#I make no promises as to when I'll post anything for this
zaynes-nieve · 7 hours
Zayne Confirmed Lore
Anything confirmed by the developers, including any accounts or information within the game! (I will update you as the game continues, and I appreciate any info I can get from you all as well!!!!)
Tender Moments | Memoria | Bond | Devs/Offical | Main Story | Annecdotes
Basic Info:
Zayne's Birthday is September 5th | About Him
Other Names: Rei (JP), Lee Seeoen (KR) and Li Shen (CN)
Zayne's Constellation sign is a Virgo (like me)| About Him
Zayne is 6'1 | About Him
Zayne's age is 27 | About Him
Zayne is the Chief Cardiac Surgeon at Akso Hospital | About Him
Zayne's evol is Ice | About Him
Daily Life:
Zayne is a workaholic and he likes it | Gentle Twilight/About Him
He is good at snowboarding! | Everlasting Snowdrop/About Him
He knows how to peel an apple in one go | Spring Remnants/About Him
He is good at drawing (those anatomical diagrams, ftw!!!) | Suprise Encounter/About Him
He has a sweet tooth (like me) | Nostalgic Sweetness/About Him
He gets toothaches (unlike me) | Nostalgic Sweetness/About Him
He is a terrible patient (Strict against others, indulgent to his own whims) | Nostalgic Sweetness/About Him
Zayne is a teetotaler (a person who never drinks alcohol) | Drunken Intimacy/About Him
He is good at pool but is a strict teacher | Exclusive Tutorial/About Him
His Parents are also Doctors and work with Doctors without Borders overseas | Eternal Attachment/About Him
He sends them a message on his birthday each year, telling them he is just fine! | Eternal Attachment/About Him
Zayne has a hard time controlling his Evol | Main Story 4-10/Never Ending Winter ch.4
Starcatcher Awardee (2046) | Main Story 4-5
Linde Award Winner (Year 2046) | Main Story 4-5 / Never Ending Winter ch.10? Last chapter mention
His patients all are obedient (terrified) of him | A Pure White Heart ch. 3
Dr. Zayne and Dawnbreaker see eachother in their dreams | Gonna be pulling from a lot of things so give me a moment for this one 😭 (Never Ending Winter Ch.1,Ch.2,Ch.4) (Ngl Dawnbreaker Might Need his own section....or Page)
His Past:
Zayne was one smart cookie and skipped several years! But because he was so young and his classmates were not. He had a hard time making friends | Delicacy/About Him
When he was in medical school, he visited a barbeque stall a lot | Delicacy/About Him
He has a good tolerance for pain😭and he gets injured a lot, leaving many scars | Medical Rescue/About Him
Dr. Zayne was in the 35th Cohort of the Skyhaven Medcial School in an PHD Program | Never Ending Winter ch.1
He was an intern under Dr. William (took him under his wing) | Never Ending Winter ch.1
It's implied he had to kill William after those black crystals seemed to be turning Dr.William into a Wanderer (Do we consider this confirmed enough?) | Never Ending Winter ch. 6
His Likes:
He really hates carrots!!! | A Frozen Promise/About Him
He visits medical museums to relax, or he will go look out at the river | Heart Within Reach/About Him
Our Story 💙❄️☃️
He gave us a little snow seal when we were children (we thought it was a snowball) | A Frozen Promise/About Him
After seeing our name on the volunteer list to the Frontlines. He follows us | Hidden Motive/Insta Acc.
He is our Primary Doctor!!! (we're not gonna talk about the ethics of this LMFAO) | Main Story 1-8/About Him
Zayne said he melted an "old" popsicle (our popsicles in this time) for us when we were kids | Nostalgic Sweetness/About Him
Our Grandmother left us a letter with Zayne and he seems to know more than he is letting on | Main Story 4-7 (I'll double check this one)
(Work in Progress)
Pls look at Zayne's third annecdote, the newest five star (the free sept 30th one), The Birthday one and like the a million tumblr posts cause this likely won't be finished anytime soon
pls hit me up with any more information and where it's from!!
