#I love all the lancer designs honestly
tothesolarium · 8 months
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Whoops forgot to post Niliul and her Golbin!!
Which I want to make the mech a lil more unique, but that’s one the back burner. Her code name is Lake Witch, so I want to make a design that’s a lil more, nymph ~ scary fae vibes. Tho I do love the Lancer Goblin design
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fiovske · 2 years
Do you have any recs for other non-DnD game systems? I've only ever played 5e, and I'm a little intimidated to get into other systems, but I also want to branch out and get away from WOTC's bullshit.
Sure thing! I am also including a link to the itch.io pages since that's where i get most of these games!
Blades In The Dark: i'm mentioning this first bc the rules are very easy to grasp and if you're looking for a setting that has a touch of ghosts and steampunk, this game is the perfect gateway to that! it's the best for a heist i have found and the game mechanics and names are so soo sick here's just a slice from their itch.io page:
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personally i find the setting and the stress mechanic very cool, because it takes into account the mental toil that an action can have and i find games with inbuilt consequence mechanics very compelling! it introduced the concept of clocks to me and i am obsessed.
a) adjacent to Blades, are all Forged In The Dark Games which are third-party blades games, and the most notable of them is Scum and Villiany which is space-western setting and also my favorite and if you're looking to play a game in the breadth of star-wars like interplanetary politics and everything, i highly recommend this game! b) if you're looking for a Blades game with mechanics to suit something more royalty-adjacent, with court-politics and agendas and masquerade parties and all, like say d20's court of fey and flowers vibe then i recommend Court Of Blades! I havent gotten around to playing this yet but it looks really promising and i soo badly want to play a game in this setting!
2. The Ground Itself : this is a world-building game. focused on one single place over time and how it changes and how it's people change, the events of this game can be spaced out from a week to several millennia depending on the rolls of ur dice or your choices! i have found that this game serves very well as say, a session zero game also, for setting up a place before you play in it, and not only a very fun session of making a place together for your party to play in, but also not leaving all the work to the gm! so it's a win win situation!
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tbh, all games by everest pipkin are very good! i wanna get my hands on world ending game as well bc it is a game about giving your campaign, your world-building and your characters the perfect send-off.
3. Wanderhome : if you're looking for something ghibli-esque (this is the closest i can come to defining this game thru popular media) then i highly recommend wanderhome! it's got a very cozy pastoral vibe to it and the art is really beautiful and you get to pick from a range of animal-folk to play as it's very cool!
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also honorable mentions,
a) Sleepaway is a game by the same creator in which ur a camp counsellor to a bunch of misfits and horror stories around campfires ensue! b) Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast which is an upcoming game which you can still back and it looks really interesting so i'd recommend checking it out as well!
4. Lancer: this game has mechs it has space-battles and you get to be a pilot in a future set years in the future and a thousand directions to take ur campaign in! he relationship between pilot and mech is smth that can be so personal.....
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i wanna play lancer sometime it has very cool mech designs and it has very much piqued my interest, if i find ppl who wanna play lancer w me im 🏃🏃!
5. Heart The City Beneath : honestly, one of my fave settings of all time, it has strong horror components so mind the cws! but the classes and the game mechanics are very intuitive and overall it helps you not only build a character that feels natural and organic, but since this is a horror setting, things do not have happy endings... however it will ensure that your characters have a well-built journey whose ends will be terrifying and magnificent.
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I got introduced to the fallout mechanic through this game and oooo how i love it, it's the perfect blend of your actions have consequences + every consequence is interesting and will affect your character deeply and emotionally, which is <33
this list got too long so i will just mention some more here:
the quiet year (very good map-making game, for before the frost shepherds arrive in winter.)
beam saber (forged in the dark game that deserves its on mention! austin ramsey's games i highly recommend!)
thirsty sword lesbians (ecactly what it says on the tin, i wanna check this game out also)
lotr's one ring rpg (this one is the closest substitute to classic d&d bc lets be real. tolkien is where d&d got it's shit from. and i have heard good things abt this game even tho i've never had the chance to play it)
mothership rpg (space horror whose build mechanics are very easy and user-friendly and i've had a LOT of fun with this!)
orbital (one very beautifully written rpg about life in space and it's only 32 pages but well-worth the time, highly recommend)
that's all i can give off the top of my head, i might've missed a few but these are strong standouts, so i hope u find at least one to your liking!
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harrisongirlie · 23 days
//Callsign: Carbon//
//Name: Anna Lin Lügnerin//
//Age: 27//
//Gender: Female//
//Professions: Harrison Armory Starship Engineer, Union Lancer, Pilot//
//Mech: Gilgamesh - “The Black Dahlia”
//Current mission: Classified//
//Known History:
- Third child and youngest to a Harrison Armory Weapons Engineer and a Senior Admiral upon the world Ras Shamra.
- Was a talented child with great talent in engineering and ship building as well as an even stronger talent in Piloting.
- Graduated H.A college of engineering and space travel at the age of 18.
- Became Engineering Specialist Supervisor within her department by 23
- An accident at the age of 24 had her demoted and fired. 5 deaths in total with 17 injured. Anna was hospitalized for eight months in a coma.
- Shortly after awaking Anna was enrolled into Unions training school for Lancers. She graduated at the age of 26
- Over the course of a year Anna has achieved LL rank 3 and has taken to piloting a Gilgamesh named the “Black Dahlia.”//
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//Designation: Non Human Person, Enlightenment class.//
//Name: Irene//
//Age: 3 years since creation//
//Job: Combat NHP//
//Status: Functional//
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((All of this art was done by my wonderful friend urmajesty! Check her out! She’s honestly the best artist I know and she’s done some amazing work for me and a lot of my friends! She’s also a dm for our campaign and has some wonderful stories to tell!
Go give her some love!))
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flamemons · 2 years
How do you think Digimon Frontier might have gone if the Spirits of Steel, Wood, and Earth had been bequeathed to Ophanimon, the Spirits of Darkness and Water had been bequeathed to Seraphimon, the Spirits of Flame, Light, Ice, Wind, and Thunder had been bequeathed to Cherubimon, and the protagonists had been Katsuharu, Teppei, Chiaki, Teruo, and Koichi (with Kouji joining later)?
im just gonna ramble whatever comes to mind lmao. i drew some stuff too!
uuh while i find it hard to care too much about those other kids because well, I don't know much about them, it is really fun thinking about how kouichi would act if he was there from the start. I think he'd be serious, in a similar way to Kouji, bc he's there on a mission, y'know! All he remembers is following his brother around until Kouji gets some weird text message (wait,,, does kouichi have a phone? probably not, huh. poor people gang ftw...) and now hes in this fuckin place! (hes a dead soul in this au too.) I'd imagine he'd be just as driven as Kouji was, if not more so, bc he KNOWS koujis gotta be here somewhere....but instead of initially trying to avoid the other kids (koujis strategy), he'd probably stick around as soon as he realizes that theyre gonna get themselves killed if they keep acting stupid. So, instead of trying to ditch the kids or act distant, he'd nag them and rush them to stay on track, and come off as kind of a bossy stick-in-the-mud at first
Side note, its easy to think of kouji as being a lot more serious and mature compared to the rest of the frontier kids, but honestly, I have to wonder if he wouldve acted differently if ophanimon wasnt calling him all the damn time telling him that he has to find answers! hes gotta get stronger! theres something he Has To Know!!! like damn if ophanimon was that specific with the other kids they'd also probably be just as sullen. anyway, kouichi would be feeling the same kind of pressure.
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in an attempt to make it more interesting for me, chiaki and teruo are now siblings. or close cousins. or something. (what if they were fraternal twins?? that would be so funny actually. there is a statistically improbable amount of twins here!) AND bc i like chiaki the most i think she'd make a cool leader of sorts! like, the lancer to kouichi. kouichi ends up accidentally being the leader bc hes so driven, and chiakis like, a genuinely nice person who really wants to help the digital world as soon as she steps off the first trailmon onto the flame terminal. she also doesnt take shit from anyone. maybe she was a quiet wallflower-type kid at school, but, if its for another's sake, then she'll always speak up! so now, in the digital world, she cant stay quiet!
ah i love just making shit up. this is fun
so together, they make the most chillest leader/lancer duo ever. (hey, if they WERE to be the two Main Ones, wouldnt it be cool if their Susanoomon-type evolution was deep-sea themed? mix darkness and water together, and you get The Fucking Abyss. it could be bioluminescent! a cool way to turn "light into darkness!")
btw, im not drawing any spirit forms here bc I think these kids would have alternative spirit forms as opposed to the evil ones in the show. like, heroic looking ones (basically, no child deserves to have to spirit evolve into grottomon) BUT im no good at character design and that sounds like a lotta work. also, the other spirits (fairymon, chakkmon, agnimon, etc,) would need evil forms too then, right?? that sounds like a REALLY hard thing to try drawing, so nah. just imagine these kids spirit evolving and fighting offscreen. speaking of the other spirits though,
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i want chakkmon/tomoki to try pummeling the shit out of katsuharu and teppei!! karmas a bitch!! tomoki didnt get to have his character development in this AU, bc he (probably) fell off the trailmon train tracks and got Got by cherubimon!
i like the main frontier kids too much to not include them in everything i draw Ever, so imagine that maybe they all came to the digital world alone, and wandered around until they found their respective spirits (in similar circumstances to the show) but since those spirits belongto cherubimon, theyre possessed/convinced to fight on cherubimons side!! like "oh shit i have no friends and i hate my life, yea this big evil bunny has a point lets go fuck shit up". maybe some of them are fully in control of their actions, maybe some arent. maybe some of them remember that theyre human, but maybe some of them dont....?
