#I love these ocs and have so many plans for them
push-tet · 6 hours
what I've done
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The town of Veronaville is one built on little love and one big feud. For years, the Capp and Monty clans have been at each other’s throats; yet this hatred cannot stop the younger generation from crossing borders and falling for one another. Will their actions bring both feuding families to ruin, or spark reconciliation? Can their love truly heal such deep wounds?
Wouldn't you like see Veronaville in entirely different light? K-he.
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Added a massive storyline! The familiar Сapp, Monty and Summerdream families will be seen in a whole new light🌟
Added three brand new families with their own stories and secrets! 🌟
Added some new and special townies. At the end of the town album there will be a list of townspeople who have biographies and memories, so no need to add/resurrect literally everybody on your lot. 🌟
Added 20 new community lots + remade the old ones as well 🌟
This hood is not a retelling of Shakespeare's plays, nor is it a mere makeover of the Maxis’ Veronaville. Think of this neighborhood as an alternate universe.
The Neighborhood contains themes of: fantasy, s*icide and self-harm, body horror, OC X CANON (?)
I may have (unintentionally) spoiled some of your favorite simmies… 
Some townies’ memories could disappear. It happens even with the mod that forbids the townies from losing their memories. I don't know what the reason is so I recommend checking them before you play the game, namely, by going into the family and teleporting the townies to the resident lot. If the memories are already gone, then please re-download the hood.
Hoodchecker might show some minor errors connected to the wrong memory subjects. This was intentional so don't be alarmed! It doesn't affect your game in any negative way.
Don't try to resurrect Julien Cooke. Just forget about him.
Oberon originally had an overlay with a mechanical prosthetic. But for some reason in some testers’ games the overlay was affecting Oberon's complexion, turning his skintone white… So I removed the overlay entirely. You can add it back if you wish!
Cyber Parts by @themeasureofasim (optional, Oberon’s prosthetics)
Restore Default Names for Sims in Subhoods (if you intent to play a subhood version of it)
VD01 ENG is a main hood; contains some of my CCs.
VVBS CC is an archive with some custom content from me for the hood (consists of: some cosmetics, contacts (in the masks section) and one female haircut).
VVBS SUBHOOD is a subhood with two major differences from the main hood: it does not contain pictures from Storytelling folder (so the nhood is less heavy) + you can pick and choose whether you want it with or without my custom content.
EXTRA CONTENT folder is not necessary to download; it contains some extra stuff from my project. This file is locked, but you can gather the password in main hood itself through the storytelling pictures and a little game in the community lots (you can find the rules of this game in the description of 2 Pentameter Parkway lot). Think of it as a reward for your attentiveness!
If you find any errors or bugs, just let me know! THANK YOU!
idk what to put in here so that dads' ranking
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P.S. Destroy this town with your crazy ideas. :))
Well, the English version of this interactive fanfic is finally OUT!
I have Pahleen (translation) and @f1shart (English editing) to thank for that! And I also want to thank the many wonderful testers and people who supported my project!🌹🌹
I will continue to post materials about this neighborhood on this blog, but I also have plans to expand this universe, so for that I created a blog @vv-bs so you can follow the development of the project!
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torihakaraublog · 2 days
Mammon Birthday 2024
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My MC dotes on Mammon, but is not romantically interested in him so of course they had to make him feel special on his birthday!
Very much enjoyed Mammon's birthday event he's genuinely a fun guy to hang out with. With a lot of the previous character birthday events you have to plan out the day, but Mammon has made his own plans for his birthday that he hopes you are free to join him on (which you are).
The activity is a treasure hunt in the Uncharted Woods. No misfortune befalls you on the adventure for once and thanks to Mammon's cute habit of mumbling about things while he looks them up you and Lucifer get him a pair of shoes to fit the occasion - ones that lead you to fortune!