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butterflyslinky · 2 days
Since AO3 is down, I'm going to continue on from this post here.
Buck spends the next several hours sitting in the hospital by Tommy's bedside. Eddie brings him coffee. Maddie forces him to eat. Eventually, the nurses kick him out because he isn't family and visiting hours are over.
(Fuck that, Buck thinks. I'm his family, we all are, he doesn't have anyone else.)
Bobby catches him in the lobby. He's staying with Athena (she's fine, just in for observation) and promises to keep an eye on Tommy as much as he can and to call Buck if anything changes.
Buck lets Maddie drive him home, because he's tired to the point of being a liability. He almost asks her to drive him somewhere else, but it's too late. It will have to wait until morning.
Maddie stays with him. Gets him to shower and go to bed, even if he barely sleeps. Stays on his couch; she probably sleeps a little, but both their phones are turned up to full volume.
The call comes at about eight, just as Buck was maybe starting to actually get some REM in.
"He's awake," Bobby says. "He's asking for you."
Buck is out of bed at once, no longer caring he hasn't slept or shaved and probably looks like death warmed over. "I'll be there in an hour," he says. "I need to run an errand first."
"What errand?" Bobby asks. Buck explains. "Okay," Bobby says. "Visiting hours don't start until then anyway."
He wakes Maddie up and asks her to drive. He probably shouldn't still. She agrees as long as he buys her breakfast. They end up in a really crappy diner that's more convenient than desirable. Buck watches the clock, waiting for it to tick over to nine o'clock.
As soon as it does, he pays the bill and leaves. Goes to the shop next door and makes his purchase.
He gets back to the hospital at 9:30. Bobby meets him in the lobby again.
"He's doing well," he says. "The doctors expect him to make a full recovery." He claps Buck on the shoulder. "Good luck, kid." He turns and offers to take Maddie home so she can get some proper sleep; Athena's been discharged so they'll be going soon anyway. Maddie agrees.
Buck goes back into the room alone. Tommy is dozing when Buck sits down, but wakes up when Buck takes his hand.
"Hey, babe," Buck says.
"Evan," Tommy says. His voice is quiet, but the word is kind. "Missed you."
"I missed you too." Buck squeezes his hand. "I know we haven't been dating very long, but...last night, they said I'm not your family and made me leave. But we are family, and I don't want that to happen again because we're both in here a lot, and so...so I wanna fix that." He reaches into his pocket and produces a ringbox. "Tommy Kinard, will you marry me?"
Tommy's face breaks into a wide smile. "Yeah," he said. "Soon as I'm out of here."
Evan laughs and slides the ring on his finger.
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strangeaxel · 2 days
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Pg: i hope you don't start moving like crazy while you sleep tonight.
Vincent: I can't promise anything.
[Day off. 3 AM. They stayed up late watching movies at Vincent's apartment]
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Doodles, sketches and practice :p
I'm still wondering what the perfect warm up is for this style, i mostly do spirals, boxes and other random figures before starting a drawing and it's quick but it seems like it takes me like 5 or 10 minutes to warm up for now in this style, the time got shorter tho, i think before it was worst but now it's better. It really makes me wonder with amazement how animators can replicate styles so well. I started making notes for myself today to keep in mind the 'do and dont' of the style, because rebornica isn't an animator with a big ahh animated series we can't get a simple book with what to do and what you shouldn't when drawing the style. I MAYYYYY post the Do and Don't guide when i get comfortable with the style but i maybe just gonna gatekeep it muahahhah- ejem...
I been studying this style in a serious manner for like a month or 4 weeks?? Something like that sjjs, with references and stuff like that. I like sharing this journey with y'all, it's pretty cool coming back to my childhood this way. I'll be answering some asks before october since i gotta make a halloween special + a little surprise i been thinking about lately ;3 i hope i can get over my fear of failing, of making new art about the guards in this style because i feel like im not good enough yet but i know I'll be able to overcome this fear soon.
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egginfroggin · 1 year
Wouldn't it be fun if Emmet wound up staying in Hisui for a few years longer than he did in WtST, and then went home with Akari and Rei in tow only for an angry Legendary to interfere with their space-time hop, rip them apart from each other, and have them all end up in different areas of Unova?
