#I love dreamsharing so much. such a good trope
waitineedaname · 8 months
There was a reason Greed refused to sleep around them. He didn't need to sleep in the first place, and these days, it was more trouble than it was worth. But his companions were insistent, and this body of his was unfortunately human. The sleeping bag they'd gotten him was enticingly soft… It wouldn't hurt to attempt to sleep, just this once, would it?
I've been poking away at this sleep fic (often when trying to fall asleep myself!) for the past couple months. it's finally in a form I'd consider finished! enjoy!
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vinelark · 9 months
do you have any whumpy fic recs (ideally romance, but gen would do in a pinch)? Open to any fandoms. I feel like I used to see them a lot more, but they are harder to find these days. Bbts really hits the spot tho btw haha.
ANY fandoms? oh boy do i.
Hotel Heart by Laughsalot3412 (and its sequel Safe as Houses): not quite romance but not NOT romance ot3 leverage psychics au where eliot is a hitman who used to be under the control of a horrible empath who left him with major mental scars and huge trust issues. he reluctantly ends up protecting another empath (hardison) and thief (parker) and sloooowly starts to work through the aforementioned trauma while they take down the aforementioned evil empath together. excellent series with excellent pangy plot. also i knew nothing about leverage when i first read it and it’s what got me to watch the show.
Hold my Eyes to the Sky by myrmidryad: an enjoltaire/les mis longfic set in a 1970s(?) wizarding au in which grantaire is a very sad and lonely werewolf and the idealistic activist he’s hopelessly in love with just got himself turned as well, and grantaire has to help him navigate the changes while dealing with his own self-worth issues and tragic backstory. you want whump? look no further.
Occultation by Geese_in_flight & pineapplesquid: a novel-length au of the book Winter’s Orbit, in which the main difference is that kiem, not jainan, is the one dealing with a previous, horrible arranged marriage. somehow this simple switch brings so much fresh potential to the characters (i loved seeing how this played into kiem’s self-worth issues, and also loved this exploration of what jainan’s character would be like if he had been able to flourish the last few years), with a whole new set of pangs. i recommend both the book and the fic!
爱不释手; never let me go by yiqie: a post-cql wangxian getting together fic with the classic amounts of yiqie pain & pining & h/c & devastatingly beautiful writing about the devastatingly beautiful experience of being in love. also blood. honestly most fics by yiqie probably fulfill this request (are you into vashwood, perhaps?)
Morning, keep the streets empty for me by feyburner: a wangxian modern au oneshot with self-sacrificing wei ying getting into trouble and landing himself in the hospital while pining very very hard for his cultivation partner. i’m reccing this one out of all feyburner fics because it has the obvious physical hurt but fey is so good at weaving pangs into fic that tbh there’s emotional whump to be found in most of them. also, god-tier writing in general.
the kite string and the anchor rope by fleurdeliser: a wangxian canon-divergence au that falls into the sickfic whump subgenre. the pangs! wangxian’s love for each other and for a-yuan and the way wwx’s desperation and powerlessness in the face of a sick child (and his own illness) clash with how the world perceives him at the time is so 🤌🤌. this is saved in my h/c favs folder for a reason.
The Long Way Home by itsnatalie: extremely whumpy batfam tim & jason fic, which i’ve definitely rec’d here before but if i’m reccing whumpy longfics it HAS to be on the list. good god this fic is a masterpiece, both for the angst and for the absolute beautiful worldbuilding/navigation of its horror tropes.
and since you like bbts, i’ll also self-rec a few of my older fics! i think you’d probably enjoy this river runs to you, a wangxian/mdzs modern cultivation longfic feat. (sort of) identity shenanigans, angsty backstories, self-worth issues, and the main character getting all manner of hurt. also: you’re the trouble that i always find, a wenzhou/shl dreamsharing/amnesia/sort-of-timeloop fic in which the main character is supposed to dream about killing his love interest but said love interest keeps dreamcrashing to change the plot.
this reclist could’ve been dozens of fics long tbh. i live for The Pangs which usually go hand in hand with good whump, and seek those fics out whenever possible, so as always this is a super incomplete reclist! also i welcome any and all recs in return.
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kitnita · 1 year
oooh just saw your tags on the stucky post - do u have any good stucky fics to rec?? im talking like looong fics. shit that like changes ur life. i was never into stucky when the fandom was super active but now im like !!! theres a goldmine of good fics out there i just know it
yeah absolutely!!!! but okay so. a lot of the stucky fic i read, i read back in high school before i started obsessively bookmarking things on ao3. i'm almost positive there are some blind spots on this list because i'm just going off the things i do have bookmarked rn. like i also want to dive back into the tag at some point & see what stuff i've missed / forgotten.
