#I like that Kaito so that tends to be what I do
writing-in-sin · 2 months
Since I haven't watch the movie yet, I can neither confirm nor deny the whole cousins spoiler thing. Whether or not its true, 20+ years is a long ass time and I've ignored canon before so this won't stop me.
If they truly are cousins in the movie and it ends up being canon in the manga too? Then fuck it. It won't be my canon. Especially when Aoyama is also the one planning to make Toichi alive after literally putting Kaito through horrific trauma of witnessing his father's murder and mourning him
No. Just NO
I respect that its his manga and his characters, and I as a fan, I am only borrowing his creations. But even so, as a fan, I have the right to chose what I wish to do with whatever happens in canon in my FANWORKS
Either I acknowledge that they're cousins and continue shipping them (I'm asian so the whole cousins being lovers thing isnt anything new in my culture nor is it a crime in my country...or a number of asian or southeast asian countries if I'm not mistaken. Granted, it doesn't usually happen simply because people tend to fall for friends or colleagues but cousins marrying dont raise any eyebrows here)
Or I ignore canon entirely and they stay unrelated in any way
However, if those who followed me for my kaishin content then dont worry, I'll still post anything of kaishin that comes to mind
Most likely, I'll ignore them being cousins if it ends up canon. Because honestly? There's a lot of things in canon I dont agree with so ignoring them as cousins won't be the first thing I've ignored or changed in canon. In that same vein, I'll ignore Toichi being alive too because while something like that is usually something to rejoice in any other situation or story, the whole thing is unnecessarily cruel and borderline an inhumane thing to do towards your own child. In my opinion, Toichi should not be written in such a way so for my fanworks, he will not be
To those who want him alive, thats okay. Go ahead but I will not acknowledge that canon
Also, for those who are uncomfortable at the possible canon cousins reveal then thats more than okay. You are free to unfollow or block me or any kaishin posts
So....yeah, I'll ship kaishin whatever the outcome is because in the end, the characters and manga are FICTIONAL so I can change, acknowledge or ignore canon as I wish
Anyways, thanks for reading this far. Also, here! This is my twitter side-account for all things DCMK & KaiShin moonlit_death because I'm a petty couch potato and will NEVER stop shipping KaiShin dammit!
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chickensoup1025 · 2 months
Kaito was very protective of his jacket.
He wore it everyday no matter the weather and he kept it in pristine condition. He'll even happily tell you its "origin story".
His grandmother had bought two suits for his grandfather to wear to some party. Choosing the other option, the purple suit jacket was left available for young Kaito to take and use to keep himself warm while watching the stars as winter came. The jacket was much too big for the boy, his hands only appearing out of the sleeves if they were rolled up a lot, so he tended to wear it like a cloak instead.
Kaito fondly remembered the night he was rattling on about constellations to his grandmother when he interrupted himself to complain about how itchy the interior of the coat was. She knew Kaito well enough to not point out he didn't have to wear it, so she proposed they sew in a new, more comfortable lining. She claims stars appeared in his eyes at that suggestion.
His grandmother offered to do the stitching but Kaito insisted she teach him so he can do it himself. The galaxy print on the inside of his jacket was his pride and joy from that day on. When he grew old enough to fit his arms through the sleeves, he kept up the habit of keeping at least one arm out to show off the fabric of stars.
So you can imagine how surprised Shuichi and his classmates were to see Kokichi walk into their dorm lounge room wearing the famous purple jacket.
It was Maki who flung herself off the couch and furiously demanded, "Take that off, now."
Kokichi pulled the jacket closer to his chest and showed off a mischievous grin, "Take what off? My, are you coming onto me, Harumaki?"
"Don't call me that." She growled.
Shuichi stood up, holding his hands up. "Ouma-kun, you really should stop. Momota-kun will be..."
"He'll kill you." Rantaro said from the couch.
"My beloved Kaito-chan would never hurt me." Kokichi sniffed.
This was the most unbelievable lie Kokichi has told so far. It was just last week Kirumi had to separate the boys from wrestling again.
Ryoma stood up. "Normally, I'd say it's your funeral, but for this to be in your hands... Momota-kun wouldn't forgive us for letting it even happen."
"Oh come onnnnn, you guys!" Kokichi continues to evade Maki's lunges. "He let me wear it! I swear! Would I lie to you guys?"
Miu actually started to choke from laughing so violently.
(For once, Kokichi wasn't lying.)
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shiut · 3 months
Both danganronpa and even rain code have this underlying but incredibly persisting theme of the cognitive dissonance between one's personality vs their own nature that I can't help but think about a lot.
In my head I tend to call it the "Leon paradox" because he's the first and most obvious character I think of in regards to this, though he's far from being the only one. Despite being an effortlessly talented baseball prodigy, he dislikes doing it and his actual passion is becoming a musician. However, he's pigeonholed into doing something he doesn't enjoy simply because he's good at it and it's a means to an end since it's his only way of getting anywhere.
This gets expanded in dr2. Imposter's dissatisfaction with having to always be someone else. Akane not caring about being a gymnast much at all aside from the perks it gets her. Nagito's disdain for his luck talent that brings him constant misery while also acknowledging that it's the one thing about himself that he can count on the most.
It even becomes a focal point with Hajime, who did everything to fight his nature of lacking a talent. However, Chiaki points out that it's the fact that he has no specific talent that gives him more freedom than any of the ultimates that he admires. Turned out, gaining every talent put Hajime into his own prison, and it's his loss of personality that made him essentially useless.
Even in V3 you have Kaede who actually loves her talent so much that she feels like it's an obsession that affects her ability to socialize normally. Kokichi also seems to have brief moments where he acknowledges that his talent is a huge barrier to being able to actually connect with people and causes his loneliness, but decides that it's a compulsion that's too troublesome to change so he just accepts it.
Shuichi sticks out to me when it comes to this theme. He's extremely good at detective work and will often do it on impulse regardless of reward. However, even just stumbling on his first murder case and solving it before the police could even touch it, he could not cope with the results of the person he'd affected. His emotional sensitivity traumatized him into being avoidant, even using a hat as a literal blinder. He was prepared to die in the first trial in fear of revealing the truth. His compulsion to do detective work even kind of ruined Kokichi and Kaito's plot in ch5, as he got so ahead of himself with revealing the truth that just kind of blurted everything out before realizing that he shouldn't have. His compulsion with detective work even seems to make him comparatively calmer and more focused during investigations than the other protagonists, despite easily being the emotionally weakest-willed out of all of them. He repeatedly keeps falling back into his talent despite the emotional toll it has on him because he just can't help himself. He kind of acts as an example of one of the reasons why Kyoko was trained to be emotionally detached.
