#I mean I have that meowth for payday
blaze13full · 1 year
My main Quest is of course writing this adorable piece of literature about the Zombie-Duo, however.... I get sidetracked... A LOT, which is probably why this shit takes like, ages to finish... what I also do is replay Pokemon Crystal and Yellow (yk the old one for Game Boy) and what does my brain do?
EXACTLY it plans the Pokemon Team for these two idiots.
I googled, I found some images, which I will not upload bc it's from some sort of article and other stuff and what I IMMEDAITELY loved was like Kakuzu... with like 5 eeveelutions and a banette floating around.
Like yeah I get it, the Bannette for the ragdoll or voodoo theme but... he had an UMBREON and ESPEON... you might think like "Yeah... so what? Whats your problem?"
You can throw your stones at the other eevees to get them to evolve but... those two?
Nah man... this requires LOVE
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RO's Pokémon Teams (Expanded)
Reverse ask. I will now infodump about what each pokémon teams the ROs would have. I know you answered it similarly before, but I want to do this in-depth. For additional flavor I gave everyone a pokémon that evolves by trade, which would happen in game as them trading it with MC, and a route specific pokémon.
Their starter is a shiny Meowth/Persian, since it can use its payday move to generate free money, plus it was a pokémon heavily associated with the main crime organization in the anime (Team Rocket and Giovanni). R’s luck manifested by giving them a shiny, shame it is one of the worst shinies available…
Next up: Super Luck Absol, a pokémon that can sense natural disasters and tries to warn others, and is seen as a doom-bringer as a result. Reclamation R uses it to intimidate their opponents, joking that they are *both* doom-bringers. Rebellion R is much more critical of the rumors and laments their inability to stop the disasters.
Third is Murkrow. Its signature ability is Super Luck, BUT R’s would have Prankster (an ability it loses upon evolving). Prankster!Murkrow works well as a setter in competitive, which means it sets up buffs and debuffs. Reclamation R teaches it Perish Song.
Fourth is Togekiss with Serene Grace. R has been raising it since it was an egg and is very happy to abuse its ability to make their opponents flinch (essentially lose a turn).
Number five is the trade pokémon. R has a Feebas, an ugly little fish that evolves into the regal Milotic. They hardly use it and regret being unable to find anyone they trust enough to trade it back. They eventually trade it with MC as “something to remember them by” and claim Milotic looks better on MC’s team anyway.
Sixth and final pokémon on their team is route specific, although both are rock types due to R’s interest in rocks. Rebellion R gets Sableye, a pokémon that lives a quiet life in caves and eats crystals, the rumors about Sableye stealing souls would synergize well with R being framed for a crime they didn’t commit. Reclamation R would get Glimmora, a pretty flower made out of crystals… of course, said crystals are made out of poison, but R would never use them for evil, how could you even think otherwise?
For a starter, E got Pawmot. Electric/Fighting pika-clone that evolves from Pawmo after walking 1000 steps alongside its trainer. This one is the most spoiled little thing.
Following that, E has a Fidough, their beloved puppy that helps them with cooking. It evolves into Dachsbun after E gets more confidence. Also, it has the Well-Baked Body ability (P hates it. Dachsbun is resistant or immune to almost everything on their team).
Third one is a Bewear, a big and fluffy friend that is ridiculously strong, to the point of accidentally killing its friends with bone-shattering hugs. Fitting with E’s power.
Fourth in line is Hitmonlee. Fighting type with a focus on legs. Fast boy. E goes on runs with it.
Their trade pokémon is a Swirlix. A cutie-patootie fairy goofball of a pokémon that they eventually trade with MC so that it can evolve and grow stronger. E keeps whatever pokémon MC trades them as a reminder to be strong.
Finally, their route specific puppies. Good Influence E gets a Boltund, a good doggie that can run for three days straight, easily break 50 mhp at top speed, and zap its enemies with electricity. Bad Influence E gets a Houndoom, a bad doggo that can give someone eternal, burning pain and chooses its leader via combat.
Their starter is an Inteleon with the Sniper ability, they have been together since before V was made a soldier. To quote the dex entry: “Its nictitating membranes let it pick out foes’ weak points so it can precisely blast them with water that shoots from its fingertips at Mach 3.” This pokémon has finger guns, V has a real gun, they are perfect.
Second is a well-trained Rockruff puppy that evolves differently depending on what route V is on. Civilian V gets midday Lycanroc, an extremely loyal pup with a calm demeanor, representing V healing from the trauma and learning how to form bonds. Soldier V gets midnight Lycanroc, who will happily sustain injuries for the sake of taking down its opponent, V’s just a soldier and their life belongs to their commander, why should their pokémon be any different?
Hatterene takes number three. This pokémon’s evolutionary line HATES strong emotions, so no wonder one of them would like having a trainer as emotionless as V.
Frosmoth is next for two reasons. First, I wanted V to have an ice type since they grew up in a cold region. Second, Frosmoth is a friendship evolution and it signalizes that V is not fully emotionless.
Their trade pokémon is none other than Pumpkaboo. Its dex entry mentions that Pumpkaboo are said to be the product of areas where lost souls lingered, so odds are V has seen their fair share of Pumpkaboo and had plenty of opportunities to catch one. This trade happens fairly late in V’s path and comes with V realizing that Pumpkaboo wants to be with MC, signaling that V is becoming more aware of other people’s emotions.
Lastly, V’s route specific pokémon are either a therapy dog or the brutal pokémon. Stoutland, a dog that can keep someone warm overnight in the wintry mountains, is taken in by Civilian V, being a friendly pokémon known for rescuing people, it seems fitting that Civilian V would end up with one for support. Soldier V catches Hydreigon, a pseudo-legendary with destruction as its main goal, the perfect weapon for a soldier.
Espeon is their starter. Little L was given an Eevee to keep them company, Little L got attached, and now L can be seen with an Espeon curled up on their lap while they read.
Second one is Luvdisc, because it is heart-shaped and L is a romantic.
Third down is Xatu, a pokémon that can see both the past and future. Fitting with L’s power. Also, bird!
Pidove is on their team and nobody can convince me otherwise. L, nerd that they are, struggling to dumb down their words so that their cutesy widdle pigeon buddy can understand. Pidove is friendly and sincere, and evolves into the intelligent and proud Unfezant. L wants to evolve it, but this process takes way longer than it should thanks to Pidove being their weakest pokémon and hardly seeing any combat until later in the story.
Kadabra is their trade pokémon. They spent a long time planning how they’d ask a possible future friend to trade with them so that their Kadabra could finally evolve. They end up shyly asking MC if they’d be up for a trade so that “they’d never be fully apart” due to having each other’s pokémon.
