#I love Sylveons so this is necessary
antikittysocial · 29 days
Time to yap about my eeveelution lore
this whole thing is based off of pokemon GO btw
Everyone started out as an eevee! obviously. At first there were only two. The first to evolve was also the eldest of the eevees, akito! He evolved into a sylveon. The second to evolve was the other, who evolved into a glaceon - these two were like older brothers to everyone else, and are practically inseparable. WILL throw hands (feelers? paws?) to protect each other. Also the glaceon is called Ace, they raced each other a lot. The third and fourth eevees were also brought in and taken care of, and so the older brother duo thing started. One evolved into an espeon. these two... basically ALWAYS got into trouble. Sneaking snacks around, breaking stuff with telekenisis, etc. Then a flareon was caught! So current situation, in order of being brought in: Sylveon (Akito), Glaceon (Ace), Espeon (Oliver), Eevee (Levi) and Flareon (Asher, nicknamed firefighter as a joke). Okay! So, because it took a lot of time and effort to take care of so many vees, the trainer only had time for some of the vees at nighttime. This eventually resulted in Levi (eevee) evolving into an umbreon! ...which lead to more espeon-umbreon tag-team telekenisis mayhem. Oftentimes Akito (sylveon) or Ace (glaceon) came to sort it out tho. (But they don't snitch! Just try to stop them and put all the stuff back. Once, Ace got stuck in the fridge and took a nap there after putting away some treats Levi snuck out at night. No one realised until next morning, and left everyone wondering how glaceon biology works. And what about Asher, you may ask? He is a certified good boi :3 very playful and often plays games with everyone else! As a result everyone loves him. And for good reason, he always means the best for everyone. Very pure stuff! After a lot more eevee hunting, another 3 were brought in. On the way back from a walk through a nearby park the second one evolved into a leafeon, which ended up becoming an inside joke as to how quickly he evolved. The other two eevees were more calculated about what they really wanted to be, and after a couple months of more eevee randomness, one evolved into a vaporeon! This was when the trainer decided to instead of taking only 2 or 3 of them on walks at a time, to bring all of them in one go. ...This was a mistake. Two other trainers mistook it for a pokemon battle request, Asher almost burned a couple hedges down by accident, the vaporeon (rainer. yes I used the pokemon go name even though he canonically used a water stone. I'm lazy okay I'm bad at names) snuck into someone's pool and turned into water (took half an hour to get him out. somehow didn't get fined.), Oliver caused all sorts of telekenetic chaos, (tried to lift multiple of the eeveelutions as a prank, he does this often. Except usually it's not more than one, or outside. He missed and accidentally terrorised multiple pokemon and children.)
After all that, it was decided to NEVER EVER EVER bring out all the eeveelutions at once unless it was absolutely necessary.
Anyway! You know the gist, more eevees were caught. So home situation: Akito (sylveon), Ace (glaceon), Oliver (espeon), Levi (umbreon), Asher (Flareon), Rainer (vaporeon), Linen (Leafeon) and Tunner (eevee). So all the eeveelutions and eevee, with the exception of Jolteon.
Anyway I'm too lazy to type out the actual plot so I'll reblog this with more later
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fictive-culture · 8 months
Hi it’s the Pokémon fictive I’m back again hi hello
I just got hit with a huge wave of missing my home so excuse me while I talk.
My mom (the one who didn’t try to kill me, aka Amber) was/is a Wooloo/Dubwool specialist. We lived together for many years. She found me in Kalos, trapped inside a cave after who knows how many years. She took me home, helped me recovered, and I never left emotionally her side after that. Even when I was traveling the world p, the feeling of always having someone to come home to was very nice, and not like anything if ever felt in years. I was native to Kalos for the most part. Born there after being created, lived there for millennia outside of traveling and such. The kingdoms of Kalos were established, I had been in the atmosphere, sort of in a hibernating state. Unbeknownst to me, gravity had finally pulled me in. Crashing into the courtyard of the castle. The first one who found me was their princess. I can’t overstate our bond that we shared after that. It was like we were siblings, never taking a moment apart from each other. I seriously don’t even remember leaving Kalos during that time. She’d eventually even became Queen, we were together into her late ages. But of course, as all Kingdoms do, ours fell. I ended up retreating into the wilds, invisible to all. The Queen’s daughter had also been quite… not good for a lack of better word. I ended up feeling the need to leave the Queen’s side for the first time since we’d met all those years ago because of her. I don’t think I ever was the Queen again. I never even got to say a proper goodbye to her. I miss her. And for years I would never feel that kind of deep connection to anybody ever again. But Amber was different. She loved me. She didn’t care I was some weird god pretending to be a human child. She’d loved me all the same. As her own. I miss her so much. We have her in the system but we haven’t spoken in a while. I hope she’s doing okay. Anyways. We lived in Kalos together for awhile until she eventually got a place, a house lab with a large pasture, to work and live at in Galar. I moved with her, to her shocking surprise. I really don’t understand if she didn’t think i’d come with her. She was really just my mother. She had already been taking many Woolf specimens back in our home in Kalos, but now she could own all of them and have them live happily, grazing in the pasture fields. She did have a pet Wooloo even before she found me. Frills. WHO eventually did evolve into a Dubwool back in Galar.
Now to I don’t think anyone’s surprise, I was not emotionally stable, and I still am not. Frills helped me through many mental breakdowns and panic attacks. I think you can imagine having somebody searching every corner of the earth to hunt and kill you is not a pleasant thought. Frills, and my Sylveon, spots. I honestly cannot remember when I caught her. Though it was as an Eevee. I named her after her spotted and splotchy fur. They helped me more than i can express. Countless sleepless nights staring out the window in my room, cold air flowing in, trying my hardest not to just leave and burrow myself into the millions of layers of the earth to sleep forever.
I really don’t like the cold all that much. At least when I can’t manage it. Gotta tell you, being crucified on top of Mt. Lanakila in an attempt to be killed and end the world really fucks you up. Thanks, Lyra. /s
I still love Lyra. At least, in recent times. She came into the system awhile back, she was there when Amber went dormant for the first time. I didn’t know that dormancy could be temporary, so I’d really thought I’d lost my mother forever, for the second time. She helped me through it, helped me sleep. Helped me get through the days afterwards. We called a truce. Though it really wasn’t necessary on her part, as she ended coming from a world where she’d stopped trying to hunt me down after Mt. Lanakila.
It’s really a shame she had to do it on that mountain. I loved Alola, but after that I really couldn’t go back to that place. Atleast not on that island. Also, fuck Violet. Not the game. Lyra’s main assistant. I fucking hate her I hate her so much she’s the fucking worst I hate her so much. She was the worst. Worse than Lyra. So much worse. At least after a while in the timelines where Lyra kept trying to hunt me down she eventually stopped trying to taunt or tease me when she’d be about to try and kill or capture me again. But not Violet. She never stopped. I couldn’t do anything about it. I hated her so much and I still do. I don’t think i’d ever be able to forgive her.
I still want to go home. I want my body back I want my powers back I want my immortality back I want my mother again I want my Pokémon again I want my Spots I want my Frills I want my Sligoo. I want my paws I want my ears I want my fangs I want my fur. I had a necklace that reminded me of the one I had at home but I lost the pendant and i want it back. It made me feel happy. I want to see my sister again. Thorn, if you see this later, I want to talk to you more :( I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.
-🎀🐾 (sorry if this isn’t the emoji tag I used last time, I keep fluctuating between not using the paws and using them.)
Sorry this got so ventish. If you don’t want to post this that’s fine.
Hi! I'm really sorry it took so long for us to post this but we like to read everything before posting and it took us awhile to read this please don't feel bad about that and feel free to send in more stuff like this :) It's what the rambles are for sharing your story and feelings I do hope that you get to see your family again and speak to them more often and just in general I hope that life is kind to you :)
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Day 18: D/D/D - Different Dimension Day @arcvmonth
Since Pokemon and Arc V, as well as the YGO franchise as a whole, are my forever special interests and combining them together brings much such immense joy, that's what I'm going to do today. I have a general idea of what the premise of the crossover could be like and then I'll just go over some Pokemon that would fit some of the characters due to their decks/personalities. Yuya and Yuzu being Pokemon Coordinators would be perfect fit. It's not exactly like Entertainment Dueling, but there is an emphasis on appealing to the crowds and the judges with your appeals and combinations. Pokemon XY did introduce Pokemon Showcases, but those are boring as sin in my opinion and those really wouldn't fit with even just Yuzu either. I kind of like the idea of Mega Evolution taking the place of Pendulum summoning. While I find that battle mechanic overhyped by the fans, it would probably work better than the other mechanics as a transformation. Academia would still be trying to find the Bracelet Girls not only for them, but for their Pokemon as well. The four dimensions would become different regions instead.
Yuya's main Pokemon would be Flygon. Out of all of the Dragon Pokemon, I think it fits him the best because it is an odd eyes Dragon Pokemon. Plus, we'd have Mega Flygon with this setup. One of the few ways to truly bring the Pokemon fanbase together. He could also get a Charizard to become Mega Charizard X instead since it would become a Dragon type, but I think Flygon fits him more. I could also see him with a Rillaboom. A gorilla playing with wooden drums just feels perfect for Yuya. Out of all of the characters, it's really easy to give Yuya a full Pokemon team it's easy to find some Pokemon that represent his Performapals. Hippopotas and Ekans are pretty solid choices too. Most other characters would specialize in a specific type, but I think Yuya would go for a variety of types to make more unique combinations in his Contests.
Yuzu's main Pokemon would be Primarina. While I love seeing Yuya and Popplio together, especially when its official artwork makes me think it would be a perfect fit for him as well, Primarina is a better match for Yuzu's deck. It's Z-Move in particular fits with how some of her monsters attack. She's specialize in Fairy types, so she'd have Pokemon like Sylveon, Gardevoir and Wigglytuff.
Yuto would have a Hydreigon. While I'm tempted to give him a Dragapult due to being part Ghost, I think that Hydreigon works with his design a bit more. He would have Dark and Ghost types. Ceruledge would be such a cool fit for him since it's probably the closest to his Phantom Knight monsters. Chandelure would be really cool too since it's one of my favorite Ghost types.
Ruri would have an Altaria. She would have less aggressive Flying type Pokemon compared to Shun, so I could see her with Swellow and a Pidgeot. An Oricorio would be really cool too, especially with it able to change forms and typing when necessary.
Yugo would have a Salamence. I think it fits him really well among Dragon types and I think that the notion of a Dragon Pokemon forcing itself to evolve with wings to fulfill its dream of flying would fit with Yugo as well. I could see him with some Electric type since they tend to be pretty speedy. Alolan Raichu would be cute and a Heliolisk would be neat too. Yugo riding on a Cyclizar in place of his D-Wheel would be so cute too.
Rin would definitely have a Froslass. She'd run a lot of Ice types. Glaceon would fit her really well. An Alolan Ninetales would be pretty cool for her as well.