Jin actually is very much like Shuichi. He tries to actively avoid detective work because he despises the emotional detachment required for it. You wouldn't even know that he's actually really good at it, but you see glimpses into his skill in the novels where he'll end up figuring things out before even Kyoko does on more than one occasion. I can talk a lot about Jin, but I do get the feeling that one of the reasons why he works at Hope's Peak is because he knew more about what would end up happening there than he let on. He probably could have gotten quite a few things done if he wasn't so insistent on fighting his own nature as a detective.
Very honorable mention to Yui, who turned down an invitation to Hope's Peak for her high-jumping talent in order to pursue her passion as a very mid detective. She might've even lived if she went to Hope's Peak because I'm pretty sure she would've graduated by the time of the tragedy, but at least she died in the most based way possible by rejecting them.
And of course, Junko is a prime example of the detrimental effect of talent. Because of her analytical abilities, she can practically guess everything that's going to happen. Her obsession with despair is a desperate attempt at being mentally stimulated in a society that has let the status quo stagnate to such a critical degree that it's the reason why the very concept of talent had been rotted to this point. Sorry to Kodaka, who has repeatedly said that Junko is meant to be a truly evil villain with no motivation, but he did kind of accidentally give her a motivation in dr0 where we're shown for a fact that without her memories and ability to analyze, she's relatively normal and tame. That is her nature, just a kind of weird girl who wants to be a tradwife and go grow corn somewhere. However, I think it can be argued that what is meant by "pure evil with no motivation" is that she doesn't have any sort of tangible tragic backstory. You can even say it's not her analyst ability alone that caused her madness, since there's plenty of normal non-world-ending analysts. It may simply be that her personality happened to mix terribly with her talent, and that's the nature of what makes her pure evil, because both of those aspects of her are part of her nature that she can not (nor does she even want to) control despite the misery it causes her. She simply learned to love the misery.
Makoto himself is very clear about being bitter about his luck. For the most part, what's apparent to him is that it causes him constant trouble and the good that it actually does for him is so subtle and disjointed that he doesn't even realize it's his luck. However, I think what makes him different from people like Nagito or Junko is his personality. He doesn't obsess like they do, and his optimism makes him bounce back easily. I think his luck even feeds into his personality and, inverse to Junko, it's the unpredictability of his luck that makes him hopeful and optimistic. Since he never knows what's going to happen to him, he had to develop a way to roll with the punches.
The aspect of personality vs ability also carries over to rain code. The master detectives are people who have innate psychic abilities that are seemingly based on their nature, and then it gets refined and specialized based on their personality. Not only does their personality help to refine these powers, but you see that their personalities and abilities often have detrimental impacts on each other.
Halara can't see living things in their postcognition because they aren't good at looking at people. Pucci's ability makes her hearing so sensitive that it's at least partially caused her emotional detachment. Melami not only likes fashion so much that she must wear the clothes of someone to use her power, but she also has to actually like the clothes too. Vivia is constantly fatigued and has depressive tendencies due his tenuous attachment to his spirit.
Former Number One/Makoto are a great example of this sort of destructive feedback loop of cognitive dissonance. You can infer that their empathy and obsession with helping people is what gives them the ability to use coalescence and share anyone's abilities, yet it's the fact that they can do anything that makes them feel like they must do everything. Ironically, the fact that they've convinced themselves that they must do everything makes their ability essentially useless because they end up only working alone. As a result, Former Number One became detached with every emotion except for his obsession, and it's what caused Makoto to ultimately spiral.
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zedleaked · 6 months
I have a couple of things
One, I love your art style! It's so cute and scrunkly, I hold it in my hands gently,,, /pos
Two, if this is okay to ask, what is your opinion on gokumota? They're my favorite ship, so I'm curious about what you think about it! :o
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I THINK THEY ARE LOVELY.... himbo 4 himbo fr....
they are both scientists that are often perceived as dumb by their classmates... methinks they would bond over talking about bugs and space respectively...
from what little I remember from Kaito's free time events I remember the stories he told were a bit off the walls but I think Gonta would love listening to them,,,! Maybe use them as an inspiration too!! -and in turn Kaito listens to Gonta's rambles about becoming a gentleman and encouraging him,, Kaito is like Gonta's hype man in a way...
also when I think they'd do a lot of stargazing and whatever together,, especially cause in-game Gonta tends to point out the stars a lot,, like,,, Kaito tells him about all the constellations and shows them to him,, and the next time they go outside at night together Gonta tries to look for them!!!
plus... Purple and Green... best colour combo of all time.
my brain is flip flopping between viewing them as besties or romantically involved [probably the aromantic in me kicking in] but either way I think they are wonderful...
gives me the same feelings as Cats & Piranhas [Ryoma & Himiko friendship] cause they're both similar [Gonta and Kaito being optimistic scientists who are viewed as idiots sometimes,, and Ryoma and Himiko being both tiny and had important people leave their lives,,, and they probably have undiagnosed depression...] but not really having much significant interactions... sobs...
I have not thought about this ship [or even their friendship] before but looking more into it,,, its actually so cute and silly,, you have opened my eyes,,
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overlymetaromantic · 4 months
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I was very kindly asked about reference sheets for my comic's characters, which until that moment did not exist, but thanks to them asking now they do!!! I figured I may as well share what I made for them publicly as well, so please feel free to do whatever you want to with these details 👀 (+more character details below the cut!)
Karin: Highly self-assured with high self-confidence. As a default, she tends to assume she’s right about things, because the odds have almost always been in her favor—even when she’s wrong, she’s usually still picked up on some element of the truth. She’s a deeply empathetic person, but isn’t necessarily aware of just how affected she is by other people’s emotional states. All of this combined defines both her biggest strengths—her confidence and ability to push things forward—and her biggest weaknesses—her impulsivity and self-righteousness.
Kaito: Very much pulling from the straight-laced, rule-obsessed, class president type, but with several little subversions to the archetype that might be surprising. The only person he really holds to high standards is himself, with his core internal conflict being based around him feeling like he has a naturally self-indulgent nature while simultaneously being driven by a need to earn the right to actually indulge in the things he likes. Overthinks due to anxiety. Amongst the nerds, he's secretly considered kind of terrifying for how he's capable of going toe-to-toe with delinquents.
Maki: While he is capable of Crimes, Maki is arguably a delinquent in name only lol. In my mind, he's very Shonen Protagonist-adjacent, i.e., he has a bright sort of energy about him that just makes people like him immediately regardless of anything else that's going on. He'd be the student that's always getting in trouble but is also the teacher's obvious favorite. He's surprisingly (and concerningly) good at holding back on his feelings—in general, the more he cares about something (or someone), the harder a time he has with speaking up about his wants, out of the fear that it might change things for the worse rather than maintaining them as they are.