There is a peaceful run in with a chest mimic - I LOVE that mimics are canon in OM! - there was one in a Bel event a few months ago as well tho that one was not as friendly. It's on my bucket list now to make a mimic OM! oc xD
The mimic is also celebrating a family members birthday (a sibling in ill health) and Mammon has no regrets giving up the expensive Blood-Red Diamond. The unexpecting exchange item (a gold feather?) from the mimic turns out to be worth more O.o
Liked that the 'party options' were private drink or go to club. Got very different vibes, which is good. Went to club cause didn't want to give him too many ideas, but he still got a few kiss kiss from me for being a good boy :3
Obey Me! NB "Dark Eternal Bliss" Pop Quiz
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Ahhh really enjoyed this event! It wasn't too complicated but had some interesting lore elements to it. Also everyone's festival outfits looked really good. They were reminiscent of their traditional festival outfits.
The overall plot was basically: stuck in a dimension between the demon world and human world. We are tasked with holding a marriage festival to an emperor - marriage candidate is marked on back of hand. We are able to get the emperor to release us + the other souls trapped there through discussion.
There was a lot of sweet solo moments with the brothers (including proposals of sorts). Not as many with the other characters. Sometimes you had to pick between two characters - how dare they make me pick between Satan and Beel at one point!
Some of my fave things I ended up doing:
Floor cleaning with Levi (making a date for later) :3
Making plans with Satan, Beel, and Lucifer
Talking with the sad Matrimonial Black Flowers
Stargazing with Satan
Going on a walk with Lucifer
Pretending to be married to Bel to mess with the brothers haha
Getting a care package from Thirteen TwT
Lucifer saying he would always search for us no matter what world we were in.
Haunted trail hand holding with Levi
Another part I really liked was Luke, Beel, and Solomon collecting the festival food. Instead of it being the typical 'you two get out of the kitchen' moment Luke insisted they stayed for the other talents they had; Solomon's text reading and Beel's physical strength.
Through the whole event Asmo, Barbatos, and Solomon were being epic kings. When I suggested Barb being the bride and Asmo being like "that would scare them away" made me laugh (Barb kinda seemed into the idea lol). And then Barbatos and Solomon agreeing that they would want to approve who marries us first but would probably also not approve anyone lol
Didn't manage to get any completed cards this event, but with any luck I'll eventually pull the new brother appreciation card (rip the 80 pulls I've done already).
Might also try to do an art piece for this event so I'll post it down below if I do :3
Edit: Okay I drew something xD Do you like stars?
Beel + Brooke and Satan + Brooke
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rileyssmiles · 1 year
Dungeons and Humans
In a fantasy setting where humans are tiny and the rest of the fantastical races are giant, a human woman that has been secretly assisting a party of adventurers finds herself in trouble when she is discovered by a curious tiefling. Word Count: 1,702
AO3 Link
“Come on out, little one," Allynna placed her palm near the crevice she saw the tiny being scurry into. "I won't hurt you." Her voice was soft and quiet. She made special care to hide her fangs behind her plush lips, so as to not further frighten the poor thing.
Inside, Lana pressed her body against the dark walls of the cavern. She held her hand over her mouth as she tried to steady her breathing. Every human clan had one rule in common: don't get caught. And now, she was trapped in a collapsing hole, with her only way out leaving her at the mercy of a monster with teeth almost half her size. She held her breath and continued to listen to the outside, hoping for an opportunity to escape.
"This is a waste of our time!" Ashero shouted. The highlands elf was rather grumpy. Though this was no news to his comrades, his poor attitude was amplified by the injury on his leg.
"This place could collapse any minute!" As if to reiterate his point, the ruins shook, and small pieces of rubble rained upon the adventurers' heads.
"Quit yer shoutin' and hold still! Yer gonna bring the whole damn place down on us!" Gamdon grumbled as he continued to wrap the elf's wounds. Their healer had already finished mending the more gruesome parts of the injury, it merely needed a few bandages. A simple process that would take but a moment, had Ashero not continued to fidget, much to the dwarf's annoyance.
Ashero impatiently tapped his fingers as he tried to remain still. He glanced at the blocked exit, noting Thailna, their half-blood orc, and Irala, their dark-elf healer, still struggling to move the rubble. Irala shifted smaller chunks, while Thailna attempted to dislodge the boulders and bulkier remains. He quickly looked away before they could catch him staring. He turned his attention back to Allynna, who was still preoccupied with the human hiding in the small fissure.
