#I listened to the leaks and I can say that it is a banger!
blueepink07 · 1 year
Yuno phone case analysis
(mentions of pregnancy, death and abortion)
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First and foremost, let's just admire this phone case and how, despite being simple, is very pretty! Yuno has great taste!
Okay, now into the analysis!
Ar first, I had a quiet hard time deciding if these flowers were daisies or chamomile, due to the fact that both look pretty much alike. However, I noticed that on Yuno's phone case, the flowers don't have just one layer of petals as a chamomile would have, so that means that these should be daisies.
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~Daisies 🌼 - meanings~
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Based on this we can already make the correlation with Yuno. The fact that even the phone case showed us that she was pregnant as though the DNA stairs and balloons weren't enough amazes me!
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The "innocence and purity" are the traits that Yuno is putting up for her clients. The facade she is putting up front in hopes that she will find "warmth". Although the literal implications this word has, for example physical intimacy, because of how complex Yuno character's is I always associated it with more. Yuno desires to find someone with who she can be herself, she wants honesty and compassion. Despite that by doing compensated dating she receives some warmth, this is all temporary and she knows it too. That's why she continues to do it in hopes of finding someone that will knowledge her wishes and will make her truly happy.
She dislikes people that tell others what to do and judge their peers constantly when they are not themselves perfect. In her second VD she opens up this topic and tells Es that she only kept a secret that she participates in compensated dating, because it is not morally accepted by others. Again, it points out at her facade and the fact that she can't be herself, because of the fear of being constantly judged or, worse, treated coldly.
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The legend depicted in the picture below makes a reference to the abortions that Yuno had. Daisies are a symbol of sorrow for the dead infants or children.
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(It refers to the Victorian era; sorry for not putting the complete picture, but the contents there were quiet boring to read)
This likely refers to how Yuno has hidden from the rest of her acquaitances that she is participating in compensated dating, but also to the fact that she didn't tell anyone that she was pregnant. The purse on her stomach at the amusement park, and the glass of water instead of wine, are great examples for that!
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I think this paragraph is an indicator to the fact that Yuno let go of her "past"(abortions) and after each abortion she is "renewed" and can continue with her compensated dating and be happy again(at the end of the first MV she is facing forward looking at the destroyed stairs, welcoming a new beginning in her life) . Also, it shows that Yuno doesn't care that much about her verdict. She forgave herself for what she has done, and that's all it matters. Es's verdict will not cause any changes in how she acts or what she is doing with her life.
"It is believed that the word "daisy" is derived from the Old English saying, "day’s eye." This is because many of the flowers that we commonly call daisies close at night and open in the early morning sunlight."
This is me overanalyzing stuff, but it can be interpreted as Yuno "opening up" for her clients to come at her, she welcomes them giving affection. All the moments during the day are shown as her being "happy" and doing fun activities with her clients. Also it could mean that during the day she enjoys more of this superficial love and warmth. During the night though, Yuno is "closing up". It's a moment when she actually contemplates and thinks if she is satisfied with her life so far. The second MV portraits this very well, because during the night she is shown sad and alone. The colours are no longer warmth, but instead cold and depressing.
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"Several species of daisies produce a high amount of nectar, making them attractive to pollinators. You can expect the garden favorites, bees, and butterflies, as well as a host of other pollinators in your daisy patch."
Thinking of Yuno as the daisy and the pollinators are the clients it basically explains us the compensated dating part. The clients are attracted by her, while she is waiting for them with open arms. Also, most flowers need pollinators so they can reproduce, daisies being no exception, so it could be again a symbol of pregnancy.
Also a legend if anyone is interested! I thought it made a good reference to the beginning of Yuno's second MV, due to the teardrop part! But it's just something additional so you can skip it!
"The ancient Greeks also associated their goddess Astraea with daisy flowers. According to one Greek legend, during the Iron Age, humans began to make a lot of weapons and warfare increased. Incensed with the violence, Zeus decided to destroy the world of men with a great flood. But before he did, the gods, who had been living on Earth, left. The goddess Astraea was the last to leave. Heartbroken at the loss of life, she asked Zeus to turn her into a star.
Eventually, the flood waters receded. But all that was left of the world was mud and slime. Seeing the destruction, Astraea wept, and her tears fell as stardust. When they hit the land, they turned into daisy flowers."
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Thank you for reading! ~🌼
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I started a list of Sonic 3 movie predictions/bingo stuff imma just leave them here and update it until the movie comes out.
Some of these have came from set leaks/story board leaks (kinda) just a warning!!
• Shadow voiced by Keanu Reaves
• Voiced by Christian Bale
• Voiced by Robert Pattinson
• Voiced by Hayden Christiansen
• Shadow riding a motorcycle?
• Shadow/Sonic air skating???
• Somebody does the floss (…)
• “he’s right behind me isn’t he?” Or along those lines
• Stone has a main villain moment (🙏)
• Badass Agent Stone
• Stone getting handcuffed again (a girl could hope)
• Stone getting a change of wardrobe (fancy villain suit like the fanarts)
• Robotnik using Gen z slang
• Rototnik making a pop culture reference
• Robotnik says Slay
• Maidnik…
• More dancing scenes🙏
• Another random but popular actor makes an appearance.
• More metal music from Robotnik (still clutching to that hc he listens to metal)
• A girl could imagine he listens to Depeche Mode
• Stone dies??!!
• Robotnik dies part 2
• Stone gets a hand in his mouth again…
• Pin urself to the wall part 2!!!???
• Snapcube reference? (One could hope)
• I Am…All Of Me - Crush 40 in the soundtrack.
• We got coffee shop au in the last movie can we get another troupe :3 (watch it be major character death or like angst…)
• If Stobotnik gets a kiss scene (most unlikely) throw a party. Make a Stobotnik cake, treat urself to a restaurant candle lit dinner. (Not counting on it as much as I want it)
• ORRRR if they do get a gay scene they’re gonna do the media curse for gay ppl and kill one of them off. 😣
• Stobotnik hug scene (pls pls pls pls pls)
• They share a lair. (Like them damn bank accounts)
• Take a shot everytime Stone stares lovingly at the doctor
• Matching outfits???☹️
• Sonic and Robotnik have to work together at some point???
• Stone in action (lemme see this man toss somebody pretty pls)
• Can these guys be as touchy as they were in the bts and deleted scenes pls😭😭 jfc
• LMAO Agent Stone name reveal?
• Face grab part ???
• Kid Cudi gives us another banger?
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loverofstufflof · 4 months
Airing out my LMK trailer/S5 thoughts cause u gotta do this somehow
Most glaring, animation. It’s not bad, by any means. I’d certainly be proud of myself if I were able to come up with it.
However, I think it’s important to consider the context of the show’s style, and how it’s been improving significantly over instalments. Also, it’s Flying Bark. Flying Bark is just gonna make banger animation.
Am I a bit disappointed when comparing it to Emperor’s Wrath? Yeah. Especially when we’ve been waiting a full year for this—twice as long as usual.
But I’m not saying I won’t be watching the show because of it. I still love this story. Fuck, my favourite series is Epithet Erased. The show that’s best described as JPEGs wiggling around your screen for 2 hours. I can handle less than expected animation if it’s made up for by good writing.
