#I love rambling about cool critters
herebecritters · 2 years
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Hey guys, how ‘bout a fun fact science corner? I’m wanting to talk about Kimbetopsalis Simmonsae. I know it’s a big word, sadly we don’t have common names for most extinct animals so any creature that hasn’t existed within the last 1000 years is gonna be a mouthful.
Now what does Kimbetopsalis have to do with Cro-Marmot and Dumuzi? This is where science and my headcanons merge.
So Let’s talk Dino-Sore days.
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If Cro was around during the age of the Dinosaurs, that dates him all the way back to the Mesozoic era. So let’s throw him at the tail end of the Cretaceous period, when the most popular of the giant reptiles reigned, tyrannosaurus, the titanosaurs, pteranodon, ect.
Marmots did not exist at any time during the entirety of the Mesozoic. In fact, though many of the mammals that lived during that time were very rodent like, true rodents did not even appear for another 10 million years after dinosaurs were wiped off the face of the planet. And marmots did not evolve for at LEAST another 48 million years after THAT.
So Cro and his sister Dumuzi could not have been marmots. So then what were they?
Time to put on my paleonerd hat.
Meet Kimbetopsalis Simmonsae
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To the left we have paleoart of what we believe Kimbetopsalis to have looked like, and to the right we have a modern day marmot. Not too drastically different, eh?
Now here’s what’s really cool about Kimbetopsalis. We have fossil evidence that tells us that they are one of the few survivors of the K/PG mass extinction. That’s right, these are one of the legendary mammals that survived the famous asteroid impact that wiped out all the non-avian dinosaurs and played a role in bringing forth the Age of Mammals. If it weren’t for little survivors like them, we wouldn’t be here!
Kimbetopsalis is part of a group of mammals that no longer exists, the multituberculates. These group of animals survived for 130 million years, dying out and disappearing from the fossil record forever in the late Eocene. But don’t be too sad! Multituberculates existed for longer than ANY other group of mammaliforms, including the one that you, I, and every canon character of htf belongs to. The placentals. Today there are only three living groups of crown mammals (aka true mammals): the monotremes (such as the platypus and echidnas), the marsupials (such as kangaroos and opossums), and the placentals.
Now I could go on forever about taxonomies but trust me we’d be here forever. Especially since we are still learning what we can to fully understand mammal evolution. You see, the fossil record for Mesozoic mammals is scarce. Mammals did not get much larger than a badger throughout all the Mesozoic so they did not fossilize easily. Most of what we know about them from that time is from small fragmentary remains, mainly teeth. But despite very few full fossils having been found, we are learning and discovering something new about our ancient mammalian ancestors every day. What we know is constantly changing, but that is the nature of paleontology.
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Like I said. We’d be here all day. So let’s move on.
As far as mammals go, Multituberculates like Kimbetopsalis were very common during the Mesozoic. They are easily identifiable by, you guessed it, their teeth.
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As you can see, the molars have some crazy cusps on them, also known as “tubercles” hence the name. Their teeth are designed for chomping and crunching all kinds of vegetation. These teeth are very unique among mammals and probably helped them to have a generalist diet which would have aided them greatly in surviving the aftermath of the Chicxulub asteroid impact.
Anyways, Kimbetopsalis is a survivor and a cool little critter, much like Cro is. They lived among the largest land animals to ever walk the earth. They survived the horrifying event that saw an end to the Age of the Reptiles.
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I dunno bout yall, but I just think that’s pretty neat.
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doodlboy · 1 year
I feel like Steve Irwin rn, just ran halfway across hyrule [almost beefing it a couple times] following a dragon bc I wanted a really good picture of her for my compendium
"Look at that beauty!" *falls into the depths of hell*
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donutz · 7 months
yeah fs! It would be alr if you did one where reader continuously like rub Catnap's ears! ^.^
Okay! ^_^
Catnap x touchy(not weirdly) reader
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—☆You are a human in this
Being a little kid, who’s an orphan, at a big place with a bunch of toys can make you quite interested in things. There’s a lot to explore, people to meet, toys to see, and a bunch of colors to look at.
When you’re basically living in this factory, you can get bored. Even with everything that’s going on.
But if you’re being taken care of by some toys? You can’t really get bored.
Especially at 5 years old.
There’s these animals, called Smiling Critters. And they take care of you! They all love and cherish you. You were shy, but they really brought out your social side.
Anyways let me stop rambling, there was this cat. That cat didn’t interact with the children, unless it was bedtime. But during the day, he was gone.
Well, not completely. Sometimes he was but you have no idea where he was at those times. When he was actually here, just not interacting with kids, you’d always see him in a high place. Watching everybody.
But when you stare at him for too long, he moves. Yet you still find him every single time.
You wished he didn’t run away from you :(.
Since you’re a good kid, you went to sleep at the times you were supposed to.
But since he came out when you’re supposed to sleep. One night, you decided to stay up and roam the halls.
“Why are you gonna stay up?”
“Because I wanna see the kitty!” You whispered to your friend.
“What kitty?”
“The one that comes out at night!”
Your friend was a little wary after hearing that, they didn’t know that!
“That’s spooky…”
“Well I like cats!”
“Are you gonna come with me?”
They shook their head, making a mumbled, ‘auh auh’ (Idk, I tried my best trying to give that a word)
“I’m too sleepy…”
Then, after that you waited, until it was bedtime. You opened the door, looking at both sides, making sure there wasn’t any other critter lurking around.
Then, you stepped out.
It was quite cold in the halls, but it was fine you had your robe, long pants and slippers.
You looked back one second, turned around and there he was!
You let out a gasp, “Kitty!” And gave him a hug.
He looked at you, processing. Why were you hugging him?
Whatever. You needed to sleep. But they said to not use the gas. He doesn’t care about what they say, but he didn’t want to give you nightmares.
Plus, you were pretty warm.
So to not let go of that warmth, he picked you up.
“Oh! Kitty you’re so strong—!” He looked up at you, carrying you with one arm, he put a finger over his wide smiling mouth.
“Oops, sorry.. ^_^” He carried you over to your room, wait. Where was your room?
Great, now he had to ask.
“Where’s… Your room..?”
“Oh, I don’t know!”
He could take you up to the ‘adults’ but—
You started petting his ears. “Your ears are so fluffy!” You said while whispering.
Out of his control,(kind of) he started purring. You let out another gasp, “You purr too?”
“You really are a kitty!”
Fun fact, you loved cats.
Another one, you just might be his favorite kid.
Since he didn’t want to take you to the adults, and didn’t know your room number(even if your friend tells you multiple times) he took you to his critter room. Even if no kids were allowed in there.
All of the critters were asleep, except for him, of course.
He placed you on his bed, and went on it too.
And he stared. Waiting for you to sleep.
“Oh yeah, what’s your name kitty?”
“... Theo…”
“(°〇°), Theo.. That’s a cool name..”
He got off his bed and started to leave. Because of this, you did it too, and followed him. Though he knew you were doing this he didn’t stop.
He randomly sped up and ran to another place. It was so abrupt, you weren’t able to catch up!
By the time you turned a corner, he was gone. But his lavender scent wasn’t. You followed and followed it. 
