#I love that he canonically gets called Riko fuck-face
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lazy-to-an-l · 5 months
I can't shut up about the foxes so heres another appreciation post.
Neil says during the Winter Conference that he doesn't think they (the upperclassmen) would be so watchful of the Monsters if Andrew was there, but I think he was just flat out wrong. When the Ravens did their strange V arrangement at the Fall Banquet, the upper classmen were out to help them in seconds. Allison spotted it and alerted it immediately, and the upper classmen were behind them immediately and fullheartedly. And Matt went searching for Neil the moment he could. The Upperclassmen may dislike the Monsters modes of operation, but they are their teammates and they will defend them until the end. They all huddle around Andrew when hes withdrawaling, they protect him and his secret sobriety fiercely. Even if they want to fight him constantly.
Matt Boyd, I adore him so much. He is ride or die for his foxes and so protective of them in his own kind and loving way. He respects Andrew but would fight him if he hurt anybody too badly. He and Wymack have similar operations, but while Wymack is hardened, Matt is empathetic and caring to his core. He loves his teammates, even the monsters, to the depths of his being. He doesn't agree with them, but he would happily fight anybody for them. That was shown the first game of the season when he took the card with a smile on his face after Kevin asked him to get the backliner off of him. Matt lets them handle their problems, like when Dan crotch shot the asshole Raven, or Neil waved him off when dealing with Riko. But the MOMENT they need him, he is ready for a fight and prepared to get hurt for them.
Allison is grieving and she dislikes the monsters on principle, but nobody fucks with her team without consequences. She dealt with her car getting damaged with calm hate and vitriol towards the Ravens fans and decidely didn't fully blame neil/ got over it quickly. She may not want to deal with the monsters more than necessary, or neil, but she would get carded protecting them, or alert the people she needs to to make sure they are okay.
Renee is closest to the Monsters because of her friendship with Andrew, but her priority is to protect the upperclassmen as Andrew and her have agreed. But her team is her team, and she is willing to go to great lengths to protect them, or anyone close to them like Jean. We know her loyalties deeply, and I think that's enough said for her.
Dan Wilds. I have so much to say and praise about her, and I am so glad she canonically becomes a coach like Wymack later on. She takes the shit thrown at her on the chin, and always has. She wants to throttle Andrew, but respects the Monsters decisions and Neils. She is hard as nails and is willing to fight and bleed and cry for her team. She handles things so well, and she doesn't take anyones shit. She won over Andrew's respect at Edens, and I wouldn't ever question if she could or would. She is fiercely protective of her team, and fiercely supports them no matter what. She is so expressive and caring, she doesn't always try to approach the Monsters because of how rocky things are between them and the upperclassmen. But she wanted to kill Riko for what he did to Andrew, and Seth, and Kevin, and Neil. She wanted to work out plans with them and converse with them. She is proud to be a Fox, and she is proud to call them all her teammates no matter their differences.
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moondal514 · 1 year
Hi aerie! I’m gonna assume you want one of my aftg fic ideas.
So I have this idea for a Trojan!Andrew au (that I’m never going to write because I think I might get hives if I ever write anything positive about USC 😂).
The background of this au is Andrew is able to successfully hide Aaron’s letter to him and write to him to fuck off, so none of the Spears ever find out about Aaron’s existence and Andrew’s plan to wait until Drake is enlisted goes through and he is officially adopted by the Spears. Andrew picks up exy because it keeps him out of the house as much as possible, which is especially vital for him for when Drake comes to visit during his breaks.
Meanwhile in South Carolina, Tilda dies of a drug overdose while Aaron is in high school and Nicky comes from Germany to take care of him. Erik’s job conveniently has a branch in South Carolina so he is able to follow Nicky to the US and help him out with Aaron. Namely Erik is able to help Aaron get off drugs. So Aaron is able to get his shit together and he gets recruited to the Foxes (Nicky will not be a Fox in this au cuz Wymack doesn’t need to bribe Aaron to join the team).
Back to Andrew, he gets recruitment offers from all over, including the Foxes, the Ravens, and the Trojans. Like canon, Kevin and Riko come to personally recruit him, and Andrew of course tells them both to fuck off. However, Kevin and Riko aren’t the only people that come to personally recruit Andrew. Jeremy comes to recruit Andrew too and, because I have a strong belief in a Jeremy-Andrew brotp, they hit it off and Andrew decides to go to USC (when Kevin hears this news, he’s like “fair enough” cuz he can’t begrudge a player of Andrew’s caliber playing in his favorite team)
So come the start of the season, Aaron gets the surprise of his life when he sees his own face on the Trojans in Exy Today (or whatever that magazine Neil loves is called) and is honestly kinda pissed about it, especially when he reads about how one of the colleges Andrew turned down was PSU. Some 1st chance Aaron gets (so after the Foxes get knocked out of the competition), he moreorless flies to California to go yell at Andrew and Andrew basically shuts the door on his face. Aaron is stubborn though, so he keeps trying to talk to Andrew and this somehow involves him visiting Andrew at the same time as Cass and Cass invites Aaron over to dinner with her, Richard Spear, and Andrew.
So Aaron goes to dinner but notices that something about the Spear family is off and he’s not sure what. Somehow this all leads to Aaron eventually figuring out what’s happened to Andrew in the Spear household, specifically what Drake has done to Andrew and that Cass has known about it all this time and not done anything about it. Aaron confronts Cass about it and somehow it turns into an altercation where Aaron accidentally kills Cass.
Uh not really sure where this au would go after that but I imagine there would be a big falling out and lots of drama. Prob a trial and shit, idk. And then there would still be all the Riko and mafia-related drama that comes with Kevin and Neil and at some point Jean would join the Trojans too, but my dislike of USC aside, this concept is just too long for me to ever consider writing it
Really the best part about this au is just how Andrew going to USC allows me to enjoy the dichotomy of Andrew looking like a stereotypical USC student (white, blonde, athletic, Californian) but having the completely opposite personality of one. Imagining Andrew surrounded by that many peppy extroverted people sends me
Send me a “📓” emoji and I’ll tell you about a fic idea I have that I’ll never write
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miyuwuki · 3 years
Can we get some love for our boy Keoshi? What hc's do you have for him? He's such a big sweetie and I love him so much 😭😭😭
warnings: none
kiyoshi teppei x reader hc’s
have you ever imagined kiyoshi teppei as your boyfriend?
the sweetest boy ever, and i mean the sweetest
the purest heart
he makes sure to greet you good morning, good night— even good afternoon
asks about your day and you’ve had a bad one, he’s all ears
would apologize for having practice because he wants to spend time with you and he knows you want to as well
“i’m sorry sweetheart, i will definitely take you out this weekend”
frequent coffee dates to chill, study, talk— he loves his iced coffee paired with dorayaki
would pay for you every single time
fell in love with your strong demeanour; you could be not good at a lot of things, but he loves that determination in your heart
after a while, he introduces you to his grandparents and it’s so cute— they love you
you also get close with the team and sometimes he laughs at you whenever kuroko scares you
or when izuki tells you such a bad joke
you also become quite close to riko, her confidence brings out the extroverted side of you
like that one time you cheered for kiyoshi really loud at an exhibition game
“i’m so sorry teppei” riko says
he gets embarrassed sometimes because he knows he’s bad at a lot of things (don’t come for me, it’s canon. check knb wiki) but those are things that you love even more, and he’s more than happy to see a smile on your face even if it costs his pride
you were kind of shocked though because for someone as perfect as him, he was clumsy at a ton of things
you both were at a cafe one day catching up with each other after a long week of practicing and studying
and all of a sudden he accidentally spills his iced coffee
but how? your arms or his were no where near it
turns out it was his elbow (large wing span be like:,,)
“not again, teppei..”
you scold him if he pushes himself too much because of his past injuries. a bit stubborn but will listen to you eventually
keeps everything you give him; a cute note, pen, literally everything except food
never forgets to tell you he loves you before going to practice or before you go home
you like cuddle into him because he resembles a giant fucking teddy
he would wrap both arms around your waist and dip down to kiss your head
“mm, what’s up princess?”
his favourite kisses though are ones of the cheek
it just feels so nice, so he always does it to you when he gets the chance
“we get it, you’re in love” whenever hyuga sees and rolls his eyes
also he is addicted to pinching the shit out of your cheeks
you sit fairly close to the court whenever you go to his games and smiles at you before getting into it
celebrates his wins, losses, everything with you
he is very protective of you. just as he is with his team
if you’re feeling uncomfortable, he will literally block your sight with his huge body and help you calm down
that’s why he’s always holding your hand so he can keep you close to him
when he can’t sleep at night, he’ll call you or leave voice messages, just talking about whatever
and you make sure to listen and reply to every detail when you wake up
“err.. i couldn’t sleep, but i wonder if i can take you out stargazing one day? you just can’t see any here, sigh, i know you’re sleeping but i am beyond thankful for you. let’s make a lot of memories!”
arguments rarely happen, just because he knows you so well and will literally keep you on your toes
when it does happen though, you both sort it out like adults. no petty shit with kiyoshi, he wants you to be his end game
a lot of nerdy movie marathons, even if you don’t like it! you like that it makes him happy
but he’s a sucker for rom coms
“i mean i guess we can watch legally blonde, right? please?”
if he sees something that reminds you of him, he’ll get it. nothing too expensive though, just juice boxes, snacks, little charms, flowers
and just like him, you keep every single one
praises you for working so hard
one of the things he does that helps you feel at ease is when he rubs circles on the back of your palms whenever you both were holding hands
getting into that, he isn’t afraid of pda, but won’t be too excessive
wants to show off the relationship heh
has an instagram highlight of you
and he sends you songs that remind him of you
“hey, this song ‘I GUESS I’M IN LOVE’ by clinton kane reminds me of you.. let me know when you give it a listen, ‘kay? i love you always”
poor izuki’s younger sister,, she’s crushed that kiyoshi has a partner
“i was never gonna let you date my best friend anyway” izuki tells her
his grandparents love the bread you made the first time you met them so every time you go to see them, you make sure to make some
sometimes you only see them, not kiyoshi which he, playfully, takes to heart
“do you like my grandparents more than me, y/n? :((“
you bicker with murasakibara because you just want to defend your boyfriend
THIS WAS TOOTH-ROTTINGLY CUTE AAAAAA we need more love for kiyoshi and all the other side characters period
**✿❀reblogs and likes are appreciated❀✿**
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kevindayscrown · 4 years
The one where Kevin Day falls in love with an ice hockey player.
Part 11
[TW: Panic Attacks, Nightmares, Alcohol, Mentions of Violence, Riko Moriyama]
Anything included in this head canon takes place the semester after the Foxes won the championship against the Ravens.
Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about varsity teams in the United States so excuse any false information. Head over to the directory to find the previous parts.
The winter holidays were a nightmare.
Maybe Kevin had the tendency to exaggerate things. Though, who could really blame him?
The Foxes – before they all departed for their holiday destinations – were approaching Kevin in extremes. Either as if he was a wild, caged animal ready to snap at everyone, or as if messing with him was the highlight of their day.
“If you miss him so much, call him,” Nicky had said, ever so casually.
The thing was, that Kevin knew he had messed everything up. There was no chance he was going to call or text Eric after what had happened during the winter banquet.
Partially because he thought Eric wanted nothing to do with him.
Another part of him, of course, simply wanted to punish himself. He had something in his grasp, something other than Exy, and he let it go, just like that.
If no one would bat an eyelash at Andrew and Neil, or at Jean and Jeremy, maybe Kevin could for once, do something for himself.
Even after his death, Riko’s ghost would not let Kevin be happy. It was all so much, that he hardly thought he had the spine to actually call and apologize to Eric on his own volition.
Kevin just knew Christmas would not be pleasant. It should be; it was the first Christmas when he was really free.
It didn’t really feel like that.
He’d thought that perhaps going to Columbia with Andrew, Neil and Aaron would help him forget.
Alcohol would help.
Apparently, however, those plans were ruined too, when Wymack told Kevin it would be a good idea for them to spend Christmas together.
“Abby said it- it might be a good idea. We have a lot to talk about,” Wymack had said, the night before they were to leave for Columbia. “The Foxes will be gone. We will have some fucking peace and quiet.”
Kevin knew he couldn’t say no. He’d kept the truth from Wymack for so long.
Kevin had agreed. He didn’t wake up as Andrew and Neil left; Aaron apparently, had arranged to retreat somewhere with Katelyn.
The dorm room was empty. It was unusual. The quiet was unsettling. No matter how much Kevin wouldn’t admit it, the voices, the bodies moving to an everyday routine, helped him focus.
Thankfully, Wymack had arrived early to pick him up from the dorms. They wouldn’t do anything special; just spend the holidays at the Coach’s apartment.
The first days were calm. Due to the awkwardness however, no talking was done. Not the kind of talking Wymack had implied at first, at least. The two men simply coexisted. The quiet became deafening in Kevin’s ears. Nights were the worst.
His fingers itched to be wrapped around the neck of a bottle. He didn’t like the way his thoughts – intrusive, nasty things – would fill in the silence when he was sober.
Relapsing however, would be yet another sign of cowardice. Kevin hadn’t drunk in months. He hadn’t felt like he needed it. The high of their victory, the busy start of the semester, training the new recruits, had all distracted him from the aftermath of everything that had happened in the span of a year.
Facing an identity crisis was not exactly what he needed.
Not when he blinked and saw Riko’s face during the night. Heard Jean’s screaming.
Christmas Eve was when it all reached its peak.
Homosexuality is disgusting, Kevin. Aren’t you happy you have Thea? Oh, don’t think I’ve not seen you sneak out at night to meet her. That’s why you will always be number two. You are so vulnerable.
Riko’s knife felt way too real, even as Kevin’s eyes snapped open and he jolted up from the couch. The lump in his throat and the tightness in his chest were definitely real.
Kevin had not realized that he had been screaming until he saw Wymack standing there, until he tried to speak but his voice was too hoarse.
“I- I-,”
He hadn’t had a panic attack in months. Almost half a year. He was aware it was happening at that moment, but he was too numb from shock to do any of the exercises Bee had shown him.
From shock or from the shortness of breath.
“Breathe with me, Day.” He felt hands on his shoulders, holding onto him, managing to only keep him grounded. He tried to match the pace of Wymack’s breathing but his own breaths would come out short and sharp.
“He is dead, Kevin. He is fucking dead. He can’t touch you.”
Kevin knew that. Knew he could be whoever he wanted to be now; he’d almost achieved that. He’d gone from Number 2, to Queen of the Exy court. He was no longer in Riko’s shadow.
Then why was it so hard to let the fuck go?
Kevin half expected Wymack to hand him a bottle of alcohol, like he’d done so many times in the past. Kevin wanted it as Wymack stood up, apparently to do just that. He clenched his left hand, waiting to feel the reassuring weight of a bottle as it started going numb.
Of course, that’s when he had to remember about Eric.
Stop clenching your fist like that. It’s better to have something to hold onto.
We all have our own weights. The question is whether you’ll allow someone to help you carry them.
Kevin rushed to the duffel bag he’d brought with him. He searched inside, making a curious Wymack halt when he noticed Kevin’s weird behaviour.
He found the puck and gripped it in his hand, as he sat down on the cold floor and threw his head back against the wall. He closed his eyes and, with something to fiddle, he finally had the chance to do the breathing exercises.
Breathe, one, two.
Hold, one, two.
Release, one, two.
It took Kevin at least ten repetitions to calm his pounding heart and rapid breathing. When he opened his eyes, Wymack was still there, alert and clearly unsure of what to do.
You can’t lie and pretend you didn’t feel anything.
It was because Kevin felt too much, that he became numb. But finally, as he sobbed, he let himself lean against his father and let it all out, allowing someone else to help carry the weight.
Wymack gripped his shoulder and held on for as long as Kevin needed it. He wasn’t exactly one to comfort people with soothing words, but he’d faced enough broken kids to know how to hold on.
It took Kevin until morning to finally calm down and fall asleep again. The bottle of vodka was left forgotten on the coffee table and neither of them touched it.
Christmas Day was a bundle of mixed feelings. Kevin felt lighter, having faced something like that and letting everything out. He wasn’t sure though how he felt about having trusted someone with this.
As days went by, he realized that carrying the weight, not only helped preserve that feeling of lightness, but also brought him a bit closer with his father.
It was only after New Year’s, three days prior to the start of the semester, that things had settled enough to help him make a decision.
The Foxes had come back, and Kevin greeted them with:
“Drive me to Atlanta.”
Nicky was ecstatic, though Kevin was mostly irritated by Allison’s smug grin as she turned on her heel and went to find the hockey team and get them to give her Eric’s address.
“Finally came to your senses?” Matt asked with a fond smile.
Kevin said nothing.
Next morning, as Kevin got in the car, he looked at Neil through the rearview mirror. Neil gave him only a nod as Andrew finally started the car.
Kevin was still filled with doubt.
But at the same time, he felt the same sense of certainty as when he had held a racquet on his left hand and strode to face Riko.
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lola-legendary · 3 years
@bronte-deserves-better i have a gift for you
Trans bronte, fuck yeah.
Second youngest child but most mature.
Me: How much abuse you want? Brain: y e s
3 older sisters, one younger brother. Don’t want to steal Pyren Bros so no. 
j a p a n e s e b r o n t e
Oldest sister named Nakano, meaning warrior. Died in a war.
Second sister named Shion, meaning princess. Not going to tell you how she died yet.
Third oldest named Tori (cant read this name without thinking of tommyinnit anymore), meaning bird. Also not going to tell you how she died.
Fourth is our boi. Originally named Nariko, also meaning thunder. Eventually changed his name to the one he uses now due to the same meaning.
Youngest bro called Homura meaning... hol up. (googles it) fire. Again, not gonna tell you how he died! Haha! 
I’m gonna tell you now. Read this short fic.
Nariko shrieked. Flames engulfed the house, trapping god-knows-howmany of her siblings inside. Flames... fire... Homura! Did he set the blaze? 
Nakano tugged on her arm. ‘Riko! We gotta get out of here!’
‘But the others!’ Nariko fought against her sister, but she was no match for the warrior. 
Nariko heard Tori yelling for everyone to run, the hydroknetic was trying her best to hold back the flames. Shion’s shadow seated against the window, facing the window. She’d accepted her fate to the heat and smoke.
Homura was jumping out of a window. He would have made it to them safely, but a gust of hot wind threw both girls to the ground, and Homura back into the fire.
‘NO! BROTHER!’ Nariko screamed, grief-broken. Nakano tugged at her again, but this time it was more of a suggestion. 
Nariko could only watch as the flames swallowed up her older sisters, her younger brother, her parents and everything she’d cared about.
Sorry about that. I’m not a good angst writer.
Anyways. Bronte, or Nariko also had abusive parents, both were shades and could control shadowflux. The reason is because of a genetic mutation, Bronte ended up with congenital heterochromic eyes, gray-blue and green respectively. This in fact ties into canon with Umber being Bronte’s mom. Here’s another snippet.
‘Useless.’ A kick landed on the girl’s back. ‘Weak. Pathetic’. 
Nariko remained silent, knowing that being seen and not heard was the best response here. 
‘You’re a freak,’ Lady Hotaru spat at her daughter. ‘Nobody cares about you. You don’t belong here.’
She landed another kick before walking away. ‘I’m not done with you yet.’
‘I know,’ Nariko whispered, tears filling her eyes. 
Her mother didn’t care about her. She knew that. No one would love a freak.
Her mother wasn’t wrong.
So why did it hurt so much?
Haha, I can’t write angst.
So yeah. That’s all I got.
Oh yeah, Bronte thinks he’s the root to the world’s problems because projection self-esteem issues and being brainwashed.
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leloqier · 4 years
MERC MERC MERC- for the fanfic title thing !!!! "The Key of Disaster" 👀
Okay so I’m getting fey vibes from this
So like Neil is the son of Mary and Nathan, yes, but what he doesn’t know is that Nathan is a fey creature and Mary ran away with him to protect him for that reason
So Neil and Mary went on the run and it happened pretty much like canon except when Mary died, she told him the truth
And it sparked even *more* paranoia in Neil
So, he destroyed her remains and ran
And ran
And ran
He only stopped when he passed out in a clearing in the middle of some nondescript wood where he would soon create a hideout.
He knew he couldn’t stay long but the wood had many good resources, and he thought it would be a shame if he didn’t take advantage of them first
One day he’d be hiding in his little wooden tent thing when he’d get woken up by thundering footsteps heading his way.