"Why are you so fascinated with that thing?" Ashero's hollers drew another shake from the ruins, and a glare from Gamdon
Without turning to address her colleague, Allynna replied,
"It's been helping us! I know it has!"
Ashero lifted his leg, nearly kicking poor Gamdon, and showed off his freshly wrapped wounds.
"Yeah, a real help it's been!"
"That's your own fault for darting ahead into the room unprepared! One disarmed trap at the entrance doesn't mean there aren't more inside! Besides, I saw it dragging supplies to our camp the other night! And, the markings on the walls that led us to the treasure room? I've never seen anything like them! The details are too small and intricate to have been drawn by anyone of the greater races. Plus, all the disarmed traps? What else could disarm those tiny, delicate, near-invisible plates, but something equally as tiny and delicate!"
Allynna's eyes lit up as she spoke of the fascinating deeds the human had done for her party. Perhaps she might've thought herself crazy, had she not seen it with her own eyes. Being a tiefling had a few benefits, dark vision being one of them. Her mother had taught her that if all else fails, trust her eyes. She had never really bothered with humans before, nor did she understand the other races' judgements of them, but this one had caught her attention. She had so many questions bouncing around in her mind. Where did it come from? How did it know about all the traps and treasures? And most importantly, why would it risk getting caught to help them?
She flicked her tail once more as she pondered what to do. It was clear the human was not going to come out willingly. However, if she forced it out, she would risk either frightening it, or bringing it unintentional harm.
Her thoughts came to an abrupt halt as the ground violently shook. Large chunks of rubble fell from the crumbling ceiling, narrowly missing Allynna. The shock from the near-miss caused her to jump to her feet.  She turned to see her companions frantically dodging falling rubble as they packed their supplies and treasures.
"Good news is the exit is open! Bad news is it was the only thing holding this place together!" Thailna shouted as she ran down to help pack the heavier possessions.
"Well then, what the fuck are we waiting for! Let's get out of here!" Ashero replied with equal volume. He wasted no time packing what he could as he stumbled for the exit. The pain in his leg caused him to fall over flat on his face, dropping what little he had been carrying.
Gamdon retrieved the fallen items as Irala helped the admittedly embarrassed Ashero up. He placed his weight on her and used her as a crutch as they limped for the exit.
"Wait!" Allynna exclaimed as she once again bent down on her knees and held her palm to the crevice. "What about the human!?"
"What about it?!" Ashero's pained expression turned to annoyance. He was willing to deal with Allynna's nonsense under normal circumstances, but at this moment, their lives were in danger, and the pain in his leg had drained all his patience.
"It'll die in here!" Allynna cried with genuine worry in her voice. She couldn't let the poor thing die for their carelessness, not after it risked itself to help them.
"We'll die in here if we don't leave now!"
"Then I'll stay behind! I'll make sure everyone gets out and that we didn't leave anything!"
"What!? Are you insa-"
Irala forcefully pulled Ashero to the side, just managing to avoiding falling debris. The two fell, with Ashero landing on top of Irala.
"I-I-I apologize Master Oriven!" Irala stammered as she pushed Ashero off of her body and turned away, blushing. Ashero was about to scold her, but a shout from Gamdon reminded him of their current situation.
"By the Goddess, 'eres no time for 'is! Get up 'n' get movin'!" He helped both of them up, grabbed what he could, and rushed them through the exit.
With the rest of her friends safely escorted out, Thailna ran to Allynna's side. The younger woman was still attempting to coax the small creature out of its hole. Though clearly desperate, she still spoke in a hushed voice, ignoring the deafening noise of the collapsing cavern. Thailna placed her calloused hands on Allynna's shoulders. She knelt down next to her and calmly spoke to her friend.
"We need to go. Now."
She stared deep into Allynna's golden eyes, hoping she might give in. When she refused to move, Thailna sighed, rose to her feet, grabbed the last of their belongings, and moved for the exit.
"I know your mind is set. I'll be waiting outside. Don't take too long, I really don't want to have to drag you out kicking and screaming."
Thailna took her leave without looking back. She had known Allynna long enough to understand that when her mind was made up, nothing short of death would stop her. As she took a step out of the exit and into the light of the outside, she prayed to the goddess that Allynna would come to her senses before she had to drag her out.
