#I love Con's voice so much - encore encore!!!
izzysillyhandsy · 11 months
What did I just say about Iz being a brave fucker.
Walking onto that deck and singing "Hold me close and hold me fast" and "when you kiss me heaven sighs" all by yourself tops everything.
I would go as far as saying this is the bravest thing anyone's done, ever, in the history of piracy.
(let him finish the song dammit!!!)
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shapelytimber · 11 months
Calypso and the Pink Unicorn's pirate drag show !!!!!
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Wee john served so hard it should be illegal 16 dead countless injured, I am dead Calypso was so hot
Process (and my french rant on why I hate the choice of la vie en rose) below vvv
Final without the text
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Rough colors
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Sketch !
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Sorry english people, but what follows is too french an opinion to voice in english (I'll sum it up for u in the end <3)
Ok alors je suis désolé, Con o'Neill chante vraiment très bien ca n'a rien avoir avec sa performance, mais vraiment la vie en rose c pas possible. Le man est sur les champs Elysées a me vendre des tours Eiffel en plastique jpp- Franchement pipe et jambe de bois ca serai mieux passer. Ou les demons de minuit !!!!pourquoi pas les demon de minuit ?????? Chanson hyper connu française. Ok c moins cucu que la vie en rose, mais bonus point plus kinky (je pensais jamais decrire les demons de minuit comme etant kinky mais here we are-)
Ou juste n'importe quoi d'autre-
(And words of wisdom from my evil advisor @quijicroix : légende vivante (de Lorenzo) ça va avec tout. Ou une chanson triste de jul (pas bande organisée, tu peux pas ken dessus). Après tout le monde déteste la police ou nik le front national c les chansons les plus romantiques que je connaisse. Y a santiago aussi, avec le gros mat la. Les trois mâts, pour le steddyhands.)
Tout sauf la fucking vie en rose pitier (meme si, encore une fois, Con o'Neill la chante vraiment bien)
Welcome back english people ! To sum it up : la vie en rose is a french song for tourists that set up a fight or flight reaction in every native speaker. I'm glad people enjoyed this, but I cannot describe the cringe and disappointment I felt when they decided to have him sing this song- (even tho he sings it beautifully (which is part of the disappointment))
They are SO MUCH love songs in french, why this one.
PS : at this point (ep7) I don't know why Stede is still bothering with Ed "I'm hitting the banks didn't tell him which one" teach, when Izzy hands is right there ????? Sir please open your eyes
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dreamwatch · 2 months
Turn The Page
Written for @corrodedcoffinfest
Day #30 - Prompt: Fame and Fortune | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: implied alcoholism | POV: Steve | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: mild angst with a happy ending, future fic, they’re in love your honour, Eddie’s over it
Again, another iPad entry so hopefully no typos but… who knows!
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The moment Eddie gets off the stage Steve knows something is wrong.
The twenty-first had been hard, a day of press, of meet and greets, of things Steve asked Eddie to cancel. ‘It’s easier to just do it’; it’s not though. It never fucking is. The press and the fans get a Diet Eddie, and Steve ends up with an angry drunk in his bedroom. But they power through it. They always do.
 Steve goes to special shows now, wouldn’t have come to this one but it’s the twenty-seventh, and what’s more special than knowing your boyfriend is still alive?
Eddie practically throws his guitar at his tech as he rushes off stage, rushing past everyone, Steve included.
“Eddie?” he calls out.
The rest of the band get off the stage. “Eddie!” Jeff shouts from behind him. “The encore!”
But he’s gone, down the labyrinth of hallways, the crowd still cheering for more.
He doesn’t shower, doesn’t grab his shit from the dressing room, just walks out of the back of the venue to their car,  Steve running behind him. The car isn’t ready, they’re not expecting him for another thirty minutes at least, and it’s a confused mess of security and crew, frantic radio messages.
“Eddie, what the fuck is going on?” Steve asks, taking him by the elbow. He gets a tight head shake as a reply.
The car ride is silent, the smell of cooling sweat blending with the air con blowing full blast at them, and when they get to their hotel room, Eddie heads straight to the phone.
“Hi, can I get room service to the Junior Suite?”
Steve just gawps, he feels like he’s losing his fucking mind.
 “Uh… can I get… do you have pineapple? I’d really like some pineapple actually. And a bottle of champagne… whatever you think is best, oh and hold on,” he says covering the mouthpiece with his hand. “Do you want anything?” 
He sounds manic, so off, so not his usual self. Wild in a crazed way, and it’s scaring Steve. He stands in the entranceway, mouth hanging open.
“Yeah, I want to know what the fuck is going on?”
Eddie blinks.
“And a cheese burger and fries.”
He hangs up and finally peels his t-shirt off, letting it drop to the floor as he walks to the bathroom to shower. The phone keeps ringing, Jeff asking what the hell is going on, their manager, Phil, screaming at him. Eddie wanders in, towel around his waist, another wrapped around his hair. He doesn’t even stop to ask who Steve’s talking to, just gently takes the handset from his hands, places it back on the phone.
The room service arrives and Eddie leads Steve to the dining table, tells him to sit and eat, and then he takes a huge piece of pineapple with him to the bed.
The phone rings again, and this time Eddie rips the cord from the wall.
“Ed, you have got to talk to me.”
“I will. Just let me eat this first. Eat your burger.” 
As if he could.
Eddie sits on the edge of the bed half naked, eating pineapple. Steve’s watched them trash rooms before, true idiot behaviour, but this is probably the weirdest fucking thing he’s ever seen.
There’s banging on the door, Steve can hear Gareth’s voice, then Phil’s again, it’s after midnight now. Eventually they go away.
“You know,” Eddie says breaking the silence. “I don’t think I’ve enjoyed anything in the last few years as much as I enjoyed that fucking pineapple.” He frowns at the half eaten fruit platter, like he’s trying to solve a math problem. 
Steve crouches in down in front of him, his hands gripping Eddie’s knees.
“Bambi, please, what the fuck is going on? I mean, do I need to call a doctor here…? You’re scaring me.”
Eddie looks at him like he’s water on a hot day. 
“What if I said let’s run away? I’ll quit the band, we’ll buy a ranch or a farm. Get out of LA.” His eyes meet Steve’s properly for the first time since he got off stage. “What would you say?”
“I’d say give me ten minutes to pack.”
“Really. Where’s this coming from?”
“I died twenty years ago. And I got a second chance and I took it, you know. We’ve done amazing things. But it’s not fun anymore. It hasn’t been fun for a long time. And life’s too short for that, it’s too short for me to waste it being miserable. And I am. I’m a thing, I’m a commodity. I go where I’m told, I turn up, do my thing. I don’t remember the names of the towns I’m in, I always thought that was a joke you know? It’s not. It’s real.” He laughs, but it’s shallow, his eyes flat. “Who fucking knew?”
Steve gets off the floor and sits beside Eddie on the bed. “Are you serious?”
Eddie doesn’t answer straight away, but when he eventually looks at Steve he nods, and for the first time that day, Steve realises, he smiles. “Yeah. Yeah I’m serious.”
“I hate that you felt this way and didn’t tell me.”
Eddie takes his hand, threads his fingers through, locking them together.
“I didn’t want to worry you.”
This stupid, beautiful man. His everything. His life.
“And the band?”
Eddie shrugs. “They’ll be fine. They’ll get another guitarist no problem. People would kill to join them.”
Steve reaches for Eddie, lays his palm against his cheek, trails his thumb along the silvery thread that runs all the way to his throat, a memory woven on his face. It scares him how close they were to not having this, hits him sometimes out of nowhere. He leans in, his lips meeting Eddie’s, tastes pineapple, tastes home. He wouldn’t deny this man a single thing.
“Alright then,” says Steve says, breaking the kiss with a smile. “I guess we’re going shopping for a ranch.”
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youaremyhome · 2 years
Pieces of the Night: Resisting the New Moon
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Warnings: Dark!Rafe Cameron x Reader, 18+ NSFW, smut, HEAVY non-con/dub-con, drug use, possessive behavior, blackmail, manipulation, DARK. More to add. Read at your own risk!
Notes: 3.0k words. I just to thank everyone that has been patiently waiting for my updates and i am SO SORRY for how long this took. Bad news: this is pretty plot-heavy so no smut, good news: next chapter is Rafe's POV! so i really hope yall like it so tell me if you do or don't, i just wanna hear from ya'll!! it means so much to read what you guys think as you read and i find it just as entertaining as writing the series lol
Taglist: @belcalis9503 @ACRAZYBIOTCH374 @fangirlwithlou@malfoytargaryen @RAFECAMERONSBADUSSY @takin-care-of-business@watersquirtpewpewboomm @magnificantmermaid @mk15x @abbybarnesstuff @lavenderhue
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! (And I’m sorry if I missed you, I love you)
Coming home should be relaxing.  
Instead, a ball of dread sits in your esophagus as you turn the key, inching the door open. Silence greets you, shoulders dropping with the weight rolling down your back. You’re truly alone now, with no greedy hands or nipping teeth to get you.
It was a struggle to leave Rafe’s apartment. A wake-up call of kisses and an encore of his performance in the alley started your morning off, followed by an insufferable breakfast with his roommates, Topper and Kelce. Both boys seemed confused as you sat at the dining table, dressed in Rafe’s t-shirt and boxers as he placed the coffee in front of you. The boyish leers and whistles followed you down the hall when you excused yourself, their eyes pinned to the various bruises scattered on you like exploded stars.
Rafe tried insisting on you skipping class with sweet promises that escalated into whispered threats. Fortunately, you were able to escape. It costed you another pair of underwear.
Dragging yourself to your room, your body and mind argue about who’s more exhausted.
While muscles felt strained and bones felt weak, your mind had no inner voice for once. On autopilot as you change, dumping your things to the ground. A muted consciousness fogs your senses, moving like a sim controlled by a child; clumsy and aimless. Collapsing on the bed is the last thing that happens before the screen turns black.
“Get up!”
Your name is being yelled in layers, crusty eyes peeking open as your friends storm in like an army brigade. Andi squeals and jumps into your bed as their voices overlap.
“How could you keep this from us you bitch?!”
“Everyone’s talking about it –"
“Talking about what?” Your sleepy voice cracks.
“You and Rafe, duh!”
Springing up, an instant flush blisters your face, the girls hitching up an octave as they point it out. Their eyes and questions are like needlepoints poking at your skin.
Rubbing your face with both hands, you press the heels to your eyes. “It just sorta… happened.” Little specks of black and silver sprinkle your vision once you’re done squishing your eyes. There’s no point in lying to them. Well, more than you have to.
Looking between the three of them you ask, “How’d you even know so fast? I left his apartment this morning.”
“Oh, please.” Dan huffs, flicking her wrist. “Those frat boys are worst gossips than us. I heard from Mary, who got a text from Liz whose sleeping with Matt, that Topper told him how you did the walk of shame straight to your class."
Louise strikes out, pulling the neckline of your sweater down, revealing the fresh bruises on your skin. They titter, the girls settling on your bed as you pull your knees up, hugging them tightly to your chest. You tell them what they want to hear.
How Rafe had been persisting you in class while you secretly – hated – loved it, cautious because of his reputation. Leading him to beg for a date and the modified version of the dirty details. As you weave the story, struggling is replaced with play fighting, crying with giggling. The lies stumble through your dry mouth, but they assume it's from your shy demeanor.
“So, do you like… like him?” Louise asks with an impish grin and wonder in her eye. Ever the romantic.
“Personality-wise?” You can’t help the grimace on your face. “He’s alright, I guess.”
Clearly, it isn’t the answer she was hoping for; she shrugs, saying people start dating from being fuck buddies nowadays. Controlling your bodily reaction to your relationship named as that is difficult, a weak nod is all you give.
You can see the excitement they hold for you like little offerings you’re supposed to lap up. In any other case, you would be squealing along with them, maybe even having butterflies in your stomach with fuzzy wings instead of knives.
They probe for more intimate details, something you all do after a new boy. Only this time feels…dirty, that these details should never see the light of day for how dark they are. Further despising Rafe for another thing he has unknowingly ruined: the enjoyment of gossiping with your friends. You’re holding back now and it doesn’t feel right. You should be telling them how you cry at the sight of him, not that you orgasm every time (though that is begrudgingly true, too).
“Just be careful, okay?” Danielle says after the conversation winds down. Reaching over, she lays her hand on yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. It’s a simple caring gesture that has you almost breaking. The touch is innocent and good-natured, something you haven’t felt in weeks.
It reminisces the first time you had told them about Rafe. Danielle always had a better judge of character than you. Repeatedly telling you how there were some people that rather burn than put a fire out. Now, you were encircled in a hellish blue fire that licked at your skin.
You hold eye contact, a wall trembling to fall but you reinforce it with a smile. “Of course.”
Over the course of the next couple weeks, other Greek life people you knew were asking about you and Rafe. You knew the community was big enough to not know everyone, but small enough for word to spread like a slow forest fire, contained in an area before it latches onto a lingering branch, lighting its way through the whole campus.
Questions of if you were dating seemed constant, a hardy no was always the answer. Not understanding the fuss of a random frat boy sleeping with a random college girl. Frustrated with it, you had asked a sorority girl that shared the same class with you and Rafe why it even mattered.