Yuri would have a Dragalge. While it isn't the most powerful Dragon type out there, I think it fits with his design and deck really well. It's also my favorite Poison type. He would use a lot of Poison types, so Scoliopede would be great for him. I could see Yuri getting an Espeon. Part of it is to tie in with Serena's team, but there is something interesting about Yuri bonding with one of his Pokemon enough to make it evolve. Even in Pokemon, some villains have Pokemon that evolve via friendship levels, so it would be fitting. Giving him a Shiny Espeon just so he could brag about it would also be on brand since being smug is in Yuri's DNA practically.
Serena would have an Incineroar. Design wise it might not fit her deck that well, but I think it works well with her more aggressive personality. Liepard would be a good fit too. Umbreon would be perfect due to its connection to the moon, as well as hinting at her connection to Yuri since both Espeon and Umbreon are often linked together.
Zarc would still have merged together with the four dragons in this crossover, but he'd use that power to revive the Legendary Pokemon Yvetal in order to cause immense destruction in the original world. Ray would use the power of her own Pokemon, in this case the four main partners of the Bracelet Girls, to summon the Legendary Pokemon Xerenas in order to restore life and defeat Yvetal. It's a shame that we don't know what the Legendary Dragon from Unova was before it split apart because that would have been perfect for Zarc. It's not a perfect fit for the Dragon Boys since it split into three Pokemon instead of four. I could see Yuya with Zekrom since it assists those who want to build an ideal world, but I don't think Reshiram and Kyurem really fit with the other Dragon Boys. Maybe the inevitable Black/White remake will expand on that legend and show what the original Unvoa Dragon looks like too.
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scruffyssketchbook · 9 months
Hwidkek it’s a bit long but if you really wanna hear it-
The general plot is that there is this organization, TECT, and they do all these wacky experiments on Pokémon. It isn’t JUST eevees, but those were the only ones I cared about. The specific eevees that are important to this story are part of a project called Project EVOLVE. The plan is to make new eeveelutions, whether that be completely different typings, or just different appearances and variations of regular typings. Some were made to be strong battlers, and some housepets. Battlers were forced to fight in an arena regularly to monitor their progress. Housepets were often drugged and sedated to keep them obedient.
The end goal is to sell these new Pokémon to anyone who could buy them, but most Pokémon ended up disabled and/or undesirable, so they never got sold. The specific lab that the story takes place in has a branch specifically dedicated to failures that the company needed time to find a new purpose for now that their original purpose is no longer possible. There are a lot of Pokémon at this facility, but I’m only talking about the big ones.
I think this entire concept originated with an animal jam roleplay, which is a tad embarrassing and not really important, but a fun fact nonetheless. Also, I drew some quick doodles of the importnat characters, just so I don’t have to worry too much about describing their appearance.
The main character was a shiny Sylveon named Gemstone. She had robotic wings, and was a steal/Flying type. I can’t for the life of me explain the reasoning the scientists had behind giving her full on metal wings when the rest of her is completely organic, I just know that that was what happened. She had not been born in TECT, she was a donation (I think her trainer had been manipulated into giving her up). Nearly from birth she was trained to be good and obedient and subservient and all that. She was let outside of her cage and allowed to just freely roam the facility a lot of the time due to how brainwashed she was. She genuinely believed the pain she went through was a necessary evil and loved her captors. She thought they loved her too. She’s super toxicly positive and often keeps secrets from the rest of the cast. She’s nice and friendly but has a major superiority complex. She’s only genuinely liked 2 people ever; Poole and Pixie (and, very far into the timeline, her children, but I refuse to think about them). Gemstone has been at this TECT location longer than anybody else, and was brought up as a Battler. Those who meet Gemstone tend to like her at first, but gradually realize how brainwashed she is. Gemstone is known for her cruelty in the arena. Her owners want her to be a good battler, so she will be.
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Poole is a manipulative little shit who will do anything to get what he wants. He’s a grass type Umbreon, made as a battler. He hasn’t been at the location nearly as long as Gemstone has (no one has) but he’s not much younger than her. He’s obsessed with escaping and it often gets to the point where he faints from exhaustion, hunger, dehydration, etc etc. He loves Gemstone, and is constantly trying to find ways to save her. He wants her to break out of her brainwashing and run away with him (eventually, she will, but he wont survive the escape). He was defiant when he first arrived, used to a life of solitude and self government in the woods, but quickly learned that the best way to survive, and hopefully escape, is to play along. He’s a strong battler but still known to go easy on his opponents. He’s charismatic yet sharp tongued and bitter.
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Pixie is a fairy type Espeon. She was made to be a housepet and is sedated frequently. Eventually she learns that if she behaves sluggish while off the sedatives, then she doesnt have to be on them. She doesn’t like them. They make her brain slow and they leave her basically defenseless against anything anyone wants to do to her. So she keeps quiet and keeps her head down, only allowing herself to truly be herself late in the night when the humans aren’t listening. She values her smarts above all else. She is polite but tends to keep to herself. She’s good friends with Gemstone and Poole, and is quite fond of Ex.
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Speaking of Ex! He is a poison type Jolteon. You can’t really tell by his appearance, but he is. Honestly he’s one of my favorites just because of how cliche 2010’s emo bad boy he is. He was originally a failed project at another TECT facility, and now roams this one as a kind of guard dog ig? He keeps the Pokémon in line, and his bracelet somehow allows him to relay information to the scientists. They also use to to mind control him?? Don’t ask how that works. Anyway, he’s all gruff and tough and traumatized from being forced into snitching on and hurting his fellow pokemon. He doesn’t let anyone in out of fear of being hurt or hurting them accidentally. Pixie is the only person he lets himself get close to, and she inspires him to try to fight the mind control(??????) and this somehow works. He is a big contributor to how the gang escapes the facility.
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Next up we got Shell, the egotistical and violent water/dark vaporeon. He’s literally so angry all the time. He hates everyone. He had a brief romantic stint with Tundra, but they broke it off due to Shell’s toxic behavior. Shell has been at the facility for a very long time and has been broken in. As a battler he’s dedicated his life to just destroying one opponent after the next. He has not been given to a paying customer because he’s very human aggressive as well. Tundra was the one mon Shell ever let himself get close to, but that didn’t last, clearly. It only cemented his beliefs that he can never open up to anybody ever. He’s vaguely friendly with Poole, but they’re not close. He hates yet respects Ex. He doesn’t pretend to be anything he isn’t. He’s aggressive and violent and it makes Shell not feel so bad about himself. He’s extremely intelligent and knows a lot about TECT. He understands humans better than anyone else but refuses to share his knowledge.
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Next up is Tundra, the normal type glaceon! He has some serious anger issues. He is a recent addition to this TECT facility, where he is being held until they can find a use for him after his failures. Due to his abnormal biology, he’s extremely susceptible to frostbite. I can’t remember exactly why, I just know that it was important that he was susceptible to frostbite. He’s lost multiple body parts due to frostbite, and he’s always uncomfortably cold. That’s why he’s so short tempered, he’s pretty much always in pain. Tundra is much newer to the TECT facility than the others, so everybody else treats him like he’s stupid and refuses to tell him things. Knowledge is wildly gate-kept in TECT, as it’s the only valuable thing they have even remote access to, and have complete control over. This results in a lot of miscommunication, which leads to them not escaping TECT until much much later than they coudlve if everybody just talked to each other. This makes Tundra extremely angry, because he knows that everyone is keeping things from him and that if they just talked everything would be so much better. Shell was one of the only mon who explained things to Tundra, so he grew very attached to him. After he realized how toxic he was, he left him and now avoids him like the plague. He’s grown awfully close with Autumn, and after everyone escapes, they end up together.
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Autumn is just your standard grass type leafeon, with some odd coloration. She was made as a housepet, and is very quiet. She’s always shaking, is extremely nervous and frightful, and barely ever talks. When she does talk, she just says incredibly out of pocket shit and goes back to never speaking. Shes extremely tired all the time but tries to be nice. People forget shes there, and often let things slip around her. She knows a lot. But she doesn’t have many people to talk to. She is close with Tundra, but still isn’t very talkative. She’s more talkative around Void, due to his own extravagant personality, but she oftentimes she can’t bring herself to form words even when she wants to say them. She gets a lot better after getting away from TECT, but is obviously traumatized.
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Void is the youngest and newest Pokémon at TECT. He’s a fire/dark type. The black on his fur will eventually spread until it covers most or all of his body. I can’t remember if that was a birth defect or something TECT did. He is also made as a housepet. He isn’t often sedated, due to his ability to charm the staff and faculty. This makes him incredibly unpopular among other pokemon. They think he’s a suck up and hate him. He plays it off as a joke, laughs about everything and pretends he takes nothing serious. Nobody thinks he’s funny. Void is trying his best to increase communication among everyone, and his contributions to their collective knowledge are vital to everyone escaping. He’s the one who collects maps and finds clever ways to sneak around. He’s incredibly smart but because of his age and newcomer status people still don’t like him. He pretends he doesn’t mind. He does. He craves intimacy but knows he’d never receive it if he asked. Even Autumn and Tundra don’t really care for him. He was only ever a means to an end.
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Most of the story revolves around them looking for a way out of TECT, but there’s a lot of stuff after they get out (I’m not putting that here cuz I’ve probably rambled on enough). Idk if the similarities are apparent, but I honest to god see them everywhere. Everytime Eevee Plex is mentioned in SSEC my brain just goes “holy shit it’s TECT.” Everytime Vay says something shitty my head whispers “omg Shell moment.” These recent updates with Flame and Daisy being silly together reminds me of all those little comics I drew in the margins on my school papers way back when. Miku being all cutesy and then also being a violent lunatic (affectionate) reminds me of the way Gemstone would always go from 0 to 100 in the arena.
I do hope you don’t mind the comparisons, it’s legit so funny/fascinating/fun imo.
I read all of this when you first posted this and it’s all so INTERESTING!!! I can def see all the similarities, it’s WILD LOL, I’d love to see a full series of this or something cause it’s just so interesting!!! ALSO I LOVE YOUR DESIGNS!!! All of the characters are legit adorable (yes even Tundra and Shell) my favorite design is Pixie tho cause she’s cute, BUT I am very interested in Void’s story in particular because poor baby Q-Q I hope he gets the love he craves.
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a-lone-aster · 9 months
(pfp made with this picrew!)
um. Hi! Welcome to my blog. Thing. I only know a little more how to make intro posts months later. Uhhhh yeah 👍
Blue hair and pronouns. You can call me Aster :] And uh. She/Her pronouns :)
I am an introject living in the Utensil Drawer System and I've been frontstuck for over 2 months. I'M NO LONGER FRONTSTUCK 🔥 I have the record time for being frontstuck in the system. My singular W (283 days)
I post Inanimate Insanity (my source, more comfortable with it now), AVA/M, Stardew Valley, Pokemon (especially sylveon. I love sylveon) and maybe other stuff. And I post art (in theory. In practice very rarely. You should still look at my art tag anyway /silly)
Uh. My moods? Can be kinda weird? If I come off as annoyed or something I guarantee it's not because of you /gen. Also I'm just really bad at interacting with people and also words just don't like me sometimes but I'd really like to more so feel free to say hi or something
I don't really have any DNI just. Don't be an asshole and you're probably fine. I'll probably block as I see necessary
Okay this is getting really long um uh. Sylveon
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(drawn by one of my fellow headmates (Tripp) for me)
(last updated 9/10/24)
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randomeeveelutions · 11 months
— character info sheet.