Breathing heavily, Neil reaches under his duffel bag he’s been using as a pillow and pulls out a gun, shifting towards the entrance and getting ready to shoot
A grunt sounds a few yards in front of him as someone falls to the ground
Neil stays quiet all but his breathing which he is trying to force into slowing down with no avail
He knew he should've run when things got too calm
He’s about to step out and run off when a foot lands directly in front of the opening to his shelter. Neil scrambles back and has to force himself not to fire the gun
“Are you all right? We need to move, Kevin. Get up”
No it couldn’t be
That's impossible
Neil clutches his gun to his chest and scoots back to the far wall when the shelter is knocked over, Neil bites back a scream.
A blonde impish looking boy is looming over him, a frighteningly large grin on his face
Wymack and Kevin are there too, Kevin holding his ankle where he fell on a tree root, and Wymack helping him up, looking back over his shoulder towards Andrew and Neil
“Well well well, what do we have here”
So basically they’re all fey folk and they had to leave the realm because of Riko and Wymack was trying to get them back to a safe bubble in the woods Neil happened to be in
So they invite Neil along but Neil refuses adamantly, saying he has no business with their kind (and also freaking out cause Kevin- who his mother said to stay away from at all costs- is *right there*), but obviously Andrew can tell he’s lying, so when Neil runs, he chases him, followed by a concerned Wymack and an unwilling to be left alone Kevin
Andrew tackles Neil to the ground with a smile and in the fray, Andrew shoves a key into Neil’s pocket before standing abruptly and walking away nonchalantly like he didn’t just tackle some random runaway to the ground
As they’re walking away and Neil is having a panic attack on the ground, he hears Wymack ask what the fuck that was
“He has a secret, and I’m going to find out what. All I know is that he’s like us.”
A ball of lead sinks into Neil’s stomach.
Later on, Neil is destroying his camp and getting ready to leave when he finally notices the key in his pocket
Its intricate and large and it hums in his hand
Neil immediately drops it to the ground and begins to bury it, not having it
When he finally gets a good distance away and is about to call one of his contacts, he sees the key laying on the ground next to him
That’s when his temper flares and he snatches the key back up and runs back to those woods with questions and angry insults
Basically it unlocks the secret hideout for the foxes and they all work together to destroy Riko and Andrew and Neil fall in love the end
Also the key accidentally maybe allowed Neil to be sensed by other fey and put him in extreme danger so that Andrew really did have to protect him
There’s prolly a part in there somewhere where Andrew does the old fey trick of asking for someone’s name to Neil, but when Neil falls for it it doesn’t work cause,,, y’know
Which only makes Andrew more suspicious
And the key plays a recurring thing but I'm not sure what it is, but it’s important to destroying Nathan and Riko alike
Anyway yeah that's that on that
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
since the first step in achieving your goals is to state them aloud, here's a list of aftg fics/ au s that i'd like to write some day
- pre-canon fic from aaron's perspective spanning the twins' first meeting till they're drafted by the foxes and graduate high school. i'm increasingly enamored with aaron as a character as well as with an outside perspective of andrew's actions and i think it would be very interesting to look at the foundation on which their fraught relationship is built and first developed
- even more pre-canon fic. andrew's early life in foster care. yes, we all know about the most... gruesome things that were done to him, but i believe that there is plenty more that has affected and shaped him, especially in relation to my interpretation of andrew as an autistic poc. this would not be a happy fic.
- anastasia au. neil as anya, andrew as dimitri. possibly a plot amalgamation from both the animated movie and the stage show, with changes as i see fit. (no, neil is not the prince of russia). what i find most compelling about this au is the story of neil and andrew as childhood friends and then the angst of having andrew, as an adult, teaching an amnesiac neil how to act like a noble while being convinced that neil is an imposter. good shit
- art school/dance club au. the foxes attend the palmetto school of art at prestigious edgar allen university. they're considered the school's charity cases, and they are NOT friends. andrew is a studio arts major with a concentration in sculpture who works in the campus coffee shop in the mornings and frequents night clubs that employ pretty boys in the evenings. neil is attending college completely on his father's dime, PROVIDED he study what his father wants, despite his desire to study dance and music. going crazy without an outlet, neil takes a secret job as a go-go dancer. look. this may slightly possibly be a result of me having planned to party hardy this summer, then having my plans ruined by the virus :c
- 1950s High School au. the 1950s aesthetics fucking rock even though the 1950s fucking sucked. kinda wanna tackle both. plus, andrew already has that james dean bad boy fast car appeal
- an exploration of mary and nathan's relationship and history. i get that neil's parents are both super taboo and both really really awful people, but i have questions and i want to answer them
- neil never returns from baltimore. in order to keep his deals, permanently, andrew kills riko and tetsugi, and gets over 20 years in prison. when he gets out, he just wants to be alone, but it seems there's a ghost haunting him. this was conceived for MAXIMUM angst, no getting around it. i got the idea from a badacts fic and it has haunted me ever since
- post-canon sexuality exploration fic. i have a real passion for quality sex education and healthy experimentation, and neil very clearly didn't get the chance for either. yet at the end of the books he finds himself in a very intense sexual relationship. i just really want to give him the opportunity to find out how desire works for him and what he likes, on his own terms. i read a lot of fics where neil's desires seem to be completely dependent on andrew's initiaton, and while i do believe that andrew is the only person neil is attracted to and will ever be attracted to, i also want to explore how his sexuality manifests on its own. the vibe i'm going for is, uh, HornySweet (tm), but also with a lot of genuine eductional material. i want this is to be something that offers real information to its readers that may have been inaccessible for a lot of people, on topics like like sexual hygiene, maturbation, and sex toys in a non-fetishy way. this will be very very E rated, but like,, in a very earnest and goofy way because sex and sexuality is neat and cool but it's also not all serious perfect fucking. it's just,, a topic that deserves to be DISCUSSED
- mobster au. andrew, having never met aaron, takes a job for the moriyamas to track down a runaway asset. Neil. upon completion, they make andrew the butcher's apprentice, and pull neil back into the fold as a commodity rather than a person. lots of violence, lots of shady underground dealings, lots of plotting, lots of secrets.
i'm gonna put some more under the cut, ones that i don't feel as strong a drive towards right now or that i haven't thought as much about. if you (yes, YOU) like any of these, or are interested in any of these, or wanna hear more about any of these, or are even inspired to write something yourself by any of these please, PLEASE, say something in the notes, or send me a message, or an ask or anything. ANYTHING. i am stuck inside, all the time, and i am so, so lonely. i answer from hoob-gooblin
- princess bride au. come ON. princess bride is one of the most romantic AND most snarky movies of all time, and andreil literally invented love and devotion sooooooo it's a perfect match. "yes or no" vs "as you wish" kings of consent and communication and unconventional love declarations. also,, he may not be how I imagine andrew, but a young cary elwes in dramatic black pirate getup is DEFINITELY a valid andrew
- hozier au. sometimes,, i listen to an album, and imagine a fic that encompases the whole thing. nothing speaks louder to me than hozier's discography. (also, yes, i am gay). maybe a little bit inside llewyn davis. neil wanders through a small town and takes up some small jobs, but sings his heart out through twisted metaphors once a week in a hole in the wall bar staffed by a very short, dead eyed veteran
- prince and the pauper au. on a stealth recon mission in enemy territory, andrew encounters a local lord who happens to have his face. in a moment of desperation to save himself from arrest, andrew knocks the lord out and assumes his identity. he returns to the castle just in time for prince moriyama to arrive with a shifty-eyed, red-headed handservant in tow. lord aaron of columbia, meanwhile, wakes up on a ship manned by crown traitor and fugitive kevin day, calling him by a name he's never heard before, and then he's in the hands of the guerilla rebel forces that have been attacking the kingdom. i watched barbie princess and the pauper as a child and that movie fucking slaps
- little mermaid/beauty and the beast/bride of the rose beast/ladyhawke au. in a last ditch attempt to escape his father, neil trades his voice and his tail for legs and washes ashore on a small kingdom with horrible secrets. because he cannot speak, read or write, prince aaron employs neil to serve the monster in the catacombs, the prince's twin brother. the twins are under a curse that turns them into terrifying monsters, andrew by day and aaron by night. aaron's affliction is a secret, as is andrew's humanity. this is such a hodgepodge idea lol. did neil also have to be a mermaid for this to work? no. is he? hell yeah
- new york private school/twin swap au. aaron wins a scholarship to a prestigious school that will guarantee him a future, but then he relapses. convinced he just needs a little more time to get clean, he makes a deal with his volatile new brother, andrew, to stand in for him at the school just until he can his shit together. neil and ichirou moriyama have been raised together their entire lives, always under the knowledge that ichirou will inherit the family empire with nathaniel as his right hand. they hate the idea, but they have no way to escape, and now neil is being harassed by ichirou's bitchass estranged brother at their stupid, fancy private school. LISTEN, we as a fandom do NOT take enough advantage of the twin swap possibilities presented to us. pathetic
- post-canon fic where ichirou, realizing that the life of a mob boss is a lonely one, decides that he needs... a friend. however, because of the nature of his work, he can't just make friends with anyone, so he decides to make friends with neil. without consulting neil first. cue a lot of very weird, very awkward coffee dates where neil is convinced he's about to be disposed of, and ichirou just wants to know about his cats. the thing i like about ichirou is he’s a complete blank slate. i can make him a good guy, a bad guy, an ally, the Big Bad
- Kill Bill au. mary survives a bullet to the head and wakes up from a coma over a year later. with nothing left to lose, she sets out to single-handedly dismantle the wesninski circle. good thing she used to be its top assassin
- single dad andrew au. except look, look, stay with me here, okay, aaron is his son, and he's adopted nicky and kevin. LISTEN. STAY WITH ME. JUST THINK ABOUT IT. tbh the idea comes from my interpretation of the andrew/neil/kevin dynamic as distincly parental, then extending that interpretation to andrew's protection over the rest of his family.
- fashion au. andrew is a fashion designer and photographer who frequently works with allison reynolds. one day she brings around a short, twitchy assistant who looks like she just plucked him out of an alley. somehow, he becomes andrew's muse. i watch a lot of fashion competition shows
- ghibli. either howl's moving castle (andrew as sophie, neil as howl) or spirited away (?). maybe both idk
- legally blonde au. legally blonde is so good guys
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xlady-saya · 4 years
if magic exists, you’re the closest thing [fic]
Relationships: andrew/neil, jerejean, side aaron/katelyn, side alvarez/laila
Summary: The concept of love is not one Andrew understands.
For a long time, it escaped him. It's always fuzzy, always distorted. He'd given up on it long ago, so why is he still chasing answers?
Whatever the reason, he's content to blame Jean Moreau for a lot of things, Katelyn too.
It's their fault he's here, at the happiest place on earth.
Tags: disneyland fic, andrew thinks a lot about love, fluff, comfort, references to canon abuse/past
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Andrew never liked the concept of time travel; there’s no one distinct moment he’d go back to personally, no tragic world event he’d try to stop like in the movies.  
However, due to today’s events, he might just forgo that opinion to say he’d gladly go back to make sure Disneyland never existed.
Then, maybe he wouldn’t have to listen to Kevin’s nagging.
"You two cannot blow off Jeremy Knox!" Kevin rages, hands planted on the kitchen counter as Neil deftly works around him. Andrew's not quite sure what he's doing; he asked Neil for some ice cream a few minutes ago, and the sounds of clattering dishes and spoons are way more interesting than whatever Kevin is saying.
Andrew leans back into his beanbag chair, content to demolish Aaron in Mario Kart in the meanwhile.
"Yes we can," Neil says, like it's the simplest thing in the world. Andrew almost smirks.
It is; there's no way in hell Kevin's making them go to Disneyland on top of scouting recruits in California. Andrew doesn't understand why Queen Day can't just make another pit stop in Los Angeles after visiting the other recruit he has lined up in Washington.
Andrew exhales slowly, trying his best to keep his attention on the screen while he thinks about Neil. He's not sure when that became so difficult.
Alas, Andrew knows why he's being forced back to California. Neil cares far too much about Exy and his duties as vice-captain to miss out on something so essential. He picked out some of these recruits this time around, and he wants to see them in action. However, in this case it's not even one of his picks, and all they need to do is drop off paperwork. Neil has been trying, futilely, to convince Andrew he doesn't need to come.
The consideration is appalling. Andrew's grip on his controller is enough to make the plastic creak. Neil knows all too well California is a sore spot for him, but not the area they're going. Andrew couldn't care less.
Besides...Andrew's not letting Neil travel that far all alone.
Nothing, not even his past, is going to keep Andrew from going with him to make sure he doesn't die or worse. It wouldn't be a problem if Kevin were accompanying him, but he's got his own recruits to scout.
Neil is capable, Andrew thinks. He doesn't need protection, but it won't stop Andrew from offering it.
He chooses not to think about how one day, he'll have no choice but to stay behind. One day, he'll live apart from Neil and have to trust that he'll be okay.
He swallows down the dread he doesn't want to acknowledge, and claims first place.
"Motherfucker," Aaron spits, but immediately clicks the next level for them. If he can sense Andrew's mood, he doesn't comment, but...this helps.
And then he hits Andrew with a blue shell, and Andrew has to wonder why he shared a womb.
Andrew channels the uncertainty elsewhere, like kicking Aaron's ass and listening to Neil wave Kevin off. The rest of the time, he blames his nerves on the five hour flight he'll have to make in the very near future.
"We're not going," Neil says again, firmer this time. It's a tone that always sends Andrew's protective instincts into overdrive, Neil's temper flaring. But, it's just Kevin, which means there's more amusement than danger at play here.
Neil simply doesn't want to deal with it, so Andrew finds his voice. "Fuck off."
Kevin sputters, no doubt whipping around to where Andrew is sitting. He's not sure why Jeremy Knox is so set on taking them to Disneyland, but Andrew doesn't care enough to think about it. He's trying to do the bare minimum on their trip, and the USC Trojans are trying to make life difficult.
As Kevin groans on, Andrew hears the slightest indication of Neil stepping towards him. Neil's walk is distinct, in that it's nonexistent. Andrew often tests his hearing on how well he can sense Neil's approach.
And then, Neil is in front of him, and the world narrows until it's just Neil, crouched down with a bowl in his hands. Andrew hates what he's begun to call the Neil Effect, since it really has no concrete explanation, at least not an acceptable one. He gets second place in the game, and ignores Aaron's gloating for once. He'll get him back later.
There's something proud in Neil's eyes, self-directed, and that's when Andrew looks down to the bowl of ice cream.
Ah, now he remembers.
They hadn't been able to go grocery shopping, so the only thing in the freezer was boring vanilla. Disappointing, but Andrew's sweet tooth didn't care at the time. He needed dessert, no matter how lackluster.
However, this isn't just vanilla ice cream. There's large chunks of Snickers and peanut butter cups mixed in, haphazardly so, but well enough that someone obviously put in the effort.
Someone being...
Andrew looks between the bowl and Neil's steadily brightening expression, unwilling to linger on the fact Neil took the time to become a Cold Stone apprentice for the sole purpose of pleasing Andrew. It's all a waste though, because when he takes the bowl from Neil's hands, the reluctant words come out anyways.
"You're it for me."
It's not really a confession, since Andrew has known this for a while, but it still stings his pride a bit.
Neil blinks at him, tilting his head in that way that has Andrew glaring extra hard. "Hm?"
He shoves the biggest spoonful he can manage into his mouth, and deserves the icy burn he gets for it.
Thankfully, before Neil can pry, Kevin is back at it again. Andrew's not sure if it's for better or worse.
The Queen himself rounds on them, blocking the television. "One of the best strikers from one of the top teams invited you to hang out for the day," he says, solely at Neil. He knows well enough that Andrew doesn't care about ranks. "How does that not excite you?"
An appropriate question, though. Why wouldn't it excite Neil?
"I don't know anything about Disneyland."
Neil plops down next to Andrew, indifference well conveyed. However, Andrew knows better. The restlessness in Neil's muscles is slight, but not surprising. There's a lot of things Neil doesn't know about, and while he normally wouldn't care, the idea of a place known for crowds of people probably isn't something Neil wants to explore.
It's not like the striker grew up with any exposure to the hundreds of movies or songs.
"It's an amusement park you loser," Aaron chimes in, and Neil scowls at him. Andrew pauses mid bite, surprised. A little. His brother's brand of comfort is the exact opposite of the what the word entails; it's a contrary, scathing thing, nearly as bad as Andrew's. But Andrew can detect it still, and that was definitely it.
Not that Neil would know though. The striker crosses his arms and sticks out his tongue, but Aaron's attention is already on getting Kevin the fuck out of his way.
"I don't care, I don't want to go," Neil responds petulantly, the words eaten up by the harsh impact of a pillow hitting Kevin's stomach.
At least he moves enough for Aaron's game to resume.
In the middle of Neil's protests, the door opens, admitting another one of Andrew's problems.
And she's unpredictable on top of it.
"Hi sweetie," Katelyn calls, punctuated by the slam of the front door. Andrew tries not to cringe at the name, nor his brother's dreamy sigh as Katelyn waves at them all. She walks over to kiss Aaron on the cheek before her attention is back on Neil's constipated face, which she blows past without a second thought. Oh, to be a cheerleader. "Go where?"
Kevin tears his gaze away from Aaron at the reminder. "Neil, you have to go to Disneyland, just fucking deal with it. You might be able to get some helpful pointers from Jeremy. Plus, don't you want to check on Jean?"
A cheap trick, and one that absolutely sours Andrew's mood despite the sweetness in his mouth. The protective itch is back from hearing Moreau's name, and he tugs Neil a little closer out of necessity.
Another reason for them not to go: Andrew's not sure he can stop himself from murdering the ex-Raven. Victim of Riko or not, he'd put his hands on Neil.
"If he wasn't doing okay I'm sure he would've reached out on his own," Neil counters, seeing through Kevin's appeal to sympathy. Neil, while he gets along with Jean better now, doesn't worry about him nearly as much as Kevin does.
Kevin can visit him then, if he's so curious.
As if Andrew said the words aloud, Kevin's stare intensifies. "Are you kidding--"
"Wait," Katelyn interrupts without care, and Andrew actually looks at her. He's been giving her that privilege a lot more now. Not everyone is dumb or brave enough to cut Kevin off, and even the striker looks impressed. Andrew's immediately thrown by the quality of her stare, the determination. Neil makes a strained noise in the back of his throat, and well, he does know Katelyn better. "You guys are talking about Disneyland? Like...Disneyland Disneyland?"
The existence of a knock-off Disneyland is certainly a topic Andrew will explore with Neil later.
"Oh no," Aaron whispers, and that's all the warning they get.
Neil leans further into Andrew's personal space, almost guarding. Like he senses the catastrophe too. "Uhh, yeah?"
Katelyn screams.
Andrew's hand on the back of Neil’s neck keeps him from jumping out of their seat, but Katelyn's got a one track mind as she rushes for him, plopping down on the ground as Aaron checks his ears for ringing.
The only satisfying part is that Katelyn pushes Kevin out of the way in the process. He goes reeling back with a yelp, very unbecoming of royalty.
"Oh my god! Neil you have to go, it's so fun!" Katelyn cheers, clapping her hands together softly. She chooses then to show Neil her backpack, adorned with about 100,000 Disney pins. Just an estimate.
As if Neil knows what any of them are. Neil barely blinks at Elsa's face before Katelyn's back to talking his ear off. "I've been trying to get Aaron to go with me for months but we don't ever have the time. I have a super long list of stuff I want! If I give you the money will you get them for me?"
Katelyn bites her lip rather hard then, like she almost let a 'please' slip, and Andrew doesn't try to think about the consideration. Katelyn clasps her hands together instead, like a plea.
Andrew figures the only reason her forehead isn't on the floor is because she knows better than to have any faith in a boys' dorm room.
"Whoa, whoa," Neil says, raising his hands in the face of Katelyn's puppy eyes. "I'm not going--"
The puppy eyes turn into those of a Rottweiler. Andrew doesn't know why all his previous judgements are being so twisted on this mediocre Thursday night, but whatever.
"Neil," Katelyn breathes, patience tested. "It's the happiest place on Earth."
Andrew's eyes flit to Neil's, communicating the same thing: bullshit.