And Unova is frozen because the World's Best Worst Parent Figure, Ghetsis Harmonia, actually managed to take the region and went full snowblower on it with Kyurem?
And Ingo is just trying to help people get out of the region or shelter them in the tunnels -- and also not just collapse from exhaustion because he's working himself to the bone trying to keep hidden but still do things -- when this weirdly-dressed girl falls out of thin air, calls him a Zoroark, beans him in the face with a Pokeball, and falls over?
Yeah, doesn't that sound fun?
Also I want Kyurem to get body-checked by Emmet's absolute unit of a Garchomp. Just for fun.
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hella1975 · 6 months
a post about fic updates! so the fics im currently juggling are dog teeth, tams, and of course, taob. my original plan was to start posting the second installment of the dog teeth series by sometime in april, bc it's the fic im most into atm and i already have the first chapter done, i just want to bank another one or two because once i start posting it i want to KEEP posting it with regular updates, hopefully every 2 weeks like with kaiein. HOWEVER this will put my atla fics on a back burner. april is a good writing time for me (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE) bc i have the entire month off from uni to prep for may exam season, and i always want to write when im procrastinating my degree. which is. it's own thing im sure i'll graduate it's fine i'm fine. so if i focus on dog teeth, neither tams nor taob will get focus until like. june. which is par for the course with taob but im NOT happy about doing with tams.
SO my thought process was i can either be normal about this and just accept it's literally my final year at uni and im trying to graduate and it doesn't matter if updates are slow on ANY fics, or i can do my usual and implement an insane deadline that i somehow always make by the skin of my teeth. can you guess what i went with?
and thus i present unto the crowd my tentative plan: have the next taob chapter done by middle of april (im aware this is quite hand-wavey but it gives me a month to work with, so in my head this means anything between april 10th-20th), have the next tams chapter done by the end of april, and dog teeth can follow.
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scatterghosts · 2 years
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Deuteronomy 2:10 by The Mountain Goats // Deep in Canyon by BJ Yang
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follineo · 2 months
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yuelun · 11 months
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Okay, so being at home (and ill!) has given me some time to organize my thoughts ahead of time for 2024, because I want to clean house a little bit across the board. Consider this a little informative post that'll simultaneously function as my to-do list to complete by the end of the year. In essence, I've seen the phrase 'do what makes you happy' enough times in the last year and a half to two years, that I think it's time for my donkey-level stubborn self to finally listen to it. So I'm going to do just that, and also, I'm going to clean house. In order of importance, where you'll find me most commonly, and what I'll work on getting up and running, this is the game plan:
Yelan: This one will hold most of my priority by a landslide. Fontaine, let's go. Kafka: I have numerous starters/replies/meta and replies waiting, and these are not on hold out of disinterest; I simply need to organize/give into my priorities. Kafka is near and dear to me, but Genshin as a whole is more my home than Star Rail. Bear with me, I have every intention of running her alongside Yelan). Me at self: Old theme/resources blog (x) needs urgent work.
And then, I have the secondary game-plan:
— Guizhong: She'll return, but I'm, very sadly, in a little bit of a mental lock here. Stay tuned! — Zhongli: This is the big surprise, I suppose. I'm finally giving in. He may not come very soon as my current focus very much lies with Yelan in specific, but especially when Lantern Rite 2024 inevitably hits, I know the tears will fall, my heart will warm and I will be a mess. There were a plethora of reasons as to why I never made him, but— times and things change, friends are joining the Genshin crew (hi Lottie, I love you) and now, there's so much reason to. Besides, how can I not write the man who's kept the dream alive? Stay tuned x2.
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deathdxnces · 1 year
full disclosure, writing is probably gonna be a bit sporadic because the demons are winning and my mental health is absolutely horrific right now, and that has been the case for days. i probably won't disappear or stop the hc posts because they're one of the few things i can do easily and give me joy, but until i'm better ic replies will take extra long. i am very much open to plotting or discussing dynamics or yelling about our muses together though, so feel free to jump in my dms or discord any time.
