#I love his sense of humour... such a smart ass
fauna-and-floraa · 9 months
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Fav skz moments // Seungmin and JYP &lt;3<3
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auspicioustidings · 3 months
Ae Fond Kiss - Part 1
Winsome Wee Thing
Summary: This is the start of a story from this concept. You fall in love and you learn loss more ways than one. Words: 3.9k TWs: major character death (temporary), miscarriage
Parts: 1 2 3
You and your boyfriend's Lieutenant disliked one another immensely and immediately. 
For you it wasn’t so much that the hulking idiot was in a balaclava, although you found the skull pattern so teenage boy edgy that it caused a cringe deep enough to feel right through your molars, it was the obvious dismissal he had for you. For Simon it wasn’t so much that Johnny’s newest pretty little bit was a smart arse, although he could practically feel the ‘not like other girls’ radiating off of you in waves, it was the obvious disdain you had for him. The first impression set the tone for what became a horrid relationship.
“This is my Lieutenant, they call him Ghost but I believe he prefers to be called-”
“That’ll do.”
There was something about the way he cut the puppy dog that was your boyfriend off that riled you a little. 
“Nice to meet you, Ghost. Is that your gamer tag or something?”
“Never been one for games. You a gamer girl?”
“Not enough to have such a cool nickname.”
“Oh I’m sure we could come up with a nickname that would suit you princess.”
Gaz, who you did like, spent the rest of the night meditating while Johnny remained clueless to the simmering hostility between the two of you. Price didn’t really seem to know what to make of it all, but you found you had a natural respect for the Captain and as time went on, he was the one that could always tell you and Ghost to knock it off if he could see a fight brewing.
Johnny had been so excited to introduce you to his team and his team to you and the only thing you and bonehead could seem to agree on was that you would pretend to be civil when Johnny was around. So the jokes were underhanded but could be brushed off as humour, the vitriol was kept for when his back was turned, the eventual birthday presents were tactfully meant to appear innocent but actually be biting insults and the all out war that was had around a pool table was played off as healthy competition. 
If it has been anyone but John MacTavish you’d have dumped him purely so you would never have to see Simon Riley again, but fuck you fell hard and fast for Johnny. You didn’t even fully remember your first meeting. It had been a blind date and you thought you had been stood up so got well past merrily drunk at the bar of a nice restaurant. You had not been stood up, your date had broken down in the snow and in the hours you had been drinking the flurries had become a full blizzard. But that wasn’t going to stop Johnny. In the middle of a backroad with a blizzard beating down and no signal to call he had hiked his ass all the way to you, getting there just in time to catch you wobbling out the door. 
He had been a gentleman, hadn’t taken advantage. You woke up the next day with a handsome man bringing you breakfast in bed and apologising profusely for the whole thing. He had slept on your couch and admitted sheepishly that he had walked you home. From what little you did remember, you had made it difficult by starting a snowball fight and wanting to make snow angels every 5 minutes. You remembered the scent of pine and a roaring fire that enveloped you when he had bundled you in his jacket, breathing in and being transported to a log cabin in the Scottish highlands in winter, safe and drinking something warm with a hint of whiskey. 
If you hadn’t already been falling for him after his bashful teasing that morning, you were flung head first into it when you spent the next week looking after him when his gallantry earned him the worst cold known to man. He was a big baby when he was sick and that combined with the terrible sense of humour that he had made you desperate to learn more about him. 
“Ye cannae be mean tae me, I’m naw long for this world!”
For such a large man, he really was like a little kid bundled up in blankets and whining.
“Uh huh, that’s very valid and very sad but you still need to take your medicine.”
“I was never any good at swallowing, maybe ye can give it tae me as a suppository.”
Ridiculous man.
“Aww come on, swallow like a good boy and maybe we can talk about that suppository when you’re better.”
“Fuck, where have ye been all my life?”
His loopy grin nearly made you plant a kiss on his lips regardless of how ill he was, but instead you just ruffled his hair when he knocked back the pills and wondered how you were ever going to keep from loving this man.
The second date he had left you with a fond kiss at the doorstep after a wild night of earning enough tickets at the arcade to win him a little plush skull toy. He had been obsessed with it when he had first seen it, had told you he needed to win it for his Lieutenant. You thought that was adorable and had put your frankly suspiciously good reflexes to work absolutely rinsing the whack a mole for every ticket you could get from it. Of course had you known then that Simon Riley was the biggest ass on the planet you’d have hoarded your tickets and gotten 300 packets of Haribo instead (or so you’d like to think, but you knew deep down you could never have denied Johnny knowing how bright he smiled when he had traded the tickets for that stupid plush).
By the third date you wanted him so badly that you felt like a bitch in heat. You started to think that maybe you were making a fool of yourself with how calm he seemed whenever you sneaked a touch or whispered a filthy promise. God you liked him so much, it was killing you that maybe he didn’t feel the same. You needn’t have worried as it turned out, date number 3 was when John MacTavish had completely ruined you in a way you had not expected.
“This was really nice” you said, a bit embarrassed if you were honest and avoiding his eyes after he walked you to your front door.
You had been a menace the whole evening. You had never been some sex kitten but fuck he just brought it out in you without even trying. He probably thought you were ridiculous now with how you had tried to be all sultry the whole way through dinner. Fuck, your hands had wandered something awful during the movie as well and you felt the humiliation from it burn from your ears to your toes. He didn’t want you the way you wanted him and you had pathetically thrown yourself at him. He probably couldn’t wait to lose your number. 
“Open the door.”
Shit. He sounded almost angry. The first guy you had really liked in a long time, maybe ever, and you had totally blown it by being over eager. You shakily unlocked your door and blew out a breath, prepared to go inside and cry over a glass of wine. Instead you were grabbed by the waist and slammed against the door to close it behind you so fast it made your head spin. 
John MacTavish’s tongue was down your throat and he had your wrists pinned above your head in a bruising vice grip. You had only just found the sense to kiss back when his lips were gone and instead his teeth were sinking into the delicate skin of your throat. The whine you made at that was all animal, as was his answering growl. 
“Next time ye misbehave like that I’m going tae bend ye over the dinner table and fuck ye hard and proper in front of all those nice, fancy people.”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. You had never gotten so wet so fast in your life. The nice lace panties you had on under this dress were soaked right through. He bit off a curse and your legs nearly gave out when he suddenly let you go and backed right off, dragging a hand roughly through his hair. 
“Fuck, sorry. Dinnae hate me, I wanted tae… our first time I mean, I had it all planned oot. Which makes me sound like a creepy, presumptuous bawbag. And now I’m being a fucking reprobate and pinning you tae the door without even asking first.”
Oh my God. You could not just fall in love with a man after 3 dates. And yet looking at his blown out eyes, how his body thrummed with barely contained lust for you and how he nearly vibrated with the effort of holding himself back because he wanted to treat you right… you had fallen in love with a man after 3 dates. 
“I thought…” you said, your hand coming to rest on your flushed chest as you tried to find the words. “I mean at dinner and then at the movie, I um… well I wanted you to, you know. I thought maybe you didn’t want to? Which is fine obviously. I mean if you didn’t want to.”
The whiplash from going from lust to humiliation to lust and back to embarrassment was not something you were enjoying. You looked at him, he looked at you and after a few long moment the two of you burst into laughter. What a bloody pair you made. He came over and wrapped you in his arms, that wonderful scent that just gave you a feeling of contentment deep in your bones sinking into you.
“I want to. Was hard for the whole film, couldnae move that popcorn bucket or someone was getting an eye oot. Wanted tae spank ye red raw for all that teasing” he confessed into your hair, so sincere and blunt about it that you weren’t sure your pussy was likely to forgive you if you didn’t go out of your way to tease him next time. 
He laughed, probably because you sounded somewhat like a petulant child, and leaned back, hands going to gently cup your face. Looking into his eyes felt like a gentle falling. Falling into a warm bed on a cold morning after a hot coffee, falling into the first fresh powdery snow of the year, falling in love with a man you hardly knew but felt so much like coming home. 
“Was planning on asking ye tae come with me up North. Got a nice cabin in the Highlands that I usually rent oot since my Captain is always going on about having a backup plan. Want it tae be perfect.”
“You don’t have to go to all that trouble.”
Nobody ever had before. In your somewhat limited experience men wanted to get to fucking as soon as they could and while a few had made sure you came first, none had ever put much thought into getting you into bed in the first place. It just sort of happened. You would never have said you were insecure, but at that moment you felt the crushing weight of feeling that you didn’t deserve this man making such a grand gesture just to get inside you. You already wanted him. And there was no way he wasn’t experienced, how would you ever be good enough to warrant all the effort he was going to?
“Hey, look at me beautiful” he said quietly, thumbs rubbing soothingly across your cheekbones and coaxing your eyes back to his. “I really like you.”
Those four words ruined you entirely. John MacTavish put his heart out there with such simplicity that it stunned you. He could have thrown you on the bed and fucked you rough and savage and you’d have enjoyed it, but instead here he was butting his forehead lightly on yours in affection despite his evident arousal because he wanted more than that. 
“I really like you too.”
Instead of fucking, he held you while you cried like a baby, overwhelmed by the care he took with you. He only made it worse when he whispered to you how you deserved to be treated with adoration. He called you beautiful, bonnie thing, mo leannan, winsome wee thing (that one made you laugh). He refused gently when you wanted to take care of him that night, instead laying you down softly on the pillows and lapping between your legs to bring you to slow orgasm after slow orgasm until you were boneless and sated, slurring your speech as he bundled you in his arms and you spoke about everything from your childhood pets to your great hopes and dreams until you drifted off into the best sleep of your life.
Your first time with him inside you was in that cabin like he had wanted and it had been the most perfect few days of your life. He had made sure you felt safe and comfortable, insisting you gave the location to your friends and going over maps of the area with you, pointing out where you’d need to go to get signal to check in with them. He bought ingredients for all of your favourite meals and stopped for a snack run on the way to boot. He showed you his test results but stressed that he was putting no pressure on you either way and if you did want to have sex he would have condoms if you preferred. And after all that he made it clear that you did not have to have sex with him if you didn’t feel like it. Johnny would be happy to just hold you for a weekend. As soon as you arrived he taught you how to use the sat phone if there was an emergency. The voice on the other end was gruff but soothing somehow, safe sounding (that at least was something that never changed about Simon, despite not liking the man, you always felt safe with him).
You were ready to explode by the time he finally laid you in bed. He stroked deep and slow inside of you, steady and solid and torturous. You understood then the difference between fucking and making love. It was the first time anyone had ever shown you the latter. 
He then proceeded to show you the former in great detail on every surface inside the cabin and on quite a few outside. Your pussy was battered and your clit bruised in the most delicious ways. Your throat was raw from screaming and from being fucked. After a lifetime of swearing up and down it was never something you were interested in, you wound up practically begging for his cock in your ass because there was not one part of you that you did not want dripping with him. And of course he was only too happy to make sure you understood everything he would do to prep you by letting you do it to him first. You couldn’t fucking sit down for a full day after he had indeed spanked you red raw for the teasing you had done on that 3rd date.
A week later you met his family, the week after that his brothers in arms. And then he was gone and you were so worried about him that you constantly felt nauseous. It took years for you to be able to settle when he was deployed, to not spend the whole time imagining him not coming home to you. Because by that time that was what you had built together, a home.
