#I mean ok. We don’t have an absolutely certain truth.
raubtierfuetterung · 2 years
I just saw a picture of hanged people on a Russian news page. «Предатели луганского народа». Ukrainians. Young men (?) in civil clothing. With bags on their heads. One’s trousers were stained with blood. «Он передавал сведения врагу. СМЕРШ». Humans are capable of the worst. Hanging, from the ceiling inside a cluttered shed. Loss for words
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pwhl-mybeloved · 3 months
Really conflicted about the britta curl situation like from what I’ve seen yes she did do some things that are actively harmful and her apology I can’t say is the best thing I’ve ever seen but also I think the complete amount of hatred isn’t productive and only serves to damage the league. Like sending a mob after someone has never been an effective way of changing their views and from what I can tell there’s like a handful of comments? That she apologized for and Maybe the apology wasn’t the most eloquent but if her actions reflect it over time then I think it’s exceptionally unproductive to continue to hold her to an impossible standard and punish the league for it in the process
Has she apologized ? I haven’t seen that so pls direct me to that bc I’d love to have that info. Apologies and renouncing views are also different things too.
I think apologizing because you dinged someone’s bumper while backing out is an instance when an apology can be wishy washy. An apology for statements made and upheld about the humanity of a population can’t be wishy washy. And I don’t think fans want to hold her to an impossible standard. I think they want someone who is racist and transphobic to not feel super comfy to be loud and proud about those views.
And as for punishing the league, my take on that is the league is a business. Thinking about punishing it in the same terms as punishing a person is kinda a false equivalent? You absolutely can and should use your dollars and fan engagement to hold the league to a certain standard. As a business, it’s the only thing that can work.
Also, I think there’s more to the upset of fans than just ‘Minnesota canned Darwitz and drafted curl 😠’. I think the lack of communication that the league has had with fans about both actions is salt on the wound for two huge missteps by that team.
I think where I’ve come to in this is if holding the league accountable damages the league, then i am ok with that. Damage does not mean it folds tomorrow entirely. Damage can be repaired. What’s that quote ‘if it can be destroyed by the truth than it must be destroyed by the truth’ that’s my energy here.
I think early on in this league is the only true window we have as fans to communicate our expectations. Allowing things to be swept under the rug for the ‘sake of the league’ will only do everyone a disservice in the long run.
This got longer than I meant it to but thank you for your ask, I appreciate that we’re all thinking critically about this!
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aleksa-sims · 4 months
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RL Story
Everything repeats itself....
.... At least that’s what N.’s Mom thought.... I was at my prenatal check-up today. I had a CTG. Philip accompanied me. He's just my ride and N. knew about it!!
His Mom thought it was.... strange, that Philip accompanied me. I was mad, because it’s none of her business! I didn’t want to talk to her about it! I don't have to justify myself, for anything! N., P. & I closed that chapter, months ago! It’s been 2 years now, hell!! We know, it was a mistake, she doesn’t have to remind us all the time. We decided to leave the past behind.
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But Nico’s Mom seemed to have to get something off her chest?
N.'s Mom: What’s going on here?
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Philip: Um.. I was just about to say goodbye.
N.'s Mom: This may seem a little.... stupid to you two, but I want you to listen to me.
Me: Okay?😳
Philip: Go ahead! 🤷‍♂️
N.'s Mom: Back then, I stayed out of your business. I trusted that you all know what you are doing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to interfere this time either. But I must confess it was wrong of me and P.'s Mom, to look away. Once it was too late, we realized that. And even at this point, I didn’t really know what went wrong?None of you guys, were going to explain to me what had happened. Anyway, that's... ok! But this must not happen again!! It’s not just you three anymore! You P., have a little girl. Aleksa and N. are having a Baby. Everything you do, affects them too! I-.. I don’t want to accuse you of anything, Philip. Honestly not! Just don't ruin this for him! You shouldn’t see A. alone. I know you mean well, but sometimes the past repeats itself without us noticing.
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Philip: Nico asked me, to take her to the hospital. Tbh, I’d just leave now! But I respect you. So I'm going to say something. I do this now, once, but after that, I never want to talk to you, or my mother, about this again. As you may know, Nico wanted me, to sleep with her. That was all his idea. I know that’s hard to understand, why he wanted that and and why I agreed to get involved. I mean... it was supposed to be just fun. But I wasn’t the reason they broke up! Nico and I weren’t jealous of each other! We followed our rules and... agh, sorry for my language! We shared A. fairly. But well, things got complicated. She didn’t want to be passed back and forth between Nico and me anymore. She felt used by us. And she also started doing that damn drug. She constantly lied to N. and me. That's why... N. left! He thought she was better off without him. He left it to me, to....fix her. Which didn’t work either. Her addiction was stronger. That’s the whole truth behind our.... failed... journey. It’s over, life goes on. But I’m not gonna ruin anything for Nico. Absolutely not! Anyway, I gotta go! 😣😠
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N.'s Mom (to me): Is what he said... true? You didn’t choose Philip?
Me: I chose.... that poison. And my Dad, he... pressured Nico.
N.'s Mom: I know. And I’m sorry about what I said rn. But certain things repeat themselves, A.! Think about Annabelle & your little one. You don’t need Philip as a friend. Especially not as a replacement for N.
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Me: I don’t want to talk anymore. Sorry. 😠
I was about to pack my things and go back to my parents. But I didn't want to upset N.! When he came home that night, I didn’t even mention it.
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kinkymilfgal · 2 days
I kneeled naked, awaiting for my husband to return from my mom’s house.
I was not allowed to join this time.
I was certain they were having fun.
I thought about how I may well never know that they did that night.
If I ask I might get my mouth soaped.
So I would have to see if he chose to tell me.
I squirmed my thighs together rubbing my clit against my labia.
I was wet.
I knew he knew I would be.
I heard a car door and our dog barking.
He was home.
He walked in. At first he did not acknowledge me.
“Did you have a nice time being here denier, slut?” He asked.
“Yessir” I said subtly.
“I know that you sometimes get really in your head when you’re alone. Are you ok?” He asked.
He is thoughtful in his dominance, even when demolishing me.
“Yessir, I am ok. Thank you” I said.
“Do you have anything you want to ask me?” He said
My mind raced.
Yes. A million things.
What did you do?
How was it?
What was she wearing?
How many times?
Did I come up? Are there new plans for me in it?
Did you save some for me?
All I could say was, “Did you have a nice time?”.
“Haha yes. It was much needed. She sends her regards.” He said as he threw a sexy pair of panties at me. I could feel their wetness when they struck my face/neck.
I didn’t dare move.
“Hard to believe we are about to have an adult child around, eh?”
Why is he bringing this up? Maybe he’s excited to have the house back to ourselves when they move out so that I can burn all my clothes?
“Yeah, I like the privacy we get as they start to get older.” I said.
“You think he is kinky? You think he’s explored sexuality well?”
“I…don’t know…”
“I think is an important part of life. If he hasn’t discovered it on his own he may benefit from it being taught to him”
“Yeah haha too bad there isn’t a fetish class at that college he will be going to eh?” I said. Oblivious to what was really going on.
“I think he has had all the instruction he needed just a few walls away his whole life”
“Yeah. We really do have a lot of fun and play deeply”
“It would be a shame if he never does in life. I wonder what he would say to being taught this all through us?”
“Maybe we should ask him if he would like to, sir” I said half joking.
“That’s exactly what I was thinking!”
Huh? Really? My mind racing now.
“Oh?” I asked.
“Yeah. Leave it up to him. Offer to teach and show and allow him to participate. Offer to continue to keep him entirely in the dark also if he prefers. Of course, for your part I would need your consent”
I loved the idea and could feel myself becoming wet again. But how do I say this out loud?
“Uh…well….” I mustered.
“Maybe your pussy will help you here. Wetness check!”
I knew just what that meant.
I moved face down ass up.
He would be checking my pussy for arousal.
