripes with the PN2 color. which, you know, that works
I went back and forth on what their heights should be -- I thought it would be kind of funny if Raz ended up short and Lili ended up taller than him, but then I decided to just make them more in line with their families, with Raz being tall and lanky and Lili being average verging on short. Except then I accidentally made Lili tall anyway because I was only vaguely considering her height relative to Raz. I guess Lili's probably taller than her dad now? good for her ig
Most of their facial features are just slight variations of how they look in canon -- slightly smaller eyes and so on. the only real specific change is that Lili has a more defined nose now, similar in shape to her father's
Lili's outfit here is more different from either of her canon outfits than Raz's is, but there's still not much that really requires a ton of explanation. The goal was to make her look vaguely cool and fashionable, although as I am neither of those things I cannot guarantee I was successful
I tried a couple different hairstyles for Lili, and I'm still not entirely set on this one -- Originally what I settled on was to give her two braids, which I did like, but I kept doing sketches of her where I just drew the top part of the hair and was like "ngl this kind of works on its own" and so I ended up going with the short hair. I also briefly tried an asymmetrical haircut but I couldn't get it to look right. I think this one suits her though
Lili's tattoo (on her left wrist) was a later addition to the design, and even in the later stages of drawing this I wasn't sure whether to keep it. I like it conceptually I just haven't figured out a consistent design for it yet, only that it has to be of plants
god these notes got way longer than I meant them to be I am so sorry. Uh basically I'm still figuring out the details of these designs but for now here's Raz and Lili, they're teenagers now, thanks for reading
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wiltingdecay · 2 years
was bored and couldn't get my pea brain to focus on writing after expending so much energy today so here's some half baked rowan charm "plans" (i use that term very lightly here)
halloween charm rowan
• banshees are just yassified ghosts so tattered white gown + white hood/veil thingy + some kind of waist corset thingy to rowanify it some more.
• hair MESSY and flying out around his head.
• dark and extremely smudgy make-up, maybe some white foundation as well (i don't think banshees have freckles :( sad)
• arms out pose so big ripped sleeves can dangle and be centred
• face like >:] and general heehoo im gonna getcha vibes
baewatch charm rowan
• beeeeeg sunhat, smthing similar to portia's but with darker colours perchance
• they probably didn't have obnoxious patterned hawaiian shirts in ye olden times but he's getting one anyway
• tiny lil dark plain coloured bikini top underneath bc said hawaiian shirt must be oversized + unbuttoned
• either equally tiny full ass out shorts or full transmasc board shorts. might sketch both and see which i like best
• chunky wedge sandals bc he's apparently been short coded, he can't not remind ppl that he is Tall
• pose..... idk but he will be holding a margarita. would be floating in a big donut but too similar to asra's + hides outfit. perhaps crouching by a rock pool befriending a crab
wedding charm rowan
• sitting SEXILY. legs crossed ass and thighs in full view.
• can't imagine rowan getting married at his ingame age/maturity level so make him look a lil older
• longer hair? longer hair. would be styled like his regular hairstyle but Fancier. thinking braided back like muriel's hair in his route
• white + gold outfit obviously but with red accents... red tie? red hair accessories? red lips? red bottom boots? yes
• white ruffly poet shirt showing off hefty amounts of chest... gold underbust waistcoat or corset w red detailing... frilly ass pants with gold embroidery.... white or gold heel boots... fuck maybe a white w gold or just straight gold tailcoat too he is getting MARRIED he should go all out (but on the other hand i don't want it to just be a recolour of his masquerade fit so we'll see)
• fanciest gold jewellery i am willing to spend time drawing
wonderland charm rowan
• i guess rowan is alice?? only thing that really makes sense lmao
• turn alice's skirt into shorts and her apron into a lil waist corset and we have ourselves a rowancore outfit
• pose + background elements; based on scene from the beginning where alice is falling into wonderland - pose rowan partially upside down/falling headfirst perhaps
• have plot important stuff falling with him; the emerald necklace, cards from asra's deck, myrrh pouch, julian's research, red beetles, etc
fruit charm rowan
• rowan is already a fruit and today that fruit will be a mango. red + green + lil bit of goldish yellow fits his aesthetique to a t
• outfits seem to be modern au + matching the fruit's palette for the most part soooooo... slightly slutty punkish dark academia outfit that's red/green/little bit of gold. idk what that would even entail but i'll figure something out
• pose/background details; sitting legs crossed on beeg half-mango "boat" and holding/eating smaller mango?? idk the composition of these charms confuses my pea brain for some reason
potion bottle shaker charm rowan
• finally i do not have to cook up a new outfit. breathes a sigh of relief
• pose.... idk he'll just be sittin. either he'll be a bit slutty about it or takin a nap against the side of the bottle, i could go either way
• heart shaped red bottle with a gold stopper inlaid with a turquoise gemstone(s) to match/reference their necklace. might have some gorse flowers around the top too. perchance.
• contents of bottle: two tarot cards. sammi. a chibi version of the tower (Uh Oh). the notebook that they scribble investigation stuff/General Thots in throughout the routes. a little flame.
tired so i'll plan out the rest some other time
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boldlyindecisive · 2 years
The Ballad of Eddie Munson
Chapter 1: The Tutor
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The cool March air taunts the anticipated end of the school year. Lissa took a deep breath, inhaling the stagnant scent of chalk dust. She checked her watch again and sighed.
Lissa shifted in her absent teacher's chair and glossed over her tutoring notes. Where do I even start - if he ever shows up. She tugged at the color of her button up blouse, regretting wearing it on such a long day.
Eddie rushed through the doorway, "Sorry I'm late Ms. O'Do-oooh, you're not Ms. O'Donnell." 
"Sharp, Eddie."
"Lissa Bradley. And what do I have the pleasure of spending detention in your company today?"
"You're not sitting around in Detention anymore. Principal Higgins asked me to tutor you to make sure you pass."
Eddie cringed. "Tutor?"
"Yeah." Exasperated. "You're barely to a D in this class and if you don't get there you won't graduate."
Eddie straightened his back. "All this effort for little ol' me?"
"Well, to be honest, everyone's sick of your shit and wants you out of their hair."
Eddie's eyes widened and he pressed his lips together stifling a smirk. "I didn't think that was in the vocabulary of honor students."
"I'm surprised you even know that word."
"Shit? Of course I know that word! I say it all the time!"
Lissa rolled her eyes and put her palms on the desk. "You should take this seriously. Unless you want to be a 21 year old high school student."
Dramatically looking forward and nodding his head in earnest, he sat at the desk closest to the teacher's, his wallet chain clanging loudly against the chair. "Yes, ma'am."
Lissa stood, grabbing a small packet of stapled papers. She walked towards Eddie, and laid the papers before him. "This is a practice test so I know where we need to focus. She walked away, lightly pulling her collar away from her skin.
Eddie took notice, then glanced down her curvy figure. I don't remember that ass around school.
Lissa looked back quickly to comment on the test. She watched Eddie's eyes dart to hers, his cheeks lightly flushing with guilt. Was he just staring at my ass? "Um," she lost her thought, nervous from the potential attention. "Don't worry about trying to get every answer, just go as quickly as you can." She made up, then took her seat back at Mrs. O'Donnell desk to wait for the awkwardness to pass as she stared at her book.
Eddie whipped a pen from his pocket. She definitely caught that. This is weird. He looked at the questions, already bored, and signed his name. But he decided to take it seriously and began to answer each question.
He was quiet. Lissa kept her head down, but sneaked a peak at Eddie. She was surprised to see Eddie moving his pen across the quiz. He's probably drawing dicks. She noticed the way his wavy hair fell around his face. He's almost cute when he isn't talking. I guess I can see why the grungy girls would be into him. As she continued to watch him, the tip of Eddie’s tongue poked out of the corner of his mouth. Her eyes widened and she tried not to giggle. Okay, that's one of the cutest things I've ever seen.  
Eddie looked up thinking he heard Lissa make a noise. She quickly faced her book in full. He shook his head and smirked as he looked back at the test. Oh yeah, she's into it.
"Done!" He slapped his pen on the desk.
Thank god. Lissa was beginning to sweat. She went to retrieve it but before she could stand, Eddie jumped up.
"Allow me." He towered over the desk and looked down at Lissa. She looked up, their eyes meeting. He slid the paper across the desk towards her, the afternoon sun glinting off of his rings. She looked down at his hand, her cheeks reddened from intrusive thoughts.
"Um, okay." She grabbed the paper and a red pen, refusing to look at him further.
"Okay." He leaned a shoulder back slightly, his hips remaining forward.
Fucking peripheral vision . "Let me just review this real quick."
Ooh, something's here. I'm not crazy. He paced in front of the desk. Trying not to be obvious in his observation of her. Her neck was slightly red from the collar, her dark blonde hair pulled into a messy bun to keep off of her neck, but thin strands of hair fell to frame her face. He could see she had finally gotten to the last question. He dropped to a crouch, placed his elbows on the desk and rested his sharp jaw against fists. "How'd I do, teach?"
She looked over the paper. "You play Dungeons and Dragons, right?"
His raised his head from his hands, eyes lighting up. "Yeah."
"How can you remember all of those rules and all of those characters but can't remember when to use whom vs who?"
He scoffed and straightened up. "Because people don't talk like that. It's not like I'm actually going to need it in life so I don't care."
She looked up with a grimace, offended by his nonchalance of education. "Maybe you should care so you're not some Hawkins lifer that had to drop out of school because he thought he was too cool to learn what a fucking preposition was." 
"Hey! I am not some loser that's gonna get stuck here. And I do care about things, a lot of things. I'm a very passionate man."
She rose from her seat, her neck itchy, her attitude diminishing. "Then why don't you direct some of that passion to something worthwhile before you end up a loser like your uncle." too far.
Lissa twitched as Eddie slammed his palms into the desk between them and leaned towards her. "He is not a loser. And neither am I. You're all gonna see what I'm capable of when I leave this fucking miserable, backwater town." He reached forward in a quick motion, Lissa gasped as his finger nimbly pulled her collar button from its loop. "At least I'm smart enough to wear comfortable clothes."
Flustered, she watched him walk towards the door. "Same time tomorrow!"
Eddie slapped the doorframe in acknowledgment as he exited into the hall.
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delicrieux · 4 years
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 "𝚘𝚑"
... it’s late into the night and y/n is streaming with one of her new friends, sykkuno. running on caffeine and redbull is apparently not enough because she falls asleep on his shoulder 45 minutes into their cyberpunk gameplay. at that exact moment, twitter goes up in flames.
─── corpse husband x reader, sykkuno x reader (because i was threatened by thirsty anons) ─── soc. media + written fiction!  ─── word count: 1.8k author’s note: here it is...what yall been asking for. literally had to add a new part for this but i loved this idea sm i couldnt just nOT NOT do it. i tried writing this with the same energy as the smau lmao so expect chaos as always. hope you enjoy it and as always lmk what u think! hopefully yall wont go too feral, but tbh thats prolly too much to ask for xx EDIT: srr for the fucky format tumbler dot com is being lame 
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous.   ҉   next.
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Such a back and forth continues for the better part of the day as you get ready. Corpse only whines a bit when you forget to text him back - you are packing, and your prestigious cat ears you bought from Amazon for 10$ deserve exquisite care - which only fuels your seemingly bottomless hunger for mischief, leading to you sneakily ignoring him more. When your phone lights up with a message, you giggle, giddy with excitement. Your laughter only gets louder and more erratic, to the point where Rae had busted down your door and threw her Hello Kitty plush at you - one you’d gotten her, mind you! - and told you to just “Shut the fuck up!”
Ungrateful. You know not everyone can appreciate your sense of humor, or stand your hyena like cackle, but that was uncalled for and you told her as much. Noting the mess your room is in (more than usual, that’s for certain), she leans onto the door frame, crossing her arms over her chest, pretty brown eyes twinkling curiously, “Where you off to?”
“So I had this idea-” You start, but are promptly shut down with a raise of her palm.
“Already know it’s a bad one.”
Insulted, and hurt, you clutch your heart. As if she had not mocked you enough today, “Rae...The hell, that’s so mean...” You mutter, face scrunching into a soft frown, “I only wanted to tell you what me and Syk thought of.”
“Oh?” Intrigued, she raises a brow, “Continue.”
“Gee, thanks for letting me this time.” You mumble, rolling your eyes, “So. We thought we’d stream together. The catch? In the same room! We’ll be playing Cyberpunk. Gotta cash in while the hype is still up.” You add, making her snort, “And, ya know, the whole cat boy business...We’ll be wearing matching cat ears. Admit it, I’m a genius.”
She’s quiet for a moment, mulling over your words; you can practically see the gears in her head turning. She glances around the room, then briefly at you, strangely apprehensive. “You sure that’s a good idea?”
Well, that is definitely not what you expected her to say. You figured it’d be more along the lines of you’d be one ugly cat. “Huh?” Is all you manage to stutter, “What do you mean?”
She gives you a look, one all people give when something is so plainly obvious, “Y/n. You do know the stans will go wild, right? And you do remember our conversation involving Corp-”
“Nope!” You exclaim cheerily with a bright smile to match. You don’t want to think about that. The relationship between you and Corpse is strictly platonic, and besides, seeing Twitter loosing their shit is always funny, and you never miss an opportunity to mess with your fans. Sykkuno is also a good friend, albeit a new one. This supposed flirting from Corpse’s end Rae deduced was nothing more than her projecting her feelings onto the situation. She always liked shoujo anime and was probably thinking one was happening right in front of her. Not a chance. Corpse was just being a friendly crackhead. Your energies mesh beautifully.
Like, beautifully in a strictly friend way. Absolutely nothing more than that.
She gives up, naturally, arguing with a wall would be more productive than arguing with you. You’re such a (Zodiac sign).
“Well,” She mumbles, ticking her head to the side, leaning off of the door frame and turning to leave, “Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”
Your grin melts as soon as she leaves. Glancing at your bag, you shove your last necessities in with newfound hesitance. 
Nothing bad will happen, right?
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It is well past the generally set “appropriate” time to hang out, but since quarantine, what is appropriate anymore anyway? You’ve never been in Sykkuno’s apartment, but now that you’re here it’s...strangely him. Every corner seems tailored to his specific requirements. It’s cozy, and pleasantly warm - it’s a bit chilly in LA, as surprising as that is.
He’s even shyer than you remember him being. And a whole lot more awkward, but in an endearing way, a way that makes you want to laugh and try to reassure him that it’s just you and he has nothing to worry about. While you hung out only once, the history you share is rich and tender. From him following you on Twitter and subsequently prematurely ending your stream, to kidnapping a stray cat affectionately named Juan. His long lost brother, Juan (no the Second, just Juan), lives in your Minecraft server. 
His stream room is sadly bare. There’s an appalling lack of merch or fairy lights. Not even led-lights. It’s a good thing you brought your own. As you try to decided which color would be best - his signature lime green, reminiscent of his adorable Among Us astronaut, or, perhaps, mischievous violet? - he boots the game and tweets out a quick “streaming with y/n in ten mins! come one come all!” 
“You should probably tell your fans, too.” He mumbles, looking somewhere above your shoulder. You settle with cherry blossom pink. Glancing at him, you shrug.
“Ah, do it for me, please?”
“Oh!” He hiccups, “Uhm, I wouldn’t want to pry and I don’t know your password and-”
“It doesn’t have a password.” You had removed it, knowing something like this would happen. Bless your foresight, you did not want him to know it was demonspiitinmymouth. Before he could protest further, you rush to the nearest mirror to put on your cat ears and make sure they aren’t crooked. You look absolutely adorable. The cat boys in your dms will go feral. Hell, you might just go feral looking at yourself! Sykkuno is not ready. No one is. This will be a stream to remember.
When you return (with flourish of course), he’s anxiously fidgeting by his computer, his own little cat ears, one’s he wore for the Halloween stream, peaking out from his silky brown hair. You have to suppress a squeal. When he catches you gaze he gives the kindest, sweetest little smile.
“They, uh--” He points at you, then decides it’s rude to point, bringing his hand back to his lap, then clutching his mouse, lastly releasing a sound stuck between a chuckle and a wheeze, “suit you, uhm, a lot!” He finishes with a resolute nod, quickly spinning in his chair and away from you.
This is the reaction you desired. All is going according to plan. Is this what God feels like? If not, then you pity her. She’s missing out.
Taking a seat next to him - he had been gracious enough to haul you a spare chair from the kitchen - you draw closer, and he, instinctively, shrinks away with another nervous chuckle. 
“You have, uhm... I-I didn’t look!” He quickly chimes. You raise a brow, “Uhm, unopened messages? From Corpse? He texted you when I was tweeting! I didn’t mean to look, I’m sorry-”
Instantly, you recall the famous vine with the scandalous “daddy chill” line, though refrain from saying it aloud. You love havoc, but you’re not evil (Rae would ardently disagree with you, though). Instead, you just shrug, “’S fine, don’t worry. I’ll text him back later. Let’s start?”
He nods, but doesn’t look at you. Granted, you don’t think he glanced at you even once since you returned, “...Okay. Ready?”
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You’re much too immersed into the game and Sykkuno’s twitch chat to even check what’s happening on Twitter, but your estimated guess is that everyone’s going crazy. The stream chat is unruly as well, but missing the signature Twitter spark. Most of the chaos is bravely lead by your fans. Sykkuno’s, much like the man himself, are too nice to scream so unabashedly.
Perhaps you excitement had been a bit too taxing, perhaps drinking 5 coffees and 2 energy drinks today and not enough water are to blame for the sudden drowsiness you’re feeling, but you can’t focus on the swimming chat or the abundance of cut-scenes at the starting point of the game. You steadily draw nearer and he, more composed in front of his audience, doesn’t react. About ten more minutes of hoovering by his shoulder and muttering soft commentary, and you feel yourself slipping.
The last coherent thought you have is a few choice words directed at caffeine itself for having the opposite effect of you at the worst time possible.
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You float in oblivion for perhaps ten minutes at best. Once you awake with a startle, you shower Sykkuno in shy apologies and he quickly reassures you that it’s fine and that he didn’t mind at all!
“Though,” He adds after a thoughtful pause, “not sure if it was very, uh, comfortable?”
His stream chat spams uwu and variations of similar kind. The stream continues for a few more hours before the both of you wish everyone a good night. 
While you planned on wreaking absolute havoc, this sudden falling asleep was unexpected. You pondered the consequences of such an innocent, unplanned act whilst ubering home, fearing to check your phone which by now was blowing up with not only Twitter notifications but also Rae’s angry messages that vaguely read “what the fuck y/n”. Within the past two hours she had left 57 messages on all platforms collectively, including 7 calls. 
Corpse’s last text was over three hours ago.
Now that’s strange. Worry festers quickly. Briefly glancing at your surroundings - the pretty glimmer of passing street lights, neon signs, familiar buildings - you decide that it’s time to check what kind of nuclear explosion you’ve caused.
Your heart drops to the bottom of your stomach as you scroll past the hundreds of tweets and mentions. Scan through Rae’s messages. 
You had failed to prepare ahead. Every explosion of such kind is followed by nuclear winter. And Corpse’s lack of messages feels especially cold.
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Not you smiling like a fucking idiot reading his last message! You shrink into the backseat, afraid the driver will accidentally look into the rear-view mirror and see you a bit too happy before asking questions. Good news? Yeah, but it’s not like it’s his any beeswax! In the words of Rihanna, just shut up and drive. 
This argument had not yet happened, but you’re preparing, just in case. 
As you think up of potential scenarios, your eyes drill into Corpse’s goodnight text. You’ve looked at it enough. Time to turn the phone screen off. Leave the app, at the very least. When the screen dims you instantly press on it to wake it up. This is embarrassing. Maybe the deadly amount of caffeine really did mess you up, big time. Your heart races in your chest, painfully almost. You feel a bit sick. Worst of all, you can’t stop smiling.
A notification from Rae makes you snap out of it. Ah, one more demon to deal with. 
However, before you talk to her, you really need to tell Twitter that you’re not with Sykkuno. And apologize to Sykkuno as well. 
At least Corpse doesn’t hate you.
Fucking hell, just exit the chat you idiot!
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @slashersdream - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury–moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai - @truly-dionysus - @multi-fandom-central707
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Cassandra x Maiden ----Anonymity Ch. 11 (NSFW) (END)
Ch.1 Ch2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.9 Ch.10
If you are curious to know what my version of Alexia looks like, check here
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All maids are dismissed from dinner at night.
