#I love my adhd bug daughter!
henchladyart · 1 year
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Some ladynerd
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storm-angel989 · 2 months
Master List Valentino
See the below for all stories starring Valentino!
Dad Valentino x Daughter Reader:
Valentino x Toddler Reader (Vox, I need a hand)
Valentino x Teenager Daughter (Papi! I need you!)
Valentino x Toddler Reader (Fix it, Vox)
Valentino x Toddler Reader (Butterflies)
Valentino x Elementary Age Daughter (Eye doctors Appointment)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (Daddy, I like girls)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (Papi, I didn't mean it)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (Introducing Vox)
Valentino x Seventeen Year Old Daughter (Introducing Vox 2)
Valentino x First Grade Daughter (Bullied)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (Welcome to Hell)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (Running Away from Home)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (A cut too deep)
Valentino x Younger Daughter (Beach Day)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (Sneaking Out, Sneaking In)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (Yeah, She Thinks She's Slick)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (It Gets Better, Mi Amore)
Valentino x Younger Reader (Tummy Bugs)
Valentino x Daughter (The Mayor)
Valentino x Daughter (Always Throw The Last Punch)
Valentino x Early Adult Daughter (We'll take care of it, right guys?)
Valentino x Daughter (I told you to stay inside!)
Valentino x Daughter (Extermination Day)
Valentino x Younger Daughter (No, My Kitty!)
Valentino x Y. Daughter (She's Hardheaded, Just Like Her Daddy)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (You Did What Now?)
Valentino x Younger Daughter (Thunderstorms)
Valentino x Daughter (How Did I Forget Her Birthday?)
Valentino x Teen Daughter (You Hurt My Daughter, I'll Hurt You)
Valentino x Trans Teen Daughter (I Love You For Who You Are)
Valentino x Younger Daughter (OTO: Lucifer's Party)
Valentino x Daughter (Diet Pills, Are You Fucking Serious?)
Valentino x Daughter (My best friend, Ana) Part One
Valentino x Daughter ( My best friend, Ana) Part Two
Valentino x Daughter (A motorcycle? Haha. You're Grounded.)
Valentino x Daughter (Insecurities Part One)
Valentino x Daughter (Insecurities Part Two)
Valentino x Daughter (Highs and Lows)
Valentino x Daughter (The fastest way to be grounded)
Valentino x Daughter (Aroace, there is a name for who I am)
Valentino x Daughter (Angel, if you tell anyone I'll kill you)
Valentino x Daughter (Sleep Depravation, part one)
Valentino x Daughter (Your body is perfect)
Valentino x Autistic Daughter (Negative Stims)
Valentino x Vox's Daughter:
Eres jodidamente estúpida, niñita? (Part One)
Eres jodidamente estupida, ninita? (Part Two)
Eres jodidamente estupida, ninita? (Part Three)
Eres jodidamente estupida, ninita? (Part Four)
Drugs n Memories
Valentino x Son
Valentino x Teenage Son (Angel Dust)
Valentino x Teenage Son (It wasn't your fault)
Valentino x Female SO:
Period Pains
That Time Of The Month, Goddamn It
He always keeps his promises
Body Changes Post Baby
Surgery? Like hell. (OTO Fluff)
Valentino's Sick Day (OTO Fluff)
Why yes, there is a kink for that.
Fuck off, Charlie
Love Your Body, Because I Do
Throw away the scale, mi amore
Girl's Night (OTO Fluff)
Tests Don't Lie, But Sometimes I Do
How does a moth even get a migraine? (OTO Fluff)
Fucking Angel Dust (OTO)
We're in this together (OTO Fluff)
What do you mean, ADHD?
Valentino x Employee:
Fighting For Control
On Valentino's Stage
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cairavende · 1 year
Worm Arc 9 thoughts:
Not enough of my daughter. Where is my baby girl? Though I do enjoy getting different PoVs. It'll work for a little bit.
Weld is neat. Didn't feel great about him at first but he grew on me. His scene with Vista made me love him. He's a good kid. (He should probably have learned Aegis, Gallant, and Browbeat's names before talking to the team the first time though)
On the note of that scene - THEY HAD A THERAPIST THIS ENTIRE TIME? The Wards had a therapist available to them and no one was having them see said therapist after 3 of their teammates died? Piggot is so bad at this.
Me reading Flechette's chapter with the aim of making her gay as I have done with everyone else: "Oh wow this is a really easy one!"
I wanted to see more of Parian sooo badly after I first saw her and I'm so fucking glad this is how I see her! Flechette and Parian are wonderful and I hope they get gay married and retire together.
Me saying that probably highly increases the chance that one of them dies in the future.
I'm very glad Flechette gave up on Shadow Stalker. I like Flechette and she shouldn't have to deal with that asshole.
I feel so bad for Clockblocker. He's just a kid and his dad is dying and that sucks. I wanna bake him some cookies or something.
The professor of that class was so clearly identifiable as "one of those professors". All "up until now you haven't had to think, but in Parahumans 103 you'll need to think and I'm not gonna baby you yada yada". It's still just a 100 level course dude, geeze. Get off your high horse.
Clockblocker and Vista are siblings and I love their dynamic.
Despite me feeling for these kids some, the second the Travelers started clowning on them I was enjoying the shit out of myself.
Fucking Trickster is just so much damn fun. His powers are cool and he really lives up to his name. I love him.
Glory Girl getting rocketed off into the sky by Ballistic had me in tears from laughter.
Kid Win has ADHD. I was sure Kid Win had ADHD before I even started on the Kid Win chapter where he says he has ADHD. Someone get this kid some Adderall. And some therapy for all that self doubt and imposter syndrome.
Kid Win also didn't even hesitate to illegally spy on Chariots personal computer by hacking into the wi-fi, so that doesn't give me great confidence in the Wards following rules. Or any heroes. I'm sure that won't ever come up again though.
These Slaughter House Nine guys I'm sure won't be a big deal. They won't do horrible things to hundreds of people. Gonna be taken care of by heroes off screen during the next arc. No worries at all!
Vista joined the team when she was 10? The superhero team that has to deal with death on a semi-regular basis and terrifying violence all the time. That team. She joined it when she was TEN?! Shitty system you guys have here!
Saved the best for last - SHADOW STALKER GETTING FUCKING MEMED ON BY MY WONDERFUL DAUGHTER! (And my daughters friends)
God I wasn't sure about her chapter at first. She is so mean and I didn't necessarily want to spend a long time in her head watching her be mean. But then my daughter showed up in a swarm of bugs and fucked up a bunch of Nazis and I knew everything was going to be ok.
The instant Shadow Stalker started to follow Skitter I knew she was gonna get fucking wrecked. I don't know why I knew, maybe I just know my daughter well enough. But no matter the reason I was so happy to watch it happen. Wasn't worried for Skitter at any moment cause I knew she was gonna bitch slap this asshole.
Just. Damn I fucking LOVE watching my daughter just be a goddess of bugs and go to town.
I could keep going about Shadow Stalker getting absolutely destroyed for who knows how long, so I'll just have to stop myself.
And we see a new person with the Undersiders, did Aisha get her powers? I'm so happy for her! I can't wait to see what they are.
Imp is a great name and it's kinda fucking bonkers it wasn't taken by somebody else already.
Did I mention Shadow Stalker getting clowned?
Cause she did.
Just completely baited and then my wonderful baby girl even got to tase her. I'm so happy for her. Sometimes a little violence is the answer.
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rottenbrainstuff · 2 months
Haha my middle kiddo is so much fun. She’s a teenager and she’s able to watch a lot of older media now, (like older audience I mean) but being ADHD/neurospicy, it’s sometimes hard to pin down things she might like because she’s not even sure what her own criteria are. Whenever she manages to find something she’s enthusiastic about it’s so neat, because it’s always some weird little thing I never would have guessed she’d like.
