#I can also see him owning a meowth
blaze13full · 1 year
My main Quest is of course writing this adorable piece of literature about the Zombie-Duo, however.... I get sidetracked... A LOT, which is probably why this shit takes like, ages to finish... what I also do is replay Pokemon Crystal and Yellow (yk the old one for Game Boy) and what does my brain do?
EXACTLY it plans the Pokemon Team for these two idiots.
I googled, I found some images, which I will not upload bc it's from some sort of article and other stuff and what I IMMEDAITELY loved was like Kakuzu... with like 5 eeveelutions and a banette floating around.
Like yeah I get it, the Bannette for the ragdoll or voodoo theme but... he had an UMBREON and ESPEON... you might think like "Yeah... so what? Whats your problem?"
You can throw your stones at the other eevees to get them to evolve but... those two?
Nah man... this requires LOVE
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yamujiburo · 9 months
(Bad Brazilian English ahead) I was looking at your hanamusa stuff and your fankids stuff and I've got a feeling that hanamusa Jessie is sweeter than the fankids Jessie, not that Jule's mom doesn't show affection, but it feels like Delia has been missing affection for longer when Jessie starting dating her than James had been missing when he got with her, making Jessie develop to fit in the needs of Delia so both would be happy, while Jessie have found in James someone who wasn't expecting to be carried again since his mama and also a little bit of sass in the start.
Oh yeah! I'd say that my Hanamusa!Jessie is sweeter and softer than my Rocketshipping!Jessie. I think it's fun to explore how different people have different effects on a person and how they take on different roles depending on who they're with
Rocketshipping!Jessie is not too different from how she's portrayed in canon because I feel like we already kind of see the effect James has on her. Jessie was very cold and standoffish before meeting James and being around him and Meowth lightened her up in a way where she's comfortable being silly and more open with them. But! She is their leader and I see her having a more dominant role in her relationship with James. He's a passive guy who needs someone to give him a little direction and Jessie needs him to ground her. In my fankid AU they're pressed for money with kids on the way so she girlbosses her way into a career in fashion which takes a lot of assertion. I also think that given James' past with marriage and relationships, he's a little offput by the idea of romance for himself, though he puts up an amazing front, and his relationship with Jessie is like a heightened friendship/partnership and a life bond (but he'll turn on the romance just for jessie every once in a while since she's a massive romantic). All this to say, I don't think they change too much from how they act together in the anime once they pursue a relationship, leaving Jessie the same fiery, kinda bossy type she is.
Hanamusa!Jessie lightens up post-meeting James and Mewoth softens up EVEN MORE having met Delia, someone who is quite soft and nurturing by nature. She would have more to prove to Delia than she would James, seeing how she and Delia weren't partners in crime for how ever many years. It's not that James doesn't make Jessie want to be better but Jessie wants to and kinda HAS TO be better in order for Delia to fully trust her initially. Delia's got a son that means the world to her after all, and Jessie being his nemesis wasn't the best start. Delia being very generous and caring also makes it so Jessie can take more time to work towards her own career and she gets to live a comfortable, domestic life that really settles her down. She also goes into a nursing career which takes her back to being a more gentle person (like how she was in Chansey nursing school when she was younger). Jessie still has her edge but has more reason to soften up in this AU!
Anyways, this was a lot more than I thought I was gonna write. I love Rocketshipping and I love Hanamusashipping and I love them both equally for different reasons
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masterqwertster · 9 months
Because it's been rolling around in my head for a while thanks to the Indigo Disk DLC release...
Bells Hells Pokémon Teams!
These are all vibe based, limited to the six Pokémon teams, and everyone gets at least one Legendary and Shiny. Some will be evolutionary lines because I could see them coming into the campaign unevolved.
Stoutland- received as a Lillipup when Chet was a kid, this majestic old dog is his oldest companion. I think Stoutland speaks nicely to Chetney having a pretty normal life before he became a werewolf. Aslo, Chet can ride his Stoutland around, which is fun
Phantump- met as Chet trained in the Bramblewood, this spirit of a child in a tree stump/wood fell in love with Chetney's toy carving. Chet loves the joy this Pokémon feels with every project
Snover/Abamasnow- this tree Pokémon was caught during the Icelost years that Chet was present for in Tal'Dorei
Banette- Chetney is worried about his toycraft becoming obsolete, and this Pokémon is an abandoned toy. Also Chet talked about letting his grudges stew before werewolfdom
Lycanroc (Midnight Form, Shiny)- it's a Pokémon with something like the classical wolfman-werewolf shape, so werewolf vibes, baby! Caught after Chet got lycanthropy, shiny because it matches Chet's original color scheme
Zacian- look, it's a wolf that's set to shank a bitch. Tell me that doesn't vibe with Chetney
Sirfetch'd- Flying-type with a sword and shield, obviously meant for Mr Sword and Shield of the Air Ashari
Honedge/Doublade/Aegislash- Orym's memento of his husband that always travels with him is Will's sword, so the ghost sword(and later sword/shield combo) makes sense for Oym
Comfey- friendly cute flowers for Mr Druidcraft gifts
Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot- the normal-est bird for the normal-est guy. Yet capable and more striking the further down the line they get
Appletun (Shiny)- got it in Byroden as a reminder to enjoy life and pie. Also, little guy solidarity. Shiny because green apple for Orym who wears green
Shaymin- more friendly flowers for Orym, and the Sky Form is a little fighter like him
Darumaka- Fearne needs a fire monkey to mirror Little Mister and this is the round fire monkey shaped like the Little Mister plush
Braixen/Delphox- fire Pokémon with a bit of a witch aesthetic for the fire girl of the Witchy Bitches
Impidimp- a Fairy-type with a mischievous streak for our mischievous fey
Skiddo/Gogoat- for the goat-ness of being a faun and a little druidic Grass-type
Gloom/Vileplume (Shiny)- for Fearne's love of poisonous flowers. And shiny because it's green and orange, which are Fearne's colors
Moltres- a burning phoenix Pokémon that Fearne worries will take on the Galarian Form that her Bad Future Self had
Mudsdale- workhorse for the farmgirl who loves horses
Ponyta (Galarian)- cute unicorn pony with Psychic typing (not Galarian Rapidash because I think it's ugly)
Blitzle/Zebstrika (Shiny)- the Electric-type "horse" (zebras are close, okay?) Pokémon for our storming electrical Horse Girl. And shiny because Zebstrika is purple when shiny
Hattrem/Hatterene- Imogen's witch Pokémon. It's Psychic-type and sensitive to emotions, making it sort of like her mindreading
Elgyem/Beheeyem- Psychic-type and kind of alien-ish and said to mess with people's heads, this Pokémon showed up to Imogen after her Exaltant powers awakened
Spectrier- Legendary horse that comes in Imogen's two colors: purple and red
Rattata (Alolan)- to mirror Pâté. Potentially shiny as the deep red and black are Laudna's colors
Mimikyu (Shiny)- a broken doll-like Pokémon for a person who feels like a broken doll. And shiny makes it a pale black and white like Laudna
Mismagius- Laudna's witch Pokémon, and ghostly of course (Also collar gems like Delilah?)