The doors are kept sealed shut. It is clear whatever the Dimitrescus are discussing is not for ears outside of their family's to overhear.
You are thankful for the windows you have to focus on repairing while they talk. It keeps you from overthinking and that keeps you sane.
Once everything is fixed, the only physical sign of the nightmarish day you had is Cassandra's sickle, still embedded within what is no doubt a priceless painting.
You approach slowly, as though the weapon has a will of its own and can turn right around to finish the job of gutting you. Your fingers close around the leather handle. The first pull does nothing. The blade is so firmly lodged it won't budge an inch.
But you are nothing if not determined.
That is what you busy yourself with until you see a familiar fly come to land on your shoulder. It doesn't cut at your flesh, but it does bite and tug on your shirt. You understand the silent command to follow.
The insect leads you to the dining room. The table is cleaned, but the daughters are all still there, talking in hushed tones among themselves, poker faces adorning their expressions.
Three sets of yellowish eyes immediately fall to the sickle in your hand. Bela raises an amused eyebrow. The redhead whistles. "That looks sexy on you~"
"Can't imagine it would look as good in me." You give Cassandra a pointed look as you pull the chair beside her, but she only shrugs and leans back, motioning for you to hand it over.
"No... did you throw it at her?" Daniela guffaws. "And you missed?"
A sour grimace comes from the brunette. "I wasn't trying that hard..."
"What if I hadn't dodged?" you ask.
"...well. It's good that you did." Cassandra looks down at her manicured nails, as apologetic as she'll let herself be in front of her sisters.
"Do I want to know what was hit instead of Alexia?" Bela carefully asks.
"You really don't." Cassandra shakes her head and they leave it at that for both their sake.
"So." Bela speaks up after a brief moment of silence. "After our discussion with mother, we are to inform you that you're free to come and go from the castle as you please. Cassandra's key is as much hers as it is yours, now. But. Should any other maid escape using it or learn of our weakness, we'll have to do something nobody here wants."
"We'll have to brutally murder you to make an example. And whoever knows." Daniela cuts in and Cassandra gives her a glare. You aren’t looking forward to learning what their interpretation of the word ‘brutal’ is like.
"Yeah I... I could have guessed that." you reply.
"But I'm sure you're smart enough to not let that happen." Bela states. "This settles everything, I think."
"Not everything." Cassandra retorts, a shadow around her eyes.
"Cassandra, drop it. You heard what mother said." The blonde's tone grows harsh.
"What did she say, other than what we already knew?" comes the sharp bite back. "Why is she so vague every time one of us asks how we came to be?"
"I'm sure she has a good reason. What does it even matter about before?"
"Because I'm sick of having nightmares about people I don't remember!" Cassandra slams her hands onto the table. Both you and Daniela flinch back a bit.
You could have already guessed Alcina is not their biological mother. But a lot of puzzle pieces fall into place before your eyes now. And this new picture you're starting to see of the Dimitrescu family isn't a pretty one at all.
The tension between the two siblings is enough to electrify the air around the table.
"Did you ever consider it's probably for the best that you never do remember them?" Bela asks, her irritation ice-cold as opposed to Cassandra's sizzling fire. "Maybe there's a reason nightmares are all that's left."
You can see your lover's jaw clench. Cassandra's fingers curl into white-knuckled fists as she sits back down. "Don't you get these flashes? These almost-memories?"
"No." Bela says as she stands to leave. "I don't get them. And even if I did, I don't much care for leftovers."
"Daniela?" Cassandra asks, turning to her younger sister.
"I uh... I gotta go do a... thing. Bye now!" The redhead disperses into a swarm right there, before any more can be said.
Cassandra huffs in an exasperated, 'of course' manner. Only the two of you are left in the gigantic room, but you're not sure if you should speak up. You're not exactly confident in your ability to comfort others, nor can you tell where she and you currently stand. It doesn't look like either of you has the energy for any type of loaded talk.
You need each other, that much is as certain as the sun’s rise and fall.
And that's enough, for now.
Within the next few days, Cassandra and you take your time gravitating back together.
You let the thought of her ripping you in half slowly bleed away and she probably does the same with the notion of you using her weakness against her.
It starts with little touches, on your shoulder or your hand, as you make plans to spend a night or two in your house at the village once the temperature allows it.
Then one evening she comes to your room complaining about Daniela just like the old times and it feels only natural to rub her back like you used to.
Cassandra leans into you like a purring cat.
"Oh, you're so warm..." she sighs, resting her head atop your shoulder.
Absent-mindedly, you bring your travelling fingers up to her nape, pressing at a tiny knot of tension there with your thumb. A little moan slips past her lips –you're aware of just how close to touching your neck they are– and it hits you straight in the gut. You've missed drawing these sounds out of her.
Cassandra shifts against you and every minuscule brush of her lithe form on yours brings sparks to life. Her finger reaches under your chin to tip it her way.
"If you want us to stop here I need to leave now." she speaks with that impatience in the edges of her voice you recognize well.
"What happens if you stay?" you ask. It's not just your body warming at the thought of keeping her close.
"Don't tempt me, Alexia." Her lower lip just barely traces yours as she says it. "I'm not good at resisting and you know it."
You know it. Maybe that's why you tempt her with another almost-kiss in the first place. You could never deny how badly you wanted her and that certainly hasn't changed.
Cassandra crashes your mouths together hungrily, like she's been left without it for too long and now she can't go another second without having you. Her leg crosses over yours to lift herself into straddling you, two strong thighs bracketing your hips tight.
She's trying, you can tell, to not tear both your clothes off and have what she craves hard and fast and right there.
You keep a smirk to yourself when you slip your tongue into her mouth and unhook the buttons of her outfit extra slow. Her nails press into your shoulders. You refuse to speed up.
"Can you go any faster?" she breathily pants once you trail your lips to her neck.
"I can." you say. And lightly bite her.
She's one step away from ripping your shirt off, you can tell from how her fingers curl on the fabric. So you make the smarter choice and distract her with another little bite where you know she likes it best, just underneath her ear, then guide her clothes off of her.
Cassandra pushes you back into the mattress and kisses you again while her cool hands make short work of your clothes. You let her grind her hips into you for some measure of relief as you continue to suck and nibble on her flushed, sensitive skin. Her hands find purchase on your sheets when she no longer trusts her control to have them on you.
"Will you touch me already?" she growls into your ear. You can feel how badly she needs it from the way she shakes on every caress near her center, but this is your payback for that sickle throw.
"I am." you give her a smirk, then lightly push a fingertip into tight, wet heat to cut off her response.
"Ah. I— fuck Alexia!" You've never heard her curse before. And you can't figure out why it's so sinfully hot. “Oh, yes, darling, there!”
As much as she deserves to be tormented for the fright she gave you, you can hardly contain your own lust when she's moving on top of you like this, calling you ‘darling’ and hers.
Both of you come undone not long after, gripping at each other, her soft cries of pleasure filling the room until she lowers her head over your heart, completely spent.
Your fingers gently comb through her wavy hair. For quite some time, Cassandra looks so relaxed you think she has fallen asleep on you.
Until she lifts her head up and nuzzles your jawline, in a way she probably knows kills you every time she does it. Her teeth trap your earlobe. That spells trouble even before she speaks up:
"You didn't think one round would do it, did you? After all, I have yet to pay you back for sneaking into my room and stealing my key, darling…"
It turns out you won a battle and started a war that lasts throughout the night. And it's only the first, you're sure, of many to come.
For once in your life, you can't wait for what's next.
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samwisethewitch · 4 years
Tapping Into Your Psychic Senses
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Every single person on the planet has psychic abilities, but most people never realize that they’re using them. As Tess Whitehurst says in her book You Are Magical, “There is almost certainly something you assume that everyone can perceive that is actually a perception that is relatively unique to you.”
For example: you may be a gifted artist. Drawing and painting come naturally to you, and you have an intuitive sense of form and color. You probably know people who claim that they “don’t have an artistic bone in their body” or “can’t even draw a stick figure,” but you can’t bring yourself to believe it. Surely, those people are just psyching themselves out, because if art comes so easily to you, everyone must be able to do it to some extent, right?
Psychic abilities are similar. You’ve probably been tapping into at least one psychic sense all your life, but it feels so normal to you that you assume everyone experiences the world this way.
Once you become aware of your innate psychic abilities, you can start to harness them. For this reason, I think it’s a good idea to become familiar with (and comfortable using!) your natural psychic gifts before you try to learn any kind of divination.
Read over the following list of common psychic senses. Does one or more of them sound familiar? Once you recognize which of these you resonate with, focus on strengthening that gift over the next couple of weeks. You’ll be amazed by how easily you’re able to tap into it once you know how!
Clairvoyance: Clear Seeing
Contrary to popular opinion, the word “clairvoyance” does not describe any and all psychic abilities. Someone with clairvoyance receives psychic messages through their sense of sight. They may see these messages with their physical eyes, or see images in their mind’s eye. Seeing auras is an example of clairvoyance in action.
You may be clairvoyant if…
You often see flashes of light, blurred figures, or other visual phenomena that others do not see. [Note: This is NOT the same as visual hallucinations. Clairvoyants typically see things with their mind’s eye, not their physical eyes, and can differentiate between their visions and what is physically in front of them.]
You often experience random mental images that seem to have nothing to do with what’s going on around you.
Your meditations are primarily visual — for example, if you meditate on the element of water, you may see a bubbling fountain in your mind’s eye.
You are a visual learner.
Ways to Strengthen Clairvoyance
Keep a journal of the mental images you receive “out of nowhere.” Do these images mean anything to you? Do individual visions fit into a larger pattern?
Meditate on the energy systems in your body, starting from the feet and working up to the crown of the head. What does your energy look like? Are the colors bright and clear, or more faded and muddy? Does the energy move quickly, or is it slow and sluggish? Are there certain areas of your body where the energy seems to be tied up or stuck? How does its appearance correspond to your life? 
Do research into auras and what the different aura colors mean. Do you always seem to see or think of a certain color when you’re around a certain person? How does that color represent that person’s energy and personality? Write down your findings.
Clairaudience: Clear Hearing
Someone with clairaudience receives psychic messages through their sense of hearing. They may hear messages with their physical ears or “hear” them in their mind. A medium who hears spirits is an example of someone using clairaudience.
You may be clairaudient if…
You sometimes “hear” things in your mind, as if someone else was talking to you from inside your head. [Note: This is NOT the same as “hearing voices” or auditory hallucinations. Clairaudients usually “hear” messages with their mind, not their physical ears, and they can distinguish between psychic messages and physical, “real world” sounds.]
Sometimes, when you listen to music or watch a movie, a specific lyric or line of dialogue seems to jump out at you, as if it were a special message.
Your meditations are primarily auditory — for example, if you meditate on the element of water, you may hear a babbling brook.
You are an auditory learner.
Ways to Strengthen Clairaudience
Keep a journal of the messages you “hear” out of nowhere. Are they consistent, forming a larger pattern? Do they all seem to be “in the same voice,” or coming from the same source? (If so, this could be a deity or spirit guide reaching out to you.)
Do a meditation with the intention of holding a conversation with a helpful spirit guide. (If you are not comfortable working with spirits, you can set the intention of speaking to your inner self.) What does their voice sound like? Is it different from or similar to your own? Do they speak with an accent or have a unique inflection? Write down your thoughts.
Experiment with shufflemancy. This is a modern form of divination where you put a playlist on shuffle and receive a psychic message from the song that plays first. (You can find playlists specifically made for shufflemancy online, or make your own.) How does the song make you feel? Are there certain lyrics that jump out to you? Write down your thoughts.
Clairsentience: Clear Feeling
Someone with clairsentience feels psychic messages, either through their body or through their emotions. They may feel physical sensations, like an upset stomach, or may be very sensitive to emotional energies. Intuitively picking up on someone’s emotions without needing to ask is an example of clairsentience.
You may be clairsentient if…
You often feel physical sensations, like a hot flash or a cold chill, out of nowhere.
You are able to feel other people’s emotions — you can always tell when someone has had a bad day, even if they’re trying to hide it.
You can sense the “vibe” of a room as soon as you walk in. Do certain buildings feel “angry” or “sad” to you? Can you always tell the energy of a party even if you just arrived?
Your meditations primarily focus on tactile sensations — for example, if you meditate on the element of water, you may feel waves lapping at your feet.
Ways to Strengthen Clairsentience
Pay attention to your “gut feelings.” Do you feel a sinking sensation when thinking about something, only for it to go badly later? Do you feel a warm, fuzzy sensation thinking about something, only for it to go really well? Write down your experiences — and be honest. It’s okay if your gut feeling doesn’t always match the outcome.
Do a pathworking meditation (this is just a type of meditation that focuses on taking a mental journey) to a forest, or a beach, or some other location that appeals to you. Try to feel as many tactile sensations as possible, as if you were really there. Feel the grass or sand under your feet, feel the wind in your hair, feel the sun on your skin. Write down your experience.
Practice feeling the energy of a plant or crystal. Reach out and touch the plant/crystal, and try to feel it out. Does it have a calm, stable energy, or is it more bright and zingy? Try feeling a different plant/crystal and see how it feels different. Write down your experience.
Note: Some (but not all) clairsentients are also empaths, people who take on the emotions of others as if they were their own. All empaths are clairsentient, but not all clairsentient people are empaths. You may be an empath if you often find yourself matching the emotions of the people you’re around — you cry when they cry, laugh when they laugh, etc.
Claircognizance: Clear Knowing
Claircognizence is the gift of psychic knowing — people with this ability often “just know” things, even if they should have no way of knowing. They may know what someone is about to say before they say it, or know personal information about someone they just met.
You may be claircognizant if…
You “just know” what’s going on with your friends and family, even if they haven’t told you. For example, you may suddenly feel like you need to call your sister, only to find out after you call that she just broke up with her boyfriend.
You always know who a text is from as soon as your phone dings, or always know what song is going to play next on shuffle.
You often know things about new people as soon as you meet them, only for them to confirm it later. Did you know your friend was a vegetarian before he told you, even though you’d never shared a meal with him?
Your meditations often include “downloads” of information, where you feel like the answer to your question or some other revelation has just been dropped into your brain.
Ways to Strengthen Claircognizance
Every time your phone goes off, try to guess who the message is from. Keep a tally of how often you’re right vs. wrong.
Do a meditation with the intention of receiving the answer to a specific question. Retreat to a place of stillness and focus on your breath until the answer to the question “just comes to you.” Write down your experience.
This is a game I used to play with my sister before I knew what claircognizance was: have a friend show you a picture of someone they know, but whom you have never met before. Focus on the picture, and see if you get any info about the person — are they a jock? Do they like rock music? What’s their personality like? Get your friend to confirm or deny the info you got from the picture, and keep a tally of how often you’re right vs. wrong.
The Other Clairs
There are two other “clair” senses that are less common, so I’m not going to talk about them at length here. Clairalience, or “clear smelling,” refers to receiving psychic messages through smell. (If you smell roses out of nowhere, with no roses in sight, you may be using clairalience.) Clairgustance, or “clear tasting,” refers to receiving psychic messages through taste. (If you taste chocolate out of nowhere, you may be using claigustance.)
In my experience, these psychic senses are less common than the ones listed above. Most people I know who have clairalience or clairgustance seem to use it as a secondary sense, in addition to a primary sense like clairvoyance or clairsentience.
You are probably using at least one of these psychic senses every day, without even knowing it. Most people have two to three “main” psychic senses, but some may regularly and easily use all of them. For example, my primary psychic senses are clairsentience and claircognizance, but I also find myself receiving messages through clairaudience fairly often. It’s rare for me to receive clairvoyant messages, but it has happened.
Once you’ve identified the psychic senses that you naturally lean towards, you can begin to develop and strengthen them.
You Are Magical by Tess Whitehurst [Specifically the chapter, “Reading the Signs.”]
The Fat Feminist Witch Podcast, Episode 68: “Clear Knowing”
The Angel Code by Chantel Lysette [Specifically the section on the psychic senses.]
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helloalycia · 3 years
just a kid [one] // wanda maximoff
summary: you're a field medic at the Avengers Tower and get into an accident where you hurt your head. It was only supposed to be a mild concussion, yet things don't seem to be going right when you try to remember the accident.
warning/s: mentions of violent/dark scenes.
author's note: here’s the first of a little two-parter I worked on not long ago, hope you all like it!
part two | masterlist | wattpad
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I woke up with heavy eyes and an aching head, momentarily dazed.
"Hey there, Doctor Y/L/N... can you hear me okay?"
Breathing deeply, I found the energy to clear my throat and scan the view above me. I was laying down on a bed, in a hospital room, I think. The lights were ever so bright and I now knew how annoying it felt to wake up like this as my patients had.
"What happened?" I asked, eyes roaming around until they settled on my doctor. "Doctor Maya? What am I–? Why am I here?"
I recognised Doctor Maya as a colleague of mine, though unlike me, she was a doctor who worked at the Avengers Tower whereas I worked as a field medic so was more on the move. The only reason I'd be here is if I was in an accident. Was I? I wasn't sure.
"Something happened when you were on your last mission," she explained gently. "I– hold on. I'm going to get Miss Maximoff, okay?"
"Wanda?" I asked, furrowing my brows and pinching them to relieve the stress in my head. "Where is she? Is she here?"
"She just nipped out," Doctor Maya said, before backing up. "One second, Y/N."
She left the room momentarily, leaving me to try and remember what had happened. I was on the quinjet and was getting briefed with my team. There were casualties that we had to get to and an agent– an agent I was helping, yes!
I groaned, clutching my head when I tried to remember. Deciding I shouldn't push myself so soon, I waited until the doctor returned with Wanda. Maybe they could tell me how I ended up here. I wasn't exactly injured, at least not physically and that I knew of. My head hurt and that was about it.
The door to my room opened suddenly and I looked that way, seeing Wanda rushing in wearing her civilian clothing. The doctor followed soon after, gently closing the door behind her.
"You're awake," Wanda said with relief, stopping by my bedside. Her hand rested on mine, squeezing it comfortingly. "How are you feeling?"
I smiled upon seeing her, even if she was staring at me like I was a fragile piece of glass. We'd been dating for a while now and she always had the power to make me feel better with her presence.
"I'm alright," I promised. "Just a bit confused to what happened. The last thing I remember is going into the field. Then I woke up here."
She chewed on her lower lip, exchanging unreadable glances with the doctor.
"There was a mine that detonated near you when you were helping an injured agent," Wanda explained softly, and I opened my mouth to speak, but she quickly added, "The agent is okay before you ask. But you hit your head from the impact. Mild concussion."
"That's why your head hurts and you're having trouble remembering," the doctor said, earning my attention. "You should be feeling better soon. And I've got some medication for the pain."
Now that Wanda mentioned it, I did vaguely recall being thrown back by a blast. But remembering it was like watching a film with poor satellite, the screen fuzzing around the edges and remaining unclear even though you focused hard. I was sure it would return to me soon.
"Thanks," I said, before attempting to sit up straight. Wanda helped me as I looked to her with gratitude before paying my attention back to Doctor Maya. "Am I alright to leave?"
"Of course, yeah," she said, nodding quickly. "Feel free to come back if you have any trouble. You should be okay though."
I nodded and smiled gratefully before watching her leave. Sighing, I pushed my hair from my face and looked to Wanda who was hanging by me patiently, eyes twinkling with concern.
"I'm fine," I promised her with a knowing look.
She gave me a small smile – her way of saying I'm still worried, but I'll dial it down – then moved to the chair beside the bed and grabbed some clothes.
"You can change into this," she said about the clothes in her hand, and I was sure they were some of hers; mine must have been ruined from the mine. "And if you want, you can stay with me whilst you recover."
I raised my eyebrows as I accepted the clothes. "You sure? It's nothing serious. I can take care of myself."
She shrugged, eyes avoiding mine with embarrassment as her hands played with mine. "I wanna help. I like looking after you... plus, you've stayed at mine before. This isn't any different. And you can be closer to Doctor Maya in case anything is wrong."
I weighed the decision briefly before giving in, unable to resist how cute she was when she was worried. "Okay, yeah, sure, why not?" She smiled widely, and I added, "Any excuse to cuddle with you, right?"
She chuckled. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist."
I rolled my eyes playfully. "Just let me get ready and we can head to your room. I'm actually a little tired."
She nodded and helped me up so I could get ready. I didn't think much of the whole thing, until later that night when I fell asleep beside Wanda.
