#I like to think he revealed the truth on their wedding day
Thinking about “he just happened upon the ship that I was bleeding out on”, and… Stede still doesn’t know the lengths Ed went to in order to meet him, does he?
“The chances of us meeting each other in the first place [were slim].” No they were not. Babygirl your man tracked the Revenge to two different locations, sent his first mate to personally find you and invite you aboard, and obliterated a Spanish naval vessel, all just so he could have one conversion with you.
Ed was down catastrophically from day one, but Stede still thinks that Ed saving his life was a happy accident.
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rhenuvee · 1 month
Modern AU! Diluc who starts making videos on social media to promote the Angel’s Share by showing how he makes drinks- only to take a wrong turn when the comments end up being down bad for him.
This video makes me thirsty, and Im not talking about the drink.
Pls handle me like the cocktail shaker 🙏
Suddenly I have the urge to cook and clean 🛐
In case anyone asks, the drink is blue.
The drink in the video was orange, by the way- he caught on the implication of the commenters distraction very quickly. And worst of all, his brother Kaeya laughing at the whole situation in the comments, not helping at all.
“Listen to this one ‘Luc: ‘Who needs a napkin when I could be cleaning his hands’, drooling emoji.”
Your poor husband, can’t even look you in the eye anymore. His fingers had been pinching the crease between his eyebrows for a while now, a little embarrassed at the totally different response than expected from his audience. He can't believe the viewers are more interested in his forearms than drink making.
“Y-You’re not helping, my love.” He says. He's frustrated at the comments, but can't help the blush when you say something so desperate. You feel a little bad for adding fuel to the fire (secretly giggling along with Kaeya), but it’s tough when you can’t deny the truth in the comments paired with your husband’s cute reaction.
“Perhaps you just need to cover up a little.” You suggest. Yes, he thinks. His next short video has him wearing his long sleeve dress shirt and gloves, instead of rolling up the sleeves. He's got them now, Diluc thinks as he hopes for normal comments.
However, the viewers are quick to find another way to "simp" for your husband (which you had to teach him the meaning of). With his arms covered now, some comments expressed their disappointment. But most focused their attention on the reveal of skin of his neck and the slightest view of his collarbone.
"It's no use." Diluc grumbles after a long day, his head resting on your stomach, defeated. You smile, bringing your hand to comb through his fiery red hair.
"I can't disagree, you do have nice hands." You tease, referring to the previous video's comments. Diluc looks up at you from your stomach with an annoyed expression. "You're too handsome, my love."
Diluc flushes pink when he hears your compliment. You say it quite often, but he'll never get tired of it.
He feels as if there's no solution to this. Wear his wedding ring? People would probably still focus more on his fingers, or create more down bad comments on being married to him. Bring you into the video? He absolutely does not want people to comment on you. Get his father to make the drink instead? No- he remembers the time his father was in two seconds of a past video and caught mortifying comments of the word "Zaddy" being spammed along with a timestamp. It was quickly deleted. He knows the pattern.
"So what will you do, my handsome husband?" You ask, interrupting his train of thought. You calling him handsome twice was enough for him to take a deep breath before composing himself to answer you.
"I'm too tired to handle this anymore." He sighs. "Maybe I'll give this job to Kaeya, offer him free drinks."
"Bold move, but I like it." You reply. Though you can’t help but feel like Kaeya would meet the same fate.
As for the results of Kaeya's efforts, let's just say that free drinks were not enough to help combat the thirsty comments. The good news is, the Angel's Share social media continued to rise in popularity.
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thedivinetarot · 24 days
I'm so sorry for your loss
How does he feel after you blocked him?
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☆How to chose the perfect pile for you?
1) Close your eyes.
2) Clear your mind (don't think of anything or anyone).
3) take a deep breathe.
4) Ask the question in your head.
5) Open your eyes, and the picture that you are drawn to the most is your pile.
- Thank you guys for 200 followers, we are growing so fast. I'm grateful to have you guys❤.
- In this reading we are going to reveal how your specific person feel when you blocked them and went no contact with them.
- This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Nothing is set in stone.
Stay safe
Pile 1 - Spell book
How is you current energy?
Pile one are you trying to lose weight for a wedding but obviously it is not working out? I see that you may be on a diet to lose the extra weight and to fit in that beautiful dress you bought but obviously you either not seeing any results or you are not taking the diet seriously. You may be falling at losing this weight. Anyways as a nutrition student I advise you to lower the carb intake but never cut it from your diet. And always remember that you ARE wearing the dress and NOT the dress wearing you. That's a thing, also I see that there's someone who is shaming you for gaining that weight. He might be a man from your family or a man you know? Don't listen to them pile 1. Losing weight needs effort, consistency and finally a lot of patience. You can't lose all that weight in a week or a month! Be patient. I see that this pile is so desperate to lose the weight and they are putting too much pressure on themselves to reach that goal. And if you are not trying to lose the weight. You might be working on a project with someone and that project caused you two to lose your money and now I see that it is going to be a short term money loss. Don't freak out pile one money come and go. You can always ask for help, ask someone to lend you some money. You'll repay them one day when they need it. Another thing I'm picking up on is that this pile are facing financial trouble because of a wedding? You might put too much money and effort into it that now you have a problem with finances?. Okay, the dominant energy on this pile are earth signs (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn) you might have those placements in your chart or just the dominant element (earth) or dominant planet (Venus, Mercury or Saturn).
Now how does he feel after you blocked him?
So, looking at the cards in front of me this person might have been manipulating you emotionally. The cards also are telling me that he is untrustworthy. So please pile 1 don't fall into that trap again. Do not unblock him. I see that after you blocked him he might got it as a sign to move on from this connection. I see that he is taking his attention and dumping it on someone else. He might be a cancer with gemini placements? Be careful those type of men especially with those placements are super manipulative even if they subconsciously do it. I see that he is asking someone to reach out to you just to know how you are doing. This person is literally a border line psycho😂 I can't. Like he act like he is fine and cool without you but he is still watching your social media or taking the tea on you from a friend of yours or a friend of a friend. Anyways, I see that he is addicted to you. Like even your name make him tremble? I don't know why I got this feeling. He might also was dependent on you emotionally? Like he have dumped all his emotions and trauma into you? Pile 1 dear, he is not worthy of that and our job is not to fix those men. He is like in between two states 1) I should let her go because it is over and the other state is 2) but we could've been good together, there's still things I want to experience with her. Anyways, I see manipulation for some reason. He might manipulated you into thinking something about him that is not exactly the truth. I see that he is being childish of his needs and wants. He is like that baby who want to have his cake and eat it too. You see that person who says that he want a specific type of women but the thought of spending the rest of his life with them terrifies him? You might have his lilith in your sun sign. He is incredibly attracted but afraid of being with you.
Thank you for reading this pile 1. Take care and stay safe❤.
Pile 2 - The burning heart
How is your current energy?
Pile two are you walking away from a friend group? I see that you either walking away from a friend group or leaving an online community. That community might be toxic and it left you unbalanced and insecure? You might have lied to yourself that this community or people are going to make you happy but in fact they made you feel insecure and more triggered? You might be someone who was obsessed of looking like a model or like those IG girls but for some reason as you progressed in that group you started comparing yourself and your life to them? I see you conflicting between you and your inner world and vision but acting happy and positive in front of people. You might also got scammed by them? I see that they were promoting a product that should solve all your problems like magic but then you realize it was a scam? That product may destroyed your skin or gave you breakouts. This pile have water placements (Cancer, Scorpio and pisces) and earth placements (capricorn, virgo and taurus).
How does he feel after you blocked him?
Well, this group is hilarious 😂. I think he didn't know that you blocked him so he kept double texting you and there was no reply so he felt like he f up. I see that if this person is living in the same place as you or the same city he might actually take action to come in and see you. And if not then he felt incredibly confused and insecure. I feel like he might be the type of person that if he faced rejection or a block he let all his previous trauma resurface again and blame himself without actually changing. But hey, let's be honest those men demand you to change but he is literally rotten in his own self with his bad habits and emotional immaturity. I see that this person was eager to know you. Have you dated him pile 2? I don't see anything serious to be honest. It looks like a date or a hookup but not really a serious lover or a partner. He feels so insecure and not stable. He perhaps, wanted to give this connection a shot but was surprised by getting blocked? Lol. I can't it is so funny. Sorry pile 2, I think you should clarify things with him. Wait I will pull a couple of cards to see his energy. He might be a young adult, possibly between 20 and 29? I see that he tried to achieve success multiple times but that didn't really happen. He might opened or worked a series of jobs or businesses/projects but none of them worked. I see that he lied about being happy away from you but he is not. He really wanted this partnership he is so serious omg. Well, I think it is up to you if you want to pursue anything further with him but he is broke sooo it is up to you pile 2, if you want to keep in touch with him or unblock him. I don't know why I keep picturing a black man with braids. He might like wearing white clothes.
Thank you for reading pile 2, stay safe and take care ❤.
Pile 3 - Love magic book
How is your current energy?
I see that this pile are finally seeing the fruits of their labor. I see that pile 3 have been doing alot of inner work and practicing self care. I see that you guys might have realized the old patterns that kept you stuck. I see a lot of inner transformation. You may finally broke free from abusive partner/family or friendships. I see that the chapter you are closing made you insecure about moving on with your life. You may be scared and terrified to take action in your current circumstances. The cards are telling me you don't have the courage yet to approach life in a more optimistic way. I see that this pile are being faced with many decisions to make and there's a lot of opportunities that will give you the abundance you need. I see that this pile are not afraid to face their inner demons. Like as I mentioned above, you might started going to therapy or doing shadow work to deal with the darker side of yourself. This pile’s energy is so internal. I don't see you doing anything to be specific, I see you doing the mundane and being afraid to take higher risks. Guys I felt anxious all of sudden. Have you been dealing with anxiety? If you might be then I asked the cards on how to deal with it and they told me that you need to live in the present moment. Stop living in the future, what will happen will happen and you have no control over the outcome. The cards are encouraging you to embrace the moment and enjoy the blessings from the universe. I see that this pile will have an opportunity to improve their life. I see a job opportunity coming in for you and it will make you so happy. Guys I think life is not that serious so please don't overthink the stuff that you cannot control. Okay? Live your life guys. Anyways, I see a strong uranus and pluto energy. You might have those two planets dominant in your chart or you might be an aquarius, cancer or scorpio. That's what I'm picking up on. You don't have to have those placements if the description fit you correctly.
How does he feel after you blocked him?
I see that your person is practical and stubborn. He might be an aquarius, capricorn or have his sun in the 10th or 11th house in his chart. This person is refusing letting you go. The cards are all pointing to the opposite direction, I see that this person is so attached to you like a puppy. This person is boiling inside, his blood is on fire. I feel like he is feeling stuck and frustrated. He might have a lot of female friends or have a lot of sisters or female siblings. Whatever the case he is asking them to help him of his situation or just spending time with them to get over you. I think that he think what is between you two is not done or finished. He is so fixated on you. I feel like after you left he got depressed and sad. I feel like I'm losing hope. This person keeps himself dissociated by imagination. He keep imagining you two together. He didn't expect you to block him. I don't really see any movement, he is not moving at all. And if you are asking about him taking action towards you I don't see that happening honestly. He is just trapped in his head. He might have an IXXJ mbti (ISTJ,ISFJ, INTJ, INFJ)?. This person is not happy of how things are he is still thinking about you. I heard the phrase "you never left my mind/ imagination". I see that instead of healing and moving on he is distracting himself even more.
Pile 4 - The 3 of swords card
How is your current energy?
Honey why are sad? He doesn't deserve it. I feel like this pile is disappointed by someone they felt a connection with. This person might crossed your boundaries and even was rude to you. I don't really feel like you know this person well, like you see when we meet someone briefly and they leave quite a strong impression on us. I see that you expect this person to treat you in a way and unfortunately you got disappointed. I see that this person did not respect your privacy or personal space. I feel like you might have problem socializing with other? Or social anxiety? And that person was the last straw? Anyways give yourself some time to heal from that and move on. I feel like this pile are trying to be more courageous but they are overthinking and scared. You might be someone who do not trust others and feel so overwhelmed by people. I pulled a card for advice and they are telling you to step into your power, they are telling me that you are strong pile 4. You have this duality to you and if it is not about duality then you can switch masculine and feminine energy within you quite easily. Also trust your intuition. I feel like you have a female figure in your life who is very spiritual and connected to earth. Ask her for help and she will gladly help you. This is your pile if you have leo placements or fire placements in general. I see mars as a dominant planet too. So take what resonates.
How does he feel after you blocked him?
Well, I have two scenario cases in my head. The cards are telling me that he already moved on when you blocked him. He might have had a crush on someone so it was easy for him to move into that. I see that he still watch your social media but BUUT out of curiosity not love or because he want you back. The other case scenario is; he might be working on himself to manifest you. I see that this person is so patient and calculated. He might have other life responsibilities, this person might be old like between 25 and 35. I'm not getting any teenage vibes from this group. What he felt when you blocked him was anxiety and longing? You see those psycho people who do not understand themselves? So they confuse others? He might felt like it is time to move on emotionally but mentally he sometimes long and think about you. He doesn't really understand his emotions. He keeps them to himself. This person is done I'm not seeing any movement but what I do see is thinking deeply about you and unfortunately; his thoughts are manifesting or reaching you. He might send you messages telepathically? I don't know if you believe in telepathy, but after all it is physics and spirituality. I mean our thoughts are patterns and they have vibrations and frequencies so yes it can move from one person to another. If this person keep popping on your mind then he is manifesting you.
Thank you for reading this pile 4. Stay safe❤.