Until it led to the school. Even if you’re not supposed to go there at bedtime, you wanted to catch up with Theo.
And you can want to catch up with Theo at any time!
Oh great! You found him!
But he was bigger. Lankier. He wasn’t the smaller and plush cat you just saw.
That’s still Theo.
So you didn’t care, you followed and followed, until it led you to a big play area, with different colored soft blocks used as a structure.
This place is really big. Anyways, Theo!
You saw him go to this smaller area, you went inside and saw him. Sitting, bending over just to see you.
“Theo!” You exclaimed, raising your hands in celebration.
Of course, you gave him a big hug.
“That was a nice game of tag! But I’m sleepy…”
Theo used his long tail to grab you, gently. He brought you to his bed, and sat you there.
“Oof!” Then he wrapped himself around you, cuddling against you.
You turned around and laid against him.
“You’re so warm, Theo.” You softly held his tail. And as you went to sleep, you could hear a loud purr.
After that, you found Theo every time he was hiding, but instead of just looking you called his name.
But every time you did, he left.
A day after that he told you to not call him out. Just stare at him. But when he’s down, actually on the ground, you could come to him, but call him Catnap.
He doesn’t want them to get mad at him again.
And now almost routinely, because sometimes you wanted to just sleep, you went out of your room at bedtime just to see him.
It got so bad that he even allowed you to just hug, rub his ears, and play with his tail whenever.
He even started coming down even more. Just for you.
The critters noticed, Dogday even asked about it but Theo stayed silent.
You were special. Special to him.
Even after all these years. Even after getting adopted. Even after you arrived.
Coming back to the place that was once called home.
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kittencomicslol · 2 months
Gyutaro x Artist but gyutaro is their Main Muse and they just lobe drawing or sketching him!
Gyutaro x Artist! Reader headcanons :3
His body is so so cool and I love drawing it and writing about it gyah he’s so cool.. you will definitely hear my rambles and interest in his funky little critter body in this.
Only possible tw would be Gyutaro struggling w why anyone would find him pretty but that’s a given so yah
I’m so sorry this took me a long time to put out, I know I say this like every blue moon I post but my life is fr crazy 😭 it’s getting better tho. I just do these for fun and comfort and i appreciate prompts/requests for when I’m in the need to relax and write about my favorite little guy
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•Gyutaro has not a single clue why you seem to be so infatuated with creating art of specifically him
“The entertainment district has so many unique pretty people in it, those who are leaps and bounds more handsome than he is. So why him?
•At first he was even angry to think you would try to gaze upon him in an artistic light before anyone else. He was hideous, he didn’t deserve to be drawn or painted.
•But you didn’t seem to think so
•He would never admit it and prefer to only display his annoyance, but he really was flattered the first few times.
•When you asked to draw him he laughed, because why would you want to do such a thing? He thought you were joking. You were in the entertainment district, a place with some of the most beautiful people in all of Japan!
•But yet.. you insisted on doting upon his hideous form and praising his appearance. showering him with gifts from your natural talent of creativity and your dedication to craft.
•Of course he was envious at first.. of course you were talented. beautiful, nice, and talented. He hated all of those things.
•But he didn’t hate you.
•Gyutaro would unconsciously be annoyed due to thinking your artistic ability is natural born talent. It wasn’t fair how so many humans were blessed with those gifts while he himself seemed to only be cursed with suffering and imperfections.
•Though, after watching you work and create so many different pieces even he himself was able to notice how subtly you improved or when you messed up.
•And of course he noticed because no matter if he would express it or not at first, he adored you making art of him.
•Gyutaro was naturally a very attentive demon. The man grew up on the streets racked with danger and disease. Such living conditions were a constant battle to survive and in order to do so, he needed to be aware of his surroundings.
•His nature to pick up on smaller things only intensified when Ume was born because now he was watching over her, and he deemed her life as bounds more valuable than his own.
•He loved seeing you fail or mess up at your art.. and it wasn’t in an exactly sadistic or crude way like he would feel when seeing others fail. With you, it felt like he was watching you learn and grow. He was witnessing your failure and proof that your talent wasn’t natural, You had to work for it. And something about that struck a chord in him.
•Embarrassment was always a very common emotion for him to express when you asked for a better look at him.
•’I want to see your back better, I need to see the way your spine curves.’
•‘Let me see you up close so I can get your birthmarks right’
•‘Can you show me your hand?’
•Every single little question you asked always gave him butterflies, both from nerves and him becoming flustered.
•But over time as you two bonded; he became much more comfortable with sharing his body with you.
•His small crude comments about how ‘pointless’ your art of him was gradually turned into quiet mumbles of appreciation or gentle praise.
•Sometimes, if you get lucky he will allow you to touch him. Trailing your hand down his odd protruding spine, or delicately brushing your fingers over his ribs that were barely covered by his skin.
•One time he even let you feel his stomach.. if you could even call it that, and where his abs were just to see how his strange anatomy worked. That interaction didn’t last for long as he got far too flustered and anxious to let you continue, but it was still fascinating nonetheless.
•Gyutaro was almost constantly put off but your compliments about the parts of his body he hated the most.
•His disgusting marks? They were pretty, and looked like paint on a canvas to you.
•His visible ribs? They were unique, a wonderful oddity.
•His crooked spine? One of your ‘favorite parts’ of him to draw
•His bloodshot down turned eyes? They looked like gemstones to you, sparkled like the stars.
•It was like any aspect he found repulsive about himself, you saw it the exact opposite.
•There was one small interaction Gyutaro didn’t think he would ever forget, something that touched him in a way he had never felt before
•It was common for you to show Gyutaro new drawings you made of him.. working as Daki’s artist you only had so much time to ever gift him with full pieces.
•Not that he cared, at this point if you gave him a stick figure and said it was him he would be grateful you even thought of him.
•Perhaps that was only because of your close bond.. if another human did that things probably wouldn’t go so sweetly.
•He wished he had a better place to keep such cherished things though all he had was the little cave where him and Daki stored food and skeletons.
•Nevertheless, you liked to doodle him a lot in quick sketches that you almost always displayed to him. Usually you came to sit with him when you would draw him to get reference for something about his ghoulish unnatural form, especially for his birthmarks. He had so many he was used to you coming in with near finished drawings that still needed reference for where his spots were.
•Eventually, you stopped asking for such things and it almost made him sad. Did you just loose interest?.. he wouldn’t blame you, he was hideous.
•Of course that was him being overly negative and unrealistic. You still frequently showed him art you created of him, so he had no reason to think that. But he usually wasn’t very logical when it came to thoughts about his own body..
•One night the two of you ended up in the same room together for a while, Gyutaro glancing over to you for a moment..
•He croaked out your name in his broken voice that you never seemed to comment on. Almost instantly you raised your head and turned all of your attention onto Gyutaro
*The demon let out a small huff. He felt pathetic asking something like this. He was an upper moon demon, he shouldn’t care.
•“Why did.. why did you stop visiting me whenever you draw?”
• he forced out, letting out a small sigh as soon as he did. He had to use restraint to hold himself back from hiding his face in his palms
•But instead of ignoring him or saying you got sick of looking at his ugly face, you chuckled.