You and Kyle became friends throughout the years. You really did like him, he was easy going and would laugh and let you bitch about Simon whenever you wanted. Captain Price came to feel like an older brother. He was there whenever you needed him, whether it be a car breakdown or because you were in a panic about a handsy coworker (poor guy had broken both hands in an accident the next weekend). And Simon? Well not too much changed there, you dealt with each other when you had to and were it not for your shared love of Johnny you suspected you’d have killed one another. 
At least until Las Almas.
You didn’t know how you were going to tell Johnny. In fact, you probably wouldn’t. What good would it do? It had sorted itself out. That was how you tried to think about it. Food poisoning had made the pill ineffective for a day, you had gotten pregnant unplanned and unwanted and had lost the baby before you’d even started showing. It didn’t matter that while Johnny was somewhere being a hero you had heard a tiny heartbeat at the doctors. You told yourself over and over again that you didn’t want it anyway. You tried to think about how awful everything felt all the time. The morning sickness, the fatigue, the mood swings. 
It was probably just the shock of it, waking up wet from the blood and thinking you were dying. If your first thought had been that you’d rather you die and the baby lived then you tried not to dwell on that. She would have had Johnny’s eyes. He would have wanted a mohawk so he could match his daddy. You forced an image of you telling Johnny and him being upset and not wanting a baby. It was useless. You knew that man. You loved that man. And that man would have gently made sure you wanted to keep it before bursting into happy tears and kissing you senseless.
You couldn’t tell him. You couldn’t break his heart the way the last few months had broken yours. Maybe it was selfish, to want to keep this pain for yourself when you knew beyond a doubt that he’d be desperate to share it, to take as much as he could from you and turn it to gentle comfort the way he always did when you were hurting. But you wanted to be selfish over this.
It was a whole new pain when you answered the door and Ghost was standing there. Your knees went from under you and you collapsed with the weight of why he would be at your door. Why would he be here without your Johnny? It was the first time Simon Riley caught you. 
You never spoke about the way he held you gently and told you that Johnny was ok, he was alive but injured. He made you laugh through your tears and snot by telling you what a bad patient Johnny was being, how he was about ready to beat up every medic on base to get back to you because “I dinnae need fucking morphine I need tae eat my bird’s pussy”. His Scottish accent on that impersonation was truly dreadful. 
Simon never thought he would find himself comforting you. He didn’t like you, he never had. Johnny had never been so serious about anyone and it drove him nuts that you made him so happy. Happiness like that was an easy thing to ruin and you could ruin it if you wanted, that scared the shit out of him. It was even scarier when Johnny had shown him the ring he was planning to offer you. 
He never told Johnny how you had broke in his arms that night. How you had told him about the miscarriage in the dark, bled your pain all over him and let it sink into his skin. He had taken it gladly. In the light of the morning you went back to your dislike of one another, but something had changed in the dark.
You never did tell Johnny. You and Simon settled then on some sort of begrudging respect for one another. You still argued and bit at each other, but with the knowledge that now you would be part of one another's lives forever through Johnny given that only a few days after he came home he had slid a ring onto your finger.
Frankly you were fucking terrified when you came off of the pill. The only thing that got you through it was, unbelievably, Simon mumbling to you in the pub over a game of pool that you were going to be good parents. Of course Johnny had told him you were trying, but you found you didn’t really mind as you grumbled back an awkward thank you. 
You could have strangled Johnny for having such strong fucking swimmers. You hadn't expected to get pregnant almost as soon as you were off birth control and it meant your wedding dress had to be altered to account for the small bump there. The bump he could not keep his hands off. Honestly the man was already insatiable, but fuck he loved you pregnant. He was already talking about more kids and you hadn’t even had the first one, he fucked you and groaned about wanting you pregnant all the time. 
Your husband, something you thought you’d never get sick of saying, drove you mad once again in the late stages. You were hornier than ever and he was determined to treat you like you were made of glass all of a sudden. He certainly still gave you as many orgasms as you demanded, but gone was any rough and feral fucking. You loved making love with Johnny, but fuck if you didn’t miss the fucking. 
You’d never tell Simon it had been your suggestion, not under pain of death. Neither of you had been attached to any name in particular, but you knew how much Johnny loved his Lieutenant. He was his best friend and they owed one another their lives several times over. There was a good chance that you owed him your life. Your husband had kissed you with so much love when you had asked if he’d like to call your son Joseph and after talking about it late into the night you had agreed that the little human inside you was your wee Joey. 
A wee fucking bruiser is what he was, coming into the world kicking and screaming. Ten perfect fingers and ten perfect toes. You joked that he must have screamed so loud he had damaged his own ears when he was referred to the audiology clinic after a second newborn hearing test. They stressed that you shouldn’t worry over it, but you hadn’t been anyway. Joseph was the strongest most wonderful thing you had ever seen, whatever came of it he had two parents who were going to make sure it never made his life anything less than a grand happy adventure.
Johnny had hated leaving him. Price had hated to ask it, had sent you enough flowers to start your own florist in apology. You understood though, your husband was off saving the world after all. Your heart was in your throat when he kissed Joey’s head and then kissed you soundly. Something felt off with him. The kiss felt different somehow, mournful. Maybe it was just a trick of your memory, hindsight tainting what you hadn’t known was the last time you would see your husband.
Simon Riley caught you a second time. John MacTavish was dead.
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skelliko · 6 days
Hello first time requesting
I was wondering if I can request reader x hanma were they have a toddler and hanma rough plays with him and overall hanma being a good father to the point that the reader is moved to tears as they see that since they never really saw how a loving father is supposed to look like so it’s like healing their inner child seeing their kid being genuinely loved by their father not just in name
(It’s to heal them daddy issues yes)
a/n: we're in this together cause me too. at first I didn't wanna write it since I've stated I wouldn't write about marriage or pregnancy but I'll let this dodge just cause I said so. (btw I did the kids gender as a boy cause you mentioned 'him' once, not sure if that was on purpose or not but i hope thats okay)
Hanma Shuji |-° a good father
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it was scary getting married, afraid that it would turn south and become unhappy to the point where we'd turn down walls just to get our points across. afraid that cause of all our bickering he'd secretly go with another woman, become avoidant and distant but that hasn't happened, at all.
finding out I was pregnant was terrifying, afraid that I would fail as a mother of a sweet baby and id be the reason for his dreams and innocence being taken away. you don't need to be drastically smart to know that you eventually become your parents, everyone has some sort of element inside of them that resembles their care givers. so I was petrified that I'd turn out like my father, or maybe that I had married the wrong man to commit in having child with; just like my mother. generational trauma doesn't go easy on anyone, so my heart always shook and sank whenever i held my boy.
I try, I really do try a lot to make sure that what I went through won't ever happen to my- our kid and he'll grow up to be loved. but fear does still strike me since I'm yet to figure out how to be as a parent, Im aware that how I grew up wasn't right at all, but that doesn't mean that I know what good parenting looks like.
I've told hanma about my fear of parenting before we had agreed on having a kid, he didn't look at me weirdly, he didn't say anything negative, he didn't tell me that I shouldn't worry half assed as if it should be common sense to figure it out on the spot. instead, he told me not to worry sincerely, he meant every word he said, soothed me with warm words and some of his little jokes, and told me I have plenty of time to figure out if I want to be called 'mom' and that there was no reason to rush into things. so after a few days I've made up my mind and went on to discuss baby names as a hint that i want to keep it.
I hear small giggles in the other room, ones that belong to our child, a child that has the most gorgeous smile and has his father's eyes. his tiny baby hands have grown to be toddlers and he's still growing everyday.
I wiped my hands dry and clean on a towel in the kitchen from washing the vegetables that I was about to cut up and cook. I could have started right away with the cooking but I wanted to quickly see what's so amusing that got our boy all loud and humoured.
leaning against the door frame I saw our boy stood up on his little feet with his arms circling around in the air, Hanma was gently pinching his tummy with this thumb, pointer and middle finger making him ticklish and making 'pow' and 'wow' sounds. Hanma was smiling and laughing along as he'd change him movements to then annoy the kid by tapping him on his cheeks and nose, the boy would try and move hanma's hand away but despite his annoyance he was enjoying it and that just kept Hanma to keep playfuly annoy him.
is that something that fathers do? is that what they call rough play, or is this something else?
a main thing that also struck me in this moment was that hanma was smiling while playing with the boy. Im aware that parents can still smile but seeing his joyed expression instead of a bothered and annoyed look felt really refreshing.
for the past few years we've had our boy he's been nothing else than a good father, sure we've had a few off moments but there will always be short lasting moments where it feels like we're all sinking because of our own mistakes and flaws.
but over time Hanna has made me realize many things, about himself, myself, our boy and on an overall what it means to be a good parent. what considers to be good parenting is a very controversial topic for most but I'd say as long as the child is happy and isn't sat through abuse or neglect, that's more than enough.
my boy will have the childhood that I needed but couldn't have, Hanma is being the father that I needed but didn't have. our boy will be smiling all throughout. while im over here trying to keep in my angsty emotions, c'mon I'm better than this aren't I?
I put a hand over my mouth to stop my quivering lips but my teary eyes took that as a chance to spill over before I could wipe them away. looking away to avoid any attention but before I could go back to what I was doing before; Hanma called my name out and I felt his hands slide up my upper arm and turn me around. he saw me cry before I saw him notice.
"hey hey, what happened? talk to me" he said worryingly
looking at him briefly, I wanted to speak up but even I was unsure on what I was crying about, but then i looked at our boy for a few seconds and it only then clicked in. I shook my head gently before replying "no it's just- you're a good father. and I'm glad our boy will have you to look up to"
hanma immediately brought me into a tight hug but then chuckled a little, I felt the vibration of his laugh against his chest. whats so amusing? "and he has an amazing mother to look up to as well. I know how stressed you've been and I'm really proud of you for how far you've gotten"
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din-miller · 9 months
Soft edges, gentle touch
Pairing: Wrecker x f!reader
Word count: 1.1k
Summary: Years after settling down on Pabu with each other, Wrecker has started gaining weight, becoming softer. You didn’t realize how self conscious he’s become about the change in his body. Once you find out, you try and convince him that you’re still insanely attractive to him
Warnings: insecure wrecker, weight gain, hurt/comfort, married couple, life in Pabu, implications to sexy times, I love wrecker and he needs to be appreciated more okay
A/N: I also wrote one for Hunter.
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You kick the front door of your house open, awkwardly balancing on one leg as the groceries in your arm threats to take a nosedive onto the floor. You huff and lean back to try and right the bag you're holding against your chest, only supported by one hand underneath it.
“Whoa, cyare, careful,” Wrecker grabs the bag from you with one hand and the other is quick to wrap around your back to steady you, then, not surprisingly his hand wonders down to your ass, giving it a squeeze, “I thought you were going out to get us dinner, not buy the entire market!”
Thanking him, you properly close the front door, locking it despite knowing how safe Pabu is. You remember that one time where Crosshair wanted to prove a point about how locking the front door is crucial to your survival. He even snuck in one night and you woke up to him looming over you, smirking like he just proved a point. Which he did, you had to admit.
You’re still not sure if his nose ever properly healed correctly. Wrecker constantly jokes about how much he wished his brother was chewing on a toothpick at that moment. It’s a morbid sense of humour the Batch has, truly.
You try to reach for the groceries again but Wrecker is already walking towards the kitchen.
You kicked off your shoes and followed him, appreciating the sight in front of you. He’s gone soft around the edges since he and the boys decided to settle down. Life away from war and blaster fire. You had met him shortly afterwards, he offered to help carry an armchair to your place. You had denied out of kindness at first, but he was ever so persistent in helping. It didn’t take you long to cave.