My mom’s panties fell off me as I did.
“Just as I suspected. You’re dripping. Is this from your mom or from this new idea with T (I will call him T through the stories)?”
“….Both” I said. Embarrassed by the truth and by my wetness check.
“Very well. We can tomorrow”
(The rest of that night in another story)
The next day, T came home early and nobody else was home other than T, my husband and I.
We were in the dining room.
“Hey, T, this may seem totally out of the blue and I want you to know you have total control on the conversation. If you want it to stop it absolutely can and will.
I know we spoke about the birds and the bees forever ago.
You may already know, but there is much more to sexuality than just sex?”
“You mean like fetish? Like bdsn or whatever?” T said, looking at me.
“M, but yes. Like that. It really can be a beautiful part of people’s identities when done well. Have you explored it any?”
“No, not really” T said.
“Have you been curious?” My husband asked.
“Honestly, yeah. A lot” T said coyly.
“Your mother and I are very experienced in it. We’ve hidden it from you all, but now that you’re of age, we are happy to me more open about it with you if you would like?” He offered.
My mind started to race. What all would this lead to? I do some very degrading things….I started to picture myself in my different roles in front of them both. I started to tingle.
“Open?” He asked.
“Yeah, you could merely hear about it, ask questions, you could see, or you could participate if you wanted.” He said.
There was a pause.
“Or, you could know absolutely nothing about any of it. We respect that too” my husband added.
“No no!” T chimed in. “Maybe we start with talking and seeing and I can decide if I want to participate more from there?” He said
“Sure! We can do that.” My husband said, excitedly. “Are you ok with starting now?”
“I think so…” T said
“Lesson one: consent is very important. I think so is not firm consent to me. I’m not pressuring you. It’s your call. But make it either way. If you need to process this we can wait” my husband said.
“I consent to starting to see and know about it now.” T said firmly.
“Very well! Well, your mother is my submissive. She is obedient and does things that I demand. I do not abuse my power and she does have a safe word. What is your safe word, dear?”
My mind was going 50,000 places.
“Halt” I said, embarrassed.
“If I do things she is actually not ok with she may say halt and the play will stop” he explained.
“What kind of things do you make her do?” T asked, seeming to get more into it.
“Well, honestly, she’s overdressed. I do not allow her this modesty as my sub. Are you ok with her assuming her position now? Meaning she will be exposing herself.”
“I am” T said.
“Strip and assume your slave position”. My husband said.
I couldn’t believe it was happening. My pussy was so wet but I know I was trembling.
I reluctantly took off my shirt. I had a nice bra on expecting it may be shown.
I very slowly pulled down my pants.
“You’re taking too long. You want him to see you punished in the first 5 minutes of knowing you as a sub?” My husband said.
“No, sir” I said. I quickly unhooked my bra and removed it.
I could feel T’s eyes staring at my mommy milkers. My nipples couldn’t hide my enjoyment.
I had on a thong. A milf thong as I call them. Mature-ish. Neutral. Comfortable. But a thong.
I slid it off quickly.
I stood before him now, naked as could be. Pussy exposed. Ass exposed. Boobs exposed. I felt him looking everywhere.
I kneeled to my slave position. On the floor hands in my lap.
“Do you enjoy seeing her exposed like this?” My husband asked.
“I do.” T said. His voice a little shaky.
“Do you enjoy being exposed like this? Don’t lie. I will wetness check you” my husband said.
“Yes, sir” I admitted embarrassingly.
“Do you wish to see and know more?” My husband asked
“I do.” T said.
To be continued.
I do sell stories. And pics and videos. And chatting and sexting. HMU if you’re interested:)
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avareiahgt · 3 months
A little short, but well, that's how adult life works.
I hope you don't expect a super friendly story, cause it's not this one.
In advance, I'm sorry.
Warnings: strong language
First / Previous / Next
I was so young back there and yet patience already was one of my best virtues. I waited completely sleepless util I heard Hanna coming back home, around 2am. I couldn’t think about anything but talk to her, she’d to promise me she’d be careful and, upon that, would come back home after every mission, no matter what. Otherwise, I wouldn’t ever forgive her.
I left her complete her ritual: washing her face, teeth, change into softer clothes and steal some nuts and dried fruit to keep them in a drawer of her bedroom believing nobody’d know ever. Pity to say mum and I were absolutely aware of every step she took when arriving late. We just never told her.
I stepped into view when I wondered she was done with her stuff, and intercepted her on her way to hold up the fridge.
—Holy shit…— she swore when catched a glimpse of my shady form over her shoulder— Don’t give me a heart attack, I could have beat you up— then ferociously attacked a peanut can.
—I’m so sorry, I just can’t sleep— I defended myself trying to start a conversation.
—Do you have something you want to talk about? — she asked while giving me a curious glance until she let herself collapse on a chair next to the living room table. She was always willing to listen to me with so much interest and making it seem she didn’t care at the same time. I knew it was an act but years and years of she pretending to be annoyed by me, the little brother, helped her to keep that I-don’t-give-a-fuck mask steady and perfect.
—I don’t want you to go away—I whispered, dragging a chair as well and turning it to face hers. I was just about to sit down when she jumped from her seat and hugged me—. Please, Hanna, don’t go, I have bad feelings about this. Something’s… off, something’s wrong…
She deeply looked at me. After some quiet seconds in the dark, she decided to keep hugging me.
—I have to go, it’s the beginning of my future—she said softly—Everything’s gonna be ok, it’s just a surviving test. It’s so similar to a summer camp with the difference you don’t have your friends but some grumpy old men— she explained, petting my hair. I was so close to her height even with she being five years older than me.
—Are you sure you have to go? — my voice started to break and made my best effort to stop the tears that were starting to form on my eyes— This house is gonna be painfully quiet without you.
—That’s truth, you’ve never lived without me…—she reminded. Then, a big smile spread on her face and took my shoulders with her hands.
—You and me. We are always going to be together—a whisper— and we are going to make a promise right here, right now— one of the earrings that she was previously wearing appeared on her hand. In an instant, she took off one of mine and exchanged them. She put mine on herself while I put hers on mine—. Nothing can break the sibling’s love. Not even a giant.
We slept together that night, both on Hanna’s bedroom and I shortly remembered when I was a child, afraid to be alone. She would always have space and time for me.
I slept with tears riding my cheeks. I didn’t know why I was crying, but I was certain that those tears would eventually have a meaning.
I woke up that morning in order to help leading a project whose future was, the less, gray and cloudy. The project head was looking for eliminate an entire old forest and replace it with some apartment buildings. Money was everything to the company, but so often I found myself questioning the morality and legal ways of that kind of actions.
Truth to be told, the forest wasn’t owned, to me that made it even more important to respect it. In addition, those apartment designs were… no comments.
Although I was a trainee, some companies had fought for me to be on their teams. I ended up signing up a contract at Roberts&Rockz’s company because they would pay me the half of a chief architect. That was a very important incoming for a trainee that lived on his own with no familiar support. They wanted me to lead the project as if I had already graduated.
College’d let them use me because that would improve their world prestige. So, I accepted the trade: mental health and morals in exchange of money.
It was almost painful to see the devastation those machines were making. Sometimes I though I could even cry just watching them. They were shooting down every tree and burning off every plant. Soon, they started moving tons of ground, rocks and dust.
—Young Blake—a female voice was claiming my name. I turned around to face the rival director’s head. Emma Moonlight was reaching out, waiting for my hand.
—Mrs. Moonlight— I nodded and reached for her hand. Her handshake was way stronger and firmer than every man I would have met before. Just by her gaze I could understand how she had made her way to the director’s chair and kept the orders out of those suited, narcissist men that plagued architecture offices. I was a head taller that her and yet her presence was heavier than mine.
—I guess you’re wondering what am I doing here, in the middle of nowhere looking at a construction a don’t care about—she said while watching the workers moving heavy stuff—. What a pity, this place. Government should have marked it as a natural reserve— she briefly shook her head and sighted.