•”Taro, I’ve drawn you so many times I already know what you look like. I even have your marks memorized.”
•He went quiet, his face flushing a crimson hue from your response. There was just.. no way. You couldn’t be real. What had he done to deserve you?..
•Was all he was able to manage out, too flustered and dumbfounded to come up with a proper response.
•If he wasn’t in love with you enough before, he was far past head over heels by now.
•The concept of abstract art interested him as well, and he would always be very grateful whenever you would explain how some people found deep interest in things that looked.. less than appealing.
•One of Gyutaro’s favorite small details he always picked up on was in your doodles of him.
•Sometimes you liked to add something extra onto your work to make it more lively, and whenever you did that with him it would always be little hearts around him.
•Things so small yet so meaningful were things he had always loved, and this was definitely no exception.
•When you displayed your art to others you could never exactly display him.. though you sometimes added little details that you knew he would notice
•Little black splotches around the canvas akin to his marks, small Kanji for the number six sometimes appearing.
•He knew you couldn’t exactly ‘show him off’ and he knew you probably wouldn’t want to if you could.. but even so, seeing you do something that still counted as showing him off meant a lot.
•Even if nobody else noticed or knew, he did.
•He noticed all of the little details, the stray lines, the mistakes. Every little thing about your art he adored
•The same way he adored you.
WAAA!! I wrote most of this months ago at like 12AM and I am astounded that it actually held up and I didn’t have to completly re-write it. Just finished it up
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mintsuwu · 7 months
This isn't art technically speaking but here's a Smiling Critters Relationship Chart that I wanted to try out after seeying a cool template by @valentinbelleyh505! The colors are a mess so I will try to explain it properly-
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- DogDay: as the leader of the Smiling Critters, it's a must that he gets along with everyone! He has a closer relationship with Bobby and Catnap, the latter being his best friend. Though he also gets along pretty well with Bubba and Kickin' so they might gather up to be a somewhat chaotic yet charismatic trio at times.
- Bobby Bearhug: she loves everyone with no exceptions! The critter whom she gets along the most with is Hoppy and she is somewhat interested on Catnap. Not romantically, but she does care about him specially.
- CraftyCorn: despite her shy demeanor, Craftycorn manages to get along with everyone in the group, even though she and Kickin' might clash at times due to his attitude. She really admires Dogday as their leader and gets along with Catnap fairly well, given how the two of them struggle more when it comes to socializing but also enjoy their moments of peace and quiet which they spend together at times. As for her relationship with Bubba it is mostly admiration, but she also has a little crush to him which, of course, she wouldn't dare to confess herself.
- Hoppy Hopscotch: she is probably the most extroverted member out of the bunch along with Dogday, even through she has some dissgreements with her friends at times... Specially Kickin', but they have some sort of love-hate relationship. Though she is kind of oblivious when it comes to romantic feelings. However, that doesn't stop her from showing affection! As she will be there for Bobby as long as she needs, sharing a sister-like bond. And surprisingly, she gets along very well with Catnap, even if their energies and personalities are completely different. But sometimes she could use some calm and he could use some more energy and enthusiasm.
- Catnap: even though he is mostly an introverted soul who spends most of his time sleeping away, the feline doesn't fail when it comes to being in good terms with everyone. The girl whom he gets along with the most is CraftyCorn, given their similar personalities and their struggles. Even if she suggests a fashion or modeling session, Catnap will never mind to join around! He also respects Bubba greatly, seeying him as a wise and big-brother figure, his knowledge of the world will never fail to amuse him. And of course, Dogday is his very best friend, the one he can be the most open to as they understand and support each other no matter what.
- PickyPiggy: with her easygoing attitude, she has mostly good relationships with everyone! Even though her hunger can get the best out of her at times... She really admires CraftyCorn and her artistic abilities. (The neutral relationships are also based on the dynamics their Bigger Bodies versions will have, but I still have to design them so I will elaborate on her relationships later on).
- Kickin'Chickin: even if he might be too much at times, Kickin' is someone who easily gets everyone's aproval! The critters he gets along with the most are Dogday and Bubba, specially the latter as they sorta have a sibling dynamic. And even though he sometimes has a hard time understanding Catnap, they get along just fine. He has a huge crush on Hoppy, but he's too stubborn to admit it so he teases her instead and that leads to frequent arguments. Kind of like an Alvin & Brittany dynamic.
- Bubba Bubbaphant: he's pretty much like the big brother of the group, always willing to help everyone and provide the needed knowledge... Even though he can ramble at times- His closests relationships are with Kickin' and Craftycorn, and he has a secret crush on her that he doesn't speak about since he assumes that she likes Dogday instead. However, he doesn't hold any grudges against the dog for it and instead respects him dearly.
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And another take with my OC LoolaLamb! (I will make a good picture and description for her I promise;;) even though canonically/in-game the only critters she would have interacted with properly would be Dogday and Catnap
BUT long story short-
- Dogday: even though she is not a part of the main Smiling Critters, Loola admires Dogday's personality and empathy, seeying him as a role model. She does have a little crush on him but she is afraid to mistake it with a simple affection at times. He does reciprocate her feelings but doesn't know how to grasp or classify such emotions to begin with.
- Bobby Bearhug: due to her loving and affectionate personality, LoolaLamb would feel great comfort around Bobby. She would definitely see her as someone she could trust.
- CraftyCorn: her and Loola would get along given their love for artistic representations. Sometimes they would sit down and write songs together.
- Hoppy Hopscotch: perhaps the energetic rabbit would be a little too much for the lamb, but she would admire her outgoing personality quite a lot.
- Catnap: their relationship is mostly neutral, though Catnap didn't like her much at first as he was afraid that she would replace him (let's just say there was an alternative universe in she didn't). But despite that Loola would be interested on meeting him further if given the chance.
- PickyPiggy: they wouldn't interact too much, but Picky is definitely fond of Loola! And perhaps would ask her to sing quite ofter, much to the lamb's dismay given their lack of confidence at times.
- Kickin'Chicken: the very first time they met and he knew that she could sing, he inmediately challenged her to a musical competition- She found it a little foward and intriguing at first, but in the end Loola ended up finding his attitude quite amusing, he makes her laugh.
- Bubba Bubbaphant: LoolaLamb would see Booba as some sort of authoritarian figure given his extensive amount of knowledge, but she would respect him a lot for that. As to him he does find interest in her musical abilities, but they wouldn't interact as much as the others.
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asamary · 6 months
I was rambling about what dogday would look in luminous au, while feathers slept.
And i thought, what if, the critters have like a human disguise, so they could hide in plainsight. And would sometimes lure people to their cabin to have their human feast :)
Most of the critters have different methods to hunt their prey like,
Hoopy likes to chase her prey in the woods. jumping from tree to tree or on the ground right behind her food. And in her human disguise, she is seen as a very hyper person, and very competitive when playing with some people(or the critters)how she hunts in her human form is pretty straight forward, she hunts the rumbustious people that come near the woods by acting as a lonely rabbit, practically luring her victim to their maze like forest. Where the fun begins.