You’ll admit it, watching the way his arms flex, shoulder wide and back a mountain of muscle was a sight you had admired instantly. And the following days, weeks, months and years.
Now, three years after having met the love of your life you’ve begun to notice the softness around his hips, stomach and chest. The way his muscles are still very prominent, even underneath his shirts, but they weren’t as big as they once were.
It’s not a kink or anything like that. It’s knowing he’s able to relax and have proper meals; that you’re providing him food and healthy nutritions outside of his usual ration packs that make your heart skip every time you’re able to run your hands across the softness of his body.
You’re allowed to blatantly admire it too. You openly stare, sometimes lustfully, sometimes not, but it’s a daily admiration — an hourly admiration if you’re being honest.
So when Wrecker goes to put something up on the highest self, his shirt riding up enough to give you a clear view of the small belly resting just above his pants, you give a low whistle. You wonder if you could talk him into a little make out session and ignore the groceries for the time being.
But instead of his usual response; turning around and winking at you, he tenses. Muscles stiff and face angled away from you as his arms drop to his sides. You frown, baffled at his response.
He doesn’t reply right away, but when he does reply it’s timid, “Do you still see me the same way you used to?”
You raise your brow, a playful grin forming on your lips, “You mean; smart, kind, a wonderful sense of humour-,”
“Attractive,” He cuts you off, turning slightly towards you, voice low. Self conscious, “Tech sent over the pictures from his wedding. I… I didn’t realise I'd gotten so…” Wrecker scratched the back of his head, eyes still avoiding yours, “Chubby.”
Your grin falls down into a frown, taking back at his question, at why he’d ever think of using the word chubby to describe himself. Realization hits you like a punch in the gut; while you’ve been admiring his softer form you never really took into account how Wrecker views the changes in his body.
Some partner you are.
You round the kitchen island taking Wrecker’s hand in yours, squeezing it, “I love you, I love your body, I love that you’re healthy because that’s what you are. You’re not fat, not chubby, you’re healthy,” You cup his cheek, tilting his head down until your eyes meet, “Wrecker you are beautiful.”
He sighs, taking your hand and draping it over his shoulder, giving him access to your inner elbow where his lips press a delicate kiss to your skin, “I’m being silly, aren’t I?”
“No, my love,” Your fingers lightly trail over the scars across the side of his head, “You’re still adjusting to a normal lifestyle away from being a clone. It’s a lot of change to deal with, mentally and physically. You’ve gained weight, so have I; it’s called getting older and I for one don’t want to grow old and flabby with anyone other than you.”
“I age faster.”
“I guess it’s a good thing I find salt and pepper insanely attractive.” You sent him a saucy wink.
Confusion paints his face, “Mesh’la, I’m bald and all my attempts at growing a beard have ended with poor results. The only hair on my body is-,” His eyes widened and a blush spreads across his cheeks, “Oh, i-I see, you’re talking about my pubs.”
You shake your head, laughing, “Yes, Wrecker, I’m talking about your pubs… In all seriousness, I’ll never see you any differently than the man I love beyond measure. Whether that be old, flabby and grumpy or muscular, lean and childlike; I’ll love it all. I want it all.”
“You have it all,” He leans into your hand, a pleased noise coming from his throat when your thumb brushes across the scar on the bridge of his nose, “I love you too, my beautiful wife.”
“Enough to forget the groceries and make out with me against the counter?”
Strong arms wrap around your waist and suddenly you’re being lifted up and set down the island, his lips already hungrily seeking out yours before you can squeal at being manhandled by your husband. You hum against his lips, tongue darting out to run over the seams of his, asking permission which is given instantly as his mouth parts and you're suddenly overcome with the taste of him, drinking it all in with a soft moan.
You know Wrecker will still struggle with the changes in his body, as you will your own, but you have him and he has you. It’ll all be okay.
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phantomphangphucker · 2 months
Phic Phight - How Not To Resurrect A Half Demon Lord
@lexiepiper @Ghostfox_fuyu
Being both an adventurer AND technically a monster wasn’t exactly the best mix to avoid fights, so it’s a good thing Danny actually LIKED fighting even if he couldn’t exactly ‘go hard’ against humans to avoid, you know, KILLING THEM. Other adventurers though? Yeah they didn’t exactly enjoy fighting what they thought was a weirdly powerful dungeon spawn.
Danny runs, skidding across the ground on his claws, the scrapping sound is loud but nowhere near the volume of the explosion happening right behind him. His tail nearly gets nicked! He’s not happy, not one bit. “WOULD YOU STOP THAT!”.
The mage with a frankly obscenely large hat damn near growls at him, which hey, growling was Danny’s thing. “Silence! Foul demon!”.
For fucks sake! Like yes, he gets that he looks like a demon. He gets that. But could people please just stop assuming that he belonged to whatever dungeon he and they happened to be in? This place was a goddamn lava dungeon, he was an ice demon with a black and white theme! Use your brain! Why would a fucking ice demon be in a lava dungeon!
Which, to be fair, him going into a lava dungeon wasn’t exactly smart or using his own brain; but Sam and Tuck thought this one would get them some sick ass gear so off they went. Of course they wound up getting separated, and of course Danny wound up running into other adventurers with the same idea as his party, and of course they mistook him for a dungeon beast. That’s his classic luck right there, everybody!
Ramming one set of claws into the wall and climbing up the hot rock as fast as he can, channeling some ice to his palms to avoid burning himself, it also was making some super cool-looking mist sizzle off of the rock so that was a neat bonus.
The adventurers trying to annihilate him seem to agree, the dude in black armour muttering to another mage with super orange hair, “hey if I equip ice gauntlets you think I could do that, it looks cool as Hell”. The mage whacks him over the head, ha!
Danny snorts to himself, jumping on to a ceiling stalactite of solid hot magma, ow ow ow ow ow, stupid ice core, stupid Tuck and Sam dragging him into a lava dungeon, stupid him for jumping onto solid magma, stupid stupid stupid. Ugh. But Danny does what Danny typically does when presented with pain, quips, shouting down, “why don’t you give up if you keep misting me!”. Ha! Good one, self. Ow.
The armoured guy chuckles, “I love it when monsters have a sense of humour, makes it so much more fun”, and hurls a goddamn spear at him. Nice, Danny can do spears and show off a little.
Danny launches himself down, grabbing the spear in between his teeth, fangs making it easy to keep the spear in there, and uses the spear head stabbing into the ground below to allow him to basically land going face down before gripping the shaft with his hands and spinning himself into an upright position. Him yanking it out of the ground and spinning it dramatically, grinning meanly, “oh I love free gifts, how’d you know it was my birthday?”, it’s totally not, he’s just being an asshole.
Big hat mage scowling at armoured guy quickly, “nice going, Salient”, then glaring back at Danny. Okay so armoured guy is named Salient, weird but okay. She shoots a fire last at Danny, Danny bats it away with the spear head snickering all the while. Then the other mage hits him with a holy-blast, because of course she does, and sends him into a wall.
He absolutely dropped the spear. Damn. He wanted to add that to his collection, which sure was definitely something he wasn’t doing before the whole resurrection gone wrong crap happened and he some how wound up getting his human souls wires crossed with Hell itself. A fuck up of hellish proportions.
Him shaking off the burn and sizzle from the holy power, at least still being kinda human and alive would stop that shit from outright smiting him, just burned and hurt like a motherfucker. The biggest annoyance his holy sensitivity usually caused him was not being able to use holy based healing potions… which were the cheapest kind aka the kind his party usually used to buy. Demonic based healing potions were the shit for him though, especially since he never had to worry about them debuffing or cursing him.
Orange hair mage huffs, “damn it, that didn’t do it”, scowling, “this place has some seriously strong demons, we might have use a hearth stone if it keeps up like this”.
Danny sticks his hands out to the side, tail twitching, “or maybe! Think a little and realise I’m not from this freaking dungeon!”.
“As if we’d believe a snake tongued demon!”.
Okay that’s just rude! It took him a very long time to learn how to talk with a forked tongue and he had to put up with a lot of mocking from Tuck! He sticks his tongue out at the group before having to climb up a wall again to avoid some thunder bolts from big hat mage and an arch of fire from Salient’s sword. At least he’d learned not to throw solid objects that Danny could grab, progress; progress for them and not him specifically. A very unfortunate specific.
Danny sending out a bit of icy flames that glowed black with his demonic energy to destroy another flame arch from Salient while moving sideways across the wall, he hates this dungeon it’s too fucking hot, goddamn. Zipping up to the ceiling and smacking his claws and palms on it, sending out a powerful wave of pure cold to force the ceiling to start snowing, which of course turns into very hot burning rain by the time it gets down to ground level. The party starts screaming and ducking for cover, that was surprisingly more effective than he expected and he absolutely had not intended to basically rain down boiling demonic water on them. Oops. He figured the snow would melt but not to the point of becoming boiling hot! How much energy was his core expending just to keep him fucking cool in this goddamn hellscape?!?
Danny skittering his way across the ceiling and in-between a gap between a stalactite and the dungeon ceiling, shouting a quick, “not trying to boil ya! Sorry!”. As he goes. Maybe they’ll be too busy hiding to realise where he’s tucked himself away. That would be nice, real nice.
“What kind of demon says sorry!”.
Don’t quip back, don’t quip back, don’t quip back. He’s trying to hide and quiping will fuck that up… “MY SORRY DEMONIC ASS!”, ah goddamn it, why does he do this to himself? Unsurprisingly the stalactite his hiding above gets fucking shot at by a holy bullet. That’s… that’s not great. Those sucked to get hit by and he’d one hundred percent need to be resurrected again if that shit hits his core enough times. But hey! Maybe that would un-demon him! Stupid plan, but hey! At least it is a plan! Plus that did not work when he accidentally fell into a pit of pure holy water. That had been the worst.
The stalactite gets shot at again, this time piercing through it and skimming his shoulder; him making his lip bleed by biting down to avoid yelping. Still hissing out a, “bloody hell”, though, because he could never just shut the fuck up could he? Also, he is officially panting, because it is too fucking hot here and his breath is making a bunch of mist aka giving away his spot more than his stupid quip did. Fuck him entirely.
He’s got three options:
One: start killing adventures like a proper full demon.
Two: overheat and pass out, possibly falling into hard ground or a pool of lava only to be descended upon by adventurers who would definitely hit unconscious him with a holy attack.
Three: leave his hiding spot and start looking for cooler areas while avoiding getting hit or doing any major hitting.
Four: use a hearth stone to teleport out of the dungeon, seems like the obvious choice right? Except when Danny’s half demon ass did that he wound up in Hell every time and Sam and Tuck would have to go through the hassle of getting him back out of there. That crap always resulted in them having to track down yet another ice dungeon and use forbidden demon summoning magic. Meanwhile he’d go throwing hands with demons for however long it took his friends to get him. Not ideal.
Then it turns out that there’s actually a fifth option, a wall blowing up and sending his bullet hole riddled stalactite crashing down towards the ground and exploding in hot semi solid magma. OW! Danny sputtering and shaking himself off aggressively, “oh fuck! Bloody hell! Me damn fuck it! Stupid fucking lava dungeon! Stupid fucking adventurers! Where’s my teammates when I me damn need them!”.
“Shit since when do goddamn demons team up! We need to hurry this up!”.
Then there’s a very loud thump, Danny squinting his fucking burning eyes up at the noise, fuck yeah! It’s Tuck! Nice! The guy’s landed directly on top of the orange haired mage, pointing his fricken lightning cross bow right in her face. The Salient guy getting hurled into a wall by vines seconds later, and a few more seconds and said vines are on fire and brunt to a crisp.