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rebouks · 10 months
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Gael: I hope this is better than the last-… Brynn: This is not smelly gas station sushi from dirty city, Berty. Gael: [laughs] True. What should we get? [Gael neatly slots his menu from whence it came, wiping his fingers on his shirt as he awaits Brynn’s answer] Gael: Brynn? Brynn: Uhm… … [Wyatt came to an abrupt halt; though unlikely, he figured bumping into someone from the past was inevitable. He wasn’t comfortable with the idea, but at least it was someone on his side, sort of-.. he hoped. She definitely shouldn’t have been, not given-…] Waitress: Hellooooo, Kaito? Wyatt: Hm? Waitress: Table five. … Wyatt: What can I get for you? Gael: Oh, thank god.. I thought I was gonna end up having to butcher Komorebian. Wyatt: Not today. Brynn: You look so much like someone I once know… Wyatt: You’re a long way from home; coincidental, I’m sure. Brynn: He kept his word. Wyatt: He did. Gael: Wha-… Wyatt: I’m sure he’s still very grateful for all your help-.. and your burnt phone. Brynn: Did he find his soul? Wyatt: I think he’s getting there. [Gael’s gaze flicks between Brynn and the enigmatic waiter, thoroughly confused] Gael: Sorry, do you two know each other? [Brynn snaps back to reality, shaking her head] Brynn: Of course not! Wyatt: I tend to humour tourists… Gael: Well, can you humour me with a recommendation? ‘Cause I don’t know where to start. Brynn: [laughs] We have the nigiri sharing platter, please. … [Gael signals to a nearby waitress that they’ve finished, leaving a generous tip beneath the bill that swiftly arrives. He tugs Brynn along with him excitedly, gibbering all the while; though she’s not listening] [She finally spots what-.. or who she was looking for. Locking eyes with Wyatt, she slides her fingers across her lips in a zipping motion. His secret is safe with her] [Wyatt wasn’t sure why he trusted Brynn so readily, but he did; and for the second time whilst in her company, he felt a wave of gratitude wash over him]
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faru-itsok · 1 month
hi! and congratulations on having watched the new movie :) i'm curious, what are your top favorite dcmk movies and where would 27 rank?
HI! Thanks 🤗✨ and that is a difficult question 😅 hmm I will do a top 10!
So let's start!
1. Movie 27 “the million dollar pentagram”
Well after watching the movie it just moved right up the list, I just had to see Aoko there and it automatically became the best movie ever! Hahaha well it is a bit true, but the main reason is that the movie is entertaining, it had me giggling and shocked and then it had action and a bit of angst, it just worked so well I loved it!
2. Movie 19 “Sunflowers of inferno”
To be honest I would put these 3 movies as my seconds( 19, 26, 22), I really liked them so much, but I'm a huge Vincent van Gogh fan! I have been painting replicas of his works (not in an illegal way? Just painting for school projects, for me and gifts) since I was in middle school and when you combine my love for Kid and My love For art well… yeah it takes the cake 😅
3.Movie 22 “Zero the enforcer”
I had a hard time placing 22 and 26 i just find these are the best movies objectively speaking, they had a lot of action and are very quick movies, like there is always something happening and get your attention from start to finish, now 27 has that too and its why it jumped right above all XD. Now this one takes 3rd place because i just watch it more often, like when i travel or im bored and want to watch something exiting this is my go to movie along with movie 4 thats the only reason its above 26
4. Movie 26 “Black iron submarine”
As i said above this might as well be my second favorite as well, is a very well constructed movie, when I showed it to my family I actually said “this might be the best Conan movie in existence” to which my sister answered “because of Kaito Kid?” and when I said he didn't appear on it she actually felt curious enough to watch it and liked it. I really like the way things unfolded, had me focused the whole time and enjoyed it a lot.
5. Movie 4 “Captured in her eyes”
One of the best movies in my opinion! It has that quick peace that I like in movies and I just find it so beautiful!
6. Movie 14 “The lost ship in the sky”
This is other of my go to movies, it has that weird combination between action and humor that I love and I just loved the team work between Kaito and Conan
7. Movie 23 “The fist of the blue Sapphire”
It was a good movie! Don't get me wrong, I feel I should love it more, not that I don’t, is just it's not one of those movies I would seek to lift my spirits but the one I would watch to see just how cool Kid is and inspire me to write something😅
8. Movie 25 “The bride of Halloween”
I think the main reason this is even on the top 10 is because of Furuya Rei, I liked it a lot! Like most of the movies of DetCo but it lacked the sparkle? Idk I feel like I saw what was coming from the beginning but it was enjoyable. I loved the scenes of his past and Takagi acting like Matsuda 👌🏻✨
9. Movie 3 “The last wizard of the century”
It's just a classic you know? Like the whole story was entertaining, how Kid blew up a fucking power central just to find where the eggwas? the attempting murder on Kid, how he later saved Shinichi’s ass? It was glorious I really liked it but not as the ones up
10. Movie 20 “The darkest nightmare”
It's a great movie! I'm putting it down here because it made me love a character and then took it away from me so quickly that it makes me emotional when I watch it 😭😂✨
Wellp thats my top 10 is obviously based on my personal preferences and i tend to like the movies where Kid appears because it ads a bit to the comical area and the action (I have always loved movies with heists and thievery (not only kid and lupin the 3 ones)) so yep I hope you guys like this and i’ll be delighted to read your top 10 as well!
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c-cw-f-saeko · 4 months
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tesso's bingo card for infinite wealth
i will explain each category as if he was in ichiban's party 💔
Life Hack: Acupressure
Tesso says acupressure can help with some types of pain and a good alternative to acupuncture. In his opinion, knowing certain pressure points is a good thing to keep in mind in a pinch.
Surprising Fact: Has a daughter
I've said this before (LOL) but Tesso has adopted one of the kids of Restaurant Row. Her name is Yua. This isn't quite expected from an assassin of the Liumang...
Bad Habit: Cooks everything on high heat
Literally cooks on a fire engine. It looks scary the first time you see it, but he assures to have never come close to burning down his house. Seonhee doesn't like this at all.
Likes: Playing Mahjong with Seonhee
She's a though match and tends to win often. Tesso tries very hard to beat her.
Special Skill: Can fall asleep anywhere
Tends to not sleep at night, so, he tried getting rest anytime he can during the day. He even fell asleep standing up one time (without falling).