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Post date: 31st/Aug/2024- Sat
*Feedback is appreciated
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galedekarios · 3 months
gale’s early access dialogue transcripts - the tiefling party [romance path]
at the tiefling party in early access, you were able to lock in your romance choice for the first time.
a second time, you were able to do so while traversing the ebonlake to the grymforge. the narrator gave a general overview of your deeds so far (including rescuing the tieflings/siding with the goblings, etc.) and ended on your li choice.
i'll include the screenshot of that moment here bc there's not much worth talking about romance-wise past that point:
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Narrator: *It hasn't all been bad, though: you fondly remember your night with Gale.*
back to the tiefling party: you were able to talk to the companions at the party after zevlor, the tieflings and your group arrived at the camp, and they all propositioned the player to spend the night with them, some more subtly than others, depending on who you talked to first and accepted.
the romance option for the night was then locked in if the player took a long rest and, from the dialogue options, picked their partner of choice.
for gale, the proposition to the player looked as follows:
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Gale: Thank you. - Player Option 1: I'm sure you're welcome. Gale: There's that confidence I like. [Go to "Amidst all the merriness...] - Player Option 2: What for? Gale: I'm glad you sought me out. [Go to "Amidst all the merriness...] - Player Option 3: Spontaneous thank yous make me suspicious. Gale: Come now! This is a night for celebration, not suspicion. I thank you for seeking me out. - Gale: Amid all this merriment I wasn't sure we'd have a chance to speak this evening. I wasn't sure we'd have a chance to make merry, just the two of us.  - Player Option 1: I think that's the wine talking.  Gale: As they say in Waterdeep: In wine there is truth. That's usually followed by: In water, there is good sense. Good sense will have to wait till the morrow. - Player Option 2:  Make merry, just the two of us. What would that entail? Gale [if Weave scene successful + talked abt the Weave scene with Gale after]: We shared a romantic moment of the mind while cloaked in the Weave, didn't we? And I seem to recall a fond allusion to that moment afterwards. - Player Option 3: Actually, I think I'll go mix and mingle.  Gale: Too bad. One should never be afraid to live life to the fullest.  But before you go... I know there are many things about me that remain shrouded in mystery. [Gale would then invite the player to talk again the next day & reveal his background story + the convo ends] - Gale [if the player is interested]: Allow me to make the following proposition: there is a book that circulates in Amn, detailing the first thousand nights of a newly-wed king and queen. Gale: They turned everything they did into an art. The art of conversation. The art of taste, time honoured and newly acquired. The art of the body. The exploration and acceptance of the self and the other. The art of the night itself. I say we take a page from their book.  - Player Option 1: Leave it to you to woo someone with a book. Gale: Forget the book then. Let's be blank slates on blank sheets, delightfully new. - Player Option 2: You're remarkably upfront about your intentions.  Gale: I'm many things, but coy's not one of them. What do you say? - Player Option 3: I'll remind you we're newly acquainted, not newlyweds. Gale: Then we'll start writing the prequel. What do you say? - Player Option 4: Let me stop you right there. That's not something I'm interested in. Gale: Too bad. One should never be afraid to live life to the fullest.  - [if the player accepts] Gale: We'll let the night run its course. And when everything is quieting down, safe in the arms of sleep, I'll come by to find safety in yours. [end]
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if you clicked on gale again before long resting, he said:
Gale: There's promise in patience, I assure you. Let the night run its course so that we can run ours as well. [CAMP_GoblinHunt_State_GalePartner]
if you then talked to any of the other companions, who were much more reactive to your choices and what happened around them in general, they had something to say about the player's decision to spend the night gale:
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Shadowheart: Everyone seem to be in high spirits. I saw you with Gale. You two looked... cosy. Far be it from me to judge. Blood must be running a little hot after everything.
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Wyll: There he is - the man himself! Let us raise a glass! To you - a legend in the making! And to you and Gale. May your stars burn ever bright.
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Lae'zel: I have seen the kith'raki tear a screaming neogi's legs from its belly to fashion into blades. Yet they could not match your nerve today. It was enough to drive me to madness. A pity for us you have promised your body to Gale. I've no doubt he is as seductive as he is succinct.
funnily enough, if both weren't romanced by the player character, lae'zel would try to sleep with gale at the party. he - unlike wyll and astarion, both of whom used to accept lae's advances - did not do so.
lae'zel used to complain about this the next day if the player questioned her about her night with gale, saying he only wished instead to talk:
Lae'zel: There are, after all, other spreads before me. Gale looks particularly tempting tonight. [GALECOMPANION, CAMP_GoblinHunt_State_WyllPartner]
follow-up the next day:
Player: You said you were going to share your bunk with Gale. Lae'zel: So I did. And he wanted only to talk.
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Astarion: By the Hells. Passion. Fun. It's easy for some, of course. You and Gale seem to be getting on very well. I wonder if he uses magic in the bedroom? That could go very well... or very badly.
the pictures here are all from an old gifset of mine.
there is no option for karlach in early access because she, at that point, wasn't a companion, but an npc to a much different set-up with anders the paladin of tyr and his companions.
if you clicked on the bedrolls around the camp fire to select the long rest, the narrator used to say the following:
Narrator: *The buzz of celebration quiets to a soothing hum as you approach your bunk.* *Though you seek repose, you needn't spend the night alone. With whom will you share a bed?* Player: Gale. Narrator: *Your heart skips a beat. What treasures might this night bestow?*
it used to then lead into the actual romance scene of early access.
i'll be talking about in the next ea meta post because it's a longer one as it encapsulates the romance scene itself, but also gale's confession about his backstory, karsus's folly, mystra's and gale's relationship, as well as possible ways to cure gale of his orb.
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muzaktomyears · 6 months
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In 1980 Peter Brown, a former assistant to Brian Epstein who later ran Apple Corps, managed the Beatles and was best man at John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s wedding, started work on the definitive account of the Beatles. With the American author Steven Gaines, he spoke to the three surviving band members alongside wives, girlfriends, managers, friends, hangers-on and everyone else in the Fabs’ universe. The book promised to be the last word in Beatles history. Then in 1983 The Love You Make was published, and all hell broke loose.
“They were furious,” recalls Gaines, 78, still sounding pained at the memory. “Paul and Linda tore the book apart and burned it in the fireplace, page by page. There was an omerta, a code of silence around the Beatles, and they didn’t think anyone would come forward to tell the truth. But Queenie, Brian Epstein’s mother, told us above all else to be honest.”
“Even she didn’t think we would be quite so honest,” adds Brown, 87, his upper-crust English tones still in place after five decades in New York.
Why did The Love You Make, retitled by Beatles fans as The Muck You Rake, incite such strong feelings? The suggestion of an affair between Lennon and Epstein on a holiday to Barcelona in April 1963, only three weeks after the birth of Lennon’s son Julian, had something to do with it, but more significantly it was taken as a betrayal by a trusted insider. Brown and Gaines locked the recordings in a bank vault and never looked at them again — until now.
“Very good question,” Brown says, when I ask why he and Gaines have decided to publish All You Need Is Love, an oral history made up of the interview transcripts from which The Love You Make was drawn. He is speaking from the Manhattan apartment on Central Park West where he has lived since 1971. “When [Peter Jackson’s documentary] Get Back came out, a journalist from The New York Times wanted me to talk. I told him I hadn’t talked about the Beatles since the book was published and suggested he go to someone else. He said, ‘There isn’t anyone else. Paul, Ringo and you are the only ones left.’ And I thought, do I have a responsibility to clear it all up, once and for all?”
After the death of Epstein in 1967, Brown assumed the day-to-day responsibilities of managing the Beatles and Apple Corps. He had on his desk a red telephone whose number was known only to the four Beatles. Unsurprisingly, given his insider status, the interviews make for fascinating reading. Paul McCartney, yet to be asked the same questions about the Beatles thousands of times over, is remarkably unguarded. Asked by Gaines if the other Beatles were anti-Linda, he replies: “I should think so. Like we were anti-Yoko.” On the image the Fabs had for being good boys on tour, he says, “You are kidding,” before going on to reference a notorious incident involving members of Led Zeppelin, a groupie and a mud shark, concluding: “No, not in the least bit celibate. We just didn’t do it with fish.”
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Ono, speaking in the spring of 1981, not long after Lennon was killed in December 1980, reveals that she didn’t sleep with Lennon for the first two years of their relationship — “John didn’t know how to make a move” — and claims that she was blamed by the Beatles camp, George Harrison in particular, for getting Lennon onto heroin in 1969. “Everything we did in those days, anything that was wrong, was my responsibility,” she tells Gaines. But everyone, from the Beatles’ notorious late-period manager Allen Klein to the Greek electronics wizard/hustler “Magic” Alex Mardas — “the Mordred of the Beatles’ Camelot” according to Brown — has their own version of events.
Going through the transcripts reminded Gaines of the long shadow cast by Lennon. “I didn’t realise how sensitive the other Beatles were to John’s opinion,” he says, speaking from his home in the Hamptons, Long Island. “Paul worried about what John would say [in the event Lennon died before being interviewed] and was still longing for his friendship. George said that John didn’t read his autobiography because it was called I, Me, Mine. Those interviews were done before John’s death and Paul’s heart was broken, even then. It wasn’t just the break-up of the Beatles. It was more personal than that.”
From around 1968, the transcripts reveal how the key Beatles duo started to come apart. McCartney’s enthusiasm was only getting stronger. But Lennon grew increasingly bored and disillusioned. “You have to remember that John wasn’t in love with his wife Cynthia,” Gaines says by way of explanation. “He wanted to get away from the life he was leading and that’s why he started to experiment with drugs, all the way up to heroin.”
Brown says Ono was, and probably still is, a distant, mysterious character, exactly the kind of person Lennon was looking for, having done the right thing and married the sensible, quiet Cynthia after she discovered she was pregnant with Julian in 1963. “John told me about meeting this woman, and how frustrated he was that he couldn’t get to know her better; he couldn’t take her to lunch because it would cause gossip. I gave him the key to my apartment so he and Yoko could be together in private and thought, naturally, they were going there to f***. When I went home that evening, the apartment was untouched. They did nothing more than sit on the sofa and talk. That’s what they wanted: to know each other.”
Regarding the long-held, unfair suggestion that Ono broke up the Beatles, Gaines says: “Yoko came along at the right moment to light the fuse, but the dynamite was already packed. They resented her, she was difficult to understand and had a deep effect on John, but they were getting more and more unhappy with each other and needed to have their own lives. As people in the interviews say again and again, [the split] was bound to happen.”
It was Brown who in May 1968 introduced McCartney to Linda Eastman, an ambitious young American photographer whom he knew from his business trips to New York, when she came to London on an assignment to shoot the Rolling Stones. “I was having dinner with Paul at the Bag O’ Nails [a club in Soho] when she turned up, so I introduced them and he was obviously taken with her,” Brown recalls. “The following Friday, May 19, we were holding a party for 12 top photographers at Brian Epstein’s house in London when she walked in. Paul says I didn’t introduce him to his wife … but I did.”
If the book has a villain it is Klein, the New York accountant who took over management of the Beatles and sacked everyone around them, much to McCartney’s horror. As Brown puts it: “He was a hideous person. He even looked like a crook: sloppy and fat, always wearing sneakers and sweatshirts. Everything he didn’t like was ‘for shit’.”
You wonder why Lennon fell for him. “The interviews suggest it is because Allen Klein offered Yoko a million dollars for her movie project,” Gaines says. “She was enticed and John would do anything Yoko said.”
“I asked Mick Jagger to come over and explain to the four Beatles who this Allen Klein was,” Brown remembers. “And John, in his wonderful way, had Klein turn up to the same meeting, which was deeply embarrassing. It made Mick very uncomfortable too.”
Epstein, the man who saw the Beatles’ potential in the first place, is a central figure in All You Need Is Love. It includes a transcript of a recording of him from 1966, not used for the original book. It was in the possession of Epstein’s attorney Nat Weiss, and seemingly made by Epstein to mark the end of the Beatles’ final tour. He claims not only that Lennon felt remorse for the infamous comment on the Beatles being bigger than Jesus — “What upset John more than anything else was that hundreds of people were hurt by that” — but that the Beatles would tour once more. “There’s no reason why they shouldn’t appear in public again,” Epstein claims. They never did, unless you count that rooftop performance on January 30, 1969.
“Brian was driving them around the north of England in his car for a year,” Brown remembers of the early days. “This Jewish guy from Liverpool, who was gay, was with these guys who had been hanging around in Hamburg, so both had interesting backgrounds. They understood each other.”
For Gaines, a self-described “gay Jewish boy from Brooklyn”, Epstein is at the heart of the story. “Brian never felt the love of a real relationship. Then he found the Beatles. Everyone thought it would be just another of his phases, but he had tremendous feelings for John, both sexual and intellectual, and that’s what really pushed him. If there was one thing that started the whole thing off, it was Brian’s love for John Lennon.”
That love affair was the contentious issue of the original book. In his interview, McCartney says of Lennon going to Spain with Epstein: “What was John doing, manipulating this manager of ours? Sucking up to him, going on holiday, becoming his special friend.” It wasn’t the suggestion of a homosexual relationship that was troubling McCartney, but the balance of power tilting in Lennon’s direction.
“Paul wanted to be in charge, and he deserved to be because he was the motor, the driving force,” Gaines says. “Paul felt that John would steal away the power. He felt threatened by John’s relationship with Brian.”
“Paul always wanted to be active,” Brown adds. “After Brian’s death the world had to be carried on. Who was going to do that? It wasn’t going to be John, George or Ringo. Brian was my best friend and I was very upset [at his death]. I had to go to the court to convince the magistrate that it wasn’t a suicide, and the following day Paul set up a meeting so we could discuss what we would do next. I said we’d do it next week, and he said, ‘No, it has to be now.’ He was right.”