(repost, don’t reblog)
name: Rind
name meaning: She's more or less named after the rind of a fruit
alias/es: Rin/Rinrin, The Shapeshifter, Anklebiter
ethnicity: Eevee
one picture you like best of your chara: I give Rind a lot of love when I draw her! Here are a few of my personal faves that I've done
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two h/cs you never told anyone
Rind's favorite gemstones are diamonds, opals, and pearls. She finds herself particularly drawn to the way light and colors tend to manifest and shine in these jewels, especially some lab created white diamonds. By contrast, she finds black diamonds to be terribly dull and are not her first choice of target.
In verses where she cannot evolve and devolve freely, Rind's top choices of evolution are Umbreon, Jolteon, and Leafeon. She likes to consider how an evolution could benefit her career as a jewel thief and feels these three would make the best thieves. At the bottom rung of her consideration is Sylveon, because its white pelt stands out in the dark and she isn't fond of the twirly ribbons and lovey-dovey aspect of that evolution (Guess which one she ends up evolving into)
three things your character likes doing in their free time: 
Count the jewels! If you had a massive haul of gems and jewelry stashed away in your home, wouldn't you stop to admire them every so often? Rind could spend hours counting, polishing, and gazing into her stash!
Annoy the acquaintances. Rind loves plastering herself to people she perceives as overly serious and self-important and finding all the ways she can ruffle their feathers. Silly nicknames, affectionate teasing and handing out deliberately bad advice in hopes they'd be gullible enough to follow it are some of her favorite tactics. In short, Rind is a littol troll ;3c
Raiding trash. It may seem a lowly and filthy way to find food (... and it is) but Rind is consistently surprised to find what humans will throw away. Dumpsters and trashcans near restaurants and supermarkets are her favorite places to root through.
seven people your character likes / loves: Being a lowly varmint with a penchant for thievery and lying, Rind doesn't exactly make many friends
Squirrel (Rind's mother. Despite having a rocky relationship in most verses, they both still care about each other. There's a mother daughter bond in there somewhere...)
Twig and Leaf (Her brothers are the only other family she has besides their mother. They've both led very different lives than her's, but they're still siblings no matter what!
two things your character regrets:
Actually hurting anyone. Rind may be a bit of a bully and has a habit of pushing others around, but she never wants to really hurt anyone. Most of her tough talk is all fluff, she doesn't fight unless she has no choice and will always use non lethal force when necessary. Those few times things got out of hand stay in her head as a reminder to not go too far and to not make any real "friends."
Not trying to leave her family amicably. The last she saw them, Rind got into a fight with her mother and left for the city in a huff. Though she still loves Squirrel and would like to see her after so many years apart, she is both convinced her own mother dislikes her and she wouldn't even know what to say in the first place.
two phobia your character has:
Trains. After a few too many close encounters with them in underground subway stations, Rind is very wary of trains and is mindful of how much a moving train can absolutely destroy anything it hits. If something falls into the tracks, its as good as gone as far as Rind is concerned.
Falling from a great height. Rind doesn't have much to save herself if she fell from too high up. Perhaps, if she is prepared, her Sylveon form could grab onto something with her feelers, or she could safely dive into water below as a Vaporeon. But the risk of being splatted on the pavement keeps her away from high rises and rooftops.
tagged by: @hamadacare (Sorry this took a month to get to lol)
tagging: Umm... Whoever wants it!
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crystalelemental · 11 months
Having looked them over, quick immediate thoughts:
Roxie rules. I kinda love her kit, I will likely pull for her on that kit alone.
Piers is…good. His problem is Electric is covered forever better than he could ever do and Sludge Bomb is bad. His kit is very nice but does not feel necessary. TM is also kinda butt, you want to use it twice for his stats but that’s Poison Zone utility. That he doesn’t typically use so oops. Same issue on Electric Terrain being first attack, but at least he just gets straight to attacking.
Lodge Gladion feels alright. Mini SS Dawn on the buff profile with Haze utility. Feels competent for his value.
Selene and Elio have the best debuffs of all Eevee Day Varieties, but are cursed with only single-target attacks and overpowered types that don’t need their help. Elio slightly helps SS Lusamine if you don’t have NC Bede I guess. Dark has little use for Selene with Akari being right there.
Ryuki’s the fuckin man. Tech/Strike dragon man with solid Fire backup and a really cool gimmick they let actually be good. If he’s got a paid track I’m in.
Penny has excellent traits in rebuff, debuff, and SMUN stacking. Penny also has lopsided defenses and shit HP so I am nervous about the Sylveon Curse.
I haven’t checked grid, maybe that changes things, but Elaine kinda sucks ass. There is like nothing here I can praise except +3 crit in one action. Her kit is too random, and the hit-reload structure of her Quick Attack has never once worked for anyone.
Legit think the Eevee kid has more interesting stuff going on. Unfortuitous Swift has Gauntlet merit, that’s Oak’s thing. Shame about the horrendous defensive profile but I’ll take it.
Red’s kit annoys me because it feels exactly like SS Leaf but targets debuffs in the base kit so better. No healing though so worse. I hate Red so fuck this in particular.
The eggmon Eevee are Tech, thank god. Some notable wins: NY Lisia finally has a Zone bot that doesn’t lose something due to her being physical! NC Marnie has someone for Dark that isn’t a waste of their talents! Sprigatito is already out of a job!
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nessandaus · 2 years
I reappear from the abyss to drop more F2U AU Ideas upon you! Today we have a FMA: Pokemon au! 
In this AU, State Alchemists are Gym leaders (some sample teams below) but they all have various classifications other than typing. Sure, you have Ed, Full-Metal, and he runs a full steel type team, and Mustang with his fire type team, and Alex Louis with his fighting team. But then you have Tucker with his horrible chimera team, Kimblee who G-maxes his team, and Marcoh whose team is all pokemon tied to healing (and he used to mega evolve them but he no longer does so unless necessary). They also still do alchemy and can boost their pokemon attacks using alchemy (I.E. Mustang can do his flame alchemy with fire from his pokemon, and Ed could use alchemy to change his Scarmory’s feathers into a big sword.) 
As a trainer in the region, most of your time is actually spent hunting down the wandering gym leaders to ask them to battle. Alex Louis is typically the one trainers look to face first, because despite his high rank, rumors are out that he is the nicest gym leader. 
Alphonse is travelling with Ed, but isn’t a gym leader, rather counting himself as a trainer and happily showing off his collection of gym badges. Those who challenge him thinking he’s the Fullmetal are always shocked and terrified when instead Al pulls out one of several cat pokemon. Ed is the worst gym leader to face because he just tries to bite you and punch you himself half the time, and then his party is weirdly overpowered for no reason.
Winry is still an automail tech, but she’s also skilled in apricorn crafting, and can whip up pokeballs easily in a pinch. Olivier isn’t a gym leader but you better be prepared before coming across her team because her ice types are the kind that will FUCK YOU UP.
Scar is trying to eliminate the gym leaders and is also collecting badges to gain the right to challenge the Champion as well. 
The champion is Father. And the elite four are Pride, Wrath, Sloth, and Envy. (Greed was originally going to be an E4 member but he defected and is now on the side of defeating the champion.) 
Some Team Ideas: 
Edward Elric:  -Skarmory (of course). Angry bird is constantly smug that it is taller than Ed. Angry bird and Ed fight constantly -Lucario: Ed’s starter, Ed hatched the Riolu egg when he was very young.  -Metagross: Ed caught it at full hp with a pokeball, on the first ball he threw. Ed loves him very much. -Bisharp. This pokemon joined Ed because theve bad taste in knife hands. They are sparring partners.
Alphonse Elric: -Galarian Meowth/Perrserker: Al’s starter. Ed got him a steel type cat egg because he has a bias, but knew Al would also have his own bias. Likes to ride on Al’s shoulder. -Torracat: Soon to be an incineroar, this one is what really throws people off when they mistake Al for the Fullmetal.  -Sylveon: I said the Eeveelutions are cats, and Al is full of LOVE at all hours! -Purrugly: Al’s handsome boy, his name is probably Blorbo. Has 6 contest ribbons just because. Wears cute sweaters when the weather is cold. is perfect in every way.
Winry Rockbell:  -Houndoom: This smart dog is the AU version of Den, down to the automail leg. Is winry’s companion, and he’s better at identifying what tools Winry needs than Ed is. -Happiny: Still not evolved, this little creature was found by Winry and taken in in memory of the Chansey that worked with her parents. Happiny keeps a wrench in her pouch instead of a rock. 
Alex Louis Armstrong: -Buzzwole: Should the first gym leader have an Ultra Beast? Probably not. But Alex does anyway, because Buzzwole just showed up one day for a flexing contest. Don’t worry, he’s only like level 15 when you challenge the gym.  -Machoke: I’m going for an aesthetic don’t stop me -Makuhita: This little girl is working to get muscles like her fellow pokemon and her dad. Alex showers her with love daily. Can often be found tucked under Buzzwole’s arm like a football.
Oliver Mira Armstrong (The Ice Queen): -Beartic: The first out of the gate. This Bear is always at least 10 levels higher than your ace. And it’s the lowest level on the team. Why did you piss off Oliver so much she’s fighting you? You’re gonna die. -Lapras: Look, your fire type strategy isn’t gonna work here. Oliver may have all ice types but she’s good at what she does -White Kyruem. It’s not a surprise she has a legendary, is it? It shouldn’t be. She’s the ice queen.  -Abomasnow: sure it’s easy to beat, but it has snow warning and can set up blizzard again if need be. Plus it’s holding that item that makes blizzards last 8 turns. That means you know what’s up next, don’t you? -Froslass: The other ice queen. It can and will ruin your day. 
Riza Hawkeye:  -Intelleon -Intelleon -Octillery -Intelleon -Magmortar: her dad’s old pokemon. 
Roy Mustang: -Typhlosion - Roy’s cyndaquil starter, all grown up. A normal Typhlosion. Hates the rain and will not come out of the pokeball when it is raining. -Heatmor: Roy loves his stupid baby anteater his scrunglywungly, his precious angel. Mustang hatched the egg himself.  -Salazzle. She’s a bad bitch. She’ll also fuck your shit up. -Combusken: Has an eviolite, is affectionately called the better Fullmetal. Very squawky.  -Talonflame: The ace of the party, a very good bird.
Shou Tucker:  -Oranguru: The first pokemon that appears able to talk? Shou “adopted” it three years ago, around when his wife disappeared. -Houndstone: Wait....why does it sound like Nina?
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cringiecatzz · 2 years
my info
💜 hello!! welcome to my silly little void that i scream my nonsense into!! 🩷
🍓names: finn/finley (human name), latias, zorua, sylveon, pretty much any of my kintypes' names :D
🌸gender: xenogender neogirl
🍓orientation: pan objectum + ficto
🌸pronouns: it/they/she +neos (all names, genders, and pronouns found here)
🍓kintypes: kitty plush (objectkin), sylveon, latias, zorua, sprigatito (pokemon fictionkin)
🌸i am diagnosed with autism and i suspect i may have adhd, anxiety of some kind, and i might have ocd but that's less likely.