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twpsyn-who · 8 months
Soulmates AU in which when your soulmate is in a situation that can result in their death you get to see through their eyes. Like, I don't know how to explain this- it kind of flashes between what you see and what your soulmate sees. You know those edits where there's a scene going on and there's another one faded in the background happening at the same time? Similar to that. The idea is that you get to see what your soulmate sees too, on top of what you're seeing.
Now, this AU but JeanMarco. With Marco asking the others where's Jean, just for him to start seeing a corpse right in front of his eyes not even a second after asking. Seeing through Jean's eyes as he's trying to get hold of that gear and stuff. And once Jean's safe, once it clicks that you know his best friend is his soulmate Marco can't wait for them to graduate so he can you know tell him that.
Then, you know. That happens. And Jean is so fucking confused because he keeps seeing Annie crying, looking down on him. Only when Annie starts getting off the gear, when his soulmate starts moving around trying to get away he starts panicking, starts moving around faster than before. And maybe he's too late. Or maybe he shows up in time and kills the titan. I don't know. That's not where I'm trying to get, but to the second option AKA Marco pulling an UNO reverse on Annie because he's a smart sneaky bastard like that and being like 'Hey you can't kill me, my soulmate will know it was you' which makes her stop trying to take off his gear. Reiner keeps telling her to do it, Bertholdt keeps yelling about that titan coming closer, but Annie... she has seen things, at some point. Flashes of moments that weren't hers, happening right in Trost- right in that moment. And she didn't give them too much thought until that moment, until it got confirmed that it has nothing to do with her titan powers.
'What do you mean by that?' she asks, because she needs to know more. Because she wants to know more. And Marco starts explaining how it works. Tells them that he has found his soulmate, that they will put all the blame on them for his death. Reiner doesn't believe him, keeps insisting that he's playing them around - he, and anyone born and raised on Marley, has never heard of something like that before, it doesn't exist - but Annie tells him to shut up and to let Marco go. Cue to the plot of any fic in which Marco doesn't straight up die after finding up their secret.
Anyway I don't know man, just,,, We need more soulmate aus for JeanMarco. That's an order.
#When I wrote this my mind was to Mina x Annie like straight up I was like 'Yeah Mina's Annie's soulmate and she saw her dying' but my brain#liked to remind me that you know Armin has a nerd death experience too. So it can go either way guys the idea is that Annie's soulmate l#either died in Trost or was close to dying#Some little things I daydreamed about while waiting to get home to finish this post (more like little details for the au than anything#else) : Only Eldians can have a soulmate aka only subjects of Ymir. Marley being the racist motherfucker they are aren't aware of the whole#soulmate thing. That's why Reiner Berthold and Annie has no clue something like that exists they didn't get taught about that. Meanwhile#everyone on Paradis knows about soulmates kind of hard not to when many SC die on a basic lol. Is something normalized for them#Also another little detail would be that a Titan Shifter can't see during their shift. Aka Eren didn't see through Mikasa's eyes during#Trost despite her being near death at some point(s) (I'm thinking about when Titan Eren punched that Titan coming for Mikasa but honestly?#She was in danger when Eren lost control too). So yeah that's all I have for now#I think it also make sense a little for some soulmate thing to occur on top of the titan powers given the whole 'love story' between Ymir#and King Friz (or whatever his name fuck that guy- in a nonsexual way). So yeah we should totally play around with the concept of soulmates#more#This post is a mess but I started it at like 11 pm and finished it at 6 pm let me be man. My sleep deprived mind came out with this one#I make no promises to actually write something with this - I'll have to re-watch the first two season and kind of update as I watch the#other seasons so yk. Low chances. But feel free to use this as you please haha. Go wild guys. It doesn't even need to be JeanMarco yk#Like Annie seeing Mina die with her own eyes??? And her thoughts process for the whole time once she finds out she was her soulmate#Or ykyk Historia Witnessing Ymir's death??? Nicolo losing his shit over seeing that little girl shoot his soulmate??? LEVI SEEING FLASHES#OF BIG ASS STONES THROWN AROUND#Man actually you can play around with Levi so much like we have Petra too and Hange and-#Regardless#aot jean#aot marco#aot#jeanmarco#Aot JeanMarco#jean kirstein#jean kirschstein#marco bodt#marco bott
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cattyanon · 24 days
Btw I promise I'm still alive just procrastinating/been playing games.