lastly, i have to apologize bc i got completely sidetracked bc i thought "oh takuya and kouji would be very funny as team rocket-esque villains" so heres flamon and strabimon but Evil™
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i like to imagine that theyre the Most Incompetent of cherubimons Evil Guys but theyre the only two (that cherubimon knows of) that can form susanoomon so THATS why hes trying to collect all the spirits. bc of that, they DEFINITELY dont remember that theyre human. (bc of that, they also kind of dont have anything to care about, so theyre just trying to have fun)
it would be fun if they were initially kind of lame but although they may be idiots, theyre not Dumb, so they slowly become competent at the same rate as the Heroes do, and instead of a sephirothmon arc theres like.......a beowolfmon and aldamon arc??? im not a writer i dont know. watch these five kids (and counting!) get slowly hunted by two fucking Beasts in the darkest forest ever.
or maybe they do Actually manage to collect all the spirits but it goes so horribly wrong and now theres like ten goddamn kids and ten spirits mashed up in the psyche of a very unstable susanoomon and its just some fucked up Twisted psychological nightmare. digimon evangelion.
basically in this AU, there is even MORE wild tone shifts and the plot goes Absolutely Fucking Bonkers. and takuya's cosplaying Jotaro Kujo for some fucking unknown reason.
thank you for asking! this was....probably not what you were going for, but c'est la vie
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Alright so AU huh? Mmh well if you know me you know that I love Deltarune. Guess what AU the deltarune fan base hasn’t made yet, at least to my knowledge. The Borrower AU
SO, guess it’s my job huh? Alright, here it is the Borrower AU for Deltarune aka
So the basis of this AU is quoted simple, the darkners and the dark worlds are the borrowers and the world of borrowers within the walls. Darkners are tiny about borrower size (around 4 inches on average but with such size variations it can vary haha!) anyway, the darkners used to help the giant Lightners in the light but one day something happened, and the darkners didn’t dare go back out to the light. Many believe the Lightners left them and Chose to ignore the darkners, others believe the Lightners did something to make darkners want to hide. Who knows the real reason.
The dark worlds mostly remain the same, being in the same buildings as they were in game, the only difference is that they are living in the walls, floors, and ceilings. Here’s the cool bit, the darkners still have their powers but they have one extra one, they can turn into the object that represents them. At least to a certain degree. For example Lancer would turn into his card, the Queen (while yes is probably the computer) would be able to shift into a microchip or even a small mainframe or flash drive. I haven’t really decided on that yet haha.
Anyway, the story would be quite similar with kris and susie discovering this hidden world and exploring it. How? Well of course they get shrunk! They have to travel through the dark world to find the fountain that shrunk them and close it in order to get back to their normal size. However even after the fountain is closed the darkners stay darkners, they just lose the ability to hide in plain sight. So susie and kris can let the darkners decide to stay in their current homes or come with them to a new home where they don’t have to worry about being seen by other Lightners.
Now what about our favorite two lads? I’m talking Jevil and Spamton of course? What makes them, them in this AU? Simple really, they talk to a lightner. They learn and got help from a lightner or the knight (since I’m still not 100% sure the knight is a lightner but eh) Both had contact with a lightner and got different things from them. Jevil learned more about how small he really is and how little of an effect he would have on the larger world around him, to which he responds that since his actions wouldn’t matter, that means he can do anything. He also plays with this lightner a lot and this made the kings upset because his interactions with the lightner was putting everyone in danger. So they locked him up. Meanwhile spamton meets mike (who I’m assuming is another darkner but I’m not 100% sure) and mike introduces him to a lightner who supplies him with all these items and trinkets. He becomes well known as one of the best borrowers in the walls, until the lightner and mike just disappear one day. Then everything goes downhill. He is forced to go borrowering after not actually doing it for awhile and often trips up. Lucky there is a robotic action figure hidden away somewhere that might help him escape this little nightmare he’s found himself in.
Anyway those are just some thoughts of mine about this lil AU haha. Also I tried to design some borrower versions of the lads, might redesign them but I honestly like how they look. I really like Jevil’s big bells lol.
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If you have any thoughts, ideas, or even questions about this AU, let me know! I’d love to hear/answer them!
Also for anyone who wants to be a little self indulgent, imagine finding your favorite darkner as a borrower/tiny. Just a little version of them. Maybe they were taking something from you, or perhaps they got stuck and now need you help. Either way, enjoy the daydreams heehehhehehe!
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penginlord · 1 year
Here's a list of all my D&D characters that I have, but haven't used in a while and need too before I go mad. I need to talk about them before I go insane.
Felis Brokenblade (real name: Ilana Tanner. She's forgotten it by now)
Human battlemaster fighter with a focus on duel-wielding chain whips
"I didn't do it I didn't do it I didn't do it I didn't do it"
-insane. Crazy even.
-assested and jailed for the violent murder of several people. Is completely innocent and was framed.
-was in the dungeons of a Fortress For like. . .10-15 years
-the messiest longest red hair
-got out of the dungeons of a Fortress by an "act of god" (by some means the fortress was struck by a great disaster. Everyone else died or evacuated, leaving her to have to escape or die).
-uses the shackles on her wrists with chains still attached as whips in combat.
-Keen mind. Remembers everything.
-Kinda stole her new name from one of the guards who was vaguely nice to her (Knight Avery Felis Lancer)
Fethnat Bramblewood.
Satyr Juggernaut barbarian.
"I can do it! I'm strong and capable ok!"
-satyr daughter to adoptive halfling parents. They practically run an orphanage for abandoned kids, and are very loving. But also protective.
-She's not the smartest. But she's very sincere.
-not taken seriously by anyone. Desperately wants to be taken seriously.
-honestly tries to hide her fuckups because she wants to be taken seriously.
-shes a big strong lady who wants to be a respected member of law enforcement.
-absolutely doing her best.
-hides her insecurities deep down because she needs to put on a strong face.
Ivan O'Dargen
Human college of spirits bard
"The world is meant to be explored and understood. But know this, not all of it can be tamed"
-late 19th century explorer archetype. Artic explorers spesifically.
-glorious muttonchops (important to his character)
-captain of the Northwest Expedition Team, based out of Neverwinter.
-is the sole survivor of every past iteration of his team.
-heavy survivors guilt only offset by his belief that he must keep living to keep the memories of those lost alive.
-will do his darn best to help anyone else he sees struggling with the same guilt he has, or even just PTSD or other mental stresses.
-every spirits tale he tells is of an expedition Team member.
-big leadership man. But in a support way.
-believes in diplomacy first. Will still punch you in the face if diplomacy doesn't work.
-plays the bagpipes (important to his character)
Katya Stautale
Warforged clockwork soul sorcerer
"I never knew there was so much beauty out in the world."
-very pretty???
-designed too look very human. With porcelain skin to be more "like a doll"
-delicate penmanship.
-she was told that she was built to be a demonstration of skill, and as something which can help humans
-She accepted this, and definitely wanted to do it well. But felt something strange about herself.
-considers her team of creators her parents. Loves them very much.
-Actually built with insane destructive magic abilities and as a secret weapon for the kind, although most of that's still in development.
-oops she accidentally discovered some of this power after a freak magic accident.
-oops she snuck out of her workshop and ran away with the first group of heros she met to use this fledgling power to help people
-she has no idea how dangerous she is
-shes just out there, happy as can be
-frolicking even
-so innocent, yet so determined to help.
-she will eventually accidentally blow up a town or something. Probably.
-she seems so well adjusted and mentally stable. Don't let her fool you. She's already fooled herself.
Valory Mason (my beloved)
Human Glamor bard and fathomless warlock
"Don't worry about it darling, not everyone can get what they want"
-plays the banjo
-"ex" prostitute (self employed)
-horny, but with some standards.
-yeah if she finds out you're married when you try and hire her as a prostitute she will refuse your.
-If she finds out you were married after you use her services as a prostitute, she will find your wife and tell her.
-ex con woman (definitely)
-primarily an adventurer trying to help people rn to better herself as a person
-has a daughter. (divorced + lost custody)
-ok she was a prostitute first, but also a con woman because life is a struggle and she needed to really make ends meet.
-then she fell in love with someone and tried to change her life for the better.
-he learned of her past, but not from her, and left. He still loves her? Maybe? It would've actually gone well if she hadn't been afraid to tell him in the first place
-honestly she still loves him too. And loves her daughter as well. She just has no idea how to be a mother and is scared of messing it all up
-of being a shitty role model for her daughter
-so she wants to better herself before trying to go back.
-at the least she just wants to see her daughter once more and know she's being raised well.
-absolutely would pay child support if that existed. (Probably still will on she has income. Becoming an adventurer was more for the self improvement, not the money)
-Never love an Anchor by the Crane Wives
-oh yeah she got cursed by The Void too.
-whiks being an adventurer.
-it was a whole thing.
Lady Luella Ivy Grimm
Tiefling necromancer.
"Evil and good is not darkness and light. It's how such concepts are applied which makes them evil, or good"
-peak goth
-has an undead raven familiar named Edgar
-comes from a Noble house with a long, dark and fucked up past. Demons and dark magic stuff, the usual.
-the current generation is trying to undo some of that evil
-tiefling born to human parents, they still love her. Let her learn necromancy from the court magician
-responsible necromancy. Like, asking souls for permission and giving them a second chance in the world of the living, even if short lived.
-thinks bones are neat.
-genuinely believes that everything has a good too it. That everyone has good inside them.
-this has caused her problems.
-she understands that one's evil can outweigh their good, but always initially assumes for the good.
-finds beauty in death and nature's cycles involving it.
-very respectful noble woman. Treated everyone kindly.
-uses a shovel as her main weapon if enemies get to close
-it doubles to help her dig up graves
-my most emotionally healthy and stable character.