I found myself entering her game even when I didn’t want to.
—I am exactly wondering that, yeah— I answered.
—I haven’t taken my eyes off you, Blake. I know you signed up this R&R contract because of the payment— so she already knew—. So, I came here to offer you a new chance— that sounded interesting. Emma Moonlight had her hand into some of the most famous construction companies in the whole world. Also, the fame of having all his legal stuff in order and no public scandals. She seemed an expert that navigated the ways between the legal and the illegal waves. No doubt she was brilliant.
—I’m listening— I said, calmly.
—A fairy has told me that you’re gonna waste your time with that shameless of Roberts only until you graduate. I want you to have a position at one of my companies. A big position for a newbie, I must say.
—I highly appreciate this consideration, but I can’t decide on some things so lightly.
—Alexander Blake, what are you doing talking with that harpy? — chief architect’s voice rang through the now desertic landscape.
Moonlight sissed like a snake and showed her widest smile.
—Keep your cool, you bald. I just came to say hello to my future subdirector’s assistant. I think I’ve talked enough.
She confidently turned around while we all stood there, looking at her leaving. She was so old and yet her strong personality made me think of a bull. Overwhelming.
—I don’t want you near her, it’s competence—I got scolded.
—I got no intentions—she was the one looking for me. Not that I was going to bring that up.
—Hope that bitch will stay out and far from this project. It could be the biggest one in years— the man left swearing.
With all of this commotion I wasn’t keeping an eye on the work under hands, so they had been destroying everything on the way.
My fault was that I wasn’t paying attention enough to stop them when time came.
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spinningbuster98 · 5 months
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles (Knuckles) Part 2: Knuckles hates the circus
Now I know that unlike Sonic he doesn’t chuckle (yeah sure), but what does Knuckles have against the circus? I don’t understand why his treck through the stage has him pretty much skip 90% of the thing, was Carnival Night just not designed with him in mind?
Other than that though everything else is fine, ice Cap I like how his act 2 focuses on the bottom portion of the stage and I like how different act 2 of Launch Base is with him. It’s appropriate that he gets to fight two versions of the miniboss, after Sonic only fought one with the other two being left inactive if you noticed.
What’s less appropriate is me dying all of a sudden for no good reason because Knuckles just happened to clip through the floor as I was falling
Ok let’s go there
If we wanna talk about an “objective flaw” that Sonic 3 has is that the game is...honestly pretty damn glitchy
Now I know full well that the whole “Sonic is a glitchy, rushed mess of a series lol” take is something that Sonic fans are sick of hearing but...guys there is a degree of truth in that statement and it cannot be denied. Sonic games, even in the early days, have always had at least a certain degree of rough edges. Sonic 1 and 2 were pretty minor with this, at worst there were some physics related shenanigans but nothing too noticeable. Sonic CD was pretty problematic though, with some winky collision detection at points and noticeable slowdown when things got too hectic
Sonic 3 might just be the worst of the classics in this area and Sega must’ve known this because even the International manual mentions something along the lines of Robotnik setting some traps that might be impossible to escape from without resetting the game....which is a cute way of saying you might get softlocked while playing this and I can confirm
Now I don’t wanna say it’s as bad as Sonic 06, but every time, every SINGLE time I play Sonic 3 SOMETHING happens. Whether it’s my dying for no reason at all like what happened here or in a previous video while in the Death Egg, me getting crushed for standing too close to a crusher even though I wasn’t actually crushed by it, clipping through some terrain because I was going too fast forcing me to restart (this happened recently to me twice during another Knuckles playthrough I was doing, during Hydrocity Act 2, and another time it happened while I was messing around with the Hyper Dash as Sonic) and my most detested and frequent occurence: coming at a complete stop while rolling in some specififc loops or up some small hills which is the absolute worse: you lose all momentum and speed for no reason in a game that’s all about momentum and speed
I don’t know what it is with Sonic and glitches, the obvious answer that most on the Internet would give is that Sega likes to rush out games and that Sonic Team is clearly incompetent, but while there is truth in the former statement (as I’ll touch on later), the latter just doesn’t make sense to me: you may use this explanation for current Sonic Team, but this is the Sonic Team that brought us the original games, Sonic 3 itself, glitches aside, is one hell of a game, these guys are by no means incompetent so what happened? Honestly I think it’s partly due to Sonic’s inherently speedy nature, which makes it way easier for physics related bugs to occur.
Honestly for as much as I love Sonic 3 to death I...don’t really have a defense for this. When I was a kid I would rationalize the bugs as this just being an older game, but not only were Sonic 1 and 2 not this buggy, no other big game from this era had all of these issues. Super Metroid, Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Mega Man X,all of these games do have glitches (as all games do), but they’re mostly minor stuff that you have to go out of your way to trigger and can actually be beneficial for speedrunning. If someone were to play this game for the first time and call it mediocre because they happened to run into these bugs frequently...I wouldn’t know what to tell them. I personally believe that Sonic 3′s overall design, gameplay, music and presentation are so top of their class that it allows me to mostly ignore the rough parts, but depending on one’s own sensibility regarding glitches this might not be enough.
Of course I do have an idea as to why Sonic 3 is so much buggier when compared to its predecessors and I believe it’s mostly due to its complicated development and it having to be split in two halves and I really wanted to focus on the latter part
Whenever I hear someone talk about Sonic 3 split nature they usually go “oh man lock on technology was so cool!”
And I’m like: they split a whole game in two parts and made you buy both of them. They sold you an incomplete game only to sell you the rest later on. This is almost the same shit companies like EA and Ubisoft pull nowadays, had the 90s had DLC that’s what Sonic & Knuckles would have been. People trash modern gaming for this, and rightly so, so why does nobody ever talk about this? And I’m not saying all of this because I want to bitch about how “Sega bad” and get a free cookie from Sonic Twitter, I know about the context behind this game, I know about Sega’s deadline due to their deal with McDonalds (which, unless I’m missing some details, feels very stupid to me and proof that Sega’s decision making was pretty faulty even back then) and I know about the difficulties of putting the whole game on a single cartridge without skyrocketing the manufacturing price. Game development can get insanely complicated and messy and I genuinely have respect for Sonic Team for the quality of the final product, especially given the overall conditions in which they were working.
But in the end there’s no getting around the fact that consumers back then had to essentially buy two games to get one
Sonic 3 alone cost about 70 bucks in North America back then
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(This is from a magazine from 1994)
I couldn’t find similar data on Sonic & Knuckles but I think it’s safe to assume that it had a similar price tag, meaning that, if you wanted to buy the complete Sonic 3 experience, you had to fork over roughly 100 dollars at the very least. Keep in mind: this is all without taking inflation into account
Now some might say that none of this matters anymore because nowadays you can buy the whole game cheaply off of Steam or something. I find this logic flawed: when judging a game you need to at least take into account the context in which it was made, as that was the only frame of reference that its devs could have while making it as nobody could predict the future
Let’s put it this way: consider all of the beyond half finished trash that some companies nowadays like to throw on the market, while patching it like a year later or something. Now consider that some of those games might get rereleased 30 years from now more cheaply and with their full content from the get go. Would that suddenly make everything ok? No? Then not even Sonic 3 should be excempt from this
Now I’m not saying all of this because I wanna imply that Sonic 3 is actually bad and a cash grab and Sonic was never good yadda yadda
I’m saying that while Sonic 3 the videogame is, from a qualitative standpoint, a phenomenal experience, one of the very best videogames from the 90s (though with some noticeable rough edges), Sonic 3 the commercial product was pretty shoddily, and perhaps even greedily depending on how you wanna look at things, handled. This is an indelible part of the game’s history and I think it should be talked about. For the past years I’ve seen Sonic fans bitch and moan about the prices of games like Forces or Superstars because they’re too high for games that are so short and clearly rushed etc. And they might even have a point or two but I find it absolutely unfair that Sonic 3, which has the same issues in this regard but on an even bigger scale, is never mentioned, purely because it came out when all the people who are currently bitching about the industry’s problems were kids who had their parents but them stuff and this kind of discourse was practically non-existence. It’s a matter of fairness is what I’m saying
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messymindofmine · 1 year
 I have so many thoughts about 4x12 and I still don’t know if they’re completely coherent. I absolutely loved it. I loved the communication between TK and Carlos and the growth we got.