THAT SAID pretty much all the big stucky fics i do remember were in my bookmarks so i'm working off those! also thank you so much for sending this because i queued that post & didn't actually end up going back to read any stucky fics. i want to reread everything now.
actual recs under the cut!!
sincerely, your pal by lettered (rated m, 65,620)
i will always be obsessed with an epistolary fic. 10/10
to memory now I can't recall by etharei (rated e, 102,600)
uses time travel in a really interesting way, with it almost acting as a bodyswap scenario between the past and present. really interesting device in a fic with bucky pov.
building from the ground up by emilianadarling (series, various ratings & various lengths w a total wordcount of 68,687)
soooo good. i remember the (chronologically) first & the (writing order) first in the series better than the other two, but they're all good!! spans time from during the war to after the events of the winter soldier.
you know i dreamed about you by napricot (rated e, 59,311)
dreamsharing!! underutilized fanfic trope!!!
between everything, yourself, and home by napricot (rated e, 24,396)
i reread this one more recently than a lot of the others on the list & it hit so good, definitely recommend it.
United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) by fallingvoices & radialarch (rated t, 20,605)
the formatting & framing & storytelling devices in this one go hard, like, i'm pretty sure it was one of the fics mentioned on that post. it'd be worth checking out for that alone except that the fic is just Also good.
the way to a man's heart by niitza & whatthefoucault (rated t, 43,837)
this is one of the stucky fics i think about all the time. food as a healing device hits every time and it's SO good in this one.
the size of perfection by phoenike (e, 31,193)
if you want a lot of 1940's angsting about what the supersoldier serum does to a guy's dick, this is the fic for you.
all the angels and the saints by speranza (rated e, 48,740)
in the authors note of this one it's described as "a motherfucking 95 year epic love story of socialism! science fiction! and hard core gay fucking!" so. worth a read for sure.
roll on by jaxington (rated m, 89,113)
the historical queer themes in this were so good!! the supporting characters & world built up Hit. also i forgot/never knew it was part of a three fic series that is 306,592 words long. definitely read those too.
steve rogers at 100: celebrating captain america on film by eleveninches, hellotailor, M_Leigh, neenya, saintsideways, & tigrrmilk (rated e, 10,228)
exactly what it sounds like. from what i remember this probably barely counts as a stucky fic but it's so fun.
tin soldiers by idrilka (rated t, 19,743)
another one where the formatting & framing & storytelling devices go hard!!
a line that goes all the way by napricot (rated e, 45,218)
realizing now this is the third napricot fic on the list so probably anything else you find by them will also hit!! this one's more recent than a lot of the other fics here but i remember really enjoying it.
tezeta (nostalgia) by vowelinthug (rated e, 20,140)
another more recent fic set in wakanda!! it's steve's turn to be a total maladjusted disaster <3
sparked up like a book of matches by sena (rated m, 26,734)
didn't remember a lot of this one from my bookmarks so i started reading it to jog the memory & now am going to continue reading it. the vibes are vibing.
always stay near me, for tomorrow i will have much to do by roguewrld (rated e, 39,990)
this one's framing isn't as wild as some of the others i've rec'ed but it's still a little noticeable. a great non-linear bucky centric fic.
there's nothing left of you by notallbees (rated e, 22,346)
a fic set during the war!! those are always fun!!! and by fun, i mean. you know. it's good though, very in bucky's head.
i can feel the cold changing us inside by tesselated (rated m, 24,140)
a really good post-winter soldier recovery fic.
might never be normal again (but who cares) by napricot (rated e, 51,540)
okay one last napricot rec from my bookmarks. tagged 'Steve's Slow Motion Midlife Crisis' so you know it's good.
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traincat · 2 years
Happy Yuletide! I got two amazing gifts I need to rec. :)
The Geas (Flash Thompson/Kaine Parker, rated T, 13k)
A spell gone awry. A man he knows very little and likes even less. What happens when Scarlet Spider has Agent Venom in his space 24/7? Either they find a new way to relate or someone is going to meet some very painful consequences.
The tags say it all! Forced proximity but make it about agency! This is such a brilliant take on Kaine and his views on intimacy and romance and ownership and ugh it's so good. Thank you to my author for putting all my Kaine thoughts into this one fic, like, when I say it's exactly what I wanted, it's exactly what I wanted. Totally beautiful look at Kaine and Flash and there's also dreamsharing. I don't think I said either of those things were some of my favorite tropes but my author just knew. Go read it!