Recently we watched The Wall together. I thought that could go 50/50 either way… she tends to find older, more slower-moving stuff harder to hold her attention, but, she is also very interested in old music. Turns out she absolutely loved it, is listening to all the Pink Floyd albums now, and I am now receiving Wall memes from my teenaged daughter and she even edited a short little fan video. This is me right now:
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And then she started bugging me to watch this old show that she found on her own. It takes a lot of effort to persuade me to watch new shows but eventually I agreed, (man with IWTV that is TWO new shows right now!) and like, it’s actually super neat. It’s Takin’ Over the Asylum. It’s Scottish, it has a very young David Tennant, it’s about a dj working at a radio station at a mental hospital, because apparently in the uk hospitals have their own in house radio stations and I think that’s neat. It’s a neat little old show that I had never ever heard of before, well done on her for finding it.
Kids are so neat. I just cannot relate to parents who complain about their kids being annoying or say they don’t know what to do to spend time with their kids, can’t relate at all. My kids are great. Sounds like a skill issue to me.
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pentrologram · 3 months
my ideal batfam hcs but i suck at hcs :3
he’s fifteen, the eldest kid in the batfamily
his parents died when he was 8 and a half, 
the half is important because i’ve always thought of Dick being a sassy child. like if asked what his name is he will CONFIDENTLY say ‘it’s *Richard*. R-I-C-H-A-R-D. but my parents call me Dick :D’
so therefore if asked his age, if he thinks it relevant, he’ll tack on an ‘and a half!’ to the end of it or ask his parents for a more precise fraction.
“how long until my birthday, dad?”
“five months.”
“…can you put that into the halves-thingy, please?”
that was when he was younger, of course. he’s old enough to put it into fractions himself now
being a entertainer and all he’s got to be charismatic but a lot of it is natural for him.
adults find his quips endearing and his habits loveable
adored all around!!
he brought Barbara home once and Bruce was freaking out to you because that’s his (the Batman���s) best friend’s daughter!!! 
he was very nice to her and Dick seemed happy that neither of you made any offhand comments about her
that was three years ago. they’re still going strong
I’ll be real, i don’t know much about her
most of this is probably ooc…
she’s fourteen, younger than Dick by I think seven months?
i think you and Bruce would have adopted her when she was older than Dick, like eleven or so
she’s really chill
she balances out Dick’s louder side, and she’s a good listener when Dick wants to talk
i hc her as autistic here but maybe im projecting
she doesn’t directly interact with a lot of family events and just watches from the sidelines because she’ll get stressed out if thrown into them
i also think she loves witchy things. but not for the witchy pagan side of it. just because the crystals are shiny and the jewelry is cool
(me projecting)
i think she’s like the super cool super hot lesbian at school. like she skates to school and listens to paramore and tv girl and knows a lot about bugs (not enough to be seen as a nerd, but enough to be cool)
Bruce takes her to get her hair dyed and to trim up her fuzz? buzz cut side? every month
it’s like a daddy daughter bonding moment. they get ice cream before and then watch a movie after
Bruce has defo invited you but you declined, because it’s their special time! you don’t get that a lot in a family of ten
another girly I don’t know a lot about…
probably ooc too :(
i think you and Bruce adopt her when she’s also eleven and she’s currently twelve. so in some ways she’s still settling in
I think she has her fair share of behavioural issues for a kid her age, but not to the point where her future seems worrying
just enough to warrant behavioral therapy 
which she loves btw. her therapist has hotwheels and its the BEST
(her words, not mine)
she’s calmed down a ton and her therapist seems impressed with her progress
like, she doesn’t throw tantrums anymore, she doesn’t hit, she doesn’t say words she knows she isn’t supposed to (much) and she gets along a lot better with her siblings
i hc her with adhd
i also think she really likes sharks
she has a shark tooth necklace she found on the Gotham beach (how? you’ll never know)
Cassie is ten, adopted at eight
she’s autistic and she has selective mutism
shes not mute. she can hold a conversation within the family just fine at home but she just can't talk a lot of the time outside the house :(
she loves being babied
like she adores cuddles and hugs and she’s pretty clingy
like when she started second grade she cried because she didn’t want you to leave you alone :(
she's going to therapy and she got diagnosed with selective mutism and separation anxiety, but she’s doing better and rarely ever gets upset over her anxiety
we're still working on the selective mutism tho
he’s also ten (he’s four months younger than Cass and HATES it) but got adopted when he was four
he’s also a grade below cass since he was born on the cut. he’s really salty about it and hates whenever someone teases him about it
this is the curly haired, big smiled little baby boo boo that a bunch of people voted to kill a few decades ago
he's sweet and charming with strangers but easily riled up at home
always down for a fight, though he’s easy to fling like a bag of rice (which Dick LOVES doing)
he has small dog syndrome when he gets too much sugar in his system. 
also he plays CoD on Dick’s ps5
he sucks at it and calls everyone all the curse words he knows
(damn, crap, and ‘The F-One’)
Dick records it and posts it on his private story
he got adopted at five and is nine years old now
if asked, he says ‘i’m nine years, seven months, two weeks and three days old. and seventeen hours, fourteen minutes, thirty-two seconds and counting 🤓'
and he’s ALWAYS right to the dot
like what...
basically young sheldon (i’ve never watched the show, this is all from speculation and what my friends have told me about it)
he’s sleep deprived
no matter what you do… melentonin, reduced lights, less sugar, less screen time, reading to him, white noise… it never works. he’s perpetually tired
(in reality it’s a flashlight he keeps hidden in his bedroom drawer and a good book from his bookshelf that keep him up but he’ll never admit that)
he has a reading/writing level of a senior in high school at nine years old because of all the books he reads
Bruce is SO proud of him
he’s already planning for tim’s college career
he’s eight and just got adopted
he’s everyone’s baby brother despite Damian being the youngest
he still has a baby face too!!!
Dick loves taking silly photos of him or letting him play games on his pc
Tim and Duke share a room because Duke’s afraid of the dark and he doesn’t like sleeping alone
it’s a win win for the both of them since Tim reads Duke to sleep when he can’t fall asleep and Duke lies to their parents if they ask what Tim was doing all night
(‘Duke, what was Tim doing last night? I heard him shuffling…’
‘he was asleep, dad! he just had to get some water. he woke me up on accident.’)
cue cartoony wink to the camera 
Talia abandoned him to the two of you when he was three
he didn’t fully grow into the role of an assassin, but it still happened
he’s six now and his upbringing is apparent 
he’s blunt and cold (not unlike his father) and sneers easily
let me repeat: he is SIX
he roasts everyone in the house like there’s no tomorrow 
indecisive about an outfit? just ask him
if he uses more than three bad describing words, it’s best if you change
under three means its good
none means he likes it
Bruce always gets a kick out of seeing everyone get stunned to silence by a sharp-tongued six year old until that tongue is turned on him
i swear he just sits there like 😲while damian is telling him that his shoes are creased, his hair is filthy, and that he has no self respect
(dick records all of these encounters, but you have him under oath to not post them under ANY circumstances)
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the iconic trio but if they were normal kids with normal lives, normal parents and in a normal town
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this is a little peak of my modern/slice of life au that I love, it's literally one of the first things me and my bestie did when getting into mgs. it's very wholesome and cutesy, the exact opposite of its source material. I will talk about it fully later though, as I have other things planned for this month. This au is completely safe for other people to insert their OCs in. It is also set in Alaska, and most birthdates remain unchanged. But I'll give you some fun facts about this three little fucks and their normal lives as kids in my au.