How did Brown and Gaines feel about the horrified reaction to the book, not just from fans but the Beatles themselves? “The world has changed,” Gaines says, by way of answer. “Now, after all these years, hopefully people can see it as a truthful, loving and gentle book.” It has been decades since Brown spoke to the surviving Beatles and he has not contacted them about this new publication.
What the interviews really capture in eye-opening detail is the story of four young men who became a phenomenon, then had to deal with the fallout as the dream ended. On December 31, 1970, the day McCartney sued the other three to dissolve the partnership, Brown handed in his resignation as the Beatles’ day-to-day manager and officer of Apple Corps. Ringo Starr said to him: “You didn’t want to be a nursemaid any more, and half the time the babies wouldn’t listen to you anyway.” Brown moved to New York and became chief executive officer of the Robert Stigwood Organisation. But the Beatles never fully left him, and in the wake of Get Back — and the news that Sam Mendes is to direct four biopics, one on each Beatle — he decided he had one last job.
“We have finished our responsibilities,” Brown says with quiet authority. “It is the end of the story.”
‘It’s like bloody Julius Caesar, and I’m being stabbed in the back!’
Paul McCartney on the Beatles signing Allen Klein as manager against his wishes
[John Lennon] said, “I’m going with [Allen] Klein, what do you want to do about it?” and I kind of said, “I don’t think I will, that’s my roll.” Then George and Ringo said, “Yeah, we’ll go with John.” Which was their roll. But that was pretty much how it always ended up, the three of them wanted to do stuff, and I was always the fly in the ointment, I was always the one dragging his heels. John used to accuse me of stalling. In fact, there was one classic little meeting when we were recording Abbey Road. It was a Friday evening session, and I was sitting there, and I’d heard a rumour from Neil [Aspinall, road manager] or someone that there was something funny going around. So we got to the session, and Klein came in. To me, he was like a sort of demon that would always haunt my dreams. He got to me. Really, it was like I’d been dreaming of him as a dentist. Anyway, so at this meeting, everyone said, “You’re going to stall for ever now, we know you, you don’t even want to do it on Monday.” And I said, “Well, so what? It’s not a big deal, it’s our prerogative and it could wait a few more days.” They said, “Oh no, typical of you, all that stalling and what. Got to do it now.” I said, “Well, I’m not going to. I demand at least the weekend. I’ll look at it, and on Monday. This is supposed to be a recording session, after all.” I dug me heels in, and they said, “Right, well, we’re going to vote it.” I said, “No, you’ll never get Ringo to.” I looked at Ringo, and he kind of gave me this sick look like, yeah, I’m going with them. Then I said, “Well, this is like bloody Julius Caesar, and I’m being stabbed in the back!”
‘You don’t like to see a chick in the middle of the team’
Paul McCartney on Yoko Ono
Give Yoko a lot . . . that was basically what John and Yoko wanted, recognition for Yoko. We found her sitting on our amps, and like a football team, an all-male thing, you really don’t like to see a chick in the middle of the team. It’s a disturbing thing, they think it throws them off the game or whatever it was, and these were the reasons that I thought, well, this is crazy, we’re gonna have Yoko in the group next. Looking at it now, I feel a bit sorry for her because, if only I had been able to understand what the situation was and think, wait a minute, here’s a girl who’s not had enough attention. I can now not make this into a major crisis and just sort of say, “Sure, what harm is she doing on the amps?” I know they would have really loved me. You know, we didn’t like Yoko at first, and people did call her ugly and stuff, and that must be hard for someone who loves someone and is so passionately in love with them, but I still can’t — I’m still trying to see his point of view. What was the point of all that? They’re very suspicious people [Lennon and Ono], and one of the things that hurt me out of the whole affair, was that we’d come all that way together, and out of either a fault in my character, or out of lack of understanding in their character, I’d still never managed to impress upon them that I wasn’t trying to screw them. I don’t think that I have to this day.
How Cynthia Lennon was driven to drink — at an ashram
Alexis ‘Magic Alex’ Mardas on Ono’s love letters to Lennon
Alexis Mardas was also known as Magic Alex, a name John bestowed on him because he was so taken with Alex’s inventions. Alex was handsome, charming, and a charlatan. (He sued The [New York] Times in Britain for calling him a charlatan and settled out of court. He’s dead now.)
[The Maharishi] was fooling around with several American girls. The Maharishi was making all of us eat vegetarian food, very poorly cooked, but he was eating chicken. No alcohol was allowed in the camp. I had to smuggle alcohol in because Cynthia wanted to drink. Cynthia was very depressed. John was receiving letters from Yoko Ono. Yoko was planning to win John. She was writing very poetic and very romantic letters. I remember those letters because John was coming to me with the letters, and Yoko was saying to John that “I’m a cloud in the sky, and, when you read this letter, turn your head and look in the sky, and if you see a small cloud, this is Yoko. Away from you but watching you.” Poor Cynthia was prepared to do absolutely everything to win John. She was not even allowed to visit the house where John was staying. She was longing for a drink. Now, drinks, they were strictly prohibited in the ashram, but when it was discovered that Maharishi had a drink, I said, “Just a second, at least equal.”
‘He’s become so nasty’
George Harrison on reaching out to John Lennon
What’s wrong with John, he’s become so nasty. It sounds like he hasn’t moved an inch from where he was five or six years ago. I sent Ringo, John, and Paul all a copy of my book. I got a call from Paul. He called me up just to say how much he liked it. I shouldn’t have called it I Me Mine, because that title was a bit much. I sent a copy to John. I’m wondering if he’s actually received it, if he’s received it, he probably doesn’t like it or something offends him about it.
‘I told John that ... it was just a nice feeling’
Yoko Ono advising John Lennon how to take heroin
George said I put John on H, and it wasn’t true at all. I mean, John wouldn’t take anything unless he wanted to do it. When I went to Paris [before I met John], I just had a sniff of it and it was a beautiful feeling. Because the amount was small, I didn’t even get sick. It was just a nice feeling. So I told John that. When you take it properly — properly is not the right word — but when you really snort it, then you get sick right away if you’re not used to it. So I think maybe because I said it wasn’t a bad experience, maybe that had something to do with it, I don’t know. But I mean so, he kept saying, “Tell me how it was?” Why was he asking? That was sort of a preliminary because he wanted to take it, that’s why he was asking. And that’s how we did it. We never injected. Never.
‘It was time’
Ringo Starr on the end of the Beatles
Ringo Starr: Well, I’m pleased it happened because in so many ways, I’m glad it’s not going now. It was time. Things last only so long. Steven Gaines: The Rolling Stones are [still] going. Ringo Starr: Yeah, but they’re old men.
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natti-ice · 7 months
The Truth Will Set You Free- Tom Riddle.
Pairing: Tom riddle x fem!reader
Summary: a mysterious letter reveals Tom’s biggest secret.
Warnings: angst, written in third person (she/her pronouns) (1k words)
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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"YOU'RE MARRIED?!?" She yelled at him, watching the color drain from his face gave her the answer. Tom closed the book he had been reading peacefully as he lounged in a plush chair in his dorm room.
"What are you talking about, dear?" He swallowed, he saw Y/N holding a piece of paper in her hand, confusion and anger in her facial expressions. He had no idea how this could have got to her, barely anyone knew about this.
"I received this letter this morning" she started, showing him the paper she had been clutching onto for the past twenty minutes. "I don't know if this is some sick joke or if you've been lying to me this whole time. Tom, is it true?" She didn't know what to think, when she got the letter she thought it was someone trying to play with her. But as the letter went on it seemed too real
"Tom and I were wed the summer before his sixth year. Once he graduates we shall start a family together, I believe you deserve to know since there are talks of your attachment to him. Just know, this is how it has to be, he cannot be yours."
Reading this brought a sharp pain in her chest, she thought she knew the man she loved. She knew he had his secrets, but she wouldn't think he would withhold this from her. Her emotions were all jumbled into one, she didn't know what to feel.
"It's true," he said in a hushed tone, his head hung low like a dog being scolded. "You weren't supposed to find out this way"
"Like this? Or was I not supposed to find out at all?" Okay, it seems her anger has gotten the better of her
"Please let me explain, Y/N" Tom begged. His usual stoic demeanor had completely vanished, he had never let his emotions show this way, it made him feel weak.
"I don't know if I want to hear it, Tom. How could you do this to me?"
"I didn't do it to hurt you" he raised his voice as he became angry at himself "I figured if you knew, you would want nothing to do with me" he admitted
"You're probably right about that" she said sarcastically
"Y/N, please don't joke about this" he warned "if you'd let me, I'll explain to you everything that happened. Only the truth" his eyes met hers he could see the pain in them, that shattered his heart. When he met Y/N he knew he had found the only person in the world he could truly care for. She broke down every wall he tried to put up with ease, there was no way he could let her get away.
"Fine, go ahead" she whispered as she tried to swallow the lump in her throat
He sighed, calming his brain before proceeding to tell her about something that has eaten at him every day for the past two years. "At the end of my fifth year, my mother put me into an arranged marriage. I fought and fought to get out of it, but no matter what I said I couldn't get out. She paired me with some pure-blooded floozy who couldn't last a day without her father's money, the day of the ceremony was the worst day of my life. My mother expects me to have children with that girl and I honestly couldn't care less about that stupid girl." Talking about her put a bad taste in his mouth, he hated her with every ounce of his being.
"I just don't get why you didn't tell me" Y/N said during Tom's pause
"I didn't tell you because it's a part of me that I hate. Having my name attached to someone who I will never love, isn't something I'm proud of. When I met you, it was like that terrible situation was in the past and you were my future. For years I have been trying to find a way out of this marriage. I plan to divorce her as soon as I'm done with school." He felt slight relief as he finally got this off his chest, it always weighed heavy on him.
Y/N stood a foot away from Tom, as he explained his story her heart broke more, she had never seen Tom in such pain before, and it definitely wasn't a good feeling to watch. "What about your mother?" She asked
"I don't care about that woman! She hasn't a motherly bone in her body, once I'm done with school I'll never see her again" His hatred for his mother ran deep, Y/N knew he never liked his mother. She understood why, if she was her mother she'd probably feel the exact same way.
"Y/N" Tom reached for her hand, wrapping both his hands around her, bringing it up to his mouth gently kissing the back. "I am very sorry I never told you about this, I've never been good at telling the truth but that's no excuse. I promise you, you are the only person I will ever love." This is the truest thing to ever leave Tom's mouth
God, he's so beautiful she thought, searching for any trace he was lying to her. Sometimes she felt foolish thinking about how much she loved him, his hold on her was so strong. But she wouldn't change a thing.
"I'm so conflicted right now" she admitted, "but I believe you, you swear you want nothing to do with her?"
"Cross my heart, I would never dream of being with her" he brought his hand up to Y/N's cheek, slowly stroking it with his thumb. "You are the only person I want to marry" he whispered
"Good, because I don't think I'd like a life without you" she slightly grinned
"What if, when we're done at this tragic place, you and I run off together? We won't have to worry about anyone else, it'll just be us living our life together" Tom suggested
"That sounds like a very thought out plan, dear" she smirked "perhaps I might take you up on that offer" she leaned in, slightly pecking his lips
"You really have to get those papers signed, Tom. I am no one's mistress" she half-joked but he knew she was serious.
"Anything for you my dear"
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saradika · 1 year
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— BLEED FOR ME | part iii
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mand’alor!vampire!din djarin x f!reader
rated e - 2.4k
haunted hoedown prompts: vampire!au + “i would burn the world for you.” + vampire has a taste for specific blood + revenge + (one-sided) enemies to lovers (+ 1 to be revealed!)
tags: vampire!au, drinking blood, reader has scar on shoulder, mentions of death, shared memories, light angst, references to seduction, sexual innuendo and thoughts, references to violence
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The days until the winter solstice tick down. Early Autumn days start to cool at night.
You sleep under the last warmth of the sun, with windows drawn open after he leaves. The canopy is wrapped around your bed, letting in the afternoon breeze but mimicking the darkness.
And still, you feel adrift. That funny feeling is still settling in your stomach. Rolling with the sway of your step as you follow at the Mand'alor's - Din's - heels.
No longer seating across the room in the throne room. Now next to him, in a golden seat that matches his silver one.
Listening as he conducts his business. Trades and agreements, settled firmly and carefully. A disagreement, broken up without violence.
It’s fascinating.
But it feels... wrong. Your own task seeps into the honor of being at his side, polluting it. You're expected to enjoy it, to look happy, and it's become all too easy to forget what happened - why you were here.
Too wrapped up in the quiet questions he asks, in those moments of dusk and dawn. Half truths becoming whole as you guard slowly lowers. As you begin to learn about him, as well.
Things he tells you. Things you pick up, absorbing greedily without thought.
It feels like a betrayal, later.
How could you forget what happened? How could you forget your promise?
His kindness only extends because you are physically keeping him alive. You should have ended things by now.
But, you haven't.
The guilt gnaws at you. Seeping into your dreams, into those moments of connection, when your eyes can't help but close.
The images so much more vivid, now. Almost a tangibility to them - the quick, blurred edges coming into focus. Repeating, growing longer.
So much seems to focus on that night. You think it's because it still haunts you. Replaying how the shouts had awoken you. That startled feeling as you crawled out of bed.
The shadows on the walls, the weak and watery grey sky. Soon turning red, and then black - with flame and smoke.
A glint of gold. Your grandmother's necklace, lying on the bedside table. A photo of their wedding day inside, painted with such care.
Something you wish you could have saved - one of the few relics from your family, a gift from when you had left them to find your purpose.
You had always wished for a love like theirs. A fated connection.
There’s a throb as you remember the collision - something solid that knocked you to the ground. Fingers coming back sticky, your mouth tasting of copper. The visions always swim, then.
Parts you've never been able to remember, before. Always growing dim, until you'd been woken up under the tree, and it was over.