Leavanny- a bit of a crafter Pokémon and protective of kids
Meowth (Galarian)- the Alolan Meowth and Kantonian Persian are the kind of Pokémon I could see noble ladies having, so Laudna decided to catch her own Meowth... and ended up with a scrungly Galarian one. But she loves them anyways
Marshadow- it's shadow theme matches Laudna's Shadow Sorcerery. And Laudna does spend time trying to copy the Ladies of Whitestone...
Togepi/Togetic/Togekiss- Pokémon that are about bestowing happiness, because that's all FCG wants for their friends. Possibly not enthused by Togekiss being so bird-like, while Togetic is definitely on the edge of comfortable
Happiny/Chansey/Blissey- classic Pokémon Center helper and healers line for the cleric
Porygon/Porygon 2/Porygon-Z- artificial Pokémon for the artificially made person. The bird-ish shape might weird FCG out a bit
Fidough/Dachsbund- obtained after they got their oven installed, this Pokémon helps FCG with his baking endeavors
Iron Thorns- secret Aeorian rage-mode Pokémon since Future Paradox Pokémon look like robots and Tyranitar, which Iron Thorns is based off of, is known for raging around (also reflects Ashton having a Tyranitar a bit)
Magearna- a man-made clockwork Legendary for the Aeormaton
Golett/Golurk (Shiny)- a rock person Pokémon for an actual rock person. And they're also powered by mysterious energies. Probably Ashton's original Pokémon. Shiny for green glow lines
Tyranitar- acquired as a Larvitar in Bassuras and a point of pride to have fully evolved given the reputation of such a Pokémon in that city
Tinkaton- also caught in Bassuras as a Tinkatink. It's a Pokémon with a big hammer and the evolutionary line would probably be semi-common in the scrap heaps of Bassuras (Also the Corviknight hunting as a get rid of birds that FCG fears/hates)
Growlithe/Arcanine(Hisuian)- for Ashton's strong loyalties. Possibly acquired after attempting to absorb the Spark of Rau'shan for the Fire/Rock typing, or just had since a kid from Hishari
Cosmog- suddenly appeared after Ashton got galaxy-brained because it's a little galaxy guy from another (higher?) dimension. It's Ashton's innocent baby who doesn't know how to stay in the damn pokéball and not reveal his soft side
Regigigas- this is the big titan Pokémon, hauling continents and shit. Not to mention that the Slow Start ability reflects how Ashton had a titan shard for twenty years before they really got it to do anything spectacular
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
howdy! "self aware pkmn masters ex team leaders" gal here, and i just wanted to say that i LOVED your additions to my post! i actually came up with a few of my own in the meantime, and i just wanted to share with ya (not a request, dw):
Ghetsis: after Old Man Plasma is done "rebelling" against your control, you start noticing that he grows.. more attached, in a way. he greets you more whenever you log into the game, and gives you a lecture on "leaving him hanging dry" if you don't log in for some time, whether it being real life stuff and whatnot. he DOES see you as some "deity" in a way, but he cannot afford the disapproval that you might give him if you don't like his offerings for you. what if you end up dropping him from your team entirely? what if you kick him from the trainer lodge? what if you forced him to fight alongside N???? oh, the pain and humiliation! and while he DOES see you as a fitting ruler for Team Plasma, he also unfortunately knows that you don't trust him for shit. and he DOES 'attempt' to be honest and not manipulative for once, but the app's code is holding him by the collar. but becoming plasma's ruler is a standing invitation, so he'll wait as long as he wants.
Giovanni: ah, gio. good ol Mr. "My Entire Team Dies To Grass And Water And Ice". he strangely became more lax and laid back after discovering his self awareness, and he grew more attached to you; mainly because you're the only person who seems to know about him more than he does about himself. oh, you just so happened to mention silver one time? well, now you got giovanni wondering if he can repair his doomed-from-the-start relationship with his son. but his interest peaks when you mention the pokemon anime, and like the Cunning Narcissistic Old Man he is, he wonders how HE is portrayed. luckily, he wasn't butchered too hard. but when you bring up jessie, james, and meowth? boy, he goes into total Angy mode. he rants about how incompetent they are, and how he allowed them to even be in the team to begin with. and he DOES get in character, which is a bit surprising for someone who just discovered his existence is a sham. and expect him to refer to himself as "Vanni" or "Gio", since he heard you call him that when you first got him and it just sorta stuck, yknow?
Maxie & Archie: just as before, Mr. Magma Man and Mr. Sea Pirate remained the same, but expect to see yourself get pulled into their dumb debates and arguments now that they consider you close enough to be a Team Magma/Aqua admin. you can just log in once and maxie will greet you at the pokecenter and be like "ah, (player). i need your opinion on something. you see, archie said that kyogre is the best legendary, but i beg to differ. im asking you because you are the only smart person i can rely on around here.." or archie just going on a 15 minute rant to you about how groudon sucks dookie and that maxie is a man child (they're still besties, dw) that needs to study the SEAS and not (in his words) "STUPID ITTY BITTY ROCKS". you're practically their closest thing to a friend, and that says a lot.
Cyrus: he gets quite curious about your world. you tell him about all the little things, from the blooming of flowers to space discoveries, and he feels like his third, nonexistent eye has been opened. he was already so focused on destroying a universe and creating one dull of emotions that he forgot to see the REAL beauty of what lies beyond. while he physically can't use palkia or dialga to do what he wanted in platinum, expect to see him go full fanboy mode over your world, your town, anything surrounding you. its almost adorable, even when he just has a -_- face the entire time. if he could be more expressive, you bet your ass he would be smiling rainbows at that point.
These are so good
They all grow somewhat attached to you. You are the small bit of sanity they can grasp onto nowadays. Hearing you lets them relax.
Meanwhile, you get to learn about their lives, how Pasio is doing.