Time for their route exclusive pokémon, both psychic. Peace L gets Gardevoir, a pokémon that can see the future and is ready to summon a black whole to protect its trainer, everyone is lucky L keeps it under control. Resolve L gets Metagross, a pokémon with four brains and smart enough to rival a supercomputer, everyone better pray L doesn’t Mega Evolve it since its dex entries state, “Mega Evolution stimulated its brain. It emerged as a ruthless Pokémon that will clutch at any means of ensuring its victories.” and “When it knows it can’t win, it digs the claws on its legs into its opponent and starts the countdown to a big explosion.” Yikes.
Their starter, Banette, is a doll that became a pokémon over its grudge of being thrown away. Sounds familiar? Raven found it roaming at night during their first week on the streets and the two have been together since.
Next up, Trubbish/Garbodor, a friend that Raven made years ago when they frequented the same dumpsters. Yes, it is sentient, poisonous garbage. Yes, Raven will cuddle it.
Bisharp takes third for being very sharp and stabby. Insanity Raven goes through the work of evolving it into Kingambit. Therapy Raven keeps it a Bisharp.
Number four is Doublade. Why have one stabby sword when they can have two? Insanity Raven keeps Doublade that way, happy to watch the twin blades slash foes to ribbons. Therapy Raven evolves it into Aegislash, deciding that more defense is worth slightly less stabbing.
Their trade pokémon is Haunter. Raven raised it fully planning on trading with MC. This pokémon is almost as clingy towards MC as Raven. Keeping up with both of them is an exercise in patience.
And finally their route specific pokémon. Insanity Raven gets Spiritomb, 108 spirits trapped into a stone as punishment for their misdeeds, with Raven often making cryptic comments about “making” a new Spiritomb. Therapy Raven, for their part, gets a Maushold to remind them of their goal to have their own family with MC.
S’s starter is Sandaconda. Ground types are common in the desert and its Sand Spit ability turns out to be way more viable when their opponents aren’t used to dealing with sandstorms.
Revavroom is a must for S. A motor pokémon that canonically gets used to power up vehicles? S has built a dozen starmobiles for their Revavroom.
Cyclizar looks like a bike, of course S would have one. It is their main ride when Sandrider is not available. S makes it wear Safety Goggles to protect it from sandstorms.
Their fourth pokémon is Vanillite, because ice cream jokes. S only got it after coming to the academy, which is why it is not evolved and low level. It grows into a Vanilluxe eventually.
For their trade pokémon, S has a Rhydon. They did not originally plan to trade it, nor where they interested in evolving it further. MC is the one to suggest a trade and S ends up deciding that Rhydon is the one they should trade away.
Now, both of their path exclusive pokémon are pseudo-legendaries, because S deserves it. Speed Devil S goes for Garchomp, a land shark capable of going at speeds equal to a jet fighter plane, the perfect Ground-type for a speed devil. Troublemaker S, for their part, gets Tyranitar, an insolent mobile disaster and their best partner in crime after MC.
P’s starter is obviously Blaziken. Fire/Fighting, solid ability in Speed Boost, and an overall solid starter choice. P has trained it since it was a Torchic, maxing out its speed and attack stats.
P gets Ninetales to match with their twin. P caught it as a Vulpix and was very quick to evolve it via Fire Stone.
To represent P’s interest in cooking, they get Garganacl, the rock salt pokémon. Its Purifying Salt ability makes it immune to status conditions, while its signature move, Salt Cure, helps ensure its opponent will not last long on the battlefield. P doesn’t use it much, not being used to its typing, so Garganacl often comes as a surprise to their opponents.
Annihilape takes fourth. A pokémon that got so angry that it died and came back angrier. P and their Annihilape act so similar, it is funny. Rage buddies refuse to chill until they kill one (1) shitty dad.
Their trade pokémon is Gurdurr. They insist they hate it and only traded it with MC to get rid of the damn thing. It has maxed out affection. Regardless of what MC trades back, P will act underwhelmed and mentions it will takes ages to train it up to their standards.
Path exclusive time, with two sword-themed pokémon to distance P from their father’s spears. Competition P has Ceruledge, representing their growing resentment, its dex entries state, “The fiery blades on its arms burn fiercely with the lingering resentment of a sword wielder who fell before accomplishing their goal.” and “An old set of armor steeped in grudges caused this Pokémon’s evolution. Ceruledge cuts its enemies to pieces without mercy.”. Cooperation P gets Scrappy Sirfetch’d, a chivalrous knight with a versatile movepool, which can make it a viable choice in both double and single battles.
Spheal is M’s lovable starter. Their father was hoping M would dominate the battlefield with Walrein, but Spheal has refused to evolve so far. It stays small and cute on Alt M’s path. It finally evolves all the way into Walrein in Maso M’s path.
M gets Alolan Ninetales to match with their twin. They didn’t catch it and instead got it as a gift (from a relative? a suitor? who knows). Took ages for them to evolve it, even though they could have easily gotten an Ice Stone.
Their Komala is next, a pokémon that stays asleep its entire life. They are nap buddies.
Their trade pokémon is Dusclops. It evolves when traded while holding a Reaper Cloth, a nod to M’s planned use of scythes.
Path exclusives are both bangers. Maso M gets Baxcalibur, a pseudo-legendary Ice/Dragon; its signature ability, Thermal Exchange, boosts its attack when it is hit by a Fire-type move, which parallels Maso M needing to be hurt to be at their most effective. Alt M, for their part, nets Slaking, a ridiculously strong pokémon with attack and HP on par with legendaries, but held back by its Truant ability that forces it to only act every other turn; this matches M’s own strength being held back by their sleepiness and forces them to plan around it.
Their starter pokémon is Serperior, a Grass-type that can stop its opponents’ movements with just a glare from its noble eyes. A smug grass snake for the smug forest royal.
Scolipede takes second. F likes to harvest its deadly poison to use in assassinations. It is a soft baby when it comes to F, though, happy to curl up at their feet while they are working.
Third is Drapion. It produces potent poison yet prefers using its physical strength to overpower foes. F’s loyal bodyguard that uses its force to intimidate anyone who might pose a threat to their trainer.
Next up is Parasect. Parastic mushrooms that take control over their host until it is nothing but an empty shell with nothing more to take. F loves their fungus zombie.
Their trade pokémon is Phantump. A child who died while lost in the forest and possessed a stump. F caught it during a rare moment of pity, they trade it with MC, claiming they got tired of babysitting. They will occasionally mention missing their Phantump, only to immediately scoff and pretend they never said that, what are you talking about?
For their route specific we have two interesting options. Royal F catches Tsareena, embodying F’s own cruel heart, with its dex entry stating, “In victory, it shows off by kicking the defeated, laughing boisterously.” Royal F loves when it does that. Peasant F gets Volcarona, a pokémon said to be the rage of the sun, a deity of fire, made to save people and pokémon from cold, and symbolic of F’s more heroic role in the Peasant path.
