#I love how in most of these Jasons hair is still distinguishable lol
thejasontoddarchives · 10 months
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Assorted Bruces and Jasons from Detective Comics 573
Detective Comics (1937-) #573
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herecomesnaya · 5 years
1/2 Weird question ahead, but would you like to talk about some body hair lol? Cuz I'd like to hear how do you see Jason and Dick in regards to their respective levels of hairiness from head to toe (and I mean what their genetics gave them, not style of their personal grooming). Just, you know, the thickness, colour, parts that are more/less hairy and that sort of stuff.
2/2 Pesonally I have a lot of fun thinking about Jason being indignant over not being able to develop full beard even if he tried and being smoother than Dick actually, with mainly peach fuzz type of hair all over that's black but much thinner and kinda lighter than Dick's. It makes the idea of kissing up his thick, fuzzy leggies as they're tickling your nose all the more enticing 🤤😳
not weird at all! I loves me some body hair, and I love your ideas, even if my headcanons are slightly different
at first I agreed with you on Jason’s inability to grow a beard, but after seeing so much great bearded Jason art (including this one, which is currently my discord profile pic because I love looking at it so much), plus Jason’s Mother Panic appearance, I’m tempted to say that his facial hair comes in much thicker and darker the more he ages. in canon right now, I’d say he shaves it out when it gets too stubbly, though. probably patchy when he’s younger, but thickens out over time.
Jason also definitely has a relatively thicc treasure trail, and his pubes can get pretty wild if he doesn’t maintain them, LOL. coarse and black and curly, and a bitch to shave, so he normally just trims it up to keep from things getting too crazy down there
same with his armpits, nice and dark and coarse, almost kinda trailing down his sides a little bit more than most people’s. but his arms aren’t very hairy, and his legs have lighter hair, more sparse, it’s mostly his upper inner thighs leading up to his groin that have the darker and fuller hair
chest hair... hmm, it’s not quite as dark and thick as some other places, but he still has a nice scattering of it, with a darker line of it leading down his middle and connecting with that treasure trail. a gradient of hair, if you will. this hair starts to go gray first, along with his temples, as he ages
now, Dick... I admit, I like me some smooth Nightwing, but there have been so many fucking mountain man Dick appearances in canon that I gotta concede if we’re having this pre-waxing conversation
I don’t really like his Batman Beyond beard, in contrast to Jason’s, but it does make sense... distinguished, almost. and he’d definitely have thicker arm and leg hair, particularly on his forearms and calves. the boy can grow some hair, that’s for sure, if his mullet and ponytail days were of any indication
he’s got a treasure trail too, but lighter, starting a little lower than Jason’s. his pubes aren’t quite as curly, but he’s far more willing to remove all of it, when he has the chance. likes the increased skin-to-skin contact when he’s getting busy with someone. and his ass? perfectly hairless, somehow.
he’s probably the type to grow back hair when he gets to be middle-aged. it distresses him. also those little knuckle hairs on his toes.
he’s got thick armpit hair, too, also straighter than Jason’s curles and waves. and not a lot of chest hair, less spread out all over his pecs like Jason’s, more concentrated to that between-the-tiddy area. you get me? you get me.
but yeah, IMO, he definitely waxes at every available opportunity. more aerodynamic or something, plus easier to get in and out of the spandex when he doesn’t have sweaty hairs to be yanked out. he swears it’s function and not form!!
but Dick definitely has thicker eyebrows than Jason. he’s got the thick brows, Jason’s got the thick sideburns. together, they make one whole bear
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crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
Dick Grayson x Reader - “Just Take A Deep Breath For Me, Baby!”
Your boyfriend helps you through a panic attack, but something unexpected happens that would also require Bruce’s help.
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Requested by @the-snake-and-the-rose​: “Dick graysom x reader where reader is going through struggling with anxeity which unlocks a new power (lol sorry that was so random)”
"Deep breathes deep breathes deep breathes," (Y/N) muttered as she hugged his arm.
"You'll do fine baby okay? Just a few hours, we'll meet my family at the Gala and we can stay in another, less crowded room if you want. We'll only stay a few hours," Dick turned to her, cupping her cheek and kissing her lips swiftly. The girl nodded quickly, releasing a shaky breath. 
"Have I told you how beautiful you look in that?" A dream sigh escaped his smiling lips as he pulled her waist into him. The girl blushed, looking down to the ground with a shy smile.
"Yes, you have," She chuckled softly, placing her hands against his chest to capture his lips. He smiled in the kiss, squeezing her hip. 