But lately, there's more. As if you're outside your own body. The limp sway of your arm, dangling as you were carried. The murmur of a low voice, though you can’t make out the words. Dark eyes looking down at you, almost brown in the morning light.
There's a sharp edge of a knife that you always walk.
Torn between pressing, nudging - trying to get get a glimpse of the vampires, the destruction. A way to remind yourself what has happened, why you are here.
And then, not wanting to see.
What if it's something you can't take back? What if it disgusts you so much that you can't help but act in that exact moment - ruining your chance?
So, you don't.
You let the images pass - carefully collecting them. Pressing them lkke flowers between a book, something to come back to layer. Not even realizing that deep, deep down...
You’re really just hoping that you don't see him.
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You really shouldn’t have gone down to the kitchens.
A heat still burns in your cheeks at the thought, when you finally made your way back to your room. Your treasure procured - a freshly baked pastry with homemade jam clutched in your fingers.
The food here is the best you’ve ever had. You can admit that, at least. All the Companions are well-fed, with treats and delicacies always left out downstairs.
It’s here, that you had found a few others.
Beautiful men and women, all gathered around a smoldering fire as the sun had begun to rise. Their other halves flitting off to hole up until nightfall.
But just like you - there was a desire to see the sun, at least.
You had joined them, half out of loneliness and half intrigue. They had accepted you quickly, stifled laugher and glances over their shoulder as they had whispered questions.
“So how is the Mand’alor? I’ve always wondered.”
“You don’t have any marks. Does he drink from your-”
An elbow then to her side, her words had cut off with a giggle. A head turned- an aside to her friend.
“Lady Kryze is always so thorough. I haven’t slept in days.”
Someone else had sighed.
“What I wouldn’t give to be Lord Fett’s Companion.”
You had realized there’s desire in their words. That none of them were afraid, that there was a sense of private camaraderie and knowing amongst them.
That unsettling, confused feeling comes back. They were human, like you. Did they not know what the vampires did? Were they so shallow that coin and finery had bought their loyalty?
Their eyes were on you, expectant. You had no choice but to shrug with embarrassment.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
They were quick to set you straight.
“It’s like, a feeling, you know?”
“You have to lean into it. That connection.”
“The first time I tried it, I had marks up and down my thighs by morning.”
There was an eagerness that laced with jealousy, leaving you even more bemused than before. Faking a prior engagement as you had left them, promising to give it a try.
Privately, you told yourself you wouldn’t.
You couldn’t.
Looking back, you can’t even remember the taste of the jam, what fruit it was. All you could think about is this new facet of their relationships.
Wondering if that will be expected of you. Wondering why you weren’t warned.
Wondering if you cared.
Wouldn’t that be a good way to get closer?
The thought makes you uneasy.
You’d put an end to this. But you weren’t so cold-hearted to stoop to seduction. That wouldn’t be fair, to Din.
But as the sun rises, when he comes back.
When his mouth is pressing against your wrist, when you’re looking at the bow of his lips and the wide breadth of his armor, that wondering comes again.
The thoughts creep in.
For he is handsome… the parts of him you have seen. A rich voice and the breadth of his shoulders in his armor. The little upward tick of his lips in a rare smile.
And you are human, after all.
You find yourself imagining marks on yours thighs, on the soft curve of your neck.
How your blood would throb, rushing down to pool beneath heated skin - wet and swollen. The thud of your heartbeat kicks up a notch, as your thighs press together. As you squirm in your seat.
You don’t know his face but you do know his mouth. It’s his teeth you picture sinking into your skin, your mind nudging curiously at the thought.
It sends a jolt down your spine. Pricking at your skin, heat licking at your chest and down to your belly. Then slipping lower. Your breath catches in your throat-
His grip on you tightens, then. It’s almost painful - startling you. A hushed cry rattles from your lungs as he pulls back with a rough gasp.
“Ulyc, cyar’ika.” Din’s voice is ragged, as his hips shift upward - letting go, as you pull your wrist back to your chest, “I’m sorry. But you can’t-”
He doesn’t get the chance to finish his thought. A knock at the open doorway, Boba’s face grave as it turns your way.
“Mand’alor.” His voice is low, his brows drawn together. “The city, it calls for you.”
Din’s chest still heaves, his hand dragging across his mouth as he composes himself. The helmet sliding back into place as he stands, but still keeping himself close to you.
“Wolves?” He asks.
Boba shakes his head, “Raiders, from the looks of it. Like before. I can send someone, or go myself.”
You forget about the pain, about everything, for just a second. The thought of the town below in ruins sends you back to a year ago, sorrow twisting through your chest.
It has you half-standing, but Din’s hand is pressing against your shoulder, carefully easing you back down.
“I’ll go.” His voice is firm, “This has gone on long enough.”
A second, as he turns to you, “I need to take care of this. Boba will look out for you while I’m gone.”
Something like worry creeps in. Aware of the weak light that slips through the cracks of your curtains, how soon it will be morning.
“The sun…” You begin hesitantly, and he’s stepping closer.
“I’ll be fine.” His fingertips touch your jaw and that has you looking up - wishing once again that you could see his eyes.
Giving him just a small nod, instead.
From your window you watch him leave. The glint of his silver armor in the morning sun, now - his movements practiced as he swings a leg over the slate-grey horse.
Drawing his sword - the metal dark and gleaming and looking almost alive, even as far away as you are.
Watching as he gallops down the path, racing off to ward away the threat.
Leaving you inside the castle, to wait.
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You worry turns into something else, as the hours pass.
Anger, at the thought of him rushing off to save this town, when he had launched an attack on yours. Did human life mean so little?
Did he even think about the bodies that had lied littering the streets, the memories that has been torn down?
Was it only because these humans were complicit, that they were spared?
You had awoken to screams. You don’t know if your town had even been asked.
The mark on your wrist stays red, unhealed. A reminder while he is gone. That you’ve slipped too far, that you need to get over the tender feelings you’ve pretended not to notice.
They fester inside your chest. You dream about him while he’s gone, as the day bleeds into another.
His face bare, features blurry above the lips and nose you know so well. Leaving you to wonder if his eyes are red, like the glimpses you’ve gotten of Lady Kryze? Are they burgundy, like Boba’s?
Replaying the sound he had made, the morning that he left. The edge his voice takes just after he feeds, lasting through the few moments he stays afterwards. That pulsing, thudding beat that leaves you squirming, when you’re alone again.
Leaving you with the urge to sink your own teeth into something.
Those thoughts are ruled by your heart, not your mind, not your logic. Another betrayal, your eyes unable to help flicking towards the window, again and again.
Looking to the others throughout the day, checking for any news or weakness.
A sign that he’s fallen.
None come.
You try not to think about the relief that follows. Or why you feel listless, your eyes dragging over the same words in the books you pick up, in an attempt to pass the time.
Your enthusiasm for the food waning - more in tune than ever with the hours that pass.
Still wondering about the town, below.
You had spoken to some, in your journey here. They had been good people, honest folk.
Maybe along the way, there had been a mistake. An itch in your brain that you haven’t been able to scratch, irritating you since you arrived.
You’ve decided to ask Fennec about it.
Not about anything that would raise suspicion.
Just why the Mand’alor himself would feel the need to go alone. What sort of promise he had made, to go rushing off with such intensity?
Maybe then, you could understand.
You find her by accident - in a large ballroom that you often cut through.
The ceiling painted in a wash of colors, accented in gold. Seraphs lying on clouds and sprawling gardens and somehow always feeling bright, even in the dim room.
Liking the way your feet echo, in the empty room. A swing in your step as if you were dancing too, even if just pretend.
But you’re not alone today - she sits in one of the plush alcoves. Arms bared where her shirt pushes up, a dark jerkin slung over one of the marble statues that line the walls.
"I'm sorry-" You manage, attempting to back out of the room. The moment looked private - your question could wait.
Her eyebrow lifts, looking unbothered, "You can come in, I'm just preparing."
The way she lounges is casual, as if she does this regularly. Propped up against a nest of pillows, a book opened against her bent knees. An arm draped to the side, an ooze of red that drips down to a half-full goblet below.
A jar of that same salve Din had given to you sits in the open windowsill, for after. A means to wipe the mark from her skin, to knit it neatly together again.
The sight makes your stomach turn, even after all this time.
"Are you leaving, too?" Your head nods towards the cup, as you linger in the doorway - thinking about what Boba had said about her ferocity.
Her brows pinch in question, as you gesture to her arm.
"No," Fennec's head shakes, as she understands. "This is our arrangement."
"I didn't know you could do it another way." You say this without thought - wondering if this had been what Din was offering, that first night. An alternative to biting - another small attempt at adjusting to your comfort.
"I tried the usual way." She shrugs, eyes dropping down at the text, "This is better, for us. It's tedious, for certain. But I've never enjoyed the connection. Boba's memories are..."
Fennec searches for the word, as you go still, "...Unpleasant. And I am sure mine are worse."
His memories.
Is that what you've been seeing? Those flashes of thought that blend with your own, when his teeth sink into your skin?
But how can they be, when you are in them?
"But, I am sure that's different for you." Her expression is sly, lips curving in a small smirk. A sharp glimmer replacing the far-away look in her eyes, coming back from her own evocation.
"What do you mean?" You ask, your voice sounding far away.
Dazed, as if the words are taking their time on their trip from your thoughts to your tongue.
That look comes back. As if you're on two different brainwaves, as if she isn't understanding what you're asking.
"Well, I thought that would be obvious. We’re not like you…" Fennec frowns, her head tilting. A breath, as she clarifies.
"Boba isn't my mate."
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Ahh and the last Secret Prompt from the list is soulmates / fated mates! 💕 thank you so much for reading! If you’d like a tag for the last 2 parts, please let me know!
Ulyc, cyar’ika - “careful, beloved”
(Tags: @dameron-grant-spector, @sugadolly, @writingsofestella, @spaceydragons, @-ohsolovely-, @survivingandenduring, @queenquazar, @alitaar, @dindjarinsslut, @avarkriss)
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madwomansapologist · 7 months
meant to be | shan yu
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Pinterest Board | More Shan Yu | AO3
synopsis: Shan Yu told you China would be your dowry. He's a honoured man, despite everything.
warnings: fluff. marriage cerimony (made my best to be historicaly correct). murder couple. age gap. kidnapping. yandere!shan yu (or as i prefer to word it: malewife!shan yu). smut. a lot of teasing. switch!reader. praise kink. dumbification. creampie. in this house we hate the misogynist version of Shan Yu in Mulan (2020).
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The warm breeze ruffled your combed hair. You couldn't care less. There are more important things. Like the sunrise, so warm and invigorating. Or the distant mountains, protecting the city. The lights coming from the houses bellow you.
The world is still so beautiful. All of this seen from the palace, in the highest room, in safety. This view alone made the entire journey worth it.
Your mom pulled you away from the balcony, sitting you down on the bed and trying to rearrange your hair. A red veil was placed over your head, probably in an attempt to get you to sit down and stay still for once.
You weren't expecting for Shan Yu to be so... attached to traditions. They aren't even his. You thought once China was conquered, the only thing he would care about would be his coronation. Not a wedding.
"I just don't see the need of it," you said to Shan Yu. "We're travelling, living together, for so long. Don't you think a cerimony seems... a bit tardy?"
Shan Yu's gaze always revealed more than the words coming out of his mouth. And the certainty hidden in the golden eyes said more than he needed.
He held your hands, taking the last step that separated his body from yours. Shan Yu brushed your hair away from your face, stroking your bloody skin. "You are my greatest pride, Moon," Shan Yu smiled. "Nothing will ever stop me from showing this to the world."
With the world burning around you, Shan Yu knelt down. "Will you marry me?" He kissed your knuckles covered in the blood of your enemies. "Will you give me your heart?"
He did his best to be perfect. Just like in your dreams, Shan Yu explained to you.
Your family was picked up, the trip quicker due to the victory, and the engagement letter was delivered as soon as you were reunited. They feared for you, searched for the truth hidden in between your words, but after a while you made them understand. He's a good man, you swore. It doesn't seem like it, but he's good to me.
You assumed the dowry would be, well, China, but Shan Yu wasn't content. How he discovered that geese were signs of unwavering love you still don't know, but he did. So many flowers, symbols of luck and prosperity.
Shan Yu was clealy trying to make up for the first impression he made on your parents.
The wedding gifts arrived the same day. Silver, jewelry, exotic foods. The separate floor for your parents seemed more like a hideout of treasures than a place to sleep.
They accepted the gifts. You're not sure they could do anything more than that, but it still meant a lot for the both of you.
"You can change your mind, cub," your mom sat beside you. "I've told you before. Your father and I may look old, but we still have energy. One word, and we're ready to runnaway with you."
You let your head fall on her shoulder, enjoying her warmth. You missed her so much. "Thank you," you whispered. "But I am sure of this. I don't think I have ever been so sure of anything in my entire life."
The silence was quite comforting, but you were glad when she opened her mouth. "So you think we look old?"
Laughing, you looked at her. Throught the red veil, you could still see the face of the woman you love the most in the whole word. "You are beautiful," it was nothing but the truth. "Mom, do you still love me?"
She held you by your shoulders, so tight you could feel it on your bones. "Always," she said. "Are you ready?"
You were.
"Perfume," she remind you. Holding the doorknob, you looked back. She opened some drawers, and took a frask out of it. You let her spray it on you. "Lotus flowers. So you can give me pretty grandchildren."
"Mom!" You practically ran from the room, going down the stairs. "I prefer when you hated him!"
You bumped into your father, who held you carefully. Your mother reached you, leaning on him for support. “Now all you have to do is wait,” he informed you. Approaching, with a smirk on his face, he whispered. "Or run away."
They really are soulmates. "Go on," you told them. "I will wait."