While it would be impossible to plan a whole team for MC, I believe their father would determine the available starters.
Papa Strom took MC to a military daycare center and had his kid choose from a hand-picked selection of starters. The options are:
Oshawott (Water): its final evolution, Samurott, is based off samurai. Since a Storm MC can have a katana, this seemed fitting.
Chespin (Grass): its final evolution, Chesnaught, is based off the concept of knights and armor.
Charmander (Fire): it seems fitting for a STORM MC to have a starter that can actually fly later on, not to mention how knights and dragons often appear side by side in stories.
Razor didn’t get to give his kid a pokémon. Luckily MC managed to steal one from a totally-not-fake pokémon professor that just so happened to wander on a poorly lit part of town with three starters on his belt. The options are:
Froakie (Water): ninja pokémon, perfect for a sneaky thief.
Rowlet (Grass/Flying): ghost archer with a Robin Hood theme, fitting for a more heroic Razor MC.
Tepig (Fire): its final evolution is based off a man who was assassinated by his own subordinates, foreshadowing MC’s own connection to assassins.
Dad Xero brought home a trio of pokémon he had been considering training for use in his lab. MC bonded particularly well with one of them and Xero decided to let his kid keep it. The options are:
Piplup (Water): evolves into a Water/Steel type, which is immune to poison. Having a pokémon with poison immunity is essential to many lab setting with dangerous chemicals abound.
Bulbasaur (Grass/Poison): the other side of the coin, a Grass/Poison type. Greatly useful for studying both antidotes and bio weapons.
Cyndaquil (Fire): its official category is the fire mouse pokémon, so it makes sense one would end up a lab rat.
Pops Scurra just sent a pokéball via mail one day, alongside a handful of trinkets. E’s mom may or may not have *gently* convinced him that his kid was old enough to get their own pokémom and mentioned a particular one she was sure MC would like. The options are:
Popplio (Water): a darling singer to provide musical accompaniment to MC’s performances.
Sprigatito (Grass): a magician ready to provide an enchanting performance alongside its trainer.
Scorbunny (Fire): its final evolution, Cinderace, has this tidbit on its pokédex entry, “It gets pumped up when cheered on. But if it starts showboating, it could put itself in a tough spot.” A good reminder for any performer.
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quillpokebiology · 11 months
Meowth Facts
(Kantonian Meowth specifically)
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-The scientific name for Meowth is "Cattus felixummus." Cattus meaning cat, and felixumus being a combination of felix, meaning luck, and nummus, meaning coin. The rough translation for this is "Lucky coin cat"
-There are two main categories of Meowth. The first one is the natural one, which walk on all fours. The second one is the domestic one, which are bipedal
-When first hatched, Meowth will have their coin be tiny and with a hole in them
-In many parts of the world, Meowth have contributed to rising inflation rates. There have been some laws trying to get people to stop making their Meowth use payday, but none of them seem to work (please stop it you're the reason I have to spend so much on food)
-Meowth really love shiny objects, especially coins. They often get into fights with Gimmighoul over coins, with both of them wanting the other
-While their usually solitary, some Meowth have been known to form groups with other Meowth in search for food or shiny objects
-Meowth eyes glow a yellowish color in the dark
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-Meowth are obviously felines, with their closest relatives being Litleo, Incineroar, and Meowscarada
-When a Meowth cares about you, they'll often give you shiny objects
-The older Meowth get, the more rusty their coins become. These older Meowth are often more respected among their communities
-Meowth's favorite foods include a lot of rodents and fish. Pokemon like Rattata, Pikachu, Magikarp, and Dedenne tend to be their favorites
-Despite the stereotype that Meowths love milk, most Meowth are actually lactose intolerant
-Female Meowth tend to be smaller than male Meowth
-While they are most commonly found in Urban areas, Meowth can also be found in fields and forests
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Another one this time with my baby girl May! Template made by @blues-sues and the look of the original design May was done by @xhunterbeatsx thank u I love my girl theirs looks better so do check out their art lmao
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Despite my mewtwo being furless unless stated otherwise Mew May would be fluffy as FUCK because well I have long hair personally
Fusion is meowth inspired by payday because I consider myself a money menace lmao she's also vaguely beta meowth with the coin being more rounded. Cat girled my cat girl there are NO thoughts behind those eyes head EMPY
Ancient mewtwo is like based off of the paradox mewtwo idea I had of turning the cat boy into a bird, turns mewtwo into a Therapod dinosaur because that is my sense of humor. I will be posting later eventually hopefully the redesign version of this idea as the original eeeehhh sucks XD. A normal mewtwo would have a large tail and big crown (inspired by @phlurriis ancient mew) but they also have a horn like protrusion on the crown, so big horn and crown means more powerful Paradox Mewtwo and they also sometimes have feathers, May being less powerful has a small horn small tail and no feathery bits she's an old style raptor in a way a judgementful lizard
Beta concept of May well she was my sona she has since escaped to just a me inspired oc but originally she was meant to have hair because as previously mentioned I have hair but I didn't know how to hair a two so originally she would've had hair and wore clothes similar to me but lmao no braincells she just looks like a normal two just wrong color instead
You can tell where all the effort went XD Paradox beta and smol wouldve still all had freckles and beta should've had glasses and probably some fun coloration stuff I just really couldn't be bothered decided to keep em simple
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r0-boat · 4 years
Obey me Pokemon Au headcanons
Part 1
Part 2 is Here!
I don't care if someone already done this I love Pokemon too much!
this is just my headcanons and opinions : )
World building:
Dark and ghost type ( with some fire types) Pokemon are more frequent in the Devildom.
these Pokemon have slightly different variations compared to human realm Pokemon
Devildom Pokemon look physically stronger and bigger than their human world counterparts and they live longer
Even though companionship has been there for a long time, demons just start picking up battling(sport?)
Now hear me out! Demons are already strong why would they need Pokemon to do get out if demons have their own power and Magic they can. I can see demons or magic user humans using Pokemon as more of a familiar before
It was Diavolo's idea as a step to get demons closer to coexistence with humans
Lucifer Is the newest to have Pokemon
Currently he uses two Pokemon
he got Deino as a gift from Daivolo, at first he really didn't want to take it in. Especially when he saw the little Pokemon nipping at his coat. But orders are orders
And Houndoom is just the Cerberus story.
He says he isn't interested in Pokemon battles but he keeps his Pokemon very well-trained and strong
Like always our greedy boy usually picks up a trend when money is involved.