The big hat mage jumping back from the newbies assaulting her group, “great, how many different kinds of demonic vermin does this dungeon have!”, her creating an explosion with electricity to make something of a smoke screen for her to grab Salient out of the hole in the wall the guy made.
But! BUT! That puts their backs to Danny, and Danny might object to killing people but he did not object to bruising them up some. Meaning he launches himself at them, grabbing the back of both of their necks, and slams them into the ground; using his tail to tie their ankles all together. He also grabs the hat mages hat with his teeth and eats the fucking thing as a probably insane looking show of superiority.
Tuck, not looking at Danny and still staring violently down at orange hair mage, “you good, Danny-man?”.
Danny growling, “I’m annoyed, burnt, and vaguely considered making y'all haul me outta hell again for dragging me to this shit ass place”.
Sam walking calmly through the destroyed wall and into where they all are, “honestly I hate this place too. My plant magic is completely useless and I wrecked my helm”.
Danny snorting, “ha! Serves you right!”, he gets elbowed in the chin by Salient for being distracted. But well, an elbow, even armoured, isn’t gonna do much to Danny, so he just growls down at the man while said elbow is being pressed up into his chin.
Tuck snorts at the scene, “I’d stop that, Danny’s an obsidian rank combat warrior”. The mage beneath him scowling, “that is a demon spawn or are you fucking blind?”.
Danny takes offence to that, demon wise he was on par with a demon lord! Not a freaking basic hell spawn! “Excuse you!”. But Tuck laughs at Danny’s expense, “that’s what you get for never fighting back, moron”. Danny sticks his tongue out at the guy.
Sam shaking her head as she walks over to Danny, “seriously, if they attacked you first who cares if you hurt them”, grabbing the unconscious ex-hat mage out from Danny’s grasp, shit he hadn’t actually realized he’d knocked her out. Whoops. Sam pointing a finger at Salient, whose elbow is still pressed into Danny’s chin, “you wouldn’t be holding your own for shit if Danny took you seriously”.
“Pfft, I could take him”.
The orange hair mage snapping, “are you serious right now?! You are literally being pinned down you idiot!”.
Danny nodding, “glad we’re on the same page on that”; rolling his shoulders as he can feel some of the burning healing itself, he’d be healing a hell of a lot faster if he wasn’t in this damn hot lava dungeon though.
Tuck rolling his eyes before staring down at the orange hair mage, “look. Danny’s an adventure, he literally has a license on him right now. The only reason he’s in this dungeon is ‘cause we heard there was some bomb ass equipment in here, same as you guys probably”.
Sam laughing a bit meanly as she gives the ex-gay mage a healing potion since Danny probably gave her a concussion, “Danny’s not a ‘hell spawn’ he’s a fucked up resurrection spell gone wrong”.
Salient snorting, “prove it! And how the Hell did that happen?”. Danny snickers, “hell happened”; Tuck moving his crossbow out of orange hair mages face specifically to shoot Danny with it.
“Ow! You jerk!”.
Unfortunately orange hair takes that opportunity to blast Tuck nearly point blank in the stomach with a holy blast, sending him smashing up into the ceiling. Oh Hell fucking no, attacking Danny was one thing, he was a demon-looking mother fucker and could take hits like a champ; attacking his friends was a whole ass nother matter. At least Sam catches Tuck with some vines as he starts falling down from the ceiling and Tuck wasn’t knocked out by the attack.
Still though. Danny is none too impressed. And he refuses to tolerate a repeat of that, so just as the orange haired friend hurting asshat gets herself up off of the ground Danny lets himself loose more than a little bit. Limbs extending, spines pulling up out of his upper back and shoulders, second set of kudu horns extending out, ribs cracking and expanding through and over his torso skin to settle into a bigger form, that stupid gharial crocodile skull boiling and forming out of and off of his head; him all but shoving orange hair back into the ground and pinning her there with a single hand. Slamming the other hand down near her face, using a foot to keep the Salient guy pinned. Danny snarling, snout opening right over the mages face, “shoot at me all you want but you don’t get to hurt what’s mine”.
Tuck’s shaking off all that holy power, grumbling about stupid trigger happy adventurers as if he wasn’t one himself and stomps over to fucking shoot orange hair in the face with some sand; her unable to do anything about it because of Danny.
Salient muttering, “holy fucking shit, goddamn”. While Sam stops over to him, Sam smacking Danny’s ankle, “give over your license, you demonic horror”. Danny huffing out an icy breath in orange hairs face, moving his tail to use the many little quill hair spines on it to grab out his license from his torso inside his ribs, slipping it into her hands, “thank you”, she shoves the license in the probable warriors face, “see? Adventurer. You really think Clementine would approve him without goddamn checking him and his bullshit out?”.
He grunts from under Danny’s foot, “fair ‘nough. You tryin’ to crush me here?”.
Danny huffing another icy breath, “maybe”. Sam smacks his ankle again so Danny, with a shrug, lifts up his foot and lets the guy up. Danny thinks some mild crushing is totally deserved in this case, even if that was maybe influenced by these guys hurting his friends and making him feel all possessive and shit. Demon crap could be so annoying; being in this hot ass place only making it more annoying.
Salient rolls over and sits up, rolling his shoulders, “ow yeah, definitely not a spawn, damn”, eyeing himself over, “aw man, you cracked my shoulder pad. License doesn’t look fake though so”, looking up at Danny, “bad ass ability though”.
Danny tilts his skull head at the guy before looking back down to orange hair, “you gonna keep trying to annihilate me?”.
“You’re a demon”.
“And?”, lifting the hand that isn’t pinning her and waving it around dismissively, “it’s only a by half thing anyway”.
Tuck chuckling down at her, “need I point out that Danny could absolutely just crush you right now? Yeah, okay, so he’s sorta a demon, and sorta dead and not dead, but he’s not confined to a dungeon or Hell and he’s an adventurer. adventurers run into weird shit all the time, it’s not his fault he is the weird shit”. The girl glares but sighs, clearly giving up, so Danny basically forces himself to compact, puffing icy steam everywhere. Tuck grinning, “so dramatic”.
Danny pointing a normal standard human length clawed finger in the guys face, “hey, if there’s one thing I do well, besides confusing people and myself, it is dramatics”; if he was gonna be stuck as some weird dead but not dead, from the afterlife Hell but not from Hell, then he can be an overdramatic asshole about it.
Orange hair gets up immediately and moves over to the still unconscious ex-hat mage, muttering, “good, they didn’t poison her or anything. Damn demon worshipers”. Oh for fucks sake, was it really that hard to understand that he was a good guy and just a weird but typical adventurer? Ugh. Plus! He’s definitely a higher rank than her, so rude.
Salient standing up and shaking himself off, shouting at his teammate, “Lily good?”; nice, Danny’s got another name.
Orange hair sighs, “yeah. They didn’t do anything to her besides knock her out”. Oh everyone’s a critic.
Danny rolling his eyes and huffing, “you say that like you guys weren’t trying to fucking destroy me. Again, you gonna keep doing that shit? ‘Cause I’m positive all three of us outrank you guys, we just don’t exactly want to start having to fucking kill people just because people keep thinking I’m a me damned dungeon monster”.
Sam shaking her head and moving to be over by Tuck and Danny, “at least they didn’t think you were the dungeon boss this time”.
“Oh Hell that had been such a pain”.
Salient chuckles and looks at him, “you make a lot of ‘Hell’ comments and shit”.
Danny shrugging with a smirk, “hey if I’ve gotta be slightly, vaguely, hell bound then I might as well take the piss outta it”.
Orange hair glaring at Salient, “seriously? You’re making friendly with it now?”.
Danny pouts, “hey, rude much”. While Sam and Tuck laugh at him meanly.
Salient shoves her, “chill, aren’t adventurers supposed to at least try to get along. At least he’s not another psycho paladin who's just using his god as an excuse to commit way too much murder”.
Danny’s entire little party nodding, “yeah fuck paladins”. Earning them a scowl from orange hair, “we all know why you demon-lovers wouldn’t like paladins”.
Then Lily groans a little, sitting up and holding her head, “well at least I’m alive”.
Danny snorting, “yeah I have a thing against committing murder”.
“That is the strangest thing I’ve ever heard a demon say”.
Danny pouts at her. He gets that demons have a terrible rap, an earned terrible rap, but cut a guy some slack will ya? It would be so nice if he could shapeshift to look fully human, he bets that in some other universe he definitely could and he is jealous of that version of him. Stupid fucker probably got all the super sneaky useful abilities. Like being able to turn invisible or something, that would have been so useful today. Ugh.
Lily looking to her party members, “so care to explain what’s going on here?”.
“Demon dude is a legit adventurer, licensed and everything”.
Orange hair just grumbles incomprehensibly.
Sam crossing her arms at the three, “I’m Sam, platinum rank herbalist and green mage. The one with the crossbow is Tucker, silver rank earth mage and gear smith. And the half demon, that you are to stop attacking, is Danny, obsidian rank combat warrior as already mentioned; he’s also a weapons smith and death magic apprentice. Yes he’s a resurrection spell gone wrong, he did it to himself somehow, but people screw up spells all the time so whatever”.
Danny shrugging, “I mean, typically they don’t screw up so impressively they fuck up half their genetic species but yeah”; Sam swats him one, expertly avoiding the horns.
Salient snorts, “you’re a death magic apprentice and you made your self half dead? WOW you suck”.
“Hey!”, Danny puts a hand to his chest, “technically it’s useful, this way I can actually go to one of the death planes now without slowly dying”.
Lily shakes her head disbelievingly, “ridiculous and inane”, gesturing at herself, “Lily, steel rank lightning high mage”, gesturing at Salient, “Salient, silver rank knight”, gesturing at orange hair, “Gemine, iron rank white mage and apprentice priestess”. Tilting her head, “why is an obsidian with a platinum and a silver? He’s three and four ranks above you two respectively?”.
Danny waves her off immediately, “eh, I was gold before the demon shit fucked my shit up. And I am the leader so it’s not that odd”. Sam nodding, “if anything it’s weirder that an iron is travelling with a silver”.
Gemine scowling, muttering to herself, “of course the demon is the leader, disgusting”. Lily cuffs her over the head, making the girl pout. Lily nodding, “demons are more powerful than the living so I suppose that is logical, and a lower rank priestess will best any higher rank warrior”, glancing around, “where’s my hat?”.
Sam and Tuck stare at Danny judgingly, him rubbing his neck, “I ate it?”; it was a heat of the moment thing okay! He makes really dumb decision when he’s put on the spot!
Salient nodding with a smirk, “yeah, it was pretty weird”.
Danny pouting, “I’m not paying you back for it”, twitching, “and can we get the fuck out of this hot ass place already?”, looking at Sam and Tuck, “if you found nothing good I’m gonna be so annoyed”. Sam rolling her eyes and digging in her bag, pulling out a little unassigned demon core. Yum! Him brightening up immediately, “oh nice! This was so worth getting shot by holy bullets!”.
“Dude what!”.
Danny grabbing the core and biting into it, much to the disgust of his unwitting onlookers, “eh it was just a shoulder nick and I am literally covered in lava and holy light burns so that’s kinda not what I’m focused on”. Basically dumping the demonic energy down his gullet with a happy purr.
Salient pulling a face, “wow that is disgusting, awesome”. Lily sighs tiredly before gesturing at Danny’s party, “so are we good to just go our separate ways?”. Danny’s down for that, his burns were healing much better now even if he was still hot as hell.