"We should get going, we don't want to be late if Bruce gives a speech," He informed, gazing at his watch.
"Oh my god, you're right!" She gasped, holding his hand and pulling him through the driveway and up the stairs. Before Dick could even knock, the door opened widely.
"Master Dick!" Alfred greeted with a huge smile, "Miss (Y/N), how lovely to have you with us again!" 
"Thank you, Alfred," Dick offered him a toothy grin. 
"I'll make sure to tell you when you can leave early," The butler nodded.
"Thank you so so much, Alfred!" The (H/C)-haired girl thanked him continually. The cop had to pull his girl by the waist to peel her away from the old man. As soon as they were in the next room, however, she clung onto his arm like a koala.
"I've had enough now, let's go home," She squeaked, scanning upon the large crowd. 
"Baby, no," He chuckled, pulling her back in his embrace.
"Dick stop," She squealed as her body was dragged through the hugely decorated hallway cluttered with people. The girl buried her face in his shoulder as he held her close, pulling her to the drink, where there were a lot fewer people.
"Happy that's over," She breathed out as he sat her down at a table and slid on a chair beside her. Her hand intertwined with his as he offered her a small grin as she shuffled closer, frowning at him in curiosity.
"I'm not, I liked it how you hogged onto me for dear life," He grinned playfully at her.
"Stop," She chuckled, kissing his cheek. Their little banter was cut short by hurried footsteps coming up from behind them. They looked back, Dick's eyes widening at the stamped stomping in their direction.
"(Y/N)!" Tim greeted with open arms. The girl in question stood up, smiling widely as she engulfed him in a hug.
"Timmy, how are you?" She inquired, pulling away from him.
"I'm tired and bored, how are you?" He asked in the same tone.
"Hi tired and bored, I'm D-" 
"Baby don't!" (Y/N) placed her finger against her boyfriend's lips to shush him from any bad puns that she secretly loved that would erase the little dignity he had left among his brothers.
"Hey beautiful," Jason muttered, ignoring the lovey-dovey feeling between her and his brother to hug his friend.
"Hey Jason, I missed you!" She mumbled in his shoulder.
After greeting all his brothers, they all sat down at the table, speaking and laughing, (Y/N) closely against Dick's chest as the girl ran a hand through the youngest pouty Wayne's hair. 
"I'm bored," Jason grumbled as they all watched the many people dancing.
"You guys haven't danced," Tim informed, raising a questioning eyebrow at the couple. Dick could feel the girl tense up in his hold.
"Crowds give me anxiety" He interrupted her. Damian's eyebrows furrowed in suspicion.
"I'll take you (Y/N), if you want, I'm bored out of my skull," Jason proposed, nodding to the pair. 
"N-no, I-I um, I'm tired, sorry!" She laughed nervously, squeezing her boyfriend's hand out of gratefulness for his previous action. 
The group had been sat at the table for just over an hour. It was nearly 9 pm and the dancing area was nearly empty.
"Want to dance baby?" His voice whispered against his ear, sending light shivers through her neck as it caressed it.
"Yes," She nodded.
Immediately, Dick stood up, smoothening his tie and making sure his suit was not creased before extending his arm out to her. Jason was on his phone now, as was Tim. Damian was awkwardly leaning on the table asleep. 
The girl gladly took his hand as she was gracefully lifted off her seat and accompanied to the middle of the magnificent room. (Y/N) leaned into her boyfriend's chest, holding his hand and placing her other one on his shoulder as his spare hand slid around her waist.
"Do you want to leave after this dance? Alfred said we could leave just after nine o'clock," He mumbled, placing his lips against her forehead. She hummed lowly, closing her eyes as she let Dick lead. It felt like a while before the music changed and a lot more people flooded in. The girl didn't realise though, her eyes were still closed, her face nuzzled in Nightwing's neck.
"Baby, we should move," The man insisted.
"What? why-" Her eyes opened and she gasped, her grip tightened on his shoulder as she felt her heartbeat increase as well as her breathing.
"Remember what we said babe, deep breathes," He tried to reassure her, scanning around to search for an exit. She closed her eyes, trying to take deep breaths above her ragged ones, she found herself hugging Dick tightly, burying her face in his chest, hoping the sense of suffocation would vanish as she respired his scent.
It wasn't working.
"Dick, p-please," She choked out, feeling incredibly overwhelmed.
"Five planets babe, tell them to me repeatedly," He ordered, holding her close as they marched through the dense crowd.
"Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus, Uranus," She repeated under her breath. The girl shrunk in his chest, feeling like there were too many eyes on her. Her head started feeling fuzzy as Dick pushed through the crowd into another, empty room.
"Baby," He cooed, backing her up into the wall, cupping her cheeks and trying to lock eyes with her. She stared at the ground, breathing heavily, her movements jittery as she tried to calm down.
"S-space, p-please," She begged between gasps. 
"Yes, sorry," He mumbled, slowly letting her go and moving a feet or two away from her, hands extended towards her in case she needed the support. She slid down the wall, sitting on the floor. 
Her hands rested on either side of her, eyes glazed over. His eyebrows furrowed as he smelled smoke. Eyes widened as he distinguished the melting floor around her hands as they glowed an intense orange colour. 
He kneeled as well, maintaining the distance between them, keeping a careful eye on her. Soon, she calmed down, running a shaky hand through her hair as she averted his gaze. Dick crawled to her, pulling her into his chest, caressing her flushed cheek as she nuzzled his neck.
"What was that?" He whispered.
"What?" She asked, with a croaked voice. Pulling away from him lightly to stare at him.
"That," He pointed to the floor behind her. She turned around, gasping as her eyes landed on the burned floor.
"I did that?" The girl muttered.
"Yes." He nodded, running a hand through her hair, "let's call Bruce, see what happened."
"Does that make me a superhero too?" She asked, trying to reassure herself.
"Maybe baby, but you were always a superhero in my eyes," A small smile appeared on his lips.
"Because anxiety doesn't let you do what you want easily -- and the fact that you still live life despite it makes you a true hero!" He explained, giving her an admiring look.
"Really? Y-you, don't think I'm weak?" She whispered, tensing in his hold. His thumb grazed her cheek.
"No, it makes you stronger -- than any of us!" His lips found hers as soon as he said that. He pulled her into his lap, kissing her hungrily as she slid her arms around his neck.
"What's going on here?" A loud voice echoed, making the couple jump out of their skin as they blushed profusely.
"Bruce," Dick cleared his throat, "we have a problem!"
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botslayer · 6 years
Triple reboot review. (Puppet Master the Littlest Reich, Titans, Mega Man: Fully Charged)
Okay, Now, while I have yet to see these things in full (Titans being nothing more than a trailer right now, Littlest Reich not being out in the general public yet to my knowledge, and only having seen a preview of MMFC), But quite frankly, fuck you. I’m angry, I had a shit day, let me do some Sabre Rattling for the properties I like. 
Up First, this sneak peek of Mega Man: Fully Charged:
So we have a character who needs to blow his fucking nose, It is a massive distraction everytime he’s on screen, his voice is also the worst in the clip in my opinion. Megaman’s “Civilian” form also looks dull. The only thing that would make him stand out in a crowd is his stupidly big hair. 
Also: WHY DOES HE HAVE A CIVILIAN FORM?! In the games, he has an “Armorless” mode, yeah, but at the same time, that is usually just for when the Robot Masters aren’t a threat. Why, if you could just be walking around and suddenly, giant jet lady robot attacks, would you ever get OUT of the armored mode? In the old show that was just how he looked, he could still talk with people, hold conversations, etc. And while, yes, it is sort of weird to talk to the dude with a laser blaster built into him, A LOT of the Robot masters were built for specific jobs and given non-human anatomy to distinguish them from regular people. (At least that’s my headcanon.) The point is if this version of Mega Man is a kid with a Power Rangers/Beetleborgs-esque “Normal kid life mixed with superhero stuff.” (As implied by the “No one’s looking.”) WHY? Why not build a robot with the shit you just gave this kid!? There’s a big fat half-jet lady taking up good space begging that particular question. If he IS a robot, what does it matter that no one’s watching? Does he not want people to know he’s a robot? How would they not? I don’t care how “human” he may look if he’s avoiding certain “Human” activities too much (Say, Eating, resting, drinking, what have you) then it will probably be obvious.
Going on, Mega Man’s voice is annoying as hell. I don’t have anything to add to that, I just hate his voice. The armor isn’t TOO bad, maybe a LITTLE too busy, but if he is a robot you could explain the lights as “System failure in shoulder” making that light turn red or something, but if he isn’t what is it other than decoration? Plus there are lots of un-needed lines, but you don’t really have to convince me that it’s Megaman, and at the end of the day, that’s all that really matters. (I would also like to point out his Helmet looks more like X’s, which might be an interesting visual easter egg if intentional)
The random cut to the Pixel animation was stupid, sudden, and REALLY broke the (minimal) flow that fight had going. I will say though, the ending joke is good. So out of that entire clip, I had 3 good things to say... Jesus this is gonna suck. 