It’s strange. When you are offline, theres so much going ok, yet not at all. Not enough for anything major, but enough for it to seem like the place must be alive when you aren’t looking.
Even the bosses have recognized this. How odd it is.
They all grow so attached. If you end up not logging in for a while, you even start getting notifications from the app.
‘Are you there?’
‘Are you alright?’
‘What happened?’
Much to your surprise, they found out how to communicate through your notifications. They often fight who gets to even do so.
Most of them would never admit they are attached, but they all grow concerned regardless.
Archie and Maxie would probably be the only ones to openly admit they were worried. They definitely see you more as a friend, not just a potentially god like entity.
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torchickentacos · 1 year
What did NOT happen in Pokemon AG 2.0?
EDIT Just made this but it was misleading on accident. Turns out, the thing I entirely made up as a lie actually happened, which gives you a good idea of Pokemon AG. Let's try this again.
Which of these did NOT happen in Pokemon AG? Ft. some different answers so it isn't obvious to whoever saw the og post.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 2 years
With the dead au, you said that Team Rocket figured it out and basically kidnapped him to question the hell out of him, but i don't think you said how they figured it out.
Did something happen with Pikachu? Maybe one of their plans go wrong that resulted in Ash's 'death' which they did not want at all only to get whiplash when Ash is just like, 'oh ya, dont worry. I'm already dead.'
i like to think it's more of an accident sort of deal.
James finds Ash curled up on the outskirts of camp, is delighted to thwart him and steal Pikachu, only to see both of them are curled up and just staring at nothing.
He calls over Jessie and Meowth, and the three of them just tiptoe over to poke him and try to figure out what's going on.
"Hey Twerp," Jessie pokes at Ash, frowning at the sudden drop of temperature from a normal human. "What's the matter with you?"
"Jessie," Meowth snaps, but before he can continue, Ash's stirs.
They watch as his eyes, glow for a second, a deep red as it traces their faces, unyielding and unnerving, but something about it doesn't freak them out.
"Twerp," Jessie starts again, and moves from just crouching to sitting beside him. "What's the matter?"
There are no floodgates, even as James moves to sit with him, even as Meowth tries to bug Pikachu into some reaction, batting at the mouse until he does... something.
"Twerp?" James whispers, just as Jessie nudges Ash one more.
And the tears fall.
Soft gentle tears the fall rounded cheeks, over scarred skin, even as eyes never break their unyielding stare.
"I....." His voice is barely there, enough where the Trio have to strain to even TRY to hear. " I...I really am dead..."
"What?" Meowth's ears perk, and he pushes at Ash's leg, as if to prove something.
He didn't expect the Ten year old to break.
Panic fills them as they hear the sob's of a ten year old, wailing for his mom, for his dad, for life to come back.
They can't discern what he says, a lot of it babbling between a human language and that of a Gastly, mixing in with the cacophony of Pikachu's own rising wails.
Jessie and James scramble, both frantically trying to calm the crying (dead?) ten year old, as Meowth desperately tries to egg the Pikachu (Was he also dead?) into doing something else.
Either way, they'd take this single moment to their grave
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darkpokemonspecialist · 2 months
(Pokemon IRL blog)
About Me
Hi, I go by Blakesley online. I'm a 29 year old female trainer who specializes in Dark types, and is trying to apply to become a gym leader in my local region, since a lot of our gym leaders are retiring.
Here's a makeshift trainer card I used because I don't feel comfortable posting my real trainer card with my real name on it online. I'll probably edit this with an actual picture, later.
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I majored in Dark Type studies in Pokemon Academy, and raised ALMOST every dark type at least once. (Dark Types only make up 8% of currently discovered Pokemon). I also do occasional field research for professors to make a little extra dough.
Let me introduce my main team I'm applying for the gym leader position with.
Kain is my starter (misspelled it on the ID). No, I'm not from Alola, but my Mom grew up there, so she was able to pull some strings and get me and my sister Alolan starters as gifts once each of us were old enough to start training Pokemon. It was tough choosing between Litten and Popplio. It was funny seeing my Dad's reaction when he saw what Cain evolved into. He just thought he was gonna be a bigger cat!
Kyoshi was the hardest to get fully evolved. Like, frick, her evolution item is extremely rare to the point you can only get it in a few regions, plus she had to beat a bunch of other Bisharp while holding it. Like, holy crap. She's strong, though, and definitely worth the effort.
Mikey is a good boy. He likes belly rubs and is friendly with most other Pokemon. He did have some trouble with Camonte since both Mabosstiffs and Honchkrows are highly territorial. There's a local Meowth that gets on his nerves, but he gets along with my Mom's Alolan Meowths and Purrloin we recently adopted.
Wrath, despite no longer being an Impidimp, is still a prankster (not the ability prankster) and likes to mess with me. Being part fairy type makes him excellent for dealing with fighting type users.
Ghidorah is strong af. Enough said. She's a bit of a glutton. I kinda miss when she was a Deino, sometimes.
I technically had Camonte before becoming a trainer, I just wasn't able to formally catch him until after I started my journey. Camonte is the one I have to keep my eye on the most. Even if a Honchkrow has a trainer, they will often take control of a flock of Murkrow and essentially establish a crime syndicate. I have had to return so many Pokeballs and wallets ever since I evolved him. Still love him to death, though.
I have other Pokemon, too, including a Blissey, and Alolan Muk that might get used on my team if I qualify to run my own gym (to deal with the pesky fairies), a Crobat, and a ton of others that would take forever to list.
For anyone inquiring about the Pangoro incident, please see my official statement
Ooc stuff under cut
SFW only, though may cuss.
CW: Unreality and mafia/mob stuff, mostly based on the Prohibition Era gangsters (think Scarface (1932), Lucky Luciano, Al Capone, and The Godfather)
My oc is my self insert.
I use a fan made region called Illona that's a combination of Illinois, Arkansas, and a few other surrounding states. There is going to be a lot of Fanon and fan characters applied.
I probably won't do Fakemon, though. If I do, they'll probably just be regional forms to make things easier.
I may or may not attempt to create a Pokemon fan game with these concepts. No promises, though, since I've never made a game before.
I WILL NOT POST CHARITY LINKS YOU SUBMIT. I don't care if you claim you've been verified, I don't trust anyone. I've almost fallen for scams from people who were supposedly verified before, so I'm not going to trust some online user to tell me who's legit and who isn't. I apologize to those of you who are actually legitimate, but I can't take the risk. There are other users and websites who will gladly help you.