Meet Me at Our Spot (Johnny Storm/Peter Parker, rated T, 2k)
But once he knew who the man behind the mask was, there was no real reason to keep it up, was there? He could just — go hang out with Pete somewhere that wasn’t in the middle of the Hudson.
This combines two of my favorite Spideytorch staples, the Usual Place Christmas meetups and Johnny's time in the Negative Zone, into something totally new and original. It plays with Johnny's insecurities in a really interesting way and how Peter just gets him. I loved it so much. Thank you to my author!
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
Hi there! I'm in love with your Cherik fic lists so I was wondering if you could make one about fanfiction where one of them faked his death? (And, y'know, the other one was all angsty and deppresed and ain't those the feelings I was trying to avoid) but, surprise! He was alive and now he knows you love him!
I'm so sorry if this is one very specific ask, I'll honestly be happy with just one fic with this dynamic I just need it so much
(Sorry for my broken English)
Hi anon, thanks for the ask. First of all, don't apologise for your English, you are doing a great job. Second of all, I have been looking through all the fics I can recall that fits your description. I could only find about two that fit them exactly. However, I decided to include fics where either Erik or Charles thinks the other is dead one way or another, or either of them has faked their death. Some might fit the bill better than the others, but if you enjoy this trope then I think you'll find some good ones here.
It’s All Coming Back to Me – Reagan
Summary: When Erik hears that Charles died on the beach where he left him, there's only one thing left for him to do: take the world down with him as he crashes and burns in his grief. But maybe the world will get its reprieve before he goes too far.
Afterlife – Anna (arctic_grey)
Summary: A year after Washington, Erik wakes up in excruciating pain as sudden awareness washes over him: Charles is dead. Erik has to adjust to yet another future: no extinction, just a world without Charles. But the death of his former friend leaves Erik weak and his powers drained. His quest for answers leads him back to Westchester, where Erik has to face his past with Charles and put together the puzzle pieces of what happened to the man he once cared for.
It’s like one of us woke up – kaydeefalls
Summary: "You came here for me," Charles said, meeting Shaw's gaze levelly. "So let's not waste any more time."
Canon!AU in which Charles and Erik do find Shaw in Russia.
Boden’s Mate – kaydeefalls
Summary: "Shaw has information that we need, and we need him alive to extract it," Moira says, and there it is: the job is on the table. Extraction.
XMFC/Inception fusion AU. Erik is an extractor, Alex is his point man. They're assembling a team to go after the most dangerous mind in dreamsharing: Sebastian Shaw. But unless Alex and the team can keep him in check, Erik's desire for vengeance might just rip the whole job apart around them -- and then there's the shade that haunts his dreams...
Regret – zimothy (orphan_account)
Summary: Do you believe in second chances?
November Man – keire_ke
Summary: Mystique spent much of 1972 in Vietnam, enjoying only such news from the States as came in the papers. She is therefore rather surprised to see her estranged brother in the middle of the jungle, surrounded by both Viet Cong and Soviets, with his finger on the trigger of a gun.
My Single Greatest Regret – sherwoodfox
Summary: "...is that he had to die, for our dream to live."
A stray bullet on the beach in Cuba killed Charles Xavier. Years later, Erik Lehnsherr- escaped from the prison beneath the Pentagon, on the run from all authorities- returns to the mansion in Westchester, which was closed off after the death of its owner and has not been inhabited for years...
At least, not by anyone still living.
Not Half As Blinding – keire_ke
Summary: Cuban beach AU. Charles discovers that death does, in fact, solve everything.
The Mad Ones – Black_Betty
Summary: The name Charles Xavier is written on a grave in Westchester county. Charles doesn't know about the grave, doesn't remember having a body or being afraid. He only knows the world of dreams, and of the minds of others. One day he touches the lonely thoughts of a sick boy on a boat to America, and that is the day when everything begins to change...
Worth Living For – Harleydoll
Summary: Charles is 75% certain that Erik is dead. Not because he saw him die or anything, that would be stupid.
Charles is certain that Erik is dead because that is what Charles can do, he can see the dead amongst the living. Sometimes the dead don’t know that they’re dead, and apparently this dead guy really likes to follow Charles around and hit on him and completely blow off even the most blunt statement of ‘You need to pass on, you can’t stay here.’ and laugh at Charles like he’s the crazy one.