Tiefling Chronomancer
-she ran away from her negligent parents at a young age. (Before running off she spent a lot of time reading books in libraries and temples)
-abandoned her old name, instead choosing her current one because she thought it was pretty.
-she went up to the first wizard tower she could find and basically demanded to learn magic
-the first wizard she encountered was a little gnome who was absolutely delighted to be approached by someone wanting to learn magic
-incredibly well-read. Love's reading, learning, and developing her skill with magic and helping her new village with her skills
-has a cat. Nathaniel is his name, and he's the fluffiest mother fucker you've ever seen.
-she has a really cool staff with a clock on it.
-very smart and caring. Truly the most mentally stable character I have.
Chien Jia
Human samurai fighter
-comes from the very distant lands too the east of the Sword Coast, Kara Tur.
-trained from a young age to be a warrior for her village. Expessially trained with the use of a crossbow, too the point she can basically rapid-fire one.
-very well trained in the arts along with the doctrines of war. Had hopes and ideas towards potentially becoming a general, or even a military advisor too the Emperor. Lofty ambitions.
-one night started receiving rather intense dreams about some abyssal apocalypse happening to some strange land too the west
-experienced these for a while, and quite concerned about them. Has discovered mad scrawlings on some of her weapons and gear after the dreams, all in abyssal. (Some of which she understands?)
-she approached mystics and her mentor about these dreams, and was told she was go west to resolve them. The gods must be sending her a warning, or message.
-has begun her journey to a strange land of unknown customs. Has not found any details regarding her strange visions as of yet.
Poetry Irebras
Tiefling Transmutation Wizard
-one of the first generations of tieflings (at least for the campaign I'm planning on using her in)
-Relatively young.
-When she was born her parents considered her a bad omen, and she was "abandoned" by them.
-abandoned meaning they dumped her on her grandfather, an old wizard who doesn't care much about "Demonic appearances" or "Bad Omens". Honestly being raised by him was probably one of the best things to happen in her early childhood
-He even started teaching her magic! Overall he's the most chill of old men and wizards. Although due to his advanced age, he's not the best spellcaster.
-At one point the nearby village heard rumors about "a devil learning magic", which lead too the pitchforks and torches were pulled out and she was forced to leave.
-She's still in contact with her grandfather, but she doesn't live with him anymore, for his safety. Now she lives on the outskirts of civilization, surviving the best she can.
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silverjayy6 · 2 years
A definitely small Deltarune rant
Wow, it's been quite some time since I last posted. So, to compensate for that, here's a definitely 100% small rant about Deltarune.
Your choice does not matter.
That right there, is one of Deltarune's main themes, I think, I haven't checked up on its lore in quite some time lmao. Anyway, Deltarune wastes no time in letting you set up a character and then throwing it in a dumpster just to show you that. You play as Kris, a human, in the game and tag along with a monster Susie to the Dark World and meet Ralsei, a Darkner.
The fight mechanics in Deltarune are an overhauled version of the ones in Undertale. But, they feel so much better. Like really, having two more characters seriously makes the combat feel so much better. The combat is a little changed, to accommodate the three members in the main party. Now, you won't instantly die if your HP reaches 0, since Susie and Ralsei still exist.
The game also is in a lighter tone compared to Undertale, I feel. It's quite goofy, just makes it better. Plus Lancer, the best boy obviously, is the goofiest character to ever exist, and I absolutely love him. Then there's the music guys in Chapter 2, and of course; you know him, you love him, NUBERT! Berdly and Noelle too, the characters are extremely good in this game, like there's pretty much no downside to any. They are all extremely fun. Definitely a 10/10 for characters.
And the boss fights in the games are honestly quite phenomenal, escpecially in Chapter 2. My favourite fight, Jevil, with all its chaos and everything, is a perfect example in my opinion of how the fights are really good. There's also Spamton NEO and the first Queen battle at the rooftop, all really good and fun. And each fight is a little more difficult than the last (not counting the secret bosses), showing good difficulty progression. And the first real boss that we fight, K. Round, is really a good showcase as to how the bosses work and how they'll just improve in the future. It feels really good and refreshing to fight all the bosses, no matter how basic or complicated they are. The bosses really are a step up from Undertale.
Then there's the music, and again, Toby went absolutely wild with this too. The music of this game is absolutely awesome. In fact, my top three favourite Toby songs are from Deltarune (not counting Skies Forever Blue, because like, that's the best song ever made and my most favourite song ever but it's not from Toby's games). The music for the areas, the bosses, the normal battle theme, just perfect for the vibe of that particular area or fight. And the music also seems to tell a story with how it progresses. The sound design is exactly what you would expect from Toby, and it doesn't disappoint.
And then, the LORE!! The lore is simple at a first glance, but as you look more and more into it, you realise that its very cryptic and well done. Are Jevil and Spamton connected to the man who speaks in hands himself, Gaster? Are Undertale and Deltarune really connected? Who is Mike? And who is the Knight?? AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, HOW DID SANS BEFRIEND TORIEL LAST NIGHT??!! All these, big questions that everyone is looking the answer for. The Lore of each chapter is also very interesting. The motives of The King and The Queen, and why the King is so serious while the Queen is playful and jolly, the answer is satisfactory. The lore of Kris, the lore of the different Dark Worlds, the lore of Ralsei and his town, all pretty cool. This game has a well made lore, like it's clear that quite a bit of effort has been put into it. And I like it very much.
In the end, I wanna conclude by saying that Deltarune is a masterpiece, and definitely better than Undertale in my opinion.
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sparrowsingsstories · 10 months
What does your OC carry?
Tagged by @bokatan <3 Thank you!!
I chose to do all three of my favs. I should include Levi - but honestly, that boy doesn't travel if he can help it. Which means he has a closet. A whole closet. hah
Clothing, accessories, etc: Mercy wears a mix of gear, recently from the Railroad thanks to Tinker Tom. Tinker Tom had some specialty stuff made for her since she’s so little (well, not in relation to Frankie and Mercy but she’s still 5’2”) from ballistic weave. It’s usually leggings and tunic or pants and top with a beanie (also ballistic weave) with boots. She also has her gun harness, backpack, belt, pouches, camping supplies...ya know...the usual. 
Weapons: One sniper rifle with long-range scope, one laser pistol (BOS issued but stripped down and adjusted for her hands...given to her by Danse but she told him not to), and one combat knife with minor tooth marks from a deathclaw. 
Miscellaneous supplies: soap, towel, acorn oil for hair, comb and brush, change of clothes, rope, medical supplies, toothpaste, and pipboy. (Note – no food, she has Deacon or Mac carry that) 
Random odds and ends: crackers, dried fruit, a nail file found under some rubble, a small sewing kit, a random book, one comic, some kind of chem given to her by Hancock in the case of needing to take Deacon someplace tall, three rocks, a vial of something given to her by Tinker Tom in case of synths, a Gen 1 eye, a Gen 2 finger – used to poke Nick, pencil, pad of paper. 
Clothing, accessories, etc: Well...she usually travels with the band. So it’s a couple chests of dresses, stockings, heels, fancy panties, pasties with tassels, pasties without tassels, crotch shields in case she takes off the thongs during a burlesque show, rumba panties with matching bras, petticoats for the dresses, feathers for her hair, hair oil, hair gel, shampoo, conditioner, make up, perfume, lotion, fine soaps, a few necklaces, two sets of boxer shorts for sleeping, two extra large shirts stolen from her brother for sleeping, three indecent nightgowns (sure...nightgown...sure...). When traveling with Beau – whatever she can shove in one saddlebag...which makes her sad. 
Weapons: A very large stick – gotten from a cactus in Texas. 
Miscellaneous supplies: What is this...Miscellaneous Supplies...it’s all necessary supplies, Beau. All of it. Everybody needs more than 2 pairs of holey boxers, Beau. For the love of God, get new underwear. 
Random odds and ends: See Miscellaneous Supplies also two bobble head dolls, one shell from California, an empty tequila bottle – just in case 
Clothing, accessories, etc: Before Canary: One pair of pants held up by a rope and cut short enough for her, a thin old pair of panties, too-big shirt also wrapped with a rope, scarf and hat, leggings cut short and held up by a rope, old dress, two socks only slightly tattered, old sneakers. Old backpack. After Canary: one Sparrow-sized Lancer leather jacket with the BOS patches ripped off and replaced with random patches found plus one Minuteman Patch, one Sparrow-sized Lancer flight suit denuded of BOS patches and now sporting random ones, a dark gray fitted pants and shirt topped with leather (sized for her), gas mask with goggles, tactical beanie. Eventually a Sparrow-sized set of courser gear with long coat, mask with blue tactical lighting. Tactical belt. Backpack. 
Weapons: two blackened knives – sharp and designed for slicing and stabbing. Sparrow thinks guns are icky. 
Miscellaneous supplies: Pocket snacks (dried meat, dried fruit, nuts – usually packed by her papa), a second set of knives, rope, pouch of caps, little compass, stealth boys 
Random odds and ends: chalk, bits of bark, a few random rocks, a pouch of dried herbs, tea, every BOS patch pulled from her armor, a piece of paper with the words “chirp chirp,” three leaves (they blew into her bag), her old backpack shoved into her new backpack 
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purpleleafsyt · 1 year
24, 8 and 9 (yugioh ask meme)
24 - Unpopular Opinion
I said in this ask that one of my favorite arcs of all time is the Synchro arc, which kinda bleeds into this question.
I don't think the Synchro arc is as bad as the fandom makes it out to be.
It's where a lot of my problems start to pop up about the show sure, but it's such a necessary arc for so many characters. There are few episodes you can take out that wouldn't greatly impact something about the plot, especially once you hit the Friendship Cup.
And honestly? I don't think it's that badly paced either. It's certainly a long arc, but it never felt like it was wasting my time, y'know?