I know that a lot of people were upset with the promo bc we see Carlos resorting to his old tactics of deflecting and avoiding important conversations. It’s ok to be upset about that. The truth is we have seen Carlos regress in a way this season. As much as I love the development we have seen for him this season, I think people are allowed to be frustrated with him at certain points. In fact, this season is actually the first time I have ever seen people be truly upset with Carlos over anything. I’ve said this before but I really do think that Tarlos needed to have a conflict where Carlos was the one who was unequivocally in the wrong in order for a lot of people to understand that Carlos has always had flaws. What we see in Carlos this season has always been there. But just bc people get upset with him at certain points does not mean that they don’t want to see his character develop or that they only want him as a support for TK or whatever. People are allowed to be frustrated and say that TK deserves a partner who is honest with him and willing to have important discussions. Carlos kept his marriage secret from TK for their entire relationship and we never even see that being acknowledged as wrong. People were understandably upset about that. But then they were satisfied after 4x02 bc we got to see them talk and we saw Carlos open up to TK in a way we’ve never seen him before. But then we see him become all cold and distant towards TK after Iris goes missing and we see TK drowning in guilt that he doesn’t even deserve with nobody to tell him that he did nothing wrong. In the end of the episode, Carlos straight up lies to TK about spending the night with TK even as TK is sitting at home feeling terrible. Carlos did hurt TK with his behavior. We should be able to point that out. Yet we never see that being acknowledged either. So people were upset about that as well. But then we had TK and Gabriel team up and rescue Carlos and people were happy again. The thing is though that we never see TK’s feelings being acknowledged at all during that time and I think that fed into the frustration over that scene in the beginning of 4x12 for a lot of ppl when we saw the promo. In that scene, it was like Carlos was still resorting to his usual avoidance tactics even after everything that happened earlier this season and I can understand why that would be frustrating for people. Especially since any time we have seen a conflict between Tarlos in the past, there was usually equal blame to share yet TK was the one who bore the brunt of it. This goes all the way back to 1x02. Carlos is the one who crossed a boundary and refuses to acknowledge that even as TK tries to (albeit not in the best way) explain that. Yet people were raging at TK then. This continued throughout s2. And then we had the breakup in s3. People were raging at TK even before we knew what had actually happened. And then the fact that Carlos had bought a home for them without talking to TK about it was almost completely overlooked. But Carlos gets to express his hurt without any acknowledgement of his own role and we see TK express his regret while we don’t see any of that this season with the marriage or with Carlos’s behavior in 4x03. It didn’t help that even the writers refused to acknowledge that Carlos had done something wrong by keeping his marriage a secret for so long. I suspect that this latent frustration also fed into the frustration with Carlos in the promo scene. Fortunately, the frustration towards Carlos seems to be pretty fleeting and calms down quite quickly. The hate against TK just doesn’t seem to go away. And I don’t think we can just write it off as TK stans only wanting Carlos to be perfect and not caring about his development. If that were the case then where are all the comments about TK not being good enough for Carlos coming from? Or how TK is so selfish? Or how Carlos should have made TK work to earn forgiveness after the breakup? Presumably that’s not coming from TK stans. I do think that there are people who are upset that Carlos’s flaws are being dug into this season but there have always been people who bristle at even the vaguest criticism towards Carlos. I’ve seen people express their discomfort over Carlos being a police officer get attacked. It honestly feels like Carlos is one character that we are just never allowed to criticize at all and I truly don’t think you can just write it off as TK stans wanting Carlos to be perfect. That being said, I am really tired of people trying to pit TK and Carlos against each other. A relationship is not a competition and TK and Carlos have no desire to compete with each other so it makes zero sense for fans to be doing that.
I absolutely love how we got to dig into Carlos’s insecurities more this episode. It’s important to remember that even though Carlos is a very important character, he isn’t really a *main” character in the way that TK and the other 126 members are since the show is ultimately about the 126. That’s why it’s taken a bit longer to really delve into his character. Although, they did start doing that in 2x04 and have continued throughout s2 and s3. But this season is where we are really getting into it. Really they could’ve just as easily made TK be the one not wanting kids and I suspect people would’ve been just as (if not more so considering how people are already so quick to lash out at him) upset with him but I like that they had Carlos be the one not wanting kids bc it actually does make sense. I suspected that his hesitancy to be a parent had something to do with his relationship with his father and that’s exactly what we see. I think it’s very poignant that Carlos says he’s never actually spoken aloud about this subject when he was talking to Andrea. This is what happens when someone spends their whole life feeling like they’re not allowed to express their emotions. Carlos clearly grew up in an environment where heavy topics were not talked about and talking about feelings were not encouraged for him. For someone who is quite a sensitive person, this would be a very painful thing to grow up with and it has clearly left a very deep mark on Carlos. And realistically speaking, it may not be something that ever really goes away. He may always struggle with opening himself up and talking about uncomfortable topics. But that’s ok as long as he’s at least willing to try bc a relationship can’t work if one person just refuses to even try to communicate properly. In the promo scene, TK does try to talk about it. He’s shocked that they haven’t had this discussion and is trying to get Carlos to talk about why he doesn’t want kids but Carlos just keeps deflecting. TK is also reacting to his own insecurities in this scene and that made it even more difficult. Even the reasons Carlos listed for not having kids were blatant excuses since he doesn’t even like to sleep in or travel and this likely fed into TK’s insecurities. Even Andrea called him out on this in the end. Both were struggling to communicate properly in that scene and that’s a totally normal thing. Even the most well-adjusted individuals are going to behave in less than ideal ways sometimes and even the strongest of couples are going to have moments of miscommunication and disagreements. Sometimes it’s not about who’s right or who’s wrong. Both TK and Carlos are completely valid in this case, they just weren’t able to communicate their feelings properly in that moment. But then they decide to take a break and seek out help from others. This is particularly a moment of growth for Carlos bc he seems to have sought out Andrea for help. This is the same person who didn’t even tell his parents he had a boyfriend not that long ago and has grown up feeling like asking for help was a sign of weakness. And I think this is actually the first time we see Carlos’s tendency to avoid being blatantly pointed out. Carlos does try to deny it but Andrea doesn’t let him. And we see Carlos finally admitting something he has never even spoken out loud before. I can see how seeing Owen and TK would make Carlos reflect on his own relationship with his father. However imperfect of a parent Owen is, there has never been a time where TK hasn’t felt like he couldn’t go to his dad for help. Nor has there ever been a time where TK hasn’t felt safe in expressing his emotions to Owen. And when Owen is present in TK’s life, he’s actually a pretty great dad. Neither Owen nor TK are at all afraid to be affectionate with each other even if they’re in public. Owen also gave Carlos the support and approval that he has always yearned for from Gabriel. Carlos specifically says that he didn’t even have a relationship with his dad until 2 years ago so while he may feel better about where he and Gabriel are at now, it doesn’t just erase the hurt and the distance between them that existed for so long before that. And it’s not very realistic to expect Gabriel to change completely now. Realistically, he will probably never be able to get to a point where he’s comfortable expressing his own feelings and being affectionate in the way that Carlos wishes and that really sucks. Even if Carlos does get to express his pain about how Gabriel’s behavior after he came out affected him and Gabriel apologizes, thing may not automatically be fixed between them. However, that does not mean that Gabriel can’t still let his son know that he’s proud of him. After all, he did it in 2x08 and in 2x12. And Carlos may never get to a point where he is completely comfortable opening up but the fact that we see him trying in this episode shows that he is capable of growth. If he can at least stop avoiding important conversations then that will be tremendous growth. He opened up to his mother in this episode and realized that he needs to be honest with TK about why he’s so hesitant to have kids. And he does just that. And TK immediately accepts it and him bc TK loves him no matter what. TK knows Carlos’s heart, all he needs is to see that Carlos is at least trying to be open with him. And as soon as Carlos does, TK happily accepts it. You can see the way it looks like Carlos had had a heavy load lifted off his shoulders at the end as they embrace bc he finally feels like he can let that pain go a little and still be loved and accepted by TK. And he even offers up a compromise. As funny as the whole lizard thing is, it says a lot about how Carlos who was so against the idea of having a lizard in the home initially actually went and got a lizard for TK. I’m actually glad that this conversation was left open-ended and not necessarily resolved. Carlos may well change his mind at some point or he may not. Either way it’s fine bc he knows that he’ll have TK by his side no matter what. And TK knows that Carlos not wanting children isn’t a reflection on how Carlos views him. That was the actual root of his feelings in this episode. He took Carlos’s behavior at the beginning as Carlos thinking that TK would make a bad father. And then we see him expressing his fear to Owen that Carlos doesn’t think TK would be a good father bc he’s an addict. This is a perfectly legitimate fear bc it’s something people deal with IRL. There are lots of people out there who fear that won’t be good enough partners or good enough parents bc of their addiction. I’m glad that this was brought up. I also like that Carlos’s parents apparently know about it and are supportive. I especially like that we get to see Carlos say that he believes in TK’s recovery with all his heart. That is so important bc no matter how much TK may doubt his own strength and his own abilities at times, Carlos has never had any doubts whatsoever. 