Allynna was out of options and time. She flicked her tail and bit her lip as she reached into the crevice. She felt around the inside until she bumped into something soft and warm. She knew what she felt was the human. She grabbed it before it could escape. It struggled in her grasp, and she tightened her grip around it in response. She could feel the little creature still kicking and squirming in her hand.
"I'm sorry little one, please don't hate me!"
She took a deep breath and pulled it out of its hiding place. With her free hand, she opened the pouch hanging from her thigh, then carefully tucked the human away inside. She could feel the human's squirming die down as she closed the pouch. There would be time for apologies later. Right now, she needed to run. Without taking a moment to breathe, she raced for the exit as fast as her legs could carry her, never slowing down, not even when she had to dodge falling rocks as the ceiling caved in. She could see the light from the outside just ahead, but the collapsing tunnel was gaining on her. She picked up speed and dove through the exit as the last of the falling ruins sealed the opening behind her.
She landed belly down in the dirt, sliding a few feet from where she landed. Allynna let out an audible sigh of relief and turned over on her back. She made it.
Her relief quickly became panic as she had a sudden realization. The human! Had she accidentally crushed it when she dove through the exit?! Quickly, she ran her fingers over the small bulge in her pouch. When it moved in response to her touch, she once again let the wave of relief come over her.
"Nice landing, Allie." Thailna stood tall above her friend. She laughed as she watched Allynna's expression turn from surprise, to confusion, then to embarrassment. Grabbing her with one arm, she lifted her off the ground, and helped to brush the dirt off of her ragged garments. She gave her friend a hard pat on her back, before letting out a hearty laugh.
"Come on, we found a place to set up a new base camp before we head back to the city in the morning. Irala promised to cook up some of our leftover rations. Let's go catch up with the others before Gamdon eats it all again!"
Thailna continued to talk to Allynna as they walked deeper into the surrounding forest, but Allynna was only half listening. Her mind was preoccupied with other thoughts. More specifically, she was pondering just how she was going to explain her tiny passenger to her group. She placed her hand over the pouch and felt the human move again. It would have to wait, she decided. First, she needed a warm meal.
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myokk · 2 months
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Eloise and Lorra🥹🥹
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
Why so stressed Star?
Nothing bad has happened because you had a strange dream, even if it was prophetic, what difference does it make?
You have your friends and surely the people you meet at the tournament would help you in case something bad happened, you are still you and its ok! :D
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starstruck gained a staggering +20 emotional stability. she always finds her heroes among the stars << prev || [masterpost] || next >>
additional asks by @bluohoshizora and @drawscutestuff ! thanks so much!
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orbitalbeetle · 1 year
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Nim the Prince who fell from the Sky !!
yet another oc for Welcome Home :]c
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melien · 9 days
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I just hope we'll be together for 999 more years💜
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
last minute pre-grandparent-visit room deep cleaning has revealed that within the drawer i tend to assume just has old, off generic birthday cards and theater/concert programs there are also many, many going away cards and letters and things from the last couple of times i moved away. i guess i always thought of it as such a lonely thing, and i talk a lot about how i don't think i made Real friends until recently, and not to get choked up on main or anything but i think maybe i was completely fucking wrong
#Real friends = deep friends and admittedly it's hard to have deep connections with ppl when you're like 10#and also hard to have deep connection with people when you don't understand yourself at all (bc how could you share it?)#but i was so profoundly loved.#and it's not like the bday cards and stuff aren't a part of that they're just so.. obligatory? whereas such cards from friends is. guhhh#like they missed me. maybe they still do at least a little bit. ahhhhhhh#like i was a shithead but i meant something to a lot of good people and so many of these aren't from just one person#they're a bunch of them coming together and bringing along inside jokes i only half remember and drawing my fucking ocs like GUYS.#GUYS I LOVE YOU GUYS. i may not remember all of you but you were like. goddd i think you made this bearable#and im so glad i saved these. i didn't know there were so many#speaking of which i also found THREE count em THREE decks of cards i know for a fact i have never used bc i have a favorite deck and it's#not those. what off the wall madness was i planning where i needed three non-matching decks of cards within sleep-reach at all times#anyway im reorganizing bc like 10% of that drawer was stuff i actually needed regularly (literally Just the knives) and it's a nightstand#so it should be like. stuff i frequently need like pens and junk. idk#like it's not as if i don't think about how my moving away hurt ppl like i've been abandoning ppl against my will my whole life#but i guess ive been thinking of it as some kind of responsibility or guilt thing? or painful in a me-centric way. they sent me off#with well wishes though they poured their hearts into these. they drew and printed photos and made little crafts bc they loved me#and that's what you do when someone you love has to go away. waughhhhgghhghbn
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hellfyre · 8 months
i want to draw Azazel and Lilith i love her design i think they’d be besties who have a fling at some point. (I just love her design okay she deserves the sapphic stick)
They’d be so upset when she disappears.