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dragon-queen21 · 4 months
i come once again bringing pokemon and one piece agere headcanons (sorry if this bothers you, i like making up random agere stuff it’s fun)
pokemon first: (going off of indigo league)
i wholeheartedly agree with the idea of ash and misty bickering while little. the idea of them regressing together and fighting like two toddlers is so funny and in character, and i can only imagine what kind of trouble they’d get into
Brock being the best caregiver because he grew up taking care of his little siblings—he’d be so understanding and would probably not even ask questions, he’s just like “well guess they’re kiddos now, I’ll treat them as such”
but also Brock as a regressor? i could see that. him cuddling with onix and it being very gentle despite being made of stone. also him and vulpix playing because it’s one of the cuddlier pokemon he has, just having a good time
i could see the main three stopping by parks, playgrounds and toystores because ash and misty immediately revert to baby brain when they see one
and i haven’t forgotten about team rocket—you’re so right about them being caregivers, and meowth would be a good playmate
They find ash regressed and are confused, he’d probably be all “ehhh give the kid a break, he’s got a lot on his shoulders” all nonchalant, and team rocket is ⁉️ why is he behaving like this? but gentle nonetheless
now a few one piece ones becaue i love silly pirates bro:
sanji would be a great caregiver to Nami in my opinion. he’s always spoiling her rotten, making her special candy or little sandwiches and sweet treats in the shapes of bunnies or whales or other cute things, never bashing her when she sucks her thumb or does something childish. to him he finds it so endearing she trusts him enough to be this vulnerable around him
never leaving her side while regressed; always taking the oppurtunity to take her hand and lead her around the ship or display his special cooking skills in the kitchen while she watches excitedly
on the flip side i think nami would also be a great caregiver to sanji. despite how much he annoys her when he’s big, i think she’d understand that when he’s little he’s quite literally just a kid, so she’d probably be a little more understanding
I’ve never seen any baby chopper headcanons before but i think it’d fit! him as a pet regressor also fits. i think maybe he’d be an age dreamer and robin could care for him, seeing how much she already adores him
I also raise you this: chopper being a caregiver to Zoro. he’s already a little bit easier on the reindeer than the other members of his crew, and choppers a certified doctor! who better to take care of their best mate then their caring doctor?
also CG franky. he’s so cool dude, i think he’d let you ride on his shoulders and do corny stuff to make you laugh.
ok sorry this got super long, just needed to share this THANKS!!’ have a great day dude ⚡️⚡️‼️
~This doesn’t bother me at all! In actuality this really brightened my day up :D
~As I am watching through Indigo right now I can say that Brock has seen stranger things than his two friends acting younger than they actually are. He would just shrug to himself and go along with it.
~Currently on episode 20 or something while re-watching(It takes me forever to watch shows I’m really bad at finding the time to just sit 😅) , the one where the haunter transforms as the ghost of a girl from hundreds of years ago. Anyways, while Brock is so distracted by her, Misty and Ash trying to drag him back just gave me the vibes of two fussy kids not getting enough attention.
~Adding on, regressor Brock not telling the two that he regresses and rather just stick it out on his own/ with his pokemon. Probably feels bad about being their caregiver while also being little too. When they do find out Ash would proclaim himself the best caregiver and probably start fighting with Misty over it.
~I don’t know why but my brain instantly went to angst. It would be really sad going to toy stores, knowing that you can’t take anything with you, they are always traveling after all so asides from maybe a stuffed animal that could fit in a bag or something small they couldn’t get anything. Or just- not having the money for things like paci’s a little gear and trying to save up but there is always that decision of comfort items, vs having a decent place to stay and food to eat (yes I know they stay a lit of times at poke centers I believe for free and stuff but shh we are ignoring that for a moment)
~I love team rocket so much. You have no idea.
~Been thinking about Ash somehow getting separated from his friends, (maybe pikachu as well) and stumbling into team rocket. And they can’t exact steal pikachu if pikachu isn’t there, and helping Ash look for him is just… beneficial to both groups, yup, that’s the only reason. James just picking the young trainer up onto his shoulders to carry him. Jessie complaining that “oh great, now I have two children to look after” and I don’t know just them-
~Nami being soft around Sanji is just the sweetest. Probably because Sanji is shy while small and any compliment given to her from the regressed cook is usually mumbled and said with a genuine small smile and him half hiding away. Like if she makes food for him, or he thinks the outfit she is wearing s pretty or something
~Regarding regressor Chopper, you had me at mama Robin :D
~If anyone on the crew I would headcanon as age dreamers, it would be him and Usopp tbh.
~Mkay but the first thing I could think of is Chopper doing his absolute best to be a good caregiver. Probably has a bunch of games and activities set up. Meanwhile Zoro being super grumpy and sleepy and just cuddles Chopper as though he’s a stuffed animal and refuses to let go by threat of tears.
This was 95% me rambling about pokemon and I thank you for giving me the excuse too :3
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ciderwitch · 2 years
Wait, did I hear "Kabu kinks" because I'm down!
(I thirst for that fiery old man) *insert bad pun here about being hot and bothered*
You're darn tooting! Kabu - and Nanu to boot! 🔞
If you'd met him when he was younger, you'd have seen his more hot-blooded and intense self. He was more into quickies and fiery adrenaline-fueled sex after a battle. Outside of that, he was too focused on training and battling to take his time.
Now, he knows that patience can be its own reward and loves spending lots of time with his partner. He's into teasing and orgasm denial for both himself and his partner. He'll have you begging before he really gets serious and forces himself to hold out until you come first.
Bondage - Shibari, specifically. Kabu loves the precision and artistry of tying his partner up and puts a lot of value in the trust required for this. He is well-versed in a variety of knots and rigging. He wouldn't mind if his partner wanted to tie him up, too, though he would prefer not being suspended.
Sensory play! When he's got you tied up (or when you're just fooling around), he loves waxplay, ice, toys, feathers, and other sensations to heighten the sensory of intimacy. He wants to blindfold his partner and see how much he can make them fall apart. He's actually quite playful and tries to make sure intimacy is light-hearted.
Well-dressed kink. He's a classic man with classic tastes and he loves seeing his partner in something of good taste. Suit or dress, if you are done up the nines he just wants to get you home and make you a mess. Could tease this man at a league event or nice dinner just by the glances and quick touches you throw his way. Let it slip with that you're not wearing anything underneath (or that you have some of those ropes around you underneath your clothes) and some of that fiery nature might slip back in enough to have you on your knees in the bathroom!