So his Pokemon would naturally be Meowth so you can try to learn the move payday
Unfortunately his Meowth evolved before It could learn the move
His other Pokemon is murkrow even though things didn't go as planned he still loves his boys
I could also see him having a Nidoking
Wait hear me out on this one... now that Pokemon battling is a normal thing in the human Realm. Technically speaking it's a normie thing now? BUT That doesn't mean Levi would not have strong Pokemon
I honestly see Levi as in as a decent strategist in battles
I definitely think Levi had something like a Superior in the past(Henry 1)
Also Lotan is a Lugia. Some people may think Kyogre but I just think Lugia as the guardian of the sea is better( I could go into this more but Levi's is already long enough)
Henry his goldfish has to be a shiny Magikarp
I'm going to have to do Buneary
To be honest I don't see Asmo being in the Pokemon battles that much
The most battling he would ever do it's probably a little friendly battle between the MC
Why Buneary? Because it's cute. And he will spoil that rabbit almost as much as he spoils himself
I could possibly see him having a Milotic.
Cat Pokemon it's obvious
Incineroar, and Sylveon
You may be thinking 'Sylveon? Why Sylveon' but the answer is so obvious
Also to be honest I don't see Satan having only cat pokemon, just majority of the Pokemon he will use lol
Probably one of the best Pokemon Battlers out of the brothers
My one reason not giving Beel a Munchlax
motherfucking SnOM
I'm screaming this is the most precious shit I've came up with.
Snoms also have big appetites but who cares big demon man with small bean
Nothing is better than Beel working out while Snom is on his chest giving him emotional support
I've seen Kamala so much for belphegor, and don't get me wrong it really does fit him but I kind of want to fit him with another Pokemon
belphegor can be pretty sly. He's mischievous and cunning when he isn't tired
And to me his Paws & Claws outfit being a fox is icing on the cake
With this in mind I think Zorua or Zoroark is a good fit. And with his Pokemon's illusion ability the possibilities for tormenting Lucifer are endless
'un'dateables will be part 2
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starryoak · 5 years
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yo guess who already had this drawn and only had to finish it? it’s me. More of that Star Trek/Pokemon AU I posted about! Worldbuilding!
So, anyway, got bored one day, came upon the idea of a Pokémon/Star Trek AU where it’s kinda like ‘His Dark Materials’ and their daemons, but without all the spiritual stuff. Essentially, almost everyone, universally, has a Pokémon partner, like Ash and his Pikachu, to whom they share a special connection with.
The fact that Pokémon have a very explicit supernatural origin leads me to believe they would be the first thing people had in common with each other when first contact was made; the fact that they share common species across the galaxy is one of the main things that connects people to other species in the galaxy. The different legendary Pokémon created different worlds, and all worlds have Pokémon. I have more, but that’s for worldbuilding posts if people are interested.
And now, the fun part. Alien Pokémon!  Pokémon from other planets can vary just as much as regional variations; they can be different types, but they’re still technically the same Pokémon!, Since I did choose these Pokémon to match the character, I still wanted some essence of the Pokémon’s theme to remain, so yeah! Fun!
Every world has Pokémon on it, although each planet has different species distribution, there are 17 types and 896 individual Pokémon species known to exist currently. Pokémon can massively change over time from their environment, which means that a Meowth from Earth would look much different than a Meowth from Ferenginar.
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(Ferengi Meowth shown here with an Alolan Meowth for scale. Click for image alone.)
Meowth on Ferenginar gradually became Bug type from a steady diet of nothing but bugs (this is Pokémon and I do what I want) and have grown in size slightly. Their most distinguishing feature is their headdress, which grew from the coin on a normal Meowth to a full crown, growing in their Persian rubies from birth (and becoming emeralds) instead of waiting til evolution.
I chose a Meowth for Quark because of the association with money, and then decided that most Ferengi would have cat associated Pokémon.
Ever since Grand Nagus Zek started keeping Incineroars, there’s been a trend among Ferengi to raise mostly cat Pokémon; Quark, ever the traditionalist, is no exception. His Meowth is named Greech, after a famous former Nagus. (who is not canon but whatever)
Greech is a complete gremlin beast of a cat, which is only fitting, considering who his owner is. He’s a wretched little thief who likes to pickpocket customers and has mastered using Payday to trick stupid people. (Payday generated money, in my imagination, works much like leprechaun gold in Harry Potter).
Quark claims no responsibility for any money lost by people stupid enough to fall for any tricks a Pokémon can perform. What his cat does with its fake money on its own time is none of his business and he can’t be held responsible for it, and he resents you insinuating he would use Greech as an accomplice in scams.
Greech has a lifelong rivalry with Odo’s Zoroark just like their owners have with each other. Actually, not really (for one, it’s not filled with sexual tension because they’re only Pokémon). Odo’s Zoroark just would straight up eat Greech if she was allowed to, and Greech is a little more genuinely terrified of Odo’s Zoroark. It’s mostly like a Tom and Jerry kind of situation.
God, I love drawing things. If anyone wants to suggest who I should draw next, or want to know more about the AU, just ask! (be aware I already have Pokémon for everyone besides the Star Trek Enterprise characters and will not be changing them)
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lycaran · 4 years
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3 out of 5 done! I’m working on a whole, Fake Pokemon Region, and decided to get some villains plotted out. In order: Dice, Tiger, Sorin. 
Complete list breakdown below the Read More.
Tagra: A Desert region spotted with sparse towns and large cities. The largest of which being full of casinos and other gambling areas. There Will Be A Grimsley Cameo, Physically Impossible For Him Not To Be There.
Team Crystal:
Main Antagonists of Pokemon Desert and Pokemon Oasis
Their aim is to create a genetically perfect Pokemon, in a sense of fetching money from the highest bidder
Are after two legendaries of Tagra. Liliac(Lily, Lilac), the Desert Jewel Pokemon. Meshalite (Meshweaver, Stalactite), the Cave Guardian Pokemon.
The Quartz Dealer
Works as Interpol’s inside man
Burn under his eyepatch caused by Diamont(not pictured)’s Bonaea.
Save’s the player/mc more often than you’d think, risking his cover in some instinces.
Mid to late Thirties
He and Looker are drinking buddies.
By that I mean they sit at bars and watch unattended drinks
One of the 4 head admins/dealers at Sorin’s casino.
Pokemon team based on “Snake Eyes”, with a drawn out strategy using mostly multi-turn or staling moves. The longer you fight him, the worse it gets.
Condose (Conda/Hognose). Lvl 68
The Hognosed Pokemon
Type: Ground
Ability: Play Dead. Once this Pokemon’s health hits 10%, it “drops dead” and switches out.
Dex Entry: While it shares close appearance with Regional Sevipers, Condose has no venom, and relies on a mixture of mimicry and playing dead to survive. This makes them prime prey for Regional Zangoose though.
Moves: Dig, Wrap, Sandstorm, Rollout.
