#I loved Kat in the reference picture
florenceafternoon · 7 months
━。゜✿ jily fic recommendations ✿ ゜。━
These fics are set in the wizarding world but aren’t necessarily canon complaints.
For reference, anything in italics is taken from the summaries on ao3.
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I ain’t missing you at all  (requires an ao3 account) by @blitheringmcgonagall
Set post first wizarding war. "Lily Evans disappeared just when the war with Voldemort ended. Nobody knows why she left. James Potter doesn't care. He hasn't missed her at all."
It reads like a character study. All of the repressed emotions are so well-portrayed that I could picture all their facial expressions and body language. The dynamic between Lily and the marauders really illustrated how she wasn't just James' girlfriend - she was their friend too. I just wanted to give them all a hug.
Up In Arms by @mppmaraudergirl
When Lily jokingly tells her owl to deliver a letter to "the love of her life", i.e. Marlene McKinnon, her owl misinterprets the directive and, to her horror, her ode to James Potter’s arms lands squarely in his lap.
The banter in this one is so good that it made my friend fall back in love with jily's dynamic and read fics again
Evergreen and Pine by @tinyluminaryzombie
Lily Evans is stuck in a closet with Sirius. All Sirius wants to talk about is exactly what she's trying not to think about: James Potter.
Or: A seven minutes in heaven that's more like seven minutes of sweet sweet interegation ft. Lily and Sirius.
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes by @jfleamont
Lily's an overthinker, but fear not, James knows exactly what to say to cheer her up.
Because Lily being a stress smoker is canon (to me)
All The Things I Would Do also by @/ jfleamont
Lily can't stop thinking about James' hands.
Anything Leda writes is great so do yourself a favour and go read her works
I’ve Got My Hate to Keep Me Warm by @dizzy–bird
When a mission for the Order goes badly wrong, Lily Evans must spend the holidays lying low in the middle of nowhere. The rules: no magic, no visitors, and absolutely no Christmas cheer.
And the kicker? She’s sharing the safe house with Order darling – and rival – James Potter, who just happens to be the reason she’s in this mess in the first place.
Kat's poem from 10 Things I Hate About You
Hemispheres by @ohmygodshesinsane
James Potter and Lily Evans have set aside their schoolyard animosities for the sake of the Order of the Phoenix, but when they are enlisted to race Lord Voldemort across the world to prevent him from corrupting the very nature of death, tensions run high. In all manners.
Lily's characterisation in this one is so good
No One Knows Us by @annasghosts
As Fifth Year begins, Lily Evans is certain of a few things: she’s proud to be a Muggle-born witch, despite what Petunia might think; Severus Snape is still a loyal friend and whatever confusing feelings she has as she watches James Potter strut around the castle must be squashed because he’s nothing, but an arrogant toerag.
In which Lily gets the dynamic character treatment that she deserves.
51 Minutes to Change Your Mind by @sosohh
When Muggle-Born Oliver Wood becomes an extremely successful cyclist for the British Cycling team, both muggle and magical ministries have to come up with a plan to make sure all is fair. Enter James Potter and Lily Evans.
The Art of Self-Defense by cgner (on ao3)
Gilmore Girls AU in which "after seventeen years of single parenting, she now has to manage a persistent James, nosy villagers, and a son who's all too interested in joining the Order."
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isabellehemlock · 30 days
Kat's Catholic Commentary - Part (I've lost track)
My focus for this episode will be on Lestat's speech in his parting letter to Louis.
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The purpose behind the letter may vary depending on when it was written (before or after Lestat knew of Louis’ plan of betrayal).  However, my focus is on the language used - specifically “the veil” - and why my Catholic senses were tingling.
But first - the disclaimer:
This is purely a fan meta/theory.  Even when I talk about character motivations with some certainty, remember it's just my take, not a fact-based declaration.  This helps keep things brief rather than saying "in my opinion" before every other sentence.
All points and takes are valid - this is just one of them.  I'm exploring one potential aspect of Lestat and Louis' relationship, not the whole picture or even trying to suggest it as the main foundation.
Also, there are frank references to the Catholic Church, its history, practices, sacraments, and some Bible verses.  If at any point you need to take a step back for self-care, please do.  Your well-being comes first.
Before diving in, I’ll share why I see a potential for a secondary meaning behind it because I’d like to add some weight to my personal fan theory that Lestat is conscious of how faith is still an integral part of Louis’ identity and how he might use it (however the purpose of this, I’ll leave to the reader).
Several moments in the first season, and some from the books (spoilers ahead if you’d like to avoid events after IWTV), reference Lestat and Louis’ relationship and his faith (and especially with a context of Catholicism):
The entire monologue at the end of episode one as Lestat declares his feelings for Louis in front of the altar.
Lestat’s monologue of Saint Louis (both as an off hand reference in ep 1 and the expanded version of Ep 2 that ends with: “You’re challenge every sunset St. Louis, and I’d have it no other way.”)
After Louis asks about Antoinette in Ep 3, when Lestat is describing the need for various forms of pleasure for “anything that wards off the dungs of the everlasting road we walk” - pauses to point out Louis’ form of pleasure as “Pleasures of the Good Book by the fire for you.”
And then in Ep 6, when Lestat arrives to gift Louis something from his favorite bookshop: “‘The Book of Hours.’  Extremely rare, 15th century.” - the Book of Hours, is also known as the Liturgy of Hours, or Divine Office, used by both clergy, religious and laity alike for daily devotions on a rotating cycle for uniform prayer.
And from the books:
In IWTV, Louis’ reference to following Lestat as a kind of personal Jesus: 
I allowed myself to forget how totally I had fallen in love with Lestat’s iridescent eyes, that I’d sold my soul for a manycolored and luminescent thing, thinking that a highly reflective surface conveyed the power to walk on water. 
“What would Christ need have done to make me follow him like Matthew or Peter? Dress well, to begin with. And have a luxurious head of pampered yellow hair. 
Later, in Prince Lestat, when they are reunited, Louis says (from Lestat's POV): 
He leaned close to me, and he put his hand on my arm. “ ‘Wither thou goest, I will go, and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people’; and because I have no other god and never will, you shall be my god.”*
* This quote Louis is saying is from the Book of Ruth: She answered, "Do not be against me, as if I would abandon you and go away; for wherever you will go, I will go, and where you will stay, I also will stay with you. Your people are my people, and your God is my God.” - Ruth 1:16 CPDV
I’ve also shared metas and commentary on Tumblr and Twitter about Louis and Lestat's relationship to faith and the little nods I’ve picked up here and there (more on that below).  But this isn’t intended as a comprehensive summary, just a soft recap to add context for anyone wondering, “how did she read that in this scene?”
Now, onto the main point!  For anyone needing a refresher, here’s the letter in full:
In the event that you are reading this, something dreadful has occurred.  Which is not my own death, but rather, the fact that we both now exist in two different worlds.  Do not waste your life seeking revenge on the person or persons who did this.  Do not give them the satisfaction of the hunt.  Let treachery eat away at them from within.  And you, you go carry on with your living.  Know only this, mon cher: you are the only being I trust, and whom I love, above and beyond myself.  All my love belongs to you.  You are its keeper.  A veil will now forever separate our union.  But it is a thin veil, and I’m always on the other side, face pressed up against your longing.
Setting aside the beautiful writing, the language used, and the sentiments declared (it fed my Words of Affirmation love language meter well), my second thought upon hearing “A veil will now forever separate our union.  But it is a thin veil, and I’m always on the other side, face pressed up against your longing.” was what my Catholic senses were tingling.
In a previous meta I discussed how I viewed the scene of Louis’ turning as a nod to the Sacrament of the Eucharist (though I can also see the other fan theory of the Sacrament of Matrimony).  This furthers my idea of Louis viewing Lestat as a kind of personal Jesus.  Given the examples above, I believe there might have been some intention behind Lestat’s words to reach Louis on a vulnerable level through his faith.
But why would former Catholic altar boy Louis catch that meaning, and what would it mean to him?