9 - Favorite Minor Character
I have two answers for this! One is slightly generic and predictable and one very much isn't
I love Masumi. She's interesting and driven and could've gone so much further. I'm one of those people that think it could've been interesting if she was a Lancer, and I really enjoyed her rivalry with Yuzu, and the fact that Masumi motivated her to be better
Also her dynamic with Hokuto and Yaiba was really funny
As for the less expected answer, it's another one of Yuzu's rivals! Mikiyo Naname!!
She appears for like a total of three episodes but I really like her design, I adore designs that look butterfly/fairy-like and she certainly has that!
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8 - Favorite Antagonist/Villain
Ohhh this is easy, I really like Yuri.
He isn't nearly as developed as some other antagonists, and had a completely off screen redemption, but he was an absolute treat every time he was on screen
Also, I'm always drawn to characters with a lot of potential, and he certainly has it. I like creating my own stories revolving around random scenarios and dynamics hehe
I also really enjoy his design!! Even if he's wearing an onsie.
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haloburns · 2 years
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I posted 23,071 times in 2022
204 posts created (1%)
22,867 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,885 of my posts in 2022
#danny phantom - 115 posts
#the world is having more fun than me tonight series - 94 posts
#ecto writes - 91 posts
#ecto fics - 88 posts
#my fics - 72 posts
#my au - 35 posts
#ml spoilers - 31 posts
#the batman 2022 - 26 posts
#strike back spoilers - 26 posts
#my writing - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#nor did the fact that i could already read do me any favors bc i was like immediately singled out and elevated to the 1st grade reading cla
My Top Posts in 2022:
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag others. No skipping!
thanks for tagging me @roundaboutnow !!
i'm gonna use my invisobang playlist that i can't share the title of yet. it's my fav right now.
1. same direction - hoobastank (honestly hoobastank fucks)
2. getting away with murder - papa roach (a classic)
3. be my escape - relient k (my beloved)
4. make it stop (september's end) - rise against (this song makes me cry)
5. until the day i die - story of the year (a perfect ghost light song, ive had it on all my songs)
6. for you, and your denial - yellowcard (oh this song fucks too. the violin man. the violin.)
7. last night on earth - green day
8. saying sorry - hawthorne heights
9. devil in the mirror - black veil brides (this song is so good for this fic...)
10. give it all - rise against
@redead-red @jadenoryuu @omnicrafts (share those crossover playlists babe!!) @floralflowerpower @bibliophilea and anyone else that wants to join in!
31 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
with every sin, i still wanna be holy
Dan wants to be better. But that means dealing with his past (future?) actions and starting to make amends and acknowledging how he's hurt these people in his life. It's hard than he'd like to admit. Part of the the world is having more fun than me (tonight) series.
I dunno why I’m writing this. It’s stupid. I’m not even gonna send it. You don’t even know who I am! Clockwork did his meddling with time bullshit so you don’t remember me.
No one remembers me
You were my favorite teacher, yknow. You were the only one who actually gave even a little fuck about me. All my other teachers wrote me off as just another dumb lazy kid. No one knew of course.
Oh I guess I should tell you. I’m… Danny Phantom. Sort of. It’s a big mess of things, but Fenton is Phantom. That little punk Weston kid was right. That's why I missed so many assignments and always fell asleep in class. I promise I wasn’t a bad kid, Mr Lancer.
I guess I just needed to tell you who I was. So you would be understanding or some shit. Maybe so I wouldn’t feel like I failed every adult in my life.
Whatever. It’s not like I’m sending this anyway.
Read more letters on AO3!
40 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
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hey look at that! another redraw!
i wanted to work on style and some other things, so i redrew my avatar (again). the first one is literally just the screenshot, and then the second one is Pissed Off Ghost King™ Danny. that one was more to fuck around with ectoblasts and some other stuff. also i designed a crown!
some more stuff below the cut!
here's a version without the blasts bc im vvv proud of how these hands turned out, considering the weird ass proportions of the cartoon. big thanks to @friendly-neighborhood-imbecille for those hand ref sheets 👉🏼👉🏼 u the realest
See the full post
44 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
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my friend @i-think-in-metaphors did this amazing commission for me!!! i redid the phantom planet statue for my au, and wrote a scene for one of my upcoming works where mateo gets to see it in person. i finally got tired of imagining it and wanted to see it.
and the product. is. GORGEOUS. it's so perfect. i'm in love. i'm gonna cry about this for the next 30 years. LOOK AT HIM.
(click for quality.)
check out her commissions!!
the scene it's based on is below the cut!
Excerpt from quit telling everyone i'm (permanently) dead! (wip)
The black zirconium statue was larger than life. It towered above them on two separate, stepped obsidian pedestals, each about five-feet high. As Mateo moved closer, he could see something glittering in the bases. Danny mumbled something about ectoplasmic ice mixed into it, stronger than diamonds, but Mateo thought they looked like stars. He figured that was the intention. It was gorgeous.
He tilted his head back to take in the actual sculpture. That Danny was twice as large as the one standing next to Mateo. He felt his heart lurch a little at how serious Danny looked, the tight furrow over his brow, the determined set to his jaw. It all made him look so much older than even now, even though Mateo knew he was only sixteen when the statue was made.
The statue’s zirconium white accents were blinding in the late afternoon sunlight, and Mateo found himself shading his eyes as he looked up even higher. The hair on the statue was shorter than Mateo had seen Danny wear his, probably closer to the length it had been when he was in high school. It was swept back heroically, as if moved by an unseen wind, and the sun glinted off its sharp edges. It made the whole statue look as if it were glowing.
Crystalized ectoplasm made Phantom’s eerie green eyes, and they glowed too, though Mateo figured they probably glowed under their own power rather than a trick of the light. The statue’s eyes were trained on the thin, steel-wire Earth he cupped protectively close to his chest; it was a promise as well as a remembrance. The world remembered what Phantom did for them, and he promised them he would do it all over again if necessary.
65 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
this is the road to ruin (and we started at the end)
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(click for way better quality)
Sam did this amazing cover for me and I literally can't stop staring at it. I'm making it my phone background like immediately. Here's their post, go give it a reblog!
prologue: without you, there's no reason for my story and chapter one: fading in the afterglow are live right now!
i'll be posting every SATURDAY starting this saturday 9/3! we got seven more chapters to go, lads, so buckle up!
71 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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weightoftomorrow · 3 months
prompts: job mentors / soul crystal
Qahs'a and job states:
GLA/PLD oh this one is a hard one. He was probably willing to help Mylla out with Aldis, but clearly did not want to be a gladiator Gladiator. Taking down Alacrans is a thing in both GLA and PGL so that totally happened. Jenlyns though? Qahs'a turned and walked away from that guy when he started being intensely weird about Solkzagyl's job stone being "polluted" and how UNFORTUNATE he is to stuck being captain, and even if he stuck around to help save Jenlyns from himself, around 45 he'd have to walk away to not stab him in the head over the stupid ambush. Honestly, I assume he did some training with the Fortempses, but then Haurchefant died and traumatized him and now he has serious issues doing any Paladinny stuff without thinking about the Vault. If he has a job stone, it's from Ishgard, not Ul'dah.
MRD/WAR MRD is such a forgettable questline. There's no reason why Qahs'a wouldn't have helped Wyrnzoen and Sighard out, minus the having to wield an axe thing, but he'd probably be fine with it. Kujata's not really a threat at all. Warrior though? Qahs'a would probably be offended by Curious Gorge talking about "inner beast" to a Keeper of the Moon. He absolutely does not have the WAR job stone. I'm sure Ardbert is very annoyed about it, but he can't do much about it. Sorry Curious Gorge, I hope you resolved your rage issues solo.
DRK Oh boy. Look. I'm possibly the only one who plays XIV who really dislikes the 30-50 DRK quests. The English translation is like designed to make me, specifically, angry. Qahs'a wouldn't have gotten past level 40, let alone get to any other quests. I can easily see him having picked up DRK, but the story would've not been about "ohoho you're being EXPLOITED and you need to think only of yourself" but more about…. him being wildly depressed? He totally should do a DRK storyline about taking care of yourself when you're wildly depressed, but I am not good enough at writing to rewrite Esteem into that. And I really want him to have done 60-70 and plausibly the 80 quest. So he probably has a job stone, and gets along with Sidurgu and Rielle, and finds her being annoyed about needing to grow up faster so Sid stops treating her as babby is great, and he supports her, but 30 to probably 60 was wildly different in an unknown way.
GNB I play GNB. I think GNB is wildly out of character for Qahs'a. Going around with Radovan and Sophie and helping them out? Yes, he'd love to do it. Saving Cato Mammula? Yes definitely. But he's already supporting one nearly extinct art, and I think Radovan would appreciate that. Being able to understand Thancred's new job would be great. Radovan probably even gave Qahs'a the job crystal to practice with, but the explosions make him flinch hard.
CNJ/WHM Although he started as Lancer, he branched into Conjurer very early, as the only vaguely close thing he could do to follow in his mother's path. But it's really not, and I'm sure that the Padjals are continually rather… distant towards him, because Gridania still does have that prejudice, and he's very much a traditionally-raised Keeper. But he hasn't even tried to cast White Magic since the First turned all his spells to permanently Light-based. He's pretty freaked out about that. Definitely has a job stone, but he might leave it somewhere else nowadays, in case it's Light-poisoned and can spread to his other job stones. He's not sure if it's the job stone or him that's permanently Light-skewed (he's pretty sure it's him though).
SCH Sorry Alka Zolka. I desperately want him to have saved the Tonberries and done the Scholar questline, but uh. see ACN for details.