Seriously, if you find the right buttons and push, you will find yourself shoved against the gym lockers with his cock drilling into you at absolutely unfair speeds. He'll be chastising you and talking mad dirty the whole time.
Not quite a daddy/master type or into punishment, but likes giving orders and doling out rewards.
It would embarrass him to admit this, but the idea of you playfully degrading him and/or financially domming him a little excites him. If you two discuss terms first and he trusts you, you could have this man getting himself off while you show off a new outfit you bought with his card.
I don't think Nanu would be a selfish lover. Nor would he be cold. He's just extremely careful about who he does and doesn't allow himself to get close to.
If you are one of the lucky few that reaches that point, you will find someone very dedicated to your satisfaction.
He's been in special forces and he's been around the world. He's met royalty, spies, soldiers, villains, and monsters... does he love it if you dress up? Sure! But his absolute favorite thing is casual intimacy. Seeing you comfortable with him and having a slow fuck on a rainy day together makes him very happy. His better mood when you're around is noticeable to everyone.
That being said...
He's got a possessive streak. Not as strong as someone like Emmet, but enough that he will not hesitate to pull you into a semi-public alley or beach-changing station and just have a quickie. Sometimes you wonder if he might actually want you to get caught by whoever was trying to take your attention away.
He trusts you. He also just wants to make sure everyone knows you belong to him.
Hard-core domesticity kink. He wants his partner to be independent and successful, but sprinkle in moments that show you care and he's gone. Jokingly tell other people he's your husband, make a holiday meal with him, wear a cute little apron, call the meowths your children... He is not a family man, never wanted to be and never thought he could, but something about the way you treat him like he deserves it makes him go nuts. If he was 10 years younger it might turn into a straight up breeding kink, but as he is now he just wants to bend you over the counter and let you know how he feels.
If you ever wore cat ears and a tail, you would catch him staring. His face would never betray how badly he is thinking about you wearing cat lingerie around the house and ignoring him.
Like, him begging to touch you or lend him a hand but you just open your legs and watch some porn and just looking at him with a smirk. He would never ask you to do this. You would only find out by accident if he was really drunk or left the wrong tab open.
He's not a selfish lover, but he really does love when his partner rides him. He'll still touch and pleasure them, he just likes to see how bad he's wanted, too.
Absolutely leers at you if he finds a new way to fluster you. Will not hesitate to do something in public because he knows how to be subtle enough to not get caught and embarrass you at the same time.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Just curiousity if sdra2 is in Pokémon au what Pokémon the sdra2 cast have and their role is? Man i can already imagine syobai and sora be catching legendary Pokémon lmao.
OH I've been waiting for an ask like this for a while so grab a seat!
Note I couldn't think of any for Yoruko, Setsuka, or Syobai sorry--
Definitely has a Blastoise who can Mega Evolve. Ever since he was a kid and it was a Squirtle, they dreamed of being firefighters.
He'd also have a strong fighting type like Machamp that could help lift debris from ruined buildings and a ground type like Rhyhorn that can pull heavy equipment.
He wouldn't really battle much, instead using his Pokémon for search and rescue operations.
He'd have psychic types with space themes (Solrock, Lunatone, Cosmog, Elygem, etc.), and maybe a steel type like Klinklang since he's an inventor.
One of his lifelong dreams is to witness a Deoxys in the wild, which is the main reason why he does space training.
Would always be chivalrous to the Pokecenter nurses and never pass up a battle with a lady if she wishes to have one (even if he loses, he'll praise them).
I think it's confirmed that he'd have a Charmander as a starter and evolve an Eevee into Flareon, so definitely lots of fire-types.
He's kinda average at battling, knowing general type strengths and weaknesses.
But he couldn't tell you what's super effective against poison even if his life depended on it.
Oh, and he's not great at setting up Pokémon stats, either. Every time he does, his team gets knocked out anyways.
Shinji keeps encouraging him to get a fighting-type and train with it.
His father owned a shiny Klefki who kept the keys to his home, office, and the Otori Mart secured.
Since his passing, Teruya has kept Klefki under his care, having it safeguard security keys for the Kisaragi Foundation.
Had a Meowth and Cubone who helped him with the business, but after DRA's events the latter has evolved into Marowak (due to sympathizing with him over the traumatic losses he experienced and inspiring him to keep going).
Meowth stays the same but is very smart and helps him with financial department stuff.
Hibiki & Kanade
They'd have Pokémon that share themes of duality (ie Doduo and Scovillain) and music-themed ones like the Toxtricity variants or Loudred.
They're best known for hosting concerts where their Pokémon are band members, providing extra music or background vocals that get the audience pumped.
Funny enough, their individual Pokémon teams have natures that match their owners (ie Hibiki's being feisty).
Hibiki's dream is to catch a Meloetta but is forever jealous that Kanade claimed to have seen a shiny one in the wild but failed to catch it.
A native to Alola who has a Machoke and Incineroar that both use Fightnium Z crystals in-battle.
As a Machop and Litten, they came to the hospital where he was sick and formed a close bond with him right away when everybody else abandoned him.
After being healed by Divine Luck, Hajime has trained with the duo ever since, winning lots of matches and making a name for himself across many regions.
He dreams of opening his own fighting-type gym.
Probably owns "cute" Pokémon that pack a punch, like Sylveon, Primarina, and Galarian Rapidash.
Also has a Ditto who helps her in the movie biz by transforming into a stunt double or an extra character if needed. It actually loves being a star alongside her.
Has definitely gone to Hoenn to participate in beauty contests.
Not crazy about battles but if you cross her, her team can and will destroy you.
Would most likely be a Pokémon researcher, writing articles on mythical/legendary sightings and theories.
Wants to catch one himself but he feels ill-prepared for the journey.
I can see him owning some Fossil Pokémon (pre-gen 8), and normal types like Furret, Linoone, and Eevee.
If he had to choose a legendary to catch, he'd probably pick Wo-Chein since he learned it has the tablets of ruin, wondering how much history is recorded on it.
Hates Mikado for somehow getting an Ultra Beast and refusing to let him study it.
She'd have a Smeargle 100%.
They've been childhood friends and the only Pokémon companion she's ever had, making art together and inspiring each other with their works.
She took a trip to Paldea in the summer, wanting to expand her team to prove she's not a weak trainer.
There, she caught a Tinkatuff and a Shroodle that became a sassy Grafaiai who likes to mess with Smeargle's artwork.
She doesn't have the heart to force them into any battles.
Definitely has Meowscarada. It just makes sense.