Sam crossing her arms, “depends on if you’re going to keep harassing Danny”; Danny’s just content to lick his chops in demonic satisfaction. Gemine pouting, “I won’t be able to vanquish him so fine, I won’t”.
Danny giving her a thumbs up, “that’s the spirit, now let’s get the hell outta this furnace before my core decides I deserve to over heat”. Sam and Tuck roll their eyes at him and laugh, Tuck patting his shoulder as they all turn to wander off to the exit. The other party of adventurers awkwardly heading deeper into the dungeon.
Danny stretching a little, going all demon always made him feel like his bones were all fucked up and needed a stretching, “so find anything else?”.
“Lightning bolt in a bottle”.
“Bone dagger. Lots of bone daggers”.
“Oh and a whole ass dragon hide, it’s in the dimensional pocket”.
“We did put all the random gem stones in there too right”.
“Damn it, Tucker”.
Danny laughs to himself, shaking his head. This day was some bullshit but at least they didn’t leave empty handed, and wasn’t finding treasure and getting to throw fist-a-cuffs the whole point of being an adventurer? Even if he’d rather be beating up dungeon monsters than constantly having to duke it out with other adventurers.
Of course they don’t even make it a full day before running into the very same party. At least this time they’re at the adventurers guild so there’s no way he’s gonna get attacked again.
Gemine blinking at Danny, “so you actually can leave the dungeon”.
Danny rolling his eyes, “yeah it’s almost like I was telling the truth or something”. Hell, he seldom lied about shit, people just thought it was all too ridiculous to be true.
Lily looks to the desk lady, quirking an eyebrow then gesturing at the demon in the room. Juhe blinking and smiling, understanding quickly, “yes the demon is welcome here, yes he’s an adventurer, no you’re not allowed to vanquish him, and no he’s not mind controlling anyone”.
Salient chuckles, putting a hand on his hip, “wow it sounds like this happens a lot”. Tuck shaking his head, “you have no idea”; before Sam goes up to make their report to the guild master. Technically Danny’s supposed to do that, being the leader and all, but head office had a barrier around it and they refused to take it down just for Danny’s sorry ass, meaning compromises were made.
Danny nodding at the guy, “anytime we go into a dungeon and run into a party that hasn’t met me before, it turns into a fight”, rubbing his neck, “which has earned me the title of adventurers bane since I keep basically having to beat down adventurers until they give up”.
Juhe nodding, “and he helps out the enforcers sometimes, since he can be quite the intimidating presence”.
“Boo, having a demonic aura isn’t my fault, and if just a simple demonic aura is enough to scare someone they probably shouldn’t be an adventurer”.
“You forget most adventurers do gathering quests and less dangerous dungeons”.
“You also forget that your demonic aura is that of a demon lord not a simple spawn or lesser demon”.
Danny’s only response to that is a pout.
Lily had been about to go up and make her own report, one foot stopping in midair, “that one is… a demon lord?”, and looks very concerned at Danny. While Salient grins to himself, “sweet, I got to fight a demon lord. Man that’s cool”.
Danny blinks, shrugging, “I was a wee bit miffed about suddenly being very literally in hell one time, not the time I fucked my resurrection up, and went demon killing happy. Two might have been demon lords and one was definitely a death god”.
All three look at him in shock, horror, or looking just plan impressed in Salient’s case. Lily shaking her head, “alright, you very well could have annihilated us”.
Johe glancing at some paperwork, “you three are silver, steel, and iron? Yes, you would not have stood a chance if taken seriously by him. He’s officially listed as obsidian, but he’s closer to iridium, which still stands as our highest class”.
Danny blushing, “aw shucks”.
“Don’t you ‘aw shucks’ me, if you’re that flattered then stop leaving your tail quills in the lobby wall”.
“Hey! It has a mind of its own”.
“It’s still attached to you, ain’t it?”.
Danny pouts at her, tail twitching near the ground, he’s half tempted to stab the wall with it just to be petty. He did petty very very well after all.
Lily shakes herself before finally going up to give her report; Danny absolutely hearing Sam whisper a threat at her, “Danny’s a lot nicer than the rest of us, don’t pull that shit with him again or else I won’t hesitate using a mind vine to make you break your party members”, as they pass in the stairway. He makes a point to roll his eyes disappointedly at her when she makes it down fully.
His friends were great but so over protective and possessive of him, it was nice but also a pain. She rolls her eyes right back at him as the three of them head out, waving bye to Salient and Gamine as more of a form of pleasantries than genuine fond fair-wells or whatever. They ain’t friends and weren’t gonna suddenly become them, something Danny was frankly fully uninterested in. He had his Sam and Tuck and was definitely not interested in sharing them.
Prompts: Fantasy/rpg setting. Danny died, but the resurrection spell went wrong, and now he’s trapped as something not quite dead but not fully alive either. Not that he’d ever let that stop him from becoming an adventurer, even if he does get mistaken as a resident dungeon monster by other adventuring parties every now and then… Demon!au
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nilufleur · 2 years
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sanzu haruchiyo, one of the most irritating, stubborn and difficult people one can meet. though he most of the time is an insufferable person theres people he enjoys being around with and people who enjoy his (overwhelming) presence aswell
at first it is easy to assume that he is not a trustworthy person, but haruchiyo is very devoted to people he cares about. hes basically a 'ride or die' for the people he loves
the things that draw him close to people are little characteristics that are often overlooked. he creates an image of someone's personality by just having small conversations here and there
the people he is close to are usually the people he has been friends with since a long time, childhood friends to be more precise. he is not afraid of meeting new people, he likes changes he likes seeing new faces but as i said, letting them get close to him is a different matter
so getting to the point, what drew haru close to you was your persona. honest, laid back and humourous. he has a strange sense of humor, he squeezes his sharp jokes in his sentences that often go unnoticed. he was slightly impressed when you laughed at them, since he thinks that 'only smart people get his jokes' (yes, he is an egomaniac)
after that he started to always say hi to you whenever he saw you. sometimes it was loud and audible and sometimes it was just a little smile while passing next to you, but he would always acknowledge your presence
haruchiyo has a creative mind and you got convinced of that more day by day when he would randomly show up and ask you the strangest question with no context, nod after hearing your reply and just go away
this little habit still continued after you two became very close friends. it was hard to understand him sometimes but it was also very fun to you to be in his chaotic presence
as a filmbro myself i am sensing that haru would definitely enjoy watching films. he would also invite you to movie marathons at the most absurd time something like
"theres 3 al pacino movies in a row at the cinema can we go?"
"haru its the final exams week and its currently 2am shut the fuck up and keep studying"
yes studying with him is a pain in the ass
he would always be the one to invite you to study at a cafe but end up getting nauseous from all the milkshakes he had just because 'he got tired from all the studying (he didnt study) and needed a treat' and throw up in the public restroom
he is lactose intolerant but acts like he isn't
it's hard being friends with him cause he is generally a very spontaneous person
but you got used to it so it doesn't surprise you anymore when he does stupid shit like showing up at your apartment drunk with a board game in his hands in the middle of the night
he loves board games but he sucks like he is so bad its actually painful to watch him play
haruchiyo would definitely force his best friend to get a matching tattoo with him. at least hes got good taste so the tattoos turn out pretty cool
and he would also pretend to be surprised whenever he saw your tattoo saying shit like "stfuuu omg we have the same tattoo!!♡" punk ass bitch
constantly gossiping and its honestly so fun to do it with him cause he always has to most out of pocket information about people
would definitely introduce you to his close friends circle and after meeting them he would ask you about what you thought of each one of them
hes actually annoying and has no clue about what privacy but we can ignore that cause he always bring you something to eat when he gets in your apartment without permission
would he be a jealous friend? possible. but i dont think he would be overly jealous or protective. only gets a little annoyed when you talk about "you guys' stuff" with someone else and act all hurt and dramatic so you would eventually apologise
he has a very good sense of style and would buy you random clothing piece so you could match with him. yes. he loves matching outfits it's his guilty pleasure
i can imagine this mf saying the most philosophical gut wrenching intelligent thing humanity has ever heard and and then just say "anyways i gottta pee"🗿
sleepovers but he always sleep in your bed and takes up all the space
he once threw out one of your sweaters bcs he didn't like it
"sanzu my dead grandma made that for me"
"but it looked ugly 😐"
cooking a recipe with him at 3am but you guys got distracted and ended up causing a mini-fire
he has all of the CDs of the cars movies and always say "he just like me fr" when lighting mqueen does that kachow thing
overall he would be a good friend i think. funny and spontaneous not very reliable but always trustworthy
this was disguised sanzu slander if you coudnt tell
© nilufleur
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crashcitycentral · 10 months
ListEn y’all, my best friend got me into this ship so I blame @piedpipersupremacy for this.
Hartley is canonically Gay and Snart is canonically Bi.
In this house, we live laugh love Hartley, but if y’all know his character from like the 90s to now, him dating a cop really just doesn’t make sense?? Like we KNOW he supports ACAB and defund the police campaigns. This mans is a socialist justice protester and he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty to fight for civil rights. HE ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATING A POLITICAL CAMPAIGNER BECAUSE OF HIS FUCKED POLICIES I MEAN COME ON!!
He’s as morally grey as they come, and he doesn’t really play into the good/bad stereotypes. He picks whatever side will help his goals meet, whatever the cost. Even at risk of his own sanity in some cases. His best friends are Wally West, Linda West, and James Jesse. Even though his bestie is a Flash, he STILL joined the rogues and to this day he uses his powers and technology to help whatever cause he deems worthy of helping.
He sends his rats out to find missing persons. He steals money from corporations stealing the livelihood of lower class working people. He advocates for homeless, LGBTQ+, POC, pro choice, renewable energy, etc etc. He is a good person that sometimes does bad things for good reasons.
So yeah, him and David? Not a great match.
Leonard freaking Snart. Where to begin with this. Leader of the rogues and devout older brother. His little sister comes first, always, Just like Hartley’s little sister does for him.
Even though he starts a whole gang just to send a huge middle finger to the justice system that failed him time and time again, he sets up these rules that all of the rogues must follow or there will be severe punishment.
No killing supers or flashes. No killing women or children (generally all civilians are off limits). Don’t betray your fellow rogue.
He hand picked not only a highly skilled team of super criminals, but he also created a family.
Snart’s best friend, Mick Rory, for all the arsonist tendencies and gruff exterior he exudes, still has a soft touch. Later on in the comics, he’s even seen turning a new leaf and going on the good side, helping Hartley and James keep their friends from making a huge ass mistake. If that doesn’t tell you their judge of character, I don’t know what will.
Not only that, but Snart spends holidays DELIVERING PRESENTS TO ORPHANAGES DRESSED AS SANTA! Tell me he’s “cold hearted” after that. You can’t.
He truly does care for his community, and by having the most well respected and feared gang, he simultaneously keeps the streets clean of normal gang activity you might see because they claimed most of the terf on Central City and no one wants to mess with the crazy super powered team.
Sometimes it feels like they rob someplace just for the kick of it, or to keep up appearances. They don’t really need any more money, they’ve stolen A LOT of it and we don’t necessarily see em use it much besides when Hartley is donating it anonymously to charity.
Despite Hartley’s “betrayal” to the rogues, Snart and him still seem relatively friendly with each other. Here is a panel where Hartley is helping Wally clean up some of the chaos in the city the Rogues and instigating, and Snart even calls him “old friend” despite him working with the supposed enemy.