They walked away, heading down the stairs to the ceremonial hall, and you took a deep breath. There was no reason to be nervous, but that didn't convince your mind. Admiring the paintings from past dynasties, sad to see how such beautiful works are hidden in an isolated buildings, you heard his steps.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" You asked, glaring at the painting.
Shan Yu offered you his arm. "Incomparable," he smiled, looking at you.
You breathed deep. After a last glance, you accept his touch. "You won't believe what my mom told me."
"Nothing worse than what your father told me, I assume."
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
The warm breeze caressed your skin, your fingers focused on removing the pendants from your hair. In your chambers, the party was far below in the palace. Shan Yu locked the door, and watched you undo each braid.
"You're happy," he said.
You looked at Shan Yu, and stretched your arm towards him. He got closer, stroking your skin, and stood before you. "And so are you."
"And now?" You allowed him to help you. "China. Our marriage. What comes next?"
Shan Yu stroked your loose hair. "Tomorrow we rule," he said. "Tonight we celebrate."
You stood up, your fingers undoing the knots in your clothes. “We did it all wrong,” you let the fabric fall down your body. You crawled onto the bed, looking at him.
Shan Yu admired you. He looked at you the same way you looked at each of the paintings in this palace. "We did?" He asked, voice hoarse, unable to care about anything other than you.
“I was supposed to be a virgin,” you said. Propping yourself up on your elbows, you slowly spread your legs. His gaze was no different from that of a wild animal. "The veil. The letters you wrote to my parents. The wedding night. I was supposed to be a virgin but you couldn't help yourself, could you?"
He took off his ceremonial attire, being reciprocal to your show. "I prefer it this way," he ignored your teasing. Shan Yu held your ankles, stroking the warm skin and pulling you as he placed one of his knees on the bed. "You're comfortable. Excited. Shameless."
Shan Yu was ready to dive into you, but you were faster. You pulled his arm, knocking him onto the bed. A surprised laugh escaped his lips as you sat on his lap.
“I thought you liked that,” you placed Shan Yu’s hands on your waist. "You seemed to enjoy all of our private lessons. I tried so hard to learn."
Shan Yu moved to lay you down onto the bed, but you stopped him by rubbing your sex against his hardening member beneath you. You forced him down, hands wandering through his chest.
"You little devilish thing," he groaned. "You never cease to amuse me, don't you?"
You scratched his arms, focused on the movements of your hips. "Oh, but that's why you fell in love with me," you whispered against his ear. "You never know what to expect."
He throbed against you. Smirking, you teased him more. "See?" Biting his earlobe, you felt his nails dig into your skin. "I bet I could do anything to you."
You stood up, admiring how the yellow eyes followed your movements. Rubbing your breasts against Shan Yu's torso, you kissed him.
Celebrate, he told you.
Still kissing him, you grabbed his cock and rubbed it against your clit. Before he could react, you let it slide inside you. With his cock deep within your pussy, you rode him.
Mesmerized, Shan Yu could only watch the way your body moved. How perfect you were. Made to break him in pieces and put him back together.
"You fuck me so good," you moaned, looking into his eyes. Walls clenching tighter around his cock, buried deep within you. "Hm, fuck... My emperor is so good for me."
Something imploded inside Shan Yu.
He grabbed your neck, throwing you onto the bed, still inside you. Shan Yu moved you effortlessly, as if you were as light as a feather. Your legs on his shoulder, his hand holding your neck as if you would've run away from him, his teeth deep into your skin.
"Say it again," Shan Yu growled.
"My emperor," you cried. "You make me feel so whole. F-fuck, you can do anything you want to me."
Shan Yu fucked you like a senseless animal. Like a brutal beast. Like something made for him to devour, to taste and savor until he got tired. A pretty doll for him to break and put together how many he wanted.
You never felt so desired.
You pulled him into a kiss, your lips barely able to behaving as they should've. Close to him, closer than anyone else has ever been, you felt as his thrusts find the right place to beat.
"Mine," was the only thing you were able to understand from his words. "I will never let you go," he squeezed your neck, getting a whimper from you. "You're mine."
Your mouth contorted into a smile. "I don't want to go," you pulled his hair. "I'm yours. Only yours."
And so Shan Yu filled you, teeth deep into your skin. He didn't stop. He continued moving hard, his thumb circling your clit, until you melted into his fingers.
"My emperor," you whispered against his mouth.
Shan Yu smiled, his teeth sinking into your lips. "My empress."
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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sailorshadzter · 3 months
Can you write a fic where Cat survived the Red Wedding and has to accept that Sansa has to marry Jon to keep the Stark line and the North united? She knows Jon is now the heir but the prospect of marriage still haunts her because of what happened to Robb. And now, Cat wouldn't want to wish what happened to Robb to Jon Snow regardless of his heritage.
once again, this has been sitting in my inbox for a long time!!!
hopefully you see this!!!
send me prompts
When the gates open, a wagon rolls in, pulled by a white mare that has seen better days. 
She happens to be standing in the courtyard, talking with a few of the lords when the call comes, so her attention shifts away, blue eyes watching as the wagon comes all the way through. They aren’t expecting anyone, not that it matters, so she excuses herself, wandering away from the center yard and closer to the horse drawn wagon that has now come to a stop.
As the single passenger rises from the bench, her heart skips a beat, her stomach turning over like the wild waves of the sea. Somehow, her heart is telling her all she needs to know about this hooded stranger. 
Coming closer now, she waves away the guards barking questions- who are you, why have you come, and the like, because she doesn’t need to hear the answer the woman will give. As she comes around to the back, the figure is stepping down off the back, her feet crunching in the freshly fallen snow. For a moment, it is as if time is suspended, as if there is not a single other person in the world but the two of them- her lips curve around the syllables of the word she hasn’t used in years… “Mother…”
Catelyn Stark smiles, drawing back the hood of her cloak to reveal a somewhat scarred face, one older than she recalls, but it was her mother all the same. “Sansa,” she breathes, tears overflowing as she forces a smile. “My daughter…” A girl grown into a woman, a sight she thought she might never get to see… But here she was, standing just in front of her. It takes but a moment more for the young woman to fling herself at her, to fall into her arms as if she were that child she’d lost so many years before. “I’m here, Sansa, I’m here,” she whispers, running her hand through the red hair that has grown so long it falls to her waist, twisted back in braids like her own. Catelyn holds her tightly, wishing away her tears and murmuring the softest of words, until only the sound of footsteps draws her away.
When she looks up, over her daughter’s head, it is to look into the eyes of the man she knows has saved Winterfell, has saved Sansa. The boy she once detested, the boy she once neglected, now stands there now, grown into a man, staring at her with wide, gray eyes. Eyes that remind her of Ned, of Arya, eyes that bring pain to her already aching heart. But, she returns to her daughter, the last piece of her, and knows that this was where life was meant to bring her. 
[ x x x ]
“King in the North?”
Catelyn questions without hesitation, looking from one face to the other, once again feeling that ache in her heart. Once, Robb had been called such a thing. The truth was, she imagined to hear Queen in the North upon her arrival, but it was true, Robb had indeed named Jon as his heir, and it seemed as if the North agreed. Truth was, after hearing about all that had happened since the days of Robb, she supposes Jon deserves the title. 
“Have you met with Samwell Tarly?” She asks next, thinking of the man she met some weeks ago, traveling from King’s Landing to Winterfell, saying how once he was comrades with Jon Snow, no, friends even. “Is he not here?” 
Jon shakes his head, surprised to hear his old friend’s name spoken by his step mother. “I have not heard from Sam since before…” He trails off , shaking his head. Since before his death, he means. “Have you met with him, Lady Stark?” Lady Stark… She’s not been referred to by that name in so long now, it feels somewhat foreign. In truth, she’s heard Sansa called by that title all day, her inheritance certain. And now that she looks, there is a closeness between the two of them that she never saw before- perhaps it was one she prevented, in truth. 
“I have,” she admits, wondering if it was her place to tell him what Samwell Tarly had told her. She has but a split second to decide, for they are both staring back at her, Sansa with her wide-eyed gaze, Jon with his somber one. Perhaps this was the will of the gods, whichever ones were still listening…
So she speaks and she doesn’t stop until the story is fully told. 
[ x x x ]
It is the fourth morning of Catelyn’s return and she finds herself in Sansa’s rooms, brushing out her long red hair as she once did so long ago. 
Much has changed in the days since her arrival, the truth of Jon’s birth being an outright shock for all of Winterfell. But, the lords have taken it in stride and it would not be long before they would openly claim him as the rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms. 
In due time, of course. 
Catelyn has been thinking this moment over, again and again, trying to decide the best of the situation. The North deserved to be free, independent, just as Robb had intended…. But they still needed to back Jon, in order to win the war that was to come. Targaryen’s were not well loved here in the North, but lucky for Jon, he’d amassed love and respect from the Northerners that could not be stolen away simply because of his father’s blood. He was a Stark, many lords would say, shaking their heads. He was as much of a Targaryen as any one of them. 
Sansa’s voice draws her out of her own thoughts and she smiles at her over her shoulder, their eyes meeting in the reflection of the looking glass. “I got lost in my own thoughts,” she apologizes as she places the last pin into place. For a single moment, she cannot help but to imagine her as she once was in this place; a hostage, a victim. Sansa hasn’t come out with all of the details of her two unlucky marriages, though she swears Tyrion never touched her, Catelyn knows Ramsay Bolton did the most unspeakable things to her. And these thoughts lead back to Robb, who married out of young, stupid love, that unwavering feeling many don’t get to feel in a world like theirs. Robb had died for love, Sansa nearly died from the violence of a loveless marriage. In the end, her children had found suffering in marriage, whether it be true love or political gain… There was no happy ending, not for Robb and not for Sansa.
But then there comes a knock on her door and when it opens, Jon is there, the sight of him bringing a smile to her face she’s never seen before. She watches as Sansa lights up from within, as she rises up from the chair she occupies to sweep across the room to stand before him. He spares her but one single nod before his eyes are all for Sansa, eyes that she swears she’s seen before… Eyes that she swore Ned once looked upon her with. 
Sansa offers a quick curtsy- sloppy, though she had it perfected at three- and with her arm slipped through his, she allows him to steer her from the room.
 Left alone in silence, Catelyn sinks back in the chair, laughter bubbling on her lips. 
[ x x x ]
Several weeks later, their betrothal is announced. 
Catelyn watches as the loyal Northern lords raise their glasses to the marriage, chanting their pleasure before they drink to it. At the head table, Sansa is blushing, but not in the innocent sort of way, while Jon pours her a second goblet of wine. They would be the finest of couples and the most powerful of monarchs- already Dorne had written of their support and she supposes the rest of the world would not be far behind. They had far more power than Robb ever had, which she supposes should bring her comfort, should hold her heart steady. 
The boy she once wished would die, she now wishes a lifetime of happiness, of health, of love. 
The boy she once wished never existed, she raises her own glass to toast, hoping for happiness, wishing for a lifetime of love.
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wereallydobevibing · 5 months
Oh, the Privilege of Growing Old | Simon Riley x Reader
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I used to post my stories on tiktok under the username @codlover but I figured since tiktok might get banned I should delete that account and post it here. Here’s one of the stories.
Feel free to use my work as a prompt/inspiration. Better yet, feel free to write you’re ideal part 2 just MAKE SURE YOU CREDIT AND TAG ME.
WARNINGS: None that I can think of, let me know if I missed any, though.
His eyes peel open under the beam of sunlight, which peaked menacingly through the window – Simon’s neck hurts, a crippling pain that came back every few days just to remind him that his youth was long behind him. He didn’t mind the reminder much, it was pesky and painful, but it was a humbling reminder that he’d made it much further than he ever believed he would.
Despite the pain, he cranes his neck to the opposite side of the bed. These days, you often awoke long after him. Simon had always been an awful sleeper, that part of him never left even after retirement; but when you were younger, you often stressed being awake before him; a competition you never won.
With a tilt of his head, there you were – you in all your glory, sleeping soundlessly right beside him. He reckoned it was all the beauty sleep you got that kept you aging well. At the rippling age of seventy-three you had few wrinkles, excluding the smile lines around your eyes that would especially be exaggerated when you beamed up at him, even if you no longer recognized him.
At least, you didn’t recognize him as who he was now.
“[Y/N],” He later called out to you from the kitchen, “Breakfast is ready.”
“I can’t eat right now,” you cried, running around the bedroom with a million things craddled in your hands; hairsprays, makeup. “My husband will be home soon, I need to do my hair!”
Over the many years of you being together, Simon never considered that your day to day activities revolved around him even while he was on deployment. Alzheimer’s would quickly reveal your hidden truth for him, though. At first, he found it endearing how you would unknowingly reenact your younger days, bustling about the house and stressing over decorations and “I need to go buy a new dress for when I get Simon from the airport!”.
No matter what day you thought it was, Simon would relive that day with you, watching you fret over the smallest details; “Oh, this is so cute, but Simon doesn’t like orange!”
He would spend everyday listening to you talk about himself – your smart, strong, loving husband who’d done so many incredible things while serving his country. Your Simon who’d given you three sons and everything else you ever wanted. Simon Riley, who you were so proud of even if he thought lowly of himself. You were just so in love with him.
Overtime, he began to feel his heart ache. He never thought before that maybe you’d spent every minute of every day trying to decipher something as little as whether Simon preferred you in a pale, light shade of purple or a blush, baby pink. He never cared as long as you were still here when he came home. But it seemed that making sure the house was comfortable and that you were dolled up and pretty for him was essential to life for you.
It made him regret back in your twenties, when he’d left you for six months in fear that if he died, you’d be left with the responsibility of cutting all his strings for him. It had broken your heart, and for a time you believed he’d left you for another woman and covered it up with such an excuse, the easiest excuse. He hadn’t ever known another woman after you – he just didn’t want you to live out the rest of your life kneeling over his grave if he died.