Bubba is the one mostly using his human form, loves drinking coffee in some cafes and reading books. When he is on the hunt, he drugs his victims, and brings them to the basement in their cabin, at those times the critters leave to wander the woods, annoyed or scared by the loud screams and laughter coming from the basement.
Kicken being the cool dude, loves to get attentions, is mostly out impressing them girls(if ya know what i mean:)) in his human form. And when he hunts he mostly tags along with hoppy, being a watcher from the tress, if a prey ever escape, he's there to snatch them back.
Crafty barely uses her human form, as she is always at their cabin mostly painting or drawing. Bubba is the one buying her tools and paints when she runs out. But, there is a specific red that she always wants, human red. Sometimes bubba's victim's blood is used, or when she is outside the cabin, she search for poor souls, unfortunate enough to be in their woods.
Picky is always seen in food stands with multiple food in her hands, bubba is always there to stop her from going to get more even when she still has her hands full of foods. She is the butcher of the critters, and humans that is given to her is sliced and dice to look like normal meat, and is store in their cooler. For future use.
Bobby loves to make connection with people, she loves to get touchy with most people, and on midnight, where there is no people left, she hugs her victim one last time. To the point where their ribs break having an agonizing death. She remembers every victim she kills, and she always say she loved every, single, one of them.
Catnap doesn't like using his human form, but when his god orders him to kill some certain people, he will obey. He only comes out at night, mostly stalking his prey. He loves using his red gas to play with his victims, making them more terrified of him. He also love playing hide and seek with his victims.
Dogday is the only one who tries to help the victims escape(good or bad, he doesn't really know)because of this, his hands and legs are bound. Giving him less movements to guide the victims. But even he isn't safe, there are mini critters sleeping inside him. If the victim makes a bad move like, shouting at dogday, or shoving him, they will wake up. And they too are very hungry. So, sucks to be you then. Your gonna be eaten while your still alive.
The critters have a difficult relationships with each other, they love dogday, but him interfering in their hunts is irritating to them,(but they kinda got used to it. )
I got their design, but i wanna make the human design too. Here have dogday :))
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moldspace · 2 years
new year new news
hey everyone! wow! 2022 is over! what a year! i made a lot of art, had some cool opportunities (painting a mural!!!) and some challenging transitions (quitting my job, switching academic programs!) but i think, overall, i’m glad to put this one in the rear view mirror. 
now, to get out of the rear view mirror and look forwards into the metaphorical windshield - my resolution this year is to MAKE MORE ART and to GET OUTSIDE OF MY COMFORT ZONE and with that in mind, my first actionable goal for 2023 was...
to start a patreon!
not gonna lie, i’ve been just as nervous as i’ve been busy setting this up the past few weeks (and the imposter syndrome has kicked in HARD), but hey, doing new things is always scary and awkward. and i really wanted a good excuse to put some time and energy into behind-the-scenes stories, progress shots, sketchbook pages that aren’t pretty enough to post on their own, and rambling talks about the winding path my own art tends to follow. so maybe check it out and throw some money my way, if you’ve got extra and are curious!
currently i’ve just got one $3 tier up, but i’m sure that will change and evolve as i figure out what i’m doing. but what can i access with three dollars, i hear you ask? well...
full digital copies of all of my zines! with transcripts, and personal commentary!
polls! maybe i'm making new stickers and don't know which design to go with, maybe i'm amassing work for an update and don't know if i should make some more selkies or some more sphinxes - these polls will help ME decide what to make more of, and help YOU ALL see more of what you want from me. win-win!
behind the scenes posts and videos! i have to admit that i harbor a secret love for video editing, but I have so far had no real outlet for it (aside from the AMVs that i occasionally make in a fugue state and NO i’m never showing them to a soul) - but i've just filmed and edited the first full start-to-finish process video for patreon! watch me make a ceramic beasty from sketch to glaze firing, with full voiceover commentary (my voice was once described by a child as “why do you sound like that? you sound like you’re going to cry” so look forward to that!) i have plans in the future for tutorial posts and videos, more process timelapses, and full behind the scenes zine-making retrospectives, from writing to illustrating to binding.
this month (january 2023) only, sign up as a patron and i will personally send a little doodle to your house! yes, like in the mail. feel free to send me a prompt with your pledge, otherwise it’ll probably be some sort of creature with a human face and stars on it. maybe it will still be that, even if you give me a prompt.
finally, you will get my eternal gratitude! i truly cannot thank you all enough for the support and love over the years. it's been such an amazing honor to find other people who like the wacky little critters i make, and whether you've purchased art from me, follow me, or are even just someone who's seen and liked a piece of mine, i am forever grateful to be able to connect across space and time, with you, over art. 
whether or not you decide to pledge, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! i am so lucky to have this space on tumblr to share my work - every kind comment means the world to me, and i just hope my work can be enriching to your worlds in some small way, too! i know making it enriches mine :^)
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monsoon-of-art · 8 months
Hhhhh I know that sea creechurs and birbs are completely different, but I love seeing the instincts you give the merfolk in your Pokemon Mer AU.
The need to protect, the drive to hunt, the emphasis on community (staying in a pack or pod), and all that. It's so much fun to see whenever a writer includes stuff like that in their works.
As for the birbs I mentioned, I keep chickens, and they are. very fascinating little organisms. I've seen people with wing aus incorporate things like dust bathing and brooding and even feather-plucking and molting, and it's just... I've observed those things (except for feather-plucking, which doesn't seem to be common in chooks as it is in birds like cockatoos and parrots) and it's so cool to see in other fics.
And you! The way you put in things like grouping together and teaching the young ones how to hunt is so cool! Again, the two groups of critters I'm talking about are very, very different, but it's really cool to see how many creatures share instincts like these, and then to see it applied to people!
Your au is just. Very brainrot. It rots my brain every couple of months and I can't stop thinking about it, and it makes me want to critterfy characters myself.
Also, I found you for the Mer stuff, but I really like your OCs, too! They're really cool, please feed Hayday, I'm begging you, he's so skinny and stressed I want to give him a meal. :<
This is... very rambly, sorry (I should be asleep, but no). But! I hope that you have a good, blessed day, and a good night's rest!
With my mer stuff its kinda funny, I made the 'basis' for them years and years ago for a different fandom, and I actually lessened the 'critter-fication' of them lmao (or its there I just havent talked about them)
But! It might be the neurodivergent part of my brain, it may be the dormant furry in me, but I love critter-fying things. It's so fun. Bc they're not human, they'd have their own quirks and society and culture! And thats fun to think about!
Thank you for this ask, it was so nice to read and reread ;w;
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raspberrydraws · 7 months
pls pls tell me about your hcs for the first members of the crew fitting the elements of harmony, i very much wanna hear 👀👀👀
Thanks for asking I love u very much allow me to bring a chair so you can sit down and read all my rambling 🪑
some notes about this absolute madness:
I feel like they fit the element but also some traits of the mlp characters too so I will add that when it's necessary
When I talk about the mugiwara's dreams I assume they've already reached them bc the story is not finished yet like mlp and I KNOW THEY WILL ACHIEVE THEIR DREAMS anyways
Please don't have high expectations ahhh I don't wanna end up feeling like I thought something cool and it ended up being lame, I'm not used to writing or explaining stuff this way (and in english tho oof double brain work)
I'll put a everything under a read more bc it ended up being long and also uhh CW: spoilers for both series yeah
✦ Magic: First of all and obvious reason, main character lol.