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And, despite Hartley leaving his rogue legacy behind and he and James leave for good, there are moments where Hartley shows a bit of regret for leaving them like that and implies that he even misses them.
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Snart sought out Piper because he was the first person to break out of Iron Heights, unaided. The original escapee. Both of them are wicked smart and clever, use dry humour and sarcasm, create their own weapons and keep their secrets close to their chest with hearts of bleeding gold. They do what’s right by their own accounts, even if they have to do something wrong to make ends meet.
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sergeifyodorov · 11 months
Dylan for the character ask please??
Okay let’s be real here my first intro to dylan was the same as all of youse. MCSTROME YAOI!
DYLAN!! Hockey’s most important unimportant character. I think he’s fascinating -- beyond… that relationship that he has with Davo, which I will touch on momentarily, he’s obviously a student of the game; an intelligent skater and, from his interviews, pretty apparently someone who’s smart and really knows what he’s talking about and looking at, which is why he can easily play centre to high-power finishers like DeBrincat and Ovi. (And why Kane’s aging snuck up on everyone. You forget that a winger does not drive a line.)
I also think this intelligence comes with a pretty wry/deadpan sense of humour, which combined with the Eyebrows (magnificent ones!) and the dark circles gives a certain painted-on look. Like he’s in drag of himself.
not super insightful in this bullet point but he’s wayyyy bigger than i thought he would be
girldad and he is INFATUATED with that toddler weslie he loves his kid and his soon-to-be second kid so much
okay. Let’s talk about the big one now. In juniours, he and Connor had. Some sort of a relationship Going On there… besties but in a toxic-homoerotic-teenager way where you know they are absolutely not going to be okay after any part of it no matter what. And they’re definitely not ok. Dylan’s like “we’re still close to this day!” but i personally believe that is a LIE until proven otherwise… girl they did not LOOK AT EACH OTHER after dylan eliminated connor in that sillie little handshake line in the bubble. What are we talking about here. That’s not a normal healthy teenage-besties thing to do -- Stamkos and Tavares were OHL buddies, and they hugged in the handshake, Matthew Tkachuk and 1634 were USNTDP/OHL buddies and they looked at each other, talked in the handshake. something is not right i know it… fellas what happened between you…
i am going to say eliminating connor as like. Peak narrative momente… but as more of a movement than a moment i do like the new direction he’s going in with the washington capitals… becoming an old man (dad of several children) and also ovi’s daughter
i think dylan is settling down right now and becoming more of his own man than a character in the tumult. Baby dylan needs to go on a Dramatic Road Trip though. Confront some demons (metaphorical or literal, your pick). Have some gay sex. Full on early-seasons Supernatural type beat… he needs to feel the open road and kiss men and cry singular manly tears and banish ghosts. not in the same way quinn blinded-by-angels hughes does it. dean winchester activities.
baby leafsfan thoughts i think… whats his deal w that. has he moved past it now into solely red-wearing symbolism or is he still tied. I think of the three baby leafsfans of 2015 he has moved on the most
Actually let’s look away from your classic mcstrome stuff and talk about dylovi for a second. they have something and im not afraid to say it. that brunette bitch with the eyebrows WILL be assisting on 895 and you can bet your ass on it
in the iconic words of lizzo, “i heard you a freak, too” iykyk
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themilkybarboy · 2 years
The Bridgertons Favourite in-laws
Anthony- Simon, they were best friends for years and that shouldn’t be over looked.
Kate - Lucy, she reminds her of herself and she feels very protective of her
Benedict- Kate, he saw how much of a change Anthony underwent when Kate came into his life and how much happier he became. Plus they are painting buddies and she has the best tolerance for listening to him talk about art for ages.
Sophie- Daphne, the fact that she is a whole ass Duchess but treats her as an equal makes her feel even more secure in the bridgertons love for her and their lack of care about her birth. She also finds her slightly gentler than the rest of them but they still both have that same good hearted sturdiness and backbone in them. She feels a kind of kinship with Gareth as well due to the whole bastard thing and is always willing to reassure him if needed
Colin- Michael, they are said in the books to be quite similar and have the same type of disposition and so they usually get along really well. He also is fond of Lucy. He thinks they are similar. Everyone but Daphne and Gareth disagrees. Gregory just doesn’t see it.
Penelope- Eloise (that goes without saying) She is close with all of the Bridgertons having spent so much time with all of them. But she is rather fond of hyacinth as she is felicity’s best friend and they both get along well with lady Danbury. And she gets along really well with Francesca as their sense of humour is the same and they are both really sharp and observant
Daphne - Gareth, he reminds her of a younger Simon with the whole daddy issues thing and so she feels slightly protective of him. She is also happy that hyacinth found someone who truly appreciated her as she was their for hyacinths other seasons and like Anthony was slightly worried. She was also fairly fond of Penelope due to the fact she knew her so long and because she managed to get her favourite brother to stay in the country.
Simon- Anthony (they were best friends for years) But also Phillip , he admires that he has a desire to further his academic interest (in the books it’s said that Simon came first in his university for maths and that he was really smart) he also likes that they are both comfortable in silence and so he doesn’t feel under any pressure to talk or perform the usual social airs.
Eloise - Penelope (obviously) she really admires Sophie though for how hard she worked. Also Kate for her independence and self assurance.
Phillip- Simon, they really connected over the whole my dad really sucked thing and he admires how Simon didn’t let it affect his own parenting. They are also both probably the least comfortable in social settings.
Francesca- Penelope, she always noted how observant and witty she was and wanted to be like her in that sense when she was younger, she also knew there was more to her than everyone else saw (I mean she even suggested her to Michael).
Michael- Phillip , honestly he just likes his vibe. They are both a bit less used to polite society than most people having been apart from it for quite a while and he finds him chill to be around.
Gregory- Michael, listen Gregory’s a total romantic and the repressing your love for someone for years because she is married to your cousin is like an act of double love for both Fran and John and honestly I think Gregory would think Michael is a really great guy for that. He is also quite boisterous and happy as is Gregory. Kate as well but that’s obvious.
Lucy- Kate, I mean it’s canon she thinks she is an absolute queen and like totally fair.
Hyacinth- Penelope and Sophie, she views Penelope as an older sister in a way, she was there so often growing up plus with how close she was with felicity it was inevitable. (She also has the lady Danbury stamp of approval) And Sophie she finds really comforting, maybe it’s because she was her ladies maid for a brief period of time but she always feel cared for in her presence and it makes her slightly calmer
Gareth- Simon and Penelope, both have the lady Danbury stamp of approval which he is surprised to find matters to him. He sees Simon as somewhat of a role model. He let go of his issues with his father he opened himself up to the family that the bridgertons offered and was also really smart. Penelope he just thought was soooo cool because of how crafty and sneaky the whole whistledown thing was like he was mad impressed. He is also super grateful to Sophie as she was really comforting about the whole bastard situation.
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dameronology · 2 years
STRANGER THINGS 4 SPOILERS hi! could you do hcs for a scenario that takes place during s4 where steve is with reader and how he would react to nancy’s piqued interest in him. the stancy stuff does not sit well with me this season tbh haha
noooo me neither😭😭 i can always see steve/nancy as like a high school couple but they put sm energy into making her & jonathan a better couple and they make so much more sense than her & steve i stg. i digress.
also low-key the start of these headcanons that give the backstory are FAR too long but i got a bit too into this ngl. this is pretty much spoiler free btw, but it's still tagged <3
ok so it should be said that nancy will always have a special place in steve's heart. you can accept that tbh, because she was his first love and you hold your first high school boyfriend in the same regard
like your mum always said you never forget your first love!! and tbh she was right but there's a difference between the person that made you giddy in senior year and the person that makes you feel whole and complete
for some people, those two might overlap; they might meet the love of their life in high school
however, the man you consider now to be the love of your life is the same man you considered in high school to be an absolute mughead with the stupidest hair you've ever seen
and you were the kid in his science class who gave him evils all the time and couldn't speak to him in a way that wasn't sarcastic
so it's safe to say that you guys didn't fall in love until way after you graduated; it was sort of unexpected and it made no sense at the time but the deeper you fell, the more you realise he might be the only thing that makes sense in this fucking world
steve harrington wasn't an asshole anymore. reality had humbled him, and now he still had all his good traits - the hair, the humour, the stupid smile and goofy aura - but he scooped ice cream for a living
you worked at starcourt too in the unit next door and after your parents moved into the house beside him, he kept driving past you on your way home til he began offering you lifts
after a few weeks of steve driving you home, having deep chats and screaming along to madonna, he asks you out
its not long before you're pretty much convinced you'll spend your life with him. maybe you're young and dumb still but you only ever feel truly at home with him
you know he still sees nancy about. it never bothers you - why would it? steve loves you and nancy & jonathan byers are a well-known couple
1986 is...different though. you & steve are as strong as ever but ongoing events have him closer and closer to nancy, who you know for a fact has been drifting apart from jonathan
you'd never want to assume anything, especially not someone you consider to be a friend.
but she looks at him the same way you do
which is when you're like OH
and yeah steve is a certified dumb ass (the word "himbo" didn't exist in the 80s but steve is a himbo and a himbo is steve) but hell even he can see it too
you don't want to feel insecure: you know that steve loves you but nancy is...nancy. she's pretty and smart and way better at all of this upside down shit than you. she makes it all look naturally
steve brings it up straight away as soon as you're home that night. there's no beating around the bush. he just kinda puts his hands on your shoulders and forces you to look him in the eye
"i know what you're thinking," he says, "but i promise, no matter what, i love you"
it's nice, actually, that he just reassures you without a second thought
bc even though he loved nancy wheeler at one point in his life, he's gonna love you for the rest of it
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okay okay so in shrek forever after shrek has like one day to revert the magic and return the world to its original state or it become permanent for good (the only way to revert the magic is with true love kiss btw). what if magnus only realize his previous unmagicified life with alec like 5 minutes before it’s a new day. what then
Part I
Part III
Three months. It’s been three months since Magnus has been living with a huge ass whole inside his chest. Like he went for a surgery where the doctors cut him open but never stitched him back again.
Only the insane part about all of this is that Magnus doesn’t even remember the surgery he went in for.
He’s so fucking sure something is going on, that’s he’s losing it but there’s no one he can go to—no one he can confide in with this problem because how do you solve an issue that doesn’t even exist outside his mind.
But even if Magnus doesn’t understand most things, doesn’t have enough clues, one thing he is absolutely sure about. That this, all of this, connect to one man.
Alexander Gideon Lightwood.
Ever since that Magnus met the man, he’s been feeling a hundred different kinds of way.
And he knows he has a tendency to exaggerate, has time and again blew things out of proportion for an infatuation or attraction but this isn’t it. While he knows he’s attracted to Alec and would love to climb him, he knows whatever this is, isn’t his libido making him feel.
This is something far deeper, far more significant.
“Magnus?” A voice, the voice brings him back from his thoughts.
“Where did you go?” Alec asks. “We were discussing about the issue with the demon towers in Alicante.”
“Yes, of course. My apologies, Alexander,” he exhales.
“That’s okay.” Alec takes another sip of his drinks and winces, like he does every time.
I should have made him that other drink.
He’s been having random thoughts like this all the time.
That Alec would prefer a cocktail over this beer he keeps on asking for.
That he would like chocolate bars.
Or that he would like his coffee better if he’d put two cubes of sugar instead of one.
He doesn’t know why but he keeps on thinking he knows more about Alec than he does and what an insane fucking thought is that?