Neil's confused expression falls into downright boredom, watching Andrew swirl the remains of his dessert. "Katelyn, I don't know how to tell you this, but I actually don't care."
Aaron wheezes at the same time Katelyn deflates.
"B-but..." Katelyn turns her shining eyes on Aaron, cutting off his warning like a shiv. Andrew almost doesn't want to watch his brother be this pathetic. "Aren't I right, babe? Neil just has to experience it, he has to!"
Andrew hears Kevin open a bag of chips.
"I--um," Aaron tries, glancing between Neil and Katelyn's pout. It takes him about...two attempts to make words. "Yeah Josten, you have to."
"Wow," Kevin mutters, off to the side.
Neil glares at Aaron's weakness, but he had to know Aaron would be useless from the start. Aaron can't say no to his girlfriend.
What a loser.
"Katelyn, I'm not going," Neil tries again, dutifully not looking at the Disney-vomit backpack Katelyn keeps inching closer to him. "Andrew and I are just stopping by to drop off paperwork for one of Kevin's new recruits and that's it."
Kevin takes a deep breath, like he remembers he started this argument in the first place, but is cut off by Katelyn's backpack hitting the floor.
Neil is the only one who seems to take it as a threat, and he holds up a hand for Kevin to shut up. Now, Andrew knows most mafia movies are unrealistic and stupid, but he thinks he's had enough actual exposure to make a good guess.
This feels like some kind of standoff between two troublesome redheads, and he meets Aaron's confused stare with his blank one.
He wishes everyone would get out of his dorm.
"Okay, I get it," Katelyn says slowly, words spaced out by deep breaths for effect. Andrew would think she's a theater major, not biology. Neil watches Katelyn's hands fold in front of her, eyes hard. "I didn't want to have to do this."
Neil quirks a brow, somewhat amused.
"You owe me," she says, and the room freezes. Owe. Haha. That's a very dangerous word to toss around in the presence of Andrew Minyard, especially concerning his boyfriend who he's sworn to protect. Andrew turns on her with a frown, but she's undeterred by his ominous stance, fixed solely on Neil. "From the time. With the thing."
Katelyn flips her wrist back and forth then, an almost meaningless gesture, and no one knows what she's talking about
Except for Neil.
The striker's face goes red, and Andrew chooses then to squeeze the back of his neck tighter. Neil's not panicking, Andrew knows, but it's an instinct. Katelyn's smug smile is starting to piss him off, and he shakes Neil sharply.
"Neil," he says, voice even despite the tension in his limbs. "What--"
"We're going to fucking Disneyland," Neil says with a groan, slumping into the edge of the beanbag chair. He looks far from distressed, more...like he's been bested.
Katelyn cheers, jumping up to hug Aaron, who still has no idea what's going on.
"I'll get my list ready!" Katelyn rips out her science notebook, nearly tearing some neatly written equations. Not that she cares, in the moment. "Oh Neil, you're the best!"
Andrew drags Neil by the chin until their gazes meet, and Andrew hates when Neil looks sheepish. It means he's up to no good. "Neil, she can't force you to--"
"She's not forcing me," Neil sighs, tugging Andrew's sleeve until he lets their fingers link together. Neil's smile is rueful as he slots his eyes over to where Katelyn is scribbling on her homework, and he makes sure no one is watching when he slides Andrew's hand against his cheek. "Trust me when I say...I made the bed I'm about to lie in. I honor my deals too. Okay?"
Neil is such a problem, because he knows Andrew too well. He grinds his teeth, but he comes up with no argument. It's Katelyn, so it's not like the deal Neil made is anything life threatening or degrading, but Andrew's curiosity is annoying regardless.
Maybe when his pride dies down a little, he'll ask.
"Whatever you say," he scoffs, but keeps Neil's hand tucked against his side. "I still didn't agree to--"
Andrew looks down to where Neil fiddles with his shackle bracelet, still shining around his wrist because of how well the striker takes care of it. Neil tilts his head, and oh, oh no.
Andrew glares at the offending gift, given by his own hands and delicately tied around Neil's wrist. If he knew it would be this much of a weakness, he would've thrown it in the ocean.
"Andrew?" Neil asks, squeezing his hand, and Andrew doesn't know what to do other than curse Katelyn, himself, and then Walt Disney.
"I hate you," he mutters, and Neil's all too happy to hear it.
It takes Andrew about five minutes or so to determine that Jean Moreau is in love with Jeremy Knox.
It takes even less time for Andrew to decide he doesn't give a fuck. In fact, Andrew's not sure why he notices in the first place. He doesn't care about those things, but maybe it's just that they're so obvious, Andrew's can't help but pick up on it.
The long glances, the way Jeremy keeps reaching up to fix the stupid headband on Jean's head...
The landscape in Andrew's mind has a tremble in it today, so there's no way for him to tell for sure why the two of them are so apparent to him. The air around him gives him a lot of things to linger on; disjointed laughter, cheery music, and less upsetting, the smell of fried desserts. It ties a rope around his brain and leads him in different directions, leaving only Neil as his weight. No wonder the Jean Moreau shitshow managed to slip in there somewhere.
Andrew doesn't even have the energy to be annoyed at that, at his inability to reign himself in and decide what to cast aside or focus on. His gaze scans the massive crowd in front of him, behind him, painfully aware that he's surrounded.
That Neil is surrounded.
He sighs, and the sound makes his boyfriend flinch in relief. Like he forgot Andrew was there, and is now all too happy that he is.
Calm down, junkie.
Andrew's fingers itch for a cigarette, but that ship had sailed as soon as he stepped through the Disneyland entrance. He thinks this, but he's actually not particularly anxious. He's not Neil, who needs to know all the quickest ways out of a place and who takes a large crowd as an invitation to slip in and disappear.
That's mostly where the itch comes from, Andrew realizes with only some irritation; he's hyper-aware of Neil, and all his reactions. The striker keeps glancing around at the streams of people, the bright colors and signs inviting them to a landscape with no laws or reason.
It should be everything Neil hates, and Andrew watches his blue eyes trace the cobblestone and directories.
"Beautiful isn't it!" Jeremy gestures to the road leading up to main street, and some of the tension in Jean's shoulders notably dissipates. "Did you know Disneyland brings in an average of--"
"50,000 people a day," Jean deadpans, as if the thought still makes him queasy. He gets a genuine laugh out of Jeremy for it, so Andrew guesses that was the point all along.
Andrew remembers everything, and he did not need that useless fact. But alas, now it's stuck.
Neil's body is surprisingly still beside him. Calm.
Andrew pauses, waiting for Neil to show some sign that he can't handle this. It's not a reflection of any kind of weakness Andrew thinks he has, he simply knows that sometimes Neil pushes himself where he shouldn't. Andrew considers this a loophole in their non-finalized deal. He lets Neil fight his own battles, but Andrew is not afraid to step in and put a stop to the ones Neil doesn't know he's in.
But, to Andrew's unintentional relief, Neil doesn't look two seconds from a panic attack. The striker’s face settles into a deadpan expression, a habit stolen from Andrew himself. There's no tremble, or fidgeting, or sign to tell Andrew to drag Neil back to their hotel and hole him up there.
Neil simply looks fucking done, and Andrew couldn't agree more.
Their unfortunate companions are there to remind them it's only the beginning.
"Oh my god, what should we do first?" Jeremy Knox babbles, stupid Mickey ears on his head, and Andrew watches with only some amusement as Neil leans back an inch in fear. The striker never did know what to do with genuinely happy people. Katelyn, he's come to understand based on the things they have in common. Their protective instincts and tempers ghost over her sheltered lifestyle and talkativeness, though Andrew still doesn't get how Neil stands her. Renee he simply hadn't trusted; Neil had seen the darkness beneath the smiles, but in time, he'd come to trust and value her as well.
Jeremy Knox is a different story, and currently even Andrew doesn't know how to feel about him. Such optimism and ignorance to the real world are things Andrew would normally write off in a person, but there's something swimming beneath the surface in Jeremy Knox's eyes that has him rethinking.
In short, Andrew gets the vibe that if pushed far enough, Jeremy Knox might actually have the capacity to snap over Disneyland. Disneyland.
That kind of madness is something Andrew can't help but recognize in people, and he keeps an eye on Neil as a result. He should've known; who gets custom Disney ears the color of their fucking school?
"Uh..." Neil tries, but he's apparently speechless. Andrew reaches down to tug on Neil's belt loop, and he won't ever say it's out of comfort. Neil takes it like one though, scooting closer, and the urge for nicotine is less powerful for a moment.
There's no avoiding it, and he despises feeling trapped. They're going to have to spend their whole day here. It really isn't their kind of place, but Andrew has not right to wonder how they got roped into this.
Andrew glares at Neil’s bag. He didn’t bring it for them.
That's why they're here, because Neil has a two-page souvenir list in his backpack courtesy of Aaron's girlfriend.
Andrew's scowl returns at the memory, and he turns it on Jean.
Just because.
"Jean, what's your favorite ride?" Jeremy asks, eyes shining. Neither Andrew nor Neil asked for the recommendation.
"Indiana Jones," Jean answers, seemingly without thinking too hard on it, and his eyes shine when Jeremy beams.
"Mine too!"
Andrew's opinion of Jean Moreau has not improved over the past year. Andrew promised Neil he wouldn't confront the man while they were actually at the park, but it's a talk Andrew will eventually have if he has anything to say about it.
He's different though, that much Andrew can tell. The backliner still curls in on himself, making himself as small as can be despite his height. The tattooed '3' is dark against his pale skin, but the sun has taken out some of the starkness. Jean always keeps his hands in front of himself, as if ready to guard against an attack, but his shoulders are less stiff around his new team.
They're observations, nothing more. Andrew couldn't care less about Jean Moreau's life or happiness. It's all his own to deal with, but Andrew cannot ignore the changes, since they mirror Neil's own.
Speaking of Neil...
He's still trying to find a polite way of telling Jeremy he has zero clue about what Disneyland has to offer, and Andrew notes that Neil must've sensed it too: Jeremy's batshit opinion about this place. Otherwise Neil would never hold back the usual bluntness.
Andrew would pay to see it.
Jean tugs one of Jeremy's Mickey ears, gesturing to the entrance. "The girls are here."
Neil's demeanor breathes a little when he sees Laila and Alvarez approaching; he likes them, and even Andrew knows they're not nearly as annoying as their teammates. They're walking hand in hand, the same Trojan ears glistening on their heads.
What is it with these people?
Andrew lets the greetings fall into the background, but can't say he feels awful when Laila cracks some dumb Exy pun, making the edge of Neil's lips twitch in a smile.
Another thing the girls have to offer: they seem to know when Jeremy is about to launch into another tirade.
"Jeremy cool it," Alvarez says, holding Jeremy back by the hoodie before he can get anywhere further into Neil's bubble. "Neil's not going to remember everything about all the different sections, just let him explore."
For a split second, Jeremy's face scrunches up, like he ate something foul. "He needs to know not to go to....that place."
Laila rolls her eyes. "You mean Star Wars--"
Laila turns her aggravated stare on her girlfriend, but all Alvarez offers is a shrug. "He's right."
Neil turns to Andrew as if he'll understand, but he does not.
Jeremy's eyes flit around the park to all the decorations, the crowd a sea of Mickey ears, planning out where to drag them. And the rest of them allow it. Team dynamics don't interest Andrew much, but they're not following Jeremy out of fear. They're treating this journey, along with Jeremy's eccentricities, as inevitable and maybe even endearing.
Andrew wants to leave.
Then Jeremy gasps, staring down at his empty hands. "Neil, you and Andrew have never been here right? Maybe I should've gotten you a map, for the experience, you know?" Then Jeremy tilts his head up, in that haughty way Kevin might after lecturing them on an exy skill he acquired. "It's fine though, I know where everything is. You're in good hands!"
Andrew seriously doubts that.
"Oh, that reminds me!" Jeremy says, plopping his giant backpack on the floor. Andrew wonders if he packed for the possibility of them being stuck there for eternity. It's a gift for Jeremy Knox to be able to make Andrew's day that much worse. He pulls out two custom sets of ears from his backpack, styled in white and orange. Palmetto colors.
"You guys can match," Jeremy says with a wink, and Neil looks torn. On one hand they're orange, on the other hand they're absurd.
But of course, Neil's obsession wins over, and he grabs for a pair of ears without hesitation.
Andrew can't.
"I'm not wearing those," Andrew states, uncaring of how the rest of them flinch. Neil's the only one not surprised, but he's giving Andrew that face, and Andrew has to hold himself back from telling Neil to stop.
We're in public, control yourself.
But Neil just sighs, fixing the ears to his head. They clash with Neil's reddish-brown hair, bright and sparkly.
Andrew hates being gay.
He ignores Jean's glare as Jeremy holds the other pair of ears to his chest. More evidence, Andrew realizes, and the pathetic kind too. Jean can't stand the thought of someone hurting his not-boyfriend's feelings.
"O-oh," Jeremy says, but his smile is back, undeterred. He spins to face Neil, who miraculously, doesn't flinch. "Well, I guess I'll wear them then! Neil, you and I can match! I don't want you to be alon--"
The stream of consciousness in Andrew's head comes to a jarring halt, tires screeching.
Unacceptable, absolutely not. He doesn't even have a moment to think about why, or stop himself from being so ridiculous.
He snatches the ears from Jeremy's hands and puts them on, refusing to meet Neil's smug stare.
"Shut up."
And thankfully, Neil does, but others do not.
"He's as bad as you babe," Laila whispers behind him, and he practically feels the heat radiating off Alvarez.
"Can it."
Andrew catches Jean's sigh of relief in his peripheral, and isn't quite sure why he agreed to not kill him in the happiest place on Earth.
"You guys look great!" Jeremy comments, but Andrew is already walking ahead, eager to be anywhere else.
That, and he's pretty sure the churros are this way.
Neil keeps up with him easily, given his strong legs, even knowing Andrew is deliberately trying to not look at him. Neil's gaze is a warm, affectionate thing, one Andrew will never be used to. Neil's so distracted, he almost trips, and Andrew hooks his arm around Neil's waist to right him. They're connected for merely a second, but Andrew's arm feels like it's on fire.
"Focus," he growls, but Neil doesn't take it as a threat. He never does.
"Mm, I can't," Neil says. "I like them. I like them on you."
"They're hideous."
"So our uniforms are hideous?"
They reach the churros, and Neil buys him three.
Jeremy starts to babble again as Andrew digs in, and Andrew can't help but notice he buys Jean one without being asked. The ex-Raven doesn't look super pleased with the sweetness, but he eats it anyways.
And throughout all the chatter, Jean won't stop staring right at Jeremy.
Why does Andrew keep noticing? He might just be able to blame Katelyn for that too.
Ever since he picked her up from Eden's, she's been responsible for a lot of unacceptable thoughts in his head. All because of one, stupid line of reasoning.
"I know, I know a lot of people use the word and they don't mean it, or they don't act like it but...that's on them. That's not real love, the actual thing, the definition. Just because people use the word incorrectly doesn't mean the feeling isn't real."
Real love. Already, there's so many things wrong with that phrase. Katelyn doesn't see it as subjective, Andrew doesn't see it as anything at all. Devotion, protective, consideration...they are all things people would perhaps put towards the definition, but they neglect the absences as well. Absence of hurt, of blame, of judgement.
That's the half so many people don't get right, and even if they do, Andrew cannot see how it could be wrapped up in a word.
He watches Jean sigh and lean into Jeremy's sphere, and thinks of how his brother looks at Katelyn. It's eerily similar.
Andrew would not use the word love normally, so he reaches in to pluck Katelyn's idiotic definition out from the past to see if it applies. The pretty parts are there; Jeremy is constantly aware of Jean's presence, careful to steer him to the edges of crowds, to check if he's alright. On the opposite end of things, Jean just looks like he'd burn the so called happiest place on Earth to the ground if it meant being able to listen to Jeremy's prattle.
He's not willing to analyze much more than that, not with Neil by his side. It puts pressure on the stone in him, dropped there by Katelyn that night at Eden's and steadily growing with every moment he spends around his boyfriend.
"I think we should definitely go on Indy though," Jeremy says, leaning in to take a bite of Jean's churro. It's so stupidly romantic Andrew wants to vomit. "I want to see Jean get scared again!"
The girls smirk, though a minute later Alvarez is teasing Laila just the same. Jean's face is colored red, not with shame, but innocent embarrassment. Not becoming of a Raven, but then again, Jean never wanted to be one.
"I was not scared, I had never been on the ride before!" Jean crosses his arms, and his teammates look at him in the way the Foxes look at Neil. Complete adoration.
"It scared him to death," Jeremy says to Andrew and Neil, trying very poorly to whisper.
And, without breaking eye contact with Jean, Andrew says: "If only."
Because really, if only.
Jean's the only one besides Neil who takes the statement as intended, as in completely seriously. The backliner's face goes white, staring at Andrew and waiting for it to be a joke. He has to know deep down it's not.
Jeremy holds his stomach from how hard he's laughing. "Ha! You're a riot Andrew," he wheezes, and Neil regards him as neutrally as he can. It's hard, when Jeremy sounds like a dying seagull.
Andrew pulls out his phone, avoiding Neil's gaze. Technically, he only promised not to physically confront Jean at Disneyland, nothing else. "That's me, comedy king."
Without looking up, Andrew opens his notes app and sidesteps Jeremy until he's closer to Jean. He has no qualms about calmly typing out the words 'I despise you' before showing it to him.
Honestly, no other Raven is this easy to read, but Andrew supposes it has more to do with Jean's complete revival than anything else.
Jean reads the message, blinks, looks at Neil as if to confirm his suspicions, and then nods slowly.
Well, now he knows. It'll be a good way to put a pin in things for now.
When Andrew walks back over to his churro holder (see: Neil), the redhead is shaking his head, grin way fonder than it should be.
It takes around fifteen minutes for them to ditch the group, and for Andrew to stuff his pair of ears into Neil's backpack to never see the light of day again.
It's absurdly easy, they barely have to duck into the crowd or put their heads down. Despite Jeremy's insistence that Andrew and Neil see all there is to see, he'd hardly taken his eyes off Jean. In fact, the two are so engrossed in each other they barely notice the girls, who seem to weirdly not mind.
Jeremy is the talker, and Jean is only too happy to go along with it, soaking in every nonsense opinion even when he seems to not understand the relevance or importance. Andrew wonders if this so called 'love' truly makes people that uncaring, but then again, he knows it does. He's watched his brother fawn over every dumb little detail of Katelyn's life. Once, she'd gone on a ten minute tangent about her colored pencil coordinated note taking system. Aaron had been fascinated, not because he cared about the content of the words, but because of Katelyn herself.
Andrew doesn't understand, but his mind conjures up the image of Neil peeking over the top of a bus seat, the hours floating by.
They find a good spot to sit down on Main Street near the castle, perfect for the people watching Neil likes to do. Andrew's on his third churro with a fourth lined up, and if Neil's wallet is crying about it, he doesn't seem to mind. The striker's legs dangle lazily from the bench they're on, swinging in time with the cheery music blaring through the speakers. Andrew brought him here to escape the crowd; Neil always preferred to watch, to catalogue the different types of people. Disneyland, at the very least, should have an interesting variety for Neil to judge and pick apart for the nonsensical survival guide in his head.
Page ninety-two: signs of regret-filled parents. That's how Andrew would guess it's organized.
But no, Neil's staring right at him. Andrew could feel it mid chew, the striker's gaze penetrating and brighter than any of the thousand balloons he's seen flying around.
Andrew managed to hold out for about half a churro, no longer, before giving in.
Neil's triumphant smile is an indication he was all too aware of the game.
"Are they good?" Neil asks, and it's enough to make Andrew pause. He watches the way Neil adjusts those stupid ears on his head, the way he licks his lips to mimic the place Andrew assuredly has sugar on his own.
Rather than answer, and before he does something stupid, he shoves the end of the churro into Neil's mouth. It's not an uncommon occurrence.
Neil barely yelps before dutifully taking a bite. Andrew waits for the usual scrunch of his nose, the disgust at the sweetness. Still, Neil will never refuse something Andrew offers him.
"Not bad," Neil says, chewing slow. There's sugar on his lips now too, and Andrew realizes he made an error. "Still too much sugar."
Unheard of. There's no such thing.
With a scoff, Andrew wipes the excess sugar off Neil's lips with his thumb. "You disgust me, Josten."