My dreams never usually meant much. I wasn't one for reading into them, nor was I one to get seriously affected by 'nightmares', knowing they were usually a concoction of bad horror films and stupid ghost stories from my childhood.
But tonight was different.
It wasn't a dream and it wasn't a nightmare, but rather a memory that couldn't exist.
There was debris everywhere, a mixture of yellow rays blinding my sight with dark shadows looming over me. Destroyed buildings and scattered bodies – none were alive – surrounded me. The heat was too much, but I had a job. I knew I had a job, but I couldn't focus because of how fast my heart was racing, beating an incessant drum in my ears, and how rigid my body felt.
"Help!" a voice was shouting. A young girl, I think – she sounded like a kid. Who was it?
Before I could make sense of anything, I heard a loud noise, like an explosion, that sounded so close yet also extremely distant. Nonetheless, my eardrums weren't spared. The mine, maybe? Was this a memory? Was this how I got hurt?
I was thrown back, head hitting a wall, but I didn't pass out. There was a figure looming over me, short, like a child's shadow, but with no visible face or features. Nothing, actually, just a dark outline staring at me though I couldn't stare back because there was nothing to stare at.
The shouts for help returned, but it was distant like the explosion. I couldn't make sense of anything, and when I closed my eyes to blink, I opened them to find debris washing over me all over again, flying in the air along with my body. It had to be the explosion, my memory returning.
This time, when I hit the wall, I woke with a start. My eyes snapped open, taking in the dark room and nightly blue hue casting over the ceiling and walls. I swallowed hard, finding my breath, and raised my hand to gently massage my forehead. An aching pain was shooting all over, forcing me to sit up as slowly as I could as to not wake up Wanda, who appeared to be fast asleep beside me.
I checked the clock beside her bed and saw it was closing on half three in the morning. I went to bed around nine, which was also when I last had my medication. Doctor Maya said I could have it every five to seven hours and when I got a severe headache.
"I guess this counts...," I mumbled to myself, before grabbing the medication and bottle of water beside the clock.
I downed the two tablets within seconds before sitting upright for a few more minutes, needing a moment to myself before attempting to get back to sleep.
"Y/N...? Are you up?"
I winced at the sound of Wanda's groggy voice, immediately feeling bad for waking her. I turned around and saw her rubbing her eyes with one hand whilst blinking away her fatigue.
"Just have a headache, don't worry," I reassured quietly, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. "You can go back to sleep."
"Do you need me to get you anything?" she asked, finally able to keep her eyes open long enough to meet my gaze with her cloudy green ones.
I smiled through my exhaustion. "I'm okay, love. I've had some medicine."
"Well, I can get you something to–" she began, trying to make a move to sit up, but I pushed her back down gently.
"I'm okay," I repeated sternly, before slipping back into bed beside her. Wrapping an arm around her torso, I said, "Get back to sleep."
She nodded tiredly, getting comfortable and pulling me closer to her. I felt her arm wrap around me as I snuggled closer, relaxing in her embrace.
"Wake me if something is wrong," she mumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "Goodnight. I love you."
"I love you, too," I returned, kissing the closest thing to me which was her chest. "Goodnight."
Admittedly, it was still difficult for me to fall back asleep. It must have been no longer than ten minutes when I heard Wanda's breathing and felt the gentle rise and fall of her chest beneath me – she'd fallen back asleep. I sighed, slightly jealous, but stayed close to her and tried not to think about my accident or my weird dream/nightmare. Eventually, slumber found me.
The next morning, I didn't exactly feel well-rested, but I didn't want to concern Wanda nor draw attention to it as I knew it was probably just a rough first night. Instead, I let myself get distracted with Wanda wanting to cook me breakfast.
I soon found myself in the kitchen, sitting at the island and watching Wanda cook some pancakes for us both with an endearing smile on my lips. She was still in her pyjamas like me, her red hair pulled into a messy ponytail as an afterthought, and she radiated beauty. Right there, I could only wish my future looked exactly like this.
My moment of admiration was interrupted when someone came into the kitchen, earning our attention. It was Sam, one of the Avengers and a colleague of Wanda's.
"Good morning, ladies," he greeted with a smile. Already dressed for the day ahead, he asked, "Do I smell pancakes?"
"They're for Y/N, so back off," Wanda said playfully, pointing her spatula at him threateningly.
He raised his hands with defeat as I chuckled.
"Relax, I've got a shake," he said, grabbing said protein shake from the fridge. "Enjoy your pancakes." He glanced to me, expression softening as he added, "And I hope you feel better, Y/N. I heard about your accident."
"Thank you, Sam," I said gratefully, noticing the way Wanda flinched at his words. "I'm already feeling better, so..."
"That's great," he said genuinely, before looking between us. "I'll catch you guys later."
We both waved our goodbyes to him as he left. I wanted to question what was up with Wanda just then, but as Sam left the kitchen, the door slammed shut and startled me more than I thought it would. The noise sounded so familiar, so loud, kind of like what I heard last night in my dream. It must have been the mine when it exploded, a ghost of a memory that was returning. But that didn't seem right. Why didn't that seem right?
"Hey, Y/N, you okay?" Wanda asked, and I looked up, only to notice she was now standing by my side and looking down at me with concern.
I licked my lips, nodding. "Yeah, sorry, I just... yeah. I'm fine."
Her eyes were swimming with doubt, but she chose to say nothing. Instead, to my relief, she pulled me close, giving me a quick hug which I appreciated. As my head rested against her chest, I tried to ignore the familiar striking pain travelling around my forehead.
It was two nights later when another strange dream plagued my sleep. Similar to last time, there was a strange combination of scenes that I was sure I remembered and scenes that made no sense. This time though, all that I could feel was a tenseness in my whole body, like I was in a frozen state and my mind and body couldn't communicate. I couldn't move, paralysed by... fear? Shock? Disbelief? I didn't know what it was, but I woke up in the same way.
I'd heard of sleep paralysis, even experienced it a few times without realising. I think this was one of those times, with my body frozen in bed beside Wanda, but I didn't know it at the time. It just felt like a horribly-real dream. The room was dark, the familiar, yet unsettling, nightly blue hue casting shadows on the wall. But on the ceiling, bright and terrifying scenes played out before me. An explosion. Debris. Screaming.
None of it made sense and all I could feel was shock, horrified at how I couldn't move a muscle even if I tried. I tilted my head, seeing the alarm clock glowing red in the dark, letting me know it was past midnight. To the left, I saw a sleeping Wanda, lost in her dreams and unable to help me. I wanted to get up, run my hands over my face, have some water, open a window, do something. But I couldn't move. All I could do was watch the nightmare dance across the ceiling as my heart struggled to beat regularly and my lungs struggled to get enough oxygen.
I didn't know how long I was stuck like that, tears brimming my eyes and body paralysed with fear. But it finally ended and I opened my eyes, only to find the ceiling blank and myself able to move. Reluctantly, I lifted my hand, wiping the tears from my cheeks. It was just a dream (or form of sleep paralysis in hindsight). It wasn't real. But God, it felt horribly terrifying.
Admittedly, I was scared to go back to sleep for fear it would occur again. So, my eyes stayed wide awake, burning with exhaustion, and I continued to stare at the shadows on the wall, feeling my heart pounding in my ears.
I must have fallen asleep again at some point, as I woke up the next morning to Wanda getting out of bed. Sitting up in bed, I looked around and found the fear of last night wearing off now that the room was bathed in the morning light. Still, I was more shaken than I thought.
Not wanting to draw attention to it though, I let the day go on as usual, deciding to appreciate the free time I had from work to spend with Wanda. We decided to go to the park for a walk – Wanda thought it would help get me out of the Tower and I was hoping the fresh air would give me some clarity and help me to recover.
Only, it did the opposite.
We were walking hand in hand, myself listening to Wanda as she chatted about something that happened in training. If I'm being honest, I wasn't really listening; my thoughts were preoccupied with the jumbled mess that was my mind. Glimpses of memories were dancing across my head, teasing me with elements of the truth I couldn't quite make out.
My eyes drifted around mindlessly, settling on a little girl playing by the swings with her parents. I didn't think much of it, but then the familiar shouts for help from my nightmare plagued my mind, making me flinch. The dark, looming shadow returned and I suddenly felt a headache coming on, the pressure against my brain making me nauseous.
I stopped abruptly, letting go of Wanda's hand. She stopped speaking, turning around and furrowing her brows with concern.
"Hey, Y/N, what's wrong?" she asked, and I winced, clutching my head to relieve the pain.
The wave of nausea left after a moment, but the headache remained. I heard Wanda repeat my name quietly, sensing my discomfort.
"I think I need to see Doctor Maya again," I finally found my words.
"What is it? What's wrong?" she asked, resting a hand on my cheek and tilting my head up to meet her eyes. "You can tell me."
Her eyes were reassuring, calming me in an instant. I wanted to tell her everything, but I didn't want to burden her with my anxieties, so I offered her a small smile.
"I just don't think my recovery is as straightforward as I thought," I settled. "She may be able to help."
Wanda chewed her lower lip, nodding slowly. Thankfully, she didn't question me anymore. Instead, she took me back to the Tower to see Doctor Maya. I was grateful as she waited with me for her to be free, until I had to convince her I'd be okay going in myself.
"Are you sure? I don't mind," she said, exchanging looks with Doctor Maya, who looked away quickly.
I glanced between them, mildly confused, but nodded to Wanda. "I'd rather go alone, Wanda. I'll be okay."
She nodded, squeezed my hands comfortingly, then let me go. When I headed into Doctor Maya's office, she took a seat behind her desk and motioned for me to sit before her.
"You said this was urgent," she spoke first, after I took a seat opposite. "Is everything okay?"
I licked my lips, looking down at my hand as it scratched the arm of the chair nervously. "No... not really."
After a moment of hesitation and partial embarrassment, since I knew this was only supposed to be a mild concussion that felt like so much more, I explained everything that happened to Doctor Maya. The odd dreams/nightmares, the headaches, the overlapping memories and sleep paralysis. As hard as it was to relive, I told her everything in hopes she had an answer that maybe I hadn't realised.
When I finished speaking, she looked distracted with her own thoughts. I waited patiently, watching as she nodded to herself before looking to me calmly.
"It doesn't seem like anything to worry about, truthfully," she said, which I didn't expect. "You suffered a mild concussion, yes, but it must have rattled you more than we thought. The dreams and trouble sleeping are a result of your headaches and returning memories. You do remember what happened, right?"
I nodded, though something felt incorrect. "I think so, yes. I was helping an agent when a mine went off. I was thrown back, covered in debris. Hit my head."
She hummed. "Yes... and you're taking your medication?"
Another nod. "Of course. I just want to get better. The sooner I do, the sooner I can return to work."
"Then it seems that your only opponent is stress and impatience," she said simply. "You need to relax. Keep taking your meds. Try not to worry about returning to work just yet. Focus on getting better. I can prescribe you some sleeping pills if you think that will help."
Sighing disappointedly, I nodded. I was expecting more to be honest, possibly an explanation. Her words made sense logically, but it still didn't feel right. Nonetheless, I didn't want to hold her up any longer, so I let her prescribe me some more medication before leaving. Maybe I'd give relaxing a shot.
"It's a meatball."
I stifled a laugh as I studied the oddly shaped ball of meat in Wanda's hand. "Is it?"
She narrowed her eyes playfully. "It is otherwise you're making your own meal."
I laughed, pressing a haste kiss to her cheek. "Okay, okay, it's a meatball. Add it to the tray."
We were cooking spaghetti and meatballs for dinner about six days after my incident out in the field. I was still staying with Wanda at the Tower, and I was taking Doctor Maya's advice with my recovery. I didn't worry myself with returning to work which, admittedly, helped out, and the sleeping pills knocked me out long enough to get a good sleep. Though, sometimes the nightmares would still return. I didn't think about them too much though, not wanting them to hinder my recovery. Instead, I focused on getting better with my very supportive girlfriend by my side.
Wanda added the meatball to the baking tray, alongside the others, but as she reached to form another one from the bowl full of minced meat, she accidentally knocked it to the floor. The meat splattered across the tiles, making her gasp.
"Shit," she cursed, eyes widening slightly.
"Very clever," I teased with a smile.
"Let me just–"
"I got it," I cut her off, already bending to clear it up. "Just put the tray in the oven, yeah? Try not to drop it."
"Ha-ha, very funny."
I looked up in time to see her rolling her eyes playfully, but she grabbed the tray as I said.
I kneeled down, scooping the meat up and throwing it in the bowl, knowing it would have to go in the bin now. As I did, I realised how familiar the meat looked. Pink and flesh-like, covering my hands and sticking to me. Suddenly, my hands were shaking, the fleshy bits surrounded by blood, and I tried to blink away the sight, expecting to just see minced meat, but I couldn't. They were covered in what I somehow knew was the flesh of body parts.
Startled, I fell back onto my butt, my back hitting the drawer behind me and pulling me from my daydream. Wanda looked down at me with confusion, before sensing something was wrong and leaning down beside me. She rested a hand on my head, thumb stroking my forehead.
"What's wrong?" she asked, confused eyes staring between me and my hands which were still shaking. She grabbed the tea towel from the counter above us before wiping my hands for me and holding them. "Y/N. This has happened a few times. Please tell me what happened."
I was still shaken, unsure why there was a discomfort in the pit of my stomach. I risked glancing at my hands, which were clean and no longer covered in human fle– I mean, meat.
"I don't know what's going on," I finally admitted to her, shaking my head. "It's like my thoughts aren't my own. I can't control them. I just keep seeing stuff that isn't real."
She frowned, eyes peering through mine patiently.
"I still can't remember what happened with the mine," I said, swallowing the lump forming in my throat. "It's like, I know what happened and I know it's real, but when I try to remember, it just doesn't happen quite right. The picture doesn't appear. And I don't know why."
She pressed her lips together, jaw clenching slightly. I wasn't sure what she was thinking, but her eyes wouldn't meet mine.
"What did the doctor say?" she asked lowly.
I sighed, the discomfort still lining my stomach. "She thinks I just need time."
Wanda nodded, finally lifting her gaze. "Maybe she's right."
I knitted my brows together with frustration, nudging her away and standing up. "I don't need time! I'm a doctor, too. I know it shouldn't take this long. It was a mild concussion. I've treated hundreds of those."
"Just forget it," I said with exasperation, pulling away from her as she tried to reach out again. I knew it was uncalled for, taking it out on her for no reason, but I was too frustrated with the situation to care. "I think I'm gonna go for a walk."
She sighed from behind me, running a hand through her hair. I left her in the kitchen, suddenly not in the mood to eat. Clearly all of Doctor Maya's advice wasn't working – what I was experiencing wasn't normal. I needed to see her again.
So, after cleaning my hands properly and having a walk around the Tower to clear my head (as expected, it didn't work), I headed to Doctor Maya's office, hoping she was still in work today. To my surprise, when I reached her office, I saw her door was slightly ajar and she was already speaking to someone. My intention wasn't to eavesdrop, but when I heard my name said in a hushed whisper from a familiar voice, I knew I had to stay.
"...can't say anything," Wanda finished. "She'll get better."
Doctor Maya sounded frustrated. "It's not right, Miss Maximoff. This is against everything I stand for. Against everything Y/N stands for, too, I'm sure."
"This is for her benefit," Wanda snapped, before taking a deep breath. "Look, she can't handle the truth. It'll break her... I haven't worked out the kinks, but it'll be okay. She'll get better."
What the hell were they talking about? What truth could I not handle? Wanda and the doctor were in on something together, something they didn't want me to know... and it was something to do with why I was feeling like how I was. I knew I wasn't going insane – something was wrong!
I left them to it with plans of seeing the doctor afterwards, not wanting to get caught, and tried to wrap my head around the fact that Wanda had been keeping something from me this whole time. How could she? I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I thought that we could trust each other.
What was she hiding?
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Seasons of Med: Season 1: Glad I Didn’t Make it that Far (A Halstead brothers + Halstead sister! imagine)
Trigger warning: Talk of eating disorders
As always, I do not own any quotes from Chicago Med 1x04 that show up here!
Your age: 14
Jay's age: 28
Will's age: 30
"We should go to a movie," your best friend Emma suggested when you were sitting on the playground of Central Chicago's elementary school one summer day.
You had been coming here since it was pretty close to your house to be able to read without worrying that your dad would show up drunk. He wasn't violent, he was just rude, asking why there was no food and when you explained it was because he wasn't going shopping, he'd scoff and tell you to get a job if you wanted to eat. It wasn't your fault; you'd tried to get a job, but no one would hire you because you were only fourteen. Most places required that you be at least sixteen and the occasional place would let you start at fifteen, but only with very limited hours. And, the places that let you start at fifteen were too far away for you to walk to. You'd have to take the El...and that would turn out badly if Will and Jay found out, even though your dad wouldn't care in the slightest.
"Em, I don't have any money. I'm literally rationing out my feminine products at this point."
"Hey, just tell me if you need any. Me or my mom can get you some. Oh, and some neighbors of mine run a little kettle corn company. They're looking for some extra help on the weekends and they'll pay you under the table. I can give you their number if you want."
"Really?" Emma smiled and nodded. "Yes, please! And, you're the best."
But, what you didn't tell her was that you hadn't eaten since yesterday since there was barely anything in your house and that your cramps were killing you and because of all this, you were feeling nauseous.
"Let's go to the movies. My treat."
"I can't let you pay for me."
"Yes, you can. Best friends help each other out. Now c'mon, let's go." You sighed and closed your eyes as you stood up. "You good?" Emma asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just dizzy."
"You wanna go home?"
"No, no I'm fine. Just seasonal allergies from all the pollen," you lied.
"Okay, let's go."
You started to slow down as you got closer to the movie theater. "I'm so excited to see The Longest Ride!" Emma squealed. "Scott Eastwood is just mwah!"
"Yeah, but he's- he's a lot-- I gotta, I gotta sit down," you stuttered, starting to feel more lightheaded and seeing your vision become blurry at the edges.
"Okay, let's get to the front where you can sit on the curb."
You slowly started to make your way there, but it was too late. "Em- Emma," you slurred as you tried to reach for her as your legs gave out underneath you, and then everything went black.
"Y/N!" Emma yelled as she squatted down next to you and pulled out her phone.
Just then, everyone started running out of the theater shouting something about a shooting.
Will's pager went off as he was eating with Natalie and the rest of the team from a taco truck outside of Chicago Med. And, everyone else's pagers were going off, too, making it sound like alarm clocks that were all set for the same time. Then, Maggie ran outside.
"Shooting in a movie theater! Mass casualties! It's about to get crazy!" she yelled to the doctors and other nurses. "EMTs are four minutes out!"
Not even a second after she finished her sentence, an ambulance pulled up with lights flashing and sirens blaring.
"Check that!" Will yelled as he threw his food in the trash can. "They're here!"
Then, all of them sprinted into the hospital, their main focus now being saving as many lives as possible.
"Another maniac gone crazy in a theater," Will said as he put something over his scrubs to keep them from getting blood all over them. "Is this the world we live in?"
You slowly opened your eyes to be met with the white ceiling and an IV in your arm. You groaned. "Where am I?" you asked as you rolled over to see Emma sitting on a bench. "Are we in an ambulance?"
"You don't remember?" Emma asked.
"You passed out, sweetie," a female paramedic told you as she put a blood pressure cuff around your arm. "Luckily for you, we came pretty quick after hearing about the shooting."
"The shooting? There was a shooting?"
"In the movie theater," the paramedic answered you. "You were lucky you didn't go in."
"Guess so."
Your eyes widened as you realized they were probably taking you to Chicago Med. You couldn't let your brother know that the most likely reason for you passing out was that you hadn't eaten since yesterday. They'd freak out.
"Am I good to go when we get to the hospital? I feel fine." You were still nauseous, but that was better than being passed out.
"You passed out, we need to get you checked out at the hospital."
"But I feel fine," you protested.
"I understand that, sweetie. But you need to get checked out anyway to make sure that there wasn't something that made you pass out other than the heat."
"She's right, Y/N," Emma said. "You need to get checked out."
You huffed. "Fine." Maybe Will would be too busy to even notice you were there. And, you figured your dad wouldn't pick up his phone, so you could just sneak out undetected when the doctors and nurses weren't watching.
When you got in, you were met by Natalie. "Y/N?" she asked. "What are you doing here?"
"It's nothing. I just passed out. I'm fine, really."
"Shoot," Emma said. "My mom's here to pick me up. Said she doesn't want me here because of all the press since I'm not hurt. I'm sorry."