He finally gave in and brought you back home when he ran into you in the city, still wearing the wedding ring. When he asked why you would still wear the damn thing, you said, “I took my vows, Simon. I’ll keep them.”
The thought of leaving you never crossed his mind again, even if it was to save you your heartache. Clearly, it would ache whether he was dead or alive when he left you. It took time to fully regain your trust and restore your broken heart, and he didn’t blame you.
You became his motivator, then – the reason to always make it home, if only to protect your mental well-being. The idea of you writhing in pain, sleeping in a cold, empty bed, is what kept him alive all these years, and he swore by it. He would never want that for you.
“[Y/N],” Simon says, now entering the bedroom, watching you lay out all your cosmetics and self-care products.
“Not now,” you huff impatiently, “Simon’s gonna be waiting for me at the airport.”
Simon’s gazing down on you warmly, “Simon will want you to eat, love.”
“Do you even know him enough to say that?” You scowl, “Don’t touch me, he’ll kill you.”
He wants to laugh, but there’s in itch in his brain that reminds him not to. It seemed you were quite . . . fanatical when it came to him. After almost forty years of marriage, you gave him reason every day to love you more, and more, and mor–
“Believe me, love, I know him well,” Simon sets the plate down on your vanity, the one he built for you many years ago. “Eat. You get restless when you’re hungry.”
Simon leans over to kiss the top of your head, and he laughs when you swat him away, angry, saying, “Watch! Just watch when he gets home, you’re done!”
With the empty threat of total destruction hanging over his head, he collapses himself back on the bed and flickers on the TV, a small smile playing at his lips as he watches you out the corner of his eyes.
This lifetime had not been enough time with you. But deep down in his soul, Simon knew he’d find you again in the next.
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you-me-we-04 · 2 years
Here’s my (very dumb) pitch for Mamma Mia 3, it's Harry's wedding there is just one small very very tiny issue no one can work out who Harry’s marrying and at this point, they just feel weird asking. So much like the first film, three men are running around a greek island while Sophie, Sky, Cher, Tanya, Rosie, Bill, and Sam try to work out their connection to the plot, I mean their relationship with Harry. So let us meet the potential Grooms: 
First up we have Elijah Thatcher played by Taron Egerton, at first, he seems the most likely to be the groom despite the age gap since he seems very close and connected to the wedding and is really stressed out about the wedding. However, we later find out the reason he is so stressed about this wedding is that he is the stressed-out wedding planner, and let's just say Harry’s Groom is a bit of a bridezilla
Then we have Peter Beckett played by Hugh Laurie an American lawyer who is very close to Harry, he also knows a lot about the other dads and Sophie, and he also has the habit of flirting with Harry, in truth while he and Harry did have a fling back in the day, they are now simply best friends and he’s the best man. The reason he flirts with Harry is that he enjoys getting a reaction out of Harry's actual partner. 
This actual partner is Nathaniel Hawthorn played by Hugh Grant a music professor at Cornell, they push each other buttons but at the end of the day, they still love each other. At the start of the film, they think he is the wedding planner since he seemed a bit too into the table setting. But he actually just enjoys getting a rise out of Elijah, who at this point is considering a career change.  Hijinks, misunderstandings, and ABBA take place before the reveal but in the end, the reveal is simple with Nathanial asking if Sophie would walk down the aisle with him, since he's kinda either step-dad 1 or dad 4 plus he knows it will mean the world to Harry, she agrees they hug and she welcomes her new dad to the family.
We end the film with their wedding it's big, it’s fun, and it goes perfectly much to the joy of Elijah's mental health, Peter gets a killer best man speech that ends in him and Nathaniel hugging it out. Just as the night is coming to an end, all seems to be going well Bill finds his boat has been stolen by none other than newlyweds. Harry yells something about being spontaneous, while Nathaniel yells about going on the honeymoon of their dreams. As they sail off into the sunset.
We close with Elijah and Bill sharing a drink and rethinking the life choices that got them here. We then find out Cher knew who the groom was the whole time and just found the whole thing very funny hence why she told no one.
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midn1ghtdreamer · 1 year
Azriel X Reader
Day Full of Love
Two hours. That’s how much time was left before you and Azriel were finally united forever. You couldn’t hide your feelings from your loving mate everytime you thought of it, unconsciously sending waves of love down the bond.
He was everything that you could’ve asked for. He might not see it himself, but you do. You knew he deserved happiness, even if he didn’t accept it. That’s what you intended to prove to him today.
Not only were you getting married to your mate, but you also had a small gift for him. You didn’t tell anyone about your surprise. Not even Mor, who was currently trying to peek into the small gift bag. “You know I can see you, right?”
She backed away hastily, hands up in surrender, “I was just making sure you didn’t leave any of your jewelry. Can’t have you missing anything.” You scoffed rolling your eyes. Mor couldn’t mind her business for the life of her. It was her ongoing curiosity that made you and Azriel reveal the truth about being mates. You both tried to hide it from your family, attempting to get used to the bond yourselves first, but thanks to her things didn’t go to plan.
“Sure…,” you murmured watching her out of the corner of your eye. You brushed out your uncooperative hair, growing frustrated with time. Feyre came to assist you, pulling your hair into an up do style, while you proceeded to put in earrings while looking out the window.
The wedding took place during sunset and at the moment the sun was barely over the horizon. Everything outside was set up, as far as you could tell from the window at least. The white banisters were hung high and the tables were covered with a cobalt blue table cloth. The chairs had small accents of silver and blue and the aisle…
The isle that you were going to walk down within the next few minutes was shimmering in the last rays of sunset. You couldn’t wait to see the way that Azriel would look at you as you walked down the aisle. The way he would take in the dress as it flowed around you. the way his eyes would connect with yours, sending his love and adoration down the bond you shared.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t realize Feyre calling to you. her hands on your shoulders was what brought you back to reality. “Are you alright?” She asked softly. You nodded telling her that you were just thinking as she went to pick up your dress. You could see the understanding in her eyes at your words. “I was nervous before Rhys and I did the ceremony—“
“You mean the ceremony that I wan’t invited to,” Mor shouted from across the room. You couldn’t but laugh at the slightly guilty look of Feyre’s face. You were still upset about not being invited to her ceremony as well, but you didn’t let it show like Mor did.
She helped you step into your dress, responding with, “The situation was different back then, Mor, but I’ll make sure we include you next time we have a big event.”
“Me too,” you added, turning so she could zip up your gown. Thankfully you and Azriel didn’t have to worry about the threat of a war during this big moment. You couldn’t imagine how hard it was for Feyre and Rhys at that time.
You quickly grabbed the gift bag and left Feyre put on your veil. “I’ll make sure to invite you too.”
Mor, nudged Feyre’s shoulder, “You better.” She handed you the bouquet, “Now then let’s get this wedding started.”
Azriel loved his brothers, no doubt about that, but at this current moment he wanted to erase them from the Night Court. Cassian spent the past twenty minutes crying over Azriel finally getting married, while Rhys recounted the time after his mating ceremony.
“He’s finally getting hitched, Rhys, can you believe it,” Cassian cried, slapping Azriel on the back causing his wings to flare. He sighed in irritation, all hopes of finally buttoning up his shirt lost.
There were only five minutes left. Five minutes and he still wasn’t fully dressed. Not that you would mind seeing him walk down the isle without a shirt.
Rhys could tell that Azriel was frustrated from the way his shadows frantically whipped around that room. Each dark wisp coming back to tell him where everything he needed was: the rings on the dresser and his shoes near the bed.
“Sit,” Rhys said, signaling at a chair. Azriel rushed over not caring about what his brother was trying to do. His attention was on his shirt that he still hasn’t finished fixing the buttons on. He was so focused on the item of clothing that he didn’t notice Cassian holding his shoes out to him or Rhys’s hands in his hair.
Azriel took his shoes, bending down to lace them. He pushed Rhy’s away every time he reached for his shoulder. “Do you ant me to finish your hair or not Az.”
Azriel’s head snapped up, “What?”
“Your hair.” Rhys handed him a mirror to look at the nest of hair on his head. Azriel cursed and promptly sat back. He couldn’t remember the last time Rhys had touched his hair. He used to do it five hundred years ago when they were kids, but eventually stopped after a while. The only person that touched the black hair on Azriel’s head now was you.
“There. What are we thinking?” Azriel inspected his hair throughly. You wouldn’t care what his hair looked like regardless, but he still wanted to make sure it looked perfect for you.
“I think we should add glitter,” Cassian suggested. “The girls at the camp told me that glitter makes everything look better.”
“Absolutely not,” Azriel deadpanned. Thinking about the small girls that he trained at the camp. As much as he adored them, he would not be adding any type of shimmer into his locks.
Rhys placed his hands on his brothers shoulders. “It’s time for you to get married.”
Azriel’s eyes didn’t leave you as you made your way down the aisle. You had to stop yourself from running up to him when you first saw him. He was absolutely glowing in the last rays of the sunset. You could see the reddish brown membrane of his wings as you continued to step towards him, nearly crumpling under his gaze.
He looked at you in all the ways you imagined and more. His eyes completely devoured you and you could see the desire in his eyes more as you stood on the platform with him. “Hello beautiful,” he whispered, wrapping his arm around your waist. You wanted to kiss him badly at that moment, but you would have to save that for the end of the ceremony.
Rings were exchanged and white fabric was wrapped around your wrists to symbolize the band before you heard the words you had been waiting for. “You may now kiss the bride.”
Azriel swept you off your feet, pulling you in for a passionate kiss. It was unlike any kind of kiss he had given you before. His lips pressed against yours, telling you everything that he felt in that moment. You felt his love, his desperation, and his need all in one. The cheers in the background made you push Azriel’s chest. No matter how tempting it was at the moment, you didn’t want to give your entire family a show.
You were beaming as you listen to the cheers from Feyre, Cassian, Rhys, and, to your surprise, some claps from Amren.
The night continues with drinks, food, and plenty of congratulations. It was hard to get a private moment with your husband. You only managed to pull him away when everyone was dancing together, celebrating the new union in the family.
“I got you gift,” you said, handing him the small bag. You were nervous, very nervous. What would he say when he saw what was in the bag? How would he react? You couldn’t stop these thoughts from rushing though your head as you mate looked at you curiously.
“You didn’t have to get me anything love.”
“I know, but this is very special to me and I wanted to share it with you.”
“Just know I’m going to get you something in return.” You rolled your eyes at your husbands antics. He would never let you surprise him without repaying the favor.
You watched as he pulled a small cloth out of the bag. He squinted his eyes in suspicion, unfolding the item. “Is this what I think it is?” His eyes scanned the onesie in his hands. You nodded softly, tears brimming your eyes. Azriel enveloped you in his arms whispering into your hair, “When did you find out, beautiful?”
“Two months ago,” you said, burying your head into his neck.
He kissed you temple, “So this is why you wanted to move the wedding up.”
You nodded, at a lost for words. You remembered talking to Azriel about your plans to move the wedding up. When he asked you why you claimed it was because you couldn’t wait to get married to him. You could see the suspicion on his face, but that was the quickest thing you could come up with. Keeping secrets from the shadowsinger was a hard thing to do.
You sat there in Azriels arms for a while, the commotion around you disappearing. “Should we tell them too?” You asked, knowing how happy your family would be to hear the news.
“Not yet. I want to keep this a secret for a little while longer. Plus,” he turned to look at the rest of your family clinging their glasses together, “I think there’s been enough excitement for one day.”
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vhagarlovebot · 2 years
Hi can i request an Aemond Targaryen x reader where Aemond buried his feelings for her but when her wedding finally came, he’s freaking out and realised that he doesn’t want to lose her so he crashed the wedding?
Thank you :)
you are in front of the mirror, but you can’t recognize the girl standing there, in a big white dress just minutes away from changing her whole life.
it’s your wedding day and you’re supposed to be happy and excited about spending your life with your husband. sadly, he’s not the person you want to be with, and you know what you’re doing is not right, but deep down you know eventually you would make yourself love him. right now, you can’t make yourself feel anything. you thought that giving aemond an ultimatum was a good idea because you hoped he would finally accept his feelings; you were wrong.
since everything went down with him, you’ve tried to go on with your life, hence why you’re wearing a beautiful white dress while your friends look at you with pity.
“are you feeling okay?” baela asks you, standing behind you and wrapping her arms around your waist, her chin resting in your shoulder.
you give her a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes and she immediately knows who’s clouding your mind. baela opens her mouth as to speak but in an instant the door opens revealing her sister, wearing the beautiful blue dress you chose for your bridesmaids.
“i can’t let you do this.” she says, breathless, storming into the room, not bothering to close the door. “come, we need to get out of here before–”
“baela what are you doing?” her sister asks, watching her throw all of your belongings in a suitcase. “this is not the way, calm down.”
then, rhaena turns around. “don’t you think i know that? but he is here and we don’t want a scene, do we?”
“who’s here?” you ask, heart skipping a beat.
and just in time, a silver head appears in the doorway.
he’s disheveled and breathless and you feel like the room is getting smaller. you want to ask him what is he doing there but you don’t have time because you can clearly hear your parents voices coming from the stairs, followed by a few more voices, screaming and shouting for him.
“we need to get out of here.” aemond says, walking to you with his hand stretched out, his eyes pleading for you to take it and go with him.
“wh–what?” you can’t form a coherent thought, still in shock at having him there. in front of you. in your wedding day. “what the hell are you doing here?”
aemond is taken aback by your reaction but tries not to show it and instead takes a another step towards you.
“don’t.” you point a finger at him, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. “you have no right to come here on my wedding day to try and ruin everything for me.”
baela stands in front of you, shielding you from him. “i think you should go, aemond, before this goes out of hand.”
“i’m not leaving.” he protests, still looking at you. “i can’t let you do this.”
you touch baela’s shoulder, letting her know that it’s okay to move and let you talk with him, and when she does, aemond is immediately cupping your face.