“You’re kidding, right?” You frowned and shook your head. “Everyone knows the rich, crazy VP that loves partying more than girls has never had a girlfriend. Especially one so nice.”
You repeated to her and anyone with ears that you and Rafe were absolutely not dating.
That didn’t stop him from heightening the rumors, walking you to and from classes, a kiss hello and goodbye. Arm stretched behind your chair during lecture, playing with the ends of your hair. Public displays of affection that curdled low in your belly. It only reminded you of the leash he has on you. So taut, that with any wrong move, he’ll turn it into a cage.
Even parties weren’t as fun anymore, Rafe making an appearance more likely than not. Those nights usually ended with you drunk, high, fucked out, or a combination of the three. It didn’t matter if you tried hiding somewhere in the packed houses or fought with him there, it ended with you in his bed.
Today you were especially ticked off.
Hungover and crabby, you’re grumbly and feeling like all over shit. You don’t know why your body hurts more, from your intense hungover or the way Rafe had slammed you down to the bed last night. He was already up when you awoke, only in sweats as he ruffled through his desk drawers. He gave you a distracted morning as you got up and dressed. Though you’ve been appeasing him as of late, you don’t bother with a response.
The sound of sharp inhaling has your eyes rolling to the back of your head in annoyance. After a few moments, you feel his stare as you push your last night's clothes into your bag.
“Wanna bump?” He thumbs his nose, lounging back on the chair. “Make you feel better.”
“Yeah, no thanks.”
The words are clipped and maybe a little sarcastic, focusing on getting everything you need so you can leave. Easily ignoring him as you round the bed to head to the bathroom.
“It’ll get that stick outta your ass you woke up with.” He mutters, but you know you’re meant to hear it.
Mild annoyance flicks into anger. Anger that has you whirling back to him, letting it dominate you like he has done so many times. Arm lashing out, you swipe the rest of the cocaine off the desk. The collected powder floats into a cloud of dust as its disturbed, satisfaction thrumming through you.
“What the fuck?!”
Rafe’s up in a blink of an eye, chair clambering back to the floor. Your delight dries up when livid eyes pierce you, and before you know what you're doing, you're running away.
There’s shouting of your name, bare feet slapping the floor as he gives chase.
The hallway between his door and the entrance narrows before you, distorting into something longer, inescapable. You don’t know where you're going to go with being shoeless and phoneless but you need to get out of here before –
You’re pushed to the side, inches from the front door and your temple bounces off the wall. Hands spin you around, facing Rafe with his eyes wide and skin taunt as he gives you a jagged shake.
“You stupid bitch –"
“Fucking jackass –"
“Hey, woah!”
You both freeze.
As Rafe turns his head to look behind, you cock your head to the side. Topper stands at the small dining table, dimpled chin hanging low and a bowl of cereal sitting in front of him. Bewildered eyes asses the way Rafe is hunching over you, the twisted grip on your upper arms.
“Rafe, man…let her go,” Topper says calmly, one hand lowly reaching out. Something akin to concern filling out his expression.
With a grunt tickling your ear, Rafe releases you, his chest still pressed to yours. He commands under his breath, “go back to the room.”
If it weren’t for the essentials you left, you would’ve disregarded him completely. Glowering, you check shoulders with him as you go, Topper’s worried questions echo down the hall.
Fear, anger, and misplaced embarrassment from the witnessed scuffle rattle up your head down to your chest. The scene plays in your mind’s eye over and over, a loop that changes only in perspective like a movie. One that doesn’t happen to you, only to a girl that’s looking for her lost voice. She had it before.
Only once under the shelter of being in public does relief settle over you like a cool mist. You don’t know what would’ve happened if Topper hadn’t been here.
“So, what are your plans for spring break?"
“Um, to go home?”
Confused, you tilt your head to stare down at the phone, Lauren combined with numerous heart emojis displayed on the screen. Your laptop is set on your knees as you complete homework while chatting with her. Hair still wet from your shower and Rafe’s texts unanswered. Apologizes filled the text history from him, all left on read which led to missed calls and increasingly agitated texts.
“Uhhh, no.” The crinkle of fabric as Lauren packs for an upcoming trip accompanies her words. “Dad didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“He and mom are gonna go back to that little island we stayed at for Christmas.” Your heart drops, your oblivious sister continues, “…yeah, apparently Dad and that Wade guy hit it off and they’re doing business.”
Your dad’s a commercial architect, designing retail and office spaces across the west coast. He sometimes takes the odd job at the beginning of the new year so your family would be able to enjoy your summer in a new city. It usually took months of permits and construction to fully finish the project, your dad liked to stay with them till the end. You don’t even know what Ward does, just that he must’ve made a good impression, yet you can’t remember because you had a nuisance sitting beside you.
A gnawing pit opens at the bottom of your stomach, feeding on the fear that drips like a broken faucet. If this deal with Ward goes through, you’ll be spending your summer in Kildare, possibly longer with no job lined up for yourself.
A summer of Rafe. A summer of suffering through all the shit he’ll pull. No doubt he’ll be hearing of the news soon, having been privy to the calls with his dad, wanting to be a part of the business.
Before now, you’ve resigned yourself to placating him until May, until graduation and then you’d be across the country, far away, and never looking back. As Lauren’s voice hums in the background, your eyes stare at the keyboard in thought. A hand grazing over the tender spot of the side of your head.
This changes how you’ve been dealing with the situation. Handling Rafe like a spoiled child, giving him limited access to his favorite toy. It was the best strategy you had, believing you had an end date to this mess. However, with summer looming towards you with its long shadows and unrelenting heat, you know you can’t do it any longer. You can’t deal with the constant touching, the faux sweet gestures, and the rough treatment. It makes your head flutter with sickly butterflies just thinking of it, your chest feels light as you breathe in deeper.
You need a new plan, now. One that frees you from the shackles of Rafe Cameron. How you were going to do that…you had no idea. Once he learns of the deal, he won’t let it go. He won’t let his dad say no to it, and won’t let you say no to coming with.
The rest of the phone call is a distant thing, the laptop closed and you don’t even know if you saved your work. Amongst the quiet of the night, you drift into your mind, visualizing an alternate world.
A world where you never saw Rafe on the beach that night, or even went to the Outer Banks at all. How after winter break, you still would’ve had a class together. Still had that fated reunion. With no pogues around to deface him, you might’ve liked the attention from him.
Played it coy, compelling him to make the first move, maybe after lecture one day and walk you home. Having a nice, normal conversation with him. How you would’ve agreed to see him again, to have sex with him again.
This other you gets the Rafe you had first met. A jerk, yes, but one that listened to you, that had self-control. Was soft with you. She gets the normal progression of fuck buddies to a situationship. Because despite all the faults he clearly has, other you would’ve been able to look past them. Giving him leeway with his transgressions, not considering it a big deal since it wasn’t a serious thing anyways.
Other you has weeks and months to see the red flags rising up, one by one. The excessive drinking turns him nasty, the blow that levels him out and becomes emotional. Other you would’ve ignored them, chalked it up to typical college behavior until he eventually hurt you. You’d like to think other you would immediately end it, no matter how much he had manipulated you into liking him.
It's at this point of the dark tale where you know the universe is out to get you, an age-old revenge set upon your very soul. Because if other you tried to end it with him, would he have turned just as vicious as before?
Yes, you think, yes, he would in a heartbeat.
Separate paths: one with a smooth, sandy trail as the other grapples with high seas. These two lives are so separate, so unlike the other but still converging in the end, the same destination. A desisted beach with just a blond boy, ready to meld hands and bodies together. No path to take and no boat to ride on.
Gusts of wind brusquely whip around you like nature herself is propelling you forward, toward him. A warp of stumbling and muted colors as the rough waves crash to the shoreline, deafening and ferocious. The blond stays there, waiting. As if he knows you’ll be coming to him, even though you don’t want to. Like he knows no element will stop this journey of yours deeper into the sand.
You can’t see his face but fright ghosts over you like a disembodied entity. You want to go the other way, back to what was before.
The sand starts to flow, gentler than the water, luring you nearer to him, closer to what you know is bad, bad, bad. You think you scream, or maybe there’s another roaring of the waves as your arm's length away now. Details filling out his face come into a sharp focus, the edges around him blurry as Rafe smiles at you.
He seems unaffected by the storm happening viciously around the two of you. Spontaneously, you’re in his arms and you’ve never felt so small. Resisting only seems like it's the sand moving your bodies to and fro, not the intense effort you give. There are words being eaten around you, Rafe telling you something with that giant grin of his.
What? You mouth, your voice is sucked into the vacuum of noise and boomerangs back at you.
YOU’RE MINE. Rafe shouts with a manic glee like a god’s voice booming down below from the heavens. His laughter pushes the waves closer, sand and sea mixing together.
Terror is all you know, from the beginning of time to the end of your days. Rafe’s hold feels more like tentacles than hands, squeezing and capturing you tight. There’s merely the scream of delight by the ocean and the sob of horror from you.
Just as you’re there, you’re not.
Woken in a slick sweat that coats your hairline to the back of your knees. Your heart sputtering from the nightmare and the harsh yank back into the conscious world. After taking a moment that this is reality, that you’re not being swallowed into the vortex of Rafe; do you relax back into bed. Smothering your face back into the pillow, you whimper with the ruminants of irrational fear. That little nub in your brain is lightened up, alarming you that there is real danger near you.
A danger you have to face head-on.
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day6source · 9 months
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“We’re back to our seats” DAY6, the first complete group concert in 4 years
by News Reporter Lee Min-ji All photos provided by JYP Entertainment
DAY6 successfully completed their first full-length solo concert in about 4 years. DAY6 held ‘DAY6 Christmas Special Concert ‘The Present: You are My Day’ for three days from December 22nd to 24th at Korea University’s Hwajeong Gymnasium in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul. This performance is the first Christmas special concert in 4 years since 'Christmas Special Concert 'The Present'' in December 2019, and the first full-length concert since 'DAY6 WORLD TOUR 'GRAVITY'' in January 2020. Tickets for all sessions sold out quickly after general reservations opened, and additional seats were also sold out, attracting a total of 20,000 audiences over three days. On the 24th, the last day of the performance, an online paid live broadcast was simultaneously conducted through the Beyond LIVE platform. As it was the time to officially announce the end of their hiatus period after all of their members Sungjin, Young K, Wonpil, and Dowoon were discharged from the military, DAY6 released more than 23 songs for My Day (fandom name), who had been waiting for a long time. They put their sincerity into each stage. The title track of their first full-length album, "SUNRISE," their title track, "I Smile," and their seventh mini album, "The Book of Us: Negentropy - Chaos Swallowed Up in Love," the title track of "You Make Me" and the track "Invincible (ONE)" opened in the dark, signaling a thrilling and touching return.
Sungjin said, "I've been waiting for a long time to perform on this stage. I named the performance to give the impression that it's a gift to you. I have a lot of emotions coming up from the beginning. I'll pour out everything today," adding to his excitement. They presented a variety of musical gifts, including "Zombie", "Love Me or Leave Me", as well as major group songs such as "days gone by," "You Were Beautiful," "Congratulations," and "I Like You." During the encore stage, they selected songs that added heat to their hearts, including "Best Part," "Time of Our Life," "DANCE DANCE," and "Freely." All of the members went around the audience to make eye contact with fans and keep each other warm during the winter. In order to give precious memories to the audience, DAY6 put all their efforts into every element of the performance. In keeping with the saying "Trust and listen in DAY6," the members showed off their solid vocals and musical instruments that did not feel any gaps in the hiatus period. They sang the parts that fans wanted to hear again, building up their emotions, and Dowoon also performed a surprise bit at the ending part of "Zombie." The members filled the concert hall with happy laughter, exuding wit and chemistry with a small choreography prepared by each other, as well as a specially prepared Manitou Mission and entertainment charging game video before the encore stage. For the first time in about four years, Day6 and My Day completed a concert together. In response to Wonpil's words, "A DAY6 concert is a stage until the end of the auditorium, so we need your voice," the audience harmonized with DAY6 by singing in unison, cheering, and shouting to the members' accompaniment. Young K extended his hand towards the fans and became a microphone stand, and Dowoon showed his happy heart by giving a thumbs up and saying, "It's My Day to trust and listen to." In particular, the members' stage naturally began following My Day's unison singing of 'Only' and 'You Were Beautiful', adding a lingering feeling to the 'Gift Con' with their fantastic partners 'My Day Six'. DAY6 shed tears of joy in front of their precious My Day after a long wait. Sungjin said, "I missed this moment so much. I had a lot of worries about whether I would be able to do well in this performance, but the moment I saw My Day, it all disappeared and everything became possible. That's how much I missed you, and now that we are together, every moment we will be happy. You've waited for four years, and let's have fun together,” he said, talking about a bright future. Young K said, "I wanted to show you the best of me, 'DAY6 is back.' I'm glad that you had fun. What's more fortunate is that we have a lot to show you. I'm excited that we'll have so much to do on stage as well as music. Thank you for being with us so far, and let's be happy from now on." Wonpil said, "I feel the happiest and most overwhelmed when I do DAY6 concert. I think the best thing I can do for you who have waited is to approach with good music and performances. I will continue to show great performances. Our youth starts again from now on and DAY6 will continue in the future," he said. "I always think, 'I have to become a better person' while watching My Day. I'll do my best, so please keep an eye on me. I'll make good three happy days and work hard for the next happy time. Our lives are so happy to meet you, and that happiness is ongoing." The scene was filled with smiles until the last moment when the happy reunion performance came to an end, and the concluding words, “Thank you for being with us,” remained in My Day’s hearts as a signal of a new starting point, a new page of youth that DAY6 will write in the future. It made me look forward to it.