You waved your hand. "It's fine. Hopefully, I'll be getting out here soon, too. See you later."
"Bye, Y/N."
"If you passed out, you're not fine, Y/N," Natalie said.
As you were wheeled past a trauma room, you saw your brother. Luckily for you, he was too focused on his patient that he didn't notice.
"Want me to get Will?" Natalie asked when she saw you glance in there.
"No! I mean, he looks really busy and I'm not dying. They should be the first priority."
"Okay, well I'll have Maggie call your dad because after all the standard tests, if I need to do more, I'm going to need your dad's permission since you're still a minor."
"Hey, Maggie," Natalie called, "Do me a favor and call Y/N's dad for me. I just might need permission to run some additional tests."
"You got it."
You got on the bed in the treatment room and allowed Natalie to listen to your heart and lungs. "Were you part of the crush?" she asked. "Did you get the wind knocked out of you? Is that why you passed out?"
"No, I got dizzy before we could get inside. I felt nauseous, too, but I think that was just from period cramps."
"The paramedics said you were dehydrated and that they had to administer an IV. Have you been eating and drinking properly? I know it's hot and that can cause you to pass out. Other than that factor, have you been eating and drinking normally?"
"Yes," you lied.
"Okay, I'm just going to need to get your height and weight and other vitals before we continue."
You nodded and followed her to where she took your height and weight. She wrote it down and you started to walk out, but she stopped you. "Uh, Y/N, come with me."
You followed her to the doctor's lounge where she handed you her sweatshirt. "Why are you giving me this?"
"You bled through your shorts. There's free pads and tampons in the bathroom if you don't have any on you."
You nodded. "Thank you."
"Meet me back here once you're finished."
When you got into the bathroom, you took all the pads and tampons you could fit in your shorts pockets after you had finished changing your dirty one.
Now, it was time for your great escape. No one would see you; they were all too busy treating other patients and worrying about the press.
You were almost out into the waiting room, but then a voice stopped you.
Shit. Jay.
You stopped in your tracks but then continued walking.
"Y/N, I know you heard me. Come back."
You sighed and turned around, hoping you wouldn't have to spill all the secrets about what's been happening at home.
"Poor guy," Erin said as she and Jay exited Sharon Goodwin's office. "He thought what he was going was right."
"I probably would've done the same thing if I were in his shoes," Jay agreed. "I mean, if I thought I saw a guy with an AR-15 in a movie theater and then thought the shots from the movie were coming from the gun, I sure as hell would've acted. Not that my service weapon can shoot bullets off as much as my sniper, but I'd try. Try and save civilians."
"Jay." Erin placed a hand on his arm. "You're not in Afghanistan anymore."
"I know. There's just some sick and twisted people in this world. Why would someone go into a theater with a leaf blower anyway? With all the mass shootings that have happened, that's probably the stupidest idea I've heard."
"I agree with you. But he's just a kid. He didn't ask to get shot. But, if I were in that teacher's shoes, I'd probably do the same thing and draw my gun."
Jay furrowed his eyebrows as he saw someone walking towards the exit of the ED and towards the waiting room. She had shorts and a t-shirt on with a burgundy sweatshirt tied around her waist. Jay wouldn't have given it a second thought, but he knew you had the same gray beat-up Converse because he had gotten them for you for a birthday present two years ago and you always wore the same polka dot scrunchie when you needed your hair to be in a bun and needed it to be tight.
"Is that?..." Erin trailed off.
"I think so," Jay answered, quickening his pace to catch up with you before you got out of the ED and he lost sight of you due to the number of people in the waiting room. "Y/N!" he yelled.
The girl he thought was you froze for a split second and then continued walking, this time at a faster pace. That was all the confirmation he needed. "Y/N, I know you heard me. Come back."
You sighed and turned around.
"I was going to tell you," you mumbled once you were in front of him.
He scoffed and crossed his arms across his chest. "Yeah? And when were you planning on calling Dad? You know you're a minor so a parent needs to be notified."
"Y/N!" Natalie yelled. "I thought you left, I was so close to getting security to look for you. We couldn't get a hold of your dad and were going to call Jay since he's your secondary emergency contact, but he's here now, so if both of you could follow me then that'd be great."
"You got it from here, Erin?" Jay asked.
"Yeah, text me if you need me to pick you up and bring you back to the district."
"Will do. Don't let Voight bust my balls because I skipped out."
"I'll tell him Y/N had a medical emergency. He'll understand."
You, Natalie, and Jay walked back into the treatment room where Natalie had been previously treating you.
"First of all, let me just say it was not a medical emergency," you told your brother.
"Oh yeah? Then why are you here?" he asked.
"I was feeling nauseous."
"And you came to the ED just because of some nausea?" He raised an eyebrow. He so knew you were lying.
Meanwhile, Will was walking out of a trauma room after Rhodes brought a victim up to surgery.
"Hey. You hear?" Reese asked as she walked up to the doctor. "The kid at the theater, the one who got shot, he didn't have a gun, he had a leaf blower."
"What?" Will asked, stunned. He had worked on that kid and knew that it wasn't good.
"Yeah, turns out it was some kind of prank." She was about to turn around to leave, but then stopped. "Oh, and your sister's here. Treatment one."
"What? Why?"
"I think she passed out or something. Dr. Manning's in there with her right now."
"Thanks, Reese."
Will barged into your treatment room. "So, she comes into the ED and nobody has the common decency to even notify me?" he asked rhetorically.
"You were busy treating other patients, Will. I was going to get around to it eventually," Natalie said.
"Natalie, please just finish explaining what happened. Or just start from the beginning because Will's here now," Jay suggested, not wanting to have to break up an argument between the two doctors.
Now it was Will who was the one who crossed his arms over his chest.
"So, Will, what happened was that Y/N passed out. She was almost inside the movie theater, but she passed out, so she didn't go in."
"The movie theater where the shooting happened?" Jay asked. You nodded. "Jesus, kid, if you would've gotten inside, you would've given both me and Will heart attacks."
"Sorry. But, I'm glad I didn't get that far."
"Yeah, us too," Will agreed. "So, why'd she pass out?"
"Can I talk to you two for a minute? Outside?"
They nodded. "Be right back," Jay told you.
"So, what's going on?" Jay asked once the three were safely outside of the room and out of earshot from you.
"Have you noticed anything strange with her eating habits lately? Any skipping meals? Going to the bathroom right after meals? Not wanting to eat?" Natalie asked the two brothers.
"No, nothing," Jay answered. "Granted, we don't eat with her a lot because she lives with our dad and we both live on our own."
"Okay, because since her physical check-up a month and a half ago, Y/N's lost fifteen pounds."
"Fifteen?" Will asked, flabbergasted.
"I thought she looked smaller, but I just thought I was hallucinating from lack of sleep because of all the crazy cases we've had," Jay said.
"No, she's lost fifteen pounds since her last check-up," Dr. Manning reiterated.
"So, what are you saying?" Will asked. "Our sister's anorexic? Bulimic?"
"I'm not saying any of those yet. But, I talked to Dr. Charles while Y/N was in the bathroom and she said to try and have her eat something, like the greasiest thing you can find in the cafeteria, and see what she does. We'll even leave the room after to chat and I'll have Maggie keep an eye on the bathrooms to see if she goes in there. If she refuses to eat or freaks out over it, then we might be dealing with anorexia. If she goes into the bathroom after, we might be dealing with bulimia. Or, it could be a combination of the two or just possibly her trying to lose weight. Has she ever mentioned wanting to lose weight to either of you?"
"No, not all," Jay answered. "Even when we went out after her last day of school, which I think was about two weeks after she had that physical, she ate a ton and she didn't go to the bathroom right after."
"But you did go home right after," Will pointed out.
"But, with some bulimics, if they know that the food has already been digested, they won't try to purge. And, it sounds like the food had time to digest."
"Alright, I'll go grab her a bacon cheeseburger."
"And a side of mac n cheese," Jay suggested. "She loves that stuff." Will started to walk out, but Jay stopped him once more. "Can you pick me up a bacon cheeseburger, too? I'm hungry."
Will rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but just so you know, you're paying me back."
"I know," Jay said and then went back inside the treatment room.
"Where's Will?" you asked.
"He's getting you some food. How does a bacon cheeseburger and mac n cheese sound?"
God, your mouth watered just at the thought of the bacon cheeseburger alone. The juicy patty, melty cheese, and crispy bacon, yum. And, you hadn't had a burger in who knows how long.
"That sounds amazing honestly," you answered.
"Okay, good because that's what Will's getting you." He paused. "Is everything okay with Dad? Everything good at home?"
"Yeah, everything's fine," you lied.
"Did someone tell you that you were fat at all?"
Shit, he knew I'd lost weight. "No," you answered. "I guess I'm not just mindlessly snacking when I'm doing homework anymore. It's not like I'm trying to lose weight."
No way were you going to tell him that there was rarely any food in the house, not here anyway.
"Okay, good," Jay answered. Then, he looked out of the room to see Will talking with Natalie. But, they were close enough that you could hear them, so you turned your attention to the two as well.
"Hey, Nat," Will said, carrying a bag with three cheeseburgers and a side of mac n cheese.
"Yeah?" she asked.
"I'm thinking, I only live a mile from you. So, when you go into labor, call me. I'll drive you here."
"Thanks, but...you know it could be three in the morning, right?"
"Sleep's overrated anyway."
Then, Will made his way back into your treatment room. "I wanna take you to the hospital," Jay mocked. "Very smooth, Will, very smooth."
"Will's got a crush, Will's got a crush," you said in a sing-song voice.
"Would you two knuckleheads keep it down? And no, I do not have a crush, I was just trying to be helpful."
Jay scoffed. "Yeah right. You totally have a crush on her, man. Now, give us the food and we won't say anything."
"Everything seem normal?" Natalie asked Will as Jay was still sitting with you after the three of you had finished your food.
"Yeah, she ate a little faster than normal, but we waited an hour and she didn't even get up to go to the bathroom, so I don't think that's the issue. She told Jay she wasn't trying to lose weight. She said she just wasn't mindlessly eating anymore when she was doing homework. But, I don't think that could make her lose fifteen pounds. Do you?"
"No. But unfortunately, given her height and age, she still has a normal BMI, so we can't do anything."
"Yeah, I get it. Me and Jay will keep an eye on her. It was around this time when our dad just kind of checked out on parenting us."
"What do you mean?"
"He wouldn't cook or really help us with anything. But, it was okay because our Mom was still around, so she'd cook and help us with things. He just thought we were old enough to deal with stuff on our own."
"Things that a teenager without another parent still needs help with."
Jay poked his head out of the room. "Everything good? Y/N's asking when she can leave."
Will rolled his eyes. "Wonder where she gets that from."
"Shut up."
"I'll grab you the discharge papers," Natalie said and then walked to a nurse's station.
Just then, Will's pager went off. "I gotta go." He fished into the pocket of his scrubs. "You can take my car home and then just come pick me up from work and we can drive back to the district to get your truck. That way you don't have to bug Erin."
"Thanks, man. Go save some lives."
Natalie came back and handed him the discharge papers.
"Thanks, Nat. Me and Will will be sure to keep an eye on her, maybe have her over for dinner once or twice a week to monitor her eating habits."
"That's a good idea. Good luck with all this. Will told me that this was around the time that your dad clocked out on you, so maybe pay him a visit when Y/N's not there and check? I don't know if that's something you'd want to do or not."
Jay nodded. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks."
"No problem."
Jay signed the discharge papers and then walked back into the room. "Good news."
"We can leave?" you asked excitedly as you sat up.
"We can leave," he confirmed.
You got out of the car and stood on the stoop of your house, Jay right next to you. "Jay," you started, "I have to tell you something."
"Okay, what is it? You can tell me anything."
You opened your mouth to tell him that there was barely any food in the house and that your dad refused to buy you feminine hygiene products because, by his logic, if he had another son, he wouldn't need to buy them, so you should buy them yourself.
But then, the door opened, revealing your dad.
"I was just going to say thanks for staying with me at the hospital. I would've left if you didn't stop me."
"You're welcome."
"Care to tell me where you've been?" your dad asked.
You knew he was just putting on a show because Jay was there.
"I was at the park and then me and Emma were going to see a movie and then--" your phone buzzed, alerting you that you had a text message.
"I've got it from here, Y/N. Dad, can I come inside?"
Pat Halstead nodded and you walked inside followed by your brother. "I'm gonna go upstairs and change," you said.
As you walked past the kitchen, you noticed a bunch of grocery bags, all of them full. He must've gone grocery shopping. At least you didn't have to worry about food for the next few days. But, you didn't know if he just did that because he finally listened to his voice mails and heard that you were in the hospital and were worried that they were going to find out that he was an unfit parent or because he finally came to his senses and realized that he was still responsible for you because you were a minor, which meant he needed to have food in the house.
As you walked upstairs, you checked your phone. It was Emma's neighbor asking if you could start helping her with kettle corn this Saturday. You responded with a yes because now, if your dad went back to not buying groceries, at least you'd be able to buy some for yourself.
A/N: Sorry this one was so short! It's kind of just to foreshadow the next installment of this. And, in the next installment, I will probably combine Seasons of PD: Season 4 and Seasons of Med: Season 2 because the storylines kind of go together. Anyway, thank you for reading! Please reblog/like and comment and tell me what you think! As always, if you want to be added to the taglist, just tell me and I’ll be happy to add you!
taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @onechicago18 @iamasimpingh0e 
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Prompt: Stony, animal transformation
I realized about halfway through writing this that you probably meant a spell or something but I wrote shifters instead and I really liked what I had so I kept going. Sorry it’s a lot crackier than you were probably expecting; you can blame @maguna-stxrk for that
As always, everything I write is also available on ao3
The first time Tony met Steve Rogers, he was both delighted and irritated. Delighted because hey! Captain America is another cat shifter! And that means that Howard was wrong and Tony is, in fact, like Captain America (in some ways at least; in others, that remains to be proven).
“I won’t do it.”
And irritated because Captain America is another cat shifter.
“You can’t make me.”
Tony knows that there are cat shifters out there who are perfectly friendly and like being around other cats. He is not one of them. There are multiple reasons why he and Steve clashed on the helicarrier and only one of them is Loki’s staff. Tony’s breed is highly territorial and everything in his tower is his and he doesn’t want another cat in there rubbing up against his stuff. But there Fury is, insisting that the entire team move into the tower.
“I don’t want them there,” Tony says flatly. That’s not entirely true. He doesn’t really want any of them there but he’s willing to put up with them. The only one he really truly genuinely doesn’t want there is Steve.
It’s probably a good thing none of the rest of the team is here to hear him complaining about them. But, well, they should know better than to expect friendliness out of him. He’s not friendly. He’s majestic and aloof and not in the mood to have anyone else around to see him when he’s not being majestic and aloof.
Fury eyes him. Tony doesn’t know what kind of shifter he is—he keeps that kind of paperwork on actual paper, ew—but he wouldn’t be surprised if it’s something sneaky and devious like Fury himself (probably a snake. Tony hates snakes).
“Stark, the ways I could make you do what I want—”
“—are all against the Geneva Convention,” Tony finishes smoothly. In his reflection on the table, he realizes that the tuft of hair behind his ear isn’t lying flat. He licks the back of his hand and reaches up to smooth the hairs back down.
“We are running out of options—”
“Well, that sounds like a you problem.”
“—for Clint.”
Tony shuts up. Sighs. Glances through the window of the conference room where he can see Clint leaning against the wall, stuck in partial shift since Loki and the invasion. His golden tail is tucked between his legs, his ears are drooped, and he flinches like a kicked puppy (not an inaccurate description) every time someone walks by.
“How bad is it?” he asks.
“People don’t want him on the helicarrier,” Fury says. “He makes them nervous. His pack bonds were broken when Loki took him, and with Coulson—well.”
Yeah, that. Dog shifters like Clint rely on pack bonds, even those formed between non-dogs. Tony’s always been more of a loner so he can’t really imagine what Clint is going through but judging by the way Clint looks, he can guess it isn’t easy.
“They’ve all been briefed on what it’s like living with a cat, even Rogers, and they know about your idiosyncrasies in particular.”
And that’s the crux of the matter. “I don’t want him there,” Tony says quietly.
“He’s not the same breed—”
“But he’s got the same instincts!” He sighs frustratedly and almost runs his hand through his hair before he realizes how much that’ll mess up his hairstyle. His tail lashes agitatedly behind him, instincts urging him to claw, to bite, to protect his home from the invader. “Why can’t it just be Clint?”
“Because where Clint goes, Natasha goes. Besides, Clint needs the pack bonds, which means he needs the whole team.”
Tony hisses, crosses his arms, pouts. “Fine,” he says eventually. “But I don’t like it.”
And then, before Fury can feel too smug in his victory, he keeps aggressive eye contact and knocks Fury’s water glass off the table, darting away before he can hear more than the bellow of rage.
“I don’t want you here,” Tony says, ears laced back irritably. It’s the first time he’s come across Steve in the tower so far and of course the man (well, actually he’s shifted into his cat form right now) is lying in Tony’s favorite sunbeam. The nerve of some people.
The single eye that Tony can see slits open and stares at him for a long moment. In the next moment, a ripple comes over the cat and then Steve has partially shifted back, stretching lazily as he yawns. “Okay, Tony,” he agrees.
“You’re in my sunbeam.”
“Okay, Tony.”
“I want you out of it.”
“But it’s such a nice sunbeam.”
“It’s mine.”
“We could share it.”
Tony lets out an offended yowl. They can’t share it. That would defeat the purpose of it being his. Steve stares at him for a long moment and then stretches again, muscles rippling in interesting ways that make Tony want to knead them for—no. No kneading. No accepting the interloper.
“Come on, Tony. It’s sunny and I want to nap. We can share the sunbeam,” Steve says around another yawn before flopping over onto his side, still mostly human. Tony wants to bite his tail. But… he does want a nap. And this is favorite sunbeam. And he shouldn’t have to find another one since there’s no way Steve will be leaving this one (sadly Tony has not yet figured out the right strength the armor needs to move him).
He carefully lays down, putting several inches of space between him and Steve. Almost immediately, he can feel the effects of the warm sun on him, pulling him under into a light doze. It’s not enough to fall asleep entirely, not when he can still feel Steve at his front but then Steve starts to purr and oh, that’s kind of nice. He hesitantly lets out an answering purr of his own. Steve’s rumble grows louder and almost without meaning to, Tony finds his hands kneading the ground contentedly.
But that won’t stand. It can’t stand. He conceded ground on the sunbeam because it and Steve were warm and that was clearly a mistake because now Steve is standing in the kitchen, drinking coffee from Tony’s favorite coffeepot out of Tony’s favorite mug as he talks to Natasha.
And this injustice cannot stand!
“Mine,” he hisses, fingers shifting into extended claws, ready to tear into Steve for daring to drink from what clearly belongs to Tony.
At his hiss, Natasha’s skin ripples until she’s scaly and blending in with the cabinets. Smart of her to stay out of his way. Few things are worse than a territorial cat and even someone as lethal as Natasha would hesitate to face him when he’s like this, even though Steve gives her an amused look and says, “Really?”
Steve takes another sip out of the mug. Tony’s hiss turns into a full-throated growl. “Tony, you have to learn to share.”
“Yes, you do.”
“Yeah, you said that.” Steve doesn’t sound very impressed. Or even particularly intimidated, damn it.
“It’s my mug, it’s my favorite mug, you have to give it back,” Tony says, eyes tracking the mug as Steve lifts it to his lips again—wow, they looked kind of pink and pretty in the morning—no, focus. “Give it.”
“Alright,” Steve says agreeably and holds the mug out. “Here you go.”
Tony’s tail lashes and he hisses again. “You know I don’t like to be handed things.”
“Oh right,” Steve says, sounding remarkably unconcerned. “Too bad then. Guess you’re not getting your mug back.” He takes another sip from the mug—Tony’s mug.
“No,” Tony whines, drawing the word out so that it has at least eight additional syllables. He flops over onto the kitchen table, rolling around mostly so that he’s treating this situation with the hysteria it deserves but also so that he can scent mark the table, which currently smells of the rest of the team and not like him.
“Tony, stop being overdramatic,” Natasha orders, apparently deciding that she doesn’t need to blend in with the background anymore. “Steve, stop being a shit and give him back his mug.”
“No,” they both say petulantly.
She pulls out one of the many, many knives she keeps on her person. Tony hurriedly rolls off the table. Steve quickly puts the mug down and pulls out another one. Immediately, Tony darts to his mug—all his, no one else’s—and cradles it to his chest.