And don’t give me any of that “Well it isn’t for you” bullshit, we all know full well that a reboot should probably do SOMETHING to appeal to the old fans in some way. And the way they tried to do that here was bullshit. It was like when Power Rangers Operation Overdrive tried to ape the first episode of Light Speed Rescue without really getting what made that work. 
And lastly, I don’t mind Blasto Woman. They should have just used an old Robot Master, though, to be fair, someone like Metal Man would probably be too edgy. (Bah-dumb Tiss)
In short: High hopes for a new Mega Man cartoon, dashed from a single clip.
Up next: Puppet Master, The Littlest Reich:
For starters, Toulon looks creepy in a way that he just shouldn’t. I read a review that spoiled a LOT of the movie and quite frankly, I am not impressed. This all looks and sounds like a gore hound’s wet dream, and while I like buckets o’ guts, that isn’t the point of Puppet Master. 
Blade looks like shit design-wise, he and Torch both look Too Plasticky for my tastes, there’s a weird froggy looking one that reminds me of the Joker (Due to the lighting), and it’s all, in my SO’s words, “a giant morality swap AU.” Which I agree with. Andre didn’t make the puppets to torture and kill people constantly, he made them to keep his friends' spirits alive and fight against Nazis. This is so stupid. AGH. Look, before I die of an aneurysm, as there anything I LIKED?
I like that Blade’s knife is hidden in his hand, that is fairly clever design. I also liked the brief snippet look at Pinhead, he doesn’t look terrible, at least. plus, the Frog dude (”Amphibian”) Is okay, and they express SOME logic in the killer sentient puppets. Logic you could see from a mile off, mind you, but I like that they sat down and explained it a little. The closing “joke” is also okay. That is all the goodwill I have.
Finally, Titans:
So... Fuck this trailer. 
Let me explain some shit: Robin being some sort of cop, I can accept. That isn’t a bad idea, I think that happens a few times in the comics, even. no, the problem is just about everything after he whips the “R” into a wall or whatever he hit. 
For starters, Raven looks weird. Like she looks like a Half-ass Cosplayer. Now, while I’m a fan of Cosplay and see that you can do just about anything, long as the character is recognizable, she looks like the epitome of “No fucks given, lol.” and just going in pseudo-goth attire. And then the slightly infamous “Fuck Batman.” ... Yeah. “Fuck the guy that wanted to help me seek justice for my parents being shot.” “Fuck the guy who probably stopped me from slaughtering all these kinds of thugs in the past.” Fuck you, Dick. If this was Jason Todd or Damian Wayne, I’d go “Yeah, sure, why not?” BUT IT’S DICK GRAYSON! (Most likely) and if it isn’t, they are intentionally misleading people with this trailer, if you have to do that, you are part of a trash project. Although I will say I can’t weigh in on most of the costume, so that might look alright. 
Raven having to deal with a demon inside her as a more constant part of the show rather than “Whenever” is a good change if it is indeed put in. 
Beast Boy looks wrong. He looks like Trip from Time Force without the head gem. 
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Am I the only one who sees this?! I know “Green skin.” But that isn’t helping by much given that second look we got of him at the end where he looks to be a pale little shit. 
Star Fire looks god awful. Everyone says it, I say it too. “Prostitute.” She looks like a hooker with a wig, really whacked out eyes, and an outfit that screams “I will suck your whatever for the right price.” Her skin looks weird with that “Crawling” effect, AND FOR THE LOVE OF TZEENTCH, WHY ARE HER POWERS ORANGE FLAME!? WHY ISN’T SHE USING STAR BOLTS!?
Then there are Hawk and Dove seen mutilating some dude about as bad as Robin... and why? Why are hawk and dove lacerating some poor bastard’s knee? Some context for that would have been nice, especially when Dove looks to be the one doing it and she isn’t that sadistic! I don’t have anything to say about how they look because I didn’t get a good enough look.
And even if most of that shit isn’t a THING in this continuity, I still want to point out Raven’s demon thing and who she tells that too. I hate it when this shit happens in anything. “No such things as monsters.” That is actively harder to belive in ANY comic book universe.
TL;DR, Fuck all of these projects, they all look like garbage.
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