I’ve been seeing a lot of people attacking invisible fans that claim they’re going to boycott the show because of this. Respectfully, source? The most aggressive criticism I’ve seen is “man that’s disappointing ig, still excited tho”. Who are you guys even fighting lmao. (Unless this is something happening on other platforms and you’re just venting on here which, valid)
Nevertheless, as I’ve said before, it’s not bad animation, just not up to the standard we’re used to. People are allowed to be disappointed. Let them be. This show isn’t flawless.
It’s looking to be real, all things considered. We’ve never gotten a fan leak this elaborate before, and it contains a lot of elements that were just recently revealed. Unless they’ve been getting announcements much earlier than we have (considering this fanbase’s sleuth skills, I’d doubt it) then there’s no other explanation other than it being official.
Official, however, doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to look that way the whole time. The animation is being done by another studio, yes, but only partially. Flying Bark is still here for the fun. This other studio also isn’t incompetent, they’re behind things like Carmen Sandiego. They know what they’re doing.
They’re also primarily handling additional material, means promotions, meaning trailers. Listen, it’s a bit of a stretch considering the fact that all trailers so far have been taken directly from the show, but also it’s industry standard to make a trailer before you’re even done, meaning you gotta cut some corners for the scenes you’re showing until you polish them up in post.
We know LEGO has a habit of keeping LMK things in their vault until they need to, this may be something they had lying around from early prod and released to maintain hype.
Any which way, this development is very much temporary, only applying because the team is currently working on a movie and need to momentarily lessen their workload. Even if the odds are against us and S5 looks like a PowerPoint presentation, it’ll likely go back to normal later.
Biiig animation rant aside, I am a tad bit sad about the direction the story is going in (namely the abandonment of Red Son) and the fan service is a bit much, but honestly what else are we expecting from JTTW fanfic.
I’m stoked to see more Macaque though—he’s looking to be becoming a proper protagonist, which is great for angst! Yippee!
One thing I haven’t seen anyone talk about is the complete lack of Nüwa. You know, the character they’ve been teasing this whole time? Where is she? Not in the trailer. Not in the posters.
Makes me wondering if this is a part of the new season, teasing the next one, the one Nüwa’s in, later.
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My thoughts on HEARTSTEEL (even though no one asked):
I should start off by saying that my expectations going into this were very low. I know that Riot's music team never disappoints, but the leaked splash art was a bit of a let down in my opinion so I tried not to get my hopes up and I was hoping some things would be changed before the skins' release.
Regardless, I watched the music video as soon as it premiered... and I haven't been able to stop listening to it since. The song is SO GOOD!! It took me a couple of listens before I really got into it, but to say it's grown on me is an understatement. Sure, it's not better than POP/STARS (that's a given), but I can honestly say I like it better than GIANTS.
The song might be a banger, but my grievances come from pretty much everything else.
First of all, I think the casting could have been better. Baekhyun as Ezreal was great, but everyone else just felt... Off?? I got whiplash when Kayn started rapping because his voice just caught me so off-guard (though I suppose it was Rhaast rapping, so that makes more sense). Sett and K'Sante were a bit better, but I still think it was iffy casting overall. There's just such a stark contrast between their singing/rapping voices and their normal talking voices that doesn't sound quite right to me.
Second, the music video was pretty decent. As I stated before, my expectations weren't very high, so considering how low the bar was I wasn't disappointed. There were a lot of good moments in it that I really enjoyed, but overall I felt that it didn't flow as well as it could have. I thought it was very flashy, fast-paced, and chaotic. This is all subjective, but I think the video could have been better. For what it was, though, it was decent.
Lastly, I wanted to talk about the skin designs. I said before that I was disappointed when the splash art was leaked, and the same holds true now. What I liked about K/DA and True Damage is that the skins provided a new, modern spin on the characters while still holding true to who they are. The HEARTSTEEL designs were disappointing for me because it kind of feels like they tried to change too much. Some of them work, but some of them don't. Ezreal and Yone both look amazing and I'm considering picking up Yone just so I can play the skin when it comes out. I'm still on the fence about K'Sante, Sett, and Aphelios. Kayn just looks mid, which is upsetting for me because I literally started maining him just for the skin. Sett looks like a car mechanic. These skins could have been so good, and I think what they should have done instead is gone for a more edgy/punky vibe all around. There are a lot of bright colours in some of these designs, and I think that's what's throwing me off. Kayn is the literal edgelord of Runeterra, and you CANNOT convince me that he would actually dress like that. The pink hair is fine, but the brightness of the pink should be balanced out with darker clothing (PLEASE just get rid of the yellow pants, Riot, I'm begging you. The design would immediately go from a 6/10 to 9/10 if you just made the pants black instead of piss yellow). The same goes for Aphelios, who is often characterized by dark, emo aesthetics. His design doesn't look bad, but again, it could have been significantly improved by incorporating some darker elements. This is kind of a gripe that I've had with HEARTSTEEL in general. Riot went with the same pop vibes instead of innovating and coming up with something new. The band in general should have been more punk-rock oriented than what we got. I saw someone online saying that Kayn should have been a screamo rapper, and I can't agree more. Overall I don't dislike the designs, but they could have been done better.
So that's the end of my spiel. I love the song, but there are a lot of things about the band that left me wishing. I just hope that Kayn gets a black chroma or something, and I hope that when they get a comeback after 5 years or so (if Riot doesn't forget about them before then), Riot listens to fan feedback and we get something even better. I think the group has a lot of potential and I've really been enjoying the Discord chats on Twitter. If you have opinions about the group, feel free to add on to this, as these are all just my opinions.
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 1 year
I know the ask game is old but if you wanna do it again. Subaru or Mama?
WRAGHGGGH I SPENT SO MUCH TIME ON THIS. Tumblr kept erasing the post randomly instead of saving it for later and i got mad 😡😡😡😡 Doing subaru only!!! The important things you should know about my opinion on mama is that i love him dearly and blooming world is the song of all time but he makes me sob when he says his villainious things but he also can be so sweet and caring but he also is a bit... like yknow
Fav thing about them:
Uncertainity. Who is Subaru? Does he understands what he says he doesn't understand? Is he pretending? How much of his happiness is real right now? He's a genius but how far his talents go? He is quite a mystery! Sometimes he says some unsettling things! I love an unsettling genki boy!!!
Least fav thing about them:
Humu, he can be unapolegetic at times, its a trait i certainly dislike, but he's so cute! I forgive him <3
Fav line:
I i know its fairly recent but . Listen god
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The voice over was everything to meeeeeee like i interpreted this in the "subaru is angry at hokke for taking him lightly" BUT ITS. ITS THE OTHER WAY. HE IS SAD. HE IS HURT . GOD THIS IS EVERYTHING
Shinonon! I love it when shinonon gets to be the lil bro <333 cute
Subahokke!!! But i also REALLY ENJOY subanatsu and subakoga 📈📈 also taking a liking to his ship with chiaki recently 🔥 i also find his interactions with midori rly funny!!
Yeah so to sum it up every tsunderesque boy
Hummm with shinonon and eichi 🤔, i am not a fan of the idol x fan trope, its a trope i reallyyyyy dislike, and idk i just dont get eisuba ig??
Random headcanon:
He would heheheh in the middle of a kiss
Unpopular opinion:
Even though i dont want people to speak ill of him i think if he gets popular most enstarries wouldnt handle him well and become some ooc guy that people only know through fandom memes AND I THINK THATS WORSE!!! Im like so good rn me and the other 5 subaru stans
Song i associate with them:
I think i talked about how super trouper is sooo baru like so take another one!