As for the people who are upset about Carlos saying he doesn’t want kids bc they feel that it ruins their fantasy of dad!Tarlos, remember that the beauty of fanfic is that you can give yourself what canon isn’t giving you. There are plenty of wonderful dad!Tarlos fics out there already. Even if they end up never having kids on the show itself, it doesn’t mean that you can’t still enjoy the idea and write or read fics about it. 
I’ll be honest, I actually do agree with Carlos about them not having kids at least for now. After all, not having kids is a decision you can go back on if you so choose. You can’t go back on the decision to have kids. And if you do have kids before you felt ready, then that can lead to a whole bunch of other issues. And as we see, TK wasn’t even really upset about Carlos not wanting kids so much as he was about the fact that they never talked about it. He felt that it was a poor reflection on their relationship that they didn’t and that the reason they didn’t is bc Carlos thought TK would be a bad father. As I’ve said before, this is not a situation of who’s right and who’s wrong. Both Carlos and TK are completely valid. Also on a more personal note, I would much rather see them just be a married couple for at least a couple of seasons. They’re both very young and they have time. Now that the conversation has at least been opened up, they can always revisit it later on if they want. 
All of that said, the only thing that I want to say is that I hope people can take this episode as a reminder that just bc things look a certain way in the promos doesn’t mean that it’s the way things are actually going to transpire. We were told right from the start that all roads lead to the wedding so maybe we should just hold onto that instead of getting caught up in our knee-jerk reactions. Because the thing about knee-jerk reactions is that they are fleeting. The problem is when we start sharing those reactions online, other people see them and have knee-jerk reactions of their own. The next thing you know, everything snowballs and people end up getting their feelings hurt. Fandom is meant to be an escape, it should not be a source of stress. People are allowed to feel however they feel in the moment but it’s also a good idea to remember that how we feel in the moment may not be how we end up feeling later. And remember that the whole point of these promos is to incite a reaction so of course they’re going to give us the most dramatic stuff and not let us know about the resolution until the episode itself. I honestly do wish that they would stop releasing Tarlos promos all together at this point bc I actually get stressed out by them too. But since that’s probably not going to happen, the best advice I can give to everybody (no matter what your feelings are) is to just take a deep breathe and remember that we don’t know the full story. After this episode, I think it’s safe to say that we are getting meaningful development and we can trust the writers to provide us with good character growth even if the storytelling is questionable at times. After all, this episode was hyped as a top 5 Tarlos episode and people were so skeptical about that after the promo yet that’s exactly what we ended up with
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boltupbitches · 1 year
Sliding in the DMs - Part III - Joey Bosa
Hints towards 18+ content ahead.
Joey felt his knee shaking as he waited impatiently for the call to come through. After a few weeks talking some more back and forth, he was finally going to get the chance to ask her out on a date. They danced around it for a while now, but he was certain that now would be the time.
Within moments her name popped up along with a pic of her he saved from a week ago. It was her cuddling her cat, Cassiopeia, on her couch. She had originally shared the picture on Instagram and when he commented on it, she had sent it to him as well with the caption, “This could be us but you playing 😉” indicating that it could be him on the couch with her.. except he couldn’t find the nerve to initiate it.
“Hey!” He greeted her.
He heard her shuffling around before coming into view. Her hair was tied up on her head and she was wearing a low cut tank top. 
She smiled at him, “Hey! Sorry I just got out of the shower after working out, so I’m still a bit wet.”
Joey’s eyebrows shot up and he stared back, even more interested, “Oh? How wet are we talking here?”
She stared for a second before slapping her forehead “Oh my god..” She mumbled, embarrassed. “I walked right into that one!”
Joey laughed, mentally thankful his joke wasn’t taken too serious. “That’s me 24/7. I open my mouth, don’t think, and say stupid shit.”
“I know that by now, my dude!” She teased back. “You wouldn’t be Joey Bosa if you didn’t say stupid shit without thinking in the heat of the moment.”
He laughed at the ribbing, knowing it was true. “Well, I can promise I didn’t get on this call to point out my shortcomings as a person.” He joked.
“Nah. Twitter does that well enough.” She quipped back.
“Touche.” He said.
It was quiet for a moment before Joey started speaking again, remembering his reason for having her calling him. “So, I was thinking.. Did you want to get together sometime for dinner? My treat?”
Artemis stared for a moment in shock before answering him.. “Sure!”
“- I mean you don’t have to. I get it if you’re busy or if this is too weird - wait what?” Joey stuttered in shock.
Artemis smiled softly back at him. “I said ‘sure’ as in I’d love to go to dinner with you sometime.”
Joey just smiled happily at her and nodded. “Awesome. Cool. I mean, great!”  ‘Joey, you fucking meatball!’ he thought bitterly at his stuttering. ‘Way to play it cool, you fucking loser!’
Artemis seemed to sense his internal turmoil and cut in, “I was waiting for you to finally ask, you know?”
Joey just stared, unsure of how to respond to that. He wasn’t certain of her tone, so he waited for her to continue.
Which she did with a smirk on her face. “I mean, there are only so many bikini photos you can like, comments you can make, and stories you can view on my Instagram before I start to notice a pattern..”
“And what’s that pattern?” Joey croaked.
“That you got a thing for me. Which is totally fine and I’m absolutely ecstatic over.” She said cheerfully. “Because the truth is that I also have a huge thing for you too.”
“Nose and all?” Joey joked.
“Nose and all.” She confirmed. “I’d still gladly sit on that face any day. You’re my type.” She said simply.
Joey was now sweating bullets for various reasons. One, he was usually the one making the moves and being smooth. Arty just turned that shit on it’s head and took over. And tying into that, what she was doing and saying, the revelation that she too wanted him was a lot to process mentally. Yet, his body was reacting as he could feel the familiar tightness in his groin and the rise of his heart beat. It felt like his body was buzzing with adrenaline. 
“You can’t say that to me on the phone,” He groaned. “Not before I at least take you to dinner first.”
“Dinner, schminner. Grab some take out and come over to hang with me. It’ll be more comfortable anyways.” She insisted.
Joey thought about it for a few moments and then said, “Ok. Drop me your address. You like Chinese?”