Charles, in all honesty, might be a little afraid to see Erik go.
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ladyaj-13 · 3 years
September Fic Appreciation
Another 28th appreciation post that, uh, reveals how much of my free time I spend reading fic... (so under a cut, because it's super long again. Lots of polyamory/rare pairs this month and a fair wodge of Larry too!). If I missed any tumblr people tags let me know.
The Only Thing That Keeps Me Grounded - lululawrence - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @lululawrence – 27k, NR – American AU, established Tomlinshaw then adding Harry. I love love love this pairing and this fic. Swing dancing! Costume parties! Falling asleep on each other!
more than you bargained for (but everything you’ll ever need) - words_unravel - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] - 27k, M – AU, established Lirry with pregnant H, Nanny!Lou. It's cute and kidfic, but also there's genuine feeling there, and angst coming from the difficulty of turning an established happy relationship into something new. Great.
No Such Thing As Second Choices - slashter - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @slashter – 30k, E – AU, Camboys!Larry. Again, great use of angst in this one but also great use of fanfic tropes because of course Liam's favourite stars of the screen move in next door, cue AWKWARDNESS, lovely
Love You Like I Should - MissLii - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @liamismymuffin – 50k, E – soulmates AU, dreamsharing. I feel like I'm repeating myself but honestly, the angst in this one! So so so good!
Tell Me It’s The Strongest Shape - YesIsAWorld - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @louandhazaf – 73k, E – half-AU in that Nick/Elgar are fairly close to their real life but there's no 1D, modelling, famous/not famous. My notes for this were just one word: nuanced. It was very well crafted and I thoroughly enjoyed delving into this world - I didn't know who Elgar was before I read it, but it didn't matter at all. If you're into poly definitely give this a go.
Only Hate The Road When You're Missing Home - sunsetmog - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @magicalrocketships – 49k, M – Popstar Liam and student Louis AU, exes, secret marriage. if you read this whole list you will see I have deep-dived into re-reads of sunsetmog's entire back catalogue and that's because they're all excellent...
(do they have a ship name? Mouis? I crack myself up)
You Left all your Dreams on the Threshing Floor - LadyLondonderry - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @londonfoginacup – 27k, M – YESS! I loved it. Pigeons. Nouis friendship. Drama that had me on the edge of my seat. Super cute fluff and some really lovely phrases, I was pulling out sentences to quote back in my review like it was going out of style.
The Youth Branch of Magical and Fairy Tale Creatures and Beings Anonymous (Volume One) - sunsetmog - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @magicalrocketships – 5k, M – Cinderella!Liam is amazing. Also featuring Loki!Lou, PrinceCharming!Zayn, Werewolf!Niall and Veela!Harry, this fic is wonderful and weird and perfect.
Putting it in! - 4ureyesonly28, BringMeADream, foreverfanficaddict - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @evilovesyou @foreverfanficaddict @whatagreatproblemtohave – 3k, T – Includes Larry but it's background to the Niall/Golf, so I'm putting it in my gen category. The golf innuendo is utterly sublime. I was literally laughing out loud, it's a good thing I live alone.
Moon Dances Over - LadyLondonderry - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @londonfoginacup – 2k, G – merpeople, alpha/beta/omega dynamics. This was so inventive, and formed into such a lovely bitesize package.
picking up the pieces - falsegoodnight - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @falsegoodnight – 37k, E – AU, alpha/beta/omega dynamics, touch starvation, nesting, Zouis friendship. I'm always here for touch starvation fics, SOMEONE JUST GIVE THEM A CUDDLE, ahem. It's really good.
Welcome to The Traphouse: The Introduction - jaerie - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @jaerie – 2k, G (but later instalment ratings rise). Such a good series! I zoomed through it. I never watch these kinds of Youtubers and now I kind of want to, but I know I'm going to be disappointed because they're not Louis, Harry, et. al., and their adventures are not this fic.
I'll Be There - allwaswell16 - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @allwaswell16 – 5k, E – Sick!Louis milking it so H will take care of him, uni AU, enemies to lovers. I can totally see canon Louis acting like this, haha. Lovely bit of care taking.
That Sounds Fake But Okay - dancingontheceiling - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] – 112k, E – fake relationship, so many delicious misunderstandings, a great supporting cast and a really sweet, understated final scene. Could I have loved it more? I don't think so.