Character who gathered the group in the first place
Royalty !!! King of the Pirates!!! Princess of Friendship!!! besides the fact that Luffy's dream is becoming the king and Twilight just had to do it etc etc
Very powerful mentor who's far away but encouraged them to start their journey and find their friends
They're not similar in personality at all I get it lmao
✦ Kindness: oof do I need to say anything
Sanji is kind, that's like one of the traits that made him one of my fav characters (more than his totally badass habilities).
and of course that's one of his most important traits
His mother sacrificed everything and celebrated everytime he showed his kindness, he was a sweet child, he's soft with children and helps anyone who's in need.
He's so full of emotion and can go from the softest to the meanest in a second if he needs to (flashbacks to fluttershy literally confronting a bigass dragon, making him cry and leave bc he was mean to her friends)
Also both characters are certified Friends of the Little Critters ™ and can't fly very well
Special mention to Pinkie Pie here, since she shares the "Third child who stands out like a sore thumb from his other siblings because she's weird to her family standards" backstory with Sanji
✦ Loyalty: That's like one of Zoro's main character traits right? He's in the air before Luffy says jump
Cool, they're just cool and probably the most liked characters + the ones who sell more merch for sure lol
Both have a childhood dream, becoming the best swordsman/wonderbolt, but that doesn't push them to leave their friends to achieve it alone + having friends actually helps them reach their goals
hot headed kids + dumbass sometimes
✦ Honesty: The group's voice of reason
Character that pretends to be okay but hell naw she's not ok (AJ harvesting sweet apple acres and almost dying / Nami Pretending to be Arlong's little trustworthy human so she can save her village) until their friends help them to be honest and ask for help
Also they have similar lifes cultivating apples/tangerines with their families and I thought that was cute hehe
✦ Generosity: SCREAMS Chopper my little chop chop I love u my sweet child
The way that Rarity shows her element is usually by giving away something important to her (her time, her talent with fashion, HER FRIGGIN' TAIL) so she can help other people (creatures?) feel better, and there's no signs of repentance after that, she does it with her heart (and sometimes to show that she can make things fabulous)
This brings me to Chopper looking for the mushroom to cure Dr. Hiriluk's illness and showing up at his door all hurt but he's like heyy I got the thing. I understand that's another kind of "sacrifice" The way he showed his thankfulness to his mentor by risking his life looking for the mushroom and trying to prove that he's a good doctor too (even tho uhh we know how that ended)
This was a little bit more difficult to connect with his element and that's why I was in between choosing kindness and generosity for him, but
kindness had to be sanji's element for suree
Dr Kureha specifically told him that "kindness wasn't enough to save lives" and I won't contradict her she scares me so much
AND I feel like Chopper's generosity it's shown all along the show just by treating all those injured pirates over and over again for free lmao
My overall feeling when giving him the element was "He's a little doctor, of course he's generous, doctors are generous enough to learn how to save lives! so we don't like.. die! next question"
✦ Laughter:
This one was pretty simple too, I love Usopp bc he makes me laugh a lot, he's such a comedic relief for the story and also: my best friend in the whole wide world, yes *gives him a lil kiss*
Of course he's not just a comedic relief, he tries to make things easier trying to solve conflicts (sometimes) or joining the sillyness (most of times)
Also they like to tell stories! I feel like that's a cute trait that makes both characters more interesting, even when someone's stories are lies *eyes emoji* I like storyteller characters a lot !!
they're good with kids + tell them stories too !!
also the whole.. alter ego thing, yeah
Hope you enjoyed my TED talk, thaks for giving me the strenght to be a little unhinged, I don't talk too much here but this whole mlp au has people coming and encouraging me to talk/write and I have a problem, once I start talking about something I like I can't shut up
And I like MLP since I was 12 years old, i started drawing because of it and I'm currently rewatching the whole series with my bf so if I see anything else I'll come back and add stuff for sure ♥
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starastarship · 4 months
Thoughts on Indigo park chapter 1
Spoiler warning under the cut!
Alright guys so today I played Indigo park chapter 1 with my friend @theroseofazrael. And I wanted to give my thoughts on it along the way basically! Warning again spoilers for chapter 1!
Right of the bat I wanna say that this is coming from somone who watched it first and someone who played it after. So you could say I have at least 2 things to go off by
Putting this in multiple parts
Part 1: entrance
So the beginning. first of all intro cutscene was really well made and amazing to look at! Getting right put into the game, meeting Rambly for the first time was nice! (Also fun fact I did the math around the 2920 days guest absents and it's 8 years!) I liked him alot! He is cute and sweet! Love his animations and I hope he doesn't turn out evil (or at least not the AI) So we open the door with a simple puzzle and I am glad it is really just like a kind of walking simulator! Going in we are getting our critter cuff, and I was so sure in the playthrough I watched that there was one of the mascots inside the shop!
with the critter cuff around our wrist we now walk into the park and when I first saw the statue I immediatly thought "Is this a disney reference"! I liked it! going throught the tunnel and it collapses behind us. I would say I actually kinda liked that! I find it sometimes a bit more realistic if something old collapses right behind someone than it already having collapsed! Also the tunnel kinda reminded me a bit of a tunnel from my favorite theme park which I found funny!
also on a side note: I love how Rambly still tries to make this abandoned theme park sound more like that it is under construction. Deniel is a river in egypt!
part 2: The train ride
While it still plays a bit in the tunnel I put it with the train ride! Walking through the que line really helps the feeling of This was really a theme park! And while I didn't see it on my playthrough (at least I think I missed it) on SHB I saw like the tail feathers of Mollie already giving an uneasy feeling but was also a bit foreshadowing in a sense. Anyways when I was in the call with my friend, Rambly told me I would be too old for this ride and I literally said "well fuck you then". This was also still at the time where I did not realize Azra was not watching my stream, because my game crashed at the beginning and I booted it up again but forgot to stream it at the time (I honestly believe it has nothing to do with the game and more about me having too much stuff open at the time!)
Anyways we load up onto the train and off we go on our first ride! This was a very sweet introduction to the cast, and felt natural for a theme park! Meeting Mollie first I loved that introduction. I like her opimistic character as they talked (which I found also really cool that Rambly interacted with the cast during the ride!) What I didn't noticed until a bit later, down there was a door where you could see Mollie "spying" on us! I just saw how the door closed but it gave me the impression that she stalked us during the entire ride or she was like "looking around" and basically found out there is someone!
Then we get to Finleys underwater space and the entire time I was looking around if I could find Mollie somewhere again (I unfortunatley didn't see her anywhere). But then Finley say "you know me for 100 years" and Imma get this right off the bat, Mollie later on says this! I go deeper in this later on!