“That’s better,” Natasha says smugly and stalks out of the kitchen.
Tony waits until she’s gone and Steve has filled his new mug. Then, as Steve busies himself with cooking his breakfast, he slowly, cautiously reaches out and bats Steve’s mug off the counter. He gleefully sprints out of the kitchen to the sound of Steve’s outraged yowls, clutching his own mug close.
“Clint says you’ve been working too long,” Steve says, surprising Tony so much all the fur on his tail stands straight up.
“Fuck,” he spits. “I have a heart condition, you know.”
“Yeah,” Steve agrees like the asshole cat he is. “But I don’t think I’m going to give you a heart attack just by sneaking up on you. Not my fault you were in a zone.”
Tony grumbles wordlessly under his breath. It’s true that he’s been in a zone for the last couple hours or so, something that he achieves only through kneading or inventing, but that’s no reason for Clint to be concerned.
“Why do you care if Clint says I’ve been working too long?” he asks. Steve picks up one of his screwdrivers and spins it between his fingers before setting it back down. Tony immediately picks it up as well and rubs his cheek on it to cover it in his scent again. Steve shoots him a mischievous grin and promptly moves further away to do the same thing to a different screwdriver. Tony resigns himself to losing another couple of hours to scent marking everything once Steve is gone.
“I don’t,” Steve says, now rubbing up against one of the armors (and no, Tony is not thinking about how good Steve looks like that). “I thought we were doing a great job of ignoring each other. But he says it’s been more than twenty-four hours, which means it’s time for a break.”
“Says who?”
“Pepper, apparently.”
Tony winces. Okay, yeah, he can ignore pretty much everyone except for Pepper. She’s important.
“So you’re… what, here to drag me upstairs for dinner?”
Steve shakes his head and holds up a bag in his hand. “Thought I’d offer to split a bag of catnip with you.”
“Huh,” Tony says out loud. He eyes it suspiciously. “It’s not laced with anything else, is it? You’re not going to take me to knock me out and take me to Medical.”
“Just pure catnip.” Steve opens the bag and Tony’s eyes dilate at the intoxicating scent. “Why, do you need to go to Medical?”
Tony thinks of the two cracked ribs he suffered during the battle yesterday that he’d wrapped himself. “Nope,” he says blithely. Steve’s eyes narrow but he doesn’t argue. “Are you going to judge me for straight up eating it?”
“Are you going to judge me for doing the same?”
“Fair,” he says and holds out a hand for the bag. Steve upends it and dumps half in Tony’s hand, watching without judgment as Tony stuffs half of it into his mouth.
And when Tony comes back from his catnip-induced high to finds himself fully shifted, Steve’s own shifted form wrapped so tightly around him that his short tabby fur is mingling with Tony’s longer white fur, there’s no judgment there either, just Steve purring and purring and purring.
“Why do you do it?” Tony quietly asks Steve one night. Some animated movie is playing on the screen but Tony doesn’t think anyone is actually paying attention to it. The rest of the team is busy sleeping together in a cuddle pile in their shifted forms, Clint’s golden retriever spooned by Thor’s panda, Bruce’s owl perched on top of Clint with his head tucked under his wing. He can’t spot Natasha’s chameleon but he can smell her so he knows she’s there somewhere. He and Steve are sitting apart from the rest of the team, studiously ignoring them. It had surprised him when Steve hadn’t gotten down there to join them—tabbies tend to be more social than other cats—and instead chosen to curl up next to him on the couch in his partial shift, but to his shock, he isn’t complaining about it.
Idly, Steve twines his tail around Tony’s twitching one and purrs, relaxing him until he’s a puddle on the couch. “Nat said it was a good way to get your attention.”
“What, picking a fight with me?”
“Tony.” Steve gives him a long look and then leans over to lick his ear. It should make Tony stiffen, run away, groom over that one spot until he no longer smells of Steve anymore. It doesn’t. It just makes his ear flick curiously. “I never wanted to fight with you.”
Suddenly, Tony’s brain is sifting through every interaction he and Steve have ever had, looking at them in a new light. Okay, and yeah, now that he’s thinking about it, he can see that this has all been Steve’s clumsy, well-intended attempt at courting him. And maybe he’s never really thought about Steve like that before but he’s thinking now and what he’s thinking is that when Steve isn’t stealing his things and laying in his favorite sunbeam, he actually really likes Steve.
“You’re not very good at this,” he informs Steve.
“Yeah, I’m getting that impression.”
“Natasha gave you bad advice.”
“I’m pretty sure she did it on purpose to stir up trouble.”
“She’s worse than either of us,” Tony agrees. “Now, hold still.”
“Wha—” He leans over Steve and licks at his ear, carefully grooming him. Steve purrs beneath him, eyes half-closed with pleasure. Tony’s own eyes drift shut as his heart beats a rhythm to the tune of mine, mine, mine.
“Hey, babe,” Tony says, coming up behind Steve. He drapes himself across Steve’s shoulders like the affectionate cat he is, giving a very sharp grin to the young socialite who has been holding onto Steve’s hand for the last minute. Doesn’t she know that that’s Tony’s? “I was wondering where you got off to.”
“Hey, sweetheart,” Steve replies, relaxing now that Tony is here. “Got stopped by Miss—I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name.”
Tony knows Steve well enough to know that that’s absolutely not the case. He’s just saying it to irritate her. But she doesn’t know that, especially because none of them are allowed to be in partial shift for tonight’s gala—Fury’s orders—and Steve’s shifter form is a closely guarded secret. So she doesn’t know that Steve’s just following his instincts as a cat. Tony does though, and he smothers his laugh in Steve’s shoulder.
“Whithers,” the girl says, irritation bleeding into her tone.
“Pleasure,” Tony says, making no attempt to hide the fact that he thinks it’s the opposite. He twines himself around Steve so that he can reach his lips for a quick kiss. “If you don’t mind, I have to borrow Steve here. Although, I really don’t care even if you do mind. See, he’s mine and I don’t really like it when people touch what’s mine.”
And then, before her face can do much more than register shock, he bats her champagne glass out of her hand.
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Hogwarts No.1 Ship
Fandom: Harry Potter  Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader Word count: 3.4k Summary: You - Rubeus Hagrid’s niece and a surprising slytherin - have a crush on the Slytherin prince himself, but you are sugar and he is spice and there is no world where the two of you would fit together...right? Warning: Swearwordsm concussion, broken bones, but mostly fluffffffffff Requested by the amazing and patient (I’m really sorry it took so long) @onlycherryblossom​: Hi! I love your work and I was wondering if you could right a Draco Malfoy x Reader. you know, the one we talked about. It'd be so awesome! i hope you have a good day/night! (I won’t put our chat in here so that I don’t spoiler anything)
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Hogwarts had rarely ever known two students who were as opposite to each other as Draco Malfoy and Y/N Hagrid. Draco - who was the embodiment of how people imagined the stereotype of Slytherin to be - was (most of the time) a prideful, cold, unempathetic prick, while you were a selfless, positive thinking, kind and gentle soul that could‘ve been a descendant of Helga Huffelpuff herself. The two of you did have one thing in common though. Your house. The hat had made you both into Slytherins which was on Draco’s side not surprising at all, but quite a shock for everyone who had talked to you for even a minute. Probably the biggest shock was courtesy of Rubeus Hagris - Half-Giant and your adopted uncle (on his father’s side) - who insisted that the hat must have made a mistake, but was quickly shot down by Dumbledoor who assured that the hat didn‘t make any mistakes. After some initial tumbling though, Hagrid realized that the house didn‘t make the person and that it didn‘t matter in what house you were sorted into, you’d always be his little pumpkin. And he was quite right. Even after you had been a Slytherin for just about five years, you had only grown more kind and loving - having bonded with many people in the other houses and years, but not quite as many in your own house. You’d call Blaze and Millicent maybe something close to friends and Pansy tolerated you which is why you gave her the title of ‘good acquaintances‘, but other than that you didn‘t really have a lot of contact with them in your free time. The most complicated relationship you held though was the one to the aforementioned Draco Malfoy. In a weird twist of fate the two of you somehow became the main ship in Hogwarts (with Harry and Ginny or Harry and Hermione as close second) even though you couldn‘t remember more than two or three times that you had talked to the boy outside of a classroom or study environment. Sure, he had never bullied or teased you which already differentiated you from most of the students, but you simply explained it by the fact that you were a good student - especially in potions class - and behaved well enough to gain a number of house points which made you into a good asset to Slytherin and as such made you a less logical target. Now all in itself that would‘ve been more than fine with you, but for some stupid reason your heart decided to betray you against it‘s better judgement and fall for him. Somehow, even after years of seeing him kick others down and behave like a complete douchebag you couldn‘t help but blush slightly at the mention of his name and feel your heart flutter when you walked by him in the hall or in the common room. The worst part was in potions class where he sat right beside you after Snape deemed your former partner as way too unqualified for one of his best students and exchanged him for Draco. Working with him in and of itself was actually rather nice. He was a good student and did his work thoroughly and mindfully, but you found it hard to concentrate when his hand brushed yours as you read a passage in the book or when he poured ingredients in the coultron that you were stirring. You really tried to ignore your feelings and ban every thought of him, but it seemed like you weren‘t doing the best job at it since your uncle kept asking about what it was that was distracting you all the time. On a rainy October day fairly at the beginning of your fifth year you decided you had enough. You were sitting in your Uncles hut with a plate of more or less edible cookies in front of you and a cup of something that was surely supposed to be tea when you finally gathered the courage to say what you had been meaning to say for weeks now. “Uncle Rubeus, can I ask you something?” Hagrid turned to you with his usual smile as he patted fang who was drooling all over his lap where he had laid his head. “Course ya can pumpkin. What’s it about?” “Uhm...well… you know there is this boy that I-“ “Ohhh Ah see,” Hagrid quickly interrupted you before you could even ask the question, “Ya know, usually I’d be more than happy to help ya with every question you have but ah really don’t thin’ I’m the right person for this, I’m sorry.” A little bit disappointed but not really surprised you just sighed and shook your head, telling him that it was okay, before bidding your goodbyes and making your way back to the castle quietly mulling over what exactly your plan b should be now that plan a had failed and you still had no idea what to do with or how to get rid of your stupid crush on Draco.
“You know what I would do if I were you?“ Ginny asked and pointed the end of her quill at you. The both of you were sitting in a corner of the library where you had planned to help her study for her upcoming potions exam, only for her to basically interrogate you until you admitted that you had an unlucky crush, even though she luckily hadn‘t pushed you to tell her who the guy you had a crush on was. “I‘d probably just tell them, I mean what do you have to lose. Either he‘ll say yes and you‘re happy or he says no and you just avoid him like he doesn‘t even exist - which would honestly be the appropriate reaction if he refuses a snack like you. See, no real downside to it.“ “Oh really? Hmmm, I wonder why you haven‘t told Harry how you feel yet then,“ you teased her and tapped your chin. Ginny‘s face immediately started to rival the colour of her hair and the way she crossed her arms in front of her chest and pouted reminded you of an overgrown toddler - but in a cute way. “I-I don‘t like Harry, okay? I mean I did when I was like ten because he was famous and I was a child,“ she tried to make sure you really knew how silly she wanted you to believe she thought it was by drawing out the word child for a good few seconds before rolling her eyes and looking to the side, “And anyway, it‘s not like he‘d date his best friend’s sister…“ “Oh Gin,“ you immediately felt bad and grabbed one of her hands with yours, “Have you looked at yourself? You‘re amazing and if Harry doesn‘t see that through his stupid invisible cloak and these glasses than he doesn‘t even deserve you.“ “Even though I admit that yes, I am amazing, this isn‘t the topic that we should be conversing about right now, remember? I think there‘s a certain blond Slytherin that you should be worried about more right now.“ Immediately blood shot right to your cheeks and you quickly looked around to make sure no one could‘ve heard her before leaning forward and hissing: “What? No? I don‘t like Draco? Why would you even think that? I never said that he is the one I have a crush on.“ Ginny just raised her eyebrows in an unimpressed manner, leaning back in her chair and picking the quill back up to play around with while she talked. “Listen honey, I‘m not judging you or anything. Don‘t get me wrong, I still and probably will always think Draco is a major asshole and doesn‘t even deserve to breath the same air as you-“ “He isn‘t that bad…“ “Yes he is, but anyways, no matter what I think of him I also know that you are a clever girl that knows how to protect herself and who knows, maybe you‘d even have a good influence on him.“ Images of you and Draco together with your friend group laughing and having fun crossed your mind and you could feel your heartbeat fasten involuntarily. “That‘s all great and good, but like I said, I don‘t have a crush on Draco,“ you gave the hope of getting out of this situation with the lie you‘ve been telling yourself for months still intact one last try, but Ginny didn‘t give it the time of day. “Oh please, I see the way you look at him in the dining hall and how your eyes are always on him when he‘s playing quidditch and just now you defended him even though the two of you aren‘t even friends. My love-radar is pinging like crazy around the two of you which is why I, Ginny Wealey also known as the love witch-“ “No one calls you that,“ you interrupted her only to be shushed by an evil glare. “I, Ginny Weasley, will help you in fulfilling your desire and getting together with Draco and I already have the perfect plan.“ “No no no no, please don‘t! Don‘t do this! Ginny no!“ you tried to make your point clear but she was already cleaning up her stuff and getting ready to leave. “Don‘t worry oh sweet Y/N, the next time we‘ll talk everything will be set in motion,“ she winked before dashing off leaving you standing in her figurative dust with your mouth agape for a few seconds before you let your head sink onto the table. This would definitely take an interesting turn…
After that you definitely started to actively avoid Draco which was - surprisingly enough - not as easy as you thought. Somehow he was almost always at least in your near vicinity. Besides the obvious factors of class (where you tried to focus on working and on praying whatever Ginny had planned wouldn‘t happen) and when you were eating in the great hall (where you had resorted to sitting at the very end of the table as far away from him as possible) he seemed to also be there in your free time. You were relaxing in the common room? He was there reading a book. You were outside with Harry and co.? Guess who’s coming their way to insult them (while not saying a single bad thing about you). By now there were just about three places where you were sure that he wouldn’t be able to pop up at any given moment. Your room, the bathroom and the potions classroom on Wednesday and Friday afternoon when class has already ended. After Snape had realized that he had some real potions-potential sitting in front of him he offered you extra credit as some sort of teaching assistant which basically meant that you helped him prepare lessons, helped him grade the first to third years tests and that you cleaned up and organized the potions classroom twice a week. Now usually, knowing that you were more than capable of handling the potions and ingredients standing around on your own after having seen you do it for a few months, you‘d be alone while you cleaned up except for the occasional visit of your professor to tell you which ingredients you should put on the students desks for the next class, but for some reason the next Friday - three days after Ginny had made her promise to you - the door already stood open and you could hear Professor Snape talking to someone. “I really expected better of you, your action is the reasons Slytherin has lost 50 housepoints and I hope you know that it is on you to gain them back, no matter your status,“ Snape‘s voice carried to where you stood and you wondered who the student was if Snape went so easy on them with his lecture. Usually you‘d be afraid for your life after losing even ten house points so getting such a calm reaction for 50 must‘ve really meant something. Your questions about the identity of the student were answered when you entered the dungeon room and immediately felt yourself freeze. Of course not even you (time dependent) sanctuary was safe anymore. Of course Draco just had to stand there and look at you without any identifiable emotion in his gaze. “Ah, Miss Hagrid, right on time as always,“ Snape nodded after he also noticed you and you felt slightly more at ease knowing that with him there nothing could really happen. “Should I come back later?” you asked politely, not sure if you had interrupted something. “No, you may stay. Mister Malfoy over here has got himself caught trying to sabotage McGonagall class, a childish act which I would’ve expected of the Weasleys but really not from you. As a punishment he will be the one to clean the potions classroom bi-weekly from now on until he has regained the house points lost. You’ll supervise him.” “I’m sorry, I’m not quite sure I understand.” “Malfoy will do all the cleaning but since he has no experience with it I can’t just leave him alone so, since you’d be here anyway, you can watch him and make sure that everything goes orderly.“ It wasn‘t really a question as much as a command, something that you were used to from Snape, so you just nodded and bid him goodbye as he went to his office, leaving you and Draco behind. By now you had seen through what was happening. This was Ginny‘s plan. Somehow she must‘ve managed to blame Malfoy for the prank on McGonagall - something rather extreme given the taken house points- hoping (or somehow knowing) that his punishment would force you to spend at least an hour with him alone in a dimmed room twice a week. Inwardly you cursed your friend, while outwardly you tried everything to avoid directly looking at Draco as you explained his tasks to him before you sat down at your usual place and pulled out a book really hoping you could get him to not talk to you that way. Either your plan was working great or Draco just really didn‘t care for you, because an hour later you still hadn‘t exchanged any words, instead he dutifully, but slightly pouting, had done his job while you shot him the occasional glance to make sure he was doing it correctly. “I think that was all, you should be good to go now,“ you told him with a small smile, relieved that you were finally free to leave the room and with that the tension that had built up inside you as a mix of nervousness and fear. Draco had opened his mouth to respond when a third year came rushing inside with at least twelve books in her arms that almost towered over her which she quickly placed on a table, slightly out of breath. “Professor Snape sent me. He said these have to be sorted and put away.” You could probably feel Draco’s sigh before he had made it and - not really fond of spending more time so frustratingly close to your crush and yet so far - you just nodded and told both of them that you’d take care of it and that they could leave, which both promptly did. You took the books and carried them to the back of the room where a sole, old bookshelf was standing - since the students mostly had their own books - and started putting them away when you heard a sickening crunch before suddenly the shelf including books came crashing down at you and before you could even think to pull out your wand, the world turned black.
“I’m so so so sorry, you were right I shouldn’t have interfered, if I’d just listened to you you wouldn‘t be lying here now,“ Ginny whined from beside your bed where she had been sitting for the past twenty minutes apologizing over and over again and blaming herself for the broken arm, leg and the concussion that had you unable to leave the infirmary for the next three days to a week. “Ginny, how often do I gotta tell you, it isn’t your fault! I would’ve sorted those books in anyways - no matter if you had pulled that prank or not - and it would’ve fallen anyways,” you tried to reassure her and gave her a soft smile. “But-“ “No but, okay? We can’t change the past anyways, and even if we could I wouldn’t because thanks to you, I don’t have to take that stupid DADA test.” Your attempt to lighten the mood seemed to work, because soon you and Ginny were back to your usual conversation-style and it relieved you immensely. It made you feel okay again. She was just telling you of a stung Harry had pulled in the Gryffindor Common room when she suddenly paused mid sentence and looked up. You followed her eyes to where they were placed firmly on a certain Platinum blond boy that looked simultaneously like he’d rather be everywhere else and like he was glad to be there, it was a sight to see. “I think I’ll leave for now, I’ll come back later with tons of sweets that Luna and I are going to steal from Harry’s personal stash,” Ginny said goodbye and gave you a wink as she walked away making you torn between wanting to roll your eyes and feeling yourself blush. Unsure of what to do next you motioned to the chair that Ginny had just occupied and Draco seemed to get the hint because he quickly sat down. “Hey-“ “Hi-“ “Sorry, you first.” “No it’s fine, you’re injured, you go first.” “Well, uhm-“ you took a deep breath to calm yourself down, “-I wanted to thank you, for bringing me here I mean, Madame Pomfrey told me you carried me all the way.” You looked away hoping that he wouldn’t see how nervous you were. “You don’t need to thank me, I couldn’t just let you lay there buried under books, your not Granger after all,” he said, seemingly trying to joke but immediately noticed that it was probably not the best thing to say given that you and Hermione were good friends. “Listen, what I came here for,” now it was Draco’s turn to take a deep breath, “I’ve been meaning to tell you something, but you were always with Potter or avoiding me or whatever, but after I saw you lying there… I guess I was just worried for you, I really don’t want you to get hurt.” Now that definitely caught your attention. For a second you played with the thought that this could possibly not be Malfoy but just someone else playing him with the help of polyjuice potion because he was definitely not acting like himself, but something in his word convinced you otherwise. “Thanks, I think, but would you mind me asking why? I mean...we’re not really the closest of friends,” you asked him, looking directly into his face to search signs of a possible answer. “Fuck it, I like you, okay? Happy?” You were completely stunned. Stunned, speechless, shocked. In all the time that you had been crushing on him you had never even really considered even the slightest possibility that he could reciprocate your feelings but now here he was telling you straight up. “You-You like me? Like like-like me?” You asked, just really wanting to be sure. There was a hint of nervousness and worry in his eyes, but he hid it behind a wall of annoyance. “You heard me, didn’t you? So, just get it over with, do you like me too or do you not, because if you don’t then I don’t want to waste my time any longer.” This definitely sounded more like the Draco you were used to and you had to giggle a little bit. “Yes, yes I like you too,” you confessed and like it was the most natural thing in the world you moved the uninjured hand over to where he laid on your bed and took it in yours. For the moment, you were caught in the shimmer of happiness and glee at having your crush there with you, definitely something more than your crush, and it would probably take a while until you‘d realize that there were some interesting things to follow, like telling your uncle about this for example...