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Eli Sears (12 y/o)
Son of John and Eva Sears
half white American half Italian (in my head Eva is Italian stfu)
is the middle child (for a few seconds) and gets treated like it
lives in a very fucked up family (fucked up in the Family guy way)
vapes (thinking it's cool)
the vapes are stolen from uncle Venom
he despised his brother since the day they came out of their mother
acts all mean and angsty but still cries to his mama when he can't do his math homework
thinks he is the leader of the trio
cant tie his shoes
has braces
is a bit of a bully, or at least tries
is in their chuch's choir (in this AU the Sears are Catholics)
has a skateboard
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Azedi Miller (14 y/o)
Adoptive daughter of Kaz Miller, that single-fathered her for most of her life
has a very deep and healthy bond with her dad, even if he is very overprotective
her race and ethnicity are the same, and she is still in touch of her culture even if she has been raised by an American man. But now she has a more southern accent, coping her dad.
at 14 she became a loving older sister of Catherine Miller was born
tomboy, and is a soccer champion
is the bodyguard of the trio (the one who protects and takes all the countabilty of their actions because she is the oldest)
tries to hold Eli from doing dumbshit most of the time, but at the end joins him
is a scout girl
has lived in the countryside in her first years.
gets herself into dangerous shit because her little ADHD brain tells her to do them
Azedi is neighboors with Quiet, that is Eli's cousin bcs in this AU she was adopted by Venom (don't ask why), and they are besties even if Az is 14 years younger than Quiet.
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Tretij Rebenok (12 y/o)
lives in a foster-care home
autistic and has been nonverbal since 7th grade
knows that he is slavic, doesn't know much else of his past
trans boy, but only his friends know about it (even though, since he didn't talk, they only ever adressed him with "It")
he is the racoon of the trio (lives in a trash can and bites)
scares a lot of people just by the way he looks and is banned from most public spaces
instigates Eli into doing dumb shit
deadname is unknown. Before he asked them to call him Tretij they just called him "the other one" or "third friend"
literally eats bugs
in his foster home he is a neglected a bit, so he may often look messy and he may stink
he has a burnt scar on half of his face (I had to make up for the canon scars)
evilest fucking kid ever
just hangs in the background most of the time thankfully though
Some other fun facts about the trio in the au
Azedi and Eli have known each other since they were born, since their dads are buddies. they met Tretij when they entered primary school and became the neighborhood's terrors ever since
they raid Ocelot's house every once in a while
Eli and Azedi used to communicate with Tretij with mostly sign leanguege, that they learned with Quiet (since she is also autistic and nonverbal in this AU), when he was nonverbal, even though they also didn't really need to sign anything with Tretij bcs he understood them even without gestures (since they are that close with each other :3)
Eli and Azedi had started dating at the end of Eli's 7th grade, but the only thing that they do different from what they do with Tretij is giving each other little kisses and calling each other petnames
also Miller despises Eli, but this is in all universes
they all have matching bracelets made by Az
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itz-bug · 1 year
Saw blue beetle today !!!! And i am happy to say it was very good and fun :D definitely go see it if you can
Gonna talk about it lots under the cut! To be honest, this post is more for me to just record my own thoughts for myself, but you’re welcome to read if you’re looking for the movie opinions of a certified Blue Beetle Enthusiast, or if you’re desperate to feed on the Ted Kord crumbs the movie leaves for its viewers. (To be honest most of it is me talking about Ted sorry. hes my bbygirl)
- very minor spoiler warning -
First things first:
Jaime was so good!!!! His character was so sweet and earnest, and they aged him up to around 22 (he’s literally just graduated from college), which I think makes him a very unique superhero. He’s just returned from school as a first gen college student and feels like he’s finally in a position where he can provide for his family, only to realize he’s still totally unprepared for the real world.
Speaking of family, the Reyes family is the backbone of the film, and each of Jaime’s family members is given their time to shine. Another breath of fresh air for comic book movies! Not only does the hero have a family, but the family consists of fleshed-out characters who all bring different strengths to the group. I liked Milagro a lot specifically. Like Jaime, she’s also been aged up and is now probably 17-18. I thought she was written super well. She’s sarcastic and relaxed, and her relationship with Jaime is perfect sibling representation. Milagro is given a surprising amount of emotional moments, adding to her depth but also not taking away from any of Jaime’s development. Honestly, if you’re on the fence about going to see the movie, go see it just for the Reyes family dynamic. They’re seriously all great.
The other main supporting character is Jenny Kord, Ted Kord’s daughter. Jenny is smart and resilient, and I enjoyed her a lot, despite her bearing very little resemblance to Ted personality wise. I know why she exists: to push the plot and act as the link between the two blue beetles. She’s also Jaime’s love interest because of heteronormativity reasons. Still, I thought her character was done very well. Jenny is half brazilian and thankfully NOT Beatriz da Costa’s daughter. Her relationship with either of her parents isn’t explored much. Her (unnamed and presumably unimportant) mother died when she was young, and Ted disappeared off the face of the earth when she was only eight— I think. To be honest, the timeline confused me a little.
Anyways, Ted Kord is portrayed very interestingly in the movie. Not in a necessarily bad way, though. Ted makes zero physical appearances in the film outside of a single, vague painting of his likeness where he has a mustache and maybe a beard (wow!). That being said, his face is totally unremarkable and unrecognizable. Which is fine. I’d almost prefer them to keep him vague unless they give him a full-fledged appearance.
BUT, there is a scene where Jaime has to change clothes, and Jenny offers him some of Ted’s old clothing, and Jaime walks out in a bright blue windbreaker tracksuit. It’s totally 80s, totally silly, and totally Ted. The nod towards not only Ted’s outrage fashion sense but also his 80s dad vibe was very much appreciated.
There are lots of little moments in the film where Ted’s silliness seeps through. His lab is one example. Jaime describes Ted’s gadgets as “batman but if he had ADHD.” In the Bug, the computer has a female robotic voice that addresses him as “Teddy,” which Jaime’s uncle compliments as sexy. Ohhh the Bug. Easily one of my favorite parts of the film. It’s beautiful. It looks just like it’s comic book counterpart, with the little trapeze rope swing and everything. It also has a “beast mode,” where, when triggered, the Bug plays 80s rock and starts destroying everything around it. It’s also capable of poison gas farts. Perfect. Ted’s personality shines through everything he’s left behind, giving me hope for whatever might be in store for his character on the big screen.
The only reservations I have about Ted’s transition to film would he his relationships. His sister, Victoria, functions fine as a villain but isn’t anything special. She’s a capitalist. She’s evil. Like Jenny, lacks similarity to Ted himself. As for Ted’s dead wife (sad but also it’s hard to care), Jenny describes her mother as the one who “showed Ted the world was worth protecting,” which doesn’t sit quite right with me. For one, it seems weird to make a dead, non-comic-canon character so relevant to Ted’s superhero origin, and also, I think Ted deserves a little more credit than that. I’d like to think he’s always been a good guy, plain and simple. It also means Ted couldn’t have been a superhero for very long, which I think detracts from his coolness. I think Jenny even said Ted became blue beetle when she was a young girl, so it sounds like he couldn’t have been a hero for more than like 10 years? It just seems like a strange and unnecessary change to make. Then again, I realize most of the people watching the movie care very little about the second blue beetle, so I guess I can’t complain too much while knowing the intended audience.
That’s not gonna stop me from talking about boostle though!!!!! Unfortunately, Booster Gold is not so much as even hinted at in the movie, which I kind of get but still mostly hate. It just feels wrong to have a movie where Ted Kord’s career is one of the driving plot points and Booster is nowhere to be found. They are a package deal, DC!! I wasn’t even really expecting a verbal mention of him. Literally just a gold star somewhere in the lab, or a pair of yellow visors, or a blue and gold poster, or SOMETHING.
The life of a boostle fan is one of disappointment.