I cant believe i just leaked subaru's second solo song!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯
Fav picture of them:
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HonESTLYYYYYYYYYYY im sorry im such a graduation sucker but like (shakes you) cmon
I still remember the live so well i cried so hard i lost it 😭😭😭 i remember tomoaki maeno presenting it like "akehoshi.... iikaoshitena!!!" WRAGGGHGGGG i love how he said goodbye to ymnsk with a smile
I love how through hokke's pov they seem to hold hands but through subaru's pov they seem high fiving! POWERFUL SET OF CARDS REALLY
what a card i love it sm
Also onibi baru, nothing to add, this card slays, the unbloomed is a banger the story is amazing we love onibi baru
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miashyperfixations · 1 year
23.06.2023 • Pop/Rock • 12 songs • 36 minutes• 2023 Thriller Records 
FAV SINGLE: Distracted
TOP 3 : Sensitive • Seeing Negative (Disappointment) • Worst Apology
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I don't even need to listen to it to know it, Honey Revenge's debut album is easily one of my most anticipated albums of 2023. Their gorgeous pop melodies paired with funky guitar riffs, clear heavy drums & powerful basslines pave their sound as a prominent band with a bright future ahead of them. Devin & Donny have outdone themselves with this masterpiece. It’s easy to see why they’re described as a new-age Paramore - I genuinely thought that ‘Distracted’ was a riot!-era demo leak when I first listened to it. 
The band emerged in 2021 with their debut single 'Miss Me' and have grown exponentially from that point onwards. I only discovered them this year, and it's safe to say that they'll be one of my top artists at the end of the year. Shortly after that, they signed to Thriller Records and released their single ‘Ride’ to announce it. Thriller is an independent record label created by Bob Becker, in partnership with Nick Moore. They’re a team of passionate industry innovators focusing on discovering, developing, and breaking a diverse new generation of rock and alternative talent, based in California. 
I love that their songs don’t just focus on heartbreak & romantic relationships but also how friendships can go sour - which are equally important. They also focus on mental health in songs such as ‘Are You Impressed?'’ which is about trying too hard or coming off as eager/cringey but not caring anyway or 'Seeing Negative (Disappointment)' which focuses on self-doubt & never feeling good enough, both of which  I love & relate to. Additionally, they aren’t just in the pop/rock genre. They dabble into dance-type beats and synthesiser riffs to add depth to their songs.
Something I didn't realise until listening to the album in full, is the fact that Devin’s vocal range is so wide & she pulls it off amazingly, it's clear to see in songs such as ‘rerun’ & ‘worst apology’ where she stays in higher regions for most of the song with little breath breaks. I absolutely love the key change in ‘Worst Apology’, when everything is pulled back for a few bars to focus on Devin’s vocals and then everything comes back in with no build up - just all of a sudden - it’s beautifully executed. My personal favourite song off of the record is ‘Sensitive’. Written by Devin, Donny & KJ Strock, the song’s lyrical genius takes over its heavy-rock style drums & guitar. It isn’t just the instrumentation & lyrics but the production too. I also love the way this bridge/refrain in this song has been produced, especially how (similarly to ‘Worst Apology’), it’s stripped back to just the guitar & vocals & there's echoes before the drums kick in but i’s still stripped back until a line of vocals with added distortion & a cut-off of high-end EQ right before the beat drop into the final chorus where all instruments return to their normal heaviness. It really adds to the my interpretation of the song - that things can happen all of a sudden & hit hard, but there’s still build up you can’t see. To top it all off, the echoes return & end the song perfectly.
The duo worked with one of my favourite songwriters on this album - Kanner has worked with the likes of Maggie Lindeman, Scene Queen & Mckenna Grace alongside recently launching her career as a solo artist. She’s an amazing musician involved in writing 7/12 songs on this album, all of which are bangers. The band have also collaborated with producers such as Josh Strock (LiL Lotus, Thousand Below), Zach Jones (AS IT IS, Nova Twins), and Kris Crummett (Dance Gavin Dance, Issues.) 
This band just has a good vibe in general & the duo have a great relationship with their touring band. It seems like it’s just fun to be with them & doesn’t even feel like a job which, inevitably, is what everyone wants. They currently have plans to be on tour as a support act for bands such as Broadside & Arrows In Action for all of 2023 as well as recently announcing a one off show at Camden Assembly, London in December. I truly believe this band has the potential to be the next big act in the scene and can't wait to see them headline a tour here in the UK one day when they take over the world. 
They deserve all the popularity they'll undoubtedly gain in the coming years off the back of this absolute masterpiece of an album.
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into--folklore · 5 months
okay i listened to the leak dont @ me
i only listened through once because thats what i had time for tonight but ill be listening more over time lol
anyway it has some good songs it has some bad songs and cringe lyrics but eh ! overall its alright. i would say middle tier tsw*ft content. i would say it would fall in my rankings here atm:
folklore > rep > midnights > evermore > speak now > ttpd > 1989 > lover > red > fearless > debut
spoilers i guess for implied TayLore but uh its implied joe not only suicide baited her but also love bombed her, abadoned her in their home alone and then cheats on her possibly multiple times while continuing to love bomb
some folk are saying that its prob m*tty he*ly that did the suicide baiting but i dont have enough context to dissect the muses of each song. idk it feels weird to have ur title track song be about your apparant fling from last spring and not the 6 yr relationship guy
eh again i need see written lyrics to really dissect each song like. just in terms of lyrical analysis (outside of the implications of her actual life too bc i think that gives for more personal connection to the songs)
again everything with a grain of salt bc we never know whats real and whats not. but i can "Understand" that for lil billionaire tsw*ft that having ur partner suicide bait u fucks you up a lot and why she "can" consider herself tortured because of it.
i mean i would be hypocritical to say otherwise bc my current art project is navigating the same feelings. or again, at least the feelings shes projecting in this music
i think its good at like. being her obviously trying to process these emotions honestly. of course from the perspective from someone so out of touch with "normal life" but still. who are we to tell someone how to grieve a complicated toxic relationship
im seeing some sw*fties say they really cannot relate but idk i could and can find myself relating to it more over time. it feels like an album that could be more of a grower over time than an immediate banger
florida is so good and its absolutely because florence has such a big part of it and shes such a vocal powerhouse. i wish we can get a full florence cover one day 🥺
top songs from first listen are: florida, whos afraid of little old me, and i can do it with a broken heart
^ florida ofc bc of florence but the other two have this like. angry manic episode energy that feels similar to rep. like genuinely i told my partner whos afraid of little old me reminded me of florence's dream girl evil. and i.... love dream girl evil
but really wild for multiple songs in this with lyrics about t*ylor wanting to kill herself bc she feels so bad. girlie.. relatable...
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28whitepeonies · 2 years
Hi bea
Hope you're doing well. Do you have a ranking of all tracks for fitf yet? I am curious to know, if you are comfortable sharing of course. :)
Hello anon
Indeed I do, and if you don't mind I'll commentate my ranking choices because I haven't ever been succinct!
Silver tongues - I think this is potentially my favourite song he's made ever. I think that live experience really comes through on the very best songs
Written all over your face - a very, very close second. I live for the kind of snarky lyrics and early Arctic Monkeys vibe
That's the way love goes - I think this was done a bit dirty by the songs preceding it, I bought the 2 vinyl deluxe and I can only assume it was a deliberate choice to have D side with four quite slow, ballad-y songs but I think it didn't do this justice. Anyway, I love it, it is very reminiscent of the streets to me and I spent a while listening to nothing but a grand don't come for free as a teenager.
