#I mean king
rubbish78 · 2 years
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*flickers ‘little friend’ off their shoulder*
Glasgow, Scotland on 05/30/2022 (x)
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procrastinatorrex · 1 year
“They all think you’re mad, you know.” 
The inn was busy, but not overly so. The locals were well used to the gaggle of archaeologists who frequented their local watering hole each summer, and Percy got cheerful nods from more than a few patrons as he settled beside the only member of his team who ate alone. 
Firelight played over Dr. Ambrose’s face, disappearing into his dark curls and flickering into shadows when it flitted into the hollows of his cheeks. The man had a strangely ageless face, Percy decided; except for a dusting of dark stubble, the skin was smooth; pale, and perfect, but he just didn't look young. There was a tension in the angle of his jaw and the line of his forehead that never seemed to quite fade. Those blue eyes seemed to always be looking at something just a little too far away for Percy to make out... Something about the way the man looked into the fire spoke of a knowing that could never belong to youth. And yet… 
“Maybe I am.” The Welshman sighed, breaking into Percy's train of thought. “they think you’re a bit mad, too. Looking for legendary kings and all. You’re walking a thin line.” 
“I’m not looking for Arthur.” Percy insisted. 
“No? I’ve been reading your papers, Dr. Chevalier. It’s not difficult to see what you’re getting at.”
“No.” Percy insisted, stubbornly. “King Arthur is clearly a myth, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t based on someone– maybe more than one someone. There is often truth to popular legends. They found the site of the battle of Troy, didn’t they? That doesn’t mean everything written about in the Oddessey actually happened. It’s a perfectly legitimate line of research.” 
“There is often more truth in legends than people realize.” Ambrose agreed, softly. Then he shook himself, as though clearing a daydream. “Still, you’re risking a lot for this particular legend.”  
Percy frowned. “I suppose that’s true. I know you met Lee and Eli when you came on, I’m sure he told you about our conversations. I  just– I have a feeling about this site. It’s turned up so much material. Everything we can date is very tightly dated to the same period, even within the same century, possibly, and it’s the right timeframe, in the right sort of place. I can’t just ignore that.” 
Dr. Ambrose was silent for so long Percy decided he wasn’t going to respond at all, then finally he sighed. “There’s no castle in that clearing.” He said. “I can promise you that.” 
Percy blinked. “No castle. You’re awfully confident. Are you sure you don’t just think that because you want to go off looking for your high status burial? You do seem to specalise in those.” He meant it as teasing, but the other man shook his head sharply. “It’s not about that. He’s there. I know he is. If you let me, I can find him.” 
“All due respect, Dr. Ambrose, you haven’t found another potential royal burial since the double internment in Neave. What makes you so sure you can find one here in Gloustershire?” 
“I know. This time, he will be there.” 
Percy tilted his head. “Why?” 
Now Ambrose looked at him, really looked, and the sadness in his eyes made Percy gasp. It was like looking into a well dug in a forgotten age– all smooth, timeless darkness, with no telling what lurked in the bottom. “Because you’re here. All of you are here in the same place, at the same time. It’s never happened like this before, Percival. There must be a reason.” 
“How– did you know my…” but Dr. Ambrose was moving, a sudden flurry of limbs and swishing jacket, and before he could finish the question the man had vanished into the crowd.  “... full name.” He finished lamely, talking to no one. “How does he just know?”
Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 & Part 5
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blairpfaff · 9 months
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known monster fucker gary prince
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expelliarmus · 6 months
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quadrantadvisor · 2 months
Imagine if the GIW started gunning for Jason without the Batfam ever meeting Phantom. Like, Bruce has to figure out on his own that the guys in white suits with Lazarus guns are 1. a legitimate government agency, and 2. are perfectly within their rights to hunt Jason like an animal, because 3. there's secret government legislation that says that since Jason's body processes ectaplasm, he's classified as non-sapient and has no legal protections.
Bruce calling up Clark like
Bruce: I am currently in the process of breaking into a government facility in order to dismantle their operations.
Clark: Okay? Do you need... help?
Bruce: Yes.
Clark: Sure, I'll be right there.
Bruce: Not that kind of help. Oracle is sending you the files now. I'd like you and Ms. Lane to make these people wish they were never born.