Still, the optimist in me is saying to hold onto hope. There’s a Booster Gold series in the works, so maybe DC is saving up for a totally reinvented blue and gold origin, or there’s some connection between the two that has yet to be discovered. Hopefully. Surely DC wouldn’t be stupid enough to overlook one of its most iconic duos? haha?
Okay. This post has run a lot longer than I thought it would. Ultimately, Blue Beetle is a very good movie that does the characters of Ted Kord and Jaime Reyes justice. It’s fun and silly but also heartfelt. Even though there’s a few minor things I’m hung up on (because I’m insane), Blue Beetle did a lot of things right, and I feel like this movie has been one of the best comic book adaptations yet. Here’s to hoping we see a live action Ted one day, and he doesn’t totally suck ass.
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corvidcrowned · 1 year
twirls hair..... anzuuu <3 oh and uh kurumada mayhaps
Whoosh check THIS out—! BOTH
Anzu first :3
Headcanon A:  realistic. She loves sewing and makes all kinds of things,, since she made her own costume and all
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious. She wears her mask most of the time and accidentally jumpscares people with it all the time!
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends. She has a bunch of siblings and a single mom back home and dying twice felt like failing them. Of course, she wanted to live for herself too, but she also has responsibilities as the eldest daughter.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own. She’s disabled oaky :] autism+adhd and also has a wrist injury that never healed quite right(clown stunt oops).
And now.. kurumada!
Headcanon A:  realistic. He loves neon and bright colors so much his whole wardrobe is eyesearing<3
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious. Scared of bugs.. Anzu is like hey look at this cute little guy! And it’s a little stinkbug or something and he’s like EEP!!
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends. He’s claustrophobic… both his deaths were terrible.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own. He wears a ton of jewlery and it’s mostly metal stuff bc he likes the noise of it all clicking together!! He also wears his hair in dreadlocks most of thr time
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xxinkys-ocsxx · 6 months
Some oc x cannon doodles because I was in a silly oc x cannon mood :3
(+My amazing digital circus sona)
the profile of the oc I ship w/ sir pentious:
Name:Stella wonderling
Gender:Cis female
Sexuality: heterosexual
Species:Cheshire cat
Appearance:cervy body/light purple skin/yellow eyes/long eyelashes/black lips/dark purple hair/long dark purple tail
Clothes: white blouse, purple bow around her neak, purple trousers, black dolly heels
Dide in: 1930s
Job: tailor/part time babysitter at the hotel(I have lots of kid ocs lmfao)
Sins: wraph(murder)
Personality:sweet/kind/cuddley/down to earth/loving
Likes:kids/dancing/sleeping/cuddling/fashion/reading/having her hair brushed/trains
Other: is infertile/know sign language/her ex husband cheated on her because she couldn't have kids/have a love of trains/has written lots of poems
Then there's the oc I have as there adopted daughter:
Name: Alexandria
Nickname:Al, Alex(only every answers to Alex tbh)
Gender:Cis female
Sexuality: (bruh she's 10- she doesn't give a fuck about that-)
Species:door mouse
Appearance:brown skin, long brown hair, gap in her Teath, green eyes, mouse ears, mouse tail
Clothes:denime overhauls, off white button up shirt, black boots, plaster on her right arm, bracelet on her left wrist
Dide in: 1950s
Job: sir Pentious's assistant
Sins: wraph(accidental murder)
Personality: kind, caring, clueless, good memory, loving
Likes:singing, dancing, eating wires, chewing through dry wall, frogs, outside, running, bugs, dark
Other: as ADHD and Austim, can chew through dry wall with no problem, has a pet frog called snake, Once ate a live wire and her hair went all fuzzy and static, is half deaf, it's to loud? Simple, she'll just be louder(she'll scream until people shut the fuck up... And then crys because she feels guilty)
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l0vegalores · 6 months
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╰ ☆ ◞ dove cameron / ciswoman / she/her ——— no way is that AMITY DIMARCO? you know they’re TWENTY-FOUR YEARS OLD and they’ve been in los angeles for SIX YEARS. they’re chillin’ as a MUSICIAN & TATTOO APPRENTICE at SUCKER LOVE TATTOO. oh and they’re notoriously known for being QUIRKY but there are some people who have seen them be INTUITIVE. i heard they’re a part of a BAND called VALKYRIE, yeah they’re a VOCALIST. to be honest they sound a lot like SPIRITBOX, POPPY & REDHOOK. they’re actually pretty POPULAR.
the low down on amity dimarco + sonic interview
part one: statistics.
basic information:
full name: amity cobain dimarco
nickname(s): am/ams
age: twenty-four
date of birth: 3rd of june 1999
place of birth: new york city, new york
gender: ciswoman
pronouns: she/her
orientation: demisexual & panromantic
language(s) spoken: english
neighbourhood: los angeles
living arrangements: an apartment in los angeles
family ties:
mother: natalie dimarco
father: elliott dimarco
siblings: ashley dimarco
spouse / partner: n/a
ex: ley delgato
children: n/a
pets: a ferret called noodles & a sphynx cat called pluto
occupational information:
occupation: musician & tattoo apprentice
name of their act: valkyrie
so they play instruments? if so what?: vocalist
how long have they been a part of the act?: four years
current monthly spotify/apple music listens on average: 161.5k
physical appearance:
face claim: dove cameron
hair color: black/dark brown
eye color: blue
height: 5'1
build: slim
tattoos: lots... to be added
piercings: ears & nose stud
clothing style: dark colour palette, elevated goth, corporate goth, very much overdressed and always accessorises with lots of silver jewelry
distinguishing characteristics: freckled skin
mbti: INTJ - the architect
element: air
western zodiac: gemini
chinese zodiac: rabbit
positive traits: intuitive, empathetic, honest
negative traits: restless, petty, stubborn
hobbies: art, collecting crystals and bugs, writing and playing music
wanted connections:
band mates: amity's band valkyrie still needs her remaining bandmates, 2 guitar players, a bassist and a drummer
past fling/hookup: could be one of her band mates or someone else but i'm looking for people amity would have previously been involved with, keep in mind please she is demisexual.
coworkers: people who work with her at sucker love tattoo!
bonus info + headcanons:
technically amity and her twin brother ashley dimarco are nepotism babies as amity is the daughter of natalie dimarco (front woman for cherry revenge) and elliott dimarco (the son of abbie anderson, owner of pinnacle records)
she grew up in new york city but moved to los angeles when she was nineteen for college and has lived here since.
amity is diagnosed adhd so she is prone to talking real fast and being super scatterbrained
her and her ex riley delgato dated when they were 16-19 but broke up when amity decided to pursue college in los angeles.
she went to UCLA for a visual art program and graduated when she was twenty one, she's been on and off touring with her band since and has been working as an apprentice tattooer for six months now.
part two: questionnaire. 
start at the beginning, who are you and why are you important? there's a soft chuckle that falls from her lips before she rolls her eyes slightly. "important? i don't know about that but i'm amity dimarco and i'm the vocalist of valkyrie." her soft full lips shined with gloss as she smiled and tilted her head.
how long have you been making music? "god my whole life, literally!" there was a soft smile that formed on her lips before she continued on. "that's kinda what happens when you grow up around it. it's just always a part of you."
how would you describe the kind of music you make? the smirk on her features persists as she thinks of a way to answer this question indirectly first. "i would describe it as not for the faint of heart... so yeah heavy." she chuckles at the fact that she couldn't maintain her composure. "big grimey riffs and deep heavy bass and thudding drums you know. that's what i need."