Chicago - won't hear any slander, it's a banger to belt out in the car, in the lift, in the shower, literally anywhere
Lucky again - Okay was interested in the changes between the leaked version and this, this version defo fits the album a lot better and the lyrics give me all the feels
Out of my system - wasn't my fave as a single but hearing it on the album I enjoy it more. It's short and punchy and I think the drumbeat will slap live!
The greatest - Great opener, not my fave but think it will be banging for live shows and does a pretty good job at setting the tone of the album.
She is beauty we are world class - the chorus reminds me a lot of The Killers - 'are we one or are we two/are we me or are we you'/'are we human or are we dancer'. It got a lot more interesting after the toilet story because I enjoy how very silly and British that feels, so it has moved up about 5 places as a result.
Holding on to heartache - I think if it was a tiny bit faster or louder I'd bump it up a few spots. Lyrically it's pretty great, the whole 'you say I wear it like a crown' it's just a bit slow and in my humble opinion had it been placed elsewhere on the tracklist I might have been more generous.
All this time - When it comes on I enjoy it, but I am liable to forget it exists otherwise so it gets a mid spot
Face the music - I want to love it for the line 'I don't wanna face the music but I still wanna dance with you' but it feels a wee bit cliche for me personally
Common people - How do you name a song after the banger that is that brit-pop classic and then release what is a lyrically great song but imo just way too slow? I think it could have punched you in the guts but it's more of a wet slap.
Saturdays - Every time I see the title I think of Sam Fender's song Saturday, and they share some similar themes - 'if Saturday don't come soon I'm gonna lose my mind/we used to say Saturdays take the pain away' and I wouldn't be surprised to hear that was part of the influence, it's just that I like Sam's song more.
Headline - We obv got the lyrics way ahead of the songs release and I expected this to go hard and be like noisy, which is obviously a me problem, but it didn't live up to expectations for me. It's fine, I love the way he sounds when he sings the second verse it's just not one I'll play on repeat
Angels fly - I think it's fine, I just don't connect to it a lot
Bigger than me - sorry but I think it's really boring, it's the only song I sometimes skip and in response pls enjoy my favourite scene from Gavin & Stacey
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Two things to add overall
First is that I am of course a hater and more likely to comment on stuff I don't like than the opposite so I wanna be really really clear that I do actually really really like this album. There are a couple of things I think will change by LT3 and I am very very excited for tour and for what comes next.
Second, I am really excited to hear the live arrangements and wonder if he'll make any changes - one of my fave songs is Regretamine by Louis Dunford and on it's initial release it was a proper slow one but he really amped it up for live shows and it slaps so much more. Louis can perform his songs however he wishes to, but I am looking forward to hearing his set live because I think it is clear he has really crafted them with that in mind x
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raichett · 2 years
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I posted 572 times in 2022
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#the nature of the traffic smps make it so that this kind of greek tragedy storytelling happens spontaneously viscerally and heartwrenchingly
My Top Posts in 2022:
Grian is not giving up his flat for anything: not the strange sounds, not for things going missing, not for things appearing that weren’t there before. Nah-uh, not happening. 
Not even for the elven king coming in through his closet. Don’t you know what rent is like nowadays?
129 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
A Special Concert
This flash fic is inspired by a comic strip done by @0xeyedaisy, which can be found here. Thanks for ripping so many people’s hearts out.
The song Ariana sings is Dark Dance by Burn The Ballroom, which is an absolute banger and can be found here. This is my agenda for getting more people aware of this incredibly underrated band.
This flash fic can also be found on AO3 here.
Content warnings: canonical character death, canonical suicide, it’s the Third Life finale, you know what that means. 
Scar’s still alive when Ariana stumbles to his side, falling to her knees in the sand. It’s dry under one knee and wet under the other, the sand turning red as Scar leaks blood in a steady flow, spreading around him. Her trembling hands hurt. She thinks one of her knuckles might be dislocated. Scar clumsily takes one of her hands and she lets him, gripping tight with her bloodied fingers. Ariana’s heart doesn’t feel like a heart where it beats inside her chest; it feels like an empty space rattling about inside the cage of her ribs. Broken, she thinks, distantly. Once, she would have turned that thought and image into a lyric.
She wants to move, wants to close her eyes, block out the sight of Scar – Scar – dying in front of her of the wounds her hands gave him. She wants to be a coward for once in her life as the reddish haze lifts from her mind. It’s a bit like waking up from a nightmare into another nightmare, this one worse, this one real.
She swallows and stays at his side instead, keeping her eyes on his, red on red as red pools around them. It’s the least she owes him. The spectators are still chanting, but quieter, now, their murmurings wordless like how the voices of the crowds from her shows became wordless in the roar of pure overlapping noise. She misses those days, back when her greatest worries were about stage equipment and travel logistics on tours, not – not death and destruction and the curse that has claimed all of them and won.
“Hey,” Scar says, softly. His breathing isn’t right and it’s making his words hard. Ariana can see where her fists broke his ribs by the dents and lumps on his chest. She forces herself not to look away. “Before I completely pass out and die…” It’s so matter of fact, is the thing. A scream burns in Ariana’s throat, unreleased, as she leans in a little to listen to Scar’s last request. “Could you sing me a song?” Oh. “I never… got a chance” – he pauses to cough, turning his head to splatter more blood on the sand – “to hear you… sing…”
Ariana’s grief writes itself across her face. “All right,” she says, forcing a smile as she holds back tears. Her sharp teeth have never made her look traditionally pretty, and most of her old promotional posters had her with a close-lipped smile, but Scar has never flinched at them. It was the first thing she decided she liked about him, back then, when she grinned unthinkingly and he did nothing more than blink and grin back. “A special concert just for you.”
She starts to sing, one of her older songs, the ones she wrote without her agent reviewing them and nitpicking the lyrics. More alternative rock than the pop rock of her most famous hits, but it comes from the heart, and she can give nothing less to Scar to take with him to whatever comes next.
Scar finally closes his eyes as she gets to the end of the second verse; “I see your face in the firelight, I know that it’s fine,” – she stares right at his face, grey and going greyer – “‘cause in the dark of the dance here, you’re already mine…”
Overhead, the late afternoon sun is blazing down on her back, her shoulders and arms and neck burning even more. She’s already got sunburn, skin peeling at the edges from the lack of care being Red brings, the way it’s everything and nothing, neglect and passion in a double-edged blade.
The chorus escapes her throat too easily, old muscle memory keeping her singing as Scar starts to go still. “Sing with me in the dead of night, a break down beat keeps my heart in time.” She stops leaning over him, slumping her weight back on her aching legs, even as her eyes remain glued to his face, his almost-peaceful face. “I love about what I love about you, angel…”
She ends the chorus with another repetition of its two lines and then, her voice wobbling, finishes the rest of the song. By the time it’s done, Scar’s hand has started to cool in hers. Her fingers trembling, she lets it go, carefully placing it to lie limp on the sand.
And that’s the end of the show, goodnight everyone! she imagines herself saying, as she’s said so many times before, holding out her microphone to her screaming crowd late into the night, body flushed and aching with the high of the performance, trembling with adrenaline and ready to crash backstage from tiredness. Goodnight, goodnight! And have a safe trip home!
She rises to her feet. In a way, tired and shaking and jittery as she is, the murmurings of the spectators surrounding her – one voice louder now, she thinks deliriously – it’s almost familiar. It’s almost like the end of a show.