Currently Hooked On: Manga
He checked out what one of his subordinates (probably Yeona) was reading and he ended up really into it. He recalled giving manga not much attention when he was young, so he regrets missing out on it a bit.
Hobby: Gardening
Grows radishes and cabbages on the rooftops of some Restaurant Row buildings. Uses it exclusively for Seonhee's kimchi, Yua's dishes or meals for his subordinates (so he's not selling these, family only!).
Wants To Learn: Dancing
He got curious from hearing Yagami being an advisor at Seiryo. He thought it might be worth trying as a workout since it looks fun.
Last Thing He Bought: A drone
Kaito and Yagami gave him the idea. Totally frivolous since he has no real use to it, but worth it since he had never seen Restaurant Row from above.
Kid Tesso: Had a Hip phase
Long ago, he was all about dressing stylish and a so-called streetwear enthusiast. Took good care of his shoes even to a ridiculous degree ("Gotta keep my AirForce Ones white no matter what"). Looking back, he finds it funny that he doesn't really care about that sort of things anymore.
When He Can't Sleep: Goes on a long walk
On nights he can't find sleep, he just walks the streets of Yokohama to clear his mind. He challenges himself to memorize as many details about the streets as possible. It's useful at times.
Embarrassing Moment: Bleached his hair blond after losing a bet
Sugiura dared Tesso on a drinking duel out of the blue and lost terribly. To celebrate his win, Sugiura suggested Tesso tried out his hairstyle just for fun to see if he liked it. It was supposed to be dark brown but ended up leaving it for too long, so he was blond instead (like a #27).
Tesso hid his head under his jacket hood the entire following week, waiting long enough to dye his hair back to black. Since no knows it happened (Sugiura kept a lot of pictures though), they both could laugh about it. Tesso is just glad to not have gone bald.
Knows A Lot About: Shops in Yokohama
As per the long walks, he memorized many shops of Yokohama. For most things, he can always give a recommendation of where to look.
Favorite Food: Anything Zhao cooks
Seonhee is trying hard to make him admit it, but he just can't do it. Between her cooking and Zhao's cooking, deep down, Tesso likes Zhao's a little bit more. Nostalgia is a bit at play here since his food is very reminiscent of his uncle's old restaurant. However, Zhao is just that good of a cook, what can he say!
Current Dilemma: Buying dinner for all of his subordinates
Since the merge of the Liumang and Geomijul and being the second officer in charge, his number of subordinates pretty much doubled. It's nice since he gets along with them well, but it can be tricky and hard on the wallet to treat them all to dinner. Finding out something everyone will like is always a challenge.
Chronic Illness: Early-stage arthritis in his fingers
He is quite young for arthritis, but his gloved claws and stiff articulations of his hands make things worse. It's bearable for now, but he's unsure of how he will handle it in the future.
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kasuga and tesso would get along so great actaully! im dying on that hill!!!!
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cartoonsbyandie · 28 days
Join Me in Hell: Electric Boogaloo
Follow up/Epilogue to this post
I got better screencaps of the relevant OVAs.
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(I know OVA6 looks worse but it's not in dim car lighting so it's not so tinted yellow which is better for my purposes)
I also did what I said I'd do before and put everything in chronological order. There might be errors in this but I think it's roughly accurate.
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Numbers for episodes, M for movies, O for OVAs, S for Specials. All the specials from 2 on were lumped together since they all seem to have the same color palette.
So a few more observations from this:
"Green Suit Era" lasted way longer than I realized when you bunch them all together like this. Naka wore green exclusively until episode 515, which is probably why I see it as his main color. (Especially since I tend to focus on older stuff.)
I think I do finally have an answer for why Ginzo's color palette feels like such a mess compared to other characters, and that it slams all over the place at random. "Grey/brown suit Era" is pretty consistent in the show, but it's broken up by the first Special being way different, and then the rest of the specials which are different from that, and the Magic Kaito 1412 being different from that. His colors change super suddenly.
His hair gets lighter over time?? I think this is actually because I color-picked his hair at its lightest point, for the most part. The show got more contrasty with his hair over time to make it look more shiny, so his highlights got brighter if that makes any sense.
It's still wild to me that it took until Nakamori's most recent episode for them to settle on his Movie color palette, I'll still never get over that.
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pvj-karkalicious · 11 months
Project Sekai Vocaloid sleeping headcanons— because where do they sleep in sekai? (Extremely self-indulgent)
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They either sleep in the “nurses office” (cause it’s a school) or find some mats and blankets in the closet and sleep on those.
Miku tends to fall asleep at a desk due to practicing and composing alot.
If Luka were to find her sleeping at a desk, she would put her jacket on her so she won’t get cold (Can they get sick?)
Sometimes MeiLuka would sleep on Kaito’s shoulder as he’s playing his bass. He would get flustered but give in and sleep with them. They would all wake up quite sore the next day (I love KaiMeiLuka)
If someone can’t sleep, they might go and practice quietly. Rin sometimes accidentally plays too loud which ends up waking up a few others (especially Len)
More More Jump
They all have their separate rooms back stage.
Before the others appeared in sekai, Rin and Miku would practice alot and sometimes sleep in each other’s rooms.
Rin practices a lot and might fall asleep on stage. Kaito, being the responsible manager (and brother) he is, would carry her to her room to her bed.
(Someone give me something KaiMeiLuka related for this one)
Vivid Bad Squad
They all have apartments
The ones who have apartments alone are Miku and Meiko
The ones who share are KaiLuka and the Kagamine twins.
KaiLuka live in a two bedroom apartment so they both have separate rooms but also sleep together sometimes.
Occasionally they might invite Meiko over and they all cuddle together.
The twins live in a one bedroom apartment and sometimes fight about their sides of the bedroom.
When Rin and Len have a big fight, Rin would sleep in Miku or Meiko’s apartment.
She would go to KeiLuka’s but doesn’t like how lovey dovey they can get.
Sometimes Luka would camp outside since she would explore the sekai alot.
Wonderland x Showtime
They all live in separate areas of the themepark, all backstage.
Miku and Kaito used to room together before the others came along.
Miku is a very noisy and energetic kitty so she sometimes makes Kaito stay up too late. That is why they don’t room together anymore.
If Miku doesn’t want to sleep alone, she would go to the twins and sleep with them.
Luka would sleep anywhere, but also wherever Meiko’s lap is.
MeiLuka says that Kaito works too much and insist that he sleeps too. They all cuddle on one huge bed :)
Nightcord at 25:00
What is sleep?
Sometimes they only sleep if they’re especially bored.