what is the first record you ever bought? "you know i don't think i actually ever bought myself a record till after i moved to LA on my own because i just never needed to buy records." amity giggles to herself softly as she realises this. "i mean we always had so many records in our house and if we wanted something our parents either already had it or all we had to do was ask for it. so i think what happened was one day i was at a market in the city and this older woman had all these records out and they were all in really good condition i mean she really looked after them. and in them there was all these really unique artists from different countries, so i pulled out all kinds of different music. there was reggae and soul and funk records. i still listen to them all the time."
what are some stand out moments from your career so far? "i definitely think being able to present an award for the sonic alternative awards last year with my band. you know it's such an honour to be nominated and win but also to be able to be a part of that experience in giving that to someone else is really cool and i just love it, that energy it's really fun."
how would you describe your style of performance? what makes your shows worth seeing? "i think when you're playing heavy music especially there's this culture of play heavy, act heavy y'know? and it's like that's so fun and i love being able to give those aspects of myself an outlet, like the parts of me that need that space to get heavy and just scream it all out but i think what sets our shows apart is that willingness to dig deeper and get heavy and vulnerable, right? like let all that bullshit out in whatever way you need and just have this space to feel the music together.
what’s next for you? "honestly?" she smiled fondly again, "i'm really enjoying learning to tattoo and it's a really good artistic outlet for me. i love to draw and paint and you know it's a passion of mine so to be able to give people the gift of art on their bodies that's really special for me. the band will keep making music and we'll tour more but you know we all like to do our own things in between."
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lacomandante · 2 years
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        i think the biggest hang up i have when it comes to writing sharpe fics is the historical accuracy (adhd brain aside).I feel like I have to continuously start and stop bc there is just so much shit to look up and it ruins my creative flow and chips at my confidence. I have more pressure (that admittedly I put on myself, no one else does) bc this is set during a real period of history, I want to get it right. and yet it’s one of the hardest fucking things, imo, to research--but mostly for Teresa.
        i write a character who is a partisan, of which there’s very little primary sources except for those who were nobles and more prominent (ie; espoz y mina) while most were peasants. of those sources, most are either very specific to a region or in old fashioned spanish when spanish is already hard enough for me to read.
        not only that, it’s fucking hard to find anything on spanish culture and society during this time period or just before it. I can find things from the 18th century, but not the turn of the century nor pre-invasion of the French. I specifically had to buy a three volume out of print set of Manners of Spain, 1818 which they had to print and bind by hand bc none exist anymore. It’s so hard to find time period accurate stuff specific to Spain that isn’t about the english regency and it drives me up the wall. its hard to feel confident when there’s so much i don’t know and i feel like i’m groping blindly in the dark when it comes to specific, important aspects of Teresa’s life.
        and then there’s dates, geography, battles, skirmishes, how weapons work, travel, etc. little nuances that to me are important to get right. i’m also not religious at all, so even basic catholic things i know little about which is important culturally as well. i have more to bitch about when it comes to writing teresa but i’m sleepy and can’t remember all of it.
        i do love her though, and i do love writing for this fandom. i’m a whore for nitty gritty details which is why I think it’s such a challenge for me. there’s both too much information and not enough and it’s exhausting to make sure everything’s accurate. trying to write a fic about the retreat from talavera where i’m like, nobody says where in fucking portugal wellington retreats to? which building is it, if it’s in lisbon?? surely someone would note an important place like that. wait, when does sharpe leave to confirm his captaincy? how long is he in england? how will this work on the timeline?
       or like other things- the partisans were so vast and varied information can be all over the place. what was the Moreno wealth built on? why was teresa not married before she married sharpe? Could she have inherited the family business as the eldest daughter? what was she doing in galicia and how does she know vivar, or how did she meet hogan? how important is religion in her life, and how does it change after the french come? how would her transition from lady to partisan be when i don’t have any information on wtf society and culture were like? how would she transition after the war?? so many things
        i think the most important thing for me to remember is that while accuracy can be important (and will bug the shit out of me if i’m not 100% certain) it’s not the end all be all. It’s what the scene is trying to convey that matters the most. i have both the film and the book canon that i can pick and choose from at will to make work. The films leave so much out and yet add a lot in (especially for Teresa- the books are okay, but I’m 100% film based Teresa while adding her brother in), and even the author makes places and events up to get Plot Things happening. I can make shit up to make things happen to and am not beholden to history or accuracy, though i can get close to it. i think i can be forgiven as long as i love the characters and the stories i write for them.
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kleefkruid · 2 years
Hi! I am Lora. I live in Belgium. I speak Flemish, which is just Dutch with extra funny words. I'll get into what I'm about and what I post on here. But let me start with a quick summary so you immediately know you're at the right adress or not:
Mental health, mental ilness, D&D, art, biology, bugs, Belgian/european news/politics, queer shit, my cats, my aquarium, school,...
Now, let's get into the details!
What's my identity? I'm very loosy goosy with this. all pronouns are fine, I don't use any gender label, although I've jokingly refered to myself as 'gender disinterested'. I just don't wanna play! Sexuality is ehhh, people. I use bisexual in my daily life bc that is easier. I'm also not monogamous.
What's up with my brain? I'm diagnosed autistic, currently checking for ADHD. I have spend a lot of time in mental hospitals, dealing with depression, generalised and social anxiety, panic attacks, all the classics really. I spend 12 months on a ward that specialises in emotional regulation disorders, where I received dialectical behaviour therapy. I'm only back in 'the real world' for a few months now, so this comes up often. I'm working towards becoming a certified life experience avocate, a sort of middle man between patients and mental health/disabiliy workers. That's why I'm very open about this, but I always want to mention that you don't have to, and that it can make you a target to people who don't mean well.
What do I study? I have a degree in Graphic design, but based on my elective it would be better to say that I have a degree in illustration. I also went to art school in high school so I have a basis in a lot of things, like film, theatre, webdesign and so on. My comics are on instagram (english, Dutch) and in 'my comics' tag I also did 1 year of a biology bachelor and 1 year of social work, because I was a bit lost over the years. Right now I'm about to start a degree in applied psychology.
let's put the rest under a cut!
D&D I've been following Critical role for a long time, just getting into Dimension 20. I tag cr spoilers for anything relatively new, about 3 weeks or so. I usually tag with 'critical role' or 'Dimension 20' and then the name of the campagn so you can block these tags to avoid spoilers for specific campagns. I play myself but I don't have a group currently since I moved and pandemics and hospitals happened. I play a human druid, circle of the moon, who is bug themed. You all have official permission to talk about your PC's to me at all times!
Pets I have two cats, Marcel and Oskar, who are very sweet and very dumb. There's also a couple of strays that live on my roof, mother and daughter who I call Michelle and Kotelet. They continiously broke into my appartment to steal food so I started to socialise them. It's been going pretty well. I have a big planted community aquarium. It's a self cleaning eco system with a side sump. I have Giant danios and golden danios, amano shrimp, a mix of neo caradina shrimp, corydora's, apple snails, malasian trumpet snails and sulawesi snails. I had a giant african landsnail called Gertude, but she passed away very recently. I also have a box of powder orange isopods who used to be in the big terrarium with Gertrude. And a pot of springtails. I'm trying to turn the old terrarium into a paludarium (riparium to be exact) but I'm waiting on the next hyperfocus wave to finish this. All the stuff is currently in boxes in my livingroom, sighhh. Other hobbies man I widly swing from one to the next. Right now I'm doing crepe paper flowers. I do origami and paper crafts. I embroider. I read. I keep up my house plants and a bunch of stuff on my balcony. I cook. I sketch. I like fashion, make up and skin care. I love to research random shit. I've acted in a few things. I have a guitair I can't play. I bookbind.
Dutch - Belgium I sometimes post in Dutch. I will add the relevant translations in the tags. It's mainly regional jokes with other Belgians and Dutch people, so I can't always properly explain. I also blog a bit about local news. Belgian stuff gets tagged as Belgiumposting and everything relating to Europe or the other countries in it gets tagged as Europosting.