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iloveyumi · 2 months
Fuyumi sighed, plopping the test she'd just finished grading onto one of the many piles that decorated her workspace. Her office was suffocated by the bundles of paper, having migrated from her desk to the floor to every inch of space as she worked. Feeling the sliminess of another few drops of sweat running down her back, Fuyumi ached for a chance to get out of this baking hot, humid space, as pretty as the stained glass windows behind her were.
May had only just begun, and with it were the students' final exams - and the endless calls from angry parents and desperate students. While she understood their frustration, Fuyumi was just one school teacher - even if she could do something about the PPOU law, she wouldn't - that was there for a good reason.
Everyone knew the history behind the Pokemon Protection, Ownership and Use law: Team Eternity, the destruction of Musutafu, the death of Decoma - the legendary lifecycle pokemon, all of it - did they just not think it was relevant anymore? That it didn't matter? The incident was ten years before Fuyumi was even born, but she - and everyone who'd spend their formative years in Musutafu - had the facts of the case hammered into her head religiously. It changed everything about our culture, about our understanding of the world. Learning about what happened, It changed Fuyumi on a personal level.
She was only seven, but the terror Fuyumi felt sitting in class, watching old news broadcasts of the world being frozen in time, the image of people's eyes, mouths, noses shrinking into nothing on their faces, the rip of fissures tearing open to facilitate the change, hearing the crack of bones in their legs and arms as they crumple like tissue paper, as the whole, fully grown, life-lived woman changed into a squirming, squealing, helpless baby. Clasping her clammy hands over her ears to listen to the ba-bum of her heart and instead hearing "TODOROKI PAY ATTENTION" wrench from the teacher's lips.
The horror as she realised her parents were actually there. They didn't see it through a screen, emotive but gone as soon as you asked to go to the toilet. They didn't hear it through classroom speakers, audible but confusing, tinny in a way that disrupted the snaps and screams. Her parents, her mother, her father, had to watch people mutate into something other, natural in an unnatural way, right in front of their eyes.
They had to see it, and know that at any point in time, that could be them.
She'd run home in tears and clasped tightly onto her Arcanine plushie, huddled in her bed, under the blankets, trying to will the wet plop of blood, the snap, crack of people's faces breaking away from her brain. (Touya had teased her, but she'd heard him throw up in the training room three minutes later.)
That was the first, and only, time they played the old broadcasts in school. How unlucky they were, to be the ones to see it.
Maybe those parents were the lucky ones, who weren't told the details, who had the information glossed over, who lost any context for the Pokemon Protection, Ownership and Use law. If they didn't get taught about the complex political background behind the laws and culture in Musutafu, then she… supposed she could give them the benefit of the doubt. After all, if she hadn't been taught, she wouldn't have looked into it either.
Musutafu is extremely different to other regions in how they handle Pokemon due to the law - the "Duty of Pokemon Care" License being needed to catch wild Pokemon is a kick in the ass for anyone outside of the region, who are all too used to being able to battle, weaken, and capture pokemon unrestricted.
For most people, that didn't change much - just meant taking another test the July they turned eighteen and waiting a few weeks for a shiny new card in the mail - in fact, most schools began incorporating it into their curriculum as soon as the law was passed - but for underage or trainer school students, like Fuyumi's, the process was a little different, including needing a reference from their teacher.
Fuyumi's class wasn't like most people, for the twenty-or-so twelve year olds that needed to capture pokemon as part of their future career, this test was extremely important - if you failed you had to wait two months to retake it, and then a year after that if you failed the retakes. That time could be better used challenging the gyms and getting one or two badges, or competing in a contest, or having your first show in Nimbasa City. By the time you finally got your license, all of your friends would already be well on their way, and you'd be left behind.