In the Catholic Church, the Eucharist is veiled in order to symbolize the mystery and sacredness of the Sacrament.  The veil represents the separation between the divine and the mortal, indicating that the true essence of the Eucharist (Christ's Body and Blood) is hidden under the appearance of bread and wine (and it’s a practice that dates back to early Christianity, where the veil also served to protect the Eucharist from desecration and to enhance the reverence of the faithful during Mass).
As Catholics, we believe that Jesus, at the Last Supper, instituted the Eucharist, when He said, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19).  He also said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you” (Luke 22:20).  They were declarations to emphasize the sacrificial nature of the Eucharist but also to serve as a message of hope - that there would be an intimate connection between Jesus and His followers, despite His physical absence after His death and resurrection - “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).  
Though death might separate the physical presence, the Eucharist provides a continuous, though veiled, connection with Christ.  This then allows the veil to symbolize hope and assurance that, while there may be a separation, it is thin, with the promise of a deeper, spiritual communion that transcends physical boundaries.
So, if Louis potentially viewed the Dark Gift as a kind of Eucharist that nourishes the soul, given to him through Lestat, then their spiritual interconnection and the nourishment it provided could continue.  His devotion to Lestat would not need to end.
I believe Lestat “I went to a monastery to become a priest” de Lioncourt, knew exactly what he was doing when he used those words to describe how interlinked they would remain.  
This furthered Louis’ (perhaps even subconscious) view of Lestat and Jesus - and himself as potentially Judas (meta here, and here), though I personally enjoy the view of Louis identifying with Mother Mary the most (visual reference and poem, art and another art piece here).
Whether intentional or not, or perhaps a completely different point that I read too much into (which can definitely be the case lol), it spoke to me on a deep level when I heard it.  I’d like to believe it did for Louis as well. 
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teenagedirt · 1 year
Colby brock x reader
Warnings:cheating,lying, argument/yelling. DARK ENDING! reference to murder.
Note: I made up a chacter for the other girl, because I feel its weird to write colby cheating with girls he has explicitly said are just friends, also the same reason I don't write ship fanfic, only x reader.
Your pov
I walk straight into the door of mine and colby's shared apartments, fans had dmed me pictures of colby with my bestfriend, Miley, it wasn't just a normal picture, they were kissing. Silent tears run down my face as I slowly creep up the stairs towards our bedroom, I crack the door open to look inside. There she is, and there he is, now reality is really setting in, I hoped that maybe the pictures were edited, but no, he's making out with her all right. Fuck, there goes our relationship. I open the door the rest of the way, "so, I see you guys decided to get along, maybe in the wrong way, but you get along" I say, trying to stay calm, my voice cracks at the end of my statement.
Colby pulls his face away from here's to look at me. Miley stares at me in shock, I shake my head and walk in and begin to gather my things, hoping I wouldn't have to make a scene. "Y/N WAIT" colby shouts, okay I'm making a scene.
"WHAT!? WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT AFTER MOST LIKELY FUCKING NY BESTFREIND!?" I yell Back, glaring at miley. Colby looks down,ashamed.
"I'm sorry y/n I really am, but he just looked so good that night" miley says, he sly smirk displayed on her face. My face twists into realization.
"The night I invited you over to Sam's for pizza night? YOU FUCKED MY BOYFRIEND!?" I yell, confused,heartbroken, and pissed.
"Yeah, he was pretty good too" miley says, a small smile still stuck in her face. Tears bubble in my eyes, I'm not sure out of the feeling of betrayal, or anger.
"Out, get out" miley didn't move a muscle, "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT YOU WHORE!" I scream pointing to the door. She scoffs and leaves, colby stakes a few steps torwards me with his arms open, about to hug me. "Don't, fucking don't, you dont get to act like nothing happened, oh and you can thank your fans for letting me know." I star to cry harder as I throw my stuff into a duffle bag. "How long? How many times, how many times have you ditched me or sam, or kat for her?" I ask, honestly not wanting to fight, just wanting answers. He opens his mouth to answers but stays silent.
"Do you still love me?" He asks, a singular tear falling down his face. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
"Of course I still love you, how could I not, we've been together since highschool, but trusting you is a different matter, you know how long it takes me to trust somebody, and I trusted the both of you." I say, my voice wavers.
He nods and walks out. That was the last time I ever saw colby. I miss him dearly, it's not my fault, people say his blood is on my hands, it was, it sure was, but blood doesn't stain skin. If only they would find miley too, I'm sure they'd be surprised to see where I hid her.
What did you guys think? I think this is the darkest thing I've ever written. Requests are open!
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dragonmaiden39point5 · 2 months
No Escape (2)
Probably one or two more parts for this? Idk if I can get up five parts just yet. Appreciate the amazing response! Thank you so much to everyone who read, y'all are the best❤️💕🥰
All characters depicted are over the age of 18
Summary: You grow tired of Bakugo's bad behavior and after 4 years as a couple, you make a run for it.
Katsuki Bakugo x Black!Reader
Darkfic. Stalking, humiliation, dub-con, mild Daddy!kink. Potentially some untagged triggers.
For a few months, you plotted and played your role. If you wanted to go somewhere, you asked him to bring you. You wore overly revealing clothes and climbed all over him in public. You stopped using his name, referring to him exclusively as Daddy no matter who was around. You would initiate sex, begging him to fuck you; beg to fuck him. You even took to sending him video and pictures of you playing with yourself when he left you at home, sometimes in his oversized clothes, other times nothing at all-- (which would make him come back much faster, if he could help it). You really made him feel his victory; it was the only way to disarm him.
Kats was too busy loving that you didn't resist him anymore and was all too eager to have you all to himself; You, he, and the dog had been to 5 countries in the three months since. It was easy to get swept up in the gifts and vacations (and mind-blowing orgasms) and forget he was something that you needed to get away from, since he had been absolutely perfect since you started acting the way he wanted. You almost felt bad about your brewing plot to leave.
Well, it actually wasn't much of a plot, you were you going to take a few thousand out of his home safe, get the dog, and ghost. He was just too unstable and insecure, and at this point it was clear that he could only behave properly when you were 'obedient'.
The sole opportunity to leave came with the passing of another month. When he wasn't traveling, Bakugo habitually visited his parents' headstones on the Saturday of every third weekend, at sunset. It was the absolute only time that he left you devoid of incessant phone calls, messages, and his suffocating presence. A cloud of guilt shrouded the decision to leave at such a time... But you'd never know peace if you didn't. What other choice did you have? You had learned from the last several times you attempted to break up with him that it would only intensify his crazy.
When he left that evening, you waited until receiving the text that he was there to make your move. You left absolutely everything behind other than Thunder with his dogfood and cash from Bakugo's safe-- On foot, hence lurking through the woods that started on the edge of the property instead of taking a main road. The location of motion cameras on the edge of the acreage that surrounded the house were something that you had carefully mapped out the boundaries of-- And after almost 4 years, you knew where they were by heart.
There was also a small plan that was put into play as a distraction; He always took the smaller, more low key of the cars when visiting the cemetery. In turn, you sent his chef to a store over an hour in the opposite direction of where you were going, in his easy to spot orange car.
It would be hours before he knew you were gone.
Bakugo entered the house, flopping down on a couch in the den. Immediately a frisson ran through his body and he looked around as anxiety sunk its icy claws into his stomach . Something was *off*. The pitter-patter of Thunder's feet as he ran through the house to greet him was completely absent. He rose from the couch and called your name in confusion.
No answer.
"This again?" He huffed, going upstairs.
A pit formed in his stomach as blood and adrenaline began to course through his veins when he didn't see you or the dog in any of the rooms.
He tried to calm himself, shuffling through his pants pockets with shaking hands to check the surveillance. Other than seeing you go in through the front door and out through the back, they barely caught you and Thunder in range, before going completely out of view. Running sweaty palms through his hair he fumbled through his contacts until he found Midoriya and Iida's names name in the group chat.
He couldn't think straight, barely able to get his words out, typing with fidgeting hands, "She's gone!"
A few months went by and you were living it up. You had moved 3 times since ghosting Bakugo and never looked back. The night you left, you walked through the woods until you reached a back road, and then continued until you reached a bus stop. Because you couldn't risk using a phone or GPS, you went off of memory to figure out how to get there.