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Ok so here’s the basic framework of the Modern AU. All characters /rp underneath, of course. It’s basically my attempt to recreate c!Tommy's story specifically in a regular modern setting. There’s so much projection here sorry. Not all of it is obviously (I don’t have psychosis, for one, while c!Tommy here doesn’t have my physical health issues) but a LOT of it is sorry 4 traumadumping.
TWs for: death, accidental misgendering (of Fundy, who's an infant), dysfunctional families trying their best, ableism (especially anti-psychotic ableism), bullying, targeted harassment, gaslighting, manipulation, mental health issues, self hatred, suicide (by hanging), kidnapping, medical abuse, physical and psychological abuse, destruction of property as abuse, tampering with meds, overmedication, self harm, Stockholm Syndrome, drowning, imprisonment, broken bones, freezing, classism, gun violence, attempted murder, attempted suicide (by hanging).
After the unfortunate death of their mother, siblings Wilbur and Tommy Craft (along with Wilbur's infant daughter Theodosia) go to live with their father who they haven’t even met in years, Philza, along with their half-brother Techno, in the sleepy town of L'Manberg up north, far away from their previous home in the city.
While Wilbur has a strained relationship with his father, and somewhat resents having to leave behind his old friends (and girlfriend), Tommy's ecstatic to have his estranged dad back in his life, and idolises Philza. Philza, of course, genuinely loves and cares for his boys, but has to keep up a busy schedule to provide for his family and definitely subconsciously favours Techno, the only son of his first wife. All four of them and a crying infant being in a house barely big enough for two, with scant money to spare, tensions are high, especially so soon after everything. Everyone loves each other, of course, but it’s not a great environment.
Now, Tommy has always been kind of a “problem kid”, and he’s been kicked out of more schools than most people have ever been in. He’s kind of accepted what everyone else says about him, and embraces being a chaotic menace, even though he’s a very empathetic kid who has cried accidentally stepping on a bug on multiple occasions. Things got better once he was able to get into therapy- the autism and ADHD were picked up near-immediately, but his psychosis got overlooked for ages because it was rare in kids. Things almost felt like they were getting better, on meds and everything, until everything happened, and so he’s started getting into lots of trouble just to spite authority again.
There’s not really much of that in L’manberg, thought. The local police aren’t really used to doing more than getting cats out of trees and Sam, the local police chief, has a soft spot for kids despite his otherwise comical level of stickling to the rules. There’s probably less than a thousand people around, and most of them are as badly off or worse than the Crafts. Even at the school, Mr Halo is so energetic and genuinely kind to do his best that the worst Tommy really felt the heart to do was swear at him a bit (besides, the man was like seven foot tall and could probably snap him in two, not that Tommy was frightened or anything.)
The only person that Tommy can truly put his soul into pissing off is Dream.
See, Dream is one of the rich fuckers that lives in a big house, always wears fancy clothes, and always seems to be the happiest, sunniest man in the world. He's single-handedly keeping the town running, donating his seemingly endless wealth to keep the town alive despite everything. But there’s something about him that Tommy sees that no one else seems to. It’s all fake. An act. What he really wants is power.
So, Tommy and his friends he made during his time in L'Manberg- Tubbo, Jack, and Niki- make a game out of finding ways to take him down, Wilbur going along to supervise to get them out of trouble. None of them take it seriously, really, except Tommy. And Tommy does manage to find some evidence of this! Through eavesdropping, of course, but he’s done worse.
Tommy, genuinely concerned, tries to spread the word, but he’s met with resistance. Not that of natural skepticism against a random teenager, no. It’s weirdly specific. Everyone looking down on him with pity and fear and reassuring him it’s just his delusions, which is fucking weird because that was his private mental health stuff he hadn’t told them. Come to think of it, people have been treating him weird for ages, ever since he’d started his campaign.
(Maybe he was having delusions? He’d never had these before- the type he had was t one where it felt like he was rotting, dead, where he’d refuse to come out of his room or eat- but maybe the stress was getting to him. Maybe he was just getting worse.)
(No. No, of course he wasn’t. He'd saw shit before, felt things, but he'd never heard things that weren’t real. He didn’t do that).
Suddenly, it feels like the whole town has turned on them. Tommy, Wilbur, Tubbo, Jack, Niki, all of them alike. Everyone cold, everyone aggressive. Whispered rumours, pointed fingers. Even Philza had berated the two for doing something horrible they never remembered doing.
It all clicks, one day, when Dream takes his discs.
Now, Tommy has two discs he keeps locked away at all times. They were the last gifts he ever got from his mother, and have a lot of sentimental value to him. So it was a surprise one day to woke up to Philza yelling at him for stealing Dream's prized discs, and making him give him back. Wilbur tries to back him up, but Philza assumes Tommy can’t be trusted to remember anything and Wilbur is understandably but wrongly trying to protect his little brother, and he’s forced to hand over the last remnants of his mum to Dream, talking kindly about how Tommy couldn’t have known and should be treated fairly while giving him the biggest smirk whenever anyone wasn’t looking.
(Tommy won’t even consider how Dream knew about something only he and Wilbur knew for a long, long time after.)
But what he does consider is that Dream's been turning the town against them. Isolating them, getting everyone to hate them. Out of some sick sense of revenge, to get power back, who fucking knows, but it’s clear to Tommy that Dream's targeting him, and it’s clearer that Dream knows Tommy knows it.
Tommy, feeling guilty, seeks out Dream to make a deal. He'll stop doing anything to hurt him again, and he'll withstand whatever hatred Dream sends against him, but to leave his friends alone. Dream agrees, and coincidentally, every rumour against everyone but Tommy suddenly gets evidence disproving it, as long as he can also keep the discs, to keep control over him. Tommy reluctantly agrees.
(When he tries to tell, everyone says it’s all in his head, and asks if he’s taking his meds.)
Unfortunately, Wilbur never really recovered from the isolation. He starts to believe it’s all his fault for not stopping the kids from taking it too far, and that he’s a terrible influence to everyone around him. He starts lashing out or he just cries all day. He has panic attacks whenever he’s around his child, worried he'll somehow spread the evil he’s convinced is in him.
One day, he can’t be found in the home at all, and when they go out to search Tommy is the one who finds him hanging from a tree in the forest, lifeless and cold.
The funeral is quiet. Just the family. Dream visits the next day to give the grieving family a stipend, and treats Tommy like a sad little helpless child who doesn’t even understand what’s going on while flashing him unempathetic grins when no one else is looking.  Tommy tries to punch him and everyone looks at him like he’s insane.
Tommy starts acting out again, not knowing what else to do. It’s a desperate cry for help, but by this point everyone believes he’s such an unpredictable troublemaker that all he gets is frustration. This reaches a head when he graffitis a house with a new friend of his- Ranboo, who moved in recently too- and it’s painted as a step too far. A step towards irredeemability.
Of course, Dream approaches Philza with a kind-seeming offer. He’s seen how troubled poor little Tommy is, and how it must be because of his trauma losing so much of his family so soon. And, see, he actually has some knowledge in how to help there, and a nice summer house by the coast, and he’d be willing to take some time out of his schedule to take Tommy somewhere nice, help him through some therapy. He really stresses that it might be the only way that Tommy will be able to stay in society, and at his wits end and convinced Dream is trustworthy, Philza agrees.
It’s the middle of that night he takes Tommy to his “retreat.” Groggy, unaware of what’s going on, he's barely awake and unable to really resist as he’s loaded into a clean, luxury car with a suitcase containing the small amount he owns. He falls back asleep in a few minutes, and when he wakes up in a car he doesn’t know, in a place he doesn’t know, with the man he blames for killing his brother. So he’s understandably terrified.