It doesn't sound as convincing as it used to, and Neil's triumphant smile only grows wider. Only then does he sigh and lean back, staring into the sea of people who love wasting money. Andrew will never get the fascination.
There's a good distance between them on the bench which Neil hasn't tried to close, and won't until Andrew says otherwise. Andrew's not in the mood to feel his weight, not today. It wasn't brought on by anything specific, but Neil abides like he always does.
Neil doesn't seem any less content.
"I can't believe they haven't noticed we're gone," the redhead says, far from disappointed. The relief is something Andrew can relate to. It's been about an hour, and they've done nothing, but Andrew knows he's having a better time this way.
The last thing he wants is to watch Jean and Jeremy obliviously flirt and fawn over one another with no outlet. Andrew's not sure if they'd be worse if they were actually dating, and part of him considers just dropping the bomb on them to ruin any kind of movie moment they might have at this godforsaken place.
"I can," Andrew mutters, but doesn't elaborate. He's sure Neil hasn't actually noticed the pining, not with Andrew nearby, and certainly not with everything else going on. He doesn't need to know, because then they might have to talk about it.
Andrew doesn't have all the words for that yet.
Neil hums, interpreting the words in his own way. "Jean does seem...better. I guess he would be more focused on his friends. At least now Kevin will stop complaining, I'll get to tell him Jean's doing just great."
The topic of Jean Moreau isn't much better.
He's not able to keep all of his glower locked down, and he ends up making a passing school teacher flinch. "I don't care how he is," he says through his teeth, and Neil stiffens.
Yeah, wrong thing to bring up. Not as bad as the times Neil will drop his mother into conversation, but not good regardless.
Neil sighs, fiddling with his bracelet again. It's what he does when he wants to touch Andrew but won't. "Andrew, Jean is--"
Andrew turns the intensity of his stare on Neil. They've had this talk before, and he's not trying to bring it up again. Contrary to what other people may believe, he's not adverse to having difficult conversations with Neil. Arguments, even.
They happen, but...
There's something about it; Andrew won't say it's comfortable, but he simply knows it won't change anything. He and Neil disagree sometimes, but it seldom turns into a screaming match or the silent treatment. More often than not, Andrew's willing to keep coming back to a topic if it means they reach a compromise. He doesn't yield that way for anyone else, but Neil doesn't make it feel like submission or defeat. It's why it doesn't make Andrew nearly as antsy as he originally believed it would, when they started their this. For them, it's problem-solving.
This however...this is one thing Andrew can't excuse. Not yet, maybe not ever. They keep having to step away.
"Don't," Andrew says. Neil's eyes hold no fear, and they shouldn't. Andrew's not saying it unkindly, it's the truth. "Whatever you say will not change my mind. Not with this."
Not when it comes to people hurting what's mine.
Andrew's hands curl into the edge of the bench, the splitting wood a comfort. He's strong, his hands have the power to kill, to fend off. Why that's so important in this moment...
When Neil still doesn't look like he understands, Andrew reaches forward to flick the shackle pendant around his wrist, almost on instinct.
And well, guess it's become a weakness for them both.
Neil sighs, and bites his tongue in a rare show of restraint. The striker keeps back every counterpoint and argument, which he surely has handfuls of, and puffs out his cheeks. Any other moment it would be...maybe not so annoying.
But not cute.
Some of the trembling in Andrew's frame leaves; he's not dumb enough to think this is over, Neil is too stubborn. But for now, the striker accepts it.
Though, not without being infuriating. Neil's gaze pierces him, sticking Andrew to the spot.
"I'm safe with you Andrew," Neil breathes, and Andrew's not willing to acknowledge how Neil quickly aims for the root of the problem. It's a spike through Andrew's chest. Again, Neil races ahead of Andrew's own thought process at the most random times.
So that's it. Andrew thinks. A promise.
It won't happen again. Neil has no way of knowing that, but he wants Andrew to believe it; nothing will hurt Neil so severely again because Andrew won't allow it. Andrew will thrash and bleed before it happens again, but Jean Moreau is a reminder that it can, even when most of the guilt falls on a dead man. There will always be others, lurking in the shadows. Weapons, threats.
But still, with all his paranoia, Andrew can't even tell Neil to be quiet, because to refute such a statement feels wrong in a number of ways. Neil's trust is something he earned.
Andrew hums instead, and refuses to repeat the obvious. Instead, he pushes Neil back by the shoulder, his back hitting the bench and forcing Neil to loosen up.
"I can't believe a place like this exists," Neil sighs, giving into the calm Andrew lends him. Andrew's not sure if he means it from the perspective of a runaway or not. Disneyland would be an enigma to most people with Neil's past.
"You don't feel happy?" Andrew says with a sneer, taking in the fighting families and crying children. He knows there's equal parts people smiling and having fun, and he's choosing to center himself on the negatives, but he's not in the mood to apply Bee's advice for once.
"Well if I did it would be because of you," Neil says, grin smug from the stare Andrew turns on him. No one needs his sappiness. "But I don't really like that word."
Andrew pokes Neil in the leg, more like a jab, and Neil jumps. "Stop stealing my lines."
Neil snorts. "I just meant in terms of this place. Doesn't it feel untrustworthy from the get-go if you advertise your park as the happiest place? It can't actually be."
It's amazing how hard Neil's brain works when it comes to unimportant topics. "Careful, if Jeremy hears you he'll have a meltdown."
"That would be interesting though."
"And potentially homicidal."
Andrew makes a note to bring Kevin if he ever has to return here. Kevin won't be able to keep his distaste hidden, and he'll get to really test the Jeremy Knox theory.
"Have you ever been to an amusement park?" Neil asks a moment later, voice low. Treading lightly.
It's not a particularly bad memory for Andrew though, and he only shrugs. He's no longer shocked about how much he talks to Neil. It's easy, not draining.
"Mostly for school, I wouldn't waste time with the rides," Andrew says, and feels the memory of old dollar bills in his hands. Sometimes he'd be lucky enough for his foster homes to provide him money for food, sometimes not. "Carnivals were easier. I could just go off and find some abandoned corner to smoke or wait it out."
No one ever cared to come looking for him.
Despite his sweet tooth, he seldom had the actual money to spoil himself with the fried foods either. He makes up for that now, obviously.
Speaking of, he wants a frozen lemonade at some point.
Neil's eyes are devoid of pity, but Andrew knows he could quickly turn that understanding gaze into a rage-fueled one if he chose to provide any of the details.
He doesn't. He never enjoyed things like amusement parks, and he doesn't mind either way if Neil does, but part of him is simply at ease, here on this stupid bench.
Neil's protection can't reach back into the past, no matter how badly the striker would like it to.
"Everyone always talked about Disneyland as the best place in the world," Andrew offers instead, waving his hand around. If anything, the sheer size of the park is the most impressive thing about it. The other kids in his classes couldn't let it go; family vacations, dream dates, etc.
The hype around the park never died down no matter how Andrew aged.
Compared to Neil sitting next to him, the park is without.
"And your verdict?" Neil asks anyways, because he tries not to assume when he can.
Andrew's not sure why his heart reacts the way it does to that.
Neil's stupid ears pair with his Palmetto hoodie perfectly, and he looks like the pumpkin Cinderella would've taken to the ball. The fierceness of him isn't softened in the slightest by it though, his vulnerability comes from his eyes, the way all his alarms become inactive in Andrew's presence.
Andrew craves it, this complete, unyielding trust.
He hates how Neil can make any situation interesting.
"It's annoying," Andrew eventually says, rolling up his churro wrapper into a tight ball. He misses the trash can when he tosses it, and ignores the disgruntled stare he gets for it from a park worker. "Not awful."
Neil straightens up, too proud of himself. "Are you saying that because of the churros or because I'm here?"
"Be quiet."
Neil, because his death wish inclination isn't as active today, doesn't point out the non-answer. The striker just hands him money for another churro, though he's considering beignets.
Neil watches the way Andrew stares at the money, seemingly content to allow Andrew this indulgence. "I remember kids talking about it when I was younger. I could never understand why such a crowded place could be so fun. Much less the lines or overpriced food. But..."
Andrew clutches the money tight, but it's a poor substitute for Neil's hand. "But?"
"But well, it's not like I ever got the chance to try it out." Neil gestures to the precise decorations, the ornate buildings, and his eyes flit down the trolley lines like they remind him of a destination far worse. Andrew never asked Neil if he train hopped before. Neil sighs, his nose scrunching from the sweet, candied scents in the air. "Maybe I would've loved it. Then I'd be a lunatic like Jeremy."
It's meant to be a joke, but Andrew understands. That's the strangeness of the unknown. Had things been different, had they been raised like anyone else, there's no telling what they could've been like.
But things weren't different. Andrew isn't foolish enough to reflect on the past with bitterness or entertain what he could've been like if only. The asinine exercise would do nothing for him, for his future.
The future he's coming to anticipate and accept, because Neil also refuses to look back. It's still a globby, hard to see mess right now, but the more days pass with Neil by his side, even it begins to take shape.
But he doesn't have room in his chest to say all that, so instead he tugs on Neil's headband again. Snug.
"You're already wearing the ears," he drawls. As if Neil forgot, his hands fly up to tug on one of the ears, and Andrew is helpless to save the image forever.
"I should probably take them o--"
It's hard to make Neil blush, but when it happens Andrew makes sure to catalogue it. He watches the color spread on the bridge of the striker's nose, and then Neil laughs, a light and fleeting sound. Andrew hears it over everything else.
Neil turns on the bench, hugging his knees to his chest, and Andrew is moving to face him without thinking about it. "I feel like...if the others were here they'd say we're wasting the opportunity," Neil muses, pursing his lips. "Like we should be going on rides and watching shows."
"That's everyone's problem then," Andrew waves the thought off, tracking Neil's lips. He's not ready for a kiss, but he's warming up to the idea.
But, Neil seldom brings up things pointlessly with him.
"It is," Neil agrees, and Andrew presses his thumb into the crease of his boyfriend's brows. Neil doesn't flinch. "But they might be right. I guess I can't expect to have the same opinions now as I did as a kid on the run. I should at least be able to say, yeah I went to Disneyland slightly more adjusted and I still don't see what the big deal is."
Ah, the point emerges. Andrew will admit...
"You don't seem anxious," Andrew observes, because he expected Neil to be very nervous.
Neil tilts his head, and Andrew has to make him stop doing that. "What?"
Andrew leans back, and Neil follows the touch instinctively before getting a hold of himself. "If you really felt you were wasting time, you'd be all fidgety and irritating."
"I didn't say I felt like I was wasting time, just that I maybe should," Neil sighs. Andrew isn't sure what he means, but he doesn't have time to think about it when Neil's impish grin comes back. "But no, any time I spend with you isn't a waste."
Andrew leans in, slow and insistent, and lets Neil tense in anticipation of a touch, a kiss. Then, Andrew pushes his face away. It's what he deserves, and Neil bites his tongue.
Neil slumps back, but the pouty thing he's doing dampens the scowl. He needs to not spend so much time with Katelyn.
"You've become a sap, rabbit."
And it's dangerous for both of them. Andrew doesn't mean for the words to come out so light, but what's the use in correcting himself?
"I get it from you," Neil shoots back, and oh, now he chooses to read Andrew's mind. At the twitch of Andrew's mouth, Neil smiles, the kind reserved for Andrew and Andrew alone.
Andrew's nerve endings are still a little fuzzy, but he tugs Neil's sleeve until he follows. He brings Neil close enough to feel Andrew's heat, to smell the cinnamon. This works, for now.
And Neil, despite being somewhere people dream of visiting, looks totally focused on him. When he gazes down the trolley lines again, the expression is much more promising.
"Who knows? It might be fun if we went now, with all the foxes," Neil wonders aloud. "Not sure, since I think the closest thing to a ride I've ever been on is a train, and not legally."
Well, there's the train hopping question answered.
But that's it, he supposes. He feels nothing about this place, or any amusement parks for that matter. Even in his tumultuous childhood, he experienced them, never understood the appeal.
Neil's never had the opportunity to try. He's never been able to form an opinion.
Andrew thinks that's at least one aspect of his freedom Neil should have, even if it is something so trivial.
Andrew sighs; what has he gotten himself into?
Neil Josten is a whirlwind of an individual, but he's Andrew's.
That's what Neil would say, without hesitation, every time.
'But I'm yours.'
Andrew really does need a cigarette, but that frozen lemonade will have to do. He stands up, making a show of brushing himself off. He can feel the tilts of Neil's head behind him, for fuck's sake.
"C'mon then," Andrew says, turning around to adjust how crooked Neil's headband is. Another problem he didn't need, but it's too late now. Damn merchandise. When Neil still makes no move to get up, Andrew tugs his bangs. "Let's go on a ride."
Neil's jaw opens and closes, but Andrew is already turning away from him. Neil's fast, he should be able to catch up. "W-wait, are you sure?"
Neil scrambles to his feet, and Andrew can't look directly at him. He's sure there's something bright and shiny swimming in those eyes right now, and that's far too much.
He tries to go through his mind for what he knows about Disneyland, and asks himself if he's in the mood to be up high.
No, not today. Neil has him feeling far too much already.
"I think the Matterhorn is enclosed," he says, in lieu of an explanation, and knows Neil will get the meaning.
Neil grips the straps of his backpack, reigning in the energy as best he can. Andrew wonders when he'll work up the nerve to tell Neil he doesn't have to when it's like this. Even without touch, Andrew promised to take everything Neil had to offer.
He's not sure if Neil can sense the feeling, but his face softens anyways. "Okay...yeah!"
Neil falls in step beside him, and Andrew revises his previous statement with only mild displeasure. He doubts he will ever have enough of this.
The Matterhorn was, what a shocker, a bad idea.
Andrew will never say he tries to make his driving a comfortable experience, but he knows his road raging still would've been a more pleasurable time than being thrown around on that poor excuse for a ride.
The bumpiness of the Matterhorn was also not helped by how tense he was; he felt like a cutting board in a blender, trying to force away the unrealistic thought of Neil flying off the edge and plummeting to his death during the whole two minute affair.
A forty-five minute wait for two minutes of back pain that'll last the rest of the day.
"Well that sucked," Neil says with a wince, stretching out his back slowly. Andrew pointedly looks elsewhere. "Why do people do this for fun? I feel like my spine got ripped out and then put back in the wrong way."
Andrew wants to tell him to stop being so dramatic, but for once Neil's words are accurate.
They tried. No one can say they didn't try.
"Nevermind you were right," Neil says as Andrew orders them a lemonade to share; Neil ignores the glare Andrew gives him for chugging the first half in one go. Neil sighs from the rush of citrus, placing the cold cup to his forehead. "Can we go home?"
"Doubtful, unless you want to walk," Andrew sighs. He retches the lemonade away from Neil, pushing away his grabby hands. An admirable tactic, but fruitless. "I knew carpooling was a stupid move."
"Hey, we take offense to that."
Neil tenses on instinct, like the hypocrite he is. He's so used to being the shadow, the nosy meddler who overhears everything. Andrew would think he's more than deserving of being on the receiving end if he wasn't so annoyed himself.
They turn to find the girls grinning ear to ear, and Andrew notes right away how there's no smiling bundle of 'I love Disney' with them.
Jean and Jeremy are nowhere to be found.
How 'bout that.
Alvarez unlinks her arm from her girlfriend's to ring out her damp shirt; Andrew notices they're soaked from head to toe, sneakers squeaking from their drenched socks. It makes Andrew grimace on the inside; it should feel atrocious, but the girls are beaming.
"So you two do act like a couple," Laila says, and Andrew's not sure he gets what she means. He does decide she's his least favorite of the two though. "I had some doubts."
Andrew couldn't care less about that, but Neil's a different story. Defiantly, Andrew silences his boyfriend before he can even go on his tirade by shoving the lemonade back into his hands.
An acceptable sacrifice; Neil's aware they don't seem like the stereotypical couple, but he hates having his feelings doubted.
He hates it even more when people doubt Andrew's, and Andrew pushes the thought of Katelyn's suspicious expression at Eden's out of his mind.
What other people assume about him is not his problem.
"Why didn't you just buy him his own lemonade?" Alvarez asks, her eyes flicking over Neil's expression. He's calming down, but the aggravation is there. Guess not all the Trojans are oblivious.
Andrew takes the bait for what it is, no energy to be contrary.
"Neil doesn't need that much energy, and he'll drink mine no matter what because he's annoying," Andrew says, and sure enough, he hears the slurp behind him, an alert that Neil basically sucked down the rest of his drink.
One down, several to go.
"It's true, I am," Neil chimes in at that, refreshed. It's then he actually seems to pay attention, scanning the girls from head to toe. "Why are you guys all wet?"
Laila claps a hand over Alvarez's wolfish grin before she can even respond to that, and Andrew is glad. He really didn't want to hear it.
At least Neil would get the joke this time.
"Splash Mountain," Laila replies hastily, like they have any clue what it is. "Horrible build-up, decent pay-off. Jean hates it though so it's the best way to make sure we don't run into them."
At her own words, she checks behind her, like Jeremy Knox can appear at the mere mention of his not-boyfriend.
They probably shouldn't stay in the same place too long.
"Outside Star Wars anyways," Alvarez adds, prying Laila's hand off her mouth for .2 seconds.
"Hush, he'll hear you!"
Then, Alvarez must lick her girlfriend's hand, because the goalie retches away with a disgusted yelp. "Hey! Gross!"
"Wow, you don't love me."
It's punctuated with giggles, and Andrew stuffs his hands in his pockets; why that word decides to plague him today, he's not sure. He wouldn't say the girls act as useless as Katelyn and Aaron do, but their dynamic is still distinct.
Andrew turns his hard stare at the ground. No, no. It's still not right.
Neil, oblivious to Andrew's plight, squints at the empty space where Jean and Jeremy should be. "Wait...you guys ditched them too? Why?"
"They had the same idea as us," Andrew mutters, but Neil's lightbulb still hasn't gone off.
Laila's grin is as sardonic as it gets. "Ah, so you noticed?"
Andrew doesn't respond. He's steadily reaching his word quota.
Knowing the only chance of Andrew saying anything is by asking himself, Neil turns to him, too searching. "Noticed what?"
And oh, Andrew can't avoid talking about it after all, can he? He's not sure why he doesn't want to, there hasn't been much cause for concern with Neil lately. Not for months. Maybe not ever, but Andrew had been in denial there for a while.
Perhaps Andrew just hates being in this limbo, where he doesn't even know how he feels about a topic yet. It's happened before, but it's no less disconcerting than the other times. The jealousy, the concept of understanding, their first time...
His mind, a traitor, reminds him none of those situations ended horrifically.
"Moreau is in love with his captain," Andrew mutters, and watches the moment Neil blanches. No stopping the floodgates now. "Original."
Something in Neil's gaze twitches. Andrew's hasn't seen the look before, but it's surely not good for him or his pulse. Andrew turns his stare to the ice cream cart in the distance, but his sweet tooth is done for the day.
Another unfortunate reality.
"God, so they really are that bad," Laila groans. "For a second there, we thought it might just be us."
Alvarez scoffs, crossing her arms and putting all her weight on Laila. It must be a common occurrence; Laila huffs, but makes no move to push her away.
"We've been trying to get them together for ages," Alvarez continues, twirling her finger around like a never ending cycle. "We ditch them literally every single time in the hopes they finally have their moment."
Both their expressions fall then, truly defeated. Laila sounds at her wit's end, and Andrew feels little sympathy. "But, no such luck."
Andrew can't even begin to pick apart how uselessly optimistic that is when idiots are concerned, but Alvarez seems to be tracking his every movement for some type of reaction. He should've never said anything, but she'll learn soon enough; he's not an easy read, despite a hot-headed outlier.
Neil blinks at them, a complex math problem with cliche romantic plots instead of numbers. "They're...into each other?"
The look he gets from the girls is similar to the pitying ones he gets from Allison whenever he says something particularly misguided about fashion.
Laila puts her hand on Neil's shoulder, patting him slowly. "Oh Josten, your face right now tells me all I need to know about you."
Then, the double shot of pity is poured right down Andrew's throat.
"You got an oblivious one too huh?" Laila says wryly, and Alvarez chokes.
Andrew won't dignify that with a response, but he figures it's obvious anyways.