She raises her head mechanically from Scar’s body to the edge of the cliff, just beyond the cacti ring. She knows just what the final song should be. As she takes her first steps towards the cliff, the spectators get louder, seemingly in agreement with her. Her fingers twitch, her hand curling around thin air as though she were fiddling with her microphone, a nervous habit she developed when she first stepped foot on the stage.
“Goodnight, everyone,” she whispers when she’s on the ledge, staring at the setting sun as its rays bleed gold and orange across the ground. The spectators chant. The imaginary crowd roars applause in her ears. “… Goodnight.”
140 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
with all the excitement about the rift I just feel like we forgot that the entity literally has flesh inside of it far too quickly lmao
149 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Here, have some Scarian flash fic. It’s not long enough or developed enough for me to post as a oneshot, but I guess if I collect enough of these I’ll probably make an AO3 series for them.
[tosses this and runs]
EDIT: can now be found on AO3 here.  ---
Scar’s bedside clock is fully into the moon half of its display, maybe close to midnight, and he thinks he might be slowly coming undone. 
The warm dark of his bedroom flitters around him, broken only by the glow of the clock in the illuminated item frame and the spots on his ceiling from the glowstone streetlamps outside seeping in through the gaps at the top of his curtains, and he cannot fall asleep, not with his soulmate’s fingertips touching where they are.
Scar mirrors them, his mysterious soulmate, who he so often feels press against his neck as they are now, checking his pulse. He feels the flutter of their own heartbeat under his fingers, a double echo to his own, naturally faster, and wonders.
Are they both lying like this, in bed, their fingers to their pulse and each other’s heartbeat filling their ears? Or is his soulmate somewhere else, sitting or standing – heck, maybe it’s even day on whatever server they’re on, not night-time at all – and paranoically checking for signs of life as they fiddle away with a redstone mechanism or brew up some potions or stare thoughtfully at a block palette set or do any other mundane thing in their life far away from him?
A skeleton rattles about outside, proof that he’s once again missed a spot when lighting up his base. Scar barely hears it. He breathes in tandem with his soulmate, their lungs expanding and contracting together, breath in their noses and their throats. It’s indescribable to explain how it feels to be breathing together with someone.
It’s probably his fault they check he’s well so often, what with his habit of dying all the time. They must feel it, surely, though, when he respawns with nothing but resigned humour at his own bad luck, or at worst annoyance at the inconvenience or the loss of his items. They would know not to worry too hard over Scar. It doesn’t stop them, though, and often he’s felt their stomach dropping or fear clench inside of them when he has one of his moments. So often, he’s wished that their bond was a different type, like mind-link, or dream-sharing, but then moments like this happen, and he’s reminded why he would never switch the touch-bond they have for any other kind.
Scar feels his soulmate’s fingers smooth over his neck, creeping up to his face – their face, really – and then the unmistakeable sensation of a palm cupping his cheek gently has him aching as he lies there in his bed, staring up at the lights on the ceiling and wishing they were the stars between worlds, streaks of light slipping by as he travels towards his soulmate. His heart yearns.
Scar moves his own hand, bringing it up to his face – but this time he doesn’t mirror his soulmate. Instead, he places his hand over his chin and mouth and nose and kisses his own palm. The twitch and tremble of his soulmate’s fingers against his cheek has him smiling as he does it again, and again, and again. He thinks he can feel their heart flutter in his own chest, rabbit-fast, maybe bird-fast, and he grins against his palm, knowing they can feel the movement of his lips.
A pause, and then the back of his other hand, currently resting on Jellie as she purrs lazily, curled up and dozing beside his hip, has a gentle pressure against it, warm and hesitant, but careful and earnest.
Scar would be a fool not to know that he’s being kissed back.
153 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So, I’ve been thinking a fair bit recently about how the Hermitcraft servers, in-universe, actually function on a social and micro-cultural level. 
A list of real life facts:
1. They have unlimited respawns on Hermitcraft. Death is generally either funny or an inconvenience, and pranks resulting in death are very much allowed, even fairly common. Scar, for example, in his Hotguy persona, literally goes around and shoots people with his bow for fun (and it’s considered a little rude to not die if you’ve been Hotguy’d). 
2. Hermits are invite-only and it’s a rather exclusive server; if a (rare) guest is whitelisted, it is only temporary. Many new Hermits are suggested and supported by an already existing Hermit, and there is a phase where a potential new Hermit is researched before any invite is sent. Once you’ve received an invite, there’s no taking it back, and there’s no probationary period. Hermits (and potential Hermits) are not obliged to either accept nor to stay, however! Many former Hermits have left amiably, and some have even come back after missing a season or two, like Keralis.
3. When it comes to server-wide decisions, everyone has to agree or else it won’t happen. It’s quite literally all-or-nothing on Hermitcraft. And everyone has a say and everyone’s voice is weighed the same, no matter how long or short they’ve been there. 
4. Many Hermits are pioneers or big names in their field (Doc and Tango in redstone, Grian and Scar in building, etc.), or else have been around in MCYT circles for a long time (e.g. Etho and Xisuma). This is not true for every Hermit, but there is distinctly an element of this in the line-up as a whole. It is also very common for Hermits to ask for help/opinions from other Hermits whose specialities are different from their own.
5. Mega-builds and mega-projects are the norm on Hermitcraft. It’s generally expected for a Hermit to take months and months on creating a starter base, then a mega base, at least one shop, usually a mini-game or two for server-wide events, etcetera etcetera. Not every Hermit does this, or does this every season, but most do.
6. Hermitcraft has very, very few rules: griefing is allowed, stealing is allowed, etc. No, really! You can do just about anything on Hermitcraft - so long as you’re prepared to deal with the consequences, and to make reparations if you actually hurt someone’s feelings.
7. It does, however, work on what are called “gentleman’s rules”: that is, if you make a mess, you clean it up, basically. If you prank someone, expect a retaliatory prank, which you have to take in good humour. If you destroy (by accident or design) someone’s items or builds, you’re expected to replace/reimburse/help set it to rights. The entire Hermitcraft economy (the shopping district) works on an honesty box design. Good sportsmanship is the name of the game on Hermitcraft. In the words of Grian himself: “We prank hard, but we clean up harder.”
8. As touched on before, no one on Hermitcraft actually has authority over anyone else. Some people have admin access (Xisuma, Tango, Joe Hills, etc.) but everyone’s voice weighs the same, even if some people have stepped up to take the lead when it comes to the engineering minutiae of maintaining a very popular server.
9. Every Hermit in the current line-up (Season 9 at the time of writing this) is an adult. I can only think of one person who was not an adult when they joined Hermitcraft and that is Mumbo Jumbo, who was 16 or 17 at the time, I think. Most of these people have life experiences and careers before MCYT. Some of them have only recently ceased to be part-time youtubers/streamers and change to full time as they quit jobs to pursue it (e.g. Cleo, Impulse, etc.). 
So, what does all this mean in-universe? Well... 
- Death is temporary, and very little weight is assigned to it, save that if you kill someone for a prank, expect to be pranked fatally in return. There is very little angst to be mined here.
- The Hermits’ expectations of other Hermits generally boil down to “good sportsmanship”, “willing to lend a hand/their expertise if they’re open to doing so” and “willingly accepts consequences for their own actions”. If you don’t follow these expectations at least most of the time, you’re not really acting in a way that is considered acceptable to the rest of the server, and you’re not fitting into the community on Hermitcraft.