“Hell yeah. General Tso’s please.” She said eagerly.
“Alright. I’ll be there in 30 then as soon as I change.” He started looking for his wallet and keys. 
“Wear what you have on.” She said simply. “Not like you’ll wear it the whole time here anyways.”
Joey stopped again and cursed loudly at her blatant flirting. “I swear to God, Arty. If you are doing this to get me worked up and then end up blue-balling me, I’ll block and never talk to you again.” He threatened.
“I’m not!” She laughed. “I swear to God as a Catholic in good standing that I want you to come over and knock boots with me. Butter my bread. The wango tango. Whatever you want to call it.” She said back seriously.
Joey was quiet again, suddenly hoping to god he had condoms in his room. It had been a while. “It might be an hour instead of 30 minutes. Gotta make a stop at the store.” He told her.
She smiled back at him and understood what he meant. “Well I’ll be waiting here. I dropped my location so don’t forget to stop on by soon, Bigbear.” She winked and hung up.
Joey stared at the screen in disbelief as her address popped up. He couldn’t fucking believe it.
All this flirting and shit talking and he was about to go and do what he never thought possible.
Except in every scenario he never imagined Artemis to be the one to pick him up - metaphorically speaking. In every scenario it was him trying to win time with her. Yet, she did what she always did best as he’s learned these last few months. She surprised him, took the lead, and turned his world upside down. It was clear that she was wearing the pants in this relationship - and as someone who never experienced that before, Joey couldn't deny it intrigued him and turned him on.
Never did he think a dinner invitation would lead to sex this soon. Yet, he was about to try and discretely buy some condoms, pick up Chinese food, and make his way over to his crush's house.
Joey suddenly broke out of his periphery and made it for the door thinking to himself, “What the fuck is my life?”
And to think it started with some DM messages after a shittalking session and COD game.
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alphaman99 · 1 year
Laura Aboli
Last night I met some friends for a special occasion. The conversation started light and fun but endeed deep and in disagreement. I guess I have a strong reaction when I witness the results of decades of indoctrination first hand.
The topic was values and morality. Most of us were in agreement with the fact that society no longer even knows the meaning of the word morality, but one of them, (the triple vaxxed one), insisted that morality was relative and that people, based on their own values, always make what they believe is the right thing to do.
Moral relativism is one of the main tenets of satanism. Once you blurr the lines between right and wrong, between good and bad, between moral and immoral, you have a society travelling without a compass that can be driven down the road straight to Sodom and Gomorrah, which is kind of where we are right now. The lines are so blurred, that most people can’t even see them anymore. Everything goes.
In today’s world, statements of what is right and what is wrong are recast as philosophical musings rather than universal absolutes, but what philosophers call moral relativism, God calls sin.
In my mind, there are certain universal truths, certain universal laws and immutable ‘lines’ that one should never tresspass, regardless of your philosophical or theological stance.
You can certainly kid yourself into thinking that everything is relative and that you can set your own boundaries between right and wrong based on culture, or circumstance, or religion, but remember that everything has a consequence, every action a reaction, sooner or later the result of your move will come back to haunt you.
Whether you call it Karmic law or God’s law, you can count on it as you would expect the law of gravity to work if you jump off a cliff.
I believe the journey we are on is as much about discovery as it is about recalibrating our moral compass to make sure we no longer end up where we certainly don’t want to be.
To err might be human, but to convince yourself that it’s ok is simply not ok. Humanity right now is paying the price for having lost the compass, for having drifted into the wrong hands, for its cowardice, its laziness, its lack of self-responsibility and its resulting depravity.
We are paying for the moral relativism we subscribed to. Perhaps it’s time to draw the lines again, don’t you think? Laura Aboli
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shayshaybiscuit25 · 1 year
I have a question.
Do these PR blogs with sources not realize they have legit evidence that this is PR no questions …….we don’t?!
I see their responses elsewhere, like they want to know why people are so concerned that he may marry this girl.
We have seen evidence that can lead to both a breakup is on the way and they are real, we don’t know what they know, them seem to not understand that people are choosing to believe them and their word with no precise proof. We speculate this is indeed 100% PR, but then Chris himself does something and we’re all like……ummm wtf?!
Then they explain it and we go….oh okay that makes sense, but there’s still no actual proof of anything on our end. We have faith they are being truthful, period.
I can say this is pr based on observations and certain things but I don’t know that as fact, same with this being real since that’s what’s being presented to us via pics and videos regardless of how stupid said pics and videos are.
Hun I will say this in the hopes that it reaches your understanding. They can only share what they can LEGALLY ok. Now I 100% understand your statement however, sometimes you have to read a situation with a fine tooth comb in order to pick this for yourself and realize what they say is accurate because guess what they're doing the same thing. So just don't give up yet. As for chris now when he embraces his jackassism what are we to do? Sit there and say aww poor boy NO!! we call him out. Does this mean he would act this way all the time!! Absolutely not. So I am not mad at you sorry if it seems that way I just think don't let the situation frustrate you to this level.
Thank you for sharing.
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
Those phrases got ME thanks for that.
I'm sharing all the drama surrounding us making out, I didn't even share what happened to us whilst making out.
So we were at said friend's place and in a separate room with the door shut and locked (thankfully cause someone tried to come in and while we were both fully clothed uh I dont do PDA at all I get really awkward). We were gone for what felt like only 30-40 minutes max, but my friend claims it was st least an hour to 2. So we would kiss for a bit and then talk, repeat repeat.
At one point I mentioned that we probably shouldn't be doing this cause everyone was there and what if they were waiting for us. He legit sighed and put his hands on either side of my face, gently holding me and making me look in his eyes (which I was a goner for) and he said "(my name), you think too much. You care too much what others are thinking of you and put more stock in that then what you do of yourself"
No lie he really just caressed me then shot me. I pouted and he kissed me and I pulled away and was like "ok yeah I care what others think of me, as if you don't? You flirted with everyone out there because you want everyone to like you" we both sat there and he mumbled fuck and we just were like :t and then went back to kissing cause hey let's not face these truths about ourselves
He also kissed my neck and found the spot that makes me go weak in the knees and kissed there better then any guy has before so now im like damn ok well
If I see him again I'm not going to kiss him. If he kisses me I mean that's on him but im not initiating. Will I reciprocate? Yeah probably
Sorry for the phrases. I think if you’ve grown up nd or queer those are phrases you’ll have heard a lot growing up or even into your teens and 20s.
This man. This man pretending he doesn’t care what other people think of him when he’s out here flirting and making people pay attention to him in a certain way. Like ok sure make out and do whatever you want but don’t pretend you don’t care what everyone else thinks about you.
He also seems to absolutely know what he’s doing, looking into your eyes, caressing your face, kissing your neck to make you go all weak. He knows what he’s up to.
I mean yeah if he kissed you again. You haven’t initiated anything but if you miss him beck well at least you know it’ll be good
(Look @sexyprise there’s more!)
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sarah-dipitous · 9 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 346
Drag Me Away (From You)/Flux: Chapter Two—War of the Sontarans
“Drag Me Away (From You)”
Plot Description: the murder of an old friend leads Sam and Dean to revisit the first case they ever worked and an evil entity they thought they’d killed years earlier
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes?: oh. I’d never go to a place of near certain death, I’m pretty sure. That’s never been in me to do…face a monster I’m trying to prove isn’t real?? Why would I do that?
Oh so Cas…Cas DID tell Dean, but in classic Winchester fashion, Dean’s keeping the truth about Jack’s mission from Sam
Baby Dean! Stop being mean to Baby Sam!!
If it I hadn’t watched nearly 15 seasons of spn, I’d be so concerned about the knife and gun in Baby Sam’s bag
Oh…so was the ghost that guy saw was…it looked like his childhood self
Responsible 15ish year old Dean not letting the others come with him…or walking the line between self sacrificial and brave Dean
Why did I think that the malevolent entity was gonna have a weird message in the boggle dice??