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gloryride · 2 years
Pairing Playlist
I was tagged by @katsigian (thank you ♥♥♥) to share 5 songs about my OTP. As i'm listening my Virgile playlist, i start with my nomads in love, Virgile and Panam 💕
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BEST PART OF ME - ed sheeran, yebba
But she loves me, she loves me / Why the hell she love me / When she could have anyone else? / Oh, you love me, you love me / Why the hell do you love me? / 'Cause I don't even love myself / Baby, the best part of me is you / Lately, everything's making sense too / Oh, baby, I'm so in love with you
I BELONG TO YOU (IL RITMO DELLA PASSIONE) - eros ramazzotti, anastacia
There is no reason / There's no rhyme / It's crystal clear / I hear you voice and all / The darkness disappears / Every time I look Into your eyes / You make me love you / Questo inverno finirà / I do truly love you / Fuori e dentro me / How you make me love you / Con le sue difficoltà / I do truly love you / I belong to you / You belong to me / Forever
JE TE PROMETS - johnny hallyday
Je te promets la clé des secrets de mon âme / Je te promets la vie de mes rires à mes larmes / Je te promets le feu à la place des armes / Plus jamais des adieux rien que des au revoir / J'y crois comme à la terre, j'y crois comme au soleil / J'y crois comme un enfant, comme on peut croire au ciel / J'y crois comme à ta peau, à tes bras qui me serrent / J'te promets une histoire différente des autres / J'ai tant besoin d'y croire encore
I promise you the key to the soul's secrets / I promise you life from my laughing to my tears / I promise you a fire instead of guns / No more farewells, only goodbyes / I believe in it like the earth, I believe in it like the sun / I believe in it as a child, as one can believe in heaven / I believe in it as in your skin, in your arms that hold me tight / I promise you a story different from all the others / I need so much to believe again.
BURNING LOVE - elvis presley
Your kisses lift me higher / Like the sweet song of a choir / You light my morning sky / With burning love
PIU BELLA COSA - eros ramazzotti
Cantare d'amore non basta mai / Ne servirà di più / Per dirtelo ancora per dirti che / Più bella cosa non c'è / Più bella cosa di te / Unica come sei / Immensa quando vuoi / Grazie di esistere
Love singing is never enough / It will take more / To tell you again to say to you that / There is nothing more beautiful / More beautiful than you / Unique as you are / Immense when you want / Thank you for existing.
Tagging (no pressure of course) : @wanderingaldecaldo @dustymagpie @bnbc @vvizjer @honourandsteel @sammysilverdyne @ugh-my-back @ravenstrange @fereldanwench @nightcxty @pheedraws
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wri0thesley · 3 years
ooooh is the dirty talk ask game still on? in the mood for some dark content, non-con with mr compress maybe? :D
warnings: non-con, dark content
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“Shh,” Atsuhiro’s lips brush against your own, skating over your cheeks to kiss the tears away. “I know it hurts, my dear. Don’t worry. You just need to rehearse.”
“Please,” you sob out, in between choked breaths, his body pressing too hot and too close to yours. Gloved fingers curl into your wrist, keeping you pinned down. “I--I can’t--!”
“Of course you can do it,” he coos to you, shifting his hips just so inside of you and making you jerk as the planes of his abdomen rub against your clit. You’re not enjoying it you’re not going to cum you’re not you’re not. “You’re going to be my star, after all - a few hiccups are to be expected! Mm, but you feel so good - ahh, we won’t have as many notes to review as I thought we would, hmm?” Heat blossoms in your stomach, low and curling, as you let out a low moan and squeeze your eyes shut as yet more tears escape. “Oh, lovely - mm, make that noise again. You have the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard, my darling. No wonder you’re so captivating to me.”
The huff of his breath, the hard length inside of you and the way he’s babbling out nonsensical things like this is all just a game or a performance to him all make you feel useless and exposed and about as far from a star as it’s possible to get, but Atsuhiro is making noise again.
“Ahh,” he’s groaning. “I’m afraid, my sweet, I’m not going to be able to hold in my appreciation for much longer.” His mouth curls into a smirk. “But . . . I’m sure you can manage an encore, yes?”
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ejzah · 3 years
Prompt: Can you do a fanfic where the team go out to a karaoke bar. Everyone takes turns and they’re good, but they haven’t found the best singer yet and pretty soon it’s Deeks turn. Deeks is a little apprehensive, but his performance leaves everyone absolutely speechless and in complete awe by his unbelievable talent. Also the song I’m thinking, Unstoppable by Rascal Flatts.
A/N: This is once again very late. I’m placing it fairly early on in the series. Slightly AU as it occurs before Deeks reveals his “Touching Wood” days to Kensi.
Swoon Worthy
“Alright Kensi, it’s our turn,” Nell announced, trying to tug Kensi away from the table they were all grouped around. Two girls were walking off stage following a powerful rendition of “I Will Always Love You”.
“Oh no, I told you I’m not doing karaoke,” Kensi protested.
Deeks grinned, watching them argue about it for a few minutes. Bolstered by a few margaritas, Nell was holding her own.
“I can’t do it alone.”
“Yeah c’mon, Kensi,” Deeks encouraged her, grinning when she shot him a dark look.
“I need some girl power,” Nell insisted, again tugging futilely at her arm. Across the table, Sam and Callen were chuckling at her antics. They each had a beer and seemed more laid-back than usual.
“Fine,” Kensi sighed a few minutes later. “But I am not singing anything from a musical.
“Oh, this is going to be gold,” Callen chortled.
“Just wait until you hear our duet,” Eric said, nodding significantly as he sipped at a mojito. “It’s life changing.”
“I can’t wait,” Sam commented dryly.
Kensi and Nell made it on-stage to light applause as the first few notes of “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” started. With Nell leading, they were a little off-pitch, but her enthusiasm made up for it. At first, Kensi held back, but about halfway through she lost some of her reservation.
They finished to several hoots cheers, which Nell accepted with a little bow. Deeks stood up and whistled loudly over everyone else, ignoring Kensi’s narrowed eyes.
“That was amazing,” he said once they were in hearing distance.
“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it, because it’s never happening again,” she informed them all firmly.
“Aw c’mon, Kens,” Callen protested, tipping his bottle in her direction. “I think it was an inspired performance. I think we need an encore.”
“You keep talking like that and I’m cutting you off.” To prove his point, Sam swiped Callen’s drink when he set it down and held it at arm’s length.
“You just don’t appreciate nice things,” Nell decided, wedging herself between the two men. She patted squeezed their shoulders and winked while downing the rest of her peach margarita. She jerked her chin in Eric’s direction. “Let’s go and show them how it’s done.”
Without a word of argument, Eric stood and offered his arm to Nell. They looked slightly out of place with Eric in his khaki shorts and Nell affecting an almost regal stride as they approached the stage. It took them a couple minutes to find the song they wanted, and then another while they got into character.
“What is happening?” Deeks muttered, watching as Eric faced away from the room. Nell for her part seems to be working herself up to tears.
“Oh, don’t ask,” Kensi advised him as she took a long drink and sat next to him. “Just be glad that Eric found a new duet partner. Last time we went to a bar that had karaoke, he conned Sam into singing “Hakuna Matata” with him.”
Deeks snorted unexpectedly, wiping beer off his upper lip as he swiveled to stare at Sam in delight.
“You’re joking.”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Sam grumbled, shifting uncomfortably.
“Oh, I definitely need a reprisal,” Deeks declared. It was always extremely enjoyable to tease Sam Hanna.
“I think you should go next, Deeks.” Crossing his arms, Sam smiled vindictively.
“If he sounds anything like he does in the shower, then I’m going to vote ‘no’,” Callen said, wincing. “It sounds like a damn bag of cats.”
Before Deeks could respond, the lights dimmed a little more and Nell sang the first line of “Come What May”. She wasn’t quite Nicole Kidman, but she managed to convey the song drama and romance of the song surprisingly well.
When it was his turn, Eric turned around melodramatically, and sang in a tortured voice. He crept closer to Nell, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her to his chest as they sang “I will love you until the end of time”.
“Ok, they’re not bad,” Kensi admitted. “Definitely better than Eric and Sam.”
Eric and Nell finished with her dropping into his arms on the final note, followed by enthusiastic if slightly confused applause.
“That was definitely our best performance,” Nell announced when they returned to the table. “Ok, who’s next?”
“Deeks was just talking about how much he loves karaoke,” Sam answered quickly.
“Well, I’m a little out of practice, but if you insist,” Deeks said, standing with a groan and shaking out his hair. He winked at Kensi, adding, “Try not to swoon.”
“In your dreams, Deeks,” she scoffed as he sauntered away, smiling over his shoulder. He picked up the mic, clearing his throat a couple times, but not looking ill at ease.
“So, uh, it’s be a while since I was up on a stage,” he told the audience with a disarming smile. “But I’m going to do my best. This is for my girl, Fern.”
Rolling her eyes, Kensi resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him. He dipped his head so his face was partially concealed by his hair. Kensi was certain she heard a couple people whispering about him. She had to admit he didn’t look half bad in his dark blue shirt and jeans that hugged-
Kensi gave herself a shake, hoping no one had noticed her lapse in attention.
“So, so you made a lot of mistakes, walked down the road a little sideways,” he sang, keeping his head low. Kensi didn’t immediately recognize the song, but she could tell it wasn’t Deeks’ first time. His voice was soft, slightly throaty, yet completely controlled.
“He’s really good,” Nell shouted in Kensi’s ear. She nodded, completely taken in by his performance.
Deeks belted out the chorus, exuding power with every word as he raised his head, drawing everyone in with a single look. He drew on the energy in the room, becoming more confident, his voice more electric.
He sang the final line to thunderous applause and Deeks nodded, looking mildly embarrassed but pleased by the attention. Nell greeted him when he was halfway to the table, hugging him tightly.
“That was amazing, Deeks! We totally need to do the next one together,” she told him. Deeks extricated his arms, grinning at her enthusiasm.
“Thanks, Nell, but I don’t think you really want to hear my version of “Hello Dolly”, he said as he sat next to Kensi again.
“What?” He shrugged innocently l, like he had no idea why she was regarding him through narrowed eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me you could sing?” she asked.
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me,” Deeks replied with a smug little grin.
“Oh, well, we are going to have a very long conversation tomorrow,” she informed him.
“And a repeat performance?” She gave him a once over, then looked away to hide her smile.
A/N: Truth be told, I’d never heard “Unstoppable”. I hope I did it justice.
Thanks for the prompt!
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chaosstar290 · 5 years
Reasons try out Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore.
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Nintendo's been pretty casual with porting Wii U games over to the Switch, and for good reasons. Normally, I'm not all into porting games that I've already played, but my personal favorite games on the system that lack good marketing and advertising are now getting the attention and love they deserve.
Take Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for example, one of my favorite 2D platfomers. The game originally sold 1.72 million copies worldwide on the Wii U. Not very good numbers, huh? However, the Switch port managed to beat those sales numbers with 2.25 million units sold worldwide by the end of March 2019.
So while this could be seen as a way for Big N to earn more $$$, this is also a way for those who never owned a Wii U and missed out on some of the system's best titles to give these games a shot. Now we just need a port of Xenoblade Chronicles X and The Wonderful 101...and Star Fox Zero, I guess.
But that's a topic for another time. This post is specifically for my favorite JRPG on the Wii U only to be tied with Xenoblade Chronicles X....Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.
This'll be a long one, so here's hoping you'll stick with it until the end.
Before I get into the reasons, lemme educate you guys a bit. Back in January 2013, both Atlus and Intelligent Systems made a teaser trailer for a potential Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem crossover for the Wii U.
The trailer was mostly just a slideshow with various character artwork. Despite this, there was a decent amount of hype surrounding it. But development around the game was pretty silent. That is, until we fast forward to the Nintendo Direct in April 1, 2015. We got a trailer of the ambitious SMT x FE crossover that fans were waiting for...but this was the final product.
Needless to say...neither SMT nor FE fans were happy about this. The fandoms were incredibly salty and foaming at the mouths, basically calling it a Person 4 Lite with a hint of FE. Heck, they're probably still posts on this site from 5 years ago that'll show that.
Fast forward to the games initial release, and you'll see quite a few positive reviews and thoughts about TMS. Unfortunately, the sale numbers were not all that great for the game. Obvious reasons being that it was a Wii U game, and many fans of both SMT x FE were not happy with how it turned out.