After Mizuki gave them a clock and some futons, they try to sleep a “normal” schedule (whatever’s normal for n25)
Len sometimes sleeps on Miku’s lap and Rin would get a bit jealous. Now they both sleep on Miku’s lap.
Luka would sometimes cuddle up with KaiMei. Meiko stays quiet and cuddles closer while Kaito would complain but not attempt to push her away.
Feel free to give me more headcanons :)
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writing-in-sin · 7 months
KaiShin fic idea: Post-canon Kyoto arc
Somewhat based on this old drabble of mine when Kaito followed Shinichi to Kyoto
I've thought and thought and thought some more on what kind of fic I'd like to see when it comes to the Kyoto arc. In the end, I thought that it'd be nice to see the Kyoto arc that's set in Post-canon BO takedown
Shinichi can finally return to his old life after weeks of recovery and the 1st thing he gets to do is to go to the Kyoto field trip
The school field trip is set on Shinichi's 3rd year of high school which makes him 18 in this
Since I tend to HC that Kaito is a year older than Shinichi, Kaito is in his 1st year at uni which makes him 19
after the takedown, Kaito disappeared for awhile to recover and to think what he wants in life now that his dad is avenged and the BO can no longer hurt people anymore
so when KaiShin meet like in my drabble, it's not only the first time they meet as Kaito and Shinichi but also the first time they've seen each other since the fall of the BO
while he hadn't realise it before, Shinichi's feelings for Ran had slowly changed from romantic love to sibling love when he became Conan. He started to understand whenever he's around KID and ultimately accept it when instead of a blushing flustered mess at his classmates' teasing about him and Ran like he used to, Shinichi finds himself calm. He'll always love Ran of course....just no longer in love with her
now free to be around each other without worry of hidden crows lurking about, KaiShin tends to unknowingly act like a couple. Not like in a lovey-dovey way per say. But more like something from the victorian era? as in, Kaito always offer his arm to Shinichi like the gentleman he is as they walk and Shinichi always accepts it, holding onto Kaito with this content smile on his face
It doesn't help that Shinichi tends to have this adoring look on his face as he holds onto Kaito's arm which clued pretty much everyone within the vicinity that Shinichi's irrevocably in love with Kaito
While hakase was the one to reach out to Jii out of concern for Shinichi's still recovering health, Jii was the one to suggest about Kaito going to Kyoto. Not only as way to give his bocchama some much needed relaxation but to also give him and Shinichi the opportunity to spend time together without worry now that the BO is gone
Basically, the Kyoto arc is set post-canon with KaiShin recovering from the takedown by spending time together in the ancient capital
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enamation · 1 year
Hello, I just came across your blog and I love your work!
So I had this idea for a little while now.. There is this criminal minds audio right now that’s trending; it goes like “How old are you? 29? I’m 30. - We missed your birthday? Why didn’t you tell us?” So I was wondering if you could write an Akito x reader for that scenario. The reader turned sixteen/seventeen and akito & the rest of vbs didn’t know.
Anyway, sorry if it seems confusing, and have fun!
Hi love !! Thank you so much, that means alot !! I actually had to look up the audio 😭 from what im seeing whoever plays the woman forgot the birthday of the other, so I really had to think about how'd I do this, but im hoping its atleast somewhat accurate to what you'd like 🙏 if it isnt, let me know and ill rewrite it !!
(4/17/2023): This has been in my drafts the utmost longest (4 months) because I didn't know how to start it, my sincerest apologies . . .)
Type: Short Story
Warnings: Uhhh not any im aware of !! VBS is explicitly implied to be 17 .
❥ AKITO SHINONOME x Reader: Sixteen
ft. Toya, An, and Kohane / Vivid BAD SQUAD
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You had been dating Akito for a while now. After being close friends since elementary school, it was only a matter of time before romantic feelings were felt for the other.
The both of you almost knew everything about the other, schedules, practice dates, birthdays, and so much more.
Whenever Akito had a performance coming up, he tended to forget alot of important dates, but out of all dates he could've forgotten, why this one?
story continues utc ♡
It was a little hard for Akito to explain to you VBS' 'sekai'. A world created by feelings? A world with pieces of all 4 of you connected? What do you mean virtual singers can be found there?
Once you finally were able to put atleast some of what he was saying together ( you have no clue what's going on ), he asked if you'd like to visit.
Today is that day.
"You ready, [Name]? It's a little confusing when you first go, but I promise you'll like it" Akito shot you an awkward smile. You responded with a quiet chuckle and said "Im ready! I can't wait to meet Hatsune Miku and Ka..Kaga.."
"Kagamine Rin and Len."
"Thats what I said. I am really excited to meet all of them either way. Let's go!"
Akito double-clicked on a computer file, and the room flashed white. You closed your eyes instinctively and you soon felt so light. When you opened your eyes, you saw a beautiful café, a short haired brunette, and the rest of Vivid Bad Squad sitting and talking with her.
She turned to look at you and Akito, and gave you a warm smile and walked over to say hello.
"Ah, you must be [Name]! It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Welcome to our sekai. My name is MEIKO."
You paused for a moment, eyeing her. She didn't seem mean, and she did resemble and sound like Meiko..
"Nice to meet you as well. Is this your cafe? It smells great."
Akito smiled happily watching you and MEIKO walk towards the café, soon joining his band mates and meeting the other VIRTUAL SINGERS.
One by one, as MIKU, RIN, LEN, KAITO, and LUKA gathered to come say hi. At some point, the conversation had switched over to childhood memories, and LUKA had asked how old you were.
You opened your mouth to answer, but Akito was far quicker than you were.
"[Name]'s sixteen. They're only a few months younger than me and-"
"I'm seventeen."
The room went silent for a few moments, Everyone looking at you and Akito with wide eyes, and you felt a lump in your throat.
An was the first to pipe up, "We missed your birthday? Why didn't you tell us?"
"I did. I texted the groupchat that day." You messed with a hangnail. "I guess you all had ignored the birthday cake next to my contact name or the many pictures I took on my birthday. But you guys did also have a performance on my birthday, so you didn't have much of a chance to see me."
You looked up to glance at everyone. Akito looked away guiltily, Toya and Kohane looked worried, and An was surprised. RIN, LEN, and KAITO looked angry. MEIKO had frozen up, her hand hovering over the on button for the coffee maker while LUKA looked slightly confused. MIKU looked at the 4 of them, disappointed. When she locked eyes with you, she gave you an apologetic look.
Unable to handle the silence and embarrassment you felt, you quickly grabbed your phone and left the sekai, feeling the tears and watching your vision get blurry.
The next day, you woke up to knocks on your door. When you opened it, Akito and the rest of VBS were holding multiple presents as their eyes lit up when they heard the door unlocking.