🍓i get really nervous if i don't know someone's tone so tone tags are vry much necessary
🌸i really really dislike being called human. i, however, don't mind "person." i do respect that many alterhumans don't like either term tho :>
🍓my ocs can be found here! pls check them out i love sharing my lil guys with people!!!
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lil note: i don't rly have a dni, just don't be mean, or a bigot, or creepy and we're all good!! i really don't care what fandoms ppl are in, it's all good if you're respectful :3
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variant-archive · 1 year
(Preemptive apologies if I'm not entirely understanding your experiences) What you're describing sounds to me like a form of plurality! I will say from personal experience that what you're describing (awareness of other versions of yourself, sometimes off in their own space) is part of how I realized I have a system. If you ever feel like you change notably during kinshifts, or you "become" them temporarily, it could very well be introjects/fictives/whatever term you like most. I'm someone who's introjected my past lives as traumagenic headmates (complicated I know lol), and I've known other people who feel like many-in-one or that have their past/parallel lives as parts like I do for any number of reasons. Communication isn't necessary at all for being plural, nor is being fully aware of specific parts. Sometimes you just "feel" the shift/switch, and it clicks as another aspect of you but doesn't quite click as a headmate.
Even if what I said doesn't help, I wish you a lot of luck in your journey to find the words that best describe you :) I know how alienating it can be sometimes to not know whether you fit into something, but you're definitely not alone
Hey, I really genuinely appreciate you responding! See, the difference in my experience is that I don't shift or switch in any way other than feeling my astral body change from my true self (a love deity furrything lmao) to one of my kintypes (sylveon, alolan ninetales, etc) and my true self can also shapeshift into different body plans (biped, quadruped etc) so I identify as more of a shapeshifter than anything. I guess the fact that I do "become" my kintypes astrally is something. But my identity itself doesn't change at all, just how I percieve my body in my mind. It's so weird, I feel like I'm stretched across the alterhuman spectrum in such an awkward and unusual way to the point that I'm almost a lot of things. I do know I'm otherkin though so I typically use that. Instead of one body, many minds I feel like I'm many bodies, one mind. Although there are barriers between the other shards of my true self in other universes, likely because they're literally in different realities than me. I do have exomemories/exotrauma though, although vague (my memories for specific fictional characters is stronger because I can simply "re-live" them through the media though). I'm considering attempting to connect to both my true self and the other shards in a spiritual way since (to me) that's the only way to penetrate the barriers of reality. Unfortunately I have a lot of difficulty practicing my beliefs though :( because of my anxiety and trauma I never feel safe enough to do it.
Also it's funny but I never feel my astral body change to my humanoid kintypes (rainbow quartz 2.0 etc) but that could be that it's because they look less like my true self than my non-humanoid kins and I find myself seeking to become more like my true self within this life as it alleviates the dysphoria I get from being in this reality sometimes. I also wonder if my other shards are aware of me/kin with me or something. I don't see why not as all of my kintypes are sapient but they simply might not ever learn about what alterhumantiy is
Sorry for the rant lol but thank you, I'm just happy that anyone is open to listening to my experiences and relating to them even though they don't fit neatly into the alterhuman spectrum. I really don't want to intrude into plural spaces when I don't really feel plural but I can't deny how uncannily similar some of my experiences are. I think the way I'd describe myself is "other-self aware". I've been interested in coining new alterhuman terms if I can get the spoons so I might do that. I still want to explore my identity and figure out what would and would not be appropriate first, though. I don't wanna hurt anyone.
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What are everyone’s teams in your Pokemon au? Do you have a plot set out or is it a more causal au?
Oooooh this is a fun one
You'd better fucking BELIEVE we have a plot set up, I have poured so much effort into the Pokemon au
Okay, so: when it comes to teams, I decided that everyone should have at least one legendary Pokemon in their party as a way to be faithful to the ace monster concept, but it wasn’t until much later into the au that I realized I’d failed to do that with Sora’s team, which led to a very fun plot point involving his secret 7th Pokemon he keeps in his box
Teams under the cut because it’s gonna be a long one, boys
Yuya has: Groudon, Sandshrew, Popplio, Hippopotas, Aipom, and Ekans
In his box, he’s got Phanphy, Charmander, Politoad, Ducklett, Liepard, Skorupi, and Lycanroc (Midnight form)
I wanted him to have as many Pokemon as he could that reminded me of the monsters in his deck, and since Yuya is a coordinator in this au instead of a regular trainer, it just felt right that he’d have a lot of different partners he could swap out for various contests
Also I’m mad that there isn’t a legendary dragon that looks like Odd Eyes, so I had to give Yuya Groudon instead, making him the only Yu boy in this au to not have a legendary dragon type Pokemon
Yuto has: Eternatus, Bisharp, Aegislash, Aggron, Lucario, and Shadow Rider Calyrex
Okay listen, I know I was supposed to only give everyone One legendary Pokemon, but with Calyrex I feel justified because it looks So Much like it could be one of Yuto’s Phantom Knights, I mean
Just look at it
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Yuto gets to have two legendaries to make up for Arc-V killing him off so early into the show
Aside from this guy, the rest of Yuto’s team just felt like it should be comprised of steel types ow the edge so that’s what I gave him. His Pokemon are as edgy as he tries to appear to be and that is enough to amuse me.
There also weren’t exactly many good Pokemon equivalents of his archetype, so I made do with what I had.
Yugo has: Latios, Scizor, Claydol, Porygon 2, Ponyta (Shiny), and Sudowoodo
Yugo was honestly so hard to come up with a team for because all his Speedroid cards are just like... toys and stuff for the most part, so I agonized over what I should pick for him for a Long time. In the end, I feel like I got close enough to his general aesthetic with the Pokemon I picked.
(His Ponyta is there because of Speedroid Horse Stilts, and while it is a shiny, the dumbass has no idea about it, and thinks he just happened to get a special blue horse that was born a little differently- he never claimed to be smart.)
He also deadass thought Sudowoodo was a grass type for the longest time. Rin had to be the one to tell him it wasn’t. 
“Yugo. Sudowoodo? It sounds like pseudo? As in fake wood?”
“Ohhhhh is that what its name means? Wow Rin you’re so smart.”
No Yugo you’re just exceptionally stupid.
Yuri has: Naganadel, Seviper, Victreebel, Toxicroak, Vileplume, and Roserade
For the most toxic of battlers, I felt it only necessary to give Yuri an all poison type team. I included an even mix of plants in there to tie into his Predaplant deck, Seviper for the snake eye vibes, and Toxicroak... just feels right, you know. I couldn’t find any other poison plant themed Pokemon that seemed like they’d fit his vibe, so he gets a poison frog instead.
Yuzu has: Meloetta, Sylveon, Meowstic (Female), Gardevoir, Florges, and Jigglypuff
I tried to stick with Pokemon that had very feminine vibes for Yuzu, since her deck is comprised of pretty singing ladies, so Meloetta and Jigglypuff in particular feel very fitting in that regard.
Serena has: Cresselia, Delcatty, Glameow, Lopunny, Persian, and Pyroar (Female)
The moon vibes with Cresselia felt perfect for Serena, and as for the rest of her team, all cats and a bunny to pay homage to her Lunalight deck ^^
Rin has: Celesteela, Mismagius, Hatterene, Glaceon, Froslass, and Chimecho
Her team vibes with the witch part of her Wind Witch deck, at least for Mismagius and Hatterene. Glaceon, Froslass, and Chimecho are there due to the etymology of her name, where possible meanings of it include “cold” and “bell”, which I thought was pretty cool, no pun intended.
Ruri has: Galarian Articuno, Pidgeot, Noctowl, Chatot, Altaria, and Unfezant (Male)
Some softer birds for the soft bird girl, for the most part. I liked the thought of her team being all birds like her Lyriluscs, and just... yeah. They’re all very friendly birds that Ruri’s bonded pretty closely with. Also I made sure she had Galarian Articuno for no reason other than it is purple like her, and I think that’s all the reason I need.
Gong has: Kartana, Machoke, Samurott, Golisopod, Hariyama, and Conkeldurr
Gong was really easy to assign a team to- just had to find as many samurai themed Pokemon as possible, and fill in the rest with really strong fighting types, like Machoke, Hariyama, and Conkeldurr.
Shingo has: Type: Null, Dusclops, Misdreavus, Spiritomb, Decidueye, and Cramorant
With Shingo, I tried to go for Pokemon that had the same vibes as some of his Abyss Actors, and I think Dusclops is the best example of this. Tbh I am very proud of giving him a Type: Null because Type: Null is an amalgamation of other Pokemon, something that was created in a lab to be a fighting machine. There’s nothing natural about Type: Null, and it’s kind of terrifying to Yuya specifically, who’s always viewed Pokemon as creatures to befriend. This experiment created purely to kill... unnerves him, and serves as a very good foil to his beliefs when it comes to Pokemon.
And they were narrative foils
Oh my god they were narrative foils
On a sillier note, I chose Cramorant purely because of this quote from its bulbapedia page: “Cramorant are also rather unintelligent as they can't remember which Pokémon they fight in mid battle, but never forget Trainers that they trust. However, they try to attack their Trainers if they steal food from them.”
I just thought the idea of Shingo having this dumb bird that occasionally pecks at him over food would be funny tbh, gotta dunk on the rival at least a little bit.
Sora has: Banette, Vanillish, Swirlix, Stufful, Litleo, and Buneary
In his box, he has a Guzzlord
I feel like Sora’s team is very straightforward, as it’s a mix of sweets themed Pokemon, and Pokemon that represent monsters in his deck- Stufful for Flufflal Bear, Litleo for Fluffal Leo, and Buneary for Fluffal Rabbit. Guzzlord... is relevant later on in the plot after shit goes down, that’s all I’ll say for now.
Masumi has: Diancie, Sableye, Corsola, Aurorus, Tyranitar, and Lycanroc (Dusk form)
Gem Knight girl deserved to have a bunch of good rock type Pokemon, and Diancie is like. The best possible legendary I could have given someone like her lol, the crystal aesthetic is just perfect for her. Not much to say here honestly, I just really vibed with these specific rock types and thought they’d make a good team for her.
Yaiba has: Zeraora, Kecleon, Pangoro, Scyther, Purugly, and Stantler
So I actually threw this list together just now because I realized Masumi was the only member of her trio to have a full team, and that just wasn’t right. I tried to base this team off the XX-Sabers as well I could, but it was a little hard with how many humanoid cards Yaiba has. With his legendary, I actually chose it based off this monster right here! 
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I think they’ve got similar enough vibes aesthetically for Zeraora to fit him. Scyther is based on Emmersblade, Kecleon on Ragigura, Stantler on Garsem, Purugly on Gardestrike, and Pangoro... Honestly, it just makes me think of Yaiba himself when I look at him. I think they’d get along well.