“you’re being selfish.” you say, and aemond’s face drops. “now that you can’t have me, you want me.”
“that’s not true.” he shakes his head, thumbs softly brushing your cheeks. “i have loved you since the day i met you.”
his words are the ones you always wanted to hear, the ones you hoped to hear when you gave him that ultimatum. and despite feeling the butterflies in your belly going crazy at finally knowing the truth, you’re still hurt.
“i’m going to get married.” you sob, your hands resting on top of his still on your face. “you need to let me go.”
you’re being selfish too, getting married to someone you don’t love and probably never will be, but he had his opportunity and chose to remain silent and lose you.
now that he doesn’t have you right there in the palm of his hand ready to risk it all for him, is when he finally sees you.
“what the hell is going on here?” your father voice makes you pull away from aemond, embarrassed.
aemond turns around to face him, and taking a deep breath he says something you never thought you would heard him say to your parents.
“i love your daughter.” your mother gasps, bringing her hands to her mouth to stop her smile from showing. he looks back at your shocked face, unaware of the fight going on inside your head. “and i’m sorry for what i’m going to do, but and i won’t lose her. not again.”
before you know it, aemond is taking you in his arms bridal style, surprising everyone in the room.
you scream, commanding him to stop. but aemond doesn’t listen, he doesn’t stop, ignoring your father screaming your name while following and your fiancé, who appears from one of the rooms looking confused.
aemond keeps walking faster and faster until everyone is left behind and he only stops when he’s sure no one is following you two anymore.
he still has you in his arms when you look at each other. you can see he’s worried waiting for your reaction, but you can’t make yourself be angry at him, not when his lips are so close to yours and when you know that he really, truly loves you. so you smile, and he smiles, and nothing matters, not the past, not the future, just the present because being in his arms feels so fucking right.
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judasalicent · 16 days
transcript of my alicole (really rhaenicent) essay
Let’s look at a few scenes in Season 1 Episode 5.
So what’s happening in this scene? Criston confesses his sins to Alicent, and coincidentally, Alicent realizes that Rhaenyra has lied to her about having sex. Alicent then chooses to not punish Criston, but to instead make an ally of him.
Notably, this is also the first time during the show that the audience hears ‘The Green Dress’ theme. Knowing this, let’s a look at the actual green dress scene…
So we see Alicent, arriving late to the party, interrupting Viserys's speech, and wearing the colors of her father’s house. She’s making a very loud political statement in favor of her father’s family. She also refers to Rhaenyra as her step-daughter, rejecting their former intimacy.
From these two scene, what can we learn about the significance of the green dress?
Ultimately, by wearing this dress and making this entrance, Alicent is fully aligning herself with Otto’s ideals as she abandons her own personal morals. The green dress is a link in Alicent’s chain, in the sense that Alicent has been trapped into a way of thinking that is not her own (i.e., Alicent chooses to believe the manipulations of her father after Criston reveals the truth about Rhaenyra, and Alicent believes she can not longer trust her former best friend). The green dress is not empowering, it is a loss for Alicent. The green dress is not who she is, but who she is forced to be.
So, what does Criston have to do with all this? Well, obviously, this is the beginning of Criston and Alicent’s relationship. Their whole connection is built upon a foundation of this situation with Rhaenyra. It is Criston’s confession that catalyzes Alicent’s choice to wear the green dress and believe Otto when he says that Rhaenyra is untrustworthy.
Also something important in these scenes, we see Alicent and Criston both assume an idealized image of themselves relative to each other: the lady and her knight. Keep in mind that this is an ideal of Westerosi romance, and is a major way that heteropatriarchal ideals are reinforced in this society. These are images that Criston and Alicent look up to and see themselves in, making the other person in their partnership more of an idea than a human being. Alicent and Criston will maintain this idealized image of each other throughout Season 1, but it is inevitable that all of it will come crashing down because we already know that Criston doesn’t wholly conform to this idea, having broken his vows when he slept with Rhaenyra…
So, Viserys died ten days ago, and Alicent is having sex.
First, let’s make some observations. The first we see of Alicent in Season 2, what reintroduces this character to us, is her hand. She’s picking at her fingers again, she’s still wearing her wedding ring, and she has bracelets on that looks like shackles. Basically, I don’t think Alicent is doing very well; I think the writers are telling us that she’s very conflicted and feels out of control.
Control is a very important aspect of this new relationship. On one hand, the control is sexual. In Season 2 Episode 1, Alicent is always in the dominant position while she and Criston are having sex. This could obviously be a trauma response, or Alicent taking control over this part of her life that was not hers for so many years in her relationship with Viserys. The control in this relationship is also expressed in other ways. Alicent uses this relationship with Criston to assert herself at among other men.
I think Alicent is obviously lost and looking for purpose after Viserys’s death and Aegon’s ascension. She has fulfilled this role of mother and queen, and what is her value to these men now? The floor is falling out from beneath her, and Alicent is grasping onto this relationship with Criston to try and remain relevant and in control.
Another important observation about the first sex scene: notice that a variation of ‘The Green Dress’ theme is playing.
There is a question being asked as the score calls back to this very defining moment in Alicent’s life: who is Alicent outside of the duty she committed herself to when she put on that green dress? She has fulfilled her role as Aegon’s mother, the role that Otto manipulated her into, the role she chose when she put on the green dress, so who is she now? The score is telling us that Alicent is reflecting on her past choices.
But why is Criston there? Well, Criston is very tied up in that moment when Alicent puts on the green dress. A large part of what informs Alicent’s decision in Season 1 is…
In other words, Alicent was never given the choice to do what she wanted; Otto chose for her. I believe during Criston’s confession scene in Season 1, Alicent thinks she is choosing Criston for herself, but that’s not true; Alicent keeps Criston as a sworn protector, in part, because of the resentment for Rhaenyra that was planted by Otto. Alicent further allies herself with Criston through Season 1…
They bond over a seemingly shared resentment for Rhaenyra (though Alicent’s resentment is not wholly true, because it is in part Otto’s).
I think Alicent is exploring this relationship with Criston in Season 2 because she thinks it was her choice to accept him to begin with. What did she see in Criston those years ago? Alicent’s disillusionment with the the green dress was inevitably going to fall back onto Criston and the illusion of choice she had in choosing him as a sworn protector.
Another important development in this scene: the lady and the knight are fading away. We see in Alicent and Criston’s conversation after their first sex scene, they are very awkward, literally talking about the weather. They aren’t approaching each other emotionally. I do believe that Alicent and Criston care for one another, considering they’ve been by each other’s sides for ten years now, but adding sex to their relationship has shattered the image of the lady and knight that their dedication to one another is based upon. Criston can no longer worship Alicent as the chaste lady, and Alicent can no longer see Criston as the gallant knight. This whole idea between them that formed during the green dress moment has been destroyed. And then, everything obviously falls apart when Criston is promoted to Hand in Season 2 Episode 2.
The power dynamic has shifted, and Alicent is no longer in total control. During this sex scene, she is literally positioned between Criston and a wall. The relationship that Alicent wanted, the one she used for control, is effectively over in this moment. After he is installed as Hand, Criston continuously dismisses Alicent, publicly asking for her favor and calling her by her first name in public.
Alicent cannot achieve what she wants through Criston any longer. Alicent is a woman to be protected, not a person to respect. He will not represent her at council, and he will not let her voice her opinions concerning the war effort. The last semblances of control Alicent was achieving through Criston are gone. Alicent no longer pursues the relationship.
So, to summarize, Criston and Alicent are bound together by their experience with Rhaenyra in Season 1, sparking the green dress moment that marks Alicent’s abandonment of her true self and the beginning of her dedication to her father’s desires. In Season 2, Alicent has fulfilled these duties. She doesn’t know who she is, and this green dress moment is so woven together with her relationship to Criston that he was always going to be involved in her disillusionment with this idea.
Additionally, the knight-lady dichotomy fails Alicent, and she realizes that Criston views her as a woman before anything else. Alicent no longer finds fulfillment or power in this heteropatriarchal ideal. But… there is something unsatisfying about what I’ve spoken about so far. It’s like this story isn’t falling together completely, like there are pieces missing.
With that, let’s finally address the elephant in the room…
Alicent and Criston’s relationship wouldn’t exist without Rhaenyra. To think about these two characters having sex and ignoring Rhaenyra’s presence in their relationship is impossible.
Notably, all of the sex scenes between Criston and Alicent take place in Rhaenyra’s old bedroom. Their activities in this room stand in great contrast against the people they portray themselves to be as outside of it. In this room, they have sex, and Alicent hits Criston. There’s debauchery and violence. This is a space where the image of the lady and the knight fall away. It is in this space, a space that Alicent knows and remembers as Rhaenyra’s, that she freely explores a part of herself that she keeps hidden beneath the mask created by the green dress moment. Rhaenyra is offering her freedom in a sense, though Alicent does not yet see it.
Additionally, Alicent living in Rhaneyra’s room takes her back to a time before the green dress, when Alicent would have visited that room often and felt comfort there. Olivia Cooke has described Alicent’s Season 2 journey as a coming of age.
This tracks with what the show is presenting. It’s been observed that Alicent’s outfits in Season 2 closely resemble the silhouettes of the dresses younger Alicent wore in Season 1. On top of that, Alicent’s dresses in Season 2 are ill-fitting; they seem to be too big on her in the same way a child may look wearing the dresses of an adult. When we think of Alicent when she was a girl, before the green dress, what was important in her life? I think Rhaenyra. The first sex scene between Criston and Alicent directly calls back to Rhaenyra and Alicent’s relationship, the two scenes paralleling each other almost exactly. I think, in part, Alicent is looking for that comfort she used to feel with Rhaenyra, in that room, with Criston.
There is also a significance to the fact that Alicent knows Criston has had sex with Rhaenyra. Alicent is obsessively jealous of Rhaenyra’s freedom, specifically her sexual freedom, during Season 1; Alicent sees Rhaenyra do whatever she wants (with Daemon, Criston, and Harwin) with no consequences, whereas Alicent has never even been given the opportunity to explore this part of herself. I think Alicent is curious what Rhaenyra saw in sex, why Rhaenyra would risk so much for sex, so Alicent has sex with Criston to figure this out. Alicent finds physical pleasure in her relationship with Criston, but she obviously doesn’t find it fulfilling enough to continue after she loses her power in the relationship; there is something missing. I think what is missing is Rhaenyra in the sense that Rhaenyra is the only person to have ever given Alicent any sort of idea of freedom and comfort.
So where is this all headed? I haven’t mentioned a lot of other very important scenes that have happened in Season 2, like the sept scene, and, as of right now, we are still yet to see other important Alicent scenes like the lake scene in Season 2 Episode 7. Regardless, it is my opinion that Alicent’s experiences in Season 2 are all leading up to a confrontation with Rhaenyra. Whether or not Alicent is a double agent, as of Episode 6 of Season 2, she has basically totally accepted that she does not have any power as as a member of the Green council. Her relationship with Criston was a part of this journey of disillusionment, and I think that is something that should be acknowledged and not simply dismissed as ‘bad writing.’
See you during the Dragonstone Reunion.
(this essay was written after s2ep6 of hotd)
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slaygentford · 7 months
every matthew mcconaughey romcom, rated
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ive never really had a pet white man. ive had many pet white men characters, yes, but never a little pet white man actor who I wish to give treats and pats to like a purse dog. I never before really understood the phenomenon until my 5th or so rewatch of true detective in the year 2024, at which point something demonic was unlocked in my brain. why? how? a mystery for my therapist, when I had a therapist, but I don't anymore, so now it's a mystery for you. overcome with the insatiable urge to tape his picture to the front of my binder and write "hott" underneath it in sharpie I mentally detransitioned and, embracing my latent teenage girl (the girl I was, perhaps, in another world, one parallel to ours; a darker world, but of equal worth to our own sphere, damned as it may be) --began to watch every Matthew mcconaughey romcom ever made.
listed in my watch order, which was random.
how to lose a guy in 10 days: this is a near perfect 00s romcom, too much secondhand embarrassment to be a real mainstay for me, but it nonetheless hits every beat with aplomb. particularly tickled to see them playing bullshit the card game which was a family and friend group fave for me growing up. he and Kate Hudson have probably fucked, which added a lot to the chemistry. in one scene Kate Hudson described how cute he was rubbing his face into her tits and her friend says, do you want to date him or adopt him? at which point I saw into the void, which then saw back into me. instantly it became apparent to me that he will act circles around whoever he's paired with to the point that it actually becomes kind of comical how good of a performance he's giving in a movie that includes not one but two scenes of a dog pissing on a pool table. that being said bebe neuwirth CARRIED this film on her BEAUTIFUL lithe back. 1 instance of no shirt, unfortunately brief. 7/10. vape I hit at midpoint also a 7/10, coincidentally
NB: after watching this movie I had a dream that I was at the beach with him and Kate hudson and I hated her because she had stolen may man.
the wedding planner: when I watched this I got extremely caught up in two things 1 the fact that he went on a date with another woman while engaged and almost kissed her and 2 jlo playing an italian girl. this led me to think about what race is/was in 90s-00s, colorism, borders of the latinx body and codemeshing. something interesting about the wedding planner is that the leads are in every way the opposite of the character they are playing, with little effort to no effort to make up for that diff (Matthew not at all acting like a wholesome pediatrician and rarely seen with children/jlo not at all acting (like) or being an italian). as a result the fourth wall in this movie is made out of wobbling cellophane, an upsetting and uncanny experience. Matthew doing a tango meant a lot to me as a fan of rust's deranged impromptu norteñas tutorial in true detective. as he is a texan, I think he is essentially one of my people. 0 instances of no shirt. 2/10
failure to launch: at the first incident of animal slapstick (chipmunk related) I had the thought while the scene wore on and on, I feel like I'm on drugs. that's because I was on drugs, which I then remembered, but a joint doesnt deny the truth, only reveal it. there are many sports, and Matthew doing sports. I wouldn't be surprised if the original conception of this movie was more like lars and the real girl or silver linings playbook which then had to get repackaged as a rom com bc some parts of this kind of push at the seams of the haha funny tone which makes for a shockingly bad film but a very interesting way to think about process and what this writer's passion project would be. by the final animal slapstick incident (dolphin, second appearance) I really said what the fuck out loud, like actually out loud in my home. we started off strong with some shirtlessness and a calf shot during the sex scene, but the chipmunk to dolphin to bird to iguana to dolphin pipeline really took the wind out of my sails. 1/10
ghosts of girlfriends past: This is doubtless Matthew's worst performance--and yet what a triumph it is, purely because for any other actor, it would be the peak of a career. Matthew has an incredible naturalism. About 15 minutes into this movie, Matthew gets belligerently drunk at his brother's rehearsal dinner. Through half-lidded, glassy eyes, he delivers with thoughtless verve the exact sort of diatribe a man not only uncaring but also unaware of his cruelty can; and yet, in that passivity, he unearths pathos. I consider it an underpainting--a little window which peeks out of a bad script to a fully conceived person. Throughout its runtime, the film degenerates into a pantomime, even parody, of itself: but with just a series of slow blinks, Matthew conveys a complete psyche, an entire lifetime. I truly believe that he comes to roles even those he dislikes with an inescapable talent and sensitivity. If I could bring half of his effort and spark and originality to my own creative pursuits, that would make for a very good career indeed. His integrity as an artist really is why watching his worst films is so fun: in a game of limbo, Matthew can do the lowest backbend of all. Strong calves indeed. anyway, this movie is REALLY bad. 0/10
fool's gold:
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elysiaheaven · 4 days
𝗪𝗵𝘆 𝘂𝘀..?-𝟮𝟲-(The Fox's Wedding)
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Mentions of Blood!