The final exams Fuyumi offered weren't part of the DoPC licensing exam, but part of an aptitude test she personally put together to assess how ready her students were - and with their results were her personal reference on whether they were fit to take the licensing exam. As such, Fuyumi's opinion was extremely important this year.
There were a few kids and parents that always tried to bribe her, bringing in cookies or cupcakes for the class, praising the shoes on her feet, or ratting our their fellow classmates to try to gather favour. It never worked. In fact, it did the opposite, leaving a disgusting slimy taste in her mouth like she'd swallowed Sluggoo slime. No matter how many times she gave the early year presentation about it, someone always tried, which pushed her, and a few other teachers, to make the aptitude test for their recommendations.
Because as much as Fuyumi hated admitting it, she wasn't perfectly impartial, and the bribes and cupcakes and ratting out did work on her, at least a little bit. As soon as she realised that, the creeping fear that she'd let one of her unprepared students through to take the license exam and would see their agast and heartbroken faces when they didn't make it…
This test was her way of giving all her students a fair and honest chance, one that would make sure they're prepared and would save them from the grief of trying and trying and failing because they weren't ready yet. If only some parents could understand this.
"Mismagius!" The cry from Fuyumi's partner pokemon caught her attention. Muma was hoovering just above ground - next to Ihai, her glacion - and sorting the dishevelled piles of marked tests into something resembling organised. God, she loved that pokemon - Muma had been such a big part of her life so far that Fuyumi had no idea what she'd do without her.
"Mis-mis~" Muma gestured at her office door, which Fuyumi now noticed was being knocked on.
"Miss Todoroki, are you there?" She knew that voice - the aunt and guardian to one of her more troubled students, Anastasia. She'd been having meetings with both her and her niece together about Anastasia's progress in class, to develop a progression plan and keep her on track. Today, they were finally going to see if the plan worked.
"Just a minute Miss Waterflower!" She called, hurriedly moving the paper piles out of the way as Muma cleared a path to the door. Her partner pokemon levitated Anastasia's aptitude test into Fuyumi's hands.
"Thank you so much, Muma." She blew a kiss as she opened the door, "Excuse the mess!"
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ichorblossoms · 2 months
oh shit yeah grimm and yarrow are exes to lovers huh
#tbf i don't rly think of my writing in tropes. even then exes to lovers doesn't cross my mind as often as friends- or enemies- to lovers#as in it's like. slightly less common? idfk i don't pay all that much attention to that. it's also not a trope i inherently jump at as#someone who personally does not find the thought of getting back with an ex remotely appealing#however. when my characters are stupid about these things...#i think it didn't cross my mind bc they don't. formally break up so i kinda forgot they're technically exes at the beginning of p2#it's like 'i need to fucking book it bc i killed a guy and his guys want my head for that but i'll come back [doesn't do that for. five#years and mostly comes back bc they're out of options]' not 'it's fucking over' yknow?#their relationship by the end of p1 is kind of funky though. it's absolutely romantic in nature but grimm is. kind of a mess bc it's got#this tension of wanting to simultaneously get close to someone and not let them in so the two of them actually don't get all that far?#they're both too afraid to have sex about it that's for sure#i'm not even sure what they call their relationship at that point either. for grimm's sake i don't think they'd really call it anything#in essence it ends with a lot of broken promises that weren't quite promises yknow?#if grimm hadn't booked it i think eventually the two of them might've sorted out their shit but also there's a v high chance grimm would've#fucked things over for good. actually now that i think about it they probably would have run off at some other point#i also think it's important for yarrow's development that grimm fucked off. gotta add some bitterness to that mixture there#you see the five years between p1 and p2 are essential for character development. they gotta marinate in who the fuck they are#make themselves a bit better. make themselves a bit worse. date someone else for a year or so. as it goes#i'm fully rambling here but. what the fuck ever that's what this blog is for#at all times i want to talk about my characters. i only occasionally find a way to make it into a post#grimmyarrow
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tennessoui · 1 year
do you know when we’ll be getting foolproof’s update, kit? Just wanted to ask bc I have a super stressful day today and I’ve been excited about reading the new chapter as a reward for getting through the stressful stuff for days 🥰🥰🥰
ahhh this is fair this is fair
ive actually reached the point in the chapter where it could very much be split into 2 halves seeing as i'm at 6.5k with about roughly 4 very crucial scenes to go, which would double that word count and then some....