I can also see him owning a Blacephalon, Murkrow, Delphox, and Alakazam to help him with crime performances.
He just taught all his Pokémon how to be petty thieves, stealing things from the audience when they least expect it.
Is still on the run from the Foundation, but his Pokémon are good at making getaways.
You would think he's a champion, but he doesn't really care to become one.
Owns psychic types who are in tune to people's natures/personalities and can make predictions, such as Indeedee, Espeon, Gardevoir, Xatu, Abra , and/or Hatenna.
Similar to Nikei, she's just a researcher. But she prefers studying the interactions between humans and Pokémon.
Is willing to battle, but only just to observe the kind of bond her opponent shares with their team.
Winning or losing is of no concern to her.
Owns a single Shiny Eevee who for some reason cannot evolve no matter the time of day, friendship level, or evolution stone given.
She believes that, like herself, it's just struggling to find its identity and purpose.
So the two just go on adventures together, seeking out legendary/mythical Pokémon.
Would probably have a Cinccino on her team as a friend for Eevee.
Would have a team of Pokémon deemed difficult to capture and ones that only evolve with high friendship, succeeding at both thanks to his luck.
Not only that, but his 'mons would have the perfect nature, stats, and IVs.
I can see him owning a Mewtwo, Lucario, Jirachi, Silvally, Clefable (who only knows Metronome, yet always gets the exact moves she needs to win the battle), and an Absol with the ability Super Luck.
He'd rise to the champion ranks really quick, but get bored of it just as fast and pawn it off to someone else.
Even shiny hunting becomes ridiculously easy for him, as he'd trade them away to people just because he can.
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natashasbitxh · 8 months
I just became a main channel member and there's a great shaynse interaction in the pokemon in real life bts. Them joking around and smiling so much while Chanse is getting in meowth makeup. One thing about them is they have so much natural chemistry, nothing feels forced and I'm suprised at how fast they got there. Shayne really took to Chanse and Angela as soon as they started at smosh and I love it.
This versus with Damien where I feel like him and Chanse were a little bit distant/didn't seem to connect on a lot of levels but with dnd I think it finally clicked and I've been feeling vibes between them lol. Can we talk a little bit about Chamien(?), Damianse(?).
The talking about Chanse when he's not there is also true for Damien, he did interviews for sword af and the only cast member he name dropped was Chanse. He said "I appreciate you so much" to him in the dnd wrap-up episode like 3 times. They flirt a lot in tntl as their characters. In the first half of the pumpkin stream they were in their own world talking about anime. The party animals is a gold mine and I don't think i've ever seen Chanse so proud when Damien was explaining his one direction joke at 1:27. In the swearmints video Damien remembering Chanse's answer in the first round from the year before and them having a dance break.
I'm pretty bummed that Damien seems to be distancing himself from smosh slowly because I really enjoy their dynamic and I don't know if they're going to be in a lot of videos together going forward.
All of this to say that Chanse got really confortable at smosh in 2023 and now I ship him with everybody oops. Of course we don't know him irl but as a fiction trope I think he would be the closet key for a lot of people
I'm not a member but that almost convinced me to become one😭
I did see Chanse's tiktok tho with Amanda and Shayne and that was the tiniest snippet ever but it was a crumb! Yes, doesn't feel forced at all! And I agree, Shayne took to the new cast rlly quickly! I love his friendship with Angela, its so older brother younger sister to me, I love their dynamic sm!!
oh that's so interesting! I love the name Chamien and I can see where ur coming from! I agree, they were rlly close during sword af, I think it helps that Chanse is rlly into DND like Damien so they kinda bonded over that! I actually remember watching the pumpkin live and wondering if anybody would ship them, cause they rlly were having a great convo together! (Although I quickly got distracted by shaynse) Yh, all of what u have said r rlly good observations and show how sweet Damien is! I'd love to hear more of ur thoughts!
yh, I obviously want Damien to put himself first but I've also noticed distancing. I hope we see more of them too! (And also I can't help but notice there's been a lack of shaymien too)
Yh, Chanse just has rlly great chemistry with everybody! He's just like rlly charismatic, I think!
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love-is-a-pearl · 13 days
Oh my god, I'm so glad that you are fellow "Ash's Giovanni's son". I mean... It's fitting. Like, I can agree that man avoids his family over a pride can work in real world, but... That's kinda ridiculous for story. Like "we have a kid that abandoned by his father, but we never touch this theme properly and just show you kid's challenges to reach his professional goal". It's just don't work in stories about kids- there ALWAYS influence of both parents on kids. And hiding one of them is... dumb.
Honestly, Giovanni being Ash's dad worls as the reason why he allows Team R trio to follow him around. Like, there's theory that Giovanni keeps Jessie, James and Meowth in organisation solely for them to watch over his son. Like, they do some reports time to time, so I guess that's how Giovanni keeps updated about Ash.
(Also, that's already headcanon, but imagine him hating Dawn's guts cause he thinks she's Team Galactic member. Like he judges by himself amd thinks she's also Cyrus's secret kid or something 😅)
aiodnaoid I'm not though :v sorry! im boring😭
What I said is that I do like the mundane idea of Ash's dad being just.. some loser LMAO
Yeah, it's silly, but I like it. I like that at least in that sense Ash is not the chosen one yknow?
Also I'm a sucker for making canon work even if it's stupid so I tend to like even the most idiotic shit pokeani pulls (we've seen it with the whole BW debacle) aiodjoa
But depending on the moon I do like the idea of Ash being Giovanni's son (somedays I prefer it to be some loser; somedays I love the idea of being that Silver dude from Johto; and sometimes I do like the concept of him being special from birth).
I think there's a LOT of potential in it. Specially for Ash and having him wondering if that means he's evil too, if he will become like Giovanni in the future, what that means for his mother? Her relationship with other people and how she views Ash? Does she resent having him? Is filled with interesting questions and I wouldn't mind seeing more of it.
Also I think both concepts could work together quite well too? Like, Giovanni DID leave to become a trainer, shit didn't go his way, he didn't like how the league was done and then he decided to do things his own way, getting a bunch of failed trainers under his wing until it became a full evil organization and because of that he could just never go back home. Its a fun thought, of how he overcame failure in a bad way and his son overcame it in a better way. Fun parallels.
And that concept that Giovanni hired TRio as his son's babysitters is hilarious. Lol, imagine telling Gary that Ash only got the Viridian Gym Badge because Giovanni wouldn't put Mewtwo to fight his baby boy LMAO
And the idea of him just assuming all his son's friends are related to other evil bosses is also so funny?? Projecting much my dude?