Then we get to a really destroyed place which thinking about it is weird! Every other place was ok looking, almost in tip top shape but this one was quiet literally ruined! It is open for alot of theories I believe, since this one was probably Salems place! it is up to you guys what this was! So off we go to repair the electricity finding a Mollie animatronic! It says one last thing about Rambly hurt Llloyd! Now this one gives me the impression that Rambly is more evil but also later on with Lloyd there is a scene that plays out. And I believe that there is more to the cuff/ the system in the park than we thought
Anyways we boot up the train again and carrie on! Next and last one is Lloyd. Here we see the first time the total distaste for Lloyd from our Raccoon! now considering how Rambly and Lloyd interact, this might be just his AI programm but throught the game, expecially the collectables, it is more to believe that this dislike isn't really programmed! So maybe that part, wasn't meant to be in a annoyed way? only time will tell! But also I knew this one from tik tok but at the end of this interaction, looking to the left shows Mollie like literally by our side coming from the courtains! I will talk about a thought when we get there!
Going out we are at the gift shop of the ride. And here I noticed that in one of the cameras we can see Molluie running after the train! We see multiple empty trains in those photos and then one in the middle with Mollie running! I believe that would have been our photo! considering all other photos are empty seats, it makes the most sense. And with mollie always popping up during the ride now and then! Now this one is more a theorie but I imagine that this photo was taken during Salems part! Maybe Mollie was chasing us, the train was just faster, and when it broke down and we went out to fix it, maybe she caught up! Then she saw we weren't there and maybe thought we ran ahead? this is really just what I have thought about this than really being a theory! Anyways i was pointing the picture out to Azra and here I noticed how stupid I was
I noticed after they told me, there was no stream, that I forgot to stream it! These entire first minutes, they did not see what I saw while I stupidly pointed out things you can only see! oTL anyways moving on to part 3!
part 3: the central area and Lloyds theater
Putting these 2 together cause I find them rather short in a way! First of going down the stairs and seeing the entire area + working and I believe opperating ferris wheel! I told to Azra that as a kid or even now that I would have gone there! I just hope they also have rollercoaster tbh! I like the adrenalin! I found the fountain actually really funny, being able to rotate like this while spitting water! Noone was save against the water! we also get to the information kiosk and to the collectables! I found it nice that we got more info about them through Rambley and expecially through our protagonist which there is one thing!
At the beginning Rambly tells us that we are a new comer/ are not in the guest data base, but looking at the descriptions it is made very clear we were in this park multiple times! I believe either, children weren't like allowed to be in the guest data base because well they were children! or because we aged and with age faces change, the face recognition didn't pick up on us!
And another thing. As I said before Rambly seems to really dislike Lloyd and with the plushies, expecially the last one we get (and old cartoon version of Lloyd) it says that Lloyd was the most popular one apperantly! or at least the company was more focused on the Lion than the Raccoon! So I believe the resentment shows that Rambly is a bit more sentient than it looks like!
Moving on, Rambly wants to bring us to the Jetstream junction but unfortunatly we need a key! And that key was in Lloyds theater. getting acess to it, we go inside! seeing the theater was really pretty! and on stage we see a sleeping Lloyd who wakes up and running away. now I wanna adress that because I feel like that they aren't really out to hurt us! after the key and getting through the section (where even if I know nothing would happen, I still anticipated it) only then when we tried to go, did he really came close enough to grab us! and that one time in the middle where he was squished under a box! And honestly i think it was also because he was like put into a croner and didn't see another way!
Here is also a funny thing because technically speaking you can get this anytime when you turn around away from the backstage area we see again Mollie! Some had it at the beginning I had it after the area and honestly I feel like it is more impactful when it is after the area!Anyways we got the key and off to Mollies place!
part 4: Jetstream junction
Now this place was really fun! We go up to rooftop racing adn are greeted with rumble having fallen onto the ride destroying it! Now I felt it was unfair we only get to ride one thing so far in the entire park! Anyways we go downstairs again and to the landing pad! or rather we should go there but off to the side is a little drinking area with an arcade machine! We can play it and it is a typical oldschool platformer! This is also where we meet Salem for the first time basically! Many also belive that this has more story relevence than it looks like. Also we get like a pixalated Ramblyberry but I think that is more an easter egg than it being exactly "canon".
Anyways we now enter the landing pad which is like a really REALLY big playground area! and we got a interesting puzzle here! simple to understand. We have blocks and need to figure out the the right combination! Easy to understand thanks to the purple block and the purple star besides it! So power goes out and we walk through the entire playground, finding all shapes and the colors to it! And guess what Mollie is with us! She is often very cose to us but never really attacks us! until after we solved the puzzle! We get our first chase in the game and the only one in chapter 1!
I died only 2 times! first time I was not expecting her to come from the front and second time I didn't knew where to jump! but overall I liked the chase! it was easy to follow and had only one moment that I thought "ARE YOU FUCKING ME?! an it is the collectable during the chase! it's not hard to see but dang I held to step back one time to get it and my adrenaline was so high holy shit!
And the ending was wow. So like I felt like with the head off it felt different than I saw on SHB. Maybe it was becuase of the pure adrenaline but I felt like they fixed the timing of when it happens! Cause with Mike I felt like the timing of the head or the distance of the jump too was weird! but maybe it was always like this. And during all of this me and Azra just went "damn she is bleeding alot" not exactly listening to Rambly saying anything about the park and stuff! But it does make me wonder what happened to the staff and expecially WHY WAS THERE FRESH LOOKING BLOOD ON BOTH MOLLIE AND LLOYD?!
Anyways we leave and soon make our way to Ocean Odyssey and I notice that is Nordic themed ! (loves it!) and after seeing a big Finley coming out there ends chapter 1!
Finally thoughts
I really enjoyed it! I don't play often horror games... actually rewrite that I never played horror games and this was my first time! gameplay wise, there were a few nitpicky things but that was their first game and for that alone this deserves a major Star because it is really good! and story wise, it got me hooked! we got enough information for anticipation withouthaving all to much said, only leaving us wondering!
Anyways can't wait for chapter 2 and see ya!
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lilikitsune18 · 4 months
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Officer it’s this one right here he crashed my drawing program and refused to cooperate
@neodracunyan here’s the criminal the one who broke my drawing program so bad I’m going to have to archive everything and clear its data again and it hasn’t even been 3 months since I last did that for spring cleaning. I love how he came out in the end but he crashed my program 5 times while I was working on him and has caused it to lag and crash constantly ever since. I adore this boi but I will always have hard feelings for his reference sheet. He looks so smug about it too.
Below the cut is my usual ramble as well as the sketches and shape study for this one. (He has taught me many things completely on accident)
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So let’s talk about this.
I started by sketching up a kickin that will never see the light of day fate just looking up my reference images and eyeballing it.
That kickin was really really ugly.
I know saying these things about one’s own art can seem degrading and derogatory but believe me when I say I got a second opinion and they agreed that chicken was ugly.
And they didn’t even know I was showing them my own art so I know it’s true.
So then I did the shape study and figured out why this wasn’t working the same as the others.
Then came a lot of trial and error of pushing different combinations of these shapes and builds together until I got a siluette that seemed to work (this was the one I used for the final version of kickin)
Then came the face which was also a matter with which I struggled but eventually figured out.