Akito started, "Hey, [Name]. About yesterday, We felt incredibly bad for missing out on your whole birthday solely because we had people to perform for. I know it might be a little late for all this, but we got you late birthday presents and food."
Kohane added on, "Akito's right. We had all planned gifts for you in advance to your birthday, but we all know how that went." Toya spoke up as well, "Mhm. We truly hope you can forgive us, and we can make it up to you in this way." An swayed side to side slowly before speaking up, "Even if you dont forgive us, atleast take the gifts? You truly deserve them."
You couldn't help but feel a little giddy as you forgave them all and pulled all of them in for a hug. You let them inside and the rest of the day was filled with happiness, gifts, and pancakes. ( Thank Akito. )
This is the best ( really late ) birthday you've ever had.
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thelemoncoffee · 6 months
today's post is me rambling negatively- and probably upsetting some people in the process too, but i wanna get this out there before my brain inverts thinking about it.
honestly i don't like how the game treated Kaito's pushing Shuichi to keep being a detective as a good thing.
like- in the games Kaito keeps pushing Shuichi to be the ultimate detective, while Shuichi actively doesn't want to be a detective. i genuinely dislike this aspect of Kaito, he has alot of potential and individual traits that i love- but the game squanders it so much his canon depiction annoys me
with the Shuichi situation, detective work was obviously something Shuichi wasn't actually passionate about- as we learn he only started doing it to feel useful to his uncle- and he's proven time and time again that he isn't the kind of person who can handle the emotional strain the line of work puts on a person. but no matter what they kept making Kaito push him to be a detective anyways and framed it as a good thing despite everything pointing to the contrary .
Ryoma already fills the niche of "character who gave up on their passion due to trauma and needs to be encouraged to get back into what they love again"- we do not need to shoehorn Shuichi into it, especially when literally everything about him makes it noticeably unhealthy for him. i wouldn't have an issue with it if the game treated it like the negative it is, but it doesn't, the game thinks Kaito's pushing shuichi is actually a good thing and positive character growth. and that's my main issue with Kaito, really-
Kaito is a great character concept but the more i think about it the more the way he was used was so fucking shitty. i greatly dislike how they had the potential to show him as a super flawed wannabe hero doing the dumbest unhealthy shit cause he has a heart of gold, but they instead tried to play him as a tragic hero
he should have been called out for his shit more. he should have had a character arc where he learned how superficial his aid tactics actual are, and works up to do really heroic things. which- if you left ch5 as is- would make it a really cool instance of relapse into old bad habits under pressure, he would foil Kokichi 100x better like this too. while Kokichi descends into a paranoid mess, Kaito becomes a genuinely better hero- and Kokichi causes Kaito to relapse while he himself shows his true and more caring nature to Kaito in his final moments
but they didn't fucking do that.
Kaito was the tragic hero who was always right even when he was objectively wrong (read: Shuichi situation), a total hypocrite with zero repercussions for his hypocrisy (read: hates Kokichi lying despite lying more than Kokichi), and every character loved him no matter how shitty he was being.
i know he was intended to be a foil to Kokichi, but when Kokichi's relationships with other characters are more nuanced compared to his, it falls flat. Kokichi had people who liked and hated him to varying degrees, everyone had a solid opinion on him- but Kaito? i don't recall anyone outside of Kokichi, Maki, and Shuichi having any strong opinions on him (unless you count Tenko, but i don't cause her hatred was cause he's a man and not because of him as a person), which makes him feel way more flat compared to the variety of people's opinions on Kokichi and makes their foil connection way weaker
i just think Kaito could have been handled alot better- and i often tend to brush lightly on his problems in my posts that use him as a minor antagonist for saiouma
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fearowkenya · 4 months
Digimon Survive Week Day 1: A New World
Winds of Change - Chapter 7: Winds of Change - Part One
“Most everything we know about ourselves and our world—it tends to be based on gut instinct,” Dracmon continues with a huff. “Anything else is whatever partial information we’ve managed to glean and put together on our own. Sometimes it’s both, and sometimes the damn pieces are upside down or backwards.
“That sounds like…” Shuuji can’t even begin to wrap his mind around it. He supposes that’s exactly the problem. “…a very confusing way to live.”
“It’s all we really know,” says Dracmon plainly, “Bits and pieces, scattered between memory and instinct. But even though I don’t know what goes where or which way’s up, I’ve still got a bit of a sense of what it’s all supposed to look like, somehow.”
Desperate to not be left in the dark, Shuuji seeks answers. But those answers only raise more questions, and it turns out that there's so much about this world that he does not understand—far more than he could have ever possibly imagined.
@surviveweek WOW DIGISURVIVE WEEK!!! it's my first time participating. it felt a little like... cheating, maybe, to post a chapter of a fic i was already working on, but it turns out the prompt for day 1 fit this chapter pretty well.
as usual, link is in the source so that tumblr doesnt kick me from the tags, and extended post-chapter notes are under the cut!!!
part of me is really glad i split this chapter in half. like i said, the original edit would have been close to 10k words, and there are so many ups and downs in the combined chapter that i was giving myself whiplash rereading it. the good news is, the second part is already mostly edited, and with it being survive week, i am going to try my best to accelerate the rest of the editing and get at least chapter 8 out this week.
i got really lucky that today's theme for survive week matched up with today's chapter. i was really struggling with how to interpret "a new world", because that's the entire game, isn't it? how was i going to choose just 1 thing about this new world to talk about? ultimately, the way i interpreted the prompt was in the realization that shuuji has, that this world is confusing not just for himself, but for the creatures that call it home. from the way dracmon describes it, it's just as harsh and dangerous to the kemonogami as it is to the humans.
on the topic of dracmon--he's my favorite to write. back when i was outlining this fic, it was already solidly in place that dracmon would be doing a lot of heavy-lifting in terms of lore. why dracmon? i'll keep that to myself for now. all in good time (:
i had such a fantastic time writing shuuji and dracmon interacting. on one hand, he's good at recognizing shuuji's sudden bursts of anxiety - kaito's anxiety manifests in a way that is much more explosive and angry than shuuji's, but it's still a powerful emotion that he's dealt with before. that said, obviously the way dracmon navigates kaito's emotions is not going to fit shuuji, and it was fun writing dracmon trying to get a feel for what kind of response does or does not work for him.