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human878heart · 1 year
Team Rocket Meowth and BW Anime N are very good foils... hear me out.
Meowth is a Pokemon who can communicate with humans, N is a human who can communicate with Pokemon. But what really fascinates me is that in the anime, N says directly to Meowth he shouldn't.
To Meowth of course this was very insulting, and N came off as condescending, which he sort of was being, despite having good intentions.
Additionally, neither seem to quite fit in with (or particularly like) their species. Meowth seems to have a level of separation in his mind from the Pokemon he is capturing, and N is likewise with his struggle to accept himself as fully human, ESPECIALLY before he meets the protagonist of his respective sources (in this case Ash) and learns from them.
There's also the differences; N seems to have been naturally (hehe) born able to talk to Pokemon, whereas Meowth had to learn to speak with humans. This makes N someone inherently 'different', whereas Meowth made the choice himself.
Their personalities are also very clashing. N is both very gentle and stubborn. He's passionate, both about Pokemon and his hobbies. Meanwhile, Meowth is a bit more jaded and a little arrogant, though I would say you could also describe him as stubborn and passionate, though passionate for his own causes.
Meowth is also a bit selfish by nature of being a villain, and takes enjoyment out of his villainy (though of course Team Rocket's villainy is very limited compared to most other Pokemon villains). N, on the other hand, has a bit of a savior/hero complex he needs to learn to relax on (see above, N accidentally being rude to Meowth by suggesting he shouldn't speak English).
If anyone else has anything to add to the conversation, I'd love to hear from you!
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jadeazora · 1 year
So, some things I want from Horizons as a whole:
Villain backstories/backgrounds for Amethio and his gang like we got with Jessie, James, and Meowth! (I imagine Amethio will get proper fleshing-out, but since these guys are kinda taking over TR's role of recurring villains, albeit more serious ones, I want them to get more in the way of personality and personal history, why they joined the Explorers, etc.) Give me motives. Current guess on Amethio at least is he's some sort of heir? Since Zir and Conia defer to him and use the "-sama" honorific, indicating he's a higher rank than them, despite him being a teenager.
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A good amount of development and screentime for the Rising Volt Tacklers too! Like, Ren, Cerise, and Chrysa only got one episode a piece, but we weren't traveling with them like we are the Rising Volt Tacklers. I want to get a good amount on these guys too!
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More villainous Explorers too eventually. So far, Amethio comes off as a guy who tends to avoid unnecessary harm, with him trying to manipulate Liko into coming with him and bringing the pendant (only resorting to force when she ran), and he does save Sprigatito when it falls. The latter is advantageous to him, but he seems to be apologizing to it in the preview. I think he'll be the type to not be particularly evil (or potentially even Zir and Conia won't be all that bad either), but since we got worse Rockets in the previous Pokeani, I hope we get more nasty ones here too.
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Potential admins for the Explorers organization like the other villain teams in the games? We see Amethio talking to an old guy in the preview, but I feel it might be too early to introduce our actual main villain yet, especially since it's our first anime-only villain organization. (Afaik. I might be forgetting some people.)
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Liko and Roy to evolve their starters, and maybe an unmasked Nidothing (if it's not Ludlow putting on a funny voice) or Anne as a possible teammate eventually? I really liked the Gen9 finals, so it would be cool to see more of them. 😁
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Full teams for Liko and Roy too. (Doesn't have to be limited to Paldean Pokemon.) It'd be cool if Friede can catch some Mons too, but there are Pokemon like Nosepass and Noctowl too that are probably his, just not really battlers like Charizard and Pikachu.
Both of them to become worthy successors to Ash, more confident and competent in battle. Let Liko especially grow and be able to handle the conflicts she encounters on her own, since Friede's been doing practically all the fighting so far. I want them to have unique goals too, tho it's fine if it's "solving the mystery of my pendant/PokeBall" for now.
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Be careful with their pacing. Some series feel like they start to meander really badly, and I'm worried if they take things too fast, that the pacing will crumble. I still expect a good amount of filler since this series will likely be over 100 episodes like other Pokeani series, but I hope there's still a fair amount of interesting plot too!
It also feels like the tone is a bit more serious so far, giving me a bit more DP/XY vibes. I hope that continues, like I feel they're reaching out more to their older audience too? (Like, we have an adult seem to a main cast protagonist. And then there's his crew that will probably be secondary characters that'll likely get a good amount of screentime since we're traveling with them.)
Don't give the Explorers the Team Rocket treatment. It's fine for them to show up every episode for this first arc, but I'd like them to remain decently competent and a threat, which probably wouldn't be as likely to happen if they were trying and failing to get the PokeBall and pendant all the time. Definitely keep their appearances more sporadic. (At least it seems like Liko is perceptive enough to not be fooled by bullshit and somebody in the group ca evenn see thru their disguises, going by her and Friede chasing down a disguised Conia. So, we're less likely to see the Explorers going the "obvious disguise to try to steal" route like the TRio did, at least.)
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itskristal · 3 months
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<<I'm doing way better today. Bill and my mom keep checking in on me, so that's been nice. I've just decided to slow down, take my time, and explore the different areas around Ecruteak. I'm loaded up with Potions, and Minerva is making sure we all get our training in. I have to be better prepared and more careful, in case something happens again.
When we were exploring, I honestly was really scared. I didn't want to battle anybody--but Minerva and Lumi assured me that everything would be okay. I put my trust in them, and so we've gotten some good sparring matches against the routes' trainers. We're getting stronger. Slowly. But I'm not charging ahead anymore, not without a plan.
Bill asked me to catch more Pokemon for him, to test the limits of his Box system--so of course I agreed. And I don't know what's happened, but my catch luck has really turned around lately. So far, I've managed to catch these 'mons for storage:
SCRATCHY the Meowth (ROUTE 38) - Attempted to sneak up on me and demanded...money, I think? She was hissing and brandishing her claws, but I managed to catch her after luring her closer with some Poke coins. Is that fair? I mean, it worked...
SNACKS the Aipom (ROUTE 42) - Fell out of a tree and tried to snatch some Berries from my pack...but Minerva said no way. She's definitely a sneaky one...
Also, I went to see a show at the Ecruteak Dance theater! Whitney treated me, and we went with her Gym trainers. It was so incredibly magical--if you're still reading this, and we somehow find each other someday, I'll definitely take you. It'll change your life. I promise.