He finally goes to Catarina with this. It surprises him when Catarina doesn’t dismiss him.
“Weirder things have happened in our world, Magnus. If you think something is wrong, we should atleast check it.”
He pulls Cat in a hug, relieved that she believes him. Because of Cat doesn’t believe Magnus, what choices does he have left with?
They go over all the possible theories but come up with nothing.
And then everything goes to shit one fine night as the lot of shadowhunter stands in Magnus’s loft for a demon summoning.
Magnus remembers a demon summoning between the very same loft, one that hadn’t ended well. He’d hoped that this one would be different.
He’s proved wrong not ten minutes later when a memory of the person you loved the most resurfaces for everyone to see.
A memory of Clary smiling appears from Jace’s mind.
A memory of Simon and Alec laughing together from Isabelle.
Magnus sees a small smile appear on Alec’s face at the memory.
It’s Alec’s turn and there’s a memory of Isabelle and Jace and Max.
He expects Alec to smile at the memory but a sad smile appears on his face and Magnus wonders for a second before his heart breaks. He imagines how suffocating and heartbreaking it must be to be married and not in love.
Alec and Lydia do not love each other is a fact that Magnus picked up on very quickly. It’s a marriage of convenience.
He thinks of Alec’s rare smiles that he’s only ever witnessed occasionally. Alec is smart and beautiful and has a dry sense of humour that never fails to make him laugh.
He’s fighting for a better world for shadowhunters and downworlders. He fights every single minute of his life with the world and Magnus wishes that the man had one place, in his home, with his partner where he didn’t have to fight.
Alec sniffles at the memory and looks away but there’s a second when both their eyes match. Magnus looks away for he can’t see Alec in pain and it’s insane because he barely knows the man.
They’ve formed an easy friendship now but that’s what it is—a friendship. Because Alec is married, even if it’s in name, there are lines that Magnus would never cross. And Alec doesn’t seem the type to either.
Then Simon and Clary’s turn comes and for both of them, it’s a memory of the other one. They exchange a beautiful smile at that.
And then in an instant, everything turns to hell when it’s his turn because this time, it’s a memory of Alec.
It’s from one of those rare days when Alec laughed in a way that made his eyes crinkle at the corners. The memory focuses on Alec’s faces and anyone with a single functioning braincell could feel Magnus’s feelings.
“What the fuck?” Jace yells, followed by everyone else.
Alec breaks the circle as he stands up, his eyes widen, face filled with horror.
He looks embarrassed and it quickly changes to anger. “How could you—what?” Alec tries but nothing else comes up.
“Alexander, listen,” Magnus swallows, knowing that if Alec leaves, he’s never going to be able to fix this. Even though he doesn’t know what this is—he needs Alec to stay. “I know this must all be confusing. It’s for me as well but I think that there’s more to what we’re seeing. There’s something between us and I—-“
Alec raises a hand.
There’s a pin drop of silence before Alec stares at him, fire in his eyes as he says, “Don’t ever come near me again.”
Isabelle and Jace’s eyes sadden suddenly, as if they know, and he’s sure they know why Alec is so shocked about this. Isabelle puts a comforting hand on his shoulder before they all leave.
Clary tries to stay but Magnus asks her to leave.
He needs time.
He falls to the floor, clutching his head in his hand as he tries to figure out what’s wrong. He yells out of despair, of feeling like he’s living with half his organs, half his mind, half his memories and all the pain let’s him to lose control and Magnus unleashes his magic onto the world. He needs to get Alec out of his brain so he wracks inside his brain and takes out all the memories of Alec, from every pit and crevice inside his brain and throws them outside.
A few second in, Magnus is surrounded by blue magic around him, memories and memories of Alec around him. Magnus’s eyes widen as he goes through them.
There are hundreds of memories and he knows for a fact that while these are his memories, he doesn’t remember living them.
There’s his first meeting with Alec. First—first meeting.
Alec and Magnus playing polo.
Alec grinning as he cooks French roast for them.
Alec almost dying. Multiple times.
Magnus in Edom. Alec in Edom.
Smiles and happiness and love—so much love.
The one that completely breaks Magnus’s heart is the one where they’re getting married.
And their wedding night.
Alec becoming Inquisitor and kissing the daylights out of him when he tells him.
Then the memories turn more somber. Darker. Sadder.
“I want to go home.” “This is home, Magnus.”
He doesn’t even have to wait, he knows the words already on his lips.
“I wish I had never married you, Alexander.”
And Magnus remembers.
He remembers why it’s been feeling like he’s living without his heart—because he was. His heart was living outside his body, in a world that’s created by Magnus’s anger and despair.
One moment of weakness and Magnus’s entire life changed.
By his own doing.
“Alexander,” Magnus falls to the ground and cries for his husband. “What did I do?“
After a few hours of lying on the floor mourning his life, Magnus goes to Cat.
He tells her everything and cries in her arms. “Cat, Alec—Alec is my husband. I remember. I remember him. Please I need to—I need to fix this. I need him back,” he cries.
It’s an ancient curse is what their research tells them. Now that he remembers, it’s easier to find the source.
“I need to talk to Alec…I—“
A huge gasp leaves Catarina’s mouth and he turns.
“Catarina what? What now?”
“It’s 11:55pm.”
“Fuck!” Cat exclaims.
“Catarina, what?”
“I’m sorry, Magnus. But tomorrow morning, you won’t remember him.”
“What?” He says in horror.
“The memories will be lost forever.”
Alec will be lost forever.
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haechanhues · 5 months
my top twenty four biases as nicknames people call/called me irl <3 and i just tagged people to do the same (with however many biases they want to include and nicknames etc)
tagging : @rum-gone-why @liliansun @okeylokiyuh @seolboba @aspenwritesstuff @jisungsdaydreamer @shwizhies @timextoxhajima
haechan (nct) - 'dante'.... is a nickname given to me because of a guy i liked. i didn't have a crush on him at first but people speculated that we were dating because we were always together and shit. his friends used to call me 'dante' all the time, even FOUR YEARS AFTER IT HAPPENED! no but...i did really like him and i really like hyuck so-
sunwoo (tbz) - 'little hua' or 'little shit' you pick. given by my mother and said affectionately after i say some smart ass shit i should get a whack for. i think sunwoo fits both a little more than the rest because he'll just shrug it off like i do? i think he has the attitude i have when i hear it and he'll wear it like a second skin.
yeonjun (txt) - 'our 10' which was a nickname that didn't really stick thank god, but i used to play competitive volleyball and my number was the number 10. but i was the quietest on the team by a long shot. but whenever i did something that surprised them, or if a boy talked to me or WHATEVER that didn't fit their image of me, they'd call me their 10 and make it out like i was their baby growing up. and yeonjun just has big support energy with flirty tendencies.
beomgyu (txt) - 'terror'...yes. it's a legit nickname. it fits in with my real name and there is meaning to it. when i was young, i used to terrorise my cousin and beat him up (in the later nicknames you'll see i mention 'baby boy'...same one) and his dad talks about it all the time. he used to call me that back in the sandpit days but NOW my other uncle on my other side calls me that. in fairness i don't call him 'uncle' but i call him 'nana' (pronounced nana/nuh nuh) and it's just a lot of headlocking and a lot of bickering and banter and just a lot of love. same as beomgyu.
lee know (skz) 'silent serial killer' ..a name given by my cousin who just likes to remind me how evil and calculated i am (in a fond way just saying...) i also love lee know's sense of humour and i've used some of his jokes on people and i've loved every second of it.
hyunjin (skz) 'bub' - now...it's gonna sound like i didn't think about it or i thought about it in a different way but i chose it because of his lips and how nice they are. like i know he's this talented and romantic as fuck beautiful soul, don't get me wrong but just the absolute 'bub' effect he has with his lips...couldn't resist sorry. (also bub is just a general nickname every girl seems to get)
hoshi (seventeen) - 'fantail shanay-nay' - ...nickname might be a stretch but it's one of my dad's famous ideas when i asked what my name would've been if it was something else and he brought this up. i thought it was legit for ages until i grew up. thanks dad. love you too. but i gave this to hoshi because he's someone who could probably rock the fuck out of the nickname and make it a whole concept. kind of like david bowie with ziggy stardust and crew.
d.o (exo) - **** (undisclosed) - now this nickname is blurred out for personal reasons, it's nothing bad but it's more personal. this is the name people call me in their daily and the name i hear the most. my cousin first gave me the nickname at 3 (his 3 or my 3 i can't remember) but to the bias who i find the most comfortable, the most warm, the most like home, i gave this nickname to kyungsoo.
san (ateez) - 'fast reactions' although this nickname isn't quite to do with his character or his soul or whatever, it's more on his skillset. it's hard because a lot of my nicknames don't fit him like they do others but he's a hardworker and people talk about it all the time. this was a nickname i got on a whim after reacting to my hat being picked up by the wind, i saved it and just...i get reminded even now about it.
wooyoung (ateez) - 'your yin to his yang' is a nickname that has been slightly altered but is a nickname given by my mother. the 'him' in question is my younger brother who is the total opposite to me. when people learn that we're related they say shit like 'how the hell does that work?' or 'why are you so innocent in comparison?' but i even got a tattoo that's supposed to be a matching set (but isn't because someone got cold feet) that is a representation of me and him and our differences. him as the sun and me as the moon. i gave it to wooyoung because he's just my total opposite.
jongho (ateez) - 'honey' since baby and all that was taken. i used honey. he's also the gummy bear of ateez so it just fits. i think he'd properly get really flustered over the name (or maybe not since wooyoung and san and seonghwa and all them boys exist) but i just..he's a liquid honey boy for real forreal.
jungwon (enhypen) - 'train' now not to be confused by the nsfw definition...but this is purely a case of my first name (not niwa) being directly translated. it's the whole 'sheep garden' thing that happens. i'm not too fond on the nickname, like at all but it's a nickname ain't it?
jihoon (soloist/wanna one) - ' **** mei' it does help that jihoon's fandom name is 'may' and my middle name is mei (surprise). people include - usually my family but not limited to them - my middle name in normal situations when they address me. it always mildly surprises me but when i first saw jihoon's fandom name i was like...of course, i picked the bias who was made for me.
jihoon (treasure) - 't-dawg' ...also another nickname given by the volleyballers. one that was actually used for a lot longer. but jihoon just seems like the type to be the most familiar with it, would probably call me it? i don't know he just seems like the type.
subin (victon) - 'baby' given to me by my boyfriend at the time. biggest slut i knew by the way but i enjoyed it all the same. so when i hear it now i get flashbacks. BUT gave it to subin because of how much his hyungs baby him and make a point to baby him and treat him like their little baby brother at all times. sorry to add salt to the wound but it's cute :)
jimin (bts) - 'toe' now before you ask, no, i don't have a toe/foot fetish. i'm not even sure why they called me it. but this nickname was given to me at the start of high school, all the way until the final day of year 13. i'm not that into bts anymore but i will always remember them and this nickname and the people who called me it very fondly. i also got into kpop around the same time so it was like the passing of an era.
joy (red velvet) - 'monchachi' is a nickname given to me by my mother. it's one she uses more frequently as i'm older and no other person calls me it (except maybe my dad on rare occasions) sometimes I even forget my mum calls me it because she does it so often over my actual given birth name that she gave me. but i gave it to joy because she's sassy and she's the girl that brings fellas to their knees.
yoojung (weki meki/i.o.i) - 'einstein' is a nickname given to me by my brother and in all honesty i'm going by vibes. i feel like she'd suit it in any context. a sarcastic 'yeah, okay, einstein' might ensue play fighting or like idk - pure vibes and just imagining friendship with her.