AST He picked up AST because he never got to see the stars much, growing up, and finds them fascinating. He kind of hates how intensely fate-based Leveva is, but keeps quiet rather than contradict her. He also doesn't get along well with Jannequinard, but, again, keeps quiet. I'm sure Janne likes Qahs'a significantly more than Qahs'a likes Janne, because Qahs'a almost looks Janne look good to Ishgardian society, comparatively speaking. Kyokuho makes Qahs'a feel quite uneasy, and he's not sure if it's jealousy or just Kyokuho's manner is what bothers him. After WHM got all Lighty, Qahs'a swapped to being AST more. He doesn't heal-focus much though, but he likes staring at the stars. That job stone is a tigerseye and you can't convince me otherwise, and I love tigerseye so Qahs'a probably does too. Seems the most likely job stone that someone would pull out and stare at (and turn to watch the chatoyancy). I feel like Urianger has tried to bond with Qahs'a over being a fellow Astrologian but Qahs'a keeps getting overwhelmed by Urianger's vocabulary.
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look at this this is an ast job stone. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Tigers_eye_chatometry.gif won't turn into an image because it's too big but go look to see the chatoyancy gif. i am off topic
SGE The major strike against Sage, besides the uh… intense academia vibes that Alphinaud constantly gives off is the intro. Qahs'a has experience with Sharlayan's attitude towards "fugitives who stole things". He does not condone Sharlayan's weird penchant for assassinations. Also, Lalah is kinda amazingly naive, and just gives some random guy this job crystal. On the other hand, Qahs'a probably went "yeah sure I'll help," and failed to tell Lalah he was aiming to help Loifa more than her. It all worked out in the end at least. So yeah, Qahs'a probably has the Sage job stone and just never uses it.
LNC/DRG Qahs'a walked into Gridania with not much more than a pitchfork and the clothes on his back (and a ring the guy in the carriage gave him), so he's definitely interacted a lot with Ywain. Foulques showing up to kill lancers for the crime of uh. not… being…. cool enough in his books…… sure did make Qahs'a unhappy. So he parted on good terms with Ywain, just in time to get flung into Alberic and Estinien's kinda fucked-up relationship. At least he gets to hold being an Azure Dragoon over Estinien forever. He also turned DRG into a tank-class during HW, but he's tapered off on it over time as he ramped up magicking.
RPR Drusilla is a little… brusque which would be a turn-off for Qahs'a. Making fun of some rich guy is a plus. The aesthetic, and letting someThing else from another reflection possess him is absolutely a dealbreaker. This makes him a hypocrite but I'm sure Ardbert doesn't need competition. So he doesn't have a job stone, and probably got rebuffed when trying to help anyway. Sorry Drusilla?
PGL/MNK Well. Hamon is…. a bit of a dick. Qahs'a probably doesn't like him. He likes Chuchuto tho, and helping Rururkuta get out is also a good thing. And I doubt he likes punching. So he's probably going to not really be interested in continuing. And then Erik is very condescending to anyone who isn't as "educated" as him (read: everyone. Qahs'a knows he's uneducated, Erik doesn't need to be a dick about it) and Widargelt is a mess in ARR so uh. yeah. Qahs'a does not become a monk. No jobstone for him.
SAM Oh SAM. Qahs'a is totally willing to go along with Musosai's thing and along to help out and help Momozigo. Some of the bits are a little odd but, I mean, he does worse things for random people in tiny settlements. The 60 quest though? Oh fuck no. Qahs'a hates everything about that quest. There is a very good chance he does not actually complete the 60 quest, and refuses to kill Musosai because suicide-by-Warrior-of-Light is pretty cruel to said warrior of light. So I guess he has the jobstone. Hates it though now. And Zenos also made it worse. Yeah.
ARC/BRD So Qahs'a is a traditional Keeper of the Moon. He absolutely knows how to shoot a bow (but does not have one because his older sister sucks). He gets along great with Leih. They probably stand in a corner and make fun of Silvarre and his claiming no one else can shoot a bow ever unless they are a giraffe. Luciane is amazingly not involved in the Archer questline, I don't know how they get along. I presume Pawah is more hostile to Leih considering that she's hanging out with some guy. Whatever, that questline ends. Qahs'a gets sent to Jehantel, stares at him going "yeah i'll teach you poetry" and probably walks away because like. Sorry, he's got a lot of other things on his mind besides poetry and song. Well. If he realized that he'd be able to retrieve the stolen job stone for him, he'd do that at least, but I still cannot picture him keeping it after. Jehantel wants an apprentice and Qahs'a cannot be that apprentice (especially later when he goes mute).
MCH This is the #1 questline I assume Qahs'a did as a different job. Stephanivien needs help, Qahs'a likes the Haillenartes (or at least Francel, and Laniaitte and Stephanivien are pretty nice too. Baurendouin is…. not), but Qahs'a flinches at loud noises and gun recoil so Steph probably gave him the job stone, watched him be unable to hit the broad side of a barn and gave up on teaching Qahs'a to gun-fight. Qahs'a is all for showing up dicks, especially Dzemael dicks, tho, so… somehow he helps out? Maybe he helps Joye out. Maybe just having The Saviour Of Ishgard on his side helps him out vs Tedalgrinche. No idea. I guess Qahs'a has the job stone in his pouch, but like… at the bottom, with GNB, mostly ignored.
DNC Considering the quest opener is "hey, you wanna perform?", Nashmeira lost him 5 seconds in. I wrote a drabble about just convincing him to Help and not Perform but…. I think convincing him to dance at all is kinda ooc. But you kinda need to dance to root out the dynamis so… I guess he has the job stone? At the bottom of the pouch tho. Also Ranaa is weird because she's a non-traditional, non-forest Keeper. He has no idea how to act around her.
NIN NIN is the job he tries at and fails, completely. He's very bad at hiding, for all that he doesn't talk. He fumbles mudras, even with a job stone to help him shape his hands. Yugiri thinks he's hilarious. He's glad he's funny at least. Karasu probably also finds him hilarious. Tsubame probably sees the humour in the situation, and Oboro tears his hair out about how bad this guy is at this. Very ridiculous dynamic.
THM/BLM Qahs'a was very happy to help Cocobuki et al. with Cocobusi. Cocobuki probably likes having Qahs'a around. But Qahs'a probably only wandered into the THM guild after picking up RDM, and I can't help but imagine they're a little snobby about things and this guy thinks he can cast thaumaturgy while a completely different job. Hmph. I think he likes the tribal black mages better than Lalai, and he really doesn't like Shatotto. Ququruka is just kinda. okay. idk what's up with that guy i don't really wanna learn more either. If he has a BLM job stone, it's more because he's a master Red Mage which automatically means he's good at Black Mage rather than any particular interest.
ACN/SMN ok so. Qahs'a is only partially literate. He can read. He cannot write, and he definitely doesn't do math. And he even more definitely doesn't do complex equations. He is not an arcanist, unless he casts entirely through instinct / just shoving aether through random equations on the page and hoping he doesn't set the book on fire. Thybyrgeim is probably very empathetic, K'lyhia probably is extremly unempathetic, and K'rhid, not that he's ever going to meet K'rhid, would probably just be very mocking. This guy is never casting math magic. So he's definitely never unlocking Scholar (he also would not do it just from the name) or Summoner (isn't that what you do to call primals? that sounds evil). He should be the best Summoner around and instead he cannot do the prerequisite. Sorry Y'mhitra and Rammbroes and Dancing Wolf an--
RDM Oh look it's his main. Um i mean. Qahs'a can't turn down a chance to help people. Especially can't stop helping children. X'rhun loves him. Arya loves him. These three are very close. Qahs'a adores that he shares a job with Alisaie, and has specifically chosen a rapier to match hers. Qahs'a never lets go of his RDM job stone.
BLU Oh no, Qahs'a really doesn't like Martyn. Every time Martyn does something to try to recover his reputation, he immediately tanks it again. Qahs'a is only here because the two Mamool Ja think Martyn is ridiculous. If Martyn hadn't actively shoved a job crystal into Qahs'a's hand to "prove" it's a real job, Qahs'a never would've picked it up. He likes to pretend BLU doesn't exist. I am permanently stuck on Blue Cheese though, so I'm never going to find out what 60-80 and beyond quests are about.
VPR and PCT are waiting on dawntrail. I'm pretty sure I can't play VPR from Yoshi-P's description tho.
In summary: job stones he actually owns and uses: RDM, DRG, AST. job stones he owns but ignores: PLD, DRK, GNB, WHM, SGE, SAM, MCH, DNC, NIN, BLM, BLU job mentors he gets along with: MRD DRK GNB AST SGE LNC DRG half of PGL NIN half of ARC MCH sorta DNC THM RDM neutral job mentors: GLA WAR RPR BRD ACN job mentors he does not: PLD CNJ WHM the other half of PGL and ARC MNK SAM BLM BLU job mentors he would like if he could meet them: SCH SMN
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ohthehypocrisy · 2 years
How to write a pokemon for Pokemon Unite! Part 1 - All-Rounders
Previous Post 
So, now that we’ve established what it takes for a pokemon to get into Unite, the next step is to figure out what role it will have. This is when we have to take a look at the pokemon’s base stats and moves.
Do not, I repeat, do not start off by choosing the pokemon’s archetype beforehand. Sure, it sometimes works, but then you get pokemon like Greedent or Mr. Mime, two pokemon very far removed from their designated role. Or Lucario, a shoe-in for the Attacker role but made into an All-Rounder (I love this game, but I do have my fair share of criticisms, especially since I’ve been doing this all year). 
Let’s start with Charizard for example.
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Huh, those numbers just aren’t what they used to be.
Now, if we were to make a set off of these numbers alone, we would’ve made Charizard a ranged special Attacker, considering the high Sp.Atk and Speed combination. Yet, for some reason, Charizard is designated as a physical attacking All-Rounder in Pokemon Unite instead. Why? 