i also think lopmon would be SOOOOO INTERESTING as kaito's partner. you've got this timid little guy who is SO completely different from kaito, but would be able to tell that there's a gentle side to him that's buried super deep down. kaito would absolutely frighten him with his outbursts, though, and i wonder if seeing the direct consequences of his anger would help him understand its full impact. on a more cheerful note, i think kaito would not know what to do when lopmon says saccharine, kind things about him that are undeniably true, and i think that this would be very cute!!! it's almost as confrontational as the way dracmon interacts with kaito - lopmon wouldn't be snarky or bluntly honest with kaito the way dracmon is, but i think the sweet, innocent flavor of honesty that lopmon would use instead would hit him just as hard. much to think about.
this is going to be a much shorter extended authors notes this time, because the bulk of what i have to say is about lore stuff, and the rest of that is in part 2.
my answers for reader questions!
do you think dracmon is the most knowledgeable of the main digis about how the kemonogami world works?
as i mentioned on ao3, my answer is no, but i won't say why. however! i CAN say that i think the kind of knowledge varies super widely from digi to digi. dracmon may know a lot about what happens when digimon get destroyed, but i dont think he's got the more, social, i guess??? knowledge that agumon has, where he seems really familiar so many other digimon, knowing them by name despite never having met them before.
what do you think the superpower pineapple tastes like?
i think it never tastes the same! one could be sweet and another could be salty, but it's always really good. the texture is like chewing on drywall though.
thanks for reading!! hopefully i'll have part 2 up in the next few days. i'll have to check the prompt list for survive week to see if anything fits… if not.. well, since it's mostly edited, i'll try to get it posted early anyway.
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humunanunga · 1 year
Project: Eden’s Garden prologue just dropped and here’s my thoughts on the cast so far 👀
Damon: Oh, so we finally get to play as a tool. Just a total trashman. It’s almost like if we went into the first Danganronpa playing as Byakuya LMAO. Can’t wait to watch his guy slowly figure out he was being a gatekeeping prick just to feel self-important and not have to think about having an identity apart from his talent.
Eva: I love her. I already liked her design when the voice cast was announced, which I also really like, and now I’m really looking forward to how her arc pans out. I like how a lot of her dialogue consists of questions/guesses, directives, or observations you wouldn’t need to take her word for. I also like that, assuming it’s true-- and so far, I’m willing to bet it is-- that, while hesitant, she was honest about being the Ultimate Liar. Imagine how that’d blow up in her face later if she tried lying about what kind of Ultimate she was. She knows it’s a lot to ask for with her talent, but she definitely acts like she wants to be trusted. I already said this in Youtube comments, but the contrast against Kokichi really makes a point for why she’s the Ultimate Liar: a good liar knows when not to lie. For one, a bad liar tells lies they can’t get away with, and for another, if your reputation precedes you, all it takes to deceive everyone is to tell the truth and let their suspicion do all the work.
Grace: Uncalled for, but Damon kinda earns it later.
Wolfgang: A polite boy. A lad, even. Save for how riled up that “demo” got him. Wondering whether he’ll be Damon’s Kaito or his Kokichi... Right now, it seems like Damon’s set himself up to be Wolfgang’s Kokichi. Yikes.
Toshiko: We haven’t seen her mouth yet... curious. Could mean nothing... but if this fangame also includes a plant among the killing game participants, she’s my first guess. Danganronpa loves red herrings, so I don’t think it’d be Eva, but Toshiko? Her color scheme would also fit, everyone woke up in pairs, and a lot of those pairs seem to work well together or at least balance each other out.
Eloise: Hello, so you have red eyes, huh? Is there something you’re not telling us? What was that about analyzing your opponent and predicting their next move, almost like you would in chess? Sorry, you seem very sweet, I just know how these games go.
Desmond: Oh no, you’re gonna get a lotta heat for your talent later, aren’t’cha. I am so sorry, you seem like a real chill dude.
Jean: idk, guys, he's jacked and reliable, and beefcakes with integrity tend to strike out on the fourth case in this series...
Ulysses: Another design I loved from the get-go. I get the impression his habit of note-keeping could be important later... I’m rooting for his survival, but that journal could easily be evidence later.
Ingrid: We love a beefsteak.
Kai: I could see the Ultimate Influencer being a traitor or mastermind and using their talent to gather an audience for their killing game, cuz the games are always streamed and he has a lot more black and white in his outfit than Cassidy, but I... kinda doubt it’ll be him unless they’re all revealed to play roles as the mastermind.
Diana: tbh I’m really hoping she’ll be one of the killers. There’s a lot of potential for a makeup artist to cover their crime, like concealing or faking injuries. They did say she’s done makeup for cinema, I’m just saying. I’m just saying! At the very least, even if she’s cleared, I really hope she’ll be a suspect.
Jett: Don’t know what I expected, but I’m loving his energy. He is doing his best.
Mark: What was with that leer on the train? Did he recognize Damon?
Cassidy: Ohhh boy, are she and Wenona gonna duke it out at some point?
Wenona: Damon... my guy... I woulda thought you’d get along with her. You are a certifiable hypocrite if you’re gonna judge her for being an Ultimate elitist.
Cara: Oh, this wasn’t Eden’s first killing game, was it. I’m surprised none of them pointed out after the practice trial how Cara was an Ultimate too... Wolfgang was right. Asking why would’ve been just as important as asking how. We’re gonna circle back to this case later, aren’t we-- hold on... was... was the point of doing this... did... could Cara’s killer have won a class trial?
Tozu: Did... did he sound like Dr. Frank-N-Furter to anyone else or is that just me? Great voice either way, interesting that it looks like he’s wearing a grey body suit under that coat that'd make him look more like an unnamed Danganronpa culprit. Interesting.
Mara: idk, she yoked tho.
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gaoau · 5 months
smth smth uhhh tsurune character analysis time wsg
i've never done this before in my life and i shouldn't even be doing it cause that's crazy tf BUT hi :blush: i'm Kisaragi Nanao's number one fan and hater simultaneously and i need to talk about it. chances are none of this will make the slightest bit of sense, cause thinking about his brain for more than five minutes usually has me going around in circles like a headless chicken. its been almost a year and i have not been able to stop thinking about him, not even in my most trying times so i might as well do the one thing i'm good at and write each and every single one of my thoughts down so the void can eat them all up. my friends are tired of hearing me talk about this so now its your turn, people in the tsurune but more specifically the Nanao tag on tumblr dot com. i'll try to avoid the Kaito talk as much as i can cause i wanna make this solely about Nanao, but i also understand that a lot of their character development goes hand in hand with one another, so it's sort of inevitable
to be completely honest, i wanted to be a Ryohei girlie so bad, i would've even settled for Seiya. i just knew the moment Nanao pulled up and was presented as the flirty annoying playboy, i wouldn't like him. i said it with my whole chest, firmly believing i would find absolutely no reason anywhere in his character to enjoy him. motherfucker i have never been more wrong in my life. at first glance, it doesn't even look like there's much to talk about, cause he doesn't do a whole lot in the first season. except he does. there's only snippets of depth in his character that exist, but he does not let show in order to watch over everyone around him. his introduction is loud and frivolous, especially with one of his first spoken sentences being about his "hakama beauty."