Dream, of course, eagerly explains exactly how he tricked everyone, and how now Tommy's under his guardianship now, and he’s going to make sure he’s never going to be able to pull any of his stunts anymore. This, predictably, makes him panic more, to which Dream responds with confusion, denying what he said just seconds before so convincingly it’s hard for Tommy to argue he didn’t just make it up. And really, the idea that he’s been getting worse, and that Dream's taking him somewhere comfortable to heal seems far more believable, right?
It takes a long, long time for them to get to the home, in a too-posh looking town named Logstedshire. The home is probably as big as Tommy's home times ten, is immaculate in appearance in soft colours, and it looms like a prison.
Time here is anything but therapeutic.
Everything in Tommy's suitcase is burnt in front of him. Even what belonged to Wilbur. He burns his hands desperately trying to comb through the ashes and his wounds are left untreated as punishment. Horus later, Dream asks with concern about how Tommy burnt his hands, and looks at him strangely when he mentions the suitcase. As he bandages Tommy's hands, he explains that there never was a suitcase.
This means his meds are destroyed, but he’s been given something. Something that leaves him so so tired he falls asleep on his feet all too often and feels dizzy and drowsy whenever he is awake. And he feels so sick, coming off his meds, to the point sometimes he can’t leave his bed, not to mention his actual psychosis getting worse again. Dream insists he's been given the same antipsychotics as always.
The rules are ever shifting, contradicting and nonsensical. Tommy inevitably breaks multiple a day. The punishments are ever shifting too. Sometimes he's dragged by his hair into his room and shouted at until he cries, then locked in there. Sometimes he's refused food. Sometimes Dream beats him. Sometimes he uses a knife.
Of course, afterwards, Dream would always look at him confusedly, and explain what really happened. Tommy locked himself in his room, of course. Tommy was too sick to eat. He threw himself down the stairs, and made the cuts himself. Self harm is common in traumatised children, after all. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s just that he’s having delusions, and it’s scary, but Dream's kind of like family, right? He'll always be there.
(When Tommy actually scratches at his skin until it coats his bedsheets in blood, the only acknowledgement it even gets is Dream making him scrub it clean).
But the in betweens feel so normal it feels difficult to not believe Dream. A lot of the time, they just talk, or play games together. Sometimes, they go out to the beach and have fun swimming (and sure, maybe Dream sometimes dunks him under the water until he's flailing and panicked, but that’s just a joke, right?) And he always cares for the injuries that Tommy must be calling himself, and is so gentle and kind when doing so, even when he says softly that Tommy hasn’t earnt painkillers. And when he talks about how it’d be so easy to fly away somewhere, forge some documents, and then they can be a real family, that’s just a joke, right? It has to be, right?
(No, no, no, no. What was he thinking? How could he make up Dream smugly talking about how much fun it was to have complete power over someone, even being able to change their memories, even if minutes later he acted all confused over Tommy's shouting? Why were there so many locks on each and every door? Why was he never allowed to speak to anyone but Dream? This wasn’t right. Right?)
Things come to a head when Tommy, terrified, tries to phone back home and tell them he was in danger. While he’s desperately trying to remember the number through the brain fog, Dream comes across him, and in a rage destroys what few possessions he was allowed to keep, beats him so badly he breaks one of his arms, and throws him in his room. He’s confident that Tommy won’t be able to stand, let alone leave, that he doesn’t bother to lock him in.
Filled with a sense of determination, and convinced by the violence that Dream WILL kill him some day inevitably, Tommy uses all the strength he has left to crawl out of the house, and aimlessly across the roads. It’s a freezing cold night, and Tommy's in thin pyjamas, but he doesn’t even hesitate to desperately try and find somewhere safe, somehow make his way aimlessly home. When he inevitably collapses, he's far away enough from Logstedshire that his family, not Dream, are the first people contacted.
After hearing about and seeing the injuries and decline Tommy clearly went through, it’s clear to the Craft family that whatever happened to him was anything but helpful. Spindly limbs, overgrown and messy hair, scars across his whole body, and that’s not even getting into the broken arm and frostbite. Yet, there’s no actual evidence that Dream did anything. Tommy himself switches between insisting Dream is going to kill everyone and desperately calling for his “big brother Dream”, barely even being able to recognise his own father or half-brother, and there’s a litany of believable excuses for everything. Besides, the Crafts have little, and Dream has so much. It’s clear that, no matter how much anyone knows that Dream's committed horrific crimes there’s nothing they can do.
So people huddle together. Tommy's transferred to the closest hospital, and his friends watch over him in shifts. People watch over the Craft house, the gravestone for Wilbur. As soon as Tommy's allowed out of the hospital- he insists on leaving as soon as possible- someone's always on guard sleeping outside Tommy's door, just in case. Tommy detests being treated like glass like this, but at least he’s being believed.
And then the town starts burning.
One building at a time. It’s clearly arson, yet there’s never enough evidence for the obvious culprit. Never too close to the big house everyone's been terrified to approach.
In the middle of the night, Tommy sneaks out to try and put an end to this. Dream's burning the whole place down because he’d rather destroy all his toys than not have complete control- but Dream had control over him, right? Maybe, maybe he could make a deal. Maybe it’d be better if it was just him being hurt.
(Tubbo sneaks out with him, of course, and sends a tip to the police. He has the suspicion this is exactly what Dream wanted.)
Dream is enthusiastic to see Tommy, less so to see Tubbo. But it’ll be fine! After all, he and Tommy are going to be out of this shithole as soon as possible, all trace of them deleted, and if the town that abandoned him has to deal with a corpse in the process that’s of no care to him. He'll be a new man, with a new little brother, and he'll find somewhere else to start the whole cycle again.
Tommy and Tubbo try their hardest to fight back, but they’re unarmed teenagers, and Dream came prepared. For his own amusement, he forces Tubbo to say a last goodbye at gunpoint… and then the doors are busted down.
Now, this was enough to get Dream locked up, considering Sam and co literally walked into Dream holding a loaded gun at an unarmed teenagers head and a whole lot of forged documents and suspicious shit after searching his house. Not for long enough, especially when several pieces of evidence go mysteriously missing, but enough for everyone to breathe a sigh of relief for just a second, to try and move on.
Tommy heals more than he ever has. People learn to not treat him like glass or like an unreliable tool, and more like a kid. The whole town basically unofficially adopts him, at this point. He works on repairing the tone with Sam- something others might consider a chore but something he loves. He dyes a streak of his hair the same pink as Techno, and starts getting to truly bond with him. Philza still feels so guilty that he and Tommy have distance, but it’s healing. All seems fine.
Until Tommy visits Dream in prison.
It’s something he insisted on for so long, to try and get a sense of closure, but when finally reluctantly allowed, it went disastrously. The whole time, Dream showed a scary sense of calm (like this was his plan all along, like he’s not even got a setback), and spent the whole time subtly hinting at stuff happening in Tommy's life he really shouldn’t know- either after he was imprisoned or long before they met- and that after he's released he’s going to go through on kidnapping Tommy and changing both of their identities, subtly enough that only the two of them knew, and Tommy's sudden breakdown and panic attack seemed almost completely out of nowhere from anyone else.
That night, when he gets home, he tries to do what Wilbur did.
Thankfully, Philza finds him before he’s too badly injured- most of his injuries came from him trying to claw himself free- but Tommy doesn’t get better after being cut down. In the months following, his hair starts turning grey and falling out in clumps. He barely eats. Barely talks. His flashbacks are so violent sometimes he lashes out at his family and friends. While sometimes he gets fleeting joy still, it disappears quickly. As Dream's release date gets ever closer, he talks hopelessly about how he knows that he'll immediately go after him, and immediately take him away forever, which grows more towards a tired acceptance as they count down the days with baited breath.