Hokuto has: Deoxys, Espeon, Grumpig, Starmie, Lunatone, and Malamar
Psychic type Pokemon just sort of felt right for him to have, considering that his deck is based on constellations and has an overall space theme to it. Not sure why that translates over to psychic in my brain, but you know what, it looks right, I love this team for him, and I’m not gonna question it.
I especially think Deoxys makes a good legendary for him considering it is literally a space alien, and Hokuto’s whole thing is space, so yeah, he gets to have the space alien.
Shun has: Galarian Moltres, Skarmory, Fearow, Dodrio, Staraptor, and Talonflame
Pretty straightforward team I feel- it’s all birds of prey for the Raid Raptor boy, and I just thought the Galarian version of Moltres was neat. Makes me think of his Blaze Falcon since they’re both black and red.
Dennis has: Hoopa, Mr. Mime, Delphox, Zoroark, Alakazam, and Hawlucha
Hoopa seemed like a very good legendary for Dennis to have, given his deck archetype and all, he just kind of looks like a little circus dude. Its unbound form makes me think about the swap Dennis has when it gets revealed that he’s actually been a double agent the whole time, and the play gloves finally come off.
The rest of his team... I feel like they speak for themselves. I tried to give him Pokemon that matched up with his deck archetype, so there’s Delphox to rep the fire themed monsters, Mr. Mime because it just fits Dennis’ general personality- and I love the thought of those two being friends and just copying each other’s theatric poses. Chaotic dynamic duo.
(Also: Zoroark's ability letting it disguise itself as another Pokemon is just another parallel to Dennis pretending to be one of the good guys at first, and I love it)
Shinji has: Buzzwole, Beedrill, Vespiquen, Ribombee, Kricketune, and Leavanny
I tried to give the bee man all the bees I could, but there are only so many bee Pokemon out there 😔 I knew the rest of his team had to be insect types to make up for it, so I picked Kricketune because he is just... a friend... a musical buddy who definitely gets along well with the kids. Leavanny is just a bug mom who also helps patch up the kids’ clothing when they get tears in them, which I just love the idea of. Sweet bug mom whose dex entry talks about how they sew for other Pokemon looks after her trainer’s kids when she’s not battling.
Buzzwole: witness the fitness
Throwback to the Smash Bros mains lmao 
Crow has: Murkrow, Braviary, Starly, Swellow, Pikipek, and Corviknight
Bunch of birds for my Blackwing user... This team was partially picked out by June, and it was mostly meant for the Other Pokemon au, but I don’t really see a reason to change his team here. Crow is the one person without a legendary on his team, which makes me sad, but there really isn’t a legendary bird out there that fits his vibes, so as much as I wanna give him a legendary, he will have to make do without one. Sorry Crow.
Hoo... that’s finally all the teams down. Now I can talk about the plot! So, as I briefly mentioned in a previous post (I think), this particular au is inspired by Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum! It’s the era where contests really became a big thing, which is perfect for a lot of these characters because it’s easy to translate dueltaining over to coordinating in this world. Much like in canon, Yuya aspires to be as great a coordinator as his dad was, and strives to entertain people the way Yusho could. He’s not much for battling, and far prefers getting to show off his Pokemon’s talents in contests than anything. 
Academia is going to play the role of Team Galactic in this au, which is incredibly fitting with their mission in canon: to remake the universe in their leader’s image. In this case, with Leo Akaba taking on the role of Cyrus, his intent is, presumably, to either destroy the universe that took his daughter from him, or create a new one where she can live once again, no matter the cost.
Sora being a key member in Team Galactic is a very big part of the plot in this au: his mission was to capture one of the lake legendaries, Uxie, since Leo needed all three of them for his plan to remake the universe, but things don’t exactly go well for him, and he ends up losing his battle against Uxie, resulting in all of his memories being locked away, and essentially making him a blank slate.
Side note: the Galactic grunt haircut reminds me a lot of Sora, I mean just look at it
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Practically same bangs as him, just add an upturned ponytail and you’ve got my son.
This post is getting very long... but I will add one last plot related thing to it before I go: Uxie can erase memories, Mesprit can erase emotions, and Azelf can erase willpower. All three of these lake legendaries play a very important role in the plot, due to being the keys to Leo Akaba’s plans to remake the universe. Sora was touched by Uxie, effectively doing away with all memory he has of being in Team Galactic. Yuya ends up touched by Mesprit in an attempt to save them, and subsequently loses his emotions as a result. Riley?
Riley had been affected by all three of them before the plot began, which is why she is the way she’d been in Arc-V: Emotionless, unable to remember anything about her past except for those brief, fleeting flashes of memory when put into certain situations she’d experienced before, and without any will of her own. She’s so dependent on her older brother because she quite literally has no clue what to do with herself without being told to, and needs orders to function.
Hoo, if you’ve made it all the way to the end of the post, congratulations! I think this is the longest one I’ve made... ever lmao. I hope you guys found it enjoyable! If anyone wants to know more about certain aspects of this au, feel free to ask! I look forward to talking about it more c:
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ayma-nidiot · 3 years
Dawn of the Dark Chapter 24
This chapter may be found here on AO3.
Chapter 24 – The Plan
“Hah!” Goh woke up after a particularly harrowing nightmare. When he looked to the wall clock, he noticed that it was 3:00.
“Raichu?” Raichu, who hadn’t slept a wink that night, grew concerned.
“I’m okay, Raichu, I just had a nightmare.” Goh pet the Mouse Pokemon’s head. “But I think it’s a sign, though… Ash is in trouble. I know it. I feel it.”
At that moment, Chloe had gotten up to go to the loo and saw Goh getting off the bed. “Where do you think you’re going, mister?”
“Rai rai!” Raichu jumped in front of the door and started waving her arms frantically.
“I’m going to go find Ash. You’re going to call Gary and Paul so we can storm Wyndon together.”
“We’re not doing any of that shit, Goh!” Chloe put her foot down.
“Yes, we are!” Goh looked his best friend in the eye. “It’s not just about Ash or me or the babies anymore… If Team Rocket and Macro Cosmos have their way, then many people’s lives will be in danger!”
“Then what are we going to do if you go into labour in the middle of nowhere?”
“I can have Cinderace and Flygon fly me to a Pokemon Center. Besides, I think I know a way I can prevent that from happening, if only for a little while.” Goh closed his eyes, changing every cell in his body so he could transform.
“Oh, I see. So, you don’t have to worry about giving birth if you’re in Pokemon form.”
“Mew mew!” Goh floated over to the Cerise family’s telephone, holding it up for Chloe so she could make the necessary calls.
“Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you on how dangerous this all is.” Chloe called Gary first, receiving little protest from him. However, being a royal pain in the arse, Paul needed a bit more effort to convince. “…Phew. I’m just lucky that they agreed to meeting us there at all. Gary said he’ll meet us at the Vermilion City Airport. He volunteered to pay for the plane tickets. Now hurry and get into my car.”
“Rai rai!” Raichu wanted to come along, but due to fatigue, she could barely move forward a step.
“Mew!” Goh used Psychic to gently lower Raichu onto a couch.
Chloe rushed to her room to get a nice cushion and blanket for Raichu. “Raichu, we all love and appreciate you, but you need to take care of yourself too. I’m sure Goh would say the same thing right now if he could talk.”
“Mew mew!” Goh produced a tiny red ball of light that turned into an egg, which he offered to Raichu.
“Rai…” Raichu took a bite of the egg and loved it, finishing it quickly. “Rai rai!”
“That must be Softboiled!” Chloe deduced. “He’s taking care of you just like you’ve been doing for him all these years.”
“Rai, Raichu.” With a smile of gratitude, Raichu fell asleep on the couch.
“Mew!” Goh flew into Chloe’s car with glee.
Chloe didn’t know what to say on the drive to the airport, especially since she couldn’t wholly understand Goh right now. She popped in the music CD that Delia had bought the week previous. “Goh… I know better than anyone that once you have your mind set on something, there’s no convincing you otherwise. So, I’ll support you all the way, not just through your pregnancy, but also in helping to find Ash.”
“Mew? Mew…” Goh sat atop Chloe’s head and decided to nap there until they got to the airport. Thankfully, due to the late hour, there was almost nobody there except a few people trying to catch that early morning flight.
Before she and Goh started walking into the airport, Chloe took out a small sweater-shirt that Boltund wore when he was still a Yamper. “Here. Wear this, unless you want to stick out like a sore thumb.”
“Mew…” Goh wasn’t a big fan of this sweater-shirt, or the fact that he received many stares.
“Syl! Sylveon!” Sylveon laughed.
“Sylveon, come on, that’s not very nice,” Chloe scolded. “I think Goh looks cute in that outfit!”
“I’ll agree with you there,” spoke Gary, who had Umbreon at his side.
“Gary.” Chloe bowed from the waist. “Thank you so much for making a trip all the way out here and paying for our plane tickets on top of that.”
“Hey, I may not look like it, but I care about Ashy Boy too.” Gary looked to Goh. “So, you have the cojones to come out here too. Pretty clever of you to come in that form!”
“Mew.” Goh glared at Gary, not used to him just yet.
“I just hope you and your babies will be okay. It’s not healthy for any of you if you stay a Mew for that long, so we really need to hurry this up.” Gary led Chloe and Goh to their plane to Hammerlocke. “I spoke with Paul, and he’ll be driving us from Hammerlocke to Wyndon. Once we meet him in Hammerlocke’s airport, we will discuss our plans with him further.”
“Since it’s very early, we should be safe, right?”
“Safe-er, maybe. According to Raihan, security has been even tighter around Wyndon of late, and for a good reason. We’re still going to have to be very stealthy about this.”
“Mew mew!” Goh displayed a fist.
“I guess that means we can count on you to help us!”
No rampaging Dynamax or Shadow Pokemon could be seen in the skies, the land, or the sea. In fact, there seemed to be no activity going on in Hammerlocke, even when Paul met everyone at the airport.
Paul, however, didn’t fail to remind everyone to stay vigilant, especially Goh. “Even with that get-up, you need to be careful. Still, I trust you can fend for yourself.”
“Mew, mew mew,” Goh muttered, as if to say, “Thank you.”
“So.” Chloe spoke up when the group began their subtle drive to Wyndon, “The plan?”
“We’ll start off infiltrating their base altogether,” Paul began, “but if it gets to be too much, I’ll distract the enemies while you guys rush inside.”
“Do we know where we’re going, exactly?” Chloe wanted to know.
“Not exactly, but we do have some idea.” Gary pulled up a photo of Rose Tower on his tablet. “Since this is Macro Cosmos’ headquarters in the past, my guess is that they are camping out there – heck, maybe even underground.”
“Uh… I think it’s getting to be too much now! Look!” Chloe pointed behind her, notifying Paul of a single, fancy car following them.
“Tch,” Paul grumbled. “If it’s okay with you, I think this situation calls for a little more speed.”
“Look out!” Chloe alerted as Paul really picked up the pace. “There’s a curve ahead!”
“I know that!” Paul took a swift turn in a long underpass.
“Meeeew!” This sharp turn nearly threw Goh to the other side of the car.