Up For It - jacaranda_bloom - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own]@jacaranda-bloom – 18k, E – secret relationship, ot5, holidays. There's a lot of sneaking around and obliviousness in this, which I adore, wonderful.
We are the same, you run in my veins - 28sunflowers - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @vintageumbroshirt – 4k, G – alpha/alpha, packs. Really cute, this is a lovely coffee break fic.
The Brightest Lights - Rearviewdreamer - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] – 70k, M – age difference, actor AU, utter stressball!Lou. So cute, so fluffy, I couldn't stop smiling all through the last chapter.
We Both Got Nothing to Hide - lovelarry10 - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] – 43k, E - alpha/beta/omega dynamics, nesting. This is a reread, I LOVE the snappy embarrassed Louis stealing H's clothes and thinkshe'spossiblylosinghismemory!Harry with ever-diminishing wardrobe options. And mutual pining, of course.
Baby Steal My Heart Away - Snowy38 - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]– 61k, E - Louis' left with his brother's baby, Nanny!H. Ugh, get me right in the kidfic feels why don't you. Accidental baby acquisition that turns into real found family (literally).
Slow Hands (Slow Days) - LadyLondonderry - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @londonfoginacup – 9k, T – James Herriot AU, oh my days. The pigs, the lack of cows, Liam the wunderkid vet beloved by all, and Harry, the only farmer who doesn't distrust new vet Louis on sight. I loved it.
Emperor's New Clothes - sunsetmog - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own]@magicalrocketships – 92k, E – exes, secret relationship, famous/non-famous. This fic. I read it five months ago and I just read it again and it makes me cry, and then sort my life out. After reading it I finally booked my car into the garage to fix a fault, washed my shower curtain and dealt with an email that had been haunting me literally since May. I should read it weekly, I might actually get on top of my life.
Baby, Come Light Me Up - dinosaursmate - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @dinosaursmate – 50k, E - L/OMC, psychological abuse, cheating (not between HL). This felt realistic – a shitty boyfriend OMC who never became a cartoon villain, a slow rebuild of sense of self, and a considered understanding of where a new relationship can fit into that. Wonderful.
Harry Styles Cooks... - sunsetmog - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @magicalrocketships – 61k, E – famous/non-famous, baker!Harry. A WIP, but I've read it twice and where it stops you can kind of take as an ending, so don't worry about reading it incomplete (although if they ever add more, I will combust with glee). I love this. It makes me want to buy ridiculous novelty-printed mugs (I can't quite stretch to a shower curtain), drink even more tea than I usually do, and bake cupcakes. They're both such AWKWARD DORKS.
Counterbalance - YesIsAWorld - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @louandhazaf – 44k, E – ballet, motorbikes, enemies to lovers, side Ziam. I don't think you need me to tell you to read this. Loved it.
Lies & Liability - 4ureyesonly28 - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @evilovesyou – 34k, M - alpha/beta/omega dynamics, regency AU, fake relationship. I loved Gemma, I loved the pining, I loved it all.
One More Taste of Your Lips - Canadianlarrie (canadianlarrie), MsHydeStylinson - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own]@mizzhydes @canadianlarrie – 80k, E – future canon, band reunion. There's this one scene with trust exercises and Harry (blindfolded) recognising Louis by caressing his cheekbones, and I just had to take a minute. The emotion and hesitancy and yet inevitability built into every layer of this is gorgeous. Love the art too.
We've got nothing to lose - iwontseecadyagain - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] – 12k, NR – olympics AU, side Ziam. Super cute and summery and my God, 2012 feels like a world away now. Nearly a decade :O
Freeway of Love (In a Pink Cadillac) - MsHydeStylinson - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @mizzhydes – 33k, E – sugar daddy AU. Such holiday vibes, who's with me for a trip to Florida? This is a lot of fun.
Always a Bridesmaid - kingsofeverything - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @kingsofeverything – 29k, E – age difference, weddings, sneaking around. What a way to end the month, I enjoyed this fic a stupid amount.