And to be honest, I wasn't feeling the game myself at first. It seemed too lighthearted and upbeat, and the J-Pop, anime-ish aesthetics were very off-putting. However, the more I saw about the game, the more I was drawn into it. Somehow all that disappointment I had about TMS originally just washed away. And considering it was a new IP, I decided to give it a chance. And hoo boy...I was generally pleased.
With that outta the way, let's get into why I'm excited for the Switch port of game, and hoping people will give it a fairer chance.
The Setting
The plot of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is mostly simple. You start out as high schooler Itsuki Aoi, the main character of the game encountering his childhood friend Tsubasa Oribe at an audition event to become a idol. It isn't until moments later in the game that the area gets overruned by shadowy creatures known as Mirages that suck out the creative energy known as Perso-- ah I mean Performa from the other idols and audience.
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Poor girl doesn't know what's gonna happen next.
Despite our main characters seeming unharmed by the effect, the Mirages drag Tsubasa into their world known as the Idolsphere. And of course, courageous Itsuki takes action to follow and rescue her.
After trying to make a daring rescue, Itsuki gets bombarded by a Mirage, but somehow manages to awaken it. Taking the form of Fire Emblem Awakening's protagonist Chrom. Itsuki does the same with the Mirage that captured Tsubasa that takes the form of Cedea from Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon. The two awakaned Mirages, however, suffer from a bit of amnesia and can't quite remember who and what they are.
From there on, Itsuki and Tsubasa form a partnership with Chrom and Cedea, encountering various characters trying to reach their way to stardom while trying to draw back the opposing forces from taking over Tokyo and the world. Typical RPG stuff, am I right?
It's a fairly standard and slightly cliche plot with some common anime tropes, but for this game...it works. It's a plot that's incredibly silly, upbeat, and over-the-top, but again...it works for this game. And I love it. It may not be original, deep, or complex, but the story does its best to not take itself too seriously, and it doesn't fail to keep a smile in my face.
Aside from the vanilla cookie-cutter MC Itsuki, the various casts that you meet are incredibly charming, and go through their own personal growth as celebrities. Though you mileage may vary on this.
The Gameplay
The combat is the real star of Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Basically, it's your standard turn-based combat system...but with a few twists. If you've ever played a SMT or Persona game, then don't be surprised that elemental weaknesses make an appearance here. Along with that, the Triangle Weapon system from Fire Emblem also makes an appearance in the game.
But if you're not familiar with either franchise then give you a basic example how this works. Say that you've encountered an armored Mirage wielding an axe. The weaknesses on that enemy are both lightning and swords, and Itsuki just so happens to have both the necessary element and weapon equipped.
In case you're wondering...how the Triangle Weapon mechanic works in FE is that Swords beat Axes, Axes beat Lances, and Lances beat Swords.
The interesting thing about this is that once you exploit an enemy's weakness, other characters will jump in and combo extra attacks. These are called Sessions, and their not only powerful...but also flashy as all hell and it's glorious. Not only that, but there's also Duo Arts where two certain characters will sometimes perform a song that unleashes a powerful attack...which also strings up more Sessions. As broken as this sounds, it actually is pretty strategic for taking down harder enemies, and they can also form Sessions...so be careful.
There's more to the gameplay like roaming Tokyo, exploring dungeons, and upgrading your characters and Mirages by Tiki from Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon as well.
There's mixed opinions on the dungeon aspects of Tokyo Mirage Sessions, but...I personally enjoyed them. Aside from the first one. Once you get past the first dungeon, they get better as the game progresses. From exploring a darker version of Shibuya where you have to avoid giant cameras from sending you back to the entrance of the of the room you currently entered, to venturing through a maze-like TV studio.
There's also side-missions that you can do with your main cast that'll help them grow and develop even further. You'll be rewarded with either a special cutscene or a special attack. Or maybe both.
The Visuals
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Go go...Persona Rangers?
If it wasn't obvious from the amount of images I'm posting, Tokyo Mirage Sessions is a very colorful game. Fitting with it's lighthearted theme, the amount of colors the game throws at you makes visuals aesthetically pleasing. Heck, you could make these your personal wallpaper on your phone or something.
Sure, Tokyo Mirage Sessions isn't nearly as strong as Persona 5 graphically or even artistically, but like most Nintendo games...what their games lack in terms of detailed ultra-hyper graphics, they make up for it with giving their games gorgeous artstyles.
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Also, this game has some reeeeeally good artwork.
The Music
J-Pop plays a pretty big role in Tokyo Mirage Sessions, so expect a lot of vocal tracks. If you're not into this kind of genre of music, then you might wanna stray away from this game. If you are (or if it doesn't bother you), then you're in for a treat. As someone who really isn't into J-Pop myself, the songs in this game are incredible and catchy followed by some beautiful cutscenes. Reincarnation from Kiria Kurono and Feel from Tsubasa Oribe are some of my personal favorites.
The music from outside the vocal tracks are pretty good too. The normal battle theme and the Illusion Shibuya dungeon theme are just to name a couple.
What's New?
Like I said before, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is a port of the Wii U version, but with added content. Any DLC that was added in the original game will part of the base game in the Switch version. But let's talk about the new stuff.
EX Story and Songs
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The EX Story is basically a dungeon that you explore in short bursts. Here you'll find new costumes such as a Joker outfit from Persona 5 for Itsuki, or an Annette outfit from Fire Emblem Three Houses for Mamori Minamoto. Or you can have a much easier time grinding for EXP. Also, much like the side-stories, this dungeon will also explore the main casts' issues and help them grow.
New songs will also be added in this port. A duo song called "She is..." sung by Tsubasa and Kiria is one of them.
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By making Sessions even more powerful and ridiculous, unplayable characters like Tiki, Maiko Shimazaki, and Barry Goodman will also join in Sessions.
In addition, a Quick Session option will be added. Which is a major upgrade in my book. One of the big issues the Wii U version had was while the Sessions were fun to watch, they took forever to get through with the more characters that joined your party. There are also smaller improvements like the Switch version having faster loading times.
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Hopefully, this long as hell post will spark some interest into those who'll give the game a shot. I know there's small nitpicks like the lack of English voice acting and censorship, but the latter is a topic I'd rather not delve deep into.
Regardless, these small cons are greatly outweighed by the large pros this charming game has. If you're an Atlus fan, a lover of JRPGs, or wanting to play something that'll ease the wait for Persona 5 Royal, I highly recommend you give Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE encore a shot.
If you're also waiting for Persona 5 to actually come to the Switch like me, this game is next best thing we've got for the time being.
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This is one of the most stylish menu screens ever.
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The Rubber Band
So uhhh…that Rock Band AU thing that I kept coming up with headcanons for? Yeah…I ran with it lmao though I’m establishing now that this in no way is meant to be GOOD and is instead meant to be SILLY and ENJOYABLE and FUN! I had fun writing it, even if it only took me like 2 hours haha
Credit goes to @ohpineapples​ for the initial idea (also 2 OCs make a very brief cameo in this, though I only own one, but for the sake of this AU they exist in the same universe and are best friends, if for no other reason than because Skylar definitely would take one look at Sophie and say “We’re best friends now”. She’s the extrovert I wish I was lmao)
Also featured: slight Frobin, because I can’t leave well enough alone lol 
Word Count: 1674, will include a read more but they hardly ever work on mobile so RIP sorry in advance lol
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the silliness! (all lyrics are taken straight from the One Piece wiki so if anything’s incorrect I apologize!)
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Battle of the Bands: Sabaody Park City! Prizes awarded to the Top 3 bands! 1st Place awarded title of “Best Band Ever”.
Zoro was by far the easiest to recruit. 
When Luffy had strolled into the music shop, old-as-shit hand-me-down guitar strung across his shoulders, the green-haired percussionist hadn’t had much thought beyond “drumsticks”. This is, of course, because he hadn’t even noticed the other boy come in, an amazing feat considering the volume he exuded; but when Zoro was focused on something, it took a lot to break that focus. In this case, that focus lay on a set of 5B, dark oak, drumsticks. Zoro fumbled with the almost-matching stick in his pocket, older now but no less powerful, similar build though lighter in color. These would go perfectly with it.
And so it didn’t take much to convince Zoro to join; especially after Luffy helped him “borrow” the set.
They tried to recruit a band manager next, eager to get the show on the road, but the orange-haired prospect they’d met at the local carnival practically laughed in their faces.
“You call this a band? There’s two of you! That guitar’s strings are tied in place! I’m not throwing my weight behind a couple of idiots who don’t even know how to maintain their instruments! Do you even know how to write songs?” “Why write them? It’ll come to us when we play!” Nami threw her hand over her face. “See, this is why we need you!” The boy smiled at her, brighter than the sun, and she sighed.
“What do you even call this ‘band’?”
“The Rubber Band!” 
She walked away.
They’d returned to her days later, a long-nosed, bass-playing, songwriter and a curly-browed keyboardist in tow, guitar strings neatly replaced. She sized them up, weighing the pros and cons, and crunching the numbers, in her head. Finally, she spoke up, dollar signs in her eyes.
“My rate is 70% of everything you make, plus a fee of $500 for every event I land you.” 
“Hey isn’t that-”
“Of course, Nami-swan!~ Whatever you want dear! Nothing is too unreasonable for you, my love!~” The blond, Sanji, twirled around her, hearts in his eyes as he continued asking if he could make her anything to eat. She could get used to that.
Luffy agreed as well, not seeing a problem with it, as of course they’d make plenty of money as they journeyed to become the Best Band Ever. Usopp was the only one to voice any concerns, saying that “clearly as the true leader of this band”, they should negotiate for a lower price. Nami’s glare quickly silenced any further complaint.
They played a few local venues, and along the way picked up a curious reindeer with an affinity for the tambourine. Growth was, unfortunately, scarce though, as Nami brought up one day after receiving a call for a gig in the big city.
“Well we’re not getting anywhere without transportation.” She was right. Usopp’s beaten up car had finally quit on them only the week before, and they’d yet to find something up to the task. They sat around a table at the bar they’d just performed at, munching on snacks that Sanji had snuck in. Usopp was working on some new material, as well as their logo (a pirate’s jolly roger with a straw hat, for personality, and to dissuade those who thought Chopper was their mascot), and Zoro placed his freshly polished drumsticks pristinely in their case. Their attention was diverted when a woman approached them, smiling in a way that set them both at ease and on edge at the same time.
“Hello, I just wanted to congratulate you on your set. You played very well, especially you young man,” She said, particularly speaking to Chopper, the inexplicable reindeer. 
“I don’t need your compliments, you dummy,” The boy gushed, blushing at the woman’s words. For her part she didn’t appear offended, and even chuckled slightly at his antics.
“My name is Robin. I overheard you need a way to get around?” Nami eyed her warily.
“Yes…we do, but there’s not enough in the budget to purchase a whole new vehicle.”
“Oh, my husband owns a tour bus. He used to travel with his own group before we met. If it’s no trouble for you, we’d be happy to help.” As she spoke, a large, bright blue headed man walked up, startling the group with his rather eccentric look.
“It would be SUPER no big deal! We’ve been wanting to travel for a while ourselves!”
Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, the band quickly said yes, and so finally began their trip to Sabaody Park City for the Battle of the Bands tournament.
They’d made only one stop for fuel on the way to the city, inadvertently picking up a probably homeless man named Brook, who was hoping to meet a friend in the city. Though most of the group had warned Luffy against it, there was no convincing the boy otherwise, and so far it had actually proved a fruitful venture. The man, thin as a skeleton, was proficient in music as well, and assisted Usopp with writing songs for the next show.
When they’d finally made it, their first real stop was the venue Nami had booked, in hopes of making some quick cash to prepare for the tournament. Robin had assisted with setting up the stage, helping to fight off Franky from installing pyrotechnics (“We can’t afford to pay for fire damages!” Nami had screamed), and despite Luffy’s insistence she stayed well away from the stage while they played. Along the way, they’d discovered she had a rather lovely voice, and seeing as how Luffy’s voice tended to sound like two whales fighting during a car wreck in the middle of a bagpipe festival, they’d tried to convince her to become the official lead singer. So far she’d shrugged them off, saying she wasn’t one for the spotlight.
For the next week, Nami continued booking gigs, somehow extorting extra money out of each new venue owner, until finally the day of the tournament had arrived. They’d walked in as a group, filing past dozens of other bands. They shuffled up to the signin, Luffy writing in big, bold letters “THE RUBBER BAND” across the paper, taking up at least five slots. They ignored the event coordinators’ griping in favor of finding a seat, as they waited for the event to start. 
One by one, bands began to play; the audience determining who would move on and who was knocked out. The Rubber Band managed to make it through the first few rounds, fumbling slightly in the round before the finals. Until this point, they’d mostly gotten by through Luffy shredding on his beat-up guitar. His energy was infectious, and if he missed a note or played a weird chord, most didn’t notice; but now it was the big leagues, and the competition was fierce.
It was down to three bands, and they watched as a man with red hair screamed into the mic while a masked blond man played the drums. When they finished, the apparent leader taunted the next performer: a tattooed guitarist with a curly blond drummer and a silver-haired singer (and was that a polar bear playing the triangle?). Overall, the semi-finals passed in a blur, as it became apparent just what they were up against. 