“Unfortunately, whoever is driving that car is as fast as you,” worried Gary. By the time Paul’s car had gotten to the outskirts of Wyndon, Paul had spent so much gas that his car came to a screeching halt – yet their chaser’s car had plenty of gas left.
“Yikes!” Chloe wrapped her arms around Goh, prepared to flee. “S-Stay away from us!”
“Hey, hey, nobody here but us chickens!” The driver of the fancy car got out, revealing himself to be Raihan.
“So it was just you all along?” Chloe paused for a breath. “Dear Arceus, don’t scare me like that!”
“I’m so, so sorry, guys…” Lily got out of the car and bowed. “Daddy, can I go to Wyndon’s gas station and get them gas as an apology?”
“They will need to make a quick getaway later… Okay, but be careful.” Raihan waved his daughter off.
“Hmm?” Raihan had never seen Goh in his fully shifted form. “Wow! You look adorable in that form, Goh!”
“Mew…” Goh whined, letting Raihan know that everyone really needed to get going.
“Right, right…” Raihan decided that he would be leading the expedition and beckoned for everyone to follow him. “Try not to make a sound.”
You don’t have to worry about me doing that, Goh thought. Nobody understands my words, after all.
“Wait!” Raihan halted the party when they reached the garden behind Rose Tower, ordering them to duck. After a few seconds, he spoke up, “Okay the coast is clear.”
“Say, Raihan?” Chloe whispered. “It’s eerily quiet around here… Surely, getting into the enemy’s headquarters can’t be this easy.”
“I agree,” spoke Gary. “Maybe they’ve anticipated us coming and their security is all inside?”
“And that’s where you’d be wrong, young researcher of Pallet Town.” Oleana jumped from the other side of the garden.
“So this was their plan all along,” Paul spoke as more Macro Cosmos employees trickled out from the bushes. He chose his Electivire and Magmortar for this battle. “Cornering us at the entrance so that their cohorts have plenty of time to notice us. Clever bastards.”
Gary sent out Umbreon and Blastoise. “Raihan, Chloe, and Goh. You need to storm on ahead, before we all get noticed. Please don’t worry about us.”
“I don’t think we have to, bro. Let’s go!” Raihan, along with Chloe and Goh, rushed on in past the entrance, while Gary and Paul protected them. Raihan started darting around, trying to look something that look like an entrance to the underground. “Dammit! I don’t see any trap doors! Do you, Chloe?”
Chloe knew she had to act fast and, along with the fact that she could hear quickly-approaching footsteps, it stressed her out. “Eeee, I can’t find any! What are we going to do if they catch up with us?
No. I’m not going to let harm come unto my friends. Goh stood firmly, closing his eyes, trying to focus. Come on, trap door, where are you? Just then, he could smell something foul coming from the floor. “Mew! Mew, Mew!”
“Goh, did you find something?” Chloe noticed that Goh was holding his nose.
“I think he’s trying to tell us that he smells something, and that it might lead us to where Ash is.” Raihan followed Goh to a mundane tile in the ground that smelled putrid. “Eww, dear gods!”
“Mew…” Goh closed his eyes again, using Psychic to move the floor tile.
“So that pregnancy nose still comes in handy.” Raihan chuckled weekly as he ran down the ladder leading to the disgusting sewer leading to the secret labs and prisons.
“Syl…” Sylveon, being a Fairy-type Pokemon, couldn’t bear the smell.
“It’s okay, Sylveon. I’ll protect you.” Chloe returned Sylveon back to her Poke Ball. She looked up in curiosity when Raihan abruptly stopped. “Raihan, what’s wrong?”
“Great, we have to deal with this smell even longer.” Raihan stared at the keypad padlock on the side of the thick sliding doors.
“Mew mew!” Goh flew in front of the keypad, but Raihan held him back from touching it. “Mew?”
“Stand back, bro! Let the great Raihan handle this!” Raihan started haphazardly tapping away at the keypad.
“You aren’t serious.” Chloe put her hands on her hips. “You’re seriously going to leave this up to chance?”
“Bingo.” Raihan winked, and to everyone’s surprise, he cracked the code after about thirteen attempts. “Ya see?”
“I… I can’t believe it.” Chloe blinked. “Well, there’s no reason to stick around, right? Let’s get moving!”
“Aww, I’m PO’d.” Rose revealed himself almost immediately after the doors to the secret lair opened.
“What, you’re pissed off?” Raihan scoffed. “I’d be, too, if I had to camp out in a dump like this after being ostracized by all of Galar.”
“I originally meant ‘personally offended,’ but after seeing you here, I’m pissed off too.” Out of frustration, Rose halfshifted. This time, he was able to shift his legs and grow wings and a tail. “Naturally, the New Species Pokemon is my target. I don’t give an iota about the rest of you.”
“Where’s your partner, Giovanni?” Raihan remained vigilant while he held the Poke Balls of both Duraludon and Flygon in his hand, hiding it behind his back.
“Sadly, you don’t get to witness his might today. He and my employees are busy creating the ultimate Dark Ball.”
“Then after I’m through with you, I’ll pay him a visit and take my husband back.” Raihan sent out Duraludon and Flygon.
“I’m afraid that even if you did, you’d be wasting your time.” Rose walked closer to Raihan, not bothering to send out his Pokemon. “You see, your beloved Leon is a Shadow Pokemon – one so strong, that he will never, ever get purified!”
“You… You can’t be serious!” Raihan’s voice quivered.
“But I am!” Rose snapped his fingers, signaling one of his grunts to display a recording of the fight between Shadow Lugia and Eternatus a fortnight prior.
“You’re wrong!” Chloe insisted. “If anyone can help our friend Leon, it’s Ash!”
“My girl, not even that pesky Champion can save him now. His heart is too full of darkness. The only thing that might free him is his own death.”
It was the word “death” that really set Raihan off. “Fuck you, Rose! Fuck you to hell! Duraludon, use Steel Beam! Flygon, charge on in with Outrage!”
Inspired by Raihan, Chloe sent out her Togekiss and Boltund to battle. “Togekiss, use Psychic! Boltund, use Dig!”
“Bol bol!” Before Boltund could start digging, Rose swatted him out of the way, causing him to yelp in pain. “Bol!”
“Boltund! Oh no!” Chloe ran over to the Dog Pokemon. “Are you okay?”
“Bol! Boltund!” Boltund barked, standing in front of Chloe, even when he was covered in scratches.
“Oh, Boltund…” Chloe wanted to cry. “Even after all these years, you’re still so protective of me.”
“You mangy mutt!” Rose thundered, readying a Venoshock aimed at Boltund. “You’re not the one I’m after!”
“Mew!” Goh shot a Shadow Ball, stopping that Venoshock dead in its tracks.
“Why, thank you!” Rose hardened his gaze on Goh. “You could have come out a few seconds sooner to spare your friends, but again, I don’t care.”
“Mew!” Goh decided to use Ancient Power, hitting Rose full force.
“Gggh!” Rose was down, but not out for the count. “So you do have some fight in you!”
“We can’t lose, because we have the ancestor of all Pokemon on our side!” Raihan sounded like he believed in Goh, that is until he saw him flickering like a car light. “Goh! What’s wrong?”
“Mew…” Goh could feel his control over his fully shifted form slipping.
“You know what, Goh? Change of plans. I’ll take care of this slimeball Rose; you and Chloe will go to the prisons to free Ash.”
Before Goh could protest about that, Chloe already wrapped her arms around him, saying, “Good luck, broski.” She ran as far as she could away from the battle without looking back.
“Mew! Mew mew!” Goh clearly wanted to help in some way.
“You see, Goh? I knew that this was a bad idea from the start. We’re way too far from a Pokemon Center, so if you can’t hold onto your Pokemon form anymore, you’re S.O.L.”
“Mew!” Goh pointed to a dark, dank, and unguarded room – the only one in the entire building with relatively little security.
“Those must be the prisons!” Chloe perused the area carefully. “I guess that since the bad guys are all fending off our friends that there’s nobody left to guard the prisons. Lucky break, eh, Goh?”
“Mew! Goh darted off.
“Goh, wait! Don’t push yourself too hard!” Chloe chased after him and stopped when he reached a room with two large cells – one of which had a large and empty water tank in it. “I guess he’s not in this room, huh?”
“No, he isn’t,” Jessie groaned from the cell without the tank in it.
“What are you two doing here?” Chloe had just then recalled that Jessie and James had gotten abducted two weeks ago. “Oh, wait, now I remember.”
“There’s a good reason why Ash isn’t here,” James spoke up. “Last week, Ash was placed in the cell next to ours. Not long after that, hoping to force Ash to transform, Rose forced Ash to fight his Copperajah. But before any of that could happen, my Malamar and Carnivine fended them off… Now, I don’t know where Ash could be. I’m sorry for making you guys waste your time by coming out all this way.”
“No, don’t worry about it! You’ve actually been a great help to Dad, really!”
“Really?” Jessie and James were ecstatic, as this was one of the few times when they were properly praised.
“We’d like to help you two, except-” Chloe looked in her arms to see that Goh wasn’t there. “Goh! Where did you-”
“Mew!” Goh returned to the scene with twelve Poke Balls surrounding him, as well as a set of prison keys.
“You…” James began as Chloe unlocked his cell. “You would help us? But I screwed everything up!”
“Quite the contrary! If it wasn’t for you, then Ash would have been turned into a Shadow Pokemon for sure – or, at least, experimented upon by that wicked Giovanni.”
“Mew mew!” Goh used Softboiled, giving Jessie and James each a soft-boiled egg to eat.
“Many thanks, Goh!” Jessie and James exclaimed in unison.
“Unfortunately, guys, we don’t have time to exchange pleasantries. We need to run as fast as we can to the outskirts of Wyndon.”
“Eh?” Even after running after Chloe, Jessie and James still didn’t know what was going on.
Raihan was the first to notice Chloe, Jessie, and James coming out of the prisons. “Whoa, that was fast. Where’s Ash?”
“No time to explain!” Chloe insisted, running straight out of the underground with everyone else following her. “Let’s wait until we’ve gotten back to the cars!”
“All right! I trust you!”
“Damn you, get back here!” Rose aimed a Flamethrower at the fleeing group.
“Rooooo!” Flygon sent a Dragon Pulse in that direction, hitting Rose so hard that he shifted completely back into a human.
“That… Raihan…” Rose struggled to get up from his prone position; by this point, most of his employees had been taken out by the intruders.
Oleana, however, had one Pokemon left, and with her few remaining employees, she decided to give chase. “After those meddling kids!”
“Lily, get in the car!” Raihan begged.
“Uh, right!” Lily buckled her seatbelt as fast as she could while Raihan’s car took off sprinting.
Though everyone else was running around like headless chickens, Paul kept his cool. After ordering everyone back in the car and taking off swiftly, he finally spoke up while everyone was a safe distance away from Wyndon. “Say, where is Ash and-” Paul had just then noticed James and Jessie from his rearview mirror.
“Uh…” James waved nervously. “Hey.”
“Great, now I’ve got even more baggage.”