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Fic request: Damian either ruinting with or reminicing about his mom? (Maybe with his s\o)
Thank you darling! I forget about requests in my replies a lot 😅 adhd brain
How can someone so small hold so much power over him?
“Baba!” 10-month-old Asha wiggles as her father changes her diaper. Not the worst thing the Omega couch had seen by a mile.
“Yes, my love? What’s on your mind?” Damian nods as his daughter babbles at him. Brilliant green eyes take in the room around her, Asha continues wiggling. “Asha Nuri, if you keep moving like that, you’ll fall.”
“Oh? You expect Baba to save you?” He teases, lifting her up. The baby kicks her legs excitedly, giggling. How? How can such a simple sound soothe him so? Did he ever have this effect on his mother?
The thought makes his throat close. Better to push it away than ruin this time with his child. Especially if Asha insists on shrieking at every noise.
The door behind him opens, his fiancée’s bright voice ringing out, “Well, hello to you too, Lightning Bug!”
Irey leans over the couch to kiss him, then lifts Asha up. More delighted squeals fill the room as Irey tickles Asha, cooing to the baby. Such a common sight now a days, yet something about it makes his heart ache. Noticing the strange look on his face, Irey tilts her head at him.
“You okay, Damian?
“Nothing, love, just thinking about my mother.”
“We’re going to see Selina tonight?” Irey says, then sees the look on her fiancé’s face. “Ah, other mother.”
“Apologies, I know you don’t like her—“
“Damian. She’s still your mother.” Irey moves over to the kitchen, making Asha a bottle. Poor thing had inherited her mother’s appetite.
“I just…I don’t know. I keep asking myself how anyone can…can watch their child being abused and turned into a weapon.” Damian looks at Asha, who’s more interested in her food. “I was that small once. Someone had to care for me and…and I keep having dreams of Mother reading to me as you do with Asha.”
“And you’re not sure where the dreams meet reality?” She guesses, joining him on the couch.
Damian nods, unable to meet her eye, “I know what she’s done. Logically I know she has done inexcusable things—“
“But she’s your mom.” Irey’s soft voice nearly breaks him. Gently, she lifts his chin, “I grew up with Lian, Dami. I know it can be hard.”
“It’s not just hard. When I have those dreams…if they are real, then when did it end? At what age did Mother decide I was too old for such…such comfort?”
“I don’t know.” Irey says softly, “I don’t think kids ever grow out of that need. They just learn who can and will give it to them.”
“…I don’t want Asha to grow up and…and—“
“She won’t.” Irey promises, “You’ve got an entire messed up family that will kick your ass before it gets that far.”
They sit in a comfortable silence until Asha finishes her bottle. Damian gets up to put the diaper things away. Trading the bottle for her pacifier, Irey passed their daughter to him. Damian smiles down at the baby as she yawns, tiny hands grabbing his shirt. Full and content and safe. Irey wraps her arms around them both.
“You deserve this, Damian.” Irey murmurs, head resting on Asha’s.
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“I know,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to Irey’s head. “I love you both so much.”
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“We love you more.”
“Not possible.”
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What is/are your favorite part(s) of JJBA?
Hi anon I'm so glad you asked! :)
Tldr: Parts 2, 5, and 6!!
My thoughts and opinions (shorted and simplified) on each part thought anyway:
I don't hate phantom blood, I really do appreciate it serving the purpose it does with Jonathan and Dio's backstory and I think it sets up the foundation for the Joestar curse and everything else very well, I just don't really like rewatching/rereading it because I do admit it does feel a bit slow at times, which is funny given its the shortest part, but I love Jonathan - he's very sweet and charming and a good protagonist it just kind of sucks himself as character (him being alive/not just his legacy) is tied to part 1 and my opinion on part 1 is unfortunately a popular one so he doesn't get as much attention, probably fuelled by parts 1 and 2 being pre stand jojo, which just sucks :/
I have a love hate relationship with Joseph. I hate what he did to Suzi Q but I also really love his himbo thot ass character in part 2. Joseph in my eyes is what fucking carries part 2 (besides bloody stream being best anime op. Fight me) He can be very dumb, but also very smart. He can be a coward, but also very brave. He can be very annoying, but I miss the fuck out of him as main protagonist once stardust crusaders starts. Part 2 definitely has its problems I'm definitely not overlooking that, however it's storytelling and main cast of characters is one of a kind in jojo and I feel has never fully been truly "replicated" (but with has most definitely came close in certain parts) when it comes to its feel it has, or at least the feel it has to me.
Stardust crusaders. Jotaro. If there has ever been a character more mischaracterized by the fandom, its definitely fucking him. Jotaro isn't this "emotionless edgelord" that fucking hates everything and that he's "forced" to go to Egypt to save his mother because he's morally obligated to. No, we've seen it over and over again the opposite in fact; he cares a lot - yeah he called his mother a bitch but immediately he's willing to go all the way to Egypt to take care of his great great grandfather's old rival and take on his family's curse just to save her life - he's just fucking absolute dogshit when it comes to communication and expressing himself, you know a character flaw, that he comes across as the fucking stereotypical "tough guy, jerk emotionless protagonist". Jolyne has every right to feel the way she does about him, yes I'm not making excuses but I get his motivation at least in head, even he knows this and is willing to bare the resentment his daughter has for him by staying out of her and her mother's lives if that meant that all of his crazy family bullshit for as long as he can make it so not effect her life for as long as he can and he made it work for 19 years but immediately when she's in prison past starts keeping up he's on the way and he's there for her. But again his communication skills are dogshit so can't really express this to her without being... Jotaro. I know I dug a little into part 6 here but Jotaro is a somewhat complex character, I can relate to because my irl communication and expressing of myself is... really bad and I too can come off as rude and mean when I don't want to (bc adhd and autism for me) it just seeing fandom interpretation of his character really bugs me so it unfortunately effects my enjoyment of part 3 a lot. But I really liked the introduction of stands, the core crew is like a family, and the final fight with DIO 😚👌*chefs kiss* im gay for anime violence.
Diamond is unbreakable is cool, I really like Josuke, I liked the stands and fights in this part for the most part. It's just the whole Joseph thing that really.... eh for me. Again, love hate relationship with him - this is the hate part. Like one hand we do get Josuke out of it but on the other Joseph cheating on Suzi Q WITH A FUCKING AT THE TIME COLLEGE STUDENT just 🧍🏻‍♂️I felt came literally out of nowhere and was like a somewhat random bs excuse for Josuke to still be a Joestar. I do want to say I don't blame Josuke's mom either, I wouldn't imagine Joseph at the time telling her he was married (I think it's been a while since I watched this part) and you know, again, she was a COLLEGE STUDENT and he was an older man and she was left a single mother out of it so feel for her, her and Suzi Q were both cheated out of it at the end of the day. So part 4, I liked but... Joseph 🤛
Golden wind. Listen, it's Golden wind if that doesn't say all it needs to that I don't know what will 🤷🏻‍♂️ also Giorno's shitty abusive upbringing I can relate to a lot bc my childhood was shitty and abusive as well 🙃
Stone oceans ending is the hardest I've ever cried at a manga. I just fucking hope the anime can live up to that, the anime onlys are not fucking ready. Hell, I wish I was an anime only so I could relive seeing it for the first time all over again. Stone ocean is my favorite part of all of Jojo and I'm not even talk about it further to avoid spoilers to those anime onlys who may just so happen to come across this post. Part 6 is a part that deserves to be first experienced with a fresh pair of eyes and no spoilers.
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Oh and I'm not that familiar with parts 7 and 8 so I don't think I have the right to talk about them 🤷🏻‍♂️ but I do believe with part 6's ending their existence and their own fan love is justified.
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