Luffy wasn’t discouraged at all, however, and merely used this as fuel to further insist Robin join them on stage. In his mind, if she sang for them they were sure to win! His pleas remained unanswered, until it was once again their turn to take the stage, and the dark haired woman followed them up to the mic. She smiled at Luffy’s excitement, and they all ignored the cries from an earlier band about the “new member”, instead settling into a quick, upbeat rhythm. As the crowd started to get into it, Robin launched into the lyrics.
“Arittake no yume o kaki atsume, Sagashi-mono o sagashi ni yuku no sa, ONE PIECE!” 
It was a song she’d memorized after helping the others work so hard to write it, and learn it, specifically for the Battle of the Bands. Robin was nervous, having never purposely put herself in the spotlight like this, especially so literally. But as the crowd grew more enthused, dancing along with their music, she found herself feeling more and more confident, even beginning to sway with the music in her own sort of dance, smile growing wide on her face. 
“Arittake no yume o kaki atsume, Sagashi-mono o sagashi ni yuku no sa, poketto no koin, soreto you wanna be my friend? We are, we are on the cruise! WE ARE!”
Before the group knew it they were finished, sweating and panting beneath the stage lights, the crowd roaring in their ears as they yelled “encore! encore!” Luffy raised his arms above his head, the biggest smile stretched across his face as he started cheering along with them. The tournament coordinator’s voice came over the loudspeaker, straining to be heard over the loud cheers.
“Well, I think we have a pretty clear winner, folks! Give it up for The Rubber Band!” The crowd’s screams grew deafening, and in the confusion Luffy had somehow snaked his way through the crowd to drag Nami, Franky, and Brook onto the stage with the others.
“Come on, guys! We did it!” 
“Luffy, why did you drag me up here…”
“Shishishi, come on! They want an encore!” He said, ignoring the groans of his exasperated manager. The song started up again, spurred forth by Sanji and Zoro (who seemed to be competing over who could play louder), and those without instruments joined Robin at the front, singing along with the lyrics that, at this point, they all knew by heart.
And with the crowd screaming along, it was pretty clear… 
They truly were the Best Band Ever.
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benedictshurley · 5 years
Positive : Part 12
Wow it’s been a hot minute. I think the writer’s block is finally gone but don’t quote me on it! It’s shorter but I think you’ll enjoy it all the same! Enjoy! P.S don’t hate me for the ending thank you!
Summary: It’s Minncon and everybody is still abuzz about the album party
Pairing: Rob Benedict x Reader  
Word Count: 1,940
Warnings: angst, fighting, matt benedict is a sweetheart, privacy invasion, ultimatums, stephen’s no longer a teddy bear
Disclaimer: this is pure FICTION. I mean no harm or hurt to the Benedict family, or others involved. Marnie is Rob’s fictional wife from Kings of Con. I originally used Mollie (his real wife) but ultimately decided to change it as it made me uncomfortable writing about her and his kids.
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If you knew this is where you’d be after finding out you were pregnant, you would’ve hidden in a cave until you gave birth. Fans sending hate after hate. For breaking up Rob’s marriage, for lying, people thinking you cheated on Stephen. The album party video went viral throughout the fandom. Yet here you were, at the convention in Minneapolis, ready to be bombarded with rude questions. Even though for the first time in your convention life, you decided to field your questions, making sure they were appropriate and semi-respectful, but you knew deep down there’d be a few who slipped through the cracks.
Ever since that night, you haven’t seen or talked to Rob. You only texted him back once. To tell him you didn’t love him back. Which deep down, you knew was the biggest lie you’ve ever told. You did love him, but you didn’t want to break Stephen’s heart. Yet, any feelings for Stephen were beginning to diminish. Ever since he found out about Rob being the father, he’s been controlling, if Rob even looked at you wrong this weekend, you were sure he would beat him up on the spot. Plus, knowing that Rob had feelings for you too, made being with someone else extremely difficult.
Entering the hotel, you checked in and got in the elevator. So far, so good, all you needed to do was make it to your room and- you rammed face first into someone’s chest.
“Oh god i’m so sorry, I was lost in my own thoughts and-” Once you looked up at who it was, your mouth went dry. “Rob.”
“Y/N” He breathed out, almost relieved to see you. “We really need to talk. About everything.”
You wanted to, god did you want to, but your brain was giving you flashing red signs. “Rob I don’t-”
You were cut off by Stephen exiting the other elevator. Right, you had texted him that you were here. Wrapping his arm around your torso, Stephen presses a kiss to your temple. “Hey babe. Missed you.”
Rob let out a heavy sigh. “Steve, Y/N and I need to talk. Considering a majority of it involves our child.” He made sure to enunciate the “our”, making it clear to Stephen that he wasn’t the father, and he never would be.
“Well, Y/N hasn’t expressed any interest in seeing you, and I don’t believe that changed. So we will be going to our room.” Stephen smirked triumphantly, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards your room.
Rob scoffed, but got in the elevator anyway, instead of going after you, like an idiot.
“Stephen, slow down!” You whispered, not to disturb the other hotel guests, as you always flew in late friday. “Stephen! You’re hurting my arm!” You shoved him off of you.
Stephen turned to look at you. “I’m sorry, I was just trying to get you out of there. I didn’t think you’d wanna talk to him.”
Opening your hotel room door, you groaned out in frustration. “Maybe if you let me get a word in, instead of making my decisions for me, you would know I could’ve handled it myself!”
Stephen stood speechless, you’d never yelled at him like that.
“I’ll be sleeping alone tonight. Goodnight Stephen.” You spat, slamming the door in his face, not waiting for a reply.
As expected, all anyone wanted to talk about with you was the party and the fact that you and Rob had sex. Instead of being offended during your ops and autos, you plastered on a smile and said with enthusiasm “That’s why you use protection every single time!”.
Each one of them left with a little bit of a scowl on their face, but that’s what they get for being assholes. You were nearly 23 weeks pregnant, and extremely hormonal. Don’t mess with the mama bear.
SNS came quicker than expected because before you knew it, you were backstage while the band performed on stage. There was awkward tension though, because Rob’s brother, Matt was sitting right next to you. You had no idea what even to say. “Hey sorry I ruined your brother’s marriage?” You didn’t have much time to think it over before he tapped your shoulder.
“Hey. I’m Matt, but i’m sure you knew that already.” He gave you a grin, eerily similar to his brothers.
“Y/N, but i’m sure you’ve heard all about me. Homewrecker.” You sarcastically threw up jazz hands. “Listen, I just want to apologize to you and your family for ruining rob’s marriage-”
“I’m going to stop you right there. You did us all a favor. Marnie was always sweet to Rob, but she never liked sharing his attention. Even when they had Tyler, it was all about her. We all knew it was going to crack, we just didn’t know when. I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did to be completely honest.”
You were shocked. So she was always a bitch, Rob just never saw it. “Well, then I guess you’re welcome? I’m glad I could be of assistance.”
Matt chuckled, and eyed your stomach. “You know he’s excited right? He can’t wait for her. He sends our whole family ultrasounds now that it's out in the open. Couldn’t be happier honestly. The smile that he gets while talking about your daughter is the biggest one I've seen. Almost as big as the one he gets while talking about you.”
That revelation made your face heat up. Rob talks about you, to his family? “H-he talks about me? A lot?”
Matt nodded, his eyes occasionally darting back to the screen to watch his brother perform. “All the time. Sometimes it’s hard for him to shut up. I haven’t seen that much love in his eyes in a long time. Shame you don’t feel the same way.” And with that, the band came off the stage for a moment before the encore, Matt leaving to talk with his brother for a minute.
“Yeah, except I do.” You muttered to no one in particular, your voice being drowned out by the crowd screaming for the band. Stephen came over for a quick good luck kiss, which you barely reciprocated, before he got in line to go back out. Locking eyes with Rob, you felt your heart begin to beat faster as his blue eyes seemed to stare into yours perfectly. Only when billy hit Rob on the back of the head, did the eye contact break.
Deciding you’d had enough today, you sneaked away and got in an uber early, heading back to the hotel. Once you got in your room, you quickly changed into pajamas and crawled into bed, ignoring the numerous texts you got 20 minutes later from Stephen on your whereabouts. And for the second night in a row, you went to bed alone.
Sunday went off without a hitch, but Matt’s words kept ringing in your mind. He wasn’t drunk when he texted you, and he meant it. But then there was Stephen. Your boyfriend.
Once Sunday had wrapped, Stephen had come to your room with some flowers, to apologize, which made you happy, but it was like getting flowers from your mom when you’re single on valentine’s day.
“I’m sorry I tugged on your arm too hard, and I’m sorry I didn’t let you handle yourself with Rob.” Stephen smiled sheepishly, waving the flowers around before putting them on the bed.
“That’s really sweet. Thank you.” You gave him a soft smile, but when he went in for the kiss, you turned so he got your cheek instead. He looked hurt. “Sorry. Haven’t brushed my teeth yet.” You made up that excuse, when in reality, you didn’t want to kiss him.
He took it though, shrugging his shoulders. “Rob wouldn’t shut up about you today. Kind of annoying.”
“Stephen i’m pregnant with his child, it’s gonna happen. I wish you two could go back to how things were. I don’t want to ruin a 20 year friendship.”
Stephen rolled his eyes. “I see the way he looks at you. And I saw the text.”
You felt anger begin to bubble up under your skin. “You went through my phone?! That’s private Stephen!”
“I’m your boyfriend. I think I’m allowed to look on your phone.”
“For google or something! Not going through my messages like a jerk!” You spat, crossing your arms.
“It’s not like you had anything to hide! He confessed his feelings and you turned him down! Simple!” Stephen yelled in return.
“That’s not the point! You invaded my privacy!”
“It’s starting to seem like you want to fight with me just to fight! What’s gotten into you?!” Stephen questioned, rage becoming apparent in his own features.
“You’re being a dick! You’ve changed since you found out that Rob’s the father. You’re controlling and borderline possessive!” You shouted back.
“I’m just trying to protect you and our relationship from him!”
“Because I see the way you look at him! It’s the same way I look at you! I saw the little eye contact last night and I know that’s why you ran away! I’m trying not to lose you and I feel like the only way that's going to happen is if he’s out of your life!” Stephen yelled, his voice cracking a little bit.
“What are you saying?” You asked, a bit worried about the answer.
Stephen sighed and looked you in the eye. “I want Rob out of your life. Cons, i’ll manage its your job, but personal life, he’s out.”
You almost laughed. “Stephen, that’s not going to happen. He’s the father of my child,  and i’m not keeping him away from her.”
Stephen’s nostrils flared. “It’s either him or me. You need to choose because i’m done being strung along in your little game. And I know that if he stays, you’ll never fully love me.”
Your mouth was agape. He expected you to choose between him and Rob. He was making you choose.
“Him or Me, Y/N” Stephen spoke again, his voice harsh.
Rob’s POV
Rob was laying in his bed, flicking through TV channels. This weekend hadn’t gone like he had hoped. He thought he’d be able to talk to you, try to make up for what Marnie did, but Stephen was everywhere. The second he’d try to talk to you, Stephen would be there, taking you away.
A knock on his door shook him from his thoughts. Who would be here this late?
Opening the door, Rob was shocked to come face to face with you. “Y/N. It’s late, what are you doing here?”
You pushed past him to enter the room and you turned to face him. “I lied.”
All color drained from Rob’s face. What did you lie about? Was Stephen actually the baby’s father? Had Marnie been right this whole time?
“A-about what?” Rob stuttered, shutting the hotel room door.
You took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. “When you texted me that night, telling me you loved me and I told you I didn’t feel the same. I lied.”
Rob’s face had shock written all over it. “Does that mean-”
“Yes Rob. I am completely and utterly in love with you. I’ve been trying to hide it but I can’t anymore. And I just hope that deep down, you still love me too.” Your voice matched your face. Hopeful. “Please say you still love me and I’m not too late.”
Rob was still silent. It took him a moment before he opened his mouth. “I.”
Positive Taglist : @natasha-cole @itsfunnierin-enochian @kocswain @missihart23 @wontlookaway @shanghai88 @rblstrash @burningrupture @sherlockedtash88 @bloodstained-porcelain-doll @tas898 @lullabylike @lexiemiller97
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sambart93 · 6 years
2018.11.30-12.01 Super Junior Live in Tokyo Dome [Super Show 7] Report
The DVD for this comes out on Wednesday, and people in Japan who pre-ordered should be getting their DVDs tomorrow SO it’s about damn time I posted this report! 
So I crazily got way into Super Junior these past 8 months so I took the plunge and went to their concert... twice. It was great! It’s been a while since I went so I hope I can remember most of the stuff but I shall try!
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*Yeah there were changes between the two days!
Song For You Superman (song only, no performance) VCR (Member Intro Shots) Black Suit Scene Stealer MAMACITA First MC Shirt Second MC Animals It's You One More Time Lo Siento (Nov 30) / Kyuhyun's Comment (Dec 1) VCR (Donghae's girlfriend dying in a car accident) One More Chance 愛してるって言えない (Yesung Solo) The Little Prince (Ryeowook Solo) 'Bout You Oppa Oppa Can You Feel It MC Runaway Too Many Beautiful Girls Bambina VCR (SUPERZ) On and On Super Duper Sorry Sorry Mr. Simple Bonamana VCR I Do Make You Smile Shining Star ENCORE: Devil Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! Miracle
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To the report! I’ll try and keep in order.