Honestly, I don’t know. There aren’t any Special Attack oriented All-Rounders in Pokemon Unite, and Charizard would’ve been the first if I had anything to say about it. Perhaps it has to do with the basic attack, as Charizard’s is unique at the moment. In case you don’t know, Charizard doesn’t use the typical boosted attack system. Actually, it doesn’t use boosted attacks. It attacks by throwing a stream of fire from its mouth, a small stream that increases in size as the pokemon evolves. Because it’s so short ranged, it makes Charizard very tough to deal with up close, and perhaps that’s why Charizard is designated as a Physical Attack pokemon. If it had the ability to bypass Defense with its basic attack, it would easily tear apart most defensive pokemon, reducing the effectiveness of shields.
Let’s look at another All-Rounder, Garchomp.
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As a pokemon, Garchomp is a lot more fleshed out to fill the All-Rounder role than most other pokemon. Having a high Attack stat and above average Speed is only part of the equation. In actuality, Garchomp is an offensive and defensive beast thanks to some bulk and a defensive ability in Rough Skin.
As a result, Garchomp is flexible in offensive pushing and defensive plays, but can specialize in either or. Dragon Claw and Dragon Rush can be combined to make a mean KO machine, but Dig and Earthquake can help Garchomp hold the fort down if the team needs more defensive presence. Either playstyle is amplified further by Garchomp’s basic attack and its side effect. After 5 hits, Garchomp’s basic attack speed doubles and can be used nonstop, and each hit applies a vampire effect that heals Garchomp with each swipe of his deadly claws. With the ability to sustain himself, Garchomp can either make a mad push on the enemy territory, or hold his own.
One more before we continue, let’s look at Tsareena.
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With high Attack and average Defenses, Tsareena seems like she would fit in as an All-Rounder no problem. However, rather than play as a rooted kick boxer akin to a sturdy jungle tree, Tsareena is more comparable to a blitzing lancer with lightning legs. Where does all this speed come from?
Tsareena is an All-Rounder that plays like a unique hybrid of a Defender and Speedster. Half of her moves have her heal herself, the other half make her fly around the battlefield, imparting negative effects on any pokemon she hits. She’s not as frail as a Speedster, but she’s nowhere near as bulky as one either. Her ability to fire off moves repeatedly is strong, but requires setup with her Queenly Majesty ability. This unique combination enables her to win most 1v1 fights in the game, but her range is limited. See, Tsareena can only heal with Stomp or Triple Axel, two moves that punish enemies who get too close. It has no effect on ranged Attackers keeping their distance, which, if played well, reduces Tsareena’s ability to sustain herself. She could give chase with either Grassy Glide or Trop Kick, but that makes her vulnerable to overextending, and if you overuse them, you’ll exhaust Queenly Majesty, reducing your effectiveness with Stomp or Triple Axel.
Now, with all that said, sometimes a specific combination of Moves and Abilities can decide the archetype for the Pokemon instead. Perhaps a signature move or ability, or even an item. For example, Pickpocket is a rare ability that sees so little distribution. In Pokemon Unite, it can be remade to steal energy when passing by enemies. This is especially fun when remaking normally useless abilities like Illuminate or Ball Fetch and reimagining their utility in Pokemon Unite. 
However, you mustn’t separate the new version from the old one too much, otherwise you might as well be making up an original character. And since this is pokemon we’re talking about, you’ll really burn the fans of that pokemon (any pokemon, each one has a fan, even the silly looking ones). To that end, it’s better to base the moves and abilities off of the original context anyway as a framework, since they typically give the pokemon character. Moves like Head Smash, Teatime, Heat Crash, Wood Hammer, even Rapid Spin give the pokemon a unique twist. It’s the old adage whenever Blastoise has to use Hydro Pump, “Two for me, one for thee” or something to that effect, in that the pokemon’s unique physiology means that they HAVE to use these moves differently and characteristically. When the game first came out, the move Surf was shared among 3 pokemon, Slowbro, Cramorant, and Greninja, and yet all 3 use Surf to completely different effects and, more importantly, in service to their role; Greninja and Cramorant use Surf to damage enemies, whereas Slowbro uses Surf to hinder them.
That said, Pokemon Unite does have this weird thing where they tend to NOT give the signature moves of the pokemon to them for Pokemon Unite. It frustrates me that they sometimes relegate these signature ‘moves’ to Unite Moves when it’s very easy to work them in. Off the top of my head, Lucario lacks Aura Sphere, Zeraora lacks Plasma Fists, Trevenant lacks Forest’s Curse, and Slowbro doesn’t get an attacking Psychic type attack (what’s especially egregious is that Telekinesis isn’t a signature move, yet Slowbro uses a super hyper version of Telekinesis as a Unite Move, which only proves my point!).
Like I said, I have my fair share of criticisms of the game.
With all that said and done, let’s take a look at some possible pokemon that could fill the All-Rounder role. Hopefully this gives everyone a greater understanding of what it takes to fill a niche in the game.
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With equal Attack and Defense, this pokemon is cut out for the Defender role. However, other factors are at play here that determine the role to be that of an All-Rounder instead. For one, the pokemon is a ranged attacker with the ability to resist hindrances. Attackers are limited by the amount of damage they can deal in short bursts, which is typically very high, but they are vulnerable to being stun locked out of attacking should they be caught in disruptive attacks. For this reason, this pokemon is an All-Rounder that is a hybrid of a Defender and an Attacker.
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Here is the stat spread for another pokemon. All-Rounders tend to have similar distributions of numbers which lends to their flexibility. Here the pokemon also has high attack and defense, but not as much as the previous pokemon. However, lower HP and Sp.Def reduces the pokemon’s would-be effectiveness as a Defender. This is where the pokemon’s unique moves come into play, which can be applied offensively or defensively. Imagine if you could send a wild pokemon out to hold a position for you, which you can then command to either guard the area or attack. This is what this pokemon is capable of doing and earns it the All-Rounder spot.
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High defenses seem to be a common theme among these All-Rounder candidates, but it just shows how versatile they are. High Sp.Def and Speed is also a plus, but the pokemon’s low Sp.Atk shows how limited its range would be. In order to compensate for this, the pokemon is capable of using its defenses to break the formation of the enemy, utilizing its powerful Fluffy ability to neutralize physical attacks. It also helps that the pokemon is very round, which makes its designation as an All-Rounder sort of comically ironic.
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And here we have a candidate with very high Attack, which is unusual for its typing. Not only does it have high Attack, but it also has high Sp.Atk. You would think this would make it a dangerous Ranged Attacker, but there are pokemon with similar stat spreads already in Unite that use exclusively physical moves despite having high offensive stats (Zeraora, Aegislash, Garchomp, and Lucario). My point is, sometimes a pokemon won’t be able to use all of its moves and abilities to its full effect, and that’s all well and good, as long as the pokemon satisfies a gimmick or unique playstyle, no one will complain. And this one delivers with just three words. X, ray, vision.
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And last but not least (figuratively speaking), we have a pokemon with...really low stats. Not a single number above 100. Are we sure that this pokemon is cut out to be an All-Rounder? Well, as I said before, looks can be deceiving, and this pokemon also happens to be well camouflaged in its home biome. Anyway, its best stat combination is high HP with Sp.Def and Defense following it, meaning that the pokemon seems to be defensive in nature. Keep in mind that All-Rounder are versatile and don’t have to be offensive powerhouses. So long as they can fill multiple roles in one, they are considered an All-Rounder. Despite low stats across the board, this pokemon has a rare ability that allows it to support itself and its team, and can even fuel its defensive endeavors with its moves, such as being able to heal itself or make itself stronger. With solid team support, the pokemon’s capabilities will bear fruit.
The ability to be a versatile pokemon is not one to be taken for granted. Even if an All-Rounder can fulfill multiple roles, it cannot do everything, and the correct pokemon must be chosen to compensate for the flaws of the team’s offensive and defensive capabilities. Being an effective combination of an Attacker, Defender, Speedster, or Supporter puts a lot of pressure on you to fulfill that role, so do not forget your place.
But what does make for a good Attacker? Or a Defender? Or even a Supporter or a Speedster for that matter? We’ll be exploring all of that and more next time.
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Creature Codex 2022 Survey Results!
So the turnout for the survey was great! 136 responses on the Google form, but a few people sending asks. I’m not going to post all of it, but I would like to go over some highlights.
Also, to reassure folks: this was not intended as a lead in to major changes on the Codex. I’m still going to be writing monsters for PF1e, and the basic format isn’t going to change. But I wanted to see what folks were interested in.
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I was honestly surprised by this result--I was under the impression that the art was a bigger draw to when and why people liked or reblogged my entries. But it’s the smallest result! Flavor text and background info are about evenly matched.
A lot of people had write ins for what RPGs they had played, and what they were currently playing. This was by design; I wanted to focus my options on D&D and Pathfinder variations, because there’s hundreds of different RPGs out there, and this is a Pathfinder 1e blog. There was a huge diversity of games represented, including some I’ve never heard of (Genesys, Lancer), games I didn’t know people still played (Mongoose Traveler, AD&D 2e and D&D 4e), and some games I had forgotten existed (Maid RPG). Notably, the most common game still being played was Pathfinder 1e, with 58 of 133 responses confirming. Followed by D&D 5e, with 56/133. I know there’s a certain amount of self-selection here because this is a Pathfinder 1e blog, but I was pleasantly surprised to see PF1e still so popular.
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Unsurprised to see a majority of my voting followers do at least some GMing. And welcome, my 10% of non-playing followers! Glad you’re enjoying yourselves.