Oh they’re gonna have to destroy they ring.
So is the thing they’re hunting not even killing with real objects?? I’m so confused
Oh I bet Dean’s gonna tell Sam about Jack at the end of this episode after divulging that the thing they’re hunting kept a nest of dead kids to feed on
Billie’s not wrong. I was also wondering why we’re doing normal hunting this close to the end of the entire series
This green motel room is much easier on the eyes than the orange one
I would let Billie boss me around 100%
How did we really only get to Baba Yaga in the last five episodes of spn??? How have THEY never heard of Baba Yaga before NOW?!
Bet BY took Caitlin to the cannery where her nest is. Why am I better at the boys’ job than they are?
The way I knew those bubbly noises were going to be the front desk girl hitting a bong. Why are the boys so bad at this??
Hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah, room 214 actually took Dean right to the cannery LIKE 👏 I 👏 SAID 👏
Ok so it was still room 214 but she made him hallucinate that it was the cannery…like he admitted he was afraid of for a long time
HERE IT IS!!! He’s telling Sam everything that he’s been told in the past few days
I should be annoyed by the fact that this drama has come down to one Winchester hiding important info from the other and them arguing about it BUT OMG THE DRAMA of Dean basically saying that in the very end, ethics go out the window. It’s WILD.
Say what I will about Chuck and how much I hate him but…if he’s writing this argument? HOOOO BOY!! THIS is how you get the Winchester boys at each other’s throats even after all they’ve been through for your perfect Michael & Lucifer or Cain & Able story
“Flux: Chapter Two—War of the Sontarans”
Plot Description: during the Crimean War, the Doctor discovers the British army fighting a brutal alien army of Sontarans, as Yaz and Dan are thrown deeper into a battle for survival. What is the Temple of Atropos? Who are the Mouri?
Please tell me we’re not introducing even more concepts into this already really weird and overly crowded season
I guess since this dude has been out in space and o have no idea what time he’s from, it might make sense for him to not be disturbed by a floating terrarium filled with light barking orders at him (looks like HE is in the temple that holds the Mouri)
Thought Dan and Yaz were being erased a la Back to the Future rules but turns out they’re just taken to some other point in time
Oh now Yaz is in the temple and Dan is in a changed present where the Sontarans have taken over….hmmmm several people are outside their time
“I have Queen and country on my side. That is all I need” Wrong! You need god and anime and the Doctor
I don’t want to spend more time than necessary with the Sontarans but their philosophies are interesting. It’s very absolute and centered on death. Mercy is a quick death
Really thought the Sontarans had carried through from the Crimean War to present, not arrived again two days ago
Gonna go out on a limb and say that repairing the Mouri is not going to be a task with a positive impact. Yeah…Yaz is already suspicious of it
Dan gets kidnapped by an alien one time and thinks he can handle any alien thing the universe throws his way
This British general is an absolute idiot letting his troops fight the Sontarans
At least we’re condensing things a little by bringing the formerly imprisoned alien to the temple where Yaz is
I can’t see a Sontaran door and what they use to open them and not think “Donna, you have three fingers”
Oh shit. He just disintegrated one of the Mouri
(Meg chooses the worst times to smurgle so close to my face)
Is that known lore about the Sontarans?? That they need to rest in their ship every 27 hours to replenish their suits to circulate the gases their planet has?
I hate this general so much. Could have just let the Sontarans leave but decided to blow up their ships as they tried to
Dan is such a random sort of companion. Like, I know they’re all a little randomly selected but Dan is even more so, it seems
Ooooooo he replaced the disintegrated Mouri with Yaz and the space station dude
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aubodied · 1 year
what exactly happens to edward in the day 4 image you made for edling week???
ah!!! that is definitely…… A QUESTION !!! (i know you probably mean day 3 so. here we go.)
okay so i will try to explain as little of this as i need to because otherwise it will be a repeat of the infodumping video so ok ok ok
the spiderwebby goop + the “monster” comment are both part of the same thing! essentially in goldie lore (aka my big elaborate fma au that changes a lot things and making certain characters not die while also adding a Lot of new ones that alter the plot after the promised day and even before that) goldie has. the other half of the rebis, aka “truth” (truth being only one half of a rebis) kind of chilling inside him?
in goldie lore the gate is essentially only One realm of two. there’s gods domain, and then there’s the domain of mortals! truth maintains all that is “god” (aka the knowledge, the life, and the creatures Born of a lack of humanity like father) while it’s sibling, chaos, maintains all that is “mortal” (aka the emotions, unyielding spirit, and core pieces like memories that make up the Souls of all that is living)
chaos is in everything in the mortal domain, but it doesn’t have a shape or even really much of a conscience—at least, not until goldie/edward is born! the reason for that specifically being a catalyst is extremely long and i don’t want to get into it in just an ask response, but just know there is something unique about him that allows chaos to both feed on his emotions (a part of his soul) and grow as a result of his increasing negative feelings and experiences (also parts of his soul in the form of memories). this leads to increasing physical and spiritual unrest in his body thanks to a Lot of stuff goldie goes through, but after briggs this stuff like. reaches its Worst.
chaos can become so sentient—as well as powerful—under specific and stressful circumstances that it sort of? takes over goldie’s body? and uses his alchemy to become an absolute Creature made of black amorphous goop while his body remains at its core, encased in the stuff and providing a “heart”? the fuel for that is also part of big stuff i won’t get super into, but just know it Does try to eat people in search of philosopher’s stones.
It’s Not Fun!
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survivor-north-sea · 2 years
Tribal Council #4 - Hidra
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Zach, you were honest in the tribe chat that you’ve been really busy and not as active in the game. Do you think your time has come tonight because of that? Why or why not?
I would understand if it was me, but I think my honesty is what’s getting me through right now.
AJ, you were the tribe captain and selected this tribe. How do you feel about your new group of people? And how do you feel that others are looking at you knowing you chose them?
I don't think anyone is shocked when I say I was very much on the outs of the old Hidra Tribe. That first tribal council was absolutely insane and has left me with a fair bit of trust issues to be completely honest. 
So when I was picking the new tribe I picked the one person from my old tribe that I knew had protected me, and also picked people from the former Tromoya tribe that I felt like I could work with. I really wanted to be included in votes and not iced out come tribal council, so I chose accordingly. 
I'm honestly happy with my choices and certain people knowing I chose them because I do feel like I'm being included in way more conversations - even just general small talk conversations - than I ever was back on old Hidra, and it's a great feeling. Of course there's the worry I'll be turned on again and it'll be me going home, but I've put my trust in people and I'm hoping I won't be regretting it tonight
Arvin, how would you rate your tribe’s performance in this challenge? Do you think this group can come together to win in the future?
I think we did great in the challenge. We had a lot of fun. I think we should get to know each other well first, know the strengths and weaknesses of each other and try to work with it to our advantage, by that we can win challenges.
Chelsea, how do you feel about your position on this tribe vs. old Tromoya? How are the tribe dynamics different?
I feel good! Very welcomed and I’ve had a lot of fun so far! I think bc OG Tromoya ppl knew a little bit of the dynamics of the OG Hidra coming into the swap I actually have a slightly clearer idea of what’s going on now. And now bc of the swap there is some history there that can help me understand the dynamics. 
Jinx, with this tribe having an even split of previous tribe members, is there a power struggle brewing tonight? Does it seem like tribal lines remain strong, or is there wiggle room?
If there’s a power struggle brewing I definitely am not aware of it. I like to think because we’re playing Survivor there’s always wiggle room. I don’t got much to say tonight because work is kicking my ass 🫡😭
Julia, a swap means we’re one step closer to the merge game. What do you think your odds are of making it there? How are you setting yourself up for the merge now?