You rode the bus to its farthest stop, and then another to Central Downtown, where you were able to catch the Megabus out of town. Of course you expected to be seen on the cameras on the streets and at intersections, but you did not care. It certainly helped that no one made an issue of Thunder joining you on each bus. Perhaps it was his service vest, or maybe there just weren't enough people around to care, either way it made your escape much easier.
Your life, now 8 hours and hundreds of miles away, consisted of a job doing live-in care for an elderly man named Torino. He still had his mobility, but no longer had the energy to stay on his feet long enough complete tasks such as cleaning or cooking and the person who usually took care of him was currently traveling for work.
In the meantime, you were able to live in the massive basement of the home rent free. It was basically a 'modern' renovated studio apartment, while the first and second floor of the house remained mostly in its outdated state.
When you weren't at home, you worked part time for a juice truck that drove around town. Thunder had to stay at the house for that, but he was a good boy and even knew how to get things for Torino.
Life had become so peaceful..
Per your new routine, you cooked for Torino early on the weekends and then headed out by bike to your job on the juice truck. This day in particular, he asked if you could cook a bit more than usual because his former caretaker would be stopping over for a visit since he was back in town. You were more than happy to do so, proceeding as normal without a second thought.
When Toshinori arrived at his former teacher's home, he was stunned to say the least. The trimmed front yard's garden beds were in bloom and the porch was clear of all debris and trash, instead having cute decorative tables and chairs. There were also a few hanging plants that there was certainly no way that Torino could've put up, let alone water every few days.
The inside of the house was now immaculately kept, with scented candles, incense, and more plants. All of the clutter had been thrown out, the dishes cleaned, and the floor shined. "I am Here!!" He called out to Torino and was pleasantly surprised to be greeted with the sound of paws clattering on the polished floors. "Hello there, Thunder!"
"I'm back here!" Torino called out from the kitchen.
Toshinori was beyond impressed. Everything was clean and smelled nice; You'd certainly exceeded expectations. He hired you on Torino's behalf since Midoriya had moved to open his second gym location and would not be able to make the journey regularly to care for the old man.
"Where's the boy?" Torino asked as soon as Toshinori entered the kitchen.
"Way to get to the point." He chuckled in response. "He's running a few minutes behind; I think he stopped by his dad's house first. But, wow everything sure looks nice in here!"
"Yes, indeed! That girl that you hired is very sweet. I asked her to cook some extra food so that you and Midoriya could have some when you got here. She even made tea." He said with a smile.
"It's great to see you in good spirits." Toshinori replied, "It seems like you're feeling better too."
"Yes. Remember that garden I mentioned her planting in the backyard? Turns out it's fruits and veggies instead of flowers! I've actually been feeling well enough to walk down the street and back."
"Wonderful!" Said Toshinori, "Here, let me help you with that." He carefully grabbed 2 of the covered plates from the counter and followed Torino to the living room couch, where folding table stands were waiting. Just as they sat down, Thunder took off towards the front door.
The lock clicked and Midoriya stepped inside, greeted by a perfectly seated gray pooch wagging his tail in the entryway. He stared in confusion for a moment. The dog had blue eyes and only the front paws were white, 'Thunder? I thought Kacchan's girlfriend ran off with him?', he thought to himself.
Of course other dogs could look like that, but a sharp shiver hit him and his heart skipped as alarm bells went off in his head.
"Midoriya, my boy? Is that you?" Toshinori called out.
"It is! Here I come!" He answered back, rushing to the living room to properly greet them.
"Did you get lost on the way in?" Torino joked.
"Oh, no. Sorry about that. This place looks so different than it did a few months ago." Midoriya remarked, sitting on the loveseat, "And the dog surprised me. When did you get it?"
"Oh, he came with the new caretaker." Toshinori interjected.
Midoriya hummed in response, as the cute animal came and placed its muzzle on his knee, looking into his eyes. Thunder would always do exactly this when he went to Kacchan's house and didn't give out pets as soon as he walked in. 'Yeah, this is definitely Kacchan's dog.' he thought to himself, as he finally reached down to give the dog the attention he was asking for. He gave the dog scratches under the chin as it panted happily, now putting both white paws on his leg-- the gesture that he used to beg for treats. Midoriya licked his lips as he thought of all the possibilities. 'She could've sold the dog to hurt Kacchan. Or maybe he got away from her when she was somewhere nearby. Because if he got lost or abandoned before they left town, Thunder probably would've just wandered back home. Or maybe--"
"Young man! Did you hear me?" Torino asked sharply, somewhat annoyed.
"S-Sorry Torino. No, I didn't hear you."
"I asked if you could put the dog bowl out. It's in the kitchen." Torino huffed.
"Sure." Midoriya got up, chuckling to himself. A perfect opportunity to be nosey.
"Where's it at?" He called out, after getting to the kitchen.
"You'd know if you'd been listening!" He heard Torino shout, followed by Toshinori's voice saying; "Bottom cabinet by the fridge!"
He went to the cabinet, pulling out the food bowl and removing the lid, revealing portions of lightly cooked steak (amongst other meats), fish, eggs, and fruit, in some sort of broth, all cold as if it had just finished defrosting.
"Goodness." He remarked, rolling his eyes. There wasn't even a need to snoop around-- this was too obviously Bakugo's dog, and based off of its diet being maintained most certainly you were here...
"Hey Torino, what's the dog's name?" Midoriya yelled to the next room.
"Thunder!" Came the reply
"Come here, Thunder!" Midoriya said, with a smug smile barely able to contain his glee. He sat the bowl down and washed his hands, quickly drying them on his pants to take out his phone and snap a picture of the dog eating. Then, he headed to a hallway in the back of the house where a lone door awaited him. Toshinori had mentioned a renovation overhaul for the basement so that a caretaker could move in right away and he wanted to see the space now that it was yours.
Kacchan had bragged on you for years, promising to share you with him and Iida as they had done all the girls before, but talked about how difficult you were being and how you weren't ready, or wouldn't go for it. He sighed as he walked down the stairs into the massive area of the basement. He'd had the biggest crush on you and was now presented with an incredible opportunity, if he was impetuous enough to take it.
Eyes scanning the room, he spotted a quaint full sized bed that was perfectly made, save for a set of pajamas that was tossed onto it. You were only using maybe 1/4 of the oversized basement, with a few colorful rugs, dog bed in the sleeping area, miscellaneous books and trinkets filling 2 sets of built-in shelves and 3 armoires full of clothes. There was also a couch and a loveseat around a large area rug facing a T.V. mounted on the wall. The kitchen was clean but mostly untouched, likely due to you doing most of your cooking upstairs. Aside from the one room on the opposite side of the basement that was fully closed off with its own door (the bathroom), you hadn't filled any of the other space.
Midoriya skulked over to your bed, flopping down backwards and covering his face with your pillow. He took a deep breath, inhaling the light shea butter and argan oil scent that lingered there from your hair products. "Mmmm..." He hummed, undoing his belt. He was already half hard rubbing the outside of his jeans when he got an idea. Sitting up, he smoothed your sheets over, putting the pillows back in place. He looked straight to the opposite wall of the basement where the washing machine and dryer were, heading over with a spring in his step.
The laundry bin beside it was less than half full, but he rummaged anyway. Amongst the handful of T-shirts and shorts he dug out a pair of your underwear, burying his nose into the crotch area. There was only the faintest hint of pussy, yet his mouth still watered to taste it.
Finally, he undid and dropped his pants with haste, groaning as his erection sprung free. His hand wrapped around it, stroking as he took deep whiffs to inhale the scent of your cunt. There was so much he wanted to do to you and now you were right here in his reach, a sitting duck who didn't know that a she was about to be pounced on. "Oooh, shit..." He moaned, fucking his hand, precum beginning to dribble from the tip. You only got away because Bakugo didn't know what he was doing; Midoriya would've never would've let you escape. He put your panties in the hand that he was stroking himself with, loving the feeling of thrusting his dick across the soft fabric, before tightening his grip. His now free hand went to caress his balls, as his eyes shut tight so that he could picture you. The last time he saw you, you were in a slingshot bikini and playing with yourself on that beach vacation with Bakugo. He'd longed to fuck you so bad then, stuff your pussy while Kacchan fucked your drooling mouth. Aside from Thunder, you two had gone alone that time, but Kacchan certainly took plenty of pics and videos; He was ready to burst just thinking about it. "Such a slut.." growled to himself as he stroked as fast as he could. He wished he could cuff your wrists to the headboard and tie your ankles to them, so that he could devour your pussy until you were overstimulated and incoherent, while Bakugo stroked himself over your tits.