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titaniumabsol · 11 days
Celestin Caron (Dragon Age: Awakening)
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Age: 38 (9:31 Dragon) Gender: Male Tarot: The Emperor Nationality/Ethnicity: Chasind/Orlesian-Antivan Class/Specializations: Mage, Blood Mage/Arcane Warrior/Spirit Healer/Shapeshifter (Lvl 31) Love Interest: Seneschal Varel of Vigil's Keep Party Comp.: Nathaniel/Justice, Anders, and Sigrun (But rotates with all pretty regularly)
Background: Born in 8:93 to a Chasind mother and an Orlesian-Antivan father, Caelesyn Caron lived in the familiar swamps of the Kocari Wilds until they were forced to leave due to increasing Templar raids. His father took them to Orlais to live with his family, living in serfdom under an Orlesian noble around Val Firmin. Caelesyn, now called Celestin, developed magic at age 8, and was aided by his parents to hide it.
He was discovered at 19 after a confrontation with the Orlesian noble, and evaded Templars for 5 days until he was caught and locked away in the White Spire. On grounds of good behaviour and a vouch from the Senior Enchanter, he was allowed to entertain nobles in the Imperial Wintersend Ball for a few years until the Enchanter is replaced, and so his sliver of freedom was ripped away. Short after, he received news of his parents' deaths. He escaped and made his way to a Grey Warden outpost in Val Chevin, where he became part of the Wardens.
Returning to Ferelden was, as best as it could be described, a reverse-culture shock. He wasn't back down in the Kocari Wilds but now in the north, dealing with nobles that didn't act like Orlesian nobles. His Chasind roots alienated him from Orlesians, but his Orlesian mannerisms and Chasind influences also alienated him from the Fereledans. And that is ignoring his status as a mage, and one that now held land property as the Arl of Amaranthine.
But, he is a Warden with a Duty. And he would fulfill his roles to the best of his abilities.
#dragon age#dragon age awakening#oc: celestin caron#my post#thinking of being a person with mixed heritage and being rejected by the two countries you lived in#of course as a chasind he wouldn't be seen as a fereledan but the influence of Alamarri barbarian culture can still be felt through Ferelde#and i think that was what he was hoping in a smallest part of himself#do you remember me? do I seem familiar?#and that also applies to Orlais#once again he lived at least 10 years in Val Firmin from 8 to 19#like for the peasant folk of Orlais I always headcanoned them to be coded as lower class Quebecers in the 1800s but with the serfdom#system of Poland. you get some fiddling and jigging and also work for 6 days a week on my lands and also im justified in dominating you#because you are a lesser people we conquered (Sarmatian Ideology- look it up its interesting to read the ways people have justified conques#and colonization)#I think also the difference between Noble and Peasant french would be an interesting subject. Nobles sound like France and Celestin learned#Quebec french from his family. Can you imagine how hard he had to work to sound more like the nobles? Also I say this because I am a#defender of Quebec French. France Frenchers come at me#it's valid and i like it more the elitism will die by my blade. anyways. another hurdle would be of course Circle socialization and being a#“entertainer” for the nobles at the Imperial Palace. Celestin had to learn quick how to navigate around nobles with his status as a Chasind#quebecer french mage. I would code him as Metis but I'm still figuring myself out in terms of identity too#so i don't want to jump the gun until i've got a plan. I was also toying around with new orleans culture and black southern culture in the#bayou. also Cajuns. Like carnival involves costumes and masks and I feel like i can do something there. Thedas and culture isn't 1:1#so i think I can play around.#all this to day: I love my boy. I haven't finished Origins and I've played through Inquisition many times (haven't done the end credits#yet since I want to %100 my first ever game) but I played Awakening once and I was HOOKED#the fics coming to me due to this man is crazy. he's my blorbo.