sooyoung (snsd) - 'angel from hell' another nickname gifted by my cousin (same as silent serial killer) and she gave me this nickname and it always comes with a story 'people think you're some innocent and sweet angel who can do no wrong but i know the kind of bitchy you're hiding, you angel from hell' and i gave this nickname to sooyoung because she's so fiery and sassy and so quick. she also makes me laugh more than anyone else.
chaeryeong (itzy) - 'missy' i chose missy for the reaction i'm sure i'd get. like her little eyebrow raises when somebody says something to her - it just makes me laugh and love her all the more. it's not necessarily like 'i'll fucking fight you' but it's the 'huh? wut did you say to me?' i think it'd be fun. it's also a nickname given to me by my dad and although he has another one, this is one he uses now that i'm grown up. but think chaeryeong's relationship with changbin and you might have similar ideas as to why i chose 'missy'.
yeeun (clc) 'precious girl' is a nickname given by my uncle who gets absolutely thrashed in media, has a blunt sense of humour and is known to be quite controversial is actually really affectionate in real life he calls his son, who's a bit older than me btw, baby boy and it's both the funniest and cutest thing ever. i chose yeeun for the simple fact that she is, in fact, a precious girl.
seunghee (clc) - 'shy/pretty' 'my flower' - now i need to explain this a bit.. but if you didn't know i know sign language (i wouldn't say fluently but enough to converse for long periods of time and translate if need be). my aunty is deaf and she has given me sign names. the first is an action that kind of looks as if your finger is softly twisting in a dimple in your cheeks. this translated to 'shy' but as i got older it became 'pretty' and then there's one that i brainwashed her with but she uses it to greet me and that's the flower pose and now she calls me 'her flower' but in sign and i thought seunghee was perfect for it because she literally only smiled with these bangs and she became my bias. i think about the moment daily by the way. it changed the trajectory of my life as did sign.
kazuha (le sserafim) - 'princess royalty' now this nickname is EMBARRASSING to say without sounding like a stuck up bITCH but my maternal grandfather called me this because of who my paternal grandfather is and how 'famous' and 'wealthy' our family is. but yeah, anyway, i gave this to kazuha because she just reminds me of this pretty princess with her posture and her smile and how beautiful she is.
eunchae (le sserafim) - 'little girl' which although reads a tad creepy I promise it's not, it's the warmest feeling ever because of the people who call me it. it helps that she's the youngest on the list, but the nickname is from my grandparents who will always see me as this person of innocence and childlike regard even when i get older each time i see them.
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chickensarentcheap · 2 years
For Both
What's something surprising they were afraid of as a child?
What's the strangest thing they've ever eaten?
Who’s the messiest person they've ever known?
What’s the food they usually refuse to share?
What has been their hardest goodbye in life been so far?
A very large centipede runs across their leg. What do they do? 
What is one word they overuse
Can they hold a grudge for a long time?
Where is their favorite spot to be touched
What odd thing makes them laugh
The dark. He was terrified of the dark as a child. But as an older child. Because his dad would lock him in the backyard shed (even in the middle of storms) for misbehaving in the slightest way and the shed was blackout dark.
2. Bugs. Like crickets, beetles, that kind of thing. When stranded during missions with SASR and food rations having run out.
3. Koen. lol. Koen took over the shack in the outback when Tyler and Esme met and he was released from hospital after Dhaka and they settled just outside Sydney. And he would go there and visit and be like 'wtf, mate?'. Tyler's conditions back then hadn't been great either, but in the movie, the shack wasn't dirty inside. Just rundown. And obviously something hand built.
4. Anything that Esme bakes. Tyler loves anything strawberry, and she. makes a strawberry rhubarb pie that he'd sacrifice one of the children for. lol
5. His mum. Her death hit him extremely hard. He was only nine. And it's haunted him his entire life. He is (in the current fic) 47 now and still can't talk about her.
6. Nothing. He's from Australia. He's encountered a lot of freaky things lol
7. Hmmm...I'm not sure...
8. oh yes. He's been holding one against his father for decades
9. The back of his neck right below the hairline, the very sensitive spot right below his left earlobe, and he loves his hair played with. Although he'd never that last one ;)
10. I don't think there's anything odd. Very little makes Tyler laugh. Like truly, bust out laughing. A drunk Esme is one of those things, until she becomes extremely amorous, and the things TJ says at times. TJ is very dead pan, very dry humour, and a big time smart ass lol
She is terrified of snakes. Like, hyperventilate, burst into tears terrified. She can handle the spiders way before she can handle the snakes.
2. Chocolate covered grasshoppers. Tyler didn't tell her what they were, and he offered her one and said it was some new chocolate from the bakery in town. And being the trusting soul she is...
3. Millie. LOL. Millie is horrendously messy. The boys ( the three oldest) keep their rooms and their shared bathroom immaculate compared to Millie and her spaces lol
4. Tacos. LOL. Do not touch that woman's tacos. Also, her favourite cupcake from the bakery in town: pink lemoade
5. Her father. Like Tyler, she finds it extremely difficult to talk about the loss. She misses him very much. Even now. And she's (current fic) 41 and he died when she was 17
6. She would scream entire Queensland awake LOL
7. She says his name a lot. But to her, using his name is a form of intimacy and very personal
8. Esme is the queen of holding grudges. But it has to be something serious. She holds a huge grudge against her mother for a lot of things, but mostly for how she has treated the kids and the things she's said about Tyler. Especially the time she'd wished he'd just go to work, and get killed and her and the kids would be better off.
9. The sides of her neck, her stomach, and across her collarbone.
10. Esme will absolutely lose it over drunk Tyler. But only the beginning when he's very obnoxious (in a fun way, very chatty, making little to no sense, gets very touchy feely with her). Because he turns sentimental and weepy very quickly. She also will LOL at old 80s sitcoms. Like the golden girls.
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freuleinanna · 2 years
Hi I just found your blog so I was wondering In your playthrough were you able to keep everyone alive? Do have any fav scenes? Who are ur fav characters/and leave fav?
Hiii welcome!
In my first playthrough, I think I only killed Abi accidentally, because I got both her and Emma bitten and whaddayaknow, turns out, Emma still kills Abi :D Even though Emma was bit later than Abi, she turned and killed poor Abs anyway. I thought I was a genius for having two wolves in the same room, I thought they'd just be like okay, two werewolves hanging out, no killings. Big nope on that :)
My fav scene, for reasons that are between me and God, is when Laura bites Ryan. It just plays on every werewolf string I have in my whole entire body :D I also love the Travis-Laura-Ryan fighting were!Chris scene, and I LOVE the one where Dylan pushes Kaitlyn out of the way when they find were!Emma. My sweet boyyyy!
And if I have to list the fac characters... Here we go!
Travis - because family drama is my everything, and he's an immensely interesting character to think about.
Laura - because my girl pulled a Sarah Connor and turned herself from a typical genre character into a fighter with her will, her wits, and her eye patch.
Dylan - he's the best most wholesome protective dude ever, I just love him!
Kaitlyn - the game doesn't show her a lot which is a crime, but I love her spirit and her no-nonsense attitude. Plus she really kicks ass!
Max - he's just a bit puppy and I adore what they have with Laura! He has that sidekick-but-also-an-anchor-to-the-main-character thing going on, and I respect that.
Emma - because she's a multi-faceted character and I admire her street-smart vibe when it counts. She holds herself like a pro. Also, taking a werewolf pic? Best girl.
Jacob - when it comes to him, I'm that Office meme: - You don't have all the facts! - Which are? - I love him. 'Nuff said.
Ryan - I didn't particularly like him, although his dry sense of humour was really cool sometime.
Nick - LISTEN I hated that shit but then I made myself feel sorry for him and now I don't hate him as much. Still, me no dig. I saw a post somewhere and the person said that Nick's story never changes no matter how you play the game, he's always there, then he gets bitten, then he fucks off. Couldn't agree more. (also if the author sees it lmk I'll tag you or reblog your post!)
Abi - I'm sorry, she was just bland and boring. I'm nagging at this game for not giving the characters any particular development, but and Abi here is the worst case. On that note, I'm watching Modern Family now and I didn't recognize Ariel Winter right away, but then I did and I have to say, she's a much better actress than I could have thought of her from the game.
Feel free to leave more asks! Those are fun!
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naomana · 2 years
what do you reckon tony balls was like when he was a kid?! like in school and what not, would he have even gone to school? he's pretty smart.
I'm ecstatic over tony being that cool senior friend (tm) like I imagine he was kinda like pepe when he was young: he was the big kid, he was tall, he was the muscle. if something went down between either the juniors or seniors he'd kick most of their asses. like in school he was his mate's cool older brother who you could call in anytime and he'd mop the floor with anyone who fucked with his buddies. but then he gets older and starts working for morello n'shit and he like loses a school friend or something because he can't protect them anymore alsskfjsljlAKMKASJD
Tony Balls brainrot!!
Teen Tony is exactly what Pepe wished to be tbh. This cool kid, strong enough to kick anybody's ass, sense of humour and handsome young man, while he is tiny and everyone picks on him
I'd love to have Tony as friend in my teen years. Maybe I'd not be so damn miserable all the times
Also I'm the kind of person to see big boss and his direct subordinate and think to myself "Yeah, those two bang" so on that note, Tony and Moretti deffo had a thing going
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countlessrealities · 10 months
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@petalsxfallen sent: 😍 for Morty
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Send 😍 for three things my muse love about yours
Morty shifts his weight on his feet at the question, looking a bit embarrassed and nervous at the question. Yet, the small smile that curls his lips is genuine, despite the hint of hesitation that his gaze holds.
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"Oh g-geez, it's a bit hard to pick w-what I like best about Petal. She...T-There's a lot of things she does an-and that she is tha-that I find cool," he admits with a chuckle that comes out slightly forced. "I-It's not easy to pick, y-you know?"
The Gem also has quiet a few traits and behaviours that the teen doesn't like nor approve off, but that doesn't pertain the matter at hand. He's very aware that his friend is far from perfect, but he can't really blame her for her attitude towards most things, especially now that he knows what she has been through.
"I-I admire how strong and smart she is. S-She's been on the run for centuries, n-never finding a safe place where to settle, a-always having to move and watch her back. I-I don't think I could have done that...or well, maybe yeah, b-but I wouldn't have been able to, y-you know, keep it together as she did."
In his eyes, the pearl is incredibly brave, not just for having survive for so long while trying to flee her own species, but also for having rebelled in the first place. He has seen what the Gem society is like. Gaining self-awareness and free will when you have been told that your task is your life goal isn't easy at all.
"A-Also, I'm a bit envious of her fighting skills. S-She's really good, e-even when she's facing beings who are much better armed than her. S-She kicks asses all the time!"
And, more often than not, just by using knives. In her case, the whole "bring a knife to a gunfight" isn't synonym of unpreparedness. It means that she's going to prove to everyone how a blad can easily beat a bullet or a laser shot, when held in the right hands.
"T-Thirdly...I-I think she's funny," Morty finishes, rubbing the back of his neck, almost as if he's expecting to be judged for that last claim. "H-Her sense of humour is...harsh most of the time," and what an understatement that can be, "an-and she can be downright nasty, b-but...I guess I got used to that kind of jokes and stuff? B-Because Rick can be much worse than her. An-And I like his jokes too, e-even if not always. M-Maybe I'm biased by habit, but...t-this is my opinion of her, s-so it still counts."
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