A shiver ran through his body and he moaned as he came hard, shooting his warm load into your panties. He braced himself against the washing machine panting as the last waves of orgasm rolled through his body.
He looked into his palm to see the underwear completely ruined. Taking a deep breath, he buried them back in the dirty clothes hamper and collected himself, stepping into the bathroom to wash his hands and splash cool water over his face.
When he was done cleaning himself up, he went back upstairs to find Toshinori and Torino out in the backyard amidst the flourishing garden that you'd planted.
"...What were you doing?" Toshinori asked suspiciously.
Midoriya cleared his throat, hoping his eyes weren't too glazed over from his massive release. "Well--"
"There you are!" Torino's voice cut through the air from across the yard, "Come! Make yourself useful." He said, gesturing to the wagon he was pulling full of harvested vegetables and fruit.
"Oh--I just,,, used the bathroom." He chuckled nervously in response, quickly shuffling away to help the old man.
Toshinori wasn't buying it, but he would let it got. For now.
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Moving in with Katsuki Bakugo
'Katsuki, where'd you leave my books?'
'Still in the car, maybe?' Your boyfriend of over a year supplied, popping his head out of the bathroom where he's busy re-organising everything to fit the both of you. 'Figured I'd wait for ya to finish gettin' your ass kicked by IKEA before I brought more crap in here.'
'It's not crap, it's literature you uncultured swine!' You jested, sticking your tongue out at him with a giggle. 'Besides, it didn't take me that long to build the thing!'
'Uh huh, sure.' He narrowed his eyes at the wood shelf now stood in his living room, empty beside his own hefty collection of books. He likes to read just as much as you do, there was no way he'd find room for your book collection without the extra storage space. 'Watch it fold like a house o' card as soon as you put a book on it.'
'Are you doubting me, babe?' You bunched up the packaging plastic in your hands for recycling, tucking it in the corner by the door. 'You're too cruel, Kats.'
'Whatever, just go get yer damn books, and take the trash out while you're at it!'
'Yessir Dynamight sir!'
Katsuki rolled his eyes, but welcomed the kiss you pressed to his lips before you left the now shared apartment.
As soon as you were gone, he paused, taking a look at the place. His apartment had always felt...big when he was alone in it, but whenever the squad came over, it felt tiny.
Now, with your rainbow throw pillow on his black leather sofa and that gimmicky flamingo LED lamp your friend bought you on the side table, it felt like just the right size.
He knew he wanted you to move in barely a month after you reconnected. It became a habit for you to meet him at his agency after work every day. You'd grab dinner, or cook at his place as yours was pretty out of the way.
He's still pissed that you were the one to admit your crush on him, granted you'd taken at least three shots of tequila to grow the courage, but still, he doubted any amount of drink would have given him the balls to do what you did.
Ever since then, Katsuki's been determined to be the best damned boyfriend you could ever want, and judging by the fact that you're now moving in with him, he's not been doing a bad job of it.
There are traces of you scattered all over the apartment now, picture frames of your time at UA, many of them decorated by your own hand. Looking at them reminds him of just how many memories the two of you share, how natural it is for you to be part of his life.
'Jesus Christ books are heavy!' You huffed, stumbling through the door with a box so big you couldn't see over it in your arms. 'Thank fuck for my bloody quirk.'
'Here, don't break the damn floorboards, dumbass.' He chuckled, taking the other side of the box and helping you set it down on the floor beside the shelf. 'I think we're gonna need a bigger shelf.'
'Aight, save the shark references for when Kiri's over.' You giggled, eagerly flipping the box open to inhale the smell of books. 'Oooh, we should so organize our books to be all aesthetic!'
'Who the hell's got time for that?!'
'Not us, I guess!' You giggled, pulling out your books to start stacking them away. 'I'll just organize them the way I always do.'
'Why the hell do you put the hardcovers on the top shelf? If they fall on your dumbass you'll get a concussion!'
'But if the paperbacks fall from that high they might get damaged!'
Katsuki rolled his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. 'Priorities, babe, priorities.'
You giggled, standing on your tip-toes to put a book on the top shelf and steal a kiss to his cheek. 'Love it when you call me babe.'
Katsuki flushed pink, averting his eyes from that adorable smile you flashed him, the same smile that could make his heart race. 'Whatever, dork.'
The two of you moved together through the apartment, he let you put on music and work to the sound of the playlist you'd made together.
By the time the sun went down, you're curled up on the sofa together, dishes drip-drying on the rack after Bakugo made a favourite of yours for dinner.
He's scrolling through Youtube on the TV with your head resting on his shoulder, fingers peacefully drumming against your waist while you drifted off.
It doesn't feel new, or exciting, it feels comforting, familiar, your weight nestled into his side like you belonged there. As far as Katsuki's concerned, that's exactly where he wants you to be.
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katareyoudrilling · 1 month
Hi Kat, I went to a performance of Tchaikovsky’s Fifth last night and it made me think of you!
If you’re still down to answer a fruit ask, I was wondering if I might submit:
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
But also perhaps as a bit of a more specific play on the question: how might you pair (either just in your head or as a future writing endeavour) some of your fave characters to write with some of your favourite music (a la All About the Bass)? Or perhaps are there characters that you associate with certain music outside of your own taste?
🌸 M @toomanytookas
M! How lovely for you to think of me 🥰  How was the performance? I am not very familiar with Tchaikovsky’s 5th other than that famous melody in the second movement, but you really can't go wrong with Tchaikovsky!
This is such a fantastic question!  I really wanted to give it some thought and things got a little out of hand lol.  My favorite symphony is Mahler 1 “Titan” which was originally considered a symphonic poem.
I love music that paints a mental picture.  I’ve had the pleasure of performing it twice and each time as I have worked on it, I have daydreamed about the scenes happening as I play.  So, I started thinking about what a fic inspired by Mahler 1 would look like and which Pedro boy belonged in that world.  Here’s what I came up with… (movement titles are my own interpretation)
Movement 1: Tuning the Universe
We open with sunrise; the world is waking up.  Something about it is unusual though—the colors are too bright, the flowers too plentiful.  We realize we are in the realm of the fae.  Our hero, Javi Gutierrez, stretches and considers the world around him.  He basks in the sunshine and greets the woodland creatures.  His fellow fae go about their business while he frolics through a meadow.  He comes upon a stream and notices you, a human woman, washing clothes.  Since you are in the human realm, you are shadowed in gray, not the vibrant colors of Javi’s fae world, but he is captivated by you.  You are so beautiful, even in shadows.  But you seem sad, resigned to your gray life.  He watches you as you go about your work, staying just out of sight. Eventually you make your way back to your people-- a group of travellers.  He watches you as you take your place among them and can’t follow any longer.  He turns back to his frolicking, thinking about you.
Movement 2: A Wine-Soaked Evening
It’s late that night and the fae are having a celebration.  The wine flows as they perform courtly dances and mating rituals.  Javi watches the revelry from afar, still thinking about you from earlier.  He imagines bringing you to the fae dance – how you would spin and twirl with flowers in your hair.  His thoughts drift to the end of the evening, when the fae are drunk off their wine and the dances are no longer crisp and choreographed, but slow and syrupy.  Partners drift off into the woods for sleep and other activities.  Javi imagines kissing you in the moonlight, your soft skin and sleepy smile.  He drifts off to sleep thinking of you.