☆ I remember on Day One (Nov 30) the seat next to me was completely empty. And on Day Two (Dec 1) we got aisle seats so we had a lot of room to ourselves. Also I remember an older couple of women behind us on Day 1 and they sat down a lot and chatted throughout most of the concert -- which would’ve been fine if they’d talked quietly. Me and my friend spoke to each other throughout the concert here and there too.
☆ I remember goods being absolutely crazy! Both times I turned up 2 hours beforehand. Day 1 took 4 hours to get through the line, Day 2 took just over an hour but still, it was crazy! And the CD line on Day 2 was absolutely ridiculous!! I remember a foreign fan on Day 1, just before doors opened, asking us how long goods would take and if she had time to line up (doors open an hour before the concert) and I told her no because it took us 4 hours alone, at this time who knows how long it’ll take.
☆ Day 2 for pre-show was definitely the most fun! I was in my Doraemon outfit so all the fans knew immediately I was a Heechul fan, and because of that (and because he’s not as popular as some of the others) fans were giving me their trading goods of his for free! I even told them ‘I’m sorry I have nothing to trade for this,’ but they were always like, ‘no, we don’t want it!’ which I am super thankful for! Also I got sweets with little D&E and Heechul pictures inside, another woman gave me a Heechul magnet and photo. Just the fans were absolutely amazing!! And I’ll definitely have to pay it forward at the next cons I go to of Super Junior. They were all so kind! I need to repay that!
☆ Also on Day 2, we had less time waiting for goods so we had more time to relax and talk, so me and my friend ended up getting rather drunk before the concert which was fun and we took lots of pictures and talked about other KPop groups and such. It was a good bonding time with my friend xD
☆ I only saw two other people in Doraemon outfits so that made me happy hehe
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☆ I have to admit, I spent the first day just taking in everything; learning how KPop fans work, what chants are used where, what the order of the songs are, how the boys interact, how fanservice in KPop works etc. because it was my first KPop AND Super Junior concert so everything was new to me. So I spent the first day just learning how it all goes down. I also spent the first day just completely watching when and where Heechul leaves and enters the stage because I was worried he wouldn’t have much time, and I have to say he spent a lot of time walking on and off stage - surely it’d be better and would waste less energy if he just had a stool and sat on the stage?! But I guess he still has some pride in him because I feel like and me most of the fans are like ‘you can just sit on the stage and sing, we don’t mind! We’d rather you sat and sang than just completely leave the stage!’. So the second day I fully enjoyed everything that went down and I got super emotional in some parts.
☆ I love how the stage is set with 7 mannequins on stage in boxes. At first I didn’t think anything was odd but then in the last 10 minutes before the show started, I realised there were 8 members performing, so where the hell was the 8th member’s mannequin?! But the show does/did actually start with just the 7 members.
☆ But I have to say, Ryeowook makes the best entrance ever! He turns up part way through Mamacita at the back top stage, belting out notes in all his glory and the crowd went WILD both times. It’s such an epic and good entrance!
☆ Of course, all the fans were delights and happy that Superman (even as an instrumental intro) made a comeback! I heard some long time fans say ‘they finally listened to us and brought it back!’ which is great ^_^
☆ Heechul was so adorable during Shirt! Shaking his little butt around! If I remember correctly, on the second day, Siwon started smacking his butt when he started wiggling it xD
☆ Everyone lost their shit during It’s You. It is SUCH a good concept!!! Their outfits are great! The blindfolds are great! I love how Heechul pops up through the back top stage for his moment and looks so damn good! Everyone is thirsty during this performance xD it’s definitely an unforgettable one!
☆ On the second day, they cut out LoSiento so that they could talk a lot with Kyuhyun and so he could talk to the members and the crowd a lot. No one was expecting him to turn up, so when he suddenly appeared on the screen, the entire audience simulatenously screamed and then proceeded to burst into tears. I also burst into tears! And (at the time) I did’t even know Kyunhun that well but I knew/know how much the fandom and the members miss him so it was just the spiritual moment of ‘everyone is so emotional right now and I got dragged into it completely’. Kyunhyun was a little embarrassed and his Japanese was a little rough and he was totally shy because of that which was ADORABLE! He said ‘Oh please don’t look! I’m so fat right now!’ and everyone was like ‘NO! You’re cute!!’ and he said ‘watching you (members) on stage now and seeing how much fun you’re having, makes me really want to join you. I can’t wait to get back on that stage with you all!’ so adorable xD and he said it was strange being an audience members at the concert but he’s happy being so close to the fans and being able to see fan reactions and how they are around him. Also he got given a seat in the sound area rather than in the VIP area or even in a normal audience seat, because SuJu had completely sold out all their seats and he was proud xD (video here and here)
☆ Me being bias but I was sad they cut out Heechul’s rap at the end of Lo Siento so he didn’t appear at all for that song on Day One. He could’ve easily just cross-dressed and been the girl or could have sang/done the girl parts of the song --- and we would have ALL loved it! I thought it was a nice idea. And he wouldn’t really need to dance so his leg would be okay, and it would keep his stage time up too for his fans... just a shame they didn’t do. I’m sure he had his reasons but I’m sure he spent more time and energy walking up and down stairs than actually dancing and participating on stage...
 ☆ I have to say, on the first day, me and my friend started laughing at Donghae’s VCR. If you’ve ever seen a KDrama, you know EVERY romance show has at least one car crash -- we get it, Korea has a ridiculous amount of car crashes everyday. Car crashes are terrible, they kill and hurt people every day in the world. But I am so DONE with all the Korean media (especially the romance shows) having car crashes. So when Donghae’s VCR had his girlfriend dying in a car crash, I just burst out into laughter, ‘of course she’s in a fucking car crash,’ my body was just ‘here we go again’. It really is ridiculous how every KDrama has a car crash and how they even put them in got damn SuJu shows. I understand completely the reality of car crashes and I am not disrespecting real car crashes at all. But, I’m so done with this trope in the media Korea.
☆ Hearing Ryeowook’s voice properly through his ‘The Little Prince’ song at Tokyo Dome was such a blessing! I absolutely loved this performance and hearing him sing. His vocals really are no joke. He’s just perfect and is amazing at what he does.
☆ In contrast to the two ballad solos that Ryeowook and Yesung gave us, we had D&E being completely stupid with their melody of 'Bout You, Oppa Oppa and Can You Feel It. The entire audience lost it at Can You Feel It. We were all already hyped but that song sent EVERYONE overboard and jumping around; both audience and members. Me and my friend were dying of laughter during this part too! It was so much fun!
☆ I really love the concept for Runaway. They’re all in their school uniforms and they start in a classroom and in their seats before running around it and dancing. Also the hip roll movement they have in this song and Heechul having way too much fun with it haha
☆ The SUPERZ VTR had all the English speaking fans DYING because of Yesung’s mobile screen name is listed as “Yesex”. Me and my friend were dying but clearly the rest of the audience (either they couldn’t read the English fast enough or they had already been to all the other Super Shows so already knew about these VTRs; which seemed like 95% of them) didn’t react and were looking really weird at me and my friend when we started crying with laughter. 
The SUPERZ VTR was so strange though. Like it was trying to tell a story about a group who had gone their separate ways and were then trying to get back together for a final mission, but it barely told any of the story. The information was very broken up and half spoken, and then the VTR ends with Ryeowook capturing LeeTeuk (to which the entire crowd again went crazy and mental because Ryeowook is a baby! He can’t be evil! xD but he was!!!) and... the story was a mess and really difficult to understand. Is SUPERZ like an on-going story that they have at concerts that I’ve missed out on? I felt like I’d been told 0.5% of a story during that VTR. It had a great concept, what I got of the story sounded very good but the VTR itself was just a storytelling mess. GIVE ME ANSWERS! xD
☆ I hadn’t heard On and On until the concert and I immediately really loved the song! So I’ll probably get my grubby hands on it soon!
☆ LeeTeuk had me in tears of laughter during the Super Duper performance because he does THE FUNNIEST run/walk during it! He looks like a complete cartoon character! He was SO funny during this!
☆ THE HEECHUL DRUM SOLO!!! I absolutely LOST IT! Only 7 members are dancing in the front stage during the first half of this song, and me being me, I wasn’t paying attention to them, I was too busy trying to find where Heechul had gone when I noticed staff bringing on drums to the main stage. My brain immediately went ‘hang on... doesn’t Heechul play the drums?!’ and I went wide eyed. Surely enough he walked on stage shortly after that, but with most of the audience paying attention to the front stage because of the 7 members (and the main to back stage’s lights were off so everything was dark), they didn’t realise what was going on, so I was the only one freaking out for a few seconds before the lights went onto Heechul and he started his EPIC, AMAZING DRUM SOLO!!! I just died. I was holding my friend for DEAR LIFE! I lost it completely! The HIGHLIGHT of this damn show is definitely Heechul and that god damn drum solo! He looked so happy and so sexy on those drums!!!
Feast your eyes on these videos 1, 2
☆ I cried a lot during Make You Smile both days. When I first heard it on the single too, I immediately burst into tears. It’s just such a simple yet powerful and emotional song. I couldn’t stop my tears from falling either day.
☆ On the second day of their final comments (before the Encore) HeeChul pulled out a letter and it was in Japanese and spoke it out loud to us. I was just in instant tears because he is just the freaking sweetest. 
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I remember 10 years ago at Budoukan. It was our first show in Japan. I didn’t think we were so loved. I will never forget the fans I saw with my eyes that day. Thank you for loving me who’s standing on this stage. I’m still grateful for that now, and it’s something I’ll never forget.
Video here too.
☆ Towards the end of the show on the second day (I think after Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!) the fans got to give Super Junior a ‘Surprise’ message of ‘Welcome back to Tokyo!’ and of course Shindong was taking pictures and film of the Mexican wave and of the surprise.
☆ They filmed the second day too! Which will be the recording/video for the DVD/BR release which is VERY SOON! Order here, here, and here.
There was one major thing that struck me that gave me.... culture shock? Maybe it’s just Super Junior, or maybe it’s KPop Idols or Korean Artists in general, but during the concert I realised how little fanservice they gave to the audience. Is this normal for KPop Idols or is it just Super Junior? I didn’t see any of them really interact with the audience. I’m very much used to J-Pop / J-Idol concerts where the artists actually go out of their way to wave, shake hands, high-five, do silly poses or actions for fans, steal fan’s uchiwas (giant Japanese fan that usually has their bias’ face or name or some message on it), laugh at the fans messages, pointing at certain people, blowing kisses etc. I am used to artists paying so much attention to fans. But at Super Junior, they almost did nothing except looking and smiling at fans. Maybe they gave one or two waves but there was nothing on the level that I’m used to seeing. And I do not blame the boys at all, but it was this HUGE culture shock to me. Both shows I felt like something was off, something was odd, something was missing. And once I realised that it was the lack of fanservice, I was just hit with culture surprise. 
So, is this normal with KPop artists? Or is it just SJ’s style? Like I said, it’s not a complaint or anything but it was just this HUGE difference to what I’m used to that it kind of... dampened my experience? It definitely felt a little incomplete.
And now for photos me and my friend took randomly throughout the two days!
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There you go!! I hope you all enjoyed that report and it was posted just in time for the DVD release! xD
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iamnumeronine · 6 years
FEBRUARY 2, 2019
This is the day when I met my babiessss, BLACKPINK!!! I DIED A LOT OF TIMES IN THIS CONCERT LIKE...THIS IS MY 1000TH LIFE ALREADY!!!!
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First things first, the night before the con was very exhausting. I was lurking on twitter just because of that incident at the airport where those airport freaks mobbed the girls!!! I mean, WHAT ARE THEY EVEN THINKING?! It just gave me alot of stress knowing that BP is already IN PH!!!
So D-Day, yeah! Ah yeah ah yeah!!! I went to the venue around 10am to settle some stuff and of course, to check and collect the banners,thsirts etc. Grabe pagdating ko palang sa venue FUCKKKKK ETO NA BLACKPINK NA TALAGA!Ang daming tao sobra! The path going to the coral way entrance was a disaster!!!! I was even pushed to a filthy guy ughhhh TANGINA but yeah it doesnt matter kase wala naman syang mapapala hahahaha
So ayun, the day goes on and ETO NA SOUNDCHECK NAAAAA! bawal daw ang cam so i thought sige na okay lang at least let's just enjoy the moment with the girls. But hell yeah!!! When they came out FUCKKKKKKKKKKK as In TANGINA!!! ang gaganda nila! SAME NA SAME SA PICTURE! WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET TALAGA! Jisoo is very pretty!!!! As in LEGIT PRETTY!!!! Jennie is so HIGH END i love her bitchy aura but HELL BROKE LOOSE SHE LOOKED AT ME! WE HAD A MOMENT! SHE LOOKED ME IN THE EYE AND SMILED TIMIDLY AT MEEEEE LIKE.FUCKING HOLY SHIT!!!! and yes mukha akong aso kaway ng kaway muntik pa kong sumubsob sa barricade HAHAAHHAAHAHAH PAKSHET TLAGA!!! CHAENG and LISA were on the left side so less interaction BUT WHEN NUNG LUMAPIT SILA PUTANGINA ANG GANDA TALAGAAAAAAA tapos harutan pa more chaelisa no? Pati lisoo? Kaya pala wala pa sa mood si jennie nun, nagiipon ng lakas ng loob HAHAHAHAAH
Pucha it really felt surreal to see them upclose and hear them live OH MY GOD like HOLY SHITE they are so pretty and cool and sexy and HOT!!! FUCK LAHAT NA!