Despite all of these setbacks I do really like how kickin came out in the end (especially the side profile view) and once all of the struggles were through I really really ended up liking how he came out .
So let’s actually talk about this design now shall we?
Let’s start with the kickin hawk design. This design benefited from the fact that I knew who kickins partner is before choosing colors so I decided to make his grey clothing pieces blue toned in the same shade as bubba. It’s not super noticeable in the reference sheet because it’s surrounded by its complimentary and cross-complimentary colors (orange and yellow) making it look far more desaturated than it actually is. My intent is for the rest of the dark critters to have this same partnering motif from here on out in their color palettes (bubba will get kickins yellow, Bobby will get craftys cyan/teal color, and picky will get something green for hoppy) this will add a sort of visual synergy between each partner set making it more clear when they’re together as a group who the usual pairs are. (Instead of redoing catnap and dogday to fit this rule lets just say that their synergy thing is the red smoke bc when I designed them I didn’t know they were going to be put together as an individual pair instead of being with the rest of the critters as a group.) the idea for how kickin hawks weapons work is that they’re magnetic (either the holsters or a specific point on the weapon itself) and depending on which weapon it is will attach to a different point on his belt (think like polarity the nunchucks won’t attach to the spot where the guns go because the poles in its magnets don’t match the ones for the guns to attach to. This also means that if an enemy has a huge magnet they are guaranteed to never get all of kickins weapons because some of them will have opposing polarity and be repelled by the magnet instead of attracted to it a.k.a science is cool sometimes) The mask is for similar reasons to dogdays because of the fact that bubba uses lots of chemicals and gases similar to catnaps when fighting and kickin doesn’t want to deal with the loose gases effects (at that moment at least I feel like kickin would absolutely be bubba Guinea pig whenever he has a new variation to test) I also dyed some of his feathers with streaks of the reddish orange color because I feel like the moment he got the freedom to choose his appearance he’d go and change it. And uh yeah that’s about it for kickins ramble but if you have questions about the design choices feel free to ask ( while some of these guys may bite I won’t!)
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shrimp-buffet · 7 months
Willow and Angelo Headcannons!!
They won the vote, so here they are (Headcannons after the cut kinda)
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Before I get to the character headcannons, I want to use my little pre-ramble section to share my headcannon about the Swamp of Love itself:
The Swamp of Love was a pretty normal Tunnel of Love attraction with at the park at first. But in whatever event that caused Cordelius to get trapped in the shadow realm, swamp water from the shadow realm got into the Tunnel’s pipes and flooded the attraction with its toxic waters. The amount of water that came pouring in extended it from just a small attraction to whole small section. While that was kept secret, it caused the section to close, seemingly forever. but one day, years later, it mysteriously opened up again with Willow as its new host.
I like to think that this is why all the two of them have mind manipulation based abilities, since the Shadow Realm seems to affect peoples mind. But now, onto the characters!
Willow based, Angelo based, both
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•Willow was actually just some kinda of swamp animal before the prolonged exposure to the now toxic waters mutated her. Most likely a piranha. (I could see frog due to the tadpoles, but she looks more like a fish and I think piranha would be cool tbh)
•Angelo used to work at the attraction before it flooded. He got trapped during the initial flood and just kinda stuck around not knowing how to get out due to how big the swamp was.
•The toxic swamp waters messed the two’s minds a bit, but due to them not being full-on in the shadow realm it really only made them a bit more kooky and make them lose a bit of their impulse control. Hence why they’re so willing to mess with people in cruel ways. Basically they were always kinda like that, but they now just act on it more freely and harshly.
•Angelo used to and continues to take care of any of the little critters inside the swamp. Especially the fish.
•Willow was one of the fish that Angelo took care of! She was a sort of favorite of his and would be fed bits of his lunch on occasion.
•Angelo doesn’t realize that Willow was the fish he cared for, and Willow doesn’t realize that he doesn’t know that. they just became instant friends and never thought to bring it up.
•Willow loves plants, especially flowers. But her favorites are carnivorous plants.
•The swamp somehow still gets signal, and Angelo uses it to watch stuff similar to like “The Bachelorette” and “Keeping up with the Kardashians”. He invites Willow to join it too and she also eats it up.
•Willow is a bit of a romantic, and on occasion her pranks involve using her mind control to make people act out ships (in a way similar to the famous catbug scene. A bit more wholesome but still messed up)
•Angelo by contrast hates romance and thinks that “fairytale love” is stupid and fake, which is why his favorite pranks are causing relationships drama with his rumor bugs.
•Willow was the one to reopen the attraction after finally finding the end of the swamp and thus the rest of the park. She started advertising the attraction in order to lure in people for her and Angelo to prank.
•Angelo was always part mosquito, but he used to hide it with his outfits and hair and whatnot. The only actual parts that are mosquito though is just his wings and antenna, the eye and other parts are just a costume he made to embrace that part of him (I for the life of me can’t think of why he’s part mosquito, I just really like the thought of it.)
•Angelo’s wings buzz as he snores, making for one the most annoying sounds /hyp
•Willow sleeps in the swamp water.
•Angelo loves fireflies! Willow love fireflies too… to eat…
•They’ve messed up their sleep schedules so badly they’re practically nocturnal, waking up around the late afternoon and staying up all night.
•Practically goes without saying, but Angelo is gay. Also, Willow is a lesbian.
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And yeah that’s all I got for now! A bit short but most of my thinking was related to the Swamp theory thingy rather than them as characters. If I get more ideas I’ll be happy to revisit them if you guys would like. :]
I really love making these posts now and I love how much you peeps enjoy them. As always, thank you for reading and let me know if you want more!