Movement 3: A Dirge
You awake to your gray life amongst the travellers, the drudgery of moving from one encampment to the next wears on you.  You can’t bring yourself to enjoy the spirited music you once did.  You feel like something is missing from your life. Suddenly, your dream from the night before rushes back to you.  You were dancing with a beautiful, golden man in the forest.  The world was sparkling with life and color, you felt so alive… so whole.  You realize that you are in love with this man in your dream.  Too quickly, the dream fades into the background and you are back in the gray, monotony of your life.
Movement 4: To the Rescue
Javi watches as your group walks along the road.  He shouldn’t have come to try to see you again, but he couldn’t resist.  As he watches, your procession is attacked by raiders!  He rushes down to your aid and bravely fights against the attackers, but he is only one man, even if he is fae.  He calls out to his fae brothers and just when hope seems lost, they arrive to save the day!  The raiders are successfully fought off.  In the aftermath, he searches for you to make sure you are ok.  He finds you and when your eyes lock you exclaim in surprise.  He’s the man from your dream!  Javi admits that as fae, he is able to enter people’s dreams and how he must have done so when he was thinking about you the night before.  Javi tells you how he had watched you and fallen in love with you.  He asks you to come back to the fae world with him.  You are surprised by the request but something in your bones calls to you that this is what you’ve been looking for.  You struggle with your decision, there are people you care about in your old life and you worry about saying goodbye, but even they can see that you have been unhappy and encourage you to go.  You tell Javi that you will, only to find out that you must leap over the chasm between the worlds in order to join the fae.  Only if you truly love the fae on the other side will you make it.  You are scared as you look to Javi on the other side, can you actually do this?  You summon all your courage and make the leap!  Javi gathers you into his arms and kisses you deeply.  The fae celebrate as fireworks light up the sky.  You and Javi run off into the fae world together hand in hand, happily ever after.
What do you think???
Tagging a few people who might be interested in this: @davnittbraes @rebel-fanfare @maggiemayhemnj @grogusmum
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tohellandback99 · 7 months
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I have been doing my stuff, as you can see. I had been gone… uhh, see;
I was getting top surgery. Mm 😌
Wendell and Wild’s one year anniversary had passed, but it wasn’t lost on me. I would like to share some words, my feelings for a moment
At the beginning of November last year, I had simply wished to watch something on Netflix for the first time in forever. I’m not much of a movie or tv show person-I’m more of a gamer. (Unless it’s a stop-motion film)
Anyway, I saw Kat’s picture on the front of the movie and my jaw felll to the floor because of, “how the HELL, did I not hear of this movie?” Which I’m only a little bit happy about because I like being surprised (ONLY when it comes to finding a good movie,) and in this case, was absolutely absolutely bewitching. Beguiling. Refreshing. but people in NETFLIX should not have thrown this to the wind. This can actually help people! I read that it was made by Jordan Peele working with Henry Selick, a duo I would never have imagined but understood from their works that they would be, a wonderful pairing. And I find myself lucky that I hadn’t heard people online say that it is like Coraline because it’s not… It is BEEEEETTEEERRR! 😍 IT IS LOVE! It is my childhood fever dream doused in chocolate and fucking cheeeese *slaps table* iwantmoreofit
It was quite an emotional roller coaster of a movie. It’s one of those films that you’d say, is an “experience” as opposed to a “story.” Kat and Raul are BY FAAARRR characters that I would have liked to see on television in my childhood years. Instead of Johnny Test, Chowder, Total Drama-anything-it’s-all-the-same, and Ed, Edd, and Eddy. 😤 Kat and Raul are people that I’ve been surrounded by in my life that I prefer, and have BEEN, in my life. So much so that I struggle to call them “characters” instead of people. And I can relate and see my child selves in both Kat and Raul, A LOT. (dressed in a punk style and grew up with and enjoy quite a bit of punk music. used to have a Mohawk when I was Kat’s age! There’s more but I don’t want to say,) It was terrifying for a bit because it made me feel like I don’t exist. I can’t
I cried when she found her source, her key. And gave herself a hug and how it became one with her. The “shadow Kat.” I think. My passed therapist calls a “source” or a “core” that holds trauma, the key. 🥹 That was so intrinsically true and relative to someone doing trauma work that I’m immensely grateful. Exists. In a movie like this.
My criticisms of this movie come out of love for this movie. If I didn’t like it I wouldn’t have cared to critique it. All I wanted was more, generally. More time, because there’s a lot of interesting things that were alluded to, but left out. And that’s all!
So my art is this time, this is an art journaling thing that was never supposed to be one but I lost control and before I knew it, realized what it was becoming. It’s chaos. I’m trying not to be embarrassed of that, eeehhhhhhhh 😓 mrrp, *squint* *chirp!* I had to improvise in a way that felt right.
I drew and painted Kat, and drew her almost entirely without reference. She’s not crying because of Raul! Absolutely NOT. I was going to do something with her but didn’t have the space so I made this as a practice and, I am obviously still needing to get better at painting her. I am so much happier with how I draw her now. I drew Sweetie because I needed some sort of guardian before I continue. (She was so easy) And then, this genderbent Oogie Boogie was stuck in my head and I drew and painted her too, all villainous and imposing. It made for a great challenge I’d say
Oh yeah, right yes… RAUL, has a purple winding stair case behind him. Of course… *sips tea* yes, that’s the appropriate way to get things done simply. You know who your favorite character is when your brain suddenly is like, “hey! Let me surround him with a winding staircase 🤩” 🤭 what the hell
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bramblestar334 · 8 months
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I know I just posted the last four of these but I wanted to make a post where people could see all of them at once, along with explaining the thought process behind some of my choices. I'm putting my rambles underneath a readmore but before that, I just want to say that anyone can use these designs (with credit of course) (and if you do please tag me or something just so I can see it)
First off, John! He's a bunny partially because of the buck teeth, and partially because of the Nic Cage reference. Why couldn't you put the bunny back in the box.
Rose is a cat because not only did she have a cat (Jaspers) but I also headcanon her as a therian. She gets to be a catgirl.
Dave is a bird because when I was in the process of deciding species, I mentioned the lack of birds and two of my friends immediately went "bird dave bird dave".
Jade is a dog, because of Becquerel, and her personality seems very dog-like. Plus I haven't gotten to that part but I think she canonically becomes part dog at some point. Whatever, she deserves a tail to wag.
Aradia and Tavros are... very simple. A ram and a bull, just like their zodiac signs imply.
Sollux is a snake, because his typing quirk involves changing his s's in some way. Plus it just felt right.
Kanaya is a bat, because she is a literal lesbian vampire furry. That's it.
Karkat is a cat, because his name has "kat" in it and I thought making him an angry little kitty would be extremely funny. I was right.
Nepeta is a cat because anything else would be utterly wrong. Look at her. Canonically two seconds away from being a catgirl. I also headcanon her as a therian.
Terezi is a dragon, because she already roleplays as one, although I didn't give her wings because I'm pretty sure those are a God Tier Thing. On a side note, I headcanon that she paints her nails, and here she paints her spikes. Candy red.
Vriska is a snake because she's a huge bitch. I love snakes in real life, but they seem to be a trope of traitors. Plus, as I noticed after deciding her species, John's item is an apple (representing the "original sin") and Vriska manipulates him throughout the comic. I love unintentional symbolism.
Equius is a horse. Like Nepeta, I really had no other choice. I also have no idea how to draw horses. My friends all wanted me to put him in a crop top but I'm not doing that. ...Maybe another time.
Gamzee is a goat, because my friends also suggested it, and because Capricorn is a goat-fish thing.
Eridan is a skunk, because I showed a picture of him to my friend who doesn't read homestuck and told them to assign him an animal. He stinky.