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on one hand I wanna write my fic ideas wherein my marvel oc gets sent to the alternate universe of Gotham and hijinks ensue whilst she tries to survive and get back and the batfam and such slowly learn more info abt her world and how it's being threatened atm and she needs to go back and help and whatnot.
But on the other hand, the readers wouldn't know the marvel related backstory of this OC and would have. No context for her going in
But ALSO then the readers would know abt as much abt this mysterious figure as the batcrew do, and get to learn via flash backs and her slowly revealing info to them as safety allows
Then there's also just a general. Idk if there's any sort of oc etiquette when it comes to writing oc centered fics? My brain goes so hogwild when I read anything that I usually avoid oc fics other people write just bc I usually read and enjoy fics at face value but I also go "now what would happen if this OC was here?" And that gets real complicated when other people's ocs are involved
#jasper rambles#this is a rambly one yall#fanfic discussion#fanfic etiquette?#i just. listen. i made a vampire oc for captain america specifically of the mcu.. and i was thinking and like. gotham is the Perfect City fo#r a vampire to live right. so like. then i was like what would she do if she ended up in gotham. how would that go. and then i could reveal#her marvel backstory thru tidbits she drops and flashbacks. bc i have her mcu timeline pretty well planned out#tho also her existence (along w a few pther ocs) drastically changes the course of the mcu so some things hapen VERY differently (mainly civ#il war and then the start of the following arcs) so like id aalso have to reveal where the canon divergence from the mcu is during the flash#backs. and then ALSO i have a p decent grasp of the batfam and whatnot but i havent had the oppurtunity to read many comics so i dont even.#what if i just FAIL at their characterization and im actually wronf magically#and then ALSO comes the question of should i include my batman dc oc? bc SHES a whole. package. theres a LOT to unpack w her. tho for this s#pecific fic idea i think itd be fun to just. have her be Another Batfam Member. like yeah shes got her own stuff going on. but this fic woul#dnt dive into it anymore than it dives into the other batfam members#the other issue is deciding where in the mcu timeline this oc gets thrown into an au and why and how or if that affects the mcu timeline fro#m there. cuz thatd need to be decided for the sake of flashbacks. and if im gonna ise flashbacks id love to try and plan it out so it aligns#with the plot happening in gotham. i dont necessarily want like. a running Plot in the flashbacks. but id want them to be scenes from her li#fe in mcu that reveaal stuff that helps understand the decisions she makes in the gotham plot#but ALSO in the gotham plot. id wanna have it either be that her presence has caused some sort of ripple that the gotham baddies are using t#o hirt people or else some other unrelated gotham baddies plot is happening and this oc being herself sees trouble and runs towards it to tr#y and help people. even tho she has her own stuff to deal w. and then makes herself a target of the gangs and also potentially screws someth#ings up bc she doesnt have as intimate of knowledge abt the baddies and gangs as the batfam do since most of em grew up in the streets of g#otham one way or another#so like. and like she can hold her own. she was a young woman in brooklyn in the 30/40s. but its still a different environment in gotham rat#her than in brooklyn new york. so itd be. yeah. tbh i feel like the fact that im putting this much thought into it means i will probably try#to write and post it on ao3. idk when tho. im trying not to post more fics on ao3 so i can focus on my xmen fic#sso. anyway if you read all this feel free to share your thoughts and or like. sorry not sorry for the rambly essay of tags <3#i told you jasper rambles
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asterdeer · 9 months
i had planned on making loreleaf my first pc when i finally get my paws on bg3 because that's my MO on all games with character creation but he's so gay and i want to romance karlach so bad
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arklay · 2 years
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but i will transcend and vomit this loser out of me i will become the next big thing