but those are words that aren't there yet (for a time and tide update, i once just split a 12k chapter into 2 parts and posted them at the same time), so i could post what i have --- the current completed scene would be a stopping point that makes sense and it'd be roughly 6k --- or i could wait to post until i have what would be the full chapter and then split it into 2 parts and post them at the same time (that might be up to another week?) --- or i could post 1 very long chapter that does what i want it to do but could be overwhelming to read
literally went on a thirty minute walk today to try and think this through because trust me i do want to give y'all what's coming asap but i also have a vision, which at this point contradicts my stance against 14k chapters (they're gifts from god but also i get lost in them!)
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Tuvok’s intake of breath/slight straightening of posture when Janeway says she spoke to his family before she left....................................................I can’t speak
#yes this is important enough to merit its own post <- favortism#Janeway & Tuvok are so <3#you know that fanfiction trope where Kirk is like 'Spock please - we're in private. No need with this Captain stuff' ?#they are the COMPLETE opposite HEHEHE#Janeway (to her friend of twenty years): Hello Mr. Tuvok. / Tuvok: Hello Captain v_v <- just got done telling an ensign that HE knows the#captain would not appreciate being referred to as 'ma'am'#Janeway & Tuvok: what if 'you're right as usual' could be our always?? <- something's wrong with them#AAAAAAAAA 'they're worried about you' (Vulcans do not worry) 'they...miss you.' (...as I do them.)#Then Janeway immediately rising with her wide eyes and promising to get him back to them like she's making a blood oath AAAAA#H E ALREADY MISSED THEM. HE ALREADY MISSED THEM AND THE Y ALREADY MISSED HIM.#Tuvok is the 'I lived bitch' meme twiceover but specifically to T'Pel#Tuvok's goes undercover with the Maquis - The Maquis ship is lost - Voyager is lost - Voyager is found but thousands of light years away -#AND YET HE MAKES IT BACK TO HER IN THE END#NO GRAVE CAN HOLD MY BODY DOWN!!!! I'LL CRAWL HOME TO HER!!!!!!#Anyway Janeway and Tuvok would make a blood oath to each other about anything they are so dramatic and duty bound#O H MYGFUCKING GOD IS THAT NEELIX~!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!#HI NEELIX~!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3 HIII!!!#Janeway (to some guy she found in a dumpster): My Name Is Captain Kathryn Janeway Of The Federation Starship V-#Also I love Neelix trying to act like 'oh there's just ONE thing really you could get me to make me cooperate...'#when the one thing is LITERALLY water...GIRL....!!!! HE 'S DYING!!!#me seeing the scene where Tuvok meets Neelix: WOOW just like leolaroot's moth to the flame music video!!#Tuvok's speech pattern my beloved <3#'I aSsure you that everything in thisrom HAS a specific fuuunctiooon.'#B'Elanna: (so scared she's literally shaking) Sorry I'm just freaking out bc I'm Klingon#BABY. GIRL. NO. YOU ARE /NOT/.#how she pronounces her name changes...here she says BAY-lanna instead of BUH-lanna#livetweeting
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amoneki-ramblings · 8 months
you’ve been gone for two weeks, did something happen? :(
not meaning to intrude btw
I was actually thinking of making a post about this because I also realized it's been a while; basically school has been kicking my ass Hard lately, so I haven't really had time to indulge in my tg hyperfixation (I even had to put another pause on reading the manga, even now I'm only typing this after finishing an essay draft orz)
Not to mention I've been getting slightly sidetracked with another hyperfixation, though with all the work I've been swamped with I haven't really had much time for content making either way, and I apologize greatly for that !! There are Ideas I've been wanting to get to all this time, I just need to take some time to really crackdown on my schoolwork, but once I get through it I'll be back on my bullshit /threat don't worry LOL
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