Feferi is an axolotl, again at the suggestion of my friends who did read homestuck. I think it fits her. :3
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ccasey0 · 3 months
alrighty, lets get this said and done.
i am likely not going to post on here a lot unless i get asks or comments or smthn, just so you know.
anyways, i have a question for you guys. ive got an au that ive been wanting to share and post about for a while, but im not sure if i can. reason being that it is pretty old and it started when i was young and stupid and didnt know how to draw my own poses and stuff, so i would trace the outline of characters and then draw over it. i don't know if i can post or share any of the art from that time since i dont have any of the credits to the owners anymore:( i would love to be able to share my world with you guys since ive put a ton of time and effort into the hundreds of doodles and sketches ive made for it, but i need to know if it's okay. let me be clear on this though so there is no confusion: i am not claiming the art to be mine. i did not trace directly over most of the art, i just copied the general shape/art style/pose and then turned it into my own characters. not all of the art for this au is traced.
anyways, with that out of the way i want to explain a little about the au so that i can know if anyone would actually want to see it.
so it's basically a mashup of my OCs, rottmnt, mha, lmk, and a bunch of other fandoms i've been inspired by. it is set in a post apocalyptic world in the year 2080(sort of). The main cast consists of Casey "Moon"(based off of me), Jupiter "Dellta"(based off a friend/sister of mine), Jasper "Spots", Raphael Montero, Keigo "feathers"(based off hawks from MHA), Kat(based off bakugou from MHA), Deku(based of Deku from MHA), Felix, Sandro, and Pancake(it comes in WAY later tho). these guys are known as "The Gang." aren't i so creative with names? they are also the people i draw the most. there are, of course, side-ish characters who play major roles on the story but aren't in the gang. as for the relationships between the characters, here u go: Jupiter, Casey, Jasper, and Raph are all siblings. Raph is the oldest by 2 years, Casey and Jupiter are twins, and Jasper is younger by a month. technically Jasper, Jupiter, and Casey are triplets. but they were raised by different people so jasper celebrates his birthday on a different date than the twins. they have a very complicated and definitely not realistically possible relationship with their Bio Mom but ill explain that in another post if ya'll want. Deku, Casey, and Kat are all in a relationship. Yes it is a threesome. no i do not care. please do not hate, it isn't that big of a deal. Jupiter and Felix are in a relationship. jupiter and keigo are besties. jupiter is sandro's adoptive mother(comes in much later). casey is pancake's adoptive caretaker(comes in much, much later). now for the explanation of the setting, yay! so, it is a post apocalyptic world that has been brought to ruin. the world divided itself into different Sectors, which are areas set up around still standing cities around the world.(i can explain how al that got established and all that stuff in another post if it is wanted.) The sector that the story takes place in is the New York Sector. it is a bit larger than Texas and was named the NY sector cause NY was the last city standing in that area at the time. NYS has 8 safe zones inside it. Safe Zones are walled off areas that are safe from Corrupted(ill explain that next). SZ are like towns or bases that people and yokai all live in. every zone is different and has different kinds of people. th zone that the gang usually interacts with is zone five(basically the blackmarket of the safe zones.) (ill explain what th different zones are like in another post as well.) okay, now for corrupteds. these guys are complicated and hard to explain w/o a picture for reference, so ill do my best and make a seperate post about them later. basically, they are the zombies or kraang of this world. they are the product of a failed lab experiment. A team of scientists were working on a project to make trees produce twice as much oxygen, but some bad guys called Seekers(once again, ill make a seperate post for these guys) broke into the lab and did something to the trees. they made them start producing these strange spores that began bringing corpses back to life zombie-style. but these weren't zombies. the corpses became mutated and horrifying monsters that would kill on sight. the more spores were released, the more corrupteds came to life. and the spores also mutated other trees, causing them to produce the spores as well. the corrupteds can only live as long as they have an intact heart organ inside of them. they are attracted to light and will kill on sight. although most of them are blind, so i guess they kill on sound?? anyways, as trees became more infected, their roots became vines and they started overgrowing everywhere, with huge vines the size of giant redwood trees(yes i had to search up giant trees to scale this) growing up buildings and through streets.
alrighty. wow. i can't believe you are still here. thank you for bearing with me. please tell me if you want more of this au via comments or asks. any questions go in the ask box. i do have some disclaimers for this tho: i don't do digital art, all this will be traditional drawings. also, i don't have this as an actual comic. it's more just a bunch of drawing that a the explanations to are in my head so i will likely post art and then explain the story bit to it typed out.
also important thing to add to the au:
TW!!! Blood, gore, swear words, trauma, physical abuse, psychological abuse, fighting, horror, queer ships, threeway ships, implied attempts, implied seizures, dark humor, mental breakdowns, panic attacks, sensory overloads, ect. it isn't as bad as it sounds i promise 😅
oke, i'm done now. thanks for reading all this and i hope for your feedback and/or much wanted advice or recommendations. like i said, any questions please go in the ask box and any requests for explanations or art go there too.
byeeeeee :)
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mamaz00m · 19 days
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So. Plans for the future. Let’s talk about it.
Going back through this fic and finally writing the last chapter opened the floodgates for me, in a way. As I said in my last post, I’d been wondering about what Gabe and Eli in the future would be like, what their lives would look like. I wrote a glimpse into their future back in 2019 in A Name of My Own. But I still feel like there’s more to uncover, more to learn, to discover.
Finishing Raise Hell felt monumental for me. When I completed the last chapter, I sat staring at the final line for fifteen minutes, asking myself if I could do this—if I could finally publish it. If I was ready for this all to be over. Because this fic had started out as a coping mechanism for me. When I’d began writing it, I identified pretty heavily with Eli—like I wanted so desperately to have someone come rescue me. Someone who knew how to care for me while also pushing me to be my best in ways that felt challenging, but not scary. Weirdly, it felt difficult to essentially ‘let go’ of that time in my life, that version of me.
Weirder, still, is the fact that just like Eli, I essentially got exactly what I wanted. I moved in with my best friend. We’ve built a life together. I’m happy, and I’m finally beginning to thrive instead of just survive. I clicked publish. I decided to let go of the 24 year old version of me.
And by the next day, (nearly) 34 year old me had an idea for a second Gabeli story—a road map unfurled in my mind, the journey these two men could take stretching out before me. I have the notes written down for a second story, ready to begin writing.
What does this mean for RH?
For Raise Hell as it currently exists? Probably nothing.
In its current form, Raise Hell has a few problems—tense-shifting, for one, a couple Boosh/Mint Royale references that would need changed if I were to publish it. I have copy/pasted the whole of the fic into my favorite writing program and am slowly combing through it, fixing the problems with tenses, formatting it, etc. I do have plans to eventually get it up for sale in its new form (with a couple extra scenes included), but that’s in the future. If you loved it, I’d download it now so that you’ll always have access to it in its original form because it might not remain forever on AO3.
What is Heaven & Earth?
The sequel I’m planning for Raise Hell. It will be set roughly two years after the conclusion of RH and will follow one major plot and two minor subplots as we follow the boys further into their relationship.
We’ll see how Jen, Ben, and Kat are doing and we’ll find out more about Spuds, James, and Alan, too.
We’ll uncover more insights about Gabe’s past and his parents, and we’ll see some things from Eli’s past get wrapped up as well.
Will you be posting H&E to AO3?
Yes! Any Gabeli stuff I work on will be posted to AO3 first and then be made available in other formats, reconfigured, improved, etc. later.
What is Hereafter?
The long and short of it is I don’t know yet! Coming back to finish a fic (and then go on to continue it) for what appears to be a dead fandom is a…weird experience, to say the least. I’m convinced at this point that I’m only continuing this for my own benefit at this point, but I think I’m fine with that.
I think once I’ve finished with H&E, the picture will become clearer for Hereafter. Or Hereafter may become just a collection of oneshots only on AO3—random snapshots of Gabe and Eli’s lives at different points. I don’t know. I’ll figure it out when the time comes.
So. That’s it for the updates for now.
Thanks again.
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Hi Emma!
I’m doing a little ask series called “bafflingly British” where I ask my UK friends questions about things even I, a self proclaimed Anglophile, find confusing.
My question for you is about pudding. I understand that pudding means dessert and not the specific thing that is pudding here, I can wrap my head around that. But last week I heard “steak pudding”
The accompanying picture was of a steak pie. We don’t really have meat pies here but I really wish we did, they look delicious!
How is steak pie pudding? I thought I understood! Please help!
Hi Kat 🫶
Ooo pudding! I love pudding, but definitely the sweet kind 😋 and I would use pudding to mean dessert in general - maybe that’s more of a northern thing, I’m not sure.