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About me ----------------⬎
Thunder preferred but I also go by Tyrant | She/Her | 19
Main interests: Rainworld, Wings of Fire, ultrakill, bugs/insects/arthropods whatever, the detail in things idk how else to explain
I constantly bounce between a detailed and not so detailed artstyle that it makes me insane in a bad way
Don’t be shy saying funny things rebloging my stuff, I love reading them
[Archive link for mobile]
Tags ----------------------⬎
#thunderposting i guess <- my rambles
#myart <- all my artwork
#rainworldbuilding <- rambles/art ideas I’ve got for Rainworld (canon and oc stuff should be obvious if not already stated)
#inspo <- cool ideas and inspirations I can find later
#Critters <- cool animals
#Entomology <- my rambles about my bug collection or bugs I see in the wild
I dont normally like reblogging my own things but I use #self rb for that stuff
Where to find me --------⬎
[ Deviantart ]
[ Toyhouse ]
[ Discord: ] Thundernova#0264 thundernova889
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soopest · 9 months
GOD DAMN DO I HAVE THOUGHTS GUYS. but i'll just cover things i think are relevant to the doodles i made afterwards. if you have any questions on my thoughts on things i wouldn't be impartial to asks or replies to the post :3 i just need to rant for a minute im so mentally ill please
knife is only there because my friend watched ii s2 and he LOVES knife and i was like. word. hes awesome so i drew knife for him
HOOO BOY OKAY nickel and balloon. it was a bumpy ride fellas. going immediately from s2 where nickel was kinda a POS to s3 where they suddenly became acquaintances was a little weird to me. (especially in that one episode where silver & candle interrogate nickel about baseball. no suitcase mention?? huh???) but it was cool to see their journey! the buddy-buddy thing seemed weird throughout earlier episodes because in s2 balloon and nickel kinda hated each other's guts so i'm glad that was covered in a later episode and that their friendship was actually solidified. BUT that doesn't leave nickel off the hook if he dont march his ass up to suitcase and say sorry the minute they go back to season 2 i'm gonna have a WORD with that boy
BOT!!! OH BABY BOT they are SO adorable and i loved the reveal that they were a robot! i was so mystified on how bow was magically alive at the beginning and seeing that it was just a product of tt and fan's grief was very heartbreaking... but seeing bot evolve into their own person was genuinely so so so beautiful and the representation for queer folks is done very gracefully and it's very wholesome. seriously im not even trans and i was tearing up like a little bitch y'all. fan and test tube are the parents ever it's so cute and they are the cutest fam ever
silver spoon and candle.... hrrrmmm you are certainly funny little guys.... i would like to put you in a jar and study you.... their sudden intense craving for winning was a little jarring but their dynamic is funny. i didn't like silver much at first but he def grew on me especially in the finals, and candle's friendship with yinyang was really cute too (still bawling he got out i really grew to love him.) AND dont think i didnt see ur blushing in ep 17 silver. im onto you
i already covered bot but i just needed to say their friendship with painty is the BEST THING and for some reason painty just stating they were nonbinary made me unnecessarily happy like YES KING (NONGENDERED) GO LIVE UR TRUTH WE LOVE YOU
cabby... oh you are an interesting little gal. i saw her design before ever watching iii and i was like wow! what a critter! but i'll be so honest at first i didn't like her because her information obsessed demeanor seemed very cold and calculating to me (and i'm so biased for fan and tt so when she got them out i was like. Girl.) but now that i understand her whole character arc, how she learned that its not always about the "facts" and how to lean on people, it was really heartwarming and shes rly grown on me. im a cabby appreciator
blueberry's whole fiasco was interesting. errrrrm u tried buddy that's all i gotta say. respect the hustle man
AND FLOORY IS THERE TOO i love him he's in the club of my favorite brits he's a silly guy
okay. if you read this far i'm so proud of you. also the whiteboard doodle was before i finished the series LMAOOOO um hope u enjoy that. thanks for reading my insane ramblings it might happen again i am not sorry
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excanadianbacon · 4 months
I’m gay for a raccoon and the raccoon is just as gay as me send help
So, I understand “hopping on the gravy train” is kind of cliche, but I promise I have a good reason for it!
…I guess I should start ‘Rambling on about it’ then!
(I’m so sorry, none of these puns were intentional, but they were too good to miss)
—So, Indigo Park;
what even I would’ve expected was another quick cash-grab game in the mascot-horror genre, turned out to be a game that managed to make me start binge-watching livestreams and video-essays about the game, it’s characters and its development on the whole,
Just like every other millennial and gen-z’er out there.
I know it’s absolutely normal for people to become invested in something so quick…
But it’s been a long time since I’ve felt so attached —so spoken to,
especially when I haven’t really been part of those big ‘band-wagon’ trends at all,
at least with the exception of forcing myself to watch shows with my friends —which again, I don’t do much of that either.
From what I understand, there are technically multiple small factors that have led me to become attached to this game.
But frankly, there all of really part of the one major reason why there’s just, that, ‘something’ —a “spark” if you will—that makes me click with a game for the first time in so many years that it physically hurts.
He’s the star of the show, the elephant in the room:
A cute, furry-raccoon —who likes trains!
Now, as anyone who knows anything about me will tell you, these two factors are inherently weaknesses in my mental psyche.
Why, you may ask? It’s simple!
Firstly, —I too— like trains.
Also, I come from Toronto, Canada — a city famously (or to some infamously) known for its love-hate relationship with its unofficial mascot: the trash pandas! They’re an animal which I got to know well over 13 years, 10 months and ~15 1/2 hours of being a Torontonian.
—Which leads me to the second-half of the other reasons I resonate so god-damn hard with the game, and Rambley in particular:
It felt quite funny that the number of days that poor-old AI racoony’ spent alone in the abandoned park was almost exactly double that of the days I’ve been a ‘Quasi-Canadian’ living in the United States, with not much interaction with my family back “home”. I had a single trip back for the first time in multiple years.
—It brang back a lot of memories which so happened to be similar to the ideas mentioned during Rambley’s post-chase exposition.
That little break in his character just made my heart literally melt and shatter and implode all at the same time;
“A little heart-to-heart” as they say, but just.. the way he breaks and talks like a true person, things he isn’t sure about, didn’t know, shouldn’t have done, is painfully, gushingly personal somehow!
It’s also extra cool when he gets excited about restoring the park, as being a former (small) volunteer and hearing about railway preservation stories, you start to realize and appreciate just how much having that other person helping you means when fighting in these “David and Goliath”-esque battles to keep old or unloved things going when everything is telling you it’s impossible.
(Side note, the extra lines where Rambley showcases his sentience and lets you into the staff-only area after realizing Mollie is chasing you made me love him just that much more, and is also what makes me feel the game is just that extra bit special.)
Long story short (TL;DR):
The honesty, personality, and just general likeness of the characters hits very close to home for me,
if for no other reason than that I happen to have (in concept at least) similar experiences in terms of feeling (though thankfully not literally being) isolated from friends.
Cheers, Critters!
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prismsoup · 8 months
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Hi, I'm Sol !
He/him - adult - running on one neuron - some sort of bug - I draw and code sometimes
Interested in commissioning me ? Find more info here ! > Even when my main commissions are closed, the Lineless Beafts ones are always open !!
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Tags :
I'm not very organized so some older posts might not have those because I never went back to edit them, don't mind that
#something something my art : anything I've drawn, really
#something something my stuff : anything I've made that isn't really art but is cool enough to have its own tag anyways (you can find my modding stuff there)
#weurgh : (not to be confused with wourgh) stuff I made that isn't important enough to appear in the two previous tags, may include random text posts
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#is for me : cool things I commissioned
#wourgh : cool stuff from other people that I need to look back at for inspo
#acknowledged : reblogs (I might forget to use this tag I am not consistent)
#the outstorms : content about my main Rain World ocs (they also have their own tags but this one is more general)
Side note : Please be aware that I may post/reblog suggestive art and art containing blood, body horror or gore ! They will be tagged accordingly but feel free to notify me if I do forget
If we're mutuals please do not hesitate to send me asks or ramble to me !! I am very bad at initiating convos myself but I'd love to talk to cool people !
Other terrariums you might find me in :
The Outstorms : sideblog for my Rain World ocs (not very active I need to work on that rahh)
ToyHouse (needs update)
ArtFight : Attack my critters here !!
Commission Carrd : DM me here or on Discord if you're interested ! They're not always open but don't hesitate to ask, I can always reserve a slot for you in advance
Ko-Fi : if you'd like to support me and my work !
Redbubble : if you'd like to buy some of my art as prints and/or stickers !
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