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sure, he's good at kyudo, but he's not particularly excellent nor passionate about the sport. this, however, is not true, which builds up in his character as the first season progresses and eventually overflows in the second season. for a character that, in universe, is shown to be in the spotlight consistently ever since he was a child, he's none of that on the range, because that isn't his place. his position on the range is not as important as it is outside of it; he is the yonteki, he is neither at the beginning nor the middle nor the end, he cannot show off, he cannot be the centre of attention as he tends to be. it's true that he attracts a lot of attention and plays into it naturally, because he enjoys it and extroverts, however unfortunate, do exist, but he knows when to take a step back and when to go all out.
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there's something i can't ever seem to quite put my finger on. although he is naturally easy-going and playful, this is only a ramped-up front he uses to watch from the back. it's like he's hiding, like he's staying nonchalant and uncommitted so things wash over him. he's blunt. he's so blunt. he really doesn't sugarcoat things, he just doesn't say them until he needs to. i don't wanna call it manipulation, cause that's got a rather negative connotation, but i do wanna call it manipulation, cause that's what it is. he knows how to manipulate responses and reactions with how easy he reads the people around him, and he uses all of that in a very level-headed way to keep peace, though it's always mainly Kaito. it's as if people are malleable to him. it's in the way he pulls Ryohei into doing that whole charade to get Kaito to like Minato, in how he straight up tells Kaito "yeah, it's cause you're being annoyingly tsundere, we're just giving you a push," or in how he tells Minato "yeah, Kacchan don't like you, but he's working on it."
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he knows, he's watching, and he's making sure everyone is being accounted for without meddling too much. he sets things into motion with the right push, but he stays out of it, uninvolved. he keeps going on and on about how he's only doing kyudo with nothing but simple bull-headedness, like it doesn't matter all that much, like he can just shrug things off and let Kaito's impulsive comments not get to him. he plays it off, he plays everything off, leaning into that flighty, frivolous prince charming persona, but at the end of the day, he's the most mature and emotionally intelligent of the bunch. 
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most of his development is built around connections. whenever Kaito reminds him that he is not taking kyudo seriously, that kyudo is not a game, that kyudo is more than just fun and looking pretty in hakama, Nanao keeps quiet. it's something he knows very well, because none of those are any of the reasons he ever picked up a bow in the first place. he has been watching over Kaito since they were children, going so far as to follow him into kyudo and into the same high-school. however, this is something that Kaito does not recognize for the longest time—not until Nanao actively blows up on him and spells it out for him. Nanao doesn't need for his efforts to be recognized, because he is only doing it to keep peace and read everyone carefully—not only Kaito—to figure out what makes who tick.
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he supports his buddies from the back and intervenes only when it's necessary. he aims to please without being self-abandoning; he keeps true to his own self while being a perfect fit for everyone. despite claiming his reasons for shooting are frivolous and superficial, Nanao has an understanding of what sets the people around him off that makes keeping him around necessary, because he shoots for Kaito and now for this team, rather than the target in front of him. he knows, he's so perceptive of it all. there's a scene stuck in my head where Ryohei tries to speak up about the whole Seiya-Nikaido interaction that was bugging him, but he ended up going back on it last minute, and Nanao straight up went "bro, either you commit to it or don't talk."
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idk!! call it his big brother instincts, cause that's another thing. things do kinda make a lot more sense when you consider that he is the only one out of everyone in the club (that we know of, cause there's not much about my girls) who is an older sibling. Kaito has two older sisters, Seiya has an older brother, Ryohei has an older sister, and Minato is an only child. Nanao is the only big brother. god i'm losing my fucking mind.
i called him loud and i'll keep calling him loud, but in all honesty Nanao is a lot more silent than he seems. he flirts with his fanclub and attempts it too with the girls in the club, he is quite loud with his "Merha!", he pushes and prods all around with funny comments because, at the end of the day, he is still an entertainer, a mood-maker, and most of all, he's a child. he's still a fifteen-year-old kid that's just dicking around with his friends cause it's not that deep. he's a kid. however, he is consistently reading everyone around him, keeping peace from behind them, working his way around everyone’s quirks and kinks. he's been somewhat forced into this caretaking role, taking comments like "it'd be nice if you and Kaito went to the same school so you can keep him in check" to heart. he too wishes he could be there for his cousin to reel him back in when he steps out of line. and he does, he tries, being the first one to react and try to pull Kaito back before he can bash Minato's face in.
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he does things carefully in a way that won't put pressure on anyone other than himself, watching and watching and watching and being so hypersensitive to the smallest of mood changes from anyone. that one little sigh Ryohei gave, to which he immediately went, "what's wrong?" while nobody else batted an eye. when he is the one whose patience finally runs thin, he confronts Kaito about it with truths he has never needed to explain because Kaito would not have been able to digest them properly, and Nanao has always known.
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he competes not to win, but to keep up, to stay with his cousin and his team; not approaching a sport with a competitive mindset would be a hindrance to the team, which does not mean he is competitive himself. and he loves kyudo, too, just as much. his expressions and mannerisms are subtle and soft in a way that anyone would miss, but he is happy to see the people that surround him stay on track, with or without his help.
i lose my train of thought every time i start a new sentence cause there's so much i have to say about Nanao. there's a crazy amount of points i go over in my head time and time again. the fact that his hit rate is so consistent, enough to keep up with Kaito and almost with Seiya. how he does not give one flying fuck about Noririn, but he indulges Daigo anyway cause it's fun and it works and he's got nothing to lose by showing a little bit of interest in some guy's idol obsession. how he was watching from the outside, because Kaito never told him what happened with Masaki or why he suddenly wanted to start kyudo, but he was so into it that he was going in all on his own. (i say "never told him" but there's that audio drama where he did, in fact, tell him and the boys.) how kyoani uses him as a sort of bridge between the girlies and the boys just cause he's that much of a social chameleon, i guess. how he's the only other character aside from Minato, the MC mind you, who has not one but TWO features in the character songs album. he's a bridge dawg he's a fit for everyone and anyone. i dunno man i have so many thoughts and zero words to articulate them, but i love this kid. shoutout to this kid, i hope he's having a great day and his lemon teas are always the right temperature. lil bro needs a pat on the back and i wanna be the one to give it to him.
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