Pudding in the way that you’re referring to is something made with suet and that could be sweet or savoury. For savoury puddings you can get them filled with any meat but I guess the most popular is probably steak and kidney pudding. You can also have dumplings made from suet that go with stew. Sweet versions would be jam roly poly and spotted dick (yes, you read that right 😳)
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This got me thinking about what suet actually is so I googled it and… instant regret! I won’t go into it here 🫣 but if you have a strong stomach then it’s easy to find out more!
Hope that helps! 😄💗
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impostorsshow · 17 days
I just saw your Kagerou Daze story post and I love it but like at the same time what’s the deal with the lady(?) in the corner just… Chiling
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First of all there was someone on a ladder behind Walt and I don't think most people decide to draw someone for him but I wanted to
Second of all, Prince [the lady] was one of the most important characters in my old story. I used to have the old notes about the entire thing that had some personality descriptions on my old laptop, but I don't have the files anymore. I do have my old notebook where I drew some of them, but all I have on Prince, and most characters aside from my own memory is this page
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And also, most of these characters were girls since I am trans, so Prince was unique by being a boy, so i genderswapped him into a her to keep that uniqueness. The entire page is transcribed with some extra info in the alt description
Kagerou Daze story used to go by copyverse and I only realized when i searched through this book for information for the ask. A few things is that Jessica and Latte?? Holy shit I didn't know her name was latte I've been searching for that name for forever, latte has been referred to as Flora for all of my posts, but they were apart of this multiverse thing mostly as a cameo, like when a Mario trophy shows up in solid snake or whatever - if you wanna know about any of these other fuckers listed I have at least a few paragraphs of information on all of them but anyway Prince
I don't know where the idea came from, but creating a royal au isn't exactly anything super creative. I think Prince had a sister so ig it would be a brother now, and the royal families hair is bleached blonde to make them appear more regal. She was supposed to be a bit stuck up and with way too big of an ego, but a good heart and was one of the main good guys when the climax of the story went down. She ruled over a seaside town, with the castle resting on a cliff that overlooked the ports of the town on the beach. I also think horseback riding was one of her hobbies, but I can't remember tooooo much else?? She had an extreme distaste for most of the characters and only really got along with Ori, the resident of Pastverse and Kit-Kat, and despite being on neutral terms with Red decided to side against them due to the way he treated those under him.
Prince is also one of the few people who actually had parents, and said parents show up frequently. Uh, in hindsight with me having extreme familial issues uh. It lines up that most of these universes have dead parents and highschoolers [originally middle schoolers since I was in 8th grade] living on their own. I think the last two universes on the list in the picture has parents, and Kit-Kat was heavily based off of the animated version of Sabrina the Teenage Witch so her parents were alive, she just never saw them like at all also I decided to put on that show cause i finally remembered what the name of it was and it is actually still entertaining to watch
I'm fully distracted now so this is all your getting from this post have a good day
Edit, Sabrina actually lives with her lesbian parents the only memory I had of this show was the movie Sabrina; Friends Forever
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dystopyx-blog · 1 month
Beasts of Prey
more yandere nonsense. enjoy your harem (MC’s last name is Hare)
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best friend 
She loves taking her darling to the bar so she can beat up people who flirt with her.
She knows bars and clubs make her darling so uncomfortable, but she will make her feel so *so* safe. 
Isolating her from her friends and gaslighting is her thing! 
Absolutely takes advantage her close relationship with her and blurs the line of “platonic” and “romantic”
Will kiss her and if she gets mad? 
“I’m just showing how much I love ya, bestie!”
And it’s true.
M/C just doesn’t realize how true it is. 
“Y’know I’d never lie to you, babes!”
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male (ftm)
This big softie! 
The only person M/C trusts as much as they trust Kat; maybe even more!
He’s a huge teddy bear, and M/C will call him as much.
He’s her teddy bear, and she’s his little bear -
But this big bear refuses to let ANYTHING happen to his little bear.
He also is an isolator
He will do whatever he can to convince his darling to just stay in their apartment with him.
His job doesn’t require him to leave the house much, so he’s happy to take care of her and the home.
Constantly trying to convince her to quit her job and just let him care for her.
”I don’t like it when you leave…what if you get hurt?”
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This man
This man -
MC referred to him as Gray, until they got closer and she started calling him Wolfy.
Obviously she’s the only one who can get away with that.
Actually, he really likes it - likes that she gave him a “personalized” nickname -
So in return he calls her “Bunny” (MC’s last name is Hare) 
Tbh he’s actually probably the chillest out of all of them? 
Monopolizing is his favorite, but he doesn’t get a lot of opportunities to do so.
Any excuse he can get to be with his darling, he’ll take! He’d go to the ends of the earth for her…
He dreams of the day he can take her far far away from everything and keep her to himself…
And he views that day as inevitable. 
She will be his. 
”Hey, I don’t like it when you leave, so stop leaving, okay?”
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Oh -
Oh, this man -
this man -
Delusional man in power! 
Genuinely thinks he’s living out some sort of              “ “ “forbidden romance” ” ” with his darling 
Believes that his precious darling does love him! She’s just so scared of the consequences of dating her boss…
He’d never fire her, but he dreams of the day she’ll quit so he can finally marry her and keep her in his nice house and settle down.
She often forgets or loses her lunch, and when it happens he’ll insist she share with him.
The only way she can get out of it is if she sneaks off with Wolfgang for lunch first. 
Thankfully too delusional to use his status to get what he wants, because in his eyes, he already has it anyway. 
“You don’t need a job, my dear! I can provide for you! But since you aren’t quite ready to settle down, I will wait. Just remember my patience is not infinite.”
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“Met” MC at a gay bar Kat had dragged her to.
Has been obsessed ever since. 
They’re the stalker!
They’re the one with the shrine!
They’re the one who will take small “mementos” from her house! 
They also will steal locks of hair and knit with it.
One day they’ll whisk their darling away for good (they’ve already got a room ready), but for now they’re content to watch them from a distance. 
Favorite activity is watching her sleep :heart:
They also love seeing how close they can get and what they can get away with during that time she’s asleep…
”Aw, just look at my precious darling! The way she’s posed for me—it’s as if she knows I’m here! I’m definitely adding these pictures to her shrine!~”
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fabdante · 2 years
Hey there fabdante! You mentioned having some headcanons about Kat's necklaces, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to share them. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the topic! Thanks- take care! :D
Hello kobocha!! I do have some headcanons about that and I would be down to share!!
Most of them revolve around Kat's necklace acting as a series of protective wards for her. I tend to headcanon Kat as very cautious about being detected by demons, nearly to the point of paranoia. She's got a whole collection of protection sigil's and everything.
For future reference, here is a picture of Kats old model (the one with the longer hair) and her necklaces!
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I headcanon the pendant on her necklace being pyrite. Now, this is inspired by a Kat cosplay I put together as a teenager because I used pyrite for the pendent however pyrite is said to be a protective stone that will protect the wearer from negative energies. Which I thought lined up with how I saw Kat. I also like the idea of pyrite as fools gold, you know, in a like...meta sense. I also think it's pretty:
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I like the texture.
The beaded part of her necklace I think she added after successfully creating a charm for Vergil to help mask his Nephilim Energy tm.
In my own writings I explore Limbo sensing things largely based on pheromones' and auras. So the charm, made for Vergil, works to mask his Nephilim Vibes from Limbo and other demons. This also works to dull his essence from other psychics like Kat (some of which, like Kat herself, I think can see these aura's that non humans emit).
After she succeeded in crafting a charm that masks Vergil, she made one that masks her. Because demons seem to be able to sense psychic energy to in the reboot. The charms work as being part sigils, part spells (like Kat's portal spell). Since the spells are largely working off of manipulating pheromones', they need to be refreshed routinely which Kat does both for her necklace but also the charm she made for Vergil.
I had to look up this second part in my mega long, in progress Kat and Vergil fic because I wasn't sure I remembered the details right and it turned out to be much more of a plot point then I remembered asdfghj. Like, not the making of the charm exactly just like, the charm itself which comes up a lot.