“Excuse you?” Jessie wanted to slap Paul upside the head, but even she knew that that was not the time.
“Paul, allow me,” Chloe cut in. “They’ve actually freed Ash a week ago.”
“That’s actually a good thing.” Gary looked to his tablet again. “By my calculations, if he kept a constant but brisk pace from Rose Tower to Vermilion City, he should be there by tonight.”
“Mew! Mew mew mew!” Goh twirled about excitedly.
“I’ve paid for your return tickets while we were still back at the airport,” Paul intervened. “But just so you know, this is the last time that I’m going to help you pathetic losers.”
“Aw, come on!” Chloe chuckled. “That’s what you said last time! See, you can be a cool guy if you put your mind to it!”
“Don’t push your luck, Cerise.” Paul kept his eyes fixated on the road.
Ash… My love, I’m coming. I’ll see you in less than a day, and when I do, I’ll get to hold you in my arms again.
So were Goh’s thoughts as he drifted off to the sound of Hoothoot noises, a smile plastered across his face.
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hi, i hope you’re doing well! i was hoping i could get a bit of advice; i’m about to enter college and am looking for a pokemon of my own, since i can’t bring any of the family ones with me.
i’d love it if they would do well around people and aren’t too huge so they can be with me in class and on campus, are good at supporting those who’re easily stressed and anxious, and enjoy things like listening to music, watching tv and youtube videos, sleeping, and baking/eating baked goods so i could share my hobbies with them.
it also wouldn’t hurt if they liked being outside (i could use a reminder to get fresh air every once in a while :P) but still did well indoors since that’s where i spend most of my time.
i’d love to hear any reccomendations you have! otherwise, thanks, and best wishes ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
Looks like I’m recommending another Eeveelution tonight, only this time it’s Leafeon!
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Like many Grass-types, Leafeon are very calm and docile Pokémon and while they love a nice outdoor romp, they’re just as happy curled up on the couch with their trainer! They aren’t overly large Pokémon (their average height is only 3′03″/1 meter), so they’re allowed in most places and can live quite happily in dorm rooms/small apartments!
Grooming a Leafeon isn’t that much different from grooming an Espeon or Sylveon (brush once or twice a week, clip nails every other week, clean ears if necessary) The only special requirement for Leafeon is to give its tail a light mist with water every once in a while and comb out its little green fur tufts (their ears do not need to be misted because, despite looking like leaves, they’re just regular ears!)
Leafeon are pretty safe Pokémon, just watch out for their tails as they can be quite sharp. They are carnivorous in the wild, so you should always supervise them when they’re around small Pokémon. That’s about it, good luck with your new leafy pal!
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shari-berri · 4 years
TR James x reader
Your POV
My boyfriend James is gone again to "work". I am curious to what he does for a living. I guess I can't be suspicious of him, I never told him my last name or anything about my family.
My name is Y/N Ketchum, older sister of Ash Ketchum who wants to be a Pokémon master.
While he got his Pikachu as a partner who didn't like him at first, my partner liked me immediately, becoming overprotective. My starter Pokémon that I first received was a male Riolu. Along the way, Riolu evolved into Lucario. We ended up bumping into Korrina, a gym leader and we became friends. She was about to give me another Lucario with Lucarionite but she saw my Lucario and just gave me the mega stone. Of course, I had to get one for myself and then something to put them in. I ended up getting Lucario a bracelet like Korrina's Lucario, and I got a ring. Anyways, today I am going to investigate, okay spy on my boyfriend to see what he does. My Lucario is coming along also, like he always does. Like my little bro's Pikachu, Lucario also doesn't like his pokeball.
Time skip
I see James getting together with Jessie and Meowth. I never liked Jessie simply because she is always around my boyfriend. Meowth was alright but he has an attitude. Seeing them grabbing a net, I pull Lucario and myself closer into the bushes. They start to creep up behind a group of trainers and then they threw the net on top of their Pokémon, trapping them and stealing them. Gasping, I look closer at the trainers. Spotting a familiar hat, I narrow my eyes.
Squeezing Lucario's wrist, I point to the boy who I found out to be my brother, Ash. Coming to a realization that I should help, I step out of the bushes, Lucario at my side, ready to protect me if necessary. “James! What on earth do you think you're doing?!" I screech, running to my brother's side and pulling him into a hug, glaring at my boyfriend. Looking at James, I see him shocked. Ash seems surprised that I am here and that I know who James is, and this ugly blonde girl is glaring at me for hugging Ash. “Ash are you okay?! Do you need help getting Pikachu back?" I ask, gripping my brother closer. Blondie just glares at me harder and I glare back. It seems James has recovered in the amount of time it took me to reassure Ash. “Y/N! What are you doing here?! And why are you defending that twerp!" He screams. I rest my chin on Ash's shoulder and sigh, waiting for Ash to say for me. “She's my sister." He says plainly. James falls to the floor along with Jessie and Meowth in shock.
Blondie is no longer glaring at me so that's good, I still hate her though. “James! Leave him alone! All of you stop doing this. I understand now that this is your job that you've been leaving to, but stop." I calmly stare. James and his friends just look back, grab the net, and release the Pokémon, feeling ashamed. “James, I still love you, but leave. I need to talk and catch up with Ash." I command. They nod and James runs up to me, kisses me, and runs off.
“You have some explaining to do." Ash says, half glaring at me. “Sooooo hekindasortamightbemyboyfriendthatihabebeentalkingabout." I rush. Ash's eyes harden and he reaches for his pokeball. “Alright bro, battle me to release tension. Oh and make it a double battle with Blondie on your side. You two against me." I confidently state. Ash just nods and Blondie glares at me. “You know, we're going to beat you. Ash is really strong and will defeat you." She whines. I just glare. “Who do you think taught him?" I counter. Ash's other friend, I believe Clemont is his name, took his stance and began reffing. “You are each allowed 3 Pokémon!" Clemont announces. I nod and wait to see what Pokémon my opponents send. Ash sends out a Talonflame and Blondie, or Serena sends out a Braixen. I sigh and look at my pokeballs. Grabbing one, I kiss it before I throw it onto the field. The red and white capsule bursts open and a Pokémon appears. Feraligatr lands on the ground with a thud, dust flying up. When the dust clears, Ash and Serena look at my giant crocodilian Pokémon. Both of their jaws drop and their Pokémon shake in fear. I forgot to tell Ash that I have more Pokémon than just Lucario. Feraligatr smirks and looks at me, nodding. “Feraligatr! Quickly use surf to get both of them!" I scream. He nods and a giant wave floods the field. It hits the opposing Pokémon and with a super effective type advantage, they are barely standing. “This is just sad!" I snicker. Feraligatr snorts and grunts in agreement. That seems to have triggered Ash since be called out an attack. “Talonflame don't be intimidated! We can still win this. It's two against one. Use double team and then steel wing!" He commands. Talonflame then becomes many and they all dive at Feraligatr, wings shining. “Focus! Find the real one and grab it in your jaws. Don't let go!" I say. Ash and Serena just laugh. “There's too many, your pokemon won't be able to tell." They say sneakily. “Just watch." I growl. Feraligatr looks around before settling his eyes on one Talonflame. As it gets closer, he jumps up and grabs it in his mouth, locking his jaw. Serena panics and commands Braixen to use ember. “Feraligatr, just ignore the stupid fox and use hydro pump." I yawn.
I smile as I see Serena get mad. Feraligatr nods and releases a giant stream of water onto Talonflame who is still in his jaws. Feraligatr then releases the bird and it falls to the floor, swirls in its eyes. Feraligatr looks at me for another command.
I just point my finger at Braixen. Feraligatr nods and knocks it out with another hydro pump.
Ash and Serena call back their Pokémon.
Ash sends out Pikachu and Serena sends out a Pancham.
Despite the disadvantage, I keep Feraligatr in.
“Pikachu! Use thunderbolt!" Ash screams.
“Dodge it!" I try to call out but I am too late. Feraligatr got hit. He struggles to get up but manages to, only to be hit with electro ball and faint.
Returning Feraligatr, I grab a pokeball with a cat sticker. Kissing it, I throw it out. Out pops a pink flying cat, shocking everybody. “T-that's a Mew!" Serena stutters. “Yeah, obviously. What, are you blind or what? Have you never seen a legendary before? Oh wait, I forgot you have trash Pokémon." I retort. Serena turns red with anger and pouts. “Mew we have to make this quick, I want to bring out the big guns soon. Use rock slide on Pikachu!" I scream.
Mew unleashed a landslide of rocks onto Pikachu, type disadvantage hurting him and making him trapped under the rocks. “Alright! Good work! Now use dazzling gleam on the panda!" I command. Mew unleashed a beam of pink at Pancham, causing it to stagger back. “Again." I say, flicking my wrist. Mew complied and hits Pancham again. Pancham falls to the ground, fainted. Turning my attention back to Pikachu, I think. “Use confusion." I say. Pikachu gets hit and becomes confused. “Pikachu! Snap out of it and use thunderbolt!" Ash strains. Pikachu only hits himself with the thunderbolt, hurting it further. “Mew, lets finish this with brick break." I nod. Mew hits Pikachu and he faints as well. Ash sends out a Hawlucha and Serena sends out a Sylveon. I call back Mew and both of them look confused. Nodding to Lucario, he steps up to the field. “Lucario, lets start with using flash cannon on that Sylveon." I state. Lucario puts his paws out and a flash of light launches at the eeveelution. Sylveon cries out in pain and falls. “We need to wait longer, use psychic on Hawlucha." I say. Hawlucha is hit but isn't hurt that much. “Hawlucha! Use high jump kick!" Ash calls out. Hawlucha launches into the air and kicks Lucario in the face. Lucario growls and gets into his stance once more. Sylveon uses fairy wind but it doesn't do much. Karate chop!" Ash says. Lucario is hit once more in the head. He turns to me with that certain glint in his eyes. Holding my hand out, Lucario grabs his bracelet. “Lucario! Connect our souls and hearts. Make our bond greater together and mega evolve!" I scream out. Ash and Serena look shocked but excited to see Mega Lucario. “Lucario! Car!" He cries as he comes out in mega form. “Okay buddy, use psychic on Hawlucha and then throw him into Sylveon. Then use flash cannon!" I command, sweat dripping down my forehead. Lucario lifts Hawlucha into the air before yeeting him into Sylveon. He then holds out his palms as they both get hit with a enhanced flash cannon. Ash and Serena cry out for their Pokémon. When the light clears, they both have swirly eyes. Lucario returns back to normal and walks over to my side. “Thanks for that. But I have to go see my boo." I say over my shoulder as I walk away. I am suddenly pushed to the ground. I hear Lucario grunt. Looking up, I see Serena in Lucario's arms trapped. It seems that she was the one who pushed me. Her intense glare in her eyes makes it even more evident. “You know, I always wanted to know what happens if a human is hit by a Pokémon move. I wanted to test it but didn't have the right circumstances. However, you just volunteered. Lucario, hit this bimbo with a full power power-up punch." I screech. Lucario's paw glows orange before he punches Serena, causing her to fly a few yards away before hitting the ground and not getting up. I hear Ash sprint towards her as I just walk away. “Thanks bro for not caring about me!" I call. Time skip cuz idk what else to do. As the sun goes down, I am content cuddling in bed with my James, even if he is a thief, Ash and his friends deserve it. James is playing with my hair, calming me before sleep overtook my vision, my last image being my lovely boyfriend.