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internalsealpanic · 3 years
The Night is Young part 1
Summary:  There is nothing better for self control than chains A/n: This is extremely self-indulgent and spiteful because I looked on ao3 and only say 2 Talia fics. Literally what the hell. Thank you for @jd-loves-fiction and @littleredwing89 for proof reading warnings: bondage, dom/sub, edging, oral, uh there’s a bit of a twist at the end
You kneel in front of Talia-- weight resting on your feet, back straight, and mouth zipped shut. She looks down at you approvingly as she sips from her champagne. Your skin buzzes as she marks every inch of it with those green eyes.
The large room shrinks in your periphery, your focus devoted only to the woman in front of you as you rest your face against her knee. The room is big, bigger than anything you could afford on your own. The presidential suite of the hotel you're meeting at is, naturally, the only one befitting someone like her. She looks completely content at her place on the edge of the bed, clad only in a silk robe that you can very nearly see-through. It drapes over the velvet curves of her body so gracefully that you have no doubt it was tailor-made. Only the best for an Al Ghul and their pets.
Talia sets her drink down, calling your attention with a tug of the chain wrapped loosely around your neck. You kiss her knee, not breaking eye contact.
"What do you want pet?" She asks, angling your head away from her skin by tightening her grip on the chain.
You plant a sloppy kiss against her thigh. You contemplate how you should phrase it so you can get what you want, careful to piece the syllables together into something Talia will want to hear. "I want to make you cum, Mistress." You nip at her thigh.
"How do you intend to do that, pet?" She hums, her ring digging into the underside of your jaw, thumb brushing against your bottom lip. You smile.
Bending your body, you begin with her feet. It's only natural to start your worship there. You brush chaste kisses against her ankles and the golden bands decorating them. The kisses grow hungrier and sloppier as you trail up her calf to her thighs. Your teeth graze against her hot flesh wanting to leave marks but holding yourself back when you don't hear her express approval. Talia threads her hand through your hair and breathes a soft note of approval. You feel the coil in your stomach tighten, elated by the way she's reacting.
You bend down again repeating the process with her other leg, leaving a trail of wet saliva glistening against her flawless dark skin. There's a smile stretching across her burgundy lips. "Good girl." It's humiliating how wet you get just from those two words.
Talia spreads her legs wider, tugging you forward.  Your hot breath fans against her outer lips. You pepper her lips with kisses and kitten licks, watching as Talia leans back, tugging her robe a little higher. You move to press your lips to her, applying shy licks to it and kissing it tenderly. It earns you soft pants and another tug at your chain.
You take the hint and begin licking in earnest. Her soft pants turn into whines then into Ah-ah-ahs that send a thrill up your spine.
You slide Talia's thighs over your shoulder to change the angle to get in deeper. She tastes so sweet. You close your eyes, kneading her thighs as you continue to service her with your tongue.
"Pet, just like that, yes."
Her voice sounds breathy. You feel delirious. You stop lapping your tongue inside her, replacing the wet muscle with two fingers. You kiss her clit gently as you slide your fingers in and out of her. You hum against her, letting your own moans drag one out of her. She wraps a leg around your shoulders bringing you closer. You hum fucking your finger in and out of her.
She was close. You can feel it from the way her walls flutter around your fingers. You pull your fingers out, sliding your tongue insider her. She grinds against your face, her hand sliding to the back of your neck. You fuck her with your tongue roughly as her back arches. Your tongue is flooded with the taste of her. It makes you drunk and you're hungry for more.
You hold her in place eating her through her orgasm. Vaguely, you hear her say something but your mind is too preoccupied. You're sure you can easily get another orgasm from her if you keep up your pace.
Your scalp stings as she yanks you off of her.
You're panting heavily, looking at her confused. Talia's green eyes shine with anger, their hues that of the waters from the Lazarus Pits. You're keenly aware you've fucked up but your mind is too hazy with lust to figure out exactly how.
"Do you like ignoring my orders, pet?" Talia growls, her voice rough with lust.
You blink. The words catch up with your brain. Talia loosens her grip. Without the stinging in your scalp, you can admire her rumpled appearance, the way her robe slides off your shoulder showing off her breasts and her muscular stomach.
Talia grabs your chin, her rings digging into your skin. "You're feeling particularly petulant today, aren't you pet?"
No, your brain just doesn't work when she's dressed so enticingly. You tell her as much in the sweet honeyed voice that usually gets you out of trouble.
The irate look on Talia's face tells you it doesn't work so do the rings digging into your skin.  "That trick might work on Wilson and Beloved but I assure you. It won't work on me."
You were hoping it wouldn't. You may love the way Bruce spoils you endlessly or the way Slade's punishments always ends with you cumming around his cock over and over again but the way Talia disciplines you and uses you hits different. You shiver. You bite back a sob. There was more?
You feel the bed shift. The weight on your thigh lifts.  Something warm hover over your face. Something warm and wet. You open your mouth. You grin feeling Talia rest her weight on your face. You wait for her to say something. It takes a long moment but Talia finally gives you her permission.
You lap at her core earnestly, enjoying how she grinds against your face spreading her juices all over it.  "You like being used, don't you?" She purrs, her thighs putting pressure around your head. You gasp against her when a buzzing between your legs starts. "Faster, pet." She pants. You whimper against her core but comply. The vibrator inside you buzzes more fervently as you lap more eagerly at her core.
You try to picture her above you based on the sounds she's making. You can imagine her tweaking her nipples as you work her core. You moan, lips vibrating.
You slow your pace down just to catch a breather but the lessening sensation between your legs dissuades you. You switch to a different tactic.  You plunge your tongue inside her drawing figure 8s as you hum. Your lips vibrate and you hear her moans grow louder. Talia cums with a growl.
You let out a relieved breath when she lifts herself off your face. "Thank you." You say voice hoarse.
"We're not done yet, pet. We're going to play a game."
She removes your blindfold. She traces the line of your jaw forcing you to look deep into her lush green eyes. "Give me a number, pet. Between 1 to 10."
You frown confused but not eager to test her patience.  "3?" You guess. You whine when the vibrations in your pussy grow weaker.
"Try again pet"
The vibrations lower even more. "You want to make me happy, don't you? " She coos smoothing your hair out of your face. You struggle for breath. You just want her to end your misery. You nod.
"Good. Now, try again." She encourages, brushing your lips against yours.
"7- Ah!" You moan as Talia steadily raises the powers. A strangled moan from the closet accompanies your own and you nearly jump out of your skin from your surprise. Talia laughs. Her hand is tracing shapes into your thigh. “Oh pet, did you think we were alone?”
You figured but she did say she had a surprise for you. You shake your head. She kneels onto the bed running her fingers over your feet and up over her ankles. Your mind is flimsy and formless. Your thoughts are like bubbles in the air popping one after the other. You purr under Talia’s touches and the shockwaves of pleasure you’re getting from the vibrator.
“Listen to how cute our pet sounds, Beloved,” Talia says, stroking the side of your face. You turn your head to the side. You can see movement in the closet. The shifting of shadows. If you had to hazard a guess, Talia’s probably got Bruce tied up and, probably, gagged. “Doesn't she just sound adorable when she's being obedient?” There’s another remote in her hand. She drapes herself on top of you lazily. You love the way her skin feels against yours. You hear the click of the remote followed by a loud groan from Bruce. You turn your head. The dial is pushed to a 7. Oh. You regret not picking a higher number.
“This is what she should sound like, but you and Wilson are too soft with her.” Talia says, stroking up your inner thighs.  “I know exactly what she needs,” Talia kisses the inside of your knee. You whine. “And I know exactly how she needs it too.” You hear another click and the buzzing inside you spreads throughout your body. Your nerves light up from the stimulation.  You’re whimpering Talia’s name repeatedly, shuddering under the intensity. Talia is grinding her body against yours.  You think you hear yourself beg but the syllables come out garbled as you cum.
You’re panting and dizzy but content.  “Thank you.” You manage between breaths. Talia kisses your forehead in response. You’re not stupid enough to tease her about the gesture. At least, you’re not stupid enough to do it tied up.
You hear another movement from the closet. You turn to look at Bruce. Through a sliver, you can see bright blue eyes staring at both of you intensely.
“What do you think, pet? Should we let him join our fun?” Talia asks, tracing a nail down your chest.
You look between her and Bruce and an evil thought forms in your mind. As innocently as you can, you say: “Can we reward him with a show first mistress? He has been so patient after all.” You hear a strangled noise from the closet.  
Talia’s lips curve upwards. “What a wonderful idea,” She says, kissing your collarbone. “We both know how much our beloved loves to watch.”
Oh, Bruce was going to kill you.
Talia removes the vibrator first, making you moan. She then unfastens the spreader bar. Finally, she releases your hands. Your wrists sting, feeling raw in the cool air. She kisses your wrist. You slide your thigh between her legs, rubbing it against her core. She hums delighted with your initiative. You gently wrap your hand around the back of Talia’s neck guiding her lips to yours in a gentle melding of lips.  She licks your bottom lip. You open your mouth readily for her. She grins taking the invitation. She kneads your chest and you put more pressure between her thighs.
Bruce growls against what you assume was a ball gag. You break the kiss, turning your head towards him. The sliver has grown and you can see the hungry look in his eyes.
“Don’t look at him whilst we’re playing pet,” Talia says, tilting your chin back towards you, “this is just for me and you.” She strokes her palms down your waist. You close your eyes ignoring the pained mewl from Bruce and focusing on the warm body on top of you. Talia kisses you again. You nibble her lip, groping one of her breasts.  She kisses you deeply. Her thigh presses against your core as your bodies grind against each other. She feels so wet and warm against you.  Your body is a live wire of sensations. You can feel Talia’s nipples brush against yours as your bodies move against each other. The sound of your moans mixing in the open air echoes in your skull like a lewd opera. Talia kisses your jaw, your neck, leaving bite marks on your neck and collar bone. You revel in the warm kisses pressed against your skin.
Another desperate keen erupts from the closet.  You sneak a glance at Bruce even though Talia told you not to. Your mouth dries when you see his throbbing cock. His cock was erect against his abs, leaking precum down his long girthy length. You lick your lips. Your want to taste him was blatant and it was impossible to miss.  
Talia kisses your pulse. “Shall we let him join, pet?”
You nod vigorously.
She looks down at you amused. “He has been so good for us after all, hasn’t he?” She says, sliding her thumb against your swollen lips. “Why don’t you pleasure him with that talented mouth whilst I untangle him?”  Talia pushes herself off the bed. You almost call her back, finally feeling the way heat dissipates from your body in her absence.  
You try to follow her on wobbly legs and only manage to fall to the floor. You’re flushed with embarrassment. Well, this isn’t the first time you’ve been fuck thoroughly enough to take away your ability to walk. It isn’t even the first time for Talia either. Talia (taking pity on you or proud that she’d fucked you stupid) guides Bruce’s hulking figure to the bed. You take in his disheveled appearance, his so carefully put together appearance in shambles. His hair is a mess with strands sticking out while others cling to his forehead through sweat. His hands are tied behind his back, pushing out his chest covered in hickeys and scratches. It seems they occupied themselves while waiting for you. Bruce’s teeth dig into the ball gag. At least, you’re not the only one frustrated. You crawl towards him as Talia begins to untie him. Pushing up between his legs, you look up at him innocently. You can see guilt forming in his brow. You can just tell Bruce was already thinking of what gift to get you for going along with something less than savory. He’ll definitely have a heart attack if you told him about the things the other two have had you do or have done to you regularly.
You knead the meat of his thighs; even at rest, they felt powerful.  Pressing sloppy kisses along his inner thighs, you pointedly ignore his throbbing cock. There’s a strained noise and a shift in posture that conveys his frustration. You rest your cheek against his knee, fingers sliding up and down his cock experimentally. “Sir, please let me suck your cock.” You purr. The lewd vulgarity of your request hits him like a ton of bricks. His skin flushes a hot shade of pink. Bruce’s cock twitches in approval but you wait patiently for verbal approval.
“Answer her beloved.” Talia says, removing the gag from his mouth.
“Please, Daddy.” You say, nibbling at his inner thigh, your panting breath fanning against his hardened cock. If Bruce still had any restraint left, it crumples. He swallows, mouth feeling painfully dry. “Go ahead, sweetheart.” He says, smiling down at you indulgently.
You lick a long strip up the length of his cock, lapping up the precum you’ve been dying to taste. You kiss the head of his shaft. Humming, you suck on the tip before opening your mouth to take him in. Bruce puts a hand on the back of your neck but with your hand, you guide it to wrap around your throat, so he can feel his cock sliding down your throat. Bruce bites back a  curse, thrusting his hips up. You gag but keep his hand firmly in place with your own. Bruce could easily move his hand but he doesn’t.
Talia kisses along his shoulders. “She’s very talented.” Talia says, rubbing circles on Bruce’s chest.
“And well trained.” Bruce comments, pressing a kiss to Talia’s lips.
“No thanks to you,” she sneers, “or Wilson.”
“It’s just too hard not to spoil her.” Bruce says, pushing hair out of your face as you continue to swallow his shaft. You look at him and his cock twitches deep inside your throat.
“She is adorable,” Talia agrees, hands traveling down Bruce’s chest. His breath hitches when she starts playing with his balls, caressing the tender flesh with her skilled fingers. “It’s ok, Beloved. Our darling pet can take what you’ve got. Isn’t that right, Pet?”
You moan around Bruce’s shaft in response and it doesn’t take long for him to cum. You swallow his cum, making sure he sees the movement of your throat. “Thank you, Sir.” You say, licking your lips.  Some of it dribbles down your chin to your chest.  You scoop some up with your fingers and lick them off. Bruce looks like he’s going to die. You may be enjoying this too much.
“Let's clean you up, pet.” Talia says, kneeling beside you. Bruce’s shoulders slacken looking relieved. Oh, this poor bastard. Talia starts licking your chest. She trails down, leaving hickeys in her wake. She suckles on one of your nipples, swirling her tongue around it. You let out cries of pleasure that have Bruce biting his lip.  She let you go with a satisfied “All done”. Bruce is ready to keel over as he walks over to both of you.
“Let’s get you two properly cleaned up.” He says, glaring at Talia who looks understandably unapologetic.
Bruce helps you into the large tub, your legs still useless from the evening’s activities.  You and Talia curl up against Bruce’s broad chest while Talia kisses your bruised wrists. You stroke her cheek with Bruce pressing a kiss on your hairline.
“So Pet, when were you going to tell us about the other.”
You give Talia a genuinely confused look. “I thought you guys knew.”
“We didn’t.” Bruce confirms, looking very torn.
“I assume Wilson has no clue.”
“Considering neither of you did… Likely not.” You say, kissing Bruce’s shoulder.
Talia looks angry. Not as angry as she could be considering you really had no clue that they didn’t.  “Pet, some of us don’t like sharing our toys...”
“It’s nothing personal.” You say, stroking Talia’s face. You realize that came out terrible, so you lean forward to place a chaste kiss to her lips. You’re honestly just unable to keep your genuine affection at bay at this point.
She seems placated when she rests her head against Bruce’s chest. Bruce who has been surprisingly quiet.
“Please stop moving.” He groans and you notice now that your legs have been brushing a certain appendage. You turn his face to yours and kiss him softly. “What’s the matter, Bruce? We’re all having fun and the  night is still young.”
“Sir, your guest has arrived. Are we to expect you soon?”
Slade taps his finger against the lacquered arms rests of the seat. “No, no. I’ll still be a few days out. Could you keep an eye on her for me?”
“Of course. Of course, sir. It’s just....”
“Spit it out. I don’t have all night.”
“Well, we’ve seen your guest with a few of our other high profile members...”
“Who?” Slade growls, gripping his glass of whiskey a little too tightly.
“Well, it was Ms. Talia Al Ghul and Mr. Burce Wayne.”
“I see… Do make sure my guest is comfortable.” ________________________________________________________________ a/n: Thanks for reading and yeah I could not resist making reader a sugar baby for all three cus that is my dream hahahaha
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pascalpanic · 4 years
Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Javier Peña x f!Reader)- Chapter Five
Summary: It’s girls night at the Murphys’, Connie declares, since you, Lorena, and Connie all have this Friday night off. After meeting Steve, reader also discovers that she’s standing right above Javier’s apartment. 
W/C: 2.8k
Warnings: language and innuendo, brief mentions of sexual stuff but like, it’s brief
A/N: Well, this chapter is super cute and I really love it! Hope you guys like it like I do! Thanks to @remmysbounty​ for being my proofreader and giving me ideas, specifically for this night! This chapter is so cute you guys I love it! (this is the last fluff you’re going to get in this series for a while so... enjoy it now) this fic also really encouraged to me with my anxiety over wearing a scrunchie in public (I know I’m super lame), so thanks to @remmysbounty, @lunasblipsandblurbs and @mandoalorian for being my encouraging team and telling me that scrunchies are definitely still cool!!
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The bottle of wine on your counter looks more and more enticing as it grows closer to 6:30. You, Connie, and Lorena all had the luck of having this Friday off, and Connie had decided that a celebration was in order, inviting the two of you to her apartment. You’re excited: it’s a night with two of your favorite people in all of Colombia, and you finally get to meet Steve, who you’ve heard plenty about from both Javier and Connie.
As the hour draws closer, you decide to head over a little early. You and Connie had compared addresses and found that the two of you lived fairly close to each other, and you set out on your walk. 
When you reach the building, you walk inside and knock on the door with the number Connie told you. The door opens and reveals a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes- you think he could be Connie’s brother, you almost chuckle to yourself. “Hey,” the man says, a light southern drawl evident in his tone. “Connie, one of ‘em’s here,” he calls out into the apartment before letting you come in. “I’m Steve, nice to meet ya,” he says with a smile.
You introduce yourself and he nods, noting that the name is familiar. Connie rushes out, excitedly smiling as she sees you. “Hey!” she practically squeals, rushing to hug you before taking the bottle of wine you hold and setting it on the counter. “Well, you’ve met Steve now,” she chuckles, nodding at him, and he nods back. “He’s just going to be hanging around tonight.”
“Might get a beer with Javier,” he tells her, and she shrugs.
“Might as well. Just stay out of our way,” she threatens, a sweet smile on her face opposing her tone, but she laughs quickly. It’s simply the way the two of them interact, you can tell, and it’s kind of cute. 
“Do you mind if I use your bathroom quick?” You ask, and Connie nods.
“Oh, of course. It’s just down there and to the left,” she tells you, and you follow her directions.
As you sit on the toilet, you can hear them talking. You ignore it until you hear Javier’s name mentioned again, catching your attention.
Connie’s voice is muffled but clearly giddy. “That’s the one, Javier’s girl,” she tells him, and you can hear Steve give a little chuckle.
“She’s cute.” “She’s not just cute, she’s gorgeous,” Connie laments. “Has Javi talked about her?” “Nope.”
“You’re probably just too thick to even notice if he did anyway.” “Hey! And no, he hasn’t mentioned anything about her. I already mock him enough for his tastes. He likes her though, that much is clear. And he hasn’t even slept with her yet- impressive for him. That must take some self control for Jav.”
That makes you warm a little on the inside. He’s into you. You feel like a teenager, and you cover your mouth with your hand as you give out a little giggle. 
There’s a knock at the door moments later, and you can hear Lorena’s voice ringing through the apartment. You finish up in the bathroom and grin at the sight you return to: Connie and Lorena, in casual clothing, holding glasses of wine with a third one at the counter for you. The three of you chatter for a little, slowing it down for Lorena. She’s not a fantastic English speaker, but she’s fluent enough, and Connie isn’t great at Spanish.
A few minutes later, Steve grabs a six-pack of beers from the fridge and heads towards the door. “Heading to Javi’s,” he tells Connie, kissing her head as he passes your little group.