- No Hermit takes on any particular authority figure role, neither in the sense of a boss or manager who looks after things on a professional level, nor in the sense of someone taking on a parental role for anyone else. Friendships are certainly encouraged, and Hermits have varying social relationships with each other, but there really is no “mum friend” or “dad friend” around, excepting the occasional joke, there really just isn’t. And there aren’t any Hermits who seem to want to take on this role.
- The closest I can describe the micro-culture of Hermitcraft in real world terms is “university/college dorm full of mature students (mature students = people not fresh out of secondary school/high school)”. They are all busy with their own massive projects, and then on a social level are out to have a good, slightly chaotic, time. They’ve generally got a good sense of identity, or are blossoming into the kind of creator/person they want to be, because they’re in an environment that encourages growth and ambition while (contrary now to the university/college metaphor) not punishing failure. 
- Hermitcraft is a place of “healing” only in the sense that it is a place where people have a fresh start to dedicate themselves to massive projects and become a part of an exclusive but generally helpful and kind community. The only expectations are that you take responsibility for yourself and your own actions, and if you dish out something you’d better be prepared for it to be volleyed back to you; all of these are fair, in my personal opinion. Some people absolutely thrive on such an opportunity! Some others do not.
- Hermitcraft is exclusive, and not everyone who visits the server gets to stay there. To be offered an invite to become a Hermit requires you to be a good fit for the server and its community, and for everyone to agree on that. If even one Hermit doesn’t want someone there, they won’t be invited. That being said, the Hermits are mature individuals, and if you’re not a friend, then you can at least be a colleague. But if you can’t even be that... well. Hermits don’t offer invitations quickly, due to the fact that there is no probationary period; you’re either in or you’re not.
- LARPing is fairly common, wars are games, and everyone there is just out to have fun at the end of the day. If you don’t want to be involved in whatever “storyline” is currently being acted out on the server, you’ve got to manually say so and tap out. You can just say “sorry, busy with my mega-build, have fun at the war” and be left in peace. And these play-pretend games are not necessarily server-wide, either. Not everyone wants to be involved, and those who don’t aren’t pressured to be. But they do very much happen, and pretty frequently. 
And... yeah, that’s about it. Hermitcraft is a world where a bunch of people are basically running wild and free, able to create huge projects and have fun with their friends (in that distinct adults-who-don’t-have-to-go-to-work-and-are-free-to-be-who-they-wish-to-be kind of way), and while the in-universe reality of any storyline can be up for debate in fandom (e.g. in Season 5, was the jungle actually possessing people or were they just LARPing that?), at the end of the day, most of what happens is in good fun and good sportsmanship. And that is what it means to be a Hermit.
1,107 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jlf23tumble · 2 years
Hey Jen, have you heard Out Of My System yet?? Ngl, after three or five times of hearing I remembered your Louis Tomlinson owes Alex Turner taxes tag (did I say it right?) It's honestly a banger and has THAT sex Artic Monkey vibes. I know you don't like ao3-perspectives but DAMN this song just radiates Alpha energy like literally. Love the religion-inserts Louis did in the song. Very proud of him.
anon 2: jen what do you think of out of my system? i think louis found his sound, excited for it live
I *did* listen, really early this morning, too, because I don't give a FUCK about the wanks telling me I need to donate pennies per stream to some rich white guy. Oddly enough, anon 1, I don't feel like he owes Alex back taxes on this one ONLY because it's not as lyrically strong as those earlier leaked ones (WHEWWWWWW, I can only hope those gems make it to the full album). I think he DOES owe back taxes to Jamie and/or Nick, those rifs are a fantastic sonic meld of about four AM songs. Overall, yeah, I really liked it, that's his wheelhouse, and I'm glad to see him sayin' goodbye to 90s britpop and hello to 00s britpopindie
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spaceumbredoggos · 2 days
Ahahaha… I know how insufferable Hazbin fans are, and how shitty VivziePop’s writing is. But you have to admit that the songs are absolute bangers. So what’s this? My Audhd Brainrot is too busy thinking about leaks for plot points for Aces and Oh’s through making versions of hazbin songs instead of writing more chapters? Will I ever get my shit together? Anyways, here’s a version of More than Anything but it’s Kenz and another character that my moots can theorize about until the actual chapter that is themed around this song is posted.
Kenz: ____! You don't understand. No one in our family ever listened.
No one ever listened to me about anything. Who’s to say they’ll listen to you about the same things?
_____: You don't know that!
Kenz: So what if I don’t?
No one ever knew that when, times were tough before.
When I thought that everything would end.
And in the end, I won't let them get hurt again.
Now they’re the only thing worth fighting for
More than anything, more than anything
I'll fight behind the scenes more than anything
____: Dad, You don't have to protect everyone from him all alone—
Lucifer: I just don't want anyone else to be crushed by him like—
Like I was
____: Kenz.
When we’re young, you always were the sharpest of all…
I never thought that you would fall
But I read your blog and I almost sobbed.
Thе tales about your silent screams, I read them so hopefully,
I would understand why you left me.
So in the end, it's the view I had of you
That was I was so wrong about before.
More than anything, more than anything
I need to save our family more than anything
Kenz: I've been dyin' to find out when you’d call
______: I hesitated, For too long I’ve waited,
Kenz: Looks like I have not lost them all
_____: They should’ve heard your side.
Kenz: But they held their pride.
Both: All that I'm hopin', now that my eyes are open
Is that we can start again- not be pulled apart again
'Cause in the end, you are part of who I am
Kenz: I'll finally scream, and won’t suffer alone anymore
_____: And who could ask for more?
Kenz: More than anything (_____: More than anything)
More than anything (_____: More than anything)
Both: I'm grateful you're my _____ more than anything
More than anything
Hint: it’s not about Ford!!! But it plays into family dynamics with Kenz’s biological family.
0 notes
milf-louis · 2 years
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0 notes
I don’t understand what’s so bad about listening to leaks? Like I bought the overpriced $40 vinyl and I’ll be streaming the album the day it comes out
i don't know nonnie ask the twitter police it's all about omg how can you disrespect his hard work of 2.5 years and listen to it he must be so sad and boo fucking hoo.
i can tell ya it's not gonna affect the sales or promo of hs3 even a bit. Midnight memories was leaked everyone listened to it AND WENT TO THE LIVESTREAM AND PRETENDED NOT TO KNOW ANYTHING lol. It still sold 4 million copies and even broke the record for the fastest selling album in the UK
They know it happens, it was so regular back in the day they're very aware of it, i would go as far as to say they expect it to happen. It doesn't make you a "fake fan" or whatever. Ignore those idiots and do whatever you wish to do. also hs3 is a banger i love it.
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winters-sketches · 3 years
heyheyhey. consider Ship in a Bottle - fin as a kel and hero song. trust me. TRUST me.
HEY ANON THIS IS A BANGER OMG???? WOAHHHh oh oh oh my god you have the biggest braine hold on hold on
[Verse 1] You can fit everything you know In a bottle for you to show Pick your brain apart and put it in (pick your brain apart) And build it again with needles and pins Everything you have earned is a ship With blue waves crashing into it But nothing can touch your happy thoughts anymore (nothing can touch your happy thoughts anymore) With your glass ceiling, walls, and floor
it starts out with Hero drowning in his grief, alone on his own sinking ship, boxed in from the rest of the world. Mari is gone, and every happy memory he had with her is a stained image, torn apart by the fact that they will never happen again. So he closes himself off, rejecting the world that took her from him.