Laila snorts, tugging on Alvarez's ear lobe. "But yeah, Jean totally wants to husband Jeremy. It's so painful. Disneyland is supposed to be romantic, but--"
Alvarez finishes the thought with a fart noise. Andrew's not sure why he speaks up, the conversation is so beneath him, and he blames Bee. He never used to talk so much before he realized that it actually helped his mind move down the endless river.
"Movie moments like that will never happen," Andrew says, nothing condescending or dismissive about it. It's the truth; he learned long ago that the grand gestures people expected seldom come to fruition. They could sit Jean and Jeremy at the table for two with violins playing around them and it most likely wouldn't do any good.
People won't do anything until they're ready to acknowledge how they feel, and even then they might not. Andrew never thought that was such a bad thing; shutting down a feeling, weighing the pros and cons of a decision until ultimately trying to be rid of it.
It was better that way.
He knows though, had he never let that go, he wouldn't have Neil next to him.
He also knows Bee would call that a good thing, the release of a way of thinking that he's yet to acknowledge as completely outdated.
None of that realization shows on his face.
"You sure sound fun," Alvarez mutters, but she's smiling in a way Andrew hates.
"Andrew's the funnest person I know," Neil adds, unhelpfully adding to the upbeat of Andrew's heart. If Neil could stop ruining the English language on purpose that would be great.
The girls wait for Neil to reveal it as a joke, but seconds of Neil's blank stare kill any chance of laughter.
No, Neil is completely serious. And maybe he's right, after all the good Trojan captain himself did call Andrew a riot.
Laila purses her lips after a moment. "Right..."
"Anyways, you better get a move on if you don't want to continue enjoying your date," Alvarez says, glancing behind her suspiciously while checking her watch. Laila's hand entangles in her girlfriend's, and Andrew notices the charm bracelet there. He wonders if it's a gift from Alvarez.
He's seen a similar, custom one on Katelyn's wrist for the longest time. He's about to ask himself why people are so obsessed with buying jewelry, before realizing he's in the same boat.
When did he come to permit this?
Ugh. He's not running around that particular race track again. "It's not--"
"We're going to go get drinks in the Star Wars cantina," Alvarez interrupts, hastily beginning to tug her girlfriend in that direction. Guess it's later than she thought. "Jeremy will come this way soon. He has a very specific itinerary."
Of course he does.
"Any...slow ride suggestions?" Neil asks before they go, and Alvarez squeaks when she runs right into Laila's strong back. Neil steadfastly ignores the glare Andrew sends him, though if they do have to go on more rides, Andrew would prefer something smooth.
The Matterhorn can burn.
"There's the storybook ride?" Laila says, pointing behind them down the path. "Or It's a Small World?"
Alvarez huffs. "There's a joke there somewhere..."
Andrew doesn't mean for it to happen, but his memory is a steel trap, with a layer of unpredictability wrapped around it. He can't stop it, can't turn it off. For the briefest of moments it brings him the image of a homely kitchen in California, his fingers tracing the carvings in the table while he watches Cass cook dinner. It smells good; he remembers. Of course he remembers, the dish, the ingredients, down to the stains on the tile and which cabinets were open.
The song Cass hummed from between her lips.
He'd never heard the real song, never cared to look it up online or search up the ride itself. But he knows the name, knows the tune.
"What's that?" Neil asks, and whether he means to or not, his voice pulls Andrew out of it. Not even just that...Neil has a way of firmly planting Andrew in this new reality he's forged and tailored.
For the better, Bee's voice reminds him.
Laila smiles, no doubt connecting the ride to memories of her own. Happier, softer memories. Andrew could have those too, if he wanted. It would just take some revision, overwriting. "It's just a boat ride, and it kills time for sure."
Just a boat ride. That's all.
Neil nods, turning to Andrew while the girls walk away. It's getting later; Andrew can tell by how blue Neil's eyes get, highlighted by the darkness. They're haunting in a way, like the unexplored bottom of the ocean. Horrific things lurk in the depths, but there's something pleasant about them too, calming in their mystery. Maybe because to Andrew, and only Andrew, it's familiar territory. Andrew has never felt that level of ease from something, but Neil's stupid expression is too soft when he speaks. "How about it?"
How about it? Hm.
Andrew looks off into the direction Laila pointed in, debating on if he should put himself through that. Is he ready to put himself through that?
He could take this step, he reasons. He could try to overpower the terrible memory with one of Neil, with the feeling of his weight beside him. Is it worth it? Will it work?
No, he can't think of it like that.
It won't erase anything; Andrew's not so naive to think he will ever be rid of the image in his head, the sound of Cass's voice. But...maybe he could make the crystal clear image blurrier, faded around the edges until his mind wavers, until he can no longer make out the scenes as well as before. Instead, his brain will default to Neil in the future. Whenever he hears the cheery tune, Andrew will think of his stupid headband and sugar-kissed lips.
Stronger, sturdier memories.
He's allowed Neil to implant them before, and it hasn't backfired. The process is not always easy, or without pain, but it's been worth it every time. Andrew sees no reason to mess with a working strategy.
Andrew grabs Neil's wrist, the firmest contact they've had all day, and something in him sighs at the same time Neil does.
He leads the way.
As soon as Andrew hears the tune as they enter the tunnel, he wonders if he made a mistake. Not because of the memory, though that's definitely there. No, it's the tune itself.
The music is loud, repetitive, with no lull. He's not sure how someone can work on this ride and not quit immediately. He should've expected it though, so the blame is on himself. It won't be over anytime soon either. The boat they're in is moving at an agonizing speed, but it's a relief for his back. The slow glide makes him painfully aware of the soreness in his legs, the heaviness of his eyelids.
The spotlights are pointing at the monuments and walls, leaving the riders in the shadows. If Andrew squints, the people in the boats ahead of him look like nothing more than silhouettes for the briefest of moments. Unreal, specters.
The song continues, and Andrew reevaluates. It's too late to get off the ride, and the song might be called fitting; there's a weird eeriness to it, along with the surreal feeling of the park noises being completely blocked out. It's silent, for being so loud, so irritating. But after a while he's sure he'd become numb to it, and then what would be left?
All he can hear other than the singing is the gentle slosh of the water and the occasional hushed voices of the people in front of them. Like the wind. He feels like a ghost on the ride, wispy and drifting in and out of centuries. The tune is ageless, has probably been around for decades, long before Cass started to hum it.
Somehow, it's a comfort. Cass had been insignificant, another way to separate her memory from the ride itself.
Some of the tension leaks out of his shoulders, and having Neil beside him lessens it further. There are two free seat rows in front of them; the line hadn't been too long at this time of day, and Andrew feels an inkling of gratefulness.
It's the closest thing to privacy they've had all day, he realizes, and some of the fuzziness from earlier dissipates. The static in his brain has had time to even and sizzle out; it's taken hours for him to get to this point, but when Neil lets a quiet 'yes or no' pass between them, the answer is easy. Certain.
Andrew pulls Neil against him, and Neil follows it up by entangling their fingers together. He hardly hesitates anymore, doesn't treat the gesture like something with an expiration date. Andrew privately thought it would be the case, but...he's yet to be tired of it.
It's not so rare anymore, holding Neil's hand.
They pass the first display of dancing puppets, just as the song repeats 'it's a small world after all' through the speakers. Andrew can feel Neil's wry smile before he sees it. "It really is a--"
"Finish that joke I'll kill you."
Neil throws his head back in the first sign of genuine joy from a ride, and Andrew thinks this is already better than anything else they'd previously done. It's less intensive, with just enough chaotic energy to appeal to Neil's sense of humor.
They're not the type of people usually caught dead on these kinds of rides, but the creepiness feels warmer than any of the other joyful displays Disneyland had to offer. Neil's laugh echoes off the high ceilings, and he smothers it quickly.
But Andrew's mind remembers, and he plays the cut off sound on a loop far more intense than the tune of the ride itself. He mixes them together, until they can't be pried apart.
When they pass the German section of the song, Neil looks at him expectantly, and the look Andrew gives him is unimpressed. Mischief dances in his boyfriend's eyes anyways, and again, it's not cute. It's not like Andrew is going to suddenly start singing along just because it's in German. Though, Neil's reaction might be worth it.
Neil critiques the lyric translation anyways, like it's not the simplest song to mass produce.
"This isn't so bad," Neil sighs as they pass under another archway to a different section of the very small world. His finger is starting to tap along on the back of Andrew's hand, and he's not sure if he should put an end to it before it gets stuck in Neil's head. Then he'd have to hear Neil humming it over and over, and while not as traumatic, there's only so much Andrew can take.
"Other people would probably call it torture," Andrew says, gesturing to the lifeless faces of the puppets. He wonders if there's any conspiracies about this ride online, he's sure Neil would get some morbid kick out of them.
"Wimps," Neil replies haughtily, and no, Andrew's pulse does not jump. “I’m a torture connoisseur.”
He bastardizes the word so bad Andrew almost feels bad for France. Almost. When did Neil start thinking he was funny?
"That's not even remotely how you say it." Andrew untangles their hands purely for the purpose of flicking Neil's earlobe. Neil grabs for it again as soon as the punishment is doled out.
Junkie. "You speak that language..."
But Andrew's accusations mean nothing to Neil, per usual.
"I'm dumb remember?" Neil reminds with a shrug, and Andrew grits his teeth. He's still unsure how he feels about this; Neil's mind is vast when it comes to a lot of things. Languages, math, world knowledge, how to kill a man, basic things.
But otherwise...the ignorance can be...
Andrew almost gets off the boat from admitting it to himself. Dumb jocks with runner's hearts is a type he guesses, and it happens to be his.
Or, scratch that. Neil can't possibly fall into a group. Had more than one Neil existed, the mafia would've surely met their demise as a whole through a combination of violence and general dumbassery.
"You milk it on purpose," Andrew decides to say, because Neil does. Because no, Neil's far from dumb, he just knows what gets under Andrew's skin.
Neil chooses not to respond to that, predictably.
"It's just not as bad as I expected," Neil continues, leaning his head against Andrew's shoulder. He gives a long sigh, and Andrew's sure it can't be comfortable. As at ease as he is in Neil's presence, there's always a hardness there, a tension coiled in his body. Yet, Neil leans into him like a pillow and seems to cherish the steadiness.
For a while, they just listen to the song.
Andrew's not quite sure if he agrees with the message, but he doesn't care in the moment. He's come to acknowledge lately that he shares quite a bit with other people, much to his chagrin. Though in the grand scheme of things, he's eons away from them all.
Primarily, he doesn't like to think he could replicate this...feeling, whatever it is.
Certainly not enough to assign an overused word to, one stamped onto every relationship like a barcode. 'I love you.'
He's never admired the words when other people used them. Is that fair, he wonders. Does it matter? He's stuck between a rock and a hard place; the need to be contrary itches at him. He shouldn't want to feel that way, shouldn't have to label this feeling as love...
And it doesn't feel right anyways.
He does not want to fit an insincere mold, but he doubts he and Neil ever could. They never have. This would not be so easily destroyed, toppled.
They simply share too much, and Andrew thinks back to his goal of replacing every bad memory with Neil. That's not an accident, or a desperate quick fix. That instinct is there for a reason...
Cass. Funny how his two separate problems seem to come together. Cass is an appropriate example. Andrew knows, better than anyone, that she hadn't loved him in Katelyn's definition, if that's what love even is. If love can be broken down like that, if it's real. Devotion, consideration, loyalty.
Andrew sighs; he can't go that deep into it. It's too much, bogged down by layers and layers of terrible experiences that have only just begun to be pushed aside like weeds. Never ripped out. The roots have taken hold, but they're withering.
Maybe it's because he's so tired of thinking about it that the words come out. He peers down at Neil against him, at the top of his head where the auburn curls are so within reach, and confesses to Neil's crown. He doesn't blame the need to admit things to Neil as influenced by love, it can't possibly be so contained. He just...something pushes him to work this out. "Cass would hum this, every now and again."
Andrew's not sure what he wants the reaction to be, but when Neil responds, Andrew's soul relaxes, so it must be what he needed. Neil goes rigid within an instant, robbed of the peace afforded them. Andrew didn't mean to throw it into their quiet bubble, but he doesn't regret it. These things aren't inconvenient. Andrew gives these pieces of information to Neil now, like he always has. Willingly, and they're received in kind.
Neil shoots up, eyes frantic when they meet Andrew's. He sees so many things in those blue eyes: rage at Cass, concern for Andrew, and things Andrew didn't ask for but will receive for as long as Neil is here. Neil looks frantic, and two seconds away from dragging them as far away from this place as possible.
Neil's voice is a whisper, sharp and desperate. "Why did you--"
Why indeed? Why come on this ride?
Andrew's puts all his boyfriend's worry and guilt into an early grave.
"I hate having her in my brain," he answers, and knows it's not an excuse. Being on this ride is far from traumatic, more therapeutic than anything, but he almost recoils. He's only ever admitted those things aloud, the pent up resentment and anger, in the privacy of Bee's office. Even then, it's pulling teeth. For so long he framed his time with Cass as the only blip of light in his life. But it had come with a price, and Andrew knows now it hadn't been remotely worth it. For so long he tried to protect that outlook, but now he wants it stained, blacked out. He just never knew it would be so hard to blot it out with his own hand.
And if that was not love...
Neil flinches, but Andrew keeps going, daring him to say something. He needs Neil to know he's serious, so he makes it personal, shared. "You're the obnoxious one, telling me to overwrite things all the time. That's what this is."
That's why I'm okay with this. It's you.
Andrew can see the moment Neil remembers; they'd been sitting on the roof, and Neil had asked him to only remember the good things, even if for just a moment. Andrew's not the best at employing this, and sometimes he vehemently denies the ability to do so, but not with this. Not today.
That feeling cannot be replicated; Andrew turns the idea in his head again and again, never getting closer.
But one thing is certain...
Neil's expression softens, and Andrew squeezes his hand before he flicks a look up at the bright orange monstrosity on Neil's head. "Now, this ride will just remind me of how terrible that headband is," he says, and Neil should at least be able to read between those lines. "Nothing else will come first."
I will latch onto you instead. Andrew never wanted that before, to cling to some idealized outlook again. But Neil is not that; Neil is painfully real. Sometimes he misinterprets, other times he keeps too much to himself. But at the end of the day, Andrew trusts him to do whatever it takes to remain by his side for as long as he chooses to be there.
Andrew is the same way; he can't go back to how it was before.
Andrew's not paying attention to the displays around them anymore, but he can feel his mind melding the images and the tune together with Neil's expression. Open, vulnerable, welcome.
Neil sighs a moment later, muscles relaxing. Not once does his hold on Andrew loosen, but he knows better than to pry about Andrew's past. Andrew has made it clear; this moment is not about an old memory.
Neil leans back, moving further into Andrew's space. "Mm, should I say something else annoying, make the moment stronger?"
And ah, back to normal already are we?
Andrew flicks the back of Neil's hand. "You just did."
He'll log that away too, as aggravating as it is.
"Yeah..." Neil breathes out with a laugh, his thumb rubbing small circles into Andrew's skin. Physical touch, muscle memory...Andrew needs all of it for this to work. He gladly focuses on that while Neil thinks; Andrew can tell solely from the crease in his brow the striker has more on his mind.
Neil's not necessarily like Andrew, he won't keep these things to himself for prideful reasons. He needs to let them out, or they will eat him up.
He's bad at hiding it too.
"Hey Andrew," Neil says eventually, and Andrew's ready for the words before they're even in the air between them. He'd been expecting this, dreading it, but not okay with putting it off any longer. He needs Neil's help, unfortunately, to piece it all together. "You said Jean was in love with Jeremy."
One day if life is especially cruel, and Andrew outlives Neil, he will make it his mission to pick the man's brain. Something in that stubborn subconscious always seems to anticipate the winding roads Andrew is currently stuck on, even when Neil actually has zero clue.
He's not so upset by this anymore.
Carefully, Andrew turns Neil's palm over to trace the heart lines. If he put them on a map, would they cross through all the places Neil's been? "I did say that."
And he's been re-thinking about if it's true. Who knows if Jean and Jeremy are actually in love. As much as he likes to compare them to his brother's and Katelyn's nauseating displays, affectionate looks and blushing cheeks can't be all there is to it.
Andrew had been stupid to chalk it up to just that. Not even Katelyn would've. And if that's the case, Andrew might never be convinced of Jeremy and Jean's feelings. Attraction sure, but he doesn't care enough to dig deeper.
There's not an equation to test levels of protectiveness, or comfort, in order to determine an abstract and troublesome thing like love. And why would he need to test his own feelings against such a thing anyways? He knows...he knows this is something he will keep for as long as he can.
"I thought you didn't use that word," Neil offers when Andrew is quiet for too long, debating on the best angle to attack this from. Neil tends to do that, when Andrew himself hasn't figured things out yet. If he poses questions that open up other doors, it clears the mess away. He notes how Neil says 'doesn't use' instead of 'doesn't like' or 'hates,' because it's true. Andrew isn't repulsed by the word, just annoyed with it and all its aspects. He does not get it.
It's like he told Katelyn...
"I don't, but only because it's untrustworthy," Andrew replies, rubbing the back of his neck. He's not making sense, not even to himself. He's simply trying to see if he's open to the idea of throwing out his old opinion, the one where the concept of love is something twisted beyond recognition. Fake. Overly reproduced.
It's far more difficult a feat than simply overwriting a bad memory. This feels more invasive, but Andrew knows he wouldn't be thinking about it if there wasn't something important lodged beneath.
Neil squints, unaware of Andrew's turmoil. "So you were insulting them?"
The game show buzzer in Andrew's head rings; nope, that's not it.
"I was applying Mrs. Minyard's definition..." Andrew tries not to sound too bitter. The whole reason he even let this issue cling to him is because of Katelyn. She's the worst.
"Katelyn?" Neil asks, but doesn't question further after Andrew nods. Andrew assumes he's used to this, and it's entirely likely he's had a similar conversation with Katelyn. Andrew won't think about that either.
Neil nods. "Okay well, do you care if they figure it out?"
Again, Neil strikes out, but it helps Andrew to eliminate the background noise in his head.
"No, it makes no difference to me," he says. He couldn't care less what becomes of Moreau's romantic life. "Though it would be annoying if we have to do this again."
Another forced outing surrounded by dense morons...
Andrew's had to deal with enough obliviousness.
Neil smirks. "You know, Kevin might flip out if they get together."
Ah, another rare pro...
Neil leans away, regarding Andrew like he's taken on a new sleuth role. He rubs his chin too, to add to the drama of it. Maybe Andrew should get him a monocle, if he's going to be this much of a fuck. "So...if you don't care if they realize it, why think about it at all? I'll be honest, I didn't think you'd care about something like this."
Andrew's not quite sure why or if he does either. It doesn't have to be a thing that applies to them, if he doesn't want it to be.
Their this is unique. Andrew had been so resistant to using the word 'love' because it had been spit on and turned to bile, misused by people throughout his life. But in doing so, he ignored the times people used it genuinely. In the past, he would've contested that. He would've said it was never genuine, never earned. The commercialized concept wasn't something he'd let himself have in common with others.
But lately, Andrew finds that having some things in common with certain people isn't reprehensible. And in this case...
Aaron's voice comes barreling through his head, steering Andrew to destinations he couldn't find before. And well, now he knows why his brain can't let go of Aaron and Katelyn as his go to example.
"Our feelings for them are the same."
Yes. Andrew had slowly begun to accept that. Maybe that's why his brain wouldn't write off Katelyn's words so easily.
Begrudgingly, Andrew admits there's a lot more to his brother's relationship than pure affection, even when most of it is behind closed doors. Katelyn had been there through the worst parts of Aaron's college life, and she'd never once judged him or ignored the ugliest bits. Not even when he hated her, could Andrew look past those things. They meet her own definition, and Andrew's simply choosing to extend some trust to his brother. Aaron says he's in love, so Andrew believes him even when he doesn't believe in the feeling's history, in the way it's manipulated.
And well, if his feelings are the same...
Well, he guesses he can try to accept that too.
"I was testing it," Andrew answers, without much struggle. Katelyn's definition, any definition. Andrew looks at Neil straight on then, and the striker's grin fades. Something crosses over those eyes, like for once Andrew is ahead of him. "Love. I think I'm trying to decide if I...want to say it."
If I want to say 'I love you.' If it applies at all.
Not need, but want.
Is it something heavy, or is it something inconsequential?
It feels wrong, but Andrew knows he's reached the crux of his problem. This is where all his restlessness stemmed from, his observations about Jean and Jeremy, about the girls...