So they sang KAMU, SO HOT, AND PWF during the soundcheck. Ang saya lang kasi live na live talaga tapos si jisoo huhuhu more interaction din sa amin.😭 i love them so much! Tapos legit ang ganda ng live voice nila lalo na ni rosé and jennie KAKALOKAAAA..
Then during PWF, i saw jennie going to the leftmost part of the stage SO I RAN TOWARDS HER I ALMOST GOT TRIPPED OFF BUT IT WAS ALL WORTH IT COZ JENNIE FUCKING KIM LOOKED ME IN THE EYE! SHE RAISED HER BROWS AND ACKNOWLEDGED MY PRESENCE even if i looked liked a crazy bitch wailing and waving at her HUHUHUHU JENNIE YAH!!!!Jisoo went on the same side of the stage and she was all smiles and laughters! She's really pretty!!! 100%legit! Jennie is pretty too they're not wearing makeup tho. I see jennie's moist face ON THE SCREEN LIKE IT'S THE GOOD KIND OF PERSPIRING FACE she's so pretty. Lisa is ONE HELLA PRETTY PRINCESS AS WELL COZ HER LOCKS ARE SO DAMN LONG AND BEAUTIFUL!!! PLUS ROSIE!!! ang ganda nya din putaaaaaa tho less kasi sya punta sa side namin so less titig din ako sa kanya. She's my bias pa naman :( but all in all, the soundcheck experience was all worth it.
Then concert proper, never thought that it would be hard as hell to stand within the crowd and maintain or even move forward from your spot! The struggle is real! Once the crowd gets wild, i cannot see the girls on stage coz hell! All the phones and lightsticks are blockimg my view plus the constant pushing and pulling from evwryone! My hands and arms are so tired from taking videos. I should have taken photos.only and enjoyed the concert but...nah, lesson learned. Hahahaha. BUT WHEN THEY CAME TO THE 2ND STAGE,WALA NA WALWALAN NA NAMAN SOBRANG NAKAKAPRANING IDK WHAT EVEN DO I HAVE TO DO, TO TAKE A PIC OR VIDEO???? Hahaahahaha
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Favorite performances on the show? ALL!!! But my most anticipated performances (coz i really dreamt of watching it live and now my wishes just came true) were BOOMBAYAH, D4 and AIIYL!!! PLUS 16SHOTS!!! GADDAMIT!!! I was lucky to get a clear fancam of these perf so no regrets on that. The only regret I had is that I wasnt able to record the encore of STAY and PWF (coz it was already sang in encor3, i thought).
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arbitrarygreay · 6 years
Morning Musume NYC 2018, Saturday
Saturday was concert day, and I was determined to get on the railing. Since merch was sold at the con, the concert venue line wouldn't be split between merch and standing position, either. In the past, the line would be at the end of the block by 7AM, so we got to the building at 6AM, only to discover that people had still gotten there at 5AM. Thankfully, we were within the first 20 or so again. But, perhaps because it was shared concert, or because there had already been a lot of interaction with the girls the day before, there were shockingly few people who chose to camp the line. As always, camping an entire day for a concert is actually pretty fun, as everyone in line is there for the same reason, so there's little awkwardness in talking. As this was my third time for MM already, there were several people we knew from previous events, too. We interacted with the Japanese fans quite a bit. One of them was giving out A Gonna/Are You Happy CDs, as well as old member uchiwas. Importantly, the J-fen dished that while camping they airport, they noticed that Maria arrived from a flight from San Francisco, rather than with the rest of the group from Japan. The implication of this is a photobook shoot. One of my proudest accomplishments for this weekend was that I asked the Japanese fans if I could plug in my music player into their speaker, and then proceeded to play a bunch of mashups. It was hilarious seeing the reactions, as people further away in the line could also hear the music, and their surprise at every reveal and transition was great. I also had several people ask me to send them the links of where I found these mashups. I played around with the idea of also camping the stage door entrance to catch the guests entering the building for sound checks, but with no luck all morning, so I gave up. So, of course, as I did a jog around the building later to warm myself up, I caught Kitadani entering the building, hah. The entrance into the building was quite frustrating. They opened two doors, and both had both bag checks and metal detectors. So many people behind us got ahead because the bag checker for their door was more lax, and I also had to wreck my item organization in order to get all of the metal stuff out of my pockets (phone, music player, keys, etc.) Secondly, you were supposed to pick up your VIP badge before entering the venue, and they weren't taking it on faith that the ticket with the barcode was the real deal, so I had to dig through my email archive to find a record with the price paid on it, in order to get my badge, and the switch back to the ticket itself to scan into the concert hall. I definitely entered later than my place in the line had been. Again, thankfully, I still made it to the railing. We waited for an hour for the concert from that point, and the music playlist in the hall was all Lantis, no UFA. Boo. Was amusing when Country Roads came up once, though (as Kageyama had covered it once). I also discovered that VIP included a handshake-ish event, so I started actually thinking of what to say to the girls, unlike with the autograph session. It was funny, all of us MM fans were hoping that one of the collabs would be USA, while none of the anisong fans even knew what that was. One of them even though Da Pump was a Kpop band. The concert itself was fun. Most of VIP was MM fans, but there were just enough anisong fans to show how excited they were about the setlist from those artists. Us MM fans did our best to make every guest feel welcome, though. The concert ended up being between 3 and 4 hours. The other three guests performed about half an hour each, while MM got a full hour, though they did not perform last. There were also multiple collaboration songs between the guests. MM were great, of course. It was hilarious, one anisong fan said that she only vaguely knew MM through their Golden Age songs, and was completely bowled over at the new Kpopified version before her. A downside to this, though, is that few of MM's modern songs lend themselves to tradition lightstick patterns, so our movements during MM's set may have, ironically, been less organized than for the anisongs. But we made up for it in enthusiasm, singing along, and screaming our voices out at every opportunity. Abs watch was too good, but the real story was hair watch, and it was all fab. The girls repeated the introduction style of giving their names and favorite anime. Honey changed her choice to Jojo's, while Maa said just Disney instead of Disney Channel. I'd say that Maria got the best intro screams of the night. Eripon flubbed her line and we started an "eeeeehhh" and she was really ticked off, lol. During Cha La Head Cha La, Maa forgot where she was supposed to be in the line, and Sakura had to correct her. I went for yellow and white lights, for Honey and Chii. My setlist prediction was a bit of a wash. They did both songs from the single, NO SATURDAY NIGHT BOOOOOOOOOOO, no How Do You Like This Japan (as their jumping choice of song for the night was What is Love), and no Jerajera ;_;. All in all, though, it was a great time. No matter the song choice, the girls were going to give a great performance, and they did. Notably, there was no big concert screen, or any steadicams in the press pit. This indicates that there won't be a regular DVD release of this concert (the licensing for the other artists was probably too onerous). A big side effect of this, though, was that for anyone not so close to the stage, the solo performances weren't so exciting as the girls' formation dancing. At the end of the concert, we started a Harunan chant and a yellow ocean. Pretty sure we really ticked off the anisong fans at the point, lol. Some of them though we were trying for an encore. Honey blogged the next day that she heard it all way on the third floor, and later she had a few pictures with the other guests where she was holding one of the yellow glowsticks that had been passed out to help facilitate the yellow ocean. After all of the non-VIPs had exited the building, they set up the tables for us to high five all of the guests. The non-MM's went first, and then the girls went in reverse-seniority order. I AM SO GLAD I REHEARSED WHAT TO SAY, and it was complete and utter success. I both fist bumped and high fived the non-MMs. Gave a "Country Saikou!" to Chii, a "Yo Bonito Queen" to Yokoyan, who was really tired at the point, kind of froze on Dii, sorry. I was planning on asking if she had bought a Gunpla, if it was a handshake, but that would be weird for a high-five setting. I did a mustache twirl for Maria, which made her laugh, and then I was like pretty much about to freeze for the rest of the girls when my friend and I both all but accosted Maria with questions about if she was in San Francisco or not. She said yes, but in that setting she might have said yes to anything. But it carried me through Chel, Sakura, and Maa with us just telling them we came from San Fran and that they should perform there, so that kind of saved me from freezing. I told Ayumi "meccha kirei," and my friend did a "Snefuru kakkoi," told Honey "omedetou," gave Eripon a "yo subleader!" and saluted Fukuchan as leader. She saluted back! And then the high five line was done, a complete and utter success, with an autographed poster to finish it all off. It was magical. Best interaction line I've ever had. (Also, since it was explicitly a high-five line, all of the girls gave great high fives unlike Angerme.) We then headed to the stage door, and the security there was gracious enough to set up a railing to clearly delineate where we could stand, and it was hella close to the door, too. The downside was that we were originally going to sing Saturday Night to them, but then they told us all to put our phones away, so we couldn't look at lyrics, and that part fizzled. But we gave "Otskaresama deshitas" to the various Staff and the other guests. The girls were in two separate vans, sorted by age and gen. Maa looked like a complete diva, wearing a diamond-patterned fur coat, a hat, and sunglasses, swaggering to the van. Meanwhile, Eripon was like in a full head wrap, with just her eyes visible. None of them were as pro as Angerme's stage door exit, though, none filmed with their phones or did Dawa's genius phone flashlight in the van move. I tried dancing Saturday night a bit, but it probably just looked like more Furari Ginza dabbing, lol. There was both an afterparty hosted by the J-fen and a locally hosted karaoke session, but we declined both to grab dinner with some of the new friends we had made, and then headed to bed.
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Silence [ K.NJ ]
Being a famous idol in the country of Korea has pros and cons, and he used to think that there were more of the good ones than those of the latter. Kim Namjoon, the leader of the famous idol group had been entrusted with great responsibility in keeping the group intact, though sometimes he's a part of the troublemakers. Being a rapper was the best part, but the downside is that he's twice as busy alongside with the rest of the rappers in the group; Suga and J-Hope, but they seem more relax, always managing to go through phases of relief despite being in the middle of creating their new mix tapes. Having a loving girl by his side made him all the more happy in spite of the struggles around each and every corner. He can't be lucky enough.
But this time, it looks like as if it's the other way around.
"I care, Namjoon! I care about you suddenly disappearing off in the middle of the night and appearing approximately five hours after!"
The man groaned inwardly as he threw his bag on the couch, drawing his fingers through his hair and freeing it from the clutches of the soft beanie that now fell to the floor. He had simply came back home from the bar after a long and tiring day at practice, his friends inviting him over to have shots at a nearby bar. Being stressed and all, he couldn't help but at least let loose for the night. Now he had a pounding headache -he didn't even have his hungover yet- probably due to his nagging girlfriend following him from room to room. Exclaiming how worried she was and how he replied to none of her messages.
"Can't you just reply at least once? I was scared."
Namjoon whisks his head to his girlfriend, his eyes shooting knives.
(Name), ah, she looks like she's way more stressed than he ever is.
"I can't reply at work." he replies cheekily as if it was the obvious thing a grade school student can understand. Her reaction was one of bafflement, her mouth dropped open in shock as his words continued to process in her mind. In less than a second, her shocked features changed into an exasperated one. "You can't? You get at least five breaks the whole day! At least twenty or half an hour even! And you say you can't reply to a simple message!?"
Namjoon buries his face into his hand, his fist clenching tightly against the hems of his shirt. Trying to push away the urge to just lash out then and there, but he doesn't want another terrible dispute similar to that of a month ago wherein you two nearly parted ways. He doesn't want an encore. At least not yet, he snorts. This action only made the woman huff sharply at him, her face contorting into confusion and longing with an undertone of irritation.
"Look, I'm sorry," He begins to say, taking off his coat and hanging it on the rack. Wanting to drop the pointless argument and succumb into a peaceful sleep in an instant. "I'll make sure to reply next time, okay, jagiya?" he speaks without having to look at her. He simply continued to place his necessities at their places. A second later, he heard a soft, tiny sigh.
"That's what you said.. again." her voice echoed.
And just like that.
"I try to drop the subject because I was tired and I already have a damn headache, now I get this? What's wrong with you?" he snaps back bitterly, unclasping his grip on his pajamas he had just pulled from the wardrobe so he can face her with his now glaring eyes. Watching as she stared at him in shock, her orbs wide in slight fear. Just the sight of her is enough to make his blood boil in annoyance. His brows furrowed, "I thought you understand!" he speaks up again, his voice rising.