I think I have ok odds. I think our tribe is very positive and strong and that we have a good chance at winning the next challenge you throw at us. I’m just trying to make connections now and hope that they help me when we get to that stage 
Toni, if you were going to rank the players in this game on honesty, where would they fall? How do you decide when to tell the truth and when to lie in a game that requires both?
If I were to rank the current Hidra members on honesty I think I would be wrong 😅 I’m basically rebuilding and reframing all my relationships after the swap. It’s hard to decide who to tell the truth to and who to withhold that from I think ultimately I try not to think too much. My gut tells me everything I need to know.
Trinica, why do you think that AJ was ultimately selected tribe captain? Do you think she was the right choice? Why?
I think the former Tromoya tribe has been very united, we saw that in their first tribal and I believe they all discussed their vote for captains before voting (which former Hidra...did not lol).  So I think AJ was voted captain because she's young and former Tromoya all saw the tribal where she was targeted and felt bad for her. 
I was nervous about AJ being captain, obviously I would have preferred to have some control over that situation. But former Hidra was so disconnected that I don't know if there are many of them I would have been comfortable with as captain LMAO. AJ seems very determined which is a good quality in a leader. But only time will tell! 
No hidden immunity idols have been played tonight. I’ll send the votes. Once the votes are read, the decision is final and the person voted out will say their last words and head to the VL.
First Vote: Toni
It's nice playing with you. Bye.
Second Vote: Chelsea
if you survive this — you’re truly MOTHER
Third Vote: Toni
My vote went to the person I was least familiar with. Sorry I didn’t know you better Toni!
Fourth Vote: Chelsea 
she had the envelope where you think she got it from?
Fifth Vote: Toni
Sorry girl, felt this was best
Sixth Vote: Chelsea
would have loved to work with you, but you gave me nothing to work with. 💔
That’s three votes Toni, three votes Chelsea, two votes left.
Seventh Vote: Chelsea
Hopefully we can play together another time
If the next vote is for Toni, we will have a tie and a revote. 
Eighth Vote, and the next person eliminated: Chelsea
Wish I got to know you more.
Chelsea, thank you so much for playing; I hope to see you around the community!
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jonathanisakov · 2 years
Jonathan isakov 
Project 1
                            Lyrical essay
Who am I? Well give me a sec.. Have a seat and enjoy the ride… This time machine is quite comfortable…Here we goooooo>>>
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Once upon a time I said “My name is Jonathan Isakov”. Just hearing my name, Jonathan Isakov, could have given you the impression of anything that is not accurate about me. This is due to the fact that my name does not provide sufficient background information about me. If you think it's confusing to only hear my first and last name without seeing me, just wait till you meet me; after that, you'll be much more perplexed than before. My last name seems to have been acquired from a Jew who lived in Russia. This is owing to the fact that the ov ending has soviet origins, and the Isak has jewish roots, despite the fact that many people consider it to be Russian. I feel the need to make it clear that despite the fact that I am Jewish, I am not Russian. Uzbekistan is not recognized to be a part of Russia and both of my parents were born there. Uzbekistan was a member of the Soviet Union at one point in history. Jews who were born and raised in Russia are unique. How do things stand with regard to my first name? To tell you the truth, my first name is a concoction made up of components derived from a variety of different American, soviet, and jewish cultural practices- I know very confusing. Now, there are some individuals who would claim that it is Jewish, but in my opinion, it is most likely the result of combining two or more names. Just who am I, to be exact? I am a bukharan Jew. For this reason many of my teachers pronounced my name differently, and even though it was weird and an issue for me I wouldn’t tell the teacher because I was shy. However, due to the fact that it is deceptive, in the event that I were to forget my name, it would be difficult for me to identify myself. My Hebrew name, Yonatan, was passed down to me by my great-great-grandfather; thus, there is much meaning to the name I was given. My name in English is spelled differently but sounds the same. The Hebrew name is Yonatan. On the other side, my name, Jonathan, is basically a truncated form of Yonatan, which is Hebrew for "son of Nathan." Since I get the impression that my name is intended to disguise something, if it weren't given to me at birth, I still would have chosen it on my own. The Hebrew origin of my name inspired me to give myself the name Yonatan as a given name. Names have the ability to either disclose or hide the “real” identity of a person. I am of the opinion that names are sacred because they give an answer to a certain question that every single human being ponders. This is the reason for my view. Who am I, exactly? When you research the origin of your name, you could discover a lot about your ancestry, as well as your values and your family tree. 
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Family is very interesting because we are technically forcibly put into a certain environment that we do not choose. So it’s either a hit or miss. Personally I do not believe that my family is the perfect family, however I am thankful that it isn’t. As a kid I have been introduced to very mature conversations that involve keeping parts of my family together. This taught me to think and analyze situations pretty well. My advice is something my cousins, and siblings can rely on. Now the first response when people hear that something isn’t good is usually to try to wish or change the issue. But I do not think so, as I am thankful for the imperfections as they are what I learn from. If my family was perfect I wouldn’t learn from, I would just enjoy their presence. I’m not saying that I don’t enjoy my family’s presence, I do, however I am always thinking what they could of don’t better to strengthen “us”. There is a beautiful wise saying that goes as follows: Hard times create great people, great people create easy times, and easy times create weak people. It is for that reason that I appreciate some forms of imperfection and harsh moments in my life. But something that is always in the back of my mind is am I the person that lives in the easy times. My parents send me to private school since I was in first grade, I have everything I need. So is there a way for me to come out great. It is my greatest fear to come out not. 
So remember my goal is to come out great. Well then what does great mean? Well that depends on who I ask. If you’d ask a rabbi he’ll tell me that I have a mission that I must console in this life, and I’ve been sent down for a reason, if I ask my uncle he’ll tell me to enjoy my life as much as possible cause nobody came out alive from this life. So what’s the next step? Who’s right? Well what if I said it doesn’t matter. Yes you heard me the truth doesn’t matter. Who cares about the truth? Perception is reality, that is the answer. There is no such thing as truth, as the perception of it is greater. It is for that reason that I believe there is absolute freedom to believe in what I want, however this is a very dangerous approach. Freedom sometimes is more dangerous than captivity. But that’s me, I question everything, and sometimes I try to find things out that I’m not supposed to. So what do I believe in? Being free isn’t that easy, so I am still swimming myself to shore, but with the help of the waves or good mentors I will be at shore. WOW I just went in deep. Time to come out back to reality, perception rather. 
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Thank you, thank you, thank you, to you, yes you 
Although sometimes I may not
see you, I am still very grateful 
For all though has done for me,
It is something I owe you for
giving without the intent of receiving,
And even if it is so, it’s ok because
My perception is not so…
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faceyourfear · 2 years
I’m not certain if I remember correctly, but I always thought the karate kid movies (all three of them) was about Daniel and Mr. Miyagi’s teachings. How Daniel in the end understood that Mr. Miyagi was right. 
The villains and what they did to Daniel were the plot to get to the final lesson Daniel had to learn. 
He didn’t have to be the best at karate, because the understanding of the lesson was more important (!).
And that’s why they didn’t have to be multi-faceted or nuanced or three dimensional written. They were a means to an end...
In CK, I’m trying very hard to understand the why. Creating a three dimensional antagonist has to have a reasoning behind it to either the audience comprehend his motives or every sympathise/empathise with them. The redemption of the character is the last thing... I think.
And this is why I don’t understand what they are doing with both Kreese and Terry. Truth is I only care about Terry, but the same applies to Kreese too. 
The audience was presented with two decent youths (I stick to the idea Terry was a teen) and from 1968 to 1972 flashbacks there is absolutely no hint how we got from decent youths to revenge hungry villains. (OK we saw Kreese throwing a man to a pit filled with venomous snakes, but most disregard this, so let’s pretend I disregard it too). 
The only thing that could do that was their karate lessons. 
So I guess the lesson is the same as KK movies? Right use of karate and bad use of karate? 
So are nuanced/well developed (sic) antagonists needed if the writing doesn’t really lead anywhere new?
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