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sarah-yyy · 4 years
Hey! Hope you're well! Would you be able to recommend a cdrama for me? I finished crash landing on you the other day and that fed me well because I'm weak for Romance and I was hoping you knew something similar to watch next? I want to keep my Chinese up but I always end up enjoying kdramas more than cdramas, let me know if you can help! Thanks 😘
ahhhh solid cdramas don’t go so hard with romance, while the cdramas that have Romance as its main theme don’t go as hard ahahahahahahaha UHM there’s really nothing off the top of my head that is as well-executed as CROL (both in terms of plot and the relationship-y stuff), but here, have this hastily thrown together list:
eternal love of dream - period cdrama 
the rise of phoenixes - period cdrama (watch this if you want to cry a lot - this is the strongest in terms of plot in this entire list, i know i’m only up to #2 but nothing is going to top this) 
go go squid - modern cdrama (unapologetically light and fluffy)
my mr. mermaid - modern cdrama (FLUFF - a feel good show)
sweet dreams - modern cdrama (this was cute and both leads are so cute!!! ft. dreamsharing) 
put your head on my shoulder - modern cdrama (also on netflix (nz at least) and GOSH this is perhaps one of my favourite fluffy romcoms)
mengfei comes across - period cdrama (a period cdrama that is FUN??? in this economy??????)
suddenly this summer - modern cdrama (ACTUALLY YOU KNOW WHAT WATCH THIS - i almost forgot about this, but this does the childhood sweethearts trope very realistically also there is BAI YU in it, an automatic winner)
when a snail falls in love - modern cdrama (less of a romance rec, more of a police procedural, but it’s got one of those “quietly falling in love” feels and GOSH i love both leads in this so much)
boss and me - modern cdrama (it’s been awhile since i watched this but i remember it being really cute!!)
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learned-foot · 4 years
If you are bored and have spare time, here are some tropes/kinks for the trope rating meme: fucking by proxy, size kink, in vino veritas, hookerfic (au or otherwise), parentfic, dream-sharing. (I deliberately tried to pick ones that I don’t already know how you’ll answer.) Also, if you want to (but only if you want to) you could elaborate a little, like you did for @unsetteledink.
Ooohhh, fun. Okay:
fucking by proxy 
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
The delicious sexy angst of this! I love @cagestark‘s Proxy for this. This is only at “Yes” rather than one of the higher ones because it’s the kind of thing that can go wrong for me easily. I’m pretty intensely monoshippy a lot of the time -- esp. for Starker -- so if it focuses too much on the proxy ship I often lose interest, and this is also just one of those tropes that can easily feel unrealistic or poorly set up. But if it’s done right? YUM.
size kink 
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
This is basically a true neutral for me. It doesn’t particularly do anything for me, but it’s not a turn-off either. If a fic is all about size kink I probably will feel eh on it, but if it’s next to other kinks I like it’s not a distraction or a drawback.
in vino veritas 
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
I love a good drunk (or drugged) confession, yes! I love when things characters have been trying to keep repressed come out when they don’t mean them to. (I also like confession in the middle of fights or stressful situations for the same reason).
hookerfic (au or otherwise)
For full AU: No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
Not AU:  No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
As a full AU, this falls under my general disinterest in AUs. But if someone can make it work with canon/canon divergence AU keeps most of the rest, then sure. It’s not something that is high on my list of likes, but I’ve read some I’ve liked.
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
Not something I’m super drawn to, but in the right hands I can be convinced. Tony with Morgan is real cute.
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
This depends a lot on how it's executed. I'm not very into dreams and dreamscape type things as a storytelling device in general. They tend to get very surreal and then I get bored; surrealism is rarely my thing in storytelling. THAT SAID, a bit of dreamsharing, esp. of the sexy variety, can work really well for me -- for instance, I LOVE how it works in The Leash.
So basically: a small bit of a larger story, and staying pretty grounded in the two characters and their shared experience? Yes please. But spending a lot of time in surreal, dream-like worlds together? No thanks. So that balances out.
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thereinafter · 5 years
Letter for Chocolate Box 2020 (cut for major wall of text; fandoms I requested are Dragon Age, Tortall, Darkest Dungeon, Original Work)
Hello, dear chocolatier, thanks for creating something for me!  I’m thereinafter (isyche) on AO3.
I like both fic (any rating you want to write) and art (gen or romance or implied sex fine, no explicit porn), Prompts below are copied from my signup, followed by a long general likes list and then DNWs.
Dragon Age
Cassandra/Leliana: I love them and their long history/intimidating outsides/romantic insides/right hand-left hand balance a lot. some prompt ideas: a) on a mission pre-DAI and some forced-intimacy or h/c trope pushes them to admit/act on feelings b) escalating personal notes attached to official reports c) sneaked moments away from Skyhold  d) fighting back to back e) either one convincing the other to take a break and do something fun, in her own way. Or anything from my likes list you find inspiring, get-together or established. For art: I’d love them being romantic or formidable together however you want to draw it.