(Regional) Seviper. Lvl 65
The Fang Snake Pokemon
Type: Ground/Poison
Ability: Infiltrator
Dex Entry: Adapting to the Harsh Desert heat, this Seviper species has lost the dark coloration of the species outside of Tagra, wearing shades of brown. They still maintain a rivalry with the Regional Zangoose variants
Moves: Toxic, Wrap, Double Team, Rest.
Arbok. Lvl 65
The Cobra Pokemon
Type: Poison
Ability: Shed Skin
Dex Entry: Found in underground caves, these pokemon frighten their prey using the markings found on their hood to paralyze them before attacking.
Moves: Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Wrap
Sandaconda. Lvl 65
The Sand Snake Pokemon
Type: Ground
Ability: Sand Spit
Dex Entry: A common species in Tagra, Sandaconda are treated like a common nuisance, often found in people’s backyards sunbathing.
Moves: Dig, Wrap, Sandtomb, Stealth Rock
Cat’s Eye Dealer
Sorin’s Right-Hand Win, referred to as his winning hand by the man himself.
The Brains
Late Twenties
Tallest member of Team Crystal, standing at 6′5″ naturally, but-
Was once dared by Diamont to wear High Heels, has not taken them off since and now stands at 6′10″ with his current set.
If you see Tiger heading a table at Sable’s Eye Casino, you know the poor sucker at the table is about to lose it all.
Not afraid to use dirty or underhanded tactics, in battles or in games.
One of the 4 head admins of Team Crystal/Dealer’s at Sorin’s casino
Team is vaguely based on the idea of cat’s being lucky or unlucky in different circumstances. Hits hard and hits fast.
Sapurr (Sabertooth + Purr). Lvl. 79
The Mountain Cat Pokemon
Type: Normal/Rock
Ability: Strong Jaw
Dex: Evolved from regional Meowths, these Pokemon have in greed and aggression. Decorating large canines with gems and riches swiped from defeating opposing Sapurr out in the wild.
Moves: Hyper Fang, Crunch, Crystal Crush, Thunder Fang.
Signature Move: Crystal Crush. Rock Type, Physical. The Pokemon uses it’s long tusks grab and hold the opponent. High Critical Hit Chance, Lowers opponents evasion.
Persian. Lvl. 76
The Classy Cat Pokemon
Type: Normal
Ability: Technician
Dex: While not native to the sandy regions of Tagra, Persian have found a spot in the high society of the gambling scene, usually seen walking side by side to those ontop.
Moves: Power Gem, Payday, Fury Swipes, Nasty Plot
Alolan Persian. Lvl. 76
The Classy Cat Pokemon
Type: Dark
Ability: Technician
Dex: Unlike their cousins, Alolan Persians are found in back alley dealings, for protection, or intimidation.
Moves: Payday, Fury Swipes, Thief, Beat Up.
Perrserker. Lvl. 76
The Viking Pokemon
Type: Steel
Ability: Strong Claws
Dex: These pokemon are seen side by side with bodyguards and other people needing muscle. Mostly used for intimidation factor.
Moves: Fury Swipes, Slash, Hone Claws, Shadow Claw
Blitzbite. Lvl. 78
The Heartless Pokemon
Type: Electric/Fighting
Ability: Speed Fighter, when using a fist or punching attack, there is 10% chance of using it twice.
Dex: One of several lab made pokemon, this Bipedal cat is an incomplete prototype. Without vital organs, this pokemon relies on electricity to keep it’s body moving. It it ever runs out electricity,it will enter a comatose state, then die.
Moves: Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Mega Punch
A Complete Bastard
Late-Twenties, around 27.
One the Villainous Leader Scale, he’s somewhere between Ghetsis and Giovanni.
Started the Sable’s Eye Casino with inheritance he gained when his parents passed away from a “Mysterious Illness”
Knows people in several regions, including Piers in Galar and Courtney in Hoenn
Piers’s abusive ex, it’s a long story, but it ended with Piers stabbing him in the eye so it’s okay
Don’t talk about his sister.
Truest way to describe him is Handsome Jack, Giovanni, and Ghetsis blended together into a smoothie.
Leader of Team Crystal, head of Sable’s Eye Casino.
Short tempered and Sadistic, he has a knack for manipulation that bleeds into his team and battle style. He seems to favor “creepy” pokemon, bug types and ghosts filling his team.
Sableye w/Sablenite
The Darkness Pokemon
Type: Dark/Ghost
Ability: Stall
Dex: Feeding on gemstones, these pokemon are in constant combat with the Sapurr that fill the region, often trying to steal the gems from their fangs.
Moves: Hypnosis, Foul Play, Wonder Room, Payback.
The Water Bubble Pokemon
Type: Water/Bug
Ability: Water Bubble
Dex: While hard to find above ground, Araquanoid are one of many species that call the underground caves of Tagra their home. And one of the most most dangerous, waiting in under water lakes to strike out and attack pokemon foolish enough to try for a drink.
Moves: Magic Room, Giga Drain, Aqua Ring, Soak
Gourgeist, Super Size
The Pumpkin Pokemon
Type: Ghost/Grass.
Ability: Frisk
Dex: The largest size of Gourgeist, Super Sized are seen wandering the desert, dragging groups or lone wanders to farther and farther out until the one(s) they’re holding perish.
Moves: Trick-Or-Treat, Phantom Force, Trick, Foul Play.
The Electric Spider Pokemon
Type: Bug/Electric
Ability: Compound Eyes
Dex: In the deep caves, Galvantula lay out large webs to ensnare prey that bumbles about the caverns.
Moves: Rain Dance, Electroweb, Electroc Ball, Thunder
The Grudge Pokemon
Type: Ground/Ghost
Ability: Wandering Ghost
Dex: Runerigus are not found naturally in Tagra, but some people have them transported over as a terrifying intimidation factor.
Moves: Earthquake, Will-o-wisp, Hex, Night Shade.
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avernale · 5 years
Have You Seen These GIGANTAMAX Pokémon? Have You SEEN Them? - Long Meowth is Long! And DEMONIC!
The prophecy has come to pass!  More GIGANTAMAX Pokémon revealed at last!
Some of these have been leaked before, and now we finally get to see them!
First off, Gigantamax Pikachu’s design indeed harkens back to it’s original design in Gen 1.  Not only is it a chubby mofo, its tail has zig-zags for days!  I had to look it up to be sure, but that’s apparently what it looked like.  Sans glowing tail, of course.
Its Electric type moves become G-Max Volt Crash, which will Paralyze every opposing Pokémon.  Not even Ground types are immune!  We’ll just have to find out what is immune when the game releases, though.
Gigantamax Eevee’s design isn’t at all retro, though.  I checked, and Eevee’s design has largely remained unchanged since then.  Well, maybe it had a squatter head.  The Gigantamax form, however, is fluffier and more playful than before.  Its Normal-type attacks become G-Max Cuddle, which causes Pokémon of the opposite gender to become Infatuated and lose the will to fight.