[Pre-Chorus] Sailing on a ship in a bottle Anchor all your thoughts to the bottom Pulling ropes and pulling your head back To see what is breaking the foremast You set sail alone, there is no crew No one on the deck who can help you This is all your own battle to win This is your ship, and you are the captain
He's utterly alone, his mind so far removed from anyone who could help him. He lays in bed, thoughts dull through the endless storm of grief and sorrow. It's all he can see, save for the few moments where someone tries to break through the clouds, tries to reach out to him.
[Chorus] Oh, captain, let's make a deal Where we both say the things that we both really feel I feel scared and I'm starting to sink And I only sink deeper the deeper I think
Kel is there, reaching out for his brother. He's afraid, afraid of losing his brother, afraid of the new lonely reality he's in. Everyone is gone, and he's in his own pain as Mari's death aches at him. He doesn't know how to handle this, how to move forwards without Hero. Not that Hero's quite so inclined to listen...
[Post-Chorus][Verse 2] There are red spots under your eyes From when you cry into the sky Ocean waters rising above your neck (ocean waters) You feel the glass start to crack [Pre-Chorus] Sailing on a ship in a bottle Water's leaking through holes in the bottom Flying flags of ships that have long since Sat at the floor of the sea, but in defense You set sail alone, there is no crew No one on the deck who can help you This is all your own battle to win This is your ship and you are the captain
Kel's own sorrow affects him too, a grief he does not know how to handle, how to address. He cries into the sky, facing upwards to keep the tears from falling. He doesn't want to express his pain, bottling it all up, but of course, that doesn't work, and it's beginning to slip through the cracks. He is also a victim of a sinking ship, and there's no one around to help. Not his friends, and not his family.
[Chorus 2] Oh, captain, let's make a deal Where we both say the things that we both really feel I feel scared and I'm starting to sink And I only sink deeper the deeper I think Oh, captain, make up your mind Before the salt burns your eyes and you run out of time 'cause you're popping the cork, you get lost in your brain And you lose touch with all the things that made you feel sane
But Kel's attempt to reach out twists something in Hero, only riles up the hurricane of hurt within his brother. We know what happens here. It leaves both of them with the salt of tears burning their eyes, twisted and hurt and torn apart from each other. They were brothers. They were always together, finding comfort in each other's light. But Mari's death tore them apart, both of them losing sight of each other as they drift away.
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sugar-bunii · 3 years
Adrenaline rush
You and Octane have been going steady for about 4 months now, everything has been perfect so far but something was missing. You’ve always wanted to be sexually intimate with him but he hasn’t been picking up on any of your hints.
First it was asking to shower together but he was too worried about taking off his prosthetics, next it was when you asked him if he wanted to try something new. He got exited but started going on about the new sushi bar that opened. Another time was just you walking into the room in a towel after showering, he quickly covered his eyes and left so you could get dressed.
As clueless as he was you decided to ask him directly once he got home from the arena. 9:47 rolled around and he opened the door excitedly, “Hey, you’re home early what’s up?” You ask him as he settled down next to you on the couch. “We got a flawless victory and the announcer said we deserved to go home early and take a break!” He wrapped his arm over your shoulder and you put your head on his arm. You thought if you were going to ask it might as well be now.
“What’s up with that look on your face, are you thinking about something?” He asked, taking his mask and placing it on the table. “I was just thinking of a way to celebrate this victory of yours.” You strattled him and kicked your leg on the other side of him. “Woah what’s this about?” He said with a smirk. You whispered in his ear “how about we take this to the bedroom?” A look of excitement washed over his face. “I thought you’d never ask!” He said with excitement, picked you up and practically ran to your room.
As he placed you on the bed he switched the playlist you were listening to, “Why’d you do that?” Slightly joking but almost offended. “I’ve got a special playlist I’ve been working on” he states and sticks his tongue out playfully. He puts on a playlist called “bangers” and the first song that plays is The hills by “The Weeknd.”
“Kay, now where we’re we?” You take off your shirt and he does the same, he stares at your topless body for what feels like forever, “wow,,,you look absolutely stunning” you feel a blush come over you due to the unexpected compliment. He began kissing your stomach, slowly moving his way up planting kisses all over your body, your scars, and taking his time with your stretch marks. You can hear him counting with every kiss.
He hovers over your neck, hesitating before resuming with the kisses “67, 68, 69 hehe 69, 70, 71…” he giggles and continues. The kisses started to become more and more passionate, leaving hickeys on your neck “mine, mine, mine” he mumbled as he ventured from your neck, to your jaw, moving to your lips.
As he pressed his lips to yours he moved one of his hands against your cheek and another slowly moving toward your sweatpants, “is it okay if I-“ you cut him off “oh please help yourself” you say as you waste no time getting back to connecting your lips. You place a hand on his chest and break away from the kiss gasping for air.
Octane pressed his forehead against yours as you both pant, “god I love you so much” he says “I love you too” he smiles as starts working his way into your panties and rubbing circles around your clit. The sudden movement sent a feeling of sensation through your body, your heavy breathing triggered something in Octane to start moving his long now dampened fingers faster at an exhilarating speed.
“Let me hear your pretty noises my love” Octane says as he began kissing your neck once more, as you moan in his ear you receive what sounded to be a mix between a growl and a moan from him. “Please~put them in me” you beg, with a slight hesitation Octane slips two fingers into your dripping wet pussy. “God you’re taking me so well, mi amor~ don’t cum yet, we still have a few more rounds to go and I want to make it last” He says with a raspy tone into your ear.
He pulls his fingers out of you as you’re on the verge of your climax, you let out a small simper and Octane seems to have noticed. “Oh what’s the matter baby, did you want me to keep going?” He says tauntingly. Octane slowly moves down your body trailing his hands, wandering almost like they had a mind of their own.
Octane propped himself up as he was hovering above your pelvis, he slid your sweatpants down every so slowly that you thought you would lose your mind if he didn’t hurry up. For being one of the fastest legends he sure did like taking his time with you. “Oh my, you’re soaking wet just because of these little guys” he says licking his fingers clean of your lingering taste. “And you did say I could help myself.” He says with a smirk.
He stood up and pulled something out of the nightstand next to the bed, “I picked this little bugger up last week.” He says sticking his tongue out at you. “You’re really taking your time tonight, aren’t you?” You ask impatiently “I’m exited and I kinda like making you wait.” He stuck out his tongue and opened the package to reveal a vibrating tongue piercing. He replaced the bar in his tongue with the rubber covered piercing and quickly got back to his position.
“Are you going to be able to handle this?” He teases. “It’ll depend on how well you can use it, but we’ll have to wait and see” you say in response. “If you say so” Octane says as he turns on the little bug in his mouth, as soon as the vibrations hit your lower lips your back arches and your hips buck upwards. Octane steadies your hips and pins then to the bed, for having such a small build he’s so much stronger than you’d think.
As he’s slurping up every drop that drips from your pussy the piercing is perfectly hitting your sweet spot. As he focused more on your clit one of his hands teased the surrounding area of your dripping hole. “God your little hole is so pathetic, dripping just from this piercing, let’s see if you can handle three fingers this time. Just tell me if it’s too much for you, okay?” Octane says reassuring you, making sure you feel comfortable. “Okay, I~” you’re cut off by his fingers curling inside you, keeping a steady pace but fast enough to satisfy his constant need for speed.