I got a number of write-ins for themes people wanted to see me cover. More people voted on what they liked than what they didn’t, and even for things that got a decent number of Do Not Want (Hackmaster and Starfinder were the top two there), there were more people who voted for them. I’ve recently done Hackmaster and Starfinder blocks, so I’m happy to leave them alone for a while.
Now, let’s look at creature types:
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You guys like them weird! Aberrations are the clear winner here at 60%, but outsiders (52%) and magical beasts (43%) are no slouches either.
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Not a good day to be an ooze or a vermin, it seems. Those types do have some limitations based on the PF1e rules set, so that makes a certain amount of sense. And tells me that an ooze or vermin theme block would not be a big hit. Which is useful information!
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Again, useful information. I haven’t posted any playable races in a while, but have a prospect or two in mind. 
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The overwhelming enjoyment of historical context is why I reblogged that tarasque folk art post. If you’re looking for book reviews, I’ve been posting those to my “main” blog that has far fewer followers, @demiurge1138. 
This post is probably long enough, but I do want to respond to some of the individual comments. In the interests of not completely destroying your dashboards, I’m gonna put my thoughts under the cut.
All of the comments I got were very nice! Thank you all so much!
Some to respond to:
i literally adore Creature Codex and i think you are perfect, i enjoy any content you feel like sharing and also i would kill a man to be able have a chance to play a tabletop rpg with you. :)
That's very flattering! And slightly intimidating!
Ran the spiral centurion for my party a couple of weeks back; it was well received, and they almost-but-not-quite figured they could just shove the thing over. There's a good chance they'll run into a blue slime next session.
I love this blog! It's very helpful. Right now, my players are interacting with Howler Wasps. They haven't gotten to the nest yet, but one player skinned one and made an outfit out of it. This weekend, they traded that outfit for future "favors". None of that would have happened without you.
I love your stuff! You've turned me on to a bunch of golarion lore, like mahadatari (technically starfinder but hush), the daemons, and qlippoth! I don't engage with your stuff as much as I should (in the social media sense), but I adore the blog in general. I'll fully out myself and say I'm monsterceiling! I actually took some of your advice to make a mahadatari build for Iron gods. She was a magus kasatha, but she died at the end of book one and came back as a duskwalker. I rebuilt her as a phantom blade/brawler with the (minor spoilers) juju zombie kasatha under torch as her phantom. She's currently spreading the gospel of Talavet across numeria!
I love hearing stories about how people are using my monsters at the table! I’d be happy to get those anytime.
I personally find Pathfinder too complicated; I enjoy CreatureCodex as a way to better understand the game without playing it and to see monsters from folklore I've not heard of before (and see new interpretations of ones I have!)
I enjoy all of your work with the Creature Codex, and it makes me want to try the Pathfinder system. I love the care and attention to detail that goes into each entry!
I’m glad I can help make the Pathfinder system somewhat more navigable. 
 I'm tempted to do something like the creature codex, but for Starfinder conversions. Any advice?
Develop a schedule. It doesn’t have to be near daily like my blog (for your sanity, it probably shouldn't be), but having a plan in mind for when to post definitely helps me manage workload. If you’re using tumblr, make use of the queue function; it’s one of the most helpful features of the site. And manage your expectations about engagement. Obviously, engagement helps me feel motivated and makes me feel good, but it takes a long time to get going, and the current culture of the internet makes it less common than it was even ~5 years ago (like when I started). 
I am curious to know why you write "mind-influencing effect" instead of "mind-affecting effect". Just a pet peeve of mine. I really like your work and I want to thank you for it.
It’s a 3.5ism. I feel like “mind-affecting effect” is a clunky bit of English. There’s some other formatting quirks I do that differ from Paizo’s official stat format; I put the Perception score alphabetically among the Senses instead of separating it out from darkvision, low light, etc. And I put Defensive Abilities in their own line instead of mixing them with DR, Immune, Resist and SR. 
Keep up the good work! I enjoy your blog immensely. End of the World week, in particular, was a favorite series of mine.
Thanks, but that wasn’t me. That was @monstersdownthepath​ who did End of the World Week. I have converted a bunch of those monsters, though. Check the “elder evils” tag. 
I do not play pathfinder myself, but have you considered creating a tag for Slaad Lords, Asura Rana, Empyreal Lords, etc (I think the term for them is demigods)? A player who wants to make a cleric of one of your monsters would have an easier time looking through the database if you marked which pages would be relevant for that.
That is an excellent idea. I haven’t gone back through my old posts and added “demigod” as a tag, but I will do so in the Not Too Distant Future. Thanks!
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babyloniastreasure · 2 years
karna for the bingo
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all these squares and only one bingo but I'll TAKE IT
bro. listen. Karna, right. like. dude
as with enkidu, we are not here for passionate essays about karna. however.
There's nothing i don't like about him. I fell in love the moment I saw him in Apocrypha, honestly. He's a lancer, my favorite class, he's no-nonsense and monotonous, a practical thinker and knows exactly the extent of his strength and potential. His design is both memorable and entirely ridiculous, given he's just running around in some golden undies. That being said--Karna my beloved, why ? isn't your butt cold? does the natural armor on your torso bend? does that fire-cloud you have burn people who get too close? You're not even wearing shoes my guy. i love you so much
I've written about my interpretation of Karna's character before, if you'd give that a read. it covers how he's deeper than he seems, wasted potential, all that stuff
Personally I feel like I like Karna so much because aspects of myself and ways he presents himself are similar. not in a karna kinnie way, i am not literally karna, but in a "gee karna, I too dislike social interaction and take things literally. I understand how you operate and therefore emulate struggles through a similar lens as you might" kinda way. I'm also the oldest sibling with a heightened sense of competition, so. i get it
naturally he lives rent free in my mind heart and soul. i want to marry him, im absolutely mentally ill about him, and he's never done anything wrong in his life.
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
What are your favorite characters in all of your fandoms and why?
Oh boy, this is going to be LONG. So I'm putting it under a Keep Reading
And I'm writing this for my 900th post! Wow!
Total characters/fandoms - 34
OK K.O. - Dendy Ah, my little blorbo. Blorbo shaped frog girl. Dendy is a scientific based character who doesn't seem to get many things and the fact she wants to learn more and grows over the course of the show makes me love her SO MUCH. She has a great design and wish that she got more screentime in the later seasons compared to season 1, but... cancellation is a jerk.
Psychonauts - Lili Zanotto You've got a ten-year-old girl whose style is something I wanted and I would have LOVED to have Lili as a role model for me when I was little. This gothic plant lover who randomly picks up animals and threatens to set people on fire has a style that is SO on point. The little tsundere has powers that match her personality and even as she gets comparatively worse as the series goes on and the first impression I had of her I didn't like... I still love exploring the possibilities with her.
Amphibia - Anne Boonchuy Okay, you have someone who can remind me of my Middle School friend group and kind of heal it? You have someone who embraces the culture and food that she grew up with? You have someone who just has some love of where she goes but treats it in a VERY realistic sense of knowing nothing about the world? CHEF'S KISS. Not to mention, the abilities she has the the GROWTH she shows in the show. Showing her flaws and gaining new strength. The heartbreak she deals with her friends and their toxic traits being brought to light as she gets an actual good friend in Sprig. It's so great to see.
Pokemon - (modern) Sneasel This is mosly for design and the idea that Sneasel's Darkness set it apart from many of the Pokemon. A rarity that used to be brown with white feathers to deep green with red feathers. The sleek and speedy designs is one of the best from my "home region" of Pokemon.
Undertale - It honestly has changed a lot. Looking back on canon vs fanon, I'd have to say: Asgore. He's just a sweet old goat man who's lost so much in his life. He doesn't want war against humanity, he only wants what's best for his kingdom. And even then, he just hopes another human won't fall down into the underground and he can just tend to the flowers. Let the old goat man garden and let him be happy.
Deltarune - Even without ignoring the Undertale characters: Susie. Similar to Lili, Susie is a troubled character with not much known except the fact that journeying the dark world with Kris opened up her eyes and her heart. She's also a great character to get a laugh, such as with messing with Ralsei in Chapter 2 and being willing to make HER own choices. She also shows off the soft side of her heart with Lancer and Noelle and that's GREAT for her. Susie is a hero.
Sonic - Rouge the Bat Sonic X, THANK YOU for showing me this delightful little bat mercenary who worked for the government. She's a creature who I wish was shown off more in the modern Sonic media in a way where she was a true mercenary and wanting the gems for herself. Give me a plot where she gets the Chaos Emeralds. Give me Super/Hyper Rouge, SEGA. Do it, you cowards.
Warrior Cats - Hollyleaf As someone who VERY MUCH followed rules as a child, I love Hollyleaf and her whole debacle. She's a part of a family who's supposed to have power but only Her BROTHERS get it. She's a child born out of wedlock and thinks that breaking the Warrior Code means she's automatically doomed to destruction. As someone who grew up in a VERY religious town (not home, the home life was good for me) the feelings that Hollyleaf suffers from was VERY poignant to me. I also LOVE Tenelleflower's interpretation of Hollyleaf in "Rewriting The Power of Three." But even still, Hollyleaf!
Wings of Fire - Moonwatcher OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE THIS. So going from one person destined to have powers but received none, to one who was born with powers everyone thinks were LOST. Moonwatcher is such a skittish girl who is just trying her best throughout her book and she keeps seeing bad things happening and can't do anything about it. Nor can she say anything without the risk of losing those around her. A far cry from Hollyleaf but a beloved character in a mirror world to her. Unfortunately a victim of Tui T. Sutherland's first book syndrome. Where overtime her protagonists from Book 1 become more... one-note and less important.
Pucca - "" Yes, I know it's a show that contains sexual harassment. YES, I know the main character is the harasser. But the style of the show and the fandom comics that got me into the show have REALLY stuck with me. In the sense where I like fanon more, but still enjoy her antics in the show.