Does its cry in the video sound weird to you?  It’s not just deeper, I think.  Maybe huskier?  I dunno.  It doesn’t sound like Sandy, that’s for sure.  I dare say it’s almost seductive.
Now, this is quite unlike Mega Evolution in that these are not fully-evolved Pokémon, and some of us have been wondering what that means.  According to the website, these two don’t evolve.  In fact, the only way you can get these is by having save data for Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee, respectively, and picking them up at the Wild Area Station.  I have no idea what that is, and I have to wonder if that’s where you’ll be picking up all your Event deliveries.
The Champ’s Pokémon gets the G-Max treatment! Gigantamax Charizard is probably more badass than either of its Mega Evolutions.  It’s got flames comin’ out of every oriface an E-Rating will allow, including the tips of its horns. Even its wings are entirely composes of flames now!  And those Dyanamax clouds are circling around its tail now. 
Its Fire-type attacks become G-Max Wildfire, which causes on-going damage to non-Fire types for four turns.  That’s longer than Dynamax lasts!  And it’s got to do more damage per turn than normal Burns and Poisons.
Truly, a Gigantamax fit for a champion, and if Leon doesn’t have one a lot of people will be feasting on their head wear.
Gigantamax Butterfree also looks like it’s Gen 1 sprite.  Kinda.  I mean, the body is pretty much the same, but the wings and antennae are entirely different.  Its Bug-type attacks become G-Max Befuddle, which will randomly inflict Poison, Paralyze, or Asleep status on its victims.  The trifecta of status conditions!
And if you get your copy of Sword or Shield before January 15, you can get Gigantamax Meowth as a Mystery Gift! Gigantamax Meowth is clearly a reference to the old Long Cat meme, except it also looks more demonic with glowing eyes and a forehead charm with some sort of Kanji symbol on it.  It’s so tall, it uses skyscrapers as scratching posts!  It’s Normal-type attacks become G-Max Gold Rush, which is not only a super-sized Payday, but it Confuses the enemy, too!  You can make it rain, but like with the special Pikachu and Eevee you can’t make it evolve.
So I will definitely be downloading this Meowth, and I may even use it.  Lord knows I’ve made room for Pokémon that can bring me extra loot in the past, even if it doesn’t actually help that much.  Giganta Max Pikachu and Eevee are something, but not enough to make me want to go and buy those games.  Definitely rewards for fans more die-hard than I.  Charizard is definitely awesome, but it and Butterfree aren’t exactly inspiring me to go G-Max hunting.
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Poison Type
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Here we have a set of Pokemon Variants which I’m actually quite proud of in terms of their development.
The Poison type Meowth/Persian are based upon the Sphynx cat. A hairless breed of cat that I see get teased a lot for being... Well, as hairless and wrinkly as an old man scrotum. I actually really like Sphynx cats, lel. The basic lore for this Variant as that they came to be as a result of human error mixing with the wilderness to create mutations.
The city these Variants come from was once flourishing. Full of humans. Full of Pokemon. Wild Meowth roamed the streets in packs, able to live comfortably on all of the trash found in this highly populated settlement. However, a catastrophic event took place; resulting in humans fleeing, and wild Pokemon being left to deal with the consequences. The city fell to ruin, and became heavily polluted with radiation and various other forms of toxic waste.
Pokemon able to quickly escape this environment did so. Pokemon who preferred this now toxic landscape moved in. The Meowth, who were not quite as equipped to make the long trip to the next inhabitable city, were left with few options. Move out into the wilderness to face the dangers there, or stay home and hope for the best. These toxic variants are the descendants of those Meowth and Persians who chose to remain in the polluted city; where they slowly adapted to their toxic environment.
They adapted to the point of being able to utilize it. The eggs of this Pokemon do not develop properly unless constantly exposed to toxins. These toxins seep through the shell, absorbing into the developing Pokemon; and are utilized as weapons after hatching. Toxic oils are secreted by the variants skin, deterring most would-be predators. Exposure to Poison-Based attacks only boost their toxic abilities, granting them greater endurance in battle.
The unfortunate side effect of this adaptation, relates to their obvious lack of hair. The toxic oils secreted by their skin, paired with the horrific pollution of their environment, resulted in each generation of Meowth being born with less and less hair. The current generation now sports hairs so short and thin, that they cannot be seen by the naked eye. Mix this with their naturally oily bodies, and you wind up with a Poison type Pokemon that can squeeze through the tightest of spaces. They are also surprisingly pleasant to the touch.
This Variant has also completely abandoned what has long been known as the signature move of the breed. This form of Meowth cannot learn the move “Payday”, nor does its evolved form. Rather, this Variant appears to have developed a new signature move entirely. The move, currently to be known as “Corrosive Armor”, falls under the poison type category. When used, extremely potent toxins are secreted from the Pokemon’s skin in high amounts; covering them in what would appear to be a green slime.
This slime is so corrosive, that it can eat through metal. This move appears to serve a primarily defensive purpose, discouraging larger and stronger Pokemon from trying to attack them. A secondary side effect of this, however, results in the Pokemon being able to cause high amounts of damage through physical contact. Until the effects of Corrosive Armor wear off, the Meowth/Persian is noted as having a sharp boost in its special attack and defense; with guarantee of poisoning any Foe which comes into contact with them. 
Not even Steel type, who are noted as being immune to Poison type attacks, suffer damage when exposed to this highly corrosive mixture of toxins. Through the development of this signature move, the Toxic Variant of Meowth/Persian have uncovered a means of poisoning Steel type Pokemon, and Pokemon whom carry abilities making them immune to Poison.
This species is currently noted as being incredibly dangerous when not handled correctly. Lack of exposure to humans has also made them dangerous to try and capture, as they appear to view humans more as predators than they do potential friends and battle partners. However; it would appear that these Pokemon are vain. Finding pride in their wrinkly and naked appearance. They are confirmed to understand human speech, base upon studies which confirm consistent reactions to being called “Beautiful” and “Ugly”.
Best means of getting on the good side of this Pokemon is to compliment their... Unique form of beauty.
Additional stuff: Signature move - Corrosive Armor. When use in battle, the Pokemon coats itself with an highly toxic compound, which dramatically boosts its special attack and defense stats. For the following 3-5 turns, any Pokemon which makes contact with the user is guaranteed to be left badly poisoned, so long as they are not another Poison-type Meowth/Persian. Even Steel type Pokemon, and Pokemon otherwise immune to Poison-type effects are effected by this move. Abilities: Toxic Adaptation - This Pokemon is inherently immune to Poison-type attacks, and has a 25% chance of recovering a Power Point when attacked with a Poison-type move.