He opens the door, and you find it strange that the beer is all that he’s carrying. “No coat?” You ask, tilting your head a little.
“We should get you in the DEA. We need observant people. Everyone around there walks with their heads up their asses,” he chuckles and opens the door. “No,” he says and looks at Connie, as if asking why you don’t know. She shrugs and he shrugs back. “Javi lives just downstairs, apartment beneath us. Holler if you need anything,” he tells Connie and closes the door behind him. 
“Javier lives downstairs?” you ask, eyes widening and heart fluttering at the idea that you’re in such close proximity to him. “Steve is DEA?” Lorena asks, big eyes widening like yours did. 
Connie is suddenly feeling bombarded, her pale face flushing with a little red. “Uh, yeah. To both. You really didn’t know that, Lori?”
“You said he was a janitor!”
“Lori, they don’t send people from the U.S. down to Colombia just to be a janitor,” you tell her with a gentle chuckle. Lorena is innocent and naive, you and Connie both know that, but you’d figured growing up in Colombia during Escobar’s reign of terror would’ve made her at least somewhat more knowledgeable. “I just believed what you told me,” she murmurs and sips her glass of wine.
Javier cracks a beer open and immediately takes a swig. “Connie’s never been one for girls nights, has she?” he asks Steve. He usually comes down here if there’s a fight between the two of them, or if Connie’s working the graveyard shift and he needs a drinking partner, but a girls night hasn’t been a reason yet.
Steve shakes his head and opens his beer too. “Nope, not really. She’s got two new best friends now, looks like. One of them is that American girl she works with,” he says and raises an eyebrow, raising his bottle to his lips to take a drink. He says your name, drawing it out and watching Javier’s expression.
Javi sighs, though the thought of you being in the room above him is exciting. “We’ve been over this, Stephen. You can’t mess with me the way you think you can.”
“Yes I can, Jav,” he chuckles and kicks back on Javier’s couch, turning on the television. Javier sits down next to him with a bowl of popcorn, sighing and shaking his head. As the football match plays out in front of them, Javier’s mind keeps drifting to the apartment above him. He wonders what you’re wearing: he’s only ever seen you, but he’s thought about how you’d look in a nice dress, in jeans, in nothing at all and splayed out in his bed- stop, Javier, he has to remind himself. Focus on the football game, and pray that Steve needs something from upstairs.
As Connie gets up to get another bottle of wine, she picks up a bottle of whiskey sitting on the counter. “Damn. Steve was gonna give this to Javier tonight,” she says with a frown. It immediately forms a smile as she turns to you. “Why don’t you bring it down there for them?” She asks you, grinning ear to ear.
“Yes, I think they need it,” Lorena chimes in, nudging your shoulder with hers. 
You shake your head at her proposition, laughing. “Why don’t you bring it down there yourself?” you ask her as you finish your glass of wine, setting it down on the counter and giving her a pointed look.
Connie holds the whiskey out in front of you with a pout, blue eyes wide. “Come on! Don’t you want to see him?” She asks with a giggle, grinning ear to ear. “It’s easy. Tell them I’m making them- ooh, should I make cookies? Then we can get Javier to come up here and get them once they’re done and you can see him, Lori, he’s really cute.”
“I want in on the cookies!” You exclaim, mockingly offended.
“No cookies if you don’t go bring this to Javi,” Connie practically sings and wiggles the bottle in front of your face. “Come on. Just tell him I’ll call down there when they’re ready and he can come get him,” she asks.
You sigh and take the bottle from her. “What, are we 13? Do you want him to admit he has a crush on me?” You ask dryly, standing. “Maybe we can hold hands in the stairwell between classes,” you roll your eyes, though you’re smiling.
The two girls cheer after you as you walk out of the apartment, closing the door behind you and hearing Connie and Lorena giggling, even from the hallway. You walk down to the apartment directly below Steve and Connie’s, taking a deep breath before knocking twice.
The door opens to reveal Javier, wearing a casual button-up shirt and jeans. He looks a bit surprised to see you, but he smiles as he recognizes that it’s you. “Hey,” he chuckles, a hand on his belt loop, the other leaning in the doorway.
“Hi,” you says with a growing smile that matches his. 
“I, uh. I like the scrunchie,” he says, gesturing to the cloth that’s holding part of your hair out of your face.
“Thanks,” you say, laughing a little at his compliment. “I like the apartment,” you say, gesturing behind him.
“Thanks,” he says too, looking down at the whiskey in your hands. “Do you want to come in?” He offers, moving in the doorway so that it’s accessible to you.
“Oh, no,” you shake your head and hold out the bottle. “Connie said Steve forgot this, so she sent me down to give it to you. Oh, and she’s making cookies. She said you’ll have to come up and get them when they’re done.”
Steve gets up from the couch, noticing that you’re there. “Damn, that’s right,” he chuckles and takes the bottle from you. “Forgot about that. Thanks for bringing that down. Connie’s a great baker, and I guess she knows about Javier’s sweet tooth,” he says.
You raise an eyebrow at Javier, asking if it’s true. He makes a little dismissive face and shakes his head softly, making you giggle. “Well, I’m gonna head back up. Connie said she’ll call down here when the cookies are ready.” “Thanks for bringing that down,” Steve tells you with a nod, heading into Javier’s kitchen to grab glasses for the liquor.
“Of course. I’ll see you later,” you tell Javier with a smile, and he smiles back and gives you a nod. 
You turn away and walk back down the hallway. You don’t turn, but if you did, you’d catch Javier watching you with a dopey smile on his face. His eyes are trained on your ass, how good it looks in those tight jeans you’re wearing.
About an hour later, after munching on the leftover cookie dough and about two bottles of wine in, the timer dings on Connie’s oven. She hops up from her spot and heads to the oven, grabbing the treats. You and Lorena both sigh at how good the smell of the freshly-baked dessert is, and Connie comes back with wine bottle number three. “You two open that. I’m going to call down to Javi’s,” she tells you and wiggles her eyebrows, making you roll your eyes at her as you uncork the bottle and pour more for all three of you.
Lorena immediately takes a swig from her newly filled glass, getting up from her spot and stealing a cookie from the tray on the oven. She hums happily as she eats it, walking back to her spot. 
Connie chatters on the phone, her tone indicating that she’s clearly talking to Steve. “No, send Javi up,” she whispers, thinking you can’t hear it. You can.
Once she hangs up, she scoops some cookies onto the plates and you and Lorena chat mindlessly, both sipping at your wine glasses. Connie unlocks the front door before returning to the counter and sitting down with the two of you. You continue your conversation from before, taking a bite of a cookie and immediately feeling transported home. Your eyes close as you savor the taste, but they open a moment later as there’s a knock at the door. “It’s open,” Connie calls out, and Javier walks in.
You notice that his jeans are tight, very tight, and bite down on your lip at the image your mind conjures. You give a little wave and he chuckles. “So this is Lorena,” he says as he gestures to the girl sitting between the two of you. She nods, grinning at him, and he walks closer, offering her a hand to shake. “Wonderful to meet you. I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about you,” he tells her with a charming smile.
Lorena giggles a little at that, sipping her wine. “Likewise,” she tells him and gestures to you with her head. “Mainly from her.” You roll your eyes but smile as you see the pleased expression on Javier’s face. “Oh, Javi,” Connie says, popping up quick. “I wanted Steve to take pictures for us earlier but I forgot. Will you take them for us?” She asks hopefully, a hand on his arm. He nods and she grins. “Great! I’ll be right back.” She rushes out of the room to grab the camera.
“So how’s it going down there?” You ask him and sip your wine. 
“Typical. Steve and I are drinking in silence and watching soccer,” he chuckles, taking a cookie from the plate and biting into it. “Damn, she really is a good baker,” he sighs as he eats the rest of it.
Connie returns a few moments later with her Polaroid. “Okay, get up ladies,” she chuckles and hands Javier the camera. “Take three, so we can each have one.”
“Yes ma’am,” Javier chuckles as the three of you get arranged, tiny, 4’11” Lorena in the middle, you and Connie on either side. You all grin at the camera and Javier takes three successive pictures, with breaks in between for the photos to pop out of the bottom. 
As they develop, Connie coos over the pictures even though just your silhouettes are visible at this point. “Oh, you two should get a picture together!” She exclaims with wide eyes as she looks up at you and Javier. Once again, a silent question and answer passes between you: you ask him with a lifted eyebrow, Javier shrugs as if to say ‘why not’ and gives you a smile. 
“Sure,” you nod, and Javier hands Connie the camera. 
“Okay, I’ll take one for each of you. The first one will be yours, Javi,” she tells him as she positions the two of you then backs up to a distance to take the picture.
You and Javier each have an arm around the other’s waist, and Connie positioned your hand on his chest. As she brings the camera to her eye, you get an idea and grin. Javier’s already smiling for the picture, and you bring your lips to his cheek, pressing a kiss there for the picture. He gives a little chuckle, and you can feel the way it vibrates in his chest with the palm pressed to his heart. “Aw,” Connie laughs as she takes the picture from the slot, and Javier presses a kiss to your head while neither of the women are looking, making your heart melt.
“My turn,” he murmurs to you, and while Connie prepares the camera, he kisses your cheek, wrinkled from the wide smile on your face. Both of the girls coo as Connie takes the picture, and you laugh a little at the way they react. 
When both pictures are done, you lightly pat Javier’s chest and break from his arms. You grab the plate of cookies and his Polaroid picture from the table, handing them both to him. “Why thank you,” he chuckles and pulls you into a side hug.
“Are you just being nice to me because the girls are watching?” You ask him teasingly, your arm going around him as well.
“Tonight you’ve given me whiskey and cookies. Of course I’ll be nice to you when you do that,” he teases right back, and you laugh, your head falling into his shoulder.
“Don’t eat them all on the way down,” Connie threatens him. “I do like you more than Steve sometimes, but he’d put me on the first flight back to Miami if he didn’t get any of those cookies,” she says and nods to the plate.
“I’ll try not to,” he says, nodding obediently. Javier squeezes your side gently before breaking away from her. “Nice to meet you, Lorena,” he says again and gives a little wave before heading out of the apartment. 
You smile to yourself as you pick up your two photos: one with you and your best friends, one with you and Javier. It really has been a perfect night, you think with a sigh, and munch on another cookie. Little do any of you know how wrong things are about to go.
@wonderlandgabby​ @diogodxlot
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omorial · 3 years
Just a note- I'm not autistic! I did this based on my own research and what I've learned from friends. I had someone read over it to make sure it wasn't being insensitive, so I hope anyone who reads likes this!
- Mod Zale
Mari loved her little brother!
Sunny was the light of her life, the center of it, and she cared about him so much. Even the things that some people might consider weird, or be mean about. Because those things made Sunny Sunny, and people who were mean about it were just bullies.
Like how he didn't talk much. People were mean about it, but Sunny just didn't like to talk, and who cares? He can still communicate, and it makes him happy! As long as he's comfortable, it didn't matter if he talked.
He also wore the same thing a lot, but that's just because it made him comfortable. Routine helped him, and if it helped, it was fine. Having a signature outfit was cool, too! Like you were a cartoon character!
He had favorite foods, too! Like steak! That was one of his favorites. He says some foods bother him and make him feel icky, so they don't make him eat those, because he should eat what makes him feel good! Eating is supposed to be fun!
As long as Sunny was happy, it didn't matter if he did things other people thought was weird. Those things made Sunny Sunny, and she loved him for him.
Kel was excited!!
Hero said they had new neighbors, and he was finally taking Kel to meet them!! Hero said he hadn't taken him yet because they needed time to adjust, which was kind of weird, but whatever. He could make a new friend!
"Calm down, Kel, he hasn't met anyone else in town yet and his sister said he's nervous." Kel looked at Hero, pouting. Hero bent down, looking at Kel. "Also, I was told he doesn't like to talk much. So be nice to him, okay?"
Kel nodded. "Yeah! I'm super nice!"
Hero laughed again and Kel stuck his tongue out at him as he stood up.
He bounced in place as he waited for someone to answer the door, excited to meet someone new.
"Hey, Mari." Hero said, and Kel looked at the girl who answered the door. She must be the big sister! "This is my brother, Kel. How're you all settling in?"
"We're settling in well, Hero, thanks for asking." Mari turned to Kel, and he beamed up at her. "Hello, Kel! You should meet my little brother, Sunny! He's in our room upstairs right now, the door on the left, you can go up there if you want!"
"Hi!! Okay, cool! Nice to meet you!" Kel rushed out a response before sprinting into the house, giggles from Hero and Mari following him.
Kel rushed upstairs, almost tripping in his excitement. He made his way to the door he'd been directed to, barely remembering to knock before opening the door.
There was a boy sitting on one of the beds, probably Sunny, with short black hair. He was fidgeting with something, and didn't seem to notice that Kel was there. 
Kel knocked on the doorframe before walking into the room, waving slightly. "Uh, hi? Sunny, right?"
He still didn't seem to react so Kel walked further into the room, trying to get his attention. He walked up to the bed, and Sunny still didn't seem to register he was there. Kel bounced in place little before deciding to tap Sunny on the shoulder.
Sunny startled a little, looking up. 
Kel smiled sheepishly and waved again. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you. Uh- I'm Kel! I'm Hero's brother, you've met Hero right?"
Sunny looked at him for a second, before nodding. He grabbed a notebook off the nightstand beside the bed and Kel moved a little so he could see it better.
'I'm Sunny. Nice to meet you.'
"Hi Sunny! Uh-" Kel glanced around, eyes catching on the cube thing the other boy had been fidgeting with. "What's that?"
Sunny fidgeted with the pencil he was holding for a second before replying. 'It's a Rubix Cube. You have to solve the puzzle by getting the same color on all sides.'
"Oh, that's cool!" Kel looked around to see more things that looked akin to Rubix Cubes on one of the shelves set up in the room. "Do you collect them?"
Sunny nodded.
"That's so cool! Can you show me how to solve one?"
Sunny's eyes widened slightly and he nodded, moving some so Kel could sit beside him. Kel beamed.
School had started, and Kel was excited because he and Sunny were in the same class. Sunny was fun, and liked talking to him, and he knew so much cool stuff! He was such a cool friend!!
Sunny seemed nervous, so Kel tried to send him silent support any way he could. He seemed to appreciate it, so it was a success!
It was lunch, and the two of them had sat down at a table. They'd both brought lunch, so they didn't have to wait in line! 
Kel started eating but stopped when he looked at Sunny, who was frowning at his food.
"Sunny? You okay?"
'... Fine. Mom just gave me Mari's lunch instead of mine.'
"Oh." Kel glanced at the pasta Mari took for lunch, then back to his pb&j sandwich, tilting his head. "Want mine? It's just a pb&j."
Sunny frowned more. 'Are you sure?'
"Totally, bud! You can have it, I don't mind."
They switched food and the issue was averted, lunch going smoothly after that.
Basil fidgeted with his bag, looking nervously at the friends Aubrey was introducing him to. It wasn't that he didn't think they'd be nice! He trusted Aubrey! It's just- he was nervous.
The boy in orange- Kel, right? -smiled before speaking. "Hey Basil! Nice to meetcha! I like your bag, the flowers are cool!"
Basil flushed, stuttering out a thank-you as the two older kids- Mari and Hero -said hi as well.
The last one, Sunny, waved a little. He was wearing short sleeves, which confused Basil because it was kind of cold out.
Sunny held out a notebook in front of him, and his eyes widened as he took it.
'I don't like wearing long sleeves a lot. It feels weird.'
"Oh!" Basil gripped his bag, handing the notebook back to Sunny. "Sorry it was obvious I was wondering! I- I didn't mean to be rude."
Sunny put the notebook in front of him again, and he read it.
'It's alright, I don't mind. It's nice to meet you. Flowers are pretty cool.'
Basil looked at Sunny, eyes wide. 
"Uh- okay. Thanks! Your notebook is pretty cool." Basil looked at the drawings on the cover. "Did you decorate it yourself?"
Sunny nodded.
"That's so cool! You must be really good at art."
Sunny wrote something down and Basil read it.
'Um- I guess. Thanks, though. It's fun.'
Basil smiled a little. This was seeming okay.
Sunny closed the door to the bathroom, pulling at his hair. His eyes stung.
His wrist, his fingers, everything hurt. He couldn't do this- it hurt.
He wiped at his eyes, sliding down against the door as he tried to calm down. It just- it was too much. Mari was pushing him too much. It hurt.
He pulled at his hair again, trying to hold back his frustrations as the crying got worse.
He didn't want to play the violin anymore.
It hurt.
Sunny had collections.
He had, rubix cubes, and stuffed animals, and he had so many of them.
It was fun. It gave him something to focus on. And he liked them.
The stuffed animals were comforting, and soft. The rubix cubes were fun to fidget with, and it was fun to figure out how to solve them, too.
Drawing was also fun. It was fun to do, and he could do it in bis own way, just for fun.
He could draw his friends, and draw out his frustrations, and it helped.
Collecting things helped.
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thatnerdwolfnell · 4 years
Pocky challenge: MC x Main six
The Pocky game is a party game played withPocky, a Japanese chocolate- or candy-coated biscuit snack. Two participants place the Pockybetween them “Lady and the Tramp” style, and try to be the last to hold onto the biscuit, often resulting in a kiss.
^coppied from google.
Ohohoho. Yes. Thank you. I love you. This would have been done yesterday, but I was a dumb bastard and I ran out of my meds so I was busy feeling like general shit. Sidenote: me and my uni friends used to do this with gummy bears before Covid because we have no shame I guess? Idk.
Pocky game Mc and Main 6
He loves it. Even when you kiss him regularly he still loves the thrill and challenge of the game.
He has a bit of a competitive streak so if he has to he will full on kiss you and suck the slimy ass pocky out of your mouth. (I'm sorry for that image)
When he pulls out some strawberry pocky hes already got that cheeky knifecat smirk on his face.
He rattles the box a bit specifically to draw your attention
He gets that dark heavy sparkle in his eyes as he puts the strawberry end between his lips and just looks at you, completely still.
You try to hide your smile, you love when he gets like this.
Asra has a thing for games.
You shift over on the couch enough that you can take the end of end of the pocky in your teeth.
He leans in to take another bite and steadies you with an unexpected hand sliding up from the small of your back.
you raise an eyebrow
The corner of his mouth twitches up into a grin.
he takes a deep breath and holds it as he inches closer. He somehow has nibbling the pocky within millimeters down to a practiced skill and he always holds his breath when he starts getting close. It's a focus thing and probably to keep from moving too much. You can tell he expects to win.
You lace a hand through his hair gently anchoring at the nape of his neck, and bite off most of your end
He blinks in surprise and finally lets out his breath slow enough that it catches in his throat and sends goosebumps down your spine.
His face is so warm next to yours. You can hear his heartbeat, quick and shallow in his chest.
"Gib ub yet?" You ask. There's not much left of the pocky but you know he won't stop.
He grins around the pocky.
The hand on your back slides to your waist. The other skims along your thigh and you gasp slightly.
He doesn't break eye contact. You let out a shaky breath as he nibbles just enough off to keep your lips from touching. If you moved you could easily kiss him.
He plays dirty. He likes teasing you. Waiting for your next move.
You kiss him hard and push him down onto the couch taking the whole last bit of the pocky in your mouth and crunching down.
He tilts his head back and laughs his hair falling back into his face.
"mm I think you cheated" he smirks and leans in to kiss along your jaw
"So did you." You say. You grab another pocky and smooth his hair away from his face before you push off.
Well Nadia isn't really one for party games but she IS one for food. (I think we have a couple different canon scenes I could use as evidence here)
She's never heard of it but she's intrigued.
It's after dinner and you're both still at the table. This isn't something she would ever do in public
"If you wanted me to kiss you, all you had to do was ask...but if you'd rather earn it that can be arranged"
She takes a pocky and gently feeds the end in your mouth.
"If you drop it you'll have to earn my kisses some other way. And I'll be sure to make it a very long night."
She smiles sweetly with just a hint of a smirk and your heart skips a beat.
The way she looks at you with so much reverence, like you're one of her intricate, beautiful machines and she'll take you apart piece by piece just to understand every part.
She starts eating her end and you do the same. She somehow looks elegant with her lips pressed around the pocky and the heat of her breath condensing against the chocolate.
She pauses at the very last bit and let's you close the gap. Her lipstick tastes sweet and floral.
You deepen the kiss and run a hand along her shoulder.
She grabs you by the waist and leans you back against the table in one smooth movement without breaking the kiss.