As part of this show, I even got invited (well, FORCED, by Whitney) on stage to do a couple battle demonstrations with the Kimono Girls and their Eevee partners. I was so incredibly nervous at the start, but my team covered for me...and we won in the end! The girls all battled so well and so gracefully that I honestly still feel the butterflies, but when Miki backed us into a corner, Mira evolved into a Gyarados. Right there in the theater!! Mira--in her new Gyarados form--finished the fight and I recalled her before she could tear the place down defending me. (The theater director was so impressed that he gave me another hidden machine--one that will let Mira surf across the water...)
Hope (my own Eevee) popped out of his Pokeball and was watching all the Kimono Girls battle with more focus than ever. I wonder if he's thinking about what form he'll take...?
They say that the fourth Gym Leader--Matsuba--is busy in the Burned Tower ruins across town with some researcher. With Mira and the rest of my team by my side, I think I'm finally ready to go meet him. (I never thought I would actually ever train a Gyarados. I mean, can you believe it...?)
My Pokemon, my mom, and all the people that I've met--Bill, Whitney, Kurt and Maizie, even Ralph...just knowing that they're all looking out for me makes things a little easier.
Let's do this.>>
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torchickentacos · 6 months
This April 1st, I'm going to be normal about pokeani <3
Can we talk about the characters of the day from AG014. What the fuck. Why are they so weird. They're twins. Forrest and Forrester, surname Franklin. They both go by Franklin for some ungodly reason. They look identical with only a minor difference in their outfits. Forrest is a ranger. Of the park variety and not a pokemon ranger. Forrester, his twin, is not a ranger afaik, I think he's just kind of there???? They were both born right outside of Rustboro, but both brothers only have Johto bug type pokemon, and we know that Forrest has never been to Johto because his whole episode arc is May inspiring him to travel on his own, because he's too scared to. He admires her strength and independence or whatever, but we're on AG014, May's only been doing this traveling gig for like a week and she is comically terrible at it for the entire first season and a half. She’s incompetent, said with utmost love and respect. She's only got a torchic and a wurmple right now. Forrest admiring her traveling abilities is like admiring a microwave's ability to be an industrial kitchen. They also give him some pseudo-romance plot with her, because pokeani May was out here captivating multiple people with her dumbass swag. Drew, Forrest, and Sid being the canon ones I remember off the top of my head, but also probably Dawn tbh, and I’m like 85 percent sure she accidentally homewrecked Pacifidlog Joshua even if he didn’t actually like her but I last saw that episode when I was maybe eight years old, so grain of salt. What the fuck. Anyways, Forrest’s all "Oh, seeing you all independent makes me want to travel with you guys! :)" and between that and the weird crush subplot, you'd think they were setting him up to be this important next traveling companion. He's set up as this important guy who's going to stick around. Nope. We never see this guy or his brother ever again. Never again. He shows up in one episode, doesn't elaborate on literally anything, and then leaves. Let's go back to the fact that he has an identical twin, their names are Forrest Franklin and Forrester Franklin, AND THEY BOTH INTRODUCE THEMSELVES AS FRANKLIN? YOUR FIRST NAMES ARE ALREADY BASICALLY THE SAME THING ANYWAYS. WHAT FRESH HELL. 
More random facts. He looks vaguely like Kenny to me. He made his way into one of those pinterest edits. He shares a name with one of Brock's little brothers. His ship name with May is Bugshipping. You know. Because of the bugs. He's voiced by ANDREW RANNELLS. READ THAT AGAIN. He shares a VA with Harley. I’m just at a loss. Pokeani voice acting is its own rabbithole that leads you places like knowing that the following characters share a voice actor: Drew, Brock, Scott, that Magnemite from Journeys, Ghetsis, and King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule. Also the red and yellow M&M in the 2008 M&M wii game. There were four voice acting credits for that game. He was three of them. The only character he didn’t voice seems to be the green M&M, which is actually hilarious given the whole Drew and Ghetsis thing. Anyways.
I'm sure I could go on. Pokeani has so many COTDs that are like this (weird). I could talk about the watermelon farmer. I could talk about Samurai. There's Max (no, not that one). I could talk about fucking. sigh. TOMMY/TOMO/WHATEVER HIS NAME IS. WHATEVER THAT EPISODE WAS. Lord knows I could talk about Brianna (girl... /judgmental). There's essays to be written about Mikey and his weird brothers. I could talk about the dead guy that May and Meowth saved and created a new timeline for, because this dude knocked up his wife and then died in a snow-induced train crash before his wife could tell him about their child, and their grandchild looks weirdly like Brianna. But the dead guy is fine. Don’t worry. May and Meowth saved him with the help of a magical locket. Unclear how or why or literally anything. Just not worrying about it. And there’s the whole split timeline thing. Thanks pokeani. Back to other characters. I need to study Roderick and his little bellsprout and wynaut army and the fact that Paul’s his grandson (allegedly) under a microscope. Solidad might as well be a COTD, but lord knows now isn’t the time for The Solidad Rant. Then there's this next guy with a fucked up family situation. Timmy Grimm. He sounds like a Wizard 101 necromancer. Nobody in pokeani gets a last name but for some reason TIMMY GRIMM did. There's Damian and Seymour and Bill and honestly every single person who showed up in OS tbh. Then there's like. Marble. Old Man Swamp. STEVELAND AND HALVERSON. WHAT KIND OF NAMES EVEN ARE THOSE. S T E V E L A N D  AND  H A L V E R S O N . Steveland……………
You guys wanna know the worst part. Not a single damn thing I said here was an April Fool’s joke. None of it. Everything here is true. I have the world’s most fucked up citations list to prove it. Here. Have it. I don’t even care. It’s in MLA 8 format, but probably wrong because I always lose points for messing up on citations on every paper I write. I’m posting this post and then calling it a day. I’m going to go make some coffee. No in text citations because I can't actually be bothered to put that much effort into this tbh, so. Here. World's worst citations list. I don't even care.
Works Cited
Behindthevoiceactors.com. “Bill Rogers (visual voices guide).” Behind The Voice Actors, https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Bill-Rogers/. Accessed 1 April 2024.
Behindthevoiceactors.com. “M&M's Adventure (2008 Video Game).” Behind The Voice Actors, https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/video-games/MMs-Adventure/. Accessed 1 April 2024.
Bulbapedia. “Forrest Franklin - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.” Bulbapedia, https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Forrest_Franklin. Accessed 1 April 2024.
Bulbapedia. “Joshua (Coordinator) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.” Bulbapedia, https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Joshua_(Coordinator). Accessed 1 April 2024.
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