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sparda3g · 6 years
Attack on Titan Chapter 111 Review
While it’s only a matter of time before everything goes straight to hell, the series can hold off the action aspect for a bit longer and yet, maintain the sheer quality with its suspense. This chapter is no exception. One of the fond elements of the series is suspense and it was well-executed here with the intensity of a man’s will for vengeance and the amount of twists and turns that had me gasping. All those info, big or small, that have been scattered for past couple of chapters are all coming together.
The beginning culminates everything that has happened involving with Eren and establish his “faction” name. It was funny for Survey Corps to call them “bastards” at first, but even for them, it was uncomfortable. Instead, they will refer them as Anti-Survey, which is the easiest name calling, so I expect their symbols to be upside down from its counterpart. But really, they are better known as Yeager Faction. Simple, but easy to call apart.
Hange elaborates the detail of the faction’s highly likely agenda. Based on the collected sources, she believes they intended to reunite Eren and Zeke. They also want to present themselves as rising power and killing Darius off was their sign. They sure made a hell of a point, I’ll give them that. The seed of the faction grew when the military began to kill time with no progress in sight. Granted, there were some, but patience is key and they had none. The final nail to the coffin is the call to replace Eren’s Founding Titan. It make sense on why Yelena treated him like God. They don’t want a replacement; what they have now is their only hope.
This has gotten messy for everyone involved. The faction is basically Survey Corps 2.0; 100 members or possibly more are part of it. I don’t know if Hange should really take the punishment for something that is more of everyone’s fault, but since she does accept it, I guess I have to go with it. She seem to hint her endgame development to be retirement, but we’ll see if she survives first. Rogue is still a douchebag for pressuring her and saying nonsensical words about turning into a titan out of nowhere. It may be panic talk, but he’s still a prick to belittling her further.
Before everything goes south there, Commander Pixis breaks the sourness and take command from there. I have to say, he’s one of the few higher-ups that I really like and this chapter serves him well. He’s the only one there with a cool head (no pun intended?) and get the corps back in order. Even after the tragic event, he remains in control and get the plan moving ahead to protect and secure every possible location for Eren to stop by, including Historia’s. Armin says that he’s next in line to take the corps control. I’m perfectly fine with that. So what’s the plan? To surrender to Eren. I take my words back.
Hilarious how Pixis says it with a straight face, yet have everyone shocked and depressed. He had them a bit hopeful earlier, but saying they have been defeated killed every piece of it. Hell, he already surrendered the military earlier, so he’s fine. This upset one person because it would mean Darius’ death would go unresolved. It’s like never getting your revenge, you will always feel defeated. Pixis does make a point though. He did begin his reign from the revolution, so to die by it is a poetic sendoff. I mean he did die from his own art as well, so the more the merrier.
The part that increased my respect towards Pixis is how he will handle this mess from this point forward. As comical it sounds of him to plan to surrender to Eren, he’s not going to submit. His agenda is to negotiate with the faction by surrendering themselves and learn their demands. Otherwise, well, Civil War, here we come. Where’s that meme? As for Darius’ death, he wants to keep it a low profile. Even if it does mean ignoring his death, it’s a small price to pay to protect thousands. That’s a difficult task for a soldier, so I applaud him for taking this approach. He got the corps motivated; a fine start for him.
Mikasa shines nicely in this chapter. I know fans tend to associate her with Eren this, Eren that, but when it comes to outside of it, she does shine nicely as a character. Case in point, her chat with Kiyomi. After Pixis warned Kiyomi that her safety may be in jeopardy once the fighting begins, she approach to Mikasa like she’s her mother. Despite having a “home” for Mikasa to return to, she was born and raised in Paradis Island, so she’s going to stay and fight. The best part is when she calls Kiyomi out on her actual reason to pray for Paradis Island and it all boils down to finance. That felt so good to expose the BS Kiyomi has been spouting.
It is funny how her characteristic resembles an anime character with the comical reaction like sweating bullets or drooling over money, yet remain in a serious nature. At the very least, she does admit that finance does rely on the “Rumbling” and if that fails, they are done. I guess you can say the clan has become a greedy one. It’s no worse than those folks who worshipped Meowth from Pokemon and seek for payday. Hell, if only Meowth does exist in Paradis Island, let alone us in the real world.
The only part that remains questionable is despite her admitting to her true reliance, she didn’t lose her pride and respect Mikasa’s mother’s wishes. Therefore, she will protect her. Perhaps it is true that she wants Mikasa to return “home.” Maybe it’s the only truthful part of her. Throughout the corps’ discussion, there’s this iffy feeling that she may know something is coming and she’s not saying. Certain panels emphasized her expression to say she’s hiding something. Maybe it’s nothing, but after the chapter was done, I’m not so sure.
Although Hange has been a mentally wreck for a while, she does keep up with the situation and has a good hunch on the faction’s motive. Even if they were to tell everyone about the true plan, Survey Corps wouldn’t keep them at peace. She and others have to expose Zeke’s scheme before it gets worse. It’s her theory, but it’s pretty damn believable. Their first stop is restaurants since it is Marleyans’ work environment that Yelena protected. The rest of the chapter focus on one restaurant, but it’s easily the best part as it is riveting, engaging, and emotional.
Mr. Braus and the family attend the restaurant where Nicolo is working at. I’m happy that the promise was being settled here, so it leaves a good feel impression. Gabi is there looking part of the family already. Almost look like Kaguya from romcom series if you ask me. Everyone is smiling and laughing, like peaceful times. Everything feels charming, even if we knew the story behind it.
Kaya recaps the story between Nicolo and The Braus Family. It all stemmed from the loss of Sasha. Gabi and Falco now knows Nicolo is a Marleyan, but what they gloss over big time is Sasha was the one Gabi killed. Instead, they were shocked that Nicolo and Sasha was a couple. If that was true, that just make me think Isayama is a bit of an asshole. Joking aside, oddly enough, it’s funny how Gabi is stunned to believe Eldian and Marleyan can mate as it shouldn’t happen because….reason!
Isayama and his humor strikes again when Falco was on to something, suggesting something bad is happening, but in reality, it’s the food that compels him. It’s time for Shokugeki no Kyojin as everyone is having a foodgasm. Hm, Kyojin sounds odd, but then again, so does Eren. Anyway, it’s amusing to say the least. Then it gets awkward when the Survey Corps arrive.
Everything seems fine in the beginning. Nicolo cooperates with them without resistance, have a room for them to sit, how kind of him, and things are looking pleasant. That is until Jean wants to sip on the wine that only Higher-ups can drink. Nicolo snatch it rapidly like it was his prize possession. He even resorts to racism to push Jean away from the wine. Damn, he really loves that wine, doesn’t he? A while ago, I was theorizing about the possibility of the wine to be poison or something. It faded out, but this moment brought it back and the possibility has gone through the roof. Falco and Gabi fake their reason to go to the bathroom and follow Nicolo. This is where it gets seriously intense.