One hand pins your wrist against the wood above your head while the other is still wrapped around your waist under your back so that it arches slightly.
"I didn't say you could do that, MC." There's amusement in her voice that draws in a low whisper.
She gently caresses down your neck stopping in the middle of your chest. "But I don't want to wait."
She kisses you and you kiss back letting your hands wander through her hair while she presses down over you.
"that's good, love. We should do this more often."
He suggests it at the rowdy raven one night. A game he picked up in his pirate days.
"Come on, who's down for a little fun? Make the party more interesting."
Nadia rolls her eyes.
Portia immediately looks at you and pointedly tilts her head at Julian, wiggling an eyebrow suggestively.
You blush a little. You're about to volunteer to play when Lucio steps in.
"I'm up for the challenge. Give you a chance to get near my lips, hey Jules?"
If Julian is disappointed, he doesn't show it. He just grins and pulls out a pocky. "Alright that's the spirit!"
They move down the pocky rather fast and it's clearly a competition. Neither hesitates before meeting in the middle. Julian pulls of with a dramatic peck before pulling away just as fast.
"Anybody else?"
"I'll go!" You take your chance a little too quickly and you see Portia smile in the corner of your eye.
Ah MC. Perfect!" He seems surprised. Maybe a little flustered.
You take a pocky in your mouth and offer him the other end.
He blushes and leans in to start chipping at the biscuit.
He smells like salt and leather. You can feel his heartbeat in his lips moving the stick.
You lean in further, resting a hand on his knee as if for balance. He stiffens but you can see his smirk grow wider.
You both hesitate at the last little piece, caught in the moment of closeness. You start to move to take it and kiss him but he pulls away before you do.
You look at him startled. He's bright red and flustered.
"Ah. um MC I- I didn't think you were going to-"
He's been doing this. Avoiding you when he knows you both want it. You've had enough of that.
"Did you want to?"
He blinks. "What?"
"Kiss me. Did you want to?"
You hold him under your gaze and his eyes soften into something like longing. Or guilt. Or hunger.
"...yes." he says it simply and quietly. Like the only true thing he can find in a single soft word.
And you kiss him. You feel him melt into the kiss and he's kissing you back.
You hold his face in your hands and he pulls you in closer.
You can feel how much he wants this. Like water in the desert. His brow is furrowed in desperation. You break away.
The hurt in his eyes is obvious and you brush his hair out of his face rubbing a thumb along his cheek.
"Hey," you look him in the eyes and try to convey everything in that look. "I'm not going anywhere, you get that?"He nods.
"We can have this all the time." You say.
His eyes wander down your body. "All the time..." He repeats softly.
You kiss him again, much gentler this time. He pulls you in and you feel like THIS is how things were always supposed to be. And this is the life you want to have. With Julian and your friends, and everything right in the world.
Muriel :
He is a blushy boy. But he's been approaching things like this with curiosity, and maybe even wonder, even if it can be hard to tell.
He never refuses a touch or a kiss, and for a while you weren't sure he knew he COULD refuse.
You don't want to make him uncomfortable and you were worried he just tolerated it for your sake.
While he's been getting better, he still lacks awareness of what he wants and likes. You've been helping him figure out his boundaries after years of having them constantly violated and convincing himself that it doesn't matter.
When you told him he seemed surprised. "No, I like it, MC. I always like it." He made it clear that he would say no if he was uncomfortable, "like with cantaloupe or bananas." He said.
(Not eating foods he didn't like had been game changer. A lot of textures bother him.)
Since then he's been making more of an effort to initiate and touch has become something of communication for him.
Hand squeezes for comfort, an arm barring you from accidentally stepping in a rabbit hole, a touch on the shoulder to say "be careful", a nudge to say "look at this", a nuzzle into your neck to say "I love you"
It's just easier than talking. It's how he's always talked to Asra amd Inanna despite the telepathy.
But this is something different.
"But...why?" He asks as you take a pocky from the box. He's already blushing like crazy.
"Because it's fun." You say and you put the end in your mouth.
He frowns but you can see the amusement in his eyes.
He takes a small bite off the end and leans back chewing it curiously.
You laugh. "No, you're supposed to keep going and we hold on until we get to the middle."
"Oh." He leans back in and starts eating away at his end. He looks at you for confirmation, a look of confusion on his face.
You smile and inch closer.
He's bright red and you can feel the heat from his face and his heartbeat, strong and fast.
You both pause at the last bit, daring the other to make a move.
His green eyes are bright and sharp as they lock with yours for just a glance.
Then he closes the gap kissing you gently. Eyes closed, taking the last bit before moving away.
A hand rests on your waist and the other on your shoulder.
"Sorry, did you want the last bit?" You think he's teasing you, but the alarm in his eyes say he's completely serious.
You laugh "no, of course not. I just wanted to kiss you."
He smiles and pulls you into his arms. "I know. But I thought you still... might have wanted it." He shrugs.
He looks down at you and you feel his heart skip. "You could still taste it. ...if you wanted to that is."
What? His mouth twitches up into a slight smirk.
You kiss him for real this time. And you both end up on the floor of the hut laughing.
You kiss him again.
And he kisses you.
Again and again and again.
Yeah she's definitely played before.
Something about the kitchen staff at the last masquerade?
Anyway the rowdy raven has gotten, well, rowdy.
Julian brought the pocky and there's enough overly competitive people in the room that there's been a few kisses.
Portia grabs the box from brother and shakes it teasingly in your direction.
"MC!" She winks. "How about it?"
Her face is flushed from Mazelinka's sangria that she snuck in (which you're pretty sure is actually just pure liquor) but Portia can hold her drink despite going red rather quickly.
You grin. "If you think you're up for it."
You get up and sit down next to her and move a piece of hair off her shoulder, resting your hand there longer than you need to.
She's beautiful when she's smiling like this, having fun.
You can't help a bit of a smile when she leans into your hand slightly while she takes out a pocky.
While you're distracted, she suddenly pokes the end into your mouth making you jump back in surprise.
"Mm hey!"
She just laughs leaning back in the booth letting her giggles fade with a snort.
"Don't drop it!" She says between laughs.
"I'b not!" The pocky is still hanging from your mouth and you wiggle it around for emphasis.
She leans forward and takes the other end in her mouth.
Her eyes sparkle and suddenly she's reaching her arms around your waist pulling you in closer
Your eyes widen and she smirks. You feel the exhale of a silent laugh on your skin.
You're so close and she's so warm. Your heart is pounding.
There isn't much left of the stick and you're not sure if–
You didn't mean to but now your lips are together and they're warm and solid and everything seems to explode at once.
The last bit of pocky falls to the ground as you gasp.
She frowns slightly when you pull away, but she still has that self-satisfied expression.
You lean in again and lift your hand towards her face. Hesitating. Waiting for permission.
But then she gives you a look through her lashes. She glances again at your lips.
You tilt your head as you lean in and close your eyes, cradling her face in your hand and letting the other press against her waist.
She moves closer and you can feel her chest pressing against yours.
You pull her tighter and she makes a small delighted noise between a laugh and a gasp.
"Oh. I love this." You say between kisses.
She grins. "This'll be an adventure, hey?"
He sets the box of pocky on the table in front of you.
"You've heard of the pocky game right?"
You nod, unsure of where this is going. Normally Lucio is pretty straightforward about kissing you.
"Well how about a little wager? If you win I'll get you whatever the hell you want, a whole shopping spree of the finest jewels, clothes, whatever."
You nod again. "Alright and if you win?"
He shifts uncomfortably wringing his hands. "Well, if I win.... youhavetotakeCamiotohisvetcheckup."
You sigh. Oh god. So that's what this was about. Camio HATED the vet. That rascal of a bird would be screeching insults the whole time.
You could see why Lucio was trying to get out of it.
You love that little shit, but damn he could be annoying. He's the kind of bird that will hold a grudge for about a week, and he does not take vet trips lightly.
"Please?" Says Lucio, "and if we meet in the middle we go together."
"You realize that I could just say no and make you do it yourself, right?"
"But you're not going to because I'm your boyfriend and you love me?"
You frown.
"Okay but then you wouldn't get to kiss me. Plus Camio likes you more, he'll be nicer with you there."
You pause considering. It WOULD be good to have a buffer instead of leaving the poor vet with Camio and Lucio by themselves.
"Fine, but ONLY if you win, remember?"
"YES!" he eagerly grabs a pocky and sticks one end in his mouth.
You take the other end and start chewing as fast as you can.
He takes a moment to get his bearings and catch up but once he does you're both at the very end right before the middle.
Neither of you want to move, both trying to avoid the task.
You try to get him to back down by inching a little closer, but he stays put.
He moves the tiniest bit.
And then you kiss.
"YES!" He shouts, jumping back in triumph.
"You have to come too, still." You say.
Yeah but i won't mind if you're there."
You sigh and lean back.
"Oh come on don't look like that. We'll do a half shopping spree. That seems more fair anyway. I get half a win, you get half a win."
You laugh. "Alright, alright. Where is that stupid bird anyway?"
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lynn-writes-things · 4 years
“For a prompt, maybe a Hunter and reader fic where the bad batch help celebrate the reader's birthday? Maybe some fluff or smut?“
Thank you so much for the request, and thank you SO so much for the donation!! I appreciate it more than words can say!
Word count: 2470
*takes place pre-Echo
Birthday’s weren’t really a big deal in the GAR, seeing as though the Jedi were taught to remove any attachment to the day of their births; the clones didn’t even have birthdays that they knew of; and any civilian officer was likely too busy to remember, let alone to celebrate. It just wasn’t something that you did often. Of course, you knew your birthday – knew the exact date and time, because as a child, you had asked your mother about it every single year until you memorized the time to the last minute.
At one point in your life, your birthday had been your favorite day of the year. More so than Life Day, even. You had always loved the festivities – the focus on you; people showing how much they care about you; not to mention the gifts and the celebrating. You’ll never forget the year you became legal to drink, and your friends had taken you out for fun. It had been a night to forget – though the events leading up to the drinking were fond ones that you will treasure forever.
That time of year was drawing near again, and you couldn’t help but talk about it to the boys – who you’d been on assignment with for the past several months – in fact, it had almost been a year. You figured they wouldn’t like you talking about your birthdays of the past much, considering that they’d never really experienced a birthday, but to your surprise they all encouraged you to keep talking.
“When I was really little, my parents filled my entire bedroom with balloons, so that it would surprise me when I woke up – only I woke up too early, and I sat alone in my bedroom for hours just playing with the balloons. When my parents came to check on me, they couldn’t stop laughing.” You explained with a little laugh. It was early, and you all were drinking cups of caff. You swirled yours around, letting the swirl entrance you deeper into your memories.
“Then, when I was a teenager,” You smile, this memory a particularly pleasant one. “Me and some friends went out to this bakery with her parents – they had money, like they had mad credits. They took me cake-tasting to decide which kind I liked best for my cake, they told me that was my present from them. I wasn’t going to complain- free cake!” You laugh. “Anyways, I tried this one kind, (your favorite cake here), and it literally change my life- I’ve never had any cake that was as good as that. It’s kind of hard to find, but there’s a really nice bakery on Naboo that has it for a lot cheaper than the fancy place did.” You explain, considering making a special trip just for some cake, then immediately telling yourself that it’s a stupid idea.
“What about when you were an adult?” Crosshair asks. “Surely it gets more boring.”
“Oh, it does,” You laugh. “It gets so kriffing boring after a while. But, certain ages grant you certain milestones. Like, when you turn twenty, they let you drink. My twentieth birthday was insane- my friends made me go out to this bar with them – they were all older than me – and they ordered this drink for me, it tasted like starcherries and Mandalorian oranges – it was so good.” You exclaim, missing the taste of your first (legal) drink. “Anyways, they called it a Sailor’s Sunset, I think? But, it was a super fun night, we danced for hours, and I met this really cute guy, and… Well…” You laugh, cheeks heating up at the memory. “Anyways!” You exclaim, clearing your throat. “It was a really fun night. I also learned that I could shoot Corellian whiskey better than any of my friends.”
“Bet you can’t shoot it better than us.” Hunter teased.
“You’re probably right,” You laugh. “But I’d be willing to give it a shot.” You joke, and there’s a chorus of groans at your terrible pun that you couldn’t help but to make.
“So, when is your birthday, anyways?” Tech asks, ready to mark it in his holopad.
“It’s next week, on the second.” You explain. Not that you’d been keeping track of the days when you thought it might be close – not at all. That most definitely was not the case.
The night of the first, when you fell asleep, the boys all got up and got down to business.
“Okay boys,” Hunter began. “This has to be special. We want her to feel like she’s one of us, right?” He asks, and they all respond “Right!”.
“Crosshair, you’ve got the whiskey?” He asks.
“And the mixers.” He says. He didn’t know how to make a Sailor’s Sunset, but he was willing to give it a try, for your sake.
“Wrecker, you’ve got the balloons?”
“Yep! I might’ve gotten too many, though.” He says.
“No such thing- this is Y/N we’re talking about.” Hunter replies. “Tech, you’ve got the cake?”
“Took it out of the freezer yesterday, it should be defrosted by morning.” He replies. Getting the cake from Naboo without you figuring out what they were doing had been a challenge, but they had just barely managed to pull it off while you were in the refresher.
“Alright,” Hunter said, satisfied. “Bad Batch, let’s throw Y/N a birthday to remember.” He says with a smile, and they all get down to work. They all start blowing up balloons, with a goal to fill the barracks with the blown up latex. Wrecker had gotten different types- colorful ones; black and white ones; he even had found some that when blown up would read “happy naming day!” which was as close to “happy birthday” as he could find. They meant the same thing, more or less. He just hoped you didn’t get offended by the slight difference.
It took hours to blow all of the balloons up, but once it was done, there was a thick layer covering the floor, as well as a few smuggled into your bunk with you – but just a few, so you likely wouldn’t pop any and scare yourself awake. Though, Crosshair thought that would’ve been kriffing hilarious. Mean, but hilarious. He figured if it happened, you’d end up laughing once the initial fear wore off – he knew your sense of humor pretty well. But, still, Hunter refused to let him risk it.
“Wait,” Tech began. “Does anyone know how to make her caff?”
“I do,” Hunter answered. “She likes it the same way I do. She told me that before.”
“We’ll have to wake up before she does.” Crosshair says.
“That won’t be too hard,” Hunter answers. “Her alarm is always set for 0700, we just have to wake up before then.”
“How do you know that?” Tech asks.
“We usually wake up at the same time. You catch on to things like that after a while.” He replies with a shrug. He was used to waking up with you, the two of you would often talk over your morning cups of caff before the others woke up. It was the one time of day where there was no stress- just peace between the two of you. It was easy to forget about the war in times like those, which meant everything to you both. Neither of you would ever miss a morning, both cherishing your morning caff-sessions more than either of you would admit. During these early-morning moments, the two of you had gotten very close with each other, and shared very intimate conversations. Secrets were shared, as well as light-hearted compliments. You had a feeling the long-haired Sergeant liked you, which was good, because you liked him as well, though neither of you would confess. The early mornings weren’t a time for heavy confessions like that. But your birthday? Oh, your birthday might be, Hunter thought, mentally preparing himself for that night.
The boys had picked out a planet that they knew had a lake that was safe to swim in, with little risks for attack. Just private enough to take the night off and celebrate over drinks, cake, and swimming. Tech had put in the coordinates, and you were currently on your way there.
When you woke up, it wasn’t to your alarm blaring- it was to the smell of caff, and the boys saying, “Happy birthday!”. You smiled and groggily rubbed your tired eyes, looking up at them all with looks of adoration.
“You guys didn’t have to— Balloons!!” You cut yourself off, getting excited about seeing all the multicolored latex bulbs all over the ground, and all over your bunk. “Did you guys really-?”
“We did.” Hunter says. You sit up and he hands you the cup of caff. You take a sip and smile; it’s exactly how you’d make it for yourself. You can’t help but sway back and forth in happiness.
“Maker, you guys are my everything.” You say, taking a sip. “Thank you.”
“Oh, we’re not done yet.” Tech says. You get out of your bunk, and follow them out to the main area, where you see balloons strung up on the wall messily that say: “Happy naming day!” and your smile is so wide that it hurts your cheeks. Then you see the cake box, and you gasp.
“You didn’t-!”
“We did.”
“When?!” Your voice had jumped several octaves in your excitement, and you felt bad for Hunter, though he was smiling at your excitement. He didn’t give a damn that you were yelling, or how high your voice had gotten. He was just happy that you were happy.
“When we went to Naboo last,” Tech answers. “It’s been in the freezer.”
“How didn’t I notice anything—”
“That’s sort of what we’re known for, Y/N.” Hunter smiles.
“Yeah, but—” You can’t help the tears of happiness that well in your eyes, your heart swelling in your chest. You can’t believe that they’d go through all of this just for you. Crosshair puts a hand on your shoulder, and you quickly turn to just hug him. It catches him off guard, but he smiles regardless, holding you in return.
“Thank you guys.” You sob. “I love you all so much.”
“We love you too, Y/N.” Hunter says, preparing to say something slightly different later. But that could wait for now.
“Looks like we’re approaching,” Tech says, checking the navigation. You would’ve asked which planet, though you knew he wouldn’t tell you – Tech always made you guess where you were going. Always. You weren’t complaining, though, it was always a fun game, not to mention a good way to boost your memorization of the planets.
Once you were landed, you stepped out and realized that you were staring at a lake. Not a grimy pond, but a real, actual lake. The water was so clear that you could see to the bottom – it didn’t look too terribly deep, either. A long time ago you had told the boys that you loved swimming, you were surprised that they even remembered the comment.
You decide to all swim in your blacks to avoid any awkwardness with you being the only naked female around, which you’re thankful for. Though of course, the boys take their shirts off at least. You do your best not to stare at Hunter or his impressively toned muscles—You absolutely do not get caught by Crosshair, who laughs at you, but promises to keep your secret. You swim around for what feels like hours. You’re in and out of the water until the sun starts to go down, and you suggest drinks. You all climb out and start trying to dry off. Tech gets the cake cut, and Crosshair pours a round of shots for everyone. You take yours and grimace at the taste- it had been awhile since you had Corellian whiskey. It had been a long while.
“What’s that face for?” Hunter teases. “Thought you said you could out-drink us.”
“I said I might be able to.” You laugh. “If you’re looking for a challenge, Sarge, you’re on.”
“You don’t want to do that,” He laughs.
“Trust him, you don’t.” Wrecker tacks on, clapping his brother on the back. “He can even drink me under the table.”
“Here, try this,” Crosshair says, thrusting a glass filled with a peachy-pink drink in it at you.
“What is it?” You ask.
“It should be a Sailor’s Sunset.” He sighs. You giggle – the color’s all wrong. But you try it regardless, and it’s shockingly just as good as you remember. You hum in appreciation.
“It’s really good,” You smile at him. “But it could use a smidge more cherry.” Crosshair smiles, pleased with himself for guessing the drink correctly.
“Hey, can I talk to you?” Hunter speaks up, nodding away from the others, towards the tree-line. You follow him over, and he down the shot in his hand before continuing.
“I figured now’s a good time to tell you,” He says, and pauses. You know where he’s going with this before he even starts, and you can’t help the smile that takes over your face. “I—”
“I like you too, Hunter.” You say, cutting him off.
“I don’t think you understand how much,” He says. “I’d do anything for you, Y/N.”
“Trust me, I understand.” You gently caress his cheek with your free hand. He leans into your touch, looking at you with a softness in his eyes that was usually reserved for your early morning chats. You don’t need to say more- neither of you do. He leans forward and kisses you, your lips connecting in a slow, passionate dance. You only break apart when you hear cheering from behind you, where the boys are watching with smiles on their faces.
“I love you, Hunter.” You say quietly, your nose brushing against his; his forehead against yours.
“I love you too, Y/N.” He smiles.
After several shorter kisses, you all go back to the ship and enjoy some cake. It’s just as good as you remember it being all those years ago, and you thank them ten-fold for it. For everything. You cry again as you thank them, and Hunter wraps an arm around you. Wrecker is on your other side, and he wraps an arm around both you and Hunter. Hunter gestures for Tech and Crosshair to come over, you all move to the floor. Crosshair leans against Wrecker, and Tech settles between your legs, leaning back against you as your arms wrap around him.
“I love you boys.”
“We love you too.” They all reply, and it doesn’t take long for you all to fall asleep like that. It’s heaven, you think. This was just simply heaven.
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