It had nothing to do with them, but everything to do with whether or not he'd ever want to have that in common with them.
He'd ignored the fact he most likely already does.
But the words...he never would've bothered before. They don't mean much, other than the weight society has put on them, and Andrew's never cared about that. He doesn't need them to know this is something sturdy in his life, and he doubts Neil needs them either.
It's more...this is another thing life took from them, took from Neil. They've never expected to regain everything; they never feel like life owes them.
It has nothing to do with that. It's just the same as with a lot of other instances; Andrew wants to give these things to Neil, because Neil is his.
Does there have to be some deeper explanation or justification for it? Even if there is, Andrew stops looking for it.
He waves off Neil's shocked expression, and doesn't ponder why it's there in the first place. He's been in the wrong before, assuming he's the only one who thinks about stuff like this. It's possible this has been on Neil's mind too, but that's not the point.
"I don't mean now, or anytime soon," Andrew corrects. No, no. He's not there yet, and it's not like it's some milestone they have to reach. Andrew doesn't like to think it could encompass how he feels, but maybe his biggest issue with this is that...he's not sure he hates the idea of it anymore. The word. One day, he might be able to say it and know it means a lot more than what other people think about it. And that would be enough. "But one day."
The shadows of the displays wash over Neil's expression, and Andrew can't pull anything out of it. Neil stares, hand still curled impossibly tight in Andrew's.
Andrew won't take back anything he said, but Neil's silence is beginning to unnerve him. He could have overstepped he realized, he should've asked for Neil's opinion at some point, weighed it against--
"You know, Aaron talked to me about this once," Neil offers finally. It's not what Andrew's expecting him to say. Then, Neil's face twitches, and Andrew can tell he's...holding back a smile. "That night you picked Katelyn up, we talked about...yeah."
Andrew knows the gist of what happened, Neil filled him in. Guess he didn't reveal all the details though.
Neil's laugh is a breathy, comforting thing this time. "He made me think about it. He asked if I loved you."
Neil smiles wryly, an expression he's begun to pair with Aaron lately. It's not a glare or scowl nearly as much anymore.
Andrew stills, but relaxes in the next second. They'd both been subject to the same thoughts after all, Andrew just didn't realize how similar the sources were. Aaron and Katelyn are menaces, and they don't even realize it.
Andrew doesn't feel nervous, or anxious. The way Neil feels about him is obnoxiously stone-like and unmovable at this point, as much as Andrew still sometimes tries to act like it's not. Neil won't say anything to make him doubt that.
"I said I did," Neil continues, like it's obvious. Andrew's pulse hiccups a little anyways. Stupid. "But I didn't know if I ever wanted to say it to you. It's more like...well obviously I do feel that way right? In the whatever—traditional sense."
Traditional. Ha.
He's not sure even Katelyn's definition is truly traditional in its selflessness.
Neil clears his throat, palm clammy in Andrew's own. Second by second, Andrew feels lighter. Neil's rambling is a strange salve, one more thing they have in common. Too much thinking, when the answer doesn't have to be so complex. Neil tries to glance away, but Andrew grabs his chin, keeping them face to face. He wants to have all this forever, every expression, every blink.
Neil swallows, but his smile stays, making a liar out of him before the words even leave his mouth. "But one word doesn't seem like enough, and if we did say it wouldn't it just be for other people's satisfaction? I don't need it to know you feel the same way..."
Andrew shakes his head in disbelief. Neil. Only Neil would expect that from Andrew. Andrew's mind exhales.
The convoluted mess of words echoes Andrew's own thoughts throughout the day, but it's never sounded clearer. No, it's true, one word will never be enough, but Andrew thinks if he could come to associate the word, the phrase, with this feeling, unique to them...
It wouldn't be so damaged anymore.
It would still be theirs, and no one else's. He'd have his own definition, to overwrite the rest.
"But even then..." Neil adds, quietly, his voice dancing with the song still playing around them. The lyrics are in English again, and Andrew knows the ride will end soon. Cass is barely a blip in his mind now, compared to Neil's words, the ones which mirror Andrew's. "I still thought it might be nice, one day, to say it. That doesn't make sense, does it?"
Logically no. All the contradictions, the back and forth...feelings are a strange thing and that's one reason Andrew's always hated them. There's no rhyme or reason, and there's two sides to each one. All justification is ruled out by one thing and one thing alone: 'I still want to.'
And in that sense, Neil's words make perfect sense.
But he can't confess all that; instead he cups Neil's face in his hands, smoothing over the scars like he always does. The roughness is a constant, familiar. "I hate you," he says, with no heat. It makes both of them blink, and Andrew realizes it's been a while since he said it. That too, has changed. But in this case, he thinks it's more than fair. He's feeling more than he possibly knows what to do with. "Yes or no?"
The fact he asks makes Neil snort; it's nostalgic, because...they don't ask as much these days. But Neil's 'yes' echoes loud and clear as they pass under the final archway, and for the first time all day, their lips meet. Neil sighs into him, his hands coming up to rest over Andrew's, breathing in the unspoken promise.
Nothing was decided, nothing fleshed out. But it didn't have to be.
One day, maybe.
They're both more than okay with that. Besides, Andrew did always say proof meant more than words.
And he has mountains of it to last in the meantime.
With only a little annoyance, Andrew admits he fell into the trap without meaning to; they shared a kiss at Disneyland.
Andrew pulls away as the sunlight begins to pour over them, and he squints, already missing the ride. Quiet it was not, but not as bad as the sounds and size of the crowd. If he ever does have to come back, he knows it will be a place to stop.
It makes him think of Neil, first and foremost, and he's long since stopped denying himself that.
Neil tries to help Andrew out of the boat, but Andrew swats him away for being a shit. He doesn't need help. As revenge, Neil smirks at him once they're walking down the exit path, adjusting his ears just to be even more irritating. Not cute. "Wait, so this means you admit Katelyn and Aaron are in love. Can I tell them?"
Andrew rolls his eyes, and Neil laughs. He'll never live that one down, and if Neil wants to survive he'll keep it to himself.
Mockery aside, Neil links their hands together, and Andrew pushes his face away before accepting the touch. Neil hasn't stopped smiling.
"Something to say Neil?" He says with a glare, and though he knows it's a joke at best, it makes that obnoxious warmth in him surge.
Neil smiles wider, dragging Andrew down the path with no idea where he's going. Andrew lets him.
"No," Neil throws behind him, humor lacing his tone. Gradually, the corner of Andrew's mouth twitches. "Not at all."
"Andrew! Neil!" Jeremy's voice booms from across the pavilion, and they both freeze in their analysis of where the best hiding spot would be in the entire park (Andrew is making a case for Toontown, but puts a pin in it).
Their time alone is officially over.
"Shit," Neil mutters, hand still linked in Andrew's. Normally at the sight of people they know, he'd pull away for Andrew's comfort, but Andrew keeps his grip firm.
He wants this today. Neil beams, sighing at the rest of the group's advance. It must be twice as sad now, since Neil knows.
Jeremy and Jean follow with the girls in tow, and as they get closer Andrew can see Laila's resigned smile. She and Alvarez have been caught too, despite their best efforts, and Andrew can tell nothing has changed.
The 'magical moment' they'd tried to pull out of Jean and Jeremy didn't happen, just like Andrew knew it wouldn't. Regardless, they're as hopeless as ever.
Jean trails close after Jeremy, eyes scanning his strong back while Jeremy keeps looking to make sure he's following. They're still dancing around one another, oblivious, but that's their own problem to sort out.
Still...there's a shift in Jean's features that wasn't there before, and Andrew is all too happy to wither it away with a glare.
He's accepting, not forgiving.
Whatever realizations Jean came to today have no other impact on Andrew other than an urge to get as far away as possible from it.
But there's hours to go.
Hours more to go, with Neil's hand in his. The striker throws a knowing grin back at him before pulling him forward, probably dead set on meddling as much as possible.
With the promise of 'one day' still fizzing strong in his chest, Andrew follows.
There's no more memories of this place to overwrite, so he has no choice but to crack open the door a little for some new ones.
That, at least, he can handle.
31 notes · View notes
Erin and Ania are like holy fuck I can’t even. But for real Neil sees Abby as a mother figure in the book so like is it the same for Ania? Andrew too? Idek I just need to know their relationships with everyone
It’s time I map out their relationships anyways lol so thanks, love!
Let’s start with the lovely Ania 
Dan, Allison, and Ania are roommates. It’s tough after Seth’s death bc Ania has to face her all the time. Erin tells Allison her theory too so Allison is avoiding Ania so :////
Dan is essentially what Matt was to Neil. She sees Ania and her first thought is ‘baby’. She adopts her so fast. Every morning before class, she’ll pinch Ania’s cheeks and kiss her fingers, chef-style Idk man. It’s just something my mom does to me ok. Let me be soft. 
Renee rooms with Erin so Ania isn’t comfortable with her. Anyone that can spend the night in a room with that girl has to be hardcore. 
Allison also gives Ania a lot of shit about her wardrobe. At some point it starts to get to her so when the monsters head to the mall, Erin catches Ania drifting towards the girl’s section on her own. She’s high so she follows her around, prodding her about it. When Ania tells her, there’s this moment where Erin’s drug haze parts for a second. Ania could have sworn that she saw anger flashing in Erin’s eyes for half a second. She shrugs it off until Allison shows up at the dorms with a bruise on her jaw. Erin knows Ania hides her body bc scars and bc she doesn’t like men staring at her. She refuses to let Allison shame Ania into doing something she doesn’t want to. In general, Allison and Ania have a rocky relationship because Erin keeps interfering. After Christmas, the two of them end up getting along a lot better bc they bond while Allison covers Ania’s bruises with makeup. Also after Christmas, Ania and Renee trade dorms so she and Allison aren’t in constant contact. Part of their friction was due to the amount of time they spent together. A lot of things have happened to Allison this year and the fact that she constantly has to see the source of a lot of her problems makes it hard for her to heal.  
I’ve considered Fem!Nicky but I personally prefer Gay/Lesbian solidarity between him and Erin a lot better so yeah (However if you want me to run a few Fem!Nicky hcs, hmu and I’ll do it. She won’t be a part of the fem!verse but it would be fun). He’s exactly the way he is in canon. However, he is constantly trying to set Ania and Erin up and Erin? Doesn’t? Stop? Him? She’s so desperately in love with Ania that if Nicky wingmanning for her is what it takes to win her over, then she’ll take it. She also has a really dirty sense of humor. The jokes he makes fuel her late-night fantasies. 
Aaron is disgusted with Nicky and, more importantly, himself. Ania is incredibly beautiful and he’s incredibly straight. He doesn’t like her bc he’s so gone for Katelyn. That doesn’t make Ania any less pretty. He finds himself staring at her all the time but so does every other fox so he doesn’t feel bad. 
Katelyn thinks Ania is hot. She’s bi but leans heavily towards guys. It takes Aaron a long time to unlearn his homophobia but he manages it because Katelyn is bi and he couldn’t possibly hate anything about her. Once Riko is gone and Ania is safe, she starts to develop feelings. I mean, she always had feelings but now she doesn’t try to suppress them. She lets herself want to be friends with people. Katelyn happens to be at the top of her list. While the twins are with Bee at their sessions, Katelyn and Ania hang out. Sessions are only an hour/hour and a half long so the girls just grab a soda together or go window shopping in Reddin. I hc Katelyn as a genuinely sweet VSCO girl. Let me have this! Ania has a grunge/goth aesthetic because Erin buys her clothes for her but she thinks Katelyn’s clothes are cute too. Erin wants to hate the thousands of scrunchies and anklets she finds strewn across the dorm but they make Ania so happy. Once on a double date, on Bee’s insistence, Katelyn catches sight of a bubblegum pink scrunchie in Erin’s hair. It’s a stark contrast to her all-black outfit but it’s really cute. When Aaron goes to grab their drinks from the barista, Katelyn tells her so making sure to stay well out of Erin’s reach. Erin just grunts and turns to look out the window. The twins don’t blush with their whole face. Instead, their ears turn red. With Erin’s hair pulled up and out of the way, Katelyn has no trouble seeing her burning red ears. It’s progress! 
Ania spends a lot more time out at Evermore as a kid than Neil did. As a result, she was really close to Kevin and Riko. She only knew Jean for like a month before she dipped. I got a request for Fem!Jean so you’ll see Ania’s relationship with Jeanie soon. Kevin sees her as a baby sister. He and Kayleigh were actually at the hospital when Ania was born. There’s a baby photo back at Kayleigh’s old house of 3yr old Kevin carrying a newborn Ania. He’s crying rivers in it. There’s an actual video of it as well. In it, Kay asks him why he’s crying. “She’s sho shmall!” little Kevin sobs. “Can I keep her? Pleashe, mom. I’ll be nice to her and take care of her and I’ll tell her I love her all the time.” You can hear someone laughing in the background. The camera pans across the room to reveal Wymack sitting in a chair by the door, cackling
TANGENT BUT I WANT TO TALK ABOUT WYMACK FOR A MINUTE! So Wymack and Kay are friends with some obvious benefits. He flips his shit when Kevin is born because what if that’s his kid??? Kay is just like, I was with a lot of guys and brushes it off. She’s lying through her teeth. Wymack is the only man she’s ever loved. Tetsuji is salty and I will go into this in another post but I think that Tetsuji really hated Kevin because he was Kay’s son but not his. I absolutely believe that Tetsuji was in love with Kayleigh Day and was pissed when she had a kid. Anyway, Wymack flies out to Ireland a lot to check up on Kay and Kevin because Kay is crazy. How could the inventor of exy not be? It’s literally murder lacrosse. He goes out to make sure Kay isn’t overworking herself and bc Kev has no father figure. Kev grows up knowing Wymack and absolutely adores him. When Kay dies, Wymack wants custody of Kevin. Kay knows who the Moriyamas are and recently she and Tetsuji have been fighting a lot. She’s scared that something is going to happen to her so she writes her will and emphasizes that she wants her son sent to Wymack if she dies. Her fight with Tetsuji comes to a head and the car ‘accident’ happens. It’s not an accident. Tetsuji ordered her killed in a fit of rage. He’s devastated when it actually happens. He loved her and now she’s dead. Well, who’s fault is that, ya dumb bish? He flies out for the funeral and so does Wymack. Tetsu finds the will first and is anger. He has it burned and has Nathan forge a new one where he gets custody of Kev. It breaks Wymack’s heart bc now he thinks Kay didn’t want him around Kev. Kevin is five and he’s crying because his mom is dead and now he can’t live with Wymack. He calls Wymack Dad and Wymack can’t do anything about this. Instead, he just hugs little Kev close and tells him it’ll be okay. Wymack tells Kev that Tetsu has a niece his age. Maybe Kev and Riko can be friends. Maybe they’ll even get married. Kevin says that’s disgusting and Wymack laughs a hollow laugh. Anyway, that’s how Kev gets shipped to Evermore. Tetsu doesn’t allow Wymack near Kev bc he knows the truth. The reason why Wymack always has a sports channel on because he used to keep it on in case Kev ever showed up. He watched every one of Kev’s games and interviews and everything. Wymack doesn’t get to be there to watch Kev grown up so he just watched from a distance. I'm not crying you are. 
Wymack is a father figure to Ania and Erin. He’s there when Ania is born bc he went to visit Kay and Kev who were in Baltimore to meet baby Nathania. Kay carts him out to the hospital to meet her too. Nathan Wesninski was not in the room when his daughter was born. He doesn’t even meet her until she’s six months old. Wymack is the first man Nathania meets and she doesn’t even know. Mary didn’t want to hand Nathania over to Wymack but she and Kay are friends and she knows that he’s her baby daddy. Wymack doesn’t recognize Ania because he only knew her for a month when she was a newborn. Of course he doesn’t recognize her. However, he thinks about her a lot. She’s actually the first baby he’s ever held. He didn’t get to hold Kevin until he was two. Wymack treats Ania the same way he treats Neil but he puts in a bit of extra care bc he knows about Millport incident. 
Abby is definitely as much of a mom figure as she was to Neil. However, after she shows her her scars, Ania gets a lot closer to her. She refuses to tell her things but when Erin gets sent to Easthaven, Ania has a hard time staying at the dorms. She spends all her time at the court bc she has to. She hides in the library bc it’s the one place she wouldn’t see Erin anyways. She crashes at Abby’s a few times because there are times she can’t stand the thought of going back to the dorms without feeling the brush of Erin’s hand on the back of her neck. 
Oh. That’s a thing. Every night after midnight practice n Kev has gone to his room, Ania says goodnight to Erin. Erin will trail her hand across the back of Ania’s neck as she passes in response. It makes Ania shiver because her neck is as much of an erogenous zone as Erin’s is. Erin always watches it out of the corner of her eye bc God it’s the most amazing thing she’s ever seen. It makes her feel. Ania doesn’t really realize???? She’s so dumb. She knows it makes her feel good but she just can’t for the life of her figure out why. 
It’s time I addressed the real psycho lesbian… While Erin’s is a facade, Riko is genuinely psychotic. She’s seven types of crazy. Actually, it skews a little more yandere but I will go into depth about it in the Fem!Jean fic. Rn, I’ll try to keep it short. Riko has her first crush when she’s eight? Nine? She kisses her crush on the cheek when she’s ten and Tetsuji… doesn’t take it well to say the least. The bit about it’s easier to remain straight? It’s the thing Kevin hears Riko say to herself every morning in front of the mirror. Regardless, Riko never gets over that first crush. Riko will never not miss Nathania Wesninski. When she finds out who Ania really is? She loses it. It’s fate, she tells herself. She will have Ania or die trying. Christmas at Evermore is a thing so I mean, I guess she does have Ania :( But she wants Ania to love her. She tells Ania as much and Ania spits in her face. :)
Most of Erin’s relationships are the same except for the Matt and Renee thing I covered earlier. The only other one that changes is Kevin. I know I say this a lot, but she really thought Ania and Kev would be a thing. She says no to Kevin for everything bc she’s petty.  Kevin has always gotten everything that he wanted handed to him on a silver plate. Now he’s taking the one thing she really wants.  If he gets Ania, he can’t have anything else. Again, I’ll cover her relationship with Jean later. 
Thanks again your ask <3
Edit: I'm really tired and have a quiz tomorrow but I forgot to talk about Cleo. I'll make a separate post about her so stay tuned for that!!!
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alexjosten · 6 years
Chapters: 4/6 Rating: Mature Relationships: Kevin Day/Neil Josten Additional Tags: Canon Divergence, POV Kevin Day, Fake Dating, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Kathy Ferdinand's show, Drunk Kissing, blink and you miss it onesided andreil, Panic Attacks, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Hand Jobs, making out instead of studying, Kevin Day character study, Kevin Day is a fuckboy, Hurt/Comfort, powerbottom neil, Canonical Character Death Summary:
“So I just had an interesting little chit chat with Neil,” Andrew paused to blow a plume of smoke from his lips, openly savouring the moment before dropping his bomb. “His little obsession with you goes beyond your Exy accolades. Apparently he’s in love with you.”
Kevin barked out a short laugh—because how else could he take that statement other than a joke? Neil had looked at him with nothing but bitter contempt all summer during their rigorous training sessions. It hadn’t even been that long since he broke into his dorm to call him a cripple and a deadweight has-been.
Andrew doesn't believe Neil when he explains he has a binder full of Kevin's photos because he's in love with him. To catch him in his lie, he convinces Kevin to fake interest in Neil to get him to give up the act. Problem is, neither of them know how far Neil is willing to go to ensure his survival.
Chapter 4 Excerpt:
“What’s your fucking problem, Andrew? I fulfilled our end of the deal.”
“It was over. There was no deal left to fulfill.”
“Fuck your semantics. The fact is I proved that he’s not lying. What more do you want?”
“I want nothing,” Andrew looked down at his bloodied knuckles, and then tapped a cigarette out of his packet, “A kiss doesn’t prove anything. Neil is a liar down to his very core.”
“I think the reason you hate the idea of him being interested in me so much is because you can’t stand the fact that you were wrong.” Kevin stepped forward and pointed an accusing finger at the packet in Andrew’s hands. “Don’t smoke that in here.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” Andrew said as he lit up in front of him.
“Neither can you.”