#mine.#oc: diana#HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELOVED BRAIN WORM!! i care her so much she deserved something for her birthday hehe#periodic reminder that her name is pronounced as dee-ah-na not die-ana <3 i must be annoying about this because it's very important!! the#vibes are different!!! but okay. some credits: art is my commission of diana from psychoaciid (pointing you to pinned post pls support them)#first quote is by sheila dong from ''ouroboros'' published in old pal magazine / second quote is from a blog on here apparently#(widowbitesandhearingaids) – the post is on my oc blog in their tag somewhere if you wanted to find it / and lyrics in description are from#starchild by ghost quartet :) also don't look at my choppy cutting out of wesker in that comm by the way. graphic design is NOT my passion#that timeline is soo oversimplified for the absolute nonsense that's going on with her lmao many many years and events there... like not to#mention her very rough leave from the rival company and beginning to work with tricell oughghh then ofc the horror was for love of it all of#her spending two years completely isolated trying to heal him after what happened at the volcano :)#also. diana sharp under other names because it's an alias. not her actual surname in case you didn't know that already hehe#woke up super early from a nightmare so like. have this now. instead of in a few hours like i planned cause timezones for some people. but#it's the 27th here soooo heheh i will probably be annoying about this today and tomorrow cause of timezones also. birthday for two days <3#anyway happy birthday loml if al doesn't treat you right on your special day then i will!!!
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I think it'd be really cool to make it an activity to go out and find people with OCs and draw them a fanart.
Sometimes it's hard to get people to love your OCs or ask questions or engage with them. I think it's mainly because there will always be a struggle to bond to a character that has little to no media that would help foster any fondness. Or not enough, I guess? It's hard to create a lot when you're just one person. But it's also hard to jump into something new, especially if there's the chance you might not like it. Getting into something is tough (aus are probably so popular for a reason lol). It might be tougher still to like a character with limited things to look at, and who there really aren't many people to engage with about it, or there isn't the capacity for some things like media analysis for.
But people love the characters they create so much! They put so much thought and effort into some, or they just really enjoy some aspect deep enough to keep creating. I think that's worth celebrating! And maybe it's the reddit migration and how many people i see genuinely enjoying the community here and participating, but I miss when i did that, and had it. And part of me wonders if I could start engaging people on some posts, and doing things that again. I want to, I think. And right now I've been very into original stuff and creating characters and stories!
Fanart feels like it'd be a pleasant surprise too, especially for people who might not have the much reach yet for their characters. I know if someone did for me, I'd be over the moon about it. I feel inspired to try at least, so hopefully I can start doing that, and seeing what happens ^^
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ahollowgrave · 1 year
18. Has your OC ever had a prophecy made about them? Was it a big deal or did they ignore it? Was it straightforward or cryptic? Did it ever come to pass or did they circumvent it?
Scuffs my boot
Hiiiiiiiii friend
She kind of sort of does! The prophecy is generic enough that any nun could fill it. But… she’s the youngest and most likely to succeed so the weight of it falls upon her shoulders. It certainly feels like a big deal, to her, as it is the thing that started her on the path of a paladin. Something to do with lost saints, missing holy weapons, you know! God stuff!
It’s a prophecy from Menphina ‘herself’ so there is zero chance of Odette trying to ignore it or circumvent it. She would do anything for her Holy Lover’s affection.
It is pretty straightforward in the end goal, but vague in the… how to get there. She’s struggling through this part, now. But she has some time! She’s gotta get good with a sword and shield before she can wield the holy relics that are her’s to claim.
My end goal is to, eventually, do a mini-arc with Odette and her friends helping her find and retrieve the items! She can’t do this alone, she’s just a nun, but she is lucky enough to be friends with some very cool people!
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Thank you for the ask, my friend!!! > Get to know my OC <
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dervampireprince · 7 months
Are any of your OCs multilingual? ( Arden, Ambrose ect)
probably, as i do think demons would have their own languages and for dmitri his first language isn't english, but it's not something i've thought about properly or have planned out or anything, as i said in a previous ask this week i really don't have much info or facts about them outside of what's been said in the audios
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