I always thought someday, Gabi as Sasha’s killer would play a role somewhere and this is the time. To be honest, I didn’t expect it to play it here, but Isayama is clever at setting up the stage. Gabi feels assured to speak to another Marleyan and explain her story of how she got into the island. Long story short, she was imprisoned after killing a few Survey Corps. This sparks a huge curiosity from Nicolo. Once he asks her about a female soldier, I begin to shake with fear. When she gleefully responded yes, shit is about to hit the fan really bad.
All the good feelings died the moment Nicolo learns who killed her beloved Sasha. All it was missing was a suspenseful soundtrack to absorb your attention even deeper for what’s about to happen. I like to use The Dark Knight track, “Why So Serious,” mainly the beginning. Nicolo lost his cool and aim to kill Gabi with the same wine he was protecting. Falco comes to save her, but damn, that was a bad blow to the head. Nicolo didn’t mind too much, because he is filled with rage. It doesn’t stop there. He brings them to the family’s table to perform an act. The title: Revenge.
The intensity keeps on growing with the entire family now knows who killed Sasha. I thought Gabi was only tossed away, but she got punched hard in the face. Her nose is broken and she looked dazed like she’s about to collapse. I don’t know if the fans still hate her, so take it as a reward or sympathy. Honestly, I find it difficult to take a side. I know killing another is morally incorrect, but after Nicolo’s testimony, it’s hard to object it.
This whole settlement should have been easy, but the conflict is difficult. Nicolo may want revenge, but he was kind (I guess?) to hand over the opportunity to Mr. Braus. Not even a son-in-law, yet he acts like one. Survey Corps invades, but he has Falco as his hostage. All he wants is to pay back Sasha; put a closure to her death. Isayama is great at timing the chapter’s theme. First, we have Darius’ death left unresolved for the sake of peace; now, we have Sasha’s death to be decided.
What stung me bad is how Nicolo truly did love Sasha and how much she meant to him. She gave him life to live through hell. I don’t know if this is true, but supposedly, Sasha wasn’t trying to say meat as her final word, rather it’s Nicolo. Niku is meat. She was one syllable away before her final breath gave out. That’s downright sad. It’s harder to hold back when seeing her one more time through Nicolo’s words. Dammit! They were a pair and for a small panel time, I’m actually torn. How can I argue against that?
I really like what Isayama is doing with Gabi’s development. The lessons she has to learn are hard but necessary. In this moment, it’s fear of what “devils” are about to do. The irony twist is her so called people of righteousness is the one out for vengeance. To be honest, I did feel bad for her. Yes, she has said and done idiotic things, including here, but she has been living in fear and lies, so I can’t fault her too much. Being a child does help as well, considering the limitation of a mindset. The expression of things coming to an end does strike me. It’s Mr. Braus’ call now, wielding the knife to decide her fate.
If there’s anyone that you can say the best man of the chapter, it’s undoubtedly Mr. Braus. That speech about him and his daughter in the forest is teary. Looking at young Sasha is sad enough, the two bonding together like a family is even sadder. The speech is about a child being let go to roam around the forest; protecting, fighting, and eventually, die. They lived in the forest for a long time. It was then he let her go out of the forest, only the world was a giant forest. The striking point is how it ties in to the whole theme of the chapter.
Mr. Braus hands over the knife to his wife to say, “He will not kill Gabi for revenge.” It’s his responsible for letting Sasha die out in the forest. Adult is responsible for their children’s fate. If they are let go out of the forest, there is hope for a greater future. Otherwise, history will repeat itself. This is a deep metaphor for act of cycle. If one gets revenge, another will arrive. Then another. And another. Where does it end? If one leaves, a change will be made. It’s unbelievable how Mr. Braus now appears with more panel time and already he’s the man of the hour. Next time I watch Season 2, I will cheer like hell when he’s on screen.
I’m glad for Nicolo decided to let go of his darkest desire and give in the chance to move away. Otherwise, it could have ended awfully. Still, I feel bad for him. As powerful that scene was, I find the next scene powerful in its own way. Seeing Mikasa treating Gabi is a sight for sour eyes. After what just happened, Gabi is overwhelmed, finally questioning the devils do they not hate her. That simple question holds tons of weight. It’s the wake-up call she truly needed.
To add more to it, a sudden attack emerge from behind, but Mikasa quickly stops it. To Gabi’s surprise, it’s Kaya, the same child who protected her identity and helped her to fit into the family. Moment like this always gets me. One moment a friend, another moment an enemy. It reminds me of Avatar: The Last Airbender, whereas Zuko fits in well with the villagers, but once his identity is revealed, everyone hates him in a single flip of a switch. That one panel shot with Mikasa stopping Kaya from stabbing while holding Gabi tightly is a great shot. A former friend trying to kill a newfound enemy that is protected by thought-to-be enemy. Poetic.
This scene was needed to show how life can be unpredictable at times. Nothing is set in stone. Gabi has to see it for herself and rightfully so. She basically got a taste of broken friendship. What’s more is she actually feels remorse. Seeing Kaya in tears and anger open her eyes to see the damage she has caused. To recite Mr. Braus’ words, she must leave that forest. Otherwise, she’s doomed to be part of endless cycle. Isayama is really doing a hell of a job. I’m really intrigued by this development. But, he has one more to throw in.
The secret of the wine is revealed. It’s not poison as some, including me, predicted. It’s worse. It’s Zeke’s spinal fluid. Holy crap. This really stunned me. This is why build-up, even if it halts the action, can raise the shock factor really high. This means the Higher-ups are screwed. All it takes is Zeke’s roar and they’re done. I guess Rogue and others are going to explode after all. This would mean Zeke really is planning behind their back, unless the faction knows about it as well, which it is likely. This is crazy. The cruel twist they’re going to get. However and sadly, Falco is now part of the factor as well.
When he got smashed by the wine bottle, some part went into his mouth, which essentially means he drank some. Because of it, he will be victimized with the rest. Gabi wasn’t there to hear it, but this will break her if she knows his fate. Even worse, Reiner may lose his cool if he loses his sole purpose to live. My God, the setup is so good right now, I don’t know what to think.
Bottom line, this chapter was great. The build-up continues to be compelling and intriguing with pieces here and there to consider over. All key moments/segments in the restaurant were exhilarating and emotional. Plenty of strong moments left me awed and inspired. Mr. Braus is practically MVP by a large margin, but others did well in their role. The ending revelation was shocking; leaving the future chapters even more anticipating. The setup has been stellar and it’s growing more and more. Whatever it leads to, it’s going to be a hell that everyone will remember.
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