You stood there, your breath shallow, eyes locked on Hoolay as he revealed the secrets of the woman who held so much sway over Jiaoqiu's life. Her name wasn't one you needed to utter, but the weight of it pressed down on your chest as if her story had intertwined with your own.
Jiaoqiu stood beside you, tense, his face pale as Hoolay unraveled the truth he had feared to confront for so long. The healer's eyes were wide with shock, pain flickering across his features as Hoolay spoke of the great battle on the Xianzhou Fanghu and the dark revelation of her borisin bloodline. His lips parted slightly, as if to speak, but no words came out.
Hoolay's laughter, cold and biting, broke the silence. "So, she saved you all those years ago, yet you discovered her true nature while she lay at death's door. How ironic. A war slave escaping from the Eclipse Pack only to end up with a foxian like you. And even more amusing—she's of my clan. The same blood flows through her veins as mine."
Mok Tok stepped forward, eyes gleaming with disdain. "A mutt," he sneered. "Despicable mutt. No wonder she fought with such power and cruelty. It wasn't determination or skill; it was her bloodline. The Moon Rage in her veins... she wasn't even fighting for herself. She was fighting to destroy us."
You felt your hands clench involuntarily, anger simmering beneath the surface as Mok Tok's words dug into the truth like a jagged knife. But you didn't move, not yet.
Hoolay's voice slithered through the silence once again. "Moon Rage—a blessing for wolves, but a curse for foxes. It gives us strength, but to the foxians, it's a death sentence. And your general, that proud foxian, she'll lose herself to it one day. The scars she bears won't be from her enemies; they'll be from her own power, tearing her apart from the inside until nothing remains."
You glanced at Jiaoqiu, watching his face tighten with emotion, his fists shaking ever so slightly. There was pain, deep and consuming, in the way he stood there, rigid and silent, processing every word Hoolay spoke.
You stepped forward, the sound of your boots against the stone floor drawing everyone's attention back to you. Hoolay's gaze shifted, meeting yours with that same amused smirk, waiting for your reaction.
"She never saved me," you said, voice low but steady. "I don't owe her anything. But if she's important to Jiaoqiu..." Your eyes flicked toward the healer, then back to Hoolay. "Then she's important to me."
Hoolay's smirk faltered, just for a moment, as if he hadn't expected such a simple, cutting response. He narrowed his eyes at you, studying your face for signs of doubt, but there were none. You had spoken the truth, and he knew it.
"You're really something, aren't you?" Hoolay's voice held an edge of disbelief now, as if he couldn't quite wrap his mind around your resolve. "Strange... to see someone care so deeply for another's cause without personal gain. What drives you to such loyalty?"
You stared back, unflinching, your voice gaining strength. "This isn't about loyalty, Hoolay. This is about not letting you—" you pointed at him, your hand trembling with barely contained fury, "—or anyone like you tear apart what's left of the people we care about. You think you're invincible because of your bloodline? You think this power makes you untouchable?"
Hoolay's smirk deepened, though his eyes remained cold, glittering with malice. "And what do you plan to do about it? Stand there and make more threats?"
You took another step forward, your pulse quickening. "This isn't a threat, Hoolay. It's a promise. One day, you'll regret every twisted game you've played with us. And when that day comes, when you're left with nothing but the agony you've inflicted on others—" your voice lowered, venomous, "—you'll remember me."
Hoolay stared at you for a long moment, his smile slowly fading, replaced by something darker. Something unreadable. He turned his gaze briefly to Jiaoqiu, eyes narrowing at the healer's expression. There was fear in Jiaoqiu's eyes—fear for the woman he cared about, fear for the future—but there was something else there, too. A spark of determination, a flicker of hope, perhaps.
Your fists clenched tighter, but before you could react, Hoolay turned away, his back to both of you. "But I suppose I should thank you. You've made this all too clear for me." His voice dropped, almost a whisper. "Weakness... is always the first to be crushed."
Jiaoqiu's breath hitched, but you stepped forward, fists trembling as the rage boiled over once again.
"I'll tear you apart before you ever get that chance," you growled, voice steady and filled with conviction.
The room was thick with tension, the air charged with a sense of impending doom. Jiaoqiu's voice cut through the silence, raw and filled with anguish.
"Hoolay... do you know the saddest thing about being a healer?" Jiaoqiu's words trembled with emotion. "All this time, I've devoted my life to bringing back those who sacrificed their lives to monsters like you. I exhausted myself, and my hands trembled, but I believed everything I did was meaningful..."
His voice cracked, and for a moment, he looked lost, as if grappling with the weight of countless deaths that had slipped through his fingers.
"But once again," Jiaoqiu continued, his gaze fixed on Hoolay, "they rushed into battle, and then I heard of their deaths. They died under your claws, in your jaws, amidst the flames of crashing starskiffs, and under the Lux Arrow of Reignbow..."
He swallowed hard, his face etched with pain. "Like a useless idiot, I saved a fish named 'Life' out of the cauldron called 'Death,' only to watch it struggle and dive back into the boiling broth."
Jiaoqiu's voice became a desperate whisper, as if he were speaking to himself more than to anyone else. "So I asked myself, why were they so eager to run toward their death after they had recovered from their wounds? Why wouldn't they value their hard-won life? All the doubts left me feeling lost..."
Hoolay's lips curled into a sinister smirk. "Heh... I can smell your desperation, all the way down to your bone marrow."
Jiaoqiu looked at Hoolay with fierce resolve. "Eventually, I realized that their deaths held value. They placed the weight of their sacrifice on the living, granting us strength. With a coin forged by their deaths, they exchanged something more in return..."
His eyes burned with a fierce intensity. "Everything I'm doing now, following you so closely, is for just one reason: witnessing your death with my own two eyes..."
Jiaoqiu's gaze was unwavering, even as his voice became a solemn promise. "Even your death has value. It will pave the way for a peaceful Wardance and a fully cured Feixiao."
Hoolay's amusement was palpable, though he regarded Jiaoqiu with a measure of respect. "Hmph, the thoughts in your pathetic head are hardly surprising."
"Did you already know this?" Jiaoqiu asked, his voice tight with suppressed emotion.
"Yes, I did," Hoolay replied with a cold edge. "As borisin, we understand the value of 'death' more than anyone. And as a healer who has witnessed so much death, you won't be swayed by fear."
A trace of genuine respect flickered in Hoolay's eyes, though it was quickly masked by his usual disdain. "What a shame. What a shame. Your story actually sparked a trace of respect for you in my heart."
Jiaoqiu's eyes narrowed, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. "Can you even feel 'respect'... with your corrupted heart?"
"Of course," Hoolay said, a hint of mockery in his tone. "Because I caught a whiff of my own kind in you. Unfortunately, in the end, you're still just a weak fox."
Hoolay's gaze grew colder, and he recited the Wolf's Creed with a chilling conviction. "As the Wolf's Creed goes: Gift the wolf a dead end, where new paths arise. Raise him to a doomed fate, where satiation lies. The cowards, in forgotten corners, meet their unworthy demise. Yet the valorous, in brutal battles, embrace their eternal prize..."
"You see," Hoolay continued, "that's why I'm keeping you alive for now. I want to show you how borisin truly respect their enemies. We will consume your flesh and blood, nourishing our own. We will crush your hopes and dreams, clearing a path for our hunt! Your feeble souls will witness a new future, a future that belongs to me!"
The sudden interruption by Mok Tok snapped everyone's attention away. "My Lord! We've received a message. Our arrangement at Stargazer Navalia has been discovered. We must act quickly!"
Hoolay's face hardened. "That doesn't surprise me at all."
Mok Tok's voice was edged with panic. "It's the Skysplitter. The ship that the Wardance will be held on is about to set off! The Sky-Faring Commission will clear the air routes! And if our starskiffs try to escape, we'll be spotted."
"Calm down, Mok Tok!" Hoolay snapped, his tone dismissive. "Look at you now, hiding and fearful... Where is your borisin dignity?"
"As I said, I'd sacrifice my dignity for your return!" Mok Tok's voice trembled with desperation. "As long as you can come back to the borisin packs, there's still hope!"
Hoolay's eyes glinted with disdain. "Hope? The borisin have forgotten the Wolf's creed! Weak creatures put their hope in the strong, but the strong fight their way out! Bringing me back instead of choosing a new master only proves the decline of our pack. And as for the prophet who manipulated you into saving me, she's just a liar trying to use Duran's offspring!"
He turned to Mok Tok with a commanding presence. "Mok Tok, let me tell you how the borisin will rise to power! We won't hide like rats in the streets of the Xianzhou! We will be ravenous wolves, walking amidst a herd of lambs with our fangs bared."
Mok Tok's eyes widened with panic. "But Great Warhead, our packs are not here! We can't go to war like this!"
"Our packs are not here?" Hoolay's voice took on a menacing edge. "Wherever I go, everyone is the pack!"
The scene shifted to a cutscene, the tension crackling like electricity.
As the cutscene ended, Hoolay's voice boomed with authority. "Mok Tok, we're the apex predators at the top of the hierarchy. As wolves, we create fear. We don't become servants to it. If you're blind to the path, I will be the crimson moon that lights the way for you."
He turned to his followers. "Share my crimson blood with our brethren! Use it to infect those foxians and strike fear into their hearts!"
Suddenly, Hoolay's gaze shifted to Moze, who had emerged from the shadows. "Now, you devious monkey... Come out and face me!"
Moze's voice was low and steady. "Jiaoqiu."
Jiaoqiu's voice was strained. "Moze... run..."
But Hoolay's cold laugh cut through the air. "No, he can't run, and neither can you. You've come at the right time, monkey of the Yaoqing. Tell your general—"
He paused, a menacing gleam in his eyes. "Tell her that I will unleash a massacre here, drowning the Xianzhou Luofu in blood. From this moment on, wolves bearing my blood will hunt on every street, feasting on the followers of that Devilish Archer."
Hoolay raised his voice, commanding his followers. "Follow me, my cubs! We shall stride among the prey!"
The chilling chant from Mok Tok and the Wolftrooper echoed through the room, "Gift the wolf a dead end, where new paths arise. Raise him to a doomed fate, where satiation lies. The cowards in forgotten corners, meet their unworthy demise. Yet the valorous, in brutal battles, embrace their eternal prize..."
Hoolay's eyes gleamed with a savage light. "Do you hear that? The rumble of the cannons... it brings back all the memories of the past battles within me..."
He turned to Jiaoqiu and you, his voice dropping to a cruel whisper. "My return will bring back the Wolf's Creed. In my own way, I shall save our weakened pack and restore it to its former glory!"
The intensity of the scene was overwhelming, and you felt yourself collapsing to the ground, your body trembling uncontrollably. Tears streamed down your face, but they weren't ordinary tears. They were crimson, mixing with the blood from your wounds, staining your cheeks in a grotesque display of anguish.
Jiaoqiu, his eyes wide with alarm, reached out to catch you, but you pulled away, forcing yourself to stand. The effort was painful, your knees shaking, but you managed to rise. The sight of your bloodied tears made the realization sink in—the depth of your own despair was laid bare.
You felt a crushing weight, a blend of helplessness and fury that was almost unbearable. As you looked at Hoolay, your gaze was fierce despite the tears staining your face. You were crying blood.
Mei, Help me...
Jiaoqiu's eyes were filled with concern as he watched you, but he said nothing. He knew that you had found a new strength amidst the chaos, even as you battled through your own pain.
Hoolay's gaze fell on you, his expression a mixture of amusement and contempt. "So, the little kitsune shows its true colors. You're weak, crying blood, but you have spirit. How interesting."
He turned his attention back to Jiaoqiu, his voice filled with dark satisfaction. "And now, healer, you see the truth of our power. How long will you and your allies cling to hope when faced with the reality of our strength?"
You wanted to find Moze, But he was nowhere...Why? He could have Jiaoqiu...
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