The Owl House - Luz Noceda Luz Noceda. Typical weird girl who loves fantasy and writes fanfiction. Hey, a character for ME! But really, Luz going from enamoured to the fantasy to realizing the reality of this world is SO GOOD. The fact she goes from following a prophecy to making her own claim in the world with the magic she knows is fantastic. I love her.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Fluttershy One of the characters who has to constantly relearn the same lesson, but I love her nonetheless. A shy little pegasus mare who doesn't even like to fly. She loves her animals and overtime she befriends some of the wackiest characters in the show. And it's fun to see her slowly get more assertive and be willing to stand up for what she believes in.
Steven Universe - Amethyst It used to be Connie, but you know what? Baby Amethyst in the movie and rehearing what LITTLE songs she got, makes me think that I like Amethyst more. She goes from being an aunt to a cool older sister and she relates so well to Steven. She's the bridge he needs and helps him so much.
She-Ra - Entrapta Again, similar to Dendy, Entrapta is such a cool design and I love characters similar to her. Also her relationship with Hordak is something very very fun and I like how that created Wrong Hordak, too.
Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette Dupain-Cheng Do they make her memorize her love interest's schedule and insist they're meant to be? I mean yeah, but she's a teenager who's been bullied all of her life and when Adrien came he was like... the first male who was showing her kindness. That's a mood for me and my first love (Granted, I wasn't this obsessed). And also she's a baker, who is a very sweet and creative girl who tries her best and when she's hit with inspiration she goes OFF.
Ace Attorney - Phoenix Wright Call me a sucker, but Phoenix Wright in the Ace Attorney series is a great man. He's a bit of a bumbling oaf with a big heart and I love his different story beats. Like why he wanted to become a lawyer, losing his loved ones, facing impossible odds and embracing the idea of truth over money. Love this goofball.
Infinity Train - Lake Lake's entire identity crisis of being a person is something filled with existential dread and death. This protagonist murdered someone, a COP, and was still in the right. She's got a heart and she knows it and she's ready to show the world.
Camp Camp - David Saying this as a camp counselor: Yeah, I'm biased. David is SUCH a good and relatable character to me. I got into Camp Camp when my camp had a lot of older campers who didn't care about the camp experience. I poured my heart and soul just like David did! And that's something that I loved! David is a ball of sunshine who keeps getting hurt cause he's the butt monkey of the show, but dang if Season 1 Finale didn't have the best David line!
Hero: 108 - Alpha Girl Does she have 0 backstory? Yeah... but there wasn't consistency with serialized cartoons and Hero: 108 was based on ancient Chinese literature which... looking at things like "Journey to the West" actually is supposed to be more episodic. Anyways, Alpha Girl being the hero of the Second Squad deserved more credit both inside and out of the show. A big brute who was willing to throw down and take what she deserved.
Kingdom Hearts - Roxas Roxas is one of the most complex characters in one of the most complex series. Why do I love him? He goes from an emotionless husk being controlled by the Big Bad Evil Guy, to a boy who
Star Vs. The Forces of Evil - Janna One of the best characters all the way through. Consistantly likeable and honestly if anyone were to have been affected by Eclipsa's chapter, I would have loved to have seen her. She was a side character who helped the scenes she was in and got one of the best ending lines for any characters.
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn - Sveta BEAST MEN BEAST MEN BEAST MEN. Yeah... I may be a furry. You give me a mid-late game ally who is a wolf/fox/whatever who can literally go BEAST MODE on an enemy? I'm gonna love 'em! Sveta is one of my favorite characters in the Golden Sun: Dark Dawn games for her tragedy. She loses her brother and has to rule the land without him. She's... she comes in last so her character arc isn't that great but she's a tragic werewolf and I love her.
Code: Lyoko - Odd Della Robbia Of all the characters I love, Odd is one of the most expected. He's a playful guy who is a bit of a player and machine/music nerd with weird hair. But also he's the best character in the video games. DS Code: Lyoko made Odd SO broken. Get full defense upgrade, hold down B, and MASH A. Nothing will damage you except Hornets.
Kim Possible - Ron Stoppable I'm partial to love interests. ESPECIALLY this one. Who didn't start out as a love interest but had GREAT chemistry for the friends to dating. He's also a great comedy character and so so so sweet. He's a reluctant big brother who soon grows to LOVE his baby sister and he is the one who saves the world in the finale with "mystical monkey powers." Great Guy.
Digimon - Takato Digimon Tamers is the best Digimon series. And Takato is one of the most realistic characters in a series that thrives on the characters telling the story. Takato cares for the digimon he created and is also terrified. This series and Takato is where Digital Monsters really lives up to its name.
Secret Saturdays - Zon Saturday She's a dinosaur and I love her noises.
American Dragon - Fu Dog I haven't watched American Dragon in a long time. But Fu Dog has some great lines.
Adventure Time - Flame Princess Flame Princess was the character I really loved. A character who was seen as evil for powers she couldn't control. Put into one box that she was able to break out of. She got a sweet friend in Cinnamon Bun and she absolutely did well for the kingdom, despite the fact of the brutalness she faced from the Candy Kingdom and the Elementals series.
Kill la Kill - Mako Mankanshoku My first "proper" anime. Mako Mankanshoku was hilarious and fantastic through the short series run. I loved her use in the series and that weird spotlight she'd always get when she was pumping up her sister in arms. Everyone deserves a Mako in their life.
Hey Arnold! - Helga Pataki Oh boy, what a shocker. But really, Helga goes through so much that she really doesn't deserve. And because of that her expression of affection has been twisted. The deuteragonist mean girl love interest has really caught my eye. ... Not sure what that says about me.
Invader Zim - Gaz Membrane Gamer girl who is done with everything. She doesn't care if Zim's an alien or not, or if Dib is obsessed with being right. She exists in her own world and people accept that.
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Seto Kaiba He's so pathetic. It's hilarious. He wants to beat an ancient spirit in a children's card game. He makes his little brother into the "Damsel in Distress" trope, but for boys even in a video game. This boy is just fantastic. Hilarious.
Gravity Falls - Stanley Pines Stanley Pines... Mr. Mystery himself. Always second place to his brother... BUT NOT IN MY EYES. I LOVE STANLEY PINES (even if I go by "Sixer"). Stanley Pines deserves the world and is a fun caretaker for both Soos Ramirez and Dipper and Mabel Pines. And his story is delightfully tragic. Love them so much!
Danny Phantom - Desire She is my favorite villain. Manipulating wishes is my jam.
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weatherman667 · 2 years
Knights of Sidonia:  Love Woven In the Stars
Sadly, everything I was afraid it was going to be, and a few extras.
Most of the problems come from the fact its THE MOVIE!!!!!!!, though we do have to point out he Funimation dub is, overall, worse than the Netflix one.  Most of the time it’s the same, but there’s a lot more of the pukey/cartoony voice acting, rather than proper, dramatic voice acting.
Now onto THE MOVIE!!!!!!!
It compresses an entire season into a single movie, but it’s worse than that.  It’s a general audience movie. This means that it spends a lot of time getting the viewer up to speed to where we are in the show.  When the exposition happens, 99% of the exposition is stuff we already know, along with the fact it’s a giant infodump.
Space is the best way to describe this.  You need space to process information and emotions, and is actually a fundamental part of Japanese aesthetic disciplines.  Gone.
Giving a sense of space, both physical and temporal is extremely important in storytelling, which is something that the series did fantastically well.  There’s a lot of space in space, and crossing it takes a lot of time.  Turning the ship is something that takes minutes to an hour to accomplish safety, and has to be done in stages.  The Garde units are designed to spend two months alone in space.  Gone.
What should have taken a season is done in a couple hours.  What should have taken an episode or two is done in moments.  Character development:  Gone.  Story development:  Gone.  Emotional impact:  Gone.  Unpacking the Captain’s character arc is not done.  After a sentence or two, it skips ahead to the end of her story, where she is forgiven.  Kunato’s redemption arc:  done is about 10 seconds.  Ochiai’s complex character development:  gone, turned into a cartoon villain.  Complete with monologue.  Complete with monologue in a fight where split seconds determine success and failure.
Every character basically loses 20-30 points of IQ.  Camera angles are switched from descriptive angles to narrow / dramatic camera angles.  These do help to hide the fact the Garde squadrons rarely if ever use proper tactics.  The tactics that the series spent two seasons building up for us.  They NEVER engage at maximum range, they never drop the extensions for their rail guns, they take barely minted pilots and instead of putting them in reserve, put them onto the high priority mission.  This seems to be a way to introduce the world through their eyes to the virgin audience whom have never seen anything about Sidonia before.  Events aren’t carefully thought through, with complex projections, but made with spur-of-the-moment predictions you know will succeed because of plot armour.
10 years have passed since the original, and nothing has changed or been resolved.  All of the characters still live in the harem boarding situation.  The love triangle is resolved with a last-minute pair the spares hookup that transgenders one of the characters, (and not even the character that is genetically designed to switch genders).  The final battle is, quite simply silly, in all regards.  This dramatically reduces the impact of it.  The happy ending is also a result of brainjacking.
*hits his head on his desk*
Is it a bad movie?  No.  Would I recommend it to anyone who liked the series?  No.  Would I recommend it to anyone who hasn’t seen the series?  No.
The series is way too complex to reduce down to a single movie, and the backstory infodumps the movie provides don’t happen in a fashion to build dramatic tension.  You basically go from:  This character with obvious villain / lancer hair is bad.  Wait, he’s good now.  Oh, it wasn’t ever his fault, so we don’t need to worry about anyone actually forgiving him.
Does it have good representationTM?  No.
Do I consider it canon?  Parts?, maybe.  Otherwise, no.
I’m honestly going to back to wishing we got a third season.
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