Clark: [speed-reading the documents] Oh yeah, can do. This is truly disgusting. If the public is half as outraged as I am, we'll get this sorted as fast as the courts can manage.
So Clark Kent acts as a whistle-blower, the Justice League publicly condems the Anti-Ecto Acts as inhumane, the GIW is disbanded, and Batman gets pardoned for all of those crimes that he technically did by assaulting federal agents. And after all that gets sorted, some white haired kid pops up in the Watchtower like "haha thanks for that I really didn't want a war between Earth and the Infinite Realms" and the League are like "wait what"
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sameboot · 9 months
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Simon petrikov coping FAIL compilation
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bethanydelleman · 6 months
Everyone, we can fix Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet if we just switch the leads.
Romeo wakes up in Hamlet's body and meets the ghost of "his" father telling him to kill his uncle. So if course Romeo just fucking does it, because he never considers consequences, and then gets onto more important shit, like romancing Ophelia, political fallout be damned! But given that he's the son of the murdered king, he'd probably end up on top.
Hamlet wakes up as Romeo and is told that he can't marry the love of his life because his family hates her family. Instead of killing Tybalt and getting Merucio murdered, he's planning elaborate meet-cutes for the two warring families. He's putting on plays about blood feuds and how to overcome them. He either succeeds in bringing the families together or bores Juliet enough with his indecision that the glow wears off and she moves on; both positive options. Everybody lives.
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polartss · 2 months
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quick doodle of Laila and Cat from last night 🤓
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redraccoondog · 1 year
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Yes THIS but since Rauru has the exact same energy as my literal dad he would consistently replace Link’s name with another random four-letter word that starts with L and be completely serious about it every time, LIKE SO:
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[original post x] @somehowmags​
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part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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dhampirslays · 1 year
cardan has his own blog to torture now so do with that as you will and follow him ---> @cruelprincae​ <-----
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anna-scribbles · 1 year
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honestly idk why luka needed witness protection he seemed like he was doing great
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foxholecourt22 · 8 days
Kinda crazy how after Neil and Andrew kiss for the first time Neil literally thinks to himself that he doesn’t “look at Matt or Nicky differently” which implies that he 1. Thought kissing Andrew once had the potential to immediately turn him gay 2. That how he looked at Kevin wouldn’t be a good marker of this
Like it was literally just one sentence that I honestly don’t think I even caught my first read or two, but makes me pretty sure that Neil had the exact train of thought of “huh I guess I liked kissing Andrew. Does that make me gay? Lemme check” *looks at Nicky* “…hmm no” *looks at Matt* “….still no… ok so I’m definitely not gay for those two…”
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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I know this probably sounds crazy,,, but i used to wear a hat almost exactly like that one!!!
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concretesweetner · 12 days
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She Pride on my Month till i Happy
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Danny was livid.
The Guys In White had been following Phantom around constantly and while they weren't much of a threat, they were a massive nuisance. They had shot him down on Thursday and caused him to crash into some poor kids birthday cake in the park.
On Friday they had accidentally released ghost rats into the school.
On Saturday they had somehow managed to turn Paulinas hair ectoplasm green. She refused to leave her bedroom until it was reversed
On Sunday they tried to commandeer his parents GAV and earned the ire of his mom. They found out exactly why that was a bad idea.
On Monday they bardged into Danny's classroom, interrupting his math test because they were looking for a ghost parrot. It was mostly harmless but kept insulting them in a cheery tone. Danny decided he liked that bird.
We won't speak about what happened on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, he scowled at an agent that had accidentally blasted him and his friends with liquid ectoplasm while they were sitting and eating lunch. It was then that Danny began plotting his revenge.
That night he when ghost and lead the GIW on a while goose chase. Did danny take them across state lines? Yes. Did he manage to pull a massive following of these creeps? Also yes.
Did he plan for his target-the guy he had been leading them to- to already be in cuffs when he arrived in Gotham? No. Not at all.
"Hey, uh..." the words died on his tongue as Batman- The Batman- turned to him with narrowed eyes. Mustering his will, he started again, "Could you let him out? Just for a little bit?"
"Aw, Cmon!"
Condiment King began raving about something, but Danny didn't particularly care to pay attention. "If you're not going to let him out, then can you at least call the rest of the paw patrol? I wanna ask if they wanna throw mud at evil secret organization people. For enrichment." Danny gave his best, most cheeky smile for extra measure.
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