(Name) thins out her lips to a straight line as she stands up from the bean bag, her arms folding over her chest as she prepared to talk back. It was just unfair. How can he say such things when she does everything for him to be satisfied? Only texting him when he hasn't arrived on time for dinner, waking up at an ungodly hour to prepare breakfast for him, and simply so much more she can't even count with her fingers.
"I do understand! All I ever needed was your time, even for only a second. Spare something!" she replies. Her hands balling into fists.
It was true.
"You never had any time for me! That was all I ever wanted. Please, just hear me out this time. Just this one time listen to me, acknowledge me for goodness' sake!" she yells.
Namjoon licks his lower lip, his brows furrowing even further as he gives her a grumble. "And all I wanted ever since then is silence." he mutters.
He didn't plan to be heard. No, not at all. But the way she gasped and perfectly understood what he meant, he can't help but flow along.
"What's gotten you so surprised?" he rolls his eyes, "All I hear when I come home is your petty voice nagging at me. Who wouldn't be annoyed? You should be lucky I managed to even stick with you for two years." he snorts, the feeling of being superior amusing him, Polishing his pride to a new level.
(Name) was about to speak, but he beat her to it.
"Namjoon! Listen! Namjoon, where were you?" he mimics, adding a laugh of sarcasm right after.
(Name)'s look was something of pain and confusion as she struggled to process that this was reality, that her own lover continued to speak so badly of her. How come he can't see that she cares for him, and only wants him to listen and spare time for her?
"That's everything you say and it's annoying! I want peace. Peace and silence, get that?" he spat, 
"So leave!"
Her expression screamed all of it.
If there's something he can understand in her, is that there's desperation. She doesn't want to leave.
But he's having none of that tonight.
"No, no, Joonie, wai—"
"No, (Name). You listen to me, leave!" he shouts in exasperation, figuring that if he wants to claim silence, he has to do things his way. So he rested his large palms against the woman's tense shoulders and begin pushing her towards the front door. Ignoring her fear filled exclaims of protest as she fought to keep her ground. Despite her shouts and pleas, she was forced to stand outside his apartment in the cold.
The rapper sighs as he walks away from the door, blocking his hearing from the continuous cries from outside along with the pounding against the door. He doesn't want to continue an argument bound to break them up, escaping it seemed to be the only option left for him as he ascended the staircase that leads to the hall to his bedroom. He looks at (Name) from the window, how come he didn't notice it was raining outside? The said person has her arms around her body, probably in a futile try to keep herself cozy whilst being away from comfort. He hesitates, questioning both his pride and compassion. But he refuses to acknowledge the latter, thus drawing the curtains to a close as he falls on the bed to accept the invite of sleep.
You stared at the white door in front of you as you shivered under the rain, the door blocking you from the person you deemed as your source of warmth and comfort. Your shelter from the bitter world around you, but now you found yourself away from it.
A hand nor a finger unable to trace the shell of protection guarding you from the harsh truth everyone calls reality. Hesitantly, you step out in the cold. In the rain. Your heart banged mercilessly in your chest, hammering your mind with the worst thoughts possible. You sent a total of at least two texts to Namjoon this day, and both were of equal importance. You hoped he was able to read it, even after you were forced to stand out here. Vulnerable to anything that comes in the way.
You cursed as you walk along the sidewalk, you didn't bring your car earlier, figuring he would let you stay for the night. But it appears not, and he had kicked you out.
The more you walk away, however, the more the hair on your skin stood. The more your heart began to hammer, the more you became afraid.
Before you even knew it, the splashing of water and the rushing footsteps following it made you quicken your steps. Desperate to find a café, or any buildings you can get to.
Your mind went wild. Maybe.. maybe if you didn't speak up, you won't be in this predicament? Maybe you'd be safe, encased in his embrace.
Those were probably the last thoughts with his name in your mind, before a hand covered your mouth.
The following morning.. isn't so great. He woke up half an hour after his alarm had stopped ringing, he awfully had to eat instant noodles (he doesn't want to cook and burn the whole thing down), shower in a quick jiffy, get dressed, and basically run to the company building. There was no one to pick him up, considering he is late. The driver probably thought the rapper had gone to the building earlier than expected so he skipped his house.
The very moment the leader entered the practice room, he expected a lot of shouts and teasing regarding about his tardiness -which is rather rare- but none came. He received a sad look from the eldest of the group; Jin, a surprisingly solemn glance from Suga, and an utterly devastated expression from J-Hope. Even the maknae line aren't noisy.
Jungkook's depressed sounding voice came ringing to his ears.
From that moment on, he knows something came up that he isn't aware of.
"You didn't know.. ?" came Jimin's voice, he was sure he heard it crack in between the question.
So that's how the group got their leader sitting on the floor, huddled together, in his hand is J-Hope's phone. Playing a downloaded news video about something relating to a murder recently, which happened to be last night. Before the video even got to a ten second mark, Hoseok already stood up and isolated himself somewhere in the room, muffled sobs blocked by the long sleeve of his shirt as Jin followed after to comfort him. Such action only increased Namjoon's curiosity, thus skipping a few miscellaneous info and into some camera footage. It showed a female dressed in casual attire, rushing down the street under the rain. The leader can make out who she is due to her style of clothing and simply due to the familiar environment around them.
"That's.." he was a loss for words.
"(Name)-ah." Taehyung's deep voice spoke only once.
Why are they showing him this?
Further more into the footage in a back view, a person followed right after her. Presenting a chase scene at a late hour in the night.
Namjoon, being smart, already had an inkling feeling as to what this is about. And he hope it isn't true.
After a few more seconds, the man had pulled her into an alleyway before coming out of the same alley after a few minutes. The footage stopped before showing the reporter, a blank look against her face as she read the news out loud, a slightly blurred picture of a woman in a puddle of blood showed at the right side of the screen with a label "(Name) (Last Name)" right below it.
His blood ran cold.
" We certainly don't receive such depressing news this early in the morning, I am here to report about the murder of (Name) (Last Name) which happened the night before. The victim faced several stab wounds directly at the chest and at her side. Her legs are severely injured as well, police predicted that this is so that the victim won't be able to run away. We are looking more into the given footage in hopes of finding the murderer. We talked to a person who happened to be aware of the situation before the murder and claimed that there were shouts inside a house before the victim was forced out in the rain— "
Namjoon had turn off the phone in a way to stop playing the video. His eyes are clouded with disbelief and grief as he dropped the phone on the ground. His heart hammered painfully against his chest, suddenly finding it rather difficult to breathe.
This can't be happening.
"You should've replied to her messages." Hoseok spoke up from the other side of the room, standing up and walking over to the huddled group in order to retrieve his phone on the ground. Namjoon looks up at him, his voice cracking, "How'd you know about that?" he whispers. Unable to keep his voice steady, the fear of breaking down in front of everyone kept him at his peak. Hoseok stared at him in disgust, which is surprising. He was never like this. Never.
"She texted me when you weren't replying to her, she was worried. Now you manage to tear up? I asked her what was wrong, why you need to see her messages as soon as possible." he draws out a long, tired sigh. "But she won't. She said that even if I am her best friend, it's only you who must know." no longer can Hoseok hold on his tears again, they streamed down his cheeks and onto the flooring. His lower lip trembled at the news of his best friend's death. He stormed over towards the door, giving the leader a harsh, cold glare no one has ever received before.
"This was all your fault, you bastard."
One by one, the remaining Bangtan members stood up from their places. Understanding and solemnity etched into their faces as they turned to leave the broken man be. They weren't saying anything, but no one was contradicting what Hoseok mentioned a little while ago.
Slowly, Namjoon drops to the floor, immediately securing himself propped up on the wall. Fishing out his phone from his pocket.
His heart broke into pieces, memories of last night coming back to his mind. His headache didn't help cope with the situation of the death of his lover he deemed annoying. Oh how much he regrets saying all of those the night before.
Sniffing subtly, he opens his inbox to see two unread messages. No longer did he hesitate, he simply opened them in one tap.
[ Joonie? When are you coming home? I received a text from an unknown number. They're threatening me, Namjoon-ah. ]
[ Namjoon, please reply. I'm scared, I really am. I'll be waiting for you in your house, alright? ]
The phone loosened in his clutch, falling to the floor instantly as Namjoon sobbed into his hand. Your pleas resonated in his mind, in tune with the continuous sound of his heart splitting and being crushed into nothing. Leaving nothing but a remainder of darkness in his chest as he cried and mourned alone.
"J-jagiya," he sobs.
What kind of boyfriend is he? His own partner being threatened, and because of his pride and stupidity to force her out, she had died.
She even left the world without making amends with him, she left without getting to hear a proper apology from him. A loving confession, a gentle hug. What hurts the most is that she had died with the image of him mad at her painted in her mind—she died with a broken heart. And he wasn't there in her last moments, nor was he there to beg her to stay. The pain of losing someone he loves broke him down asunder, crushing him again and again. Reminding him of the pain he caused, and of the pleas he ignored. He truly was a foolish man. No longer will he consider himself lucky. Kim Namjoon, finally had a living regret. For all he knew now,
"I'm so sorry.."
The wish of silence was granted before him.
"I should've listened."
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yoolee · 7 years
Must be those beautiful feathers, my goose princess 😘 here’s an encore, muhahahahhah 1, 2, 3, 14 and 34 please darlings~ sankyu~
(lee is a clumsy goose space cadet and answered this personally and incomplete first, thank you for the resend!)
 1.  Describe your comfortzone—a typical you-fic.
Modernfluff, involving 3 or more characters, a decent amount of nonsense and fluff,with barely relevant parenthetical asides and lotsa commas/run-on sentences.Very slice-of-life stuff. The most comfortable zone for me is a conversationalzone! @han-pan WHO HAS HAD THE JOY struggle of turning my longer stuff intosome semblence of readable, once pointed out that I write like a slam poet - Iuse commas to indicate verbal pauses, and it was SUPER EYE-OPENING. My writingtends to be a transcript of a mental story I told myself, and it reads as such.
2. Isthere a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
I am asucker for fake relationships. I love them.
3. Isthere a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
Probably??Dunno. There are definitely some kinks out there that are not my wavelength, sothey won’t ever come up in my smut, but that’s all I can think of off the topof my head.
34.  What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
Ooooohman. You are going to make me voice an uncomfortable opinion my friend! I couldplead the fifth but, I imagine my perspective is a weird one. My thoughts onnon-con and dub-con are lengthy and complicated. I have written 4000 words onconsent, experience and fanfiction HERE but Iwill attempt a more succinct summation.Shortest version - I understandwhy this content exists, I’ve consumed it myself as a weird attempt to deal/normalize/control my actual experience with nc situations, and I consider that consumption independent ofcreation - from a creation perspective, content creators and media need to tomore to normalize consent, and share the narrative of its ease, value, andimportance, because there IS so much media that lacks it, which I legitimatelybelieve led to at least one of my own situations. Inadvertent exposure todub/noncon content is the LAST thing developing or undecided or inexperiencedminds need. 
First of all - I’ve got some snarly, unpleasant, awfulIRL experiences, some of them as a very young Lee, that color and complicate myperspective, and I have not necessarily explored or dealt with them in ahealthy way. I have issues, not the least of which involve control, and nosmall wonder. Frankly, one of those ways, healthy or otherwise, I have dealt has beenthrough the consumption of dub-con/non-con content. Which leads to –
Second of all - I recognize that fiction is not reality,and that we have complete control of the fictional spaces we experience,therefore making exploration (and control) of themes we cannot condone and perpetuate inreality sometimes a safer option than others. The consumption of content is our own choice up until it becomes a basis for actionin reality. So long as it does not do that, as long as you are not taking the existence ofsomething in fiction as a justification of its existence in reality, or areason to perpetuate it in reality, and so long as you are not exposing anyone else to a narrative that may shape their opinions(which is to say, you are in control of your own reaction, you are NOT ofanyone else’s, and so should not risk exposing someone to something that they mightthen use to justify an IRL action that you would not) it’s not as much of acontradiction as it might look like to someone without that experience of notbeing in control. I read a lot of books about fictional fantasy wars too,doesn’t mean I condone it. I’ve also never been to war - I would be curiouswhat a former soldier’s perspective would be. I think as long as it is in acurated and controlled space, where you have to go GET it instead of stumble onit,that’s better than it just being out willynilly. I can openly say my feelings are complicated and probably hypocritical.
However, mostimportantly, Third - Ithink we have a responsibility as content creators to create whatwe want to see perpetuated. What we want to see more of. With that in mind, asa content creator, at complete odds with my content consumption, I work really hardto normalize consent. I don’t think consent is as normalized and prevalent asit needs to be. I DO think that the lack of it in our media contributed to meending up in situations where I was not given the choice to consent, did nothave the knowledge of how to safely express my LACK of consent, nor theknowledge and comfort of knowing that I had the choice whether it was offeredor not. I don’t begrudge people who write what they need to write to deal withwhatever is going on, and I understand the need to put it in public spaces tobe validated, even if I personally can’t ever justify doing so with that kindof content. Because it shapes us. I’d rather be able to look back on my workand say, somewhere in the back of someone’s mind, when the moment comes,they’ll open their mouth and say, “You good?” and get “yeah” before continuing,because they read that once, than anything else.
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