Leliana/Josephine: I also love their history and friendship, and how Josephine can potentially light up Leliana’s tendency to darkness, and also how Leliana is playful with/protective of her. There are a lot of established-relationship missing-scene type scenarios I’d like for them, e.g., an excursion to Val Royeaux from Skyhold, a dance together at Halamshiral, Josie waiting up for Leliana to finish spy business, distracting each other from frustrating work, managing difficult guests. Or being drawn back together when Josie comes to the Inquisition after having been in the past. Or, again, anything else from my likes you’re into. I’d be delighted by art of them as well, if you want to illustrate any of these ideas or just draw them being cute.
and some gen ideas I’ve thought about recently and would like to read:
Cassandra & Vivienne: Since Vivienne is a knight-enchanter and thus technically a melee fighter, I’m curious about how and where she trains or has in the past for that, and I’d be interested to see her and Cassandra bond in some way through testing themselves against each other.
Female Hawke & Leliana & Morrigan: These three could have all potentially met in Lothering before the Blight, so write me something about that? Maybe they all get into a scrape together and have to cooperate? Maybe it was caused by Hawke’s or Morrigan’s magic?
Morrigan & Sera: I once drew Morrigan being amused by Sera stealing templar breeches and ever since I’ve kind of wanted that fic. Morrigan is entertained by Sera’s pranks on targets she dislikes and offers to help? Sera is suspicious/scared of her but eventually decides she’s all right? (Sera makes friends with Kieran?)
Keladry of Mindelan & Baby Griffin: Having recently read the Kel books, I was really charmed by her heroic efforts to care for the griffin baby until its parents are found, and I’d like a little fic exploring that more, or maybe it coming back to find her later on? Daine and/or Alanna could be involved too if you like. I also am pretty sure this would make for adorable art.
Darkest Dungeon
I feel like there are potential stories around a lot of the mechanics in this game: the quirks and stress and breakdowns and need to recover through drinking or sex or gambling or religion, the weird trinkets and cultist groups, why new adventurers keep showing up to get fed into the dungeon. So, with this fandom I’m interested in fic playing with those things and building on what’s implied in the game (or art along those lines illustrating some offscreen scene, or creating a shippy moment).
I picked these three pairings because I thought they made for interesting dynamics, but if you want to include other characters or enemies, go for it (and use whatever names you want).
Antiquarian/Grave Robber: bonding over an interest in treasure and desire to stay alive and out of the melee? Getting lost on an unadvised side trip in the ruins?
Arbalest/Shieldbreaker: Arbalest takes Shieldbreaker under her wing and tries to cover her in combat/patch her up/help with her nightmares?
Hellion/Vestal: opposites attract, Vestal has impure thoughts about Hellion, and/or healer/fighter h/c?
Original Work
I pictured all of these in fantasy settings when nominating them, but some could also work as SF/space opera or historical.
Female Adventurer Lost in the Snow/Female Fire Spirit: Obviously she needs warming up, however you want to take that (does the spirit warm her and let her go like a grateful one night stand? Or a darker take where the woman lets the spirit consume her and make her one of them? or both at different times in her life?)
Female Armorsmith/Female Warrior Who Needs Frequent Repairs: This could go in either a funny “why do you come in here so much” or an angsty “why do you get hurt so often” direction and I’d like either (or both).
Female Knight/Female Bath Attendant with a Crush: I like knights and requited crushes and the sort of caretaking involved in baths, and would be happy with any cute/romantic or comfort/solace or sexy take on this combination.
Female Court Painter/Impatient Princess Sitting for a Painting: Maybe the princess is a flirty rake and the painter is a serious type with no time for her nonsense but secretly charmed, or vice versa? Or they keep falling out over how the portrait should go and then making up? Or they're in a secret relationship and the impatience is because it's the only time they can see each other?
Grumpy Lonely Sorceress/Female Courtesan She Hires for a Ritual: I pictured this as a lighthearted story where the situation starts awkward and ends more fun than expected for them. Why does the sorceress need to try this particular ritual/spell? (unexpectedly necessary for something she’s researching?) does it succeed? do they decide to collaborate again? up to you.
Anchoress/Woman Outside Her Cell: I’d be happy with either a historical medieval setting or a fantasy/SF invented religion. Here for the pining and inability to touch that the premise suggests; would prefer a hopeful ending to a super bleak one.