“Apparently not.” Andrew blew a cloud of smoke into Kevin’s face. Kevin coughed and waved a hand to dissipate the smog before moving past Andrew to the window to push it open. It was still duct-taped together with Andrew’s blood on the screen from where he had punched it on Saturday. It hadn’t been repaired yet.
“Forget the new deal. What about our first one? How can I make you care if you don’t play?”
Andrew merely shrugged, “Doesn’t sound like my problem.”
“This is absolutely your problem,” Kevin spat. “You are an athlete. We have a game on Friday. We’ve just lost a player, and all you’ve done this week is antagonise the rest of the team and skip practice.”
Andrew’s insincere smile stretched across his features, “I’ve been in mourning.”
“Cut the shit, Andrew. You know, it’s real rich that you accused Neil of being a mole from Edgar Allan yet you’re the one who’s actively sabotaging our progress.”
“That’s cute. Ever considered if Neil hadn’t taken a shot at Riko on live TV, then Riko wouldn’t have had a reason to retaliate? Or have you got such a hard on for your little boyfriend that he can’t do anything wrong?”
Andrew’s collar was bunched up in Kevin’s fists in an instant.
“Don’t you dare. You have no idea what it was like up there. You didn’t do shit. Neil did. He—Fuck!” A stinging pain seared across his abdomen and Kevin dropped Andrew. His fingers sought out the shallow wound and came back red. He looked up to see Andrew twirling his bloodied knife between his fingers.
“Whoops, my hand slipped.” He stooped down to pick up his dropped cigarette. The cherry had burned a hole in the cheap dormitory carpet. He took a puff to keep it alive and then continued, wiggling the end of the blade at him tauntingly. “Here’s a tip. Stop trying to force me to like your dumb little game. You’ll have more success when you stop caring so much.”
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nathanielwessninski · 7 years
AU!Football (Aareil!Andreil), Part 1.
I feel quite angry because yesterday I spent hours writing pieces of this, so that suddenly the light goes out in my urbanization and EVERYTHING I wrote is erased. fuckin 'shit. Now, again, I come back to this because it really is an idea that has not left me alone all day yesterday (and today). In itself, it is an AU in which instead of the Foxes being an Exy team, they are now Football, except Neil, who will now be a Vixen.
This will be like a light introduction to the characters.
Here the sport of Football is mixed, so the alignment will be the same as in the canon, except that Neil will be a cheerleader and Seth will be alive and occupy his 'position'.
Kevin will continue to be an obsessive sportsman who plays with an injury to his left hand (because of Riko), but will recover. Seth is less asshole here, because I admit that a certain part of me liked the character and I want to give it a try, but it will still have its sassy bitch side (not really homophobic).
(Seth and Allison are not in relationship romantic here, but they are best friends; Renee and Allison are girlfriends).
(The Moriyama here are not any kind of mafia or anything like that, only a high-ranking business family; and Riko is just a jerk. Do not worry).
Allison and Dan are still wild and loyal to theirs, and with Renee shutting the fucking mouths of all those who still think that a girl can not play a contact sport as well as a guy.
Matt and Nicky are smiling and adorable as always, but protective of their family. Andrew is a little less aggressive than usual with the Foxes (God bless you, Betsy Dobson), but an imbecile with sociopathic instincts as always; is a little closer to them and can engage in small conversations when the Foxes aren't being intrusive (Renee helped a lot to get to this type of 'truce'), and on RARE occasions defended the fools when someone tried to pass with them.
Aaron does change here a little more than the others did, it's something more closed than before in terms of his thoughts and feelings, but he considers the Foxes the true family he never had, although it took a lot to reach this understanding (Nicky , Renee and Betsy fought a lot for this); he is among the first to jump to defend them, although he is usually a asshole with them.
Another radical change is found in the fact that Aaron never sent a letter to Andrew, so they never met or knew of each other's existence until a slightly funny situation occurred at the University; It was something like Nicky strongly confusing Andrew with Aaron, which brought many questions that had no answers until they reunited the twins in the same room (along with a broad search in the family registry and a blood test).
Andrew had just transferred to PSU to continue his career in Criminal Justice, due to certain complications (he savagely beat a professor who tried to hurt Bee) at his previous University; To say that he was stupefied by such a finding would be bullshit, he really expected a strange shit like that of his sanguine 'family', not that he cared more, actually. What he was curious about, with a simple transfer of universities, he had just discovered that he had a twin and a cousin.
At first he stayed away from them as much as he could, he did not care a bit, he just focused on his classes and visiting Bee in his new office (she got a new job at PSU as a psychologist for his athletes).
Until she confused Andrew with Aaron when coach Wymack led his team to meet before her and decide what day it was for each of them to have a session with her. From there she advised Andrew a lot about how well it could make him try to know and approach this part of his family that he did not know, and that they seemed to be alone (besides the Foxes).
It was a complicated and lengthy process that Andrew and Aaron could engage in a long conversation, without monosyllables or sharp and sarcastic answers. From there they were able to reconstruct a bit of family history: Tilda gave both twins up for adoption, only to finally repent a bit and take one of them (Aaron) before finalizing the paperwork, Andrew went to the Foster System (and then to Juvie for his problematic attitude) and Aaron stayed to live with an abusive mother for years (not that Andrew was better in the foster homes), until he met Nicky and after his mother died of an overdose (and a strong argument between Nicky and Luther Hemmick in which the minor finally cut off all relationship with them), Nicky took Aaron's custody (with the help of another distant relative who did not agree with the method of raising of the Hemmick).
Andrew suffered physical and psychological abuse in the homes to which he was given, but was only sexually abused once by Drake Spear when he was thirteen, one year after he was adopted by that family; but on that occasion Drake was caught in the act by the very Cass Spear, who called the police directly.
Destroyed for having failed a child as wonderful and amazing as Andrew was, she moved some contacts to move Andrew to an adoption and help institute where a distant friend of Richard Spear, Betsy Dobson, worked as a psychologist. (And after two years of understanding, fighting and love, Andrew let Betsy finally adopt him).
So, now both twins and cousin are in the process of approaching with help from Betsy (poor of her, with Andrew antagonizing everyone, Aaron being scathing and Nicky very gaudy).
A few months later, and all three of them maintaining a more civilized relationship, Andrew was slightly coerced by Bee (again) to join the football team (which was a fucking trick because Betsy knows there are VERY few things that Andrew can deny her).
(At times, Aaron admits to himself that he feels somewhat jealous of Bee's close and loving way of being with Andrew; he would have loved to have someone like her nearby).
Andrew's expressionless face and slightly psychopathic behavior constantly intimidates the Foxes a bit (except Renee and Wymack, and sometimes Allison), but over time they get used to it.
Aaron does not even like football, but he was violently harassed by sportobsession!Kevin Day to be part of the team after having seen him wildly tackling a son of a bitch who tried to touch Neil Josten (And Nicky happily joined the team to not be alone).
Aaron have a thing with Neil Josten, everyone knows it (except Andrew, because he don't know about Josten).
The day that Andrew Minyard met Neil Josten was fucking memorable for Allison: it was on a type of team-building weekend organized by Dan and Wymack, that they somehow managed to reunite everyone including the twins and Seth (Bee and Abby were really happy).
Then as the day progressed and the afternoon fell, they decided to make a movie marathon in Abby's living room, but before they needed to recharge supplies, so Wymack asked Renee and Allison to take care of it; somehow the trip was joined by Andrew and Seth.
They arrived at 7/11 and set out to collect different types of snacks for everyone; then in one of the corridors Allison spotted a very familiar auburn hair, let out a small squeak of joy and ran over there, alerting Andrew and Renee that they thought there was some threat, only to see the blonde hugging wildly to a short guy.
After leaving the mysterious boy and letting him breathe, Seth also approached and released a sassy comment: 'look just who is here, if it is other than a whore vixen smartass'.
Before any Fox could say anything else, the unknown boy (for Andrew and Renee) counterattacked: 'what's up, drug addict? Have not you received your daily dose, that I notice you something cranky?’
Surprisingly, Seth only grined sideways and stretched out a hand to stir the hair of the boy under: 'how did you do in the competition, midget?'
The auburn boy reply to Seth: 'of course we won, Gordon; nobody compares to us, so I hope you Foxes do not leave us in bad during the season'.
In that Allison jumps and assures with conviction: 'clearly this is our season, Josten, we have two new members who are monsters in the field when they want; we will destroy the asshole of Riko'.
Josten only gave a small laugh at that and nodded in support; and that sound really caught Andrew's attention, that he looked up from the candy shelf to finally see the one who seemed to be friends with Gordon and Reynolds, being stunned.
'Shit,' was the first thought that went through Andrew's mind, followed by 'fucking gorgeous' and 'problem': in front of him was a boy a few inches taller than him, with auburn hair and impossibly blue eyes, like celestial ones. Beautiful. His left cheek had a slight pink burn of three circles, barely visible, and on his right he had three fine cuts; However, not a single one of those scars left any kind of beauty, not even remotely. Even though Andrew's face remained expressionless, an intense blush was staying on his cheeks as he detailed the impressive boy in front of him; he never had seen someone so painfully attractive like Josten.
Allison noticed it (Renee too, but she did not anything).
The blonde took the Vixen's forearm and pulled him closer to the group saying: 'Oh, right! You do not know Renee or Minyard, personally; You never could meet to meet my Renee and Minyard arrived when you were in the competition. Babe, Monster, he's Neil Josten, sub-captain of the Vixens.'
Renee introduced herself and greeted him kindly, curious about the times when his girlfriend talked to him about this boy, Andrew only blushed a little more when Neil looked directly at him but swerved off with a cutting: 'Cheerleader, really?'
Before Allison spoke, Neil responded quickly and sharp: 'What, I do not look like that? Then you'll have to excuse me, I forgot to put on my uniform skirt for you.'
The right corner of Andrew's mouth trembled (the closest thing to a smile that Renee had seen in him): 'so sassy, Vixen.'
A grin formed on Neil's lips: 'so, Andrew Minyard, I could say it's a pleasure to finally meet Aaron's twin, I've heard a lot of things from you'.
Andrew like: 'I bet were not good at all'.
Another short laugh came from Neil's lips: 'no, they were not, but they're still interesting'.
A thought was shared among the other three present in the scene, something like 'fucking weird flirting' (being kinder in Renee's head).
Andrew may only want to kick himself when he felt so trapped looking at Neil's fluffy lips.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 10 – Really Just A Whole Lot Of Dialogue (or: the Thanksgiving Prelude)
In which we finally get the Beautiful Murderous Snowflake content we deserve, the canonical gayness picks up speed, past predictions are confirmed, future ones are wildly formed and Neil discovers his new Powers of Persuasion.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
Hold yourselves – it’s not time for the epic Thanksgiving shenanigans y’all have been warning me about yet. Instead, we get a nice lil in-between chapter which really just consists of Neil talking to people.
Seriously. There is so much talking. This chapter is like 80% pure dialogue.
However, I am not minding one bit because –
Side note: I read this on the way to a convention while literally dressed as Renee. It was very, very surreal.
           “Last year Andrew took a few of us out to Eden’s Twilight one at a time,” Renee said. “You now know why Andrew invited Matt. He invited Dan to see if she was a woman worth following on the court. He asked me because he, like you, didn’t buy into this front.” She gestured at her face and rested her fingertips on her cross necklace. “He wanted the truth, so I told him.”
Oh, boy.
Oh, BOY.
Remember how I kept calling her my murderous snowflake earlier on?
Apparently, Murderous Snowflake was in some pretty deep shit in a gang in Detroit – and we’re not talking the cute, ‘maybe we’ll spray a graffiti here or there’, squad-type gang, but the violent, ‘each of us owns a private collection of butterfly knives’, ‘they’re pretty sweet actually’, ‘also we’ll kill your family and your dog’, ‘with our butterfly knives’-type.
Fortunately for her, she got caught, had a nice lil time in juvie and was then adopted by Actual Angel Mom Stephanie Walker, despite the fact that her rebellious ass has tortured over a dozen foster people before her.
Also she’s responsible for the death of her mom and her boyfriend by putting them in jail where they were beaten to death.
Oh, what’s that? Oh, guys, this just in: I FREAKIN CALLED IT.
Renee Walker, everybody - Murderous Snowflake, Cute But Deadly, Deliverer of Punches, Baker of Cookies, Owner of My Fucking Heart.
           Renee hadn’t exaggerated when she said she and Andrew were a lot alike. They had violent, unstable upbringings thanks to their mothers and spent time in both juvie and the foster system. Their paths split irrevocably after their respective adoptions. Renee let Stephanie shape her into a decent human being and atones for her past brutality whereas Andrew murdered his mother the first chance he got.
Ahh, it’s been way too long without any character parallels for me to cry over. <3
Speaking of shipping!
My boy Neil apparently hasn’t gotten the ‘platonic’ memo yet.
           “Why haven’t you asked him out?” (…)
           “What is all this about, if you don’t mind me asking?” she asked. “You’ve never seemed interested before.”
Why do I have a hunch Renee will fucking captain the Andreil ship.
Anyone fancy some spontaneous Fox Feels™ in between?
           Neil grasped for a good way to explain. He didn’t want to tell her he’d spent Friday night thinking about dying. He hadn’t wanted to think about a future he didn’t have, so he stood at the railing and thought about his teammates instead. (…)
           They’d never be perfect, but they were going to be all right. They’d come to the Foxhole Court as fractured messes but they were fixing each other one semester at a time.
And if you look to your right, you’ll see me crying in a fucking corner.
I love :’( my fox babies :( so much :’(( what the fc u k k kkkkkk !!!!!!
I’ve just spent all weekend with a beautiful Andrew and Neil, my emotional ass is fresh out of feels hell and this has dragged me right the fuck back in.
           “If you can say ‘no’ so easily to me, why haven’t you set anyone else straight yet?”
           “It’s complicated,” Renee said, “and we profit more from silence.”
Apparently, the Goalie BFFs are also the Scamming BFFs as they cash in on bets made on them with Allison’s help.
You guys have no idea how much this amuses me.
It’s scamming for a good cause, in Renee’s case. Still. What a bunch of lil savvy shits <3
And then – this.
           “When I said I wasn’t Andrew’s type, I meant it. It’s not about my looks or faith. It’s that I’m a woman.”
I would have a really sweet surprised freakout over this, except for the fact that Andreil being endgame was the only fucking thing I knew about this series before starting it.
So I’m not exactly off my socks about this dramatic revelation.
           “Oh. Then Andrew and Kevin – “
           Renee laughed and waved that off. “Oh, no. You’ll meet Kevin’s girlfriend later this year, I’m sure.”
Aww. So glad to hear he and Exy made it official <3
No but for real. Kevin has a GIRLFRIEND?!?!?!?!
           “Kevin doesn’t have a girlfriend. He’s under too much scrutiny from the press and his fans to hide that sort of thing.”
And he’s also probably got an Exy ball where his romantic heart is supposed to be.
Funnily enough, my suggestions of Orange Sportsball being Kevin’s girlfriend turn out to be not that far off – he’s dating Thea Muldani, an Ex-raven who is now playing on the national Court.
I’m sure she’ll appear at some point later. I don’t actually care much about this as of yet. Next!
          He didn’t know what [Renee] and Andrew talked abut when they stood off by themselves. Thinking it was Exy strategies was laughable. Imaginig them having a serious conversation about Andrew’s closeted sexuality was equally impossible.
They talk about boys, knives, the hottest new all-black clothes and how best to scam their teammates. Duh.
Also headcanon that Andrew is the one who re-dyes Renee’s hair when her roots start to show up. Don’t question it. Just imagine it.
          “If you are as like us as we first predicted you to be, perhaps one day you can also come to see me as a friend. (…) Andrew understands me, and I him. It’s comforting knowing someone else has been where we once were. If either Andrew or I can help you, please know we are here.”
Did I mention I love Renee a heckin’ hell of a lot recently??
Did I??
DID I???????
          “Maybe now that I’ve sated your curiosity you can help me. I need a boy’s opinion on gifts for Aaron and Andrew. For their birthday – (…) they didn’t celebrate it last year, and Nicky says they haven’t celebrated it since they moved in together, but hopefully this one is different.”
I wanna know what mystery gifts Renee got them. I need to know.
Also, I hope they’re throwing them a surprise party. I can see entirely no way this can go wrong in the slightest. Oh well.
However, it’s not birthday time yet – and it’s also not Thanksgiving time yet, which a lot of you have been warning me about.
(Seriously. Y’all are MENTAL over it. What the fuck is happening on Thanksgiving. It can’t be that bad.)
(I have a feeling I’ll be eating my words in a few days’ time).
First, it’s time for – you guessed it – even more dialogue!
          “I’m two seconds away from being dead,” Nicky said. “Mom just called to wish Andrew and Aaron a happy birthday.”
Considering the fact that Nicky’s parents are Prime Grade A Assholes, this is not exactly peachy news.
          “Why did she call, really?” Neil asked.
          “To invite us home for Thanksgiving dinner.”
Whomp – there it is.
Seriously. What will happen. I’m so intrigued.
          “If I go to Andrew with this, he’ll either laugh me off or pretend he doesn’t hear me. But he listens to you, right?”
Hell yeah he does.
Neil, you are gifted with the mythical powers of Talking Andrew Into Anything. You have Persuasion Powers, Neil. Use your powers for good, Neil. Become to hero Palmetto deserves, Neil. NEIL.
          “I know they think I’m a heathen doomed to burn for eternity, and I know I should give up on them, but I can’t. Maybe this call means they’re coming around. I have to know. Please, Neil? I want my mom back. I miss her more than you know.”
NICKY :’(((((((((((((((((( <3333
I’ll be your mom okay, I’ll cuddle you always, I’ll make you pasta and your bedtime is never.
Of course, even Neil can’t resist our chatty sunshine hurting like this, and so he goes over to the murder kitten for some Fun Andreil Persuasion Talk Times.
          “Today’s not a good day,” Andrew said. “Try again tomorrow.”
          “I wouldn’t crash your birthday party if it wasn’t important.”
          Andrew grinned. “Sarcasm from Neil? Your repertoire of talents is ever-expanding.”
Bitch, were you not there in the two (2) chapters where Neil absolutely dragged and sarcasm-WRECKED Riko Raven-Fucker? Seriously, how is this news to you.
          “Tick tock,” Andrew said. “You have my attention, now keep my interest.”
          “Nicky’s mother called.”
          “Oops, time’s up.”
No, you actually have no idea how hard I laughed at that part.
Tagged: Me dealing with my problems like.
However, Andrew does start talking sense after a few rounds of distracted bantering, and suddenly Fun Andreil Persuasion Times turns into Fun Andrew Story Times:
          “She was not my mother. (…) Cass, though. Cass? Cass would have been.”
So apparently, this woman called Cass Spear wanted to adopt Andrew – and yup, that’s the wife of the guy Higgins is investigating right now, which is of course not worrying at all.
This also means Drake apparently isn’t a surname. This just got even more interesting. WHO THE HELL IS DRAKE.
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Not you, Drake.
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Anyways, said Cass wanted to adopt Andrew, wanted to care for him and give him a good future, all that jazz. And Luther (aka Nicky’s asshole dad) was totally fine with it – except apparently Andrew wasn’t.
Yet he said both Cass and Richard never did anything bad to him – which brings me back to who the fuck is Drake, because the obvious answer now is that this Drake person did something to him.
And whatever fuckery happened, Andrew told Luther – who flat out did not believe him and called it a ”misunderstanding”, hence Andrew’s dislike for that word. Cool, cool cool, cool shit, what is h a p p e n i n g.
          “So did Luther not believe you or did he say you were wrong?” Neil asked. “There is a significant difference between the two.”
          “Oh.” Andrew half-turned to face him again. “Sometimes I forget you are sharper than you look.”
Ya boy Neil gets it. I don’t know why, but I loved this little exchange a lot. It just?? They begin to understand each other?? Also Andrew doesn’t think Neil is a complete idiot?? Good shit.
And now I begin to see why y’all may like the Thanksgiving chapter so much:
          “Maybe he’s sorry.”
          “You say that because you haven’t met Luther,” Andrew said.
          “Can I?”
          “It could be entertaining,” Neil said.
          “It could be,” Andrew allowed.
          “Let’s all go. (…) Imagine how uncomfortable Nicky’s parents will be if they have to contend with the five of us.”
Oh SHIT. This will be fun. This will be very, very fucking fun.