Steadily Octane began going faster and faster, in and out of your pussy, the noises from all of your juices leaking out with the speed of his fingers. You run your fingers though his hair and your other hand grips the sheets as you teacher your climax. “Octane, oh god, I’m gonna cum” you desperately say, bucking your hips and arching your back more and more. “Good baby, cum in my mouth, you’re doing so good for me”
As you finally reach your climax you thought it would be over from there, but as Octane held your legs down and locked in, you know you would be there for longer than you anticipated. “Oh good girl, but we’re not doing this for your pleasure, we’re doing this for me, it’s so fun to see you squirm and moan just because of me” You could feel your body getting hotter and hotter, the room smelt of sex and “It wasn’t me” by shaggy filled the silence in the room aside from the sound of the piercing in Octane’s mouth buzzing away as he started to ride you over the edge.
As you moaned his name and gripped his hair he would continue to rub your clit and finger your dripping hole, he moaned praises into your pussy and spat on it from time to time. Soon tears started to form in your eyes from the overstimulation, he had been eating you out for what seemed to have been hours but he didn’t seem to have lost any stamina from fingering you as fast as he did.
Octane started to slow down the pace of his fingers, looking up at you. Your body was twitching, tears stained your face, and you let out small whimpers and he finally removed his fingers from your drenched hole and replaced the burnt out piercing with the original bar that was in its place. “You did so good for me, baby. I’m so proud of you.” He said as he grabbed a wet rag from the bathroom. As he cleaned you up he praised you and told you how much you meant to him.
After he got you cleaned up he pulled an oversized shirt from the closet and clean underwear for you to put on. He placed you on the couch, put the bedsheets in the washer, and drew a bubble bath for the both of you.
He picked you up off the couch, undressed you and put you into the bathtub. “Are you gonna join me in here?” You ask with little energy. “Of course my love, I just need to remember if my legs are waterproof or not.” As he takes off his leg he looks at the small writing on the back of them: made for any type of terrain, adventure, and damage. “We’ll be fine”
He removes what little clothing he had left on him and slipped into the bathtub behind you, grabbing the shampoo and washing your hair. For how rough he was a few minutes ago he was quite gentle scrubbing the shampoo into your hair. “I love you mi amor, I really do mean it, you’re my everything and I would do anything to keep you happy” Octane rinsed your hair and planted soft kisses on your neck and shoulders. “I love you too, we should do this more often, Ive been trying to drop hints but I didn’t think you were picking up on any of them.” You respond as you move your hair to make way for his kisses.
“You have? I guess you just have to be more straight forward with me, but if I think you’re dropping hints I’ll ask before I assume.” He says in response rubbing body wash on your shoulders and arms. “Sounds good to me, thank you again, I love you.” You say with a slight hum to your voice. “I love you too y/n”
Thank you for reading!! This is my first fanfic and it took me just about two days to make. Expect more in the future unless I get flagged for inappropriate content.
I may or may not have had to look up if octanes prosthetics were waterproof, but I’d say I like how this turned out!
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bitchforcb97 · 5 years
good girl.bang chan
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Synopsis: It was your first college party and you were just a good girl that wanted to live a little; Chan was more than willing to help you out.
Warning: SMUT; corruption kink, fuckboy, college
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You were the campus’ token good girl. By the way you acted, the way you dressed, and even the way you talked. You focused on your studies and just living life simply. And it was clear to the other kids on campus that you weren’t the type to party every Saturday and wake up with a hangover on Sunday. It just wasn’t you, it didn’t fit your image at all. 
So when you showed up to Seo Changbin’s banger on Friday night, it was a shock. 
You showed up with a few friends who were able to convince you to go out and have some fun. And they even dressed you for the part as well. A skimpy, short black dress clung to your curves and exposed much more skin than you were used to showing. Your legs were accentuated by the dark red heels given to you, which lead the stray gaze to look right at your ass. 
Uncomfortable, you tugged your dress up to attempt to hide some cleavage. But your friend swatted your hand away and fixed your dress and hair. You looked at her, exasperated, “I feel exposed.”
“Come on, it's not like every other girl at this party is dressed like this.” She waved you off and gave you an up down before nodding to herself, satisfied by your appearance she so carefully put together. “Besides, you look sexy, you’re definitely gonna catch some eyes tonight.”
You would’ve been lying if you said that didn’t interest you, some attention on you. So you sighed and shut your mouth, straightening your back you attempted to have some fun tonight. 
And by the time midnight rolled around, your cheeks were tinted red with alcohol and raucous laugh boomed around you. Your friends were finally happy to see you having some fun, letting yourself go a bit. Besides, it was college! what’s college without a little partying. Nonetheless Seo Changbins parties, always one to look forward to. 
The alcohol in your system obscured your better judgment as your eyes landed on a particular guy. He had a promiscuous reputation and that's exactly what drew you towards him in that moment. Bang Chan, what a fucker. You smiled cheekily as you caught his gaze, your hand raised in a quaint wave. You were acting innocent, but the way you walked towards him spoke differently. Chan's eyes raked your body and when they met your eyes, he smirked.
"Y/n? What brings you here of all places." Chan greeted, his eyes often straying from your face.
You took a sip out of your red cup then winked at him. There was something underlying the playful tone in your voice, Chan liked it. "I'm just looking for a good time. A good girl can have a little fun can't she?"
"If you let me, I'm sure I can help you with that." He smiled and offered for you to sit with him. And you continued to act innocent, but accepted his offer graciously, fully knowing where this would lead. Chan wanted to corrupt your good girl image. It excited you. 
It didn't take much to spur Chan on that night. You entertained him so after some heated kisses and a few more drinks, you found yourself alone with the campus fuckboy. Right on your knees and between his. 
"Fuck baby just like that" Chan groaned with his fingers tangled in your hair. He held your head down as you sucked his dick, your one hand on the inside of his thigh and the other was stroking what you couldn't fit. As he guided you, your tongue ran up the underside of his cock. And Chan watched you, satisfied at just how vulgar he got those innocent eyes of yours to look. Your hollowed cheeks made a pop as you stopped to take a breather, opting to tease his tip and circle it with your tongue. Your puppy eyes met his as you did, and Chan groaned at the sight.
Chan grasped your hair more before pushing your lips back onto his cock. It twitched as it began leaking precum, “Who said you could stop baby? Fuck, who knew this pretty face could take dick so well.”
And you went down again, a feeling of pride and satisfaction bubbled in your chest as he praised you. Bobbing your head, and despite the redness in your cheeks, you worked for more. 
“You like that huh?” He smirked, his eyes hungry for more, “When I praise you? Look at me babygirl.”
And you obeyed, your eyes casting up to look into his. And there you saw his smirk and a pleased expression. He saw your eyes say it all, you were enjoying this just as much as he is. His groans only spurred you on more. You decided you could get addicted to this feeling.
You moaned as you reached down to your heat, trying to relieve yourself a little. Your fingers toying at your entrance. This didn't go unnoticed by Chan and he grabbed your arm, "Who said you could touch yourself. If you're good then I'll help you out later."
Your eyes pleaded at him for a moment, but he only leaned back and threaded his hands through your hair once more. Only he didn't need to guide you this time, you quickly listened and took him in eagerly. Chan breathed in sharply and threw his head back, a moan escaped his lips soon after.
"Good girl."
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