General likes (mainly a fic-oriented list, but if you do art for me and want to incorporate something here, great):
In case you want more inspiration in addition to the above. Take from it as you wish, all these things are good alone or combined
for both gen and shipfic: Lighthearted (romantic or friendship) fluff and humor Glimpses of how the characters manage everyday life stuff in canons where the focus is more on big dramatic events Canon divergence AUs in the “what if x event in canon turned out differently” sense Casefic if the characters do cases or missions or short adventures Epistolary or “found documents” stories, and other unconventional story structures Time loop stories, Rashomon-style stories, and other kinds of variations on a theme (including “five times” fic) Worldbuilding/exploration of the canon world and backstory, especially parts unexplored in the canon; also, in-universe stories, songs, mythologies, histories, etc. Holidays and celebrations and balls, masquerade or not, and dancing, romantic or not Characters doing things in disguise, whether they’re good or bad at it Heists and rescues/jailbreaks Court plotting, intrigue, spying Road or sea trips/wilderness survival situations Swordfights, duels, tournaments, sparring, training for all kinds of fighting Characters making things for others, whether it’s art or music or crafting or food or magic or whatever, and giving gifts Artists (in any art form), artistic rivalries, artist/muse dynamics, artists inspiring each other Competence and being very good at what they do (but perhaps awkward or lost in other contexts); relatedly, learning/practicing new skills
additionally for shipfic: Angst with happy endings Pining, preferably requited in the end Repressed feelings and extended UST, especially between working partners who are busy with something more important Loyalty/dedication/faithfulness/devotion, us against the world, knight/queen dynamics (either one-way or where both consider themselves the knight to the other), bodyguarding, love conflicting with other loyalties, noble self-denial and sacrifice, courtly love Stoicism and hidden feelings/bad at feelings but has a lot, or good at feelings and good at hiding them Secret/forbidden relationships as a source of angst and/or for the excitement of sneaking around Hurt/comfort, rescuing each other, fighting beside each other Snuggling/bathing/dressing/playing with hair/other caretaking Forced intimacy tropes like bedsharing, huddling for warmth, fake dating, marriage of convenience, handcuffed together, dreamsharing/psychic bonds, bodyswap Longtime friends to lovers, old friends meeting again, old enemies who aren’t really anymore and have to admit they like each other, rivals who respect each other Ascetic/hedonist or repressed/libertine or inexperienced/more experienced pairings
for sex scenes: cuddling, kissing, laughing, eroticized hands and voices, clothed/semi-clothed sex, complicated undressing, talking whether emotional or joking or dirty, curiosity/discovery, playfulness/inventiveness, eagerness/desperation, being overwhelmed by feelings, having to keep silent or hold still, interruptions and delayed gratification and intentional teasing/drawing things out, body worship, sex against walls, informal mild kink (e.g., tying up, holding down, blindfolding, taking direction, scratching/marking, tearing clothes, mutual roughness), sexy letter writing, one fantasizing about the other, decadence, voyeurism/exhibitionism, writing/painting on skin, sex pollen, magical or magic-enhanced sex
DNWs: unrequested setting AUs (like high school or coffee shop), non-canonical/unrequested polyamory, non-canonical/unrequested pregnancy and kids, non-canonical nicknames infidelity (unless it’s something like escaping a forced or political marriage) sexual violence/rape (eroticized/described in detail; I’m OK with, e.g., a character being a survivor or hunting down a rapist) a/b/o, formalized bdsm, daddy/mommy kink, underage, incest, shit/urine/vomit/spitting
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izanyas · 5 years
What are some of your favourite tropes/ cliches/ plot devices in fiction to read and/ or write? :)
not tropes but clichés like... shotgunning, emotionally charged touches, anything with ust enough to drive myself and anyone around mad... also hurt/comfort, and guilt and anger are my two favorite emotions to write. i can’t really think of any proper trope i love doing but there are some AUs i go mad for like drift compatible from pacrim or dreamsharing from inception... daemon AUs as well tho they are less about story than character meta so it’s hard to do much w them... i especially love writing about lgbt themes and always try to include them in everything as proper life experiences, not just “these two characters of the same gender are in love and that’s all” cuz being gay or bi is never just about that.
this is something i almost always miss when i read fanfiction, i understand why people enjoy writing about fictional gay relationships where being gay is not part of the character as an experience, but it throws me off and distances me from the characters. even when im writing about idk, space wars or whatever i like to have my lgbt characters feel like lgbt characters, i like them to have lived through experiences (good and bad) related to their identity... it makes me feel happy and whole ... but like i said i understand why other writers might choose to go about it differently, it is freeing for a lot of people to get to just make same-gender couples into a non-issue
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