And just like this, Andrew agrees to Thanksgiving dinner with the Asshole Christians - if they don’t do it on Thanksgiving directly and if his monster squad can tag along. I am suddenly even more for this next chapter than I already was.
Neil, realizing his opportunity of having turned Fun Andreil Persuasion Times into Fun Andreil Honesty Times, can’t help but dash out another tricky question while he’s at it:
          “Did you really kill Aaron’s mother?” (…)
          “Guess she hit him one time too many. I warned her not to lay a hand on him, but she didn’t listen to me.”
I can’t say I’m surprised, but still – Andrew, what the frickely FUCK.
          “My first memories are of people dying,” Neil said. “I’m not afraid of you.”
          “That’s why you’re so interesting,” Andrew said. “How aggravating.”
          He sounded amused, not annoyed, so Neil said, “I’ll try to be more boring in the future.”
          “How considerate.”
Is this…….. Andreil banter……….. that I’m witnessing………. With my own two eyeballs………
And with that, the conversation is over, and the chapter almost is as well – except, obviously my baby Nicky is over the fucking moon.
          He yanked Neil into a fierce hug before Neil thought to dodge. “Oh, you might just be the best thing to happen to the Foxes.”
          “I doubt that.”
          “I don’t.”
ME NEITHER MY DUDE. <33333333333
Also, that was probably the first time anyone hugged Neil since his mother died. And that’s the thought I’m leaving y’all with today.
If you like what I do here and you want to help me continue writing, please consider buying me a coffee! Thank you so much <3
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ravenvsfox · 8 years
Can you make a couples post about Kevin and thea please make it up as you go along if you have to, please. I love your writing and ideas.
thank you lovely, i’ll try my best bc they’re so good
who is more likely to hurt the other?
I think kevin is an ~idiot and he’d probably say something thoughtless about Thea’s form 
I also think that he canonically abandoned her without a single fucking word when he left the ravens and that a lot of her anger after that comes from hurt
I think they’re both pretty damaged and susceptible to hurt tbh, but kevin doesn’t seem to understand when he’s hurting people
who is emotionally stronger?
proooooobs thea I mean. she braved the nest and came out the other side with her head on straight. she did not for a second let kevin fuckin day get to her. she’s still soft on the inside, and exy’s become kind of a coping mechanism in a lot of ways, but she’s less obviously fucked up by the moriyamas then kevin is (simply bc she was less important to them yikes)
who is physically stronger?
THEA BOYYYYY this isn’t even up for debate!!!!! neil describes her as being built like a tank, she’s an unstoppable fucking powerhouse on the court, we’re talking serena williams’ body type, just like.. immovable and gorgeous. kevin is so shaken he’s in love w her muscles..... he wants to be knocked to the fucking floor by her....... she fires a ball into his helmet so hard that it cracks and he pops a boner
who is more likely to break a bone? 
hilarious im gonna say the boy w the infamously broken hand 
who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
good question I have no fucking clue they can both be dicks if the situation calls for it
I’m going to say that thea knows what to say to give kevin mad cold shoulder and she can smoke him out in a SECOND if he’s being a dick like she knows when to ignore him and when to back him into a corner
but kevin tends to be unnecessarily rude more often. he’s mean bc he knows that it gets results. thea does not tolerate him bringing this attitude home w him
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? 
neither? bitch?? if both of them believe they’re right there are gonna be exactly zero (0) sorry’s
I do think they’re probably softer w each other when they’re one on one and I’d be willing to bet that their arguments end with kevin explaining things to death and thea listening and narrowing her eyes a lot and holding the front of his shirt bc she’s mad but she still wants contact and they kiss and make up w out actually ever saying the words
who treats who’s wounds more often? 
I think in the nest you’ve gotta take care of each other, so they both learn to sit the other down and hold gentle hands to the injured person’s sternum to keep them down, and they sit and wrap gauze. it’s v intimate. they probably did it for the first time when thea was playing for the ravens and kevin had yet to debut on the raven line, and there was enough of an age difference between them that it was pretty innocent. thea was overworked and hit for her trouble and kevin came up bc he was terribly impressed by her and a little bit in love and he dabbed at her cuts like the clumsy 17 year old that he was
who is in constant need of comfort? 
it’s mutual bc their pasts are mutual, but I’m willing to bet that it’s kevin who wakes up sweating and crying, & thea knows how to give enough distance and turn on the lights so he remembers where he’s not. He was in shackles for longer. he still kinda hates himself sometimes. thea strokes the chess piece on his cheek and tells him that he checked riko straight to hell
who gets more jealous? 
shit man idk?? neither of them really have room for anything in their lives other than exy and each other (and reluctant connection w teammates/family) so there’s not a lot of jealousy fodder. and they’re never gonna be jealous of the other person caring more about exy than them bc like. that’s understood. if I had to guess I might say thea’s jealous of the world falling all over themselves to get a glimpse at Kevin Day you know
who’s most likely to walk out on the other? 
I hate to say either bc they’re a really good match and I feel like they’d bounce back really easily, but it’s possible that they fade away from each other when they’re getting their footing on their respective teams. thea can feel herself getting distracted and she pulls out. kevin shows up like???? >:( and they make up on the spot
who will propose? 
probably kevin bc he does the math and realizes that thea is the best thing that’s ever happened to him in his LIFE. he’s probably 10 shots of vodka deep and he looks up suddenly like :O wait a second she’s perfect??? how do I keep her? and nicky has to be like dude.. have u heard of marriage..... it’s nifty and it’s been legal for you straight people for a bajillion years
who has the most difficult parents?
i know literally nothing about thea’s parents but considering jean’s family was a shitty mess that got caught up in the moriyamas I’m assuming most or all of the ravens are in similar situations?? they play for.... the mafia.....
so unless they’re saints, they’re definitely not better than david wymack can I get an amen
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? 
im trying to picture them holding hands........ I think they would in a like... come here! hurry ur ass up! kind of way like thea spends all her time dragging kevin’s oblivious ass around
who comes up for the other all the time? 
considering neither of them mentioned each other or their relationship for like two books........ idk
i bet you in an easier world it would be kevin though. (my gf is beautiful and strong. she could obliterate u w one swing of her racquet. she wears pretty pastels on her face. i want to kiss her)
who hogs the blankets? 
don’t tell but kevin’s obsessed w feeling coddled and warm and I’m willing to bet that he hogs both the blankets and the woman until thea is also bundled up. i hope they learn to cuddle. I bet they’re rlly bad at it at first but it gets easier and more constant over time
who gets more sad? 
again like. I know v little about thea’s background but if she’s in the nest she’s in deep shit. the both of them were assets that had their lives manipulated out of their own hands. kevin’s wound is open and thea’s is poorly sewn up and neither of them are doctors tbh it takes time and professional help until thea can take her old jersey number off of her necklace and replace it with a chess piece pendant (3 guesses which one)
who is better at cheering the other up? 
they’re reeeally bad at this tbh both of them are like ‘uhhhh... don’t cry.. please..rlly.. stop’ spoilers it’s bc they’ve never been properly comforted themselves :))))
BUT as time goes on kevin starts clumsily recreating things the foxes have said to him and it’s really sweet, and thea can be v mellow when they’re alone together, so she’ll take his bad hand and massage the tension out of it, and smooth his hair back and tell him what an idiot he’s being but like.. fondly
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
who is more streetwise?
I still know nothing about thea but I’m willing to bet that it’s her bc she’s been out in the world for longer?? idk where she was before evermore but she’s already building a life for herself after it when we meet her. kevin’s fresh out of it. he’s messed up but he was messed up indoors under lock and key. all he has now is a little experience from columbia and from watching andrew
who is more wise?
tough to say? I get the feeling that thea knows better than kevin? idky she just..... knows
he’s oblivious at best tbh he knows obscure facts and exy exy exy. thea does too but she also has that practicality and survival baked into her. she seems sharp to me
who’s the shyest? 
not really shy so much as unwilling to show mmmmm anything about themselves until they’re in deep. Thea comes in and orders neil out of the room the first time she meets him ! like she has every right to be pissed but she doesn’t seem stressed that she’ll be disobeyed or come across as rude. I think she’s familiar with being listened to. kev has that sickly media personality and a seven layer cake of repression underneath that so..
pick ur poison. they’re both mostly bravado anyway
who boasts about the other more? 
again, in a perfect world, kevin’s bragging about thea
but as is thea gets all these questions about kevin in interviews and she’s like “hi we’re here to talk about me” but if they ask the right question she’ll get this sly smile and drop them some subliminal messaging type hints about their relationship and move on
kevin’s more sputtery and obvious about thea. she’s his weakness
who sits on who’s lap?
I bet it’s both bc kevin’s obsessed w thea’s thighs on either side of his lap & her weight on top of him and thea likes how pliant and focused kevin gets when he’s looking down at her
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kevindayscrown · 4 years
The one where Kevin Day falls in love with an ice hockey player.
Part 6 Cracks
(TW: Second hand embarrassment honestly)
Anything included in this head canon takes place the semester after the Foxes won the championship against the Ravens.
Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about varsity teams in the United States so excuse any false information. Head over to the directory to find the previous parts.
Kevin Day never apologized to anyone. All he did, he did because it was what had seemed right at the moment. Regrets were a waste. He was better than that.
Unfortunately, such wasn’t the case at that time, when he was standing at the end of the hallway of the third floor of the Fox Tower where the dorms of the ice hockey players were located. He could hear indistinct chatter from the rooms closest to him.
He willed himself to walk. Eric’s room was the one furthest down the hall, according to Nicky, who had talked with a few of the hockey players. It irked Kevin more than anything that all of the Foxes had been made aware of the situation.
Even remembering their reactions fueled Kevin. Of course, Allison had laughed, Nicky had been ecstatic, Matt and Dan had tried – and failed – to hide their amusement. There were no more secrets in the team, or so Neil said, so Kevin had more or less been forced to tell them about everything that’d been happening since October.
Standing in front of Eric’s door, about to attempt to reason with him, he wondered if it was all really worth it.
It took a few tries before Kevin finally held his fist up and knocked on the door. The chatter he could hear from before paused and turned into light murmur that was barely distinct.
Eventually, the door was pulled open.
Eric and Kevin stared at each other for a moment before Kevin spoke.
“We need to talk.”
It wasn’t the smoothest line he could have started with, but Eric was towering over him, and thus, distracting him.
Kevin hated that height difference with a passion.
Eric turned and glanced at his teammates, making a gesture with his head. They all fled the room, as if able to sense the tension.
But not before they threw a glare at Kevin.
Kevin ignored them, keeping his eyes on Eric and only breaking the contact when the other closed the door.
“Came to waste your time?” Eric asked.
Kevin’s jaw clenched but he told himself he was here to reason, not fight.
“I came here to talk.”
“Then talk.”
Kevin wasn’t entirely sure how to go about this. It was a bit easier thanks to having told Eric about Ichirou and the deal he had made with Neil already, but it didn’t make it any easier that he had to ‘apologize’ apparently.
“It’s about what happened,” Kevin started and followed Eric inside, sitting on the couch next to him after Eric had gathered all the scattered boxes of pizza and the tin cans of beer.
“Well, you are alive so I suppose your… boss either doesn’t know yet or he doesn’t really care.”
“Don’t sound so disappointed,” Kevin said with a scoff. “But not quite,” He sat back, shifting a bit on his seat. Eric was clearly waiting for an explanation, but Kevin could hardly put it in words himself.
“He wants us to lead the press on. To ‘keep it up’.”
Eric was confused for a moment. For a long moment. He stared at Kevin, as if expecting him at any moment to reveal that all this was just a prank. Kevin stared at the turned off TV as if it was the most interesting thing that he had seen all day.
“Wait, let me get this straight-,”
Kevin was sure that if Nicky was here, he would make a stupid joke about it.
“- your ‘boss’ wants us to pretend we are seeing each other?”
“He is not my boss, don’t call him that. He just owns 80% of any profit I’ll ever make and if he doesn’t get that, if I don’t do what he wants, then I’m dead,” he snapped.
The silence that followed made Kevin more than aware of his pounding heart. He didn’t want to turn and look at Eric, but he could imagine his expression all the same.
“Look, I didn’t fucking mean what I said back at the store,” Kevin admitted, probably for the first time to himself as well.
Kevin interrupted him before he could say anything condescending.
“We don’t even have to say we are dating. We can just let people think what they want to think. I don’t have anything to give you in return, but-,”
He stopped.
Being around Andrew had made him acquire the bad habit of never being able to say ‘please’ without receiving a cold stare.
He heard Eric sigh, and Kevin almost felt bad for dragging him into this mess.
“I don’t- Is this some kind of prank? Are the guys in my team involved too?”
Kevin couldn’t really blame him for the reaction but he still narrowed his eyes at him. He hadn’t eve told Eric the whole truth, he could only imagine how he would react then. He had barely touched the subject, having avoided sharing the harsh reality of being a Raven, of being Riko’s second.
Eric however, was only now starting to see the cracks in Kevin’s cold front. It was more like a mask for a boy who had been broken in pieces
and then had to bring himself back together. Which, Eric doubted was an easy process, considering that his whole exy team consisted of people who had been broken too in different ways.
“I’ll do it on one condition,” Eric finally said.
Kevin raised an eyebrow but waited for him to continue.
“You’ll have to apologize. Properly. No more half-assed bullshit.”
The grin on Eric’s face told Kevin that perhaps, he wasn’t asking this for the apology itself. He sighed and clenched his left hand into a fist as he thought.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, but it came out more than a grunt that anything.
Eric noticed the way he was clenching and unclenching his left hand. He took a puck they had in the dorm and tossed it at him. Kevin grabbed it and stared at it before he started fiddling with it instead of putting strain on his left hand.
“I didn’t quite hear you. Let’s try that again,” Eric said as he flopped back on the couch and put his hands behind his head. Kevin would try anything to get that stupid smug expression off his face.
“I’m sorry I said that those night practices didn’t mean anything,” he said, louder and clearer as he stared down at the puck in his hands. “They- I really enjoyed them.”
It wasn’t a lie just to please Eric; Kevin had enjoyed them. What had started as determination to become better at something for the sake of his pride, had turned into something freeing.
Kevin was learning more than just ice skating.
Eric smiled and nodded slowly. “See? Wasn’t so hard.”
Kevin went to toss the puck back at Eric but he shook his head.
“Keep it. Stop clenching your fist like that. It’s better to have something to hold onto.”
Kevin stared down at the puck as he held it in his hands. It was smaller than an Exy ball and his fist could almost close around it.
He showed his gratitude only with a nod as he slowly stood up. Eric walked him to the door and then leaned with his one shoulder on the wall next to it.
“See you around then, boyfriend?”
Kevin rolled his eyes, wondering if Eric was enjoying this solely because it would annoy Kevin.
But as he got a text from Eric later that day to arrange their first ‘date’, he thought that perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad.
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kevindayscrown · 4 years
The one where Kevin Day falls in love with an ice hockey player.
Part 4 The Fall
(TW: Panic attacks, mentions of violence, mentions of homophobia, mentions of Riko because he deserves his own trigger warning)
Anything included in this head canon takes place the semester after the Foxes won the championship against the Ravens.
Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about varsity teams in the United States so excuse any false information. Read first the Introduction, Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
Weeks passed, the chilling breezes of October giving way to the bitter cold of mid-November. The season had started off to a satisfying foot for the Foxes of the Exy team, the new recruits slowly adjusting. Everything was falling into place.
The calm before the storm.
Kevin reserved three nights a week for sneaking with Eric to the Foxhole Rink and practice his skating skills.
It was a slower process than he would have wanted, but Kevin knew about slow processes. It had taken him half a year before he could use a racquet with his left hand again.
However, Kevin was also a firm believer of proper equipment being part of an athlete’s success. His borrowed skates just wouldn’t do, especially now that the two of them had moved on from simple skating to actual ice hockey.
Eric agreed to take him to buy his own pair. Kevin had to skip class just so he wouldn’t have to find another excuse. He still wasn’t sure if Andrew genuinely believed him every time he came up with a reason to skip night practice and then disappear for hours.
They were looking at the designs the store had in stock when it happened.
Kevin felt his cellphone vibrate in his pocket. He could guess that it was probably Nicky, wanting to annoy him with something.
When it didn’t stop, he sighed in frustration and picked it up.
“I’m so sorry Kevin.” It was Dan.
“Sorry about what?”
Dan had a knack for taking photos of the foxes throughout the year so she could put them on the wall back at the court. She carried a camera everywhere with her.
She’d carried one when they’d gone at the rink after the Exy team lost the bet.
Kevin rushed forward and asked the cashier if he could use one of the computers in the store.
It was everywhere in local and nationwide websites. Mostly on gossip tabloids. The ice hockey players had apparently gotten their hands on the photo and in their attempts to harmlessly tease their captain, they ended up spreading the photo around on the internet.
‘Kevin Day’s newest conquest? Staring Striker swings a different way than you’d expect.’
‘All for the Wrong Game? Exy-Prodigy Kevin Day on Thin Ice.’
On the articles, pictures of Eric having his arm wrapped around him when he almost fell on the rink and of them entering the Foxhole Rink in the late hours, were attached. He couldn’t even tell when those had been taken and by whom.
Crude commentary, speculations, jokes, slurs, people suddenly claiming they always knew. It was all over the news. The headlines alone were bad enough.
‘Perhaps Kevin and Riko’s relationship was of a different nature.’
Kevin was going to be sick.
“What the hell happened Day? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost,” Eric demanded but Kevin could barely hear him.
He was having a hard time breathing. The last time he had panicked like that was when he told the press he had never been skiing before and instantly thought Riko would kill him for it. Now, it was another Moriyama who could take his life for such a stupid mistake.
Before his thoughts could keep going downhill, Eric grabbed his wrist on his right arm and dragged him down one of the alleys that was the least crowded. Kevin then felt hands cradling his face. Eric stared down at him with a harsh look, though one also of concern.
“These rumors go around all the time about every celebrity, Kevin,” He said, trying to comfort him.
“No, no, he-,” he stopped and tried to breathe in again. “Fuck. Fuck!” He pulled away and ran his fingers through his hair. Kevin hadn’t circled the news like that ever since it was announced that he had transferred to Palmetto State University.
“He? Who? Kevin, talk to me.”
Simple rumors have ruined careers, Kevin knew that. It was the rumor of him being better than Riko that had gotten him to break Kevin’s hand and almost ending his own career. It was by luck that he could recover and play again.
Pro teams weren’t tolerant to gossiping rumors that could ruin their image. And they sure as hell weren’t progressive enough to accept homosexual players – even only rumored ones - in their lineup. Kevin had already signed, but would they break his contact over this?
If they did, if he didn’t make it to pros, he would be useless to Ichirou. He would get rid of Kevin overnight.
“Kevin.” Eric’s stern voice snapped him back to reality.
“Ichirou Moriyama,” he finally said and stared down at his hands. The white scar across his left palm was somehow more prominent at that moment.
Eric was confused, as it was expected. Kevin gathered the remainings of his sanity to explain as best as he could. He didn’t know why or how, maybe it was his panic, his need to talk to someone, Eric’s concerned expression, but he was suddenly sharing everything. The Moriyamas owning Kevin ever since his mother died, Riko breaking his hand, everything going on in the background last year that people didn’t know about, and of course, the deal Neil had made with Ichirou.
By the time he was done, he was shaking and Eric remained completely silent.
“Fuck it,” the goaltender suddenly said. “Any pro team would be stupid to not take Kevin Day into their lineup because of this. You are the best striker in the history of Exy. You are passionate, you are determined. You have an insufferable ego, yes, but you are Exy. It’s your legacy. They won’t take it away from you.”
Kevin wasn’t sure how to react to this, but he felt a twitch in his chest.
Usually, when he had a panic attack, the Foxes or Wymack would hand him a bottle of vodka and call it a day. They didn’t know how to handle him.
Somehow, Eric however, knew exactly what to say.
“I- Thank you,” he said and clenched his hands into fists.
His phone rings again and Andrew’s name appeared on the screen.
Whatever composure he had regained, vanished into thin air.
Before he could reach for it, Eric grabbed the phone and picked it up. Kevin wasn’t sure what had been shared, and he wondered which of his knives Andrew would use to skin them both alive.
It didn’t take long for the blond to show up. Kevin was immediately at his feet, but wasn’t quick enough. Andrew already had a skate on his hand, apparently deciding to get creative and test how sharp the blade of it was.
He was going for Eric before Kevin could stop him.
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