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smallersocksx · 3 years
Pokemon Journeys Episode 74 (Ramblings/Review)
I'll be honest I haven't been watching the series as actively since episode 65. That's because the episodic formula they chose to use for the series was honestly starting to grate on me and if you read my post on my issues with the Pokémon Journeys anime. I did bring up one of my issues being the episodic formula.
As time grew on through my issue with the episodic formula and some of the other issues of the series begun to annoy me even more so I needed to take a break. When they announced Dawn would be making an appearance, I knew I had to watch (the one instance where the episodic formula kind of worked in my favour). As Diamond and Pearl was my first game, my favourite anime series and had some of the best story-telling in my opinion. In comparison to Journeys, I think my main issue with the series is the lack of direction and not knowing where the story is going.
That element of surprise might be great for some people and if you’re enjoying the series that’s great too. Personally, I love the story-telling aspect of the Pokémon anime and watching these characters go on their own personal journeys. This is why watching a story-driven series, I want that level of clarity and direction provided by a linear narrative. This is why the episodic formula was starting to grate on me, Journeys is great when they are focusing on furthering a character’s goal or development, my issue lies with the huge gap in between which later results in a huge pacing issue that could easily be resolved if they gave time for certain aspects to be fleshed out more.
However, that isn’t to say Journeys is a bad series. I’ve certainly enjoyed a lot of the episodes and the slice of life aspect the series provides in comparison to earlier series. On the other hand, given that the series is meant to be focusing on travel that can be construed as a negative point as well.
And I've realised as I'm writing this, this may come across as a rant about the series rather than discussing the episode. So, if you're still reading thank you ^o^ But I thought it was necessary to give some background to explain how my opinions have been formed and if you recommend that I re-visit some episodes that’s great too!
So far, I've only seen the episode with some really poor subtitles. So, if I've misinterpreted a scene then you can let me know. But I think I got the gist of most of the episode. If you’ve read some of my other posts, I always try to break down these reviews/ramblings.
The Beginning:
I feel as though this episode is going to end up drawing similarities to the DP episode Sleepless in Pre-Battle. In which, Darkrai causes nightmares and Cresselia is unable to help the town for some reason, I can’t remember the exact reason in the original episode although in this case, it’s obvious as we see Team Rocket’s Matori Matrix attack and injure Cresselia. This sets up, the boys’ side of this DP mini-arc in which they’ll investigate the Darkrai side of the problem and something I greatly appreciated ASH! REFERENCED! HIS! BATTLE! WITH! DARKRAI!!! It was something I greatly appreciated and kind of wished Journeys took the time to reference some of Ash’s other achievements and experiences more often. Give him more of a mentor-ish role like he was to May back in AG. 
Rather than Chloe joining the boys in Sinnoh, originally, she was meant to be going on a trip with her family as the summer holidays had begun. However, those plans immediately went down the gutter as both her parents had work and her brother was joining his friend at summer camp (this is going by really horrible subtitles so I may be entirely wrong). I honestly don’t know if Chloe went to Sinnoh intending to join up with Ash and Goh or just going on a trip by herself. But I really liked the call back to Following a Maiden’s Voyage in which Chloe had packed too much the same as Dawn and her Mum ended up giving her a more appropriate-sized backpack. I think there might have been a Sword and Shield reference in there as well because at the beginning of the game the Mum says the backpack, she gives the player was the one she used for her journey and I think Chloe’s Mum said something amongst those lines. I don’t know I might be grasping at straws.
I loved all the Sinnoh/DP references earlier in the episode and to be honest I was focusing more on the Dawn and Chloe side of the episode rather than the boys (sorry Ash and Goh).
Chloe and Dawn:
Now I’ll be honest, I love Chloe for me personally she’s one of the stronger aspects of the Journeys series. However, in this episode, she annoyed me a little bit. From my point of view, one of the more subtle ways Chloe has developed after catching Eevee was that she learnt to relax and embrace being a kid primarily because of Eevee. This development was highlighted in the Glimwood Tangle episode where Chloe ended up playing with the group of Impidimp. If it had been Chloe from 20 or even 30 episodes before she may have handled that situation completely differently. Whereas, as of late she’s learnt to relax and have fun which at times was something I could have done when I was her age. 
Anyways, I’m going on a tangent once again. I just thought the whole argument with Dawn was rather pointless, I didn’t understand the need to create any conflict when they were getting on perfectly well beforehand. That was kind of my biggest gripe on the girls’ side of the episode. 
On the other hand, they also set up a good opportunity for Chloe to grow which I kind of hope they take. Another issue, I’ve been having with the Journeys anime is that they set up some great plot lines or potential development and fall through on delivery or never act on it. One aspect I loved about episode 63, was that they were setting up an interesting way for Chloe and Eevee to develop or find a goal by meeting other trainers that own an Eeveelution and learn why they chose that particular form. They could have even set up Ash getting in contact with May or Serena to talk to Chloe about Glaceon and Sylveon. But the writers never followed up on the potential storyline after episode 63, which is so frustrating.
This is why I’m hoping with Dawn’s influence Chloe actively begins to at least try things out to learn what is a good fit for her. This was an issue with Serena as well, before discovering Pokémon Performing, she didn’t really actively try out other things like battling as much. Even, Ash gave Contests a go and ended up developing some of his best strategies from those experiences such as the Counter Shield and the Ice Aqua Jet. Considering, Pokémon is an anime targeted towards children, it would be a good message to send, to at least try something once rather than not trying at all.
Following their (unnecessary) argument and battle with a sleep-deprived Rhydon, Chloe and Dawn come across the injured Cresselia from the beginning of the episode. Going back to the Rhydon, in the original Darkrai film they did expand on Darkrai causing Pokémon to fall asleep and have nightmares but I can’t recall if the Pokémon were affected in Sleepless Pre-Battle. It was an interesting and small touch that I liked about the episode (also poor Rhydon).
The preview for the next episode shows Chloe calming Cresselia or at least gaining Cresselia’s trust, and it made me think again this might be me just grasping at straws. But perhaps Chloe has some sort of affinity with Psychic-type Pokémon because we had that whole weird vision aspect (that was again never addressed) in the Glimwood Tangle episode where Chloe had that vision of Galarian Ponyta and Rapidash. I don’t know, that’s a theory I just developed that probably won’t pan out.
All in all, it was a decent episode to come back into for Journeys. If I’m honest if they were promoting the DP remakes, I’m surprised they didn’t try to do anything that focused on the Creation Trio rather than the Lunar Duo however the Creation Trio did play a huge role in the DP films and Dialga and Palkia in the original anime so perhaps they wanted to give more spotlight on the Lunar Duo or even hint at Tobias’ return with Darkrai? 
If I’m completely honest I’m concerned about the pacing for the next episode as this arc is only meant to be two episodes, this episode did do its job of setting things up. In my opinion, it could have been faster in some areas, they could have even shown a Contest in this episode and have Dawn and Chloe meet in that way. Given in the next episode the two groups will meet up and attempt to defend Cresselia from Team Rocket and I don’t think they’ll have much time to show off anything Contest-related which is a shame because Contests were my absolute favourite aspect of the games and anime. 
If this were a three-episode arc maybe they could have used this episode to focus on Chloe and Dawn, next episode focuses more on Ash and Goh finding Darkrai have the groups meet up and then the third episode half-battling and half showing off contests. I don’t know this is just me throwing some ideas out there. As I think Journeys just has a huge issue with pacing for some reason and this episode was sort of slow in some areas and as I mentioned I’m worried the next episode is going to be really rushed.
But overall, it was a decent episode and I’m hoping we’ll get to see the rest of Dawn’s team next episode as I love her Pokémon to bits. Also, Pikachu and Buneary reunion, please!!!
(And I may watch this episode again with proper subtitles)
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swordsmanofsweets · 4 years
Update + some new stuff I thought up!
Howdy ny'all! I know it's been forever since I've posted anything, it's been a rough year for me, and the past few weeks haven't been any easier and I lost motivation to do anything I enjoy really. But! I'm trying to pick myself back up again with a weekend off and being home alone to just do what I want! I've been playing Pokémon Yellow again recently, and that led me into a convo I had with my very good friend @youkaiangel, what would the WH characters be like as Pokémon trainers? So this was the only thing I could actually write, so here is the Wizardess Heart x Pokémon crossover that literally all of 2 people asked for! I plan on doing every season, along with some side/support characters and my OCs! But to make it easier on the eyes, I'll do one season at a time, in chronological order, so here are the Season 1 boys as Pokémon trainers!
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Whimsicott / Jellicent / Sylveon
Elias is about as studious as they come, knowing type advantages and weaknesses, what moves bring out the best in his Pokémon, how they all complement one another in battle. The more I think about it, the more I see Elias with a support team. All three of his Pokémon are great at setting up for each other, given all the moves they could possibly learn between them. Also, given the fact that his father is a gym leader, he and his brothers had access to many resources to get the best of everything they could possibly get their hands on. Eevee was Elias’ first ‘mon, so it’s no wonder it evolved into Sylveon so quickly. It has slept by Elias’ side from the day they met. Can you imagine an adorable little Eevee curled up next to a just as adorable little Elias? 🥺
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Lycanroc (Dusk form) / Azumarill / Leavanny
What else can be said about this soft, nature-loving boy? Just look at the Pokémon he’s raised! I don’t picture Yukiya to like battling his Pokémon (unless it’s for fun or absolutely necessary), I think of him supporting them if they want to do something like compete in Pokémon contests or something like that. His starter ‘mon was Azurill, who evolves into Marill when its friendship level with its trainer is maxed out. Can you imagine the look on little Yukiya’s face when he saw that tiny ball of fluff look up at him and squeak as it recognized him as its trainer? Are you crying as you’re picturing it too? No? Just me? Okay, moving on! 😅
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Umbreon / Raichu / Hydreigon
I tried to find the best Pokémon for Luca that suits what I know about him, and these three were the best that came to mind. Kinda overdid it on the dark types, huh? Lol, Umbreon is that powerful and dependable type, Hydreigon is that other powerful dark/dragon type (gee, I wonder what made me think of a dragon 🤔), and Raichu is there for added cuteness! As the Academy’s most knowledgeable man on campus on all the latest gossip, who else is gonna help him find the information? Only the world’s most adorable electric mouse ever! Pikachu was Luca’s first ‘mon, and can I just say does it love to tease the crap out of Elias’ Sylveon 🤭
Well, that's what I think of our season 1 boys as trainers. Yes, Walter is a gym leader, are you even surprised? This was actually a lot of fun to do, mixes two fandoms I have delved myself into for quite some time, and honestly just makes me really happy. I hope you all enjoyed and stay tuned for the next season of WH characters as Pokémon trainers! Let me know what you think in the comments and/or feel free to reblog with your thoughts! 😸
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