As for Kat's little choker, I've never really had a lot of solid thoughts on it. I feel like it's supposed to be one of these two things:
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I can never quite tell which honestly. But this one I don't really think is for any purpose, I don't think. I think the choker is just for fashion.
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styleofdiamandis · 7 months
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Step into the neon-lit enchantment of Marina's "Neon Nature" Tour, which debuted on October 12, 2015, in Houston. Celebrating her third studio album, "Froot," Marina graced the cyber garden-inspired stage in collaboration with stylist Soki Mak and a handful emerging designers. Join us on a brief, yet dazzling, exploration of the tour's wardrobe—a kaleidoscope of avant-garde fashion and futuristic flair that left audiences spellbound.
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The first set of looks were designed by Paula Knorr, who created two of Marina’s fuchsia, lavender & red lamé looks which were inspired by body movement and the interaction between the material and the female shape.
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The Piers Atkinson reign just won't let up! M debuted several custom-made headpieces on stage, including a purple version of his Mega Diamond Ears headband.
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With the first look, Marina wore the Emmanuelle wine-red leather pointed-toe pumps with eye-catching pink mink tail from Malone Souliers’ Fall/Winter 2015 collection.
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The second look naturally met a more bolder choice. These stunners are Kat Maconie's Paulina metallic red leather platform pumps.
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Another designer that hopped on is LA-based Michael Costello, who appeared on the eighth season of Project Runway and the first season of Project Runway All Stars!
"Designing for Marina and the Neon Nature Tour was a great experience. My team met with Marina for an initial fitting and we discussed sketches and fabric options. We wanted something colourful and full of sequins so it could shine on stage. We knew we wanted a cape to go along with the jumpsuit to give Marina that extra flair that she is known for when she performs." Michael said.
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Of course, Piers Atkinson also created a custom blue sparkly version of his Hyper Cherries headpiece for the tour.
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Bristol-based fashion label Burnt Soul custom-made around 7 different catsuits for our girl to wear!
Designer Robyn Lythe said: "To start with, we put the Froot album to catch the right feel for the designs. We wanted to incorporate the expression of her lyrics with the glitzy electro pop side of Froot. One of Marina‘s fashion icons is Elizabeth Taylor and so we used her as inspiration to create figure flattering hour glass shapes in our cut. More than anything we wanted to capture Marina‘s personality. We added floating georgette fabric sleeves and glittering neon colourful bodies to give her the comic book sass and electric look she‘s famous for. The most "Marina" part of our designs were probably the sleeves. We never work with anything but lycra but we wanted to add something a little softer that would add movement on stage. Marina is so feminine with so much strength and attitude and we thought the combination of the two fabrics were perfectly her."
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These looks were crowned with the custom Piers Atkinson “Froot” laser-cut plexi headband (similar design pictured above).
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For her Lollapalooza performance in Chile, she combined her pink catsuit with these Delalle Demilune oversized studded round cat-eye sunglasses!
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A pair of BEBO chunky silver glittery platform sandals completed the look.
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Costume designer Austin Louis Perry was in charge for the "Electra Heart" act costumes!
"Working with Marina and her team was such an excleine experience. To start off with I met with Soki Mak to brainstorm the key features of the show. As a fan of Marina’s music I immediately wanted to design for the "Electra Heart" section of the show. Soki and Marina gave me 5 words as a brief; „Sassy, 70’s, pink glitter rock star“. I then used key reference points trom pop acts like Cher, ABBA and Boney M. The next stage involved meeting Marina and presenting my ideas (which she was so excited about) and from there on we discussed colour options and fabric choices. Seeing how excited Marina was when trying on my designs at the first fitting was just incredible. She loved the capes and the fabrics looked amazing together. Personalty my favorite outfit was the pink glitter catsuit with the heart cut-outs. Seeing fans reactions to the Neon Nature wardrobe on social media and the personal comments and E-mails I‘ve received have been overwhelming. It has been such an incredible journey."
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The final two custom looks come from Greek couture house Celia Kritharioti! First one is a gold sequined co-ord set featuring plunging V-neck with nude mesh overlay, while the second set comprises a lavender sequin bustier and matching flared trousers.
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And for the final ending of this post, here's the deets to the eyelashes our girl's been wearing throughout the show! Make up artist Colby Smith used the Love Addict mink lashes by Artémes!
He also used products by Make Up For Ever, M·A·C Cosmetics, Armani Beauty, Charlotte Tilbury, Madina Milano and Anastasia Beverly Hills.
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Starring Josh Hutcherson, Elizabeth Lail, Piper Rubio, Mary Stuart Masterson, Matthew Lillard, Kat Conner Sterling, David Lind, Christian Stokes, Joseph Poliquin, Lucas Grant, Theodus Crane, CoryxKenshin, MatPat, Jophielle Love, Tadasay Young and the voices of Kevin Foster, Jade Kindar-Martin, Jessica Weiss and Roger Joseph Manning Jr.
Screenplay by Scott Cawthon, Seth Cuddeback and Emma Tammi.
Directed by Emma Tammi.
Distributed by Universal Pictures. 109 minutes. Rated PG-13.
As a longtime fan of this video game franchise, anyone could imagine how excited the Five Nights at Freddy’s community and I were for this upcoming movie. Now after seeing it myself, I have a deep appreciation for the heart and talent that went into this film. The movie itself is best described as a love letter to its fans, and the wonderful online creators and YouTube personalities who have promoted its development for nearly a decade.
This point is driven home by how the directors got as many of the aforementioned creators in the movie itself. From recognizable employee of the month photos on the wall, to actual cameos by Game Theory’s Matthew Patrick, (a.k.a. MatPat to his 40 million YouTube subscribers), and CoryxKenshin (Cory Williams) another popular YouTuber with nearly 18 million subscribers. There is also a very special musical appearance by The Living Tombstone whose music was loved by fans of the original FNAF games. It was very refreshing to see these individuals represented in a movie that truly valued those who had helped get it to this point.
Aside from the heartwarming inclusion of creators, the movie harbored wonderful acting talent. Josh Hutcherson (The Hunger Games) took the lead as Mike Schmidt, the night shift security guard. Hutcherson’s performance gave the character a fitting personality that complimented the film’s busy story.
His performance was well complimented by horror movie veteran Matthew Lillard (Scooby Doo, Scream), who portrayed the main antagonist of the story, William Afton. Both are accompanied by Elizabeth Lial (You, Once Upon A Time) took on the role as Officer Vennessa, and Piper Rubio as Abby, Mike’s younger sister. Overall, the cast portrayed their roles very well, and did everything in their power to reflect their videogame counterparts or add what would fit well.
Sharing the stage with their human cast, the incredible craftsmanship of Jim Henson’s Creature Shop brought to life the animatronic cast of the film. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy captivated the screen with their incredible amounts of detail, well executed puppeteering, as well as suit acting. The personality that shone through their every moment truly gave them life. 
The movie’s pace tended to be a bit slow at times, and it was a bit lacking in the gore that was referenced while the movie was in production. This decision was most likely made to allow for a larger demographic to enjoy the movie, which allows it to serve as a good horror movie for younger people. The film, from a strict horror perspective, leaves something to be desired, but this does not make it a bad scary movie. It balances some good scares, with a dash of heart, in an overarching mystery plot. The storyline from the games to the movie was rightfully adjusted a little in order to play out better in a movie.  
I believe most critics will not understand Five Nights at Freddy’s, and that the fans who have long anticipated its release will walk away with the most from this film. Truly, it is a well-crafted movie from a production and acting perspective. Blumhouse, Scott Cawthon, and Emma Tammi did a wonderful job delivering a movie for the fans, with all the lore and countless references that we needed.
Would someone unfamiliar to the franchise be able to enjoy this movie? Of course, this all depends on what someone prefers in a movie. However, if a stranger to the concept gave it a shot, I believe that the story that was set up for the film is easy enough to follow. The visuals in the movie are captivating with a nostalgic feel, and overall, the humor seen in the movie is enough to make it an enjoyable experience. One just needs to be open to the experience first. I highly encourage FNAF fans to see this movie, and for strangers to the franchise to give it a chance to be a fun change of pace from regular horror movies.  
Jordan Wagner
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: October 28, 2023.
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